Texas Longhorn Trails
MAY 2013
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails (817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org www.tlbaa.org
Staff VOL. 25 NO. 2
MAY 2013
Editor in Chief:
Laura Standley •
Ext. 105
laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org
Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising:
Troy Robinett •
Ext. 117 • troy@tlbaa.org
Graphic Design & Production:
Myra Basham, Art Director • Ext. 108 myra@tlbaa.org • artdirector@tlbaa.org
Regional Correspondents
Feature Article:
Safari B Ranch- Pat & Dr. L.V. Baker By Henry King ............................19-22
Officers & Directors ........................5 CEO/President Letter ......................6 TLBAA Board Spotlight ..................17 TLBT Update ................................23 Show Results..................................29 News On The Trail..........................34 Affiliate News ..........................36-37 In The Pen ......................................38 Movers & Shakers ........................47 Herd Management..........................48 Ad Index ........................................51 Just For Grins ................................51 Save the Date ................................52
Articles: TLBAA Dam of Merit Program ..14-16 The Magnificient Seven By Dr. Mike Settles ......................26-28 Can The Small Acreage and/or Small Budget Breeder Be Competitive? By Rob Pinder ..................................30 From Princess To Queen ..........32-33 Breeder Spotlight Schumacher Cattle Co. ..................38 Membership Matters-DNA Testing By Rick Fritsche ................................38 Nutrition For Cows After Calving By Heather Smith Thomas ............40-41
Shows & Sales: Houston Livestock Photos ............39
About the Cover: With the month of May, new growth and baby calves are in abundance. We celebrate this event with Longhorn breeders across the country. A big thanks to Chrisann Merriman of Belton,TX for sharing the photo.
Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee Bonnie Damrow • Roca, Nebraska Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma
Office Staff President/CEO: Mike Coston • Ext. 102 mike@tlbaa.org
Office Manager: Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org
Show & Sales: Scotty O’Bryan • Ext. 104 scotty@tlbaa.org • salesandevents@tlbaa.org
Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org
Accounting: Donna Shimanek • Ext. 121 donna@tlbaa.org
Adminstrative Assistant/Receptionist:
Cynthia Guerra •
Ext. 100 cynthia@tlbaa.org
The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $60 per year; foreign per year $75. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
“We reach every TLBAA member”
Deadline: June 2013 deadline is April 24th.
Printed in the USA
Texas Longhorn Trails
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
17 13
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Chairman of the Board: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493
Secretary: Robert Richey • (325) 942-1198
Executive Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (620) 257-5247
Treasurer: John Parmley • (281) 541-1201
1st Vice Chairman: David Roberts • (573) 406-9869
Director: Tom Smith • (616) 293-0977
2nd Vice Chairman: L.D. McIntyre • (308) 750-8384
Director: Bernard Lankford • (817) 341-2013
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Mark Hubbell
(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
Lana Hightower
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
DIVISION C ~ REGIONS 13-18 At-Large Director
(903) 681-1093 glcattleco@aol.com
(620) 704-3493 chairman@tlbaa.org
Todd McKnight At-Large Director
Ken Morris
(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@earthlink.net
John Parmley
(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com
(573) 406-9868 info@robertslonghorns.com
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com
Region 13 - Director
Jeff Jespersen
Region 2 - Director
David Roberts
Donnie Taylor
(936) 414-1401 longhorn4t@msn.com
(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com
Region 8 - Director
Region 14 - Director
L.D. McIntyre
Nelson Hearn
(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com
Bernard Lankford
(817) 341-2013 MoriahFarmsBL@aol.com
(620) 257-5247 jimrombeck@yahoo.com
Region 3 - Director
Region 9 - Director
Region 15 Director
(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com
Tom Smith
Region 4 - Director
Jim Rombeck
Robert Richey
(325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com
(979) 906-0043 cperz1@hotmail.com
Region 10 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Craig Perez
Scott Hughes
(828) 287-4257 shughes@partonlumber.com
Gary Bowdoin
(254) 640-0844 Tonkawacattleco@aol.com
(435) 275-2112 ddlonghorns@hotmail.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Region 17 - Director
Doug Hunt
Nancy Dunn
(334) 318-0887 nancydunn2010@windstream.net
Larry Smith
(281) 935-2811 texasslonghorns@aol.com
(208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com
(210) 827-3940 stevenzunker@msn.com
Region 18 - Director
Kathy Kittler
BILL ANTHONY 1981-1982
GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995
DR. L.V. BAKER 1982-1984
TIM MILLER* 1995-1998
DR. W.D. “BILL” CLARK 1984-1986
BOB MOORE* 2003-2005
JOHN T. BAKER 1988-1990
JOEL LEMLEY 2006-2007
J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 WALTER B. SCOTT 1971-1973 JAMES WARREN 1973-1975 J.W. ISAACS* 1975-1977
Steven Zunker
JOHN R. BALL 1979-1980
WALTER G. RIEDEL, JR.* 1967-1969
J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978
Terry Fuhriman
(408) 834-0110 rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Ray Beadle
Dr. Harlan Ritchie
Dr. Bill Able
Marshall Ruble
Dr. Charles McPeake
Dr. Scott Schaake
Dr. Randall Grooms - TAES
Oklahoma State University
Michigan State University
Northwestern Oklahoma University
Iowa State University
University of Georgia
Kansas State University
Texas A&M University
May 2013
Another month has gone by, and I am settling in nicely. A big thank you to those many I have heard from with words of encouragement and support. I really am seeing that the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America is a great organization with wonderful people, and I can’t tell you how excited and proud I am to be a part of it. Everything seems to be coming together successfully for the TLBAA. Our office is especially taking on a new look. Scotty O’Bryan is now responsible for the Longhorn shows and sales and couldn’t be doing a better job. He is excited about working with the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow and working diligently on the World Show taking place this June, don’t miss out on it because it promises to be one of the best ever. Cynthia Guerra is taking on more responsibilities in helping Scotty and his secretarial needs as well as helping me with my administrative requirements. Laura and Myra are working overtime to come up with new and innovative ways to improve the look, efficiency and profitability of the Trails. Troy, our outside commission sales person, is helping with World Show packages, finding new ways to attract new ad clients and, as always, taking good care of his existing customers. Rick Fritsche has stepped up to the plate and catching up on all those new registrations many of you have forgotten to call us about! Here is our number 817-625-6241. Dana Coomer, in membership, is diligently finding new ways to bring those past members back into the herd. (If you know someone that has dropped their membership, or would like to join, please call Dana and let her know). Donna Shimanek, our accountant, has been working nights and weekends to bring our financial house in order, and we will all soon have cause to celebrate. All in all, I can say you have a wonderful staff to support you, our members, and this grand organization. You can be proud of their efforts and look forward as we continue to prosper and grow.
Mike Coston, President / CEO
The TLBAA Building Committee has made great progress towards the building that will be located on our 2 acre spot with the Texas Gold Statue. We are looking toward the future!
Texas Longhorn Trails
LLL Lucky’s Bedazzled - 3 yrs. 4 mo.
RC Jade - 5 yrs. 5 mo.
M Arrow Miracle - 3 yrs. 10 mo.
Awesome Diamond - 3 yrs. 8 mo.
RC Max Factor - 4 yrs. 2 mo.
WF Scrabble - 4 yrs. 2 mo.
Super Gritty - 9 yrs. 1 mo.
C3 Diamond Darling - 6 yrs. 1 mo.
TC Sittin Dixie - 5 yrs.
My Favorite Cows at SAND HILLS RANCH (Dora Thompson) Mansfield, LA
For HEIFERS and BULL PROSPECTS from great cows like these, call or email, and especially COME VISIT! REASONABLE PRICES..........
Give your breeding program Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 e-mail: rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940 www.boxzranch.com
Buckhorn Cattle Company - Buck & Sharon Adams 110 N. Broad, Guthrie, OK 73044 www.buckhorncattle.com (405) 260-1942 • (405) 282-9800
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail: ketyfolsom@aol.com
PJ’s Cattle Company – Jim Swigert or Lance Swigert 2130 CR 100, Caldwell, TX 77836 Jim: (979) 224-2861 or Lance (979) 219-4902 e-mail: jim@swicoauctions.com or lance@swicoauctions.com www.pjslonghorns.com
MCA Ranch – Andrew & Carina Menzies 2518 Fitzhugh Road, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (512) 739-6808 tc@newbellhurst.com
McLeod Ranch – Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns
P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com • e-mail: bpotts1@verizon.net
Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
a boost with Butler genetics! DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail: dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail: ancop5@me.com
Kent & Sandy Harrell
15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 www.harrellranch.com • e-mail: Kent@harrellranch.com
MCA Ranch – Andrew & Carina Menzies 2518 Fitzhugh Road, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (512) 739-6808 tc@newbellhurst.com
Moriah Farms - Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX (817) 341-4677 • (817) 319-9198 cell www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com
Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 790-6565 e-mail: dayamisrockingranch@yahoo.com
Rocking I Longhorns - Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 • e-mail: tmangold@sbcglobal.net www.rockinilonghorns.com
Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr.
1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail: r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, Florida 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792
email: ancop5@me.com
$3,000 ★ Full color ad within the August Trails
$2,000 in the
sponsor section ★ Full color ad within the Trails (use within 12 mos.) ★ One Year Breeders Guide Trails Magazine ★ One Year Online Breeders Guide ★ Full page ad in World Show program book ★ One booth exhibit space ★ Space for banner in arena
★ Full page ad in August Trails in Sponsor section ★ Six months Breeders Guide in Trails Magazine ★ Full page ad in World Show program book ★ One Year Online Breeders Guide ★ One booth exhibit space ★ Space for banner in arena
★ 1/2 page ad in August Trails in sponsor section ★ Six months Breeders Guide in Trails Magazine ★ Full page ad in World Show program book ★ One booth exhibit space ★ Space for banner in arena
★ 1/6 color ad within the August Trails sponsor section ★ 1/6 ad in the Trails (within 12 mos) ★ Full page ad in World Show program book ★ One Year Online Breeders Guide ★ One booth exhibit space ★ Space for banner in arena
★ 1/6 color ad within the August Trails sponsor
★ 1/2 ad in World Show program book ★ 1/6 Trails ad in August Trails Sponsor section ★ Space for banner in arena
★ ★ ★
section 1/2 page ad in World Show program book Six months Breeders Guide in Trails Magazine Space for banner in arena
$150 ★ 1/4 ad in World Show program book ★ Space for banner in arena
$100 ★ 1/6 ad in World Show program book
The Dam of Distinction Award was designed to recognize those Texas Longhorn cows that stand out in the area of production. The program increases awareness of the importance of production among Texas Longhorn breeders. We asked the proud owners of the cattle from this distinct list a few questions about their oustanding females.
CO Barbwire - David Hillis, Austin, Texas How does participating in the Dams of Merit program benefit you as a breeder? Recognizing the outstanding production of Texas Longhorns in the Dams of Merit program helps all Texas Longhorn Breeders. But having some Double Helix Ranch animals highlighted on the list helps me in promoting my breeding program. When I can tell people that a calf was produced by one the the TLBAA's Dam's of Excellence, that helps the buyer promote his or her purchase as well. It also lets the buyer know that he or she is purchasing an animal from a highly productive dam. Since most reproductive traits are highly heritable, they know that they are buying quality genetics.
What are some production highlights for your Dam of Excellence? Barbwire will turn 16 this year, and is currently carrying her 15th calf. Her first calf was born on January 25th, 2000, and her tenth calf was born on June 21st, 2008. This is an amazing production record for a span of just under eight years and five months time! Despite this impressive record of production, Barbwire remains vigorous and healthy and shows no signs of slowing down. How has your Dam of Distinction helped in developing your breeding program? Barbwire doesn't just produce quantity; she produces quality calves as well. They have excellent conformation and size, and her unusual mixture of dark and light brindling is the result of interaction of the Extension, Brockling, Spotting, Roan, and Brindle gene loci (see my five-part series on The Genetics of Coloration in Texas Longhorns, published in 2004 in the Texas Longhorn Trails, for more information). So she produces the flashy calves that most buyers are looking for. I have retained two of her daughters in my herd, and both show the same high and consistent production that Barbwire does. Barbwire also produces big, beautiful, gentle bulls that are great producers of flashy calves as well. One of her sons (D-H Sombra de Nuez) was used for many years as a herd sire by the Box Z Ranch, and he had a big impact on their program.
Miss CP Ruler 562- T.M. & Jean Smith, Boyd, Texas
“Miss CP” was one year old when I bought her. She developed and raised 20 good calves. It was an honor when she was classified for the “Dam of Excellence”. She received much recognition, as everyone that came to the ranch wanted to see her. She has been a great asset, in developing our breeding program. We have several of her offspring in our breeding herd today. Having her for 19+ years, it was plenty hard to see her go down. Her shoulder mount hangs in our living room today.
