Texas Longhorn Trails
January 2016 | 1
2 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
2 | January 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
January 2016 | 3
MARCH 2016
12 Longhorn Weekend Wrap-up
12 Longhorn Weekend 2016
Overview of events held in conjunction with the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo by Myra Basham
A NIGHT OF HONORS Hall of Fame Inductions and Year End Awards by Nik Nikodym
18 Wood Cowtown Classic 20 Eddie Sale Results AFFILIATE PRINCE & PRINCESS Announcing the Winners
Fort Worth Stock Show Champions
SHOW RESULTS Show Results will now be a regular feature
Vol. 27 • No. 11
Departments 6 Editor’s Note
10 Officers & Directors
24 TLBT Letter
30 Memoriams
32 Affiliate News
34 Herd Management
37 In the Pen
38 Show Reults
26 28 Use Body COndition As A Management Tool 34 New Breeder Profile: Rockin’ Hil NTLBA Holiday Extravaganza By Scotty O’Bryan
By Heather Smith Thomas
Meet the Tucker Hilbert family
63 Index
63 Just For Grins
64 Calendar
About the Cover: During Longhorn Weekend members came together for the annual General Membership Meeting, experienced the first Hall of Fame induction, participate in the Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale and enjoy the Youth and Open Longhorn Shows as well as the historic Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. 4 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Past, Present & Future One of the highlights of the 2016 Texas Longhorn Weekend was listening to the family members of the Hall of Fame inductees talk about how the history of the Texas Longhorn and their own family history intertwined. It was fascinating facts and stories from the past, as well as encouragement for those breeders fortunate enough to hear them speak to continue on with Texas Longhorns and ensure these special animals have a place in their own families’ future. The general membership meeting, TLBAA Board meeting and the Longhorn shows at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo served to illustrate the present interest in Longhorns and a passion for ensuring the future of the breed. From strong concerns voiced by our membership to a thirst for any information we could give the information desk to hand out, the Texas Longhorn is far from a fading fancy. Our April issue will focus on the future of the breed - our youth. The next generation of Longhorn owners need to be nourished, encouraged and shown what a positive impact involvement with these special cattle can have. We not only want to showcase the youth involved with showing Longhorns, but all youth involved in ownership and care of them. You may wonder at the number of Show Results pages in this issue. A decision was made to return to publishing show results as we did in the past. It was decided that we would catch up through the Fort Worth Stock Show in this issue and then following issues will contain show results as they happen. We hope our show crowd will appreciate their return. One thing I remember about our magazine that has all but disappeared are congratulation and encouragement/good luck ads to the TLBT youth. They were fun ads to see and I am often asked why people don’t do that any more. Good question. If you want to encourage the youth showing your cattle, give us a call. Looking to the future, we are continuing to work on new ideas for the Trails to better serve our membership and to meet the goal of informing readers about all aspects of the Texas Longhorn. We are always open to story ideas or submissions. You can e-mail me with ideas or comments any time - myra@tlbaa.org. Blessings!!
Myra Basham DEADLINE: May/June 2016 Issue:
Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief
April 15th
Spring Sales/Brood Cows 6 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
(817) 625-6241 817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 trails@tlbaa.org www.tlbaa.org
Editor in Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 108 • myra@tlbaa.org trailseditor@tlbaa.org Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising Sales Manager: Lindsay Maher • Ext. 109 lindsay@tlbaa.org Graphic Design & Production: Joshua Farias • Ext. 117 joshua@tlbaa.org
Registrations Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org Accounting Elaine Bauman • Ext. 121 elaine@tlbaa.org Special Events Amy Weatherholtz • Ext. 104 amy@tlbaa.org
Printed in the U.S.A. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net
Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa 2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com Louis (210) 863-7003 Jason (210) 232-1818
Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane • Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110 Ray.Beadle@gapac.com
McLeod Ranch Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com
Falls Creek Longhorns Stanley & Sandi Tidwell 2330 W. FM 875 • Midlothian, TX 76065 (972) 989-8939 cell Russell Hooks, Herd Manager (409) 381-0616
LL LonghornsNeil & Cynthia Hall 1414 Thorton Rd. • Houston, TX 77018 (206) 574-8950 www.lllonghorns.com cynthia@lllonghorns.com
Westfarms Inc. Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450 • Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com
Jack Mountain Ranch Hal & Betty Meyer 8000 Mount Sharp Rd. • Wimberley, TX 78676 (512) 422-4681 cell (512) 842-1116 halmeyer@hotmail.com
Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 S. Rosemary Dr. • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com
Sidewinder Cattle Co. Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd. • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com
Rockin I Longhorns Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N • Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 tmangold@sbcglobal.net www.rockinilonghorns.com
Dalgood Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman 6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422 dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
DuBose Bar D Ranch Keith & Tina DuBose P.O. Box 370 • Ben Wheeler, TX 75754 (979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com www.dubosebard.com
This space is available for your ranch listing! Call Trails magazine: (817) 625-6241
17 13 18
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Division A ~ Regions 1-6
Executive committee
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
Chairman of the Board: Tom Matott • (303) 500-9465
Secretary/Parliamentarian: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844
Executive Vice Chairman: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035
Treasurer: Mark Hubbell • (269) 838-3083
1st Vice Chairman: Alex Dees • (805) 300-4617
Director: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493
2nd Vice Chairman: Kathy Kittler • (501) 690-0771
Director: LD McIntyre • (308) 750-8384
Division B ~ Regions 7-12
Division C ~ Regions 13-18
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Mark Hubbell
Keith DuBose
David Roberts
(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com
(573) 406-9868 robertslonghorns@live.com
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Ken Morris
John Parmley
David “Nik” Nikodym
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
Region 13 - Director
Jeff Jespersen
Lana Hightower
(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@gmail.com
(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com
(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com
(903) 681-1093 glcattleco@aol.com
(405) 227-7127 bardies@hotmail.com
L.D. McIntyre
(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com
Region 2 - Director
Region 8 - Director
Region 14 - Director
Nelson Hearn
Gwen Damato
Todd McKnight
(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com
(817) 304-1665 diamondglonghorns@yahoo.com
(620) 704-3493 tmck7@ckt.net
Region 3 - Director
Region 9 - Director
Region 15 Director
Tom Smith
Russell E. Fairchild
David Edwards
(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com
(254) 485-3434 fairchildranch@yahoo.com
(918) 557-0364 dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com
Region 4 - Director
Region 10 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Aaron Adkins
Gary Bowdoin
Tom Matott
(704) 490-9208 doublealonghorns@gmail.com
(254) 640-0844 run4funbow@aol.com
(303) 500-9465 tom@rockymountainlonghorns.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Region 17 - Director
Terry King
Larry Smith
Alex Dees
(850) 299-6875 tklonghorns@centurylink.net
(281) 935-2811 texasslonghorns@aol.com
(805) 300-4617 atdees@aol.com
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
Region 18 - Director
Kathy Kittler
Bill Torkildsen
Chris Herron
(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967 Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969 J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971 Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973 James Warren 1973-1975 J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977 J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978 John R. Ball* 1979-1980
10 | March 2016
Bill Anthony* 1981-1982 Dr. L.V. Baker 1982-1984 Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark 1984-1986 Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988 John T. Baker 1988-1990 Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992
(979) 249-4255 torkildsenwh@yahoo.com
Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995 Tim Miller* 1995-1998 Sherman Boyles 1998-2003 Bob Moore* 2003-2005 Joel Lemley 2006-2007 Ben Gravett* 2007
Dr. Fritz Moeller 2007-2009 Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010 Robert Richey 2010 Steven Zunker 2010-2011 Brent Bolen 2011-2012 Bernard Lankford 2012-2013 Todd McKnight 2013-2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
(909) 721-7577 chris@herronconstructioninc.com
TLBAA EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 semkinlonghorns@mindspring.com Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 doublehelix@att.net Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 fserna@elcoyote.com John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 jtb2@earthlink.net Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
Longhorn Weekend 2016 Cold temperatures were no match for the warmth and enthusiasm of TLBAA members as they came to Fort Worth for five days of meetings, socializing and shows.
The weekend started early Friday morning with members arriving and unloading cattle at the Will Rogers Memorial Complex. Those not hauling to the show or sale rolled straight into the TLBAA General Membership Meeting and Board Meeting. After the meetings wrapped up, it was off to the social hour prior to the first ever Hall of Fame Induction and Year-End Awards Banquet. The event sold out quickly this year and the room was packed as members got to honor the award winners and hear words that won’t soon be forgotten from the family members of the Hall of Fame Inductees (more on pg. 20). Saturday saw a successful Eddie Wood Cowton Classic Sale (results on pg. 14) with a good crowd in attendance as well as many stock show visitors stepping in to take a look. Sunday kicked off the week’s show events with TLBT and World Show meetings, with Monday morning ushering in the Youth Show at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. The youth show always draws an audience and it was interesting hearing the comments of those along the top wall that were passing through and stopping for a look. The youth did an excellent job representing the breed. Tuesday evening finished out the week with the open show. Seeing adults and youth in the ring side by side showing is a good sign that the future is bright for the Longhorn. Youth actually outnumbered the adults at this event. As things came to a close and the barns emptied out, all we can say is “Hope to see ya’ll here next year!” Photos (top to bottom) Affiliate Presidents Meeting: Cindy Bolen, Matt McGure, Christy Randolph, James & Paula Wilkins, Joel Norris and Tina DuBose • Board Meeting • Lana & Gene Hightower, Dora Thompson • A sold out crowd at the Hall of Fame and YearEnd Awards Banquet • TLBAA Chairman of the Board Tom Matott, TLBAA’s Lindsay Maher, Joel Lemley • Linda Holt, John Phillips, Charlene Semkin • Oran Chambliss hanging out before the TLBT Youth Show • Rand & Janine Baker, Alan & Tracey Fisher • Crowd watching the youth show • A cold morning in the barns
12 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Photos by Lindsay Maher & Myra Basham
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
Texas Longhorn Breeders Hall of Fame and Year-End Awards Banquet by Nik Nikodym The Texas Longhorn Breeder’s Hall of Fame inducted the initial 8 members on January 15, 2016 at the 2015 Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America Year End Awards Banquet. The Year-End Awards Banquet and Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony was a “Sell Out” and attended by 200 Longhorn Enthusiasts, which included approximately 80 Family Members of Hall of Fame Inductees. Initial inductees were;
The Seven Founding Families
Jack Phillips
Milby Butler
Charles Schreiner iii
14 | March 2016
M.P. “Chico” Wright
Graves Peeler
Emil H. Marks
Cap Yates
Wichita Wildlife Refuge (WR)
The purpose of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Hall of Fame is to preserve the great history of the Texas Longhorn Breed and to recognize individuals who have had the greatest impact and influence on the Texas Longhorn Breed. Enshrinement into the Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame should be reserved for only those individuals who have had the greatest impact on the Texas Longhorn Breed; this is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon those involved with the Texas Longhorn. Nominations for the 2017 Texas Longhorn Breeders Hall of Fame will be accepted beginning March 1, 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Photos by Lindsay Maher & Myra Basham
Photos (left to right) Anita and Robert Milby Butler • The event was attended by 200 people, including many relatives of the inductees. • David & Jana Evans, Bill & Mary Ellen Holland • Craig & Kelly Perez • The food was excellent and there was plenty for everyone • Justin Alonzo Peeler • TLBAA Director Russell Fairchild, Joeda Freeman and TLBAA Director Nik Nkodym • TLBAA Director Dr.. Gene Berry, Bernard Lankford, TLBAA Director Keith DuBose.
through September 15, 2016. A website is in the works for the Hall of Fame and when it is up and running it will include nominations information. Until then please visit; www. tlbaa.org/tlbaa/texas-longhorn-hall-of-fame-nominationform for nomination information. Nominees need not be affiliated with any specific organization. The Hall of Fame Committee of the TLBAA will review all nominations and forward their recommendations to the Texas Longhorn Breeders Foundation.
See Next Page for Year-End Awards
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 15
The Jack Phillips Award The Jack Phillips Award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. This award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike. Like Phillips, nominees work hard with little need for recognition.
RODGER & BONNIE DAMROW Roca, Nebraska Rodger and Bonnie have organized and chaired both Nebraska Longhorn Association affiliate sales, shows and always contribute to and participate in not only Nebraska, but neighboring states as well. They are dedicated workers who never shy away from a job that needs to be done. Roger and Bonnie give selflessly of their time and are great ambassadors for the Texas Longhorn breed.
Dave Evans Breeder of the Year The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award is given to a breeder/breeders dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Texas Longhorn breed.
The Elmer Parker Lifetime Award is given to nominees who have displayed a lifetime of devotion to the Texas Longhorn Breed and its Breeders.
Sheridan, Wyoming Brett and Darcy are very selective in the cattle they breed, culling and castrating some bulls most people would love to use. They breed the best to the best and their program shows their dedication to that. Brett and Darcy have been breeding Texas Longhorns for several years. You can’t find nicer people than these two and they are great about sharing knowledge and including new breeders. They are just passionate about what they do!
The Movers & Shakers Award The Movers and Shakers Award is presented to the member who has registered and transferred the most animals throughout the year.
EL COYOTE RANCH Kingsville, Texas
Carolyn Hunter Trails’ Supporter of the Year The Carolyn Hunter Trails’ Supporter of the Year Award is given to a member whose advertising campaign consistently contributes to the overall quality of the magazine.
Bill & Elizabeth Hudson Floyds Knobs, Indiana
16 | March 2016
Elmer Parker Lifetime Achievement Award
Texas Longhorn Trails
Harper, Texas John was a passionate Texas Longhorn breeder who practiced both fundamental breeding protocols and advancing technology. A member of TLBAA since 1992, John and his wife, Ursula bred and owned more than 320 Texas Longhorns and partnered with many other TLBAA breeders on some of the best cattle in the breed. His wife Ursula is continuing with their program.
Get Involved! Year-End Awards, such as the three listed above, are based on your nomination of fellow TLBAA members. If they do not receive nominations, then there’s no chance for them to be recognized. The April issue of Trails magazine will have more information on award criteria, deadlines and how to submit your nominations. Be thinking about who you know that is deserving of recognition for their current involvement with the Longhorn breed.
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
Sarcee Washakie
MSW Game On
Windy Point Boris Iron
Mountain and Plains Longhorn Association Owner: Ron & Lana Pearson
Ocean Firefly
South Texas Longhorn Association Owner: Sara Jennings
4T Myrtlanna
Ark-La-Texas Texas Longhorn Association Owner: Donnie & Marilyn Taylor
Canadian Texas Longhorn Association Owner: Mark & Tina Stewart
Swag Darlin BCB
Gulf Coast Texas Longhorn Association Owner: Brent and Cynthia
East Texas Longhorn Association Owner: Bruce and Connie Ollive
The results from the Affiliate Prince & Princess contest were announced during the Year End Awards Banquet during Longhorn Weekend. We would like to congratulate the breeder and Affiliate these outstanding Longhorns represented. Plans for next year’s contest are under way, so get involved with your affiliate! A big thank you to Deb Lesyk, Committee Chairman for all her hard work with this project.
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
Sale Results Photos By Lindsay Maher
Rodney Brown & Amanda Bailey, Temple, TX; Ron Bailey, Belton, TX
January 16, 2016 • Fort Worth, TX Auctioneer: Joel Lemley Pedigrees: Dale Hunt Sales Management: Lemley Auction Services
55 Lots Sold Sale Average: $3,338.18 Volume Buyers: Tyson Leonard, Galax, VA; Ricky McLeod, Manning, SC; Ron Bailey, Belton, TX; Joe Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX
Angela Rector, Tyson Leonard, Billy Holder, Galax, VA; Cody Moore, Stonewall, OK
High Selling Lot: $21,000 ECR Coyote Creek
(2008 Daughter of Tommy Coyote ECR & Olmos Creek Lady) Consignor: Suzanne & William Torkildsen, M.D. Buyer: Tyson Leonard, Galax, VA
Other High Selling Lots:
$17,000 – RRR Miss Ranger 381 (2013 Daughter of DDR Rio Ranger and Slick’s Little Star) Consigned by Dick & Peg Lowe, Horton, MI. Buyer: Ricky McLeod, Manning, SC.
Ricky McLeod, Manning, SC, Scott & Sandie Hughes, Rutherfordton, NC
$10,000 – JY Rio Tuff Chex (2014 Daughter of Cowboy Tuff Chex & Hubbells Rio Shaona II) Consigned by Jenne/Yokobosky Partnership, Dallas, TX. Buyer: Tyson Leonard, Galax, VA.
Craig Perez, Cleburne, TX; Tom Matott, Castle Rock, CO
$8,000 – Renegade’s Majorette 038 (2010 Daughter of Renegade 19/5 & EOT Outback Majorette) Consigned by Mike & Debbie Bowman, Benton, KS. Buyer: Ursula Allen, Harper, TX. $8,000 – ECR Tejanita (2010 Daughter of El Cid ECR & ECR La Tejana) Consigned by El Coyte Ranch, Kingsville, TX. Buyer: Joe Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX. $7,000 – SR Buzzin Like Neon 931 (2009 Daughter of Habanero & EOT Super Josephina) Consigned by John & Christy Randolph, Smithville, TX. Buyer: Ricky McLeod, Manning, SC. $4,500 – Shamrock Eternal Joy (2010 Daughter of Sittin Bull & ECR Eternal Tari 206) Consigned by Steve and René Azinger, Houston, TX. Buyer: Ursula Allen, Harper, TX.
Felix Serna, Kingsville, TX; John T. Baker, Liberty Hill, TX
$4,500 – XC Irina (2012 Daughter of Tempter & RM Touch N Whirl Pat) Consigned by Crumpton-Cunningham Partners. Buyer: Ricky McLeod, Manning, SC. $4,000 – ECR Valient Heart (2014 Daughter of EL Valente ECR & ECR Howdy Coach) Consigned by El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX. Buyer: Joe Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX. $4,000 – ECR Prime Bouquet (2014 Daughter of Prime Time ECR & ECR Golden Blossom) Consigned by El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX. Buyer: Joe Cunningham, Hillsboro, TX.
20 | March 2016
Cody and Chris Herron, Norco, CA; Jim Freeman, Guthrie, OK; Joyce Wood, Wynnewood, OK
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 37
Youth Show Judge: Jim Reeves Open Show Judge: Russell Hooks A big thank you to our award sponsors!
