At-Large Director
Keith Du Bose (979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com
Chairman of the Board: Josh Gentry (972) 672-7293
Vice Chairman: Keith Hagler (512) 914-3333
Secretary: Amanda Danley (432) 894-1439
Treasurer: Elizabeth Fritz (214) 499-3542
Parliamentarian: Tom Ryder (256) 349-9364
At-Large Director
Elizabeth Fritz (214) 499-3542 ejbfritz@gmail.com
Region 1/2 - Director Matt Bourbon (440) 221-6566 bourbonbrotherslivestock@gmail.com
Region 3/4 - Director Mark Hubbell (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
Region 5/6 - Director Tom Ryder (256) 349-9364 ryder.tom40@gmail.com
Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967
Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969
J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971
Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973
James Warren 1973-1975
J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977
J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978
John R. Ball* 1979-1980
Bill Anthony* 1981-1982
Dr. L.V. Baker* 1982-1984
Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark* 1984-1986
Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988
John T. Baker 1988-1990
Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992
Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995
Region 7 - Director
Josh Gentry (972) 672-7293 josh@g3longhorns.com
Region 8 - Director
Kevin Rooker (817) 692-7843 krooker61@gmail.com
Region 9 - Director
Amanda Danley (432) 894-1439 adanley@seminoleisd.net
Region 10 - Director Keith Hagler (512) 914-3333 khagler@taylorautocredit.com
Region 11 - Director Stephen Head (979) 549-5270 headshorns@hotmail.com
Region 12 - Director Mike McLeod (361) 771-5355
Tim Miller* 1995-1998
Sherman Boyles 1998-2003
Bob Moore* 2003-2005
Joel Lemley 2006-2007
Ben Gravett* 2007
Dr. Fritz Moeller* 2007-2009
Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010
Region 13/14 - Director
Justin Georges (402) 580-0209 justin.georges@yahoo.com
Region 15 Director
Walker Hance (918) 808-6268 walker32flu@icloud.com
Region 16 - Director Kris Johnson (307) 751-8867 kristopherjohnson1995@gmail.com
Region 17/18 - Director
David Berry (916) 472-9108 dberrry5b@gmail.com
Robert Richey 2010
Steven Scott Zunker 2010-2011
Brent Bolen* 2011-2012
Bernard Lankford 2012-2013
Todd McKnight 2013-2016
Tom Matott 2016-2019
Keith DuBose 2019 - 2023
Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 semkinlonghorns@mindspring.com
Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 doublehelix@att.net
Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 fserna@elcoyote.com
John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 jtb2@earthlink.net
influences through time on herd sire selection and how the growing popularity of futurities may be shifting the decision making criteria for choosing a herd sire. By Myra Basham
Visible scrotal characterstics can be important indicators of potential fertility problems. By Heather Smith Thomas
Content ideas for both potential Junior sires and proven herd sires. By Myra Basham
A piece of history few are familiar with. By Tina Du Bose
Products Research leads to utilizing proteins called transfer factors to improve the health of
About the Cover: GF BUCK WINN, 90.125” TTT, DOB:6/6/2017 (DRAG IRON x RRR MISS RED ROSE 105) Son of the great 90”TTT Drag Iron and out of the over 85”TTT daughter of JP Rio Grande. He is colorful, has excellent disposition, long, tall, and built like a tank with perfect conformation. Stacked with the greatest genetics in the breed and will bring the best into any herd. Owned by Glendenning Farms, Rex & Sherese Glendenning, Celina, TX. For more information visit www.glendenningfarms.com.
Longhorns have been under the influence of various interest groups since they were first rounded up out of the brushy draws nature shaped them in.
The original interest group was beef producers. The need for beef following the Civil War led ranchers to turn to the Longhorns to supply a demand and make good money doing it.
Following the near extinction of the breed, scattered ranches and the Wichita Wildlife Refuge were the next interest group – preservationists.
Fast forward to 1964 and the formation of a breed registry and the eventual formation of the next interest group – those who show Texas Longhorn Cattle.
These three groups all remained in the Longhorn world moving forward. Here and there, people were starting to track horn measurements in their pastures for bragging rights.
Then 2000 comes and with it the first TLBAA Horn Showcase and the first ever Longhorn futurity. Two new interest groups.
Interest and value in horn exploded while futurities grew more slowly. Today, futurities are drawing as much interest as the horn measuring.
As all these interests have ebbed and flowed, different “types” of Longhorns developed through how people chose their genetics. Variations such as bigger, beefier Longhorns, extreme horn and even wild and unusual colors, became possible by selective breeding practices and the fact that Longhorn cattle have such a diverse gene pool.
There were always breeders who appreciated what the total package the Longhorn had to offer with its lean beef production, their hardiness, and their mothering abilities.
So here we are. Some still debating over what a true Longhorn is. Others saying the “real” Longhorns are all but extinct. And the majority loving the breed and enjoying whatever area of the industry they are participating in…some even being a part of many of the “interest groups”.
In this issue we look at how the of the rise in popularity of futurities and that growing interest group has influenced herd sire selection. No matter what group your heart lies in, you may enjoy reading it. You might like where it indicates the industry may be headed…or you may not… The key is to remember that at center of all these groups is the love a truly unique breed of cattle.
Under the influence is not always a bad thing. I myself think there is room for every influence to a degree, but the central one should be a Longhorn that embodies the original qualities of hardiness and productivity, who has magnificent horns, is every color of the rainbow and is an animal that earns the respect of other beef cattle breeds as a product and producer. There is a middle ground for everything, maybe even for the Texas Longhorn.
DEADLINE: April Issue: February 25th
Texas Longhorn Beef
Myra Basham
Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief
(817) 625-6241 • (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 trails@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org
Editor-in-Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 104 • myra@tlbaa.org trailseditor@tlbaa.org
Advertising: Myra Basham • (817) 625-6241 x 104 myra@tlbaa.org
Graphic Design & Production:
Taylor Rankin • Ext. 103 taylor@tlbaa.org
Marketing Coordinator:
Mason Runyon • Ext. 108 mason@tlbaa.org
Registrations/Office Manager
Rick Fritsche • Ext. 101 rick@tlbaa.org
Registrations/Administrative Assistant
Megan Smith • Ext. 102 megan@tlbaa.org
Special Events
Pam Robison • Ext. 106 pam@tlbaa.org
Ryan Veenstra • Ext. 105 ryan@tlbaa.org
Office Assistant/Receptionist
Jayme Guinn • Ext. 100 jayme@tlbaa.org
Printed in the U.S.A.
Frank Anderson Jr. and III
3448 Mahogany Drive • Bryan, TX 77807 (979) 846-8020 • (713) 502-5224 kftander3@gmail.com
Bo Baker
Mount Airy, MD 21771 (301) 806-6493
Beadle Land & Cattle
Ray & Bonnie Beadle
Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110 raybeadle@comcast.net
Bennett Longhorn Cattle Co.
Michael Bennett
2159 Country Club RD • Lucas, TX 75002 (214) 385-6789 bennett@lucasfence.com
Butler Texas Longhorns
Buster & Thalia Butler Jennings, OK 936-577-6129 buster@butlertxlonghorns.com www.butlertxlonghorns.com
Christa Cattle Co.
Jason & Louis Christa 2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com (210) 232-1818
Dalgood Longhorns
Malcolm & Connie Goodman 6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422 dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
Falls Creek Longhorns
Stan & Sandi Tidwell 2330 W. FM 875 • Midlothian, TX 76065 (972) 989-8939 www.fallscreeklonghorns.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co.
John & Jane Thate
418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety
Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com
McInnis Longhorns Emma McInnis 4295 County Road 304, Beeville, TX 78102 (361) 463-7008 mcinnislonghorns@gmail.com www.mcinnislonghorns.com
McLeod Ranch
Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net
Rio Vista Ranch Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 3208 Fall Creek Estates Dr • Spicewood, TX 78669 Cell: (512) 422-8336 elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
Wynfaul Acres James & Helen Cloakey 408 County Road 2200. • Cleveland, TX 77327 (713) 677-1473 hgbedford@hotmail.com www.WynFaulAcres.com
Butler Breeder’s Futurity (936) 689-1914 butlerfuturity@yahoo.com www.butlerbreedersfuturity.com
Butler Longhorn Museum (281) 332-1393 info@butlerlonghornmuseum.com www.butlerlonghornmuseum.com YOUR RANCH COULD BE HERE If you would like to be listed as a Butler breeder on these pages, please email myra@tlbaa.org for more information.
Submitted by Tina Du Bose
In the United States, most remember studying the American Revolutionary War. Highlights of that history included the Boston Tea Party, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, George Washington crossing the Delaware and the surrender of Cromwell. If you grew up in Texas, another part of our curriculum was Texas History. Part of that Texas history lesson focused on the Spanish territory which comprised what is now the State of Texas, as well as Louisiana. I never thought these two sets of history lessons were connected.
In my mind’s eye, I always saw the American Revolution focusing on the 13 Colonies and their fight for independence with their locale on the eastern part of the Americas. The Spanish rule of Texas always focused on lands west of the Mississippi. I learned much later in life that there was a connection between the colonist fight for freedom, the Spanish rule in Texas and of all things, Longhorn cattle.
fighting the Apaches in Chihuahua, he had learned about the overabundance of roaming cattle on ranches in BexarLa Bahia, possibly hundreds of thousands. But these cattle were prohibited from export out of the province. Galvez sent an emissary, with a letter to the Texas Colonial Governor, Domingo Cabello, requesting authorization to ship Texas cattle out of the province to Louisiana. The request was granted and the first official cattle drive out of Texas took place.