High Hope, FD - Bo & Dorie Damuth, Magnolia, Texas How does participating in the Dams of Merit program benefit you as a breeder? It produces a sense of pride and joy in breeding, calving and raising High Hope, FD on the Flying D Ranch. Her consequent production of outstanding calves which became great producers themselves was confirmation of High Hope’s value to all breeders. What are some production highlights for your Dam of Excellence? High Hope, FD’s excellent genetic background began with her renowned sire Bailjumper and her dam, Miss Texas Champ 113/6, a Texas Champ daughter. A well thought out breeding choice of Overwhelmer to sire High Hope, FD’s 1997 calf resulted in an outstanding young bull, High Point, FD. He became a mjor bull in our program and produced excellent show calves that were winners through the NASA Longhorn Project. One such winner was Sizzler’s Queenie Two, FD, who was Grand Champion Texas Longhorn female at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo in 2007. Another winner, High Point, FD was sold at the TLBAA/TLBGCA Premier Sale at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in the late 2000’s. His sale was the 2nd highest price of all the bull breeds shown at Houston that year. My late husband, G.C. “Bo” Damuth and I have been tremendously blessed with the continuing high quality of our Flying D Longhorns! How has your Dam of Distinction helped in developing your breeding program? High Hope’s early rise in excellent production of beautiful, gentle, loud colored, big horned, young herd sires and correctly conformed heifers brought desired strength in all areas of our original breeding program. That strength is also very evident today!
WT Miss Mona’s Liberator - Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas Our Dam of Excellence is WT Miss Mona's Liberator (aka "Miss Mona"). Born in 1998, she's a big-bodied and beautiful red & white paint mama cow who has the best disposition of any bovine on the planet. Miss Mona has been a part of our Longhorn family for ten years now and became a TLBAA Dam of Excellence in 2010 when she weaned her 10th registered calf in a row. She has produced high-level calves each year whether they have been heifers, breeding bulls, or colorful steers. Some of her babies have been exhibited in the show ring, others have been foudation animals for new herds, and others have grown to become pretty steers that grace someone's front pasture. Mona is a daughter of the famous Texas Longhorn bull, Country Liberator, who has been known for producing big-bodied offspring with strong conformation. Mona's dam was a colorful 7HD Billy Bob daughter from Eileen Day's breeding program. Whether you are an experienced breeder or someone new coming into the business, most folks understand
that not all calves produced each year are worthy of being registered stock. To know that a foundation cow has the history of producing a good-looking, quality heifer or bull year after year beomes a strong talking point. It's important for buyers to understand that the investment one puts into a foundation cow needs to pay off in her overall abilities and production record. This is expecially helpful when assisting new breeders get started and working with them to select animals for their herd. It's also significant for the breed registry to recognize this level of production. While Miss Mona is not the longest-horned animal in the industry, she represents the many robust and reliable characteristics we all look for in a foundation cow-- size and strong conformation that she passes to her offspring, easy-going disposition that we also see in her calves, flashy coloring, pretty rolled-out horns, and sound calving, mothering, and milking abilities. We also like the fact she carries some of the older genetics that were once well-known foundations in the Longhorn
industry thereby adding a little history to our herd bloodlines. We all have cows that can win awards and bring PLR Ain’t MisBehavin’-One of Miss nice prices from Mona’s Grranddaugthers our buyers. But sometimes, the best reward is that special cow that wins your heart each time you walk into pasture because year after year she keeps doing all of the things you need of her...and does an excellent job.
G&L True Obsession & G&L Enchantment - Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas Dr Gene & Lana Hightower of G&L Cattle Company have produced two Dam of Excellence cows, G&L True Obsession and her daughter G&L Enchantment. Both cows have excelled in the show ring as well as being producers of quality offspring that have merited registering. G&L True Obsession was the Grand Champion, Free division, at the TLBAA World Show in 2000 and G&L Enchantment has been Champion Mature cow at the East Texas State Fair two times. They have both produced herd sires for the industry as well as outstanding cows in their own right. We are currently using G&L True Obsession’s great grandson, by ZD Kelly, as our senior herd sire so her influence will be felt for years in our herd. When you have an outstanding female that consistently passes her traits of correct conformation, color, horn and disposition on to her offspring, she is a keeper and you can build your program around her.
G&L True Obsession
G&L Enchantment
G&L Badlands-(G&L Showdown G&L Enchanted Sue x G&L Enchantment) (JM Sue x G&L Enchantment)
G&L Gusto Tabasco x G&L Obsession)
Miss Peppermint - Ed & Sheryl Johnson, Molalla, Oregon She has been a great genetics gold mine for our breeding program. Since a two-year-old, she has produced great calves every year and is bred for another this year! She was injured quite badly years ago and still produced a calf and not even being able to walk without great difficulty, she ended up getting bred and producing a nice calf the following year of the injury. She is a gentle, good natured cow with the wonderful trait of passing that kind, gentle spirit on to her offspring. She has produced some really good females for us over the years, like J5 Miss Peppermint, J5 Peppermint Patty, J5 Chickadee, and her granddaughters are carrying these great traits right on down the line. We have retained much of her offspring in our herd and couldn't be happier about it. Being in the Dam of Distinction has been just rewards
for a special cow and has helped promote our program through the Trails. People do notice the program and have mentioned it to us over the years. It's so nice to have more than just the longest horns noticed about your herd. This cow has done it all, as I am sure the others in this category have done. She won shows, produced the best quality allaround Longhorns you could ever want, with great horn lengths too.
J5 Chickadee (Daughter) J5 Gracious Ice (Granddaughter)
J5 Amazing Grace (Great Granddaughter)
Bell La Squaw, Picabo Phantom & Rawhide Lady Pebbles - Dwight Overlid & Deb Lesyk, Outlook, Saskatchewan We don't have a large herd and we are proud of each of our cows and have attempted to promote Texas Longhorn cattle in various ways. Being in Canada and surviving the BSE crisis when the border was closed to us and we couldn't show or sell cattle in the USA, the Dam of Merit program was one way to recognize our herd and to do some advertising. We have three in the Dams of Excellence and both Picabo Phantom and Rawhide Lady Pebbles have produced 13 and 14 calves with each due to calve in 2013. The dam of Picabo was Bell La Squaw and she is deceased. Both Picabo and Pebbles have been Canadian Circuit Award winners along with their offspring, and Picabo is the dam of Saltgrass, the 2003 TLBAA World Grand Champion Bull. Pebbles' 14th calf was the Alberta Affiliate Princess for 2012. After being away from the show ring for 10 years, we took Picabo's and Pebbles' calves to a show last summer and both of them won their class, with
Pebbles' heifer going on to win Reserve Grand Champion Female. This might not sound like much to breeders that have the opportunity to show continually, but in Canada there is currently only one show for Texas Longhorns so winning is pretty darn special! We value good solid calving records and the Dams of Distinction recognize those cows that have a successful production record. All of our brood cows, the foundations of our herd are recognized in the Roll of Honor. We are pleased to add two new ones in 2013, Fiona Moonshine and Nutmeg 7/4 have joined the Dams of Distinction. Any program that the TLBAA develops that helps breeders promote their animals without travelling miles to participate, should be appreciated by more breeders across the country. Thank you to the TLBAA for this program, the nice certificate that verifies the entry, and the privilege to have photos of our cows in the TRAILS.
Picabo Phantom
Rawhide Lady Pebbles
Cross M Cherokee Miss, Delap, F 3F Bevo’s T J & US 89078 - Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico "Cross M Cherokee Miss" was the first calf born on our Socorro property nearly 20 years ago, and the first that Fritz added the Cross M prefix to her registered name. Her mother was also part of the mature cow purchases that fateful day in San Antonio. "Missy" was sold recently as part of our herd reduction but as she had produced many show quality calves in her long career, it was and is still not unusual to go to a show today and see her off-spring and grand off-spring in the ring. "Missy's" last TLBAA registered heifer calf was a "Top Ten Female" just two years ago. At one point, she, as well as "Dewlap", produced bull calves purchased and promoted as "official herd sires" for the State of New Mexico by the NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces. "Dewlap" - If you are in the livestock business long enough, there are animals you own that impress you, that teach you, that put you “on the map”. We decided to raise Texas Longhorns for our cutting horse training operation. We purchased our first calves and a white heifer with usual markings that looked like eyebrows got our attention, so she was our first pick. Dewlap was the first to calve and thus began her career of many firsts. We attended a TLBAA show in AZ, and that got us interested in showing. The next year, who was the first cow we took to that show? Dewlap, of course! Our first bovine blue ribbon. With a few years of open TLBAA shows behind us, official TLBT youth classes were added, and young Kasey Clark of Santa Fe showed our just weaned “Dewlap” calf in the first youth bull halter class. “Cross M American Idol” won his class and grand champion. He was then purchased by the NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces where “Idol” became the “Official” Texas Longhorn herd sire for the State of Mexico. In that same show, our yearling steer by Dewlap, “Cross M Rio Grande”, was shown by a young man named Jared Byer to Crand Champion in the first youth Trophy Steer class. “Rio Grande” is now part of the Fort Worth Stockyards steer herds, and was recently pictured with the Fort Worth herd on a cover of a Texas
Longhorn Trails magazine. Who was the first Dam of Excellence recognized by the TLBAA? Dewlap, of course. She went on to have 19 registered calves. We kept the last heifer calf, “Cross M Dewlap’s Dolly”. On February 1, 2010, Dewlap at the age of 22 survived 22 degrees below zero. We had two more years to enjoy Dewlap, and she is buried next to the compound. Her grave marker, when complete, will read, “Dewlap, the Grandest of Grand Dams”, 1988 – 2012. Dolly is now part of our herd producing fine Angus/Longhorn crossbred calves. Her latest is a heifer, with eyebrows! "F3F Bevo's TJ" - In the late 80's, when our herd consisted of heifers only, Fritz had flown to San Antonio to visit a friend. He called the afternoon of his return flight and said, "Guess what?". I replied, "You just bought some longhorn cows and you have a plane to catch.". He said I was right, that his friend had taken him to an auction there where Fritz met Eddie Wood for the first time, the start of a long friendship. He was pleased to also meet Alan Clemmensen there and not just because Alan had bought a bull and would drop Fritz's cows off on his way to Colorado. Bevo thus became our first mature cow acquisition, with beautiful twisty horns and Parker brown in color. She was in her twenties when we lost her. She became of our first trophy mount so it is as if she never left us. In recent years, we were able to locate and purchase a granddaughter who is a spitting image of Bevo. "US 89076" - early in our program, we wanted WR bloodlines and Fritz found this dam in Nebraska. She was a beautiful blue roan and dog gentle so when he was told her pasture name was "Blossom", that was perfect for her. At the age of 18, we thought Blossom was retired from calving so we donated her to the Museum. Their livestock manager called a short time later and announced that she was pregnant, by the "Missy" bull calf they had bought the previous year. We were happy for the museum and happier still that several of Blossom's daughters are part of our current herd.
Cross M Cherokee Miss
F3F Bevo’s T J
US 89076
There are two levels of recognition: (1) Dam of Distinction - five consecutive calves registered with the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA); (2) Dam of Excellence - 10 consecutive TLBAA registered calves. All cows nominated for the Dam of Distinction or Dam of Excellence must be registered with the TLBAA, and owners of the cows must be TLBAA members. All cows nominated must have calved before three years of age and then calved every year thereafter. This information will be verified by the TLBAA by checking the animal's official progeny records in the TLBAA database. For more information on this program, please contact the TLBAA at (8170 625-6241.
Nelson Hearn Birth Date & Place: 10/21/71, Reading, PA Residence: Richland, PA Occupation: Heavy Equipment Operator Family: Wife-Tammy Hearn Business/Volunteer Experience: Nel-Tam Longhorns Organizations: NETLA Board Ranch Location: Womelsdorf, PA How Long Raising Longhorns: 6 years Member of TLBAA: 2008 Elected to the Board: January 2013 Reason For Serving on Board of Directors: Because members want to see change and unity, in other words get everybody to start working together. Remarks: We need to bring everybody as one to have fun and enjoy Longhorns. We need to enjoy better prices for the cattle at these sales and everybody is there instead of just a few buyers. We need to have one measurement to make a bigger competition for Longhorn breeders. We need larger cattle shows for bigger competition for the exhibitors.
Jeff Jespersen Birth Place: Edmonton Alberta, Canada Residence: Stony Plain, Alberta Occupation: Partner in a home building company Family: Wife-Jess, 3 Children: Ryder-5, Zayne-3 and Nylah-1 Ranch Location: Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada How Long Raising Longhorns: 16 Years Member of TLBAA: Since 2007 Elected to the Board: January 2013 Reason For Serving on Board of Directors: I am serving on the board because I like to promote the Longhorn breed and keep our industry moving forward.