The Source - Show Calf Sale & Showmanship Clinic Guthrie Longhorn Cattle Co. Kathy Kittler MSM Capital, LLC, Bobby Grimes Nancy Dunn McIntyre Ranch
22 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
P r e sid ent’s M e s s age
Dear TLBT Members, It was so good to see all of you at Fort Worth Stock show and rodeo! At our general membership meeting, we discussed possible alternatives to our fundraiser for Beautiful Feet Ministries. We had originally planned to make a quilt of older TLBT t-shirts, but it was a little difficult getting t-shirts. One idea that was mentioned was to have an adult showmanship where adults pay to get in with a canned good, a pack of socks, or other donated items. I think that’s an excellent idea, and I’ll definitely be searching for a show that we can do that at. I’d like to remind you guys that we are still bringing our donation box around to shows, and keeping it at my station, so please drop by and help fill the box. I brought it to Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, and I’m so happy that some of you decided to donate. Our focus this year is giving to others, and we really need everyone giving to make this year as successful as we need it to be. Start to plan what you’d like to donate, and which show you’d like to bring your donations to. If we all do our part, we will really capture what it means to place ourselves in someone else’s shoes, the shoes of someone who needs our donations. Again, your donation could be a canned good, a pack of socks or t-shirts or any other type of clean clothing. I’ll also remind you guys that we have several places that you can share your photos from shows throughout the year with us: Facebook- Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow | Instagram- @TLBT_ Corner Hashtag- #tlbt2016 | Email- tlbtofficers@gmail.com Please, please, please share your photos with us, especially seniors! Keep being the awesome, generous, world changing, amazing people you are. “For the will and not the gift makes the giver.”- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Sincerely,
JP Roesler
TLBT Office: Junior Director Age: 7 School: Krum-Hattie Dyer Elementary Number of Years in the TLBT: Started as a Pee Wee Why did you join the TLBT? I wanted to show Longhorns like my big sister, Avery. I think it’s cool! I like being in the barn and playing in the dirt, but when it’s time to show my Longhorns, I am nervous and excited! I like visiting with my friends at the shows and making new friends. What are your favorite memories of the TLBT so far? My favorite memory was at the East Texas State Fair, when I won my first belt buckle.
Shelby Rooker, TLBT President
The Fort Worth Herd’s Station during the Stock Show
Quiz Bowl Prep
Read and study here often, because throughout the year questions, answers and information found here could be on the Quiz Bowl at the Longhorn Expo.
What feed ingredient is normally fed free-choice to Longhorn cows on pasture? A. Salt or mineral When a beef showman uses a show stick to press back between the toes in the left of the foot, the calf will likely move the foot what direction? A. Backwards During Texas Longhorn Weekend, the first TLBAA Hall of Fame members were inducted. Who were they?
24 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Do you enjoy showing Texas Longhorn cattle, and why? I like showing Texas Longhorns, because they are friendly and make great pets! What advice would you give to a newcomer in the TLBT? Have fun and take deep breaths when you show.
Just For Fun
What do you get when you cross a cow with a chicken? The answer will be in next month’s TRAILS Magazine! Last month’s answer: A bulldozer
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
2015 NTLBA Holiday Extravaganza Wrap-Up The fifth annual NTLBA Holiday Extravaganza took place in Decatur, Texas on December 11th – 13th, 2015. It was certainly one for the books with many new friends made, and old acquaintances gathering. There were over 500 total show entries for the weekend, including the largest haltered miniature show yet! Starting the weekend off was Friday evening move-in, just in time for the first TLBT points show. Tina Cook and Devin Culpepper expertly handled the check-in tables. A smooth transition from the check-in table to stalling, the wash racks quickly filled with animals and laughter. Anticipation filled the air with the smell of fresh shavings, shampoo and fresh hay. Show day is here!
Following a brief pizza dinner provided for the youth, the first class of females started and the weekend was off. Youth of all ages did their best and exhibited with excellence. Stephen Custy was the judge for the evening, with Rachel Remmele and Jimmie Gee ring stewarding. They moved the 116 entries with grace, ending the show at roughly 10:30 PM. The night did not seem to last so long with Mr. Kevin Rooker lending his entertainment on the microphone. Despite a fun night, no time to stay up much later, there was a full schedule the next day! Saturday morning started with James Culpepper cooking breakfast burritos, coffee and donuts. Next, a quick spot wash on the animals the day was off. The schedule began with the open haltered premium show. Exhibitors from as far as Mississippi brought their best animals for tough friendly competition. The judge for the morning was Mr. Kipp Brown and he had his job cut out for him. Many exhibitors commented that this open haltered show had the most entries they had seen in some time. Promptly following the open show was the largest gathering of miniature Texas Longhorns for exhibition to date with 16 head. With the Supreme Miniature crowned, it was time to watch the trophy steer show! Celebrity breeders Ross Ohlendorf, Stacey Schumacher and Lorinda Valentine brought their unique skills to the judging table. While the steer show was going on James Cul-
pepper and Chris Lindsey kept the grills going with BBQ sandwiches for lunch. After a quick bite to eat, it was time for the second TLBT points show of the weekend. Judging this show was Greg Briney, former manager of the famed El Coyote Ranch. Greg moved through the classes, a few of them with over 20 head circling around the county stock show ring. The crowd watched the full day show with Mr. Jim Curry on the microphone. We certainly enjoyed having Jim and appreciated his time especially since it was his anniversary with the lovely Marsha! We hope you cooked a good dinner when you got home Jim! As the show day came to a close it was time for the much anticipated barn party. Chris and Brandi Lindsey brought their Hog Heaven BBQ skills and had the smoker going all night to feed the guests. Everyone brought their lawn chairs and coolers, and socialized through the night. Included in the night was an auction featuring BRR Frosty donated by the Vizza’s of Bella Rio Ranch and purchased by James & Karen Culpepper, and a “Cowboy Christmas Tree” made by Carter Smith purchased by Brandy Lindsey. Rounding out the barn party were a Chinese Christmas gift exchange, ugly Christmas sweater competition and more games hosted by Molly Cook and Jodi Anderson. Thank you girls and the Wise County families for hosting such a fun night.
The next morning brought the final show of the weekend, the premium paying TLBT qualifying show. Judging Sunday’s show was showmanship clinic extraordinaire Jerry McPeak. With Larry Barker’s voice filling the barns over the microphone and supportive families watching with anticipation, the final show of the weekend was one to watch. Youth from all over the – Continued on pg. 28
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Herd Health
Use Body Condition As A Management Tool by
Heather Smith Thomas
Body condition of cows determines whether they give birth to strong, healthy calves, and rebreed on schedule. Keeping track of body condition can help a rancher determine the nutritional needs of cows through winter and spring until they are safely rebred. Body condition score is rated 1 to 9, with 1 denoting emaciation and 9 obese. Most stockmen try to keep cows at body score 5 to 6, for best health and fertility. Some cows (and some breeds) need more flesh than others to cycle and breed successfully. Some crossbred cows, because of their hybrid vigor and increased fertility, will breed successfully at body score 4. Cows that give a lot of milk may be thinner at weaning time than cows who give less milk. A heavy milking cow may go into winter carrying less flesh than the poorer milking cow and needs a higher level of winter nutrition to get ready for her next calving. In dry years it may be hard for cows to milk very well and raise a good calf without losing weight. A good practice is to sort out the young ones, such as yearlings, first and second calvers, to feed separately – Continued from pg. 26
2015 NTLBA Holiday Extravaganza Wrap-Up state of Texas and beyond worked hard, and their hard work at home was definitely evident. Between the females and bulls was time to take a break in the show with some special awards. The Hard Worker award was given to Madi Looney who did a tremendous job organizing showmen for the miniature breeders and always volunteering her time. Thank you again Madi! We also gave out the 2nd Larry Barker Award to recognize someone who works for the betterment of others while not seeking recognition, and that was given to Ferris FFA’s Tracey Krueger. Well deserved Tracey! After the special awards, the rest of the show continued and ended with Jerry McPeak graciously donating scholarships to his camp. Thank you Jerry! Overall the weekend was full of fun and friendship. All the judges commented that the quality brought to town was the best they had seen. The exhibitors all did a great job making it tough to pick a winner. Thank you everyone who brought an animal. Shows like this couldn’t happen without an army of volunteers, and each played a vital role in the weekend schedule moving effortlessly. In addition, we’d also like to thank all of our sponsors and donors who helped give the exhibitors a great experience, and allowed us to pay out $5,000 in cash premiums. We’ll see you all next year, and wish you all success as you look forward to World Show. Stick em!
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from the older cows. If cows are on hay or being given a supplement, this will ensure the young ones get their share. When the whole herd is together the young cows do not get enough--since they eat more slowly and are more timid than mature cows. The older cows may dominate them and keep them away from the feed. It is not cost efficient to feed the whole herd to meet the needs of young and thin ones; most cows don’t need the extra feed or supplement. Keep first and second calvers separate after calving also; this is when they need pampering the most, in order to milk, keep growing and breed back. They need better hay or extra protein that mature cows can get by without. The same goes for older thin cows. You don’t want to perpetuate genetics of cows that need a lot of expensive feed, but it does pay to pamper thinner older cows you will be selling. Then they can hold their flesh and do justice to their last calf--and be sold more advantageously the coming fall. Closely monitor condition of all cows; then if some start to lose weight there’s time to correct it by feeding hay to augment dwindling, dried up or snowed under pastures, or to increase the hay if weather turns cold. A cow needs more roughage in cold weather. Digestion of cellulose creates heat. If she doesn’t have enough roughage, her weight will melt off as she robs body fat to create energy to keep warm. Nutrition during the first 90 days after calving determines whether the cow will start cycling and rebreed. It’s hard to get cows to gain weight after they calve; energy requirements increase 17 to 50% depending on how much milk they produce. Inadequate feed may lower the weaning weights of calves 20 to 50 pounds and reduce conception rates of cows as much as 25%. A really thin cow (body score 3 or less) nursing a calf may not start cycling at all. A study in South Dakota showed cows with higher body condition scores return to heat earlier in the season and are more likely to settle. The two most critical periods are 30-50 days before calving when the fetus is growing fastest, and 60-100 days after calving--until the cow is rebred. Make sure cows go through winter in adequate flesh without losing weight before calving.
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Mike Bowman
July 8 1944Â -Â February 2, 2016 Bowman, Michael J. 71, owner of Wichita Fence Co. Inc. and End of Trail Ranch. A loving husband and father with a passion for longhorn cattle, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, February 2, 2016. Mike is survived by his loving wife, Debbie; children, Marty, Brenda, Steven, Scott (Nikki), Joseph (Allison), Nikki, Jayla (Tim); 11 grandchildren; 1 great-granddaughter; sisters, Jan (Bill)
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and Tracey. Mike will be greatly missed by many. Memorial service was held Wednesday, February 10, at Lakeview Funeral Home Chapel.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Mike was very active in the Longhorn industry. He and his wife Debbie hosted the Midwest Invitational Longhorn Sale for 20 years and he enjoyed attending sales and events throughout the Longhorn industry as well. He was
a consignor of many top-selling animals, as well as a consistent winner at the TLBAA Horn Showcase. His End of Trail Ranch (EOT) prefix can be found in the pedigrees of many industry-leading genetics. His Longhorn legacy will continue.
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Affiliates send us your news! Let people know what’s going on in their area and encourage others to join in the fun.
The South Texas Longhorn Association is gearing up for the show season staThe National Western Stock Show was greeted with near sixty degree weather. Of course this helped the show go smoothly. The event started on Thursday with our annual meeting. The officers for 2016 are Kenny Richardson President, Barb Fillmore Vice President, Lana Pearson Treasure and Karen Richardson Secretary. Kenny Richardson Friday was the day for the halter show. Followed that evening by a barn party. President Saturday was the Free show. Both shows were judged by Mike Tomey. That krichardson21@aol.com evening we had our annual banquet and auction. Thanks to all of you who brought sale items. Also to those who bid and bought. We all know the work it takes to put on a show. So I would like to thank Lana Pearson, Josh Miller, Clyde Peek, Gary Lake and Kelly Pearson for sorting the cattle for the Free show. I know they put on a lot of miles doing a hard job. Hope to see you at the Colorado State Fair the first week of September.
MOUNTAINS & PLAINS TEXAS Longhorn Association
The South Texas Longhorn Association has had a busy few months. Coming off a very successful Winter Festival in Edna, we have now completed the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo and the Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo in Austin, Tx. While entries were somewhat down, STLA continues down a path to remain committed to provide a little bit of something for everyone. Christy Randolph We will have our fourth and final show in Rockdale, Tx. on April 15 through April President 17, 2016. This is always a very fun event, and our coordinator Sandi Nordhausen lpinesranch@aol.com does a terrific job. Our Quilt Raffle will conclude and the winning ticket will be drawn during one of the youth shows. Entry information is available on our website, www.stla.org. Our 2016 Annual General Membership meeting will be held on June 4, 2016 and will be hosted by Lee and Linda Blackwell and Larry and Toni Stegemoller at the Double LB Ranch near Mason, TX. This will include some educational time, a ranch tour, lunch and scholarship awards. We will also vote on a new Board of Directors and elect Officers to represent the members of STLA for 2016-2017. More details will be found on our website shortly. We are happy to report that our membership remains strong and continues to grow. Scholarship applicants can begin the application process and can find information and requirements on www.stla. org.
Our chapter won the AffiUate Princess competition. The winning heifer that represented us was Swag Darlin BCB. So, Congratulations to her owners - Brent & Cynthia Bolen. Cattle Baron Sale & Winchester Futurity was held the last weekend of February. Thank you to all of our sponsors, consignors, buyers, participants and volunteers. Rick Friedrich The students from the Longhom Project at the Johnson Space Center even President pitched in and helped us work the event. It takes a joint effort from every one and rick@riverranchlonghorns every one was appreciated. Thank you, again! The Spring Show will be May 6, 7 & 8 at Miracle Farms located near Navasota, Texas. This facility has an all weather arena. This will again be one of the qualifying shows for the World Show. We are proud to host one of the biggest & best longhom shows. Entry information can be found on our web site at TLBGCA.com. We will enjoy seeing every one again. One of our goals is to get new folks involved in our breed. One way that we achieve this is by giving away show calves to young participants that make a one year commitment to show them. We will be accepting donation calves to give away via random drawing at this show. If you have a calf to donate, contact Stephen Head rheadshoms@hotmail.com for details. The TLBGCA gives out a handful of scholarships each year at school end. I f you are or know a longhom family with students that are planning to attend college, please have them join us and apply for a scholarship. Last year we gave a $1,500 scholarship to every student that applied. That was the first year that we have accepted everyone that applied. But, you don’t have a chance if you don’t apply.
Texas longhorn breeder gulf coast ASSOCIATION
32 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
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Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 33
TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s
Herd Management Guide
SPRING Calving:
Rockin Hil
How/Why did you get started raising Texas Longhorns? My wife and I were always fascinated with the breed and after searching for a breeder in the area we found Joshua Cashman. We were very impressed with his knowledge and his herd, specifically the McGill animals. A couple of months later we were fortunate enough to purchase a few foundation females. It is amazing how quickly we were hooked on Longhorns, it is a very exciting business for us. What are a few highlights of your program? I think the thing we are most excited about is the purchase of Trail Dust 40. We are very excited to own him in partnership with Neil Glasgow. He is an amazing bull that is not only producing offspring with total horn, but amazing TTT as well.
1. Continue supplemental feeding as recommended. During the last 3060 days of gestation, females require 1.8-2.0 pounds of total protein daily from grass and supplemental feeds to insure adequate fetal development and first milk production. During the first 3-4 months of lactation, nutrient requirements increase substantially. Warm season pasture grasses are dormant until mid-April and provide most of the energy needs, but limited protein, phosphorus and Vitamin A. Sufficient nutrients must be supplied to the lactating females in the form of protein and/or energy supplements as well as mineral and vitamin mixes to meet their nutrient requirements. Feeding 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent CP supplement, 4-6 pounds of a 30 percent CP supplement or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement per head per day should be adequate to meet most protein and energy needs. Choice of appropriate supplement (20 percent CP, 30 percent CP or 40 percent CP) should be based upon cheapest source of protein. Price per pound of protein may be determined by dividing the cost per pound of protein supplement by the percentage of crude protein in the supplement. A source of salt as well as a good commercial calcium:phosphorus mineral mix with added Vitamin A should be available on a free choice basis. If your cows are thin in body condition or pasture grass is limited due to overgrazing, then feeding a medium
What are your program goals for the future? We are looking forward to forming new relationships, and learning more about this industry. We love a good challenge and are determined to produce the highest quality, most well rounded animals we can by combining other great genetics with those of our foundation animals. If you are a new member and would like to introduce yourself to the membership, answer the three questions above and submit them, along with a photo of you and/or your family to myra@tlbaa.org. Please keep your answers to one brief paragraph and include one high resolution photo. We look forward to meeting you.
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Texas Longhorn Trails
(8-10 percent crude protein) hay free choice plus 2-3 pounds of a 20 percent CP supplement daily or approximately 15-20 pounds of a high quality (15-17 percent crude protein) hay per day will provide an excellent source of energy and protein for the females. If winter pasture is available, then the females should not need additional energy or protein supplementation. 2. Continue to check first-calf heifers (due to calve) and pregnant cows daily for possibility of calving difficulties. Remember, assistance usually is not necessary, but be prepared. The rate of gain of a dead calf is not real high! 3. Many females, especially firstcalf heifers, do not produce sufficient colostrum (first milk containing vital antibodies for the calf) and there is no way of knowing how much the calf has nursed. Baby calf scours are typically the result of inadequate consumption of colostrum during the early hours of a calf’s life. Clean calving areas and proper attention to the newborn may reduce exposure to disease organisms and reduce incidence of scouring problems. Pay attention to detail. 4. Semen evaluate bulls. A standard breeding soundness exam should be conducted on all bulls prior to the start of the breeding season. 5. New bulls, if needed, should be purchased now, well ahead of the breeding season. Bulls should be allowed to acclimate to your ranch conditions. 6. Plan ahead to have sufficient breeding bulls to service all females.
