Texas Longhorn Trails

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Texas Longhorn Trails

December 2010


Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails (817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org http://www.tlbaa.org

VOL. 22 NO. 9


Staff Editor in Chief: Brenda Cantrell • Ext. 104 brenda@tlbaa.org

Contributing Editors: Carolyn Hunter cghunter@hughes.net

Henry L. King


Advertising: Carolyn Hunter • (254) 697-2060 Office cghunter@hughes.net

Rick Fritsche •

Ext. 107



Special Reports:

Horn Showcase Results Total Horn ..............................30-38 Tip-To-Tip ..............................41-50 Composite................................53-59 Twisty Horn ..................................60

Longhorn Weekend Update....................14 By-Laws Changes ....................................18 Trich Changes..........................................76 Bill Anthony Memoriam By Stan Searle......................................76

Feature Articles:


Why Miniature Longhorns?... Why Not! By Eric J. Redecker ............70 Trace Minerals By Heather Smith Thomas....................74

Sales, Shows & Tours: Horn Showcase Sale Results ....................62

About the Cover:

Chairman Letter ..................................6 In The Pen..........................................72 Herd Management ............................78 Movers & Shakers ..............................80 Affiliate News ....................................82 Dams of Merit/Distinction ................84 News on the Trail ..............................85 Calendar of Events ............................92

Hunter Mc69 is owned in partnership between McLeod Ranch and Westfarms. Every so many years there are genetic break throughs that spring board our industry forward. These genetic breaks pave the way for future generations. This month’s cover features the official longest horned 100% Butler bull, Hunter Mc69. His stats are as follows: a Composite score of 190.25", 84"TH, 75" TTT, and 16" bases. Hunter Mc69 has achieved these measurements as a young four year old. As breeders, we realize that while having a big horned bull is definitely something to be proud of, it is not all that matters. Along with his horns, he is a big bodied bull that is extremely gentle and an easy keeper. University studies have shown docility to be a genetic trait and a trait to breed for. Hunter Mc69 has a tremendous pedigree that is packed with consistent proven producers. Many of the greats whose names have stood the test of time are found in Hunter's pedigree. The famous Classic/Rose Red Cross, Monarch 103, Ace's Mojo, Mesquite 634, VJ Tommie, FM Graves 102, Plum Jelly, White Dot, and VJ Curly's Girl can all be found in Hunter's heritage. Along with these great cattle, we have to mention his dam and grand dam, as we believe these two animals to be the source of Hunter's success. Both of these cows are over 70" TTT. His grand dam on the top side, Jackie Lynn 2686, is a very majestic cow and an immediate stand out in the herd. Hunter's dam, Jackie Lynn 90, is a completely amazing cow. Wonderful in her own right, she has also been a very consistent producer of top quality cattle. Four of her daughters are over 67" TTT and one is a full sister to Hunter Mc69 that has 74" TTT. Even with all of the credentials of, big horns, gentleness, and pedigree, the greatness of a bull is determined by his offspring. Hunter Mc69 has not disappointed us. His calves are deep bodied and correct. They are showing excellent horn growth, tip to tip and base. Hunter's calves have been some of the best we have ever raised. For this reason, we are in the process of collecting semen and having him AI certified. If you have any questions or just want to talk cows, please feel free to call Michael McLeod (361-771-5355) or Matt Westmoreland (985-515-3172).


Graphic Design & Production Laura Standley, Art Director • Ext. 105 laura@tlbaa.org

Myra Basham •

Ext. 108

Multi-Media Designer/Photographer Coral Bucy • Ext. 109 coral@tlbaa.org

Regional Correspondents Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee Bonnie Damrow • Roca, Nebraska Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado Rebecca Moeller • Socorro, New Mexico Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma

The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $60 per year; foreign per year $75. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.

“We reach every TLBAA member”

Deadline: January 2011 deadline is December 1st.

Printed in the USA

Texas Longhorn Trails

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Established 1964 2315 N. Main St. #402 Fort Worth, TX 76164 (817) 625-6241 • FAX (817) 625-1388 E-mail: tlbaa@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org

Executive Committee Chairman of the Board: Steven Zunker • (210) 827-3940 Executive Vice Chairman: Charlie Buenger • (254) 749-7811 1st Vice Chairman: Lana Hightower • (903) 963-7442 2nd Vice Chairman: Doc Hyder • (352) 567-2555 Secretary: Theo Kocian • (361) 798-0073 Treasurer: Dr. Darlene Aldridge • (979) 272-3600 Director: Randy Briscoe • (405) 375-3090 Director: Steve Quary • (405) 567-3093

Division B Regions 7-12

Division C Regions 13-18

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Doc Hyder

Lana Hightower

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Dora Thompson

Darlene Aldridge, D.V.M.

Region 1 - Director

Region 7 - Director

Ron Walker

Donnie Taylor

Division A Regions 1-6

(352) 567-2555 k&dcattle@embarqmail.com

(318) 872-6329 or (318) 871-6160 echoofambush@aol.com

(403) 548-6684 Region 2 - Director

Mark Stuck

(540) 752-6831 bcrstuck@hotmail.com Region 3 - Director

Scott Simmons

(618) 729-2004 ssimmons@copeplastics.com Region 4 - Director

Carl R. Brantley

Special Events: Kim Barfield, Sale Asst. • Ext. 119 Pam Galloway, Show Asst. • Ext. 106

(979) 272-3600 darlene@starcreekranch.com

(936) 422-3155 longhorn4t@msn.com Region 8 - Director

Kerry Mounce (214) 675-9317 kerry@los-inc.com

Region 9 - Director

Robert Richey (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com

Region 10 - Director

Charlie Buenger

(336) 667-5452 TLBAA.Region4Director@yahoo.com

(254) 749-7811 buengeroc@grandecom.net

Region 5 - Director

Region 11 - Director

Terry King

Office Staff

(903) 963-7442 glcattleco@aol.com

(850) 956-4154 tklonghorns@centurylink.net Region 6 - Director

Gene Juranka

(337) 328-7258 longhorn@camtel.net

Theo Kocian

(361) 798-0073 tskr11@yahoo.com Region 12 - Director

Steven Zunker

Steve Quary

(405) 567-3093 At-Large Director

Rich Spooner

(580) 320-4441 oxbowranch.spooner@yahoo.com Region 13 - Director

Vacant Region 14 - Director

Jim Rombeck

(785) 799-3712 jrombeck@yahoo.com Region 15 Director

Randy Briscoe (405) 375-3090 Kingrjj@aol.com

Region 16 - Director

Doug Hunt

(435) 275-2112 ddlonghorns@hotmail.com Region 17 - Director

Terry Fuhriman

(208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com Region 18 - Director

Ray Beadle

(408) 656-6266 raybeadle@templeinland.com

(210) 827-3940 stevenzunker@msn.com

Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 Financial Services: Dawn LeBlanc • Ext. 121

TLBAA BREED ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman: Dr. Bob Kropp Oklahoma State University

Dr. Harlan Ritchie

Dr. Charles McPeake

Michigan State University

University of Georgia

Dr. Bill Able

Dr. Scott Schaake

Northwestern Oklahoma University

Kansas State University

Marshall Ruble Iowa State University

Dr. Randall Grooms TAES Texas A&M University


Past Presidents & Chairmen of the Board CHARLES SCHREINER III*






















GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995




1964-1967 1967-1969 1969-1971 1971-1973 1973-1975 1975-1977


December 2010



1981-1982 1982-1984 1984-1986 1986-1988


1998-2003 2003-2005 2006-2007 2007-2007




From the Chairman of the Board Dear TLBAA Members: During the holiday season, I tend to reflect and count my abundant blessings. These blessings include friends and family along with the good fortune of being able to raise beautiful Texas Longhorn cattle and being a part of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. However, as we are all aware, in this challenging economic period, we must aggressively continue to promote the breed and market our Texas Longhorn cattle. We need to work together as a team, for the common good of the breed. The time to start making plans to attend the Annual Membership Meeting is now! The Fort Worth area is hosting the NFL Super Bowl this year, so it is best to plan ahead. The Affiliate President’s meeting will be at 8:00 A.M. Friday, January 14, 2011, followed by the Annual Membership Meeting at 10:00 A.M. The By-Laws Committee submitted recommended By-Laws changes that will be voted on at the Annual Membership Meeting. The TLBAA End of the Year banquet will be held that evening. Members are encouraged to make nominations for the Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award, Elmer Parker Lifetime Achievement Award, Jack Phillips Award and the Mel Raley Rising Star Award. Each month I look forward to reading the Affiliate news in the Trails magazine. It was great to see the report from the Australia affiliate and I look forward to all TLBAA affiliates sending in news and happenings to share with members everywhere. I have also enjoyed reading the TLBT reports and commend them for stepping forward to showcase TLBAA members serving in the Armed Forces. They are also selling “Stars and Stripes and Old Country Nights” bandanas, with profits being given to the American Red Cross to benefit our soldiers. Currently the Division C, Region 13 Director position is vacant. This covers the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa. I feel this position needs to be filled in the very near future so the TLBAA members of these states have a voice on the Board. The position can be filled by an appointment from the Board. If you reside in this Region and would be willing to make a commitment to serve on the Board, please let it be known. In addition, the Division B (Texas) Elections are currently going on and I encourage everyone in Division B to return their ballots which are scheduled to be sent out in early December. I am optimistic about the upcoming year. As we all know, our Texas Longhorn cattle have so much to offer. I believe that more producers will begin to recognize the economic advantages of the breed - highly maternal cows and bulls that are always ready to work. With cohesive member involvement and support, your TLBAA can and should be the industry leader. As the new TLBAA registry system comes on line, we will be able to streamline the registry process and provide greater access to information for our members. Recognizing the importance of communication, the TLBAA established the Committee on Affiliate Relations to help bridge the gap from the Board to the Affiliates and individual members. The Lean Beef Committee is working towards better ways to market our beef and recently participated with a group that obtained a Certified Longhorn Beef label from the USDA. The framework is built and improvements continue to be made. Get involved in a positive way! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday season and I wish you a successful 2011 calving season. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year,

Steven Zunker TLBAA Chairman of the Board

Sponsored by

Imus Ranch A Working Cattle Ranch for Kids With Cancer Ribera, New Mexico Provided by Don Imus/Deirdre Imus


Texas Longhorn Trails

Darlene Aldridge, DVM • John Parmley Proud Member of the TLBAA

8405 FM 1361 • Somerville, TX 77879 979-272-3600 home • 281-541-1200 cell www.starcreekranch.com • darlene@starcreekranch.com


Texas Longhorn Trails

Make plans to attend… The 2011 TLBAA General Membership Meeting, Premier Heifer Sale and Fort Worth Livestock Show Events Polish your boots and grab your hat, then head to Fort Worth from January 14-18 for a TLBAA event extravaganza, filled with exciting Texas Longhorn fun. On Friday, January 14 at 10 am at the Radisson Fort Worth Fossil Creek, the 2011 TLBAA General Membership Meeting will take place and later in the evening at 6 pm is the Hall of Fame Awards Reception, followed by the Annual Awards Banquet. The Radisson has generously offered a reduced rate of $85 for TLBAA members. Reserve your room today, before they are all gone by calling 817/625-9911. Not much time for rest, because you’ll want to get up early on Saturday and make your way to Will Rogers Complex to get a first look at some of the finest heifers in the Longhorn industry that were selected for the TLBAA Premier Heifer Sale. Get your seat saver and bid number, because you’re going to want a good view and a chance to bid on these outstanding Longhorn heifers. No need to go home yet, Longhorns will be showing off at the Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo at the Will Rogers Complex. The Longhorn Show begins on January 17 with the Youth Show and resumes the next day, January 18 for Open Show. There’s only one place for a Longhorn lover to be in January and that’s Fort Worth! (See Save the Date calendar on page 92 for specific times on all events.

Special Awards Given by TLBAA Elmer Parker Lifetime Award Lifetime Devotion to the Texas Longhorn Breed and Its Breeders Elmer Parker was a longtime employee and manager of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Longhorn herd. Parker joined the staff at the Refuge in 1946, learning from the previous Longhorn managers: Earl Drummond, Heck Schrader and Joe Bill Lee. In 1968, he took over the responsibilities of the Longhorns at the Refuge and continued until his retirement in 1981. Thus, the continuity of Longhorn expertise at the Refuge continued for more than half a century. The Parker Brown color designation on Longhorn registrations was named after Elmer Parker – the dark brown, almost black color, with a lighter dorsal stripe, was one of his favorite colors. Past Recipients of the Elmer Parker Award 1987 J.G. “Jack” Phillips 1988 Dave Evans 1989 J.W. Isaacs 1990 Charles Schreiner III 1991 Eddie Wood 1992 F.M. “Blackie” Graves 1993 Dan. O. Coates 1994 Leonard Stiles 1995 Johnnie Hoffman 1996 Walter B. Scott 1997 Col. Fraser West 1998 Linda Moore/Harvey Rasmussen 1999 Owen McGill 2000 Charlene Semkin 2001 Dan W. Coates 2002 Bob Moore 2003 Tim Miller 2004 T.M. Smith 2005 H.C. Carter 2006 Sherman Boyles 2007 Harvey Rassmussen 2008 Dr. Bob Kropp 2009 Michael McLeod


The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award Perpetuation and Promotion of the Texas Longhorn Breed A native Texan, Dave Evans entered the Texas Longhorn industry in 1977, establishing the Yellow Pine Ranch at Cuchara, CO. He and his wife, Billicarole, quickly became enthusiastic about the breed and additional ranches were purchased to supplement the original ranch. Evans served on the Board of Directors of both the TLBAA and the Mountains & Plains Texas Longhorn Association. He also served terms as TLBAA Vice-President. He was a founding partner and host of the Colorado National Texas Longhorn Sale, a record-breaking event when it started in 1981, which continued to be one of the industry’s major events for many years. From the start, Evans realized the necessity of using the best bulls available in the breed in order to develop a top herd. His goal was to breed for consistent size as well as correctness and outstanding horns. He purchased Texas Ranger JR in 1980, and then Dixie Rebel and Major Investment. In 1986, Evans acquired CT Spoty Ruler, the bull he considered to be the best he’d ever owned. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. It is therefore a significant honor to be a recipient of this award, named in honor of this dedicated Longhorn breeder. Past Recipients of the Dave Evans Award 1982 Babs & Chico Wright 1998 Shady W Ranch 1983 Jack Montgomery 1999 Bob Coffee 1984 Red McCombs 2000 John & Christy Randolph 1985 Ray Moore 2001 Ben Gravett 1986 Al Micallef 2002 Bob Loomis 1987 Glen W. Lewis 2003 John & Diann Chase 1988 Dave Evans 2004 Mike Bowman 1989 Jerry & Martha Gillespie 2005 Johnnie Robinson 1990 Bob & Linda Moore 2006 Robert and Kim Richey 1991 Dr. Joseph Graham 2007 Doug Hunt 1992 Dr. L.V. Baker 2008 Kaso Kety 1993 Johnnie Hoffman 2009 Jimmy Jones 1994 Wayne Rumley, Wes & Carrie Hill Dora Thompson 1995 W.O. & Patti Marquess 1996 El Coyote Ranch 1997 John T. Baker Texas Longhorn Trails

CALLING FOR NOMINATIONS FOR AWARDS! All members of the TLBAA are encouraged to send nominations by email to awards@tlbaa.org. Nominations should be in written format with reasons on how/why the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. All nominees are to be active TLBAA members, in good standing. Email nominations to awards@tlbaa.org. If unable to email, you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office and it will be forwarded to the Awards Committee. Deadline to submit nominations is December 20, 2010.

Jack Phillips Award The Jack Phillips Award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. The award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition. – Affiliate Presidents to request nominations from their members. All members of the TLBAA are encouraged to send nominations. Nominations should be in written format with reasons on how/why the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. All nominees are to be active TLBAA members, in good standing.

Mel Raley Rising Star Mel Raley will always be remembered as a shining star for the TLBAA

because of his ability to share his vast knowledge of the Longhorn breed with new members. This special recognition is awarded to those who have been a member for less than five years and through involvement and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed.

Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Dave Evans was an enthusiastic breeder of Texas Longhorns, who served the TLBAA in many capacities. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. In his honor, this award is given to individuals who have dedicated themselves to the betterment of the Texas Longhorn through their breeding program.

Elmer Parker Lifetime Achievement Award Elmer Parker was a livestock handler and technician at the Wichita Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma for many years and he played an important part in the history of the Longhorn breed. In recognition for Parker’s diligent contribution of sharing his knowledge over a period of several years, and for his concern for accuracy and sincerity in the breeding of Texas Longhorns, this award honors those members, who have been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Longhorn breed, qualities that Parker was known for.

Affiliate Presidents Meeting will be held on January 14, beginning at 8 am at the Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek. Show Committee Meeting will be held at 10 am on January 18 at the Will Rogers Complex in Barn 4 upstairs.

2011 Premier Heifer Sale

There will be 78 “premier” heifers up for bid at the 2011 Premier Heifer Sale on Saturday, January 15. Some of the finest breeders in the industry have selected their best to showcase their breeding programs and to offer you a chance to enhance your herd. This once a year sale is a can’t miss event. We would like to extend our thanks to Donnie and Marilynn Taylor, 4T Longhorns, Huntington, TX and Darin and Dawn Divinia, Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX for sponsoring the Premier Sale T-shirts this year. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Kim Barfield at 817/625-6241 or kim@tlbaa.org.

December 2010

Southwesten Exposition and Rodeo Fort Worth, TX, Will Rogers Complex

TLBT Youth Show Monday, January 17 at 9 am

Open Show Tuesday, January 18 at 5 pm We would like to recognize Trigg and Traci Moore, Hico, TX, for representing the TLBAA as the Superintendents for the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Trigg and Traci are amazing members of the TLBAA and always step up to the plate to help us when we need it. Thanks Trigg and Traci.


Give your breeding program Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, California (408) 656-6266 Fax: (408) 356-7383 e-mail: raybeadle@templeinland.com

Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940 www.boxzranch.com

Buckhorn Cattle Company - Buck & Sharon Adams 110 N. Broad, Guthrie, OK 73044 www.buckhorncattle.com (405) 260-1942 • (405) 282-9800

Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers

3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, Florida 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail: ancopa5@yahoo.com

Falls Creek Longhorns - Stanley & Sandi Tidwell 2330 W. FM 875, Midlothian, TX 76065 Contact Russell Hooks - (409) 381-0616 Herd Manager/Consultant e-mail: russellh@longhornroundup.com

Kent & Sandy Harrell

15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 www.harrellranch.com • e-mail: Kent@harrellranch.com

Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail: ketyfolsom@aol.com

Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 e-mail: bpotts1@verizon.net

Rafter H Longhorns - Kenn Harding, Tammy Tiner & Laura Harding 200 Pershing Ave., College Station, TX 77840 (979) 777-5256 e-mail: rafter-h@rafter-h-longhorns.com

Rio Vista Ranch – Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com

Shamrock Land & Cattle LLC - Gary, Patric & McKenna Donovan P.O. Box 374, Mt. Hood, OR 97041 e-mail: butlerlonghorns@yahoo.com (541) 490-4681

Westfarms Inc. – Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 795-1539 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: lwestmoreland.ees@wpsb.org

a boost with Butler genetics! 446 Ranch - Lonnie Shan & Raymond Cruthis 7303 CR 446 • Thorndale, TX 76577 (512) 269-9037 e-mail: CR446Ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com/Breeders/shan.html

Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com

Concho Ranch - Tony & Judy Cain 707 S. David St • San Angelo, TX 76903 (325) 657-0707 • (325) 650-4676 e-mail: tcconchoranch@hotmail.com

DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail: dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com

4T Longhorns - Donnie & Marilyn Taylor 2038 Marshall Ivy Rd., Huntington, TX 75949 (936) 422-3155 • Cell (936) 414-1401 e-mail: longhorn4t@msn.com • www.4tlonghorns.com

Krazy K Longhorns – Theo & Gail Kocian Hallettsville, TX • (361) 798-6774 www.krazyklonghorns.com e-mail: gail@krazyklonghorns.com

Bob & Pam Loomis - Loomis Longhorns Rt. 1 Box 673 • Marietta, OK 73448 (580) 276-9265 • Fax (580) 276-3049 e-mail: loomis20@juno.com

Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 781-3215 e-mail: dayamisrockingranch@yahoo.com

Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com

Stanley Cattle Co. - David Stanley 3435 Talbert Ranch Rd., China Spring, TX 76633 (254) 836-4223 • (254) 722-9606 www.StanleyCattleCo.com e-mail: david@stanleycattleco.com

Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467

Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail: r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com

The following are By-Laws changes proposed by the TLBAA By-Laws Committee in an effort to clarify the understanding of the By-Laws. These changes were approved by the Board of Directors on October 16, 2010 and must be confirmed by a majority vote of the members voting in person at the regular annual meeting of the Association on January 14, 2011 in Ft. Worth. Section 3. - Meeting of Board of Directors The meeting for the organization of the Board of Directors shall take place as soon as is practical after the election of the Board of Directors and before the election of the officers at which time the board shall ascertain that the Directors elected are qualified to serve as required by the By-laws. The first order of business is to install new Directors, the second order of business is to elect new Officers and those committees deemed necessary for the functions of the Board. The past Chairman of the Board and the Secretary of the Association shall serve in their capacity until the current Chairman of The Board and Secretary is elected. Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board upon notice given to each Director. The Chairman of the Board shall call a special meeting of the Board upon being called upon to do so by the majority of the Board of Directors (only the subject of the emergency shall be discussed during the teleconference). Notice of special meetings shall be given by notifying each Director either in person, mail, fax or email at least 24-hours before such meeting. A majority of the whole number of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Recommendations: The section in parentheses (above) shall be changed to read “(only the subject of the called special meeting may be discussed).” The final sentence of this section to be amended as follows: “A majority of the entire number of seated Directors, not including vacancies, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.”

Section 6. Vacancies (to be amended as follows.) Recommendation: “Vacancies on the Officers and Board of Directors of the Association shall be filled by the Board of Directors with a quali-


fied member in good standing, and such person or persons so chosen shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor and until a successor is elected and qualified.”

Section 7. - Executive Committee There is hereby created an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman of the Board, Executive ViceChairman, First-Vice Chairman, Second Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two (2) Directors selected annually by election from the Board of Directors. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Chairman of the Board when in his judgment the business of the Association requires. The Executive Committee shall possess and exercise all the powers of the full Board of Directors during recess thereof, and shall report to the Board of Directors any action taken by it. Recommendation: Section 7. Executive Committee shall be amended as follows: “The Executive Committee shall present any findings or recommendations to the entire Board for their consideration.”

