Texas Longhorn Trails

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Texas Longhorn Trails

June 2010

to our friends who purchased cattle through bidding or who helped make Special thanks to Lisa and Les Craft, our volume buyer, and for their purchase of the high selling lot, Awesome Strawberry

#1 Awesome Viagra x Awesome Red Rose



e, ke

attended the event, participated this a fun and successful weekend Special thanks to Rob & Marcy Fenza for their purchase of the 3rd high selling lot, Ranger’s Pretty Lady

Special thanks to Bow & Sylvia Carpenter for their purchase of the 2nd highest selling lot, EOT Outback Betsy 441

#2 Boomerang C P x Delta Betsy


#3 Impacts Rear Admiral x Voodoo Princess


Texas Longhorn Trails (817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org http://www.tlbaa.org


VOL. 22 NO. 3

JUNE 2010

Editor in Chief: Brenda Cantrell • Ext. 104 brenda@tlbaa.org

Contributing Editors: Carolyn Hunter cghunter@hughes.net

Henry L. King

Advertising: Carolyn Hunter • (817) 808-6895 (254) 697-2060 Office


Rick Fritsche •


Feature: Trophy Steers & Rustler’s Moon ........26 by Henry King

Feature Articles: Weeds, Weeds, Weeds; How Does My Pasture Grow ......................................34 Dr. Kimble – Citizen of The Year ..........37 Breeders Forum........................................40 Blackleg and Clostridial Diseases ............46 Castrating a Calf ....................................57 Sick Calves: How do you know?............61

Sales, Shows & Tours Midwest Longhorn Sale......................10 Hundson-Valentine Invitational Sale ..12 Red McCombs Fiesta Sale ..................16 Best At West Membership Sale ..........24 STLA Spring Field Day......................42

About the Cover:

Special Section: Treasurer’s Report ..............................22 2009 – 2010 A Year In Review of the TLBT ............................................32 Introducing New Staff........................36 TLBAA Organizational Framework....38

Departments: Chairman Letter ..................................6 In the Pen ..........................................17 News on the Trail ..............................29 TLBT Letter ......................................31 Hall of Fame ................................50-51 Movers & Shakers ..............................52 Dams of Distinction ..........................54 Memorial – Milton “Ralph” Brown....54 Herd Management ............................56 Just for Grins......................................63 Save the Date ....................................64

R-E-S-P-E-C-T is what it’s all about on this month’s cover of the Trails. These two double-bred Hunts Command Respect sons will soon be commanding the same respect as their ancestors. The bulls are part of the respected breeding programs of Kerry, Nancee and Paul Mounce of 4 Gone Ranch from Anna, TX and Bennington, OK and Randy and Jamie Briscoe of Briscoe Longhorns from Kingfisher, OK. Featured upper left is Switch (6/14/07) - Sittin Bull x Spaghetti, owned by 4 Gone Ranch. Featured lower right is Respect Me (3/13/06) – Hunts Command Respect x Latte 34, owned by Randy & Jamie Briscoe and Doug Hunt. Respect Me already measures at 82 1/2 inches TTT and as you can see Switch is well on his way! Sock it to me!


Ext. 107


Graphic Design & Production Laura Standley, Art Director • Ext. 105 laura@tlbaa.org

Myra Basham •

Ext. 108

Writer/Photographer Grace Taylor • Ext. 109 grace@tlbaa.org

Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee Bonnie Damrow • Roca, Nebraska Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado Rebecca Moeller • Socorro, New Mexico Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma

Regional Correspondents

The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $60 per year; foreign per year $75. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.

“We reach every TLBAA member”

Deadline: July 2010 deadline is June 1st.

Printed in the USA

Texas Longhorn Trails

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Established 1964

Division A Regions 1-6

Division B Regions 7-12

Division C Regions 13-18

2315 N. Main St. #402 Fort Worth, TX 76164 (817) 625-6241 • FAX (817) 625-1388 E-mail: tlbaa@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Doc Hyder

(352) 567-2555 k&dcattle@embarqmail.com

Lana Hightower

(903) 963-7442 glcattleco@aol.com

(405) 567-3093

Executive Committee

At-Large Director

At-Large Director


Darlene Aldridge, D.V.M.

Executive Vice Chairman: Charlie Buenger • (254) 749-7811

Region 1 - Director

Chairman of the Board: Robert Richey • (325) 942-1198

1st Vice Chairman: Lana Hightower • (903) 963-7442 2nd Vice Chairman: Doc Hyder • (352) 567-2555

Secretary: Theo Kocian • (361) 798-0073

Treasurer: Dr. Darlene Aldridge • (979) 272-3600 Director: Randy Briscoe • (405) 375-3090

(403) 458-6684

Ron Walker

Region 2 - Director (540) 752-6831 bcrstuck@hotmail.com

Mark Stuck

Region 3 - Director

Vacant Region 4 - Director (336) 667-5452 TLBAA.Region4Director@yahoo.com

Carl R. Brantley

Director: Steve Quary • (405) 567-3093

(850) 956-4154 tklonghorns@wfeca.net

Office Staff

Region 6 - Director

General Manager: Jamie Griffeth • Ext. 121

Special Events: Kim Barfield, Sale Asst. • Ext. 119 Pam Galloway, Show Asst. • Ext. 106

Region 5 - Director

Terry King

(337) 328-7258 longhorn@camtel.net

Gene Juranka

(979) 272-3600 darlene@starcreekranch.com

Steve Quary

At-Large Director (580) 265-4279 oxbowranch.spooner@yahoo.com

Rich Spooner

Region 13 - Director

Region 7 - Director (936) 422-3155 longhorn4t@msn.com

Donnie Taylor

Region 8 - Director (214) 675-9317 kerry@los-inc.com

Kerry Mounce Region 9 - Director

Vacant Region 14 - Director (785) 799-3712 jrombeck@yahoo.com

Jim Rombeck

Region 15 Director (405) 375-3090 Kingrjj@aol.com

Randy Briscoe

(325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com

Region 16 - Director

Region 10 - Director

Region 17 - Director

Robert Richey


Charlie Buenger

(254) 749-7811 buengeroc@grandecom.net

(208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com

Region 11 - Director

Region 18 - Director

(361) 798-0073 tskr11@yahoo.com

Theo Kocian

Terry Fuhriman

(408) 656-6266 raybeadle@templeinland.com

Ray Beadle

Region 12 - Director (210) 827-3940 stevenzunker@msn.com

Steven Zunker

Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107

Financial Services: Stephanie Braudrick • Ext. 102 Administrative Assistant: Martha Langford • Ext. 100

TLBAA BREED ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman: Dr. Bob Kropp Oklahoma State University

Dr. Harlan Ritchie

Dr. Charles McPeake

Michigan State University

University of Georgia

Dr. Bill Able

Dr. Scott Schaake

Northwestern Oklahoma University

Kansas State University

Marshall Ruble Iowa State University

Dr. Randall Grooms TAES Texas A&M University


May 2010

Past Presidents & Chairmen of the Board CHARLES SCHREINER III*





















GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995


1964-1967 1967-1969

J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 1971-1973 1973-1975 1975-1977

J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978


1981-1982 1982-1984 1984-1986 1986-1988

1998-2003 2003-2005 2006-2007 2007-2007

TIM MILLER 1995-1998



From the Chairman of the Board It’s June already; where did Spring go? For many of us, it was spent on the road attending one TLBAA function after another. Recent sales attended include: the Midwest Longhorn Sale hosted by Mike and Debbie Bowman, the Red McCombs Fiesta Sale hosted by Red and Charlene McCombs, and the Hudson-Valentine Invitational Sale, hosted by Bill Hudson and Joe and Lorinda Valentine. The TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale also took place last month along with a number of spring shows throughout the country. But it is now June, and this is the month for everyone who has been showing Texas Longhorn cattle these past 12 months to head for Cowtown and compete in one of TLBAA’s premiere events of the year. Anticipation and excitement are building for the 2010 World Show Exposition that will be held June 17th through the 19th in Fort Worth. Exhibitors have qualified their Longhorns at Affiliate shows, local fairs and major stock shows and have been industry ambassadors for the Longhorn breed across the country. You are encouraged to join us for an exciting weekend of competition in Haltered, Free Cattle and our Youth show. A TLBAA Memorial will be held on Friday, June 18th at 4pm, and honors those TLBAA members that we have lost over the past year. The Trophy Steer show and Youth Banquet follow the Memorial. Make plans to join us for a fun-filled weekend that will showcase our magnificent breed of cattle, the Texas Longhorn! The Show Committee, consisting of Show Chair Lana Hightower and 15 volunteer TLBAA members, have worked tirelessly along with a small army of TLBAA volunteers, TLBT volunteers, TLBAA staff and occasionally even a Director or two to make this year’s event a success. Make plans to attend and join the celebration that is the 2010 World Show Exposition. On the “Good News” front, we have had two recent additions to our staff. First, I am most pleased to announce that the Board approved a motion to hire James (Jamie) Griffeth as the new TLBAA General Manager. Jamie brings a varied background of agriculture, business and financial roles to the Association. I hope that as you have a chance to meet Jamie you will extend a warm welcome to the TLBAA. Additionally, we have hired a new Administrative Assistant, Martha Langford. Please make her feel welcome when she answers your calls to the office. You can learn more about these folks on page 36. This issue has a couple of committee updates. The Lean Beef Committee reports progress on USDA certification of Texas Longhorn cattle and some of its findings on marketing opportunities around the nation. The second update comes from the Committee on Organization. Inside this report is an organizational chart for the TLBAA as well as a list of committees for those interested in lending a hand in their area of interest by volunteering to serve on a committee. These committees are very important to the ongoing success of the Association, so take a few moments and see which committee you might want to participate in. I would like to get the committees filled by June 30th, so act now! July is our A.I. Sire issue and I encourage you to advertise your sire in this keepsake edition. Finally, our annual membership drive will kick off on June 1st and runs through June 30th. When your membership renewal arrives in the mail, be sure to take a few moments to send back your renewal in a timely manner, it’s the right thing to do. See you down the road,

Robert Richey

Sponsored by

Imus Ranch

A Working Cattle Ranch for Kids With Cancer Ribera, New Mexico

Provided by Don Imus/Deirdre Imus


Texas Longhorn Trails

Darlene Aldridge, DVM • John Parmley

Proud Member of the TLBAA

8405 FM 1361 • Somerville, TX 77879 979-272-3600 home • 281-541-1200 cell www.starcreekranch.com • darlene@starcreekranch.com




93 Lots sold with an average of $2,839.25 each 2 Semen lots averaged $3,250 Volume Buyer: Joe & Lorinda Valentine of Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX. Commercial Longhorns: High Selling Cow - $350.00 12 cows average $345.84 each High Selling Roper $275.00 56 Ropers average was $243.31 each Sale Results Submitted by Mike Bowman

The 2010 Annual Midwest Longhorn Sale was once again a successful Longhorn event. Celebrating its 10-year anniversary, the sale weekend began on Friday, April 23rd, with a Pre-Sale Party. Over 100 Longhorn breeders attended the party and enjoyed delicious Mexican food, taking their time to view all of the outstanding consignments and visiting with each other. The pre-sale party was sponsored by Mike & Debbie Bowman and Bill & Judy Meridith at the Winfield Livestock Auction Barn. The hosts would like to thank John, Justin and, Leslie Brazel for all their help during the party and at the Sale. Mike personally thanks all the people that made the sale another great Longhorn event. Joel Lemley set the pace for bidders as the auctioneer and his sidekick Dale Hunt did a wonderful job of reading the pedigrees. Once again, the sale was on the Internet on cattleusa.com. The registered sale boasted 52 buyers that were approved and signed up to participate via the Internet. At the sale barn, 112 buyers signed up to place their bids, making a total of 164 potential buyers! While there were 49 successful buyers from 16 different states that bought cattle, buyers signed up from 22 different states, including Oregon, California, Virginia, Florida and Texas. The sale averaged $2,839.25 on 93 head of cows & heifers with two additional semen lots that averaged $3,250.00 each! There were six scratches; six PO’s and some that didn’t meet the reserve. The Volume buyer this year was Joe & Lorinda Valentine of Panther Creek Ranch. Other Volume Buyers were: Bill Hudson of Hudson Longhorns, Brent & Cindy Bolen of Bolen Longhorns, Dan, Nathan & Tracy & Lisa Jones of Hoosier Longhorns, Melvin & Rebecca Rhodes of Valley View Ranch and Mark Evers.

Sheila & Dave Hovingh, Allendale, MI; Lorinda Valentine, Marlin, TX

Lorinda & Joe Valentine, Marlin, TX

Photos by Brenda Cantrell & Laura Standley




(a Boomerang C P daughter) Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS Buyer: Brent & Cindy Bolen, Lufkin, TX

Justin Rombeck, Home, KS; Richard Filip, Fayetteville, TX




(a TG Flash daughter) Consignor: Bill & Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS Buyer: Joe & Lorinda Valentine, Marlin, TX

Dan Jones, Washington, IN

Tracy & Lisa Jones, Washington, IN

OTHER HIGH SELLING COWS: $13,000- RUTLEDGE’S MISS BROOK. (a Working Man Chex daughter) Consignor: Brent & Cindy Bolen, Lukin, TX. Buyer: Dave & Sheila Hovingh, Allendale, MI.

$8,500-PRESIDENTE’S REMEMBRANCE. (an El Presidente daughter) Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS. Buyer: Melvin & Rebecca Rhodes, Russellville, MO. $7,500–

Brent Bolen, Lufkin, TX, Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS

Mike McClanahan, Lees Summit, MO; Rebecca Rhodes, Russellville, MO

EOT RED EYES. Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS. Buyer: Bill Hudson, Corydon, IN.

$7,500– STOCKTON’S AWESOME MIST. Consignor: Dave & Sheila Hovingh, Allendale, MI. Buyer: Bill Hudson, Corydon, IN.

OTHER HIGH SELLING HEIFERS: $14,000 – SDR RIOS UPPER CRUST. (a JP Rio Grande daughter) Consignor: Dave & Sheila Hovingh, Allendale, MI. Buyer: Richard & Jeanne Filip, Fayetteville, TX.

$9,000 – EOT OUTBACK ANGIE 753. (a Boomerang CP daughter) Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS. Buyer: Dan, Nathan, & Tracy & Lisa Jones, Washington, IN.

$6,500 – EOT SUPER FANCY 793. (a TDJ Super Hero daughter) Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS. Buyer: Joe & Lorinda Valentine, Marlin, TX.

Mike and Debbie Bowman P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 Home (316) 778-1717 • Fax (316) 778-2273 • email: mbowman@wildblue.net


HUDSON-VALENTINE INVITATIONAL SALE RESULTS Sale results submitted by Joe Valentine




$22,500– AWESOME ANGEL Buyer: Jim and Barb Steffler; Consignor: Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX.

117 head sold on Friday and Saturday for an average of $4,987 per lot.

son Jr.; Consignor: Panther Creek.


AWESOME STRAWBERRY Consignor: Panther Creek Longhorns Buyer: Les Craft of Houston, TX



Buyer: Les Craft from Houston, TX; Consignor: Hudson Longhorns.

$12,000– KISS N' TELL BCB

Buyer: Hudson Longhorns; Consignor: Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX.

HIGH SELLING BULL: $12,500 – JR REBEL Buyer: Rocky & Christy Engemoen; Consignor: Hudson-Valentine Partnership.

Rob and Marcy Fenza, West Chester, PA. Bow and Sylvia Carpenter, San Antonio, TX.


Buyer: Bow & Sylvia Carpenter of San Antonio, TX; Consignor: Panther Creek.

Buyer: Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK; Consignor: Mike & Debbie Bowman.


$13,000 – PIXIE ST Buyer: Benjamin J.

Buyer: Rob & Marcy Fenza of West Chester, PA; Consignor: Panther Creek.

Gravett from Catlett, VA; Consignor: Bill Hudson Jr.

$26,000 – WS SUNRISE

Buyer: Bill Hudson Jr.; Consignor: Williams, Searle & Hutton Partnership, Rosebud, TX

$24,000 – ALLEN'S 104 Buyer: Bill Hudson

$12,000 – EOT OUTBACK SWEET LIPS Buyer: Mike & Debbie Bowman of Benton, KS; Consignor: Bow & Sylvia Carpenter.

$11,000 – BL RIO FOXY Buyer: Michael Casey of Nicasio, CA; Consignor: Bob & Pam Loomis

Bill Hudson, Corydon, IN; Joe and Lorinda Valentine, Marlin, TX.


Les and Lisa Craft, Houston, TX.

$19,000 – JAYNIE 698 Buyer: Bill Hud-


Jr.; Consignor: Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX.

he 3rd Hudson-Valentine Invitational Sale held May 7 and 8, 2010 at the Will Roger's West Arena in Ft. Worth, Texas was another successful sale that brought friends together again for another fun weekend. Forty-eight buyers from fourteen states contributed to the success of the sale along with several new buyers in attendance. Friends gathered Friday evening for a wonderful Mexican buffet prior to the Spotlight Heifer Sale. Then again on Saturday for a lunch buffet of the best BBQ in Ft. Worth. Everyone had a great weekend and plenty of time to talk "Longhorn business" and view some great Texas Longhorn cattle. There were also some great exhibits that allowed everyone to shop and take home gifts from the wonderful weekend.

