March 2014 Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine

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Texas Longhorn Trails

March 2014


Texas Longhorn Trails

MARCH 2014 VOL. 25 NO. 12

About the Cover: Cover Stories: A view from behind-the-scenes at the Fort Stock Show Rodeo as the Texas LongLonghorn Weekend Worth horn steers exit the arena during the Hooves & Horns act. Photo courtesy of photographer Wrap-Up James Phifer.


30 TLBAA Year-End Awards 36 Longhorn Weekend Photos 38 Fort Worth Stock Show Photos 44 Preventing Scours in Baby Calves

Feature Articles: 40 50th Anniversary Salute: Jack Phillips

Shows & Sales: 34 Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale Results

38 Fort Worth Stock Show Winners 41 50th Anniversary Golden Heifer

48 Dams of Distinction 52 Raising Texas Longhorns As A Business: By-Products of Texas Longhorns by Darol Dickinson

55 Preserving the Longhorn Legacy by Chris Nordahl

Sale 4

Texas Longhorn Trails

Departments: 14 Officer & Directors 16 CEO Letter with Mike Coston 18 A Moment in TLBAA History 20 TLBT Letter 22 Event News with Liz Nessler 24 News on the Trail 50 Affiliate News 56 Board Bio: Russell Fairchild 58 In The Pen 60 Board Bio: Craig Perez 60 TLBAA Announcements 62 Herd Management 66 Movers & Shakers 68 Save the Date 71 Ad Index 71 Just For Grins

Notesfrom the Editor TLBAA Longhorn Weekend was a pleasure to be a part of and visit with all the great TLBAA members that we have in our associaton. I so enjoy this time of year with the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo in full swing, and it is always a pleasure to work with the fine group of people who make the stock show run so smoothly every year. In the magazine, the Trails ad placed on page 49 reflects some changes in the advertising prices. Due to increased postage cost and production cost, the rates had to be adjusted. This ensures you will be receiving the same quality product that you are familiar with. The price adjustment will be begin with the May issue of the Trails magazine. The new cover price of the magazine began with this issue. We have some exciting news about the upcoming May issue of the Trails. We will be combining the May and June issue, not only to commemorate the TLBAA’s 50th Anniversary, but also to pay special tribute to brood cows. This issue will wrap up the wonderful 50th celebration that we are all so excited about. This is the perfect opportunity to get your special ad in for this issue and support the TLBAA for it’s great feat. I am looking forward to the fun, celebrating and visiting with all the great Longhorn breeders that we have in this great association. We will be notifying everyone about this special issue by Facebook, E-Trails, eblasts and the magazine itself. This is truly an memorable time for the associaton and its members.

– Laura Standley

(817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: • Editor in Chief: Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • • Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Matt Durkin • (512) 923-9015 •

President/CEO: Mike Coston

Ashley Loos • (217) 653-8403 • Phil Norwood • (713) 294-0139 • Joe Raimo • (352) 361-8274 •

Show & Sales: Liz Nessler • Ext. 104

Ext. 102 •

Graphic Design & Production: Myra Basham • Ext. 108 • •

Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • •

Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116

Graphic Artist/Multimedia Design: Anna Hendry • Ext. 109 • Regional Correspondents: Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee | Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado | Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada | Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas | Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma

Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107

Deadline: April 2014 deadline is February 23rd. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $60 per year; foreign per year $75. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.


Donna Shimanek • Ext. 121

Receptionist/ Adminstrative Assistant:

Cynthia Guerra • Ext. 100 Printed in the USA


“We reach every TLBAA member”

Texas Longhorn Trails

Give your breeding program Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100

Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 e-mail:

Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940

Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail:

PJ’s Cattle Company – Jim Swigert or Lance Swigert 2130 CR 100, Caldwell, TX 77836 Jim: (979) 224-2861 or Lance (979) 219-4902 e-mail: or

McLeod Ranch – Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155

Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns

P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 • e-mail:

Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail:

Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail:

This space is available for your ranch listing!

a boost with Butler genetics! Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100

DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail:

Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail:

Harrell Ranch-Kent & Sandy Harrell

15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 • e-mail:

Moriah Farms - Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX (817) 341-4677 • (817) 319-9198 cell

Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 790-6565 e-mail:

Rockin I Longhorns - Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 • e-mail:

Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595

Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467

Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail:

This space is available for your ranch listing!

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Canada, New Zealand, Australia

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TLBAA Regions


Chairman of the Board: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493

Secretary: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844

Executive Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (785) 562-6665

Treasurer: John Parmley • (281) 541-1201

1st Vice Chairman: Craig Perez • (979) 906-0043

Director: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035

2nd Vice Chairman: Tom Smith • (616) 293-0977

Director: Jeff Jespersen • (780) 966-3320



At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Mark Hubbell

(269) 838-3083

Keith DuBose

(979) 277-2161

(620) 704-3493

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Todd McKnight

John Parmley

(281) 541-1201

(701) 590-9073

Region 1 - Director

Region 7 - Director

Jeff Jespersen

(780) 966-3320

Lana Hightower

(903) 681-1093

Region 13 - Director (308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600

Region 2 - Director

Region 8 - Director

Region 14 - Director

(704) 361-6035

Ken Morris

(484) 638-0228

Nelson Hearn

Region 3 - Director

Chad Smith

L.D. McIntyre

Gwen Damato

(817) 304-1665

(785) 562-6665

Region 9 - Director

Region 15 Director

Jim Rombeck

Tom Smith

(616) 293-0977

Russell E. Fairchild

(254) 485-3434

(979) 906-0043

Region 4 - Director

Region 10 - Director

Region 16 - Director

Craig Perez

Scott Hughes

(828) 287-4257

Gary Bowdoin

(254) 640-0844

(435) 275-2112

Region 5 - Director

Region 11 - Director

Region 17 - Director

Doug Hunt

Nancy Dunn

(334) 318-0887

Larry Smith

(281) 935-2811

(208) 860-7430

Region 6 - Director

Region 12 - Director

(501) 690-0771

(979) 249-4255

Region 18 - Director

Kathy Kittler

CHARLES SCHREINER III* 1964-1967 WALTER G. RIEDEL, JR.* 1967-1969 J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 WALTER B. SCOTT* 1971-1973 JAMES WARREN* 1973-1975 J.W. ISAACS* 1975-1977 J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978

Terry Fuhriman

Bill Torkildsen

JOHN R. BALL 1979-1980


BILL ANTHONY* 1981-1982

GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995

DR. L.V. BAKER 1982-1984

TIM MILLER* 1995-1998

DR. W.D. “BILL” CLARK 1984-1986



BOB MOORE* 2003-2005

JOHN T. BAKER 1988-1990


(408) 834-0110

Ray Beadle




Chairman: Dr. Bob Kropp – (580) 336-0220

Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351

Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083

Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659

Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331

John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730

Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616


Texas Longhorn Trails

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With Longhorn Weekend behind us now we are looking forward to the 50th Anniversary, and we hope you are making plans to attend the outstanding Heifer Sale, the Ladies Luncheon, the Clay Shoot and the Banquet on May 10th. What a wonderful time to be a Texas Longhorn Breeders Association member. When we closed the door on the General membership meeting, sale and show back in January, I brought the staff together to evaluate the Longhorn weekend. We want to make sure we are doing everything we can to bring you the best weekend we can put together. The staff came up with some great ideas on how to improve the event so that in years to come, we will be able to grow and bring you the most entertaining and educational time spent in Fort Worth. We hope your visit in the Stockyards was enjoyable and we trust you enjoyed the change in location As I mentioned, the office staff is in full swing preparing for the 50th Anniversary celebration. We need table sponsors for the Ladies Luncheon, the Clay Shoot and the Banquet. Be sure to reserve a table early for the Banquet so your gang can get the best possible seat. We have about 30 especially nice donated heifers for the sale at the banquet, you will not want to miss out on this sale, and all proceeds will help in the building fund. Our building construction plans are complete, we have a contractor, (Morton Builders) and the plans have been delivered to the city for permitting. Now begins the challenging task of putting together the funds to help get our project started. This is no easy task, and we need your help in building the best TLBAA office and museum possible. I realize that raising one and a half million dollars without professional help might not be feasible, so I am looking for a professional that cannot only help raise the needed funds, but act as a curator for the Museum and will organize educational events, weddings, meetings and seminars to help financially sustain the museum when it is complete. I have been talking to a couple of prospective people that would be able to fill those shoes, and I will let you know soon. In the meantime, we are putting together pledge cards and donation forms for our membership. We hope that all our members will contribute in some way. If we all help, we can get this long time dream to come true. It is almost here, I can see it now, can you?



Texas Longhorn Trails

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A Moment in TLBAA History A look back at significant moments throughout the years since the foundation of the TLBAA. Membership List Reprinted from May 1993 issue of Trails Magazine

TLBAA Became A Reality on May 8, 1964: A List of the Pioneers in the Association’s First Year JOINING IN MAY 1964:

SEPTEMBER 1964 (cont’d):

Charles Schreiner III, Y.O. Ranch, Mountain Home, TX Myrtle B. Schreiner, Y.O. Ranch, Mountain Home, TX Audrey Schreiner, Y.O. Ranch, Mountain Home, TX Vernon T. Jones, Y.O. Ranch, Mountain Home, TX Fayette Yates, Alpine, TX Ricci Yates, Alpine, TX I.G. (Cap) Yates, Marathon, TX R.E. Burleson, Barksdale, TX Harry Pon, Azusa, CA Walter Scott Light, San Antonio, TX

H.H. Coffield, Rockdale, TX Charles Schreiner Bank, Kerrville, TX (Assoc.) Tally and Muggyown Johnson, Terlton, OK Cleatus Calloway, Frederick, OK (Assoc.) Travis Marks, Barker, TX Tom A. Thomas, Ada, OK Elvin Blevins, Wynnewood, OK Flat Brand Longhorns (Edward W. Weber and Herbert McNamer), Houston, MN Earl Austin, Lawton, OK W.N. Price, Amarillo, TX C.W. Wells, Stratford, TX C.O. (Cy) Bell, Lawton, OK (Assoc.) Percy Roberts, San Angelo, TX Horn Brothers Furniture (M.A. Eichhorn), Tulsa, OK (Assoc.) Hollis Utah Cox, Vet Med. Dorm, Stillwater, OK (Assoc.) Al Rehm, Sabinal, TX Win W. Ingersoll, Tulsa, OK Ramon A. Lollar, Tulsa, OK Robert Lee Bobbitt, San Antonio, TX (Assoc.) John W. North, Palo Alto, CA (Assoc.) Mueller Farms, George H. Mueller, Van Meter, IA The Cross Snake Ranch (Slim & Rocky Temple), Houma, LA (Assoc.) George Long, D.V.M., Orlando, FL (Assoc.) J.W. Dixon, Marietta, OK

JOINING IN JUNE 1964: George E. Light, Jr., Artesia Wells, TX Graves Peeler, Jourdanton, TX Oswald Sauer and Olga Sauer, LaCoste, TX Floyd McGown, Jr., San Antonio, TX (Assoc.) William B. Blocker, San Antonio, TX (Assoc.) Arthur Bright, LeGrand, CA Dee and Lee Jernigan, Safford, AZ Walter Vestal, Little Rock, AR Buck Eckols & Son, Liberty, TX R.G. Partlow, Sam Partlow & Rose Marie Partlow, Liberty, TX L.M. Tittle, Mangum, OK Robert E. Berry, San Antonio, TX Blocker Natus, Fowlerton, TX Leon Vivian, George West, TX Jess McNeel, San Antonio, TX Ed Bevering, Wichita Falls, TX L.M. Rayburn, Brazoria, TX Robert J. Kleberg (King Ranch), Kingsville, TX Ace Hooper and Harold Stroud, Plainview, TX

JOINING IN JULY 1964: Carter McGregor (McGregor Ranch), Wichita Falls, TX J.O. Swink, Farmington, MO J.B. Choate, Alvin, TX W.B. Carson, Witter, AR Mrs. Virginia Phillips, Alpine, TX Frank B. Wilbur, North Scitnate, RI

JOINING IN OCTOBER 1964: M.M. Davis, Charlotte, TX (Assoc.) Sidney B. Griggs, Jr., Newton, TX Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Cache, OK Frank H. Goodyear, Miner, MT (Assoc.) Don Hight, Murdo, SD C.W. Hellen, Jr., Hebbronville, TX Bureau of Sport Fisheries & Wildlife, Dept. of Interior, Washington, D.C. (Assoc.) F.M. Graves, Dayton, TX Leo L. and Billie Sue Farris, Woodward, OK Col. W. John Stiteler, Jr., Greensburg, PA (Assoc.) Fort Niobrara National Refuge, Valentine, NE



Don Imboden, Sioux City, IA Russell Stanger, Brazoria, TX George J. MacZali, Houston, TX (Assoc.) E.H. Weder, Highland, IL J.G. Phillips and Son, West Columbia, TX Mission Telecasting Corp., KONO TV, San Antonio, TX (Assoc.) Emil H. Marks, LH7 Ranch, Barker, TX

W.G. and Thelma Jo Reidel, Jr., Karnes City, TX F.B Pyle, Jr., Lubbock, TX (Assoc.) Regional Supervisor, National Wildlife Refuges, Albuquerque, NM (Assoc.) Frank Montague, Jr., Bandera, TX Sutherland Farm, Dwight Sutherland, Kansas City, MO C.E. “Andy” Anderson, San Antonio, TX J.S. Palen, D.V.M., Cheyenne, WY (Assoc.) Rev. Patrick McGreal Armstrong, San Antonio, TX (Assoc.)

