Texas Longhorn Trails
December 2012
Texas Longhorn Trails (817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org http://www.tlbaa.org
Staff Editor in Chief:
Laura Standley •
Ext. 105
laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org
VOL. 24 NO. 9
Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising:
Troy Robinett •
Ext. 117 • troy@tlbaa.org
Rick Fritsche •
Ext. 107
rick@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org
Graphic Design & Production:
Myra Basham, Art Director • Ext. 108 myra@tlbaa.org • artdirector@tlbaa.org
Multi-Media Designer/Photographer:
Scotty O’Bryan •
Ext. 109
scotty@tlbaa.org • web@tlbaa.org
Feature Article:
2012 Horn Showcase ................23-62
Officers & Directors ........................5 Chairman Letter ..............................6 TLBAA Board Spotlight ..................63 News On The Trail ....................64-66 TLBT Update ................................70 In Memoriam..................................77 Affiliate News ................................78 Dams Of Distinction ......................78 In The Pen ......................................80 Herd Management ........................80 Movers & Shakers ........................81 Ad Index ........................................87 Just For Grins ................................87 Save the Date ................................88
Articles: Miniature Texas Longhorns Competition Still Evolving By Eric Redeker ............................62 The Winning Combination By Scotty O’Bryan..............................63 TLBAA Longhorn Weekend ......68-69 Ways To Improve Herd Health By Heather Smith Thomas ............72-73 New Ownership Information Display Options In H.O.R.N.S. System ..74
Sales, Shows & Tours: Horn Showcase Sale ......................20-21 Heart of Texas Roundup Sale ............71 Nebraska TX LH Assoc.Annual Sale....76
About the Cover: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins established Broken Plow Ranch in 2005. Their herd started with only 5 Texas Longhorns, and now, just 8 short years later, consists of 200+ head of cattle. On this cover is just a glimpse of some of their magnificent animals that are producing World Champions and Futurity winners. Larry and Charlotte are proud of what their Longhorns are accomplishing.They invite you to visit their website www.brokenplowlonghorns.com or come out to Cottontown,TN to see for yourself. They hope to see you soon. Happy Holidays from Broken Plow Ranch.
Regional Correspondents Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee Bonnie Damrow • Roca, Nebraska Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma
Office Staff Office Manager: Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org
Show & Sales:
Pam Galloway •
Ext. 106 pam@tlbaa.org • salesandevents@tlbaa.org
Dana Coomer •
Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org
Donna Shimanek •
Ext. 121
Adminstrative Assistant/Receptionist:
Cynthia Guerra •
Ext. 100 cynthia@tlbaa.org
The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $60 per year; foreign per year $75. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
“We reach every TLBAA member”
Deadline: January 2013 deadline is November 21st. Printed in the USA
Texas Longhorn Trails
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
17 13
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Chairman of the Board: Bernard Lankford • (817) 341-2013
Secretary: Jim Rombeck • (620) 257-5247
Executive Vice Chairman: Lana Hightower • (903) 963-7442
Treasurer: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844
1st Vice Chairman: Dora Thompson • (318) 872-6329
Director: Steven Zunker • (210) 827-3940
2nd Vice Chairman: Larry Smith • (281) 935-2811
Director: Ray Beadle • (408) 834-0110
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Nancy Dunn
Lana Hightower
Todd McKnight
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
(334) 318-0887 nancydunn2010@windstream.net
(903) 963-7442 glcattleco@aol.com
(620) 704-3493 tmck7@ckt.net
At-Large Director
John Parmley
Dora Thompson
David Roberts
(318) 872-6329 or (318) 871-6160 echoofambush@aol.com
(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com
(573) 406-9868 info@robertslonghorns.com
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
Ron Walker
Donnie Taylor
Region 13 - Director
(403) 548-6684 walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com Region 2 - Director
Mark Stuck
L.D. McIntyre
(936) 414-1401 longhorn4t@msn.com
(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com
Region 8 - Director
Region 14 - Director
Bernard Lankford
Jim Rombeck
(540) 752-6831 bcrstuck@hotmail.com
(817) 341-2013 MoriahFarmsBL@aol.com
(620) 257-5247 jimrombeck@yahoo.com
Region 3 - Director
Region 9 - Director
Region 15 Director
Scott Simmons
Robert Richey
(618) 729-2004 ssimmons@copeplastics.com Region 4 - Director
Roger Townsend
Craig Perez
(325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com
(979) 906-0043 cperz1@hotmail.com
Region 10 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Gary Bowdoin
Doug Hunt
(931) 309-9480 tnman37_38478@yahoo.com
(254) 640-0844 Tonkawacattleco@aol.com
(435) 275-2112 ddlonghorns@hotmail.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Region 17 - Director
Terry King
Larry Smith
Terry Fuhriman
(850) 956-4154 tklonghorns@centurylink.net
(281) 935-2811 texasslonghorns@aol.com
(208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
Gene Juranka
Steven Zunker
Region 18 - Director
(337) 328-7258 longhorn@camtel.net
Ray Beadle
(210) 827-3940 stevenzunker@msn.com
(408) 834-0110 rlbeadle@longfibre.com
1973-1975 1975-1977
1982-1984 1984-1986
1986-1988 1988-1990 1990-1992 1992-1995 1995-1998
2006-2007 2007
Dr. Harlan Ritchie
Dr. Bill Able
Marshall Ruble
Dr. Charles McPeake
Dr. Scott Schaake
Oklahoma State University
Michigan State University
Northwestern Oklahoma University
Iowa State University
University of Georgia
Kansas State University
December 2012
Dr. Randall Grooms TAES Texas A&M University
From the Chairman of the Board The TLBAA had a very successful Horn Showcase and Sale in October. The sale average was $3,324.60 on 63 head. The results and coverage of the event begins on page 20 of the Trails and may be found on the TLBAA website. A lot of hard work, by many TLBAA members and all of our staff, contributed to the success of the Horn Showcase and Sale. The following people deserve a BIG THANK YOU for their efforts. Pam Galloway - Event Coordinator Keith DuBose - Event Chairman Rick Friedrich-Sale Chairman Glenn Smith-Banquet Chairman Donnie Taylor-Measuring David Roberts & Craig Perez-Sponsors Darlene Aldridge, DVM-Seminars Kim Hudson & Kim Richey-Auctions Many other TLBAA members assisted in the measuring and helped in other areas. The participation of our members and staff in our events, is what makes the Texas Longhorn Breeders Assocation of America great! Many thanks to all who consigned, purchased, entered and participated in this year’s Horn Showcase and Sale. The date of the General Membership meeting was wrong in the Chairman’s Letter in the November Trails. The correct date is January 18, 2013 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The Building Committee has met several times and is close to having a set of plans and cost for the Foundation’s new building. The new venture is very exciting. The CEO Search Committee began the interview process for the TLBAA CEO position on November 5th. Five candidates are under consideration. Initial video interviews are scheduled to be completed on November 12th by the committee. May God bless you, the TLBAA and the USA.
Bernard Lankford
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the TLBAA Staff
(Back Row L-R) Troy Robinett Advertising- Trails, Rick Fritsche Office Manager, Dana Coomer Registrar, Cynthia Guerra - Reception, Scotty O'Bryan - Multi Media DesignerTrails (Front Row L-R) Myra Basham - Art Director- Trails, Pam Galloway - Shows and Sales, Laura Standley - Trails Editor in Chief, Donna Shimanek - Accounting
Texas Longhorn Trails
Give your breeding program Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 e-mail: rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940 www.boxzranch.com
Buckhorn Cattle Company - Buck & Sharon Adams 110 N. Broad, Guthrie, OK 73044 www.buckhorncattle.com (405) 260-1942 • (405) 282-9800
Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail: ancopa5@yahoo.com
Kent & Sandy Harrell
15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 www.harrellranch.com • e-mail: Kent@harrellranch.com
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail: ketyfolsom@aol.com
PJ’s Cattle Company – Jim Swigert or Lance Swigert 2130 CR 100, Caldwell, TX 77836 Jim: (979) 224-2861 or Lance (979) 219-4902 e-mail: jim@swicoauctions.com or lance@swicoauctions.com www.pjslonghorns.com
MCA Ranch – Andrew & Carina Menzies 26610 Woodpecker Trl • Spicewood, TX 78669 (512) 739-6808 tc@newbellhurst.com
McLeod Ranch – Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns
P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com • e-mail: bpotts1@verizon.net
Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 795-1539 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: lwestmoreland.ees@wpsb.org
a boost with Butler genetics! Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com
DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail: dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
MCA Ranch – Andrew & Carina Menzies 26610 Woodpecker Trl • Spicewood, TX 78669 (512) 739-6808 tc@newbellhurst.com
Moriah Farms - Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX (817) 341-4677 • (817) 319-9198 cell www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com
Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 781-3215 e-mail: dayamisrockingranch@yahoo.com
Rocking I Longhorns - Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 • e-mail: tmangold@sbcglobal.net www.rockinilonghorns.com
Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail: r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
HI DIVISION A MEMBERS: ELECTION TIME IS HERE FOR DIV. A, TLBAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Below are those of us who are running again for re-election and a great candidate for Region 5.
RUNNING FOR DIRECTORS AT-LARGE (2 positions): I’m DORA THOMPSON, currently one of two of your Div. A Directors At-Large since June, 2010, have raised Reg. Texas Longhorns for over 20 years and I’m running AGAIN for DIV. A DIRECTOR AT-LARGE. I’m TLBAA ALL THE WAY. I register all my cattle with TLBAA (at least 75 per yr.) and transfer my cattle TLBAA. I consign and measure cattle at the HORN SHOWCASE and bring new Members into TLBAA. I was on the Horn Showcase Committee last year, am on the Building Committee now, get sponsors for World and the Showcase when needed, and I also sponsor. I want to help the TLBAA to continue to thrive. I ask for your vote for DIRECTOR AT-LARGE, DIV. A. Call me at 318-872-6329 or email echoofambush@aol.com ANYTIME...
Hello: My name is MARK STUCK. I have served as a member of the TLBAA Board for the past three years as DIRECTOR, REGION 1. I have helped solve many problems for members in my region and worked to make the HORN SHOWCASE more accessible through satellite measurement in my Region. I have served on the Lean Beef Committee and the Ethics Committee for the past three years. I am for the preservation of TLBAA and moving the organization forward in a positive manner, not back into the past. Please consider me as one of your candidates for DIRECTOR AT LARGE, DIV. A. If you would like to talk to me, call me at 540-272-2564.
RUNNING FOR REGION 1 DIRECTOR I’M RON WALKER, and I have been raising Reg. Texas Longhorns and been a member of TLBAA since 1983. I served one term on the TLBAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS, REGION 1, from January 2003 until January 2006, and was elected again in January 2010 for a three year term. I am presently on the Guidelines Committee for TLBAA, and I would like to represent REGION 1 for another term to help keep the TLBAA moving forward on a positive note, and keep it the great association it has been for almost 50 years. Thank you, and I’d appreciate your vote in the upcoming election. Ron Walker 403-548-6684, or email walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com.
RUNNING FOR REGION 4 DIRECTOR I’m ROGER TOWNSEND. It has been an honor to serve as Director this past year, and I hope you will consider me in the upcoming election. I was raised on a cattle farm, have had cattle all of my life and have been breeding Texas Longhorn cattle since 1998. I am a Lifetime TLBAA Member and support many activities here in the Southeast. I have served (still do), on our Affiliate’s (TN Valley Association) Board. The TLBAA has been through many ups and downs, and we now have a Board who is on the right track to getting some positive things done for this Association. Before casting your vote, do your homework. Would you elect someone who has walked off the Board previously, and now wants to return? Is this an “I” Board position or a “We” Board position? Let’s keep TLBAA moving in the right direction. Roger Townsend 931-309-9480.
RUNNING FOR REGION 5 DIRECTOR I’m DANNY GUFFEY and I live in Henagar, Alabama and am running for DIRECTOR, REGION 5. I’ve been raising Registered Texas Longhorns since 2001. I have served as President of our Affiliate, the TN Valley Association. My wife, Juanita Guffey and I have always been active in promoting this wonderful, distinct breed. As your Region 5 Director, I will represent all with honesty and integrity. My interest and goal is preserving the breed and our Association, TLBAA. If you would like to contact me, call me at 256-657-4856. Danny Guffey.
You will receive ballots about December 1st. Please return them in the envelope provided to the CPA Firm. We hope our names will be the ones you select for YOUR ballot. Thanks for your consideration... PAID ADVERTISEMENT
TRACTOR (2 yrs. 9 mos.) Chuckwagon x Button
RIP SAW (80-5/8" TTT)
Sittin Bull x Jigsaw (McGill bred) co-owned with Donnie & Marilyn Taylor
ILLINI TEMPTING VANILLA (72- 1/2" TTT) & Rip Saw Heifer
M ARROW MIRACLE (66" @ 3 yrs. 4 mos.)
HCR x Eggnog
SUPER GRITTY (67" TTT) & Rip Saw Calf
LLL LUCKY’S BEDAzzLED (61-1/2" TTT @ 34 mos.)
KING PIN (69-7/8" TTT)
SH KING’S MAGIC TANGO (63" @ 3 yrs. 6 mos.)
echoofambush@aol.com • 318-872-6329 • www.sandhillsranch.com Heifers and bulls with Top Parentage for Sale at the Ranch at Mansfield, LA.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
Thanks to everyone who made the 2012 TLBAA Horn Showcase a success!
Joe Valentine, Bowling Green, KY; Sheila & Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI; Lorinda Valentine, Bowling Green, KY
Highlights 63 head sold for an aveage of $3,324.60 Volume Buyers: Panther Creek Ranch, Bowling Green, KY Terry & Sherri Adcock, Lamesa, TX Hoosier Longhorns, Washington, IN Zech Dameron, III Coppell, TX Mike & Kim MacLeod, Palo Pinto, TX
SDR FANTOMS ALTHA (2009 daughter of Fantom Chex x JP Grand Altha 2 Consignor: Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch, Bowling Green, KY
Consignor: Jimmy Jones, Greenville, AL. Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch, Bowling Green, KY.
$14,000 – DH TARI CHEX. Consignor: Dale Hunt, Ardmore, OK. Buyer: Hoosier Longhorns, Washingon, IN. $13,500 – WS WISH I MAY.
Consignor: Tom Smith, Lowell, MI. Buyer: Zech Dameron, III, Coppell, TX.
Terry & Tammy King, Westville, FL
Terry Adcock, Lamesa, TX; Doug Hunt, Saint George, UT
$8,750 – DNA INDEPENDENCE DAY Consignor: Don Bordelon and Victorea Luminary, Lott, TX. Buyer: Terry and Sheri Adcock, Lamesa, TX. $6,400
– WS BODACIOUS. Consignor: Tom Smith, Lowell, MI. Buyer: Kurt Twining, Dallas, TX.
– HORSESHOE J EVOLVE Consignor: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI. Buyer: Don Bordelon and Victorea Luminary, Lott, TX.
Bubba Bollier, Llano, TX; Dale Majors, Llano, TX
$5,600 – RRR RIO SADIE 014. Consignor: Robert and Kim Richey, San Angelo, TX. Buyer: Mike and Kim MacLeod, Palo Pinto, TX. $5,500 – TEJAS SUE RL. Consignor: David and Sharon Roberts, Canton, MO. Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch, Bowling Green, KY. $5,000
– JBR HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Consignor: JBR Longhorns, Home, KS. Buyer: Mike and Kim MacLeod, Palo Pinto, TX.
– HUBBELL’S RIOS HOME RUN. Consignor: Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI. Buyer: Justin Winters, Haslet, TX.
Mark & Tammey Stuck, Sumerduck, VA; TLBAA's Chairman of the Board Bernard Lankford Texas Longhorn Trails
Ken Morris, Monroe, NC; Scott Hughes, Rutherfordton, NC; Jimmy Jones, Greenville, AL; Clay Adkins, Ferrum, VA; Aaron Adkins, Rutherfordton, NC; Ty Jones, Highland Home, AL
Steve Azinger, Houston, TX; Rick & Tracey Friedrich, Houston, TX; Bill Burton, Cleveland, TX; Marion Woolie, Houston, TX
Carolyn Wissel, Kingsbury, TX; TLBAA Board of Director Steven Zunker, Luling, TX
Mark & John Miller, Fort Worth, TX; Dave & Althea Sullivan, Celina, TX
Raelyn Bordelon, Lott, TX; Dick Lowe, Horton, MI; Victorea Luminary & Don Bordelon, Lott, TX Kevin & Ron Asbill, Tyler, TX
Nancy Dunn, Eclectric, AL; Jody Shaw, Prospect, TN; Dora Thompson, Mansfield, LA
Russell Fairchild, Stephenville, TX; Craig Perez, Comanche, OK; Jim Rombeck, Lyons, KS; David Roberts, Canton, MO; Scott Simmons, Medora, IL; Donnie Taylor, Huntington, TX; Carla Payne, Slidell, TX; Ethan Loos, Columbus, IL
John Parmley & Darlene Aldridge DVM, Somerville, TX; Sandi Nordhausen, Thorndale, TX; Suzanne & Bill Torkildsen, Fayetteville, TX
Photos by Laura Standley and Scotty O’Bryan December 2012
TLBAA's Troy Robinett
Rhuvena & Dale Hutton, Amarillo, TX
The 2012 Horn Showcase held in Fort Worth, Texas was a memorable event for the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. A special thanks to our Horn Showcase Chairman Keith DuBose and Sale Chairman Rick Friedrich and the entire committee for making our event successful. The measuring of the Longhorn cattle was one of the highlights. With over 320 entries and a total of 683 measurements being recorded, Longhorns were represented over the country with the Fort Worth presence and at satellite measuring throughout the United States. In the female division, Shadow Jubilee owned by Jim Steffler of Lapeer, MI stretched the measuring tape to 89.25" TTT. Horse Head Show Time owned by Hoosier Longhorns of Washington, IN made her mark in both the total horn and composite divisions as she measured 109.875" TH and 214.4375" composite. The bull division was topped by Rodeo Max ST with a tip-to-tip measurement of 82.75". Rockin J Longhorns entered TH Trail Dust in the total horn division, and he made his mark at 107.427". The composite division was dominated by Totem Pole, owned by Steve and RenĂŠ Azinger of Houston, TX, with a measurement of 211.125". In the steer division, El Coyote Ranch of Kingsville, TX made a clean sweep in all three divisions with Oak Chex. His measurements were outstanding with 124.5" TTT, 179.25" TH and 339.425" Composite. What a record setting year for El Coyote Ranch not only with their measuring cattle, but as they gathered Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder for the Horn Showcase event. Bull Alley made it's debut at the Horn Showcase with 18 herd sires representing this great breed that included CV Cowboy Casanova, Auze EOT 38/8 and WS Amazon. The sires were displayed on the floor of the coliseum, and Champion Genetics was onsite to help with the semen sales. IPR L'il Abner owned by Dave & Althea Sullivan of Celina, Texas was the first Miniature Texas Longhorn to represent the breed. We appreciate all of the hard work by the committee on making this debut a big success. A big thank you to all the owners of these great bulls for participating. Seminars covering nutrition and cattle handling presented by Dr. Bob Kropp and Dr. Dan Stein of Oklahoma State University were an important educational aspect to the Horn Showcase. After the measuring was complete, vests, chairs, buckles and bronzes were given to the top winners in each of the categories. The Breeders Choice award honored the top cow and bull as they were voted on by TLBAA members. CV Cowboy Casanova owned by the CV Cowboy Syndicate was selected as top bull, and WS Starlight owned by Tom Smith of Lowell, MI received the top honor for the the cow division. It was a great evening filled with top award winners, friends & fellow Longhorn breeders. The Horn Showcase Sale wrapped up this spectacular event with 63 head sold and an average of $3,324.60. The top headliner of the sale was SDR Fantoms Altha owned by Dave & Sheila Hovingh of Allendale, MI. Joe & Lorinda Valentine of Bowling Green, KY were top bidders on the cow with a price tag of $27,000. Jimmy Jones of Greenville, AL selected Horseshoe J Delicious for this anticipated sale, and Joe & Lorinda Valentine chose another exceptional cow for their breeding program. She sold for $14,000. The sale was a wonderful conclusion of an event filled weekend. This event would not be possible withTom Smith, Lowell, MI out the special Longhorn breeders accepts the Breeders of this great organization. We Choice Award for WS appreciate each and every one for Starlight during the the time and participation during 2012 Horn Showcase the Horn Showcase. See ya next year!! Felix Serna, Kingsville, TX accepts the 2012 Horn Showcase Exhibitor Of The Year award and the 2012 Horn Showcase Breeder of the Year award on behalf of El Coyote Ranch of Kingsville, TX.
