January 2016 | 1
November 2021 | 27
November 2021 | 27
17 13 18
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
Chairman of the Board: Keith DuBose • (979) 277-2161
Treasurer: Mark Hubbell • (269) 838-3083
Vice Chairman: Russell Fairchild • (254) 485-3434
Parliamentarian: David Wars • (936) 404-2116
Secretary: Stephen Head • (979) 549-5270
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Region 13/14 - Director
Mark Hubbell
Keith DuBose
Justin Georges
(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com
(402) 580-0209 justin.georges@yahoo.com
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Region 15 Director
Tom Smith
Ross Ohlendorf
David Edwards
(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com
(512) 791-7118 rockingolonghorns@gmail.com
(918) 557-0364 dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Deb Lesyk
(306) 867-9427 halters.buckets@yahoo.com
David Wars
(936) 404-2116 w5longhorns@yahoo.com
Region 2 - Director
Region 8 - Director
Region 17/18 - Director
Todd Spaid
Kevin Rooker
(304) 963-0699 jeremyspaid73@gmail.com
(817) 692-7843 krooker61@gmail.com
Region 3 - Director
Region 9 - Director
Johnny Hicks
Russell Fairchild
(269) 721-3473 hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com
(254) 485-3434 fairchildranch@yahoo.com
Region 4 - Director
Region 10 - Director
Matt Durkin
Sandi Nordhausen
(512) 923-9015 mattdurkin1073@aol.com
(512) 750-1350 sandi.nordhausen@gmail.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Reid Tolar
Stephen Head
(334) 412-8400 rgtolar@yahoo.com
(979) 549-5270 headshorns@hotmail.com
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
Dora Thompson
Mike McLeod
(318) 872-6329 echoofambush@aol.com Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967 Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969 J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971 Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973 James Warren 1973-1975 J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977 J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978 John R. Ball* 1979-1980
2 | November 2021
Bill Anthony* 1981-1982 Dr. L.V. Baker 1982-1984 Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark 1984-1986 Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988 John T. Baker 1988-1990 Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992
(361) 771-5355
Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995 Tim Miller* 1995-1998 Sherman Boyles 1998-2003 Bob Moore* 2003-2005 Joel Lemley 2006-2007 Ben Gravett* 2007
Dr. Fritz Moeller* 2007-2009 Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010 Robert Richey 2010 Steven Scott Zunker 2010-2011 Brent Bolen 2011-2012 Bernard Lankford 2012-2013 Todd McKnight 2013-2016 Tom Matott 2016-2019
Mike Lucas
(661) 805-3074 mike@lucasranch.net
Division C now has a total of 4 Directors Regions 13/14 combined has one representative 15 has one representative 16 has one representative 17/18 combined has one representative
Future Phase-Ins: Division A: Elections take place in 2021 Division B: Elections take place in 2022
TLBAA EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 semkinlonghorns@mindspring.com Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 doublehelix@att.net Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 fserna@elcoyote.com John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 jtb2@earthlink.net
November 2021 | 3
22 Importance of Winter Water
Digestion creates heat and cows need moisture to digest. Make sure they have access to it. By Heather Smith Thomas
november 2021 Vol. 33 • No. 8
Board of Directors
Editor’s Note
Your Colorful Calf Can’t Win If You Don’t Enter!
Chairman’s Letter
Affiliate News
TLBT Pages
12 14 22 27 28 30
New Members Procedures To Nominate Division A Directors
In The Pen Division C, Region 16 Director Vacancy Updates from the TLBAA Marketing Committee Deep In The Heart Of Texas Sale Results Legends Longhorn Sale & Futurity Results Fred Bryant Memorial Sale & Futurity Results
Show Results
Breeders Guide
Index/Just For Grins
About the Cover: Thank you to Brett Krause of Circle K Ranch in Thrall, TX for giving us an up close view of a beautiful Longhorn female’s face bathed in the golden glow of autumn. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
4 | November 2021
November 2021 | 27
EDITOR’S NOTES VOTE! As TLBAA members you have lots of opportunities to have your voice heard. There’s the annual General Membership Meeting coming up in January 2022 in Fort Worth. There is a process by which you or your regional Director can get proposals before the Board of Directors for consideration of action. And in November alone you can find several opportunities to vote. The first opportunities are in this issue of Trails. Your participation will determine who will represent you in Region A. A person must receive 5 nominations to be on the ballot that goes out at the end of November. If you are in Division A, heads up! Yu can see the regions on the Board of Directors page in this issue. Everyone who is a TLBAA member can vote for the TLBAA Special Awards feature on pgs. 16 - 20. All nominees are shown with the reasons they were nominated. Even if you haven’t met them, you can read the criteria and choose to vote for those who seem to fit the criteria the best. Don’t assume that someone will get votes. If you like them for an award, vote for them. Another vote coming up fast is the chance to vote for Ultimate Bull and Ultimate Cow at the TLBAA Horn Showcase November 11-13 in Fort Worth, TX. The winner must be at the event, and you have to be present to vote. If you like a particular animal go enjoy the Horn Showcase and vote. You may be seeing a few polls in the coming months via Mailchimp, Trails, and/or Facebook on various topics. If you have an opinion on any topic we present, share it by taking the time to answer or vote. One of the topics may relate to how you want us to disseminate information. I hear this more often than I should: “I didn’t know we could do that” or “I didn’t know there was an event coming”. One can find an event calendar in Trails. There are articles about current happenings and how to’s for raising your Longhorns. It is free online and if you are a member it comes to your mailbox every month. There is also a website full of information and a weekly e-blast with up-to-date information. Much of it posts to Facebook on the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association page. We hope to give you an opportunity soon to let us know how you interact with the information we share the most. I know the lateness of the print edition has been an issue, as has keeping up with social media and web updates. Hang in there. We are working on solutions to get it all back on track and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work out the logistics of doing much work with too few hands. Until next month,
DEADLINE: January 2021 Issue:
Myra Basham Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief
November 29th Horn Showcase Wrap-up
6 | November 2021
(817) 625-6241 • (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 trails@tlbaa.org • www.tlbaa.org
Editor-in-Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 104 • myra@tlbaa.org trailseditor@tlbaa.org Advertising: Myra Basham • (817) 625-6241 x 104 myra@tlbaa.org Graphic Design & Production: Trace Neal • Ext. 103 trace@tlbaa.org
Registrations/Office Manager Rick Fritsche • Ext. 101 rick@tlbaa.org Membership/Registrations DNA Specialist Amelia Gritta • Ext. 102 amelia@tlbaa.org Special Events Pam Robison • Ext. 106 pam@tlbaa.org Accounting Theresa Jorgenson • Ext. 105 theresa@tlbaa.org Office Assistant/Receptionist Kate Dauer • Ext. 100 kate@tlbaa.org
Printed in the U.S.A.
October 2021 | 27
Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 S. Rosemary Dr. • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (713) 502-5224 edie.wakefield@gmail.com Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110 raybeadle@comcast.net Bennett Longhorn Cattle Co. Michael Bennett 2159 Country Club RD • Lucas, TX 75002 (214) 385-6789 bennett@lucasfence.com BPT Longhorns Ben & Phyllis Termin Weatherford, TX (817) 374-2635 luvmylonghorns@gmail.com C4 Longhorns Bill & Molly Crozier 208 CR 4145 • Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 200-9720 www.c4longhorns.com Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa 2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com (210) 232-1818 Dalgood Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman 6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422 dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com Falls Creek Longhorns Stan & Sandi Tidwell 2330 W. FM 875 • Midlothian, TX 76065 (972) 989-8939 www.fallscreeklonghorns.com Hicks Texas Longhorns Johnny & Missy Hicks 1518 E. Britol Rd. • Dowling, MI 49050 (269) 721-3473 hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com www.michiganmafialonghorns.com/Hicks JKG Longhorns Jeff, Kristi, Kacie & Jodie Ging 2908 CR 438 • Yoakum, TX 77995 (361) 781-4347 • (361) 781-4348 jkglonghorns@gmail.com www.jkglonghorns.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467 Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com McLeod Ranch Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155 Roberts Longhorns David & Sharon Roberts Comanche, TX 76442 (325) 451-9000 www.robertslonghorns.com Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net Rio Vista Ranch Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 3208 Fall Creek Estates Dr • Spicewood, TX 78669 Cell: (512) 422-8336 elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com Spring Creek Farms Bradley & Heather Wachsmuth 2749 FM 555 • Gilmer, TX 75645 (337) 241-6882, 337-366-2060 bh1028726@gmail.com www.springcreekfarmstx.com Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com Wynfaul Acres James & Helen Cloakey 408 County Road 2200. • Cleveland, TX 77327 (713) 677-1473 hgbedford@hotmail.com www.WynFaulAcres.com Butler Breeder’s Futurity (936) 689-1914 butlerfuturity@yahoo.com www.butlerbreedersfuturity.com Butler Longhorn Museum (281) 332-1393 info@butlerlonghornmuseum.com www.butlerlonghornmuseum.com
Association News
Chairman’s Message Longhorn Family, Well, it’s November. This year has flown by and now winter is creeping up way too fast. Hope you have put up plenty of hay and winter pastures are planted. This month’s Trails issue will have all the Year End Awards Nominees and a ballot in it. Please read up on the nominees and take the time to vote. Also, it’s time to be thinking about what’s in your pasture that would look good on the cover of the Trails by winning the Roger Damrow Colorful Calf Contest and getting those entries in. The Horn Showcase, the largest and only measuring event in the country will be on November 1113, 2021 in Fort Worth, Texas at Will Rogers with the Horn Showcase Select Sale on November 14, 2021. I want to thank all our sponsors for supporting this great event. Want to thank all the members of the Horn Showcase for their hard work at putting this on. If you see them at the vent, or know them, please thank them for their hard work and the time they put in. This is a great group of volunteers and it’s not an easy task putting these on. This is a good opportunity for everyone all to see what animals win the categories in all age groups. Also, there will be Bull and Embryo Alley set up there for you to see some of the finest bulls in the breed and be able to buy semen from them and embryos of select mating that would enhance anyone’s program. A guaranteed game changer for almost anyone’s program. Thank you to the Horn Showcase Committee and their volunteers for putting together another great event. The nomination ballots for Division A have been mailed out and need to be returned soon. The Election Ballots will go out on December and will need to be returned before the end December to be counted. This is the time for you, the members of Division A to speak your mind and vote, as in any other Division during their election time. Time to think about who will be representing you. Now is the time to make your reservations for the Longhorn Weekend and the Fort Worth Stock Show. This is the Annual Membership Meeting, Board of Directors Meeting, Affiliate President’s Meeting, World Show Committee Meeting and a Longhorn Show to boot. There are hotels with better rates for “Longhorn” events that are on the e-Blast and website. The office will be happy to give you that information, too. Hope to see you all there. Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend The Eddie Woods Cowtown Classic on January 15, 2022. There is a great group of cattle with something for everyone that have been consigned, probably some of the best cattle we’ve had in the sale. The sale catalog will come out in your December Trails. If you have any questions, contact Pam at the TLBAA office or the Sale Chairs, Russell Fairchild 254-485-3434 or Keith Du Bose 979-277-2161. I send out a great thank you to the group that never really gets enough thanks for all they do to help all committees, the members and the association. The TLBAA Office Staff. They work at every event, helping coordinate getting awards and trophies, running the office and taking up slack for other so they can be at events. I really appreciate ALL you do for all of us. To my Longhorn Family, Thank You,
Keith Du Bose, Chairman of the Board Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America 10 | October 2021
November 2021 | 27
Procedures To Nominate Division A Directors Please Note: To be placed on the voting ballot, an active TLBAA member in good standing must receive 5 nominations from active TLBAA members in good standing. If you are interested in becoming a director, please make sure your membership is active and your account is current. TLBAA will be seeking nominations soon for all Division A directors, to represent Regions 1-6. Nomination forms will be mailed 90 days prior to the TLBAA Annual Membership Meeting in Fort Worth, TX, January 14, 2022. 1. Nomination Ballots will be mailed out to Division A Members Friday, October 15, 2021. 2. Nomination Ballots must be returned to the CPA postmarked no later than Monday, November 15, 2021. 3. In order for an individual to be placed on the final ballot, they must receive at least 5 nominations from Active or Lifetime members of the TLBAA. 4. The final ballots will be mailed out Monday, November 29, 2021. 5. Final ballots must be returned to the CPA postmarked no later than Monday, January 3, 2021. 6. Newly elected Directors will be announced January 14, 2022 at the General Membership Meeting during Longhorn Weekend in Fort Worth, TX. The TLBAA By-Laws, Section 2-D, Membership, state: “At least ninety (90) days prior to the annual Member-ship Meeting, the TLBAA office shall mail to the Active and Lifetime members a request for nomination of in-dividual or individuals for Director in the member’s rep-resentational region. Such member nominations shall be received in the Association’s office no later than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting. In order that any member nominee be eligible to be placed on the election ballot, he must receive write-in nominations from five (5) members who are Active or Lifetime members. Should there be no members nominated by the membership for a particular region, or should a nominee decline to have his name placed on the election ballot, the Board of Directors will appoint an Active or
Division A Highlighted in Color - Merged regions in same color
Lifetime member in good standing domiciled within the division to fill the vacant position at the same meeting as the election of TLBAA officers. No less than forty-five (45) days prior to the annual meeting of the membership, the TLBAA Office or designated CPA firm shall mail official printed ballots to each qualified Active and Lifetime Member in good standing of that region and division. This ballot shall contain the names of the candidates, if any, who were properly nominated by members. All written ballots must be returned by U.S. mail to the CPA with a postmark not less than twenty-one days prior to the Annual Meeting in order to be validated and counted. All ballots received will be validated and counted by an independent CPA firm or other organization experienced in voting tabulation as designated by the Executive Committee. The nominees receiving the most valid votes shall be elected. All newly elected Directors shall be installed at the Board of Directors meeting prior to the general membership meeting. A tie vote will be broken by the Chairman of the Board drawing one of the names by lot.” Division A TLBAA members, watch for your nomination form in the mail. For a complete set of TLBAA By-Laws, including all sections regarding the election of Directors, visit www.tlbaa.org/tlbaa/official-handbook/
Don’t Forget, This year continues the phase-in of the reduced board. What’s this mean for Division A? Starting with this election, Division A will have a total of 3 Directors. Regions 1/2 combined has one representative 3/4 combined has one representative 5/6 combined has one representative
12 | November 2021
Want to run? To ask for support in your region: * You may request mail labels from the office * You may advertise in Trails Magazine * You may NOT use TLBAA e-blasts for political messages
November 2021 | 27
Association News
TLBAA Division C, Region 16 Director Vacancy The TLBAA Board of Directors is now accepting applications to fill the vacant and unexpired term for Division B, Region 7 Director in accordance with the TLBAA bylaws article IV, section 6 and TLBAA board policy. Article IV, Section 6. - Vacancies Vacancies on the Officers and Board of Directors of the Association shall be filled by the Board of Directors with a qualified member in good standing, and such person or persons so chosen shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor and until a successor is elected and qualified. TLBAA Board policy for filling vacancies of un-expired Board seats To be considered for appointment to fill a vacant TLBAA Board position for an un-expired term, the applicant must be an Active or Lifetime member of the TLBAA; in good standing, free of any debt owed to the TLBAA; and domiciled within the particular Region or Division of the vacancy. The applicant must provide a written resume and Bio (template provided) and indicate his/her involvement with the TLBAA for the past 12 months to the Board of Directors. Notice shall be published in the Trails magazine and on E-Trails announcing the vacancy. Letters of recommendation are encouraged from Members domiciled within the Region or Division of the vacancy, but are not required. Applicants must make themselves available to be interviewed in person or by phone conference when requested to do so by the TLBAA Board of Directors. Board vacancies should not be filled just for the sake of filling a Board vacancy. Applicants who wish to be considered must qualify according to the policy and submit resume and Bio via email or mail to the TLBAA office, attention Rick Fritsche, Office Manager, by January 4, 2022. In addition, recommendations for applicants must be submitted via email or mail to the TLBAA office, attention Rick Fritsche, Office Manager, by January 4, 2022.