ARTICLE VI EXPULSION If any member of this Association shall be accused of any misrepresentation, deception or fraud in relation to the registry of animals in the Herd Registry, or of any infraction of Charter, Constitution or By-laws of the Association or any act or conduct which may endanger the good order, welfare or credit of the Association, the Board of Directors shall require that the charge or charges be reduced to a writer affidavit form. If this is done, the Board shall cause the accused member to be given written notice of such charges, with a copy of them, and shall fix a time and place reasonable and convenient to the accused member at which the charges are to be heard by a quorum of the Board, giving him at least 30 days notice thereof. At such hearing, the accuser may present evidence supporting his accusation, and the accused member

shall have the right to dispute such evidence, to cross-examine any witnesses presented, and to produce evidence in refutation of the charges, which shall be subject to cross-examination by the accuser. The proceeding shall be informal and common-law rules of evidence need not be observed; however, there shall be received as evidence only such matters as ordinarily prudent business people are willing to rely on in the conduct of their affairs. Witnesses shall testify under oath or affirmation; and all statements made at the hearing shall be privileged. By joining the Association, each member agrees that all witnesses and participants in such a hearing shall be immune from any civil action whatever in the nature of libel, slander, invasion of privacy, defamation, or product disparagement for statements made in the course of preparation for or at the hearing. The proceeding shall be recorded and the record of them shall be preserved in the files of the Association. If in the opinion of a majority of the Board members conducting the hearing, the charges shall be established by a preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing; the accused member shall be expelled or suspended for such a period of time as specified by the Board. Recommendation: In the first sentence in Article VI : “reduced to a writer affidavit form” shall be replaced with “reduced to writing in affidavit form.”

Division B, Texas Regions:

Article IV. Section 2. B. The Board of Directors may from time to time amend or alter the boundaries of stated Regions … Some counties are out of place in the list and this should be corrected so that all counties are within contiguous geographic area by Region. Recommendation: Correct Texas counties to reflect geographical region, this would not change the boundary lines only place the counties within the appropriate region. See Listing of Counties to be correct on next page. Texas Longhorn Trails

San Patricio County shows to be in Region 7 and it should be in Region 12 San Saba County shows to be in Region 12 and should be in Region 9 Shelby County shows to be in Region 9 and should be in Region 7 Sherman County shows to be in Region 7 and should be in Region 9 Smith County shows to be in Region 9 and should be in Region 7 Somervell County shows to be in Region 7 and should be in Region 10 Starr County shows to be in Region 10 and it should be in Region 12 Stephens County shows to be in Region 12 and should be in Region 9


Additionally MOORIS COUNTY (as typed on the sheet) should be MORRIS COUNTY.



ARK-LA-TEX Sand Hills Ranch Brings you calves by


BOLEN LONGHORNS Brent and Cindy, Jace and Ellie Bolen Lufkin, TX • (936) 639-6590 www.bolenlonghorns.com

Mostly big-based, SH Rocky Blue look-alikes. Dora Thompson 318-872-6329 echoofambush@aol.com www.sandhillsranch.com

Valentine DOB: 2/14/09 A daughter of Maximus



B&N Farms, LLC * Shreveport, LA * bnfarms.tripod.com Bob and Neal Mottet * 318.465.5500

Stormy Lee’s 2010 Calf Crop Rocking S Longhorns • Fred & Ann Smith (936) 275-7908 • San Augustine, TX • f_smith1753@sbcglobal.net

Longhorn Breeders Association Thank you to everyone who participated in our Ark-La-Tex shows this year. South Texas State Fair - Beaumont, TX Halloween Show - Lufkin, TX Louisiana State Fair, Shreveport, LA

DuBose Bar D ranch 5 Generations of Raising Registered Texas Longhorn Cattle Billie DuBose, Keith & Tina DuBose Crockett, Texas (979) 277-2161 email dubosetina@yahoo.com

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From Dora and the gang at SAND HILLS RANCH From Rip Saw, by Sittin Bull & Bull Whip, by Top Caliber, owned with Donnie & Marilyn Taylor

And King Pin, by Hunts Command Respect, and the other great cattle.

King Pin is owned by Dora

Thanks to everyone who bought, sold and traded cattle at the ranch. We definitely enjoyed meeting and visiting with you. I’ve enjoyed working with the TLBAA Board of Directors… What a dedicated group they are! Thanks to the TLBAA staff for all they do for us members. Thanks to McGill Ranch for allowing us to own some of their Great Cattle (Mr. McGill, Johnny and Linda).

A very Merry Christmas from SAND HILLS RANCH and Dora Thompson, Mansfield, LA 318-872-6329 echoofambush@aol.com


Come visit and we’ll talk cows and more cows… July 2010


6. Woodstone Private Edition 04/17/09 Sire: Private Edition Dam: Woodstone Delta Dawn Breeder: Dean L. or Mary P. Horkey Owner: Aubrey Pigg, Collinsville, AL

FEMALES – TOTAL HORN Division I — OCT. 31, 2009 – NOV. 1, 2008


7. Hubbell's Rio Beauty II 04/18/09 51.88" Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells Miss Favorite Beauty Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI

Division I - Class D 1. Crimson Star Reward 05/09/09 53.50" Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: Crimson Star Revealed Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX

Division I - Class A 1. Riverforks Pearl Jam 10/30/09 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Foxfire's Pearl Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, Westville, FL


8. SDR Fantoms Altha 04/03/09 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: JP Grand Altha 2 Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI


9. SDR Fantoms Cinnamon 04/19/09 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: SDR Rios Cinnamon Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI


2. Cherry Jewel 05/07/09 53.00" Sire: EOT Cherrypicker's Legend Dam: Diamond Hunter Breeder: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Owner: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins, Rockwall, TX 3. DNA Calamity's Shadow 05/01/09 43.00" Sire: DNA Sombrah's Shadow Dam: SBR Wm's Callamity Breeder: Don & Andrea Bordelon Owner: Don & Andrea Bordelon, Lott, TX

Division I - Class F 1. Wiregrass Magnolia 09 03/05/09 57.31" Sire: Wiregrass Phenomenon #2 Dam: Wiregrass Magnolia 45/6 Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Joe Graddy, Cottonwood, AL

Division I - Class B 1. STR Fancy Pia 09/18/09 Sire: High Sierra Star Dam: STR Wide Boom's Fancy Breeder: Rusty & Sonia Newton Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX

Division I - Class E 1. RR Red Clover Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: Clover Breeder: JBR Longhorns Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX

Division I - Class C 1. 4Wind Liberty 08/04/09 Sire: AC/Phenominal Grass Dam: Hickory Chic ST Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, Prospect, TN


2. Rose's Overalls TCB 08/10/09 Sire: JH Ringo Jim Dam: Rutledge's Red Rose Breeder: Tom & Cay Billingsley Owner: Tom & Cay Billingsley, Lufkin, TX



2. Hunts Respected Elly 03/18/09 46.94" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Roundup's Brown Sugar Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT




2. M.C. Billie Jean 04/12/09 Sire: M.C. Super Rex Dam: M. C. Bailey Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


3. Whistling Bandita BCB 04/19/09 Sire: Bandera Chex Dam: Whistle Me Dixie Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


4. El Laid Back Lady 04/16/09 Sire: Watson 211 Lay Back Jack Dam: Cassandra YS Breeder: Vicki L. Bondon Owner: Ethan & Ashley Loos, Columbus, IL


5. CR Sage Hen 04/29/09 Sire: JBM Powerful Sterling Dam: Donna Dode RK64 Breeder: Terry & Ernie Noey Owner: Alexandra Dees, Harper, OR


3. TF Sittin Sensuous 03/01/09 Sire: Sittin Bull Dam: PCC Sensuous Breeder: Nicholas S. Mitchell Owner: J. W. Mitchell Co LLC, Irvine, CA


Division I - Class G 1. Westfarms Anderia 4/9 02/06/09 Sire: JBR Cash Dam: Anderia Leigh Breeder: Westfarms Inc Owner: Westfarms Inc, Franklinton, LA


Texas Longhorn Trails

2. K.C. Merrilee 02/03/09 Sire: Hunts Duplicate Copy Dam: K.C. Jubilee Breeder: Kent & Christine Bladen Owner: Kent & Christine Bladen, West Jordan, UT


4. 4G Julio's Sailor 06/02/08 Sire: Julio's Leyenda ECR Dam: 4G Elizabeth Sailor Breeder: Kerry & Nancee Mounce Owner: Kerry & Nancee Mounce, Anna, TX


5. WPR Futurity Bound 06/12/08 Sire: Nitrous Oxide Dam: WPR Wild Eyed Suzy Breeder: Scott Hughes Owner: Straight Arrow Cattle Co, Divernon, IL


Division II - Class A

Division I - Class H 1. Surrounded By Stars 01/01/09 Sire: Star Marker Dam: Lundins Ava Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


1. Promise Me A Star 10/02/08 Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: Stars Pure Light Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


1. RRR Miss Hot Stuff 868 09/05/08 Sire: Roundup Dam: Cahills Hot Franci Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: Triple R Ranch, Horton, MI


Division II - Class D

2. J5 Rightous Beauty 01/23/09 49.00" Sire: Crowns Evening Breeze Dam: J 5 Crown's Beauty Breeder: J5 Longhorns Owner: J5 Longhorns, Molalla, OR

1. Fantom Ring BCB 05/20/08 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: Ringa Dinger Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


2. Illini Cha-Ching 84 05/09/08 Sire: JBR Cash Dam: Mi Tierra G110 Breeder: Marlon & Edwina Scroggins Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX


Division II - Class B 1. LC Martha White 07/03/08 Sire: LC Bladen Dam: DL Bold Diamond Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Bill and Jo Le'AN, Humansville, MO

Division I - Class I 1. Sugar Fix BCB 11/01/08 Sire: Watson 167 Dam: Fancy Work Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX



Division II - Class E

2. Hunts Tari's Della Rose 11/14/08 57.56" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Tari Graves FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division II — OCT. 31, 2008 – NOV. 1, 2007 Division II - Class C

1. Star Sighting 04/29/08 Sire: Dark Star Chex Dam: Rutledge's Miss Dotty Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


2. WS Starlight Sire: Tejas Star Dam: WS Star Bright Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, Lowell, MI



1. M.C. Awesome Grace 06/09/08 Sire: M.C. Super Rex Dam: J. R. Gleesome Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


3. RCR Sebastians Racie 04/21/08 Sire: Sebastian Dam: Racie Breeder: Rolling Creek Ranch Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


2. TF Tabasco's Boomzawe 37 06/20/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: J. W. Mitchell Co LLC, Irvine, CA


4. D/O Miss Grande 04/18/08 Sire: J.R. Grand Slam Dam: D/O Miss K.C. Star Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX


3. Hunts Respected Katy 2 06/10/08 65.81" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Bolt Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT December 2010


2. SHR Lucky Penny 12/22/07 Sire: Feisty Lee Jr Dam: Melva Leigh Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


3. ACC Tiffany 04/24/07 Sire: MD Seneca Diamond Dam: Cloud Waltzer Breeder: Craig Perez Owner: Vincent T. Girolamo, Jacksboro, TX


3. Pacific Thanksgiving 11/22/07 Sire: Shadow's Reflection Dam: Pacific Martha Breeder: Michael Casey Owner: K & T Longhorns, Rusk, TX


4. Hubbell's Field of Dreams 07/21/07 Sire: Julio's Thunder Dam: Field of Forget Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: The Double JB Ranch, Stockbridge, MI


Division III — OCT. 31, 2008 – NOV. 1, 2007 Division II - Class F 1. K.C. Affinity 03/08/08 Sire: LC Bladen Dam: K. C. Harmony Breeder: Kent & Christine Bladen Owner: Kent & Christine Bladen, West Jordan, UT


2. Lezawe EOT 8E1 02/21/08 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Tabasco's Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


3. Marshall Patsy 02/28/08 Sire: JP Grand Marshall Dam: Queen Annie Breeder: Crossed T's Cattle Company Owner: Vincent T. Girolamo, Jacksboro, TX


Division III - Class C

Division III - Class A

Division II - Class G 1. PPF Mimosa 01/26/08 Sire: PPF Gun Maker Dam: GF Scarlet Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


2. Rosa Leigh 218 01/16/08 Sire: ZD Kelly Dam: Hot Shot Cartiar Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Vida Nueva Ranch, Somerville, TX


1. Sara Bess BCB 10/20/07 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: Rutledges Sarasee Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Tom & Cay Billingsley, Lufkin, TX


2. WS Spectrum 08/07/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: WS Rainbow Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, Lowell, MI


3. HR Slam's Rose 09/04/07 Sire: J.R. Grand Slam Dam: LLL Rosemary Breeder: Mike McClanahan Owner: Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK


4. Double Respect 10/13/07 68.00" Sire: Hunts Most Respected Dam: HL Incredible Respect Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Marion M. Woolie, Houston, TX

Division III - Class B

Division II - Class H 1. Westfarms Pepper 39/7 12/07/07 Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: Anderia Leigh Breeder: Westfarms Inc Owner: Westfarms Inc, Franklinton, LA



1. Vanilla Milkshake 03/20/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Sugar and Spice 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, Peru, IN


2. TCC Daisy 03/29/07 Sire: TG Flash Dam: EOT Juniper Breeder: Bill & Judy Meridith Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS


3. TCC Rio Amazing Hope 02/18/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Golden Bow Amazing Grace Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, Crawford, TX


4. Rafter B Rodeo Star 01/04/07 Sire: Hunts Super Expectation Dam: Sahara Breeder: Boyd & Judy Bambrough Owner: Boyd & Judy Bambrough, Taylor, UT


Division IV — OCT. 31, 2006 – NOV. 1, 2005

Division IV - Class A

1. Grande Perfection SL 07/14/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Lethal Street Breeder: Keith Spears Owner: Keith Spears, Sterling Heights, MI


2. EOT Super Grande 733 05/15/07 Sire: TDJ Super Hero Dam: SO Red Grande Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


1. Clover 09/21/06 Sire: American Star Dam: Cinnamon Spice Breeder: Clarence A. Lacy Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


Texas Longhorn Trails

3. RM Touch N Whirl Pat 04/22/05 91.63" Sire: Touchdown of RM Dam: RM Miss Whirlwind Breeder: Red Mc Combs Ranches of TX Owner: Crumpton/Cunningham Partnership, Hillsboro, TX

1. LLL Gun Smoke's Tizzy 05/15/04 Sire: Gun Smoke Dam: J.R. Tazz Breeder: Lazy L Longhorns Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


4. EOT Kanstars Rose 04/18/05 Sire: EOT Kanstar 906 Dam: Lively Hot Rose Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Rolling Creek Ranch, Iredell, TX

2. EOT Outback Beauty 04/08/04 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Southwind 8/21 Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS


3. ASOCL Burning Desire 04/13/04 Sire: EOT Outback Hot Shot Dam: GF G-Whiz Breeder: Kay L. Roush Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX



Division IV - Class C 1. EOT Outback Cherry 01/10/06 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: WPR Cherry Point Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS


2. Riverfork Queen of Club 02/23/06 Sire: King of Clubs Dam: Horseshoe J Acclaim Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, Westville, FL


4. Hunts Luck Be A Lady 05/19/04 86.00" Sire: Hunts Demands Respect Dam: Hunts Hot Shot Deigo Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division VI — OCT. 31, 2001 – NOV. 1, 200 Division V - Class B 1. TCC Smokey Donna 11/03/04 Sire: Gun Smoke Dam: TCC Com Deanna Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, Crawford, TX


Division VI - Class A Division IV - Class D 1. Feisty Leigh Too CF10 11/09/05 91.88" Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Marquess-Mosser Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX

Division V — OCT. 31, 2005 – NOV. 1, 2003

Division V - Class C

1. Ringa Dinger 09/30/03 Sire: Rutledge's Dinger Dam: GF Haley Hitter Breeder: Luke Rutledge Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX




1. Easterlys Brite Star 06/11/04 Sire: Windstar BW 12 Dam: Delta Brite Breeder: Bruce Easterly Owner: Bruce Easterly, Denham Springs, LA


2. Eileen Feisty Leigh CF2 07/09/03 Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX

2. Pecosa's Patricia 08/23/04 Sire: Calpat's Cordero Dam: Tarman's Pecosa Breeder: Teresa R Castillo Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


3. HL Overtaken 02/02/03 Sire: American Blues Dam: Overtakes Vote Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Jordan Ranch, Ardmore, OK

3. Hunts Respected Lexi 07/30/04 88.13" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Who Empress Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division V - Class A 1. ECR Coach's Choice 03/03/05 Sire: Refuge Chex Dam: Silver Choice Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


2. EOT Outback Classy Darma 05/28/05 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: High Noon's Princess Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


Division VI - Class B 1. ECR Vixen's Heiress 212 03/02/02 Sire: Don Julio Dam: Delta Vixen Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


Division V - Class D December 2010


2. Coopers 167 Lamb 09/01/02 Sire: Watson 167 Dam: Cooper's Little Lamb Breeder: Ray or Jenny Cooper Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX



3. Wiregrass Laura 03/04/02 93.13" Sire: Wiregrass Phenomenon Dam: Horse Head Heart Stopper Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX

Division VII — NOV. 30, 2000 & BEFORE

Division VII - Class C

Division VII - Class A 1. Julio's Princess 957 10/24/99 Sire: Don Julio Dam: Sterling Princess Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


2. Silver Star 015 03/11/00 Sire: JK Sterling 262 Dam: Delta Starstruck Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


Division I — OCT. 31, 2009 – NOV. 1, 2008

1. Sunrise Hope 02/08/95 Sire: L The Investor Dam: L Remarkable Hope Breeder: Tommy Hope Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


2. Creekmore's Awsome 01/28/96 Sire: JK Creekmore Dam: Ace's Gypsy Breeder: Dale Hunt Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


Division I - Class A 1. Coco Chex 07/05/09 Sire: JP Grand Chex Dam: JH Cocos Tabasco Breeder: Christy Randolph Owner: Thurmond Longhorns, Adkins, TX


Division I - Class B Division VII - Class D

Division VII - Class B

1. Delta Vixen 02/12/93 Sire: Emperor Dam: Delta Sissie Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


2. Delta Carol 02/11/92 Sire: Emperor Dam: Ace's Toast Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX



3. Horseshoe J Sensible 03/21/93 Sire: Senator Dam: D Bar D Miss Sierra Sue Breeder: Jimmy L Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL


1. Silver Choice 11/08/98 Sire: JK Sterling 262 Dam: Delta Disco Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


4. Day's Feisty Fannie 05/08/93 Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Ron & Barbara Marquess, Ben Wheeler, TX


2. Tari's Transition 12/08/98 Sire: Dixie Thunder Dam: Tari Graves FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX 3. High Hopes 749 03/30/97 Sire: CK Super Dixie Dam: Hoping for Style Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


4. Working Woman 03/15/97 Sire: CK Super Dixie Dam: L Easy Woman Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX



Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins, Crawford, TX

1. 4Wind Rising Tide 05/21/09 Sire: Hitters Little Rugrat Dam: 4Wind Absolutly Wired Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, Prospect, TN


2. BS Beauty Maker 05/02/09 53.63" Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: Cheyeanes Beauty BW 23/3 Breeder: Rolling Hills Ranch Owner: Bow & Sylvia Carpenter, San Antonio, TX 3. Hunts Spend a Buck 05/20/09 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Spacious Sky Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT


Division I - Class C 1. DDR Rio Ranger 04/20/09 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: FL Rio Maxine Breeder: Wayne Forister Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


Texas Longhorn Trails

2. One Star Command 04/02/09 54.00" Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: FCF Freedom Rings Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, San Benito, TX 3. LC Whiskey 03/27/09 53.13" Sire: LC Bladen Dam: Fancy Reward Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Le'AN-Nading Partnership, Humansville, MO

Division I - Class F 1. Dragar EOT 42/8 11/23/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Gloria Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

Division II - Class C 64.00"

Division II — OCT. 31, 2008 – NOV. 1, 2007

Division I - Class D 1. AL Supe 02/01/09 Sire: Pharoah 501 Dam: Saucy Breeder: Don Anderson Owner: Brinks Longhorns, Frederick OK


2. WF Checkers 02/25/09 Sire: Cowboy Chex Dam: Whiz Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Sather Family LLC, Marietta, OK


Division II - Class D

3. WS Cupid 02/02/09 52.25" Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: WS Forget Me Not Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: River Bottom Ranch Longhorns, Bingham, IL

Division II - Class A 1. Rio Grande Chex 09/28/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Night Safari BL833 Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Loomis/Friedrich Partnership, Marietta, OK


2. Gold Dust 34 09/26/08 65.38" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Golden Reflection Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Briscoe-Quary Partnership, Kingfisher, OK 3. Top Dog 10/07/08 Sire: JH Ringo Jim Dam: BRR Bella Padua Breeder: Richard & Donna Stengel Owner: Devin Overdorf, Lufkin, TX

Division I - Class E


1. M.C. Big Ben 04/15/08 Sire: M. C. Super Rex Dam: M. C. Bailey Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


2. El Dorado ECR 04/22/08 Sire: Golden Julio ECR Dam: ECR Classic Impression Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


3. DQ Brazos 04/22/08 Sire: Brazos Chex Dam: Katherine 021 Breeder: Buckhorn Cattle Co Owner: Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, Prague, OK


4. C-T's Respected Best 04/13/08 70.13" Sire: Hunts Respected American Dam: Molly Hunts Best Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, Saint George, UT

1. BZB Huckleberry 12/11/08 64.88" Sire: SR Madden 552 Dam: SR Hollywood Colmena 622 Breeder: Struthoff Ranch Owner: Brown's Longhorns, Boerne, TX 2. BL Rio 12/19/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: BL Hugs N Kisses Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Bernard Lankford, Weatherford, TX

1. Hunts Grand Command 06/18/08 76.75" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Brand Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt/Helm Partnership, Saint George, UT

5. Hubbells Rio Fantom 04/13/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells Fantomsprincess Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark & Tammey Stuck, Sumerduck, VA


60.50" Jimmy Jones, Greenville, AL

Division II - Class B 1. Auze EOT 38/8 08/05/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Cherry Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS December 2010



