Dharma Garden 161 (2008-09)

Page 1

Dharma Garden Bi-monthly


2008 • 9


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ඏ161ໆ 2008؏9Ԡ

編者的話 ........................................................................................................................



《大乘廣五蘊論》略解(六) .............................................................................. 無我,誰在輪迴 ........................................................................................................

2 淨海法師 5 智一法師

ಝឞͭ ̴ҟ֟࢝ಿዂ մ」

如何精打細算 ...................................................................................................... ..... 人生的得與失 ........................................................................................................... 得失辨煩惱 ................................................................................................................ 回首來時路 ................................................................................................................ 談談人生的得與失 ................................................................................................. 莫使金樽空對月 ........................................................................................................


狗脾氣 ..........................................................................................................................


淺談現代人的壓力 ................................................................................................. 我對催眠的認識 ...................................................................................................... 從點滴中度人 ........................................................................................................... 「軟肋」、「潛臺詞」 ...................................................................................... 滌蕩心靈的好去處 ................................................................................................. 瑜伽與我 .....................................................................................................................


My Path From Ignorance .............................................................................. 38 Don Pieper A Letter From a Scholarship Receiver ............................................... 39 Rubi Izquierdo



10 13 15 17 19 20

宏意法師 士人 吳文琰 冰清 智清 悲懷

8 宏意法師 27 29 30 32 34 36

許黃海 宋台育 張瑩 李瑋 思經 宗方

菩提中心活動報導 ................................................................................................. 22 菩提中心捐款芳名 ................................................................................................. 40 2008年菩提獎學金得獎名單 ........................................................................... 啟建梁皇寶懺通告 ................................................................................................. 活動預告 ..................................................................................................................... 活動翦影 ..................................................................................................................... 九月、十月各項活動時間表 ............................................................................ 專題預告•助印功德錄 ......................................................................................

42 43 44 44 47 48








Publisher: Editor:

Ven. Jan Hai and Ven. Hung I Dharma Garden Editing Committee

封面:Yosemite National Park 攝影:潘英俊 封底:Green Mountain, New Hampshire 攝影:翁定台 承印者:Long Plan Printing

Dharma Garden (USPS 019-577) is published bi-monthly by Texas Buddhist Association, Inc., 6969 Westbranch Drive, Houston, Texas 77072, Tel:(281) 498-1616, Fax:(281) 498-8133. Issue 161, September 2008. This is a non-profit venture solely supported by contributions from members of the Texas Buddhist Association and the readership. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. Website:www.jadebuddha.org Email: jadebuddhatemple@gmail.com
















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Green Jessica






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My Path From Ignorance Don Pieper Venerables, distinguished guests, everyone, thank you for giving me a few moments of your time. It is a great honor to be asked to speak in front of you today, but I will keep my comments brief. In thinking about the birth of the Buddha, I thought about a conversation I had with a rather anti-religious friend of mine. He suggested that there was no absolute proof that the Buddha ever existed or gave the teachings that we credit to him today. I thought about this and answered that whether the historical Buddha existed or did not exist is irrelevant to my practice. What is most important in Buddhism is the dhar ma, the teachings. We have these teachings, so it does not matter to me if a person chooses to believe that the teacher did not exist. The teachings are that which is beneficial to us. The Buddha is important to me because he gave the teachings. The pictures and statues of the Buddha are a good reminder to me of these teachings, and of the buddhanature within all beings, within me, within you. But the Buddha cannot improve my life. I must do this on my own. I must practice on my own. I must take the teachings and apply them to my life. This led me to think about what I see as a problem among some Buddhists. Many people, I think, get caught up in the trappings of the religion. They attach to the ceremonies, the seeming mysteries of meditation, the esoteric 38