Those familiar with Texas History know that during the 18th century, there were established settlements around Bexar, La Bahia and Nacogdoches, along with active missions. There were also several Spanish Ranches in these areas and eastward, where large number of Texas cattle grazed, our Longhorn cattle’s ancestors.
By the late 1770’s, the British Colonist had begun their fight for Independence from Britain. The fight for Independence came with a heavy price. The British set up blockades along the eastern ports. Supplies could not reach the Colonies, the Continental Army or her Militia.
Spain sees this as an opportunity. Under a Royal Order from Charles III (Carlos III) of Spain, aid is given to the American Colonist. Bernardo de Galvez, a Spanish Military Leader and Colonial Governor of Louisiana, worked with certain well known United States founding fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. The new republic needed a secure route to get supplies to the Colonist and Continental Army. Galvez secured the port of New Orleans and supplies were shipped from this port up the Mississippi River.
In 1779, Charles III of Spain declares War against Great Britain. Now the British forces were fighting on two fronts. Charles III, commissions Galvez to raise and lead Spanish forces to fight in what is known as the West Indies and Gulf Coast Campaign. Galvez was faced with a dilemma, providing food for his soldiers. Galvez recalled while
In the summer of 1779, approximately 2000 head of cattle departed from present day Goliad at the Presidio La Bahia, heading eastward towards Louisiana. From that time to 1782, about 10,000 to 15,000 head of Texas cattle were rounded up. The cattle, along with horses were provided to Galvez’ army from ranchers between San Antonio and Goliad. The cattle were divided up into herds of 1000 head, then driven from Texas to Louisiana by soldiers, militiamen, priest, Indians and vaqueros from San Antonio de Bexar and La Bahia eastward.
Because of hostile Indians in Texas, the cattle were driven to New Orleans by way of Nacogdoches on what is known as the El Camino Real or King’s Highway. In Nacogdoches, the Spanish militia leader was Antonio Gil Ybarbo. Antonio Gil Ybarbo owned a ranch in present day Nacogdoches County. Cattle from his ranch were added to the herd driven to Galvez. The cattle left Nacogdoches and traveled east through Natchitoches and Opelousas to New Orleans. The Spanish troops were fed.
In conclusion, Spain through the efforts of Galvez and ranchers like Antonio Gil Ybarbo, the British were defeated. This allowed the port of New Orleans to remain open and supplies to be shipped. This success provided a turning point for the ragtag Continental Army and their fight for freedom.
Statues of Bernardo de Galvez, Antonio Gil Ybarbo and the Vaqueros stand tall in Texas, recognizing them for their contribution to Texas and the American Revolution. The Daughters of the American Revolution and officials in Congress have erected plaques honoring Galvez for his contribution. Tribute to Antonio Gil Ybarbo, the Vaqueros and the eastward cattle drive are also on display at the Nacogdoches Visitor Center in Nacogdoches, Texas. This display was donated by former TLBAA President, Dr. William D. Clark.
The Longhorn industry has many camps: preservers of the original type cattle; those who show at Qualifying shows; beef producers; horn competitors; pasture ornaments and futurity competitors. These different goals in breeding have led to some recurring negative changes to the overall structure and breeding performance of Texas Longhorn cattle.
There is good news though. There have always been breeders who have valued maintaining the positive reproductive and structural qualities of Texas Longhorn cattle, with or without attention to horn length. That desire to strive for a more complete, balanced Longhorn has grown through the years with increased popularity of futurities, where body, color and horn in balance and reproductive qualities are rewarded. The place this change is most immediately apparent is in the bulls that are being used and promoted, especially in the last several years.
Futurities are a competition where Longhorns enter a ring one at a time and are judged against ideal breed characteristics by a panel of usually three to five judges. Scores are totaled, and the cattle are ranked within classes determined by age. It differs from traditional cattle shows where animals are in a ring together, ranked in comparison to each other by a single judge. This type of competition appeals to breeders for many reasons. One big draw is cash prizes, and other awards of value such as rifles, trailers, working chutes, etc. Another is the reward of having your breeding program’s positive progress recognized by peer judges. Most enjoy the opportunity to gather with fellow breeders to talk Longhorn and see what the industry is producing in an atmosphere of friendly competition that does not require as much time investment as a traditional haltered show.
So, how has all this friendly competition with large cash prizes affected the direction of herd sire development? Most agree that the total package of the futurity bulls is a step in the right direction of a better balance between conformation and horn, and taking structural indicators of fertility into account. However, some breeders feel the extremes of breeding for the beef show circuit and for horn competition will still take years to overcome, to arrive at a Texas Longhorn possessing the structural and fertility characteristics they are reknown for, albeit with the look today’s market requires. A best of all worlds, so to say. Could futurities be the bridge that helps that happen more quickly?
Prior to the year 2000, the only public competitions to show off your Longhorn cattle were traditional cattle shows, either put on by affiliates or as breed classes that were part of a stock show or fair. The pages of Longhorn publications are full of ads showcasing champions, and the Longhorn bulls winning on the show circuit and those winning in the shows today still look very similar, including typically shorter horns.
By Myra Basham
Then came the year 2000. Two major events debuted that year. The TLBAA’s Horn Showcase, touted as a place to come find out who really did have the longest horned cattle around, and the Millennium Futurity, the first Longhorn Futurity ever held. That inaugural futurity states that its panel of five judges would include two show industry judges, two horn judges and one wild card judge, while the Horn Showcase was just that - a contest where the measuring tape was the only judge.
Horn suddenly became valuable, not only in bragging rights, but now in taking home a coveted bronze trophy and increasing the value of not only longer horned animals but the genetics behind them. The fu-
turity looked at the whole animal, and then added in consideration for horn and color as well. So here the divergence began.
Some breeders were trying to develop beefier Longhorns with bodies that looked more like other commercial cattle to hopefully place better under judges who were traditional commercial cattle judges. Others not interested in the show ring started sacrificing structure and fertility for inches of horn. Still others were trying to keep a balanced, structurally sound Longhorn that was judged against breed characteristics, including horn and color, to reward what the industry saw as good examples of marketable Longhorns.
Dale Hunt of Rockin H Longhorns in Oklahoma, originally conceived of the idea of an association run horn measuring contest mainly because there were already breeders measuring and recording horn on their own and an “unofficial” competition for bragging right already existed. The TLBAA Horn Showcase was a way to officially record measurements and to give an award to those who truly had developed the longest horns in their cattle. “Horn is still very important now,” states Dale, “but so is the rest of the animal.”
Hudson Longhorns in Indiana entered the Longhorn industry in 2003, right when the horn shift was really taking off. “Back in 2003 when I was first putting my herd together, I had a friend named Doc Lively that owned a Phenomenon son with a real bad sway back,” Bill Hudson recounts. “Doc kept the bull hidden in a back pasture because he looked so bad. I asked him why he used the bull, and he said, ‘because he is a great horn producer’. Just a few days later, I bought a daughter of his at Mike Bowman’s sale in Kansas for $7,500. She was a 2-year-old, that was solid red with a weak back, but had tremendous horn. That was the most I had ever spent on a longhorn up to that point. Back then, if an animal was going to bring a lot of money, it had to have the horn, and the rest of the animal was not as important. I don’t think that holds true in today’s market. I have seen some really big horned cows take a big discount, because all they had going for them is their horn.”
with over conditioning affecting fertility and concern that negative characteristics showing up in the Longhorn ring such as excessive navel, long floppy ears and excessive dewlap were not being penalized by the judges used to commercial beef cattle.
So here we are, 25 years later. While some will passionately argue over how the Longhorn has been destroyed and look at the remnants of the “original” type herds as the true Longhorn, the larger industry of those who wish to keep the breed alive as not only nostalgic, but also as cattle people can actually generate income from - seem to be slowly moving towards a more balanced Longhorn, and futurities are playing a part in encouraging that shift.
There are individuals who participate across the “worlds” of show, horn and futurities. John Oliver of Oliver Longhorns in Texas, has been actively showing in TLBAA World Qualifying shows for many years and recently has done well on the NLFR futurity standings for 2024. He has participated in the TLBAA Horn Showcase measuring as well. “There are still some pretty big divides, but they seem to be getting smaller,” says Oliver. “People enjoy the futurity atmosphere and want to be competitive. They learn real quick that the right herd sire goes a long way in improving the quality of their animals and increasing their chances of placing well in futurities.” He still sees a need for more improvement in overall balance, depth of body, muscle and bone in Longhorns.
The A.I. Sire Directory is a great tool for seeing a wide variety of Registered Texas Longhorn bulls in one easy to scan publication. The directory pages are available on www.tlbaa.org under the “Longhorn Breed” tab and the A.I. Sire Directory issues of Trails are available to view online by clicking “Trails Magazine” on the top bar.
A look back through the TLBAA AI Sire directory one can see where the horn competition starts to lead to change. While many bulls still have a strong body, you can also see examples of swaybacks and smaller hindquarters on bulls coupled with dramatically more horn. While the Horn Showcase garnered much attention in the industry, and the Millennium Futurity made a splash with large money prizes, over time futurities open to the general public began to pop up such as the Winchester Futurity, noted for giving rifles as awards. Through all those years the show circuit had some criticism’s on phenotype as well, with some concerned
The owner and breeder of many bulls and offspring that have done well in the measuring and Futurity competitions is Hubbell Longhorns in Michigan. “The market is driven by horn first and foremost,” asserts Mark Hubbell, “but to get the most money for the animal you have to have the whole package. Without the big horns the interest in that animal is minimal. However, big horns and a bad body will not generally do as well either, so building the whole package is critical to staying in the front. For me, I want to see more than just a 100” measurement.”