Horn Showcase Chair Brent Bolen, Lufkin, TX; Bob and Pam Loomis, Marietta, OK.

by Photos ll Cantre Brenda

Kent Harrell, Tulsa, OK; TLBAA Chairman Robert Richey, San Angelo, TX; Don Anderson, Ardmore, OK; Kyle Matthis, Okmulgee, OK. Texas Longhorn Trails

Give your breeding program Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, California (408) 656-6266 Fax: (408) 356-7383 e-mail: raybeadle@templeinland.com

Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940 www.boxzranch.com

Buckhorn Cattle Company - Buck & Sharon Adams 110 N. Broad, Guthrie, OK 73044 www.buckhorncattle.com (405) 260-1942 • (405) 282-9800

Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers

3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, Florida 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail: ancopa5@yahoo.com

Falls Creek Longhorns - Stanley & Sandi Tidwell 2330 W. FM 875, Midlothian, TX 76065 Contact Russell Hooks - (409) 381-0616 Herd Manager/Consultant e-mail: russellh@longhornroundup.com

Kent & Sandy Harrell

15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 www.harrellranch.com • e-mail: Kent@harrellranch.com

Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail: ketyfolsom@aol.com

Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 e-mail: bpotts1@verizon.net

Rafter H Longhorns - Kenn Harding, Tammy Tiner & Laura Harding 200 Pershing Ave., College Station, TX 77840 (979) 777-5256 e-mail: rafter-h@rafter-h-longhorns.com

Rio Vista Ranch – Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com

Shamrock Land & Cattle LLC - Gary, Patric & McKenna Donovan P.O. Box 374, Mt. Hood, OR 97041 e-mail: butlerlonghorns@yahoo.com (541) 490-4681

Westfarms Inc. – Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 795-1539 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: lwestmoreland.ees@wpsb.org

a boost with Butler genetics! 446 Ranch - Lonnie Shan & Raymond Cruthis 7303 CR 446 • Thorndale, TX 76577 (512) 269-9037 e-mail: CR446Ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com/Breeders/shan.html

Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (713) 984-9431

Concho Ranch - Tony & Judy Cain 707 S. David St • San Angelo, TX 76903 (325) 657-0707 • (325) 650-4676 e-mail: tcconchoranch@hotmail.com

DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail: dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com

4T Longhorns - Donnie & Marilyn Taylor 2038 Marshall Ivy Rd., Huntington, TX 75949 (936) 422-3155 • Cell (936) 414-1401 e-mail: longhorn4t@msn.com • www.4tlonghorns.com

Krazy K Longhorns – Theo & Gail Kocian Hallettsville, TX • (361) 798-6774 www.krazyklonghorns.com e-mail: gail@krazyklonghorns.com

Bob & Pam Loomis - Loomis Longhorns Rt. 1 Box 673 • Marietta, OK 73448 (580) 276-9265 • Fax (580) 276-3049 e-mail: loomis20@juno.com

Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 781-3215 e-mail: dayamisrockingranch@yahoo.com

Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com

Stanley Cattle Co. - David Stanley 3435 Talbert Ranch Rd., China Spring, TX 76633 (254) 836-4223 • (254) 722-9606 www.StanleyCattleCo.com e-mail: david@stanleycattleco.com

Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467

Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail: r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com


RED MCCOMBS FIESTA SALE & BABYDOLL HEIFER SALE RESULTS Joe & Lorinda Valentine, Marlin, TX; TLBAA Chairman of the Board Robert Richey, San Angelo, TX

Highlights Babydoll Heifer Sale 20 Lots Sold Gross: $145,200 Sale Average: $7,620

Fiesta Sale 86 Lots Sold Gross: $343,000 Sale Average: $5,046

Red McCombs, Johnson City, TX

Volume Buyers: Richard & Jeanne Filip, Fayetteville, TX; Panther Creek Ranch, Marlin, TX 62 Buyers. 144 registered to bid from 14 states. Sale results submitted by Alan Sparger




Consignor: John & Helen Stockton and Bill & Sue Burton. Buyer: Red McCombs Ranches


Lane Craft, San Marcus, TX

John Stockton and Bill Burton, Cleveland, TX Jeanne & Richard Filip, Fayetteville, TX


$28,000 ALBERTA

Bill Hudson, Corydon, IN

Don Schouten, Latham, KS

Consignor: Joe Graddy Buyer: Richard & Jeanne Filip


Richard & Jeanne Filip. Buyer: End of Trail Ranch.

Ursula & John Allen, Harper, TX

Consignor: End of Trail Ranch. Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch.

$25,000 – JP GRAND KAY ANNE Consignor: Bruce & Susan Easterly. Buyer: Hudson Longhorns.

$14,000 – AWESOME BONITA Consignor: Mountain Creek Longhorns. Buyer: Red McCombs Ranches.

$10,000 – WIREGRASS ASTRA Consignor: Joe Graddy. Buyer: John & Ursula Allen.



$10,500 – RFJ KOBRA’S FANCY Consignor: Richard & Jeanne Filip. Buyer: Hudson Longhorns.

$9,500 – JBM RITZY BECCA Consignor: Joe & Becca Munsch. Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch.


$25,000 – WD LADY RANGER 9/139 Consignor: Bruce & Susan Easterly. Buyer: Hudson Longhorns. – STOCKTON’S CHILL Consignor: Red McCombs Ranches. Buyer: Richard & Jeanne Filip.

$19,500 – EOT SPRINGTIME 714 Consignor: End of Trail Ranch. Buyer: Lane Craft.

$10,000 – ALLEN’S 239 Consignor: John & Ursula Allen. Buyer: Hudson Longhorns. – HUBBELL’S LUCKY STRIKE Consignor: Rick Friedrich. Buyer: Mike Casey.

$9,200 – SSS LEGACY’S SHADY LADY Consignor: Star Creek Ranch. Buyer: Panther Creek Ranch. Texas Longhorn Trails

SAND HILLS RANCH (Dora Thompson), Mansfield, LA Buck Board is still growing and now has a few CALVES on the ground…


King Pin is now on a small herd of good heifers…


DOB: 4/28/07 • HCR x Hay Stack

DOB: 1/11/08 • HCR x Eggnog

Bulls, Heifers & Cows For Sale At AllTimes.VisitorsWelcome!! We finance, sell starter herds, ropers, love to show and talk Longhorns!



www.sandhillsranch.com 2

1 3

1. TLBAA Registrations Clerk Rick Fritsche; Ed Dingledine, Ashlin, OH; TLBAA Registrations Clerk Dana Comer. 2. TLBAA General Manager Jamie Griffeth; Glen Garrett, Midlothian, TX. 3. Dale Hunt, Ardmore, OK; Trails Editor in Chief Brenda Cantrell; Trails Contributing Editor Henry King June 2010

dly in k r fo s k l fo e s e We thank th ffice. o A A B L T e h t droppin’ in at


October 14-16, 2010 Fort Worth, TX A self-funding event by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America

NEW!!! Twisty Horn Division For consignment & sponsorship check out

FOLLOW THE TWIST! $100 entry fee This category will be measured for Total Horn, Tip to Tip and base. Div I - Oct. 31, 2009 - Nov. 1, 2003 • Div. II - Oct. 31, 2003 & before 1 winner per division • Cattle measured in Fort Worth only. If you think your cattle have twist, bring them!

www.tlbaa.org All exhibitors must be members of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. All animals must be registered with the TLBAA. A copy of the animal’s registration certificate and entry fee of $100 for each category entered must accompany entry form for each animal. A photograph must be included with each entry to be entered. A photograph can be e-mailed to kim@tlbaa.org.

CAN’T MAKE IT TO FORT WORTH?? You can still be a 2010 Horn Showcase Winner!! TLBAA is offering satellite measuring across the nation. Check out www.tlbaa.org or the TLBAA today for more info.



HEALTH PAPERS (No Exceptions)


Kim Barfield – 817/625-6241 Chairman: Brent Bolen 936/639-6590


Division I: Division II: Division III: Division IV: Division V: Division VI: Division VII:

Division VIII

Oct. 31, 2009 - Nov. 1, 2008 Oct. 31, 2008 - Nov. 1, 2007 Oct. 31, 2007 - Nov. 1, 2006 Oct. 31, 2006 - Nov. 1, 2005 Oct. 31, 2005 - Nov. 1, 2003 Oct. 31, 2003 - Nov. 1, 2000 Nov. 30, 2000 & before Steer Division Born 2004 & before

ENTRY FORM Exhibitorʼs Name__________________________________________________ Exhibitorʼs TLBAA# _____________ Animalʼs TLBAA # _________________

Animalʼs Name __________________________________________________

Date of Birth ________ Division as specified above _____________________ $100 PER CATEGORY ENTRY CATEGORIES: TOTAL HORN TIP–TO–TIP COMPOSITE HORN Eligibility for composite horn category requires entry in tip-to-tip and total horn categories


FORM OF PAYMENT: CASH CHECK Credit Card # ___________________________ VISA



Exp. Date __________



Mike and Debbie Bowman P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 Home (316) 778-1717 email: mbowman@wildblue.net




4 full page or 12 - 1/3 color ads within the sponsorship pages in the Trails magazine beginning September 2010 A full page ad in Showcase program 3 hanging banners at the Showcase Ranch exhibit space at the Showcase Special recognition at all events Special HS logo to run on all ads if desired Name listed on all HS literature: Trails, press releases, etc.



2 Full page or 6 – 1/3 color ads within the sponsorship pages in the Trails magazine beginning September 2010 100 Overruns of one of the full-page ads to use as a marketing resource A 1/2 page ad in Showcase program 2 hanging banners at the Showcase Special recognition at all events Special HS logo to run on all ads if desired Name listed on all HS literature: Trails, press releases, etc.

October 3, 2010 Mike BowmanSatellite Measuring 5310 281st Rd Cambridge, KS (316) 778-1717 mbowman@wildblue.net October 2, 2010 • 2 p.m. Terry King Satellite Measuring Westville, FL (903) 570-5199 October 3, 2010 Doug Hunt Satellite Measuring Saint George, UT (435) 680-4822 C (435) 275-2112


October 9, 2010 Alexandra Dees (541) 358-8787 Terry Fuhriman (208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com Satellite Measuring Harper, OR


A 1/3 pg color ad within the sponsorship pages in the Trails magazine beginning September 2010 A 1/3 page ad in the Showcase Program A Hanging Banner at Showcase Special recognition at all events Name listed on all HS literature: Trails, press releases, etc.



A 1/6 page color ad page in the Trails magazine beginning September 2010 A 1/4 page ad in the Showcase Program Space for a banner Special recognition at all events RAWHIDER - $250 A Sale Pen color ad within sponsorship pages in the Trails magazine beginning September 2010 A business card size ad in the Showcase Program Special recognition at all events

October 9, 2010 Tennessee Valley Satellite Measuring White Pine, TN Carl Brantley (336) 667-5452 Region 4 Mark Stuck (540) 752-6831 Region 2 October 9, 2010 El Coyote Satellite Measuring Kingsville, TX (361) 522-0807 (361) 296-4275 fserna@elcoyote.com dserna@elcoyote.com

October 10, 2010 Scott Simmons Satellite Measuring Medora, IL (618) 729-2004 ssimmons@copeplastics.com October 12, 2010 Great Lakes Texas Longhorn Assoc. Satellite Measuring Horton, MI Dick Lowe (517) 688-3030 ralowe642@hotmail.com Tom Smith (616) 897-6235 widespreadranch@iserv.net

Texas Longhorn Trails

2010 FALL HORN SHOWCASE SALE October 16, 2010 • Fort Worth, TX Sponsored by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America Name of TLBAA Member: __________________________________ TLBAA#


Name of Animal: __________________________________________ TLBAA# ______________ _____ Heifer _____ Cow _____ Pair (No Bulls Accepted) OCV Vaccinated Yes ___ No ___ Picture of Animal _______ DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: AUGUST 1, 2010 Consignment Fees ($325 per head with 5% commission): _____________ ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS: Must have completed transfer application, original TLBAA certificate, completed consignment form and quality photo in TLBAA office by August 1st. Consignment fees will not be refunded on animals pulled from the sale. BREEDING INFORMATION Bullʼs Name

Cow Exposed To ________________________________ From __________ To ____________ Bullʼs Name

Cow Exposed To ________________________________ From __________ To ____________ Calf at Side Information:

Sex ________________

Date Calved ____________

Sired by______________________________________________ COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ WAIVER/CONSENT FORM

(This form must be signed and returned in order to complete your consignment) The Fall Horn Showcase Sale (FHSS) assumes no responsibility for any guarantee made by the consignor. All guarantees are strictly between the consignor (seller) and the buyer. FHSS is not responsible for the health or safety of any animal consigned to the sale. This includes loss of life, loss by theft or other perils. All consignors must comply with the rules and regulations. The undersigned hereby agrees to conditions of the sale and agrees that all guarantees are between seller and buyer. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless FHSS, sale employees and duly authorized representatives from any and all claims, demands, causes of action or liabilities of any nature which may arise from or in any way relate to the Fall Horn Showcase Sale. The undersigned agrees that if the buyer is unable to accept delivery because of Interstate health requirements, the consignor, not FHSS or its management, shall be responsible for refund or adjustment.

_______________________________________________ Owner of Animal/Consignorʼs Signature

____________________________ Date

M A N A G E D B Y T H E T E X A S L O N G H O R N B R E E D E R S A S S O C I AT I O N O F A M E R I C A S A L E S M A N A G E M E N T D I V I S I O N P. O . B o x 4 4 3 0 • F o r t W o r t h , T X 7 6 1 6 4 • ( 8 1 7 ) 6 2 5 - 6 2 4 1 K i m B a r f i e l d - e x t 11 9 • k i m @ t l b a a . o r g

Treasurer’s Report TLBAA Income Statement For Eight Months Ending February 2010 Revenues

$ 1,359,773.79

Less Cost of Goods Sold



Less Expenses



Net Profit



This summary is offered as a means of informing the membership of the financial status of the Association. It is my goal to publish a report on a quarterly basis to keep the membership up to date and answer a lot of questions about “just how are we doing.” The TLBAA is in a strong financial position due to sound business practices established by the Board of Directors and the hard working staff and to the generous contributions of members who have contributed cash, cattle and other items for the benefit of the TLBAA. This is something to be extremely proud of for a nonprofit association in such difficult financial times. The financial well being of the TLBAA is important to all of us as members and for the preservation of this singular breed that we all love. So I ask everyone to do their part. Register your cattle, renew your membership, enter TLBAA events, bid on those auction items, get involved in any way you can. We are only as strong as our membership. Don’t hesitate to ask your representative if you have more questions. Or call me directly. The TLBAA will be better for your active involvement. Respectively submitted, Darlene Aldridge, DVM Treasurer, TLBAA 22

Texas Longhorn Trails

June 2010



Highlights 111 Registered Lots Sale Average: $382.65 212 Commercial Lots Sale Average: $316.70

Volume Buyers: Hal Brame, Moyers, OK; Kenneth Webb, Cleburne, TX; Brian Uptmore, West, TX; Billy Jack Johnson; David Shaw Photos by Brenda Cantrell and Kim Barfield




Keith Shilling, Elm Mott, TX. Russell Hooks, Jonesboro, TX; Tori Voorheis and Betsy Salazar, Waxahachie, TX; Frank & Sue Bowdoin, Crawford, TX.

Auctioneer Brian Uptmore, TLBAA Director Theo Kocian and TLBAA Director Donnie Taylor.

Consignor: Phil and Laura Wilson, Austin, TX. Buyer: Brian Uptmore, West, TX.


Winnell and Barry Chinn, Austin, TX; Bill Golden, Stephenville, TX.

Mary Ann and Marshall Crenshaw, Bryan, TX.

Justice and Dirk Voorheis, Waxahachie, TX.

daughter of Ambush 13 and Wisely Lady) Consignor: Sand Hills Ranch, Mansfield, LA. Buyer: Brian Uptmore, West, TX.

Lynn Struthoff, San Antonio, TX and Jenna Struthoff, College Station, TX.


– R8 BANDIT (2006 daughter of Magic Chex and R8 Pecasita) Consignor: Jim Terry-Coral Noonan, Lexington, TX. Buyer: Brian Uptmore, West, TX.

$700 – C.F. HEARTHROB DIESEL (2005 daughter of CF Diesel and C.F. Heartland) Consignor: Melvin and Alice French, Granger, TX. Buyer: David Shaw.

– COMMERCIAL Consignor: Phil and Laura Wilson, Austin, TX. Buyer: Brian Uptmore, West, TX.


– CF PARKAY DIESEL (2006 daughter of CF Diesel and Crown B Maggie) Consignor: Melvin and Alice French, Granger, TX. Buyer: Brian


Uptmore, West, TX.


$675 – COMMERCIAL Consignor: Frank and Sue Bowdoin, Crawford, TX. Buyer: Kenneth Webb, Cleburne, TX.

$650– C.F. CARMEL DIESEL (2004 daughter of CF Diesel and Crown B Carman) Consignor: Melvin and Alice

French, Granger, TX. Buyer: Kenneth Webb, Cleburne, TX.