TLBAA DIRECTOR BIOGRAPHY NAME___________________________________________________________________________ RESIDENCE____________________________________________________________________________ OCCUPATION_________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS/VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE_____________________________________________________ ORGANIZATIONS______________________________________________________________________ RANCH LOCATION_____________________________________________________________________ HOW LONG RAISING LONGHORNS______________________________________________________ MEMBER OF TLBAA SINCE______________________________________________________________ TLBAA INVOLVEMENT PAST 12 TO 24 MONTHS___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ REASONS FOR WANTING TO SERVE ON BOARD OF DIRECTORS____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14 | November 2021
November 2021 | 27
The TLBAA special awards will be presented Friday, January 14, 2022 as a part of Texas Longhorn Weekend. Nominators provided background information on each nominee. All active TLBAA members in good standing are encouraged to vote for one fellow breeder in each of the categories for the special honors. Votes can be emailed to awards@tlbaa.org. If unable to email you may fax to the TLBAA office, and it will be forwarded to the awards committee. Deadline for votes: December 20th, 2021, 5pm CST, no late ballots will be accepted. Only the official ballot with member name and TLBAA # included will be accepted.
Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award John & Christine Talley John & Christine Talley started their program in 2014 with a simple goal of enjoying and learning about the breed so they could breed for quality that would advance the future of the Texas Longhorns. They have certainly accomplished this in a few short years! They sought out and have listened to industry leaders and created a herd with solid genetics. These genetics include bulls like Cowboy Catchit Chex, Bubba Tuff Chex, and Delta Lucky Ace combined with a strong line of females from programs like Bob Loomis, Jimmy Jones, G&G and Rolling D to name a few. But it was not just purchasing these quality animals that has made them worthy of this recognition, it is the time they have put into truly learning this breed that sets them apart. The success of their breeding program was recognized as the Talley’s began winning numerous competitive futurities. These wins have now been repeated all across the country over the last several years. In addition, Christine’s eye for cattle has been sought after to judge futurities. Their success wasn’t a fluke! Their passion for the breed is evidenced by their welcoming nature to new breeders, their participation in various Longhorn affiliate activities, and their commitment to traveling to futurities and to visit with other breeders across the country. In a short period of time they have created a breeding program that is truly outstanding and deserving of this recognition. They represent how hard work and studying the cattle can be rewarded. The best cattle they own are the cattle they created. That’s what its all about.★ 16 | November 2021
Kent & Sandy Harrell The impact that this one program has made on an industry will not be forgotten. They have been in the budiness almost 4 decades and during that time have raised animals that have won the Horn Showcase and the World Show. They are wonderful promoters of the breed through print advertising and social media marketing. Their sire, Rebel HR, sold private treaty half interest as well as a semen syndication this past year. This home bred bull has now generated over $400k in partnership, semen and progeny sales. They are always willing to offer a helping hand to new breeders to get them off to a great start. Their program would be described as built, not bought. Their herd sire line up is second to none.★
Hudson Longhorns Bill and Elizabeth Hudson, along with Mike Willinger, run one of the top herds in the nation. They have bred and raised some phenomenal animals in the past several years, bulls and heifers alike. They have consistently won and placed in futurities across the nation. They are breeding with long-term intentions to create beautiful, well balanced Longhorns with lots of horn, but also calm and great milkers. They have accomplished this through careful, selective breeding to obtain superior replacement heifers and bulls for their program. They have raised tremendous bulls that are being used to the betterment of other herds as well. They are so welcoming to new breeders and always there to help them make good decisions as to how to invest in their own herd and build their own breeding program. They treat new breeders fairly and honestly. They are great examples of what the Longhorn industry is all about. Good people enjoying and sharing a passion for Longhorn cattle. I believe the consistency and quality of the animals they have been raising and their dedication to helping others do the same make them eligible for Breeder of the Year in 2021.★
Jack Phillips Award Russell Fairchild Russell has shown throughout his life how dedicated he is to the Texas Longhorn cattle breed, along with dedication and love for TLBAA members and doing what he can to help breeders succeed and the Association to continue to grow. He puts in endless hours every year to help make our annual Eddie Wood Sale a success. He is always available to the breeders to answer questions and has gone above and beyond to help make members feel welcomed as breeders, friends and family. He is a fantastic show judge, show chairman, a board member and announcer. He exemplifies what a member of this association should be. He is encouraging to our youth members and his knowledge of the breed is impeccable. I can’t think of a more deserving person for this award.★
El Coyote Ranch, The Bass Family, Felix, Della & Felicia Serna Felix, Della, Felicia, the Bass family and the entire staff at the El Coyote Longhorn Ranch work tirelessly and quietly to help children, new breeders and established breeders alike to reach their goals. Over the years it would be impossible to count the kids they have assisted in life through offering cattle for them to show and taking them to shows. They give time and resources to these children to enable them to participate in an adventure that they might not otherwise be able to do. All the while they are learning many valuable lessons that will be used along their journey in life. They are a very loving, sincere, honest and hard working group of people and deserve recognition through the Jack Phillips award.. ★
Dr. Gene Berry “Doc” is an individual that has been a member of the TLBAA since the early 1980’s. His program of Rocking B Longhorns can be recognized with Bayou as a prefix in the animal’s name. He has served on the TLBAA Board of Directors, TLBF Hall of Fame Chairperson, and participated in Horn Showcase and the World Show. One does not have to be outspoken to be heard, but to have a reflection of goals accomplished to move a breed and industry forward.★
Scott Pace Scott has helped several breeders here in Utah and Nevada, and really all over, improve their herds. He is always someone I can call and ask questions and get honest, reliable answers. He helped me elevate my herd to a better level. He also worked countless hours with me, showing me how to do vaccines, hoof trimming, and just doctoring animals in general. He also showed me how to get animals prepared for shows and futurities. Last year they put on the Horn Showcase satellite measuring here in Northern Utah. I personally just haven’t seen anyone so dedicated to the breed and help out so many people. All of this without asking anything else in return..★
Elmer Parker Lifetime Achievement Award Richard Filip A man of few words, but a presence in an industry that cannot be understated. A wonderful program that has influenced our breed. His cattle have huge horns yet reflect an animal that still represents all the characteristics you should desire in a traditional Longhorn. An active promoter of his program in Trails Magazine as well as sale publications. His ranch has a strong social media presence that delivers education to breeders to give them a platform to learn from. ★
Ken Kirkham Ken Kirkham has been promoting Longhorns and bringing in new people for more than 35 years. He had an eye for quality and incorporated industry leading genetics into his program which he often resold for more than he invested. The offspring of these purchases after people saw their production success and the offspring wee in demand as well. He also served as a consultant and judged shows across the U.S. as well. Attending sales with Ken, people often come up and say that he got them started with the breed. One couple even asked for his autograph! Promoting the breed never stops for Ken. He’s a salesman! He sent 1,000’s of tapes out promoting the Longhorn breed. He had Roundup’s photo and accomplishments on his pickup door and drives it around constantly. He even wrote a book that’s being published called “The Last Round-Up”. He hasn’t slowed
November 2021 | 17
TLBAA SPECIAL AWARDS CONT’D down growing his program, and recently purchased a grandson of the biggest Longhorn bull in the world and is enjoying those new babies hitting the ground. Ken has spent his life improving and promoting the breed and is continuing to do so. ★
MEL RALEY RISING STAR AWARD James and Victoria Wars James and Victoria Wars started in the Longhorn business 4 years ago with one cow and have since built a tremendous herd of registered cattle, including and up and coming young herd sire, Respected Gun 705. Their herd has already produced show calves with numerous championships and Hall of Fame winners. They have become great supporters of the breed, purchasing cattle at several sales and sponsoring shows and futurities. James has served as a futurity judge and an announcer at several youth shows. He has also volunteered his time as a ring steward and worked in the make-ready area at shows as the opportunity has presented itself. James and Victoria are proud supporters and sponsors of the Ark-La-Tex Wayne “Boppa” Du Bose Calf Program. James and Victoria are doing a tremendous job as new breeders and are truly deserving of the Mel Raley Rising Star Award.. ★
Dean Whitlock Whitlock Longhorns has been in the breed for just over 4 years, and over the last year and a half have made a lasting impact on the breed. In 2020 Whitlock Longhorns had the Grand Champion Female, Superior and Bronze Award winner with HR Rebel Bang at the Horn Showcase. In 2021 Whitlock Longhorns had the Legacy Futurity winner and high futurity sale with BC 50-50 Super. His social media marketing is bringing a new excitement to the breed as well as encouraging and motivating new breeders. Whitlock Longhorns is a huge supporter of making the most of what you have available by utilizing AI, ET and IVF practices with not only their herd, but partnering with other breeders to make their herds and the industry better! Whitlock Longhorns is building an amazing program and at the same time making our industry better and more fun! ★
18 | November 2021
Lee Lindsey I would like to nominate Lee Lindsey. I watched him start with a couple of malnourished heifers. After a lot of research and asking questions about what they needed and what was lacking in their diet, and after several months of good feed and quality hay, they are healthy and have produced good healthy calves. He really promotes the breed in the southeast (Georgia). It has definitely become his passion. A couple of calves are being conditioned to handle so that his grandchildren can show. We really hope to see more Longhorns in the Peach State. He has introduced several friends and local farmers to the breed, and just like him, you can see their passion growing. ★
Congratulations to all who were nominated. Being nominated for these special awards, given by fellow breeders, is an honor. If you want to know more about the criteria for each award or see past winners before casting your vote, you may refer back to September 2021 Trails Magazine, pg. 42 or visit www.tlbaa.org and there is a link under the heading “Our Upcoming Events” beneath the photo.
TLBAA SPECIAL AWARDS BALLOT All TLBAA members are encouraged to vote for one fellow breeder in each of the categories for the special honors. Votes can be e-mailed to awards@tlbaa.org. If unable to e-mail you may fax to (817) 625-1388, and it will be forwarded to the awards committee.
Deadline for votes: December 20th, 2021, 5pm CST, no late ballots will be accepted.
DAVE EVANS BREEDER OF THE YEAR AWARD ❒ John & Christine Talley, Boonsboro, MD
ELMER PARKER LIFETIME AWARD ❒ Richard Filip, Fayetteville, TX ❒ Ken Kirkham, Strong City, KS
❒ Kent & Sandy Harrell, Tulsa, OK ❒ Hudson Longhorns, Corydon, IN
MEL RALEY RISING STAR AWARD ❒ James & Victoria Wars, Trinity, TX
❒ Dean Whitlock, Gordon, TX
❒ Russell Fairchild, Perrin, TX
❒ Lee Lindsey, Dallas, GA
❒ El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX ❒ Dr. Gene Berry, Baton Rouge, LA ❒ Scott Pace, Oktaha, OK Member Name _____________________________________
TLBAA Member # ______________
ONLY THIS OFFICIAL BALLOT WILL BE ACCEPTED - Printable version available at www.tlbaa.org
Thank you to everyone who participated in nominating their fellow breeders for these special awards. Voting Rules: • Must be an Active or Lifetime member in good standing • The Official ballot must be used. Please do not just email names • Only one vote each per membership number • Only select one person for each of the four awards If you have any questions, please contact the TLBAA office: 817-625-6241 or tlbaa@tlbaa.org If you have any doubt as to whether your mail, email or fax made it through to the TLBAA office, please reach out to check prior to the deadline.
November 2021 | 19
Association News
YOUR COLORFUL CALF CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T ENTER! In the Texas Longhorn industry there are events that look at two out of three aspects of the breed, conformation and horn, but never has there been an event that features the uniqueness of colors so evident in the breed. The “Rodger Damrow Colorful Calf Contest” is respectfully titled after longtime Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association President, Rodger Damrow, who was very fond of colorful calves. It allows TLBAA members to show off the color being produced in their herd and may even win them a spot on the front cover of March 2022 Trails Magazine! All entries will be featured in March Trails, so there are no losers. Here’s how the contest will work: • A colorful photo of an active TLBAA member’s most colorful calf born in 2021, will be submitted to the TLBAA office. The picture must be high quality. Preferred format is digital file from a camera, saved and sent at maximum file size. If using a cell phone, please do not use zoom. Get close to the calf. If sending a print to be scanned it must be at least 8 x 10 inches and printed out as a photo (Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Office Stores). • A $20 entry fee made payable to the TLBAA is to be included with the photo. • Members can enter more than one animal, but each entry must have a TLBAA registration number or, if too young to be branded, the TLBAA registration numbers of both sire and dam. • Contest will be open until December 31st, 2021. • Winners will be decided by an independent judge not involved in the contest. • Winners will be announced during the Longhorn weekend in January. • The winning entry will be featured on the front cover of TRAILS. (If possible, think vertical when snapping the photo) The additional finalists will be featured elsewhere in the magazine.
Entries must be e-mailed or mailed (postmarked) to the TLBAA office by December 31st. Get involved, check your 2021 calves and pick your entries for this new contest. For questions or concerns, email Tina DuBose ( tinadubose10@gmail.com), Deb Lesyk (halters.buckets@yahoo.com), or Myra Basham at the TLBAA office (myra@ tlbaa.org). Let’s see if we can have entries from every state and country that has TLBAA members. Make it fun and encourage other members to send entries.
20 | November 2021
November 2021 | 27
By TLBAA Marketing Committee
Updates from the TLBAA Marketing Committee As we near the final months of Fall and gear up towards winter, the marketing committee has focused on finding an excellent candidate to join the TLBAA team. In the past couple of months we received board approval to add a full time marketing coordinator to the office. This person will be responsible for updating and developing the website content, social media marketing, Google ads and implementing the ideas brought forward by the marketing committee and board. In the past year we have outsourced projects which brought us to the realization that the need for a full-time in-house team member was necessary to keep the TLBAA up-todate in today’s marketing environment. The marketing committee strives to market the Longhorn breed to potential new breeders. Marketing efforts focus on driving potential new breeders to our website where they can find breeders listed and a great deal of information about the Texas Longhorn Breed. We received resumes for more than 20 candidates and look forward to having a marketing coordinator on the TLBAA team in the near future. The breed and all breeders should benefit from better marketing and exposure of the Texas longhorn cattle . As we progress through this transition from outside contractors working on the TLBAA marketing to a internal marketing coordinator, we have received excellent support from Myra and the rest of the TLBAA staff to keep our projects afloat. Myra has gathered the stats for comparison. These stats are important for the breed as a whole. They represent marketing of the breed not a specific breeder. While the marketing committee focuses on the breed we encourage all breeders to
22 | November 2021
showcase their programs and their Texas Longhorn cattle using a few different marketing avenues such as the Trails magazine, the TLBAA website, social media, sponsoring events and much more. The marketing committee welcomes suggestions, input and questions. Please contact the committee via email through Myra at myra@tlbaa.org The TLBAA Marketing Committee members are: Mark Hubbell, chair; Charlotte Cote, Mike Lucas, Ross Ohlendorf and Scott Picker.
