September 2014 Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine

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Texas Longhorn Trails

September 2014


Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2014


is Way” H t I d i “He D nted to

e way he wa e is life just thwith a bit of an attitud h d ve li e n ti n d n le a a , V st e Jo large and fa He lived life midas touch he had the very much , g in th y er essful at ev loved him He was succoing to miss him, for I I’m really g alentine rmed Joe V f a kind fo e h er ft a , a one o the mold God broke riginal, a masterpiece o n a s own way He wa ved life his at play li e h r fo , im , at work or ld control h No one cou boss in every situation He was the r friend and my dea end er n rt a p rn ry the ve Longho Joe was my ays special to me, up to lw a s He wa t day we met rget the very firs born, one I’ll never fo m o fr im h s a w ip I liked sh l friend nails And a specia ugher than ed heads or tails to s a w e h , p ’s man fe flip , whether li ader, a man He was a le r what he believed in is life He fought fo o loves of h tw e th e er w a his wife and Lorind Longhorns s his passion, the other Industry The first wa yone in our history n a n a th re im to le, mo connected h nghorn catt He loved Lo is friends, his art, they f a storm the center o ck to the norm They were h in en ft o s a a was, he w at and bring peace b o was who he Because he ip helped steady the b the like sh er d a never seen t of sight le ve I’ His s iu en g u o g , a marketin bring prices at salesmane to make Longhorns re g a s a w He than anyon e fights He did more d even somt was right n a ts en em re ays did wha d our disag Sure, we hassing was over, Joe alw the sea ng cast into eternity ei b Once the fu in ta n u o to s slipped in h is like a m om this eart y friend is gone, he ha fr e Jo se lo M To more he Legend, e more and eternity’s door The Boss, T Jo to t n a rt o h were imp bout passing throug y & Friends ta Faith, Familolder, he often though w re g e h As of leaderind a Legacy eh b n man s ve a is le He being h ows, the f o , ty ri a ch r heart ship, of cuum in ou nd There is a vaand out flowed the sa e k glass bro out him, or think ab y sa le p eo p hat oing No matter where to stay his life by d d ve is li g e h in s a th cy one e left a lega Joe Valentinwn way things his o son Jr. Bill C. Hud nghorns o L Hudson

Joe Valentine

Dec. 8, 1943– July 15, 2014

Departments: 10 Officer & Directors 12 Dam of Merit Honor Roll 14 TLBAA New Members 16 TLBT Letter 18 A Moment in TLBAA History 20 In Memoriam - Joe Valentine 22 In Memoriam - Walter Schreiner 34 On The Scene With Amy 42 Herd Management 52 News on the Trail 56 In the Pen 56 TLBAA Announcements 56 Memoriam-Day’s Feisty Fannie 58 Affiliate News 68 Movers & Shakers 69 Save the Date 71 Ad Index 71 Just For Grins

Notesfrom the Editor The Trails magazine is constantly pushing the deadlines to get the magazine out in a timely manner. We really need your help in staying on this course of action. If you are an advertiser, the deadline set for you is for the art department to help build and develop your advertising. We take great pride in spending quality time for the overall look of your advertising so you get the most for your dollar. We pride ourselves on customer service, and the advertiser approving their ad before it goes to the printer. For this process to be as efficient as possible, materials must be in by deadline. If you don’t follow that deadline, ad design and layout are pushed through the process without the proper amount of time. Quality suffers and mistakes are more likely. The Trails department also produces E-blasts, another valuable marketing tool. This advertisement is sent to the database of emails from Longhorn breeders and members who have signed up. Please allow 2-3 days for the creation, proofing and approval for the electronic advertisements. Credit card payment is required before the eblast will be sent out. Please know the Trails needs your help in adhering to the deadlines, so the magazine will get to you in an acceptable time frame. I welcome emails with your comments and suggestions about the Trails and will take them all into consideration. And we always appreciate hearing when you like what we’re doing, so don’t hesitate to share a praise with us as well. This is your breed magazine. See you down the road!

– Laura Standley

(817) 625-6241• (817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, TX 76164 E-Mail: • Editor in Chief: Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • • Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Ashley Loos • (217) 653-8403 •

Phil Norwood • (713) 294-0139 •

Registrations: Dana Coomer • Ext. 116

Graphic Design & Production: Myra Basham • Ext. 108 • •

Laura Standley • Ext. 105 • • Anna Hendry

Rick Fritsche • Ext. 107

Graphic Artist/Multimedia Design: Kelli Fulkerson • Ext. 109 • • Regional Correspondents: Lori Beeson • Nolensville, Tennessee | Paige Evans • Kiowa, Colorado | Deb Lesyk • Outlook, Saskatchewan, Canada | Wanda Moore • Sulphur Bluff, Texas | Bodie Quary • Prague, Oklahoma


Donna Shimanek • Ext. 121

Special Events: Amy Weatherholtz • Ext. 104

Deadline: October 2014 deadline is August 25th.

The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 2315 N. Main, Ste. 402, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 625-6241. Fax (817) 625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.

Printed in the USA


Receptionist/ Adminstrative Assistant:

Cynthia Guerra • Ext. 100

“We reach every TLBAA member” Texas Longhorn Trails

Give your breeding program Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100

Beadle Land & Cattle - Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA (408) 834-0110 • (408) 656-6266 e-mail:

Box Z Ranch - Steven Zunker & Louis Christa 1506 Harwood Road, Luling, TX 78648 Ranch mobile (210) 827-3940

Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety - Little Ace Cattle Company P.O. Box 386, Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918 e-mail:

PJ’s Cattle Company – Jim Swigert or Lance Swigert 2130 CR 100, Caldwell, TX 77836 Jim: (979) 224-2861 or Lance (979) 219-4902 e-mail: or

McLeod Ranch – Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 C.R. 303A, Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155

Brennan & Michele Potts - Rocking P Longhorns

P.O. Box 579, Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400 • e-mail:

Rio Vista Ranch - Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane, Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail:

Westfarms Inc. - Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450, Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail:

This space is available for your ranch listing!

a boost with Butler genetics! Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 South Rosemary Drive • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100

DALGOOD Longhorns - Malcolm & Connie Goodman (713) 782-8422 • Waller, TX e-mail:

Eagles Ridge Longhorns - Paul & Judi Sellers 3245 Sugarloaf Key Rd, U21A, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 979-2419 or (443) 624-0792 e-mail:

Harrell Ranch-Kent & Sandy Harrell

15 W 6th St Ste 2510, Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 299-6402 • (918) 733-4008 • e-mail: Kyle Mathis, Ranch Mgr. (918) 607-1799 •

Moriah Farms - Bernard Lankford Weatherford, TX (817) 341-4677 • (817) 319-9198 cell

Rocking G Ranch - Mrs. Ramie Griffin 5005 Callais Road • Beaumont, TX 77713 (409) 892-2662 • Fax (409) 838-6926 Cell (409) 790-6565 e-mail:

Rockin I Longhorns - Nancy Ince & Tony Mangold 30 FM 3351 N, Bergheim, TX 78004 (830) 237-5024 • e-mail:

Sidewinder Cattle Company - Ed Shehee, Jr. 1007 Airport Blvd • Pensacola, FL 32504 (850) 572-6595

Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. - John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467

Triple R Ranch - Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Road • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198 • e-mail:

This space is available for your ranch listing!



Canada, New Zealand, Australia

17 13



2 3

















TLBAA Regions


Chairman of the Board: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493

Secretary: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844

Executive Vice Chairman: Jim Rombeck • (785) 562-6665

Treasurer: John Parmley • (281) 541-1201

1st Vice Chairman: Craig Perez • (979) 906-0043

Director: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035

2nd Vice Chairman: Tom Smith • (616) 293-0977

Director: Jeff Jespersen • (780) 966-3320



At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Mark Hubbell

(269) 838-3083

Keith DuBose

(979) 277-2161

(620) 704-3493

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Todd McKnight

John Parmley

(281) 541-1201

(701) 590-9073

Region 1 - Director

Region 7 - Director

Jeff Jespersen

(780) 966-3320

Lana Hightower

(903) 681-1093

Region 13 - Director (308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600

Region 2 - Director

Region 8 - Director

Region 14 - Director

(704) 361-6035

Ken Morris

(484) 638-0228

Nelson Hearn

Region 3 - Director

Chad Smith

L.D. McIntyre

Gwen Damato

(817) 304-1665

(785) 562-6665

Region 9 - Director

Region 15 Director

Jim Rombeck

Tom Smith

(616) 293-0977

Russell E. Fairchild

(254) 485-3434

(979) 906-0043

Region 4 - Director

Region 10 - Director

Region 16 - Director

Craig Perez

Scott Hughes

(828) 287-4257

Gary Bowdoin

(254) 640-0844

(435) 275-2112

Region 5 - Director

Region 11 - Director

Region 17 - Director

Doug Hunt

Nancy Dunn

(334) 318-0887

Larry Smith

(281) 935-2811

(208) 860-7430

Region 6 - Director

Region 12 - Director

(501) 690-0771

(979) 249-4255

Region 18 - Director

Kathy Kittler

CHARLES SCHREINER III* 1964-1967 WALTER G. RIEDEL, JR.* 1967-1969 J.G. PHILLIPS, JR.* 1969-1971 WALTER B. SCOTT* 1971-1973 JAMES WARREN* 1973-1975 J.W. ISAACS* 1975-1977 J.T. “HAPPY” SHAHAN* 1977-1978

Terry Fuhriman

Bill Torkildsen

JOHN R. BALL 1979-1980


BILL ANTHONY* 1981-1982

GLEN W. LEWIS 1992-1995

DR. L.V. BAKER 1982-1984

TIM MILLER* 1995-1998

DR. W.D. “BILL” CLARK 1984-1986



BOB MOORE* 2003-2005

JOHN T. BAKER 1988-1990


(408) 834-0110

Ray Beadle




Chairman: Dr. Bob Kropp – (580) 336-0220

Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351

Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083

Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659

Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331

John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730

Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616


Texas Longhorn Trails

Dam of Merit Roll of Honor Dams of Excellence Bell La Squaw

Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada

CO Barbwire

David M. Hillis, Austin, Texas

Cross M Cherokee Miss Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico


Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico

F 3F Bevo’s T J

Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico

G&L Enchantment

Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas

G&L True Obsession

Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, Texas

High Hope, FD

Bo & Dorie Damuth, Magnolia, Texas

Miss CP Ruler 562

T.M. & Jean Smith, Bar S Ranch, Boyd, Texas

Miss Peppermint

Ed & Sheryl Johnson, Molalla, Oregon

Picabo Phantom

Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada

Rawhide Lady Pebbles

Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada

SP Hija

Ben Tanksley, Alpine, Texas

US 89076

Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, New Mexico

Westhaven Ranger Reddy Fraser West, Ione, California

WT Miss Mona’s Liberator

Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, Texas

Dams of Distinction Almendra Dixie Tierra Joel & Tamara Kuntz, Bend, OR Bayou Daisy Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, LA Bayou Princess Dr. Eugene & Jolie Berry, Baton Rouge, LA Bell La Squaw Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada BH Mahogany May Joel & Tamara Kuntz, Bend, OR Cross M Blue Velvet Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM


Cross M Delta Becca Jim & Wanda Taylor, Truth or Consequences, NM Cross M Delta Charisma Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM Cross M Salsa Jim & Wanda Taylor,Truth or Consequences, NM Cross M Star Spangled Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM Cross M Texas Ruby Red Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM Cross M Whelming Matrix Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM Cross M Whelming Sandy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM Delta Amber Phillip Bell, Arlington, TX Diamond W 952 Meadowwood, Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, OK Dillons Fancy Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM Dixie Heather 3G Ranch, Loyd &Bettie Gibbs, Gainesville, TX Dolly Joel & Shirley Lemley, Blackwell, TX Double L’s Miss Elegant Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX Emperor’s Lucy Creek Gary Kudrna, Ennis, TX Fandangos Husker Barnard Longhorns, Richard & Janice Barnard, Tekamah, NE FCF Honeymoon Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX FCF 16th Avenue Mitch Bryant, Katy, TX FCF Too Sexy For My Sox Star Creek Ranch, Somerville, TX Fiona Moonshine Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Folsom Falls Posh Folsom Falls Ranch, Fred & Marijo Balmer, Folsom, NM GC Little Star Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller, Socorro, NM G&L Enchantment Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, TX G&L True Obsession Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, TX G&L Silver Sage Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, TX G&L Star Spangled Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower, Van, TX Granite Daisy Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Indian Girl 636 Carla Jo Payne, Slidell, TX JRJ WR 978 Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Ksanka Lily Belle Robert & Sheryl Greene, Eureka, MO Lizzy’s Splash Eagles Nest Ranch, Ben & Ilse Myren, Colville, WA Lupemitedookay Debra Lesyk & Dwight Overlid, Double D

Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Meadowwood’s Carmen Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, OK Meadowwood’s Clementine Charley & Doris Snyder, Elgin, OK Meadowwood’s Tango Brink Longhorns, Frederick, OK Molly Hunts Best 01 Chris Bandley, St. George, UT Nutmeg 7/4 Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Picabo Phantom Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Rawhide Lady Pebbles Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada Rusty Zipper Frank & Barbara Renfro, Clinton, MO S-D Sparkle Plenty Rudy & Marilyn Bowling, Kaufman, TX Silver Sage Double D Arena, Outlook, SK, Canada 3W Legends Country Erin Lazy JP Ranch, Dublin, TX 3W Pot of Independence Dale & Bev Sorem, Nevada, IA Westhavenreddy'sspecks Broadhorn Ranch, Douglas & Katie McDonald, Fernley, NE WT Miss Mona’s Liberator Pearl Longhorn Ranch, Allen & Suzanne Perry, Evant, TX

JOIN THE ROLL OF HONOR The Dam of Distinction Award recognizes a cow that has had five consecutive calves, the first being born before her third birthday. A Dam of Excellence must have had 10 consecutive calves, starting with the first being born before her third birthday. The Dam of Merit Award is designed to recognize those Texas Longhorns that stand out in the area of production among Texas Longhorn breeders. If you would like to nominate your female for the Dam of Merit Program, please call the TLBAA office for a nomination form. (817) 625-6241 Rick Fritsche- Texas Longhorn Trails

Since May 1, 2014 over 190 applications for membership to the TLBAA have been submitted. We would like to say, “WELCOME!” to each of you. You are in great company as you join the over 4,290 members that share the same passion as you…the Texas Longhorn. We are always mindful of our purpose, “to protect the unique heritage of the Texas Longhorn, to preserve the purity of the breed, and to promote Texas Longhorns as a distinct breed while encouraging its future through promotion, education and research.” At the TLBAA we have many established services to honor this purpose. Whether it is our registration department, special events such as shows and sales throughout the year or our award winning publication the Texas Longhorn Trails, we are here to serve you, our valued member. Once again, WELCOME. We hope to see you all soon!

