Texas Longhorn Trails
January 2016 | 1
2 | January 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
56 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
Making the Most of Your MArketing Plan Ins and outs of various marketing methods By Myra Basham SEPTEMBER 2016 Vol. 28 • No. 5
Taking a photo that sells
Tips to get better Longhorn photos By Myra Basham
Editor’s Note
The Auction Method of MArketing How to make the most of consigning to a sale. By Myra Basham.
Officers & Directors
Product Spotlight RECORDS SET AT 2016 DIANN CHASE LONGHORN SCHOLARSHIP EXPO A complete show wrap-up. By Laura Standley
Show Results
43 TLBT & Animal Points
10 45
Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame Nominations Calling For Nominations for the TLBAA Special Awards
In The Pen
Inside Back Cover
Fall Vaccinations for the Cow Herd
Index & Just For Grins
By Heather Smith Thomas
About the Cover: Diann Chase Expo Champions: Grand Champion Bull – Sanddollar Rivival, exhibited by John Nelson, owner – John & Lauri Chase; Grand Champion Female – Sanddollar Escallada, exhibited by Madi Moreland, owner – Rodney & Patti Mahaffey; Grand Champion Steer – Sunrise Swish, exhibited by Clara Holson, owner – John T. & Betty Baker. For complete details, turn to pg. 44.
4 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 57
GeTtING the Word out
If you are serious about having Texas Longhorns, then you need to think about marketing. Even if you only intend to have a few, those calves add up quickly and you’ll find yourself wanting to find a new home for them and hopefully make a return on investment in the process. Whether you already have a marketing plan or it’s something you haven’t really thought about yet, turn to page 16 and start reading. This issue will give you insight into the how’s and why’s of a marketing plan as well as informing you about various platforms to utilize to show off your program to other Longhorn enthusiasts. We’ll discuss everything from print, web, and social media, to participating in consignment sales. There is also a special look at capturing that photo necessary to represent your animals well. I really appreciate the professionals who so graciously took time out of their busy schedules to contribute to the marketing articles. I, myself, learned some tips in the process of writing these and I know our readers will benefit from what you each had to say. We’re excited to share this information and hope everyone can gain a little something from it. It is our goal to include marketing tips and subjects more frequently in upcoming Trails issues. There are also lots of opportunities to get out and do a little faceto-face marketing this fall. September, October, and November all have back to back Longhorn events. Turn to the calendar and check it out or turn to page 19 and learn about all the activities going on in Lawton, OK, at the TLBAA Horn Showcase. With a sale, a futurity, measuring contest, bull alley and embryo alley there is something for everyone. Even if you are not entering, come join in the fun. As hard as it is to believe, it’s time to start thinking about your Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale consignments, and of course - promoting them! Only three issues left until the month of the sale. Turn to pages 32, 33, & 34 for more information on the sale and Texas longhorn Weekend events. Thanks to all the affiliates for the great news and photos this month. We encourage all affiliates to share each month with us so people will know what a fun and active group of Longhorn breeeders is in their area. If anyone knows of members participating in special events outside the Longhorn industry or receiving media attention in their area, let us know for “News on the Trail”. Let other Longhorn breeders know that you’re spreading the good word and exposing others to the great Texas Longorn.
DEADLINE: November 2016 Issue:
Myra Basham Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief
Sept 22nd Gifts/Apparel/ Furnishings
6 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
(817) 625-6241 817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 trails@tlbaa.org www.tlbaa.org
Editor in Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 108 • myra@tlbaa.org trailseditor@tlbaa.org Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Lindsay Maher • Ext. 109 lindsay@tlbaa.org Graphic Design & Production: Joshua Farias • Ext. 107 joshua@tlbaa.org
Registrations Rick Fritsche • Ext. 100 rick@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org Dana Coomer • Ext. 116 dana@tlbaa.org registrar@tlbaa.org membership@tlbaa.org
Special Events Amy Weatherholtz • Ext. 104 amy@tlbaa.org
Printed in the U.S.A. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 221 N. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 6256241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
17 13 18
2 3
TLBAA Regions
Division A ~ Regions 1-6
Executive committee
Canada, New Zealand, Australia
Chairman of the Board: Tom Matott • (303) 500-9465
Secretary/Parliamentarian: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844
Executive Vice Chairman: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035
Treasurer: Mark Hubbell • (269) 838-3083
1st Vice Chairman: Alex Dees • (805) 300-4617
Director: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493
2nd Vice Chairman: Kathy Kittler • (501) 690-0771
Director: LD McIntyre • (308) 750-8384
Division B ~ Regions 7-12
Division C ~ Regions 13-18
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Mark Hubbell
Keith DuBose
(269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com
(979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
At-Large Director
Ken Morris
John Parmley
David “Nik” Nikodym
Region 1 - Director
Region 7 - Director
Region 13 - Director
Jeff Jespersen
Lana Hightower
(704) 361-6035 khaoslonghorns@gmail.com
(780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com
(281) 541-1201 john@jspservicesinc.com
(903) 681-1093 glcattleco@aol.com
(405) 227-7127 bardies@hotmail.com
L.D. McIntyre
(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600 tejas@mcintyreranches.com
Region 2 - Director
Region 8 - Director
Region 14 - Director
Nelson Hearn
Gwen Damato
Todd McKnight
(484) 638-0228 nel_tam_hearn@yahoo.com
(817) 304-1665 diamondglonghorns@yahoo.com
Region 3 - Director
Region 9 - Director
Region 15 Director
Tom Smith
David Edwards
Region 4 - Director
Region 10 - Director
Region 16 - Director
Aaron Adkins
Gary Bowdoin
Tom Matott
(616) 293-0977 tom@widespreadranch.com
(620) 704-3493 tmck7@ckt.net
(918) 557-0364 dledwards.texaslonghorncattle@gmail.com
(704) 490-9208 doublealonghorns@gmail.com
(254) 640-0844 run4funbow@aol.com
(303) 500-9465 tom@rockymountainlonghorns.com
Region 5 - Director
Region 11 - Director
Region 17 - Director
Terry King
Region 6 - Director
Region 12 - Director
Region 18 - Director
Kathy Kittler
Bill Torkildsen
Chris Herron
(850) 299-6875 tklonghorns@centurylink.net
(501) 690-0771 k.kittler@hotmail.com Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967 Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969 J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971 Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973 James Warren 1973-1975 J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977 J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978 John R. Ball* 1979-1980
8 | September 2016
Bill Anthony* 1981-1982 Dr. L.V. Baker 1982-1984 Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark 1984-1986 Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988 John T. Baker 1988-1990 Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992
Alex Dees
(805) 300-4617 atdees@aol.com
(979) 249-4255 torkildsenwh@yahoo.com
Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995 Tim Miller* 1995-1998 Sherman Boyles 1998-2003 Bob Moore* 2003-2005 Joel Lemley 2006-2007 Ben Gravett* 2007
Dr. Fritz Moeller 2007-2009 Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010 Robert Richey 2010 Steven Zunker 2010-2011 Brent Bolen 2011-2012 Bernard Lankford 2012-2013 Todd McKnight 2013-2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
(909) 721-7577 chris@herronconstructioninc.com
TLBAA EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 semkinlonghorns@mindspring.com Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 hubbelllonghorns@aol.com Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 doublehelix@att.net Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 fserna@elcoyote.com John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 jtb2@earthlink.net Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com
Frank Anderson Jr. and III
828 S. Rosemary Dr. • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100 edie.wakefield@gmail.com
Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle
Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110 Ray.Beadle@gapac.com
Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa
2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 christacattleco@msn.com www.christacattleco.com Louis (210) 863-7003 Jason (210) 232-1818
Dalgood Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman
6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422 dalgood@comcast.net www.dalgoodlonghorns.com
DuBose Bar D Ranch Keith & Tina DuBose
P.O. Box 370 • Ben Wheeler, TX 75754 (979) 277-2161 kwdubose@gmail.com www.dubosebard.com
Jack Mountain Ranch Hal & Betty Meyer
8000 Mount Sharp Rd. • Wimberley, TX 78676 (512) 422-4681 cell (512) 842-1116 halmeyer@hotmail.com
Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate
418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467
Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co.
P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 ketyfolsom@aol.com
LL Longhorns Neil & Cynthia Hall
1414 Thorton Rd. • Houston, TX 77018 (206) 574-8950 www.lllonghorns.com cynthia@lllonghorns.com
McLeod Ranch Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155
Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns
P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 www.rockingplonghorns.com bpotts1@verizon.net
Rio Vista Ranch Elmer & Susan Rosenberger
4818 Eck Lane • Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail: elmer@riovistaranch.com www.riovistaranch.com
Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey
21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 r3ranch@aol.com www.butlertexaslonghorns.com
Westfarms Inc. Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland
13529 Hwy 450 • Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail: westfarmsinc@gmail.com
Nominations Being Accepted for Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame The purpose of the Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame is to preserve the great history of the Texas Longhorn cattle breed and to recognize individuals who have had the greatest impact and influence on the breed. Induction into the Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon an individual, whose contributions and commitment have truly shaped the breed. NOMINATION CRITERIA Any TLBAA member in good standing may submit a nomination. Nominee must have been an outstanding contributor over a period of years either as a breeder, competitor or contributor to the Texas Longhorn breed. The nominee should have been or is currently a member of the TLBAA. A nominee may be either living or deceased. NOMINATION PROCESS Nomination of an individual must be submitted using the form provided by TLBAF. Incomplete nominations will not be accepted. Materials which may be included with the nomination form are photographs, newspaper or other publication clippings, multimedia items, URL addresses for online videos, competition records from the TLBAA’s HORNS system or other related organizations, reference letters from those who know or knew the nominee, a personal testament from the individual preparing the nomination, or relevant passages from books containing biographical information on the nominee. If these items are sent in, they will not be returned and will become a part of the archives. Nomination forms and supporting materials must be submitted UNBOUND on traditional letter size paper (8.5”x11”). The nomination process considers individuals addressing the following criteria: a. Accomplishments in the Longhorn industry b. National importance within the Longhorn industry c. Contributions made to the Longhorn industry d. Enduring value or historical significance of accomplishments e. Personal qualities (integrity, character, uniqueness) Upon receiving a nomination, the TLBAF office will send acknowledgement. The acknowledgement of materials does NOT indicate a successful nomination. Nominations will be accepted year round; however, a nomination must be received by a deadline of September 15 of each year in order for the committee to consider for the following year. A nomination of a person may be reviewed by the Hall of Fame Committee each year for a maximum of three years; however, the nomination must be resubmitted each year. Upon the completion of the third year, if a nominee has not been selected for induction, then the nominator must wait two complete calendar years before resubmitting that particular nominee to the Hall of Fame Committee for consideration. The Hall of Fame Committee, by a majority vote will select the inductees and be confirmed by a majority vote of the TLBAF Board. INDUCTION CEREMONY An induction ceremony will take place annually at the Hall of Fame banquet, co-hosted by the TLBAF and the TLBAA. Inductees will receive appropriate recognition and awards at the banquet. Inductee will also be showcased in the Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame section of the TLBAF Museum (once the building is complete).
2015 Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame Inductees: Charles Schreiner, III The Seven Families: Jack Phillips • M.P. “Chico” Wright Graves Peeler • Cap Yates • Milby Butler Emil H. Marks • Wichita Wildlife Refuge (WR) 10 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
See page 12 for nomination form Nominations may also be submitted online at www.tlbaa.org Click TLBAA tab, scroll down and click Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
TEXAS LONGHORN BREEDERS OF AMERICA FOUNDATION HALL OF FAME NOMINATION FORM Nominee’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date:_____________
Date of Death (if applicable)_____________ If nominee is deceased, the nearest living relative is:
Daytime Phone:_____________________
Relationship to Nominee:____________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting materials and suggested sources for reference in preparation of the nominee’s biographical information should include articles in Texas Longhorn Trails and other periodicals, competition records from TLBAA’S HORNS System or other related organizations, reference letters from those who knew the nominee, and personal testament from the individual preparing the nomination. Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America related activities, offices, honors: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Most prominent Longhorns owned and their achievements: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Longhorn industry activities, offices, honors: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other civic activities and honors: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other supporting information: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
Product Spotlight
By Lindsay Maher
Calf Book - Herd Management On the Go Replace that old legal pad on the dash for an easy to use mobile app. Calf Book allows you to track your cow/calf data and semen/embryo tank inventory wherever you go. In addition to basic herd management, users are able to store calf processing information, breeding data with projected calving dates, and generate performance reports. The first step is to create your herd with the Cow/Bull list functions. Calf Book has simplified data entry with the ability to import herd information from an excel file. Data can also be added through the app or a web-based application from your computer. Once you’ve created your herd, you will be able to utilize the Breeding Data, Calf Data, and Tank Inventory functions. Breeding Data - Track cows exposed, service type and date exposed. Automatically project calving dates based on breeding dates entered. Tank Inventory- Identifies semen and embryo storage location. Create multiple tanks with automated inventory status linking breeding data as semen or embryos are used. Reports- Calving History, Cow Breeding, Cow Productivity and Income; track yearling performance and create reports by Sire or entire calf crop. This thoughtfully designed app gives users the flexibility to share and sort data as well. Multiple users can share data simultaneously through synchronization via a cloud server. The Cow List, Calf Data and Breeding Data can all be quickly sorted by clicking on the headings. Download Calf Book in the app store and try it free for 30 days to discover how it can work for you. Calf Book was developed by Ed Tlach, owner of EDJE Technologies a web/print/design firm specializing in agriculture and livestock digital marketing. Subscription fees are $5 annually for the Basic Plan and $15 for the Plus Version. For more information visit calfbook.com
Breeder Beacon Do you want to locate breeders near you? Out of town and wonder who in the area is just as crazy about Texas Longhorns? Now you can easily find fellow breeders on your mobile device with Breeder Beacon. Brought to you by Hired Hand Software, Breeder Beacon is a free app providing a GPS and searchable database of Texas Longhorn, Whitetail Deer, and Quarter Horse breeders. Users can view over 1,350 Texas Longhorn breeder listings which include contact information, website urls, and directions. What an awesome networking tool! Find Longhorn friends nearby or make the most of your upcoming trip by locating breeders on the way. Future app updates could include advertising opportunities and viewable photos. Breeder listings are free and managed by Hired Hand. If you would like your ranch added or updated email info@breederbeacon. com. Download breeder beacon in the app store or visit breederbeacon. com.
Would you like to recommend a product? Contact Lindsay Maher lindsay@tlbaa.org or (817) 625-6241
14 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 57
Making The Most of Mention marketing and people tend to cringe. While everyone understands you need to spread the word about your breeding program to get the return you want, there is fear in spending those limited budgets with no return. Understanding your options and the preliminary steps needed will help produce better results and ensure you’re not just wasting your precious time and money.
your herd is the best it can be. Maybe you bought a few head because you like Longhorns and suddenly have a whole herd. Now you Before you can establish what type of marketing will feel overwhelmed. Bear Davidson, Eastwind Stock Co. work best for you, determine what you have to offer sees this happen to many new breeders. “Plan for sucand where your program is headed. Do some research cess. Failure takes no plan,” states Bear. Without planon the bloodlines in your herd. (If you do have somening, he adds, “You’re going to be going in all direcone inquire or come to look at your Longhorns, be pretions with random reasons for your purchases, what pared to educate with a little basic history of the breed, sales you consign to, pricing your cattle, and everythe outstanding characteristics the breed is known for thing in between.” and let your enthusiasm show.) Consultants understand that not doing your homeWhen discussing the strengths of the animals you’re work can be the biggest mistake a breeder at any level producing or offering for sale, be able to say more than of experience can make. “well, they tell me it’s good.” “Not doing their homeBeing able to discuss traits work or setting up a game that the sires, dams and plan on what they want grandsires/granddams are for their long-term and known for goes a long way in short-term goals leads to assuring a buyer the animal buying the wrong anihas promise. mals,” explains Justin Your research should inRombeck, Longhorn Opclude attending sales, shows portunities. “This also ties and futurities. Ranch visits to into over paying for anibreeders who utilize the same mals and not getting a regenetics in your herd are also turn on your investment.” a valuable resource. PublicaAs your program detions such as Trails Magazine velops, your goals and can be a rich source of infordesires may change. It mation, especially referenctakes the same time and ing ads with animals with thought into planning to genetic backgrounds you H.O.R.N.S. provides a wealth of pedigree information redirect your program as are interested in or looking it did to begin it. Whether you proceed with help or on at sale results to see what similar genetics are bringyour own, hopefully by this point you have developed ing at auction. Additionally, it will help determine how clear program goals, a presence and a marketing plan consistent certain traits are within a genetic line. If you that will allow you to sell those animals that do not meet are a member of the TLBAA, the H.O.R.N.S. Sytesm is a your needs at a price that allows you to purchase what good resource in learning more about bloodlines. you want in order to move you program in the desired Are you new to the breed, don’t have the time to direction. manage your marketing or just want to step up your When you analyze your goals and as you obtain the game? There are Longhorn industry consultants who animals you desire, always plan for the inevitable culls will handle the fact gathering and share the knowledge you will need to sell. These may be sold/butchered for they possess to help you make better decisions for your lean beef or sold, but be careful how you market them. program. They can educate you about your herd, the Martee Lancaster, Martee’s Cattle Investments, warns, marketplace and changes you may need to make to “Everyone is going to have cull cattle and I do mean produce animals that are desireable. Consultants can everyone. Don’t try to market these cattle as breeding even provide a nutrition and health care plan to assure 16 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
By Myra Basham
Your Marketing Plan stock, it hurts everyone involved with the breed.” Not every animal that doesn’t work for you is a cull. Those animals that you choose to sell because they do not fit your program may be sold private treaty or at a consignment sale. You need to know these animals and their strong points just as well as those you prize in your herd. Present them well and they can bring you money to buy the Longhorns you desire to add to your program.
