Texas Longhorn Trails
January 2014
See nomination form on p.39 and sale rules on p. 41
Texas Longhorn Trails
JANUARY 2014 VOL. 25 NO. 10
Cover Stories:
About the Cover:
A frosty female epitomizes the beauty of a Longhorn female even while wearing a winter coat. Photo courtesy of Kathy Kittler.
24 Breeder Profile: John T. Baker by Henry King
30 50th Anniversary Salute:
Charles Schreiner III
46 Herd Health: Wintering Calves
With Their Mothers by Heather Smith Thomas
Feature Articles: 18 Kansas Horn Showcase Satellite Photos
22 Considering Longhorns‌Let’s Start With Steers! by Kathy Kittler
20 Aerial Assult Weapon by Paul Marks
36 Raising Texas Longhorns As A Business by Darol Dickinson
Shows & Sales: 5 Texas Longhorn Weekend Info 39 50th Anniversary Golden Heifer Sale Consignment Form
41 50th Anniversary Golden Heifer 4
42 Lean Beef: Changing the Game by Craig Perez
44 Filling Board Vacancies 61 Meet the TLBAA Staff: Myra Basham
Sale Rules Texas Longhorn Trails
January 17-21, 2014 • Fort Worth, Texas
FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 Stockyards Station – Stampede Room 8AM – 9AM – New Building Committee 9:30AM – 11:30AM – Affiliate President Meeting 1PM – 2:30PM – Board of Directors Meeting 2:30PM – 4:30PM – General Membership Meeting 6:30PM – 7PM – Membership Reception 7PM – Membership Banquet
SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 Will Rogers Memorial Center – West Sale Arena 11AM – Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale
SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 Will Rogers Memorial Center – Cattle Barn 4 1PM – 2PM – TLBT General Membership Meeting 2PM – 3PM – World Show Committee Meeting
MONDAY, JANUARY 20 Will Rogers Memorial Center 9AM – TLBT Youth Show, Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 Will Rogers Memorial Center 5PM – TLBAA Open Texas Longhorn Show, Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
Hotel Info: HOST HOTEL Hyatt Place Fort Worth Historic Stockyards 132 E. Exchange Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76164
817-626-6000 $119 room rate if booked by December 31, 2013 Complimentary Hot Item Continental Breakfast Distance to Will Rogers is 3.8 miles
Spring Hill Suites by Marriott 3250 Lovell Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76107
817-878-2554 888-287-9400 Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet $124 KING suite room rate if booked by Jan. 2, 2014 Distance to Will Rogers is 1.6 miles
Fairfield Inn & Suites 1505 S. University Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76107
817-335-2000 $129.99 room rate if booked by December 23rd, 2013 Complimentary Breakfast Distance to Will Rogers is 1.5 miles
Radisson Fort Worth Fossil Creek www.radisson.com/ftworthtx_north Enter Promo Code - TXLBRE 2540 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, TX 76106
817-625-9911 $89 room rate if booked by December 17th, 2013 Complimentary Hot Item Continental Breakfast Distance to Will Rogers is 8.9 miles
TLBAA YEAR END AWARDS GIVEN DURING MEMBERSHIP BANQUET: Mel Raley Rising Star Award Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Elmer Parker Lifetime Acheivement Award Top Gun of TLBAA Jack Phillips Award Carolyn Hunter Trails’ Supporter of the Year Movers & Shakers Of The Year January 2014
Notesfrom the Editor
12 Officer & Directors 28 CEO Letter with Mike Coston 34 Events Update with Liz Nessler 40
TLBT Letter
A Moment in TLBAA History
News On The Trail
Affiliate News
In The Pen
Save the Date
Movers & Shakers
Herd Management
Ad Index
A new year is upon us already and we look forward to our 50th year as an association. You will notice throughout the magazine information on the events planned for the weeked of May 9-11, 2014 in Fort Worth to celebrate. We look forward to seeing you there! We apologize for the delay in your January issue hitting your mailbox, but Mother Nature delivered us an early Christmas present in the form of 3 inches of solid ice, shutting the Trails office down for three days. Many of our breeders were affected as well, unable to get ad materials to us or see proofs during the worst of the weather. We appreciate your patience with us. As we continue improving the Trails we want you to be aware of some changes in policy regarding E-blasts and print advertising. We have detailed these changes on pages 49 and 51 of this issue. In summary, there are now additional costs incurred when ads have many changes beyond the first proof or take over two hours to build. We are hoping the costs will help streamline production even more as it will encourage advertisers to provide more complete and correct information in the beginning of the process therefore saving everyone time along the way. Time saved means more time spent on the overall look of your magazine aas well as timely mailing. We appreciate the kind comments we’ve heard so far about the improvements in your magazine and we are excited to continue moving forward into the TLBAA’s 50th year!
– Laura Standley
Just For Grins
(817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org Editor in Chief: Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org
President/CEO: Mike Coston Ext. 102 • mike@tlbaa.org
Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Ashley Loos • (217) 653-8403 • ashley@tlbaa.org
Show & Sales: Liz Nessler • Ext. 104 liz@tlbaa.org salesandevents@tlbaa.org
Phil Norwood • (713) 294-0139 • phil@tlbaa.org Graphic Design & Production: Myra Basham • Ext. 108 • myra@tlbaa.org • artdirector@tlbaa.org
Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org
Graphic Artist/Multimedia Design: Anna Hendry • Ext. 109 • web@tlbaa.org Regional Correspondents: Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee | Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado | Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada | Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas | Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma
Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org
Deadline: February 2014 deadline is December 26th. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $60 per year; foreign per year $75. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
Donna Shimanek • Ext. 121 donna@tlbaa.org
Receptionist/ Adminstrative Assistant:
Cynthia Guerra • Ext. 100 Printed in the USA
“We reach every TLBAA member”
Texas Longhorn Trails
Give your breeding program Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com
Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 e-mail: rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940 www.boxzranch.com
Buckhorn Cattle Company - Buck & Sharon Adams 110 N. Broad, Guthrie, OK 73044 www.buckhorncattle.com (405) 260-1942 • (405) 282-9800
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail: ketyfolsom@aol.com
PJ’s Cattle Company – Jim Swigert or Lance Swigert 2130 CR 100, Caldwell, TX 77836 Jim: (979) 224-2861 or Lance (979) 219-4902 e-mail: jim@swicoauctions.com or lance@swicoauctions.com www.pjslonghorns.com
McLeod Ranch – Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns
P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com • e-mail: bpotts1@verizon.net
Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
a boost with Butler genetics! Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com
DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail: dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail: ancop5@me.com
Kent & Sandy Harrell
15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 www.harrellranch.com • e-mail: Kent@harrellranch.com
Moriah Farms - Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX (817) 341-4677 • (817) 319-9198 cell www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com
Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 790-6565 e-mail: dayamisrockingranch@yahoo.com
Rockin I Longhorns - Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 • e-mail: tmangold@sbcglobal.net www.rockinilonghorns.com
Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail: r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
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Canada, New Zealand, Australia
17 13
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Chairman of the Board: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493
Secretary: Robert Richey • (325) 942-1198
Executive Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (785) 562-6665
Treasurer: John Parmley • (281) 541-1201
1st Vice Chairman:
Director: Tom Smith • (616) 293-0977
2nd Vice Chairman: L.D. McIntyre • (308) 750-8384
Director: Bernard Lankford • (817) 341-2013
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Mark Hubbell
(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
Lana Hightower
(903) 681-1093 glcattleco@aol.com
(620) 704-3493 chairman@tlbaa.org
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director vacant
At-Large Director
Todd McKnight
Ken Morris
(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@earthlink.net
(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
Jeff Jespersen
(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com
Donnie Taylor
(936) 414-1401 longhorn4t@msn.com
(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com
Region 2 - Director
Region 8 - Director
Region 14 - Director
John Parmley
Region 13 - Director
L.D. McIntyre
Nelson Hearn
(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com
Bernard Lankford
(817) 341-2013 MoriahFarmsBL@aol.com
(785) 562-6665 jl.rombeck@outlook.com
Region 3 - Director
Region 9 - Director
Region 15 Director
(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com
Tom Smith
Region 4 - Director
Jim Rombeck
Robert Richey
(325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com
(979) 906-0043 cperz1@hotmail.com
Region 10 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Craig Perez
Scott Hughes
(828) 287-4257 shughes@partonlumber.com
Gary Bowdoin
(254) 640-0844 Tonkawacattleco@aol.com
(435) 275-2112 doughuny37@gmail.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Region 17 - Director
Doug Hunt
Nancy Dunn
(334) 318-0887 nancydunn2010@windstream.net
(281) 935-2811 texasslonghorns@aol.com
Larry Smith
(208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
Region 18 - Director
(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com
(210) 827-3940 stevenzunker@msn.com
Kathy Kittler
CHARLES SCHREINER III* 1964-1967 WALTER G. RIEDEL, JR.* 1967-1969 J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 WALTER B. SCOTT* 1971-1973 JAMES WARREN* 1973-1975 J.W. ISAACS* 1975-1977 J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978
Terry Fuhriman
(408) 834-0110 rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Ray Beadle
Steven Zunker
JOHN R. BALL 1979-1980
BILL ANTHONY* 1981-1982
GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995
DR. L.V. BAKER 1982-1984
TIM MILLER* 1995-1998
DR. W.D. “BILL” CLARK 1984-1986
BOB MOORE* 2003-2005
JOHN T. BAKER 1988-1990
Chairman: Dr. Bob Kropp – (580) 336-0220
Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351
Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083
Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659
Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331
John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730
Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616
Texas Longhorn Trails
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BULLS – TIP-TO-TIP CLASS 16 – Born Apr - Mar 2011
4/19/2011 Breeder: Doug Hunt
3/19/2011 Breeder: Sather Family LLC
COWBOY CHEX x SMOKY ROAN Owner: Azinger/ Carpenter Partnership, HOUSTON, TX
70.250" 3/3/2011 RESPECT ME x HCR'S CHOKE CHERRY Breeder: Randy and Jamie Briscoe Owner: Briscoe/ Van Liew Partnership, KINGFISHER, OK 4. TS MAGNIFICENT KEN 68.563" 4/22/2011 CONCEALED WEAPON x HUBBELL'S VICTORIA II Breeder: Mark Hubbell Owner: Terry and Sherri Adcock, LAMESA, TX
12/7/2007 Breeder: Don & Lois Huber
9/13/2008 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch
7/15/2008 Breeder: Hudson Longhorns
9/11/2008 Breeder: Tom A. Smith
TEJAS STAR x GT HEY JUDE HEY Owner: Taylor Cattle Company, SUGAR LAND, TX
61.063" 3/30/2011 HUNTS RESPECTED DYNASTY x J L COOPER'S SAFARI 3 Breeder: Lynn and Jane Mosdell Owner: JN Longhorns, ALTAMONT, UT 8. WIN THE DRAG 60.688" 4/12/2011 DRAG IRON x WIN THE DRAFT Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Owner: James and Mary Clark, BUTLER, MO
9/23/2008 Breeder: Taylor Cattle Company
2/2/03 Breeder: Hudson Longhorns
1/17/2002 Breeder: Dr. Zech Dameron III
2/13/2003 Breeder: Omar & Kay Rumsey
4/13/2004 Breeder: Kay L. Roush
GUN SMOKE x TCC COM DEANNA Owner: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin, CRAWFORD, TX
11/3/2004 Breeder: Gary & Teresa Bowdoin
2/21/2003 Breeder: Don Anderson
4. MO-REFLEC BAR 12/7/2007 Breeder: Don & Lois Huber
12/7/2007 Breeder: Don & Lois Huber
CLASS 29 – 2004-2002
CLASS 29 – 2004 - 2002
3/2/2002 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch
American Blues x Overtakes Vote Owner: Jordan Ranch, ARDMORE, OK
12/21/2008 Breeder: Prime Source TX Longhorns, LLC
CLASS 27 – 2007
4/28/2011 Breeder: Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.
CLASS 25 – Born Dec - July 2008
3/31/2011 Breeder: Richard & Sharon Parr
CLASS 27 – 2007
3/18/2003 Breeder: Travis M. Christian
2/13/2003 Breeder: Bob & Pam Loomis
In the December issue of the Trails magazine, the 2013 Horn Showcase results were reported. We are publishing corrections to this event in this issue, and we apologize for the errors. We congratulate all the winners and participants during the event.
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CLASS S2 – 2008 - 2006
CLASS S2 – 2008 - 2006
5/4/2006 Breeder: Bar J-L Ranch
1/6/2006 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch
5/4/2006 Breeder: Bar J-L Ranch 1/6/2006 Breeder: El Coyote Ranch
J. R. COCHISE x TLC GRAND PRINCESS Owner: Joseph Sedlacek, GREENLEAF, KS 2. DIABLO ECR 98.375" HABANERO x FUTURE FAVORITE Owner/Breeder: El Coyote, Kingsville, TX
3/14/2008 Breeder: Joseph Sedlacek 1/7/2010
Steer Class S2
2014 TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measuring Bred & Owned
Satellite measuring events were started as a way to allow breeders to participate in the TLBAA Horn Showcase who otherwise could not, due to an inability to reach the Fort Worth, TX, easuring location with their animals. This year the satellites added greatly to the numbers of officially measured Longhorns, with 297 animals being measured remotely. We appreciate all of the hosts of the satellite locations for their contributions to the success of this year’s Horn Showcase!
Melissa McClain won the donation heifer during the Kansas Satellite measuring. The heifer was donated by Joe Sedlacek, who graciously held the event.