Cody Robbins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SK J.D. Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Robbie Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Nathan Fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Heather Fennimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO Manuel Friedhelm Schneider . . Germany Donald R. Booker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX JBL Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Three Oaks Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Douglas & Vickie Anderson. . . . . . . . . SD Leiper's Fork Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . TN Susy McQueen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Ramiro R. Barrera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Dean Lammert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Jeremy and Tina Johnson . . . . . . . . . . TX Jim Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NC Jerry and Helen Lowery . . . . . . . . . . . OK Federico X. Galvan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Big Tree Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Micah and Rachel Cannon . . . . . . . . . TX Jim Stegall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX John & Margaret Varnadore . . . . . . . . TX J Diamond R Longhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . IA Alexander & Sina Biselli . . . . . . Germany Michael & Deborah Walters. . . . . . . . . TX Bart & Lila Garlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Roger Lemke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NE Longview Cattle Company. . . . . . . . . . TX Forbes Rocker F Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . TX Truman Spoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Scott Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Don Lane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NM Justin McNeece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Haven Hills Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Wayne & Lacey Thompson . . . . . . . . . TX Texas R&B Ranch, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . TX Freestone Ranch L.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Bill Gardner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Bart & Jennifer Fris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Billy Caraway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Living Water Livestock, LLC . . . . . . . . TX Prairie Winds Ranch Longhorns . . . . . KS Tim Caglarcan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX The Settlement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Cross Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Fritz Kunitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AL Mc Dowells Lazy M Ranch . . . . . . . . . TX David and Andrew Little . . . . . . . . . . . . TX D.W. or M.A. Beard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TN James Vaughn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Fairbanks Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TN Michael & Melissa Sulak . . . . . . . . . . . TX Arlyn and Lora Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . TX Melvin Newman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Daniel & Virginia Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Pine Bros Longhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN Donna Wacaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TN


Barbara & David Sipherd . . . . . . . . . . . IA Johnson/ Vasut Partnership. . . . . . . . . TX Filip/ Allen/ Mangold Partnership . . . . . TX A.J. Robbins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KS Robert & Maranda Webb . . . . . . . . . . OK The Butler Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Hudson/ Jones Partnership . . . . . . . . . IN Clare Bogart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Mimi Bogart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Tony Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Roberts/ Smith Partnership . . . . . . . . MO DuBose/ Semkin Partnership . . . . . . . TX Cashman/ Williamson Partnership . . . KS Teresa Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Rocking G Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Taylor/ Smith Partnership. . . . . . . . . . . TX Reid Zboril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Kyle & Jeanne Taylor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Katie Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Rocking O Longhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Rocky & Connie Flood . . . . . . . . . . . . OK R B Longhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Nancy Okerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MT Asa L. Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Jacob & Kathryn Juneau . . . . . . . . . . . TX Mr. Joshua Mini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . France Thompson/ Glasgow/ Cashman Part. . LA Marty and Donna Robeson . . . . . . . . . TX Chris and Sarah Zarsky . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Morgan Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Marceala Gonzales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Jake Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Jack Randolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Charlie Randolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Sean Knight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS Peyton Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Stotts/ Beck Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . TX Levi Christenson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UT Wallace & Tanya Townsend. . . . . . . . . TX Jonah D. Hupman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VA David Bissmeyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Savanah Calhoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Emily Calhoun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Dr. Floyd Branson, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Britney Chambliss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Payne/ Semkin Partnership . . . . . . . . . TX Alex McCubbin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MO James and Christie Daniel . . . . . . . . . OK Morgan Reed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Kathy Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Hudson/ Huntington Partnership . . . . . IN Travis Kuntz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OR Bailey Hartwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Harman Ranch, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Katrina Hartwell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QLD Dunn/ Petersen Partnership . . . . . . . . AL Crystal Springs Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . OH Ben Monk or Lindsey Helvey . . . . . . . MT

Fred Bryant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MO MMR Longhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Robert J. Cason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GA Beaver Creek Longhorns . . . . . . . . . . KY Kety/ Christenson Partnership . . . . . . . LA Vasut/ Rocking O Longhorns Part. . . . TX Brandon Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Dunn/ TTT Longhorns Partnership . . . AL Bowman/ Adam Partnerhsip . . . . . . . . KS Varner/ McKnight Partnership . . . . . . . KS Thompson/ Farner Partnership . . . . . . LA Ashley Loos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL Michael & Diane Romney . . . . . . . . . . UT Sarah Tramm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WA Keith Tramm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WA Terry Pierson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Bolen/ Lutt Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Scott Farber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KS Judy Blanchard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Jones/ Moffitt Partnership . . . . . . . . . . AL Cade Radenbaugh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Meridian Longhorns/ Hunt Part. . . . . . AB Meridian LH/ Farmer Cattle Co. Part. . AB Richard O. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Chester P. Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Randy & Pam Kruse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Barry & Annette Beadle . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Cole Sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Jedidiah Seely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KS Rockin F Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Roger Cole, D.V.M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MO Helm/ Stavig Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . TX C Bar Longhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Triple 7 Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Tim & Karen Carr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Black Creek Stud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NSW Barret Vonk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IA Bowman/ Bryant Partnership. . . . . . . . KS Brianna McLucas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO Alexis Roddam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO Zachary Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO Doug Christerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Don English, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Kelli Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX J.P. & Cassie Gentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Travis & Nicole Watson. . . . . . . . . . . . OR Denny Buchanan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK Sierra Beiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PA 1 Tuff Partnership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KS Sedlacek/ Galvan Partnership. . . . . . . KS Justin Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX Karen and Hardy Watford . . . . . . . . . . TX Keith Bobo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OR Herron/ Schumpert Partnership . . . . . CA Bill & Polly Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MT Chad E. Godsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NE Stanley/ Anderson Partnership . . . . . . TX

Texas Longhorn Trails

July 2014


Dear TLBT Members,

A year ago, in my very first president’s letter, I stated that I believed that this show year had the potential to be one of the very best, and I couldn’t have been more right! I have so enjoyed seeing everybody, getting to know newcomers, and enjoying these great cattle this past year. I am honored to represent this youth association, and I have learned so much through my time holding different officer positions. I highly encourage any youth member that is interested to run for a TLBT officer or director, and have the same opportunity to grow and have fun with next year’s youth board. I also wanted to remind y’all one last time about our service project for the year. It is Variety, the Children’s Charity of Texas that has been empowering kids with special needs by helping their families financially as well as helping them get any equipment they might need to face their daily challenges. It is really a privilege to be able to help this worthy cause, as we all have challenges, some of us greater than others. There is only a few chances left to help us raise money. World Show is over, and I was so pleased with the many activities that were planned. There was the Gold Merit speech contest, the senior heifer sale where graduating seniors had a chance to raise some scholarship money, the banquet where awards were presented, and a lot of fun was had! Within these busy activities, there won’t be much extra time, but I was glad to see youth members willing to help set up the banquet, as well as any other things to help. People put so much time and effort into running these events, when a lot of us put our minds to it, we helped get a lot done fast. Until then, stay safe and have fun! And the best of luck to everyone at World Show. Sincerely,

Tarah Moore, TLBT President


by searching Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow


Texas Longhorn Trails

2 0 1 3 T L B A A H O R N S H O W C A S E S P O N S O R S

A Moment in TLBAA History A look back at significant moments throughout the years since the foundation of the TLBAA. A look back at the Inaugural Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale held April 2, 2005

A Friday golf tournament, a Friday evening social and record-setting Saturday sale… TLBAA members and sale hosts Joe Valentine, Bill Hudson and John Stockton brought back black tie Longhorn events in a big way in April 2005 with the Inaugural Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale. With sale headquarters at the Doral Tesoro Hotel & Golf Club across from Texas Motor Speedway at Alliance/Fort Worth, the Inaugural Texas Longhorn Legacy Sale was a special experience for breeders from the start. The “social hour” on Friday evening extended for several hours as breeders and guests from across the United States gathered to talk over old times, catch up on news, and meet new enthusiasts. The Saturday Sale kicked off with a memorable entrance by JM Sue surrounded by smoke to the powerful tune “Eye of the Tiger” and the crowd began to cheer. That momentum kept rolling as the bidding brought in a total of $1.8 million with an average of 17,500.

Sale Hosts Joe Valentine, John Stockton and Bill Hudson.

“Bill, I really like that Outspoken cow.” Judy and Bill Meridith, Wellington, KS

Red McCombs, Johnson City, TX and Alan Sparger, Comfort, TX.

For more coverage see the May 2005 issue of Trails Magazine! JM Sue makes a dramatic entrance to kick off the sale.

Rob Fenza, Marcy Gaynor, West Chester, PA; Lorinda and Joe Valentine, Aledo, TX


Kent Harrell, Tulsa, OK; Maurice & Ann Ladnier, Perkinston, MS

See Page 59 for Sale Results

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In Memoriam 1943–2014


C. V

,J .

OSEPH ALENTINE R , For the best part of his 70 years, Joe Valentine was a leader. His leadership was evidenced in civic as well as industrial activities, but perhaps most prominently in his involvement with Texas Longhorn cattle. With decades of high visibility participation, he has a proven record of raising, owning and exhibiting some of the best in the breed. He also has a lengthy resume of service in elective office, board participation and effective leadership in furtherance of the breed. A native of Pennsylvania, Joe was born in Greenville, Pensylvania on December 8, 1943 to Joseph C. Valentine, Sr., and Gloria (Yapuncich) Valentine. He died Tuesday, July 15, 2014 in Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee. He was a 1961 graduate of Greenville’s St. Michael High School, and had attended Youngstown State University. He served in the U.S. Army from 1961-1964. Joe moved to Texas in 1964, to work for Fort Worth based Lubrication Engineers, Inc., a fully integrated international lubricant company where he worked with the sales staff and customers. The firm is a trusted reliability partner to companies in 60 countries all over the world through their manufacture and distribution of high-performance lubricants. In 1981, Valentine assumed duties as president and chairman of the board, positions that he maintained until his retirement in 2002. In addition to his corporate activities, Joe served on the board of directors and as president of the Osteopathic Hospital of Fort Worth, TX. He also served on the boards of Parks Bank, Fort Worth, TX, Merrill Lynch Insurance Services, Dallas, TX, and the Christian Athletes Foundation, Cleburne, TX. Following the move to Kentucky, he became a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Bowling Green. Joe and Lorinda Valentine’s highly regarded Panther Creek Ranch Longhorn herd had its 1971 beginning with a ranch in Llano, Texas, then another in Aledo, Texas. It was later consolidated in a sprawling ranch near Lott, Texas, and then in July, 2012, the move to Bowling Green, Kentucky. The latter move was made to be somewhat nearer to surviving family members, his 93-year-old mother and a sister who lives in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio. Also surviving are two nieces and three nephews. He was preceded in death by his father and three brothers. On October 16, 1999, he married the former Lorinda G. Beal, who survives in their home at Bowling Green. In addition to his many productive years with the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, Joe Valentine has served as president of the International Texas Longhorn Association, as co-founder of the Texas Longhorn Marketing Association, Lorinda and Joe in 2002 attending Eddie Wood’s 80th birthday party in Fort Worth, TX. and, with Bill Hudson, developer of the highly successful Legacy Longhorn Sale, which auctioned elite cattle in black-tie surroundings of hotel ballrooms. Following the move to Kentucky, he partnered with Bill Hudson again in their record--continued on pg.28

The Valentines with Elizabeth and Bill Hudson at the 2014 Hudson-Valentine Sale.


Valentines and Hudsons showing off their trophy bucks.

Texas Longhorn Trails

2 0 1 3 T L B A A H O R N S H O W C A S E S P O N S O R S

Thank you to all of our 2013 TLBAA Horn Showcase Sponsors. We’ve appreciated your support and hope you will continue to sponsor this self-funded event in 2014! September 2014


In Memoriam 1954–2014




,J .

