Brief Notes on Maintenance, Charity and Education Activities of Chinese Buddhist Temples

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略論中國佛教寺院經濟與社會慈善、教育 宏意法師 Brief Notes on Maintenance, Charity and Education Activities of Chinese Buddhist Temples Ven. Hung I

佛法要長遠和廣泛的流傳於世,基本上是需要有僧人的修持和弘楊,同時也要 有信眾的護持和社會的肯定。而這些條件的具足,並不是儀式化的佛事多了,燒香的 人多了就能成辦的。所以,我覺得道場的存在,必需與弘法和利生的觀念配合發展, 佛教才有希望,否則只是表面的興盛,而不是內在的強壯。由是之故,我深深以為, 中國佛教除了要加強僧教育的工作外,亦應重視一般社會慈善、教育事業的參與。 The long and wide spread of Buddhism relies primarily on the practice and promotion of Buddhist clergy and also needs the support of lay Buddhists and recognition by society. These conditions cannot be fulfilled by hosting more religious services and ceremonies or by increasing the ranks of visitors to Buddhist temples. In my view, the existence of Buddhist temples must be in close association with Dharma teaching and charity work. That is where the future for Buddhism lies; otherwise, the apparent growth of temples will be just a superficial flourish rather than evidence of the inner strength of Buddhism. Hence, I firmly believe that Chinese Buddhism must not only strengthen Buddhist education for the clergy but also pay attention to charity work in the community and participation in the cause of education for citizens.

針對此一思惟,有關寺院道場的建設和維持,我有幾點浅見: Base on the above thinking, I would like to offer my humble opinions regarding the construction and maintenance of Buddhist temples as follows.

一、建寺應以功能來考量設計 1.

The design of Buddhist temples should be centered around functions

中國佛寺常以道場的大小或建築的多少來標榜、宣傳,很少是著重其弘化功能 的表揚。大量的建寺或大規模的設計,若無法發揮弘化作用,實際地利益大眾,乃是 一種財力的浪費,久後,也可能會變成佛教的危機。因此,我覺得在建設寺院之時, 佛教團體應考慮其安僧辦道、講經弘法、興學濟貧等種種功能,讓佛寺與社會大眾緊 緊地結合在一起。

It has become common that Chinese Buddhist temples are promoted and advertised by their size or the number of buildings rather than praised for their functions in Dharma teaching and charity work. However, without benefiting the people through such functions, building more or larger temples will just be a waste in financial resource; in the long run, this practice will result in crises for Buddhism. I feel that when designing temples, Buddhist organizations should consider such functions as accommodating monks and nuns, holding Dharma classes, building new schools, and helping the poor. In so doing, Buddhist temples will be able to maintain a close bond with the local community.

二、寺院應終止售賣門票 2.

Buddhist temples should stop selling admission tickets

在世界各地的佛教道場,除了日本情況特殊,基本上,佛寺是對一切大眾開放 的。我覺得,入寺買門票,不但違背佛法的平等精神,同時也會製造很多問題: With the exception of Japan, Buddhist temples all over the world are open to the general public free of charge. In my opinion, selling admission tickets by Buddhist temples not only violates the Buddhist spirit of equality but also will create many problems.

(一)、令中國佛教名譽受損 (1) Damaging the reputation of Chinese Buddhism

許多前往中國寺院、名山朝山參觀的人回來後,都不滿當地的收費情況:為什 麼入寺拜佛要買門票?為什麼門票又不斷地大幅上漲?在一般信眾的心中,中國寺院 是認錢不認人;在一般觀光者的心中,中國寺院已嚴重商業化,處處要收錢。 Many visitors to Chinese Buddhist temples are unhappy with having to purchase admission tickets. They ask: Why do we have to buy admission tickets to pay respect to Buddha in a Buddhist temple? Why does the price increase so much and so often? Many lay Buddhists feel that Chinese temples recognize money only; many visitors feel that Chinese Buddhist temples have become too commercialized and seem to focus on profit.

