Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2013
Texas Longhorn Trails (817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: trails@tlbaa.org www.tlbaa.org
Staff Editor in Chief:
Laura Standley • VOL. 25 NO. 5
Ext. 105
laura@tlbaa.org • trailseditor@tlbaa.org
Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Ed Ambrose (972) 948-1378 • ed@tlbaa.org
Ashley Loos (217) 653-8403 • ashley@tlbaa.org
Phil Norwood (713) 294-0139 • phil@tlbaa.org
Graphic Design & Production:
Myra Basham • Ext. 108 myra@tlbaa.org • artdirector@tlbaa.org
Feature Article:
Shows & Sales:
Past President W.D.“Bill” Clark By Henry King ..................................34-36
Canadian National LH Show ..................32 Fey Longhorn Sale & Social....................37 2013 Autobahnanza............................40-42 Winchester Futurity of the North......44-45 Trail of Tears Futurity ..............................60
Articles: A Closer Look At The Magnificent 7Measles 2849 By Craig Perez ..................................16-17 50th Anniversary Logo Contest Winner 33 Events Update By Scotty O’Bryan ..................................38 Fort Worth Herd Steer Update By Henry King ..................................46-47 Texas Longhorn Trails Staff Additions ..49 Pregnancy Check With A Blood Test By Heather Smith Thomas ..................50-51 Texas Longhorn Trails Survey Results ..53 Sunrise Ranch Showmanship Camp By Robert Schnuriger ..............................56 Clostridial Diseases In Cattle By Heather Smith Thomas ..................58-59 TLBAA Affiliate Update........................61 Nebraska TLBT ....................................68
Departments: Officers & Directors..............................6 Moment In TLBAA History ..................10 CEO Letter ..........................................28 Memoriams..........................................30 TLBT Update ......................................43 TLBAA Board Spotlight..................48, 49 Affiliate News ................................54-55 News On The Trail ..............................57 Herd Management ..............................62 Breeder Spotlight ................................68 In The Pen ..........................................68 Movers & Shakers ........................70-71 Save the Date ......................................72 Ad Index ............................................75 Just For Grins ....................................75
Graphic Artist/Multimedia Design:
Anna Hendry • Ext. 109 • web@tlbaa.org Regional Correspondents Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee Bonnie Damrow • Roca, Nebraska Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma
Office Staff President/CEO: Mike Coston • Ext. 102 mike@tlbaa.org
Show & Sales: Scotty O’Bryan • Ext. 104 scotty@tlbaa.org • salesandevents@tlbaa.org
Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107 rick@tlbaa.org • registrar@tlbaa.org
Accounting: Donna Shimanek • Ext. 121 donna@tlbaa.org
Receptionist/Adminstrative Assistant:
Cynthia Guerra •
Ext. 100 cynthia@tlbaa.org
The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $60 per year; foreign per year $75. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
“We reach every TLBAA member”
About the Cover: Fall is in the air. Photo submitted by Brian and Misty Reich of Dallas,Texas.
Deadline: October 2013 deadline is August 22nd. Printed in the USA
Texas Longhorn Trails
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
17 13
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Chairman of the Board: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493
Secretary: Robert Richey • (325) 942-1198
Executive Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (620) 257-5247
Treasurer: John Parmley • (281) 541-1201
1st Vice Chairman: David Roberts • (573) 406-9869
Director: Tom Smith • (616) 293-0977
2nd Vice Chairman: L.D. McIntyre • (308) 750-8384
Director: Bernard Lankford • (817) 341-2013
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Mark Hubbell
(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
Lana Hightower
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
DIVISION C ~ REGIONS 13-18 At-Large Director
(903) 681-1093 glcattleco@aol.com
(620) 704-3493 chairman@tlbaa.org
Todd McKnight At-Large Director
Ken Morris
(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@earthlink.net
John Parmley
(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com
(573) 406-9868 info@robertslonghorns.com
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com
Region 13 - Director
Jeff Jespersen
Region 2 - Director
David Roberts
Donnie Taylor
(936) 414-1401 longhorn4t@msn.com
(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com
Region 8 - Director
Region 14 - Director
L.D. McIntyre
Nelson Hearn
(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com
Bernard Lankford
(817) 341-2013 MoriahFarmsBL@aol.com
(620) 257-5247 jl.rombeck@outlook.com
Region 3 - Director
Region 9 - Director
Region 15 Director
(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com
Tom Smith
Region 4 - Director
Jim Rombeck
Robert Richey
(325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com
(979) 906-0043 cperz1@hotmail.com
Region 10 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Craig Perez
Scott Hughes
(828) 287-4257 shughes@partonlumber.com
Gary Bowdoin
(254) 640-0844 Tonkawacattleco@aol.com
(435) 275-2112 ddlonghorns@hotmail.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Region 17 - Director
Doug Hunt
Nancy Dunn
(334) 318-0887 nancydunn2010@windstream.net
Larry Smith
(281) 935-2811 texasslonghorns@aol.com
(208) 860-7430 terry@fuhrimanins.com
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com
(210) 827-3940 stevenzunker@msn.com
Region 18 - Director
Kathy Kittler
BILL ANTHONY* 1981-1982
GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995
DR. L.V. BAKER 1982-1984
TIM MILLER* 1995-1998
DR. W.D. “BILL” CLARK 1984-1986
BOB MOORE* 2003-2005
JOHN T. BAKER 1988-1990
JOEL LEMLEY 2006-2007
J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 WALTER B. SCOTT* 1971-1973 JAMES WARREN* 1973-1975 J.W. ISAACS* 1975-1977
Steven Zunker
JOHN R. BALL 1979-1980
WALTER G. RIEDEL, JR.* 1967-1969
J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978
Terry Fuhriman
(408) 834-0110 rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Ray Beadle
Chairman: Dr. Bob Kropp
Dr. Harlan Ritchie
Dr. Bill Able
Marshall Ruble
Dr. Charles McPeake
Dr. Scott Schaake
Dr. Randall Grooms - TAES
Oklahoma State University
Michigan State University
Northwestern Oklahoma University
Iowa State University
University of Georgia
Kansas State University
Texas A&M University
Texas Longhorn Trails
M Arrow Red Melva’s Heifer at 3 months Rip Saw x a good RED RANGER daughter
ZD Kelly Victoria’s Heifer at 1 month Rip Saw x a good ZD Kelly daughter
RC Jade’s Bull Calf - Herd Sire Prospect Rip Saw x a good Grand Slam daughter
RIP SAW IS 81-1/2” TTT + and owned in partnership with Donnie & Marilyn Taylor
SH FOREVER CRYSTAL AT 11 MONTHS Rip Saw Heifer out of a good 585 River Rock daughter
RIP SAW - SITTIN BULL X JIG SAW dob 2/30/2008 81-1/2” TTT on 4/29/13
SH Hot Rip Shy, SH Rock Crystal Candy and BN T Swift - all coming two yr. olds.
SAND HILLS RANCH (Dora Thompson) echoofambush@aol.com
Mansfield, LA 318-872-6329 www.sandhillsranch.com
Give your breeding program Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 e-mail: rlbeadle@longfibre.com
Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940 www.boxzranch.com
Buckhorn Cattle Company - Buck & Sharon Adams 110 N. Broad, Guthrie, OK 73044 www.buckhorncattle.com (405) 260-1942 • (405) 282-9800
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail: ketyfolsom@aol.com
PJ’s Cattle Company – Jim Swigert or Lance Swigert 2130 CR 100, Caldwell, TX 77836 Jim: (979) 224-2861 or Lance (979) 219-4902 e-mail: jim@swicoauctions.com or lance@swicoauctions.com www.pjslonghorns.com
MCA Ranch – Andrew & Carina Menzies 2518 Fitzhugh Road, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (512) 739-6808 tc@newbellhurst.com
McLeod Ranch – Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns
P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com • e-mail: bpotts1@verizon.net
Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
a boost with Butler genetics! DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail: dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail: ancop5@me.com
Kent & Sandy Harrell
15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 www.harrellranch.com • e-mail: Kent@harrellranch.com
MCA Ranch – Andrew & Carina Menzies 2518 Fitzhugh Road, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (512) 739-6808 tc@newbellhurst.com
Moriah Farms - Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX (817) 341-4677 • (817) 319-9198 cell www.moriahfarmslonghorns.com
Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 790-6565 e-mail: dayamisrockingranch@yahoo.com
Rockin I Longhorns - Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 • e-mail: tmangold@sbcglobal.net www.rockinilonghorns.com
Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595 www.sidewindercattleco.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail: r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
This space is available for your ranch listing!
A Moment in TLBAA History We are often asked about the magnificent “Texas Gold” statue that resides on TLBAA property at the corner of North Main and Stockyards Boulevard. Take a step back with us and discover how it all came to be.
Texas Gold Has Arrived Excerpted from January 1985 Trails Magazine “Texas Gold,” the nation’s largest cast bronze, was set on its foundation at the future home of the TLBAA Wednesday, Dec.5, 1984. It was offically unveiled at ceremonies Saturday, Dec. 8. Texas Longhorn Breeder and sculptor of the bronze, T. D. Kelsey of Kiowa, Colo., was relaxed “and glad the monument was finally at its permanent home after five years of work. Standing 11 feet tall, 13 feet wide and weighing seven tons, Texas Gold is seven Longhorns and a mounted cowboy struggling to keep the cattle in line. It shows the Longhorn of the cattle drive, cattle that lived on only what they found while being driven up the trail. Each of the seven Longhorns carries the brand of one of the seven founding family ranches of the Texas Longhorn “Texas Gold” freshly installed on the TLBAA property. breed.
“Texas Gold” A Memorial to the Texas Longhorn Reprinted from June 1993 Trails Magazine Planning your first trip to Fort Worth for the 1993 Texas Longhorn Exposition? Don’t miss the “Texas Gold” monument — the bronze that lends its name to the annual Texas Gold Heifer Futurity. This magnificent work of art is the focal point of the two-acre TLBAA property at the corner of North Main and Stockyards Boulevard. A gift of artist and rancher T.D. Kelsey, and his wife, Sidni, to the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, “Texas Gold” is one of the largest cast bronze statues in the world. Seven Texas Longhorn Steers and an outrider stretch across a base that measures 29 feet by 13.8 feet.
Kelsey at work in his studio.
Though roughly one-third larger than lifesize, each figure remains anatomically correct and true to scale. Eleven feet tall, the bronze weighs seven tons. The cattle represent the seven “families” of Texas Longhorns: Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge (WR), Yates, Phillips, Marks, Butler, Wright, and Peeler. Each steer has a heart, just as the cattle themselves did. Thirty-five studies 1/9 life-size, and seven 1/3 life-size studies, served as models for the monument. It took Kelsey four months to build just the armature for the 10-foot study, which required 20 hours for the patina process alone. The study took up
over a ton of clay to sculpt. For the final work, Kelsey built a track on which the armature could be moved out of the building, affording him the ability to stand back from a distance of two to three blocks to view the work in progress. The work took 18,000 pounds of clay to create. Because of its size and complexity, the bronze was cast in 900 pieces in Loveland, CO, and later welded together. Following three months of sculpting and another six months to mold and cast, the “Texas Gold” was dedicated on December 8, 1984. It was declared Terry Kelsey Day in Tarrant County, and Kelsey was made an honorary citizen of the State of Texas. Joining Terry and Sidni in the unveiling ceremonies that day were Texas Longhorn Breeders TLBAA President Dr. Bill Clark; Cliff Teinert, the “Cowboy Prayer” and Dan W. Coates. They were joined by countryand-western star Larry Gaitlin, Fort Worth Mayor Bob Bolen, Tarrant County Judge Mike Moncrief (now a Texas state Senator) and other civic and business leaders from Fort Worth. The ceremony included a parade that featured turn-of-the-century calliope, the horse- and Longhorn drawn vehicle, a marching band, rodeo clowns, gunfighters, representatives from several ethnic organizations which helped shape Fort Worth’s early history and a marching band from nearby North Side High School.
continued on p. 52 Texas Longhorn Trails
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By Craig Perez Growing up, I can remember my mother would come home and the first thing she would say is, “homework”! No doubt this would have lasting impact in my life, as doing my homework would pay off in many ways. Some would say to a fault. However, in the Longhorn business doing homework has paid big dividends. Not just for me, but for generations of breeders throughout time. If ever there was a cow that prospered from someone doing their homework it was MEASLES 2849. Her story begins STATS: where virtually all modern day Registered Texas Longhorns began. Sire: WR 2161 Life on the “Wichita Wildlife Refuge” in Oklahoma was a good one. The first home Dam: WR 2495 of Registered Texas Longhorns would be the DOB: 3/1/1971 ~ birthplace of one of the most famous cows this industry has ever known. A phrase easily DIED AROUND 1987 (Texas Ranger JP x Measles 2849) DOB: said by many to describe well known and 3/31/1975 would create several legendary TLBAA # C3947 well promoted Longhorns. In some cases progeny such as Bail Jumper (541 progeny), what makes a cow famous is the pedigree. Emperor (809 progeny), and Impressive OFFICIAL MAGNIFICENT 7 HORN Measles 2849 has a pedigree that no one MEASUREMENT: 55 3/8” TIP TO TIP (655 progeny). Of the 31 Ranger’s Measles would know. She is straight WR (one of the progeny many would create lasting influoriginal 7 families). Cows can be famous for BREEDER: WICHITA MTS. ence leading directly back to Measles 2849. having the longest horns. At 55 3/8” tip to Growing in popularity and harder to find WILDLIFE REFUGE tip she did rank in the top five, but the ineach year, corkscrew horned genetics have dustry was still moving fast in the horn deLAST OWNER: BAR FLYING M CATTLE become a focus of concern that Registered partment at the time and fifth wouldn’t last Longhorn breeders have started rallying to COMPANY (JACK MONTGOMERY) long. Certainly owners can be credited for a protect. Many of the beautiful corkscrew tremendous amount of fame. Most people cows that we see today are 15 years old or can say they recognize the name Measles more. Many of them can be directly traced back to Measles 2849. 2849, but few could name more than one of her owners. What Dale Hunt once told me that if you wanted to create corkscrew makes Measles 2849 famous is her amazing production record. Did horns the best way to start is with Measles 2849. I studied his proshe create the longest horned cattle, the biggest, or the best show gram with enthusiasm. All the proof to back up his words was grazwinning Longhorns? Perhaps her influence was felt in those areing in his pasture. One of my favorite cows that Dale Hunt owned nas, but that isn’t what makes her famous. She had 23 registered at the time was SR Starlight (Dixie Creole x MS Bar M Superight) calves comprised of ten bulls and thirteen cows. A solid production DOB: 10/13/1996. Measles 2849 appears twice in her pedigree, record, but it is the quantity and quality of her production that creonce through Ranger’s Measles and the other through Measles’ ates the legacy of Measles 2849. Super Ranger. Today owned by Mountain Creek Longhorns, SR Measles’ Super Ranger (Texas Ranger JP x Measles 2849) DOB: Starlight is still in production and on display for visitors to see. 4/4/1979 still holds the record for the most progeny ever sired, with In a time when WR genetics had great popularity and corkscrew a current running total of 1152 progeny, the last being registered in horns were worth waiting for, it was Measles 2849 that produced 2011. Some of the most prolific bulls today are still only half way bulls to serve the industry. Through her sons Texas Measles (Texas to the record. Measles’ Super Ranger (aka: MSR) is still outmatched Ranger JP x Measles 2849) DOB: 3/31/1974 and Mr. Measles (Texas by his siblings for the spotlight. His full sister Ranger’s Measles Ranger JP x Measles 2849) DOB: 5/9/1978, corkscrew horns became
Empressafina 16
Mr. Measles
Emperor Texas Longhorn Trails
prolific and nearly common at the ranches that used them. The King Ranch would use Texas Measles so well that he would rival Ranger’s Ranch Hand and Superior as a prominent corkscrew producer. L.V. Baker used Mr. Measles with such success that his progeny can be still found in the Baker pasture today. “The Magnificent Seven” article talks about Measles 2849 selling for $17,000, the highest price ever paid at public auction. The story is better than that! Jack Montgomery, Manny Moore, Mr. Mc-
SR Starlight 001
Ranger’s Measles Casland, and Johnnie Hoffman were all in attendance to buy her. Any one of them would have gladly paid $20,000 for lot #6. They had clearly done their homework, because Mr. McCasland, Manny Moore, and Jack Montgomery created a partnership to buy her no matter what it took. Fortunately for them, Johnnie Hoffman brought his wife to the sale that day. As history would show us, Johnnie would still come out a winner when he added Emperor to his herd and change the Longhorn industry forever! Emperor (Overwhelmer x Ranger’s Measles) DOB: 4/22/1988 is known today as one of the greatest historic bulls in the breed. The question Texas Measles that you may have started asking yourself as you think about “The Magnificent Seven”, is why didn’t they cross these genetics to create the next line of super cows? Asking those that knew these cows, bred these cows, bought these cows, and sold
these cows it is still unclear what that answer is. Every once in a while fate plays a role in history instead of good homework. Such is the case for Ken Johnson when he purchased a cow named Josefina’s Favorite (Priority Prince 282 x Y O Samson Josefina 706). He may not have known he was buying an own daughter from one of “The Magnificent Seven,”but what he would do next would really be an incredible twist of fate. Josefina’s Favorite would be bred to Emperor to produce a cow named Empressefina (Emperor x Josefina’s Favorite) DOB: 6/7/2003. Today, Empressefina lives at Brazos Bend Ranch owned by Cliff & Bonnie Thomson. They purchased her as a young heifer from Ken Johnson. Ken hadn’t planned on selling her, but the Thomson’s had done their homework and knew they wanted this Emperor daughter in their herd and paid $10,000 for this young heifer. That was the most Ken had ever received private treaty. Even though Ken Johnson no longer raises Registered Texas Longhorns, he still has remorse over selling her. As for the folks over at Brazos Bend Ranch, they count Empressefina as one of their best cows. The Wichita Refuge had the only Longhorn sale each year. Darol Dickinson would go and tour the herd to choose the top 10 cows and top 4 bulls. He wouldn’t buy them, instead he waited for the sale to start and he would buy any progeny that came directly from those Longhorns. At that time Elmer Parker ran the refuge. Known more for the color “Parker Brown” than his distaste for Longhorns, Elmer Parker was culling white out of the herd. Homework in hand, Darol Dickinson purchased the longest horned heifer in the sale for $170. Just a plain white heifer with red ears and jaw, she was out of one of the best cows at the refuge at the time. Over the years, Darol would purchase virtually every daughter out of WR 2495, but none would ever compare to Measles 2849. But wait, there’s more… While Jack Montgomery is shown as the last registered owner, H.C. Carter and Red McCombs would spend several years buying part ownership until just prior to the Montgomery Dispersal in 1985. She may have started out as a $170 heifer, but she would finish off as a near half million dollar legend of twist and production. Just goes to show, it pays to do your homework!