NBC 5 News' Chris Van Horne films as TLBAA Director Donnie Taylor, Huntington, TX and Scott Simmons, Medora, IL, measure a Horn Showcase entry. (bottom left). Ethan Loos, Columbus, IL in front of EL Dixie Delight during the interview (bottom right)
Todd McKnight receives the Breeders Choice Award for CV Cowboy Casanova
3. JOSE LEE 7/6/2011 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: EOT DELTA SISSIE 104 Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
BULLS CLASS 1 – Born Oct 2011
1. COWBOY GRANDE 10/8/2011 Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: BL ANGLE Breeder: Deer Creek Longhorns Owner: Deer Creek Longhorns, BRENHAM, TX
2. HOSS 101/1 10/1/2011 Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: 4WIND SPELLBOUND BEAUTY Breeder: Don & Andrea Bordelon Owner: Ardon E. Moore, FT WORTH, TX
CLASS 5 – Born Jun 2011
CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
1. BP BUFFALO BILL 6/26/2011 49.5" Sire: TEXAS RED 16 Dam: RRR THUNDER'S MEMORY 429 Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
1. HELM CERASTES 4/27/2011 53" Sire: HUNTS GRAND COMMAND Dam: 30 BELLE'S STARLET Breeder: HELM CATTLE COMPANY Owner: Helm/ Hinton Partnership, RED OAK, TX
CLASS 6 – Born May 2011
2. 4WIND PHENOMINAL CHANCE 4/23/2011 49.875" Sire: AC/ PHENOMINAL GRASS Dam: PC MISS AMERICA II Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, PROSPECT, TN
CLASS 2 – Born Sep 2011
1. T C RESPECTED ACHILLES 9/8/2011 Sire: T C RESPECT THE DINERO Dam: AS STARS APPEAR Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
CLASS 4 – Born Jul 2011
7. C-T'S HI EXPECTATIONS 5/29/2011 39.875" Sire: HUNTS HCR IVICTUS Dam: C-T'S BEST EXPICTATION Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, SAINT GEORGE, UT
1. HUNTS RM PROFIT MAKER 5/6/2011 51.125" Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNTS MISS DEMANDS RESPC Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
4. LIMP BISCUTT 4/15/2011 Sire: TITAN EOT 8E8 Dam: SUGAR AND SPICE 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
CLASS 8 – Born Mar 2011
2. JH KEVLAR 5/5/2011 50.375" Sire: JH BOONE AND CROCKETT Dam: HL CLASSIC CREAM Breeder: Justin Hansen Owner: Justin Hansen, PASKENTA, CA 3. LAZEWE'S GUN FOR HIRE 37 5/30/2011 49.0313" Sire: TF GUN FOR HIRE Dam: EOT OUTBACK LEZAWE Breeder: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC Owner: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC, ROCKVILLE, UT 4. TCC TRAIL BLAZER 5/15/2011 Sire: TCC EL JEFE Dam: BH DAZZLE'S RED Breeder: Mike Taylor Owner: Mike Taylor, JOSHUA, TX
1. RED RIO 26 7/14/2011 44.062" Sire: TEXAS RED 16 Dam: PEANUT BUTTER RIO Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN 2. HELM MAGNUM XL 7/27/2011 42.5" Sire: CONCEALED WEAPON Dam: HUBBELLS RIO GORGEOUS Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Guthrie Nielsen, DELHI, LA
1. LJL SMOKIN GUN 3/28/2011 54.875" Sire: PPF KAY'S KONG Dam: COOPERS LITTLE SPOT Breeder: Troy Kingsbury Owner: Jerry and Gretchen Lotspeich, CRAWFORD, NE
5. BP RED BOY 5/27/2011 47.5" Sire: TEXAS RED 16 Dam: RED WIRE Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
2. COOPER SAFARI 3/30/2011 51.375" Sire: HUNTS RESPECTED DYNASTY Dam: J L COOPER'S SAFARI 3 Breeder: Lynn and Jane Mosdell Owner: JN Longhorns, ALTAMONT, UT
6. TRAIL BANDIT 5/21/2011 Sire: TRAIL DUST 40 Dam: RJL DANDYLAND Breeder: Rockin J Longhorns Owner: Big Valley Longhorns, SAINT JOHN, KS
3. LT TEXAS RIO 105 3/9/2011 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: LITTLE TARI Breeder: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D. Owner: Gwen Damato, WEATHERFORD, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
4. LAZYJ'S PHOENIX 3/20/2011 Sire: K.C. JUSTICE Dam: LAZYJ'S JOLENE Breeder: Joseph Sedlacek Owner: Dylan Pfizenmaier, GREEN, KS
3. ARCHER TEXA 290 11/25/2010 Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: TEXANA VAN HORNE Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR
CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
4. DNA QUANTUM SLAM 11/21/2010 58.875" Sire: DNA GRAND SLAMMER Dam: DNA KOBRA'S COUNTRY JEAN'S Breeder: Don & Andrea Bordelon Owner: Don & Andrea Bordelon, LOTT, TX
CLASS 9 – Born Feb 2011
CLASS 13 – Born Oct 2010
1. XC RIO ANDY 8/27/2010 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ANDERSON 506 Breeder: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners Owner: Joe Cunningham, HILLSBORO, TX 1. WRR SOLAR FLARE 2/14/2011 Sire: TRAIL DUST 40 Dam: ACC TIFFANY Breeder: Vincent T. Girolamo Owner: Dan Williamson, JASPER, TX
CLASS 10 – Born Jan 2011 1. OB RIO HONDO 10/19/2010 59.875" Sire: BETCHA A GRANDE 721 Dam: YO CARMELITA WHIRL Breeder: Joe or Carolyn Wissel Owner: Teri Ehlers & Lana Webb, WARRENSBURG, MO 2. LUCKY STRIKE 100 10/1/2010 Sire: WINNER'S EDGE Dam: CO LILLY Breeder: Rocking 'O' Ranch Owner: Kyle & Whitney Mayden, DIANA, TX
3. C-T'S RUBICON 8/13/2010 53.25" Sire: HUNTS HCR MR. AMERICANA Dam: MOLLY HUNTS BEST 01 Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Theron & Marilyn Rose, HENRIEVILLE, UT
CLASS 16 – Born Jul 2010
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
1. CHEROKEE TEXA 21 1/10/2011 Sire: TEMPTER Dam: TEXANA VAN HORNE Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI
2. RIO BRAVO ECR 1/15/2011 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: TARI GRAVES FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
1. PCC RIM ROCK 7/2/2010 72.75" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: PCC HORIZON Breeder: Pace Cattle Company Owner: Pace Cattle Company, SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
1. RR SWEET BRINDLE DUST 11/5/2010 Sire: SWEET CHEX 783 Dam: PPF FAIRY DUST Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
1. HURRICANE ST 9/29/2010 Sire: FREIGHT TRAIN ST Dam: RUBY RED ST Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Joseph Sedlacek, GREENLEAF, KS
2. DRAGON WIND 7/11/2010 Sire: DRAG IRON Dam: WINNING FACE Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Dee & Janet Huntley, KOOSKIA, ID
2. LODESTAR 9/18/2010 Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
3. HUNTS BOLD VENTURE 7/1/2010 Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNTS RODEO BRAND Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Bob and Cathy Iversen, HUNTSVILLE, TX
3. H BAR RICOCHET 9/1/2010 59.375" Sire: HUNTS BOLD COMMANDER Dam: JP PRINCESS DOTTIE Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Dan & Jana Hardy, MONA, UT
2. TF AUZZIE'S HIRED GUN 37 11/30/2010 59.125" Sire: TF GUN FOR HIRE Dam: TF TABASCO'S BOOMZAWE 37 Breeder: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC Owner: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC, ROCKVILLE, UT Jacob Barker, Charlotte & Larry Gribbins, Cottontown, TN December 2012
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
2. K.C. JUBAL 3/2/2010 Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: K.C. JUBILEE Breeder: KENT AND CHRISTINE BLADEN Owner: David and Christine Ryland, ARDMORE, OK
CLASS 19 – Born Apr 2010
3. PRIME TIME ECR 3/22/2010 Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: ECR COACH'S CHOICE Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
1. RING LEADER BCB 6/26/2010 70.0625" Sire: WORKING MAN CHEX Dam: RINGA DINGER Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen - Justin Hansen, LUFKIN, TX
1. CV COWBOY CASANOVA 4/5/2010 75.875" Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: SMOKY ROAN Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: McKnight / Filip Partnership, PITTSBURG, KS
2. BOLT 6/28/2010 66.75" Sire: MAJESTIC ADMIRAL EOT 29/5 Dam: LIGHTNING ZENA Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
2. GM ROUNDER'S HOSS 4/18/2010 69.125" Sire: TEMPTATION'S RED ROUNDER Dam: WHATCHATHINK Breeder: Gary & Margie Huddleston Owner: HELM CATTLE COMPANY, RED OAK, TX
3. 4WIND MY GUNS ARE SMOKIN 6/12/2010 66.375" Sire: WIREGRASS GUNS A SMOKIN Dam: 4WIND ABSOLUTLY WIRED Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, PROSPECT, TN
3. VICTORIOUS 4/15/2010 68.125" Sire: CRISP RESPECT Dam: LLL MARTHA Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: Clinard Longhorns Partnership, ROCKDALE, TX
1. 4WIND PHENOMINAL IMPACT 2/18/2010 56.375" Sire: AC/ PHENOMINAL GRASS Dam: PC MISS AMERICA II Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: B T Farms, PULASKI, TN
4. HUNT MR. RESPECT ME 6/21/2010 Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: SUPERFICIAL Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
4. HUNTS GREAT RESPECT 4/20/2010 66.75" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO TICKLED PINK Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Bob and Cathy Iversen, HUNTSVILLE, TX
CLASS 22 – Born Jan 2010
5. RESPECTED IMPACT 6/7/2010 59.75" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTSJUPITERNATILI Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Briscoe/ Steele Partnership, KINGFISHER, OK
5. HUNTS DASH FOR CASH 4/13/2010 Sire: JBR CASH Dam: HUNTS RESPECTED SHAINA Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
5. K.C. UTAH COWBOY 4/6/2010 Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: HUNTS RESPECTED MCGILL Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Kyle & Whitney Mayden, DIANA, TX
6. RJF COWBOY MAX 4/17/2010 Sire: LLL MAXAMILLION Dam: D/O KANSAS RITA Breeder: Doc Hyder Owner: Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK
CLASS 18 – Born May 2010
1. HUNTS TRIPLE CROWN 5/11/2010 68.0625" Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNT'S RODEO HUCKSTRESS Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
1. THE LONG TEXAN 1/3/2010 73" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: MW BEYONDSE Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
CLASS 23 – Born Sep - Dec 2009
6. BCR HIGH CALIBER 4/3/2010 61.625" Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: J5 CARMEL KITTY Breeder: J5 Longhorns Owner: Mark and Tammey Stuck, SUMERDUCK, VA
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
2. D/O JAY HAWKER 56/10 5/9/2010 66.375" Sire: BOOMERANG C P Dam: D/O DAILY DELITE Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: O'Dell/ Luebbering Partnership, OSAWATOMIE, KS 3. H BAR FRECKLE ME 5/8/2010 Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: JP PRINCESS DOTTIE Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Dan & Jana Hardy, MONA, UT
1. LAZYJ'S BOWHUNTER 10/25/2009 77.5" Sire: HUNTS HCR CHERRY BOMBER Dam: CALIBER'S BLING BLING Breeder: Dick Hoff Owner: Sedlacek/ Smith Partnership, GREENLEAF, KS
1. MASO ECR 3/18/2010 Sire: COACH TOMMIE Dam: SILVER STAMP Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. CV RIO RANGER 9/19/2009 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: CV FARLAPS FEATHER Breeder: Todd and Kelli McKnight Owner: McKnight /Mills Partnership, PITTSBURG, KS
Texas Longhorn Trails
3. CDC STARTEX 9/14/2009 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: TEXANA EVERYWHERE Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Clark/ Liska Partnership, TAFT, TX
2. SAM HOUSTON ECR 9/26/2008 70.5" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 25 – Born Jan - Apr 2009
4. RIO TABASCO EOT 9E1 11/14/2009 69.6875" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: TABASCO'S LEZAWE Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Warren and Cathy Dorathy, SANGER, CA 5. RFR JESSIE JAMES 12/27/2009 Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: DH UPPER LADY Breeder: Danny and Carole Phillips Owner: Greg & Amy Franks, BRIDGEPORT, TX
3. PRECIOUS AUZZIE EOT 39/8 11/19/2008 56.75" Sire: AUZZIE EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT PHENOMENAL PRECIOUS Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK
5. X STAR 12/12/2009 66.125" Sire: STAR REGARD 927 Dam: AMERICAN SONATA Breeder: Star Creek/Rafter X Partners Owner: Star Creek/Rafter X Partners, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
1. CROWN MAX 3/5/2009 74.375" Sire: RODEO MAX ST Dam: FL JOYRIDE Breeder: Daniel & Angelina Fey Owner: FRANK & TERESA LOCATELLI, SOQUEL, CA 2. WF POKER 2/26/2009 Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: CHOPSTICK Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Corlett/Pequignot, GLENMOORE, PA
3. BULL WHIP 1/30/2009 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: CROCK 64 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, HUNTINGTON, TX
1. AUZE EOT 38/8 8/5/2008 Sire: AUZZIE EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT OUTBACK CHERRY Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Ronnie & Jackie Mullinax, CYPRESS, TX
4. WF CHAMP MC 18/9 4/19/2009 70.875" Sire: KC CONTENDER Dam: UNCURLED Breeder: Vicki L. Bondon Owner: West Farms/McLeod Partnershi, FRANKLINTON, LA
2. RR RED GRANDE 7/28/2008 78.625" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HUBBELL'S STAR STRUCK Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Clark/ Liska Partnership, TAFT, TX
1. TEJAS METEORITE 8/14/2009 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: TEXANA TALLTELLER Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Taylor Cattle Company, YORKTOWN, TX
5. DDR RIO RANGER 4/20/2009 Sire: DH RED RANGER Dam: FL RIO MAXINE Breeder: Wayne Forister Owner: Diamond D Ranch, RED OAK, TX
3. HUNTS GRAND COMMAND 6/18/2008 76.125" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO BRAND Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt/Helm Cattle Partnership, RED OAK, TX
2. DUDE ST 5/11/2009 Sire: IRON MIKE ST Dam: DUSTY 58 Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Rhonda Harris, DALLAS, TX
6. LAZYJ HIGHLANDER 3/16/2009 Sire: K.C. JUSTICE Dam: HIGH FASHION 26/3 Breeder: Joseph Sedlacek Owner: Nathan Schumpert, TEMPLE, TX
3. RIO PECOS TEXA 6/20/2009 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: AWESOME ANGEL Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Matthew J. Durkin, SEGUIN, TX
4. BOMBER CHEX 80 8/28/2008 74.625" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: BL PRETTY BOMER Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Jones/ Dunn/ King/ Mangold-Ince Partnership, NEW BRAUNFELS, TX
4. RR KING TUT 8/1/2009 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: RIO FRIO SL Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Don & Rhonda Poe, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
7. ONE STAR COMMAND 4/2/2009 68.875" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: FCF FREEDOM RINGS Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D., FAYETTEVILLE, TX
5. BLUMTN SMOKE 5/25/2009 Sire: J.R. PREMIUM Dam: BLUE MOUNTAIN TUESDAY Breeder: Aubrey & Marva Herring Owner: Johnnie L. Goff, ELKHART, TX
6. WB SUPER CLASSIC 5/6/2009 Sire: SUPER FIELDER Dam: SHAMONE 435/9 Breeder: Allen S. Brantley Owner: B T Farms, PULASKI, TN
8. WF GAMEBOY 3/15/2009 67.25" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HAY HOOK Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Bowdoin/Chisholm Range Land Partnership, CRAWFORD, TX
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
1. TEXAS RED 16 10/3/2008 71.375" Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: DH SAFARI'S RANGERETTE Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN December 2012
5. TONKAWA DERRINGER 8/13/2008 69.625" Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: TCC SMOKEY DONNA Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, CRAWFORD, TX
1. RIP SAW 1/30/2008 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: JIGSAW 500 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, HUNTINGTON, TX
2. GENE LEE 2/2/2008 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
3. KING PIN 14 1/28/2008 Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: EGGNOG Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Sand Hills Ranch, MANSFIELD, LA
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
CLASS 34 – Born 2005 and Before
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
1. TOTEM POLE 2/7/2007 Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HAY HOOK Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Steve and Rene' Azinger, HOUSTON, TX 1. CONCEALED WEAPON 11/18/2007 79.625" Sire: SHARPSHOOTER 542 Dam: HORSESHOE J EXAMPLE Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jones/Hubbell Partnership, GREENVILLE, AL 2. SWEET CHEX 783 9/13/2007 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: BL SWEETCHEEKS Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
1. RODEO MAX ST 4/10/2004 Sire: MAXIMUS ST Dam: RODEO REDHEAD ST Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Diamond D Ranch, RED OAK, TX
2. VANIZM 4/9/2007 73.5" Sire: SHADOWIZM Dam: VANESSA Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co. Owner: McIntyre/ Girolamo Partnership, WOLBACH, NE
2. M ARROW HOUDINI 12/25/2005 Sire: DH RED RANGER Dam: BAYOU EMPRESS Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Wissel/ Phipps/ Prince, SANTO, TX
CLASS 32 – Born Jul - Dec 2006
3. MR BOOMERIFIC 4/6/2002 Sire: BOOMERANG C P Dam: COCO PUFF 1 Breeder: Vic & Gloria Beahm Owner: Gwen Damato, WEATHERFORD, TX
CLASS 30 – Born May - Aug 2007
4. OLYMPIC TORCH 3/5/2003 72.75" Sire: CHUCKWAGON Dam: TORCH Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Bowdoin - Bowdoin Partnership, CRAWFORD, TX
1. HUNTER MC 69 7/7/2006 77.375" Sire: FESTUS MC 27 Dam: JACKIE LYNN 90 Breeder: Michael McLeod Owner: West Farms/McLeod Partnershi, FRANKLINTON, LA 1. HUBBELLS CAPTAIN HOOK 5/25/2007 74.125" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HUBBELLS MISS ANNIE Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Dees/ Mangold-Ince Partnership, NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 2. HUNTS BOLD COMMANDER 5/26/2007 Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hoosier/ Hunt Partnership, WASHINGTON, IN 3. WS AMAZON 8/4/2007 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: WS RAINBOW Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
2. HUBBELLS RIO BRAVO 8/11/2006 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: WIN ME OVER Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Katy and Colt Hall, PITTSBURG, TX
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
Doug & Dianne Hunt, Saint George, UT 69.25"
1. HUNTS HCR CHERRY BOMBER 6/1/2006 71.625" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt / Hoff Partnership, NORFOLK, NE
Ty Jones, Highland Home, AL; Jimmy Jones, Greenville, AL
Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 5 – Born Jun 2011
CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
CLASS 2 – Born Sep 2011
1. BP WILD ROSE SMOKE 9/26/2011 34.75" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER 1 Dam: 4WIND SMOKIN WILD ROSE Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
CLASS 3 – Born Aug 2011
1. BP CLASSI GIRL 8/12/2011 39.875" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER 1 Dam: TMS CLASSI CHEX 633 Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
1. BP SALIDA 6/6/2011 45.5" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: SALIDA SARA Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
1. M.C. HONEYCOMB 4/9/2011 Sire: M.C. BIG BEN Dam: COUNTRY HONEYDEW Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
2. LAZYJ'S CALAMITY JANE 6/15/2011 Sire: COWTOWN ST Dam: LAZYJ'S SILK LACE Breeder: Joseph Sedlacek Owner: Joseph Sedlacek, GREENLEAF, KS
2. PATTY LEIGH 4/1/2011 Sire: ZD KELLY Dam: FANCY FEISTY LEIGH CF2 Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
3. D2 COOKIES-N-CREAM 6/8/2011 42.0625" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: FMR GETCHY SOM KOBRA Breeder: Grant & Jane Miller Owner: Grant & Jane Miller, STROUD, OK
3. SDR LUCY 4/28/2011 48.5625" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HNB SHEEBA Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, ALLENDALE, MI
4. BCR SAM'S CHOICE 6/4/2011 Sire: SAM HOUSTON ECR Dam: ECR PIASANO'S GIRL Breeder: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D. Owner: Neal Hinton, SO SO, MS
4. D/O RIO'S PASSION 4/14/2011 47.125" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: D/O UNMATCHLESS PASSION Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: Oren & Dianna O'Dell, OSAWATOMIE, KS
5. DOUBLE THE SYMBOLS SS 6/4/2011 37.4375" Sire: DRAG IRON Dam: AWESOME SYMBOL Breeder: Scott Simmons Owner: Scott Simmons, MEDORA, IL
CLASS 8 – Born Mar 2011
CLASS 6 – Born May 2011
2. BREWS DIAMOND JEWEL 8/5/2011 37.25" Sire: RRR DIAMOND RIO'S EDGE 819 Dam: BREW'S AWESOME JULIE Breeder: Gary Bruch Owner: J Bar J Longhorns, LLC, OSAGE BEACH, MO 3. BP BROOKLYN GIRL 8/22/2011 37.1875" Sire: TEXAS RED 16 Dam: SHOW GIRL 5 Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN 4. WS WISH I MAY 8/18/2011 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS STAR BRIGHT Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
1. H BAR OHYAH 3/21/2011 49.75" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HUNTS RESPECTED DIANNE Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Dan & Jana Hardy, MONA, UT
34.875" 1. BP SNOW WHITE 5/22/2011 48.125" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: SNOW FLAKE 0/12 Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
2. SITTIN WOMAN 3/25/2011 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: WORKING LADY Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: NEL-TAM Longhorns, RICHLAND, PA
2. DDR TO THE MAX 5/13/2011 42.5625" Sire: RODEO MAX ST Dam: FL RIO MAXINE Breeder: Diamond D Ranch Owner: Scott Simmons, MEDORA, IL
3. BCR LADY RIO 3/16/2011 42.375" Sire: HUBBELLS RIO FANTOM Dam: BCR PHENOMENAL LADY Breeder: Mark and Tammey Stuck Owner: Steven & Kathy Daddona, ROBESONIA, PA 4. SITTIN GORGEOUS 3/25/2011 41.875" Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: BS GORGEOUS BOWL Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: Clinard Longhorns Partnership, ROCKDALE, TX 5. SHR DIXIE'S SAVANNAH 3/15/2011 41.375" Sire: SUPER LEE Dam: M ARROW DIXIE TWIST Breeder: Doug and Sandy Stotts Owner: Clinard Longhorns Partnership, ROCKDALE, TX
Derek, Darin, Dawn & Dylan Divinia, Red Oak, TX December 2012
CLASS 9 – Born Feb 2011
2. SHAMROCK ETERNAL FLAME 10/17/2010 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Don & Rhonda Poe, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
CLASS 11 – Born Dec 2010
3. REQUISITE STAR 10/1/2010 54.875" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D., FAYETTEVILLE, TX
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
1. ECR UNICA 2/18/2011 Sire: EL GOVENADOR Dam: ECR TARI'S FABULOSA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. GUNS N' ROSES N' STARS 2/15/2011 48.875" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: RUTLEDGE # 343 Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
1. STAR SANS PARIEL 12/21/2010 51.375" Sire: BOLT ACTION STAR Dam: 7 11 BELLS AND WHISTLES Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
3. RAF ROCKYTOP'S GRACIE 2/12/2011 42.75" Sire: ROCKYTOP DIAMOND Dam: SD MISS GRACIE Breeder: William T. & Sandra J. Martin Owner: William T. & Sandra J. Martin, WELLINGTON, TX
CLASS 10 – Born Jan 2011
1. HORSESHOE J JUSTIFIABLE 11/15/2010 55.75" Sire: CONCEALED WEAPON Dam: HORSESHOE J CHARM Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L. Jones, GREENVILLE, AL 2. DC COWBOY'S ANGEL 11/21/2010 53.3125" Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: BL ANGLE Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Deer Creek Longhorns, BRENHAM, TX 1. HL COW PATTY 1/8/2011 53.1875" Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: BL PATTY SUE Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Hudson Longhorns, FLOYDS KNOBS, IN
3. D2 FANCY DESIGN 11/29/2010 Sire: COACH Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISTY #26 Breeder: Grant & Jane Miller Owner: Grant & Jane Miller, STROUD, OK
2. LC BLADEN'S ROSEBUD 1/30/2011 52.625" Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: ROUNDUP'S MOUNTAIN MUSIC Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Bill and Jo Le'AN, HUMANSVILLE, MO
4. SMOKA MOCHA LATTE 11/1/2010 Sire: CRISP RESPECT Dam: MOCHA TWIST Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: Rockin J Longhorns, DOWNS, KS
3. AWESOME MABEL 1/3/2011 46.5" Sire: AWESOME BELL RINGER Dam: AWESOME WANETTA Breeder: Mountain Creek Longhorns Owner: Clinard Longhorns Partnership, ROCKDALE, TX
CLASS 13 – Born Oct 2010
1. DH TARI CHEX 9/9/2010 Sire: DUPREE CHEX 792 Dam: BL RIO TARI 793 Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Dale Hunt, ARDMORE, OK
2. ECR TEJANITA 9/9/2010 Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR LA TEJANA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
3. XC RED EARS 9/19/2010 Sire: J. R. SPOTLIGHT Dam: B.C. FLAMINGO Breeder: Joe Cunningham Owner: Joe Cunningham, HILLSBORO, TX
4. XC RIO BRIGHT 9/19/2010 53.625" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: XC BRIGHT SPOT Breeder: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners Owner: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners, HILLSBORO, TX 5. STARBERRIES AND CREAM 9/22/2010 Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
4. HL LUCKY SAGE 1/3/2011 46.125" Sire: LLL LUCKY Dam: SAGE SUE BL915 Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Annie Morgan & Steve Bell, SAN ANTONIO, TX
1. D2 AUDACIOUS STAR 10/17/2010 59.1875" Sire: AWESOME VIAGRA Dam: DD BODACIOUS LADY Breeder: Grant & Jane Miller Owner: Grant & Jane Miller, STROUD, OK
1. SHMROCK ETERNAL HOPE 8/23/2010 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Woodson School Ranch, MARSHALL, MO
2. NEL-TAM CREAMCICLE 8/27/2010 Sire: LLL MAXAMILLION Dam: SHILOHS MISS ADLEN Breeder: Richard James Filip Owner: NEL-TAM Longhorns, RICHLAND, PA
Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 16 – Born Jul 2010
CLASS 19 – Born Apr 2010
1. DNA INDEPENDENCE DAY 7/4/2010 57.75" Sire: HUBBELL'S EASY RIDER Dam: J P GRAND SUSAN 2 Breeder: Don & Andrea Bordelon Owner: Don & Andrea Bordelon, LOTT, TX
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
1. EL DIXIE DELIGHT 4/5/2010 Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: SPAGHETTI Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Ethan Loos, COLUMBUS, IL
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
1. SITTIN MICHELLE 2/22/2010 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: PIXIE ST Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
2. HCR SWEETHEART 4/16/2010 61.875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Larry and Paula Reck, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
2. T C MARKER'S DESARAE 2/1/2010 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: STARS IN DISGUISE Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
CLASS 22 – Born Jan 2010 3. LOOFA PALOOZA 4/25/2010 60" Sire: TEMPTER Dam: BOLOOF Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
1. LITTLE MOLLY 6/12/2010 59.25" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: BROWN MOLLY Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN 1. RC PACIFIC MERMAID 1/5/2010 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: CRANBERRY WINE Breeder: RC Larson Longhorns Owner: RC Larson Longhorns, TILLAMOOK, OR
CLASS 18 – Born May 2010
1. HCR HOT STUFF 3/28/2010 67.75" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ROUNDUP'S WELLSFARGO (TWIN) Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Larry and Paula Reck, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
1. CASINO'S ACE 5/18/2010 65.75" Sire: FEY'S RIO CASINO Dam: BW DEMANDING WOMAN Breeder: Daniel & Angelina Fey Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR 2. DOUBLE DIP 212 Sire: RIO DIEGO Dam: RIO ROSA Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
3. FOUR STAR HOTEL 5/25/2010 61.25" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISS DOTTY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
2. SHR WOW'S CALAMITY JANE 3/24/2010 Sire: M ARROW WOW Dam: CHILEA LEIGH Breeder: Doug and Sandy Stotts Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
3. M ARROW DOUBLE WOW 3/20/2010 Sire: M ARROW WOW Dam: DELTA VAN HORNE Breeder: Marquess-Mosser Partnership Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. DH STAR Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: UNARMED Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Dale Hunt, ARDMORE, OK
3. BONITA LEIGH 1/23/2010 Sire: BL RODEO CHEX Dam: SENORA LEIGH Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Vida Nueva Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
4. RJL TRAIL QUEEN 1/7/2010 Sire: TRAIL DUST 40 Dam: FINAL QUEEN Breeder: Rockin J Longhorns Owner: Big Valley Longhorns, SAINT JOHN, KS
4. RAFTER B MISS LOTTA CLASS 3/4/2010 56" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: BLACKBERRY WINE 6/3 Breeder: Boyd & Judy Bambrough Owner: Boyd & Judy Bambrough, TAYLOR, UT
4. BP SNOW TIFFIANY 5/18/2010 56.875" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: SNOW FLAKE 0/12 Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN Sherrill Caddel, West, TX; Dale Hunt, Ardmore, OK. December 2012
CLASS 23A – Born Sep - Dec 2009
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
CLASS 25B – Born Jan - Apr 2009
1. M ARROW CHA-CHING 12/30/2009 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: CC CHA-CHING Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Kurt Twining, DALLAS, TX
1. PPF TRILOGY 7/29/2009 Sire: PPF GUN MAKER Dam: MORE THAN ENOUGH Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
2. LLL LUCKY'S CINDERELLA 11/7/2009 Sire: LLL LUCKY Dam: LLL MAX\'S CINDER Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Helm/ Mills Partnership, RED OAK, TX
2. WS BODACIOUS 7/4/2009 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: WS RAINBOW Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
2. SHR BELLA MARIE 5/3/2009 Sire: SUPER LEE Dam: CHILEA LEIGH Breeder: Doug and Sandy Stotts Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
3. EARLY WINTER STAR 12/6/2009 Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: BUNYAN FLOWER Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
3. C-T'S BEST EXPICTATION 7/3/2009 56.1875" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: APRIL SHOTGUNS BB Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, SAINT GEORGE, UT
CLASS 23B – Born Sep - Dec 2009
1. WIREGRASS MAGNOLIA 09 3/5/2009 77.875" Sire: WIREGRASS PHENOMENON #2 Dam: WIREGRASS MAGNOLIA 45/6 Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Joe Graddy, COTTONWOOD, AL 2. ILLINI BROWN BETTY 1/27/2009 76.125" Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: ILLINI OGALLALA Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Straight Arrow Cattle Co., MILLERSVILLE, MO 3. MY TEARDROP PC265 2/24/2009 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: AWESOME TEARDROP Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: Matthew J. Durkin, SEGUIN, TX
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 25A – Born Jan - Apr 2009
1. DELTA LUCKY LADY 9/30/2009 Sire: LLL LUCKY Dam: LLL DELTA DAWN Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
2. AWESOME KERRY 9/16/2009 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: HATCH'S CANDY CANE Breeder: Mountain Creek Longhorns Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
3. M ARROW TIP TOP 10/30/2009 69.875" Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: BAYOU EMPRESS Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess-Mosser Partnership, BEN WHEELER, TX 4. RIVERFORKS PEARL JAM 10/30/2009 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: FOXFIRE'S PEARL Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, WESTVILLE, FL
5. STAR'S SOUTHERN INFLECTION 11/1/2009 65.875" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: STARS SOUTHERN ACCENT Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
1. M.C. BILLIE JEAN 4/12/2009 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: M. C. BAILEY Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
2. HUNTS RESPECTED ELLY 3/18/2009 69.125" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ROUNDUP'S BROWN SUGAR Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT 3. MARKER'S STAR SOLUTION 4/21/2009 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: ECR MISS SOLUTION Breeder: Rafter X Ranch Owner: Rafter X Ranch, WALLER, TX
4. RR RED CLOVER 4/21/2009 Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: CLOVER Breeder: JBR Longhorns, LLC Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
5. HL MESQUITE MERCY 4/15/2009 Sire: MESQUITE Dam: HL MAIDEN LADY Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Hudson Longhorns, FLOYDS KNOBS, IN
1. GT GARLAND'S GAL 9/23/2008 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: GT HEY JUDE HEY Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Taylor Cattle Company, YORKTOWN, TX
2. ECR MISS RODEO HOUSTON 9/13/2008 77.625" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 3. WS SUN STAR 9/11/2008 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS SUN RISE Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
4. BAR H SITTIN' SUE 10/4/2008 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: HL SUES CHARMER Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Christopher Herron, NORCO, CA
5. HL HALEY'S HAVEN 9/8/2008 63.62" Sire: SUNHAVEN IVANHOE Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISS HALEY Breeder: Leonard Aluminum Inc. Owner: Texas S Longhorns, SPRING, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
6. PPF MIMOSA 1/26/2008 Sire: PPF GUN MAKER Dam: GF SCARLET Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
3. WS SPECTRUM 8/7/2007 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: WS RAINBOW Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
7. WIREGRASS DORY 68/8 3/28/2008 61.925" Sire: WIREGRASS SMOKIN 44 Dam: WIREGRASS SMOKIN BAUBLE Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Joe Graddy, COTTONWOOD, AL
4. HUBBELLS FIELD OF DREAMS 7/21/2007 Sire: JULIO'S THUNDER Dam: FIELD OF FORGET Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: The Double JB Ranch, STOCKBRIDGE, MI
8. AWESOME DREAMS PC199 3/24/2008 Sire: AWESOME ALAMO Dam: DYNAMIC DREAM 005 Breeder: Panther Creek Ranch Owner: J Bar J Longhorns, LLC, OSAGE BEACH, MO 1. ETERNAL DIAMOND 7/15/2008 84.375" Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: JBR Longhorns, LLC, HOME, KS 2. M.C. AWESOME GRACE 6/9/2008 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: J. R. GLEESOME Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
3. SHR DOROTHY JEAN 5/26/2008 Sire: CAPONE Dam: M ARROW CRICKET Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
1. JBM BECCA II 4/20/2007 Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: RRR MISS BECCA 307 Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: John and Betsy Marshall, LLANO, TX
4. LC MARTHA WHITE 7/3/2008 68.1875" Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: DL BOLD DIAMOND Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR
1. ECR AMOR DE COYOTE 9/3/2007 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR COYOTE MI AMOR Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. VANILLA MILKSHAKE 3/20/2007 85.5625" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: SUGAR AND SPICE 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
2. VAN HORNE TEXANA 4 CF12 9/4/2007 Sire: DIXIE TOP DECK Dam: DELTA VIXEN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Taylor Cattle Company, YORKTOWN, TX
3. TCC RIO AMAZING HOPE 2/18/2007 79" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: GOLDEN BOW AMAZING GRACE Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, CRAWFORD, TX
3. MOCHA LEIGH 2 CF32 11/9/2007 Sire: DIXIE LARIAT Dam: DODES BOY PH209 Breeder: Brisco Longhorns Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
4. SHR JUBILEE CFA 3/24/2007 Sire: THE SHADOW Dam: GMR 1182 Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
4. SHR LUCKY PENNY 12/22/2007 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: MELVA LEIGH Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
5. ECR CACTUS BLOOM 3/29/2007 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HOUSTON TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
6. TEMPT YOU 116/7 4/28/2007 Sire: TEMPTER Dam: SEQUOIA MARK Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Circle Double C Ranch, TAFT, TX
7. C3 DIAMOND DARLING 2/10/2007 Sire: J.R. GRAND SLAM Dam: C3 ANN Breeder: Mary Ann Crenshaw Owner: Sand Hills Ranch, MANSFIELD, LA
1. WS STARLIGHT 4/14/2008 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS STAR BRIGHT Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
CLASS 30 – Born May - Aug 2007
2. HORSESHOE J IMPORTANT 2/11/2008 78.9375" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HORSEHOE J FANCY PANTS Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L. Jones, GREENVILLE, AL 3. ECR PHENOMENAL BUG 1/15/2008 Sire: PHENOMENON Dam: DELTA MUDBUG Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
4. TILDA MAY 2/24/2008 Sire: BAR B Q Dam: STEPHANIE 177 Breeder: Frank Anderson, Jr. Owner: Frank Anderson, Jr., BRYAN, TX
5. GRANDE DAISY SL 3/8/2008 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: LETHAL STREET Breeder: Keith Spears Owner: Tom and Cay Billingsley, LUFKIN, TX
1. MISS JULIETTE 8/1/2007 Sire: SHADOWIZM Dam: WO MISS BEHAVIN' Breeder: Dick and Cheryl Curry Owner: Hudson Longhorns, FLOYDS KNOBS, IN
2. AWESOME ROSE 720 5/2/2007 74.875" Sire: AWESOME ALAMO Dam: SHAMROCK HONEYSUCKLEROSE Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Joe or Carolyn Wissel, KINGSBURY, TX Kurt & Glenda Twining, Dallas, TX.