MARKETING OPTIONS There are four main avenues, in addition to the invaluable word-of-mouth, to get the word out about your Longhorn business – print, web, social media and e-mail marketing. All four have a wide range of options, costs and are most often used together in a complimentary, full package approach to increase effectiveness.
Print advertising can range from flyers you print at home and put up at a show, sale or feed store to direct mail and magazine ads. In today’s high-tech world, many focus more on websites and social media, but the value and exposure gained by printed media is not to be overlooked, especially when used to direct traffic to your sites. One has to realize, there are still people that are in areas where internet and cell phone access is not reliable, or folks that aren’t as active online. The most basic print ad, and certainly the most popular, is the business card. It is invaluable to hand out at events. According to Molly Clubb, owner of Hired Hand Software, “In my opinion the best way to get your name out within the Industry is face-to-face networking at
the sales and events. Spending the money to attend one event, if you’re not shy and get out there, will show you a much better return on your investment than any other marketing you can invest it. Once you’ve made the face-to-face contact I encourage you to find your new contacts website and familiarize yourself with their program and breeding goals. From there, be sure to follow up with an email, text, etc. and see what you can learn from them or they from you. While networking it’s important to have business cards or something to hand people with your contact information and possibly some of your best cattle on it.” While the cost of magazine advertising can be intimidating, it provides reach beyond those who receive the magazine in the mail. Trails Magazine, for instance, has a free online version that is seen worldwide each month. It also gets distributed at various events across the country each year and in the Fort Worth Stockyards. When you choose to invest in magazine advertising, your breed publication is a good choice. “Our research shows that the breed publication is the #1 choice of magazines for livestock people, so it is very important to be in this publication.” Explains Rachel Cutrer, owner of Ranch House Designs. “If you don’t have something specific to advertise, just use a beautiful photo with your name and logo and contact information. Just keeping your name out there is very important.” Keeping your name in front of people is key and that can be approached two ways – one or two full page color ads in the most popular issues each year, or a smaller color ad in each issue. The smaller consecutive ad lets you take advantage of frequency discounts and keeps
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 17
Things to remember when supplying information for a print ad: 1.
All artwork or photos supplied, or a complete ad file, needs to be at least 300 dpi at the size it needs to be reproduced or larger.
2. Always check with the publication you are advertising with for exact ad dimensions if you want to supply them with a print-ready file. 3. Presses print in CMYK. The colors you see on a phone, tablet or laptop may not reproduce on a press. Always verify color with the publication or printer you are working with 4. Make sure the basics are easily visible and can be clearly read – name, phone, address, email, website. Don’t sacrifice legibility of important information for artistic effect. 5. Less is more. One outstanding photograph in any size ad is a traffic-stopper. If you want to show multiple animals, a good rule of thumb is no more than 2 in a ¼ page or smaller, 4 in a half page or 6 in a full page. This is not set in stone, but the busier the ad the less attention any of the animals get. 6. Consider keeping colors used and at least one or two key elements consistent in your advertising no matter which media it is in to build recognition.
18 | September 2016
your name in front of people, while the full page ad allows room for more information, photos and a more dramatic presentation. The print ad can be a launching point to your digital media. Clubb emphasizes “Print ads need to be viewed as a supplement to your website or social media marketing. Every ad you print should include your URL, a “find us on Facebook” logo, or both.” That allows them to fuel their curiosity with more information which is more likely to lead to an email or phone call.” The magazine ad does not have to be limited to the realm of the publication issue. A full-page ad can double as a flyer to hand out or post. Any size ad can be posted on social media or your website as an attention-grabbing graphic. The artwork can be reduced or repurposed to send out as postcards or pen signs. Without getting ahead of ourselves, that graphic for the magazine can also be sent out as an e-blast. So one can invest once in creating an attractive ad and utilize that artwork for several different marketing avenues. There is one last key, according to Mike Smith, EDJE Technologies, “The purpose of an ad, just like with an email blast or online banner ad, is to get people to act upon what they see in the content of the ad. If you aren’t passionate and excited about the subject matter of the ad that should get others to act, then they won’t be either.”
In today’s world, it seems all paths lead to a website. Taking the first steps toward having a website of your own can be overwhelming with the vast number of options available. There are drag and drop site builders with low cost monthly plans for do-it-yourself sites all the way up to expensive professional sites with lots of bells and whistles and extra services added on. “The thing to remember about a website with reasonable costs is that it is out there for the world to see 24
Texas Longhorn Trails
– Continued on pg 26
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Wednesday, October 19
9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Cattle arrive (Must be in place by 9 p.m.)
Thursday, October 20
8 a.m. - Measurement Begins (In Order of Class) Vendor Exhibits Open 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Seminars 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Bull Alley Reception 6:30 p.m. - Bull Alley/Embryo Alley (In Alphabetical Order)
Friday, October 21
8 a.m. - Futurity Begins (youngest to oldest) 8 a.m. - Vendor Exhibits Open 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Seminars and Roundtables 6 p.m. - Heifer Sale 7:30 p.m. - Horn Showcase Banquet
Saturday, October 22
8 a.m. - Vendor Exhibits Open 8 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - Cattle Viewing 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. - Sale Brunch 11 a.m. - Horn Showcase Sale Cattle move out 30 minutes after sale conclusion
Sunday, October 23
7 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Move out cattle (Must be out by 12 p.m.)
We will use a points system that has been utilized in the past. We will use 1-5th placing in each class. 1st is 5 points, 2nd 4 points and so on. This will be the same for Exhibitor and Breeder categories. At the end of the show total points will be added and the individual with the highest number of points will be our winner. This will apply to horn contest as well as futurity as one Breeder Champion as well as one exhibitor Champion for the whole event .
• One bull and one female will be chosen based on popular vote. • Animals have to be present in Lawton to be eligible. • Ballots will be included in Entry Packets and available at the TLBAA desk during the event for voting during event only.
• Get of Sire and Produce of Dam will each offer a Junior Division and a Senior Division. • Each Division is based on the age of the offspring of the animal entered. The Junior Division consists of offspring between the ages of two and five years of age. The Senior Division consists of offspring six years and older. • Sires must have three offspring in any (Jr. or Sr.) Division to compete in that Division. All offspring must be measured in TTT, TH & Composite. • Dams must have two offspring in any (Jr. or Sr.) Division to compete in that Division. All offspring must be measured in TTT, TH & Composite. • Both living and deceased bulls and cows can be entered since entries are based on measurements of offspring. • Scoring for each animal will be computed by adding the values of TTT, TH and Composite of all three offspring for a bull or both offspring for a cow. The bull or cow with the highest value of the total added measurements amongst offspring will be the winner. • Animals do not need to be present to compete in this class • Only breeding animals (Bulls or Cows) can compete as offspring. • Offspring may be produced by natural breeding, artificial insemination or embryo transfer.
The TLBAA HSC Futurity is set up by age divisions to allow breeders the opportunity to exhibit the total package animals that represent their breeding operation. We do a 75% cash payout based on the class size with the house retaining 25% to cover cost. Payout will go to the top 20% of the class. Animals will enter the ring based on age. Youngest to oldest. When the animal being exhibited walks into the ring the 5 judge panel will be given the animals DOB, and a horn measurement taken from the previous day. It will be a TTT, TH, Twist for the females, and a TTT, or TH for the males in the contest. With the 5 judge panel the high score and the low score will be thrown out and the remaining three judges will be added together for the final score. In the event of a tie there will be a tie breaker judge selected in advance. That judges score will be the tie breaker in the event of a tie. Animals must measure in at least one measurement class to participate in futurity as well as be eligible for a Superior Award.
This innovative award showcases our most elite animals possessing the total package we all strive for. To achieve the Superior Award, animals are required to compete in the horn contest, as well as be judged on conformation in the Horn Showcase Futurity. • To win the Superior Award, you must receive the smallest number in the points system. 1st is granted 1 point. 2nd granted 2 points, and so on. This will be the same for the Futurity as well as horn measurement. • In the Futurity, you must place in the top three in your class to be eligible to compete for the Superior Award, as well as placing in the top 3 in any measurement class (Tip to Tip, Total Horn, or Twist for females) or (Tip to Tip or Total Horn for bulls) to be eligible. • Example of how Superior animal is awarded: Animal with the lowest number of points wins “Superior.” If there is a tie for Superior, then both animals will be awarded.
• Bulls do not have to be A.I. Certified to be showed. • Bulls must be TLBAA A.I. certified and have an A.I. certified number to sell semen and participate in most straws sold. • Bulls that are living must be present in Lawton, OK; deceased bulls may be entered for semen sales only. (Deceased bulls may have their offspring on site to respresent them.) • Each owner should bring a semen tank with semen for sale or have semen sent to Champion Genetics. Must have 100 straws minimum available. If not, seller must pay shipping to buyer. • No minimum straw purchases allowed. • Bulls will be measured onsite. • Syndicated A.I. Sires may participate.
• Donors or their offspring must be present. • Embryos do not have to be present. • Owners can sell frozen embryos or embryo pregnancies. • Animals will be highlighted in the same manner as Bull Alley.
For More Information: Nichole L. Keith, 210-296-5445 • Justin Rombeck, 816-536-1083 Submit Entries To: Nichole L. Keith, TLBAA Horn Showcase, P.O. Box 4068, Bergheim, TX 78004
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Class 1 Females October 2015 (TTT only) Class 2 Females September 2015 (TTT only) Class 3 Females August 2015 (TTT only) Class 4 Females July 2015 (TTT only) Class 5 Females June 2015 (TTT only) Class 6 Females May 2015 (TTT only) Class 7 Females April 2015 Class 8 Females March 2015 Class 9 Females February 2015 Class 10 Females January 2015 Class 11 Females December 2014 Class 12 Females November 2014 Class 13 Females September-October 2014 Class 14 Females July-August 2014 Class 15 Females May-June 2014 Class 16 Females March-April 2014 Class 17 Females January-February 2014 Class 18 Females October-December 2013 Class 19 Females July-September 2013 Class 20 Females April-June 2013 Class 21 Females January-March 2013 Class 22 Females September-December 2012 Class 23 Females May-August 2012 Class 24 Females January-April 2012 Class 25 Females July-December 2011 Class 26 Females January-June 2011 Class 27 Females 2010 Class 28 Females 2009-2008 Class 29 Females 2007-2005 Class 30 Females 2004-2001 Class 31 Females 2000 and older
Class 32 Bulls October 2015 (TTT only) Class 33 Bulls September 2015 (TTT only) Class 34 Bulls August 2015 (TTT only) Class 35 Bulls July 2015 (TTT only) Class 36 Bulls June 2015 (TTT only) Class 37 Bulls May 2015 (TTT only) Class 38 Bulls April 2015 Class 39 Bulls March 2015 Class 40 Bulls February 2015 Class 41 Bulls January 2015 Class 42 Bulls December 2014 Class 43 Bulls November 2014 Class 44 Bulls September-October 2014 Class 45 Bulls July-August 2014 Class 46 Bulls May-June 2014 Class 47 Bulls March-April 2014 Class 48 Bulls January-February 2014 Class 49 Bulls October-December 2013 Class 50 Bulls July-September 2013 Class 51 Bulls April-June 2013 Class 52 Bulls January-March 2013 Class 53 Bulls July-December 2012 Class 54 Bulls January-June 2012 Class 55 Bulls 2011 Class 56 Bulls 2010-2009 Class 57 Bulls 2008-2006 Class 58 Bulls 2005 and older
Send your entries in today!
Class 62 Steers Oct. 2014-Jan. 2012 Class 63 Steers 2011-2009 Class 64 Steers 2008 and older
Class 59 Females Twisty Horn Oct. 2014-Jan. 2012 Class 60 Females Twisty Horn 2011-2009 Class 61 Females Twisty Horn 2008 and older
Class 1 1 year and 1 day to 18 months old (TTT only) Class 2 18 months and 1 day to 2 years old Class 3 2 years old and 1 day to 30 mos .old Class 4 30 mos. and 1 day to 3 years old Class 5 3 years old and 1 day and older
BULLS Class 1 1 year and 1 day to 18 months old (TTT only) Class 2 18 months and 1 day to 27 mos.old Class 3 27 mos. old and 1 day to 36 mos .old Class 4 36 mos. and older
STEERS Class 1 1 year and 1 day to 24 months old (TTT only) Class 2 24 months and 1 day to 36 mos.old Class 3 36 mos. old and 1 day and older No Composite Measuring for Miniature Classes
Class 1 September - October 2015 Class 2 July - August 2015 Class 3 May - June 2015 Class 4 March - April 2015 Class 5 January - February 2015 Class 6 September - December 2014 Class 7 May - August 2014 Class 8 January - April 2014 Class 9 Born 2013 Class 10 Born 2011-2012 Class 11 Born 2009 - 2010 Class 12 Born 2008 Class 13 Born 2007 & Before
BULLS Class 1 September - October 2015 Class 2 July - August 2015 Class 3 May - June 2015 Class 4 March - April 2015 Class 5 January - February 2015 Class 6 September - December 2014 Class 7 May - August 2014 Class 8 January - April 2014
WWW.TLBAA.ORG 2 | January 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
For More Information:
Nichole L. Keith or Justin Rombeck 210-296-5445 816-536-1083
Submit Entries To:
Nichole L. Keith TLBAA Horn Showcase P.O. Box 4068 Bergheim, TX 78004
Contact the TLBAA office for payment information. 817-625-6241
2016 Horn Showcase Entry Form OCTOBER 20-22, 2016 • LAWTON, OK
Exhibitor’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Phone: ___________________________________________ Exhibitor’s TLBAA N0. ____________________________________ Animal’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Animal’s Date of Birth: ____________________________________________ Animal’s TLBAA NO. ________________________________
❑ $100 Tip-to-Tip ❑ $100 Total Horn ❑ $100 Twisty Horn ❑ $300 Composite Must be 3 entries per class to justify a class. If an animal’s class does not get 3 entries, that individual will be bumped to the next class. ❑ $125 Futurity (75% payback) [Must participate in one measurement] ❑ $100 Get of Sire - Jr. ❑ $100 Get of Sire - Sr. ❑ $100 Produce of Dam - Jr. ❑ $100 Produce of Dam - Sr. ❑ $250 Bull Alley (Please circle optional TTT or TH measurement) ❑ $200 Composite ❑ $250 Embryo Alley (Please circle optional TTT or TH measurement) ❑ $200 Composite
__ Animal will be in Lawton, OK __10’X10’ stall (included) __ 20’x 10’ additional $100 Animals have to compete in a measurement class and futurity class and place in the top 3 in each to be eligible for the “superior Award” TOTAL________________________________________ FORM OF PAYMENT:
CREDIT CARD (Circle one)
Credit Card #__________________________________________________________________Exp. Date ______________ CID #__________ SATELLITE LOCATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Get of Sire
Produce of Dam
Offspring of Get of Sire name & TLBAA # (limited to breeding animals – reproducing offspring must have their own composite entry.)
Offspring of Produce of Dam name & TLBAA # (limited to breeding animals – reproducing offspring must have their own composite entry.)