May 2013
By Henry King Their unique ranch name – Safari B — and their lengthy involvement with Texas Longhorn cattle set Pat and Dr. L. V. Baker apart from the more traditional ranch names and the tenuous commitment sometimes observed in the livestock industry. Dr. Baker served as the tenth President of the TLBAA (1982-1984). At this time, membership had grown to about 2500. During his term in office, affiliate organizations grew from five to 18, registrations were computerized and the youth group, Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow, was organized. The “Safari B” ranch name evolved from the couple’s love for travel, especially to Africa. “My wife and I traveled quite a bit when we were younger,” said Dr. Baker. “We went to Africa and saw the wild animals. Everything was ‘safari’ there, and we decided to name our place Safari B – and the B is for Baker.” “We went to Africa five times; we love it. When we think about where we want to go next vacation – whenever that would be – I always choose Africa. I just love it — especially East Africa.” Pat and Dr. Baker started their Longhorn herd in 1971 with the purchase of five animals at the Wildlife Refuge auction. “After we had been to Africa, we just got the bug of having animals. The Wildlife Refuge had a sale every year to thin down the herd and get rid of excess animals. We bought three cows and a bull – you have to have a bull – and we bought a steer because the steer was great big. At that time, the steer horns were much bigger than the other animal’s. Now a cow’s horns are even as big as a steer’s horns. We’ve bred them so the cows as well as the bull have bigger horns. In fact, it’s gotten to be such a big deal that it’s driven me nuts, but that’s what you have to do. Measure from tip to tip—I always believed that tip to tip was not as accurate as measuring the full horn. That’s the records we keep – the full horn measurement – curves or whatever you’ve got, its horn.” The Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America had been in existence just a few short years before Pat and Dr. Baker became members, and he is still highly complimentary of the early founders, especially Charles Schreiner III. “I admired Charlie Three. We were good friends and I thought he did so well in organizing the TLBAA and helping other people through it all. He was just so nice to me and Pat, and I want to say that. It all comes from his ideas and his organizing.” “We were so lucky that we joined the TLBAA; it hadn’t been put together that much earlier than us, so we got in on the ground floor and played and enjoyed friends who were the people that put it together. It was a perfect time to be involved, and we just loved it. We eventually became Life Members of all three Longhorn associations.” “When we had a yearly meeting, we had everybody come down – that’s when the office was in San Antonio – we met at the Menger Hotel. They had a big swimming pool and all of us gathered around the swimming pool and had the meeting. It never failed; every year we had all this and it was very important that everybody come.” “Nearly every one of those people are gone now, and I miss them. That was a wonderful thing about Longhorns; those first people were Top Photo: Dr. L.V. Baker, wife Pat, son Rand with wife, Jeannine. great and interesting people – kind and caring, you know. But they were Second Photo: Roundup on the Safari B Ranch. Third Photo: Don tough sometimes – they could say a few words that would wake you up. Quixote’s blood is in almost every animal at Safari B. Bottom photo: But they were honest, and really good people. They loved the cattle and Safari B Tornado shows the dramatic increase in horn through the years. He measures 86 inches. May 2013
they took really good care of them, too. But really, in those days you could put the entire membership around the swimming pool just to talk and visit, so it couldn’t have been too big. If I had to guess, I’d say between twenty and twenty-five people, including wives. Back then, wives took part in everything, and they still do, pretty much.” “The TLBAA was known for that – couples and families being interested in the cattle; to meet together and stay together and share. In our family, every one of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren own some cattle and we are excited about that.” As the Bakers became more and more involved in the drive to make the cattle better and more numerous, Pat contributed to the quality of the breed in two important ways: she officiated as a judge in Longhorn shows, and her discerning eye for quality upgraded purchases made for the Safari B herd.
“I am head of the museums for Elk City,” Dr. Baker stated. “We have a group of six museums which includes the Old Town Museum. The second floor of this building is devoted to the Beutler Rodeo Hall which features a fascinating collection of rodeo memorabilia.” The statue T.D. Kelsey made for the museum is of a famous bucking horse owned by the Beutler & Son Rodeo stock contractors, one of the twentieth century’s premier rodeo producers whose ranch and national headquarters are in and near Elk City. The horse depicted in the bronze is retired from arena competition and is now used exclusively to sire other bucking horses. “The formal unveiling of Kelsey’s statue,” said Dr. Baker, “will be in September at the rodeo in Elk City – everybody loves rodeos here.” “Bill Clark was TLBAA president at the time T.D. made the Texas Gold statue and installed it in the Fort Worth Stockyards. T.D. made several smaller versions of Texas Gold, and I was fortunate enough to buy one of them. T.D. made enough from the sales of the smaller ones that he could do the big huge one without it costing the TLBAA too much.” Dr. Baker is retired from active medical practice but is very active in his commitment to the local community as well as checking on his Texas Longhorns, most Left: Pat Baker, judging in Denver. Middle: L.V. Baker with his herd. Right: L.V. and Pat’s daughter, Karen. of which are located near Elk City, and his commerOne of their good friends from the early days, and one who cial herd at a larger ranch near Vici, Oklahoma. shares the Baker’s enthusiasm for Africa is T.D. Kelsey, sculptor “We have other kind of cattle also – beef cattle. They’re black of “Texas Gold,” the oversize bronze longhorn statuary that sits crosses, three-quarter Angus and one-quarter Limousin. We had to on the TLBAA’s property in the Fort Worth Stockyards. Kelsey sell so many of them because we have been in a tremendous also makes frequent visits to Africa. drought. It was really bad here. We were losing our grass to the “We met when we first started with the TLBAA; he and his point that it was dying and they were eating it and pulling it up. We wife became very close friends of ours. I was amazed at him besold close to half of the black cattle and now we’ve got to be buildcause he could do just about anything. He was a professional ing back; it looks like we’re going to start having rain – we’ve done airline pilot and he also was a sculptor. He has done many, better here than we have in three years. If it keeps up, we’ll be all many beautiful works and he has just finished one for our Elk right.” City museums.” “We also raise different kinds of wild animals. Right now we Pat Baker was chairman of the Elk City commission that crehave nine different species. We did raise giraffes, and I have kept ated the Old Town Museum complex, which serves as a steward buffalo. We have eleven zebra right now. They were raised around for preserving elements of the area’s history. Given that Historic people, but they are a little fearful. However, we have one pet that U.S. Route 66 runs through the town, the sprawling museum you can walk or lead or pet. His mother died at birth, so he had a complex includes the National Route 66 Museum, the Old Town lot of attention. We have the scimitar-horned Oryx, we have Museum, the Transportation Museum, the Farm and Ranch Aoudad and Mouflon Sheep, the Blackbuck Antelope from India, Museum, and the Blacksmith Museum, each housed in separate the Fallow Deer from Europe and the Sika deer from Japan.” buildings. Together, they depict an early Elk City, complete with The Bakers keep their exotic animals in a high-fence section general stores, bank, a railroad depot and train caboose, opera within the 4,000-acre ranch near Vici, Oklahoma. The hilly ranch house, and other buildings. has several springs, and even though the drought impacted the When Pat relinquished chairmanship of the museum grazing, there was always adequate water for the livestock and the complex, her husband was tapped for the duty. exotics.
Texas Longhorn Trails
The Elk City division of the Safari B is about three miles southeast of town. “I used to chop cotton there,” said Baker. “My dad bought that place when I was seven years old. I helped take care of it – I’m giving it to my kids now. But I worked hard growing up.” Dr. Baker received both his undergraduate degree and his M.D. from the University of Oklahoma, following which he did a twoyear residency in surgery at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. He then returned to his home town, serving his community several decades as a general practitioner. At 84 years old, he has been retired from his medical practice nearly a quarter of a century. “I just wore out,” he said. “I worked real hard – I would see a hundred patients some days. I had a lot of people that I knew all my life. I have doctored three different generations in some families. It’s an advantage, because you know the family, and you can tell their personalities. They think if you doctored grandpa, then you’re alright.” “I got to deliver triplets one time,” he exclaimed. “I got so excited – and the parents weren’t very excited because they already had children, and they had more afterwards. The other day I met with the triplets on their 50th birthday – all three of them – and Pat and I got to visit with them and take them to dinner, and I thought that was quite an honor. Triplets are quite rare, and no one had known of triplets being born in Oklahoma at that time.” “I got sick a couple of times and needed to rest. I finally got to where I wanted to do some other things, so I did.” “But I’ve had to slow down a little,” he said, “and son Rand is in charge. I’m very fortunate; I’ve got a lot of stuff wrong with me, but I take care of myself. I don’t do a lot of heavy work – I used to. I worked heavy until three or four years ago – lifting hay and all that stuff.” One of the special ways Pat and Dr. Baker served the TLBAA membership was through their creation and management of the Champagne Sales. They conducted about 20 of these classy offerings, held annually in Lawton, Oklahoma on the day following the Wildlife Refuge auctions. “We were collecting too many cattle,” said Dr. Baker, “and I needed to do something with them. I talked to Charlie Three, who was having sales of his own at the YO Ranch, and he let me put in ten cows with his cows. He started us out, then the next year, we decided we would have a sale the day after the Wildlife Refuge had their sale every year. It worked out well together – people would go to both sales.”
Left: Col. Eddie Wood, Charlie Schreiner III, Joyce Wood, L.V. Baker. Right: The Bakers hosted 20 Champagne Sales the day following the annual Wildlife Refuge auctions.
May 2013
Usually over half of the cattle in each of the Champagne Sales came from the Safari B herd, but it was open for consignments from other Longhorn producers, and it proved to be a popular venue. The sales were held in the Lawton convention center which Baker turned into a sale barn through the use of portable panels brought from his ranch each year and set up for these special occasions. “It worked us about half to death but it was fun,” Baker recalls, “and the two sales didn’t disturb the other one; in fact I think it helped to have two sales together.” Looking back at pictures of the cattle from some of those early sales, Dr. Baker commented on the difference in horn growth. “Those cattle didn’t have much horn at all,” he said, “and we thought they were the biggest horns ever. I look at these, and if they ran a thirty-inch horn on a female – a thirty – three-oh – we were just beside ourselves, we thought we had the most expensive thing you could own! I just get to laughing when I think about that. But the cattle themselves were good.” “We are getting some 86-inch horns on Longhorn cattle now. I’m amazed at how big some of these horns are. It’s amazing. But they don’t look like they belong on the animal – those extremely big ones. They’re out of proportion, kind of.” “They’re making a mistake that I see every once in a while in sales – they’re making the Longhorn cattle too big. I’m opposed to that excessively large, big-boned animal. They’re just not the way the Longhorn was intended to be. And I think they’re dying out now, from what I can see.” “Two days ago, our cow Suzanna Anna – she was a cow that we loved so much. She was 21 and she had a calf at 20. She was the best cow and she was always a good producer. We took special care – she was hand-fed, but she just couldn’t make it. She finally went at 21. We were sorry to see her go. I’ve bred a lot of cattle, and I think I have probably heard of maybe three or four
20-year-olds having a calf – they’re quite rare. Of course, a lot of people wouldn’t even keep them that long. But I kept her. I have a few cattle that I would never sell or give away or anything – I’ll keep them until they die because they are too good of cattle. They’ve always been so nice; you could walk up and pet most of them. The guy who works for us was about to cry the other day when we lost Suzanna.” Suzanna is among the Safari B cattle whose lineage traces back to the original purchase from the Wildlife Refuge. Her mother, Suzanna Black, was sold several years ago in one of the Champagne Sales. “At that time,” said Dr. Baker, “she was the longest-horned black cow on record. She was almost as big as some of today’s bighorned cows.” “There was a time,” he continued, “that I could remember four generations of everything. I had 400 at one time, and I could go out and tell you every one of them; who their parents and grandparents were. I don’t know how in the world I remembered all of them, but I could at that time.” “I counted up – we keep complete records on every single animal we ever owned. I’ve got six books full that I can refer to and relate back to the relationships of the cattle. We have raised over 3,400; these have been on the place – were born and grown there.” Pioneer Longhorn authority Elmer Parker, who had oversight of the animals at the Wildlife Refuge, gave his records to Dr. Baker. A longtime employee of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, he joined the staff in 1946, learning from the previous Longhorn managers Earl Drummond, Heck Schrader and Joe Bill Lee. In 1968, he took over responsibility for the Refuge Longhorns and held that position until his retirement in 1981. “He had all this information,” said Dr. Baker, “where they came from, which ones were colored so-and-so, and all that. The people that ran the park copied all of that, made photographs of everything and gave me those records – everything that had to do with Longhorns. I was so honored that he gave that to me, and I have kept it so that if a museum or something in relationship to it could have all this history, and it is so interesting to read.” Dr. Baker and his wife, Pat, have two children. Their son, Rand Baker and his wife, Jeannine, are the parents of two boys, Brett and Brandon. Their daughter, Karen Renfroe, and her husband, Bruce, have a son, Jack, 22, and a daughter, Ally, 18. Both Jack and Ally are students at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, and were simultaneously chosen BMOC (Big Man on Campus) and BWOC (Big Woman on Campus). This honor, presented to individuals who have excelled in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership and service to the university community, is rarely bestowed on brother and sister at the same time. “We have three great-grandchildren now. We had a great-grandson come out – he wanted to pick his calf, he hadn’t done it yet, he’s four years old – and boy, he picked the best one! I send him pictures and stuff – he lives in the Oklahoma City area.” “That blesses me, because all my family live in that area. So when we go over there, we can see the whole family.” Texas Longhorns, exotic animals, commercial cattle, museums and service to the community – all of these are important to Pat and L.V. Baker, but family is most important of all. Top: Old log cabin used as a saddle house on the Safari B Ranch. Second: 21-year-old Suzannah Anna 5022. Had calf at age 20. Third: Suzanna Black Safari B 977 had the longest horns for a black cow in the world around 2003. Fourth: Queen Ann, part of today’s Safari B females. Bottom: Safari B 55, another prime example of today’s Safari B program.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Dear TLBT Members,
Another show season has come and gone and it seems like yesterday we were all getting ready for the 2012 TLBT World Show. I hope everybody had a good year and been blessed to have received some rain these past few months. I would like to take a moment and thank all of the parents and grandparents who have brought their children or grandchildren to shows. You are a big part in helping us make the right decisions and growing into young adults, ready to take our places in the world. Our hats are off to you! This year our service project was Crazy Cakes for Kids, and the OTLA Stillwater Shoot-Out showed us what a handful of breeders can do when they open their hearts to helping children. A cake was made by Mrs. Diana Rivera and then was auctioned off at OTLA Stillwater Banquet. The Winter’s family bought the cake and then donated it back and then it was auctioned off by the slice. The cake earned a total of $1450. A big thank to everyone for helping the TLBT with the Crazy Cakes for Kids! All the money that is raised from this fundraiser goes to St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital. This hospital’s mission is to find cures for children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases through research and treatment. No family ever pays St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital for anything. I hope to see everyone at the 2013 TLBT World Show! See You on the Trail,
Sarah Faske TLBT President
FIND US ON FACEBOOK by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow OR VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.longhornyouth.org
May 2013
09-1 0913
817.625.6241 SCOTTY@TLBAA.ORG
The Magnificient Seven Dr. Mike Settles documents the breed’s longest-horned cows By Dr. Mike Settles This article, originally published in the September/October 1985 issue of the Texas Longhorn Journal, is furnished courtesy of the Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance.