Measle’s Super Ranger September 2013
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Take a look the Horn Showcase Sale Catalog in this issue. You’re sure to find some genetics that would help move your program forward. September 2013
Texas Longhorn Trails
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September 2013
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Thank You 2013 TLBAA Horn Showcase Sponsors
This event would not be possible without the generous support of the constributors listed below. Join the list today and be a part of the original, official horn measuring event.
Who said that summertime was a slow time in the Longhorn business? Around here things are really buzzing, and our breeders seem to be busier than ever. We just wrapped up one of the most successful World Show events for the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America in a long time. More exhibitors, more vendors more cattle and an awesome display of free steers in one arena all at the same time. Great work World Show Committee! We have also been gearing up for the Horn Showcase in October, and the breeders are calling to get cattle in the event, wanting to advertise and help sponsor the BIG EVENT! This year’s Horn Showcase promises to be the best ever and thanks to the great work of the Horn Showcase Committee, this will be an event to top all Horn Showcase events ever, I mean ever. If you are not entering, sponsoring or just coming to watch, you are missing out. While all this is going on, we are busy helping the 50th Anniversary Committee plan out the big celebration in May to honor our 50 years in existence and again, this is one happening you will not want to miss! In addition, if you want to have a sneak peak at our new office and museum space that should be near completion, you will certainly want to come by and “stick your hands in the wet cement”. Whew, and we are just getting started. I hope you have noticed some very exciting changes in the Trails. Not only the look, but the design as well. More color, easier to read articles you have asked for, and for those advertising, a better way to reach those buyers out there and enhance placement in the magazine. We have a couple of new advertising executives selling advertising in the Trails department and looking for more. If you’re interested in a commission job, call us, we can help! Not finished yet, and we are still going. We just completed the budget process, and all the financials are in good shape. We are looking forward to a very prosperous year, and we are certainly on our way. The cattle business is good, and some of us out there have gotten a little rain this summer. The grass is greener and growing, and the office is in good shape with prospects for a bright future for the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America.
Mike Coston, President / CEO
Texas Longhorn Trails
IN MEMORIAM Walter Beakley Scott Walter Beakley Scott passed away peacefully at home in Goliad on July 9, 2013 after battling cancer. He was born on Oct. 14, 1931, in Charlotte, Atascosa County, TX to the late Walter and Josie Scott. He graduated as Valedictorian from Charlotte High School and attended Baylor University on scholarship where he received a double major in Geology and Spanish with minors in History and Radio. Walter married Mary Elizabeth Vaughan on July 6, 1960 and subsequently moved to Goliad where they have spent the better part of the past 53 years living on their ranch, the Copa de Vino. He practiced geology in Corpus Christi and Goliad for a period of time, but is better known for his love of Texas Longhorn cattle and Texas history. Walter became a Charter Member in 1965 as one of the original founders of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA). He was a two-time Past President for the TLBAA and was recognized in many circles as one of the country’s foremost subject
T.M. 'Smitty' Smith T. M. “Smitty” Smith, 83, died Saturday, July 20, 2013 in Fort Worth. Smitty was born July 29, 1929, on a ranch in Swenson to Charlie and Opal Smith. He was a graduate of Aspermont High School and earned a business degree from Draughons Junior College. In 1948, Smitty moved to Fort Worth to work for General Dynamics and compete in rodeos. After serving his country in the U.S. Army, he returned to Fort Worth in 1952 and he and Earnest McHood formed the M Bar S Ranch Rodeo Company, which expanded into all phases of rodeo competition and production. Smitty continued to compete in roping and steer wrestling events until he retired in
matter experts on the history and genetics of the Texas Longhorn breed. In addition to having several papers published including “The Texas Longhorn’s Role in Today’s Beef Industry”, Walter and the Copa de Vino Ranch were featured as cover stories for several cattle industry periodicals and most notably the very first front and back cover page story for “The Smithsonian” and “Texas Highways”. He served as a guest professor at the 1975 International Stockmen’s School sponsored by the Agriservices Foundation. He was elected as a Director in the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) in 1977 and was elevated to Honorary Director in 2002. In 1999, he was a member of the committee for the commemoration of 250 years of ranching in Goliad County. Walter was known for
entertaining folks with his guitar and the singing of old country and western music and Mexican ballads as he was fluent in reading, writing and speaking the Spanish language. Walter was also a director of the Goliad County Chamber of Commerce, a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, a Mason, and member of the Sons of the Republic of Texas. He is survived by his loving wife Mary Elizabeth; children, Michael and Lee Scott of Houston; Richard and Vicky Scott of Allen; Eric and Carol Scott of Goliad; Anthony Scott of Tomball; Stephanie and Ted Rodriguez of San Antonio; and grandchildren, Morgan; Stephen; Hillary; Tyler; John; Warren; Daniel; Audrey; Conner; Brady; Maddie; Brandon; and Marshall. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by brothers Gary Scott and Randall Scott and one grandchild, Andrew Carlisle Scott.
1978 at the age of 48. He was inducted into the Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame in Belton in 2004. After selling the rodeo company, he began raising Re g i s t e r e d Te x a s Longhorn cattle and in 1988 had the Grand Champion at the first World Show in Fort Worth. He served as president of the North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association and was a member of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, the Cowboy Gathering Association and other groups. He retired from General Dynamics in 1990 after more than 41 years. Smitty was also an avid pilot and a mem-
ber of the Civil Air Patrol. Survivors include his wife of 18 years, Jean Smith of Boyd; three sons, Charles Huston and wife Janet of Fort Worth, Terry Huston and wife Susan of Fort Worth, Don Brown and wife Shannon of Sonora; sister Doris Dillard and husband Elmer Dillard of Buffalo Gap; six grandchildren: Eric Huston, Jessica Corley, Cristen Martin, Jordan Huston, Collin Brown, and Carly Brown; and seven great-grandchildren. Smitty was preceded in death by his first wife of 22 years, Patsy Smith, his parents, his sister Camilla “Lady” Pittcock of Aspermont, and brother W.L.”Dub” Smith of Aspermont. Memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church of Boyd, 140 N. FM 730, P.O. Box 336 Boyd, TX 76023 or the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, P. O Box 4430, Fort Worth, TX 76164.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Promote your Program with the New TLBAA Lean Beef Brochures featuring: ★ Detailed nutrition information presented in an easy-to-understand format. ★ Cooking Tips ★ Attention-getting graphics Brochures available for 25¢ each plus shipping. Contact the TLBAA office today (817) 625-6241 to order this great marketing tool. September 2013
CANADIAN NATIONAL LONGHORN SHOW Submitted by Deb Lesyk/ Photos by Charlene Musgrove
left to right: Long time TLBAA member Lenard Boyd, Stony Plain, Alberta and new breeder (first show) Gus Joyes, Athabasca, Alberta
Results of the Canadian National Show: Grand Champion Female: SC Casanova Breeze-Cliff and Melloddee Begg-Sun Creek Ranches-Buck Lake, Alberta Reserve Grand Champion Female: RR Tang Tang- Mark and Tina Stewart-MSW Farms-Ponoka, Alberta Grand Champion Bull: SC Bounty-Cliff and Melloddee Begg-Sun Creek Ranches-Buck Lake, Alberta Reserve Champion Bull: Stony 13-Deb Lesyk and Dwight Overlid-Double D Arena-Outlook, Saskatchewan Grand Champion Steer: Blade- Mark and Tina Stewart-MSW Farms-Ponoka, Alberta Reserve Champion Steer: Grand Action-Jeff Jespersen-Meridian Longhorns-Stony Plain, Alberta The day was hot and humid at Red Deer, Alberta as breeders gathered at Westerner Days for the Canadian National Longhorn Show, July 20th. There were 50 entries from 7 breeders that were presented non-haltered, to the judge, Justin Rombeck from Home, Kansas. On the night prior to the show Mr. Rombeck presented a horn measurement clinic and his session "Longhorn 101" looking at favorable characteristics to maintain in our herds. As a satellite horn measuring event will be held for the first time in Ponoka, Alberta in October, breeders were anxious to learn and to practice horn measuring. The exhibitors would like to thank Mark and Tina Stewart for doing a great job sharing the barn boss duties. Also a huge thank you to all our sponsors and banner sponsors as the Grand Champions each received $750 cash, banner and belt buckle and the Reserve Grand Champions, $375 cash, banner and trophy jacket. New breeder, Gus Joyes from Athabasca, Alberta got the showmanship classes restarted this year and is working to encourage the breeders to get their kids and grand kids involved in show- Grand Champion Female- SC Casanova Breeze, Cliff Begg, Buck Lake, Alberta ing. Long time TLBAA members Len and Doris Boyd from Stony Plain, Alberta were able to attend the show and be part of the after show celebration. The exhibitors said farewell to the beautiful trophy steer "Blade" who has been sold, and will be retired from competition, he has served well as a public relations steer for the show in Red Deer. It was a great weekend, and plans have already started for planning the 2014 National Show. Horn measuring demonstration
Grand Champion Steer-Blade, Mark & Tina Stewart
Gordon Musgrove presenting banner to Tina Stewart and children Jennilee, Eric and Owen
Reserve Grand Champion Bull-Stony 13 to Deb Lesyk & Dwight Overlid, Harry Folkert of Lacombe, Alberta presents the award.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Announcing the TLBAA 50th Anniversary Logo Contest Winner
Lonnie Shan, Thorndale, TX, was voted the winner by the TLBAA members out of 17 logo submissions. Congratulations to Lonnie and we appreciate all the awesome ideas which were submitted. Watch for your October Trails which will feature a story about the winning artist.
September 2013
By Henry King
Past-President W. D. “Bill” Clark When Dr. Bill Clark acted on his interest in Texas Longhorn cattle, the TLBAA in the 1970s was a relatively young organization. Organized in 1964 at the instigation of Charlie Schreiner III of the YO Ranch, most of the founders were still active participants in the registry and its activities. Meetings, conventions and auctions were as much social functions as they were business gatherings, and most of the members enthusiastically attended. “I was so glad I joined the association when I did,” said Clark, “because most of the old-timers were alive and kicking. The only past president I didn’t know was Walter Riedel. I knew Jack Phillips and Walter Scott and James Warren and J.W. Isaacs and Happy Shahan, John Ball, Bill Anthony, L.V. Baker, Richard Carlson, John T. Baker, Riemer Calhoun – I knew all those guys and thought a lot of all of them, actually. I think Jim Warren was the
president at the time I first started. I was just glad to be associated with them over the years.” Dr. Clark bought his first Texas Longhorns from Walter Scott, Goliad, Texas. “I had a good time visiting with him, buying some cattle from him and learning from him about Longhorns. Walter had a lot of Peeler cattle – that’s an old line, and I wanted that bloodline.” Graves Peeler, Christine, Texas, recorded the wineglass (Copa de Vino) brand in 1943 in Atascosa County. A Texas lawman and longtime TSCRA Inspector (1920-1930), Peeler left the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association to manage the Nash Ranch in 1930. He worked there 14 years, turning a bankrupt ranch into a profitable operation, and then moved to his own ranch in McMullen County in 1944. During all those years, he had been instrumental in locating Longhorn cattle for the Wildlife Refuge and the Texas State Herd; his selections also had
Walter Scott and Dr. Bill Clark branding the first Longhorns Clark purchased from Scott, 1973.
Texas Longhorn Trails
impact on the Jack Phillips, Cap Yates, King Ranch and YO Ranch herds in addition to his own. In 1970, at the age of 84, he impulsively decided to sell his cattle to Walter Scott and Jack Phillips. Scott later bought out Phillips and also wound up with the famous wineglass brand. “What I liked about the Longhorn business,” observed Dr. Clark, “was the people who were in it – I’ve always loved those people, and they were just kind of a family, actually. That’s why I’m having such a hard time realizing that Walter Scott passed away. As a matter of fact, I had planned to go see him this summer. I wish now that I had gone earlier.”
Early Years Although the young Bill Clark grew up on the farm where he was born near Guthrie, Oklahoma, his work and education led him far from agricultural pursuits. “I grew up on a farm there in Guthrie during the war years (World War II); then right at the end of the war years we moved to town. My dad was a postman and he finally became Superintendent of Mails there in Guthrie. I got married and moved away in about 1953-1954.” Clark, sales manager Bill married Shirley Reid while both were still in high school. Upon graduaLonghorn Sale. tion, he went to work as a roughneck on oilfield drilling rigs owned by Kerr-McGee Oil Company, moving to various locations in West Texas and New Mexico as one well would be completed and another would start. The young couple followed the rigs in West Texas for two years, and then returned to Oklahoma, where Bill began his college education at Central Oklahoma State University at Edmond, Oklahoma. “Our first boy was born while I was in the oilfields in Brownfield, Texas in 1955; our other boy wasn’t born until 1960, and I was just about out of college by that time.” “When I was going to school at Central State, we lived in Oklahoma City. For the first two years I was in college, I roughnecked – I would go to work at eleven at night, working the morning tower. Then after that, the oilfield kind of shut down, so I went to work for an oilfield supply company in Oklahoma City for another couple of years while I was going to school. So I was kind of attached to the oil business all that time. Even though I wasn’t roughnecking, I was working in the oilfield supply there. We would deliver rotary hoses and that kind of thing to the rigs, but I never went back to work on a rig.” Clark earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Education at Central Oklahoma State University in 1962. He got his M.A. in Mathematics in 1964 at the University of Texas at Austin, followed by his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1968, also at the University of Texas. “All my life I have been pretty good at mathematics – in high school and in college, too, so I thought I’ll just go ahead and see September 2013
what I can do with it. I would continue my education until I would get to my limit, and I finally got my Ph.D. there at the University of Texas. That was the epitome at the time, and I was lucky to get it.”
University Years After getting his doctorate, Clark went to work for Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, where he is a full professor and graduate coordinator in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. As the SFASU website states, “Mathematics is perhaps the most intellectually challenging and practical major you can choose. Some major in math for the enjoyment and beauty of the subject. Others major in math for its practicality and applicability to the sciences, engineering, finance, and even the social sciences. Mathematics develops rigorous analytical thinking skills that are prized in all fields of human endeavor.” Dr. Clark maintains a busy five-day schedule at the University. “I teach classes all day Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 4; the rest of the days I do all my other work. As graduate coordinator, I have to take care of all the graduate students with the graduate asof the 1983 Nagadoches sistant that we have, so that takes a good deal of my time during the week.” Over the years, Dr. Clark has earned a number of academic awards, including his selection as Distinguished Professor, “…and then about six years ago,” he said, “I was selected as the Outstanding Math Teacher for all the Universities in the state of Texas.” In spite of his busy schedule, Dr. Clark has found the time, along with Sandra Luna McCune, Ph.D., to co-author six books related to mathematics, one of which, “Practice Makes Perfect Calculus,” has sold over a million copies. “It’s mostly an academic market, and most of the markets are not that huge. We wrote some books for kids in high school, then we wrote some for kids in middle school and some for the kids in the university, both graduate and under-graduate. It kind of stretches the whole spectrum of mathematics, from grade school all the way up to the university.”
Somber Years Dr. Clark served as TLBAA President 1984-1986. “I was pretty active for about five years after I was president,” he said, “then I got diagnosed with a rare malady that attacked the bones in my spine and it caused my vertebrae to begin to compress. Over the next four or five years, into the 90’s, all of them compressed and I lost about four inches in height. I was unable to walk for a period of time, and that kind of nixed my working with the cattle.”
BREEDER PROFILE “The spinal condition was treated with medication that blocked the cells that were creating the problem. And after all those vertebrae compressed, there wasn’t any surgery that needed to be done, because there wasn’t anything broken – they were “When I first started, the office was in San Antonio, then, I just compressed. They solidified at that stage, and since about think, about the time Bill Anthony was president, they moved 2000, I haven’t had any problem whatsoever. I wasn’t able to the office to Fort Worth. There was a lot of controversy at that walk or even get out of bed for a long time about moving the office; a lot of time, and it was very, very painful.” South Texas people didn’t want it “It took me a while to get over that, moved. But anyhow, the Board decided and I had to walk with a cane for a long to move it to Fort Worth. It is a pretty time. Back in the year 2000 I finally was central place, actually, to get into and out back to sort of normal – I could walk and of. If you’ve got a board meeting or do everything I wanted to do except I something there, flying in and out of, it could hardly work any cattle. My son took is a little bit cheaper than going in and care of what I had until they all kind of out of San Antonio.” died off of natural attrition, but some “I haven’t spent much time in Fort steers now is all I have.” Worth since I was president. I was presi“I’ve got three young steers right now, dent when we moved T.D. Kelsey’s Longand I got them from Dr. L.V. Baker, Elk horn statue in. We talked about building City, Oklahoma, about two years ago. I our office there in the stockyards when I can’t really keep a breeding herd any was president, but we ran into some more, but I still want some of those cattle problems. It would sure be nice if they around me. My son keeps them on his Then TLBAA President Bill Clark and wife get the building there.” place, and I go feed them cubes and spoil Shirley at the unveiling of the Texas Gold “I thought the bronze that Terry did them. They’re pasture ornaments and too statue. Shirley was very active in the TLBAA. was a major accomplishment. It was reyoung to be trophy steers, but Dr. Baker ally fun to talk to Terry about that. I has some good bloodlines and they’ve got pretty good horns on asked him ‘what if we have to move it?’ and he said ‘Ah, that’s no them already.” problem… I’ll just cut it right in two and move it right where we “I have two boys – Doug, the oldest one, lives here in Nacogneed it.’ You know, that thing is huge. It was fun to watch it come doches and the other one, Darryl, lives in Pueblo West, Colorado. in – we had a good time.” I’ve got two grandchildren in Georgia and three great-grandchil“One other thing I thought was good was when we made the dren in Georgia and one in Maryland, so they are a long ways Foundation. It is separate from the association as a non-profit; from home for me.” that has survived to this day and I am glad of it. I believe that Although his health and mobility were restored, his life was was started during Dr. Baker’s term, and it came to fruition eidealt another devastating blow with the death of his wife, Shirley. ther just before or just after I beThey had been married 54 years when she died in 2008 followcame president. I was his ing a short but courageous battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s) disvice-president at the time, and we ease. talked a lot about it.” Shirley was a Realtor for 32 years and loved selling houses. “I really hated when the Wichita She was selected several times as the favorite Realtor in NacogWildlife Refuge quit keeping doches, not only by her peers but also by a vote of local citizens. records on the Longhorns. I really She loved to be involved in all facets of life in Nacogdoches by athated for that to happen. That was a tending police academy classes, city commission meetings, helpbad decision – it really was. I went ing groups organize and volunteering. and bought a copy of their micro“My wife died about five years ago,” Clark said, “and I tell film of all their records when they you that changes your perspective on everything. I didn’t want to did that. I still have it – I didn’t do anything for a while. But lately I’ve been getting back, going want that to be lost.” to some of the meetings at Ark-La-Tex, and I went to Austin the “I don’t really know many peoother day when they had the celebration for the Longhorn; I went ple in the association anymore bedown for that.” cause I haven’t been attending “My wife was very active in the TLBAA – she loved the Longanything. I’m going to correct that Clark was chosen as the horns and she loved the people. I think she loved the people – kind of get back in gear, just going 2012 Alumni Association more than she did the Longhorns!” and looking; meeting people and “She just loved to be with them and developed many, many talking to them. But I still have a Distinguished Professor friends over the years, all over the United States. That’s what I love for the Longhorn and I am a at Stephen F. Austin State University. think is great about it – you get to meet people from all walks of life member of the association.” life from all over the United States and into Canada.”
