April 2015 Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine

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Texas Longhorn Trails

April 2015


Texas Longhorn Trails

MARCH 2015 VOL. 27 NO. 1

Cover Stories:

About the Cover:

24 Breeder Profile: Ed & Nan Creel by Henry King

This Longhorn cow shares a few acres with half a dozen other Longhorns, as well as several bison, in the middle of a Plano, Texas, business park. The cattle and bison belong to Legacy Livestock and may be spotted at the corner of Preston Road and Legacy Drive. The photograph is by Jordan Overturf of Overturf Media, a full service photography & graphic design company based in Bryan, Texas. Contact: OverturfMedia.com – 832-816-8291 – OverturfMedia@gmail.com

30 Basic Cattle Handling by Heather Smith Thomas


18 Broken Genes: What They

Mean For Your Farm Or Ranch by Jared Decker, University of Missouri

20 Why Did We Move It?

2015 TLBAA Horn Showcase

Shows & Sales: 14 Hall of Fame Points 37 National Western Stock Show 4

28 Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders Hold Annual Meeting by Russell Hooks Texas Longhorn Trails

Departments: 10 Officer & Directors 12 TLBAA Announcements 16 TLBT Letter 20 News on the Trail 38 In Memoriam 38 In the Pen 40 Affiliate News 42 Herd Management 43 Board Bio: David L. Edwards 44 Movers & Shakers 46 Save the Date 51 Ad Index 51 Just For Grins

Notesfrom the Editor Spring is upon us, and as we look forward to new life in the pastures, green grass growing and warm breezes blowing we also look forward to growth and change in the TLBAA. We are excited as our new website is close to launch date. We are offering new advertising packages to promote you breeding program or product. We encourage you to support the new website with your advertising. Contact Kelsie McGilvray, our new Online Marketing Manager. I am very excited to introduce Keslie, as she brings marketing and social media skills that will help out the TLBAA and TLBT in future events. Keslie will be responsible for the new TLBAA website, eblasts and E-Trails. I look forward to the membership meeting Kelsie at the next event. The May and June issue will be combined, and we are promoting the sale season with in depth coverage of the Cattle Baron’s Sale, Hudson-Valentine, Nebraska Texas Longhorn Sale, Blue Ridge, Midwest, B&C and McCombs. We look forward to the thank you ads from these sales, and I look forward to these upcoming sales and visiting with the membership. I encourage you to email, fax or mail your comments and suggestions to continue moving the Trails magazine in the right direction for our members and readers. See you down the road...

– Laura Standley

(817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org Editor in Chief: Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org Contributing Editor: Henry L. King

President/CEO: Barbara Linke • Ext. 102 barbara@tlbaa.org

Advertising: Ashley Loos • (217) 653-8403 • ashley@tlbaa.org

Phil Norwood • (713) 294-0139 • phil@tlbaa.org

Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org

Graphic Design & Production: Myra Basham • Ext. 108 • myra@tlbaa.org • artdirector@tlbaa.org

Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org Online Marketing Manager: Kelsie McGilvray • Ext. 106 • kelsie@tlbaa.org

Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org

Regional Correspondents: Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee | Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado | Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada | Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas | Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma

Deadline: May/June 2015 deadline is April 17th.

The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.

Printed in the USA



Elaine Bauman • Ext. 121 elaine@tlbaa.org

Special Events: Amy Weatherholtz • Ext. 104 amy@tlbaa.org

Receptionist/Office Manager:

Cynthia Guerra • Ext. 100 cynthia@tlbaa.org

“We reach every TLBAA member” Texas Longhorn Trails

Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle

Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 Ray.Beadle@kapstonepaper.com

Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa

2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com Louis (210) 863-7003 Jason (210) 232-1818

Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com

McLeod Ranch - Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX (361) 782-0155

Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns

P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net

Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger

4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com

Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland

13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com

This space is available for your ranch listing!

Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 S. Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com

DALGOOD Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com

Jack Mountain Ranch Hal & Betty Meyer

8000 Mount Sharp Rd. • Wimberley, TX (512) 422-4681 cell (512) 842-1116 halmeyer@hotmail.com

Rockin I Longhorns Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX (830) 237-5024 tmangold@sbcglobal.net www.rockinilonghorns.com

Sidewinder Cattle Co. Ed Shehee, Jr.

1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com

Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate

418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN (507) 235-3467

Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey

21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com

This space is available for your ranch listing!



Canada, New Zealand, Australia

17 13



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TLBAA Regions


Chairman of the Board: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493

Secretary/Parliamentarian: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844

Executive Vice Chairman: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035

Treasurer: Mark Hubbell • (269) 838-3083

1st Vice Chairman: Alex Dees • (805) 300-4617

Director: Tom Matott • (303) 500-9465

2nd Vice Chairman: Kathy Kittler • (501) 690-0771

Director: Jeff Jespersen • (780) 966-3320


At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Mark Hubbell

(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com

(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

DIVISION C ~ REGIONS 13-18 At-Large Director

Keith DuBose

(573) 406-9868 robertslonghorns@live.com

David Roberts At-Large Director

(405) 227-7127 bardies@hotmail.com

John Parmley

(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com

David “Nik” Nikodym

Region 1 - Director

Region 7 - Director

Region 13 - Director

Jeff Jespersen

(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com

Lana Hightower

(903) 681-1093 glcattleco@aol.com

(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com

Region 2 - Director

Region 8 - Director

Region 14 - Director

(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@gmail.com

Ken Morris

(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com

Nelson Hearn

L.D. McIntyre

(817) 304-1665 diamondglonghorns@yahoo.com

Gwen Damato

Region 3 - Director

(620) 704-3493 tmcknight@namesandnumbers.com Region 15 Director

Todd McKnight

Region 9 - Director

Tom Smith

(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com

(254) 485-3434 fairchildranch@yahoo.com

(918) 557-0364 dledwards.texaslonghorncattle @gmail.com

Region 4 - Director

Region 10 - Director

Region 16 - Director

David Edwards

Russell E. Fairchild

Scott Hughes

(828) 287-4257 shughes@partonlumber.com

Gary Bowdoin

(254) 640-0844 run4funbow@aol.com

(303) 500-9465 tom@rockymountainlonghorns.com

Region 5 - Director

Region 11 - Director

Region 17 - Director

Tom Matott

Nancy Dunn

(334) 318-0887 nancydunn2010@windstream.net

Larry Smith

(281) 935-2811 texasslonghorns@aol.com

(805) 300-4617 atdees@aol.com

Region 6 - Director

Region 12 - Director

(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com

(979) 249-4255 sktorkildsen@gmail.com

Region 18 - Director

Kathy Kittler

CHARLES SCHREINER III* 1964-1967 WALTER G. RIEDEL, JR.* 1967-1969 J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 WALTER B. SCOTT* 1971-1973 JAMES WARREN* 1973-1975 J.W. ISAACS* 1975-1977 J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978

Alex Dees

Bill Torkildsen

JOHN R. BALL* 1979-1980


BILL ANTHONY* 1981-1982

GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995

DR. L.V. BAKER 1982-1984

TIM MILLER* 1995-1998

DR. W.D. “BILL” CLARK 1984-1986



BOB MOORE* 2003-2005

JOHN T. BAKER 1988-1990


(909) 721-7577 chris@herronconstructioninc.com

Chris Herron





Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351

Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083

Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659

Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331

John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730

Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616







Texas Longhorn Trails


• Easy Online Access (Simply call office to set up your password) • Register Cattle • Transfer Cattle • Locate Other Members • When you use HORNS, work is normally processed and in the mail to you within 24-48 hours (Excluding weekends) • Research Pedigrees in our Registry • Manage Your Herd Inventory • Better than any “cattle maintenance software” on the market today: 1) Don’t have to purchase it (It comes FREE with your membership!) 2) No yearly upgrade or maintenance fees 3) Covers things like pasture exposures, medication records, birth, birth weight records, show and points records and much more! • Manage Your Own Membership Profile (Update your phone, email, address, etc) • Multiple Options To Pay For Work ...and Much, Much



Sign Up for HORNS Today and Receive:

20% OFF Registration Fees Offer good through MAY 31st!

Sponsor Apache Casino Hotel Named Host Hotel for 2015 Horn Showcase

Fort Worth, TX - The Apache Casino Hotel is a corporate sponsor of the 2015 Horn Showcase and has been selected as host hotel for the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America Horn Showcase, to be held October 1-3, 2015. The hotel is offering a great rate for our attendees, along with complimentary free play opportunities, and three restaurants, making this a great value for those attending the Horn Showcase. The $27 million hotel features 132 guest rooms and suites, pool, gym, gift shop, business center and more than 2,500 square feet of meeting space. The property also includes a 100,000square-foot casino. The Apache Casino Hotel is owned and managed by the Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma. The Horn Showcase features numerous exhibits of registered Texas Longhorns, as well as experience measurements, futurity classes, non-haltered shows, a registered Texas Longhorn sale, vendors and seminars.


Antique Animal Spring HALF-PRICE Special! From MARCH 1st - MAY 31st you can register any of your older (antique) animals that normally would cost you $100, for half price, $50! Yes, that’s right, any animal over 36 months old can be registered for $50. Remember, this special ends MAY 31st! Questions? Contact Dana or Rick 817.625.6241

IT MAY BE MARCH, BUT WE'RE READY TO KICK OFF THE SUMMER! Trails is combining May and June into one special issue.

This special combo issue presents an opportunity for you to take advantage of some great values! Advertise in this double issue at the 12-time price!

Save up to $70 off your ad!

This issue will feature: -Sale results from Cattle Baron's Sale, Hudson-Valentine, Nebraska Texas Longhorn Sale, Blue Ridge, Midwest, B&C and McCombs -Spotlight on the top selling cattle in these great sales -A focus on brood cows & their premier progeny CONTACT: LAURA STANDLEY (817) 625-6241 LAURA@TLBAA.ORG ASHLEY LOOS (217) 653-8403 ASHLEY@TLBAA.ORG

Texas Longhorn Trails

HALTERED FEMALES 1st-THE BASIN BEAUTY, Toby Johnson, Big Horn, WY . . . . . . . . .293 2nd-HI 5'S SHADY LADY, Cody M. Himmelreich, Dayton, TX . . .194 3rd-HD JETSTAR, George & Cindy Dennis,Coupland, TX . . . . . . . .181 4th-CT SALTY GINGER, Joe Tucker, Paradise, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 5th-K-T STELLA, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, Evans, WA . . . . . . . . . . . .154 6th-ANDERS SAFARI SPICE, Caden Wieczorek, Hickman, NE . . .153 7th-HD POLLYANNA, Don English, Jr, Dallas, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 8th-K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, Evans, WA . . . . . . . . . .137 9th-HD SAMSONITE'S SADIE, George & Cindy Dennis, Coupland, TX . .124 10th-K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, Evans, WA . . . . . . .110

1st-Ashlyn Holson, Albany, TX . . . . . . . . . . .1940 2nd-Avery Roesler, Krum, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . .1735 3rd-Chance Kearny, Evans, WA . . . . . . . . . . . .1565 4th-Caroline Holson, Granbury, TX . . . . . . . .1125 5th-Ella Wieczorek, Hickman, NE . . . . . . . . . .645 6th-Cooper D. Taylor, Thorndale, TX . . . . . . . .520 7th-Tyler Lindsey, Laurel, MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .515 8th-James Roesler, Krum, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .400 9th-Bella McDermott, Alvord, TX . . . . . . . . . . .295 10th-Madilyn Moreland, Decatur, TX . . . . . . .275

INTERMEDIATE DIVISION 1st-Clara Holson, Granbury, TX . . . . . . . . . .2720 2nd-Jackson Grace, Sunset, TX . . . . . . . . . . . .1370 3rd-Shyanne McClendon, Marshall, TX . . . . .935 4th-Clarice Francis, Angleton, TX . . . . . . . . . . .915 5th-Sara Jennings, Angleton, TX . . . . . . . . . . . .740 6th-Rope Anders, Crawford, NE . . . . . . . . . . . .720 7th- Dalli Anders, Crawford, NE . . . . . . . . . . .670 8th-Laney Hebert, Angleton, TX . . . . . . . . . . . .630 9th-Caden Wieczorek, Hickman, NE . . . . . . . .580 10th-Julia Salsbury, League City, TX . . . . . . . . .485


