MARCH 2022
January 2016 | 1
January 2022 | 27
January 2022 | 27
January 2022 | 27
January 2022 | 27
16 Longhorn Weekend Wrap-Up 20 24 26 34
TLBAA Special Awards Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale Fort Worth Stock Show Longhorn Show Results
march 2022 Vol. 33 • No. 12
Rodger Damrow Colorful Calf Contest Results
Editor’s Note
Chairman’s Letter
Board of Directors
Ask The Vet
40 What’s the Deal with Points?
Youth points. Animal points.
What are they and how to earn them By Pam Robison
44 Detecting Signs of Illness in Calves
TLBT Pages
Affiliate News How to know
when to be concerned when observing calves. By Heather Smith Thomas
New Members
Breeders Guide
TLBAA Financial Reports
Texas Longhorns Show at Cattlemen’s Congress For The First Time See Champion photos and learn about this exciting new venue that includes a champion drive of American cattle breeds.
Index/Just For Grins
About the Cover: The cover features the 2021 Rodger Damrow Colorful Calf Contest winner, TEX SEL, a 3/13/21 bull calf, by Catch and out of SEL Touchdown Swoop. He is proudly owned by the Barhum/Torkildsen Partnership. Contact owners Eitan and Sandy Barhum 323-356-2558 or eitan3224@aol.com or Bill & Suzanne Torkildsen 956-793-5484 or sktorkildsen@gmail.com for more information. Find him online at www.selonghornranch.com or www.bullcreeklonghorns.com. To see all of this year’s contestants, turn to pg. 30 The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
4 | March 2022
January 2022 | 27
EDITOR’S NOTES MOVING ON This is a bittersweet issue of Trails, for it is the last issue that Trace Neal, my graphic artist and right hand, worked on before leaving the TLBAA to pursue the next step in his career closer to home. It is a testament to this industry and to the office staff, that a person with minimal knowledge of cattle, let alone Longhorns, drove in terrible traffic from north of Dallas (an hour or more with tolls) to work for us for for 4 1/2 years because he enjoyed the job so much. Many of you worked with him on ads and e-blasts and met him as he took your photo at TLBAA events. I don’t know what he said to elicit smiles, but we have many event photos with people laughing in them. He not only talked easily and took interest in our members, he even sold an ad or two while he was at it! He jumped in and helped anywhere he could and I am sure his next co-workers will enjoy having him around as much as we did. Bon voyage my friend. Just as Trace moves on, so do we. As we add new faces, new roles and even new events to the Longhorn world, the desire to improve all that we do in the magazine and as an association keeps us moving forward with new ideas, different ways to broadcast our message and a continuing forward motion getting the word out to the world about this wonderful, iconic breed of cattle. You will notice the appearance of more video clips on Facebook originating from the office. That would be part of the forward movement in expanding our reach through the new Marketing Coordiantor position filled by Mason Runyon. You will see him at events talking to participants and gathering more footage to be used for a greater media prescence. He is excited to learn more about the cattle and especially the people who own them. Trails magazine is expanding ways for you to get your message out as well. QR codes on ads have been gaining in popularity and we can certainly incoporate custom QR codes into your advertising for you. There will also be ways to gain wider coverage with the information in Trails by combining our online magzine platform options with the website and social media. We’re a small team and sometimes we get bogged down, but we have big ambitions and we’re working to get here. I’m excited for what’s in store down the road for us and our readers. We hope to see many of you at our upcoming events, including the 35th TLBAA World Expo and the TLBAA Horn Showcase. The Horn Showcase will be making lots of new announcements following its move to a new location in Wichita Falls, TX October 13-16, 2022. For weekly updates on these events and more be sure to check our website (www.tlbaa.org), E-Trails and each month’s Trails Magazine. If you don’t receive our weekly e-news, you can sign up by going to the website and clicking at the top where it says E-Trails. Due to requirements set by the email service, your voluntary sign up is required. Don’t miss out on any of our news. Sign up today! Until next month,
May 2022 Issue:
March 28th Brood Cow Edition
6 | March 2022
Myra Basham Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief
(817) 625-6241 • (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 trails@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org
Editor-in-Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 104 • myra@tlbaa.org trailseditor@tlbaa.org Advertising: Myra Basham • (817) 625-6241 x 104 myra@tlbaa.org Graphic Design & Production: Trace Neal • Ext. 103 trace@tlbaa.org Marketing Coordinator: Mason Runyon • Ext. 108 mason@tlbaa.org
Registrations/Office Manager Rick Fritsche • Ext. 101 rick@tlbaa.org Registrations/Administrative Assistant Shannon Gordon • Ext. 102 shannon@tlbaa.org Special Events Pam Robison • Ext. 106 pam@tlbaa.org Accounting Theresa Jorgenson • Ext. 105 theresa@tlbaa.org Office Assistant/Receptionist Megan Smith • Ext. 100 megan@tlbaa.org Printed in the U.S.A.
January 2022 | 27
Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 S. Rosemary Dr. • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (713) 502-5224 edie.wakefield@gmail.com Bo Baker & Kellsey Gallagher Mount Airy, MD 21771 (301) 806-6493 Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110 raybeadle@comcast.net Bennett Longhorn Cattle Co. Michael Bennett 2159 Country Club RD • Lucas, TX 75002 (214) 385-6789 bennett@lucasfence.com BPT Longhorns Ben & Phyllis Termin Weatherford, TX (817) 374-2635 luvmylonghorns@gmail.com Butler Texas Longhorns Buster & Thalia Butler
Jennings, OK 936-577-6129 buster@butlertxlonghorns.com www.butlertxlonghorns.com C4 Longhorns Bill & Molly Crozier 208 CR 4145 • Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 200-9720 www.c4longhorns.com Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa 2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com (210) 232-1818 Dalgood Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman 6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422 dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com Falls Creek Longhorns Stan & Sandi Tidwell 2330 W. FM 875 • Midlothian, TX 76065 (972) 989-8939 www.fallscreeklonghorns.com Hicks Texas Longhorns Johnny & Missy Hicks 1518 E. Britol Rd. • Dowling, MI 49050 (269) 721-3473 hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com www.michiganmafialonghorns.com/Hicks
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467 Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com McLeod Ranch Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155 Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net Rio Vista Ranch Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 3208 Fall Creek Estates Dr • Spicewood, TX 78669 Cell: (512) 422-8336 elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com Spring Creek Farms Bradley & Heather Wachsmuth 2749 FM 555 • Gilmer, TX 75645 (337) 241-6882, 337-366-2060 bh1028726@gmail.com www.springcreekfarmstx.com Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com Wynfaul Acres James & Helen Cloakey 408 County Road 2200. • Cleveland, TX 77327 (713) 677-1473 hgbedford@hotmail.com www.WynFaulAcres.com Butler Breeder’s Futurity (936) 689-1914 butlerfuturity@yahoo.com www.butlerbreedersfuturity.com Butler Longhorn Museum (281) 332-1393 info@butlerlonghornmuseum.com www.butlerlonghornmuseum.com
Association News
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT To the Board of Directors of Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America Fort Worth, Texas We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, which comprise the statement of financial position as of June 30, 2021, and the related statement of activities, functional expenses and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America as of June 30, 2021, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Granbury, Texas January 13, 2022 10 | March 2022
PROFIT PROFIT and LOSS and LOSS Actual vs. Actual Budget vs. Budget July 2020 Julythrough 2020 through June 2021 June 2021
Texas Longhorn Breeders Association PROFIT & LOSS Actual vs. Budget
Jul '20 - Jun Jul '20 21 - Jun 21 Budget Budget $ Over Budget $ Over Budget Income Income Total 4000 Total · Membership 4000 · Membership Income Income
307,860.00307,860.00 271,482.34271,482.34 36,377.66 36,377.66
Total 4100 Total · R egistration 4100 · R egistration Department Department Income Income
256,489.33256,489.33 236,835.00236,835.00 19,654.33 19,654.33
Total 4200 Total · Trails 4200 Income · Trails Income
290,728.15290,728.15 229,682.80229,682.80 61,045.35 61,045.35
Total 4300 Total · TLBAA 4300 ·Sales TLBAA & Events Sales & Events
922,576.97922,576.97 692,371.00692,371.00 230,205.97230,205.97
Total 4600 Total · TLBT 4600 · TLBT 4655 · TLBAA-Promo 4655 · TLBAA-Promo Merchandise Merchandise Income Income
July 2020 through June 2021
4655.1 · TLBAA 4655.1 ·Promo TLBAAMerchandisePromo MerchandiseS&H S&H
10,910.00 10,910.005,182.00 5,182.00
5,728.00 5,728.00
8,171.00 8,171.005,114.00 5,114.00
3,057.00 3,057.00
Total 4700 Total · Other 4700Income · Other Income 4910 · R eturned 4910 · RCheck eturned Charges Check Charges
933.81 920.60
29,589.17 29,589.17 29,172.57 29,172.57
Total Income Total Income
1,827,258.43 1,827,258.43 1,470,772.31 1,470,772.31 356,486.12356,486.12
Total COGS Total COGS
471,953.78471,953.78 292,006.47292,006.47 179,947.31179,947.31
Gross Profit Gross Profit
1,355,304.65 1,355,304.65 1,178,765.84 1,178,765.84 176,538.81176,538.81
Expense Expense ExpensesExpenses Total 5500 · Membership ExpensesExpenses Total 5500 · Membership
1,458.93 1,458.933,612.12 3,612.12 -2,153.19 -2,153.19
Total 5510 Total · R egistration 5510 · R egistration Department Department Expense Expense Total 5600 Total · Sales 5600 & ·Events Sales &Expenses Events Expenses
469,302.13469,302.13 412,288.84412,288.84 57,013.29 57,013.29
Total 5700 Total · G&5700 A Expenses · G& A Expenses
571,036.15571,036.15 523,108.71523,108.71 47,927.44 47,927.44
10,352.86 10,352.861,298.86 1,298.86
Total 8000 Total · Board 8000of · Board Directors of Directors ExpensesExpenses
Total Expenses Total Expenses Net Income Net Income
15.50 200.00
-184.50 -184.50
1,192,719.23 1,192,719.23 1,081,782.97 1,081,782.97 110,936.26110,936.26 162,585.42162,585.42 96,982.87 96,982.87 65,602.55 65,602.55
Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July through December 2021 Jul - Dec 21
Jul - Dec 20
$ Change
9,054.00 9,054.00
11:21 AM 02/25/22 Accrual Basis
July through December 2021
-729.65 -729.65
133,637.53133,637.53 133,628.66133,628.66
Total 7000 Total · TLBT 7000Expenses · TLBT Expenses
Texas Longhorn Breeders Association
6,916.13 6,916.137,645.78 7,645.78
Total 5520 Total · Trails 5520 Expenses · Trails Expenses
Total 4000 · Membership Income
Total 4100 · Registration Department Income
Total 4200 · Trails Income
Total 4300 · TLBAA Sales & Events
Total 4600 · TLBT
4655 · TLBAA-Promo Merchandise Income
4655.1 · TLBAA Promo Merchandise- S&H Total 4700 · Other Income 4910 · Returned Check Charges Total Income Total COGS Gross Profit
Expense Expenses Total 5500 · Membership Expenses
Total 5510 · Registration Department Expense
Total 5600 · Sales & Events Expenses
Total 5700 · G& A Expenses
Total 5520 · Trails Expenses
6981 · Bank Service Charges
Total 7000 · TLBT Expenses
Total Expenses Net Income
March 2022 | 11
Association News
Chairman’s Message Longhorn Family, Longhorn Weekend is over and in the books. The weekend was busy and had a small turnout for the meetings. The meetings began on Friday morning with the Affiliate Presidents Meeting at 9:00 followed by the Board of Directors Meeting at 11:00. The Board set the Directors for Division A. They are Deb Lesyk for Regions 1 & 2, Johnny Hicks for Regions 3 & 4, and Dora Thompson for Regions 5 & 6. I want to thank the outgoing directors, Tom Smith, Mark Hubbell, Todd Spaid, Reid Tolar and Matt Durkin for all their service and the great job they did on the board. Their input and work will be missed. We also placed the Executive Committee, Chairman-Keith Du Bose, Vice-Chairman- Johnny Hicks, SecretaryStephen Head, Treasurer- Kevin Rooker and Parliamentarian- David Wars. The Board had a short presentation from the Breed Guidelines Committee and an update on their progress on creating a more detailed and explanatory set of guidelines. They are not changing them, but making them be a lot more user friendly and easier to understand our characteristics. There was a discussion on the TLBT Advisory Committee and a proposal to disband it. The Board tabled the discussion to allow for an investigation into the committee and its responsibility to the TLBT, its rules and guidelines and the reason for the proposal. The Board meeting carried over into the starting time of the Annual Membership meeting and caused a late start for it. The Annual Membership meeting began and announced the Directors for Division A, the Executive Committee and covered the financials and audit. The floor was opened for Committee Reports from the Affiliate Committee, the Beef Committee, World Show Steering Committee, the Breed Guidelines Committee and the Horn Showcase Steering Committee. I want to thank all the members of these committees for their hard work and willingness help this Association grow. During the Horn Showcase Committee report from Phil Norwood, Chairman, there was a lot of discussion on this past year’s showcase in Fort Worth. The Board and the Committee are well aware that there were the issues that came up and are addressing them and the Committee is working hard to make this next one, a great one with fewer problems. There was some discussion from the membership on what might could be done to help improve the event and make it better. There was a lengthy discussion on the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation Board and the Hall of Fame Award, where the Association stood with the Foundation, and what direction to go. The “Year End Awards” were given out on Friday evening, January 14, 2022, started with a Social and the awards presentation followed. This year’s winners were: the Mel Raley Award- Dean Whitlock; the Elmer Parker AwardRichard Filip; the Dave Evans Award- Kent & Sandy Harrell and the Jack Phillips Award- El Coyote Ranch. All these were well deserved and congratulations to the winners. The Eddie Woods Cowtown Classic Sale, with auctioneer, Joel Lemley and Lemley Auction Services for a great job helping people swap stock. The sale had a $3,406.46 average the sale arena was filled with new breeders getting their first cows and old breeders improving their programs. I want to thank our sale sponsors for their support. A fun time had by all. Hats off to all that attended and those that worked to make it great. The Fort Worth Stock Show had a great turnout, lots of great animals and showmen. The World Show Committee, Pam Robison and more help and sponsors than I can even name, made the formula for this wonderful event. Special thanks and kudos to the unsung heroes, the TLBAA office staff. I owe you big time. What a team we have. To my Longhorn Family, Thank You,