ALTER ICHARD CHREINER R , 60, a partner in the famed Y.O. Ranch, died July 17, 2014, from injuries sustained in a one-car accident near Fredericksburg, Texas. The Texas Department of Public Safety said Schreiner was killed around 10:30 p.m. when his Chevrolet Tahoe crashed into a telephone pole. According to the DPS, the vehicle veered off the side of the road and when Schreiner overcorrected, he crashed on the opposite side of the road. Walter was born in San Antonio, Texas to Charles Schreiner, III and Audrey Phillips Schreiner on January 9th, 1954. His great grandfather was Captain Charles Schreiner, who purchased the present-day Y.O. Ranch, a property 40 miles northwest of Kerrville. The ranch was given its name in 1880 when the captain bought the Taylor-Clements Ranch, the 16,000 head of YObranded cattle on it and the brand itself. Walter was 10 years old when his father, Charles Schreiner III, founded the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, and his involvement paralleled the growth of the TLBAA. One of the things he loved the most was being outdoors and working on his family’s ranch. As a young boy he spent his summers mending fences and working sheep and goats with his father and brothers. Later on, following in his father’s footsteps, he developed a passion for Texas Longhorn cattle and became the head of the Longhorn department at the ranch. He was the driving force behind the success of the Longhorn division in the 80’s and 90’s. Hunting was also important in Walter’s life. Starting at a young age, he hunted extensively, taking trophies in both North America and Africa. He also made many African trips to purchase hoofstock to replenish the herds of exotic breeds stocked on the Y.O. Ranch. In 2002, Walter fulfilled one of his life’s dreams by beginning his own hunting operation on his ranch, the WRS, in Mountain Home. Covering approximately 2,200 acres in Kerr County, the WRS is home to over 20 species of hoofed wildlife. Walter especially enjoyed introducing hunting and sharing his extensive knowledge with the children of his numerous friends and others. He was greatly respected by many in the hunting and ranching industries. Like his famous father, Charlie III, Walter was an avid collector of antiques, arrowheads, guns, trophy mounts, Indian artifacts, and western memorabilia. He was devoted to studying and preserving his family’s historical heritage as well as his Texas heritage. In addition to his membership in the TLBAA and the Trophy Game Records of the World, he was also an honorary member of the Texas Rangers and a strong supporter of youth hunts and the Wounded Warrior Project. Growing up in San Antonio, he attended Alamo Heights High School and then the University of Texas in Austin. He married Teri Suzanne Richburg on November 5th, 1983 in San Antonio. Walter was preceded in death by his mother, Audrey Lee Phillips, his father, Charles Schreiner III and his brother, Louis Schreiner. He is survived by his wife, Teri, daughter Catherine and son-in-law Brand Daves, daughter Aimee and son Tres. He is also survived by brothers Charles Schreiner IV and Gus Schreiner and their families. Funeral services were held Wednesday, July 23rd at Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville with the burial at the Y.O. Ranch. Memorial contributions may be given to the Walter Schreiner III College Scholarship Fund which has been set up at Security State Bank in Kerrville or to the Wounded Warrior Project.


Texas Longhorn Trails

September 2014


L to R: Dan, Teresa, Tracy, Nathan and Mark

HOOSIER A creative and close-knit family, offspring of Tracy Lynn Jones and his widow, gathers almost daily in the screened-in back porch of son Tracy Lee Jones just outside of Washington, Indiana, at around six o’clock in the morning to drink coffee and talk about things that need to be done, whether it is cattle or construction. “We try to cover it all,” said Tracy, “then solve all the world’s problems at the same time.” Some mornings it takes the full 40-cup pot to get all the world problems solved, and the cast of problem-solvers may vary among the five siblings -- four brothers and a sister. “It is a workable family relationship” said Tracy, “and we are friends, too. So it works out pretty good for us. We have our moments, but we were raised by our Dad who said, “If you don’t have something good to say, then don’t say it. Just keep it to yourself.” Dad doesn’t have to be around here to keep us in line. We remember how we were raised” The family formerly lived in the north end of Indiana, where the elder Tracy was a preacher. When that church shut down, he decided to get back into construction. “He continued to preach some clear up until 2006, when he died,” said Tracy Lee. “He was preaching here in town up until a week before he died of cancer. Even in his wheelchair, he would do it, saying God is good, all the time.” When Tracy Lynn left the northern Indiana church, he entered college at Purdue, graduating in 1985 with a degree in building and construction management. His son, Dan also graduated then. It was the first time Purdue had a father and son go through and graduate at the same time. “We kids were at the age right then that we were all going in different directions,” said Tracy. “Then Dad got a job down in southern Indiana with a construction company, and that’s when we all moved down here. Nathan, Mark and I all ended up working for that company for a while, and Dan was working construction on the road, traveling. Then Nathan, Mark and I went to work for Dan building water and sewage treatment plants. The last company we worked for was a big concrete company doing flats for a Food Lion warehouse. Not too long after that, we started our own company. Dad had established roots in the Washington, Indiana area, and all the family ended up here, doing our own thing and God blessed us and it worked out.”


By Henry King


RESCOM -- Residential and Commercial Construction -- is owned by Dan, Mark and Tracy, which they started in 1990. “That’s what we grew up on – building houses. We started at age five working for one uncle, cleaning pig pens. When we got to be eleven years old – we thanked God for that birthday – we got to go to work for another uncle in construction, and we got to leave the pig farm and learned how to build houses.” “When we started our own business, our very first job – I was in my early twenties – was a nursing home that had been close to 50 percent demolished by a tornado. I had a crew of about 15 or 20 guys; we had to clean up; tear down the parts that were damaged, and then rebuild it. That took a lot of sleepless nights. That’s where we started, and we have built a lot of houses. We built a lot of churches, too, there for a while. Then we did a lot of concrete for hog confinement.” “The company we were working for got rid of a contractor clear out in the northwest corner of Iowa, above Sioux City. And this was January. They wanted us to go out and finish up this hog confinement concrete. In January. The northwest corner of Iowa is not a good place to be pouring concrete in January. We had to burn cornstalks to thaw the ground enough to get it dug, then pour on it to get a slab. We had to use a lot of blankets and everything else to pour the walls. There were several times we got snowed-in, in town. The only place that was open that had a restaurant was a bowling alley. We would go there to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and that’s where I met my wife. Imported her from out of there – a pretty little Native American girl.”

Hoosier Longhorns

One of the interesting things about the Jones family, aside from their mutual interest in construction, is the overlapping involvement in other pursuits. Three of the brothers, Tracy, Dan and Mark, along with their sister Teresa Penn, are the principles in Hoosier Longhorns. Their brother, Nathan, has his own herd of Longhorns, but shoulders the day-to-day care for both herds. Mark is an accomplished cook, and has completed the ServSafe Food Handler Program developed by the National Restaurant Association, which established the guideTexas Longhorn Trails

lines and rules to sell and serve meat safely to the public. Dan is a specialist in piping and related equipment for water treatment and sewage plants. Tracy, an accomplished artist, found he could make more money in construction but uses his artistic talent in marketing for the various family endeavors. The multi-talented Nathan went to farrier school in Oklahoma at age 17 and still travels extensively to shoe performance and race horses. He trains reining horses, is an excellent musician and bow hunter, and had his own television program, “Wild Extremes,” for several years. The family got into Longhorns originally due to dad’s cholesterol; he wanted lean beef. They got their first ones in 1988, and until 2000, raised Delta Luck y Lady them for beef. “We would divide them up and eat restauthem” remarked Tracy, “and we ate good.” rant that wants to start.” “We decided we were going to upgrade, get some “We put in a walk-in freezer for the beef – better animals with popular genetics. So that’s what we had that much demand for it – and thank we are trying to do – get a nice, springy animal that God, we never ran out. But I did have to buy . we can market in our meat program, but at the ning a skull some animals this year, and a good number ea cl ) ey ok same time, get that horn genetic and produce some Lisa (P of them, so far. But I’ve got others that are coming gentle, good-horned animals with a lot of color. A along now that are not that far off. I’ll have a pretty good lot of our genetics came out of Larry Stewart’s program with lineup of our own, for a little while at least.” sires such as LLL Lucky, Gunsmoke and Maximus ST. Since “The freezer is built into the shop for the construction then, we have also added JP Rio Grande, Sittin Bull and some company, so there is somebody available all the time. The “tuff” stuff from the Bob Loomis program.” shop is right where Mom and Dad lived, and Mom still lives “We put a lot of emphasis on the dam, too, but if a bull there. I am just a couple of hundred yards up the hill. My doesn’t have a name, it is really hard to sell. We just bought brother, Mark, is another couple of hundred yards; my sister half of Cowboy Chex, in partnership with Deer Creek Longis just over on the other side of the woods. Nathan and Dan horns. We will have him half the year, which is good. He will are just down the road. We’ve got other properties where we winter in Texas then spend the summer up here where we’ve run cattle that are all set up with fencing for grazing. Dan lives got good grass during the growing season. What we are hopdown there. So we are all within a couple of miles from the ing to get out of him is a lot of thickness. He is a very thick shop, which makes it handy for pretty much everything.” bull, and he obviously has thrown some good-horned calves but he also throws a good, thick calf. We are hoping to add some body size, not just horns.” “We were out in Belle Fourche, South Dakota last year, antelope hunting, and on the way back – we had 19 or 20 hours to talk – we decided to build a smoker. Well, it went from one “Like everybody else when we started our meat program, thing to another and it wound up being an artwork piece – we said we’ll sell halves, we’ll sell quarters. When people but it does cook good! That hamburger – those thirdwould get their half or quarter, some would say, ‘where are pounders – you smoke those things and you can get a smokemy ribeyes’ –well, you don’t get that many ribeyes off of half ring on them and I think that is the most tasty, the best of a cow. We had people that we felt like they thought we hamburger you can make!” shorted them. So we learned real quick – don’t sell quarters, “We have gotten a lot of customers off of that smoker – don’t sell halves, don’t sell wholes – sell it by the pound. You we smoked burgers like for our local sheriff when he was runwant 20 ribeyes? Come and buy ribeyes, get however many ning for office this past spring; we have done some charity you want. We did it that way for a long time.” benefits like for the high school girls basketball team. My two “Of course, with the hamburger, we started out with the girls play for the local high school, so we donated a bunch of quarter-pounders. But with them being as thin, and with burger and went up there and smoked it. We actually had peolonghorn beef being as lean as it is, a quarter-pounder, you ple from town coming there to the gym just to buy burgers – put it on a grill, you’ve got to be right there flipping those it wasn’t just people who were there for basketball. We raised things over or you’ll dry them out.” a good deal of money for the girls’ basketball team that way. “So we went to halves. Well, halves cook up real great, but That gives us customers, and of course, they love seeing our not everybody can eat a half-pound burger. So then we smoker.” dropped it to the third-pound, and that is just perfect for “The difference between smoking and grilling the meat,” nearly everybody – at least they can eat the majority of it and explained Tracy, “is that in grilling the meat is exposed dinot feel like they’re wasting a bunch. And there are other peorectly to the flame. The smoker has the firebox on one end – ple who can eat more than one. They grill up really nice and it is a reverse flow. There is a metal plate all the way down the still have a lot of moisture in them.” smoker, almost to the end opposite the firebox. That plate “We don’t offer steaks and roasts to the public now. We’ve heats up and the smoke comes back up and over the meat and pretty much gone to just total grind because that makes the then out the stack. We can adjust the flow and temperature – best hamburger. And we only do hamburger. We do onewe can do ribs and butts and the whole nine yards. Mark just pound bulk and one-pound packages of patties. Each patty is won first place in ribs and chicken at one of our county fairs a third of a pound. That seems to work best to make all of our on this thing a week or two ago. He’s a pretty good cook!” customers happy, and we’ve got quite a list of them. We’ve got “We do smoked corn, we do macaroni and cheese, we do a store in town that’s selling them, and we are talking to a --continued to pg.28

Meat Program

September 2014

The Smoker



Texas Longhorn Trails

presented by Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America

Consignment Dea dline: October 15, 20 14

January 17, 2015 - Will Rogers West Arena, Fort Worth, Texas

$1,000 FLOOR

Name of TLBAA Member: ________________________________________________ Membership # _______________ Name of Animal: ___________________________________________________________ TLBAA # _______________ Heifer _____

Pair _____



CONSIGNMENT FEES PER LOT ($300 per head + commission)_______________________ (Commission is 5% participating consignors; 7% non-participating consignors)

BREEDING INFORMATION Cow Exposed to __________________________________________ From ______________ To ________________ Bull’s Name Cow Exposed to __________________________________________ From ______________ To ________________ Bull’s Name Calf at Side Information: Sex _________________ Date Calved ________________________________ Sired by _________________________________________________________

COMMENTS _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

WAIVER/CONSENT FORM (This form must be signed and returned in order to complete your consignment.) The TLBAA Premier Texas Longhorn Sale (PTLS) assumes no responsibility or liability for any guarantee made by the consignor. All guarantees are strictly between the consignor (seller) and the buyer. PTLS or the Will Rogers Complex is not responsible for the health or safety of any animal consigned to the sale. This includes loss of life, loss by theft or other perils. All consignors must comply with all the rules and regulations. The undersigned hereby agrees to conditions of the sale and agree that all guarantees are between seller and buyer. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PTLS, sale employees, the Will Rogers Complex, and duly authorized representatives from any and all claims, demands, causes of action or liabilities of any nature which may arise from or are in any way related to The TLBAA Premier Heifer Sale. The undersigned agrees that if the buyer is unable to accept delivery because of Interstate health requirements, the consignor, not PTLS or its management, shall be responsible for refund or adjustment. _______________________________________________________ Owner of Animal/Consignor’s Signature

__________________________ Date


Amy Weatherholtz, Events

Ext 102 -

--continued from pg.25

smoked baked beans – if it sits still long enough, we’ll smoke it!” “The equipment works real well, too. That metal plate heats up and holds a consistent temperature. We can get 125 burgers on that at one time – we can feed the masses! We built the smoker from the frame up. The counterweight on top of it is an exact size replica Longhorn skull with the Gunsmoke Grill horns and the whole nine yards. I added it all up and just for materials it is almost twenty grand. That checker plating is pretty expensive, and it’s got a stainless countertop, chrome wheels and all that. It’s pretty elaborate.” “There’s a picture of the smoker on our Facebook page. That’s another way we keep in touch with a lot of people. We have hundreds and hundreds of Longhorn friends on Facebook. And I have sold some animals – I’ve had people see them and come and buy some animals. That’s another little marketing tool that’s “free” minus your time. It takes a lot of time to keep it to where people are interested in looking – and your time has to be worth something.” Tracy had major back surgery in 2004 and had to quit wrestling calves. “Something like that changes you a lot,” he said. “I am pretty much stuck in the office, working with the computer on the website, doing the paperwork, transfers and marketing. I can’t go out and drive stakes and build forms any more, but we’ve grown large enough that I need to be in the office. We’ve got a lot to do in here to keep us busy.” “We want our customers to buy good stuff and we want our graphics to project quality. I work with Gary Davis’ Atomic Effects to develop graphics for our ads. Gary has done work for American Idol, Coca-Cola and Paul McCartney, and did graphics for Nathan’s television show.

