April 2017 Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine

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APRIL 2017


January 2016 | 1

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March 2017 | 23

22 | December 2016







Bred & Owned



Sale • October 6-7 Lawton, OK Sponsored by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America

Horn Showcase Sale • OCTOBER 6-7

TLBAA Member Name ___________________________Phone _______________ TLBAA#____________ Name of Animal: __________________________________________ Registration # ________________ __ *Bred & Owned Heifer Sale (Friday October 6 ) *12 - 30 months old __ Heifer

__ Cow

(1) Measurement Included (please specify

__ TTT, __ TH, or __ Twisty)

__ Picture of Animal (required) OCV Vaccinated Yes __ No __ ITLA & CTLR Dual Reg. Fee $15 Consignment Fees: $350 per lot (includes one measurement) (Commission: Participating: 5%; Non-Participating: 10%) ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS: Must have completed transfer application, original TLBAA certificate or dual registration certificates, completed consignment form and quality photo in TLBAA office by JULY 1, 2017. Consignment fees will not be refunded on animals pulled from the sale. The committee will select the top animals. ALL consignment fees must be paid at deadline to make it in the catalog. NO EXCEPTIONS! THIS FORM MUST BE ATTACHED TO ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE WITH COMPLETED TRANSFER FORM.

ADDITIONAL OPTIONS: __ Additional Measurement $100/each __ TTT __ TH __ Twisty or __ Composite $200 __ Extended Pedigree $100 __ Full Page Ad in Sale Program $400 __ Half Page Ad in Sale Program $250 BREEDING INFORMATION Cow Exposed To __________________________________________ From ______________ To ______________ Cow Exposed To __________________________________________ From ______________ To ______________ Calf at Side Information:

Sex ________________

Date Calved____________________________

Sired by ______________________________________________________________ COMMENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comments will be published in catalog. Any changes for pedigree reader must be submitted in writing to management no later than 24 hours before sale start.


(This form must be signed and returned in order to complete your consignment)

The Horn Showcase Sale (HSS) assumes no responsibility for any guarantee made by the consignor. All guarantees are strictly between the consignor (seller) and the buyer. HSS is not responsible for the health or safety of any animal consigned to the sale. This includes loss of life, loss by theft or other perils. All consignors must comply with the rules and regulations. The undersigned hereby agrees to conditions of the sale and agrees that all guarantees are between seller and buyer. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless HSS, sale employees and duly authorized representatives from any and all claims, demands, causes of action or liabilities of any nature which may arise from or in any way relate to the Horn Showcase Sale. The undersigned agrees that if the buyer is unable to accept delivery because of Interstate health requirements, the consignor, not HSS or its management, shall be responsible for refund or adjustment.

_______________________________________________ Owner of Animal/Consignor’s Signature

____________________________ Date

Submit Payment & Forms To the TLBAA Office : P. O . B o x 4 4 3 0 • F o r t W o r t h , T X 7 6 1 6 4

(817) 625-6241


Sale Chairman: Johnny Hicks 269-721-3473


March 2017 | 23



APRIL 2017 Vol. 29 • No. 1

32 YOUTH + LONGHORNS =HAPPINESS A photographic look at kids with Longhorns


Editor’s Note


Product Spotlight



How and when to use this sometimes vital piece of equipment. By Heather Smith Thomas

36 30TH ANNUAL LONGHORN EXPOSITION See why it’s the place to be June 7-10, 2017. By Amy Weathrholtz




Affiliate News


News on the Trail


Herd Management


Voluntary Parent Verification and DNA Marker Options for TLBAA Members

How to take advantage of this program.


Winchester Futurity Results


Cattle Baron’s Premier Longhorn Sale Results

Submitted by Steve Azinger


In The Pen


Officers & Directors

Submitted by Rick Friedrich


Index/Just For Grins About the Cover: Something about kids and Longhorns just paints a

beautiful picture. TLBT member Macie Long and show heifer Sassy practicing at home. Thanks to Kimberly Long for her submission.

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(817) 625-6241 817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 trails@tlbaa.org www.tlbaa.org

EDITOR’S NOTES THE JOYS OF YOUTH I remember growing up with cattle in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I was toting water buckets in the snow when I was barely able to keep them up off the ground. I loved being around the cattle, especially calves. However, I learned the hard way what they consider fun can get a kid hurt. I was stepped on, knocked down and kicked, but I learned not to put myself in bad situations pretty quickly. The folks in my neck of the woods avoided horned cattle. There are a lot of Longhorn breeders today living in areas that are leery of Texas Longhorns due to misconceptions about their nature and those “dangerous” horns. The youth we talked to this month for “The Joys of Raising Kids and Longhorns” starting on pg. 26 are from areas where Longhorns are uncommon. Two of the families have cattle backgrounds and decided to raise Longhorns and one young man decided to raise Longhorns despite the fact that his family raises only commercial cattle. We take a look at things to consider when adding Longhorns to the family mix as well as the lifestyle and benefits both from the kids’ perspectives and that of the parents. The celebration of Longhorn lifestyle continues in the photo tribute to kids and Longhorns on pgs. 32-33. Youth is the future of the breed. We ask for your support and contributions to the Bright Futures Scholarship Fund to allow as many TLBT graduating seniors as possible the opportunity of a head start towards their academic future. Learn more about the Longhorn Exposition coming in June on pgs. 36-37. The Expo is celebrating 30 years and will include lots of activities, including the Texas Gold Futurity. It’s a great opportunity for time with Longhorn friends and family. Make your plans to join us. Spring is time for new calves and with calving comes a potential for birthing issues. Longhorns normally enjoy easy calving, but there are times that intervention is needed. See “Tips on Using A Calf Puller Safely” on pg 16 to learn more about what to do when things go wrong. You may never need to assist a cow delivering a calf, but you certainly want to know how in case the need arises. I hope you all enjoy the coming Spring weather and all those new calves hitting the ground.


DEADLINE: May 2017 Issue:

March 24th Brood Cow Issue

6 | April 2017

Myra Basham Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief


Editor in Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 108 • myra@tlbaa.org trailseditor@tlbaa.org Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Lindsay Maher • Ext. 109 lindsay@tlbaa.org Graphic Design & Production: Joshua Farias • Ext. 105 joshua@tlbaa.org Administrative Assistant: Raborn Sprabary • Ext. 100 raborn@tlbaa.org

Registrations Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org Special Events Amy Weatherholtz • Ext. 104 amy@tlbaa.org Accounting Theresa Jorgenson • Ext. 119 theresa@tlbaa.org Printed in the U.S.A. Member

The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX and additional post offices. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817)  625-6241. Fax (817)  625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.


March 2017 | 23

Registration Matters

Voluntary Parent Verification and DNA Marker Options for TLBAA Members The TLBAA Board of Directors approved a completely voluntary DNA Parentage Verification testing program for our breeders. This is separate from the already established AI Herd Sire Certification program. To verify parentage of an animal, the animal in question tail hairs must be pulled and DNA tested and then DNA markers are compared to the sire and dam’s DNA markers. If sire and dam have not been tested with a case number established of their DNA Markers to use in the comparison, then they also must have their tail hairs pulled and their DNA compared to the animal in question. Once parentage has been verified through this DNA testing process, and if the animal in question is already registered, then a new registration certificate will be issued with the “PARENTAGE VERIFIED WITH DNA” stamp/logo on it. If not registered, then the Parentage Verified with DNA stamp/logo will appear on its registration certificate when registered. If sire and dam have already been DNA tested

and a case number exists, then they will not have to be tested. Each DNA test costs $40 and if sire & dam already have been tested with a case file, then there is no charge for them, only the animal in question. Some of our breeders are having their animals DNA tested without parentage verification just to have their DNA Case number on file; should questions arise or should they decide to have their entire herd eventually parent verified. Forms for Parentage Verification and DNA Markers only are attached. Once completed forms are received at the office the “DNA Tail Hair Kit Forms” will be generated and sent to you with an instruction sheet. DO NOT MAIL TAIL HAIRS TO THE TLBAA OFFICE, THEY MUST GO TO UC DAVIS IN CALIFORNIA PER THE INSTRUCTION SHEET. Have questions? Contact Rick at the TLBAA office 817-625-6241 or rick@tlbaa.org, dana@tlbaa.org

Forms available online or by contacting the TLBAA office 8 | April 2017


Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 S. Rosemary Dr. • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110 Ray.Beadle@gapac.com BTP Longhorns Ben & Phyllis Termin Weatherford, TX 817-374-2635 luvmylonghorns@gmail.com Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa 2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com Louis (210) 863-7003 Jason (210) 232-1818 Dalgood Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman 6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422 dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com Falls Creek Longhorns Stan Tidwell Midlothian, TX 972-723-2495 Jack Mountain Ranch Hal & Betty Meyer 8000 Mount Sharp Rd. • Wimberley, TX 78676 (512) 422-4681 cell (512) 842-1116 halmeyer@hotmail.com Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467 Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com LL Longhorns Neil & Cynthia Hall 1414 Thorton Rd. • Houston, TX 77018 (206) 574-8950 www.lllonghorns.com cynthia@lllonghorns.com McLeod Ranch Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155 Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net Rio Vista Ranch Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane • Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 • Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com Westfarms Inc. Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450 • Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 • Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com

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22 | December 2016



March 2017 | 23

Product Spotlight

WEED CONTROL - CIMARRON® PLUS BY BAYER Your pasture is one of your prime assets that sustains your herd. Be sure that your maintenance plan includes regular pasture walks to identify potential toxic plants and weeds. Weeds not only rob pastures of moisture and nutrients, they pose a health risk for grazing cattle. Most poisonous plants are moderately toxic only if consumed alone, at certain times of the year or under conditions of heat and drought. Buttercup, Milkweed, Oaks, Walnut, Pokeweed, Dogbane, Horsetail, Perilla Mint, Johnsongrass, Jimsonweed, Nightshades and Star-of-Bethlehem are examples. Although they may be present in pastures, they’re usually not consumed in amounts large enough or are diluted by grasses. However, some plants are highly toxic, examples being Cherry, Red Maple, Horsechestnut, Yew, Rhododendron or Laurel. Two important control methods are mowing and herbicide. Mowing will reduce the likelihood of seed development and dispersal and consistent spraying will help to eliminate harmful weed populations. One herbicide solution, which is safe for grazing cattle, is Cimarron Plus herbicide. It offers residual control to protect pasture and rangeland grasses from prob-

14 | April 2017

lem broadleaf weeds and it offers good activity on woody species like buckbrush, blackberries and dewberries, as well as tough broadleaf weeds like common mullein and sericea lespedeza.


• There is no waiting period between application and the grazing of livestock. • Broad-spectrum control or suppression of key broadleaf weeds and woody species in one application means fewer treatments to apply. • Controls musk thistle, even if it is bolting. • Systemic action eliminates the entire plant, roots and all. • Can be applied by ground or air. • Easy to store, handle, measure and mix because Cimarron® Plus is a low-use-rate, dry-flowable herbicide. • May be tank mixed with other suitable registered pasture herbicides for broader-spectrum weed control. • Not a federally restricted-use pesticide


Apply when weeds are actively growing, ideally less than 4’ high. Using a surfactant will improve the performance. Avoid disturbing, mowing, treated areas for at least 7 days following application. Refer to the product label for use, full list of precautions, and important crop rotation information. Cimarron® Plus is widely available online and in feed stores across the U.S. Cost is $100 per 10oz. For more information visit bayer.com.