Keith Du Bose, Chairman of the Board Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America 12 | March 2022
January 2022 | 27
17 13 18
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
Chairman of the Board: Keith Du Bose • (979) 277-2161
Treasurer: Kevin Rooker • (817) 692-7843
Vice Chairman: Johnny Hicks • (269) 721-3473
Parliamentarian: David Wars • (936) 404-2116
Secretary: Stephen Head • (979) 549-5270
Region 1/2 - Director
At-Large Director
Region 13/14 - Director
Deb Lesyk
Keith Du Bose
Justin Georges
(306) 867-9427 halters.buckets@yahoo.com
(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com
(402) 580-0209 justin.georges@yahoo.com
At-Large Director Region 3/4 - Director
Johnny Hicks
(269) 721-3473 hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com
Ross Ohlendorf
(512) 791-7118 rockingolonghorns@gmail.com
Dora Thompson
(318) 872-6329 echoofambush@aol.com
(936) 404-2116 w5longhorns@yahoo.com Region 8 - Director
Regions 1/2 combined has one representative 3/4 combined has one representative 5/6 combined has one representative
Future Phase-Ins: Division B: Elections take place in 2022 Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967 Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969 J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971 Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973 James Warren 1973-1975 J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977 J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978 John R. Ball* 1979-1980
14 | March 2022
Bill Anthony* 1981-1982 Dr. L.V. Baker 1982-1984 Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark 1984-1986 Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988 John T. Baker 1988-1990 Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992
Region 16 - Director
Kris Johnson
(307) 751-8867 kristopherjohnson1995@gmail.com
Kevin Rooker
(817) 692-7843 krooker61@gmail.com Region 9 - Director
Division A now has a total of 3 Directors
(918) 557-0364 dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com
Region 7 - Director
David Wars
Region 5/6 - Director
Region 15 Director
David Edwards
Dr. Julie Pack
(254) 592-9140 julie@lazyjpranch.com Region 10 - Director
Sandi Nordhausen
Region 17/18 - Director
Mike Lucas
(661) 805-3074 mike@lucasranch.net
Division C now has a total of 4 Directors
(979) 549-5270 headshorns@hotmail.com
Regions 13/14 combined has one representative 15 has one representative 16 has one representative 17/18 combined has one representative
Region 12 - Director
Future Phase-Ins:
(512) 750-1350 sandi.nordhausen@gmail.com Region 11 - Director
Stephen Head
Mike McLeod (361) 771-5355
Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995 Tim Miller* 1995-1998 Sherman Boyles 1998-2003 Bob Moore* 2003-2005 Joel Lemley 2006-2007 Ben Gravett* 2007
Dr. Fritz Moeller* 2007-2009 Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010 Robert Richey 2010 Steven Scott Zunker 2010-2011 Brent Bolen 2011-2012 Bernard Lankford 2012-2013 Todd McKnight 2013-2016 Tom Matott 2016-2019
Division B: Elections take place in 2022
TLBAA EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 semkinlonghorns@mindspring.com Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 doublehelix@att.net Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 fserna@elcoyote.com John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 jtb2@earthlink.net
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend
16 | March 2022
The New Year saw Longhorn enthusiasts gathering in Fort Worth, Texas for the first major event of 2022. Friday had show and sale animals moving in at Will Rogers Memorial Complex while meetings were held across town at the Radisson. The morning kicked off with an Affiliate Meeting led by Tina DuBose. It was followed by the TLBAA Board meeting which included the seating of newly elected and re-elected seats in Division as well as election of Executive Committee members. Attendance remained light this year as a a new Covid variant increased concern with some about travel and being in groups. Zoom helped fill the gap as both affiliate presidents and board members were able to particpate remotely via Zoom. The TLBAA General Membership meeting followed and lots of concerns were brought before the Board from Horn Showcase issues to questions about the TLBF Hall of Fame. While the discussions ere passionate on all sides, it wa good to see members getting the opportunity to participate and speak up when they feel change is needed. Following the membership meeting there was a chance to gather with old friends and new ones at the TLBAA Special Awards Presentation. It kicked off with a time to enjoy hors d’oeuvres while visiting with fellow breeders. Then everyone saw the awards presented for the Rodger Damrow Colorful Calf Contest and the TLBAA Special Awards. You can find all the winners starting on pg.20. Saturday brought the Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale sponsored by Cold Copper Ranch, Mike & Kali Smith. With a high seller of $40,000 and an averge of $3,406 it was an optimistic sign that sales would remain strong in 2022. For full sale results see pg. 24. The showing schedule was changed somewhat at this year’s show but it allowed everyone to present their Longhorns to the most people. The TLBT and World Show Committee meetings were forced to move to Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, the TLBT Youth Show was held in the Watt Arena in front of a packed house with over 250 entries. You can see the results on pg. 26-28.. Monday morning began a full day of Open Show animals in the historic Will Roger’s Coliseum, former home
1. Attending the Affiliate Presidents meeting were Doug Burkham, East Texas Longhorn Association; Kevin Rooker, Vice President North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association; Justin Georges, Nebraska Texas Longhorn Assocaition, Tina Dubose, President Ark-La-Tex Texas Longhorn Association; Kathy Bruner, President South Texas Longhorn Association; Stephen Head, President Texas Longhorn Breeders Gulf Coast Association, Kim Head. 2. TLBAA Board members present were (back row, l-r) Region 7 Director David Wars, Region 12 Director Mike McLeod, Chairman of the Board Keith Du Bose, Region 13/14 Director Justin Georges, Region 8 Director Kevin Rooker, Region 17/18 Director Mike Lucas, (front row, l-r) Region 10 Director Sandi Nordhausen, Region 5/6 Director Dora Thompson, Region 3/4 Director Johnny Hicks 3. Enjoying the awards reception: Dr. Julie Pack, Bracy & David Wars, James & Victoria Wars, John T. Baker. 4. Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale
of the Fort Worth Stock Show Rodeo. Between the Open Haltered Show, the Non-Haltered Show and Trophy Steers, close to 225 animals walked through the show ring. As Monday was a holiday, the show drew curious spectators as well as those family members and friends that came to cheer on their favorites. Many more of the curious walked through the barn area of the Will Rogers Complex wanting a chance to see the Longhorns up close. It is an awesome opportunity for breeders to interact with the public and educate them about the Longhorn, potentially sparking an interest in the breed by new people.
Photos by Trace Neal
March 2022 | 17
4 5
Longhorn Weekend
18 | March 2022
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend
This special recognition is awarded to those who have been an active member of the TLBAA for less than five years and through involvement and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed.
DEAN WHITLOCK / WHITLOCK LONGHORNS Whitlock Longhorns has been in the breed for just over 4 years, and over the last year and a half have made a lasting impact on the breed. In 2020 Whitlock Longhorns had the Grand Champion Female, Superior and Bronze Award winner with HR Rebel Bang at the Horn Showcase. In 2021 Whitlock Longhorns had the Legacy Futurity winner and high futurity sale with BC 50-50 Super. His social media marketing is bringing a new excitement to the breed as well as encouraging and motivating new breeders. Whitlock Longhorns is a huge supporter of making the most of what you have available by utilizing AI, ET and IVF practices with not only their herd, but partnering with other breeders to make their herds and the industry better! Whitlock Longhorns is building an amazing program and at the same time making our industry better and more fun!
This award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition.
THE BASS FAMILY, FELIX, DELLA & FELICIA SERNA / EL COYOTE RANCH Felix, Della, Felicia, the Bass family and the entire staff at the El Coyote Longhorn Ranch work tirelessly and quietly to help children, new breeders and established breeders alike to reach their goals. Over the years it would be impossible to count the kids they have assisted in life through offering cattle for them to show and taking them to shows. They give time and resources to these children to enable them to participate in an adventure that they might not otherwise be able to do. All the while they are learning many valuable lessons that will be used along their journey in life. They are a very loving, sincere, honest and hard working group of people and deserve recognition through the Jack Phillips award.
20 | March 2022
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend
The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award is given to individuals who have dedicated themselves to the betterment of Texas Longhorn cattle through their breeding program.
KENT & SANDY HARRELL / HARRELL RANCH The impact that this one program has made on an industry will not be forgotten. They have been in the business almost 4 decades and during that time have raised animals that have won the Horn Showcase and the World Show. They are wonderful promoters of the breed through print advertising and social media marketing. Their sire, Rebel HR, sold private treaty half interest as well as a semen syndication this past year. This home bred bull has now generated over $400k in partnership, semen and progeny sales. They are always willing to offer a helping hand to new breeders to get them off to a great start. Their program would be described as built, not bought. Their herd sire line up is second to none.
The Elmer Parker Lifetime Award honors those members, who have been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Longhorn breed, qualities that Parker was known for.
RICHARD FILIP / BENTWOOD RANCH A man of few words, but a presence in an industry that cannot be understated. A wonderful program that has influenced our breed. His cattle have huge horns yet reflect an animal that still represents all the characteristics you should desire in a traditional Longhorn. An active promoter of his program in Trails Magazine as well as sale publications. His ranch has a strong social media presence that delivers education to breeders to give them a platform to learn from.
New Venue Announced for the 2022 TLBAA Horn Showcase The Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America is excited to report the Horn Showcase will be held in Wichita Falls, Texas, at the MultiPurpose Events Center on October 13 – 16, 2022.
The main part of the event will be held in the J.S. Bridwell Ag Center with additional portions held across the Wichita River in the Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall which is easily accessible via a pedestrian bridge. The Wichita Falls CVB is excited to host an event the size and prestige of the Horn Showcase. The Horn Showcase is the only official Texas Longhorn horn measuring contest, while also including a select heifer/cow sale, futurity contest, Bull Alley to showcase the leading bulls, educational seminars and a vendor area. Typically, up to 300 animals are on site to participate with an additional 150 or more measured the weekend before at satellite locations. Watch for more details in the coming weeks as the show’s schedule and festivities are lined out and released. 22 | March 2022
January 2022 | 27
Sale Results
Texas Longhorn Weekend Wrap-Up
2022 EDDIE WOOD COWTOWN CLASSIC SALE RESULTS January 15, 2022 • Fort Worth, TX Auctioneer: Joel Lemley • Sale Host: TLBAA Results Furnished by Lemley Auction Services Photos by Trace Neal 1
71 Lots Sold Sale Average: $3,406
OTHER HIGH SELLING LOTS: $14,000 – Lot 65 - Cat Call BCB $13,200 – Lot 72 - Southern Amber 22 $10,000 – Lot 62 - RNL Wilma $6,100 – Lot 71 - 7 Bar Peaches Lilly $5,800 – Lot 60 - BL Safari Jag 902 $5,000 – Lot 43 - 2Bar2 Bravo $5,000 – Lot 28 - BRR Sweet Memories 36/7 $4,900 – Lot 32 - High Country $4,700 – Lot 40 - JH Rural Safari
1. Volume Buyers Rob & Stacey Rose, Jimmie & Merlin Allmon with Sale Chairmen Keith DuBose & Russell Fairchild. 2. Cole & Jeremy Robertson, Robertson Cattle Co. 3. High Selling Heifer Buyer Mark Gilliland with High Selling Heifer Consignor Kurt Twining. 4. Thomas & Frank McShane, Frant Forte, F&F Ranch. 5. Dave & Emily Youngblood with Michael & Tonya May, 1833 Ranch. 6. Jarrad & Kristy Ramsey, Ramsey Longhorns. 7. John & Wyleigh Oliver. 8. James, Amy, Avery & Teddie Roesler, R4 Ranch Longhorns. 9. Dick Lowe & Jan Epp, Triple R Ranch. 10. Cold Copper Cattle Co not only sponsored the Eddie Wood Sale, they also sponsored the pre-sale entertainment, Family Shiloh. 11. We had a great turnout this year! 12. The sale started off with a couple donation lots supporting the TLBT.