November 2021 | 27
Importance of Winter
Cattle have to eat more food in cold weather to generate additional body heat. A great deal of body heat can be produced by the breakdown of forages in the rumen, due to the heat of digestion/fermentation. In order to process the additional feed, however, the digestive tract needs adequate fluid. A cow’s water requirement may not be as high in winter as in the heat of summer when she’s losing fluid (via sweating, panting, etc.) to help dissipate body heat, and needing additional fluid for lactation, but she needs to drink enough water in cold weather to handle the demands of ruminant digestion and increased metabolism, to prevent dehydration and impaction. Thus it is important to provide adequate water for livestock during cold weather or make sure they have adequate snow on winter pastures. Julie Walker, Beef Specialist, South Dakota State University says that if cattle don’t have water, they won’t eat much. Drinking and eating are closely correlated. If they don’t eat enough, they don’t have fuel to stay warm. “Fermentation in the rumen generates heat, and helps alleviate cold stress,” she says. Cattle always need water, and the more they eat, the more they must drink in order to process the feed. “It’s crucial to keep water sources open (not covered with ice), and make sure they have an adequate supply. Cows can eat snow, but they can’t eat it if it’s crusted over, and some cows don’t eat snow as readily as others.” Cattle generally learn to eat snow by mimicking other cows, or their mothers, if calves are wintering with their mothers. If you simply put a herd of cows out on winter pasture and they are not accustomed to eating snow, however, many are slow to learn and lose weight because they won’t eat enough if they don’t have enough fluid in the GI tract. “We can’t always depend on cattle utilizing snow for moisture,” says Walker. “They should always have a water source. Some cows may not come to it every day, if they choose to stay out and graze and lick snow, but it’s there when they want it. Some cows only come in for water ev24 | November 2021
ery other day or so because snow consumption provides much of what they need. Research has shown that water consumption is around 6 gallons per day for pregnant dry cows at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. However, we don’t know how much water they actually need in these situations with snow providing part of the fluid Tire trough in winter
Solar water pumping and insulated trough
requirement, because we can’t replicate nature in a research study. We just know that cows need adequate water (via snow or some other source) to prevent dehydration,” says Walker. Trey Patterson, PhD (nutritionist and Chief Operations Officer of Padlock Ranches in Wyoming) says that when using snow a rancher has to make sure the cattle don’t have excessive salt intake. Many mineral or protein supplements contain salt as a limiter, and this increases the cows’ water requirement. “When you provide supplement, make sure there’s not too much salt in it. You want to make sure cattle have adequate salt but not excessive salt. You don’t want to do anything that would decrease their ability to use snow, yet at the same time you don’t want them deficient in salt. If they’re deficient, they won’t drink enough water or eat enough snow, and then they won’t eat enough,” he says. “Cattle are on a low quality diet if they are out on winter range, and you want them eating as much as possible,” says Patterson. If you feed cattle it is imperative that cattle have enough fresh water for their needs. “If cattle are used to having adequate drinking wa-
By Heather Smith Thomas ter, you could suffer some losses if they suddenly have to depend on snow. They need time to adapt to eating snow, and I don’t recommend that you completely pull water away from them,” he says. Certain cows need access to water if they refuse to eat snow. “Usually in winter the cows are dry, and their water requirements are low. If you have pairs, either fall calving, or haven’t weaned your late summer calves yet, it’s unlikely that snow would be adequate for water requirements unless they grew up in this system and the snow is the right consistency to easily consume. A dry cow in winter has lower water intake than a dry cow in summer or a lactating cow,” he says. “One thing some people don’t realize is that when it gets really cold this doesn’t mean cows’ water requirement diminishes. In fact, it may increase because cows are eating more to try to generate more body heat. Because of the correlation between water intake and feed intake you want to make sure they have adequate water,” he explains. In regions where extensive pastures don’t have available electricity for running a pump or tank heaters, there are several innovative options including solar power pumps and the frost-free nose pump. George Widdifield, Ranch Manager at the Western Beef Development Centre’s Research Ranch at Lanigan, Saskatchewan says their operation utilizes a frost-free nose pump and also a solar water system. “The solar-powered water sysTire trough in winter tem works off a motion detector. When cattle walk up to it, the pump starts running and they can drink from it. It runs for a short length of time and shuts off after they move away. This system runs the pump off a wet well that we put in from a dugout. The pump is down in that shallow well and doesn’t have to pump the water very far,” says Widdifield. This one has a 3-foot cribbing that goes down into the wet well, with a tub at the top that the water pumps into. “Once the pump shuts off, after the cow leaves, the water in that little tub drains back down into the wet well, so there is none left in the tub to freeze. We’ve never had any ice buildup in it, however, because it’s a black tub that holds heat from the sun,” he says. The ranch also uses another system that runs a pump with solar power from a regular ground well. “We run that water in an underground pipe about a quarter mile to a winterized trough that works off a float system. We use a trough that has 6 drinking holes and you can cover or open as many as needed, depending on how
many cows are watering from it. We’ve had very little trouble with this system,” he says. “Running from a well, the water line to the trough has to be down about 8 feet in our region so it won’t freeze. The trough itself is well insulated with about 6 inches of insulation. As long as there is fresh water coming into it all the time it doesn’t freeze. The drinking holes go down through the insulated cover.” The cattle drinking throughout the day, lowering the water level to activate the float valve and bring more water into the trough, usually keep it from freezing even during cold weather. Occasionally those holes freeze over at night when the cattle aren’t drinking much. “If it’s 40 below zero and the wind is blowing, we may have to go out in the morning and knock the ice out of the drinking tubes, but as long as there is fresh water coming into it regularly the trough won’t freeze up. When the cattle drink it down to a certain level the float activates the switch and water flows in. Once it gets full the switch kicks out and the water stops coming in,” he says. The ranch has many groups of cattle and different pens of cattle or pastures of cattle on grazing trials, so they depend on numerous water sources. “We have several different systems and also made some of our own insulated troughs because we have to haul water to certain fields. As long as you put fresh water into them every day, they stay open a long time in cold weather. Insulation makes a big difference,” says Widdifield. The ranch also has nose pumps. These consist of a vertical culvert set down into the ground to access water from a nearby dugout via an underground pipe from the bottom of the dugout to the wet well at the bottom of the upright culvert. A small drinking basin sits atop the culvert. A smaller pipe with a piston pump is inside the culvert, pumping water up to the basin when the cows push a lever with their nose. When the cow stops pumping, any water remaining in the upright pipe drains back down and there’s no water left in the pipe to freeze. “These work fine if you train cows to use it. We did it the suggested way, starting with just a few cows at a time, and they teach the others. There are different levels in the drain holes in the line, and when we are first training the cows we put it at the highest level (during warm weather with no danger of water freezing in the pipe) so it’s easy for them to pump it. After they learn, we lower the drain hole. After they know how to use
November 2021 | 25
Health it they will push it as hard as necessary to pump the water,” says Widdifield. “Even in summer when there is other water available there are still some cows that prefer to go pump that thing and have cool, clean water. It’s nice to have cattle fenced away from the dugouts, watering with the nose pump or solar powered wet well, because they aren’t tromping in the dugout, damaging the banks, or contaminating the water. They aren’t getting foot rot or spreading fecal-borne diseases. “If you can have the water source farther from your dugSolar water system inset shows top of insulated trough out you can keep the water cleaner,” he says. have to worry about cattle walking out on the pond or “With any of these systems you still have to check dugout and falling through the ice. If you get a bunch them regularly in the winter and make sure they are of cows pushing and shoving each other out on the working and free of ice. With the solar-powered sys- ice, they may fall through. Every year, somebody loses tems you have to make sure the batteries stay good or cattle.” the valve switch in the tank doesn’t get knocked off kilIt is important to monitor cows—and their water ter, or the nose pump doesn’t build up ice on the push sources--through winter, and know if they are drinking lever,” he says. enough and eating enough, and maintaining adequate “What I like about all of these systems—the solar body condition. power with the eye, or the nose pump—is that you don’t
26 | November 2021
Sale Results
SALE HIGHLIGHTS: Buyer’s Choice Heifer Sale 26 head sold for an average: $5,489
September 11-12, 2021 – San Antonio, Texas Hosted by Struthoff Ranch Auctioneer: Bruce McCarty • Pedigrees: Dale Hunt Results Furnished by Bruce McCarty Promotions Photos by Hired Hand Websites The two-day Deep In The Heart Of Texas Longhorn Sale at Struthoff Ranch drew both established names in the industry and new breeders just starting out. Friday night’s Buyer’s Choice Heifer Sale offered the buyers a very nice selection of heifers from top Longhorn bloodlines. Prior to the sale, guests were entertained by a mariachi band as they visited under the stately oak trees in front of the sale pavilion. After the bidding concluded, a delicious dinner was served by Cooper’s Old Time Pit Bar-BQue, libations flowed, and guests danced the night away to the music of Marty Haggard. Saturday morning began with breakfast tacos, donuts, coffee, and conversation. The Cow Sale started at 10am and involved very intense bidding on quite a few animals. The sale concluded with fond farewells and plans for many to again partake of the fabulous Struthoff hospitality when they attend the Deep in the Heart of Texas Spring consignment sale.
Saturday Cow Sale 49 head sold for an average: $3,264
7,200 EACH
Consignor: Josie & Lynn Struthoff • Buyer: Sherese & Rex Glendenning
Consignor: Stann & Neal Maraman • Buyer: Todd & Stephanie Underwood
OTHER HIGH SELLING LOTS: $14,200 – KCC Gypsy Consignor: Josie & Lynn Struthoff • Buyer: Don Bartlett $10,000 – 3P Over Easy Consignor: Rhonda & Don Poe • Buyer: Cory Aduddell $8,000 – ECR Super Unity Consignor: El Coyote Ranch • Buyer: Wayne Manning $7,300 – HC Welldunn Catchit Consignor: Toni & Larry Stegemoller • Buyer: Sherese & Rex Glendenning $7,200 – GF Rex’s Bae Bay RC Consignor: Sherese & Rex Glendenning • Buyer: Brandon Thomas $6,000 – KDK Valiant’s Hermione Consignor: KDK Longhorns • Buyer: Patty & Roy Armstrong $4,300 – Active Duty Consignor: Jodi & Kevin Bryant • Buyer: Kasey Turner $4,200 – WH Sam’s Silver Spoon Consignor: Patty & Roy Armstrong • Buyer: Don Bartlett $3,800 – WH Sam’s Silver Blossom Consignor: Patty & Roy Armstrong • Buyer: Sean Loftice $3,500 – ECR Storm Siren Consignor: El Coyote Ranch • Buyer: Sherese & Rex Glendenning $3,300 – BL Cocoa Puff Consignor: Pam & Bob Loomis • Buyer: KDK Longhorns
November 2021 | 27
Sale Results
LEGENDS LONGHORN SALE & FUTURITY September 17-18, 2021 – Duncan, Oklahoma Hosted by Herdsman Legends Auctions LLC & Longhorn Opportunities LLC Auctioneer: Brian Marlin • Pedigrees: Zach Moffit Results Furnished by Herdsman Legends Auctions LLC Photos by “Photos By Jess”
SALE HIGHLIGHTS: Top 10 Cows Average: $30,900 Overall Cow Average: $10,143 Heifer Average: $6,923 $23,000 raided for the Mosser Scholarship
VOLUME BUYERS Tim & Nikole Clark Richard & Jeanne Filip Chris & Christina Clark
Consignor: Bentwood Ranch • Buyer: 6CR Longhorns
Consignor: Taylor Cattle Co. • Buyer: Bentwood Ranch
OTHER HIGH SELLING LOTS: $45,000 – Lot 39 • Texana Chit Chat Consignor: Taylor Cattle Co. • Buyer: 6CR Longhorns 41,000 –Lot 12 • Top Starlet $ Consignor: Allen/Filip Partnership • Buyer: 6CR Longhorns 35,000 – Lot 1 - TS Southern Charm $ Consignor: Adcock Longhorns • Buyer: Bentwood Ranch 35,000 – Lot 44 - RJF Day Dreamer $ Consignor: Bentwood Ranch • Buyer: Circle Double C Ranch 21,000 – Lot 26 - HR Forget Me Not $ Consignor: Harrell Ranch • Buyer: Cold Copper Cattle Co. 20,000 – Lot 9 - Hubbells Rioana Van Horne $ Consignor: Hubbell Longhorns • Buyer: Circle Double C Ranch 20,000 – Lot 60 - AL Black Lady $ Consignor: Dauntless Longhorns • Buyer: Karen Allen 18,500 – Lot 23 - Allens Top Cherry 345 $ Consignor: Circle Double C Ranch • Buyer: 6CR/Whitlock Partnership 18,500 – Lot 33 - Helm Painted Grand $ Consignor: FMB Land & Cattle • Buyer: TL Longhorns 18,000 – Lot H1 - RJF Rock of Ages $ Consignor: Bentwood Ranch • Buyer: Harrell Ranch 28 | November 2021
Futurity Results Class
Animal Name
TK Longhorns Abel Longhorns Premier Longhorns LLC Pace Cattle Co. Horseshoe J Longhorns Wild Serenade Ranch Hubbell Longhorns Whistling Longhorn Ranch Pace Cattle Co. Refuge Timber Ridge Partners EJS Ranch TL Longhorn Ranch Pace/Dayton Partnership J-L Longhorns
Grand Ch. Female: HUBBELLS COOKIES N CREAM, Hubbell Longhorns Res. Grand Ch. Female: HORSESHOE J AUDACIOUS, Horseshoe J Longhorns Grand Ch. Bull: TLS SPOTTED THUNDER, TL Longhorns Res. Grand Ch. Bull: PCC CACTUS JACK, Pace Cattle Co. Hi Point Animal: HUBBELLS COOKIES N CREAM, Hubbell Longhorns
1. Class 11 Winner EJS Ranch. 2. Class 2 Winner Premier Longhorns LLC. 3. Class 10 Winner Timber Ridge Longhorns. 4. Class 6 Winner Wild Serenade Ranch. 5. Class 4 & 9 Winner and Res. Grand Ch. Bull Winner Pace Cattle Co. 6. Class 8 Winner Whistling Longhorn Ranch. 7. Class 2 Winner Abel Longhorns. 8. Class 7 Winner and Grand Ch. Female/Hi Point Animal Winner Hubbell Longhorns. 9. Class 1 Winner TK Longhorns. 10. Class 5 Winner and Res. Grand Ch. Female Winner Horseshoe J Longhorns. 11. Class 14 Winner J-L Longhorns. 12. Futurity Judges.