JOINING IN SEPTEMBER 1964: J. Frank Dobie, Austin, TX (Honorary Active Membership) Mrs. Margaret Watkins, Houston, TX (Honorary Associate Membership) William A. Mackie, San Antonio, TX (Honorary Associate Membership)

JOINING IN DECEMBER 1964: Daniel B. Thomas, Sundowner Land & Cattle Co., Bonita, CA F.D. Baker, Tulsa, OK

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Dear TLBT Members,

At the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo in January, we had our second general membership meeting. I was so happy to have everyone there to discuss our plans for the 2014 World Show that will be in August. Our main topic was prize ideas, and we had lots of great ones. If anyone thinks of another idea, or didn’t get to be at the meeting to share yours, feel free to get in contact with me or my mom through Facebook or email. We are always looking for creative ideas for awards. I also want to encourage all of you to come up with ways that we can improve our youth association to share at the next general membership meeting. What do you like? What would you change? Remember that this is just as much your association as anyone else’s, and we depend on our membership for suggestions. To raise money for these prizes and other TLBT events, we have been selling merchandise including t-shirts, hoodies, caps, air fresheners, bracelets, etc. Feel free to contact TLBAA, my mom, or me to buy or get information on any of these. We have a lot of cool designs from our themes of previous years for y’all to check out. At the banquet for our World Show, we will present a slide show of pictures from Longhorn events throughout our 2013-2014 show year. Remember that you can send in pictures through the TLT Pic Page on Facebook, tag any pictures you post on Instagram to #TLBTpicpage (case sensitive), or email or text them to me. I would love for lots of people to send as many pictures as they can in so that everyone is included. Thank you to all of y’all who have already done so. Finally, I just wanted to remind people that, aside from just fundraising and planning for World Show, we also have our service project, Variety, The Children’s Charity of Texas, that we are raising money to benefit. Throughout the year, we have been holding our Cow Patty Bingo fundraiser for this cause. We are in the process of making plans to do this many more times throughout the year, so keep an eye out for that to help us raise money and spread awareness for this outstanding organization. I hope to see all of y’all down the road. Stay safe and have a blast!


Lydia Faske

TLBT Office: Vice President Age: 17 School: New Life Christian High School Number of Years in the TLBT: 8

What are the benefits in being a TLBT Officer or Director? One of the benefits of being a TLBT Officer is being able to be influential in the Longhorn industry. There are also a lot of great opportunities for educational experiences.

Why do you enjoy showing Texas Longhorns? I enjoy showing Texas Longhorns for many different reasons. Longhorns are a beautiful and unique breed of cattle. They come in many colors, horn shapes, and sizes. Most Texas Longhorns also have a great disposition. They have easy calving abilities and are really productive. Longhorns can survive just about anywhere, and can even make it in really harsh weather conditions. Another reason I enjoy showing Texas Longhorns is because of the great learning experiences you can have. It is also very beneficial because you can earn a lot of scholarship money to help you in the future. There are a lot of good people in the breed that truly care about the youth, and I hope they will stay in my life forever. Showing Longhorns has countless benefits, and I would happily encourage anyone to get involved in this organization.

Do you see the TLBT helping you with your future career? Yes, I have already seen it impact my future career from the many experiences that have helped better me as a person. I have learned to work hard towards a goal that I wish to achieve, such as showmanship. If you find a goal and work hard towards it, this will build work ethic.


What have you learned over the past year through the TLBT? I have learned that I take way too many things

Tarah Moore, TLBT President

for granted! I need to never take these things for granted like I do. I need to be more appreciative for what I have been given. It is such a wonderful thing in my life, and I won’t always have it. I have learned that not many people get this opportunity and that it is a true blessing.

What would be your advice to a newcomer?


by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow


Showing Texas Longhorns, or showing in general, takes a lot of work. It will not always be easy, but definitely worth it in the end. Showing Texas Longhorns has numerous rewards and will impact a life greatly. I have met some of the best people and closest friends in the Longhorn industry that truly care for me like family. Texas Longhorn Trails

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March 2014



t is March, and the Houston Livestock Show is finally here. All you show people get those cattle ready with boots shined! I cannot wait to see all of you at the show and finally get to know everyone better. Check-in for Houston begins on Thursday March 6th. You must be in place by 5 p.m. and checkedin by 7 p.m. that day. Saturday March 8th, is the TLBA Trophy Steer show and the TLBA Open Longhorn show; these shows will begin at 2 p.m. The youth show will be the following day starting at 12:30 p.m. Release of all animals will follow the conclusion of the shows. See you all there! Next, we will have the TLBAA 50th Anniversary Celebration! Fifty years, can you believe it? This event will be a golden adventure that you don’t want to miss. If you did not purchase your banquet tickets at Longhorn Weekend make sure you do soon! They are $75 per ticket and they are going fast. They will cost $85 if you wait and buy them at the door. The clay shoot and fashion show are going to be awesome. Please don’t miss this spectacular event. Although World Show is farther away, we can’t forget about this show! Make sure you are getting the cattle ready and getting all of the hotel reservations taken care of! Kevin Rooker is the main contact for this event and you can contact him at, or you can contact me at Let us know if we can be of service.

Liz Nessler, Shows and Events


Did You Know? F : EMALES

Any female over 30 months of age must have either a nursing Texas Longhorn calf (no crossbred calves) at side or the results of a pregnancy test listed on the health certificate. This pregnancy information and/or age of calf at side will be made available to the judge prior to her class. This means that you cannot enter a female 30 months or older in a show if she does not have a calf at side or has not been certified to be pregnant by a veterinarian. Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding shows!!


Texas Longhorn Trails

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BUSINESS BITS: Reminiscing About LS Ranches and Longhorns Originally appeared in the Glen Rose Reporter. Reprinted with permission. Late a recent Saturday afternoon, I turned on the TV to relax from a long day of Economic Development, Political activity and turning my last ranch here in Glen Rose into a commercial and residential real estate development. On the screen was “Centennial”, made from James Michener`s best selling novel that chronicled the settling of the West. This account is written in third person because I do not like to use the word “I”. In late 1977, Larry Smith of LS Ranches, named after family members who all had LS initials and owned an interest in the family ranch, was contacted by Universal Studios in California about shooting a movie in Texas. They would require large open spaces, no fences, electric lines or poles in the background and a lot of Longhorn cattle. Smith, who was already building a large herd and providing locations using Longhorns, buffalo and other Texana for local print and TV advertising, knew that he could not supply their needs around Fort Worth nor on his 3,500 acre Sundown Ranch near Meridian in Bosque County. He immediately picked up the phone and called his close friend, Happy Shahan who owned a large ranch at Brackettville, Texas with the “Alamo” set used by John Wayne, an authentic western town that had been used in numerous movies and a large herd of Longhorn cattle. Shahan had recently been elected President of the then San Antonio based Texas Longhorn Breeders Association and was anxMarch 2014

ious to bring another movie to his set and Texas. He especially liked the opportunity to showcase the Longhorns. Problem was he only had a few hundred head and Universal Studios required a minimum of 500. After more visits between Smith and Shahan, they decided to combine their resources and truck (not trail drive) more Longhorns to Shahan`s 12,000 acre ranch at Brackettville. Smith and his sons, Larry II and Lee, hauled four truckloads of their own cattle, a small group from his good friend, Dan Coates of Weatherford and Smith bought another herd in Rockdale, Texas to finish out his commitment. The movie rentals almost paid for the Rockdale purchase. Daughter, Lori, who kept the ranch books, stayed home. Shahan`s son-in-law, Hadley Wardlow, had another 16,000 or so acres nearby where much of the filming would be done. After filming began, the entire Smith family returned to watch filming and visit more with the filmmakers. On one visit, Smith invited

his parents, Sid and Bernice Smith of Groesbeck, to join them. As a young man, Sid Smith had managed movie theatres in Dallas, Texas and later built and owned the Limestone Theatre in Groesbeck. Sid was intrigued by seeing an actual movie being made after a lifetime of showing the finished products. Smith`s mother, Bernice, never met a stranger and spent her time talking and visiting with actors, directors, stars, bit players, Indians, caterers, crew, etc.- It did not matter. That is how she was and they seemed to enjoy it, too. She especially enjoyed her time with Cliff DeYoung`s mother and her young son who played a special role in the movie. Dennis Weaver was the star in this episode entitled “The Longhorns.” Temperatures reached up to 104 degrees on some days of filming. There were many highlights and sidelights to the experience but, for Smith, it was watching his family- a father who spent his entire adult life in the movie business but, -- continued on pg.24


NEWS On the Trail... TLBAA Member’s Steer Sets World Record: Largest Horn Spread Domestic Cattle

Well-Known Herd Sire Over Kill Passed Away

Submitted by El Coyote Ranch

Submitted by Darol Dickinson

The official Guinness Book of World records listed the record of Largest Horn Spread on a steer at 109.1 inches tip to tip. Believing that El Coyote Ranch had a steer that could break the record, an application to the Guinness Book of World Records to contest the currently held record was made. Once we received word that our claim had been accepted (this took about 60 days), we received instructions on how to proceed with the record attempt. In order to validate the record, photo and video record was needed as well as statements from at least two witnesses that were not affiliated with the ranch and a statement from the person who measured the steer were required. On October 5, 2013, at the TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measurement hosted by El Coyote Ranch with members of TLBAA and the South Texas Longhorn Association (STLA) a TLBAA regional affiliate, in attendance, Texas Longhorn Steer, Big Red 907 (DOB: 4-13-1999) was measured in an attempt to break the World Record of 109.1 inches. Big Red was brought into a chute. Once he was secured and settled in the chute, Dr. Bob Kropp of Oklahoma State University used a measuring tape to determine the length from one tip of his horn to the other. Once Big Red was settled in the chute he measured in at 115 inches tip to tip. This measurement was enough for Big Red 907 to win his Tip to Tip class at the TLBAA Horn Showcase and exceeds the World Record measurement for Longest Horn Spread Domestic Cattle. At the conclusion of the satellite measurement and TLBAA Horn Showcase in Fort Worth all evidence and measurement results were gathered and put together with a statement from El Coyote outlining the record attempt. This package was sent to the Guinness Book of Records office in London. We were informed when the package was received and that it would go under review and to expect word back in about 90 days because of the amount of claims the office receives. On December 20, 2013 we received an official statement informing us that our record attempt did in fact did set a new world record for Largest Horn Spread Steer.

Barnesville, OH -- Dickinson Cattle Co., LLC announced the famous Texas Longhorn sire Over Kill passed away. Over Kill was an AI sired son of International Champion, Over Head, was born to Field of Pearls, March 31, 2003 at Dickinson Cattle Co., LLC, (DCCI) of Barnesville, Ohio USA. His dam was twice an International Champion daughter of Fielder. Over Kill has progeny from frozen embryos in several European countries and Australia. His daughters have won multiple shows in the USA. His son Smoke's Aces was the All Age International Champion Bull in 2009. Over Kill has sired many World Champions, mostly splashy black and white spotted. Over Kill developed to a maximum weight of 2100 pounds, and measured 80" T2T at the time of his passing. His 80" spread was the widest of any black color base bull in the breed. His large positive hoof print will be valued in the Texas Longhorn industry for generations to come.

-- continued from pg.23 had never seen one filmed; a mother who thrived on life itself, having a family, friends and meeting new people; and three teenagers who gained special once in a lifetime memories. When watching the movie, if you watch real close you might catch a glimpse of an LS brand. Smith had fresh branded his Longhorns to make them easier to sort for the trip home. After they were trucked home, one unnamed steer belonging to Larry II had a horn begin to droop. It was assumed that the steers horn was injured during hauling. However, when televised, a roping and branding scene showed this steer being roped and taking a head first tumble. That somersault must have created enough pressure on the horn to cause a temporary loss of blood flow. As the blood flow resumed, additional drooping stopped but, the horn was permanently positioned lower than the other horn so, he was given the name “Centennial”. Visitors always asked why that steer`s horn drooped and, after being told the story, asked why insurance was not collected. Smith`s reply was always that the insurance company would expect to re-


ceive the steer, he belonged to his son and no pain existed. Besides, it was too much fun telling the story. There are many more stories about the “Longhorns” of LS Ranches; none as vivid, nor as timely or timeless as “Centennial.” There was “Red River” who became Neiman Marcus` living logo and Santa Anna who appeared in “Centennial.” Both resided at Happy Hill Farm near Glen Rose for a while. Then, “Duke” who was President Ronald Reagan`s pride and joy at Rancho del Cielo in California; “Big Tex,’ who, when saddled, carried numerous celebrities, most notably, Santa Claus who rode “Big Tex” during a Texas snowstorm to deliver toys in 1986 and, of course, Texas, USA, the 1986 Texas “Sesquicentennial Bull” who possessed a near perfect natural map of Texas on his forehead. This amazing Longhorn gained national acclaim that year and, according Newsweek, his promotion was “unmatched.” Smith`s oldest son, Larry P. Smith II, judges Texas Longhorn shows throughout the United States. He and his wife, Heatherly, live near Glen Rose in Somervell County.

Larry P. Smith, LS Ranches, Inc., is a lifetime member and served as a Director of the TLBAA. In 1977, upon being elected President, J. T. “Happy” Shahan appointed Smith to form a Junior Texas Longhorn Association. Smith staged the first “haltered” junior show at the Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo. It was not easy to break into the major show so, Smith recruited Dr. L.D.” Doug” Wythe, Livestock Judging Coach, at Texas A & M University to judge the show. This did not set well with some folks and neither did the idea of putting halters on their beloved “natural” Longhorns. The Juniors operated under that name until it was changed to TLBT during Dr. L. V. Baker`s term as President. Smith has recollections of other events and happenings- a Longhorn-cross feed trial in a Texas Panhandle feedlot under the direction of Texas A & M University, the year Texas Longhorns outnumbered any other breed at the Fort Worth Show, the many times his steers were driven up and down Exchange Avenue long before there was a “Fort Worth Herd,” numerous shows and sales or the LS Ranches dispersal at the Fort Worth Stockyards in 1983 that drew all major media in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Texas Longhorn Trails

TLBAA Awards Banquet

A night filled with fun and fellowship, Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America members gathered for the annual Awards Banquet held January 17, 2014. Members were encouraged to submit nominations for their picks for the awards. Those nominated were voted on by their fellow members. During the banquet, each recipient received their award from the person that was responsible for their nominations and they each gave a brief explanation as to why they believed their nominee deserved the award.

The TLBAA would like to recognize and thank the members of the 2013 Nomination Committee: Chairman: Deb Lesyk, Ethan Loos and Kenny Richardson for all of their time and committment for this project.

Dave Evans Breeder Of The Year Bob Loomis Dave Evans Breeder of the Year is named in honor of Dave Evans who was an enthusiastic breeder of Texas Longhorns who served the TLBAA in many capacities. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. In his honor, this award is given to individuals who have dedicated themselves to the betterment of the Texas Longhorns through their breeding program. Jimmy Jones had the honor of presenting the Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award to Bob Loomis and in his letter to the nomination committee stated, “He has been one of the most progressive breeders in the history of the association. He has also been Breeder of the Year before, but once again he has elevated his program to the top and deserves to be noted for these accomplishments. So this year he has the first measured 90-inch-horned cow and the first measured 90-inch-horned bull, both are the longest horned animals in the industry and making Longhorn history.”