Greenleaf, KS Satellite Measuring
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January 2014
Aerial Assult Weapon B y P a u l Marks
Squaw Creek Cat t l e C o m p a n y A few years ago, I went to a renowned breeder of great horn producers to purchase a very well bred, exceptional conformation heifer that was priced right. Right being more than stockyard price but not so high that if she didn’t work out, I couldn’t eat my way out of the loss. She was very pretty, but was quite a bit behind what he would have expected on horn growth. Before the day was done, two more heifers jumped on my trailer. These two were even more prestigiously bred and were of the blood I could only dream about owning as a newcomer to registered Longhorns. One was perfect in every way, and even had good horn, except it had a really undesirable direction to the twist. The other was a white, rangy, course, shaggy heifer of limited eye appeal and at best average horn. Not an animal I would go looking for, but the genetics behind her screamed, “I can be a superstar.” And she was bred to what was being projected as the supersire of the next generation of super horn producers. Bred she was, and months later as she calved, I got my first and only experience at pulling a Longhorn calf. I’ve pulled conservatively 2,000 calves having managed large dairy herds for over a decade. And this was as tough a situation as it gets, a small frame heifer with
a large 70-pound calf to push out. Time became crucial and finally everything aligned in the heavens, and I got her out
@ 28 months
on her feet quicker than I would have expected from a large calf. In honor of her dam’s blood, I wanted to keep something with the deerfly name, and it had to work with her sire’s name, Concealed Weapon. Thus, we have Aerial Assult Weapon. Aerial always maintained an above average body growth rate
to a hip lock and let her hang for a minute while a mass of fluid left the calf’s throat and lungs. I let the cow have some room and
“Time became crucial and finally everything aligned in the heavens...”
she laid down and finished the process. This calf was all white with brown outlines around her ears; she was strong and up and going quickly and was sturdy
@ 24 months Texas Longhorn Trails
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and was as attractive as nearly every other white calf that eventually roans out. I had shown her 12-month picture to several good breeders for their opinion. Everyone kicked the dirt and said, “Well!” Longhorn breeders are nice about not slamming your cattle like that. But it was clear most horn breeders
January 2014
thought, that’s a nice roper. As the 2012 Horn Showcase entry deadline approached, I wouldn’t even have considered entering her, but she had tremendous base size, however, no length to match it. A few weeks later, it was like she shifted from building her Aerial and her dam body to making horn. She was increasing length and mother could have easily been disresize so that she, in a matter of months, garded as average and been lost to rophad not only caught and passed our ex- ing; once at birth when if myself and pectations and hasn’t slowed on the others had not been home likely she and growth yet. At the 2013 Horn Showcase, her dam both wouldn’t have survived, she measured 66” TTT, 13.625” LB and and once a year and a half ago, when she 13.874” RB for a composite of 165.625.” was a scrubby looking, white, short Not bad, good enough for second TTT, horned heifer. I have seen some real fourth TH, and Champion composite at transformations over the years, but to see 29 months, 6 days old (satellite date). how this girl blossomed is nothing less So am I blowing my own horn about then remarkable. My part in this whole my great decision-making? Maybe a lit- thing is nothing more than a steward of tle. Am I complaining about our leading these great animals. The planning of breeders giving up early on anything great breeders for many generations that doesn’t explode with early horn shows in the quality of the animals we growth? No, I understand the percentage see today. Hopefully, the decisions we logic behind it, and without their deci- make for the breed’s future will be as sions, I and many other people who sound as theirs. want to develop into having great breeding programs would have a lot longer path to take. I applaud their efforts to help get newcomers started with a good genetic base. I marvel, as I look back at these events, in the fact that there were three times this champion could have failed to survive. Once as her @ 24 months
Let's start with steers!
Considering Longhorns...
Artist Sandra Stevens, Sugar Land, TX with her steer Maverick, age 8. Photo by Caroline Sanchez-Monge
By Kathy Kittler
The hoof trimmer was out recently, touching up some bullcalves headed to a futurity. As we coaxed the yearlings down an alleyway designed for polled beef cattle, he blurted out in frustration, " Why did you want to raise horned cattle anyway?!!" Well, my mouth fell open as my mind raced. Obviously, there were several things I wanted to say, but I needed him to stay and trim feet, so thought it best to hold my words! I opted for telling him, "They are branded at a younger age, so horns are not an issue." Nevertheless, it set my mind to ponder that question, why do we love raising longhorns? What is it about these cattle that inspires so many people? For today, we will focus on the iconic symbol of the Old West, the Texas Longhorn steer. If you had to decide on one image that is universally recognized as representing our Western heritage, it would have to be the Texas Longhorn steer. They are the cattle that fed our nation in the recovery years following the Civil War. Somehow, the modern day cattle buyers and sale barns seem to have forgotten their value. Longhorns have been washed over in favor of the shimmery fat of black cattle propaganda. It has been
Cross T Ranch based in Bandera, TX, operates Texas Longhorns For Hire, making appearances at numerous functions with their highly trained and stunning steers!
said that you will never see a herd of polled cattle driven down the street leading a parade. A great observation! In many breeding programs you will find the token trophy steer or two living in the front pasture for all who drive by to appreciate. The Fort Worth Herd is driven twice daily, weather permitting, through the streets of the Fort Worth Stockyards. This is something to behold! There is no describing the sense of pride and awe at seeing living history as these giants lumber by. It is amazing to stand in the crowd lining the streets and realize people have come from around the world to see the steers. There are many reasons why trophy steers make unique additions to a farm. Their coat colors and horn styles are as numerous as stars in the sky! All you have to do is shop for the perfect combination, which is a big part of the fun. Steers make a great choice for someone who is considering raising longhorn cattle. It would be nice if everyone would have a pair of steers and 'test the water' before jumping into buying a breeding herd. Unfortunately, many times a new Mulitple Grand Champion Steer Coca breeder will give up their herd too soon Cola Cowboy, exhibited by Tarah Moore, because they didn't realize the time and Hico,TX and owned by Kathy Kittler. expense involved with owning cattle. Photo credit to Willie Gomez Photography Young steers are helpful in AI (artificial
insemination) breeding. They will follow and mount the cow coming into heat, helping you to identify ones ready to breed. Steers are relatively low maintenance and therefore a good place to start a cattle adventure. Texas Longhorn steers are efficient browsers, they will clear unusable overgrown areas. If an individual is looking for an agricultural exemption with their taxes, keeping a few steers may just fit the bill. Some longhorn owners specialize in training steers to ride and pull carts. Longhorns are very intelligent animals and will always draw a crowd whether under saddle or driving. One of the best parts of raising a trophy steer is that while breeding stock will generally decrease in value with age, a trophy steer's value can increase. As their horns grow larger and more shapely, so will their appeal. A group of trophy steers is something that will always be in my pasture, just because they make me happy! A good place to start looking at steer prospects can be in the show ring. The steers you will see there have been handled and hauled extensively. They are gentle and receptive to human interaction. Most have already been selected for the showring by exhibiting correct structure, which is very important, flashy colors, and good horn growth. A younger retired show steer is not quite as intimidating to a new person starting out. You will have time to become accustomed to each other while he is growing to his full horn span and stature. Structural correctness in a prospective trophy steer is extremely important. It may be difficult to imagine the full size and weight that a Texas Longhorn Trails
2 0 1 3 T L B A A H O R N S H O W C A S E S P O N S O R S
their own pasture instead of running trophy steer will mature to. They simply with the breeding herd. Sometimes a must have good conformation to hold steer will interfere with a bull, especially up throughout their long life. Feet and a younger bull, when a cow is in heat. legs must be strong and of good bone to There could be injury to your bull if the carry them over the years. Fully grown steer is the larger of the two. With a masteers can easily weigh over a ton and ture bull, there is risk of injury to your stand nearly 6 feet at the shoulder! Of course, you can find trophy steer steer. A mature bull will let the steer prospects from any breeder. Some calves know he is in charge, but even so, there remains risk of inwill be naturally injury, now to both quisitive and calm bull and steer. If natured, thus makyou feed cattle in ing them easy to bunks, a big steer manage and good will prevent cows candidates. A buyer from eating out of should spend a litthe same bunk. A tle time visiting huge horn span with the breeder, takes up a lot of making known bunk space! With what they expect Kimberly Henson of Newcastle, CA with her the tremendous from the animals performance steer, Jazzy. they may purchase. horns also comes a big appetite. Mature steers do eat a lot Beyond a gentle disposition, it all comes and with hay prices/availability being as down to what appeals to you concerning it is, consideration must be made into horn style and coat color or pattern. the expense of maintaining them. This There are a few things to keep in also means having adequate grazing area, mind though, when considering trophy which would apply to any cattle, whether steers. Having tried it both ways, I would steers or a breeding herd. Big steers will recommend that trophy steers be kept in January 2014
ride heifers in heat, so I don't allow mine to pasture with heifers after they turn two. At that time, they move into the herd with the big boys. Another thing to think about is the transportation of your mature steer. Obviously, it will take a larger trailer to carry a steer with 100 inches of horn tip to tip, should you decide to exhibit him in non-haltered classes at a longhorn show. The last thing you want to do is jepardize those horns! A trailer at least 7.5' wide and 7' tall works for most. Overall, the experience of owning trophy steers can be very rewarding. They may be for your own viewing pleasure, or to draw attention from passing traffic. Trained riding steers can provide supplemental income with photo ops at county fairs and events. People are always amazed to see a beautiful steer being ridden in parades. You can haul them to shows and learn how it feels to exhibit a Grand Champion Trophy Steer! They are like living art, right in your pasture. Each steer is a one of a kind collectible, with his own personality and likes, as varied as their horn shapes and coat colors!
Breeder Profile:
John T. and Betty Baker: Sunrise Ranch One gets the impression from talking with John T. Baker that winning is not a goal, but a by- product of giving 110% effort and doing one’s best. A self-starter, willing to go the extra mile, John has been working and winning since his boyhood days. His leadership has been exhibited in every dimension of his life. He was the thirteenth president of the TLBAA and has made a positive impact on hundreds of young lives through his highly regarded Sunrise Showmanship Camp in Liberty Hill, Texas. John grew up in Devine, Texas, and began his first job at the age of ten. He showed pigs as that was what he could afford; however, working for farmers and ranchers gave him some knowledge of cattle, and little did he know how involved he would later become with the industry. Showing cattle for the TLBAA became his passion in his mature years -learning “how” came by observing others. While in high school, John was very active with his FFA Chapter, presiding as president and learning a very important skill—parliamentary procedure! Another one of his proud achievements was becoming an Eagle Scout. After high school, John attended the University of Corpus Christi, now an A&M branch, where he majored in business, was captain of the football team, and served in various other leadership roles. After graduation, he and Betty got married and his next challenge was Navy flight school in Pensacola, Florida. After 4 months he was commissioned as an officer (ensign) and then began flight training. Corpus Christi was the next post where he was instructed in multi-engines, ultimately ending up in San Diego, California. Here he learned to fly a specific type of airplane and was assigned to a squadron. His plane assignment was anti-submarine warfare and its primary mission was anti-submarine warfare. He became the NATOPS officer (Naval Air Training & Operating Procedures Standardization) and was selected to give annual check rides to every individual in the squadron, including the commanding officer. He served as a naval aviator for five years
(Vietnam era) and his squadron made two trips to the area, each seven months of deployment, before returning to San Diego.
Flying Led Indirectly to Ownership of Texas Longhorns When John got out of the Navy, they moved to Austin, Texas, and originally became a minority partner in a start-up aviation business. Combining his flight experience and business degree served him well, as he had a Piper Aircraft dealership for 18 years—sales, service, charters, leasing, and flight training. One of his customers, H.C. Carter, learned to fly, and purchased a Piper airplane. “Carter was going to fly to the YO Ranch for a Longhorn cattle sale one Saturday,” said John “and he invited me to go -- that was my first real exposure to Longhorns.” And with no intention of buying a cow, he did -- a King ranch cow, KR 83. He learned just enough by talking and listening about the good qualities of Longhorns and this seemed like the right formula to help his “workaholic” nature. With the stress involved with building a business, it gave him an outlet to occasionally get away from the business and enjoy both the Longhorn and some commercial cattle he had purchased. While John was still in the Navy, he told his father that he wanted to buy some dirt and asked him to keep a watchful eye for such. The property he found was located in Liberty Hill, Texas, and ultimately became Sunrise Ranch, the home of the Bakers. Ironically, his dad got a Longhorn cow and $50 from a gentleman that owed him $250. Her name was Patricia and he brought her to Liberty Hill from his place in Boerne, Texas. She was bred, had a bull calf, and
By Henry King
when he was a yearling, he was president and got an undergraduate breeding the commercial cows and and master’s degree from Texas the FI crosses made pretty calves. A&M in real estate. As their son was Eventually, Patricia was registered showing, John learned by osmosis, and that’s when John became a he would say. He watched, asked TLBAA member. After becoming a questions and found the way to member, he began to participate in breed and take many champions to Longhorn activities and there were The Bakers have proudly supplied Bevo XIII, (now deceased), the top. He went to shows from Las only two affiliates, STLA and and reining Bevo XIV to the University of Texas since 1988. Vegas to Florida and has shown for Mountains and Plains. His goal as president of STLA was to other breeders as well, but the cattle had to be under his care develop additional affiliates nation-wide and in Canada. and custody. It’s very important to know one’s animal and its idiosyncrasies, how to accentuate good points, minimize deficiencies, etc. John learned from listening and began going to board meetings as a spectator. Before long, he was elected to the board, served various chairs, and became vice-president in When John was showing cattle, he would be in the makecharge of the youth and was instrumental in getting new afready area visiting with kids. If he knew something about filiates started. Then he became the thirteenth president of the showing, he would share it. He was asked if he would think TLBAA. During that period of time when there was a Longabout organizing a showmanship camp for kids, and he and horn activity, people would come from all over the country. Betty have been doing camps now for 17 years, benefitting They grew various show circuits in several states and several many youth in various ways. Not only is showmanship new sales were formed. He feels very fortunate to have served taught, but every-day life skills are also weaved into the produring such a growth oriented time. He would like to think gram – such as manners, speaking skills, improving self esthat some of board activities during that time contributed to teem, confidence, etc. The camp takes a maximum of 36 kids the growth and also growth in affiliate membership and a and some have been attending for 7-9 years. There are no cell range of new activities. phones, or electronic games allowed A special event began at the Missouri and once the parents drop their child, State Fair in Sedalia, Missouri. It was a they are theirs for a week. During that team penning of trophy steers -- a real week, they try to make a positive imcrowd pleaser! Even though trophy steers pact in each one of their lives. John aren’t used for team penning anymore, says that a lot of development is seen some of the same rules still apply to the during that week, and many par“Rustler’s Moon” traveling trophy that ents and originated there and was recently retired when El Coyote won it three years with three different steers.
Service on the TLBAA Board/President
Sunrise Showmanship Camp
Raising and Showing Longhorn Cattle John used to run between 90-100 mama cows, but during the drought, he reduced his herd to approximately 35. He has always accentuated conformation. All features blended in and balanced seems to be the correct approach to a marketable Longhorn animal. He doesn’t have a favorite bloodline preference. If a cow fits his operation, she’s a good cow, and he has been successful in using the cattle in many avenues -- showing, feed lot, selling beef, etc. The Bakers’ son, John T. Baker, II, began showing cattle at the age of five and that’s when John became very active in showing, himself. Their son showed for 12 years, served as the TLBT January 2014
Always exhibiting leadership, John T. served as FFA President in High School and was captain of his college football team at the University of Corpus Christi.
grandparents are amazed, positively. One of his counselors remarked that, after finishing college and serving one more year as senior counselor, wanted to finish where she got her start. That is powerful and that’s the impact we wish to leave with all campers.