Mature bulls in single sire pastures should be able to service 30-50 females in a 60-90 day breeding season. Young yearling bulls can be excellent breeders, but reduce the number of females per bull to 15-25 head and limit the breeding season to 60 days. Special attention to maintaining good nutritional condition of the young bulls is needed. Yearling bulls should only run with other yearling bulls in multi-sire pastures. Older bulls will tend to establish a social dominance over young bulls, creating potential problems. 7. After calving and before breeding, vaccinate all cows for leptospirosis. Consult your veterinarian about the need to also vaccinate for vibriosis and anaplasmosis.
FALL Calving:
1. Continue supplemental feeding program until good spring grass is available and calves are weaned. Lactating cows grazing dormant range grass require approximately 3-4 pounds of a 40 percent range cube or 6-8 pounds of a 20 percent range cube daily to meet their protein requirement. If winter pasture is available, forage intake should be sufficient to meet nutrient requirements of lactating females. 2. Vaccinate all heifer calves between 4 and 10 months of age for brucellosis. 3. As weaning is approaching, consider routine calf management while the calves are still on their dams to reduce stress often associated with weaning. Calves should be vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBRP13-BVD and de-wormed. Bull calves should be castrated prior to weaning. 4. Consider limited creep feeding (16 percent crude protein) for calves nursing older cows, first-calf heifers, or any calves needing additional nutrition.
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817-410-2915 | FFIN.COM
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Texas Longhorn Trails
We thank these folks for kindly droppin’ in at the TLBAA office. 1. TLBAA Director Mark Hubbell, Hastings, MI; Ricky McLeod, Manning, SC 2. Melissa Wisely, Trophy Club, TX 3. Sharon Garfield, Coppell, TX 4. TLBAA Director Ken Morris, Emily, Kendall and Jessica Morris, Monroe, NC 5. Scotty O’Bryan, Fort Worth, TX; TLBAA’s Dana Coomer 6. David Stanley, China Spring, TX, TLBAA’s Rick Fritsche
1 2
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SHOW RESULTS Beginning with this issue, show results will once again be a regular feature of Trails Magazine. Due to the volume of shows in this issue, winners pics are not included in the listings. For future shows, if you wish to supply champion photos they will be included with your listing in a standard size and format. Pleas submit any information regarding shows to Amy Weatherholtz - amy@tlbaa.org.
2015-2016 Show Year Results 2015 CALIFORNIA STATE FAIR July 26, 2015 FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. XC PRINCES LEIA ORGANA, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA Free Female Junior Champion: XC PRINCES LEIA ORGANA, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: XC PRINCES LEIA ORGANA, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA CLASS 8: 1. XC JANE EYRE, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA CLASS 9: 1. XC PEPPERMINT PATTY, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA CLASS 11: 1. XC PUMPERNICKLE PICKLE, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA Free Female Senior Champion: XC PUMPERNICKLE PICKLE, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: XC JANE EYRE, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA Free Female Grand Champion: XC PUMPERNICKLE PICKLE, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA CLASS 16: 1. XC BELLA SWAN, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA 2. ROLLING O ARLENE, Leo & Jolene Omlin, MANTECA, CA CLASS 17: 1. ROLLING O FAWN, Leo & Jolene Omlin, MANTECA, CA 2. XC DEIRDRE FITZPATRICK, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA CLASS 19: 1. ROLLING O KELSEY, Leo & Jolene Omlin, MANTECA, CA 2. ROLLING O PEGGY, Leo & Jolene Omlin, MANTECA, CA Free Mature Female Champion: ROLLING O KELSEY, Leo & Jolene Omlin, MANTECA, CA Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: XC BELLA SWAN, Christine & Anthony DeMaria, GUINDA, CA
DESCHUTES COUNTY FAIR LONGHORN SHOW August 1, 2015 FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 5: 1. JT CLEAR BOWL OF ROSES, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR 2. SRL BONNIBELLE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR Free Female Junior Champion: JT CLEAR BOWL OF ROSES, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: SRL BONNIBELLE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR CLASS 8: 1. STAR SHADOW 408, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. JT LIL LUCKY MOON, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR CLASS 10: 1. K-T RED ROSE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. SRL DIAMOND ROSE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR 2. K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Senior Champion: SRL DIAMOND ROSE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Grand Champion: SRL DIAMOND ROSE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 16: 1. JT SWEET CLEMENTINE, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR 2. JT BEGONIA RESPECT, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR CLASS 17: 1. ST MOON N STARS, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR 2. SR DIXIE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR CLASS 18: 1. BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. ALMENDRA DIXIE TIERRA, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR
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CLASS 19: 1. ST ROYAL PLATINUM, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR Free Mature Female Champion: ST ROYAL PLATINUM, Joel and Tamara Kuntz, BEND, OR Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 5: 1. SRL BONNIBELLE, Braeden Cushing, HINES, OR Youth Female Junior Champion: SRL BONNIBELLE, Braeden Cushing, HINES, OR Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SRL BONNIBELLE, Braeden Cushing, HINES, OR CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA 2. K-T RED ROSE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 11.: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA 2. K-T SUGAR, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T SUGAR, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. K-T COPENHAGEN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Bull Grand Champion: K-T COPENHAGEN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. K-T WILLY, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA Youth Steer Champion: K-T WILLY, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA CLASS 31: 1. K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Senior Champion: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: K-T WILLY, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA
WESTERN IDAHO STATE FAIR August 29, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. RARE WIN WITH A SPIDER, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID CLASS 5: 1. LPR COOL BREEZE, Guy or Vicki Packer, EMMETT, ID Haltered Female Junior Champion: RARE WIN WITH A SPIDER, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: LPR COOL BREEZE, Guy or Vicki Packer, EMMETT, ID CLASS 8: 1. HENRY'S HOUDINI, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID CLASS 10: 1. JUMA'S TORCH, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID 2. LPR KAILEE'S TIGRESS, Guy or Vicki Packer, EMMETT, ID CLASS 11: 1. WESTERN VELVET, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID Haltered Female Senior Champion: JUMA'S TORCH, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: WESTERN VELVET, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID Haltered Female Grand Champion: JUMA'S TORCH, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: RARE WIN WITH A SPIDER, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID
Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 16: 1. SUPER WEST, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID 2. SUPER DREAM, Erskine/ Erskine Partnership, PARMA, ID CLASS 17: 1. OVERHEAD GAL, Guy or Vicki Packer, EMMETT, ID 2. APOLLO KAILEE, Guy or Vicki Packer, EMMETT, ID Haltered Mature Female Champion: SUPER WEST, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: OVERHEAD GAL, Guy or Vicki Packer, EMMETT, ID
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. SPOT'S WINNER, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID Haltered Bull Junior Champion: SPOT'S WINNER, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID CLASS 28: 1. BRB GRUFF, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID 2. SUPER JUMA, Danielle Erskine, CALDWELL, ID CLASS 29: 1. CHILLY WILLY 444, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID 2. DRAG IRON'S BILL, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID Haltered Bull Senior Champion: CHILLY WILLY 444, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: BRB GRUFF, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID Haltered Bull Grand Champion: CHILLY WILLY 444, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: BRB GRUFF, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. SRL FIONA, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR CLASS 5: 1. SRL BONNIBELLE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR Free Female Junior Champion: SRL FIONA, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: SRL BONNIBELLE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR CLASS 9: 1. SC GRUFF, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID 2. AZ GRUFF, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID CLASS 11: 1. SRL DIAMOND ROSE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR 2. SCOOTERS TORCH, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: SC GRUFF, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: SC GRUFF, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID Free Female Senior Champion: SRL DIAMOND ROSE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR Free Female Grand Champion: SRL DIAMOND ROSE, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR CLASS 16: 1. HENRY'S DELTA NANCY, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID 2. 9 11 SUPER WEST, Kelly Erskine, NAMPA, ID CLASS 17: 1. 7-11 DEMANDS LEGACY, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR 2. ST MOON N STARS, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR CLASS 19: 1. SPECTACULAR CASEY, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID Free Mature Female Champion: 7-11 DEMANDS LEGACY, Mark & Renee Scott, HINES, OR Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: SPECTACULAR CASEY, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID
Steer Junior Champion: HENRY'S GRACE, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID Steer Junior Champion Reserve: HENRY'S LITTLE STEER, Denny & Gilbert Doan, KUNA, ID CLASS 5: 1. DT RED RIVER, Fuhriman Cattle Company, GARDEN CITY, ID 2. SHADOW'S APPOLLO ZEE, Dan Erskine, PARMA, ID CLASS 6: 1. VINDICATED, Lawrence Morgan Longhorns, KUNA, ID 2. NEMO HL, Lawrence Morgan Longhorns, KUNA, ID Steer Senior Champion: VINDICATED, Lawrence Morgan Longhorns, KUNA, ID Steer Senior Champion Reserve: DT RED RIVER, Fuhriman Cattle Company, GARDEN CITY, ID Steer Grand Champion: VINDICATED, Lawrence Morgan Longhorns, KUNA, ID Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DT RED RIVER, Fuhriman Cattle Company, GARDEN CITY, ID
RAY BOHY LONGHORN SHOW #1 August 29, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. PALE ALE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 5.1: 1. ANDERS DUSTY, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Female Junior Champion: PALE ALE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 8: 1. CS MISS KATHY'S LOSS, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE CLASS 9: 1. CS RED SITTIN LADY, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE 2. FCL CHAQUITA, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. DIAMOND DOLLAR, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 11: 1. SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. CS PAYTON RAZ B LEGGER, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 16: 1. FCL KEROSENE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO 2. FCL BROWN SUGAR, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 17: 1. ANDERS MW MAPLE WISH, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Mature Female Champion: FCL KEROSENE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: FCL BROWN SUGAR, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO
Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: PECOS WINDS, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DV TIGER LILY, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 5: 1. TEQUILA ROSE 51, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Junior Champion: TEQUILA ROSE 51, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: DV TIGER LILY, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 8: 1. DV ABLAZE, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 9: 1. DV SHAKIRA, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE 2. DK GLEAMING JUNE BUG, Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA CLASS 10: 1. DV LUCY, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE 2. DV BEAUTY BY RAZ, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 11: 1. DK GLEAMIZM SHADOW, Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA 2. ANDERS CONFETTI CASH, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Free Female Senior Champion: DK GLEAMIZM SHADOW, Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: DV LUCY, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE Free Female Grand Champion: DK GLEAMIZM SHADOW, Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: DV LUCY, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 16: 1. DV JOSEPHINE, Dean M. & Jill K. Wagner, CREIGHTON, NE 2. SALTILLO ZIVA 171, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 17: 1. HORSESHOES LEGEND GAL, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. SALTILLO CLARE 910, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 19: 1. DECKERIFIC, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. DV RAZ BY TAZ, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE Free Mature Female Champion: DV JOSEPHINE, Dean M. & Jill K. Wagner, CREIGHTON, NE Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: DECKERIFIC, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
Youth Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND DOLLAR, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND DOLLAR, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Rope Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 20: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Rope Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion: ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Rope Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
RAY BOHY LONGHORN SHOW #2 August 30, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. PALE ALE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 5: 1. ANDERS DUSTY, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Female Junior Champion: PALE ALE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 8: 1. CS MISS KATHY'S LOSS, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE CLASS 9: 1. CS RED SITTIN LADY, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE 2. FCL CHAQUITA, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. SALTILLO SAFARI 40, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE CLASS 11: 1. CS PAYTON RAZ B LEGGER, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE 2. SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: CS RED SITTIN LADY, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: CS RED SITTIN LADY, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE CLASS 16: 1. FCL KEROSENE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO 2. AUNT JEMIMA 012, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 17: 1. ANDERS MW MAPLE WISH, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Mature Female Champion: FCL KEROSENE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: AUNT JEMIMA 012, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Junior Champion: PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 24: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 29: 1. ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. PECOS WINDS, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: PECOS WINDS, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Grand Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
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SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 24: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Junior Champion: SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 29.1: 1. ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. PECOS WINDS, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: PECOS WINDS, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Grand Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DV TIGER LILY, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 5: 1. TEQUILA ROSE 51, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Junior Champion: TEQUILA ROSE 51, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: DV TIGER LILY, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 8: 1. DV ABLAZE, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 9: 1. DV SHAKIRA, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE 2. DV PIPPA, Leon Lennemann, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 10: 1. DESERT DIAMOND, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. DV BETTY BOOP, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 11: 1. DK GLEAMIZM SHADOW, Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek, ROCK RAPIDS, IA 2. ANDERS CONFETTI CASH, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Free Female Senior Champion: DESERT DIAMOND, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: DV BETTY BOOP, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE Free Female Grand Champion: DESERT DIAMOND, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: DV BETTY BOOP, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE CLASS 16: 1. DV RAVEN, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE 2. SALTILLO ZIVA 171, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 17: 1. SALTILLO CLARE 910, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. HORSESHOES LEGEND GAL, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 19: 1. DV RAZ BY TAZ, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE 2. DECKERIFIC, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Mature Female Champion: DV RAZ BY TAZ, Del Vic Farms, SCRIBNER, NE Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: SALTILLO CLARE 910, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. PALE ALE, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. ANDERS MAPLE DUST, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 5: 1. TEQUILA ROSE 51, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. ANDERS DUSTY, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Female Junior Champion: TEQUILA ROSE 51, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: PALE ALE, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 8: 1. CS MISS KATHY'S LOSS, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE CLASS 9: 1. CS RED SITTIN LADY, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE 2. ANDERS RODEO GAL, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE 2. SALTILLO SAFARI 40, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE CLASS 11: 1. CS PAYTON RAZ B LEGGER, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE Youth Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE
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Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: CS RED SITTIN LADY, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE Youth Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CS RED SITTIN LADY, Conner Scheer, ARLINGTON, NE
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE 2. PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 20: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion: SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
NRLA SANDERS COUNTY LONGHORN SHOW September 5, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T MAHOGANY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Junior Champion: K-T MAHOGANY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 17: 1. PEEK A BOO LD, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion: PEEK A BOO LD, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 4: 1. K-T RUBY RED, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. KT THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Junior Champion: K-T RUBY RED, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 8: 1. THB COWGIRL JAMBOREE, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 9: 1. THB PICANTE'S BLESSING, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 10: 1. THB TEXA'S MERLOT, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 11.: 1. K-T SUGAR, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Senior Champion: K-T SUGAR, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: THB TEXA'S MERLOT, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Free Female Grand Champion: K-T SUGAR, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: THB TEXA'S MERLOT, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 16: 1. THB GOODIE TWO SHOES, H & H Longhorns, COLFAX, WA 2. K-T SIERRA, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 17.: 1. CR MAGIC GLOW, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT 2. THB NIGHTFALL, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 18: 1. FLAT HORN, H & H Longhorns, COLFAX, WA CLASS 19: 1. SOUTHERN CHABLIS, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT
Texas Longhorn Trails
Free Mature Female Champion: CR MAGIC GLOW, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: SOUTHERN CHABLIS, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T MAHOGANY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Junior Champion: K-T MAHOGANY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 11.: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Junior Champion: K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 31: 1. K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Senior Champion: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion: K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 5: 1. THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Steer Senior Champion: THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Steer Grand Champion: THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT
2015 COLORADO STATE FAIR #1 September 6, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO 2. SALTILLO MIZTY 58, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 5: 1. ANDERS DUSTY, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Female Junior Champion: FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO MIZTY 58, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 9: 1. FCL CHAQUITA, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO 2. ANDERS RODEO GAL, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. ANDERS WHISPER, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 11: 1. SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. GEEZ LOUISE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO Haltered Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 16: 1. SALTILLO COWGAL IV 031, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. FCL BROWN SUGAR, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 17: 1. ANDERS MW MAPLE WISH, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
Haltered Mature Female Champion: ANDERS MW MAPLE WISH, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SALTILLO COWGAL IV 031, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. SALTILLO BLAZTER 511, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 24: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Junior Champion: ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO BLAZTER 511, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 29: 1. ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. SALTILLO CG'S ROUNDER 40, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO CG'S ROUNDER 40, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Bull Grand Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. WINDY POINT SHABA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT PAOLA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 5: 1. RAFTER J2 TANQUE RITA, Sylvia Johnson, ANTHONY, TX 2. RAFTER J2 TEXAS TORNEDO, Sylvia Johnson, ANTHONY, TX Free Female Junior Champion: RAFTER J2 TANQUE RITA, Sylvia Johnson, ANTHONY, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT SHABA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 9: 1. WINDY POINT SANTUZZA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 10: 1. WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. ANDERS PAINTED KAT, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 11: 1. WINDY POINT TRIXY, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT STELLA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Female Senior Champion: WINDY POINT TRIXY, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT STELLA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Female Grand Champion: WINDY POINT TRIXY, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT STELLA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 16: 1. SALTILLO ZIVA 171, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. WINDY POINT SAMOA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 17: 1. SALTILLO CLARE 910, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. HORSESHOES LEGEND GAL, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 19: 1. WINDY POINT SHAWNEE RED, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT POCAHONAS CHARIS, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Mature Female Champion: SALTILLO CLARE 910, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: SALTILLO ZIVA 171, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. ANDERS MAPLE DUST, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. SALTILLO MIZTY 58, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE CLASS 5: 1. ANDERS DUSTY, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Female Junior Champion: ANDERS MAPLE DUST, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: ANDERS DUSTY, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 9: 1. ANDERS RODEO GAL, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO PRINCESS 43, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE 2.