Mel Raley Rising Star Award Kyle & Whitney Mayden Mel Raley will always be remembered as a shining star for the TLBAA because of his ability to share his vast knowledge of the Longhorn breed with new members. This special recognition is awarded to those who have been a member for less than five years and through involvements and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed. Dale Hunt presented the Mel Raley Rising Star Award to Kyle Mayden and commended Kyle and Whitney on their enthusiasm and spirit to push the Longhorn breed forward. The Maydens are a great asset to the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America.

See page 32 for more Award Winners! 30

Movers & Shakers Of The Year Dora Thompson Movers & Shakers Award is presented to the member who has registered and transferred the most numbers of animals throughout the year. The Movers & Shakers can be found every month in the Trails magazine TLBAA’s Registrations Clerk Rick Fritsche announced that the Mover and Shaker for 2013 was Dora Thompson of Sand Hills Ranch in Mansfield, LA. This is the second year in a row that Dora has won this award, and the TLBAA appreciates her steadfest support of the association and the Longhorn breed. Texas Longhorn Trails

Elmer Parker Lifetime Achievement Award KASO KETY Elmer Parker was a livestock handler and technician at the Wichita Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma for many years, and he played an important part in the history of the Longhorn breed. In recognition for Parker’s diligent contribution of sharing his knowledge over a period of several years, and for his concern for accuracy and sincerity in the breeding of Texas Longhorns, this award honors those members, who have been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Longhorn breed, qualities that Parker was known for. Robert & Kim Richey’s nomination letter had this to say about Kaso - “He started out as a very young person working at Ace Cattle Company, specializing in Butler cattle. He traveled around meeting and becoming friends with Blackie Graves, Dewitt Meshell, Johnnie Hoffman, J.W. Isaacs, Jack Phillips, Braxton Blake and many others. He hosted the Louisiana Purchase with Johnnie Hoffman for many years, now he has hosted the Butler Breeders Invitational sale for 16 years, one of the longest and most successful sales ever. He has bred fabulous cattle and written many articles about all of the 7 families and is one of the most knowledgable breeders about the cattle, the people and the pedigrees around today.”

Jack Phillips Award DALE HUNT & SHERRILL CADDEL This award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. The award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition. Dale & Sherrill were presented with the Jack Phillips Award from Kyle Mayden, who nominated them for this award stating, “The Longhorn breed is so fortunate to have Dale and Sherrill within this great organization. Their enthusiam and love of the breed is shown not only in their breeding program, but their presence at all events. Their passion for these great cattle is so evident with their countless hours attending and participating in events across the country. ”

Carolyn Hunter Trails’ Supporter Of The Year Joe & Lorinda Valentine Trails Supporter of the Year award was renamed to honor the memory of Carolyn Hunter for her creativity, influence and dedication upon the Longhorn industry and for her knowledge and photography skills that enhanced the Trails magazine. The Carolyn Hunter Trails Supporter of the Year is given to the member whose advertising campaign contributes to the overall quality of the magazine. Joe & Lorinda Valentine have been an intrical part of the Trails magazine with their Panther Creek Ranch ads and the Hudson-Valentine Invitational Sale ads placed throughout the year. Life-long supporters of the TLBAA and Trails magazine, Joe and Lorinda have contributed to the organization tremendeously through the years. The Trails magazine appreciates the support of all of their advertisers throughout this year.


See page 30 for more Award Winners! Special Presentation Joyce Wood was presented a framed photograph of Eddie Wood in honor of the Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale that was held on Saturday. Dale Hunt entertained the crowd with great stories and unforgetable sayings of the great legend during the banquet. The TLBAA is honored to have known this outstanding member and Longhorn breeder.

Texas Longhorn Trails


Highlights 63 Lots Sold Sale Average: $2,643.65 Volume Buyers: Robert Blackmon, Brownsboro, TX; John W. Payne, Ada, OK; Terry and Sherri Adcock, Lamesa, TX; Mikeal Beck, Weatherford, TX; Ricky McLeod, Wilson, SC; Anthony Scheffler, Saline, MI; John Parmley & Darlene Aldridge, Somerville, TX; El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX

✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ HIGH SELLING LOT:


ECR PHENOMENAL BUG (2008 Daughter of Phenomenon and Delta Mudbug)

Consignor: El Coyote Ranch; Kingsville, TX Buyer: Ricky McLeod; Wilson, SC

✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ AWARDS

BUYER OF HIGHEST SELLING LOT: Rick McLeod, Wilson, SC SELLER OF HIGHEST SELLING LOT: El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX VOLUME BUYER: Robert Blackmon, Brownsboro, TX HIGH SPENDING VOLUME BUYER: Rick McLeod, Wilson, SC

✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ 34

OTHER HIGH SELLING LOTS: $10,000 – DINGER A-DO YS (2007 Daughter of Shalako Chex and HL Classic Cream) Consigned by Hudson Longhorns. Buyer: Ricky McLeod



(2009 Daughter of JP Rio Grande and RRR Phenomenal Fancy Bee) Consigned by Richard and Jeanne Filip. Buyer: Khaos Cattle Company



(2009 Daughter of RRR Ground Zero and Cahills Hot Franci) Consigned by Consigned by Triple R Ranch. Buyer: Ricky McLeod

Molly Clubb, Traer, IA; Alex Dees, Harper, OR

$5,000 – OL HIGH HOPES (2011 Daughter of Drag Iron and Illegal Rose BCB) Consigned by John Oliver. Buyer: Suzanne and William Torkildsen

$4,100– WS DEJANEIRO (2009 Daughter of JP Rio Grande and WS Rainbow) Consigned Tom A. Smith. Buyer: Terry and Sherri Adcock $4,000 – D/O WHITE DIAMONDS (2006 Daughter of JP Grand Slam and D/O Shalako’s Diamond) Consigned by Hudson Longhorns. Buyer: Suzanne and William Torkildsen $4,000

– XC WINNIE (2008 Daughter of

J.R. Spotlight and Anderson 506) Consigned by Crumpton-Cunningham Partnership. Buyer: Mikeal Beck

$3,500 – 7 BAR BRANDYS BAILEE (2012 Daughter of JP Rio Grande and FL Brandy’s Beauty) Consigned by Davis Green. Buyer: John Marshall $3,250

– SLICK’S LITTLE STAR (2002 Daughter of Salida Slick and Starlight) Consigned by Triple R Ranch. Buyer: Nate Schumpert

$3,000 – CR DEBUTANTE (2010 Daughter of Hubbells Captain Hook and PCC Copy Cat) Consigned by Alexandra Dees. Buyer: Mikeal Beck

Ricky McLeod, Manning, SC

$3,000 – ALICE 118/8 (2008 Daughter of Over Kill and Alani) Consigned by Circle Double C Ranch. Buyer: John and Christy Randolph

Thank you to everyone who participated in Longhorn Weekend and made it a huge success! I hope that everyone enjoyed their experience, and I cannot wait to see everyone again soon. Big thank you to all who helped put the sale on Saturday and supported our amazing breed! Without each and every one of our breeders, we would not be able to put on events like this. Thank you, Liz Nessler Texas Longhorn Trails

March 2014


TLBAA LONGHORN WEEKEND PHOTOS Kevin Asbill, Tyler, TX; Dale Hunt, Ardmore, OK; Ron Asbill, Tyler, TX

Darlene Aldridge, DVM and John Parmley, Somerville, TX

Travis Starr, Stilwell, OK Andy Payne & John Payne, Ada, OK Anthony Scheffler, Saline, MI; Dick Lowe, Howell, MI; Mike Young, Manchester, MI

Terry Noey, Wills Point, TX; Johnathan Herb, Forney, TX

Linda & Lee Blackwell, Fredericksburg, TX

Joe Sedlacek, Greenleaf, KS; Dusty Leonard, Marysville, KS; Ethan Loos, Columbus, IL

Scott & Stacey Schumacher, Era, TX

Terry & Sherri Adcock, Lamesa, TX Steven Zunker, Luling, TX; Deb Lesyk, Outlook, SK; Louis Christa, Luling, TX

Dora Thompson, Mansfield, LA; Nikki Gambrell, Grand Prairie, TX

Jim & Carolyn Van Duzee, Trophy Club, TX Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, TX; Donna & Ron Garison, Doyline, LA


Texas Longhorn Trails


TLBAA Board of Directors: (back row) Ray Beadle, Los Gatos, CA; Gary Bowdoin, Crawford, TX; Keith DuBose, Tyler, TX; Jeff Jespersen, Stony Plain, AB; Craig Perez, Comanche, OK; Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI; Russell Fairchild, Stephenville, TX; Jim Rombeck, Lyons, KS; L.D. McIntyre, Wolbach, NE; Scott Hughes, Rutherfordton, NC; Mike Coston, CEO/President; (front row) Gwen Damato, Weatherford, TX; Bill Torkildsen, Fayetteville, TX; Chairman Todd McKnight, Pittsburg, KS; Tom Smith, Lowell, MI; Lana Hightower, Van, TX; Nancy Dunn, Eclectic, AL; Kathy Kittler, Carlisle, AR

Greg & Sandy Jameson, Hempstead, TX; Darlene Aldridge, DVM, Somerville, TX

Todd McKnight; Donnie Taylor, Huntington, TX, with Mike Coston

Joe & Mary Ann Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX

Christy & John Randolph, Smithville, TX

Todd McKnight; Bernard Lankford, Weatherford, TX, with Mike Coston

John & Rebecca McCammon, Ponder, TX

Todd McKnight; Robert Richey, San Angelo, TX, with Mike Coston

Todd McKnight; Steven Zunker, Luling, TX, with Mike Coston

Frieda & Bill Golden, Meridian, TX March 2014

Lisa & Chris Parker, Wills Point, TX






GRAND CHAMPION STEER (YOUTH) SS KAWLIGA Exhibited By: Alexandria Rivera, Red Oak, TX




GRAND CHAMPION BULL (OPEN) LSC RIGGIN’ Exhibited By: Kacey Clark, Sante Fe, NM


GRAND CHAMPION STEER (OPEN) SUPER CZECH Exhibited By: Shannon Collins, Dublin, TX



March 2014


Jack Phillips at the Cripple Creek Trail Drive

dust was flying." "It took a lot to feed 50 people. The ranchers took turns providing the meat. They'd send their best roper in to catch one of their animals, bring it out and butcher it for the whole group." In the spring there would be another round-up and the Phillips would bring their steers that were four years old or older and old cows and bulls to a trap near the house, then trail them to Rosenberg or East Columbia to ship to Kansas. Along the way, they would buy cattle from the smaller ranches so there would be quite a herd when they arrived at their destination. Jack's father, John Gayle Phillips, Sr., had grown up with Texas Longhorns. At the age of nine, he went to work for a cow outfit called Bailey & Wheat. For $9 a month, he got a place to sleep and his board. "Pretty good wages for a nine-year-old boy," says Jack, "He made them such a good hand that at the age of 15, they sent him as trail boss with a bunch of Longhorn cattle to the Indian Reservation near Fort Griffin, TX. He had to sell his favorite cow horse there and ride back on a stagecoach. He said that was the roughest, dirtiest, worst ride he'd ever had, and he never rode an-

Jack & Carolyn


It was time for the fall round-up of 1911 near the Texas Gulf Coast, and the three-year-old boy begged his father to let him go. The father finally gave in, and when the boy, mounted on his small pony, finally arrived at the camp, he saw a sight before him that not many folks can now remember. Spread out before him were some 6,000 grown Texas Longhorns plus the calves. These cattle have been gathered across the basically fenceless Gulf Coast plains by 50 riders from neighboring ranches. "It was quite a sight," recalls John G. "Jack" Phillips, Jr. of Battle Island Ranch near West Columbia, TX. "When a horse got tired, the cowboy would go to the remuda and get another. There'd be horses bucking, bulls fighting, cows bawling, and the

other one. Later, he would buy trainloads of cattle in East Texas. After he married, he trailed a herd from Fayetteville to his home ranch – Battle Island." At that time, East Columbia was probably the biggest river port in the country. They swam cattle across the river to ship cattle by rail to New Orleans. According to Jack, one time an enterprising man was going to ferry the cattle across, but the cattle all shifted to one side, and the ferry turned over. From then on, the cattle had to swim the Brazos River. The Texas Longhorns that young Jack saw at the spring gathering were what we call now the typical "old time" Texas Longhorns. "The cow was long-headed with small elliptical ears. Her horns were not particularly widespread, coming straight out from the skull about 6-8 inches from the head and then they turned up with the points straight back. A few of the old types, their horns came straight out and up and the horns tips twisted out. The twisty horn cows had a pretty good spread, though. They were long-legged with a little rise about the hip in the tail head. They had a long, slender tail with a big bush. They came in any color imaginable, -- continued on pg. 42

By Carolyn Hunter Reprinted from October 1992 Texas Longhorn Trails


Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2013


-- continued from pg. 40

and 900 lbs. was a pretty big cow at that time. There was also an old Spanish strain type, describe by J. Frank Dobie in his book, The Longhorns. Their foreheads had a slight bulge in therm, and their horns came out a little towards the back and then they twisted." The bulls' horns had a big base and were not as long as many are today. They curved slightly to the side and to the front just a little bit. Some came out and turned back like the old cows, but would be bigger and more more massive at the head. The old Texas Longhorn also had a feisty nature. Phillips feels that because many of the breed are now kept in small groups and fed, they have lost some of that inherent fighting quality that they had to have in the old days. Phillips laughs. "When I went to sales, any cows that fought in the ring, I bought her. People say I wanted all those outlaw kind of cattle." "Course people today are not what they used to be. Shoot, I knew some of those old men, and some of the women, who were pretty tough. They were good people, but if you talked to them like people talk to one another now, they would hurt you. I guarantee they would hurt you." Phillips' advice to new breeders? "Look at the breeding record of the cow. If she's just a young cow, look at her blood line. If she a mature cow, look at her production record. She should have had a calf every year since she was two. Don't just look at color or horn. Some of the best old cows were solid brown or red or white, but they'll still throw a speckled calf." The Jack Phillip's influence on the Texas Longhorn industry began in 1929 when his father died. Jack was attending the University of Texas, but was needed to help with the family ranch. He came back without his degree in geology, but with something even better– a pretty young bride. Carolyn Phillips, his wife of 63 years, laughs. "I was a city girl, and Jack brought me so far out here in the country, I couldn't get back home, so I've been here ever since." Phillips' Longhorn herd began with some cattle his dad had. He also had a friend, Fred Sommers, who was a cattle buyer from a Houston packing company, and later at the Stockyards. He went to East Texas and down on the coast, and whenever he came across a good Texas Longhorn there or at the packing house, he'd call Jack up, and Phillips would go get it. When John Hatton of the U.S. Forest Service commissioned