The Bevo Connection The Bakers have proudly supplied Bevo XIII, (now deceased), and reining Bevo XIV to the University of Texas since 1988. Both of these UT mascots were raised on the ranch, and Bevo XIII served as the mascot for 16 years, beginning when he was 4-years-old; he is the longest reining Bevo, as of yet. On Bevo XIII’s seventeenth home opener, he was retired at half time and Bevo XIV, two years old, took over. Four handlers are selected from the Silver Spur organization at the University of Texas each year to handle Bevo. They have a huge obligation of time, as the steers have as many as 40-50 events during the year. John T trains the young men to handle Bevo correctly, teaching them the finer points of working with Longhorn steers. One can find him on the field during each game with the Silver Spurs just as an extra safety measure. Bevo travels in a special burnt orange/white trailer and enjoys being at the ranch and getting pampered by his favorite fan, Betty.
Baker, Business and Bobcats John T Baker’s entrepreneurial bent, work ethic, and collegiate business degree have combined not only to his benefit but also a benefit to the Texas Longhorn community at large and graduates of his showmanship camp, in particular. His business success in ranching and aircraft combined, he took a new business direction 20 years ago when he bought a Bobcat tractor. This versatile machine utilizes a variety of attachments, quickly interchangeable in the field to provide the flexibility and convenience needed to be responsive to
multiple job sites. He now has seven Bobcats and the nature of his business is multifold. One job they do is hydraulic tree shearing with an attachment on the front somewhat like a pair of scissors. The local area has an abundance of “parasitic cedar trees” and all they do is suck the water out of the ground. “This piece of equipment cuts trees off flush with the ground,” John explained. “We cut and stack them—and the owner can burn them or grind them. We do whatever the customer requests.” They do a lot of reclamation. Range management has been neglected and people haven’t cleaned the cedars out of their pastures. It’s like weeds in one’s yard. They spend a lot of time on commercial and residential jobs and it doesn’t matter if it’s an 18 story building coming out of the ground -- they dig a 20 ft. hole or basement. “The Bobcat is a very maneuverable tool,” John said, “and we have multiple opportunities and all kinds of different tools to put on them. In addition to tree shearing, we can grapple brush and compete for work ranging from utilities, excavation, building and site prep.” Service, work ethic, leadership, dedication, Christian standards and a demonstrated willingness to guide and assist sum up the life and character of John T. Baker. The Texas Longhorn business has and will greatly benefit from his participation. (Top) Betty and John T during his navy flying days. (Middle) Always active and successful in the show ring, here as champions in Houston, 1997. (Bottom) John T. with John T. II, who started showing at the age of five. Texas Longhorn Trails
This is an exciting time for the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association and the Longhorn Foundation. We have an exciting celebration planned for our 50 years in existence in May, and with our building looming and in sight, you can almost see our beautiful offices and museum emerging just behind our enormous and popular Texas Gold sculpture. You would be surprised to see how many people stop to take pictures on a daily basis. Every time we drive by there is always someone having a picnic, taking pictures or just simply sitting alongside and reading. Yes, we are moving forward at rapid pace for getting your building underway. Permits are in the hands of the city, construction plans have been let out for bid, and we are only a few short weeks away from actually breaking ground. Can you believe it? What an exciting time for the Longhorn breeders! More than ever we need your help to continue at this pace and to complete this long awaited dream of the thousands of members of the TLBAA. We have begun a capital campaign for the building. Most of the board members have already committed generously to help finance the project, but that is not enough. We need everyone’s involvement as well, this has to be a team effort. The office and museum project has a price tag of 1.5 million dollars to complete, and it will take all the members to help raise the funds to get this accomplished. The Longhorn breeders are a wonderful bunch, and I have no doubt this can be accomplished. There are many ways you can help and many ways to be recognized for your level of charitable giving. Soon we will be sending information to you on how you can be a special part of the success and future of the TLBAA. The information will include donor levels, benefits and amenities with your gift. Please consider giving generously to the future of your Texas Longhorn Breeders Association and Foundation.
Texas Longhorn Trails
A Y.O. Ranch herd crossing the Red River in the 1880s. Schreiner's Y.O. Big Yeller was designated Steer #1. Although Shrader culled several of the Y.O. proposed Longhorns, that was fine with Schreiner as it set the protocol for the future. Once the Association was firmly established, Charlie Three knew that the breed needed to be publicized if it were to grow. His grandfather
John Jefferson Photography
Every person who can look out across his pasture today and see Texas Longhorn cattle grazing owes a debt of gratitude to Charles Schreiner III. "Charlie had the foresight to know that the only way our breed would survive was to have a registry, and he had the intelligence to set it up," said Col. Eddie Wood, a friend of 40 years. "Otherwise, there would have been a few collectors, not an association." Schreiner attended the Wichita Mountains Refuge Sale in 1951 and purchased five heifers and a bull which were the beginning of the present Y.O. herd. Over the next 10 years, A hundred years later–Charlie III, sons Charlie IV, Walter, Gus he increased the herd with more purchases. By the time he at- and Louie on horseback. 1980s. tended the Refuge sale in 1963, there was a sizable herd on the Y.O. After the auction was over that year, he heard that made many trail drives from Kerrville to Dodge City, Kansas. Longhorn breeder Harry Pon from Burns, Oregon, had de- So In 1965, he and western cartoonist Ace Reid decided that a cided he would start a Texas Longhorn Association. When trail drive from San Antonio to Dodge City to commemorate Charlie heard that, he thought "He'd better hurry. The Long- the 100th year of the first trail drive after the Civil War, was horn got its start in Texas and it saved the state after the Civil just the thing. After a huge send-off in San Antonio, the herd War. There was no way there'd be a Texas Longhorn Associa- stopped at President Lyndon Johnson's ranch. Later the herd tion based in Oregon." He came back home and immediately moved on to the famous Doan's crossing on the Red River, got the ball rolling, involving such men as Carter McGregor of where Schreiner's grandfather had crossed his herds some 85 Wichita Falls, Texas, an expert in the branding laws of Texas; Ju- years before. Eventually 100 Texas Longhorn steers and more lian Howard, manager of the Wichita Refuge at that time; and than 100 riders traveled to Dodge where the cattle were driven Scotty Light, a San Antonio real estate man-and on May 8, into town and a sale was held. The national publicity of the 1964, a Certificate of Incorporation was issued by the State of drive had certainly caught the attention of the public. Texas, officially forming the Texas Schreiner always loved a good trail drive. The last authentic Longhorn Breeders Association of Longhorn cattle drive from the Y.O. was in 1941, but America, and an office established each spring, Schreiner put on his in San Antonio, Texas. chaps and led a cattle drive on The first membership meeting the ranch. "We do this Longhorn of the new Association was held trail drive every year to keep the in September 1964 at Lawton, traditions alive," Schreiner said in Oklahoma, in conjunction with a 1987 interthe Refuge Sale. About 30 members gathered to elect officers and ratify the by-laws. Appropriately Charles Schreiner III was elected as the Association's first President, an office which he YO S am Housto n, first regis held for three years. (Harry Pon tered TLBA A bull also became an active member of the Texas organization.) In order to determine what cattle were eligible for registration, the new Association hired Claude "Heck" Shrader, who was retiring from the Refuge, to visually inspect any animal offered for registration. YO Carmel The first herd inspected was Schreiner's. a, first regis tered TLBA Holding cow registration #1 was Y.O. A cow Carmela and bull #1 was Y.O. Sam Houston. January 2014
Charlie Three and Eddie Wood. Col. Wood has cried the Y.O. Sales for 37 years.
Walter & Terr Charlie III, Joi Schreiner, Karol & Louis and Ch yce & Eddoe Wood, Griffin at the rissie Schreiner and son 1991 YO Sprin g Sale. ter Scott, Shahan, WalBall and J.W. py ap H ts n de TLBAA Presi iner, Jack Phillips, John Charlie Schre BAA Convention. Issacs at a TL
view. "It started out pretty small but has grown over the last 10 years. We've had everything from saddle sores to broken ribs, but folks keep coming back. They don't want to forget their Texas' roots either." The annual Y.O. trail drive continues to bring in large numbers of riders, all of whom learn about Texas Longhorn cattle. After Charlie Three's presidency was over, he continued to be an active force behind the Association and in the Texas Longhorn industry. Many Texas Longhorn breeders today got their start from the Y.O. herd or have Y.O. cattle in their pedigrees. Some were purchased at the Y.O.'s annual fall and spring production sales. The 28th Annual Spring Invitational Sale was to have been held May 12, 2001. In 1976, Charlie Three turned over the reins of the Y.O. to his sons. Although his son Walter managed the Longhorn herd, the older Schreiner continued to be actively involved. In 1985, the Y.O. and the Broken Arrow Ranches syndicated the great Bold Ruler for $2.5 million. A Butler-bred bull, Bold Ruler, was noted for his colorful offspring. Color was of interest to Charlie Schreiner. At one time, the Y.O. had worked on a system to predict color. "Just when we thought we had it figured out, a different colored calf would crop," he said. "We finally gave up." Schreiner didn't give up, however, on promotion and having fun. During the Bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence in 1976, he loaded an old Gatling gun, placed it on the ranch patio and celebrated by firing a few rounds. When the Y.O. celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1980, Schreiner delighted guests by sashaying into the ballroom astride a Longhorn. Eventually, Schreiner's foresight would pay off. He helped to establish the Exotic Wildlife Association in the mid-sixties. His mother had sold the first hunting rights on the Y.O. Ranch and set the standard for the Texas hunting industry. The first game hunts for pay on the Y.O. were for white-tailed deer and Rio Grande turkey. Guaranteed hunting-no kill, no pay-originated here. But Schreiner looked further. He and his sons were not the first to have exotics, but they pioneered exotic game ranching, and eventually the hunting of exotic game supplemented their whitetail season. The Y.O. also offers summer wilderness camps. Hunting, the camps and tourism bring more than 20,000 visitors to the ranch each year. And, of course, they all become acquainted with Texas Longhorn cattle. In 1986, the Y.O. began offering 100-acre parcels for sale to
people who built weekend homes. He sent invitations to 1,000 people to look over 75 100-acre parcels that were being sold from the Y.O. Ranch. It rained buckets that day. Roads were impassable and buyers were stopped at the gates, but Schreiner wasn't daunted. "Bad luck? Hell, we got 8 to 10 inches of rain out here," he said. Despite hunting, real estate projects including building the YO Hilton in Kerrville, Charlie Schreiner continued his involvement with Texas Longhorns. He and his wife, Karol, were founding members of the WR Cattle Company in 1991and he served on the first Board of Directors. The Texas Longhorn cattle that Charlie Schreiner saved for posterity continue to hold up their end of the ranch, but it is estimated that "people" account for 80 percent of the ranch's income. Somehow that seems to sum up Charlie Three's life: Longhorn cattle and people. "Charlie was a gentleman. He had a great deal of foresight for the Longhorn cattle. Without his knowledge and foresight, we wouldn't have the breed association we have today. He loved the cattle and the people. When you talked to Charlie about life and Longhorn cattle, you could see the sparkle in his eye. He was a great friend to Joyce and me, and we're gong to dearly miss him. He always treated us like part of his family. We loved him dearly."-- Col. Eddie Wood
Charlie Three delighted guests at the Y.O.’s 100th Anniversary Celebration by riding in on a Longhorn steer.
Hey, y’all. I wanted to begin by introducing myself. My name is Liz Nessler, and I am the new Shows and Events Coordinator here at the TLBAA. To tell you a little about myself, I am 22-years-old and a recent graduate of Texas Christian University with a Major in Ranch Management and a minor in Business. I grew up on a ranch in Sherman, Illinois, and have shown Hereford and Main Anjou cattle since I was little. My father is the one who truly got me interested in ranch life. When I was younger, my father was a many time Board Member and National President of the American Maine Anjou Association. He maintains a major presence in the industry. My interest has taken me to many national shows, and we have brought home several national championships including: 2012 Reserve National Champion Hereford Female at the Denver Stock Show, 2012 Reserve National Champion Hereford Bull at the Fort Worth Stock Show, 2013 National Champion and Reserve National Champion Full Blood Maine-Anjou Bull at the Fort Worth Stock Show, and 2013 National Champion and Reserve National Champion Female at the Forth Worth Stock Show. My family and I also own an all-natural beef company called American Natural Beef. We specialize in non-hormonal induced beef. So, although I may be young, I have been around the show ring and put on a sale or two in my day. Enough about me, let’s talk about Longhorn Weekend! This weekend is going to be jam packed with some exciting events. If anyone is arriving Thursday the 16th and needs to stall their cattle in transit pens (in the Stockyards), we have made arrangements with Steve Dodson (817) 624-3446 or stockyardsstables@aol.com. You may contact him with details on the unloading of your cattle (all payment will go through him). Don’t forget to book your hotel room for this amazing weekend, if you haven’t already done so! They fill up quickly, so put the pedal to the metal. January 17th after 8 a.m. is when unloading can begin of all SALE cattle. The kind breeder greeters at the Fort Worth Stock Show can point you in the right direction upon arrival. All trailers can be parked across the street from the cattle barns. Remember that all admission and parking tickets need to be purchased at the Fort Worth Stock Show. Admission prices are as follows: Adults: $10, Children 6-16: $5, Children 5 and under: free and parking is $8 every day. Friday is the day that all of the meetings will take place at Stockyards Station. Meetings will begin at 8 a.m. and end around 4:30 p.m. with a lunch break from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. (Lunch is on your own.) Our Membership Reception will begin at 6:30 p.m., and dinner beginning around 7:00 p.m. We will have a live western trio to meet your musical needs. Dinner will consist of two entrée items: Sliced Yakitori Tri-Tip Steak with Shiitake Mushrooms and Onions or Chicken Cordon Blue Rolled with Black Forest Ham and Swiss cheese. That sounds delicious to me! After this Courtney G amazing dinner, we will present year-end awards and honor some Worth Herdray and Liz at the F ort Satellite M easuing. very special people in our industry. Remember that tickets need to be ordered by January 9th at $35. Ticket prices will go to $40 at the door! On Saturday, we will be bringing you 71 outstanding females at the Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale! This sale is very near and dear to us and the many longtime breeders of the TLBAA. This sale is dedicated to one of our most respected breeders and auctioneer legend, Colonel Eddie Wood. The sale will take place in the West Sale Ring at the Will Rogers Arena. We cannot thank you enough for attending this sale and being a part of something very special. Please, please do not forget to bring all of your paperwork with you to the sale office, if it was not included with your consignments. Also, payment must be turned into the TLBAA office by January 3rd. Sale consignments cannot be included in the Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale, without payment. Finally, if you are consigning animals in the sale, all health papers need to include the pregnancy status of the animal. Show people, I hope you are getting excited for one of my favorite shows of the year. The Fort Worth Stock Show is very excited to have the Longhorn breed back. With that said, make sure that you do not, I repeat, do not bring any shavings into the barns. The Fort Worth Stock Show does provide bedding to purchase at the show. Check-in will take place in Barn 4 with Trigg and Traci Moore. A big thank you to the Moores for their help with this weekend! Arrival for your animals will begin January 17th at 5:00 p.m. and end January 18th. Get ready to wake up early, kiddos; the youth show will take place on January 20th at 9:00 a.m. judged by Dr. Bill Able. January 21st at 5:00 p.m. is the open show. This show will be judged by Justin Hansard. Release of cattle will follow the open show. Thank you all, for your support of the TLBAA and TLBT. I cannot wait to see and meet everyone at the Fort Worth Stock Show! Come ready with your boots shined. See y’all soon! Sincerely,
Liz Nessler, Shows and Events
Texas Longhorn Trails
RAISING TEXAS LONGHORNS Note: This is the first installment for the Trails by Darol Dickinson which will detail plans for a profitable business with Texas Longhorn retail beef sales, locating processors, building your own business, market development, expanding the ranch acreage, meat distribution, and nutritional advantages over other breeds of cattle.