A futurity advocate, Joe Sedlacek of Lazy J Longhorns in Kansas has helped run many futurities. When asked if it’s improving today’s herd sires, Sedlacek responded, “Yes, and I think it is more than just horn competitions do. The futurity world is hard to win if
you only have horn. You need to have a good body with that horn as well, and color sure doesn’t hurt. If you’re single trait breeding for only horn, you probably won’t be that successful in the futurity world.” He does add a caveat that as long as you are raising Longhorn cattle, horn counts.
How does this translate to herd sire selection? More breeders understand the need to look beyond horn measurement thanks to the conversations that futurity results tend to spark. “While there are some Longhorn enthusiasts who are still only chasing more horn, we are seeing many more breeders choose sires that will produce for them the complete package Longhorn,” explains Hudson. “There is a growing feeling out there that maybe our breed has matured enough in the horn department. I mean how much is enough? According to Arrowhead’s Gallery of Horns website, there are now 81 cows that measure 100 inches tip-to-tip. Isn’t 100 inches enough? 22 years ago, a 70-inch cow was a big deal.”
“Because of the emphasis on horn over the past 20 years, I think our longhorn breed has developed some weaknesses that we need to overcome, continues Hudson. “For example, we see a lot of poorly footed animals in our breed, and occasionally you run across a Longhorn that doesn’t milk well. Some of the best sires in the industry for horn, have produced some weaknesses in other areas. As the industry turns its focus to producing the complete package animal, things like poor feet can and will disappear.”
The interesting thing about the futurity as a tool for bull selection is it gives a platform for people to see progeny ranked, to see what genetics consistently produce winners and to see what is desirable. “The futurities have educated breeders that there’s more to a Longhorn than horns. This makes them look deeper at the genetics of a bull they are interested in,” states Hunt, “Will this bull produce bone, muscle, color and correctness that will give my offspring a good chance to win. Has this bull competed in futurities, has his sire competed? Did they win? As a breeder you always want to change one little thing about a sire as you pick him apart, but the quality of sires out there today is truly amazing. The challenge is to find that quality sire that will produce it consistently, then you have the magic !!!!”
Visible structural defects are, or should be, penalized in futurity judging. Some structural issues may be noticeable to newer breeders, but the implications of what they are seeing may not be understood.
One of the most obvious examples is the bull’s scrotum. (See a full article on this topic on pg.22) It is often visible and seen, yet many breeders do not understand the implications of what they are seeing. According to Johnny Hicks of Hicks Texas Longhorns in Michigan, “We have been seeing an increase in sires producing sons and grandsons with only one testicle and daughters and granddaughters that are struggling to breed early and consistently, this can be caused by using a bull that has testicles that have a twist in them or one testicle hangs higher than the other.”
Another structural issue that may be harder for breeders to notice is feet and ankles. Hubbell explains it further by saying, “With the increase in horns we are seeing a lot more growth in the hooves as well. The thing that we are watching for a lot more is the ankle and the gate. Strong ankles will keep the animal standing on their feet correctly. Weak ankles cause foot problems and foot problems lead to breeding issues.”
A phrase you hear often from experienced breeders of complete, productive Longhorns in all areas of use is “Build from the ground up”, acknowledging the importance of correct structure of feet, legs,udder, scrotum and sheaththings often not considered by inexperienced breeders.
type that require the bulls competing to show proof of fertility by passing a Bull Soundness Exam (BSE) prior to competition.
Hicks explains the why a BSE is important, “I believe futurities have the potential to help improve the industries up and coming herd sires, but there are things that
One goal many in the industry would like to see met is requiring bull soundness exams in all forms of Longhorn industry competitions to prove fertility - now required of females by being bred or calf at side for those of breeding age.
If you want to see the effect of futurities on bulls currently hot in the industry simply look at the ads in Trails Magazine today and then go to a past issue 5-10 years ago and notice the structure of the bulls. If you want a quicker way, refer to a past A.I. Sire Directory where you can flip though many years of sires to see what issues cropped up. Please understand that the issues discussed here are not implying that all bulls used had such issues. The intent is simply to state that those issue were present to some degree.
If you would like to see Trails Magazine issues prior to those listed on the site, You may visit the TLBAA office and browse through reference copies back to the first issues published.
One of the concerns that comes up more and more frequently regarding bulls competing in shows of any kind is proving fertility. Females of a certain age entered in a show, a futurity or even a sale are usually required to be bred of have a calf at side to prove they are breeders. At this time, there are few competitions of any
need to be implemented in order for futurities to have a major impact on improving how we select which bulls deserve to remain herd sires. For example young bulls can be over fed to hide structural flaws, hoofs can be trimmed to look desirable, and currently there is only one futurity that requires a breeding soundness exam before a bull can compete. If young bulls are winning because they have been over fed, their feet have been trimmed, and judges have no way of knowing their fertility is below average, that bull has a high chance of being promoted and used across the industry because of its awards, resulting in breeders unknowingly passing on undesirable traits to the next generation of their herd.”
Hicks, past Chairman of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, is also passionate about education. “We need more educational tools in our industry to help breeders understand the meaning of total package animals. The purpose of the TLBAA is for its members to protect and promote the unique traits of the breed and the integrity of the registry . Before the value of Texas Longhorns that possess and produce desired traits can increase in value, the buyers need to have a good understanding of what traits that have a positive impact on the future of the breed look like.”
Fortunately, the futurities are entered and attended by many who enjoy sharing their knowledge with those just getting started raising Longhorns. Even if you aren’t sure you want to compete, visit a futurity and see what it is all about and maybe even figure out what you’ll be looking for in your next herd sire.
Looking for more educational articles on Texas Longhorns? You can read Trails Magazine past issues on our website www.tlbaa.org
Scrotal shape and size can be a good indication of a bull’s fertility. Size can be measured, but you can usually tell by visual inspection whether or not a bull is adequate in scrotal circumference. If testicle size is questionable enough that he must be measured, he is probably on the small end of the scale. Measurements are useful, however, when evaluating very young bulls, to see if they are up to standard for their age group.
Measuring scrotal circumference is a routine part of a bull soundness
Shape of the scrotum is important also, since a bull must be able to raise and lower his testicles easily for proper temperature control. The testicles should hang down well away from the body in warm weather. There should be an obvious “neck” at the top of the scrotum, with the testicles hanging down large and pear shaped. A bull with a straight-sided scrotum or a V-shaped scrotum (tapering down to a pointed tip) is often not as fertile as a bull with a normal scrotum.
Also beware of selecting a bull with odd-shaped testicles, such as one obviously smaller than the other. Any abnormalities should be noted. Scabby, thickened skin--especially on the back, bottom third of the scrotum--may be an indication of frostbite. This can cause temporary or permanent infertility, depending upon the extent of damage and scarring.
If you have any doubt as to whether scrotal size is adequate, circumference is easily measured. Most breeders offer this information on bulls they are selling. Testicle size is an excellent indicator of a bull’s fertility; there is significant correlation between scrotal circumference in a bull and the fertility (as measured by onset of puberty) in his daughters.
Bulls measured at one year of age should have a scrotal circumference of at least 32 centimeters (depending upon breed) and preferably 34 to 36 (acceptable minimums are as follows: Simmental and Gelbveih - 33; Angus, Charolais and Maine Anjou - 32; Hereford and Shorthorn - 31; Limousin and Salers - 30. A typical scrotal circumference for a Longhorn bull should be at least 30 centimeters and a desirable measurement would be slightly higher. A breeding soundness evaluation should always be conducted to confirm fertility regardless of the measurement.
To measure a bull, confine him in a chute, take hold of the neck of the scrotum to gently force the testes
down into the scrotum, and put the measuring tape snugly around the largest circumference.
For best fertility, and to insure high fertility in a bull’s offspring, always select bulls that are above average in scrotal circumference. Minimum is not good enough, and average may not be good enough. The beef industry for many years has selected bulls primarily for performance traits – rate of gain, feed conversion, muscling, carcass yield, etc – rather than for reproductive traits. This has led to some reproductive problems. Several research tests have demonstrated that selection for increased growth rate in bulls results in later maturity. The leaner, later-maturing large framed bulls tend to have a smaller scrotal circumference, according to John Kastelic, DVM, PhD (reproductive physiologist at Lethbridge Research Centre in Alberta).
Small testicles have also been associated with the bulls that have exceptionally good muscling and high carcass cutability. When selecting high performance (fast growing) bulls, it is extremely important to make sure they are reproductively sound. A high rate of gain and/or superior muscling will not be of much value if the bull has poor breeding performance and cannot settle adequate numbers of cows. Exceptional rate of gain or good muscling is not very important if the bull is unable to pass it on to very many offspring because he is infertile, or sires heifers that are not very fertile as cows. A bull with low fertility can be a very expensive investment and quite damaging to next year’s calf crop or to a long range breeding program.
Bulls with small testes have lower sperm production, and often suffer other problems that also make them subfertile or infertile. Infertility associated with small testicles is often due to incomplete development or underdevelopment of these organs, or due to testicle degeneration. Some bulls with scrotal circumference of 29 cm or less may produce no sperm at all.
Some bulls with smaller than average testicles may be fertile at first (for a year or 2), then become less fertile or completely sterile because the tubules within the testicles degenerate earlier and at a more rapid rate than in a normal bull. There is usually more abnormal sperm in the semen of bulls with small testes. In a mature bull, this can be due to early testicular degeneration.
All types of testicular underdevelopment are heritable. Bulls with low fertility tend to have offspring with low fertility and their daughters pass on low fertility to their sons. Selection of bulls with large scrotal circumference for their age can greatly help in avoiding this problem--avoiding bloodlines that tend to produce small, incompletely developed testicles.