24 | March 2022
January 2022 | 27
FWSSR Show Results
Open Haltered Senior Reserve Champion Female
Open Haltered Senior & Grand Champion Female
Open Haltered Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Female
WIC SHE’S A DAISY Randy & Catherine Morris
OCC PEARL Walker Hance
Open Haltered Mature Grand Champion Female
Open Haltered Mature Reserve Grand Champion Female
JCG ELEKTRA Jackson Grace
Open Haltered Junior Reserve Grand Champion Bull RAFTER N KING OF HEARTS Cade Nolen
Open Haltered Senior Reserve Champion Bull
Open Haltered Senior & Grand Champion Bull
Open Haltered Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Bull
TL OLIVER Tanner Longhorns
ANNA’S NIGHTWATCH The Cattlerack Rnch
HD ANGEL’S ARMOR Randy & Catherine Morris
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo January 16-17, 2022
CLASS 2: 1. TB SERENITY, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. STCC I’M A FIRST LADY BB, Hailey Mann, FROST, TX CLASS 3: 1. OCC PEARL, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. TIFFANY’S BETH, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX CLASS 4: 1. HD WILLOW, George and Cindy Dennis, COUPLAND, TX 2. SL MIDNIGHT SKYE, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 5: 1. T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, T-Rex Longhorns, LANCASTER, TX 2. HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, GRANDVIEW, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: OCC PEARL, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, T-Rex Longhorns, LANCASTER, TX CLASS 8: 1. RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, D.L. & Mary McCoy, HICO, TX 2. JCG LOLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 9: 1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. HI 5’S DAKOTA, Rustic Sunset Ranch, Llc., STEPHENVILLE, TX CLASS 10: 1. HD
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JUST A LIL SASS, Johnathan & Meagan Warminski, FORT WORTH, TX 2. HD MARIE, Johnathan & Meagan Warminski, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 11: 1. WRS MOMMA’S REAL DEAL, Johnathan & Meagan Warminski, FORT WORTH, TX 2. AMERICAN MAID, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, D.L. & Mary McCoy, HICO, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: OCC PEARL, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 16: 1. JCG ELEKTRA, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 17: 1. BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: JCG ELEKTRA, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX
FWSSR Show Results
Youth Junior Champion Female OCC PEARL Halle Hance
Youth Senior Reserve & Grand Champion Reserve Female RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY D.L. & Mary McCoy
Youth Steer Junior Champion JUMAZU TANGO Kara Burns
Youth Junior Reserve Champion Female
Youth Senior & Grand Champion Female WIC SHE’S A DAISY Adalyn Hamilton
Youth Bull Grand Champion CK TENBAR Megan Bush
Youth Steer Senior & Grand Champion VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7 Alyssa Harvey
Youth Bull Reserve Grand Champion TL OLIVER Callie Faragher
Youth Steer Senior Reserve & Reserve Grand Champion SBL CUT A RUG Hunter Lawson
Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: TL OLIVER, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX
CLASS 21: 1. STAR G’S NOCONA, Brad & Courtney Galbreath, BURLESON, TX 2. SL SWITCHBLADE, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 22: 1. HD GUNNISON, George and Cindy Dennis, COUPLAND, TX 2. MOJO TENBAR, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 23: 1. HD ANGEL’S ARMOR, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. RAFTER N KING OF HEARTS, Cade Nolen, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 24: 1. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CK TENBAR, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX
Haltered Bull Grand Champion: ANNA’S NIGHTWATCH, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HD ANGEL’S ARMOR, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX
Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HD ANGEL’S ARMOR, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: RAFTER N KING OF HEARTS, Cade Nolen, WAXAHACHIE, TX
CLASS 2: 1. RHL CROWN DIANA, Kenn Harding and Tammy Tiner, COLLEGE STATION, TX 2. LPG SARAH ANN BAKERSMITH, LPG Investments, BRISTOW, OK CLASS 3: 1. OL FREE FLYER, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. TL MAE DAY, Four Diamonds Partnership, BRISTOW, OK CLASS 4: 1. OL ADAMINA, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. LR RED BUD CP, Locke and Payne Partnership, BRISTOW, OK CLASS 5: 1. 4SF MAGNOLIA BREES, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Locke and Payne Partnership, BRISTOW, OK
CLASS 27: 1. TL OLIVER, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX 2. KALVARY AMERICAN DREAMER, Marcus & Courtney Lee, BRIDGEPORT, TX CLASS 28: 1. T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. MONOPOLY CP, J Lazy K Cattle Company, SEYMOUR, TX CLASS 29: 1. ANNA’S NIGHTWATCH, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX 2. SL WHISKEY BUSINESS, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: ANNA’S NIGHTWATCH, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX
Non-Haltered Junior Champion: OL FREE FLYER, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Non-Haltered Junior Champion Reserve: OL ADAMINA, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX
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FWSSR Show Results CLASS 8: 1. BB AMAZING GRACE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, GRANDVIEW, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR SOCIETYS LADY, John & Lauri Chase, JACKSBORO, TX CLASS 9: 1. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX 2. CL MARIE MCFEE, Johnathan & Meagan Warminski, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 10: 1. RHL IRON CELESTE, Kenn Harding and Tammy Tiner, COLLEGE STATION, TX 2. CISCO EMILY CP, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 11: 1. LUKE’S LINA CP, Johnathan & Meagan Warminski, FORT WORTH, TX 2. CHARMING BEAUTY, Long M Ranch, WILLS POINT, TX Non-Haltered Senior Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX Non-Haltered Senior Champion Reserve: CL MARIE MCFEE, Johnathan & Meagan Warminski, FORT WORTH, TX Non-Haltered Grand Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX Non-Haltered Grand Champion Reserve: OL FREE FLYER, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 16: 1. RHL SWEETHEART DIANN, Kenn Harding and Tammy Tiner, COLLEGE STATION, TX 2. OL PLAYTIME, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 17: 1. SANDDOLLAR CONTESSA, Payne/ Browder Partnership, SLIDELL, TX 2. RHL TEXANNA, Kenn Harding and Tammy Tiner, COLLEGE STATION, TX CLASS 18: 1. SR BOWIE’S KEIRA 475, HB Cattle & Performance Horses LLC, IRVING, TX CLASS 19: 1. CO GRAND SAFARI, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. CO APPALOOSA, Rustic Sunset Ranch, Llc., STEPHENVILLE, TX Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion: CO GRAND SAFARI, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR CONTESSA, Payne/ Browder Partnership, SLIDELL, TX
CLASS 2: 1. TB SERENITY, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. AMARYLLIS SUMMER LOVIN, Savannah Duncan, ALVARADO, TX CLASS 3: 1. OCC PEARL, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. ENVY ME CP, Kara Burns, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 4: 1. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. LADY LENA CP, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX CLASS 5: 1. T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX 2. FROZEN TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: OCC PEARL, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX CLASS 8: 1. RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX 2. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. STARDUST DOT CP, Bonnie Welborn, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 10: 1. HD JUST A LIL SASS, Ava Cate Pettigrew, ARLINGTON, TX 2. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 11: 1. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. AMERICAN MAID, Callie Faragher, COLLEYVILLE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX
CLASS 20: 1. CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. 2T REVOLT’S FLAIR, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 21: 1. TL OLIVER, Callie Faragher, COLLEYVILLE, TX 2. 5Y BEAUXDRO, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: TL OLIVER, Callie Faragher, COLLEYVILLE, TX
CLASS 25: 1. FLY’N P HORNET’S CHILI, Savannah Duncan, ALVARADO, TX 2. 5G WHITECLAW, Isaac Hooper, KEMP, TX CLASS 26: 1. BELLA’S BANDOLERO, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX 2. 14’S SOUTHERN REBEL, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 27: 1. JUMAZU TANGO, Kara Burns, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. DAKOTA BCR 105, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: JUMAZU TANGO, Kara Burns, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: BELLA’S BANDOLERO, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 30: 1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. SV SUPER NOVA, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 31: 1. AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. RR POPEYE, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 32: 1. SBL CUT A RUG, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX 2. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 33: 1. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. TL SLUGGER, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: SBL CUT A RUG, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SBL CUT A RUG, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX
CLASS 1: 1. JUMAZU HEART BREAKER, J Lazy K Cattle Company, SEYMOUR, TX 2. POPPIN’ PEARLS, Aleena Elliott, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 2: 1. CACTUS JACK PLR, Lawrence Longhorns, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Junior Champion: CACTUS JACK PLR, Lawrence Longhorns, WEATHERFORD, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 5: 1. KING BLING, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX 2. REMINGTON RED 6, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 6: 1. NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX 2. HHR FRECKLES PRIDE, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX Steer Senior Champion: KING BLING, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: REMINGTON RED 6, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Steer Grand Champion: KING BLING, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: CACTUS JACK PLR, Lawrence Longhorns, WEATHERFORD, TX
Youth Female Grand Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX
28 | March 2022
Photos Furnished By Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend
2021 Rodger Damrow Colorful Calf Contest Respectfully titled after longtime Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association President, Rodger Damrow, who was very fond of colorful calves, this year’s contest drew 63 entries. Bonnie Damrow was honored to judge the entries and her pick for overall winner can be seen on this month’s cover. In the Texas Longhorn industry there are events that look at two out of three aspects of the breed, conformation and horn, but never has there been an event that features the uniqueness of colors so evident in the breed. This is a competition where everyone wins and it is affordable for all. Every entry is guaranteed publication in Trails with the owners name and ranch noted and, where else can you get a chance to be on the Trails cover for $20? Keep those cameras ready and start taking photos of your 2022 colorful calves to enter this year. The top three finalists are showcased first, followed by all the competitors (alpha by owner) for this title celebrating the distinctly colorful Texas Longhorn. Any Texas Longhorn calf born to two registered Texas Longhorns was eligible (some were too young to be branded and registered in time for the contest) and each entry cost $20. A great way to show off your colorful offspring and have a chance to make the cover of Trails Magazine. We appreciate everyone who took the time to participate and hope everyone will enjoy the festive displays of color on the following pages.
RUNNER UP: Scorcher Leonard’s New River Ranch
WF Remington’s Rebel Nicky Adams
RUNNER-UP: Desert Blossom Leonard’s New River Ranch
Unnamed Nicky Adams
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RUNNER-UP: Riverforks Back Forty Terry & Tammy King
– continued on pg. 32
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend – continued from pg. 30
Patriot Star Party Girl Darlene Aldridge, DVM, Star Creek Ranch
Star’s Delight Darlene Aldridge, DVM, Star Creek Ranch
Unnamed Jane Morgan, Arroyo Blanco
Unnamed Jane Morgan, Arroyo Blanco
Westwinds Wild Wrangler Maria & Patrick Baker, Empty Nest Longhorns
BLR Tuff Line Doug Bineham, Bineham Longhorns
RB Johnny Crak’RJax Terry & Kathy Bruner, Rocking B Ranch
Unnamed Elizabeth Catlin
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
32 | March 2022
– continued on pg. 34
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend – continued from pg. 32
Unnamed Mary Kay M Clark
Bubble Gun Roger Cole
Blue Bell Greg & Becky Davis
Jolene Greg & Becky Davis
DL Bar Fight Danny & Leslie Eddings, D&L Ranch
3F Hombres Duchess Chris & Heather Fischer, FFF Ranch
HF Valiant’s Fancy Lady Blake & Jessica Hickman
Tough Star Janis O’Brien, K.O. Cattle Co.
Wow’s Superman KCC Kimble Cattle Co.
CK All in One Brett & Teresa Krause, Circle K Ranch
CK Hot Snap Brett & Teresa Krause, Circle K Ranch
Mr. Big Boy Sabine Kuechler
Mrs. First Lucki Sabine Kuechler
Mrs. Candy Star Sabine Kuechler
First Star Sabine Kuechler
34 | March 2022
– continued on pg. 36
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend – continued from pg. 34
TCR Nitro Jason Linden, Trickle Creek Ranch
RedStar Rio Angelica Lopez
LMR Dirty Reputation Robert & Cindy Manion, Long M Ranch
LMR Twist Tie Robert & Cindy Manion, Long M Ranch
LMR Loaded For Bear Robert & Cindy Manion, Long M Ranch
LMR Oreo Blossum Robert & Cindy Manion, Long M Ranch
LMR Lonestar Cowgirl Robert & Cindy Manion, Long M Ranch
Dark Lace LE Levi Mast, LE Longhorn Cattle Co.
JCM Wild Card Casey Matthews
JCM Jacobs Ghost Casey Matthews
Six Shooter Mike Miller
JT Dancing Diamond Dust Steve Morgan
LPR Mocha Vicki Packer
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Dbl-K Butterfinger Kathy Palladini, Double K Longhorns
Windy Point Porsche Lana Pearson
– continued on pg. 38
January 2022 | 27
Longhorn Weekend – continued from pg. 36
3P’s Max a Million 3P Ranch
3P’s John Wayne 3P Ranch
3P’s Pumpkin Spice 3P Ranch
3P’s American Swagger 3P Ranch
Bella’s Bandolero Sheridan Van Blarcom
Unnamed Greg Smith
Toy Coach J.A. Thomas
WR Lizzie Elizabeth Williams, Williams Registered Longhorns
WR George Elizabeth Williams, Williams Registered Longhorns
Handsome Jack Elizabeth Williams, Williams Registered Longhorns
WR Bella Elizabeth Williams, Williams Registered Longhorns
Unnamed David Simmons
Yes, There is a 2022 Rodger Damrow Colorful Calf Competition! Grab your camera and started snapping photos of your most colorful 2022 calves. If the calf is too young to be branded and registered, simply submit it with the names and registration numbers of the sire and dam. Look for full contest details in April Trails Magazine and in E-Trails, our weekly E-newsletter. If you do not receive E-Trails you can sign up at www.tlbaa.org or check our Facebook page for a link each week.
38 | March 2022
Doc, what do I really need on my health certificate to go to a show or sale?