SDA data from the last Agriculture Census reveals 1000 ranchers (cattle producers) going out of business per month. When over 800,000 people raise beef cattle this is a slow death, barely noticeable, certainly not of concern by USDA. Yet in the last 20 years, with this dwindling down process, there are less beef cows in the USA than most can remember. Last year alone 18% of all beef consumed in the USA was imported. The consumer has no clue what country it was imported from — and they don’t like that one bit! As the USA imports 18% of the consumed beef, USDA and the Beef Checkoff are spending millions developing export markets to sell more USA beef. (The Beef Checkoff receives a $1 tax from cattle owners each time a critter sells.) The more beef sold outside the USA, the more imported beef is needed to feed the nation. Do the math! It is now high-time for the USA cattle producers to raise more beef. Over 80% of beef cattle in the USA are black — who knows what breed, but black. These black producers are the main people who comprise the 1000 business failures per month. Why does something so approved by the majority keep failing? What can we learn by these business failures? As Col. Eddy Wood would say, “Let’s take a long cold look” at this process. The consumer purchases beef at a grocery store. A USA consumer is the eighth buyer of that piece of meat, on average. First there is the cow/calf producer who sells calves promptly at weaning time. The good operators have already preweaned calves and have administered the main vaccinations. The cow/calf producer hauls his calves to an auction,
pays $1 Beef Checkoff, (in the West he pays a brand inspection fee) yardage, and commission on the sale and gets his pay check. He sells wholesale, then an order buyer purchases wholesale. The buyer sends them to a gathering point, groups them by sex and color, pays more auction commissions, hauling, yardage, $1 Beef Checkoff tax and more unnecessary vaccinations. In Ohio many of these calves go to Kansas and sell at auction, then go on wheat pasture. Their new owner immediately gives new shots, pays hauling to the wheat pastures and hopes for a profit. He bought wholesale and will sell wholesale in a few months. Next they may go to the mountains for the summer with a new owner, then to the feed lot with a new owner, to the packer and then the grocery store. The first few owners give preventative shots again and again. Every buyer and seller deals wholesale with very small margins, until a hanging carcass arrives at the grocery store, who marks the product up 57%, then here comes the consumer with a grocery cart. Yes, you read that right. According to USDA the first 6 owners divide up 43% of the consumer’s purchase price. The average steer travels 3000 miles during their short life and has 8 own-
Large grocery stores have helped cattle producers by driving beef prices far above other meats. City stores sell at the highest price consumers ever pay for meat. Now it is time for Texas Longhorn producers to take that business away from the city meat counters. The 57% must stay in the Texas Longhorn rancher’s pocket. to make more profit along the wholesale trail.) Certified Angus is the shining light of the wholesale/retail beef business. Producers who raise the best marbled high choice or prime carcass’ can receive one of the largest premiums in the branded beef business, $3 per 100 lbs live weight. Less than 45% of steers fed and carefully aimed at this prize actually earn this small premium. In the Texas Longhorn beef business we believe “Fat is to Certified Angus what Lean is to Texas Longhorns.” Dave Nichols, Bridgeport, Iowa says the fat trim from two Certified Angus
The consumer purchases beef at a grocery store. A USA consumer is the eighth buyer of that piece of meat, on average.
ers. The first 6 owners deal only wholesale and many are going out of business, yet the grocery stores (retail) are doing quite well. People in the USA are eating “high on the hog” more than any time in history. In order to increase profit in this business there is the pie-in-the-sky Certified Angus program. (Everyone wants
Texas Longhorn Trails
prime grade steers will fill a 55 gallon barrel. The day of cheap corn to add barrels of fat is more costly than any time in world history. Obviously some-
thing has to give. In my opinion the above beef scenario is archaic, yet millions of cattle go down this trail. The chicken producers are much more efficient with less land costs, one owner from day old chicks to processing, no auction commissions, no brand inspections, with only two hauling fees, to and from the grower. What can be learned here? Why do agricultural colleges continue to teach the traditional historic 8-owner system? How can hundreds of wasted dollars be prevented, and income for the rancher increase? Here are recommendations. 1) Raise easy fleshing Texas Longhorns, keep the cow maintenance cost low, have genetics that produce into the late teens, raise cattle that don’t require calving assistance, use one bull on a large number of cows and plan a grass operation with low input. 2) Retain cattle from conception to consumption and eliminate the costly (eight owner) above mentioned expenses. 3) Raise steers on grass then finish with 80 to 100 days of grain for freezer beef retail sales. Don’t place them on
By Darol Dickinson
grain feed until they weigh 900 lbs on economical forage. Shoot for a 1250 lb carcass finish weight. 4) Grow cattle the most economical way rather than the fastest way. Raise healthy beef without hormones, steroids or implants. 5) Sell retail beef from less desirable genetics. Develop a clientele that will purchase all natural Texas Longhorn freezer beef. 6) Sell the best premium stock as registered breeding stock (females, exhibition steers, and bulls) at a premium well above meat prices. 7) Market polished skulls, tanned hides and other TL products that can’t be produced from non-horned cattle. In the future people who deal in the wholesale cattle business are going to continue to reduce profits unless they have their main income from registered breeding stock or retail meat/beef. The huge clusters of easy grapes are gone from the days of the Ponderosa — now we study how to make good profits from raisins. Texas Longhorns can be and are positioned to be that success tool.
Starting a Texas Longhorn Retail Meat Business
For years I knew a lot of people were selling retail Texas Longhorn beef, but I refused to go that direction. I dreaded spending hours selling a pound of ground beef; it was below my dignity. I had been spoiled by the adrenaline of selling truck loads of live Texas Longhorns for thousands of dollars each — I would not bow down to marketing a This is what 95% lean Texas Longhorn beef looks like. People sell this product from $4.50 per lb, which is really cheap, up to a health foods store that gets $9.75 per pound. Somewhere in the middle, about $5.45 per pound is a good place to build a business. January 2014
pound of grind — no way! Things change. It may take time, but get over it. Here is why I love it now and how to do it. Start your own Texas Longhorn beef
business. Don’t form a coop and hope someone else does the hard work. Start small and grow it yourself. Control your own success and build your business with care and wisdom. Be the owner, president and benefactor of the whole business. Direct marketing from ranch to consumer eliminates numerous middle men allowing people to purchase direct from the producers themselves, which is very popular today. Consumers like to buy food products from people who raise and also eat their own products. Each person has opportunities in their location to capitalize on niche markets. No two areas are the same.
It can be a simple business which may not even require a license to operate in your state or it may require some government enforcement’s. Stay under the radar as much as possible. The three parts of retail beef sales are 1) Inventory, 2) Processing and 3) Marketing. Assuming a Texas Longhorn producer has inventory of less than registered value
cost per pound to cut and wrap based on hanging weight, 3) make sure there is no problem getting the skulls back, 4) only settle for clear plastic vacuwrap packages, and 5) what long or short term storage availability of processed product is offered. In every business there are plants that are over priced, some need more business, some are booked up, some are good
meat product in the USA and the easiest to inventory. A normal family eats more grind than any other meat. Your business can start with one product, the best one, ground beef. Freezer space is always a consideration. You may start with one chest type home deep freeze in the garage. Chest type freezers hold more product than the upright shelf freezers. It will hold about one or one and a half beeves. If the processor will provide free frozen storage that is a plus. As inventory sells from the home deep freeze more can be added from inventory stored at the processors. This is what pure Texas Longhorn steers look like that grade low choice and are ready to process. They weigh Planning inven1245 & 1265 lbs. Thicker bloodlines of TL steers will reach this grade with 100 days of grain finishing at 24 to tory is what every 29 months. It is recommended to allow them to grow on grass or economical forage to beyond 900 lbs before grain merchant must do. finishing. It is ideal to have surplus cattle to breeding stock, jump directly to the promanagers and some are bad. You may not process every month and have an equal cessing plan. find out these answers until after a few number of buyers every month. If future Locate the processing facility that dealings with the company. Of course the beef “volunteers” are all born in the Spring works for you. There are three types 1) shade tree butcher of NOT FOR SALE it takes some planning to move the early USDA approved, 2) State approved and 3) product is normally the most economical. ones forward in their process date and back yard butchers who label product NOT Kill fees bounce from $50 to $80 per move the last critters back to make anFOR RESALE. You can use either of the critter, small or large. The packer normally nual/monthly production. This is done by first two for retail sales, but never the latkeeps the hide as part of the kill fee. If tanmanagement and feeding. ter. USDA inspection is the most expensive ning hides is a part of your business plan, As a Texas Longhorn producer and reservice to purchase, but allows you to sell they will have to be purchased back from tail meat marketer you might have some product all over the nation. Most states the processor. All of that is negotiable. concern about the competition. Not only have state inspection which is nearly as Cut and wrap fees are from $.40 per does every Angus producer in the nation good or possibly even better than USDA. hanging weight pound up to $.80. Skills to promote Certified Angus Beef, but others State inspected product has a stamp on package vary from plant to plant. You will like Tyson Foods of Springdale, Arkansas every package stating that it is inspected. soon get very opinionated about profesdid $32,270,000,000 in gross sales last The back yard butcher, for some reason, sional packing; clients will help you know year. Tyson has to compete on a world does not want to become inspected by the authorities and therefore it is illegal to sell their products marked NOT FOR RESALE. It is a nice thing, in fact a true luxury to have a nearby processing plant. If a plant is within 50 miles that is good. It costs to what they like and what they want to buy. level with JBS of Brazil who did a whoophaul cattle to be processed. The further the Consumers have to see Texas Longing $37,300,000,000 last year in meat plant the more the cost of the final prodhorn lean beef in clear plastic shrink wrap. sales. Although the competition looks uct. If the plant that does the best job for It sells itself and the packing is very imlarge, keep in mind there are over the best price is 200 miles away, just haul portant. Lean Texas Longhorns are easy to 300,000,000 people in the USA who enjoy larger numbers of cattle less often, and it process a 92 to 98% lean product. It is viabout 60 pounds of beef per year and over amortizes out the same. The important part sually far different than the garden variety a thousand are your neighbors — not is quality clear plastic packaging and good, store-bought grind. Most stores pump a lot neighbors of Tyson or JBS in Brazil. That clean, honest people to deal with. of cheap grain fat into the grind mix just to is your advantage — you can compete Call every custom beef processor in the make more volume and increase profits. easy, and win. country. Get prices for their, 1) kill fee, 2) Ground lean beef is the fastest growing continued on page 54
Consumers have to see Texas Longhorn lean beef in clear plastic shrink wrap. It sells itself and the packing is very important.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Animal Name____________________________________________DOB_______________ Private Herd Number_________________ Holding Brand_____________ OCV_________ TLBAA Registration Number__________________________________________________ Breeding Information: Exposed to: _______________________From__________________To_________________ Exposed to:_______________________From__________________To_________________ Catalog Comments:__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Consignor Information: Name______________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________________________________ I have read and agree to the consignment rules for donating animals for the 50th Anniversary Golden Heifer Sale. I hereby authorize the TLBAA and their authorized personnel to sell these animals and do not hold the TLBAA or any person assisting with sale responsible for any loss of health, loss of life, loss by theft or other perils. I understand and agree that all guarantees are between the consignor and the purchaser and the TLBAA assumes no responsibility or liability for these guarantees.
______________________________________________ Signature of Consignor August 2013
ge 41 See Pa plete m for co les. sale ru
Dear TLBT Members,
I hope that everyone had an awesome Christmas and New Year. January is a great time for a fresh start and new goals. It is also the start of a new string of shows, and I look forward to seeing everyone at upcoming events. In January, at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, we will be holding another general membership meeting. As president, I have discovered that one of the major obstacles we have to overcome is how spread out everyone is. Our general membership meetings are a great opportunity for people from all places to get together and discuss the future of our youth association. If anyone has any ideas to help us as we move forward, you are more than welcome to present them for discussion at this meeting. It takes a collection of minds to be successful, so I want everyone to be heard. I wanted to remind everybody that our theme for this year is ‘Golden Opportunities’ because it is TLBAA’s 50th anniversary. To celebrate this milestone, we will be putting together a presentation at the World Show Banquet that will celebrate fifty years of achievements. Also, at the World Show Banquet, we will have a slide show of pictures taken from different Longhorn events throughout the year. I encourage everyone to take pictures and get them to me to share at the banquet. Our fellow officers/directors as well as myself encourage everyone to attend these events, along with others. We can’t wait to see y’all down the road!
Tud Krier
TLBT Office: Senior Director Age: 16 School: Winnsboro High School Number of Years in the TLBT: 4 What are the benefits in being a TLBT Officer or Director? I have been able to make new friends and also get to learn new leadership abilities around other great leaders.
