Texas Longhorn Trails
April 2014
APRIL 2014 VOL. 26 NO. 1
Cover Stories:
15 AHudson-Valentine: New Benchmark in Quality
About the Cover: Spring is finally here and beautiful babies are everywhere, one of the favorite sights of any Texas Longhorn breeder as they look across their pasture. Thanks to Lee and Linda Blackwell, Fredericksburg, TX for sharing theirs.
by Henry King
46 50th Anniversary Salute: J.W. Isaacs by Carolyn Hunter
54 Keeping Cattle Healthy
Without Antibiotics by Heather Smith Thomas
Feature Articles: 36 Mosser Scholarship Winners Announced 50 TLBT: Preparation For Life
Shows & Sales: 40 Cattle Baron’s Premier Longhorn Sale Results
44 Winchester Futurity Results 4
by Carolyn Hunter
58 Butler Meeting by Russell Hooks
60 Registered Texas Longhorn Lean Beef Provider List Texas Longhorn Trails
Departments: 10 CEO Letter with Mike Coston 14 Officer & Directors 28 A Moment in TLBAA History 30 Event News with Liz Nessler 32 TLBT Letter 34 Affiliate News 36 Board Bio: John Parmley 38 News on the Trail 38 Board Bio: Lana Hightower 53 TLBAA Announcements 57 In The Pen 62 Herd Management 68 Save the Date 69 Movers & Shakers 71 Ad Index 71 Just For Grins
Notesfrom the Editor The 50th Anniversary celebration is next on our calendar of events for the TLBAA. We are so excited to get together with fellow Longhorn breeders and celebrate this wonderful occasion. The Trails magazine will be combining the May and June issue to commemorate this great feat along with recognizing the brood cows of this great breed. This is the perfect opportunity to get your special ad in for this issue and support the TLBAA for it’s great acheivement. Your advertisement can boost your own breeding program that graces this association We are looking for a special “Cover Girl” to be showcased on the cover for this issue. For an entry fee of $100, your photo will be in the running. Don’t Delay.... deadline for photos will be April 15th. All the details are covered on the Trails ad placed on page 59 of this issue. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase the special cow in your herd and promote your breeding program. The Trails ad placed on page 59 also reflects some changes in the advertising prices. Due to increased postage cost and production cost, the rates had to be adjusted. This ensures you will be receiving the same quality product that you are familiar with. This is a remarkable time for the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America and its members.
– Laura Standley
(817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org Editor in Chief: Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Matt Durkin • (512) 923-9015 • mattdurkin1073@aol.com
President/CEO: Mike Coston
Ashley Loos • (217) 653-8403 • ashley@tlbaa.org Phil Norwood • (713) 294-0139 • phil@tlbaa.org Joe Raimo • (352) 361-8274 • deucer49@aol.com
Show & Sales: Liz Nessler • Ext. 104
Ext. 102 • mike@tlbaa.org liz@tlbaa.org salesandevents@tlbaa.org
Graphic Design & Production: Myra Basham • Ext. 108 • myra@tlbaa.org • artdirector@tlbaa.org
Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org
Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org
Graphic Artist/Multimedia Design: Anna Hendry • Ext. 109 • web@tlbaa.org Regional Correspondents: Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee | Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado | Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada | Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas | Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma
Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org
Deadline: May/June 2014 deadline is April 15th. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
Donna Shimanek • Ext. 121 donna@tlbaa.org
Receptionist/ Adminstrative Assistant:
Cynthia Guerra • Ext. 100 Printed in the USA
“We reach every TLBAA member”
Texas Longhorn Trails
Give your breeding program Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com
Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 e-mail: rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940 www.boxzranch.com
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail: ketyfolsom@aol.com
PJ’s Cattle Company – Jim Swigert or Lance Swigert 2130 CR 100, Caldwell, TX 77836 Jim: (979) 224-2861 or Lance (979) 219-4902 e-mail: jim@swicoauctions.com or lance@swicoauctions.com www.pjslonghorns.com
McLeod Ranch – Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns
P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com • e-mail: bpotts1@verizon.net
Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
a boost with Butler genetics! Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com
DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail: dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail: ancop5@me.com
Harrell Ranch-Kent & Sandy Harrell
15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 www.harrellranch.com • e-mail: Kent@harrellranch.com
Moriah Farms - Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX (817) 341-4677 • (817) 319-9198 cell www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com
Showcase Your Butler Program Here!
Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 790-6565 e-mail: dayamisrockingranch@yahoo.com
Rockin I Longhorns - Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 • e-mail: tmangold@sbcglobal.net www.rockinilonghorns.com
Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail: r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
For more information, contact the Trails advertising department today at
(817) 625-6241
We are excited to announce a new dimension to the Trails magazine for the May and June Issue. In the past, the May issue has been the Brood Cow edition and June has typically been one of our repeatedly terrific releases. We are looking forward to presenting to you a very special Trails magazine. A collectors edition that will commemorate the 50th Anniversary and an issue to promote our extraordinary brood cows. This exclusive Trails issue will feature, on the cover, one of your premier brood cows along with the TLBAA 50th Anniversary premier edition. A keepsake for sure, and one that will be used over and over again. As an added incentive to being on this exclusive cover in this particular issue we will display this Trails issue in our new building and Museum commemorating our 50th Anniversary. We are planning a photo contest, using a three-judge panel; they will pick the best print-quality photo showcasing your brood cow, and we will then place it on the front cover of this May/June Commemorative Trails issue. You will not want to miss out on your chance to grace this issue! We are still excitedly moving forward with our building plans. All the prints and architectural drawings have been presented to the City of Fort Worth for their approval and permitting. We genuinely need your help however, in funding the building of our new offices and museum, and you will very soon receive appeals for your donations and pledges. The building project has a price tag of 1.6 million dollars and will belong to all our members. We want all our members to be as involved as possible and hope you will become very proud of your new home. See you soon,
The TLBAA Building Committee has made great progress towards the building that will be located on our 2 acre spot with the Texas Gold Statue. We are looking toward the future!
Texas Longhorn Trails
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
17 13
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Chairman of the Board: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493
Secretary: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844
Executive Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (785) 562-6665
Treasurer: John Parmley • (281) 541-1201
1st Vice Chairman: Craig Perez • (979) 906-0043
Director: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035
2nd Vice Chairman: Tom Smith • (616) 293-0977
Director: Jeff Jespersen • (780) 966-3320
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Mark Hubbell
(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
Keith DuBose
(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com
(620) 704-3493 chairman@tlbaa.org
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Todd McKnight
John Parmley
(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com
(701) 590-9073 smithlonghorns@hotmail.com
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
Jeff Jespersen
(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com
Lana Hightower
(903) 681-1093 glcattleco@aol.com
Region 13 - Director (308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com
Region 2 - Director
Region 8 - Director
Region 14 - Director
(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@earthlink.net
Ken Morris
(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com
Nelson Hearn
Region 3 - Director
Chad Smith
L.D. McIntyre
Gwen Damato
(817) 304-1665 diamondglonghorns@yahoo.com
(785) 562-6665 jl.rombeck@outlook.com
Region 9 - Director
Region 15 Director
Jim Rombeck
Tom Smith
(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com
Russell E. Fairchild
(254) 485-3434 fairchildranch@yahoo.com
(979) 906-0043 cperz1@hotmail.com
Region 4 - Director
Region 10 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Craig Perez
Scott Hughes
(828) 287-4257 shughes@partonlumber.com
Gary Bowdoin
(254) 640-0844 Tonkawacattleco@aol.com
(435) 275-2112 doughuny37@gmail.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Region 17 - Director
Doug Hunt
Nancy Dunn
(334) 318-0887 nancydunn2010@windstream.net
Larry Smith
(281) 935-2811 texasslonghorns@aol.com
(208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com
(979) 249-4255 sktorkildsen@gmail.com
Region 18 - Director
Kathy Kittler
CHARLES SCHREINER III* 1964-1967 WALTER G. RIEDEL, JR.* 1967-1969 J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 WALTER B. SCOTT* 1971-1973 JAMES WARREN* 1973-1975 J.W. ISAACS* 1975-1977 J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978
Terry Fuhriman
Bill Torkildsen
JOHN R. BALL 1979-1980
BILL ANTHONY* 1981-1982
GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995
DR. L.V. BAKER 1982-1984
TIM MILLER* 1995-1998
DR. W.D. “BILL” CLARK 1984-1986
BOB MOORE* 2003-2005
JOHN T. BAKER 1988-1990
(408) 834-0110 rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Ray Beadle
Chairman: Dr. Bob Kropp – (580) 336-0220
Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351
Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083
Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659
Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331
John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730
Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616
Texas Longhorn Trails
hen the final bid is tallied for the 2014 Hudson-Valentine Invitational Sale, it is a virtual certainty that new records will have been established. As a matter of fact, new records were already emblazoned before the first Texas Longhorn steps into the Western Kentucky University Ag Expo sale ring at Bowling Green. The sale, scheduled for April 4-5, offers the greatest concentration of cows with 80 inches or more of horn to ever grace an auction catalog. That fact alone is indicative of the quality being offered. It is also indicative of the confidence the owners of these prized cattle have in the Hudson-Valentine team and their ability to provide a venue where elite cattle are appreciated and willing buyers abound.
Linda & Darol Dickinson, Barnesville, OH.
familiar with; they’re not animals people haven’t heard of before. These are topshelf animals that a lot of good con-
Joe & Lorinda Valentine and Elizabeth & Bill Hudson.
signors have let go. These consignors are household names in the Longhorn industry; these aren’t people you haven’t heard of before, these are some of your top breeders from around the country, and the cattle they have consigned are really top-notch.” “We have been real fortunate to have veteran producers and new buyers attending our sales. We are very pleased to be offering elite cattle and anticipate a good turnout for the Hudson-Valentine Sale. Our sale is followed very well via Internet broadcasts by Liveauctions.tv. They do a real good job for us every year, and are great folks to work with, too. They send a representative of their group, who's on hand to record bids on the Internet. They are there with a computer assisting our auctioneer, Bruce McCarty
“We talk about a sale that offers outstanding cattle,” explained Joe Valentine, “which means outstanding genetics and everything else that represents the quality animal. You know, you’ve got to have outstanding consignors before you can get these animals; you’ve got to have people that really feel that they are going to get the price that they want for their cattle before they consign them. We are amazed – last year and this year – with the cattle that have been consigned. Being a breeder myself, I know it is not always easy to Richard & Jeanne Filip, Fayetteville, TX; Ben Gravett, Catlett, VA; consign that good animal – it’s Ursula & John Allen, Harper, TX. always hard to let it go.” “We have consignors that have really and our pedigree reader, Dale Hunt. A let animals go right from the top of their very professional crew.” herd. These are animals that everybody is “We have somewhere around 70 con-
signors to the Hudson-Valentine Sale this year and a tremendous group of cattle. Our consignors pulled animals from the top of their programs. There's a good deal of talk about the consignments, and we have been taking calls day and evenings, answering questions about the cattle from interested buyers. I might add, a number of new folk.” “Many attendees also come to attend the Southeastern Futurity and visit with their friends while competing against one another in the futurity. Everyone learns a great deal at these shows and walks away with helpful breeding information they pick up from other breeders.”