(二)、不勞而獲的固定收入非佛教之福 (2)

Unearned guaranteed income is not a blessing for Buddhism

過去的中國佛教,正因為有大量的田產,可以按時收租,維持寺院經濟,而造 成諸多腐敗,已是歷史教訓。如今又可售賣門票,坐享其成,不思弘法利生的責任, 恐非佛教之福。即使在現代的西方,教堂還是靠捐款維持,若負責人傳教不力,提供

的服務不足,沒有信眾支持,也任其自生自滅,自我淘汰。我覺得讓佛教團體從弘法、 服務中獲得經濟的來源,可能仍是一種比較健康的生存方式。 Historically, Chinese Buddhist temples owned large tracts of land upon which they collected rent as a means of maintenance. This has led to rampant corruption. It is a historical lesson to be remembered. Nowadays Buddhist temples are, once again, reaping unearned income by selling admission tickets without fulfilling their responsibilities in teaching the Dharma or benefiting the people. I am afraid it is not a blessing for Buddhism. Even Western churches rely on donations to support themselves. If they fail to provide quality missionary work and services, they will lose support from believers and be left to run their own course. Personally, I believe that Buddhist organizations should earn their income through education in the Dharma and social services. That will be a healthier way of maintenance.

(三)、會讓地方政府單位長期干涉寺務 (3)

Long-term interference in temple affairs by local governments

中國寺院的復興和修建,常常離不開政府單位的協助和管理。因此,當寺院決 定不收門票時,可能有很多既得利益的單位會不贊同。但如果不取消門票,則地方政 府單位就會長期涉入寺務,干擾寺院行政。長此下去,寺院經濟與單位利益就會永遠 牽連在一起,不是中國佛教之福,亦不是中國社會之福。 The renovating and building of Chinese temples often requires the assistance and cooperation of local government agencies. Evidently, many organizations with vested interest will oppose to the temples’ attempts to stop selling admission tickets; however, if temples do not stop selling admission tickets, local government agencies will continue to involve themselves with temple affairs and interfere with temple administration and operation, resulting in a permanent entanglement of maintenance of temples and economic benefits of government agencies. This will not be a blessing for Chinese Buddhism or the Chinese society.

三、寺院應以弘法利生為職責 3.

Temples should make teaching the Dharma and benefiting the people their primary mission

讀中國佛教史,我們都知道近代之中國佛教積弊眾多,令社會大眾有種種誤會 和不滿,乃是咎由自取,我們必須痛定思痛,設法重生。如今在新時代中,有新的機 緣出現,即應積極改革,破除陋習,發揚正信佛法,培養住持僧才,關懷社會需要。 因此,從大環境看,政府應設法鼓勵佛教興辦教育、慈善事業,一方面健全佛教內部 制度,同時也實際地為社會承擔種種助學扶貧的責任。

We know that there were many long-standing unwholesome practices in recent Chinese Buddhist history that have caused misunderstanding and dissatisfaction among the people. We have nobody else to blame but ourselves. Now we must draw a lesson from these bitter experiences and work hard to rekindle Buddhism. Given the new opportunities in the new age, we should proactively engage ourselves in the reform of Buddhism, do away with outdated conventions, promote the Dharma, enhance Buddhist leadership training, and extend our arms of compassion towards the needs of society. Looking at the overall environment, the government should encourage Buddhist organizations to build schools and get involved in charity work in order to improve their internal system on one hand and to share such social responsibilities as building schools and helping the poor on the other.

四、佛教的興隆能促進社會的融合 4.

