July 2017 Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine

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JULY 2017


January 2016 | 1

56 | July 2017



March 2017 | 23


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TLBAA Regions




Canada, New Zealand, Australia

Chairman of the Board: Tom Matott • (303) 500-9465

Secretary/Parliamentarian: Alex Dees • (805) 300-4617

Executive Vice Chairman: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035

Treasurer: Mark Hubbell • (269) 838-3083

1st Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (785) 562-6665

Director: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493

2nd Vice Chairman: David “Nik” Nikodym • (405) 227-7127

Director: Tony Mangold • (830) 237-5024



At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Mark Hubbell

Keith DuBose

Jim Rombeck

(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com

(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com

(785) 562-6665 jl.rombeck@outlook.com

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Ken Morris

John Parmley

David “Nik” Nikodym Region 13 - Director

(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@gmail.com

(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com

(405) 227-7127 bardies@hotmail.com

Region 1 - Director

Region 7 - Director

Jeff Jespersen

Cody Himmelreich

Region 2 - Director

Region 8 - Director

Region 14 - Director

Nelson Hearn

Kevin Rooker

Todd McKnight

(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com

(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com

(303) 775-2034 hi5longhorns@att.net

(817) 692-7843 krooker@centurylink.net

L.D. McIntyre

(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com

(620) 704-3493 tmck7@ckt.net

Region 3 - Director

Region9 - Director

Region 15 Director

Tom Smith

Russell Fairchild

David Edwards

(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com

(254) 485-3434 fairchildranch@yahoo.com

(918) 557-0364 dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com

Region 4 - Director

Region 10 - Director

Region 16 - Director

Aaron Adkins

Sandi Nordhausen

Tom Matott

(704) 490-9208 doublealonghorns@gmail.com

(512) 750-1350 sandi.nordhausen@gmail.com

(303) 500-9465 tom@rockymountainlonghorns.com

Region 5 - Director

Region 11 - Director

Region 17 - Director

Terry King

Stephen Head

Alex Dees

(850) 299-6875 tklonghorns@centurylink.net

(979) 549-5270 headshorns@hotmail.com

(805) 300-4617 atdees@aol.com

Region 6 - Director

Region 12 - Director

Region 18 - Director

Kathy Kittler

Tony Mangold

Chris Herron

(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967 Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969 J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971 Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973 James Warren 1973-1975 J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977 J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978 John R. Ball* 1979-1980

2 | July 2017

Bill Anthony* 1981-1982 Dr. L.V. Baker 1982-1984 Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark 1984-1986 Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988 John T. Baker 1988-1990 Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992

(830) 237-5024 tmangold@sbcglobal.net

Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995 Tim Miller* 1995-1998 Sherman Boyles 1998-2003 Bob Moore* 2003-2005 Joel Lemley 2006-2007 Ben Gravett* 2007

Dr. Fritz Moeller 2007-2009 Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010 Robert Richey 2010 Steven Zunker 2010-2011 Brent Bolen 2011-2012 Bernard Lankford 2012-2013 Todd McKnight 2013-2016


(909) 721-7577 chris@herronconstructioninc.com

TLBAA EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 semkinlonghorns@mindspring.com Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 doublehelix@att.net Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 fserna@elcoyote.com John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 jtb2@earthlink.net Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com

Consigned by Brett and Darcy DeLapp. A 2009 cow; she has an extremely unique horn set with a great TTT measurement.

Consigned by Hudson Longhorns. She measures 86 1/4"TTT. She will take your breath away with her massive set of horns and beautiful flashy color.



HV Auctions is excited to return to the Fort Worth Stockyards this fall with a weekend of fellowship, entertainment and premier Longhorn cattle! Everyone is invited to join us on Friday, September 22, for dinner after the sale on the Livestock Exchange lawn. Before the sale, beverages will be served with live music for entertainment. Rising country music star Rye Davis will be performing at the sale festivities throughout the weekend. In addition, the Fort Worth Stockyards make for a phenomenal vacation destination with lots of stuff to do - amazing dining, shopping, rodeo experiences and the famous Billy Bob's!

Book your Hotel now!


HUDSON / VALENTINE LORI MCCARTY: 817-991-8825 • hvauction@gmail.com LORINDA VALENTINE: 817-441-1487 • 270-996-7046 (cell) panthrecreekranch@att.net MIKE WILLINGER: 502-379-1049 classicfencecompany@gmail.com


Offered for the first time in public auction the chance to own a heifer out of record setting genetics. "RFJ Imagine" 2017 heifer out of "M Arrow Cha-Ching" the longest total horned cow on record 124.5 TH, 92.37 TTT, sired by the longest horned bull on record "Cowboy Tuff Chex" 100.1875 TTT, 116.25 TH.


March 2017 | 23

COVER STORIES BEEF: profiting from the 26 LONGHORN demand for local, naturally raised products By Myra Basham JUly 2017 Vol. 29 • No. 4


By Heather Smith Thomas



Editor’s Note

10 Nominate deserving TLBAA Members today! TLBAA Special Awards Criteria


2017 Red River Sale Results


Two restaurant success stories featuring Longhorn beef. By Myra Basham


Texas Longhorn Breeders Hall of Fame Nominates now being accepted

Making the Menu


Affiliate Prince & Princess Contest


Get Cooking With Longhorn Beef


And the Survey Says…


Registered Texas Longhorn Beef Providers

Tips and recipes

21 Product Spotlight

36 News on the Trail

40 Affiliate News

42 Herd Management

43 In Memoriam

43 In The Pen

Results from the Longhorn beef survey

47 Index/Just For Grins

48 Calendar

About the Cover: Photo courtesy of Daniel Harabis 4 | July 2017



HL JEFFERSON: 82" tip-to-tip

JACK POT: 84.5” tip-to-tip



TOP SCORE: 80” tip-to-tip

MUSTAFIA: 81" tip-to-tip

DOB: 8/23/2010, TOP CALIBER x RM PAT 361


See our lineup of cows, heifers and calves at redpeakranch.com For more information contact Mike Crawford at 972.489.3832 or mike_crawford@mccom.com


March 2017 | 23

(817) 625-6241 817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 trails@tlbaa.org www.tlbaa.org


I really want a Longhorn burger now! After doing research and conducting interviews for this look at Longhorn beef, I wanted nothing more than to get in the car and drive to the first restaurant I could find with Longhorn on the menu. Unfortunately, the Trails deadline kept me in my seat. I will find one soon though. In this issue, we profile two Longhorn beef restaurant success stories in the article “Making the Menu”, starting on pg. 16. I really want to thank all who participated in the brief beef survey we posted on Facebook, as well as the Registered Texas Longhorn beef providers listed on www.tlbaa.org. The data acquired and follow-up question responses were invaluable in putting together our featured article for July “Longhorn Beef: Profiting from the Demand for Local Naturally Raised Products”, starting on pg. 26. If you’ve been reluctant in establishing Longhorn beef production as a part of your program, take heart in the fact that there is an increasing demand for locally sourced, humanely raised, all-natural beef. Today’s world is now more concerned than ever with where their food comes from, especially meat. Now that we are in the heat of the summer, it is critical that Longhorns have an ample supply of fresh clean water. Preventing heat stress and identifying signs of dehydration are discussed on pg. 38 in “Summer Water Issues.” Starting with the August issue, we will re-introduce the former “New Breeder Spotlight” as simply “Meet Our Members” which will provide readers with a brief introduction of TLBAA members who have joined within the last three years. Meet our newest members, discover their program goals, and connect with those nearby. If you would like to participate contact me directly at myra@tlbaa.org. Do you know any fellow Longhorn breeders who deserve to be recognized for their dedication and achievements within the Longhorn industry? You may even know of some who have spent their entire lifetime improving the breed. Here is your chance to honor them with a TLBAA Special Award or Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame nomination. Please do not assume that someone else will nominate them. We often hear people say they are surprised when someone they feel is deserving is not nominated. It is up to you to participate and contribute by making sure those deserving are included on the nomination list. The deadline for all award nominations is September 15, 2017. For award criteria and more information see pgs. 10-11 and 19. There are a lot of ways to get involved in the upcoming months. Do you have a flashy bull or heifer you want to show off? Enter the fun Affiliate Prince & Princess contest, see pg. 21 for details or contact your local affiliate. Start picking out your superstars now for our 2017 Horn Showcase & Futurity to be held on October 5-8, 2017 in Lawton, OK. Can’t make the event but still want to participate? Attend one of our Satellite Measuring’s across the US and get ‘em measured. After a record-breaking 2016 HSC with high sale averages, entries & semen sales, you don’t want to miss being a part of this exciting event! Forms and information can be found starting on pg. 22. We hope to see you there!

DEADLINE: September 2017 Issue:

July 24th Longhorn Women

6 | July 2017


Myra Basham Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief


Editor in Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 108 • myra@tlbaa.org trailseditor@tlbaa.org Advertising: Lindsay Maher • Ext. 109 lindsay@tlbaa.org Graphic Design & Production: Joshua Farias • Ext. 105 joshua@tlbaa.org Administrative Assistant: Raborn Sprabary • Ext. 100 raborn@tlbaa.org

Registrations Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org Special Events Amy Weatherholtz • Ext. 104 amy@tlbaa.org Accounting Theresa Jorgenson • Ext. 119 theresa@tlbaa.org Printed in the U.S.A. Member

The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817)  6256241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.


July 2017 | 7

Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 S. Rosemary Dr. • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com

Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110 Ray.Beadle@gapac.com

BPT Longhorns Ben & Phyllis Termin Weatherford, TX 817-374-2635 luvmylonghorns@gmail.com

Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa 2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com Louis (210) 863-7003 Jason (210) 232-1818

Dalgood Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman 6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422 dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com

Jack Mountain Ranch Hal & Betty Meyer 8000 Mount Sharp Rd. • Wimberley, TX 78676 (512) 422-4681 cell (512) 842-1116 halmeyer@hotmail.com

Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467

Coming to the 20th Anniversary Butler

Breeder’s Invitational, Labor Day Weekend

Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com

LL Longhorns Neil & Cynthia Hall 1414 Thorton Rd. • Houston, TX 77018 (206) 574-8950 www.lllonghorns.com cynthia@lllonghorns.com

McLeod Ranch Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155

Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net

Rio Vista Ranch Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane • Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com

Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com

Westfarms Inc. Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450 • Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com

This space is available for your ranch listing! Call Lindsay Maher: (817) 625-6241

Calling for Nominations for the TLBAA Special Awards The TLBAA special year end awards will be presented during the annual meeting held during Texas Longhorn Weekend in January 2018. All TLBAA active members are encouraged to nominate fellow breeders for these special honors. Nominees will each be verified as active TLBAA members in good standing. Nominations must be in a written format and will include why/how the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. An individual can only be nominated for one award each year. All nominees received and verified will be listed in the November TRAILS, and you the members, will be selecting the overall award winners. Deadline for nomination submissions is September 15, 2017, 5 pm CST. Nominations should be emailed to awards@tlbaa.org. If unable to email, you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. Think about who you know that deserves to be recognized for a year end award. Remember the deadline for nominations for these awards is September 15, 2017, 5 pm CST. For further information or additional questions please contact Tina DuBose, Affiliate Chairperson. Continue reading for criteria and past winners of these prestigious awards.

The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award

A native Texan, Dave Evans entered the Texas Longhorn industry in 1977, establishing the Yellow Pine Ranch at Cuchara, CO. He and his wife, Billicarole, quickly became enthusiastic about the breed and additional ranches were purchased to supplement the original ranch. Evans served on the Board of Directors of both the TLBAA and the Mountain & Plains Texas Longhorn Association. He also served terms as TLBAA Vice-President. He was a founding partner and host of the Colorado National Texas Longhorn Sale, a record-breaking event when it started in 1981, which continued to be one of the industry’s major events for many years. From the start, Evans realized the necessity of using the best bulls available in the breed in order to develop a top herd. His goal was to breed for consistent size as well as correctness and outstanding horns. He purchased Texas Ranger JP in 1980, and then Dixie Rebel and Major Investment. In 1986, Evans acquired CT Spoty Ruler, the bull he considered to be the best he’d ever owned. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. It is therefore a significant honor to be a recipient of this award, named in honor of this dedicated Longhorn breeder. This award is given to individuals who have dedicated themselves to the betterment of Texas Longhorn cattle through their breeding program.

Past Recipients of the Dave Evans Award 1982 – Babs & Chico Wright 1983 – Jack Montgomery 1984 – Red McCombs 1985 – Ray Moore 1986 – Al Micallef 1987 – Glen W. Lewis 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – Jerry & Martha Gillespie 1990 – Bob & Linda Moore 1991 – Dr. Joseph Graham 1992 – Dr. L.V. Baker 1993 – Johnnie Hoffman 1994 – Wayne Rumley, Wes & Carrie Hill 1995 – W.O. & Patti Marquess 1996 – El Coyote Ranch 1997 – John T. Baker 1998 – Shady W Ranch 1999 – Bob Coffee 14 | December 2016

2000 – John & Christy Randolph 2001 – Ben Gravett 2002 – Bob Loomis 2003 – John & Diann Chase 2004 – Mike Bowman 2005 – Johnnie Robinson 2006 – Robert and Kim Richey 2007 – Doug Hunt 2008 – Kaso Kety 2009 – Jimmy Jones Dora Thompson 2010 – Brent & Cindy Bolen 2011 – Darlene Aldridge, DVM 2012 – El Coyote Ranch 2013 – Bob Loomis 2015 – Brett & Darcy De Lapp 2016 – Nancy Dunn


Jack Phillips Award The Jack Phillips Award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. The awards honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition. It is hoped that Affiliate Presidents will encourage members to nominate individuals who have fulfilled this criteria but all members of the TLBAA are encouraged to makes nominations.

Past recipients of the Jack Phillips Award 1994 – John & Silvia Gams 1995 – Kenneth Archer 1996 – Maudeen Marks & Eileen Day 1997 – Noah & Melba Oliver 1998 – R.L. Slater 1999 – Glen Lewis 2000 – Dorie Damuth 2001 – Charley & Doris Snyder 2002 – David Hartshorn 2003 – Ray Moore 2004 – Morgan Cook, Jr. 2005 – Ronnie Cruce 2006 – Albert G. “Pete” Boyce, Jr. 2007 – Trigg & Traci Moore 2008 – Steve & Bodie Quary 2009 – Steven Zunker 2010 – Donnie Taylor 2011 – Elmer Rosenberger 2012 – Kim & Robert Richey 2013 – Dale Hunt & Sherrill Caddel 2014 – Geoff Dawson, Tina Stewart & Charlene Musgrove 2015 – Rodger & Bonnie Damrow 2016 – Joe Sedlacek

Elmer Parker Lifetime Award

Lifetime Devotion to the Texas Longhorn Breed and Its Breeders

Elmer Parker was a longtime employee and manager of the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge Longhorn herd. Parker joined the staff at the Refuge in 1946, learning from the previous Longhorn managers: Earl Drummond, Heck Schrader and Joe Bill Lee. In 1968, he took over the responsibilities of the Longhorns at the Refuge and continued until his retirement in 1981. Thus, the continuity of Longhorn expertise at the Refuge continued for more than half a century. The Parker Brown color designation on Longhorn registrations was named after Elmer Parker – the dark brown, almost black color, with lighter dorsal stripe, was one of his favorite colors. This award honors those members, who have been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Longhorn breed, qualities that Parker was known for.

