Dharma Garden 162 (2008-11)

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Dharma Garden Bi-monthly


2008 • 11


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ඏ162ໆ 2008؏11Ԡ

編者的話 ........................................................................................................................

1 淨海法師


《大乘廣五蘊論》略解(七) ................................................................................ 如何行菩薩道..............................................................................................................

2 淨海法師 6 智一法師

ಝឞͭ ̴Ԕ᥷࢝ᅊන」

天心月圓.................................................................................................. ...................... 從世事無常談心靈的解脫 .................................................................................... 心靈的解脫 ................................................................................................................ 寧靜來自你的內心、得自你的智慧 ............................................................... 遠離顛倒即快樂 ........................................................................................................

10 13 15 17 19

宏意法師 慧和 芝蘭 思經 慧海


禮懺功德 ........................................................................................................................ 23 宏意法師


一場殊勝莊嚴的大法會 ......................................................................................... 如何投入─而又不執著 ......................................................................................... 釋尊的微笑 ................................................................................................................... 萬事隨緣心安樂 ........................................................................................................ 危機意識與喜樂心情 .............................................................................................. 攝影與人生─並淺談攝影入門 ....................................................................... 馬祥祐的致謝卡 ........................................................................................................


The Impact My Teachers Have Had On My Life ...................... 34 Barney Jones




22 24 26 28 29 31 36

超定法師 李瑋 慈弘 林三江 常悟 翁定台 馬祥祐

菩提中心安奉「水月觀音」聖像 .................................................................... 38 菩提中心有機園地開發概況............................................................................... 39 慈慧 菩提中心捐款芳名 ................................................................................................. 40 一種藥草一個故事─蔓越橘............................................................................... 46 菁菁 菩提素齋─茄子、梅干菜、豆腐煲 ............................................................... 46 陳美卿 活動預告 ..................................................................................................................... 活動翦影 ..................................................................................................................... 十一月、十二月各項活動時間表 .................................................................. 專題預告•助印功德錄 ......................................................................................

42 43 47 48





Ven. Jan Hai and Ven. Hung I






Dharma Garden Editing Committee

封面攝影:陸斌鉅 封底攝影:陳綺紅 承印者:Long Plan Printing

Dharma Garden (USPS 019-577) is published bi-monthly by Texas Buddhist Association, Inc., 6969 Westbranch Drive, Houston, Texas 77072, Tel:(281) 498-1616, Fax:(281) 498-8133. Issue 162, November 2008. This is a non-profit venture solely supported by contributions from members of the Texas Buddhist Association and the readership. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. Website:www.jadebuddha.org Email: jadebuddhatemple@gmail.com

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Michael Phelps

Shawn Johnson Nastia Lukin

Sweet and Happy








(Dr. Skip Downing) Developing Detachment









http://phototravelercatalog.com 31


Photo Chrome Club

High Island Smith Oaks Bird Sanctuary



The Impact My Teachers have had on my Life Barney Jones

I am 50 years old, a Global Program Manager at Bentley Systems, a company specializing in engineering design software. I have BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering, a MS degree in Computer Science, and have completed the Asian Classics Institute's teacher training program in Buddhism. I am a senior student of Geshe Michael Roach and am now half way through a 6 year program in Vajrayana at Diamond Mountain University outside of Bowie, Arizona. I teach a small group of students in Houston and am currently moving to Toronto for a new work project. So I thought I might tell you how I started off in my Buddhist studies. I turned 40, 10 years ago, and was living in Cincinnati Ohio working for a large engineering construction company. So I had the American dream, i was happyily married to my college sweet heart, for 17 years at that point, and we had 3 boys, and the house, and the two cars. And lots of stuff. Still, I was unhappy, frustrated and depressed not enjoying life. I remember I wandering around Melbourne Australia on a Sunday afternoon; I was in Melbourne for 2 months working on a big proposal for constructing an 34

offshore oil complex north of Darwin in the Sea of Timor. On a whim I stopped at a fortune teller booth and she said I was in the middle of a spiritual catharsis. That something was going to change for me in a big way spiritually. I had always been interested in Buddhism, and studied Zen and other traditions by reading and visiting temples. But now I started looking around more intently for a genuine Buddhist teacher, and I was attracted to the stories I had heard about Teachers from Tibet. One night I was in a Buddhist forum on the internet 10 years ago, and since I traveled a lot for work I asked if anyone knew of any correspondence courses in Buddhism. Someone suggested I look at the courses offered by the ACI (Asian Classics Institute) group in New York, so over a 6 month period while I was traveling for work I completed three correspondence courses on Buddhism (covered renunciation, compassion, wisdom, refuge, and meditation); that was my modest beginning in the study of classic Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. I remember that I was really impressed with