1. __________________________________________
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
(See rules published in Trails or on TLBAA.org) – Only breeding animals (bulls or cows) can compete as offspring
(See rules published in Trails or on TLBAA.org) – Only breeding animals (bulls or cows) can compete as offspring
BULL/EMBRYO ALLEY (See rules published in Trails or on TLBAA.org) Bull’s A.I. No. _________________
Regular Semen Price ______________________
Embryo Donor’s Reg. No. _________________
Horn Showcase Special Price _____________
Regular Embryo Price __________________ Horn Showcase Special Price _____________
With entry please submit biography to be read on bull/DONOR COW at time of entry. OCTOBER 8th McCombs Ranches....Contact: Alan Sparger (210) 445-8798 – dodgeram52@yahoo.com (Held in conjunction with the LWC) - 9 a.m. - 12 noon – Please call in advance if interested in pasture tours. BRENHAM, TX….Deer Creek Longhorns – Contact: Bruce Hazlewood (979) 277-8016 - bhdeercreek@texasbb.com (Held in conjunction with the LWC) – 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Lunch & pasture tours MARIETTA, OK….Loomis Longhorns – Contact: Bob & Pam Loomis (580) 276-7498 – loomisranch@gmail.com (Held in conjunction with the LWC) - 10 a.m. start - Hickory House for lunch when measuring complete CORYDON, IN….Hudson Longhorns – Contact: Mike Willinger (502) 379-1049 – classicfence@hughes.net (Held in conjunction with the LWC) – 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - break for lunch - finish up if needed - Pasture tours VERDEN, OK….Contact: John Nelson (405) 224-3580 - clovrblm@ezlink.com (Held in conjunction with the LWC) – 11 a.m. - Lunch & pasture tours available ROCHELLE, VA….Contact: Bear Davidson (540) 788-4894 - beardavidson@ymail.com (Held in conjunction with the LWC) - 12 noon start - new address: 3333 Jacks Shop Road NORCO, CA….Bar-H Ranch – Contact: Chris Herron (909) 721-7577 – chris@herronconstructioninc.com - 10 a.m. WINFIELD, KS….Gilliland Ranch – Contact: Mark Gilliland (713) 303-9714 – mdgilliland@gmail.com - 10a.m. - 1 p.m. - Lunch & pasture tours WESTVILLE, FL….Contact: Terry King (850) 956-4154 –tklonghorns@centurylink.net - 2 p.m. - Meal served BROWNWOOD, TX….Contact: Brian Brett (817) 832-0006 - brettranch@yahoo.com – 10 .m. - 2 p.m. – Lunch and pasture tour
OCTOBER 15th HARPER, OR….CR Ranches – contact: Alex Dees (541) 358-8787 – atdees@aol.com 11 a.m. start - Lunch and pasture tour to follow KINGSVILLE, TX….El Coyote Ranch – Contact: Felix or Della Serna (361) 522-0807 – fserna@elcoyote.com or dserna@elcoyote.com - 9 a.m. - Meal, ranch tours, seminar GREENLEAF, KS….Lazy J Longhorns – Contact: Joe & Stephanie Sedlacek (785) 747-2204 – lazyjlonghorns@aol.com - 1 p.m. start - Lunch & pasture tours BIG TIMBER, MT….Contact: Dave Hodges (406) 932-6181 – longhorn@mtintouch.net – 10:00 a.m. start - Lunch & pasture tours PONOKA, AB CANADA….Contact: Jeff Jespersen (780) 966-3320 jeffj91@hotmail.com - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. KETTLE FALLS, WA….Coady Cattle Company - Contact: Annette Coady (509) 607-4948 – annettecoady@live.com - 10 a.m. - Lunch to follow RUTHERFORDTON, NC….Contact: Scott Hughes (828) 287-4257 (828) 429-6215 – shughes@partonlumber.com - 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Pasture tours follow LOWELL, MI….Widespread Ranch – Contact: Tom Smith (616) 293-0977 – tom@widespreadranch.com - Noon - Lunch and ranch tours to follow BAKERSFIELD, CA….Contact: Mike Lucas (661) 805-3074 - mike@lucasranch.net - 10:00 a.m. OSAGE BEACH, MO….Contact: Rusty Clark (573) 216-0332 - rc.ranch@hotmail.com 9:00 a.m. start time – Lunch & pasture tours BARNESVILLE, OH….Contact: Darol Dickinson (740) 758-5050 darol@texaslonghorn.com - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT….Contact: Scott Pace (801) 360-2500 scottwpace10@gmail.com - 10 a.m. - 12 pm. - If other arrangements need to be made please contact Scott. OCALA, FL….Contact: Emily Ingram (352) 280-0602 – coltsntraining@centurylink.net 11:00 a.m. - Serving lunch
ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: Nichole L. Keith, TLBAA Horn Showcase, P.O. Box 4068, Bergheim, TX 78004 BY TUES., SEPTEMBER 6, 5:00 P.M. MAKE PAYMENTS TO THE TLBAA OFFICE: P.O. Box 4430, Fort Worth TX 76164 or call (817) 625-6241. NO PAYMENT ACCEPTED AFTER DUE DATE! No refunds or substitutions after entry deadline.
56 | September 2016
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TLB 6 1 20
CLASS SPONSORSHIPS: ★ $300 – Measurement Class 150 available ★ $150 – Mini Class 21 available ★ $150 – Superior Award 9 available
Sponsorship BENEFITS: - Your ranch name on our class sponsor banner - Your ranch name in the show program class listing - Your ranch name on class sponsor promotional e-blasts
The Horn Showcase is a 100% self-funded event and we appreciate all the members that step forward each year with sponsorships. Your ongoing support helps with our largest cost, the much coveted awards. Thank you for making this membership event a success year after year!
Thank you to the following early sponsors: FUTURITY CLASSES CedarView Ranch, Longhorn Creek, Lazy J Longhorns
MEASURING CLASSES Alex Dees Chad Smith Davis Green Gene & Jolie Berry Janet Gleason Jimmy Jones Joe Sedlacek John Clark Mark Christensen
Mike Beijl Nik Nikodym Oren O'Dell Ransome Ranch Richard Filip Rockin I Rusty Clark Scott & Stacy Schumacher Tery & Sherri Adcock
Tom Nading XC Ranch Rick & Tracey Friedrich Ken Morris JBR Longhorns Longhorn Opportunities Red River Sale
(Friedrich, Loomis, Hevrdejs, Lemley)
Corporate Sponsors
Interested in sponsoring?
For More Info or to Commit Contact Nichole L. Keith 210-296-5445 Justin Rombeck 816-536-1083
See Online for Corporate Packages Texas Longhorn Trails
Ready to Be a Sponsor?
Contact the TLBAA office to submit your payment. (817) 625-6241 P.O. Box 4430, Fort Worth TX 76164
February 2016 | 41
– Continued from pg 18
Basic Requirements for Developing Your Website 1.
Look at what you do and do not like about other websites. What makes them easy to use or more confusing.?
2. Make a list or outline of what basic types of information you want on your site. 3. Gather photos, logos and develop text or content to put on the pages you are including. 4. Be sure to include link on your site to all of your social media and to other relevant sites. 5. Decide before starting whether you want to attempt to build your own site with a drag and drop builder or seek a professional. 6. If you choose to use a professional, check to see which extra services they may offer for livestock-related or Longhorn specific websites. hours a day and 365 days a year,” says Smith. He adds that a company like his is there to help you get more for less. “We are going to help you determine the minimum amount you need to show to affect your audience, which also helps you to manage cost. Less is usually more in today’s world of instant gratification and busy schedules.” So, what do you need to have in order to take the plunge into the world wide web? A little research is recommended by Lisa Baugher of Longorn Salespen,
“Make a list of half a dozen sites you really like and enjoy visiting and why. What do they have in common and what makes you comfortable viewing them? What things make you feel uncomfortable or confused? You will want to avoid those things on your own site. What features do you really appreciate and find helpful? These are things you will want to be sure and include. That’s a great place to start when designing your own site and really helps the web designer create something that reflects your personality.” Once you have an idea of what you like, start assembling photos and information. A feature photo (or two) of outstanding animals or scenic herd shots can capture one’s interest as soon as the page opens. Any photos of featured animals, or you and your family/ranch, need to be good quality photos that represent the subject well. (See our article on “Taking a Photo That Sells” on pg. 36 ) The next consideration is text content on your pages. The buzzword for website design is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Simply put, the better and more relevant to your site’s purpose your content is, the higher it will rank when someone searches key words pertaining to you. According to Clubb, who many Longhorn breeders have turned to for help with their websites, “Including popular search words such as “Texas Longhorns,” “Longhorns” and “cattle” will help you, but more specifically your content should be chock-full of specific animal names, your ranch name and location, your first and last names and even the names of reference animals like those most popular in the Industry.” Her suggestions for developing your relevant content including making a bullet point list about your program, how or why you started breeding Longhorns, your goals for your program, and move forward from there. “After viewing your herd many website visitors also like to understand why you’re breeding specific bloodlines or mating various crosses. They enjoy being educated on the differences in approaches to breeding as well as how you came to start breeding Longhorns and your role in the Industry (sales, shows, horn, pleasure, etc.).” How much do you have to come up with to be effective? Once you’ve outlined what you want your site to contain, Cutrer advises clients to start a word or text document for each page you plan to have on your site. “The goal is to have about 200 words of text for each page to get the most out of search engine rankings. You can have as many pages as you want on a website, but the most common are home page, where you’ll talk about your history, mission, goals, etc. and then pages like sires, females, champions, for sale,” she explains. Now that you’re ready for that – Continued on pg 28
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website to come to life decide who is going to do the actual creation. If you’re new and simply want a basic site with a few photos and contact information, search the Internet for free or low cost providers with easy to use drag and drop site builders. If you want a better site, with more features and targeted exposure, consider using a company that is accustomed to working livestock–related sites and may offer extra benefits to you not available elsewhere.
make their portfolio page on their website garnering a wide range of viewers. Easy and extended Texas Longhorn pedigrees are a part of the services offered by Clubb’s Hired Hand. Each animal’s information page can display a 3-generation pedigree complete with photos of those animals when available. The info page can be printed out as a PDF easily and the main animal page includes photos, birthdate, sire and dam, and measurements if desired. It is a highly specialized offering that attracts many Longhorn breeders. Directories and sales pages offering increased views across a wider audience are popular options available as well. Some website companies also offer listings on their sites as well. Baugher has operated LonghornSalePen.com for years both as a tool for web customers and an alternative for those who are not ready to take the plunge into their own website. “Having an online presence is a MUST! If you aren’t ready to launch your own website, the Longhorn Sale Pen is a great way to get your name out there for very little investment. It ranks extremely high on a Google search and will help build name recognition when you do launch a website and have print advertising.” Baugher adds, “When I build sites for people, I give them free credits to the Longhorn Sale Pen to help get their new site out there.” A good example of how willing
Professional website providers may offer value-added extras not available elsewhere Time and energy is an important consideration in making the choice. “When building your website, I recommend going with a professional firm to begin with” state Curtrer. “We have so many clients each year that have attempted to build their own website with something like Wix or a free template, only to find they have wasted a lot of time and energy, and don’t have the technical capability to get it finished. Just start with a professional.” Taking the step with a professional leads to the value added of gaining exposure through their self-promotion and the indutry specific extras often available. Most web professionals have a strong prescence on Facebook and other social media showing off their new clients and the work they’ve done for them. Your site may even
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web companies are to help you gain exposure. If your site is successful, they are successful as well. EDJE has their own cattle directory that is viewed thousands of times a day and every website they build is linked to that directory. “Our clients at EDJE tell us that our websites are very cost effective, as are our value added products for additional marketing through the internet, including our online EDJE Cattle directory, where client websites are all listed at no additional cost; sorted by breed, state, sale date, etc.” said Smith. All of these specialized services should be taken into account when you make a decision on how you approach the development of your website. Each breeder will have specific needs and goals and a budget that must be met.
The buzzwords of today are tweet, post and share. It can spread your message to more people than you ever expected when you posted that photo or video or shared a link. To top it off, using social media is absolutely free! As simple as it seems, however, getting the most out of it as a marketing tool takes a little insight. With a little research into the how-to’s and the don’ts most people can successfully gain exposure for their Longhorn program. If money is an issue and you approach social media as an avenue for free advertising, just keep in mind that you must stay active and engaged to show up in people’s feeds. Another thing to remember is you must like other Facebook pages, join twitter feeds, follow people on instagram and like or comment on their posts and comments so that they are more likely to see yours. Post on a variety of Longhorn topics, post and share photos of your animals, comment on the joys of day to day living with Longhorns and of course pictures of those calves. People can be overwhelmed by the amount of time it takes to keep up with social media, but Clubb assures them it can be done efficiently, “Software exists that allows you pre-schedule your posts in bulk. So, perhaps each week you spend 2 hours scheduling posts for the whole week and all that you have to do after that is respond to any comments, inquiries, etc. The software, much of it free or inclusive of the social media outlet, 30 | September 2016
helps to manage your time and not have to be on-line 24/7.” She also explains the ins and outs of personal and ranch pages, “Facebook is constantly changing and evolving. As with any business, their goal is to make a profit so they’re always finding new ways to limit your posts being seen in order to try to get you to pay for it to be seen by a wider audience. Our adYou must have vice is yes, have a business/ranch page in addia personal page tion to your personal page to have a ranch but learn how to manage them to work together. page or join a overshare on either Longhorn group Don’t but share just enough that you’re always using your personal page to drive new fans to your business Allows only page. It should also be noted that the only time posts designed you can post to the varibest used drive ous Longhorn groups is through a personal page people to your and the only way to have a website. ranch page is to first have a personal page.” Trying to jump into all social media platforms Grabs attention at once is daunting and with images. Vi- should probably be done a step at a time. Curter sual wy to spark advises, “We recommend choosing one social meinterest in your dia outlet to focus on at program first - and that is Facebook. Facebook is where the users are and offers the strongest and most robust advertising opportunities. If you can successfully grow and build your following over a 6-month period, then consider adding a second. The advantage of a Facebook business page is that it is free, or can be supplemented with a low-cost advertising budget compared to print advertising or building a website from scratch.” She goes on to add, “Facebook is extremely effective, when you use paid advertising with a targeted audience. You can also do this on a relatively small budget. A paid boost of $5 is effective, or something as small as $50 per month. The key to success in Facebook advertising is to use the features they offer - like analytics, the Facebook pixel, and targeted audiences. If you aren’t using these, you may just be throwing your money away by not targeting people who are specifically interested in your product.” Are you wondering what type of posts you should use to be effective? Clubb recommends that customers include just enough information to spark interest and lead them to click a link to your website. “Whether that post
Texas Longhorn Trails
intended to spark interest is a photo with no measurement, or possibly a pedigree but no photo, you have to give them a reason to click through to your site for more information. If the goal of your Facebook post is simply for others to share it, like it or comment then go another route and appeal to the masses. This can be done through a meme, beautiful/scenic photo, etc. Facebook’s effectiveness for each individual program goes back to that programs marketing plan and goals.” It is important to remember that there are still a lot of people interested in Longhorns that are not on social media, and, as we sometimes forget, may have limited access to the internet or social media due to coverage in their area.
A very low budget and targeted approach would be to simply build a list of emails through social interaction or from breed directories and create your own email lists to send information about animals for sale or bulls you’re promoting. If you want a wider reach with greater chance of your message reaching someone’s inbox, many professionals as well as your breed association offer to develop and send an e-blast to their email list for a reasonable cost. Trails Magazine offers the service to their readers for $70 per e-blast, a little less if you get a package of them to use over time. The biggest mistake with e-blasts is too many, too close together. “If you have a special announcement or something you want to share with the longhorn industry, e-blasts will get that info out there quickly and efficiently. Be careful with overuse though as doing too many, too often and people won’t bother to open them.” Most services you use, whether it is Trails or another outlet, will work you into a schedule to avoid being sent too close to other blasts from their list. Sending e-blasts is a quick process, but not always instantaneous to be the most effective. It is important to remember that you can benefit from e-blasts even if you have no internet connection whatsoever. If you can provide photos and text via mail, whether a physical photo or image on a jump drive or camera card, an e-blast can be built and sent, allowing you to reach people you do not otherwise have interaction with. Just make sure that your phone number is prominent and prompt them to call for more information. If you have an email, include that as a clickable item.