November 2021 | 29
Sale Results
FRED BRYANT MEMORIAL SALE & FUTURITY October 1-2, 2021 – Springfield, Missouri Hosted by Heartland Promotions Auctioneer: Dan Huntington Pedigrees: Johnny Hicks Results Furnished by Johnny Hicks Photos by Hired Hand Software & Missy Hicks
The inaugural Fred Bryant Memorial Sale and Futurity was a huge success. The futurity had over 140 entries. We are very thankful to all the volunteers that made this such a great event!! A special thank you to Cheryl Bryant for
allowing us to hold this event in honor of her late husband, Fred Bryant. Fred always wanted to hold a sale and futurity in his home state of Missouri and it was an honor and a privilege to carry on his legacy through this sale. Thanks to the many hands that worked hard behind the scenes to make this event run smoothly. Thanks to Lisa Luebbering who provided an amazing dinner Friday night, Dan Huntington who worked his butt off as the auctioneer. Adam Clark as he kept us entertained during the futurity, and Tommy Peterson and his back crew did a flawless job running the cattle in. Thank you to all that joined us both in person and online with the gals of Hired Hand. Your support was amazing, and if you weren’t mentioned by name, know that we couldn’t have done it with out you! Looking forward to next year!
Overall Champions (l-r) Grand Champion Junior Heifer Sponsor the LaPoint Family with winner Hudson Longhorns (Mike Willinger pictured). Grand Champion Senior Heifer sponsor Greg Kott with winner Hudson Longhorns (Mike Willinger pictured). Grand Champion Bull sponsors Wayne & Joanna Manning with winner Hudson/Mueller/Holden (Mike Willinger pictured).
1. Class 1: Hudson Longhorns represented by Mike Willinger, sponsored by 4Oaks Farms, David and Angie Wulf 2. Class 2: John and Christine Talley, sponsored by HNB Longhorns, represented by Harv Brandt and Josh Shaw 3. Class 3: Mike Metcalfe sponsored by JD & Elizabeth White(not pictured) 4. Class 4: Hudson Longhorns (Mike Willinger pictured)sponsored by Jim Lehrbass of Lehrbass Longhorns 5. Class 5: Hicks Texas Longhorns (Johnny and Missy Hicks pictured) sponsored by Hudson Longhorns (Mike Willinger pictured) 6. Class 6: 4 Oaks farm, David and Angie Wulf (Angie and Archie pictured) sponsored by Hicks Texas Longhorns (Missy Hicks pictured) 7. Class 7: 5D Ranch (Dan Huntington pictured) sponsored by Cheryl Bryant of Elah Valley Longhorns 8. Class 8: Hudson Longhorns(Mike Willinger pictured) sponsored by Dean Whitlock 9. Class 9: Hudson/ Mueller/Holden partnership (Mike Willinger pictured) Sponsored by Cross Fire Longhorns, with Scott Farber pictured 10. Class 10: Mike Tomey of Tomey Farms, sponsored by Kimberly Bay and family 11. Class 11: The Bentz Family, sponsored by Barberry Longhorns, represented by Jeremy Kronz 12. Class 12: Tom Nading, sponsored by Gail Beach of Meadow Green Farms 13. Class 13: Hidden Springs Ranch represented by Carol Powell, sponsored by Kneir Longhorns, represented by Blake and Chrissy Kneir
30 | November 2021
SALE HIGHLIGHTS: 48 Lots Sold for an average of $4,069.79 Top 10 Lots average: $10,875 Top 25 Lots average: $6,418 Total Sales $195,350 • 5 Cash Cows Volume Buyer: Wayne & Joanne Manning
Consignor: Gustin Byers • Buyer: Dean Whitlock
OTHER HIGH SELLING LOTS: $17,000 – Lot 25 • HL Rose Garden Consignor: Hudson Longhorns • Buyer: Wayne & Joanne Manning 16,500 –Lot 1 • Hicks Sparkles $ Consignor: Johnny & Missy Hicks • Buyer: Wayne & Joanne Manning 10,500 – Lot 34 - JH Monika’s Safari $ Consignor: Sam Stoltz • Buyer: Wayne & Joanne Manning 10,000 – Lot 9 • PCC Golden Twist $ Consignor: Dave Pace Cattle Co. • Buyer: Carol Powell 8,000 – Lot 7 • YR Roscoe’s Fancy $ Consignor: Mike & Tracey Young • Buyer: Kody Lapoint
LOT #51
(DOB 8/4/21) with SNIPER Heifer (DOB 6/18/21)
80 TTT ROCKYS RED GRANDE (DOB 7/7/09) with JACK POT Heifer (DOB 4/13/21)
(DOB 2/23/12) in Bull Alley with semen for sale
COLETTE & GREG SMITH www.triplesbarranch.com 214.676.1106
November 2021 | 31
AFFILIATE UPDATES The TLBGCA Field Day event on September 11th was a huge success! There were around 60 guests in attendance which was fantastic, especially considering two other Texas Longhorn events STEPHEN HEAD were held the PRESIDENT HEADSHORNS@HOTMAIL.COM same weekend. Dr. Kathryn Juneau did a great job leading the discussion on vaccinations and dewormers, Samuel Faske provided beneficial information about hoof care and maintenance, and Stephen Head wrapped things up with good materials that covered proper conformation. The demonstration time included trimming hooves, inserting nose rings, measuring horns, vaccinating, deworming, branding (using fire and freeze brands), and drawing blood for checking pregnancy. It was great to have several seasoned ranchers there, such as Russell Clements, who shared helpful advice from their experiences. The majority of those in attendance were members who had been raising Texas Longhorns for just a few years. They learned quite a bit that they can now apply to their cattle operations. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event successful, especially the Salsbury family for hosting at the Flying S Ranch! Save the date and start planning ahead for the 2022 Winchester Futurity and Cattle Baron Sale scheduled for March 4th and 5th at Brazos Valley Livestock in Bryan, Texas. Packets containing forms and all the details were mailed early October. If you haven’t received one, you can find everything at tlbgca.com, or contact Rick Friedrich @ 713-305-0259 / rick@iseinc.cc or Steve McCauley @ 832-995-7522 / mccauleycattlecompany@gmail.com.
Member Spotlight: The Flying S Ranch (or at least the foundation for it) began back in 2013 when our family moved from Ohio to Texas due to Jeff’s job with Southwest Airlines. Our oldest daughter was going to be a junior in High School, and in order to make the transition easier, we got her involved with NASA Longhorn Project, ran by Jennifer Edenfield. At that time, it was a small group of students that were each assigned one project longhorn that was theirs to halter break and care for throughout their time in the project. Brianna, was assigned DG Taylor’s Moonpie who was loaned to the project by Gwen Damato of the Diamond G Ranch. Seeing us floundering around and asking a million questions at some of the early shows, Stephen Head of Double H Longhorns, asked if our younger two (l-r): Telperion, Brianna, Lydia, Leigh, Julia, and daughters, Lydia and Julia, would be interested in showing longhorns Jeff Salsbury. with him as he was putting together a team of his own. Being new, not yet being involved in anything else and wanting to make friends, they both agreed and suddenly we had 3 Texas Longhorn showers in the family. Next, as a result of the relationship that Gwen and my daughter developed over the next 2 years, Gwen gifted Moonpie and her calf Buckeye to Brianna and the herd was begun. Since then, the herd has only continued to grow and we currently have 32 animals. We have 3 herd sires: JK Over Easy (an Overkill son), Aragorn I Reckon (a Reckon So son with Overkill, Cowboy Tuff Chex and Drag Iron in his pedigree) and FSR Davy Crockett (a Crusader ECR son). Each of our daughters showed for the entirety of their High School career slowly working to the point where our youngest Julia showed entirely our own herd. For a while we continued to live in League City, but with the unexpected death of Moonpie to fatty liver disease, we made the move out to the land where we keep our herd. We love being out where we can see our animals from the front porch, and continue to be a part of the show circuit with a new showman from our Church family. That is, I think one of the best parts of being a ranch owner – the relationships you make with people while out and about at shows while promoting the breed. We love our friends in the Longhorn world and are forever grateful for the fun that we have while seeing them. 32 | November 2021
Our last event for 2021 is a Satellite Horn Measurement on November 6th. Measurement at 10:00 am, followed by a GPTLA meeting with lunch, all at Gordon & Connie Howie Ranch. On to 2022!!! The Longhorn World in the Upper Midwest will celebrate the New Year GORDON HOWIE PRESIDENT with the 2nd Annual Black Hills Longhorn Sale at the Black Hills Stock Show. GKHOWIE@YAHOO.COM The Stock Show is one of the largest in the nation, scheduled from January 27 through February 5. More information on Sale time & date will follow. The Black Hills Longhorn Sale is a virtual sale, featuring cattle from all across the nation. The Stock Show hosts over 300,000 people each year, with an economic impact of over $ 20 Million dollars to the community. Contact Gordon Howie 605-381-3998 if you are interested in consigning to this sale. Planning for the Annual Longhorn Events & Sale at the Central States Fair is already in process. Dates for the fair in 2022 are August 19-28. Over 130,000 people attend this fair, and the Longhorn Events are one of the favorites with everyone. Our mission remains the same… to promote Longhorn Cattle and help producers. It took several years of lobbying and convincing to include Longhorn Events at the Central States Fair. Finally, the GPTLA launched the first show at the Central States Fair in 2016. From that year, the events have continued to grow and the market for Texas Longhorns expanded each year. The GPTLA membership continues to welcome new member producers. Many thanks to EVERYONE who makes all of this happen!! Call us any time! Scot O’Bryan, Vice President, GPTLA (605) 344-2263 or Gordon Howie, President, GPTLA (605) 381-3998 We are always happy to help!
AFFILIATES: HELP SPREAD THE WORD! Affiliates, let you members know that they can share their good news either in Trails by submitting items to News on the Trail. Its a great way to get your name out there and inspire others to participate in their communities, host filed days or give ranch tours. If you have new members, remind them that “Meet Our Members” provides a fun way for them to indtroduce themselves to the whole membership for free! AFFILIATE NEWS: Please submit your news to myra@tlbaa.org each month. You may include photos. If you wish for names to be included under photos, please supply those captions. All news and photos need to be submitted by the end of the second month prior to publication date. (For example, January news items need to be turned in by November 31st) Questions? myra@tlbaa.org
November 2021 | 33
Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow
November is the month most of us think about thankfulness. 30 days of this wonderfully cool, fall month revolve around one day that most of us come together to celebrate Thanksgiving. Naturally, the family talks about what they’re thankful for while stabbing at heaps of dinner on fancy plates that come out once or twice a year. This year, I already find myself reflecting on my journey as we approach this holiday and I’m more than ready to answer those questions about what I’m thankful for. I’m thankful that my 4-H goat project failed. I’m thankful I don’t ever have to touch another broiler chicken. I’m thankful for my first donation heifer, my handful of donation steers and the heifer I won last year for Gold Merit. I’m thankful for learning how to lose, place last, watch my favorite cow die in my arms so that the wins, the births and the successes of each day became so much more real and special. This November, I am thankful for all the experiences that are leading me to the next chapter of my life. The TLBT offers so many opportunities and each of our journeys will look different. Happy Thanksgiving - remember to give thanks for ALL the steps on your journey! #letsgooutwithabang
Jacob Lowrie 1) If a female calves at 24 months, at what age should she be bred? 2) Who was the first TLBAA President and when did the TLBAA officially form? 3) Are you allowed to trim your Longhorn’s tail for the show ring? Answers: 1) 15 months
2) Charlie Schreiner III, 1964
3) No
My name is Halle Hance. I attend Owasso High School where I play softball. I have been on varsity since my freshman year. August of sophomore year I had a total knee replacement and I was out of sports for a year. I had no idea what to do with all my spare time since I couldn’t play. I started showing Longhorns my freshman year for Kourtis Family Farms. I was only able to attend a few shows. I fell in love with showing and when I couldn’t play sports I turned to showing. With the help of my amazing family, I was able to attend and show at Tulsa State Fair only 29 days after knee surgery. I showed 3 heifers, 2 bulls and a steer. After that my family and I decided to attend as many shows as we could. That year we traveled all around and met some of the best people. My family and I worked very hard and at the World Show that year, we won Grand Champion Bull. I love the environment and the unconditional support from everyone. I plan to attend Oklahoma State University and major in veterinary medicine. #BuildingABetterTomorrow 34 | November 2021
TLBT OFFICER SPOTLIGHT: TLBT Officer Postion: Parliamentarian 1.) Why did you join TLBT? I joined the TLBT because I wanted to show Longhorns as my 4-H project. When I joined, I was welcomed with open arms and bright smiles that helped me grow. I couldn’t imagine where I would be today without the TLBT in my life. 2.) What is your favorite Longhorn show and why? My favorite Longhorn show is definitely the Holiday Extravaganza! Despite the cold weather, this show is always filled with the warmth of togetherness and friendships kids and adults alike. 3.) Where did you earn your first reward? What type of award? Oh gosh, I can’t even remember that far back! Although my most cherished award I won, was at the Autobahn Youth Tour Show. I had just won 3rd place in intermediate showmanship and I remember I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face afterwards. 4.) What is your funniest TLBT moment? Other than watching all the kids run around at almost all of the shows, my favorite TLBT moment was at TLBT Officer Leadership Camp. I will never forget the laughter and screams in the lake as all of the officers began panicking about all of the fish swimming by. 5.) Do you enjoy showing Longhorns? Why? Of course! Although the breed itself is outstanding and beautiful to look at, it’s the friendships and life lessons I’ve learned that have made it the most fun. 6.) What has been your biggest influence while showing Longhorns? My dad. Although he didn’t show Longhorns as a kid, he still pushed for us to show this specific breed which was the best decision he’s ever made. 7.) What have you learned while you have been showing Longhorns that has helped you grow as a person? The main thing I have learned while showing
is the importance of doing your own thing. Don’t be blinded by what everyone else is doing or what they’re trying to tell you to do. Just be your own person and focus on your goals. 8.) What is the best part about being a TLBT? The experiences. My favorite memories have come from my time as a TLBT member and without them I would be a completely different person. 9.) What advice would you give a newcomer to TLBT? Connect with people! Don’t hold yourself back by being too afraid to make new friendships. This organization’s foundation is built on kindness and compassion in what we do and we want to include you in that too! 10.) Tell us about a time when you tried something new! When I was nominated for the Wise County Queens contest, that was something I haven’t ever done before. I had a blast though getting all dressed and meeting the other queen nominees. 11.) Do you think it is more fun to be a parent or a child? Definitely a child! Who wouldn’t want to have an endless amount of energy? 12.) If you started your own charity, who would you want to help? Definitely to kids who don’t have the opportunity to show or own any sort of animal because it’s important for kids to learn the life skills that come with animal ownership. 13.) Tell us a fun fact about yourself! My favorite things to do (other than showing cows) are drawing my animals and reading. 14.) If you could have a character form a book or movie be your best friend, who would it be and why? Probably Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games because of her ability to pull through even when things seemed impossible. Plus she knows how to shoot a bow and arrow which is super cool! 15.) If you created your own school, what would the student do all day? Anything besides math!