March 2017 | 23

Herd Health

Tips on Using a Calf Puller Properly by

Heather Smith Thomas

Most calves can be pulled by hand after correcting any abnormality of position, but occasionally a mechanical calf puller (“calf jack”) is needed. It is important to determine whether the calf can be safely pulled, or should be delivered by C-section. Mark Alley, (NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine) says a calf jack is an excellent tool when used appropriately, but if used incorrectly it can cause a lot of damage. You should not apply more force than what 2 strong men can do, pulling by hand. When working by yourself, however, you may need more pulling strength and the calf jack is helpful.


and haven’t made progress, it’s time to re-evaluate. A common mistake people make with a calf jack is trying to pull calves that cannot be delivered vaginally. The calf is too big. The other mistake is working too quickly. This may result in vaginal or uterine lacerations in the cow or injuries to the calf,” says Alley.

HOW TO USE A CALF JACK Use the rod on the calf jack as a lever as well as a pulley, after the calf’s head emerges from the vulva. After the slack is taken out of the chain, the puller is slowly moved toward the cow’s feet, working with the cow as she strains. Then it’s moved back up while taking up all slack gained with this leverage action. This process is repeated several times, then the winch or ratchet is utilized to bring the calf on out, taking care to go slowly and ratcheting only when the cow is actively straining.

Never utilize steady maximum pull. It’s best to pull when the cow strains, and rest (or stop cranking the calf jack) while she rests. One study showed that a calf jack can give a couple thousands pounds of pull, whereas 2 men can give about 400 pounds of pull. Chain placement is crucial so you don’t break the calf’s legs. The mechanical puller puts enough force on the leg to pull joints apart or fracture bones. Put one loop above the fetlock joint and a second loop (half hitch) below it, for two points of pull, spreading the pressure so it The Champion Ratchet Style Calf Puller from QC Supply is a typical calf jack. doesn’t all come in one place—or blood flow may be cut off. Give “I prefer the cow to be flat on her side before usthe cervix time to dilate, if it’s not completely dilated when you start pulling the calf. Pull slowly and graduing the puller,” says Alley. It’s easier to use, and easier ally, using lots of lubricant. for the cow to help you because she can strain more effectively. Gravity is against you when she’s standing; If you can get the calf’s head and front legs into the the heavy uterus and calf are resting on the abdominal pelvis without traction and get your hand between floor; the calf must come up and over the pelvic brim. the calf’s forehead and the cow, the calf can probably It only takes a moment to lay a cow down if somebe born. If the calf’s head is hitting the cow’s pelvis, it one can help you. After you put chains on the calf’s should be delivered by C-section. feet, put a rope on the cow’s body, using a double half “If the forelegs are crossed, this usually means it’s hitch. One person pulls on the rope and the other pera big calf and the shoulders are wedged in the cow’s son pulls on the chains. This stimulates the cow to pelvis. You might or might not be able to pull it. Destrain, and she wants to lie down. The key is pulling livering calves is one of the most challenging things on the chains at the same time you pull on the rope. to teach people how to do,” says Alley. It’s an art and a Once the cow is down, lay her flat on her side before science, and experience helps, because each case will positioning the calf jack. be different. The most important thing to learn is when to call for “If you try to pull a calf with the cow standing, help. “If you’ve worked on a dystocia for 30 minutes you don’t have much control on how you can handle – Continued on pg 18

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March 2017 | 23

Herd Health– Continued from pg 16 the calf jack. Once she’s down, I align the base (butt plate) of the calf jack just below the cow’s vulva,” says Alley. The chains or straps around the calf’s legs can then be hooked to the chain of the calf jack. “I prefer a calf jack that can put alternating pressures on the legs, bringing them forward one at a time, walking the shoulders through the pelvis—like you would when pulling by hand,” he explains. “I begin putting pressure on the jack, timing it with the cow’s contractions. When the calf’s head comes through the vulva, I may clear mucus from the calf’s nostrils. If you get in a hurry after the head comes through, you end up tearing the cow. Small amounts of pressure can be applied after the head comes out, taking your time,” he says. “As soon as I get the head out, I start pushing down a little with the end of the calf jack, toward the cow’s feet. I try to deliver that calf in an arc, as he would come during a natural birth.” Don’t pull downward on the calf too much too soon or you may injure his ribcage. Mimic nature in the way the calf curves over the pelvic brim and then comes head downward toward the cow’s hind feet as his ribcage passes through the birth canal. “If you continue to pull straight out, you’re putting an unnatural pressure on the calf’s spine because of the way the cow’s pelvis tilts. We often see spinal fractures when this happens. You may have a live calf, but he’s paralyzed,” says Alley. The calf’s hips tend to catch on the cow’s pelvis if he’s pulled straight out. If you start to pull him downward this raises his hips to come through the wider upper part of the pelvis. The cow’s pelvis is an oval in which the vertical diameter is greater than the horizontal diameter. On a big calf you should rotate him so his hips can come through at a diagonal, which gives more room. “We rotate the calf as his shoulders come through the pelvis, so the widest part of the calf’s hips line up with the widest vertical diameter of the cow’s pelvis,” he explains. “Once the last rib of the calf has cleared the vulva, we assess his size, and whether we need to rotate the hips,” says Alley. It doesn’t matter if this takes a few minutes because the calf can start breathing; his ribcage is free of the birth canal and can expand. Add additional lubrication at this point, for easier delivery. “The pressure is off the ribs, but there’s pressure on the umbilicus, so he must start breathing,” Alley explains. If you’ve taken time to clear his airways, or let fluids come out of his nose as the ribcage is compressed going through the birth canal, he can start to breathe. This happens naturally as a calf is born, 18 | April 2017

but can be hindered if you keep steady, unrelenting pressure with the calf jack.

PULLING A BACKWARD CALF You usually need a calf jack to get a backward calf out alive. Pulling by hand is too slow. Once his hips come through the pelvis, the umbilical cord pinches off and he must start breathing. Go slowly at first, to

a calf jack is an excelle n t to ol when used appropriately , bu t i f used incorrectly it can c au s e a lot of damage allow the cow time to dilate, since the backward calf is not cone-shaped and streamlined; the rump is his widest area. If you pull too quickly at the beginning, you may injure the cow or calf. But once the hindquarters begin to emerge, get him out fast. “If it’s a backward calf I try to get the chain as high as I can, above the hock,” says Alley. Once you get the hind legs out to the hocks, stop for a moment to reposition chains above the hocks. Otherwise you might run out of cable before you can winch the calf completely out of the cow. “I prefer calf jacks with a longer bar because it gives you more leeway for pulling a backward calf. But you have to be careful, because the longer the bar, the more leverage and pressure you can apply,” he says. Make sure the hips are nearly out before you pull downward on the calf. Otherwise you may break the bone between hock and stifle, or damage the femoral nerves because of pressure on the legs when pulling at a bad angle, before the upper leg is free of the cow’s pelvis.



March 2017 | 23

Futurity Results


The Futurity had a total of 107 entries in 10 classes. Jungle Princess BCB, owned by Brent & Cindy Bolen, was the Grand Champion heifer with 235 points. Approximately $13,000 in cash and prizes were awarded.

Place Entry #

Animal’s Name




Class 1 (DOB April - May 2016) 1-8 Cherry Mary Kettle 5/9/16 John & Christy Randolph 229 1 2 1-13 Victory Peach WKB 4/9/16 Westley & Kayla Briers 227 1-10 SR 007’s Countless 606 4/29/16 Lynn Stuthoff & Josie Becker 223.75 3 4 1-12 Ringa Bandita BCB 4/18/16 Brent & Cindy Bolen 223.75 1-7 Enuff Stuff BCB 5/9/16 Brent & Cindy Bolen 223.5 5 Class 2 (DOB Feb - March 2016) 1 2-12 Swag N Spur BCB 2/4/16 Brent & Cindy Bolen 228.25 2 2-3 Riverforks Tuff as Nails 3/19/16 Terry & Tammy King 228 3 2-14 Kettle’s Buttons 2/1/16 John & Christy Randolph 225.25 4 2-8 CF Christal Find 2/20/16 Clarice Francis 223.75 Class 3 (DOB December 2015 - January 2016) 1 3-6 Dunn Enuff 12/27/15 Nancy Dunn 229.25 3-4 Horseshoe J Kiss This 1/11/16 Jimmy Jones 228.75 2 3 3-7 Riverfork Lil Miss Cathy 12/24/15 Terry & Tammy King 227 Class 4 (DOB October - November 2015) 4-13 Jungle Princess BCB 10/15/15 Brent & Cindy Bolen 230.5 1 2 4-15 Riverforks Cowboy Dreams 10/9/15 Terry & Tammy King 228.75 3 4-3 Dunn Perfect Harmony 11/18/15 Nancy Dunn 228 4 4-9 Speckled Lady 15/15 11/8/15 Martin Robeson 227 5 4-8 Horseshoe J Pleasure 11/10/15 Jimmy Jones 225.25 Class 5 (DOB August - September 2015) 5-4 RR Harper 8/31/15 Rick & Tracey Friedrich 220 1 2 5-6 Kettle’s Pom Pom 8/22/15 John & Christy Randolph 219 3 5-2 Jungle Annie BCB 9/25/15 Brent & Cindy Bolen 218.25 Class 6 (DOB June 2015 - July 2015) 1 6-1 Riverforks Taylor Made 7/24/15 Terry & Tammy King 227.5 2 6-4 Kettle’s Garnet 7/13/15 John & Christy Randolph 227.5 3 6-6 KDK Vargus Venus 7/3/15 Kent Mayes & Janet Harman 221 Class 7 (DOB March - May 2015) 1 7-15 Riverforks Iron Maiden 3/17/15 Terry & Tammy King 228 2 7-13 JTW Annie Longmire 3/23/15 Ty Wehring 222.75 3 7-4 Adora Belle BCB 4/27/15 Brent & Cindy Bolen 222 4 7-10 1NR Rex’s Princess 4/1/15 Jeremy & Tina Johnson 221 5 7-16 RR Calico Rose 3/10/15 Rick & Tracey Friedrich 220.5 Class 8 (DOB DOB Dec 2014 - Feb 2015) 1 8-11 Holiday Cheer BCB 12/25/14 Brent & Cindy Bolen 229.5 2 8-7 Kettle’s Dippin Dots 1/16/15 Rob & Lisa Van Liew 228.5 3 8-12 Tbill’s Star Warrior 12/15/14 Tom & Kay Billingsley 226.25 8-4 Kettles Angelic 1/28/15 Derek Thurmond 225 4 Class 9 (DOB DOB Sept 2014 - Nov 2014) 9-2 Dunn Yahoooo 11/4/14 Nancy Dunn 229 1 2 9-5 Sure Bet BCB 10/10/14 Brent & Cindy Bolen 227.5 3 9-6 Riverforks Minnie pearl 9/22/14 Terry & Tammy King 227.5 Class 10 (DOB June 2014 - Aug 2014) 1 10-1 RR Dixie Dancer 8/26/14 Rick & Tracey Friedrich 217 2 10-3 Max Factor C3 7/25/14 James & Helen Cloakey 215.75 Futurity Judges David Wars, Russell Fairchild, Curtis Ohlendorf, Gwen Damato, Chris Clark

20 | April 2017

Payout* $425 $298 $255 $170 $128 $420 $280 $210 $140 $315 $225 $135

Class 2 winners Brent & Cindy Bolen; sponsor Mike Beijl

$400 $280 $240 $160 $120 $210 $150 $90 $280 $200 $120

Class 3 sponsors Terry & Tammy King; winner Nancy Dunn

$425 $298 $255 $170 $128 $360 $240 $180 $120

Class 4 sponsors Tracey & Rick Friedrich; winners Brent & Cindy Bolen

$245 $175 $105 $180 $120

Grand Champion Rifle winners for High Point Heifer Brent & Cindy Bolen; sponsor Dr. Lou Shields


Class 1 sponsor Mikeal Beck; winners Christy & John Randolph

Class 5 sponsor Debbie Witham (Brent Bolen standing in); winners Tracey & Rick Friedrich

Class 6 sponsors Christy Randolph & Derek Thurmond; winners Tammy & Terry King

Sale Results

CATTLE BARON’S PREMIER LONGHORN SALE RESULTS Family and guests of Bruce Harris: Kaylee Peterman, Elle Harris, Beth Harris, Nikki Peterman and Jason Kongsataya.