he famous Butler cow, Beauty, was the longest-horned Texas Longhorn cow of her time. In 1977, Darol Dickinson and Booster Stephenson measured her at 59 1/2 inches. Later it was reported, but not documented, that she had surpassed 60 inches before breaking off her left horn at the base. Regardless of whether Beauty measured 59 1/2 inches as documented or over 60 inches as reported, her horn span was unprecedented at that time, and, as of now, she is still unequaled. Today we are seeing more and more horn in our top cattle. Three of the seven cows featured in this article will pass 60 inches within the next two to three years. Twist 21, owned by Crockett and Dorothy Leyendecker, is the longest-horned female of our breed alive today, measuing 58 5/8 inches. And though 13 years of age, she will no doubt make 60 inches because she is so close. Johnnie Hoffman’s Delta Diamond and Ben Settles & Sons’ Anita run a close second and third to Twist 21. However, because they are young and still show good horn growth, each should reach and surpass 60 inches easily. And YO Samson Rosilla 956, at age nine, also has a fair chance of making 60 inches. Horn growth, of course, slows considerably as cows age. Because Lady Butler, Measles and YO Samson Josefina 706 (Favorite) are 13 and 14 years of age, it is doubtful whether they will ever reach 60 inches. But for horn lovers, they are a majestic sight to behold. I am a horn lover. We breed for horns in our herd. But we, like the most progressive Texas Longhorn breeders, also insist on high standards of conformation and production. This article focuses solely on tip-to-tip measurments. Since some of the featured cows are in varying degrees lacking in color, conformation and/or productivity, I in no way mean to imply that the seven longest-horned Texas Longhorn cows are simultaneously the breed’s most valuable females. On the other hand, those few females which combine color, conformational perfection and a quality production record to go with their huge horns are worth a fortune. 1985 sales of percentages of the Anita and Measles cows place their value in the quarter of a million dollar range. Several months ago, I asked Alan Sparger, Darol Dickinson and Tom Wickland, whom I hold in high regard as Texas Longhorn authorities, to help me indentify the longest-horned cows alive today. Then the Texas Longhorn Journal (January/February 1985) asked breeders to contact me if they had a cow with a tip-to-tip horn span of at least 54 1/2 inches. I was surprised that each of the breeder’s longest-horned females was on the original list that Alan, Darol, Tom and I had compiled and disappointed that several of the cows which reportedly measured 54 1/2 inches or better actually measured as little as 48 3/4 inches when my tape was stretched across their horns. Several times I thought about
Unsurpassed: No other Longhorn cow has touched Beauty’s record hornspan.
shooting the cow for not making the grade, as well as its owner for leading me on a wild goose chase. But upon cooler reflection, I decided only the owner deserved to be shot. The seven cows that made the list were owned by breeders in Texas, Louisiana and Colorado. However, I was very fortunate in that each of them happened to be within a two-hour drive of San Antonio when the official measuring was done. I measured Twist 21 at the Leyendecker ranch near Columbus, Tex. Delta Diamond, Anita, Lady Butler, YO Samson Rosilla 956 and Favorite were in embryo at Rio Vista, just outside San Antonio, and Measles was in embryo at Medina Valley in Castroville, just ten minutes from Rio Vista. The cows were very cooperative when we measured them, and I can certify that the measurments are absolutely accurate. Furthermore, in each instance, the measurements were witnessed. When most breeders think of horns, they think of the Butler line of cattle. And while Delta Diamond, Anita and Lady Butler were sired by Butler bulls, Lady Butler is the only cow among the seven that is straight Butler. There is actually more WR blood than Butler in the “Magnificent Seven.” Measles is the only straight WR cow, but four of the others are at least half WR, including the three longest-horned females in the breed today. It is interesting that so much WR blood flows through the veins of our longest-horned cows yet so little of it is found in our longest-horn bulls. Coincidentally, it is interesting to note that two of the top seven cows, the YO cows, were sired by YO Samson 239, who, on his finest day, never had more than 39 1/2 inch horns. Indeed, if you’ll study the pedigrees carefully, you will see that none of the bulls except Monarch, sire of Delta Diamond, had exceptional horns. At the same time, though, all of the dams were superior cows. I offer a salute to our longest-horned females and a reminder to all that they did not make the list unchallenged. Just slightly behind were Swamp Lady, Sweet ‘N Low and Archer’s Pepper. Furthermore, in five years, I predict the seven cows on the list will each be 60 inches or better and such legends as Lady Butler, Measles, Favorite and YO Samson Rosilla 956 will be replaced by a new generation of younger superstars named Sweet ‘N Low, Monarch’s Dolly, Legend (formally named Classic Bread), Lady Luck, Joyful Expectations, Classic Nutmeg, and/or Bold Classic Rose. Read on for more specifics on the ages, breeding progeny and ownership of today’s “Magnificent Seven.” Texas Longhorn Trails
1. Twist 21
Twist 21 Crockett Leyendecker has several very impressive sets of horns mounted on the walls of his real estate office in Columbus, Tex., that remind him of some of the top cattle he once owned. But a severe outbreak of Brucellosis in 1982 forced Leyendecker to send 23 of his 40 cows to the killer! Fortunately, both Twist 21 and her dam, Miss Twist #1, were unaffected. Twist 21 is the result of a WR-Marks cross. Her sire was WR 2386, a bull that Crockett purchased off the Refuge in 1967. And her dam, still living and still producing at age 24, is a 48-inch cow that was purchased from E.H. Marks as a yearling heifer in 1961. Their 1972 daughter, Twist 21, is the longest-horned Texas Longhorn female alive today. She and Favorite are also the largest of the seven featured cows, at 1,050 pounds. Twist looks absolutely great at age thirteen. Her light red color is not particularly eye-catching, but after looking at her gigantic horns, you won’t be able to remember what color whe was anyway. Furthermore, she stands tall, is very clean, and has exemplary conformation. The
Delta Diamond
Anita Anita is the TLBAA’s 1985 Grand Champion Cow. She is young and combines quality production with a gentle disposition, flashy red roan color, perfect conformation and magnificent 56 1/2 inch horns. She was featured on the cover of the March/April 1985 Texas Longhorn Journal. David Langford has called her “the most perfect Texas Longhorn female that I have ever photographed,” and Johnnie Hoffman, who certainly owns his fair share of beautiful cattle, has declared that “Anita is the prettiest cow that I have ever laid eyes on.” Equally impressive, but more important as far as I am concerned, is her quality production record. J.W. Isaacs swears that his two Anita daughters are going to be even better than their dam. Alan Baribeau’s 1983 Anita daughter won every show she was entered in this year–South Texas, North Texas/Oklahoma and the National Finals. And, of course, because of the consistent quality, Anita calves have commanded high prices. H.C. Carter paid $27,000 for two fancy Anita
DOB: 1972
Crockett Leyendecker
Leyendeckers call her “Beauty,” and that’s exactly what she is. She has been worked successfully in embryo at Spring Creek by Brad Stroud. Robert Harrell and John Duncan have purchased Twist embryos by WR 3760 and 505 and Bud Adams and Tom Brundage are standing in line to buy her next pregnancies by Monarch.
2. Delta Diamond
Delta Diamond is the youngest of the “magnificient seven” by two years, but is already the second-longest-horned female in the breed. She was calved in January 1980, by Monarch out of Johnnie Hoffman’s WR-branded “Pearl” cow. Johnnie bought Pearl from Bobby Hyde in 1977. After breeding her to several different bulls with good results, he returned to the bull by which he got spectacular results – Monarch. Hoffman maintains that Pearl’s 1984 Monarch daughter is going to be even better than Diamond. If so, she’ll be incredible! Although Delta Diamond is half-WR, she has a distinct Butler look–white coloring, thin face, fine bone and a massive set of horns. She is a very clean, feminine cow with excellent legs. When poor, she shows a trace of a weak back. But right now, she is in great shape and
58 5/8”
57 1/2”
DOB: 1980
Johnnie Hoffman
looks beautiful. Though Diamond has not yet worked in embryo, her 1984 natural calf by Dixie Hunter is gorgeous. Tom Brundage privatetreaty-purchased the red-speckled heifer last year as a weanling for $15,000, and she is now one of the three best calves in his fine herd. Delta Diamond is currently bred back to Dixie Hunter.
3. Anita
56 1/2”
DOB: 1978
Ben Settles & Sons
x 3S Hondo’s Remarkable embryo heifers; John Duncan paid $10,000 for an Anita x Dixie Hunter embryo that has turned into his best heifer; and Alan Baum purchased Anita’s 1985 natural heifer calf by Classic for $12,000. Overall, Anita embryos have sold for an average of $9,175, and her calves for an even $12,000 average.
Lady Butler
4. Lady Butler
When Wiley Knight’s great-grandfather came to Texas just prior to the Civil War, he caught wild horses and Longhorn cattle for a living. The Knight family has retained a small number of those original cattle up until the present. Wiley purchased a brindle cow from his father and then sought to purchase a bull from a neighbor, Pauline Russell, of Liberty, Tex. Although Mrs. Russell at first refused to part with any of her prized Butler cattle, she later was forced to sell her small herd after losing her cattle lease. The Russells advised Knight to buy a young red-and-white bull out of their favorite cow, Beauty. When the cattle were sold commercially at auction in the summer of 1977, Wiley Knight bought both the Beauty son and a daughter. The son was Butler Boy and the daughter Lady Butler. Lady Butler is the fourth-longest-horned cow in the breed. She is solid white and has a deep, swayed back that was typical of many of the Texas Longhorns of yesteryear. Her head is feminine and, or course, she has a magnificent set of severely-twisted 55 1/2-inch horns. Lady Butler’s horns are very similar to Beauty’s. And of the seven featured cows,
The Measles cow, I believe, is the best-known Texas Longhorn female alive today. For years, she was the standard of excellence in the breed. She is a large-framed cow, weighing 1,025. Measles is a beautiful red roan color. She shows excellent balance, a strong back, good udder and good length of leg. She also has a very feminine head, topped with graceful 55 3/8 inch horns that are perfectly symmetrical. Measles has produced well, particularly with Texas Ranger. Among her progeny are Ranger’s Measles, Cheetah, Texas Measles, Mr. Measles, Texas Ranger Jr. and Measles Super Ranger. Darol Dickinson bought Measles at the Wichita Refuge as a weanling calf, for $170. Eight years later, in 1979, he sold her at the National Western in Denver for $17,000, which, at that time, was the highest price ever paid at public auction for a Texas Longhorn female. Jack Montgomery and his partners were the purchasers. Montgomery later bought out his partners and kept the Measles cow as the star of his fine herd. H.C. Carter purchased a 10 percent share in Measles at the 1984 Texas Legacy. Later, Red McCombs private-treaty-purchased an
DOB: 1972
Wiley Knight
Lady Butler and YO Samson Rosilla 956 have by far the most twist to their horns. Lady Butler has not been a producer in embryo, but she has had three natural bulls and two heifers. The Knights have kept both females and the top bull calf, Double Butler. Lady Butler is now bred to a Butler Boy son of Wiley Knight’s Party Girl cow named Fancy Butler.
5. Measles
55 1/2”
55 3/8”
DOB: 1971
H.C. Carter/Red McCombs
additional 20 percent of Measles, then he and Carter together bought ownership of the remaining 70 percent just prior to the Montgomery dispersal this summer. The price was reported to have been in the quarter-of-a-million-dollar range. Measles is currently working successfully in embryo at Medina Valley in Castroville, Tex., just west of San Antonio.