Longhorn Years
Texas Longhorn Trails
2013 LONGHORN RANCH SALE & SOCIAL, YAMHILL - OREGON (Sale report and pictures submitted by Daniel Fey)
Highlights Average Top 5 lots: $2,320 Sale Average: $1,280 A total of 30 lots of cattle and 2 semen lots were sold.
About 100 people from Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Texas and British Columbia attended the 2013 Longhorn Ranch Sale and Social on June 8th at the Fey Ranch in Yamhill, Oregon. A sincere thank you to all consignors, sale attendees and buyers for their support. Next Ranch Sale and Social will be on June 7th, 2014. OTHER HIGH SELLING COWS: $2,000 – D/O LACEY 41 - Consigned by Warren & Cathy Dorathy, Sanger, CA. Purchased by Nick Noyes, Fruitland, ID.
Consigned by Daniel & Angelina Fey, Yamhill, OR. Purchased by Rod & Kelley Olsen, Roosevelt, UT.
$1,850 – FL SNOWFLAKE - Consigned by Daniel & Angelina Fey, Yamhill, OR . Purchased by Tom & Molly St. Hilaire, Yamhill, OR.
OTHER BUYERS WERE: Riley & Chrystal Brown, Neola, UT Travis Watson, Hillsboro, OR Daniel & Angelina Fey, Yamhill, OR Jay Fivecoat, Timber, OR Alexandra Dees, Harper, OR Van Dorathy, Plains, MT Mark & Renee Scott, Burns, OR Justin Risenmay, Redmond, OR Peter Rosenast, Corvallis, OR
Mike & Heather Vincent, Snoqualmie, WA
Dan Orton, American Fork, UT
(2009 daughter of Gun Smoke x St. Lillian)
Greg Franks, Bridgeport, TX
Consignor: Tom & Molly St. Hilaire, Yamhill, OR Buyer: Warren & Cathy Dorathy, Sanger, CA
Bob Larson, Tillamook, OR
GRAN TORINO (2011 son of Fey’s Rio Casino x FL Snowflake)
Consignor: Daniel & Angelina Fey, Yamhill, OR Buyer: Rod & Kelley Olsen, Roosevelt, UT
Sale Hosts: Angelina & Daniel Fey September 2013
Sale cattle under the barn Friday night dinner hosted at the Fey residence.
Ranch tour
events update
The 2013 TLBAA Horn Showcase is taking off and will be here soon! Inserted in this month’s issue of your award winning Trails magazine is the sale catalog for this magnificent event. There are 91 lots of quality, and the word quality packs with a punch. Your sale chair Dawn Divinia certainly deserves a pat on the back for her efforts to put together a sale you won’t want to miss on Saturday, October 12th. At a glance, I’ve counted over twenty 70” plus females, with several in the mid to high sixties. There are also 17 heifers that are full of promise with genetics and color to boot. This year’s TLBAA Horn Showcase will be the “Don’t Miss” event on your calendar. At this event, you will be able to view in person the top animals of the industry. You’ll be able to browse through a large collection of twisty horn cows, miniatures, the 2nd Annual Bull Alley and connect with breeders from all over the country. Then bring your note taking pads!! There will be seminars for all breeders large and small to attend. There is nothing greater, or more healthy for the industry, than breeders from all around gathering together to celebrate this magnificent breed. I know I am excited to see everyone participating and having a good time. Aside from working on the 13th Annual TLBAA Horn Showcase event, we have been doing the ground work for the 27th Annual TLBAA World Show to be held next summer. There are some changes coming to the event. In June, the TLBAA and Autobahn held their events in neighboring arenas at the Will Rogers Facility. After the events concluded, both organizations went separately to re-book the venues for the next year. The TLBAA’s arena (the John Justin) was already booked next year by a much larger horse event. What was offered was the first week in August or a weekend in mid-May. According to our handbook, the World Show is to be held in Fort Worth. So we began the home work of facilities in the Fort Worth area that were well ventilated and watered, as well as providing adequate wash racks for the show animals. The decision as far as location needed to be decided on before the show circuit began, as according to the TLBAA handbook. After doing the research, it was decided the TLBAA would take the August dates available. The 2014 TLBAA World Show will be held August 6-9th. Of course, as with anything, change brings obstacles to work out things that have always been the same. But change also brings many opportunities. This will provide an opportunity for a longer show season this year, allowing the affiliate shows to extend into June and allowing chances for the younger classes of calves to qualify for World! This positive also brings a chance for families who are crunched for time and finances to be able to participate both in World Show and the Autobahn. Despite change, World Show will still be World Show for those who attend. This event has going on with 27 years of memories and traditions that stand stronger than a date change, and I am excited to experience another great year of this event with you as we work together to embrace the changes. In closing, I’ll share this little story with you. My dad and a man by the name of Harlan Walker once made the trek from South Dakota to Texas to attend one of Eddie Wood’s sales. Eddie raised Catahoula dogs, and at this sale he happened to have some puppies available. One pup, the two guys thought needed to come back to South Dakota. To avoid a puppy mess in the truck, they closed off the front compartment in the trailer and put her in there to ride home with the cows. Their next gas stop they looked to check on her. She had gotten in the back and due to her instincts had the cows bluffed so bad they all were packed in the back corner of the trailer leaving this 9 week old pup all the room in the stock trailer for the ride. Lesson learned? If you want to lead the pack (or herd), you can not stay in your safety compartment for comfort. You’ve got to step into the rest of the trailer, take charge and be heard. It’s not an easy task to be a leader, but it won’t be accomplished hanging out where you feel safe. Until next time,
(Top to bottom): John Marshall, TLBAA CEO Mike Coston & Bubba Bollier; Kyle Mayden, Carla Payne & Denise Webster; Betty Baker, Scotty O’Bryan, Glen Smith
Texas Longhorn Trails
Grand Champion Female SDR Sunrise Superstitious, exhibitor Barclay Brunson
Grand Champion Bull Sanddollar Boomstick, exhibitor Jordan Culpepper
Grand Champion Steer DDM Joker’s Wild, exhibitor Julia Faske
he 2013 Autobahnanza was held June 12-16, 2013 at Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. The Autobahnanza had 250 participants and 469 entries. John Chase, owner of the Autobahn Motorcar Group, and his wife Diann committed $350,000 in scholarships for the Show. Wednesday was arrival and check in day for the show. After unloading cattle, tack and feed at their assigned stalls, the exhibitors took care of weighing their entries and the check in process. By the time Rodney and Patti Mahaffey had 100 pizzas delivered for the party, everyone was ready to take a break and enjoy the cool air of the Watt Arena. Although weary from a full day of activity, the exhibitors were full of excitement anticipating the events on tap for the Autobahnanza. Thursday was dedicated to participation in the Extemporaneous Essay Contest, Short Course Quiz, Livestock Judging Contest, judging of the Art Contest and the Relay Race. Although the exhibitors wrote their essays, answered the quiz questions and judged the four classes of Texas Longhorns on Thursday, the results for these three extra events would not be announced until the Awards presentation on Saturday. Lee Tisdale, Bowie, TX, judged the entries from 125 exhibitors in the Art contest. Although the Best in Show would be announced at the Saturday’s Awards presentation, first, second and third place in each of the four age divisions were awarded ribbons. Judge Tisdale was amazed at the number of pieces entered and the creativity demonstrated by the young artists. After several hours of consideration, Tisdale selected the following first place division winners: Junior division, Jackson Grace; Intermediate division, John Moran; Teen division, Julia Tomkies; Senior division, Emily Rodriguez. The new event at this year’s Autobahnanza was the Relay Race. Participants were assigned to one of 38 teams of five and the top ten teams with the fastest time won $2,000 in scholarship money. There were 4 different stations in the race. After a team member had a go on the mechanical bull (the time on the mechanical bull was deducted from the teams total time with a full 8 second ride receiving a two second bonus), the time started as the next participant hurried to the goat milking station. After getting enough milk in the container to pour out, the next member straddled the pony hop and hopped their way to the final two team members waiting to run the three legged sack race to the finish line. Needless to say, everyone in attendance was encouraging the teams and the kids had a fun and exciting time. There was a tie for 1st place. The two teams with the fastest time of 25.53 seconds were team 23 (Cheyenne Nikodym, Joseph Faske, Emilea Lopez, Wesley Meadows, Lindsey Parrish) and team 33 (Nathan Guzman, Hannah Twardowski, Kellen McCauley, Jose Jimenez, Kris Johnson). Since there was a tie for tenth place 11 teams were awarded $2,000 allowing 55 kids to put $400 in their scholarship account. Friday morning began with Pee Wee showmanship. Shane Bedwell, Fort Collins, CO, had the pleasure of working with the 25 youngsters and declared all to be first place winners in Pee Wee showmanship. After the Pee Wee winners left the ring, Bedwell faced the unenviable task of choosing his 8 class winners and selecting his Ultimate Showman for each division. Judge Bedwell was impressed with the skill of the showmen in all of the divisions and was very complimentary during his comments. Although difficult, Bedwell selected the following for his class winners and his 4 division Texas Longhorn Trails
AUTOBAHNANZA Ultimate Showman: Junior division, Sara Jennings (Ultimate Showman) and Shyanne McClendon; Intermediate division, Miriam Faske and Justin Crumpton (Ultimate Showman); Teen division, Reagan Ruddock and John Nelson (Ultimate Showman); Senior division Caitlin Gilliam and Julia Faske (Ultimate Showman). Once the exhibitors completed showmanship, they faced the challenge of giving their speech before a panel of judges. The topic for the speech was either Courage or Forgiveness. The judges selected for the honor of evaluating the young orators were Richard Carlson, St. Marys, KS, Stephanie Bradley Fryer, Floydada,TX, Ron Hadley, Houston, TX, Roberta Meyer, Fort Worth, TX, Christy Randolph, Smithville,TX and Matthew Wilson, Los Angeles, CA. The speech participants had to wait until Saturday’s Awards presentation to learn the winners in each division. Friday’s activities continued into the evening with a Banquet for all of the exhibitors hosted by the Autobahn Youth Scholarship Tour. The Roundup Inn was the banquet location and Coburn’s Catering prepared chicken fried steak for the nearly 600 attendees. The occasion was festive and several special awards were presented. First to be recognized was Samuel Faske. Samuel was presented a plaque commemorating the dedication of the 2013 Autobahnanza in his honor. Samuel was in attendance and able to accept the plaque after sustaining life threatening injuries in a car accident. Those in attendance rose to their feet with thunderous applause recognizing Samuel’s courageous struggle. The Carolyn Hunter Memorial Scholarship was presented to Allyn Ryan. Carolyn’s husband Dan Hunter and her son Joe Pat Clayton traveled to Fort Worth to present the $5,000 scholarship to Allyn. Laura Harding came with her parents Ken Harding and Tammy Tiner and presented the two $2,500 Laura Harding Perseverance Scholarships Award to Tracey Weldon and Sarah Faske. In addition a new scholarship was announced, the $1,000 Champion Scholarship funded by the raffle of semen donated by John T and Betty Baker, John and Diann Chase, and James and Ryan Culpepper. The recipient of the inaugural Champion Scholarship was Molly Cook. The steer show was first up on Saturday morning. Judge Shane Bedwell was eager to evaluate the cattle assembled at the show and 122 head of steers in 15 classes was a great way to start. Bedwell selected the Senior Champion Steer, DDM Joker’s Wild, exhibitor Julia Faske, as his Grand Champion Steer followed closely by the Junior Champion Steer JTW Excellante7, exhibitor Alexzandria Rivera, for his Reserve Grand Champion Steer. Following the Steer show the winners of the Speech Contest, Livestock Judging Contest, Extemporaneous Essay Contest, Short Course Quiz, Art Contest Best in Show and All Around Exhibitor were announced. The winners of the $2,200 scholarship and first place in the Speech contest were Junior division, Shyanne McClendon; Intermediate division, Reese Ryan; Teen division, Josh Vinson and Senior division, Caleb Phillips. Russell Fairchild judged the Livestock Judging competition. Taking home the Livestock Judging first place buckle from the 198 competitors were Junior division, Hayden Hughes; Intermediate division, Sydney Davidson; Teen division, Ellie Bolen and Senior division, Rachel Remmele. Shanna Weaver judged the 165 extemporaneous essays and deemed the following to be first place: Junior division, Sara Jennings; Intermediate division, John Moran; Teen division, Julia Tomkies and Senior diSeptember 2013
All Around Exhibitor Winners: Junior: Shyanne McClendon; Senior: Dakota Roy; Teen: Reagan Ruddock; Intermediate: Justin Crumpton
Judge: Shane Bedwell, Ft. Collins, CO
Dalli Anders, Crawford, NE
Senior Livestock Judging Winners: Kris Johnson, Big Horn, WY; Rachel Remmele, Paradise, TX; Dakota Roy, Corpus Christi, TX
Art Contest-Best In Show - Julia Tomkies, League City, TX
Champion Scholarship Winner-Molly Cook, Paradise, TX
Herdsman Award - Tud Krier, Winnsboro, TX
vision, Dakota Roy. The Short Course Quiz attracted 188 participants and taking home first place were: Junior division, Sara Jennings; Intermediate division, Justin Crumpton; Teen division, Michaela Willms and Senior division, Wesley Meadows. Lee Tisdale selected the art work by Julia Tomkies as her Best in Show. The All Around award was the last to be presented and the winners of the buckle and $2,500 scholarship were: Junior, Shyanne McClendon; Intermediate, Justin Crumpton; Teen, Reagan Ruddock and Senior, Dakota Roy. After the announcement of the winners in the extra activities it was time for Judge Shane Bedwell to tackle the job of finding a Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Bull from the 79 entries filling 8 classes. Bedwell liked the quality of the bulls led before him and continually commented on their sound structure and correctness. The Champion Drive was very close but Judge Bedwell used Sanddollar Boomstick, exhibitor Jordan Culpepper for Grand Champion Bull and HD Spitfire, exhibitor Keely Dennis for Reserve Grand Champion Bull. Sunday came early for the exhibitors. It had been a long week but female show day was not the time to ease up. With 268 entries filling 28 classes, the female show was the highlight of the Autobahnanza and every exhibitor worth their salt wanted the coveted Grand Champion Bell. Judge Bedwell was placed in the center of the ring when Superintendent Chris Schaper called for the first class. The make ready steward Robert Strickland opened the gate and the moment all of the exhibitors and audience members had been waiting for was at hand, the 2013 Autobahnanza Female Show. After 28 classes and 3 division championships, it came down to the Grand Champion Female drive. In contention for Grand Champion were the Junior Champion, CS Abigail, exhibitor Wyatt Schaper, Intermediate Champion CL Athena, exhibitor Jordan Culpepper and Senior Champion, SDR Sunrise Superstitious, exhibitor Barclay Brunson. Before making his Grand and Reserve Grand selection, Judge Bedwell praised John and Diann Chase for their foresight in instituting the Autobahn Youth Tour and their tremendous generosity. Additionally, he was especially impressed by the exhibitors and the extreme high quality of the cattle. After 469 head in 52 classes his final decision was to select the Senior Champion SDR Sunrise Superstitious for Grand and the Junior Champion CS Abigail for Reserve Grand. Earlier in the day, the Herdsman Award was given to Tud Krier and the raffle winners were drawn. Todd Williams won the WW Longhorn Chute donated by Morgan Livestock Equipment, Jamie Maxwell had his ticket drawn for Grill/Smoker handcrafted by Ratliff Ironworks and Rodney Mahaffey was the lucky winner of the Champion Bull semen donated by the Bakers, Chases and Culpeppers. The last bit of business before saying adios to the exhibitors was notifying those that were awarded the donated calves. Alief FFA received calves from Michell Dale, David and Kathy Adams and Cindy Dennis. Jacob Elkins learned he got a calf from Guthrie Creek Cattle and Crystal Avalos got a steer calf from Oren and Dianna O’Dell. The Autobahnanza would not have been a success without the cooperation of the exhibitors and the hard work of the many volunteers helping at every turn. A special thank you to the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, their staff worked extremely hard ensuring that Texas Longhorn youth would have the opportunity to attend and enjoy both the Autobahnanza and The TLBT National Youth Show. Please visit AutobahnYouthTour.com for complete results, weights, and videos of the show and judges interviews. Finally, if you would like to learn more about the opportunities available through the Autobahn Youth Scholarship Tour contact General Manager Larry Barker cell(817) 988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com.
Gabriella Faske, Somerville, TX
Kasey Clark, Santa Fe, NM with her Reserve Junior Champion Steer, LSC Roughy Laura Harding Preseverance Scholarship Award - Sarah Faske, Somerville, TX, Tracey Weldon, Ferris, TX with Laura Harding, College Station, TX
Carolyn Hunter Scholarship - Allyn Ryan, Danbury, TX with Dan Hunter and Jo Pat Clayton
Samuel Faske receiving the award commemorating the dedication of the 2013 Autobahnanza in his honor.
Ultimate Showman Winner: Jr: Sara Jennings, Angleton, TX; Int: Justin Crumpton, Midlothian, TX; Teen: John Nelson, Chickasha, OK; Sr: Julia Faske, Somerville, TX Texas Longhorn Trails
Dear TLBT Members,
I am happy to report that the beginning of this show year has already offered us many blessings! This miracle rain was much anticipated, and I hope that everyone got their share of it. Recently, I got to spend three days with the new officers and directors at our annual Leadership Camp, which is held at the legendary YO Ranch, one of the longest running longhorn ranches. Aside from many fun activities such as swimming, hiking, and touring the exotic animals, we held meetings where we discussed the upcoming year and shared ideas to benefit our association as we move forward. Right away, I was shocked at the intelligence, creativity, and dedication of the new officers and directors. Their insightful ideas and determined work ethic provided us with great results, and I honestly believe that with this new team, nothing can stop us! We had several things we went over such as fundraising, supporter recognition, and new guidelines that I am eager to share with y’all at the next membership meeting at Texas State Fair. We later held a poll to decide which charity we would support, and the winner was Variety, The Children’s Charity of Texas, which reaches out worldwide to children with special needs. They are a great program with a huge goal, and I look forward to the TLBT being an asset to their future. To benefit our service project this year, we will host a fun, new game, “Cow Patty Bingo” at major shows. It is a simple bingo game, where people buy squares that will be marked in an arena or stall, release a cow in there, and then wait! Whichever square receives the first cow patty wins! Some of you may have seen this in the past, but this time it’s for charity. There are many upcoming shows, and I look forward to seeing all of you there to kick off the 2013-2014 Show Season. Until then, I hope that everyone stays safe and has fun! Sincerely,
Sara Jennings
TLBT Office: Int. Director Age: 10 years old School: Angleton Christian School Number of Years in the TLBT: 1 What are the benefits in being a TLBT Officer or Director? You get to help the TLBT in your own special way.