the clarity of the meditation instruction and motivated to go meet these teachers. I found out that the founder of the ACI group and the teacher of these courses I had studied was going to be teaching the Heart Sutra, and giving Lay vows and Buddhist Refuge in California, so I went out for a long weekend to the Land of Medicince Buddha in Santa Cruz. So after much travel I spent the weekend in some very simple dormitories with senior students of Geshe Michael Roach and ate vegan food and, packed into a very crowded room, received commentary on the Heart Sutra, and then on Feb. 14, Valentine's day, took my Lay Vows. When I returned home my wife said she had never seen me happier. The next 4 years I worked full time and completed the ACI Buddhist Instructor training program for which I traveled around the U.S. in Arizona and North Carolina to get all the courses done. My practice now is a simple one. In the morning I get up before sunrise and meditate for an hour. During the day I check my vows to see how I'm doing and make a note in my journal. Every night I do a short practice before I go to bed and yoga unless I forget :). I am still traveling to Diamond Mountain University in Arizona about 30 days a year and I am trying to do one 100,000 mantra retreat every year. My teachers have insisted that I teach Buddhism, so I teach a formal class on the weekends when I'm in Houston, and have individual students I've met during my travels and even on the interent :). I was surprised by how powerful an experience it is to teach someone. I might think I'm really familiar with a subject and then a student asks a question I never thought about. But I think the most important thing about teaching is that it weakens the attachments I have about myself. To teach others focuses my attention on what they need to be happy; it really helps me to de-

velop more empathy and compassion towards the people around me. My passion for Buddhism is a strong link with many of my friends who are Buddhists as well. In Arizona I study with about 300 people that travel in from all over the world, they are very devoted and inspiring people to be around. Most of them run Buddhist or Yoga centers in their home states or countries. Many of them are fluent in Tibetan and/or Sanskrit languages. Many have advanced degrees in religion and a few are even ministers or reverends in Chrisitian churches. So a very stimulating group of spiritual friends that inspire me to study and practice. They give me a sense of community, and we often do rituals and celebrations together. Additionally, my practice of Buddhism has inspired me to have a more compassionate view towards my community and work. My colleagues in business tell me I am calm and reasonable, and that they enjoy working with me. I've been promoted twice in the last two years, and now manage people all around the globe, in Australia, South Africa, China, Canada, U.S. and South America. When I travel I try extra hard to keep up my meditation practice in the morning and evening; it helps a lot with stress, mainly because it makes me more mindful of the importance of karma during my work day and keeps me objective and not emotional when difficult situations arise. In this as well, my Buddhist teachers have inspired me as I have been around them and seen them work and travel. They practice every morning til noon and then work on translations, writing, and teaching continually, so they teach me by example both to be motivated to help others, but also to work very hard to do it. I like to think that working hard to help other people even when I've very tired must make the karma even stronger. And we all want strong good karma.:) 35

In summary, the main impacts of my studies with my Teachers have been the understanding of the Buddhist path and the inspiration to follow it. This is a tremendous help in working and traveling around the world. Some days are difficult, some times the plane rides are scary, or my bosses are angry, and it is very comforting to have refuge in the Buddha :). I consider my Buddhist studies and practice to be the most rewarding thing I have done. But I should also mention that, in a larger sense, our teachers make it possible to even study Buddhism at all by insuring that the great teachings are handed down through the generations, that people understand the


teachings in their hearts, and achieve the realizations of the path. Without the efforts of generations of our teachers there would be no teachings of the Buddha, and no one that teach and inspire us, so we should be very grateful to them. I am relocating to Toronto for work, for two years if all goes well, so today is goodbye for a while. I wanted to add that the people I have met here at Jade Buddha Temple have taught me about Buddhist traditions from around the world. So you have inspired me to respect other traditions and faiths, and I thank you for that very important teaching.

Dear Dr. May Lu I hope that you are doing well! I am writing you this letter to express my deepest thanks for Bodhi Scholarship Committee's continuing support in my education. When I was honored my first year with Bodhi Scholarship, I vowed to work hard and achieve continuing success through college. I am proud to say that in May, I graduated from UT Austin with a degree in Biomedical Engineering with High Honors. Moreover, I was selected to receive the Outstanding Scholar/Leader Award for the entire School of Engineering. Enclosed is a copy of the article. I am truly indebted to you, as well as all the donors, who make the Bodhi Scholarships possible. With the support, I felt I was truly able to not only to excel in my studies, but I was also able to serve as a leader within the community as well. I hope to continue my previous success as I pursue a medical degree at UTMB Galveston beginning this fall. If you need help or support in the future, I am glad to volunteer some of my time to help out. Feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you! Best wishes, Steven Ma
















V. Myrtillus


ϜҢъ 3119 ѐ 22 ͡ă23 ͡‫߿ົڱ‬જ! ! ͟ഇ! ॡม! 22ԗ2ԕ)྿ӧ*! ! :;41b! –!23;11q! !21;11b! .! 21;56b! 22ԗ3ԕ)྿ԕ*! !22;11b! .! 23;11q! ! 2;41q! .! 4;11q! !21;11b! .! 21;56b! 22ԗ:ԕ)྿ԕ*! !22;11b! .! 23;11q! ! 2;41q! .! 4;11q!

̰ट! ᜹५̣Ҹຂᡐ̤! ආҎჲ;֖ԕࡧၱ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥ ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ආҎჲ;߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ!