December 2012
3. PC MISS GUNSMOKE 2/1/2005 Sire: GUN SMOKE Dam: YO SPECKLED CLASS 4134 Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Petersen Longhorn, BUFFALO, MO
CLASS 32 – Born Jul - Dec 2006
CLASS 40 – Born Jul - Dec 2002
CLASS 37 – Born Jan - Jun 2004
1. WS FORGET ME NOT 7/15/2006 70.625" Sire: JULIO'S THUNDER Dam: FIELD OF FORGET Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Wild Horse Creek Ranch, CHESTERFIELD, MO
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
1. HORSESHOE J DELICIOUS 12/7/2002 Sire: J S OVERDRIVE Dam: HORSESHOE J ADVANCE Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L. Jones, GREENVILLE, AL 1. WS SUN RISE 5/4/2004 Sire: JULIO'S THUNDER Dam: RISING BLADE Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Hudson Longhorns, FLOYDS KNOBS, IN
2. LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY 5/15/2004 Sire: GUN SMOKE Dam: J. R. TAZZ Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
CLASS 41 – Born Jan - Jun 2002
CLASS 38 – Born Jul - Dec 2003
1. ZHI-SPICY PONY 6/3/2006 Sire: CAPONE Dam: ZHI-SPICE Breeder: Susan Burton Owner: Susan Burton, CLEVELAND, TX
1. ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 2/22/2002 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: ETERNALLY TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Gwen Damato, WEATHERFORD, TX
2. HUBBELLS RIO GLORY 5/4/2006 80.5" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HUBBELLS MORNING GLORY Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Mark Hubbell, HASTINGS, MI 3. RIVERFORK QUEEN OF CLUBS 2/23/2006 Sire: KING OF CLUBS Dam: HORSESHOE J ACCLAIM Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, WESTVILLE, FL
CLASS 35 – Born Jan - Jun 2005
2. PC OAKIES RED ROSE 3/12/2002 83.125" Sire: IMPACTS REAR ADMIRAL Dam: TRI-W OKIES ROSE Breeder: Panther Creek Ranch Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX 1. FANCY FEISTY LEIGH CF2 7/24/2003 Sire: SAFARI B 1759 Dam: DAY'S MISS MISCHIEF Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
CLASS 39 – Born Jan - Jun 2003
3. ECRVIXEN'S HEIRESS 212 3/2/2002 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: DELTA VIXEN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 44 – Born 2000 and Before
1. RM TOUCH N WHIRL PAT 4/22/2005 83.5" Sire: TOUCHDOWN OF RM Dam: RM MISS WHIRLWIND Breeder: Red McCombs Ranches of Texas Owner: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners, HILLSBORO, TX
1. ECR LITTLE QUEEN OF MINE 3/12/2003 Sire: STRAIGHT SHOOTER Dam: QUEEN MAKER Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. DREAMING 2/3/2005 76.25" Sire: ROCKING H CHEX REWARD Dam: UN-ANSERED DREAMS Breeder: Lucinda K. Christian Owner: Lucinda K. Christian, HOLTON, KS
2. ECR I'M A REFLECTION 306 2/18/2003 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: GOLDEN REFLECTION Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
1. SHADOW JUBILEE Sire: THE SHADOW Dam: GMR 1182 Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI
2. WORKING WOMAN 3/15/1997 Sire: CK SUPER DIXIE Dam: L EASY WOMAN Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
3. HORSE HEAD SHOW TIME 5/3/1997 81.0625" Sire: HORSE HEAD PROFESSIONAL Dam: HORSE HEAD WHITE ROSE Breeder: C. L. Williams Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN 4. STEPHANIE 177 10/14/1999 Sire: COACH Dam: EVELYN Breeder: Frank Anderson, Jr. Owner: Frank Anderson, Jr., BRYAN, TX
5. TARI'S TRANSITION 12/8/1998 Sire: DIXIE THUNDER Dam: TARI GRAVES FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
6. TX W MIRACLE MAKER 4/2/1993 Sire: HJ MIRACLE MAN Dam: SECO CLASSEY 4/21 Breeder: George W. Wilhite Owner: Gwen Damato, WEATHERFORD, TX
1. IPR L'IL ABNER 4/4/2009 Sire: FARLAP CHEX Dam: BL LADY LILLY Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX
57.625” Teresa & Gary Bowdoin, Crawford, TX.
STEERS CLASS 1 – Born 2007 - 2010
Steve Azinger, Houston, TX.
1. REMOLINO ECR 2/20/2008 72.375" Sire: GOLDEN JULIO ECR Dam: ECR CALENTE QUEEN 414 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 2. LPA SIR BLACK KNIGHT 10/15/2009 Sire: LPA GRUFFER'S RED Dam: OVERCHOO Breeder: Lone Pine Acres Owner: Lone Pine Acres, PATASKALA, OH
Becky & Jim Rombeck, Lyons, KS.
CLASS 2 – Born 2006 and Before
Bill Burton, Cleveland, TX
1. OAK CHEX 3/12/2001 124.5" Sire: VJ TOMMIE (aka UNLIMITED) Dam: ACE'S ZOLA ROSE Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Nora & Rex Mosser with grandson Kobe Mosser, Magnolia, TX.
2. BIG RED 907 4/13/1999 113.375" Sire: BUENO CHEX Dam: HORSE HEAD TICKLISH Breeder: C. L. Williams Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX Joe & Mary Ann Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX; Larry & Pam Crumpton, Hillsboro, TX. December 2012
4. LIMP BISCUTT 4/15/11 49.3125" Sire: TITAN EOT 8E8 Dam: SUGAR AND SPICE 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
BULLS CLASS 6 – Born May 2011
CLASS 10 – Born Jan 2011
CLASS 8 – Born Mar 2011
1. HUNTS RM PROFIT MAKER 5/6/11 54.75" Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNTS MISS DEMANDS RESPC Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT 2. JH KEVLAR 5/5/11 54.125" Sire: JH BOONE AND CROCKETT Dam: HL CLASSIC CREAM Breeder: Justin Hansen Owner: Justin Hansen, PASKENTA, CA 3. LAZEWE'S GUN FOR HIRE 37 5/30/11 Sire: TF GUN FOR HIRE Dam: EOT OUTBACK LEZAWE Breeder: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC Owner: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC, ROCKVILLE, UT
3. BP RED BOY 5/27/11 52.5" Sire: TEXAS RED 16 Dam: RED WIRE Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN 4. TCC TRAIL BLAZER 5/15/11 Sire: TCC EL JEFE Dam: BH DAZZLE'S RED Breeder: Mike Taylor Owner: Mike Taylor, JOSHUA, TX
1. CHEROKEE TEXA 21 1/10/11 Sire: TEMPTER Dam: TEXANA VAN HORNE Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI 1. LJL SMOKIN GUN 3/28/11 58.5" Sire: PPF KAY'S KONG Dam: COOPERS LITTLE SPOT Breeder: Troy Kingsbury Owner: Jerry and Gretchen Lotspeich, CRAWFORD, NE
3. LT TEXAS RIO 105 3/9/11 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: LITTLE TARI Breeder: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D. Owner: Gwen Damato, WEATHERFORD, TX
1. RR SWEET BRINDLE DUST 11/5/10 Sire: SWEET CHEX 783 Dam: PPF FAIRY DUST Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
CLASS 9 – Born Feb 2011
2. TF AUZZIE'S HIRED GUN 37 11/30/10 69.625" Sire: TF GUN FOR HIRE Dam: TF TABASCO'S BOOMZAWE 37 Breeder: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC Owner: Two Feathers Ranch, LLC, ROCKVILLE, UT
1. WRR SOLAR FLARE 2/14/11 Sire: TRAIL DUST 40 Dam: ACC TIFFANY Breeder: Vincent T. Girolamo Owner: Dan Williamson, JASPER, TX
3. DNA QUANTUM SLAM 11/21/10 62.75" Sire: DNA GRAND SLAMMER Dam: DNA KOBRA'S COUNTRY JEAN'S Breeder: Don & Andrea Bordelon Owner: Don & Andrea Bordelon, LOTT, TX
CLASS 13 – Born Oct 2010
2. HELM CERASTES 4/27/11 57.25" Sire: HUNTS GRAND COMMAND Dam: 30 BELLE'S STARLET Breeder: HELM CATTLE COMPANY Owner: Helm/ Hinton Partnership, RED OAK, TX 3. 4WIND PHENOMINAL CHANCE 4/23/11 56.75" Sire: AC/ PHENOMINAL GRASS Dam: PC MISS AMERICA II Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, PROSPECT, TN
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
2. COOPER SAFARI 3/30/11 57.4375" Sire: HUNTS RESPECTED DYNASTY Dam: J L COOPER'S SAFARI 3 Breeder: Lynn and Jane Mosdell Owner: JN Longhorns, ALTAMONT, UT
CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
TLBAA Board Member Craig Perez, Comanche, OK with Jay Mullinax, Houston, TX
1. OB RIO HONDO 10/19/10 65.75" Sire: BETCHA A GRANDE 721 Dam: YO CARMELITA WHIRL Breeder: Joe or Carolyn Wissel Owner: Teri Ehlers & Lana Webb, WARRENSBURG, MO Texas Longhorn Trails
2. LUCKY STRIKE 100 10/1/10 Sire: WINNER'S EDGE Dam: CO LILLY Breeder: Rocking 'O' Ranch Owner: Kyle & Whitney Mayden, DIANA, TX
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
CLASS 19 – Born Apr 2010
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
1. LODESTAR 9/18/10 Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
1. XC RIO ANDY 8/27/10 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ANDERSON 506 Breeder: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners Owner: Joe Cunningham, HILLSBORO, TX
1. RING LEADER BCB 6/26/10 77.25" Sire: WORKING MAN CHEX Dam: RINGA DINGER Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen - Justin Hansen, LUFKIN, TX
2. CV COWBOY CASANOVA 4/5/10 Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: SMOKY ROAN Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: McKnight / Filip Partnership, PITTSBURG, KS
3. HUNTS LUCKY DEMAND 6/1/10 74.875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS LUCK BE A LADY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
3. RJF COWBOY MAX 4/17/10 Sire: LLL MAXAMILLION Dam: D/O KANSAS RITA Breeder: Doc Hyder Owner: Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK
4. BOLT 6/28/10 74.5" Sire: MAJESTIC ADMIRAL EOT 29/5 Dam: LIGHTNING ZENA Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
4. VICTORIOUS 4/15/10 77.8" Sire: CRISP RESPECT Dam: LLL MARTHA Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: Clinard Longhorns Partnership, ROCKDALE, TX
CLASS 18 – Born May 2010
5. BCR HIGH CALIBER 4/3/10 75.125" Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: J5 CARMEL KITTY Breeder: J5 Longhorns Owner: Mark and Tammey Stuck, SUMERDUCK, VA
6. K.C. UTAH COWBOY 4/6/10 Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: HUNTS RESPECTED MCGILL Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Kyle & Whitney Mayden, DIANA, TX
2. AUGUSTUS ECR 8/1/10 65.875" Sire: EXPEDITIOUS ECR Dam: ECR AMOR DE COYOTE Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 3. C-T'S RUBICON 8/13/10 64.625" Sire: HUNTS HCR MR. AMERICANA Dam: MOLLY HUNTS BEST 01 Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Theron & Marilyn Rose, HENRIEVILLE, UT
1. HUNTS TRIPLE CROWN 5/11/10 77.75" Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNT'S RODEO HUCKSTRESS Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
CLASS 16 – Born Jul 2010
2. D/O JAY HAWKER 56/10 5/9/10 77.125" Sire: BOOMERANG C P Dam: D/O DAILY DELITE Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: O'Dell/ Luebbering Partnership, OSAWATOMIE, KS 3. GM BLADEN'S AMAETHON 5/4/10 Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: TP GOLDEN LADY Breeder: KENT AND CHRISTINE BLADEN Owner: GM Texas Longhorns, HANFORD, CA
1. HUNTS BOLD VENTURE 7/1/10 Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNTS RODEO BRAND Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Bob and Cathy Iversen, HUNTSVILLE, TX
December 2012
7. HUNTS GREAT RESPECT 4/20/10 73.5" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO TICKLED PINK Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Bob and Cathy Iversen, HUNTSVILLE, TX
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
1. RIO ROJO ECR 3/18/10 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: TARI'S TRANSITION Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. MASO ECR 3/18/10 Sire: COACH TOMMIE Dam: SILVER STAMP Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
3. K.C. JUBAL 3/2/10 74.375" Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: K.C. JUBILEE Breeder: KENT AND CHRISTINE BLADEN Owner: David and Christine Ryland, ARDMORE, OK
4. CV RIO RANGER 9/19/09 78.75" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: CV FARLAPS FEATHER Breeder: Todd and Kelli McKnight Owner: McKnight /Mills Partnership, PITTSBURG, KS
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
5. X STAR 12/12/09 77.5" Sire: STAR REGARD 927 Dam: AMERICAN SONATA Breeder: Star Creek/Rafter X Partners Owner: Star Creek/Rafter X Partners, SOMERVILLE, TX 6. RFR JESSIE JAMES 12/27/09 Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: DH UPPER LADY Breeder: Danny and Carole Phillips Owner: Greg & Amy Franks, BRIDGEPORT, TX
2. ONE STAR COMMAND 4/2/09 90" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: FCF FREEDOM RINGS Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D., FAYETTEVILLE, TX 3. CROWN MAX 3/5/09 88.8125" Sire: RODEO MAX ST Dam: FL JOYRIDE Breeder: Daniel & Angelina Fey Owner: FRANK & TERESA LOCATELLI, SOQUEL, CA 4. BULL WHIP 1/30/09 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: CROCK 64 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, HUNTINGTON, TX
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009 5. WF GAMEBOY 3/15/09 81.875" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HAY HOOK Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Bowdoin/Chisholm Range Land Partnership, CRAWFORD, TX
1. 4WIND PHENOMINAL IMPACT 2/18/10 80.5" Sire: AC/ PHENOMINAL GRASS Dam: PC MISS AMERICA II Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: B T Farms, PULASKI, TN
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 22 – Born Jan 2010
1. BLUMTN SMOKE 5/25/09 Sire: J.R. PREMIUM Dam: BLUE MOUNTAIN TUESDAY Breeder: Aubrey & Marva Herring Owner: Johnnie L. Goff, ELKHART, TX
2. RR KING TUT 8/1/09 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: RIO FRIO SL Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Don & Rhonda Poe, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
1. THE LONG TEXAN 1/3/10 86.9375" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: MW BEYONDSE Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
3. DUDE ST 5/11/09 Sire: IRON MIKE ST Dam: DUSTY 58 Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Rhonda Harris, DALLAS, TX
CLASS 23 – Born Sep - Dec 2009
4. RIO PECOS TEXA 6/20/09 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: AWESOME ANGEL Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Matthew J. Durkin, SEGUIN, TX
5. WB SUPER CLASSIC 5/6/09 Sire: SUPER FIELDER Dam: SHAMONE 435/9 Breeder: Allen S. Brantley Owner: B T Farms, PULASKI, TN
1. TEXAS RED 16 10/3/08 87.75" Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: DH SAFARI'S RANGERETTE Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN 2. HIDALGO ECR 12/17/08 87.125" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR AMIGO'S ESPECIAL 208 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 3. PRECIOUS AUZZIE EOT 39/8 11/19/08 78.875" Sire: AUZZIE EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT PHENOMENAL PRECIOUS Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
CLASS 25 – Born Jan - Apr 2009
1. CR HIJO WOW 12/21/09 Sire: M ARROW WOW Dam: EJ BLACK SWAN Breeder: Doug and Sandy Stotts Owner: Cactus Rose Longhorns, EDNA, TX
2. CDC STARTEX 9/14/09 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: TEXANA EVERYWHERE Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Clark/ Liska Partnership, TAFT, TX
3. RIO TABASCO EOT 9E1 11/14/09 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: TABASCO'S LEZAWE Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Warren and Cathy Dorathy, SANGER, CA
1. LC BANDIT 1/22/09 Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: ROUNDUP'S MISS BRINKS (TWIN) Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Wulfco Ranch, CHETOPA, KS
1. TONKAWA DERRINGER 8/13/08 Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: TCC SMOKEY DONNA Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, CRAWFORD, TX
2. RR RED GRANDE 7/28/08 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HUBBELL'S STAR STRUCK Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Clark/ Liska Partnership, TAFT, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
3. HUNTS GRAND COMMAND 6/18/08 87.875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO BRAND Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt/Helm Cattle Partnership, RED OAK, TX 4. AUZE EOT 38/8 8/5/08 Sire: AUZZIE EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT OUTBACK CHERRY Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Ronnie & Jackie Mullinax, CYPRESS, TX
CLASS 30 – Born May - Aug 2007
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
1. HUNTS BOLD COMMANDER 5/26/07 86.9375" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hoosier/ Hunt Partnership, WASHINGTON, IN
1. HUNTS HCR CHERRY BOMBER 6/1/06 96.25" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt / Hoff Partnership, NORFOLK, NE
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
CLASS 34 – Born 2005 and Before
1. TOTEM POLE 2/7/07 103.875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HAY HOOK Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Steve and Rene' Azinger, HOUSTON, TX
1. TRAIL DUST 40 1/3/04 107.437" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: SAW DUST Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Rockin J Longhorns, DOWNS, KS
2. CHUCKWAGON 11/18/98 Sire: DIXIE THUNDER Dam: TARI GRAVES FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Dale Hutton, AMARILLO, TX
3. VANIZM 4/9/07 93.5" Sire: SHADOWIZM Dam: VANESSA Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co. Owner: McIntyre/ Girolamo Partnership, WOLBACH, NE
3. MAXIMUS ST 3/6/02 Sire: J.R. GRAND SLAM Dam: MAXI CONFETTI Breeder: Ron & Jo Jones Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
CLASS 32 – Born Jul - Dec 2006
4. MR BOOMERIFIC 4/6/02 Sire: BOOMERANG C P Dam: COCO PUFF 1 Breeder: Vic & Gloria Beahm Owner: Gwen Damato, WEATHERFORD, TX
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
1. GENE LEE 2/2/08 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
2. RIP SAW 1/30/08 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: JIGSAW 500 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, HUNTINGTON, TX
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
1. CONCEALED WEAPON 11/18/07 94.625" Sire: SHARPSHOOTER 542 Dam: HORSESHOE J EXAMPLE Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jones/Hubbell Partnership, GREENVILLE, AL 2. SWEET CHEX 783 9/13/07 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: BL SWEETCHEEKS Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
1. HUNTER MC 69 7/7/06 89.875" Sire: FESTUS MC 27 Dam: JACKIE LYNN 90 Breeder: Michael McLeod Owner: West Farms/McLeod Partnershi, FRANKLINTON, LA
Dan Jones, Washington, IN. December 2012
2. HUBBELLS RIO BRAVO 8/11/06 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: WIN ME OVER Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Katy and Colt Hall, PITTSBURG, TX
Merrilou & Danny Russell, Edna, TX.