Debra, John & Nathan Helm, Red Oak, TX
“Consignors are calling with interest, too. In addition, we had a great sale last year with wonderful consignments and most importantly the animals sold well and brought a good return to the consignor. Along those lines, Bill and I have discussed on several occasions that we don't wish to produce just any ol' sale, but only sales that feature elite Texas Longhorns. This type of cattle will always give you the best return on your investment through sales of their offspring and their own resale value. It has always been our goal at every sale we have ever produced to increase the profitability of our valued consignors and buyers by choosing elite consignments for our sales. And, we will never change that philosophy. It has worked in good times and has been especially productive during tough market times, when purchasing quality was the best decision at the time. Quality never fails, and it will always give you the best return on your investment.” The Hudson-Valentine team provides a depth of detailed planning in all aspects of the weekend activities. In ad-
“The other thing – these groups who are holding these futurities, like the Southeastern group that holds this one, have brought in some outstanding judges. They are people who are at the top of our programs and know the cattle real well, know what people are looking for, and are really being judged in an outstanding way.” “We have some outstanding judges this year – Justin Hansen coming from out in California, Nathan Helm from Red Oak, TX, Todd Billingsley from out The Southeastern Winchester Futuin East Texas, Rick Friedrich from the rity will begin Friday, April 4 at 9:00 Texas Hill Country, and Dan Jones from a.m. It will include seven classes for the Hoosier group.” heifers, plus Grand and Reserve, and “What we’ve done with the sale is three classes for bulls, plus anybody who wins any of the classes Grand and Reserve. All class has the opportunity to put those aniwinners will receive a Henry mals in the sale. In addition to the nor.22 Golden Boy lever-action mal prizes that the futurity offers, which rifle and the option to sell at is generally the rifle for first place, Bill the beginning of the Hudsonand I have also thrown in $3500 in cash Valentine Spotlight Heifer Sale to go to the champions in the various on Friday evening. classes.” “We are really pleased to in“Going back to the futurity and the clude the Southeastern Wingood cattle that are brought in through chester Futurity with our sale", these futurities, I think it is interesting explained Joe Valentine. "It to follow those futurities with a heifer was a great idea from the start, sale. After seeing the futurity and the because all of these people who quality of the animals competing, you conduct the show are great friends. Terry certainly have to follow up with quality King, Jimmy Jones and Nancy Dunn in the heifer sale that evening. And we head up the group and do a great job are really loaded down with quality at with the futurity. They also enlist the the sale. We’ve got heifers that are two MC services of Ron years of age and are Marquess, who is great measuring at sixtyat keeping things runtwo, sixty-three ning, and he always has inches of horn at some exciting surprises that age, which is along the way. Ron is a simply unheard of. veteran Longhorn We’ve also got some breeder and very good heifers that have asset to the program." been champions in “The futurities have various futurities been very well attended across the country, across the country, and as well as ITLA and if you haven't attended TLBAA shows.” one, we urge you to do Terry King, Westville, FL; Lorinda “It’s really a funso,” Valentine continued. Valentine, Bowling Green, KY. packed weekend!” ex“These shows put a good claimed Valentine. “It deal of emphasis on the younger heifers starts Thursday with the futurity animals and bulls and it's amazing the number arriving, then they provide the buffet of people who participate with good that evening for the futurity people, quality animals. It's certainly helping then the futurity takes place on Friday sales, and it educates the new breeder morning starting at nine o’clock. Later and the Longhorn industry in general. that evening, the Spotlight Heifer Sale This is excellent promotion of our breed starts at 6:30 p.m. The next day, Saturand the stunning cattle.” day, we have a lunch buffet followed by dition to a laser-like focus on attracting elite cattle for the auction, the event also includes spirited competition in the form of the Southeastern Winchester Futurity with high-dollar cash prizes and rifles to class winners. There are also many social activities including a steak dinner served to all attendees on Friday evening prior to their Spotlight Heifer Sale and a Mexican food buffet prior to Saturday's sale.
The Futurity
--continued on pg. 25
Texas Longhorn Trails
--continued from pg. 16
the Hudson-Valentine Sale, starting around 12:30 or one o’clock.”
Sale Staff
bought a couple hundred of them and decorated my pastures with them.” “As I was going through that process of buying cattle, I was exposed to a lot of different sales and auctions. That captured my attention because my business has always been about marketing, so I learned how the Longhorn cattle were presently marketed.” “Then I also had a change of mind of what kind of cattle I wanted to own – it took me about a year to realize the difference – that I wanted to own the better end, the top end of cattle, what I call the elite cattle. So I went through the process of selling my initial herd and replacing them with better animals, and as I did, we started marketing cattle, trying to sell cattle for the most we could get them to bring. That’s when I met Joe Valentine, and Joe and I started the Legacy sale about ten year ago.”
Bruce McCarty, Weatherford, Texas, is the auctioneer, and Dale Hunt, Ardmore, Oklahoma, will provide expert commentary on each animal being offered. Their expertise will be augmented by professional bid spotters to ensure that every bidder is quickly recognized. McCarty has worked with Bill Hudson and Joe Valentine for nearly ten years and is highly complimentary of their knowledgeable marketing of top quality cattle. “When you look at leaders in the livestock industry,” said McCarty, “standing in front of the line are Bill Hudson and Joe Valentine. They are the leaders in the Longhorn cattle industry and front runners in breeding.” “They have easily raised over $500,000 for charitable organizations including the American Cancer Society, youth scholarships and many more programs across the United States.” “Ten years ago, Bill and Joe with their Longhorn Legacy Auction & Gala created a weekend of great cattle and great friends having a great time. Now they have directed their efforts to establishing another breakthrough in Kentucky. The Hudson-Valentine Sale set Scott Hughes, Rutherfordton, NC; Clay Adkins & Cole Adrecords in marketing Longhorns in kins, Ferrum, VA; Aaron Adkins, Rutherfordton, NC its first year with the sale of 100 head of the best. For 2014, they have once “We would sell cattle in a hotel ballagain brought together the best availroom in Fort Worth. That was a lot of able, with the largest offering of cattle fun, and the cattle brought a lot of measuring over 80 inches of horn, a feat money. We did that for four or five years, only a few could accomplish.” then sold that sale to TLMA. Since then, Joe and I have been doing what we call the Hudson-Valentine Sale once a year. We are doing that in Bowling Green, Kentucky again this year.” “We have really attracted a lot of betBefore retirement in 2009, Bill Hudter end cattle, so we are real excited son had operated a family business for about that. Whenever you run a sale like 32 years. He got into Texas Longhorn that, the first thing you’ve got to do is get ownership in 2003, buying 200 head to good cattle consigned. The second thing stock his 1200 acre ranch in southern is make sure all the buyers show up and Mississippi. “Just for pasture ornamake sure they all have a good time. Do ments,” he said. “I just wanted a herd of those three things, and you will have a cows. I was on the Internet one night, successful sale.” looking at different breeds of cattle, try“If you’ve got really, really good cating to find the beautiful breed of cattle, tle – the best cows that are going to sell and I saw a picture of a Texas Longhorn. this year – they are going to sell at your That’s all it took for me – I went out and sale. The people that want those good
The Learning Curve and the Legacy
April 2014
cattle, they’ll be there. They really will. There’s another level of people that they’d like to have them, but it’s not the most important thing in their life. Those are the people that you’ve got to persuade to come, make sure they have a good time when they come, and if they do, they will come back next year.” “The Longhorn business is such a small market that one of the neat things about it is all the unique people that you come across and make friends with. There are all types of people, from a poor man all the way up to a billionaire. There are people from all economic spectrums, social spectrums – a huge diversity of people, and we all have one common denominator, and that is a love for Texas Longhorn cattle. It really equalizes everybody when you put them in a room. We all love the cows, we all love different things about them, and it is a real unique fraternity of friends – a real interesting group of people. It has really enriched my life a lot, just getting to know all these people.”
“Red McCombs told me one time,” said Hudson, “you’ve got to first have what they want and then you have to make them want it. That’s good marketing advice right there – it all starts with having the right genetics on your ranch.” Hudson sold his business in 2009, signed a non-compete agreement, totally cut strings and retired. “My whole life I have been marketing,” he said. “I learned to sell as a little boy, and when I got out of high school, I went to work for my dad. I had three employees and a store that looked like “Sanford & Sons” salvage. I enjoyed that very much, I enjoyed buying something that other people didn’t see a lot of value in then selling it for more money than I paid for it. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure has kind of been my motto all my life. So we were in this family salvage business, and we grew it up to over a thousand employees and fifty locations when I sold it. And the guy that bought it from me has gown it extensively since then.” “It was a business of buying products in the secondary distribution market, like stuff that had been damaged by a storm or weather or maybe someone
went into bankruptcy, or close-outs, customer returns or irregulars – just anything that wasn’t the quality for the primary distribution channel – then we sold it at deep discounts in our retail stores.” “We would buy almost anything. Probably 40 to 45 percent of our business was clothing, shoes – soft goods,
Situated on nearly two square miles ple product for less. It might have a of prime Kentucky real estate, the unifancy name brand on it, but that comversity’s farm includes a dairy, classpany wanted their brand protected so room and laboratory facility, a beef we would clip their label out, and inhandling facility, crop acreage and the stead of selling it for $70.00, we may sell university’s beef and horse herds. It anit for $10.00, so it was all about intrinnually hosts over 100 events, including sic value. We would communicate that horse shows and sales, conferences, to the customer.” meetings, equipment shows and live“The Longhorn business is different stock events. From its location right off – the Longhorn business is of US 31W and directly linked to I-65 about perceived value – it’s the via the Natcher Parkway, the Expo Cenperception of reality. What ter is readily accessible from any of the makes this cow a $50,000 cow lodging and dining establishments in and the one standing right Bowling Green. next to her a $1500 cow? That’s what I enjoy about the Longhorn business, we are not After selling his business in 2009, dealing with intrinsic value -Bill Hudson also sold his ranch in Miswhat we are dealing with is sissippi, and he and his bride, Elizabeth, perceived value.” moved to Indiana. “The beef part of the Long“We bought a farm up here and horn industry IS intrinsic value Dan Jones, Washington, IN; Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI; Tracy Jones, Washington, IN. moved my Longhorns up here with us,” – that’s the scale price. You can he said. “In Mississippi, I had a 1200sell all your culls across the we called it. The other part was anything acre ranch, but in Indiana – we live near scales, and the beef price will dictate from food all the way to furniture, apLouisville, Kentucky – we just can’t find what the intrinsic price is.” pliances, electronics, and housewares. large tracts of land. We actually have five “But at these elite Longhorn sales, These were big box stores, 50,000- to small farms within a 30-mile radius of we are trying to get $75,000 to $100,000 60,000-square foot stores that sold just each other. It’s a little more difficult to for a cow. What makes it worth that? do it that way – we have to travel from about anything. We called them HudThe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. farm to farm when we check on cows. son’s Treasure Hunt. It was like a treasTo me, it is a lot of fun to try to comWe are hoping one day to find a big, ure hunt when you walked into one of municate perceived value to the cusbeautiful ranch here, but we just haven’t those places – our inventory would tomer and watch the response.” been able to find that piece of land yet.” change continually, we sold things very “We run about 200 females right now cheap and very fast. We also had a chain – 200 registered Longhorns, and this year In marketing that perceived value, of stores called Dirt Cheap that was we got into the embryo business again. Hudson and Valentine have secured an lower end goods that sold to a different We flushed ten of our best cows and purideal venue in the modern, well-kept facustomer.” chased 65 embryo recip cows. We started cilities at the Western Kentucky Univer“It was a lot of fun, and I did it 32 flushing again once sity’s L.D. Brown Ag years.” we realized that the Expo Center. A “It was a unique business – most demand for the very multi-purpose event people don’t even know that business top end elite cows is and educational faexists. Behind a hurricane or a big flood, as strong as it ever cility, it is located on an ice storm – even a deep freeze that has been. At one WKU's Agricultural would burst sprinkler pipes and wet the Complex eight time, I had about merchandise – any natural disaster that miles south of the 450 momma cows, would create what was called salvage University’s main so I have scaled way merchandise was a buying opportunity campus. The Expo back from those for me.” provides a 315 seat Bear Davidson and Ben Gravett, Catlett, VA. numbers.” “We had a trained team that would sales arena and a “In 2008 this travel, load the product up and send it 2,075 seat show arena. Full concession market busted when a lot of other marhome to a huge warehouse facility and services, operated by a permanent staff kets busted in the United States. This is unload it. If it was wet, we’d have to dry with the assistance of student labor, will a collectibles market; it’s not a necessity, it; we would have to re-tag it or price it provide the luncheons and dinners of the it’s a luxury. The bottom of the market, – it was very labor-intense and took a lot Longhorn weekend as well as other food the beef market, it just goes up and of handling. A lot of operations in the items for direct sale through the concesdown with meat prices, but the luxury business were very complex.” sion stand located in the main lobby of market, the elite cattle – that really took “This was a business that was all the Expo Center. a hit, like collectible cars or expensive about intrinsic value. I could offer peo-
The Hudson Herd
WKU Expo Center
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Texas Longhorn Trails
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A Moment in TLBAA History A look back at significant moments throughout the years since the foundation of the TLBAA. The 1st Midwest Invitational Longhorn Sale Reprinted from May 1999 issue of Trails Magazine
Midwest Invitational Longhorn Sale April 10, 1999 • Winfield, Kansas Sale Hosts: Mike & Debbie Bowman Eddie Wood Sale Management Auctioneer: Col. Eddie Wood Volume Buyer: Remount Ranch, Castle Rock, CO Additional Volume Buyer: Larry Lonero, Brenham, TX 45 consignors from 10 states. Registered 231 prospective buyers from 23 states. 86 actual buyers from 18 states. Sold 241 lots registered Longhorns 233 lots of commercial Longhorns 244 head of ropers Sale Averages: Top 5 Lots - $6,840. Top 10 Lots - $5,100. Top 20 Lots - $3,590. 241 Lots - $818.17 244 Ropers - $354.52 High Selling Lot - J.R. Seman (1997 son of Gunman with 58" horns at 26 mos. of age). Consignor: Ron Jones, Salida, CO. Buyer: Larry Lonero, Brenham, TX. Price: $13,000. Second High Selling Lot - Evening Star 96 (1995 daughter of Senate Style). Sold bred to East Steet KK. Consignor: Kenneth & Vonnie Kirkham and Ed Wyatt, Humansville, MO. Buyer: Mike Casey, Nicosio, CA. Price: $6,000. High Selling Bull - J.R. Seman for $13,000.