Past Recipients of the Elmer Parker Award 1987 – J.G. “Jack” Phillips 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – J.W. Isaacs 1990 – Charles Schreiner III 1991 – Eddie Wood 1992 – F.M. “Blackie” Graves 1993 – Dan. O. Coates 1994 – Leonard Stiles 1995 – Johnnie Hoffman 1996 – Walter B. Scott 1997 – Col. Fraser West 1998 – Linda Moore/ Harvey Rasmussen 1999 – Owen McGill 2000 – Charlene Semkin

2001 – Dan W. Coates 2002 – Bob Moore 2003 – Tim Miller 2004 – T.M. Smith 2005 – H.C. Carter 2006 – Sherman Boyles 2007 – Harvey Rassmussen 2008 – Dr. Bob Kropp 2009 – Michael McLeod 2010 – Joe & Lorinda Valentine 2011 – Maurice Ladnier 2012 – Dr. Joyce Kimble 2013 – Kaso Kety 2015 – John Allen 2016 – Wes Watson

Mel Raley Rising Star Mel Raley will always be remembered as a shining star for the TLBAA because of his ability to share his vast knowledge of the Longhorn breed with new members. This special recognition is awarded to those who have been an active member of the TLBAA for less than five years and through involvement and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed.

Past Recipients of the Mel Raley Rising Star Award 1999 – Barry & Jeanne Carter Gray 2000 – Gary “Cowboy” & Kendra Kelley 2001 – Joel & Shirley Lemley 2002 – Zech Dameron, III 2003 – Glen & Larry Smith 2004 – Danny & Carole Phillips 2005 – Rebecca Rhodes 2006 – John & Brenda Oliver 2007 – Bruce & Susan Easterly 2008 – Randy Briscoe 2009 – Matt Westmoreland 2010 – Jay & Suzanne Faske 2011 – Danny & Merrilou Russell 2012 – Greg Franks 2013 – Kyle & Whitney Mayden 2016 – James & Paula Wilkins

TLBAA Year-End Awards Nomination Form TLBAA is now accepting nominations to four important annual awards. Each award encompasses different characteristics, values and contributions to the Texas Longhorn industry. Nominations must describe in detail how the nominee fulfills the criteria of the award. Name-only nominations will not be accepted. Nominees must be active TLBAA members in good standing.

THE DEADLINE TO RECEIVE NOMINATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 15, 2017, 5 p.m. CST. The recipients of these awards will be honored as part of the Texas Longhorn Weekend in Fort Worth, Texas. Contact TLBAA at 817-625-6241 for more information.

Your Name: _________________________________________________________TLBAA Number__________________ Your Contact Number: ________________________________________________________________________________ Nominee’s Name: ____________________________________________________TLBAA Number__________________ Nominee Contact Number: ___________________________________________________________________________ Which award are they being nominated for? _____________________________________________________________ How and why does the nominee fulfill the described criteria of the award? (Please limit comments to 450 wods) __________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Use Additional Paper if Needed – If multiple nominations are received for an individual, the comments will be combined into one set of criteria. Please submit photo(s) of nominee with this nomination.

Return completed form to awards@tlbaa.org. If you are unable to email, you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. P.O. Box 4430, Fort Worth, Texas 76164 817.625.6241 • 817.625.1388 Fax

2 | February 2017



February 2016 | 3

Sale Results

2017 RED RIVER SALE RESULTS May 27, 2017 Red River Livestock Auction-Overbrook, OK Auctioneer: Joel Lemley Red River Sale Partners: Bob and Pam Loomis, Rick and Tracey Friedrich, Frank and Michelle Hevrdejs

Results Furnished by Lemley Auction Services-Sales Management Photos by Hired Hand Software


Bruce & Helen Hazelwood, Deer Creek Longhorns

$14,000 - BL Can Can Girl

Scott & Danielle Mershon, Whistling Longhorn Ranch

$13,000 - LLL Max’s Paige $11,500 - TKR Becca’s Grande $10,500 - Gorgeous Gambler Gia SRC $10,100 - BCR Respected Girl 511

Roy and Patty Armstrong, Armstrong Ranch at Wolf Hollow

$9,000 - BCR Wrapped in Pink 554 $8,000 - Lacy River $7,000 - Pure Outlaw $6,500 - M Arrow Bewitched $6,250 - BL Sassy Tuff

Jimmy Jones, Roger Witham with Mike Beijl, MB Longhorns; Mikael Beck, Holy Horseshoe J Cow Longhorns; and sale host Rick Friedrich, River Ranch. Longhorns was the winner of the 2017 Bob Loomis Award presented by Bob and Pam Loomis Suzanne & Bill and granddaughter, Torkildsen, Bull Cobi. Creek Longhorns; Jimmy Jones, Horseshoe J Longhorns

The Ladies Limo Shopping Trip is always a fun part of the weekend.

Nancy Dunn, Rolling D Ranch; Charlene & Mark Gilliland, Gilliland Ranch

14 | July 2017


Kathy & Tommy Mulhollan, Double T Longhorns


March 2017 | 23

Longhorn Beef

By Myra Basham



The Biggin’ is one of Truelove’s specialty Longhorn burgers

aking the


Getting your Longhorn beef into a res-

taurant can be challenging. Guaranteeing supply, arriving at pricing that benefits the supplier as well as the restaurant, and the lack of public awareness of Longhorn beef can all be obstacles. It can, however, turn out to be a rewarding venture. The Longhorn beef suppliers highlighted here have been successful in their area. Like so many things in the world of business, each circumstance is as unique as Longhorns themselves. 16 | July 2017

The word Longhorn shows up in restaurant names as well as on menu items, but look closer and you discover that seldom is that referring to the type of beef being served. Truelove’s Longhorn Burgers in Yukon, OK, goes beyond the norm and not only spotlights Longhorn in their name but offers Longhorn burgers to suit any taste. When you see the amount of information on their website and in their restaurant promoting the healthiness of Longhorn beef, one may think they are Longhorn breeders who decided to open a restaurant. Not so. They are instead health conscious entrepreneurs who are educating their customers on the benefits of Longhorn beef, many who had never heard of it before coming in the restaurant. The idea for Truelove’s Longhorn Burgers came to Markus Truelove after praying to find a way to be more involved in his community and to do more for his household. But why Longhorn meat? At the time he started down the road to becoming a restaurateur, Markus and his wife, Shannon, were both teachers. His kids were very involved with sports, so there was a lot of eating out, and they loved burgers. He and his wife wanted tem to be able to enjoy burgers in a healthier way; and his research brought him to Longhorn beef. Truelove, unfamiliar with Longhorns himself, said his first question was “How do I find a supplier of Longhorn beef, someone local so that I can continuously have the supply we need…” Google brought him the answer in his search for Texas Longhorn cattle breeders – the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA). “When I went to the TLBAA website, it had information on breeders all across the nation – it was a smorgasbord of information that I needed at the time.” He used the beef providers list and he called the ones closest to him and arranged ranch visits. Seeing Longhorn operations firsthand was very important to Truelove, not only to see the quality of the animals and the operation, but he was looking for someone honest, dependable and trustworthy as well. Truelove met with TLBAA members Matt McGuire and Buck Adams and discovered not only did they have outstanding Longhorn operations, they were upstanding men as well. Over time McGuire became his main Longhorn beef supplier while Adams serves as a secondary supply if McGuire’s supplies are low.



March 2017 | 23

Longhorn Beef After educating himself further by interning with Chick-Fil-A and continuously seeking help from friends who were restaurant owners, Truelove realized he had another educational hurdle to overcome – his customers lack of understanding of the value of Longhorn beef.

Matt McGuire and Markus Truelove “Not too many people know about Longhorn beef.” he explained. “They don’t understand why they are paying more for a prime beef. So, what I did was have traditional beef for those who weren’t familiar with Longhorn and Longhorn beef for those who are. What I’ve noticed is that when we opened originally there weren’t too many people who purchased the Longhorn beef, and now we have people who come in and consistently buy the Longhorn beef. We have advertising on the tables explaining healthiness of Longhorn beef and I encourage them to look it up themselves and they’ll find it’s better for them. Now I have people come in excited to be able to purchase it and don’t mind that it’s extra.” Any burger on the menu can be made with Longhorn beef for $1 extra. They also have specialty Longhorn burgers with gourmet toppings and descriptions that leave your mouth watering. The seasoning on the Longhorn beef is the same as the Angus burgers, but the cooking time and temp are different. “Longhorn beef is going to be kind of tough and dry if you don’t cook it right,” admits Truelove, but adds, “If you cook it a little slower, allow it to heat from the bottom through the middle, it’s very tender and it’s got a good flavor to it. The people enjoy it and there’s been no complaints.” The grill consists of a Longhorn side and an Angus side, allowing them to cook the Longhorn burgers at the lower temperature and slightly longer time necessary to achieve the best in texture and flavor. “We let people taste it and if they enjoy it great, if they don’t we won’t sell it. We’ve got an overwhelmingly good response to the Longhorn beef.” More than the success of the Longhorn burgers, being a part of the community is key to Truelove’s success. Truelove’s encourages family time. “We have a kids play area which really doesn’t exist anywhere in a casual setting,” Truelove explained. “We have games that people can play while they’re waiting on there food. We even 18 | July 2017

offer a 10% discount off of an entire ticket as an incentive for people to stay off of their phone and hangout with friends and family. We like to focus on great service, quality food and a family friendly atmosphere!” “We’re not just about making money,” Truelove adds, “We want to be a part of the community. We give free lunches to area businesses just to say ‘we appreciate what you guys do and we’re a part of this community as well’. We try to stay focused on community and faith, the only reason I’m talking to you right now is God gave me a vision and a dream and He saw it come to fruition.” McGuire emphasizes that it’s all about relationships in marketing Longhorn beef. He gave Truelove samples of his product and once Truelove agreed that it was a good product, they sat down and spent time talking to arrive at an arrangement they both could live with. “It took a little compromise on both ends to figure out how we both could make money off the deal,” said McGuire. Over time they tweaked the details and now Matt has the meat processed on his end and delivers a finished packaged product to Truelove. McGuire deals primarily in ground beef and does supply other restaurants in the Oklahoma City area. He also finishes a few steers for custom orders and prime cuts as well. His product is grass-fed, only supplementing with 20% protein cubes and hay in the winter months. It is important to McGuire for his customers to know they are getting an all-natural product and that he pulls them straight off grass to go to be processed. Producing an all-natural healthy product was part of the key in the partnership and success with Truelove’s Longhorn Burgers.

WALLDORFF BREWPUB & BISTRO Walldorff Brewpub & Bistro in Hastings, MI, is not the place you’d expect to see a Longhorn skull on the wall and Longhorn beef on the menu. Thanks to the need for a new market for his Longhorn bulls, Mark Hubbell of Hubbell Longhorns, supplies the restaurant with the most important ingredient in their popular Texas Longhorn Patty Melt.

A glance at the menu shows that the restaurant not only features the burger, it promotes the supplier as well with the Hubbell Longhorns logo and the Hubbell’s



July 2017 | 19

Longhorn Beef Foothill Farms name prominent and bold in the item listing. In the beginning, they also offered the A-1 Longhorn burger (pictured) but have since stuck with the

highly popular Patty Melt as a permanent menu item. Their promotion of Hubbell goes further, with TShirts featuring the Hubbell Longhorns logo available along with their own branded merchandise. While Hubbell had the idea of approaching the popular restaurant in the back of his head for a while, market changes spurred him forward. “We had one packing company up here that would buy our Longhorns. They would pay us by hanging weight and give us full market value. They did not dock us for being Longhorns. The USDA came in and stopped them from taking Longhorns citing unsafe conditions on the kill floor. The man working the kill floor explained that he had no issues with the Longhorns, but the USDA inspector did. They shut off our market. You take a Longhorn to a sale barn up here and you get nothing for it. They don’t want to deal with the horns.” Because of those circumstances, Hubbell found himself with two-year-old bulls that were not destined to be herd sires that he had to do something with. He decided to approach the number one restaurant in town. “I went

20 | July 2017

down there and pitched the idea to the owner,” he tells. “Homegrown, local food is so popular right now – people want to know where their meat is coming from. He liked the idea. In the beginning, they would even put my brand on the bun, but the kitchen only does it by request now due to the extra time it takes.” Hubbell feeds out his Longhorns destined for beef the same as he does his Angus cattle. The restaurant promotes the fact that it is lean, healthy, all natural and locally raised.

Producing beef is not a focus for Hubbell’s program but it has proved to be a way to not only make some decent money, but allows him more freedom to keep his bulls for observation longer before deciding if they are developing into herd sire material. If they do not make the cut, he grinds the whole animal, except for the tenderloin. He adds that he does raise three or four steers a year to sell to individuals who want to have prime cuts as well as ground. Hubbell enjoys taking people who come visit his farm to Waldorff’s to try the Texas Longhorn Patty Melt, adding that he recently witnessed fellow Longhorn breeder Don Bordelon tackle the “Big As Texas” full pound burger. Hubbell was amazed, “I’ve seen people order the pound burger before, but he’s the first person I’ve seen finish it.”


Product Spotlight

EziWeigh System by Tru-Test Collecting and measuring data about livestock performance is now standard practice, and cattle weight calculations are used to estimate everything from proper feed amounts and medication dosage to calving intervals, weaning weights, pounds weaned per exposed female, calf growth, cow weight or condition, and herd production efficiency. There are quite a few cattle weigh scales on the market and before selecting a weighing system for your ranch or farm consider the following: - Your personal situation, budget, needs and limitations - The application where the scale will be used; available power source - Quantity of animals and frequency of use

Tremendous advancements have been made in the usability of scales, with ease of use and portability being at the forefront. One cattle scale with great versatility is the EziWeigh System by Tru-Test.


There are 3 components to the Tru-Test Weigh Scale system. 1. Load Bars & Load Cells are fitted under an animal platform (purchased separately) or alleyway, squeeze chute etc. Load bars measure the weight of the animal. 2. Weigh Scale Indicator captures the animal’s weight within 3-6 seconds, displaying and calculating for infield decision making, and storing data for later use.