Graves Peeler, who was manager of the neighboring Groce Ranch, to procure Texas Longhorn cattle for the Wichita Wildlife Refuge, he brought all the cattle he found in East Texas here to Mrs. Groce's ranch. Ones he picked up South Texas, he took to his brother Alonzo's ranch at Christine. At that time, there were lots of Longhorn cattle in East Texas, down by Silsbee, Sour Lake and further east. J. Frank Dobie and another man made the selection for the Refuge. "Old Jim Dobie had bought many a steer from my father," says Jack. "Frank had been here on Battle Island Ranch when he was a teenager, and then had been my history teacher at the University." "After Dobie had selected what he wanted from those at Mrs. Groce's, Peeler let me have half of them. You might call them the tail-end, but they looked like awful good cattle to me. Graves kept all those that were left at Christine on his brother's place. He used Mrs. Groce's bulls on his cattle here, but I used a Longhorn bull on mine." Peeler played another part in the Phillips' herd later on. In 1969, Phillips and Walter Scott visited with Enrique Guerra in South Texas. Late, Scott and Peeler went back to the Guerra's ranch in Mexico and bought 14 Longhorn bulls. One drowned in a dipping vat, and one was too old to enter Texas. Scott, Peeler and Phillips split the remaining twelve among themselves. This was the first foreign blood brought in. Jack knows every cow in his pasture, but a few of his raising hold a special memory. One is the famous Texas Ranger JP, the first TLBAA AI Sire. This bull, born in 1968, has had a large influence on many Texas Longhorn herds today, but surprisingly Phillips, himself, has few Texas Ranger cattle, only one son and two grandsons. When he needed the money to operate the ranch at one time, he was forced to sell all of his Texas Ranger heifers. The famous bull died on Terry Kelsey's ranch in Colorado in 1980 at the age of 12. A larger Kelsey bronze of Texas Ranger holds a place of honor in the Phillips' home. Another special animal was Carolyn's steer, Texas Star. He won the Steer Show at Denver in 1978 and was the only steer to win all four divisions. Carolyn reminisces, "He was always a pet. He'd come watch me when I worked in the flower garden, and I'd talk to him, telling him how pretty he was. When he won at Denver, I went into the arena to accept the award. Star

-- continued to pg. 69

Texas Longhorn Trails

March 2014


Diarrhea in calves is still the most common and costly disease in young calves, and the leading cause of death in this age group. There are several things a stockman can do, however, to minimize the occurrence of scours in the herd.

Dr. Marie Bulgin, a veterinarian recently retired from the Caine Veterinary Teaching and Research Center (University of Idaho), at Caldwell, Idaho, says that some scour problems are nutritionally induced. “The cow herd may be nutritionally deficient before calving.” Pregnant cows, especially during the last couple of months before calving, need to have adequate protein and energy level in the feed. If the protein is deficient, there won’t be as much colostrum when they get ready to calve. “The problem with many beef animals when they come in from summer range in the fall (especially a dry fall) is that they’re already deficient. Then if they go onto field aftermath, even alfalfa stubblefields, there is not enough protein or vitamin A unless there’s green regrowth in it. The cows may not have lost any weight, but they don’t have enough protein in their diet to help the growing fetus or make a good immune response if you vaccinate the cow during that period. She doesn’t make good colostrum. People often don’t relate that problem with scours.” Research has shown that vitamin E is also important, and this vitamin is deficient in dry feeds. Bulgin says research shows that cows given vitamin E 30 days before calving give birth to stronger calves. “The calves get up sooner, and there’s also more antibodies in the colostrum. Selenium is also important to the immune By Heather Smith Thomas system. Selenium, copper and vitamin E are the important things as far as the immune system is concerned. If these micronutrients are taken care if, it’s a big help to the calf,” she says. Regarding prevention of scours, Bulgin says shelter is very important, especially when calving in cold, windy weather. “It really makes a difference if calves can get out of the wind and have a dry place to sleep. Women often seem to understand this more than men. Even though the weather may

have warmed up, if the only place a calf has to sleep is in a puddle of snow-melt or an ice sheet, he can’t fight off scours if he’s using all his energy in staying warm.” She says that the calf may pick up “scour bugs” the day he is born, maybe even before he nurses, or before colostrum antibodies reach his GI tract and are absorbed into his bloodstream. Once he’s up and strong and has the antibodies circulating, he will usually be ok, unless he didn’t suck soon enough because his mouth got cold—and you had to help him later. If he’s born in a puddle, or gets up and starts nuzzling a dirty cow or sucks a dirty teat, the pathogens may get to the gut before the antibodies do. “The bugs are there. The cows carry the bugs. The first calf heifers are the worst carriers, with more bugs. They’ll have a higher percentage of pathogens than the whole rest of the herd. Also their colostrum is not as good. And they may be confused and slow to mother the calf; the calf may not be able to suckle as quickly”, she says. With all these factors, the first-calf heifers are often the ones that need the most care and management. “They are shedding enough bugs into the environment to put other cows’ calves—the ones that would not normally get sick—more at risk. The ones whose calves get sick spread bugs to the others.” She suggests calving heifers last, if you have a clean place for them (even though most people want to calve them first, to give them a longer time to rebreed after calving), or keeping them separate from the rest of the herd. “A calf that has a hard birth or a long birth is also more likely to get scours because he is more stressed. He doesn’t get up as fast and doesn’t nurse as quickly. If you put the cow or heifer into a chute to assist a calving problem, make sure you keep the chute area clean. A dirty chute is a good place to



in Baby Calves

--continued on pg.46


Texas Longhorn Trails

Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ March 2014

Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____

___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164.


--continued from pg. 44

pick up bugs.” The cow may go down while you are pulling the calf, and get manure and contamination on her sides and udder from the last cow you assisted. Then when her calf nurses, he picks up pathogens from his dirty mother. Bulgin says E. coli scours usually hits a calf in the first three days of life. If you put a first calf heifer in a chute to help her calve, or keep her in a small lot or barn stall afterward to monitor or deal with a problem (such as the heifer slow to mother the calf, or the calf taking awhile to recover from a hard birth), her calf may start scouring—then the whole area is contaminated. It is very important to keep the chute area and stalls clean. “It’s also important to keep your tubing equipment clean—what you use to force-feed colostrum to a calf or to give fluid to a sick calf,” she says. “Clean it between calves. I tell ranchers to buy a case of these; if one develops a hole or a break, you’ve always got a spare one. It’s also a good idea to throw away the old one you used last year; start clean the next calving season.” Salmonella and E. coli bacteria can live a long time in the environment, and may over-winter in a damp place, like a

Calves won’t be so exposed to the bugs when born if you move the cows to a clean field just before calving. Moving pairs out of the calving area quickly also helps prevent other newborns from picking up the bug. Photo courtesy of Linda Blackwell.

calving barn that didn’t get cleaned out. “If a barn is wet and cool, the bug may still be there. Sunshine helps, and cleaning out manure. We like to see people have enough room for the herd, so they have a place to calve where the cows haven’t spent the fall and winter. That area is where your carriers are, and that’s where the contamination will be, after fall grazing or winter feeding. If Some ranchers rely on pre-vaccination of the cows to help prevent scours. you can move to a clean field just before This sometimes works and sometimes it doesn’t. “Some vaccines are better calving starts, or just move the cows that than others, if the cows are able to respond to them,” says Bulgin. “The bacare close to calving, then the calves won’t terial vaccines such as E. coli and the C and D toxoid (Clostridium perfrinpick up the bugs when born; they won’t gens) are probably two of the best, as far as response goes, or for the rancher be so exposed,” explains Bulgin. being able to feel comfortable that there will be a response. The viral vacIf you can get the new pairs out of the cines, for rota and corona, are sometimes more iffy.” calving area, then if a calf does come One of the problems with corona is that there are several different down with a corona virus, for instance, serotypes of corona virus. “We have a difficult time isolating or growing the he won’t contaminate the calving wild corona virus in the laboratory. But the vaccine virus grows well in the labgrounds. “A sick calf excretes a oratory medium. So right there, you thousand times more bugs know there’s a difference. Even with the than a carrier cow does. One electro microscope, which scientists use calf can do the same amount of to see the corona virus, they’ll report difcontamination that the whole ferent-looking corona viruses. They call cow herd puts out. So get the them corona-like. There is also another older calves out of there. It’s one that the researchers identified as a easy to move them when they breda virus. It used to be called a coronaare new, even if you have to put like virus, but we now know that breda is the day-old calf in the back of a different than corona. And chances are pickup and have mama follow there are others out there, too. So if the vaccine works for a rancher, maybe to the next field. If you move calves out he has something in his herd that is similar to the vaccine virus. If it doesn’t as they are born, you can keep the calvwork, that herd is probably affected by another strain. Thus the corona virus ing area clean. Anything you can do to vaccine may or may not work for any specific herd, and you won’t know unkeep calving grounds clean is very helpless you try it,” says Bulgin. ful.” “You also have to keep in mind the fact that some years are much worse for A carrier cow will give the bug to her scours than others. The weather—amount and timing of rainfall or snow, the calf. “That’s going to happen regardless wind chill, how much mud or dry ground—can affect whether or not calves of what you do. You can’t do much will get sick. Sometimes people have a bad year, so they start vaccinating, and about that, but if you can, get her and the next year is better—so they feel the vaccine worked. But the year may be the calf out of there, so they don’t condifferent; it’s hard to really know if the vaccine was what made the difference taminate the calving area. Then when he or not,” she says. comes down with scours he is contami“Sometimes we feel we can manage cattle and prevent disease with a neenating an area where the other calves are dle. But with scours we can’t prevent problems just by vaccinating. Manageolder and stronger, and better able to ment is so much more important.” handle it.”



Texas Longhorn Trails

March 2014


Dam of Merit Roll of Honor Dams of Excellence Bell La Squaw

Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan

CO Barbwire

David M. Hillis, Austin, Texas

Cross M Cherokee Miss Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico


Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico

F 3F Bevo’s T J

Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico

G&L Enchantment

Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas

G&L True Obsession

Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas

High Hope, FD

Bo & Dorie Damuth, Magnolia, Texas

Miss CP Ruler 562

T.M. & Jean Smith, Bar S Ranch, Boyd, Texas

Miss Peppermint

Ed & Sheryl Johnson, Molalla, Oregon

Picabo Phantom

Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan

Rawhide Lady Pebbles

Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan

SP Hija

Ben Tanksley, Alpine, Texas

US 89076

Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico

Westhaven Ranger Reddy Fraser West, Ione, California

WT Miss Mona’s Liberator

Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas

Dams of Distinction Bayou Daisy Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bayou Princess Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan BH Mahogany May Joel & Tamara Kuntz, Bend, OR


Cross M Blue Velvet Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Delta Becca Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Delta Charisma Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Salsa Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Cross M Star Spangled Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Texas Ruby Red Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Matrix Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Cross M Whelming Sandy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Delta Amber Phillip Bell, Arlington, Texas Diamond W 952 Meadowwood, Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, OK Dillons Fancy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico Dixie Heather 3G Ranch, Loyd &Bettie Gibbs, Gainesville, Texas Dolly Joel & Shirley Lemley, Blackwell, Texas Double L’s Miss Elegant Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Emperor’s Lucy Creek Gary Kudrna, Ennis, Texas Fandangos Husker Barnard Longhorns, Richard & Janice Barnard, Tekamah, Nebraska FCF Honeymoon Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas FCF 16th Avenue Mitch Bryant, Katy, Texas FCF Too Sexy For My Sox Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, Texas Fiona Moonshine Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Folsom Falls Posh Folsom Falls Ranch, Fred & Marijo Balmer, Folsom, New Mexico GC Little Star Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico G&L Enchantment Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L True Obsession Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Silver Sage Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas G&L Star Spangled Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas Granite Daisy Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Indian Girl 636 Carla Jo Payne, Slidell, Texas JRJ WR 978 Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Ksanka Lily Belle Robert & Sheryl Greene, Eureka, Montana

Lizzy’s Splash Eagles Nest Ranch, Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, Washington Lupemitedookay Debra Lesyk & Dwight Overlid, Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Meadowwood’s Carmen Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Clementine Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, Oklahoma Meadowwood’s Tango Brink Longhorns, Frederick, Oklahoma Molly Hunts Best 01 Chris Bandley, St. George, Utah Nutmeg 7/4 Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rawhide Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan Rusty Zipper Frank & Barbara Renfro, Clinton, Montana S-D Sparkle Plenty Rudy & Marilyn Bowling, Kaufman, Texas Silver Sage Double D Arena, Outlook, Saskatchewan 3W Legends Country Erin Lazy JP Ranch, Dublin, Texas 3W Pot of Independence Dale & Bev Sorem, Nevada, Iowa Westhavenreddy'sspecks Broadhorn Ranch, Douglas & Katie McDonald, Fernley, Nevada WT Miss Mona’s Liberator Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas

JOIN THE ROLL OF HONOR The Dam of Distinction Award recognizes a cow that has had five consecutive calves, the first being born before her third birthday. A Dam of Excellence must have had 10 consecutive calves, starting with the first being born before her third birthday. The Dam of Merit Award is designed to recognize those Texas Longhorns that stand out in the area of production among Texas Longhorn breeders. If you would like to nominate your female for the Dam of Merit Program, please call the TLBAA office for a nomination form. (817) 625-6241 Rick Fritsche- Texas Longhorn Trails

AFFILIATE COMMITTEE REPORT The Affiliate Committee met Friday January 17th at the Stockyard Station. There was discussion on a variety of topics, the minutes will be e-mailed to the current affiliates on file. It is important that if the current contact information for your affiliate is not correct, that each affiliate advise Liz Nessler, so the changes can be made to keep communications current. Liz will be the affiliate contact for 2014. Laura Standley introduced the new E-Blast policy for affiliates and it will be included with the minutes. She encouraged the affiliates to use the Affiliate News page in the Trails to share what's happening, it's great advertising for affiliates. As the Affiliate News in the Trails was reviewed for 2013, the Texas Longhorn Breeders of New Mexico affiliate was recognized for the most reports. The TLBAA Affiliate Review for 2013 was presented to those present, and 17 affiliates had reports included in the package. Those present at the meeting encouraged the continuation of this overview for next year and communication will continue to go out to the affiliates to get their reports in by the printing deadline. We were pleased to welcome a new affiliate in 2013, the Canadian Texas Longhorn Association, and welcome back the Minnesota North Star Texas Longhorn Association. There was discussion on the Affiliate Prince and Princess and how more affiliates need to get involved. We will be looking at a sponsor to enhance the prize money for 2014. Also an article on animal photography will be in the Trails prior to picture deadline. We will work at getting more recognition for each of the affiliate winners and do more to recognize the breeders that own the cattle that won each affiliate competition. This year all the entries were displayed at the evening banquet, but only as the affiliate they represented. The TLBAA Affiliate Prince was won by the Canadian Texas Longhorn Association, and the Affiliate Princess was awarded to the Southeastern Texas Longhorn Association. Thank you to all the affiliates that took time to enter the competition and to the judges that helped us select the semi-finalists. There will be more affiliate teleconferences this year so watch for upcoming dates, times and dial in numbers, we need you to be involved, this is an extra special year for the TLBAA, it's our 50th Anniversary. Deb Lesyk, Affiliate Chair