“Don’t waste your time in thinking about things you could have done in past. Right things happen at right time and be always thankful for the path you walked on and the journey you have embarked on.” 2021-2022 TLBT OFFICERS & DIRECTORS President
Intermediate Director
Jacob Lowrie
Hailey Roberson
Caden Grace
Vice President
Senior Director
Intermediate Director
Jackson Grace
Megan Bush
Cade Nolan
Decatur, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Decatur, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Waxahachie, TX
Senior Director
Junior Director
Hunter Lawson
Sarah Heimeyer
Harlee Roberson
Paradise, TX
Lake Jackson, TX
Paradise, TX
Teen Director
Junior Director
Alyssa Harvey
Madi Moreland
Mason Smith
Teen Director
Rylee Yarborough
Allison Lowrie
Hillsboro, TX
Ferris, TX
Paradise, TX
Decatur, TX
Decatur, TX
For more info or questions regarding the TLBT, please contact us at tlbtadvisors@gmail.com or visit us on social media!
Decatur, TX
November 2021 | 35
Member News
Welcome Our New Members! We’re happy to welcome the following new members to our association. These promotional, active and lifetime members joined between September 22 and October 25, 2021. If you live near one of these new breeders, be sure to reach out introduce yourself! Diamond A Lazy E Ranch.............................................Eufaula, AL Cody Spence.................................................................. Opelika, AL Jerry & Cherie Hall..................................................... Quitman, AR Charles Henderson..........................................................Mayer, AZ Luke & Melissa Barnes..........................................Crystal River, FL David And Marsha Anderson.................................... Westville, FL Shane Kleinwolterink................................................... Granville, IA Dafforn Texas Longhorns......................................Fort Wayne, IN Mike Coggins.................................................................... Kiowa, KS Brian & Gina Pinamonti.............................................Pittsburg, KS Matthew & Olivia Hildebrand.....................................Stafford, KS Justin Eides............................................................... Mt Sterling, KY Dan & Nikki Smith....................................................Lewisville, MN Knight Cattle Company Llc........................................Falcon, MO Jason Adams.......................................................... Saint Louis, MO MK Ranch................................................................ Warrenton, MO Riley Harrison................................................................ Hooker, OK Cassandra Poddig................................................. Englewood, TN Kent And Caaren Wooliscroft..................................... Abilene, TX Michael Rolen...............................................................Amarillo, TX Matthew Hopson.............................................................Argyle, TX Polo Ventures Ranch Llc................................................Austin, TX Bob Herzig.......................................................................... Axtell, TX Dr. Mark Robbins........................................................ Brenham, TX Greg & Becky Davis................................................... Brenham, TX Burleson Cattle Company..........................................Canyon, TX Scivally Ranch................................................................Canyon, TX Mike & Karen Ganske.............................................Cedar Park, TX Mark And Melissa Taggart............................................. Celina, TX Cates Cattle Range............................................. China Spring, TX Kris Traffanstedt..........................................................Cleburne, TX Elisa Walklin......................................................College Station, TX
Jerry Alred.................................................................Columbus, TX W2 Cattle Company......................................................Dayton, TX Steven & Karla Gonzalez.........................................Floresville, TX Fred Ross...........................................................Fredericksburg, TX Patrick F. Doyle..........................................................Galveston, TX Amanda Gladish.........................................................Granbury, TX Three G Farms............................................................Granbury, TX Joshua Wilson................................................................Hearne, TX Carl Edwards...............................................................Henrietta, TX Amigo Provisions Company..................................... Houston, TX Kdsm Land And Ranch............................................... Houston, TX Red Barn Family Farm LLC......................................Kingsbury, TX Amy Jo Teague.................................................................. Krum, TX Vicki Hainlen...................................................................... Krum, TX Vaya Cone Dios Ranch............................................. Leesburg, TX Jimmy & Pam Noland................................................Lubbock, TX Twelve Oaks Ranch.................................................Mcqueeny, TX Tinsley Ranch................................................................... Melvin, TX Colt Rich........................................................................ Midland, TX Reggie And Shellie Read.............................................Paradise, TX Zakary & Holly Felts.................................................... Perryton, TX Bell Creek Ranch.....................................................Round Top, TX Jerod White............................................................. San Angelo, TX The N2 Ranch..................................................................Seguin, TX Farm Underwood......................................................Sour Lake, TX Triple C Cattle Company................................. Spring Branch, TX Greg Nelson & Adrienne Rogers..................................Terrell, TX Copper Moon Farm.............................................Weatherford, TX The Rusty M Ranch..............................................Weatherford, TX Deal Farms..................................................................Wheelock, TX NTS Longhorns............................................................. Eustace, UT Michael And Josie Straley......................................... Argonne, WI
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS Ways to introduce your self to the industry Being new can be intimidating, but this is an industy that prides itself on welcoming new people to the ranks of Longhorn ownership. As a new member there are a lot of fun ways to let others know you’re part of their industry. Atttend events: This is perhaps the most educational way to get to know other Longhorn breeders. Attend a field day, an affiliate function, a sale or a TLBAA event and you will cross paths with amny willing to talk about all aspects of the Longhorn breed. You can find a calendar of Longhorn industry events on the last page of every Trails Magazine or online at www. tlbaa.org/events (or click the calendar tab). “Meet The Members” in Trails Magazine: This brief 36 | November 2021
Q&A and a photo can serve as your first introduction to other breeders and help them spot you at upcoming events. The best part...it’s FREE! Social Media: Longhorn breeders are very active on social media, especially Facebook. Simply search “Longhorn” or “Texas Longhorn” and you’ll come across several. They are always welcoming and will gladly answer any questions you may have. Have a web prescence: Whether you are ready for a website or want to take advantage of the TLBAA.org online breeders directory, make sure people searching for Longhorns in their area can find you. It’s not always people looking to for Longhorns for sale but sometimes simply looking for fellow breeders.
IN THE PEN We thank these folks for kindly droppin’ in at the TLBAA office.
3 1. Ben & Valerie Thomas - Roswell, NM 2. Terry & Terry Mayfield - Seguin, TX 3. John Juarez - Sanger, TX
The next time you visit Fort Worth, Texas, be sure to check out the historic Fort Worth Stockyards District. While you’re here, stop by 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210. The TLBAA staff always enjoys seeing members!
Questions or ad reservations? Email myra@tlbaa.org
will feature the
TLBAA Horn Showcase Wrap-up! This issue serves a reference issue and is referred to throughout the coming year
>Showcase your winners >Highlight your breeding program
Start off your yearly marketing plan with a package deal and save!
Take your herd public! Trails Breeders Guide - $365 / year Online Breeders Directory - $240 / year Maximize Exposure With Both for $555 / year
Start off the New Year right! January Trails
If you’re ready to join the “stock” market and start selling Longhorns,
put your ranch in the Trails Breeders Guide and the Online Breeders Directory for a $50 savings! email myra@tlbaa.org to get started
November 2021 | 37
26 | November 2021
Show Results WYOMING STATE FAIR August 21, 2021 OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 5: 1. RCC MY KINDA SALTY, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX 2. LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: RCC MY KINDA SALTY, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 8: 1. RCC SPICY REDEMPTION, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX 2. OCC CINDY LOU, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 9: 1. CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. LCR BLUE BAYOU, Marshall A. Paczosa, ELBA, NE CLASS 10: 1. BELLE BOOM DIXIE DAISY 9, Belle Longhorns, LLC, DOUGLAS, WY 2. BELLE SHEEZA HOT BABE 8, Belle Longhorns, LLC, DOUGLAS, WY CLASS 11: 1. LR LIBERTY, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: RCC SPICY REDEMPTION, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: RCC MY KINDA SALTY, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX CLASS 16: 1. SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 17: 1. SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Mature Female Champion: SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 23: 1. ROCKSTAR CP, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. JP USS TEXAS BB35, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS 24: 1. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q PECOS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: ROCKSTAR CP, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA CLASS 27: 1. OCC MOST WANTED, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 28: 1. HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. PERPETUA JAMES, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 29: 1. MAXIMUS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. OBRYANS TOP HAND, Susie Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY Haltered Bull Senior Champion: MAXIMUS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: MAXIMUS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX
CLASS 8: 1. OL OVER THE MOON, Hennessy Rogers, PARADISE, TX 2. OCC CINDY LOU, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 9: 1. CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. SWEET AURORA, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 10: 1. BELLE BOOM DIXIE DAISY 9, Emma Grace Velazquez, DOUGLAS, WY 2. BELLE SHEEZA HOT BABE 8, Mick Velazquez, DOUGLAS, WY CLASS 11: 1. LR LIBERTY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: LR LIBERTY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: LR LIBERTY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX
CLASS 19: 1. ROCKSTAR CP, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. JP USS TEXAS BB-35, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 20: 1. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q PECOS, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX CLASS 21: 1. OCC MOST WANTED, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: OCC MOST WANTED, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 30: 1. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. SV SUPER NOVA, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 31: 1. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 3W CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 32: 1. CISCO R STEWART, Teagan Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. LW HONKYTONKVILLE, Hennessy Rogers, PARADISE, TX CLASS 33: 1. SV PHOENIX, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 38: 1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX 2. BELLE FLASH BOOM 03, Emma Grace Velazquez, DOUGLAS, WY Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion Reserve: BELLE FLASH BOOM 03, Emma Grace Velazquez, DOUGLAS, WY
CLASS 1: 1. SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. CISCO R STEWART, Teagan Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 2: 1. COWBOYS RED SCOTCH, Bridgit Downs-Overturf, DOUGLAS, WY 2. COSMO COWBOY, Susie Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY Steer Junior Champion: COWBOYS RED SCOTCH, Bridgit Downs-Overturf, DOUGLAS, WY Steer Junior Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 5: 1. RR RIVER RANGER, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 6: 1. CS HUCKLEBERRY, Bridgit Downs-Overturf, DOUGLAS, WY 2. FLAT IRON, Daniel Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY
CLASS 4: 1. SM GOLD REBEL, Shelby Mohr, LOST SPRINGS, WY CLASS 5: 1. HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX 2. 03 TROUBADOUR’S LADY, Larry & Elaine Grigg, RAVENNA, TX
Steer Senior Champion: CS HUCKLEBERRY, Bridgit Downs-Overturf, DOUGLAS, WY Steer Senior Champion Reserve: RR RIVER RANGER, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion: HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: 03 TROUBADOUR’S LADY, Larry & Elaine Grigg, RAVENNA, TX
Steer Grand Champion: COWBOYS RED SCOTCH, Bridgit Downs-Overturf, DOUGLAS, WY Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX
CLASS 9: 1. SWEET AURORA, Locke and Payne Partnership, BRISTOW, OK 2. SLD IRON ZANE MAYBELLINE, Sharon L. Di Pasqua, WHEATLAND, WY CLASS 10: 1. MALEFICENT CP, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. FLAMING STAR 09, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 11: 1. RDC BUY FELICIA, DCT Holdings, SOUTHLAKE, TX 2. WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
CLASS M02: 1. LL BUCKCHERRY, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. JP WAILIN’ JENNY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M03: 1. LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. SCC ITTY BITTY, David Stanley, CHINA SPRING, TX CLASS M04: 1. JP WHIMSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. BELLE HOT SHOT LILLY 7, Belle Longhorns, LLC, DOUGLAS, WY
Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion: RDC BUY FELICIA, DCT Holdings, SOUTHLAKE, TX Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: MALEFICENT CP, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion: HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: 03 TROUBADOUR’S LADY, Larry & Elaine Grigg, RAVENNA, TX CLASS 16: 1. DISCOVERY COVER GIRL C P, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA CLASS 17: 1. LADY PREACHER C P 516, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. STEEL MAGNOLIA 52, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 18: 1. MAGIC HEART C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 19: 1. RRR MISS RIO HAPPY 385, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. LJL SMOKIN CHEROKEE, Susie Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion: LADY PREACHER C P 516, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: STEEL MAGNOLIA 52, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
CLASS 4: 1. 3W MS. COORS, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 5: 1. LR RUBY ANN CP, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 4SF MAGNOLIA BREES, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Youth Female Junior Champion: LR RUBY ANN CP, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: 4SF MAGNOLIA BREES, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA
Female Junior Champion: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Junior Champion Reserve: LL BUCKCHERRY, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M07: 1. JP QUEEN OF SPADES, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M08: 1. LL ANNIE OAKLEY, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M09: 1. 5T’S MESQUITE’S QUEEN, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M10: 1. TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Senior Champion: LL ANNIE OAKLEY, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Senior Champion Reserve: TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Grand Champion: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Grand Champion Reserve: LL BUCKCHERRY, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M15: 1. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. TONKAWA TRAILS SASSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Mature Grand Champion: CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Mature Grand Champion Reserve: TONKAWA TRAILS SASSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS M19: 1. LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. LL SECOND’S WARPAINT, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Bull Junior Champion: LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Bull Junior Champion Reserve: LL SECOND’S WARPAINT, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
November 2021 | 39
Show Results CLASS M22: 1. JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL JAKE SPOON, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M23: 1. V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX
Bull Senior Champion: JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Senior Champion Reserve: LL JAKE SPOON, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
Haltered Female Grand Champion: DOUBLE DUCHESS, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX
Bull Grand Champion: JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Grand Champion Reserve: LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M28: 1. JP OLAF, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL LITTLE BLUE RICHARD, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M29: 1. JP OLD YELLER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. BELLE FLASH BOOM 03, Belle Longhorns, LLC, DOUGLAS, WY CLASS M30: 1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Steer Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Steer Grand Champion Reserve: JP OLD YELLER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS 16: 1. SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. OBRYANS ROAN THRILL, Marlin and or Vickie Krump, HANKINSON, ND CLASS 17: 1. SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Haltered Mature Female Champion: SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: OBRYANS ROAN THRILL, Marlin and or Vickie Krump, HANKINSON, ND
CLASS 23: 1. ROCKSTAR CP, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. JP USS TEXAS BB35, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS 24: 1. RCC HOT FLASH, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX 2. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: RCC HOT FLASH, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 27: 1. OCC MOST WANTED, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 28: 1. PERPETUA JAMES, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX 2. HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 29: 1. MAXIMUS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. OBRYANS TOP HAND, Susie Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY
Haltered Bull Senior Champion: PERPETUA JAMES, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: MAXIMUS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX
Youth Female Senior Champion: DOUBLE DUCHESS, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX
Youth Female Grand Champion: DOUBLE DUCHESS, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX
Haltered Bull Grand Champion: PERPETUA JAMES, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: RCC HOT FLASH, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX CLASS 4: 1. CCR TULSA QUEEN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX CLASS 5: 1. LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Locke and Payne Partnership, BRISTOW, OK 2. 03 TROUBADOUR’S LADY, Larry & Elaine Grigg, RAVENNA, TX
Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion: LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Locke and Payne Partnership, BRISTOW, OK Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: 03 TROUBADOUR’S LADY, Larry & Elaine Grigg, RAVENNA, TX
Youth Bull Grand Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: NIX 10, Mason Nix, MURDO, SD
CLASS 8: 1. STAR 0920, Art (Sonny) A. Smith, GERING, NE CLASS 9: 1. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX 2. SWEET AURORA, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX CLASS 10: 1. CCR BLUE JEAN QUEEN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. MALEFICENT CP, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX
CLASS 19: 1. ROCKSTAR CP, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. JP USS TEXAS BB-35, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX CLASS 20: 1. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. NIX 10, Mason Nix, MURDO, SD CLASS 21: 1. OCC MOST WANTED, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 30: 1. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. SV SUPER NOVA, Teagan Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 31: 1. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 3W CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 32: 1. CISCO R STEWART, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. OBRYANS CLEAR LEGEND, Molly Nix, MURDO, SD CLASS 33: 1. SV PHOENIX, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: CISCO R STEWART, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: CISCO R STEWART, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 38: 1. LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion: LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion Reserve: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX
CLASS 4: 1. OBRYANS WINNING LEGENDS, Scot & Jodie O’Bryan, BELVIDERE, SD CLASS 5: 1. 4SF MAGNOLIA BREES, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: 4SF MAGNOLIA BREES, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX 2. RCC SPICY REDEMPTION, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX CLASS 9: 1. CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. BELLE HOT POLKA HATTIE01, Belle Longhorns, LLC, DOUGLAS, WY CLASS 10: 1. DOUBLE DUCHESS, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. NIX SHILLOH 011, Christopher Nix, MURDO, SD CLASS 11: 1. NIX BUENO 910, Christopher Nix, MURDO, SD 2. LR LIBERTY, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: DOUBLE DUCHESS, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA
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Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: CCR BLUE JEAN QUEEN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: CCR BLUE JEAN QUEEN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX CLASS 16: 1. DISCOVERY COVER GIRL C P, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. SANDDOLLAR LACEY REVIVAL, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 17: 1. STEEL MAGNOLIA 52, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. FANCIE PANTS HCR, Gordon & Connie Howie, RAPID CITY, SD CLASS 18: 1. EZT’S WALLFLOWER, Gordon & Connie Howie, RAPID CITY, SD CLASS 19: 1. RRR MISS RIO HAPPY 385, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. FRECKLES 12/2, Art (Sonny) A. Smith, GERING, NE Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion: EZT’S WALLFLOWER, Gordon & Connie Howie, RAPID CITY, SD Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: RRR MISS RIO HAPPY 385, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
CLASS 4: 1. CCR TULSA QUEEN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. OBRYANS WINNING LEGENDS, Molly Nix, MURDO, SD CLASS 5: 1. LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX 2. LR RUBY ANN CP, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: LR RUBY ANN CP, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX 2. OCC CINDY LOU, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 9: 1. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX 2. SWEET AURORA, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 10: 1. DOUBLE DUCHESS, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. CCR DELILAH DARLIN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 11: 1. LR LIBERTY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX
Youth Female Grand Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: LR STRAWBERRY WINE CP, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX
CLASS 19: 1. ROCKSTAR CP, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. OBRYANS WINNING WARPAINT, Mason Nix, MURDO, SD CLASS 20: 1. RCC HOT FLASH, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX 2. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 21: 1. OCC MOST WANTED, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: RCC HOT FLASH, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: OCC MOST WANTED, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 30: 1. SV SUPER NOVA, Teagan Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 31: 1. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CF CHER’S FUTURE, Michael Brody Gregory, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 32: 1. CISCO R STEWART, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX 2. OBRYANS CLEAR LEGEND, Molly Nix, MURDO, SD CLASS 33: 1. SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 38: 1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX 2. LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion Reserve: LL CHARLIE FRAZIER, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 1: 1. MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY 2. OBRYANS CLEAR LEGEND, Scot & Jodie O’Bryan, BELVIDERE, SD CLASS 2: 1. COSMO COWBOY, Susie Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY 2. ALLIANCE OF STARS, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Junior Champion: MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY Steer Junior Champion Reserve: OBRYANS CLEAR LEGEND, Scot & Jodie O’Bryan, BELVIDERE, SD CLASS 5: 1. RR RIVER RANGER, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 6: 1. FLAT IRON, Daniel Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY Steer Senior Champion: RR RIVER RANGER, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Senior Champion Reserve: FLAT IRON, Daniel Tadewald, VAN TASSELL, WY Steer Grand Champion: RR RIVER RANGER, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Grand Champion Reserve: MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY
CLASS 4: 1. HD LEMON PEPPA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 3W MS. COORS, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 5: 1. CASSIE TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BENITA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: HD LEMON PEPPA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 8: 1. 41 EVER SO EEVEE, Jarrod Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. OCC CINDY LOU, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 9: 1. JCG MARY JANE, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. SORMY FAITH TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 10: 1. TB EVEREST, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 11: 1. LR LIBERTY, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Haltered Female Senior Champion: 41 EVER SO EEVEE, Jarrod Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: JCG MARY JANE, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: 41 EVER SO EEVEE, Jarrod Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: CASSIE TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 16: 1. SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 17: 1. SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Haltered Mature Female Champion: SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS 23: 1. WINDY POINT AUTHUR PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 24: 1. DIAMOND Q PECOS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CK TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q PECOS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: CK TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX
Rafter M Judge Roy Bean, shown by Sarah Danley. Wyoming State Fair Youth Senior and Grand Champion Steer, GPTLA Central States Fair Youth Senior and Grand Champion Steer, Colorado State Fair #1 Youth Senior Reserve and Grand Reserve Champion Steer, Colorado State Fair #2 Youth Senior and Grand Champion Steer, CLASS 27: 1. OCC MOST WANTED, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 28: 1. HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 29: 1. VELOCITYS EDGE TENBAR, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. MAXIMUS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: VELOCITYS EDGE TENBAR, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: VELOCITYS EDGE TENBAR, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 4: 1. WINDY POINT PENNY CALVIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 5: 1. WHIPPED LATTE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. WINDY POINT PARIS CALV, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion: WHIPPED LATTE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT PARIS CALV, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 8: 1. WINDY POINT SANTOSA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 9: 1. JM DUSTY LADY, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO CLASS 10: 1. FLAMING STAR 09, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. JM BONITA MADRE, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO CLASS 11: 1. WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. NARLEE GAL, Tom & Regina Coffield, BOONE, CO Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion: WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT SANTOSA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion: WHIPPED LATTE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 16: 1. WINDY POINT PATSY, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. JM DORTHY EAST, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO CLASS 17: 1. WINDY POINT ANNA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. STEEL MAGNOLIA 52, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 18: 1. WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 19: 1. RRR MISS RIO HAPPY 385, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. WINDY POINT SAMOA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion: RRR MISS RIO HAPPY 385, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
CLASS 4: 1. HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 3W MS. COORS, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 5: 1. CASSIE TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BENITA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BENITA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 8: 1. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. AUBS TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 9: 1. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. OCC TWILIGHT, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 10: 1. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. TB EVEREST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 11: 1. LR LIBERTY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX
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Show Results Youth Female Senior Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX
CLASS 27:1. OCC MOST WANTED, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 28:1. HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 29:1. MAXIMUS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: OCC MOST WANTED, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
Haltered Bull Grand Champion: OCC MOST WANTED, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT AUTHUR PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
Youth Bull Grand Champion: OCC MOST WANTED, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 30: 1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX 2. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 31: 1. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 3W CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: HD REX DANGERVEST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: HD REX DANGERVEST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 38: 1. SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX 2. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion: SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion Reserve: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX
CLASS 4:1. WINDY POINT PENNY CALVIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 5:1. WINDY POINT SASHA PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WHIPPED LATTE, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion: WINDY POINT SASHA PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT PENNY CALVIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 8:1. WINDY POINT SANTOSA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 9:1. JM DUSTY LADY, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO CLASS 10:1. FLAMING STAR 09, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. JM BONITA MADRE, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO CLASS 11:1. WINDY POINT SYLVIE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. WINDY POINT PEBBLES M2, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion: WINDY POINT SYLVIE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: FLAMING STAR 09, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion: WINDY POINT SYLVIE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT SASHA PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
Steer Junior Champion: MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY Steer Junior Champion Reserve: 3W CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX
CLASS 16:1. JM DORTHY EAST, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO 2. WINDY POINT PATSY, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 17:1. WINDY POINT ANNA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. STEEL MAGNOLIA 52, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 18:1. WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 19:1. WINDY POINT SAMOA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO 2. RRR MISS RIO HAPPY 385, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
CLASS 1: 1. 3W CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX 1. MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY 2. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jarrod Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. JM LUCKY NED PEPPER, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO
CLASS 5: 1. WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 6: 1. APACHE 12, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Senior Champion: WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Senior Champion Reserve: APACHE 12, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Grand Champion: WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Grand Champion Reserve: APACHE 12, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion: WINDY POINT ANNA JAMIN, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Non-Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: WINDY POINT PENELOPE, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO
CLASS 5:1. CASSIE TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BENITA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BENITA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
Youth Female Junior Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 8:1. AUBS TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9:1. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. HI 5’S LILY, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX CLASS 10:1. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. TB EVEREST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 11:1. LR LIBERTY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 8:1. AUBS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. OCC CINDY LOU, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 9:1. LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Ryan M. & Devin D. Culpepper, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 10:1. WINDY POINT MIA PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 11:1. LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. LR LIBERTY, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
Youth Female Senior Champion: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: AUBS TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX
Haltered Female Senior Champion: LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
Haltered Female Grand Champion: LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS 16:1. SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS 17:1. SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Mature Female Champion: SANDDOLLAR FLO, Kris Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 23:1. WINDY POINT AUTHUR PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 24:1. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CK TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: WINDY POINT AUTHUR PUMA, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
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Youth Female Grand Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, Jaxon Juarez, SANGER, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CL DAISYMEROLLIN, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 19:1. WHO DAT BOY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 20:1. CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 21:1. OCC MOST WANTED, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 30:1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX 2. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 31:1. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 3W CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: HD REX DANGERVEST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HD REX DANGERVEST, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX
Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: JM CHARMING LADY LEIA, Bonnie Welborn, WEATHERFORD, TX
Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX
CLASS 1:1. MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY 2. JM LUCKY NED PEPPER, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO Steer Junior Champion: MC REN, Kris Johnson & Ryan Johnson Partnership, BIG HORN, WY Steer Junior Champion Reserve: JM LUCKY NED PEPPER, Larry Dean Gilliland, Jr., YUMA, CO CLASS 5:1. WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO CLASS 6:1. APACHE 12, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Senior Champion: WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Senior Champion Reserve: APACHE 12, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Steer Grand Champion: WINDY POINT POCO, Ronald C. or Lana K. Pearson, FOWLER, CO Steer Grand Champion Reserve: APACHE 12, Toby Johnson, BIG HORN, WY
CLASS 3:1. JM CHARMING LADY LEIA, Bonnie Welborn, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. TH CHA-VERROS MISTY SWAG, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 4:1. WIC ELLA MAE, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 5:1. T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, T-Rex Longhorns, LANCASTER, TX 2. SL LIL’ PINCH OF CURRY, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: T-REX GALA’S SOIREE, T-Rex Longhorns, LANCASTER, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: JM CHARMING LADY LEIA, Bonnie Welborn, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 8:1. SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX 2. RAFTER M LIL’SISTER MARY, D.L. & Mary McCoy, HICO, TX CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. RAFTER M MISS AMERICA, Leslie Osmera, AUSTIN, TX CLASS 10:1. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. HD DELILAH, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 11:1. WIC OCTAVIA, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. HIGH CLASS CP, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: WIC OCTAVIA, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX
Youth Female Senior Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX
CLASS 18:1. 14’S SOUTHERN REBEL, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 19:1. KALVARY SPRING PISTOL, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX 2. WIC JACK HORNER, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 20:1. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. RCC HOT FLASH, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX CLASS 21:1. TL OLIVER, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. KALVARY AMERICAN LEGEND, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: KALVARY SPRING PISTOL, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 26:1. REDSTAR JAZZ MAN, Alyssa Brady, RED OAK, TX CLASS 27:1. CIRCLE M IRON ZION, Danalee Abel, PARADISE, TX 2. DRAG’N BIG CHEX, Morgan Riffe, Bridgeport, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: REDSTAR JAZZ MAN, Alyssa Brady, RED OAK, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: CIRCLE M IRON ZION, Danalee Abel, PARADISE, TX CLASS 30:1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. ALAMO KING 360, Rylie Green, LIBERTY HILL, TX CLASS 31:1. IRON GUN’S PHANTOM, Taylor Trahern, CLEBURNE, TX 2. 3W CAPTAIN MOOMERICA, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 32:1. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. ZORIN MOON, Payton Hilbert, TERRELL, TX CLASS 33:1. DIAMOND Q BRUTUS, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX 2. JCG PLAYTHATFUNKYMUSIC, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX
Haltered Female Grand Champion: SANDDOLLAR FIRST CLASS, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: WIC OCTAVIA, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX
CLASS 16:1. TL HONEY BEE, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX 2. TB SUNSET STORM, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 17:1. HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX 2. PLR TEXAS GEMMA, John & Judy Moore, TUSCOLA, TX
Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: TL HONEY BEE, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX
CLASS 22:1. 14’S SOUTHERN REBEL, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 23:1. WIC JACK HORNER, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. KALVARY SPRING PISTOL, Clinton & Tabitha Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX CLASS 24:1. RCC HOT FLASH, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX 2. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: RCC HOT FLASH, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 27:1. TL REVENGE, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX 2. TL OLIVER, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX CLASS 28:1. T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 29:1. CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX 2. HIGH NOON BOOM CP, Payne/Sharer Partnership, SLIDELL, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: TL REVENGE, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: TL REVENGE, Tanner Longhorns, STEPHENVILLE, TX
Youth Steer Miniature Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Steer Miniature Champion Reserve: SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 1:1. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. DISCOVERY OPTIMUS CP, Lainey Schwarz, MIDWAY, TX CLASS 2:1. VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. TOP DECK 87, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX Steer Junior Champion: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: TOP DECK 87, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX Steer Grand Champion: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: TOP DECK 87, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX
CLASS 3:1. JM CHARMING LADY LEIA, Bonnie Welborn, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. TH CHA-VERROS MISTY SWAG, Cutter Lee, JAYTON, TX CLASS 4:1. HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. TB HARLEY QUINN, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 5:1. SL LIL’ PINCH OF CURRY, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX 2. JCG SHININGLIKEDIAMONDS, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: TB HARLEY QUINN, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 8:1. JCG LOLA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. HI 5’S DAKOTA, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 10:1. WIC VIOLA, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. LW MARINA DEL RAY 204, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 11:1. WIC OCTAVIA, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. FLYING H PEARL, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: JCG LOLA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX
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CLASS 18:1. 14’S SOUTHERN REBEL, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX CLASS 19:1. WIC JACK HORNER, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. WHO DAT BOY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 20:1. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CHAPARRAL KAHLUA, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 21:1. OCC MOST WANTED, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. 5Y BEAUXDRO, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: WIC JACK HORNER, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 26:1. REDSTAR JAZZ MAN, Alyssa Brady, RED OAK, TX CLASS 27:1. 2T REVOLT’S RIDGE, Taylor Trahern, CLEBURNE, TX 2. CIRCLE M IRON ZION, Danalee Abel, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: 2T REVOLT’S RIDGE, Taylor Trahern, CLEBURNE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: CIRCLE M IRON ZION, Danalee Abel, PARADISE, TX CLASS 30:1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 31:1. JCG DARE DEVIL, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. BCC FARMERS FIGHT ‘20, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 32:1. LW HONKYTONKVILLE, Hennessy Rogers, PARADISE, TX 2. PRL BIG BUD, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 33:1. RB REAGEN SLATE, Preslie Havins, THORNDALE, TX 2. TL SLUGGER, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: JCG DARE DEVIL, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: RB REAGEN SLATE, Preslie Havins, THORNDALE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: JCG DARE DEVIL, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: RB REAGEN SLATE, Preslie Havins, THORNDALE, TX CLASS 38:1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX 2. SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SS KING OF THE ROAD, Jaylin Krimmel, BOYD, TX
CLASS 3:1. CCR BUCKLE BUNNY, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. TH CHA-VERROS MISTY SWAG, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 4:1. WIC ELLA MAE, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 5:1. HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX 2. LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 8:1. AUBS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. SJ WINNIN JASPER, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 10:1. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. WIC VIOLA, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 11:1. TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 3:1. CCR BUCKLE BUNNY, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. TH CHA-VERROS MISTY SWAG, Cutter Lee, JAYTON, TX CLASS 4:1. HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. WIC ELLA MAE, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 5:1. HAYWIRE ZOE, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX 2. COCOA TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: HAYWIRE ZOE, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 8:1. AUBS TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. JCG LOLA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. HI 5’S LILY, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX CLASS 10:1. L.A. ANABELLE, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX 2. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 11:1. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: HAYWIRE ZOE, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX
CLASS 19:1. WHO DAT BOY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX 2. ROCKSTAR CP, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA CLASS 20:1. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX
CLASS 26:1. CCR SHOESHINE MAN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. CCR REDNECK PAYCHECK, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 27:1. L.A. BILLY B. WALKABOUT, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: CCR SHOESHINE MAN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: L.A. BILLY B. WALKABOUT, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 30:1. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 31:1. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. AJ SKIPPER, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX CLASS 32:1. DREAM MAKER 7/20, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX 2. LW HONKYTONKVILLE, Hennessy Rogers, PARADISE, TX CLASS 33:1. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX 2. VETERAN’S USS ORISKANY, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: DREAM MAKER 7/20, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DREAM MAKER 7/20, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 38:1. 2M BIGGIN, Savannah Duncan, ALVARADO, TX 2. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion: 2M BIGGIN, Savannah Duncan, ALVARADO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion Reserve: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX
Haltered Female Grand Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX
Steer Junior Champion: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX
Haltered Mature Female Champion: DISCOVERY MELODY C P, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 23:1. ROCKSTAR CP, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. WHO DAT BOY, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX CLASS 24:1. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CK TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: CK TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 28:1. T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. OCC RAZOR’S EDGE, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA CLASS 29:1. CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX
Steer Senior Champion: JP MERLIN, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: JP USS HASSAYAMPA AO-145, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Steer Grand Champion: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: JP MERLIN, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS M02:1. SB APRIL’S LITTLE WISH, Sarah Buentello, STAFFORD, TX 2. LL BUCKCHERRY, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M03:1. LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. DQ’S OREO BLIZZARD, Alexis Buentello, STAFFORD, TX Female Junior Champion: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Junior Champion Reserve: SB APRIL’S LITTLE WISH, Sarah Buentello, STAFFORD, TX
Haltered Bull Senior Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX
CLASS M04:1. JP WHIMSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. JP QUEEN OF HEARTS, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M07:1. LL BLUE DUCK, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. NEON BONITA, Alexis Buentello, STAFFORD, TX CLASS M08:1. LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M09:1. JACKIE LYNN 4302, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M10:1. TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. YA TEEPEE SMOKE 6, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
Haltered Bull Grand Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
Female Senior Champion: TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Senior Champion Reserve: LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
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Female Grand Champion: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Grand Champion Reserve: TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M15:1. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. YA FREEDOM, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Mature Grand Champion: CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Mature Grand Champion Reserve: YA FREEDOM, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
CLASS M19:1. LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. JP JAMES EARL RUDDER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Junior Champion: LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Bull Junior Champion Reserve: JP JAMES EARL RUDDER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M22:1. JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL JAKE SPOON, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M23:1. V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL KICKING WOLF, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Bull Senior Champion: JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Senior Champion Reserve: V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Grand Champion: JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Grand Champion Reserve: V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M28:1. 2M BIGGIN, Mark and Charity Ray, ALVARADO, TX 2. JP OLAF, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M29:1. LL EL CHIVATO, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. JP OLD YELLER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M30:1. V3C CHASE’S LEVI, Redeker/Lazy JP Ranch Partnership, BLUM, TX 2. LL CLYDE BARROW, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Steer Grand Champion: LL EL CHIVATO, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Steer Grand Champion Reserve: V3C CHASE’S LEVI, Redeker/Lazy JP Ranch Partnership, BLUM, TX
CLASS 3:1. CCR BUCKLE BUNNY, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. TH CHA-VERROS MISTY SWAG, Dennis and Judy Urbantke, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 4:1. HD LEMON PEPPA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 5:1. COCOA TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: COCOA TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: HAYWIRE ZOE, Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan, Grandview, TX CLASS 8:1. AUBS TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX 2. SJ WINNIN JASPER, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. SORMY FAITH TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 10:1. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. WIC VIOLA, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 11:1. TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: COCOA TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 16:1. DISCOVERY MELODY C P, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. SR BEACH GIRL, Steven & Ruby Retzloff, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 17:1. JP HONOR IN REMEMBRANCE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: DISCOVERY MELODY C P, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: JP HONOR IN REMEMBRANCE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS 23:1. WHO DAT BOY, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX 2. WIC JACK HORNER, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 24:1. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. CK TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: CK TENBAR, John and Sandra Juarez, SANGER, TX CLASS 28:1. HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. T-REX ACCIO FALCON, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 29:1. CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
Cutter Lee, JAYTON, TX CLASS 4:1. HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. WIC ELLA MAE, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 5:1. CASSIE TENBAR, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX 2. HAYWIRE ZOE, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: HAYWIRE ZOE, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 8:1. JCG LOLA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. AUBS TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. CISCO’S BABY DOLL CP, Kara Burns, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 10:1. L.A. ANABELLE, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX 2. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 11:1. TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. R4 HIGH HOPES, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: JCG LOLA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: JCG LOLA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX
CLASS 19:1. ROCKSTAR CP, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. WIC JACK HORNER, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX CLASS 20:1. CCR THE DUKE OF COW CREEK, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: CCR THE DUKE OF COW CREEK, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: CK TENBAR, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX
CLASS 26:1. CCR SHOESHINE MAN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX 2. CCR REDNECK PAYCHECK, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 27:1. L.A. BILLY B. WALKABOUT, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: L.A. BILLY B. WALKABOUT, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: CCR SHOESHINE MAN, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX CLASS 30:1. 3W DON’T GIVE A RIP, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX CLASS 31:1. JCG DARE DEVIL, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 32:1. PRL BIG BUD, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. BRR STORM CHASER, Mason W Smith, RHOME, TX CLASS 33:1. JCG PLAYTHATFUNKYMUSIC, Jenna Leigh Quillin, MAYPEARL, TX 2. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: JCG DARE DEVIL, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: JCG DARE DEVIL, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 38:1. LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX 2. LL EL CHIVATO, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion: LL CLYDE BARROW, Alyssa Harvey, HILLSBORO, TX Youth Miniature Steer Grand Champion Reserve: LL EL CHIVATO, Braylin Miller, COLEMAN, TX
CLASS 1:1. VETERAN’S CHALLENGER 7, Ashley and Shawn Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 2:1. VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX 2. SR LITTLE BUCK, Steven & Ruby Retzloff, SAN ANGELO, TX Steer Junior Champion: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: SR LITTLE BUCK, Steven & Ruby Retzloff, SAN ANGELO, TX CLASS 6:1. JP MERLIN, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. JP USS HASSAYAMPA AO-145, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Steer Senior Champion: JP MERLIN, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Steer Senior Champion Reserve: JP USS HASSAYAMPA AO-145, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Steer Grand Champion: JP MERLIN, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: VETERAN’S BRONZE STAR, Colton Wood, DECATUR, TX
CLASS M02:1. LL BUCKCHERRY, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. SB APRIL’S LITTLE WISH, Sarah Buentello, STAFFORD, TX CLASS M03:1. LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. LL REGULATOR, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M04:1. JP WHIMSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL COURAGEOUS FEAT, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Junior Champion: LL LITTLE SISTER, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Junior Champion Reserve: JP WHIMSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M07:1. LL BLUE DUCK, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. NEON BONITA, Alexis Buentello, STAFFORD, TX CLASS M08:1. LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M09:1. JACKIE LYNN 4302, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M10:1. TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. YA TEEPEE SMOKE 6, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Senior Champion: LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Senior Champion Reserve: TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Grand Champion: LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
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Show Results Female Grand Champion Reserve: TONKAWA GHOST OF A ROSE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M15:1. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. TONKAWA TRAILS SASSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Female Mature Grand Champion: CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Female Mature Grand Champion Reserve: TONKAWA TRAILS SASSY, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX
CLASS M19:1. LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. JP JAMES EARL RUDDER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Junior Champion: LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Bull Junior Champion Reserve: JP JAMES EARL RUDDER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M22:1. JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL JAKE SPOON, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M23:1. V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL KICKING WOLF, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Bull Senior Champion: V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Senior Champion Reserve: JP SAVAGE SAM, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Grand Champion: V3C CHASE’S CREOLE, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX Bull Grand Champion Reserve: LL KING 50, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
CLASS M28:1. JP OLAF, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX 2. LL LITTLE BLUE RICHARD, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM CLASS M29:1. LL EL CHIVATO, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. JP OLD YELLER, Lazy JP Ranch, DUBLIN, TX CLASS M30:1. V3C CHASE’S LEVI, Redeker/Lazy JP Ranch Partnership, BLUM, TX 2. LL CLYDE BARROW, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM Steer Grand Champion: V3C CHASE’S LEVI, Redeker/Lazy JP Ranch Partnership, BLUM, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: LL CLYDE BARROW, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
CLASS 4:1. HD LEMON PEPPA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX 2. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 5:1. CASSIE TENBAR, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BENITA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: CASSIE TENBAR, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BENITA, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 8:1. EMMY LU SIOUX, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. OCC RAINDROP, Madilyn Drummond, OWASSO, OK CLASS 10:1. HD DELILAH, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. MS CORDELIA SH, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 11:1. AMAZING GRACE CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. TL QUEEN OF JEWELS, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: AMAZING GRACE CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: CASSIE TENBAR, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 19:1. OCC RANGER, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. WHO DAT BOY, Todd (TJ) Jay Danley, Jr, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 20:1. HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion: OCC RANGER, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: HONDO TENBAR, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 27:1. 03 STAR BURST, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: 03 STAR BURST, Avery N. Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 30:1. SV SUPER NOVA, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 31:1. 2T’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. RAFTER M JUDGE ROY BEAN, Sarah Danley, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 32:1. CISCO R STEWART, Teagan Mathey, BOWIE, TX CLASS 33:1. HI 5’S TIME OUT, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX
CLASS 4:1. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. SL MIDNIGHT SKYE, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 5:1. LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. SL SWEET & SASSY, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion: LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: SL SWEET & SASSY, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX
Youth Steer Senior Champion: HI 5’S TIME OUT, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: 2T’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX
CLASS 8:1. EMMY LU SIOUX, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 9:1. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX 2. OCC RAINDROP, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 10:1. SWEET SAMMIE CP, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX 2. CISCO EMILY CP, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 11:1. AMAZING GRACE CP, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX 2. SBL SERENA, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK
Haltered Female Senior Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: AMAZING GRACE CP, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: AMAZING GRACE CP, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX CLASS 16:1. SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX 2. HI 5’S ROXY, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK CLASS 17:1. HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: SUNRISE SANDRA, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
Youth Steer Grand Champion: HI 5’S TIME OUT, Halle Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: 2T’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 1:1. 2T’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX 2. SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX Steer Junior Champion: 2T’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX Steer Grand Champion: 2T’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: SV PHOENIX, Hannah Mathey, BOWIE, TX
CLASS 3: 1. CHAPARRAL KAY KAY, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX 2. SJ CISCO’S AGGIE, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 4: 1. TB HARLEY QUINN, Tamra & Thomas Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. DIXIE CHICK CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 5: 1. LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX 2. 4SF MAGNOLIA BREES, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA
Haltered Female Junior Champion: LR MOLLY CP, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: 4SF MAGNOLIA BREES, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA
Haltered Bull Junior Champion: 2T TACO ‘BOUT IT, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: OCC RANGER, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK
CLASS 8: 1. JCG LOLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX 2. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. RAFTER M MISS AMERICA, Leslie Osmera, AUSTIN, TX 2. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Randy & Catherine Morris, TUSCOLA, TX CLASS 10: 1. CISCO SKY CP, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. RAFTER N LILLY ANN, Cade Nolen, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 11: 1. SKH CHRYSALIS, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX 2. LL BIG NOSE KATE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM
CLASS 23:1. OCC RANGER, Walker Hance, COLLINSVILLE, OK 2. WHO DAT BOY, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX CLASS 24:1. 2T TACO ‘BOUT IT, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX 2. HONDO TENBAR, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX
CLASS 28:1. HD SAMSONITE’S DEFENDER, Danley Cattle, Inc, SEMINOLE, TX CLASS 29:1. DIAMOND Q OVERDRIVE, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. SL WHISKEY BUSINESS, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q OVERDRIVE, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: SL WHISKEY BUSINESS, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: DIAMOND Q OVERDRIVE, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: 2T TACO ‘BOUT IT, Tessa Tronzano, GAINESVILLE, TX PRODUCE OF DAM CLASS 34:1. DISCOVERY EYES C P, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX GET OF SIRE CLASS 35:1. DOMINION C P, Sharer Family Longhorns, POOLVILLE, TX
46 | November 2021
Haltered Female Senior Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: RAFTER M MISS AMERICA, Leslie Osmera, AUSTIN, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: RAFTER M MISS AMERICA, Leslie Osmera, AUSTIN, TX CLASS 16: 1. DIAMOND Q CLORINDA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX 2. DISCOVERY MELODY C P, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 17: 1. CNH QUEEN ANN FINALE, Kyla & Weldon Lovejoy, HONDO, NM 2. BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: DIAMOND Q CLORINDA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: DISCOVERY MELODY C P, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX
BEAUXDRO, Rylee Yarborough, FERRIS, TX
CLASS 23: 1. ROCKSTAR CP, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. RAFTER N KING OF HEARTS, Cade Nolen, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 24: 1. HD NIMITZ, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA 2. RCC HOT FLASH, Robertson Cattle Co., LUBBOCK, TX
Youth Bull Grand Champion: CHAPARRAL KAHLUA, Mayli Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: RCC HOT FLASH, Zoe Robertson, LUBBOCK, TX
Haltered Bull Junior Champion: ROCKSTAR CP, Donnese & Jody Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: RAFTER N KING OF HEARTS, Cade Nolen, WAXAHACHIE, TX
CLASS 27: 1. 5Y BEAUXDRO, Bar 5Y, FERRIS, TX CLASS 28: 1. JUMPING JACK FLASH 9/20, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX 2. OCC RAZOR’S EDGE, Owen Sepulvado, SHREVEPORT, LA CLASS 29: 1. CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX 2. SWEET T’S TITANIUM, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reserve: JUMPING JACK FLASH 9/20, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: CHAPARRAL SHINDIG, Chaparral Cattle Company, DECATUR, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: JUMPING JACK FLASH 9/20, The Cattlerack Ranch, BOWIE, TX
Youth Steer Junior Champion: REDSTAR RIO, Angelica Lopez, TERRELL, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: LW MISSISSIPPI MUD, Hennessy Rogers, PARADISE, TX CLASS 30: 1. HD REX DANGERVEST, Jase Dickey, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 31: 1. RR POPEYE, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. BCC FARMERS FIGHT ‘20, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX CLASS 32: 1. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. SBL CUT A RUG, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX CLASS 33: 1. MUMBAI MOON, Giovanni Lopez, TERRELL, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BRUTUS, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion: MUMBAI MOON, Giovanni Lopez, TERRELL, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BRUTUS, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: MUMBAI MOON, Giovanni Lopez, TERRELL, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q BRUTUS, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX
CLASS 1: 1. HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX 2. BCC FARMERS FIGHT ‘20, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX
Steer Junior Champion: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX Steer Junior Champion Reserve: BCC FARMERS FIGHT ‘20, Sheridan Van Blarcom, GRANDVIEW, TX
CLASS 3: 1. CHAPARRAL SWEETHEART, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. CHAPARRAL KAY KAY, Mayli Moreland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 4: 1. TB HARLEY QUINN, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. LW POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME, Hennessy Rogers, PARADISE, TX CLASS 5: 1. L.A. ANTILLY, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX 2. L.A. DELTA DAWN, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: TB HARLEY QUINN, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: L.A. ANTILLY, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 8: 1. TL WILD CARD, Megan Bush, DECATUR, TX 2. JCG LOLA, James Caden Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 9: 1. RAFTER M MISS AMERICA, Hunter Lawson, PARADISE, TX 2. WIC SHE’S A DAISY, Adalyn Hamilton, WEATHERFORD, TX CLASS 10: 1. LW MARINA DEL RAY 204, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX 2. RAFTER N LILLY ANN, Kaylee Nolen, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 11: 1. SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. DIAMOND Q PHEBE, Karlye Williams, SUNSET, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: LW MARINA DEL RAY 204, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: SKH CHRYSALIS, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: LW MARINA DEL RAY 204, Jacob Daniel Lowrie, RHOME, TX
CLASS 6: 1. NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Steer Senior Champion: NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Steer Grand Champion: NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX Steer Grand Champion Reserve: HX3 WETZEL, Hailey Roberson, PARADISE, TX
Attention Show Chairs! Results are published once official results are received and verified as correct in the HORNS show management system. Please submit your official results to the TLBAA office as soon as possible to avoid a delay in being published in Trails Magazine and to ensure points are kept current. Please feel free to submit Champion/ Reserve Champion photos as well. Candids may be submitted to myra@tlbaa.org and may be used based on space available.