FEMALES CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
3. RAF ROCKYTOP'S GRACIE 2/12/11 53.3" Sire: ROCKYTOP DIAMOND Dam: SD MISS GRACIE Breeder: William T. & Sandra J. Martin Owner: William T. & Sandra J. Martin, WELLINGTON, TX
2. D2 FANCY DESIGN 11/29/10 Sire: COACH Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISTY #26 Breeder: Grant & Jane Miller Owner: Grant & Jane Miller, STROUD, OK
CLASS 10 – Born Jan 2011
3. DC COWBOY'S ANGEL 11/21/10 Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: BL ANGLE Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Deer Creek Longhorns, BRENHAM, TX
CLASS 13 – Born Oct 2010
1. PATTY LEIGH 4/1/11 Sire: ZD KELLY Dam: FANCY FEISTY LEIGH CF2 Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
2. SDR LUCY 4/28/11 51.9375" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HNB SHEEBA Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, ALLENDALE, MI 3. D/O RIO'S PASSION 4/14/11 50.5" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: D/O UNMATCHLESS PASSION Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: Oren & Dianna O'Dell, OSAWATOMIE, KS
CLASS 8 – Born Mar 2011
1. LC BLADEN'S ROSEBUD 1/30/11 58.375" Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: ROUNDUP'S MOUNTAIN MUSIC Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: Bill and Jo Le'AN, HUMANSVILLE, MO 2. AWESOME MABEL 1/3/11 54.875" Sire: AWESOME BELL RINGER Dam: AWESOME WANETTA Breeder: Mountain Creek Longhorns Owner: Clinard Longhorns Partnership, ROCKDALE, TX 3. HL LUCKY SAGE 1/3/11 53.75" Sire: LLL LUCKY Dam: SAGE SUE BL915 Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Annie Morgan & Steve Bell, SAN ANTONIO, TX
1. REQUISITE STAR 10/1/10 66.8" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D., FAYETTEVILLE, TX 2. D2 AUDACIOUS STAR 10/17/10 63.6875" Sire: AWESOME VIAGRA Dam: DD BODACIOUS LADY Breeder: Grant & Jane Miller Owner: Grant & Jane Miller, STROUD, OK
CLASS 11 – Born Dec 2010 3. SHAMROCK ETERNAL FLAME 10/17/10 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Don & Rhonda Poe, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
49.75" 1. STAR SANS PARIEL 12/21/10 59.625" Sire: BOLT ACTION STAR Dam: 7 11 BELLS AND WHISTLES Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 9 – Born Feb 2011
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
1. GUNS N' ROSES N' STARS 2/15/11 60.875" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: RUTLEDGE # 343 Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX 2. ECR UNICA 2/18/11 Sire: EL GOVENADOR Dam: ECR TARI'S FABULOSA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
1. HORSESHOE J JUSTIFIABLE 11/15/10 63.125" Sire: CONCEALED WEAPON Dam: HORSESHOE J CHARM Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L. Jones, GREENVILLE, AL
1. DH TARI CHEX 9/9/10 Sire: DUPREE CHEX 792 Dam: BL RIO TARI 793 Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Dale Hunt, ARDMORE, OK
2. STARBERRIES AND CREAM 9/22/10 Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
3. ECR TEJANITA 9/9/10 Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR LA TEJANA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
5. BP SNOW TIFFIANY 5/18/10 60.125" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: SNOW FLAKE 0/12 Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
CLASS 19 – Born Apr 2010
1. SALIDA SARA PUDDIN 8/1/10 66.8125" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: SALIDA SARA PAINT Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN 1. EL DIXIE DELIGHT Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: SPAGHETTI Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Ethan Loos, COLUMBUS, IL
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
2. HCR SWEETHEART 4/16/10 70.25" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Larry and Paula Reck, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
1. LITTLE MOLLY 6/12/10 65.375" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: BROWN MOLLY Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
1. T C MARKER'S DESARAE 2/1/10 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: STARS IN DISGUISE Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
2. SITTIN MICHELLE 2/22/10 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: PIXIE ST Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
CLASS 22 – Born Jan 2010
3. LOOFA PALOOZA 4/25/10 63.25" Sire: TEMPTER Dam: BOLOOF Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA 4. WHITE PEACHES 4/28/10 Sire: SMOKY DIAMOND Dam: REBEL WONDER Breeder: L.D. and Debbie McIntyre Owner: L.D. and Debbie McIntyre, WOLBACH, NE
1. BONITA LEIGH 1/23/10 Sire: BL RODEO CHEX Dam: SENORA LEIGH Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Vida Nueva Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 18 – Born May 2010 CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
CLASS 23A – Born Sep - Dec 2009
1. FOUR STAR HOTEL 5/25/10 80.4" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISS DOTTY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX 2. CASINO'S ACE 5/18/10 75.25" Sire: FEY'S RIO CASINO Dam: BW DEMANDING WOMAN Breeder: Daniel & Angelina Fey Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR 3. ECR ZESTY SOLUTION 5/13/10 74.125" Sire: HOUSTON SOLUTION 111 Dam: ECR CREOLE'S CHILI PETIN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 4. DOUBLE DIP 212 Sire: RIO DIEGO Dam: RIO ROSA Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
December 2012
1. HCR HOT STUFF 3/28/10 74.3" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ROUNDUP'S WELLSFARGO (TWIN) Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Larry and Paula Reck, WHITEWRIGHT, TX 2. M ARROW DOUBLE WOW 3/20/10 Sire: M ARROW WOW Dam: DELTA VAN HORNE Breeder: Marquess-Mosser Partnership Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
3. HUNTS KISS MY CASH 3/29/10 Sire: JBR CASH Dam: HUNTS RESPECTED DEMAND Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
4. RAFTER B MISS LOTTA CLASS 3/4/10 66.5" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: BLACKBERRY WINE 6/3 Breeder: Boyd & Judy Bambrough Owner: Boyd & Judy Bambrough, TAYLOR, UT
1. M ARROW CHA-CHING 12/30/09 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: CC CHA-CHING Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Kurt Twining, DALLAS, TX
2. SOPHISTICATED STARS IN STYLE 11/7/09 82.375" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: ME OH MY STYLE Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX 3. CR BUTTERFLY 12/8/09 Sire: ZD KELLY Dam: RC CRYSTAL Breeder: RC Larson Longhorns Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR
4. EARLY WINTER STAR 12/6/09 77.25" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: BUNYAN FLOWER Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
4. RAFTER B CALICO GAL 3/2/09 76.25" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: CALICO BREEZE Breeder: Boyd & Judy Bambrough Owner: Boyd & Judy Bambrough, TAYLOR, UT
CLASS 25A – Born Jan - Apr 2009
CLASS 23B – Born Sep - Dec 2009
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
1. M.C. BILLIE JEAN 4/12/09 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: M. C. BAILEY Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
2. RR RED CLOVER 4/21/09 Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: CLOVER Breeder: JBR Longhorns, LLC Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
2. AWESOME KERRY 9/16/09 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: HATCH'S CANDY CANE Breeder: Mountain Creek Longhorns Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
3. MARKER'S STAR SOLUTION 4/21/09 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: ECR MISS SOLUTION Breeder: Rafter X Ranch Owner: Rafter X Ranch, WALLER, TX
1. ECR MISS RODEO HOUSTON 9/13/08 96.125" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
3. M ARROW TIP TOP 10/30/09 85.14" Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: BAYOU EMPRESS Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess-Mosser Partnership, BEN WHEELER, TX
4. HL MESQUITE MERCY 4/15/09 92.8125" Sire: MESQUITE Dam: HL MAIDEN LADY Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Hudson Longhorns, FLOYDS KNOBS, IN
2. GT GARLAND'S GAL 9/23/08 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: GT HEY JUDE HEY Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Taylor Cattle Company, YORKTOWN, TX
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
3. WS SUN STAR Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS SUN RISE Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
6. PONCHO'S SWEET MELODY Sire: PANCHO VILLA 80 Dam: FINESSE Breeder: Leonard Aluminum Inc. Owner: Steve Hearn, LEBANON, PA
2. ECR REIGN OF CASTILE 8/26/09 Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR QUEEN PALOMITA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
3. FAVORITE MAXIE 5/26/09 78.5625" Sire: MAXIMUS ST Dam: SHE'S A FARVORITE Breeder: Straight Arrow Cattle Co. Owner: River Bottom Ranch Longhorns, BINGHAM, IL 4. C-T'S BEST EXPICTATION 7/3/09 68.4375" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: APRIL SHOTGUNS BB Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, SAINT GEORGE, UT
4. BAR H SITTIN' SUE 10/4/08 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: HL SUES CHARMER Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Christopher Herron, NORCO, CA
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
1. WIREGRASS MAGNOLIA 09 3/5/09 94.875" Sire: WIREGRASS PHENOMENON #2 Dam: WIREGRASS MAGNOLIA 45/6 Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Joe Graddy, COTTONWOOD, AL 2. ECR BLENDED WITH RESPECT 1/5/09 84.5" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR LITTLE BIT-O-BLENDIN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 3. MY TEARDROP PC265 2/24/09 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: AWESOME TEARDROP Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: Matthew J. Durkin, SEGUIN, TX
5. HL HALEY'S HAVEN 9/8/08 81.875" Sire: SUNHAVEN IVANHOE Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISS HALEY Breeder: Leonard Aluminum Inc. Owner: Texas S Longhorns, SPRING, TX
CLASS 25B – Born Jan - Apr 2009 1. PPF TRILOGY 7/29/09 Sire: PPF GUN MAKER Dam: MORE THAN ENOUGH Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
1. M.C. AWESOME GRACE 6/9/08 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: J. R. GLEESOME Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
2. ETERNAL DIAMOND 7/15/08 94.375" Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: JBR Longhorns, LLC, HOME, KS
Texas Longhorn Trails
3. ECR TEXAS PRIDE 5/1/08 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR COACH'S CHOICE Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. SHR LUCKY PENNY 12/22/07 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: MELVA LEIGH Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
3. MOCHA LEIGH 2 CF32 11/9/07 Sire: DIXIE LARIAT Dam: DODES BOY PH209 Breeder: Brisco Longhorns Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
6. TEMPT YOU 116/7 4/28/07 Sire: TEMPTER Dam: SEQUOIA MARK Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Circle Double C Ranch, TAFT, TX
CLASS 32 – Born Jul - Dec 2006
CLASS 30 – Born May - Aug 2007
1. WS CRYSTAL CLEAR 12/7/06 Sire: JULIO'S THUNDER Dam: LL SPARKLE Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: David Roberts, CANTON, MO 1. WS STARLIGHT 4/14/08 100.925" Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS STAR BRIGHT Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
1. ECR SPICY VIXEN 8/1/07 91.938" Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HABANERO'S TARI 352 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. PPF MIMOSA 1/26/08 Sire: PPF GUN MAKER Dam: GF SCARLET Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
2. AWESOME ROSE 720 5/2/07 80.925" Sire: AWESOME ALAMO Dam: SHAMROCK HONEYSUCKLEROSE Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Joe or Carolyn Wissel, KINGSBURY, TX
3. ECR PHENOMENAL BUG 1/15/08 Sire: PHENOMENON Dam: DELTA MUDBUG Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
4. WIREGRASS DORY 68/8 3/28/08 82.4" Sire: WIREGRASS SMOKIN 44 Dam: WIREGRASS SMOKIN BAUBLE Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Joe Graddy, COTTONWOOD, AL
1. SOMMERSTAR 2/3/06 104.625" Sire: POWER PLAY BCB Dam: MISS SOMEWAY SOMEHOW Breeder: Ralph Torres Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
5. GRANDE DAISY SL 3/8/08 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: LETHAL STREET Breeder: Keith Spears Owner: Tom and Cay Billingsley, LUFKIN, TX
2. ZHI-SPICY PONY Sire: CAPONE Dam: ZHI-SPICE Breeder: Susan Burton Owner: Susan Burton, CLEVELAND, TX
6. AWESOME DREAMS PC199 3/24/08 Sire: AWESOME ALAMO Dam: DYNAMIC DREAM 005 Breeder: Panther Creek Ranch Owner: J Bar J Longhorns, LLC, OSAGE BEACH, MO
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
1. ECR AMOR DE COYOTE 9/3/07 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR COYOTE MI AMOR Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
December 2012
1. SEQUENTIAL STARS 4/16/07 103.25" Sire: J.R. GRAND SLAM Dam: STARS SOUTHERN ACCENT Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX 2. C3 DIAMOND DARLING 2/10/07 Sire: J.R. GRAND SLAM Dam: C3 ANN Breeder: Mary Ann Crenshaw Owner: Sand Hills Ranch, MANSFIELD, LA
3. VANILLA MILKSHAKE 3/20/07 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: SUGAR AND SPICE 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
4. JBM BECCA II 4/20/07 Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: RRR MISS BECCA 307 Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: John and Betsy Marshall, LLANO, TX
5. ECR CACTUS BLOOM 3/29/07 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HOUSTON TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 34 – Born Jul - Dec 2005
1. DOTTIE LEIGH 11/28/05 102.125" Sire: TOMMIE LEE Dam: JP GRAND DOTTIE Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Tommy Mulhollan, CALL, TX
CLASS 35 – Born Jan - Jun 2005
1. ECR COACH'S CHOICE 3/3/05 Sire: REFUGE CHEX Dam: SILVER CHOICE Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 39 – Born Jan - Jun 2003
CLASS 43 – Born Jan - Jun 2001
1. BOYS SAY I CLEAN UP GOOD 3/18/03 Sire: ROCKING H CHEX REWARD Dam: BL DAY MAID Breeder: Travis M. Christian Owner: Lucinda K. Christian, HOLTON, KS
2. RM TOUCH N WHIRL PAT 4/22/05 95.625" Sire: TOUCHDOWN OF RM Dam: RM MISS WHIRLWIND Breeder: Red McCombs Ranches of Texas Owner: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners, HILLSBORO, TX
2. ECR I'M A REFLECTION 306 2/18/03 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: GOLDEN REFLECTION Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 37 – Born Jan - Jun 2004
3. ECR LITTLE QUEEN OF MINE 3/12/03 Sire: STRAIGHT SHOOTER Dam: QUEEN MAKER Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
1. BAGPIPE BERTHA Sire: THE SHADOW Dam: LACY LASS Breeder: Brett or Darcy De Lapp Owner: David Roberts, CANTON, MO
CLASS 44 – Born 2000 and Before
CLASS 41 – Born Jan - Jun 2002
1. HORSE HEAD SHOW TIME 5/3/97 109.875" Sire: HORSE HEAD PROFESSIONAL Dam: HORSE HEAD WHITE ROSE Breeder: C. L. Williams Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN 2. SILVER CHOICE 11/8/98 Sire: JK STERLING 262 Dam: DELTA DISCO Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
1. ECRVIXEN'S HEIRESS 212 3/2/02 101.875" Sire: DON JULIO Dam: DELTA VIXEN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
3. TARI'S TRANSITION 12/8/98 Sire: DIXIE THUNDER Dam: TARI GRAVES FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
4. WORKING WOMAN 3/15/97 Sire: CK SUPER DIXIE Dam: L EASY WOMAN Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
3. ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 2/22/02 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: ETERNALLY TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: Gwen Damato, WEATHERFORD, TX
5. HIGH HOPES 749 3/30/97 Sire: CK SUPER DIXIE Dam: HOPING FOR STYLE Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
4. FA BAYOU MAGIC 4/12/02 Sire: COACH Dam: ACE'S BAYOU MAGIC Breeder: Frank Anderson, III Owner: Frank Anderson, III, HOUSTON, TX
1. LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY 5/15/04 102.875" Sire: GUN SMOKE Dam: J. R. TAZZ Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
CLASS 38 – Born Jul - Dec 2003
1. FANCY FEISTY LEIGH CF2 7/24/03 Sire: SAFARI B 1759 Dam: DAY'S MISS MISCHIEF Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
2. INDEPENDENT WOMAN 7/4/03 Sire: BOOMERANG C P Dam: BAYOU MAJESTY 344 Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR
6. SHADOW JUBILEE Sire: THE SHADOW Dam: GMR 1182 Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI
Texas Longhorn Trails
2. V3C ROSEBERRY SMOKEHAUS 4/15/2009 Sire: STRAWBERRY TEXAS Dam: O-MINI ROSEMARY Breeder: Stephen A. Drake Owner: Eric & Anna Redeker, ALICE, TX
STEERS CLASS 1 – Born 2007 - 2010
CLASS 4 – Born Oct 2008 - Nov 2007
FEMALES CLASS 1 – Born Oct 2011 - Nov 2010
1. MISS ROCKY DENIM KMD 903 10/28/2008 Sire: DALGOOD'S ROCKY Dam: MISS BLUE SOLO Breeder: Kety-Mc Leod-Doyle Part. Owner: Eric & Anna Redeker, ALICE, TX
1. REMOLINO ECR 2/20/08 96.75" Sire: GOLDEN JULIO ECR Dam: ECR CALENTE QUEEN 414 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 2. LPA SIR BLACK KNIGHT 10/15/09 Sire: LPA GRUFFER'S RED Dam: OVERCHOO Breeder: Lone Pine Acres Owner: Lone Pine Acres, PATASKALA, OH
1. EMILIE SUE 6/11 6/24/2011 Sire: LYNYRD Dam: BABY FACE 8/05 Breeder: Terry R. Moore Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX
CLASS 2 – Born Oct 2010 - Nov 2009
CLASS 2 – Born 2006 and Before
Sharon & David Roberts, Canton, MO. 1. OAK CHEX 3/12/01 179.25" Sire: VJ TOMMIE (aka UNLIMITED) Dam: ACE'S ZOLA ROSE Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
1. LITTLE MISS UNDERSTOOD 3/13/2010 Sire: RAPID FIRE Dam: RIVERFORKS CHEX Breeder: Hidden Acres Ranch, Inc. Owner: Emily Ingram, ANTHONY, FL
2. BIG RED 907 4/13/99 Sire: BUENO CHEX Dam: HORSE HEAD TICKLISH Breeder: C. L. Williams Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
2. TONKAWA LEGACY EFFIECENA 5/9/2010 47.125" Sire: MIJHA CHEX 763 Dam: WITTROCK'S EMP LEGACY Breeder: Tom Wittrock Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, CRAWFORD, TX
CLASS 3 – Born Oct 2009 - Nov 2008
MINIATURES BULLS CLASS 3 – Born Oct 2009 - Nov 2008
Della Serna, Kingsville,TX; Felix Serna, Kingsville, TX.
1. HL TINKERBELLE 12/14/2008 Sire: WILD WEST CHEX Dam: HL LIZA'S BANDIT Breeder: H & L Ranch Owner: John Miller, FORT WORTH, TX 1. IPR L'IL ABNER 4/4/2009 Sire: FARLAP CHEX Dam: BL LADY LILLY Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX
Gwen Damato & Dale Lee, Weatherford, TX. December 2012
2. D/O JAY HAWKER 56/10 5/9/2010 174.125" Sire: BOOMERANG C P Dam: D/O DAILY DELITE Breeder: Oren & Dianna O'Dell Owner: O'Dell/ Luebbering Partnership, OSAWATOMIE, KS
CLASS 16 – Born Jul 2010
CLASS 13 – Born Oct 2010
CLASS 19 – Born Apr 2010
1. OB RIO HONDO 10/19/2010 151.125" Sire: BETCHA A GRANDE 721 Dam: YO CARMELITA WHIRL Breeder: Joe or Carolyn Wissel Owner: Teri Ehlers & Lana Webb, WARRENSBURG, MO 2. LUCKY STRIKE 100 10/1/2010 Sire: WINNER'S EDGE Dam: CO LILLY Breeder: Rocking 'O' Ranch Owner: Kyle & Whitney Mayden, DIANA, TX
1. HUNTS BOLD VENTURE 7/1/2010 Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNTS RODEO BRAND Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Bob and Cathy Iversen, HUNTSVILLE, TX
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
139.75" 1. CV COWBOY CASANOVA 4/5/2010 194.375" Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: SMOKY ROAN Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: McKnight / Filip Partnership, PITTSBURG, KS
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
2. HUNTS DASH FOR CASH 4/13/2010 Sire: JBR CASH Dam: HUNTS RESPECTED SHAINA Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
1. LODESTAR 9/18/2010 Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
1. XC RIO ANDY 8/27/2010 175.125" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ANDERSON 506 Breeder: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners Owner: Joe Cunningham, HILLSBORO, TX 2. C-T'S RUBICON 8/13/2010 148.125" Sire: HUNTS HCR MR. AMERICANA Dam: MOLLY HUNTS BEST 01 Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Theron & Marilyn Rose, HENRIEVILLE, UT
1. RING LEADER BCB 6/26/2010 177.0625" Sire: WORKING MAN CHEX Dam: RINGA DINGER Breeder: Brent & Cynthia Bolen Owner: Brent & Cynthia Bolen - Justin Hansen, LUFKIN, TX
3. VICTORIOUS 4/15/2010 173.675" Sire: CRISP RESPECT Dam: LLL MARTHA Breeder: Benjamin C. Gravett Owner: Clinard Longhorns Partnership, ROCKDALE, TX
2. BOLT 6/28/2010 174.375" Sire: MAJESTIC ADMIRAL EOT 29/5 Dam: LIGHTNING ZENA Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
4. HUNTS GREAT RESPECT 4/20/2010 170" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO TICKLED PINK Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Bob and Cathy Iversen, HUNTSVILLE, TX
3. 4WIND MY GUNS ARE SMOKIN 6/12/2010 170.25" Sire: WIREGRASS GUNS A SMOKIN Dam: 4WIND ABSOLUTLY WIRED Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, PROSPECT, TN
5. K.C. UTAH COWBOY 4/6/2010 163.937" Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: HUNTS RESPECTED MCGILL Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Kyle & Whitney Mayden, DIANA, TX
CLASS 18 – Born May 2010
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
1. HUNTS TRIPLE CROWN 5/11/2010 174.6875" Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNT'S RODEO HUCKSTRESS Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
1. MASO ECR 3/18/2010 174.875" Sire: COACH TOMMIE Dam: SILVER STAMP Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
2. K.C. JUBAL 3/2/2010 168.375" Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: K.C. JUBILEE Breeder: KENT AND CHRISTINE BLADEN Owner: David and Christine Ryland, ARDMORE, OK
4. X STAR 12/12/2009 174.375" Sire: STAR REGARD 927 Dam: AMERICAN SONATA Breeder: Star Creek/Rafter X Partners Owner: Star Creek/Rafter X Partners, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
5. RFR JESSIE JAMES 12/27/2009 163.125" Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: DH UPPER LADY Breeder: Danny and Carole Phillips Owner: Greg & Amy Franks, BRIDGEPORT, TX
4. WF GAMEBOY 3/15/2009 178.125" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HAY HOOK Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Bowdoin/Chisholm Range Land Partnership, CRAWFORD, TX
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
1. 4WIND PHENOMINAL IMPACT 2/18/2010 164.375" Sire: AC/ PHENOMINAL GRASS Dam: PC MISS AMERICA II Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: B T Farms, PULASKI, TN
CLASS 22 – Born Jan 2010
1. RR KING TUT 8/1/2009 183.125" Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: RIO FRIO SL Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Don & Rhonda Poe, WHITEWRIGHT, TX 2. DUDE ST 5/11/2009 Sire: IRON MIKE ST Dam: DUSTY 58 Breeder: Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Owner: Rhonda Harris, DALLAS, TX
3. BLUMTN SMOKE 5/25/2009 Sire: J.R. PREMIUM Dam: BLUE MOUNTAIN TUESDAY Breeder: Aubrey & Marva Herring Owner: Johnnie L. Goff, ELKHART, TX
1. TEXAS RED 16 10/3/2008 188.625" Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: DH SAFARI'S RANGERETTE Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN 2. PRECIOUS AUZZIE EOT 39/8 11/19/2008 162.625" Sire: AUZZIE EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT PHENOMENAL PRECIOUS Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
1. THE LONG TEXAN 1/3/2010 188.6875" Sire: SHAMROCK SUPER CHARGER Dam: MW BEYONDSE Breeder: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins Owner: Larry and Charlotte Gribbins, COTTONTOWN, TN
4. WB SUPER CLASSIC 5/6/2009 159.625" Sire: SUPER FIELDER Dam: SHAMONE 435/9 Breeder: Allen S. Brantley Owner: B T Farms, PULASKI, TN
CLASS 23 – Born Sep - Dec 2009
CLASS 25 – Born Jan - Apr 2009
1. RR RED GRANDE 7/28/2008 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HUBBELL'S STAR STRUCK Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Clark/ Liska Partnership, TAFT, TX
2. AUZE EOT 38/8 8/5/2008 197.812" Sire: AUZZIE EOT 31/5 Dam: EOT OUTBACK CHERRY Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Ronnie & Jackie Mullinax, CYPRESS, TX
1. CDC STARTEX 9/14/2009 182.125" Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: TEXANA EVERYWHERE Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Clark/ Liska Partnership, TAFT, TX 2. CV RIO RANGER 9/19/2009 179.25" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: CV FARLAPS FEATHER Breeder: Todd and Kelli McKnight Owner: McKnight /Mills Partnership, PITTSBURG, KS 3. RIO TABASCO EOT 9E1 11/14/2009 177.0625" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: TABASCO'S LEZAWE Breeder: Mike & Debbie Bowman Owner: Warren and Cathy Dorathy, SANGER, CA
1. ONE STAR COMMAND 4/2/2009 196.875" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: FCF FREEDOM RINGS Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D., FAYETTEVILLE, TX
3. TONKAWA DERRINGER 8/13/2008 192.875" Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: TCC SMOKEY DONNA Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, CRAWFORD, TX
2. CROWN MAX 3/5/2009 190.1875" Sire: RODEO MAX ST Dam: FL JOYRIDE Breeder: Daniel & Angelina Fey Owner: FRANK & TERESA LOCATELLI, SOQUEL, CA 3. BULL WHIP 1/30/2009 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: CROCK 64 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, HUNTINGTON, TX
Susan & Paul Webb, Bullard, TX. December 2012
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
FEMALES CLASS 13 – Born Oct 2010