February 25, 2017 • Navasota, Texas Auctioneer: Joel Lemley • Sale Host: TLBGCA Sale Results Submitted by Rick Friedrich Photos by Rick Fritsche





OTHER HIGH SELLING LOTS: $8,500 - Lot 4 - Silver Ring BCB Bill & Sue Burton were presented with the Stockton Award by John Stockton.

Brent and Cindy Bolen were recognized for owning the Affiliate Prince & Princess winners for 2016.

$8,000 - Lot 101 - Mocha Leigh 2 CF32 $7,500 - Lot 72 - Doubled Luck $7,500 - Lot 100 - JTW Dulee De Leche 6 $7,000 - Lot 54 - Grounded $6,500 - Lot 49 - Miss Buzzy

$6,500 - Lot 5 - Ultra Fine Stars $6,000 - Lot 24 - Julio’s Dixie Miss $5,500 - Lot 41 - Brazos Rose Tootsie $5,500 - Lot 99 - SR Color Me Red 946 $5,500 - Lot 13 - RJF I Love Lucy

The seats were full on sale day.

George Wilhite being presented with a custom cutting board by Rick Friedrich in appreciation of George & Peggy hosting the social in their home. Class 7 sponsors Josie Becker & Lynn Struthoff; winners Tammy & Terry King

Class 9 winner Nancy Dunn; sponsors Jim & Carl King (Steve Azinger standing in)

Class 8 sponsors Christy & John Randolph; winners Brent & Cindy Bolen

Class 10 sponsors Brent & Cindy Bolen; winners Tracey & Rick Friedrich


Rifle raffle winner was Theresa Clark.

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March 2017 | 23

Youth Feature

The Joys of



Johnny Hicks and sons Amos, Frank and John check on their herd.

KEEPING IT SAFE Gentle nature is one of the major reasons people choose to raise Longhorns. While the horns and flashy color are certainly beautiful to see in the pasture, that tendency to be easy to handle and to enjoy attention from people seals the deal, especially for families with children or grandchildren. Today’s Longhorn breeders value that gentle nature and those animals exhibiting dangerous behavior are usually removed from the herd quickly. People who have been around livestock, especially cattle, for years will be quick to tell those just venturing into the world of livestock ownership that no matter how gentle any animal is, always be careful and pay attention. What that calf considers playful can lead to accidental injury. When the cow that swings her head suddenly because of a painful fly bite, she may not re26 | April 2017

alize you were going to step forward at that exact moment. Two animals having a good head butting contest may not know your child is approaching them. And that sudden burst of playful jumping and kicking on a chilly morning may catch you by surprise and send you to the ground. Longhorns are certainly careful with those horns and usually spatially aware. They also tend to enjoy hand feeding and scratches on the head. When people experience that gentleness they sometimes forget that first and foremost Longhorns are animals and require one to be alert for situations where their natural behavior could lead to an accident. Ken & Jessica Morris, owners of Khaos Cattle Company in Monroe, NC, have first-hand experience with their daughters, 12-year-old Kendall and 16-year-old Emily. They have both been around Longhorns their


By Myra Basham

whole life. “From the beginning we were not really concerned about the Longhorns and raising kids around them. We already had beef cows, so the Longhorns were just the same but with fancy coloring and horns,” explains Jessica. “We knew to take precautions when the kids were younger simply because most cows see small children as a threat because of their size.” “Also, any Longhorns we acquired that had a disposition we did not like were put into the freezer or sold at a commercial sale barn. There is absolutely no need to have one around that is a threat to anybody. We knew this would be a family affair and we wanted everyone to feel safe.” Johnny and Missy Hicks of Dowling, MI, both grew up with cattle. The decision they made 11 years ago to have Longhorns around their children; John (12), Amos (10), Frank (8), Josie (4) and Henry (2), was a continuation of the life they were used to. Their advice to people new to Longhorns? “I would advise them to buy the calmest cows they can. Calm cattle just make everything easier. We’ve had a few nut balls over the years, but they wind up in the freezer pretty fast,” says Missy. Setting boundaries and teaching appropriate behavior around cattle is important. “Make sure, even at a young age, you establish ground rules for the kids. They [young kids] learn quickly and they understand more than you give them credit for. Our kids were taught not

to go in the pens without an adult and if they were around the cattle to be calm and respectful of the animals. Always use extra caution around the bull.” “As the kids get older, the rules change some. Now the older ones play with the yearlings and weanlings. They know how to work the cattle safely. It definitely changes as the kids get older, but the biggest thing is to just use common sense.” J.D. Hasty (see sidebar below) is a 14-year-old that has owned Longhorns since 2013. J.D. grew up around commercial beef cattle, so he already had experience being safe around cattle. “I consider Longhorns one of the most docile of the {cattle} breeds,” he says, adding a ‘but’. “I try to watch when I go out into the pasture. I’ve got an 1800 lb. bull out in the pasture right now. I can go up to him. I can give him peppermints out of my hand, but I still watch him very closely. He’s a bull, and in a snap of a finger they can turn on ya.” Emily Morris enjoys time with her Longhorns

DAILY LIFE WITH LONGHORNS While walking through the pastures and petting Longhorns, hand feeding them cubes and enjoying their beauty is the ultimate reward of ownership, they also require care as does the property they’re kept on. This means an abundance of chores to share with the kids. The amount and type of chores kids can help with changes as they get older. Jessica’s older girls are ex-

Youth Follows His Own Path With Texas Longhorns Many kids grow up with Longhorns thanks to the family’s involvement with the breed. Others get to experience Longhorns through showing cattle in the TLBAA show circuit. One young man bypassed both of these avenues to become a Longhorn owner through his own efforts and love for the breed. J. D. Hasty is a 14-year-old eighth J.D. Haty and grader herd sirewho HH Chisum now owns a herd of 11 registered Texas Longhorns including his own herd sire. He accomplished this over the past 4 years with his parents’ support of his dream, but not involve-

ment in the breed. The family has an established commercial cattle operation with a mix of Angus, Brangus and a few Charolais. Although he admits his father does sometimes ask to use his Longhorn bull on his first calf heifers. “My parents are very supportive of my decisions and I can’t thank them enough,” says Hasty. At ten years old, Hasty already knew he wanted to raise some type of cattle, but he had not settled on which type yet. One hunting trip made up his mind for him. “I went on a hunting trip with my Grandpa. He’s got a friend who raises Butlers [Longhorns]. We were riding through the field to get to our stand and I saw them. I just fell in love with them there.” While Hasty told his parents how much he liked the Longhorns, they did not know he was actively pursuing the breed. Charles David Da-


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Youth Feature tremely involved. “Kendall waters and feeds the weanling heifers and bulls daily. Emily helps with feeding and watering too, and checks to see if we have any new calves. They also help us to sort, tag, vaccinate and load cattle for sales or just simply to change pastures. They help put up fence, drag the pastures with the four wheelers, spread grass seed, and spray weeds on the fence. They are also great gate openers! Isn’t that why you have kids?” The younger Hicks children still find plenty of ways to help. “On a daily basis the kids are in charge of keeping the stock tanks full of waKendall Morris going for a ride. ter. Only 2 pastures have automatic drinkers, so this can be a big chore with 60 head to water. It’s worse in the winter time with the freezing temps and busting ice for the cows to drink.” says Missy. “They’ve gotten pretty tough with all the manual labor they do. The boys also help run the gates for feeding round bales or watching the youngest kids so Johnny and I can feed the cattle. Josie and Henry help me do the morning chores, like watering, checking the creep feeder and checking the calves while the boys are in school. It seems like there is never a lack of chores to do around here, and they all pitch in.” Sometimes kids have a vested interest in caring for the Longhorns as parents often start them off with a heifer or cow and let them sell the calves or build their own little herd. Or the kids may earn chore money and buy that first animal for themselves. Emily got an early start, purchasing her first and still favorite Longhorn when she was a mere three-year-old. “My parents and I

WHAT THE KIDS LOVE MOST: Henry likes horns and his favorite is…all of ‘em. Josie: “I like the long horns and their calves. I like baby cow friend she is my favorite, (her name is Wrangler’s Lucky Star, but Josie has always called her, baby cow friend). My baby cow friend loves me and lets me pet her.” Frank: “I like the calves and getting to name them.” His favorite? “Rio Bravo Chex is my favorite. I like his size he is so big.” Amos: “Color!! I like JH Raggamuffin is my favorite. She is a nice color” John: “The color and the horns are my favorite things. WS Hydro is my favorite. I really like his color.” Kendall: “I like watching how much the heifers grow every day. My favorite Longhorn is Horseshoe J Interject (841). She has a beautiful color pattern.” Emily: “I have loved growing up around Longhorns because it has been so fun to see all the different cows that my family has owned. I love all the different color combinations that different cows’ pedigrees create. The different styles of their horns and the different ways they are able to turn and twist is fascinating. “ were at the Cherry Blossom sale in Culpepper, VA, and I picked out Diego’s Red Hot Red and my parents told me we could buy her if I could come back and pick her out the next day. The next day, I recognized her and they let me bid on her and we took her home. I owned her for nine years and throughout that time, Red Hot produced many great calves. I have stayed involved ever since, buying and selling several of my own Longhorns.”

vis, owner of the property Hasty went hunting on, supplied him with his first heifer in the Fall of 2013. With that heifer, he received several copies of Trails Magazine magazines and he “just started calling people up.” Those phone calls eventually led to his mentors in the Longhorn industry; Terry King, Jimmy Jones, Nancy Dunn and David Hackney. “They’ve given me a lot of help Hasty at 11 years old with mentors in the industry,” said Hasty. Tammy & Terry King during the 2014 “They are great people and I Southeastern Winchester Futurity. love them to death. As an honor roll student and a JV baseball player at Emmanuel Christian School, Hasty manages a busy schedule. “It’s challenging. When I get home from school I have to feed the 28 | April 2017

animals. On weekends I’m always spending time with the cattle.” “I don’t see it as a hobby. I love it so much. I just want to make it [the Longhorn breed] into something good. I mean, it’s already good, but I want to help improve the breed” “They just caught my eye and they’re magnificent. You can’t beat them. They’re great allaround cattle.” Hasty is off to a good start, competing in Futurities and already claiming a TLBAA Horn Showcase bronze in 2016. His heifer, LW Satin Sheets, won Class 3 TTT. “I could go without ever winning a show [futurity], but I’m so proud that I have my Horn Showcase trophy at home. That’s probably one of my greatest achievements.” While he’s proud of the horn measuring contest win, Hasty sees the importance of developing the complete animal. “I’d rather shape the



April 2017 | 29

Youth Feature John, Amos and Frank are young business partners. “Amos, Frank and I own two cows and one calf together,” explains John. “We’ll be selling Bruce (the calf) in a few weeks, plus the cow will Josie Hicks looking have calves this spring. for new calves. We share all the money for them.” Josie says they’re all hers, but mom says she will probably have her own one day too.