Kent Feeds and GPC

GPC (Grain Processing Corporation), a leading manufacturer and worldwide marketer of corn-based products, built a plant about three miles down the road from the Jones’ RESCOM headquarters. GPC processes corn to make maltodextrins, corn syrup solids, starches and dietary fiber for the food, pharmaceutical and personal care markets. “They make everything from A to Z,” observed Tracy. “It’s amazing all the products that come out of corn.” “They use a lot of their byproducts to make feed. The privately held company that owns GPC also owns Kent Feeds.

We got to know them through working for GPC, so we started using the Kent Feed BoVantage. It is in a pellet form. You give that to cattle, and it is good for their rumen and digestive system and the whole nine yards. The happier they are on the inside the better they are going to grow – grow horn, grow size, grow their calves, milk, everything – we are sold on it! They sponsor with us, so they are on all our ads.” “The best way to train an animal is with food. We mix the BoVantage with the feed. It just takes about a handful a day per animal. We love to go out to any pen we have and holler for the cows and the cows come – they think they are getting a treat. They basically herd themselves if we want to move them from pen to pen.” By the time GCP came to town, Dan had an established reputation for doing the piping and related equipment for water treatment and sewage treatment installations, so the family began to do the maintenance for GCP. “Eventually we became a process piping maintenance company,” observed Tracy. “Most of the companies we work for, their thing is, if we’re not growing, we are dying. The last few years have been a real struggle, you don’t know from today or tomorrow what new laws are going to impact you. For years, industry could pretty much do its own thing, and now it seems they are trying to regulate it out of existence. If government would let people alone, let them invest, let them build the ideas they have in their heads like they used to, we would be so far head it is unbelievable.” “Luckily, GCP is involved in food, and that is something people will always need. So thank God we got into that. That is a huge blessing when some of the other types of industry have been struggling. If things are not a necessity, those companies have been struggling, but food has not dropped off quite as bad because it is something people need.”

Lark Ranch

While food is a basic necessity, there is also a hefty market for entertainment, and the Jones family expects to provide some of that commodity again this year at Lark Ranch in nearby Loogootee, Indiana. Owned by attorney Matt Lark, this eclectic venue features a cornfield maze, a pumpkin patch, a collection of antique tractors, zip lines, a mechanical bucking bull and hay rides. The Jones family will take a small herd of Longhorns to add to the visual appeal, and will fire up the famous smoker on weekends to cook some burgers. They are also building a special cannon to see how far they can blast a pumpkin. Longhorns to see and Longhorn beef to eat. What could be better on a fall Hoosier weekend?

--continued from pg. 20

Valentines receiving an the Movers and Shakers Award from TLBAA’s Rick Fritsche at the 2011 awards banquet.


setting Hudson-Valentine Invitational Sales, held in the spring of the year at Western Kentucky University’s Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, Kentucky. On July 21, 2014, a Mass of Christian Burial was held for him at St. Michael Roman Catholic Church in his hometown of Greenville, Pennsylvania. Burial with committal was at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Hermitage, Pennsylvania. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Michael School Endowment Fund, 85 North High Street, Greenville, PA 16125.

Joe and Lorinda at the Red McCombs Sale in 2009.

Texas Longhorn Trails

Futurity Judges: Molly Clubb, Craig Perez, Kathy Kittler, Tommy Petersen, Bear Davidson

Photos by Laura Standley Class 1 Winner: Brent & Cindy Bolen. Class Sponsor: TK Longhorns, Terry & Tammy King

Class 2 Winner: James & Lynette Haltom. Class Sponsor: Quest Orthopedic Services -- continued on p.32


Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Cattle arrive Thursday, October 9, 2014 8:30 a.m. - Measuring Begins 11:30 a.m. - Fort Worth Herd Drive, Fort Worth Stockyards 1:00 p.m. - Quiz Bowl/ Cow Patty Bingo 3:00 p.m. - Photography Seminar by Tuffy Williams 4:00 p.m. - Fort Worth Herd Drive, Fort Worth Stockyards 5:30 p.m. - Cocktails 6:30 p.m. - Bull Alley (In Alphabetical Order) Friday, October 10, 2014 8:00 a.m. - TLBAA Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. - Non-Haltered Cows and Steers 11:30 a.m. - Fort Worth Herd Drive, Fort Worth Stockyards 1:00 p.m. - Veterinary Seminar 2:00 p.m. - Trails Roundtable Seminar 3:00 p.m. - Breeders Roundtable Seminar 4:00 p.m. - Fort Worth Herd Drive, Fort Worth Stockyards 7:00 p.m. - TLBAA Awards Banquet Saturday, October 11, 2014 8 - 11:00 a.m. - Cattle Viewing 11:30 a.m. - Fort Worth Herd Drive, Fort Worth Stockyards 11-12:30 p.m. - Sale Social 12-7:00 p.m. - Babysitting Open 1:00 p.m. - Horn Showcase Sale 4:00 p.m. - Fort Worth Herd Drive, Fort Worth Stockyards

MEASURING CLASSES _____________________________________ FEMALES Class 1 Females October 2013 (TTT only) Class 2 Females September 2013 (TTT only) Class 3 Females August 2013 (TTT only) Class 4 Females July 2013 (TTT only) Class 5 Females June 2013 (TTT only) Class 6 Females May 2013 (TTT only) Class 7 Females April 2013 Class 8 Females March 2013 Class 9 Females February 2013 Class 10 Females January 2013 Class 11 Females December 2012 Class 12 Females November 2012 Class 13 Females September-October 2012 Class 14 Females July-August 2012 Class 15 Females May-June 2012 Class 16 Females March-April 2012 Class 17 Females January-February 2012 Class 18 Females October-December 2011 Class 19 Females July-September 2011 Class 20 Females April-June 2011 Class 21 Females January-March 2011 Class 22 Females September-December 2010 Class 23 Females May-August 2010 Class 24 Females January-April 2010 Class 25 Females July-December 2009 Class 26 Females January-June 2009 Class 27 Females 2008 Class 28 Females 2007-2006 Class 29 Females 2005-2003 Class 30 Females 2002-1999 Class 31 Females 1998 and older BULLS Class 32 Bulls October 2013 (TTT only) Class 33 Bulls September 2013 (TTT only) Class 34 Bulls August 2013 (TTT only) Class 35 Bulls July 2013 (TTT only) Class 36 Bulls June 2013 (TTT only) Class 37 Bulls May 2013 (TTT only) Class 38 Bulls April 2013 Class 39 Bulls March 2013 Class 40 Bulls February 2013 Class 41 Bulls January 2013 Class 42 Bulls December 2012 Class 43 Bulls November 2012 Class 44 Bulls September-October 2012 Class 45 Bulls July-August 2012

Get of Sire and Produce of Dam • Get of Sire and Produce of Dam will each offer a Junior Division and a Senior Division. • Each Division is based on the age of the offspring of the animal entered. The Junior Division consists of offspring between the ages of two and five years of age. The Senior Division consists of offspring six years and older. • Sires must have three offspring in any Division to compete in that Division. All offspring must be measured Composite. • Dams must have two offspring in any Division to compete in that Division. All offspring must be measured Composite. • Both living and deceased bulls and cows can be entered since entries are based on measurements of offspring. • Scoring for each animal will be computed by adding the Composite value of all three offspring for a bull or both offspring for a cow. The bull or cow with the highest value of the total added composite measurement will be the winner. • Animals do not need to be present to compete in this class • Only breeding animals (Bulls or Cows) can compete as offspring. • Offspring may be produced by natural breeding, artificial insemination or embryo transfer.

Class 46 Bulls May-June 2012 Class 47 Bulls March-April 2012 Class 48 Bulls January-February 2012 Class 49 Bulls October-December 2011 Class 50 Bulls July-September 2011 Class 51 Bulls April-June 2011 Class 52 Bulls January-March 2011 Class 53 Bulls July-December 2010 Class 54 Bulls January-June 2010 Class 55 Bulls 2009 Class 56 Bulls 2008-2007 Class 57 Bulls 2006-2004 Class 58 Bulls 2003 and older TWISTY Class 59 Females Twisty Horn October 2012-January 2010 Class 60 Females Twisty Horn 2009-2007 Class 61 Females Twisty Horn 2006 and older STEERS Class 62 Steers October 2012-January 2010 Class 63 Steers 2009-2007 Class 64 Steers 2006 and older _____________________________________ NON-HALTERED CLASSES _____________________________________ FEMALES Class 65 Females September-October 2013 Class 66 Females July-August 2013 Class 67 Females May-June 2013 Class 68 Females March-April 2013 Class 69 Females January-February 2013 Class 70 Females October-December 2012 Class 71 Females July-September 2012 Class 72 Females April-June 2012 Class 73 Females January-March 2012 Class 74 Females December- September 2011 Class 75 Females May-August 2011 Class 76 Females January-April 2011 Class 77 Females July-December 2010 Class 78 Females January-June 2010 Class 79 Females 2009 Class 80 Females 2008-2007 Class 81 Females 2006-2004 Class 82 Females 2003 and older STEERS Class 83 Steers October 2012-January 2010 Class 84 Steers 2009-2007 Class 85 Steers 2006 and older

Bull Alley • Bulls must be TLBAA A.I. certified and have an A.I. certified number • Bulls that are living must be present in Fort Worth; deceased bulls may be entered for semen sales only. • Each owner may bring a semen tank with semen to be offered for sale at the TLBAA Horn Showcase. Champion Genetics will be onsite to offer assistance with transfer of semen between tanks of buyer and seller. • 10% of semen sales will go towards the TLBAA Foundation to benefit the building fund. • Bulls will compete for first, second and third place prizes for total semen straws sold. • Free Bull Alley T-Shirt given with each entry.

-- continued from p.30

Class 3 Winner: Tom Smith. Class Sponsor: Michigan Mafia – presented by Johnny Hicks.

Class 4 Winner: Gary Don Taylor. Class Sponsor: 5D Ranch – presented by Bear Davidson.

Class 6 Winner: Elburn/Beach Partnership. Class Sponsor: Farm Freund – presented by Deanna Sanders

Class 9 Winner: Joe Sedlacek. Class Sponsor: Hoosier Longhorns – presented by Dan Jones

Class 5 Winner: Gary Don Taylor. Class Sponsor: ResCom Management Inc. – presented by Dan Jones

Class 7 Winner: Hoosier Longhorns. Class Sponsor: Kent Feeds – presented by Dan Jones

Class 10 Winner: Brent & Cindy Bolen. Class Sponsor: Ultralyx – presented by David Roberts

Class 8 Winner: Dan Huntington. Class sponsor: Hudson/Valentine Sale – presented by Mike Willinger

Cody Simmons celebrated his 14th birthday at the Futurity.

Scott Simmons presented the Kathy Elburn 2014 High Points Award to Gail Beach & Curtis Elburn

December 2013


On the Scene with Amy After finding myself submerged into the “summer storm” of the Sales and Events department, my first month has been filled with countless hours in and outside of the office. From multiple long-lasting weekly conference calls, to many tasks of real challenges, all has proved to be extremely rewarding. The rewards do not always come as financial blessings, but it is the priceless events seen that warms my heart. It is the moments such as families sharing laughter and tears in the show barn, a toddler walking into the show ring during pee wee showmanship, to a father getting sprayed by kids while washing their calves, and seeing that the kids can fall asleep on hay/feed sacks – all the time has been well-spent: hardwork, dedication and determination for the future, for the Texas Longhorn showman. We have just completed the H-O-T-T-E-S-T Texas Longhorn show this year. Over 369 entries contributed to the National Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow and the 2014 Texas Longhorn Expo. A grand number of entries tripled the daily Texas temperatures. I would like to extend a big H-O-T Texas thank you to Kevin Rooker, Chairman of the World Show Steering Committee and World Show Event Committee, along with the World Show Committee members: Kathy Kittler, Ron Garison, Cody Himmelreich, Kim Nikodym and Kristi Wilson. I also owe a huge thank you to Traci Moore, Craig Perez, the TLBAA office staff and many more who went above and beyond to make this a successful show. Exhibitors, I urge you to participate in as many qualifying shows as you can this year and accumulate points for the Hall of Fame. Mark your calendars for the 28th Annual World Show to be held June 3–6, 2015. You can also check the website for the most updated lists for qualifying TLBAA shows and find event information. The next TLBAA event to keep highlighted on your calendars and to book your hotel rooms for is the Horn Showcase and Sale, October 8-11. Make sure and check out the sale catalog featuring over 80 consignments. Also, don’t delay on entries as the deadline is approaching fast, September 8. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, feel free to send me an e-mail or give me a call.