Larry Lonero and Ron Jones (R)
Second High Selling Bull - Chisolm 5/9 (1989 son of WR Trails). This bull was broke to ride and lead the parade through downtown Winfield prior to sale. Consignor: Sam Porter, Sapulpa, OK. Buyer: Ner-Farms, Oconto, WI. Price: $5,000. High Selling Bred Cow: - Evening Star 96 for $6,000. Second High Selling Bred Cow: - L5B Happy New Year (1992 daughter of Cheyenne). Sold bred to Dixie Top Deck. Consignor: Briney’s Lazy 5B Ranch, Bowie, TX. Buyer: Joe Munsch, Emory, TX. Price: $3,500. High Selling Bred Heifer - QCS Empress Darling (1997 daughter of Emperor). Sold bred to QCS Parker Browne. Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS. Buyer: Craige & Shirley Bottorff, Allen, TX. Price: $5,200. Second High Selling Bred Heifer: - QCS Senatorial Page. (Senator daughter). Sold bred to QCS Parker Browne. Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman. Buyer: Buckhorn Cattle Co., Edmond, OK. Price: $5,000. High Selling Pair: - Crossover Belle (1994 daughter of Cross Over). Sold with heifer calf at side sired by Crossovers Legacy. Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman. Buyer: Remount Ranch, Castle Rock, CO. Price: $3,600. Additional High Selling Pairs: - Royal Jewell (1988 daughter of The Shootest). Buyer: Remount Ranch. Price: $3,500. JK Wide Harriett. Buyer: Remount Ranch. Price: $3,200. Zinnia (1988 daugher of Texas Measles). Consignor: Briney’s Lazy 5B Ranch. Buyer: Buckhorn Cattle Company. Price: $3,000. 2B Bandit’s Song (1995 daughter of Dixie Bandit). Consignor: J.B. Blake, Dry Creek, LA. Buyer: Remount Ranch. Price: $3,000. High Selling Steer: - Unnamed. Consignor: Jim Shoulders, Henryetta, OK. Buyer: Ken & Pam Wasserman, Salina, KS. Price: $1,500. Photos by Jim Curry and Alan Clemmensen
(L-R) Alan Clemmensen, Fowler, CO; Jerry Lawley, Tishomingo, OK; Lana Pearson, Fowler, CO; Jerome Walburn, Valley Center, KS, Dale Hunt, Gene Autry, OK; Jon Gudmundswith Mike Bowman (R) son,Goshen, KY Steve Bangert & son, Remount Ranch
Glen & Irene Bomberger, Mountain Grove, MO, and their steer participated in the parade.
(L-R) Joe Martin, J.B. Blake, & Col. Eddie Wood, Bart Millsap and family, Mount Pleasant, visit after the Winfield parade. TX
Jayla Ann Bowman puts Chisolm through his paces.
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ouston was amazing! Thank you to everyone who came out and exhibited or just came to see the outstanding animals. This show would not have been the same without all of the people who were able to come. It was great to see everyone and get to know the kids better. As many of you know we are encroaching on 50 years here at the TLBAA. This is a milestone that anyone would be proud of. We feel so blessed and honored that we are able to bring an event like the 50th celebration, to you, the breeders. This golden event will be filled with history, memories, and new beginnings. This is a time to come together and remember why you became a part of the TLBAA. Take a second right now and remember the first day you made that decision to become a TLBAA member or even just a Longhorn Breeder. That sense of joy, pride, and excitement is what we want to recreate for you at this magnificent event. Join us for the event that would not be possible without you, our breeders. We encourage you to remember that all of the proceeds are going to build The Texas Longhorn Breeders Building in the magnificent Fort Worth Stockyards where people will be able to acknowledge how historic our breed truly is. So please join us on May 10th to celebrate something that many breeds cannot claim. Come see history and join us in making more. World Show is going to be amazing! I mean it. This is a show you will definitely want to attend, Longhorns or not! If you are exhibiting make sure you are getting the cattle ready and getting all of the hotel reservations taken care of! Kevin Rooker is the main contact for this event and you can contact him at krooker@centurylink.net or you can contact me at Liz@tlbaa.org. Let us know if we can be of service. Thank you all for your continued support to this breed!
Liz Nessler, Shows and Events
Did You Know? :
Exhibitors are encouraged to show their animals in a neat and clean condition. Washing, brushing, combing and trimming of excess hair is permitted. Hair must be brushed down and smooth without the use of adhesives, aerosol sprays or agents that deter from the animal’s natural appearance. The tail switch is to be long and full without trimming or docking, and no balling or back combing of the trail switch is allowed. Specifically prohibited are: (a) the use of grooming chutes and/or generators to aid in the clipping of hair on the premises of show locations; (b) the sanding, oiling and polishing of horns; (c) polishing of hooves; (d) use of neck sweats. Violations of these rules will be grounds for removal from competition by show management and forfeiture of all fees. Sprays or concentrates specifically formulated and sold as fly and/or insect inhibitor or prohibitor are allowed to be applied to the hair. Show sheen administered from a pump spray bottle will be permitted. We are different from most other breeds. Our animals are intended to show as close to their natural state as possible. By rule, we do not brush the hair of our animals “upward” to create a fuller appearance. The only spray products allowed are fly sprays and show sheen, and we do not put anything on the horns or hooves! krooker@centurylink.net
Texas Longhorn Trails
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Dear TLBT Members,
Summer is getting closer and closer! It’s hard to believe that it's almost been one year since last World Show, but I am greatly looking forward to next World Show and all of the events that we have planned. As y'all may recall, we have the TLBT Pic Page on Facebook where you can tag pictures of you and your friends having fun at Longhorn events. We will be able to incorporate all pictures posted by Saturday, June 7th into the slide show that will be broadcast at the banquet in August. You can also email or text the pictures to Alex Rivera (reporter/secretary), or tag them on Instagram at #TLBTpicpage (case sensitive). We want as many as we can get. They can be pictures taken at shows, sales, field days, etc. I hope to see everyone’s pictures at the banquet. Also at the banquet, we will be having a presentation of the graduating seniors. If you are a graduating senior, and you haven't gotten your name down, contact one of the officers or directors so that you can be included and we can celebrate with you this summer. This past January at the TLBAA banquet, a beautiful Longhorn head that was donated by Tony and Debbie Anderson was auctioned off. The gracious buyers were Rick Fritsche and wife Trish. If y’all see either of them, make sure to give them a big thank you! It is people like them that support our youth association and that keep it running. Remember that y'all are free to contact me or another officer/director with any questions or ideas you have. Feedback leads to improvement. I am sad to say that the spring rush of shows is over, but I hope to see each of y'all between now and World Show. But, until then, stay safe and have fun! Sincerely,
by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow Tarah Moore, TLBT President
Shyanne Weslyn McClendon TLBT Office: Junior Director Age: 9 School: Elysian Fields Elementary Number of Years in the TLBT: 3
What are the benefits in being a TLBT Officer or Director? The benefits of being a Junior Director are that I get to participate in planning fund raisers and learn about the responsibilities involved in being an officer for later down the road. Why do you enjoy showing Texas Longhorns? I enjoy showing because I love everything about the process of showing. I like to take my calves from untamed to show ring veterans. I enjoy seeing all my show friends at the shows, and I love spending time with my Dad and Mom as a family. Do you see the TLBT helping you with your future career? I do believe that showing Longhorns will help me in my career. I want to be a veterinarian, like my Mom, and the Longhorns give me lots of insight into nutrition, breeding practices and general care of cattle. What have you learned over the past year through the TLBT? I have learned that just because you have responsibilities, it doesn't mean you can't have fun while you are fulfilling them. What would be your advice to a newcomer? I would tell newcomers to jump in with all four feet! Get involved in the leadership as well as the exhibition of the Longhorns. Texas Longhorns need all the good advertisement they can get.
Texas Longhorn Trails
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April 2014
They danced, they sang, they went to a bull sale in Las Vegas, Nevada. Home.......well home to a lot of things. And then ITLPA Past President Dan Erskin got sick. At Dan's 62nd birthday party, current President Dean Goodner of Lawrence Morgan Longhorns presented Dan with a known cure for Nevada woes. A full pint of penicillin with a large syringe and an admonition from Connie, Dan's wife of forty years "That's what happens when you go to Nevada to a "bull sale" for five days without your wife". And they continued to dance, sing, eat, tell lies, etc. at the retirement party held for Dr. Gail Hoskovec of Caldwell, Idaho. EXAS Dr. Gail started his large animal practice in IDAHO T ORN H G 1978 at the Blaney Veterinary Clinic and later N O L N O I T A became a full partner and owner of that clinic. I C ASSO The party was well attended by friends, family, co-workers and clients. Dean Goodner, President Doctor Gail has assisted Dean for over seven(208) 890-0760 dean@bestlonghorns.com teen years along with other Longhorns breeders in the area. Dean presented Dr. Gail with a beautiful polished Longhorn steer skull autographed by many of Gail's Vet Techs and fellow Veterinarians with the comment "NO GAIL, THIS ISN'T ONE OF YOUR FAILURES". Spring calving has indeed started, good looking calves from members are being born in an exceptionally warm late February and early March. Green fields abound with frisky calves. Dean met with the Western Idaho Fair Board and received their blessing for a one year, trial event to feature Longhorn steer races at the Western Idaho Fair in late August. It'll be interesting! Currently we have three breeders with six steers lined up to compete, bring yours. Our steers are either old and fat or young and inexperienced. Our next meeting will be held in late April to finalize the particulars for our family day event June 6, 2014 in Arock, Oregon.
PLAINS & S N I A MOUNT S LONGHORN TEXA CIATION ASSO Kenny Richardson (970) 352-3054 • krichardson21@aol.com www.mptla.org
The 2014 National Western Stock Show commenced with our annual meeting Thursday January 23rd. The officers for 2014 are President: Kenny Richardson,Vice President: Gary Cole, Treasurer: Lana Pearson and Secretary: Ginny Peek. The halter and youth shows were Friday the 24th. With free show on Saturday the 25th. The youth show was judged by John Nelson of Wellington CO. Lana Hightower came all the way from Van, Texas to sort the halter and free shows. This show was a collaboration between the Mountains and Plains (TLBAA) and the Mountain States (ITLA) Longhorn associations. Every thing went well thanks to the cooperation between the judges, the participants and the show committee. We are planning a field day in early summer at Gary and Kay Coles place in Penrose, CO. There we will discuss the upcoming Colorado State Fair in Pueblo, CO. This year, it will be two shows, August 31st and September 1st, Both will be World Qualifying halter, free and youth. It's a great facility, and is always a great time. Texas Longhorn Trails
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April 2014
John S. Parmley Birth Date: 7/28 Residence: Somerville, TX Occupation: Rancher, Electrical Contractor Business/Volunteer Experience: J.S.P. Services Inc; CEO Owner Organizations: TLBAA Ranch Location: Somerville, TX How Long Raising Longhorns: Since 1993 Member of TLBAA: 1995 TLBAA Involvement The Last 12-24 Months: Board of Director Treasurer; Building Committee Chairman
Texas Longhorn Trails
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MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The 2014 TLBAA Horn Showcase will be held in Fort Worth, Texas, October 8-11, 2014. We are very excited that we are using a new space at the Will Rogers Memorial Facility so that all of these outstanding animals can be located in the same area. Be sure to watch your inbox for eblasts and E-Trails for details as they develop. As always, keep an eye on each new issue of Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine for complete details. April 2014
Lana Hightower Birth Date: 8/16 Residence: Van, TX Occupation: Ranch Manager Family: 5 Children, 15 Grandchildren Business/Volunteer Experience: Non-Profit BOD Organizations: Fellowship of Christian Athletes Ranch Location: Van, TX How Long Raising Longhorns: 20 years Member of TLBAA Since: 1994 TLBAA Involvement The Last 12-24 Months: Board of Directors- Affiliate Treasurer; ETLA- Show Manager of East Texas State Fair; 50th Anniversary Committee; Building Committee; Judging; Webinar. Reasons For Wanting To Serve On The Board of Directors: To promote the leadership of the TLBAA, the magnificent Texas Longhorn, preserve the integrity and purpose of the TLBAA and serve the membership.
NEWS On the Trail...