“But be cautious about a bull that has huge testicles at a year of age,” says Kastelic. A circumference of 36 is about average for yearling bulls, and you want bulls to be above average, but the ones at the extreme end of the scale may also have problems. “If a bull has a 44 centimeter circumference at a year of age, he may be predisposed to later testicular degeneration. They are just too big--too far
By Heather Smith Thomas
out at the end of the normal curve,” explains Kastelic. Since scrotal circumference is associated with age of puberty, semen traits and testicle health, choose a bull with optimal (rather than minimum or average, or abnormally large) scrotal size. Early maturing bulls generally have greater scrotal circumference than latematuring bulls, and will sire daughters that reach puberty sooner. Beef bulls usually average between 34 and 36 centimeters when mature enough to breed as yearlings. Research trials have shown that bulls with a scrotal circumference of less than 30 should not be used for breeding, even if most of their sperm is normal.
By Myra
With all the flash and excitement surrounding the popular A.I. sires, many people hesitate to market a bull if he is not A.I. Certified and selling semen. The truth is, there are many programs utilizing quality herd sires in their pasture, either as the sire of most of their herd or as clean up bulls for the ones who do get bred via A.I.
There are many reasons to promote a traditional herd sire. If you want people to buy cattle you have for sale, then you will want them to see the genetics behind the progeny or what the females are bred to. Based on the age on the herd sire or prospect, there are several approaches to convey his merit.
If your bull has not yet reached breeding age, or has just covered his first pasture and the offspring aren’t on the ground to show production yet, you can certainly go ahead and start promoting him.
Most importantly, get a good photo of your bull. Try to get in an area with short grass so his feet, legs and entire body can be clearly seen. If you pasture grass is tall, it would be worth mowing a spot to get a good photo.
his genetics and the productivity of his sire and dam. Full and half siblings may be used. The grandsire and granddam could be used if he is the result of a mating where the sire and dam are also young and not yet really proven.
Try to find good photos of the bloodline animals you want to highlight along with any accomplishments they may have. You can make an attractive, easy to read pedigree bracket so you can show several generations of the pedigree. If the bull advertised is breeding age and you’ve witnessed his attentiveness in the pasture, you may wish to have a comment like - “He’s ready to work” or “already showing good work ethic.” If he’s actually bred his first pasture, brag on his efficiency and interest in getting them bred. Libido is an important quality and can only been judged by actions and results.
While this is an eye-catching shot of this bull, important structural details like back, hips, legs feet, sheath and scrotum are all obscured. One could use this as a background or smaller element to show horn while using a three-quarter or profile shot in shorter grass for the large main photo.
Take enough photos to ensure you have him at a flattering angle, one with feet slightly staggered from the side that hopefully will show testicular development if old enough and from a height even with the bull. Think camera lens even with the middle of the body of the bull (from ground to his back). You should not stand taller than a young bull and shoot downward, nor should you wait until he’s engaged in eating or checking females.
Since you have no calves on the ground to testify to his ability to produce quality offspring, focus on
For purposes of this discussion, a proven sire is one who has successfully put, at the very least, his first calf crop on the ground. If there is only a small number of calves that are less than a year old, you may want to pick the best one or two to show what he’s producing, but still include one or two of his pedigree animals to bolster people’s confidence in him.
As those offspring age, especially if a sire has offspring that are older and already producing themselves, show off his best. Talk to people who have the older offspring and see how they are producing. Request current photos of them to use in promotion or take good photos of your own offspring from him.
When his production is far enough along for him to be a grandsire, show his offspring along with progeny of their own. Illustrating the strong positive traits are
being passed down the line is the best advertisement you can have in order to sell his progeny or females bred by him.
If you already have a look for your website - uniform colors, logo, typefaces - you may want to incorporate that into your ad design to keep branding consistent. Some choose to let their logo be the brand element and let the ad play off the bull’s name or to any other theme to garner attention such as sports, racing, the West, the season, a holiday...there’s really no end to the possibilities.
Basic things to remember to make your ad communicate more effectively are:
The bull should stand out from background elements - your attention should quickly go to the bull and his conformation and horns should be easily seen (This is true whether he is a “Horn” bull, a show bull, or a beef bull - even when length of horn doesn’t matter to a buyer, they still want to see a Longhorn.)
Make sure you can read decorative typefaces at a glance. Don’t make people struggle to read an animal’s name.
Same type, but compressed 50 percent in the graphics program
Same type, but only compressed 20 percent
A.) A to B - too close, only for special effect sparingly
B.) B to C - If necessary due to space constraint
C.) C to D - The accepted norm in publications
D.) C to D - The accepted norm in publications
All text should be legible without a magnifying glass Avoid compressing text too severely or letting multiple lines of text touch each other.
Look online not only at Texas Longhorn Trails, but some other cattle breed publications and even other types of livestock publications for ideas. When you do flip through Trails, don’t think because many ads have a similar color scheme or type of layout, that means that is the most effective way. Use colors that are less often seen. Take a different approach. There are many ways to showcase your bull and those who have been doing one way for years may want to consider shaking things up with an innovative ad or to draw in fresh eyes.
Give your graphic artist at least a little direction as far as the feeling you want conveyed, the core message or even simply colors you like (or hate). Once you get a proof of an ad, it never hurts to show it to a fellow breeder or two and ask what they think.
Another neat way to look at it yourself is to print the ad out and lay it in the pages of an issue of Trails and walk away for a bit. Then come back with fresh eyes and flip through the magazine. Was your ad one that made you want to look at it? Could you read all the important information easily without having to squint or hunt for it? Is your bull presented in a manner that makes him competitive with others being promoted?
If you can’t print the ad out, you can do the walking away technique with it displayed on the monitor. Simply leave the room for a bit, come back to the monitor, eyes closed and then open them quickly and see what your eye/mind takes in from the ad in that first look and how easy it is to see secondary details. You really can teach yourself to critically view the ads for yourself far beyond just asking yourself if the ad is pretty or not.
Whether you are working with Trails staff or other graphic artists building your ads, always ask for new ways to present your bulls, not just in a single ad, but plan a campaign across the course of a year. That herd sire plays a big part in what you have to sell in the future and you want them to be recognized as the quality producer backed with productive genetics that they hopefully are.
If you are thinking right now that you don’t know much about their bloodlines or are inexperienced with bull ownership, talk to some breeders who own the animals in your bulls pedigree about their productivity. You may also ask for advice on what they see as your bull’s strengths. This is an industry that loves to help and it is important to use bulls that improve your program, not ones that may not deserve to be breeding stock.
Trails offers a breeders guide in the back of each issue with breeders listed by state, as well as an online breeders directory with a live Google map and a pdf of the entire membership directory. TLBAA members have access to the HORNS system that will let them look up animals and see who owns them. Last, but not least, if you are on social media, there are many Longhorn groups out there full of folks willing to offer advice on a wide array of topics.
By Myra Basham
First, we’ll start with one point that the ma jority of breeders agree with. If you’ve tried ev erything within your means to keep your bull in his pasture and he still makes his way out – sell him. No positive traits a bull may pos sess outweigh the potential damage and pos sible lawsuits that can ensue from a Longhorn bull roaming free, getting hit in the road or breeding some cattle down the road. Do not sell him to another breeder and pass the prob lems along, take him to a sale barn or put him in your freezer. Fortunately, though, there are herd sires out there willing to stay home and do their jobs when pastured correctly.
There is no quicker way to cause strife with your neighbors than to have your Longhorn bull breed their heifers or wandering around their front lawn. The reverse is true as well, you don’t want to be forced to DNA test every calf to be certain who the sire is, nor do you want the neighbor’s bull to be able to reach your Longhorn females. That being said, it is possible to successfully keep your bulls where they belong.
Every Longhorn bull has the potential to go over or through a fence if they decide they want access to cows in heat or to challenge a bull in another pasture. Bulls of any breed in a pas ture near your cattle have the same potential to come through your fence from the outside as well. Bull management is a serious issue and one you need to consider before keeping a herd sire on your property. While laws vary from state to state and sometimes from county to county, you would be well advised to find out what the legal ramifications of loose livestock are in your area. To try and avoid possible issues, consider two variables that are crucial in helping keep that bull at home: location and fencing.
Keep the phrase “Lead me not into temptation” in mind when considering the layout of pastures. While all cattle believe the grass is greener beyond that fence, bulls have an incredibly urgent hormonal engine driving them to reach the females on the other side or to confront the neighboring bull. It takes more than green grass to keep him content and reduce the risk of him challenging fences.
When space permits, keep your bull pastures in an area where they do not share fences with other females or bulls. The more distance between a bull and outside stimuli, the more effective your fences become. If pasture is at a premium but you still have a little extra room, create alleyways between pastures. It keeps the cattle from pushing against the fence for contact, lessening the possibility of breaking through or tearing up the fence. If a bull does happen to jump the first fence,
often an alleyway doesn’t allow him a run at the second one.
Also, try not to isolate him. If he has his own herd to tend to, and no close enticement, most bulls are content checking for open cows and taking care of those that are ready to be bred. If you have a breeding schedule that removes the bull from being pastured with the females for a period of time, make sure you have a steer or two that you can turn in with him for company. Bulls do not do well when penned alone.
Ask anyone who owns cattle about bull-proof fencing the first response you get is a laugh. The only materials that may be impenetrable for a determined bull would probably be frowned upon by neighbors. (Think solid concrete, walls made out of discarded tires or highway guardrails.)
According to fencing pros, height is one key factor in discouraging fence jumping. Often a five or six foot fence with a couple of strands of barbed wire at the top for added height can take the spring out of the step of the average bull. Please note, however that there have been bulls known to clear 8 foot fences and go merrily on their way.