Content should be used to encourage a phone call, email, or drive people to your website if you have one. Any time you develop an e-blast it should include links to your website, to any social media you utilize and a clickable email that allows viewers to immediately send you a message. A cleverly crafted subject line can encourage people to open the email marketing. Clubb is a strong believer in encouraging viewers to access your website, “E-blasts can be very effective for breeders. When designed as a content friendly blast vs. a stagnant image, viewers have a wide variety of items they can click on to learn more. Perhaps you’re promoting a sale consignment but what catches my attention is the sire, not the consignment. If his name or photo is a link directly to his web page, you’ve just made it as easy as possible for me to satisfy my curiosity and possibly make a new sale. E-blasts can be visually appealing but more importantly, should be clickable in a variety of ways. E-blasts are one of the most economical ways to reach fellow breeders or the masses.” Never make assumptions based on a name that a
E-blasts are ads sent via e-mail that can link directly to your website, email or any social media you have an account with. business or individual only offers one area of marketing expertise. All of the individuals and companies referenced in this article offer a broad array of services. Any time you wonder if a professional approach is the right one for you, research the company and the work they do. Ask individuals who have had experience with them about their product, the method of working with clients and their knowledge of the ag or Longhorn industry (not necessary, but certainly can be beneficial). Trails is no exception to this rule. When people hear Trails Magazine they immediately think print ad. While that is a part of what we do, we also offer media services, including web advertising, online directory listings, eblasts and advice on how to incorporate it all with your social media. We create artwork as an included part of your advertising, whether digital or print. We also gladly work with any graphics professional you choose. Our goal is to help you be successful, meet your program goals and assist you in reaching others with the most impact for a reasonable cost.
For more marketing advice, turn to pg. 36 for photography tips and pg. 40 for more information on utlizing consignment sales. Stay tuned to future issues of Trails Magazine for more marketing tips and in-depth looks at various marketing topics. Please let us know if there is a particluar topic you’d like to see more on.
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 31
2 | January 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
P r e sid e nt’s M e s s age Dear TLBT Members, I hope you all have had an excellent start with school. A new year means more opportunities to put your best foot forward! Speaking of new, your newly elected Officers and Directors met recently to discuss the TLBT’s plan for the upcoming year. We decided our service project this year should be for Shriner’s Hospital for Children, a hospital that strives to give the best care possible to each of their patients, regardless of whether they can pay for their treatment or not. Shriner’s generosity is inspiring, and wouldn’t be possible without donations. We also decided on a theme for our World Show Banquet (CAMO), as well as fundraisers that we’ll be having throughout the upcoming show season. I would like to openly invite all of the General Membership to participate in these fundraisers. Some of our fundraisers are dedicated to our service project, while others are dedicated to our World Show expenses. However, all of the fundraisers are FUN, and I would love to see all of you guys participate and help put those on. One final reminder: Our next General Membership meeting will be held during the State Fair of Texas. I hope to see you all there, October 7-9th for the Show!
A few of our officers and directors visiting Beautiful Feet in Fort Wort to drop off the donations collected by the TLBT during the 2015-2016 show season
See ya later movers and shakers!
Shelby Rooker TLBT President
The Manager of Beautiful Feet thanking us for our donations, explaining how their mission works, and inviting us back to volunteer whenever we want.
Find us on Facebook by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow 34 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Texas Longhorn Trails
February 2016 | 41
Taking A Photo That Sells “I really have to have the photo tomorrow” is a phrase every Longhorn owner hates to hear. When one tries to take last minute photographs, things rarely go right. Bad weather, uncooperative animals and just the fact that you’re rushed leads to poor photos that do nothing to enhance the positive attributes of your Longhorn. Even without top of the line photo equipment, it is possible to take good photos that show off your animals and make people take notice. As stated in the previous marketing article and the following consignment sale article, good photos are necessary for successful marketing , no matter what type of media you’re using.
EQUIPMENT AND SETTINGS We will start by simply saying if you have access to a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera, use it. Whenever you have an option, do not rely on your cell phone for anything that you want to appear professional. That being said, if all you have is a cell phone, make sure you take the photo in good light without zooming in. If you have the option of size settings when the photo is taken, choose the largest size. When you e-mail it, do the same. Always submit photos at the largest size possible. An issue Trails staff have seen lately led us to learn that photos we received from iPhone users lately were looking like watercolor paintings. It is the result of technology over achieving. The cameras are rated at higher megapixels without increasing the tiny lenses. When the photos have noise in them, the iPhone overcompensates and you wind up with a photo that in extreme cases has little sharp detail in it. In printed material at higher resolutions it becomes more obvious. (See image at left) Professionals agree easiest way to take good photos is to start with the proper equipment. They value the ability to change lenses and adjust settings to get just the right photo. They DSLR cameras also provide a larger file that can be used at larger sizes and be further enhanced by a professional in an image editing program such as Photoshop.
PROPER LIGHTING Poor lighting can ruin an otherwise great photograph. If the pose is perfect but the details are lost in deep shadow, or bright sun causes detail to disappear, then you’ve lost the effectiveness of the shot. 36 | September 2016
Brett Krause, owner of Circle K longhorns and professional photographer, shares with us, “Take advantage of ‘Golden Hour.’ In photography, ‘golden hour’ or ‘magic hour’ is the time shortly after sunrise and shortly before sunset (about one hour). At this time, the sun produces a warmer, softer more diffused light than any other time of day.” Midday is considered the worst time to shoot, with its harsh light. If you do miss the ‘golden hour’ you can still get good light in the morning or later in the day. Always make sure the sun is behind you - being careful to not let your shadow fall onto the animal or being in the photo close to the animal on the ground. Be aware and adjust your position as necessary. Krause also warns of an issue specific to Longhorns, ”The horn of the cow is also something to be aware of...I call it ‘horn shadow’. It is possible to get the angle just right and not have the ‘horn shadow.’” (See below)
FIND the PERFECT SPOT This requires planning. You have to know the routine of the cattle and be aware of everything surrounding them. It’s easy to list the spots that aren’t perfect: pens or corrals, in the middle of the herd, by hay piles, in front of a house, cars or junk pile or ankle deep in mud. While green grass is desirable, being belly deep in it doesn’t help when you’re trying to show off your Longhorn. Potential buyers want tot see as much of the animal as possible. “Watch their routines,” advises wildlife & longhorn photographer Darlynn Lydick of Twin Creeks Ranch, “when our cows are in the front pasture they take an afternoon walk around the lake. I park myself on a bucket and wait for them to come around to the best spot with a nice background.” Others prefer quietly moving through the herd looking for that perfect spot. W.L. McCoy, McCoy’s Image Studio, suggests “Know your pasture and what looks good…if you need to put out some corn or cubes to get them there it might help, but don’t put out too much or they will have their head down all the time.” Even when the background is scenic and beautiful, be aware of how your subject looks against it. Are there
Texas Longhorn Trails
By Myra Basham tree limbs behind the horns making them hard to distinguish? Are the horns dark against a dark background or white against a too bright sky? Do the lines of the animal show up clearly or is the light and dark areas of the background making parts of the animal harder to see? If you are using a DSLR camera you can make adjustments or change lenses to get a soft focus on the background so it doesn’t compete with the subject for your attention. If you are using a cell phone then you need to make certain you have a well lit uncluttered photo as it will be harder to “clean up” for use in an ad. Now that you have a nice day and you’ve found the best areas in your pasture to take photos comes the most challenging part of all.
Pasture Shot Samples Courtesy of Darlynn Lydick
TAKING THE SHOT All other factors being good on a given day, the biggest wild card of all is the behavior of the Longhorns. Some preliminary steps to prepare for your photo shoot include making sure the herd is used to you walking amongst them so they are not troubled by or overly curious about your movements. Constantly having animals come up to you looking for treats or nosing the camera can make for a frustrating photo shoot, as can Longhorns moving nervously off. The characteristically calm nature of Longhorns makes the curiosity a more common issue than nervousness. You got the spot, you can single out your target with a good background but the grass is good or you put too many cubes out, now what? Lydick pulls out all the tricks if necessary. “With large open spaces, it is helpful to have a second person to get the animals’ attention so you can take shots that are in focus” she says. “Noisemakers are useful; sometimes it’s hard to get the Longhorns to look at you and be ready to shoot at the same time. When all else fails, jump up and down, holler and look generally foolish; the cows won’t know what to think and will stare in disbelief. Push, click and hope for the best.” So, what does that ideal photo for marketing purposes look like? For most catalog or ad shots a profile shot is preferred with the head turned so you see both ears and horns. Depending on the Longhorn’s strong points, a 3/4 view may be best. You want to see all four legs, heads up, ears forward, tail and switch if possible and udder or scrotum. This is were quantity comes into play. Be prepared to spend some time and take lots of shots. Tails swishing flies, tossing heads, bodily functions - they are all going to pose challenges. Angle can make a difference as well. Livestock photographers often do shots from their knees or a squatting position. Shooting slightly upward is usually more flattering than a downward angle. Also try not to catch the animal with either end in a hole or on a higher piece of ground. Level or slightly uphill is best. If you don’t choose to use a professional, then be prepared to shoot a lot of photos before you get that perfect shot. Granted, some get lucky on the first shot or two, but that tends to be the exception.
Basic: Decent picture, but doesn’t show full face or horn length. Photo-bombing friend near tail.
Better: Shows full face and horns, but udders are not exposed. Leg placement doesn’t accentuate body length. Good picture but distracting tree growing out of her head.
Best: Shows full face, horn length & both ears. Back leg placement accentuates body length and exposes udders (small, but she’s a heifer); all four legs show independently. Tail and switch fully exposed for a bonus.
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 37
es are stored and not printed, you stand the risk of losChoosing to use a professional photographer can be ing all your precious family memories. You don’t have a very wise investment, especially for photos destined to to print them all, but do print ones that are important to you. They will become more irreplaceable as the years market your program. “Good, quality photographs will make your website pass by.” Even a seasoned photographer will need you to do shine and your marketing more professional-looking,” your part to be prepared for Lydick explained. “It is esthe shoot. To get the most sential to have professional out of your shoot time, Cori Things You Need To Know About shots of important animals, Garcia of CG Photography, like bulls that are available for Using Digital Photographs offers the following advice, AI services or that are being • If the photo is to be used for printed “To make the most out of promoted in industry magamaterials, it needs to be at least 300 dpi your photo shoot time, make zines or show programs. and the size it is going to be reproduced or sure you have a plan laid out One really great, quality shot larger. ahead of time. It’s very imporwill give graphic designers tant to communicate to your everything they need to pro• If you printed it out on your printer, then photographer about your exduce effective promotional pectations and what you are e-mail the original file, do not send a print materials and advertisements hoping to accomplish from or a scan of a print. for you and your ranch.” the session. Knowing what McCoy adds “Formal famthe photos are being used for • When saving smaller images for web, alily portraits, your family at will help the photographer work and your home and ways keep a high resolution copy to revert plan out the type of shots farm at its scenic best – only to when needed. Never increase the dpi they want to try and obtain. a seasoned professional can and size by merely enlarging a file that’s The photographer needs to capture these things at their too small. take as many different shots very best.” These are invaluas possible in the scheduled able for all forms of marketing as well as heirlooms. He cautions, however, “Hard time frame. This not only gives the photographer a drives and computers crash all the time. If all your imag- chance to capture potentially more viable shots, but also
38 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
gives the customer more to choose from.” McCoy also cautions to allow enough time to accomplish predetermined goals, “Working from a list is always good to get things going in a time efficient manner. However, remember cows will do what they want sometimes. Schedule enough time to do the job. Also know when your animals are actually in the field and not laying down in the shade.” Always make sure you have seen portfolio images from a potential photographer before booking them for a shoot, and work out all pricing and payment details up front. Ask how unforeseen difficulties, like a sudden
weather change or uncooperative Longhorns, will be handled when scheduling the shoot so everyone is on the same page. Please don’t expect a photographer to “just drop by and snap a quick photo.” They benefit as much as you do from their work being as high quality as it possibly can be. Garcia reminds us, “A professional shot for the customer gives them a great advertising tool for their ranch. It can boost business for the photographer by referrals from satisfied customers.” Showing your Longhorn at its best is the goal no matter who is taking the photographs.
“They can just fix it in Photoshop” That phrase not only causes a graphic artist to twitch a little, it can increase time spent on a job tremendously. While some fixes are simple, trying to correct bad lighting, or clean up a muddy cow, is not only time-consuming, it is often noticeable even when done by skilled hands. As the editor of Trails and previously spending many years creating catalogs and ads, I can attest to the fact that money you invest in having a graphic artist try to fix a bad photo or make a killer ad with poor shots of the animal can cost you more than paying a professional or spending the time necessary to get good shots. Photoshop cannot fix everything. Every professional spoken to, from consultants and graphics professionals to the photographers and auctioneers, emphasized that a good photo is one of the most important things for effective marketing. So, before that deadline gets here, take time to think about getting good photos to use and then jump on it. Better to use an older, outstanding photo and say pictured at a certain number of years or months, then to hurriedly take a bad quality, unflattering photo and let it represent your program. If have questions about how to submit photos to Trails we’re happy to help. Just give us a call.
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 39
The Auction Method of Marketing want without even being present. Auctioneers are your There’s something about a good auctioneer’s chant marketing partner. If you stop and think for a minute that just makes people want to spend money. As you sit about ads you’ve seen lately in industry publications in a room full of people looking at a Longhorn you want such as Trails Magazine, Facebook posts about sales, and wondering if someone else wants it more than you, emails you’ve received about upcoming auctions, with an insistent call for bids and warnings that you’re tweets alerting you to upcoming sales - you’ll realize going to miss out, you have an adrenaline rush just not that the auctioneer is donormally found in private ing his part to put potential treaty transactions. buyers in the seats. It is all part of the attracAnother key ingredient tion of placing your animal an auctioneer brings to the in a consignment sale. Selltable is urgency. Bruce Mcers dream of a bidding war Carty, Bruce McCarty Prothat drives the price of their motions puts it this way, animal up beyond their ex“Urgency builds excitepectations. Buyers hope to ment, excitement builds win the animal they’ve remore money, everybody’s searched so carefully and having fun, you know…I’m want as a part of their probuying cattle, I’m all excitgram. Some are hoping ed about it…” He goes on to to catch a deal that others A standing-room only crowd is what sellers hope for add that getting a catalog overlook. And while all of in people’s hands about 3 weeks to 30 days before the this takes place in a fast-paced, get your hand up quick sale helps add to that excitement. The catalog is an esenvironment, those who have the most success are the sential tool and an amazing marketing benefit of conones who came into the sale with a plan and invested signing to an auction. time preparing to bring their consignments months in The auctioneer should create that urgency and exadvance. citement for every single lot that enters the ring. Both McCarty and Lemley agree that a good auctioneer will create the same excitement for the first lot as the last Auctions are a selling tool that, when properly one and all those in between, no matter what the aniplanned for, can bring you a better market price in a mal may bring. “My job is to get as much as I can for the shorter time frame than private treaty. Auctions have seller, while the buyer is attempting to get a good deal. ancient roots and are now a modern machine. “The This is what makes an auction,” states Lemley. Auction method of marketing is an extremely old way While the excitement of the auction can create a bidof bringing in your personal property to sell to people ding war and cause someone to bid more than they inwho want them,” explains Joel Lemley of Lemley Auctended to, don’t expect every sale to be full of emotional tion Services. “It goes back to ancient Egyptian times spenders. According to Lemley, “While everyone enjoys when pottery and textiles were sold in public venues to watching and hearing the excitement of the auction, the persons who were willing to pay the most. Modern prices reflected are usually grounded by prepared buyauctions have evolved to a highly sophisticated maners. Auctions would not be fun if there were no bidders, agement opportunity of representation and marketand it takes two bidders to make things work, but I have ing. While private treaty has its place, an auction can learned that buyers have their maximum bids pretty increase the opportunity for more buyers to be intermuch engrained in their head.” ested in your consignment than just having one person Your efforts in preparing your consignment and looking at what you have to offer. Good auction manmarketing it properly ahead of the sale is what can agement includes advertisements, catalogs, brochures, increase that market value in buyers minds. McCarty e-blasts, social media, and other ways to create excitecomments, “If you’ll look at the guys that sell high dollar ment about the event. This gives the seller a better valcattle time and time again they prepare those cattle for ue of opportunity which hopefully brings a better value a sale, it’s not something done on a whim. Back to, they in return.” have a plan. That’s the number one thing that Dale and Today’s auctioneers will go to great lengths to marI see that people do not do, they do not prepare their ket the sale and encourage buyers to attend. With tocattle for a sale.” day’s wide reach via email and online marketing, they can offer more previews of the sale and drum up more excitement, drawing in interested buyers from a much greater distance than in the past. Online bidding and First, be sure you know the requirements of participhone bids can allow people to bid on the animals they pating in the auction you are interested in consigning
Preparing To Sell
40 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
By Myra Basham to and who is putting it on. “All auctions have specific rules and guidelines, terms and conditions, State and Federal health requirements, association requirements, and entry deadlines,” explains Lemley. “Always make sure that any sale you consign to that your Auction Management is licensed, bonded and insured according to State Laws. Your sale host should always provide the buyer and seller a list of Terms and Conditions that protect both.” There are a host of registered Texas Longhorn auctions across the country each year that breeders can participate in. These established sales, which often are managed by Lemley or McCarty, offer avenues to sell at auction to Longhorn breeders and are usually put on by fellow Longhorn breeders, thus providing some security that the venue is a safe and successful way to market your cattle.
properly. It’s the same with cleaning their heads up and necks, you know, making them look like they’re worth a million dollars.” Finally, with the animal(s) selected and your plan for presenting them in the best condition possible, it’s time to think about how you will market them.