View weight history and data. 3. Data Link Software enables recorded information to be downloaded to your PC and provides an interface. Compatible with CattleMax.


- Aircraft grade aluminum load bars - Completely enclosed load cells to protect against dirt, moisture, and rodents - 100% water and dust proof weigh scale indicator - integrated Bluetooth in models EziWeigh7i, ID5000, XR5000 - Lightweight and portable - Easy to use software interface with free updates Tru-Test Weigh systems are widely available with prices ranging from $1,700 to $3,500 depending upon features and capacity. Hill, Kevin. “What to consider before investing in cattle scales.” Progressive Cattleman. N.p., 19 Aug. 2015. Web.


July 2017 | 21



Class 1 Females October 2016 (TTT only) Class 2 Females September 2016 (TTT only) Class 3 Females August 2016 (TTT only) Class 4 Females July 2016 (TTT only) Class 5 Females June 2016 (TTT only) Class 6 Females May 2016 (TTT only) Class 7 Females April 2016 Class 8 Females March 2016 Class 9 Females February 2016 Class 10 Females January 2016 Class 11 Females December 2015 Class 12 Females November 2015 Class 13 Females September-October 2015 Class 14 Females July-August 2015 Class 15 Females May-June 2015 Class 16 Females March-April 2015 Class 17 Females January-February 2015 Class 18 Females October-December 2014 Class 19 Females July-September 2014 Class 20 Females April-June 2014 Class 21 Females January-March 2014 Class 22 Females September-December 2013 Class 23 Females May-August 2013 Class 24 Females January-April 2013 Class 25 Females July-December 2012 Class 26 Females January-June 2012 Class 27 Females 2011 Class 28 Females 2010-2009 Class 29 Females 2008-2006 Class 30 Females 2005-2002 Class 31 Females 2001 and older

Class 32 Bulls October 2016 (TTT only) Class 33 Bulls September 2016 (TTT only) Class 34 Bulls August 2016 (TTT only) Class 35 Bulls July 2016 (TTT only) Class 36 Bulls June 2016 (TTT only) Class 37 Bulls May 2016 (TTT only) Class 38 Bulls April 2016 Class 39 Bulls March 2016 Class 40 Bulls February 2016 Class 41 Bulls January 2016 Class 42 Bulls December 2015 Class 43 Bulls November 2015 Class 44 Bulls September-October 2015 Class 45 Bulls July-August 2015 Class 46 Bulls May-June 2015 Class 47 Bulls March-April 2015 Class 48 Bulls January-February 2015 Class 49 Bulls October-December 2014 Class 50 Bulls July-September 2014 Class 51 Bulls April-June 2014 Class 52 Bulls January-March 2014 Class 53 Bulls July-December 2013 Class 54 Bulls January-June 2013 Class 55 Bulls 2012 Class 56 Bulls 2011-2010 Class 57 Bulls 2009-2007 Class 58 Bulls 2006 and older


Send your entries in today!

Class 62 Steers Oct. 2015-Jan. 2013 Class 63 Steers 2012-2010 Class 64 Steers 2009 and older


Class 59 Females Twisty Horn Oct. 2015-Jan. 2013 Class 60 Females Twisty Horn 2012-2010 Class 61 Females Twisty Horn 2009 and older

MINIATURE CLASSES FEMALES Class 1 1 year and 1 day to 18 months old (TTT only) Class 2 18 months and 1 day to 2 years old Class 3 2 years old and 1 day to 30 mos .old Class 4 30 mos. and 1 day to 3 years old Class 5 3 years old and 1 day and older

BULLS Class 1 1 year and 1 day to 18 months old (TTT only) Class 2 18 months and 1 day to 27 mos.old Class 3 27 mos. old and 1 day to 36 mos .old Class 4 36 mos. and older

STEERS Class 1 1 year and 1 day to 24 months old (TTT only) Class 2 24 months and 1 day to 36 mos.old Class 3 36 mos. old and 1 day and older No Composite Measuring for Miniature Classes

FUTURITY CLASSES FEMALES Class 1 September - October 2016 Class 2 July - August 2016 Class 3 May - June 2016 Class 4 March - April 2016 Class 5 January - February 2016 Class 6 September - December 2015 Class 7 May - August 2015 Class 8 January - April 2015 Class 9 Born 2014 - 2013 Class 10 Born 2012 & Before

BULLS Class 1 September - October 2016 Class 2 July - August 2016 Class 3 May - June 2016 Class 4 March - April 2016 Class 5 January - February 2016 Class 6 September - December 2015 Class 7 May - August 2015 Class 8 January - April 2015

For More Information: Contact the TLBAA office 817-625-6241


www 56 | May 2017



Animal’s TLBAA NO.


Animal’s Name: ________________________________________________ Animal’s Date of Birth: __________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Name: ______________________________________________ Exhibitor’s TLBAA N0. ____________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Phone NO:




Exhibitor’s E-Mail Address:________________________________________

Measuring Class Entered_____________________ Twisty Horn Class Entered______________

q Animal will be in Lawton, OK



$100 Tip-to-Tip



$100 Total Horn OR

$300 Composite (TTT & TH included.)

$100 Twisty Horn (Measuring along horn lines wrapping around horn; required to submit photo.)

q 10’X10’ stall included q 20’x 10’ additional $100


SATELLITE LOCATION ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Futurity Class Entered

___________________ q $125 Futurity (75% payback) {Animal must be in Lawton.}

GET OF SIRE OR PRODUCE OF DAM (See rules published in Trails or on TLBAA.org) – Only breeding animals (bulls or cows) can compete as




q $100 Senior Division Get of Sire q $100 Junior Division Get of Sire q $100 Senior Division Produce of Dam q $100 Junior Division Produce of Dam Offspring Competing for Sire or Dam with TLBAA Nos. (limited to breeding animals – bulls or cows) 1. ______________________________________________________________ Animal’s TLBAA NO.


2. ______________________________________________________________ Animal’s TLBAA NO.




______________________________________________________________Animal’s TLBAA NO.

FEMALES/MALES ($100 - Tip-to-Tip) q Juvenile (12 to 18 months) FEMALES/MALES ($100 - Total Horn) q Juvenile (12 to 18 months)

Total Payment $___________



q q


Juniors (18 months to 3 years) Juniors (18 months to 3 years) CREDIT CARD

q q

Mature (3 years +) Mature (3 years +)


Credit Card # ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME ON CARD ________________________________



Exp. Date ______________ CID #_____________

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT CHAD SMITH at smithlonghorns@hotmail.com • (701) 590-9073 OR TLBAA OFFICE at salesandevents@tlbaa.org • (817) 625-6241 • 817-625-1388 (FAX) ALL FORMS MUST BE IN THE TLBAA OFFICE BY MON.,AUGUST 21, 5:00 P.M.WITH PAYMENT IN FULL – NO PAYMENT ACCEPTED AFTER DUE DATE! TLBAA OFFICE • PO BOX 4430 FORT WORTH,TX 76164 PHOTOS ARE REQUIRED - SEND TO SALESANDEVENTS@TLBAA.ORG. No refunds after entry deadline. TEXAS *Awards will be presented at the event.Winners notLONGHORN in attendanceTRAILS will be responsible for actual award shipping cost. July 2017 | 3

e s a c w o h S n 017 Hor


Y E L L A L L BU Y E L L A o y & Embr

1. Each Bull/Cow receives spotlighted arena time. 2. All bulls must be TLBAA AI Certified to enter. 3. Each owner may bring semen tank with semen for sale or have semen sent to Champion Genetics. Must have 100 straws minimum available. 4. All Living Bulls/Cows must be present at the HSC. Deceased Bulls/Cows may be entered, but must be represented by a direct descendant. 5. Bulls and Cows will be measured onsite. 6. No minimum straw purchases allowed. 7. PHoTo rEquIrED. Submit to salesandevents@tlbaa.org

Exhibitor’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Phone: _______________________________________Exhibitor’s TLBAA N0.:_______________________________________________ Animal’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Animal’s Date of Birth:____________ Animal’s TLBAA No. ____________________AI CErTIFICATIoN No. ________________________________


Not currently TLBAA AI Certified - please send a kit - $150. Might take up to 3 months, please contact rick Fritsche at the TLBAA office for more details.

q BuLL ALLEY ($250 includes one measurement.) ADDITIoNAL MEASurEMENT $100 each. Composite is an additional $200. q EMBrYo ALLEY ($250 includes one measurement.) ADDITIoNAL MEASurEMENT $100 each. Composite is an additional $200. Please indicate your included measurement. If no measurement is chosen, the default measurement will be tip-to-tip.








CoMPoSITE (Additional $200.)

NorMAL PrICE oF SEMEN/EMBrYo ___________________________ HorN SHoWCASE PrICE oF SEMEN/EMBrYo _______________________ Please include a brief summary for read-out during the spotlight arena time: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Song Clip of Choice for Entrance (25 seconds): ________________________________________________________________________________ Total Payment $___________






Credit Card # ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME oN CArD ________________________________



Exp. Date ______________ CID #_____________

For MorE INForMATIoN CoNTACT MIKEAL BECK at beckmd7@yahoo.com • (817) 905-7994 or TLBAA oFFICE at salesandevents@tlbaa.org • (817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 FAX



in attendance will be responsible for actual award shipping cost. 24 | July 2017 *Awards will be presented at the event.Winners TEXASnot LONGHORN TRAILS


July 2017 | 25

Longhorn Beef

LONGHORN BEEF: Ask someone with Longhorns why they own them and beef is not usually the first answer they give. Their horns, hides and history often top the list along with their gentle nature. History, however, portrays Longhorns as an important resource for one reason – the demand for beef. While selling Longhorn beef is nothing new, today’s market is experiencing increased consumer demand for naturally raised agricultural products. Longhorn breeders venturing to sell Longhorn beef still face challenges developing a local market for their product. There is a misconception, partly due to the wild history of Longhorns and their nature, that Longhorn beef is tough and dry. Other breeds have eclipsed the naturally lean and slower gaining Longhorns as a source of beef. Education can overcome preconceived notions – there is ample testimony to the flavor and tender juiciness of Longhorn beef once you adapt to cooking it properly. However, the nutritious benefits outweigh any extra time or care in preparing it for most consumers. Profit can be made, as quite a few Longhorn breeders report success in developing a customer base, with some creating more demand than they can supply. We recently did a survey and followed up with Longhorn breeders who chose to speak further about their beef programs for this look at Longhorn beef today. The beauty of building a market for Longhorn beef is it complements any breeding program. It offers a way to afford to retain your best while culling the rest, and hopefully, make some money in the process.

NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS OF LONGHORN BEEF Beef is the number one source of protein, zinc and B12, and the third best source of iron in the food supply. You’d have to eat 12 cans of tuna to get the equivalent amount of zinc in one 3 oz. serving of beef. It takes seven chicken breasts to equal the Vitamin B12 in one 3 oz. serving of beef. Beef, a good source of Selenium, provides 20-30% of the recommended daily allowance for men and women. Recent research found the sele-

How Meats Compare Nutritionally (Information based on 3.5 oz serving) Meat

Calories Cholesterol Fat Protein

Longhorn Ground Beef Top Round Pot Roast Pork Chops Pork Loin Lamb Chop Lamb Leg Chicken, Dark Chicken, White Turkey Venison

(gms) (gms) (gms)

140 61.5 3.7 25.5 289 90.0 20.7 24.1 180 84.6 4.9 31.7 210 101.0 7.6 33.0 202 82.7 8.1 30.2 190 79.6 9.8 28.6 216 95.8 9.7 30.0 191 89.7 7.7 28.3 205 93.8 9.7 27.4 173 85.7 4.5 30.9 170 79.6 5.0 29.3 207 4.0 6.4 33.5

Source: Longhorn data “Nutrient Density of Beef From Registered Texas Longhorn Cattle; Texas A & M; 1987. Other data: USDA, USA Today 11/29/91. Pope Lab, Inc. Dallas, TX.

26 | July 2017

nium may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer (such as prostrate) as well as enhancing the body’s ability to fight infections. “Lean beef is good for you and the key word is “Lean”… A heart patient can eat steak every meal if it is in the right proportions. Registered Longhorn meat, on the average, contains 10% less saturated fat than that of other cattle. That puts lean Registered Longhorn Beef on par with skinned boneless white meat of chicken and that fact may come as a surprise to many dieticians.” Dr. Joseph Graham, former Cardiovascular Surgeon at St. John’s Medical Center in Joplin, MO, and Longhorn breeder. See the nutrition chart at left for a comparison of various meats. If the source of the beef is 100% grass-fed the nutrition impact is even better. Omega-3s and B6 are abundant when cattle are fed on grain-free diets, which many Longhorn owners are choosing to do. Even if you choose not to sell the beef, utilizing it to feed family and friends is a good alternative for removing unwanted animals from your herd. Survey participant Jim Pruett of Pauls Valley, OK shares that he never intended to get into beef sales, but his heart doctor actually got it started. “I have two stents and the heart doctor said ‘no red meat’. I showed her the study on heart healthy grass fed Longhorn beef and she wanted my business cards to pass out to her patients. It’s nice to have an outlet besides the sale barn for culls. I sell enough to pay for the processing and a little extra.” The desire for people to keep beef in their diet and to know it’s raised and processed naturally in a healthy environment is growing stronger every day and is creating a need that Longhorn breeders can fulfill.