6. YO Samson Rosilla 956
55 1/4”
DOB: 1976
Y.O. Ranch
YO Samson Rosilla 956 In 1968, Charles Schreiner III purchased several twistedhorned cows from Cap Yates. The Y.O. Ranch then bred them to one of their top bulls, YO Samson 239. One of the original straight Yates cows, YO Rosilla 192, had a heifer calf in 1976 that has become the Y.O.’s longest-horned cow at 55 1/4 inches. She is YO Samson Rosilla 956. The 956 cow shows the same twist in her horns as her dam. -- continued on pg. 31
Texas Longhorn Trails
May 2013
Can the Small Acreage and/or Small Budget Breeder be Competitive? By Rob Pinder, Pinderosa Lonestar Ranch
Your success at breeding top quality Texas Longhorn cattle, and your success at competing with those cattle against the top breeders in the industry largely depend on several factors. Some may say factors such as luck play an important role, and if you’re talking about things that are out of your control, for instance the direct and indirect effect of weather, then maybe a little luck does play a part. But I’ve always been the believer that you make your own luck, mostly with factors such as attitude, patience, passion, persistence, determination, preparation and the list goes on and on. First, let’s define the small acreage and/or small budget breeder as it relates to this article. During the last few years, the economic and weather related hardships have affected everyone, some more so than others, but everyone has had to adjust in some form or fashion. For some, those adjustments meant downsizing their herd due to the costs of feed and care. For others, they have had to go a step further and sell off some of their land to help make it through the tough times. Can these folks be classified as small acreage and/or small budget breeders? Possibly, but without trying to downplay anyone’s particular situation, my focus in this article is more towards the new guy or gal that has always dreamt of owning a small piece of the country and filling their small pasture with their very own Texas Longhorn. Ah, I can remember that day as if it were yesterday, well for me, it was just yesterday, just 8 short months ago in August of 2012. I know many of you can also remember those first days and the list of questions you had about your new business venture. One of my first questions that I had and that still haunts me every day is, with my limited resources and experience, can I be successful and competitive? What do I mean by “competitive”? Compete is a relative word. It’s relative to you and your own personal goals and aspirations. Your idea of competing in the market place may be to compete in horn measuring contests or you may be interested in competing in the show ring. Yet for some, you may just be interested in competing with economics and raise a few head of Texas Longhorn cattle to sell to other breeders or at the local livestock auction. At some point in your cattle operation though, you will be competing against others, regardless of your definition of “compete”or of how you PLAN to market your animals. Oh wait, did I say plan? Now there’s an interesting and sometimes overlooked word. Let’s add that one to the list of factors above and maybe even put it at the top of the list. If you are one of those that haphazardly (is that a word?) goes about buying the first and cheapest animal they find and sits back in your recliner looking out over your pasture hoping and dreaming of “one day” breeding that awesome cow or bull that wins all the shows or grows the biggest horns or the biggest body, then you are doing just that….dreaming!! I’m not saying it hasn’t happened or won’t happen again, but the odds are stacked against that ever happening. However, by following a solid plan utilizing selective purchasing and breeding practices (remember, quality not quantity), anyone can potentially “compete”.
I must say though, that with limited resources of land and/or money, time is usually going to be one of the biggest factors in developing quality animals suitable to excel in a competitive market. Accessibility to quality breeding stock is pretty much available to everyone through the use of artificial insemination, partnerships and breeding agreements, however when you have limited resources and a limited supply of cows, you can only breed a limited number of cow/bull combinations and when it takes approximately 9 months to see the initial early results of that combination….well, I think you get my point. So planning is a very important and necessary part of this and any undertaking. I have heard it said…plan your work and work your plan….in other words, develop a plan and stick to it. Stick to it? A whole lot easier said than done. In the Longhorn business, as well as many others, it is said that one of the biggest obstacles of working your plan is getting emotionally involved and attached to your work and product. If you don’t believe me, ask my wife. One other big obstacle that stands in the way of following through with your plan is, once again, time. Folks have a tendency to get bored and become impatient and then they start manipulating their plan or worse yet, try to skip steps or ignore it all together. You have to decide early on what your goal is. Are you in this for your own viewing pleasure and satisfaction or are you in this to be competitive and successful in the market place? Build milestones into your plan, so that you can reach and obtain interim goals. And set criteria for making educated decisions, so that very little comes up and catches you by surprise. I don’t know about you, but for me, in any undertaking, the journey has always been more satisfying than the destination. But then again, is there really ever a destination? Many folks set their sights on the destination and when that never comes, disappointment and frustration set in. Enjoy the journey and most importantly, STICK TO YOUR PLAN. You must also know how you want to “compete” and start developing your plan in that direction. One of the best ways to develop your plan is to talk with others in the business that are “competing” in the area or areas that interest you and who are successful at what they do. Like I said, I bought my first Texas Longhorn in August of 2012 and was never involved in the cattle industry before then, but in that short time, I have had the extreme pleasure of meeting and talking with several “large” breeders in the Longhorn industry….oh wait, that didn’t come out sounding good. Not “large” as in having eaten too many of the wrong foods, but those with “large” operations. And when I say large operations, I’m not so much talking about the size of their pasture or the size of their herd. I’m more specifically talking about those that have been in the business long enough to establish a quality breeding, competing and marketing program. You would be surprised at the wealth of information that can be obtained from a 10 minute conversation with some of these folks. Better yet, make an appointment to go out to other ranches and see their operations first hand. Another excellent way of gathering information to help you develop your plan is taking some time to do a little research on the internet. There is an unlimited amount of knowledge that can be obtained online. There are industry association websites, such as TLBAA.org. There are show and competition catalogs and results, sale catalogs and results, and numerous ranch and breeder websites, many with articles, pictures and animal statistics. I spend many hours at work sifting through information online….uh, sorry boss,.…I mean hours at home. The amount of information that is available in such a relatively short time is invaluable. With just a little information combined with your own passion and desire, you can develop a solid plan and direction and with that plan, even the small acreage and/or small budget breeder can be very competitive. Texas Longhorn Trails
-- continued from pg. 28 She may not have as much total horn as the other featured cows, but because her horns are in a tight, sprialing twist and go straight out, she attains a very impressive overall tip-to-tip spread. YO Samson Rosilla 956 is the smallest cow of the magnificient seven. She shows a slight weakness in her back, but she is well balanced, feminine, and exceptionally clean. By nature, she is very gentle and passive, even shy, which makes her very difficult to photograph. If you can catch her properly posed, her beautiful red roan coloring certainly adds to the picture. Red McCombs has purchased the first two flushes offered from YO Samson Rosilla 956, and although she has not yet worked in embryo, McCombs is hopeful because of the quality of 956’s natural calves. The Y.O. has a three-year-old 956 daughter, YO Texas Rose 1746, that has 41inch horns, and an excellent four-year-old, YO Rosilla Samson 1493, that already has 47-inch horns. YO Samson Rosilla 956 is currently in embryo at Rio Vista. She is being worked to Bold Ruler.
7. YO Samson Josefina 706
YO Samson Josefina 706
YO Samson Josefina 706 was also sired by YO Samson 239. Her dam was YO Josefina, an outstanding WR-bred cow. She was one of two heifers that Alan Sparger obtained from the Y.O. Ranch in 1973 in a trade for three Bowie knives. Because of her grace and unusual horn development, Alan Sparger III dubbed her his “favorite.” When the Spargers sold Favorite at the June 1980 Y.O. Sale, L.D. Brinkman purchased her for $26,000, the highest price ever paid for a Texas Longhorn cow at that time. John Roberts acquired Favorite in the 1981 private treaty purchase of Brinkman’s herd. Harrell & Sons them paid $35,000 for a third-interst in Favorite in the 1984 Texas Legacy and shortly afterwards, Tom Brundage purchased the remaining two-thirds-interest for $79,000 when John Roberts dispersed. Favorite was one of the first Texas Longhorns ever used in embryo transfer. All four of her 1980 embryo daughters by Texas Ranger are
Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ May 2013
DOB: 1971
Tom Brundage/Robert Harrell
now themselves donors. Plus, she has worked spectacularly well with Classic. Her 1980 Classic son, 3S Classic Favorite, has 54-inch horns and is one of the very best Classic sons in the breed. And a 1983 embryo daughter by Classic, 3S Favorite Beauty 623, which brought $12,750 from Robert Harrell at the 1984 Lamb-Sparger dispersal, is as fine as any two-year-old that you will ever see. Favorite currently has a Texas Ranger heifer at side.
Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____
___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164.
Why did you choose to enter this particular female in the contest? Promise Ring is a good example of the kind of animal we are striving for in our program. We like to see that pretty long neck, the balance in her body, smoothness. And the potential for longer horns helps. How has she developed and is she still a part of your program? Her last horn measurement was taken when she was 2 1/2 years old and she measured 61 1/2" tip to tip so she is above average for horn growth. She has continued to be fleshy and easy to keep. She was quick to breed and her genetics are a goldmine. She is a daughter of Working Man Chex crossed with our foundation cow Ringa Dinger so she is important to us. Any calves on the ground? Any progeny to report? She has a pretty udder and is doing a fantastic job of raising her first calf that was born in the fall.
ing BCB R e s i m o r P
Owned by Brent & Cindy Bolen
Why did you choose to enter this particular female in the contest? I chose this female because of her distinct color, her horns, and her disposition. (Answered by Clay Mitchell)
How has she developed and is she still a part of your program? This heifer has really made a very nice individual everyone that comes here comments on her.(Answered by Jimmy Jones) Any calves on the ground? Any progeny to report? She has just had her first calf. It is a heifer by Bomber Chex and looks promising. (Answered by Jimmy Jones)
r Queen e v i R w a t Choc
Previous Owner: Mitchell Longhorns Current Owner: Jimmy Jones
Why did you choose to enter this particular female in the contest? We chose this female because of her comformation, color and eye appeal. How has she developed and is she still a part of your program? She developed on the same program that we use for all our females in the growth stages. This would be being weaned at 6 months of age, then being grazed on our coastal bermuda pastures and receiving a grain ration when needed to continue a good growth pattern. Any calves on the ground? Any progeny to report? We have since given the heifer to Samuel Faske for use in development of his breeding program. When Samuel took procession of her, she had a heifer calf at her side.
l Shower i r p A M D D
to Entr y Pho
Previous Owner: Doug and Darnell Muenchow Current Owner: Vida Nueva Ranch
howers Summer S Owned by Toby Johnson
Before I answer the questions I would like to tell you a little story: Summer Shower is one of our show cows. At the 2012 World Show she placed second in her class. In the summer and fall months we run our cattle in the open range. They pasture on 800 acres with a well as their water source. We usually check on our herd a few times a week The Wyoming summer of 2012 was extremely hot and dry. On July 25th, Kris, Ryan, and I took a drive out to check on the cows. As I pulled into the pasture I noticed one of our cows lying dead up on the hill. At first, I thought she had been struck by lightning. As I drove further I noticed several of our other cows were acting weird and one was down and unable to get up, it was Summer Shower. We soon discovered what was going on. Our cows had run out of water. The power to the pump was off. We quickly got the power back on. As the tank began filling with water we took bucketfuls of water to the cows that were unable to make it to the tank. Soon all the cows had their fill of water, except Summer Shower. Kris returned to town to get a stock trailer. We ended up hauling Summer Shower and her calf to the veterinary hospital. The vet had a difficult time starting the I.V. on Summer Shower because she was so dehydrated. They gave her a steroid shot. The vet said that she would abort her calf, but it would increase her chances of living. Summer Shower did not get up for 24 hours. Summer Shower and her calf survived their ordeal, and they both are doing well. On March 5, 2013, much to the vet’s surprise, Summer Shower had a healthy heifer calf. The new born calf looks just like her older sister.
Why did you choose to enter this particular female in the contest? We did not really choose this heifer, our Wyoming affiliate did. Our chapter decided to enter the heifer that was chosen as the Grand Champion of Wyoming State fair. If we would have been able to choose the heifer that we wanted, we would have chosen her anyway. How has she developed and is she still a part of your program? Yes, Summer Shower is still part of our program. I believe that she has developed sort of slow; due to the accident in July 2012. We did show Summer Shower at the World Show in 2012. She placed 2nd in her class of 11. Any calves on the ground? Any progeny to report? Summer Shower had a heifer calf in April 2012 named Brown Sugar. She never aborted her unborn calf due to the steroid that she was given. Summer Showers’ little miracle was born March 2013.
Honorablne Mentio
Why did you choose to enter this particular female in the contest? This heifer was the most complete heifer born that year. I had some with 3 inches more horn at same age but Pushkin had the great combination of frame, bone, temperament, color, with very correct Longhorn type. She has a bull calf at her side by a Drag Iron son and has plenty of milk and perfect teat placement. In my eye she is a keeper.
Owned by Don Constable
shkin u P s s o r C Southern
The Affiliate Princess competition was a project developed to challenge the TLBAA active affiliates to select the best yearling heifer from their members’ herds and to showcase that animal in photos. The competition was well received in 2011 with 11 active affiliates submitting entries. The Affiliate Relations Committee thought it would be interesting to catch up with the top five heifers from that first competition and to view them now, as the younger brood cows within our industry. Thank you to the current owners who shared information about the animals and their current photos. The competition is being reviewed and will be offered again in 2013 so watch for further information and entry deadlines.
NEWS On the Trail... TLBAA Member Publishes Children’s Book About Longhorns Submitted by Neil Dugger
Paula Dugger, TLBAA member gling in learning to read, and since 1996, has published an early Paula coordinates several early literacy book for children about intervention programs for the disTexas Longhorn cattle, The illustrict’s thirty-five campuses. She trations are photographs of often uses homemade books Paula’s cattle from the Dugger about her Longhorns, as the stufamily Diamond D Longhorn dents love to see the pictures and Ranch. Longhorns is being pubhear stories about these majestic lished by Hameray Publishing animals. Paula has both a bacheGroup, which is dedicated to publor’s and masters degree in educalishing literacy materials for Pre-K tion from the University of to Grade 8 students. This book is Texas in Austin, home to Author Paula written for beginning readers one of the most recognizaDugger with using repetitive text and is one of ble longhorns in the world early literacy the 60 new titles in the book featuring – Bevo. Longhorns Kaleidoscope Collection-Set C. The photographs accomWhen not tending to her panying each page are colLonghorn cattle, Paula is a certified Reading orful pictures from Paula’s herd. Along with Specialist and Reading Coordinator for the her husband Neil, she loves working her Irving Independent School District. She small herd, especially when a new calf is works every day with students who are strugborn. Their Diamond D Longhorn Ranch is located near Alvarado, Texas, and they have been active breeders for almost twenty years. The photographs capture the differences in longhorn cattle with horn length and shape, hide colors and patterns, and of course size. Anyone interested in more information on this early literacy book can contact Paula at np.dugger@att.net or Hameray Publishing’s online catalog at www.hameraypublishing.com.