Live. Love. Longhorns.

Amy Weatherholtz Sales & Event Coordinator 817-625-6241 – Ext. 104


Texas Longhorn Trails

Exhibitor’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Phone: __________________________ Exhibitor’s TLBAA N0. __________________ Animal’s Name: ________________________________________________________________ Animal’s Date of Birth:________________________ Animal’s TLBAA NO.


Animal’s Brand and PH No.________________________________________________________ Animal’s Description __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Measuring Class Entered_____________________

$100 Tip-to-Tip


$20 Tip-to-Tip

Twisty Horn Class Entered____________________

$100 Twisty Horn (Measuring along horn lines wrapping around horn; required to submit photo)

$100 Total Horn

$20 Total Horn

$275 Composite (includes TTT, TH & Base)

$45 Composite (includes TTT, TH & Base)

Non-Haltered Class Entered___________________ ❑ $100 Non-Haltered Show

GET OF SIRE OR PRODUCE OF DAM (See rules published in Trails or on – Only breeding animals (bulls or cows) can compete as offspring

❑ $100 Senior Division Get of Sire ❑ $100 Junior Division Get of Sire ❑ $100 Senior Division Produce of Dam ❑ $100 Junior Division Produce of Dam Offspring Competing for Sire or Dam with TLBAA Nos. (limited to breeding animals – bulls or cows) 1. ________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________

BULL ALLEY (See rules published in Trails or on

❑ $200 includes optional TTT or TH entry, please designate above. If additional measuring entries are desired, fee is $100 for second choice, $175 for composite. Bull’s A.I. No. _________________



Regular Semen Price ______________________


Horn Showcase Special Price ______________________

Credit Card # ___________________________________________________________ VISA


Exp. Date ______________ CID #_____________

SATELLITE LOCATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


2014 TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Locations October 4, 2014


MEDORA, IL ...SS Backwards Longhorns - Contact: Scott & Dara Simmons (618) 729-2004 - TURNERSBURG, NC ...Contact: Carl Brantley (336) 667-5452 - HARPER, OR ....CR Ranches - Contact: Alexandra Dees & Eric Youngberg (541) 358-3787 - WESTVILLE, FL ....Contact: Terry & Tammy King (850) 956-4154 - KINGSVILLE, TX ....El Coyote Ranch - Contact: Felix Serna or Della Serna (361) 522-0807 or (361) 296-4275 or GREENLEAF, KS ....Lazy J Longhorns - Contact: Joe & Stephanie Sedlacek (785) 747-2204 - JOHNSON CITY, TX ....Red McCombs Ranch - Contact: Alan & Teresa Sparger (210) 445-8798 - CORYDON, IN ....Hudson Longhorns - Contact: Mike Willinger (502) 379-1049 - LOWELL, MI ....Widespread Ranch - Contact: Tom Smith (616) 293-0977 - BRENHAM, TX ....Deer Creek Longhorns - Contact: Bruce Hazelwood (979) 277-8016 - SAINT GEORGE, UT ....Hunt Longhorns - Contact: Doug & Dianne Hunt (435) 275-2112 - RAPID CITY, SD ....Contact: Chad Smith (701) 590-9073 - MARIETTA, OK ....Loomis Longhorns - Contact: Bob & Pam Loomis (580) 276-7498 - NORCO, CA ....Bar-H-Ranch - Contact: Chris Herron (909) 721-7577 - BIG TIMBER, MT ....Contact: Dave Hodges - (406) 932-6181 - PONOKA, AB CANADA ....Contact: Jeff Jespersen - (780) 966-3320 - Texas Longhorn Trails

1. The eligibility age for each class will be the animal’s age on October 8, 2014. 2. To be eligible to compete, the animal must be registered as a miniature with the TLBAA. 3. There will be no height measuring at the HSC, unless someone wants to protest the eligibility of an animal. At that time, the person protesting must put up a $250 cash deposit per the TLBAA handbook. 4. Measuring at satellite locations is permitted. For more information: Mark Christenson (941) 374-1856


Exhibitor’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Phone: __________________________ Exhibitor’s TLBAA N0. __________________________ Animal’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Animal’s Date of Birth: __________________________________________________ Animal’s TLBAA NO. __________________________ Animal’s Brand and PH No. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Animal’s Description ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miniature Class Entered: (Mark ONE below) FEMALES ($200 - includes TTT & TH)

Juvenile (Weanling up to

Both measurements required

MALES ($200 - includes TTT & TH)

Juvenile (Weanling up to

Both measurements required



18 months of age)


Juniors (18 months, one day

up to 3 years)

Juniors (18 months, one day

Mature (3 years, one day and older)

Mature (3 years, one day

18 months of age)

up to 3 years)

and older)



Credit Card # ___________________________________________________________________________________________ VISA


Exp. Date ______________ CID #_____________

SATELLITE LOCATION________________________________________________________________________________________________

2014 TLBAA Horn Showcase is nearing fast! Thank you to these early sponsors for their support!

Emperor___________$5,000 ★ Cowboy Catchit Partnership Texas Ranger JP___$3,000 ★ Christopher Herron

CALL TODAY to be a sponsor for 2014.

Phenomenon___________$1,500 ★ Terry & Sherri Adcock ★ Tom & Cay Billingsley

See page 33 in this issue of Trails Magazine for available sponsorship packages.

Measles Super Ranger___$500 ★ McKnight/Filip/Gilliland

September 2014


The following is an alphabetical list of donors since 1982 to the Foundation World Headquarters & Museum Campaign. Every effort has been made to locate every past list of names of donors; however, due to the period of time involved, some donors may have been omitted. If we have inadvertently left out your name, please contact the TLBAA office. Thank you for your help and generous support. CONTRIBUTORS TO THE Foundation World Headquarters & Museum Campaign INCLUDE: Ace Cattle Co. | Darlene Aldridge, D.V.M. & John Parmley | Alft’s Longhorn Acres | Allison & Dunaway | Amon G. Carter Foundation Anonymous Donation | Kenneth Archer | Ark-La-Tex Longhorn Assn. | Avery Mays Construction | B & C Farms

B. J. Barnhart Ranches | John T. & Betty Baker | Lisa Baker | Dr. L. V. & Pat Baker | Randi & Jeannine Baker | Tom Barnes | Bar Cee Longhorn Ranch | Minford Beard | Mikeal Beck | Charles Belen | B. Eugene Berry, M.D. | Mark Strever Blackwood | Blair Ranch Levi & Brittni Blake | Don Blansitt | Gary Bloomer | Clare Bogart | Mimi Bogart | Ray Bohy | Larry Bond | Mrs. Larry Bond Gary & Teresa Bowdoin | Joe Brisbois | Curtis Bruner | Brush Creek Ranch | Bullard Ranch | Donald & Annette Butts | Ken Caldwell Riemer & Marcia Calhoun, Jr. | Ronnie Campbell | Richard D. & Cheryl Carlson | Bow Carpenter | William B. Cary W.C. Cheatham | Chris & Christina Clark | Robert Douglas Clark | W.D. “Bill” & Shirley Clark | Clear Fork Ranch | Dan O. Coates

Dan W. Coates | Tom Cochran | Bob Coffee | Roger Cole, D.V.M. | Mary Colgan | Moe Collins | T.W. Comer | George Conly John M. Copeland | Don Corley | Dustin & Missy Cothern | Richard & LuAnn Crist | Bob Crow

Larry Crumpton & Joe Cunningham | Shirley Crystal | Cuerno Largo Cattle Co. | Palmore Currey II | Carl Curry | Dick & Cheryl Curry Billy D. & Delynn Davis | James Davis | Gene and Eileen Day | Mrs. Ted Derryberry | JoAnne & Jim Dickens | Richard Dimon Darin & Dawn Divinia |Claude H. Dixon | James P. Dodds | Warren & Cathy Dorathy | Wallace E. Downey | Frank Doherty

Double R Acres | Dow Longhorn Ranch | A.E. & Laura DuBose | Neil & Paula Dugger | El Coyote Ranch | Bernard Esunas Evans Cattle Co. | Dave & Billicarole Evans | Shirkie Evans | James & Pia Eyman | Allan Finch | Howard Fleming

Bobby & Linda Fletcher | Rick & Tracey Friedrich | Fuhriman Cattle Co. | Wilford Fultz | G-C Longhorns | G R Ranch

Gerald Galipp | Asa & Joan Gamble | Ron & Donna Garison | Gene Garrett | Judge Thomas & Nola F. Gee | George J. Gerst, Sr. Don Gibson | Golden Spread TLBA | Tom & LeAnna Graham | Tom & William L. Graham | Lucas Graywolf | Cecil Guinn

Dot & Dick Hansen | Sidney Hanson | Sidney Hanson, Sr. | David L. or Robert W. Harcrow | Doyle Harrell | Harrell & Sons Cattle Co. James Hazelton | C.W. Hellen | C.W. Hellen, Jr. | Don Henderson | Gary Henry | Donald E. Herrmann Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower | Verlon Hilburn | Jerry Hodge | Ruth & Johnny Hoffman | Dan Hoffmeyer | Mrs. M.P. Hoiness Hattie Holbein | Holland Farms, Inc. | Linda C. Holt | Erin Hornbrook | Rufus Low Hoyd | Bill & Elizabeth Hudson

Scott Hughes & Jessica Morris | Ken Humphrey | J.B. & Mitzi Hunn | Edith Isaacs | J.W. Isaacs | Greg and Sandy Jameson Mrs. Judy Jenkins | Jerry Cook Ranch | Jeff Jespersen & John Jespersen | Mrs. Johnson | Joe Paul Jones | K & M Plastics David Kelley | Carl Lee Kemp | King Ranch | Glenn King | Robert R. King | Jack Klutts | Kropp Cattle Company

Joel and Tamara Kuntz | Lloyd (Speedy) La Fond | Bernard & Bette Lankford | T.E. Laughlin | Arthur B. E. Lauman | Mike Leak H.C. Lewis | Rosemary & Bill Lourcey | Dick & Peg Lowe | Kathy & Denny Lux | Mike & Kim MacLeod James Maddle Mrs. Harry H. Magee | Maudeen Marks | Travis & Jeanne Marks | Ronald J. Martens | Donald Martin


Max L. Massengale | Watt Matthews | Red & Charline McCombs | W.C. & C.R. McCowen | L.D. & Debbie McIntyre Texas Longhorn Trails

Todd & Kelli McKnight | Michael McLeod | Ricky McLeod | Jack McManus | Susy McQueen | Meridian Longhorns

Joy Merritt | Meshell Farms | Betty Baggett Mille | Dr. Fritz & Rebecca Moeller | “Money Maker Bull” | Money Maker Bull Project Moore’s Longhorn Ranch| Jean Moore | Ray & Bernice Moore | Morgan Davis Publishing Co. | Edward L. Moses, Jr.

Mountain & Plains Texas Longhorn Association | John R. Mower | Joe Mueggenborg | James Munster II | Nacogdoches TX Longhorn Sale Bill Nash | Sandra K. Nordhausen | North TX & OK Longhorn Assoc. | David & Jo Anne Norwood | Oklahoma Texas Longhorn Assn. Open Triangle Ranch | Jack Orem, Jr. | L.R. Orsburn | M.C. Overton II, M.D. | Marvin Overton | Marvin Overton III

Chris & Lisa Parker | James R. Parkey III | Doug & Sally Pence | Craig Perez | Hoyd Perryman | Jack & Betty Phillips | J.G. Phillips, Jr. John G. Phillips III Charles Pilling, Jr. | Don & Rhonda Poe | Ponder Boot Company | Gary L. Pratt | Odell Pugh | Mrs. Charles Pyle Red Mill Ranch | Edward Reese | Karen Baker Renfroe | Dennis Rhoades | Dick Robbins | Jim & Becky Rombeck | Neil Ross Safari B Ranch | Robert & Kim Richey | Lemon Saks | Terry L. Sales | Ruel Sanders | Majorie Sapp | Brad Scherer | Stan Searle John Sellers | B.R. Sells | Col. & Mrs. Ben H. Settles | John Shivers | Robert V. Shultz | Robert M. & Kathryn Simpson | Singleton Springs Longhorns | M. Gregory Smith | Charley Snyder | Richard & Linda Spooner | Sour Fork Land & Cattle | David R. Starkey Nancy Stevens | Doug & Sandy Stotts | Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Stroube | Dave & Althea Sullivan | Randy D. Sullivan | Raymond Tarrart Buck & Goldie Taylor | Donnie & Marilyn Taylor | Jake & Katrin Taylor | Taylor’s Texas Longhorn Ranch | Teinert & Koch Longhorns

Texas Women Western Artists | Mrs. Lera Thomas | Corine Thompson | Dora Thompson | Thelma Thompson | Thurmond Longhorns Stanley Tidwell | Suzanne & William H. Torklidsen, M.D. | Marcy Toy | Tri W Longhorn Cattle Co. | Trip Longhorn Jennifer Tyler Underwood Longhorns | James D. Vann | Joe & Lorinda Valentine | Paul Vinsant | Ron A. Walker | Ed and Sandy Warren