The NTLA annual meeting was held on Jan 11, 2014 at the Nebraska Fire Fighters Museum in Kearney, NE. A group of 26 enjoyed the potluck dinner. Thank you to Betty McCutchan from Nelson, NE for hosting this meeting. And S A X thank you to Delwin and Vicki Smeal for the use of the meeting room. The kids E T SKA IATION A R B had an incredibly fun time in the museum-they didn’t want to leave! E N SSOC A N Directors going off the board were Vicki Smeal, John Murphy and Bonnie R O LONGH Damrow. Directors elected were Larry Long, North Platte, NE, Chelsey Georges, Roca, NE and Paul Schlecht, Scribner, NE. Officers elected were President-Rodger Rodger Damrow, President Damrow, Vice-President-Delwin Smeal, Secretary/Treasurer-Chelsey Georges. (402) 423-5441 This year will be the Associations 1st Spring Sale. It will be held at Broken Bow Livestock, Broken Bow, NE on Saturday April 12, 2014, starting at 10:00 a.m. Consignment deadline is March 1st. Consignment form on or email Sale will be online at Register to bid online before the sale date. A special raffle drawing will be held this year: Lazy J Longhorns, Greenleaf, KS has generously donated a bull calf and Bill McCutchan from Nelson, NE has generously donated a heifer calf to be our 1st place winning ticket. If the winner chooses he can take $500 instead which is also generously donated by Lazy J Longhorns and Bill McCutchan. 2nd place will be $200. 3rd place $100. And 4th place $50. A special thank you for this generosity. Drawing will be held at the Nebraska State Fair in August 2014. Tickets are only $2 each or a book for $10. Call for tickets-Chelsey (402) 580-3140 Nebraska State Fair World Qualifying Longhorn show is scheduled again for the first weekend of the fair-August 22-24, 2014, in Grand Island, Front Row: Betty McCutchan, Secretary/Treasurer-Chelsey Georges, Vice President-Delwin Smeal. Back Row: Joe Sedlacek, President-Rodger NE. The Longhorn show always includes a Trophy Steer Show. The show Damrow, Paul Schlecht, Larry Long, LD McIntyre, Not Pictured: Art Anders. is held in the 5 Points Bank Arena and draws a huge crowd! If you have a steer plan on bringing it. We are accepting sponsorships to the NTLA that anyone may contribute to. More to come later following the State Fair Board meeting. --continued on pg. 59


Texas Longhorn Trails

By Darol Dickinson


Note: This is the final installment for the Trails by Darol Dickinson which details plans for a profitable business with Texas Longhorn retail beef sales, locating processors, building your own business, market development, expanding the ranch acreage, meat distribution and nutritional advantages over other breeds of cattle.


arlier parts of this series have dealt with locating a processor, marketing, selecting cattle for processing and every part of starting a lean beef Texas Longhorn (TL) meat business. This final segment is about the extra value "outside the sack," things that can be profitable with Texas Longhorns that may be impossible with other cattle breeds, dogs, turtles or muskrats. Let's take a look at some of them. Deep in the heart of every TL producer is the excitement of the possibility of selling a prize breeding animal for $10,000, or even more. It has been done and will be done again. However, over the years only 68 buyers have made purchases of over $10,000 at public auction and somewhat more than that number have been purchased privately. (Nearly all of the top sires have sold privately.) For several thousand producers to be in the TL business and only a few dozen ring the big dollar bell may be disheartening. Yet, in the TL beef business it is not difficult to raise 5 steers a month, who combined, yield over $10,000. Not only do the numbers add up, but without a doubt, the repeat business will cause this number to multiply over and over. The beef business is not a one-time lucky sale, but something that happens on a regular schedule -- with a plan. Seriously consider more long term returns than the $10,000 one time cow; look at TL beef, and the many by-product added profits. Skulls and steer taxidermy mounts are obvious. These are things that have been marketed for many years and not much needs to be said additionally about that part of the business. The Angus people are out in the cold on marketing skulls, mounts, tanned hides, hoof lamps, horn jewelry and so far, high omega 3 beef. There are big dollars to be earned and Angus just can't cut it. It takes a Texas Longhorn to capture the by-product profits. Pet food is a new frontier. People in the USA often spend more money to buy


All natural grass fed dog bones can add a special marketing touch. Small smithereens of meat remaining on the bone is okay, so it doesn't take away from other more valuable human food uses. Still on the bone thing – Google "broth bones." Health food connoisseurs often believe the bone marrow is the most vitamin rich part of a steer, especially a grass fed steer. Bones not much Texas Longhorn rugs are a by-product to different than dog bones are choice for elegantly decorate any lodge, western those who slow cook bones until they room or office. No two are alike. The disturn totally into a thick broth. This is a play is striking. favorite of Arab and Muslim people. Check the recipes for bone broth and nutritious pet food than to feed their their many uses will surprise even hardown children. In last month’s installened cattle people who thought they ment the bare bones of grinding differknew it all. Ask your processor to packent sizes and types of cattle was age the choice bone broth bones and this explored. Now, take that data, and add market will start to grow. Science will in pet food. Here's how. Take the liver prove that grass-fed TL bones contain from a grass fed TL that weighs about 10 more nutrients than other cattle breeds, lbs, add the kidneys, about 7 pounds and pork or poultry. add the pelvic fat and fat trim, about 60 Tongue and heart are lean muscle. lbs. It depends on the size of the critter Tongue and heart sell for a very low price being processed, but 75 to 95 pounds of (about $1.50 per lb) and few know how prime 100% to prepare it. This beef pet food, all lean muscle can grass fed, can be be added to the ground into a grind. Most chilli meat size processors autogrind. A beautimatically do it. If ful, healthy pet not, tell them to product evolves. add it. Grind sells Although it may for $5 per pound. be up to 70% fat Not a big thing, trim, the colorbut it will add ing of the liver, This is Texas Longhorn pet food of fat scrap, liver about $15 to $20 when ground, and kidney mix prepared to human specifica- to each steer's adds a rich tions, but marketed for pets. value as freezer brown tone to beef. the mix making it appear about 70% The most valuable cut of pork is lean. This can be sold for $2 to $3 per bacon. Very spicy foods are "in" right pound to pet owners. This adds another now. Have the "plate cut" made into approximately $250 to the profit of one bacon cured beef. This front, behind-theTL steer. brisket, part is called on pork, "sow belly" Pet by-products include dog bones. and on a steer it is the "plate." ConCertain large hip bones are choice for sumers expect quite a lot of fat in bacon dog chews. These can be vacuwrapped and don't mind paying for the fat. The and available from $2 to $4 per pound. -- continued on pg. 54 Texas Longhorn Trails

March 2014


-- continued from pg. 52

plate cut of a steer can be fairly fat, too fat for grind, and sell for more than grind, and create an expanded market. This is beef bacon socked full of omega 3, the opposite to pork bacon which has zero omega 3. Bacon cured beef is far more healthy than pork bacon. If your processor smokes/cures pork bacon, it is the same process. A by-product of the Texas Longhorn herd is land, grass land. Many have bought grazing land to run a few Texas Longhorns, then increased the herd and needed more land. Without cattle, grazing land would be unnecessary. Yet, as a result of land purchases and the continuing increase in land values, Texas Longhorns sometimes became the by-product and land becomes the enriching investment. Texas Longhorns make land purchases the right thing to do. They work together for double profits. Texas Longhorn cattle investments are profitable when managed in an intelligent normal way. Some land areas are very expensive, especially close to large developed areas. In areas like these it may take some hunting, but leasing of ungrazed land may make good business sense. Drive around the area of choice and locate grass areas not being used. Identify the parcel numbers at the county engineers office and contact the owners. Absentee owners are ideal to lease grazing land from. Elderly people who don't work the land are good prospects. Work the area. It may allow the Texas Longhorn herd to grow faster without the cost of high-dollar land payments. Then, the time will come when cattle will buy their own land. Sell high. There will always be city stores selling beef grind for low price specials. (In 2013 a record 18% of beef consumed in the USA was imported.) Normally the cheap sale items are high percentages of fat. When good customers confront Longhorn people about their higher lean beef prices this is the way it is..... "City stores buy beef carcases, separate the steaks, roasts, fillets, sirloins, new york strips, t-bones, brisket and even flank steaks. The remaining parts are the fat, meat between the ribs, neck, legs, jaws, more fat, inner shoulders, ox tail, etc. This remaining "scrap meat" or "garden variety" giblets becomes hamburger, sometimes very cheap hamburger. To the opposite a grass fed TL steer can be ground with all the steaks, roasts and


high value cuts all included in the grind. When consumers say how well the TL grind tastes, they are eating steaks and value cuts, not just the garden variety scrap meat. And that is why it is so easy to sell for a better price than the city meat counter scrap product." Sell local. Most people have several thousand people who eat beef within a few miles of their ranch. That is the target. Do not...... do not try to market to the whole world until your local neighborhood has been saturated with lean TL clients. Most likely within 20 miles there are more consumers than any ranch could ever supply. The most valuable part of a steer is not the rib eye, the t-bone or the fillet. It

is jerky. Jerky sells on the counter at truck stops for $25 to $38 per pound. This doesn't come from tender expensive corn fed steers, but from lean, perhaps old lean cattle. Jerky is the largest mark up in the beef business. Wherever processing is done they should provide some extra value products and will often make a jerky product. When the numbers of the previous installment are considered, add some jerky product to the retail package. A batch of jerky weighing 50 lbs can easily increase the price received for a steer of another $800 even including the shrink and cost of smoking. Don't ever forget the valuable added by-product profit of jerky. -- continued on pg. 56

Texas Longhorn Trails

Preserving the Longhorn Legacy:

When you walk more significance into the University of in the works featurTexas’ residence ing Longhorns in halls, the scene is faaction. A simple miliar. Students talkportrait may have ing, studying, or been pleasing to grabbing a bite bethe eye, but Dr. fore class, parents Hoelting and the and new classmates students believed popping in for surthe magnitude of prise visits, and this initiative deherds of Longhorns served more than stampeding through just nice pictures of the brush. That’s Longhorns in a doBy Chris Nordahl Submitted by Betty Baker right, Longhorns tramestic setting. So it verse the hallways; was decided that Dr. Hoelting (a native of Nazareth, some in repose, some on the charge, all of the featured works would portray Texas) met several times with the stusome exploring the fringes of the great the wild legacy of the Longhorn, showdent leaders of the University Residence unknown, but all displaying the majesing the creatures in their natural enviHall Association and began discussing tic spirit their famous mascot “Bevo” ronments removed from the influence how the story of the Texas Longhorn has become known for. Now these may of western civilization, roaming free in could be brought directly to the Uninot be living, breathing Longhorns, but scenes meant to inspire epic stories in versity’s 7,500 residence hall students. they’re about as close as you can get. the mind of the viewer. Dr. Hoelting After much thought and discussion, Dr. UT’s residence halls and dining centers and the student leaders drew up a plan Hoelting and the URHA were ultiare home to the world’s largest collecand began contacting professional artist mately inspired by the giant paintings tion of Longhorn art; each of the 24 organizations, galleries, museums, and adorning the walls of museums, galpieces displaying the Longhorn in its the Texas Longhorn Breeders Associaleries, and the Texas State Capital. They natural habitat, roaming the wide open tion of America in 2001, looking for envisioned not just one, but a series of Texas grass ranges, plowing past the artists who might be interested in being massive, life-sized paintings depicting rugged brush, and hewing through the a part of this initiative, and thus, the the University of Texas’ beloved mascot. cactus country. The collection can be project was underway. They hoped these works would help to viewed at any time and is always open In its first year, the project was admitpreserve the legacy of the Texas Longto students, staff, faculty, alumni, and tedly off to a slow start. After making horn, breed exposure for artists whose the general public. contact with over 250 different artists work featured the storied creature, and In 1996, the Division of Housing and and galleries, Dr. Hoelting hosted the foster an even deeper sense of pride in Food Service’s new executive director, only 8 respondents in a campus resithe University’s heritage. Dr. Floyd Hoelting, began hearing that dence hall, to explain the project. AlDr. Hoelting and the students found residence hall students didn’t feel conthough Dr. Hoelting wasn’t sure what plenty of Longhorn portraits, but saw nected to the historic lore of their school’s mascot. The Longhorns were -- continued on pg. 57 chosen to embody UT in 1916, being recognized for their long and challenging journey from Andalusia Spain, across the Atlantic to the Greater Antilles, to Mexico, and finally up into The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! Texas after proliferating through all • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. types of climates and unforgiving ter• Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting rain in the 17th, 18th and 19th cen• Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation turies. University officials saw this • Vaccinate or deworm cattle perseverance and couldn’t think of a • Palpation gates W e’ve got w!hat better representative for the strength • Measure horns you need and tenacity of the state’s most presti• A.I. cows gious university. But the students already knew they were united by the The Official Chute of the line video of the TLBAA Horn Showcase Check out our onon simple image of the Longhorn, and our website! chute in action they wanted to know more. What stories did the Longhorns bring to Texas? What makes them so important to our Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194 state’s history? And what do they mean Check out our website - • • for us now and in the future?