Texas Country Reporter Features Longhorn Auctioneer
The Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic had a special audience member this past January. A cameraman was on hand to film footage for the TV show Texas Country Reporter. The segment aired the weekend of March 15-16, 2014 on RFDTV. Not only was it an honor for Lemley, it was a great opportunity to showcase Texas Longhorns and the industry as a whole. The same episode also highlighted the twice daily cattle drive in the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards which draws huge crowds to see the massive Texas Longhorn steers, many donated by TLBAA members.
Winkel Wins With Goat Submitted by Karen Winkel
TLBT member Hunter Winkel, a sophmore at Clear Springs High School, and his goat Boudreaux were in the winners circle at the Clear Creek ISD School Show, January 29, 2014. Boudreaux was shown in the heavy weight goat class and won both his class and Grand Champion Goat. He was purchased by Norman Frede Chevrolet for a record breaking price of $7,500.00.
West Lauds Toughness of Longhorn Cattle Submitted by Col. Fraser West, USMC (Ret) Westhaven Ranger Speckes, a former Grand Dam at the California Longhorn Association show, was recently put down at almost 24 years old. She last calved at age 23. She was owned by Col. Fraser West who wants to share with all Longhorn breeders, “Our Longhorns are tough.”
If you have news concerning TLBAA members or Texas Longhorns in the news, please let us know! Email submissions to Laura Standley at laura@tlbaa.org, and it will be considered for inclusion in “News on the Trail”.
Texas Longhorn Trails
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TLBAA HORN SHOWCASE plans are underway.
More details to be published in the
Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. OCTOBER 8-11, 2014 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS
April 2014
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Dawn & Darin Divinia, Red Oak, TX High Selling Lot- Stockton’s Chill; Buyer: Howard & Marlene Isbell
Della Serna & Felix Serna, Kingsville, TX; Terry & Tammy King, Westville, FL
3rd High Selling Lot: Angelica Jane Leigh; Buyer: Richard & Jeanne Filip
Cindy Bolen, Lufkin, TX; Sandy Stotts, Houston, TX
Randy & Miki Bienek, Sugar Land, TX
2nd High Selling Lot: Misted Over; Buyer: Randy & Miki Bienek
Debra Helm, Red Oak, TX; Sherrill Caddel, Ardmore, OK
Randy, Nicki & Peggy Donathan, Milford, TX
Don & Lois Huber, Montgomery, TX Kyle Mayden, Diana, TX; Ty Wehring, Houston, TX; Jacqui Davie, Houston, TX
Kylie, Crystal, Alaina, Paul & Jason Warford, Stilwell, OK
John Stockton, Cleveland, TX presents Darlene Aldridge with the John Stockton Award
Marion Woolie, Houston, TX; TLBAA's Rick Fritsche; Bill Torkildsen, Fayetteville, TX
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Class 1 Winner: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI
Class 2 Winners: John Randolph, Smithville, TX; Nick Kaatz, Smithville, TX; Christy Randoph
Class 3 Winners: Chase Vasut & Bubba Morrison, The Hills, TX
Class 4 & 8 Winner: Brent Bolen, Lufkin, TX
Class 5 & 7 Winner: Richard Filip, Fayetteville, TX
Class 6 Winner: Davis Green, Aubrey, TX with Kimberly Gardner
Class 9 Winner: Ty Wehring, Houston, TX
Class 10 Winner: Darlene Aldridge, D.V.M.
Raffle Winner: Steve Azinger, Houston, TX
Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Winchester Futurity 2014 1st Place-Rifle Winners Mark Hubbell John & Christy Randolph Chase Vasut Brent & Cindy Bolen Allen/Filip Partnership Davis Green Richard & Jeanne Filip Brent & Cindy Bolen Ty Wehring Darlene Adridge DVM & John Parmley Donnie & Marilyn Taylor
2014 Winchester Futurity Judges: Matt McGuire, Perry, OK; Dora Thompson, Mansfield, LA; Kathryn Head, College Station, TX; Teresa Sparger, Comfort, TX; Kyle Mayden, Diana, TX
Hubbell Longhorns Lonesome Pines Ranch Rockin' AF Ranch Bolen Longhorn Ranch 7 Bar Longhorns Bentwood Ranch Bolen Longhorn Ranch JT Wehring Family Ranch LLC Star Creek Ranch 4T Longhorns
Hubbells Safari Judy Robin 33 Lucky's Princess Prissy Bandita BCB RJF Show Stopper 7 Bar Brandys Heaven RJF Sassy Cowgirl Rio Ringer BCB JTW Honey Bee 5 Private Medley of Stars Stockanna
Doug Stotts, Houston, TX; Larry Smith, Spring, TX; Dora Thompson, Mansfield, LA
Texas Longhorn Trails
Eddie Wood, J.W. Isaacs and Jack Phillips judging the 1991 World Trophy Steer Show. (Photo by Dudley Barker)
By Carolyn Hunter Reprinted from the November 1992
Stop in for a visit at J.W. and Edith Isaacs' Rafter J Ranch near Alvin, TX, and you'll soon be flipping though a well-worn photograph album. This album is like a Texas Longhorn history book, chronicling the Isaac's involvement over three decades with the breed. A well respected cattleman on the Gulf Coast, Isaac's father had brought in the first Brahman bull to his community about 1918. From that time on, to Isaacs' knowledge, they never had a Texas Longhorn bull on the place, but the old Longhorn blood that was in the original Isaacs' herd carried on through the cattle a lot.
J.W. Isaacs
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whole lot prouder of what you have. The end result is that you're going to be more satisfied with your production. "Go into an established herd and look at the mama cows. If they suit you, and you have the opportunity to buy their heifers, do so, because they haven't been picked through by somebody else, not even the owner. Chances are you're going to get some good individuals, I was fortunate to have had that opportunity, and it was the biggest plus mark I had in getting into the business." Another suggestion Isaacs makes is "take your better cows and go straight Longhorns. Take your others and go to crossbreeding. Then you get the better end of it." The next page in the Isaacs' album shows TLBAA members enjoying a field day in Colorado. Although he was not a charter member, Isaacs and the TLBAA go back a long way. "If I remember correctly, it was 1969 before I got in the Association." Isaacs recalls when Walter Scott was elected president. "There were only about 15 or 18 folks there at Lawton for the convention. We met at the Holiday Inn, but the large meeting room was already taken. The only room left was the bar, the Lion's Den, so we took over one corner and had our election. We had so few members during those early years, that we were hard put to find officers. It worked out to where 'I'll take this office, if you'll take this one.' That's the way we were elected." Isaacs served as TLBAA President from 1975 to 1977, and was honored with the TLBAA Elmer Parker Award in 1990. "I haven't had a vote on the Board of Directors since Bill Anthony was elected," he says. "I was the one who made a motion to put the old ones out to pasture. The young ones have taken over, and that's fine because they are the ones who are going to carry the Association on." As Isaacs continues to turn the pages, you can tell that he has never regretted going back to the Texas Longhorn cattle. The self-sufficient breed is well suited to his busy schedule as a rice and milo farmer in the harsh climate of the Texas Gulf Coast. Asked if he takes special care of his cattle, he laughs and says, "The only feed they get is fertilized pasture grass." Finally, Isaacs shuts the photo album, and sums it up, "Texas Longhorns are as good as the best, and better than the rest in this part of the country. That's the way I see it."
"Here," Isaacs points to a photograph, "are a couple of crossbred steers with pretty good horns that I had on the place in the early 50s. See this cow. She would have had pretty good horns if I had left them on, but back then before I got into Texas Longhorns, I dehorned everything," he laughs. "It was about 1956, I believe," says Isaacs, "that I decided to get some Texas Longhorn cattle instead of raising these little puny horns like those in the photos." Isaacs borrowed a Milby Butler bull to upgrade his herd, but "after fooling with that for a couple of years, I just decided it was too damn slow." As he recalls, the first Texas Longhorns with papers that Isaacs bought were two cows and a steer from the Cap Yates estate sale. He then went to a Wichita Wildlife Refuge Sale, but didn't buy anything. However, he did meet a Mr. Cook, the ranch manger of the Razor Ranch at Denton, TX. Cook offered to sell Isaacs a heifer crop because the Razor pastures were loaded. Isaacs went to Denton and bought the heifers and returned for the next year's heifer crop. These Razor cattle were the base of the Rafter J herd. Using a bull he had purchased from Fred Neuhaus, J.W. and Edith began their well respected herd. When Milby Butler died, they were able to obtain seven of his old cows and one bull. Isaacs flips to another page of his album. "This is a cow I bought as a calf from the Razor herd. This one is a WR cow and that's a Butler. Here's another Razor cow." Turning to another page, he remarks, "Look at these cattle. Their horns are nothing compared to what we have nowadays. That's just the way cattle were back then." Isaacs bought some cattle through the early 70s, but since that time buys only cattle which he considers a "plus mark" for his herd, preferring to keep his own heifers. His purchases were mainly calves because he believes that it is easier to acclimatize younger animals than older ones. Some of the photos in Isaacs' album read like a "who's who" in the Texas Longhorn breed. "See this one," he says. "I bought her as an old cow after Milby Butler died, and later sold her at the National Western one year, to Owen McGill, who took her to Wyoming. When he sold out a few years ago, another man bought her and took her back the other direction. I think she sent back to the other side of the Mississippi. That Butler cow, Maybelle, sure made her rounds, but she also made her mark on the industry." A cow that Isaacs raised was the dam of Anita, who made a name for herself on the show J.W. Isaacs of Alvin, Texas, took over in 1975, as the United States circuit. Another was the famous Fawnie 75. Bicentennial was approaching. He followed up on research projects When Isaacs began his herd, he based his purchases that had been started the year before on breed fertility, and was preson eye appeal. "Today," he says, "new breeders have got ident when the famous Goliad Stampede took place in Goliad, Texas. lots more information to help them pick their cattle. Intended as a parade, more than 100 Texas Longhorn steers spooked They can see the animals being advertised and being by a sudden noise and tore down one house, ran trucks off the highshown. They can go back and check their pedigrees, but way and landed Jack Phillips on the ground after his horse slipped after all is said and done, it's all going to revert back to on the pavement. Also under the administration of Mr. Isaacs, the eye appeal to the individual. Sanctioned Sale came into being. With the idea that only the best an"This idea that nine out of 10 people get, that you imals should be offered for sale at public auction, the TLBAA recan upbreed your way into quality, won't work. If you quired that all sales be sanctioned by them and that the cattle be start in with a bunch of sorry animals, you might eveninspected as to worthiness. (This practice was abandoned in later tually upbreed your herd. but it's going to take you too years as the number of sales increased, the geographical distances to long. That's just all there is to it–you waste too much some of the sales increased, and a general improvement in the cattle time. was seen.) -- from TLBAA History "Don't buy a half-dozen mediocre cattle. Buy the best cattle your money can buy. You may not get the numbers you would like to start with, but you can be a
Texas Longhorn Trails
April 2014
TLBT... Preparation for Life The TLBAA has always valued its youth, and through the years, has held many programs and activities for the younger generation. However, it was not until January 22, 1983, that the present Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow was formally created. At that time, L.V. Baker was TLBAA president, Charles Dooley was Executive Director and Gary Henry was the Youth Director. There in the Denver meeting, the TLBT name was officially approved. Shows were to be in two divisions--owned and non-owned cattle, a sale would be held at the National Youth Convention, plus an essay contest, public speaking contest and a Merit award. The 1st Annual TLBT National Show and Convention was held June 3-4, 1983, at Wilford Fultz's "Little Bear Ranch" in Cresson, TX. There were over 100 entries, with 25 different youngsters ranging in age from five years to twenty years showing. The activities included shows for owned and nonowned heifers and bulls, a showmanship contest, and a sale for the youth who wanted to sell their cattle. The afternoon
By Carolyn Hunter Reprinted from the 1997 TLBAA Breeders Handbook
was topped off with a Chicken Flying contest (whatever that is) that raised $900 for the TLBT. The National Convention was held at the Green Oaks Inn in Fort Worth. Rather than electing officers, the attendance elected a Council of five members: Dena Bartnicki, Aquilla, TX; Mike Doak, Fort Worth; Debbie Dooley, Crowly, TX; Melinda Henry, Stephenville, TX; and Lee Smith, Fort Worth, TX. The exhibitors at the first show were Frank, Bart & Tana Whipps, Leah Ledbetter, Charles and Laura Nance; Gayle, Jason, Zanna and Katherine Sullivan; Dan, Doug and Debbie Dooley, Shawn Garnett, Melissa Chadwell; Michelle, Richie, Kevin and Nick Blevins, Melinda Henry, Kim Nietenhoefer, John T. Baker, Laquitta Hicks, Cori Slakey, Mike Doak, Edwin and Charles Ellison; Dena Bartnicki, Darren Dickson, Derric Donaldson, Matthew Schierling, Bryan and Eric Glover, Barbara Densford, Cory Wright and Stephanie Rogers. Texas Longhorn Trails
--continued from pg. 26