Wes Watson | James R. Weed | Ty Wehring | Col. Fraser E. West | Western America TX Longhorn Assoc. | Larry & Carol Whipps Cheryl Whiteman | Johnnie Wickham | Donald & Sharon Wiens | Winella Publishing | Eddie Wood | Woodson School Ranch Worthington National Bank | M.P. Wright III | Wright Texas Longhorn Ranch

GET ON THE HORN Even though early Texas Longhorns survived harsh weather conditions, they were being crossbred to near extinction. Thankfully the breed’s stewards back then and today are legion. Among them the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, its Foundation and you – our members and friends. As you may know, the TLBAA has long sought a permanent place to call home, a place where we can continue to serve this peerless cattle breed with goals to: • Recognize the Texas Longhorn as a distinct breed and protect its unique connection with American history; • Promote breeding practices and preserve its purity; • Heighten public awareness of this distinct breed through ongoing education; • Recognize present breeders and encourage others to develop and maintain herds registered with the association to reserve this magnificent breed for posterity; • Aid in advancing scientific knowledge of past ancestry and future breeding of Texas Longhorn cattle; • And do such other things that are in the best interest of the breed, none of which shall be for profit. We have a dream for our new home, one as wide as BL Rio Catchit horns measured at 92.625” Tip-To-Tip, in 2013. We also have the blueprints, permits and a location we already own. Now, all we need is you. We cannot do this without your support, TLBAA members and friends. This will be your opportunity to preserve the legacy of a breed that has made more history than any other breed of cattle in the civilized world. It’s been a long time coming, but we’re finally getting there, thanks to your help. From day one, the TLBAA has taken the long view, planSeptember 2014

ning for a hybrid facility that can move along our day-to-day business and at the same time acquaint the world with a breed that determined the character and occupation of the American Cowboy. Half of the space inside our new 10,000-square foot home will be dedicated to meeting the important needs of our 4,000 members while managing projects that include sales, events, the Longhorn registry and our exceptional Trails Magazine. The other half will be dedicated to telling the riveting story of the Texas Longhorn. Our welcoming museum will walk you through more than 300 years of Longhorn mystique. You’ll learn how this iconic breed was responsible for the birth of the American Cowboy, how it fed the folks in the North after the Civil War, and how it was the heart that pumped life into the famous Chisholm Trail. Displays focused on the Longhorn’s future will widen you interest event further – on topics ranging from lean beef to breeding to the breathtaking horn structure that always holds our gaze. Artifacts to interactive educational stations, this will be a museum for Texas neighbors, international visitors and you. We guarantee you’ll leave with an even deeper appreciation for what this magnificent breed represents and for the incredible hardships it endured to become the Longhorn we know today –and depend upon for tomorrow. All we need is you. We cannot do this without your support, TLBAA members and friends. This will be your opportunity to preserve the legacy of a breed that has made more history than any other breed of cattle in the civilized world. Become part of TLBAA history. Give what you can. Spread the word. GET ON THE HORN


TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s

SEPTEMBER Herd Management Guide

SPRING Calving:

1. Continue fly and tick control programs. Anaplasmosis problems can continue until frost, so observe cow herd closely for animals losing body condition and appearing anemic. Commercial supplements containing 150 grams of chloretracycline per 50 pounds of salt are available. Continuous feeding of the tetracycline medication during the fly season should provide adequate protection against the disease. 2. As grass matures, realize that the protein value decreases. The feeding of two-to-three pounds of a high protein supplement (30-40 percent crude protein content) will stimulate the digestion of the mature forage; therefore, the cattle will consume more forage and will maintain their body condition as winter approaches. 3. Start thinking about weaning calves. If you are involved in a performance program, at weaning the


calves should be weighed, weaning weights adjusted to a 205-day equivalent and weaning ratios calculated. 4. Look closely at your cow herd. Any defects, such as poor udders, etc., should be recorded for culling purposes at weaning time.

FALL Calving:

1. Prepare for the start of calving season. Separate cow herd into management groups for the calving season (first-calf heifers, second-calf cows, mature cows and open heifers). Watch body condition of the groups closely. Young females entering their first calving season require special nutritional assistance to insure they

maintain a reasonable body condition after calving, produce adequate levels of milk for their offspring and rebreed for the coming year. 2. Watch first-calf heifers closely for potential calving difficulty. 3. Weigh all yearling heifers and bulls, adjusting the weights to a 365day equivalent and calculate yearling ratios. Utilize the performance calculations as an aid in selection of your replacement heifers, if performance and growth are important selection criteria according to your herd objectives. 4. Before breeding, all replacement heifers should be vaccinated with intramuscular IBR/BVD (modified live virus), seven-way Clostridial bacterin booster, five-way Leptospirosis, Vibriosis and dewormed with an acceptable internal parasite product. 5. Conduct breeding soundness exams and fertility checks on all bulls prior to the breeding season.

Texas Longhorn Trails

Founders - $250,000 and up

• Name on gold plated branding iron designed exclusively for the building’s showcase. One for you and one for display in the building’s showcase • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Benefactors - $25,000 to $99,999 • Name on a belt buckle designed exclusively for the new building. One for you and one for display on the museum’s Wall of Honor • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Leaders - $100,000 to $249,999

• Name on silver or bronze plated branding irons designed exclusively for the new building. One branding iron for you and one for display in the building’s showcase (bronze plated branding iron for gifts of $100,000-$149,999; silver plated branding iron for gifts of $150,000-$249,999) • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Patrons - $10,000 to $24,999

• Name on a plaque designed for the new building’s Wall of Honor • Naming opportunity in the new building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Supporters - $1,000 to $9,999

• Name acknowledgment on the new building’s Wall of Honor • Naming opportunity in the building • Special invitation to the Grand Opening preview reception and tour of the building • Recognition in the Trails

Builders - $100 to $999

• Special Invitation to the Grand Opening • Prominent recognition in the Grand Opening program • Name recognition on a brick paver • Recognition in the Trails

Charitable Pledge Agreement

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________State ______________Zip ____________________ Telephone (Day) ________________________________ (Evening) __________________________________________

Pledge Amount $ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Payable as follows (please specify amounts and dates) __________ / __________ $ ____________ Mo.


______________ / ____________ $ ________________ Mo.


Month in which you wish to be sent a reminder __________________________________________________________ Donor signature


Please make gifts and securities payable to: Texas Longhorn Breeders of America Foundation P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, Texas 76164


p p u s r u o y r o f u o Thank y

Livestock Forage Disaster Program By: United States Department of Agriculture – Farm Service Agency


eligible livestock

eligible counties for drought

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Texas Longhorn Trails


--continued from pg. 44

eligible producers

payment limitation


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Texas Longhorn Trails

July 2014



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more information


payments on behalf of deceased producers

--continued on pg. 50


Texas Longhorn Trails


--continued from pg. 48

livestock payment rates

Thank you to Texas Longhorns Australia (TLA) for donating the Champion Mature Female Perpetual Trophy to the Canadian Texas Longhorn Association (CTLA). Trophy designed, made and presented by John Bastardi, TLA President. We were honored that our cow, Good Night Plum Coco with heifer calf Dereka 94 (right) were selected as the first recipients of this award at the 2014 Canadian National Show at Westerner Days – Red Deer, Alberta

Show judge was Gary Don Taylor of Okarche, Oklahoma.

Gary Don Taylor, John Bastardi, Deb Lesyk, Dwight Overlid, Jan Bastardi

Deb Lesyk/Dwight Overlid • Double D Arena Outlook, Saskatchewan


Texas Longhorn Trails

NEWS On the Trail...

Kasi Dick Awarded State FFA Finalist in Beef Entrepreneurship

Story submitted by Kasi Dick Kasi Dick, a 17-year old from PAwhuska High School (Pawhuska, Ok.) was awarded state FFA finalist in Beef Entrepreneurship. Kasi, the daughter of Jackie and Glenda Dick, and was selected to represent Oklahoma in one of the 49 agricultural proficiency awards. Among these categories, Beef Entrepreneurship is the most competitive in one of the most competitive states in the United States. To be selected as a top qualifier is a huge honor according to Kasi. According to Kasi, The winner of each category goes to the National Convention in Louisville, KY, to represent their state. Kasi went on to compete and placed third at nationals.

Riding Texas Longhorn Steers at Single Action Shooter Society Submitted by Marijo Balmer For the last five years, the Riding Texas Longhorn Steers from Folsom Falls Ranch and Friends have attended and entertained the crowds at the Single Action Shooter Society (SASS) at the “End of Trails” world finals in June. This annual event is held at the SASS Founders Ranch in Edgewood, New Mexico. Folks from all over the United States and the world, from the “Old Country” Terry Whalen, Clay Bailey and Fred Balmer to New Zealand and Australia, travel here each year to compete in cowboy action shooting. Hundreds of these good folks have been introduced to the Texas Longhorn. They have enjoyed the history of the Texas Longhorn, have had their picture taken with a real Texas Longhorn and touched these magnificent animals. Riders this year were Terry Whalen, Secretary/Treasurer of the TLBNM, Clay Bailey, riding steer trainer, and Fred Balmer, Historian/cowboy-poet. The Folsom Falls Longhorns will also be entertaining people and will be promoting Longhorns at the Old West Show in August at the fairgrounds in Albuquerque. They will return to the midway at the New Mexico State Fair in September, giving the public a chance to learn about and photograph these gentle giants.

Morris Family Get Their Share of Showing and Saddling Longhorns Story and Photos Courtesy of Josie Sellers & The Coschocton Beacon Longhorn cattle don’t just roam pasture fields in Texas. The Morris family of Walhonding, which includes Andrew, Abby and their children Cole, Josie and Lane, has close to 100 head of them. “Next year we expect to have 50 calves and our numbers should increase the next couple of years,” Andrew said. “Our goal is to have 200 brood cows.” The family started raising Texas Longhorns after Andrew took a chance on one that no one was interested in at a sale. “I got 10 calves out of her in a row and she was over 20 before she died,” he said. “Their life expectancy is a lot longer than English breeds like Angus.” Andrew also likes Longhorns because of their temperament. “People asCole Morris, son of Andrew and Abby Morris, went out to feed their Longhorns. sume that because they have horns they are aggressive, but they’re not,” Abby said. Josie said they are actually very gentle. “Some of them are so docile,” Andrew said. “You can walk right up to them and they won’t move. The kids help me a lot though so if we do get an aggressive one it’s gone.” The family also enjoys the uniqueness of their cattle. “There’s not that many of them around,” Andrew said. “I also like to just look at them. Their coloring is so varied. You don’t know what color your calves are going to be until they hit the ground. One that is speckled now was solid white when he was born.” The Longhorns even draw attention from people who travel past the family’s home. “We’ll even have Harley guys stop and want to look at them and take pictures,” Abby said. Other traits of the breed that the family likes are: Calving ease, good mothers, hearty, disease, insect and predator resistant and that they are naturally lean. The Morris family sells only 100 percent grass fed Texas Longhorn beef. --continued to pg. 54


Texas Longhorn Trails

--continued from pg. 52

“It’s lower in fat than chicken, lower in cholesterol and higher in Omega-3 than salmon,” Andrew said. “We haven’t advertised in a couple of years and we still sell out quite frequently. You can eat this everyday if you want and not feel guilty because it’s all natural beef.” The family also breeds and shows their cattle at places like the 17th annual Ohio River Texas Longhorn Assoc. Cattle Show that took place at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster. Some of the greatest Texas Longhorn cattle to have ever lived, some with horns that will measure more than 80 inches from tip-totip, arrived in Wooster for this one day event, judged by June Cohron D.V.M. from Stuarts Draft, VA. “We have a bull that is 80 inches tip to tip,” Andrew said. “The world record is just over 90 and there aren’t many close to that.” The horns on the animals, however, are as varied as their colors. “The industry likes them wide and flat so you can get the best measurements,” Andrew said. “My personal preference is the twist, but there are even some that look like goal posts.” The Ohio River Texas Longhorn Show started with the presenting of the colors by Gail Beach from Huntington, Indiana, while she rode her Texas Longhorn steer, Oliver. “We put a saddle on one of our bulls and Lane road him around the corral,” Andrew said. “He was on him for 15 or 20 minutes and the bull didn’t care.” Cattle were shown in haltered and non-haltered classes during the day with the show starting with the pee wee class for youth six years old or younger. “The non-haltered class is for Longhorns that aren’t broke to lead,” Andrew said. “They are loose in a pen and judged in their natural state.” There was a silent auction during the day, and Bovine Bingo, where the lucky Bingo winner will go home a prized oneyear-old Texas Longhorn steer. The Morris’ have attended shows in Indiana, Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. “By doing it a couple times a year, you get the chance to get your confidence back if you didn’t do so good at the last show,” Lane said. The family had a bull place second at last year’s world show in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and has already qualified to return to the event. “I’m looking forward to getting started on my own heard eventually,” Cole said. You can learn more about the Morris family and their cattle company by looking them up on Facebook or e-mailing

Bulmers Show Off Australia’s Best Press Release Submitted by Texas Longhorn Australia, Inc. A Goondiwindi family has taken out the top honour at the Inaugural Texas Longhorns Australia Show. Longhorn breeders, Gail and Wayne Bulmer, have just returned home from an actionpacked weekend at Gunnedah NSW where they attended the Texas Longhorns Australia’s XB5 Jolene wins Champion of the 1st Texas fifth annual sale. Longhorns Australia Inc Inaugural cattle show. However the biggest highlight for Gail and Wayne came when they took part in the inaugural Texas Longhorns Australia (TLA) Show. The show attracted some terrific Longhorns in five categories, much to the delight of organiser TLA members Alison Irwin and Cory Miles. Gail led out XB5 Jolene, a pretty 9-month-old black and white heifer in the first class section for heifers up to 12 months. She took out the blue ribbon in her class under the sharp judging eye of Neville Barwick from Scone NSW. After the five classes were judged it was time to judge the Grand Champion. XB5 Jolene was up against four worthy winners of the other classes including Heifer 12-24 months of age, Steer up to 24months-old and Bull less than 12 months of age and Bull 12-24 months of age. There was certainly classy opposition for XB5 Jolene, but she took out the top honour all to the roar of the many Longhorn breeders and locals that had taken the time to call in and view the show. Geoff Dawson, TLA Secretary, said that Gail and Wayne had certainly set the bar high for future shows. “Members are talking about the 2015 show and some have mentioned they were going home to look at their younger Longhorns to see what they can start preparing for the next show,” he said. Anyone interested in learning about the unique Texas Longhorn breed of cattle should contact Secretary Geoff Dawson or visit the TLA website.