1. GENE LEE 2/2/2008 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
2. RIP SAW 1/30/2008 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: JIGSAW 500 Breeder: Wilson Longhorns Owner: T 2 T Partnership, HUNTINGTON, TX
3. KING PIN 14 1/28/2008 Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: EGGNOG Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Sand Hills Ranch, MANSFIELD, LA
1. TOTEM POLE 2/7/2007 211.125" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HAY HOOK Breeder: McGill Ranch Owner: Steve and Rene' Azinger, HOUSTON, TX 2. VANIZM 4/9/2007 197.5" Sire: SHADOWIZM Dam: VANESSA Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co. Owner: McIntyre/ Girolamo Partnership, WOLBACH, NE
CLASS 32 – Born Jul - Dec 2006
1. REQUISITE STAR 10/1/2010 148.55" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D., FAYETTEVILLE, TX 2. D2 AUDACIOUS STAR 10/17/2010 Sire: AWESOME VIAGRA Dam: DD BODACIOUS LADY Breeder: Grant & Jane Miller Owner: Grant & Jane Miller, STROUD, OK
3. SHAMROCK ETERNAL FLAME 10/17/2010 144.125" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Don & Rhonda Poe, WHITEWRIGHT, TX
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
1. HUNTER MC 69 7/7/2006 198.75" Sire: FESTUS MC 27 Dam: JACKIE LYNN 90 Breeder: Michael McLeod Owner: West Farms/McLeod Partnershi, FRANKLINTON, LA 1. CONCEALED WEAPON 11/18/2007 205.375" Sire: SHARPSHOOTER 542 Dam: HORSESHOE J EXAMPLE Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jones/Hubbell Partnership, GREENVILLE, AL 2. SWEET CHEX 783 9/13/2007 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: BL SWEETCHEEKS Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
2. HUBBELLS RIO BRAVO 8/11/2006 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: WIN ME OVER Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Katy and Colt Hall, PITTSBURG, TX
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
1. STARBERRIES AND CREAM 9/22/2010 144.813" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: TX W HOLLY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX 2. ECR TEJANITA 9/9/2010 134.125" Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR LA TEJANA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 30 – Born May - Aug 2007
CLASS 18 – Born May 2010
1. HUNTS BOLD COMMANDER 5/26/2007 187.1875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hoosier/ Hunt Partnership, WASHINGTON, IN
1. HUNTS HCR CHERRY BOMBER 6/1/2006 199.875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt / Hoff Partnership, NORFOLK, NE 1. FOUR STAR HOTEL 5/25/2010 173.4" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISS DOTTY Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX Texas Longhorn Trails
2. CASINO'S ACE 5/18/2010 Sire: FEY'S RIO CASINO Dam: BW DEMANDING WOMAN Breeder: Daniel & Angelina Fey Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR 3. DOUBLE DIP 212 Sire: RIO DIEGO Dam: RIO ROSA Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
CLASS 23B – Born Sep - Dec 2009
5/17/2010 154.375"
CLASS 19 – Born Apr 2010
1. EL DIXIE DELIGHT 4/5/2010 Sire: COWBOY CHEX Dam: SPAGHETTI Breeder: Sather Family LLC Owner: Ethan Loos, COLUMBUS, IL
1. T C MARKER'S DESARAE 2/1/2010 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: STARS IN DISGUISE Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
1. DELTA LUCKY LADY 9/30/2009 193.8125" Sire: LLL LUCKY Dam: LLL DELTA DAWN Breeder: LAZY L LONGHORNS Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
2. SITTIN MICHELLE 2/22/2010 Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: PIXIE ST Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
2. AWESOME KERRY 9/16/2009 Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: HATCH'S CANDY CANE Breeder: Mountain Creek Longhorns Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
3. M ARROW TIP TOP 10/30/2009 179.265" Sire: TOP CALIBER Dam: BAYOU EMPRESS Breeder: Ron & Barbara Marquess Owner: Marquess-Mosser Partnership, BEN WHEELER, TX
CLASS 22 – Born Jan 2010
2. HCR SWEETHEART 4/16/2010 157.875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Larry and Paula Reck, WHITEWRIGHT, TX 3. LOOFA PALOOZA 4/25/2010 148.25" Sire: TEMPTER Dam: BOLOOF Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
1. BONITA LEIGH 1/23/2010 Sire: BL RODEO CHEX Dam: SENORA LEIGH Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Vida Nueva Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
CLASS 23A – Born Sep - Dec 2009
1. PPF TRILOGY 7/29/2009 183.125" Sire: PPF GUN MAKER Dam: MORE THAN ENOUGH Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX 2. C-T'S BEST EXPICTATION 7/3/2009 147.5117" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: APRIL SHOTGUNS BB Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, SAINT GEORGE, UT
1. HCR HOT STUFF 3/28/2010 161.75" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ROUNDUP'S WELLSFARGO (TWIN) Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Larry and Paula Reck, WHITEWRIGHT, TX 2. M ARROW DOUBLE WOW 3/20/2010 Sire: M ARROW WOW Dam: DELTA VAN HORNE Breeder: Marquess-Mosser Partnership Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
3. RAFTER B MISS LOTTA CLASS 3/4/2010 147.625" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: BLACKBERRY WINE 6/3 Breeder: Boyd & Judy Bambrough Owner: Boyd & Judy Bambrough, TAYLOR, UT
December 2012
CLASS 25 – Born Jan - Apr 2009
1. EARLY WINTER STAR 12/6/2009 167.75" Sire: STARBASE COMMANDER Dam: BUNYAN FLOWER Breeder: Star Creek Ranch Owner: Star Creek Ranch, SOMERVILLE, TX
1. M.C. BILLIE JEAN 4/12/2009 199.3125" Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: M. C. BAILEY Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
2. HL MESQUITE MERCY 4/15/2009 189.8125" Sire: MESQUITE Dam: HL MAIDEN LADY Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Hudson Longhorns, FLOYDS KNOBS, IN
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
1. ETERNAL DIAMOND 7/15/2008 202.375" Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: ECR ETERNAL TARI 206 Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: JBR Longhorns, LLC, HOME, KS
1. ECR AMOR DE COYOTE 9/3/2007 190.875" Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR COYOTE MI AMOR Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
2. M.C. AWESOME GRACE 6/9/2008 200.5625" Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: J. R. GLEESOME Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
2. MOCHA LEIGH 2 CF32 11/9/2007 Sire: DIXIE LARIAT Dam: DODES BOY PH209 Breeder: Brisco Longhorns Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
3. LC MARTHA WHITE 7/3/2008 177.9375" Sire: LC BLADEN Dam: DL BOLD DIAMOND Breeder: Bill and Jo Le'AN Owner: ALEXANDRA DEES, HARPER, OR
3. SHR LUCKY PENNY 12/22/2007 184.375" Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: MELVA LEIGH Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
CLASS 30 – Born May - Aug 2007
1. WS STARLIGHT 4/14/2008 209.425" Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS STAR BRIGHT Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
1. AWESOME ROSE 720 5/2/2007 176.8" Sire: AWESOME ALAMO Dam: SHAMROCK HONEYSUCKLE ROSE Breeder: Joe & Carolyn Wissel Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI
3. MARKER'S STAR SOLUTION 4/21/2009 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: ECR MISS SOLUTION Breeder: Rafter X Ranch Owner: Rafter X Ranch, WALLER, TX
4. RR RED CLOVER 4/21/2009 185.624" Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: CLOVER Breeder: JBR Longhorns, LLC Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
1. GT GARLAND'S GAL 9/23/2008 198.375" Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: GT HEY JUDE HEY Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company Owner: Taylor Cattle Company, YORKTOWN, TX 2. ECR MISS RODEO HOUSTON 9/13/2008 197.5" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 3. WS SUN STAR 9/11/2008 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS SUN RISE Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
4. BAR H SITTIN' SUE 10/4/2008 183.625" Sire: SITTIN BULL Dam: HL SUES CHARMER Breeder: Hudson Longhorns Owner: Christopher Herron, NORCO, CA
2. PPF MIMOSA 1/26/2008 Sire: PPF GUN MAKER Dam: GF SCARLET Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
5. HL HALEY'S HAVEN 9/8/2008 171" Sire: SUNHAVEN IVANHOE Dam: RUTLEDGE'S MISS HALEY Breeder: Leonard Aluminum Inc. Owner: Texas S Longhorns, SPRING, TX
3. ECR PHENOMENAL BUG 1/15/2008 187.625" Sire: PHENOMENON Dam: DELTA MUDBUG Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 4. GRANDE DAISY SL 3/8/2008 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: LETHAL STREET Breeder: Keith Spears Owner: Tom and Cay Billingsley, LUFKIN, TX
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
5. WIREGRASS DORY 68/8 3/28/2008 169.45" Sire: WIREGRASS SMOKIN 44 Dam: WIREGRASS SMOKIN BAUBLE Breeder: Joe Graddy Owner: Joe Graddy, COTTONWOOD, AL
1. VANILLA MILKSHAKE 3/20/2007 206.4375" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: SUGAR AND SPICE 222 Breeder: Curtis Elburn Owner: Curtis Elburn, PERU, IN
6. AWESOME DREAMS PC199 3/24/2008 152.375" Sire: AWESOME ALAMO Dam: DYNAMIC DREAM 005 Breeder: Panther Creek Ranch Owner: J Bar J Longhorns, LLC, OSAGE BEACH, MO
2. JBM BECCA II 4/20/2007 202.375" Sire: WS JAMAKIZM Dam: RRR MISS BECCA 307 Breeder: Triple R Ranch Owner: John and Betsy Marshall, LLANO, TX
Bubba Bollier, Llano, TX; Dale Majors, Llano, TX.
Texas Longhorn Trails
3. C3 DIAMOND DARLING 2/10/2007 198.687" Sire: J.R. GRAND SLAM Dam: C3 ANN Breeder: Mary Ann Crenshaw Owner: Sand Hills Ranch, MANSFIELD, LA 4. ECR CACTUS BLOOM 3/29/2007 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HOUSTON TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
5. TEMPT YOU 116/7 4/28/2007 Sire: TEMPTER Dam: SEQUOIA MARK Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Circle Double C Ranch, TAFT, TX
4. TARI'S TRANSITION 12/8/1998 Sire: DIXIE THUNDER Dam: TARI GRAVES FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 39 – Born Jan - Jun 2003
STEERS CLASS 1 – Born 2007 - 2010
1. ECR I'M A REFLECTION 306 2/18/2003 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: GOLDEN REFLECTION Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
2. ECR LITTLE QUEEN OF MINE 3/12/2003 184.375" Sire: STRAIGHT SHOOTER Dam: QUEEN MAKER Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 41 – Born Jan - Jun 2002
1. REMOLINO ECR 2/20/2008 195.125" Sire: GOLDEN JULIO ECR Dam: ECR CALENTE QUEEN 414 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX 2. LPA SIR BLACK KNIGHT 10/15/2009 Sire: LPA GRUFFER'S RED Dam: OVERCHOO Breeder: Lone Pine Acres Owner: Lone Pine Acres, PATASKALA, OH
1. RIVERFORK QUEEN OF CLUBS 2/23/2006 193.125" Sire: KING OF CLUBS Dam: HORSESHOE J ACCLAIM Breeder: Terry King Owner: Terry King, WESTVILLE, FL
CLASS 2 – Born 2006 and Before
CLASS 35 – Born Jan - Jun 2005
1. ECRVIXEN'S HEIRESS 212 3/2/2002 199.063" Sire: DON JULIO Dam: DELTA VIXEN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 44 – Born 2000 and Before 1. OAK CHEX 3/12/2001 339.425" Sire: VJ TOMMIE (aka UNLIMITED) Dam: ACE'S ZOLA ROSE Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
1. RM TOUCH N WHIRL PAT 4/22/2005 202.25" Sire: TOUCHDOWN OF RM Dam: RM MISS WHIRLWIND Breeder: Red McCombs Ranches of Texas Owner: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners, HILLSBORO, TX
2. BIG RED 907 4/13/1999 Sire: BUENO CHEX Dam: HORSE HEAD TICKLISH Breeder: C. L. Williams Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 38 – Born Jul - Dec 2003
1. HORSE HEAD SHOW TIME 5/3/1997 214.4375" Sire: HORSE HEAD PROFESSIONAL Dam: HORSE HEAD WHITE ROSE Breeder: C. L. Williams Owner: Hoosier Longhorns, WASHINGTON, IN
1. FANCY FEISTY LEIGH CF2 7/24/2003 Sire: SAFARI B 1759 Dam: DAY'S MISS MISCHIEF Breeder: Eileen Day Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
December 2012
2. SHADOW JUBILEE Sire: THE SHADOW Dam: GMR 1182 Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI
5/5/2000 209.625"
3. WORKING WOMAN 3/15/1997 208.325" Sire: CK SUPER DIXIE Dam: L EASY WOMAN Breeder: Johnnie Hoffman Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
Darlene Aldridge, DVM & John Parmley, Somerville, TX.
CLASS 10 – Born Jan 2011
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
BULLS CLASS 2 – Born Sep 2011
CHEROKEE TEXA 21 1/10/11 Sire: TEMPTER Dam: TEXANA VAN HORNE Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI T C RESPECTED ACHILLES 9/8/11 Sire: T C RESPECT THE DINERO Dam: AS STARS APPEAR Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
CLASS 6 – Born May 2011
RR SWEET BRINDLE DUST 11/5/10 Sire: SWEET CHEX 783 Dam: PPF FAIRY DUST Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX HUNTS RM PROFIT MAKER 5/6/11 51.125" Sire: RESPECT ME Dam: HUNTS MISS DEMANDS RESPC Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Doug Hunt, SAINT GEORGE, UT
CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
MASO ECR 3/18/10 Sire: COACH TOMMIE Dam: SILVER STAMP Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
XC RIO ANDY 8/27/10 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ANDERSON 506 Breeder: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners Owner: Joe Cunningham, HILLSBORO, TX
SAM HOUSTON ECR 9/26/08 70.5" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
4WIND PHENOMINAL CHANCE 4/23/11 49.875" Sire: AC/ PHENOMINAL GRASS Dam: PC MISS AMERICA II Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, PROSPECT, TN
Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
CLASS 5 – Born Jun 2011
GENE LEE 2/2/08 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
1. LAZYJ'S CALAMITY JANE 6/15/2011 Sire: COWTOWN ST Dam: LAZYJ'S SILK LACE Breeder: Joseph Sedlacek Owner: Joseph Sedlacek, GREENLEAF, KS
HORSESHOE J JUSTIFIABLE 11/15/10 55.75" Sire: CONCEALED WEAPON Dam: HORSESHOE J CHARM Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L. Jones, GREENVILLE, AL
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
CONCEALED WEAPON 11/18/07 79.625" Sire: SHARPSHOOTER 542 Dam: HORSESHOE J EXAMPLE Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jones/Hubbell Partnership, GREENVILLE, AL
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
M.C. HONEYCOMB 4/9/11 Sire: M.C. BIG BEN Dam: COUNTRY HONEYDEW Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
ECR TEJANITA 9/9/10 Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR LA TEJANA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
CLASS 9 – Born Feb 2011
HUNTS HCR CHERRY BOMBER 6/1/06 71.625" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt / Hoff Partnership, NORFOLK, NE
ECR UNICA 2/18/11 Sire: EL GOVENADOR Dam: ECR TARI'S FABULOSA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
SHR WOW'S CALAMITY JANE 3/24/10 Sire: M ARROW WOW Dam: CHILEA LEIGH Breeder: Doug and Sandy Stotts Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
Front row – Steve Bell & Annie Morgan, San Antonio, TX; Merrilou Russell, Edna, TX. Back Row – Tony Mangold, New Braunfels, TX; Sandi Nordhausen, Thorndale, TX; Nancy Ince, Bergheim, TX; Danny Russell, Edna, TX; Chris Franklin, Bergheim, TX December 2012
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
T C MARKER'S DESARAE 2/1/10 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: STARS IN DISGUISE Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
SHR BELLA MARIE 5/3/09 Sire: SUPER LEE Dam: CHILEA LEIGH Breeder: Doug and Sandy Stotts Owner: Doug and Sandy Stotts, HOUSTON, TX
ECR MISS RODEO HOUSTON 9/13/08 77.625" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
CLASS 25 – Born Jan - Apr 2009
M.C. BILLIE JEAN 4/12/09 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: M. C. BAILEY Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
M.C. AWESOME GRACE 6/9/08 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: J. R. GLEESOME Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
WS STARLIGHT 4/14/08 Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS STAR BRIGHT Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
ECR AMOR DE COYOTE 9/3/07 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR COYOTE MI AMOR Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
David Roberts, Canton, MO; Keith DuBose, Tyler, TX; Craig Perez, Comanche, OK.
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
ECR CACTUS BLOOM 3/29/07 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HOUSTON TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
ZHI-SPICY PONY Sire: CAPONE Dam: ZHI-SPICE Breeder: Susan Burton Owner: Susan Burton, CLEVELAND, TX
Steve Azinger, Houston, TX; Ethan Loos, Columbus, IL; Bow Carpenter, Houston, TX Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 39 – Born Jan - Jun 2003
ECR LITTLE QUEEN OF MINE 3/12/03 Sire: STRAIGHT SHOOTER Dam: QUEEN MAKER Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 44 – Born 2000 and Before
CLASS 40 – Born Jul - Dec 2002
STEPHANIE 177 10/14/99 Sire: COACH Dam: EVELYN Breeder: Frank Anderson, Jr. Owner: Frank Anderson, Jr., BRYAN, TX
CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
CLASS 10 – Born Jan 2011
CLASS 1 – Born 2007 - 2010
81.425" REMOLINO ECR 2/20/08 72.375" Sire: GOLDEN JULIO ECR Dam: ECR CALENTE QUEEN 414 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 41 – Born Jan - Jun 2002
CHEROKEE TEXA 21 1/10/11 Sire: TEMPTER Dam: TEXANA VAN HORNE Breeder: Jim Steffler Owner: Jim Steffler, LAPEER, MI
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
ECRVIXEN'S HEIRESS 212 3/2/02 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: DELTA VIXEN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
RR SWEET BRINDLE DUST 11/5/10 Sire: SWEET CHEX 783 Dam: PPF FAIRY DUST Breeder: Rick Friedrich Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
Don Bordelon, Lott, TX December 2012
Roger Townsend & Larry Bischoff, Pulaski, TN.
CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
XC RIO ANDY 8/27/10 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ANDERSON 506 Breeder: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners Owner: Joe Cunningham, HILLSBORO, TX
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
HIDALGO ECR 12/17/08 87.125" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR AMIGO'S ESPECIAL 208 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
HUNTS HCR CHERRY BOMBER 6/1/06 96.25" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt / Hoff Partnership, NORFOLK, NE
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
FEMALES CLASS 7 – Born Apr 2011
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
GENE LEE 2/2/08 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
SDR LUCY 4/28/11 51.9375" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: HNB SHEEBA Breeder: Dave Hovingh Owner: Dave Hovingh, ALLENDALE, MI
CLASS 8 – Born Mar 2011
RIO ROJO ECR 3/18/10 Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: TARI'S TRANSITION Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Ron Cashman, Downs, KS
CONCEALED WEAPON 11/18/07 94.625" Sire: SHARPSHOOTER 542 Dam: HORSESHOE J EXAMPLE Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jones/Hubbell Partnership, GREENVILLE, AL
Penny Wulf, Chetopa, KS.
Dora Thompson, Mansfield, LA; Donnie Taylor, Huntington, TX. Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 9 – Born Feb 2011
ECR UNICA 2/18/11 Sire: EL GOVENADOR Dam: ECR TARI'S FABULOSA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 18 – Born May 2010
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
ECR ZESTY SOLUTION 5/13/10 74.125" Sire: HOUSTON SOLUTION 111 Dam: ECR CREOLE'S CHILI PETIN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 12 – Born Nov 2010
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
HORSESHOE J JUSTIFIABLE 11/15/10 63.125" Sire: CONCEALED WEAPON Dam: HORSESHOE J CHARM Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jimmy L. Jones, GREENVILLE, AL
RAFTER B MISS LOTTA CLASS 3/4/10 66.5" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: BLACKBERRY WINE 6/3 Breeder: Boyd & Judy Bambrough Owner: Boyd & Judy Bambrough, TAYLOR, UT
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
ECR TEJANITA 9/9/10 Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR LA TEJANA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Tracey & Rick Friedrich, Houston, TX. December 2012
T C MARKER'S DESARAE 2/1/10 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: STARS IN DISGUISE Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
Tessa Millsap, Meridian, TX.
ECR REIGN OF CASTILE 8/26/09 Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR QUEEN PALOMITA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 25A – Born Jan - Apr 2009
M.C. BILLIE JEAN 4/12/09 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: M. C. BAILEY Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
CLASS 25B – Born Jan - Apr 2009
Nathan Helm & John Helm, Red Oak, TX.
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
ECR MISS RODEO HOUSTON 9/13/08 96.125" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
M.C. AWESOME GRACE 6/9/08 Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: J. R. GLEESOME Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
ECR AMOR DE COYOTE 9/3/07 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR COYOTE MI AMOR Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 30 – Born May - Aug 2007
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
5. ECR CACTUS BLOOM 3/29/07 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HOUSTON TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Frank Hevrdejs, Brenham, TX.
Jane & Grant Miller, Stroud, OK.
ZHI-SPICY PONY Sire: CAPONE Dam: ZHI-SPICE Breeder: Susan Burton Owner: Susan Burton, CLEVELAND, TX
CLASS 35 – Born Jan - Jun 2005
ECR SPICY VIXEN 8/1/07 91.938" Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HABANERO'S TARI 352 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
WS STARLIGHT 4/14/08 100.925" Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS STAR BRIGHT Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
ECR COACH'S CHOICE 3/3/05 Sire: REFUGE CHEX Dam: SILVER CHOICE Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 39 – Born Jan - Jun 2003
ECR I'M A REFLECTION 306 2/18/03 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: GOLDEN REFLECTION Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Todd McKnight, Pittsburg, KS. Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 41 – Born Jan - Jun 2002
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
BULLS CLASS 15 – Born Aug 2010
ECRVIXEN'S HEIRESS 212 3/2/02 101.875" Sire: DON JULIO Dam: DELTA VIXEN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
GENE LEE 2/2/08 Sire: FEISTY LEE JR Dam: LLL GUN SMOKE'S TIZZY Breeder: Rex Mosser Owner: Rex Mosser, MIDWAY, TX XC RIO ANDY 8/27/10 175.125" Sire: JP RIO GRANDE Dam: ANDERSON 506 Breeder: Crumpton-Cunningham Partners Owner: Joe Cunningham, HILLSBORO, TX
CLASS 44 – Born 2000 and Before
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
CLASS 17 – Born Jun 2010
SILVER CHOICE 11/8/98 Sire: JK STERLING 262 Dam: DELTA DISCO Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
STEERS CLASS 1 – Born 2007 - 2010
CONCEALED WEAPON 11/18/07 205.375" Sire: SHARPSHOOTER 542 Dam: HORSESHOE J EXAMPLE Breeder: Jimmy L. Jones Owner: Jones/Hubbell Partnership, GREENVILLE, AL 4WIND MY GUNS ARE SMOKIN 6/12/10 170.25" Sire: WIREGRASS GUNS A SMOKIN Dam: 4WIND ABSOLUTLY WIRED Breeder: Jody Shaw Owner: Jody Shaw, PROSPECT, TN
CLASS 33 – Born Jan - Jun 2006
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
REMOLINO ECR 2/20/08 96.75" Sire: GOLDEN JULIO ECR Dam: ECR CALENTE QUEEN 414 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, TX. December 2012
MASO ECR 3/18/10 174.875" Sire: COACH TOMMIE Dam: SILVER STAMP Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
HUNTS HCR CHERRY BOMBER 6/1/06 199.875" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: HUNTS RODEO COKECHERRY Breeder: Doug Hunt Owner: Hunt / Hoff Partnership, NORFOLK, NE
Sandi Nordhausen & grandson Jacob Taylor, Thorndale, TX
CLASS 24 – Born May - Aug 2009
CLASS 27 – Born May - Aug 2008
C-T'S BEST EXPICTATION 7/3/09 147.5117" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: APRIL SHOTGUNS BB Breeder: Chris Bandley Owner: Chris Bandley, SAINT GEORGE, UT
M.C. AWESOME GRACE 6/9/08 200.5625" Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: J. R. GLEESOME Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
CLASS 25 – Born Jan - Apr 2009
CLASS 28 – Born Jan - Apr 2008
M.C. BILLIE JEAN 4/12/09 199.3125" Sire: M.C. SUPER REX Dam: M. C. BAILEY Breeder: Brian and Mary Stahl Owner: Brian and Mary Stahl, ROCKWOOD, PA
WS STARLIGHT 4/14/08 209.425" Sire: TEJAS STAR Dam: WS STAR BRIGHT Breeder: Tom A. Smith Owner: Tom A. Smith, LOWELL, MI
CLASS 26 – Born Sep - Dec 2008
CLASS 29 – Born Sep - Dec 2007
ECR MISS RODEO HOUSTON 9/13/08 197.5" Sire: HUNTS COMMAND RESPECT Dam: ECR MISS HOUSTON 336 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
ECR AMOR DE COYOTE 9/3/07 190.875" Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR COYOTE MI AMOR Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 14 – Born Sep 2010
ECR TEJANITA 9/9/10 134.125" Sire: EL CID ECR Dam: ECR LA TEJANA Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 20 – Born Mar 2010
RAFTER B MISS LOTTA CLASS 3/4/10 147.625" Sire: HUNTS SUPER EXPECTATION Dam: BLACKBERRY WINE 6/3 Breeder: Boyd & Judy Bambrough Owner: Boyd & Judy Bambrough, TAYLOR, UT
CLASS 21 – Born Feb 2010
T C MARKER'S DESARAE 2/1/10 Sire: STAR MARKER Dam: STARS IN DISGUISE Breeder: Sandra K. Nordhausen Owner: Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX
Dan & Lee Tisdale, Bowie, TX; Glenn Phipps, Santo, TX.