*11月15日(週六) 21;11b! .!4;11q 玉佛寺義賣大會 *11月16日(週日)

!21;11b! .! 21;56b! 22ԗ34ԕ)྿ԕ*! !22;11b! .! 23;11q! ! 2;41q! .! 4;11q! 23ԗ7ԕ)྿ӧ*! ! :;41b! –!23;11q! !21;11b! .! 21;56b! 23ԗ8ԕ)྿ԕ*! !22;11b! .! 23;11q! ! 2;41q! .! 4;11q! !21;11b! .! 21;56b! 23ԗ25ԕ)྿ԕ*! !22;11b! .! 23;11q! ! 2;41q! .! 4;11q! !21;11b! .! 21;56b! 23ԗ32ԕ)྿ԕ*! !22;11b! .! 23;11q! ! 2;41q! .! 4;11q! !21;11b! .! 21;56b! 23ԗ39ԕ)྿ԕ*! !22;11b! .! 23;11q! ! 2;41q! .! 4;11q!

͹޺ˠᄃᓾᗟ! ! െ୊ࡧ૦;इ࿽̣ࡧդჹ̤! ᎀ֌ࡧ૦;֖঵Ӑ࢔٘ࡧ! ᢾྯࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;इ࿽̣ࡧդჹ̤! ຸҎࡧ૦;ৄӜጹੁᓥ٘! െ୊ࡧ૦! !

義賣會後整理環境法會暫停 ආҎჲ;߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ᜹५̣Ҹຂᡐ̤! ආҎჲ;֖ԕࡧၱ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥ ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ආҎჲ;߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ආҎჲ;߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ! ආҎჲ;߽ዠ˸٘ࡧ࿕֥! ආҕჲ;٘ࡧ࿕֥˸౥གྷ! ഄ!ᑓ!‫!׈‬ઈ!

! െ୊ࡧ૦;इ࿽̣ࡧդჹ̤! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦;༇සࣜӁӏᅳ๔! ຸҎࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;इ࿽̣ࡧդჹ̤! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦;ఒҎ‫܄‬୊ᛤӽ࢟! ᕿෲࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;इ࿽̣ࡧդჹ̤! ຸҎࡧ૦;༣ਪ࢔ᅁඨ! ᢾྯࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;इ࿽̣ࡧդჹ̤! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦;ᘋ༇ࠏٓ‫ބ֖ع‬ԋ! െ୊ࡧ૦! െ୊ࡧ૦;इ࿽̣ࡧդჹ̤! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦;ԕԕঅ‫׶‬ԕ! ຸҎࡧ૦!

! ߖຽ঵౒! ԕຽ!

ଗ࿗! ! :;11b!.!22;41b! ! 23;41q!.! 4;11q! ‫܅‬྿ԕ! ! 2;41q!–!4;11q! ! 4;11q!.! 5;41q! ‫܅‬྿ԕ! ! 2;11q!–!3;41q! ‫܅‬྿ҕ! ! :;41b!.!22;11b! ‫܅‬྿է! ! :;41b!.!22;11b! ‫܅‬ԗආҕ྿ӧ! ! 3;11q!.! 5;11q! ‫܅‬ԗආҢ྿ӧ! ! 21;41b!.! 3;11q!

঵౒Ӧ૕! ᗌ‫ڧ‬0਱ዢ٘ࡧ! ཀྵຟ‫נ‬ౣᇛᐐౣ! ჹᑘ৷௻୧! ౧᠀ҕϽᆫᚴᅁ! ٘ᓥࣆர৷௻୧! ٘ᓥ৷௻୧! ᗌ‫!ڧ‬ ჸዢ٘ᓥ୧! ࠮֖˸੖ᅲ˸஫੪คᗖ!

ԯ॰Җ0‫ש‬᛽! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦˸չࡧස!)ᦃ੦ႈ*! ཀྵຟ‫נ‬ౣᇛ)Ҹ࿥ᡍႈ*! չࡧස)ၱिा*! ຸҎࡧ૦ԯ॰)ၱ᡿ा*! ֤݃ࡧ૦)ၱ᡿ा*! ᕿෲࡧ૦)ၱ᡿ा*! ᦃ੦ႈ! ‫ھ‬၃ࡧ૦! ၄བ඗!

\ොĈтѣՀԼĂ૟ΩҖ̳ο఼ٕۢĄ^! !


Mei Lan Evans Jean Jin Jin Yu Viengvilay

Jared Cherb Liu Jing Jing Guo


Ԝԓ᥿੢‫׻‬૥ ᥿ ੢ ᖾཥ ᔑᝒ ዤ੝ ࡣᚎ ҴԜ ١ԓ ࢛ᅯ ࢷ๐ ٔ ‫ݢ‬

ഈৣᡉᡌࡣၭ ༦ ࡣᣚ ৙ᡌ ؕ૶ ೂ ቖ ‫ה‬ഭ ៽ၯ ཥጜ ປ



Texas Buddhist Association, Inc. 6969 Westbranch Drive Houston, TX 77072 TEL: (281) 498-1616 URL: www.jadebuddha.org

Periodicals Postage paid at Houston, Texas

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