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SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) SALTILLO SAFARI 40, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE CLASS 11: 1. SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: ANDERS RODEO GAL, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS RODEO GAL, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE 2. ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 20: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion: SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1.1: 1. WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. DARK ROAST, W.R. Van Gundy, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM Steer Junior Champion: WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Junior Champion Reserve: DARK ROAST, W.R. Van Gundy, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM -CLASS 5: 1. WINDY POINT STOCKYARD, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Senior Champion: WINDY POINT STOCKYARD, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Grand Champion: WINDY POINT STOCKYARD, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Grand Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
2015 COLORADO STATE FAIR #2 September 7, 2015 OPEN HALTERTED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO 2. SALTILLO MIZTY 58, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 5: 1. ANDERS DUSTY, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Female Junior Champion: ANDERS DUSTY, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: FCL VOODO CHILE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 9: 1. ANDERS RODEO GAL, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. FCL CHAQUITA, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. ANDERS WHISPER, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 11: 1. SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE 2. GEEZ LOUISE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO Haltered Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 16.1: 1. FCL KEROSENE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO 2. SALTILLO COWGAL IV 031, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 17.1: 1. ANDERS MW MAPLE WISH, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Mature Female Champion: FCL KEROSENE, Fossil Creek Longhorns, GREELEY, CO Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SALTILLO COWGAL IV 031, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 23: 1. ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
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2. SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 24: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
Haltered Bull Junior Champion: ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 29: 1. ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. PECOS WINDS, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: PECOS WINDS, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Grand Champion: ANDERS WHIRLWIND, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. WINDY POINT SHABA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT PAOLA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 5: 1. RAFTER J2 TANQUE RITA, Sylvia Johnson, ANTHONY, TX 2. RAFTER J2 TEXAS TORNEDO, Sylvia Johnson, ANTHONY, TX Free Female Junior Champion: RAFTER J2 TANQUE RITA, Sylvia Johnson, ANTHONY, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: RAFTER J2 TEXAS TORNEDO, Sylvia Johnson, ANTHONY, TX CLASS 9: 1. WINDY POINT SANTUZZA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. DAIQUIRI SHAKE, Barbara J. Fillmore, ELBERT, CO CLASS 10: 1. WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. ANDERS PAINTED KAT, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Free Female Senior Champion: WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: ANDERS PAINTED KAT, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Free Female Grand Champion: WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS PAINTED KAT, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 11.: 1. WINDY POINT TRIXY, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT STELLA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 16: 1. WINDY POINT SAMOA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. SALTILLO ZIVA 171, Bonnie & Rodger Damrow, ROCA, NE CLASS 17.: 1. HORSESHOES LEGEND GAL, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 19: 1. WINDY POINT POCAHONAS CHARIS, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT SHAWNEE RED, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Free Mature Female Champion: HORSESHOES LEGEND GAL, Art Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT POCAHONAS CHARIS, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. ANDERS MAPLE DUST, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. SALTILLO MIZTY 58, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE CLASS 5: 1. ANDERS DUSTY, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Female Junior Champion: ANDERS MAPLE DUST, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: SALTILLO MIZTY 58, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE CLASS 9: 1. ANDERS RODEO GAL, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO PRINCESS 43, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE 2. SALTILLO SAFARI 40, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE CLASS 11.: 1. SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: ANDERS RODEO GAL, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
Texas Longhorn Trails
Youth Female Grand Champion: SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30, Caden Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS RODEO GAL, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE 2. ANDERS RODEO TITAN, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 20: 1. ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion: SALTILLO JAZZ 512, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS COWBOY SPICE, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1.: 1. KABAR, Joni Van Goethem, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM 2. WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Junior Champion: KABAR, Joni Van Goethem, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM Steer Junior Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 5: 1. WINDY POINT STOCKYARD, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Senior Champion: WINDY POINT STOCKYARD, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Grand Champion: WINDY POINT STOCKYARD, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Grand Champion Reserve: KABAR, Joni Van Goethem, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM
DEEP SOUTH LONGHORN SHOW FRIDAY POINTS ONLY Sept. 11, 2015 YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX 2. SWEETIE BELLE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 5: 1. STEEL LACE SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q CINNIA, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: SWEETIE BELLE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX CLASS 9: 1. LW AMARILLO'S ON MY MIND, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. CL BELLAMY, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX CLASS 11.: 1. BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. BH NITE STICK, Caroline Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. LW PURE COUNTRY, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 20: 1. DALLAS SEAVEY, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. CL DENALI, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX CLASS 21.: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CL JAZZMAN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: BH NITE STICK, Caroline Holson, GRANBURY, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: DALLAS SEAVEY, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27.: 1. HI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: HI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve:TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 31.: 1. CL'S TWEETER, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX 2. SHY'S OCHO, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 32: 1. 4K KING RICHARD 43, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. TTT GOOD GRAVY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DUBOSE'S AWESOME SPOTS, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: DUBOSE'S AWESOME SPOTS, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DUBOSE'S AWESOME SPOTS, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX
DEEP SOUTH LONGHORN SHOW Sept. 12, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. SWEETIE BELLE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 5: 1. FANTASIA SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q CINNIA, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: FANTASIA SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. CHAPARRAL SPRINKLES, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX CLASS 10: 1. HI 5'S AMARETTO, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 11: 1. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. CL'S KNOCKOUT, Billy and Kim Cooper, OAKHURST, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: CL'S KNOCKOUT, Billy and Kim Cooper, OAKHURST, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL'S KNOCKOUT, Billy and Kim Cooper, OAKHURST, TX CLASS 16: 1. SANDDOLLAR RITA, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 17: 1. HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. PLR CHARMIN' MIRANDA, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR RITA, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 22: 1. SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 23: 1. LW PURE COUNTRY, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 24: 1. DALLAS SEAVEY, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX 2. SHY'S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: DALLAS SEAVEY, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX
Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: DALLAS SEAVEY, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX 2. CL JAZZMAN, James Culpepper, SUNSET, TX CLASS 28: 1. SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 29: 1. HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX 2. SWEETIE BELLE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 5: 1. STEEL LACE SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. HI 5'S AMERICAN HONEY, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: STEEL LACE SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 9: 1. AJ NIGHTSTAR, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. CHAPARRAL SPRINKLES, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. CL BELLAMY, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX CLASS 11: 1. BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: STEEL LACE SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 18: 1. SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX CLASS 19: 1. BH NITE STICK, Caroline Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. LW PURE COUNTRY, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 20: 1. DALLAS SEAVEY, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. HI 5'S LUNCH BOX, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 21.: 1. CL JAZZMAN, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: DALLAS SEAVEY, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: BH NITE STICK, Caroline Holson, GRANBURY, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. HI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Steer Junior Champion: TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: THI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 31: 1. CL'S TWEETER, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX 2. SHY'S OCHO, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 32: 1. 4K KING
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SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) RICHARD 43, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. TTT GOOD GRAVY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DUBOSE'S AWESOME SPOTS, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX CLASS 2: 1. LSC JIM JAM, Swing'n Star Ranch, SEABROOK, TX 2. TL REAPER, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Steer Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: LSC JIM JAM, Swing'n Star Ranch, SEABROOK, TX Steer Senior Champion: BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 5: 1. BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX 2. TL SUPER TANKER, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Steer Grand Champion: BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: TL SUPER TANKER, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX
28: 1. LEONARDO SH, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: LEONARDO SH, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: WHITE LIGHTING SH, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: LEONARDO SH, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: WHITE LIGHTING SH, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. ACC MISS ST PATRICK, Whistling Longhorn Ranch, ROANOKE, TX CLASS 5: 1. SEN SEN C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. JCG SUNSHINE, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Free Female Junior Champion: SEN SEN C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: JCG SUNSHINE, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 8: 1. JHC CHARLENE MM, John and /or Judy Coats, HUTTO, TX 2. JCG MISS REVEILLE, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 9: 1. JHC DIAMOND DAZZLER SOS, John and /or Judy Coats, HUTTO, TX CLASS 10: 1. JHC JUNGLE GOLD SOS, John and /or Judy Coats, HUTTO, TX CLASS 11.: 1. GO GO MAGIC C P, Payne/Williams Partnership, SLIDELL, TX Free Female Senior Champion: JHC JUNGLE GOLD SOS, John and /or Judy Coats, HUTTO, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: GO GO MAGIC C P, Payne/Williams Partnership, SLIDELL, TX Free Female Grand Champion: SEN SEN C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: JHC JUNGLE GOLD SOS, John and /or Judy Coats, HUTTO, TX CLASS 16: 1. BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. SHALAKO POLKA DOT C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 17: 1. TH ZIPPY DO DA, Steven & Ruby Retzloff, SAN ANGELO, TX 2. KCCI RIO'S CALL GIRL, Jerry L. or Susan Smith, OVALO, TX CLASS 18: 1. TH AWESOME'S FIRST LADY, Steven & Ruby Retzloff, SAN ANGELO, TX Free Mature Female Champion: BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: TH ZIPPY DO DA, Steven & Ruby Retzloff, SAN ANGELO, TX
CLASS 4: 1. HD SAMSONITE'S LILY, Todd Williams, DALLAS, TX CLASS 5: 1. LINA C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. G&L DULCE DE LECHE, Whistling Longhorn Ranch, ROANOKE, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: LINA C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: G&L DULCE DE LECHE, Whistling Longhorn Ranch, ROANOKE, TX CLASS 8: 1. TC3 SHARP MEDUSA, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX 2. PLR CHANTILLY BLUE, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 9: 1. TL SHE'S A PISTOL, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. MB TYCHE, MB Longhorns, DENTON, TX CLASS 10: 1. PLR TEXAS GEMMA, John & Judy Moore, TUSCOLA, TX 2. GYPSY MERLOT, John & Judy Moore, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 11: 1. PLR TEXAS EUREKA, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. CHARIS IRON BUTTERFLY, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: PLR TEXAS EUREKA, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: PLR TEXAS GEMMA, John & Judy Moore, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: PLR TEXAS EUREKA, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: LINA C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 16: 1. RO STARBURST, Stan and Jimmie Jernigan, CROSS PLAINS, TX 2. TH MISS CHA-VERRO, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 17: 1. RO PUNJAB'S LADY SPARKLE, Stan and Jimmie Jernigan, CROSS PLAINS, TX 2. LUCKY B ROCK N ROLL, Stephanie Kay Bradley, STAMFORD, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: RO PUNJAB'S LADY SPARKLE, Stan and Jimmie Jernigan, CROSS PLAINS, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: RO STARBURST, Stan and Jimmie Jernigan, CROSS PLAINS, TX
CLASS 4: 1. JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. RAFTER M DAISY IF YOU DO, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 5: 1. SUNRISE SEECO, Carter T. Smith, WILLOW PARK, TX 2. LINA C P, Abigail Donahue, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: SUNRISE SEECO, Carter T. Smith, WILLOW PARK, TX CLASS 8: 1. JCG MISS REVEILLE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 9: 1. TL SHE'S A PISTOL, Savannah Donahue, DECATUR, TX 2. MAGIC DESTINY C P, Abigail Donahue, DECATUR, TX CLASS 10: 1. TTT MEMPHIS BELL, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. RSRR BESSIE LULA, Cole Sharp, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 11: 1. CHARIS IRON BUTTERFLY, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX 2. ICS LORENA'S REDEMPTION, Carter T. Smith, WILLOW PARK, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: TL SHE'S A PISTOL, Savannah Donahue, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: TTT MEMPHIS BELL, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: TL SHE'S A PISTOL, Savannah Donahue, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX
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CLASS 20: 1. ECC ADMIRAL, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
Youth Bull Grand Champion: ECC ADMIRAL, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. I'LL BE YOUR HUCKLEBERRY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. FV IRISH FIRE, J.F. (Josh) Vinson, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: I'LL BE YOUR HUCKLEBERRY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: FV IRISH FIRE, J.F. (Josh) Vinson, HICO, TX CLASS 30: 1. KDK OOH RAH, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. JCG STEVE, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 32: 1. TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. ROCK ON BCB, Carter T. Smith, WILLOW PARK, TX CLASS 33: 1. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX 2. JCG KING ARTHUR, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX 2. JCG KING ARTHUR, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 2: 1. DJL ACE HIGH, Jerry L. or Susan Smith, OVALO, TX Steer Junior Champion: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: DJL ACE HIGH, Jerry L. or Susan Smith, OVALO, TX CLASS 5: 1. UNO PESO DOS AMIGO, Jerry & Susan Smith, OVALO, TX 2. UNO PESO TRES AMIGO, Jerry & Susan Smith, OVALO, TX CLASS 6:1. RS AUGUSTUS, Ken and Beth Smith, CLYDE, TX 2. RS CAPTAIN CALL, Ken and Beth Smith, CLYDE, TX Steer Senior Champion: UNO PESO DOS AMIGO, Jerry & Susan Smith, OVALO, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: UNO PESO TRES AMIGO, Jerry & Susan Smith, OVALO, TX Steer Grand Champion: UNO PESO DOS AMIGO, Jerry & Susan Smith, OVALO, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: UNO PESO TRES AMIGO, Jerry & Susan Smith, OVALO, TX
TEXAS LONGHORN BREEDERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW MEXICO September 12, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 10: 1. MISS KITTY'S REFLECTION, Dustin & Candice Brewer, STANLEY, NM Haltered Female Senior Champion: MISS KITTY'S REFLECTION, Dustin & Candice Brewer, STANLEY, NM Haltered Female Grand Champion: MISS KITTY'S REFLECTION, Dustin & Candice Brewer, STANLEY, NM CLASS 17: 1. OH MY DARLIN JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM 2. LORI DARLIN' JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM Haltered Mature Female Champion: OH MY DARLIN JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: LORI DARLIN' JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM
Haltered Bull Junior Champion: PAT GARRETT JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: WILLIAM BRADY JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM CLASS 29: 1. BLITZEN EXPRESS, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: BLITZEN EXPRESS, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: BLITZEN EXPRESS, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: PAT GARRETT JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 8: 1. TH CINNAMON TWIST, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 9: 1. TH MORNING STAR, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 10: 1. WILD THANG 214, Robert and Jenny Smoot, ARTESIA, NM CLASS 11: 1. PIPER'S PRIDE, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM 2. FOLSOM FALLS JAYCEE, Folsom Falls Ranch, MOUNTAINAIR, NM Free Female Senior Champion: PIPER'S PRIDE, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: FOLSOM FALLS JAYCEE, Folsom Falls Ranch, MOUNTAINAIR, NM Free Female Grand Champion: PIPER'S PRIDE, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: FOLSOM FALLS JAYCEE, Folsom Falls Ranch, MOUNTAINAIR, NM CLASS 16: 1. TH MISS CHA-VERRO, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX 2. CHRIS E., Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM CLASS 17: 1. HO HAY YOU REINDEER, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 18: 1. T-BONES ROYALTY CHEX, Dustin & Candice Brewer, STANLEY, NM 2. BAR G BAR GYPSY ROSE, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM CLASS 19: 1. CROSS M DREAM CATCHER, Dustin & Candice Brewer, STANLEY, NM 2. THE MADAMS SHADOW, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM Free Mature Female Champion: CROSS M DREAM CATCHER, Dustin & Candice Brewer, STANLEY, NM Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: HO HAY YOU REINDEER, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. KABAR, Joni Van Goethem, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM 2. DARK ROAST, W.R. Van Gundy, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM CLASS 2: 1. JULY JOHNSON 212, Robert and Jenny Smoot, ARTESIA, NM Steer Junior Champion: JULY JOHNSON 212, Robert and Jenny Smoot, ARTESIA, NM Steer Junior Champion Reserve: KABAR, Joni Van Goethem, JEMEZ SPRINGS, NM CLASS 5: 1. GOOBER JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM 2. PRL DOMINGO, Clay Bailey, MOUNTAINAIR, NM CLASS 6: 1. SALE BARN, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM 2. FOLSOM FALLS BOB, Folsom Falls Ranch, MOUNTAINAIR, NM Steer Senior Champion: GOOBER JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM Steer Senior Champion Reserve: SALE BARN, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM Steer Grand Champion: GOOBER JKW, J Wade and Kristi Wilson, CAPITAN, NM Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SALE BARN, Ron & Jan Gentry, BELEN, NM
Haltered Female Junior Champion: SW LADY LAUREN, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: K-T MAHOGANY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: SW LADY LAUREN, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA CLASS 17: 1. PEEK A BOO LD, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion: PEEK A BOO LD, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. ENR MR OMBRE', Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Junior Champion: ENR MR OMBRE', Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 29: 1. ENR NIFTY NELSON, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 34: 1. DDR BOOMER, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA 2. ENR GWENEVIERE, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 35: 1. GREAT IDEAS ROCKY, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Senior Champion: ENR NIFTY NELSON, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Grand Champion: ENR MR OMBRE', Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: ENR NIFTY NELSON, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. ENR MS OPAL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 4: 1. ENR MS OO LA LA, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Junior Champion: ENR MS OPAL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: ENR MS OO LA LA, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 8: 1. THB COWGIRL JAMBOREE, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 9: 1. THB PICANTE'S BLESSING, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 10: 1. ENR NOEL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. THB TEXA'S MERLOT, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 11: 1. SW JAZZY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA 2. K-T SUGAR, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Senior Champion: SW JAZZY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: ENR NOEL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Free Female Grand Champion: SW JAZZY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: ENR NOEL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 16: 1. ENR KASHMIR, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. SW HALO, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA CLASS 17: 1. CR MAGIC GLOW, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT 2. THB NIGHTFALL, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 18: 1. FLAT HORN, H & H Longhorns, COLFAX, WA CLASS 19: 1. ENR GWENEVIERE, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. SOUTHERN CHABLIS, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT
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SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) Free Mature Female Champion: ENR KASHMIR, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: ENR GWENEVIERE, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T MAHOGANY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Junior Champion: K-T MAHOGANY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
CLASS 17: 1. ENR GYPSY GIRL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion: ENR GYPSY GIRL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. ENR MR OMBRE', Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Junior Champion: ENR MR OMBRE', Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 29: 1. ENR NIFTY NELSON, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Senior Champion: ENR NIFTY NELSON, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Grand Champion: ENR MR OMBRE', Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: ENR NIFTY NELSON, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA
CLASS 27: 1. K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 31: 1. K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion: K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
OPEN STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA 2. K-T MOONSHINE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Steer Junior Champion: SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Junior Champion Reserve: K-T MOONSHINE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 5: 1. THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 6: 1. CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Senior Champion: CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Senior Champion Reserve: THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Steer Grand Champion: CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA
INTERSTATE FAIR - NWLA September 13, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T MAHOGANY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. SW LADY LAUREN, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Haltered Female Junior Champion: K-T MAHOGANY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: SW LADY LAUREN, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA
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CLASS 35: 1. GREAT IDEAS ROCKY, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 3: 1. ENR MS OPAL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA CLASS 4: 1. ENR MS OO LA LA, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Junior Champion: ENR MS OO LA LA, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 8: 1. THB COWGIRL JAMBOREE, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 9: 1. THB PICANTE'S BLESSING, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 10: 1. ENR NOEL, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. THB TEXA'S MERLOT, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 11: 1. K-T SUGAR, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. SW JAZZY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Free Female Senior Champion: K-T SUGAR, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: THB PICANTE'S BLESSING, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Free Female Grand Champion: K-T SUGAR, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: THB PICANTE'S BLESSING, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 16: 1. ENR KASHMIR, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. SW HALO, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA CLASS 17: 1. CR MAGIC GLOW, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT 2. THB NIGHTFALL, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 18: 1. FLAT HORN, H & H Longhorns, COLFAX, WA CLASS 19: 1. ENR GWENEVIERE, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA 2. SOUTHERN CHABLIS, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Free Mature Female Champion: ENR KASHMIR, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: ENR GWENEVIERE, Ben and Ilse Myren, COLVILLE, WA
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T MAHOGANY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Junior Champion: K-T MAHOGANY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 11.1: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
Texas Longhorn Trails
Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Junior Champion: K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 31.: 1. K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Senior Champion: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion: K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA 2. K-T MOONSHINE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Steer Junior Champion: SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Junior Champion Reserve: K-T MOONSHINE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 5: 1. THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 6: 1. CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Senior Champion: CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Senior Champion Reserve: THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Steer Grand Champion: CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Grand Champion Reserve: THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT
STATE FAIR OF TEXAS September 25, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. OL OPLAY, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 5: 1. OL OVERSWEET, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion: OL OVERSWEET, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. PLR CHANTILLY BLUE, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. AJ NIGHTSTAR, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX CLASS 10: 1. HI 5'S AMARETTO, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 11.: 1. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. BH STEELNITE, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: OL OVERSWEET, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 16: 1. BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. PLR PEARL'S PARADISE, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 17.: 1. HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
Haltered Mature Female Champion: BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 22: 1. SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX 2. TC3 5 CARD STUD, Todd Williams, DALLAS, TX CLASS 23: 1. OL PLAYOFF, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 24: 1. DALLAS SEAVEY, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX 2. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Bull Junior Champion: OL PLAYOFF, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: DALLAS SEAVEY, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX CLASS 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX 2. CL JAZZMAN, James Culpepper, SUNSET, TX CLASS 28: 1. SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX 2. LEONARDO SH, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX CLASS 29: 1. HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR BULLINATOR, Infinity Ranch Land and Cattle, BURLESON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. OL PLAY GIRL, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 5: 1. LINA C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion: OL PLAY GIRL, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: LINA C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR FAITH, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 9: 1. OL SPEECHLESS, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 10: 1. IRON HOT FIREBALL, Saddle Thorn Enterprises, LLC, DECATUR, TX 2. TL JADA, Ryan M.& Devin D. Culpepper, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 11.: 1. CT SALTY LILLIE, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. L-C HONKY TONK WOMAN, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Free Female Senior Champion: IRON HOT FIREBALL, Saddle Thorn Enterprises, LLC, DECATUR, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: CT SALTY LILLIE, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Free Female Grand Champion: IRON HOT FIREBALL, Saddle Thorn Enterprises, LLC, DECATUR, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: CT SALTY LILLIE, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 16: 1. SANDDOLLAR SUZETTE, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX 2. ECR CASTLE GEM, JR Richardson Ranch, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 17: 1. TANGO'S DESTINY CP, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. SE GITCHA SHADOW, Joel Norris, KAUFMAN, TX CLASS 18: 1. SHE'S A HONEY 5/8, David Caperton, ENNIS, TX CLASS 19: 1. TW BOOMERANG'S POLKA DOT, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. BOOMERANG'S TANGO CP, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Free Mature Female Champion: TW BOOMERANG'S POLKA DOT, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: BOOMERANG'S TANGO CP, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. VNR SANGRIA LEIGH, Miriam Faske, BURTON, TX CLASS 4: 1. OL OPLAY, Lainey Lampier, MALAKOFF, TX 2. SPIT FIRE GAL, John Morgan Russell, HICO, TX CLASS 5: 1. STEEL LACE SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: STEEL LACE SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. BZB STOMPIN' HONEY, Erin Kuykendall, PIPE CREEK, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. CHAPARRAL SPRINKLES, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 10: 1. CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 11: 1. BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. BH NITE STICK, Caroline Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. OL PLAYOFF, Lainey Lampier, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 20: 1. HD SKYROCKET, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX 2. CL DENALI, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 21: 1. CL JAZZMAN, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX 2. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: BH NITE STICK, Caroline Holson, GRANBURY, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HD SKYROCKET, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 27.: 1. HI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. TTT BLAZON LEGENDS, John Morgan Russell, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: HI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 30: 1. KDK OOH RAH, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX 2. JCG STEVE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 31: 1. BZB VAMANOS, Erin Kuykendall, PIPE CREEK, TX CLASS 32: 1. ROCK ON BCB, Carter T. Smith, WILLOW PARK, TX 2. STAKEOUT'S PRIDE, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1.: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. OL DIXIE LEE, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 2: 1. NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX 2. LSC JIM JAM, Swing'n Star Ranch, SEABROOK, TX Steer Junior Champion: NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 5: 1. HANG EM HIGH BCB, Hannah C. Faske, SOMERVILLE, TX 2. DDM JOKER'S WILD, Vida Nueva Ranch, BURTON, TX CLASS 6: 1.