1 -Caitlyn Holson, Albany, TX . . . . . . . . . . .1975 2nd-Shelby A. Rooker, Poolville, TX . . . . . . .1860 3rd-Cody Garcia, Hico, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1710 4th-Jodie Ging, Palacios, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1565 5th-Hailey Neal, Bryson, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1290 6th-Ryan Johnson, Big Horn, WY . . . . . . . . . .1160 7th-Carter T. Smith, Willow Park, TX . . . . . . .775 8th/9th/10th-Sarah Tramm, Tacoma, WA . . . . . .620 8th/9th/10th-Miriam Faske, Somerville, TX . . . .620 8th/9th/10th-Leandra Gonzales, Rocksprings, TX 620


1 -Tarah Moore, Hico, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3675 2nd-Alexzandria Rivera, Red Oak, TX . . . . . . .2310 3rd-Kalli Winters, Paradise, TX . . . . . . . . . . . .2295 4th-Jimmie Gee, Springtown, TX . . . . . . . . . . .2110 5th-Cody McDonald, Oakhurst, TX . . . . . . . .1250 6th-Jorge Avalo, Ferris, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1130 7th-Ethan Morgan, Deer Park, TX . . . . . . . . .1095 8th-Kacie Ging, Palacios, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .965 9th-Kailee Vuskov, Angleton, TX . . . . . . . . . . .960 10th-Alexis Hynes, Van, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790




HALTERED MATURE FEMALES 1st-BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, Evans, WA . . . . . . .240 2nd-SALTILLO COWGAL IV 031, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, Roca, NE . . .165 3rd-HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, Dayton, TX .109 4th-SSR BELLA ROSE, Gerardo Lara Jr., Alvarado, TX . . . . . . . . . . . .103 5th-ENR GYPSY GIRL, Ben and Ilse Myren, Colville, WA . . . . . . . . .87 6th/7th-ANDERS TYS LADY, Art Anders, Crawford, NE . . . . . . . . . . . .56 6th/7th- FCL GYPSY QUEEN, Fossil Creek Longhorns, Greeley, CO .56 8th-SANDDOLLAR SWEETUMS, Matt & Sarah Vuskov, Angleton, TX . . .55 9th-SV BUTTONS AND BOWS, Fossil Creek Longhorns, Greeley, CO . . .54 10th/11th-TL COUNTRY RAZZLE DAZZLE, Tanner Longhorns, Stephenville, TX .53 10th/11th-DIAMOND Q DELILA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, Prague, OK . . .53

BULLS 1st-JP RIO CAPONE KID, JP Ranch, Ben Wheeler, TX . . . . . . . . . .300 2nd-STONY 13, Kris Johnson, Big Horn, WY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 3rd-K-T INCREDIBLE HULK, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, Evans, WA .239 4th-HI 5'S POP A TOP AGAIN, Cody M. Himmelreich, Dayton, TX . . .195 5th-SALTILLO SUPERCHARGER312, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, Roca, NE . .174 6th-PRIVATE MALONE, Toby Johnson, Big Horn, WY . . . . . . . . . . .173 7th-SANDDOLLAR DISCOVERY, Carla Payne, Slidell, TX . . . . . . . .155 8th/9th-PLR SMOKE SIGNAL, Randy & Catherine Morris, Tuscola, TX . .153 8th/9th-KH SUMTHIN' SUMTHIN', Kathryn Head, College Station, TX . .153 10th-TL FENWAY, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, Laurel, MS . . . . . . . .123

FREE FEMALES 1st-J5 SPOOKY, J5 Longhorns, Molalla, OR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208 2nd-K-T SIERRA, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, Evans, WA . . . . . . . . . . . .160 3rd-HI 5'S SOUTHERN BELL, Cody M. Himmelreich, Dayton, TX . .157 4th-DV BURGUNDY RED, Del Vic Farms, Scribner, NE . . . . . . . . .135 5th-WINDY POINT SAMOA, Ronald or Lana Pearson, Fowler, CO . . . .131 6th-G&L SIDEWINDER SUE, Alexis J. Hynes, Van, TX . . . . . . . . . . .129 7th-THB CHEROKEE RUBY, Two Heart Bar Ranch, Plains, MT . . .105 8th-DESERT DIAMOND, Toby Johnson, Big Horn, WY . . . . . . . . .103 9th-MOON SHADOW 2, Crystal A. Avalos, Ferris, TX . . . . . . . . . . . .98 10th-ENR LOLITA, Ben and Ilse Myren, Colville, WA . . . . . . . . . . . . .96


TLBT & TLBAA Hall of Fame can be viewed online at

www.TLBAA.org on the HORNS system. Contact Amy with questions at Amy@tlbaa.org. 14

1st-SALTILLO CG 305, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, Roca, NE . . . . .111 2nd-EOT OUTBACK TWIST, John Oliver, Malaloff, TX . . . . . . . . . . .107 3rd-HORSESHOES LEGEND GAL, Art Anders, Crawford, NE . . . . . .100 4th-SOUTHERN CHABLIS, Two Heart Bar Ranch, Plains, MT . . . . .96 5th-EMPERORS CLASSIC DEBUT, RC Larson Longhorns, Tillamook, OR . .92 6th-STOCKANNA, Donnie Taylor, Huntington, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 7th-MISS TEXAS BELLE, Keith & Tina DuBose, Tyler, TX . . . . . . . . . .89 8th-TH MISS CHA-VERRO, Dennis & Judy Urbantke, San Angelo, TX . .63 9th/10th-SALIDA'S FRECKLES, Donald & Sharron Wiens, Kennewick, WA 60 9th/10th-PEEK A BOO LD, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, Evans, WA . . . . . .60 Texas Longhorn Trails

Dear TLBT Members, What a great year it has been so far! I have enjoyed seeing all of y’all at the shows the past few months, and I hope each and every one of you has had as much fun as I did. It sure seems like people have been bringing excellent cattle to the shows making for great competition. Congratulations to everybody on all of the success! I know firsthand all of the hard work and long hours it takes to get to this point. I wanted to remind graduating seniors about all of the opportunities for scholarships available through the TLBT. You can go to www.tlbaa.org/ TLBT_ Scholarships.html for all of the details. Also, don’t forget about the Senior Heifer Sale, headed up by Kevin Rooker, which will take place at World Show. I know I’m preaching to the choir when I say this, but, it’s crunch time! Good luck to all of you on your future beyond our youth organization! Hopefully, the TLBT and Texas Longhorns have done their part to help out. Another thing that I’ve noticed at the past several shows is how many new members we have. It’s so awesome to know that our associations are branching out and widening our reach. For any new members looking for ways to get further involved, go to tlbaa.org, or check the TLBT out on Facebook. As the show season is nearing its end, I hope that I get to see everyone in the upcoming months at shows, sales, or other Longhorn events. Until then, as always, stay safe, and have fun!

Bella McDermott

TLBT Office: Junior Director Age: 7 School: Alvord Elementary School Number of Years in the TLBT: 1


Tarah Moore TLBT President


by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow

TLBAA Hall of Fame can be viewed online at www.TLBAA.org on the HORNS system. Contact Amy with questions at Amy@tlbaa.org. 16


Why did you join the TLBT? I joined the TLBT because my older brother and sister were apart of it, and it seemed like a lot of fun. What are your favorite memories of the TLBT so far? I really just love spending time with my family and traveling to different places. How is the TLBT going to help your future career? The TLBT is going to help my future career because it is teaching me leadership and responsibility. Do you enjoy showing Texas Longhorn cattle, and why? I enjoy showing Longhorns because each one is different and unique. I love my steer, and I love doing showmanship because it makes me better every time I go in the ring. What advice would you give to a newcomer in the TLBT? The advice I would give to a newcomer is to have fun. And to take criticism in a good way. You can always become a better showman. Texas Longhorn Trails

BROKEN GENES: What They Mean For Your Farm Or Ranch Jared Decker, University of Missouri

Mutation, the process which produces errors during copying of DNA, is a fact of life. It is unavoidable and unfixable. This means that every calf born in our herds carries approximately 30 mutations that originated in the sperm and egg that created the calf. Only 3% of an animal’s DNA codes proteins, so most of these 30 mutations do not affect genes. But, a small number of these mutations will be within a gene and the protein coded by that gene will no longer function properly. We sometimes refer to these genes which carry a loss-offunction mutation as broken genes. This means new broken genes are added to the pool of existing broken genes in the population every calving season. The mutations responsible for these broken genes usually disappear from the population simply due to random chance. Occasionally a mutation will rise to higher frequency and will be passed down through generations. Most of these broken genes carry recessive mutations; this means that two copies of the broken gene must be inherited for the animal to be affected. When only one copy of a recessive mutation is inherited from one parent the animal is normal because it uses the functioning copy inherited from the other parent. Seven days after cows are mated, 90% of the matings result in pregnancies. But, when we observe cows 45 days after the mating, only 60 to 70% of the cows are still pregnant. Cows are aborting about 25% of the pregnancies during the first 45 days. While the environment influences these pregnancy losses, genetics also plays a role. On average an animal will inherit 100 broken genes from its parents. Of these, 20 are lethal, meaning if two copies are inherited the embryo dies during pregnancy, usually early in


the pregnancy. These pregnancy losses result in the cow needing to rebreed late in the breeding season, leading to a younger, lighter calf at sale time. Or, the cow does not rebreed and is culled from the herd as an open cow. Researchers at the University of Missouri, along with collaborators from the University of California-Davis, Oklahoma State University, Delta G, and University of New England, have sequenced the entire DNA of 254 bulls. Using this DNA sequence information, we can identify DNA variants that could possibly lead to broken genes and embryonic losses. From this data we have identified 4,821 possible variants, of which 347 are within genes shown to be essential for life in mouse or human. To validate whether or not these DNA variants are responsible for embryonic losses, we will test these variants in 10,000 heifers. If we never observe an animal carrying two copies of a variant then we have strong evidence that the variant is a recessive lethal and causes embryonic losses. We can then create a DNA test (i.e. genomic prediction) for embryonic loss and measure how many broken genes an animal carries. And what you can measure, you can manage. How can cattle breeders manage these broken genes? There are a couple of strategies. First, once a DNA test is available, breeders can select the animals with the fewest number of broken genes. Secondly, breeders can use software to ensure they never mate carriers of the same genetic defect. All three of these strategies will avoid embryonic losses, while not removing important, high genetic merit animals from the population. Texas Longhorn Trails

WHY DID WE MOVE IT? The 2015 Horn Showcase, scheduled for October 1-3, will be held in Lawton, Oklahoma. Why Lawton? Texas Longhorn Breeders Association has deep roots in Lawton. Beginning in 1943, long before the Association was formed, Longhorn cattle enthusiasts began meeting annually during the surplus sale at the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Cache, Oklahoma, just 18 miles from Lawton. In 1964, this city was home to the very first TLBAA meeting, led by Charles Schreiner III. It was in Lawton that the first officers were elected, bylaws were ratified and Schreiner was voted in as the first President of the Association. The TLBAA recognizes seven families of the Longhorn registry, one being the Wichita Refuge Longhorns, also known as WR cattle. Today, many Longhorns have WR cattle in their pedigrees. Fifty one years after that first meeting to form the registry, the 2015 Horn Showcase will be held in that same town. Great Plains Coliseum and the Comanche County Fairgrounds affords the ability for all aspects of this prestigious event to be held under one roof. Measuring, halter and nonhaltered show and vendors may all be featured inside the coliseum. The facility has abundant free parking – plenty of room for many trucks and trailers. The Lawton-Fort Sill

Chamber of Commerce offered a generous financial incentive that will go toward facility expenses and has plans to really roll out the welcome mat. The food at Great Plains Coliseum is fantastic and reasonable. Concession stands will be open throughout the event. The room for the Horn Showcase Awards Banquet is just around the corner from the coliseum. The Horn Showcase Steering Committee looked at a number of facilities before choosing Lawton. Abilene, Amarillo, Waco and College Station facilities, as well as the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth were all evaluated and proved to be either cost-prohibitive or the size and specifications of the venue would not fit the needs of the event. The city of Lawton has a population of more than 100,000. It offers a wide variety of restaurants, shopping, recreation and even a casino. Feed stores, tire repair shop and discount stores are all within four blocks of Great Plains Coliseum. For these and many more reasons, the 2015 Horn Showcase should prove to be a record-breaking event in Lawton, Oklahoma. Look for more information in the next issue of Trails.

NEWS On the Trail...