The answer to this question will depend on what state you are coming from and what state you are going to. But there are some universal guidelines that will make sure you are 100% legal in every state. Most importantly, when in doubt call the state vet in the sate of destination. Their office can always give you the most up to date information. This information changes often and many vet clinics just plain don’t have the staff to chase down all the regulations every time they get updated. Your vet will love you if you come knowing what you need. These tips will serve as a basic minimum guideline, always consult your vet or state vet before crossing state lines. For all beef cattle, individuals must be identified by an official ID. For most states this does not include brands (even in brand inspection states). Your cattle (males and females, excluding calves at side) will need either a metal USDA tag (orange “Bangs” tag or silver ID tag) or an 840 series RFID tag. This number as well as the animal’s registered name should appear together on the health certificate. Females that have been OCVd MUST have a LEGIBLE tattoo to be noted on the health certificate. For shows, many states that would otherwise require cattle to be OCVd will waive the requirement. For sales, some states REQUIRE all imported females to be OCVd and to have a legible tattoo to enter the state. You should familiarize yourself with your state’s import requirements before attending a sale so that you do not purchase and animal that is illegal to import. As a seller you should always do your due diligence to make sure prospective buyers know if you animal is able to be imported to any state. Some states also require trich testing on bulls, age requirements will vary. To be safe consider trich testing any bulls 12 months of age or older. For bred females, blood testing results are not the preferred method. If you do choose this method your health certificate should contain a statement from your veterinarian that the female has only been exposed to trich negative bulls. Ideally animals would be palpated or ultra sounded and the gestation stage noted on the health certificate. Some states require all bred females to be either 4+ months pregnant or to be certified to be only exposed to trich negative bulls. Finally, most states no longer require TB or Brucellosis testing if the animal originates from a TB/ Brucellosis free state. Some shows/sales may require additional testing such as TB/Brucellosis/Johnes/ BVD/Trich. Ensure these test results are current and included on your health certificate and a copy of the test results is attached Until next time, may your pastures be green and your calves be healthy! Dr. Pack is a large animal veterinarian specializing in reproduction, and has been a member of the TLBAA since 1996. Information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis or a treatment regimen.
March 2022 | 39
What’s The Deal Not long after someone gets the showing bug with Texas Longhorns, come the inevitable questions, “How many points do you have? Are you qualified for World Show? Are you in the top ten?” Here’s a look at how those points calculated and why it takes so long before an updated list is provided.
CALCULATION Did you know that points are calculated differently in the open divisions vs. the TLBT (Youth) classes? The TLBT points are the easiest to calculate and, that is a good thing, with the amount of scrutiny they can be under as it gets closer to June and the World Show. The points in the TLBT division are earned by the exhibitor.
Each TLBT member receives show points for:
A) 20 points for just participating in the show. All you must do is have one animal in the show that is judged to earn these points. Note: no points are awarded at any time to an exhibitor handling a calf at side. B) 25 points for every time you are judged in the ring. If you have four females and two bulls, if they are not excused, a TLBT member will earn 150 points, no matter the placing. Again, does not include leading a calf at side. C) 25 points when judging in a championship drive. This is where it can get a little confusing for some people. If you win with your class three female, you will receive 25 points from that class and an additional 25 points for the junior championship drive. However, you do not receive any additional points for the junior reserve drive. If you were second in a class and that class winner is selected as the junior champion, once your animal is judged in the junior reserve drive, you will receive 25 points. This same scenario applies to the senior drives and for the overall grand and reserve grand drives. To add a little more about the various drives, a reminder again, the points are going to the exhibitor. If you qualified two animals for a drive, another exhibitor will have to show one of your animals in that class and they will receive their own 25 points. That’s why it’s so important to let those in make ready (or anyone keeping track of points) know when a new exhibitor comes into a drive (or 40 | March 2022
takes in an animal they are not listed with in the program). Everyone knows it can get hectic at the entrance gate so please take the time to let those in charge know when you’ve added or changed an exhibitor or made a switch. It is easier at this point than when the office is contacting you several weeks later with your name listed on two animals in a drive. D) 20 points is earned by everyone participating in showmanship. If you are selected in the top three for your division, there are more points awarded. First place receives an additional 100 points; second place receives 50 points; and third place receives 25 points.
For the open divisions, points are awarded to the animals. In a class, one point is awarded for competing and one point for every animal they are placed ahead of in the final standings. If there are six animals in a class, points would be awarded from first through sixth as: 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1. If an animal is awarded as the junior or senior champion, they will receive 25 additional points. The reserves for junior and senior, will receive 15 points. An animal that is awarded the overall grand champion is awarded an additional 50 points, while the reserve grand will receive 35 points. As an example: Your female is the class ten winner over 10 other animals. She is then also the senior champion and is awarded the overall reserve grand champion. She will have earned 11 points in her class; 25 points as the senior champion; and 35 points as the overall reserve grand champion. Her total of the show will be 71 points. Each show chair is responsible for initially entering
By Pam Robison
With POINTS? each show entry in the HORNS system, making all the changes or updates after a show and putting in the correct placings. A copy of a marked show program is sent to the TLBAA office where the results are reviewed, questions answered and finally the show is made official and points are awarded. The more accurate and timely show results are provided, the faster new points standings can be posted!
QUALIFYING FOR WORLD SHOW But, did I qualify for the World Show? Another thing to remember is, the animal qualifies for World Show, not the exhibitor. For each class, and it applies to any TLBT, open, non-haltered or miniature class, the top two placings are considered qualified for World Show. What if those top two qualified earlier in the year? The two qualifiers per class will continue down the placings until two animals have qualified or the end of the class is reached. If you put forth the effort to attend shows, most animals will be able to qualify. A list of current year qualifiers is available to review on the TLBAA website. Please do remember, if your bull qualifies early in the year and you decide both of you would enjoy life better if he was a steer, he must qualify as a steer to participate in World Show. If you have a female that shows in both haltered and non-haltered and is lucky enough to qualify in both divisions, please remember, she can only compete in one of those divisions at World Show! Something else to keep in mind, the qualification entry forms are printed with the current owner’s name and that is who receives the information. The office is happy to help track down those forms and send a copy to the exhibitor. The forms must be signed by the current owner.
ADDITIONAL TLBT POINTS It is quite the honor for a TLBT member to finish in the top ten in their age division. You will be recognized at the banquet that concludes the World Show but it is an accomplishment to be proud of for all your hard work and dedication that went into the show year. A TLBT member can earn points by recruiting new participating TLBT members. That new member must participate in a minimum of two TLBT events during that first year. You can earn 25 points for each new member, up to a maximum of five each show year. Participating in the Gold Merit competition at World Show will earn you an additional 100 points. You must complete all phases of the contest to earn your points. Additionally, those who finish in the top three in their age divisions are recognized during the World Show banquet and by the TLBT.
A TLBT member who serves as a director or officer of the TLBT – whether on the overall TLBT board or as part of an affiliate organization – will earn 50 points for each board. The listing must be furnished to the office by an adult officer of an affiliate. Another way to earn quite a few points is for a TLBT member is by presenting educational speeches and seminars throughout the show year. Each speech or seminar is worth 50 points for the TLBT member. A member can give up to five seminars during the point year and must supply an outline of the seminar topic, a list of those participating or in the audience along with a parent or teacher verification on the seminar form found on the TLBAA website. The speeches must be from three to five minutes in length given by a TLBT member on a topic in the Texas Longhorn industry. A maximum of 15 speeches are allowed each show year. The member must provide a copy of the speech, along with a list of those participating or in the audience with proper verification by a parent or teacher on the worksheet available on the TLBAA website. All completed worksheets and back up information must be turned in by the youth member within 30 days of the speech/seminar in order to receive their points. Additional documentation can be provided, including photos.
NEW FOR THE 2022/2023 POINT YEAR! Beginning on July 1, 2022, the seminars and speeches must be spread out during the point year. Each TLBT member will be allowed to submit up to TWO worksheets for a seminar or speech for each month in the point year. As an example, two may be submitted for July, 2022; another two for August, 2022; etc. There is a maximum of 15 speeches and five seminars allowed to be submitted during a point year. In previous years, the majority of the speeches/seminars were given and submitted during the last 90 days before the deadline. With a maximum of two allowed per month, this will force these points to be spread out during the point year for both the TLBT member and TLBAA staff required to enter that information. Note, ALL additional point opportunities must be submitted by the entry deadline for the World Show which is typically May 15. It is important when a new points listing comes out in E-Trails, to look over the TLBT points and the animal points under each individual category. If you feel you see an error or just want to double check, please don’t hesitate to contact the office. It is much easier to resolve any show results issues during the year than right before the World Show. Now, go out there and earn those points!
March 2022 | 41
Show Results
Open Haltered Senior & Grand Champion Female
Open Haltered Junior Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Female
Open Haltered Mature Reserve Grand Champion Female
AMERICAN MAID Tanner Longhorns
TB HARLEY QUINN Tamra & Thomas Bush
SUNRISE SANDRA Danley Cattle, Inc.
Open Haltered Junior & Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Youth Junior & Grand Champion Female
HD GUNNISON George & Cindy Dennis
Youth Senior Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Female
Youth Grand Champion Bull HONDO TENBAR Sarah Danley
Open Haltered Junior Reserve Champion & Youth Reserve Grand Champion Bull MK MOORE SALT Sheridan Van Blarcom
Youth Senior & Grand Champion Steer 41 LUKA LIKA SANDDOLLAR Kingsley Dickey
Photos Furnished By
Next Level Images
Youth Senior & Reserve Grand Champion Steer HX3 WETZEL Hailey Robertson
42 | March 2022
For more backdrop photos and great candids like those at bottom right, visit www.nextlevel-image.com/2022-Shows/ Cattlemens-Congress/Longhorn TEXAS LONGHORN TRAILS
Show Results
Texas Longhorns Show at Cattlemen’s Congress For the First Time The Cattlemen’s Congress show has quickly become on of the premier cattle exhibition events in the country, and in 2022 the Texas Longhorns helped kick the whole thing off! Part of the kick off weekend included the TLBAA hosting a New Year’s Eve party on the show grounds that welcomed Texas Longhorn breeders, as well as many from other breeds. We would like to thank The Source Syndicate for sponsoring the party. The cattle then moved on to the big stage under the bright lights in the Jim Norick Arena for Mr. Victor Guerra (who made it to the show despite cancelled flights and lost baggage) to sort the Open Show, and Mr. Blake Nelson to judge the Youth Show. The TLBAA and Texas Longhorns were welcomed with open arms by show management, other exhibitors, and by public in attendance. There were over 3,500 animals on-site that weekend, and the Texas Longhorns were front and center for all festivities. Cattlemen’s Congress was a tremendous opportunity to put the Texas Longhorn in the spotlight on the national stage, including participating in the Supreme Drive for American originated breeds. Thank you for Robertson Cattle, Tanner Longhorns, and Chaparral Cattle Co for bringing your Grand Champions back for that prestigious event.
The American Breeds Champion Drive was a new oppportunity for the Texas Longhorns to be judged agains other cattle breeds in the show ring. Photos by Ryan Culpepper.
March 2022| 43
Detecting Signs of Illness in Calves A good stockman can tell the difference between a healthy animal and a sick one. If you can detect subtle signs of early disease, you can begin treatment quicker. Early detection and early treatment can often make the difference of life or death, quick recovery or prolonged treatment for that animal. The best way to become a good judge of health, and to “read” subtle signs of early symptoms of disease is to spend time with your cattle.
A sick animal does not expend any more effort than necessary. If you are moving the herd from one pasture to another, the sick one tends to end up at the rear, traveling slower. The more serious the illness, the more indifferent the animal may be and the more reluctant to move. At the other extreme is the abnormally excited animal. If she is overly alert or anxious, constantly looking around or restlessALERT OR DULL? -not acting normal--this The healthy calf is bright, may be a sign that she alert, has good appetite, is in constant pain or comes eagerly to the feed discomfort. Abdominal with mom at feeding time, pain may cause an animal and suckles mom regularly. to be restless, kicking at the If a calf is slow to come belly or switching the tail, to feed, or spends more looking around at its flanks, time than its buddies lying or lying down and getting around, this should be an up repeatedly. alarm signal for you to take a A calf with acute gut closer look. pain from a toxic intestinal Any animal off by itself infection, for instance, may should be cause for concern. run wildly and then throw A sick or lame animal often Photo 83454035 © Mikael Males | Dreamstime.com himself to the ground, or leaves the group and seeks stop suddenly and kick at solitude and spends a lot of time lying down. The sick his belly. Excitability and running (along with abnormal animal may be dull, with ears drooping instead of alert, behavior or running into walls or fences) can also be or have other subtle signs of a problem. If an older calf due to certain serious diseases like rabies that affect the (older than 3 weeks) is not chewing its cud, this may be brain and cause nervous disorders. an indication of pain or some type of digestive problem that halts rumen activity, or fever. An animal with a RESPIRATION RATE high fever will not chew the cud. In the resting animal, respiration rate can give a clue regarding sickness or health. On a hot day it may be HOW DOES SHE MOVE? hard to tell if a fast-breathing or panting animal is ill or An animal that feels good will usually stretch when merely hot. Cattle don’t have as many sweat glands as it first gets up, and has an interest in surroundings and a horse or human, and must breath faster (or pant with responds with curiosity to sounds, motion, etc. The mouth open) to cool themselves during hot weather, healthy animal is alert and perky, and moves freely and especially when exerting--using the air exchange in the easily, with energy. lungs as a cooling system. By contrast, the sick animal may be dull, with a You can compare the respiration rates of cattle, decreased interest in things around her (less response however, to help give a clue. Are the calves lying next to external stimuli) because she is more tuned in to her to the panting one breathing as fast? Keep in mind that own internal misery. She may be standing with eyes dark-colored cattle get hotter on a hot day than lighter closed and head drooping. If she was lying down, she colored cattle, since black absorbs more of the sun’s gets up slowly or with an effort, and may not stretch. rays. Previous exertion will also elevate respiration She is usually too preoccupied with discomfort to lick rate. Appearance of the animal (dull or alert, ears up or herself. Movement may be slow and methodical, or down, nasal discharge or cough, etc.) can give clues as pained. If you make her move, she will usually walk to whether the animal is merely hot or is ill. If in doubt, slowly rather than feeling energetic or frisky. A healthy take its temperature. calf will usually get up and run off when you approach. Abnormal breathing may be audible, if the animal An animal with pain, discomfort or fever doesn’t move is having trouble drawing air into the lungs through “right” and does not have the sparkle of vitality and narrowed airways, (wheezing—a sign of upper health exhibited by a normal animal. respiratory problems) or having trouble forcing it out 44 | March 2022
By Heather Smith Thomas (grunting—a sign of pneumonia) due to compromised lungs. A respiratory problem may also cause the animal to make exaggerated flank movements.
diarrhea in some instances (as in coccidiosis) may cause so much irritation to the rectum that the animal strains continually and may prolapse the rectum.