Another way to beef up your fencing is to add
strands of electric fence to the inside and top of your fences. Many bulls, once they’ve experienced the pain and shock of the electrified fence leave it alone. Do not rely on this as fool-proof though. Determined bulls have been known to endure the pain just to get to what they want on the other side. However, knowing the pain exists and facing a solidly built, sufficiently tall barrier keeps many bulls in just fine.
Some keys to a good strong fence include the heaviest posts you can manage sunk deep enough in the ground. It can consists of 4 or five strand of electrified wire or tape, woven wire, barbed wire, heavy wood or steel pipe. One caveat to only using electrified fence by itself – if a bull wants out bad enough he is going to
simply hit that fence hard and run through it, choosing to endure the pain as his hormones drive him forward. The best solution is sturdy fence couple with very hot electrified wire fence and a property layout, when possible that keeps enticements away from your bull’s proximity.
If you are faced with issues arising from neighboring properties and the bulls they keep, the same considerations need to be taken when setting up your pasture areas. Leave as much buffer space as possible between you and the neighbors. Avoid sharing fences with other cattle, especially bulls, whenever possible.
As far as fencing, you should already have adequate fence for keeping your own animals in, if not, build some. Do not rely on your neighbor if they have constantly escaping bulls. You can employ the use of electric wire or tape on the outside of you fences to keep the visitor from trying to check your cows or butt heads through the fence. Hopefully this will deter issues long enough to contact the owners so they can take their bull back home. Never go out and try to run off a bull that is trying to get through your fence. He is already worked up, and you will simply be a target for him.
If you cannot locate an owner, call your local law enforcement and let them know there is a strange bull on your place trying to come through the fence and let them handle it. Only those with lots of experience handling bulls should even consider dealing with a strange bull on their property.
There are many people who only rely on artificial insemination (AI) simply because of all the risks involved with keep a herd sire on property. That is not to say that one cannot successfully keep Longhorn bulls at home. Many have tractable bulls that have not given them any trouble. But, if you feel concerned or unwilling to put some effort into housing a bull responsibly, then investigate A.I. a little further. It is truly a decision you have to make based on your property, your experience and each individual bull you may choose to own.
Humans have been using nose rings on bulls for centuries, with reference being made to hooks in the nose even in Biblical times. The septum (part of the nose the ring is inserted in) is very sensitive. Just pinch your own nose to see!
In the Longhorn world, nose rings are most com monly seen in the show ring, both on bulls and on steers. They are not there to lead the animal by, but rather an additional way to get the animal’s attention when they stop responding to the halter and show stick. No mat ter how well trained a large animal is, there are always times a handler needs additional help in keeping their attention and discouraging unruly behavior from get ting out of control.
Ideally, when leading a bull, the bulk of the pressure is on the halter. While the lead can run through the ring as well, most Longhorn handlers prefer a second lead to the nose ring so pressure is applied separately. Once again, pressure on the ring should be brief and only as needed. It is not intended as a means to lead a bull, but a reminder that he is to pay attention to you.
While it is possible to apply nose rings yourself, most sources advise against it. A veterinarian should do the procedure. When applying a nose ring to a very young bull, use a smaller ring and replace it when the animal grows. Extra weight on a young bull’s nose could cause
damage and the small ring in an adult’s nose can certainly become uncomfortable.
As with any handling, the use of a nose ring should be introduced at a young age and the animal slowly accustomed to the device to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Properly inserted and used, the nose ring is an important piece of equipment for close handling of bulls.
• Bottle or bucket raised bulls are naturally more aggressive due to imprinting on humans as part of the herd. When possible let a surrogate cow raise an orphan or rejected calf.
• Bulls raised as pets cause more accidents than bulls left alone. When a “pet” bull reaches breeding age his friendly head butts can easily escalate unexpectedly as he needs to assert dominance and you are perceived as a part of the herd, or worse, a threat.
• If a bull turns broadside to you it is a threat. Head lowering, bellowing or pawing means you had better remove yourself from the situation as quickly and calmly as you can without turning your back on him. There is nothing cute or safe about an agitated bull.
By Heather Smith Thomas
Steven Slagle, DVM (left) had a veterinary practice in California for many years and now lives on his ranch near La Grande, Oregon, which he calls Plunckett Creek Cattle Company.
Slagle has been interested in cattle health products for a long time. For many decades, the way cattle producers have dealt with disease is by vaccination to prevent common diseases, and by treating sick animals with anti-microbial drugs when signs of illness appear. By the time the animal shows symptoms, however, damage has already occurred and the disease can be more difficult to treat. In some instances, irreversible damage has already been done. The use of pathogen-killing drugs is not always as effective as we’d like, and is also being questioned now, due to increasing numbers of drug-resistant pathogens. This microbial resistance diminishes the effectiveness and benefit of some of the drugs we’ve relied on.
Many cattlemen and veterinarians are looking at alternatives to antimicrobials in dealing with disease. A bright spot in this quest is immune system enhancement and the role of transfer factors. If the immune status of our animals can be enhanced, disease would be less likely to occur. Even if animals do get sick, the severity and duration of disease can be reduced; they would recover quicker, without the need for as much antimicrobial treatment.
In 1999 Dr. Slagle began using a new product in his veterinary practice.
calves, about 1% of that product is transfer factor,” he explains.
“Transfer factors were originally marketed as a human product but I started using them in my veterinary practice. Many veterinarians were using the human product, so the company making it (4Life Research) decided to create a veterinary product for dogs, cats, horses and newborn livestock. Dr. Joe Ramaekers, a colleague of mine, was asked to formulate the product line. Dr. Ramaekers went on to develop a cancer product for dogs, cats and horses, and a formulation for ruminating livestock,” says Slagle. Ramaekers’ patented Livestock Stress Formula is an organic product.
“This is a natural immune enhancer and modulator, deriving its efficacy from a protein produced by the immune system’s master immune cells (T lymphocytes—some of the white blood cells). The protein is called transfer factor, and is also found in cow colostrum. If you buy a bag of dried colostrum for newborn
Transfer factors were discovered in 1949. Earlier, some physicians noticed that immunities could be transferred from one person to another by blood transfusions. In 1949, Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence, a researcher working on the problem of tuberculosis in humans, found he could transfer immunity to his patients by using dialyzed leukocytes. When this extract was taken from a blood donor who was resistant to the pathogen and injected into a patient that had no immunity, the immunity of the donor was transferred to the naïve patient. A portion of the white blood cell contained what Lawrence dubbed transfer factor. Research was conducted in more than 60 countries (more than 3500 studies were done) during the 1950’s through 1970’s and then nearly halted. The world’s blood supply was becoming contaminated by HIV and hepatitis C virus and the only known source of transfer factor at that time was blood. Research was also put on hold because more exciting discoveries revolved around antimicrobials. They were considered the promising wave of the future that could halt diseases in their tracks. Use of transfer factor was limited, especially in veterinary medicine; it was more expensive to produce than antibiotics.
The phenomenon of transfer factor was not actively pursued again until the late 1980’s when it was
discovered that bovine colostrum contains significant amounts of this ingredient that stimulates both aspects of the immune system (humoral and cellular immunity). Veterinary researchers observed a large number of lymphocyte cells in normal mammary gland secretions of cows, and wondered what role they might play in health of the newborn calf, realizing that colostrum does more than merely provide passive immune protection. We now know that transfer factor is one of the protein messengers released by antigen-sensitized lymphocytes (white blood cells).
“Transfer factors are the identifiers produced by the cow’s immune system over the years. That’s why her colostrum gets better as time goes on. Everything she is exposed to or vaccinated for makes transfer factors that remember those pathogens. When a newborn takes in the transfer factor in colostrum, this enables that calf for nearly a month to identify those pathogens, just as if the calf had been vaccinated for them— to identify those pathogens and start building its own immune library. This is made possible by the transfer factor in colostrum,” Slagle says.
contains electrolytes, probiotics, prebiotics, trace minerals (the same ones in Multimin plus some others) and stress vitamins,” he says.
“The things that make this different from other pastes on the market is that we also include medicinal mushrooms. These boost the immune response and target bacteria and viruses by providing the immune system with a lot of energy. The most important part, however, is the transfer factor from colostrum,” he explains.
“There are two segments of colostrum that are called transfer factors. One group works dramatically with the immune system, identifying pathogens and giving the immune system the energy to go after about 3000 different pathogens. The other is called growth factor. It stimulates the calf’s appetite so it grows faster. This is nature’s way to make that calf drink more and grow faster because the bigger he is, the better his chances for survival.”
Chicken eggs also contain transfer factors, and the combination from eggs and colostrum increases the effectiveness by 185%.
Chicken eggs also contain transfer factors, and the combination from eggs and colostrum increases the effectiveness by 185%. Transfer factors from cow colostrum and eggs are superior to and more functional than transfer factors from humans because animals are exposed to many more species and types of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Dr. Ramaeker created and patented Livestock Stress Formula and Dr. Slagle began helping him do more research. Now Ramaeker’s company, Ramaekers Nutrition, markets several immune-enhancing products including the Newborn Immune Primer Paste. “The origin of this paste product goes back a long time. Initially a paste was developed that contained electrolytes, probiotics and some stress vitamins, designed for horses doing the 100-mile Tevis Cup endurance race,” says Slagle. Horses are super stressed in that race.
“This is where the idea of this kind of paste originated. Dr. Ramaeker already had the paste for horses and I introduced him to transfer factor and we decided to create a product for calves. He initially designed a powdered product we mixed with water and drenched the calves but this was not very practical,” Slagle says.