nature of enlightenment. But how much do they really understand the religion? How is their daily practice? The man who first introduced me to Buddhism was the father of a friend of mine. I was a teenager and fascinated by him. He was a musician who smoked marijuana to open himself spiritually (or at least this is what he said). He gave me the Tibetan book of the Dead, which was probably not the best first book for me to read as an introduction in Buddhism. Looking back, I realize that he simply was using Buddhist terminology without true understanding. Perhaps he lacked a good teacher. Or perhaps he did not actively seek to comprehend the teachings. But he did ignite an interest in me that grew in later years. I lived in Japan for a year, and occasionally attend Buddhist services. It was there that I was introduced more formally to Buddhism. But Japanese Buddhism, at least in my personal experiences, had mixed with the native Shintoism. As a result, ceremonies that I viewed as being rather superstitious were performed and called Buddhist, though they were ultimately Shinto in nature. There was a big emphasis on personal attainment and meditation. But I never knew how to meditate properly. I never understood the point of sitting on a mat. I never was able to translate that act as an important part of my life. Perhaps I lacked a good teacher. Or perhaps I did not actively seek to comprehend the teachings.

Either way, my interest in Buddhism faded a bit as a result. In 2001, I was living in New York. On September 11 and the days that followed, I was at Ground Zero, digging out bodies from the rubble. Throughout my life, I have had issues with anger. So given these circumstances and my lack of awareness on it, my anger expanded considerably. I only wanted to kill those who had done this. In the next few years, I sought deployment to Afghanistan several times. I care more about killing others than I did about my daily life, about what my absence would mean to my new wife. But two years later, I had moved to Houston and I found the Jade Buddha Temple. I was taught proper meditation techniques. I was taught about genuine practice, free from the extraneous aspects of Buddhism that tend to be linked more to culture than to the teachings. My practice in earnest began then. This was of great use to me a year later when I was deployed to Iraq. With meditation and contemplation, I was able to maintain a calm composure during even the roughest periods.

Upon my return, I considered becoming a monk. This idea still appeals to me on many levels. But that week, venerable Hung I was giving a talk and he spoke of the interpersonal politics of monastery life. It made me realize that my desire for a monastic life was no more than a desire to escape my current life. So instead I have worked on my life as a lay person. I have worked on improving my relationships, my mind, my practice. I would like to say that I no longer have issues with my anger. But this is not true. My temper tends not to be quick or severe any more. I would venture to say that most people here have never seen me upset. But this is central to my practice. I am aware now when I am getting angry. So I can make the choice to act, or not act, upon these temporary feelings. I am aware of my thoughts and emotions a great deal more often than I was before. As a result, I can live in this moment, rather than obsessing about past and future events. And this, to me, is the core of Buddhist practice.

A Letter From a Scholarship Receiver Dear Texas Buddhist Association, I want to take this time to begin to express my eternal gratification to your committee; your scholarship donation has greatly impacted my life and has further made it accessible for me to get an education. It is very significant to me and my family to encounter such kindhearted and generous individuals who set aside a thought for each and every college student to attend school. This grand opportunity has lifted the burden of my financial stress and I will always remember the support the Texas Buddhists Association has granted me. I am proud to say that I am now a Bodhi Scholar. Thank you for your generosity. With best regards, Rubi Izquierdo 39


peacefulway2006@gmail.com 41

Catherine Chou Kacie Cruz Thang Do Edgar Gonzalez Rubi Izquierdo Selma B. Hussain Khurram Kabiruddin Kishwar Kabiruddin Ngoc B. Le Van N. Le Garen A Ohanian Ning Liao Alice Liu Yu-Chern (Daniel) Liu

Mrs. M Brandes

Justin Liao Sharon Liao Christina Ma Huy Vu Nguyen Patty Soong Eric Sung Jason Wu Wentin Xie Audrey Yang Janet Yen

KHoa Nguyen Camille A. Pluck

Becky Luu Y Gia Ma Thi Nguyen Moji K. Olokode Michelle A. Paul Sandra Pham Irma Rauda Joanna Shim Melissa J. Sugiharto Jolene S. Tang Helen Y. Tsang Michelle Tu Jennifer C. Valdivia Like (Peter) Wang Yilin Weng Chia Chun (Lily) Wu Jia Zhang Minnie M. Zhou

David Hu

Ming-Chieh Hsueh Ming-Chun Hseuh Kristy Wang

Amorette Kwan

Lee H. Wang Jeffrey Chiang Van Bao Diep Diana Duann Yolanda Han Dieu-Huong Ho Hong Ho


Mrs M Brandes Vivian Wong




Ven Seelananda 44


Barney Jones


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̰ट! ᜹५̣Ҹຂᡐ̤! ආҎჲ;֖ԕࡧၱ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥ ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ආҎჲ;!߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ආҎჲ;!߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! !ᙠ!!!ఀ! ආҎჲ;!߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ආҕჲ˽٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ!