Division II - Class H Division II - Class E

Division III - Class C

1. M Arrow Tequilla Sunrise 03/15/08 84.50" Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Day's Feisty Fannie Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess-Miller Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX 2. Extractor 03/13/08 81.69" Sire: Hunts Demands Respect 2 Dam: 7-11 Plum Perty Breeder: Craig, Cel and Rietta Iverson Owner: Craig, Cel and Rietta Iverson, Sidney, MT 3. Shadow's Command Respect 03/11/08 Sire: Mcgills-Respect Dam: Crown's Classic Beauty Breeder: Michael & Tracie Winger Owner: Joel & Tamara Kuntz, Bend, OR


1. Concealed Weapon 11/18/07 Sire: Sharpshooter 542 Dam: Horseshoe J Example Breeder: Jimmy L Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL


2. TCC Boomer Quest 12/09/07 Sire: HL Boomerman Dam: BH River Quest Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Rockin M Ranch, Como, TX


Division III — OCT. 31, 2007 – NOV. 1, 2006

1. Totem Pole 02/07/07 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hay Hook Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Steve & Rene Azinger, Houston, TX


2. Mr Poco Bueno Chex 01/19/07 Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: LCR Buena Joya Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Jordan Ranch, Inc., Ardmore, OK


3. ASOCL Unstopabull Emperor 01/06/07 80.63" Sire: ASOCL Unstopabull Chex Dam: ASOCL Deigo's Lady Empress Breeder: Kay L. Roush Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX

Division III - Class A Division II - Class F 1. Gene Lee 02/02/08 Sire: Feisty Lee Jr Dam: LLL Gun Smoke's Tizzy Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


2. WF Commando 02/29/08 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Chopstick Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK


1. Sweet Chex 783 09/13/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: BL Sweetcheeks Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


Division III - Class D 1. CWR Envader Sire: PCC Envader Dam: LLL Smokey Breeder: Lazy L Longhorns Owner: Alexandra Dees, Harper, OR



Division IV — OCT. 31, 2006 – NOV. 1, 2005

Division III - Class B 1. Hot Shot's Chief 05/15/07 88.88" Sire: Hot Shots Guru Dam: SL Dreams Breeder: Heart Ache Cattle Co Owner: McDonald/Collins Partnership, Kingsville, TX

Division II - Class G 1. Rip Saw 01/30/08 Sire: Sittin Bull Dam: Jigsaw 500 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, Huntington, TX



Division IV - Class A 1. Cadillac 55 10/26/06 Sire: GR Grand Unlimited Dam: BL Raggedy Ann Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


Texas Longhorn Trails

Division V — OCT. 31, 2005 – NOV. 1, 2003

Division IV - Class B

Division V - Class A

1. Boss 601 05/24/06 90.38" Sire: Konza Dam: ASOCL Hot Shot Babe Breeder: D & T Ranch Owner: McDonald/Collins Partnership, Kingsville, TX

Division V - Class D 1. Tom Cat 10/19/05 Sire: Juisache Dam: YO Whirling Cat 4156 Breeder: Bow Carpenter Owner: Bolen/Taylor Partnership, Lukfin, TX

91.00" 1. Sebastian 09/09/04 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Tabasco's Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Roger & Connie Greer, Iredell, TX

2. Hunter MC 69 07/07/06 84.00" Sire: Festus MC 27 Dam: Jackie Lynn 90 Breeder: Michael Mc Leod Owner: Westfarms/McLeod Partnership, Franklinton, LA 3. Hunts Lasting Respect 05/30/06 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Huntsjupiternatili Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Phillips/Hunt Partnership, Colleyville, TX

Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX



Division V - Class B Division V - Class E 1. LC Bladen 04/04/05 92.00" Sire: Hunts Demands Respect Dam: CWR Windchime Breeder: Kent and Christine Bladen Owner: Bladen/Le’AN Partnership, Humansville, MO

Division IV - Class C 1. Respect Me 03/13/06 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Latte 34 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: Hunt/Briscoe Partnership, Saint George, UT


2. M Arrow Wow 02/20/06 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Slick's Little Star Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess/Stotts Partnership, Van, TX


2. Super Crux 04/07/05 Sire: Super Bowl Dam: Tux ' N Gun Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co Owner: Marion M. Woolie, Houston, TX


3. J.R. Blue Rendezvous 06/02/05 Sire: J.R. Rendezvous Dam: Peek A Blue Breeder: Janet Maxwell & Ron Price Owner: Kathy Kittler, Carlisle, AR


1. Rodeo Max ST 04/10/04 Sire: Maximus ST Dam: Rodeo Redhead ST Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


Division V - Class F 1. Trail Dust 40 01/03/04 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Saw Dust Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Rockin' J Longhorns, Optima, OK

2. ZD Kelly 01/17/04 97.50" Sire: Diamond W Pay Cash Dam: Delta Ursula Breeder: Dr. Zech Dameron III Owner: Marquess-Mosser-Watson Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX

Division V - Class C Division IV - Class D 1. Super Lee 12/05/05 Sire: Super Bowl Dam: T.Y. Gun Frost Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Stotts/Mosser Partnership, Houston, TX December 2010



1. JBR Cash 02/17/05 Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: Ima Whiz Breeder: JBR Longhorns Owner: Becky & Bobby Gutierrez, Bryan, TX


2. Houston Ranger ECR 12/21/04 Sire: Houston Solution 111 Dam: Delta Duchess



Division VI — OCT. 31, 2003 – NOV. 1, 2000

Sire: VJ Tommie Dam: Ace's Zola Rose Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX 2. Big Red 907 04/13/99 Sire: Bueno Chex Dam: Horse Head Ticklish Breeder: C.L. Williams Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX

Bobby & Becky Gutierrez, Bryan, TX 147.63"

3. Perdido 10/05/00 135.50" Sire: Lucy's Firecracker CPL86 Dam: Tarman's Pecosa Breeder: Teresa R. Castillo Owner: Teresa R. Castillo, Lexington, TX Ron & Donna Garison, Doyline, LA

Division VI - Class A 1. WS Jamakizm 05/22/03 Sire: Shadowizm Dam: Jamoca Breeder: Tom A Smith Owner: Danny & Carole Phillips, Colleyville, TX


Division VII — NOV. 30, 2000 & BEFORE Tom & Cay Billingsley, Lufkin, TX

Ron & Barbara Marquess, Ben Wheeler; Rex Mosser & Nora Gleason, Midway, TX

Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, Crawford, TX

Division VII - Class A 1. Wyoming Warpaint 03/02/00 Sire: Roundup Dam: Torch Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Rombeck/Bondon Partnership, Home, KS


2. Hunts Command Respect 05/20/00 95.75" Sire: Hunts Emperor Dam: Miss Rodeo America Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt-Briscoe Partnership, Saint George, UT

Ron & Linda Nading, Oswego, KS; Bill Le’AN, Humansville, MO Bodie & Steve Quary, Praque, OK


Terry Brinks, Frederick, OK

Danny & Carole Phillips, Colleyville, TX; Dianne & Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division VIII — OCT. 31, 2003 – NOV. 1, 2000

Kathy Kittler, Carlisle, AR

Division VI - Class A 1. Oak Chex




Matt & Dale Westmoreland, Franklinton, LA Texas Longhorn Trails

December 2010



Texas Longhorn Trails

FEMALES – TIP-TO-TIP Division I — OCT. 31, 2009 – NOV. 1, 2008

Division I - Class A 1. Riverforks Pearl Jam 10/30/09 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Foxfire's Pearl Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, Westville, FL

2. 4Wind Liberty 08/04/09 Sire: AC/Phenominal Grass Dam: Hickory Chic ST Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, Prospect, TN


Division I - Class D 30.38"

1. Donovan's Melody EOT 970 07/16/09 Sire: Donovan EOT 468 Dam: EOT Outback Melody Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

1. Crimson Star Reward 05/09/09 46.00" Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: Crimson Star Revealed Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX

Division I - Class G 37.25"

1. Whistling Bandita BCB 04/19/09 Sire: Bandera Chex Dam: Whistle Me Dixie Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


2. RR Red Clover Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: Clover Breeder: JBR Longhorns Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX



3. Wiregrass Leoma 04/29/09 48.31" Sire: Wiregrass Guns a Smokin' Dam: WPR Wide n White Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Joe Graddy, Cottonwood, AL

Division I - Class B

Division I - Class E

1. STR Fancy Pia 09/18/09 Sire: High Sierra Star Dam: STR Wide Boom's Fancy Breeder: Rusty & Sonia Newton Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


1. M.C. Abbey 05/18/09 Sire: M.C. Super Rex Dam: M.C. Rose Blossom Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA

2. Renegades Fancy EOT 948 09/15/09 Sire: Renegade 19/5 Dam: EOT Outback Indian Girl Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


2. Magic Darling EOT 941 05/16/09 41.63" Sire: Majestic Admiral EOT 29/5 Dam: EOT Knights Favorite Darling Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


3. DNAs Susans Grand Shadow 05/26/09 38.50" Sire: DNA Sombrah's Shadow Dam: JP Grand Susan 2 Breeder: Don & Andrea Bordelon Owner: Don & Andrea Bordelon, Lott, TX

4. SDR Fantoms Cinnamon 04/19/09 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: SDR Rios Cinnamon Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI


5. Hubbell's Rio Sweet 04/26/09 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells I Rock & Roan Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI


6. Hubbell's Rio Beauty II 04/18/09 45.63" Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells Miss Favorite Beauty Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI 7. CR Sage Hen 04/29/09 Sire: JBM Powerful Sterling Dam: Donna Dode RK64 Breeder: Terry & Ernie Noey Owner: Alexandra Dees, Harper, OR


Division I - Class C 1. Rose's Overalls TCB 08/10/09 Sire: JH Ringo Jim Dam: Rutledge's Red Rose Breeder: Tom & Cay Billingsley Owner: Tom & Cay Billingsley, Lufkin, TX December 2010


Division I - Class F

Division I - Class H


1. SDR Fantoms Altha 04/03/09 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: JP Grand Altha 2 Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI


2. M.C. Billie Jean 04/12/09 Sire: M.C. Super Rex Dam: M. C. Bailey Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA

1. K.C. Merrilee 02/03/09 Sire: Hunts Duplicate Copy Dam: K.C. Jubilee Breeder: Kent & Christine Bladen Owner: Kent & Christine Bladen, West Jordan, UT


1. Sugar Fix BCB 11/01/08 Sire: Watson 167 Dam: Fancy Work Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX



2. DDL Risky Respect 11/02/08 Sire: Sittin Bull Dam: HL Risky Emmi Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Frank and Linda Pate, Douglas, KS


3. Woodstone Private Edition 04/17/09 Sire: Private Edition Dam: Woodstone Delta Dawn Breeder: Dean L. or Mary P. Horkey Owner: Aubrey Pigg, Collinsville, AL


3. SHR Abigail Kelly 11/14/08 Sire: ZD Kelly Dam: Melva Leigh Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


4. El Laid Back Lady 04/16/09 Sire: Watson 211 Lay Back Jack Dam: Cassandra YS Breeder: Vicki L. Bondon Owner: Ethan & Ashley Loos, Columbus, IL


4. Whiskey SJ 11/30/08 Sire: LLL 44 Magnum Dam: 585 Crown Royal Breeder: Jordan Ranch Inc. Owner: Jordan Ranch, Ardmore, OK


Division I - Class K

Division I - Class I

1. Illini Brown Betty 01/27/09 Sire: WS Jamakizm Dam: Illini Ogallala Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Straight Arrow Cattle Co, Divernon, IL


2. KCCI Rio Spur 01/07/09 Sire: Rio Blanco Chex Dam: KCCI Night Spur Breeder: Khaos Cattle Co Owner: Khaos Cattle Co, Monroe, NC


3. Surrounded By Stars 01/01/09 Sire: Star Marker Dam: Lundins Ava Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


5. Hunts Tari's Della Rose 11/14/08 47.56" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Tari Graves FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division II — OCT. 31, 2008 – NOV. 1, 2007

1. Cherry Bling 03/01/09 47.25" Sire: EOT Cherrypicker's Legend Dam: Diamond W 0224 Breeder: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Owner: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins, Rockwall, TX 2. Donovan's Droopy EOT 922 03/16/09 Sire: Donovan EOT 468 Dam: EOT Miss Droopy Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


Division II - Class A

3. Hunts Respected Elly 03/18/09 43.31" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Roundup's Brown Sugar Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT 4. Pachuco Hottie 03/15/09 42.88" Sire: Kobra Dam: Lazy J's Silk Rose Breeder: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Owner: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins, Rockwall, TX 5. TF Sittin Sensuous 03/01/09 Sire: Sittin Bull Dam: PCC Sensuous Breeder: Nicholas S. Mitchell Owner: J.W. Mitchell Co., LLC, Irvine, CA


Division I - Class L 1. Crystal Belle 12/16/08 Sire: Mystery Man Dam: Raiders Katelynn Breeder: Rockin' A Longhorns Owner: Rockin' A Longhorns, Ingram, TX


1. RRR Miss Hot Stuff 868 09/05/08 Sire: Roundup Dam: Cahills Hot Franci Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: Triple R Ranch, Horton, MI


2. Promise Me A Star 10/06/08 Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: Stars Pure Light Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


2. Cherry Dancer 12/27/08 45.88" Sire: EOT Cherrypicker's Legend Dam: Realobo BCB Breeder: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Owner: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins, Rockwall, TX

Division II - Class B

Division I - Class J


1. Eternal Diamond 07/15/08 Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: ECR Eternal Tari 206 Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: JBR Longhorns, Home, KS


Division I - Class M Texas Longhorn Trails

2. LC Martha White 07/03/08 Sire: LC Bladen Dam: DL Bold Diamond Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Bill and Jo Le'AN, Humansville, MO


3. LLL Maxi Belle 07/05/08 Sire: Maximus ST Dam: Pretty Hot Phenomenon Breeder: Lazy L Longhorns Owner: Donnie & Marilyn Taylor, Huntington, TX


4. Hunts Rio Maid 08/08/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hunts Miss America Maid Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT


3. CR Lady Luck 05/02/08 53.88" Sire: JBM Gunna Boom Dam: T-X Southbrook Showgirl Breeder: Roger & Jacqueline Garlitz Owner: Gary L Becker, Waco, TX

Division II - Class E 1. WS Starlight Sire: Tejas Star Dam: WS Star Bright Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, Lowell, MI

Division II - Class C



1. PPF Mimosa Sire: PPF Gun Maker Dam: GF Scarlet Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX



2. RCR Sebastians Racie 04/21/08 Sire: Sebastian Dam: Racie Breeder: Rolling Creek Ranch Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


2. XC Good Gracious 01/09/08 Sire: J. R. Spotlight Dam: Shilohs Gold Nugget Breeder: Joe Cunningham Owner: Joe Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX


3. Rosa Leigh 218 01/16/08 Sire: ZD Kelly Dam: Hot Shot Cartiar Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Vida Nueva Ranch, Somerville, TX



3. D/O Miss Grande 04/18/08 Sire: J.R. Grand Slam Dam: D/O Miss K.C. Star Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX


2. TF Tabasco's Boomzawe 37 06/20/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: JW Mitchell Co., LLC, Irvine, CA


4. Star Sighting 04/29/08 Sire: Dark Star Chex Dam: Rutledge's Miss Dotty Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


3. Hunts Respected Katy 2 06/10/08 53.06" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Bolt Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

5. 4G Buckshot Command 04/23/08 55.88" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Buckshot Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Kerry & Nancee Mounce, Anna, TX

4. 4G Julio's Sailor 06/02/08 Sire: Julio's Leyenda ECR Dam: 4G Elizabeth Sailor Breeder: Kerry & Nancee Mounce Owner: Kerry & Nancee Mounce, Anna, TX

6. SHR Red Dee 2 Sue 04/20/08 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Runaround Sue 86 Breeder: Doug and Sandy Stotts Owner: Jordan Ranch, Ardmore, OK

Division II - Class D 69.25"

2. HCRG Cinnamon Twist 05/30/08 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: TMS Chex Dixie Prince639 Breeder: Hal & Carole Griffin Owner: Hal & Carole Griffin, Alvord, TX


December 2010


Division II - Class H

Division II - Class F

1. Fantom Ring BCB 05/20/08 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: Ringa Dinger Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


Division II - Class G

1. M.C. Awesome Grace 06/09/08 Sire: M.C. Super Rex Dam: J. R. Gleesome Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


3. Marshall Patsy 02/28/08 Sire: JP Grand Marshall Dam: Queen Annie Breeder: Crossed T's Cattle Company Owner: Vincent T. Girolamo, Jacksboro, TX

1. Lezawe EOT 8E1 02/21/08 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Tabasco's Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


2. K.C. Affinity 03/08/08 Sire: LC Bladen Dam: K. C. Harmony Breeder: Kent & Christine Bladen Owner: Kent & Christine Bladen, West Jordan, UT


1. SHR Lucky Penny 12/22/07 Sire: Feisty Lee Jr Dam: Melva Leigh Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


2. Pacific Thanksgiving 11/22/07 Sire: Shadow's Reflection Dam: Pacific Martha Breeder: Michael Casey Owner: K & T Longhorns, Rusk, TX


3. Silent Night 127 12/27/07 Sire: Padrone YS Dam: Silent Devotion Breeder: Michael Casey Owner: Gary L Becker, Waco, TX


Division III — OCT. 31, 2007 – NOV. 1, 2006


1. Hubbells Rio Glory 05/04/06 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells Morning Glory Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI


2. Hunts Always and Forever 04/10/06 69.19" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Phenomel Expection Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division III - Class A

Division III - Class C

1. HR Slam's Rose 09/04/07 Sire: J.R. Grand Slam Dam: LLL Rosemary Breeder: Mike McClanahan Owner: Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK


1. Vanilla Milkshake 03/20/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Sugar and Spice 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, Peru, IN

2. WS Spectrum 08/07/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: WS Rainbow Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, Lowell, MI


2. Cherry Jubilee 78 03/15/07 75.38" Sire: EOT Cherrypicker's Legend Dam: Lively Fancy Lady Breeder: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Owner: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins, Rockwall, TX

3. Double Respect 10/13/07 57.50" Sire: Hunts Most Respected Dam: HL Incredible Respect Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Marion M. Woolie, Houston, TX


3. TCC Rio Amazing Hope 02/18/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Golden Bow Amazing Grace Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, Crawford, TX


4. TCC Daisy 03/29/07 Sire: TG Flash Dam: EOT Juniper Breeder: Bill & Judy Meridith Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS


5. ACC Tiffany 04/24/07 Sire: MD Seneca Diamond Dam: Cloud Waltzer Breeder: Craig Perez Owner: Vincent T. Girolamo, Jacksboro, TX


3. SHR Jubilee CFA 03/24/07 Sire: The Shadow Dam: GMR 1182 Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co. Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


4. TMS Bomber Ace's Dixie 701 03/05/06 Sire: Mr Dobie Dam: TMS Dixie Prince Sassy Breeder: T. M. & Jean Smith Owner: T. M. & Jean Smith, Boyd, TX


Division IV - Class C 1. Riverfork Queen of Club 02/23/06 Sire: King of Clubs Dam: Horseshoe J Acclaim Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, Westville, FL



Division III - Class B

2. EOT Outback Cherry 01/10/06 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: WPR Cherry Point Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS

1. Awesome Rose 720 05/02/07 67.38" Sire: Awesome Alamo Dam: Shamrock Honeysucklerose Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Joe & Carolyn Wissel, San Marcos, TX

3. Horseshoe J Fancy Pants 01/24/06 Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: Field Test Breeder: Jimmy L Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL


Division IV — OCT. 31, 2005 – NOV. 1, 2004

2. Hubbells Field of Dreams 07/21/07 Sire: Julio's Thunder Dam: Field of Forget Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: The Double JB Ranch, Stockbridge, MI


3. EOT Super Grande 733 05/15/07 Sire: TDJ Super Hero Dam: SO Red Grande Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


4. Grande Perfection SL 07/14/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Lethal Street Breeder: Keith Spears Owner: Keith Spears, Sterling Heights, MI


Division IV - Class A 1. Clover 09/21/06 Sire: American Star Dam: Cinnamon Spice Breeder: Clarence A. Lacy Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


Division IV - Class D 1. Feisty Leigh Too CF10 11/09/05 79.13" Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Marquess-Mosser Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX


Division IV - Class B

Texas Longhorn Trails

Division V — OCT. 31, 2005 – NOV. 1, 2003

5. ASOCL Burning Desire 04/13/04 Sire: EOT Outback Hot Shot Dam: GF G-Whiz Breeder: Kay L. Roush Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX


6. LLL Gun Smoke's Tizzy 05/15/04 Sire: Gun Smoke Dam: J.R. Tazz Breeder: Lazy L Longhorns Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


Division VI - Class B Division V - Class A

1. Wiregrass Laura 03/04/02 79.00" Sire: Wiregrass Phenomenon Dam: Horse Head Heart Stopper Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX

1. RM Touch N Whirl Pat 04/22/05 78.75" Sire: Touchdown of RM Dam: RM Miss Whirlwind Breeder: Red Mc Combs Ranches of TX Owner: Crumpton/Cunningham Partnership, Hillsboro, TX 2. LLL Leweze's 7E5 06/03/05 Sire: Gun Smoke Dam: EOT Cherrypicker's Leweze Breeder: Lazy L Longhorns Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


3. KCCI Outback Fancy 03/28/05 Sire: EOT Outback Bomber Dam: Bibby's Fancy Free Breeder: Scott Hughes Owner: Khaos Cattle Co, Monroe, NC


4. EOT Kanstar’s Rose 04/18/05 Sire: EOT Kanstar 906 Dam: Lively Hot Rose Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Roger & Connie Greer, Iredell, TX



Division V - Class C

2. EOT Outback Gloria 01/25/02 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Phenomenon's Glory Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

1. Horseshoe J Elegant 12/03/03 77.75" Sire: Gunmans Appeal Dam: Field Test Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, ALDision V - Class E

3. Horseshoe J Charm 01/02/02 Sire: Gunfighter Dam: Ruffian 6 Breeder: Randy Hoke Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL


Division VI — OCT. 31, 2003 – NOV. 1, 2000

4. Tari's Sweet Thing 04/02/02 Sire: Don Julio Dam: Tari Graves FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


5. ECR Vixen's Heiress 212 03/02/02 Sire: Don Julio Dam: Delta Vixen Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


6. Coopers 167 Lamb 09/01/02 Sire: Watson 167 Dam: Cooper's Little Lamb Breeder: Ray or Jenny Cooper Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


5. Illini Tempting Vanilla 04/27/05 70.13" Sire: Temptation's The Ace Dam: Opalette Breeder: Straight Arrow Cattle Co Owner: Hughes-Morris Partnership, Rutherfordton, NC

Division VII — NOV. 30, 2000 & BEFORE Division VI - Class A

Division V - Class B 1. Horseshoe J Example 04/20/04 Sire: BL Coach's Desperado Dam: Dixie Charlene Breeder: Jimmy L Jones Owner: John Stockton, Cleveland, TX