“We decided to develop a paste, like a horse wormer. We added all the essential things that make it work; it
This paste is best given at birth to newborn calves, but it can also be given up until two months of age when the calves’ rumen starts to develop. “By the time they are two months old we have to use the adult product instead, which is in a capsule, protected from damage by the rumen microflora. The newborn calf paste can also be used as extra protection or treatment for disease when a calf is under two months of age. The transfer factor portion of it enables the calf to identify a pathogen that is causing a problem—within a couple hours. By contrast, it takes the immune system about 10 days to do this, if the calf has not been vaccinated against that particular organism or not exposed to it at birth,” he says.
Ramaekers now has several products, with 6 different patents. One is for fertility enhancement, through a study at Florida State University. “That product is mainly used in embryo transplant donors and recip cows. Depending on the situation, it can have a dramatic effect on the number of embryos and quality of embryos, and the recip cows, with much higher success rate,” says Slagle.
“The second most important patent is a vaccine enhancement product. When you give it with a vaccine, studies found that the animals were able to produce titers 400 to 500% higher than the controls. We’ve done that in dogs, cats, goats, pigs and cattle. We can give a vaccine at the same time as this product and make that vaccine more effective,” he says.
With the Newborn Immune Primer Paste, the transfer factor similarly boosts the calf’s immune system. “A calf would have to drink 8 gallons of colostrum to get the same amount of immune enhancement. When
I get a new client or someone wants to try it, if it’s a big operator with many cows, and they are still unsure about its effectiveness, I suggest they use it on half their calves and see the difference. They might do every other calf--if they can keep records on which calves received it,” he says.
“At weaning these calves are generally at least 30 pounds heavier—and maybe they saved some calves or had some that would have gotten sick and didn’t. That saves money, labor and antibiotics, and if you save one animal that pays for a lot of paste!”
Occasionally a person might give a calf two doses— at birth and again at 2 to 3 weeks of age, to give that animal the best chance. This might be the case with an orphan calf, but generally it’s just a one-dose thing.
This product also lowers cortisol levels—the stress hormone. “We did a study on this many years ago and feedlot operators told us that the calves they gave our products only bawl for 30 about hours, and the other calves are bawling (and not eating much) for a week. We realized we must be lowering the stress level, and this can be measured by measuring cortisol in the blood,” says Slagle.
“So we had a veterinarian, Dr. Bob McClung in Ohio, do that study. He had his own little feedlot and we
bought 12 calves from a sale barn, selecting the most stressed bawling calves. We gate-cut them into two groups. One group got gel caps that were a placebo and the other group got the gel caps containing our adult immune primer. We took blood samples twice a day for 2 weeks and sent them to a lab in Lexington, Kentucky and measured two things—cortisol levels and insulin levels. We found that in the calves that got our product, cortisol levels averaged 46% lower than the calves that did not get our product. They were all in the same pen; everything was the same except for what they initially received,” he says.
“We also measured insulin levels. As the rumen fills with feed, the insulin levels go up, to digest all those carbohydrates. Insulin levels in our test calves skyrocketed on day 5 to 6 because they were on full feed by then, while insulin levels on the controls didn’t go up until about 3 weeks because they were stressed and not eating as much. Treatment rate was also different, at 1 to 8. For every treatment in our group, there were 8 treatments in the control group,” he says.
“These products can help cattle at any stage of life, but I feel the biggest bang for the buck is with the Newborn Immune Primer Paste to get calves off to a good start.”
Hey y’all! We’re pushing through the start of the spring show season and I hope everyone is doing well. From Longhorn Weekend at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo to getting ready for the San Angelo Stock Show, we sure have had fun. This issue of Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine, the Herd Sire Edition, holds great significance to the show scene and influences programs exponentially. There are lists upon lists of the many greats that made the industry what it is today. Some historic bulls that you may have seen in your show calves’ pedigree are NP Redeemer’s Redemption, Saltgrass, WR Trails, Sunrise Admiral, RCR Scorpion’s Stinger, Jet Jockey, Bail Jumper and HD Leading Edge. Bulls such as Sanddollar Samsonite, which many of us recognize, sired hundreds of calves. Samsonite as well as Sanddollar Discovery and Sanddollar Revival have been included in the foundation of my own herd’s pedigree since the beginning. And there are plenty more that are still improving the next generation of cattle as we speak. This topic is of importance to me personally, because I own a very special herd sire. Since the day CK TenBar came to Double R, we knew he would be outstanding. He is the first bull I ever personally selected and purchased (partially with proceeds from the WTLA Jim Curry Classic Scholarship.) And taking him on to become the 2022 TLBAA World Grand Champion Bull holds a special place in my heart. We owe it to the Jaurez family for allowing me to purchase him. To the day, CK TenBar resides at the ranch and stays with our herd. His show calves have begun hitting the show scene and making a name for themselves! We can hardly wait to see where the future takes them. Great herd sires can be the most e cient and significant way to improve a herd, or better, generation of cattle!
2024 - 2025 TLBT Nati al President
This season, the TLBT wants to include YOU in the Trails Magazine! To help us raise funds, you can advertise your ranch or Senior Sale heifer! Ads are $100 per month for breeders, and $75 per month for TLBT Seniors. Act Fast! Spaces are available for February - June. Please email Devin Culpepper at ddgculpepper@gmail.com to book your space!
Owen Cromwell Senior
What is your favorite part about showing Longhorns?
-My favorite part about showing longhorns is that I get to learn how to be responsible by caring for my cattle and making sure they are healthy. I also love being able to be involved with such a great organization. Who/what has been your biggest influence while showing?
- I have had some amazing people help me be the best I can be, in and out of the ring. Cookie McKee, who generously gave me my first longhorn; Ben Herman, who is always there to help me with anything I need; My mom and dad of course, for helping me all the time and getting me to shows; Jaylin Kimmel, she’s always there to help me and o er support and tips when needed. And finally, my ag teacher, Mrs. Ashley Wilson. She is always encouraging me and very supportive of me showing longhorns. She also runs one of the only high school longhorn show teams out there and she works very hard at it.
Do you have a favorite Longhorn in your herd or one that you have shown and why? (Past or Present)
-One of my favorite longhorns that I own would be my 3 ½ year-old steer, SRR Willie. He was my first longhorn in my herd. For being a big steer, he is still so sweet, loving, and gentle.
Tell me about your Senior Sale Heifer.
- My Senior Sale Heifer is CK Shiloh’s Ginger. I purchased her from Brett and Teresa Krause at Circle K Longhorns. Ginger is such a sweet heifer with an amazing attitude. She has great structure, beautiful pattern, and strong maternal qualities. She is out of TLS Ginger by Shiloh’s Chex. We have had a great fall show season, placing well at TLBGCA Fall Show, West Texas Fair and Rodeo, Louisiana State Fair, State Fair of Texas, and STLA Winterfest, and I am excited to see how she grows and matures this spring. Please follow our Facebook Page ‘Owen Senior Sale Heifer’.
What are your future aspirations or plans?
- After I graduate, I plan to continue showing in the open division. I will be attending Stephen F.
Sh idan Van Bl c
Hadley And s Vice President
Jaylin KrimmelTreasurer Braylin Miller Reporter
Abigail MasSecretary
Anth y Quinn Teen Director
Savannah Duncan Senior Director Av y Mathey
Anth y
Quinn Teen Director Justin Sabio, Jr. Senior Director
B nie Welb n Teen Director
Amelia Hawkins
Intermediate Director
What is your favorite part about showing Longhorns?
Who/what has been your biggest influence while showing?
Junior Director Teagan Mathey
Intermediate Director
Nich as Mathey
Junior Director Brynn Hickman
For more info or questions regarding the TLBT, please contact us at tlbtadvisors@gmail.com or visit us on social media!
- My favorite part about showing longhorns is getting to share the knowledge I have learned from showing and raising cattle with younger kids and people who are not familiar with our breed.
- My biggest influence while showing has been Stephen Head. He has taught me a majority of what I know about the breed and has also helped me with my showmanship.
Do you have a favorite Longhorn in your herd or one that you have shown and why? (Past or Present)
- My favorite longhorn is my steer, BC Star-Lord. He was donated to me from the TLBGCA Calf Donation Drawing and he is very special to me since he was my first longhorn I owned.
My favorite show is the STLA Winterfest in Edna, Texas.
What are your future aspirations or plans?
As of right now, I am considering becoming a large animal vet. I have no doubt that whatever I end up doing, I will somehow be involved in the breed, whether that is showing or raising my own herd.
Whitney McCauley TLBT Member
What is your favorite part about showing Longhorns?
- My favorite part about showing is getting to spend time with friends and family at shows.
Who/what has been your biggest influence while showing?
- My mom has been my biggest influence. She is so strong and she always pushes me to do my best.
Do you have a favorite Longhorn in your herd or one that you have shown and why? (Past or Present)
- My favorite longhorn was my steer, Cookie. He was so sweet and he acted like a puppy sometimes. He loved getting bathed, brushed, and get treats. He passed this last fall, but I am thankful for all the memories I made with him.
What is your favorite show?
My favorite show is TLJN because everyone comes together to one place and I get to see my friends that live farther away.
What are your future aspirations or plans?
I hope to continue playing volleyball in college. I have yet to decide what I want to major in, but after graduation I would like to start a business and buy a house with land to raise my own herd of longhorns on.
All interviews are conducted and sent to Trails Magazine by Braylin Miller, TLBT Reporter
What do you call a bull calf that has been castrated?
Intermediate: If your cow weighs 1000 pounds, how much should she eat in pounds each day?
What is the maximum age for a calf at side to be eligible to show?