$650– HL WRIGHT’S BRINDLE DOE (2006 daughter of 8H Buck and HL Wright’s Brindle Whirl) Consignor: Chap and Ethel Hutcheson, Houston, TX. Buyer: Timothy Stevens. $650– PGA SUNSHINE (2006 daughter of DG Headlight and SH Tinkertoy 21/3) Consignor: Trigg and Traci Moore, Hico, TX. Buyer: Billy Jack Johnson. Texas Longhorn Trails

Trophy Steers And

Rustler’s Moon By Henry King

According to TLBAA Past President John T. Baker, the origin of the TLBAA traveling trophy honoring Texas Longhorn trophy steers occurred during the 1980’s in Missouri. The Show-Me affiliate had an annual event at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia that was an electrifying crowd-pleaser, attracting a full house of spectators every year it was held. It combined horses and Longhorns in a spectacular team-penning competition. “Of course,” said Baker, “the first exhibition of Texas Longhorn trophy steers was at the National Western at Denver. They would darken the arena, have spotlights on that herd of Longhorns, and Dan Coates would give that dramatic account of Longhorn history. It was an awesome sight, and they did it every evening before the rodeo.” “The show at the Missouri State Fair was altogether different, said Baker. “The Show-Me affiliate had a trophy steer judging at Sedalia, and I believe they were the first to offer that class. One of their rules was that a steer couldn’t win as Grand Champion but one time. Judging was done on a point basis -- one through ten for horn, the same for color, the same for conformation. The owner of the winning steer got custody of a traveling trophy until the show next year. Mahlon Wallace III, who had a ranch near Rolla, Missouri, funded that trophy, which was a smaller version of T. D. Kelsey’s “Texas Gold,” that big sculpture that sets on the TLBAA land there in Fort Worth.” Mahlon furnished most of the Longhorn steers used in the team penning, which was limited to 25 teams. The various teams would have to sort steers with a specific number that was stuck on the steers, and drive the steers with that number to a temporary pen at the opposite end of the arena. The team with the best time and the most cattle penned won, but there would be a world of excitement in the process.” In order to get permanent possession of the “Texas Gold” trophy, the exhibitor would have to win the trophy steer championship three times, with three different steers.


That was eventually accomplished by the storied Haythorn Ranch of Nebraska, and the “Texas Gold” trophy from the Show-Me affiliate now has a permanent home. Credit for the concept and implementation of the traveling trophy program goes to retired pencil company executive Mahlon B. Wallace III of St Louis, Missouri, a philanthropist, rancher and wildlife art collector. His interest in Texas Longhorn steers goes back to the 1950’s when his father had owned some. He essentially got into the registered Longhorn business to raise trophy steers, and he competed at the State Fair eleven years. “A long time ago, I did some feedlot testing with Longhorn steers, and I also did some testing of Longhorn beef.” “I had mainly been in the commercial cattle business,” he continued, “using Longhorn crosses as mother cows. But I got completely out of the cattle business in 1998. I don’t own a single thing.” In January ’09, his last steer died, and although ranching is in his rear-view mirror, Mahlon Wallace is still interested in the whereabouts of his many friends in the Longhorn fraternity. One of the more unusual examples of the Wallace family’s Casa Audlon Charitable Trust was their funding of a huge 19-foottall bronze of an African bull elephant standing on its hind legs browsing in an acacia tree. The multi-million dollar piece was recently installed at the remodeled front entrance of the St. Louis Zoo.

World Show Adopts the Show-Me Concept

As reported in an article in the March, 1995 issue of the Trails, Trophy Steer Show Chairman Tim Miller announced a change in the annual Trophy Steer Contest held during the Texas Longhorn Exposition. Beginning in 1995, this contest would also award a traveling trophy, and it, too, was donated by Mahlon Wallace III. The work of sculptor Ken Payne, “Rustler’s Moon” is a beautiful 21” x 30” bronze that could become the permanent possession of the owner who won the overall World Show Championship three times with three different steers. Since the Trophy Steer show change in 1995, two owners, H. C. Carter and Kimble Cattle Company, have won multiple times, but not with multiple animals. Carter won three years with HCC Speck, and Kimble four times with Wow KCC. When asked whether he would try to earn permanent possession of “Rustler’s Moon,” Carter said none of his promising steers were old enough or mature enough to present a challenge right now. “We will have to wait and see. Speck died just before he was 20 years old, and we just don’t have anything that can compete at that level yet.” When he had custody of “Rustler’s Texas Longhorn Trails

Moon,” it was kept on a coffee table in his main office, and it attracted lots of interest. “I really like the way the steers are shown,” Carter observed, “with knowledgeable judges on horseback explaining why they picked this one, and it has always been handled very professionally by people who knew what they were looking at, color-wise, horn-wise and conformation-wise. The ones I have seen, I had no doubt that the better steer won. I think it is a real good thing to do because we always think of Longhorns as long horns, and it certainly is a crowd-pleaser. I am always impressed by the number of people who stay to see the steer show.” “And at Fort Worth we always seem to get a good write-up every year; the writers seem to like to write about the steers, and the history of the breed. I live in Dripping Springs (Texas), and the paper here, the Dripping Springs Dispatch, has their Hero of the Year, some man or woman who has made a real contribution to the town, and Speck won that one year. He won the World and got a good write-up and got some other stuff and gave us a lot of recognition in the little town, and they named him the Hero of the Year!”

Heroes and Celebrities

Karnes City, Texas has a high regard for their local steer-hero, also. That is home base for Kimble Cattle Company and four-time winner of the “Rustler’s Moon” trophy, Wow KCC. “There’s a sign on the highway into town saying this is the home of Wow KCC,” says proud owner Joyce Kimble. “There are four highways, and I just heard that they want to put up signs about Wow on the other three also.” Wow is now 18 years old, and according to Joyce, not up to making the seven-hour trip to Fort Worth. “We have a special trailer for him,” she said, “but I still don’t want to put him to the stress of that trip.” Joyce says she is bringing “Luke” and “Mojo” – both were born the same day and they both have the same sire. “…and I’m bringing a little steer I think one day will be a champion. His name is Navajo – just like the Indian tribe – and he is a rare color, blue with grulla spots all over him. I’ve been in the Longhorn business 26 years and I’ve never had one like this!” “I’m bringing a clone of Wow, my champion steer. He’s the baby of the clones, born 9-20-07, and he looks just like Wow did at this age. He’s not real big and he probably won’t

June 2010

win, but I want people to see what a little Wow looks like. I have five Wow clones, and three of them are bulls and are making babies. The other steer is beautiful, but he doesn’t have the color like Wow.” Joyce says her den is loaded with trophies and pictures – Wow is everywhere – and that is where the “Rustler’s Moon” bronze has reposed during the four years she had custody. “Wow is very popular,” she said. “People have come from all over the world to see him. They came to the states and had a reason to come to Texas and they would call to see if I would show them Wow. Visitors came from Canada, England, Ireland, deep down in Mexico -- and a whole bus load from Norway came to see him. We have had visitors from nearly all of the states.” “I raise the traditional Longhorns. Now my granddaughter has to show beefier ones – she’s in the youth program and that’s what they show -- my son takes care of that. I raise long bodies, long horns, and hopefully with a lot of color. We are very kind to them, they are our pets and I won’t let them be mistreated in any way. And another thing: if any of them would shake their head and charge, they’re gone. I won’t keep a mean one. I’ve never had but one little steer – and he was young – and we sold him for meat. And I had a cow that wanted to act frisky and charge and she got put down. We can’t have that.” “To me, Longhorns are the most interesting and beautiful animals in the world!” Bob Dube, Round Top, Texas, won the traveling trophy in 2007 with his home-raised steer, Buckaroo 5/4, which was on the side of its dam when he bought her at the R. L. Slater sale. “You can’t find a better trophy than that “Rustler’s Moon,” he said. “I was real proud to have it for a year, and I think it is a real accomplishment, considering all the big steers we’ve got now days. I kept the trophy in my house for a while, then I put it in our lodge, where it was exposed to more traffic and more people saw it. It was quite an eye-catcher over there.” “I’ve got a pretty nice steer I’m going to bring this year, and the other old steer is in pretty good shape but I haven’t elected to bring him back.” “I think getting breeders to judge is a real good thing, and the three-judge system is the way to go.” El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, Texas, is the most recent winner of the Trophy Steer competition, and current custodian of the “Rustler’s Moon” trophy. According to Della Serna, it has a prominent place in their trophy room. “We show quite a lot of Santa Gertrudis, so we have part of the trophy room dedicated to them, and another part dedicated to Longhorns.” “We have 32 steers we are classifying as Trophy Steers; they measure anywhere from 104 to 112 inches tip-to-tip, and our biggest, Oak Chex, is 156 inches total horn. For the World Show this year, we will be bringing one that showed last year, and two more that are new -- a junior steer we think has a lot of potential, and a steer we showed at San Antonio this year. Peaches-N-Cream that won last year is enjoying life out in the pasture now.” “We think the Trophy Steer program is a great opportunity for a lot of people who don’t have a chance to see these amazing steers out in a pasture; to see them all in one


place. We are really fortunate to have a pretty big group, but not everybody gets to see that many together.” “We are very happy to participate in it and lucky to be able to take the ones we have. Some day we may be able to take the really big ones, but we still haven’t found a way to haul them yet.”

About the Artist, Ken Payne

“My father sculpted “Rustler’s Moon” in about 1989,” said Phillip Payne. “I was about 18 months old and he had thrown his back out and was laid up in bed while my mother went to the grocery store. She thought he was watching me, and he thought she had taken me with her. I got ahold of that piece – and he had it finished – so at 18 months old, I started sculpting. That was quite a setback for him, but he was always nice about it and encouraged me to sculpt. He always said if he could do it once he could do it twice.” “So,” joked Phillip, “the first father-and-son piece by Ken and Phillip Payne was “Rustler’s Moon.” But he was able to take out my additions.” The history of “Rustler’s Moon” is really wonderful, said Phillip. “It is a relatively early piece for my dad. He has now done over 150 pieces, over a hundred of which are sold-out editions, with Rustler’s Moon being one of the fastest selling editions. He has gotten more into painting the past couple of years; very high quality.” “The sculptures are all very historically oriented.” said Phillip. “The horses and cattle you see there in Rustler’s Moon -- he puts a lot of research into transmitting accurate facts from the time depicted. This would obviously be from the late 1800’s, and the horses have changed so much from that time-period to our time. He spends a lot of time determining how the horses used to be, then makes his piece accurate to that. These are among the things that have differentiated him as an artist.” Ken was transitioning from pilot to artist at about the time Phillip, the youngest son was born. Ken flew for Texas International, did smoke jumpers, flew crop-dusting –“He has done just about everything you can do in an airplane,” said Phillip. “We lived in Colorado when I was born, then we

moved to Sedona, AZ, then to the Navajo reservation when I was about nine. Then five or six years ago we moved here to Ruidoso, which is not far from Carrizozo, where he was born.” Ken and Phillip have collaborated on many sculptures, but in the past few years, Ken’s arthritis has worsened and the bronze they are working on now may be the last father-son piece. “Primarily,” said Phillip, “his focus is on painting right now.” Time changes people as well as horses and cattle, and yesterday’s styles are cast off today, but appreciation for beauty, whether in the curve of a horn, the color in a field of bluebonnets or the artistry explicit in a well-done sculpture, will remain.

Ken Payne Ken Payne, born to the ranching heritage of the Southwest, brings the exciting memories of the Old West to life in his heroic bronze sculpture depicting the action, the danger, even the humor of many a frontier situation. Ken is a fan of the great sculptors of the past, especially the Greek and Roman masters. He strives for the same design qualities within his western themes. The bronze sculptures of Ken Payne are shown and collected internationally, and are prized by noted art connoisseurs as well as first-time collectors. His work is followed by thousands more through the nationally televised program, “Sculping with Ken Payne”. Ken’s studio is located in Ruidoso, New Mexico. He is usually found working in public where he enjoys meeting visitors and telling stories of the “Old West”. Ken is dedicated to authentically and permanently recording for us and generations to come, a dynamic era we can hold in our hands – and our hearts. Ken will usually begin sculpting with a story he wants to tell or a title that captures his imagination. His stories have been included with each bronze and help bring ‘The Old West’ to life.


Texas Longhorn Trails

NEWS On the Trail...

TLBAA Member Running for Governor of South Dakota

TLBAA Member Gordon Howie, Rapid City, SD, is one of five candidates running for Governor of South Dakota. Howie and his wife Connie operate a ranch near the Black Hills and are partners with JBR Longhorns on several donor cows as part of their embryo transfer program.

TLBAA Member Gives Art Presentation TLBAA member Glenn Phipps, artist and noted metal sculptor, was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Chisholm Trail Art Association (CTRA) of Montague County, TX. Phipps is the owner of IndianPoint Ranch near Santo, TX. He is a supporter of the TLBAA and has donated several pieces of sculpture to the TLBAA as auction items. Phipps considers his whole environment as a canvas. To illustrate, he showed several slides of his house and land and the way the two work together. “Mental images and remembrances of landscapes, as well as impressions of specific dates, particular places, people and events, manifest themselves in my works,” says Phipps, “resulting in a fantasy, illusionary composition that I trust evokes the reaction of real and surreal, yet serene space in time and consciousness for the viewer.” He also showed examples of his artwork, which hang in a large number of public venues including Apple Computer, Sheraton Corporation, and the Honorable Barbara Montgomery, as well as housed in private collections in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. To see more of Phipps’ art, visit www.ipranch.com. Lee Tisdale, artist and TLBAA member from Bowie, TX, is the program chairman for the CTRA. She noted that Glenn was her first program speaker and he was very well received. The meeting was attended by the largest number of members and guests ever. Lee has also created a venue for local artists. She contacted the owners of empty store fronts along the main street in Bowie, and got permission for CTRA members to exhibit their artwork in the vacant windows. See Lee’s work at www.crossedtslonghorns.com.

Most Tennessee Breeders Escape Major Flooding The floods in Tennessee affected Nashville and nearby areas. Fortunately most Texas Longhorn breeders live farther away or up on hills and escaped the flooding. These include Roger Townsend and Larry Bischoff, Pulaski; TLBT member Kelly Donnelly, Pulaski; Bill Wick, Prospect; Jim Beavers, Waynesboro; Dennis Jones, Brunswick; and Gregg Beeson, Lewisburg. We have not received word from Ross and Teresa Suber in Portland, and Larry and Charlotte Gribbons, Hendersonville, who live very close to Nashville. No word either from James and Lilly Berry in Fayetteville. Hope all are doing okay.

Ramona S. Bass Receives BRIT 2010 International Award of Excellence in Conservation TLBAA member Ramona S. Bass, Fort Worth, TX, is the recipient of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas – BRITInternational Award of Excellence in Conservation. The award honors an outstanding conservationist who exemplifies its mission of conserving our natural heritage and appreciation of the plant world. Bass has been a leader in wildlife conservation. Through her involvement at the South Texas Ranch, El Coyote, her innovative zoo exhibits at the Fort Worth Zoo, involvement with Texas Parks & Wildlife and the Peregrine Fund for Birds of Prey, she is very deserving of such a prestigious award. Congratulations!

If you have any Longhorn News or media coverage you’d like to share please email or call Grace Taylor at the TLBAA office – (817) 625-6241; grace@tlbaa.org. June 2010


June 16 - 20, 2010 Will Rogers Memorial Center # Fort Worth, TX 8:00 am – 4:00 pm . . . . . .Move In 8:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vendors Move In 4:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TLBT Officers & Directors Meeting – Coburn Room 6:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Annual Barn Party – Barn 4

8:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cattle to Make Ready 8:45 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TLBT Ring Procedure Meeting 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Opening Ceremonies & Youth Affiliate March 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vendors Open 9:00 am-3 pm . . . . . . . . . .Quiz Bowl Opens 9:15 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pee Wee Showmanship 9:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .National Youth Show – John Justin Arena

8:00-11:00 am . . . . . . . . . .Gold Merit– Coburn Room I &II –West Sale Arena III & IV 8:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Free Cattle Must Have Numbers in Place

9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vendors Open 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Free Cattle Division – John Justin Arena 11:00 am-12:00 pm . . . . . .Livestock Judging—John Justin Arena 1:00 pm-3:00 pm . . . . . . . .TLBT General Membership Meeting – Coburn Room 3:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Select Sr. Marketing Sale 4:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flag Presentation and Breeder Memorial Trophy Steer Show – John Justin Arena 7:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TLBT Awards Banquet – Brown-Lupton Room

8:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Haltered Division Make Ready 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Vendors Open 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Haltered Divison – John Justin Arena NO Cattle will be released before the end of the Halter Division Show

8:30 am – 12:00 p.m. . . . .Move out cattle

BARN PARTY - North Texas Longhorn Association RANGE BOSS - South Texas Longhorn Association TOP HAND - Brent & Cindy Bolen, Triple R Ranch, Robert & Kim Richey, Winchester Futurity, Ark-La-Tex, East Texas Longhorn Association, Texas Longhorn Breeders Gulf Coast Association

BRAND INSPECTOR PLUS - Cavenders BRAND INSPECTOR - West Texas Longhorn Affiliate BRONC BUSTER - Robert & Louann Rubel, T.M. & Jean Smith, Donnie & Marilyn Taylor, Oliver Longhorns

DUDE - Dr. Lee & Linda Ragains, Oklahoma Texas Longhorn Association, Texas Longhorn Ranch Supply We appreciate our wonderful sponsors for making this a wonderful event for the exhibitors!