By Myra Basham

Profiting from the Demand for Local, Naturally Raised Products

© Rickmcmillin | Dreamstime.com

LAYING THE GROUNDWORK FOR SELLING LONGHORN BEEF There are things one needs to consider before deciding whether they have the time or desire to attempt marketing their beef. Like any business, planning ahead pays off and flexibility to fit the demands of the market in your area is often necessary.

perience choosing a processing facility, “We use Atlas Meats in Fort Collins, CO to process our longhorns. They are USDA. They don’t seem to have any issues accommodating the horns. We chose them because they are an Animal Welfare Approved facility. We raised our longhorns humanely and wanted their last day to be handled FIND A PROCESSOR There are three “levels” at which beef may be pro- with respect as well. The welfare of our animals is very important to us. I found Atlas Meats by word of mouth.” cessed: The proximity of a processor that will also accept 1. USDA Inspected — If you want to sell whole, half, Longhorns can be a challenge according to many breedquarters or packaged beef beyond the confines of ers. Others, however report finding sources a reasonable the state you live in, then USDA inspection is redistance from their home, USDA and/or state inspected quired. and having no problem accepting Longhorns. So this 2. State Inspected — Allows you to label and sell aspect is a variable that requires whole, half, quarters or research before loading up that L ocating a processor that accepts packaged meat within the boundaries of your Longhorns and offers the inspection steer. Don’t assume you won’t be state. level you require is an important and able to find one simply because 3. Custom Exempt — No you are in a part of the country sometimes challenging first step. inspection of carcass where Longhorns are uncomof parts. The meat can mon. Curt Mulder of Texas North Land & Cattle is in only be consumed by the owner(s) of the live aniLowell, MI and he was fortunate enough to have a USDA mal and their families and non-paying guests. All processor 10 miles from his farm. “They have no issues packages must be stamped NOT FOR SALE. Those with the horns,” he assures. “I located them by calling who opt for this can only sell the animal live and have the buyer(s) pay the processor or simply uti- each of the processors in the area and got comfortable lize the meat themselves and share freely with with them first.”, If you are wanting to process older animals, several family and friends. breeders reported they sometimes have to be put down Once you know what level of inspection your goals in the trailer. It is good to inquire ahead about this posrequire, start making calls. First ask if they accept Longsibility if you’re culling mature animals. Also, ask if that horn cattle, then see if there are restrictions on horn is acceptable to the inspector. From our breeders comlength. If it sounds like they are willing to accept Longments some inspectors were okay with how larger horns, pay them a visit to make sure you don’t see any horned animals were handled and others were not. red flags before you show up with an animal. For the majority of our participants, however, the For many Longhorn owners, how the animal is treatyounger animals (24-30 months) presented no probed right up to the end is important to them. Katie Miller lems in going through the plant as other cattle did. of Heritage Belle Farms in Colorado speaks of her ex-


July 2017 | 27

Longhorn Beef Those without inspection services handy or wishing Custom orders — A consumer lets you know well in to bypass that part of the process to utilize a nearby pro- advance that they want the beef and in what quantity cessor can choose to sell the live animal. and cuts. It allows you to plan the most economical way Wilton Wilton of AMR Beef chose a processor based to fulfill the orders. on the cuts he wanted. “Selecting a processor was probBy the side, quarter, etc — Can be a pre-sale option ably the most worrisome allowing for custom cutting or effort for our business. We it can be a set package with cerchose a Texas State Licensed tain cuts already determined. processor. There are other By the pound — Can be used USDA processors out there, for ground beef as well as prime but we settled on a processor cuts. Allows for pricing based that we could trust and would on quality of cut or selling by give us the cuts we could sell. cut as opposed to set packages. Photo by Darol Dickinson The Longhorn does not have Custom packages – Offering Vacuum packaged meat not only lasts packages of popular combinathe heavy beef cuts that the English breeds do. So we had tions of cuts and ground at a set longer without freezer burn, it to work with someone that package price, often slightly less lets buyers see the quality of the understood the Longhorn than paying per pound for the carcass. Some don’t handle Longhorn beef that your are selling. same amount and type of cuts a Longhorn because of the of beef individually. horns. We talked to a lot of cattlemen until we found Many people who actively sell beef on a regular basis Westphalia Meat Market, in Lott, TX.” offer several of the above options to their customers deSeveral of our breeders reported long-term relation- pending on demand. ships with their processor and emphasize that the more Another important consideration is the type of anifrequently you process or the more you process at one mal you are processing. If you are utilizing older anitime, the better you will be treated, especially when it mals or bulls, most prefer to grind the whole animal as comes to trying to fit into a schedule busy with those these can produce a tougher beef when utilizing roasts processing larger numbers than you. and steaks. Steers are usually preferred when selling beef that will include product other than ground. The KNOW YOUR SELLING OPTIONS Your per pound price may vary based on how you average processing age for the best experience tends to are selling the product to your customer. Following are be around 24-30 months. Time and volume is also a factor. The volume you three points at which the price may be calculated: want to sell affects your timeline and price. Processing 1. Selling by live weight — This is often done when more at once can help get a better price at the procesone wants to bypass the inspection for resale. sor as well as fit into their schedule quicker. If you only Since live weight includes parts that won’t be eatprocess one or two a year you may have a longer wait to en the price per pound given to the seller is lower. be fit in as opposed to regularly taking in several cattle The owner of the animal at time of slaughter pays or taking them in on a regular basis (one every month the processor and determines how the animal or two). Aging time needs to be accounted for as well. will be processed/pacakged. All packaging will be While aging time varies, 14 days is a common length of marked NOT FOR SALE. time for dry aging. 2. Selling by hanging weight — Hanging weight is If you have customers who want product in hand imthe carcass minus head, hide, feet, organs and blood as it hangs in the cooler, usually weighed before it is cold. If you sell your meat by the whole, half, side, or quarter this is the weight normally used for the per pound price calculation plus cut and wrap (butcher fees). 3. Selling by the pound – The person selling the beef pays all costs – processing, cutting and wrapping. The seller markets that beef at a per pound price as a final product to the consumer. Allows higher per pound pricing on select cuts. DECIDE HOW YOU WILL OFFER YOUR BEEF Before you can make a decision on processing, you must think about your consumer and how they prefer to receive the end product. Some popular ways to offer the beef includes: 28 | July 2017

DON’T FORGET THE FREEZER! Whether you plan to feed your family and friends or keep beef on hand to sell, freezer space needs to be planned for. According to the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service plan on one cubic foot of freezer space for each 35-40 pounds of cut and wrapped meat, more for irregularly shaped packages. If you store large amounts of beef, consider keeping a generator on hand in case of prolonged loss of power and check the freezers regularly for any operation issues.


mediately it requires a different strategy than customers who plan and order ahead understanding that there is a wait time involved. Know that if you speak to others already marketing beef, the decision on grinding the whole animal versus butchering select cuts as well as ground, is based on individual circumstances. “Try to maintain sufficient volume on hand to match the demand for beef sales.” warns Kevin Kelly of Horn O’ Plenty Ranch, Houston, TX. “Our processor usually takes several weeks before there is a opening in their schedule, so we sometimes run low and customers have to wait, especially if they want more volume. We generally sell 10 - 50 lbs of ground beef at a time. As weekend ranchers, we do not attempt to handle custom ordering, so we grind the whole animal except for the prime cuts we keep for our use. This keeps ordering and management simple.” Some breeders, like James Gentz, offer every marketable cut of the animal. Gentz has been selling beef since 2006. “You can sell every cut. Right now marrow bones are a hot item. We do oxtail, brisket, fajita, soup bones, ribeye, T-bone and sirloin steaks, tenderloins, chuck and heel of round roasts, cutlets, stew meat, short ribs, ground meat, heart, liver, tongue and pre-made hamburger patties.” A look at the websites of those selling Longhorn beef show a variety of options available to consumers. Beef

COMMON MEAT PROCESSING TERMS CARCASS: The harvested, dressed animal, wherein the hide, hooves, head and internal organs are removed. In the case of beef, is normally split down the backbone into two approximately equal “sides.” FOREQUARTER: The anterior portion of a beef side after separation from the hindquarter at the 12th rib, and which includes the chuck, rib, brisket, plate and foreshank. HINDQUARTER: The posterior portion of the beef side remaining after separation from the forequarter at the 12th rib, and includes the full loin, round and flank. LABEL: The USDA Meat Inspection Program requires that a descriptive label be prominently displayed on each box/package of inspected product. The label must include: (1) the name of the product, (2) an ingredient list, if applicable), (3) the name and place of business of manufacturer, (4) net quantity/ weight statement, (5) official inspection legend, and (6) any other information required by regulations (such as a “Safe Food Handling” label on ground beef packages).

jerky and beef summer sausage are other items offered. LOVE YOUR PRODUCT & SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE! Since many consumers are unfamiliar with Longhorn beef you have to be the expert they turn to. Cook it. Eat it. Memorize the nutritional benefits it offers. Be prepared to tell them how you cook it at home. They’ll want cooking tips and recipes. (See ours on pg. ??) Any printed materials that they can pick up with nutrition information and cooking tips is invaluable, as are recipes they can try. Any firsthand positive experiences you share testifies to the quality of product you are selling. Have cooked samples available. If you provide samples for them to cook at home, it is imperative that you also provide cooking instructions to ensure they have a good lean beef experience. Educating customers has really helped John Sylvie of Copper Creek Ranch, Austin, TX be successful selling Longhorn beef. “We do spend time educating customers - that is one of the fulfilling parts of selling at a Farmer’s Market. We’ve made some great friends and have loyal customers from that time investment. My wife is a Registered Dietitian, so she can talk in-depth about the nutritional value of Longhorn beef and grass-fed beef.” He adds, “Nearly everyone that we educate buys beef. The TLBAA Registered Longhorn Beef brochure is a fantastic tool and conversation starter - it is prominently displayed on our table.”

LEAN (USED AS A NUTRITIONAL CLAIM): The term “lean” may be used as a nutritional claim on a product provided the product contains less than 10 grams of fat, less than 4.5 grams of saturated fat and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams of product and per reference amount. The term “extra lean” may be used as a nutritional claim on a product provided the product contain less than 5 grams of fat, less than 2 grams of saturated fat, and less than 95 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams of product and per reference amount. MARBLING: Intramuscular fat or flecks of fat within the lean muscle that enhances palatability by increasing juiciness and flavor. The amount of marbling relates to quality grading in beef, with greater amounts of marbling resulting in higher quality grades. There are ten degrees of marbling, ranging from “abundant” to “devoid.” OFFAL: Meat slaughter by-products consisting of all parts of the animal that are not part of the carcass. Edible offal includes the liver, heart, tongue, head meat, tripe, etc., while inedible offal includes hides, hair, hooves, etc. USDA QUALITY GRADING: Beef quality refers to the expected eating characteristics (tenderness, juiciness and flavor) of the cooked


product. USDA Quality Grades are used to reflect differences in expected eating quality among beef carcasses. There are eight USDA Quality Grades for beef: Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter and Canner. When graded, a USDA Grade Shield is applied to the carcass. USDA Grading is a voluntary service provided by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, and is paid for by packers who request the service. USDA YIELD GRADING: USDA Yield Grades estimate beef carcass cutability, which is defined as the combined yield of closely trimmed, boneless retail cuts from the round, loin, rib and chuck. This is an estimate of the relative amount of lean, edible meat from a carcass. There are five numerical Yield Grades for beef carcasses (Yield Grade 1 is leanest, Yield Grade 5 the fattest and, when graded, a Yield Grade stamp is applied to the carcass. VACUUM PACKAGED: Process of encasing meat cuts in bags or pouches fabricated from laminated plastic, evacuating air from the bags and sealing them for extended refrigerated storage. VARIETY MEATS: Edible organs and glands, such as tongues, brains, sweetbreads, hearts livers and kidneys. Also referred to as edible by-products. July 2017 | 29

Longhorn Beef Also, be prepared to talk about how your Longhorns are fed and the environment they are in. Photos showing grassy pasture and content Longhorns let those already educated on the value of naturally raised beef see that your ranch is a serene, clean environment. If asked, always be open about what they actually eat. Some consumers may only want grass-fed beef while others prefer them to be finished out on grain. The majority are probably content to know simply that it is a healthier beef product raised naturally by a local producer.

want and what type of product you want to produce.

MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT To quote Darol Dickinson, long-time Longhorn breeder and beef producer, “All successful marketing involves serious peddling. Nothing is great enough to sell itself.” Simply telling others about the benefits of lean Longhorn beef can stir up enough interest to sell some beef. However, if you want to make money selling it, there are numerous ways to reach a broader audience. Farmer’s Market — The local farmer’s market is a WHO IS YOUR CUSTOMER? This is where the farmer’s market really shines - get- wealth of potential repeat customers. They are already ting to know who is interested in your beef. Are you looking for alternatives to massed produced supermarselling in a metro area with a large, health conscious ket food. If allowed, have a small grill with some burgers population? Be honest about your product - if it is 100% cooking to draw people in for samples. At the very least grass-fed then market it as such, but if you’re choos- have some already cooked product available for folks to ing to grain finish let consumers know. Many call their try. It’s a good place to sell already packaged beef that product all natural, Registered Longhorn Beef, or simply the customer can leave with that day. As they become Longhorn beef and talk about the healthy leanness. familiar with the product you can take custom orders If your cattle are hormone and antibiotic free, men- as well. Have a table with fact sheets, recipes and even tion it. The interesting thing is the fact that some are photos of your ranch. Anything to highlight the posidoing well selling grain-finished beef while others are tives of natural Longhorn beef. Website – A website is an economical way to keep doing equally well selling 100% grass-fed and finished all-natural beef. It comes down to what your customers good information in front of people. The page(s) dedicated to your beef products should highlight nutrition facts, supply cooking tips and show photos of the packaged product as well as cooked. A reluctant face-to-face customer may come to you after taking time to absorb information on their own. You also have the opportunity to gain customers by showing up on search engines when people are looking for local, natural beef. An order form can be included, if desired as can a price list of what you offer. If you participate in a farmer’s market or have your beef in a local store or restaurant be sure to let people know where to find it. Facebook – Other social media can be integrated with this, but The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! Facebook currently is the most pop• Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. ular avenue used for people selling • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting things. While you can certainly post • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation to your own page and share in the • Vaccinate or deworm cattle Longhorn-related groups, join some • Palpation gates other groups where people who • Measure horns W e’ve got dw!hat might try your product can be found. • A.I. cows you nee Try searching terms like grass-fed, healthy eating, natural farming and see what groups you might like to join. Share information about your Longhorn beef to this new audience The Official Chute of the END OF TRAIL RANCH that you know are likely to be interwww.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net TLBAA Horn Showcase ested in it. It’s also serves as a good Wichita Fence Co., Inc. • 1-800-626-3752 • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net launchpad for new website traffic.


li ne v ideo of the n o r u o t u o k ec h C n our websi te! chute in action o

30 | July 2017


Facebook ads are another affordable way to increase product exposure. For as little as $5 you can have your ad display on the sidebars of an interested audience. Local Food Co-Ops – Many areas now offer co-op groups that deliver local farm fresh food to pick-up points in nearby towns or cities. It’s a way for people to get their hands on local grown products without the need for them to drive to the farms or search for a local producer. People place orders with the co-op and the co-op delivers the orders to pre-arranged pick up points on a pre-determined schedule. Each co-op has it’s own set of guidelines and practices so before you decide it’s for you be sure to contact them and understand how the system works. Specialty Butchers, Markets and Restaurants — These avenues can be harder to access, but once you convince them to try your product it can be a rewarding venture. Be prepared to educate them on the healthy, all natural aspect of Longhorn beef as well as giving them product to try out so they can see for themselves how good it is. Provide them with cooking tips as well so they know to approach it differently than standard beef. Public speaking – Reach out to groups like 4-H and FFA Clubs, Rotary Clubs and any gathering of individuals who look for educational speakers. Offer cooking demonstrations to those with culinary interests. Be sure to have business cards and materials to hand out. If you are the one introducing them to Longhorn beef, you will most likely be the one they contact to buy some for the first time. Other promotional resources — Craigslist, local buy/ sell groups, signage on your vehicle or in front of your property, even flyers with tear off tabs that you post on public bulletin boards can draw inquiries about your product. No matter where you promote your beef, make sure that it is easy for people to contact you or find your website.

as 85% of income from their Longhorn operation among those breeders sharing their information with us. One individual stated $50,000 in beef sales before the expense of processing and purchase price was taken into account. Not a giant revenue stream, but helped pay a vehicle off. A long-time Longhorn beef marketer, Gentz has been averaging processing more than 100 animals for the past five years. In his experience, Longhorn animals will dress about 52-55% of their body weight and will yield about 60% of that weight in product. He processes at 15-18 months of age and warns that if you go past 30 months “you will lose some T-bones and chuck roast because the inspector will take the backbone out to test for mad cow disease.” Several breeders commented on taste and tenderness being optimum in this age range. Older animals are usually processed as ground beef only due to the change in texture and flavor. There is increasing competition in the local and grass-fed markets as others see the value in marketing a local, natural product direct to the consumer. This can both cut into existing Longhorn beef markets as well as open the door in areas unaccustomed to direct-toconsumer meat sales. Research your costs, know your product well and educate your consumers so that your Longhorn beef shines like the star that it is.