Their parents agree with all their answers and add to them. Missy elaborates on the benefits she sees, “I see the kids learning that hard work and earning money go hand in hand. They raise bottle calves every spring to earn spending money, and it’s actually how they bought their first Longhorns. They know those calves need fed every day and if they don’t keep them alive and take good care of them they can’t sell them and make money. If they don’t have money they can’t buy any more Longhorns, or dirt bikes, or a THE BENEFITS car, or whatever they are saving for. They Even at their young love having their own Longhorns beage, most youth reccause the cows give them ognize the benefits go a calf every year and they far beyond the obvious don’t have to bottle feed it! ones - enjoyment of beThe kids spend more time ing around Longhorns and their beauty and income outside enjoying the catpotential. tle and it’s a family thing. Being older, Emily sees the value in the entire I love walking with them lifestyle. “I believe owning Longhorns has made me all out to the pasture in a more well rounded individual. It has allowed me the summer and watchHenry Hicks checking water tubs. to experience things that I otherwise would not get ing the cows graze and to experience. I have been able to travel to multiple the calves play. It brings sales and shows with my family all over the country. us close as a family. Even the youngest kids can help Owning Longhorns has also allowed me to make con- and enjoy this breed. I see them learning about life and nections and have relationships with other breeders death and how everything works together, just as God that have really influenced my family and planned it.” Feeding the me in our day-to-day lives.” Many of those sentiments hold true for bottle babies Kendall realizes that Longorns have Jessica’s family as well, “The girls experiare one way made her more responsible and provided ence many great positive aspects. They youth can more opportunities to learn more about get to travel and meet new people that help out nature. create a huge network of people they can Frank mentions an overlooked benefit, trust, ask questions, and learn from. They “It makes us stronger. We can pick up really also learn the value of a dollar. They see big stuff now.” how much it costs to raise cattle, what Amos has grown in knowledge, saying goes into it and how to profit and what “you get to learn a lot about cows.” causes loss. Great life lessons! They beJohn adds, “It teaches us to be hard come secure in the decisions they make workers” and can see results pretty fast. They get to experience the miracle of birth and also the disappointment in loss. So, body than I would the horn because I think the body is really importhis prepares them for the ups and tant. I’d hate to just sit here and breed horn, on horn, on horn and end downs of life.” up with a sorry looking cow. You know, 100” of horn but skinny as a So what advice does Jessica rail.” have for those considering bringHe’s working towards his goal, and while he likes his whole herd, ing Longhorns into the family? his favorite is his herd sire HHF Chisum. “The first time I saw him at a “Go for it! We encourage everyone show [futurity] I fell in love with him. Two and a half years later I finally to get Longhorns. Giving kid’s age got to put money on him and get him.” appropriate tasks and exposure to Hasty spreads his love for and knowledge of Longhorns talking to the cattle can help create a small friends at school and visitors at his family’s ranch. He loves showing bond for your family. Quality time off his Longhorns and telling of their merits, as many of the people can be spent together by simply in his region are not familiar with the breed. He even contacted his looking at cattle or as the kids get County Fair and tried to find a way to enter but they don’t currently older discussing breeding stratehave a class for Longhorns. gies and other cattle related topics. When asked if he sees raising Longhorns as his future, Hasty enThese are memories that you will thusiastically responds, “Definitely, without a doubt, 100% sure.” never forget!” 30 | April 2017


We’re very proud of all our youth! 30 | April 2016


Youth Feature

Youth + Longhorns

32 | April 2017





April 2017 | 33

24 | April 2017



March 2017 | 23




Grab your hats, dust off your boots and head over to Cowtown (Fort Worth, TX) to attend the 30th Longhorn Exposition from June 7-10, 2017 at the historic Will Rogers Coliseum. The 30th Longhorn Expo will feature the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America’s World Show, the National Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow’s Youth Show, and new this year, the Texas Gold Futurity. Once referred to as the National Show, the rules and classes may have changed but the concept remains the same – “the opportunity to compete with the best of the best longhorns.” Over 1,200 invitations will be mailed to World Qualifying exhibitors this year. The entire show circuit year recognized an above average number of exhibitors in the 49 World Qualifying affiliate or major shows. To receive a qualifying invitation an exhibitor must have exhibited and placed in an affiliate or major show. “Exhibitors show year-round to qualify. A lot of time, money and effort goes into these animals,” said Chris Lindsey, chairman of the World Show Steering Committee. Lindsey and his family live in Laurel, MS and travel many miles to numerous shows for their son Tyler to exhibit. “We want to show our support to the youth and the show circuit,” said Lindsey. Lindsey stated some of the best qualities about exhibiting in shows is showcasing your breeding program, meeting new breeders, developing new friendships and quality family time. “It’s important to realize the diversity in the Longhorn breed, it’s a breed that fits everyone’s

desires,” said Lindsey. He recommends “to believe in and feed what you like, but show what you love.” Board Member Kevin Rooker explains the hook, line and sinker of the Longhorn Expo. “When you become a TLBAA member, you hear all about the World Show (aka Longhorn Expo). You really have no idea what the event consists of or why people would talk about it. After you attend your first one you will realize what an awesome event it is and you decide to attend annually.”

Rooker’s daughter Shelby is the current TLBT President. “The World Show is every late night, all the times you skipped going out with your friends to go to a show. World show is sacrificing a new pair of shoes to buy more feed. The whole ride there, all you can think about is what it feels like to be in the ring. The pride that comes with the ribbon, no matter the color. Going to World Show means seeing all your friends, old and new. World Show is everything, the perfect ending to your show story.” The Longhorn Expo is much more than a show. It is a celebration of friendships, breeding programs, hard work and longhorns. It also consists of:


This section of the Longhorn Expo focuses on the future of the breed, our youth - The Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow. The Longhorn Show is host to youth exhibiting females, bulls and steers. Additional activities will include Livestock Judging. Exhibitors will have the chance to compete by judging a heifer, bull and steer class. Gold Merit

36 | April 2017


By Amy Weatherholtz

EXPOSITION: JUNE 7-10, 2017 the breeders of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. Division shows include Haltered, Free, Trophy Steer and Miniature Show.


Futurities seem to be on trend in the Longhorn industry and the World Show Steering Committee added the Texas Gold Futurity for this year. Did you know the Texas Gold Futurity occurred at the first Longhorn Expo and paid out $33,000? Texas Gold Futurity Judges are Felix Serna, John T. Baker and Bob Coffee.


The Photography Contest returns with a new theme this year; your interpretation of “Celebration - Hues of Green”. Green is the recognized color for thirtieth anniversaries.


Graduating seniors can sell and actively market their animal to raise money for their college education at the Senior Heifer Sale.

is a two-part event where exhibitors are requested to keep a record book for the year and give a speech in front of judges. Quiz Bowl will test exhibitor’s knowledge of a variety of questions from agriculture, current news, and random topics. TLBT General Membership Meeting is the perfect time for the youth to get involved with their business meeting as well as election of officers.


This section of the Longhorn Expo focuses on


The Breeders’ Memorial is where we give tribute to those who have passed during the year.


You will not want to miss this celebration. It will be an epic banquet – full of awards, recognitions, and great food.


Be there. Get involved. Be an Exhibitor, Volunteer, Sponsor or Spectator.


April 2017 | 37

56 | April 2017


President’s Message Dear TLBT Members, It’s springtime! The weather gets warmer, the flowers come into season, and our show season gets busier. I do hope you all are keeping up with your grades, and involving yourselves as much as you can in school. It was good to see you all in Houston and Sulfur Springs, and I’m sure I’ll be seeing you at plenty of other spring shows. We are approaching World Show faster than you know it, and I would like to discuss further our World Show Banquet theme. As I said before, the theme is Camo! You are welcome to wear your camo boots, your camo overalls, your camo shirts, your camo pants, your gilly suits, and anything else you deem camo appropriate. However, if you cannot bring yourself to wear all camo, you are certainly allowed to wear whatever you like, just know camo is the name of the game. There will be a prize for the TLBT member wearing the best camo outfit. I would like to remind you guys of a handful of things: • Any TLBT member is welcome to help auction off our Rocking Longhorn Bull that was generously donated to us for the purpose of raising money. Please pick up a packet of raffle tickets from Traci Moore or Patty Mahaffey. The proceeds of this fundraiser will go to Shriner’s Hospital for Children, so every penny counts. •The Officers and Directors desperately need your pictures, so contact us via our email or any of our social media accounts. • SENIORS: At upcoming shows, be sure you are taking advantage of all of the scholarships that the TLBT and affiliates have to offer. It’s very important during this time of year to be aware of opportunities around you. Graduating seniors, take in every moment. It breaks my heart that come August, most of us will be starting a new chapter, and I dread to think about all the wonderful little moments I’ll miss when I’m off in the real world. Just remember as you visit each show, it is the last time you will get to participate there as a youth member. Do your very best, seize the day, because your last show deserves to be the greatest. Those of you who aren’t graduating, make sure that you’re also making the most of every opportunity. You should never regret doing your best.

Shelby Rooker TLBT President

NEBRASKA TLBT UPDATE Conner Scheer, Youth President NTLBT On January 14th 2017 the Nebraska junior members held a meeting in Kearney, NE, at the fire house museum. The junior members covered some new business that went in length of topic. One of the subjects was the showmanship prizes. It was discussed and voted on that we would for the youth showmanship show, for at least the senior, teen, and intermediate showmen grand and reserve, give out belt buckles. Also discussed was that the junior and pee wee showman kids would all get a prize of some type as well as the other kids that weren’t in the top two places. Items brought up were rope halters, show sticks, brushes, bags, etc. This was voted and approved by the members. The other item on the agenda was about a fundraiser for the youth program and the college scholarship fund. I had brought up the idea of selling T-shirts as a fundraiser. I had a sample of an idea of what it could look like. The members voted and thought it was a good idea and for me to move forward on getting more details – Continued on pg 40



April 2017 | 39

TLBT News– Continued from pg 39 and put the T-shirt fundraiser in place. With the help of my dad and a local business that has been working with us on other projects, we have come up with a design that looks nice and will help advertise the NTLA membership as well as its sponsors and their brands and ranches. I have a sample of what it will look like with the additions of your ranch name and brand on the back with the other sponsors around the ghost Longhorn. The T-shirt program will be done in 3 stages. 1st stage: send out order forms on Sponsorships. This consists of filling out the order form with your name of the ranch, brand picture, & mailing address, shirt size, and a check made to NTLA sent to: 11800 South 12th Street Roca, NE 68430 for $40. It must be received by April 21, 2017. (Any brand after this date will not be accepted to be put on the shirt at that time because of time restrictions). That will get you a spot on the T-shirt of your brand and ranch name on the back for advertising. Your ranch will also receive a free T-shirt for your sponsorship. The brand picture must be sent either PDF, or vector art, or copied and scanned and emailed to me or my dad at littlecreeklonghorns@gmail.com. This way we can get them into the printing place for the T-shirts to be made. 2nd stage: There will be a form sent out in the May newsletter for you to fill out for the additional T-shirts you and your family will want to purchase. We will have, in addition to the short sleeve T-shirt, long sleeve T’s and sweatshirt crew and hoodies also. We will have the cost of these items on the order form at that time. The items will only come in one color and the color of choice was black with white lettering. Those forms will be sent or emailed to me or my dad and turned into the company for printing. 3rd stage : I will pick all orders up from the printer. Seperate each order by family bag them and have them ready at the Nebraska State Fair for pick up. Those that are not able to get them at that time will need to make other arrangements for