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SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) JTW EMPEROR'S SATIN, David Caperton, ENNIS, TX 2. WOODROW 6, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Steer Senior Champion: JTW EMPEROR'S SATIN, David Caperton, ENNIS, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: HANG EM HIGH BCB, Hannah C. Faske, SOMERVILLE, TX Steer Grand Champion: JTW EMPEROR'S SATIN, David Caperton, ENNIS, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HANG EM HIGH BCB, Hannah C. Faske, SOMERVILLE, TX
NRLA CENTRAL WASHINGTON LONGHORN SHOW September 27, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T MAHOGANY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. SW LADY LAUREN, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Haltered Female Junior Champion: K-T MAHOGANY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: SW LADY LAUREN, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 17.1: 1. BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion: BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 24: 1. J5 ROMEO, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR Haltered Bull Junior Champion: J5 ROMEO, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR Haltered Bull Grand Champion: J5 ROMEO, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. J5 LARK, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR 2. K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 5: 1. J5 CHINA DOLL, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR Free Female Junior Champion: J5 LARK, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 8: 1. J5 WILLOW, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR CLASS 10: 1. KT RED ROSE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. SW JAZZY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA 2. J5 RIGHT ON, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR Free Female Senior Champion: SW JAZZY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T RED ROSE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Free Female Grand Champion: SW JAZZY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA
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Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T RED ROSE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 16: 1. SW IZZABELLA, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA 2. SW HALO, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA CLASS 17: 1. TEENIE WEENIE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. J5 RIGHTOUS BEAUTY, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR CLASS 18: 1. FLAT HORN, H & H Longhorns, COLFAX, WA 2. J5 DEE-DEE, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR Free Mature Female Champion: SW IZZABELLA, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: FLAT HORN, H & H Longhorns, COLFAX, WA
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA 2. K-T RUBY RED, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA Youth Female Junior Champion: K-T THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: K-T RUBY RED, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA 2. K-T RED ROSE, Keith Tramm, TACOMA, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA 2. K-T SUGAR, Sarah Tramm, TACOMA, WA Youth Female Senior Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion: K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. K-T WILLY, Keith Tramm, TACOMA, WA 2. K-T MOONBEAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Junior Champion: K-T WILLY, Keith Tramm, TACOMA, WA CLASS 31: 1. K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Senior Champion: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion: K-T WILLY, Keith Tramm, TACOMA, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: K-T PEANUT, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA 2. J5 Z'S SAINT PAT, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR Steer Junior Champion: SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Junior Champion Reserve: J5 Z'S SAINT PAT, J5 Longhorns, MOLALLA, OR CLASS 6: 1. CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Senior Champion: CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Grand Champion: CWR WHIRLAWAY, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SW JUSTUS, Sharron Wiens, KENNEWICK, WA
TULSA STATE FAIR October 1, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. SWEETIE BELLE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. FANTASIA SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK
Texas Longhorn Trails
Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: FANTASIA SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 10: 1. SHY'S MERRY MARY, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 11: 1. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: SHY'S MERRY MARY, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: SHY'S MERRY MARY, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 16: 1. DIAMOND Q DELILA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 17.: 1. HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: DIAMOND Q DELILA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 24: 1. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. SHY'S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX CLASS 29: 1. HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. MTR AIR SUPERB 38/14, Joseph M. Graham, JOPLIN, MO Haltered Bull Senior Champion: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS
OPEN GET OF SIRE DIVISION CLASS 35: 1. SB POP A TOP, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. ROUGH RIDER 30, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q BETSY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. LEGACY'S DIDILA, Legacy Longhorns, LLC, BLANCHARD, OK CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q EMMYLOU, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. SBL ELEANOR, Peter Grimm, TULSA, OK Free Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q EMMYLOU, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BETSY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 8: 1. CA'S SPARKLING RUBY, C A Longhorns, MEEKER, OK 2. SSRR LITTLE RED ROBIN, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK CLASS 9: 1. SSRR ROCK STAR, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK CLASS 10: 1. SBL ISABELLA, Peter Grimm, TULSA, OK 2. SBL GYPSY DANCER, Peter Grimm, TULSA, OK CLASS 11: 1. SSRR LITTLE FRECKLE, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK
Free Female Grand Champion: SBL ISABELLA, Peter Grimm, TULSA, OK Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q EMMYLOU, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Free Female Senior Champion: SBL ISABELLA, Peter Grimm, TULSA, OK Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: SSRR LITTLE FRECKLE, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK CLASS 16: 1. KID SISTER BCB, Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK 2. DIAMOND Q CIARA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 17: 1. LLL GUNSMOKE'S MISSY, Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK 2. DIAMOND Q TANITA, C A Longhorns, MEEKER, OK CLASS 19: 1. SSRR GOSSIPS GLAMOURGIRL, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK Free Mature Female Champion: LLL GUNSMOKE'S MISSY, Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: KID SISTER BCB, Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BETSY, Cason Rangel, ALVORD, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q EMMYLOU, Cason Rangel, ALVORD, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DUALS FROSTY FIRECRACKER, Bailey Belger, WOLFE CITY, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 10.: 1. TTT RHINESTONE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 11.: 1. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 20: 1. SHY'S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 21: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. STRIKIN' R BUSTER, Cason Rangel, ALVORD, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SHY'S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. SHY'S HART LINE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX Steer Junior Champion: TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: SHY'S HART LINE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 32: 1. 4K KING RICHARD 43, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. STRIKIN' R WILLIE, Cason Rangel, ALVORD, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1.: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. LR MOUSE, Locke Ranch, BRISTOW, OK CLASS 2: 1. LR OTIS, Locke Ranch, BRISTOW, OK Steer Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: LR OTIS, Locke Ranch, BRISTOW, OK CLASS 5: 1. D/O BLAZZIN SUNFIRE, Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK 2. DIAMOND Q NITRO, C A Longhorns, MEEKER, OK CLASS 6: 1. SSRR ZEKE, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK Steer Senior Champion: D/O BLAZZIN SUNFIRE, Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK Steer Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q NITRO, C A Longhorns, MEEKER, OK Steer Grand Champion: D/O BLAZZIN SUNFIRE, Kasi Dick, PAWHUSKA, OK Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q NITRO, C A Longhorns, MEEKER, OK
EAST TEXAS STATE FAIR October 2, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. TL MAGNOLIA, Brenna Casella, SOUTHLAKE, TX 2. OL OPLAY, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 5: 1. STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. FANTASIA SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Female Junior Champion: STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: MS DRAGONFLY SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 8: 1. R4 CLEARLY LUNA, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. OL ADALIDA, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX CLASS 9: 1. JP TEJAS ANGELFACE, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX 2. GA SHE'S A SIREN, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 10: 1. CL BELLAMY, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX 2. HI 5'S AMARETTO, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 11: 1. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. BROKEN W ROYAL, Crystal Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: CL BELLAMY, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL BELLAMY, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX CLASS 16: 1. SOMETHING ELSE 210, Kathryn Leann Head, COLLEGE STATION, TX 2. ECR SOLUTION SAFARI, JR Richardson Ranch, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 17.: 1. HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5'S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SOMETHING ELSE 210, Kathryn Leann Head, COLLEGE STATION, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. OL PLAYOFF, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 24: 1. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. HI 5'S LUNCH BOX, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX CLASS Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS
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SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: OL PLAYOFF, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX 2. OL CLEAR SPARK, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 28: 1. GA DIRTY DIESEL, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 29: 1. HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. CLEAR PLAY, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX 2. OL PLAY GIRL, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. CANDY KETTLE, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX Free Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX CLASS 8: 1. SWEET PEA'S SHADOW, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX 2. PK'S BRIANNAS FRECKLES, Guthrie Creek Longhorn Cattle, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. OL SPEECHLESS, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. 4T RIP'S MISSY, Donnie Taylor, HUNTINGTON, TX CLASS 10.: 1. TS JOLIE ESPECIAL, Meghan Lovaas, WAXAHACHIE, TX 2. KETTLE BELLE, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX CLASS 11: 1. SARCEE MAJESTIC LADY, Ollive/ Collins Partnership, BIG SANDY, TX 2. HI 5'S HENNESSY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Senior Champion: SARCEE MAJESTIC LADY, Ollive/ Collins Partnership, BIG SANDY, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: TS JOLIE ESPECIAL, Meghan Lovaas, WAXAHACHIE, TX Free Female Grand Champion: SARCEE MAJESTIC LADY, Ollive/ Collins Partnership, BIG SANDY, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 16: 1. PK'S ANGEL EYES, Guthrie Creek Longhorn Cattle, DECATUR, TX 2. ECR CASTLE GEM, JR Richardson Ranch, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 17: 1. DRL REBEL'S TAHITIAN GIRL, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX 2. HL OKLAHOMA GIRL 01, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX CLASS 18: 1. PLR CHARMIN' MIRANDA, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX CLASS 19: 1. BOOMERANG'S TANGO CP, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. JTW PHANTOM, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX Free Mature Female Champion: BOOMERANG'S TANGO CP, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: JTW PHANTOM, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. JR SHOPHIA CAITLIAN, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 4: 1. OL OPLAY, Lainey Lampier, MALAKOFF, TX 2. DIAMOND Q LACEE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 5: 1. SANDDOLLAR SWEET PEA II, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. OL OVERSWEET, Lainey Lampier, MALAKOFF, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: OL OPLAY, Lainey Lampier, MALAKOFF, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR SWEET PEA II, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX
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CLASS 8: 1. OL ADALIDA, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX 2. THE SHADOW MAKER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 9: 1. CHARIS REATA, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. LW AMARILLO'S ON MY MIND, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 10: 1. CL BELLAMY, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. TTT RHINESTONE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 11: 1. BROKEN W ROYAL, Oran Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX 2. BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: BROKEN W ROYAL, Oran Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: CL BELLAMY, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: BROKEN W ROYAL, Oran Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL BELLAMY, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. JKG SHAMROCK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. OL PLAYOFF, Lainey Lampier, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 20: 1. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 21: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CHARIS MEMPHIS, Ashton N. Weaver, MALAD CITY, ID Youth Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 27: 1. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. HI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Steer Junior Champion: TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S DIPSTICK, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 30: 1. JP PRINCE THOR, Alexis J. Hynes, VAN, TX 2. JR PRIDE OF ECR CASTLE G, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 31: 1. D/O TROUBADOUR, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX CLASS 32: 1. TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. TTT GOOD GRAVY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX 2. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Semior Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX 2. OL DIXIE LEE, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 2: 1. SS KAWLIGA, Alexzandria Rivera, RED OAK, TX 2. JTW BILLY GUN 03, J.T. Wehring, HOUSTON, TX Steer Junior Champion: SS KAWLIGA, Alexzandria Rivera, RED OAK, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 5: 1. BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX CLASS 6: 1. WOODROW 6, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. RJF HAWKEYE RANGER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA Steer Senior Champion: WOODROW 6, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: RJF HAWKEYE RANGER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA Steer Grand Champion: WOODROW 6, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: RJF HAWKEYE RANGER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA
Texas Longhorn Trails
NRLA NILE LONGHORN SHOW October 14, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. K-T CHERRIES AND CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA 2. PALE ALE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Female Junior Champion: K-T CHERRIES AND CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: PALE ALE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion: K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion: K-T VANILLA ICE, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 16: 1. AUNT JEMIMA 012, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 17: 1. BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA Haltered Mature Female Champion: AUNT JEMIMA 012, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: BLACK PEARL 82, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Bull Junior Champion: PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 28: 1. UNBELIEVABLE OLAF, Chucody McNiven, LAUREL, MT Haltered Bull Senior Champion: UNBELIEVABLE OLAF, Chucody McNiven, LAUREL, MT Haltered Bull Grand Champion: PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: UNBELIEVABLE OLAF, Chucody McNiven, LAUREL, MT
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. STEEL MAGNOLIA 52, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. KT THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 5: 1. TEQUILA ROSE 51, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Junior Champion: TEQUILA ROSE 51, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: STEEL MAGNOLIA 52, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 9: 1. THB PICANTE'S BLESSING, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 10: 1. DESERT DIAMOND, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. THB TEXA'S MERLOT, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT CLASS 11.: 1. MANDOLIN RAIN, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Senior Champion: MANDOLIN RAIN, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: DESERT DIAMOND, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Grand Champion: MANDOLIN RAIN, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: DESERT DIAMOND, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 16: 1. K-T SIERRA, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA CLASS 17: 1. THB HOODED PEARL, Chucody McNiven, LAUREL, MT CLASS 19: 1. DECKERIFIC, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Mature Female Champion: DECKERIFIC, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: K-T SIERRA, Rocking K Bar T Ranch, EVANS, WA
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. PALE ALE, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. K-T MAHOGANY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 5: 1. TEQUILA ROSE 51, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Junior Champion: TEQUILA ROSE 51, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: PALE ALE, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 9: 1. K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND DOLLAR, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. KT VANILLA ICE, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA CLASS 11: 1. K-T AUTUMN, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND DOLLAR, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND DOLLAR, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: K-T RASPBERRIES & CREAM, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Bull Grand Champion: PANCHO VILLA 55, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Junior Champion: K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA Youth Steer Grand Champion: K-T WILLY, Chance Kearney, EVANS, WA
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1.: 1. TOP HAT WAYLON, Nancy Okerman, MILES CITY, MT 2. TOP HAT WILLIE, Nancy Okerman, MILES CITY, MT CLASS 2: 1. TERRENCE JUNIOR, Nancy Okerman, MILES CITY, MT Steer Junior Champion: TERRENCE JUNIOR, Nancy Okerman, MILES CITY, MT Steer Junior Champion Reserve: TOP HAT WAYLON, Nancy Okerman, MILES CITY, MT CLASS 5: 1. BN JIM REEVES, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Steer Senior Champion: BN JIM REEVES, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Senior Champion Reserve: THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT Steer Grand Champion: BN JIM REEVES, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Grand Champion Reserve: THB GUNS A BLAZON, Two Heart Bar Ranch, PLAINS, MT
HEART OF TEXAS LONGHORN SHOW October 17, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 5: 1. JCG SUNSHINE, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX 2. SUNRISE SEECO, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 8: 1. CF RIO WIZ MAYBELINE, Crecelius Farms, RIO VISTA, TX 2. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. FV FOX TWO, Jacob Daniel Lowrie,
RHOME, TX CLASS 11.: 1. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. CF BACA'S CRAZY DAISY, Crecelius Farms, RIO VISTA, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: CF RIO WIZ MAYBELINE, Crecelius Farms, RIO VISTA, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: CF RIO WIZ MAYBELINE, Crecelius Farms, RIO VISTA, TX CLASS 16: 1. JP WAR HYMN, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: JP WAR HYMN, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. JCG TITANIUM, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 24: 1. ECC ADMIRAL, Evans Cattle Company, VENUS, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: JCG TITANIUM, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: ECC ADMIRAL, Evans Cattle Company, VENUS, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: JCG TITANIUM, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: ECC ADMIRAL, Evans Cattle Company, VENUS, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. SPIT FIRE GAL, John Morgan Russell, HICO, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SERINA, J.F. (Josh) Vinson, HICO, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. ROSIE'S SMILIN CASH, Lornah Wiseman, MADISONVILLE, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. FC SPLASH OF CINNAMON, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT RHINESTONE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 11: 1. BH STEELNITE, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 19: 1. JCG TITANIUM, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. BH NITE STICK, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX CLASS 20: 1. HI 5'S LUNCH BOX, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: HI 5'S LUNCH BOX, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: JCG TITANIUM, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 27: 1. FV IRISH FIRE, J.F. (Josh) Vinson, HICO, TX 2. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve:FV IRISH