Tarah Moore, TLBT President
EAST TEXAS LONGHORN ASSOCIATION YOUTH OFFICERS President: Madison Ollive Vice-President: Haley Calhoun Secretary: Tarah Moore Treasurer: Shyanne McClendon Reporter: Alexzandria Rivera Teen Director: Lanie Lampier Youth Director: Tracy Weldon Junior Directors: Shyanne McClendon & Avery Roesler
by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow 40
Why do you enjoy showing Texas Longhorns? It is a lot different then showing dairy heifers/cows which I showed for seven years. It is way more challenging as well as rewarding! Do you see the TLBT helping you with your future career? It is definitely a very good leadership opportunity and has helped me meet many great people that share the same interests as I do. TLBT has also helped me enhance my public speaking skills which will help me in my Communications major. What have you learned over the past year through the TLBT? I have learned how to work with young calves that were born from my own cows, as well as learn leadership skills by helping younger kids around me. What would be your advice to a newcomer? It is always a big jump from showing something small or "easy to show," to showing Longhorns. Adjusting to the mentality of a Longhorn takes time and patience. Texas Longhorn Trails
★ Nomination Deadline is February 1, 2014 ★ All heifer nominations must be registered in Seller Name with the TLBAA. All calves at side must be noted in the transfer application. ★ Nomination age suggestions are 15 months to 28 months. There can be exceptions to the age suggestion considered by the nomination panel on selection. ★ Each nomination selected is considered a donation. ★ Each nomination selected will be sold to the highest bidder Without Reserve. 100% of all proceeds will be given to the TLBAA Building and Museum Fund of the TLBAA Foundation. ★ Each nomination purchased is considered a donation. ★ Each nomination will be issued a 50th Anniversary Registration Certificate. Certificate will indicate Breeder and Owner. Breeder will be the member who donated and Owner will be the buyer. This Special Certificate will be the official Registration Certificate for the entire life of the animal. All applicable future transfer rules will apply with the ownership of the animal. ★ A minimum bid will begin at $1,000.00. ★ Animals will be sold May 10, 2014 via video at the TLBAA 50th Anniversary Banquet. Animals will not be present during the sale. All deliveries will between seller and buyer at their convenience. ★ A completed consignment form must be submitted for consideration of acceptance. Also, a completed transfer application, original registration certificate and a good photo must accompany consignment form. Updated pictures will be accepted prior to catalog printing. ★ Each nominated owner will work with sales management for video and pictures that will be used in the sale production. ★ Health requirements will be between buyer and seller before delivery. All animals must be OCV’s prior to 12 months of age. ★ The TLBAA assumes no liability or any guarantee made by the original owner. All guarantees are strictly between the consignor and the buyer. This includes loss of life, loss of health, loss by theft or other perils. ★ Nominations will be selected from the applications submitted and will be announced prior to the sale. ★ Nomination form (p.39), transfer form, registration certificate and photo must be sent in prior to February 1, 2014 to the TLBAA office.
August 2013
Registered Texas Longhorns are the most versatile breed of cattle in the bovine industry today. Once upon a time Longhorns were the backbone of the beef industry in America. Run to near extinction, Longhorns are coming back strong. For the first time in nearly half a century Longhorns are starting to create a massive trend of popularity in a competitive meat market. This is the story of just how one breeder found his way for changing the game. Living in the quiet town of Montgomery, Texas, Scott Goulait has been working and raising his Registered Texas Longhorns for the past 16 years with his father. His passion for Longhorns has continued despite the ups and downs of the Registered Longhorn market. Several times Scott had given thought to cross breeding or just selling out his herd of Longhorns. For years he has watched as the sale barns discounted his cattle because they had horns. Just as frustrating, was trying to compete in the registered sales for Longhorns. With soaring consignment fees, feed prices, and unpredictable market prices at local sale barns, Scott and his family started to think hard if they wanted to continue
The committee agreed that Registered Texas Longhorns provided a unique commodity that the consumer market was ready and eager to purchase. Starting in the summer of 2013 an advertising campaign targeted at producers of Registered Texas Longhorns to begin the momentum of creating the supply of animals to feed the hungry beef industry. This advertising campaign took off faster than they ever could have expected. Registered Longhorn breeders started to rally to the call to create the supply. For Scott and his family, this would be just the answer he needed. As a former restaurateur he knew that once people tried Longhorn beef, they would be hooked. Testing the market, Scott took a young bull to get processed. With knowledge gained from his former restaurant he started a Facebook page for his Registered Texas Longhorn Lean Beef. Within three days he had sold all of his beef. What was once a struggling ranch of Registered Texas Longhorns, has now been given new purpose as breeding stock for a Registered Texas Longhorn Lean Beef program. Currently Scott has been working with other local ranch-
By Craig Perez with their passion and love for Longhorns. As passionate Longhorn breeders they watched as the Longhorn Co-op designed to sell grass fed lean beef to market chains failed in cooperation of its members, leaving many to wonder if Longhorns could ever become a beef breed again. Some breeders saw this as an opportunity to create their own lean beef markets. However, the demand for Longhorn beef seemed uncertain. The combination of a deadly drought left many Longhorn breeders struggling to keep their herds and if not for the hardy nature of these once wild animals, many would have been lost or sold under the pressure of the drought. In February of 2013, a new committee was formed to take another look at what could be done with the Longhorn beef market. Momentum started to build on the East and West coast as well in Northern states for lean beef. Trailers of Longhorns had been heading out of Texas and Oklahoma for the last two years to feed the growing demand for lean beef. With the new committee in place, the first objective was to create awareness.
ers with Longhorns to help fill his orders. He currently markets his beef under the near $7.00/pound price for beef at his local H.E.B., but he already can see that his demand exceeds his supply, allowing him to slowly raise his price to equal or greater than the market average. This kind of revenue will allow him to maximize his income to investment ratio so that he can continue to raise his beautiful herd of Registered Texas Longhorns. In the early part of 2014, the advertising campaign is set to launch in health/fitness conscious magazines, websites, and to physicians to promote Registered Texas Longhorn Lean Beef. A new logo has been created to assist with a unique recognizable identity, while the Lean Beef providers list for the TLBAA website is currently being assembled for launch in January 2014.
Texas Longhorn Trails
XC Longhorns-Joe Cunningham www.xclonghorns.net jamacunningham@att.net 254-479-1080
Diamond D Ranch-Dawn Divinia www.ddrlonghorns.com dawn@ddrlonghorns.com 972-890-8891
MLC Cattle Company-Chris Clark chris@beaverpipeline.com 936-520-4212 ACR Longhorns-Diane Rivera dr.thisandthat@yahoo.com 214-243-0572
Diamond G Farms - Ben Garner ben.garner@eqdepot.com 512-801-8242
White Rock Ranch-Vincent Girolamo www.whiterocklonghorns.com whiterockranch@hotmail.com 214-542-4727 End Of Trail Ranch-Mike Bowman www.endoftrailranch.com mbowman@wildblue.net 316-778-1717 Top Of The Hill Ranch Dennis & Judy Urbantke www.topofthehillranch.com 325-656-9321
Gary Lee Hershberger hershbergergary37@yahoo.com 330-893-3763/330-731-8783
Wantabe Cattle Co.-Scott Govlait sqovlait@yahoo.com 936-499-3202
Texas North Land & Cattle-Curt Mulder www.texasnorth.com cmulder@wolvgroup.com 616-437-1543 Wulfco Ranch-Alex Wulf alex_g_wulf@yahoo.com penny_wulf@yahoo.com 620-226-3350
January 2014
Cherokee Cattle Co Bob & Brady Elmore www.cherokeelonghorns.com elmoreB84@gmail.com 940-257-3921/940-282-3575
Trinity Creek Ranch-Sandra Nordhausen www.trinitycreeksranch.com sandienordhausen@gmail.com 512-898-2401 Ferguson Ranch Larry & Meloney Ferguson ferguson-meloney@gmail.com 903-297-5893
Semkin Longhorns Charlene Semkin & Matt McGuire www.semkin-texaslonghorns.com semkin@mindspring.com 580-336-2925 KD Bar Cattle Co.-Joe Dowling dowlingjoe@yahoo.com 979-906-0043
Arrowhead Cattle Co.-Craig Perez www.arrowheadcattlecompany.com cperz1@hotmail.com 979-906-0043 Blue Ridge Ranch-John Marshall www.blueridgelonghorns.com john.marshall83@yahoo.com 713-398-5024 RC Larson Longhorns Bob & Carmen Larson rclarsonlonghorns@gmail.com
Helm Cattle Co. John, Debra & Nathan Helm www.helmcattlecompany.com johnhelm1@me.com nathanhelm@me.com 972-670-5134/817-897-8535 North View Farms Emanuel Jr. & Carolyn Miller Dundee, OH 330-359-7165 Tonkawa Cattle Co. Gary & Teresa Bowdoin www.tonkawacatteco.com run4funbow@aol.com 254-640-0844
Liberty Longhorn Ranch Dustin Divinia www.libertylonghornsranch.com dustin_divinia@yahoo.com 903-408-7288
TL Longhorns-Toni & Larry Stegemoller tostog0713@yahoo.com 817-933-5059 Kittler Land & Cattle-Kathy Kittler www.kittlerlandandcattle.com k.kittler@hotmail.com 501-6990-0771 G&L Cattle Co.-Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower glcattle@aol.com 903-963-7442/903-681-1093 Doug Hunt doughuny37@gmail.com 435-680-4822
TS Longhorns-Terry & Sherri Adcock www.tsadcocklonghorns.com sherri@pics.net/tadcock@pics.net 806-488-7906/806-759-7486 Astera Meadows Ranch-Carolyn & Wilton Wilton www.astermeadows.net cjwilton@juno.com 512-560-1264/512-560-1263
River Ranch-Rick & Tracey Friedrich www.riverranchlonghorns.com rick@riverranchlonghorns.com 713-305-0259 Diamond Q Longhorns Steve & Bodie Quary dqlonghorns@yahoo.com 405-567-3093
Dickson Cattle Co. Inc.-Darol Dickinson www.head2tail.com darol@texaslonghorn.com 740-758-5050 Nel-Tam Longhorn Nelson & Tammy Hearn www.neltamlonghorns.com nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com
Silver T Ranch-Kurt Twining www.silvertranch.com kurt_twining@msn.com
El Coyote Ranch www.elcoyote.com fserna@elcoyote.com dserna@elcoyote.com 361-294-5462
Moriah Farms-Bernard Lankford www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com moriahfarmsbl@aol.com 817-341-4677
Rocking O Ranch-Curtis Ohlendorf www.rockingolonghorns.com rockingolonghorns@gmail.com 512-680-7118
JD Longhorns-Jim & Denise Taylor jdlonghorns@yahoo.com 409-553-7516 IM Rockin I-Nancy Ince www.rockinilonghorns.com nince@incedist.com 210-219-4681
Rockin 4 Browns-Brian & Carolyn Brown bcbrown26@live.com 580-277-0220
Commanders Place Longhorns Kim Nikodym www.commandersplacelonghorns.com bardies@hotmail.com 405-387-2460 SS Backwards Longhorns-Scott Simmons www.ssbackwardslonghorns.com ssimmons@copeplastics.com 618-729-2006 Widespread Ranch-Tom Smith www.widespreadranch.com tom@widespreadranch.com 616-293-0977 Rolling D Ranch-Nancy Dunn nanchcarterdunn@yahoo.com 334-318-0887
Pearl Longhorn Ranch-Allen Perry www.pearl-longhorn-ranch.com 512-970-3793
Hicks Texas Longhorns-Johnny Hicks hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com 269-721-3473
White Pine Ranch-Scott Hughes www.carolinacartellonghorns.com shughes@partonlumber.com 828-287-7406
Horseshoe J Longhorns-Jimmy L. Jones horseshoejlonghorns@centurytel.net 334-382-6840 Double A Longhorns-Aaron Adkins www.carolinacartellonghorns.com doublealonghorns@gmail.com 704-490-9208 Triple R Ranch-Dick & Peg Lowe www.rrrlonghorns.com ralowe642@hotmail.com 517-688-3030 Lazy A Ranch-Steve Azinger www.lazyaranch.org s.azinger@commair.us 713-823-5311
91 South Cattle Co.-Jeremy & Pam Lay pamlay@outlook.com 251-747-4332/251-752-9874 Running Arrow Farm, LLC Sandra & Bill Martin www.runningarrowlonghorns.com info@runningarrowfarm.com 806-205-1235
Victorea Luminary www.luminarylonghornranch.com victorea@luminarylonghornranch.com 254-931-5441 Wolfridge Ranch-Ethan & Ashley Loos www.wolfridge.net eloos5@msn.com 217-617-0420 Smith Longhorns Chad & Janell Smith www.smithlonghorns.com smithlongs@hotmail.com 701-590-9073
La Pistola Longhorns-Bobby Gutierrez www.lapistolalonghorns.com gtrg40@hotmail.com 979-575-2838
Harrell Ranch-Kent & Sandy Harrell www.harrellranch.com kent@harrellranch.com 918-587-2750 Simmons Cattle Company-Ralph & Christa Simmons simmonscattle@hotmail.com 580-384-8365 GFT Longhorns Devin Graves & Annissa Huckaby gftlonghorns@outlook.com 480-713-2769
Roberts Longhorns-David Roberts www.robertslonghorns.com robertslonghorns@live.com 573-406-9868 JBR Longhorns-Jim Rombeck 785-562-6665 VanLiew Ranch-Rob VanLiew www.vanliewranch.com vanliewranch@gmail.com 405-420-1728
CedarView Ranch-Todd McKnight www.cedarviewranch.com tnck7@ckt.net 620-704-3497 Win Vue Longhorns-James Dyal jzd9122@yahoo.com 423-231-9122
Rocking B Longhorns-Dr. Gene Berry www.rockingblonghorns.com gene@rockingblonghorns.com 225-772-5618 Ferguson Ranch-Cynthia Williams cwilliams1@suddenlink.net 325-653-5257 J Bar J Longhorns Rusty & JoAnne Clark rc.ranch@hotmail.com 573-216-0332
Kropp Cattle Co.-Dr. Bob Kropp bob.kropp@okstate.edu 580-336-0220
EXTRA! EXTRA! TLBAA Announcements TLBAA - Region C At-Large Director Vacancy The TLBAA Board of Directors is now accepting applications to fill the vacant and unexpired term for Region C AtLarge Director in accordance with the TLBAA bylaws Article IV, Section 6 and TLBAA Board policy.
Article IV, Section 6. - Vacancies Vacancies on the Officers and Board of Directors of the Association shall be filled by the Board of Directors with a qualified member in good standing, and such person or persons so chosen shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor and until a successor is elected and qualified.
TLBAA Board Policy For Filling Vacancies Of Un-Expired Board Seats To be considered for appointment to fill a vacant TLBAA Board position for an un-expired term, the applicant must be an Active or Lifetime member of the TLBAA; in good standing, free of any debt owed to the TLBAA; and domiciled within the particular Region or Division of the vacancy. The applicant
must provide a written resume and Bio (template provided) and indicate his/her involvement with the TLBAA for the past 12 months to the Board of Directors. Notice shall be published in the Trails magazine and on E-Trails announcing the vacancy. Applications for the vacant Board position will be due on or before the last day of the month in which the notice is published in the Trails magazine. Letters of recommendation are encouraged from members domiciled within the Region or Division of the vacancy, but are not required. Applicants must make themselves available to be interviewed in person or by phone conference when requested to do so by the TLBAA Board of Directors. Board vacancies should not be filled just for the sake of filling a Board vacancy. Applicants who wish to be considered must qualify according to the policy and submit resume and Bio via email or mail to the TLBAA office, attention Mike Coston CEO, by January 31st, 2014. In addition, recommendations for applicants must be submitted via email or mail to the TLBAA office, attention Mike Coston CEO, by January 31st, 2014.