Texas Longhorn Trails

TLBT President’s Message It is hard to believe that I am writing my final letter as the TLBT president. Serving as your president for the past two years has been an experience of a lifetime. I am so grateful for the opportunities that this position has given me and I would like to share my gratitude with all of you. It has been a privilege to participate with so many incredible people and I will miss being a part of the TLBT. My plan is to continue to participate in the open shows next year. It will be a challenge to juggle college and showing, but I can’t imagine my life without a Texas Longhorn. While I plan to continue to show, I know there will be some that will graduate and move on to new endevors. To all of you, I wish you the very best and I hope that your experience with the Senior year 2010 TLBT has been rewarding. Please stay in touch. This year had many challenges other than school, showing, and representing the TLBT. Because my brother David graduated last year, it was the first year of showing without him in the ring with me. I never realized how much I would miss him. I must confess that I always gave David the most unruly animals, but he never complained. David, thank you for all of your support. Also, I would like to add some adults to the list. These were the people that helped me in various ways throughout the past two years, they are: Mitchell Dale, Doug and Sandy Stotts, Trigg and Traci Moore, Buck and Sharon Adams, Joe and Lorinda Valentine, Bill Hudson, Brenda Cantrell, Kim Barfield, the YO Ranch, Cindy and Bob Schnuriger, Brent and Cindy Bolen and my second big brother Ryan Culpepper. There are so many more that I would like to thank, but I only get one page in the Trails and I’m afraid I would run out of room. I began to show Longhorns in 2003 and have enjoyed the journey the TLBT has brought me. I’m looking forward to attending college and experiencing new adventures. My parents are such a huge part of my life and I know they will continue to be, even though I may not be waking up in their home every morning. They have sacrificed so that David and My first show in 2003. I could enjoy our childhood, have wonderful experiences and learn at the same time. I also want to thank my Uncle Matt for all of his support. You are a hero to me Uncle Matt! I wish the new TLBT board and members the very best. I can’t wait to see what you will accomplish next year and in the years ahead. See you in the ring! Good luck to all at the World Show

Becca Vizza

Becca Vizza- TLBT President TLBT President 2008-2010 “Mistakes of today are tomorrow’s lessons.”

DON'T FORGET TO SELL THOSE RAFFLE TICKETS FOR THE DUBE CHUTE. Steve and Bodie Quary have donated a calf to the TLBT member that sells the most tickets! Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Quary, for all you do! June 2010


2009 – 2010 A Year In Review of the TLBT by TLBT Reporter Sarah Faske I hope everyone is looking forward to this year’s 2010 TLBT World Show!!! This year the theme is “Las Vegas.” We will be having a contest for the “best-dressed” male and female. So show us your best! At the youth banquet, all youth eat free and for dinner, we will be having chicken fried steak. Many activities that will be going on during the World Show, include: the Quiz Bowl, Livestock Judging, Gold Merit Speech Contest, Elections, Showmanship, Select Senior Heifer Sale, and the TLBT Banquet. A little heads up, all of the answers to the Quiz Bowl will be in the past Trails magazines. Study hard. The Speech Contest will be held in two different rooms this year. In the Coburn Room, Juniors and Intermediates will give their speeches and the Teens and Seniors will be in the West Sale Arena. Election time: As everyone knows the TLBT World Show is when we elect our new officers and directors for the next show season. After elections, all officer and directors will be going to the historical Y.O. Ranch for officer training, so good luck to all that are running for a position as a of-

ficer or director. will go towards the Mr. Bob Dube 2010 TLBT World has graciously doShow. Remember nated a Texas Longthat this chute can be horn Dube Chute to used not only for the TLBT Youth this Longhorns, but for ye a r. T h e D u b e other breeds as well. Chute will be raffled The Dube Chute has off during the TLBT a palpation gate on World Show. The each side, gates to Youth will be selling squeeze a mature tickets until the bancow or a baby calf quet. Steve and Bodie with no adjustments, Quary of Diamond Q branding let down Longhorns are donatbars for easy access, ing a choice of a a fold down table heifer or bull calf to for medicine and the youth member Jacob Faske, Somerville, TX, sells a supplies, and works who sells the most chance on the Dube Chute to Mike great for loading tickets for the Dube McClanahan, Lees Summit, MO, and unloading catduring the Red McCombs Fiesta Chute. If you are a tle. Mr. Bob Dube Sale. TLBT Youth member will have a chute at and don’t have any tickets to sell, the TLBT World Show for delivery, but contact Traci Moore from Triple T the winner can exchange it for a difLonghorns at (254) 796-4269 or email ferent one if branding of cattle is on Traci Moore at Traci@Triple-Tthe opposite side as it is set. When Longhorns.com. you see Bob Dube or Steve and Bodie Once you have your tickets, get out Quary, make sure to thank them for there and sell, sell, sell! Don’t be shy. their generous donations to the TLBT If you are not a youth member and Youth. would like to purchase tickets, just ask As many of you know, we made ta youth member. Ticket prices are 1 shirts that are gray with black print. for $10 and 3 for $25. All the money The shirts have a stone wall on the

Keep up with the TLBAA Shows on E-Trails! 32

Texas Longhorn Trails

back of them and each stone has we made a decision that since Octosend you an electronic invitation to a different ranch brand. Above the ber is “Breast Cancer Awareness” join the e-group. You must then stone wall it says, “Our Future Is Built month, that we should wear pink follow the steps to join. You can On A Strong Foundation”. On the show shirts at the 2010 State Fair of also join by going to www.yafront it has the TLBT logo and says, Texas in Dallas to show we still care. hoogroups.com and find the TLBT “Building A Strong Future”. These Our TLBT e-group has been makgroup. We would like to remind shirts will be for sale at the 2010 TLBT ing progress. At this time we have 39 everyone that this is a private e-group, World Show. In addition to our new members and it’s still growing. and that you must be a TLBT member t-shirt, we will also to join or to view be selling the tthis e-group. shirts from the Please feel free past two years. to post photos, There are limited share your excitsizes available, so ing news, post if you missed out show results, or on getting one bejust chat with fore, check with a other fellow LongTLBT officer or dihorn enthusiasts. rector about getI’d also like to ting one this show take this time to season. thank all of the At the Fort TLBT youth adviWorth Stock Show sors, the offfice & Rodeo, the TLBT staff, and the parall wore pink TLBT members ready to sell T-Shirts at the Hudson-Valentine Invitational Sale. ents who worked show shirts, some so hard to make had pink show sticks, others wore We setup the group about a year ago this year successful. We greatly appink ribbons in their hair. Everyone to try to help members stay in contact preciate all that you do for us. wore some form of pink. We have with each other between sales and Yesterday Is History, Tommorrow Is A been selling “Breast Cancer Awareness” shows. The e-group includes a calenMystery, Today Is A Gift bandannas that are pink. All the money dar to keep everyone updated, a mes***That’s Why It’s Called Present*** that we raise from the bandannas goes sage board, several photo albums and to the Susan G. Komen Cancer Founa files section. It is our hope that this dation. We are going to present a check will be a tool to help keep everyone to the Susan G. Komen Cancer Founinformed and connected. dation at the TLBT Youth Banquet. To join the e-group, please conAt the youth meeting that was held tact me, Sarah Faske at sarahat the Fort Worth Stock Show, faske@gmail.com, and I will gladly

100 Percent Of The Proceeds Go To The World Show

Donated Longhorn Chute To Be Raffled Off At The 2010 World Show $2,500.00 VALUE

Bob Dube, Roundtop, TX, has graciously donated a Longhorn Chute that works for everything that you may want to do to a cow: — palpation gates on both ends — total squeeze a mature cow or a baby calf with no adjustments — branding let downs for access — fold down table for medicine — works great for loading or unloading cattle The Longhorn Chute is valued at $2,500 and all proceeds from ticket sales will go to the World Show. Tickets will be sold at various Longhorn events throughout the year: One ticket for $10.00 or Three Tickets for $25.00. For more information, contact Traci Moore at (254)796-4269. When you see Bob, be sure to tell him “Thanks!” Chute pictured with special add on cage & add on portable panel pens is not included

June 2010


Beef producers throughout Texas are having problems with cool-season weeds and will likely have problems with warm-season annual weeds as the year progresses, according to reports from Texas AgriLife Extension Service personnel. Though it's not a crisis situation, it is a prevalent one reported by AgriLife Extension agents in many counties in the last few weeks. "Some of the more common weeds in East Texas pastures are wooly croton - also known as dove weed blackberry or dewberry, thistles and nettles," said Dr. Vanessa Corriher, AgriLife Extension forage specialist. "The weed issues in other areas of the state will depend upon those particular ecoregions. As you move into the western rangeland you often get into more brush species like mesquite, huisache and pricklypear." East Texas still has ryegrass, henbit, chickweed and Texas groundsel. These are all winter annuals and the most common weeds, she said. As soil temperatures rise, there will be more warm-season weeds such as thistles and wooly croton. While many producers may suspect the unusually wet winter and spring to be behind the flush of weeds, the most likely cause is a poor fertility program, Corriher said. Particularly when it comes to improved pastures. Lower than optimum fertility – cutting back on fertilizers such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus – means the improved forages such as Bermuda grass are less able to compete with weeds. But high costs of fertilizers and the poor economy have forced many producers to cut back on their fertility programs, in some cases eliminating one of the primary nutrients altogether. "Soil-test recommendations are no higher than necessary to maintain optimum yields and a persistent stand," she said. "However, if one must cut back, do so uniformly. If the recommendation is for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, be sure to apply each in the same proportion, even if you have to do so at a reduced rate. Just don't apply nitrogen alone."

This is because all the nutrients are interdependent. Applying one or two without the others will likely mean the ones that are applied won't be effective. As for control of existing weeds, the options are mechanical or chemical control. "Proper use of a herbicide can be more economical than mowing or shredding," she said. "According to an AgriLife Extension study by Dr. Greg Clary and Dr. Larry Redmon, producers can save about $3.70 an acre with the proper use of a herbicide control." Corriher noted the comparison study was made using a 40-horsepower tractor with either a 6foot rotary mower or a 30foot boom sprayer applying GrazonNext at one quart per acre. Other general broadleaf weed control options beside GrazonNext include 2,4-D, Grazon P+D, Cimarrons (Plus, Max, Extra), RangeStar and Chaparral. Corriher cautioned that when using herbicides, producers should follow label directions for application rate, timing of application, grazing restrictions, and cleanup and disposal. And sometimes there is a third option for weed control: cattle. Sometimes the perceived weed is not a weed at all from the point of view of livestock. "Many producers hate to see crabgrass in their pastures or hay meadows," she said. "But in terms of nutrition, it can be on par with coastal Bermuda grass." For proper identification of weed species, Corriher recommended producers consult with the AgriLife Extension office in their county. Producers often call or e-mail Corriher with information about a weed they've found, but even when there's a picture included in the e-mail, it's not the most efficient means of identifying it. Mailing an actual weed sample doesn't work well either, because by the time the sample has arrived, it is most often too deteriorated to be of any use for identification. "In most cases, the county agent will be able to identify the weed and (quickly) recommend control measures for all but the odd-ball weeds," she said. Contact information for the AgriLife Extension office in any county can be found online at http://county-tx.tamu.edu/.

Weeds, Weeds, Weeds; How Does My Pasture Grow? Courtesy of Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association


Texas Longhorn Trails

Ready?? It’s Time!!

TLBAA WORLD SHOW June 17-19, 2010 Fort Worth, Texas see pages 30-33 June 2010

August 7th 2010 in Colorful Colorado. Itʼs the Event of the season! Auctioneer Joel Lemley will be selling 100 of the finest animals in the breed. Come Bring your Family, enjoy the fun and find that perfect addition to your herd! Latigo Arena … Colorado Springs, CO For more information contact: Stan Searle: 719-649-9590 Gary Lake: 719-314-8294 www.searle ranch.com


WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle • Palpation gates • Measure horns • A.I. cows

We’ve got dw!hat you nee

The Official Chute of the TLBAA Horn Showcase

END OF TRAIL RANCH Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194 Visit us on our UPDATED Web site! www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net

TLBAA Hires General Manger The Board of Directors voted to approve the hiring of Jamie Griffeth as the General Manager. Jamie has a varied business background, which includes, agriculture, banking, finance and communications. A father of three, he and his wife Andrea reside in Bedford, TX. He was born and raised in Georgia where his father was a county extension agent, a career that he followed and his sister continues today. He graduated from Oklahoma State University with degrees in Animal Science and Agriculture Communications and is continuing his education at Dallas Baptist University pursuing a MBA. “After working with Jamie, I’m more confident than ever that we made the right choice,” said Chairman Robert Richey. Please give Jamie a call at the office and welcome him to the TLBAA.

Martha Langford Joins TLBAA as Administrative Assistant

Subscribe to E-Trails

Wanting to stay more informed on what is happening in the TLBAA and TLBT? E-Trails has the information you are looking for. You can find information regarding upcoming events, sales, shows, and everything in between on E-Trails. E-Trails is sent to your e-mail inbox every Wednesday evening, but you can log on anytime to catch up on the latest happenings. If you are not currently receiving E-Trails and would like to, it is free and simple! Just log on to www.tlbaa.org/E-Trails and look for the “sign-up-form” on the lower left side of the screen! Just simply fill out your name and e-mail address and you will begin receiving E-Trails. It is that easy to stay up to the minute with your association. As a subscriber to E-Trails you will also receive the E-blasts that alerts members to breaking news! E-Trails is also the home of the E-Trails Breeder’s Directory. Have your ranch’s contact information listed and a link directly to your Web site by purchasing a listing on the Breeder’s Directory for only $120 per year! If you were a subscriber to E-Trails but are no longer receiving it, please contact Grace Taylor at grace@tlbaa.org and she can get it set back up for you. Contact Grace with any questions or if you would like assistance in subscribing to E-Trails.


When you call the TLBAA office, you will be greeted with a new cheerful voice. The newest team member to join the TLBAA staff is administrative assistant Martha Langford. Martha has been an administrative assistant for over 20 years for various businesses. It was a nice surprise to find out that she already knew about the TLBAA, because of her husband Larry’s affiliation with former TLBAA Chairman Bob Moore. “My husband and I have been a part of the Bob Moore Construction family for more than twenty years and Bob will always remain in our hearts,” said Martha. Martha has five children and eleven grandchildren. She has called the Fort Worth area home for most of her life and currently resides in Springtown. Welcome Martha!

Texas Longhorn Trails

The Texas Stampede Art Show in Fredericksburg, Texas Renowned Texas Longhorn artist Teresa Elliott was honored at an artist’s reception on May 1 as part of the Insight Gallery’s Texas Stampede Art Show which ran from April 16 to May 8 in Fredericksburg, Texas. She was part of the three-artist show (with popular western artists John Fawcett and Bruce Greene) which displayed new works from the talented trio. Teresa Elliott is known for her intimate portraits of Texas Longhorn cattle depicted with a modern edge, including a moody sky and an always poignant look at the majestic animals. Her recent honors include the People’s Choice TLBAA members Allen and Suzanne Perry, Award at the Evant,TX, celebrate with Teresa and Pete Elliott 2009 and 2010 during the Artist Reception at the Insight Gallery. Coors Western Art Show and Sale, The Best in Show at the 2009 Night of Artists at the Briscoe Western Museum, and the Artist’s Choice Award at the 2008 Cowgirl Up! event. Teresa often frequents Allen and Suzanne’s Pearl Longhorn Ranch in central Texas to find inspiration and models for many of her paintings.