Tarah Moore, TLBT President
Why do you enjoy showing Texas Longhorns? It's fun and you get to work with animals and have to be very responsible. Do you see the TLBT helping you with your future career? Yes, I do. What have you learned over the past year through the TLBT? It is a lot of work but when you get it done it all pays off.
by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow September 2013
What would be your advice to a newcomer? Try to have fun, and good luck on your adventure.
Entry #
Animals Name
Class 1 100 102 103 101
M2 Rio Delilah EL Blazing Glory Delta Lucky Diva WS Uras
7/13/12 9/5/12 9/12/12 8/23/12
Tom Matott Ethan Loos Hoosier Longhorns Tom Smith
1 2 3 4
Dixie Jangler WS Lookin Hot Iron Maiden 141/2 Hubbella Rioanna Van Horne BP Indigo Thunder RRR Miss Donna 219 5D Spidermax BP Miss Pretty 5D Rangers Class Act Bloody Mary RL Hubbells Rio Reata Rose 5D Redman's Legacy Riverforks Refined SS Ima Iron Sow Victory's Cactus Lady
4/6/12 5/1/12 4/14/12 5/22/12 5/28/12 5/2/12 6/16/12 5/24/12 5/19/12 6/25/12 5/25/12 4/29/12 4/2/12 5/30/12 6/4/12
Mike Tomey Tom Smith Mike Tomey Mark Hubbell Larry Gribbons Triple R Ranch Dan Huntington Larry Gribbons Dan Huntington David Roberts Mark Hubbell Dan Huntington Terry King Scott Simmons David Hackney
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
WS Chilled Out 200 Percent 5D Crème BP Imprint Susie Riverforks RFD
2/20/12 2/12/12 3/30/12 3/21/12 1/26/12
Tom Smith Nancy Dunn Craft Ranch Larry Griibbons Terry King
1 2 3 4 5
Class 2 201A 204 202 207 210 205 212 208 206 213 209 203 201 211 211A Class 3 303 302 305 304 301 Class 4 401 HL Pretty Woman 403 WS Wish A Wish 402 Riverfork Shootin Fancy
10/2/11 Hoosier Longhorns 11/3/11 Tom Smith 10/22/11 Terry King
1 2 3
Judges: Rick Friedrich Ty Wehring • Justin Rombeck Bob Larson • Alexandra Dees
Class 5 504 508 501 505 506 502 507 503
WS Stylin BP Oreo Showtime Mona Lisa Hubbells Super Cerole Awesome Izzy BP Maxine Antic RRR Miss Lucky Jaye 147
7/13/11 9/28/11 7/1/11 8/15/11 9/10/11 7/2/11 9/22/11 7/3/11
Tom Smith Larry Gribbons Hoosier Longhorns Mark Hubbell Hoosier Longhorns Larry Gribbons Mike and Jamie Tomey Triple R Ranch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pacific Lady Max Hubbells Rio Pacific II Hubbells Rio Sage WS Shine Down Double The Symbol SS Sirius RL BP Super Choice Playgirl Tributary RL RRR Miss Little Dot 103 2JB Cocaine Lady
5/7/11 5/3/11 5/3/11 4/1/11 6/4/11 6/19/11 4/16/11 6/19/11 4/14/11 5/5/11
Hoosier Longhorns Mark Hubbell Mark Hubbell Tom Smith Scott Simmons David Roberts Larry Gribbons David Roberts Triple R ranch Jon Berrien
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9/9/10 11/15/10 9/1/10 12/25/10
Hoosier Longhorns Jimmy Jones Triple R Ranch Tom Smith
1 2 3 4
5/22/12 3/19/12 5/22/12 5/25/12 3/7/12 4/25/12 7/1/12 7/1/12 5/14/12
M a r k H u b b el l Larry Gribbons Mark Hubbell Bruce Mowen Ethan Loos Tom Smith Hoosier Longhorns Hoosier Longhorns Larry Gribbons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Class 6 606 604A 604 601 607 609 603 608 602 605 Class 7 706 704 701 705 Class 8 805 802 806 807 801 803 809 808 804 Class 9
DH Tari Chex Horseshoe J Justifiable RRR Miss Julia 084 RRR Athena Hubbells M2 Rifleman BP Bo Diddley Hubbells 20 Guage Heavy Dose EL Diamond Fury WS Apollo DS Lucky Wallstreet Kiowa's Luck BP Super Slick Roundup
903 WS Rio Jordan 901 Quick Draw 902 DH Fox
2/3/12 Craig Bidner 9/15/12 David Roberts/Nancy Dunn 11/16/12 Tom Smith
1 2 3
4/15/11 12/22/10 5/5/11 7/5/11
1 2 3 4
Class 10 1005 1003 1006 1007
Limp Biscutt Diego JR Drag Zone BP Casper
Curtis Elburn Roger Arnesen James Haltom Larry Gribbons
Kathy Elburn Hight Point Memorial Award was awarded to Mike Tomey with Curtis Elburn and Mark Hubbell presenting.
Cow Patty Bingo Winner: Peg Lowe, Scott Simmons presenting.
Class 1 Winner: Tom Matott
Class 8 Winner: Mark Hubbell
Class 2 Winner: Mike Tomey
Class 9 Winner: Craig Bidner
Class 3 & 5 Winner: Tom Smith
Class 10 Winner: Curtis Elburn
Class 4, 6 & 7 Winner: Hoosier Longhorns
By Henry King
The Fort Worth Herd was formed in 1999 to celebrate the city’s 150th birthday. Fifteen steers, representing the fifteen decades, paraded from Sundance Square downtown, north on Main Street to the Historic Stockyards District. The impact of the Herd was so spectacular that it has become a permanent fixture of the Stockyards. Twice-daily cattle drives and related educational offerings are now dynamic tourist attractions. The cattle-drive Herd is a spectacular unit comprised of sixteen (another decade, another steer) unique individuals, each unique in appearance and each a unique personality. Steers in the ‘special events’ unit are not used in the cattle drives, but instead are used for educational and promotional purposes. Like any living organism, the Herd is subject to change. Retirements and replacements mean that the composition of the unit is altered with the passage of time. This article spotlights some recent personnel changes in what is arguably one of the most dynamic tourist attractions in the nation. Kristin Jaworski has managed The Herd since 2002. Her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Master’s degree in Management make her a perfect fit for the job as Trail Boss of the Fort Worth Herd. In addition to day-to-day management, she has expanded aspects of The Herd to include educational programs and media relations, but the daily cattle drives at 11:30 and 4:00 o’clock is the most important and the most publicly visible. Her affection for the individual animals in her charge becomes obvious when she talks about them.
oel and James arrived without papers, so little is officially known of their bloodlines. They came to the Herd following the retirement of the renowned veteran, Sancho. Sancho, donated by El Coyote Ranch, was the last remaining steer of the original group that made that first walk to the Stockyards on June 12, 1999. By retirement time in 2012, he had made nearly 9,000 twice-daily cattle drives with the Herd, and his departure was an emotional event for Kristin and her crew. “The next day after Sancho retired,” said Kristin, “we received a phone call from a wonderful lady out of Mansfield, Missouri. Her name was Janet Olmstead; she had downsized her herd, and she was no longer going to raise Longhorns, but it was really important that they go to a good home.” “She told me she had the perfect replacement steer to continue Sancho’s legacy in the Fort Worth Herd program. His name was James.” “James was born in 2007. She told me all about James and how she felt this steer would be a good fit for the program and she thought it would be really nice if James could join the Fort Worth Herd program.” “Well, Missouri is a long ways for us to go to replace Sancho, so I got together with the team to decide if it would be worth the trip, and the drovers decided, ‘yes, this was meant to be. The very next day after Sancho retired we got the phone call about James and we’ve got to go get him.’” “When we got to Missouri to pick up James, Mrs. Janet Olmstead said, “While you are here, you should probably look at his brother, Joel. They’ve been together a long time; they don’t look anything alike, they’re
the same age and they came from the same pasture.” And so when we got there and looked at both her Longhorn steers, we decided they brought two different things to the herd. They were different colors – Joel is a grulla color, kind of a mousey color, a largebodied steer. James is a black and white steer, has a black head and white body and a different horn pattern. James measures 66 inches tip to tip, and Joel is at 64. They were very unique, so we loaded them both in the trailer and moved them to Texas.” “All the steers go through a training period to make their debut down Exchange Avenue, but these two were so natural, they didn’t give us any trouble at all. You wouldn’t have known they were the new steers. They acted like they had been here for years, and they’ve been that way ever since. We did not even have to acclimate them into the Herd – they just fit right in perfectly. Both are calm and gentle – real sweet steers, very nice.” Kristin was told that Janet named Joel after Joel Salatin, who is the author of several books regarding grass-fed beef and pastured chickens; James is named after James Herriot, the pen name of a British veterinary surgeon and writer, best known for All Creatures Great and Small, a title used in some editions and in BBC film and television adaptations. Both of her steers were named after authors, and she says she misses them greatly. “Janet keeps up with them on our Facebook page,” said Kristin. “We always post pictures of them and she says it makes her feel good to know that people from all over the world are getting a chance to see them go down Exchange Avenue every day.”
Texas Longhorn Trails
“ exas Red is our youngest steer in the Fort Worth Herd,” said Jaworski. “He was acquired for a different purpose – he was going to be our steer for the educational program…to teach kids the difference between a young calf and a mature steer so they could really compare and see the difference between a young animal and the older, trophy-size steers. What we wanted to do is find a sponsor – somebody who would donate a young Texas Longhorn steer to the Herd for the education program and add a whole different element to the cattle drives.” “So that is when we found Texas Red 554. He was born 2-12 of 2012. He was originally from Ethan Loos, Columbus, Illinois and he was donated to us by Johnston Legal Group, Haltom City, TX. One of their wishes in supporting the Herd – they are on our Friends of the Fort Worth Herd board – is that they always wanted to have their very own Texas Longhorn in the Fort Worth Herd. So this is a win-win for us.” “Texas Red was an unbranded steer,” explained Jaworski, “so basically this allows Johnston Legal Group to brand Texas Red with their holding brand and the Fort Worth Herd brand, bring him from Illinois and let him join the Fort Worth Herd.” “We expected a sweet, young yearling calf,” Kristin laughed, “but what we got was a rambunctious ball of energy that didn’t want to be isolated, but wanted to be with the herd immediately. He jumped the fence the first day – that was his way of telling us that he wanted to be in with the herd, which we were fine with. And he has been in there ever since.” Texas Red’s sire is WS Jamakizim and his dam is Cherry Coke 61 by Hunts Command Respect. “He is beautiful and his conformation is great,” said Kristin. “We received Texas Red in October 2012. He had just been weaned, he had just been castrated, and he was young – he was really young, and he was so small compared to the other steers. He buddied up with Frosty – Frosty is his best friend and they go down the street together, side by side every single day. If you see Frosty,
nother unregistered steer is Norman,” said Kristin. “He is also a little guy. He’s not part of the cattle drive – he’s just part of the Fort Worth Herd education program. Norman was acquired by Stockyards Stables Petting Zoo in 2012. They still had it indoors when he was brought into the Petting Zoo, so he was just a bottle baby. I became very attached to that little baby, who was stalled right next to our horses in the barn.” “When he was growing up and being bottle fed, he made friends with my staff and with a number of animals in the Petting Zoo – the goats, the sheep, the pigs – pretty much everything in the Petting Zoo was his best friend. So Norman was loved on more than any other Longhorn in the Stockyards that we knew of. But Norman was September 2013
you’ll see Texas Red.” “The best story about Texas Red is that we will push him down the street with the rest of the herd, but you couldn’t see him so you couldn’t find him. He is so little, he’d get in the middle of the herd and you couldn’t find him, so we had to put a bell around his neck so we could hear him instead. So Texas Red wears his own little bell.” “He still wears the bell, but he is not as little as he used to be – he is growing significantly. The horn measurement we took on Texas Red was 33.5 inches, and he continues to grow. He is the youngest steer to ever join the Herd family. It is most important that everybody remembers – don’t let him fool you – he thinks he’s a big boy. And as he grows up, we are going to have to look for another calf to replace him; we just haven’t reached that point yet. But that’s the plan.” “We are still using him in the education class—he has been there for every one of them.” When the steers first come into the Herd, they are put in quarantine to make sure they are healthy, but that didn’t work for Texas Red. He didn’t want to be by himself. “When we first got him,” observed Jaworski, “he had just been taken off his mother, so he was a little nervous, but he met his new growing up, so as he became a yearling bull calf, the Stockyards Stables Petting Zoo was ready to take him to the sale barn. Well, I couldn’t let that happen, so that’s when I decided to have Norman join the Fort Worth Herd. So Norman continues to make friends here at the Fort Worth Herd program. He shares his pen with Rojo, which is the Herd’s largest steer. Together they are kind of a unique combination – the smallest steer we own and the largest steer we own in the same pen.” “During our Cow Camp demonstrations, every Saturday and Sunday at 1:30, our free, open-to-the-public education programs, Norman is quite a show-stopper because he is available for people to feed and to pet; to touch his horns and rub his neck and touch his body and get a real close experience with a Longhorn. The rest of the steers in the Herd are not available for that, so he kind of throws the dynamics of the Herd off. He is our pet and all that bottle feeding and attention paid off in a different way. He’ll never go down the street; he is just for our education program and Cow Camp.” “Rojo is a steer the Fort Worth Herd purchased for special events. He was born 4-27-2003, and his registered name is Frisia Rojo. His sire is TP Punjab and the dam is Bubba Bab, bred by Stan and Jimmie Jernigan, Cross Plains, Texas. Because the Herd is available to travel to conventions and special events all across Texas, sometimes it is awful difficult to split apart the Fort Worth Herd, continue the cattle drive and travel. Rojo is now our Special Events steer, which simplifies our operation, because he will just load up in the trailer and go anywhere we want him to go for our special events.” “So Norman and Rojo live together, but they don’t do cattle drives – they do other gigs.” “Rojo is the largest steer we have – his horn span is 86 inches and he is our first official show steer…and is available for hire. We do not ride him – that is a question that typically comes up. We are not in that business. We try to keep everything authentic, so even though he is a halter steer, we do not ride him. The halter is just on to get him from point A to point B.”
-- continued on pg. 64
Craig Perez Birth Place: Burbank, CA Residence: Comanche, OK Occupation: Rancher Business/Volunteer Experience: Corporate Management, Management Reconstruction, Retail Management, Service Management Organizations: TLBAA (Lifetime member), ITLA (Lifetime member) Ranch Location: Multiple lease properties (approx. 350 acres) centered in & around the Duncan, OK area How Long Raising Longhorns: 10 years Member of TLBAA: 6/5/04 Elected to the Board: 2012 Reason For Serving on Board of Directors: Be a voice of the average Registered Texas Longhorn breeder. Add simplicity, efficiency, and enthusiasm to the BOD and the policy, procedures, and guidelines that it implements. Raise the level of excitement for the Registered Texas Longhorn breed. Remarks: Working every day to help build a stronger association to further the breed and every aspect of our industry.
Please send an acknowledgement to: Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______ My Name _____________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City ____________________ State _____ Zip _______
Enclosed is my gift of ___ $25 ___$50 ___$100 __$_____
___ In memory of: ______________________________ ___ In honor of: ________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164. Texas Longhorn Trails
Trails Magazine Welcomes New Staff Additions Anna Hendry was born and raised in College Station, TX, where she lived out her passions as a country girl at heart barrel racing, hunting and country dancing on the weekends, and with a boundless enthusiasm for love, life, and creative design. She was the daughter of two proud Aggies, until she ventured off to become a horned frog and pursue an Advertising and Public Relations degree at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX. After graduating in 2011, Anna received an offer to become the Marketing Director of The Crossroads Church in Fort Worth. She had an incredible experience working with Pastor Sean Reed and his staff, and learned more about her ability to exceed her own expectations of her creativity in advertising and marketing. During her time there, she led social media and advertising campaigns, took on advertising and web design, and planned and marketed events. Anna witnessed the reality of how great post-grad life can be when challenged and the opportunity to see success that comes from hard work, which for her was growth in the church and lives changed. Outside of her position at The Crossroads Church, she continued to stretch her passion
for graphic design through her freelance design business. She helped multiple companies and individuals expand and enhance their brand, image and products. Anna is thankful for the wonderful year she had at The Crossroads Church, and is certain it prepared her for taking on the position as Graphic Artist/Multimedia Designer with the TLBAA. She looks forward to her new chapter designing for TLBAA’s exceptional breeders and being a part of the TLBAA team!!
Ashley Loos
grew up on a farm outside of Liberty, Illinois raising & showing Dorset sheep. After college, Ashley began working in a fast paced corporate office as a Collections Manager then moved to an Accounts Receivable Manager. In January 2004, Ashley met her farm boy, Ethan & fell for both the farm boy and Texas Longhorn cattle. Ethan began raising Texas Longhorns in January 1999. Ethan and Ashley were married October 8, 2005. In September 2009, Ashley left the corporate office & took on the roll of Office Manager at an advertising agency. In that position, she took care of the day to day needs as well as working closely with the sales staff, clients and media on all advertising needs,
which included TV, radio, print, e-blast, web design & mobile media. Late March 2012, Ashley left the advertising agency to be a stay at home wife and take care of the Longhorn cattle. Ethan and Ashley raise about 20 head of Texas Longhorns on the lush green grasses in Columbus, Illinois. Their cattle consist of several top genetics such as Hunts Command Respect, JP Rio Grande, WS Jamakizm & Cowboy Chex. They also own partnership in Bandera Chex, who is proving to produce outstanding calves. Ashley has now joined the TLBAA Trails staff as an Account Executive. Ashley is excited to start her next chapter and is looking forward to getting to know the Longhorn breeders better as well as take care of all their advertising needs. Contact her at (217) 653-8403 or ashley@tlbaa.org.
Phil Norwood , and family, have been raising TLBAA registered Texas Longhorns since 2005. Phil has 15 years experience in retail management with Neiman Marcus, Lowe's and Tractor Supply, as well as 5 years advertising sales with YellowBook USA in Houston, TX. Phil can be reached at 713.294.0139 or phil@tlbaa.org.