Texas Longhorn Trails
TLBT Hall of Fame Points as of February 5, 2016 JUNIOR DIVISION 3380 1230 930 915 895 860 810 700 615 610
Tyler Lindsey LAUREL, MS Allison D. Lowrie RHOME, TX Cooper D. Taylor THORNDALE, TX Caroline Holson GRANBURY, TX John Kofnovec WORTHAM, TX Ty Anders CRAWFORD, NE Ella Wieczorek HICKMAN, NE Oran Chambliss MANSFIELD, TX Madilyn Moreland DECATUR, TX Dylaney Rose Georges ROCA, NE
INTERMEDIATE DIVISION 2930 2195 1850 1675 1565 1565 1110 875 850 630
Clara Holson GRANBURY, TX Chance Kearney EVANS, WA Jackson Grace SUNSET, TX Jacob Daniel Lowrie RHOME, TX Shyanne McClendon MARSHALL, TX Ashlyn Holson ALBANY, TX Dalli Anders CRAWFORD, NE Clarice Francis ANGLETON, TX Sara Jennings ANGLETON, TX Laney Hebert ANGLETON, TX
TEEN DIVISION 2570 1200 1165 995 960 930 815 810 765 710
Caitlyn Holson ALBANY, TX Jodie Ging PALACIOS, TX Justin Wade Crumpton MIDLOTHIAN, TX Ryan Johnson BIG HORN, WY Caden Wieczorek HICKMAN, NE Savannah Donahue DECATUR, TX Pasinee On-yam MARSHALL, TX Cole Sharp SAN ANGELO, TX Rachel Brook Ovitt ARCADIA, LA Joseph Wyatt Russell HICO, TX
SENIOR DIVISION 6260 4465 3225 2220 1890 1420 1210 1065 1050 1020
Tarah Moore HICO, TX Kalli Winters PARADISE, TX Cody Garcia HICO, TX Shelby A. Rooker POOLVILLE, TX Savannah Anderson MANSFIELD, TX Josh Courtney FORT WORTH, TX Hannah Twardowski MANSFIELD, TX Carter T. Smith WILLOW PARK, TX Kacie Ging PALACIOS, TX Madison Connell FERRIS, TX March 2016 | 51
SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) FIRE, J.F. (Josh) Vinson, HICO, TX 2. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 30: 1. JCG STEVE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. CHRISTINE'S TITO, Lornah Wiseman, MADISONVILLE, TX CLASS 32: 1. ROCK ON BCB, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX 2. TTT GOOD GRAVY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. PK'S RUBICON, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: ROCK ON BCB, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: JCG STEVE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: ROCK ON BCB, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: JCG STEVE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX
2015 ARK-LA-TEX TEXAS LONGHORN ANNUAL FALL SHOW October 23, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. SKH ESMERALDA, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX 2. TOO EASY, William F. Caldwell, WOODVILLE, TX CLASS 4: 1. RR CHANTAL STAR, Marty and Donna Robeson, GORDON, TX 2. MS SUMMER BREEZE SH, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 5: 1. FANTASIA SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Female Junior Champion: FANTASIA SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 8: 1. THE SHADOW MAKER, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX 2. R4 CLEARLY LUNA, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 9: 1. COLORADO'S SUGAR & SPICE, Kathy Lewis, PORTER, TX 2. SKH REAL STERLING, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 10: 1. HI 5'S AMARETTO, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 11: 1. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. TL GYPSY, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: TL GYPSY, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: TL GYPSY, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 16: 1. HI 5'S SOUTHERN BELL, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5'S SOUTHERN BELL, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 22: 1. HI 5'S WHISKEY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. CL'S TATER SALAD, Billy and Kim Cooper, OAKHURST, TX CLASS 23: 1. CI AWESOME OREO, Kathy Lewis, PORTER, TX 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 24: 1. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: CI AWESOME OREO, Kathy Lewis, PORTER, TX CLASS 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX 2. TATTOOED JUDGEMENT, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX CLASS 29: 1. HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
52 | March 2016
Haltered Bull Grand Champion: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: CI AWESOME OREO, Kathy Lewis, PORTER, TX
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. HI 5'S LADY LUCK, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Free Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 9: 1. BAR D RIPPIN OVER ME, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX CLASS 10: 1. FEISTY DELTA SUNRISE, Rachel Brook Ovitt, ARCADIA, LA CLASS 11: 1. SH FRANCH ROCKET 22/3, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX 2. HI 5'S HENNESSY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Senior Champion: SH FRANCH ROCKET 22/3, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S HENNESSY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 16: 1. DUBOSE'S ELEGANT GAL, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX CLASS 17: 1. SHR LADY LIBERTY, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX Free Mature Female Champion: DUBOSE'S ELEGANT GAL, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: SHR LADY LIBERTY, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. TOO EASY, Lydia Salsbury, LEAGUE CITY, TX 2. SSS ELLIE'S GLORY BEE, Alli Perkins, HOUSTON, TX CLASS 4: 1. BH CHAPSTICK, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. SVR HERSHEY, Kailee Vuskov, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 5: 1. SKH HOOK'EM LOLA, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. ORPHAN ANNIE 1, Ashleigh Meek, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: TOO EASY, Lydia Salsbury, LEAGUE CITY, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: SKH HOOK'EM LOLA, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 8: 1. TS MAGGIE MAE, Britney Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX 2. THE SHADOW MAKER, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 9: 1. CHARIS REATA, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. JKG ROSIE RED ALL OVER, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 10: 1. RUNBELING DRAGON, Merideth Harvey, ALVARADO, TX 2. OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 11.: 1. CL'S KNOCKOUT, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX 2. TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: TS MAGGIE MAE, Britney Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: RUNBELING DRAGON, Merideth Harvey, ALVARADO, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: TS MAGGIE MAE, Britney Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: RUNBELING DRAGON, Merideth Harvey, ALVARADO, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 21: 1. TATTOOED JUDGEMENT, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX 2. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: TATTOOED JUDGEMENT, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. REDSTAR BRUTUS, Haile White, FERRIS, TX 2. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 27: 1. SSS GRACE'S THOR, Evan Perkins, HOUSTON, TX 2. HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: SSS GRACE'S THOR, Evan Perkins, HOUSTON, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: REDSTAR BRUTUS, Haile White, FERRIS, TX CLASS 30: 1. JR PRIDE OF ECR CASTLE G, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX 2. SUGAR AND SPICE CHEX, Sierra Shouse, VIDOR, TX CLASS 31 : 1. D/O TROUBADOUR, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX 2. CL'S TWEETER, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX CLASS 32: 1. RHL JUNCTION BOY, Rachel Brook Ovitt, ARCADIA, LA 2. STAKEOUT'S PRIDE, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 33: 1. FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: RHL JUNCTION BOY, Rachel Brook Ovitt, ARCADIA, LA Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: RHL JUNCTION BOY, Rachel Brook Ovitt, ARCADIA, LA Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1.: 1. DUBOSE'S AWESOME SPOTS, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX 2. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 2: 1. JHC TUNDRA WOLF, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX Steer Junior Champion: DUBOSE'S AWESOME SPOTS, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: JHC TUNDRA WOLF, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX CLASS 5: 1. PRINCE CHARLES B, Meighan Shouse, VIDOR, TX CLASS 6: 1. HULLABALOO 16/4, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX Steer Senior Champion: HULLABALOO 16/4, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: PRINCE CHARLES B, Meighan Shouse, VIDOR, TX Steer Grand Champion: HULLABALOO 16/4, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DUBOSE'S AWESOME SPOTS, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX
2015 ARK-LA-TEX TEXAS LONGHORN ANNUAL FALL SHOW POINTS ONLY October 24, 2015 FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. HI 5'S LADY LUCK, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 5 : 1. DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S LADY LUCK, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 10: 1. FEISTY DELTA SUNRISE, Rachel Brook Ovitt, ARCADIA, LA CLASS 11: 1. SH FRANCH ROCKET 22/3, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX 2. HI 5'S HENNESSY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Senior Champion: SH FRANCH ROCKET 22/3, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX
Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: FEISTY DELTA SUNRISE, Rachel Brook Ovitt, ARCADIA, LA Free Female Grand Champion: SH FRANCH ROCKET 22/3, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. TOO EASY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q LACEE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. BH CHAPSTICK, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX CLASS 5: 1. BH FIZZY STICK, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. TTT STILLETO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: BH FIZZY STICK, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q LACEE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 8: 1. R4 CLEARLY LUNA, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. OL ADALIDA, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX CLASS 9: 1. CHARIS REATA, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. JKG ROSIE RED ALL OVER, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 10: 1. CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. TTT RHINESTONE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 11.: 1. TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX 2. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: BH FIZZY STICK, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 18: 1. HI 5'S WHISKEY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CL'S TATER SALAD, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX CLASS 19: 1. JKG SHAMROCK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 20: 1. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. CL DENALI, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 21: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CHARIS MEMPHIS, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. PK'S ROUGH RYDER, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. REDSTAR RADAR, William Coleman Yarborough, FERRIS, TX CLASS 27.: 1. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: PK'S ROUGH RYDER, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 30: 1. SKH SPOTS OF GOLD, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX 2. SUGAR AND SPICE CHEX, Sierra Shouse, VIDOR, TX CLASS 31: 1. D/O TROUBADOUR, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX 2. CL'S TWEETER, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX CLASS 32: 1. RHL JUNCTION BOY, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX 2. TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: RHL JUNCTION BOY, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: RHL JUNCTION BOY, Cody Mc Donald, OAKHURST, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
LOUISIANA STATE FAIR November 7, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. SWEETIE BELLE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 5: 1. STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. R4 CLEARLY LUNA, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. JP TEJAS ANGELFACE, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. HI 5'S AMARETTO, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 11: 1. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX
237 SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44 Damrow Longhorns • ROCA, NE
224 DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PRAGUE, OK
209 SALTILLO SUPER SHERI 30 Damrow Longhorns • ROCA, NE
201 DJL DUTYLICIOUS Cody M. Himmelreich • DAYTON, TX
195 K-T VANILLA ICE Rocking K Bar T Ranch • EVANS, WA
182 STEEL LACE SH Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey • LAUREL, MS
181 DIAMOND Q SANDIANN Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PRAGUE, OK
128 DIAMOND Q ZOEY Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PRAGUE, OK
119 FCL VOODO CHILE Fossil Creek Longhorns • GREELEY, CO
CLASS 21: 1. HI 5'S FIREBALL, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 22: 1. HI 5'S WHISKEY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. 4K CHIEF 510, Ken Harris, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 23: 1. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 24: 1. SHY'S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Bull Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S WHISKEY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX CLASS 29: 1. HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. TUFF'S RUFF 'N ROWDY, McKnight/Clark/Wilkins Partnership, PITTSBURG, KS Haltered Bull Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: HI 5'S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK
Cody M. Himmelreich • DAYTON, TX
162 FCL KEROSENE Fossil Creek Longhorns • GREELEY, CO
108 PEEK A BOO LD Rocking K Bar T Ranch • EVANS, WA
105 HI 5'S SOUTHERN BELL Cody M. Himmelreich • DAYTON, TX
Joe Tucker • PARADISE, TX
Ryan Johnson • BIG HORN, WY
Grace Cattle Company, LLC • FORT WORTH, TX
Damrow Longhorns • ROCA, NE
Jackson Grace • SUNSET, TX
280 HI 5'S BUSHWACKER Cody M. Himmelreich • DAYTON, TX
CLASS 34: 1. RED OAK MARTHA, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX
Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PRAGUE, OK
CLASS 4: 1. KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. MS SUMMER BREEZE SH, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 9: 1. PRINCESS HIGHBOOTS, Matthew King, TYLER, TX CLASS 11: 1. HI 5'S HENNESSY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. DUALS WORLD SHOWGIRL, Barbara Baker Bivins & Matthew Bivins, CAMPBELL, TX
Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey • LAUREL, MS
164 DIAMOND Q DIEGO Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership • DAYTON, TX
152 ENR MR OMBRE' Ben and Ilse Myren • COLVILLE, WA
127 PANCHO VILLA 55 Ryan Johnson • BIG HORN, WY
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 53
SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) Free Female Senior Champion: HI 5'S HENNESSY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: PRINCESS HIGHBOOTS, Matthew King, TYLER, TX Free Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ROSINA, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S HENNESSY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 16: 1. HALF MILLION DOLLAR BABY, Barbara Baker Bivins & Matthew Bivins, CAMPBELL, TX2. SH SWEET NICHOLE 7/2, Jorge Avalos, FERRIS, TX CLASS 17: 1. DRL REBEL'S TAHITIAN GIRL, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX 2. SHR LADY LIBERTY, Keith & Tina DuBose, Ben Wheeler, TX Free Mature Female Champion: HALF MILLION DOLLAR BABY, Barbara Baker Bivins & Matthew Bivins, CAMPBELL, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: SH SWEET NICHOLE 7/2, Jorge Avalos, FERRIS, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q LACEE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT STILLETO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 8: 1. R4 CLEARLY LUNA, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 9: 1. JP TEJAS ANGELFACE, Crystal A. Avalos, FERRIS, TX 2. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 10: 1. TTT RHINESTONE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. SHY'S MERRY MARY, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 11: 1. SHY'S DARLENE, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX 2. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: R4 CLEARLY LUNA, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: SHY'S DARLENE, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: R4 CLEARLY LUNA, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SHY'S DARLENE, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 17: 1. HI 5'S FIREBALL, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 18: 1. HI 5'S WHISKEY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. 4K CHIEF 510, Pasinee Onyam, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 19: 1. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. ACR SLIM SHADY 2, Crystal A. Avalos, FERRIS, TX CLASS 20: 1. DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 21.: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 27: 1. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. SHY'S HART LINE, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: SHY'S HART LINE, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 30: 1. JP PRINCE THOR, Haley Calhoun, ATHENS, TX CLASS 32: 1. TTT GOOD GRAVY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. 4K KING RICHARD 43, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX
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Youth Steer Grand Senior Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. 4K KING RICHARD 43, Ken Harris, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 2: 1. JTW BILLY GUN 03, J.T. Wehring, HOUSTON, TX 2. SS KAWLIGA, Alexzandria Rivera, RED OAK, TX Steer Junior Champion: JTW BILLY GUN 03, J.T. Wehring, HOUSTON, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: SS KAWLIGA, Alexzandria Rivera, RED OAK, TX CLASS 5: 1. BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX CLASS 6: 1. RJF HAWKEYE RANGER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA 2. PUNJAB'S CLOUD DANCER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA Steer Senior Champion: RJF HAWKEYE RANGER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA Steer Senior Champion Reserve: PUNJAB'S CLOUD DANCER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA Steer Grand Champion: RJF HAWKEYE RANGER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA Steer Grand Champion Reserve: PUNJAB'S CLOUD DANCER, Ron & Donna Garison, DOYLINE, LA
KAUFMAN POLICE ASSOCIATION LONGHORN SHOW November 20, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. JP CHEYENNE MOON, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. RED TEXAS MIRAGE, Blossom Ridge Ranch/Haley Calhoun, ATHENS, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK’2. HI 5'S DAIQUIRI, Luck-E-CRanch, MURCHISON, TX CLASS 11.: 1. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 22: 1. KB ROD IRON, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX CLASS 23: 1. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. COWBOY SEMPER FI, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX CLASS 24: 1. TH PREACHER MAN, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: COWBOY SEMPER FI, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: COWBOY SEMPER FI, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q SHYLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 5: 1. SUNRISE SEECO, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX 2. BRR TREE FROG, Blossom Ridge Ranch/Haley Calhoun, ATHENS, TX Free Female Junior Champion: SUNRISE SEECO, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SHYLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 8: 1. TH CINNAMON TWIST, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 9: 1. G&L TRADE BEADS, Alexis J. Hynes, VAN, TX 2. TH MORNING STAR, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 10: 1. AJ WIND STORM, Alexis J. Hynes, VAN, TX 2. FEISTY DELTA SUNRISE, Rachel Brook Ovitt, ARCADIA, LA CLASS 11: 1. CVL ANSWERED PRAYERS, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX 2. SARCEE MAJESTIC LADY, Ollive/ Collins Partnership, BIG SANDY, TX Free Female Senior Champion: CVL ANSWERED PRAYERS, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: AJ WIND STORM, Alexis J. Hynes, VAN, TX Free Female Grand Champion: CVL ANSWERED PRAYERS, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: AJ WIND STORM, Alexis J. Hynes, VAN, TX CLASS 16: 1. JP WAR HYMN, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX 2. LAZYJ'S JUNIPER, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX CLASS 17: 1. CWR FRENCHIE, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX 2. TH ZIPPY DO DA, Steven & Ruby Retzloff, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 18: 1. PLR CHARMIN' MIRANDA, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX 2. HC MISS DAKOTA, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Free Mature Female Champion: CWR FRENCHIE, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: PLR CHARMIN' MIRANDA, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 2: 1. JENNY ROSE, Cole Sharp, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX 2. DIAMOND Q LACEE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 5: 1. TTT BARBWIRE & LACE, Joseph Wyatt Russell, HICO, TX 2. TTT STILLETO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: TTT BARBWIRE & LACE, Joseph Wyatt Russell, HICO, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 8: 1. JCG MISS REVEILLE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. FC SPLASH OF CINNAMON, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT RHINESTONE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 11: 1. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. BH STEELNITE, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: BH STEELNITE, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: TTT BARBWIRE & LACE, Joseph Wyatt Russell, HICO, TX