It could be Texas...but it’s Germany! TLBAA members, Alex and Sina Biselli, wanted to share their wedding day with their Longhorns and with fellow breeders. They are proud to be a part of our association. Photo submitted by Alex and Sina Biselli


SEND US YOUR NEWS! Have your Longhorns, Ranch Business or Family been featured in the news or part of a Special Event? Let us share the news with fellow Longhorn breeders! Email with any news or photos you’d like to appear in News on the Trail. Texas Longhorn Trails


TLBAA E-Blast POLICY Our members are extremely important to us, and we strive to provide the most timely and efficient service possible. Effective immediately, Affiliates will be limited to four E-blasts free of charge per year. The TLBAA is short-staffed, and many times, we work weekends and evenings to guarantee your E-blast is created and sent out in a timely manner, considering our 2-3 day turnaround guarantee. This service is provided for free. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

$60 W you send in your materials for E-blasts, please provide as When s i t s a l b E e h c w a E close to correct information, including: onal $15 n! i t i d d a • Correct verbiage• Complete Registered Cattle Names For an ssifieds optio a l c • Date of birth • Pedigrees • Titles • Headlines offer a • Updated info and the exact graphics Effective immediately, we are initiating a fee based on the number of corrections or additions to your E-blasts. Your first round of changes will be at no cost. After that, each time there is a change there will be a $10 charge per E-blast change. We would appreciate the affiliates who run E-blasts to help the TRAILS staff in getting your E-blasts sent out in a timely manner. Hopefully, this will help you and our staff from working over-time and weekends. For more information, contact Kelli Fulkerson at or (817) 625-6241

EXTRA! EXTRA! TLBAA We thank these folks for ki ndly droppin’ in at the TLBA A office. 1



Your Registration department is truly crazy! Yep, Dana and Rick are certifiably "crazy" by offering a Summer Sizzlin' Half Price Sale…

Longhorns over the age of 36 months, normally $100.00 will now be registered for half price, $50.00, starting July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014.

Contact the "crazies" should you need assistance or have questions. Just in case there was a question in your mind…..


Contact Dana at or Rick at


Now Seeking Resumes For Executive Director 5

1. Rodney Mahaffey, Decatur, TX 2. Eric and Carter Smith, Willow Park, TX 3. Al Vinson, Hico, TX 4. J.D. Mooney, Weatherford, TX 5. Ryenne, Rylee and Chuck Reiter Gainesville, TX


The Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) is a non-profit association headquartered in Ft. Worth, Texas with the distinct purpose of maintaining the breed registry and promoting the Texas Longhorn as a distinct and historic breed of cattle. The business of the association is managed by its Board of Directors. The TLBAA Board of Directors is seeking applications for the position of Executive Director of the Association. The Search Committee is charged with reviewing applicants and bringing a short list of qualified candidates to the Board of Directors for consideration. Only electronic copies will be accepted. Qualified applicants will be contacted by the committee. No faxes or phone calls please.

For more information go to Deadline for Resumes: August 29, 2014 Texas Longhorn Trails

The Canadian Texas Longhorn Assoc. is now in its 2nd year. May 31, 2014 was the beginning of our year two, with our AGM, heifer jackpot and Production Sale in Brooks, Alberta. Thank you to our sponsors: Harwood Ford, Heritage Inn, Desert Sales, Rita Pierson – Lia Sophia Jewellery and Brooks Elks Club No 77 and EXAS T Allemand Ranches. The AGM saw no Left to Right: Gordon Musgrove (President), Bob Allemand (Director), Jeff N A I changes to the executive. The Jespersen (Director), Jeremy Farmer (Director), Deb Lesyk (Vice President) and CANAD GHORN Mark Stewart (Secretary/Treasurer). N ) Heifer Jackpot was a selection A LO L T C ( of outstanding heifers from 2 Provinces. The Sale saw some good numbers with quality aniATION mals bringing a respectful dollar. ASSOCI July 17 – 20 was the Canadian National Texas Longhorn Show at the Red Deer Alberta Westerner Exhibition. Several members participated in this event, it was lots of fun. Thank you to Gordon Musgrove, President our many sponsors: Papa Harry Trucking - Lacombe, Alberta, Double D Arena – Outlook, Saskatchewan, (403) 378-4664 Riverbend Co-op – Outlook, Saskatchewan, Hanna Motor Products – Hanna, Alberta, Gateway Auction Services – Patricia, Alberta, MSW Farms – Ponoka, Alberta, Fenced in Vinyl – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CTLA and Country Junction Feeds – Wetaskiwin, Alberta. A great experience connecting with & educating the public, visiting with new and past breeders and meeting & networking with International quests, John & Jan Bastardi – president of the Australian Texas Longhorn Assoc. who were with us all weekend and assisted the judge, we also had Alex & Rosie from New Zealand helping us in the barn. Thank you to Judge Gary Don Taylor from Oklahoma – Vice President of the ITLA – we really appreciate you making the trip to Canada and judging for us. We also met another guest from Oklahoma who was visiting in Red Deer and when she found out there were Texas Longhorns at the show, she made sure to come and visit. Thanks for checking us out. The CTLA`s website is up and running , thank you to Desert Sales Inc. – Bassano, Alberta for your sponsorship to make this happen. CTLA is producing 3 Trailblazer newsletters per year – April, August and November/December they can be viewed on our website. Contact us at We have one more big event coming up - October 3 & 4, 2014 in Ponoka, Alberta. Friday - CTLA Fun Auction & Social. Saturday Texas Longhorn Select Sale and Horn Measuring Showcase. Another great time to connect and network. A great place to promote and market our Texas Longhorn Cattle.

TEXAS ON A K S A NEBR ASSOCIATI RN LONGHO Rodger Damrow, President (402) 423-5441

Our Association’s annual meeting will be coming up in January, the 10th at the Firefighter Museum in Kearney. New members are welcome-we’d love to have you a part of our team. Membership dues are $15 per year. The youth association, Nebraska Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (NTLBT) dues are $5 per year. Memberships are due January of each year. Our Secretary is Chelsey Georges, 11800 S 12th, Roca, NE. 68430. Membership forms are located on the NTLA website: The NTLA’s 34th annual sale will be coming up in the Spring of 2015. Watch for updates showing the exact date and location. You’ll find it on the NTLA website: Check out our website for past and future events of our association:

Members of Texas Longhorns Australia (TLA) who attended the annual weekend in Gunnedah NSW Australia in June 2014 are hailing it “the best Texas S A Longhorn weekend ever downunder”. X E T IAN L Not only did the TLA conduct its fifth annual A R T S N AU R O sale, but they also had their inaugural show. A H G LON TION quality line up of 18 head of Longhorn heifers, A I C O S bulls and steers lined up for the five classes. After the judging of the five classes, the winners were S A paraded to enable the Judge Neville Barwick from Scone NSW to select the grand champion of the 2014 TLA Show. That title went to a beautiful nine-month-old black and white heifer called John Bastardi, XB5 Jolene who was exhibited by Gail & Wayne Bulmer from XB5 longhorns from Goondiwindi. President Gunnedah put on perfect weather for the show and the sale and members also attended the annu(02) 6734 5320 al general meeting on Saturday night where John Bastardi was returned as President. Vice Presidents elected for the 2014-2015 year were Don Constable and Gail Bulmer. On Sunday, June 8, 2014, a terrific line up of 48 longhorns went under the hammer when Sam Plevey from Purtle Plevey Agencies started the 5th annual TLA Longhorn Sale. Bidding was spirited throughout the selling and the highest priced lot for 2014 went to a quality 3-in-1 package with Skinny Lizard Giggles, a five-year-old cow, and her seven-month-old heifer Skinny Lizard Yo Yo, sold for $4,500. – continued to p.60


Texas Longhorn Trails

A Moment in TLBAA History --continued from pg. 18

TEXAS LONGHORN LEGACY SALE Legacy Sale Brings in a Record-Breaking $1.8 Million Auctioneer: J. Bryan Davis, Stephenville,TX Commentary: Larry Barker, Dale Hunt 212 Registered Buyers 104 Head Registered Cattle

Lot 38 – Outspoken – $81,000

Sale Average $17,500!

Volume Buyers: Hudson Longhorns, Purvis, MS; Panther Creek, Aledo, TX; Bill and Judy Meridith, Wellington, KS; Rex and Vicki Mosser, Midway, TX; Ben and Ann Gravett, Catlett, VA; Ron and Barbara Marquess, Ben Wheeler, TX; Bow Carpenter, San Antonio, TX and Red McCombs Ranches, Johnson City,TX. Foundation Lot: $100,000 – Phillip Mosser Memorial Fund JM Sue Semen – $149,000

Lot 37 – Tari’s Treasure BL991 – $52,000


High-Selling Lot: $81,000 – Outspoken (1997 daughter of Lobbyist and Outer Reach). Consignor: Hudson Longhorns, Purvis, MS. Buyer: Bill and Judy Meridith,Wellington, KS.

2nd High-Selling Lot: $52,000 – Tari's Treasure BL991 (1999 daughter of Sage Shadow FM138 and Delta Tari FM182). Consignor: Bob Loomis,Marietta, OK. Buyer: Mountain Creek Longhorns, Saint Jo,TX. Other High-Selling Lots: $50,000 – Snowy Maid (2001 daughter of Made by Emperor and GF Snowy River).Consignor: Hudson Longhorns, Purvis, MS. Buyer: Mosser/Marquess Partnership. $46,000 – Bonita Scott (2000 daughter of John E Longhorn 77 and La Pluma 1/5 Caliente). Consignor: Hudson Longhorns,Purvis, MS. Buyer: Joe and Lorinda Valentine, Aledo,TX. $46,000 – 585 Delta Queen (1999 daughter of 585 Overwhelming Toro and Cooper's Misty). Consignor: Ron & Barbara Marquess, Ben Wheeler, TX. Buyer: Benjamin Gravett, Warrenton,VA.

Texas Longhorn Trails

– continued from p.58 Giggles had been confirmed 14 weeks in calf to Southern Cross Ironman, the longest horned young bull in Australia. First-time Longhorn owners, Laurie and Helen McKenzie, from Warwick QLD, were the purchasers of Skinny Lizard Giggles and Yo Yo, who were bred by Geoff and Belinda Dawson, from Skinny Lizard Longhorns at Emerald Hill NSW. Laurie, Helen, Geoff and Belinda were the recipients of the fantastic trophies that were supplied to TLA by Deb Skinny Lizard Giggles, highest priced lot for 2014. Onlookers during the fifth annual sale. Lesyk and Dwight Overlid from Canada. Lesyk and Overlind have been supplying trophies to the Australian Association since they commenced their annual Longhorn sale. “It is something that the Australian members really appreciate,” stated TLA Secretary, Geoff Dawson Southern Cross Matiba was the highest priced young bull, selling for $2,000 to Ray Franklin from Halfway Creek NSW. Matiba was a quality, solid black bull bred by Don Constable and Julie Brown, from Southern Cross Longhorns Galong NSW. At the end of the sale, there were only eight head that did not sell and reach their reserve. A clearance of 84 percent was an excellent achievement and showed the quality of Longhorns offered this year.

The STLA Board of Directors met in June in Bastrop, Texas to elect new officers and begin plans for activities and shows for the coming year. New officers for 2014-2015 are: Christy Randolph, President; Bubba Bollier, 1st Vice President; Suzanne Perry, 2nd Vice President; Suzanne Torkildsen, Secretary; and Jason Christa, The STLA Board also includes Judy Coats, Cindy Guinn, Sandi Nordhausen, Nathaniel XAS Treasurer. E T Faske, Brittany Guinn, John Marshall, Pat Ivivic, and Jonica Taylor, who will serve as our new H T SOU HORN Membership Chair. We thank all of these board members for volunteering their time and energy LONG TION to promote the greatest breed of cattle on earth, our Texas Longhorns! A We have several new association members to announce: Melanie and Barrett Evans, Julie Pack ASSOCI DVM, and Jonica Taylor. New junior members include: Payton Anderson, Jody Ging, and Kayce Ging. We are happy to have these new members as part of our group and encourage others to come Christy Randolph, join us. President STLA will sponsor four TLBAA World-Qualifying Shows for the coming show season. The STLA Winter Fest Show in Edna, Texas is slated for December 12-13, 2014 and the Texas Longhorn Show at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo will be held February 13-14, 2015. Show chairs for both of these events will be Bubba Bollier and John Marshall. STLA will also sponsor the Star of Texas Show in Austin and the Rockdale Show in March and April. STLA is also excited to announce our upcoming Fall Field Day scheduled for November 1, 2014 and will be graciously hosted by Wilton and Carolyn Wilton at their Astera Meadows Ranch in Caldwell, Texas. Visit the STLA website for future announcements and details on this all-day event to be posted in September.