Ken Morris Birth Date and Place: December 19, 1972, Monroe, North Carolina Residence: Monroe, NC Occupation: President of a small family trucking business Family: Jessica, 2 Daughters: Emily-13 and Kendall-8 Ranch Location: Monroe, NC How Long Raising Longhorns: 13 years Member of TLBAA: Since 2000 Elected to the Board: January 2013 Reason For Serving on Board of Directors: I am a lifetime member of the TLBAA and dedicated to the longhorn breed. I believe with some cooperation within the industry we can work together to find new ways to promote one of the most versatile and unique breeds of cattle in the world, our Texas Longhorns. As breeders, no matter how large or small, we should have a place to market, show, and educate people about our cattle. I look forward to working with EVERYONE to accomplish these goals.
September 2013
ver the years, several pregnancy tests have been developed using hormone measurements in blood and milk. The one most commonly used today is a blood test developed by Dr. Garth Sasser at University of Idaho. In his research he discovered a protein produced by the placenta of ruminant animals, detectable in their blood. He founded a company called BioTracking; his blood test called BioPRYN (Pregnant Ruminant Yes/No) for cattle, sheep, goats, and other ruminants became commercially available in 2002. There are now 25 labs around the world that handle the blood samples. One of those is run by Tanya Madden (Eagle Talon Enterprises) in Laramie, Wyoming. She recently attended a meeting of bovine practitioners and was pleased that many of them didn’t consider her to be in competition with them for pregnancy testing, but rather as another option for some of their clients. “My lab can also do BVD and Johnes tests from the blood samples if a customer wants these. Some of the older vets appreciate the blood test option. One of them told me that even though they like clients to think their accuracy is perfect, they may get tired after 50 head and their accuracy goes down. But
they might tell the client they are not 100% sure on a certain cow--and to ensure accuracy they could recommend taking a blood sample on that one,” she says. She has clients in Wyoming, Oklahoma and South Dakota. “They all have various reasons for wanting to use the blood test,” says Madden. One of her customers is Buttons York, who has a ranch near Piedmont, Wyoming and raises registered and commercial Angus. “Right now we have 400 cows and sell about 70 registered Angus bulls every spring,” says York. “We’ve been sending bred heifers to Kazakhstan (originally part of Russia) the past 3 years. They need those heifers in August. We calve in March and April and this rushes us to make sure they are pregnant,” explains York. “We AI the heifers and 10 days later turn in our cleanup bull. We check them as soon as possible for pregnancy. The vet can’t always be 100% sure—with palpation—at that short time. That’s how we started using the blood test.” It can detect pregnancy at 28 days, which is earlier than ultrasound or palpation. York also likes the convenience of testing for BVD and
photo courtesy of Kim Parker, Bearley A Ranch Johnes. “This is a big deal for us, as seedstock breeders. This year we had our replacement heifers on leased pasture because of the drought—possibly exposing them to other cattle. So as a safety measure we tested all our replacement heifers,” she says. York and her youngest daughter, Odessa (an Animal Science major at Laramie) took the blood samples themselves. “There are advantages in being able to do this yourself, at your own convenience. It’s often hard to get a vet out here to preg check in the fall. We are down to one vet and he is really busy this time of year,” says York. It was also handy to check their commercial heifers early in pregnancy. “With the drought we were short on grass and wanted to get the open ones gone as soon as possible. We were able to ship our open heifers in a hurry,” she says. Results come back quickly. “Within 24 hours of when she receives the samples, Tanya e-mails us with the results,” says York. Samples don’t have to be refrigerated—the vials can be banded together and cushioned with bubble-wrap in any kind of package. Another client is Boreen Hay and Cattle Company, in the Bighorn Basin area of Wyoming. Kate Boreen has used the blood test for 2 years. “I had never tail bled a cow before. There was a video on Tanya’s website (www.eagletalonent.com) showing how to do this. The first year, my husband was in the hospital for 5 days after a serious accident, so another woman and I preg-tested all our cows, using this new method!” “It worked great. The supplies were easy to get. I’d priced it and felt the cost was comparable to palpation. On a small herd it’s probably cheaper than palpation, without a ranch call fee from the vet,” she says. “When we started doing the cows this year, we did them in small batches at our convenience, without having to schedule the veterinarian,” Boreen explains. Mark DeBoo of Diamond D Angus near Valier, Montana has also used the blood test for 2 years. “We calve in May and June and don’t start breeding until August 10. At our annual bull sale November 8 we sell some bred females, and use blood September 2013
tests to make sure they are pregnant before they are sold,” says DeBoo. “This is more accurate than palpation if the cow hasn’t been bred very long, and cheaper than ultrasound, and we can take the samples ourselves. The blood test is also less invasive, with less stress on the cow and no risk to the fetus,” he says. The blood test is 99% accurate in detecting open cows. It’s accurate as early as 28 days post breeding and 73 days after calving. If a cow is checked too soon after calving there may still be some hormone in her bloodstream from the earlier pregnancy and you might get a false positive. Jack Holden (Holden Herefords, Valier, Montana) has been using blood tests for 4 years. “We run 400 cows. About 250 are registered and the rest are commercial cows, mainly used as recipients,” he says. “Often we use the blood test on our recipient cows, after we put embryos in. It’s nice to know early on if they are pregnant, for putting embryos back into any that aren’t pregnant,” he says. “We’ve used the blood test on some of our registered cows, too, if some might be short bred or we happen to be working them early. There are times we need to know, as soon as possible, and this is cheaper and more convenient than ultrasound,” he says. “Even the good vets have to take more time with ultrasound, to find a 35 day pregnancy. The blood test is simpler, and less invasive,” Holden says. “The blood test is inexpensive (about $2.50 per cow), and the lab is very good about getting results back to us quickly. From when I put the samples in the mail until I get the results is usually about 3 days,” he says. This is the biggest disadvantage to the blood test, for people who need to know immediately. If you have to make a decision to keep or cull a cow when she goes through the chute—to determine whether to give her vaccinations or just sort her off to be shipped—the blood test is not as useful. “But if you will be keeping her around for awhile before selling her, the blood test will work,” says Holden.
A Moment in TLBAA History (continued from p.10) Kelsey himself drove a six-horse-up mule hitch owned by Longhorn breeder Watt Matthews of Albany, TX. Ray Moore, now TLBAA Vice-President, drove Sidni to the monument in a wagon pulled by a team of eight Texas Longhorn Steers. He later used the steers to pull the tarp off to unveil the ‘Texas Gold’. “Fort Worth is the perfect place for ‘Texas Gold’,” Kelsey said at the ceremonies. “The city’s Old West heritage and its history as the leading livestock area in Texas make it ideal for a monument to the values that made Texas and the West great. We hope that ‘Texas Gold’ helps continue the revitalization of the Stockyards as an active livestock industry center and as a major entertainment and tourist attraction.” The area surrounding the monument was landscaped in July, 1989, by Pat O’ Neal of Fort Worth in memory of her late husband, Phil O’Neal, an oilman and a rancher, was owner of Oley Beer Distributing, which Pat still runs. “I consider ‘Texas Gold’ one of the most outstanding pieces in Fort Worth,” says Mrs. O’Neal, “and felt that some landscaping could enhance the statue.” At her own cost, Mrs. O’Neal developed a southwestern landscape with grass, rocks and cactus, added a sprinkler system, lights and a low brick wall with seats. She also maintains the area. Nine years following the dedication of the’Texas Gold’, an estimated one million visitors a year have viewed the bronze, and the Fort Worth Convention & Tourist Bureau receives an average of two calls a day concerning the statue. Kelsey’s words have come true. So when you’re in Fort Worth, stop to see ‘Texas Gold” – a magnificent memorial to the breed and the men who built the cattle industry – to those who nurtured the Longhorns’ heritage when it had all but vanished – and a source of pride for every Texas Longhorn Breeder.
ABOUT THE ARTIST Raised in ranch country near Boze- were Premier Exhibitors at the Colorado man, MT, artist Terry Kelsey and his wife, State Fair for three consecutive years and Sidni, have always had a deep interest in tied in 1982. They often had the Grand Western history. In particular, they were Champion Steer at Denver. fascinated with accounts of Longhorn catKelsey’s dream was to immortalize the tle being driven into their Gallatin Valley Texas Longhorn in bronze. He resigned in the 1800’s. from the airlines, and accepted a comWhen they were married, they regis- mission from the Professional Rodeo tered their brand the same day their mar- Cowboys Association to execute three riage license was recorded, thus taking the bronzes to be displayed in their headfirst step toward their goal of operating a cattle ranch together. Their first ranch was in Colorado, where Kelsey was stationed as a pilot for United Airlines. (At age 20, he was the youngest pilot ever hired by United). There the Kelseys obtained a Texas Longhorn cow and a steer. During these years, Kelsey, who had always had a talent for drawing and painting, began sculpting some Terra Cotta pieces. Eventually he moved to casting his pieces in bronze. His theme was always what he loved best, the Old West. After a move to Terry & Sidni Kelsey at the unveiling. North Dakota, the Kelseys returned to Colorado and began a qurters at Colorado Springs, but the Texas Texas Longhorn herd in earnest. Their en- Longhorn bronze was always in the back thusiasm for the breed led to Terry be- of his mind. In 1984, that dream became coming a TLBAA director, and the couple a reality, and ‘Texas Gold’ was placed on worked to help form the Mountains & TLBAA’s land in Fort Worth. Last year, the Kelseys returned home to Plains affiliate. Much of their T Lazy S herd was built Montana where they can continue their around Jack Phillips’ Texas Ranger JP, work to memorialize the men, cattle and which they used for the two years before horses of the Old West. They still main“Tex” died on their ranch. The Kelseys tain a string of Trophy Steers and any purchases made are calves out of the old cattle they had raised. In fact they think they may have one of the longest horned steers alive. His horns measure 7 1/2 feet tip to tip. “We will never let go of those magnificent animals,” says Sidni. “They’ll always be a part of our life.”
“Texas Gold” today, gracing the TLBAA property it was orginally installed on, which will soon be shared by the TLBAA offices and museum.
Texas Longhorn Trails
SURVEY RESULTS d n o p s e R s r e d a e Our R
Do you read your Trails Magazine each month, and if so, in what format?(s)
Print Online 6.7% Both Neither .5% 0%
29.4% 20%
How often do you refer to back issues of Trails Magazine?
Often Occasionally Never
What type of editorial would you like to see more of in Trails Magazine?
Getting Started Health/Manage Interviews Lean Beef Marketing .5% Historical 0%
38.2% 20%
59.2% 57.1%
61.3% 51.8%
Which departments do you usually read in Trails Magazine each month?
Officers & Directors CEO Letter TLBT Update Board Spotlight New Members News on the Trail In the Pen Dams of Dinstinction Affiliate News In Box Movers & Shakers Herd Management Save the Date All of the Above
18.1% 16.1% 18.6%
September 2013
Earlier this year we presented our readers with a series of questions regarding the Trails Magazine, and we were pleased that 196 members took the time to respond to our questions. do these surveys matter? It is important for us to know how our members utilize the Trails, what kind of content they enjoy and, what type of format they enjoy reading it in. We are very happy to see that the majority of respondants not only read the Trails cover-to-cover but also refer to their 80% 100% back issues. Even though technology continues to impact us all, most of our readers still pick up the magazine to read it. As we work to continously improve the Trails, your input is always taken into consideration. You will see changes take place slowly that will turn our magazine into a more reader-friendly publication that advertisers, both breeders and commercial businesses, want to be a part of. 80% 100% Advertising will allow the editorial content to continue to expand. After all, advertising is essential to the life of any magazine. We know that you enjoy the health articles, history, breeder profiles and other stories, and we are working toward providing you with more of these, as well as subjects you have expressed interest in seeing more of such as information for new breeders and marketing strategies. As we move forward, we anticipate making your magazine the best it can be. If you have story ideas, photos or history 80% 100% relating to Longhorns, let us know and we’ll take it into consideration. A big THANK YOU to those who took the time to participate in this survey.
What format would you like to see Trails presented in?
Clean, Uniform Look (same look throughout with little variation)
22.9% 19.7% 29.8% 21.3%
Artistic, edgy look (Editorial content look varies throughout)
25.5% 20%
Mix of Above (uniform on recurring editorial, unique layout for features.)
MORE STLA SCHOLARSHIPS In May STLA partnered with Central Life Sciences to present two $1000 scholarships. Sarah Faske and McKenna Kimble, well deserving seniors, received those scholarships. FALL FIELD DAY Save the date! STLA is joining with El Coyote Ranch for the 2013 Fall Field Day on October 5. Members Felix and Della Serna will also be hosting an official Horn Measurement Site for the 2013 TLBAA Horn Showcase, so members are encouraged to bring their favorite animal entries for S A TEX H measurement. We always look forward to the El Coyote Ranch tours; T U O S N R O watch for more news on this event. H LONG TION WORLD SHOW WINNERS A ASSOCI STLA is proud of all the Sarah Faske received the Central members who showed at the Life Sciences scholarship. World Show in June. It is a hard trip and a long week. We salute you for sharDanny Russell, ing your animals with everyone. The entire President Doug Muenchow and (361) 781-4269 World Show was dedicated to our own Steven Zunker precrose@cactusroselonghorns.com Samuel Faske who continues to recover from sented the Central Life a bad auto accident. STLA members did have Sciences scholarship to McKenna Kimble. some success at the show: Free Division –Mature Females BHR Sweet Rose- Grand Champion (John Marshall) • DDM Sombra’s First Lady- Reserve Grand Champion (Doug and Darnell Muenchow ) • TC Regarding Benjamin- Grand Champion Steer (exhibited by Cooper Taylor) • Dixie Finale- Grand Champion Trophy Steer ( El Coyote Ranch) • Miriam Faske- Intermediate Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame, Free Division Females - #1–RVR Letty Rose-Box Z Longhorns • #5–Bonita Leigh-Vida Nueva Ranch #9–Mason’s Grand Miss-John Marshall Hall of Fame, Free Mature Females - # 1–BHR Sweet Rose-John Marshall • #2–DDM Sombra’s First Lady-Doug and Darnell Muenchow • #5–All of Red-John Marshall • # 7–CR Unstopabull Chex Appeal, Cactus Rose Longhorns
GHORN N O L S TEXA RS OF NEW E BREED EXICO M Jerry Stevens, President (575) 649-0987
Our New Mexico State Fair, World Qualifying Show, will soon be here. The date is Saturday, September 14th, 2013; show time 10:00 am at the New Mexico Fair Grounds in Albuquerque. Hope you have all signed up to show animals. We invite all in our area to join us for this this show and support our New Mexico Longhorn Club. For information email or call Kristi Wilson at kmwilson@windstream.net (575) 354 1210 or show chair Bill Van Gundy at (575) 829 3624 or lacuevalonghorns@yahoo.com. Hope to see you all at this fun event.
AFFILIATES… Send Us Your News!
Is your Longhorn Affiliate celebrating a big event, hosting a show, a sale or just having a monthly meeting? If so, spread the news to the entire TLBAA by submitting your information to the Trails each month. Don’t forget to send photos, if you have them. Simply email your information to the Trails, Laura Standley at laura@tlbaa.org or call her at (817) 625-6241. We want to hear from you to help spread the news about your local Texas Longhorn activities.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Hope everyone has enjoyed the summer break and now getting back into the routine of school. Fall is a busy time for our Affiliate. We have our Annual Membership meeting and World Qualifying Shows at the Louisiana State Fair in Shreveport and Annual Fall Show in Lufkin, Texas. We also have our Christmas Party. These events give our membership an opportunity to fellow-TEX RS ship, participate and network on a local level. A L K R A E Our Annual Membership Meeting will be hosted by Donnie and Marilyn Taylor on BREED N R O H G N N September 21st at their 4T Longhorn Ranch in Huntington, Texas. We welcome you to come join O O I L AT us for our meeting and covered dish lunch. ASSOCI We have also been busy getting ready for our Fall Shows. We want everyone to join us in Lufkin on October 25th through the 27th at the George Henderson Expo Center for our Annual TLBAA World Qualifying Show. Friday night we will have a Points Only Show for both Youth and Open. Tina DuBose, Saturday will be our Open Show and ending the day with the Boppa Calf Donation giveaway, supper, plus Vice-President fun and games for all ages. Sunday will close out the weekend with the Youth Show. This show has always dubosetina@yahoo.com proven well worth coming to. The Louisiana State Fair World Qualifying Show will be held November 9th & 10th, with check-in the day before. The food and atmosphere is wonderful. Come join us in the Bayou State and get your animals qualified for World! For information about any of our shows and other events go to www.arklatexlonghorns.com or check us out on Facebook.
Our annual sale is around the corner. This will be the NTLA’s 32nd annual sale. Mark October 26th on your calendar to attend our sale in Beatrice, NE. If you S A X are interested in consigning catalog or non-catalog cattle please contact Bonnie KA TE ATION S A R Damrow at (402)423-5441. L.D. McIntyre and family have graciously donated B NE SOCI S A N a heifer for our raffle this year. This is a nice heifer named MCR Double Bizi by R LONGHO Vanizm, out of Bizi for Miles by Unlimited Miles by Mile Marker. Be sure to conRodger Damrow, President tact any of the NTLA members for a raffle ticket. Our Association will hold our (402) 423-5441 annual silent auction…so be sure to bring any donations you’d like. The sale catalog will be online at www.beatrice77.net, Click on “The Auctioneer” and then “Select an Auction.” Our sale will also be online at www.beatrice77.net starting at 10:00 a.m. We hope you’ll be able to attend but if not we hope you’ll contact us with a bid for the longhorns of your choice. Sale contacts on sale day-Bonnie Damrow (402)580-3673 or Larry Long (308)530-7272. On Saturday June 29th, several kids from our youth association (Nebraska Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow) met at the Rodeo Arena in Wolbach, NE. Steve Snell from Guide Rock presented tips on halter breaking and showing a Longhorn. The Damrows brought a heifer for the kids to practice on. Afterwards we enjoyed pizza and cool drinks provided by L.D. McIntyre and family. Thank you to the McIntyre’s for making arrangements and providing lunch. The adults and the kids had a short meeting following. It was an enjoyable day that we hope will become an annual event. Our annual meeting will be held on the last Saturday in January in Grand Island, NE.