Dr. Joyce Kimble Receives High Chamber Honors Dr. Joyce Kimble, TLBAA member from Karnes City, TX, received a surprise honor at the Karnes City Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet on March 6, 2010. The entire room rose in applause as she was recognized for a distinguished lifetime as the Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year. Kimble’s award recognized a lifetime of giving that began when her family moved to Karnes City in the 1950s. They immediately Front (L-R): nhardt Ahre opened their business, which remains open today and began service Kimble. BackBe : Dr. Janis Kimns, Dr. Joyce Kimble, Dr. Sc ble-O’Brien, Se ot to the community that has shaped the area as well as its values.. an O’Brien ant Kimble and McKenna d Mackie Kim ble. Dr. Kimble was instrumental in organizing the first Town and Country Days, and in planning the Karnes Aquatic Club swimming pool. She is also a co-owner of Kimble Chiropractic with her family and a distinguished international lecturer for more than 30 years. At one time she worked with President Ronald Reagan. The determined rancher raised “Wow”, the 7-time World Grand Champion Longhorn Steer that has been such a good promotional tool for Karnes City, drawing national and international publicity. Kimble has also built up a well respected herd of Texas Longhorns that can compete in the sale ring and in the show ring. The whole family is involved with the Longhorn cattle, too, including granddaughter McKenna, a member of the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow . Among all of her accomplishments, Dr. Kimble was most recognized as “our mother, grandmother, matriarch, boss, therapist, and truly a best friend of each and every one of us”. Local state Representative Yvonne Gonzales-Toureilles, chair of the House Committee for Agriculture and Livestock, addressed the audience early in the program and stressed the importantance of a strong agricultural industry to the economic health of Texas and the nation. Kimble’s departing message to the audience was that people can do anything they want to do from this little town. “To sum it all up, I love Karnes City.” June 2010



During the April 23, 2010 Board of Directors meeting in Winfield, KS, the Board of Directors adopted the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Organization for Organizational Framework and Committee Description Template. As was described in the report written by Committee Chairman Tammy Tiner, "This Organizational Framework is proposed to support the mission of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. It builds on the current composition of Officers and Directors and committees. It is designed to utilize the current administrative and executive functions, while offering enough flexibility for growth and change.” The overall goal of the committee that was called upon by Chairman Robert Richey was to find a solution to improve the Association’s ability to respond to requests, complaints, or ideas from the membership with increased accountability. From January through March of this year the committee members, Tammy Tiner, Robert Richey, Deb Lesyk, Jan Pack, Terry King and Stephen Zunker held various phone conferences to develop the Organizational Framework and Committee Description Template. The key feature of the framework is the Board Council. The committee decided that by grouping together current committees and functions with similar goals and objectives into Board Councils, the reporting structure will allow for enhanced coordination and communication between Board of Directors, the Committees and Members. Each of the four Board Councils will include a Board Officer as Chair/Liaison. The role of the Council Chair/Liaison is to facilitate the flow of information from the Board of Directors to the Committee Chairmen on their council and from the committee Chairmen on their council to the Board of Directors. This reporting structure associates specific Committees with a specific Officer to distribute the administration of the Committees among the Officers. The Four Board Councils and the Committees that fall under the Chair/Liaisons are: Administrative and Planning Steering Committee: Executive Vice-Chairman Liaison Charlie Buenger Five Year Planning Bylaws and Rules & Regulations Ethics - Chair, Ken Johnson Finance Steering Committee: Treasurer - Dr. Darlene Aldridge Texas Longhorn Foundation Finance Personnel & Facilities

Administrative, Planning, and Finance Council: Chair/Liaison: Executive Vice-Chairman & Treasurer

World Show Circuit Steering Committee: Chair-Lana Hightower World Show Committee (with various subcommittees) Judges Hall of Fame TLBT Horn Showcase Steering Committee: Chair Brent Bolen Cattle Sales Steering Committee: Chair Brent Bolen Horn Showcase Sale, Premier Heifer Sale, Best at West Sales

Events and Sales Council: Chair/Liaison: 1st Vice Chairman - Lana Hightower

Membership Database-Registry-Miniature Registry: Chair, Elmer Rosenberger Affiliate Relations Education/Research (Breed Advisory) Annual Meeting and Convention Nominations

Membership Council: Chair/Liaison: 2nd Vice Chairman - Doc Hyder

Trails Advisory – Chair, Mike Crawford Breed Advertising and Promotion Sales and Marketing Longhorn Lean – Co-Chairs, Jim Rombeck & Mark Stuck

Public Relations and Communications Council: Chair/Liaison: Secretary - Theo Kocian


Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Foundation


Chair, Brent Bolen

Cattle Sales Steering Committee


Chair, Elmer Rosenberger

Database Registry Minature Registry




The approved Committee Template


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Co-Chairs, Jim Rombeck & Mark Stuck

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Education /Research

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Premier Best At Horn Showcase Heifer Sale West Sales

Chair, Brent Bolen

Chair, Lana Hightower

1st Vice-Chairman

Personnel & Facilities

Horn Showcase Steering Committee

Hall of Fame


Events & 1st Vice Sales Council Chairman

World Show Circuit Steering Committee


Finance Steering Committee


World Show Judges Committee

Five Year Bylaws Ethics Planning and Rules Chair, & RegulaKen Johnson tions

Administrative & Planning Steering Committee

Executive Vice-Chairman

& Treasurer

Administrative, Executive Planning, and Vice-Chairman Finance Committee











TLBAA Board of Directors Announce Board Vacancies

Justin Rombeck asks TLBAA members Carla Payne, CP Longhorns, Slidell, TX, and Kathy Kittler, Kittler Land & Cattle, Carlisle, OK, the following two questions:

What percentage of your Longhorn income comes form your Longhorn Meat Program? How do you go about the advertising on this product?



I would estimate that about 25 percent of my Longhorn income is from selling Longhorn meat. I am expecting the percentage to increase to 75 percent. Keighley Jacobson and I started www.flyingcowgirls.com last fall, as an Internet grass-fed beef business. We are very selective in our cuts and mainly produce hamburger. To me, its a better alternative than taking our steers and cull heifers to the sale barn where we would realize less than a third of the profit for that animal. We began with mail order sales only and had our brochures in chiropractors’ offices, doctors’ offices and a plant nursery that provides lunch. We are now marketing our ground beef in one meat market, and one convenience store. We are also working on a getting some business from a couple of restaurants. A few other ways we get the word out is we tell all our friends and family that we are members of Go Texan, Grass Fed Association, and we also advertise with magnetic signs on the tailgate of our pickups.

In the past year I have increased from processing one steer every other month to three steers at a time. Occasionally I am able to keep a half for our own use, demand has been that good! Upon looking at my records, I realized that meat sales comprise nearly 60 percentof my income from Longhorns. The practice of feeding out steers came about in several small steps. It is not difficult to find a breeder overwhelmed with an abundance of bull calves that would otherwise be headed to the roping pen. Usually a breeder is interested in trading a heifer for several of these steer prospects. Most of my lean beef advertising is done word of mouth and this includes family and friends. Also a very helpful marketing tool has been the Lean Beef brochures available from the TLBAA office. These provide consumers with a great deal of information on the nutritional benefits of eating Longhorn beef. A great way to ‘hook’ new customers on Longhorn beef is to let them try it for free. Giving away a couple pounds of lean Longhorn hamburger can really pay off—the next thing they do is reserve a quarter! From this point on, the majority of customers are repeat customers but with each group processed there are always a couple of new buyers.


The TLBAA Board of Directors has approved the following policy concerning the filling of vacancies on the Board: To be considered for appointment to fill a vacant Board position, a member must be in good standing: free of any debt owed to the TLBAA and not under written charges of Article VI Expulsion. A 60-days notice shall be published in the Trails magazine and on E-Trails regarding the vacancy. Anyone seeking the vacant position on the Board shall have at least five members state in writing their support for the person seeking the appointment. Contact information must be provided for verification. Should none apply or fail to receive five supporting letters, a notice of the vacancy will be sent to Affiliate Presidents in the region of the vacancy. Should names surface from the Affiliate Presidents, the same requirements would apply. Applicants shall appear in person at the Board meeting when that item is called for consideration. Board vacancies should not be filled just for the sake of filling a vacancy. The following vacancies on the Board of Directors are: Division A: At Large Region 3 Division C: Region 13 Region 16



Any member interested in filling the position in their region or At Large, should refer to the policy above. If you have further questions please contact a Director in your Division. Applicants that are verified to be in good standing with five written recommendations that have been verified will be asked to attend the (June 19th Board Meeting in Ft. Worth) to be considered and if approved will be seated immediately. The letters of recommendation should be sent to: Robert Richey Chairman of the Board Texas Longhorn Trails

71” TTT over 90” TH

ng Offspri are le! availab

It’s Time to Renew Your Membership to the

“Better Than Gunman... says the man who owned both”

www.BlueMountainLonghorns.com Aubrey & Marva Herring • (918) 653-3647 • Heavener, Oklahoma

TLBAA Dear Valued Member: With the end of the TLBAA’s fiscal year fast approaching (06/30/10), we would like to remind you to renew your TLBAA membership for the coming year. Remember, the award-winning Texas Longhorn Trails magazine is included in your membership, which will keep you up-to-date on all of the sales, shows and educational events that we have planned for 2010/2011. E-Trails, which is updated weekly, is also available to provide you with the most current information in the Longhorn world. We hope you will renew your membership with the TLBAAtoday and look forward to working with you as we continue to preserve and promote this majestic breed.


If you have not received your membership renewal notice by June 15, 2010, please call the TLBAA office at (817) 625-6241 for assistance.

June 2010


STLA Spring Field Day The South Texas Longhorn Association celebrated its 35th Anniversary as part of the Spring 2010 Field Day & Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, May 15th near Johnson City, TX. Approximately 80 breeders and ranchers from around the state gathered for the all-day event as Field Day hosts Elmer & Susan Rosenberger opened the doors of their Rio Vista Ranch that morning so the crowd could see and learn more about their 100% Butler herd and the Butler family of Texas Longhorns. The featured speaker for the morning segment was well-recognized Butler expert, Kaso Kety, from Folsom, LA, who offered the attendees a history lesson on the Butler bloodline and also told of various distinctive characteristics that help to set this family of Longhorns apart from some of the other groups. Kety’s guest zanne Perry with presentation was followed by a walking tour at Field Day Chair, Su s. d Hilli the ranch for guests to see specific examples of speaker, Dr. Davi Butler genetics and traits. At midday, the Field Day group moved to the nearby LBJ State Park for a barbeque lunch. A Silent Auction ran throughout the day with proceeds from the items sold designated to benefit the STLA Youth Scholarship Program. The afternoon segment began with an update from TLBAA Board Chairman, Robert Richey, who visited with group about new plans in the works to benefit TLBAA members. His presentation was followed by the ST LA members an d guests STLA 2010 Annual General Meeting. Louis at wor kshop. Christa presided over the meeting which included financial reports for the association, presentations of the annual educational scholarships to three high-school seniors, and the election of new STLA Board members. The afternoon featured speaker was biologist, geneticist, and Texas Longhorn breeder, Dr. David Hillis, from the University of Texas at Austin, who presented his popular and alwaysinformative slide show on The Genetics of Coloration in Texas Longhorns. Hillis followed up his seminar by answering individual queseld Day ger (left) with Fi Elmer Rosenber tions from the crowd. BAA Board TL d Kaso Kety an r ke ea sp t es Field Day Chair, Suzanne Perry indicated the gu . , Robert Richey number of people attending was slightly down Chairman this year. “We had a very enthusiastic group; everyone was ready to spend the day and had a great time with the learning activities offered.”

Steven Zunker congratulates Ka ytlyn Brown of San Angelo, Texas, as she is named as on e of th e at re ci pients of the 20 ng tour 10 STLA / ees on the walki Central Life Sc iences Scholars Field Day attend hi ps. h. nc Ra a st Vi the Rio Photos courtesy of Linda Blackwell & Brittany Guinn.


Lean Beef Committee Update This committee was formed on February 22 at the request of Robert Richey. Members of the committee include Kathy Kittler, Charlene Semkin, Alan Morris, Stan Tidwell, Rich Spooner, Terry King, TM Smith and co-chaired by Mark Stuck & Jim Rombeck. The objective of the committee was to gain an understanding of what is being done in the lean beef area of the industry, as well as who is doing it, and what successful strategies are being used. A progress report was presented to the BOD during the April 23 meeting in Kansas. We are very close to achieving USDA Certification of Texas Longhorn Cattle. Stan Tidwell has invested considerable time to accomplish this. We have contacted Texas A&M to complete an updated nutritional study as this information will aid in marketing and promotional materials for our beef. Other items include establishing a TLBAA registry for animals consumed as beef. Also establishing a standardized FSIS (Food Safety & Inspection Service) label and a USDA Live Animal Certification. Our focus is on the ground beef segment and a market opportunity has been located that will support volume. Committee members continue to investigate potential slaughter facilities and distribution centers in several geographical regions along with other marketing avenues.

Three Steps To A Successful Registration The TLBAA Registration Department is eager to assist you with the registration and transfer of your Texas Longhorn. In order to receive your requested documents in a timely and orderly manner, the following three steps are vital. 1). Fill out all of the information on the forms completely. Every piece of information that is required on the forms is for the purpose of insuring that your animal can be adequately entered into the TLBAA register. Without the required information, you will slow the process and errors can be made. 2). Send in the required payment for the service that you are requesting. If full payment is not received with the paperwork, your request will not be filled. 3). It is imperative that original certificates accompany all transfers. Without the official certificate the transfer will not take place. And, as always, if you have questions regarding the registration of your Longhorn, the TLBAA Registration Department is just a phone call away. Texas Longhorn Trails

Join Us! We’re Growing Fast! a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.

In 1964,

the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.


The Advantages of Membership Include: # State of the art Registration Department to maintain four # # # # # # # # # # # # #

decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Canadian show circuit for breeders in the North. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine.

# Educational Web site. # Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.

# Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas # # # # # # # # # # # #

Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. Mail-in voting for regional directors. Discounts with Hertz Advantage Car Rental. Major credit card availability to the membership.


TLBAA Membership Application

Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org

MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Name:______________________________________________________ Other Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________ Home Phone: (

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* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $60 US address or $75 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.

June 2010


We regret the error in the My Favorite Cow section in the May issue and congratulate the Taylor’s breeding program.


Texas Longhorn Trails

Blackleg and Clostridial Diseases The Clostridial diseases are a group of mostly fatal infections caused by bacteria belonging to the group called Clostridia. These organisms have the ability to form protective shell-like forms called spores when exposed to adverse conditions. This allows them to remain potentially infective in soils for long periods of time and present a real danger to the livestock population. Many of the organisms in this group are also normally present in the intestines of man and animals.

Black Leg Blackleg is a disease caused by Clostridium chauvoei and primarily affects cattle under two years of age and is usually seen in the better doing calves. The organism is taken in by mouth. A swelling, caused by gas bubbles, often can be felt under the skin as a crackling sensation. A high temperature is present. Occasionally, sudden death occurs with no symptoms observed. Upon a post mortem examination, the infected area is composed of black, dead (necrotic) muscle which is pocked with gas bubbles and is usually found in the heavier more active muscle masses of the animal. A sweetish odor of rancid butter may be detected from the lesion. Lesions may occasionally be discovered in the diaphragm, heart or tongue. Diagnosis is based on the symptoms of lameness with a gaseous swelling under the skin in young cattle and is confirmed by post mortem and laboratory tests. The chances for survival are poor unless symptoms are discovered early in the disease. Large doses of penicillin may save the life of the animal if administered early. Prevention is readily accomplished by the use of Blackleg bacterins, which over the years have proven very effective. Vaccination at less than 4 months of age will not produce a lasting immunity. Calves vaccinated at less than 4 months should be revaccinated at 5-6 months.

Diagnosis is based on the history of illness in unvaccinated cattle, typical symptoms and post mortem lesions with laboratory confirmation. Treatment with massive doses of penicillin in cases observed early is occasionally successful. The disease can be prevented by the use of Clostridium septicum bacterins usually produced in combination with other bacterins.

Clostridium Novyi Infections caused by Cl. novyi, infrequently called Black disease, in cattle occur sporadically in cow-calf operations as they are more often seen under feedlot conditions. The route of infection and transmission are not known, however, it is thought to gain entrance into the body by a wound infection, or possibly taken in orally. Only sudden deaths are thought to occur and sick cattle are not generally recognized. Post mortem lesions are similar to those of Cl. septicum with a wet, foul smelling lesion being present. Diagnosis is based on the history of sudden death, significant post mortem lesions and positive laboratory confirmation of fresh tissue. No treatment is recognized due to the sudden death aspect of the disease. Clostridium novyi bacterins are available in combination with other clostridial bacterins and are generally thought to offer greater and more solid protection with two injections given four to six weeks a part.

Malignant Edema

Clostridium Sordellii

Malignant edema is a disease of cattle of any age caused by Cl. septicum is found in the feces of most domestic animals and in large numbers in the soil where livestock populations are high. The organism gains entrance to the body in deep wounds and can even be introduced into deep vaginal or uterine wounds in cows following difficult calving. The symptoms are those primarily of depression, loss of appetite and a wet doughy swelling around the wound which often gravitates to lower portions of the body. Temperatures of 106 degrees or more are associated with the infection with death frequently occurring in twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Post mortem lesions seen are those of necrotic, darkened foul smelling areas under the skin, often extending into muscle. Very little if any gas is associated with the swellings.

Cl. sordellii is a sudden death disease of primarily feedlot cattle, infrequently seen in cows. The route of transmission is unknown, but thought to be by mouth. No symptoms are observed as only dead animals are found. The post mortem findings are somewhat specific, as they tend to be found in the areas of brisket and throat, consisting of massive black hemorrhage and smelly muscle necrosis with no gas formation. No treatment is of value, as sick animals are not observed. The diagnosis is based on the history of sudden death, with the typical post mortem lesions of the brisket and throat and by laboratory confirmation. Clostridium sordellii bacterins are available.


Texas Longhorn Trails

Tetanus Tetanus in cattle is caused by Cl. tetani. Although cattle are less susceptible to tetanus than most other animals, it can occur. The organism lives in the intestines of many animals and is found widespread in soil. The organism is introduced into wounds created by punctures or lacerations caused either by accident or following “dirty surgery�. The organism does not actively invade tissues creating a large more noticeable wound, but remains in the small area where introduced and produced powerful toxins or poisons, which primarily attack nerve tissue affecting both the spinal cord and brain. The symptoms observed are those of muscle spasms, sometimes violent, brought about by sudden sounds or touch. The spasms make normal locomotion difficult and animals are often seen incoordinated in early cases. Also, in early stages, the ears are erect, the tail stiff and elevated and the third eyelid located in the corner of the eye is seen to protrude partially across the eye. In general, about 60 percent of affected, untreated cattle die. No lesions are found at post mortem, and only occasionally can the original offending wound be found. Diagnosis therefore, is based on typical clinical signs and perhaps the history of a recent wound. Treatment consists of tranquilization of the animal and antibiotics, preferably penicillin to stop the organisms from producing further toxin. Tetanus antitoxin may be used in large doses but some question its effectiveness in treatment. Sup-

portive treatment to prevent dehydration and starvation may need to be given for 1-4 weeks. Prevention is best accomplished by making sure lots of pasture areas are free from objects which might cause puncture wounds and by accomplishing surgical procedures as cleanly as possible. In areas of high risk, tetanus antitoxin can be given at the time of surgical procedures.