Senior: What are the four basic classes of nutrition for cattle?
pounds | Teen: 205 days | Senior: Energy, mineral, protein, vitamins
Intermediate: B. 25 to 30
Junior: |Steer
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend the First Annual “Midwest A liate Longhorn Sale”, located in Marysville, Kansas at the Marysville Livestock Auction Barn on June 14th, 2025.
This sale will be put on by the members of the Midwest Texas Longhorn A liate. We need everyone to step up and get involved in support of this sale be it consigning, volunteering, or sponsoring.
Consignment form will be out in a few weeks. Take a look at your herd and pick out 1 or 2 top o erings to make this a quality first year sale. We will have a Friday night Pre Sale-Party June 13th and Sale on Saturday June 14th.
More details to follow in the coming weeks.
If you know of other breeders in Kansas or boarding states that would be interested in joining and supporting the Midwest Texas Longhorn A liate please pass on this information, download and fill out the membership application at www.mwtla.org and mail the dues ($50.00) to:
Midwest Texas Longhorn Association 342 E 590th Ave Pittsburg KS 66762
Contact with any questions Todd McKnight 620-704-3493, tmck7@ckt.net Jim Rombeck 785-562-6665, jl.rombeck60@gmail.com
The September GPTLA meeting and TLBAA Satellite Horn Measurement were hosted at the Gordon & Connie Howie Ranch. The weather was picture perfect and lunch was wonderful. It’s always fun to see some great Longhorn cattle and spend time with other longhorn enthusiasts.
This month we are featuring the Lazy JL Longhorn herd. Jerry and Gretchen Lotspeich live in Northwest Nebraska, and have been stalwart supporters of the GPTLA. Their first requirement for cattle in their herd is a gentle demeanor. Beyond that is a quest for well balanced traits with a bunch of horn. That has been evidenced by several Horn Showcase winners coming from their herd. The predominant bloodline behind their cows comes from the great Gunman bull. They have used several other breeding bulls from many great programs across the country. Their goal is to raise o spring able to compete successfully in the Horn Showcase. Their latest entry was LJL Texan Cheyenne, who won her class.
The pictures represent the kind of cattle you could expect to see at their ranch. They always welcome people for tours of Jerry’s Glamour Girls!
The GPTLA membership continues to welcome new member producers (you can join regardless of where you live). We would LOVE to have you join us! $250 lifetime membership dues or $25.00 annual.
Gordon Howie, President
Ben Krump, Vice President
Shawn Tobin, Secretary
Lisa Sanders, Treasurer
We are always happy to help! Be sure to check out our web site at www.GPTLA.com
Please submit your news to myra@tlbaa.org each month. You may include photos. If you wish for names to be included under photos, please supply those captions. You can include meeting reports, upcoming events, member accomplishments...anything that let people see that your a liate is a great community to be a part of within the Longhorn industry. All news and photos need to be submitted by the first of the month prior to publication date. (For example, November news items need to be turned in by October 1st) We look forward to helping promote your a liate and its members!
We’re happy to welcome the following new members to our association. These promotional, active & lifetime members joined December 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 If you live near one of these new breeders, be sure to reach out introduce yourself!
Clements Ranch Pine Level, AL
Brad & Edie Roberts Colt, AR
Fred Ballard ........................................... Delta, CO
Cassi Davis Silt, CO
John Tilquist Plymouth, CT
Brd Ranch Palmetto, FL
Green Acres Farm Blairsville, GA
Tripp Ranch ................................ Hephzibah, GA
Josh Riggs Waynesboro, GA
Arrows Crossing ........................ New Carlisle, IN
Cory Stamper Paris, KY
Hph Nashville, MI
Wild Valley Ranch................................... Isle, MN
5d Farms Eldon, MO
Will Weldon Jr. .................................. Houlka, MS
Katie Pittman Richton, MS
Joanie Ford Vancleave, MS
Conner Smith Wagoner, OK
Evergreen Haven Farms Chambersburg, PA
Mike & Pam Kindzerski ..................... Sturgis, SD
Chris And Tiffany Archuleta Unicoi, TN
Frontier Longhorns ........................... Abilene, TX
Farnstar Ranch Angleton, TX
Morris Ranch Archer City, TX
Ryan Otto Blanco, TX
Jorge And Dina Robles Fort Worth, TX
Cody Smith .................................... Gatesville, TX
Frederick & Jennifer Henderson Hallettsville, TX
Mario Moya............................................. Linn, TX
Blevins Longhorns New Braunfels, TX
Douglas Bowman Quitman, TX
T-f Cattle San Saba, TX
Jonathan & Layna O’connor Stephenville, TX
Janine Turner .............................. Valley View, TX
Molly Malson Weatherford, TX
Marvin Fuller Wylie, TX
Cole MatwichukRural Parkland County, AB, Canada
By Heather Smith Thomas
Cattle have to eat more food in cold weather to generate additional body heat. A great deal of body heat can be produced by the breakdown of forages in the rumen, due to the heat of digestion/fermentation. In order to process the additional feed, however, the digestive tract needs adequate fluid.
A cow’s water requirement may not be as high in winter as in the heat of summer when she’s losing fluid (via sweating, panting, etc.) to help dissipate body heat, and needing additional fluid for lactation, but she needs to drink enough water in cold weather to handle the demands of ruminant digestion and increased metabolism, to prevent dehydration and impaction. Thus it is important to provide adequate water for livestock during cold weather or make sure they have adequate snow on winter pastures.
Julie Walker, Beef Specialist, South Dakota State Uni versity says that if cattle don’t have water, they won’t eat much. Drinking and eating are closely correlated. If they don’t eat enough, they don’t have fuel to stay warm. “Fermentation in the rumen generates heat, and helps alleviate cold stress,” she says.
Cattle always need water, and the more they eat, the more they must drink in order to process the feed. “It’s crucial to keep water sources open (not covered with ice), and make sure they have an adequate supply. Cows can eat snow, but they can’t eat it if it’s crusted over, and some cows don’t eat snow as readily as others.”
Cattle generally learn to eat snow by mimicking other cows, or their mothers, if calves are win tering with their mothers. If you simply put a herd of cows out on winter pasture and they are not ac customed to eating snow, however, many are slow to learn and lose weight because they won’t eat enough if they don’t have enough fluid in the GI tract. “We can’t always depend on cattle utilizing snow for moisture,” says Walker.
other source) to prevent dehydration,” says Walker.
Trey Patterson, PhD (nutritionist and Chief Operations Officer of Padlock Ranches in Wyoming) says that when using snow a rancher has to make sure the cattle don’t have excessive salt intake. Many mineral or protein supplements contain salt as a limiter, and this increases the cows’ water requirement.
“When you provide supplement, make sure there’s not too much salt in it. You want to make sure cattle have adequate salt but not excessive salt. You don’t want to do anything that would decrease their ability to use snow, yet at the same time you don’t want them deficient in salt. If they’re deficient, they won’t drink enough water or eat enough snow, and then they won’t eat enough,” he says.
“They should always have a water source. Some cows may not come to it every day, if they choose to stay out and graze and lick snow, but it’s there when they want it. Some cows only come in for water every other day or so because snow consumption provides much of what they need. Research has shown that water consumption is around 6 gallons per day for pregnant dry cows at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. However, we don’t know how much water they actually need in these situations with snow providing part of the fluid requirement, because we can’t replicate nature in a research study. We just know that cows need adequate water (via snow or some
“Cattle are on a low quality diet if they are out on winter range, and you want them eating as much as possible,” says Patterson. If you feed cattle it is imperative that cattle have enough fresh ter for their needs.
“If cattle are used to having adequate drinking water, you could er some losses if they suddenly have to depend on snow. They need time to adapt to eating snow, and I don’t recommend that you completely pull water away from them,” he says. Certain cows need access to water if they refuse to eat snow.
“Usually in winter the cows are dry, and their water requirements are low. If you have pairs, either fall calving, or haven’t weaned your late summer calves yet, it’s unlikely that snow would be adequate for water requirements unless they grew up in this system and the snow is the right consistency to easily consume. A dry cow in winter has lower water intake than a dry cow in summer or
“One thing some people don’t realize is that when it gets really cold this doesn’t mean cows’ water requirement diminishes. In fact, it may increase because cows are eating more to try to generate more body heat. Because of the correlation between water intake and feed intake you want to make sure they have adequate water,” he explains.
In regions where extensive pastures don’t have available electricity for running a pump or tank heaters, there are several innovative options including solar power pumps and the frost-free nose pump. George Widdifield, Ranch Manager at the Western Beef Development Centre’s Research Ranch at Lanigan, Saskatchewan says their operation utilizes a frost-free nose pump and also a solar water system.
“The solar-powered water system works off a motion detector. When cattle walk up to it, the pump starts running and they can drink from it. It runs for a short length of time and shuts off after they move away. This system runs the pump off a wet well that we put in from a dugout. The pump is down in that shallow well and doesn’t have to pump the water very far,” says Widdifield.
This one has a 3-foot cribbing that goes down into the wet well, with a tub at the top that the water pumps into. “Once the pump shuts off, after the cow leaves, the water in that little tub drains back down into the wet well, so there is none left in the tub to freeze. We’ve never had any ice buildup in it, however, because it’s a black tub that holds heat from the sun,” he says.
The ranch also uses another system that runs a pump with solar power from a regular ground well. “We run that water in an underground pipe about a quarter mile to a winterized trough that works off a float system. We use a trough that has 6 drinking holes and you can cover or open as many as needed, depending on how many cows are watering from it. We’ve had very little trouble with this system,” he says.
“Running from a well, the water line to the trough has to be down about 8 feet in our region so it won’t freeze. The trough itself is well insulated with about 6 inches of insulation. As long as there is fresh water coming into it all the time it doesn’t freeze. The drinking holes go down through the insulated cover.”
the cows push a lever with their nose. When the cow stops pumping, any water remaining in the upright pipe drains back down and there’s no water left in the pipe to freeze.