Life-size Longhorn Murals Roam the Halls of Texas



March 2014


-- continued from pg. 54

imported? 4) Is it a good Beyond jerky is ring eating experience where the sausage, beef sticks, lunch kids don't cut off a lot of fat meats, summer sausage and or gristle and leave it on corned beef. Many processors their plate? Some have a offer a variety of these beef preference as to grass fed or by-products that add hungrain fed. That is your real dreds of dollars of profit per public. steer. Some make bologna As Texas Longhorn prowhich has a cheap image -ducers transfer part of the don't sell bologna. USDA has developed a A Texas Longhorn ranch public tour, western guest ranch or dude facility herd to a lean beef business grade for every beef carcass. can be a by-product business of the herd. This doesn't work with other cat- it isn't necessary to know every answer to ever quesGrading is a judgement call tle breeds which have less history and eye appeal. tion. In this series of articles based on the degree of careach reader has much more cass marbling (fat particles) choice is a good target and a realistic information than is necessary to get and degree of maturity. Each is graded goal. started, and to be very successful. into prime, choice, select and standard. With the promotion of USDA grade Think of the TL meat business like The prime and high choice are grades apcarcass qualities as a commercial mardriving a car in the dark -- you don't have proved for certified Angus beef. It is the keting tool, like many government ideas, to see the road clearly for many miles all very fattest grades. A poor milk cow with it has little bearing on freezer beef sales the way to home. Be happy to arrive a minimal fat cover would be on the or the consumer. Nearly 100% of the home safely following where the head lower end, graded as USDA standard. consumers do not understand the USDA lights point. Millions make it home every Good beef type Texas Longhorn steers technical grading system, can't recognize night only seeing a few hundred feet fed a good corn/grain ration for 100 to it on the meat counter, and don't care. down the road. 120 days and being processed at about The consumer never asks what USDA Process a few "bottom-enders" and 1250 lbs will consistently grade in the grade the beef is. What is important, and get started. The light will shine as bright low choice range. This range is not overly what they do ask is, 1) Is it all natural, no as you need, and get brighter as you go. fat, but enough finish to be tender and steroids, no hormones no chemical inan enjoyable eating experience. Low jections? 2) price? 3) Is it locally raised or

Russell E. Fairchild Birth Date: 7/12/69 Residence: Stephenville, TX Occupation: Real Estate, Property Managment Family: Daughter-Tori (16); Son-Dylan (13) Organizations: TLBAA, AQHA, Kappa Delta Rho Ranch Location: Stephenville, TX How Long Raising Longhorns: Since 1975 Member of TLBAA: 1984 Elected to the Board: January 2014 TLBAA Involvement The Last 12-24 Months: Horn Showcase Measuring Team Chair, Cattle Judge, Sale Consignor Reasons For Wanting To Serve On The Board Of Directors: To represent all members of the TLBAA and Region 9. I have a lifetime of experience with Longhorn cattle and the TLBAA. I enjoy serving and giving back to my passions.


Texas Longhorn Trails

-- continued from pg. 55

meeting as well, cementing Dr. Hoelting and the URHA’s commitment even further. Mrs. Steele’s pen and ink piece entitled “Legends in Training” was installed in the Jester East Legends Lounge in 2004, turning a single painting into the beginnings of an impressive collection. Since 2003, at least one new piece of Longhorn art has been added to the collection every year in a variety of mediums Rachel Cohen, Dr. Floyd Hoelting, Alfredo Castillo, Dr. David Hillis, Betty Baker, Chef Robert Mayberry, including oil, acrylic, Sherry Steele, Lyndy Benson watercolor, pen and ink, pastel and mixed media. through the brush and yucca towards a would come of the small meeting, the Each piece is reproduced using the gibreathtaking precipice nestled amongst support of artist Dalhart Windberg clee printing technique, which renders the rugged Big Bend country. Renowned strengthened his resolve. Mr. Windberg the brushstrokes and subtleties of the wildlife artist Sherry Steele expressed expressed his enthusiasm and agreed to original work with extreme accuracy, her support and willingness to concontribute a piece to the collection, ofpreserving its integrity and authenticity. tribute to the project during that first ficially making Dr. Hoelting and the URHA’s idea into a reality. -- continued on pg. 67 Installed in 2003, Mr. Windberg’s “West Texas Royalty” was the first piece to grace the walls of the University and at an impressive 9’ x 21’, it remains the collection’s largest piece, rivaled only by “Leading the Way” by Roger Iker installed in 2009, which measures 10’-6” x 15’-3”. Mr. Windberg’s oil piece displays three Longhorns perched atop a mesa in the Chisos Mountains, with a trail of 17 other Longhorns coming up

March 2014



Ooops.... In the January issue of the Trails, a photo was misidentified in the article, “Considering Longhorns... Let’s Start With Steers”. We apologize for the mistake.

Artist Sandra Stevens from Sugar Land, TX with her steer, Maverick, age 8.

Sandra Stevens pictured with her steers Cinco on left, age 17 and Maverick on right, age 8. “It’s all about love and trust,” says Sandra. Photos by Caroline SanchezMonge.

kindly We thank these folks for office. A BA TL the droppin’ in at



Joe & Stephanie Smith are from Brookland, AR. They have been Longhorn breeders since 2013. 1. How did you get started in the Texas Longhorn business? My Husband and I have always had roping steers but recently decided to get into the purebred business. We knew that Texas Longhorns would be the perfect breed for us. We love the nostalgia of the breed, their gentle nature, their adaptability to different climates and the fact that they make great Mommas! 2. What are a few highlights of your program. We went to our first show, the Louisiana State Fair, and had a great time. Our heifers performed well, and we met so many TLBAA members! We learned so much from the long time breeders and showmen. We are scheduled to attend our next show in March in Stillwater, OK. 3. Where is your Texas Longhorn program headed? Our program is really focused on quality. We purchased our first batch of heifers from the Head Family at Double H Longhorns in Angleton TX. We picked heifers that were bred well and ready to enter the show ring. We focused on heifers that we knew, with the right bull, would give us a great first crop of babies. We are using one of Kathy Kittler’s bulls this spring to breed to and are very excited to see the results!


1. Connie Ollive, Lufkin, TX with TLBAA’s Dana Comer; 2. Hannah Murphy, Mansfield FFA with Crystal Chambliss and Kevin Zabinski; 3. Ferris FFA: Advisor-Sarah Galloway, Bailey Bright; CEO Mike Coston; Jacob Dunnaway; Meghan Lovaas; Madison Connell; Hector Vasquez; Alexa Callender; Edwin Mata; Tracey Weldon & Advisor-Tracey Krueger


Texas Longhorn Trails

--continued from pg. 50

The NTLBA hosted our 2013 Holiday Extravaganza and Parade of Prospects in December at the Wise County Sherriff’s Posse Grounds in Decatur Texas. Although we had to reschedule the original date because of the North Texas icepocalypse we ended up having a very successful show, with more entries than the original Showing their calves at the NTLBA 2013 Holiday weekend!. This show is put on and run by the Extravaganza and Parade of Prospects S A X E T former Wise County Youth Project donated NORTH HORN heifer recipients and their families. They use G LON TION this show as a fundraiser for the North Texas A I C O S S Scholarship Fund, which has been awarding A scholarships to qualifying graduating seniors for 4 years. You can see a photo collection taken and posted compliments of Ryan Culpepper at Avery Roesler Kevin Rooker, Carson Tucker President Thanks Ryan!! (817) 692-7843 Don’t miss out on our 2014 Spring Show in Glen Rose Texas March 14, 15 and 16 at the Somervell County Expo Center. This is always a really fun event and one of the largest affiliate shows of the year. Information and downloadable entry forms can be found on our website: We look forward to seeing you there! It’s always rewarding to see one of our own passing along the wonderful traits and camaraderie of the amazing breed and association. Please consider offering an animal for lease to this new Longhorn Show Team that Shelby Rooker is just getting started in the North Texas area at Mansfield ISD. Many of you may remember Hannah Murphy, she “grew up” showing Longhorns as a part of the Ferris FFA Team, and has now graduated from college, become an Ag Teacher, and is now starting her own program. Here is their story: Under the direction of Ag teacher Hannah Murphy, Mansfield FFA has launched its very own Longhorn program. We are currently working under lease contracts, where the breeder leases a calf to a student for the year or show career of the animal, and pays for partial expenses of the student’s animal. This allows more non-traditional Ag students and students with financial instability opportunities to become involved and benefit from the vast scholarship opportunities of the Longhorn Associations. Growing up in the program, I have seen the profound changes being involved with Longhorns can make in a person. I myself went to my dream school, Texas A&M University, with virtually all expenses paid. Coming out of school and going into a career with no student loans or debt to pay off is such a blessing. It would have never been possible without my involvement with Longhorns. More than that, I believe the family atmosphere and support system of the people involved with raising and showing Longhorns saves students’ lives. I have seen kids who come from nothing find someone who takes an interest in them through the Longhorn program and totally turn around. Grades come up, they stop getting in trouble, and they start heading towards a future that always seemed out of reach before, simply because someone believed in them and gave them something of importance. Mansfield FFA Longhorn Show team currently consists of 3 students and 4 calves. However, I have around 15 students on a waiting list to join. We are looking for leased and/or donated calves. All animals are housed in the Ag barn and receive daily supervision. Contracts are negotiable as far as expenses covered, but since Mansfield FFA chiefly serves children with severe budget limitations, we are looking for some financial support for students involved. To join the team, students must apply and interview with Ag teachers and administration, and the current team gets to vote on who they want to join. It is an involved and extensive process, so breeders can rest assured that any students handling their cattle are very committed to the program and doing their best work. If you are interested in donating or leasing to our rapidly growing program, please contact Hannah Murphy at or 972-268-3630. To learn more about our affiliate, or to become a member, please visit our website at --continued on pg. 61


Send Us Your News!

Is your Longhorn Affiliate celebrating a big event, hosting a show, a sale or just having a monthly meeting? If so, spread the news to the entire TLBAA by submitting your information to the Trails each month. Don’t forget to send photos, if you have them. Simply email your information to the Trails, Laura Standley at or call her at (817) 625-6241. We want to hear from you to help spread the news about your local Texas Longhorn activities. March 2014


EXTRA! EXTRA! TLBAA Announcements TLBAA’S SPRING MADNESS SALE! NEW and IMPROVED FENCE SIGNS! Don’t miss our new, heavier duty, high quality fence signs. The new sign has porcelain enameled steel, making it much more durable. Order yours today! $30 + tax and shipping.

Call us crazy, but starting on March 1, 2014 until June 30, 2014, your registration department would like to offer you the registration deal of a lifetime: TLBAA’S Spring Madness Sale.

Register any animal between the ages of 15 months to 36 months for only $15.00…NORMALLY $25.00. You can contact Rick ( or Dana ( if you have any questions! Or call the office at (817) 625-6241.

Craig Perez Birth Date: 10/15/74 Residence: Comanche, OK Occupation: Rancher Ranch Location: Duncan, OK How Long Raising Longhorns: 10 years Member of TLBAA Since: 2004 Elected to the Board: 2012 TLBAA Involvement The Last 12-24 Months: Horn Showcase Committee, Miniature Longhorn Steering Committee, Trails Advisory Committee, Assist Lean Beef Committee Reasons For Wanting To Serve On The Board of Directors: Working to improve and expand the Registered Texas Longhorn breed and industry from the grass roots level in the coming year. I plan to push forward to enhance communication between Board Of Directors and membership. With the aid of the entire Board of Directors, work to impliment the wishes of the membership.


Texas Longhorn Trails

--continued from pg. 59

GHORN N O L S TEXA RS OF NEW E BREED EXICO M Ron Gentry, President (505) 64-1220

The Texas Longhorn Breeders of New Mexico will hold a two day, world sanctioned TLBAA show on May 3rd and May 4th. These halter, loose and youth shows will take place in Las Cruces, New Mexico giving everyone a chance to build up points just before the TLBAA 50th Anniversary Celebration Weekend. Show information can be obtained from Sylvia Johnson, show chairman, at 915-886-3410 or Terry Whalen at 505-238-8166 or Kristi Wilson will handle the youth entries and can be reached at 575-354-1210, Mark your calendar.

The Association has been busy during the winter months promoting the Texas Longhorn Breed and its members at agricultural events throughout the province. In November, our display booth was set up at Farm Fair International in Edmonton for a week with members speaking to people who were interested or inquired about Texas Longhorn cattle. In January the display booth was at the Canadian Bull Congress in Camrose where information was available for cattle breeders who were interested in the Texas Longhorns. Thank you to members Charlotte Beler, Chris Hepfner and Mike Donnelly who volunteered their time at these events to answer questions and hand out information literature to interested individuals. In November, Ron Walker held his Texas Longhorn & Ranch Horse Fall Select Sale at Oyen, Alberta. Even with the blizzard conditions on sale day, Ron had a large turnout of buyers attend his sale. Unfortunately due to the bad weather, some consigners could not get their cattle to the sale but overall Ron was pleased with the sale event. Sale averages included: S TEXA A T Mature Cows-11 head offered-$1,014.00 Yearling Heifers-8 head offered-$1,106.00 R E ALB GHORN Heifer Calves-4 head offered-$638.00 Bull Calves-5 head offered-$950.00 LON TION Commercial Longhorns-7 head offered-$836.00 Mature Steer-1 head offered-$ 500.00 A ASSOCI Crossbred Heifers-12 head offered-$1,133.00 Horses– Geldings-6 head offered-$5,167.00 Horses– Mare-1 head offered-$1,200.00 Ron donated a bred yearling heifer at his sale with proceeds from the ticket raffle going to the Ron Walker, President (403) 548-6684 Alberta Texas Longhorn Association. During the sale, $870.00 in raffle tickets had been sold. The winning raffle ticket was drawn by the auctioneer and Del & Chris Hepfner held the winning ticket. Del and Chris donated the heifer back to the Association where she was purchased for $1,200.00 by Arnold McKee. The amount this beautiful heifer raise for the Association totaled $2,070.00. The Association would like to extend a big thank you to Ron Walker for donating the bred heifer. Our Annual General meeting will be held in Olds, Alberta on February 22, 2014. We invite all members to attend where the Association operations will be discussed as well as member ideas and thoughts will be addressed. The Alberta Texas Longhorn Association’s 7th Annual Registered Select sale will be held Saturday March 29th at 3:00 p.m. at VJV Auctions in Ponoka, Alberta. For more information, please contact Mark Stewart at (403)357-9833 or for a catalogue contact the office at (780) 387-4874.