2. EOT Outback Beauty 04/08/04 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Southwind 8/21 Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS


3. Easterlys Brite Star 06/11/04 Sire: Windstar BW 12 Dam: Delta Brite Breeder: Bruce Easterly Owner: Bruce Easterly, Denham Springs, LA

1. Eileen Feisty Leigh CF2 07/09/03 Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


2. Horseshoe J Delicious 12/07/02 Sire: J S Overdrive Dam: Horseshoe J Advance Breeder: Jimmy L Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL


3. Ringa Dinger 09/30/03 Sire: Rutledge's Dinger Dam: GF Haley Hitter Breeder: Luke Rutledge Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


Division VII - Class A 1. Working Woman 03/15/97 Sire: CK Super Dixie Dam: L Easy Woman Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX



2. Miss Cristine 01/29/98 Sire: Energizer Dam: Lady Loretta LS Breeder: Dr. Peter Macleod Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


4. Hunts Respected Lexi 07/30/04 77.56" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Who Empress Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT December 2010

3. Tari's Transition 12/08/98 Sire: Dixie Thunder Dam: Tari Graves FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


Russell Fairchild, Stephenville, TX


4. High Hopes 749 03/30/97 Sire: CK Super Dixie Dam: Hoping for Style Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


BULLS – TIP-TO-TIP Division I — OCT. 31, 2009 – NOV. 1, 2008

Division I - Class C

Division VII - Class B Division I - Class A 1. Creekmore's Awsome 01/28/96 Sire: JK Creekmore Dam: Ace's Gypsy Breeder: Dale Hunt Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


2. Sunrise Hope 02/08/95 Sire: L The Investor Dam: L Remarkable Hope Breeder: Hope Ranch Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


1. Coco Chex 07/05/09 Sire: JP Grand Chex Dam: JH Cocos Tabasco Breeder: Christy Randolph Owner: Thurmond Longhorns, Adkins, TX


1. DDR Rio Ranger 04/20/09 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: FL Rio Maxine Breeder: Wayne Forister Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


2. T C Respect The Dinero 04/02/09 Sire: KC Just Respect Dam: J. R. Dinah Breeder: Ron & Jo Jones Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, Austin, TX


3. One Star Command 04/02/09 48.50" Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: FCF Freedom Rings Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D., San Benito, TX 4. Hunts Rio Respect 04/21/09 43.00" Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hunts Respected Jessie Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt/McClanahan Partnership, Saint George, UT

Division I - Class B

Division VII - Class C 1. Day's Feisty Fannie 05/08/93 Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Ron & Barbara Marquess, Ben Wheeler, TX


2. Tari Graves FM49 03/28/92 Sire: Mr. Graves Dam: Texas Tari FM610 Breeder: F. M. Graves Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


3. Delta Vixen 02/12/93 Sire: Emperor Dam: Delta Sissie Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


4. Delta Carol 02/11/92 Sire: Emperor Dam: Ace's Toast Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


5. Cats Cross Over 09/03/94 Sire: Cross Over Dam: Santa Catalina Breeder: Jack Waggoner Owner: Keith Spears, Sterling Heights, MI



1. 4Wind Rising Tide 05/21/09 Sire: Hitters Little Rugrat Dam: 4Wind Absolutly Wired Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, Prospect, TN


2. M.C. Ransom 05/10/09 Sire: M. C. Super Rex Dam: J.R. Gleesome Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


1. SDR Spartacus 03/28/09 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: SDR Sweetie Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI




2. Rio's Final Answer 03/24/09 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: JC's Belinda Breeder: Jerry Canfield Owner: Canfield/Hicks Partnership, Ada, MI


3. LC Whiskey 03/27/09 50.00" Sire: LC Bladen Dam: Fancy Reward Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Le'AN-Nading Partnership, Humansville, MO

3. BS Beauty Maker 05/02/09 48.50" Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: Cheyeanes Beauty BW 23/2 Breeder: Rolling Hills Ranch Owner: Bow & Sylvia Carpenter, San Antonio, TX 4. Copper Warpaint Sire: JBR Cash Dam: 7LS Miss 4'S Breeder: Johnson Cattle Co Owner: Helmwood, Belleville, IL


5. Hunts Spend a Buck 05/20/09 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Spacious Sky Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division I - Class D

4. Lakota Warrior 03/08/09 Sire: Lakota Chex Dam: Pacific Barbie Breeder: Fairlea Longhorn Ranch, LLC Owner: Crossed T's Cattle Co, Bowie, TX


Texas Longhorn Trails

2. BZB Huckleberry 12/11/08 54.00" Sire: SR Madden 552 Dam: SR Hollywood Colmena 622 Breeder: Struthoff Ranch Owner: Brown's Longhorns, Boerne, TX 3. H Bar Best Shot 12/20/08 Sire: Sharpshooter 542 Dam: Horseshoe J Fully Dunn Breeder: Nancy C. Dunn Owner: Dan Hudson, Opelika, AL


Division II - Class B Division I - Class E 59.50"

1. Auze EOT 38/8 08/05/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Cherry Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


1. AL Supe 02/01/09 Sire: Pharoah 501 Dam: Saucy Breeder: Don Anderson Owner: Brinks Longhorns, Frederick OK


2. Tonkawa Derringer 08/13/08 Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: 5TCC Smokey Donna Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, Crawford, TX


2. WF Checkers 02/25/09 Sire: Cowboy Chex Dam: Whiz Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Sather Family LLC, Marietta, OK 3. Hunts Timeless Moment 02/07/09 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Silver Choice Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT


Division I - Class H

4. WS Cupid 02/02/09 50.19" Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: WS Forget Me Not Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: River Bottom Ranch Longhorns, Bingham, IL

1. Dragar EOT 42/8 11/23/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Gloria Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


2. OB Chisholm Trail 11/18/08 Sire: Chisholm 4 Dam: DH Silver Dollar Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Richard & Linda Spooner, Stonewall, OK


Division II — OCT. 31, 2008 – NOV. 1, 2007

Division II - Class C 1. Hunts Grand Command 06/18/08 67.43" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Brand Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt/Helm Cattle Co Partnership, Saint George, UT

Division I - Class F Division II - Class A 1. KA Night Force Command 01/14/09 Sire: PCC Commander Dam: Golden Alabama Breeder: Jim Marek Owner: Kurt Killgore, White Bird, ID

51.19" 1. Rio Grande Chex 09/28/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Night Safari BL833 Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Loomis/Friedrich Partnership, Houston, TX


2. Top Dog 10/07/08 Sire: JH Ringo Jim Dam: BRR Bella Padua Breeder: Richard & Donna Stengel Owner: Devin Overdorf, Lufkin, TX


Division II - Class D

2. Gold Dust 34 09/26/08 58.38" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Golden Reflection Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Briscoe-Quary Partnership, Kingfisher, OK

1. CWR Lightning 05/20/08 Sire: CWR Shade Dam: CWR Shilo Breeder: Gene & Delma Murphy Owner: Gene & Delma Murphy, Luther, OK


2. DDL Hunts Undisputed 05/14/08 58.75" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Jupiters Quixote Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Frank and Linda Pate, Douglas, KS

Division I - Class G 1. BL Rio 12/19/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: BL Hugs N Kisses Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Bernard Lankford, Weatherford, TX December 2010



Breeder: Michael & Tracie Winger Owner: Joel & Tamara Kuntz, Bend, OR

Division III - Class A

Division II - Class E 1. DQ Brazos 04/22/08 Sire: Brazos Chex Dam: Katherine 021 Breeder: Buckhorn Cattle Co Owner: Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, Prague, OK


2. RRR Diamond Rio's Edge 819 04/19/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: RRR Phenomenal Fancy Bee Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: Triple R Ranch, Horton, MI


3. M.C. Big Ben 04/15/08 Sire: M. C. Super Rex Dam: M. C. Bailey Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


4. HCR Jupiter Judd 04/23/08 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Huntsjupiternatili Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Bricoe/Mounce Partnership, Kingfisher, OK


5. El Dorado ECR 04/22/08 Sire: Golden Julio ECR Dam: ECR Classic Impression Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


6. Hubbells Rio Fantom 04/13/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells Fantomsprincess Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark & Tammey Stuck, Sumerduck, VA


Division II - Class G 1. Gene Lee 02/02/08 Sire: Feisty Lee Jr Dam: LLL Gun Smoke's Tizzy Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


2. WF Commando 02/29/08 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Chopstick Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK


1. Sweet Chex 783 09/13/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: BL Sweetcheeks Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


Division III - Class B

7. C-T's Respected Best 04/13/08 56.00" Sire: Hunts Respected American Dam: Molly Hunts Best Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, Saint George, UT

1. Maldaro EOT 2/7 07/06/07 Sire: EOT Kanstar 906 Dam: Missy II RG944 Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


Division II - Class H 1. Rip Saw 01/30/08 Sire: Sittin Bull Dam: Jigsaw 500 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, Huntington, TX


Division III - Class C 1. Mustafia EOT 10/7 06/05/07 71.13" Sire: Donovan EOT 468 Dam: EOT Outback Miss Charmin Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

1. Concealed Weapon 11/18/07 Sire: Sharpshooter 542 Dam: Horseshoe J Example Breeder: Jimmy L Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL


2. Hunts Bold Commander 05/26/07 69.25" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Cokecherry Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

2. TCC Boomer Quest 12/09/07 Sire: HL Boomerman Dam: BH River Quest Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Rockin M Ranch, Como, TX


3. Hot Shot's Chief 05/15/07 63.38" Sire: Hot Shots Guru Dam: SL Dreams Breeder: Heart Ache Cattle Co Owner: McDonald/Collins Partnership, Kingsville, TX

Division II - Class I Division II - Class F 1. Extractor 03/13/08 68.50" Sire: Hunts Demands Respect 2 Dam: 7-11 Plum Perty Breeder: Craig, Cel and Rietta Iverson Owner: Craig, Cel and Rietta Iverson, Sidney, MT 2. M Arrow Tequilla Sunrise 03/15/08 67.63" Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Day's Feisty Fannie Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess-Miller Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX 3. Shadow's Command Respect 03/11/08 Sire: Mcgills-Respect Dam: Crown's Classic Beauty


Division III — OCT. 31, 2007 – NOV. 1, 2006


Texas Longhorn Trails

Division III - Class D 1. Totem Pole 02/07/07 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hay Hook Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Steve & Rene Azinger, Houston, TX

Division IV - Class E

Division IV - Class B 72.75"

1. Hunter MC 69 07/07/06 75.00" Sire: Festus MC 27 Dam: Jackie Lynn 90 Breeder: Michael Mc Leod Owner: Westfarms/McLeod Partnership, Franklinton, LA

1. Super Lee 12/05/05 Sire: Super Bowl Dam: T.Y. Gun Frost Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Stotts/Mosser Partnership, Houston, TX


2. M Arrow Houdini 12/25/05 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Bayou Empress Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Glenn Phipps, Santos, TX


Division V — OCT. 31, 2005 – NOV. 1, 2003

Division III - Class E 1. Mujanda EOT 13/7 01/04/07 Sire: Jumangee ET 58 Dam: EOT Annie Potts 245 Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

Division IV - Class C 72.19"

2. ASOCL Unstopabull Emperor 01/06/07 70.00" Sire: ASOCL Unstopabull Chex Dam: ASOCL Deigo's Lady Empress Breeder: Kay L. Roush Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX 3. Mr Poco Bueno Chex 01/19/07 Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: LCR Buena Joya Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Jordan Ranch, Inc Ardmore, OK

1. RRR Jagged Edge 616 05/03/06 Sire: WS Jamakizm Dam: RRR Miss Gunman 313 Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: Dameron/Franks Partnership, Azle, TX


2. Hunts Lasting Respect 05/30/06 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Huntsjupiternatili Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Phillips/Hunt Partnership, Colleyville, TX


Division V - Class A


Division IV — OCT. 31, 2006 – NOV. 1, 2005

1. Safari BL Chex 09/11/05 Sire: Farlap Chex Dam: Night Safari BL833 Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Russell E. Fairchild, Stephenville, TX


2. Tom Cat 10/19/05 Sire: Juisache Dam: YO Whirling Cat 4156 Breeder: Bow Carpenter Owner: Bolen/Taylor Partnership, Lufkin, TX


Division IV - Class D

Division IV - Class A 1. Cadillac 55 10/26/06 Sire: GR Grand Unlimited Dam: BL Raggedy Ann Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

December 2010


1. Respect Me 03/13/06 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Latte 34 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: Hunt/Briscoe Partnership, Saint George, UT


2. M Arrow Wow 02/20/06 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Slick's Little Star Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess/Stotts Partnership, Houston, TX


Division V - Class B 1. Supersticious 07/13/05 Sire: Super Bowl Dam: Primadona Rose Breeder: Gary L. Becker Owner: Gary L Becker, Waco, TX


2. J.R. Blue Rendezvous 06/02/05 Sire: J.R. Rendezvous Dam: Peek A Blue Breeder: Janet Maxwell & Ron Price Owner: Kathy Kittler, Carlisle, AR




Division V - Class F

Division V - Class C 1. Super Crux 04/07/05 Sire: Super Bowl Dam: Tux ' N Gun Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co Owner: Marion M. Woolie, Houston, TX


2. JBR Cash 02/17/05 Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: Ima Whiz Breeder: JBR Longhorns Owner: Becky & Bobby Gutierrez, Bryan, TX


3. LC Bladen 04/04/05 63.38" Sire: Hunts Demands Respect Dam: CWR Windchime Breeder: Kent and Christine Bladen Owner: Bladen/Le’AN Partnership, Humansville, MO

1. ZD Kelly 01/17/04 81.00" Sire: Diamond W Pay Cash Dam: Delta Ursula Breeder: Dr. Zech Dameron III Owner: Marquess-Mosser-Watson Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX 2. Trail Dust 40 01/03/04 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Saw Dust Breeder: Mc Gill Ranch Owner: Rockin' J Longhorns, Optima, OK


Division VI — OCT. 31, 2003 – NOV. 1, 2000

Division VIII — BORN 2004 & BEFORE Division VIII - Class A 1. Oak Chex 03/12/01 Sire: VJ Tommie Dam: Ace's Zola Rose Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


2. Big Red 907 04/13/99 Sire: Bueno Chex Dam: Horse Head Ticklish Breeder: C.L. Williams Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


Division VI - Class A Division V - Class D 1. Sebastian 09/09/04 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Tabasco's Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Roger & Connie Greer, Iredell, TX


1. WS Jamakizm 05/22/03 Sire: Shadowizm Dam: Jamoca Breeder: Tom A Smith Owner: Danny & Carole Phillips, Colleyville, TX


2. Ruger 1/3 01/27/03 Sire: Roundup Dam: Gunmans Beretta Breeder: Kenneth E & Vonnie C. Kirkham Owner: Richard & Linda Spooner, Stonewall, OK


3. JP Grand Marshall 08/12/03 Sire: J.R. Grand Slam Dam: JCK Roancie Breeder: Johnnie & Pat Robinson Owner: Crossed T's Cattle Co, Bowie, TX


Division VII — NOV. 30, 2000 & BEFORE

John, Josh & Debra Helm, Red Oak, TX; Doug, Dianne & Brad Hunt, Saint George, UT

Larry & Pam Crumpton, Hillsboro, TX; Mary Ann & Joe Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX

Division V - Class E 1. Rodeo Max ST 04/10/04 Sire: Maximus ST Dam: Rodeo Redhead ST Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX

79.75" Darin & Dawn Divinia, Red Oak, TX

Division VII - Class A


1. Hunts Command Respect 05/20/00 Sire: Hunts Emperor Dam: Miss Rodeo America Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt/Briscoe Partnership, Saint George, UT


Texas Longhorn Trails

December 2010





Texas Longhorn Trails

FEMALES – COMPOSITE Division I — OCT. 31, 2009 – NOV. 1, 2008

8. CR Sage Hen 04/29/09 Sire: JBM Powerful Sterling Dam: Donna Dode RK64 Breeder: Terry & Ernie Noey Owner: Alexandra Dees, Harper, OR


9. El Laid Back Lady 04/16/09 Sire: Watson 211 Lay Back Jack Dam: Cassandra YS Breeder: Vicki L. Bondon Owner: Ethan & Ashley Loos, Columbus, IL


Division I - Class D

Division I - Class A 1. Riverforks Pearl Jam 10/30/09 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Foxfire's Pearl Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, Westville, FL


1. Crimson Star Reward 05/09/09 126.88" Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: Crimson Star Revealed Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX

Division I - Class F 1. Hunts Respected Elly 03/18/09 114.01" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Roundup's Brown Sugar Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT 2. TF Sittin Sensuous 03/01/09 Sire: Sittin Bull Dam: PCC Sensuous Breeder: Nicholas S. Mitchell Owner: J.W. Mitchell Co., LLC, Irvine, CA

Division I - Class E

Division I - Class B 1. STR Fancy Pia 09/18/09 Sire: High Sierra Star Dam: STR Wide Boom's Fancy Breeder: Rusty & Sonia Newton Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


Division I - Class C 1. Rose's Overalls TCB 08/10/09 Sire: JH Ringo Jim Dam: Rutledge's Red Rose Breeder: Tom & Cay Billingsley Owner: Tom & Cay Billingsley, Lufkin, TX


1. Whistling Bandita BCB 04/19/09 Sire: Bandera Chex Dam: Whistle Me Dixie Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


2. RR Red Clover Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: Clover Breeder: JBR Longhorns Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX



3. M.C. Billie Jean 04/12/09 Sire: M.C. Super Rex Dam: M. C. Bailey Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


4. SDR Fantoms Altha 04/03/09 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: JP Grand Altha 2 Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI,


5. SDR Fantoms Cinnamon 04/18/09 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: SDR Rios Cinnamon Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI


December 2010

Division I - Class G

6. Hubbell's Rio Beauty II 04/18/09 121.56" Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells Miss Favorite Beauty Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI 7. Woodstone Private Edition 04/17/09 Sire: Private Edition Dam: Woodstone Delta Dawn Breeder: Dean L. or Mary P. Horkey Owner: Aubrey Pigg, Collinsville, AL


1. Surrounded By Stars 01/01/09 Sire: Star Marker Dam: Lundia’s Ava Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


2. K.C. Merrilee 02/03/09 Sire: Hunts Duplicate Copy Dam: K.C. Jubilee Breeder: Kent & Christine Bladen Owner: Kent & Christine Bladen, West Jordan, UT


Bernard Lankford, Weatherford, TX



Division I - Class H 1. Sugar Fix BCB 11/01/08 Sire: Watson 167 Dam: Fancy Work Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


2. TF Tabasco's Boomzawe 37 06/20/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: J W Mitchell Co., LLC, Irvine, CA


1. K.C. Affinity 03/08/08 Sire: LC Bladen Dam: K. C. Harmony Breeder: Kent & Christine Bladen Owner: Kent & Christine Bladen, West Jordan, UT


3. LC Martha White 07/03/08 Sire: LC Bladen Dam: DL Bold Diamond Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Bill and Jo Le'AN, Humansville, MO


2. Lezawe EOT 8E1 02/21/08 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Tabasco's Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


4. 4G Julio's Sailor 06/02/08 Sire: Julio's Leyenda ECR Dam: 4G Elizabeth Sailor Breeder: Kerry & Nancee Mounce Owner: Kerry & Nancee Mounce, Anna, TX


5. Hunts Respected Katy 2 06/10/08 140.25" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Bolt Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

2. Hunts Tari's Della Rose 11/14/08 125.5" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Tari Graves FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division II - Class E

Division II — OCT. 31, 2008 – NOV. 1, 2007

Division II - Class C

Division II - Class A 1. RRR Miss Hot Stuff 868 09/05/08 Sire: Roundup Dam: Cahills Hot Franci Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: Triple R Ranch, Horton, MI


2. Promise Me A Star 10/06/08 Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: Stars Pure Light Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


1. Fantom Ring BCB 05/20/08 Sire: Fantom Chex Dam: Ringa Dinger Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


2. WS Starlight Sire: Tejas Star Dam: WS Star Bright Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, Lowell, MI



3. Star Sighting 04/29/08 Sire: Dark Star Chex Dam: Rutledge's Miss Dotty Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


4. RCR Sebastians Racie 04/21/08 Sire: Sebastian Dam: Racie Breeder: Rolling Creek Ranch Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


5. D/O Miss Grande 04/18/08 Sire: J.R. Grand Slam Dam: D/O Miss K.C. Star Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX


1. PPF Mimosa 01/26/08 Sire: PPF Gun Maker Dam: GF Scarlet Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


2. Rosa Leigh 218 01/16/08 Sire: ZD Kelly Dam: Hot Shot Cartiar Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Vida Nueva Ranch, Somerville, TX


Division II - Class F 1. SHR Lucky Penny 12/22/07 Sire: Feisty Lee Jr Dam: Melva Leigh Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


Division III — OCT. 31, 2007 – NOV. 1, 2006

Division II - Class B 1. M.C. Awesome Grace 06/09/08 Sire: M.C. Super Rex Dam: J. R. Gleesome Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


Division II - Class D


Division III - Class A Texas Longhorn Trails

1. HR Slam's Rose 09/04/07 Sire: J.R. Grand Slam Dam: LLL Rosemary Breeder: Mike McClanahan Owner: Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK


2. WS Spectrum 08/07/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: WS Rainbow Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, Lowell, MI


3. Double Respect 10/13/07 Sire: Hunts Most Respected Dam: HL Incredible Respect Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Marion M. Woolie, Houston, TX

Sire: American Star Dam: Cinnamon Spice Breeder: Clarence A. Lacy Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


1. Feisty Leigh Too CF10 11/09/05 199.38" Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Marquess-Mosser Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX

1. Vanilla Milkshake 03/20/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Sugar and Spice 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, Peru, IN



2. LLL Gun Smoke's Tizzy 05/15/04 Sire: Gun Smoke Dam: J.R. Tazz Breeder: Lazy L Longhorns Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


3. Hunts Respected Lexi 07/30/04 190.31" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Who Empress Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

Division IV - Class B

Division III - Class B

1. EOT Outback Beauty 04/08/04 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Southwind 8/21 Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS

2. EOT Outback Cherry 01/10/06 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: WPR Cherry Point Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS


3. Riverfork Queen of Clubs 02/23/06 Sire: King of Clubs Dam: Horseshoe J Acclaim Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, Westville, FL


4. ASOCL Burning Desire 04/13/04 Sire: EOT Outback Hot Shot Dam: GF G-Whiz Breeder: Kay L. Roush Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX


5. Easterlys Brite Star 06/11/04 Sire: Windstar BW 12 Dam: Delta Brite Breeder: Bruce Easterly Owner: Bruce Easterly, Denham Springs, LA