“These work fine if you train cows to use it. We did it the suggested way, starting with just a few cows at a time, and they teach the others. There are different levels in the drain holes in the line, and when we are first training the cows we put it at the highest level (during warm weather with no danger of water freezing in the pipe) so it’s easy for them to pump it. After they learn, we lower the drain hole. After they know how to use it they will push it as hard as necessary to pump the water,” says Widdifield.
“Even in summer when there is other water available there are still some cows that prefer to go pump
The cattle drinking throughout the day, lowering the water level to activate the float valve and bring more water into the trough, usually keep it from freezing even during cold weather. Occasionally those holes freeze over at night when the cattle aren’t drinking much. “If it’s 40 below zero and the wind is blowing, we may have to go out in the morning and knock the ice out of the drinking tubes, but as long as there is fresh water coming into it regularly the trough won’t freeze up. When the cattle drink it down to a certain level the float activates the switch and water flows in. Once it gets full the switch kicks out and the water stops coming in,” he says.
The ranch has many groups of cattle and different pens of cattle or pastures of cattle on grazing trials, so they depend on numerous water sources. “We have several different systems and also made some of our own insulated troughs because we have to haul water to certain fields. As long as you put fresh water into them every day, they stay open a long time in cold weather. Insulation makes a big difference,” says Widdifield.
The ranch also has nose pumps. These consist of a vertical culvert set down into the ground to access water from a nearby dugout via an underground pipe from the bottom of the dugout to the wet well at the bottom of the upright culvert. A small drinking basin sits atop the culvert. A smaller pipe with a piston pump is inside the culvert, pumping water up to the basin when
that thing and have cool, clean water. It’s nice to have cattle fenced away from the dugouts, watering with the nose pump or solar powered wet well, because they aren’t tromping in the dugout, damaging the banks, or contaminating the water. They aren’t getting foot rot or spreading fecal-borne diseases. “If you can have the water source farther from your dugout you can keep the water cleaner,” he says.
“With any of these systems you still have to check them regularly in the winter and make sure they are working and free of ice. With the solar-powered systems you have to make sure the batteries stay good or the valve switch in the tank doesn’t get knocked off kilter, or the nose pump doesn’t build up ice on the push lever,” he says.
“What I like about all of these systems—the solar power with the eye, or the nose pump—is that you don’t have to worry about cattle walking out on the pond or dugout and falling through the ice. If you get a bunch of cows pushing and shoving each other out on the ice, they may fall through. Every year, somebody loses cattle.”
It is important to monitor cows—and their water sources--through winter, and know if they are drinking enough and eating enough, and maintaining adequate body condition.
Cattle For Sale
BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS - Est. 1995. Conformation, color, disposition, pedigree and HORNS. Reasonable prices. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK. 580 765-9961 (calls only) or email cmuchmor@ poncacity.net. www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains 918-855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK www.lonewolfranch.net
TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breed’s top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days 512-454-0476 / Weekends 830-644-2380.
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co................... 8,9
JH Cattle Company
Hubbell Longhorns
February 6-7 , 2025 • San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, San Antonio, TX. Joey Gornick (713) 870-7887 or gornickranch@gmail.com. Qualifying Youth.
February 14-16 • San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Fairgrounds, San Angelo, TX.Entry deadline Jan. 10th. Amanda Danley (432) 894-1320 or adanley@seminoleisd.net. Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Points Only and Miniatures.
February 15 • Matagorda County Fair, Matgorda County Fairgrounds, Matagorda, TX. Sarah Buentello (281) 845-1200 or cattlecompanycb@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth and Miniatures.
March 1, 2025 • Winchester Futurity, Brazos Valley Livestock Commission, Bryan, TX Contact Karen Allen alkabryranch@gmail.com
March 7-9, 2025 • NTLBA Spring Show, Hopkins County Civic Center, Sulpher Springs, TX. Deadline 2/19. Contact John Oliver joliver210@yahoo.com 972-268-0083 or Brenda Oliver boliver84@yahoo.com 972-268-0031. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Miniatures & Points Only
March 14-15, 2025 • Legacy Sale, Grapevine, TX. Contact Chase Vasut 512-917-8654
March 22-23, 2025 • Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, NRG Park, Houston, TX Enter Online www.rodeohouston.com Contact Pam Robison (817) 625-6241 or pam@ tlbaa.org Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, and Youth
March 21-23, 2025 • OTLA Spring Shootout Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center, Shawnee, OK. Entry Deadline April 11. Kyla Lovejoy (940) 600-7033 or Kyla_Gail@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Points Only, Miniatures. March 27-29 • YMBL South Texas State Fair, Ford Park, Beaumont, TX. Bracy Wars (936) 404-2116. Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers and Youth. Postmarked Entry Deadline - Feb. 6, 2025 | Postmarked Late Entry Deadline with a fee - March 6, 2025.
April 4-5, 2025 • Texas Treasure Heifer Sale Fredericksburg, TX. Contact Mike Davis, mike@lmlonghorns.com
April 11, 2025 • Bluegrass Heifer Sale held in conjunction with the Bluegrass Futurity, Lexington, KY. Sale starts 6 p.m. Contact Hudson Longhorn Sales, Elizabeth Hudsonehudson18@gmail.com or (812) 786-2140.
April 11-12, 2025 • Bluegrass Futurity held in conjunction with the Bluegrass Heifer Sale, Lexington, KY. Bulls Friday 1 p.m. Heifers Saturday 10 a.m. Contact Dan Huntington, (715) 853-7608 or info@huntingtonsales.com.
April 11-13, 2025 • 2025 ETLA Corsicana Classic, Navarro County Expo Center, Corsicana, TX Entry Deadline 4/1/25 Contact Debroah Burkham 214-616-2549 dburk5@ hotmail.com Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Miniatures, Miniatures
April 18-19, 2025 • Cherry Blossom Sale & Futurity, Culpeper Virginia. Chase Vasut 512917-8654; Shawn Pequignot 540-406-3155.
April 19, 2025 • Spring B&C Longhorn Sale, New Cambria, MO. Alyson Sayre asayre@ stanbury.com
April 25, 2025 • Texoma Spring Classic, Mike Beck (817) 905-7994, Dale Hunt (402) 2144851 or Bob Loomis (580) 276-7498.
April 25-27, 2025 • Battle on the Prairie Heifer Futurity, Duncan, OK. Josh Dinwiddie (580) 812-2436
April 25-27, 2025 • Trail of Turquoise, Taylor County Expo, Abilene, TX. Entry Deadline
April 11. Kyla Lovejoy (940) 600-7033 or Kyla_Gail@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Points Only, and Miniatures.
May 2-3, 2025 • Glendenning Fiesta Sale, Celina, TX. Celina TX. Contact Sherese Glendenning sherese@glendenningfarms.com 972-978-0424
May 2-4, 2025 • HOTLA Snook Longhorn Roundup, Snook Rodeo LLC, Snook, TX. Entry Deadline April 10, 2025. Sandi Nordhausen (512) 898-2401 or Sandi.nordhausen@gmail. com. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only and Miniatures.
May 9-11, 2025 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Grimes County Fair & Expo, Navasota, TX Contact Sarah Buentello cattlecompanysb@gmail.com or 281-845-1200 Qualifying Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Points Only & Miniatures
May 23-24, 2025 • Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction, Heifer Sale Friday - Cow Sale Saturday. Contact Hudson Longhorn Sales, Elizabeth Hudson - ehudson18@gmail.com or (812) 786-2140.
June 15, 2025 • Midwest Affiliate Longhorn Sale, Marysville Livestock Auction Barn, Marysville, Kansas Contact Todd McKnight 620-704-3493, tmck7@ckt.net or Jim Rombeck 785-562-6665, jl.rombeck60@gmail.com
June 18-21, 2025 • TLBAA World Expo & Junior Nationals, Taylor County Expo Center, Abilene, Texas Contact Pam Robison pam@tlbaa.org or (817) 625-6241
June 20, 2025 • Futurity of The West, Dundee, OR. Contact Scott Picker
June 21, 2025 • Oregon Trail Sale ,Dundee, OR. Contact Scott Picker
June 27-29, 2025 • Chisholm Trail Select Sale and Futurity Enid, OK. Nik Nikodym 405-230-0848 or Kevin Bryant 580-254-1864.
August 16, 2025 • Top Hand Sale, Rapid City, SD, Contact Jodie O’Bryan joband123@ hotmail.com
August 16-17, 2025 • Central States Fair Longhorn Show, Rapid City, SD, Contact Shawn Tobin (605) 545-2897, shawnstobin@gmail.com or gptla.info@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth & Youth Points Only.
September 12-13, 2025 • G&G Fall Classic, Culpeper, Virginia. Chase Vasut, 512-9178654 or Shawn Pequignot 540-406-3155.
September 27, 2025 • 58th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Day, 35000 Muskrat Rd Barnesville, Ohio 43713 | Dickinson Cattle Co
October 1-4, 2025 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Canadian County Expo Center, El Reno, OK. Contact Pam Robison pam@tlbaa.org or 817-625-6241 Ex. 106
October 11, 2025 • Fall B&C Longhorn Sale New Cambria, MO. Alyson Sayre asayre@ stanbury.com
October 17-18 2025 • Millennium Futurity, Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington , KY. Ann Gravett, gravett99@yahoo.com.
Affiliates: Please submit a completed show application to pam@tlbaa.org in order to have your TLBAA World Qualifying show listed.
All other events: All other events, sales, field days or other activities may email your information directly to myra@tlbaa.org. No event will be added without a request being made.