Former TLBAA Chairman of the Board Wins Lifetime Achievement Award The New Mexico Podiatric Medical Association (NMPMA) presented Fritz Moeller, DPM with it's Lifetime Achievement Award during the 2013 Annual meeting of the association. This award recognizes Dr. Moeller's significant and ongoing contributions to podiatric medicine over his 48 years of practicing in New Mexico. Throughout his tenure, Dr. Moeller has served professionally on the New Mexico Board of Podiatry, New Mexico Podiatric Medical Association Executive Board as well as being active on local hospital staffs in both Albuquerque and Socorro. Dr. Moeller, being the first residencytrained licensed podiatrist in the state, has been an advocate for the advancement of surgical training for podiatry and practice equity. He is recognized by many younger podiatrists as a mentor in their efforts to gain necessary training and hospital staff privileges. Dr. Moeller will be retiring from active practice at the Presbyterian Socorro Hospital.
Emily Dunaway, daughter of Jaci and Dan Dunaway of Crete, Nebraska, gave a Science Spotlight presentation about Longhorn Geneaology and the Importance of Horn Measurement. She is a 6th grader at Crete Middle School. Emily is the niece of TLBAA member Dusty Leonard, owner of 7D Longhorns in Marysville, Kansas. Good job Emily!!!
Spirit of the West Magazine features Longhorns Spirit of the West Magazine is a German-language magazine for travel and lifestyle in the U.S. that reaches travelers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The January 2013 edition features photos supplied by the Trails Magazine and includes contact information for the TLBAA. Circulation is approximately 75,000.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Longhorn Cage $2,560
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We’ve got dw!hat you nee
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END OF TRAIL RANCH Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194 Check out our website - www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net
May 2013
TEXAS LONGHORN BREEDERS GULF COAST ASSOCIATION Rick Friedrich, President • (713) 305-0259 The Cattle Baron's Premier Longhorn Sale will be coming up this month. Don't miss out on your chance to add some great genetics to your herd. The sale is on Saturday, May 11th at the Mid-Tex Livestock Auction in Navasota, Texas. It is located at 5105 Highway 90S, 3.75 miles East of Highway 6. The auction will start at 1:00 PM with the first lots being the heifer sale. Cattle can be viewed from 5:00 PM Friday to 1:00 PM Saturday. Sale day phone is 936-825-3970. This is a landline number (with multiple roll overs) at the Mid-Tex Auction. Cell reception in this area is spotty at best so for the best chances of getting through, call this landline. You can also try Rick Friedrich at 713-305-0259 or George Wilhite at 281-435-1311. There will also be live internet bidding at www.HorseAuctions.com On Friday, May 10th, there will be an informal social with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails at the Wilhite Ranch. The ranch is located at 11674 FM 1227, Navasota TX, 77868. Left to right are Doug Stotts, Steve Azinger, For more information and to view the sale catalog please visit our website at www.TLBGCA.com Jason Carter, Rick Friedrich and George Wilhite who have been planning and putting together the Cattle Baron's Sale.
Danny Russell, President • crose@cactusroselonghorns.com • (361) 781-4269
Please join us for the STLA Spring Field Day and Annual General Membership Meeting on May 25, 2013, at John Marshall’s ranch in Llano, Texas. The day promises to be filled with beautiful Longhorns and great fellowship. They have put together a group of “chuck-wagon” cooks who are going to provide our meal. Members are encouraged to bring a dessert. We may even have a friendly contest for the best dessert! We look forward to seeing you.
Jerry Stevens, President • (575) 882-7425
The TLB of New Mexico Affiliate appreciates all of our members and friends that sponsored classes at the Dona Ana County Longhorn Show in Las Cruces. We thank our New Mexico exhibitors, our Colorado participants, Tom & J R Mottot and are pleased that we had two new youth exhibitors in this two day show. Our youth group was Corbin Callouette, Cheyenne Wilson, Kenneth Metevier, Noah Esparsen, Jacob Metevier, Lane Metevier, Justin Miller, Wyatt Wilson, Zackary Wilson and Derik Cosper. Way to go kids! Plans are still in the works for a field day, stay tuned. Our world qualifying New Mexico State Fair Show will be a one day show this year in September.
Ron Walker, President • (403) 548-6684
The Alberta Texas Longhorn Association held their Annual General Meeting on March 16, 2013, in Olds, Alberta. Topics discussed included cattle sales, cattle shows, horn measuring, princess affiliate, pedigree picnic, website, promotional items, fund raising, Robert Owen Memorial Award and 30th anniversary. The spring Registered Select Sale will be held on April 6, 2013, in Ponoka with 24 females and bulls entered in the sale. Ron Walker will be hosting a Texas Longhorn Production Consignment & Horse sale in November at Oyen. On July 20, there will be a Texas Longhorn show in Red Deer during Westerner Days open to all Texas Longhorn breeders. There will be a TLBAA Satellite Horn Showcase & Sale in Ponoka on October 11-12. The 2012 Alberta Princess Affiliate was the winner of the heifer class at the July show in Red Deer and was bred by Double D Arena. This year’s pedigree picnic will be hosted by Mike Donnelly at his ranch in Bowden in the later part of August. The 2012 Robert Owen Memorial Award was presented to Dean Marte for his hard work and dedication to the association. In November, Ron Walker hosted the Alberta Texas Longhorn Associations 30th Anniversary in Oyen. There were approximately 30 present and past members who attended the dinner and special historical presentation of the Association by Bill Dunn. New directors were elected this year with Ron Walker as President; Dean Marte will remain Vice President; Del Hepfner will remain Secretary/Treasurer; Mike Donnelly and Len Bloomberg were also elected to the Board of Directors.
Texas Longhorn Trails
HEART OF TEXAS LONGHORN ASSOCIATION Russell Hooks, President • (409) 381-0616 The Heart of Texas (HOT) Texas Longhorn Association held their membership meeting on January 13, 2013. The meeting was held at the Junction 36 Restaurant in Gatesville, TX. The meeting was well attended. The HOT Texas Longhorn Association is one of TLBAA’s oldest affiliates having been formed on August 18th, 1986. The HOT has been very active in the past but over recent years the association’s activity level has dropped. It is the goal of all the members that attend the meeting to build the HOT back up to the active levels of the past. At the meeting, several topics were discussed and reviewed. Russell Hooks reviewed the existing copy of the association’s by-laws. Carolyn Wilton reviewed the association’s assets and liabilities. The HOT is on very solid financial ground. We would like to THANK Carolyn for her years of service to the association as treasurer, and for her continued service in that position. Other topics discussed were that the HOT will once again be sponsoring their annual youth show at the Heart of Texas State Fair and Rodeo in Waco, Texas on October 9, 2013. Entries must be made through the Heart of Texas State Fair website. We are working on plans to improve and expand on this great show. The association would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Sue & Frank Bowdoin for all their hard work on this show over the past years and for continuing to serve as our show chairs. The subject of the possibility of hosting and sponsoring additional shows and sales was also discussed. The geographic boundaries of the association were gone over to help determine potential event sites. The topic of traditional and nontraditional marketing opportunities was discussed. The idea of HOT developing a cooperative marketing plan for its members was another topic that was brought to the table. These marketing opportunities would be beneficial to the HOTTLBA, TLBAA and their membership by spreading the word about Longhorns. After a wonderful lunch, officer nominations and elections were held. Russell Hooks was elected President. Teresa Bowdoin was elected Vice-President. Carolyn Wilton was elected Treasurer. Phil Norwood was elected Secretary. Members elected to serve on the HOT Board of Directors: Gary Bowdoin, Frank Bowdoin, Sue Bowdoin, Micah Reeves, Sandra Reeves, Don Bordelon, Jim Rosebrock, Felicia Jo Hooks & Wilton Wilton If you would like to become a member of HOT please contact Carolyn Wilton at cjwilto@juno.com for a membership form. To sign up for e-blast notices about HOT events or activities email russellh@longhornroundup.com. HOT Texas Longhorn Association will hold their Annual Membership Meeting on May 25, 2013 at The Junction 36 Restaurant in Gatesville, TX They will be electing officers and there will also additional activities to be announced.
Affiliate & Show Chairman Reminders 1. A completed application form should be sent to the office prior to your show. You can do this by email. All forms are in the Show Procedures Handbook that can be found under the show tab on our website. 2. All show programs/results, must have the animals TLBAA number. Animals sent in with pending will not be entered into the show program. Also, I can help you build a show program through HORNS that will have all of the animal information and you will not have to type it all in. 3. Your show results hardcopy and $5.00 qualifying fee per animal/per division should be in the office within 14 days of your show. We will be unable to accept results that come in extremely late, or without the qualifying fees. You can also scan the official results, with the judge’s signature, and email them to me. All show forms and results should be sent to Scotty O’Bryan at the TLBAA office, or emailed to scotty@tlbaa.org
AFFILIATES… Send Us Your News!
Is your Longhorn Affiliate celebrating a big event, hosting a show, a sale or just having a monthly meeting? If so, spread the news to the entire TLBAA by submitting your information to the Trails each month. Don’t forget to send photos, if you have them. Simply email your information to the Trails, Laura Standley at laura@tlbaa.org or call her at (817) 625-6241. We want to hear from you to help spread the news about your local Texas Longhorn activities. May 2013
Scott & Stacey Schumacher of Schumacher Cattle Company are located in Era, TX. Longhorn breeders since 2002, they are featured in this month’s Breeder Spotlight. 1. How did you get started in the Texas Longhorn business? Stacey began raising Texas Longhorns in 2002 when she moved to North Texas and needed a tax exemption for her land. Stacey purchased a number of lower-end longhorns and had a herd of almost 40 cows when she and Scott met. Since that time, we have culled our herd to include mature cattle that have 70"TTT or more of horn, with the exception of the cow that brought me and Scott together. I had leased a piece of land and had one cow that we couldn't catch because there were no lots on the property. Scott and a number of friends came and caught the cattle, and Scott slick horned (roped completely) the one cow. It was quite impressive to see. We began dating exclusively after that time! I guess, he roped my heart, too! 2. What are a few highlights of your program? Highlights of our program are cattle that are easy to work and a joy to own. Scott has enabled our program to only use the industry's top, most popular bulls each year. This has allowed us to begin raising our own replacement heifers and to rebreed our favorite mature cows to bulls we feel are game changers. We will continue to market our cattle through Facebook, our growing Constant Contact list and through the national publication, Texas Longhorn Trails.
DNA testing is becoming more and more common and in some cases mandatory in animal breed associations. Some horse breed associations will not register an animal without DNA testing being completed on the horse being registered and BOTH of its parents. TLBAA uses DNA testing for two (2) purposes: 1) Parent verification (when the breeder is not sure who the sire or dam is of an animal) and 2) AI Herd Sire Certification (showing that the sire and dam listed are indeed the parents of the bull being AI certified). Several years ago, at the start of the AI Herd Sire Certification program, your TLBAA board of directors decided to use only one DNA testing facility for consistency purposes. Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, University of California, Davis was chosen as the facility to perform all DNA testing for TLBAA. DNA tests from other genetic laboratories are not authorized and cannot be used. In the early years, breeders had to work direct with VGL and their DNA report, once completed, was then sent direct to the breeder. These DNA reports are proprietary and cannot be accessed by TLBAA without written permission from the breeder who paid to have the test done. In the early 2000's, the DNA testing process was moved in-house to TLBAA. All testing is now controlled and
By Rick Fritsche
once completed owned by the TLBAA office. Payment for the testing is paid direct to VGL from TLBAA. DNA test kits (one for each animal being tested) can be generated by TLBAA staff utilizing the VGL, UC Davis computer system and sent to the breeder requesting the test. Hair is then pulled from the animal or animals being tested and mailed to UC Davis. Do not send hair and test kits to the TLBAA office. Once the tests are completed, the results (DNA Markers) are emailed to the TLBAA office. To request DNA testing for either parent verification or AI Herd Sire Certification contact your TLBAA office and "starter" forms will be either mailed, faxed or emailed to you. Once these "starter" forms have been filled out and received at TLBAA, along with the appropriate funds, DNA Kits can then be generated and either mailed, faxed or emailed to the breeder. Costs for DNA Tests for Parent Verification is $50.00 USD for each animal being tested. Costs for DNA Tests for AI Herd Sire Certification is $150.00 USD (includes animal being certified and its sire and dam if they have not been DNA tested before). For anything else related to registration, contact Rick at the TLBAA: 817-625-6241 or rick@tlbaa.org
3. Where is your Texas Longhorn program headed? We will continue to raise quality cattle on a small scale. We will continue to encourage new breeders to purchase quality cattle to compete within the marketplace. We thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie present at Longhorn events, and we appreciate the many friends that we have made throughout the industry! We look forward to marketing more of our home raised cattle and seeing how they mature!
1. Taylor, Thomas, Vicky & Nathaniel O’Bryan, Yankton, SD; Alessa & TLBAA’s Scotty O’Bryan; 2. Carla Payne, Slidell, TX; 3. Mark Chambers, Trophy Club, TX; 4. TLBAA’s Scotty O’Bryan with Carole Phillips, Colleyville, TX; 5. Brian Wallis, Dallas, TX; 6. Angela & James, Neal, Bryson, TX.