Division VI — OCT. 31, 2003 – NOV. 1, 2002

Division V — OCT. 31, 2004 – NOV. 1, 2003

2. TCC Rio Amazing Hope 02/18/07 175.31" Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Golden Bow Amazing Grace Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, Crawford, TX 3. TCC Daisy 03/29/07 Sire: TG Flash Dam: EOT Juniper Breeder: Bill & Judy Meridith Owner: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS


4. Hubbell's Field of Dreams 07/21/07 Sire: Julio's Thunder Dam: Field of Forget Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: The Double JB Ranch, Stockbridge, MI


5. EOT Super Grande 733 05/15/07 Sire: TDJ Super Hero Dam: SO Red Grande Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


Division VI - Class A

Division V - Class A 1. RM Touch N Whirl Pat 04/22/05 192.75" Sire: Touchdown of RM Dam: RM Miss Whirlwind Breeder: Red Mc Combs Ranches of TX Owner: Crumpton/Cunningham Partnership, Hillsboro, TX

Division IV — OCT. 31, 2006 – NOV. 1, 2005

2. EOT Kanstars Rose 04/18/05 Sire: EOT Kanstar 906 Dam: Lively Hot Rose Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Roger & Connie Greer, Iredell, TX

1. Eileen Feisty Leigh CF2 07/09/03 Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


2. Ringa Dinger 09/30/03 Sire: Rutledge's Dinger Dam: GF Haley Hitter Breeder: Luke Rutledge Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX



Division VI - Class B 1. Wiregrass Laura 03/04/02 198.88" Sire: Wiregrass Phenomenon Dam: Horse Head Heart Stopper Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Helm Cattle Co, Red Oak, TX

Division IV - Class A 1. Clover December 2010



Division V - Class B


2. ECR Vixen's Heiress 212 03/02/02 Sire: Don Julio Dam: Delta Vixen Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


3. Coopers 167 Lamb 09/01/02 Sire: Watson 167 Dam: Cooper's Little Lamb Breeder: Ray or Jenny Cooper Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


3. Delta Carol 02/11/92 Sire: Emperor Dam: Ace's Toast Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


2. DDR Rio Ranger 04/20/09 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: FL Rio Maxine Breeder: Wayne Forister Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


BULLS-COMPOSITE Division I — OCT. 31, 2009-NOV. 1, 2008

Division VI — NOV. 1, 2000 & BEFORE

Division I - Class D 1. LC Whiskey 03/27/09 130.44" Sire: LC Bladen Dam: Fancy Reward Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Le'AN-Nading Partnership, Humansville, MO

Division I - Class A Division VII - Class A 1. Working Woman 03/15/97 Sire: CK Super Dixie Dam: L Easy Woman Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


2. Tari's Transition 12/08/98 Sire: Dixie Thunder Dam: Tari Graves FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


3. Creekmore's Awsome 01/28/96 Sire: JK Creekmore Dam: Ace's Gypsy Breeder: Dale Hunt Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


4. High Hopes 749 03/30/97 Sire: CK Super Dixie Dam: Hoping for Style Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Houston, TX


1. Coco Chex 07/05/09 Sire: JP Grand Chex Dam: JH Cocos Tabasco Breeder: Christy Randolph Owner: Thurmond Longhorns, Adkins, TX


Division I - Class E

Division I - Class B 1. BS Beauty Maker 05/02/09 127.88" Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: Cheyeanes Beauty BW 23/2 Breeder: Rolling Hills Ranch Owner: Bow & Sylvia Carpenter, San Antonio, TX 2. Hunts Spend a Buck 05/20/09 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Spacious Sky Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT

1. AL Supe 02/01/09 Sire: Pharoah 501 Dam: Saucy Breeder: Don Anderson Owner: Brinks Longhorns, Frederick OK


2. WF Checkers 02/25/09 Sire: Cowboy Chex Dam: Whiz Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Sather Family LLC, Marietta, OK



Division VII - Class B Division I - Class F

1. Day's Feisty Fannie 05/08/93 208.75" Sire: Safari B 1759 Dam: Day's Miss Mischief Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Ron & Barbara Marquess, Ben Wheeler, TX 2. Delta Vixen 02/12/93 Sire: Emperor Dam: Delta Sissie Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX



Division I - Class C 1. One Star Command 04/02/09 136.00" Sire: Starbase Commander Dam: FCF Freedom Rings Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torklidsen, M.D.,, San Benito, TX

1. BZB Huckleberry 12/11/08 144.13" Sire: SR Madden 552 Dam: SR Hollywood Colmena 622 Breeder: Struthoff Ranch Owner: Brown's Longhorns, Boerne, TX 2. BL Rio 12/19/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: BL Hugs N Kisses Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Bernard Lankford, Weatherford, TX


Texas Longhorn Trails

5. Hubbells Rio Fantom 04/13/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Hubbells Fantomsprincess Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark & Tammey Stuck, Sumerduck, VA


Division I - Class G Division II - Class C 1. Dragar EOT 42/8 11/23/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Gloria Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

147.88" 1. Auze EOT 38/8 08/05/08 Sire: Auzzie EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT Outback Cherry Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS


Division II - Class F 1. Extractor 03/13/08 182.69" Sire: Hunts Demands Respect 2 Dam: 7-11 Plum Perty Breeder: Craig, Cel and Rietta Iverson Owner: Craig, Cel and Rietta Iverson, Sidney, MT

Division II — OCT. 31, 2008 – NOV. 1, 2007

2. M Arrow Tequilla Sunrise 03/15/08 178.75" Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Day's Feisty Fannie Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess-Miller Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX

Division II - Class D Division II - Class A 1. Top Dog 10/07/08 Sire: JH Ringo Jim Dam: BRR Bella Padua Breeder: Richard & Donna Stengel Owner: Devin Overdorf, Lufkin, TX


1. Hunts Grand Command 06/18/08 169.75" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hunts Rodeo Brand Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt/Helm Partnership, Saint George, UT

Division II - Class G

Division II - Class E Division II - Class B 1. Rio Grande Chex 09/28/08 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: Night Safari BL833 Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Loomis/Friedrich Partnership, Houston, TX


2. Gold Dust 34 09/26/08 148 63" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Golden Reflection Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Briscoe-Quary Partnership, Kingfisher, OK

1. M.C. Big Ben 04/15/08 Sire: M. C. Super Rex Dam: M. C. Bailey Breeder: Brian & Mary Stahl Owner: Brian & Mary Stahl, Rockwood, PA


2. El Dorado ECR 04/22/08 Sire: Golden Julio ECR Dam: ECR Classic Impression Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


3. DQ Brazos 04/22/08 Sire: Brazos Chex Dam: Katherine 021 Breeder: Buckhorn Cattle Co Owner: Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, Prague, OK


4. C-T's Respected Best 04/13/08 151.13" Sire: Hunts Respected American Dam: Molly Hunts Best Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, Saint George, UT December 2010

1. Gene Lee 02/02/08 Sire: Feisty Lee Jr Dam: LLL Gun Smoke's Tizzy Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, Midway, TX


2. WF Commando 02/29/08 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Chopstick Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK


Division II - Class H 1. Rip Saw 01/30/08 Sire: Sittin Bull Dam: Jigsaw 500 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, Huntington, TX



Division II - Class I

Division III - Class C

Division IV - Class C

1. Concealed Weapon 11/18/07 Sire: Sharpshooter 542 Dam: Horseshoe J Example Breeder: Jimmy L Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL


1. Totem Pole 02/07/07 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Hay Hook Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Steve & Rene Azinger, Houston, TX


2. TCC Boomer Quest 12/09/07 Sire: HL Boomerman Dam: BH River Quest Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Rockin M Ranch, Como, TX


2. Mr Poco Bueno Chex 01/19/07 Sire: Peacemaker 44 Dam: LCR Buena Joya Breeder: Bob Pam Loomis Owner: Jordan Ranch, Inc, Ardmore, OK


Division III — OCT. 31, 2007 - NOV. 1, 2006

1. Hunts Lasting Respect 05/30/06 182. 81" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Huntsjupiternatili Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Phillips/Hunt Partnership, Colleyville, TX

3. ASOCL Unstopabull Emperor 01/06/07 178.56" Sire: ASOCL Unstopabull Chex Dam: ASOCL Deigo's Lady Empress Breeder: Kay L. Roush Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX

Division IV — OCT. 31, 2006 - NOV. 1, 2005 Division IV - Class D 1. Respect Me 03/13/06 189.69" Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Latte 34 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: Hunt/Briscoe Partnership, Saint George, UT 2. M Arrow Wow 02/20/06 Sire: DH Red Ranger Dam: Slick's Little Star Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess/Stotts Partnership, Houston, TX

Division III - Class A 1. Sweet Chex 783 09/13/07 Sire: JP Rio Grande Dam: BL Sweetcheeks Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


Division IV - Class A 1. Cadillac 55 10/26/06 Sire: GR Grand Unlimited Dam: BL Raggedy Ann Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS



Division IV - Class E

Division III - Class B 1. Hot Shot's Chief 05/15/07 180.00" Sire: Hot Shots Guru Dam: SL Dreams Breeder: Heart Ache Cattle Co Owner: McDonald/Collins Partnership, Kingsville, TX


Division IV - Class B

1. Super Lee 12/05/05 Sire: Super Bowl Dam: T.Y. Gun Frost Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Stotts/Mosser Partnership, Houston, TX


1. Hunter MC 69 07/07/06 190.25" Sire: Festus MC 27 Dam: Jackie Lynn 90 Breeder: Michael Mc Leod Owner: Westfarms/McLeod Partnership, Franklinton, LA

Texas Longhorn Trails

Division V — OCT. 31, 2005 - NOV. 1, 2003 Division VI — OCT. 31, 2003 – NOV. 1, 2003

Division V - Class D Division V - Class A 1. Tom Cat 10/19/05 Sire: Juisache Dam: YO Whirling Cat 4156 Breeder: Bow Carpenter Owner: Bolen/Taylor Parntership, Lufkin, TX


1. Sebastian 09/09/04 Sire: Boomerang C P Dam: Tabasco's Lezawe Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Rolling Creek Ranch, Iredell, TX


Division VI - Class A 1. WS Jamakizm 05/22/03 Sire: Shadowizm Dam: Jamoca Breeder: Tom A Smith Owner: Danny & Carole Phillips, Colleyville, TX


Division VII — NOV. 1, 2000 & BEFORE

Division V - Class E Division V - Class B 1. J.R. Blue Rendezvous 06/02/05 Sire: J.R. Rendezvous Dam: Peek A Blue Breeder: Janet Maxwell & Ron Price Owner: Kathy Kittler, Carlisle, AR


1. Rodeo Max ST 04/10/04 Sire: Maximus ST Dam: Rodeo Redhead ST Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


Division VII - Class A 1. Hunts Command Respect 05/10/00 202.88" Sire: Hunts Emperor Dam: Miss Rodeo America Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt/Briscoe Partnership, Saint George, UT


Division V - Class F Division V - Class C 1. JBR Cash 02/17/05 Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: Ima Whiz Breeder: JBR Longhorns Owner: Becky & Bobby Gutierrez, Bryan, TX

202 .38"

1. ZD Kelly 01/17/04 206.25" Sire: Diamond W Pay Cash Dam: Delta Ursula Breeder: Dr. Zech Dameron III Owner: Marquess-Mosser-Watson Partnership, Ben Wheeler, TX

2. Super Crux 04/07/05 Sire: Super Bowl Dam: Tux ' N Gun Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co Owner: Marion M. Woolie, Houston, TX


2. Trail Dust 40 01/03/04 Sire: Hunts Command Respect Dam: Saw Dust Breeder: Mc Gill Ranch Owner: Rockin' J Longhorns, Optima, OK

3. LC Bladen 04/04/05 185.63" Sire: Hunts Demands Respect Dam: CWR Windchime Breeder: Kent and Christine Bladen Owner: Bladen/Le’AN Partnership, Humansville, MO

December 2010


Division VIII - Class A 1. Oak Chex 03/12/01 Sire: VJ Tommie Dam: Ace's Zola Rose Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX


2. Big Red 907 04/13/99 Sire: Bueno Chex Dam: Horse Head Ticklish Breeder: C.L. Williams Owner: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX



FEMALES - Division I — OCT. 31, 2009 - NOV. 1, 2003 Division I - Class A

1. Me Oh My Style 05/16/92 Sire: Dixie Joker Dam: Delta Style Breeder: Tim Miller Owner: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX


2. Horseshoe J Elegant 12/03/03 Sire: Gunmans Appeal Dam: Field Test Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L Jones, Greenville, AL



1. Clover 09/21/06 Sire: American Star Dam: Cinnamon Spice Breeder: Clarence A. Lacy Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX

250 81"

3. Creekmore's Awsome 01/28/96 Sire: JK Creekmore Dam: Ace's Gypsy Breeder: Dale Hunt Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX

2. PPF Mimosa 01/26/08 Sire: PPF Gun Maker Dam: GF Scarlet Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


4. JJ Sups Centerfold 22/3 02/24/93 181.31" Sire: Measles' Super Ranger Dam: JJ Overwhelmers Christy Breeder: J & J Farms Owner: Crossed T's Cattle Co, Bowie, TX 177.31"

3. Cowgirl Red 12/01/05 Sire: Luke's Red Bull Dam: YO Freckled Cowgirl Breeder: Bruce & Connie Ollive Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX


5. Admirals Sonoita 06/23/98 Sire: Impacts Rear Admiral Dam: Evita Breeder: Panther Creek Ranch Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


4. TMS Bomber Ace's Dixie 701 03/05/06 Sire: Mr Dobie Dam: TMS Dixie Prince Sassy Breeder: T. M. & Jean Smith Owner: T. M. & Jean Smith, Boyd, TX


6. Delta Dora 03/10/93 Sire: Laramie Dam: Ace's Moondance Breeder: Elmer & Stella Kirkland Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX

5. Drama Queen BCB 06/14/04 Sire: Trick Dam: Butlers Angel Baby Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


7. YO Freckled Cowgirl 02/10/03 162.75" Sire: YO Classic Marquis 1711 Dam: YO Wicked Wind 3586 Breeder: Y.O. Ranch Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen, Lufkin, TX

6. RR Red Clover Sire: Wyoming Warpaint Dam: Clover Breeder: JBR Longhorns Owner: Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX


8. Horse Head Ticklish 02/11/91 162.6" Sire: Horse Head Rebel Lover Dam: Horse Head Touchy Breeder: C. L. Williams Owner: Diamond D Ranch, Red Oak, TX


Division II — OCT. 31, 2003 & BEFORE

9. Quantum Mist 04/28/94 Sire: Quantum Leap Dam: Misty Vision Breeder: Susan Burton Owner: JBR-Loos Partnership, Home, KS

Darlene Aldridge, DVM & John Parmley, Somerville, TX

Division I - Class B


STEERS - Division II — OCT. 31, 2003 & BEFORE 1. BM Red Hawk 5/31/01 Sire: Gray Hawk Dam: Princes Caroline Breeder: Bar M Cattle Company Owner: Ron and Donna Garison, Doyline, LA


245. 50"

Tracey Brown & Rick Friedrich, Fredericksburg, TX

Cindy Bolen, Lufkin, TX Donnie Taylor, Huntington, TX

Heather Spring, Pine Grove, LA & Susan Easterly, Denham Springs, LA

Terry & Tammy King, Westville, FL

Texas Longhorn Trails



The total package of genetics producing terrific calves. Contact us for bred cows and calves. Mike Crawford • 972.489.3832 mike_crawford@mccom.com


Kobra • TTT 71-1/2” EOT Cherrypicker’s Legend • TTT 68-1/2’’

December 2010

GR Grand Unlimited • TTT 72-1/2’’



Darrell Leonard, Marysville, KS; Becky, Justin and Jim Rombeck, Home, KS.

Gene & Linda Juranka, Deridder, LA


57 Registered Lots Sold Sale Average: $3,031 Volume Buyers: Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX; Bill and Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS; Terry & Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, TX Sherry Adcock, Lamesa, TX; Brent Kendra & Trevor MacLeod, Keller, TX; Kim & Mike MacLeod, Palo & Cindy Bolen, Lufkin, TX; Warren Pinto, TX; Ian MacLeod, and Heather Godeskowski, Alexandria, VA. & Cathy Dorathy, Sanger, CA

Photos by Brenda Cantrell

✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ HIGH SELLING LOT:

Warren & Cathy Dorathy, Sanger, CA

Cindy & Brent Bolen, Lufkin, TX


HORSESHOE J ELEGANT (2003 daughter of Gunman’s Appeal and Field Test)

Consignor: Jimmy L. Jones, Greenville, AL Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX

Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, Crawford, TX


(2005 daughter of EOT Outback Bomber and Bibby’s Fancy Free) Consignor: Khaos Cattle Company, Monroe, NC. Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX

High Selling Buyers Joe & Lorinda Valentine, Marlin, TX with consignor Jimmy Jones, Greenville, AL


– STARS ON ACCOUNT (2006 daughter of Raffles and Star Supreme Credit) Consignor: Consignor: Prime Source TX Longhorns, LLC, Cat Spring,TX. Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX


– HEARTSTAR (2008 daughter of Starbase Commander and Star Just Go Britely) Consignor: Consignor: Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX. Buyer: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS

Dr. Bob Kropp, Perry, OK; Della & Felix Serna, Kingsville, TX Scott Simmons, Medora, IL; Ethan Loos, Columbus, IL


– DAISY BOOM (2001 daughter of Boomerang CP and Daisy 358) Consignor: Consignor: Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins, Rockwall, TX. Buyer: Warren & Cathy Dorathy, Sanger, CA


Angry Jack and the Accordion, Olney, Texas, provided the lunch entertainment before the sale. Texas Longhorn Trails


December 2010



December 2010



Camellia DOB 3/13/1987 • Died 7/5/2010 Owned by Bill Derey of Blackstone, VA, Camellia was the daughter of Diamond 505 and Classic Camille. Camillia, 23, produced some great offspring in her time. She was Bill’s favorite cow and she is greatly missed. Bill Derey turned 88 in July and still works his own cattle.


Texas Longhorn Trails

SponSorShip packageS $7500

1 - 4 color full page ad within the Trails magazine 3 month consecutive on-line business card ad on TLBAA Web-site Full page ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena 1 booth exhibit space 4 banquet tickets 2 parking passes


$5000 2 - 4 color full ad pages within the Trails magazine 3 month consecutive on-line business card ad on TLBAA Web site 1 year on-line Breeders Guide on TLBAA Web-site Full page ad in World Show program book 1 banner 1 booth exhibit space 4 banquet tickets 2 parking passes

1 - 4 color full page ad within the Trails magazine Full page ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena 1 booth exhibit space 4 banquet tickets 1 parking pass

$1500 1 - 1/6 color full page within the Trails magazine 2 months consecutive on-line business card ad on TLBAA Web-site 1 year on-line Breeders Guide on TLBAA Web-site 1/6 page ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena 2 banquet tickets 1 parking pass

$4000 1 - 4 color full page within the Trails magazine 1 - 1/4 color page within the Trails magazine 3 month consecutive on-line business card ad on TLBAA Web-site 1 year on-line Breeders Guide on TLBAA website 1/2 page ad in World Show program book 1 banner 4 banquet tickets 1 parking pass

$3000 1 - 1/2 color page within the Trails magazine 1 - 1/6 color ad within the Trails magazine 1 month consecutive on-line business card ad on TLBAA Web-site 1 year on-line Breeders Guide on TLBAA Web-site 1/2 page ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena 4 banquet tickets 1 parking pass



1 - 1/6 color full page within the Trails magazine 1/6 page ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena 2 banquet tickets 1 parking pass

$500 1/6 page ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena 2 banquet tickets 1 parking pass

$150 Breeders guide ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena 1 banquet ticket

$75 Breeders guide ad in World Show program book Space for banner in arena Texas Longhorn Trails




President’s Message Name: Lydia Faske TLBT Office: Teen Director Age: 14 Hometown: Somerville, Texas School: Home Schooled Number of Years in the TLBT: 5

When and how did you become involved with the TLBT? My dad bought some Longhorns in December of 2005 for my mom as a Christmas present. Some friends invited a couple of us help them halter break a few calves. Our first show was in May of 2006. Our whole family had one calf of our own to show, and she was a bottle calf. At the show, two of my siblings won calves from calf donors at the Brenham show. That is when we became deeply involved in showing. I also enjoy attending the sales and field days.

What is your favorite part of showing Longhorns? My favorite part of showing Texas Longhorns is showmanship because it is the most competitive class of the day. Showmanship is basically how you present your calf and how you present yourself as well

What is the best advice about showing Longhorns you have received and from whom? My mom tells us, “Be confident and show the judge that you are the winner!”

Dear TLBT Members, I hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather this month and looking forward to the New Year. While the holidays are still here, I am sure you are all very busy preparing to spend time with family and hopefully getting to relax a little too. For most of us, the calving season has slowed, but with January approaching, things are about to get really busy. Even with the busyness of the holiday season, I’m positive that at least a few of you will get to attend some of the events the TLBAA has to offer. There are actually two TLBT shows in Texas this month. Please take the time to thank those who work so hard to make these possible, even in the midst of the holiday season. Next month during the Fort Worth Stock Show, we will be having a TLBT public meeting along with the TLBT Fashion Show that will be held before the Premier Heifer Sale. We are hoping to get a great turn out for this event. Last year it was a lot of fun, and I think folks enjoyed getting to hear a little bit about each of the youth who participated. This year, we will need ten youth from each of the age divisions to model western clothing. This is a TLBT fundraiser, so your participating would be greatly appreciated. Please call me on my cell phone at 979-224-6561 or email me at jacobfaske@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to participate. You can also contact our TLBT Reporter, Sarah Faske, on her cell phone 979-224-6562 or email her at sarahfaske@gmail.com for more information. At the Horn Showcase, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Valentine bought the sponsorship for the new Web site for the year. Their support is greatly appreciated. Please thank them when you see them. The Web site is coming along nicely and should be live very soon. If you have any neat Longhorn photos you’d like to share, please send them our way. With the cooler weather comes much warmer clothes, and the TLBT hoodies will help keep you warm. The new hoodies have arrived and are available in chocolate brown and forest green. They are going fast, so pick one up at the next TLBT show or Longhorn event. I would like to wish you all the best for the upcoming year and have a very Merry Christmas. Happy Trails,

What do you enjoy doing when you are not showing Longhorns? I enjoy riding horses and our Longhorn steers, working with my calves, spending time at the ranch with my family, reading and spending time with my friends.