We have a Longhorn and exotic animal auction coming up in March 28-29 in Pierz, MN. Our members Guy and Barb Jarvi had a charitable branding party last fall. My father (Oliver Iverson) built a toy box out of Ash wood and SodaBrook Tack donated the leather SOTA E N N work. Our members branded the box to create the type of toy box I dreamed of as a child. It was I M AR T S H hard to T NOR NGHORNSociety. let it go. But all money raised from the auction and free will offering went to Children's Leukemia LO


Lee Iverson, President

Group photo from Jan. 2014 annual meeting Kimball, MN March 2014


photo courtesy of Trigg Moore

TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s Spring Calving: 1. Continue supplemental feeding as recommended. During the last 30-60 days of gestation, females require 1.8-2.0 pounds of total protein daily from grass and supplemental feeds to insure adequate fetal development and first milk production. During the first 3-4 months of lactation, nutrient requirements increase substantially. Warm season pasture grasses are dormant until mid-April and provide most of the energy needs, but limited protein, phosphorus and Vitamin A. Sufficient nutrients must be supplied to the lactating females in the form of protein and/or energy supplements as well as mineral and vitamin mixes to meet their nutrient requirements. Feeding 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent CP supplement, 4-6 pounds of a 30 percent CP supplement or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement per head per day should be adequate to meet most protein and energy needs. Choice of appropriate supplement (20 percent CP, 30 percent CP or 40 percent CP) should be based upon cheapest source of protein. Price per pound of protein may be determined by dividing the cost per pound of protein supplement by the percentage of crude protein in the supplement. A source of salt as well as a good commercial calcium:phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A should be available on a free choice basis. If your cows are thin in body condition or pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing, then feeding a medium (8-10 percent crude protein) hay free choice plus 2-3 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement


March - Herd Management Guide daily or approximately 15-20 pounds of a high quality (15-17 percent crude protein) hay per day will provide an excellent source of energy and protein for the females. If winter pasture is available, then the females should not need additional energy or protein supplementation. 2. Continue to check first-calf heifers (due to calve) and pregnant cows daily for possibility of calving difficulties. Remember, assistance usually is not necessary, but be prepared. The rate of gain of a dead calf is not real high! 3. Many females, especially first-calf heifers, do not produce sufficient colostrum (first milk containing vital antibodies for the calf) and there is no way of knowing how much the calf has nursed. Baby calf scours are typically the result of inadequate consumption of colostrum during the early hours of a calf’s life. Clean calving areas and proper attention to the newborn may reduce exposure to disease organisms and reduce incidence of scouring problems. Pay attention to detail. 4. Semen evaluate bulls. A standard breeding soundness exam should be conducted on all bulls prior to the start of the breeding season. 5. New bulls, if needed, should be purchased now, well ahead of the breeding season. Bulls should be allowed to acclimate to your ranch conditions. 6. Plan ahead to have sufficient breeding bulls to service all females. Mature bulls in single sire pastures should be able to service 30-50 females in a 60-90 day breeding season. Young yearling bulls can be excellent breeders, but reduce the

number of females per bull to 15-25 head and limit the breeding season to 60 days. Special attention to maintaining good nutritional condition of the young bulls is needed. Yearling bulls should only run with other yearling bulls in multi-sire pastures. Older bulls will tend to establish a social dominance over young bulls, creating potential problems. 7. After calving and before breeding, vaccinate all cows for leptospirosis. Consult your veterinarian about the need to also vaccinate for vibriosis and anaplasmosis.

Fall Calving: 1. Continue supplemental feeding program until good spring grass is available and calves are weaned. Lactating cows grazing dormant range grass require approximately 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent range cube or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent range cube daily to meet their protein requirement. If winter pasture is available, forage intake should be sufficient to meet nutrient requirements of lactating females. 2. Vaccinate all heifer calves between 4 and 10 months of age for brucellosis. 3. As weaning is approaching, consider routine calf management while the calves are still on their dams to reduce stress often associated with weaning. Calves should be vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBRP13-BVD and de-wormed. Bull calves should be castrated prior to weaning. 4. Consider limited creep feeding (16 percent crude protein) for calves nursing older cows, first-calf heifers, or any calves needing additional nutrition. Texas Longhorn Trails












March 2014













Texas Longhorn Trails










Registrations and Transfers from January 1, 2013 to January 31, 2013

Division A

Division B (cont.)

Division B (cont.)

Division C

Stringer Ranches Ron A. Walker Scott Hughes Dora Thompson Wil-O-Vic Cattle Co. Circle E Longhorns Kathy Kittler Tom A. Smith Aaron Adkins Double D Arena Dave Hovingh TTT Longhorns Farmer Cattle Co. Hudson Longhorns Meridian Longhorns Triple R Ranch Anna & Alexander Leichtenstern Jim Steffler Paolo (Paul) A. Valle Allemand Ranches Eugene C. Helmstetter Herb D. Hoover Mark and Tina Stewart Matthew J. Durkin Nor-Tex Cattle Ron & Donna Garison Mark Hubbell Panther Creek Ranch Steve & Carol Marr Aubrey Pigg Brian and Mary Stahl Calvin Deemer Douglas Procknow Frank Henderson Hoosier Longhorns Jeremy & Sarah Edwards Jody Shaw Leonard or Doris Boyd Mark, Darryl, Keith Christenson Dustin & Missy Cothern Allen S. Brantley Clinton Bezan Deborah Slaughter Dorothy Ammerman Ed and Becky Dingledine J.H. Graham Marie Galloway Nancy Mindlin One Tree Ranching Co. LTD Ray & Donnah Stavig Royal Heritage Farm Shawn & Cathy Norton Sun Creek Ranches Wilson Miller

Brian Brett Cap Rock Gap Ranch David Ritchey Joe Tillman M. A. Vanek Bruce and Connie Ollive John Oliver JP Ranch K&T Longhorns Ohlendorf Land & Cattle Co., LLC Steven Zunker Aaron L. & Laurie Smith Davis Green H & L Ranch Lee and Linda Blackwell Rocking 'O' Ranch Star Creek Ranch Vincent T. Girolamo Allen Weihrich Cactus Rose Longhorns Chris & Lisa Parker Johnny L. Ray Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D. Greg & Amy Franks Clarence & Jeanette Harabis Deer Creek Longhorns Fred W. Smith Greg and Sandy Jameson John R. Randolph Lloyd (Speedy) La Fond LS Ranches, Incorp. Mark & Kerri Terrell Victorea Luminary Frank Anderson, Jr. Larry Ginn Steve and Rene' Azinger Tommy Mulhollan Brown's Longhorns Daniel L Harabis Dick and Cheryl Curry George and Cindy Dennis James Todd Sanford JDub Squared Ranch LNL Longhorns Margie J. Powell Matt Hill Richard James Filip Robert & Maria Whitaker Rugged Cross Ranch Stacy, Andy & Tiffany Martinez Armand Ranch Cooper Read La Pistola Cattle Co L Bar C Longhorns Raymond Chislett Tom & Maurice Gibbs Triple R Ranch Wes and Carol Chancey 4W Ranch Asa & Joan Gamble Bruce & Karen Fisher Chase Vasut

Circle Double C Ranch Cloud 9 Longhorns Donnie Taylor Doug and Sandy Stotts Dr. Juan M. Gonzalez Edwin & Debra Stojanik El Coyote Ranch Elias F. Hal Meyer, Jr. Eric & Anna Redeker French Land & Cattle LTD Gary and Nancy Martin Gary & Margie Huddleston Gary Warren Helm Cattle Company Hickman Longhorns Inc James & Pia Eyman Jim & Bethany Rosebrock John and /or Judy Coats John & Judy Moore John & Kelly Yeates Ken Kretzschmar Kevin and Laureen Rooker Kurt Twining Leslie Cook Lonzo Tomerlin Michael A. Fine Mikeal Beck Rockin 4 B Russell E. Fairchild Ryan M. Culpepper Stan & Mary Hall Tawnya Dykstra-Soto Terry and Sherri Adcock Tim Wright Tom Christopher Tud Rosin Krier Van Ned Granger William Babler B&H Longhorns

Carole Muchmore Mike & Debbie Bowman Alexandra Dees Luebbering Farms, LLC David & Kimberly Nikodym Grant & Jane Miller JBR Longhorns, LLC Melissa McClain Moyer Land and Cattle Oren & Dianna O'Dell Red and Suzann Riter Semkin Longhorns Debra Mason J Bar J Longhorns, LLC Chad & Janell Smith Cully & Lita Sila Donnie and Rita Ramer Great Ideas, LLC Jim & Ranae Roberts Kenneth J. & Valerie J. Webb Marc Sacre Pace Cattle Company Robert and Jenny Smoot Ryan Welch Shooting Star Ranch Stompin Brush Farm Tyler Reil Warren Ehrisman 4C Ranch Co. Daniel & Angelina Fey David Roberts Kent & Sandy Harrell Larry &/or Mary Ann Long Randy and Jamie Briscoe Tom and Molly St. Hilaire Art Anders Billy & Audrey Doolittle Craig Perez Curtis and Donna Hoskins Doug and Cheryl Ackerman Dr. G.T. Bohmfalk Gregg or Sandra Lynn Sherwood Jim Freeman, Jr. Joe Gibbons Joel and Tamara Kuntz Joe Muse Joseph Sedlacek Mary Ann, and or Ron Nolde M W Ranch Neil Glasgow Paul & Patti Gilbreth Ricky Von and Jacquelyn J. Nutt Robert A. or Julie A.G. Balzan Robert & Lisa Van Liew Rockin' J Longhorns Sonoita Longhorns, LLC Todd and Kelli McKnight

Division B Mike and Kim MacLeod Ronnie & Jackie Mullinax Trey Whichard Stan or Raelynn Stephens


Division C Fort Robinson Marlin and or Vickie Krump Dave Hodges Bill and Judy Meridith Thate Cattle Co Shamrock Land & Cattle, LLC Ray, Kale & Julie Williams Anchor D Ranch Larry Davis Big Valley Longhorns Safari B Ranch Kerry and Nancee Mounce Tri-W Longhorn Cattle Co. Tumbleweed Line Dee & Janet Huntley Bob & Pam Loomis Kasi Dick Jordan Ranch Brett Bartlett

Texas Longhorn Trails

-- continued from pg. 57 All the paintings remain true to the collection’s original intent, portraying the Longhorn in its natural environment free from human influence. Dr. Hoelting and his staff believe learning doesn’t simply end outside the doors of the classroom, so intentional programs such as the Longhorn Art Series are an inherently important aspect of residence hall living. Panels are installed near each piece explaining the history of the scene, the artist’s background, the medium and techniques used to craft the work, the history of the Longhorn and additional information on the Longhorn’s significance. For instance, a panel in Prather residence hall reads, “The Texas Longhorn is a symbol of free ranges and wide-open possibilities, of the fierce, independent people who created this state and this union. As the chosen mascot for this university, the Longhorn embodies the strength, the fortitude and the drive that our students need to forge their own paths into the future.” These panels are an integral part of the learning environment Dr. Hoelting wishes to create in his dining halls and residence centers, highlighting an intersection between art, history, biology and University pride in a place where students feel at home. Just one look at these enormous pieces can inspire a surge of epic storylines in the mind’s eye of the viewer, harkening back to wild stampedes, wide open spaces amongst the brush and cactus, and the great cattle drives of the 1860s-1890s where the Longhorns earned their reputation for survival, athleticism, strength, and stamina. The pieces show landscapes and action shots that bring the multifaceted character of the Longhorn to life, displaying the animal’s impressive power, its nurturing demeanor, and its indomitable spirit. The grand residence halls’ common lounges and dining centers have proven to be the perfect venue for these works as viewers are encouraged to make themselves at home, contemplate the towering murals, and create their own tales of the Longhorn’s monumental journey to be added to the animal’s historic legend. 2014 sees the installation of a new work by Lyndy Benson entitled “Red River Crossing,” the 24th addition to March 2014

the Longhorn Art Series, officially making the University of Texas home to the world’s largest collection of Longhorn art. Mr. Benson spent his youth working on ranches in Arizona, Wyoming, and Texas and now brings firsthand knowledge and an impeccable eye for detail to his beautiful paintings of America’s west. “Red River Crossing” depicts a cattle drive in progress, paying tribute to the vigor and endurance of Texas’ Longhorns. The Department of Housing and Food Service recently hosted a well-attended reception in the Jester East Lobby to celebrate Mr. Benson’s addition to the collection, featuring Longhorn themed refreshments, a meet-and-greet with the artist, and talks from various faculty, historians, and speakers. Today, the Longhorn Art Series is a well-respected fixture of the University life, as students can often be found gathered around a painting while studying, visiting with friends, or taking in the arresting beauty and significance of

the work. The paintings have frequently provided gorgeous backdrops for group photos of alumni, parents, student organizations and are a popular stop for University visitors. Each piece is powerful and affecting in its own way and every piece serves to foster a sense of pride in the students, faculty, staff, and University visitors who walk by each day. Just like the student body that shares their nickname, the Texas Longhorns are strong, intuitive, adventurous, survivors and magnificent creatures that have a touching effect on all people. The project has proven to be a labor of love for Dr. Hoelting and the residence hall students and they remain on the lookout for new works to be added to the collection. They hope the collection will continue to grow for years to come, honoring the heritage and history of the great Texas Longhorn. The Longhorn Art Series can be previewed at =0&id=6057

July 2014 will be the A.I. Sire Directory!

See pg. 69 for important info about submitting updated sire photos!

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Save The Date!