Mark & Tammey Stuck, Sumerduck, VA; TLBAA's Chairman of the Board Bernard Lankford
Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 31 – Born Jan - Apr 2007
ECR CACTUS BLOOM 3/29/07 Sire: JULIO VIXEN ECR Dam: ECR HOUSTON TARI Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 44 – Born 2000 and Before
CLASS 39 – Born Jan - Jun 2003
TARI'S TRANSITION 12/8/98 Sire: DIXIE THUNDER Dam: TARI GRAVES FM49 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Susan Kropp, Perry, OK; Ann Ladnier, Perkinston, MS; Linda Juranka, Deridder, LA
STEERS CLASS 1 – Born 2007 - 2010
ECR I'M A REFLECTION 306 2/18/03 Sire: DON JULIO Dam: GOLDEN REFLECTION Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
CLASS 41 – Born Jan - Jun 2002
ECRVIXEN'S HEIRESS 212 3/2/02 199.063" Sire: DON JULIO Dam: DELTA VIXEN Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
REMOLINO ECR 2/20/08 195.125" Sire: GOLDEN JULIO ECR Dam: ECR CALENTE QUEEN 414 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch Owner: El Coyote Ranch, KINGSVILLE, TX
Kathy Kittler, Carlisle, AR; TLBAA's Rick Fritsche.
Steve Azinger, Houston, TX; Rick & Tracey Friedrich, Houston, TX; Bill Burton, Cleveland, TX; Marion Woolie, Houston, TX
(L-R) Bob Schroder, JR Schreiber, Rusty Schroder, Jeff Hand; David Roberts, Canton, MO; Russell Fairchild, Stephenville, TX; Craig Perez, Comanche, OK; Carla Jo Payne, Slidell, TX; Donnie Taylor, Huntington, TX; Ethan Loos, Columbus, IL; Jim Rombeck, Home, KS; Scott Simmons, Medora, IL; Larry Ross, Taylor Sowell; Jake Taylor, Huntington, TX December 2012
CLASS – Born Present - Dec 2006
4. RR RED CLOVER 4/21/2009 Sire: WYOMING WARPAINT Dam: CLOVER Breeder: JBR Longhorns, LLC Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX
CLASS – Born Jan 2006 - Dec 2000 Eric Redeker, Alice, TX receives his Miniature ribbon
1. OVER RED 4/9/2006 Sire: OVERHEAD Dam: J-7 SOUTHERN STAR Breeder: John Stockton Owner: KT Cattle, HUNTINGTON, TX 2. PPF MIMOSA 1/26/2008 Sire: PPF GUN MAKER Dam: GF SCARLET Breeder: Plantana Polo Farm Owner: Rick Friedrich, HOUSTON, TX 3. JH GREAT WHITE 3/11/2009 Sire: BL JIM CHEX Dam: BL MAZUES FANCY Breeder: Justin Hansen Owner: David Roberts, CANTON, MO
1. STOCKANNA 1/30/2000 Sire: OVERHEAD Dam: SMOKY BLU Breeder: John Stockton Owner: Donnie Taylor, HUNTINGTON, TX 2. TEXANA JILL 10/15/2004 Sire: SUPER BOWL Dam: J-7 SOUTHERN JILL Breeder: Red McCombs Ranches of Texas Owner: Sand Hills Ranch, MANSFIELD, LA
Dave Sullivan, Celina, TX accepts his Miniature awards.
Miniature Texas Longhorn Competitions Still Evolving Submitted by Eric Redeker Texas Longhorn competitions fall into two main categories: horn measuring and conformation. Most people are familiar with conformation shows, where the animals are judged against the breed standards and one another to select which animal wins in each age class. Horn measuring is based purely on the length of horn when selecting a winner in each age class. The Miniature Texas Longhorn registry is still very young and the number of registered miniatures is still very small. The breeders of these unique animals are literally spread out from coast to coast, which presents some unique challenges when it comes to competition. The first major Texas Longhorn competition to feature Miniature Texas Longhorns was the 2011 TLBAA Horn Showcase (a horn measuring competition). All animals were required to be measured at the main event in Fort Worth, Texas – creating a major hardship on members who lived halfway across the country and therefore limited the number of entries. Cattle were scored based on a ratio of horn length to hip height, so that animals were rewarded for being small. The problem was that getting accurate height measurements in the chute was difficult and time consuming. At this event, the TLBAA awarded belt buckles to all members who entered miniatures in the competition rather than presenting awards to each winning entry.
This award system was very much appreciated by all participants but was not financially sustainable because our goal for future years was to increase the number of entries and have an actual competition where only the winning entries received an award. Based on what we learned from the 2011 Horn Showcase, the miniature breeders decided that for the 2012 Horn Showcase we would just police maximum hip height (45inches for cows and 48-inches for bulls) and simply measure horns like they do with the standard-sized cattle. This model also permitted animals to be entered through satellite measuring locations that are spread out across the country to enable all of our members to get involved. Due to the fact that the traditional awards for this event are so expensive (belt buckles and bronzes) and we anticipated a low number of entries, we as a group of breeders needed to find a way to keep the cost of awards down so that the miniatures would not create a financial hardship on the TLBAA, especially since our primary goal was to display our animals so that all TLBAA members could see and appreciate them. As a result, it was decided by the miniature breeders to do something very different for the 2012 Horn Showcase and combine a conformation show with a horn measuring contest, so that we could have the best of both worlds at one big event. To reduce the cost of awards presented, each animal that won its
age class in horn measuring received a ribbon. All animals entered in the horn measuring competition were also entered into a photo-based conformation show (we had to use photographs because of the fact that not all entries would be coming to the main event in Fort Worth). The photo-based conformation show was judged by a panel of three TLBAA judges who selected one champion cow and one champion bull. The champion miniature cow and champion miniature bull were then awarded belt buckles, which tremendously reduced the total cost of awards. Now that the TLBAA regional affiliates have shown interest in including the miniatures in their conformation shows, there is no need to combine horn measuring competitions with conformation shows. As a result, the 2013 Horn Showcase will once again be a pure horn measuring competition. Additionally, we will develop a new model that presents the same awards to all winning entries. As you can see, the competition world of Miniature Texas Longhorns is constantly evolving because it is a learning process. Eventually, we will come up with a system that works well for all breeders and it will then enter a steady-state. We are a long way from finding a perfect model, so feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions. Texas Longhorn Trails
Division C, Region 18 Director Ray Beadle BIRTH DATE: 2/8/1940 Longbeach California FAMILY: Wife Bonnie, Four Daughters, Five Grand Children RESIDENCE/RANCH: Los Gatos, California Hollister, California HOW LONG RAISING LONGORNS: 13 years MEMBER OF TLBAA: 10 years ELECTED TO BOD: 2010 OCCUPATION: Selling Produce Corrugated Boxes 45 years. Salesman of the year 2011 INTEREST/HOBBIES: Fishing{12 Fly Rod World Records}, Hunting, Team Roping, Cattle Sorting, Ranching, We brand in the spring, rope and bring our calves to the fire as has been the custom for many years in early California. REASON FOR SERVING ON THE BOARD: To support and promote the TLBAA, The original Texas Longhorn Cattle association. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and salute the many past chairman and officers of our fine organization for their tireless efforts in running and holding this organization together!
JBM Becca II, a 2007 daughter of Jamakizm and RRR Miss Becca owned by John and Betsy Marshall, made her second trip of the year to Fort Worth to compete for the right to be called a champion. In June, she came and conquered not only her class at the World Show, she walked away with the title of Grand Champion Mature Female in the free division. She made the trip once again in October to the Horn Showcase to compete at the Horn Showcase. Walking down the alley, Becca showed she had the right to be called a show cow. With length, size and a little bone underneath her; she proves wrong the theory that “horn cattle” don’t have substance. It came time to measure the brindle beauty, she calmly walked into the chute and measured in at 86.125” TTT, a measurement that once again gave her the blue ribbon. Becca joins an elite group of animals that can be considered the best of both worlds. In 2010, Whistle Me Dixie became the first animal to win a championship at both the World Show and Horn Showcase. She was Grand Champion Mature Female in the free division, after winning her tip to tip classes 2007-2009 at the TLBAA Horn Showcase. Not only was she a champion in the tip to tip divisions, but she continued to win total as well as composite every year she competed at the Horn Showcase. Dixie is a 2005 daughter of Watson 167. She is owned by Brent and Cindy Bolen. Dixie’s pasture mates Sugar Fix BCB and Fantom Ring BCB also have made their run at joining this great group. Both females were Reserve Grand Champion at a World Show and winners at the TLBAA Horn Showcase in all three divisions (tip to tip, total and composite). The Texas Longhorn industry in recent years has wanted animals that can do both. Now there is a small but growing group of animals that are building their bridge between the two worlds. These females are proving that you don’t have to sacrifice body size for horn, or vice versa. They are setting a standard for breeders to strive for in their selection process, as well as continuing to represent the Texas Longhorn breed as reigning champions. December 2012
NEWS On the Trail...
Why Longhorns Owe Their Survival in Part to Oklahoma
by Kate Galbraith The Texas Longhorns owe their survival in large part to Oklahoma. Oklahoma and the federal government, that is. We’re talking cattle, of course, not football. Here’s what happened: A century ago, the Longhorn breed teetered on the edge of extinction. After the Civil War, the great herds that had lumbered up the Chisholm Trail from Texas to the railways depots in Kansas for shipment east had suddenly fallen out of favor. Texas ranchers had become enamored with Herefords and Angus, which grew faster and were often less cantankerous than the lean, hardy Longhorn, which was descended from Spanish and Anglo cattle and had sometimes roamed wild. The arrival of barbed-wire fences, which blocked off long stretches of the Chisholm Trail, helped seal the Longhorns’ demise. The Longhorn became so rare that zoos got interested in keeping them. Articles appeared with with headlines like “The Texas Longhorn’s Dying Bellow.” The Longhorn was “nearer extinction than the buffalo ever was,” according to a 1926 resolution by the Texas Folklore Society, which worried that the fabled breed would be lost. A few U.S. government employees got wind of the problem. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Forest Service employees Will C. Barnes and John Hatton, armed with descriptions of the Longhorn "type", set forth on a 5,000-mile search for typical animals. After inspecting more than 30,000 head of Texas cattle, a herd of 20 cows, 3 bulls, 3 steers, and 4 calves was assembled, and in August 1927, was shipped to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge (then the Wichita National Forest and Game Preserve). That preserve is in Oklahoma. It’s less than 90 miles southwest of Norman. That first herd arrived at the Wichita Mountains in 1927, and Barnes extracted $3,000 from Congress to care for the animals. And so the Longhorns avoided the fate of the California golden bear, a grizzly that went extinct there in 1922. Instead, like the buffalo, the Longhorn was saved. Most Texas Longhorns today bear genetic traces of the Wichita Mountains herd, according
to Laura Standley, who edits Texas Longhorn Trails, a magazine published by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. At least one of the Bevos, #13, is a descendant of the Wichita Mountains herd, according to a November/December 2002 article from The Alcalde, the University of Texas alumni magazine. John T. Baker, the owner of the current Bevo (#14), said his records of the steer’s bloodlines date back only to 1964. But it is very possible, he said, that the steer had ancestry from the Oklahoma refuge, which still keeps a Longhorn herd of about 285 head. A Texas Longhorn preserve was established in the 1930s, when the state realized that it, too, should act to save an iconic symbol of its past. Oilman Sid Richardson put up some cash. “You gather up the Longhorns to form a state herd; I’ll pay for them,” Richardson told cattle expert J. Frank Dobie, according to an April 1952 article in The Cattleman magazine. The herd was largely gathered in East Texas, but eventually it was joined by some bulls from the Oklahoma refuge. Since then, the Longhorn has made a comeback. More than 250,000 head are registered across the United States, according to Standley of the Longhorn breeders association. Ironically, the Longhorns’ resurgence stems from the same characteristics that made the breed fall quickly out of fashion a century ago. The big horns, once a liability
for traveling in train cars, now make them a distinctive adornment for places like the Lyndon B. Johnson ranch —“mobile yard art,” as Baker, Bevo’s owner, calls it. The cattle are disease-resistant and breed easily, he said. (But they aren’t drought-resistant: last year Baker, whose Sunrise Ranch is near Austin, had to sell off roughly half his herd of about 100 Longhorns.) The Longhorns are also lean, which makes them suited for modern health sensibilities. “You can’t make Longhorns fat,” said Mike Crawford, owner of Red Peak Ranch in Mills County. Their leanness helped them get up the Chisholm Trail in the decades after the Civil War, in what Don Worcester, author of The Texas Longhorn, described as "the greatest movement of cattle in history." Fatter cattle could not have made the trek. Longhorns are often found in hamburgers and other generic supermarket meat, but Crawford and others such as Bandera Grassland have recently started marketing grass-fed Longhorn steaks. Crawford’s operation, which other ranches participate in too, is called Chisholm Trail. Crawford describes Longhorn meat as moist as well as lean. "If you really want a juicy piece of steak, the juiciest piece of steak is going to come from a Longhorn," he said. Asked about the future of grass-fed Longhorn meat, Crawford replied: “I really, truly, see it growing exponentially.” This article originally appeared in The Texas Tribune at http://trib.it/QlVYvC.
Caseys Sponsor “Best in Show” Award Submitted by Mike and Jeanie Casey have ranches in Nicasio, CA and Bowie, TX to accommodate their traffic stopping Longhorn herds. Mike and Jeanie are known for their award-winning cattle, and they go to great lengths to assure that the cattle live up to the Fairlea motto “Making the Most of the Best”. The "Small Town America" Art Show held in Bowie, TX found that the generous couple does not limit their interest in exellence
Lee Tisdale to ranches and cattle. By sponsoring the Best of Show award, this first time show was assured outstanding interest and attendance. The Bowie Alliance for Education and the Arts created the art show after several years of not having one. The Alliance was established to benefit the cultural life of the community. The Casey's generous support not only promotes the artists of all ages and categories through displaying and awarding their art, but it also provides participation in all the arts; theater, music, and visual, through proceeds benefiting the Alliance Scholarship Fund. Texas Longhorn Trails
Camels, Cows Share Precious Hay By: Andrea J. Cook Printed in The Rapid City Journal Published: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Standing regally alone in the corner of a chilly, wind-swept pasture, Bertha frequently startles first-time travelers along Radar Hill and Long View roads east of Rapid City. It’s not often you see a camel grazing on the South Dakota prairie, but a glance around Lipperts Exotics locates two more dromedaries nibbling hay with a herd of miniature Texas Longhorn cattle.
Owner Lorin Lippert can only hope they just nibble the hay. This year, given the price of feed, he struggles to survive and hold his business together. In recent years, Lippert has scaled back his critter collection to include the camels, mini Longhorns, fainting goats and a select collection of registered dogs. But now, drought has forced him to cull his prized miniature Longhorn herd even further. Pastures are gone, and he’s already rolling out costly hay for his animals. “Hay that we bought for $65 a ton last year is costing $200 to $210 a ton this year,” Lippert said, surveying his selectively bred herd of colorful cattle. Lippert recently sent four heifer calves and a young bull to a new home in Pennsylvania. The miniature cattle are popular with small-acreage owners. Despite their stature, the cattle sell for about twice as much as their full-size kin, he said. Nine-year-old Bertha is a recent addition and will make her own contribution to Lippert’s current menagerie when she calves sometime in the coming months. Lippert bought the mature cow at a Missouri auction specializing in exotic animals. He has raised a variety of animals, including miniature Zebu cattle, miniature December 2012
donkeys, bobcats and reindeer. Knowing when to invest in a particular exotic animal is just as important as knowing when to cash in and move on, Lippert said.
Lippert, who helped develop the mini Longhorns as a breed, has the distinction of owning the 2011 champion bull and cow in the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America’s Miniature Texas Longhorn Showcase. The cow, Pelon, was also selected as the 2012 champion cow by the International Miniature Texas Longhorn Association. Pelon stands only 37 inches tall at the shoulder, while her horns span 47 inches. As Lippert walked across the pasture, 2year-old Cami approached to meet the strangers wandering through her pasture. A one-time bottle baby, the camel is trusting and curious. She willingly posed for photos in exchange for a few hardy scratching sessions. And no, she doesn’t spit. “I’ve never had one spit,” Lippert said.
Cami shares the pasture with a younger bull camel that will have to do some growing before he can breed Cami and Bertha. “I have calls about every three weeks from people looking for camels,” Lippert said. Lippert is closely monitoring research involving camel’s milk that suggests it could benefit autistic children. If that is the case, the camel market could grow, he said. The state requires him to have a special permit to keep and raise the camels, which do surprisingly well in South Dakota’s cold climate. A heated barn is waiting for colder weather. Bertha will be moved in near the barn before her baby arrives, Lippert said. The younger camels will also have the option of a place in the barn, but they often leave the comfort of the barn to lie outside in the snow, he said. Bertha is reputed to be a good mother, but her former owner advised Lippert to give the camel plenty of space when her baby arrives because she is very protective. “You have to respect the animal and give it plenty of room and space,” Lippert said.
WE WANT YOUR NEWS! If you or someone you know in the Longhorn world has something to share, please send it to laura@tlbaa.org to be included in News on the Trail.
Hico Boys Excel in Showing Longhorns Printed in the Hico News Review On Saturday, October 20, Jake & Josh Vinson competed in the Youth Longhorn Show at the State Fair of Texas in Dallas. Shown above is Josh Vinson with his Grand Champion Female, FV Donie Rose, her April at-side steer, FV Grand R Rufus and Josh's friend and President of the TLBT, Sarah Faske. The Vinson boys entered 6 Longhorns in the Youth show covering all 4 major divisions and earning premiums in 4 of those 6 classes. Jake and Josh also competed very well against their peers for honors in showmanship. Flying V Longhorns thanks the State Fair of Texas
for the opportunity to display these majestic animals which are such an integral part of our State's history and foundation.
TLBAA Member Source for the Fort Worth Herd’s Youngest Steer Submitted by Kristin Jaworski, CTA, Trail Boss One of the objectives of the Fort Worth Herd is to provide educational programs for groups of all ages, by reservation. The Fort Worth Herd strives to provide an authentic, historical interpretation of the cattle industry and its impact on the growth and prosperity of Fort Worth. Our educational programs have been developed to help teach Stockyards guests the significance of the cattle drives, the lives of the drovers, the Longhorn breed, and the various tools used by the drovers in the late 1800s. We wanted to add an additional aspect of the education program for children and visitors from all over the world by adding a young steer to the program. The Johnston Legal Group had been involved in our support group, Friends of the Fort Worth Herd, and offered to donate a young Texas Longhorn steer to the Herd. With the help of the TLBAA, we located Ethan and Ashley Loos and their young steer who was later named, Texas Red. Ethan had a calf that was brindle in color, weighing in at 500 pounds at 7 months. Johnston Legal Group purchased the steer from Mr. Loos and donat-
TLBAA Sponsors Table at Cowgirl Hall of Fame Induction The 37th Annual National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame Induction Luncheon and Ceremony held on Thursday, October 25, 2012 highlighted 6 oustanding cowgirls for their accomplishments. This year’s honered cowgirl’s included: Renda Tillerson, Fern Sawyer Award; Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, Ambassador Award; Mildred Farris, 2012 Honoree; Sunny Hale, 2012 Honoree; Barbra Schulte, 2012 Honoree; and Stacy Westfall, 2012 Honoree.
Texas Red checks out his new home in the Fort Worth Stockyards.
ed him to the Fort Worth Herd. In his first week, Texas Red, the youngest steer to ever join the Herd program, was a challenge as any young calf would be. He didn’t want to stay in his pen, we learned quickly his herd instinct was strong. He chose to join the other steers and is currently enjoying relaxing, eating hay all day and hanging out with the steers who have the day off. Soon we will begin introducing horses and pressure to Texas Red and drive him in the alleys. He will progress to being driven across parking lots and when we feel he isn’t a ‘flight risk’ we will drive him down East Exchange Avenue. Our guests are already complimenting Texas Red, his unique coloring, size and From left: Nathan Schattman, John Piland, Bruce Hafer (in demeanor, giving us the orange), Michael Johnston, Phillip Johnston, Elizabeth Johnston, Martha Jones, Ethan Loos, Ashley Loos, then Kristin. opportunity to teach them Front row from left: Katherine Johnston, Denise Collins, Allison about the breed, the history and our city. Johnson, Michelle Peterson
Wedding Congratulations!
Each year the tables at the ceremony are sponsored in support of the Cowgirl Hall of Fame and Museum and the TLBAA was proud to be a part of this event. The TLBAA table featured bronzes, buckles, ribbons and rosettes in an attractive display and each individual seated at the table received a goodie bag with a Trails magazine, lean beef brochure, TLBT brochure and TLBAA promotional items. The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame has become an invaluable educational resource nationally known for its exhibits, research library, rare photography collection, and the Honorees in its Hall of Fame.
Adcocks Participate in Red Stegall Chuckwagon Contest Terry Adcock
Nora Gleason and TLBAA member Rex Mosser were married on October 6, 2012
Amelia Johnson and TLBAA’s Troy Robinett married on Saturday, October 27, 2012.
The 2012 Red Stegall Cowboy Gathering held October 26-28, 2012 in the Fort Worth Stockyards once again featured the Chuckwagon Competition. TLBAA members Terry and Sherri Adcock, Lamesa, TX, once again joined in the competition and took home third prize in the Dessert category. Texas Longhorn Trails
December 2012
The 2013 TLBAA General Membership Meeting, Premier Heifer Sale and Fort Worth Livestock Show Events January 17-22, 2013 are the dates set for the TLBAA event extravaganza, filled with exciting Texas Longhorn fun. The TLBAA Board of Directors will start off Longhorn weekend with a meeting on Thursday evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Packer/Pickett room at the Radisson Fort Worth Fossil Creek. The Miniature Texas Longhorn Breeders Group will meet at 7:00 a.m. on Friday morning in the Courtright room at the Radisson. The 2013 TLBAA Affiliate President’s Meeting will be held on Friday at 8 a.m. at the Parker/Pickett room at the Radisson. The 2013 TLBAA General Membership Meeting will be next on Friday’s schedule at 10 a.m. in the Spring Palace/Westbrook room at the Radisson. Later in the evening at 6 p.m., the Annual Awards Banquet will be held in the Meacham/Flat Iron room at the Radisson. The Radisson has generously offered a reduced rate of $85 for TLBAA members. Reserve your room today, before they are all gone by calling (817) 625-9911. The Premier Heifer and Prime Cow Sale will begin at 11:00 a.m. at the West Arena. Make your way to Will Rogers Complex to get a first look at some of the finest heifers & cows in the Longhorn industry that were selected. Get your seat saver and bid number, because you’re going to want a good view and a chance to bid on outstanding Longhorn cattle. No need to go home yet, Longhorns will be showing off at the Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo at the Will Rogers Complex. The TLBT will hold their TLBT General Membership meeting on Sunday, January 20th at 12:30 p.m. in Barn 4. The World Show Committee will hold their meeting on Tuesday, January 22nd at 9 a.m. in Barn 4. The Longhorn Show begins on January 21st with the Youth Show and resumes the next day, January 22nd for Open Show. There’s only one place for a Longhorn lover to be in January and that’s Fort Worth!
Special Awards Given by TLBAA Jack Phillips Award
Mel Raley Rising Star
The Jack Phillips Award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. The award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition. – Affiliate Presidents to request nominations from their members. All members of the TLBAA are encouraged to send nominations. Nominations should be in written format with reasons on how/why the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. All nominees are to be active TLBAA members, in good standing.
Mel Raley will always be remembered as a shining star for the TLBAA because of his ability to share his vast knowledge of the Longhorn breed with new members. This special recognition is awarded to those who have been a member for less than five years and through involvement and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed.
Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Dave Evans was an enthusiastic breeder of Texas Longhorns, who served the TLBAA in many capacities. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. In his honor, this award is given to individuals who have dedicated themselves to the betterment of the Texas Longhorn through their breeding program.
Elmer Parker Lifetime Achievement Award Elmer Parker was a livestock handler and technician at the Wichita Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma for many years and he played an important part in the history of the Longhorn breed. In recognition of Parker’s diligent contribution of sharing his knowledge over a period of several years, and for his concern for accuracy and sincerity in the breeding of Texas Longhorns, this award honors those members, who have been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Longhorn breed, qualities that Parker was known for.
CALLING FOR NOMINATIONS FOR AWARDS! All members of the TLBAA are encouraged to send nominations by email to awards@tlbaa.org. Nominations should be in written format with reasons on how/why the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. All nominees are to be active TLBAA members, in good standing. mail nominations to
If unable to email, you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office, and it will be forwarded to the Awards Committee.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Elmer Parker Lifetime Award Lifetime Devotion to the Texas Longhorn Breed and Its Breeders Elmer Parker was a longtime employee and manager of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Longhorn herd. Parker joined the staff at the Refuge in 1946, learning from the previous Longhorn managers: Earl Drummond, Heck Schrader and Joe Bill Lee. In 1968, he took over the responsibilities of the Longhorns at the Refuge and continued until his retirement in 1981. Thus, the continuity of Longhorn expertise at the Refuge continued for more than half a century. The Parker Brown color designation on Longhorn registrations was named after Elmer Parker – the dark brown, almost black color, with a lighter dorsal stripe, was one of his favorite colors. Past Recipients of the Elmer Parker Award 1987 J.G. “Jack” Phillips 1988 Dave Evans 1989 J.W. Isaacs 1990 Charles Schreiner III 1991 Eddie Wood 1992 F.M. “Blackie” Graves 1993 Dan. O. Coates 1994 Leonard Stiles 1995 Johnnie Hoffman 1996 Walter B. Scott 1997 Col. Fraser West 1998 Linda Moore/Harvey Rasmussen 1999 Owen McGill 2000 Charlene Semkin 2001 Dan W. Coates 2002 Bob Moore 2003 Tim Miller 2004 T.M. Smith 2005 H.C. Carter 2006 Sherman Boyles 2007 Harvey Rassmussen 2008 Dr. Bob Kropp 2009 Michael McLeod 2010 Joe & Lorinda Valentine 2011 Maurice Ladnier
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Fort Worth, TX, Will Rogers Complex
TLBT Youth Show Monday, January 20 at 9 am Watt Arena
Open Show Tuesday, January 21 at 5 pm Watt Arena Trigg and Traci Moore, Hico, TX, have once again stepped up to the plate representing the TLBAA as the Show Chairmen for the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. Being exceptional members, Trigg and Traci are greatly appreciated for all of their hard work and dedication to the youth of the TLBT. Thank you!