In addition to promoting the sale in general, the auction company will normally produce a sale catalog that reaches people ahead of the sale to allow them to research animals they may be interested in. This marketing tool, if you do not place a separate ad in it, is a strong tool at no extra cost to you. Take full advantage of it. First, take the time and effort to secure a photo that shows the animal at it’s best. A good photo sells. That photo can encourage a person to look closer at your offering. A poor photo can prevent a person from even taking the time to read the pedigree and comments. What do auctioneers recommend? Avoid dark or fuzzy photos. Center the animal in the photo and take the background into consideration. Have the animal standing at a angle that shows their strong points. Head up, ears forward and not falling from hooks to pins. (For more photo tips, see “Taking A Photo That Sells” on pg 36) Once you get that outstanding photo, use it in all of your marketing, especially in the catalog lot space. The catalog also gives you room to include comments and breeding information. This is where planning ahead pays off. If at all possible do not just say available sale day on pertinent information. If you plan to present a female as bred, expose or A.I. her early enough to know that she is. Have your OCV (Official Calfhood Vaccination) done so it can be noted in the catalog. Be
You need to show people that they’re worth the money by preparing them for auction
Next plan, plan, plan. Know the costs associated with participating in the sale. There are consignment fees, commissions, hotel and travel expenses, a vet visit for health papers and possibly to confirm breeding status and if you don’t do your own hauling, transport costs. With this much cost before you add in marketing, choose carefully what you will consign. Lemley cautions consignors, “Some breeders fall into a trap of getting rid of unwanted animals at auctions and find it an easy way to reduce inventory. This practice then defines that breeding program to that specific type of animal. Successful breeders, when consigning to a sale, always offer their best. This then becomes the recognized expectation of potential buyers when coming to an auction.” Once you have chosen an animal you would like to consign, prepare the animal to be the very best it can be. You need to show people that they’re worth the money by investing the time to preparing them for auction, especially when you’re expecting a big price according to McCarty. “It doesn’t matter if you’re selling miniature ponies or Longhorns Custom & Responsive Mobile Apps Email Campaigns or Thoroughbreds or whatever, Websites they’ve gotta be fit. That’s the main INFERNO 3079 thing Dale Hunt and I see when DYNAMIC we do these sales is people have Genetics a tendency to not prepare their cattle right. They’re not bred far enough along, they’re not calfLogos & Branding hood vaccinated, they don’t have Business Cards, Flyers & enough flesh on them. It’s hard to Publication Advertisements sell one, you say you want $50,000 or $100,000 for it, but you haven’t 4313 NW Urbandale Drive • Urbandale, Iowa 50322 515-251-4600 • 866-839-3353 •info@edje.com • edje.com even invested the money to feed it
You Dream It. We Design It.
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Texas Longhorn Trails
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September 2016 | 41
sure to include horn measurements, outstanding offspring or pedigree and if her service sire has impressive measurements or winning titles. Both McCarty and Lemley agree, stay concise and only include important information. While sometimes last minute updates or changes are unavoidable, try not to wait until the day of the sale to give the announcer a lot of additional information. McCarty says it can’t be used properly at that point. “The people in the stands don’t have time to write down and study what the announcer says, but if you can give them that information ahead of time in the catalog it can make a tremendous amount of difference in what the cattle bring.”
Be sure to make the most of your catlog listing with a good photo and concise, useful comments If you choose to run an ad in the catalog, use it to show offspring, sire and dam or service sire along with the consignment. Maybe highlight the measurement or show various viewpoints of the animal that highlight different features. The lot photo in the listing tends to be a profile or 3/4 shot. Try adding a head on shot if the horns are impressive or show the opposite side from the consignment photo - just to show they’re good all the way ‘round. Any method of marketing you choose to pursue beyond the use your very best photos and highlight what makes the animal desirable. Do not dismiss magazine advertising because you have an ad in the catalog. Someone may read the publication but did not look at the catalog or did not receive one. Lemley also suggests on all posts, emails and ads, “Make sure you put dates of the event, location, and time to ensure potential buyers’ participation. These actions could increase the value of
42 | September 2016
your consignment as well as represent you and your program.” How much difference can proper marketing make? According to McCarty a person can buy a cow private treaty, take it home, prepare it better, do more marketing correctly, breed it to a good bull and take it to a premier sale and turn a nice profit. He adds that sometimes people mistakenly think they can turn a quick profit by buying at a sale and turning around and reselling the animal at a sale 6 months down the road. Once you’ve established the value of the animal by buying at public auction it is very difficult to turn around and resell it for a profit quickly. If you know you’re going to resell, plan for a sale further in the future to allow time to get a calf out of her, or get her bred to a good bull if she was open and then market her again emphasizing the “improvements” in her. If you’ve done all your planning, prepped the consignment and marketed well, you’re ready for the sale. At the sale, you may want to post additional information on the pen. Get your animal(s) there early enough to allow people the opportunity to view them and ask questions. Market that animal right up to the moment she walks in the ring for the auctioneer to sell. Then wait for the gavel to fall to see the results.
Texas Longhorn Trails
CLASS 4: 1. WYO SILVER, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. ANDERS PRINCESS, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Female Junior Champion: WYO SILVER, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: ANDERS PRINCESS, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 8: 1. ANDERS TY'S ACROBAT, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. SALTILLO DIAMOND BELL 54, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE CLASS 10: 1. SALTILLO OUTBACKHONEY505, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE 2. ANDERS MAPLE DUST, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE CLASS 11: 1. DIAMOND DOLLAR, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. SALTILLO COWGAL UP 44, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Senior Champion: SALTILLO OUTBACKHONEY505, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND DOLLAR, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Grand Champion: WYO SILVER, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SALTILLO OUTBACKHONEY505, Ella Wieczorek, HICKMAN, NE
CLASS 19: 1. WYOMING STRONG, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY 2. SALTILLO AGIE UP 67, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE CLASS 20: 1. ANDERS SILVER DOLLAR, Ty Anders, CRAWFORD, NE 2. ANDERS ANCHOR CHEX, Rope Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Bull Grand Champion: WYOMING STRONG, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Bull Grand Champion Reserve: SALTILLO AGIE UP 67, Dylaney Rose Georges, ROCA, NE
YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 27: 1. YETI 69, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY CLASS 32: 1. ANDERS ROAN DUST, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE Youth Steer Grand Champion: YETI 69, Ryan Johnson, BIG HORN, WY Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: ANDERS ROAN DUST, Dalli Anders, CRAWFORD, NE
At time of publicaion
At time of publicaion
Junior 290 Ty Anders CRAWFORD, NE 215 Dylaney Rose Georges ROCA, NE 50 Madilyn Moreland DECATUR, TX 50 Justin Sabio, Jr. BOYD, TX intermediate 390 Dalli Anders CRAWFORD, NE 140 Ella Wieczorek HICKMAN, NE 50 Jacob Daniel Lowrie RHOME, TX 50 Jackson Grace SUNSET, TX 50 Ashlyn Holson ALBANY, TX
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Cody m. Himmelreich • daYton, tX rodney & Patti mahaffey • deCatur, tX rocking K Bar t ranch • eVanS, Wa Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PraGue, oK damrow Longhorns • roCa, ne Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PraGue, oK Chris d. & Brandi Lindsey • LaureL, mS damrow Longhorns • roCa, ne rocking K Bar t ranch • eVanS, Wa
teen 365 215 190 50 50 50
Cody m. Himmelreich • daYton, tX
Ryan Johnson BIG HORN, WY Caden Wieczorek HICKMAN, NE Rope Anders CRAWFORD, NE John Morgan Russell HICO, TX Jenna Haney WINNSBORO, TX Clara Holson GRANBURY, TX
Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PraGue, oK Himmelreich/ Lindsey Sugar Hi Partnership • daYton, tX meghan Lovaas • WaXaHaCHie, tX Shyanne mcClendon • marSHaLL, tX
Senior 350 Cody Garcia HICO, TX 50 Shelby A. Rooker POOLVILLE, TX 50 Matthew Wallace SUNSET, TX 50 Joseph Wyatt Russell HICO, TX 50 J.F. (Josh) Vinson HICO, TX 50 Cason Rangel ALVORD, TX 50
Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PraGue, oK Fossil Creek Longhorns • GreeLeY, Co Shyanne mcClendon • marSHaLL, tX Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PraGue, oK Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary • PraGue, oK
Carter T. Smith WILLOW PARK, TX
Texas Longhorn Trails
Jackson Grace • SunSet, tX
September 2016 | 43
2016 DIANN CHASE LONGHORN SCHOLARSHIP EXPO The 2016 Diann Chase Longhorn Scholarship Expo Intermediate - Victoria Weynand; Teen - Brenna Casella was the most successful Autobahn Youth show to date and Senior - Tarah Moore. with a record setting 587 entries and 277 participants. This The short course quiz was taken by 206 participants. great success would not be possible without the tireless The first place winners in the four age divisions were commitment of the outstandJunior - Oran Chambliss; Intering volunteers who took time to mediate - Kurt Bordovsky; Teen help make this event one for the - Lydia Salsbury and Senior - Brirecord books. Over $400,000 anna Salsbury. was awarded to deserving cattle The livestock judging contest exhibitors and extra activities was judged by 208 participants participants due to the generous making this event the most popucontributions given by John & lar among the kids. Beth Tanner Lauri as they continue Diann gathered four classes of Longhorn Chase’s vision for the Autobahn cattle to be judged. Stefan MarchYouth Scholarship Tour. man of the Fort Worth Livestock Wednesday began with Show and Rodeo served as the ofcheck-in, as the 277 participants ficial for the placings. First place signed up for the extra activiwinners were: Junior - John (JW) ties and the cattle were stalled Randy & Mary Travis with Jacob Lowrie as he receives the Kofnovec; Intermediate - Sydnee in the Moncrief building along Randy Travis Rise and Shine Scholarship. Mowry; Teen - Jodie Ging and with Cattle Barns #3 & #4. The Autobahn team was sup- Senior - Kendall Wallace. ported by outstanding volunteers Laura West, Makenzie & 80 exhibitors competed in the Molly Covington who were tremendous help as they pro- Agriculture Mechanics contest cessed art and cookies entries and distributed exhibitor with their wood or metal projpackets and Autobahn t-shirts. Beth Tanner had the task ects. Pam Dodson and Jim Curry of welcoming the exhibitors and getting the cattle in the coordinated the entries by diviright stalls. Cattle were weighed thanks to Todd Williams sion in the Brown-Lupton room. and Morgan Livestock Equipment Sales and the team of Dr. Lon Shell of San Marcos, TX Robert Strickland, Johnna Williams and Todd Covington. and Jamie Maxwell, with associThe pizza party was welcomed by the exhibitors and their ate judges Mitch Hanzik, Lynn Banquet attendees enjoyed families, which is a tradition started by Rodney & Patti Ma- Struthoff, John Randolph and the entertainment of Janie haffey. We thank the Mahaffeys for continuing their kind Brent Bolen gave the nod to Isa- Fricke and Moe Bandy. contribution to this event. bella Clark as the Best Overall as she was selected Grand Thursday, June 15th was filled with extra activities Champion in the Metal division. Kortni Throckmorton’s that included Extemporaneous Essay, Short Course, Live- entry was awarded Grand Champion in the Wood divistock Judging, Ag Mechanics, Art Contest and Relay Race. sion. In the Art division, Raymond Rains served as the Stan Searle of Monument, CO, served as the essay judge. judge with 172 entries, and he chose Reagan Robinson as He evaluated 184 essays and selected the following as 1st the Best In Show. Donna Schaper was on top of her game place winners in their divisions: Junior - Henry Oberg; as she gathered and displayed the art projects for the judge and spectators around Watt Arena. Thursday evening ended with 38 teams consisting of 190 participants competing in the relay race. These participants tried their luck at a bucking bull machine, goat milking, pony hop riding and a three legged sack race. The winning time of 35 seconds yielded two first place teams capturing the title. The first team consisted of Camron Montz, Kelsey Bordovsky, Joseph Russell, Jax Kenney and Reagan Ruddock. The other top placing team members were Mr. Chase awards Johnna Williams All-Around Champion: Elizabeth Ollive, Zackary Kavahagh, Jorge with the Carolyn Hunter Memorial Intermediate – Jacob Lowrie; Teen – Lydia Salsbury; Senior – Reagan Ruddock
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Calling for Nominations for the TLBAA Special Awards The TLBAA special year end awards will be presented during the annual meeting held during Texas Longhorn Weekend in January 2017. All TLBAA active members are encouraged to nominate fellow breeders for these special honors. Nominees will each be verified as active TLBAA members in good standing. Nominations must be in a written format and will include why/how the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. An individual can only be nominated for one award each year. All nominees received and verified will be listed in the November TRAILS, and you the members, will be selecting the overall award winners. Deadline for nomination submissions is September 30, 2016. Nominations should be emailed to awards@tlbaa.org. If unable to email you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. Think about who you know that deserves to be recognized for a year end award. Remember the deadline for nominations for these awards is September 30, 2016. For further information or additional questions please contact Tina DuBose, Affiliate Chairperson. Continue reading for criteria and past winners of these prestigious awards.
The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award Perpetuation and Promotion of the Texas Longhorn Breed A native Texan, Dave Evans entered the Texas Longhorn industry in 1977, establishing the Yellow Pine Ranch at Cuchara, CO. He and his wife, Billicarole, quickly became enthusiastic about the breed and additional ranches were purchased to supplement the original ranch. Evans served on the Board of Directors of both the TLBAA and the Mountains & Plains Texas Longhorn Association. He also served terms as TLBAA Vice-President. He was a founding partner and host of the Colorado National Texas Longhorn Sale, a record-breaking event when it started in 1981, which continued to be one of the industry’s major events for many years. From the start, Evans realized the necessity of using the best bulls available in the breed in order to develop a top herd. His goal was to breed for consistent size as well as correctness and outstanding horns. He purchased Texas Ranger JR in 1980, and then Dixie Rebel and Major Investment. In 1986, Evans acquired CT Spoty Ruler, the bull he considered to be the best he’d ever owned. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. It is therefore a significant honor to be a recipient of this award, named in honor of this dedicated Longhorn breeder.
Past Recipients of the Dave Evans Award
1982 – Babs & Chico Wright 1983 – Jack Montgomery 1984 – Red McCombs 1985 – Ray Moore 1986 – Al Micallef 1987 – Glen W. Lewis 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – Jerry & Martha Gillespie 1990 – Bob & Linda Moore 1991 – Dr. Joseph Graham 1992 – Dr. L.V. Baker 1993 – Johnnie Hoffman 1994 – Wayne Rumley, Wes & Carrie Hill 1995 – W.O. & Patti Marquess 1996 – El Coyote Ranch 1997 – John T. Baker 1998 – Shady W Ranch 1999 – Bob Coffee 2000 – John & Christy Randolph
December 2011
2001 – Ben Gravett 2002 – Bob Loomis 2003 – John & Diann Chase 2004 – Mike Bowman 2005 – Johnnie Robinson 2006 – Robert and Kim Richey 2007 – Doug Hunt 2008 – Kaso Kety 2009 – Jimmy Jones Dora Thompson 2010 – Brent & Cindy Bolen 2011 – Darlene Aldridge, DVM 2012 – El Coyote Ranch 2013 – Bob Loomis 2015 – Brett & Darcy De Lapp
Jack Phillips Award The Jack Phillips Award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. The award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition.