MARCH 2014

APR 12 • Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association Spring Sale, Broken Bow Livestock, Broken Bow, NE. Rodger Damrow (402) 423-5441

MAR 1 • Cattle Baron’s Premier Sale, Mid-Tex Auction Barn, Navasota, TX. TLBGCA. Steve Azinger (713) 823-5371, Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259,

APR 18-19 • Cherry Blossom Sale, Culpeper, VA; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or

MAR 1-2 • San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, San Angelo, TX; Dennis Urbantke (325) 656-9321 or For entries: Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MARCH 3-4 • Dona Ana Longhorn Show, Dona Ana Country Fairgrounds, Las Cruces, NM. Sylvia Johnson (915) 886-3420. Two Shows-Two Sets Of Points. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MARCH 7-9 • Austin Star of Texas Show, Travis County Expo Center, Austin, TX. Louis Christa, Chair (210) 863-7003 or Non-haltered trophy steer show. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MAR 8-9 • Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Houston, TX. Liz Nessler (817) 625-6241 or Qualifying Haltered & Youth. MAR 14-16 • Glen Rose North Texas Spring Show, Glen Rose, TX. Kevin Rooker (817) 692-7843 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MAR 14-15 • Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale X, Grapevine, TX; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or

APR 25-26 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or

MAY 2014 MAY 2-3 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale and Premier Heifer Sale, Johnson City, TX. Alan & Teresa Sparger,,, (210) 445-8798 MAY 3-4 • Dona Ana Longhorn Show, Dona Ana County Fairgrounds, Las Cruces, NM. Sylvia Johnson (915) 886-3410. Two sets of points. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

MAY 9-11 • TLBAA 50th Aniversary Celebration Weekend, Fort Worth, Texas MAY 16-17 • Millennium Futurity, Glen Rose, TX; TLMA (512) 556-0300 or

JUNE 2014

MAR 21-23 • Stillwater Shootout, Stillwater, OK. Steve & Bodie Quary (405) 567-3093 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

JUNE 7 • 2014 Longhorn Ranch Sale & Social, Yamhill, OR. Contact: Daniel Fey (503) 349-7866 or

MAR 22 • First Annual Blue Ridge Ranch Sale, Llano, TX. John Marshall (713) 398-5024 or Bubba Bollier, Ranch Manager (325) 247-6249

JUNE 11-15 • 2014 Autobahnanza, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110 or

MAR 27 • South Texas State Fair Longhorn Show, Ford Fairgrounds, Beaumont, TX. Sec.- Carolyn Abney (409) 284-9881 or ChairmanLee Hall (409) 720-7588. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

JUNE 20-21 • Winchester Futurity of the North, Gibson County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IN. Scott Simmons – or (618) 610-1921 or Deanna Sanders – or (618) 780-5365

MAR 27 • Alberta Texas Longhorn Association’s 7th Annual Registered Select Sale, VJV Auctions, Ponoka, Alberta. Mark Stewart (403) 357-9833 or (780) 387-4874


MAR 28 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale, TX. Sandi Nordhausen & Suzanne Torkildsen (956) 793-5484. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

AUG 6-9 • TLBAA World Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Liz Nessler (817) 625-6241 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

MAR 28-29 • Minnesota North Star Texas Longhorn Association Exotic Animal & Longhorn Sale, Pierz, MN. Lee

AUG 30 • Butler Breeders Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355

MAR 29 • B&C Show Me Sale, Brookfield, MO. Bill Sayre (660) 258-2973

APRIL 2014 APR 4

• Southeastern Winchester Futurity, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Terry King – or (850) 956- 4154

APR 4-5 • Hudson-Valentine Spring Invitational Texas Longhorn Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 393-2012 APR 11-13 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Brenham, TX; Steven Head or (979) 5495270. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. APR 11-12 • Red River Longhorn Sale, Loomis Arena(Fri.) & Red River Sale Barn(Sat.), Overbrook, OK. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or APR 11-12 • Longhorns & Lace Benefit & Sale, Loomis Arena(Fri.) & Red River Sale Barn(Sat.), Overbrook, OK. Molly Clubb (319) 269-8903 or Jaymie Feldmann (319) 239-2662 or Tessa Millsap (254) 315-6548.


SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPT 12-13 • Hill Country Heritage Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. (325) 668-3552 or (713) 305-0259 SEPT 27 • B&C Show Me Sale, Brookfield, MO. Bill Sayre (660) 258-2973

OCTOBER 2014 OCT 4 • 6th Annual Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Sale & TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measuring, Turnersburg Livestock Market, Turnersburg, NC. Carl Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC or (336) 667-5452 OCT 18 • Marquess Arrow Production Sale, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron & Barbara or (903) 833-5810 Ranch or (903) 570-5199 Ron. OCT 24-26 • Ark-La-Tex Annual Fall Show, George Henderson Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (409) 414-1401 or Bobbye DuBose (409) 384-8120. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

Texas Longhorn Trails

"Course people today are not what they used to be. Shoot, I knew some of those old men, and some of the women, who were pretty tough. They were good people, but if you talked to them like people talk to one another now, they would hurt you. I guarantee they would hurt you." -- continued from pg. 42

started running up, and everybody worried about what he'd do. Well, he stopped about 12 feet from me, put his head up in the air and just looked around as if to say, 'Look at me and what I did.” Texas Star is featured on the Phillips' business card, and his head mount overlooks the family room. His colorful hide hangs on the wall. When the TLBAA was organized in 1964, Phillips was one of the first to sign up. He became President in 1964 and served two terms. Carolyn kept the books in their office, mailed out letters and registered cattle. "We had some pretty heated discussions at our meetings back then, " laughs Phillips, "but we always went away friends." Phillips received the Elmer Parker award in 1987 for the preservation and promotion of the Texas Longhorn breed. "I used to go up to the Refuge and help with the cattle. Elmer Parker was quite a horseman. He was one of the best cowboys I ever rode with." Phillips is quite a horseman himself. In July, he and his grandson traveled to Colorado for the Cripple Creek Trail Drive. Jack rode point just as he'd dome many times before. On a wall in the family room, is a photo of Graves Peeler, Jack and Fred Sommers. "That was the last time we were together.

Gold N Rule Sittin Bull

Max Caliber Coach

Mountain Home, Texas

1-800-YO RANCH Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA

Would you like extra copies of the 2014 TLBAA calendar? Get yours before they are gone! $15 plus s/h. Call the office to order yours today.

(817) 625-6241

March 2014

They were here for our annual trail drive when we took the cattle to the coast to winter. The trip took about 2-1/2 days, and we'd spend two nights out. We always took my kids and a bunch of other kids, and we'd have a lot of fun," says Jack. The last drive was in 1969 but then the traffic got too bad. Phillips still winters the cattle on the coast, but now they are trucked there. He takes his crossbreds, and younger Longhorn females. "That old salt grass is strong. The marsh will flood with high tide, leaving mineral there that's not natural on the grass here. In a normal winter, they'll grow bone and size and their horns will grow good." On the front porch is a huge steer skull– "Old Lead". This is the steer that led the Phillips' cattle to the coast for 18 years. "He knew every turn, lane, and camp spot between here and there. I'd leave him on the Coast, and he'd lead the herd back in the Spring." At 84, Jack is still riding point on his herd at West Columbia. His daughters, Thelma Thompson and Linda Carol Hold, have their own cattle. His son, John, has taken over part of the load at Battle Island Ranch, and grandsons are coming on – the fifth generation to take care of Longhorn cattle. So folks can rest assured, the Texas Longhorn on the Gulf Coast is in good hands. It's in the blood!

IT’S COMING!! July issue Trails The

of the

magazine will fea-

ture the TLBAA AI Sire Directory!

If you would like to update your certified AI Sire for this year, please send the photos to The required size of the photos should be 3” x 4” at 300 dpi. This size ensures good quality photos to be used in the upcoming issue. Deadline for new AI sire photo submission will be May 1, 2014. 69



JoelAuctioneer Lemley P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506

325-668-3552 TX. License 15204

Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX

DORA THOMPSON just registered 38 QUALITY HEIFERS and 17 HERD SIRE prospects BRED FOR HORN. We specialize in Hunts Command Respect and McGill Ranch genetics and offer young stock at reasonable prices. We have a Farlap Chex son on a herd of straight Butlers. Sand Hills Ranch is 20 mi. off the TX line in Northwest Louisiana below Shreveport. A large herd (approx. 175 mama cows) promises you plenty of variety. • Tel (318) 872-6329



CATTLE FOR SALE ELITE TEXAS LONGHORNS FOR SALEDale Hunt - (402) 214-4851. BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961,

THATE Cattle Company

Cell: (254) 396-5592 Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532

Owner/Broker 936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email:

SEMEN FOR SALE LONGHORN SEMEN – Phenomenon, Emperor, DH Red Ranger, Tempter, JP Rio Grande, WS Jamakism, Working Man Chex, VJ Tommie and more. John Oliver 972-268-0083 or


Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota

(507) 235-3467

March Winds.... cheerfully blow in the continuing good facts that surround the Flying D Ranches reputation for top quality, gentle, healthy Texas Longhorn Cattle... • our new SPRING TIME SPECIAL will highlight beautiful trophy steers that will become unforgettable front pasture traffic stoppers. • Another new addition to our sales program is reasonably priced “starter herds” of 5 to 10 heifers plus a bull with correct genetics for the heifers. To schedule a ranch tour or just talk Longhorns, call:

Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, Texas • 281-356-8167 281-356-2751 Fax •


Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory” (972) 268-0083

LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains (918) 855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK

For information, visit or read the Trails Magazine!


TRADE & BARTER TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380. WE HAVE JUBAL JANGLER AND VANIZM HEIFERS, also ranch raised, young, well-bred AQHA Quarter Horses we will trade for your Registered Longhorn steers, bulls, etc. Save your cash for hay. Call (785) 447-9132 McIntyre Ranches -


LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell or YOU CALL - I HAUL!

TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388

Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Texas Longhorn Trails




Lazy J Longhorns............................................63 Lazy A Ranch ..................................................65 Lemley Longhorns ........................................65 Lightning Longhorns ....................................64 Little Ace Cattle Co...........................................8 Lone Wolf Ranch............................................64 Lonesome Pines Ranch ................................45 Longhorns & Lace Sale..................................29 B Longhorn Designs..........................................57 Bar H Ranch....................................................63 Loomis, Bob & Pam................................15, 21 Beadle Land & Cattle................................8, 63 Bentwood Ranch............................................23 M Big Valley Longhorns ....................................63 Billingsley Longhorns....................................65 Marquess Arrow Ranch........................64, IBC Blue Mountain Longhorns ..........................59 Martens, Ron & Judy ....................................53 Blue Ridge Ranch ..........................................BC McLeod Ranch ..................................................8 Box Z Ranch................................................8, 65 Midwest Longhorn Sale..........................12-13 Brett Ranch ......................................................64 Miller, Tim ......................................................63 Broken W Ranch ............................................64 Moriah Farms ............................................9, 64 BT Farms ..........................................................64 Buckhorn Cattle Co.......................................64 N Bull Creek Longhorns............................35, 64 Butler Breeders ..............................................8-9 Northbrook Cattle Co...................................64 Adcock, Terry & Sherri ..................................65 Adkins, Aaron & Clay ....................................21 Almendra Longhorns....................................63 American Livestock Magazine ....................53 Anderson, Frank Jr. & III..............................8-9 Autobahnanza ................................................31

C Caballo Bravo Longhorns ............................63 CedarView Ranch....................................23, 63 Champion Genetics ......................................67 Dalgood Longhorns ........................................9

D DCCI Equipment ..........................................69 Deer Creek Longhorns..................................65 Detweiler, Henry & Rhoda ..........................54 Diamond D Ranch........................................19 Diamond Q Longhorns ..............................64 Double LB Longhorns ..........................57, 65 Doug Hunt Longhorns ................................65

E Eagles Ridge Longhorns..................................9 El Coyote Ranch................................................1 End of Trail Ranch ........................................63

F 5D Ranch ........................................................65 First Financial Bank........................................47 Flying Diamond Ranch ................................64 Flying H Longhorns ......................................64

G G6 Longhorns ................................................64

H Haltom Hollar Ranch ............................54, 63 Harrell Ranch ....................................................9 Helm Cattle Co. ............................................64 Hickman Longhorns ....................................65 Hodges, Dave..................................................64 Horseshoe J Longhorns ................................21 Hubell Longhorns..........................................21 Hudson Longhorns ....................................3, 5 Hudson-Valentine Spring Inv. Sale........10-11


Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)

Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or (Email entries should include address.) Please specify which month your caption is for.

P P&C Cattle Pens..............................................21 Panther Creek Longhorns........................2, 63 Pearl Longhorn Ranch ..................................65 PJ’s Cattle Company ........................................8

R R & R Ranch ....................................................64 Red River Longhorn Sale..............................28 Registered Texas Longhorn Beef..................47 Rio Vista Ranch ................................................8 Rocking G Ranch..............................................9 Rockin I Longhorns ..................................9, 65 Rocking P Longhorns ......................................8 Rocky Mountain Longhorns ......................63 Rolling D Ranch ............................................63 Running Arrow Farm ....................................67

S Photo courtesy of Tammi Koltveit. 7 Bar Longhorns ............................................64 7D Longhorns ................................................63 Safari B Ranch ................................................64 Sand Hills Ranch ......................................7, 63 Semkin Longhorns ........................................64 Sidewinder Cattle Co.......................................9 Silver T Ranch..................................................53 Singing Coyote Ranch ..................................65 Smith, Jean ....................................................64 Smith Longhorns............................................21 SS Longhorns..................................................64 Stotts Hideaway Ranch ................................65

T Tallgrass Cattle Co. ........................................17 Texas S Longhorns ........................................65 TLBA Foundation ..........................................45 TLBAA 50th Anniversary IFC, 25, 39, 41, 43 TLBAA Membership......................................72 TLBAA World Show ......................................33 Trinity Creeks Ranch......................................35 Triple R Ranch (MI) ......................................63 Triple R Ranch (TX)..........................................9


JBR Longhorns................................................63 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ..........................65 Underwood Longhorns................................63 Jack Mountain Ranch....................................65 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co...................................9 W Johnston Longhorns ....................................64 Just Little Bull Cattle Co...................................57 Walker, Ron ....................................................65 Westfarms, Inc...................................................8 White Pine Ranch ..........................................21 K Wichita Fence..................................................55 Khaos Cattle Company....................................21 Woodson School Ranch ..............................64 King, Terry & Tammy ................................21, 63 Kittler Land & Cattle Co...........................23, 63 Y YO Ranch ........................................................69 March 2014

Just For Grins

FEBRUARY PHOTO FIRST-PLACE WINNER: “Come on. Come on, Just one kiss?!”

Wendy Hastings, Art, TX ◆ HONORABLE MENTION: “Could you find my mama? I need milk.” Ralph Gerdes, Brighton, IL

Coming Next Month:

Youth Issue 71

Join Us! We’re Growing Fast!

a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.

In 1964,

the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.


The Advantages of Membership Include:

★ State of the art Registration Department to maintain five ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine.

★ Educational Web site. ★ Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.

★ Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. H.O.R.N.S. – Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. ★ Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. ★ Mail-in voting for regional directors.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE! Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388

TLBAA Membership Application

MEMBERSHIP NUMBER _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Please draw your brand inside the box exactly as you wish to be recorded.

Reading of Brand _______________________

Name:______________________________________________________ Other Name: ________________________________________________

New Active Member*


Address: ___________________________________________________

Renewal Active Member


City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________ Home Phone: (

)______________Office Phone: (


Ranch Phone: (

)______________Fax Number: (





Lifetime Member Website Address: ____________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS:




Check or Money Ord.

New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) **


New/Renewal Outrider (Associate Member) (pays Non-Member rates for animal work)


Monthly Breed Publication (Texas Longhorn Trails)


Card No.:___________________________________________________ Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________ Referred by:_________________________________________________

**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___

All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.

* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $60 US address or $75 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.


Texas Longhorn Trails

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