Cull animals are inevitable if you own Longhorns. As breeders work to build quality registered herds, whether for show, horn or even producing better beef genetics, there will be animals that don’t make the cut. Bull calves that won’t be herd sire prospects, cows that don’t produce, animals with bad temperament all are candidates to be processed and become an income stream to pay for the top end of your herd to grow. The payoff varies depending on your market. Customer base, demand, what your product offering is, processing costs, location – it all factors in. Ground beef, the most commonly marketed item, can range in price from $4.50/lb to $9.99/lb. with rumors of specialty markets featuring it at an even higher price. The median price of $5.50 - $6.50 seems to fit based on breeders comments and pricing listed on websites today. Specialty cuts such as roasts and steaks go for more per pound - just as they would in a grocery store. Depending on your goals and approach, beef sales contributed as little as 10% of income and up to as much


July 2017 | 31

Longhorn Beef

Get Cooking With Longhorn Beef RECIPES




Sandy & Bill Martin ~ Running Arrow Farm, LLC 1 lb. 98% lean Longhorn beef ¼ c. finely chopped onion ¼ c. finely chopped red or green bell peppers 1/3 c. ketchup ¼ c. Pace picante sauce ½ c. honey barbeque sauce ½ tsp. lemon pepper

• Texas Longhorn beef cooks quickly due to its low fat content. Fat acts as an insulator. Heat must penetrate the fat before it begins to cook the meat. Lower fat means a faster cook time. • There is little shrinkage in Longhorn beef. • Longhorn beef does not require additional fat for cooking. The natural fat is enough to cook your meat to perfection. COOKING TIPS

Mix beef and onion; cook Longhorn beef-onion mixture until beef is done using low heat. (High heat would require adding 1/8 cup of canola oil or other favorite.) Add bell peppers, ketchup, picante sauce, barbeque sauce and lemon pepper. Mix; simmer all ingredients on low heat for about 10 minutes Serves 4-6. *Kraft honey and hickory flavored barbeque sauce works great.

• To broil, position the meat 3-4 inches from the heat. Watch it closely while cooking to achieve desired doneness. Broiling slightly frozen steaks keeps them juicier.

NOTE: I don’t like it when Bill adds in the oil. On low heat, it cooks just fine without it even at 98% lean. Also your favorite sauces, ketchups for a substitute will work great. I like this because the bun does not get soggy when eating it. (Sandy Martin)

• Longhorn beef roasts should be cooked at 275 degrees F.

• A medium-hot fire works best in grilling. Add damp mesquite or cherry wood chips to the fire for extra flavor. Remember, the meat cooks quickly so watch it carefully.

• A meat thermometer is recommended to monitor desired temperature. Ground beef should have an internal temperature of 160 degrees F.


The Stonewall Jacksons ~ Stonewall Valley Ranch ~ Fredericksburg, TX 2 lbs. Texas Longhorn lean round steak Flour Salt Pepper 2 T. canola oil 1 c. chopped onions ½ c. chopped bell peppers

2 cans Mexican-style stewed tomatoes 2 cans tomato sauce 1 T. chili powder 1 c. water Longhorn Cheddar cheese, shredded Fresh cilantro

Cut Longhorn lean steak into strips or cubes. Roll meat in flour seasoned with salt, pepper, and paprika. Brown meat in hot oil in heavy skillet. Add onions, peppers, stewed tomatoes, tomato sauce, chili powder and water. Cover tightly and simmer slowly for about 1 hour. To serve, arrange steak on hot serving platter. Cover with sauce and garnish with shredded Longhorn Cheddar cheese. Place platter under broiler long enough for cheese to melt. Garnish with fresh cilantro. Serve with rice, buttered noodles or mashed potatoes. Makes 6 to 8 servings. NOTE: Voted most favorite at the Beef Industry Council’s “Best of Beef Cookoff”.

Find these recipes and more in the 50th Anniversary Texas Gold Longhorn Cookbook. Call the TLBAA office today at 817-625-6241 to order yours for just $10 plus shipping.

32 | July 2017


Lean Beef


I sell my Longhorn beef by: 41 Responses - could choose multiple

A total of 42 Longhorn breeders chose to participate in our beef survey. Of those, 26 answered follow up questions. Below are the results of the survey.

Live Weight (7%) Hanging Weight (51%)

I normally process Longhorn beef for: 41 Responses - could choose multiple

By Pound, Pre-Packaged (76%)

Family & Friends (54%)

Whole Animal (29%)

Personal Use Only (22%)

Sides (27%)

Marketing To the Public (56%) 0 5 10



0Custom Order 5 Only (17%)











Other (12%) 0 0


0 25


42 Responses - could choose multiple










20 25

5 10

10 15




25 30 Decreased (15%) 10 demand 15 20 30 The for 25

my Longhorn beef has:



35 0











Increased (85%)

39 Responses

25 30

• Any way the customer wants • and halves • Smoked products, Jerky, Summer Sausage, Etc. • All the Above • Tear-Off Strips

Quarters (32%)


When I process a Longhorn, I usually… Ground Beef Only (14%) 0 5 10 Prime Cuts and Ground (74%) 0 5 10 15 Process Per Customer Request (29%) 0 5 10 15

Comments for Other:






15 20 25 30 35 I market my Longhon beef via: 41 Responses - could choose multiple





In a typical year I process:

0 5


6 or More (40%)

42 Responses













0 Farmer’s 5 10 15 Market (32%) 10 15 20 25 Craigslist or other buy/sell listing (20%)


10 15 20 25 30 Word of mouth (90%)

35 0



I market my Longhorn beef as: 15







Grain Finished (7%) 0 Registered 5 10 15 Longhorn Beef (38%)




Simply as Longhorn (29%) Other (24%) 0 0



5 10


Comments for Other: • Grass fed, Hormone Free • Grass Raised, Texas Longhorn • Specifically as Grass-fed Longhorn Beef • Hormone, steroid, and antibiotic free 10 • Healthy 15 Beef -20 25 30 Low Cholesterol




• Side of vehicles with

25window 30 decals 35


• Social Media 40 •35 Facebook • Tear-Off Strips









Other (12%)

42 Responses - could choose multiple

0 5 Grass Fed (62%) 0 5 10

Comments for Other:

Website (46%)

1 or 2 (40%)

5 10 3 to15 (20%)




5 10

10 15




Have you ever sold your Longhorn beef products to a restaurant or store?

20 30


NO (62%)




YES (38%)

40 Responses



July 2017 | 33

Herd Health

Registered Texas Longhorn Beef Providers List Qualifications to be on the Registered Texas Longhorn Beef Providers List

Joining this online list enables consumers interested in Registered Texas Longhorn Beef a direct connection to purchase Registered Texas Longhorn Beef from your ranch or farm, cutting out the middleman and connecting consumers with a new choice.

ALABAMA Horseshoe J Longhorns Jimmy L. Jones Greenville, AL 36037 horseshoejlonghorns@centurytel.net 334-382-6840 Rolling D Ranch Nancy Dunn Eclectic, AL 36024 nancydunn2010@windstream.net 334-318-0887

ARKANSAS Kittler Land & Cattle Kathy Kittler Hickory Plains, AR 72066 www.kittlerlandandcattle.com k.kittler@hotmail.com 501-690-0771 Tom & Sue Moore M&M Farms Van Buren, AR 72952 479-310-6856

ILLINOIS SS Backwards Longhorns Scott Simmons Medora, IL 62063 www.ssbackwardslonghorns.com ssimmons@copeplastics.com 618-729-2004 Wolfridge Ranch Ethan & Ashley Loos Columbus, IL 62320 www.wolfridge.net eloos5@msn.com 217-617-0420

KANSAS Big Valley Longhorns Pat & Janet Gleason St. John, KS 67576 www.bigvalleylonghorns.com 620-804-0324

34 | July 2017

Ranches that will qualify for the Registered Texas Longhorn Beef Providers list must do the following: 1. Be a active member of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association (TLBAA) 2. Use the TLBAA registered livestock for Registered Texas Longhorn Beef. 3. Use United States Department of Agriculture and state certified facilities. 4. Use the new TLBAA provided Registered Texas Longhorn Beef logo somewhere on the packaging of the beef product.

CedarView Ranch Todd McKnight Pittsburg, Kansas 66762 www.cedarviewranch.com tmck7@ckt.net 620-704-3493

Texas North Land & Cattle Curt Mulder Lowell, MI 48809 www.texasnorth.com cmulder@wolvgroup.com 616-437-1543

End Of Trail Ranch Mike Bowman Benton, KS 67017 www.endoftrailranch.com mbowman@wildblue.net 316-778-1717

Triple R Ranch Dick & Peg Lowe Horton, MI 49246 www.rrrlonghorns.com dick@lowecon.net 517-688-3030

JBR Longhorns Jim Rombeck Lyons, Kansas 67554 785-562-6665

Widespread Ranch Tom Smith Lowell, MI 49331 www.widespreadranch.com tom@widespreadranch.com 616-293-0977

KENTUCKY Calk Farm Reginald Pederson Mount Sterling, KY 40353-0596 rvevpederson@gmail.com (580) 919-0565

MISSOURI J Bar J Longhorns Rusty & JoAnne Clark Osage Beach, MO 65065 rc.ranch@hotmail.com 573-216-0332

Luminary Longhorns Victorea Luminary Caneyville, KY 42721 www.luminarylonghornranch.com victorea@luminarylonghornranch.com 254-931-5441

Might As Well Ranch Dan and Deanna Stoltz Pacific, MO 63069 www.mightaswellranch.com dan@mightaswellranch.com 314-409-1104

LOUISIANA Rocking B Longhorns Dr. Gene Berry Baton Rouge, LA 70808 www.rockingblonghorns.com gene@rockingblonghorns.com 225-772-5618

NEBRASKA American Lean Beef, LLC L.D. & Debbie McIntrye Wolbach, NE 68882 tejas@mcintyreranches.com www.mcintyreranches.com 308-750-8384

MICHIGAN Hicks Texas Longhorns Johnny Hicks Dowling, MI 49050 hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com 269-721-3473


NORTH CAROLINA Double A Longhorns Aaron Adkins Rutherfordton, NC 28139 www.carolinacartellonghorns.com doublealonghorns@gmail.com 704-490-9208 White Pine Ranch Scott Hughes Rutherfordton, NC 28139 www.carolinacartellonghorns.com shughes@partonlumber.com 828-287-7406


Smith Longhorns Chad & Janell Smith Killdeer, ND 58640 www.smithlonghorns.com smithlongs@hotmail.com 701-590-9073

OHIO Dickinson Cattle Co. Inc. Darol Dickinson Barnesville, OH 43713 www.head2tail.com darol@texaslonghorn.com 740-758-5050 North View Farms Emanuel Jr. & Carolyn Miller Dundee, OH 44624 330-359-7165

OKLAHOMA 4B Longhorns Michael & Allison Bose Tulsa, OK 74132 4blonghorns@cox.net www.4blonghorns.com

Arrowhead Cattle Co. Craig Perez Comanche, OK 73529 www.arrowheadcattlecompany.com cperz1@hotmail.com 979-906-0043 Commanders Place Longhorns Kim Nikodym Newcastle, OK 73065 www.commandersplacelonghorns.com bardies@hotmail.com 405-387-2460 Diamond Q Longhorns Steve & Bodie Quary Prague, OK 74864 dqlonghorns@yahoo.com 405-567-3093 GFT Longhorns Devin Graves & Annissa Huckaby Altus, OK 73522 www.gftlonghorns.com gft_longhorns@outlook.com 480-713-2769 Harrell Ranch Kent & Sandy Harrell Okmulgee, OK 74447 www.harrellranch.com kent@harrellranch.com 918-587-2750 KC3 Longhorns Kasi Dick Pawhuska, OK 74056 kranch.6240@gmail.com 918-694-6180 Kropp Cattle Co. Dr. Bob Kropp Perry, OK 73077 bob.kropp@okstate.edu 580-336-0220 Semkin Longhorns Charlene Semkin & Matt McGuire Perry, OK 73077-9101 www.semkin-texaslonghorns.com semkin@mindspring.com 405-742-4351

Simmons Cattle Company Ralph & Christa Simmons Tishomingo, OK 73460 www.simmonscattlecompany.com simmonscattle@hotmail.com 580-384-8365 VanLiew Ranch Rob VanLiew Tecumseh, OK 74873 www.vanliewranch.com vanliewranch@gmail.com 405-420-1728 WI Longhorns and Leather Roland West Odessa, MO 64076 www.wilonghornsandleather.com 816-255-5456

OREGON RC Larson Longhorns Tillamook, OR 97141 rclarsonlonghorns@gmail.com

TEXAS ACR Longhorns Diane Rivera Red Oak, TX 75154 dr.thisandthat@yahoo.com 214-243-0572 Astera Meadows Ranch Carolyn & Wilton Wilton Coupland, TX 78615 www.asterameadows.net wilton@asterameadows.net 512-560-1263 Blue Ridge Ranch John Marshall Llano, TX 78643 www.blueridgelonghorns.com john.marshall83@yahoo.com 713-398-5024 Cactus Rose Longhorns Dan & Merrilou Russell Edna, TX 77957 www.cactusroselonghorns.com crose@cactuslonghorns.com Copper Creek Longhorns Jon & Amanda Sylvie Austin, TX 78739 www.coppercreeklonghorns.com info@coppercreeklonghorns.com (512) 301-7345 Cottonwood Creek Ranch Gary Kudrna Ennis, TX 75119 www.cwcreekranch.com LzLonghorn@aol.com 214-893-1770