Another clue regarding health or sickness is whether Any abnormal posture should be noted. Resting a the animal’s eating habits are normal. Does the calf leg or sticking it out to the side instead of putting full chew and swallow properly, or is swallowing painful? weight on it may mean a sore foot/leg and lameness. Is saliva or feed drooling/ dropping from the mouth? Is While checking manure may be an obvious way to tell if cud spilling from the mouth? something is amiss, the posture of a calf while standing Is she grinding her teeth? Over-active chewing and or lying could be a strong sign as well. teeth grinding is generally a sign of belly pain, especially in calves. A calf with a digestive problem or gut pain Arching the back with all 4 legs bunched up under the will often grind the teeth, making a disagreeable grating body is usually indication of abdominal pain, or chest sound. pain due to pneumonia. Downward arching of the Are defecation and urination normal? With some back may mean the animal has severe abdominal pain. digestive problems the animal becomes constipated; the Spraddling outward of the front legs could mean chest act of passing manure may be difficult, with straining pain or difficulty in breathing. The bloated animal may and pain. Manure may be firm and dry, or absent if there try to stand with the front end of the body uphill (front is a gut blockage. At the other extreme is diarrhea. Severe feet higher than hinds), for easier belching of gas.
CHECKING VITAL SIGNS There are any different diseases but they usually affect pulse, temperature and respiration rate to some degree. First signs of illness may be mild and go unnoticed, but close attention to vital signs (checking heart rate, respiration rate and temperature, if need be) can be clues. Normal temperature for cattle ranges from 100.5 to 102 degrees F, though 103 might be normal on a hot day. Unlike humans, ruminants have a wider range of normal due to their fermentation method of digestion--which produces heat. Their bodies can safely accumulate heat, up to a point. Temperature of cattle can vary, depending on physical activity, time of day, and environmental temperature. In cattle, body temperature of 103.1 to 104.6 is considered mild fever; 104.5 to 105.8 is moderate fever; 105.8 to 107 is high fever. Pulse rate in adult cattle is 40 to 80 beats per minute (100 to 140 for young calves). Respiration rate for adults on a cool day, is 10 to 30 per minute (30 to 60 for a young calf), and higher on a moderately warm day. Higher rates are normal on a hot day; lower rates are normal on a cool day. Pulse and respiration rates also vary with age (young animals have faster heartbeat and respiration), the animal’s activity, time of day, etc. To check respiration rate, watch the animal’s flank or chest movements; each in and out movement counts as one breath. To make it easy, count respirations for 15 seconds and then multiply by 4 to get the respiration rate (how many breaths per minute). To check heart rate and temperature, the animal must be restrained. A small calf can be held, but a large calf should be in a chute. Easiest way to check heartbeat is with a stethoscope over the heart (left side of the ribcage, just behind the elbow). In a young calf, however, you can often feel the heartbeat with your hand. The pulse can also be found with your fingers, pressing on certain areas of the body where the superficial arteries are in soft tissue and can be pressed against the bone beneath them. You can easily feel pulse on cattle by pressing your fingers against the middle artery on the underside of the tail, about 6 inches down from the tail head. Another spot is under the lower jaw, where a large artery crosses the lower edge of the jaw just in front of the big cheek muscle. When you place your fingers flat on the cheek in front of that muscle and move them back and forth, you can feel the artery. Once you locate it, hold it steady with your fingers and apply gentle pressure, to feel the pulse. Temperature can be taken with a rectal thermometer. If the animal’s temperature is elevated (above 102.5) this is usually an indication of heat stress or infection. If temperature is subnormal (below 100), the animal may be cold, or very ill and going into shock.
March 2022 | 45
When lying down, an abnormal or awkward position may mean a sore or dislocated leg, or an attempt to ease internal pain. An animal with pneumonia may lie on
if there is anything wrong. You can see if there’s an animal off by itself or acting in an abnormal way, dull, or in an unusual posture or position that might indicate pain or distress. There is usually something Unobtrusive observation: When checking cattle, try to get different about the sick animal that brings it to your attention a good overview of the group before you disturb them or and alerts you to possibility of distract them by coming closer. illness. These small clues are what can lead you to take a the breastbone for easier breathing. A sick animal often closer look at that animal to try to determine what might lies with head tucked around toward the flank. This is be wrong. It’s often the awareness of these little signs also a normal sleeping position, but if the animal is not that make the difference in discovering or missing the sleeping, the head-tucked-around position may mean early clues of sickness, lameness or some other problem she’s not feeling well. Lack of desire to get up when that might need your attention and care. There is no substitute for knowing your cattle well, approached is usually a clue she is sick, unless she is a and being tuned in to the various aspects of behavior pet and trusts people. that can tell you about their well-being. A head count, DON’T MISS THE SMALL CLUES or a quick look at them without really seeing each one as Much information can be gleaned from noticing an individual may mean you’ll miss important clues. By all you can about general attitude and behavior from the next day’s observation, a sick animal may be worse a distance, while the animal is still preoccupied with (or dead), or the ailment more difficult to treat or reverse. its own problems – before focusing attention on you. Cattle checking is an art, primarily dependent upon your When checking cattle, try to get a good overview of ability to “read” them and to detect the subtle behavior the group before you disturb them or distract them by changes and signals they exhibit. coming closer. Unobtrusive observation can give a hint
46 | March 2022
Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow
What is success? By definition, success is “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose”. Although this certainly defines the word, it doesn’t provide a clear idea of how or why we strive for success. When I think of success, I don’t think about the banners on the wall or the buckles on the shelf. To me, success is knowing that I am pushing myself to do better every day. It is looking out into the pasture and seeing MY brand on MY show cattle. It is seeing the exhibitors that I helped get started finding their own success. When I started showing Longhorns in 2014, I did not have a clear idea of what I wanted from this breed. However, by watching experienced exhibitors and talking with mentors, I found my ‘why’. I am not showing longhorns because I want to add more awards to the wall. Sure, those are nice, but I am showing because I want to make an impact on the lives of others and help them find success. I want to keep this organization moving forward, while also protecting our legacy. I want to have pride in my show cattle, because I know how much work it took to get where I am today. So, while success may look different for everyone, It is important that we strive to achieve our goals and build others up along the way. As we come up on the last few months of the show season, It is important to stay focused on our goals. I encourage you to ask yourself “What does success look like to me?”. #buildingabettertomorrow
Jacob Lowrie
“Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:11
1) Hay, pasture, grass)
1) What is an example of roughage or a high-fiber feed? 2) What is a common parasite of cattle? 3) What is the normal temperature for cattle? Answers:
2) Fly, grub, lice, or worms
3) 101.5 degrees
The speech topics for the 2022 Gold Merit Competition will be...
Junior Division: What have you learned from showing Texas Longhorns? Intermediate/Teen/Senior Divisions: Choose one of these two topics: “Humility” “Resilience”
** Watch for a revised Gold Merit Record Book for 2022! ** TEXAS LONGHORN TRAILS
March 2022 | 47
Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow
2021-2022 TLBT OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President
Intermediate Director
Jacob Lowrie
Hailey Roberson
Caden Grace
Vice President
Senior Director
Intermediate Director
Jackson Grace
Megan Bush
Cade Nolan
Decatur, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Paradise, TX
Decatur, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Waxahachie, TX
Senior Director
Junior Director
Hunter Lawson
Sarah Heimeyer
Harlee Roberson
Paradise, TX
Lake Jackson, TX
Paradise, TX
Teen Director
Junior Director
Alyssa Harvey
Madi Moreland
Mason Smith
Teen Director
Rylee Yarborough
Allison Lowrie
Hillsboro, TX
Ferris, TX
48 | March 2022
Decatur, TX
Decatur, TX
Decatur, TX
For more info or questions regarding the TLBT, please contact us at tlbtadvisors@gmail.com or visit us on social media!
Affiliate News
AFFILIATE UPDATES Greetings from the North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association! Be sure to mark you calendar and make plans to join us in Sulphur Springs, Texas for our annual NTLBA Spring NTLBA SPRING SHOW SCHEDULE Show. There will be Thursday, March 10: PRESIDENT KEVIN ROOKER multiple opportunities to 3 p.m. - Cattle Arrive KROOKER61@GMAIL.COM exhibit your cattle. Friday, March 11: Contact John or Brenda 8 a.m. - Cattle Arrive - Check-in begins at 9 a.m. Oliver with questions: John Oliver (972) 268-0083; Brenda Oliver 12 p.m. - Youth World Qualifying Show #1 (points only, (972) 268-0031 or boliver84@yahoo.com no awards) At our annual Field Day and General Membership Meeting we 5 p.m. - Pizza Dinner elected the following officers, and confirmed our Directors for 6:30 p.m. - Youth World Qualifying Show #2 (points only, no awards) 2022: President: Kevin Rooker • Vice President: vacant • Treasurer: Saturday, March 12: 9 a.m. - Non-Haltered World Qualifying Show Michelle Smith • Secretary: Laurie Krimmel 15 min after conclusion of non-haltered show, Trophy Directors: Kevin and Laury Rooker • Chris and Michelle Smith Steer Show will begin • Justin and Rhonda Sabio 15 min after conclusion of Trophy Steer Show, Haltered Justin and Carrie Grace • Greg and Christine Sharer • Greg World Qualifying Show will begin and Beth Tanner • John and Brenda Oliver **Haltered Miniatures will exhibit during the We are currently working to fill an additional Director position corresponding World Qualifying Haltered Vice President. Show** The NTLBA will again this year be awarding scholarships 6 p.m. - Banquet Dinner for graduating seniors. The recipients will be recognized at the Catered by Big Smith BBQ - $14.50 per plate banquet held during our Spring Show. Scholarships, Awards, Games, Dancing and We invite all that want to join our always busy, always fun Ice Cream Party - Everyone is invited! loving association to reach out to us on Facebook (https://www. Sunday, March 13: facebook.com/www.ntlba.org) , our website (www.NTLBA.org), 8 a.m. - Cowboy Church or you can contact me directly at krooker61@gmail.com. 9 a.m. - World Qualifying Youth Show Until next month, Longhorn Regards
We just finished the National Western Stock Show here in Denver, CO on 21-22 Jan 2022. This is the only dual association show in the country where both ITLA and TLBAA animals can be shown together at the same show. It was a lot of fun, although the weather might have been a little more cooperative, but that’s Colorado for you. The show facility NICKY ADAMS was brand new and beautiful! The building is PRESIDENT WILDFIRERANCH@ELPASTEL.NET split into two sides, one for sales and the other for showing. It is heated and cooled for various times of the year. The “yards” are also mostly new (they saved some of the historical parts of the old yards) with state of the art pens. We had a great showing of exhibitors for this year’s show after it was cancelled last year due to Covid. We had 78 entries in the loose show, 23 entries in halter show and 18 youth entries shown by a total of 6 kids. We had breeders from Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Wyoming. Our youngest youth exhibitor was 20 months and our oldest youth was 17 yr old. We had several new breeders bring animals to the show and do well in placing! Our judge Doug Burris is from Ohio and did a great job judging for us this year. Our youth judge was Travis Casey from Calhan, CO. Travis is somewhat new to the Longhorn world but not to cattle. He did a fine job judging the youth show for us.