͹޺ˠᄃᓾᗟ! ᕿෲࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;̣ᡍᕋჹᖪᚴ̤! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦;‫׸‬ٙዾញঅࣝ! ᕿෲࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;̣ᡍᕋჹᖪᚴ̤! ຸҎࡧ૦;५ᡐ࢔Շ፽Ӻ၃ᄃ! ᢾྯࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;̣ᡍᕋჹᖪᚴ̤! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦;‫׸‬ٙԋ၆‫!؎ݦ‬ െ୊ࡧ૦! ! െ୊ࡧ૦;̣ᡍᕋჹᖪᚴ̤!! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦;‫׸‬ٙॎᅻᠧᠥ! ᕿෲࡧ૦! 諸位法師 禮拜《慈悲梁皇寶懺》(四日) 大雄寶殿 ආҎჲ;֖ԕࡧၱ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥ െ୊ࡧ૦;!̣ᡍᕋჹᖪᚴ̤!! ආҕჲ˽٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ຸҎࡧ૦;٘೵૑૨ઌ൞ᦃ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ᢾྯࡧ૦! ආҎჲ˽߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! െ୊ࡧ૦;!̣ᡍᕋჹᖪᚴ̤!! ආҕჲ˽٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ֤݃ࡧ૦! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! െ୊ࡧ૦! ߽!٘!ၱ! ᕿෲࡧ૦! ආҎჲ˽߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! െ୊ࡧ૦;!̣ᡍᕋჹᖪᚴ̤!! ආҕჲ˽٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ᕿෲࡧ૦;̧ᖯԫሽ̨! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ᕿෲࡧ૦!

ߖຽ঵౒! ԕຽ!

ଗ࿗! ! :;11b!.!22;41b! ‫܅‬྿ԕ! ! 23;41q!.! 4;11q! ! 4;11q!.! 5;41q! ‫܅‬྿ԕ! ! 2;11q!.! 3;41q! ‫܅‬྿ҕ! ! :;11b!.!22;41b! ! :;11b!.!22;41b! ‫܅‬྿է! ! 8;11q!.! 9;41q! ‫܅‬ԗආҕ྿ӧ! ! 3;11q!.! 5;11q! ‫܅‬ԗආҢ྿ӧ! ! 21;41b!.! 3;11q!

঵౒Ӧ૕! ᗌ‫ڧ‬0਱ዢ٘ࡧ! ཀྵຟ‫נ‬ౣᇛᐐౣ! ౧᠀ҕϽᆫᚴᅁ! ٘ᓥࣆர৷௻୧!! ٘ᓥ৷௻୧! ᗌ‫!ڧ‬ ᗌ‫!ڧ‬ ჸዢ٘ᓥ୧! ࠮֖˸੖ᅲ˸஫੪คᗖ!

ԯ॰Җ0‫ש‬᛽! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦˸չࡧස)ᦃ੦ႈ*! ཀྵຟ‫נ‬ౣᇛ)Ҹ࿥ᡍႈ*! ຸҎࡧ૦ԯ॰)ၱ᡿ा*! ֤݃ࡧ૦!)ၱ᡿ा*! ᕿෲࡧ૦)ၱ᡿ा*! ᦃ੦ႈ! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦! ၄བ඗!

\ොĈтѣՀԼĂ૟ΩҖ̳ο఼ٕۢĄ^! !


Viengvilay Oudonesom

Chinese American Buddhist Association

Lie Howy Chien

Rhonda Yang CRT Technology


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Texas Buddhist Association, Inc. 6969 Westbranch Drive Houston, TX 77072 TEL: (281) 498-1616 URL: www.jadebuddha.org

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