Past recipients of the Jack Phillips Award:
1994 – John & Silvia Gams 1995 – Kenneth Archer 1996 – Maudeen Marks & Eileen Day 1997 – Noah & Melba Oliver 1998 – R.L. Slater 1999 – Glen Lewis 2000 – Dorie Damuth 2001 – Charley & Doris Snyder 2002 – David Hartshorn 2003 – Ray Moore 2004 – Morgan Cook, Jr. 2005 – Ronnie Cruce 2006 – Albert G. “Pete” Boyce, Jr. 2007 – Trigg & Traci Moore 2008 – Steve & Bodie Quary 2009 – Steven Zunker 2010 – Donnie Taylor 2011 – Elmer Rosenberger 2012 – Kim & Robert Richey 2013 – Dale Hunt & Sherrill Caddel 2014 – Geoff Dawson, Tina Stewart & Charlene Musgrove 2015 – Rodger & Bonnie Damrow
More awards listed on Page 47 Texas Longhorn Trails
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Avalos, Jr., John Nelson and Joseph Faske, and backpacks year’s recipients for the Laura Harding Perseverance were awarded to the winners. Award were Caroline Girard of Dallas, TX, and Kendall Friday morning activities began with Laney Lampier Gregg of Mansfield, TX. This scholarship totaled $2,500.00 singing the National Anthem, and Dr. Blake Bloomberg each. Madison Connell of Ferris, TX, was called up to the started his day off with the 28 Pee Wee participants. After stage to receive the Champions Scholarship, which totaled all these exhibitors were selected first in their respective $1,000.00. The money for this scholarship was raised by divisions, Dr. Bloomberg evaluated a total of 194 show- the sale of raffle tickets for the semen package donated by men in the four divisions. The 8 class winners and four Sand Dollar Ranch, Rocking O Ranch, Ty Wehring, Chris, division Ultimate Showmen were: Brandi & Tyler Lindsey and Lynn Junior Division - John (JW) Kofnovec Struthoff. (Ultimate Showman) and Bella McThe Ultimate Showmen were Dermott; Intermediate Division - Sara called to the front for recogniJennings (Ultimate Showman) and tion in their divisions. In addiClarice Francis; Teen Division - Justin tion to their large ribbon, they Crumpton (Ultimate Showman) and were presented with a plaque Jodie Ging; Senior Division - Piper and patch. Smith and John Nelson (Ultimate The cookie contest winner Showman). was announced, Bailey Belger The showmanship contest was was awarded Best In Show in spot on due to the professional ring Caroline Girard and Kendall Gregg were honored with her field. The last Luck of the stewards, Chris Schaper, Ryan Cul- the Laura Harding Perseverance Award. Draw was pulled from the ticket pepper, Scotty O’Bryan & Rachel Remtumbler, and Leandro Gonzamele, keeping the cattle moving. les of Rocksprings, TX, was the Judges Derek West, Jim Curry, lucky winner of the $1,000.00 Jamey Warneke, Ret Martin, Cindy scholarship. Bolen, Ronnie Dempsey and Felix SerNew this year, the Lauri na had the tough job of selecting the Chase Volunteer award was Best Cookie, which belonged to Baiestablished to recognize hard ley Belger in the field of over 70 dozen working volunteers that help cookies. make the Diann Chase LongThe Speech Contest, held in the horn Scholarship a success. South Texas and Longhorn rooms, Beth Tanner provides the supprovided the 134 participants the fa- Herdsman Award – Diamond J Youth Ranch port and knowledge every year, cilities to speak on Wisdom or Duty. and she was especially vital this Lori McCarty, Spring Johnson, Shelby year for the success of the show, McCarty, Kim Vinson, Beth Tanner she was honored to be the first and Tracey Weldon provided their recipient of this new award.. management skills, conducting the The Autobahn team, exhibicontest from beginning to end. This tors and families were honored year’s nine judge system consisted to have special guest Randy Traof Pierce Bush, Larry Anfin, Sylvia De vis and wife, Mary Davis TraLeon Alcala, Tennessee Walker, Sally vis, in the audience as a new Brumbaugh, Paige McNamara, Reba scholarship was named in his Blevens, Joe Alcala and Travis Enghonor. The Randy Travis Rise lish, and they were divided into three Speech contest winners: Teen – Justin Crumpton; and Shine Scholarship was espanels of three. Winners by division Junior – Addison Crumpton tablished this year to recognize were: Junior: Addison Crumpton; Inoutstanding youth overcoming termediate: Tristyn Reed; Teen: Justin Crumpton and Se- obstacles head on and prevailing. This $10,000.00 scholnior: Cameron Kelly. arship was accepted by Jacob Lowrie of Rhome, TX, and Exhibitors and their families took much needed time to Jacob and Randy were awarded commemorative buckles relax as they enjoyed Friday evening’s banquet. Over 700 for this special honor. attendees enjoyed the Colburn’s catered meal of chicken After all the honors were awarded, the entertainment fried steak and sides, plus the anticipated ice cream sun- was brought onstage. Janie Fricke, Moore & Moore and dae bar. Larry Barker had the privilege with the help of Mr. Moe Bandy kept the crowd entertained with their music. Chase handing out awards to deserving individuals. During this time, special guest Randy Travis graciously The presentations started with the Luck of the Draw took selfies and interacted with the star struck particiScholarship, and Joseph Chapman of Gustine, Texas, was pants. It was a magical night filled with entertainment, honored to be drawn for the $1,000 scholarship. Johnna friends and fun. Williams of League City, TX, received the Carolyn HuntLaney Lampier started Saturday morning off singing – Continued on pg 48 er Memorial Scholarship, which totaled $5,000.00. This 46 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Elmer Parker Lifetime Award
Mel Raley Rising Star
Lifetime Devotion to the Texas Longhorn Breed and Its Breeders
Mel Raley will always be remembered as a shining star for the TLBAA because of his ability to share his vast knowledge of the Longhorn breed with new members. This special recognition is awarded to those who have been a member for less than five years and through involvement and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed. Past Recipients of the Mel Raley Rising Star Award
Elmer Parker was a longtime employee and manager of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Longhorn herd. Parker joined the staff at the Refuge in 1946, learning from the previous Longhorn managers: Earl Drummond, Heck Schrader and Joe Bill Lee. In 1968, he took over the responsibilities of the Longhorns at the Refuge and continued until his retirement in 1981. Thus, the continuity of Longhorn expertise at the Refuge continued for more than half a century. The Parker Brown color designation on Longhorn registrations was named after Elmer Parker – the dark brown, almost black color, with a lighter dorsal stripe, was one of his favorite colors.
Past Recipients of the Elmer Parker Award
1987 – J.G. “Jack” Phillips 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – J.W. Isaacs 1990 – Charles Schreiner III 1991 – Eddie Wood 1992 – F.M. “Blackie” Graves 1993 – Dan. O. Coates 1994 – Leonard Stiles 1995 – Johnnie Hoffman 1996 – Walter B. Scott 1997 – Col. Fraser West 1998 – Linda Moore/Harvey Rasmussen 1999 – Owen McGill 2000 – Charlene Semkin 2001 – Dan W. Coates
2002 – Bob Moore 2003 – Tim Miller 2004 – T.M. Smith 2005 – H.C. Carter 2006 – Sherman Boyles 2007 – Harvey Rassmussen 2008 – Dr. Bob Kropp 2009 – Michael McLeod 2010 – Joe & Lorinda Valentine 2011 – Maurice Ladnier 2012 – Dr. Joyce Kimble 2013 – Kaso Kety 2015 – John Allen
1999 – Barry & Jeanne Carter Gray 2000 – Gary “Cowboy” & Kendra Kelley 2001 – Joel & Shirley Lemley 2002 – Zech Dameron, III 2003 – Glen & Larry Smith 2004 – Danny & Carole Phillips 2005 – Rebecca Rhodes 2006 – John & Brenda Oliver 2007 – Bruce & Susan Easterly 2008 – Randy Briscoe 2009 – Matt Westmoreland 2010 – Jay & Suzanne Faske 2011 – Danny & Merrilou Russell 2012 – Greg Franks 2013 – Kyle & Whitney Mayden
TLBAA Year-End Awards Nomination Form TLBAA is now accepting nominations to four important annual awards. Each award encompasses different characteristics, values and contributions to the Texas Longhorn industry. Nominations must describe in detail how the nominee fulfills the criteria of the award. Name-only nominations will not be accepted. Nominees must be active TLBAA members in good standing.
THE DEADLINE TO RECEIVE NOMINATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 30, 2016. The recipients of these awards will be honored as part of the Texas Longhorn Weekend in Fort Worth, Texas. Contact TLBAA at 817-625-6241 for more information. Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Your Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________________ Nominee’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Nominee Contact Number: __________________________________________________________________ Which award are they being nominated for? ____________________________________________________ How and why does the nominee fulfill the described criteria of the award?__________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Use Additional Paper if Needed
Return completed form to awards@tlbaa.org. If you are unable to email, you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. P.O. Box 4430, Fort Worth, Texas 76164 817.625.6241 • 817.625.1388 Fax December 2011
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the National Athem before en to lucky winner Caroline the females got underway. Girard. Morgan Livestock Of the 37 classes with 340 Equipment Sales continued females, Dr. Bloomberg their support by donating selected CS Edge’s Sweet the panels and gate again Georgie and Wyatt Schaper this year. The last raffle item as the Junior Champion was the Champion Semen Female. Following in for package that was donated Reserve Junior Champion by Sand Dollar Ranch, Rockwere Sanddollar Angelina ing O Ranch, Ty Wehring, and exhibitor Cooper HolChris, Brandi & Tyler Lindland. The Intermediate sey and Lynn Struthoff, and Female Champions were the big winner was Taylor Grand, Sanddollar Escallada Hoyle of Mansfield, TX. Ultimate Showmen: Senior - John Nelson; Teen - Justin Crumpton; shown by Madi Moreland Intermediate - Sara Jennings; Junior - John (JW) Kofnovec Dr. Bloomberg got back and Reserve, Apple Blossom to judging the last division 5/15 shown by Shyanne McClendon, and they of the day, and in the senior division, Bucklewent on to Grand and Reserve Grand Chamhead BCB and exhibitor Leandro Gonzales was pion Females. The Senior Champion Female chosen by Dr. Bloomberg as Senior Champion selected by Dr. Bloomberg was CL Bellamy, exSteer and Reserve Grand Champion Steer. Dihibited by Caitlyn Holson, and Reserve Senior amond Q Zeus and Kalli Winters rounded out Champion Female was HD Angel Wings exhibthe senior division by capturing Reserve Senior ited by Wyatt Schaper. Sarah Faske and Johnna Champion Steer. Williams were a crucial part in awarding each At the conclusion of the steer show, Larry of the exhibitors their winnings at the end of Barker thanked the judge, Dr. Bloomberg, with a each class, and their hard work was valued. buckle and travel bag for his evaluation knowlAn awards presentation was held during a edge during the show. Dr. Bloomberg showed break between the females and bulls, and the his appreciation to the John & Lauri Chase and award winners were called to the floor of Watt the Autobahn team for such an outstanding Arena to receive their prizes. Diamond J Youth show that provides scholarship money for exRanch was honored with Herdsman Awards hibitors to further their education. for their hard work and help throughout the Best in Show for Ag MeWe are honored to include this year’s Grand show. The All-Around Exhibitors awards were chanics – Isabella Clark Champions on the cover of Trails. Congratulaannounced, and the winners were: Junior - John (JW) tions again to Madi Moreland, John Nelson and Clara HolKofnovec; Intermediate - Jacob Lowrie; Teen - Lydia Sals- son for their outstanding cattle at this year’s Diann Chase bury and Senior - Reagan Ruddock. They each received Longhorn Scholarship Expo. plaques, buckles, patches and the scholarship money. This year’s Diann Chase Expo was an outstanding After the awards, judge Dr. Bloomberg settled into the success due to the involvement of the exhibitors and the 10 classes of bulls that had 94 entries. Sanddollar Revival dedication of many volunteers that shattered records exhibited by John Nelson was awarded Grand Champion this year. Without the support of our sponsors, the event honors with Diamond Q Diego and Tarah Moore follow- wouldn’t be possible. Thank you to DFW New Car Dealers ing in for Reserve Grand Champion. Association, Ratliff Iron Works, Inc., Hired Hand Software, Sunday morning began with Cowtown Coliseum, Gist Silversmiths, Terra Leather, Fort the Cowboy Church service lead by Worth Herd, Sand Dollar Ranch, Greg & Beth Tanner, The Eric Smith in Watt Arena. The Na- Source-Show Calf Sale, The Nightstorm Syndicate, Texas tional Anthem was beautifully sung Longhorn Ranch Supply, Morgan Livestock Equipment by Laney Lampier on the last day of Sales and Rodney & Patti Mahaffey. Autobahn. The steer show was next Our wonderful calf sponsors this year were Tom & Linon the schedule, as Dr. Bloomberg da Nading, Oren and Dianna O’Dell, Guthrie Creek Longlooked over the 15 classes with 126 horns and John & Lauri Chase. The donation of cattle entries. Clara Holson and Sunrise from these outstanding breeders will have a great impact Swish was selected Junior Champion on the exhibitors’ show strings. Diamond J Youth Ranch, Steer that went on to take the Grand Gabrielle Davis and Remington Reaves were selected to Dr. Blake Bloomberg Champion banner. Allison Lowrie receive the cattle. and Hi 5’s Fireball was named Reserve Junior Champion Be sure and visit autobahnyouthtour.com for complete Steer. results, weights and videos of the show, plus the judge’s inDuring the break, raffle winners were selected. Ratliff terviews. If you would like to learn more about the scholIron Works, Inc. graciously donated the portable grill/ arship opportunities that are available through the Autosmoker, and it was awarded to KC Longhorns from Crow- bahn Youth Scholarship Tour, please contact Larry Barker, ley, TX. The sought after 10-10’ panels & 1-10’ gate was giv- General Manager at 817-988-6110 or lbarker@abahn.com. 48 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Affiliates send us your news! Let people know what’s going on in your area and encourage others to join in the fun.
This month’s update is a tribute to a steer named Bucklehead BCB, his breeders, his handlers and his owners. Bucklehead BCB was bred by Brent & Cindy Bolen. His pedigree is Ringman BCB x Raggedy Patches EOT. His DOB is 10/13/13. Brent & Cindy donated Bucklehead BCB through the Rick Friedrich TLBGCA’s Spring Show at Miracle Farms in May 2014. He was donated via President rick@riverranchlonghorns random raffle drawing to young kids that signed up at the Spring Show. He was won by Marceala Gonzalez from Rocksprings, TX. Her brother, Leandro Gonzalez, halter broke him and has been showing him. Jonell Westburg and Roger Ridgeway from Double JR Longhorns take them to the shows. Jonell has been a big part of this. Marceala was showing one of Jonell’s Longhorns when she won Bucklehead BCB. Jonell also helped Leandro with the haler breaking. That was just the beginning. Bucklehead BCB has a storybook career on the show circuit. I am only going to list the top times that Bucklehead finished in the top three, but I think it will get the point across that he is a pretty fine specimen for a Longhorn steer. Not only that he weighs in at 1,100 lbs. and measured 94 1/2” TTT on June 15, 2016. He is 6’ tall at the shoulders. All of this is behind him at only 2 years and 8 months of age.