The well-being of the Buddhism will promote harmony in our society

佛教在中國已流傳兩千多年,已經和中國文化融為一體。過去儒釋道之間雖有 爭辯,但始終沒有引起過任何戰爭,反而隨著時間的發展,彼此都能取長補短,增進 中華文化之內涵。從佛教的本質講,佛法是慈悲的,不是戰鬥的;從歷史上講,佛教 在世界各地流傳時,其方式是包容的,不是排斥的。因此,我深深感覺,中國多一位 佛教徒,就會多一份和諧;世界多一位佛教徒,就會多一份和平。 Buddhism has existed in China for over 2,000 years. It has merged itself with Chinese culture. In the past, even though there have been disagreements among Confucians, Buddhists, and Taoists, there has never been an armed conflict. On the contrary, the three schools of thoughts have managed to learn and supplement each other’s differences. This has helped enrich Chinese culture. Buddhism, by nature, rests on compassion, not belligerence. In the history of development in the world, Buddhism has always adopted a tolerant and inclusive approach. I feel deep in my heart that more Buddhists will mean more harmony in China and peace in the world.

結語 Concluding remarks

我本人生在中國雲南,長在緬甸,學在台灣,過去三十四年來,又一直在美國 弘法,目睹東西方社會的種種變化,內心感想很多,深深以為,人類的真正和平,需 要佛法引導,而佛法的興隆,又有賴中國佛教的復興和健全。因此,僅舒微言,以求 教於十方大德,尚請不吝指正。 I was born in Yunnan, China; grew up in Burma; and studied in Taiwan. In the past 34 years, I have been teaching Buddhism in the United States. Having witnessed so many social

changes in both the East and in the West, I have gained many thoughts and reflections. I feel that world peace needs the guidance of Buddhism; in addition, the wellbeing of Buddhism also requires a revival of Buddhism in China. These are my humble thoughts, about which I hope to hear advice and comments from others.

談談論壇 宏意法師 第三屆世界佛教論壇於二 0 一二年四月二十五日在香港開幕,主題是「和諧世 界,同願同行」。由於舉行地點在香港,多年來我與香港教界的大眾熟悉,再經永惺 老法師的鼓勵,要我把自己對現代中國佛教的一些建言,在大會中提出,所以經過一 段時日的考慮後,決定前往參加。 論壇開幕的前一天,香港佛教聯合會安排了迎請和安奉佛頂骨舍利的儀式。此 頂骨舍利是二 00 八年發現於南京大報恩寺遺址,然後就一直供奉在棲霞山。這次舉 辦論壇,主辦單位特地把時間安排在佛誕節(二十八日)之前,讓兩個活動結合在一 起,令與會者和香江大眾,都能瞻仰舍利。 二十五日下午一點半,我到達荃灣如心海景酒店報到。初初以為會像過去一樣, 很快就可以辦完登記,沒想到竟需排隊等候一個多小時。在沒有秩序的過程中,幸得 一些人的幫忙,才拿到出席證。正因為報到時間太長,終於無法參加佛骨舍利的安奉 儀式。 我提交大會的論文是「略論中國佛教寺院經濟與社會慈善、教育」。此文在三 月初就傳送給主辦單位,但一直到分組報告前,都沒有印出來。前一日,有位日本駒 澤大學的教授的論文也發生遺漏現象,只得在現場臨時影印。看到別人的經驗,我也 不再沉默,主動向主持討論的負責人之一覺真法師說明。接著,我再設法請現場的義 工幫忙複印,分送給與會大眾。我覺得此次論壇的統籌不足,設計不周,不過實際負 責的義工們,倒是盡心盡力,以最佳的態度和最大的努力,完成任務。 二十七日上午,承覺真法師的協助,我是最後第二位上臺報告。照大會規定, 用八分鐘的時間,將我對中國佛教的一些想法,作了簡要說明。沒想到與會大眾不但 專注地聽,會議一結束,就有一堆人湧上來和我打招呼。有一位山西來的女士說:法 師!你今天把我們心裡的話都說出來了。有位教授說,對中國佛教的僧團、道場,我