July, 2012, we moved to Bowling Green, art. But it has come back the past two inch horn cow and every one of us Kentucky.” years. The economy has come back, the wants some 80" cows in our herds. We “My roots go back to Western Pennstock market has come back as well as will be offering a couple of very nice 80" the price of Texas Longhorns. That’s why sylvania; I moved to Texas back in 1964, horned animals from our own herd I was willing to invest in an embryo where I went to work for a fully integoing to the H-V sale.” herd – the demand is there again for the grated international lubricant company “Lorinda and I are very content and really good genetics. As long as the dein Fort Worth, Texas. In 1981, in addihappy with our move to Kentucky, and mand is there, it’s a good investment.” tion to my duties as president, I asare continuing to enhance our Long“Since I sold my business,” Hudson sumed the duties of chairman of the horn program. Last year, we purchased revealed, “I volunteer for a worldwide board, and maintained these positions some very nice females at various conmissionary organization. That’s where I through my retirement.” signment sales around the country that spend a great deal of my time – my wife “My real love was working with our will be real assets to our program. We and I both. That’s been very rewarding. sales staff and their mutual customers.” also have enjoyed the presence of JP Rio I’ve lived all my life just trying to make "The main reasons for our move to Grande in our pastures. I'm very thankmore money and seeing just how big a Kentucky were family related. We are ful to Bob Loomis for offering me his kingdom I could build, and when I revery family oriented and my 93-year-old previous ownership in Rio. He did tired I said I’ve had enough of that. Now mother is in a nursing home in Cincineverything Bob said he would do. He's we give our time away, volunteering for nati, Ohio. We wanted to be closer to added some great additions to our provarious functions within a Christian deher, so we could spend more quality gram. We also added a son of his named nomination that focuses on "MacKenzie" to our program mission work around the last year. He was born 12-24world. We travel to a lot of dif11 by the female Awesome ferent countries, and it is just Treasure PC208 that goes back very rewarding – not focusing to the great National Treasure on building up my own name cow. MacKenzie was measured but lifting up the name of the on 3-5-14 and measured 67 Lord. That’s become my pri1/2" Tip-to-Tip at 27 months.” mary objective now.” “We also have a young bull “I am blessed. I’ve got a by Hot Playboy and a grandwife who loves me a great deal daughter of Brush Country and I love her; I’ve got three Queen who won his class and great children, they’ve all got Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX; Bob Loomis, Overbrook, OK; Gary Don three bronzes at the Horn good careers, and I’ve got two Taylor, Okarche, OK Showcase this past year, so we grandchildren. The Lord has are happy and thankful the really blessed me, and I have never been time with her. She's very special to me. Longhorns are progressing nicely.” happier in my lifetime.” I also have a sister residing near Cincin“The highlight of our year will be “The Longhorns – that’s a business nati, who's a vice president with Cincinour next Hudson-Valentine Spring Invito me, but it’s more than that. Some nati Children's Hospital and it brings us tational Sale in Bowling Green, and seepeople, a dog or two or a cat does it for closer, too. Lorinda and I miss Texas and ing and welcoming all our them, but me – I need a whole herd of our friends very much, but we still get attendees. We will have a good time.” Longhorns for my pets. They’re a big back frequently to visit friends and her With decades of high visibility parpart of our life, they really are. We go family. Maintaining friendships is very ticipation in the Texas Longhorn busiout and look at the animals very often, important to us also.” ness, Joe Valentine has a proven record take pictures of them and keep our web “All of us have witnessed many of raising, owning and exhibiting some changes to our Longhorn business in page updated. We enjoy raising them, of the best in the breed. He also has a the last 20 years. Take for instance horn but we also enjoy selling them. It’s lengthy resume of service in elective ofgrowth. I can remember back when we something, I think, that as long as I can fice, board participation and effective wondered how many seventy-inch catafford it, I’ll always have Longhorns as leadership in furtherance of the breed. tle there were in existence in the Longlong as I am living on this earth.” His creative expenditure of time and rehorn breed. Go back fifteen years ago sources over the decades has now, in and the question came up -- and I think partnership with Bill Hudson, reached at the time when it was investigated – in new heights with the continuing success 2003 there were less than 20 seventyof the Hudson-Valentine Invitational “The existence of the Panther Creek inch tip-to-tip cattle in the world. Today, Sale. Herd started in 1970-71,” said Joe there are so many more of these cattle Valentine, “and was pretty much mainout there; the gauge has been raised tained through the years with a ranch in quite a bit.” Llano, Texas, another in Aledo, Texas; “The marker right now is the ninetythen we moved to Lott, Texas, then in
The Panther Creek Longhorns
Texas Longhorn Trails
EXTRA! EXTRA! TLBAA Announcements
Join us May 10th at River Ranch in the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards for a special dinner and heifer sale.
Call the office today (817) 625-6241 and purchase your ticket for $75. Tickets at the door will be $85.
Be sure to get your breeding program advertised in the once-in-a-lifetime combined May-June issue celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the TLBAA and the brood cows that are such an integral part of the breed. Call Laura today for more information!
Call us crazy, but starting on March 1, 2014 until June 30, 2014, your registration department would like to offer you the registration deal of a lifetime: TLBAA’S Spring Madness Sale.
Register any animal between the
We want everyone to come join us for ages of 15 months to 36 months for this historic celebration of 50 years of only $15.00…NORMALLY $25.00. You can contact Rick (rick@tlbaa.org) or Dana preserving and promoting the Texas (dana@tlbaa.org) if you have any questions! Or call the office at (817) 625-6241. Longhorn! April 2014
keeping cattle
By Heather Smith Thomas
without antibiotics
Good health depends on many factors; keeping cattle healthy can sometimes be a challenge. With the advent of vaccines and antibiotics, it became easier, and for many decades cattle producers routinely addressed the issue of disease by using vaccination for prevention, and anti-microbial drugs for treatment. The use of pathogen-killing drugs is being questioned today however, due to increasing numbers of drug-resistant pathogens. Microbial resistance diminishes the effectiveness and benefit of some of the drugs we’ve come to rely on. There is also the issue of drug residues in food animals if drugs are not used appropriately or withdrawal times are not carefully observed. Consumers are concerned about the safety of meat products. For these reasons, a growing number of beef producers and veterinarians are looking at alternatives to antimicrobial use in dealing with disease. The key factors in this goal are reducing exposure to disease while at the same time keeping immunity strong. NUTRITION - Andy Allen, DVM, Assistant Professor, Washington State University, says the number one thing a producer can do to minimize use of antibiotics is make sure cattle have good nutrition. “This enables the immune system to fight off infections. The diet must include adequate protein, energy, vitamins and trace minerals—with copper, selenium, zinc being the main ones. This may require testing feeds, and the producer may need a custom trace mineral mix that fits specific needs. One mineral mix won’t fit every situation,” he says. Know what you are feeding. “Just because the hay is green doesn’t mean it has enough protein and energy. You also don’t know the trace mineral levels.” Some soils are deficient in copper. Many areas are deficient in selenium—while others have too much selenium. Other elements in soils and feeds can bind up copper, making it unavailable for the body. “Even if you are giving cattle the required amount of copper, it may not be enough if there is too much molybdemum, sulfur, iron or zinc that might be binding to it. Understanding these mineral relationships is important. We recommend working with a nutritionist to figure out the proper levels of trace minerals for each ranch,” says Allen. “Looking at body condition score is crucial throughout the year, making sure cattle are somewhere near the ideal range of 5 or 6. You don’t want them going into winter thin. There is a big push today for cost-effective ways to feed cattle, but you need to balance this with body condition. A certain method might be the cheapest way to feed, but there can be long-term adverse effects for those animals and the immune system if they lose too much weight.” It might cost more in the long run if cattle become thin, causing higher incidence of disease and the need for more antibiotic use. The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! “Monitor body condition score or weight, • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in to tell if cattle are gaining or losing. Weight the U.S. loss can happen pretty fast; then you are be• Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting hind the 8-ball before you know it, and you’ll • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation have to feed more to catch up,” he says. • Vaccinate or deworm cattle STOCKING DENSITY - Allen works • Palpation gates W e’ve got w!hat with the Field Disease Investigation Unit at • Measure horns you need WSU. “We investigate disease outbreaks and • A.I. cows increased incidence of disease within herds. The second most common thing we see assoe th of The Official Chute of the ciated with increased disease incidence (and o de vi ne li on TLBAA Horn Showcase Check out our on our website! more use of antibiotics) is high stocking denon chute in acti sity. This is important to think about, along with nutrition. In many situations where there is increased disease incidence, we find there are too many animals in too small an Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194
Check out our website - www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net
-- continued on pg. 56 Texas Longhorn Trails
-- continued from pg. 54 area.” This is particularly important before and during calving. Management of cows pre-calving is crucial for preventing sickness in baby calves, keeping the environment clean. Don’t calve in the same area where you fed cows through winter. “If you leave cattle in the same area too long, pathogens build up—there will be higher numbers of bacteria, viruses and protozoa that cause calfhood diseases,” he points out. The calves are more vulnerable than cows because they don’t have an experienced immune system yet. “There are ways we can keep the calving area cleaner, such as the Sand Hills Calving method. We recommend this management program to many ranches where we’ve gone to investigate disease outbreaks. This involves moving the pregnant cows to new calving grounds every 7 to 10 days,” he explains. This leaves the calved-out pairs behind, in small groups according to age. Those young calves, in their most vulnerable state, don’t have to contend with older calves that might be sick and shedding pathogens. The calving cows have clean ground to calve on—that hasn’t already been contaminated by sick calves. Sick animals concentrate the pathogens at a much higher level. MINIMIZE STRESS – Stress hinders immune function, so it pays to reduce stress as much as possible. “Weaning time is a big stress, so preconditioning programs may be helpful, setting up a program that’s appropriate for your ranch and working with your veterinarian. If you plan to vaccinate them ahead of weaning it should be done several weeks ahead,” says Allen. There are various ways to reduce stress at weaning, such as fenceline weaning, nose flaps, etc. Decide what will work best for your own situation, finding ways to keep calves’ immunities strong
April 2014
rather than weakened by stress. “It also helps to train calves to eat out of bunks, and drink from water troughs before or during weaning, before they are shipped, so it won’t be an unfamiliar situation. You don’t want multiple stresses at the same time. We see a lot of people pulling calves off cows and putting them onto a truck and this is usually a recipe for disaster regarding incidence of disease,” he says. Make sure working facilities flow well. The less time cattle must be confined, and the quieter they are moved and handled, the less stressed they will be. “If they move through easily and there’s not a lot of whooping and yelling and hot shot use, those animals do better. During stress their cortisol levels go way up, and when that happens their immune system drops. Keep stresses to a minimum. If you can practice with a group of calves, putting them quietly through the facility without being worked, they are not as upset and stressed when you put them through again,” says Allen. Having cows that don’t get upset when you move them through the facility will be easier on them. They can be trained to tolerate being worked and handled if you keep stress levels low. “There are always ways to improve cattle handling to keep it less stressful,” he says. CALVING – “Another thing people often don’t think about is how dystocia stresses the cow and calf. A high rate of dystocia is a risk factor for higher rate of diseases (diarrhea and respiratory) in the calves,” says Allen. Calves experiencing difficult birth may be fatigued and short on oxygen, and may not get right up and nurse. A calf that’s been stressed during birth, or severely chilled soon after birth, is acidotic and unable to absorb antibodies from colostrum as readily as a strong healthy calf. “A cow that’s just gone through difficult labor is less likely to have enough antibodies and less likely to mother the calf. He’s slower to get up, and may need to be force-fed. Using calving-ease bulls and selecting cows for easy calving can be a help in preventing these problems.” Having less stress at calving time helps ensure higher rates of colostrum absorption in the calves, and better immunity. UNDERSTANDING WHEN TO USE ANTIBIOTICS AND WHEN NOT TO – “Many producers give antibiotics to cattle that don’t really need them. It may be a condition that antibiotics won’t help; we’re just increasing the chances for development of resistant bacteria. We want our antibiotics to work well, and for a long time. Talk with your vet and come up with protocols for using antibiotics,” says Allen. “Very few ranchers have a good understanding about when to use antibiotics. They may treat animals the way their father did, or give antibiotics for situations like retained placenta—where antibiotics are generally not needed. Talk to your vet about calf diarrhea, etc. and what the protocol should be. Take the calf’s temperature, monitor how the calf is suckling, how dehydrated, etc. and use fluid therapy, and determine at what point the calf might need antibiotics. Often a calf just needs good supportive care,” he says. “Keep records on the animals treated—the conditions you treated, when and what you treated them with and how they did. You may find you are using fewer antibiotics and only using them on the animals that really need them. That way you are not wasting money or causing more antibiotic resistance,” he says.
Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______
Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____
___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164.
We thank these folks for kindly droppin’ in at the TLBA A office.
1. Jeri Rimel and sister Brenda Gray, Blum, TX 2. Rodney Mahaffey, Decatur, TX April 2014
The Annual Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders Meeting
Butler meeting group.
Submitted by Russell Hooks. bloodline. After Mr. Kety’s The Annual Butler Texas presentation, the meeting Longhorn Breeders Meeting got down to the business of was held on February 1, planning the 2014 Butler 2014. This year’s meeting was Breeders Invitational Sale hosted by Stanley & Sandi on Labor Day Weekend. Tidwell, the owners of Falls The group listens attentively to Kaso Kety and Russell Hooks. This is one of the longest Creek Longhorns. This anclose and personal look at each one of running sales (16 consecutive years) and nual meeting is where Longhorn breedthem. Several guest commented “we were is one of the most consistent sales in the ers that are focused on preserving the told that Butler cattle are small and industry. It is the only sale in the LongButler bloodline in their breeding promostly white but that sure doesn’t seem horn industry that is dedicated to pregrams come together for fellowship, to to be the case.” The guests were taken on serving and promoting just one promote the Butler bloodline and plan a hayride pasture tour of Falls Creek’s bloodline of Longhorn cattle. It was this year’s Butler Texas Longhorn BreedButler and Butler blend Longhorn herds. noted that the Butler bloodline is not ers Invitational Sale. The meeting was The tour also included a talk about the only an important part of our Longhorn open to all Longhorn breeders and esperanch’s breeding program which includes cattle history that should be preserved, cially those with an interest in the Butler a select group of cattle that are being bred but it is also an important part of the fubloodline. The meeting was well atto preserve the “twist horn genetics”. After ture of the Texas Longhorn industry. As tended with over 60 guests from near & the pasture tour, everyone was treated to more and more focus is being placed on far making their way to Falls Creek Longa barbeque lunch with all the fixings, inhorn length in our industry, the imporhorn Ranch in Jonesboro, Texas. There cluding homemade desserts. tance of Butler genetics becomes very apwere breeders from Louisiana, California, After lunch, Kaso Kety opened the parent. If you study the pedigrees of most Oregon and across Texas in attendance. meeting by thanking the Tidwell’s for of the longest horned cattle in There were several new Texas our breed today, you would find Longhorn breeders in the they all have one thing in comgroup as well as Longhorn mon…Butler Genetics. The Butbreeders that have not been inler group talked about ways to volved with Butler cattle up market and promote this fact as until now. a way to continue to improve The Falls Creek Butler herd the market for Butler cattle. is home to several Butler aniOnce again, the group plans on mals that are past high sellers at having 80 lots of top quality the Butler Breeders Invitational straight Butler animals offered Sale as well as several Butler fein this year’s sale. males that have been multiple Make plans to add Butler show champions at both local SH Jasper’s Fancy; Ranch tour group. genetics to your herd or develop and national shows. These top your own straight Butler program by individuals (like SH Jasper’s Fancy, a hosting the meeting. Mr. Kety gave a brief joining us for the Butler Texas Longhorn straight Butler Champion shown in but informative presentation about how Breeders Invitational Sale in Lockhart, photo) were in display pens by the meetthe bloodline came to be and the history Texas on Labor Day weekend. ing area where guests could get an up about the subfamilies within the Butler
Texas Longhorn Trails
PROVIDER LIST ALABAMA Rolling D Ranch-Nancy Dunn nanchcarterdunn@yahoo.com 334-318-0887 Horseshoe J Longhorns-Jimmy L. Jones horseshoejlonghorns@centurytel.net 334-382-6840 Greenville, AL ARKANSAS Kittler Land & Cattle-Kathy Kittler www.kittlerlandandcattle.com k.kittler@hotmail.com 501-690-0771 2462 Fred Koch Rd. • Carlisle, AR 72024
ILLINOIS SS Backwards Longhorns-Scott Simmons www.ssbackwardslonghorns.com ssimmons@copeplastics.com 618-729-2006 34716 Sanders Road • Medora, IL 62063 Wolfridge Ranch-Ethan & Ashley Loos www.wolfridge.net eloos5@msn.com 217-617-0420 Columbus, IL KANSAS End Of Trail Ranch-Mike Bowman www.endoftrailranch.com mbowman@wildblue.net 316-778-1717 P.O. Box 40, Benton, KS 67017
Wulfco Ranch-Alex Wulf alex_g_wulf@yahoo.com penny_wulf@yahoo.com 620-226-3350 JBR Longhorns-Jim Rombeck 785-562-6665 CedarView Ranch-Todd McKnight www.cedarviewranch.com tnck7@ckt.net 620-704-3497 Pittsburg, Kansas Big Valley Longhorns-Pat & Janet Gleason www.bigvalleylonghorns.com 620-285-2346/620-804-0324 1084 J Road • Larned, KS 67550 LOUISIANA Rocking B Longhorns-Dr. Gene Berry www.rockingblonghorns.com gene@rockingblonghorns.com 225-772-5618 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 MICHIGAN Texas North Land & Cattle-Curt Mulder www.texasnorth.com cmulder@wolvgroup.com 616-437-1543 Hicks Texas Longhorns-Johnny Hicks hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com 269-721-3473 Dowling, MI
Triple R Ranch-Dick & Peg Lowe www.rrrlonghorns.com ralowe642@hotmail.com 517-688-3030 Widespread Ranch-Tom Smith www.widespreadranch.com tom@widespreadranch.com 616-293-0977 3788 Pratt Lake • Lowell, MI 49331
MISSOURI Might As Well Ranch-Dan and Deanna Stoltz www.mightaswellranch.com dan@mightaswellranch.com 314-409-1104 Pacific, MO Roberts Longhorns-David Roberts www.robertslonghorns.com robertslonghorns@live.com 573-406-9868 Canton, MO 63435 J Bar J Longhorns-Rusty & JoAnne Clark rc.ranch@hotmail.com 573-216-0332 Osage Beach, MO NORTH CAROLINA White Pine Ranch-Scott Hughes www.carolinacartellonghorns.com shughes@partonlumber.com 828-287-7406 Double A Longhorns-Aaron Adkins www.carolinacartellonghorns.com doublealonghorns@gmail.com 704-490-9208 NORTH DAKOTA Smith Longhorns-Chad & Janell Smith www.smithlonghorns.com smithlongs@hotmail.com 701-590-9073 Killdeer, ND
OHIO North View Farms- Emanuel Jr. & Carolyn Miller Dundee, OH 330-359-7165 Dickson Cattle Co. Inc. Darol Dickinson www.head2tail.com darol@texaslonghorn.com 740-758-5050 35500 Muskrat Rd. • Barnesville, OH 43713 OKLAHOMA WI Longhorns and Leather-Roland West www.wilonghornsandleather.com 580-682-3016 Lone Wolf, OK Semkin Longhorns-Charlene Semkin & Matt McGuire www.semkin-texaslonghorns.com semkin@mindspring.com 580-336-2925 6650 John Wayne Road • Perry, OK VanLiew Ranch-Rob VanLiew www.vanliewranch.com vanliewranch@gmail.com 405-420-1728 Pink, OK
-- continued on pg. 63
Texas Longhorn Trails
TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s
Herd Management Guide
SPRING Calving:
leptospirosis. Check with your veterinarian concerning vaccination for vibrosis and anaplasmosis. 4. If not done previously, semen evaluate bulls. A standard 1. Weigh your yearling heifers and make necessary culling breeding soundness exam should be conducted on all bulls decisions prior to the start of the prior to the start of the breeding breeding season. Make sure that all season. replacement heifers are weighing at 5. Complete sire selection least 65 percent of their mature and order any semen needed for weight prior to breeding and are artificial insemination. Plan exhibiting estrus activity on a ahead to have sufficient breeding regular basis. The post partum bulls to service all females. interval (interval from calving to Mature bulls in single sire first observed estrus) for first–calf pastures should be able to service heifers is typically 20–30 days 30–50 females in a 60–90 day longer than mature cows. Therefore, breeding season. Young yearling begin breeding replacement heifers bulls can be excellent breeders, 20–30 days before the rest of the but reduce the number of females cow herd to allow sufficient time per bull to 15–25 head and limit after calving for the heifers to the breeding season to 60 days. resume estrus activity and join the Special attention to maintaining rest of the cow herd during the good nutritional condition of the breeding season. young bulls is needed. Yearling 2. Continue supplemental feeding bulls should only run with other as previously recommended. During yearling bulls in multisire the first 3–4 months of lactation, pastures. Older bulls will tend to nutrient requirements increase establish a social dominance over substantially. Warm season pasture young bulls, creating potential grasses are dormant until mid–April problems. Photo courtesy of Mary Stahl. and provide most of the energy 6. Check spraying needs, but limited protein, equipment, dust bags, etc., and phosphorus and Vitamin A. Sufficient nutrients must be purchase needed chemicals for external parasite control. supplied to the lactating females in the form of protein and/or energy supplements as well as mineral and vitamin mixes to meet their nutrient requirements. Feeding 3–4 pounds of a 40 percent CP supplement, 4–6 pounds of a 30 percent CP 1. Continue a supplemental feeding program until good supplement or 6–8 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement per spring grass is available and calves are weaned. Lactating cows head per day, should be adequate to meet most protein and grazing dormant range grass require approximately 3-4 pounds energy needs. Choice of appropriate supplement (20 percent of a 40 percent range cube or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent range CP, 30 percent CP or 40 percent CP) should be based upon cube daily to meet their protein requirement. If winter pasture cheapest source of protein. Price per pound of protein may be is available, forage intake should be sufficient to meet nutrient determined by dividing the cost per pound of protein requirements of lactating females. supplement by the percentage of crude protein in the 2. Vaccinate all heifer calves between four and 10 months of supplement. A source of salt, as well as a good commercial age for brucellosis. calcium:phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A, should 3. As weaning is approaching, consider routine calf be available on a free choice basis. If your cows are thin in body management while the calves are still on their dams to reduce condition or pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing, then stress often associated with weaning. Calves should be feeding a medium (8–10 percent crude protein) hay free choice vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBRplus 2–3 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement daily or P13-BVD and de-wormed. Cull bull calves should be castrated approximately 15–20 pounds of a high quality (15–17 percent prior to weaning. crude protein) hay per head per day will provide an excellent 4. Consider limited creep feeding (16 percent crude protein) source of energy and protein for the females. If winter pasture is for calves, nursing older cows, first-calf heifers, or any calves available, then the females should not need additional energy or needing additional nutrition. protein supplementation. 3. After calving and before breeding, vaccinate cows for
FALL Calving:
Texas Longhorn Trails