December 2012
The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award Perpetuation and Promotion of the Texas Longhorn Breed A native Texan, Dave Evans entered the Texas Longhorn industry in 1977, establishing the Yellow Pine Ranch at Cuchara, CO. He and his wife, Billicarole, quickly became enthusiastic about the breed and additional ranches were purchased to supplement the original ranch. Evans served on the Board of Directors of both the TLBAA and the Mountains & Plains Texas Longhorn Association. He also served terms as TLBAA Vice-President. He was a founding partner and host of the Colorado National Texas Longhorn Sale, a record-breaking event when it started in 1981, which continued to be one of the industry’s major events for many years. From the start, Evans realized the necessity of using the best bulls available in the breed in order to develop a top herd. His goal was to breed for consistent size as well as correctness and outstanding horns. He purchased Texas Ranger JR in 1980, and then Dixie Rebel and Major Investment. In 1986, Evans acquired CT Spoty Ruler, the bull he considered to be the best he’d ever owned. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. It is therefore a significant honor to be a recipient of this award, named in honor of this dedicated Longhorn breeder. Past Recipients of the Dave Evans Award 1982 Babs & Chico Wright 1983 Jack Montgomery 1984 Red McCombs 1998 Shady W Ranch 1985 Ray Moore 1999 Bob Coffee 1986 Al Micallef 2000 John & Christy Randolph 1987 Glen W. Lewis 2001 Ben Gravett 1988 Dave Evans 2002 Bob Loomis 1989 Jerry & Martha Gillespie 2003 John & Diann Chase 1990 Bob & Linda Moore 2004 Mike Bowman 1991 Dr. Joseph Graham 2005 Johnnie Robinson 1992 Dr. L.V. Baker 2006 Robert and Kim Richey 1993 Johnnie Hoffman 2007 Doug Hunt 1994 Wayne Rumley, Wes & Carrie Hill 2008 Kaso Kety 1995 W.O. & Patti Marquess 2009 Jimmy Jones 1996 El Coyote Ranch Dora Thompson 1997 John T. Baker 2010 Brent & Cindy Bolen 2011 Darlene Aldridge, DVM
2013 Premier Heifer and Prime Cow Sale
Some of the finest breeders in the industry have selected their best to showcase their breeding programs and to offer you a chance to enhance your herd. This once a year sale is a can’t miss event. We would like to extend our thanks to our wonderful consignors for their top notch Longhorn cattle showcasing this TLBAA event. If you need more information, please contact Pam Galloway at 817/625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org.
Dear TLBT Members,
As the year comes to a close, I hope you remember 2012 with fond memories that will be with you forever. It seems like only yesterday this show season just began and now it is half way over. Time certainly is flying by! Christmas is here and the New Year is right around the corner. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Just a little reminder, there will be a TLBT general membership meeting in January during the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. If you will be at this show, please make it a priority to attend. Adults are welcome to attend as well. We would like for you to come and tell us your opinions about the TLBT and if there is anything you would like to add or change to anything that we are doing. We want to make this a great and enjoyable year for all. If you are a graduating senior this year, please let one of your officers or directors know if you haven’t done so already. There are many scholarships out there if you need help with college funds. Just a few of them are: The Bright Futures Scholarship, the Mosser Scholarship Fund, TLBT OFFICER Autobahn Youth Tour, and some of the affiliates of the SPOTLIGHT TLBAA have scholarships as well. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can also go to www.LonghornYouth.org or www.TLBAA.org for more information. TLBT Office: Teen Director As you celebrate the holidays with family and friends, take a Age: 14 years old little time to count your blessings. We each have a tremendous School: Hico Junior High amount to be thankful for. Stay warm, enjoy your beautiful cattle Number of Years in the TLBT: and have a Merry Christmas! 2 years
Josh Vinson
See You on the Trail,
Sarah Faske TLBT President
How has showing Texas Longhorns helped you? Showing Texas Longhorns has helped me understand responsibility in taking care of my animals. What is your favorite characteristic of the Texas Longhorn breed? My favorite characteristic is probably the color patterns. Before I started showing, I always enjoyed seeing the pastures with the colorful Longhorns. When and how was your experience in your first show? My first show was the Autobahn Super Stakes in August. I learned LOTS and met several new friends. How has showing and raising Texas Longhorns impacted your life? I have come to be a much more relaxed and helpful person. I found out as I started showing, I really enjoyed the help from friends, and as I got more experienced, I have come to learn to help others that are now new to showing Longhorns.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Heart of Texas Round-up Sale Report Submitted by Russell Hooks
I would like to thank everyone who consigned, purchased or participated in the First Heart of Texas Round-Up Sale. Our goal was to market all the qualities of the Texas Longhorn while working to meet the need in the Longhorn industry for an affordable and cost effective sale. It was only through your support and participation that we were able to succeed in achieving these goals. Your support of this sale is greatly appreciated. Mark your calendar and make plans to join us for the next Heart of Texas Round-Up Sale on March 9, 2013.
old steer measuring in at 101 ½” TTT. Consignor: Ron Garison of Doyline, LA. Buyer: Joe Sedlacek of Greenleaf, KS.
$2,250 – GARISON’S NUELLY, 13 yr. old
steer measuring in at 89” TTT. Consignor: Ron Garison of Doyline, LA. Buyer: H.V. Ludiet of Ft. Worth, TX.
– LCP JESSIE, son of Emperor & Delta Nicole. Consignor: Mike & Kim MacLeod of Palo Pinto, TX. Buyer: Kevin Groves of Godley, TX.
– PHENOMENAL PRISCILLA SR, daughter of Phenomenon & Risky Brynn F 16/5. Consignor: Mike & Kim MacLeod of Palo Pinto, TX. Buyer: James Hall of Corsicana, TX.
Cataloged Cattle Averaged: $801.38 Ropers Averaged: $364.28 (high seller $450)
High Selling Lot: Garison’s Festus
2nd High Selling Lot: Sequoia Man
3rd High Selling Lot: Garison’s Nuelly
4th High Selling Lot: LCP Jessie
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ HIGH SELLING LOT:
GARISON’S FESTUS 12 yr. old steer measuring 105” ttt Consignor: Ron Garison of Doyline, LA Buyer: Joe Sedlacek of Greenleaf, KS
115 STRAWS OF SEMEN Consignor: Patti Marquess, Circle K Ranch, Ben Wheeler, TX Buyer: Elmer Rosenberger, Rio Vista Ranch, Austin, TX
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 5th High Selling Lot: Phenomenal Priscilla SR December 2012
Ways to Improve Part 1: Preventing
the Preventable Problems
The health of each animal on your farm or ranch is important and should be closely monitored, but livestock health is often discussed in terms of the whole herd. Transmissible or contagious diseases often affect more than one animal, and environmental conditions (hot, cold, wet, windy, dusty, muddy) may affect all the animals and create additional stress that may lead to illness. Your management of cattle also plays a role—whether they are crowded into small areas and subjected to social stresses, or they have close contact with sick individuals, or with fecal contamination of feed. Well-planned management, which includes minimizing stress and crowding, and utilizing a good vaccination program, can help prevent most illnesses.
Some diseases, such as BVD (bovine virus diarrhea) can be devastating. One infected animal brought to your farm can be disastrous, even if your cattle are vaccinated against this disease, since vaccinations are never 100 percent effective. Regarding BVD, there is an effective test that will show whether an animal is persistently infected (and a danger to other cattle for the rest of its life). Any animal you purchase, such as a new bull, cows or heifers, should be tested before you buy them.
One of the most effective ways to prevent introduction of contagious diseases to your farm is to keep a closed herd. Avoid bringing in new cattle unless you can be sure they are free of disease. It’s often safer to raise your own heifers than to purchase new cows. If you buy cows, heifers, or a new bull, buy them from a reputable breeder, where you know the history of the animals. It also pays to buy animals that have been vaccinated against or tested for various transmissible diseases (such as BVD, and in certain geographic regions brucellosis or tuberculosis, or bulls that An adequate and balanced diet is the cornerstone of cattle have been tested for trichomoniasis and shown to be negative). health. Each class of animal (young calves, lactating cows, dry A healthy animal may pick up a disease at an auction yard, if cows, bulls, yearlings being finished for butchering) needs a sufpenned with or next to a sick animal. Bringing a calf home from ficient amount of food to meet its particular needs, and proper an auction—especially a balance of energy (carday old dairy calf to raise bohydrates and fats) on a beef cow that lost her Even if you keep a closed herd and prevent the and protein, and balcalf—is a common way to introduction of certain transmissible diseases from ance of certain minerals. bring home diseases. The Even if you diligently baby calf may not have reentering your farm, some diseases come to your vaccinate cattle at proper ceived any colostrum (the for disease preherd via wildlife, insects, or bacterial spores that timing dam’s first milk, that convention, they may still tains important antibodies are ever-present in the environment. get sick if they are malagainst diseases) or an innourished or have a adequate amount of mineral deficiency. All colostrum and might be animals need proper nuvulnerable to disease, trition, especially adepicked up at the dairy quate levels of certain where it was born or at the trace minerals, to have a auction yard. That calf strong and healthy immay get sick after you bring mune system. it home, putting your own In some instances there will be trace mineral deficiencies even animals at risk. if the animals have adequate, good quality feed, if those feeds If you purchase new animals, keep them isolated for 2 weeks were grown in mineral deficient soils. The animals may need a to make sure they are not incubating a disease. If an animal betrace mineral supplement. This can be provided in a salt-mineral comes sick while in the isolation pen or stall, you have an opmix that contains the proper levels of various trace minerals for portunity to clean that area, removing all feces and using an your particular region and soils. Or, they can be administered to appropriate disinfectant—rather than having the sick animal ineach animal in an individual oral dose or injectible mineral supfecting your herd.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Herd Health:
By Heather Smith Thomas
that are ever-present in plement. There are Even if cattle look healthy, internal and/or external the environment. Vacsome good injectable cination is the only products on the market parasites may rob them of nutrients, resulting in way to prevent these that supply the proper slower growth (lower weaning weights in calves), less diseases and should amounts of trace mineralways be a part of als in a more reliable milk production, less efficient immune system, or your total herd health form than feed suppleplan. The vaccines ments; the latter are not poor reproduction (lower conception rates in cows). you use will depend always consumed in adon your region and equate amounts. your herd’s risk for The underlying transmission. Discuss cause of some diseases a vaccination program like scours, pneumonia with your veterinarian, or upper respiratory illto figure out which nesses, foot rot, etc. may diseases to be conbe poor nutrition. Pregcerned about, and nant cows with inadehow often you should quate protein levels will vaccinate. not produce good quality colostrum (with adequate antibodies) for their newborn calves. Those babies will be Even if cattle look healthy, internal and/or external parasites more vulnerable to disease during their first weeks of life. Shortmay rob them of nutrients, resulting in slower growth (lower age of important trace minerals such as selenium, copper, and weaning weights in calves), less milk production, less efficient zinc can make animals more susceptible to disease. immune system, or poor reproduction (lower conception rates Often the reason for infertility in adults or slower growth in in cows). young animals is inadequate levels of certain nutrients such as External parasites such as flies, mosquitoes and ticks can carry energy, protein, or important trace minerals. Reproduction, for disease and also rob animals of nutrients by sucking blood. As instance, is a luxury that only occurs after all the body’s needs for an example, horn fly control, using biological controls such as maintenance (or growth, in a young, maturing animal) are met. dung beetles, or insecticide applicators like back rubbers or Copper deficiency may result in heifers being slower to reach pudusters, or insecticide ear tags, can make a big difference in weanberty, with lower than normal conception rates. Your county exing weights of calves. Internal parasites such as stomach and intension agent can help you test soils and feeds to see if they are testinal worms rob nutrients and may lower the animals’ lacking in important minerals, or check your hay to determine resistance to disease. Liver flukes cause damage, making animals protein levels. Consult your vet, extension agent or a cattle nususceptible to liver problems, photosensitization (the liver is untritionist to examine your feeds and help you make any necesable to filter out photodynamic agents and they end up in the sary adjustments with proper supplementation. bloodstream and go to the skin, where they cause death of skin cells), and redwater disease. Develop an appropriate vaccination schedule for your herd, If cattle are spread out on large pastures, internal parasites are not as much problem. In small areas, however, cattle continually to prevent the most prevalent or devastating diseases in your region. Many stockmen want to avoid use of antibiotics and other graze where they defecate, picking up worm larvae that hatch from eggs passed in manure. The larvae move onto forage plants, drugs, to produce natural or organic meat and milk. Some peoto be eaten. Since most of the larvae are on the lowest part of ple think stockmen should also not use vaccines when producing the plant, overgrazed pastures (plants eaten off close to the natural or organic meat or milk, but this is a serious misconcepground), are most risky for re-infecting the cattle. Good grazing tion. Vaccination is one of the tools to keep livestock healthy and eliminate or reduce the need for antibiotic treatments. Maxpractices such as rotational grazing where cattle are moved before they graze the grass short can help avoid heavy parasite imizing immune response with a carefully planned vaccination loads. Seasonal deworming at proper time to prevent contamiprogram raises the threshold for disease invaders, reduces the nation of pastures, avoiding close grazing, and moving cattle to need for antibiotics, and increases the percentage of animals that a new pasture when they are dewormed, can help break the meet criteria for a natural production program. Even if you keep a closed herd and prevent the introduction worm’s life cycle and keep parasitism to a minimum. of certain transmissible diseases from entering your farm, some PART 2: CATTLE AND PASTURE MANAGEMENT diseases come to your herd via wildlife, insects, or bacterial spores
December 2012
New Ownership Information Display Options in H.O.R.N.S. System Effective January 5, 2013, the HORNS system will display Ownership History on the Animal Detail page for all animals. An example of the Ownership History display is shown in figure 1. The default condition for all members is to have their name displayed as the current owner in the Ownership History section. So no action is required by those members that agree with having their name displayed as current owner for animals in their herds. For those members desiring to restrict the display of their name as the current owner for the animals currently in their herds, HORNS provides an ‘opt out’ feature allowFigure 1 – Animal Detail page with Ownership History ing any member to replace the display of his/her name as current owner with the text ‘RESTRICTED’. Shown below (figure 2) is the same Figure 2 – Ownership History block showing member ‘opt out’ Ownership History block where the member has ‘opted out’. Members can access Figure 3 – Member profile, general information section the ‘opt out’ feature through the Member Profile as shown in the figure 3 below. To ‘opt out’ a member needs Figure 4 – Partnership Accounts only to click the ‘Click able to all members via the Member Profile. For members Here’ button in the Current Ownership Identification block not currently using the HORNS system, members can call (refer to figure 3 below). The ‘opt out’ feature is currently Dana in the TLBAA office to sign up for HORNS access or call available to all members in their Member Profiles and should Rick to request his assistance to enable the ‘opt out’ feature be promptly selected by any member wishing to restrict disin your member profile. play of his name as current owner. Once ‘opt out’ is selected, There is no restriction on the number of times that memthe restriction on display of the member’s name as current bers opt in/out. If a member has opted out, the same mechowner goes into effect immediately. anism in the Member Profile can be used to opt back in. Each partnership listed in the Partnership Accounts secNote that the ‘opt out’ feature only affects the name of tion of the member’s Member Profile (see figure 4) must be the current owner in the Ownership History block. Member opted in/out individually. If any partner in a partnership opts names in the Ownership History beyond the current owner to restrict the owner name by clicking the ‘No’ button in the are not affected. ‘Display’ column, the system will display ‘RESTRICTED’. Member control of the ‘opt out feature is currently avail-
Texas Longhorn Trails
Join Us! We’re Growing Fast! a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.
In 1964,
the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.
The Advantages of Membership Include: H State of the art Registration Department to maintain four H H H H H H H H H H H H H H
decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Canadian show circuit for breeders in the North. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine. Educational Web site.
H Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.
H Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. H Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. H Mail-in voting for regional directors.
THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE! Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org
TLBAA Membership Application
MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Please draw your brand inside the box exactly as you wish to be recorded.
Reading of Brand _______________________
Name:______________________________________________________ Other Name: ________________________________________________
New Active Member*
Address: ___________________________________________________
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Website Address: ____________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS:
Check or Money Ord.
125.00 1000.00
Lifetime Member New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) **
New/Renewal Outrider (Associate Member) (pays Non-Member rates for animal work)
Monthly Breed Publication (Texas Longhorn Trails)
Card No.:___________________________________________________ Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________ Referred by:_________________________________________________
**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___
SS# ________________________
All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.
* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $60 US address or $75 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.
December 2012
Highlights Catalog Sale Average: $672.72/Lot 22 Lots sold (1 semen lot sold) Non Catalog – 9 sold Non Catalog Average $361.66/Head
nice crowd of Longhorn breeders gathered at Risky’s Friday night for food, drinks, camaraderie, rekindling old friendships and making new ones. Everyone saved room for cake ball sampling. The next morning the café was filled with people browsing the silent auction items. Again this year, $500.00 was awarded to the Champions - Senior Cow, Junior Cow, Heifer, Bull & Pen of 3 heifer calves. It started out as a chilly day in the 30’s and ended up a very nice sunny day. Our sale was shown online at the Beatrice 77 Livestock Auction website for those that were unable to attend and yet wanted to call in bids. At the end of the catalog sale, the raffle drawing was held. Thank you to Art & Haley Anders & family from Crawford, NE, for donating the heifer calf. Caden Wieczorek from Lincoln, NE, was the lucky winner. 2nd place $200.00 winner was Dylaney Georges from Roca, NE, 3rd place $100.00 winner was Dennis Bennett from Norfolk, NE, 4th place $50.00 winner was L.D. McIntyre from Wolbach, NE. L.D. generously donated his winnings back to the N.T.L.A. Thank you, L.D.! Thanks to our auctioneer and judge, Bill Sayre, consignors, buyers, members & friends for participating in our sale!
Champion Senior Cow:
7LS SANDY ROSE (Daughter of US Sideshow & Sandrose 96) Consignor: Carol Hoffman, Juniata, NE. Buyer: Donny Robinson, Holton, KS. $525.
Champion Bull:
Volume Buyer: Donny Robinson, Holton, KS
SALTILLO BOOMER 01 (Son of EOT Outback Redneck & Saltillo CG305) Consignor: Rodger & Bonnie Damrow, Roca, NE. Buyer: Donny Robinson, Holton, KS.$725.
✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ HIGH SELLING LOT:
7LS MISS LUMAX (daughter of Maximus ST & 7LS Sunlight Lu) Consignor: Larry & Mary Ann Long, North Platte, NE Buyer: Del Vic Farms, Snyder, NE.
Champion Junior Cow:
7LS MORNING STAR (Daughter of Freight Train ST & 7LS Maxiesstar) Consignor:Larry & Mary Ann Long, North Platte, NE. Buyer: Melissa McClain, Almena, KS. $1050.
7LS IRON RABBIT (Daughter of Iron Mike ST & 7LS Sunbunny) Consignor: Larry & Mary Long, North Platte, NE. Buyer: Ward Casteel, Lovington, IL. $475.
Champion Heifer:
Champion Pen of 3 Heifer Calves: (These heifers were out of DV Ishstanbull & DV Clarabelle & Toss-A-Coin & Unamazed & DV Ishstanbul & DV Dee Dee. ) Consigned by Del Vic Farms, Snyder, NE. Buyer: Tim Koch, Daykin, NE. $300/head
Lana Webb & Teri Ehlers, w/Sage, Zach & Cagney Ehlers President, Delwin Smeal read pedigrees, Bill Sayre-Auctioneer, CJ Sayre-Clerk
Dylan Pfizenmaier, Green, KS Joe Sedlacek,Greenleaf, KS
Prospective Buyers
Ella Wieczorek, Lincoln, NE. Dylaney Georges,Roca, NE. Allison Wieczorek, Lincoln, NE Dick Robbins Belvidere, KS .
Rex & Helga Hollenbeck, Lentner, MO
NTLA & TLBAA Director L.D. McIntyre & Debbie, Wolbach, NE Texas Longhorn Trails
IN MEMORIAM Elizabeth (Betty) Brown Patton Brackebusch Elizabeth (Betty) Brown Patton Brackebusch Braeuninger passed away in Marble Hill, Missouri, on Friday, October 12, 2012. Betty was born to Matthew and Lillie Patton on March 7, 1915, in Springfield, Illinois. She graduated from Springfield High School in 1932 and from Illinois Wesleyan University in 1936. That September Betty married Arthur Brackebusch. They lived in rural Illinois until 1973 when they moved to Sun City, Arizona, where Arthur died in 1978. Betty was married to William Braeuninger from 1985 until his death in 1996. Betty was active in Presbyterian churches, serving as organist and/or choir director much of her life. In her early years she was PTA president, 4-H leader, and Cub Scout den mother. Later, Betty assisted with Meals on Wheels and Interfaith Marketing for Shut-Ins, was a library volunteer, and supported education-for-women projects through P.E.O. Betty is survived by her son, Robert Brackebusch (Rosalie), Divernon, Illinois; two daughters, Bonnie Donis (Jack), Tucson, Arizona, and Beth Hummel (Jack), Amissville, Virginia; and two step-children, Rick Braeuninger (Joyce), Traverse City, Michigan, and Janet Miller (Dick), Canton,
Michigan. She has seven living grandchildren: Scott Brackebusch, Marshall, Wisconsin; Monique Grindell, Forest Grove, Oregon; Pam Main, Auburn, Illinois; Brad Hummel, Reston, Virginia; Barry Brackebusch, Franklin, Tennessee; Jeff Hummel, Haymarket, Virginia; and Emily Smith, Peoria, Illinois. Betty also has seventeen great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held at the Bramley Funeral Home, 550 E. Jackson Street, Auburn, Illinois, on Saturday, October 20th. In lieu of flowers, it is suggested that memorial contributions be made to a favorite charity. The Prairie State Longhorn Association would like to express our sympathy to the family of Robert & Rosalie Brackebusch for the passing of Roberts mother.
Royce Lenddon Slater Sr. (1928 - 2012) Royce Lenddon Slater Sr., 84, of Mexia passed away Oct. 19, 2012 in Waco. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Oct. 23 at BlairStubbs Chapel with Rev. Marcus Sheffield officiating. Masonic graveside followed in the Mexia Cemetery. Royce was born June 18, 1928 in Marshall, to Charles Oliver and Ethel Keenum Slater. He moved from Houston to Mexia 35 years ago. He was a rancher and
Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ December 2012
longtime member of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. Royce served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He was a member of the Springfield Masonic Lodge 74 in Mexia. Royce was a loving and devoted husband, father and grandfather. He enjoyed ranching and took pride in raising his longhorn cattle. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Velma Slater, and son, Royce Lenddon Slater Jr. Royce is survived by two daughters, Cynthia Diane Slater-Smith and Patricia Ann Slater-Love and husband, Dennis; daughter-in-law, Carla Kay Teer and husband, Rick; grandchildren, Kristy Waterman and husband, Matthew, Brandin Smith and wife, Shawna, Royce L. Slater III and wife, Melissa, Randy J. Slater and wife, Sabrina, Traci R. Houston and husband, Lorenzo and Shane Teer; great-grandchildren, Christopher and Destiny Slater, Kaden Leger, Harley and Heaven Donaho, Aubrey White, Hannah and Kimber Slater, David Waterman, Daytin, Colton and Kenzie Smith, Jaiden and Amari Houston; and brother, G. Emmitt Slater and wife, Virgie of Houston. Pallbearers were Robert Brown, Bobby Carroll, Royce Slater, Brandin Smith, Shane Teer and Lorenzo Houston. Visit blair-stubbs.com to leave a memorial message or sign the guest book.
Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____
___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164.
JOIN THE ROLL OF HONOR The Dam of Distinction Award recognizes a cow that has had five consecutive calves, the first being born before her third birthday. A Dam of Excellence must have had 10 consecutive calves, starting with the first being born before her third birthday. The Dam of Merit Award is designed to recognize those Texas Longhorns that stand out in the area of production among Texas Longhorn breeders. If you would like to nominate your female for the Dam of Merit Program, please call the TLBAA office for a nomination Form.
NEBRASKA TEXAS LONGHORN ASSOCIATION Delwin Smeal, President • 402-568-2353 Our annual Longhorn sale was held at the Beatrice 77 Livestock Auction in Beatrice, NE, on Saturday October 27, 2012. This was the association’s 31st annual sale. Each Champion - Senior Cow, Junior Cow, Heifer, Bull, and Pen of 3 heifers was awarded $500. Again this year we held a silent auction before the sale. Art & Haley Anders and family donated a heifer calf for the raffle this year. Winner was Caden Wieczorek, Lincoln, NE, 2nd place winner of $200 was Dylaney Georges, Roca, NE, and 3rd place winner of $100 was Dennis Bennett, from Norfolk, NE. The sale catalog will again be on the sale barn websitewww.Beatrice77.net. The sale will be shown live on the same website. Consignments for the 2013 sale are being accepted now – deadline for sale catalog is September 1st. See website www.Beatrice77.net for consignment form, click on “The Auctioneers” & “Select an Auction”. Questions: contact Bonnie Damrow (402) 423-5441 or brdamrow6@aol.com. Sale contacts: Delwin Smeal, President (402) 568-2353, Larry Long, Vice President (308) 532-2469, Rodger & Bonnie Damrow (402) 4235441. Our annual meeting will be held in Grand Island on Saturday, January 26, 2013. New members are welcome. Dues are: Youth $5, Associate $10, Active $15, Lifetime $150. Please mail membership dues to Bonnie Damrow, 11900 S 12th; Roca, NE. 68430.