Jones and Tootie Jane Place at the 2015 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Photo and story submitted by Kim Parker

Spending summers on her grandfather's dairy farm in Tennessee, Brenda Jones gained a real appreciation of hard work and livestock. As she entered high school in the Alief School District of Houston, Texas, she joined Future Farmers of America, where her involvement has become increasingly active over the years. Recently, in her senior year she placed second at the 2015 San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo with a little help from "Bearly a Ranch's" Tootie Jane. Kimberly Parker raises Longhorns at "Bearly a Ranch" and had been searching for a young future farmer to show her cattle. She met Brenda through a mutual friend, and, although Brenda didn't have much luck with other animals, Parker decided to take a chance on her. She believed Tootie Jane had what it would take to help Brenda rise to the top.


The competition is judged based on sex, age, physical correctness, and bone structure. "I wanted to show Tootie Jane because I felt like she would be the most competitive, and she is gorgeous," Parker said. "She is my first to show and that was Tootie's first show with Brenda." Brenda is currently applying for scholarships and plans to attend Blinn College for a couple of years and then finish at Texas A&M University with a degree in Animal Science. She then aspires to return to one of the high schools in the Alief School District and teach the next wave of Future Farmers of America. Parker says she is proud of Brenda and Tootie Jane and hopes to contribute to Future Farmers in the coming years. "I would do it again," Parker says. "It helps get the Longhorns recognition and it's great for our younger generation." Texas Longhorn Trails

Champions start with you - THE SPONSORS Join us as we build, increase and magnify the 2015 Horn Showcase

Many great sponsorship packages are available and filled with wonderful benefits from which to choose.

$10,000 – TWIST 21


• 12 - Full page color ad in Trails

• 6 - Full page color ad in Trails

• 1 - Full page in Show program

• 2 - sale consignments

• 2 - 4’x6’ banners in show arena • 2 - sale consignments

• 1 - Full page color ad in Sale catalog • 4 - Banquet tickets

$3,000 A – LADY BUTLER

• 1 - Full page black & white ad in Show program • 1 - Full page ad in Sale catalog

• 2 - 4’x6’ banners in show arena • 4 - Banquet tickets

$3,000 B – LADY BUTLER

• 1 - Fourth page ad in Show program

• 1 - Fourth page ad in Show program

• 4 - E-Blasts over 12 months

• 2 - 4’x6’ banners in arena

• 2 - sale consignments

• 1 - Full page ad in Sale catalog

• 12 month sponsor ad on web site • 2 - 4’x6’ banners in show arena • 4 - Banquet tickets

$1,800 – YO SAMSON ROSILLA 956

• 1 - Half page ad in Show Program • 12 month sponsor ad on web site

• 2 - E-blasts over 12 month period • 12 month Breeders Guide in Trails • 1 - 4’x6’ banners in show arena

$500 - MEASLES 2849

• 1 - Full page ad in Show program • 12 month breeders guide in Trails • 2 - Banquet tickets

• 12 month Breeders Directory on web site • 3 - Full page ads in Trails • 4 - Banquet tickets

• 20’x10’ Ranch vendor space

$1,000 - ANITA

• 1 - Half page ad in show program • 1 - Sale consignment

• 1 - Full page ad in sale Catalog

• 2 - E-blasts over 12 month period • 1 - 4’x6’ banners in arena • 2 - Banquet tickets


• 12 months on web site Breeders Directory

• Recognition in Show program & Sales Catalog

In addition to the above listed benefits, each sponsorship receives special recognition and announcements throughout the show and in media and press releases. To reserve your sponsorship please contact Barbara Linke at (817) 625-6241 or barbara@tlbaa.org



I admire the functionally and “fault –free” aspects of the Longhorn breed. Due to their 300 + years of roaming free and living in a true natural environment, you do not see problems that we see in other “human managed” breeds of cattle. Mother Nature has culled out the bad uddered, infertile, poor skeletal structure that we find so often in many other beef breeds. Longhorn cattle to me are very low maintenance cattle that can make it on their own, which in turn lowers input costs and equates to higher profit margins. – Doug Pierce, Ph.D.



Longhorns represent a heritage and lifestyle in our beef cattle industry that can never be replaced. They have left their legacy over time and it’s great we can come together and admire the qualities they have still to this day. They are a brilliant appearing animal with unforgettable features and style. – Aaron Cooper, Ph.D.

In today’s show world, it is sometimes difficult to find cattle with true functionality. As a result, the more that I learn about and evaluate Longhorn cattle the more I grow to appreciate their traits. Fertility, browse utilization/adaptability, and calving ease all lead to the most important measurement in beef production; live calf crop percentages that approach 100% in many Longhorn herds. In my home state of Oklahoma, many commercial producers in the Southeastern part of the state use Longhorns to graze mountainous areas with diverse woody forages, where other breeds simply can’t thrive. This rugged nature and survivability is what I appreciate most about the breed. – Brent Wellings

Kim and I have been raising Texas Longhorns for over 25 years and have found that the breed’s enduring versatility and performance has served us well regardless of the vagaries of the market or our west Texas weather. Utilizing these traits at various times, we have raised and sold ropers, cross bred for market calves, bred and sold breeding stock private treaty, competed in TLBAA shows and the TLBAA Horn Showcase and sold at public auction. This breed of cattle is built to succeed and there is no other breed like it. – Robert Richey

What I most appreciate about the Longhorn is how the breed has withstood the test of time. Along with the earliest beginnings of helping to settle a new country, the Longhorn went the distance on trail drives to feed America and save Texas after the Civil War. Now once again, the Longhorn breed has an opportunity to lead the way in calving ease, browse utilization, disease resistance, and the production of healthy lean meat. – Larry Smith

Raising Longhorns for the past 10 years with my wife in central Oklahoma, we are attracted to the historical value, the “Old-West” ideals and raw beauty of this animals. Our lives have become forever altered because of our love for the breed. Additionally, I was recently elected to serve on the Board of Directors for the TLBAA. Longhorns are a wonderful breed of cattle; the personalities, the colors and of course the calves. I know that we are not alone, but we just love Texas Longhorns. – Nik Nikodym

Ed & Nan Creel


When Ed Creel left the East Coast to get his law degree in Dallas at Southern Methodist University, he had no idea he would become more “Texan” than most Texans, but decades later, along with his wife, Nan, he has the picture-perfect ranch and the ultimate Texas symbol, a herd of Texas Longhorn cattle. “I was born in Huntsville, Alabama,” he said, “but was raised in Washington, DC. I moved to Dallas in 1959 to go to law school at SMU. After law school, I went to work for a small firm in Dallas,

then after seven or eight years formed a law firm of my own.” Nan Creel is a native Texan, born in Eldorado. Her dad was a foreman on several local ranches making $40 a month. He supplemented that salary by breaking horses at $10.00 each for nearby ranches, and Nan's mom cooked for the cowboys that worked on the ranch. Nan's two brothers, her grandparents, and her nine uncles and aunts, all owned and worked on ranches throughout Texas. Along with her brothers Dale McHalek and Barry McHalek, Nan has always had an interest in Texas Longhorn


cattle and horses. When she and Ed began their ranch operation, the brothers were instrumental in getting them off to a good start. Other experts were also consulted, including Nan's father, Ed McHalek, an old time cowboy with a wealth of ranching experience. Other family members, including sons, daughters, and grandchildren were enlisted in the training and showing of the Longhorns in order to both enjoy the animals and help achieve name recognition for the Triple N Ranch.


Nan lived most of her childhood years in Eldorado and Fredericksburg, where she graduated from high school. She then went to the University of Texas/El Paso, where, while still a student, she began her career as a librarian; she later worked as a librarian for the Dallas Independent School District and for Children’s Medical Center Hospital. By the time she and Ed met on a blind date, both had been married and started their families – between the two of them, they have seven children. Nan’s second-oldest son, Mike Permenter, is the

foreman for the Creel’s Triple N Ranch on Cedar Creek Lake, Trinidad, TX. After their marriage in 1974, Nan quit her job as a librarian and became a rancher. “We lived in Dallas until 2004,” said Ed. “We’ve had the Ranch since the early 80’s. Nan spent much more time at the Ranch than I did before my retirement. We sold our house in Dallas in 2004, moved to the Ranch, and have been here ever since. We started out with a one-bedroom cabin on 10 acres, and both have grown since then.”


Ed began the practice of law in 1963 and specialized in insolvency matters since 1965; he was at the forefront of that specialty for over 40 years. A founder and partner of Creel and Atwood (and successor firms), he has represented debtors and other parties in bankruptcy cases ranging from $500,000 to more than $3 billion. He was chairman and co-founder of the American Bankruptcy Institute and a co-founder and former president of the American College of Bankruptcy. He chaired bankruptcy and insolvency committees of the Dallas Bar Association, the State Bar of Texas and the Federal Bar Association. He was named to the list of The Best Lawyers in America for many years and was distinguished for years in Texas Monthly’s list of Super Lawyers. During his career, he has led many companies and individuals out of financial turmoil or, when necessary, out of bankruptcy, has authored contributions to numerous bar, trade and educational publications, and has testified as an invited witness before both U. S. House

Texas Longhorn Trails

and Senate committees considering insolvency-related legislation. After retirement, he has continued to serve “of counsel” to the local firm of Wright Ginsberg Brusilow, but, he said, “…I really don’t do much any more … haven’t since 2004.”


“The Ranch House is a two-story log house, about 5,000 square feet,” explained Nan. And the land holdings have expanded to about 200 contiguous acres. “I have a big black cast iron stove here in the house that we use a lot; we have two fireplaces in the house where we burn wood chopped from Ranch trees for winter warmth. We do have a furnace, but that wood-burning stove keeps us warm.” She brought the stove in then built the house around it,” laughed Ed. “Upstairs we have a large library filled with my autographed book collection, along with hundreds of other books and memorabilia, as well a part of Nan’s collection of World War II materials (two of her uncles, three of her cousins, and Ed’s father and uncle all served in the War in the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force, as did Nan’s mother and father who worked as welders, building ships in Houston), a guest bedroom, and a bathroom.” said Nan.

April 2015

“Downstairs there’s a gallery, master bedroom, Ed’s office, kitchen, living room, and two bathrooms –.” “– and a wine cellar in the basement!” Ed chimed in. The Gallery houses their collection of Western paintings and bronzes. Although Ed’s office is an important part of the Ranch House, he has quietly phased out most of his formerly formidable practice and now shares his old partners desk with Nan.


While expanding their one-bedroom cabin into an opulent ranch home, the Creels weren’t content to be surrounded by pastures and sheds. As the introductory paragraph in their website puts it: “As you drive under the Triple N Ranch sign in Trinidad, Texas, and up the gravel road, you will come upon the Gazeboon-the-Pond, past the log Ranch House with its long porches and river rock chimneys, to the life-size statue of Frederic's Remington's "Mountain Man" set under the flags of the United States, Texas and the Triple N Ranch, and past the working barns and cattle pens.” The grounds are obviously designed for entertaining, and the Creels, who are also gourmet cooks, wine collectors and world travelers, have added other ameni-

ties to the Triple N Ranch. Is it a party barn? Or is it a stable? With an old-fashioned bar, good lighting and wired for a live band, the Party Barn is perfect for parties, receptions and gatherings of all kinds. But on either side of the barn, stalls have been built to shelter and feed the ranch horses. An additional entertainment site is the Pavilion, with a large, roofed area, complete with tables for dozens of guests, ceiling fans and lights. A giant smoker is available for the cooking of all kinds of meats. Adjacent to the Pavilion is the Jailhouse, with bathroom and shower facilities, a music system for the Pavilion, and storage for party items. Behind the Jailhouse and beside the Pond, with its lighted fountain, is the Chapel-of-the-Cross, a peaceful place for quiet solitude enhanced with an eclectic collection of crosses and art from around the world. The Chapel is a perfect setting for weddings, pastoral retreats, religious programs and student workshops. In 2003, out of respect for, and to honor Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister and friend of the United States, Nan created the "Tony Blair Garden" near the Ranch House. It is a site of quiet walkways, a rose garden and colorful plantings. “Right now it is just alive


with bluebonnets everywhere,” said Nan. Other structures include a bunk house, the Barn House (a small guest retreat with den, kitchen, bedrooms upstairs and down, each with its own bathroom) and the Work Barn (with Nan’s office, freezer room, tack room, feed room, workshop and welding shop), the mechanical heart of the Ranch.