BOARD OF DIRECTOR BIOGRAPHY NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________ RESIDENCE ______________________________________________________________________________________ OCCUPATION ____________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY __________________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS / VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE ______________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________ RANCH LOCATION ________________________________________________________________________________ HOW LONG RAISING LONGHORNS __________________________________________________________________ MEMBER OF TLBAA SINCE
TLBAA INVOLVEMENT THE LAST 12 to 24 MONTHS ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ REASONS FOR WANTING TO SERVE ON BOARD OF DIRECTORS ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Texas Longhorn Trails
A Moment in TLBAA History A look back at significant moments throughout the years since the foundation of the TLBAA.
Eddie Wood had a party...
Eddie & Joyce Wood, Wunnewood, Ok, started the party off with a two-step.
Veteran livestock auctioneer Eddie Wood and several hundred personal friends met in Fort Worth, Texas, to celebrate Eddie's 80th birthday. The October 18 party (his birthday was the 15th) was held at the Will Rogers Equestrian Center, adjacent to the site of his annual fall sale of Texas Longhorns this year on October 19.
Alan Clemmensen, Fowler, CO, and Linda Cummings, Danville, KY,
Lorinda Beale and Joe Valentine, Aledo, TX. TLBT members Stephani & Samantha Johnson with Cathy Johnson, Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM; and J.P.Johnson, Clint, TX.
Don Anderson, Ardmore, OK; Pam & Bob Loomis, Ardmore, OK, and Judith & Paul Sellers, Prince Frederick, MD.
Dr. Bob Kropp, Perry. OK; Viki Mosser, Midway, TX.
Teresa & Alan Sparger, Comfort, TX; Kim Ritchie, San Angelo, TX. Three generations of lady Longhorn breeders: Bernice Moore, Roff, OK; Shanna Raley and mom, Denise, Riviera, TX.
Eddie with Charles & Lois Dunbar, Baytown, TX.
Mel Raley, Riviera, TX, wrote a poem for Eddie, and Dan W. Coates, Glen Rose, TX, spoke during the evening.
Bo Damuth, Magnolia, TX; John Parmley & Darlene Aldridge, Cypress, TX; Carla Jo Payne, Slidell, TX; Traci & Trigg Moore, Southlake, TX.
Eddie Wood with Stan & Priscilla Briney of Bowie, TX. A noted artist, Briney presented Eddie with an original drawing.
For the complete articles about Eddie Wood’s Party, the sale and Eddie’s life see the December 2002 issue of Trails Magazine.
Eddie Wood had a sale...
Eddie Wood Fall Cowtown Longhorn Sale
Bruce Ollive, Lufkin, TX won the $500 cash drawing.
October 19, 2002 Fort Worth, Texas
HIGH SELLING LOT OF SALE: S&L'S Plum Perfect (1996 daughter of Emperor and Ace's Plum Magic). Consignor: Larry & Sandy Jones, Lucky S&L Ranch, Beeville, TX. Buyer: Vicki & Rex Mosser, Midway, TX. Price: $20,000.
Sale Manager: Eddie Wood Sale Management Co. Auctioneer: Col. Eddie Wood Volume Buyer: Vicki & Rex Mosser, Midway, Texas Additional Volume Buyers: Double Deuce Longhorns, Stroud, OK; DM Longhorns, Danny Deal, Ennis, TX; G & G Longhorns, Ben Gravett, Catlett, VA; Panther Creek Ranch, Joe Valentine, Aledo, TX. 376 registered prospective buyers from 23 states. 119 actual buyers from 19 states. May 2013
ADDITIONAL HIGH SELLING LOTS: Miss Redmac 78/3 (1993 daughter of Mr. Redmac 56/9 and Miss Redmac 29/9). Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS. Buyer: Vicki & Rex Mosser, Midway, TX. Price: $10,200. Miss Ashley RG933 (1993 daughter of Mr. Redmac 741 and Miss Stark Monarch FM666). Consignor: Paul & Patti Gilbreth, Marlow, OK. Buyer: Lee Gaddis, Austin, TX. Price: $7,200.
HIGH SELLING COWS IN ADDITION TO THE THREE ABOVE: Delta Trudy (1993 daughter of Emperor and Delta Heather). Consignor: Larry & Sandy Jones, Beeville, TX. Buyer: Craig & Ann DeLong, New Albany, OH. Price: $7,000. Titania BCB (1999 daughter of Tabasco and Checotah's Dawn). Consignor: Brent & Cindy Bolen, Queen Creek, AZ. Buyer: Danny Deal, DM Longhorns, Ennis, TX. Price: $5,000. Delta Shadow (1994 daughter of Dixie Joker and Delta Patty). Consignor: Briney's Lazy 5B Ranch, Bowie, TX. Buyer: Vicki & Rex Mosser, Midway, TX. Price: $5,000.
By Heather Smith Thomas
A growing number of stockmen are calving later in the year (April, May or June) rather than early, to be more in tune with nature. They have green grass at calving time and less need for harvested forage when the cow’s nutritional needs are peaking during lactation. Along with later calving comes the necessity for later weaning. Some stockmen are choosing to winter the calves with the cows and wean at about 10 months of age (in late February or in March) rather than wean them during early winter with all the stress of harsh weather.
Nick Faulkner (Ruso Ranch in central North Dakota, east of Garrison) has been wintering calves with their mothers for about 6 years. “We keep them on their mothers for about 10 months, pulling them off 2 months before the cows calve again. We calve in late April. This has worked very well for us. We don’t have to give any vaccinations for scours or for other calf diseases,” he says. Being on mother’s milk through winter, without the stress of weaning, seems to keep the calves healthy. “In the spring, when the cows are calving during warm weather, we are not seeing any problems. There are a few cows that can’t handle it as well (losing body condition nursing their calf through winter) but those are the ones we try to cull.” Those cows don’t fit the program. “We are looking at body condition score throughout the winter and have a pretty good idea which cows will be all right and which ones won’t. Our feeding program helps keep most of the cows in good shape. We use a lot of cover crops, hay them, and feed that to the cows through winter. They are getting top quality feed to help them keep their body condition,” says Faulkner. Even if some of them lose a little weight, most of those thinner cows bounce back before they calve. “Some of the ones you’d think might not turn out so well can really recover nicely with
high quality feed. Wintering the pairs together simplifies our winter feeding program. My father-in-law raised corn for silage (to feed during winter) for 30 years, and a couple years ago we dropped that completely. We are no longer raising corn. We do more haying, but the calves go through winter so much better on the cows than they do being weaned,” he says. The ranch has been gradually increasing cow numbers and is now calving about 250 cows. “We try to keep our own heifers rather than buy cattle. We have bought a few bred heifers
Photo courtesy of Brian and Misty Reich,
Texas Longhorn Trails
but keep them separate from the main herd for awhile, for biosecurity. We keep our calves after weaning, running them as yearlings on grass and sell them in the fall.” The calves that are weaned in late February really bloom when they hit the grass. “We like to run them on dry grass at first rather than the lush green grass. They can start eating the new shoots under the old grass and gradually get onto the fresh grass. The calves are not stressed at all by weaning; about half of them are already weaned by their mothers by the time we wean the group,” he says. This is a natural age for them to be weaned, and the cows are already weaning them. This makes it a lot easier on the cows and the calves than early weaning. “We do fenceline weaning so it’s low stress. This year within 3 days after we separated the pairs, there were only 1 or 2 that were bellowing at each other. When we wean them, the calves are so content that they don’t care where they are,” says Faulkner. At that age they are no longer so dependent on their mothers. “My father-in-law has done a lot of reading about what the calves learn from their mothers, regarding eating habits,
The cal v about es are not stre h s their m alf of them a sed at all by w others b r e y the ti e already we aning; a me we wean th ned by e group .
January 2014
The longer you can keep them with their mothers, the better the calves will do.
etc. The longer you can keep them with their mothers, the better the calves will do,” he says. “We are working on cutting our feed costs in winter. We are still running our tractors but we’re doing quite a bit of bale grazing with the cattle, trying to reduce our costs. It all ties together, with the later weaning of the calves. The calves are eating with the cows—whether bale grazing or pasture grazing—rather than waiting for the truck to bring the feed out to them.” They are more motivated to find their own feed and don’t become so spoiled and lazy. “We want our cattle to be working for us, rather than us working for them. The biggest thing I’ve noticed about the later weaning is how much easier it is for all of us. We are having fewer problems and less sickness. We are also trying to do more direct marketing on a natural program so we are keeping track of what goes into those animals, especially the ones we are finishing. Now we are doing the same thing with our di-
rect market calves as we are doing for our commercial herd and we don’t have to change anything or do anything special for the natural market. It all works together and makes the process easier for us,” he says. “There is a lot of expense if you are feeding silage or grain through the winter. That was the biggest thing about using corn silage, because the corn was expensive to grow. We can use that same land to raise grass— maybe a higher quality grass—at less expense than the corn or grain,” he says. Wintering the pairs together seems to be a new concept to many people, but has been done in other places for a long time, such as Australia and Africa. A person sometimes has to adapt new ideas to fit their own conditions. If a person gets locked into doing things a certain way just because that’s the way they’ve always done it, there are some missed opportunities. Texas Longhorn Trails
NEWS On the Trail... TLBT Member Wins Honors in Speech Competition
Longhorn Breeders Go Whitetail Hunting
Submitted by Betty Baker
Submitted by Dale Hunt
TLBT member Reese Ryan entered a speech competition in our county fair. The competition was open to 6th-12th graders in Brazoria County. 10 students competed. There were seven High School FFA Students, one eighth grader, and another girl her age (6th grade). The speech topic was "Cherishing Yesterday, Living for Today, Reaching for Tomorrow", and relating to our county fair's 75th Anniversary. Reese WON the contest and received a medal and $150. We are very proud of her, and know that things she learned at the Sunrise Showmanship Camp helped her achieve this accomplishment. We are so glad she has been able to attend the camp and look forward to sending her many more years.
Steve Azinger, Kyle Mayden, Danny Phillips and Dale Hunt had a very successful hunt over the weekend of 11-8-13 at the 1200 acre Bass Hole Ranch located in Meridian, TX. Helping the success of the hunt was guide Robert Hunt.
If you have news concerning TLBAA members or Texas Longhorns in the news, please let us know! Email submissions to Laura Standley at laura@tlbaa.org, and it will be considered for inclusion in “News on the Trail�.
Would you like extra copies of the 2014 TLBAA calendar? Get yours before they are gone! $15 plus s/h. Call the office to order yours today.
(817) 625-6241
Texas Longhorn Trails
NEWS On the Trail...
TLBAA Member Proud of Team Member’s Record Breaking Run Submitted by Gary Bowdoin
Coach Gary Bowdoin and record-breaking team member, Ann Marie Dunlap. I have got to brag a little bit. The young lady I have been coaching/training for the past four years shattered the old 2A cross-country record by 19 seconds. Ann Marie Dunlap of
Crawford set a new state record by covering the 2 mile course in 10 minutes, 59.72 seconds. That makes her the first 2A female runner to brake the 11 minute mark, the old record was 11 minutes 18 seconds. She beat her nearest competitor by more than a minute. At time of publication, Ann Marie’s next competition was the Nike Regional Cross Country Championships in The Woodlands with a chance to advance to the Nike Nationals in North Carolina. "If she runs like she is capable of running, she shouldn't have any problem qualifying for the Nike Nationals. She has run a 17:00 flat 5000 meters earlier this year, and we are hoping for good weather and believe I she will go under that". Her
times have consistently put her in the top 10 runners in the Nation this year, and we hope she continues to get stronger and faster. This was her second straight 2A cross-country gold, and she also won the 2A 800 meters and 1600 meters at the Texas UIL State meet in 2012. She plans on running the 1600 and 3200 this year after basketball (which she was also an all-state selection last year). She has offers from colleges and universities all over the country but has committed and been offered a scholarship to Baylor University. It has been a dream and goal of Annie's to run for Baylor University.
Louisiana Parish Brands Book Includes Longhorn Influence
WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle • Palpation gates • Measure horns • A.I. cows
We’ve got w!hat you need
The Official Chute of the TLBAA Horn Showcase
line video of the Check out our onon our website! chute in action
END OF TRAIL RANCH Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194 Check out our website - www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net
A recently published coffee table book featuring the history contained in the brand books of Terrebonne Parich in Southeast Louisiana. Not only does it chronicle families registering the brands, but also a short history of laws governing animal identification, and to familiarize readers with both ancient and emerging livestock breeds that received the brands and other marks recorded in the books. The Texas Longhorn’s presence is documented along with many other influences. The book inlcudes a reference photo of the TLBAA registered herd sire JP Rio Grande.. “Livestock Brands & Marks: An Unexpected Bayou Country History – 1822 1946 Pioneer Families – Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana” was written by Christopher Everette Cenac, Sr., M.D., F.A.C.S. Texas Longhorn Trails
Parades! It was 10 degrees on December 7th, the night when the Caldwell, Idaho Lighted, Night Parade kicked off. The theme of the parade was "A MAGICAL CHRISTMAS" Thirty ITLPA Members and friends put together a nearly one hundred foot long Longhorn exhibit to compete in this parade. The ITLPA Affiliate joined a lighted, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer as he rode on the hood of a new Dodge pickup truck driven by Dan and Connie Erskine of Parma, Idaho as he guided Santa's workshop full of Elves busily building toys for children (truck bed full of kids, a table and tools) followed by Dancer, Prancer, Comet and Vixen (four 6' x 8' cartoon caricatures of Reindeer) as they pulled two sleighs full of Elves delivering toys to children ( two wagons full of children and adults wearing blinking, lighted Elf hats). The wagons were followed by three of Rudolf's cousins Nemo, Apollo, and Shadow's Apollo who are Registered, Texas Longhorn riding steers, ridden by Darby Tolliver and Danielle O H A ID of Caldwell, Idaho and Casey Goodner of Kuna, Idaho. The steer handlers were Denny and Gilbert HORN Erskineand Dean Goodner, all from Kuna, Idaho and Jake Erskine of Parma, Idaho. TEXAS LONG RS DoanWhen the parade was over, the steers were one and a half miles from the starting point and the trailer! E PRODUC N Well........the walk back kept the steers and their handlers warm. Everyone else had to go warm up with hot chocolate - or whatever. Looking at the bottle at the bottom of the first ASSOCIATIO wagon the day after the parade indicated that the folks in that wagon kept themDan Erskine selves warm DURING the parade. derskine@cityofboise.org The competition? The entry was judged "THE BEST DISPLAY OF THE PARADE THEME" - GO LONGHORNS!!! and .......three hundred dollars. Many thanks to all of the Members and friends who took the "cowboy up" attitude, braved the temperatures and stood by their commitment to participate. Thank you to all those who donated time, materials and equipment. Especially Denny and Gilbert Doan who spent the entire day helping put the display together and hauling steers both before and after the parade, after plowing snow all night (Denny said he got chilly). Dan Erskine for supplying the riding steer, Shadow's Apollo and Dean Goodner of Lawrence Morgan Longhorns for supplying two riding steers, Nemo and Apollo, the wagons, caricatures, Rudolf the Reindeer, the truck, the lights, the lighted Christmas tree, etc. And certainly not least, Becky Goodner, for hand making all the Elf Costumes and working all day to help put the display together. Next week (next month) a new Night Lighted Parade with new riders, a new theme and probably some new, non-initiated wagon riders (warm ones). And hopefully, a new prize for the Affiliate and recognition for the incredible riding Longhorns and the breed in general.