Clostridium Hemolyticum Cl. hemolyticum causes an infection commonly called red water disease. The disease has somewhat limited geographic locations, occurring mostly in Montana and along the coast of Texas, being found primarily in marshy lowlands. The organism taken in orally is frequently associated with liver fluke infection. Liver tissue damage caused by the flukes allows the bacteria to proliferate, grow and produce powerful toxins which destroy red blood cells, spilling the released red hemoglobin into the urine, hence the name red water disease. Symptoms seen are those of depression, anemia, bloody diarrhea, red stained urine, high temperature, collapse and death in 1-3 days. Post mortem lesions are those of an extremely pale animal, red stained urine in the bladder, thin watery blood and usually a large necrotic area in the liver. Treatment is usually of no avail, unless begun early. Large doses of penicillin may help. A bacterin is available for use in areas where the disease appears, but must be given every six months. In heavily infected areas more frequent vaccination may be necessary.

Enterotoxemia This disease condition is caused by Cl. perfringens. This organism is found throughout the world in the lower intestinal tract of man and animals. This disease entity, seen most frequently in the cow-calf operation, is hemorrhagic enterotoxemia, caused by Cl. perfringens type C. There does seem to be somewhat of geographical limitation to the condition, as it is seen most frequently in the mountain states and the western part of Kansas, Nebraska, South and North Dakota. It is, however, seen sporadically in the remainder of the great plans area. As Cl. perfringens is a normal inhabitant of almost all mammals, specific set of circumstances must exist in order for the disease to present itself to the animal. (a) The type C strains of the bacteria must be present in the intestinal tract. (b) The bacteria must have an abundance of nutrients, especially carbohydrates for the bacteria to attack, as for instance, would be present in milk and (c) there must be at least a partial slow down or stoppage of intestinal tract movement brought about by ingesting a particularly large amount of feed allowing the toxins to accumulate and be absorbed in the gut. These conditions could be met in the case of a young vigorous week old calf, which after exercise develops a real hunger and drinks more than its normal amount of milk from a good milking dam, overloads its digestive tract and the right conditions exist. The disease is usually seen then in calves one week of age or less. Although riders may find only dead calves, more often the symptoms observed are those of acute abdominal pain, as evidenced by kicking at the stomach and straining. Later the calves go down, frequently go into “paddling� type convulsions and die, usually within 12 hours after symptoms are noted. Infrequently a bloody diarrhea may develop prior to death. As post mortem one finds spectacular lesions of an extremely reddened section of small intestine, several inches to several feet in length, which can be easily seen as soon as the abdominal wall is opened. A blood tinged pink fluid is found when the gut is opened. Hemorrhages may be found on the heart and thymus as well. Diagnosis is based on the typical clinical symptoms and the spectacular lesion at post mortem. A definitive diagnosis can be made in the laboratory with gut content; however, it must be collected and frozen or delivered to the laboratory within six hours of death. There is no treatment of value as the animals almost always dies following the appearance of symptoms. The disease can be prevented by giving the calf an injection of Clostridium perfringens Type C Antitoxin (antiserum) as soon as possible after birth. One preventative injection seems to protect almost all of

the calves through the dangerous early period of life. A more efficient method of protection however, if there is a history of a problem with the disease on the premises, is to vaccinate the cows with Clostridium perfringes Type C Toxoid. Two doses are given during pregnancy and a yearly booster thereafter. This allows the cow to produce her own antitoxin in the colostrum and therefore protects the calf after nursing. Sporadic outbreaks of type D enterotoxemia do occur, but infrequently, usually occurring in calves after weaning and while on dry feed. Calves dying of Type D do not show the spectacular bloody intestinal lesions at post mortem but have hemorrhages on the heart and thymus. A laboratory confirmation is necessary to absolutely diagnose type D. Types C and D enterotoxemia, of course, do occur in feedlot cattle, but rarely in mature stock cows.

Botulism Botulism, callused by Cl. botulinum occurs only rarely in the United States and has only been reported in Texas. The organism is found as a contaminant in feeds usually present in a decomposing animal, such as a rabbit or rat, which as it grows in the small animal produces a powerful toxin which leaks out into the surrounding feedstuff and cattle ingest the contaminated feed. The symptoms are those of progressive paralysis ending in death. No significant lesions are present at post mortem. No treatment is of value. Since the disease is so sporadic and rare no preventive bacterins are available for cattle. Diagnosis must be based on presumptive evidence and definitive diagnosis is almost impossible.

Clostridium Biological Products Biological products (bacterins, anti-toxins and toxoids) for immunizing cattle against clostridial diseases have been licensed by USDA for production in the United States. Some of the less widely used products may not be available in all areas. Consult your local veterinarian for his/her recommendations for your particular herd health program.

Summary The clostridial diseases as a group present a unique problem in control and diagnosis. The cow-calf operator should work closely with his local veterinarian in evaluating the prevalence of these agents in his/her area. As was noted in the discussion, prompt post mortem examinations and tissue collection for laboratory testing are essential for an accurate diagnosis.

Don’t miss the coverage of the 2010 TLBAA World Show coming in the August edition of Trails Magazine!


Texas Longhorn Trails

Winchester Heifer Futurity 2010 September 10-11, 2010 • George H. Henderson Expo Center, Lufkin, TX CORPORATE SPONSOR

C&T Ranch – Lufkin, TX Tom & Cay Billingsley This Futurity is open to registered and branded Texas Longhorn heifers born in 2008 and 2009. The classes are as follows: Class One: November - December 2009 Class Two: September - October 2009 Class Three: July - August 2009 Class Four: May - June 2009 Class Five: March - April 2009 Class Six: January - February 2009 Class Seven: October - December 2008 Class Eight: July - September 2008 Class Nine: April - June 2008 Class Ten: January - March 2008

Hotel Headquarters: Expo Inn - Lufkin • (936) 632-7300

Entry Deadline August 15, 2010

Please send a copy of the registration papers, $100 per heifer consignment fee, and this entry form to:

Winchester Heifer Futurity 2010 2038 Marshall Ivy Road Huntington, Texas 75949 Heifer Information

Animal’s Name: Date of Birth:


Registration #: Phone:



Ranch Name:

Class #:

Special Rate: $55

Consigned By




Come and enjoy the fun. See some old friends, make some new friends, and see some of the best young cattle in the breed.

For more information contact: BRUCE OLLIVE (936) 674-5180 • DONNIE TAYLOR (936) 414-1401 or go to www.4TLonghorns.com

AFFILIATE NEWS Texas Longhorn Breeders of New Mexico Wade Wilson, President • (575) 354-1210 With two World Qualifying Youth and Open shows to go, TLBNM and NMTLBT members are sitting pretty in the current Hall of Fame standings. In the Youth category, listed are Junior exhibitors Stan Thompson, Clay Bob Stearns and Timothy Starritt; Intermediate exhibitors Zack Wilson and Samantha Larish; Teen exhibitor Kasey Clark and Senior exhibitor Leslie Kingston. In the Open Division, listed are 2 Haltered Females owned and shown by Wade and Kristi Wilson; a Haltered Bull owned by Sylvia Johnson and shown by Tyler Starritt and Kevin Rubel; Non-Halter Females, 2 owned by Sylvia Johnson and 2 owned by Ronna Bryant; Non-Halter Mature Females, 2 owned by David and Lynn Starritt, and 1 each owned by Ronna Bryant, Sylvia Johnson, Robert and Jenny Smoot. Best wishes to all in their quest for TLBAA Hall of Fame points! Youth Co-Chair Kristi Wilson reports that TLBNM member Mike Hernandez has generously donated $1,500 to the NMTLBT treasury. Kristi and co-chair Peri Clark plan to use some of the funds for t-shirts for the expected 16 youth exhibitors with their 55 animals at the May show in Capitan. Thank you, Mike and Frances and thank you Kristi and Peri, for your work on behalf of NM’s very successful TLBT program.

The Trails received this beautiful photo recently. Pictured from left to right are Clay Bob Stearns, Timothy Starritt and Zack Wilson. All three boys are members of the NMTLBT. Clay Bob and Timothy are junior exhibitors and Zack is an intermediate exhibitor. Plans are being made to have this photo on the cover of the Run To The Mountains Show program. TLBNM member Michelle Stearns took the photo.

June 2010




(7-9 years of age as of January 1, 2009)

Miriam Faske Rachel Faske Jonah Faske Strahn Thompson Clay Bob Stearns Reese Ryan Timothy Starritt Ryan Johnson Dylan Fairchild West Ryan

Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Willard, NM Capitan, NM Danbury, TX Anthony, NM Big Horn, WY Stephenville, TX Danbury, TX

2735 PTS 1910 1260 985 790 695 575 550 545 525


(10-12 years of age as of January 1, 2009)

Tarah Moore Hunter Winkel Josh Morris Moore Gus Kash Daryn Overdorf Joseph Faske Elizabeth Bolen Zachary Wilson Jimmie Gee Kailee Vuskov


Hico, TX League City, TX Bryan, TX Stephenville, TX Lufkin, TX Somerville, TX Lufkin, TX Alto, NM Springtown, TX Granger, TX

6865 PTS 3545 2745 2210 2090 1755 1360 990 970 835


(13-15 years of age as of January 1, 2009)

Shelby Coats Brandon Bearden Devin Overdorf Kacey Clark Julia Faske Hannah Faske Sarah Faske Samuel Faske Cody King Lydia Faske

Taylor, TX League City, TX Lufkin, TX Santa Fe, NM Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Mountainaire, NM Somerville, TX

4003 PTS 3635 3190 2980 2405 2350 2270 2205 2005 1935


(16-19 years of age as of January 1, 2009)

Kevin Rubel Kaytlyn Brown Becca Vizza Joshua Faske Jacob Faske Naomi Faske Abigail Faske Phoebe Faske Emily Thurmond Matthew Head

Cedar Park, TX San Angelo, TX Bulverde, TX Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Somerville, TX Adkins, TX Angleton, TX

15435 PTS 5700 4795 3375 2610 2500 2480 1710 1445 1440

Texas Longhorn Trails


2010 TLBAA Hall of Fame


Steve & Bodie, Prague, OK


Dale Land & Cattle, Dickinson, TX


Dale Land & Cattle, Dickinson, TX


Toby Johnson, Big Horn, TX

How To Calculate Hall of Fame Points

RAFTER J2 STUD MCGRAW Sylvia Johnson, Anthony, NM


Megan Ekstrom, Kemah, TX


The TLBAA Hall of Fame CLASS POINTS: Awarded as to number of head in class. Example: If there are 5 head in a class, the first-place animal receives 5 points; the second place receives 4 points, etc.

Dale Land & Cattle, Dickinson, TX



Trigg & Traci Moore, Hico, TX





261 247 215



167 160 153 153 149

Sylvia Johnson, Anthony, NM


Almendra Longhorns, Manteca, CA


Del-Vic Inc., Snyder, NE

RAFTER J2 TEXAS ROSE Sylvia Johnson, Anthony, NM


Ronna Bryant, Tularosa, NM


Donnie and Marilyn Taylor, Huntington, TX


Billy & Kim Cooper, Oakhurst, TX



Wyoming Longhorn Ranch, Cowley, WY


Brent & Cindy Bolen, Lufkin, TX


Ronald & Lana Pearson, Fowler, CO

D&W REDEYE SPECIAL Devin Overdorf, Lufkin, TX


Brent & Cindy Bolen, Lufkin, TX

June 2010









109 95









Billy Thompson/Gary Jenkins, Clyde, TX


Toby Johnson, Big Horn, WY


Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, WA


Wade & Kristi Wilson, Alto, NM



188 163



TRI-W BARB’S TRIPLE CROWN 1 2 4 Lazy JP Ranch, Dublin, TX

SUNRISE SNICKERS Megan Ekstrom, Kemah, TX


John & Diann Chase, Ft. Worth, TX


Swingin’ Star Ranch, Dayton, TX


Wade & Kristi Wilson, Alto, TX

LUCKY B PERFECT ANGEL Stephanie Bradley, Stamford, TX


102 93 89



Jim & Betty Civis, Lamar, CO



Randy & Teri Copus, Lodi, CA



David & Lynn Starritt, Anthony, NM



Robert & Jenny Smoot, Artesia, NM


Randy & Teri Copus, Lodi, CA

RAFTER J2 CANTRON COUNTY Sylvia Johnson, Anthony, NM


Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, WA


David & Lynn Starritt, Anthony, NM


Almendra Longhorns, Manteca, CA


Joseph McCutchan, Nelson, NE



Ronna Bryant, Tularosa, NM




Dennis Urbantke, San Angelo, TX

Ronald & Lana Pearson, Fowler, CO





Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, WA

Wyoming Longhorn Ranch, Cowley, WY

Wyoming Longhorn Ranch, Cowley, WY

Del-Vic Inc., Snyder, NE

NOTE: All points are doubled at the World Show.




HALTERED FEMALES Preston Bearden, League City, TX


Dale Land & Cattle, Dickinson, TX


Billy Thompson/Gary Jenkins, Clyde, TX


Jeff & Nancy Bearden, League City, TX

CF CAMMY RANGER Shelby Coats, Taylor, TX


Double S Cattle, Kemah, TX


Robert & Louann Rubel, Burleson, TX


Gregory Rod, El Campo, TX

SANDDOLLAR ABYGAYLE John & Diann Chase, Ft. Worth, TX


Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, WA

BLL SPOTTED A SMOKIN GUN Beeson Land & Livestock, Lewisburg, TN


59 59 57




56 56



236 231 200 190

185 160









Division B (cont.)

Division B (cont.)

Division C (cont.)

Oldenburg Farm, LLC B. Eugene Berry, M.D. Dennis W. Jones Mark Hubbell Mark and Tina Stewart Tom A. Smith De Ornellas Longhorns L & R Longhorns Bill Derey Jimmie Bond Sand Hills Ranch Thomas A. Radosevich K Bar Exotics Terry Roberts Dave Hovingh Henry Detweiler H'N'B Longhorns Moccasin Creek LTD Mozella Acres Nor-Tex Cattle Ray & Donnah Stavig Fred Cahill Billy R. Walker Evil Twin Farms J Taylor Straight Arrow Cattle Co. Van R. Rosa, Jr.

James O. & Freida Delaney H H Cattle Company Allen & Suzanne Perry B.J. & Wynell Hunt Bob and Cathy Iversen Terry and Sherri Adcock Doyle and Sons Dick and Cheryl Curry Panther Creek Ranch Stacey Taylor Helm Cattle Company Steven Zunker Triple R Ranch Glenn Garrett Sandra K. Nordhausen Cactus Rose Longhorns Eddie and Sharon Settlemyer John & Diann Chase Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Ronnie Scott Vida Nueva Ranch Terry Hutzell Brent & Cynthia Bolen Claire F. Nichols Sandra K. Livingston Bill Blair Jonell Westerberg Stephen and Karol Howell Steve and Rene' Azinger The 3E Ranch Brookshore Farm Danny and Joan Book Ed & Joy Roberts Glenn E Phipps Ben Wayne Doke Bobby & Anne Bean Bruce & Jennifer Cowan Chad & Karen Niles Clinard Longhorns Deer Creek Longhorns Donnie Taylor Richard James Filip Ronnie & Jackie Mullinax Russell Ranch Selah Ranch Wild Oaks Ranch H. G. Warrington

Jim and Carolyn Van Duzee Kenneth Johnson Larry and Marilyn Howell Taylor Cattle Company Art & Darlene Schimmelpfening Ben Liska Bo & Joe Ann Winkel Bobby & Carolyn Miller Brennan L. Potts Doug Dupree Eric & Anna Redeker Jason & Tracy Harris JM and Cathie Smith Joe Munsch John Stockton Joseph Matthews Les and Linda Farmer Limb Cattle Company Malcolm & Constance Goodman Matthew J. Durkin Maurice Pittman Pam Christianson Patrick R. Amoroso Peterek Ranch Randy Tschacher Red McCombs Richard and Lisa Nance Robert and Louann Rubel Scott & Laura Clark Star K Ranch Stephanie Kay Bradley Struthoff Ranch The George Foundation Vernon and Dee Fields

Lisa Fazio Safari B Ranch Two Heart Bar Ranch Harry Waldrip Ronald E. Hatman Ernest L. or Peri L. Clark Phalen Creek Ranch Christine & Anthony DeMaria Randy and Jamie Briscoe Stephen A. Douglas, Jr. 5 E Longhorns Chad & Janell Smith Greg Clow Joseph Sedlacek Westhaven Longhorn Ranch Don Anderson Dr. Lee & Linda Ragains Warren and Cathy Dorathy Bob & Pam Loomis Broken Wagon Cattle Co., LLC Charley E. and Doris Snyder Colton E. Skalla David Hopp Kenneth J. & Valerie J. Webb Perry L. Herrgesell Ricky Von and Jacquelyn J. Nutt Robert F. and Jody Nelson Norman and June Cady Tom & Loreli Mowery Bar 46 Ranch Bill and Jo Le'AN Brady Smith Don & Connie Brock Jeff and Sylvia Ketelsen Jim & Justin Rombeck Jim and Wanda Taylor Mark & Sue Cress Melissa Reese Michael and Sarah Redman Mike & Debbie Bowman Oren & Dianna O'Dell Robert and Jenny Smoot Sunnybrook Cattle Company Tom Lane Warren Ehrisman