Texas longhorn breeder gulf coast ASSOCIATION
2014 Autobahnanza Show 6/15/14 Youth Class 23 Jr. Steer 3rd Place 2014 Abilene ITLS Show 9/6/14 Open Halter Class 31 Jr. Steer 1st Place 2014 Abilene IYTLA Show 9/7/14 Youth Class 23 Jr. Steer 1st & Grand Champion Youth Steer Grand Champion All-Aged Youth Steer 2014 Abilene TLBT 9/6/14 Youth Class 28 Jr. Steer 1st Place 2014 ITLA World Show 10/16/14 Open Halter Class 31 Jr.Steer 1st Place & Reserve Grand Champion Junior Steer 2014 IYTLA World Show 10/17/14 Youth Class 23 Jr. Steer 2nd Place 2014 Kaufmann TLBT 11/22/14 Youth Class 28 Jr. Steer 1st Place 2015 San Antonio STLA 11/22/12 Youth Class 28 Jr. Steer 2nd Place 2015 San Angelo WTLA 03/01/15 Youth Class 25 Jr. Steer 3rd Place 2015 CTTLA Spring Fling 4/26/16 Youth Class 25 Jr. Steer 1st Place 2015 CTTLA Spring Fling IYTLA 4/26/16 Youth Class 25 Jr. Steer 1st Place & Grand Champion Youth Steer Grand Champion All-Aged Youth Steer 2015 TLBGCA Spring Show 5/10/15 Youth Class 28 Jr. Steer 1st Place 2015 TLBT National Show 6/4/15 Youth Class 28 Jr. Steer 1st Place 2015 Abilene WTTLA Show 9/12/15 Open Haler Class 33 Jr. Steer 2nd Place 2015 Abilene WTTLA Show 9/13/15 Youth Class 25 Jr. Steer 1st Place 2015 Kaufmann Police 11/22/15 Youth Class 33 Steers 3rd Place 2015 Kaufmann Police 11/23/15 Trophy Class 1 Jr. Steer 2nd Place
2015 High Point Legacy Award
Jr. Steer Haltered Reserve Champion 2015 STLA Winter Festival Edna, TX Youth A Class 33 Youth Steer 2nd Place 2016 SA STLA Show Youth Class 33 Youth Steers 2nd Place & Reserve Grand Champion Youth Sr. Steer Reserve Grand Champion Youth All-Aged Steer 2016 San Angelo WTLA Trophy Class 3 Jr. Steer 2nd Place 2016 San Angelo WTLA Youth Class 33 Sr. Steer 3rd Place 2016 CTTLA Spring Fling 4/22/16 Open Halter Class 35 Jr. Steer 1st Place & Reserve Grand Champion Jr. Steer 2016 CTTLA Spring Fling 4/22/16 Youth Class 33 Sr. Steer 1st Place & Grand Champion Sr. Steer Reserve Grand Champion All-Aged Youth Steer 2016 CTTLA Spring Fling 4/23/16 Open Halter Class 35 Jr. Steer 1st Place & Grand Champion Jr. Steer Champion All-Aged Haltered Steer 2016 TLBT National Youth Show Youth Halter Class 33 Sr. Steer 1st Place & World Senior Champion Youth Steer World Grand Champion Youth Steer 2016 TLBAA World Trophy Steer Show Trophy Class 1 Jr. Steer 1st Place & World Reserve Grand Champion Junior Trophy Steer 2016 Autobahn Youth Sch. Tour Youth Halter Class 61 Sr. Steer 1st Place & Grand Champion Senior Steer Reserve Grand Champion Youth Steer
Texas Longhorn Trails
Region 8
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July still finds us gearing up for fair. We’ve got quite a few entries for the Deshutes County Renee Scott Fair in Redmond 541-589-1712 Oregon. I do want to apologize to rocking K Bar Ranch of Evans Washington for not mentioning them last month . They placed 3rd in the World Hall of Fame Expo . A big congratulations to all 3 of our members.
Northwest Longhorn Association
Approximately 50 people attended the East Texas Longhorn Association General Membership meeting, held at the beautiful home of Dr. Gene and Lana Hightower on July 9th, 2016. We had a great time, as we renewed old friendships and made new ones! A Potluck luncheon was set-up under the big oak trees with favorite dishes of watermelon, fruit, salads, and featured James Wilkins BBQ sliders and stuffed jalapeno peppers prepared by Jesse and Diane Rivera! 903-617-0675 james.wilkins40@yahoo.com Absolutely delicious!! New officers were elected: Keith DuBose, President; Joel Norris, Vice President; Lana Hightower, Treasurer; Paula Wilkins, Secretary; and new Youth Advisors Jacob Weatherholtz and Haley Calhoun. Out-going Board of Director positions were filled by Jesse Rivera, Sr.; Joe Hynes; and Connie Ollive. Four Ranch tours started at Gene and Lana Hightower’s, G&L Cattle Co. We viewed their colorful herd-sire G&L Painted Savage with beautiful cows and calves! We car-pooled to James and Paula Wilkins’ JP Ranch. James called up cattle and calves to view with herd-sire Tuff’s Ruff ‘N Rowdy. Also saw out-standing young bulls, G&L Johnny Ringo, Copper Kettle, and Cowboy Semper Fi. Next stop, we caravanned to Keith and Tina DuBose’s Bar D Ranch. Seven generations of DuBose’s have raised longhorns since the pioneer days! Keith and Tina have some spectacular cows and calves, with Butler breeding, triple twist horns, a mix of old and new genetics! The fourth herd we visited was Joe and Alexis Hynes, Rafter H Longhorns. Joe and Alexis are new breeders with a great start at building a young herd of beautiful show cows and calves with herdsire Sarcee’s Firestorm. We ended the day with a stop at the Farm House Restaurant in Van, TX, for mouth-watering pie and ice-cream! Whew!! Couldn’t get any better than this beautiful day! ETLA is hosting a WorldQualifying Haltered, Free, and Youth Longhorn Show at the East Texas State Fairgrounds, Tyler, Texas, Sept 29 – Oct 2. Visit http://www.etstatefair. com or contact Lana Hightower at (903) 681-1093 Entries due by Wednesday, August 31, 2016. ETLA is hosting a second World-Qualifying Haltered, Free, and Youth Show, the Kaufman Police Association Longhorn Show, Athens, Texas, at the Henderson County Complex. It will be held November 18 - 20, 2016. Contact Joel Norris at (972) 533-4945 for more information.
East Texas Longhorn Breeder Association
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Texas Longhorn enthusiasts flocked once again to Gunnedah NSW for the Annual Texas Longhorn Australia (TLA) cattle show and sale held on the President long weekend in June. John Bastardi 02 – 6734 5320 Saturday morning started off with the Annual Show, which has quickly become the most popular social event on the TLA calendar. The showing of Texas Longhorn cattle certainly exceeded all expectations this year. Although numbers were down at this year’s show, the quality was again excellent. Mr Neville Barwick of Scone NSW, who judged the first TLA show in 2014, returned to do the 2016 Gunnedah Texas Longhorn Sale with auchonours again in 2016, doing a great job. And importantly, a good tioneer Sam Plevey and is crew selling cattle. crowd of happy spectators surrounded the ring to view the judging, socialise and enjoy the BBQ lunch put on by the Gunnedah Blackjack Camera Club. Congratulations and top honours for 2016 went to Don Constable and Julie Brown from Southern Cross Longhorns Galong NSW on their 2016 Grand Champion Bull, and to Rodney Cooper and daughter Adelaide of Kooroora Longhorns Scone NSW on the 2016 Grand Champion Heifer. Southern Cross Anzac, a 21 month old bull (by Rodeo Max ST) won the 12 -24 months purebred class and went on to take the out Champion Bull of the show. The lovely 25 month old Kooroora Crystal (sired by Coolamon Arctic) won the Mixed Grade female over 24 months and went on to be named the 2016 Grand Don Constable & Julie Brown presented the Champion female. top selling Bull and Champion bull of the TLA The TLA Show was first held in 2014, with the aim of showcasing show. Southern Cross Anzac sold for $3600.00. this unique and beautiful breed. Texas Longhorn cattle are known to He is a fullblood bull sired by Rodeo Max ST. be intensely curious, very intelligent and to have a gentle disposition, despite their impressive horns. Having a quality line-up of halter-broken cattle was one way we could start to show our audience, that this special breed is just as amenable to show and handling as other beef breeds, and that horns and showy colours are just the tip of the iceberg – quality, registered Texas Longhorns are also beautifully bodied, well conformed cattle. Following a successful morning at the showgrounds, TLA members and their families gathered at the Gunnedah Services club on Saturday evening to attend our Annual AGM with a meet Cooper Family is Rodney Cooper Kooroora Long& greet evening to follow. New and old members enjoyed food, horns Scone NSW with his four winners of the drinks and good company. Elections were held and John Bastardi, female divisions. Grand Champion femle of the TLA Deepwater NSW remained President. Don Constable Galong NSW show was Kooroora Crystal second from right. and Rodney Cooper Scone NSW were elected Vice President. Geoff Dawson remained Secretary/ Treasurer, and the new office of Publicity Chairman was appointed to Gail Bulmer. The first Texas Longhorn Australia Inc promotional brochure was also launched on the weekend. Sunday morning dawned with beautiful weather for the sale of 45 cows, heifers, bulls and steers. Buyers from Queensland right through to Tasmania attended the sale, with auctioneer Sam Plevey from Purtle Plevey Agencies taking the reins. The sale attracted sound prices, and grossed $60,000.00 with an overall average of $1,333.00. Rising four year old full-blood cow, Coolamon Impressive Bubba (AI) owned by John & Jan Bastardi, Deepwater NSW was the high selling lot. She was knocked down for $4,000 and is sure to make an impressive contribution to the Halls Gap Longhorns herd in Victoria, owned by Greg Cullell. Don Constable & Julie Brown’s bull, Southern Cross Anzac, who had Adelaide Cooper, Kooroora Longhorns with her taken out Champion Bull at the show the day prior, was the top heifer Snow Queen who placed 1st in the under selling Bull at $3600.00. He is a full-blood bull sired by Rodeo Max 12 months heifer class at the Gunnedah Longhorn ST. show. – Continued on pg 54
Texas Longhorn Australia
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Herd Health
Fall Vaccinations For The Cow Herd Most producers give their cows and heifers vaccinations in the fall as well as in the spring before breeding season. Fall vaccination is especially important for heifers--to start building good immunity in replacement heifers before they enter the cow herd, and then to time their vaccinations appropriately throughout their adult life—to keep immunity strong. Dr. Chris Chase, Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, South Dakota State University says the three diseases he would be the most concerned about--and which we can do the most good in terms of vaccination in the cow herd are IBR, BVD and leptospirosis.
BVD and persistence, it’s pretty clear that we need to get a couple doses of BVD MLV vaccine into these heifers early on,” says Chase. “I like to get a couple doses into them after they have been weaned, to be safe. We can include lepto with those, either as a combination, or given separately. If you are vaccinating heifers that are not going to be replacements in the herd, you don’t have to worry about lepto,” he says. “Don’t forget brucellosis. We need to give all breeding heifers this vaccination by weaning time. I always like to give this vaccination completely separate from any others (especially any MLV vaccines), if I can. It’s a challenge for many producers to do it at a different time, but it’s better. When a producer is getting ready to give the 2nd dose of MLV I’d rather give the Brucella to them when giving a clostridial or some kind of killed vaccine. There has been some interesting work in England that shows that both the TB testing and brucellosis vaccination may be af-
You want to time the vaccination of the cow so that she will give her calf the benefit. “There are some other reproductive disease like neospora that are not as much problem in beef cows as in dairy, but also we don’t have a very good vaccine for that one. Trich is a big issue, but it’s not an easy disease to vaccinate for; the nature of the organism (protozoa) doesn’t’ make a good candidate for a good vaccine,” says Chase. “The lepto strain Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis (HBP for short) if they are present are more of an issue in a dairy herd. Dairy heifers are often vaccinated very young for the HBP strain since cows act as a reservoir for that one. The ones we generally think of in beef cattle (Leptospira hardjo, Leptospira pomona, Leptospira canicola, Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae, Leptospira grippotyphosa) are the strains we find in wildlife and thus in the environment.” We need to vaccinate beef heifers with lepto when they are ready for their first breeding season. “In looking at establishing vaccination, probably by the time a beef heifer is between 6 and 10 months old (their first fall), we want to get a couple doses of MLV vaccine into her. If a person wants to use killed vaccine, this is an acceptable option, but when it comes to 52 | September 2016
fected if done at the same time as MLV vaccines. It can decrease the reaction and immune response,” he says. “Once the heifers are bred, after you’ve done a good job of heifer development and they’ve had their 2 doses of MLV vaccines before breeding, the only time I use MLV vaccine is when they are open (between calving and next breeding). Even though there are safety claims for pregnant animals, efficacy and protection have not been demonstrated for that next reproductive period. This is true for any vaccine administered during pregnancy. If I have a well-vaccinated animal and I give her a MLV vaccine, her immune system doesn’t know the difference between a vaccine virus and a field strain. That’s why it does a good job of neutralizing the vaccine virus and makes it safe, but then why are we vaccinating her? We vaccinate to try to get a better immune response. Obviously an animal that didn’t respond very well the first time may get a little more kickin from giving another MLV. But once I’ve established heifers on their MLV program, I don’t mind using killed vaccine in pregnant cows,” he says. So a fall vaccination program should include a killed IBR-BVD vaccine. “I am not a big fan of giving the pregnant animal a
Texas Longhorn Trails
By Heather Smith Thomas MLV vaccine. I feel a lot more comfortable giving that animal inactivated vaccine, from a safety standpoint. There is plenty of antigen there, and it will certainly boost antibodies in colostrum—and there is a lot to be said for that aspect,” says Chase. Regarding colostrum, you want to time the vaccination of the cow so that she will give her calf the benefit. “Most people are vaccinating a little too early for that benefit because typically they are vaccinating at preg check time, which would be late fall and the cow may not be calving until early to mid-spring. With most of these vaccines, this timing is not ideal, but the response is certainly better—even that far out—than what you’d see with a MLV vaccine at that stage of pregnancy,” he says. “It’s not ideal, and for scours vaccine you’d certainly want to give it later—closer to calving. This is especially important in heifers, to make sure you get that into them 10 to 12 weeks before calving for the first dose and then 4 to 6 weeks before calving for the 2nd dose.” At one of those times you could also give the killed IBRBVD vaccine. Some people feel we vaccinate too much and too often, but this is hard to actually determine. “We have to look at what our risk is and our biosecurity level. It’s like the human population. We have exposure as well as immunization. In cattle we don’t want exposure, yet it can give some immunity. If we have exposure, and know
that our immunity is broad enough, we can be ok,” he says. “If you have a closed herd and are cognizant of what you are doing, you might get by with less vaccination, but that’s a big ‘if’ because sometimes things happen.” You might think you have a closed herd, and then your neighbor buys a bunch of new cattle and his bull gets out and comes down the road to jump in with some of your cattle. There are some things that happen that you have no control over. “This all goes back to why it is so important to have a solid basis of immunity to begin with. If we can get the proper vaccinations into the young heifer—while she’s growing and developing, and not while she is pregnant for the first time or under stress—then she will have better protection. That’s why proper immunization during the heifer stage is so important. Once that basis is there, and the heifers have good solid immunity, they will do fine in the herd. Even if you miss one in later years when vaccinating, the chances that they will respond later will be excellent,” he says. Every vaccine program needs to be tailored for that particular ranch or farm. You can’t go by what your neighbor does or what the vaccine company says you should do. “You really need an assessment of your risk. Work with your veterinarian on herd health, to figure out what is best for your herd,” says Chase.
817-410-2915 | FFIN.COM
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 53
-Continued from pg 51
New TLA members Megan and John Hoare from Gunns Plains, Tasmania were the high volume buyers of the sale taking home 12 head of cattle, which then sailed across the Bass Strait to their new home. Some of these cattle had originated from drought affected areas of the country, so they were in for a lovely surprise when they unloaded to paddocks of actual green grass! Queensland TLA members Wes & Hayley Offord returned home to Marmor, QLD with 5 new cattle, and Bill Sheppard & Beryl Anderson from Millmerran in QLD also purchased 3 head. TLA sends a big thank-you to all the consigners, buyers, bidders and members, and to Sam the auctioneer for making this weekend so successful. It was great to see so many new members and buyers this year and we are looking forward to doing it again in 2017. If you are interested in Texas Longhorn cattle, please visit our website at www.texaslonghornsaustralia.com.au or like our page on Facebook. Also, if you have any questions about Longhorns that you’d like us to answer, please contact our publicity officer at publicitytla@gmail.com.
WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle • Palpation gates • Measure horns • A.I. cows
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We thank these folks for kindly droppin’ in at the TLBAA office. 1. Barbara & Johnny Coleman, Bridgeport, TX 2. Mark Kelsey, Poolville, TX 3. Jessie Rivera, Redo Oak, TX 4. Scotty O’Bryan, Fort Worth, TX & TLBAA’s Myra Basham
www.endoftrailranch.com • mbowman@wildblue.net
Wichita Fence Co., Inc. • 1-800-626-3752 • wichitafence-dab@sbcglobal.net
54 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
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Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 55
Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. 817-625-6241 56 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
North Carolina
Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information.
817-625-6241 www.tlbaa.org
(336) 302-0966
Texas Longhorn Trails
September 2016 | 57
Find all the information and forms you need at
58 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails
Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX
(817) 991-9979 CATTLE FOR SALE
Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory”
joliver@mytocn.com (972) 268-0083
BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new website with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961, www.beavercreeklonghorns.com
BUTLER HEIFERS A select few yearlings and bred two year olds FOR SALE NOW! Our herd has been closed to outside genetics for over a decade. The very best Butler quality available in the breed.