Youth Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SHY'S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. JCG HULLABALOO, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX 2. PK'S ROUGH RYDER, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 27: 1. SHY'S HART LINE, Pasinee On-yam, MARSHALL, TX 2. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS Youth Steer Junior Champion: SHY'S HART LINE, Pasinee On-yam, MARSHALL, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 30: 1. JCG STEVE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. KDK OOH RAH, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 31: 1. J R SHILOH BOY, Leandro Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX CLASS 32: 1. TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. TTT GOOD GRAVY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX 2. BUCKLEHEAD BCB, Marceala Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX CLASS 2: 1. JTW BILLY GUN 03, J.T. Wehring, HOUSTON, TX 2. SS KAWLIGA, Alexzandria Rivera, RED OAK, TX Steer Junior Champion: JTW BILLY GUN 03, J.T. Wehring, HOUSTON, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: SS KAWLIGA, Alexzandria Rivera, RED OAK, TX CLASS 5: 1. BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX Steer Senior Champion: BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX Steer Grand Champion: JTW BILLY GUN 03, J.T. Wehring, HOUSTON, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX
TLBAA ANIMAL HALL OF FAME As of February 4, 2016
Youth Female Senior Champion: GOLDEN BUSH OF PEARLS, Laney Hebert, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: GOLDEN BUSH OF PEARLS, Laney Hebert, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX
CLASS 17: 1. T C STRATFORD, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX CLASS 18: 1. TC VANDERBILTS CAMO STAR, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX CLASS 19: 1. JKG SHAMROCK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. CI AWESOME OREO, Lydia Salsbury, LEAGUE CITY, TX CLASS 20: 1. ECC ADMIRAL, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 21: 1. COWBOY TRUE, Blossom Ridge Ranch/Haley Calhoun, ATHENS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: JKG SHAMROCK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: CI AWESOME OREO, Lydia Salsbury, LEAGUE CITY, TX
FREE FEMALES Cody M. Himmelreich • DAYTON, TX
159 SW JAZZY Sharron Wiens • KENNEWICK, WA Rocking K Bar T Ranch • EVANS, WA
156 SRL DIAMOND ROSE Mark & Renee Scott • HINES, OR
104 SH FRANCH ROCKET 22/3 Hannah Twardowski • MANSFIELD, TX
87 KETTLE'S OH HALE YEAH Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey • LAUREL, MS
CLASS 26: 1. PK'S ROUGH RYDER, Cody Garcia, HICO, TXCLASS 27: 1. I'LL BE YOUR HUCKLEBERRY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: I'LL BE YOUR HUCKLEBERRY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: PK'S ROUGH RYDER, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 31: 1. T C RESPECTED DEFEGO, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX 2. J R SHILOH BOY, Leandro Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX CLASS 32: 1. CR CACTUS JACK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. BUCKLEHEAD BCB, Leandro Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: CR CACTUS JACK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX
Youth Steer Grand Champion: FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: CR CACTUS JACK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX
EDNA WINTER FESTIVAL December 12, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 3: 1. SKH ESMERALDA, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX 2. C2R IRON JUBILEE, Copper Creek Ranch, AUSTIN, TX CLASS 4: 1. JKG BUTTERCUP, Kristi Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 5: 1. SKH HOOK'EM LOLA, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX 2. BZB MISS AVILA, Brown's Longhorns, SAN ANTONIO, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: SKH ESMERALDA, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: SKH HOOK'EM LOLA, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 8: 1. SKH MIDNIGHT GOLD, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 9: 1. JKG ROSIE RED ALL OVER, Kristi Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. SKH REAL STERLING, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 10: 1. OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. GOLDEN BUSH OF PEARLS, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 11: 1. TL GYPSY, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX 2. SVR FRAPPY, Kristi Ging, PALACIOS, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: SKH MIDNIGHT GOLD, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: SKH MIDNIGHT GOLD, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
Cody M. Himmelreich • DAYTON, TX Ollive/ Collins Partnership • BIG SANDY, TX
82 WINDY POINT TRIXY Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson • FOWLER, CO
95 SALTILLO CLARE 910 Damrow Longhorns • ROCA, NE
89 CWR FRENCHIE Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway • ROCKSPRINGS, TX
58 CR MAGIC GLOW Two Heart Bar Ranch • PLAINS, MT
57 HALF MILLION DOLLAR BABY Barbara Baker Bivins & Matthew Bivins • CAMPBELL, TX
SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) CLASS 16: 1. T C GUNMAN'S VANNA, Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX 2. J R DAKOTA'S FLOWER GIRL, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: T C GUNMAN'S VANNA, Sandra K. Nordhausen, THORNDALE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: J R DAKOTA'S FLOWER GIRL, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 23: 1. CI AWESOME OREO, Kathy Lewis, PORTER, TX 2. JKG SHAMROCK, Kristi Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 24: 1. HD SKYROCKET, Brown's Longhorns, SAN ANTONIO, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: CI AWESOME OREO, Kathy Lewis, PORTER, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: JKG SHAMROCK, Kristi Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 27: 1. BZB YING YANG, Brown's Longhorns, SAN ANTONIO, TX 2. COWBOY TRUE, Bob Dube, ROUND TOP, TX CLASS 29: 1. J R DRAGIRONS FRENCH BOY, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: BZB YING YANG, Brown's Longhorns, SAN ANTONIO, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: COWBOY TRUE, Bob Dube, ROUND TOP, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: CI AWESOME OREO, Kathy Lewis, PORTER, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: JKG SHAMROCK, Kristi Ging, PALACIOS, TX
OPEN FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 4: 1. BRR STARRY NIGHT, John Marshall, LLANO, TX 2. BLACK ROSE C3, Jason Christa, STOCKDALE, TX CLASS 5: 1. CANDY KETTLE, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX 2. BRR MORNING ROSE, John Marshall, LLANO, TX Free Female Junior Champion: CANDY KETTLE, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: BRR MORNING ROSE, John Marshall, LLANO, TX CLASS 8: 1. SWEET PEA'S SHADOW, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX 2. CR FLOR DE NOCHEBUENA, Cactus Rose Longhorns, EDNA, TX CLASS 9: 1. KETTLE LILLY, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX 2. MAX FACTOR C3, Jason Christa, STOCKDALE, TX CLASS 10: 1. KETTLE BELLE, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX 2. SAGE C3, Jason Christa, STOCKDALE, TX CLASS 11: 1. ROSE PEDELS, John Marshall, LLANO, TX 2. HPBT KIZM'S MARK, Hacienda PBT, LLC, HUMBLE, TX Free Female Senior Champion: KETTLE LILLY, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: ROSE PEDELS, John Marshall, LLANO, TX Free Female Grand Champion: KETTLE LILLY, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX Free Female Grand Champion Reserve: ROSE PEDELS, John Marshall, LLANO, TX CLASS 16: 1. 7 BAR BRANDYS HEAVEN, John Marshall, LLANO, TX 2. CR FLAME'S ROWDY ROSE, Cactus Rose Longhorns, EDNA, TX CLASS 17: 1. CWR FRENCHIE, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Free Mature Female Champion: 7 BAR BRANDYS HEAVEN, John Marshall, LLANO, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: CWR FRENCHIE, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX
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HERSHEY, Kailee Vuskov, ANGLETON, TX 2. JKG BUTTERCUP, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 5: 1. CANDY KETTLE, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. CR ALAMO MEMORY, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: SVR HERSHEY, Kailee Vuskov, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: CANDY KETTLE, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 8: 1. SKH MIDNIGHT GOLD, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. TH CINNAMON TWIST, Cole Sharp, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 9: 1. JKG ROSIE RED ALL OVER, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. COLORADO'S SUGAR & SPICE, Kyrah Schanbachler, CLEVELAND, TX CLASS 10: 1. OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. SVR EASTER UTE, Kailee Vuskov, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 11: 1. JKG BABY BELLE, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: JKG BABY BELLE, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: JKG BABY BELLE, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SVR HERSHEY, Kailee Vuskov, ANGLETON, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 17: 1. CACTUS JACK 5, Cole Sharp, SAN ANGELO, TX 2. T C STRATFORD, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX CLASS 18: 1. TC VANDERBILTS CAMO STAR, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX 2. SVR SIR WRANGLER, Kailee Vuskov, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 19: 1. JKG SHAMROCK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. CR JAWGE'S LIL BRO, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX CLASS 20: 1. HD SKYROCKET, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX 2. ECC ADMIRAL, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 21: 1. BZB YING YANG, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX 2. COWBOY TRUE, Blossom Ridge Ranch/Haley Calhoun, ATHENS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: JKG SHAMROCK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: BZB YING YANG, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. PK'S ROUGH RYDER, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. BZB WHO, JACOB SYLVIE, SAN ANTONIO, TX CLASS 27: 1. I'LL BE YOUR HUCKLEBERRY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: I'LL BE YOUR HUCKLEBERRY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: PK'S ROUGH RYDER, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 31: 1. BZB VAMANOS, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX 2. T C RESPECTED DEFEGO, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX CLASS 32: 1. TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX 2. CR CACTUS JACK, Kacie Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 33: 1. 2LB ELI, Bronson Baker, BRENHAM, TX 2. T C RESPECT THE REMMINGT, Cooper D. Taylor, THORNDALE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: 2LB ELI, Bronson Baker, BRENHAM, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: BZB VAMANOS, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: 2LB ELI, Bronson Baker, BRENHAM, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: BZB VAMANOS, Marisa Garcia, SAN ANTONIO, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX 2. HPBT KIZM'S QUEST, Hacienda PBT, LLC, HUMBLE, TX CLASS 2: 1. SMOKEY 37/11, John Marshall, LLANO, TX Steer Junior Champion: SMOKEY 37/11, John Marshall, LLANO, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
Steer Junior Champion Reserve: FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX Steer Grand Champion: SMOKEY 37/11, John Marshall, LLANO, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: FRED 3, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX
2015 HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA POINTS ONLY - FRIDAY NIGHT December 11, 2015 YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 2: 1. CL GEORGIA RAIN, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. HI 5'S SHERRY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 3: 1. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. CHAPARRAL MASQUERADE, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 4: 1. BH CHAPSTICK, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q CINNIA, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: BH CHAPSTICK, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 9: 1. CHARIS REATA, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. AJ NIGHTSTAR, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 11: 1. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. BH STEELNITE, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: CHARIS REATA, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 17: 1. AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. MC HANK WILLIAMS, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX CLASS 18: 1. SANDDOLLAR OPTIMUS, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, James Paul Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 19: 1. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. BH NITE STICK, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 20: 1. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DALLAS SEAVEY, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 21: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CL JAZZMAN, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR OPTIMUS, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 25: 1. HI 5'S FIREBALL, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 26: 1. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX 2. REDSTAR RADAR, William Coleman Yarborough, FERRIS, TX CLASS 27: 1. HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX 2. SUNRISE SWISH, Kody Chapman, FLORENCE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: SUNRISE SWISH, Kody Chapman, FLORENCE, TX CLASS 30: 1. SANDDOLLAR NORMAN, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX 2. JCG STEVE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 31: 1. HI 5'S HANGOVER, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 32: 1. HHR GUNNER, Heather McDuff, PARADISE, TX 2. TIBBAGRUB, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR NORMAN, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX
CLASS 2: 1. GA SUMMER FLARE, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX 2. HI 5'S SHERRY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 3: 1. SUNRISE AMARONE, John T. & Betty Baker, LIBERTY HILL, TX 2. MS DRAGONFLY SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q ROSLYN, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. HD SAMSONITE'S LILY, Todd Williams, DALLAS, TX CLASS 5: 1. STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion: STEEL LACE SH, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR FAITH, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 9: 1. AJ NIGHTSTAR, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. SUNRISE STYLISH, John T. & Betty Baker, LIBERTY HILL, TX CLASS 10: 1. CL BELLAMY, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX 2. HI 5'S AMARETTO, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 11: 1. BH STEELNITE, B&H Longhorns, ALBANY, TX 2. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR FAITH, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR FAITH, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 16: 1. HI 5'S SOUTHERN BELL, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. CT SISTER JUDYE, Joe Tucker, PARADISE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5'S SOUTHERN BELL, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: CT SISTER JUDYE, Joe Tucker, PARADISE, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 21: 1. AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. GA PHANDANGO!, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 22: 1. SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR OPTIMUS, James & Amy Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 23: 1. SANDDOLLAR HOT SAUCE, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX 2. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 24: 1. DALLAS SEAVEY, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX 2. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Haltered Bull Junior Champion: SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX CLASS 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX 2. CL JAZZMAN, James Culpepper, SUNSET, TX CLASS 28: 1. SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 29: 1. HI 5'S SAND MAN, James & Amy Roesler, KRUM, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR BULLINATOR, Infinity Ranch Land and Cattle, BURLESON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX
CLASS 34: 1. ALLY CHEX, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX
Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
CLASS 35: 1. SB POP A TOP, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR SAMSONITE, George and Cindy Dennis, COUPLAND, TX
CLASS 0: 1. BRR FROSTY, Donated for auction by Bella Rio Ranch, SAN ANTONIO, TX 2. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 1: 1. ROCK ON BCB, Jimmie Lynn Gee, SPRINGTOWN, TX 2. DQ ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 2: 1. NEON ROW CP, Kevin & Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX 2. ERNIE CP, Sydney Tucker, PARADISE, TX Steer Junior Champion: ROCK ON BCB, Jimmie Lynn Gee, SPRINGTOWN, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: NEON ROW CP, Kevin & Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 5: 1. BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX 2 SANDOLLAR SAN JUAN, John & Lori Chase, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 6: 1. TANNER’S NEW FRIEND, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Steer Senior Champion: TANNER’S NEW FRIEND, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: BRENT BCB, KB Longhorns, HUGHES SPRINGS, TX Steer Grand Champion: ROCK ON BCB, Jimmie Lynn Gee, SPRINGTOWN, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: NEON ROW CP, Kevin & Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX
Haltered Bull Grand Champion: SANDDOLLAR PUMPJACK, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, John & Lauri Chase, FORT WORTH, TX
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 2: 1. CL GEORGIA RAIN, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. HI 5'S SHERRY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 3: 1. SUNRISE AMARONE, Kody Chapman, FLORENCE, TX 2. HD SAMSONITE'S JOY, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX CLASS 4: 1. SANDDOLLAR DANDELION, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. TL MAGNOLIA, Brenna Casella, SOUTHLAKE, TX CLASS 5: 1. BH FIZZY STICK, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. SUNRISE SEECO, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: SANDDOLLAR DANDELION, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: TL MAGNOLIA, Brenna Casella, SOUTHLAKE, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. AJ NIGHTSTAR, Justin Wade Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 10: 1. CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. TTT RHINESTONE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 11: 1. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 17: 1. MC HANK WILLIAMS, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX CLASS 18: 1. SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, James Paul Roesler, KRUM, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR OPTIMUS, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 19: 1. HD SKYKNIGHT, Savannah Donahue, DECATUR, TX 2. HI 5'S MICHELOB, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 20: 1. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 21: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CL JAZZMAN, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 25: 1. HI 5'S FIREBALL, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 26: 1. LW ARKANSAS DAVE, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX 2. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 27: 1. SUNRISE SWISH, Kody Chapman, FLORENCE, TX 2. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: SUNRISE SWISH, Kody Chapman, FLORENCE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: LW ARKANSAS DAVE, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 30: 1. KDK OOH RAH, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX 2. JR PRIDE OF ECR CASTLE G, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 31: 1. D/O TROUBADOUR, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX 2. HI 5'S HANGOVER, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 32: 1. HHR GUNNER, Heather McDuff, PARADISE, TX 2. ROCK ON BCB, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT GEE WHIZ, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
MINIATURE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS M1: 1. IM MISS IDA MAE, Scott M. Gordon, KRUM, TX 2. SS MINI PRINCESS KACEY, Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX CLASS M2: 1. SS MINI PRINCESS PATTI, Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX 2. MALASADA COWGIRL CPL, David & Mary Mann, DAVIS, OK Miniature Female Champion: 1. IM MISS IDA MAE, Scott M. Gordon, KRUM, TX Miniature Female Champion Reserve: 1. SS MINI PRINCESS PATTI, Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX
MINIATURE BULL DIVISION CLASS M5: 1. WST SILVER BULLET, Scott M. Gordon, KRUM, TX 2. SS L’IL PONCHO VILLA, Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX Supreme Miniature: 1. IM MISS IDA MAE, Scott M. Gordon, KRUM, TX
2015 HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA POINTS ONLY - SUNDAY December 13, 2015 YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 2: 1. CL GEORGIA RAIN, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. GA SUMMER FLARE, Kaitlyn McGarry, FERRIS, TX CLASS 3: 1. CHAPARRAL MASQUERADE, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. HD SAMSONITE'S JOY, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q LACEE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. HD SAMSONITE'S LILY, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. STEEL LACE SH, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS Youth Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: CHAPARRAL MASQUERADE, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. CHARIS REATA, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. SUNRISE STYLISH, March 2016 | 57