Diamond G Farms Ben Garner Austin, TX 78758 benjaminlgarner@yahoo.com 512-801-8242

JD Longhorns Jim & Denise Taylor Beaumont, TX 77705 jdlonghorns@yahoo.com 409-553-7516

DreamWeaver Ranch Stephen and Susan Clausen Giddings TX 78942 Paige, TX 78659 dreamweaverranch@gmail.com

KD Bar Cattle Co. Joe Dowling Caldwell, TX 77836 www.kdbarcattlecompany.com dowlingjoe@yahoo.com 979-271-0277

Diamond D Ranch Dawn Divinia Red Oak, TX 75154 www.ddrlonghorns.com dawn@ddrlonghorns.com 972-890-8891 El Coyote Ranch Felix Serna Kingsville, TX 78364 www.elcoyote.com fserna@elcoyote.com dserna@elcoyote.com 361-294-5462 Cynthia Williams San Angelo, TX 76901 cwilliams1@suddenlink.net 325-653-5257 Ferguson Ranch Larry & Meloney Ferguson Longview, TX 75605 ferguson-meloney@gmail.com 903-297-5893 Gentz Cattle Co. Carol and James Gentz Winnie, TX 77665 clgjag@windstream.net www.gentzlonghornbeef.com G&L Cattle Co. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower Van, TX 75790 www.glcattleco.com glcattle@aol.com 903-681-3078 or 903-681-1093

Kelly’s Horn O’ Plenty Ranch Kevin Kelly Houston, TX kevinbkelly@sbcglobal.net 713-471-9871 La Pistola Longhorns Bobby Gutierrez Bryan, TX 77803 www.lapistolalonghorns.com bcramer62@hotmail.com 979-575-2838 Lazy A Ranch Steve Azinger Houston, TX 77007 www.lazyaranch.org s_azinger@lazyaranch.org 713-823-5371 Miller Ranch Longhorns Tom and Shana Miller Quitman, TX 77253 millerranchlonghorns@gmail.com 903-497-2343 Moriah Farms Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX 76087 www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com moriahfarmsbl@aol.com 817-341-4677 Pearl Longhorn Ranch Allen Perry Evant, TX 76525 www.pearl-longhorn-ranch.com aperry@pearl-longhorn-ranch.com

Helm Cattle Co. John, Debra & Nathan Helm Red Oak, TX 75154 www.helmcattlecompany.com johnhelm1@me.com nathanhelm@me.com 972-670-5134 or 817-897-8535

Rafter Flying W Longhorns Guy Warren & Trent Warren Abilene, Texas 79603 www.rafterflyingw.com rafter.flying.w@gmail.com 817-526-4046 or 325-201-1620

IM Rockin I Nancy Ince Bergheim, TX 78004 www.rockinilonghorns.com nince@incedist.com 210-219-4681

River Ranch Rick & Tracey Friedrich Fredericksburg, TX 78624 www.riverranchlonghorns.com rick@riverranchlonghorns.com 713-305-0259


Roberts Longhorns David Roberts Priddy, TX 76870 www.robertslonghorns.com robertslonghorns@live.com 325-451-9000 Rocking O Longhorns Curtis Ohlendorf Lockhart, TX 78644 www.rockingolonghorns.com cohlendorf@austin.rr.com 512-680-7118 Running Arrow Farm, LLC Sandra & Bill Martin Wellington, TX 79095 www.runningarrowlonghorns.com runningarrowfarm@gmail.com 806-205-1235 Silver T Ranch Kurt Twining Dallas, TX 75230 www.silvertranch.com kurt_twining@msn.com Singing Coyote Ranch George and Barbara Schmidt Floresville, TX 78114 www.singingcoyoteranch.com bfs@ranchwireless.com 830-393-6241 TL Longhorns Toni & Larry Stegemoller Kopperl, TX 76033 www.ttltexaslonghorns.com tostog0713@yahoo.com 817-933-5059 Tonkawa Cattle Co. Gary & Teresa Bowdoin Crawford, TX 76638 www.tonkawacattecompany.com run4funbow@aol.com 254-640-0844 Top Of The Hill Ranch Dennis & Judy Urbantke San Angelo, TX 76905 www.topofthehillranch.com dennis@thlonghorns.com 325-655-3500 Trinity Creek Ranch Sandra Nordhausen Thorndale, TX 76577 www.trinitycreeksranch.com sandienordhausen@gmail.com 512-898-2401 TS Longhorns Terry & Sherri Adcock Lamesa, TX 79331 www.tsadcocklonghorns.com sherri@pics.net tadcock@pics.net 806-488-7906 or 806-759-7486

Varner Farms, LLC David & Colette Varner Muldoon, TX 78949 www.varnerfarmstx.com varnerfarmstx@hughes.net David: 281-750-2198 Colette: 281-750-2197 White Rock Ranch Vincent Girolamo Cedar Mountain, NC 28718 www.whiterocklonghorns.com whiterockranch@hotmail.com 214-542-4727 XC Longhorns Joe Cunningham Peoria, TX 76645 www.xclonghorns.net jamacunningham@att.net 254-479-1080

UTAH Doug Hunt Saint George, UT 84770 www.doughuntlonghorns.com doughuny@gmail.com 435-680-4822

WANT TO JOIN THE LIST? Go to www.tlbaa.org to fill out the appliccation today! See requirements at top left If your information needs to be updated or you are missing from the list and have a current membership contact myra@tlbaa. org or call the TLBAA office 817-625-6241. This list is available on TLBAA.ORG by scrolling down and clicking Registered Texas Longhorn Beef July 2017 | 35

NEWS On the Trail...

The Longhorn Project at Johnson Space Center Submitted by Andrea Wilson The Longhorn Project Board of Directors hosted its annual End of Year Celebration on Wednesday, May 24, 2017, at the NASA Johnson Space Center Gilruth Center to commemorate the 2016-2017 show season and school year and to honor its numerous partners, including sponsors, breeders, teachers and volunteers who contributed to the program’s success. Attended by almost 100 supporters, guests were treated to a presentation by longstanding TLBAA member, John T. Baker, from Sunrise Ranch in Liberty Hill, Texas. The Board was honored to host “John Chairman, Andrea Wilson, presents, Betty T.”, who served as the and John T. Baker with an appreciation national director of gift; Blake and white steer was won and the TLBAA when The raised by former LHP Show Team memLonghorn Project was ber, Andrew Wilson. established, to return 21 years later as its guest speaker. Mr. Baker praised The Longhorn Project Board and its partners for the exceptional contributions to agricultural youth education while promoting the legacy and preservation of the Texas Longhorn breed and for the efforts of Project Manager, Henry Wilson, and Chairman, Andrea Wilson, for their leadership. The Longhorn Project is best known for its Show Team and participation on the TLBAA show circuit in Texas and Louisiana. In addition to the Show Team, the Longhorn Project offers students and educators an integrated, interactive STEM learning environment, combining engineering, agricultural science, horticulture, environmental science and biology in a unique environment – a working longhorn ranch on the site of the world-famous NASA-Johnson Space Center. Since its inception, tens of thousands of students have attended

Left-right: LHP Board Members with guest speaker, John T. Baker: Dr. Greg Smith, Superintendent Clear Creek Independent School District; Galveston County Commissioner Ken Clark; Andrea Wilson, Chairman of the Board; John T. Baker, Sunrise Ranch Liberty Hill Texas; George Abbey, former Director of NASA Johnson Space Center (or JSC) and founder of the project.

36 | July 2017

2016-2017 Show Team Members with LHP Board Members: Blake Merriman; Ryan Henderson,; Andrea Wilson, Chairman; Peyton Anderson, Henry Wilson, Project Manager

New show team members (two in the middle) Elizabeth Shelley and Skyler Joachimi, and returning members Peyton Anderson (left) and Zaida Espinosa (right) were selected by the LHP Board of Directors for the 2017-2018 Show Team.

a school field trip offered in this one-of-a-kind educational program. Founded in 1996 by George Abbey, former director of NASA Johnson Space Center, The Longhorn Project is an educational partnership among The Longhorn Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, NASA Johnson Space Center, the Houston Livestock Show and RodeTM (superscript TM please) and the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA). TLBAA members who celebrated the accomplishments of the project included Terry and Kathy Bruner, Rocking B Ranch; Phil and Brenda Tudyk, Haci-

Prior to the LHP End of Year Celebration, guest speaker, John T. Baker who was a Navy pilot, and his wife, Betty were surprised with a tour of the current Mission Control Center (MCC) and MCC Apollo in operation for the Apollo missions, when man first reached the moon. Left Right: Gene Hollier, LHP Board Member; Norman Knight, Jr., Flight Operations Directorate; John T. Baker; Betty Baker, and LHP Board Members, Greg Schroder, Henry Wilson, Project Manager, and Andrea Wilson, Chairman.


San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association Scholarship Winners Submitted by Dennis Urbantke

The WTLA announced that Garrett Sanford and Cody Garcia received an $8000.00 scholarship each from the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association. Both of these young men were eligible by participating in our Longhorn show here in San Angelo.

Cody Garcia attends Hico High School. He is the son if Rick and Cori Garcia. He plans to attend Texas A&M University and study Plant and Environmental Soil Science. Cody will be joining the TAMU Corp of Cadets in hopes of pursuing military career as a pilot. He is a member of the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow member for 3 years, currently serves as Parliamentarian. He is involved in FFA, Reserve National Champion in Home Site Evaluation. He is a member of numerous Longhorn Associations, National Honor Society, and National Society of High School Scholars.

Garrett Sanford attends Wall High School. He is the son of Todd and Shelly Sanford. He plans to attend Texas A&M University and study Animal Science. Garrett plays football, recognized as Defensive MVP for District 2-3A, 1st Team Academic All State; 1st Team All-District Outfield for baseball. Garrett was unable to attend the Stock Show banquet because he was playing in the Area baseball playoffs, as the Wall team is ranked 5th in the state, with a 22-2-1 record.

Longhorn Project ‌ enda PBT; Dorie Damuth, Flying D Ranch; Stephen and Kim Head, Double H Longhorns; John T and Betty Baker; Rhonda Russo, and former show team member Andrew Wilson. The event was graciously sponsored by Kathy and Terry Bruner, Rocking B Ranch; Gary and Sandra Mossman; Precinct 4 Galveston County Commissioner Ken Clark; Hilton Hotel NASA Clear Lake and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Houston Go Metro Texas NASA/Clear Creek/Friendswood Subcommittee. For more information about The Longhorn Project and Field Trip program, please visit thelonghornproject.com.


July 2017 | 37

Herd Health

SUMMER WATER ISSUES Summer brings its own set of challenges, and in Having adequate water is crucial during hot weather, some regions those include water issues. During hot to help prevent heat stress in cattle. According to Dr. weather, stockmen must make sure their cattle have Don Spiers, Department of Animal Science, Univeradequate water. Drought in recent years in many resity of Missouri, the most helpful thing you can do in gions has brought attention to the importance of wahot weather is give cattle shade, and provide plenty of ter for livestock producers—for pasture, forage crops, fresh, clean, water that is lower than 80 degrees F. and stockwater. For instance, “You can’t have the water sitsouthern Texas went through ting out in the sun getting hot. a severe drought for several The cattle won’t drink it. Thus years, according to Guy Fipps you need to shade not only the (Agri-Life Extension Irrigation animals but also the water they Engineer), with almost no wawill be drinking. If it’s cool, ter in the reservoir systems. clean water, they’ll drink it and He worked hard for several this will help cool them. They years to modernize and imneed at least 2 gallons per 100 prove the canal systems in pounds of body weight, per that region, to prevent water day. This may need to be inloss. In some of the irrigacreased even more if it’s really tion districts 10 to 40% of the hot,” says Spiers. water was being lost before it Cattle, like humans, require reached the fields. more water during hot weathA growing number of people er because they sweat to help in agriculture are becoming cool themselves, and without alarmed about water shortage, adequate water to replace what not only because some water is lost through sweating they sources are shrinking but also dehydrate. Cattle don’t sweat the fact that agriculture is beas much as a horse, but they ing shortchanged in governdo sweat, and also utilize saliva ment decisions regarding wa(flinging it over their backs) to ter use and management. aid evaporation and heat loss. In a paper presented at the When they start going into 2013 National Cattlemen’s heat stroke (and this applies to Beef Association Convention humans and other animals as in February, Paul Genho (King well), they stop sweating beRanch Institute/Texas A&M) cause they are dehydrated and discussed 3 main issues: 1. everything is shutting down,” shrinking water supplies and Spiers explains. It is important the fact water is being transto keep track of respiration ferred from agricultural use rate and other signs of heat to environmental purposes, 2. stress. lack of representation from ag- Photo courtesy of Carole Muchmore “Some of the other things ricultural interests when water we’ve looked at involve clues management/usage are discussed, and 3. new regularegarding sweating rates. We have looked at sweattions taking away agriculture’s traditional water rights. ing rate and how it differs over different parts of the An example of the latter problem is the shut-off of body—how much they sweat. The shoulder area has irrigation water in several regions in recent years, to the highest amount of sweating. The rump and down “save” the water for fish. The Oregon Water Resources near the feet is lower,” says Spiers. Department placed Klamath County ranchers in jeop“When we did studies on heat stress and put cattle ardy 4 years ago by establishing minimum stream flows in our environmental chambers at the University of for fish, overriding state adjudicated water rights dating Missouri, we found that sweating rate went up initially, back to 1864. This impacted more than 100,000 agriover the first few days of hot weather, and then it came cultural acres when ranchers in that valley had to shut down. Their internal body temperatures were still off their irrigation water in mid-June. Some of those high, but they sweated less. That’s what was interestranchers didn’t even have access to water for their cating to us; the body chose not to keep the sweating rate tle to drink. high. It seemed to be more important to conserve wa38 | July 2017