There’s Still Time to Qualify for the National Youth Show!

pick up. Any questions call Bruce @ 402-427-4124. Results of the National Western Stock show Denver, CO 2017 Their were a few families that represented Nebraska at the stock show this year. We had a wonderful nice warm day for the show. There were people from multiple states represented - Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. The youth judge was Glen West from Thorndale, TX. The Open and Free judge was Joel Dickinson of Barnesville, OH. The Nebraska families represented were, the Anders, Georges, Wieczorek, and the Scheer’s. Results for youth show by name not in any order Anders: Cash: Pee Wee showman - participated / also showed one of our heifers in a class got 5th Ty: Jr showman - 2nd / Jr heifer class received a 1st and a 6th / Reserve Champ senior heifer / bull class received a 1st and 3rd Dalli: Intermediate showman - 1st / Jr heifer class received a 3th and a 4rd / Jr Bull class received 2nd and / Res champion bull Georges: Logan: Pee Wee showman - participated Dylaney: Jr showman 1st / Jr heifer class received a 2nd / 1st on Senior heifer / Champ senior heifer / Jr bull class received 4th Wieczorek: Elia: intermediate showman 2nd / Jr heifer class received a 7th / Jr Bull class received 1st / champion bull Scheer: Conner: Senior showman 1st / Jr heifer class received a 1st , 2nd , and a 5th / Res champ Jr heifer / Reserve Grand Females Bull class received 1st / Champ Sr. Bull / Jr. Steer class received 1st / champ Jr steer / Grand Champ halter Steer youth Results for the open halter show by name not in any order Anders: Jr bulls received a 1st ,4th / Sr bull received 1st / Res champ senior bull; Jr heifers received a 7th ,8th / Senior heifers received a 2nd , 5th / Reserve Champ senior heifer. Damrow: Jr bulls received a 1st , 3rd, / Reserve Champ Jr bull; Jr heifers received a 3rd , 6th / Senior heifer received 2nd / Mature cow received 3rd. Scheer: Sr bull received a 1st/ Champ Senior Bull / Grand Champ Halter Bull; Jr heifers received a 1st , 4th , 5th / Reserve Champ Jr heifer/ Reserve Grand Champ Halter Female There were no Nebraska entries in the non-halter classes.

APRIL 7 • Bayou Classic - Dixie TX Longhorn Assoc. & Ark-La-Tex. West-Cal Arena, Sulphur, LA.


APRIL 21-23 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale Fairgrounds, Rockdale, TX.

Go to www.tlbaa.org/tlbt

Remaining Shows:

LAST CHANCE TO QUALIFY: Amy Weatherholtz will be on site to hand out qualifying letters at the MAY 5-7 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX, For more information on these shows see the calendar on pg.56 40 | April 2017

Just For Fun Why was the chef embarrassed? The answer will be in next month’s TRAILS Magazine!


March’s answer: A “b”.


March 2017 | 23

Affiliates send us your news! Let people know what’s going on in your area and encourage others to join in the fun.

Texas Longhorns at the National Western Stock Show Folks in Denver have talked about “stock show weather” for many decades—how it always brings cold, snowy weather to town during its run each January. Records actually show that weather during the National Western Stock Show is usually pretty nice, but when a storm does hit, it KENNY RICHARDSON seems most often to occur early on, clobbering the Herefords and Angus, PRESIDENT KRICHARDSON21@AOL.COM and when the Texas Longhorns arrive for their show days later, temperatures are mild. That’s what happened again this year during the National Western Texas Longhorn Show held January 20-21 in Denver’s stockyards arena. This was the 111th stock show and for the 12th straight year a parade featuring a Longhorn drive through Denver’s financial district was scheduled to kick off the stock show the first week of January. Unfortunately, that’s when the weather service predicted lots of snow with single-digit temperatures. The parade was cancelled and the weather came in as predicted. That didn’t dampen enthusiasm, however. Next day the Denver Post ran a front-page article and photo of the Longhorns walking down 17th street, heralding the beginning of this year’s National Western. The picture, the Post explained, was simply taken last year. The Longhorn show had 73 entries provided by 15 exhibitors from five states. Exhibitors at this year’s show included: Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, Wildfire Ranch, Colorado Springs; Art and Haley Anders, Crawford, Neb.; Amanda Collins, Tadewald Ranch, Van Tassell, Wyo.; Rodger and Bonnie Damrow, Damrow Longhorns, Roca, Neb.; Norm and Barbara Fillmore, Red Tail Ranch, Elbert, Colorado. Toby Johnson, Big Horn, Wyo.; John and Darlene Nelson, Cloverbloom Ranch, Wellington, Colo.; David and Kimberley Nikodym, Commanders Place Longhorns, Newcastle, Okla.; Scott and Jodie O’Bryan, O’Bryan Arena, Belvidere, S.D.; Ron and Lana Pearson, Windy Point Longhorns, Fowler, Colorado. Marlene Reynolds, Highland Longhorns, Yoder, Colo.; Kenny and Karen Richardson, Fossil Creek Longhorns, Greeley, Colo.; Conner Scheer, Little Creek Longhorns, Arlington, Neb.; Stan Searle and Gary Lake, Silverado Ranch (division of Searle Ranch), Monument, Colo.; and Randy and Marsha Witte, Red Ink Ranch, Peyton, Colorado. A four-color program created by John and Darlene Nelson was said by many to be the best-looking breed program of the entire stock show. The Longhorn show is produced by both the Mountains and Plains Texas Longhorn Association (regional affiliate of Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America) and Mountain States Texas Longhorn Association (regional affiliate of International Texas Longhorn Association). Points can be earned toward both ITLA and TLBAA championships. Glen West judged the youth show and Joel Dickinson the open. Youth Show The show opened with the youth division, which saw Araby Cowgirl CPL (born 5-18-16) emerge as both junior champion and grand champion female. The heifer is owned by David Nikodym and his wife Kimberley, and was shown by their son, Wyatt. Reserve junior champion heifer was Obryan’s Warpaint (born 3-29-16), owned and shown by Conner Scheer. Senior champion heifer was Satillo Cowgal Up (born 3-16-14), owned by Damrow Longhorns and shown by Dylaney Rose Georges. Reserve senior champion was Anders Maple Dust, owned by Art Anders and shown by son Ty Anders. Obryan’s Warpaint was also named reserve grand champion senior heifer. In the bull division, Saltillo Agie Up 67 (born 3-18-16) was named grand champion for the youth division. Saltillo is owned by Damrow Longhorns and was shown by Ella Wieczorek. Saltillo Superman (born 3-11-16) is owned by


42 | April 2017


Art Anders and was shown by Dalli Anders. Grand champion steer was CS Diesel 65, owned and shown by Conner Scheer. In the junior showmanship division, judge West placed Dylaney Georges first, Ty Anders second, Titus Weston third, and Brody Weston fourth. The intermediate went to Dallas Anders first, Ella Weiczorek second, and Cassie Reynolds third. Brother and sister Wyatt and Cheyenne Nikodym shared top honors in the teen 13-15 category, and Conner Scheer took the teen 16-19 class. Haltered Open The haltered open show saw RJL Twenty One Guns named champion haltered junior bull. The bull (born 1-616, by Hunts Command Respect x Hashmark) is owned by David and Kim Nikodym of Newcastle, Oklahoma. Reserve junior champion was Saltillo Super Duty 63 (born 3-10-16, by Super Fast x Saltillo Cowgal IV 031) owned by Bonnie and Rodger Damrow of Roca, Nebraska. CS Captain Crowbar (born 9-5-15, by Crowbar EOT x BH Mirage), owned by Conner Scheer of Arlington, Neb., was named champion senior bull and grand champion haltered bull. Reserve senior and reserve grand champion went to Anders Lord Pete (born 4-21-15, by EOT Dusty’s Titan x Pete 5/2), owned by Art Anders of Crawford, Nebraska. In the haltered heifers classes, Double Caliber won both the junior division and later was named grand champion heifer. Double Caliber (born 3-12-16, by Top Caliber x X-Salsa) is owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake of Monument and Ellicott, Colorado. Tin’s Sweet Pepper (born 5-23-16, by PPF The Tin Man x TF Sittin Sensuous) won both the reserve junior and the reserve grand champion heifer. She’s owned by Conner Scheer. Champion haltered senior heifer was FCL Black Eyed Gypsy (born 3-26-15, by King of Hearts x FCL Gypsy Queen) owned by Kenny and Karen Richardson of Greeley, Colorado. Reserve champion went to Anders Maple Dust (born 4-11-15, by EOT Dusty’s Titan x Anders MW Maple Wish) owned by Art Anders of Crawford, Nebraska. The haltered mature cows classes saw Jamin Dancer (born 3-6-13, by Patriot Games x Shadow Dancer) judged grand champion, while FCL Gypsy Queen (born 4-14-11, by Over Kill x Shy Speaker) was named reserve grand champion. Both cows are owned by Kenny and Karen Richardson. Non-Haltered The non-haltered show was held the following day, beginning with heifers. Champion non-haltered junior heifer was Spit Fire (born 5-2-16, by Patriot Games x Smoking Dot), while reserve went to Holy Moly (born 3-3-16, by Patriot Games x Mighty Molly). Both are owned by Randy and Marsha Witte of Peyton, Colorado. The senior division champion and grand champion non-haltered senior heifer was Reindeer Games (born 3-13-15, by Bar H Jake x Sweet Hussy) owned by Wittes. Reserve grand champion was Windy Point Penelope (born 2-28-14, by Drag Iron x Windy Point Pocahonas Charis ) owned by Ron and Lana Pearson of Fowler, Colorado. Grand champion non-haltered mature cow was Awesome Aspen (born 2-23-12, by Awesome Black Cracker x Awesome Nora) owned by John and Darlene Nelson of Wellington, Colorado. Reserve grand champion was Bar S Emotions (born 3-9-08, by Winchester x Sympatico) owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake of Monument and Ellicott, Colorado. Champion non-haltered bull was Miracle (born 2-12-16, by Hunt’s Mr. Miracle Man x Jake’s Sweet Hussy), owned by Randy and Marsha Witte of Peyton, Colorado. Reserve champion bull was Sundance Cowboy CPL (born 3-10-16, by Hustler 969 x M Arrow Toot Your Horne) owned by David and Kim Nikodym of Newcastle, Oklahoma. Nikodyms were also the winners of the Longhorn Trail Blazer buckle, sponsored by Stan Searle and Gary Lake and the Silverado Ranch at Monument, Colorado. The buckle is to reward and encourage new and even long-time breeders who are working at raising quality Longhorn cattle and are active in the industry. The show provided $5,370 in premiums, plus buckles to grand champions.

We are well into 2017 and expect it to be a great year for us. We operate as the largest affiliate of the TLBAA. We have five officers and twelve directors and usually meet one afternoon early in the month to plan our upcoming events. We have 170 members and our website is www.tlbgca.com. Our mission is to help promote and encourage interest in the Texas Longhorn RICK FRIEDRICH breed. If you are a longhorn breeder or enthusiast in the Houston, Texas PRESIDENT area, please join us. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. RICK@RIVERRANCHLONGHORNS Thank you to everyone that participated, attended, and helped us with the Winchester Futurity and Cattle Baron’s Premier Longhorn Sale. It was a great event and we are already thinking about our next one, The Spring Show. The Spring Show will again be held at Miracle Farm, located near Brenham, Texas. The show dates are May 5-7 2017. This show gets a little bit bigger and bigger every year. With entries and attendance rivaling the World Show, we hope to make it the biggest and best longhorn event of the year. The entry deadline is April 20th and entry forms can be downloaded and printed at www.TLBGCA.com. Please make plans to join us.