SHOW RESULTS (cont’d) Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX CLASS 10: 1. CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 11: 1. BH STEELNITE, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 17: 1. MC HANK WILLIAMS, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX 2. AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX CLASS 18: 1. SANDDOLLAR REVIVAL, James Paul Roesler, KRUM, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR OPTIMUS, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 19: 1. CT CRUNCH TIME, MacKinlie Tucker, PARADISE, TX 2. BH NITE STICK, Ashlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 20: 1. DALLAS SEAVEY, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX 2. HI 5'S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 21: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CL JAZZMAN, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: DALLAS SEAVEY, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: CT CRUNCH TIME, MacKinlie Tucker, PARADISE, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 25: 1. HI 5'S FIREBALL, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 26: 1. REDSTAR BRUTUS, Haile White, FERRIS, TX 2. LW ARKANSAS DAVE, Shelby A. Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 27: 1. HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX 2. CAMP BOSS, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: CAMP BOSS, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 30: 1. JCG STEVE, John Nolte, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. KDK OOH RAH, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 31: 1. D/O TROUBADOUR, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX 2. HI 5'S HANGOVER, Avery Roesler, KRUM, TX CLASS 32: 1. STAKEOUT'S PRIDE, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX 2. HHR GUNNER, Heather McDuff, PARADISE, TX CLASS 33: 1. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX 2. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX
FORT WORTH STOCK SHOW AND RODEO January 18, 2015 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 2: 1. GA EBONY DUCHESS, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 3: 1. JCG MISS MAY, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX 2. DIAMOND Q LILA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 4: 1. JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHYLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. OL OVERSWEET, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SHYLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. CF RIO WIZ MAYBELINE, Crecelius Farms, RIO VISTA, TX CLASS 9: 1. OL SPEECHLESS, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK
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CLASS 10: 1. TS JOLIE ESPECIAL, Meghan Lovaas, WAXAHACHIE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BETTINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Senior Champion: TS JOLIE ESPECIAL, Meghan Lovaas, WAXAHACHIE, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BETTINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Grand Champion: TS JOLIE ESPECIAL, Meghan Lovaas, WAXAHACHIE, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BETTINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 11: 1. GO GO MAGIC C P, Payne/Williams Partnership, SLIDELL, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 16: 1. CT SISTER JUDYE, Joe Tucker, PARADISE, TX 2. JP WAR HYMN, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: CT SISTER JUDYE, Joe Tucker, PARADISE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: JP WAR HYMN, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX
OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 21: 1. PK'S JOHNNY ANGEL, Guthrie Creek Longhorn Cattle, DECATUR, TX 2. GA COUNT ONYX, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 22: 1. OL VARTAN, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. PK'S TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS, Guthrie Creek Longhorn Cattle, DECATUR, TX CLASS 23: 1. REDSTAR MOST IMPRESSIVE, Doug and Deborah Burkham, Red Oak, TX 2. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Junior Champion: REDSTAR MOST IMPRESSIVE, Doug and Deborah Burkham, Red Oak, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 29: 1. SANDDOLLAR BULLINATOR, Infinity Ranch Land and Cattle, BURLESON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR BULLINATOR, Infinity Ranch Land and Cattle, BURLESON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: REDSTAR MOST IMPRESSIVE, Doug and Deborah Burkham, Red Oak, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK
YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 2: 1. CL GEORGIA RAIN, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. GA SUMMER FLARE, Kaitlyn McGarry, FERRIS, TX CLASS 3: 1. DIAMOND Q LILA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. JR SHOPHIA CAITLIAN, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX 2. SWEETIE BELLE, Pasinee On-yam, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT STILLETO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Lioba Elena Neismann, MARSHALL, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 8: 1. DIAMOND Q KINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. SANDDOLLAR BUTTERFLY 2, Kortni Throckmorton, ALVARADO, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. CHARIS REATA, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX CLASS 10: 1. DIAMOND Q SANDIANN, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. CL BELLAMY, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 11: 1. BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: BH STEELNITE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 16: 1. TH'S TWO N' A HALF, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 17: 1. AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. MC HANK WILLIAMS, Madison Connell, FERRIS, TX CLASS 18: 1. TC3 5 CARD STUD, Caroline Girard, DALLAS, TX 2. OL VARTAN, Lainey Lampier, MALAKOFF, TX CLASS 19: 1. HD SKYKNIGHT, Savannah Donahue, DECATUR, TX 2. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 20: 1. HI 5'S LUNCH BOX, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. SHY'S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 21: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. TATTOOED JUDGEMENT, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S LUNCH BOX, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 26: 1. LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX 2. REDSTAR BRUTUS, Christian Connell, FERRIS, TX CLASS 27: 1. HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX 2. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: LW KING GEORGE, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 30: 1. KDK OOH RAH, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX 2. JR PRIDE OF ECR CASTLE G, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 31: 1. D/O TROUBADOUR, Madison Looney, ALVARADO, TX 2. 7MPHOOKEDONAN8SECONDRIDE, Bella McDermott, ALVORD, TX CLASS 32: 1. STAKEOUT'S PRIDE, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX 2. CHAMP 1, Joseph Wyatt Russell, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HI 5'S POP ROCKS, John Kofnovec, WORTHAM, TX
TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. RHL JUNCTION BOY, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX 2. 7MPHOOKEDONAN8SECONDRIDE, Miracle Petree, ALVORD, TX CLASS 2: 1. NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX 2. SS KAWLIGA, Alexzandria Rivera, RED OAK, TX Steer Junior Champion: NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: RHL JUNCTION BOY, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX CLASS 6: 1. TANNER'S NEW FRIEND, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX 2. HULLABALOO 16/4, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX Steer Senior Champion: TANNER'S NEW FRIEND, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: HULLABALOO 16/4, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX Steer Grand Champion: TANNER'S NEW FRIEND, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HULLABALOO 16/4, Laura A. Harding, COLLEGE STATION, TX
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Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX
(817) 991-9979 CATTLE FOR SALE
Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”
joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083
BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new website with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
(507) 235-3467
LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains (918) 855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK
March Winds.... cheerfully blow in the continuing good facts that surround the Flying D Ranches reputation for top quality, gentle, healthy Texas Longhorn Cattle... • our new SPRING TIME SPECIAL will highlight beautiful trophy steers that will become unforgettable front pasture traffic stoppers. • Also for sale: Females, Cow/Calf Pairs, Heifers and Future Herd Sires For information or to schedule a tour at either of our ranch locations, please call:
Dorie Damuth - Flying D Longhorn Ranch 40206 Community Rd. • Magnolia, TX 77354 281-356-8167 • fax: 281-356-2751 dorie27@sbcglobal.net • www.damuthflyingdranch.com Scott Damuth, Legal Counsel • Shery Damuth, Vineyard Consultant sdamuth@damuthlaw.com • Gun Barrel City, TX Law office: 903-887-0088 • Fax: 903-887-2925 Scott Cell: 214-546-3681 • Shery Cell: 940-393-0991
Quality HEIFERS & HERD SIRE PROSPECTS FOR SALE- I have a LARGE herd, so you have lots of variety to pick from! Located approx. 20 mi. off the EAST TEXAS line in Louisiana just below Shreveport. Lots of Hunts Command Respect, McGill Breeding, some ZD Kelly and Grand Slam, etc. Good cows, good babies. I specialize in bulls and am a partner in RIP SAW who now measures 83 1/2” TTT and is a gorgeous color. Several of his heifers and sons for sale. DORA THOMPSON Tel (318) 872-6329 echoofambush@aol.com•www.sandhillsranch.com
Great genetics. I enjoy meeting and working with new breeders. Also have a large STRAIGHT BUTLER herd.
Need help finding a home for that special Longhorn? Give the classifieds a try. It’s a very economical way to reach fellow Longhorn lovers.
TRADE & BARTER TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380.
HAULING - Anywhere-Anytime We specialize in Longhorns. Dan Tisdale (940) 872-1811 Mobile: 940/841-2619 Randy Mack (940) 366-6215
TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org
Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Nominations for the 2017 Texas Longhorn Breeders Hall of Fame will be accepted beginning March 1, 2016 through September 15, 2016. To fill of a from or see what is required to nominate someone, go to www.tlbaa.org and click on the TLBAA tab. Scroll down and on the bottom right click Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame Nomination Form The Texas Longhorn Breeders Hall of Fame is here to preserve the great history of the Texas Longhorn and to recognize individual who have had the greatest impact on the breed. The Hall of Fame Committee of the TLBAA will review all nominations and forward their recommendations to the Texas Longhorn Breeders Foundation. 62 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
ADVERTISING INDEX —A— Almendra Longhorns..................................59 Anderson, Frank Jr. and III...........................9 Arch Acres.....................................................59 Astera Meadows..........................................61 —B— Bar H Ranch..................................................59 Beadle Land & Cattle..................................59 Bentwood Ranch......................................... 21 Big Valley Longhorns..................................59 Billingsley Longhorns................................ 60 Blue Ridge Ranch........................................ 13 Breeders Guide .................................... 59-61 Brett Ranch.................................................. 60 Bry Longhorn Chute...................................36 BT Farms...................................................... 60 Buckhorn Cattle Co................................... 60 Bull Creek Longhorns.................................61 Butler Spread............................................. 8, 9 —C— Caballo Bravo Longhorns..........................59 Champion Genetics....................................36 Chisholm Trail Cartel.................................. 21 Christa Cattle Co...........................................8 Circle Double C Ranch............................. 60 —D— Dalgood Longhorns......................................9 Diamond Q Longhorns............................. 60 Diann Chase LH Scholarship Expo..........25 DK Longhorn Ranch...................................59 Double A Longhorns................................. 60 Dubose Bar D Ranch....................................9 —E— El Coyote Ranch............................................ 1 Elah Valley Longhorns................................59 End of Trail Ranch..........................19, 34, 59 —F— Falls Creek Longhorns..................................8 First Financial................................................36 Flying Diamond Ranch...............................59 —G— Cilliland Ranch..............................................21 —H— Haltom Hollar Ranch........................... 31, 59 Helm Cattle Co........................................... 60 Hickman Longhorns.................................. 60 Hudson Longhorns............................2,3,5,11 Hudson-Valentine Sale....................... 2, 3, 5 Husky Branding Irons.................................33 —I— ITTLA..............................................................23 —J— J.T. Wehring Family Ranch....................... 60 JBR Longhorns............................................ 21 Jack Mountain Ranch.............................9, 61 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co..............................9 Johnston Longhorns................................. 60 Jordan Insurance Group............................37 —K— King, Terry & Tammy...................................59 Kittler Land & Cattle....................................59
—L— Lazy A Ranch............................................... 60 Lightning Longhorns................................. 60 Little Ace Cattle Co.......................................8 LL Longhorns.................................................8 Lodge Creek Longhorns............................59 Lone Wolf Ranch........................................ 60 Longhorn Sale Pen......................................37 — M— McLeod Ranch...............................................8 Midwest Sale................................................19 Millenium Futurity.......................................29 Moriah Farms.............................................. 60 —N — Northbrook Cattle Company................... 60 NTLBA Holiday Extravaganza...................27 —P — P&C Cattle Pens..........................................35 —R— R&R Ranch................................................... 60 Rancho Dos Ninos......................................61 Red McCombs Ranches...........................BC Red River Livestock Auction.....................23 Rio Vista Ranch..............................................8 River Ranch................................................. IFC Rockin I Longhorns.....................................61 Rocking P Longhorns...................................8 Rocky Mountain Longhorns.....................59 Rocky Mountain Select Longhorn Sale..35 Running Arrow Longhorns........................37 —S— Safari B Ranch............................................. 60 Sand Hills Ranch......................................7, 59 Schumacher Cattle.................................... 60 Semkin Longhorns..................................... 60 Sidewinder Cattle Co...................................9 Singing Coyote Ranch...............................61 SS Longhorns.............................................. 60 Star Creek Ranch.........................................33 Stotts Hideaway Ranch............................. 60 Struthoff Ranches of Texas.......................61 Sugar Hill Ranch..........................................39 —T— Terry King’s Longhorn Cattle....................59 TLBAA World Show..............................43, 45 Triple R Ranch (TX)........................................9 TS Adcock Longhorns................................61 Twisted Sister Ranch...................................33 —W — Walker, Ron...................................................61 Wannaba Ranch.................................... 33, 61 Westfarms Inc................................................8 Wichita Fence Company...........................34 —X— XCalibur Star.................................................33 —Y— YO Ranch......................................................36
Texas Longhorn Trails
JUST FOR GRINS Create an original caption for this photograph and win TLBAA merchandise! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.) Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Myra, • P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or myra@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Please specify which month your caption is for.
Photo courtesy of Kathy Lewis, Porter, Texas
January Winners
First Place: “We met on Mooch.com” Darlene Bean Bridgeport, TX
Honorable Mention: “Watcha doin’ in there?” Carter T. Schildknecht Lamesa, TX
April: Youth Issue May/June: Spring Sales/Brood Cow July: A.I. Sire Reference March 2016 | 63
MAR 7-8 • Houston Livestock Show, Houston, TX. Amy Weatherholtz, TLBAA (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered & Youth. Non-qualifying free steers. MAR 11-13 • NTLBA Spring Show, Somervell County Expo Center, Glen Rose, TX. John & Brenda Oliver 972-268-0083 or joliver210@yahoo.com. Qualifying Free, Halter & Youth MAR 12 • Rodeo Austin-Star of Texas, Austin, TX. Bubba Bollier (325) 247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com. Qualifying Free & Youth MAR 25 • South Texas State Fair, YMBL, Beaumont, TX. Tina DuBose (979) 277-2656 or tinadubose10@gmail.com Qualifying Haltered & Youth MAR 25-26 • B&C Show-Me Fall Longhorn Sale, Grand River Livestock, Tina, MO. Bill Sayre (660) 734-0827 or Shawn Sayre (660) 734-8782 MAR 25-27 • Oklahoma Spring Shoot-Out, Payne Co. Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Steve Quary (405) 567-3093 or (405) 932-5531 Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth MAR 30-APRIL 1 • Southeastern Winchester Futurity, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Terry King (850) 9564154 tklonghorns@centurylink.net
APRIL 2016
APRIL 1-2 • Hudson-Valentine Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 996-7046 or h-vlonghornauction@gmail.com APRIL 8-9 • Blue Ridge Ranch Sale, Llano, TX. Bubba Bollier (325) 247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com APRIL 15-16 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale Fairgrounds, Rockdale, TX. Sandi Nordhausen-sandi.nordhausen@ gmail.com or (512) 898-2401; Merrilou Russell-crose@ cactusroselonghorns.com or (361) 781-4221; Christy Randolph-lpinesranch@aol.com or (713) 703-8458 APRIL 16 • NTLA Annual Sale, Broken Bow Livestock, Broken Bow, NE. Consignment Deadline: Feb. 26th. (402) 423-5441 or (402) 568-2353 APRIL 22-23 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield Livestock Auction, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman - mbowman@ wildblue.net or (316) 778-1717. www.endoftrailranch.com APRIL 29-30 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorns.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombslonghorns.com, (210) 445-8798
MAY 2016
MAY 7-8 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX. Stephen Head (979) 549-5270 or headshorns@hotmail. com. Qualifying, Haltered & Youth. MAY 14 • Elite Bulls Tour, Astera Meadows Ranches, Caldwell, TX; Joe Dowling (979) 271-0277 or dowlingjoe@ yahoo.com. MAY 20-21 • Millennium Futurity, Bell County Expo Center, Belton, TX. Christy Randolph (512) 360-4299, (713) 703-8458 or lpinesranch@aol.com. Bill Davidson (405) 258-7117 or milflonghorns@sbcglobal.net. www.mlfuturity.com. MAY 27 • ITTLA Trail of Tears Winchester Futurity, Red River Sale Barn, Ardmore, OK. Kerry Mounce - kerry@los-inc.com or (214) 675-9317. MAY 28 • Red River Longhorn Sale, Red River Sale Barn, Ardmore, OK. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or rick@ riverranchlonghorns.com.
64 | March 2016
Texas Longhorn
Coming Events
JUNE 2016
JUNE 8-11 • TLBAA World Show & National TLBT Youth Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org. Haltered, Free, Youth, Miniatures & Trophy Steers. JUNE 15-19 • Autobahn Youth Tour presents the Diann Chase Longhorn Scholarship Expo, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110, lbarker@ abahn.com or Laura Standley (817) 390-3132, lstandley@ abahn.com www.autobahnyouthtour.com
JULY 2016
JULY 23 • Montana State Fair Longhorn Show, Montana State Fair, Great Falls, MT. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth
AUG 6 • Deschutes County Fair, Deschutes County Expo Center, Redmond, OR. Tamara Kuntz (541) 280-1645 or tamaroo300@gmail.com.Qualifying, Free & Youth. AUG 6 • Rocky Mountain Select TL Sale, Consignments due May 16, Charlie Searle (719) 649-0058 or charliesearle02@ gmail.com AUG 13 • Western Montana Fair Longhorn Show, Western Montana State Fair, Missoula, MT. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth.
SEPT 3 • NRLA Sanders Co. Longhorn Show, Sanders Co. Fairgrounds, Plains, MT. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or giddyup73@hughes.net Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 3 • Butler Breeder’s Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355. SEPT 4-5 • Moutains and Plains, Colorado State Fair, State Fair Grounds, Pueblo, CO. Kenny Richardson (970) 352-3054, krichardson21@aol.com or Lana Pearson (719) 740-0741, lana14338@gmail.com. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 9-10 • Hill Country Heritage Longhorn Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Rick Friedrich - rick@ riverranchlonghorns.com or (713) 305-0259. SEPT 10 • NRLA Spokane Fair Longhorn Show, Spokane Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Spokane, WA. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 11 • Spokane NWLA Show, Spokane, WA. Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985 or j5longhorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 24 • NRLA Central Washington Longhorn Show, Central Washington State Fair Park, Yakima, WA. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or giddyup73@ hughes.net. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 30-OCT 2 • ETLA World Qualifying Show, East Texas State Fairgrounds, Tyler, TX. Lana Hightower - glcattleco@ aol.com or (903) 681-1093. www.etstatefair.com. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth.
OCT 19-22 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Lawton, OK. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or amy@tlbaa.org. OCT 14 • NRLA NILE Longhorn Show, Metra Park Fairgrounds, Billings, MT. Shannon Kearney-giddyup73@ hughes.net or (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. Would you like to get your event listed? Contact Myra Basham 817-625-6241 or myra@tlbaa.org
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
March 2016 | 49
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Texas Longhorn Trails