By Heather Smith Thomas

WATER QUALITY As drought dries up the streams and ponds where cattle usually drink, some water supplies diminish in quality as well as quantity. The remaining water in ponds and dugouts, for instance, becomes less healthy for animals as the salt and mineral content increases. To check water quality, water samples can be sent to various labs and tested for salinity, nitrates and sulfate to see if the water is still safe for livestock to drink. The following guidelines for interpreting the lab results were published in April 2013 by South Dakota State University Extension. For salinity, less than 1,000 parts per million (total soluble salts) is excellent. Salt content between 1,000 and 2,999 ppm is satisfactory but may cause temporary mild diarrhea in livestock not accustomed to the water. Between 3,000 and 4,999 ppm is still satisfactory for all classes of livestock but may be refused at first by any animals not accustomed to it. Between 5,000 and 6,999 ppm, the water should not be used

for pregnant or lactating animals. Between 7,000 and 10,000 ppm there is considerable risk for pregnant, lactating or young animals. Over 10,000 ppm, the water should not be used for any animals. Regarding nitrate content, water with less than 100 ppm is generally not harmful. Between 100 and 300 ppm the water is probably safe unless feed also contains nitrates. Over 300 ppm, water could cause nitrate poisoning. For sulfate, water containing less than 1,500 ppm is generally safe, but some animals may experience temporary mild diarrhea near the upper limit. Water containing 1,500-3,500 ppm may cause temporary diarrhea, and contribute to total dietary sulfur intake. Between 3,500 and 4,500 ppm the water is very laxative and not recommended for pregnant or lactating cows. Water containing over 4,500 ppm should not be used under any conditions.

ter (minimize fluid loss, to prevent dehydration) than meted when cattle didn’t have access to water. We also to maintain a constant body temperature,” he says. saw that when they were dehydrated, sweat rates went “So you have to look at different things when trydown. They didn’t have enough moisture to sweat.” ing to assess the health of these animals. You look at If cattle are grouped in a confined area, you may body temperature, need to provide sevbut the water intake Water intake is a whole different thing, regulated eral water sources. is a whole differthere are only a separately from the body temperature, and it “If ent thing, regulated few water troughs separately from the seems to be more important. and the animals are body temperature, crowded around and it seems to be more important. Animals always them trying to get to the water (not only to drink, but need adequate water available. They will actually rejust to try to cool themselves by being near the water), duce their water loss after they’ve adapted a little to the they reduce any beneficial effects of a breeze. Keep heat, and still keep their body temperature high.” This animals spaced out as much as possible to allow air shows the importance of water, because once they bemovement,” says Spiers. come too dehydrated they will die. “We did a study, looking at dehydration, trying to come up with major indicators of dehydration that a stockman could use. The major indicator of dehydration that we saw was decrease in feed intake. Dehydrated cattle just stop eating.” When cattle can’t mix enough fluid with the feed, they can’t eat. They can’t produce saliva if the body is short on fluid. “If you see an animal that’s not eating well, with reduced feed intake, it might not be getting enough water. We did this study in the heat, using environmental chambers, and found that body Did you renew your membership? Your yearly TLBAA Membership expired on temperature didn’t actually go up June 30th. Don’t risk missing an issue of Trails Magazine, renew today! that much, but feed intake plum-


July 2017 | 39

Affiliates send us your news! Let people know what’s going on in your area and encourage others to join in the fun.

The West Texas Longhorn Association is proud to announce the winner of our $1000.00 scholarship. The recipient is Garrett Sanford. We are also proud to announce that both of the seniors in our Association attended our longhorn show here in San Angelo in February and applied for the scholarships offered by the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo. Cody JUDY URBANTKE Garcia and Todd Sanford were both awarded an $8000.00 scholarship each. SECRETARY JUDY@THLONGHORNS.COM We also want to let everyone know that our Affiliate will be hosting the longhorn show at the West Texas State Fair in Abilene, TX, on September the 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2017. We are really excited to be able to put this show on. James and Paula Wilkins have graciously donated a little heifer for us to raffle off. Raffle tickets will be on sale at the show and you do not have to be present to win. We are going to have a “Name the Calf” contest. So, check our web site to see the heifer and enter the contest. Winner of the contest will receive 2 raffle tickets, and the calf will be registered with the winning name. Again, we would like to say thank you for supporting our show and hope to see you at the West Texas Fair and Rodeo in September.



Some members of the Nebraska Association show at the Wyoming State Fair in Douglas, WY every August. The date this year is Friday August 18. The following Sunday, August 20 is a show at the Central States Fair in Rapid City, SD. This is the 2nd year the Nebraska and Wyoming affiliates will sponsor PRESIDENT this show. It is World Qualifying Youth, Halter, Open & Trophy Steer. Anyone RODGER DAMROW interested in showing at these 2 fun shows call: Toby Johnson (307)751-1315, 402-423-5441 (307)674-4691 or Rodger Damrow (402)423-5441, (402)560-3224. Deadlines for these shows are July 24-Wyoming Show & Rapid City Show. Nebraska State Fair World Qualifying longhorn shows, known as the Ray Bohy Texas Longhorn Shows are scheduled again for the first weekend of the fair-August 26,27, 2017 in Grand Island, NE. There will be 1 World Qualifying Youth, Halter and Free Division show this year. Saturday all the loose cattle will be shown including the Trophy Steers. If you’d like to bring a steer please call Delwin & Vicki Smeal by August 4 at (402)568-2353. Deadline for entries is Friday August 4, 2017. Entries are accepted online only at www.statefair.org. This year the longhorns, including the trophy steers will be housed in the Cattle Barn. It is a huge building so there will be plenty of room to house all the longhorns with a wash rack inside! This facility is awesome and is connected to the 5 Points Bank Arena where we show the cattle. A special raffle drawing will be held on the last day of the State Fair longhorn shows, Sunday August 27th. Les & Charlene Lautenschlager from Palmer, NE. has generously donated a heifer calf and Anders Longhorns from Crawford, NE has generously donated a bull calf to be our 1st place winning ticket. If the winner chooses he can take $500. Instead, 2nd place $200. 3rd place $100. 4th place $50. A special thank you for this generosity. Tickets are only $2. each or a book for $10. 25% proceeds go to the Nebraska youth. Call for tickets-Chelsey (402)580-3140 or Chelsey_damrow@hotmail.com. Saturday, July 22nd our youth group, Nebraska Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow, will hold their 2nd annual Progress Show in Crawford, NE. This show is for “Points Only.” It is a good first show for the kids at the start of the 2018 World Show Season. Contacts-Chelsey Georges at (402)580-3140 or Chelsey_damrow@hotmail. com or Haley Anders at (308)430-2310. After lunch the kids have a meeting and speeches. Another fun show we’d like to promote is the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo, CO. There are 2 WQ Shows on Labor Weekend. I know the Mountains and Plains Affiliate would love to have you exhibit with them. This would be an opportunity for double points in one weekend. Their deadline is August 10. Call Kenny Richardson (970)352-3054 with any questions. 40 | July 2017


The TLBGCA Spring Show, held at Miracle Farm May 5th-7th was a great success by all measures. The Youth Show saw 69 kids (plus 11 Pee Wees) exhibit 202 animals. There were an additional 100 entries in the Open Haltered Show. After the Youth Show, all the participants were treated to a delicious barbeque dinner prepared by Jesse Rivera and friends. At dinner, RICK FRIEDRICH $1,500 scholarships were given away to graduating seniors Taylor Hoyle and PRESIDENT Cody Garcia. And thanks to the generosity of the TLBGCA breeders, 11 steers RICK@RIVERRANCHLONGHORNS were given away to 11 excited kids via a random drawing. For most of the kids, these steers are their first animals. They will raise them for a year and then show them in the 2018 TLBGCA Spring Show. Miracle Farm is a horse facility, not particularly designed for a cattle show. However, the Miracle Farm staff is very welcoming and willing to do whatever is necessary to make the show a pleasure experience for all exhibitors. The location is a beautiful, the weather was very nice and the atmosphere is quite relaxed-all which makes for a pleasant and enjoyable weekend. Why don’t you join us next year? We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 TLBGCA Spring Show. — Stephen Head/TLBGCA Show Chairman The next big event on our schedule will be our year end banquet where we vote for officers and directors. The venue, dates and times for the year end banquet will be announced. For additional information please call (713) 305-0259 or email Rick Friedrich – Rick @RiverRanchLonghorns.com, or check out our website at www.TLBGCA.com.


We are well into the new year with our new executive elected at our Annual Meeting in April at Saskatoon. Derek Overlid is the new President CANADIAN and Kristine Fossum will be assuming the Secretary/Treasurer role. New TEXAS LONGHORN directors included John Jespersen and Jebb Goodwin. We are updating our ASSOCIATION CTLA website and can also be viewed on Facebook. The Saskatoon sale was a success and the first round of the Triple Crown DEREK OVERLID Yearling Heifer Futurity saw 24 entries from 11 breeders from 4 provinces. PRESIDENT 306-821-1800 The point system has changed this year so points will be closer and it encourages breeders to participate at all three futurity stops. Next stop is part of the Canadian National Show at Red Deer, Alberta July 22nd. The Double Crown Bull Futurity for 2017 will begin there as well so members are encouraged to bring out their yearling bulls. We will be welcoming special guests to Red Deer, Geoff and Belinda Dawson of Gunnedah, New South Wales, Australia will be presenting the Australian trophy to the winner of the Mature Female Class. Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, Texas will be our judge for the national show and we look forward to welcoming him to Canada. Upcoming events for the year include a new contest for members, our first induction of a member into the Hall of Fame and our fall sale in Ponoka. We will also be offering a horn measurement site for the Horn Showcase in late September. Good Luck to all exhibitors at the upcoming Canadian Left to right: Clinton Bezan, Daryl Allemand, Derek Overlid, KrisNational Texas Longhorn Show. tine Fossum, Cody Robbins, Jebb Goodwin and John Jespersen

We want to hear from you to help spread the news about your local affiliate’s Texas Longhorn activities. Email your information to Myra at myra@tlbaa.org or call 817-625-6241. Photos will be used as space permits.


July 2017 | 41


TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s

Herd Management Guide

SPRING Calving: 1. Remove bulls after 90-day breeding season (July 20 equals an April 30 date of birth) 2. Water is extremely important as temperature starts to rise. Make routine checks of the water supply. 3. Continue fly and tick control programs. 4. As grass matures, realize that the protein value decreases. The feeding of two-to-three pounds of a high protein supplement (30-40 percent crude protein content) will stimulate the digestion of the mature forage; therefore, the cattle will consume more forage and will maintain their body condition as winter approaches. 5. If additional summer grazing or hay is needed, fertilize improved grass pastures with 50 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre.

FALL Calving: If not previously completed: 1. Wean calves and select animals to be retained

42 | July 2017

through yearling time. Breeders collecting weaning weight information should weigh all calves and adjust all weights to a 205 day of age equivalent. Within sex group, calculate a weaning weight ratio to be used as a selection criteria. Identify all calves by sire group to determine which sires are producing the superior calves. 2. Pregnancy check all females as well as check for unsoundness and udder problems for culling purposes. Consider culling females that are not bred, old or poor producers. 3.Vaccinate all heifer calves between four and 10 months of age for brucellosis. 4. All weaned calves should be vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBR-PI3-BVD and dewormed. Cull bull calves should be castrated prior to weaning. 5. Replacement heifers should definitely be vaccinated for blackleg, malignant edema, IBR, leptospirosis and brucellosis.



Rodger D. Damrow

December 2, 1943 - June 11, 2017 Rodger D. Damrow, 73, of Lincoln, NE passed away Sunday, June 11, 2017. Rodger was born Dec. 2, 1943 in Lincoln, NE to Harvey and Grace Damrow. He was preceded in death by his parents & brother, Ronnie. He was survived by his wife, Bonnie, Brother Bruce (Donna), Knoxville, TN, descendants, Allison (Eric) Wieczorek, Hickman, Chelsey (Justin) Georges, Roca, Grandchildren, Caden & Ella Wieczorek, Dylaney & Logan Georges, nieces & nephews. Rodger attended District #15 country school in Roca, NE and University High in Lincoln, NE. He enjoyed horses, longhorns, ranching and most of all his family. He was a member of Masonic Lodge #256, Hallam Legion Post #294, retired Military Department and Air National Guard. Rodger served as the President of Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association. Rodger bought his first longhorn from a former 4 H Leader in 1979. From that day on his love for longhorns has grown. He was instrumental in the start and promotion of the Nebraska State Fair longhorn shows, the N.T.L.A. Fall & Spring Sales, the Youth Progress Shows, the Central States Longhorn shows in Rapid City, SD. His addiction to longhorns has spread to his family. His children and grandchildren have made his dream come true when they started showing longhorns. He was so proud to receive the TLBAA 2015 Jack Phillips Award. Funeral services were held June 17 at Trinity Chapel Church. Memorials in honor of Rodger are to Trinity Chapel Church, 550 Rokeby Rd, Lincoln, NE 68512. Trails Magazine publishes memorials for our members as a free service. If you have lost a loved one and would like to let the membership know, please notify Myra Basham - 817.625.6241 or myra@tlbaa.org



We thank these folks for kindly droppin’ in at the TLBAA office.


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July 2017 | 43









MONTANA Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. 817-625-6241

44 | July 2017












July 2017 | 45

Classifieds Cattle For Sale


Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX 817-991-9979


THATE Cattle Company

Your source for big-horned cattle in the North— utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota


Cattle For Sale Diamond A – registered Texas Longhorns-cows and heifers for sale. 830-992-9155 dewarner@ ctesc.net

OLIVER LONGHORNS www.oliverlonghorns.com

Cattle for Sale “To God Be The Glory”




Beaver creek longhorns - Check our new website with “Super Sales” and herd-reduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK 580-765-9961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com

BUTLER HEIFERS A select few yearlings and bred two year olds FOR SALE NOW! Our herd has been closed to outside genetics for over a decade. The very best Butler quality available in the breed.

Robert King at 210-827-6700 or rking6700@gmail.com

Bob King Ranches May God Bless America Always! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, created in 1984 by G.C. “Bo” and Dorie Damuth we continue to feature very correct traditional progressive Longhorn cattle that are very gentle, colorful, big-horned and frequent show winners with excellent conformation. The original Magnolia ranch will continue on a smaller basis with Dorie still living there and managing its operation. Scott, Dorie & Bo’s only child, and his lovely wife Shery, will showcase will showcase the cattle at Flying D’s second location in Mabank, TX. For the past 2 years they have filled the roles of resposible ranch operators for Flying D with the same commitment, dedication and knowledge exhibited by Bo and Dorie over the years. The ranch headquarters will be merged into Scott’s law office and title company located on Main Street in Gun Barrel City, Texas. Meanwhile, be assured the same big, gentle trophy steers, bulls, cows and heifers will be available at both ranches. The Longhorn life just gets better!! Call or visit…we have outstanding bulls, cows, heifers and steers for sale at reasonable prices. Please call any of us to schedule a visit to each ranch. We love to talk Longhorns! Cattle always available at all times. Reasonable prices. For information or to schedule a tour at either of our ranch locations, please call: Dorie Damuth - Flying D Longhorn Ranch 40206 Community Rd. • Magnolia, TX 77354 281-356-8167 • fax: 281-356-2751 dorie27@sbcglobal.net • www.damuthflyingdranch.com

Small Registered Longhorn Herd For Sale 1 Bull, 6 Cows, 1 Bull Calf, 1 Heifer Calf Call 409-382-3096 for more information.