Affiliate & Show Chairman Reminders 1. A completed application form should be sent to the office prior to your show. You can do this by email. All forms are in the Show Procedures Handbook that can be found under the show tab on our website. 2. All show programs/results, must have the animals TLBAA number. Animals sent in with pending will not be entered into the show program. Also, I can help you build a show program through HORNS that will have all of the animal information and you will not have to type it all in. 3. Your show results hardcopy and $5.00 qualifying fee per animal/per division should be in the office within 14 days of your show. We will be unable to accept results that come in extremely late, or without the qualifying fees. You can also scan the official results, with the judge’s signature, and email them to me. All show forms and results should be sent to Scotty O’Bryan at the TLBAA office, or emailed to scotty@tlbaa.org September 2013
SUNRISE RANCH SHOWMANSHIP CAMP Submitted by Robert Schnuriger tton On June 22, 2013, Sunrise Ranch opened its gates for the Mr. Sunrise, Su rne,TX oe B om fr r 17th Annual Sunrise Showmanship Camp hosted by John T. ne War e, Ellie & Betty Baker. Twenty-nine eager campers participated in a and Ms. Sunris in, TX fk Bolen from Lu Katy week packed full of educational and social activities. John T with counselors nero and Betty Baker of Sunrise Ranch started the camp to assist stuBoyd & Beth Lo dents from ages 9 to 17 develop superior showmanship skills for cattle of all breeds. Robert and Cindy Schnuriger, Texas Longhorn breeders and former agriculture educators and administrators have assisted with the camp for the past four years. Beth Lonero, Katie Boyd, Wyatt Harris and Jace Bolen served as the camp counselors. During the course of the week the campers had an opportunity to hear numerous motivational speakers who addressed this year's theme, “The Missing Piece." The campers were also instructed on the proper techniques used in selection, feeding, caring, training, halter breaking and exhibiting cattle in the show ring. A variety of daily Junior cou recreational and educational activities were scheduled and each Jace Bole nselors: n Boyd; Sen & Katy evening was concluded with reflection and a barn dance to enhance io selors: Be r counthe social and dancing skills of each camper. th Lonero & Wyatt H The first day of camp begins with each camper getting to know arris their animal by using TNT (Touch & Talk) to calm both the animal and themselves. It is also the first time that the cattle had a halter on them. By the end of the first day, many of the campers had their calf calm and several even were able to lead. On the second day of camp, the calves started to work well for the campers. After getting the animal calm and easily walking, the show stick was introduced. From there, the lesson of show ring presence and etiquette is demonstrated followed by the campers perfecting their style. Each camper improved their public speaking skills by critiquing their peers after each showmanship session providing the opportunity to Sunrise Camp Group 2013 gain self-confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to speak extemporaneously. Thursday morning is highlighted with the campers and calves taking a two mile nature walk through the hills and woods on Sunrise Ranch. This year’s camp featured several accomplished guest speakers. Peyton Gilbert, former State FFA President, Daylon Koster, a junior member of the A&M Corp of Cadets, and former handler of Reveille VIII (A&M Mascot) as well as former State Vice-President of the Texas FFA, Ree Fraley, Officer at Union State Bank, and Christian Schroeder, graduate of Texas A&M University and family member of S&S Cattle of Taylor, Texas. Christian was a member of the Blinn College and ker and Larry Bar Scotty O’Bryan ed during the camp Texas A&M Livestock Judging Teams. On Friday, Mr. Schroeder worked with the campers to were recogniz identify areas where they might improve and served as the showmanship judge. The campers were divided into three showmanship classes and awards sponsored by Robert and Cindy Schnuriger and Anchor T Ranch were presented at graduation. Reese Ryan was Junior Grand Champion and Sara Jennings, Junior Reserve Champion. The Intermediate Grand Champion honors went to Josh Vinson and Shelby Rooker was awarded the Reserve Champion honors. The Senior Grand Champion was awarded to Barclay Brunson with Jimmie Gee taking the Reserve Champion honors. On Saturday, June 29th, Mr. Rooker delivered the graduation address. Scotty O’Bryan was on hand to receive a Certificate of Appreciation for TLBAA and Larry Barker was also awarded a certificate for Autobahn Scholarship Tour and Mr. & Mrs. John Chase. Sutton Warner and Ellie Bolen were named Mr. and Ms. Sunrise for 2013. Reese Ryan and Luke Bogar received the highest honor…2013 Red Rope Award. Showmanship judge Christian Schroeder evaluates the camp participants
Texas Longhorn Trails
NEWS On the Trail...
Texas Longhorns: Ranching Family Combines Old Techniques with Modern Technology By Greta Lint, glint@courier-tribune.com (reprinted with permission from Asheboro, NC Courier-Tribune.)
In the 1948 movie, “Red River,” John Wayne dreamed aloud about his farm and the cattle he would raise. He would have enough beef to feed Photo by Paul Church/ The the entire country, Courier-Tribune making people strong. The film showed the famous cattle drives, with Texas longhorns pounding dirt. Today’s longhorn rancher may not have the thousands of head of cattle movie goers saw in the old flicks. But they do work hard – and strive to work smarter. Zach Moffitt, 31, is one of them. Moffitt; his wife, Wendy, 34; and their children, Mary Grace, 7, and Levi, 4, live in Asheboro and lease a 140-acre farm in rural Randolph County. They have 45 heads of Texas longhorn cattle. There aren’t many longhorn growers around. There are less than 25 in the state. It’s so unusual to see a longhorn herd, that when travelers are driving down the road, some stop and capture photos of their bovine faces adorned with the signature horns, often seven or more feet in length. The Moffitts don’t seem to mind. Zach likes giving tours and talking bull. Oh, he talks cow, calf and heifer, too. As owners of Rolling M Longhorns, the Moffitts are a typical new generation of farmer, one combining old techniques with modern technology to spur production and income. Zach’s primary focus is on breeding, not dinner meat. “The longhorn industry recognizes that more horn means more value, but that doesn’t make a good cow. We put a large influence on the horn length and look at the sire (father) and dame (mother) to raise a strong, healthy animal. We look at the confirmation, meaning that the body is solid, sturdy. We look to see if the back is straight and that the cows have good udder quality for nursing calves. We want cattle with sturdy legs. I look for these different traits when I purchase cattle and when I raise them,” he says. When the cows, calves and bulls are old enough, he sells them, usually to other breeders. Eventually, as the cattle age out, they wind up as a lean, red meat with little cholesterol and little fat on someone’s dinner plate. Zach’s grandparents had a small hobby farm in Liberty when he was a little boy. He liked going to visit. He recalls riding the tractor with his grandfather and that the place was very peaceful. When he got older, farming
classmates got him involved in Future Farmers of America, but back then, he didn’t have his heart in farming. He went off to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to pursue a degree in sports and coaching, but he didn’t fit in that environment, either. Something was missing. You may say it was fresh country air. Along the way, Zach and Wendy married. She, too, came from a rural background. So it was only natural that when the opportunity availed itself, the young couple would get involved in raising some type of livestock – in their case it ended up being Longhorns. Zach and Wendy have given each of their children their own cow. “We’re using the cows as a tool to instill a sense of responsibility for our children,” Zach says. “They have to earn their cattle. Everything they earn goes into an investment account for college or future big expenditures they may need. When you sell a cow at the sale, you have to pay a commission. So they pay Wendy and me a commission for us to sell their cows. They give their tithe to the church from what they make off the sale of a cow and we separate out other expenses. The rest goes to the investment fund.” Daughter Mary Grace has become a little business woman in her own right. She likes working around the cows and enjoys touching them. “They feel soft like my blanket,” she says. Even though son Levi isn’t yet big and strong enough to help around on the farm, he joins his sister in helping their parents with feeding, driving the skid steer around and
watching, learning. It’s called on-the-job training. No, Zach didn’t get formal education at a university for farming. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves and learned from mentors and friends, like veterinarian Brent Scarlett; fellow farmer Mickey Bowman, owner of Rockin’ B Farm in Staley; and Adam Ross, the former agricultural extension agent for Randolph County. He’s learned about artificial insemination and why it is healthier for bulls and yields more calves. He’s learned about mob grazing, where you plan where the cattle will eat and what they’ll consume to improve the land. He’s gotten up close with all of his animals, checking their ears, eyes, noses and mouths – on a daily basis – to ensure his investment is healthy. Wendy has learned about the business end of the farm, writing invoices and paying bills. She helps with preparing shots for Zach to give his herd and maintains his notes on each of the livestock. Neither spend all their time on the farm. During the day, she home schools Mary Grace and Levi and handles the computer operations for Carolina Farmer’s Insurance. Zach is also a firefighter at the North Chatham Fire Department. Will their children eventually go into farming full time? “We’re not pushing it,” Zach says. “We want them to do it, and Levi, even at his age, is getting a grasp on it.” To schedule an appointment to visit the farm, contact Zach Moffitt at (336) 736-6340. Wear boots and bring a camera.
Submitted by El Coyote Ranch The Texas FFA officer team stopped by El Coyote Ranch as a part of their South Texas business and Industry Tour on July 30, 2103. (l-r): Kaci Major, Burleson; Hannah Ford, Peaster; Shelby Eckhardt, 1st Vice President, Seguin; Bryce Winfrey, Seminole; Ryon Cox, President, Mt. Pleasant; Quest Newberry, George West; Sawyer Osborn, Friona; Whitney Green, Stephenville; Heidi Ritter, Huffman; Rhett Wilson, Barbers Hill
continued on p. 64 September 2013
Clostridial Several important clostridial diseases affect cattle. These include blackleg, redwater, malignant edema and several types of Clostridium perfringens. Most stockmen vaccinate against these diseases, using a 7-way or 8-way clostridial vaccine. “This is probably the most widely used vaccine. If people do not vaccinate against these diseases, eventually they will lose cattle,” says John Campbell, Head of the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine (Saskatchewan). “Blackleg is probably the most prevalent; the bacterial spores are present everywhere. There are certain geographic locations where redwater is also very common,” he says. In regions with liver flukes, stockmen may have to vaccinate twice a year. The flukes damage the liver and allow infection to gain entrance to these tissues. “Blackleg and malignant edema are very similar and we see these quite often unless cattle are vaccinated. We see C. novyi (which causes Black disease) from time to time in unvaccinated animals. Tetanus is also a clostridial disease, and we see it in cattle occasionally,” he says. Most 7 and 8-way Clostridial vaccines do not include tetanus, so if you want to protect cattle against this one you need to use a vaccine that includes it. “We’ve seen outbreaks of tetanus when people are banding bull calves at weaning time or when they are coming into a feedlot. We don’t see this so much in baby calves, but more in the larger calves. For these big calves, many people use banders. All clostridial organisms thrive in an anaerobic environment (without oxygen). The clamp against the testicles provides a perfect place for the bacteria to grow. We’ve seen producers do this and get away without using tetanus vaccine year after year, and all of a sudden one year they have a large number of banded cattle develop tetanus a few weeks later,” he says. “All of the clostridial diseases are caused by very hardy spore-forming bacteria that live in the environment. They are everywhere—in the soil and feces—so
cattle are always exposed to them. Clostridial diseases tend to occur most often in young cattle,” says Campbell. The older animal may have been exposed earlier in life (with low levels of bacteria) and developed some resistance. Dr. Steve Hendrick, Western College of Veterinary Medicine (University of Saskatchewan) says clostridial diseases are environmental diseases, and not contagious in the usual sense, so they are different from what most producers are accustomed to dealing with. “We are used to contagious diseases where one animal gets sick and can pass the disease directly to another. This is not the case with clostridial diseases. They are caused by spores that live happily in the environment for many years. The spores are resistant to heat, cold and any other harsh environmental conditions. We always joke that these diseases are very happy, even living in the cold weather of the northern plains,” he says.
They are everywhere—in the soil and feces—so cattle are always exposed to them. The spores can last a long time and cause disease many years later.
“It all comes down to whether or not the environment on your farm or ranch has been contaminated in the past. The spores can last a long time and cause disease many years later. When we get wet conditions we see more cases,” says Hendrick. “The dormant spores are brought up to the ground surface with the moisture. Then if we get some dry weather, the spores end up on the ground surface. They float on top of the water in a puddle, for instance, and as the puddle dries up, they will concentrate on the surface. As cattle graze in low areas, or drink from shrinking puddles, they may pick up spores,” he explains. “With these diseases you usually don’t Texas Longhorn Trails
Diseases in Cattle By Heather Smith Thomas
see sick animals. You generally go out to the pasture and find one or two animals dead,” he says. It’s difficult to find them in time to treat them. “The clinical signs you might see, if the animal is still alive, include swelling in a muscle (such as we find in blackleg), but if there is no wound with it, may be difficult to notice. The animal ingested the spores, which eventually end up in the muscles. It’s usually a very fast-growing calf (one of your best animals) that’s affected. If the muscles don’t get enough oxygen, the spores proliferate in the muscle. The animals may bump one another or there’s some bruising in the tissue that creates the ideal conditions for spores to grow,” says Hendrick. Blackleg has been a serious problem in livestock (especially young, growing animals) for a long time. One of the first cattle vaccines created was for this disease. “The vaccines seem to be very effective,” says Campbell. “They’ve been in use for many years and have dramatically cut down the incidence of these diseases. I still see some cases, on farms where people have tried to save money and didn’t vaccinate. The disaster that can happen— especially with blackleg—can be tremendous. A few years ago, one farmer lost half his calf crop to blackleg, dying at pasture,” says Campbell. With clostridial diseases it’s usually a very swift course of illness and sudden death. “It sometimes goes undiagnosed because they die so fast. Many of the ones we looked at that died from blackleg had infection around the lining of the heart as well as muscle lesions,” he explains. “This can be a devastating disease. It’s a very inexpensive vaccine, so it really pays to vaccinate. One challenge today for people who are calving on pasture later in the year is that they have to round up the calves at some point to vaccinate and make sure they get their first clostridial vaccine. In the more traditional setting, where ranchers calve in February/March or April, they gather and vaccinate the cattle before they are turned out to summer pasture. It is more challenging for people who calve later, out on September 2013
summer pasture, if they want to vaccinate those calves at 1 or 2 months of age,” he says. There is no perfect season for calving. Each season has advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantage to calving out on pasture is that you may not see the cattle as often and might not know when one becomes ill—or might not find out you have a problem until several animals are dead. Clostridium perfringens includes several different types, some of which affect calves at an early age, or older fast-grow-
C. perfringens results in very severe intestinal damage,” he says. The calves may go into shock and die quickly. If a herd has problems with Clostridium perfringens in baby calves, the cows can be vaccinated ahead of calving, to make sure the calves get some protection via antibodies in the colostrum. It is also effective to vaccinate young calves; maternal antibodies don’t seem to interfere as much (as they do with other types of diseases) with the calf’s ability to start mounting his own immune response from Clostridial vaccinations. Some vet-
Most 7 and 8-way Clostridial vaccines do not include tetanus, so if you want to protect cattle against this one you need to use a vaccine that includes it.
ing calves. “This one is tougher to diagnose because there are many clostridial organisms living in the gut and under normal conditions they don’t cause disease. Clostridium perfringens can also proliferate after death, so it can be difficult to determine whether this was the organism that caused the illness and death,” Campbell says. “Clostridium perfringens type B and C can cause enteritis in calves and diarrhea in calves less than a month of age. Type A may cause toxic gut infections in calves up to 3 months of age. Some of these calves may die very quickly and this disease may be harder to diagnose than some of the other clostridia. All of these bacteria release highly lethal toxins, and
erinarians recommend vaccinating cows ahead of calving if the herd has a problem in very young calves, or vaccinating the calves after birth if the disease tends to occur in older calves. There’s no reason to not vaccinate against clostridial diseases because sooner or later a producer who doesn’t vaccinate will lose cattle. The vaccines are very effective, compared to other types of vaccines. “It is an irritating vaccine, however, so you want to give it under the skin on the neck and not into the muscle,” he says. Some individual animals react more adversely than others, developing a knot or swelling at the site.
TRAIL OF TEARS FUTURITY Submitted by Indian Territory TLA
Well ITTLA’s “Sooner Cattle Stampede” Sale and “Trail of Tears” futurity are now history. We were fortunate to have some new people join in to make it an over-all really fun happening.
Class 7 Winner: LWR Sheree Rifle: Lee and Linda Ragains Sponsor: Doris Snyder Sponsor: Larry Johnston
Class 1 Winner: Sarcee Little Maiden Rifle: Bruce Ollive Sponsor: Ron & Barbara Marquess Class 4 Winner: Sarcee Mystic Beauty Rifle: Bruce Ollive Sponsor: Rex Mosser Sponsor: Wes and Wesley Watson Class 8 Winner: Watson 865 Rifle: Wes Watson Sponsor: David Harcrow Class 2 Winner: GD Jilted Julie Rifle: Gary Don Taylor Sponsor: Larry & Paula Reck
Class 9 Winner: Watson 857 Rifle: Wes Watson Sponsor: Gary Don Taylor
Class 3 Winner: FR Gem Rifle: Larry and Paula Reck Sponsor: Paul & Patti Gilbreth Sponsor: Jim and Mary Pruett Class 6 Winner Rifle: Larry and Paula Reck Sponsor: Kevin Kelly/ Frontier Feed Class 10 Winner: HCR Hot Stuf Rifle: Larry and Paula Reck Sponsor: Wesley Watson Class 5 Winner: CS Tan Suzie Rifle: Jim and Mary Pruett Sponsor: Bill Cole and Monty Moyer
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the ITTLA Longhorn Sale scheduled for September 7, 2013 has been cancelled. If you have any questions, please contact Bob Weaver at rainbowrtr@yahoo.com or at (405) 659-9222.