Division B

Lazy L Longhorns Brett and Kathy Loeffler Dorie Damuth Rocking O Ranch Michael Mc Leod Dennis & Diane Renner Star Creek Ranch Gwen Damato Brian Brett Bernard Lankford Crockett D. Leyendecker 4 Bar Ranch B. M. & Wanda Buchanan Bruce and Connie Ollive Terry and Elizabeth Wesley


Registrations and Transfers from April 1, 2010 to April 30, 2010

Division C

Semkin Longhorns Gene and Delma Murphy Almendra Longhorns Wyoming Longhorn Ranch Leo & Jolene Omlin Woodson School Ranch Jim & Betty Civis Cecil E. Rose Jim & Sylvia Johnson

Texas Longhorn Trails

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June 2010


Dam of Merit Roll of Honor Dams of Excellence

Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan CO Barbwire David M. Hillis, Austin, Texas Cross M Cherokee Miss Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Dewlap Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico F 3F Bevo’s T J Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico High Hope, FD Bo & Dorie Damuth, Magnolia, Texas Miss CP Ruler 562 T.M. & Jean Smith, Bar S Ranch, Boyd, Texas Miss Peppermint Ed & Sheryl Johnson, Molalla, Oregon Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rawhides Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan SP Hija Ben Tanksley, Alpine, Texas US 89076 Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Westhaven Ranger Reddy Fraser West, Ione, California

Dams of Distinction Bayou Daisy Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bayou Princess Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Cross M Blue Velvet Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Delta Becca Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Delta Charisma Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Salsa Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Star Spangled Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Texas Ruby Red Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Matrix Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Sandy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Delta Amber Phillip Bell, Arlington, Texas Diamond W 952 Meadowwood, Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, OK Dillons Fancy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico


Dolly Joel & Shirley Lemley, Blackwell, Texas Double L’s Miss Elegant Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Emperor’s Lucy Creek Gary Kudrna, Ennis, Texas Fandangos Husker Barnard Longhorns, Richard & Janice Barnard, Tekamah, Nebraska FCF Honeymoon Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas FCF 16th Avenue Mitch Bryant, Katy, Texas FCF Too Sexy For My Sox Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Fiona Moonshine Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Folsom Falls Posh Folsom Falls Ranch, Fred & Marijo Balmer, Folsom, New Mexico GC Little Star Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico G&L Enchantment Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L True Obsession Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Silver Sage Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Star Spangled Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas Granite Daisy Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Indian Girl 636 Carla Jo Payne, Slidell, Texas JRJ WR 978 Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Ksanka Lily Belle Robert & Sheryl Greene, Eureka, Montana Lizzy’s Splash Eagles Nest Ranch, Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, Washington Lupemitedookay Debra Lesyk & Dwight Overlid, Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Meadowwood’s Carmen Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Clementine Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Tango Brink Longhorns, Frederick, Oklahoma Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rawhide Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rusty Zipper Frank & Barbara Renfro, Clinton, Montana S-D Sparkle Plenty Rudy & Marilyn Bowling, Kaufman, Texas Silver Sage Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan 3W Legends Country Erin Lazy JP Ranch, Dublin, Texas 3W Pot of Independence Dale & Bev Sorem, Nevada, Iowa Westhavenreddy'sspecks Broadhorn Ranch, Douglas & Katie McDonald, Fernley, Nevada WT Miss Mona’s Liberator Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas

IN MEMORIAM Milton “Ralph” Brown Milton Ralph Brown, 81, of Winona, MS, passed away April 22, 2010, at Winona Manor in Winona, MS. Funeral services were held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, April 26, at Oliver Chapel, with Rev. Rusty Fair officiating. A visitation was held on Monday from 9:00 until 11:00 a.m. at Oliver Funeral Home. Mr. Brown was born June 24, 1928, and grew up in Stewart, MS during the great depression. Ralph was a member of 4-H showing Jersey cattle which he milked to make ends meet for his family. He graduated from Kilmichael High School and attended Mississippi State College where he worked with the dairy herd and in the cafeteria to pay for his education. He was on the dairy judging team at Mississippi State College. While at Mississippi State, he was sent to Cornell University for training in the artificial insemination of cattle. He was proud to become the first person certified in the state for artificial insemination. After he married his wife of 60 years, Bettye Jeanne Mitchell, on May 1, 1949, they managed and showed Jersey herds around the state before returning to the farm near Lodi, MS. After the birth of their first child, they left the farm and moved to Winona where Ralph worked as a supervisor for McGregor Manufacturing for 17 years. He moved to Kennett, Missouri, as plant manager for Ely Walker where he worked for over 15 years before retiring as quality control manager for the southeast. He had cattle all his life and after retirement, moved back to Winona in 1987 as a fulltime cattleman. Ralph was a lifelong stockman whose love of animals led to the raising of many breeds of chickens and fowl, sheep, goats, Quarter Horses, commercial cattle, registered Angus, Texas Longhorn, ChiAngus, and Dexter cattle over his lifetime. He and his family were fortunate to breed and show many champion animals over the course of his life, including three national champions. He was a professional rodeo announcer for over 20 years. He was a past president of the Carroll-LefloreMontgomery County Cattlemen’s Association, a member of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association, American Angus Association, Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, Dixie Texas Longhorn Breeders Association, American Chianina Association, American Dexter Cattle Association, and the Purebred Dexter Cattle Association. He was named Cattleman of the Year for the CLM Cattlemen’s Association in 1991, and he and Bettye were named Grandparents of the Year by the TLBT in 1992. He loved his cattle and working on the farm. He was a member of North Winona Baptist Church. Mr. Brown is predeceased by his parents Milton and Mable Brown of Stewart. He is survived by his wife, Bettye; two children, Kipp of Winona; Kim of Madison; and two grandchildren, Stacey of Star and Justin of Winona. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Ralph be made to Mississippi Cattlemen's Foundation, 680 Monroe St., Suite A, Jackson, MS 39202, or Winona Christian School, 1014 S. Applegate, Winona, MS 38967. Texas Longhorn Trails

TIPS for

Consignment Sales

Super Bowl Sittin’ Bull

Coach Air Force One

• Always understand the terms and conditions of the sale. You will find information pertaining to health requirements, policy on sale scratches and pass outs “PO’s,” important dates, prices/fees, and any other special terms pertaining to the sale. • Deadlines. Adhere to all deadlines. They say the early bird catches the worm and sales are no different. When your information is in early that allows for plenty of time to follow up on questions. • Include all required paperwork. This will consist of original registration certificate, transfer application, and a signed and completed consignment form as well as payment for your consignment. • Complete consignment forms COMPLETELY! Make sure that when you fill out consignment forms that you fill everything in the way that you wish it to appear in a catalog. Don’t assume that the sale management knows information; be very thorough. TLBAA consignment forms are available on the website or you can request a consignment packet by contacting the office. • Include AWESOME pictures of your animal! A profile picture with the animal’s head turned toward the camera is the million dollar shot to show off your consignment. When in doubt….ask questions. The sale management department at the TLBAA is available to make the process as easy as possible.

Kim Barfield • (817) 625-6241 kim@tlbaa.org

June 2010

Mountain Home, Texas

1-800-YO RANCH charlie4@yoranch.com Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA

LONGHORN WORKING CHUTE Designed for Longhorn Cattle but will work most anything that will not fit into the regular working chute.

Simple and easy to operate. Excellent fo r A I, embryo transfers, pulling blood, vaccination and much more. This chute is designed with horns in mind. These working chutes are rapidly becoming very popular throughout the Longhorn industry. L ONGHORNS S INCE 1978.

R 2, Box 5 • Bazine, KS 67516 (785) 398-2311

Marketing Lean Beef? Use these brochures for point of sale Only 20¢ ea. Plus s/h

TLBAA 817-625-6241

See more at www.littlestarlonghorn.com


LITTLE STAR LONGHORNS Anthony or Wanda Moore Ranch: (903) 945-2622 • Cell: (903) 335-0672

Register your cattle online at 55

TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s

June - Herd Management Guide Spring Calving: 1. If not done previously, vaccinate all new calves for blackleg and malignant edema with a 2-way Clostridial bacterin (4-way or 7-way Clostridial is fine, also), leptospirosis with lepto pomona. Consult your local veterinarian for other diseases that may be a problem in your area. Many producers also consider intranasal IBR/P13, modified live Pasteurella hemolytica and/or BRSV. 2. Vaccinate all heifers that are four to 10 months of age for brucellosis. 3. If a high percentage of cows return to heat after 30-40 days of breeding, re-check bulls for

fertility. Change bulls, if necessary, and reevaluate your nutritional program if cows are not increasing in body condition as green grass comes on. 4. Prepare to cut native grass for hay prior to July 1. After harvesting for hay, do not mow or graze again until after frost.

Fall Calving: 1. Wean calves and select animals to be retained through yearling time. Breeders collecting weaning weight information should weigh all calves and adjust all weights to a 205 day of age equivalent. Within sex group,

calculate a weaning weight ratio to be used as a selection criteria. Identify all calves by sire group to determine which sires are producing the superior calves. 2. Pregnancy check all females as well as check for unsoundness and udder problems for culling purposes. 3. Vaccinate all heifer calves between four and 10 months of age for Brucellosis. 4. If not done previously, all weaned calves should be vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBR-P13-BVD and dewormed. Cull bull calves should be castrated prior to weaning.

July - Herd Management Guide Spring Calving: 1. Remove bulls after 90-day breeding season (July 20 equals an April 30 date of birth) 2. Water is extremely important as temperature starts to rise. Make routine checks of the water supply. 3. Continue fly and tick control programs. 4. As grass matures, realize that the protein value decreases. The feeding of two-to-three pounds of a high protein supplement (30-40 percent crude protein content) will stimulate the digestion of the mature forage; therefore, the cattle will consume more forage and will maintain their body condition as winter

approaches. 5. If additional summer grazing or hay is needed, fertilize improved grass pastures with 50 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre.

Fall Calving: If not previously completed: 1. Wean calves and select animals to be retained through yearling time. Breeders collecting weaning weight information should weigh all calves and adjust all weights to a 205 day of age equivalent. Within sex group, calculate a weaning weight ratio to be used as a selection criteria. Identify all calves by sire

Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______


group to determine which sires are producing the superior calves. 2. Pregnancy check all females as well as check for unsoundness and udder problems for culling purposes. Consider culling females that are not bred, old or poor producers. 3.Vaccinate all heifer calves between four and 10 months of age for brucellosis. 4. All weaned calves should be vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBR-PI3-BVD and dewormed. Cull bull calves should be castrated prior to weaning. 5. Replacement heifers should definitely be vaccinated for blackleg, malignant edema, IBR, leptospirosis and brucellosis.

Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____

___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164. Texas Longhorn Trails

Castrating a Calf by Heather Smith Thomas The best age and method for castrating a calf may vary, depending on your situation. Some stockmen feel that a calf should be allowed to grow all summer before being castrated, since calves grow faster as bulls. The hormones of the young bull enable him to gain more quickly than a steer of the same age. But on the other hand, steers may produce better beef. Some people also have their own preference regarding whether a knife or a “rubber band” is the best way to castrate. Whichever method is used, the animal must be adequately restrained for castration. It is true that young bulls grow a little faster than steers, due to hormonal influence on growth. It is also true that the meat from steers tends to “marble” more quickly (become more juicy and tender due to tiny flecks of fat deposited in the muscle). Steer meat is also less apt to be dark colored and tough due to stress and excitement at the time of butchering—since steers tend to be more docile and calm than bulls. Most people who raise cattle castrate bull calves early in life. The procedure is not only much easier on the calves when they are small, but they are easier to handle and work with as steers as they grow up. They are less aggressive, and much safer to be around. As the calf grows up, he will be less apt to try to get through fences and go find other cattle, if he is a steer.

Elastrator The simplest and most humane way to castrate (and with less risk of infection or extensive bleeding) is to put a “rubber band” (elastrator ring) on the calf when he is a day or so old (it can be done any time during the first weeks of life). These strong rubber rings can June 2010

be purchased cheaply at a farm supply store or veterinary clinic. The ring is about the size and shape of Cheerios cereal. The tool to apply it has four small prongs upon which you place the rubber ring. The tool spreads the ring when you squeeze the handles, stretching the ring so it can be placed over the testicles and situated above them.

young, while the testicles are small. Removing the small testicles of a baby calf is not nearly as risky (for blood loss or infection) as after he is older, with larger testicles and more blood supply. A slit is made in the scrotum with a clean, sharp knife. Each testicle is worked out through the slit and removed with the knife. There is less


PEOPLE WHO RAISE CATTLE CASTRATE BULL CALVES EARLY IN LIFE. THE PROCEDURE IS NOT ONLY MUCH EASIER ON THE CALVES WHEN THEY ARE SMALL, BUT THEY ARE EASIER TO HANDLE AND WORK WITH AS STEERS AS THEY GROW UP. This can be readily accomplished with a small calf simply by placing the calf on the ground on his side, having someone hold his head and front legs so he can’t get up. Kneeling behind him (so he can’t kick you with his hind legs), hold the scrotum with one hand and place the ring over them, using the stretching tool. Always make sure both testicles are in the scrotum before situating the ring. Pull them down as far as possible so they are completely below the ring when it is released. If the calf is tense, or trying to kick, he may pull one or both testicles back up out of your grasp. He must be relaxed. The tight ring cuts off circulation to the scrotum. The calf feels some numbing discomfort for a short while, and then no pain at all. Tissue below the constricting ring dies from lack of blood, the scrotal sac and its contents wither and dry up, falling off after a few weeks (leaving a small raw spot that soon heals). Surgical castration (with a knife) can be done at any age, but this, too, is much easier on a calf when done

bleeding if you scrape the knife back and forth on the cord attachment to sever it, rather than making a straight cut. A scraped (torn) blood vessel tends to shrink up and close off more readily than one that is cut straight across. The procedure is easiest when the calf is lying on his side. Two people can hold one small calf (one person holding the head and front legs and the other holding the hind legs so the calf cannot kick at the person doing the castrating). A large calf is more safely held with ropes, or restrained on a calf table (a small tilting chute). If restraining him with ropes, you need a rope around the head and one front leg (so the calf will not choke and also so he cannot get up), or a halter on the head, and both front feet secured with another rope, and a rope around both hind legs, with a half hitch so he can’t kick out of it. The ropes should be securely tied or dallied around a fence post or some other sturdy object so that a large calf will be completely restrained—stretched out on the ground on his side. While the calf is thus restrained, this is also a good time to give him any needed vaccinations, or put in an ear tag (an ID tag or a fly repellent tag), or brand him (if you live in a western state where the only legal proof of ownership is a brand).








READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales and Events.






Texas Longhorn Trails







NORTHEAST TEXAS For information on upcoming TLBAA sales and events call Kim Barfield at (817) 625-6241. June 2010





READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales and Events.





Texas Longhorn Trails


Sick Calves: How do you know? Stephen P. Hammack, Ph.D., Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, Texas A&M University One of the first things junior calf feeders need to learn is how to tell if calves are sick, or may be getting sick. Before you can tell if calves might be starting to get sick, you need to know how they act when well. One of the signs of well calves is eating. If calves start to eat less, or don’t eat at all, this may be one of the first signs of sickness. Also, if calves are alert, stretch their back when they get up, and are ruminating, then they’re probably not sick. Ruminating is a characteristic of animals with a complex digestive system called ruminants, such as cattle and sheep, but not swine or horses. Ruminants eat fast and then later “reprocess” the coarser parts of what they eat. They do this by regurgitating these parts back to the mouth, rechewing and mixing with saliva, and, finally, reswallowing. This is commonly referred to as chewing the cud, and is a sign of a contented, relaxed, usually healthy animal. If you observe closely, you can see the physical signs of rumination. If you’ll watch your calves regularly, you’ll better understand normal behavior. Then, if calves start to get sick, you’ll recognize the early signs. But if you don’t know how a healthy animal acts, you may not notice problems until a calf is very sick. We’ll first just list some symptoms and then talk about what might cause them: •Leaves some feed or quits eating entirely •Dull eyes, not alert, droopy ears •Diarrhea (scours) •Runny nose •Dry nose June 2010

•Cough •Temperature •Swollen or puffy left side •Limping •Unusual skin conditions As we’ve said before, if calves leave some feed they may be in the early stage of sickness. Or, it may just be that you’re giving them more than they want to eat. Dull eyes, droopy ears, and general depression also may be early signs of problems to come. Diarrhea, also called loose bowels or scours, is usually a sign of problems. There are several types of scours. Loose, bubbly scours without other signs may be due to feeding problems, especially too much high grain feed. Scours along with other symptoms may be due to some kind of infection. Scours with blood may be due to a particular infection called coccidiosis. A runny or dry nose along with coughing is generally a sign of advanced sickness, often a respiratory infection (lungs, throat, nose). If you see these signs in calves, it is a good idea to take their temperature. To do this you need a rectal thermometer. Be sure to get the kind with a hole in one end so you can tie a string through the hole. This will prevent the thermometer from being drawn up inside the rectum, which could cause serious injury. Don’t be concerned if the temperature is a little higher than you might expect. Cattle have a higher normal temperature than people. The normal rectal temperature of cattle is between 101 and 102 degrees, and this may go up a degree or so for some animals, especially dur-

ing the heat of the day in summer. Some experts consider 104 degrees to be the dividing line of a serious condition in cattle. Respiration rate also can be a guide. The normal rate in cattle is about 30 breaths per minute (one every two seconds), over twice as fast as humans. But this rate can vary a lot. If calves look swelled or puffed up high on the left side just in front of the hip, this is due to a condition called bloat. Cattle ordinarily belch large amounts of gas during digestion. But various things can interfere with this normal loss of gas. Severely bloated calves can die quickly. A sure sign of problems is limping. This may be due to injury, hooves trimmed too close, or infections such as foot rot. Swelling and heat just above the hoof are signs of foot rot. Watch for various kinds of skin problems. Loss of hair may be caused by such things as ringworm, lice, or mange. Warts also can be a problem. These are some of the more common signs of sickness or unusual health conditions in cattle. Again, study your calves closely every day and you’ll be more aware of potential problems. It is a good idea to write down symptoms and conditions so when you talk to your parents, County Extension Agent, other advisors, or your veterinarian, they’ll have a better idea of what might be wrong. Ideas and directions for treating health problems are contained in the Extension publication “Managing Beef Cattle for Show” found on the Texas A&M Department of Animal Science- Extension web site at http:// animalscience.tamu.edu.




Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains

J. Bryan Davis Auctioneer Ranch Real Estate

(254) 965-5500 www.ranchrealtypro.com

JoelAuctioneer Lemley P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506


www.lemleyauctionservices.com TX. License 15204

Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX

(817) 991-9979 Terry H. Brink

Auctioneer P.O. Box 928 Frederick, OK 73542 580-335-5732 580-335-4126 Mbl. e-mail: brinkauction@pldi.net www.brinkauction.com

Brian Uptmore Auctioneer (254) 826-3725 Day (254) 379-4283 Cell

New Location: Sallisaw, OK (918) 774-9107 • (918) 855-0704 new web site:


LONGHORN SEMEN FOR SALE – Phenomenon, Emperor, Shadowizm, Gunsmoke, Kobra, Don Julio, Country Liberator and more. www.oliverlonghorns.com. John Oliver (972) 2680083.

JONES RANCH – Home of Gunman genetics. 4-Sale: progeny of the great Gunman bull and his sons, Grand Slam & Hocus Pocus. We are now featuring cattle sired by J R Premium and K C Just Respect by Hunt's Demand Respect. (719) 5392771.Web: http://gunman1234.tripod.com. E-mail: thejonesranch_1@hotmail.com.

BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com. At SAND HILLS RANCH we enjoy working with NEW BREEDERS & offer QUALITY GOOD HORNED STRAIGHT BUTLER & BLEND cattle, many to choose from & an attractive OWNER FINANCE PKG, Dora Thompson (318) 8726329 echoofambush@aol.com Mansfield, LA www.sandhillsranch.com Located near the Texas Line & Shreveport.

BOOMERANG OFFSPRING – Offspring that can be the 2010 Horn Showcase, Millennium Futurity, or World Show Champions that are the total package! Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717.

RC LARSON LONGHORNS – 3 years of producing top of the line embryos. Embryos sales and guaranteed embryo pregnancies. Successfully assisting other breeders with their embryo programs. Our business is to maximize your breeding program. Contact us about the cost effectiveness of embryo sales. (503) 8427184 or rclarsonlonghorns@gmail.com.


TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – Weʼll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breedsʼ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380.


CATTLE HAULING (C) 214/676-3598 • (H) 972/227-6779

LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell (979) 743-4439 Home www.asocl.com or troush57@hotmail.com YOU CALL - I HAUL! HAULING - Anywhere-Anytime We specialize in Longhorns. Dan Tisdale (940) 872-1811 Mobile: 940/841-2619


AN UNDENIABLE FACT; read "The Real Butler Story" by Don Limb. Send only $19.90 to Limb Cattle Co., 8375 Lone Star Rd., Washington, TX 77880-5205, 936-878-2988. View excerpts at www.limbcattle.com.

WW BRAND Longhorn Working Chute, like new, for $1,800. Lawton, OK. (580) 351-8591 or (580) 248-6532.


ALL BLACK VIRGIN BULLS All government closed pedigree, 12-18 months old. 1 or 20 – $1,000 each. Anchor D Ranch, Belevidere, KS. (620) 862-5803. ALL BLACK WR BLOOD HEIFERS – 12-18 months old. Take 1 or 34. $600 each. Also a few red and colored. Anchor D Ranch, Belevidere, KS. (620) 862-5803.



Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”

joliver@ectisp.net (972) 268-0083

www.oakhill-longhorns.com (620) 673-4050 62

The Flying D Annual Summer Sale will highlight excellent young bulls we have for sale. They range in age form 10 to 28 months, are gentle, loud colored, big horned and feature close top bloodlines from Bail Jumper, Measles Super Ranger, Impressive, Overwhelmer, Texas Champ, Playboy, Oklahoma Quixote and Sure Shot. We also feature: *Top Notch cows, heifers and steers for sale *Generous summer discounts from already reasonable prices *Preferred pedigrees, show quality, many are in condition to begin showing now. To schedule a ranch tour or just to "talk Longhorns", call:

Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, Texas • 281-356-8167 dorie27@sbcglobal.net

BAR SS RANCH- Clarksville, TN. Registered Texas Longhorns – Great Bloodlines. Gentle, cow-calf pairs, bulls, heifers for sale. Call Ronnie Seeley (615) 533-7225 or email SeeleyR@realtracs.com.

C P Longhorns - Carla Jo Payne Breeder of Boomerang C P

Cattle For Sale

(940) 453-4063 • flyingcp@hotmail.com • www.cplonghorns.com

THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota

(507) 235-3467


Specializing in mounted steer horns, cow skulls, horn furniture, hides

M.P. & K.D. HORN and LEATHER SHOP 408 E. Drew • Ft. Worth, TX 76110 817-927-8061 • Fax: 817-927-7970 E-mail: MPKDhornshop8061@msn.com Web site: www.hornandleather.com

Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S

(817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org

Texas Longhorn Trails

A DVERTISERS ’ I NDEX A A Splash of Color Longhorns ..........60

Almendra Longhorns ........................58 Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Consignment Sale ..........13


Kittler Land and Cattle Co. ..............58


Lemley Auction Services ..................IBC Lemley Longhorns ..............................60 Little Star Longhorns ..........................55 Lone Wolf Ranch ................................58 Longhorn Max......................................35 Longhorn Sale Pen..............................36 Long Shot Cattle ..................................58

Land & Cattle..........................58 B Beadle Beargrass Ranch....................................59 Best At West Sale ..................................25 Blooming Grove Farm ......................59 Bluebonnet Ranch ..............................60 Blue Mountain Longhorns................41 Bolen, Brent & Cindy..........................19 Bond Ranch ..........................................58 Box Z Ranch..........................................60 Buckhorn Cattle Company ..............59 Bull Uprising ......................................IBC Butler Breeders................................14-15 Buy A Bucker.com................................41 Buy A Longhorn.com ........................41


C.C. Land & Cattle Co. ......................59 CR Ranches............................................59 Cactus Ridge Ranch............................ 59 CedarView Ranch ................................58 Champion Genetics............................53 Cloud 9 Longhorns ............................59 Crossed T’s Cattle Co. ........................ 41

D DNA Longhorn Ranch...................... 60

Deer Creek Longhorns ......................60 DeLapp, Brett & Darcy ......................23 Diamond D Ranch................................8 Diamond Q Longhorns....................59 Diamondback Ranch ........................58 Diamond S Longhorns......................59 Dick’s Ranch Supply ..........................55


El Coyote Ranch..............................1, 60 End of Trail Ranch ..................11, 20,58


4 Bar Ranch ....................................37,60 4 Gone Ranch ..................................9,59 4 Star Ranch ..........................................59 Falls Creek Longhorns........................35 Flowers Family Ranch ........................60


Gross, Ray ..............................................55

Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned.

Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 Please specify which month your caption is for. Email entries should include address.

Morgan Livestock ................................55 Moriah Farms ......................................59 Mosser Longhorns......................IFC, 60


No-Bull ..................................................53 Northbrook Cattle Co. ......................59

O Oliver Longhorns ................................32 P

Panther Creek Longhorns ........2-3,19 Pearl Longhorn Ranch........................60 Prairie States Insurance ......................53

Photos Courtesy of Les Craft – Houston, TX

Q Quien Sabe L Bar Ranch....................60 Peak Ranch....................................60 R Red Red Tree Farms ....................................60 Rio Vista Ranch ....................................60 Rocky Mountain Sale..........................35 Running Arrow ....................................53


7 Bar Longhorns ..................................59 777 Ranch..............................................60 SS Backwards Longhorns ..................58 Sand Hills Ranch ................................17 Safari B Ranch ......................................59 Semkin Longhorns..............................59 Sidewinder Cattle Co. ........................15 Smith, T.M. & Jean ..............................59 Snyder, Charley & Doris ....................35 Star Creek Ranch ....................................7 Stotts Hideaway Ranch..............60, BC


TS Adcock Longhorns ........................60 Tall Grass Cattle Co.............................58 Texas Longhorn Breeders Gulf Coast Association ............................................32 Triple M Ranch ....................................58 Triple R Ranch (MI) ....................19, 58 Triple T Longhorns..............................59

Hickman Longhorns..........................60 Hudson Longhorns ..........................2-3 Husky Branding Irons........................53


IndianPoint Ranch..............................59



J5 Longhorns ........................................59 JT Wehring Family Ranch..................60 Junction Hill Cattle Co.......................23

W Wichita Fence........................................36

June 2010

Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)

Tim ............................................58 M Miller, Miniature Longhorns..........................58

H Helm Cattle Co. ..................................60

K K Bar K Ranch ......................................59

Just For Grins

Underwood Longhorns ....................58

Wilson, Wade & Kristi ........................35 Winchester Futurity ............................49


YO Ranch ..............................................55


"Spitting...the latest border crossing weapon from Homeland Security..." Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM



“Oh my Lord…What the heck” -Ilene Cherry, Seguin, TX

Coming Next Month:

AI Sire Issue 63

Save the date! Texas Longhorn Coming Events JUNE 2010 JUN 5 • Cowtown Classic, Will Rogers Sale Arena, Fort Worth, TX. Lemley Auction Services-www.lemleyauctionservices.com or (325) 668-3552. JUN 5 • Central Coast Classic, Paso Robles Event Center, Paso Robles, CA. Steve McKinney (831) 726-7200. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. JUN 12 • 13th Annual Indian Territory Texas Longhorn Association Sale, Red River Sale Barn, Overbrook, OK. Bob Weaver (405) 659-9222 or fax (405) 348-5015 or rainbowtr@yahoo.com. JUN 12 • Partial Dispersal of Meadowwood Longhorns. Follows Indian Territory Sale, Red River Sale Barn, Overbrook, OK. Doris Snyder (580) 492-4739 or dbsnyder1955@hotmail.com JUN 17-19 • TLBAA World Show & National Youth Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Pam Galloway (817) 625-6241 or pam.galloway@tlbaa.org or Kim Barfield kim@tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. JUN 19 • TLBAA Board of Directors Meeting, Coburn Room, Will Rogers Memorial Complex, Fort Worth, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241. JUN 19 • West Coast Texas Longhorn Sale, Aurora, OR. Auctioneer: Bill Le’AN, Humansville, MO. Daniel Fey (503) 349-7866 or daniel@feylonghorns.com.

JULY 2010 JULY 24 • OTLA Ranch & Cattle Tour, R&B Farm, Commanders Place Longhorns & Briscoe Longhorns. Lunch & short business meeting-Briscoes. Jamie Briscoe (405) 375-3090 or Bodie Quary (405) 567-9770. JULY 25 • California State Fair, Sacramento, CA. Pete Boyles almendralonghorns@hotmail.com or (209) 239-4014 or (209) 479-2899. Entry deadline: June 18, 2010. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. JULY 31 • Northwest Longhorn Associaton Show, Deschutes County Fair, Redmond, OR. Joel & Tammy Kuntz (541) 848-7357. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. JULY 31 • Ark-La-Tex Judging Clinic, Bolen Ranch, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401 or Cindy & Brent Bolen (936) 639-6590.

AUGUST 2010 AUG 4-8 • Autobahn Super Stakes, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110. AUG 7 • Rocky Mountain Select Texas Longhorn Sale, Latigo Arena, Colorado Springs, CO. Stan Searle (719) 481-3735 or Gary Lake (719) 314-8294. AUG 7 • TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale, West, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241. AUG 20 • Wyoming State Fair, Douglas, WY. Jan McDaniels (307) 277-9983.Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. AUG 28 • Heart of America Longhorn Sale, Marysville Livestock Inc., Marysville, KS. Longhorn Opportunities, Justin Rombeck (816) 536-1083 or justinthelonghornman@yahoo.com

SEPTEMBER 2010 SEPT 3-4 • Butler Breeder’s Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355. SEPT 10-11 • Winchester Futurity, George Henderson 2nd Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401 or Bruce Ollive (936) 674-5180. SEPT 11-12 • 2010 West Texas State Fair & Rodeo, Taylor County Expo Center, Abilene, TX. Billy Thompson (325) 668-3988 or (325) 660-6499. Entry deadline: August 15, 2010. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. SEPT 11 • Spokane Interstate Fair Northern Rockies Show, Spokane, WA. Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. SEPT 12 • Spokane Interstate Fair, Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, Spokane Valley, WA. Northwest Longhorn Association, Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.


Let us know about your upcoming events!

SEPT 18 • 2010 Bull Uprising, Will Rogers West Arena, Fort Worth, TX. Mike MacLeod (940) 659-2255 or Joel Lemley, Auctioneer (325) 668-3552. SEPT 18 • The Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Consignment Sale, Noon, Mt. Airy Stockyard, Mt. Airy, NC. Carl R. Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC. (336) 667-5452 or tlbaa.region4director@yahoo.com. SEPT 25 • Red McCombs Opportunity Longhorn Sale, Johnson City, TX. Alan Sparger (210) 445-8798. No consignment sale. SEPT 25 • B&C Show Me Fall Sale & Futurity, Brookfield, MO. Bill Sayre Auction Co. (660) 258-2973. SEPT 30-OCT 2 • East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower (903) 963-7442. www.etstatefair.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.

OCTOBER 2010 OCT 1 • Tulsa State Fair, Tulsa, OK. Steve Quary (405) 567-3093. www.tulsastatefair.com. Entry Deadline: August 27, 2010. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. OCT 2 • Satellite Measuring, Mosser Longhorns, Midway, TX. Doug Stotts (281) 467-7243. OCT 3 • Satellite Measuring, Doug Hunt’s, Saint George, UT. Doug Hunt (435) 680-4822 C or (435) 275-2112. OCT 3 • Satellite Measuring, Cambridge, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or mbowman@wildblue.net. OCT 9 • Satellite Measuring, C R Ranch, Harper, OR. Alex Dees (541) 3588787 or Terry Fuhriman (208) 860-7430 or terry@fuhrimanins.com. OCT 9 • Tennessee Valley Satellite Measuring, White Pine, TN. Carl Brantley (336) 667-5452 Region 4 or Mark Stuck (540) 752-6831 Region 2. OCT 9 • El Coyote Satellite Measuring, Kingsville, TX. Felix or Della Serna fserna@elcoyote.com or dserna@elcoyote.com; (361) 522-0807 or (361) 296-4275. OCT 10 • Scott Simmons Satellite Measuring, Medora, IL. Scott Simmons (618) 729-2004 or ssimmons@copeplastics.com. OCT 12 • Great Lakes Texas Longhorn Association Satellite Measuring, Horton, MI. Dick Lowe (517) 688-3030 or ralowe642@hotmail.com or Tom Smith (616) 897-6235 or widespreadranch@iserv.net. OCT 14-16 • TLBAA Longhorn Weekend & Horn Showcase, Fort Worth, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241. OCT 14-16 • State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX. Trigg & Traci Moore Traci@Triple-T-Longhorns.com or (254) 796-4269 or (254) 396-5592. Entry deadline: September 1, 2010. Qualifying Haltered and Youth. OCT 29-31 • Ark-La-Tex Show, George Henderson 2nd Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401 or Bobbye Du Bose (409) 384-8120 . Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth. OCT 30 • N.T.L.A. Sale, Beatrice, NE. Roger & Bonnie Damrow (402) 4235441 or www.beatrice77.net or brdamrow6@aol.com. OCT 30 • Longhorn Roundup Sale, West Auction Barn, West, TX; Longhorn educational seminar - Oct. 29th. Russell Hooks (409) 381-0616 or russellh@longhornroundup.com.

NOVEMBER 2010 NOV 5-7 • Louisiana State Fair, Shreveport Fairgrounds, Shreveport, LA. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401 or Bobbye Du Bose (409) 384-8120. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered and Youth.

DECEMBER 2010 DEC 4 • TLBAA Best at West Membership Sale, West, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241.

APRIL 2011 APR 22-23 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717. APR 29-30 • Red McCombs 32nd Anniversary Fiesta Longhorn Sale, Johnson City, TX. Alan Sparger (210) 445-8798 or www.redmccombslonghorns.com

(817) 625-6241 or email us at brenda@tlbaa.org. Texas Longhorn Trails

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