March 2022 | 49
Affiliate News On February 12th, we once again hosted a show in conjunction with the Matagorda County Fair and Livestock Association in Bay City, Texas. Despite the San Antonio Show being held the same weekend, we still had a good turnout that included 59 entries and 18 youth exhibitors. A calf drawing for non-Longhorn exhibitors was held the previous two years as part of our effort STEPHEN HEAD to promote the Texas Longhorn breed to the general public. It was exciting PRESIDENT HEADSHORNS@HOTMAIL.COM to see both of those steers competing at this year’s show. Even though the 2020 recipient graduated last season, her brother, Grayson Gornick, not only returned to show that steer but showed several more animals as well. If you’re interested in donating an animal for next year’s February 2023 show, contact Stephen Head @ (979) 549-5270 or headshorns@hotmail.com We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the 2022 Winchester Futurity and Cattle Baron Premier Longhorn Sale scheduled for March 4th and 5th at Brazos Valley Livestock in Bryan, Texas. The futurity will have 10 heifer classes and 7 bull classes, and Bear Davidson and Chase Vasut will be back to run the Calcutta. With 52 quality consignments from industry leaders and Longhorn enthusiasts, we believe our sale offers a great selection of genetics and variety that anyone would enjoy having in their herd. A link to the on-line catalog can be found on our Facebook page or at www.tlbgca.com/CBSSaleConsignments. If you aren’t able to attend the sale, you can bid on-line through Hired Hand. Contact Rick Friedrich @ 713-305-0259 / rick@iseinc.cc or Steve McCauley @ 832-9957522 / mccauleycattlecompany@gmail.com for additional information. Our annual Spring Show will be held at Miracle Farms, just north of Brenham, Texas on May 14th & 15th. Saturday will be filled with a youth show, judged by Joe Mask, and will conclude with a dinner under the oak trees. At dinner we will award scholarships to some students graduating from high school and will give away some calves to younger exhibitors. On Sunday we will have a Miniature Show, a Trophy Steer (haltered) Show, and an Open Haltered Show, all judged by Beau Barrileaux. The deadline to enter is May 1st. We welcome and encourage your participation. For more details about TLBGCA or any of our events, check us out on Facebook or on our website, www.tlbgca.com.
AFFILIATES: HELP SPREAD THE WORD! Affiliates, let you members know that they can share their good news either in Trails by submitting items to News on the Trail. Its a great way to get your name out there and inspire others to participate in their communities, host filed days or give ranch tours. If you have new members, remind them that “Meet Our Members” provides a fun way for them to indtroduce themselves to the whole membership for free! AFFILIATE NEWS: Please submit your news to myra@tlbaa.org each month. You may include photos. If you wish for names to be included under photos, please supply those captions. All news and photos need to be submitted by the end of the second month prior to publication date. (For example, January news items need to be turned in by November 31st) Questions? myra@tlbaa.org 50 | March 2022
Member News
Welcome Our New Members! We’re happy to welcome the following new members to our association. These promotional, active and lifetime members joined between February 1 and February 28, 2022 If you live near one of these new breeders, be sure to reach out introduce yourself! Hunter Fuzzell.................................. Mobile, AL Rockin R Longhorns................... Spencer, OK
Samuel Dubose........................... Pineland, TX
Jimmy Denmon...................................Troy, AL
Tyler & Chrissie Youtsey.............. Terlton, OK
Circle J Longhorns, Llc.............. Roanoke, TX
Eli Morton................................... Vinemont, AL
Stormy Rowe................................ Wagner, OK
Kirk & Sophia Rhum................... Rockdale, TX
5 Bar C Farms................................. Waverly, AL
Clark Farms............................ Hustontown, PA
Tracy Pope..................................Ropesville, TX
Shad & Amanda Stallings......... Imboden, AR
Stilson Hills Farms........................Pittsfield, PA
John Henderson.................... Springtown, TX
Tommy & Ada Stallings............. Imboden, AR
Kyle & Lauren Plott..............Simpsonville, SC
H & G Ranch................... Sulphur Springs, TX
Justine Silva.............................. Castroville, CA
Matthew Cornelius........................ Athens, TN
David & Stacy Apple.................Tom Bean, TX
Will Cantrell.................................Crestview, FL
Jim Erickson.................................. Franklin, TN
Charles & Carol Banks.......................Tyler, TX
Deborah Redmond.... Green Cove Springs, FL
Chris Tucknies....................................Aledo, TX
Ed Patterson........................... Waxahachie, TX
Steve Nielsen............................... Palm City, FL
Peaceful Valley Ranch................. Amarillo, TX
Reese Royce.......................... Weatherford, TX
Wilford W. Carroll............ Ponce De Leon, FL
Sandra S. Nevels........................... Bandera, TX
Jonathan Shultz........................... Whitney, TX
Nathan & Hilary Hines.................Donnelly, ID
Abella Farms. Llc.............................Castell, TX
Crystal Stuart..........................Wichita Falls, TX
Hunter Sessions..................................Rigby, ID
Denise & Mike Green......................Celina, TX Sonny Bomar............................ Wills Point, TX
Marlin & Rachel Farmwald............ Sullivan, IL
Drew Workman.........................Christoval, TX
Mitchell Strunk..........................Wimberley, TX
Lick Creek Longhorns..............Pendleton, IN
Kimberly Murusky...................Comanche, TX
Andrew Wood.............................Wolfforth, TX
Davis & Rayman Longhorns.... Washington, IN
Tressa Overfield............................. Cooper, TX
Wade Oldham.................................Payson, UT
High View Hill Longhorns............. Easton, KS
Shannon Reiss................................Dayton, TX
Rising M5..................................Kennewick, WA
Lansdown Ranch........................ Linwood, KS
Travis Rhoades...............................Decatur, TX
Diamond P Ranch....................... Bancroft, WI
Phillip Cilano......................................Oscar, LA
Ryan Hancock......................... Fort Worth, TX
Joseph Lolli....................................Macon, MO
Mike & Amy Robison....................... Frisco, TX
Jesse & Natalie Keeth............ Marshfield, MO
Scott Rowe..................................Gatesville, TX
Jared Pieper..................................... Lamar, MS
Sherilyn Roseman Burke... Grand Prairie, TX
W5 Ranch...................................Statesville, NC
Karen Jennings........................... Hamilton, TX
Kelly Johnson......................... Broadview, NM
Ryder Goin.................................. Iowa Park, TX
Cecil Brown.................................... Grants, NM
Yandell Rogers................................ Kemah, TX
Diamond T Livestock.......................Davis, OK
Cody & Tay Weaver........................Millsap, TX
Garrett Sullivan............................Edmond, OK
Daniel & Teresa Mercer.............. Paducah, TX
Triple U Quarter Horses, Llc..... Marietta, OK Brenton & Maddison Daniels... Panhandle, TX Karis 3 Ranch.....................................Perry, OK Ted & Denise Zettle................. Pilot Point, TX
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS! Don’t Forget to call the office at 817.625.6241 to set your HORNS password and start managing your herd online today!
March 2022 | 51
CLASS 2: 1. TB SERENITY, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 3: 1. OL FREE FLYER, Wyleigh Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. ENVY ME CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 4: 1. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. TB HARLEY QUINN, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 5: 1. CTA KASHA, Justin Sabio, Jr., BOYD, TX 2. LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: CTA KASHA, Justin Sabio, Jr., BOYD, TX CLASS 8: 1. RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX 2. DAUNTLESS WILDFLOWER, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX CLASS 9: 1. SWEET CAROLINE CP, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX 2. CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 10: 1. SANDDOLLAR MY REDEMPTION, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX 2. RS AMATA, Rylie Green, LIBERTY HILL, TX CLASS 11: 1. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX
CLASS 18: 1. CHAPARRAL ROYALTY, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. BT THUNDER ROLLS, Caitlynn Hunt, MILLSAP, TX CLASS 19: 1. JP WESTERN SWING, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. KALVARY TEQUILA SUNRISE, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 20: 1. MONEY TALKS CP, Evelyn Sabio, BOYD, TX 2. LW CODIGO, Hennessy Rogers, PARADISE, TX CLASS 21: 1. KALVARY AMERICAN LEGEND, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: KALVARY AMERICAN LEGEND, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: MONEY TALKS CP, Evelyn Sabio, BOYD, TX
CLASS 26: 1. W5 KUNTRY CUZIN, Harlee Jo Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. RS PAINTED STAR OF TEXAS, Abigail Driewer, ANNA, TX CLASS 27: 1. DAKOTA BCR 105, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX 2. OL SQUANTO, Tucker Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX
CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 32: 1. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. SBL CUT A RUG, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 33: 1. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. DISCOVERY OPTIMUS CP, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 38: 1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Miniature Grand Champion: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Miniature Grand Champion Reserve: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX
CLASS 2: 1. TB SERENITY, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 3: 1. SANDDOLLAR SOFT STING, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. OL FREE FLYER, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 4: 1. TB HARLEY QUINN, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. LADY LENA CP, Mark & Kim Hammack, CAMPBELL, TX CLASS 5: 1. OCC BELLE STAR, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. FROZEN TENBAR, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: TB HARLEY QUINN, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: OCC BELLE STAR, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 8: 1. TL SNICKERDOODLE, Mark & Kim Hammack, CAMPBELL, TX 2. RLL CHAPARRAL SANDS, Ryan Ritchie, Enid, OK CLASS 9: 1. BB DAISY MAE, Bull & Barrel Longhorns, DECATUR, TX 2. SWEET CAROLINE CP, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX CLASS 10: 1. L.A. ANABELLE, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR MY REDEMPTION, Clinton & Tabitha Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX CLASS 11: 1. SV LUCY, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. SKH CHRYSALIS, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: L.A. ANABELLE, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: SV LUCY, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX
Youth Steer Junior Champion: DAKOTA BCR 105, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: W5 KUNTRY CUZIN, Harlee Jo Roberson, PARADISE, TX
Haltered Female Grand Champion: TB HARLEY QUINN, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: L.A. ANABELLE, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX
CLASS 30: 1. SV SUPER NOVA, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. DC BOY NAMED SUE KPA, Naomi Reese, WINNSBORO, TX CLASS 31: 1. AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. 3W
CLASS 16: 1. DISCOVERY JUNO C P, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. 77 MARGARITAVILLE, Bobby Herriage, WINNSBORO, TX CLASS 17: 1. HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX 2. TRI-W BARB’S TRIPLE CROWN, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: DISCOVERY JUNO C P, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX
CLASS 22: 1. CHAPARRAL ROYALTY, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX 2. MOJO TENBAR, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 23: 1. OCC RANGER, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. ALL JACKED UP DSM, Mershon/Evans Partnership, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 24: 1. CK TENBAR, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. MONEY TALKS CP, Justin & Ronda Sabio, BOYD, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: CK TENBAR, Phillip, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: MONEY TALKS CP, Justin & Ronda Sabio, BOYD, TX CLASS 27: 1. KALVARY AMERICAN LEGEND, Clinton & Tabitha Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX 2. KALVARY AMERICAN DREAMER, Marcus & Courtney Lee, BRIDGEPORT, TX CLASS 28: 1. MONOPOLY CP, J Lazy K Cattle Company, SEYMOUR, TX 2. BNB HEAVY METAL, Wiley Ayala, CHICO, TX CLASS 29: 1. CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX 2. DIAMOND Q OVERDRIVE, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Senior Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q OVERDRIVE, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Grand Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q OVERDRIVE, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK
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HAMILTON, TX CLASS M03: 1. LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M04: 1. JP WHIMSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. 2M CAMILLE, Justin & Jacquelyn Roberson, PARADISE, TX
Female Junior Champion: JP WHIMSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Junior Champion Reserve: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
CLASS M08: 1. LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. SCC LITTLE BIRDIE, Kayden Lutz, HAMILTON, TX CLASS M10: 1. YA TEEPEE SMOKE 6, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS 2: 1. TB SERENITY, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 3: 1. OL FREE FLYER, Wyleigh Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. WOJO ROSIE CP, Teagan Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 4: 1. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. OL ADAMINA, Tucker Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 5: 1. LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. HD MARVEL, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIXIE CHICK CP, Kara Burns, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 8: 1. DAUNTLESS WILDFLOWER, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX 2. RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX CLASS 9: 1. SWEET CAROLINE CP, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX 2. CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 10: 1. LMR STARRIFIC, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 11: 1. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX
CLASS 18: 1. CHAPARRAL ROYALTY, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. KNOCKIN’ BOOTS CP, Savannah Duncan, ALVARADO, TX CLASS 19: 1. KALVARY SPRING PISTOL, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX 2. JP USS TEXAS BB-35, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 20: 1. MONEY TALKS CP, Evelyn Sabio, BOYD, TX 2. I’M GROOT CP, Avery Roesler, ARGYLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: MONEY TALKS CP, Evelyn Sabio, BOYD, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: I’M GROOT CP, Avery Roesler, ARGYLE, TX
Female Senior Champion: LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Senior Champion Reserve: YA TEEPEE SMOKE 6, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Grand Champion: JP WHIMSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Grand Champion Reserve: LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M15: 1. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. TONKAWA TRAILS SASSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Mature Grand Champion: CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Mature Grand Champion Reserve: TONKAWA TRAILS SASSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS M19: 1. JP JAMES EARL RUDDER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. 2M PRETTY BOY, David and Mary Mann, DAVIS, OK Bull Junior Champion: JP JAMES EARL RUDDER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Junior Champion Reserve: 2M PRETTY BOY, David and Mary Mann, DAVIS, OK CLASS M22: 1. JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL JAKE SPOON, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M23: 1. V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Senior Champion: JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Senior Champion Reserve: V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Grand Champion: JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Grand Champion Reserve: V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS M28: 1. 2M KARRI’S KRITTER, Karri Wilhite, HAMILTON, TX 2. JP OLAF, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M29: 1. JP OLD YELLER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. SS JOLENE’S WHISKEY, Ark-La-Tex Texas Longhorn Association, SAN AUGUSTINE, TX CLASS M30: 1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
Youth Steer Junior Champion: JL WHITE LIGHTNING, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: 5G MAVERICK, Elaina Green, LIBERTY HILL, TX
Steer Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Steer Grand Champion Reserve: JP OLD YELLER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS 26: 1. JCG SMOKEY THE BEAR, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. QMB TROUBLES CHOICE, Melissa Elizabeth Dittmar, HILLSBORO, TX CLASS 27: 1. JL WHITE LIGHTNING, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX 2. 5G MAVERICK, Elaina Green, LIBERTY HILL, TX