Texas Longhorn Trails
2013 TLBAA AFFILIATE LISTING Alberta Texas Longhorn Association
Texas Longhorn Breeders of the Guf Coast Association
Ron Walker Box 58, Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 H)403-548-6684 • C)403-528-0200 www.albertatexaslonghorn.com walkerus7texaslonghorns@gmail.com
Rick Friedrich- PO Box 750067, Houston, TX 77275 PH)713-305-0259 rick@riverranchlonghorns.com
Arkansas Texas Longhorn Association Doug Erwin- 190 HWY 321 North, Austin, AR 72007 H)501-843-2359 doug56@aol.com
Ark-La-Tex Texas Longhorn Association Jessica Wade P.O. Box 7759 • Tyler, TX 75711 PH)903-948-1594 dubosejessica@yahoo.com
Australia Texas Longhorn Association John Bastardi, Pres. 769 Bezzants Road, Deepwater NSW 2371, Australia (02)6734 5320 Geoff Dawson, Secretary 74 Kruse Rd., Emerald Hill NSW 2380 PH)02 6743 1603 ah dallas@northnet.com.au www.texaslonghornsaustralia.com
Bluegrass Texas Longhorn Association
Heart of Texas Longhorn Association Russell Hooks- PO Box 37, Jonesboro, TX 76538 PH)409-381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com
Idaho Texas Longhorn Producers Association
Danny Russell- 11288 FM 822, Edna, TX 77957 H)361-781-4269 • C)361-781-4221 crose@cactusroselonghorns.com
Kenny Richardson 2108 E. 24th ST, Greeley, CO 80631 PH)970-352-3054 www.mptla.org krichardson21@aol.com
Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association Rodger Damrow 1900 S. 12th St., Roca, NE 68430 Sec.-Bonnie Damrow brdamrow6@aol.com H)402-423-5441
Kevin Rooker 7191 FM 920, Poolville, TX 76487 H)940-748-1031 • C)817-692-7843 www.ntlba.org krooker@centurylink.net
East Texas Longhorn Association Connie Ollive- 6505 FM 1002 S, Big Sandy, TX 75755 PH)903-590-6220 • C)903-780-0665 connie_ollive@aol.com
Northern Rockies Longhorn Association Ben Myren- 512 Williams Lake Rd, Colville, WA 99114 C)509-685-9458 • H)509-685-1154 atmyren@gmail.com
Northwest Longhorn Association Sheryl Johnson- 12037 S. Fox Rd, Molalla, OR 97038 H)503-829-9459 J5longhorns@yahoo.com VP-Joel Kuntz 541-848-7357 www.nwlonghornassociation.com
Please contact Scotty O’Bryan in the TLBAA office with any corrections or updates for these Affiliate listings. September 2013
Scott Simmons 34716 Sanders Rd. • Medora, IL 62063 C)618-610-1921 www.prairiestatelonghorn.com ssimmons@copeplastics.net
Mountains & Plains Texas Longhorn Association
California Association of Texas Longhorns
Linda Rogers- 294 Bryant Rd., Brooklyn, MS 39425-9508 PH)601-598-2669 lrogers@franklintelephone.com
Prairie State Longhorn Association
South Texas Longhorn Association
North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association
Dixie Texas Longhorn Association
Denise Webster 2477 County Road 5455, Hominy, OK 74035 PH)918-358-5802 ssrrlonghorns@msn.com
Dan Erskine- 24788 Boise River RD Parma, ID 83660 derskine@cityofboise.org
Randy Copus 2654 Atkinson Rd., Lodi, CA 95240 PH)209-605-4774 randylodi@aol.com
Oklahoma Texas Longhorn Association
scotty@tlbaa.org • 817-625-6241
Southeastern Texas Longhorn Association Jim Gladden- 11345 Turkey Roost Rd., Tallahassee, FL 32317 PH)850-877-9713 www.southeasternlonghorns.com gladdenpr@embarqmail.com
Tennessee Valley Association of Longhorn Breeders Roger Townsend- 2106 Beech Hill Rd., Pulaski, TN 38478 PH)931-309-9480 www.tvalonghorns.com roger.townsend@staffmark.com
Texas Longhorn Breeders of New Mexico Association Jerry Stevens, Pres.- 355 Heavenly Ln., Anthony, NM 88201 PH)575-649-0987 Kristi Wilson, Sec.- H)575-354-1210 kmcwilson@windstream.net
West Texas Longhorn Association Dennis Urbantke8567 N. US HWY 67, San Angelo, TX 76905 PH)325-655-3500 dennisurbantke@zipnet.us
Wyoming Longhorn Breeders Association Art Anders- PO Box 455, Crawford, NE 69339 PH)308-665-2457 haleyart@yahoo.com
TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s
September - Herd Management Guide Spring Calving:
1. Continue fly and tick control programs. Anaplasmosis problems can continue until frost, so observe cow herd closely for animals losing body condition and appearing anemic. Commercial supplements containing 150 grams of chloretracycline per 50 pounds of salt are available. Continuous feeding of the tetracycline medication during the fly season should provide adequate protection against the disease. 2. As grass matures, realize that the protein value decreases. The feeding of two-to-three pounds of a high protein supplement (30-40 percent crude protein content) will stimulate the digestion of the mature forage; therefore, the cattle will consume more forage and will maintain their body condition as winter approaches. 3. Start thinking about weaning calves.
If you are involved in a performance program, at weaning the calves should be weighed, weaning weights adjusted to a 205-day equivalent and weaning ratios calculated. 4. Look closely at your cow herd. Any defects, such as poor udders, etc., should be recorded for culling purposes at weaning time.
Fall Calving:
1. Prepare for the start of calving season. Separate cow herd into management groups for the calving season (first-calf heifers, second-calf cows, mature cows and open heifers). Watch body condition of the groups closely. Young females entering their first calving season require special nutritional assistance to insure they maintain a reasonable body condition after calving, produce adequate levels of milk for their offspring and rebreed for the coming year.
2. Watch first-calf heifers closely for potential calving difficulty. 3. Weigh all yearling heifers and bulls, adjusting the weights to a 365-day equivalent and calculate yearling ratios. Utilize the performance calculations as an aid in selection of your replacement heifers, if performance and growth are important selection criteria according to your herd objectives. 4. Before breeding, all replacement heifers should be vaccinated with intramuscular IBR/BVD (modified live virus), seven-way Clostridial bacterin booster, five-way Leptospirosis, Vibriosis and dewormed with an acceptable internal parasite product. 5. Conduct breeding soundness exams and fertility checks on all bulls prior to the breeding season.
Texas Longhorn Trails
WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle • Palpation gates • Measure horns • A.I. cows
We’ve got dw!hat you nee
The Official Chute of the TLBAA Horn Showcase
line video of the Check out our onon our website! chute in action
END OF TRAIL RANCH Mike or Debbie Bowman • P.O. Box 40 • Benton, KS 67017 • Home (316) 778-1717 • Work (316) 838-6194 Check out our website - www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net
Longhorn Cage $2,560 Paul Warford
work-your-cows.com 918-507-2222 paul@pccattlepens.com
Watch Trails Magazine and ETrails for new details on the TLBAA 50th Anniversary Celebration to be held May 2014 in the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards! September 2013
– continued from pg. 47
ypically, I look for people to adopt the older steers. Our retirement program is working really well; the folks are really appreciative and willing to give them a good home and turn them out to pasture for the rest of their life.” “Bevo was the last steer to retire – he went all the way to White Settlement, maybe ten miles. He’s got a pasture, he’s got a creek, he’s got a waterfall. He’s got it made! I pass by him frequently on the way home and I check on him – he’s living the good life.” “Harold and Linda Johnson adopted Bevo and they just phoned to tell me he was doing great and they are very proud to be his
adoptive family after retirement. He keeps to himself in the pasture, which is how he was during his tenure at the Herd program.”
continued from p.57
Fall 2013 Edition of American Livestock Magazine Features Texas Longhorns Longhorns saw a big prescene in the Fall 2013 edition of American Livestock magazine. The edition featured an article by TLBAA member Kathy Kittler entitled “Considering Longhorns…Let’s start with Steers” discussing the many benefits of owning Texas Longhorn steers. Althea Sullivan contributed an article as well entitled
“Why Miniature Texas Longhorns?” which introduces readers to the smaller members of the breed. Both articles referenced the TLBAA as their breed registry and a great resource to members.
Texas Longhorn Trails
READ E-TRAILS for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales & Events. Go to www.tlbaa.org September 2013
Texas Longhorn Trails
www.tlbaa.org CANADA ALBERTA
for news on upcoming TLBAA Sales & Events. Go to www.tlbaa.org and click on E-Trails
Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. (817) 625-6241
www.tlbaa.org September 2013
KYLE & WHITNEY MAYDEN Kyle & Whitney Mayden are from Harleton, TX. They have been Longhorn breeders since 2011. 1. How did you get started in the Texas Longhorn business? Whitney and I got into Longhorns just a couple years ago, so we are still very new to the breed. We had just bought our place in Harleton, Texas and Whitney and I were having a discussion about cattle, I wanted to start running some again and she simply stated, "if we are getting into cows, we are going to buy Texas Longhorns!" I am so glad we did. We instantly fell in love with this breed and it is an understatement to say our family is passionate about not only our cattle, but this industry and this breed as well. We love that our girls get so excited to check cows and look for new calves in the fields and I love the fact that my wife has become quite a pedigree reader. We are both very excited with the direction our program is headed. 2. What are a few highlights of your program. The true highlights in our program are watching the joy our girls get in chasing calves, but it is also so much more. It shows them a true meaning of responsibility to tend a herd, build a program, be personally responsible for the well being of the animals that you love and to care for them as well as be a steward of the land. Knowing the life lessons and values they gather through all this is probably the highlight of our day, every day. 3. Where is your Texas Longhorn program headed? When you first get into this breed it takes some time to get your footing and see what direction you want your program headed. We have found our footing and know now where we want to take our program. We are really enjoying buying fewer, higher quality animals and have used artificial insemination as well as invest in some really high quality young bulls with proven, predictable bloodlines that we feel will move our program in the right direction. Our goal is to leave a lasting and positive mark on this breed, and we feel confident we will do just that.
Nebraska Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow kids attended the Halter Breaking Clinic
Hi my name is Caden, and I like showing cattle. I’m 10 years old. I went to Wolbach, NE, on Saturday, June 29, 2013. Steve Snell from Guide Rock helped us with our cattle. He showed us how to lead our cattle, scratch their stomach and stance position with a show stick. I have eight cattle that I’m showing this year. My grandpa, aunt, grandma and Steve helped me show cattle. Thank you, Grandpa Rodger for bringing the heifer for us to practice with. This clinic was for kids and adults that wanted to learn more about halter breaking and showing Longhorns. There were about 10 kids at the clinic. After practicing with the cattle we had pizza and pop, thank you L.D. McIntyre! Then we had a short meeting, which was the first meeting. We discussed how to make motions, and we voted on the Nebraska state fair prizes. We all enjoyed the clinic, and we’d like to do this next year. We’re looking forward to showing this year. Caden Wieczorek, N.T.L.B.T. President
1. Carol Bernard & Ron Cormier, Cankton, LA; 2. Ken Devero, Tolar, TX with TLBAA’s Scotty O’Bryan; 3.Blanche & Bill Ford, Cisco, TX; 4. TLBAA’s Scotty O’Bryan with Beth Tanner, Stephenville, TX; 5. Scotty with Carla Payne, Slidell, TX.
r kindly We thank these folks fo A A office. droppin’ in at the TLB
Texas Longhorn Trails
By Rick Fritsche
SIGN UP FOR HORNS TODAY! The HORNS system continues to impress and delight those TLBAA members that brave the techno world of today and try it. With the addition of “Chute Side”, the iphone ap that allows you to access HORNS from anywhere you have phone coverage, HORNS is even more of a membership benefit to the breeder. Telephone calls come into the office every day from members excited about the ease, convenience and quickness of use of the program. However, many of our breeders still have not signed up for this free, easy and innovative breed maintenance program. Maybe it’s is an awareness issue, folks don’t know about it! Maybe it’s a physical issue where the breeder doesn’t have a computer or internet access. My personal favorite reason for not signing up for the program is a “generational issue”, folks my generation who deal with a “fear factor” (not the TV show) when using or thinking about using the computer. Trust me folks, you can’t blow this program up and if I can use it, you can use it! Just try! Access to HORNS is available to all active, lifetime, promotional and junior members of the Association whose membership dues are paid up, (in good standing)! Here’s how you start: simply call the office staff, (817) 6256241 and let us set up your initial password into the program. This only takes a few minutes as we verify your contact information in your profile, make any changes necessary and then ask you for your password. Passwords must be at least 4 characters long, it can be longer, can be letters or numbers or a combination of both, and is upper and lower case sensitive if letters are used. Once your password is set all you have to do is go to the TLBAA website and in the upper right side of the opening page you will see “HORNS, click here!” It will ask you for your user name which is your TLBAA membership number, and then your password which you just set. That’s it, you’re in your profile where you will be able to: • Register cattle • Transfer cattle • Research pedigrees (search the registry) • Manage your profile • Manage your herd inventory • Pay fees online September 2013
Be a responsible breeder...
transfer and register your cattle poperly. Of course first time usage of the HORNS system can be a bit scary, but don’t worry, staff is available 8-5 Monday through Friday to answer most questions for you and prior to committing your work to the registry, correct work you submitted and later find that you entered something incorrectly. Once work is submitted to the registry only staff can correct errors and omissions. If after hours or on weekends, there is a wonderful group of volunteer members listed in HORNS that can be contacted by email or phone to assist with questions or problems you may be encountering. Its free, simple and easy! GET STARTED TODAY!
Division A (cont.)
Division B (cont.)
Division B (cont.)
Westfarms, Inc. Oldenburg Farm, LLC Hoosier Longhorns Khaos Cattle Company Beeson Livestock Co. Leonard or Doris Boyd Shawn & Cathy Norton Dora Thompson Billy R. Walker One Tree Ranching Co. LTD Kathy Kittler Tim Miller Hudson Longhorns Karly Mims William G. Hill Double D Arena Dan Huntington Kasar & Lisa Kety Allen S. Brantley Brynmore Farm Llc John Leonard Marie Galloway Panther Creek Ranch Rick Bogle Royal Heritage Farm Mark Hubbell Don Constable Holland Farms, Inc. Kacy Mims Underwood Longhorns Benjamin C. Gravett Guthrie Nielsen Jim Steffler Mark, Darryl, Keith Christenson Rolling M Longhorns Scott Simmons Tom A. Smith Coolamon Grazing Co. Paul Corlett Ronald Arnsberger Shawn M. Pequignot Terry Roberts Nancy C. Dunn Ross and Teresa Suber Sidewinder Cattle Co. LLC Bernard Yonkman Charles Kellogg Dave Hovingh David L. 0r Robert W. Harcrow Ed and Becky Dingledine George and Laureen Gennin Harry & Maryanne Folkerts Hearn & Hearn Partnership Jack Shier James & Robyn Dyal Jay Wachter & Susan Willard Jim and Patty Gladden Joe Graddy Len Bloomberg Lester Hess, Jr. Mary Grace Moffitt
Mitchell Longhorns NEL-TAM Longhorns Philip A Church Ray & Donnah Stavig Robert Fenza Ron & Donna Garison Sun Creek Ranches Thomas A. Radosevich Thomas L. Findley Tom Mehlberg Triple R Ranch Ward J. Casteel William N. De Vane, Jr. Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc. Ken Craven
Rocking E Bar W Ranch Steven Zunker Suzanne & William H. Torkildsen, M.D. Stephen and Peggy Lee Annie Morgan & Steve Bell Charles Riddle Dave and Lori Overdorf David and Linda Mills Gary & Margie Huddleston John Marshall Mike Crawford & Pam Watkins Roger & Jacqueline Garlitz Alan Sparger, III Red McCombs Ranches of Texas James & Amy Roesler Jim and Jean Murray Robert A Rowland III Ron & Kevin Asbill Ron & or Laurie J. Lucas Sylvia Johnson Charlie Neill Circle Double C Ranch Kip & Kelly Stansell Triple R Ranch James H. Sexton, Jr. Bo & Jo Ann Winkel Brent & Cynthia Bolen Carla Payne Copper Creek Ranch David and Colette Varner Donald J. Haase El Coyote Ranch Gary & Linda Galayda George and Cindy Dennis John R. Randolph Lonnie Shan Matt Hill Sheryl L. Hall Max & Monte Sue Ball Mike Taylor Randy & Karen Reynolds Richard & Sharon Parr 5 G Farm Billy Sheridan Bruce and Connie Ollive Chase Vasut Chris White Danny & Lori Mynarcik Dezarah Bliss Don Bordelon & Victorea Luminary Dreamcatcher Ranch Dreamweaver Ranch Dr. Juan M. Gonzalez Eddie and Sharon Settlemyer James & Pia Eyman Jim Dorn John C. Wells Joseph P. Stilwell Kelly & Sharon Harris Kris Michalke Peterek
LNL Longhorns Michael Perry Stanley Tidwell Steve Day Tud Rosin Krier Ann Kothmann Dave & Althea Sullivan David M. Hillis Don Blansitt Elias F. Hal Meyer, Jr. Hacienda PBT, LLC Jason Christa Joe Munsch Pat & Stan Ivicic ACR Longhorns Allan Finch Armstrong Ranch @ Wolf Hollow Ben Liska Breck & Alaina Hudson Buffalo Gap Longhorns, LLC Cactus Rose Longhorns Cloud 9 Longhorns Cordera Longhorn Ranch Craft Ranch Crossed T's Cattle Company David Nix D D Stiles Debbie Macey Deer Creek Longhorns Don & Rhonda Poe Dr. Gene and Lana Hightower Elizabeth Bolen Gary Kudrna Helm Cattle Company Jerusalem Ridge Ranch Joe Tucker John & Rebecca McCammon JP Ranch Kelvin & Brenda Adams Kevin and Laureen Rooker Larry & Meloney Ferguson Lazy JP Ranch Lee and Linda Blackwell Limb Cattle Company Mark and Kara Bradbury Mark and Keighley Jacobson Rafter D Ranch Richard James Filip Rick & Tracey Friedrich Sandra K. Livingston & Jim Bownds Partnership Sandra K. Nordhausen Tommy Mulhollan Top Shelf Longhorns Warren and Deborah Birge W.C. & C.R. Mc Cowen Wes and Carol Chancey William F. Caldwell Donnie Taylor
Division B Homestead Farm Charles Schreiner IV Star Creek Ranch Ron & Barbara Marquess IM Rockin I, LLC Steve and Rene' Azinger Doug and Sandy Stotts Kurt Twining Rocking 'O' Ranch Michael McLeod Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway JM and Cathie Smith John Oliver Ohlendorf Land and Cattle Co., LLC Terry and Sherri Adcock La Pistola Cattle Co Trigg & Traci Moore Bernard Lankford Katy Ranch Crossing Cattle Co. Mikeal Beck Hickman Longhorns Inc Loyd Gibbs John & Ursula Allen Stark Enterprise Jaye Wells David & Kathy M. Adams Freddy Olivo Kyler Tucker PJ's Cattle Company Barbara Franklin Schmidt Charlotte & Ron Hamilton Cody M. Himmelreich Joel K & Shirley Lemley J.T. Wehring Rhonda Harris Vincent T. Girolamo Jason Carter Daniel L Harabis Diamond D Ranch John and /or Judy Coats John Miller Kyle & Whitney Mayden
Texas Longhorn Trails
Registrations and Transfers from June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2013
Division C
Division C (cont.)
Division C (cont.)
Division C (cont.)