Jacob Faske TLBT President

The TLBT theme for the year is “Stars and Stripes and Old Country Nights.” We will be honoring our troops this year. If you are serving or have served in the US Military, please contact Sarah Faske, TLBT Reporter, sarahfaske@gmail.com. We would like to recognize all Longhorn breeders and those serving alongside them that have helped to protect our country and the freedoms that we enjoy. December 2010


Why Miniature Longhorns?

By Eric J. Redeker

Why Not!

Eric Redeker of the Vertically Challenged Cattle Company (Alice, TX) with his 3 month old standardsized longhorn steer Lighthaus (left) and 6 month old miniature longhorn steer Kosmos (right).

hen we look out bers? Over time, this breed across a pasture in has changed dramatically the early morning through selective breeding. and see the silhouettes of grazThe general trend has been to ing Texas Longhorns through create larger bodied animals the low hanging fog, we know that have horns that stretch that there is no greater cattle out to the stratosphere. A breed on Earth. Calving dates small handful of breeders are anticipated with the childhave taken their breeding proish excitement of opening a gift grams in a completely differon Christmas morning because ent direction from what is we just can’t wait to see what considered mainstream. They colors the calves will be. It have down-sized the Texas doesn’t matter how old or Longhorn to create true young we are, just thinking miniatures. These miniatures about this majestic cattle breed are approximately 1/3 the size invokes a plethora of different of standard Texas Longhorns emotions. Though every memand have all the unique qualber of the TLBAA has a different ities that we love about the opinion about what the perfect breed. Texas Longhorn is or should be, Many people may ask the one thing that we can all the question WHY? Over agree upon is that this breed is time, the average sizes of extremely variable and can be ranches around the world molded through selective have decreased, making it virbreeding to reflect our own intually impossible for many Eric Redeker of the Vertically Challenged Cattle Company (Alice, TX) dividual ideals. Whether we are landowners to run profitable with his 5 year old cow, Mini Socks. selecting for color, size, conforcow/calf operations. Miniamation, or horn, this breed ofture livestock have made it as the breed itself, which is one of the fers something for every breeder and is the possible for these small landowners to run things that makes life so interesting at the perfect medium for ranchers to express a respectable number of animals on their TLBAA. What fun would it be if all of our their individuality. land. Additionally, miniature livestock are animals looked identical and could only be Texas Longhorn breeders are as variable viewed by government agencies as agriculdifferentiated by their private herd num-



Texas Longhorn Trails

tural commodities, enabling smaller landowners to take advantage of various tax benefits. Miniaturizing the Texas Longhorn has enabled these smaller land owners to get away from monochromatic herds of traditional miniature cattle and enjoy the breed that we are all so passionate about. The Miniature Texas Longhorn is the product of a vision shared by two TLBAA members: Bill Buck (Krum, TX) and

ing the first several years barely breaking he retained from the initial herd formed even with his cattle operation, he started the foundation of his breeding program. looking for a way to generate higher profits. Using embryo transfer and artificial insemOne day he saw some miniature horses and ination, he was able to accelerate his breedasked the owner, “What are they good for?” ing program and further refine the To which the owner replied, “They are fanMiniature Texas Longhorn into what it is tastic pasture ornaments, people pay top today. According to John, it took almost dollar for them, and they don’t cost a twelve generations to achieve his dream of whole lot to raise!” Shortly thereafter, Bill producing consistently small animals that started searching all over the country for had desirable horns. Miniature Texas Longhorns but could not With fewer than a dozen active find any. So, he visited with his veterinarMiniature Texas Longhorn breeders across ian and asked how he could miniaturize the country, the minis are very much still a the breed. The answer was to selectively novelty. The genetic base comes from both breed the smallest cows to the smallest Butler and WR stock, so they are just as bulls, retain the smallest offspring, and cull much Texas Longhorns as their larger the largest offspring. Starting with fewer cousins. Until recently, these minis were than fifty WR cows and a shoe-string being registered within the standard TLBAA budget, he began selectively breeding for registry. One downside to having these ansize. After about the third generation, the size of his animals was markedly reduced. Currently, Bill is on his eighth generation and is still working to perfect the Miniature Texas Longhorn. Bill admits Anna Redeker of the Vertically Chalthat he spent so much time and lenged Cattle Company (Alice, TX) with effort trying to reduce the physiher 1 ½ year old herd sire, Smokehaus cal size of his animals that he forJohn Fore (Denham Springs, LA). Both set got about the horns. Now, with out to create true Miniature Texas Longthe help of some nicely horned horns twenty years ago, independent of bulls, he is trying to “put the one another. Each man had a different mohorns back on them.” His goal is tivation for miniaturizing the breed and to consistently produce animals did not find out about the other until they that are 36 inches tall at the hip had each successfully created their own verwith 36 inches TTT horns and will Bill Buck of the Indian Mountain Ranch (Krum, TX) sion of Miniature Texas Longhorns. not rest until he sees this goal with his favorite cow, Miss Dollie (8 year old cow) Bill Buck, a retired US Air Force come to fruition. Chief Master Sergeant and the son of a catAround the same time and over imals in the standard registry is that they tle broker, first started raising Texas Long500 miles away, John Fore, an engineer, incannot effectively compete with standardhorns shortly after he retired and purchased ventor, and technological innovator that sized cattle in shows. On May 26 of this a recreational ranch in 1986. After spendholds over 17 patents to various inventions, year, the TLBAA Board of Directors aphad a simple motivation to proved the creation of a new Miniature miniaturize the breed: “I wanted Texas Longhorn registry. This new registry to see if it could be done.” Startwill enable Miniature Texas Longhorn ing with a herd of over 240 Butler breeders to reclassify their cattle as miniacows that were hand selected for tures and compete in TLBAA sanctioned their small size and had pedigrees shows within a new miniature class. that were relatively free of “large The TLBAA is currently testing the new reggenetics,” John bred these cows to istration system to insure compatibility with the the smallest Butler bulls that he new Miniature Texas Longhorn Registry. As could find. Out of the original soon as the registrations department is able to 240 cows, John only kept a half accept Miniature Texas Longhorn registration dozen calves that had the size and reclassification applications, the website and conformation that he was will be updated. For more information, please Dave Sullivan of the Silver Star Ranch (Celina, TX) looking for. The animals that email miniature@tlbaa.org hand-feeding his 2 year old herd sire, Boots Eric J. Redeker was born and raised in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania. He earned his B.S. in Forest Science in 1995 and his M.S. in Rangeland Ecology and Management in 1998 from Texas A&M University. In 1998 he took a Research Scientist position with the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute of Texas A&M University – Kingsville, where he oversees the use of mapping technologies within the graduate wildlife research program. In 2002, Eric founded Landitude Incorporated, a ranching and wildlife consulting company that specializes in using mapping technologies to increase ranching efficiencies. In 2008, Eric and his wife Anna purchased a small ranch in Jim Wells County (near Alice) where they are currently raising Miniature Texas Longhorns. Eric has been an active member of TLBAA since 2009 and currently serves on the TLBAA Miniature Texas Longhorn review committee. December 2010





“Better Than Gunman... says the man who owned both”

71” TTT • over 90” TH

l a s r e p s i D d r e Complete H


www.BlueMountainLonghorns.com Aubrey & Marva Herring • (918) 653-3647 • Heavener, Oklahoma



Texas Longhorn Trails

WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle • Palpation gates • Measure horns • A.I. cows


We’ve got dw!hat you nee

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for s k l fo e s e h t k n a We th at in ’ in p p o r d y l kind e. the TLBA A offic 1. Michael & Lisa Moore, Terrell, TX; 2. Bob Larson, Tillamooke, OR and TLBAA's Brenda Cantrell; 3. Chris Burton, Decatur, TX; 4. TLBAA’s Pam Galloway with T.M. Smith, Boyd, TX; 5. Ken Harris, Marshall, TX with TLBAA’s Kim Barfield; 6. Glenn Phipps, Santo, TX; 7. Tammy and Jimmy McKenzie, Royse City, TX; 8. Stacy & Andy Martinez, Grandview, TX. December 2010


Reproductive performance in cattle, skeletal development in young animals, optimum health, and strong immunity all depend on adequate nutrition-which includes important trace minerals. Some soils and plants, however, are short on various minerals, leaving feeds deficient. Ever since the 1950s, for instance, cow-calf producers have been aware of problems caused by selenium deficiencies (white muscle disease in young calves, retained placenta and infertility in cows, abortions, premature or weak newborn calves). In most geographic areas of the U.S. soils are deficient in selenium. Later, researchers found that copper deficiencies were also widespread, resulting in poor hair pigmentation, fragile bones, impaired reproductive performance, poor growth rates and reduced immunity. Copper supplementation has improved conception rates and immune responses to vaccinations. The most recent forage and cattle studies have indicated that zinc may be the most widely deficient trace mineral. Zinc is important in many body systems including production of certain enzymes (particularly for synthesis of DNA, and proteins), carbohydrate metabolism, hoof structure and soundness, and male fertility (deficient animals have smaller testicles and reduced semen quality). Zincdeficient calves may have swollen feet, scaly skin with open lesions, wounds that take longer to heal, loss of hair, excessive salivation, reduced appetite, reduced feed efficiency and growth rates, and impaired immune systems. Moderate deficiencies are not so readily recognized, but take an economic toll through decreased growth rate and impaired immunity and fertility. Calves born to zinc-deficient dams have lower levels of immunity even when fed adequate amounts of zinc. Manganese, another important trace mineral, is important for proper bone and cartilage formation—which directly affects bone growth in young animals. It is also crucial for optimum fertility in cows. Signs of deficiency in calves include skeletal deformities, swollen joints and stiffness. During the past 2 decades, USDA studies of blood levels for trace minerals in cattle herds around the country found numerous animals deficient in these 4 important minerals. Many livestock producers use supplemental minerals to augment cattle diets. These are often supplied in salt/mineral mixes, provided free choice. Consumption is varied however, with some animals consuming too much while others eat inadequate amounts or none at all. Also, other aspects of diet (including certain minerals that may negatively interact with the supplement during digestion) may hinder absorption by the body. Because of this variability, some stockmen resort to individually dosing their animals by drench, bolus or injection—to make sure the cattle directly receive the necessary minerals. In recent years, the value of injected trace minerals has been recognized as a reliable way to ensure that cattle receive them.

Dr. Lourens Havenga, Chief Executive Officer of Multimin USA, Inc. (an injectable trace mineral product), says the USDA ran 3 surveys during the 1990’s—on selenium, copper and zinc blood levels in cattle. “When they did their most recent survey they found there was actually a higher number of individual animals and herds deficient in zinc than either copper or selenium,” says Havenga. “When we created our injectable mineral product for the US, we based it on the 2001 NRC requirements and actual absorption of minerals, recognizing proper ratios of copper, zinc, manganese and selenium.” Havenga points to several university studies that have shown the benefits of injected trace mineral products--looking at how rapidly the minerals are absorbed and how long they are stored in the liver. Other studies have evaluated the effects on calf health and reproductive performance when injecting cows before and after calving. “After launching our new product, I had a lot of questions from veterinarians and producers, asking how it actually works. For instance, after injection how quickly is it absorbed, how quickly does it go into the liver, how quickly do we see the different enzymes (that rely on these minerals) start showing response. So I contacted researchers at Iowa State University to do some studies,” says Havenga. “I met with Stephanie Hansen, PhD, who has done a lot of trace mineral research and she agreed to do the research on these questions. So we sponsored this research at Iowa State and she provided us with an elaborate and detailed trial report, and presented her research findings at the Animal Science meeting in Denver Colorado in mid-July 2010.” Dr. Hansen found that the injected product is absorbed rapidly. “Once you’ve injected the animal, mineral levels in the bloodstream increase and reach a peak within 8 to 10 hours. Most of the mineral that the animal doesn’t utilize is stored in the liver, while some is excreted by the kidneys. The high blood level is maintained for about 24 hours and then drops. Then the body stores the excess in the liver, or gets rid of it in the urine or feces,” says Havenga. “We only ran this study for 15 days, and found that the storage levels were high for the full 15 days. We later had other studies done at Texas A&M that showed the product actually lasts (stored in the liver) for about 2 to 3 months, depending on mineral status prior to injection,” he says. “The third part of the research project at Iowa State looked at enzyme responses. It starts immediately, but by 14 days after injection significant changes were confirmed. This is why we recommend that producers use this product a little bit in advance of stresses, calving or breeding, especially for enhancing reproductive performance. It’s best if you can inject cows about a month before they’d be breeding, or about a month before calving (at a

minimum) for optimum benefit. You can use it earlier than that, such as at preg checking, but shouldn’t use it much closer to these events because cattle might not get full benefit,” he explains. A Texas A&M study in beef cattle came up with additional data regarding differences in cattle performance when injected with trace minerals. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of providing pre-calving and pre-breeding injections of Multimin and vitamin E on reproductive performance of beef cows and on health and survival of their calves. In this study, 67 crossbred cows were randomly assigned to control or Multimin/vitamin E treatments. Treated cows were given injections 30 days prior to the start of calving and again 21 days prior to start of breeding. The trace mineral injections effectively improved copper levels (liver) and selenium (blood levels), compared to the nontreated cows. The treated cows had significantly higher liver concentrations of copper than the controls, remaining higher for 161 days after the last injection. Previous research had shown that cattle have improved performance and/or immune function with trace mineral supplementation when they are marginal to deficient in copper, zinc and selenium, but differences may not be seen when cattle have adequate levels to begin with. In the Texas study, more cows became pregnant in the treated group; cows in the control group were 2.4 times more likely to be open. “Researchers injected the product before the cows calved, and again before they bred the cows. This showed that if you use the product strategically, these 2 injections can keep liver levels elevated in the cow for almost a full year (one production cycle). We stopped that trial at 256 days just before the cows started calving again the next season,” says Havenga. “The producer benefit in the Texas A&M study was that we increased calving percentage, and those cows also calved earlier. The Multimin-treated cows bred back quicker and calved 6 days earlier, on average, than the untreated cows. This gives us a better understanding about how this product works,” he says. Making sure cows have adequate levels of trace minerals during pregnancy also ensures normal bone formation and immune system development in the growing fetus, and also enables the fetus to have adequate stores of these important minerals in its liver. Deficiencies in the calf cannot be made up through supplementing the dam after calving, since these minerals do not transfer very well through the milk. Some stockmen cover their bases by giving young calves injections during the first days or weeks of life, or at branding time. Ideally, you need to make sure the calf has peak levels (and is not deficient) at the time of vaccinations, in order to be able to mount strong immunities. Unless a calf has adequate trace mineral status, vaccination may not be able to protect him against disease.

TR A C E MI NE RA L SupplementS enhance calf health and cow RepRoductive peRfoRmance


By Heather Smith Thomas Texas Longhorn Trails

TRAILS COVER POLICY The following policy was revised during the October 16, 2010 Board of Directors meeting held in Fort Worth, TX:

Need For Policy/Discussion The cover makes the first and most important impression to the reader and is the most valuable page of the magazine. Because the 2009 Board of Directors requested that the Trails sell covers to increase revenue, it is imperative that a policy on cover format be set in order to keep the best image of the Trails intact. Policy Proposal • Photograph for the cover is vertical and is of the highest quality with a 300 dpi. • Trails logo shall not be altered to accomodate a photo, unless it enhances the image of the magazine. • Mailing label and bar code are two rectangular shapes beginning at the bottom left hand corner and continuing to the right side will not be moved to accomodate a photo due to mailing policies. • The Trails will accept no more than 5 separate photos (one photo is preferred). • No copy will be added to the cover to identify animals, events or other promotions unless it is a TLBAA official announcement. • All copy regarding the photo(s) on the cover will be placed on the Table of Contents page under the heading “About the Cover”. • At least a third of a page within the magazine will be available for the purchaser of the cover to continue with copy regarding the cover if space on “About the Cover” is lacking. • The editor in chief and the art director of the Trails will have final approval of covers. • By following these guidelines, the purchaser of the cover can be assured that the highest quality of production standards will be used to provide a professional result.

December 2010

IN BOX As the editor, I receive various interesting photos along with explanations either through the mail or e-mail. I would like to begin to share some of them with you inside the Trails magazine each month. If you have an interesting tid-bit or photo that may not be suitable for “Just for Grins”, please send them to me. You may end up in the next issue of the Trails!

Megan Mehlberg from A&M Ranch in Gresham, WI, sent the following photo and a hand written note: My name is Megan Mehlberg and I wanted to send you this photo of my daughter, son, and my first Texas Longhorn. Photo was taken on September 27, 2010. My daughter, Emma is 4 years old; my son, Cody is 2 ½ years old; and, my steer, Shooter is 4 ½ months old. This photo is of everyone’s first time: riding, being ridden and leading…everything went perfect. I think the looks on their faces say everything! Sincerely, A&M Ranch A. J. and Megan Mehlberg Gresham, WI

In an email I received this photo from Jeff Bearden, League City, TX, and the following explanation: The 4B Ranch (Jeff, Nancy, Preston and Brandon Bearden) donated a South Texas Whitetail Management Hunt to the TLBT. It was for there live Auction at the awards banquet last June at the World Show. Ron Garison from Shreveport, LA out bid everybody for this unique opportunity to hunt the South Texas Brush. South Texas had a lot of rain last spring & summer. The Whitetails and the Longhorns were fat from it and Horns were plenty. Ron drove down to Cotulla, Tx on Friday Nov. 12 and the hunt was on.The first day was tough with 80 degree weather but a Cold Front blew thru overnight and the deer started moving. By Sunday morning Ron had shot a beautiful 10 point management buck that was 5 years old and Gross scored 137 Boone and Crockett. It was a great opportunity for 2 Longhorn Breeders to talk Hunting and Texas Longhorns. Ron and his wife Donna owns the 2010 World Champion Trophy Steer BM Red Hawk. Congratulations Ron!


Revisions to Texas Cattle Trichomoniasis Regulations Adopted; Effective November 2010 Changes to Texas' cattle trichomoniasis (or “trich”) regulations were adopted Tuesday, October 5, by the 13 governorappointed leaders of the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) and will become effective in November 2010. Dr. Andy Schwartz, TAHC assistant state veterinarian and epidemiologist, discussed the program and outlined rule changes for board members of the Independent Cattlemen's Association of Texas (ICA). Cattle trichomoniasis, a venereal disease of cattle, can cause cows to abort very early in their pregnancy and be slow to re-breed. Cows, given sexual rest, may clear the disease, but infected bulls become lifetime carriers and transmitters of the “trich” organism. To protect against the spread of the disease, testing regulations went into effect in January 2010 for Texas breeding bulls undergoing a change of possession, about nine months after rules were imposed for breeding bulls entering the state. Dr. Schwartz reported that several rule changes were in the works, in response to recommendations from the yearly industry-led review of Texas trichomoniasis program. One adopted rule change will extend the validity of the negative cattle trichomoniasis test from the current 30 days to a more lenient 60 days, provided the bulls are not commingled with heifers or cows during the 60 days. “The industry committee members

wanted this change to provide ranchers additional time to sell or move tested bulls,” said Bill Hyman, ICA executive director and a member of the review team. “Also, under the revised regulations, the current 30-day 'virgin certificate' is extended to 60 days for young bulls that are exempt from testing prior to change of possession. Furthermore, the virgin certificate will convey to the new owner, who may re-sell the young bull as a virgin within the 60-day time frame, provided the animal has not been commingled with female cattle.” Dr. Schwartz said that, under the revised Texas regulations, a negative trichomoniasis test still will be required within the previous 30 days when non-virgin bulls, or bulls older than 24 months of age, are imported into Texas from other states. However, once the animals arrive in Texas, the negative test would be valid for the remainder of the 60day test window, provided the bulls are maintained away from female cattle during that time. The revised regulations also exempt outof-state breeding bulls from an entry trichomoniasis test, if they come from Certified Semen Service (CSS) artificial insemination facilities, where they are isolated from female cattle. The bulls must be accompanied by documentation, with an original signature by the veterinarian or manager of the facility. Another of the revised regulations will allow untested, non-virgin Texas bulls to be

sold and moved to a feedlot prior to slaughter. Under previous rules, untested, non-virgin bulls were allowed to be sold only for direct movement to slaughter, or for movement under a TAHC-issued hold order to a site away from female cattle, where the bull was to be tested for the disease. Bulls that test negative for cattle trichomoniasis are released from the hold order and allowed to move freely and be commingled with female cattle. Testing for the disease peaked in March and April 2010, when samples from 5,000 bulls in Texas were shipped or delivered to the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL), the state's official trichomoniasis testing laboratory. About 3 percent of these bulls were infected with the disease. Dr. Schwartz said that the TAHC has begun notifying fence-line neighbors when an infected bull is detected. The neighbors are encouraged, but not required, to have their bulls tested. Bulls that are confirmed to have cattle trichomoniasis must be sent to slaughter, to prevent the spread of infection. The Independent Cattlemen’s Association of Texas represents land and cattle owners on legislative and regulatory issues of importance to the cattle industry and agribusiness. For more information, contact the ICA office at 512-620-0162, or visit www.icatexas.com.