-- continued from pg. 60 Diamond Q Longhorns-Steve & Bodie Quary dqlonghorns@yahoo.com 405-567-3093 Prague, OK Commanders Place Longhorns- Kim Nikodym www.commandersplacelonghorns.com bardies@hotmail.com 405-387-2460 Newcastle, OK Kropp Cattle Co.-Dr. Bob Kropp bob.kropp@okstate.edu 580-336-0220 Perry, OK Harrell Ranch-Kent & Sandy Harrell www.harrellranch.com kent@harrellranch.com 918-587-2750 Tulsa, OK Simmons Cattle Company- Ralph & Christa Simmons simmonscattle@hotmail.com 580-384-8365 GFT Longhorns-Devin Graves & Annissa Huckaby gftlonghorns@outlook.com 480-713-2769 Altus, OK KC3 Longhorns-Kasi Dick kranch.6240@gmail.com 918-694-6180 6420 CR 4151 • Pawhuska, OK 74056
April 2014
OREGON RC Larson Longhorns-Bob & Carmen Larson rclarsonlonghorns@gmail.com Tillamook, OR
PENNSYLVANIA Nel-Tam Longhorns-Nelson & Tammy Hearn www.neltamlonghorns.com nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com Richland, PA 17087 TENNESSEE Win Vue Longhorns-James Dyal jzd9122@yahoo.com 423-231-9122 Russellville, TN
TEXAS Diamond D Ranch-Dawn Divinia www.ddrlonghorns.com dawn@ddrlonghorns.com 972-890-8891 Red Oak, TX El Coyote Ranch www.elcoyote.com fserna@elcoyote.com/dserna@elcoyote.com 361-294-5462 Kingsville, TX Moriah Farms-Bernard Lankford www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com moriahfarmsbl@aol.com 817-341-4677 240 Shanes Lane • Weatherford, TX 76087
-- continued to pg. 64
Rocking O Ranch-Curtis Ohlendorf www.rockingolonghorns.com rockingolonghorns@gmail.com 512-680-7118 Austin, TX Ferguson Ranch-Cynthia Williams cwilliams1@suddenlink.net 325-653-5257 San Angelo, TX IM Rockin I-Nancy Ince www.rockinilonghorns.com nince@incedist.com 210-219-4681 #30 FM 3351 N. • Bergheim, TX 78004 MLC Cattle Company-Chris Clark chris@beaverpipeline.com 936-520-4212 Madisonville, TX ACR Longhorns-Diane Rivera dr.thisandthat@yahoo.com 214-243-0572 Red Oak, TX La Pistola Longhorns-Bobby Gutierrez www.lapistolalonghorns.com gtrg40@hotmail.com 979-575-2838 Bryan, Texas Astera Meadows Ranch-Carolyn & Wilton Wilton www.asterameadows.net cjwilton@juno.com 512-560-1264/512-560-1263 681 CR 459, Coupland, TX
-- continued from pg. 63
White Rock Ranch-Vincent Girolamo www.whiterocklonghorns.com whiterockranch@hotmail.com 214-542-4727 Jacksboro, TX 76458 Top Of The Hill Ranch-Dennis & Judy Urbantke www.topofthehillranch.com 325-656-9321 San Angelo, TX G&L Cattle Co.-Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower glcattle@aol.com 903-963-7442/903-681-1093 Van, TX Lazy A Ranch-Steve Azinger www.lazyaranch.org s.azinger@commair.us 713-823-5311 Shepherd, TX Silver T Ranch-Kurt Twining www.silvertranch.com kurt_twining@msn.com Dallas, TX Diamond G Farms - Ben Garner ben.garner@eqdepot.com 512-801-8242 Hutto, TX XC Longhorns-Joe Cunningham www.xclonghorns.net jamacunningham@att.net 254-479-1080 Peoria, TX Singing Coyote Ranch George and Barbara Schmidt www.singingcoyoteranch.com 830-393-6241 Floresville, TX 78114 Arrowhead Cattle Co.-Craig Perez www.arrowheadcattlecompany.com cperz1@hotmail.com 979-906-0043 Plano, TX Pearl Longhorn Ranch-Allen Perry www.pearl-longhorn-ranch.com 512-970-3793 5840 FM 183, Evant, Texas 76525 Running Arrow Farm, LLC-Sandra & Bill Martin www.runningarrowlonghorns.com info@runningarrowfarm.com 806-205-1235 4230 Hwy 83 N. • Wellington, TX 79095 Victorea Luminary www.luminarylonghornranch.com victorea@luminarylonghornranch.com 254-931-5441 Lott, TX River Ranch-Rick & Tracey Friedrich www.riverranchlonghorns.com rick@riverranchlonghorns.com 713-305-0259 2381 Friedrich Rd, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 Trinity Creek Ranch-Sandra Nordhausen www.trinitycreeksranch.com sandienordhausen@gmail.com 512-898-2401 3843 CR 455 • Thorndale, TX 76577 TS Longhorns-Terry & Sherri Adcock www.tsadcocklonghorns.com sherri@pics.net/tadcock@pics.net 806-488-7906/806-759-7486 1309 County Road M • Lamesa, TX 79331
Blue Ridge Ranch-John Marshall www.blueridgelonghorns.com john.marshall83@yahoo.com 713-398-5024 Llano, TX Helm Cattle Co.-John, Debra & Nathan Helm www.helmcattlecompany.com johnhelm1@me.com/nathanhelm@me.com 972-670-5134/817-897-8535 P.O. Box 2160 • Red Oak, TX 75154 Tonkawa Cattle Co.-Gary & Teresa Bowdoin www.tonkawacattecompany.com run4funbow@aol.com 254-640-0844 695 Vanishing Oaks Dr. • Crawford, TX 76638 Liberty Longhorn Ranch Dustin Divinia www.libertylonghornsranch.com dustin_divinia@yahoo.com 903-408-7288 Greenville, TX Cherokee Cattle Co.-Bob & Brady Elmore www.cherokeelonghorns.com elmoreB84@gmail.com 940-257-3921/940-282-3575 Wichita Falls, TX Ferguson Ranch-Larry & Meloney Ferguson ferguson-meloney@gmail.com 903-297-5893 Longview, TX KD Bar Cattle Co.-Joe Dowling dowlingjoe@yahoo.com 979-271-0277 Caldwell, TX DreamWeaver Ranch Stephen & Susan Clausen 555 E Houston St. • Giddings TX 78942 948 League Line Rd. • Paige TX 78659 dreamweaverranch@gmail.com
Wantabe Cattle Co.-Scott Govlait sgovlait@yahoo.com 936-499-3202 91 South Cattle Co.-Jeremy & Pam Lay pamlay@outlook.com 251-747-4332/251-752-9874 Rockin 4 Browns-Brian & Carolyn Brown bcbrown26@live.com 580-277-0220 TL Longhorns-Toni & Larry Stegemoller tostog0713@yahoo.com 817-933-5059 JD Longhorns-Jim & Denise Taylor jdlonghorns@yahoo.com 409-553-7516
If you would like to be added to the Registered Texas Longhorn Lean Beef Provider List, please contact Vincent Girolamo at (214) 542-4727.
Gold N Rule Sittin Bull
Max Caliber Coach
UTAH Doug Hunt doughunt37@gmail.com 435-680-4822 Saint George, UT _______________________________________ Gary Lee Hershberger hershbergergary37@yahoo.com 330-893-3763/330-731-8783
Mountain Home, Texas
1-800-YO RANCH charlie4@yoranch.com Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA
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At our facilities or on-farm collecting Bob Woodard
Brenda Barton
903.567.4044 (Office)
Craig Barton
18035 FM 17 • Canton, TX 75103 Toll Free 1.866.604.4044 Fax 903.567.6587 www.championgenetics.com Texas Longhorn Trails
April 2014
Texas Longhorn Trails
Save The Date! APRIL 2014 APR 4
• Southeastern Winchester Futurity, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Terry King – tklonghorns@centurylink.net or (850) 956- 4154
APR 4-5 • Hudson-Valentine Spring Invitational Texas Longhorn Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 393-2012
TEXAS LONGHORN Coming Events JULY 2014 JULY 16-20 • Canadian Texas Longhorn Show at the Red Deer Western Days, Red Deer, Alberta. www.ctlalonghorns.com, office@ctlalonghorns.com or Mark (403) 357-9833.
APR 11-13 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Brenham, TX; Steven Head headshorns@hotmail.com or (979) 5495270. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
AUG 6-9 • TLBAA World Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Liz Nessler (817) 625-6241 or liz@tlbaa.org www.tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
APR 11-12 • Red River Longhorn Sale, Loomis Arena(Fri.) & Red River Sale Barn(Sat.), Overbrook, OK. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com
AUG 30 • Butler Breeders Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355
APR 11-12 • Longhorns & Lace Benefit & Sale, Loomis Arena(Fri.) & Red River Sale Barn(Sat.), Overbrook, OK. Molly Clubb (319) 269-8903 or Jaymie Feldmann (319) 239-2662 or Tessa Millsap (254) 315-6548. www.longhornsandlacesale.com APR 12 • Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association Spring Sale, Broken Bow Livestock, Broken Bow, NE. Rodger Damrow (402) 423-5441 APR 18-19 • Cherry Blossom Sale, Culpeper, VA; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or www.thelonghornalliance.com APR 25-26 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or www.endoftrailranch.com
AUG 31 - SEPT 1 • Colorado State Fair, Pueblo, CO. Kenny
Richardson (970) 352-3054 or krichardson21@aol.com. 2 Shows - Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth
SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPT 12-13 • Hill Country Heritage Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. (325) 668-3552 or (713) 305-0259 SEPT 25-27 • East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Entry forms and information at www.etstatefair.com. Deadline Aug. 31. Dr. Gene and Lana Hightower, (903) 963-7442 or glcattle@aol.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 27 • B&C Show Me Sale, Brookfield, MO. Bill Sayre (660) 258-2973
MAY 2014 MAY 2-3 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale and Premier Heifer Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorn.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombsranches.com, teresa@redmccombsranches.com, (210) 445-8798 MAY 3-4 • Dona Ana Longhorn Show, Dona Ana County Fairgrounds, Las Cruces, NM. Sylvia Johnson (915) 886-3410. Two sets of points. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
MAY 9-11 • TLBAA 50th Aniversary Celebration Weekend, Fort Worth, Texas MAY 16-17 • Millennium Futurity, Glen Rose, TX; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or www.thelonghornalliance.com MAY 24 • STLA Spring 2014 Field Day and AGM, Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX. www.stla.org. RSVP to Suzanne Perry at suzannep@austin.rr.com or (512) 263-5313. MAY 31 • Canadian Texas Production Longhorn Sale, Heifer Jackpot and CTLA AGM, Silver Sage Community Corral, Brooks, Alberta. www.ctlalonghorns.com, office@ctlalonghorns.com or Gord (403) 378-4664.
JUNE 2014 JUNE 7 • 2014 Longhorn Ranch Sale & Social, Yamhill, OR. Contact: Daniel Fey (503) 349-7866 or daniel@feylonghorns.com JUNE 11-15 • 2014 Autobahnanza, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com. www.autobahnyouthtour.com JUNE 20-21 • Winchester Futurity of the North, Gibson County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IN. Scott Simmons – ssimmons@copeplastics.com or (618) 610-1921 or Deanna Sanders – dsanders71@hughes.net or (618) 780-5365
OCTOBER 2014 OCT 3-4 • Texas Longhorn Select Sale and Horn Measuring Showcase, Ponoka Ag Event Centre, Ponoka, Alberta. www.ctlalonghorns.com, office@ctlalonghorns.com or Jeff (403) 966-3320. OCT 4 • 6th Annual Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Sale & TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measuring, Turnersburg Livestock Market, Turnersburg, NC. Carl Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC pyledriver1964@yahoo.com or (336) 667-5452 OCT 8-11 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. TLBAA-Liz Nessler (817) 625-6241 or liz@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org OCT 11 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Sale, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. TLBAA-Liz Nessler (817) 625-6241 or liz@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org OCT 18 • Marquess Arrow Production Sale, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron & Barbara Marquess-maranch@aol.com or (903) 833-5810 Ranch or (903) 570-5199 Ron. www.maranch.com OCT 24-26 • Ark-La-Tex Annual Fall Show, George Henderson Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (409) 414-1401 or Bobbye DuBose (409) 384-8120. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
MARCH 2015 MAR 27-28 • Hudson-Valentine Spring Invitational Texas Longhorn Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 393-2012.
Let us know about your upcoming events! (817) 625-6241or email us at laura@tlbaa.org. Texas Longhorn Trails
Registrations and Transfers from February 1, 2014 to February 28, 2014
Division A
Division B (cont.)
Division B (cont.)