April 2017 | 43

Just wanted everyone know we had a wonderful turn out for the San Angelo Stock Show. Two Hundred and sixteen entries and for a nice change, 80 degree weather. The WTLA furnished breakfast burritos on Saturday morning and donuts on Sunday morning. Saturday night after the Youth Points Only show, we had a bar-b-que sandwich dinner. JUDY URBANTKE We also want to let everyone know that our Affiliate will be hosting SECRETARY JUDY@THLONGHORNS.COM the longhorn show at the West Texas State Fair in Abilene, Tx. on September the 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2017. We are really excited to be able to put this show on. James and Paula Wilkins have graciously donated a little heifer for us to raffle off. Raffle tickets will be on sale at the show and you must be present to win so you can take her home with you. We are going to have a “Name the Calf” contest. So, check our web site to see the heifer and enter the contest. Winner of the contest will receive 2 raffle tickets, and the calf will be registered with the winning name. Again, we would like to say thank you for supporting our show and hope to see you at the West Texas Fair and Rodeo in September.



The annual spring sale is scheduled for Saturday April 8, 2017 at the Broken Bow Livestock, Broken Bow, NE. This year a heifer futurity will be added to the sale. The sale catalog will be available online at nebraskatla.com. To request a sale catalog email brdamrow6@aol.com or leave a message at PRESIDENT 402.423.5441. If you can’t attend the sale you can view it and bid online at RODGER DAMROW cattleusa.com. Please be sure to register and get approval before the sale day. 402-423-5441 Sale contacts: Delwin Smeal-402.568.2353 or Rodger Damrow 402.423.5441. The Nebraska youth-N.T.L.B.T.-Nebraska Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow are planning a fund raiser for their youth program. For $40 each sponsor would receive a t shirt with their ranch name and brand on the back of the t shirt. The order form can be found on the nebraskatla.com website. The deadline for ordering is April 21, 2017. You may order additional tshirts. Questions-contact Youth President Conner Scheer @littlecreeklonghorn@gmail. com. For more detail see an article from the youth president-Conner Scheer. A raffle will be held again this year with 25% funds going to the Nebraska youth-N.T.L.B.T.-Nebraska Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow. A heifer calf has been donated by Anders Longhorns and a bull calf by Les and Charlene Lautenschlager. Thank you to these 2 families for their generous donations. 1st place is the heifer and bull calf, 200-2nd place, $100-3rd place, $50-4th place. If you are interested in a ticket call Chelsey Georges 402.580.3140; Chelsey_damrow@hotmail.com or any member of the NTLA or NTLBT. Drawing to be held at the Nebraska State Fair in August. The Nebraska State Fair World Qualifying Shows will be held on the weekend of August 26/27, 2017 in Grand Island, NE. The World Qualifying shows will be held on Saturday-Free Division and Trophy Steers and Sunday Youth and Halter shows. Cattle will be located in the Beef Barn and shown in the Five Points Bank Arena. This year there will only be one set of WQ Shows this year unlike the last 2 years. Show contact: Delwin Smeal 402.568.2353.

WE WANT TO HELP SPREAD THE NEWS ABOUT YOUR LOCAL AFFILIATE’S TEXAS LONGHORN ACTIVITIES. Email your information to Myra at myra@tlbaa.org or call 817-625-6241. Photos will be used as space permits.

44 | April 2017


NEWS On the Trail... Spreading his wings; Young Scout pursues Eagle rank prior to 13th birthday By David Talley | Published Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Wise County Messenger.com As a kindergarten student, Jacob Lowrie attended a Blue Angels air show with his grandfather. Waiting for an autograph after the show, Lowrie spotted a group JACOB LOWRIE of Boy Scouts working Messenger photo by Joe Duty on their aviation merit badges, also waiting to meet with the legendary pilots. “He’s standing in the front row with his grandfather, Jacob’s father, Chris Smith said, recounting a story that’s been told many times. “Jacob says, “Papa, that’s what I’m going to do.’ Papa gets all proud, being ex-Navy and says, ‘you’re going to be a Blue Angel?’ [Jacob] says, ‘no. I’m going to be a Boy Scout.’ “That’s when it started for him.” Just a few years later, Lowrie’s plans are falling into place faster than any member of his family could have predicted. Now just 12 years old, he’s poised to earn his Eagle Scout rank before his next birthday. “He figured that out about six months ago,” Smith said. “He started putting everything in line and realized he would be Eagle eligible on March 9, and then he’d have about 14 days until his birthday. “That’s when he really started hammering on the badges and other requirements.” Lowrie completed his Eagle Scout project at the Wise County Heritage Museum Feb. 11. A crew of 17 scouts spent the day landscaping along the building’s east side, where he said the museum has had past issues with soil erosion, exposed wiring and flooding. The volunteers placed multiple native plants, which Lowrie said should lock down soil without requiring significant maintenance from the museum’s employees. Lowrie is a regular volunteer at the museum where he’s assisted in restoring the historic Woody Cabin on the museum’s grounds, applying locally-sourced mud to the cabin’s slats in order to keep the structure preserved in a historically-accurate way and inside the museum, working on archives. “In third grade, the museum came and talked to us about some of the history in Wise County,” he said. “I liked the history and just started learning more about it and

then I didn’t do much with the group for a few years and then when it was time for the Eagle project, I thought, ‘I want to do something with one of the historic sites.’ I went through all of them and had to figure out what fits the Eagle Scout need because I can’t do everything in town. I went to them and said, ‘what do you need help with?’” Lowrie said he plans to return to the museum after earning his Eagle Scout rank to continue the landscaping project himself. For now, he’s got more work to do. His rank-required troop leadership post will expire March 9. From there, he’ll have to schedule his Eagle Scout board of review, an interview with several Scout leaders, before his 13th birthday March 24. If the interview goes well, Lowrie will emerge with the best birthday present the aspiring Eagle Scout could hope for.

Led by 12-year-old Jacob Lowrie, a group of 17 Boy Scouts performed needed landscaping work at the Wise County Heritage Museum earlier this month. Lowrie is on track to earn his Eagle Scout rank before age 13. Messenger photo by Joe Duty


April 2017 | 45

NEWS On the Trail... Fort Worth Convention & Visitors Bureau Annual Breakfast

Kristin Jaworski, John Wampler, Lindsay Maher, Rebecca Wampler, Amy Weatherholtz, Jim Curry, Larry Barker

Attendees sign a wall with their favorite things to do and the Longhorn Cattle Drive and the Fort Worth Stockyards were common favorites.

The Texas Longhorn Breeders Association was honored to be invited as special guests of the Fort Worth Herd at the Fort Worth CVB Annual Breakfast highlighting the impact of tourism in 2016. This years theme was Things To Do, and one of those things includes visiting the majestic Texas Longhorns of the Fort Worth Herd. Through their educational programs and twice daily cattle drive through the Stockyards, the Fort Worth Herd generated more than $6.7 million worth of media coverage in 2016. We are so thankful to Kristin Jaworski, Trail Boss, and the whole crew for their hard work promoting the Texas Longhorn breed and including the TLBAA at this special event. TLBAA members John and Rebecca Wampler were also special guests of the Fort Worth Herd, having recently donated several steers.

A large crowd was in attendance at the breakfast

Lowrie - continued from pg. 43 Troop leader Andy Kovach said the troop will do everything it can to get the interview scheduled before the 24th. “There’s lots of people in our troop that championed that, so if it’s possible, they’ll definitely try to make it happen,” he said. “It’s exciting to see people that come in that are as excited about Scouts as Jacob is. A lot of times as a Scout leader we have to discern parents from Scouts to see who’s driven. This isn’t coming from the parents.” Smith agreed. “I’m just trying to keep up,” he joked. Kovach said self-motivated Scouts like Lowrie will typically stay with the troop after earning their Eagle rank, and the 12-year-old said he’s already got a plan to keep himself busy after earning the organization’s top honor. By earning just three merit badges a month, Lowrie said he has a clear path to earning the rest of the more than 100 badges available. Scouts are required to earn at least 21 for their Eagle rank. He’ll also take in the organization’s high adventure camps and events, something he’s not currently old enough to participate in. “You have to be 14 for a lot of that The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! stuff,” Lowrie said. “I’ll be an Ea• Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. gle Scout, and I won’t even be old • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting enough to do everything.” • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation With more than five years left to • Vaccinate or deworm cattle enjoy all the organization has to of• Palpation gates fer, Lowrie said he’s also going to • Measure horns W e’ve got dw!hat take the opportunity to slow down • A.I. cows ee n you and learn many of scouting’s indepth skills. “I went in the first week of Boy Scouts and tried to get six merit badges started and they said, ‘wait The Official Chute of the END OF TRAIL RANCH a second.’ www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net TLBAA Horn Showcase “I finally can.”


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46 | April 2017


A New Life for a Special Bull Story and photos submitted by Lisa Pabst Once upon a time in a far away sale barn a bull found himself sold to a kill buyer. The bull knew where he came from and who his parents were. He could remember voices saying “wow, he’s nice!” when he was born. However, he couldn’t figure out what he had done to end up holding a slot on the big, long semi. His ear tag said “OutSpokin’ 3/11/11”. That was all she knew about him – that and he was gorgeous! She looked in his eyes and he had no sparkle left, no joy. He seemed old, at the end of his journey. She asked the sorter when this bull was scheduled to sell. He said the bull had already sold. She felt her heart sink. She had to talk to the buyer and see what she could do. “Excuse me sir.” she squeeked. He turned his attention from the ring to her and raised his eye brows. “Yes?”. She took a deep breathe and thought here it goes. “I understand that you won the longhorn bull. I’m wondering if you would sell him to me?”. He responded with “whatcha want with that?” She held his gaze and waited. Eventually he said “give me a $100 over my purchase price and he’s yours.” They walked to the office and transferred the bull into her name. Everyone thought she was crazy as they loaded the bull into her trailer. He had to turn his head to get his horns to fit through the gates. He moved slowly and with intention. A man came up to her and said “Miss, you have yourself a very nice bull. I was there when he was born and he comes from some of the best stock in the country. Fight hard for this one. If you try you might be able to register him. He’s only 3 years old.” Her heart soared as she watched the man walk away. She knew this bull was special. Now three years later this sale barn bull is finally registered. His name is BSR Super Iron and he is wonderful! His dam is EOT Super Outspokin and his sire is the great Drag Iron. He loves head scratches and back rubs. His eyes are bright and full of life again. His offspring have his wonderful sense and his playfull spirit. One of his coming Angus/Longhorn cross yearlings is going to be a hit at the local county 4-H fair in the fall of 2017. He and our Angus girls are making some delicous, lean, natural, all grass fed beef on our little ranch in South Western Colorado. Blue Spoon Ranch is the crazy home to cattle, horses, goats, sheep, chickens, dogs, cats, and kids. BSR Super Iron is in the center of it all. The story of this gentle giant will live on forever in the hearts of those who love him!

Brian, Mary and Tyler Stahl were recently dropped in on by Former Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end, Brett Keisel (far right). He said he drives by their farm a lot, but just happened to catch them out the day he stopped in. He purchased a farm not too far from them and is thinking of putting some Longhorns and Angus cows on it. Keisel told them he was raised on a ranch in Wyoming where they worked the cows with horses and would have a branding party where they would rope them off their horses. They really enjoyed his visit. Submitted by Mary Stahl.