“Our involvement in Longhorns started back in the 80’s,” said Nan. “My brother had some Longhorns and didn’t have a place to keep them, so we went in together and bought some more, and I kept them out here at the Ranch, and the herd just grew.” “And so did the Ranch,” remarked Ed. “We acquired more acres and kept

most of the Longhorns,” said Nan. “At one time we had about a hundred of them, but now we have about sixty. I used to show them…I raised them and at a young age taught them to be very gentle. We showed them at Dallas, San Antonio, Houston and all around Texas. We won lots of ribbons!” “We started with WRs,” said Ed, “and over the years infused some Butler characteristics. In fact, we went to the Blackie Graves’ Dispersal Sale. He was a big Butler breeder, and when he retired and sold off his herd, we bought some of his mother cattle. But we have had a variety of herd sires, with different genetics. Our program is to breed for conformation, size and horn, but we no longer compete on the show circuit. “We raise them, watch them, and love them.” said Ed. “They each have a name and personality,” according to Nan, “and we just keep them for our own entertainment and because we like them.” “Actually, it’s a little more complicated than that,” Ed explained. “We gave the ranch pasture land and the herd and what goes with it to our kids a year or so ago. They run the business of the Long-


horns … we just get to watch them out the window and wander among them.” “The kids just purchased a new herd sire from Judy Coates, DRL Son of Sombrah. He was the champion TLBAA bull in 2008 and at a number of other shows. We sold our herd sire and bought hers. He is not straight Butler – his sire was The Shadow and Shadow’s sire was Senator. His mother’s mother was Dode’s Classic, he’s got some Butler in him. We don’t specialize in any particular bloodline – we just introduced a little selective breeding.” “We butcher and sell occasionally,” said Ed. “It’s not an active business, but we do package and sell it. We have a few friends and customers who want it, but it is not a major part of our life. And we eat it. In fact, I wrote a cookbook last year

called Longhorn Lean, The Healthiest Meat on the Planet. I just didn’t see anything out there that talked about the breed and had a lot of recipes and other information focused on Longhorns and uniquely healthy Longhorn meat, so I just did a cookbook.” “I printed it myself, and it is available on Amazon and Kindle. I sent a copy to the TLBAA office and one to the ITLA office so the folks could look at them.”


Nan Creel and the Triple N Ranch Longhorns have a special place in history: in 1995, Nan was one of three women to start and finish the Great American Cattle Drive – and Carrot Top, a Triple N steer, challenged and won the right to be the lead steer on that 1600-mile trek from Fort Worth to Miles City, MT, along with his sidekick, another Triple N steer, Chocolate Chip. For a few years afterward, Carrot Top became the lead steer for the Fort Worth herd that still makes twice-daily drives in the Historic Stockyards Area although Carrot Top has long since retired. For the Drive, four cowboys were selected from each of the six states along

the way, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming and Montana. For the last real cattle drive, planned and headed by Bud McCasland of Fort Worth, the 24 cowboys were joined by horse wranglers, cooks, outriders, farriers and others. Nan missed a segment of the Great American Cattle Drive from Watonga, OK to Dodge City, KS when she sustained a serious back injury that required her hospitalization in Oklahoma City. She was there on April 19, 1995, when the Murrah Federal Building was bombed, killing 168 people. Because hospital beds were needed for the bombing victims, Nan was transported to a hospital in Dallas. “Charlie, my horse, had thrown a shoe and was being worked on,” she explained, “so another cowboy who had more than one horse…most of them took two horses…loaned me his Appaloosa, and she got spooked by one of the wagons that came up beside us. She took off running like crazy and I was just going to let her run herself out, but one of the cowboys came riding up beside me to try to help, but he bumped my horse. My horse went right and I went over her head, rolled around and tumbled and cracked my back in three places. That took me out of the drive for about six weeks, but I got back on the drive in Dodge City and finished it out. I rode in to Miles City on that crazy Appaloosa that threw me, as the GACD cowboys cheered me on.” A proud Ed Creel said, “It was a sixmonth trip from Fort Worth to Miles City, MT, and it was a great adventure for Nan.” Inching across six states at about five to fifteen miles per day, the historic re-enactment of the great cattle drives of the 1880's became an international sensation. The Creels have contributed memorabilia from the drive for a commemorative display in Fort Worth’s Cowtown Coliseum, just across Exchange Avenue from where the Great American Cattle Drive started. With a lifetime of accomplishments behind them and a perfect location for a well-deserved rest, both Ed and Nan can sit back, sip some wine from their cellar, and watch their Longhorns in comfort. As Ed Creel stated, “We are enjoying life and family, doing some local charity work and just enjoying retirement.” Texas Longhorn Trails

April 2015


Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders Hold Annual Meeting Submitted by Russell Hooks he Annual Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders Meeting was held on January 31, 2015. This year’s meeting was hosted by Hal & Becky Meyer, the owners of Jack Mountain Ranch. This annual meeting is where Longhorn breeders that are focused on preserving the Butler bloodline in their breeding programs come together for fellowship, to promote the Butler bloodline and plan this year’s Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders Invitational Sale. The meeting was open to all Longhorn breeders and especially those with an interest in the Butler Bloodline. The meeting was well attended with over 40 guests from near & far making their way to Jack Mountain Ranch in Wimberly, Texas. There were breeders from Louisiana, California and across Texas in attendance. There were several new Texas Longhorn breeders in the group. Jack Mountain Ranch is nestled in one of the most picturesque areas in the Hill Country and the drive to the ranch was especially beautiful. The weather was not the best, as it was rainy and overcast on the day of the meeting. The weather did not dampen the spirits of the guests as they were greeted by the warm and gracious hospitality of Hal & Becky Meyer and their ranch foreman, Richard Chewning. Guests not only enjoyed the warm hospitality but also enjoy the warmth of the fire in the rock fireplace in the “Party Barn”. Mr. Meyer got things rolling by welcoming everyone to the ranch and the Party Barn, as they call it, which is used to host numerous events on the ranch throughout the year. He also shared a little of the history of the ranch as well as information about the breeding program at Jack Mountain Ranch. He explained that they are working to maintain a quality Longhorn herd with an emphasis on overall quality. They only have a small number of straight Butler cattle in their herd but they are making good use of them by breeding them for both straight Butler and blended offspring. He then turned things over to their ranch foreman, Richard Chewning who had been



with the ranch and involved with Butler Longhorns even before the Meyer family acquired the ranch. He shared some of his fondest memories of his friendship with DeWitt Meshell and the bull Superior. We all agreed his impersonation of Mr. DeWitt was better than Kaso’s and Michael’s. After the presentation everyone was invited out to the nearby pens and adjoining pastures to view some of the Butler and blend cattle of Jack Mountain Ranch. After the brief tour of the cattle herd, guests were treated to a delicious homemade Longhorn chili lunch with all the fixings. Thanks go to Stan & Sandi Tidwell for providing the Longhorn hamburger meat for the chili and a big thank you to the folks who prepared the chili. It really hit the spot on a cold and dreary Texas day. After lunch, Kaso Kety opened the meeting by thanking Hal & Becky Meyer and Richard Chewning for hosting the meeting. Mr. Kety discussed the planning of the 2015 Butler Breeders Invitational Sale on Labor Day Weekend. In order to have a sale, we have to have the numbers. It takes 75-80 lots to make the sale work and not lose money. Everyone needs to start thinking about their consignments, and you can submit as many as you would like, but please keep in mind, that we try to give everyone an opportunity to consign. If we get more than we need, we may have to sift some of the cattle from consignors that submit multiple head. It was noted that the Butler bloodline is rich in history that needs to be preserved and that was also a good selling point for the bloodline. Kaso commented that we are looking forward to another good sale, but it will take all of us working together to make that happen. Russell Hooks addressed the group about marketing the Butler bloodline. The Butler Sale is one of the longest running sales (17 consecutive years), and is one of the most consistent sales in the industry. It is the only sale in the Longhorn industry that is dedicated to preserving and promoting just one bloodline of

Longhorn cattle. The Butler bloodline is not only an important part of our Longhorn cattle history that should be preserved, but it is also an important part of the future of the Texas Longhorn industry. As more and more focus is being placed on horn length in our industry, the importance of Butler genetics becomes very apparent. If you study the pedigrees of most of the longest horned cattle in our breed today you would find they all have one thing in common…Butler Genetics. The Butler group has two pages in each issue of the Trails magazine which was the focus of Mr. Hooks’ presentation to the group. He talked about the fact that there were a few spaces available on these pages and would like to get those spaced filled. Hal Meyer stepped up and spoke for one of the available spaces. If you would like to be a part of this group advertising and promote your Butler cattle, contact Russell Hooks. It was also discussed that Russell would be the representative for the group working with the Trails on the ads. He also stated that he would be working with Trails to give the pages a new updated look. He would also provide Butler educational articles and pictures to fill any months that did not have an advertiser or when the Trails needed some filler for an issue. It was also discussed and decided that the pages for the month of July would be made available for all group page advertise that have consignments in the sale to promote those consignments. The group also talked about other ways to market and promote Butler cattle in order to grow the market. The group concluded the meeting but continued to fellowship awhile longer with each other before starting their journeys home. Make plans to add Butler Genetics to your herd or develop your own straight Butler program by joining us for the Butler Texas Longhorn Breeders Invitational Sale in Lockhart, Texas on Labor Day weekend.

Texas Longhorn Trails

April 2015




Basic Cattle Handling By Heather Smith Thomas

The key

to handling cattle with the least problems is to train them to the way you need to work with them, such as being easy to handle on foot. Acquaint them with new procedures gradually, in a non-confrontational manner (just like training a horse). Introduce a new experience slowly. Put them in the corral a few times, or into the chute, without doing something unpleasant to them. If their first experience in a chute is painful (vaccination, dehorning) they may balk at going in there the next time. Walk them through a chute calmly, before they have to go in it for a painful procedure. If

are rewarded with a bit of feed, they are always easy to move. Even if you are taking them into the corral, a few flakes of good hay can be their reward for willingly following when you call. If you’re moving untrained cattle and have to herd them rather than lead them, do it quietly and with patience and they won't get excited and try to run off. If cattle become alarmed, they are much harder to handle because they instinctively start thinking about getting away (as from a predator). They’ll run for the brush (to hide) or to a hole in the fence, or even crash the fence. They may not be think-

Put them in the corral a few times, or into the chute, without doing something unpleasant to them.

you live in a climate where you might have to put a cow in the barn to calve, gently herd your heifers into the barn (using a calm older cow to give them confidence and a feeling of security) or lure them in with feed, before you have to put one in there when she’s in labor for the first time and nervous and upset. Spend time walking quietly among your cattle in their pen or pasture when they are young, to get them used to people in general and to you in particular.

Moving and Herding Cattle The easiest way to move cattle – from pasture to pasture, into the corral, or down the road to another farm – is to lead them rather than drive them. Cattle that trust you will come when you call, and follow you anywhere. They know from proper training and past experience that every time you call them you’ll feed them or take them to a new pasture. If they


Spend time walking quietly among your cattle in their pen or pasture to get them used to people.

ing clearly enough to see the gate where you want them to go. Or, they may quickly make up Photo by Laura Standley their minds to NOT go through the gate into the corral because they’ve had a bad experience in there – and your pressuring them has aroused their survival instinct for flight. The principle behind calm, efficient cattle herding is simple; don’t force them or alarm them. Put gentle pressure on them – approaching from a direction that encourages them to move away in the proper direction – and give relief from pressure when they do move. Calm cattle will let you approach fairly close and then they will start moving away.

Flight Zone A cow has a certain amount of space in which she feels se-- continued on pg. 32 Texas Longhorn Trails

Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ April 2015

Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____

___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164.


-- continued from pg. 30 cure. This imaginary circle of space is much larger for a wild, insecure individual (she starts to move away from you before you get very close) than it is for a gentle, tame animal. A calm, tame animal will let you come quite close before she moves away, and a pet may have no flight zone at all, letting you come up and touch her. When herding cattle, put pressure on their flight zone to encourage them to move. Your position in relationship to their body or to the herd will dictate the direction and speed they go. If you approach directly from the side, at a position behind the shoulder, they should move straight ahead. If you travel alongside them, they will continue moving until you get too far forward (near

Good quality hay or a little feed can be their reward for following you into a pen. the front of the herd, or more forward than the shoulder of an individual animal) and then they will halt. If you approach the flank they will start moving again, or speed up. You can start them moving or make them go faster by coming closer to their flight zone. When they go the proper speed or direction, ease up (staying a little farther away from them) as a reward, and don't press closer again unless they slow down too much or stop. If they understand what you want them to do, and you give them time to figure it out (and to realize there IS relief from pressure when they cooperate), cattle are very easy to herd. Pressuring and release of pressure at the proper times will encourage them to move (or halt) and to go the direction and speed you desire. The herd will also stay together, moving as a group (rather than splitting and running in all directions) if you herd them calmly and don’t get them upset and excited. Best results are had when you move them at a walk, and stay out to the side of a herd, controlling the speed and direction of the leaders. The others will follow if the herd stays calm and relaxed.