Division C
Dora Thompson B T Farms B. Eugene Berry, M.D. James Bryant Kathy Kittler Martin & Marilyn Fane Paul Sisk, Jr. Beeson Livestock Co. K Bar Exotics Mark and Tina Stewart Mark Hubbell Shawn & Cathy Norton Tom & Sue Moore Guthrie Nielsen Shawn M. Pequignot Steve & Carol Marr Billy Holder Dave Hovingh Warren Loos Calvin Deemer Glenn Cook James Taylor Khaos Cattle Company Leonard Aluminum Inc. Levi & Brittni Blake Mark, Darryl, Keith Christenson Panther Creek Ranch Ward J. Casteel William Wick
Roger & Jacqueline Garlitz Ronnie & Jackie Mullinax Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D. Ben Liska Diamond D Ranch Hollis Jefferies James And Beverly Platt Jo & Dagmar Schaab Loyd Gibbs David & S. Lynn Starritt Lisa Baker Terry and Sherri Adcock Ricky & Judy Niell David & Melissa Smallwood John Muraglia Robert and Louann Rubel Young Ranch @ Flat Rock Crossings John T. & Betty Baker Bo & Jo Ann Winkel Cactus Rose Longhorns Dave & Althea Sullivan Jayme Templin Falcon J.T. Wehring Lazy L Longhorns Swing'n Star Ranch Todd Williams Tud Rosin Krier Alton & Joyce Martin Bob and Cathy Iversen Bow Carpenter Circle 7 Cattle Co. Deer Creek Longhorns Don & Lois Huber M. A. Vanek Mike and Kim MacLeod Taylor Cattle Company Tom and Cay Billingsley Area Historical Museum Bailey Bright Billy Thompson & Gary Jenkins Bonnie G. Kuecker Brent & Cynthia Bolen Bruce and Connie Ollive Carla Payne Carter T. Smith
Cody M. Himmelreich Dale & Janet Manwaring Dale Land and Cattle Danny and Sharon Burnette Don Bordelon Doug and Sandy Stotts Dr. Gene and Lana Hightower El Coyote Ranch Gary Warren George and Cindy Dennis James & Amy Roesler Jim and Jean Murray Joel Norris John & Rebecca McCammon John R. Randolph Kelly or Chrisann Merriman Michael Zepeda Nathan Schumpert Rebecca J. Gilbert Robert & Cindy Schnuriger Roy Garber Wes and Carol Chancey William L Kiely Ohlendorf Land and Cattle Company, LLC
Richard & Linda Spooner Rockin M Longhorns Travis and Chandra Weeks Marc Sacre David & Kimberley Nikodym Ray, Kale & Julie Williams Rhys & Rylan Venable Daron & Stacie Grossardt Brian Nelson Brink Longhorns Doug Hunt Harris Longhorn Ranch Jared & Justina Reaves Melissa Reese Ryan Welch Stephen A. Douglas, Jr. Warren and Cathy Dorathy Bill and Jo Le'AN Christie Ives Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Hayden Cowan Jerry and Gretchen Lotspeich Pace Cattle Company Randy and Jamie Briscoe RC Larson Longhorns Searle Ranch Tumbleweed Line Woodson School Ranch Brett or Darcy De Lapp Brock Murphy Curtis and Donna Hoskins Dale Hunt David and Christine Ryland Dee & Janet Huntley Farquhar Financial Cattle Co. J5 Longhorns JBR Longhorns, LLC Linda McKay Moyer Land and Cattle Robert & Lisa Van Liew Sather Family, LLC Shoestring Longhorns Teri Ehlers & Lana Webb Thomas P. Herzog Vickie Link
Division B Star Creek Ranch K.O. Cattle Company Frank Anderson, Jr. Michael McLeod John Oliver Richard & Sharon Parr Rick & Tracey Friedrich Kimble Cattle Company Mr. and Mrs. Ross Martella, III Lynn Lierly Vincent T. Girolamo Elias F. Hal Meyer, Jr. Greg And Sandy Jameson April 2014
Division C Mike & Debbie Bowman Anchor D Ranch Mike Lutt Billy & Audrey Doolittle Mike Bassett Tom & Linda Nading Casey Lynn Kennedy Joel and Tamara Kuntz Oren & Dianna O'Dell Shamrock Land & Cattle, LLC D. Craig Barnett, DVM Joseph Sedlacek Larry &/or Mary Ann Long Nick Noyes Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary Bob & Pam Loomis Carole Muchmore Justin Hansen
SEMEN FOR SALE LONGHORN SEMEN – Phenomenon, Emperor, DH Red Ranger, Tempter, JP Rio Grande, WS Jamakism, Working Man Chex, VJ Tommie and more. John Oliver 972-268-0083 or www.oliverlonghorns.com
JoelAuctioneer Lemley
P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506
www.lemleyauctionservices.com TX. License 15204
Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX
REGISTERED LONGHORN STARTER HERD PACKAGES and BULLS from 1 to 7 years old. Brindle Wyoming Warpaint bull 73” ttt. Prices $600 up. 580 364-6592 or check out our website at: www.cattlecallranch.com
(817) 991-9979 CATTLE FOR SALE
THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
(507) 235-3467 April showers still bring May flowers... Can’t hardly wait because we all will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the TLBAA in 1964! It’s going to be an
outstanding weekend in Fort Worth. I plan to be there to visit my dear, longtime Longhorn friends and to make many new ones. Meanwhile.... Congratulations are in order for our NASA show heifer, LATIGO’S REESE’S PIECES, FD. At the recent Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s Texas Longhorn Show, she really did the Flying D Ranch’s breeding program proud. At the young age of 11 1/2 mos. (DOB: 3/22/13), she won RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE in the OPEN SHOW. In the YOUTH SHOW, she scored again by winning CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE and RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE. My thanks to the NASA Show Team and Project Manager, Jennifer Edenfield, for all their care and work with Reese’s Pieces. Special thanks to Felice Yarbrough for exhibiting Reese’s Pieces through the show season. Meanwhile back at the ranch, the March winds are still blowing in “great” deals on Flying D Texas Longhorn cattle. The Flying D was founded in 1984 by myself and my late husband, G.C. “Bo” Damuth. The ranch is still going strong with over 200 head of traditional/progressive cattle to choose from. “Bo” truly deserves another “pat on the back” for the current success of the breeding program he created those many years back. He was a great “OLD TIME” cow man with a bright awareness of the future role of the Texas Longhorn in the cattle business! To schedule a ranch tour or just to "talk Longhorns", call:
Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, Texas • 281-356-8167 • 281-356-2751 fax dorie27@sbcglobal.net www.damuthflyingdranch.com
DORA THOMPSON just registered 38 QUALITY HEIFERS and 17 HERD SIRE prospects BRED FOR HORN. We specialize in Hunts Command Respect and McGill Ranch genetics and offer young stock at reasonable prices. We have a Farlap Chex son on a herd of straight Butlers. Sand Hills Ranch is 20 mi. off the TX line in Northwest Louisiana below Shreveport. A large herd (approx. 175 mama cows) promises you plenty of variety. echoofambush@aol.com www.sandhillsranch.com • Tel (318) 872-6329
BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
FOR SALE: 15 mature Reg. Texas Longhorn cows and one bull out of J P Rio Grande and Awesome Angel, an own daughter of BOOMERANG C P. Price for sixteen head is $45,000.00. You may pick the 15 head from a herd of 20 which includes many black and white. Some of the cows may have small calves by sale date. All weaning age calves are not included. Blood lines in the herd are proven genetics. We have blood from OVER KILL, SAFARI BL CHEX, FARLAP CHEX, WINCHESTER, HEADLINER and many other excellent bulls. One FARLAP CHEX daughter has been A. I. ed to DRAG IRON. All others have been the J P RIO GRANDE son. Located near Foley and Gulf Shores, Alabama. Claude or Carole D. Lipscomb (251) 965-3600
www.oliverlonghorns.com Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”
joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083
LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains (918) 855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK
www.lonewolfranch.net REAL ESTATE
For information, visit
www.tlbaa.org 70
Cell: (254) 396-5592 Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532
TRADE & BARTER TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380. WE HAVE JUBAL JANGLER AND VANIZM HEIFERS, also ranch raised, young, well-bred AQHA Quarter Horses we will trade for your Registered Longhorn steers, bulls, etc. Save your cash for hay. Call (785) 447-9132 McIntyre Ranches - www.mcintyreranches.com.
LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell www.asocl.com or troush57@yahoo.com YOU CALL - I HAUL!
TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org
Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Owner/Broker 936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email: trigg@c21homeandranch.com
Texas Longhorn Trails
A Adcock, Terry & Sherri............................33, 67 Adkins, Aaron & Clay....................................35 Almendra Longhorns....................................65 American Livestock Magazine ....................57 Anderson, Frank Jr. & III..............................8-9 Autobahnanza ..................................................5
B Bar H Ranch....................................................65 Beadle Land & Cattle................................8, 65 Bentwood Ranch............................................39 Big Valley Longhorns ....................................65 Billingsley Longhorns....................................67 Blue Ridge Ranch..............................................2 Box Z Ranch................................................8, 67 Brett Ranch ......................................................66 Broken W Ranch ............................................66 BT Farms ..........................................................66 Buckhorn Cattle Co.......................................66 Bull Creek Longhorns ............................41, 66 Butler Breeders ..............................................8-9
L Lazy J Longhorns............................................65 Lazy A Ranch............................................35, 67 Lemley Longhorns ........................................67 Lightning Longhorns ....................................66 Little Ace Cattle Co...........................................8 Lone Wolf Ranch............................................66 Lonesome Pines Ranch ................................39 Longhorn Sale Pen ........................................56 Loomis, Bob & Pam ..............................29, 35
M Marquess Arrow Ranch ..............................IBC McLeod Ranch ..................................................8 Miller, Tim ......................................................65 Moriah Farms ............................................9, 66
Just For Grins Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)
Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or laura@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Please specify which month your caption is for.
Northbrook Cattle Co...................................66
P&C Cattle Pens ............................................37 C Panther Creek Longhorns........................3, 65 Caballo Bravo Longhorns ............................65 Pearl Longhorn Ranch ..................................67 CedarView Ranch............................39, 65, BC PJ’s Cattle Company ........................................8 Champion Genetics ......................................64 Cowboy Catchit Chex Partnership ............35 R CV Cowboy Casanova Partnership............39 R & R Ranch ....................................................66 Red McCombs Ranches Anniv. Sale ....12-13 D Registered Texas Longhorn Beef..................63 Dalgood Longhorns ........................................9 Rio Vista Ranch ................................................8 DCCI Equipment ..........................................60 Rocking G Ranch..............................................9 Deer Creek Longhorns..................................67 Rockin I Longhorns............................9, 33, 67 Diamond Q Longhorns ..............................66 Rocking P Longhorns ......................................8 Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.............................43 Rocky Mountain Longhorns ......................65 Double LB Longhorns ..........................54, 67 Rolling D Ranch ............................................65 Doug Hunt Longhorns ................................67 Running Arrow Farm ....................................60
Eagles Ridge Longhorns..................................9 7 Bar Longhorns ............................................66 El Coyote Ranch................................................1 7D Longhorns ................................................65 End of Trail Ranch ........................................65 Safari B Ranch ................................................66 Sand Hills Ranch ......................................7, 65 Semkin Longhorns ........................................66 F Sidewinder Cattle Co.......................................9 4 Gone Ranch..................................................31 Singing Coyote Ranch ..................................67 5D Ranch ........................................................67 Smith, Jean ....................................................66 Flying Diamond Ranch ................................66 Smith Longhorns ..........................................37 Flying H Longhorns ......................................66 SS Longhorns..................................................66 Star Creek Ranch ............................................41 Stotts Hideaway Ranch ................................67
Photo courtesy of Robert Schnuriger.
G6 Longhorns ................................................66 T Gist Silversmiths ............................................56 Haltom Hollar Ranch ..................................65 Tallgrass Cattle Co. ........................................27 Taylor Cattle Company ................................11 Texas S Longhorns ........................................67 H TLBA Foundation ..........................................57 Harrell Ranch ....................................................9 TLBAA 50th AnniversaryIFC, 45, 47, 49-50, 51 Helm Cattle Co. ............................................66 TLBAA Membership......................................72 Hickman Longhorns ....................................67 TLBAA World Show ......................................55 Hodges, Dave..................................................66 Triple R Ranch (MI) ......................................65 Horseshoe J Longhorns................................35 Triple R Ranch (TX)..........................................9 Hubell Longhorns..........................................35 Hudson-Valentine Spring Inv. Sale ......17-24 U
Underwood Longhorns................................65
JBR Longhorns................................................65 W J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ..........................67 Jack Mountain Ranch....................................67 Walker, Ron ....................................................67 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co...................................9 Westfarms, Inc...................................................8 Johnston Longhorns ....................................66 White Pine Ranch....................................35, 66 Wichita Fence..................................................54 Wild Horse Creek Ranch..............................37 K Winchester Futurity North ..........................53 Khaos Cattle Company ..................................35 Woodson School Ranch ..............................66 King, Terry & Tammy ................................35, 65 Kittler Land & Cattle Co. ................................65 Y YO Ranch ........................................................64 April 2014
“You best get my horns, ‘cause you sure look like your daddy!”
Wendy Hastings, Art, TX HONORABLE MENTION: ◆
“Clean up in the feed trough!” Dusty Leonard, Houston, TX
Coming Next Month:
50th Celebration/Brood Cow 71
Join Us! We’re Growing Fast!
a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.
In 1964,
the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.
The Advantages of Membership Include:
★ State of the art Registration Department to maintain five ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine.
★ Educational Web site. ★ Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.
★ Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas
Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. H.O.R.N.S. – Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. ★ Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. ★ Mail-in voting for regional directors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE! Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org
TLBAA Membership Application
MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Other Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________
Home Phone: (
Ranch Phone: (
)______________Office Phone: ( )______________Fax Number: (
Website Address: ____________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________
Check or Money Ord.
Card No.:___________________________________________________
Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________
Referred by:_________________________________________________
Please draw your brand inside the box exactly as you wish to be recorded. Reading of Brand _______________________
New Active Member*
Renewal Active Member
Lifetime Member
New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) ** New/Renewal Outrider (Associate Member) (pays Non-Member rates for animal work)
Monthly Breed Publication (Texas Longhorn Trails) 105.00/180.00 foreign
**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___
All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.
* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $105 US address or $180 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.
Texas Longhorn Trails