April 2017 | 47


TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s

Herd Management Guide

SPRING Calving: 1. Weigh your yearling heifers and make necessary culling decisions prior to the start of the breeding season. Make sure that all replacement heifers are weighing at least 65 percent of their mature weight prior to breeding and are exhibiting estrus activity on a regular basis. The post partum interval (interval from calving to first observed estrus) for first– calf heifers is typically 20­–30 days longer than mature cows. Therefore, begin breeding replacement heifers 20–30 days before the rest of the cow herd to allow sufficient time after calving for the heifers to resume estrus activity and join the rest of the cow herd during the breeding season. 2. Continue supplemental feeding as previously recommended. During the first 3–4 months of lactation, nutrient requirements increase substantially. Warm season pasture grasses are dormant until mid–April and provide most of the energy needs, but limited protein, phosphorus and Vitamin A. Sufficient nutrients must be supplied to the lactating females in the form of protein and/or energy supplements as well as mineral and vitamin mixes to meet their nutrient requirements. Feeding 3–4 pounds of a 40 percent CP supplement, 4–6 pounds of a 30 percent CP supplement or 6–8 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement per head per day, should be adequate to meet most protein and energy needs. Choice of appropriate supplement (20 percent CP, 30 percent CP or 40 percent CP) should be based upon cheapest source of protein. Price per pound of protein may be determined by dividing the cost per pound of protein supplement by the percentage of crude protein in the supplement. A source of salt, as well as a good commercial calcium:phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A, should be available on a free choice basis. If your cows are thin in body condition or pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing, then feeding a medium (8–10 percent crude protein) hay free choice plus 2–3 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement daily or approximately 15–20 pounds of a high quality (15–17 percent crude protein) hay per head per day will provide an excellent source of energy and protein for the females. If winter pasture is available, then the females should not need additional energy or protein supplementation. 48 | April 2017

3. After calving and before breeding, vaccinate cows for leptospirosis. Check with your veterinarian concerning vaccination for vibrosis and anaplasmosis. 4. If not done previously, semen evaluate bulls. A standard breeding soundness exam should be conducted on all bulls prior to the start of the breeding season. 5. Complete sire selection and order any semen needed for artificial insemination. Plan ahead to have sufficient breeding bulls to service all females. Mature bulls in single sire pastures should be able to service 30–50 females in a 60– 90 day breeding season. Young yearling bulls can be excellent breeders, but reduce the number Photo courtesy of Larry & Linda Ginn of females per bull to 15– 25 head and limit the breeding season to 60 days. Special attention to maintaining good nutritional condition of the young bulls is needed. Yearling bulls should only run with other yearling bulls in multisire pastures. Older bulls will tend to establish a social dominance over young bulls, creating potential problems. 6. Check spraying equipment, dust bags, etc., and purchase needed chemicals for external parasite control.

FALL Calving: 1. Continue a supplemental feeding program until good spring grass is available and calves are weaned. Lactating cows grazing dormant range grass require approximately 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent range cube or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent range cube daily to meet their protein requirement. If winter pasture is available, forage intake should be sufficient to meet nutrient requirements of lactating females. 2. Vaccinate all heifer calves between four and 10 months of age for brucellosis. 3. As weaning is approaching, consider routine calf management while the calves are still on their dams to reduce stress often associated with weaning. Calves should be vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBR-P13-BVD and de-wormed. Cull bull calves should be castrated prior to weaning. 4. Consider limited creep feeding (16 percent crude protein) for calves, nursing older cows, first-calf heifers, or any calves needing additional nutrition.


IN THE PEN We thank these folks for kindly droppin’ in at the TLBAA office.



1. Leon & Tamera Mixer Circle M Ranch, Arcadia, OK 2. Montie & Vivian Denis-Monzingo Dennis Old Saltillo Farm


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April 2017 | 49


17 13 18

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TLBAA Regions




Canada, New Zealand, Australia

Chairman of the Board: Tom Matott • (303) 500-9465

Secretary/Parliamentarian: Alex Dees • (805) 300-4617

Executive Vice Chairman: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035

Treasurer: Mark Hubbell • (269) 838-3083

1st Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (785) 562-6665

Director: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493

2nd Vice Chairman: David “Nik” Nikodym • (405) 227-7127

Director: Tony Mangold • (830) 237-5024



At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Mark Hubbell

Keith DuBose

Jim Rombeck

(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com

(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com

(785) 562-6665 jl.rombeck@outlook.com

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Ken Morris

John Parmley

David “Nik” Nikodym Region 13 - Director

(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@gmail.com

(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com

(405) 227-7127 bardies@hotmail.com

Region 1 - Director

Region 7 - Director

Jeff Jespersen

Cody Himmelreich

Region 2 - Director

Region 8 - Director

Region 14 - Director

Nelson Hearn

Kevin Rooker

Todd McKnight

(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com

(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com

(303) 775-2034 hi5longhorns@att.net

(817) 692-7843 krooker@centurylink.net

L.D. McIntyre

(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com

(620) 704-3493 tmck7@ckt.net

Region 3 - Director

Region9 - Director

Region 15 Director

Tom Smith

Russell Fairchild

David Edwards

(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com

(254) 485-3434 fairchildranch@yahoo.com

(918) 557-0364 dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com

Region 4 - Director

Region 10 - Director

Region 16 - Director

Aaron Adkins

Sandi Nordhausen

Tom Matott

(704) 490-9208 doublealonghorns@gmail.com

(512) 750-1350 sandi.nordhausen@gmail.com

(303) 500-9465 tom@rockymountainlonghorns.com

Region 5 - Director

Region 11 - Director

Region 17 - Director

Terry King

Stephen Head

Alex Dees

(850) 299-6875 tklonghorns@centurylink.net

(979) 549-5270 headshorns@hotmail.com

(805) 300-4617 atdees@aol.com

Region 6 - Director

Region 12 - Director

Region 18 - Director

Kathy Kittler

Tony Mangold

Chris Herron

(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967 Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969 J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971 Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973 James Warren 1973-1975 J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977 J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978 John R. Ball* 1979-1980

50 | April 2017

Bill Anthony* 1981-1982 Dr. L.V. Baker 1982-1984 Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark 1984-1986 Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988 John T. Baker 1988-1990 Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992

(830) 237-5024 tmangold@sbcglobal.net

Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995 Tim Miller* 1995-1998 Sherman Boyles 1998-2003 Bob Moore* 2003-2005 Joel Lemley 2006-2007 Ben Gravett* 2007

Dr. Fritz Moeller 2007-2009 Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010 Robert Richey 2010 Steven Zunker 2010-2011 Brent Bolen 2011-2012 Bernard Lankford 2012-2013 Todd McKnight 2013-2016


(909) 721-7577 chris@herronconstructioninc.com

TLBAA EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 semkinlonghorns@mindspring.com Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 doublehelix@att.net Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 fserna@elcoyote.com John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 jtb2@earthlink.net Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com









MONTANA Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. 817-625-6241


April 2017 | 51









Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information.

817-625-6241 www.tlbaa.org 52 | April 2017





Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. 817-625-6241

Find all the information and forms you need at



April 2017 | 53





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OLIVER LONGHORNS www.oliverlonghorns.com

Cattle for Sale “To God Be The Glory”



Beaver creek longhorns - Check our new website with “Super Sales” and herd-reduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK 580-765-9961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com

BUTLER HEIFERS A select few yearlings and bred two year olds FOR SALE NOW! Our herd has been closed to outside genetics for over a decade. The very best Butler quality available in the breed.

Robert King at 210-827-6700 or rking6700@gmail.com

Bob King Ranches LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains

918-855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK


March Winds....

cheerfully blow in the continuing good facts that surround the Flying D Ranches reputation for top quality, gentle, healthy Texas Longhorn Cattle... • Our new SPRING TIME SPECIAL will highlight beautiful trophy steers that will become unforgettable front pasture traffic stoppers. • Also for sale: Females, Cow/Calf Pairs, Heifers and Future Herd Sires The Longhorn life just gets better!! Call or visit…we have outstanding bulls, cows, heifers and steers for sale at reasonable prices. Please call any of us to schedule a visit to each ranch. We love to talk Longhorns! Cattle always available at all times. Reasonable prices. For information or to schedule a tour at either of our ranch locations, please call: Dorie Damuth - Flying D Longhorn Ranch 40206 Community Rd. • Magnolia, TX 77354 281-356-8167 • fax: 281-356-2751 dorie27@sbcglobal.net • www.damuthflyingdranch.com

THATE Cattle Company

Your source for big-horned cattle in the North— utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota


Small Registered Longhorn Herd For Sale 1 Bull, 6 Cows, 1 Bull Calf, 1 Heifer Calf Call 409-382-3096 for more information.

Quality HEIFERS & HERD SIRE PROSPECTS FOR SALE- I have a LARGE herd, so you have lots of variety to pick from! Located approx. 20 mi. off the EAST TEXAS line in Louisiana just below Shreveport. Lots of Hunts Command Respect, McGill Breeding, some ZD Kelly and Grand Slam, etc. Good cows, good babies. I specialize in bulls and am a partner in RIP SAW who now measures 83 1/2” TTT and is a gorgeous color. Several of his heifers and sons for sale.

Dora Thompson Tel 318-872-6329

echoofambush@aol.com•www.sandhillsranch.com Great genetics. I enjoy meeting and working with new breeders. Also have a large STRAIGHT BUTLER herd.

Realestate 778 Acres – Great for cattle or hunting. Native grasses. 5 ponds (one spring fed) two good water wells. Great fencing. Two small corrals. Metal shop (50x60, 2 silos, storm cellar. 3 br. home w/1920’ sf built in 1983. Central Heat and Air (2) Fireplaces in den. Built in appl’s. lots of cabinets. Lg. master br. w/lg. master ba. w/jet tub. Wrap around porch. Park like setting w/lots of beautiful oak trees & flower beds. Home is very secluded Grady, Ok. (S. of Ringling) $1,522,500. Linda Weber Realty, Inc: 580-226-8777 www.lwrealtyinc.com

Trade & Barter TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breed’s top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days 512-454-0476 / Weekends 830-644-2380.