Quality HEIFERS & HERD SIRE PROSPECTS FOR SALE- I have a LARGE herd, so you have lots of variety to pick from! Located approx. 20 mi. off the EAST TEXAS line in Louisiana just below Shreveport. Lots of Hunts Command Respect, McGill Breeding, some ZD Kelly and Grand Slam, etc. Good cows, good babies. I specialize in bulls and am a partner in RIP SAW who now measures 83 1/2” TTT and is a gorgeous color. Several of his heifers and sons for sale.

Dora Thompson Tel 318-872-6329

echoofambush@aol.com•www.sandhillsranch.com Great genetics. I enjoy meeting and working with new breeders. Also have a large STRAIGHT BUTLER herd.

RUIDOSO, NM - EAGLE CREEK RANCH – 3-in-1 package with heifer calf by Victory Lap cow bred back to Jet Black Chex; yearling herd sire prospect by Clear Point; yearling heifer by Over Kill. (806) 797-6358

LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains

918-855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK


Miniature Longhorns: – Would like to learn more and get information on any miniatures for sale. We live in Central Illinois. mmbays@consolidated. net. Mike 217 259-8552 Mona 217 273-3633

Realestate 2,200 Acre Improved Ranch Tillman County, Oklahoma Irrigation & Pivot Excellent Fences Coastal & Midland & Bluestem Grasses Borders North Fork of Red River 400 Commercial Home-Raised Black Angus Cows Now Calving, with Approximately 325 Babies Presently on the Ground 25 Registered Black Angus Bulls Commercial Watering Areas with Concrete Slabs & Freeze-Proof Water Systems Ranch May be Purchased Separately or With Cattle Shown by Appointment Only; Owner Retiring Contact: Brink Auction & Realty 580-335-4126 brinkauction@gmail.com P O Box 928 Frederick, OK 73542 778 Acres – Great for cattle or hunting. Native grasses. 5 ponds (one spring fed) two good water wells. Great fencing. Two small corrals. Metal shop (50x60, 2 silos, storm cellar. 3 br. home w/1920’ sf built in 1983. Central Heat and Air (2) Fireplaces in den. Built in appl’s. lots of cabinets. Lg. master br. w/lg. master ba. w/jet tub. Wrap around porch. Park like setting w/lots of beautiful oak trees & flower beds. Home is very secluded Grady, Ok. (S. of Ringling) $1,522,500. Linda Weber Realty, Inc: 580-226-8777 www.lwrealtyinc.com

Trade & Barter TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breed’s top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days 512-454-0476 / Weekends 830-644-2380.


FMB Land & Cattle LLC Custom Hauling...Shows....Sales 8ft wide Trailer for Longhorn Care Ron Bailey 254.534.1886 Rodney Brown 682.220.8501

Scott Damuth, Legal Counsel • Shery Damuth, Vineyard Consultant sdamuth@damuthlaw.com • Gun Barrel City, TX Law office: 903-887-0088 • Fax: 903-887-2925 Scott Cell: 214-546-3681 • Shery Cell: 940-393-0991

46 |July 2017

Cattle For Sale


Advertising Index —A— Anderson, Frank Jr. and III...........................8 Arch Acres.................................................... 44 Astera Meadows..........................................45 —B— Bar H Ranch................................................. 44 Beadle Land & Cattle....................................8 Big Valley Longhorns................................. 44 BPT Longhorns..............................................8 Buckhorn Cattle Co....................................45 Bull Creek Ranch...................................13, 15 Butler Listings............................................ 8-9 —C— Caballo Bravo Longhorns......................... 44 Cactus Rose Longhorns............................ 12 Champion Genetics....................................39 Christa Cattle Co.....................................8, 13 —D— Dalgood Longhorns......................................8 DCCI Equipment.........................................37 Diamond Q Longhorns..............................45 Dickinson Cattle Co...................................BC DK Longhorn Ranch.................................. 44 Dos Ninos Ranch...................................12, 13 Double A Longhorns..................................45 —E— El Coyote Ranch............................................ 1 End of Trail Ranch...................................... 44 —F— Falls Creek Longhorns..................................9 Four Color Press..........................................43 Flying Diamond Ranch.............................. 44 Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction....... 3 —H— Helm Cattle Co............................................45 Hickman Longhorns...................................45 Hill Country Sale........................................IBC Hudson Longhorns.......................................3 Hudson/Valentine Auctions........................3 Husky Branding Irons.................................43 —J— J&C Longhorns............................................ 12 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch........................45 Jack Mountain Ranch............................ 8, 45 Jane’s Land & Cattle.................................. 44 —K— KDK Longhorns............................................ 13 King, Terry & Tammy...................................44 Kittler Land & Cattle....................................44 —L— Lightning Longhorns..................................45 Little Ace Cattle Co....................................... 9

LL Longhorns................................................. 9 Lodge Creek Longhorns............................44 Lone Wolf Ranch.........................................45 Lonesome Pines Ranch............................. 12 Longhorn Sale Pen...................................... 37 Lucas Ranch.................................................44 — M— Marquess Arrow Ranch............................ IFC McGuire Land & Cattle...............................45 McLeod Ranch............................................... 9 Moriah Farms...............................................45


Send us your photo with a funny caption included! Send your photo with caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Myra, • P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 74564 or myra@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Photo may be used in a future issue due to number of responses

—N — Northbrook Cattle Company....................45 —O — Oak Hill Farms............................................. 20 —P— P & C Cattle Pens........................................ 31 Panther Creek Ranch...................................3 Pearl Longhorn Ranch.........................12, 13 —R— Red Peak Ranch.............................................5 Rio Vista Ranch..............................................9 Rockin Hil Longhorns................................ 44 Rockin I Longhorns.....................................45 Rocking P Longhorns.............................. 8, 9 Rocky Mountain Longhorns.................... 44 Rolling D Ranch.......................................... 44 Rolling Horns Ranch................................... 17 Ross Ranch Horns................................ 19, 45 Running Arrow Longhorns....................... 30 —S— Safari B Ranch..............................................45 Sand Hills Ranch..................................... 7, 44 Singing Coyote Ranch...............................45 SS Longhorns...............................................45 Star Creek Ranch.........................................45 Stotts Hideaway Ranch..............................45 Struthoff Ranch............................................45 —T— 2bar2Ranch.................................................. 12 Thate Cattle Co.............................................9 Tio Benito Longhorns................................. 13 TLBAA Horn Showcase....................... 22-25 Triple R Ranch (TX)........................................9 TS Adcock Longhorns................................45 —W — Walker, Ron...................................................45 Westfarms Inc................................................9 Wichita Fence Company.......................... 30


That’s the way he likes it! Thanks to Micha from Texas Longhorn Austria for he submission

Anyone see my little girl? Thanks to Denny Lux, K “n” D Lux Ranch for the submission

UPCOMING ISSUES: August: Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up September: Longhorn Ladies July 2017 | 47

SAVE THE DATE AUGUST 2017 AUGUST 5 • Deschutes County Fair, Deschutes County Expo Center, Redmond, OR. Entry Deadline June 14th. Tamara Kuntz 541-280-1645 or tamaroo300@gmail.com. Qualifying Free, Youth AUGUST 12-13 • Alberta Texas Longhorn Association 35th Anniversary Celebration Field Day & Show to be held at Ron Walkers Ranch, Redcliff AB 403-528-0200. AUGUST 19 • Marquess Arrow Ranch Elite Heifer Sale, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron Marquess (903) 570-5199 or maranch@aol.com. AUGUST 19 • The Source - Showmanship Clinic & Show Calf Sale, Ellis Co Expo Center, Waxahachie, TX. Facebook.com/TheSourceSale Contact Chris Lindsey (601) 319-8296 or Ryan Culpepper (940) 577-1753. AUGUST 26 • Western Idaho State Fair, Western Idaho Fairgrounds, Boise, ID. Entry Deadline August 4th. Dan Erskine, www. flyingoranches@yahoo.com or 208-407-3800. Qualifying Haltered & Free, Trophy Steers.

SEPTEMBER 2-3 • Sanders County Fair Longhorn Show, Sander County Fairground, Plains, MT. Entry Deadline Aug. 10th. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 3 • Colorado State Fair, State Fair Grounds, Pueblo, CO. Entry Deadline Aug. 1st. Lana Pearson, lana14338@gmail.com or 719-740-0741. Qualify Haltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 4 • Colorado State Fair, State Fair Grounds, Pueblo, CO. Entry Deadline Aug. 1st. Kenny Richardson, krichardson@aol.com or 970-352-3054. Qualify Haltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 8-9 • Hill Country Heritage Longhorn Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Rick Friedrich 713-305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. Joel Lemley 325-668-3552 or jlem@camalott.com SEPT 8-10 West Texas Fair & Rodeo, West Texas Longhorn Association, Taylor County Expo Center, Abilene, TX. Entry Deadline August 22nd. Catherine Morris, www.morriscatran@taylorel.net or 325-829-9219. Qualified Haltered, Free, Trophy Steers, Points Only, Miniatures, & Youth. Please send online entries to www.taylorcountyexpocenter.com. SEPTEMBER 9 • 19th Annual World Qualifying Texas Longhorn Show, Expo New Mexico (Albuquerque State Fair Grounds), Albuquerque, NM. Entry Deadline Aug. 1st. Clay Bailey/ Terry Whalen, tjs.longhorns@ gmail.com, 505-220-2217 or 505-238-8166. Qualify Haltered & Free. SEPTEMBER 9 • Spokane Interstate Fair Longhorn Show, Spokane Fairground, Spokane Valley, WA. Entry Deadline Aug. 15th. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. QualifyingHaltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 15-16 • Elite Futurity, Enid, OK. L.D. McIntyre 308-750-8384, tejas@mcintyreranches.com. Kevin Bryant (580) 254-1864, cactus254@gmail.com. Joe Dowling 979-271-0277, dowlingjoe@yahoo.com SEPTEMBER 22-23 • Fort Worth Stockyards Sale, Fort Worth, TX. Contact Lorinda Valentine, panthercreekranch@att.net or 270-996-7046.

48 | July 2017

Coming Events

SEPTEMBER 25 • Central Washington Fair Longhorn Show, Central Washington Fairgrounds, Yakima, WA. Entry Deadline Sept. 1st. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth. SEPTEMBER 28-30 • Tulsa State Fair, OK Ford Dealers Arena - Tulsa Fairgrounds, Tulsa, OK. Entry deadline 9/1/17. David Edwards (918) 5570364 or dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com. Qualifying Free, Haltered and Youth. SEPTEMBER 29-OCT 1 • East Texas State Fair, East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Entry Deadline Aug. 28th. John & Brenda Oliver, joliver210@ yahoo.com or 972-268-0083. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPTEMBER 29-OCT 1 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measurings, Locations will be announced as they are confirmed. SEPTEMBER 30 • Central Washington Fair Longhorn Show, Central Washington Fairgrounds, Yakima, WA. Entry Deadline Sept. 1st. Shannon Kearney, rockingkbartranch@hughes.net or 509-684-2963. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth.

SEPTEMBER 2017 SEPTEMBER 2 • Butler Breeder’s Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety 985-674-6492 or Michael McLeod 361-771-5355.


OCTOBER 2017 OCTOBER 5-8 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Lawton, OK. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org October 6 - Horn Showcase Heifer Sale October 7 - Horn Showcase Sale OCTOBER 6-8 • State Fair of Texas Longhorn Show, State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX. Entry Deadline Sept. 1st. Trigg & Traci Moore, Traci@Triple-T-Longhorns.com & Trigg@MooreHomeandRanch.com or 817-832-8742 & 254-396-5592. Qualify Youth & Open Haltered, Nonqualifying Haltered Trophy Steers. OCTOBER 11 • Nile Livestock Longhorn Show, Metra Park, Billings, MT. Entry Deadline Sept. 1st online through the Nile. Toby Johnson, 307-674-4691. Qualifying Haltered, Free, & Youth. OCTOBER 12-14 • Heart of Texas Fair & Rodeo, Extract Event Center, Waco, TX. Entry Deadline September 15th. Enter online at www.hotfair. com. Rick & Cori Garcia, rafter-m-ranch@hughes.net or (479) 381-8331. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Trophy Steers and Miniatures OCTOBER 27-29 • Ark-La-Tex Longhorn Breeders Annual Fall Show, George Henderson Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Jessica Wade, 903-9485194. Qualifying Haltered, Free &Youth, Trophy Steers, Miniatures.

NOVEMBER 2017 NOVEMBER 9-12 • State Fair of Louisiana, Fair Grounds, Shreveport, LA. Peggy Swindle, www.statefairoflouisiana.com or 318-635-1361. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth, Trophy Steers. NOVEMBER 17-19 Kaufman Police Association Longhorn Show, Henderson County Fairgrounds, Athens, TX. Entry Deadline Nov. 1st. Joel Norris, joel1983@embarqmail.com or 972-533-4945. Qualify Haltered, Free, Free, & Miniatures. NOVEMBER 18 • Texas Longhorn Production, Consignment & Ranch Horse Fall Select Sale. Crossroads Centre, Oyen AB. Ron Walker 403548-6684 or cell 403-528-0200 walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com www.walkerslonghorns.com.

Would you like to get your event listed? Contact Myra Basham 817-625-6241 or myra@tlbaa.org



March 2017 | 23


where the great Texas Longhorn breed is developed, evaluated, measured, weighed, tested, exported, and of course, honored. For 50 years, since May 1967, this great breed has been the main business of the Dickinson family. Come visit 50 years of history. See what is on the drawing board for the future? Come to OHIO this summer before the Russians hack the ranch.

tibbs is a professional pinch hitter

to lower high horns, increase brindle contrast and add rate of gain. See him with the cows in Ohio.

tibbs – age 7

Clear Point is the senior sire at

DCC. He is big, a great sire of wide spreads and dead center in the 50 year breeding program that traces an unbroken 11 generation lineage to the very first DCC cow. DCC is committed to long haul success. Semen $200.

Clear Point – age 5

D ICKINSON CATTLE CO LLC 35000 Muskrat tt Barnesville, Ohio 43713 740 758 5050  information@texaslonghorn.com  www.texaslonghorn.com

"Raising registered Texas Longhorns since 1967 - it's our 50th anniversary year." TEXAS LONGHORN TRAILS

24 | April 2017

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