Low Stress Sorting Sometimes you need to sort a group of cattle, as when weaning calves off the cows, sorting off an animal to treat for illness or injury, sorting steers from heifers when selling a group of calves or weanlings, etc. It’s easiest to sort in a small corral so the animals can’t run off – quietly moving the desired animals through a gate into another pen or letting some out into a pasture and leaving the ones you want in the corral. It always helps, however, if you have two pens for sorting, so that if the wrong animal gets past you and runs through the gate, it will still be contained in a pen and hasn’t gotten away into a large field. When sorting cattle, it’s easiest in small groups so

Use their flight zone to advantage, stepping closer or backing away to influence the direction of their movement. you have room to maneuver in the Photo by Laura Standley corral. If you have a large group to sort, split the group and sort half at a time – if you have a spare pen to hold the extra ones. When sorting a group, give cattle time to figure out what you want them to do, so you can encourage them to move toward the gate or chute without stress and commotion. Speak quietly and move slowly, to not upset them – giving the animal a chance to choose the proper direction or to see the gate. Use their flight zone to advantage, stepping closer to them or backing away to influence the direction of their movement. When letting some through a gate and holding others back, put pressure on the ones you want to hold back and give more room to the ones you want to let by, to encourage them go move through the gate. If an animal is moving in the proper direction, do not chase her or prod her; she should not be punished for doing the right thing. Never poke or prod a cornered animal that has no place to go. Don’t leave an animal in a pen by itself after you’ve sorted off the others. Even if it must stay by itself (to await the vet, or to be butchered), leave a companion animal with it, or in a pen next to it, for company – so it won’t become excited and frantic. Texas Longhorn Trails

Kelsie McGilvray Joins TLBAA Staff While Kelsie McGilvray has had East Texas in her blood since birth, she is passionate about Fort Worth and its unique history, a large part of which happens to be Texas Longhorns. Her love for Fort Worth began when she met her husband in the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards in 2007. By 2009, Kelsie had packed up and moved to the big city. A 2014 graduate of The University of Texas at Arlington, Kelsie has a bachelor’s degree in Art History with a minor in Anthropology. She has a knack for promoting Fort Worth non-profit organizations and has worked and volunteered with the Kimbell Art Museum, the National Cowgirl Museum, and the Fort Worth Aviation Museum. Kelsie is looking forward to getting to know the members of the TLBAA and learning more about the Texas Longhorn industry!

April 2015


The following is an alphabetical list of donors since 1982 to the Foundation World Headquarters & Museum Campaign. Every effort has been made to locate every past list of names of donors; however, due to the period of time involved, some donors may have been omitted. If we have inadvertently left out your name, please contact the TLBAA office. Thank you for your help and generous support. CONTRIBUTORS TO THE Foundation World Headquarters & Museum Campaign INCLUDE:

Ace Cattle Co. | Terry & Sherri Adcock | Darlene Aldridge, D.V.M. & John Parmley - Star Creek Ranch Alft’s Longhorn Acres | Allison & Dunaway | Amon G. Carter Foundation | Frank Anderson Jr. Anonymous Donation | Kenneth Archer | Ark-La-Tex Longhorn Assn. | Avery Mays Construction | B & C Farms B. J. Barnhart Ranches | John T. & Betty Baker | Lisa Baker | Dr. L. V. & Pat Baker | Rand & Jeannine Baker Tom Barnes | Bar Cee Longhorn Ranch | Ray Beadle | Minford Beard | Mikeal Beck | Charles Belen B. Eugene Berry, M.D. | Mark Strever Blackwood | Blair Ranch | Levi & Brittni Blake | Don Blansitt | Gary Bloomer Clare Bogart | Mimi Bogart | Ray Bohy | Bubba Bollier | Larry Bond | Mrs. Larry Bond | Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Joe Brisbois | Curtis Bruner | Brush Creek Ranch | Bullard Ranch | Butler Breeders | Donald & Annette Butts Ken Caldwell | Riemer & Marcia Calhoun, Jr. | Ronnie Campbell | Richard D. & Cheryl Carlson | Bow Carpenter William B. Cary | W.C. Cheatham | Chris & Christina Clark | Darryl Clark | Robert Douglas Clark W.D. “Bill” & Shirley Clark | Clear Fork Ranch | Dan O. Coates | Dan W. Coates | Tom Cochran | Bob Coffee Roger Cole, D.V.M. | Mary Colgan | Moe Collins | T.W. Comer | George Conly | John M. Copeland Don Corley | Dustin & Missy Cothern | Richard & LuAnn Crist | Billy & Molly Crozier | Bob Crow Crumpton-Cunningham Partners | Raymond Cruthis | Joe Cunningham | Shirley Crystal Cuerno Largo Cattle Co. | Palmore Currey | Carl Curry | Dick & Cheryl Curry | Jim Curry | Gwen Damato Billy D. & Delynn Davis | James Davis | Gene & Eileen Day | Brandon & Easton Dean (Paver) Shad & Betty Dean (Paver) | Mrs. Ted Derryberry | Alexandra Dees | JoAnne & Jim Dickens | Richard Dimon Darin & Dawn Divinia - Diamond D Ranch | Claude H. Dixon | James P. Dodds | Frank Doherty McKenna Donovan | Warren & Cathy Dorathy | Double R Acres | Stephen A. Douglas, Jr. | Dow Longhorn Ranch Wallace E. Downey | Dreamcatcher Ranch | DuBose/Semkin Partnership | A.E. & Laura DuBose Keith & Tina DuBose | Donley & Carol Duerksen | Neil & Paula Dugger | Nancy C. Dunn | David & Jana Edwards El Coyote Ranch | Bernard Esunas | Evans Cattle Co. | Dave & Billicarole Evans | Shirkie Evans James & Pia Eyman | Russell Fairchild | Richard James Filip | Allan Finch | Howard Fleming Bobby & Linda Fletcher | Rick & Tracey Friedrich | Fuhriman Cattle Co. | Wilford Fultz | G-C Longhorns G R Ranch | Gerald Galipp | Asa & Joan Gamble | Ron & Donna Garison | Gene Garrett Judge Thomas & Nola F. Gee | George J. Gerst, Sr. | Don Gibson | Mark Gilliland, M.D. | Golden Spread TLBA Malcolm & Connie Goodman | Tom & LeAnna Graham | Tom & William L. Graham | Lucas Graywolf Cecil Guinn | Dot & Dick Hansen | Sidney Hanson | Sidney Hanson, Sr. | David L. or Robert W. Harcrow Doyle Harrell 34 February 2014 | Harrell & Sons Cattle Co. | Kent & Sandy Harrell | James Hazelton | C.W. TexasHellen Longhorn Trails



C.W. Hellen, Jr. | Don Henderson | Gary Henry | Donald E. Herrmann | Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower Verlon Hilburn | Jerry Hodge | Ruth & Johnny Hoffman | Dan Hoffmeyer | Mrs. M.P. Hoiness | Hattie Holbein Holland Farms, Inc. | Linda C. Holt | Hooks Longhorn Ranch Erin Hornbrook | Rufus Low Hoyd | Hubbell Longhorns Bill & Elizabeth Hudson | Scott Hughes & Jessica Morris | Ken Humphrey | J.B. & Mitzi Hunn | Edith Isaacs J.W. Isaacs | ITX Longhorns, LLC | Greg & Sandy Jameson | Mrs. Judy Jenkins | Jerry Cook Ranch Jeff Jespersen & John Jespersen | Mrs. Johnson | Joe Paul Jones | Justin Boots | K & M Plastics | Alex Kash Gus Kash | David Kelley | Carl Lee Kemp | Kaso & Lisa Kety | King Ranch | Glenn King | Robert R. King Kathy Kittler | Jack Klutts | Kropp Cattle Company | Scott & Nichole Kruse | Joel & Tamara Kuntz Lloyd (Speedy) La Fond | Bernard & Bette Lankford | T.E. Laughlin | Arthur B. E. Lauman | Mike Leak Joel & Shirley Lemley | H.C. Lewis | Bob & Pam Loomis | Rosemary & Bill Lourcey | Dick & Peg Lowe Kathy & Denny Lux | Mike & Kim MacLeod | James Maddle | Mrs. Harry H. Magee | Ron & Barbara Marquess Maudeen Marks | Travis & Jeanne Marks | John Marshall | Ronald J. Martens | Donald Martin Max L. Massengale | Watt Matthews | Red & Charline McCombs | W.C. & C.R. McCowen L.D. & Debbie McIntyre | Todd & Kelli McKnight | Michael McLeod | Ricky McLeod | Jack McManus Susy McQueen | Meridian Longhorns | Joy Merritt | Meshell Farms | Betty Baggett Mille Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller | “Money Maker Bull” | Money Maker Bull Project | Moore’s Longhorn Ranch Jean Moore | Ray & Bernice Moore | Terry R. Moore | Morgan Davis Publishing Co. | Morris/Hughes/Adkins Partners Edward L. Moses, Jr. | Mountain & Plains Texas Longhorn Association | John R. Mower | Joe Mueggenborg James Munster II | Steve Murrin | Nacogdoches TX Longhorn Sale | Bill Nash NEL-TAM Longhorns (Nelson & Tammy Hearn) | David & Kim Nikodym | Sandra K. Nordhausen North TX & OK Longhorn Assoc. | David & Jo Anne Norwood | Oklahoma Texas Longhorn Assn. Open Triangle Ranch | Jack Orem, Jr. | L.R. Orsburn | M.C. Overton II, M.D. | Marvin Overton | Marvin Overton III Chris & Lisa Parker | James R. Parkey III Mario & Bernadette Pedroza | Doug & Sally Pence Craig Perez Hoyd Perryman | Jack & Betty Phillips | J.G. Phillips, Jr. | John G. Phillips III | Charles Pilling, Jr. | Don & Rhonda Poe Ponder Boot Company | Gary L. Pratt | Odell Pugh | Mrs. Charles Pyle | Red Mill Ranch | Edward Reese Karen Baker Renfroe | Dennis Rhoades | Rio Vista Ranch | David Ritchey | David Roberts | Troy Robinett Dick Robbins | Jim & Becky Rombeck | Neil Ross | Robert & Kim Richey (Triple R Ranch) | Safari B Ranch Lemon Saks | Terry L. Sales | Ruel Sanders Majorie Sapp | Brad Scherer | Stan Searle | John Sellers Paul & Judith Sellers | B.R. Sells | Col. & Mrs. Ben H. Settles | Shamrock Land & Cattle, LLC | John Shivers Robert V. Shultz | Robert M. & Kathryn Simpson | Singleton Springs Longhorns | Chad & Janell Smith Dr. William Smith | M. Gregory Smith | Tom Smith | Charley Snyder | Richard & Linda Spooner Sour Fork Land & Cattle | Roland Stack | David R. Starkey | Larry & Toni Stegemoller – T L Longhorns Nancy Stevens | Doug & Sandy Stotts | Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Stroube | Dave & Althea Sullivan | Randy D. Sullivan Raymond Taggart | Buck & Goldie Taylor | Donnie & Marilyn Taylor | Jake & Katrin Taylor Taylor’s Texas Longhorn Ranch | Teinert & Koch Longhorns | Texas Women Western Artists | Thate Cattle Co. Mrs. Lera Thomas | Corine Thompson | Dora Thompson | Thelma Thompson | Thurmond Longhorns Stanley Tidwell | Suzanne & William H. Torklidsen, M.D. |Marcy Toy | Tri W Longhorn Cattle Co. | Trip Longhorn Triple R Ranch (Lowe) | Jennifer Tyler | Underwood Longhorns | James D. Vann | Joe & Lorinda Valentine Vida Nueva Ranch | Paul Vinsant |Ron A. Walker | Ed & Sandy Warren | Wes Watson | James R. Weed Ty Wehring | Col. Fraser E. West | Westfarms, Inc. | Western America TX Longhorn Assoc. Larry & Carol Whipps | Cheryl Whiteman | Johnnie Wickham | Donald & Sharon Wiens Marianne B. & Gordon K. Willms | Ingrid Wilson | Winella Publishing | Randy & Marsha Witte | Eddie Wood Joyce Wood | Woodson School Ranch | Worthington National Bank M.P. Wright III Wright Texas Longhorn Ranch

February 2014


Founders - $250,000 and up

• Name on gold plated branding iron designed exclusively for the building’s showcase. One for you and one for display in the building’s showcase • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Benefactors - $25,000 to $99,999 • Name on a belt buckle designed exclusively for the new building. One for you and one for display on the museum’s Wall of Honor • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Leaders - $100,000 to $249,999

• Name on silver or bronze plated branding irons designed exclusively for the new building. One branding iron for you and one for display in the building’s showcase (bronze plated branding iron for gifts of $100,000-$149,999; silver plated branding iron for gifts of $150,000-$249,999) • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Patrons - $10,000 to $24,999

• Name on a plaque designed for the new building’s Wall of Honor • Naming opportunity in the new building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Supporters - $1,000 to $9,999

• Name acknowledgment on the new building’s Wall of Honor • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Builders - $100 to $999

• Special Invitation to the Grand Opening • Prominent recognition in the Grand Opening program • Name recognition on a brick paver • Recognition in the Trails

Charitable Pledge Agreement

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________State ______________Zip ____________________ Telephone (Day) ________________________________ (Evening) __________________________________________

Pledge Amount $ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Payable as follows (please specify amounts and dates) __________ / __________ $ ____________ Mo.