IN MEMORIAM Bill Anthony (1930 – 2010) Longhorn Industry Loses Pioneer Leader By Stan Searle With the passing of Bill R. Anthony on Nov. 13, 2010, the Texas Longhorn industry lost a long time friend and respected leader. Bill and Dolores, his wife of 58 years, began raising Longhorn cattle on their Ardmore, OK ranch in 1970. Their B Bar D brand came to represent top of the line cattle, including B--D Bandera and Imperial. B Bar D Longhorn Ranch also produced quality commercial beef cattle and Salorns, the Salers-Longhorn composite breed. A Lifetime TLBAA member, Bill served on the Board of Directors for many years, including two terms as president, from 1980 to 1982. It was during his tenure that the Association office was relocated from San Antonio to Fort Worth. In 1990 Anthony closed his road and bridge construction company and concrete plant. In the mid-nineties he and Dolores


sold their ranch and “retired” to Edmond, OK where Bill entered the real estate business with Century 21, remaining actively involved until recent weeks. Devoted to his family and numerous friends, including many from his 25 years in the Texas Longhorn industry, Bill still allocated time to Christian ministry in prisons and jails. The notice of his passing stated that “Bill lived an incredible life. He was admired as a God-fearing, honest man of integrity. Although he was a driven man, he never felt that money and success was the goal-it was perfection. Many would say that Bill was the greatest man to ever put on a pair of shoes. You can only imagine how many lives he touched throughout his life of many interests.” Billy R. Anthony was born to Charles and Martha Anthony in Oklahoma City, September 6, 1930; he passed away on, Nov. 13, 2010 surrounded by his family. In addition to his years of service to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America, Bill served the International Texas Longhorn

Association for a term as president and two years as executive director. He was also a Shriner and a foster parent. He was an inveterate fan of Oklahoma State athletics. Besides Dolores, he leaves behind his daughters: Sandy Chichester and son-inlaw Paul of Derby, KS, and Pam LeGrand of Edmond, as well as three grandchildren: Paula Thomas and husband Matt of Oklahoma City, Katy Lee and husband Ariel of Derby, KS and Hannah LeGrand of Edmond, one expected great-grandchild and a host of neighbors and friends from his days in the cattle business. Texas Longhorn Trails

GUIDELINE FOR ENTRIES: 1. All cattle must be futurity eligible. 2. All cattle must be TLBAA or ITLA registered. 3. All entries must be paid in full by the due date. 4. No changes or substitutions of cattle once entered. 5. Cattle blood tested on a random basis. 6. A non-refundable fee of $250.00 must accompany all protests. 7. Decisions of the judges will be final. 8. The Millennium Futurity Partners are not responsible for accidents to any persons or animals while at the event. 9. Anyone who is proven to have cheated on genetics or age will be banned for life from the Millennium Futurity or any of its events.

The total amount of the entry fee is $300.00. A nomination fee of $150.00 is due on or before February 15, 2011. A final payment of $150.00 is due on or before April 15, 2011. For animals nominated after February 15, 2011, a late fee of $100 will be applied. Absolutely no entries will be accepted after April 15, 2011.

MILLENNIUM FUTURITY 2011 CLASSES (14 Divisions) BULLS Class 1..................Oct. 1, 2010-Dec. 31, 2010 Class 2 .................July 1, 2010-Sept. 30, 2010 Class 3 ................April 1, 2010-June 30, 2010 Class 4 ..................Jan. 1, 2010-Mar. 31, 2010 Class 5 ................Sept. 1, 2009-Dec. 31, 2009 Class 6.................May 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2009 Class 7 .................Jan. 1, 2009-April 30, 2009 HEIFERS Class 8..................Oct. 1, 2010-Dec. 31, 2010 Class 9 .................July 1, 2010-Sept. 30, 2010 Class 10 ..............April 1, 2010-June 30, 2010 Class 11 ................Jan. 1, 2010-Mar. 31, 2010 Class 12 ..............Sept. 1, 2009-Dec. 31, 2009 Class 13...............May 1, 2009-Aug. 31, 2009 Class 14 ...............Jan. 1, 2009-April 30, 2009

PAYMENT SCHEDULE: The total entry is $300. A fee of $150 is due on or before February 15, 2011. Final payment of entry due on or before April 15, 2011.

Futurity Manager – Bill Davidson 1117 East 16th Street • Chandler, OK 74834 • 405-258-7117 Cell mlflonghorn@sbcglobal.net • www.mlfuturity.com

–ENTRY FORM– Name _______________________________________________ DOB _____ Reg. No. _________ Name of Sire _____________________________________ Sire Reg. No. _________________ Name of Dam _______________________________ Dam Reg. No. ___________________ Sex of Animal ______________ Name of Owner _____________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ Breeder ____________________ Phone/E-mail ______________________________________ Mail to: Bill Davidson, 1117 East 16th Street, Chandler, OK 74834 (Please remit copy of papers)

TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s

December - Herd Management Guide Spring Calving: 1. Continue feeding program designed for October and November. As winter approaches and warm season grasses become weathered, the protein and energy values of your pastures will decrease substantially. Nutritional deficiencies are most likely to occur during December, January, February and March. Nutrient needs during this period are extremely critical. Most of the fetal development will occur during the last three months of gestation. In addition, the nutritional needs for production of the female’s first milk, colostrum, containing much needed antibodies against disease for the newborn calf increase dramatically. Make sure that the females entering the calving season are in good condition and not thin and undernourished. The number of days from calving to first observed heat period following calving is largely determined by the nutritional status of the females at time of calving. If pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing or poor rainfall during the summer, then energy is your first concern. Feeding a medium (8-10 percent crude protein) to high quality (15-17 percent crude protein) hay free choice will provide an excellent source of energy for females. If pasture grass is plentiful, but dormant and poor in quality, then protein is generally your first concern. Assuming that your cows are in good body condition, feeding low levels of a high crude protein supplement (32-40 percent crude protein) is your best alternative. If your


cows are thin in body condition, then feeding higher levels of a low crude protein, high energy range cube (20 percent crude protein) will provide increased intake of vital nutrients. If winter pasture or cool season variety grasses are available, then the females should not need additional energy or protein supplementation. A source of salt as well as a good commercial calcium-phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A should be available on a free choice basis. 2. Evaluate the growth of your bred heifers. The goal should be to have your bred heifers weigh 85 percent of their mature weight, including the weight of the fetus, prior to calving at 23-25 months of age. Because of this threshold weight, bred heifers should be fed to gain a minimum of one pound per day.

Fall Calving: 1. Continue the feeding program begun in October. The nutrient requirements for energy, protein, minerals and vitamins of lactating females increase substantially. During the first 34 months of lactation, a 1,000 pound cow with average milking ability (producing 10 pounds of milk daily) requires 11.5 pounds of energy, 2 pounds of protein, 0.06 pounds of calcium, 0.05 pounds of phosphorus and 36,000 international units of Vitamin A per day. Make sure that your females are receiving adequate nutrition so that they will cycle at the first of the breeding season. Feeding 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent CP supplement, 4-6 pounds of a 30 percent CP

supplement or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement per head per day should be adequate to meet most protein and energy needs. Choice of appropriate supplement (20 percent CP, 30 percent CP or 40 percent CP) should be based upon cheapest source of protein. Price per pound of protein may be determined by dividing the cost per pound of protein supplement by the percentage of crude protein in the supplement. A source of salt as well as a good commercial calcium: phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A should be available on a free choice basis. If your cows are thin in body condition, then feeding supplemental hay plus higher levels of a low crude protein, high energy range cube (20 percent crude protein) will provide increased intake of vital nutrients. Young, lactating females have 20-25 percent greater supplemental needs than mature cows. Watch body condition closely and increase supplemental feed accordingly. 2. Provide supplemental feed for bulls grazing dry, dormant range grass according to age and condition of the bulls: (a) feed mature bulls 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent crude protein range cube daily; (b) feed young bulls 8-10 pounds of a high energy, 20 percent crude protein cattle cube daily; and (c) supplement additional feed as necessary to keep bulls in good body condition as breeding season approaches. 3. Vaccinate cows prior to breeding season for leptospirosis. Consult your local veterinarian about needs for vibriosis vaccination.

Texas Longhorn Trails

Super Bowl Sittin’ Bull

Coach Air Force One

Longhorn Working Chute Designed for Longhorn Cattle but will work most anything that will not fit into the regular working chute.

Mountain Home, Texas

1-800-YO RANCH charlie4@yoranch.com Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA

Simple and easy to operate. Excellent for AI, embryo transfers, pulling blood, vaccination and much more. This chute is designed with horns in mind. These working chutes are rapidly becoming very popular throughout the Longhorn industry. L ONGHORNS S INCE 1978.

11025 AA Rd. • Bazine, KS 67516 (785) 398-2311

www.tlbaa.org December 2010

Horn Showcase Results start on pg. 20 79

Monthly Movers & shAkers

Registrations and Transfers from October 1, 2010 to October 31, 2010

Division A

Division B (cont.)

Division B (cont.)

Division C

Ladner Farms Dennis W. Jones Dave Hovingh Billy Holder Allen Or Linda Evans Allen S. Brantley Claude or Carole D. Lipscomb George and Laureen Gennin Ron A. Walker Ron Skinner Dan Huntington Dion C. Wilson Sand Hills Ranch Westfarms Inc. Benjamin C. Gravett Chad and Cheryl Mc Mahen Harold Rester Khaos Cattle Company Bill Derey Diamond B Longhorns Jack Mc Mahen Jimmy L. Jones Jody Shaw L & R Longhorns Mark Hubbell Maurice Ladnier Scott Hughes Sonny & Angie's Longhorn Straight Arrow Cattle Co. Terry Roberts Triple R Ranch

Stanley Tidwell Frank & Sue Bowdoin Glenn E Phipps Tammy McKenzie Joel K & Shirley Lemley Vida Nueva Ranch Robert L. Nesloney, Jr. T.M. and Jean Smith Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Bob and Cathy Iversen E. Lee Ranch (EE) Jim and Luann Blay Michael Mc Leod Phillip and Rebecca Ramsey Stephen P Head Triple R Ranch Rugged Cross Ranch Ron & Barbara Marquess 4-C Ranch Billy Thompson and Gary Jenkins Deer Creek Longhorns Donnie Taylor John & Ursula Allen K & T Longhorns Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Glen West Alice & Jeff Yates Al Morris & Rob Hunt Brent & Cynthia Bolen Dr. Gene and Lana Hightower John T. & Betty Baker Lindauer Longhorn Company Mark Feighner Richard & Liz Shea Rick Friedrich Steven Zunker Wilton and Carolyn Wilton Dale Land and Cattle David & Kathy M. Adams Jim and Carolyn Van Duzee Johanna H. Lange Bernard Lankford Bill & Anita Wappler Eddie and Sharon Settlemyer John C. Wells Keith Spears

Larry and Paula Reck Malcolm & Constance Goodman Richard James Filip Rio Vista Ranch Robert and Louann Rubel S. Ann Wight Steve Day Annie Morgan & Steve Bell Bob Coffee Chad & Karen Niles Jonell Westerberg Sandra K. Nordhausen Dave & Althea Sullivan David Stanley David Vizza Dennis and Pam Thonsgard Dorie Damuth Elias F. Hal Meyer, Jr. Gary and Carolyn Huebner Helm Cattle Company James Bothwell Jim Wright John C. Patton Johnny and Barbara Coleman John R. Randolph John Stockton Kay L. Roush Kerry and Nancee Mounce Lazy L Longhorns Limb Cattle Company Lonnie Shan Manuel or Sharlyn Gonzales Matt & Sarah Vuskov Mike & Alicia Karbowski Mike and Kim MacLeod Plantana Polo Farm Prime Source TX Longhorns, LLC Robert and Bobbi Church Robert & Patti Rickard Rolling Creek Ranch Ross Ohlendorf Shannon Larson Struthoff Ranch Tim Parris TL3 Ranch Trigg & Traci Moore

Bill and Judy Meridith Rodney Maddox Art (Sonny) A. Smith Bonnie & Rodger Damrow Joseph Sedlacek Del Vic Farms Dean & Belinda Franke Anchor D Ranch - Nais #005kmhh Elsie A. Rose Melissa Reese L.D. and Debbie Mc Intyre Sunset Ridge Ranch Bruce Rose Dustin Pillard Randy Copus Two Heart Bar Ranch Randy and Jamie Briscoe RC Larson Longhorns Bill and Jo Le'AN Bob & Pam Loomis David Roberts Kenneth J. & Valerie J. Webb Mark & Sue Cress Oren & Dianna O'Dell Doug Hunt Beere Cattle Company C C Land & Cattle Co Floyd & Norma Wise Peter & Stacie Hood William Hank and Debbie Besack Art Anders Eddie And Joyce Wood Fort Robinson Lucinda K. Christian Warren and Cathy Dorathy C A Longhorns Don Eaton J5 Longhorns Justin Hansen Kent & Sandy Harrell Sagacorn Longhorns Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary Todd and Kelli McKnight

Division B Crockett D. Leyendecker Gary & Margie Huddleston Joe Munsch Clinard Longhorns Ray & Becky Peterson Glenn Garrett Star Creek Ranch Rex Mosser Don & Andrea Bordelon Lynn Lierly Panther Creek Ranch Ronnie & Jackie Mullinax


Texas Longhorn Trails

Join Us! We’re Growing Fast! a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.

In 1964,

the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.


The Advantages of Membership Include: ★ State of the art Registration Department to maintain four ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Canadian show circuit for breeders in the North. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine.

★ Educational Web site. ★ Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.

★ Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. Mail-in voting for regional directors. Discounts with Hertz Advantage Car Rental. Major credit card availability to the membership.


TLBAA Membership Application

Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org

MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Please draw your brand inside the box exactly as you wish to be recorded.

Reading of Brand _______________________

Name:______________________________________________________ Other Name: ________________________________________________

New Active Member*


Address: ___________________________________________________

Renewal Active Member


City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________ Home Phone: (

)______________Office Phone: (


Ranch Phone: (

)______________Fax Number: (




Lifetime Member Website Address: ____________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS:



Check or Money Ord.


New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) **


New/Renewal Outrider (Associate Member) (pays Non-Member rates for animal work)


Monthly Breed Publication (Texas Longhorn Trails)


Card No.:___________________________________________________ Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________ Referred by:_________________________________________________

**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___

SS# ________________________

All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.

* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $60 US address or $75 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.

December 2010


AFFILIATE NEWS Northwest Longhorn Association Sheryl Johnson, President (503) 829-9549 j5longhorns@yahoo.com It's fairly quiet up here in the Pacific Northwest. Members that attended the Satellite Horn measuring in October had a really nice time at the Dee's Ranch in Harper, OR. We were treated to a nice ranch tour, and lunch, before taking off for home. We have discussed having it again next year, and everyone was in favor of going forward and doing it again. It’s been nice to add some events in other parts of our region this year. We had a new show in Central Oregon at the Deschutes County fair and the Satellite Measuring held in Eastern Oregon. We will be scheduling our next Northwest Longhorn Association Affiliate meeting for January or February 2011. Cheers!

Texas Longhorn Breeders Gulf Coast Association Dr. Lou Shields, President (713) 771-8810 - Drpunkin@aol.com This fall several TLBGCA members respectively represented and participated in numerous events, shows, sales and field days to promote and market the Texas Longhorn breed. TLBGCA members were actively involved in the TLBAA Horn Showcase Ft. Worth, the STLA Field Day and Satellite Measuring, the TLMA Longhorn World Championship in Durant, Oklahoma along with numerous TLBAA World Qualifying Shows. Glenn and Larry Smith; Rick Friedrich; Marion Woolie; Doug and Sandy Stotts; the Faske Family, Steve Azinger, John Parmley and Dr. Darlene Aldridge all attended, sponsored, consigned and / or exhibited in the TLBAA Horn Showcase and Sale held in Ft. Worth, Texas. Darlene Aldridge, John Parmley and Rick Friedrich came away with several top honors in the horn measurement categories. Dr. Aldridge also had several top selling lots at the sale. Congratulations to all TLBGCA members involved in this spectacular event. Robert & Cindy Schnuriger attended the STLA Field Day and satellite measuring at the EL Coyote Ranch in beautiful South Texas. After a very educational Embryo Transfer program all participants witnessed the amazing 167” steer measurement from Oak Chex and 147.63” from Big Red 907 followed by a tour of the El Coyote Ranch and Sale Pen. Louis Christa, STLA President was joined by Steven Zunker, TLBAA Chairman of the Board, Dr. Bob Kropp, Oklahoma State University Professor and El Coyote representatives, Felix and Della Serna. Larry and Glenn Smith; George and Peggy Wilhite; Benny and Joyce Hruzek; Rick Friedrich; Marion Woolie; Steve


Azinger; Rex Mosser and Doug and Sandy Stotts all attended, sponsored, consigned and/or exhibited at the TLMA Longhorn World Championship held at the Choctaw Casino and Resort located in Durant, Oklahoma. TLBGCA was also well represented at the East Texas State Fair, the Tulsa State Fair, the Heart of Texas Fair, the Texas Rice Festival, the State Fair of Texas, the Ark-LaTex Show and the Louisiana State Fair winning numerous champion honors. Members exhibiting included: Vida Nueva Ranch, Dale Land & Cattle, Double S Cattle Company, 4B Ranch, Anchor T Ranch, Double H Ranch and the NASA Longhorn Project. The TLBGCA Board of Directors is extremely excited to announce that the Cattle Barons Sale is scheduled for May 2122, 2011, at Mid-Tex Auction Barn in Navasota, Texas. The mission of this sale is to present top quality consignments to the buyers at a more affordable cost to the consigners. Therefore, it was voted to eliminate any commission fee and only charge a $350 consignment fee. Congratulations are extended to all members for their participation and outstanding accomplishments. For more detailed results and information, please review the TLBAA Web site and e-Trails.

East Texas Longhorn Association

Dr. Gene Hightower, President (903) 963-7442 – glcattleco@aol.com The ETLA hosted their TLBAA qualifying show at the East Texas State Fair in Tyler Texas on October 1st and 2nd. The 100 + year old barns, midway, exhibits and old time country fair atmosphere draw thousands to the fair each year and the Longhorns remain the largest cattle breed exhibited. The ETLA affiliate members stepped up to fill the work slots needed to carry off another successful show. Dr Gene and Lana Hightower have been the superintendents for the past 14 years and are still thrilled to see new breeders become a part of this event. Joel Lemley sorted the Haltered and Non-Haltered cattle on Friday and Randy Algood judged the Youth on Saturday. Maggie Pfeiffer Salem stepped in and judged Showmanship to allow Mr Algood the ability to make it back to Tulsa for his own show. The flags were presented by Joel Norris and his riding Longhorn, Measles, and our TLBT Youth. Jenae Oliver and Lainey Lampier opened the show with a beautiful rendition of God Bless America. The announcer for Friday’s show was Dr Timothy Roddem. Friday evening, Brent Bolen announced and entertained the large crowd. Dr Gene and Brent shared the announcing responsibilities on Saturday. Pam Galloway, TLBAA staff, did the official

bookkeeping and Traci Moore tracked Hall of Fame points for our Youth. Open ring steward duties were covered by Danny Phillips and Youth by Kurt Twining, Don Bordelon and Sara Galloway. The NonHaltered coordinator was John Powell with assistance from Joel Norris, Trigg Moore, Billy Walker, Don Bordelon and Dave Overdorf. The make ready duties went to TLBAA staff member, Kim Barfield and Jamie Olive. Trophies and ribbons were organized by Brenda Oliver, Heather Davis and Lorie Overdorf. The team of John & Zalyanda Powell covered photography and CD production. The awards this year were large cowboy platters for division Championships, silver engraved photo albums for Grand Champions in Haltered and Non-Haltered and silver belt buckles for Youth Champions and Showmanship. The Fair also provides premium money through 4 places. A big THANK YOU to all the wonderful and generous sponsors and the Longhorn breeders who attended the Fair. We look forward to seeing you next year!

North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association

Mary Dawn Tekell, President (817) 448-8570 Risingcreekranch@yahoo.com Don’t forget the North Texas Youth sponsored “Holiday Longhorn Extravaganza Show” being held December 3rd & 4th. It will be at the Wise County Sheriff’s Posse Grounds. This is the first venture for the newly organized NTLBA Youth, and they have been working very hard to make it a self funding event! For additional information please contact Tina Cook at (940)3997993 or email: tcook@pisd.net. Information can also be found at www. ntlba.org. The North Texas field day was held at the Duane and Thresea Tabor Ranch in Jacksboro. The main event was the heifer delivery to the youth who participated in the Wise County Project this year. A Big THANK YOU to Kevin Rooker for coordinating the effort. Justin Hansard spoke to the Youth giving tips on grooming, showing tips, and feeding of their new animals. We were also honored to have Robert Richey, Region 9 Director who spoke on the new registration system. Beth Tanner volunteered to be a tester for the new system. THANK YOU BETH! Congratulations to the new Board of Director officers elected at the meeting: President, Kevin Rooker; Vice President, Randi Maddox, Treasurer, Beth Tanner and Secretary Mary Ellen Maddox. Welcome to the following new members: Pat, Janet & Baily Morris; Cathleen Rangel, Cason Rangel, Jim, Abby & Aaron Wellborn, Bernard Lankford and Kyle, Tina, Lucas & Molly Cook. Texas Longhorn Trails

South Texas Longhorn Association

Louis Christa, President (210) 863-7003 – Lchri58@msn.com It’s time again to start making those lists … 1. Advertise as part of the STLA Co-op ad in the February 2011 Trails magazine Herd Sire edition. Contact Teresa Castillo at 512-944-5513 or email: rcastillo2@peoplepc.com for more information or to reserve your spot. 2. Scholarship time is fast approaching. Send an email to Danny Russell at drdan9@cableone.net your suggestions for our 2011 Scholarship essay topics or to inquire about the STLA Scholarship Program. 3. Get your show entries in on time. Deadlines for the STLA shows are approximately: • December 1, 2010 (for program list ing) late entries allowed – Winter Festival at Edna, Texas • December 15, 2010 – San Antonio Stock Show • February 1, 2011 – Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo in Austin, Texas • March 23, 2011 – Rockdale Spring Show 4. Go to a show or several and enjoy! Show dates are: • December 10 – 11, 2010 – Winter Festival at Edna, Texas • February 5, 2010 – San Antonio Stock Show • March 19 – 20, 2011 – Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo in Austin, Texas • April 1 – 3, 2011 – Rockdale Spring Show 5. Visit the STLA website often for the latest news and details of upcoming events. The site is at www.stla.org. The STLA Board of Directors wishes everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.