ITLA Judging Clinic Webinar Learn more about Texas Longhorns and How to Become an ITLA Approved Judge On February 4th, 2014, the first part of an ITLA Webinar will be conducted via high speed internet. This will be hosted live by on-line moderator/presenters: Lana Hightower, Lizz Huntzberry & Darol Dickinson. It will include power point slides, with question and answers, and illustrations from a team of current approved judges. Each current judge can do their two year review, new prospective judges can participate as well as ITLA members or non-members interested in expanding their knowledge of Texas Longhorn judging. In the ITLA Webinar, people can participate in every country by previously enrolling with ITLA. The Webinar will be available at a small fee of only $100, and the ITLA Judges Manual will be provided at no additional charge ($50 value). The number of participants is unlimited, and each person may be able to text the presenters during the program. It will be a two part program of 3 hours each. (Part 1) February 4, 2014 7:00 PM CST to 10:00 PM (Part 2)February 11, 2014 7:00 PM CST to 10:00 PM Illustrations will include over 400 close up anatomy teaching graphics. Call the Office for More information and to Register, Call: 254-898-0157 or visit www.ITLA.com Registration deadline is January 20th January 2014
continued from page 38
Building a Retail Beef Business Most start-up businesses fail, and for good reason. They fail due to lack of capitol, lack of business judgment, lack of experience, lack of good vender/providers of services, failed promotion and products that many have minimal interest in. All these startup pitfalls for the beginning retail Texas Longhorn beef provider can be avoided. Success can start promptly and grow by carefully touching the right bases. Understanding the word “retail” is important. Retail sales is wonderful, but wholesale is not. All restaurants buy wholesale and sell retail. All grocery stores buy wholesale and sell retail. Don’t waste time with restaurants or grocery stores. Go direct to the consumer who is accustomed to buying retail, cut them a slight discount; now you are ready to make friends and do a lot of business. Playing with numbers is a moving target; this is a shoot-from-the-hip look at it. A 1300 lb. steer fed 140 to 200 days on
heavy grain, to a choice or better grade will sell pieced-out at the grocery counter for $2900 to $3200. The same steer fed and raised for the Certified Angus premium will be sold by the feeder/owner to Certified Angus for $1400 to $1550 on the hoof. To Rosemont Manor’s Farm Market display is the project of June target Texas Longhorn Cohron, DVM, and her father Larry. They are a regular at fed freezer beef with a the Staunton-Augusta Virginia weekly market providing 1200 plus weight grain Texas Longhorn beef and other farm products. Regular clients fed steer at $2400 is an know the quality of Rosemont all natural beef and come preact of kindness to the re- pared to purchase. Clients connecting at the public market tail buyer and far supe- become buyers of beef all year even though the market is searior to selling a live sonal animal to Certified $50 a week in a grocery buggy to a half Angus. People who buy a half or quarter beef that would last 7 to 10 months for beef, cut and wrapped, can save several the average family. Buying by the half will hundred dollars rather than buy one cost less per week but requires a larger steak at a time in their local store. It restartup cost. quires a change in buying habits from The next consideration is the Farmers Markets. These are organizing everywhere and very popular. The consumer gets to meet their food provider, and that is VERY big now, especially with all types of meat. People like to know what breed, where they were raised, what country the meat comes from, were any hormones or implants used, how much it was aged, how much time on grass, what kind of grain was fed, then down to if it was treated kindly the day of processing --no joke! Some of these questions are amazing, but never the less, impossible to answer by the local grocery store. Farmers Markets are a way to meet buyers and attract new clients. June Cohron, DVM, and her father Larry work the Staunton-Augusta Farmers Market in Staunton, Virginia. This is their third year with a portable refrigerator/tent display. June says, “We market fresh Longhorn steaks and hamburger, beef snack sticks, and fresh eggs all from our farm in Stuarts Draft. We do well at the market and the increased exposure has resulted in a 3 to 4 fold increase in our sales of beef by the quarter and half. Needless to say we no longer sell any calves as ropers. I can have a steer sired continued on page 60 Texas Longhorn Trails
Gold N Rule Sittin Bull
Max Caliber Coach
r kindly We thank these folks fo A A office. droppin’ in at the TLB 2
Mountain Home, Texas
1-800-YO RANCH charlie4@yoranch.com Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA
1. Chris and Lori Joens, Silver City, NM; 2. Bobby Fowler, Saginaw, TX and Kim Adams; 3. TLBAA’s Mike Coston with Daniel Realdon, Director for European Marketing, Italy; 4. Melissa Wisely of Roanoke, TX; 5. TLBAA’s Myra Basham and Stacy Martinez, Grandview, TX; 6. Eric Redeker, Alice, TX; 7. Viggo and Annette Mortensen, Tistrup, Denmark.
Texas Longhorn Trails
January 2014
Texas Longhorn Trails
January 2014
continued from page 54 by a thick Longhorn bull ready to slaughter at 20 months of age with a 550 pound carcass. Our animals are both grass and grain fed, depending on the season. We grain feed all of the steers or heifers for 90 days before market as we feel it enhances the flavor and tenderness of the beef.” The Cohrons have numerous promotional pieces they offer to potential buyers providing detailed nutritional information. They have a crisp refrigerator with a glass front for meat visual displays. James and Carol Gentz of Winnie, Texas work their Farmers Market straight east of Houston. They have raised Texas Longhorns for many years and work to get good beef gain in their breeding stock. Their tent/display includes a certi-
fied scales and a cleverly designed tow type trailer with two chest freezers kept frozen with an electric connection attached to their truck battery. Their inventory includes halves, quarters and up to
James and Carol Gentz of Gentz Cattle Company work a Farmers Market and move a whole crop of cattle annually. Note the freezers in the handy trailer, the certified scales, promo materials, price sheets and enough product to feed a large group of buyers. Texas Longhorn all natural beef is right at home in their area east of Houston, Texas. It is a native product.
Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______
40 cubic feet of fresh frozen Texas Longhorn beef available right on site. Their clients know they will be at the market and come prepared to purchase in volume with ice chests ready. The Gentz have invested in serious laboratory data to provide information on omega 3, lean percentages and protein content of their beef. James says, “The serious part is in the pasture where cattle are bred for the market, weighed and evaluated for rate of rain, easy fleshing and economy of production.” James believes raising bloodlines that are proven to gain efficiently are imperative to a good profit when selling by the pound. Some bloodlines gain well and some don’t. Quality beef is a wonderful barter product. The fact 300,000,000 people in the USA eat beef, it is easy to trade for other services or products. Texas Longhorn beef becomes a currency in itself. Consider trading home grown beef for accounting services, mechanical work, haircuts, home recontinued on page 63
Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____
___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164. Texas Longhorn Trails
Myra Basham has been around the office for more years than many people realize. While she has been a full-time graphic artist for the Trails Magazine for seven years, she was a contract graphic artist for a span of ten years prior. A combined love of graphic design and rural lifestyle make promoting Texas Longhorns in the Trails a perfect fit. Growing up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Myra's family always kept a herd of mixed beef cattle and she loved helping with the day-to-day care. They, along with the horses that were always a part of life became the earliest inspirations for Myra's love of art. Beginning as a fine artist, Myra grew to love words as much as images and the combination of both required for Graphic Design led to a career that started in high school. After attending Virginia Intermont College and acquiring a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and an Associate Degree in Graphic Design, she packed her bags and
headed to Texas. After gaining work experience in various aspects of printing and design, one of Myra's contract positions asked her to lend a helping hand to their print client, the Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine. The rest is history. After a long span of working contract as needed while continuing her other freelance work, Myra accepted an offer to come on board full-time. Through the years she has enjoyed watching the Trails evolve and is excited for what the future holds. "I think the members will be pleased with the changes we've been making recently. I do hope as we promote our services more that they take advantage of the Trails' staff ability to help them with all their marketing needs, from ad layout to marketing campaigns. I have always felt members have failed to realize that we can do so much more than just throw an ad together," Myra stated. "We have a lot of good ideas if people only ask for assistance in ways to promote their programs."
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January 2014
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Save The Date! JANUARY 2014 JAN 17 • TLBAA General Membership Meeting, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org JAN 17 • Affiliate President Meeting, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org JAN 18 • Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Registered Texas Longhorn Sale, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org JAN 20-21 • Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, Fort Worth, TX. Trigg & Traci Moore (254) 396-5592. Qualifying Haltered & Youth JAN 24-25 • National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO. Lana Pierson (719) 740-0741. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth
FEBRUARY 2014 FEB 28 • Winchester Futurity, Mid-Tex Auction Barn, Navasota, TX. TLBGCA. Steve Azinger (713) 823-5371, s_azinger@lazyaranch.org. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259, rick@riverranchlonghorns.com.
MARCH 2014 MAR 1 • Cattle Baron’s Premier Sale, Mid-Tex Auction Barn, Navasota, TX. TLBGCA. Steve Azinger (713) 823-5371, s_azinger@lazyaranch.org. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259, rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. MAR 1-2 • San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, San Angelo, TX; Dennis Urbantke (325) 656-9321 or dennisurbantke@zipnet.us. For entries: www.sanangelorodeo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MARCH 7-9 • Austin Star of Texas Show, Travis County Expo Center, Austin, TX. Louis Christa, Chair (210) 863-7003 or LChri58@msn.com. Non-haltered trophy steer show. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MAR 8-9 • Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Houston, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered & Youth. MAR 14-16 • Glen Rose North Texas Spring Show, Glen Rose, TX. Kevin Rooker (817) 692-7843 or krooker@centurylink.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MAR 14-15 • Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale X, Grapevine, TX; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or www.thelonghornalliance.com. MAR 21-23 • Stillwater Shootout, Stillwater, OK. Steve & Bodie Quary (405) 567-3093 or dqlonghorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MAR 22 • First Annual Blue Ridge Ranch Sale, Llano, TX. John Marshall (713) 398-5024 or Bubba Bollier, Ranch Manager (325) 247-6249 www.blueridgelonghorns.com MAR 27 • South Texas State Fair Longhorn Show, Ford Fairgrounds, Beaumont, TX. Sec.- Carolyn Abney (409) 284-9881 or ChairmanLee Hall (409) 720-7588. www.ymbl.org. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
TEXAS LONGHORN Coming Events APR 11-13 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Brenham, TX; Steven Head headshorns@hotmail.com or (979) 5495270. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. APR 18-19 • Cherry Blossom Sale, Culpeper, VA; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or www.thelonghornalliance.com. APR 25-26 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or www.endoftrailranch.com.
MAY 2014 MAY 2-3 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale and Premier Heifer Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorn.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombsranches.com, teresa@redmccombsranches.com, (210) 445-8798.
MAY 9-11 • TLBAA 50th Aniversary Celebration Weekend, Fort Worth, Texas MAY 16-17 • Millennium Futurity, Glen Rose, TX; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or www.thelonghornalliance.com. MAY 17 • Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association Spring Sale, Broken Bow Livestock, Broken Bow, NE. Rodger Damrow (402) 423-5441.
JUNE 2014 JUNE 11-15 • 2014 Autobahnanza, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com. www.autobahnyouthtour.com JUNE 20-21 • Winchester Futurity of the North, Gibson County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IN. Scott Simmons – ssimmons@copeplastics.com or (618) 610-1921 or Deanna Sanders – dsanders71@hughes.net or (618) 780-5365.
AUGUST 2014 AUG 6-9 • TLBAA World Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPT 12-13 • Hill Country Heritage Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. (325) 668-3552 or (713) 305-0259.
OCTOBER 2014 OCT 4 • 6th Annual Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Sale & TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measuring, Turnersburg Livestock Market, Turnersburg, NC. Carl Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC pyledriver1964@yahoo.com or (336) 667-5452. OCT 24-26 • Ark-La-Tex Annual Fall Show, George Henderson Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (409) 414-1401 or Bobbye DuBose (409) 384-8120. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
MAR 28 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale, TX. Sandi Nordhausen & Suzanne Torkildsen (956) 793-5484. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
APRIL 2014 APR 4
• Southeastern Winchester Futurity, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Terry King – tklonghorns@centurylink.net or (850) 956- 4154.
APR 4-5 • Hudson-Valentine Spring Invitational Texas Longhorn Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 393-2012.
Let us know about your upcoming events!
(817) 625-6241or email us at laura@tlbaa.org. Texas Longhorn Trails
continued from page 63 pairs, hay, tires, labor, fire wood, other food products, pasture use, etc. The whole world is a consumer and a barter prospect. Longhorn beef is a wonderful gift. The health benefits certainly merit providing family members a food product you are sure is healthy and nutritious. Rather than give some imported electronic gadget --give beef. Give beef to family members at Christmas – it is the best gift to give. You will be remembered with every enjoyable bite. Many have tried TV, radio and news paper advertising to minimal success. These media are very expensive for a target audience, few find them profitable. Hand out materials and tear off strip posters are economical and they do work. Hand out promotion materials to people departing after church and ask your friends to post promo materials. (This
works best if you attend a large church.) There are thousands of social organizations like Rotary, Moose, Bears, Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, etc. Offer to be the speaker and discuss the many health benefits of Texas Longhorn beef. Rotary has weekly noon lunch meetings and hunt a new speaker for each week. While mak-
city around. Attend meetings and speak up about your product. There will be strong support for Chamber members and their products. They will buy product from chamber members quicker than non members. At the farmers market there may be a half dozen others selling beef, but you will be the only chamber member wearing a western hat peddling beef at the down town chamber monthly meeting. (Don’t wear a free farmer seed cap, wear a western hat.) Start out with one or two chest freezers, some coolers and grow the business. Although it may seem slow at first, some humble appearing “meat peddlers” are cranking out 20 to 50 steers a year with an average gross per steer of $2200 to $2600 each. That is just the start --then it really grows!
There are thousands of social organizations like Rotary, Moose, Bears, Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, etc. Offer to be the speaker and discuss the many health benefits of Texas Longhorn beef.
January 2014
ing a sales presentation hand out promotion materials, show a frozen beef sample pack, and pass around a yellow tablet for each person to write down their name, address and e-mail. You will get a free meal, the gift of a Rotary cup or ball point pen. (Always act gracious to receive even your twentieth Rotary pen as if it was the first.) If you live in a small rural area join the Chamber of Commerce in the largest
Division B (cont.)
Division B (cont.)