CLASS 30: 1. TH GOOBER BOY, James Paul Roesler, EULESS, TX 2. SV SUPER NOVA, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 31: 1. RR POPEYE, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. IRON GUN’S PHANTOM, Taylor Trahern, CLEBURNE, TX CLASS 32: 1. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. EJS TARVOS, Rylie Green, LIBERTY HILL, TX CLASS 33: 1. JCG PLAYTHATFUNKYMUSIC, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX 2. DISCOVERY OPTIMUS CP, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: JCG PLAYTHATFUNKYMUSIC, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: JL WHITE LIGHTNING, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX CLASS 38: 1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. 2M HURDSTROM, Harlee Jo Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Miniature Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Miniature Champion Reserve: 2M HURDSTROM, Harlee Jo Roberson, PARADISE, TX
CLASS 1: 1. VETERAN’S USS ORISKANY, Veteran’s Heritage Farm, RHOME, TX 2. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 2: 1. VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Junior Champion: VETERAN’S USS ORISKANY, Veteran’s Heritage Farm, RHOME, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 5: 1. R4 RESISTANCE, Justin & Ronda Sabio, BOYD, TX 2. KING BLING, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX CLASS 6: 1. HHR FRECKLES PRIDE, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX 2. NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Steer Senior Champion: R4 RESISTANCE, Justin & Ronda Sabio, BOYD, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: HHR FRECKLES PRIDE, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX Steer Grand Champion: R4 RESISTANCE, Justin & Ronda Sabio, BOYD, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HHR FRECKLES PRIDE, Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman, PARADISE, TX
CLASS M01: 1. LL YESCA, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M02: 1. SS MINI SIMPLY DICEY, Dave & Althea Sullivan, COLLINSVILLE, TX 2. 2M KARRI’S DREAM, Karri Wilhite,
CLASS 2: 1. TB SERENITY, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 3: 1. OL FREE FLYER, Wyleigh Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. LR SWEET PEA CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 4: 1. OL ADAMINA, Tucker Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. LADY LENA CP, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX CLASS 5: 1. LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX 2. R4 CAKE POP, Avery Roesler, ARGYLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: OL ADAMINA, Tucker Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 8: 1. AUBS TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. SWEET CAROLINE CP, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX 2. GOLDFINGER MOON, Payton Hilbert, TERRELL, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q STARLYE, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX 2. FLYING H MAGIC BUBBLESCP, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX CLASS 11: 1. SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. HD POPPY, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: HD POPPY, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: OL ADAMINA, Tucker Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX
CLASS 18: 1. CHAPARRAL ROYALTY, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. MOJO TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 19: 1. OCC RANGER, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. ALL JACKED UP DSM, Morgan Riffe, Bridgeport, TX CLASS 20: 1. I’M GROOT CP, Avery Roesler, ARGYLE, TX 2. CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 21: 1. KALVARY AMERICAN LEGEND, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX 2. KALVARY AMERICAN DREAMER, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: OCC RANGER, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: I’M GROOT CP, Avery Roesler, ARGYLE, TX
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CLASS 26: 1. 20 G’S MOLCAJETE, Alissa Butler, DECATUR, TX 2. RS PAINTED STAR OF TEXAS, Abigail Driewer, ANNA, TX CLASS 27: 1. DAKOTA BCR 105, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX 2. 03 STAR BURST, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: DAKOTA BCR 105, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: 20 G’S MOLCAJETE, Alissa Butler, DECATUR, TX CLASS 30: 1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. TH GOOBER BOY, James Paul Roesler, EULESS, TX CLASS 31: 1. AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. SW MARS ATTACKS, Kayden Lutz, HAMILTON, TX CLASS 32: 1. ZORIN MOON, Payton Hilbert, TERRELL, TX 2. SM CREAMPUFF, Elaina Green, LIBERTY HILL, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q BRUTUS, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX 2. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q BRUTUS, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q BRUTUS, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX CLASS 38: 1. LL HOT DOG MC, Timothy Hatler, TRINITY, TX 2. LL CHILI DOG MC, Christopher Hatler, TRINITY, TX Youth Steer Miniature Grand Champion: LL HOT DOG MC, Timothy Hatler, TRINITY, TX Youth Steer Miniature Grand Champion Reserve: LL CHILI DOG MC, Christopher Hatler, TRINITY, TX
CLASS 3: 1. OCC PEARL, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. CCR BUCKLE BUNNY, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX CLASS 4: 1. TB HARLEY QUINN, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 5: 1. T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BENITA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: OCC PEARL, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX 2. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. RAFTER M MISS AMERICA, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX 2. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 10: 1. HD DELILAH, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 11: 1. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. AMERICAN MAID, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX
CLASS 18: 1. TJD CINCO, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. TJD ACE, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 19: 1. MK MOORE SALT 1, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX 2. OCC RANGER, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 20: 1. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. HD NIMITZ, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Youth Bull Grand Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: MK MOORE SALT 1, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX
CLASS 3: 1. CL MISS CINDY, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX 2. 03 AIMING HIGHER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 4: 1. TB HARLEY QUINN, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. WIC ELLA MAE, Chris & Cindy Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX CLASS 5: 1. LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Locke and Payne Partnership, BRISTOW, OK 2. DIAMOND Q BENITA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: TB HARLEY QUINN, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: CL MISS CINDY, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX 2. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 10: 1. HD DELILAH, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX 2. LMR STARRIFIC, Long M Ranch, WILLS POINT, TX CLASS 11: 1. AMERICAN MAID, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX 2. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: AMERICAN MAID, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: AMERICAN MAID, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: TB HARLEY QUINN, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 16: 1. SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 17: 1. HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX 2. TRI-W BARB’S TRIPLE CROWN, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 22: 1. HD GUNNISON, George and Cindy Dennis, COUPLAND, TX 2. TJD CINCO, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 23: 1. MK MOORE SALT 1, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX 2. OCC RANGER, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 24: 1. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. HD NIMITZ, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HD GUNNISON, George and Cindy Dennis, COUPLAND, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: MK MOORE SALT 1, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 28: 1. T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 29: 1. CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX 2. ANNA’S NIGHTWATCH, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: ANNA’S NIGHTWATCH, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HD GUNNISON, George and Cindy Dennis, COUPLAND, TX PRODUCE OF DAM CLASS 34: 1. SANDDOLLAR SAFARI JACLYN, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX
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GET OF SIRE CLASS 35: 1. HD HORNET, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX
CLASS 26: 1. TJD EL LUCHADOR, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 14’S SOUTHERN REBEL, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 27: 1. OCC HOT SHOT, Katie Drummond, OWASSO, OK Youth Steer Junior Champion: OCC HOT SHOT, Katie Drummond, OWASSO, OK Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: TJD EL LUCHADOR, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 30: 1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 31: 1. AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. RR POPEYE, Harlee Jo Roberson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 32: 1. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. SBL CUT A RUG, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 33: 1. 41 LUKA LIKA SANDDOLLAR, Kingsley Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. HI 5’S TIME OUT, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK Youth Steer Senior Champion: 41 LUKA LIKA SANDDOLLAR, Kingsley Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: 41 LUKA LIKA SANDDOLLAR, Kingsley Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 38: 1. SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX 2. BEBE’S TEDDY BEAR, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: BEBE’S TEDDY BEAR, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX
CLASS 3: 1. SJ CISCO’S AGGIE, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 4: 1. WF REMINGTON’S REBEL, Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 2. NCC SAVAGE SIREN, Makayla Scott, TRINITY, TX CLASS 5: 1. MONIKA’S PROMISE CPL, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK 2. FIRE CRACKER 13, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Female Junior Champion: MONIKA’S PROMISE CPL, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: WF REMINGTON’S REBEL, Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO CLASS 8: 1. SJ WINNIN JASPER, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. SILVER HOLLY, Carter Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX CLASS 9: 1. HI 5’S LILY, Makayla Scott, TRINITY, TX 2. JCG MARY JANE, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 10: 1. LMR STARRIFIC, Long M Ranch, WILLS POINT, TX CLASS 11: 1. SJ WINNIN’ JEWEL, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: SJ WINNIN’ JEWEL, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: HI 5’S LILY, Makayla Scott, TRINITY, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: SJ WINNIN’ JEWEL, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5’S LILY, Makayla Scott, TRINITY, TX CLASS 16: 1. OL TWISS, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. DISCOVERY MELODY C P, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 17: 1. SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Mature Female Champion: OL TWISS, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
Haltered Bull Junior Champion: JP WESTERN SWING, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: UNCLE BEN’S, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
Youth Steer Miniature Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Youth Steer Miniature Grand Champion Reserve: LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX
CLASS 27: 1. PCC AMARILLO SKY, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK Haltered Bull Senior Champion: PCC AMARILLO SKY, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK Haltered Bull Grand Champion: PCC AMARILLO SKY, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: JP WESTERN SWING, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS 3: 1. WINDY POINT PORSCHE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. BANCROFT COWGIRL CPL, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK CLASS 4: 1. WINDY POINT PENNY CALVIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. BLACKBIRD PI COWGIRL CPL, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK CLASS 5: 1. WINDY POINT PARIS CALV, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WHIPPED LATTE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
CLASS 1: 1. MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 2: 1. VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Junior Champion: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 6: 1. BN JIM REEVES, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Senior Champion: BN JIM REEVES, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Grand Champion: BN JIM REEVES, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Grand Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX
Non-Haltered Junior Champion: WINDY POINT PARIS CALV, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Junior Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT PORSCHE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 10: 1. TCR CORONARITA, Jeff Widdows, JOHNSTOWN, CO 2. TCR ROSA, Jeff Widdows, JOHNSTOWN, CO CLASS 11: 1. WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. JH RURAL BOWTIE, Freeman/Jarnagin Partnership, HOLCOMB, KS Non-Haltered Senior Champion: WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Senior Champion Reserve: JH RURAL BOWTIE, Freeman/Jarnagin Partnership, HOLCOMB, KS Non-Haltered Grand Champion: WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Grand Champion Reserve: JH RURAL BOWTIE, Freeman/Jarnagin Partnership, HOLCOMB, KS CLASS 16: 1. WINDY POINT PATSY, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. JH PATINA, Freeman/Jarnagin Partnership, HOLCOMB, KS CLASS 17: 1. CB ADELITA, Jeff Widdows, JOHNSTOWN, CO 2. WF ZIGGY’S MELODY, Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO CLASS 18: 1. WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT SANTUZZA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 19: 1. MERITORIOUS STAR, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK 2. RRR MISS RIO HAPPY 385, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Mature Female Champion: MERITORIOUS STAR, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
CLASS 3: 1. SJ CISCO’S AGGIE, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 4: 1. NCC SAVAGE SIREN, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX CLASS 5: 1. RCC MY KINDA SALTY, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: RCC MY KINDA SALTY, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: NCC SAVAGE SIREN, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 8: 1. SJ WINNIN JASPER, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. SILVER HOLLY, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX CLASS 9: 1. JCG MARY JANE, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. HI 5’S LILY, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX CLASS 10: 1. LMR STARRIFIC, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX CLASS 11: 1. SJ WINNIN’ JEWEL, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX
ARE YOU READY FOR WORLD SHOW? • Watch for the first World Show Qualifier packets going out in the mail soon! Keep an eye out for them. • You can check the TLBAA website to see if you’re qualified as well. After logging into HORNS, choose the drop-down menu under shows on the left of the screen, for “WS Qualifiers”. Animals are listed alphabetically under each class. • Not qualified yet? There’s still time! See the calendar on page 60 to find a qualifying show near you. • If you have any questions contact Pamela Robinson at the TLBAA office (817 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org
Youth Female Senior Champion: SJ WINNIN’ JEWEL, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: JCG MARY JANE, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX
Attention Show Chairs!
Youth Female Grand Champion: SJ WINNIN’ JEWEL, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: JCG MARY JANE, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX
Results are published once official results are received and verified as correct in the HORNS show management system. Please submit your official results to the TLBAA office as soon as possible to avoid a delay in being published in Trails Magazine and to ensure points are kept current. Please feel Non-Haltered to submit champion/Reserve Champion photos as well. Candids may be submitted to myra@tlbaa.org and may be used based on space available.
CLASS 19: 1. JP WESTERN SWING, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: JP WESTERN SWING, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX
CLASS 26: 1. QMB TROUBLES CHOICE, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX 2. HD GRAY GHOST, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: QMB TROUBLES CHOICE, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: HD GRAY GHOST, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 31: 1. AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX CLASS 33: 1. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, MC GREGOR, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX
March 2022 | 55
56 | March 2022
March 2022 | 57
Classifieds Auctioneers
Cattle For Sale
SELLING ONE OR ALL – Health concerns say that our Longhorns need to find a new home. Herd sire Rhinestone Cowboy (Cowboy Catchit Chex x Hubbell’s Rio Glory). Fifty-Fifty BCB, RR Escondido Red, Chisholm, Starbase Commander, LAR Smoke’N, RJF Aristocrat breeding, etc. Ken & Joella Kirkham, Strong City, KS. 417-777-1614.
McIntyre Ranches www.mcintyreranches.com 308-750-8384
Trade & Barter
TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breed’s top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days 512-454-0476 / Weekends 830-644-2380.