______________ / ____________ $ ________________ Mo.


Month in which you wish to be sent a reminder __________________________________________________________ Donor signature


Please make gifts and securities payable to: Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, Texas 76164



up s r u o y r o f u o y Thank

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorns at the National Western Stock Show By Randy Witte The 109th National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO, each January is always a showcase for thousands of head of livestock—everything from chickens, hogs and sheep to various breeds of

Sister and brother Dalli and Rope Anders of Crawford, NE, exhibited in this youth class at the National Western. At Left is Gary Lake, one of the show organizers who also helped with ring steward duties; judge Shawn Bedwell is at right.

Grand Champion Haltered Heifer - FCL Chiquita (King of Hearts x Mustang Sally 17), owned by the Richardsons of Greeley, CO. At halter with Chaquita is Jennifer Fanning, along with her dad, Kenny Richardson.

horses and cattle—and the Texas Longhorn continues to be an important part of it all. Ever since the 100th show, Texas Longhorns have led the annual Stock Show parade through downtown Denver. The Longhorns were supposed to be a special attraction for that single Centennial celebration, but the cattle proved to be such a hit at that parade (after word got out there would be a Longhorn cattle drive), it was decided to make them an annual feature. The parade went from being a quiet affair at-

Grand Champion Haltered Bull - Stony 13 (Sundance Kid 2/1 x Pebbles Pippa) born 3/13/13, owned by the Johnsons of Big Horn, WY. Pictured with Stony 13 is Kris Johnson at the halter and Kris’ dad, Toby Johnson.

tended by a sparse crowd to an enthusiastic crowd of spectators estimated this year to be in excess of 30,000 people. As always, Stan Searle and Gary Lake of the Searle Ranches at ElAwesome Aspen (foreground) en route to being named Grand Champion Free Heifer at Denver. Awesome Aspen (Awesome Black Cracker x Awesome Nova) is owned by John and Darlene Nelson of Wellington, CO. The Pee Wee class at the Denver show was a little chaotic, but the kids had plenty of help from parents. April 2015

licott and Monument, CO, provided the cowboys and cattle. The cattle even showed up mingling with participants in a special Stock Show luncheon for Denver’s business elite, in the opening days of the show. And they participated for several days of a Wild West Show—another Stock Show attraction—where they were called back into the arena for a “curtain call.” Throughout the show’s 16-day run, livestock are constantly moved in and out of the show grounds to accommodate all the individual breed shows. The Longhorns got their show January 23-24, and featured 69 entries furnished by 17 breeders from Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska and South Dakota. Weather can be mild or not in Denver this time of year, but more often than not it proves to be fairly mild, and that was the case for the Longhorn cattle exhibited in the historic stockyards. Again this year, the show was a world and championship-qualifying show for both the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) and the International Texas Longhorn Association (ITLA), run under the combined expertise of Mountains and Plains Texas Longhorn Association and Mountain States Texas Longhorn Association, the two regional affiliates. Lizz Huntzberry of Hagerstown, MD, served as judge for this year’s show, and she brought her family along for the holiday, including children Lane (19), Cole (16), Cassidy (7), and her partner, Allen Sites. The entire family shows Texas Longhorn cattle together. Lizz has long been active in the ITLA’s Northeast Texas Longhorn affiliate, currently serves on the ITLA board and is an approved training judge for ITLA. She is also a member of TLBAA and Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance. Auctioneer Jim Civis of Lamar, CO, again served as announcer at the show. Jim and his wife, Betty, are longtime Longhorn breeders, have served on the Mountains and Plains board, and assisted both affiliates auctioneering as part of fund-raising. Jim was assisted with announcing by John Nelson of Wellington, CO.


IN MEMORIAM Mike Bassett Mike Bassett, 65 year old Woodward resident went to be with our Lord and Savior on February 4, 2015 in Woodward. Funeral services were held in the First United Methodist Church with Reverend Shannon Davis officiating. Interment followed in Elmwood Cemetery. The family received friends at the funeral home. Michael Wesley Bassett was born on July 21, 1949 to Wesley James and Vera Margaret (Geddes) Bassett in Woodward, OK. Mike attended school in Woodward and graduated from Woodward High School with the class of 1967. He then attended Okmulgee Tech. Mike began his career in the oilfield working for Dowell. During his career he worked for various oilfield companies, working his way up to become a Drilling Completion Consultant. In 1983, Mike began dating Cindy (Pilcher) Harrison, and in 1994 Mike and Cindy were married in Red River, New Mexico. Mike and Cindy made their home south of Woodward. Upon marrying Cindy, Mike inherited two step-sons, Chad and Jason Harrison, which he thought of as his own. In 1995, Mike bought a couple Longhorn cows and calves. Since then his herd has grown to over 30 animals. Mike enjoyed nothing more than going out to feed his Longhorns and would sometimes sit there for hours just watching them. Mike’s other passion was fishing. He loved to go to Hot Springs, Arkansas to go striper fishing and even bought a condo there. His greatest joy was his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, he loved to spoil them any way he could. He loved to go watch them play in their various sports. Mike was anxiously awaiting the arrival of his first great-grandson. Mike is survived by his wife Cindy; two step-sons, Chad Harrison and wife Michelle of Guymon; Jason Harrison and wife Karen of Woodward; one brother, Milt Bassett and wife Mary Jane of Edmond; one sister, Marilyn Brown of Amarillo, TX; grandchildren, Brooke Harrison and fiancé Tom Ward; Morgan Wadsworth and husband Chance; Madison Harrison; Michael Morgan; Casie Morgan; Taylor Harrison; Hunter Harrison; great-grandchildren, Aliyah and Ava; two nieces, Candyce Myers and husband Jeff;


Carma Reagan and husband Jason; one nephew, Zac Brown and wife Erika; several great nieces and nephews; other family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, nephew Zane Brown, mother and father-inlaw, Norman and Audrey Pilcher, two brothers-in-law, Eldon Myers and Don Brown. Memorial contributions may be made to the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation with the funeral home accepting the contributions. Remembrances may be made online at www.billingsfunerlhomewoodward.com

Fred Otis Hoese Fred Otis Hoese, age 77 and lifetime TLBAA Outrider member, passed away peacefully at his home in Spring Branch, after an 8-month battle with glioblastoma brain cancer. He was born in Alamo Heights, on July 23, 1937, to Tusca Hoffman and Ottine Hoese. He graduated from Alamo Heights High School in 1955 and went to work at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. He worked there full time for 18 years, moving from Technician to Senior Technician to Engineer and then Project Manager. He attended San Antonio College at night during this time. He left SwRI to form his own business, but remained on as a Consultant to SwRI for 30 more years. His first company produced sound systems and saddlebag luggage for motorcycles. He started another business remodeling Embassy buildings for the US State Department for many years and traveled the world extensively. He served on several boards over the years. He served as National President for the Mustang Motorcycle Club of America for two terms and was still on the advisory board at the time of his demise. He served on the board of the American Motorcycle Assoc. to nominate members for Hall of Fame in engineering and design. He was particularly proud of his place on the board of St. Jude's Ranch for Children. He was head of the building committee at St. Thomas Catholic Church at Canyon Lake, TX. He built a new rectory and an Adoration Chapel there. He was also a Board Trustee for the Aransas Pass School District. He was member of St. Joseph Honey Creek Catholic Church and a Third Degree Knight of the Knights of Columbus at St. Thomas Church of Canyon Lake.

We thank these fo lks for kindly droppin’ in at th e TLBA A office. 1


1. Denise Webster, Hominy, OK, with TLBAA’s Barbara Linke; 2. Fred Wood, Fort Worth, TX.

Texas Longhorn Trails

HORN G N O L TEXAS RS OF NEW E BREED EXICO M nt reside ntry, P Ron Ge ) 864-1220 (505 @msn.com 33 jangen

“The third time is a charm!” Finally after trying to hold our annual membership meeting the officers and members of the New Mexico Club were able to meet at the Ancient Cities Café in Mountainair, NM for our first meeting of 2015. We are not complaining at all about the numerous snow storms that have visited us, we will take moisture in any form, as we may well see some green coming out of our dry pastures in a few weeks. We welcome Dustin Brewer as a continuing board of director; as he filled out a vacancy for the past few months. Also we welcomed new board member, Robert Smoot. We want to thank all of our officers and board members for volunteering their time to keep our club rolling in the right direction. Plans were discussed for coming shows, the New Mexico Expo will certainly be a highlight of our year, with a one day show at the State Fair in September. Our other plans will be announced as we firm up the details.

Howdy from the NTLBA! Have you become a member yet? Please join us by emailing our President Scotty O'Bryan at sjo_07@hotmail.com or catch us at the next show! Many of our members just returned from the San Antonio Stock Show and had a blast! Tarah Moore showed Hi 5's Bushwacker and won Grand Champion Bull, 1st place in class with Hi 5's Shady Lady, and a total of 7 head with 3-1st places, 1-2nd, 1-3rd, 1-5th, and 1-7th. Hailey Neil won 2nd and 7th with her heifers, 1st and 4th with her steers, and won 3rd place in Teen Showmanship. Jason Harwell won 5th and 8th places with his steers. Clara and Caitlyn Holson both won 2nd in their Showmanship classes. Caitlyn Holson won 1st in class and Reserve Grand Campion Heifer as well. Avery Roesler showed a total of 5 head with 2-1st, 1-2nd, 1-3rd, and 1-5th place. She also won Junior Champion Female and Reserve Grand Champion Bull. Then, she won 1st Place in Junior Showmanship. JP Roesler won 4th place with his steer and participated in Junior Showmanship. Congratulations to all of you for your hard work! Thank you to those who chaired the event! Also, thank you to John and Brenda Oliver and all those who helped and sponsored at the Scoty O’Bryan Spring Show held in Glen Rose! We had a ton of fun, and results will be posted in the article next month! President Wishing you Longhorn dreams and green pasture wishes! sjo_07@hotmail.com



The NTLA’s 34th Annual Sale will be held in the spring, April 11, 2015 at the Broken Bow Livestock Auction in Broken Bow, NE. Consignment forms received after March 1 will be added to a supplement sheet. Look for the consignment forms on the NTLA website: www.nebraskatla.com. Sale catalog will also be online at www.nebraskatla.com. Sale can be viewed online at cattleusa.com. Be sure to register before sale day to bid online at cattleusa.com. If you are interested in consigning to our sale or have any questions regarding our sale feel free to contact myself or any board of directors. Rodger Damrow (402) 423-5441 402.423.5441/brdamrow6@aol.com. The Nebraska Cattlemen’s Ball will be featuring Texas Longhorns this year at the Redbird Ranch, Lynch, NE, the weekend of June 5. One of the hosts this year is Tom Herzog, an NTLA member. Look online for ongoing information: www.cattlemensball.com. Saturday July 11th, there will be a Halter Breaking Seminar. This will be the 3rd year the Nebraska Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow are holding this seminar. It’s a fun and enjoyable learning experience. It will start at 10:00 am at the rodeo grounds in Wolbach, NE. The kids will hold a meeting and pizza will be served for lunch. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Thank you to L.D. McIntyre for making arrangements. The NTLA World Qualifying Shows will be held the weekend of August 28th at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island, NE. We’d love to have you show your animals here in Nebraska. More to come later. Raffle tickets are available till then for a heifer & bull calf or $500. Winners choice. Heifer and bull calf have been donated by Delwin & Vicki Smeal, Scribner, NE and McIntyre Ranch, Wolbach, NE. Thank you for your generous donations! 2nd place will be $200. 3rd place $100 and 4th place $50.The kids will again receive 25% of the proceeds for selling tickets. Contact Treasurer, Chelsey Georges for tickets. New members are always welcome. Memberships are due January of each year. Our Secretary is Chelsey Georges, 11800 S 12th, Roca, NE. 68430. Membership forms are located on the NTLA website: www.nebraskatla.com

East Texas Longhorn Association is gearing up for its annual meeting set for Saturday, April 25th at 10:30 a.m. The location will be at Kurt & Glenda Twining’s Silver T Ranch located at 227 Palo Duro, Scroggins, TX. Beginning with the business of the affiliates, a delightful lunch will be enjoyed, followed by a ranch tour of some amazing cattle. The main course of the meal, as always, will be provided by the affiliate. This year, we are asking everyone to bring their favorite hors d’oeuvres. Every reader is invited.... just RSVP to Lana Hightower at (903) 681-1093 so we may get a head count for the meal, and so Lana can provide more detailed directions and the gate code to those attending. We hope to see you there! At this writing, our youth are traveling from one major show to another. Having already been to Fort Worth, there is San Antonio, Houston, county shows and the docket rolls on. Our TLBT members always make us proud!