Need an extra calendar? 2011 TLBAA calendars are available!! - $10 contact the TLBAA office at 817-625-6241

The University of Texas at Austin Division of Housing and Food Service Unveils a Second Work of Art by Roger Iker One of the TLBAA’s favorite artist, Roger Iker had his second work of art unveiled in October. The piece “Leading the Way” was featured on the cover of the 2009 Trails Calendar and auctioned at the 2009 Premiere Heifer Sale. Randy and Jamie Briscoe, Kingfisher, OK are the proud owners of the original. Last October, Iker’s first mural was unveiled titled “The Patriarch”. TLBAA member and Oklahoma Texas Longhorn Association president Jamie Briscoe, was present for the event and was joined by TLBAA members John and Betty Baker, Liberty Hill, TX. According to Executive Director of the Division of Housing and Food Service, Floyd Hoelting, “The Longhorn Art Series celebrates and preserves the rich evolution of the Longhorn and its history in Texas, fosters pride in Texas by displaying symbols of our heritage and provides an opportunity for the general public to appreciate the Texas Longhorn legacy.” “The series, which was initiated in 2003, provides opportunities for students, faculty, staff and visitors to take pride in the university’s heritage and to preserve the history of which all Texans can be John T. and Betty Baker, Jamie Briscoe and Floyd proud,” added Hoelting. Hoelting in front of “Leading the Way”. December 2010

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Dam of Merit Roll of Honor Dams of Excellence

Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan CO Barbwire David M. Hillis, Austin, Texas Cross M Cherokee Miss Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Dewlap Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico F 3F Bevo’s T J Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico High Hope, FD Bo & Dorie Damuth, Magnolia, Texas Miss CP Ruler 562 T.M. & Jean Smith, Bar S Ranch, Boyd, Texas Miss Peppermint Ed & Sheryl Johnson, Molalla, Oregon Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rawhides Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan SP Hija Ben Tanksley, Alpine, Texas US 89076 Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Westhaven Ranger Reddy Fraser West, Ione, California WT Miss Mona’s Liberator Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas

Dams of Distinction Bayou Daisy Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bayou Princess Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Cross M Blue Velvet Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Delta Becca Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Delta Charisma Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Salsa Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Star Spangled Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Texas Ruby Red Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Matrix Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Sandy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Delta Amber Phillip Bell, Arlington, Texas Diamond W 952 Meadowwood, Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, OK


Dillons Fancy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Dixie Hunter 3G Ranch, Loyd &Bettie Gbbs, Gainesville, Texas Dolly Joel & Shirley Lemley, Blackwell, Texas Double L’s Miss Elegant Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Emperor’s Lucy Creek Gary Kudrna, Ennis, Texas Fandangos Husker Barnard Longhorns, Richard & Janice Barnard, Tekamah, Nebraska FCF Honeymoon Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas FCF 16th Avenue Mitch Bryant, Katy, Texas FCF Too Sexy For My Sox Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Fiona Moonshine Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Folsom Falls Posh Folsom Falls Ranch, Fred & Marijo Balmer, Folsom, New Mexico GC Little Star Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico G&L Enchantment Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L True Obsession Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Silver Sage Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Star Spangled Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas Granite Daisy Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Indian Girl 636 Carla Jo Payne, Slidell, Texas JRJ WR 978 Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Ksanka Lily Belle Robert & Sheryl Greene, Eureka, Montana Lizzy’s Splash Eagles Nest Ranch, Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, Washington Lupemitedookay Debra Lesyk & Dwight Overlid, Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Meadowwood’s Carmen Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Clementine Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Tango Brink Longhorns, Frederick, Oklahoma Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rawhide Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rusty Zipper Frank & Barbara Renfro, Clinton, Montana S-D Sparkle Plenty Rudy & Marilyn Bowling, Kaufman, Texas Silver Sage Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan 3W Legends Country Erin Lazy JP Ranch, Dublin, Texas 3W Pot of Independence Dale & Bev Sorem, Nevada, Iowa Westhavenreddy'sspecks Broadhorn Ranch, Douglas & Katie McDonald, Fernley, Nevada WT Miss Mona’s Liberator Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas

Joshua rancher says goodbye to Handsome Hank By David Casstevens - Re-printed from the Star Telegram Nov. 10, 2010 JOSHUA -Handsome Hank was old and arthritic. He had quit eating. He was mostly horns, skin and bone. So Monday evening, as the sun went down, Heather Reams led the hobbling 21-year-old Texas longhorn to a spot on her family's Johnson County ranch where Hank would stand for hours and gaze with bovine indifference at the rolling rural landscape. "Hank liked lookin'," said Buck Reams, Heather's husband. Nearby, a backhoe was clawing at the earth. Digging a grave. Wrapped within Hank's obituary is a love story. This one began 17 years ago when Heather Reams and her first husband divorced and she was left to raise their two little girls, Sierra and Cheyenne. As a settlement, Reams' ex-husband gave her a young steer and a trailer. "He told me, 'If you want child support, you can earn it yourself.'" True to his name, Hank was good-looking. The steer weighed 1,800 pounds. His majestic horns flared and turned skyward, like the raised arms of a football referee signaling a touchdown. His owner had bills to pay. So when Reams wasn't bartending at Billy Bob's, she spent her time showing off her steer outside Fincher's White Front Western Wear in Fort Worth's Stockyards. He became a popular tourist attraction. Folks paid to sit tall in the saddle atop the accommodating beast and have their photo taken. "He always looked in the camera," Reams said. "He was a rock star and he knew it." Hank's celebrity and workload grew. He appeared at Six Flags Over Texas. The steer rode in an elevator to the 12th floor of the posh Fort Worth Club for a Stock Show function. Reams took him to Arizona and California for fairs and music events. In Omaha, Neb., Warren Buffett and three other business executives rode longhorns -- Hank among them -- down a street to attend a Berkshire Hathaway stockholders meeting. Tanya Tucker rode him. So did Charlie Daniels. Larry Mahan. Ed Bass. The steer was pictured several times in the StarTelegram. With Hank as the showpiece, Reams started an animal entertainment business. She added other longhorns -- Lucky, Luke and Gus. She expanded the enterprise, offering pony rides. But one remained her favorite. Reams, who now trains longhorns, wrote in an e-mail to friends, "Hank made me what I am today, a self-starter, hardworking cowgirl." Reams retired the steer three years ago. "He deserved it," she said. "He worked a long, long time." The soft voice of reason told her that putting Hank down was the right thing -- the humane thing -- to do. So late Monday a hole was dug. A veterinarian was summoned to Buckhorn Ranch. Not until after Reams whispered goodbye and drove off and saw Hank turn his head and look back at her did the full weight of loss suddenly overwhelm her. Tuesday morning the sun was shining. Beyond the front yard a mound of dirt marks the fresh grave. In time the Reamses will place a fitting marker. "A sandstone rock," Heather Reams said. A simple epitaph: "Handsome Hank Fort Worth's Most Famous Longhorn."

Texas Longhorn Trails

NEWS On the Trail... Rock the Hood Celebration

From TLBAA Members Teresa and Gary Bowdoin The "Rock the Hood" event culminates two days of activities on the installation commemorating the loss of 13 people in last year's tragic Ft. Hood shooting and the wounding of dozens more. We were fortunate enough to work at the recent Rock the Hood celebration honoring those who lost there lives a year ago during the shooting rampage. We have served as local chairpersons for the Central Texas Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation in the past. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation on the National and local levels are proud sponsors of the Wounded Warriors project. What we try and do is to arrange hunts and supply all the needs for the soldier. The young man we were able to help was named Mitch. A life membership to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, a 300 Weatherby short mag rifle. and scope were provided through funds were able to raise locally. A fully guided hunt and lodging was also included at the 888 Ranch in south Texas. Mitch has under gone at least 76 surgeries on his legs after injuries from suffered when an IED exploded as he was exiting his vehicle in the streets of Iraq. Mitch finally decided this past Friday to have the

Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ December 2010

leg removed since there was no long term cure for all the infections that kept reoccurring and the thought of more surgeries. We salute and thank God for all the men and women that are placing their lives on the line to protect our freedom and country. http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

Longhorn Breeders Cook Their Way to Victory

The Adcocks with grandkids Shealyn & Kadyn Barrera.

TLBAA members, Terry and Sherry Adcock, Lamesa, TX, belong to a chuck wagon team that recently participated in the Red Steagall Cowboy Gathering and Western Swing Festival in Fort Worth, TX. According to Sherry, the team belongs to Jerry and Yolanda Stroup from

Missouri. There were 20 wagons in the competition and they placed in three of the four food groups. Their results were as follows: Desert: Part of a five way tie Bread: Three way tie for 2nd and 3rd Meat: Three way tie for 2nd and 3rd They were very happy with the results and everyone had a great time.

Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____

___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164.




To Place Your Ad in the Breeders Guide call (817) 625-6241







NEW YORK For more information on upcoming TLBAA sales and events call Kim Barfield at (817) 625-6241


Texas Longhorn Trails






READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales and Events.


For more information on upcoming TLBAA sales and events call Kim Barfield at (817) 625-6241


December 2010







READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales and Events.

SOUTHEAST TEXAS For more information on upcoming TLBAA sales and events call Kim Barfield at (817) 625-6241


Texas Longhorn Trails


December 2010



JoelAuctioneer Lemley P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506

At SAND HILLS RANCH we enjoy working with NEW BREEDERS & offer QUALITY GOOD HORNED STRAIGHT BUTLER & BLEND cattle, many to choose from & an attractive OWNER FINANCE PKG, Dora Thompson (318) 8726329 echoofambush@aol.com Mansfield, LA www.sandhillsranch.com Located near the Texas Line & Shreveport.


Auctioneer Weatherford, TX

(817) 991-9979 Terry H. Brink Auctioneer P.O. Box 928 Frederick, OK 73542 580-335-5732 580-335-4126 Mbl. e-mail: brinkauction@pldi.net www.brinkauction.com

Brian Uptmore Auctioneer (254) 826-3725 Day (254) 379-4283 Cell

LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell (979) 743-4439 Home www.asocl.com or troush57@hotmail.com YOU CALL - I HAUL!

Happiest of Holidays to all of our Longhorn friends….old, new and soon to be!

www.lemleyauctionservices.com TX. License 15204

Bruce E. McCarty


Meanwhile…here at the Flying D Ranch we’ve just weaned more beautiful heifers, bulls and steers. They’re just waiting to become Christmas presents for good little (or big) boys and girls! Bloodlines include Yates, Wright, and WR with a little Butler and Texas Ranger included. Makes for speckles, spots, brindles, big twisty horns and gentle dispositions. Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, Texas • 281-356-8167 281-356-2751 Fax dorie27@sbcglobal.net www.damuthflyingdranch.com

C P Longhorns - Carla Payne Breeder of Boomerang C P


(C) 214/676-3598 HAULING - Anywhere-Anytime We specialize in Longhorns. Dan Tisdale (940) 872-1811 Mobile: 940/841-2619 WESTERN DECOR

Cattle For Sale

(940) 453-4063 • flyingcp@hotmail.com • www.cplonghorns.com


www.oliverlonghorns.com Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”

joliver@ectisp.net (972) 268-0083

Specializing in mounted steer horns, cow skulls, horn furniture, hides M.P. & K.D. HORN and LEATHER SHOP 408 E. Drew • Ft. Worth, TX 76110 817-927-8061 • Fax: 817-927-7970 E-mail: MPKDhornshop8061@msn.com Web site: www.hornandleather.com

BID, BUY & SELL AN UNDENIABLE FACT; read "The Real Butler Story" by Don Limb. Send only $19.90 to Limb Cattle Co., 8375 Lone Star Rd., Washington, TX 77880-5205, 936-878-2988. View excerpts at www.limbcattle.com. FOR SALE: LIKE NEW 2004 BUSINESS CLASS FREIGHTLINER FL60 300 HP Mercedes diesel, 10 speed manual transmission, front bucket seats, air ride, 36” sleeper in back of extended cab. Low miles. Tires on aluminum wheels. Set up to pull 5th wheeler. Great for pulling large stock or horse trailers as well as a flat bed to haul hay and such. $40,000. Richard and Linda Spooner (580) 320-4441.

CATTLE FOR SALE WALTERS LONGHORNS – 18 registered Texas Longhorns, pairs, all WR breeding, color and horns. Call (405) 872-8386 or (405) 822-0075. LONGHORN SEMEN FOR SALE – Phenomenon, Emperor, Shadowizm, Gunsmoke, Kobra, Don Julio, Country Liberator and more. www.oliverlonghorns.com. John Oliver (972) 2680083. JONES RANCH – Home of Gunman genetics. 4-Sale: progeny of the great Gunman bull and his sons, Grand Slam & Hocus Pocus. We are now featuring cattle sired by J R Premium and K C Just Respect by Hunt's Demand Respect. (719) 5392771.Web: http://gunman1234.tripod.com. E-mail: thejonesranch_1@hotmail.com. BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com.


THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota

TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org

(507) 235-3467

LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains

Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.

New Location: Sallisaw, OK (918) 774-9107 • (918) 855-4907 new web site:



Semkin Longhorns’ new 2010 Pasture Tour DVD showing you our 2010 calves, their dams, and the herd sires we are using for our 2011 calf crop. Send your mailing address and phone number to semkin@mindspring.com and it will be shipped to you at no cost. H: (580) 336-2925 Cell: (520) 907-3088 www.semkin-texaslonghorns.com


HOME & RANCH REALITY TRIGG MOORE Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532 Cell: (254) 396-5592

Co-Owner/Agent 936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email: trigg@c21homeandranch.com



____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Texas Longhorn Trails

A DVERTISERS ’ I NDEX A A Splash of Color Longhorns......88 Adcock, Terry & Sherry..................88 Ark-La-Tex ................................22-23


B Beadle Land & Cattle ....................86

La Pistola Ranch ............................25 Le’AN, Bill & Jo ..............................63 Lemley Auction Services ..............10 Lemley Longhorns ........................88 Lone Wolf Ranch ....................66, 86 Longhorn Designs ........................66 Longhorn Max ..............................66 Longhorn Sale Pen ......................73

Beargrass Ranch..............................87 Best At West Sale ............................67 Blooming Grove Farm..................87 Blue Mountain Longhorns ..........72 Bolen, Brent & Cindy ............ 22, 61 Bond Ranch ....................................86 Box Z Ranch ..................................88 Briscoe Longhorns ........................87 Buckhorn Cattle Company ........87 Bull Creek Longhorns ..........65, 88 Bull Uprising ..................................10 Butler Breeders ........................16-17 Buy A Bucker.com..........................72


Northbrook Cattle Co...................87 No-Bull ............................................79

Land & Cattle Co. ................86 C C.C. C R Ranches ....................................87


Panther Creek Longhorns ......2, 52 Prairie States Insurance ................83 Premier Heifer Sale......................IBC

Carpenter, Bo & Sylvia ..................88 Cedar View Ranch..........................86 Crossed T’s Cattle Co.....................72 Longhorn Ranch ................ 87 D DNA Davidson, Bill..................................65 Deer Creek Longhorns..................88 Diamond D Ranch ................28, 39 Diamond Q Longhorns ..............87 Diamondback Ranch ............24, 86 Diamond S Longhorns ................86 Dickinson Cattle Co. ......................9 Dick’s Ranch Supply......................79 Dubose Bar D Ranch ..................23 Dunn, Nancy ................................12


El Coyote Ranch ..............1, 13, 88 End of Trail Ranch .......... 11, 52, 86


4 Gone Ranch ............................3, 87 4 Star Ranch ....................................86 Featherstone Ranch........................24

Arrow Ranch ................20 M Marquess Millennium Futurity ....................77 Miller, Tim ......................................86 Morgan Livestock ..........................79 Moriah Farms ..........................61, 87 Mosser Longhorns ................IFC, 88 Mottet, Bob & Neal........................22

Hickman Longhorns ....................88 Hired Hand Software ..................65 Hodges, Dave..................................79 Horseshoe J Longhorns ..............12 Hughs, Gary ....................................83 Husky Branding Irons ..................83


IndianPoint Ranch....................8, 87 Iversen Ranch ................................40


JC Longhorn Ranch ........................8 JT Wehring Family Ranch ............88 Junction Hill ..................................87 Juranka, Gene & Linda..................22

K & T Longhorns............................23 K King, Terry & Tammy ....................12

Red Peak Ranch........................61, 88 Red Tree Farms................................88 Rio Vista Ranch ..............................88 River Ranch................................26-27 Rocking S Longhorns....................22 Running Arrow ..............................72


777 Ranch........................................87 SS Backwards Longhorns ............87 Safari B Ranch ................................86 Sand Hills Ranch ....................22, 29 Schumacher Cattle Co...................51 Semkin Longhorns ........................87 Smith, T.M. & Jean ........................87 Snyder, Charley & Doris.............. 66 Southern Stables ............................22 Stahl, Brian & Mary........................40 Star Creek Ranch ..............................7 Stotts Hideaway Ranch ........88, BC Struthoff Ranch........................52, 88


3P Longhorn Ranch ......................24 TallGrass Cattle Co.........................86 Taylor, Donnie & Marilyn ..........23 Texas Twist........................................51 Thate Cattle Co. ......................17, 66 Trinity Creeks Ranch......................88 Triple M Ranch ..............................86 Triple R Ranch (MI) ......................86 Triple R Ranch (TX) ......................63 Triple T Longhorns ......................87

U Underwood Longhorns................86 V Vida Nueva Ranch ..................63, 88 W Wachter, Jay ....................................65

West Texas Longhorn Association..79 Westfarms, Inc...........................Cover Wichita Fence ................................73 Wild Wing Ranch ..........................21

Kittler Land and Cattle Co. ..73, 86

December 2010

Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)

Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 Please specify which month your caption is for. Email entries should include address.

Q Quien Sabe L Bar Ranch ..............88 Ranch ......................................86 R R&R Raybeck Ranch................................39

Star Longhorns ....................75 G Gold Gross, Ray ........................................79 Ranch..................................16 H Harrell Helm Cattle Co ..............................87

Just For Grins


YO Ranch ........................................79

Photo courtesy of Doug & Eula Baker, Longview, TX

NOVEMBER PHOTO FIRST-PLACE WINNER: “Yep! It’s a Longhorn!” Wendy Hastings, Art, TX ◆ HONORABLE MENTION: “Are you sure it’s mine?” Terry Schledge, Austin, TX

Coming Next Month:

Agri-Business 91

Save the date! Texas Longhorn Coming Events DECEMBER 2010

DEC 3-4 • North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association Holiday Longhorn Extravaganza, Wise County Sheriff’s Posse Grounds, Decatur, TX. Tina Cook (940) 399-7993. Qualifying Haltered and Youth. DEC 4 • TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale, West, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241 www.tlbaa.org. DEC 10-11 • STLA Winter Festival, Brackenridge Main Event Center, Edna, TX. Cindy Dennis hdcattle@gmail.com or (512) 5655340 . Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.


JAN 14-18 • Fort Worth Stock Show, Fort Worth, TX. Trigg or Traci Moore-Showchairs. Qualifying Haltered and Youth. JAN 14 • TLBAA Affiliate President’s Meeting, 8 a.m., Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Fort Worth, TX. Kim Barfield (817) 625-6241 or kim@tlbaa.org. JAN 14 • TLBAA Annual General Membership Meeting, 10 a.m., Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Fort Worth, TX. Kim Barfield (817) 625-6241 or kim@tlbaa.org. JAN 14 • 2011 Awards Reception & Banquet, 6 p.m., Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Flat Iron Room, Fort Worth, TX. Kim Barfield (817) 625-6241 or kim@tlbaa.org. JAN 15 • Premier Heifer Sale, John Justin West Sale Arena, Will Rogers Complex, Fort Worth, TX. Kim Barfield (817) 6256241 or kim@tlbaa.org. JAN 21-22 • National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO. Mountain and Plains Texas Longhorn Association, Glen Lewis (719) 2674010. www.nationalwestern.com. Qualifying Haltered, NonHaltered and Youth.


FEB 5 • San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, San Antonio, TX. STLA, Annie Morgan (210) 885-8653 or annieoakley64@aol.com. Qualifying Non-Haltered and Youth. FEB 17-20 • Autobahn Classic, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com. FEB 18-19 • Bull Uprising, Will Rogers West Arena, Fort Worth, TX. Joel Lemley (325) 668-3552 or www.lemleyauctionservices.com or Mike MacLeod, Event Chairman (940) 659-2255. FEB 19-20 • Sierra County Show, Truth or Consequences, NM. David Starritt (915) 240-5902 or Lynn Starritt (915) 252-4118. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. FEB 26-27 • San Angelo State Fair, San Angelo, TX. Dennis Urbantke to register online: www.sanangelorodeo.com(325) 655-3500. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.

MARCH 2011

MAR 5 • TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale, West, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241 www.tlbaa.org. MAR 11-13 • North Texas Longhorn Breeders Spring Show, Somervell Co. Fairgrounds, Glen Rose, TX. Kevin or Laury Rooker (940) 748-1031 or krooker@centurylink.net. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. MAR 13-14 • Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Houston, TX. www.hlrs.com Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. MAR 19-20 • Star Of Texas Fair and Rodeo, Austin, TX. STLA, Louis Christa (210) 863-7003 or lchri58@msn.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. MAR 25 • South Texas State Fair, Ford Park, Beaumont, TX. Morgan Michael (409) 313-0059 or Carolyn Abney (409) 284-9881 Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.


MAR 25-27 • Oklahoma Shootout, Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Bodie & Steve Quary (405) 567-3093. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.

APRIL 2011

APR 1-3 • STLA Spring Show, Rockdale, TX. Sandy Nordhausen (512) 898-2401 or email: sandi@nordy.com. www.stla.org. Qualifying Haltered and Youth APR 8-9 • Dixie Classic, Gulfport, MS. Maurice Ladnier (601) 9285387 or (601) 762-5194 or Matt Westmoreland (985) 7951539 or (985) 515-3172. APR 8-10 • Texas Longhorn Breeders Gulf Coast Association, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Brenham, TX. Doak Parker (281) 761-5215. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. APR 22-23 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717. APR 29-30 • Red McCombs 32nd Anniversary Fiesta Longhorn Sale, Johnson City, TX. Alan Sparger (210) 445-8798 or www.redmccombslonghorns.com.

MAY 2011

MAY 7 • TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale, West, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241. MAY 7-8 • Capitan Show, Capitan, NM. Kristi Wilson (505) 3215213 or Lynn Starritt, TLBNM Sec./Treas. (915) 252-4118 or (915) 886-7063 fax. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. MAY 20-21 • Best of Texas Sale, Mid Tex Auction Barn, Navasota, TX. George Wilhite (281) 435-1311.

JUNE 2011

JUN 3-4 • Millennium Futurity, Glen Rose, TX. Bill Davidson (405) 258-7117 or mlflonghorns@sbcglobal.net. www.mlfuturity.com. JUN 7-12 • TLBAA World Show & National Youth Show, Will Rogers Complex, Fort Worth, TX. Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam.galloway@tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.


AUG 3-7 • Autobahn Super Stakes Youth Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com. AUG 6 • TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale, West, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241 www.tlbaa.org.


SEPT 9-10 • Winchester Futurity, George Henderson 2nd Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401 or Bruce Ollive (936) 674-5180. SEPT 29-OCT 1 • East Texs State Fair, Tyler, TX. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower (903) 963-7442 or glcattleco@aol.com. Entry form and info at www.etstatefair.com. Qualifying Haltered, NonHaltered and Youth.


DEC 3 • TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale, West, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241 www.tlbaa.org.

Let us know about your upcoming events! (817) 625-6241 or email us at brenda@tlbaa.org.

Texas Longhorn Trails

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