Robert King at 210-827-6700 or rking6700@gmail.com
LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains (918) 855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK
★★ NEWS FLASH from the
Flying D Longhorn Ranches ★★ The wide genetic range of our latest heifers and young bull crops will inspire your admiration! They are proof of a successful 36 year quest for a consistent, outstanding breeding program of traditional/progressive cattle. They graze the pastures at Magnolia and Gun Barrel City, TX and look forward to meeting visitors. Top cattle of all ages are available at reasonable prices. Please call any of us to schedule a visit to each ranch. We love to talk Longhorns! Cattle always available at all times. Reasonable prices. For information or to schedule a tour at either of our ranch locations, please call:
Dorie Damuth - Flying D Longhorn Ranch 40206 Community Rd. • Magnolia, TX 77354 281-356-8167 • fax: 281-356-2751 dorie27@sbcglobal.net • www.damuthflyingdranch.com Scott Damuth, Legal Counsel • Shery Damuth, Vineyard Consultant sdamuth@damuthlaw.com • Gun Barrel City, TX Law office: 903-887-0088 • Fax: 903-887-2925 Scott Cell: 214-546-3681 • Shery Cell: 940-393-0991
Quality HEIFERS & HERD SIRE PROSPECTS FOR SALE- I have a LARGE herd, so you have lots of
variety to pick from! Located approx. 20 mi. off the EAST TEXAS line in Louisiana just below Shreveport. Lots of Hunts Command Respect, McGill Breeding, some ZD Kelly and Grand Slam, etc. Good cows, good babies. I specialize in bulls and am a partner in RIP SAW who now measures 83 1/2” TTT and is a gorgeous color. Several of his heifers and sons for sale. DORA THOMPSON Tel (318) 872-6329 echoofambush@aol.com•www.sandhillsranch.com
Great genetics. I enjoy meeting and working with new breeders. Also have a large STRAIGHT BUTLER herd.
TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380.
THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota
(507) 235-3467
Small Registered Longhorn Herd For Sale 1 Bull, 6 Cows, 1 Bull Calf, 1 Heifer Calf Call 409-382-3096 for more information.
Texas Longhorn Trails
HAULING - Anywhere-Anytime We specialize in Longhorns. Dan Tisdale (940) 872-1811 Mobile: 940/841-2619 Randy Mack (940) 366-6215
FMB Land & Cattle LLC
Custom Hauling...Shows....Sales 8ft wide Trailer for Longhorn Care
Ron Bailey 254.534.1886 Rodney Brown 682.220.8501
September 2016 | 59
SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming Texas Longhorn Events SEPTEMBER 2016 SEPT 3 • NRLA Sanders Co. Longhorn Show, Sanders Co. Fairgrounds, Plains, MT. Shannon Kearney 509-684-2963 or 509-680-0019 or giddyup73@hughes. net Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 3 • Butler Breeder’s Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety 985-6746492 or Michael McLeod 361-771-5355. SEPT 4-5 • Mountains and Plains - Colorado State Fair, State Fair Grounds, Pueblo, CO. Kenny Richardson 970-352-3054, krichardson21@aol.com or Lana Pearson 719-740-0741, lana14338@gmail.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 9-10 • Hill Country Heritage Longhorn Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Rick Friedrich - rick@riverranchlonghorns.com or 713-305-0259. SEPT 9-10 • West Texas Fair & Rodeo, EXPO Center 1700 Hwy 36, Abilene, TX. Entry Deadline Aug 15th. Contact Billy Thompson 325-668-3988 or diamondjlonghorns@att.net. Qualifying Free and Haltered. SEPT 9-11 • Deep South Texas Longhorn Shootout, Magnolia Center, Laurel, MS. Entry deadline Aug. 24th. Chris Lindsey 601-319-9376 or 601-319-8296. clindsey04@yahoo.com. One show points only Haltered and Youth. One show qualifying Haltered and Youth. SEPT 10 • NRLA Spokane Fair Longhorn Show, Spokane Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Spokane, WA. Shannon Kearney 509-684-2963 or 5 09-680-0019 or giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 10 • New Mexico State Fair Longhorn Show, NM State Fair Grounds/EXPO, Albuquerque, NM. Entry Deadline Aug. 1st. Dustin Brewer 505-660-3061 or dustinandcandi@gmail.com. Qualifying Free and Haltered. SEPT 11 • Spokane NWLA Show, Spokane, WA. Sheryl Johnson 503-349-4985 or j5longhorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 17 • Western Breeders Select Sale, AVI Resort & Casino, Laughlin, NV (Mojave Crossing Events Center). RC Larson 503-812-2643 or rclarsonlonghorns@me.com SEPT 24 • 38th B & C Show Me Fall Longhorn Sale, Tina, MO, Grand River Livestock Market. Contact Shawn Sayre 660-734-8782, Bill Sayre 660-734-0827 or visit sayreauction.com SEPT 24 • NRLA Central Washington Longhorn Show, Central Washington State Fair Park, Yakima, WA. Shannon Kearney 509-684-2963 or 509-680-0019 or giddyup73@hughes.net. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 30 • Tulsa State Fair, Tulsa Fair Grounds, Tulsa, OK. Entry Deadline Aug. 29th. Contact Steve Quary 405-567-3093 or dglonghorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth SEPT 30-OCT 1 • Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction, Fort Worth, TX. Lori McCarty 817-991-8825 or hvauction@gmail.com SEPT 30-OCT 2 • ETLA World Qualifying Show, East Texas State Fairgrounds, Tyler, TX. Lana Hightower - glcattleco@aol.com or 903-681-1093. www.etstatefair.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.
OCT 7-9 • 2016 State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX. Entry Deadline is September 1, 2016, Show Chairs: Trigg & Traci Moore 817-832-8742 / 254-396-5592, traci@triple-t-longhorns.com, trigg@moorehomeandranch.com. Qualifying Haltered, Non-Haltered & Youth. OCT 12-14 • Heart of Texas Fair & Rodeo, Extraco Event Center, Waco, TX; Sue Bowdoin 254-486-2581 Qualifying Haltered & Youth. OCT 14 • Heart of Texas Longhorn Show, Heart of Texas Fair, Waco, TX. Vicki Hobbs with HOT Fair or Russell Hooks 409-381-0616, russellh@ longhornroundup.com. OCT 14 • NRLA NILE Longhorn Show, Metra Park Fairgrounds, Billings, MT. Shannon Kearney-giddyup73@hughes.net or (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019. Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth. OCT 19 • NRLA NILE Stock Show, Metra Park Fairgrounds, Billings, MT. Entry Deadline Sept. 7, Toby Johnson imbarlonghorns@hotmail.com 307-674-4691 Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. OCT 20-23 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Lawton, OK. Nichole Keith, 210-296-5445 or nichole@rockinilonghorns.com. OCT 20 • Measuring Begins OCT 21 • Bred and Owned Heifer Sale OCT 21 • Horn Showcase Futurity OCT 22 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Sale OCT 21-23 • Ark-La-Tex Annual Fall Show, George H. Henderson, Jr. Exposition Center, Lufkin, TX. Jessica DuBose, (903) 948-5194, dubosejessica@yahoo.com. www.arklatexlonghorns.com Qualifying Free, Trophy Steers, Haltered and Youth.
NOV 4-5 • End Of Trail Reduction Sale, Winfield Livestock Auction, Winfield, KS. Contact Joel Lemley 325-668-3552 or jlem@camalott.com
60 | September 2016
NOV 11-12 • Allen Ranch Reduction Sale, West Sale Barn, West, TX Contact Justin Rombeck 816-536-1083 or justinlonghornman@gmail.com NOV 12 • Louisiana State Fair, Louisiana State Fairgrounds - Livestock Area, Sheveport, LA. Contact Jessica Wade 903-948-5194 dubosejessica@yahoo.com or Peggy Swindle (State Fair) 318-653-1361 livestock@statefairoflouisiana.com Free, Haltered, Youth & Free-Trophy Steer. NOV 18-20 • Kaufman Police Association Longhorn Show, Henderson County Fairgrounds, Athens, TX. Entry Deadline is November 4, 2016, Joel Norris 972533-4945 or joel1983@embarqmail.com. Qualifying Free, Halter, Youth. and Miniature
DEC 9-11 • STLA Winter Fest, Brackenridge Main Event Center, Edna,TX; Entry Deadline is December 2, 2016, Merrilou Russell 361-781-4221, Bubba Bollier 325247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com. Qualifying Halter, Free & Youth. Futurity, Points Only Friday Night, DEC 20-21 • National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO. Entry Deadline is November 18, 2016, Lana Pearson 719-740-0741 or lana14338@gmail.com. Qualifying Free, Halter & Youth.
JAN 14-17 • 2017 Longhorn Weekend, Will Rogers Coliseum, Fort Worth, TX JAN 14 • Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale JAN 16 • Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo; Qualifying Youth JAN 17 • Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo; Qualifying Haltered
FEB 9-11 • San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, AT&T Center, 3201 East Houston St., San Antonio, TX. Entry Deadline is December 15, 2016, Derek Thurmond 210860-8202 Bubba Bollier 325-247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com. Qualifying Free & Youth. FEB 18-19 • San Angelo Stock Show, Fairgrounds, Sn Angelo, TX. Entry Deadline Feb. 1st, Dennis Urbantke 325-656-9321 or dennis@thlonghorns.com. Qualifying Halter, Youth and Youth Points Only. FEB 24-25 • Cattle Baron Premier Longhorn Sale & Winchester Futurity, Mid-Tex Sale Barn, Navasota, TX. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or Steve Azinger (713) 823-5371.
MARCH 2017
MARCH 12-14 • Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, NRG Stadium, Houston, TX. Qualifying Haltered and Youth. Trophy Steers MARCH 24-26 • Oklahoma Spring Shoot Out, Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Contact Steve Quary, 405-567-3093 or dglonghorns@yahoo.com. Qualifying Haltered, Free, Youth & Friday Points. MARCH 25 • 39th B & C Show Me Spring Longhorn Sale, Tina, MO, Grand River Livestock Market. Contact Shawn Sayre 660-734-8782, Bill Sayre 660-734-0827 or visit sayreauction.com MAR 25 • Rodeo Austin-Star of Texas, Austin, TX. Entry Deadline is February 1, 2017, Christy Randolph 713-703-8458, Bubba Bollier 325-247-6249 or bollier7572@yahoo.com. Qualifying Free, Halter & Youth MARCH 31 • YMBL South Texas State Fair, Ford Park Fairgrounds, Beaumont, TX. Entry Deadline March 15, 2017. Tina Dubose 979-277-2656 or tinaduboseloe@ gmail.com Qualifying Haltered, Free, Youth & Steer Free.
APRIL 2017
APRIL 21-23 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale Fairgrounds, Rockdale, TX. Entry Deadline is April 11, 2017, Sandi Nordhausen-sandi.nordhausen@gmail.com or 512-898-2401. Qualifying, Youth & Youth Points Only (x2)
MAY 2017
MAY 5-7 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX, Stephen Head 979549-5270, headshorns@hotmail.com MAY 26-27 • Red River Longhorn Sale & ITTLA Futurity, Marietta, OK. Rick Friedrich 713-305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. Kerry Mounce 214675-9317 or kerry@los-inc.com
JUNE 2017
JUNE 8-11 • Longhorn Expo TLBAA World Show & National TLBT, Will Rogers Coliseum, Fort Worth, TX. Entry Deadline is May 5, 2017. Qualifying Free, Haltered and Youth. Trophy Steers JUNE 14-18 • Autobahn Youth Tour presents the Diann Chase Longhorn Scholarship Expo, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Larry Barker (817) 988-6110, lbarker@abahn.com or Laura Standley (817) 390-3132, lstandley@ abahn.com www.autobahnyouthtour.com
SEPT 8-9 • Hill Country Heritage Longhorn Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Rick Friedrich 713-305-0259 or rick@riverranchlonghorns.com. Joel Lemley 325-668-3552 or jlem@camalott.com
Texas Longhorn Trails
ADVERTISING INDEX —A— Allen Ranch..................................................29 Almendra Longhorns..................................56 Anderson, Frank Jr. and III...........................9 Arch Acres.....................................................56 Astera Meadows..........................................58 Autobahn.....................................................FC —B— Bar H Ranch..................................................56 Beadle Land & Cattle............................. 9, 56 Bentwood Ranch...........................................2 Big Valley Longhorns..................................56 Billingsley Longhorns.................................57 BT Farms.......................................................57 Buckhorn Cattle Co....................................57 Bull Creek Longhorns................................. 11 Butler Listings.................................................9 —C— Caballo Bravo Longhorns..........................56 Cedarview Ranch........................................56 Champion Genetics....................................55 Chapparal Cattle Com...............................19 Chisholm Trail..............................................27 Christa Cattle Co...........................................9 Circle Double C Ranch..............................57 Circle K Ranch.............................................38 —D— Dalgood Longhorns......................................9 DCCI Equipment.........................................54 Diamond Q Longhorns..............................57 DK Longhorn Ranch...................................56 Double A Longhorns..................................57 Dubose Bar D Ranch....................................9 —E— EDJE Technologies.....................................41 Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic..........32-33 El Coyote Ranch............................................ 1 Elah Valley Longhorns................................56 End of Trail Ranch................................ 15, 54 —F— First Financial Bank....................................53 Flying Diamond Ranch...............................56 FMB Land & Cattle, LLC...................... 55, 59 FMG CPA.......................................................14 —H— Haltom Hollar Ranch..................................56 Helm Cattle Co............................................57 Hickman Longhorns...................................57 Hired Hand Software..................................26 Hudson Longhorns.......................................3 Husky Branding Irons.................................55 —J— J.T. Wehring Family Ranch........................57
—J— Jack Mountain Ranch............................ 9, 58 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co..............................9 Johnston Longhorns..................................57 Jordan Insurance Group............................54 —K— King, Terry & Tammy...................................56 Kittler Land & Cattle....................................56 —L— Lazy A Ranch................................................57 Lightning Longhorns............................13, 57 Little Ace Cattle Co.......................................9 LL Longhorns.................................................9 Lodge Creek Longhorns............................56 Lone Wolf Ranch.........................................67 Longhorn Opportunities............................18 Longhorn Sale Pen...................................... 31 — M— McLeod Ranch...............................................9 Meers Store, The.........................................42 Moriah Farms...............................................57 —N — Northbrook Cattle Company....................57 —P — P&C Cattle Pens..........................................43 —R— R&R Ranch....................................................57 Red McCombs Ranches...........................BC Rio Vista Ranch..............................................9 River Ranch................................................. IFC Rockin I Longhorns.....................................58 Rocking P Longhorns...................................9 Rocky Mountain Longhorns.....................56 Rolling B Ranch........................................... 51 Rolling D Ranch...........................................56 Running Arrow Longhorns........................55 —S— Safari B Ranch..............................................57 Safety Zone Calf Catcher..........................45 Sand Hills Ranch......................................7, 56 Schumacher Cattle.....................................57 Semkin Longhorns......................................57 Singing Coyote Ranch...............................57 SS Longhorns...............................................56 Star Creek Ranch...........................................5 Stotts Hideaway Ranch..............................57 Struthoff Ranches of Texas.......................57 Sugar Hill Ranch..........................................55 —T— Talo Distributors Inc...................................39 TLBA Foundation.........................................59 TLBAA Horn Showcase........................19-25 TLBAA Longhorn Weekend.......................35 Triple R Ranch (TX)........................................9
Texas Longhorn Trails
Send us your photo with a funny caption included!
If your photo is chosen to appear in a future issue of Trails Magazine, you will receive TLBAA Merchandise free! Photos cannot be returned.
Send your photo with caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Myra, • P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or myra@tlbaa.org (Email entries should include address.) Photo may be used in a future issue due to number of responses
Shooo, I’m playing hide N’ Seek with the kids... you’re going to give away my hiding spot. Thanks to Sally Torres Locke of Snoqulamie, WA for her submission!
—T— TS Adcock Longhorns................................58 —W — Walker, Ron...................................................58 Wannaba Ranch...........................................58 Westfarms Inc................................................9 Wichita Fence Company...........................54
UPCOMING ISSUES: October: Herd Health & Nutrition November: Gifts/Apparel/Furnishings December: Horn Showcase Results August 2016 | 63
56 | September 2016
Texas Longhorn Trails