EXAS EAST T BREEDER RN LONGHOSOCIATION AS Joel Norris joel1983@embarqmail.com


Texas Longhorn Trails


TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s

Herd Management Guide

SPRING Calving:

leptospirosis. Check with your veterinarian concerning vaccination for vibrosis and anaplasmosis. 4. If not done previously, semen evaluate bulls. A standard 1. Weigh your yearling heifers and make necessary culling breeding soundness exam should be conducted on all bulls decisions prior to the start of the prior to the start of the breeding breeding season. Make sure that all season. replacement heifers are weighing at 5. Complete sire selection least 65 percent of their mature and order any semen needed for weight prior to breeding and are artificial insemination. Plan exhibiting estrus activity on a ahead to have sufficient breeding regular basis. The post partum bulls to service all females. interval (interval from calving to Mature bulls in single sire first observed estrus) for first–calf pastures should be able to service heifers is typically 20–30 days 30–50 females in a 60–90 day longer than mature cows. Therefore, breeding season. Young yearling begin breeding replacement heifers bulls can be excellent breeders, 20–30 days before the rest of the but reduce the number of females cow herd to allow sufficient time per bull to 15–25 head and limit after calving for the heifers to the breeding season to 60 days. resume estrus activity and join the Special attention to maintaining rest of the cow herd during the good nutritional condition of the breeding season. young bulls is needed. Yearling 2. Continue supplemental feeding bulls should only run with other as previously recommended. During yearling bulls in multisire the first 3–4 months of lactation, pastures. Older bulls will tend to nutrient requirements increase establish a social dominance over substantially. Warm season pasture young bulls, creating potential grasses are dormant until mid–April problems. Photo courtesy of Suzanne Perry and provide most of the energy 6. Check spraying needs, but limited protein, equipment, dust bags, etc., and phosphorus and Vitamin A. Sufficient nutrients must be purchase needed chemicals for external parasite control. supplied to the lactating females in the form of protein and/or energy supplements as well as mineral and vitamin mixes to meet their nutrient requirements. Feeding 3–4 pounds of a 40 percent CP supplement, 4–6 pounds of a 30 percent CP 1. Continue a supplemental feeding program until good supplement or 6–8 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement per spring grass is available and calves are weaned. Lactating cows head per day, should be adequate to meet most protein and grazing dormant range grass require approximately 3-4 pounds energy needs. Choice of appropriate supplement (20 percent of a 40 percent range cube or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent range CP, 30 percent CP or 40 percent CP) should be based upon cube daily to meet their protein requirement. If winter pasture cheapest source of protein. Price per pound of protein may be is available, forage intake should be sufficient to meet nutrient determined by dividing the cost per pound of protein requirements of lactating females. supplement by the percentage of crude protein in the 2. Vaccinate all heifer calves between four and 10 months of supplement. A source of salt, as well as a good commercial age for brucellosis. calcium:phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A, should 3. As weaning is approaching, consider routine calf be available on a free choice basis. If your cows are thin in body management while the calves are still on their dams to reduce condition or pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing, then stress often associated with weaning. Calves should be feeding a medium (8–10 percent crude protein) hay free choice vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBRplus 2–3 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement daily or P13-BVD and de-wormed. Cull bull calves should be castrated approximately 15–20 pounds of a high quality (15–17 percent prior to weaning. crude protein) hay per head per day will provide an excellent 4. Consider limited creep feeding (16 percent crude protein) source of energy and protein for the females. If winter pasture is for calves, nursing older cows, first-calf heifers, or any calves available, then the females should not need additional energy or needing additional nutrition. protein supplementation. 3. After calving and before breeding, vaccinate cows for

FALL Calving:


Texas Longhorn Trails

WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! Gold N Rule Sittin Bull

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1-800-YO RANCH charlie4@yoranch.com Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA

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END OF TRAIL RANCH Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194 Check out our website - www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net

David L. Edwards

BIRTH DATE: 8/7/62 RESIDENCE: Oologah, OK OCCUPATION: Risk & Insurance Management FAMILY: Jana (Wife), Ashlee (Daughter), Nate (Son) BUSINESS/VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: The Holmes Organization; Risk & Insurance Management Society RANCH LOCATION: NE Oklahoma HOW LONG RAISING LONGHORNS: 25 Years MEMBER OF TLBAA SINCE: 1991 ELECTED TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS: January 2015 TLBAA INVOLVEMENT THE LAST 12-24 MONTHS: World Show Circuit; OTLA Membership & Events; Lean Beef Production; Participation in TLBAA 50th Anniversary Celebration. REASONS FOR WANTING TO SERVE ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Greater communication with OTLA, Passion for the TLBAA and the Texas Longhorn breed.


April 2015



Registrations and Transfers from February 1, 2015 to February 28, 2015

Division A

Division B (cont.)

Division B (cont.)

Division C (cont.)

Dennis W. Jones Ron A. Walker Triple R Ranch Dora Thompson Chris & Jan Taft Aaron Adkins Dave Hovingh Geoff Dawson Scott Hughes Shawn & Cathy Norton Nancy C. Dunn Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey J L Longhorns Anna & Alexander Leichtenstern H'N'B Longhorns Hudson Longhorns W. B. Cattle Co. Kathy Kittler Mark and Tina Stewart Matt & Annette Johnson Brandon Bennett Gary & Judy Walters Jody Shaw Khaos Cattle Company Mary Grace Moffitt Dan Huntington Meridian Longhorns Terry King Alexis Tracy Bar R Farm B T Farms Emily Ingram Harry & Maryanne Folkerts Janet E. Fowler Mark Hubbell Matthew J. Durkin William Wick Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.

David M. Hillis Jim & Bethany Rosebrock Allen & Suzanne Perry Hickman Longhorns Inc John Marshall J.T. Wehring Aaron L. & Laurie Smith Brent & Cynthia Bolen Charis Horse & Cattle Gary Steinbrenner & Maryse Laurin J-S Longhorns Richard & Liz Shea Shyanne McClendon Trey Whichard James R. Weed Jerusalem Ridge Ranch Bob and Cathy Iversen Deer Creek Longhorns Donnie Taylor Grace Cattle Company, LLC Hal and Carole Griffin Karin Duque Kate Morgan/ Jheroen Dorenbosch Ken Harris Robert Willis Stephen P. Head Tanner Longhorns Terry and Sherri Adcock Annie Morgan & Steve Bell Betty S. Chavez & Crystal E. Henze John & Doris Barnard Maurice Pittman MK Cattle Co. S. Ann Wight Tom & Maurice Gibbs Cadiz Longhorns Chase Vasut Clarence & Jeanette Harabis Copper Creek Ranch Curt & Destiny Tubbs David and Linda Mills Elias F. Hal Meyer, Jr. Eric & Kim Anderson

Gary Warren George and Cindy Dennis Guy Warren III Helm Cattle Company Jake Allred John & Diann Chase John Miller Kathleen and Jeff Hoffman Kevin and Laury Rooker Kristi Ging Larry and Paula Reck LL Longhorns Lonny and Nella Montgomery Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Miracle Petree Pat & Stan Ivicic PJ's Cattle Company Rebecca J. Gilbert Rodney & Patti Mahaffey Ryan M. Culpepper Saddle Thorn Enterprises, LLC Stanley B. Roberts Steve & Amanda Hesse Timothy Phillips TL Longhorns Tommy Mulhollan Tud Rosin Krier William T. & Sandra J. Martin Davis Green

Brian Graves Dale Hunt Dave Hodges Bernard and Theresa Strong David Roberts GM Texas Longhorns Michael & Allison Bose Semkin Longhorns Big Valley Longhorns Daniel & Angelina Fey Jonathan R. Jennings Larry &/or Mary Ann Long Leo & Jolene Omlin Ben Monk or Lindsey Helvey Dale & Gina Francisco Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum L.D. and Debbie McIntyre Pace Cattle Company Peter Grimm Tyler Reil William & Barbara McKinney Farquhar Financial Cattle Co. Lucinda K. Christian Petersen Longhorn Art (Sonny) A. Smith Bill and Judy Meridith Billy & Audrey Doolittle Charles and Mechell Griffin Charley E. and Doris Snyder Danny L. & Lori Golden David & Kimberley Nikodym DEAN L. or MARY P. HORKEY Jerry and Gretchen Lotspeich Kasi Dick Kent Bladen Norman and June Cady Ray, Kale & Julie Williams Ray or Virginia Walker Robert & Lisa Van Liew Ryan Welch Sulu Som're Ranch Todd and Kelli McKnight Wayne Starch

Division B

Mike and Kim MacLeod El Coyote Ranch IM Rockin I, LLC Charles Castro Joe Cunningham Rugged Cross Ranch Richard James Filip Star Creek Ranch Gary Kudrna Joe or Carolyn Wissel JP Ranch Omega Land and Cattle Bob Coffee David W. and Bracy Wars Anchor T Ranch David and Colette Varner Richard & Sharon Parr Rox & Susan Edgar Steve and Rene' Azinger Liberty Longhorn Ranch


Division C

Neil Glasgow Tom Matott Kent & Sandy Harrell Carole Muchmore RC Larson Longhorns Mary Mann Nate Edwards Luebbering Farms, LLC Alexandra Dees Anchor D Ranch - NAIS Brett or Darcy De Lapp Rockin' J Longhorns

Texas Longhorn Trails


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Save The Date!


APRIL 2015


APR 10-11 • 2nd Annual Blue Ridge Ranch Sale, Llano, TX. John Marshall (713) 398-5024 or Bubba Bollier, Ranch Manager (325) 247-6249. www.blueridgelonghorns.com. APR 11 • NTLA Annual Spring Sale, Broken Bow, NE. Rodger Damrow (402) 423-5441/(402) 560-3224/brdamrow6@aol.com. Delwin Smeal (402) 568-2353. www.cattleusa.com. www.nebraskatla.com APR 17-19 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale, TX. Co-Chairs: Sandi Nordhausen (512) 750-1350 or sandi.nordhausen@gmail.com and Bubba Bollier (325) 247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com. Entries to Bubba by April 8, 2015. APR 24-25 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield Livestock Auction, Winfield,KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or mbowman@wildblue.net. www.endoftrailranch.com. APR 25 • ETLA Spring Meeting, Host: Silver T Ranch, Kurt & Glenda Twining. Contact Lana Hightower (903) 963-7442, (903) 681-1093 or glcattleco@aol.com.