Dam of Merit Roll of Honor Dams of Excellence Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan CO Barbwire David M. Hillis, Austin, Texas Cross M Cherokee Miss Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Dewlap Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico F 3F Bevo’s T J Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico G&L True Obsession Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas High Hope, FD Bo & Dorie Damuth, Magnolia, Texas Miss CP Ruler 562 T.M. & Jean Smith, Bar S Ranch, Boyd, Texas Miss Peppermint Ed & Sheryl Johnson, Molalla, Oregon Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rawhide Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan SP Hija Ben Tanksley, Alpine, Texas US 89076 Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Westhaven Ranger Reddy Fraser West, Ione, California WT Miss Mona’s Liberator Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas
Dams of Distinction Bayou Daisy Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bayou Princess Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan BH Mahogany May Joel & Tamara Kuntz, Bend, OR Cross M Blue Velvet Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Delta Becca Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Delta Charisma Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Salsa Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Star Spangled Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Texas Ruby Red Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Matrix Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Sandy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Delta Amber Phillip Bell, Arlington, Texas Diamond W 952 Meadowwood, Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, OK
Dillons Fancy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Dixie Heather 3G Ranch, Loyd &Bettie Gibbs, Gainesville, Texas Dolly Joel & Shirley Lemley, Blackwell, Texas Double L’s Miss Elegant Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Emperor’s Lucy Creek Gary Kudrna, Ennis, Texas Fandangos Husker Barnard Longhorns, Richard & Janice Barnard, Tekamah, Nebraska FCF Honeymoon Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas FCF 16th Avenue Mitch Bryant, Katy, Texas FCF Too Sexy For My Sox Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Fiona Moonshine Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Folsom Falls Posh Folsom Falls Ranch, Fred & Marijo Balmer, Folsom, New Mexico GC Little Star Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico G&L Enchantment Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L True Obsession Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Silver Sage Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Star Spangled Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas Granite Daisy Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Indian Girl 636 Carla Jo Payne, Slidell, Texas JRJ WR 978 Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Ksanka Lily Belle Robert & Sheryl Greene, Eureka, Montana Lizzy’s Splash Eagles Nest Ranch, Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, Washington Lupemitedookay Debra Lesyk & Dwight Overlid, Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Meadowwood’s Carmen Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Clementine Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Tango Brink Longhorns, Frederick, Oklahoma Molly Hunts Best 01 Chris Bandley, St. George, Utah Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rawhide Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rusty Zipper Frank & Barbara Renfro, Clinton, Montana S-D Sparkle Plenty Rudy & Marilyn Bowling, Kaufman, Texas Silver Sage Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan 3W Legends Country Erin Lazy JP Ranch, Dublin, Texas 3W Pot of Independence Dale & Bev Sorem, Nevada, Iowa Westhavenreddy'sspecks Broadhorn Ranch, Douglas & Katie McDonald, Fernley, Nevada WT Miss Mona’s Liberator Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas
Texas Longhorn Trails
WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle • Palpation gates • Measure horns • A.I. cows
We’ve got dw!hat you nee
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END OF TRAIL RANCH Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194 Check out our website - www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net
Longhorn Cage $2,225 Paul Warford
work-your-cows.com 918-507-2222 paul@pccattlepens.com
TLBAA 2013 Calendars make great gifts! Call the TLBA Office to get extra copies oday. (817) 625-6241 $10.00 each + tax & shipping December 2012
www.tlbaa.org 79
TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s
December - Herd Management Guide 1
1. Terry & Sherri Adcock, Lamesa, TX; 2. Laura & Jose Jimenez, Venus, TX; 3. Gordon Tuer, Stratford, ON; 4. Mark Kelsey, Weatherford, TX; 5. TLBAA’s Pam Galloway with Scott Miller, Hillsboro, TX; 6. Frank Sutton, Ragland, South Wales, UK,Richard Nugent, Llantilio Crossenny, UK, Paul Reynolds, Chippenham, Witshire, UK, Fred Sutton, Ragland, South Wales, UK, David Blockley, Drighlington, Bradford, UK.
average milking ability (producing 10 pounds of Spring Calving: milk daily) requires 11.5 pounds of energy, 2 1. Continue feeding program designed for pounds of protein, 0.06 pounds of calcium, 0.05 October and November. As winter approaches pounds of phosphorus and 36,000 international and warm season grasses become weathered, the units of Vitamin A per day. Make sure that your protein and energy values of your pastures will females are receiving adequate nutrition so that decrease substantially. Nutritional deficiencies they will cycle at the first of the breeding season. are most likely to occur during December, Feeding 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent CP January, February and March. Nutrient needs supplement, 4-6 pounds of a 30 percent CP during this period are extremely critical. Most of supplement or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent CP the fetal development will occur during the last supplement per head per day should be three months of gestation. In addition, the adequate to meet most protein and energy nutritional needs for production of the female’s needs. Choice of appropriate supplement (20 first milk, colostrum, containing much needed percent CP, 30 percent CP or 40 percent CP) antibodies against disease for the newborn calf should be based upon cheapest source of increase dramatically. Make sure that the females protein. Price per pound of protein may be entering the calving season are in good determined by dividing the cost per pound of condition and not thin and undernourished. The number of days from calving to first observed heat period following calving is largely determined by the nutritional status of the females at time of calving. If pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing or poor rainfall during the summer, then energy is your first concern. Feeding a medium (8-10 percent crude protein) to high quality (15-17 percent crude protein) hay free choice will provide an excellent Make sure that the females entering the calving season are in good condition and source of energy for not thin and undernourished. females. If pasture grass protein supplement by the percentage of crude is plentiful, but dormant and poor in quality, protein in the supplement. A source of salt as then protein is generally your first concern. well as a good commercial calcium: phosphorus Assuming that your cows are in good body mineral mix with added Vitamin A should be condition, feeding low levels of a high crude available on a free choice basis. If your cows are protein supplement (32-40 percent crude thin in body condition, then feeding protein) is your best alternative. If your cows are supplemental hay plus higher levels of a low thin in body condition, then feeding higher crude protein, high energy range cube (20 levels of a low crude protein, high energy range percent crude protein) will provide increased cube (20 percent crude protein) will provide intake of vital nutrients. Young, lactating females increased intake of vital nutrients. If winter have 20-25 percent greater supplemental needs pasture or cool season variety grasses are than mature cows. Watch body condition closely available, then the females should not need and increase supplemental feed accordingly. additional energy or protein supplementation. A 2. Provide supplemental feed for bulls grazing source of salt as well as a good commercial dry, dormant range grass according to age and calcium-phosphorus mineral mix with added condition of the bulls: (a) feed mature bulls 3-4 Vitamin A should be available on a free choice pounds of a 40 percent crude protein range cube basis. daily; (b) feed young bulls 8-10 pounds of a high 2. Evaluate the growth of your bred heifers. The energy, 20 percent crude protein cattle cube goal should be to have your bred heifers weigh daily; and (c) supplement additional feed as 85 percent of their mature weight, including the necessary to keep bulls in good body condition weight of the fetus, prior to calving at 23-25 as breeding season approaches. months of age. Because of this threshold weight, 3. Vaccinate cows prior to breeding season for bred heifers should be fed to gain a minimum of leptospirosis. Consult your local veterinarian one pound per day. about needs for vibriosis vaccination. Fall Calving: 1. Continue the feeding program begun in October. The nutrient requirements for energy, protein, minerals and vitamins of lactating females increase substantially. During the first 34 months of lactation, a 1,000 pound cow with
Texas Longhorn Trails
Adcock, Terry & Sherri ..................84 Adkins, Aaron ................................15 Adkins, Clay ....................................15 Almendra Longhorns....................82 Anderson, Frank Jr. and III ............9
B Bar H Ranch....................................82
Beadle Land & Cattle................8, 82 Billingsley Longhorns....................83 Blue Ridge Ranch ..........................22 Box Z Ranch................................8, 84 Brett Ranch ......................................83 Broken Plow Longhorns ......FC, 18 BT Farms....................................17, 83 Buckhorn Cattle Co. ................8, 82 Bull Creek Longhorns ..............7, 83 Butler Breeders ..............................8-9
CedarView Ranch ..........................82 Champion Genetics ......................85 Commanders Place Longhorns..82 CV Cowboy Casanova ................BC
M Marquess Arrow Ranch........83, IBC
MCA Ranch....................................8-9 McKnight/Filip................................19 McKnight/Mills ..............................19 McLeod Ranch ..................................8 Miller, Tim ......................................82 Miniature TX LH Breeders............19 Moriah Farms ............................9, 83 Morris, Ken......................................15
Northbrook Cattle Co...................83 Norwood, David ..........................79 No-Bull ............................................85
P&C Cattle Pens ............................79 Panther Creek Longhorns ............82 Pearl Longhorn Ranch ..................84 PJ’s Cattle Company........................8 Premier Heifer & Prime Cow SaleIFC
Red River Longhorn Sale..............17 Rio Vista Ranch ................................8 Rocking G Ranch..............................9 Rocking I Longhorns ................9, 84 Rocking P Longhorns ......................8 Running Arrow Farm ....................85
D Dalgood Longhorns ........................9
Deer Creek Longhorns..................84 Diamond Q Longhorns ..............83 Dick’s Ranch Supply......................85 DNA Longhorn Ranch..................16 Double LB Longhorns ..................84
Eagles Ridge Longhorns..................8 El Coyote Ranch ........................1, 83 End of Trail Ranch ........................83
Flying Diamond Ranch ................82 Flying H Longhorns ......................83
7 Bar Longhorns ............................83 Safari B Ranch ................................82 Sand Hills Ranch......................12-13 Semkin Longhorns ........................83 Sidewinder Cattle Co.......................9 Smith, T.M. & Jean ........................83 Smith, Tom......................................14 SS Longhorns..................................83 Star Creek Ranch ..............................7 Stotts Hideaway Ranch..........84, BC Stuck, Mark......................................12
TLBA Foundation ..........................77 TLBAA Membership......................75 Trinity Creeks Ranch......................17 Triple R Ranch (MI) ......................82 Triple R Ranch (TX)..........................9 Triple T Longhorns ........................83 T Spur Longhorns ..........................82
Silversmiths ............................18 G Gist Guffey, Danny ................................12
Harrell Ranch ....................................8 Helm Cattle Co. ............................83 Hickman Longhorns ....................83 Hodges, Dave..................................85 Hovingh, Dave................................18 Hudson-Valentine Spring Inv.....2-3 Hubbell Longhorns ......................15 Hughes, Scott ..................................15 Hunt, Doug......................................10 Husky Branding Irons ..................85 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ..........83 Jack Mountain Ranch....................84 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. ................9 Johnston Longhorns ....................82 Jones, Jimmy ..................................15 King, Terry ..........................................15 Kittler Land & Cattle Co. ................82
Just For Grins Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)
Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 Please specify which month your caption is for. Email entries should include address.
Photo courtesy of Brian Jackson, Richmond, TX
noveMber PHoto First-Place Winner: “NOSKCAJ” - Who’s That?????? Wendy Hastings, art, tX ◆ Honorable Mention: "Better… Worse… Or the same?” (eye doctor) Samuel Martinez, San Antonio, TX
Underwood Longhorns................82
W Walker, Ron ..............................12, 84
Westfarms, Inc...................................8 Wichita Fence..................................79
Y December 2012
Lemley Longhorns ........................84 Lightning Longhorns ....................83 Little Ace Cattle Co...........................8 Lone Wolf Ranch............................82 Longhorn Designs..........................79 Longhorn Sale Pen ........................79
YO Ranch ........................................81
Coming Next Month:
Agri-Business 81
Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. (817) 625-6241
For more information on upcoming TLBAA sales and events call Pam Galloway at (817) 625-6241
MICHIGAN READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales and Events. Go to www.tlbaa.org and click on E-Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. (817) 625-6241
Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. (817) 625-6241
December 2012
READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales and Events. Go to www.tlbaa.org and click on E-Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
Electric brands shipped within 24 hours. Electric number sets 3 or 4 inch – $290 Plus Shipping & Handling
• Semen Collection & Processing • CSS Available Facility • Storage • Shipping • Supplies • AI • Embryo Collections • AI Training Schools
Personalized Brands: One Letter-$95 Two Letters-$105 Three Letters-$115
At our facilities or on-farm collecting
Pamphlets Available At Most Livestock Auctions
1-800-222-9628 FAX: 800-267-4055
Bob Woodard
Brenda Barton
903.567.4044 (Office)
Craig Barton
P.O. Box 460 • Knoxville, AR 72845
18035 FM 17 • Canton, TX 75103 Toll Free 1.866.604.4044 Fax 903.567.6587 www.championgenetics.com
Web site: www.huskybrandingirons.com
Not using H.O.R.N.S. yet? Call 817.625.6241 for your password and take control of your herd. December 2012
THATE Cattle Company Terry H. Brink Auctioneer P.O. Box 928 Frederick, OK 73542 580-335-5732 580-335-4126 Mbl. e-mail: brinkauction@pldi.net www.brinkauction.com
JoelAuctioneer Lemley P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506
www.lemleyauctionservices.com TX. License 15204
Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX
(817) 991-9979
Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
(507) 235-3467
www.oliverlonghorns.com Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”
joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083
At SAND HILLS RANCH we enjoy working with NEW BREEDERS & offer QUALITY GOOD HORNED STRAIGHT BUTLER & BLEND cattle, many to choose from & an attractive OWNER FINANCE PKG, Dora Thompson (318) 8726329 echoofambush@aol.com Mansfield, LA www.sandhillsranch.com Located near the Texas Line & Shreveport.
Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532 Cell: (254) 396-5592
936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email: trigg@c21homeandranch.com
CATTLE FOR SALE TRADE & BARTER Happiest Of Holidays To All Our Longhorn Friends... Old, New and Soon To Be! Meanwhile… here at the Flying D Ranch, we’ve just weaned more beautiful heifers, bulls and steers. They’re just waiting to become Christmas presents for good little (or big) boys and girls! Bloodlines include Yates, Wright and WR with a little Butler and Texas Ranger included. Makes for speckles, spots, brindles, big twisty horns and gentle dispositions. To schedule a ranch tour or just talk Longhorns, call:
Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, Texas • 281-356-8167 281-356-2751 Fax dorie27@sbcglobal.net www.damuthflyingdranch.com ELiTE TEXAS LONGHORNS fOR SALE- Dale Hunt - www.rockinhlonghorns.com.
LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains
New Location: Sallisaw, OK (918) 774-9107 • (918) 855-4907 new web site:
jBR LONGHORNS- frozen embryos, AI & ET, semen, elite females, miniatures, lean beef, free advice, call before you buy. Jim Rombeck (785) 562-6665, Justin Rombeck (816) 536-1083. BEAvER CREEk LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com w w w. C AT T L E C A L L R A N C H . C O M Registered cows bred to 72” TTT brindle Wyoming Warpaint son. Package pricing. (580) 364-6592. Belinda.
TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380. wOULD YOU LikE SOME vANizM OR jUBAL jANGLER HEifERS? – Save your cash for hay. How about trading bulls or steers for them instead of cash? Call (785) 447-9132 McIntyre Ranches - www.mcintyreranches.com.
TRANSPORTATION HAULING - Anywhere-Anytime We specialize in Longhorns. Dan Tisdale (940) 872-1811 Mobile: (940) 841-2619
LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell www.asocl.com or troush57@yahoo.com YOU CALL - I HAUL! WANTED LOOkiNG TO PURCHASE LONGHORN SEMEN – Looking for straws of semen on the following bulls: Phenomenon, Laramie & Tango. Brian Wallis (214) 755-6880.
Specializing in mounted steer horns, cow skulls, horn furniture, hides M.P. & K.D. HORN and LEATHER SHOP 408 E. Drew • Ft. Worth, TX 76110 817-927-8061 • Fax: 817-927-7970 E-mail: MPKDhornshop8061@msn.com Web site: www.hornandleather.com
For upcoming event information, visit
www.tlbaa.org TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Texas Longhorn Trails
Adcock, Terry & Sherri ..................84 Adkins, Aaron ................................15 Adkins, Clay ....................................15 Almendra Longhorns....................82 Anderson, Frank Jr. and III ............9
B Bar H Ranch....................................82
Beadle Land & Cattle................8, 82 Billingsley Longhorns....................83 Blue Ridge Ranch ..........................22 Box Z Ranch................................8, 84 Brett Ranch ......................................83 Broken Plow Longhorns ......FC, 18 BT Farms....................................17, 83 Buckhorn Cattle Co. ................8, 82 Bull Creek Longhorns ..............7, 83 Butler Breeders ..............................8-9
CedarView Ranch ..........................82 Champion Genetics ......................85 Commanders Place Longhorns..82 CV Cowboy Casanova ................BC
M Marquess Arrow Ranch........83, IBC
MCA Ranch....................................8-9 McKnight/Filip................................19 McKnight/Mills ..............................19 McLeod Ranch ..................................8 Miller, Tim ......................................82 Miniature TX LH Breeders............19 Moriah Farms ............................9, 83 Morris, Ken......................................15
Northbrook Cattle Co...................83 Norwood, David ..........................79 No-Bull ............................................85
P&C Cattle Pens ............................79 Panther Creek Longhorns ............82 Pearl Longhorn Ranch ..................84 PJ’s Cattle Company........................8 Premier Heifer & Prime Cow SaleIFC
Red River Longhorn Sale..............17 Rio Vista Ranch ................................8 Rocking G Ranch..............................9 Rocking I Longhorns ................9, 84 Rocking P Longhorns ......................8 Running Arrow Farm ....................85
D Dalgood Longhorns ........................9
Deer Creek Longhorns..................84 Diamond Q Longhorns ..............83 Dick’s Ranch Supply......................85 DNA Longhorn Ranch..................16 Double LB Longhorns ..................84
Eagles Ridge Longhorns..................8 El Coyote Ranch ........................1, 83 End of Trail Ranch ........................83
Flying Diamond Ranch ................82 Flying H Longhorns ......................83
7 Bar Longhorns ............................83 Safari B Ranch ................................82 Sand Hills Ranch......................12-13 Semkin Longhorns ........................83 Sidewinder Cattle Co.......................9 Smith, T.M. & Jean ........................83 Smith, Tom......................................14 SS Longhorns..................................83 Star Creek Ranch ..............................7 Stotts Hideaway Ranch..........84, BC Stuck, Mark......................................12
TLBA Foundation ..........................77 TLBAA Membership......................75 Trinity Creeks Ranch......................17 Triple R Ranch (MI) ......................82 Triple R Ranch (TX)..........................9 Triple T Longhorns ........................83 T Spur Longhorns ..........................82
Silversmiths ............................18 G Gist Guffey, Danny ................................12
Harrell Ranch ....................................8 Helm Cattle Co. ............................83 Hickman Longhorns ....................83 Hodges, Dave..................................85 Hovingh, Dave................................18 Hudson-Valentine Spring Inv.....2-3 Hubbell Longhorns ......................15 Hughes, Scott ..................................15 Hunt, Doug......................................10 Husky Branding Irons ..................85 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ..........83 Jack Mountain Ranch....................84 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. ................9 Johnston Longhorns ....................82 Jones, Jimmy ..................................15 King, Terry ..........................................15 Kittler Land & Cattle Co. ................82
Just For Grins Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)
Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 Please specify which month your caption is for. Email entries should include address.
Photo courtesy of Brian Jackson, Richmond, TX
noveMber PHoto First-Place Winner: “NOSKCAJ” - Who’s That?????? Wendy Hastings, art, tX ◆ Honorable Mention: "Better… Worse… Or the same?” (eye doctor) Samuel Martinez, San Antonio, TX
Underwood Longhorns................82
W Walker, Ron ..............................12, 84
Westfarms, Inc...................................8 Wichita Fence..................................79
Y December 2012
Lemley Longhorns ........................84 Lightning Longhorns ....................83 Little Ace Cattle Co...........................8 Lone Wolf Ranch............................82 Longhorn Designs..........................79 Longhorn Sale Pen ........................79
YO Ranch ........................................81
Coming Next Month:
Agri-Business 87
Save The Date!
Texas Longhorn
DECEMBER 2012 DEC 7-8 • Winter Festival, Edna, TX. Two youth shows (one points only) Merrilou Russell-mrcactusgirl13@gmail.com or (361) 781-4221. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. DEC 10-13 • El Coyote’s 2nd Anuual Christmas Celebration Online Sale. www.elcoyote.com or (361) 294-5462
JANUARY 2013 JAN 17 • TLBAA Board Of Directors Meeting, 6:00 PM, Parker/Pickett Room, Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Fort Worth, TX; Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org. JAN 18 • TLBAA Miniature Texas Longhorn Meeting, 7:00 AM, Courtright Room, Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Fort Worth, TX; Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org. JAN 18 • TLBAA Affiliate Presidents Meeting, 8:00 AM, Parker/Pickett Room, Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Fort Worth, TX; Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org. JAN 18 • TLBAA Annual General Membership Meeting, 10:00 AM, Spring Palace/Westbrook Room, Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Fort Worth, TX; Pam Galloway (817) 6256241 or pam@tlbaa.org. JAN 18 • TLBAA Awards Banquet, 6:00 PM, Spring Meacham/Flat Iron Room, Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek, Fort Worth, TX; Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org JAN 19 • Texas Longhorn Premier Heifer & Prime Cow Sale, West Arena, Fort Worth, TX. Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org. JAN 20 • TLBT General Membership Meeting, 12:30 p.m., Barn 4, Fort Worth, TX. Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org. JAN 21-22 • Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, Fort Worth, TX. Trigg & Traci Moore (254) 796-4269 or (254) 396-5592 traci@triple-t-longhorns.com or triggm@triple-t-longhorns.com. Qualifying Haltered and Youth. JAN 22 • World Show Committee Meeting, 9:00 a.m., Barn 4, Fort Worth, TX. Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org.
FEBRUARY 2013 FEB 9 • Hired Hand Huddle, Tarrant County Community College, Fort Worth, TX. Molly Clubb, www.mococreative.com, (319) 269-8903, mococreative@gmail.com. FEB 9 • San Antonio Livestock Show, San Antonio, TX. Annie Morgan (210) 885-8653 or annieoakley64@aol.com. Qualifying Free and Youth. FEB 22-24 • San Angelo Stock Show, San Angelo, TX. Dennis Urbantke (325) 656-9321 or dennis urbantke@zipnet.us. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. FEB 28-March 4 • Houston Livestock Show, Houston, TX. TLBAA, Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered and Youth.
MARCH 2013 MAR 8-10 • North Texas Longhorn Breeders Show, Glen Rose, TX. Kevin & Lauri Rooker - krooker@centurylink.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. MAR 9 • Heart of Texas Roundup Sale, West Auction Barn, West, TX. Russell Hooks russellh@longhornroundup.com or (409) 381-0616. www.longhornroundup.com MAR 9-10 • Texas Longhorn Breeders of New Mexico Show, Las Cruces, NM. Kristi Wilson kmcwilson@windstream.net or (575) 354-1210. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth.
Coming Events MAR 16 • Star of Texas Fair & Rodeo, Austin, Texas. Louis Christa (210) 863-7003 or lchri58@msn.com. Qualifying Haltered, ` Free and Youth. MAR 21-22 • South Texas State Fair, Beaumont, TX. www.ymbl.org. Qualifying Haltered and Youth. MAR 22-24 • Stillwater Shootout, Stillwater, OK. Steve & Bodie Quary (405) 567-3093 or diamondqlonghorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. MAR 30 • B&C Show Me Longhorn Spring Sale, Brookfield Livestock Auctions, Inc., Bus. Hwy. 36, Brookfield, MO. Sayre Auction & Sale Management, Bill Sayre (660) 258-2973 or cell (660) 7340827 or Shawn (660) 734-8782.
APRIL 2013 APR 5-6 • Hudson-Valentine Spring Invitational Texas Longhorn Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 393-2012 APR 5-7 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale, TX. Chair: Sandi Nordhausen (512) 898-2401, sandi@nordy.com. Co-chair: Louis Christa (210) 863-7003, boxzranch@msn.com. Qualifying Haltered and Youth. APR 6 • Southeastern Winchester Futurity. Terry King (850) 956-4154 or tklonghorns@centurylink.net; Danny Guffey (256) 717-9986; Nancy Dunn-nancydunn2010@windstream.net or (334) 3180887. APR 12-14 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Washington County Fairgrounds, Brenham, Texas. Susan Young - susanbyoung@hotmail.com or (713) 294-6334. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. APR 13 • Red River Longhorn Sale, Red River Sale Barn, Overbrook, OK. Rick Friedrich-rick@riverranchlonghorns.com or (713) 305-0259. APR 27 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or www.endoftrailranch.com.
MAY 2013 MAY 3-4 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale and Premier Heifer Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorn.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombsranches.com, teresa@redmccombsranches.com, (210) 445-8798. MAY 11 • Cattle Baron’s Premier Longhorn Sale, Mid-Tex Livestock Auction, Navasota, TX. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. MAY 17-18 • Millennium Futurity, Glen Rose, TX; Bill Davidson (405) 258-7117 or mlflonghorns@sbcglobal.net. www.mlfuturity.com
JUNE 2013 JUNE 14-15 • Winchester Futurity of the North, Gibson County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IN. www.winchsterfuturitynorth.com. Scott Simmons (618) 729-2004 or Deanna Sanders (618) 7805365. www.winchesterfuritynorth.com
SEPTEMBER 2013 SEPT 14 • YO Ranch Texas Longhorn Fall Sale, Mountain Home, TX. (325) 668-3552.
Let us know about your upcoming events! (817) 625-6241or email us at laura@tlbaa.org. Texas Longhorn Trails