們不好說話,你是出家身份,由你講最適合。接著,我又請義工複印論文,分給一些 尚未拿到的人。 舉辦論壇,讓全世界的佛教代表共聚一堂,共舒己見,推廣佛法,本來是件很 有意義的事,但如果一直是講講理論,沒有針對佛教的不足,作實際的改革,世界各 地的佛教還是一樣,不會進步。世界佛教論壇雖沒有責任要落實任何理念,但確實是 為各地佛教代表提供了一個交流和激蕩思想的平臺。我的意見對現實中的中國佛教來 說,可能有些敏感,但身為佛子,對佛教的興衰毫不關心,心又何忍。因此,即使我 的言論可能會引起某些反應,我也是在所不惜。我知道,當天的報告不會馬上改變中 國佛教的現狀,不過一切法是因緣法,只要不斷地播種,將來就有機會開花結果;如 果什麽都不做,理想是不會長根的。要完成一件事,不能急,但也絕對不能停,只有 不停地促進因緣,願力才會由小變大。事實上,我在論文中所提的意見,在過去多年 中,已和很多不同的對象,經常討論。記得十餘年前,我在曼谷機場巧遇舟山市的副 市長,在候機室裡,我跟他提議,普陀山應取消門票,讓民眾自由入寺禮佛。他說地 方政府仍需經費建設,等富裕時,再設法取消。今天的情形是,地方富裕了,但門票 卻不斷地加價,背道而馳。如果我們說這是共業,我們就要從每一個人的內心開始思 考這個問題,改變這個現狀,不要乾等那位有力人士扭轉乾坤。即使出現了這樣的有 力人士,他也是要有群眾基礎的。因此,若佛教界大眾都不說話,那只有坐以待斃, 任人宰割。會中有位大陸學者說,要取消寺院門票,佛教界一定要團結起來,方有作 為。 此次在大會中,很高興的又遇見了魏德東教授,每次和他相見,總會聽到些他 對宗教,對中國佛教的一些分析和看法,得益良多。當我提起德州佛教會需要培養弘 法僧才時,他建議我到河北柏林禪寺看看,那裡有很多有能力的僧青年。除此之外, 在大會中,也與中、港、臺三地的緇素代表有相識和交談的機會。如果沒有此一論壇, 大家要互相見面,也是很困難的。這次,雖仍然有些威儀不整的出家眾,但也看到一 批優秀、年輕的中國僧人,或許中國佛教的復興和壯大,就要靠他們了。可能是大會 主辦單位要控制人數,所以除中國外,其他國家、地區來的代表並不多。 如實說,要辦這樣一個大型的活動,並非易事,其所耗費的人力、物力,不是 一般佛教團體所能負擔。香港佛教界願意負責承辦,實是功德無量。閉幕當天,由中 國佛教協會會長傳印長老宣佈,江蘇無錫的「靈山大佛」將成為未來「世界佛教論壇」 的永久會址。接著,無錫市市長朱克江先生就上臺致辭,感謝大會的決定。我覺得世 界佛教論壇的宗旨、方向還沒有定型,仍然是摸著石頭過河。現在有了永久會址,是 否能提升開會的實質功能呢,尚有待觀察。

對世界佛教論壇的未來,我有幾點想法: (一) 為了讓論壇成為真正的世界佛教論壇,應邀請世界各地推派一些代表參 與策劃,以求得論壇在實質內容上的革新和突破。譬如世界各地的佛教, 經常在面臨著新的挑戰,可以選出一、兩項作為討論的重點。否則論壇就 會成為講經說法的活動,對應付實際問題,不會提出具體方案。 (二) 由於聚會時間短,應減少致辭講話的大型場面活動,增加分組討論的機 會。譬如在此次的所謂小組討論中,也僅是報告,完全沒有時間互相討論。 (三) 應適當地調整參與人數。儘量廣邀關心佛教前途者共商續佛慧命、造福 社會的正事,同時減少無心開會者佔據名額之浪費。 最後,我對鳳凰電視臺主席劉長樂先生的護法精神,深深感謝和感動。他關心 佛教,關心社會,支持論壇。每次聽他演講,我都覺得他言之有物,語重心長,是佛 教界非常有智慧的媒體護法。

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