SEPT 5 • Butler Breeder’s Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355. SEPT 6 • NRLA Sanders County Longhorn Show. Sanders County Fairgrounds, Plains, MT. Entry Deadline: Aug. 10, 2015. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019, giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 6-7 • Colorado State Fair, Pueblo Co. State Fairgrounds, Pueblo, CO. Kenny Richardson - krichardson21@aol.com or (970) 3523054 or Lana Pearson - lana.pearson@co.usda.gov or (719) 7400741. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 11-12 • Hill Country Heritage Longhorn Sale. River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. SEPT 13 • Spokane Interstate Fair (NWLA) Spokane Interstate Fairgrounds, Spokane Valley, WA. Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985 j5longhorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 25 • NRLA Central Washington Longhorn Show. Central Washington State Fair Park, Yakima, WA. Entry Deadline: Aug. 30, 2015. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019, giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 25-26 • B&C Show-Me Fall Longhorn Sale, Brookfield, MO. Bill Sayre (660) 258-2973. SEPT 25-27 • State Fair of Texas, Fair Park, Dallas, TX. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

MAY 2015 MAY 1-2 • Red McCombs Heifer and Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorn.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombsranches.com, (210) 445-8798. MAY 8-10 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX. Stephen Head (979) 549-5270. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MAY 16 • STLA General Membership Meeting, Lonesome Pines Ranch, Smithville, TX. Christy Randolph (512) 360-4299. MAY 22-23 • Millennium Futurity, Bell County Expo Center, Belton, TX. Bill Davidson (405) 258-7117 or milflonghorns@sbcglobal.net. www.mlfuturity.com. MAY 29-30 • Red River Longhorn Sale, Marietta, OK. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com.

JUNE 2015 JUNE 3-6 • TLBAA World Show & National TLBT Youth Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. JUNE 6 • Fey Ranch Sale & Social, Yamhill, OR. Daniel & Angelina Fey 503.349.7866 or daniel@feylonghorns.com. More info on www.feylonghorns.com JUNE 10-14 • Autobahn Youth Tour presents the Diann Chase Longhorn Scholarship Expo, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com. www.autobahnyouthtour.com. JUNE 20-21 • Winchester Futurity of the North, Gibson County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IN. Scott Simmons (618) 610-1921 ssimmons@copeplastics.com or Deanna Sanders (618) 780-5365. dsanders71@hughes.net

AUGUST 2015 AUG 1 • Deschutes County Fair Longhorn Show, Deschutes Co. Fairgrounds, Redmond, OR. Tami Kuntz (541) 848-7357 or tami_kuntz@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. AUG 7 • Rocky Mountain Winchester Futurity, Elburt, CO. Tom Mattott (303) 663-7841. www.rockymountainwinchesterfuturity.com AUG 8 • Rocky Mountain Select TX Longhorn Sale, Elburt, CO. Stan Searle (719) 649-9590 or Gary Lake (719) 314-8294.

OCTOBER 2015 OCT 1-3 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Comanche Co. Fairgrounds, Great Plains Coliseum, Lawton, OK. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org. OCT 1-3 • Tulsa State Fair, Tulsa Fairgrounds, Tulsa, OK. Steve Quary (405) 567-3093 or (405) 567-9771. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. OCT 16 • NRLA Nile Longhorn Show. Metra Park Fairgrounds, Billings, MT. Entry Deadline: Sept, 15, 2015. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019, giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

DECEMBER 2015 DEC 11-15 • 2015 Holiday Extravaganza, Wise County Sheriff Posse Fairgrounds, Decatur, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (254) 434-1155 or sjo_07@hotmail.com or Ryan Culpepper (940) 577-1753 or culpepper.ryan@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered & Youth.

FEBRUARY 2016 FEB 26-27 • Cattle Baron’s Sale & Winchester Futurity, Mid-Tex Sale Barn, Navasota, TX. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or Steve Azinger (713) 823-5371.

MAY 2016 MAY 7-8 • Red McCombs Heifer and Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorn.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombsranches.com, (210) 445-8798.

In order to have your qualifying affiliate show included in the calendar, please submit your application to special events – Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org. All other events can be sent directly to laura@tlbaa.org.


Texas Longhorn Trails













Find all the information and forms you need at


April 2015








PENNSYLVANIA READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales & Events. Go to www.tlbaa.org and click on E-Trails


Texas Longhorn Trails




Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. (817) 625-6241




CANADA ALBERTA READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales & Events. Go to www.tlbaa.org and click on E-Trails

April 2015



TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org


Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.

Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX

(817) 991-9979 CATTLE FOR SALE

THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota

(507) 235-3467

Quality HEIFERS & HERD SIRE PROSECTS FOR SALE- I have a LARGE herd, so you have lots of variety to pick from! Located approx. 20 mi. off the EAST TEXAS line in Louisiana just below Shreveport. Lots of Hunts Command Respect, McGill Breeding, some ZD Kelly and Grand Slam, etc. Good cows, good babies. I specialize in bulls and am a partner in RIP SAW who now measures 83 1/2” TTT and is a gorgeous color. Several of his heifers and sons for sale. DORA THOMPSON Tel (318) 872-6329 echoofambush@aol.com•www.sandhillsranch.com

LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains (918) 855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK

www.lonewolfranch.net BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com


www.oliverlonghorns.com Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”

joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083

April is showering our Longhorn friends (old, new and soon to be) with GOOD DEALS as our herd reduction program continues… Excellent bulls, cows, heifers and trophy steers for sale at reasonable prices. Top bloodlines, gentle, loud colors and big horns! For more information or to schedule a tour, please call:

Dorie Damuth - Flying D Longhorn Ranch • Magnolia, TX

Great genetics. I enjoy meeting and working with new breeders. Also have a large STRAIGHT BUTLER herd.


HOME & RANCH REALITY TRIGG MOORE Cell: (254) 396-5592 Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532

Owner/Broker 936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email: trigg@c21homeandranch.com


SEMEN FOR SALE LONGHORN SEMEN – Phenomenon, Emperor, DH Red Ranger, Tempter, JP Rio Grande, WS Jamakism, Working Man Chex, VJ Tommie and more. John Oliver 972-268-0083 or www.oliverlonghorns.com WF POKER SEMEN – $50.00/straw. Outstanding herd sire prospect available by Poker. www.crazycattlecompany.com. (717) 577-3347

TRADE & BARTER TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380.

281-356-8167 or dorie27@sbcglobal.net www.damuthflyingdranch.com

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Take advantage of the Classifieds today for a very affordable, effective means of promoting your breeding program!


Texas Longhorn Trails


A Adcock, Terry & Sherri ....................................49 Adkins, Aaron ..................................................29 Adkins, Clay ......................................................29 Almendra Longhorns......................................47 American Livestock..........................................33 Anderson, Frank Jr. & III................................8-9 Astera Meadows Ranches ..............................49 Autobahn-Diann Chase LH Expo................19

L Lazy A Ranch ....................................................48 Lightning Longhorns ......................................48 Little Ace Cattle Co.............................................8 Lodge Creek Longhorn ..................................47 Lone Wolf Ranch..............................................48 Longhorn Sales Pen ........................................45 Loomis, Bob & Pam ................................27, 29



McLeod Ranch ....................................................8 Bar H Ranch......................................................47 Moriah Farms ..................................................48 Beadle Land & Cattle..................................8, 47 Big Valley Longhorns ......................................47 N Billingsley Longhorns ....................................48 Blue Ridge Ranch..............................................31 Northbrook Cattle Co.....................................48 Brett Ranch ........................................................48 P BT Farms ............................................................48 Buckhorn Cattle Co.........................................48 P&C Cattle Pens ..............................................29 Bull Creek Longhorns ................................5, 49 Pearl Longhorn Ranch....................................49 Butler Breeders ................................................8-9

Just For Grins Create an original caption for this photograph and win TLBAA merchandise! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)

Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Laura, P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or laura@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Please specify which month your caption is for.


C Caballo Bravo Longhorns..............................47 Carptenter, Bow................................................13 CedarView Ranch ............................................47 Champion Genetics........................................45 Christa Cattle Company ..................................8 Circle Double C Ranch ..................................48 Cowboy Catchit Chex Partnership ..............29


R & R Ranch......................................................48 Rancho Dos Ninos ..........................................49 Red McCombs Ranches of Texas ................BC Red River Longhorn Sale................................15 Registered Texas Longhorn Lean Beef..........33 Rio Vista Ranch ..................................................8 Rockin I Longhorns ....................................9, 49 Rocking P Longhorns........................................8 Rocky Mountain Longhorns ........................47 Rocky Mountain Select TX Longhorn Sale 17 Rolling D Ranch ..............................................47 Running Arrow Farm......................................45

Dalgood Longhorns ..........................................9 DCCI Equipment ............................................44 Deer Creek Longhorns....................................49 Diamond Q Longhorns ................................48 Dickinson Cattle Company ............................2 Double LB Longhorns....................................48 Doug Hunt Longhorns ..................................49




7 Bar Longhorns ..............................................48 Safari B Ranch ..................................................48 Sand Hills Ranch ........................................7, 47 Semkin Longhorns..........................................48 Sidewinder Cattle Co.........................................9 Singing Coyote Ranch ....................................49 Silver T Ranch..................................................IFC E Star Creek Ranch..........................................5, 27 Elah Valley Longhorn......................................47 Stotts Hideaway Ranch ..................................48 El Coyote Ranch ................................................1 Struthoff Ranch ................................................49 End of Trail Ranch ..........................................47 Swift Six Ag Works ..........................................29

Flying Diamond Ranch..................................47 Tallgrass Cattle Company ..............................11 Foundation World Headquarters & Museum..34-36 TLBA Foundation ............................................31 TLBAA Horn Showcase ..................................21 TLBAA Membership........................................52 H TLBAA World Show ..................................22-23 Haltom Hollar Ranch ....................................47 Triple R Ranch (TX) ..........................................9 Helm Cattle Co. ..............................................48 Twisted Sister Ranch........................................27 Hickman Longhorns ......................................48 Hill Country Heritage Sale ............................15 U Hodges, Dave....................................................45 Horseshoe J Longhorns..................................29 Underwood Longhorns..................................47 Hubbell Longhorns ........................................29 Hudson Longhorns ........................................3 W Husky Branding Irons ....................................45 Walker, Ron ......................................................49 Westfarms, Inc.....................................................8 J White Pine Ranch ....................................29, 48 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ............................48 Wichita Fence....................................................43 Jack Mountain Ranch ................................9, 49 Woodson School Ranch ................................47 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. ..................................9 Johnston Longhorns ......................................48 X

K Khaos Cattle Company ....................................29 King, Terry & Tammy ..................................29, 47 Kittler Land & Cattle Co. ..................................47

April 2015

Xcalibur Star Partnership................................27

Y YO Ranch ..........................................................43

Photo courtesy of Johnny Ray, Tyler, TX

MARCH PHOTO FIRST-PLACE WINNER: “You graze, I snooze... Life is good!”

Darlene Bean, Bridgeport, TX ◆


“Please eat quietly, I’m trying to sleep!” Dean Cain, San Antonio, TX

Coming Next Month:

Spring Sale Spectacular


JOIN US to Help Preserve and Promote the Texas Longhorn Today! the TLBAA has maintained the breed registry and promoted the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible. Today the Association continues to improve and SINCE 1964, expand its services as the number of Longhorn enthusiasts continues to grow.


State of the art Registration Department to maintain five decades of herd registry. H.O.R.N.S. – Exclusive online access to keep your herd updated. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program.


Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Mail-in voting for regional directors.


Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Network of national and international affiliates.


Member of state and national cattle organizations. Advertising campaigns and editorial content in world circulated publications. Media coverage of TLBAA events.


Yearly subscription to our monthly magazine. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Great advertising outlet for your program as well as an educational and informational resource.


Website with breed information and history. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated Longhorn cattlemen. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Breed Seminars and Affiliate Field Days & Ranch Tours. Mail-in voting for regional directors.


Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World

Exposition. Hall of Fame. Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership. Affiliate Sponsored Futurities. THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE!

Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org

TLBAA Membership Application

MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Please draw your brand inside the box exactly as you wish to be recorded.

Reading of Brand _______________________

Name:______________________________________________________ Other Name: ________________________________________________

New Member*


Address: ___________________________________________________

Renewal Member


City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________


Home Phone: (

)______________Office Phone: (


Ranch Phone: (

)______________Fax Number: (


Website Address: ____________________________________________

135.00 1000.00

Lifetime Member

25.00 200.00

New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) ** World Headquarters & Museum Fund

Email Address: ______________________________________________ Monthly Breed Publication (Texas Longhorn Trails) 105.00/180.00 foreign PAYMENT OPTIONS:




Check or Money Ord.



Card No.:___________________________________________________ Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________ Referred by:_________________________________________________

**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___

All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.

* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $105 US address or $180 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.

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