LONGHORN STEERS FOR SALE - 25 Longhorn Steers For Sale. Ages 2-4 years. Big horns, Lots of Color. Take one or all. Located in Canadian, TX. Call for pricing 806-255-0828 BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS - Est. 1995. Conformation, color, disposition, pedigree and HORNS. Reasonable prices. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK. 580 765-9961 (calls only) or email cmuchmor@ poncacity.net. www.beavercreeklonghorns.com WHOLE HERD FOR SALE - Over 46 head. Brood cows, calves and bulls. Some registered others can be registered. Herd sire, Sunny’s Red Bull, is out of Overwhelming Toro and Cooper’s Overwhelmer Sunny. Rush Springs, OK. Contact Ann Large 580475-4199 or lhorns38@aol.com.
THATE Cattle Company
Your source for big-horned cattle in the North— utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
The quickest place to locate breeders in your area. Classified Ads: $15/month - Standard text $25/month - Boxed 58 | March 2022
No internet service required. To put your ranch in these pages email myra@tlbaa.org
Advertising Index —A— A & S Land & Cattle...............................37, 57 Anderson, Frank Jr. and III...........................8 Arch Acres.....................................................56 —B— Baker, Bo.........................................................8 Bar H Ranch..................................................56 Beadle Land & Cattle............................. 8, 56 Bennett Longhorn Cattle Co................. 8, 9 Bentwood Ranch.........................................58 Big Valley Longhorns..................................56 BPT Longhorns..............................................8 BRE Longhorns............................................ 51 Bull Creek Longhorns...................................5 Butler Breeders......................................... 8, 9 Butler Breeders Online Futurity..................9 Butler Texas Longhorns...............................8 —C— C4Longhorns.................................................8 Caballo Bravo Longhorns..........................56 Cedar View Ranch.......................................56 Champion Genetics................................... 50 Christa Cattle Co...........................................8 Cold Copper Cattle Co................................ 7 Cote Cattle Company....................... IFC, 56 Crazy Cattle Co...........................................57 —D— Dalgood Longhorns......................................8 DCCI Equipment.........................................52 Diamond C Ranch.......................................56 Diamond Q Longhorns..............................57 Dickinson Cattle Co...................................BC Double S Ranch......................................... IFC Doug Hunt Longhorns...............................58 Downey Family Farm................................ IFC —E— El Coyote Ranch............................................ 1 Elm Springs Acres........................................58 —F— F & F Ranch...................................................56 Falls Creek Longhorns..................................8 FHR Longhorns....................................IFC, 57 Flying D Ranch.............................................57 Flying Diamond Ranch...............................56 Freeman Ranch............................................ 21 —G— Guttman, Ralph............................................58 GVR Longhorns...........................................57 —H— Helm Cattle Co............................................57 Hicks Longhorns...........................................8 Hickman Longhorns...................................57 Hidden Springs Ranch................................18 Hired Hand Software................................. 46 Hoosier Longhorns.....................................33 Hubbell Longhorns.....................................35
—H— Hudson Longhorns.......................................3 Hudson/Valentine Auctions................. 4, 23 —I— Ironwood Ranch.......................................... 57 —J— J Square Ranch............................................ 21 Jack Mountain Ranch.................................58 JKG Longhorns..............................................8 J.M.R. Cattle Co...........................................57 Jo-Lin Ranch................................................58 —L— Lemonade Ranch........................................57 Little Ace Cattle Co.......................................9 LM Longhorns..............................................29 Lodge Creek Longhorns............................56 Lone Wolf Ranch.........................................57 Long M Ranch..............................................57 Lucas Ranch.................................................56 —M— McCombs Sale............................................. 31 McLeod Ranch...............................................9 Montgomery Briggs Ranch.......................58 Moose Willow Ranch..................................56 Moriah Farms...............................................57 —N— NS Horns.......................................................56 Nortex........................................................... 50 —O— Oregon Trail Sale.........................................37 —P— Plain Dirt Farms............................................25 —R— Rafter M Ranch............................................57 Rio Vista Ranch..............................................9 River’s Bend Ranch.....................................56 Rockin Hil Longhorns.................................56 Rockin I Longhorns.....................................58 Rocking B Longhorns.................................19 Rocking P Longhorns...................................9 Rocky Mountain Longhorns.....................56 Rolling D Ranch...........................................56 Rolling Hills Ranch Longhorns.................56 Roper’s Ranch..............................................58 Ross Ranch Horns.......................................57 Running Arrow Longhorns........................52 —S— Safari B Ranch..............................................57 Sand Hills Ranch..........................................56 Singing Coyote Ranch...............................58 Spidle Ranch.................................................58 Spring Creek Farms.......................................9 SS Longhorns...............................................57 Star Creek Ranch.........................................57 Struthoff Ranch............................................58 Sutton Timber & Cattle..............................56
JUST FOR GRINS HAVE A CUTE PIC? Send us your photo with a funny caption included! Send your photo with caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Myra, • P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 75756 or myra@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Photo may be used in a future issue due to number of responses
Messy Hair, Don’t Care! Thanks to J.A. Thomas of Merced, CA for the submission. —T— Texoma Spring Classic............................... 13 Thate Cattle Co.............................................9 Thurmond Longhorns................................57 Top Hand Sale............................................. 20 Triple R Ranch (TX)........................................9 Triple S Bar Ranch.................................15, 57 TS Adcock Longhorns................................58 TTT Longhorn Tape Measure..........58, IBC TTT Longhorns............................................25 —W— Walkers U7-..................................................58 WB Longhorns.............................................57 Westhaven Longhorns...............................56 Wichita Fence Company........................... 51
UPCOMING ISSUES: April: Longhorn Beef May: Brood Cow Edition June: Facilities
March 2022 | 59
Coming Events
JUNE 2022
MARCH 4-5 • Cattle Baron Premier Longhorn Sale & Winchester Futurity, Brazos Valley Livestock Commission, Bryan, Texas. Rick Friedrich 713-305-0259, Rick@ RiverRanchLonghorns.com or www.TLBGCA.com
JUNE 22-25 • TLBAA World Expo & National Youth Show, Bell County Expo Center, Belton, TX. Pam Robison 817-625-641 x106 or pam@tlbaa.org.
MARCH 6-8 • Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, NRG Park, Houston, TX. Entry Deadline January 5th. Pam Robison 817-625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers.
JULY 15 • The Cal-Neva Futurity, Reno, NV. Melissa Boerst (775) 560-3767 or Carley Ingram (775) 225-0234, www.silversummitranch.com
MARCH 11-13 • NTLBA Spring Show, Hopkins County Regional Civic Center, Sulphur Springs, TX. John Oliver (972) 268-0083 or joliver210@yahoo.com; Brenda Oliver (972) 268-0031 or boliver84@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only, Trophy Steers & Miniatures. MARCH 24-25 • YMBL South Texas State Fair Longhorn Show, Ford Fairgrounds, Beaumont, TX. Jessica Wade arklatex.jessica@gmail.com or 903-948-5194. Qualifying Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers. MARCH 25-27 • OTLA Spring Shoot-Out, Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Contact David Edwards, dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com, (918) 557-0362. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth & Youth Points Only.
APRIL 2022 APRIL 1-2 • Texoma Spring Classic, Overbrook, OK. Sale hosts: Bob & Pam Loomis, Dale Hunt & Sherrill Caddell. Contact Dale Hunt 402-214-4851 or Bob Loomis 580-276-7498 APRIL 8 • Bluegrass Futurity, in conjunction with the Hudson-Valentine Bluegrass Sale, Lexington, KY. Contact Johnny Hicks 269-998-8027. APRIL 8-9 • Hudson-Valentine Bluegrass Sale, in conjunction Bluegrass Futurity, Lexington, KY. Contact Elizabeth Hudson ehudson18@gmail.com or 502-3791049. APRIL 22-24 • Great Western Trail Days, Coleman, TX. Contact Ashlee Miller slickrockdesigns@gmail.com 325-669-2292 or Catherine Morris morriscatran@ taylortel.net 325-829-9219. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only & Trophy Steers. APRIL 23 • Rocking B Longhorns Dispersal Sale, Baton Rouge, LA. Contact Justin Rombeck 816-536-1083 or legendslonghornsale@gmail.com APRIL 29-30 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX. Contact Teresa Sparger at Teresa_redmccombslonghorns@yahoo.com or (210) 392 5133. APRIL 29-MAY 1 • STLA Llano Spring Show & Futurity, Llano, TX. Contact Andrea Wilson 281-728-3787 or awilson2121@comcast.net; Kathy Bruner 512-589-8624 or therockingbranch@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, 2 Youth, Youth Points Only, Trophy Steers & Miniatures. APRIL 30 • TLBNM Rawhide Days, Tucumcari, NM. Contact Dustin Brewer 505660-3061 or dustinandcandi@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers.
MAY 2022 MAY 13-15 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX. Stephen Head 979-549-5270 or headshorns@hotmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Trophy Steers & Miniatures. MAY 14 • 44th B&C Spring Sale, Kirksville, MO. Sale auctioneers: Shawn & Bill Sayre. Contact: Shawn 660-734-8782. MAY 20-21 • Struthoff Deep In The Heart Of Texas Sale, San Antonio, TX. Lynn Struthoff (210) 473-7768, Josie Struthoff (210) 601-3464 or Lori McCarty (817) 991-8825 MAY 27-28 • Hudson-Valentine Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction, River Ranch Stockyards. Lorinda Valentine (270) 996-2046 or panthercreekranch@att.net
JUNE 2022 JUNE 10 • Vance Farner / Oak Hill Farms Complete Herd Dispersal, Online Sale at www.HiredHandLive.com JUNE 17 • Best of the West Futurity, Dundee, OR. Scott Picker (503) 572-5656, Scott@aspencreeklandscaping.com JUNE 18 • The Oregon Trail Sale, Dundee, OR. Scott Picker (503) 572-5656, Scott@aspencreeklandscaping.com
60 | March 2022
JULY 2022 JULY 16 • The Biggest Little Longhorn Sale, Reno, NV. Melissa Boerst (775) 5603767 or Carley Ingram (775) 225-0234, www.silversummitranch.com JULY 23-24 • 1st Annual ITLA Longhorn Show of the Ozarks, Lebanon, MO. Contact Amy Mast 262-720-1510 or le.longhorncc@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth, Trophy Steers & Qualifying Steers
AUGUST 2022 AUGUST 5 • Great Northern Cheesehead Longhorn Futurity, 5D Ranch, Gresham, WI. Contact Ali Mast 715-495-4369 AUGUST 6 • Great Northern Longhorn Classic Sale, 5D Ranch, Gresham, WI. Contact Dan Huntington 715-853-7608 or Mike Thiel 920-595-0336 AUGUST 13 • Double Down 2-in-1 Futurity, Latigo Event Center, Colorado Springs, CO. Deadline: July 1, 2022. Contact Linda Metcalfe 719-478-3011 or doubledownfuturity@gmail.com AUGUST 19 • Regional Horn Measurement, Central States Fair, Rapid City, SD. Scot O’Bryan (605) 344-2263 or Gordon Howie (605) 381-3998 AUGUST 20 • 4th Annual Top Hand Longhorn Sale, Central States Fair, Rapid City, SD. Scot O’Bryan (605) 344-2263 or Gordon Howie (605) 381-3998 AUGUST 20 • 2nd Annual “Points Only” Show, Central States Fair, Rapid City, SD. Scot O’Bryan (605) 344-2263 or Gordon Howie (605) 381-3998 AUGUST 20 • 5 Star Longhorn Production Sale, Fort Worth, TX. Contact Dale Hunt 402-214-4851 or Brent & Cindy Bolen 936-639-6590 or cindy@bolenlonghorns.com AUGUST 21 • 7th Annual World Qualifying Show, Central States Fair, Rapid City, SD. Scot O’Bryan (605) 344-2263 or Gordon Howie (605) 381-3998
SEPTEMBER 2022 SEPTEMBER 2-5 • West Texas Fair & Rodeo, Abilene, TX. Entries Due August 5, 2022. Contact Catherine Morris (325) 829-9219 or morriscatran@taylortel.net. Qualifying Haltered, Youth & Youth Points Only SEPTEMBER 3 • 25th Annual Butler Breeders Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Contact Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355 SEPTEMBER 9-10 • Struthoff Deep In The Heart Of Texas Sale, San Antonio, TX. Contact Lynn Struthoff (210) 473-7768, Josie Struthoff (210) 601-3464 or Lori McCarty (817) 991-8825 SEPTEMBER 16-17 • Legends Longhorn Sale & Futurity, Duncan, OK. Contact Justin Rombeck 816-536-1083 or justinthelonghornman@gmail.com SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 1 • Fred Bryant Memorial Sale & Futurity, Springfield, MO. Contact Johnny Hicks 269-998-8027 or www.heartlandsalesandfuturities.com SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 2 • East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Enter online at etstatefair.com. Contact John & Brenda Oliver 972-268-0083, joliver210@ yahoo.com or Lana Hightower 903-681-1093 or glcattleco@aol.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers.
NOVEMBER 2022 NOVEMBER 4-6 • Jim Curry Classic, South Plains Fairgrounds, Lubbock. TX. Entry Deadline: October 22, 2022. Contact Jeremy Robertson (806) 548-8248 or jimcurryclassic@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only & Trophy Steers. NOVEMBER 5 • Peach State Showout, Statesboro, GA. Contact Cole Meeks 912601-5283 or visit www.rollinghillsranchlonghorns.com NOVEMBER 18-20 • Kaufman Police Association Longhorn Show, Henderson County Fairgrounds, Athens, TX. Entry Deadline Oct. 30th. Joel Norris, (972) 533-4945 or joelnorris83.jn@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth, Trophy Steers & Miniatures.
January 2022 | 27
January 2022 | 27