Texas Longhorn Trails
GRAND CHAMPION BULL - OPEN HD SPITFIRE Owned By: George and Cindy Dennis
AFTER CALVING By Heather Smith Thomas
Adequate levels of important nutrients are crucial for reproduction, since the body always takes care of other needs first. Reproduction is a luxury that won’t take place unless maintenance needs are met. A thin cow or heifer will not settle as readily as an individual in good flesh; if she is too thin she won’t even cycle. Spring-calving cows must be in good flesh through winter. Cows that are thin at calving take longer to start cycling again. Monitor body condition closely through winter to make sure your feeding program is on target. The easiest time to put flesh back on a cow if she’s pulled down after summer lactation is in the fall after weaning her calf—before weather gets cold. A pregnant dry cow should gain weight on pasture alone, unless the pasture is overly mature or in short supply, in which case she may need an energy and/or protein supplement.
If a cow is thin at calving, it is very hard to pick up her weight after she starts lactating. She puts the extra energy into milk instead of body weight. A fat cow can coast through winter and even lose a little weight without detrimental effects, whereas a thin cow needs to gain weight through fall and winter if you expect her to breed back on time. You don’t want cows losing weight just before or after calving. Even if two cows have the same body condition at calving, if one is losing weight and the other is gaining, the cow gaining weight is better programmed for fertility than the cow losing weight. Studies have shown that each 10% of weight lost before calving can delay the first heat cycle by about 19 days. So you want cows in good flesh at calving.
Dr. John McKinnon, Professor and Saskatchewan Beef Industry Chair, University of Saskatchewan, says that many producers today are calving later in the spring, and many are using winter feeding strategies like bale grazing, corn grazing and swath grazing to cut winter feed costs. “One of the biggest changes I see, especially here in western Canada and the northern US, is more effort by ranchers to reduce costs. The best way to do this has been to go to more extensive winter management rather than confined feeding,” he says. If the cow can harvest her own feed by swath or bale grazing, this saves time, fuel and machinery costs. “There’s also a significant move toward later calving—away from February and March and moving to May-June—so the cows are calving on grass. The big issue then, as we go into the winter, looking at whatever management system we are dealing with, is to recognize the basic biology of the cow in terms of how her requirements change during the stages of pregnancy. If she will be calving in late May or early June, she was likely bred in late August or early September. She will probably be turned out on some type of winter grazing system in mid to late November. At that point she is at the end of the first trimester and moving into the second trimester,” says McKinnon. “At that stage of gestation you are still looking at just maintaining her body condition. She doesn’t have a lot of requirements yet for the developing fetus.” As she moves through December, January and February she will probably be able to Texas Longhorn Trails
ESTRUS AND POOR CONCEPTION EVEN AFTER THEY START CYCLING AGAIN. maintain her condition utilizing typical quality bale or swath grazing, etc. “Then as we move into her final trimester we need to look at increasing either the quantity or quality of the feed. She has higher requirements for protein and energy as the fetus is growing significantly at this stage. These requirements may increase by as much as 20 to 25%. We have to recognize those needs and either supply enough forage (swath grazing or hay) of a certain quality or supplement it with grain or some type of pellet to add the necessary protein and energy,” he says. “It doesn’t matter whether we are calving early or late, swath grazing or feeding in confinement, the biology of the cow at that stage of pregnancy must be recognized and those needs must be met. One of the things that stockmen sometimes don’t recognize in extensive management systems is the effect of the environment on the cow and the need for shelter. A harsh environment can bring down the body condition of that cow.” Cold stress can cause significant weight loss if cows don’t have a way to get out of the wind or stay dry during blizzards. Trees or portable windbreaks can be a big factor in helping cows deal with winter weather. Otherwise it takes more energy to maintain body heat, and the cow robs her stores of fat to create that energy—and loses weight. “Ideally we’ll have cows coming into the winter in good body condition. We use a 5 point body condition score (1 being emaciated and 5 being obese) so we typically don’t want cows to be any lower than 3 on this scale. Body condition is very important when coming off pasture in the fall. If the cow needs to gain weight we want to put on that weight in the fall and not try to do it during winter,” says McKinnon. It’s a lot harder to put on May 2013
body condition during cold weather, and takes a lot more feed. “If cows are losing weight as they approach calving, they will be slower to return to estrus after calving. If they are also losing weight after calving, you will see both delayed return to estrus and poor conception even after they start cycling again. If you want a successful breeding season, you have to be sure that your feeding program during the last trimester and post-calving (pre-breeding) is meeting the requirements of the cow and she is not losing condition,” he says. If she doesn’t have adequate nutrition for maintenance and lactation, she won’t rebreed. “When we talk about all of the different feeding systems, whether it’s swath grazing, bale grazing, whatever, it is just as important now as it ever was to know the quality of the feed. A good forage analysis is an important aspect of management. And if you are swath grazing you need to know how much you should allocate to these cows. In most cases we are not turning them out into the whole field. We are limiting what they eat with a hot wire and moving it daily or every 2 or 3 days. If you are going to allocate a certain amount of swath per head, you need to know the quality of the feed,” he says. It might be easy to figure out how much quantity they need (in terms of pounds of dry matter) but if you don’t know the quality you may still be shortchanging the cows. “We hear of cases where animals are losing condition even though they have lots of feed in front of them. It may not have the energy or the protein necessary, and they can’t eat enough to supply their needs.” Mineral nutrition is also a key factor when talking about the pregnant cow, particularly during the last trimester and
post-calving. “It’s important to have an appropriate mineral mix in front of that cow, and this will depend a lot on the forage base—and whether it is adequate or deficient in certain minerals. The mineral levels will have a big impact on reproductive success after that cow calves,” he explains. “Many producers are using some type of range pellet to provide energy and protein when the cows are eating lower-quality forages, and they can have the pellets fortified with the minerals they need. These may be customized for their region, and if not, they can certainly work with their feed company to provide a trace mineral salt mix or a one-to-one mineral that contains trace minerals. These can be fed free choice if the cows aren’t receiving a customized pellet. There are many ways to do this,” he says. If cows are calving later in the season when they can be on green grass, this is often the ideal situation for nutrition and breed-back, if the grass is good. “Paying attention to body condition is very important, however, even when cows are turned out on grass. Following the last trimester, and from calving to breeding, cows can do well if they are on grass. But sometimes in early spring the grass may not be well started,” says McKinnon. The cows may be eager for green grass and not very interested in hay, but may lose weight chasing after the grass. Early spring growth may be more “washy” with a higher water content than when it becomes a little more mature, with more nutrients per pound of grass. Cows often tend to lose weight when lactating on early spring grass with no supplementary feed. This may be the most crucial time to make sure the cows have adequate nutrition in order for them to cycle quickly and breed back on schedule.
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Pre-Paid Discounts 2% Discount/ Net 10 days. Live Area - 7-1/2" x 10" Bleed Size - 8-7/8" x 11-3/8"
For more information on upcoming TLBAA sales and events call Scotty O’Bryan at (817) 625-6241
KENTUCKY READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales and Events. Go to www.tlbaa.org and click on E-Trails May 2013
Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. (817) 625-6241
Texas Longhorn Trails
www.tlbaa.org CANADA
May 2013
Join Us! We’re Growing Fast!
a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.
In 1964,
the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.
The Advantages of Membership Include:
★ State of the art Registration Department to maintain four ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Canadian show circuit for breeders in the North. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine.
★ Educational Web site. ★ Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.
★ Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. ★ Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. ★ Mail-in voting for regional directors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE! Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org
TLBAA Membership Application
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All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.
* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $60 US address or $75 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Registrations and Transfers from March 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013
Division A
Division B (cont.)
Division B (cont.)
Division C (cont.)
Sun Creek Ranches Mark Hubbell Tom A. Smith Leonard or Doris Boyd Knippers Longhorns, LLC Larry and Charlotte Gribbins William A. Smith Dora Thompson Scott Hughes Kathy Kittler Hoenstine's Diamond H Farm Aaron Adkins Anna & Alexander Leichtenstern Curtis Elburn Frank Henderson Bob Mottet Terry King Billy Holder Coolamon Grazing Co. Danny D Guffey Harry & Maryanne Folkerts Scott Simmons B T Farms Hudson Longhorns Oldenburg Farm, LLC Carl R. Brantley Ethan Loos Glenn Cook Arch Acres Three 'T' Ranch Billy R. Walker Doug Ruppert James Fansler Jim and Patty Gladden Jody Shaw Karly Mims Leon Hoernschemeyer Oak Ridge Ranch Royal Heritage Farm Terry R. Moore Thomas A. Radosevich Thomas Markert Grove Cattle Company TTT Longhorns Benjamin C. Gravett
Matthew J. Durkin Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins David J. & Deborah M. Cohen Helm Cattle Company John and Betsy Marshall Ohlendorf Land & Cattle Co., LLC Kyle & Whitney Mayden Steve and Rene' Azinger Steve Day John Zetka Doug and Sandy Stotts JDub Squared Ranch Jim & Bethany Rosebrock Johnna Williams Trigg & Traci Moore William T. & Sandra J. Martin Brian Jackson Tom and Cay Billingsley Jo & Dagmar Schaab John & Diann Chase Rex Mosser Rick & Tracey Friedrich The Cattlerack Ranch Vida Nueva Ranch Loyd Gibbs Bob Coffee Darold & Barbara Meyer Joel K & Shirley Lemley Bruce and Connie Ollive Dr. W. Lou Shields John & Ursula Allen Ralph Heath Terry & Willene Wells Double N Cattle Co. John Miller Buffalo Gap Longhorns, LLC Dave & Althea Sullivan Dr. Gene and Lana Hightower James & Amy Roesler Jim & Jean Murray Kimberly Lee Parker Matt Hill Rob & Debbie Pinder Robert & Louann Rubel Stacy, Andy & Tiffany Martinez Star Creek Ranch Steven Zunker Tim & Katherine Mazur Prime Source TX Longhorns, LLC Wilton & Carolyn Wilton 4-C Ranch Allen & Rhonda Gilbreath Ben Liska Billy Thompson & Gary Jenkins Bo & Jo Ann Winkel
Cody M. Himmelreich Dale Land and Cattle David & Lynda Bradley Dennis & Judy Urbantke Diane S. or Jesus M. Rivera Donnie Taylor Doug & Darnell Muenchow Edwin & Debra Stojanik Fred Wood George & Cindy Dennis Guthrie Creek Longhorn Cattle Hacienda PBT, LLC Haston A. Magnuson K9 BranD Cattle Company Ken Kretzschmar LL Longhorns Rebecca J. Gilbert Richard James Filip Rocking O Ranch Roger & Jacqueline Garlitz Ron & Barbara Marquess Ryan M. Culpepper Schumacher Cattle Company Tud Rosin Krier James Wilkins
Gene & Delma Murphy Shirley Sisneros Anchor D Ranch Kurt Killgore Brink Longhorns Dale Hunt David A. Schmidt Frank & Teresa Locatelli Joseph Sedlacek L.D. and Debbie McIntyre Norman Outfit Robert & Maura Morey Wulfco Ranch Andrew & Michelle Hancock Bill and Jo Le'AN Justin Risenmay Lovitt Longhorns Ryan Welch Scot & Jodie O'Bryan Thate Cattle Co. Tom Goodwin Vel and Warren Miller Wild Horse Creek Ranch W.R. Van Gundy Daniel & Angelina Fey Dee & Janet Huntley Mefford 7 Farms Paul & Patti Gilbreth Sagacorn Longhorns Bob & Pam Loomis Boyd & Judy Bambrough Brett or Darcy De Lapp Craig Kipf David Roberts Dean L. or Mary P. Horkey Gene Lindsey Hayden Cowan Jim Hix J. Wade and Kristi Wilson Kent and Christine Bladen Kerry and Nancee Mounce Little Hoof Mini Longhorns Mike Lutt M W Ranch Randy and Jamie Briscoe Randy Copus Rockin J Longhorns Woodson School Ranch
Division B
El Coyote Ranch Rancho Cielito Lindo Kyler Tucker Ron & Kevin Asbill Frank J. Elliott Cactus Rose Longhorns Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway May 2013
Division C
Oren & Dianna O'Dell JBR Longhorns, LLC Triple 9 Longhorns Brett Sorenson Lawrence Morgan Longhorns Semkin Longhorns Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek Sunset Ridge Ranch RC Larson Longhorns Chad & Janell Smith Staci Hutchings Brett Bartlett Carole Muchmore David & Kimberly Nikodym Doug Oakes Beere Cattle Company Kent & Sandy Harrell Bill & Jessica Eckroth Fort Robinson Wesley Earl Watson Elsie A. Rose and/or John A. Rose
Oops! We would like to thank Kasi Dick of Pawhuska, OK for bringing a correction to Movers & Shakers to our attention. The problem has been resolved, and we congratulate this young breeder for her support of the TLBAA and the Texas Longhorn breed.
TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s
May - Herd Management Guide
Spring Calving:
1. Discontinue supplemental feeding to cattle as green grass becomes available. A source of salt as well as a good commercial calcium:phosphorus mineral mix should be available on a free choice basis. Consider anaplasmosis control in your mineral. 2. Vaccinate all new calves for blackleg and malignant edema with a 2-way Clostridial bacterin (4-way or 7-way Clostridial is fine, also), leptospirosis with lepto pomona. Consult your local veterinarian for other diseases that may be a problem in your area. Many producers also consider intranasal IBR/P13, modified live Pasteurella hemolytica and/or BRSV. 3. Vaccinate all heifers that are 4-10 months of age for brucellosis. 4. If not previously done this year, after calving and before breeding, vaccinate cows for leptospirosis with 5-way lepto vaccine. Consider vibriosis vaccination depending on advice of your veterinarian. 5. If not done previously, semen evaluate bulls. A standard breeding soundness exam should be conducted on all bulls prior to the start of the breeding season.