Division C
Hudson Longhorns Mark Hubbell Dora Thompson Geoff Dawson Blue Moon Farm Curtis Elburn Ethan Loos Jim Steffler B. Eugene Berry, M.D. Jeff & Lynne Harder Billy R. Walker James & Lynette Haltom J & J Farms Oak Ridge Ranch Panther Creek Ranch Jeffrey Hudspeth Triple R Ranch Double D Arena John Leonard Dorothy Ammerman Matt & Annette Johnson Nancy Mindlin Ron A. Walker Calvin Deemer Dan Huntington Jean W. Payne Jimmy L. Jones Larry F. Overbeck Reginald Pederson Tom Davis Wilburn & Kathleen Sisco Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.
Allen & Suzanne Perry Alton & Joyce Martin Billy D and Delynn Davis Chad Birdwell El Coyote Ranch Ohlendorf Land and Cattle Company, LLC Rick & Tracey Friedrich B.J. & Wynell Hunt Gary Kudrna Kurt Twining Ron & Kevin Asbill Russell E. Fairchild Stanley B. Roberts Ben Garner Circle RM Ranch Grace Cattle Company, LLC Guthrie Creek Longhorn Cattle John & Diann Chase Kevin and Laureen Rooker Linda Jack Rio Vista Ranch Rocking 'O' Ranch Stanley Tidwell Stephen P Head Swing'n Star Ranch Carlton & Kierstan Schwab Roy Garber Anchor T Ranch Barbara Franklin Schmidt Billy Thompson and Gary Jenkins Brian Wallis Crossed T's Cattle Company Dale and Linda Smith Dale Land and Cattle George and Cindy Dennis Greg & Amy Franks Jason Christa Jeff & Marcy Lewis Joe Tillman John Oliver J.T. Wehring Keith & Tina DuBose Kristi Ging Kyle Carpenter Larry and Paula Reck Lazy J Ranch Mike and Marilyn Clayburn Molly Cook Steve and Rene' Azinger Triple R Ranch W.A. (Al) Vinson
Bow Carpenter Cinnstar Ranch Don Bordelon & Victorea Luminary Frank Anderson, Jr. Glen & Libbey Scheible Ken and Beth Smith Pat & Stan Ivicic Scott & Pam Evans Tom Christopher Asa & Joan Gamble Bret Wade Barnard Cactus Rose Longhorns Caleb Phillips Cason Rangel Cathleen Rangel Copper Creek Ranch Dave & Althea Sullivan David and Linda Mills Deer Creek Longhorns Don & Rhonda Poe Eddie W Braidfoot Edward Payne Hooks Longhorn Ranch Jim and Jean Murray Jodi Anderson John Marshall Kelly or Chrisann Merriman Kelvin & Brenda Adams Larry & Meloney Ferguson Lazy L Longhorns Malcolm & Constance Goodman Matt Hill Mike and Kim MacLeod Nathan Schumpert Pj's Cattle Company Rex & Nora Mosser Richard James Filip Rockin 4 B Roy & Maria Bailey S. Ann Wight Shannon Collins Steve Day Susan L Shelly Tanner Longhorns Tyler Johnston William L Kiely
Billy & Audrey Doolittle Bill and Jo Le'AN Scott & Tammy Shaw Sather Family LLC Brett Bartlett Carole Muchmore Kent Bladen Scot & Jodie O'Bryan Leo & Jolene Omlin Bruce Rose Curtis and Donna Hoskins Craig Perez David & Kimberly Nikodym Mike & Debbie Bowman Warren and Cathy Dorathy Dean & Belinda Franke John Murphy Peter & Stacie Hood RND Longhorns Robert A. or Julie A.G. Balzan Jim Hutchinson Kenneth Pankratz Bonnie & Rodger Damrow Brock Murphy Jeff and Sylvia Ketelsen Larry Johnston L.D. and Debbie McIntyre Luebbering Farms, LLC Pamela Kay & Ronald Miller Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson Wulfco Ranch Fort Robinson Lucinda K. Christian Mike and Carole Koss Barbara J. Fillmore Brian Nelson Charley E. and Doris Snyder Donald & Sharron Wiens J5 Longhorns Larry &/or Mary Ann Long Millard and Ruth Winter Oren & Dianna O'Dell Ray or Virginia Walker Robert & Lisa Van Liew Sunset Ridge Ranch Susan & Ralph Webb Todd and Kelli McKnight Tom & Jan Buck Tom & Linda Nading Tommy and Cathy Franks Two Heart Bar Ranch Wayne & Pamela Irey
Division B
Ron & Barbara Marquess Charles E. Spencer Eric & Anna Redeker Star Creek Ranch Vincent T. Girolamo Steven Zunker Trigg & Traci Moore Gwen Damato Lindauer Longhorn Company Shana L. Miller Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D. Brazos Bend Ranch Jim & Bethany Rosebrock Charles Riddle Hal or Horace Hickerson Ronnie E. Gaetz Stacy, Andy & Tiffany Martinez
Registrations and Transfers from November 1, 2013 to November 30, 2013
Division C
Woodson School Ranch Buckhorn Cattle Company Anchor D Ranch
Texas Longhorn Trails
TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s
January - Herd Management Guide Spring Calving: 1. Feed pregnant mature females to consume adequate energy, protein, minerals and vitamins prior to calving. If pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing or poor rainfall during the summer, then energy is your first concern. Feeding a medium (8-10 percent crude protein) to high quality (15-17 percent crude protein) hay free choice will provide an excellent source of energy for the females. If pasture grass is plentiful, but dormant and poor in quality during this time of year, then protein is generally your first concern. If your cows are in good body condition, feeding low levels of a high crude protein supplement (32-40 percent crude protein) is your best alternative. If your cows are thin in body condition, then feeding higher levels of a low crude protein, high energy range cubes (20 percent crude protein) will provide increased intake of vital nutrients. If winter pasture is available, then the females should not need additional energy or protein supplementation. A source of salt as well as a good commercial calcium: phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A should be available on a free choice basis. 2. Check first calf heifers (due to calve) daily for possibility of calving January 2014
difficulties. Provide assistance as necessary. 3. Weigh yearling heifers and make sure that the heifers have the necessary nutrition available to weigh 65 percent of their mature weight prior to the start of their breeding season in late spring and early summer.
Fall Calving: 1. Fertility check bulls prior to the start of breeding season. 2. Provide sufficient supplemental feed to bulls in breeding pastures to keep the bulls in good body condition to insure good, aggressive breeding behavior. 3. Continue supplemental feeding to cows nursing calves to insure good rebreeding performance and good weaning weights of calves. Lactating cows grazing dormant range grass require approximately 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent range cube or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent range cube daily to meet their protein requirement. If winter pasture is available, forage intake should be sufficient to meet nutrient requirements of lactating females. 4. Consider limited creep feeding (16 percent crude protein) for calves nursing older cows, first calf heifers or any calves needing additional nutrition.
JoelAuctioneer Lemley P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506
www.lemleyauctionservices.com TX. License 15204
Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX
DORA THOMPSON just registered 38 QUALITY HEIFERS and 17 HERD SIRE prospects BRED FOR HORN. We specialize in Hunts Command Respect and McGill Ranch genetics and offer young stock at reasonable prices. We have a Farlap Chex son on a herd of straight Butlers. Sand Hills Ranch is 20 mi. off the TX line in Northwest Louisiana below Shreveport. A large herd (approx. 175 mama cows) promises you plenty of variety. echoofambush@aol.com www.sandhillsranch.com • Tel (318) 872-6329
CATTLE FOR SALE ELITE TEXAS LONGHORNS FOR SALEDale Hunt - www.rockinhlonghorns.com (402) 214-4851. BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
THATE Cattle Company
Cell: (254) 396-5592 Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532
Owner/Broker 936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email: trigg@c21homeandranch.com
SEMEN FOR SALE LONGHORN SEMEN – Phenomenon, Emperor, DH Red Ranger, Tempter, JP Rio Grande, WS Jamakism, Working Man Chex, VJ Tommie and more. John Oliver 972-268-0083 or www.oliverlonghorns.com
Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
(507) 235-3467 To all our Longhorn friends… The very best of good health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year. May it be your BEST ever! Here at the ranch, 2014 promises to be the year of… BULL POWER… featuring the proven great genetics of Sure Shot FD, Measles Super Ranger, Overwhelmer, Oklahoma Quixote, Bail Jumper, Impressive, Rangers Impact and Playboy. We have an excellent choice of outstanding young herd sires to choose from. Also for sale are great Flying D bred & raised cows, heifers & steers. For information or to schedule a visit, contact:
Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, TX • 281-356-8167 • 281-356-2751 Fax dorie27@sbcglobal.net www.damuthflyingdranch.com
Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”
joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083
LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains
New Location: Sallisaw, OK (918) 774-9107 • (918) 855-4907 new web site:
TRADE & BARTER TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380. WE HAVE JUBAL JANGLER AND VANIZM HEIFERS, also ranch raised, young, well-bred AQHA Quarter Horses we will trade for your Registered Longhorn steers, bulls, etc. Save your cash for hay. Call (785) 447-9132 McIntyre Ranches - www.mcintyreranches.com.
For information, visit
www.tlbaa.org or read the Trails Magazine!
LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell www.asocl.com or troush57@yahoo.com YOU CALL - I HAUL!
TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org
Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Texas Longhorn Trails
A Adcock, Terry & Sherri ..................................59 Adkins, Aaron & Clay....................................19 Almendra Longhorns....................................57 American Livestock Magazine ....................53 Anderson, Frank Jr. & III..............................8-9
L Lightning Longhorns ....................................58 Little Ace Cattle Co...........................................8 Lone Wolf Ranch............................................58 Longhorns & Lace Sale..................................27 Longhorn Sale Pen ........................................50 Loomis, Bob & Pam ................................13,19
B Bar H Ranch....................................................57 Beadle Land & Cattle................................8, 57 Bear Boot Ranch ............................................59 Bentwood Ranch ............................................21 Big Valley Longhorns ....................................57 Billingsley Longhorns....................................59 Blue Mountain Longhorns ..........................54 Blue Ridge Ranch ..........................................BC Box Z Ranch................................................8, 59 Brett Ranch ......................................................58 Broken W Ranch ............................................58 BT Farms ..........................................................58 Buckhorn Cattle Co. ................................8, 58 Bull Creek Longhorns............................29, 58 Butler Breeders ..............................................8-9
M Marquess Arrow Ranch........................58, IBC McLeod Ranch ..................................................8 Midwest Longhorn Sale..........................14-15 Miller, Tim ......................................................57 Millennium Futurity......................................55 Moriah Farms ............................................9, 58
N Northbrook Cattle Co...................................58
Just For Grins Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)
Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or laura@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Please specify which month your caption is for.
P&C Cattle Pens ............................................23 Panther Creek Longhorns........................2, 57 C Pearl Longhorn Ranch ..................................59 Caballo Bravo Longhorns ............................57 PJ’s Cattle Company ........................................8 CedarView Ranch ....................................21, 57 Champion Genetics ......................................61 R
D Dalgood Longhorns ........................................9 DCCI Equipment ..........................................56 Deer Creek Longhorns..................................59 Diamond Q Longhorns ..............................58 Double LB Longhorns ..........................59, 54 Doug Hunt Longhorns ................................59
E Eagles Ridge Longhorns..................................9 El Coyote Ranch................................................1 End of Trail Ranch ........................................57
F 5D Ranch ........................................................59 First Financial Bank........................................63 Flying Diamond Ranch ................................58 Flying H Longhorns ......................................58
G G6 Longhorns ................................................58
H Haltom Hollar Ranch ..................................57 Harrell Ranch ....................................................9 Helm Cattle Co. ............................................58 Hickman Longhorns ....................................59 Hodges, Dave..................................................65 Horseshoe J Longhorns................................19 Hubell Longhorns..........................................19 Hudson Longhorns..........................................3 Hudson-Valentine Spring Inv. Sale........10-11
R & R Ranch ....................................................58 Red River Longhorn Sale..............................27 Registered Texas Longhorn Beef..................43 Rio Vista Ranch ................................................8 Rocking G Ranch..............................................9 Rockin I Longhorns ..................................9, 59 Rocking P Longhorns ......................................8 Rocky Mountain Longhorns ......................57 Rolling D Ranch ............................................57 Running Arrow Farm ....................................61 7 Bar Longhorns ............................................58 7D Longhorns ................................................57
S Safari B Ranch ................................................58 Sand Hills Ranch ......................................7, 57 Semkin Longhorns ........................................58 Sidewinder Cattle Co.......................................9 Singing Coyote Ranch ..................................59 Smith, T.M. & Jean ........................................58 South Texas State Fair....................................65 SS Longhorns..................................................58 Star Creek Ranch ............................................29 Stotts Hideaway Ranch ................................59
T Tallgrass Cattle Co. ........................................17 Texas S Longhorns ........................................59 TLBA Foundation ..........................................60 TLBAA 50th Anniversary ........IFC, 33, 39, 41 TLBAA Membership......................................68 TLBAA Special Events....................................35 Triple R Ranch (MI) ......................................57 Triple R Ranch (TX)..........................................9 Triple T Longhorns ........................................58
JBR Longhorns................................................57 Underwood Longhorns................................57 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ..........................59 Jack Mountain Ranch....................................59 W Jane’s Land & Cattle Co...................................9 Johnston Longhorns ....................................58 Walker, Ron ....................................................59 Just Little Bull Cattle Co...................................52 Westfarms, Inc...................................................8 White Pine Ranch ..........................................19 Wichita Fence..................................................52 K Widespread Ranch ........................................19 Khaos Cattle Company ..................................19 Winchester Futurity of the North ..............23 King, Terry & Tammy ................................19, 57 Windy Oaks Ranch........................................47 Kittler Land & Cattle Co. ................................57 Woodson School Ranch ............................582
Lazy J Longhorns............................................57 YO Ranch ........................................................56 Lemley Longhorns ........................................59 January 2014
Photo courtesy of John Bastardi, Australia
Wendy Hastings, Art, TX
Coming Next Month:
Herd Sire Edition
Join Us! We’re Growing Fast!
a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.
In 1964,
the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.
The Advantages of Membership Include:
★ State of the art Registration Department to maintain five ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Canadian show circuit for breeders in the North. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine.
★ Educational Web site. ★ Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.
★ Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. H.O.R.N.S. – Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. ★ Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. ★ Mail-in voting for regional directors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE! Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org
TLBAA Membership Application
MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Please draw your brand inside the box exactly as you wish to be recorded.
Reading of Brand _______________________
Name:______________________________________________________ Other Name: ________________________________________________
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Check or Money Ord.
New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) **
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Monthly Breed Publication (Texas Longhorn Trails)
Card No.:___________________________________________________ Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________ Referred by:_________________________________________________
**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___
All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.
* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $60 US address or $75 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.
Texas Longhorn Trails