Kent & Sandy Harrell Mike & Debbie Bowman Big Valley Longhorns Doug Hunt Lawrence Morgan Longhorns Bob & Pam Loomis Jim Freeman, Jr. Dean & Belinda Franke Tom and Molly St. Hilaire Robert A. or Julie A.G. Balzan J5 Longhorns L.D. and Debbie McIntyre Dale Hunt Barbara J. Fillmore Heaven on Earth Safari B Ranch Boyd & Judy Bambrough Fifty Tall Ranch Buckhorn Cattle Company Van Dorathy Lucinda K. Christian Two Heart Bar Ranch Mike Lutt Robert & Lisa Van Liew Toby Johnson Art Anders Richard & Linda Spooner
Calvin & Linda Anthony Kent and Christine Bladen R-B Farm Warren and Cathy Dorathy Dylan Pfizenmaier JBR Longhorns, LLC Wilson Longhorns Dave Hodges Joseph Sedlacek Bill and Jo Le'AN Charles and Mechell Griffin J Bar J Longhorns, LLC David Roberts Flying N Ranch Elsie A. Rose and/or John A. Rose Thomas P Herzog Daniel & Angelina Fey Guy or Vicki Packer Oren & Dianna O'Dell Randy and Marsha Witte Craig, Cel and Rietta Iversen Billy & Audrey Doolittle Dan Erskine Danielle Erskine Gene and Delma Murphy Jordan Ranch Kathy and Denny Lux
Lee Decker LeEtta Constant & Mike Laughlin Luebbering Farms, LLC Marc Sacre Nick Noyes Robert and Jenny Smoot Alexandra Dees Don Anderson James and Mary Clark JB Ranch Kevin Conlan Lisa Fazio Melissa McClain Petersen Longhorn Randy and Jamie Briscoe Ray Beadle Ron & Jan Gentry Semkin Longhorns Vel and Warren Miller Bar 46 Ranch Ben and Ilse Myren Bonnie & Rodger Damrow Branham Cattle Company Chance Wulf Darwyn & Renee Klarenbeek Double L Mesquite Ranch
Dustin & Candice Brewer Fairlea Longhorn Ranch, LLC Fossil Creek Longhorns James Wesley Ray Jerry & Martha Stevens John Murphy Kasi Dick Mary Ann, and or Ron Nolde McGill Ranch Melissa Reese M W Ranch Orton Cattle Co. Pace Cattle Company Parrish Farms RC Larson Longhorns Roderick Atwood Ron & Sandra Shockley Sherie Weatherby Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary Straight Arrow Cattle Co. Sunset Ridge Ranch Terry Jim Hedgpeth Travis & Angela Colvin Wayne & Pamela Irey Wild Horse Creek Ranch Wulfco Ranch
September 2013
Save The Date! SEPTEMBER 2013
SEPT 1 • Colorado State Fair, Pueblo, CO. Lana Pearson (719) 7400741. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth SEPT 6-7 • Gold Country Show, Amados Co. Fairgrounds, Plymouth, CA. Show Chair: Christine DeMaria (530) 796-3402. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 7 • Winchester Futurity, George Henderson 2nd Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401. SEPT 9-10 • Spokane Interstate Fair, Spokane, WA.Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985 or j5longhorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 14 • Hill Country Heritage Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. (325) 668-3552 or (713) 305-0259. SEPT 14 • New Mexico State Fair, Albuquerque, NM. Show Chair: Bill Van Gundy-lacuevalonghorns@yahoo.com or (575) 829-3624. Show Secretary and Youth Show Contact: Kristi Wilson (575) 354-1210 or kmwilson@windstream.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 21 • 2nd Annual Operation First Response Fund Raiser, Cook-Out & Auction, Pay It Forward Ranch, Bealeton, VA. Lee Sherbeyn (540) 270-8585 or choicelonghorns@msn.com SEPT 26-28 • Tulsa State Fair, Tulsa, OK. Steve & Bodie Quary (405) 6730393 or dqlonghorns@yahoo.com. Deadline: Aug. 26, 2013. For entries: www.tulsastatefair.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 26-28 • East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower (903) 963-7442 or glcattleco@aol.com. Entry forms & info at www.etstatefair.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 27 • Central Washington Fair, Yakima, WA. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or rockingkbartranch@hughes.net Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 28 • B&C Show Me Longhorn Sale, Brookfield Livestock Auctions, Inc., Bus. Hwy. 36, Brookfield, MO. Sayre Auction & Sale Management, Bill Sayre (660) 258-2973 or (660) 734-0827 or Shawn (660) 734-8782.
OCT 4 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, SS Backwards Longhorns, Medora, IL. Scott & Dara Simmons-ssimmons@copeplastics.com or (618) 729-2004 OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Turnersburg, NC. Carl Brantley (336) 667-5452 or pyledriver1964@yahoo.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, CR Ranches, Harper, OR. Alexandra Dees & Eric Youngberg (541) 358-8787 or atdees@aol.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Westville, FL. Terry & Tammy King tklonghorns@centurylink.net or (850) 956-4154 OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Nel-Tam Longhorns, Richland, PA. Nelson & Tammy Hearn nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com or (484) 638-0228 OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, El Coyote Ranch, Kingsville, TX. Felix Serna fserna@elcoyote.com or Della Serna or dserna@elcoyote.com. (361) 522-0807 or (361) 296-4275 OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Stotts Hideaway Ranch, Midway, TX. Doug & Sandy Stotts (713) 598-2220 OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Lazy J Longhorns, Greenleaf, KS. Joe & Stephanie Sedlacek (785) 747-2204 or lazyjlonghorns@aol.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Red McCombs Ranch, Red & Charline McCombs, Johnson City, TX. Alan & Teresa Sparger (210) 4458798 or alan@redmccombslonghorns.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Hudson Longhorns, Bill & Elizabeth Hudson, Corydon, IN. Mike Willinger (502) 379-1049 or classicfence@hughes.net OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Widespread Ranch, Lowell, MI. Tom Smith (616) 293-0977 or tom@widespreadranch.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Deer Creek Longhorns, Frank & Michelle Hevrdejs, Brenham, TX. Bruce Hazelwood (979) 277-8016 or bhdeercreek@texasbb.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Hunt Longhorns, Saint George, UT. Doug & Dianne Hunt (435) 275-2112 or ddlonghorns@hotmail.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Killdeer, ND. Chad Smith (701) 590-9073 or cg.smith@nsdu.edu OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Ponoka, Alberta. Jeff Jespersen (780) 966-3320 or jeffj91@hotmail.com OCT 5 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Caballo Bravo Longhorns, Sanger, CA. Warren & Cathy Dorathy (630) 240-5829 or warcat21@gmail.com OCT 5 • 5th Annual Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Sale, Turnersburg Livestock Market, Turnersburg, NC. Carl Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC pyledriver1964@yahoo.com or (336) 667-5452. OCT 6 • H.S. Sat. Measuring, Loomis Longhorns, Marietta, OK. Bob & Pam Loomis (580) 276-7498 or loomis20@juno.com OCT 9 • Fort Worth Herd, Fort Worth, TX - Come see us measure the herd to kick off the Horn Showcase weekend in the Stockyards! OCT 9-13 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org OCT 12 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Sale, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org OCT 18 • NILE Stock Show, Billings, MT. Toby Johnson (307) 674-4691 or (307) 751-1315. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth
TEXAS LONGHORN Coming Events OCT 18 • Longhorn Celebration Weekend - Educational Seminar, Waco Stockyards, Waco, TX. Russell Hooks (409) 381-0616 or russellh@longhornroundup.com or Tessa Millsap (254) 3156548 or tess2305@aol.com. OCT 18-20 • State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX. Trigg & Traci Moore (817) 832-8742 or (254) 396-5592 or traci@triple-t-longhorns.com. Entry forms: www.bigtex.com Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth OCT 19 • Texas Gold Heifer Futurity & Texas Longhorn Round-Up Sale, Waco Stockyards, Waco, TX. Russell Hooks (409) 3810616 or russellh@longhornroundup.com or Tessa Millsap (254) 315-6548 or tess2305@aol.com. OCT 26 • Marquess Arrow Production Sale, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron & Barbara Marquess-maranch@aol.com or (903) 833-5810 Ranch or (903) 5705199 Ron. www.maranch.com. OCT 25-27 • Ark-La-Tex Fall Show, George Henderson 2nd Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (936) 414-1401 or Bobbye DuBose (409) 384-8120. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth
NOV 9-10 • Louisiana State Fair, Shreveport, LA. Tina DuBose (979) 277-2656. www.statefairoflouisiana.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. NOV 16 • Texas Longhorn Fall Production, Consignment & Ranch Horse Sale, Crossroads Centre, Oyen, Alberta. Contact Ron Walker (403) 548-6684 or walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com. NOV 22-24 • Kaufman Police Association 3rd Annual Longhorn Show, S&S Arena, Terrell, TX. Joel Norris (972) 533-4945 or (972) 932-3094. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth NOV 24 • Tri-State Longhorn Sale, Crawford, NE. Art or Haley Anders (308) 665-2457.
JAN 18 • Premier Texas Longhorn Sale, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org JAN 20-21 • Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered & Youth JAN 24-25 • National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO. Lana Pierson (719) 740-0741. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth
FEB 27-MARCH 1 • San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo, San Angelo, TX; Dennis Urbantke (325) 655-3500 or dennisurbantke@zipnet.us. For entries: www.sanangelorodeo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
MARCH 2014
MARCH 6-9 • Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Houston, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MARCH 21-23 • Stillwater Shootout, Stillwater, OK. Steve & Bodie Quary (405) 673-0393 or dqlonghorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
APRIL 2014
APR 4-5 • Hudson-Valentine Spring Invitational Texas Longhorn Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 393-2012. APR 11-13 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Brenham, TX; Susan Young susanyoung@hotmail.com or (713) 2946334. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. APR 25-26 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or www.endoftrailranch.com.
MAY 2014
MAY 2-3 • Red McCombs Fiesta Sale and Premier Heifer Sale, Johnson City, TX. www.redmccombslonghorn.com. Alan & Teresa Sparger, alan@redmccombsranches.com, teresa@redmccombsranches.com, (210) 445-8798.
MAY 9-11 • TLBAA 50th Aniversary Celebration Weekend, Fort Worth, Texas MAY 16-17 • Millennium Futurity, Glen Rose, TX; Bill Davidson (405) 2587117 or milflonghorns@sbcglobal.net. www.mlfuturity.com.
AUG 6-9 • TLBAA World Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Scotty O’Bryan (817) 625-6241 or scotty@tlbaa.org. www.tlbaa.org. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
Texas Longhorn Trails
Gold N Rule Sittin Bull
Max Caliber Coach
Mountain Home, Texas
1-800-YO RANCH
• Semen Collection & Processing • CSS Available Facility • Storage • Shipping • Supplies • AI • Embryo Collections • AI Training Schools
charlie4@yoranch.com Proud member of the TLBAA and TLMA
At our facilities or on-farm collecting
September 2013
Bob Woodard
Brenda Barton
903.567.4044 (Office)
Craig Barton
18035 FM 17 • Canton, TX 75103 Toll Free 1.866.604.4044 Fax 903.567.6587 www.championgenetics.com
JoelAuctioneer Lemley P.O. Box 471 Blackwell, TX 79506
www.lemleyauctionservices.com TX. License 15204
Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX
(817) 991-9979
DORA THOMPSON just registered 38 QUALITY HEIFERS and 17 HERD SIRE prospects BRED FOR HORN. We specialize in Hunts Command Respect and McGill Ranch genetics and offer young stock at reasonable prices. We have a Farlap Chex son on a herd of straight Butlers. Sand Hills Ranch is 20 mi. off the TX line in Northwest Louisiana below Shreveport. A large herd (approx. 175 mama cows) promises you plenty of variety. echoofambush@aol.com www.sandhillsranch.com • Tel (318) 872-6329
www.oliverlonghorns.com Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”
joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083
ELITE TEXAS LONGHORNS FOR SALEDale Hunt - www.rockinhlonghorns.com (402) 214-4851.
JBR LONGHORNS- frozen embryos, AI & ET, semen, elite females, miniatures, lean beef, free advice, call before you buy. Jim Rombeck (785) 562-6665, Justin Rombeck (816) 536-1083.
BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new Web site with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
(507) 235-3467
The welcome mat is out for our
Longhorn friends (old, new and soon to be) with GOOD Deals as our herd reduction programs continue… Excellent bulls, cows, heifers and steers for sale at reasonable prices. Top bloodlines, gentle, loud colors & big horns! To schedule a ranch tour or just to "talk Longhorns", call:
Dorie Damuth • Flying D Longhorn Ranch Magnolia, Texas • 281-356-8167 dorie27@sbcglobal.net www.damuthflyingdranch.com
LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains
New Location: Sallisaw, OK (918) 774-9107 • (918) 855-4907 new web site:
TRIGG MOORE Cell: (254) 396-5592 Ofc: (254) 965-5500 Fax: (254) 965-5532
Owner/Broker 936 S. Hwy 281 Stephenville, TX 76401 Email: trigg@c21homeandranch.com
WF POKER SEMEN – $75/Straw. No minimum. See his calves and order semen at www.crazycattlecompany.com or call (717) 577-3347.
LONGHORN SEMEN – Boomerang C P, Bold Ruler, Emperor, VJ Tommie, GF Gman, Tabasco, Watson 167, Diamond W Paycash, JM Sue & more. John Oliver (972) 268-0083 or www.oliverlonghorns.com
TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380.
WOULD YOU LIKE SOME VANIZM OR JUBAL JANGLER HEIFERS? – Save your cash for hay. How about trading bulls or steers for them instead of cash? Call (785) 447-9132 McIntyre Ranches - www.mcintyreranches.com.
LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Ted Roush (713) 299-7990 Cell www.asocl.com or troush57@yahoo.com YOU CALL - I HAUL!
For information, visit
www.tlbaa.org or read the Trails Magazine!
Specializing in mounted steer horns, cow skulls, horn furniture, hides
M.P. & K.D. HORN and LEATHER SHOP 408 E. Drew • Ft. Worth, TX 76110 817-927-8061 • Fax: 817-927-7970 E-mail: MPKDhornshop8061@msn.com Web site: www.hornandleather.com
TEXAS LONGHORN T•R•A•I•L•S (817) 625-6241 • Fax (817) 625-1388 trails@tlbaa.org
Classified ads are $15.00 for 25 words. Box ads are $25.00 per inch. Deadline is the 25th of the second month preceding publication.
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Texas Longhorn Trails
Adcock, Terry & Sherri........................23, 67 Lemley Longhorns ....................................67 Adkins, Aron & Clay ..........................11, 18 Lightning Longhorns ................................65 Almendra Longhorns................................65 Little Ace Cattle Co.......................................8 Loomis, Bob & Pam ..........................18, 19 Lone Wolf Ranch ......................................66 B Longhorn Designs ....................................63 Bar H Ranch ........................................23, 65 Longhorn Sale Pen ....................................63 Bar L Cattle Co. ..........................................67 Beadle Land & Cattle............................8, 65 Bear Boot Ranch ........................................67 M Bentwood Ranch........................................21 Marquess Arrow Ranch ..................66, IBC Billingsley Longhorns ........................31, 67 MCA Ranch................................................8-9 Blue Mountain Longhorns......................63 McLeod Ranch..............................................8 Blue Ridge Ranch ........................................5 Meridian Longhorns ................................23 Box Z Ranch ..........................................8, 67 Miller, Tim ..................................................65 Brett Ranch..................................................66 Moriah Farms ........................................9, 65 Broken Arrow Ranch ................................33 Broken W Ranch........................................66 N BT Farms......................................................66 Buckhorn Cattle Co. ............................8, 66 Nebraska TX LH Assoc. Sale....................69 Bull Creek Longhorns........................29, 66 Northbrook Cattle Co. ............................66 Butler Breeders ..........................................8-9
Just For Grins Create an original caption for this photograph and win a TLBAA cap! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)
Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or laura@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Please specify which month your caption is for.
P&C Cattle Pens ........................................63 CedarView Ranch................................21, 65 Panther Creek Longhorns ..................2, 65 Champion Genetics..................................73 Pearl Longhorn Ranch..............................67 PJ’s Cattle Company....................................8
D Dalgood Longhorns....................................9 DCCI Equipment ......................................73 Deer Creek Longhorns ............................67 Diamond Q Longhorns ..........................66 Dick’s Ranch Supply..................................73 Double LB Longhorns..............................67
Reg. TX Longhorn Lean Beef ..................62 Rio Vista Ranch ............................................8 River Ranch..................................................21 Rockin AF Ranch ........................................31 Rockin I Longhorns ......................9, 25, 67 Rocking G Ranch..........................................9 Rocking P Longhorns..................................8 E Rocky Mountain Longhorns ..................65 Eagles Ridge Longhorns..............................9 Rolling D Ranch ........................................65 El Coyote Ranch ..........................................1 Running Arrow Farm................................73 End of Trail Ranch..............................15, 65
F First Financial Bank....................................71 Flying Diamond Ranch............................65
G G6 Longhorns ............................................65 Green, Davis................................................66
Photo courtesy of David Harcrow
S Safari B Ranch ............................................66 Sand Hills Ranch ..................................7, 65 Schumacher Cattle ....................................38 Semkin Longhorns....................................66 Sidewinder Cattle Co. ................................9 Singing Coyote Ranch ..............................67 Smith, T.M. & Jean ....................................65 SS Longhorns..............................................65 Stotts Hideaway Ranch......................23, 67
H Haltom Hollar Ranch ..............................65 Harrell Ranch ................................................9 Helm Cattle Co. ........................................65 Hickman Longhorns ................................66 Horseshoe J Longhorns............................18 Hubell Longhorns ....................................18 Hudson Longhorns ....................................3 Hudson-Valentine Spring Inv. Sale ........13
Tallgrass Cattle Company ........................14 Texas S Longhorns ....................................66 TLBA Foundation ......................................48 TLBAA 50th Anniversary ........................IFC TLBAA Horn Showcase..20, 22, 24, 26-27 TLBAA Membership..................................76 TLBAA Special Events................................39 Trinity Creeks Ranch ................................29 Triple R Ranch (MI) ..................................65 J Triple R Ranch (TX) ....................................9 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ......................66 Triple T Longhorns ............................35, 66 Jack Mountain Ranch................................67 Jameson’s Texas Longhorn ......................33 U Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. ............................9 JBR Longhorns ..........................................BC Underwood Longhorns ..........................65 Johnston Longhorns ................................66
Walker, Ron ................................................67 Khaos Cattle Company ........................11, 18 Westfarms, Inc...............................................8 King, Terry & Tammy............................18, 65 White Pine Ranch ................................11,18 Kittler Land & Cattle Co. ............................65 Wichita Fence..............................................63 Wild Horse Creek Ranch..........................66
Y September 2013
YO Ranch ....................................................73
Carter Schildknecht, Lamesa, TX ◆
“Memory foam... No comparison!” Becky Oster, Watkins, MN
Coming Next Month:
Herd Health 75
Join Us! We’re Growing Fast!
a small group of concerned cattlemen banded together to preserve the unique heritage of Texas Longhorn cattle. With this goal, they established the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) to maintain the breed registry and to promote the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible.
In 1964,
the purposes of the TLBAA remain the same. In addition, the Association has expanded its membership services as the number of Texas Longhorn enthusiasts has increased to an all-time high.
The Advantages of Membership Include:
★ State of the art Registration Department to maintain four ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
decades of herd registry. Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World Exposition. Hall of Fame. Canadian show circuit for breeders in the North. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated animal scientists. Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Yearly subscription to Texas Longhorn Trails monthy magazine.
★ Educational Web site. ★ Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership.
★ Riding steer group – another unique use for the Texas
Longhorn. Educational breed seminars. Group field days. Futurities. Commercial breeding programs. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program. Member of state and national cattle organizations. Exclusive computer software program to keep your herd updated. ★ Advertising campaigns in world circulated publications. ★ Mail-in voting for regional directors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE! Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388 www.tlbaa.org
TLBAA Membership Application
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)______________Office Phone: ( )______________Fax Number: (
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Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________
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Please draw your brand inside the box exactly as you wish to be recorded. Reading of Brand _______________________
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New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) ** New/Renewal Outrider (Associate Member) (pays Non-Member rates for animal work)
Monthly Breed Publication (Texas Longhorn Trails)
**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___
75.00 60.00
All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.
* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $60 US address or $75 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.
Texas Longhorn Trails