State Fair of Texas Champion photos will be published in the December issue due to a delay in receiving the photos. Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine Statement of Ownership
November 2021 | 47
48 | November 2021
November 2021 | 49
Classifieds Auctioneers
Cattle For Sale
SELLING ONE OR ALL – Health concerns say that our Longhorns need to find a new home. Herd sire Rhinestone Cowboy (Cowboy Catchit Chex x Hubbell’s Rio Glory). Fifty-Fifty BCB, RR Escondido Red, Chisholm, Starbase Commander, LAR Smoke’N, RJF Aristocrat breeding, etc. Ken & Joella Kirkham, Strong City, KS. 417-777-1614.
McIntyre Ranches
Cattle For Sale WHOLE HERD FOR SALE - Over 46 head. Brood cows, calves and bulls. Some registered others can be registered. Herd sire, Sunny’s Red Bull, is out of Overwhelming Toro and Cooper’s Overwhelmer Sunny. Rush Springs, OK. Contact Ann Large 580475-4199 or lhorns38@aol.com.
THATE Cattle Company
Your source for big-horned cattle in the North— utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
50 | November 2021
BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS - Est. 1995. Conformation, color, disposition, pedigree and HORNS. Reasonable prices. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK. 580 765-9961 (calls only) or email cmuchmor@ poncacity.net. www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
www.mcintyreranches.com 308-750-8384 LONGHORN STEERS FOR SALE - 25 Longhorn Steers For Sale. Ages 2-4 years. Big horns, Lots of Color. Take one or all. Located in Canadian, TX. Call for pricing 806-255-0828
Trade & Barter TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breed’s top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days 512-454-0476 / Weekends 830-644-2380.
Classified Ads: $15/month - Standard text $25/month - Boxed
Advertising Index —A—
A & S Land & Cattle.................................... 49
Hicks Longhorns...........................................8
Anderson, Frank Jr. and III...........................8
Hickman Longhorns.................................. 49
Arch Acres.................................................... 48
Hired Hand Software..................................27
Hubbell Longhorns...................................IBC
Bar H Ranch................................................. 48
Hudson Valentine Auctions.........................3
Beadle Land & Cattle.............................8, 48
Bennett Longhorn Cattle Co......................8
Ironwood Ranch..........................................49
Bentwood Ranch.................................. 13, 50
Big Valley Longhorns................................. 48
J Square Ranch............................................23
BPT Longhorns..............................................8
Jack Mountain Ranch.................................50
Bull Creek Longhorns...................................5
JKG Longhorns..............................................8
Butler Breeders......................................... 8, 9
J.M.R. Cattle Co.......................................... 49
Butler Breeders Online Futurity..................9
Jo-Lin Ranch............................................... 50
Legends Longhorn Sale.............................25
Caballo Bravo Longhorns......................... 48
Lemonade Ranch....................................... 49
Cattlemen’s Congress................................ 21
Leonard New River Ranch......................... 15
Cedar View Ranch...................................... 48
Little Ace Cattle Co.......................................9
Champion Genetics....................................37
Lodge Creek Longhorns........................... 48
JUST FOR GRINS HAVE A CUTE PIC? Send us your photo with a funny caption included! Send your photo with caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Myra, • P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 74948 or myra@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Photo may be used in a future issue due to number of responses
“Who’s ear were you going to tag today?”
Christa Cattle Co...........................................8
Lone Wolf Ranch........................................ 49
Cold Copper Cattle Co................................ 7
Long M Ranch............................................. 49
Crazy Cattle Co.......................................... 49
Longhorn Ventures..................................... 11
Lucas Ranch..........................................29, 48
Dalgood Longhorns................................. 8, 9
SS Longhorns.............................................. 49
DCCI Equipment.........................................37
McLeod Ranch...............................................9
Star Creek Ranch........................................ 49
Diamond C Ranch...................................... 48
Moose Willow Ranch................................. 48
Struthoff Ranch........................................... 50
Diamond Q Longhorns............................. 49
Moriah Farms.............................................. 49
Sutton Timber & Cattle............................. 48
Dickinson Cattle Co...................................BC
Double C Ranch................................. IFC, 48
NS Horns...................................................... 48
Thate Cattle Co.............................................9
Double S Ranch......................................... IFC
Thurmond Longhorns............................... 49
Doug Hunt Longhorns.............................. 50
Rafter M Ranch........................................... 49
TLBAA Longhorn Weekend...................... 38
Rio Vista Ranch..............................................9
Triple R Ranch (TX)........................................9
Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic................. 31
River’s Bend Ranch.................................... 48
Triple S Bar Ranch................................ 31, 49
El Coyote Ranch............................................ 1
Roberts Longhorns.......................................9
TS Adcock Longhorns............................... 50
Elm Springs Acres....................................... 50
Rockin Hil Longhorns................................ 48
Rockin I Longhorns.................................... 50
Walkers U7-................................................. 50
F & F Ranch.................................................. 48
Rocking P Longhorns...................................9
WB Longhorns............................................ 49
Falls Creek Longhorns............................. 8, 9
Rocky Mountain Longhorns.................... 48
Westhaven Longhorns.............................. 48
FHR Longhorns................................... IFC, 49
Rolling D Ranch.......................................... 48
Wichita Fence Company...........................33
Flying D Ranch............................................ 49
Rolling Hills Ranch Longhorns................ 48
Flying Diamond Ranch.............................. 48
Ross Ranch Horns...................................... 49
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo.............34
Running Arrow Longhorns........................33
Freeman Ranch............................................23
Safari B Ranch............................................. 49
Guttman, Ralph........................................... 50
Sand Hills Ranch......................................... 48
GVR Longhorns.......................................... 49
Singing Coyote Ranch.............................. 50
Spidle Ranch................................................ 50
Helm Cattle Co........................................... 49
Spring Creek Farms.......................................9
Thanks to Guy & Vicki Packer of Emmett, ID for the submission.
UPCOMING ISSUES: December: Cash Cows January: Horn Showcase Wrap-Up February: Herd Sire Edition
November 2021 | 51
Coming Events
MARCH 2022
NOVEMBER 5-7 • Jim Curry Classic, Panhandle South Fairgrounds, Lubbock, TX. Contact Jeremy Robertson (806) 548-8248 or jeremy@ robertsonbonded.com. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Points Only, Trophy Steers & Miniatures. NOVEMBER 6-7 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measurements, Contact Pam Robison 817-625-6241 or pam@tlbaa.org NOVEMBER 12-13 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Fort Worth, TX. Measuring Contest, Select Sale, Futurity & Bull Alley. Contact Pam Robison 817-6256241 or pam@tlbaa.org NOVEMBER 12-14 • State Fair of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA. Jessica Wade arklatex.jessica@gmail.com or 903-948-5194. Qualifying Haltered, NonHaltered, Youth & Trophy Steers. NOVEMBER 18 • Horns and Highways Sale Justin Rombeck 816-536-1083 or legendslonghornsale@gmail.com. Visit www.herdsmanlegends.com NOVEMBER 19-21 • Kaufman Police Association Longhorn Show, Henderson County Fairgrounds, Kaufman, TX. Entry Deadline Oct. 30th. Joel Norris, (972) 533-4945 or joel1983@embarqmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth, Trophy Steers & Miniatures. NOVEMBER 19-21 • OTLA Fall Show, Sycamore Springs Arena, Locust Grove, OK. Contact David Edwards at 918-557-0364 or dledwards. texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers.
DECEMBER 2021 DECEMBER 3-5 • NTLBA Holiday Extravaganza, North Texas Fairground, Denton, TX. Contact Michelle Smith 817-846-0295 or smithsheritagefarm@ gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only, Trophy Steers & Miniatures.
JANUARY 2022 JANUARY 1-3 • Cattlemen’s Congress, Oklahoma City Fairgrounds, Oklahoma City, OK. www.cattlemenscongress.com Qualifying Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers. JANUARY 14-17 • Texas Longhorn Weekend, Fort Worth, TX. Pam Robison 817-625-6241 x 106 or pam at tlbaa.org Jan 14 - Affiliates Presidents Meeting, Board Meeting, Annual Membership Meeting, Awards Presentation Jan 15 - Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale Jan 16 - TLBT Youth Show at Fort Worth Stock Show Jan 17 - TLBAA Open Show at Fort Worth Stock Show JANUARY 28-30 • STLA Winterfest, Brackenridge Recreational Center, Edna, TX. Contact Bubba Bollier 325-247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo. com; Troy Unger 512-658-3316; Sandi Nordhausen 512-750-1350 or sandinordhausen@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth, Youth Points Only & Miniatures
FEBRUARY 2022 FEBRUARY 12 • Matagorda County Fair, Matagorda County Fairgrounds, Bay City, TX. Stephen Head 979-549-5270 or headshorns@hotmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers. FEBRUARY 18-20 • San Angelo Stock Show, San Angelo, TX. Amanda Danley 432-894-1430 or adanley@seminoleisd.net. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only, Trophy Steers & Miniatures.
MARCH 11-13 • NTLBA Spring Show, Hopkins County Regional Civic Center, Sulphur Springs, TX. John Oliver (972) 268-0083 or joliver210@ yahoo.com; Brenda Oliver (972) 268-0031 or boliver84@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only, Trophy Steers & Miniatures. MARCH 24-25 • YMBL South Texas State Fair Longhorn Show, Ford Fairgrounds, Beaumont, TX. Jessica Wade arklatex.jessica@gmail.com or 903-948-5194. Qualifying Haltered, Youth & Trophy Steers. MARCH 25-27 • OTLA Spring Shoot-Out, Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Contact David Edwards, dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@ gmail.com, (918) 557-0362. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, Trophy Steers, Youth & Youth Points Only.
APRIL 2022 APRIL 1-2 • Texoma Spring Classic, Overbrook, OK. Sale hosts: Bob & Pam Loomis, Dale Hunt & Sherrill Caddell. Contact Dale Hunt 402-214-4851 or Bob Loomis 580-276-7498 APRIL 8 • Bluegrass Futurity, in conjunction with the Hudson-Valentine Bluegrass Sale, Lexington, KY. Contact Johnny Hicks 269-998-8027. APRIL 8-9 • Hudson-Valentine Bluegrass Sale, in conjunction Bluegrass Futurity, Lexington, KY. Contact Elizabeth Hudson ehudson18@gmail.com or 502-379-1049. APRIL 9 • Struthoff Deep In The Heart Of Texas Sale, San Antonio, TX. Lynn Struthoff (210) 473-7768, Josie Struthoff (210) 601-3464 or Lori McCarty (817) 991-8825 APRIL 22-24 • Great Western Trail Days, Coleman, TX. Contact Ashlee Miller slickrockdesigns@gmail.com 325-669-2292 or Catherine Morris morriscatran@taylortel.net 325-829-9219. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Youth Points Only & Trophy Steers. APRIL 23 • Rocking B Longhorns Dispersal Sale, Baton Rouge, LA. Contact Justin Rombeck 816-536-1083 or legendslonghornsale@gmail.com APRIL 29-30 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX. Contact Teresa Sparger at Teresa_redmccombslonghorns@yahoo.com or (210) 392 5133. APRIL 29-MAY 1 • STLA Llano Spring Show, Llano, TX. Contact Sandi Nordhausen 512-750-1350 or sandinordhausen@gmail.com; Bubba Bollier 325-247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com; Troy Unger 512-658-3316. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered, 2 Youth, Youth Points Only, Trophy Steers & Miniatures.
MAY 2022 MAY 13-15 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX. Stephen Head 979-549-5270 or headshorns@hotmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Youth, Trophy Steers & Miniatures. MAY 27-28 • Hudson-Valentine Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction, River Ranch Stockyards. Lorinda Valentine (270) 996-2046 or panthercreekranch@att.net
JUNE 2022 JUNE 17 • Best of the West Futurity, Dundee, Oregon. Scott Picker 503-5725656, Scott@aspencreeklandscaping.com. JUNE 18 • The Oregon Trail Sale, Dundee, Oregon. Scott Picker 503-572-5656, Scott@aspencreeklandscaping.com.
MARCH 2022 MARCH 4-5 • Cattle Baron Premier Longhorn Sale & Winchester Futurity, Brazos Valley Livestock Commission, Bryan, Texas. Rick Friedrich 713-3050259, Rick@RiverRanchLonghorns.com or www.TLBGCA.com
52 | November 2021
SEPTEMBER 9-10 • Struthoff Deep In The Heart Of Texas Sale, San Antonio, TX. Lynn Struthoff (210) 473-7768, Josie Struthoff (210) 601-3464 or Lori McCarty (817) 991-8825
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26 | November 2021