6. Put bulls with the cow herd. Mature bulls in single sire pastures should be able to service 30-50 females in a 60-90 day breeding season. Two-to-three-year-old bulls should be able to service 20-40 females. Young yearling bulls can be excellent breeders, but reduce the number of females per bull to 15-25 head and limit the breeding season to 60 days. Special attention to maintaining good nutritional condition of the young bulls is needed. Yearling bulls should only run with other yearling bulls in multi-sire pastures. Older bulls will tend to establish a social dominance over young bulls, creating potential problems. 7. Deworm cows and bulls for internal parasites. 8. Spray all cattle for external parasites and then place fly tags in both ears on bulls and cow herd to control external parasites through the summer. 9. Consider herbicide use to control excessive weed populations in pastures. Fertilize improved pastures to improve forage production.
Fall Calving:
1. Wean calves and select animals to be retained through yearling time. Breeders collecting weaning weight information should weigh all calves and adjust all weights to a 205 day of age equivalent. Within sex group, calculate a weaning weight ratio to be used as a selection criteria. Identify all calves by sire group to determine which sires are producing the superior calves. 2. Pregnancy check all females as well as check for unsoundness and udder problems for culling purposes. 3. Vaccinate all heifer calves between 4 and 10 months of age for Brucellosis. 4. If not done previously, all weaned calves should be vaccinated with a 7-way Clostridial bacterin, vaccinated for IBRP13-BVD and de-wormed. Cull bull calves should be castrated prior to weaning.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Gold N Rule Sittin Bull
Max Caliber Coach
• Semen Collection & Processing • CSS Available Facility • Storage • Shipping • Supplies • AI • Embryo Collections • AI Training Schools
Mountain Home, Texas
1-800-YO RANCH charlie4@yoranch.com Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA
May 2013
At our facilities or on-farm collecting Bob Woodard
Brenda Barton
903.567.4044 (Office)
Craig Barton
18035 FM 17 • Canton, TX 75103 Toll Free 1.866.604.4044 Fax 903.567.6587 www.championgenetics.com
JoelAuctioneer Lemley P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506
www.lemleyauctionservices.com TX. License 15204
Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX
(817) 991-9979
THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
(507) 235-3467 DORA THOMPSON just registered 38 QUALITY HEIFERS and 17 HERD SIRE prospects BRED FOR HORN. We specialize in Hunts Command Respect and McGill Ranch genetics and offer young stock at reasonable prices. We have a Farlap Chex son on a herd of straight Butlers. Sand Hills Ranch is 20 mi. off the TX line in Northwest Louisiana below Shreveport. A large herd (approx. 175 mama cows) promises you plenty of variety. echoofambush@aol.com www.sandhillsranch.com • Tel (318) 872-6329
CATTLE FOR SALE ELITE TEXAS LONGHORNS FOR SALEDale Hunt - www.rockinhlonghorns.com (402) 214-4851. JBR LONGHORNS- frozen embryos, AI & ET, semen, elite females, miniatures, lean beef, free advice, call before you buy. Jim Rombeck (785) 562-6665, Justin Rombeck (816) 536-1083. BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
Two TEJAS STAR DAUGHTERS For Sale: One is full sister to 80” TTT cow (Projecting to 86” TTT)! One has a dam by JP RIO GRANDE! www.premierlonghorns.com 405-372-3862 Oklahoma
May flowers bring the happiest of summer days to all our Longhorn friends…old, new and soon to be! Meanwhile…here at the Flying D Ranch we’ve just weaned more beautiful heifers, bulls and steers. They’re just waiting to become surprise gifts for good little (or big) boys and girls! Bloodlines include Yates, Wright and WR with a little Butler and Texas Ranger included. Makes for speckles, spots, brindles, big twisty horns and gentle dispositions! To schedule a ranch tour or just to "talk Longhorns", call:
Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, Texas • 281-356-8167 dorie27@sbcglobal.net
LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains
New Location: Sallisaw, OK (918) 774-9107 • (918) 855-4907 new web site:
For upcoming event information, visit
www.tlbaa.org 50
Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”
joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083
HOME & RANCH REALITY TRIGG MOORE Cell: (254) 396-5592 Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532
Owner/Broker 936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email: trigg@c21homeandranch.com
TRADE & BARTER TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME VANIZM OR JUBAL JANGLER HEIFERS? – Save your cash for hay. How about trading bulls or steers for them instead of cash? Call (785) 447-9132 McIntyre Ranches - www.mcintyreranches.com.
LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell www.asocl.com or troush57@yahoo.com YOU CALL - I HAUL!
WESTERN DECOR Specializing in mounted steer horns, cow skulls, horn furniture, hides
M.P. & K.D. HORN and LEATHER SHOP 408 E. Drew • Ft. Worth, TX 76110 817-927-8061 • Fax: 817-927-7970 E-mail: MPKDhornshop8061@msn.com Web site: www.hornandleather.com
TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org
Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Texas Longhorn Trails
Adcock, Terry & Sherri..................45 Almendra Longhorns ..................43 Autobahnanza................................12
Bar H Ranch....................................43 Beadle Land & Cattle................8, 43 Bear Boot Ranch ............................45 Billingsley Longhorns ..................44 Blue Mountain Longhorns..........37 Box Z Ranch ..............................8, 45 Brett Ranch......................................44 BT Farms..........................................44 Buckhorn Cattle Co. ................8, 43 Bull Creek Longhorns ..................44 Butler Breeders..............................8-9
M McLeod Ranch..................................8 Midcontinent Livestock Supplements ..................................29 Miller, Tim ......................................43 Moriah Farms ............................9, 44
N Northbrook Cattle Co. ................44 P
7 Bar Longhorns............................44 Safari B Ranch ................................43 Sand Hills Ranch..............................7 Semkin Longhorns........................44 Sexing Technologies ....................BC Sidewinder Cattle Co. ....................9 Singing Coyote Ranch..................45 Smith, T.M. & Jean ......................44 SS Longhorns ................................44 Stotts Hideaway Ranch ................44
Deer Creek Longhorns ................45 Diamond Q Longhorns ..............44 Dick’s Ranch Supply ....................49 Double LB Longhorns..................44
Eagles Ridge Longhorns ................9 El Coyote Ranch ..............................1 End of Trail Ranch ........................43
First Financial Bank ......................48 Flying Diamond Ranch................43 Flying H Longhorns......................44
Harrell Ranch....................................9 Helm Cattle Co. ............................44 Hickman Longhorns ....................44 Hill Country Heritage Sale..........18 Horsak, J. Scott ..............................49
J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ..........44 Jack Mountain Ranch ..................45 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. ................9 Johnston Longhorns ....................43
Terry & Tammy......................43 K King, Kittler Land & Cattle Co.................43
Lemley Longhorns ........................45 Lightning Longhorns....................44 Little Ace Cattle Co. ........................8 Lone Wolf Ranch....................35, 43 Longhorn Designs ........................35 Longhorn Sale Pen........................35
Arrow Ranch ......44, IBC M Marquess MCA Ranch ..................................8-9 McIntyre Ranches ............................2 May 2013
Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)
Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 Please specify which month your caption is for. Email entries should include address.
Rio Vista Ranch ................................8 Rocking G Ranch ............................9 Rocking I Longhorns................9, 45 Rocking P Longhorns......................8 Rolling D Ranch ............................43 Running Arrow Farm....................49
CedarView Ranch..........................43 Champion Genetics......................49 Commanders Place Longhorns 43
Longhorns........................9 D Dalgood DCCI Equipment..........................49
P&C Cattle Pens ............................35 Panther Creek Longhorns ......3, 43 Pearl Longhorn Ranch..................45 PJ’s Cattle Company........................8
Just For Grins
Texas Longhorn Expo..............10-11 TLBA Foundation ..........................31 TLBAA 50th Anniversary............IFC TLBAA Horn Showcase..........24-25 TLBAA Membership ....................46 Triple R Ranch (MI)......................43 Triple R Ranch (TX) ........................9 Triple T Longhorns........................44
Underwood Longhorns ..............43
W Walker, Ron ....................................45
Westfarms, Inc. ................................8 Wichita Fence ................................35 Winchester Futurity North ..........13
YO Ranch ........................................49
Photo courtesy of Brian Jackson
APRIL PHOTO FIRST-PLACE WINNER: “Hold on a minute, I’m looking for ‘Home Row’ASDF JKL;” Margaret Underwood, Harrison, AR ◆ HONORABLE MENTION:
“Mama, are your sure her pedigree is in there?” Dennis Urbantke, San Angelo, TX
“Look son... You’ve got mail!” Wendy Hastings, Art, TX
Coming Next Month:
Save The Date!
Texas Longhorn
MAY 2013 MAY 3-4 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale and Premier Heifer Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorn.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombsranches.com, teresa@redmccombsranches.com, (210) 445-8798. MAY 4 • High Plains Texas Longhorn Sale, Centennial Livestock Auction, Ft. Collins, CO. Consignment Deadline: March 11th. John Nelson, Sale Chairman-highplainssale@gmail.com or (970) 897-2444. MAY 11 • Cattle Baron’s Premier Longhorn Sale, Mid-Tex Livestock Auction, Navasota, TX. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. MAY 17-18 • Millennium Futurity, Glen Rose, TX; Bill Davidson (405) 258-7117 or mlflonghorns@sbcglobal.net. www.mlfuturity.com MAY 25 • East Texas Longhorn Association “A Picnic in the Pasture”, Marquess Arrow Ranch, Ben Wheeler, TX. 11:00-4:00 p.m. Please RSVP by 5/20/13. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower (903) 963-7442.
JUNE 2013 JUNE 8 • Fey Ranch Sale & Social, Yamhill, OR. Daniel & Angelina Fey, daniel@feylonghorns.com, (503) 349-7866 JUNE 12-14 • TLBAA World Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. JUNE 12-16 • Autobahn Youth Tour “Autobahnanza”, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com. www.autobahnyouthtour.com JUNE 14-15 • Winchester Futurity of the North, Gibson County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IN. www.winchsterfuturitynorth.com. Scott Simmons (618) 729-2004 or Deanna Sanders (618) 7805365. www.winchesterfuritynorth.com JUNE 15 • “Trail Of Tears Heifer Futurity”, Idabel, OK. Wes Watson (580) 286-1240 or wes@idabelok.net. JUNE 23-29 • Sunrise Showmanship Camp, Liberty Hill, TX. John T. & Betty Baker jtb2@earthlink.net or (512) 515-6730 or (512) 762-7434.
Coming Events SEPT 26-28 • East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower (903) 963-7442 or glcattleco@aol.com. Entry forms & info at www.etstatefair.com Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth.
OCTOBER 2013 OCT 5 • NEW DATE, NEW LOCATION- 5th Annual Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Consignment Sale, Turnersburg Livestock Market, Turnersburg, NC. 11:00 AM. Carl Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC pyledriver1964@yahoo.com or (336) 667-5452. OCT 5 • Atlantic Coast Horn Showcase Satellite Measuring, Held in conjunction with the Appalachian Trails Longhorn Sale, Turnersburg Livestock Market, Turnersburg, NC. 8:00 AM. Carl Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC pyledriver1964@yahoo.com or (336) 667-5452. OCT 9-13 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org OCT 12 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Sale, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org OCT 26 • Marquess Arrow Production Sale, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron & Barbara Marquess-maranch@aol.com or (903) 833-5810 Ranch or (903) 570-5199 Ron. www.maranch.com. OCT 25-27 • Ark-La-Tex Fall Show, George Henderson 2nd Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401 or Bobbye DuBose (409) 384-8120. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth
NOVEMBER 2013 NOV 9-10 • Louisiana State Fair, Shreveport, LA. Tina DuBose (979) 277-2656. www.statefairoflouisiana.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. NOV 16 • Texas Longhorn Fall Production, Consignment & Ranch Horse Sale, Crossroads Centre, Oyen, Alberta. Contact Ron Walker (403) 548-6684 or walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com.
AUGUST 2013 AUG 3 • Deschutes County Fair, Deschutes County Fairground, Redmond, OR. Tammi Kuntz (541) 280-1645. Qualifying Free. AUG 9-10 • Rocky Mountain Select Sale, Latigo Arena, Colorado Springs, CO. Stan Searle (719) 481-3735 or Gary Lake (719) 314-8294. AUG 17 • Mosser Longhorn Dispersale Sale, Marquess Arrow Ranch, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron Marquess (903) 570-5199. AUG 31 • Butler Breeders Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355.
MAY 2014 MAY 9-11 • TLBAA 50th Aniversary Celebration Weekend, Fort Worth, Texas
SEPTEMBER 2013 SEPT 7 • 17th Annual “Waaka Lapish Foloha” Longhorn Sale, Durant, OK. Wes Watson (580) 286-1240 or wes@idabel.net. SEPT 7 • Winchester Futurity, George Henderson 2nd Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401. SEPT 14 • Hill Country Heritage Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. (325) 668-3552 or (713) 305-0259.
Let us know about your upcoming events! (817) 625-6241or email us at laura@tlbaa.org. Texas Longhorn Trails