Scott Damuth, Legal Counsel • Shery Damuth, Vineyard Consultant sdamuth@damuthlaw.com • Gun Barrel City, TX Law office: 903-887-0088 • Fax: 903-887-2925 Scott Cell: 214-546-3681 • Shery Cell: 940-393-0991

54 | April 2017



FMB Land & Cattle LLC Custom Hauling...Shows....Sales 8ft wide Trailer for Longhorn Care Ron Bailey 254.534.1886 Rodney Brown 682.220.8501

ADVERTISING INDEX —A— Anderson, Frank Jr. and III...........................9 Apex Invitational Bull Sale..........................25 Arch Acres..................................................... 51 Arrowhead Cattle Comapny.....................25 Astera Meadows..........................................52 Autobahn......................................................41 —B— Bar H Ranch.................................................. 51 Beadle Land & Cattle..............................9, 51 Big Valley Longhorns.................................. 51 Billingsley Longhorns.................................52 Blue Ridge Sale..............................................5 Bright Futures Scholarship........................39 BTP Longhorns..............................................9 Buckhorn Cattle Co....................................52 Butler Listings.................................................9 —C— Caballo Bravo Longhorns.......................... 51 Cattle Baron’s Sale and Futirty..................19 Cedarview Ranch........................................ 51 Champion Genetics................................... 49 Chaparral Cattle Co.................................... 31 Champion Longhorns................................34 Christa Cattle Co...........................................9 Cliffhanger Genetics...................................10 Crown B Ranch............................................23 —D— Dalgood Longhorns......................................8 Dameron, Dr. Zech...................................IBC DCCI Equipment........................................ 49 Diamond Q Longhorns..............................52 Dickinson Cattle Co...................................BC DK Longhorn Ranch................................... 51 Double A Longhorns..................................52 —E— El Coyote Ranch............................................ 1 Elah Valley Longhorns................................ 51 End of Trail Ranch....................................... 51 —F— Falls Creek Longhorns..................................9 Flying Diamond Ranch............................... 51 Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction...29 —H— Harrell Ranch............................................. IFC Helm Cattle Co............................................52 Hickman Longhorns...................................52 Husky Branding Irons................................ 49 —I— ITTLA Trail of Tears Futurity.......................22 —J— J.T. Wehring Family Ranch........................52 Jack Mountain Ranch............................. 9,52 —K— King, Terry & Tammy................................... 51

Kittler Land & Cattle.................................... 51 —L— Lazy JH Ranch.............................................25 Lightning Longhorns..................................52 Little Ace Cattle Co....................................... 9 LL Longhorns................................................. 9 Lodge Creek Longhorns............................ 51 Lone Wolf Ranch.........................................52 Longhorn Sale Pen......................................49 Lucas Ranch................................................. 51 — M— McGuire Land & Cattle...............................52 McLeod Ranch............................................... 9 Middlecreek Farms...................................... 14 Midwest Sale................................................ 17 Millennium Futurity............................... 12-13 Morgan, Rusty..............................................34 Moriah Farms...............................................52 —N — North Texas Longhorn Breeders.............. 31 Northbrook Cattle Company....................52 —O— O’Bryan, Scotty............................................34 —P— P & C Cattle Pens........................................47 Parsons, Jaycee........................................... 31 —R— Rafter D Ranch.............................................45 Red McCombs Texas.................................. 17 Red River Longhorn Sale...........................22 Rio Vista Ranch..............................................9 Rockin Hil Longhorns................................. 51 Rockin I Longhorns.....................................52 Rocking P Longhorns...................................9 Rocky Mountain Longhorns..................... 51 Rolling D Ranch........................................... 51 Rolling Horns Ranch...................................23 Rooker, Shelby............................................. 31 Running Arrow Longhorns....................... 49 —S— Sabio, Justin................................................. 31 Safari B Ranch..............................................52 Sand Hills Ranch...................................... 7, 51 Schaper, Chris..............................................34 Singing Coyote Ranch...............................52 Split Rock Cedar Ranch...........................IBC SS Longhorns...............................................52 Stotts Hideaway Ranch..............................52 Struthoff Ranches of Texas.......................52 —T— Texas Mid-Year Blowout Sale..................IBC Thate Cattle Co.............................................9 TLBAA TX Gold Futurity............................. 38 TLBAA World Show.............................. 24, 35 Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame...................24



Send us your photo with a funny caption included!

If your photo is chosen to appear in a future issue of Trails Magazine, you will receive TLBAA Merchandise free! Photos cannot be returned.

Send your photo with caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Myra, • P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or myra@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Photo may be used in a future issue due to number of responses

“Stand still Mom, I will protect you!” Thanks to Col David & Margaret Underwood, Harrison, AR for their photo submission! Tomey Farms................................................ 15 Triple R Ranch (TX)........................................9 TS Adcock Longhorns................................53 —V — Vinson, Josh................................................. 31 —W — Walker, Ron...................................................53 Wannaba Ranch...........................................53 Westfarms Inc................................................9 Wichita Fence Company.......................... 46

UPCOMING ISSUES: May: Brood Cow Edition June: Pasture Management and Nutrition July: Longhorn Beef April 2017 | 55

SAVE THE DATE APRIL 2017 APRIL 7 • Bayou Classic - Dixie TX Longhorn Assoc. & Ark-La-Tex. West-Cal Arena, Sulphur, LA. Chris Lindsey 601-319-8296 or clindsey04@yahoo.com. Qualifying Free, Haltered and Youth and Points Only. APRIL 8 • Nebraska TLA Spring Sale, Broken Bow, NE. Consignment deadline Feb. 25th. Contacts: President Rodger Damrow (402) 423-5441, Vice President Delwin Smeal 402-568-2353. APRIL 8-9 • Blue Ridge Ranch Sale, Llano, TX. Bubba Bollier 325-247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com APRIL 21-23 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale Fairgrounds, Rockdale, TX. Entry Deadline is April 11, 2017. Co-hosts Sandi Nordhausen sandi.nordhausen@gmail.com or 512-898-2401 or Merrilou Russell - crose@cactusroselonghorns.com or (361) 781-4221. Qualifying Haltered, Youth & Youth Points Only (x2) APRIL 22 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield Livestock Auction, Winfield, KS. Joel Lemley 325-668-3552.

MAY 2017 MAY 5-6 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX. Alan & Teresa Sparger, 210-445-8798 or dodgeram52@yahoo.com. www.redmccombslonghorns.com. MAY 5-7 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX, Stephen Head 979-549-5270, headshorns@hotmail.com. Qualifying Haltered & Youth. MAY 11-14 • Millennium Futurity, Red River Livestock Auction, Overbrook, OK. Christy Randolph 713-703-8458 or lpinesranch@aol.com. MAY 26-27 • Red River Longhorn Sale & ITTLA Futurity, Marietta, OK. Rick Friedrich 713-305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. Rob Van Liew 405-420-1728 or vanliewranch@gmail.com

JUNE 2017 JUNE 8-11 • 30th Longhorn Expo TLBAA World Show, National TLBT Show & Texas Gold Futurity, Will Rogers Coliseum, Fort Worth, TX. Entry Deadline is May 5, 2017. (817) 625-6241. Qualifying Free, Haltered, Youth. NQ Trophy Steers & Miniatures. Texas Gold Futurity. Banquet June 8 - TLBT National Youth Show Texas Gold Futurity

June 9 - World Show Free Division & Trophy Steers June 10 - World Show - Open Division, World Show Banquet

JUNE 10 • Fey Longhorns Consignment Sale, Yamhill, OR Daniel Fey 503.349.7866/daniel@feylonghorns.com or Angelina Fey 503.537.8962/ angelinapike@yahoo.com JUNE 14-18 • Autobahn Youth Tour presents the Diann Chase Longhorn Scholarship Expo, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker 817-988-6110, lbarker@abahn.com or www.autobahnyouthtour.com. JUNE 17 • Texas Mid-Year Blowout Sale, West Livestock Auction Barn, West, TX. Hosted by Mike MacLeod & Dr. Zech Dameron. Contact Russell Fairchild 254-485-3434 JUNE 23-24 • Winchester Futurity of the North, JaeBird Performance Ranch, Bellevue, MI. Mark Hubbell 269-838-3083, hubbelllonghorns@ aol.com. www.winchesterfuturitynorth.com

AUGUST 2017 AUGUST 5 • Deschutes County Fair, Deschutes County Expo Center, Redmond, OR. Entry Deadline June 14th. Tamara Kuntz 541-280-1645 or tamaroo300@gmail.com. Qualifying Free, Youth

56 | April 2017


Coming Events

AUGUST 12-13 • Alberta Texas Longhorn Association 35th Anniversary Celebration Field Day & Show to be held at Ron Walkers Ranch, Redcliff AB 403-528-0200. AUGUST 19 • Marquess Arrow Ranch Elite Heifer Sale, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron Marquess (903) 570-5199 or maranch@aol.com.

SEPTEMBER 2017 SEPTEMBER 2 • Butler Breeder’s Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety 985-674-6492 or Michael McLeod 361-771-5355. SEPTEMBER 2-3 • Sanders County Fair Longhorn Show, Sander County Fairground, Plains, MT. Entry Deadline Aug. 10th. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 8-9 • Hill Country Heritage Longhorn Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Rick Friedrich 713-305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. Joel Lemley 325-668-3552 or jlem@camalott.com SEPT 8-10 West Texas Fair & Rodeo, West Texas Longhorn Association, Abilene, TX. Entry Deadline August 22nd. Catherine Morris, www. morriscatran@taylorel.net or 325-829-9219. Qualified Haltered, Free, Trophy Steers, Points Only, Miniatures, & Youth. Please send online entries to www.taylorcountyexpocenter.com. SEPTEMBER 9 • Spokane Interstate Fair Longhorn Show, Spokane Fairground, Spokane Valley, WA. Entry Deadline Aug. 15th. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. QualifyingHaltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 15-16 • Elite Futurity, Enid, OK. L.D. McIntyre 308-750-8384, tejas@mcintyreranches.com. Kevin Bryant (580) 254-1864, cactus254@gmail.com. Joe Dowling 979-271-0277, dowlingjoe@yahoo.com SEPTEMBER 22-23 • Fort Worth Stockyards Sale, Fort Worth, TX. Contact Lorinda Valentine, panthercreekranch@att.net or 270-996-7046. SEPTEMBER 25 • Central Washington Fair Longhorn Show, Central Washington Fairgrounds, Yakima, WA. Entry Deadline Sept. 1st. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 29-OCT 1 • East Texas State Fair, East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Entry Deadline Aug. 28th. John & Brenda Oliver, joliver210@ yahoo.com or 972-268-0083. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPTEMBER 29-OCT 1 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measurings, Locations will be announced as they are confirmed. SEPTEMBER 30 • Central Washington Fair Longhorn Show, Central Washington Fairgrounds, Yakima, WA. Entry Deadline Sept. 1st. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth.

OCTOBER 2017 OCTOBER 5-8 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Lawton, OK. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org October 6 - Horn Showcase Heifer Sale October 7 - Horn Showcase Sale OCTOBER 11 • Nile Livestock Longhorn Show, Metra Park, Billings, MT. Entry Deadline Sept. 1st online through the Nile. Toby Johnson, 307-674-4691. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth.

NOVEMBER 2017 NOVEMBER 18 • Texas Longhorn Production, Consignment & Ranch Horse Fall Select Sale. Crossroads Centre, Oyen AB. Ron Walker 403548-6684 or cell 403-528-0200 walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com www.walkerslonghorns.com.



April 2017 | 9

Clear Win

sires more over 87" T2T sons in less time, at a younger age, than any over 87" bull in history.

Clear Win sires huge beef

thickness, strong bone and Championship show conformation. Don't give up on size, disposition, and thickness just for long pencil horn — go for all of the value virtues with the Clear Win family. Put it all in your herd!

Clear Win – 87.25" t2t, age 7, Semen $100.

Clear Point – 89.06" t2t, age 4, Semen $200.

Clear Point, bronze win-

ner of all categories in every measuring event entered. Slap a study on this hunk of genetics and think of the profit that could be coming your way. At DCC his progeny are leading in gain and T2T against major famous sires. (One owner semen from 86 sires available.)

Clear as a Whistle shows the rapid early horn growth of Clear Win steers. When years and inches and size matter, Clear Win is the strong genetic bundle to use on smaller more fragile cattle families. Watch for this family at the shows - the ones with small heads and large hips.

Clear as a Whistle – steer, 92.25" t2t, age 4, no semen yet.

D ICKINSON CATTLE CO LLC 35000 Muskrat tt Barnesville, Ohio 43713 740 758 5050  information@texaslonghorn.com  www.texaslonghorn.com

"Raising registered Texas Longhorns since 1967 - it's our 50th anniversary year." TEXAS LONGHORN TRAILS

22 | December 2016

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