On Sunday, July 20th, about 30 members of the TLBNM met at the HORN Legendary Longhorns Ranch of Fred and G N O L Marijo Balmer, in Mountainair, NM, for a TEXAS RS OF NEW field day. Wade Wilson developed a great E D BREE EXICO educational program and demonstraM tion on branding, castration (banding ident Ron Gentry and Robert Smoot holding ry, Pres 20 and cutting) and points on showing a the calf while Wade Wilson castrates. t n e G 2 1 Ron 4 86 Longhorn at halter. Robert Smoot fur(505) 3 nished an immobilizer, and gave a presentation on its uses and 3 n e g jan benefits. The immobilizer was used in the demonstrations with great success. Weather was typical to New Mexico, hot and dry, but perfect for a field day. A marvelous lunch was provided and everyone learned a lot while having a wonderful time. Don’t forget that TLBNM will be holding another World Qualifying Texas Longhorn Show on Saturday, September 13th, at the New Mexico State Fair. Come join us for this event.

Wade Wilson demonstrating how to show a halter.

Ron Gentry and Robert Smoot holding the calf while Wade Wilson castrates.

EST NORTHWREEDERS RN B LONGHO OCIATION ASS Johnson Sheryl -9459 9 503-82 s@ n r o h g j5lon


Northwest Longhorn members in Oregon and Washington have been on the go this spring and summer. We are looking forward to the upcoming World Qualifying show in Redmond, Oregon at the Deschutes County Fair and Rodeo, August 2nd. Next will be the Oregon State Fair competition with the ITLA Points Show and exhibition. Other members are planning their entries for the Grandpa Johnson with his two grandsons. – continued to p.62 Texas Longhorn Trails

Please send an acknowledgement to:

Enclosed is my gift of _______ $25 ______$50 ______$100 __$_______

Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________

___ In memory of: ____________________________________________

City ___________________________ State _____ Zip _______

___ In honor of: ______________________________________________ My Name _____________________________________________ Name of person to be remembered. Please print. Address ______________________________________________ Please mail form and donation to the Texas Longhorn Breeders of America City ____________________________ State _____ Zip _______ Foundation, P.O. Box 4430, Ft. Worth, TX 76164.

WORKING CATTLE OR CATTLE THAT WILL WORK! The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in the U.S. • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle • Palpation gates • Measure horns • A.I. cows

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September 2014 61

– continued from p.60 Horn Showcase measuring at Alex Dee’s Ranch in Harper, Oregon. We will have some nice pictures and results from the first show in the next Trails issue. Of course, there is also the World Show too. Our weather has been nice so far this spring and summer, although forest fires are starting to show up in both Oregon and Washington in the warmer areas of our states now. Take care and hope everyone has a great calf crop this year.

Greetings Longhorn Breeder! Our Affiliate would like to congratulate Caleb Phillips for being this year’s winner of the Ark-La-Tex’s annual $1,000 scholarship. Caleb will be attending the University of Texas in Austin the fall, studying Aerospace Engineering. We wish Caleb great success in his future endeavors. Please come join us for our Annual Membership Meeting which will be held September 20, 2014 and graciously hosted by Dora Thompson at her Sand Hills Ranch in Mansfield, Louisiana. -TEX Besides our membership meeting, you will have the opportunity to see beautiful cattle, eat ARK-LA ORN wonderful food and have a great time of fellowship. As we strive to grow or membership, our affiliate was blessed with three new Pee Wee showLONGH TION A I men: Quinn Raelynn Wade was born to Derek and Jessica Wade of Decatur, Texas, Westin C O S AS Blake Cooper was born to Billy and Kim Cooper of Oakhurst, Texas, and Dawson Kent Taylor was born to Jake and Katrin Taylor of Etoile, Texas. We want to congratulate these young families and look forward to watching these little ones grow up in the show ring. The 2015 World Qualifying Show Season has begun. Ark-La-Tex will kick off the show season with our annual show in Lufkin, Texas, which starts on October 24th and runs through the 26th. We will kick off Tina DuBose the weekend Friday night with a Non- halter and Youth Points Only show, and as has become our dition, a meal will be provided. Saturday will be our Open Show, which includes our annual Costume Contest and Silent Auction. We will start our evening with a meal and end with fun games for the kids. We will close out the weekend with our Youth shows on Sunday. This weekend will have something for everyone. The Louisiana State Fair Show, in Shreveport, Louisiana, will be held November 8th through the 9th. This is a premium paying show, as well as ribbons, buckles and banners. Come enjoy showing your cattle, winning awards and cash money. You can’t beat the food and rides. We look forward to everyone joining us for the upcoming events we are hosting. Go to our website, for more information about any of these events, or contact Tina DuBose at or (979) 277-2656.


We began our adventure with Texas Longhorns in 1997. My father had a bypass and high cholesterol. Our family friend, Steve Manock,of Manock Meats in Great Bend, ND suggested trying Texas Longhorn beef. He got us a sample of burger along with some information on healthful qualities of the Longhorn beef. I bought a few longhorns from ropers, fed them up to finish, and have never looked back. We bought a few grade cows in 2001. In 2013 we gained a herd and a new family friend . We have brought the registration papers up-to-date on all the stock, joined TLBAA and North Star Texas Longhorn Association as well. In 2014 we continue the adventure of Texas Longhorns. New members, the Krump family, with their sons and baby calf.

Life continues at a rapid pace for members of the East Texas Longhorn Association. Our participation at the World Show and in the Affiliate Prince and Princess contest will round out the summer before we move on to the fall shows. Be sure to join us at the East Texas State Fair in Tyler this year, September 26-28. Our Open Haltered show is Saturday, September 27th at 10:00 a.m., Open Non-Haltered cattle show is that same day at 6:00 p.m., youth show kicks off Sunday, September 28th, at 9:00 a.m. Texas Longhorns are always the largest represented breed year after year at Tyler under the S A X E T T S Hightower’s leadership. R A E E EED R B Joel Norris is listening for the calls of TLBAA members who will come to Athens, TX for N R this year’s show sponsored by the Kaufman Police Association. Joel’s number is (972) LONGHOSOCIATION 533-4945 and the show dates are November 21-23, the weekend before Thanksgiving. AS This show, in its fourth year, has grown by the year and will take place at a new location, the Henderson County Fair Park Complex. Joel is waiting for your call and happy to send out entry forms and pertinent information. Connie Ollive Don’t miss out on some down home good East Texas fun this fall! 903-590-6220


Texas Longhorn Trails

Day’s Feisty Fannie: 1993-2014 Day’s Feisty Fannie was produced in 1993 by one of the foundation breeders, Eileen Day, and she had become an influential female in the Texas Longhorn breed. Sired by Safari B 1759, and out of the outstanding producing female, Day’s Miss Mischief, Day’s Feisty Fannie produced many progeny that includes Day’s Fawn, Feisty Lee, Fesity Leigh, Little Fannie, M Arrow Fantastic, M Arrow Imagination 275/9, M Arrow Lucky Day, M Arrow Miss Show Off, M Arrow Red Fannie, M Arrow Tequilla Sunrise & Day’s Smarty Pants. In November of 2005, Day’s Feisty Fannie broke the record at the TLBAA Horn Showcase where she measured 80 3/4” TTT. The year before, she measured 79 5/8” TTT. Shortly before her death, she measured 89 7/8” TTT. This outstanding cow was purchased by John Stockton from Eileen Day. Rex and Nora Mosser had the privledge owning the female before she made her home with Ron and Barbara Marquess in Ben Wheeler, Texas. From 2004 till her death, Day’s Feisty Fannie enjoyed the green, lush pastures of the Marquess Arrow Ranch. Fannie will live on for many years through her clones. Photo taken in May 2014, Morgan Marquess (granddaughter) with Day’s Feisty Fannie.

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Texas Longhorn Trails












September 2014













Texas Longhorn Trails








September 2014



Division B (cont.)

Division B (cont.)

Division C (cont.)

Dora Thompson B T Farms Kevin Rutkowski Ken & Charlotte Beler Hudson Longhorns Maurice Ladnier Kasar & Lisa Kety Matthew J. Durkin Dave Hovingh Shawn & Cathy Norton Mark Hubbell Ann Gravett Blue Ridge Longhorns Danny D Guffey Mike Young Mozella Acres Double D Arena Larry & Charlotte Gribbins Dan Huntington Douglas Procknow Shawn M. Pequignot Nancy C. Dunn Allemand Ranches Charles D. Davis Jim & Patty Gladden Mark & Tina Stewart Oak Ridge Ranch One Tree Ranching Co. LTD Ron A. Walker Scott Hughes Triple R Ranch Beaver Creek Longhorns Brian & Mary Stahl Carley Pate Ethan Loos J.H. Graham Jimmy L. Jones Kathy Kittler Leonard & Doris Boyd Levi & Brittni Blake Oldenburg Farm, LLC Panther Creek Ranch Royal Heritage Farm

Alton C. Rudin Rick & Tracey Friedrich Gary Kudrna Kris Michalke Peterek Richard James Filip Vincent T. Girolamo Donald J. Haase Ande or Marla Paulk Charles R. & Susan Loeffler R B Longhorns Rocking 'O' Ranch Terry & Sherri Adcock Llano Longhorns Stephen & Peggy Lee W.A. (Al) Vinson Bow Carpenter Jerry Richie Shannon Larson B&H Longhorns Darlene Slone Doug & Sandy Stotts Hickman Longhorns, Inc. John & Diann Chase Limb Cattle Company Lisa Muratta LNL Longhorns Pat & Stan Ivicic Stark Enterprise A & A Cattle Don Burrows Brent & Cynthia Bolen Cody M. Himmelreich David & Kathy M. Adams D D Stiles Federico X. Galvan James & Amy Roesler Jeff & Marcy Lewis Karin Duque Kay L. Roush Larry Ginn Mark & Keighley Jacobson Odis King Ohlendorf Land and Cattle Co., LLC Rio Vista Ranch Rocking 'O' Longhorns Sandra K. Nordhausen Stephen P. Head Steven & Ruby Retzloff Steven Zunker Fort Griffin State Historic Site Helm Cattle Company Jeff & Patricia Rhodes

Anchor T Ranch Armand Ranch Bill Gardner Billy Thompson & Gary Jenkins Bryan Du Bose Chase Vasut Cloud 9 Longhorns Dale Land & Cattle David M. Hillis Dennis & Judy Urbantke El Coyote Ranch George & Cindy Dennis Greg & Sandy Jameson Hacienda PBT, LLC Hollis Jefferies Jim Taylor Judy Blanchard Kathy Dale Tillman Kelly & Chrisann Merriman Kimberly Lee Parker Loraine J. Mc Donald Matt & Sarah Vuskov Michael Perry Mike & Patricia Walsh Rafter D Ranch Randy & Catherine Morris Rockin 4 B Rockin F Ranch Sara Jennings Star Creek Ranch Struthoff Ranch Terry Hutzell Tommy Mulhollan Wileta Kretzchmar Larry & Paula Reck

Two Heart Bar Ranch Dale Hunt L.D. & Debbie McIntyre Robert & Sylvia Cronquist Carole Muchmore Christopher Herron Lee Decker Mike & Debbie Bowman Rocky & Connie Flood Wild Horse Creek Ranch Joseph M. Graham Susan & Ralph Webb Tom Matott Chetamba Creek Longhorns Mike & Carole Koss Mike Bassett Mike Lutt Dan Erskine Jordan Ranch LeEtta Constant & Mike Laughlin Mary Mann Neil Glasgow Sather Family, LLC. Toby Johnson Adam & Sons Frank & Linda Pate Kelly Erskine Legacy Longhorns, LLC Mark & Sue Cress Nancy Okerman Oak Hill Longhorns Rocking K Bar T Ranch Sunnybrook Cattle Company Anchor D RanchCalvin Guy Elsie A. Rose & John A. Rose Kenneth J. & Valerie J. Webb Brianna McLucas Danny L. & Lori Golden David J. Mc Kinnon Fairlea Longhorn Ranch, LLC Fossil Creek Longhorns Gregg & Sandra Lynn Sherwood Heaven on Earth Joel & Tamara Kuntz Randy & Jamie Briscoe Shamrock Land & Cattle, LLC Todd & Kelli McKnight Kasi Dick Searle Ranch

Division B

Green Valley Ranch Annie Morgan & Steve Bell Frank & Sue Bowdoin Vida Nueva Ranch John & Ursula Allen Circle Double C Ranch Dr. W. Lou Shields Trigg & Traci Moore


Registrations and Transfers from July 1, 2014 to July 31, 2014

Division C

Wyoming Longhorn Ranch Dirty Spur Cattle Co. J5 Longhorns Bob & Pam Loomis Oren & Dianna O'Dell Guy or Vicki Packer Bonnie & Rodger Damrow Dean & Belinda Franke Lawrence Morgan Longhorns Art Anders Doug Hunt Jeff & Sylvia Ketelsen Justin Hansen Joseph Sedlacek Larry or Mary Ann Long Thomas & Christine Heather

Texas Longhorn Trails

Save The Date! SEPTEMBER 2014 SEPT 4 • Central Washington Fair Longhorn Show, Central Washington Fairgrounds, Yakima, WA. Sandi Weishaupt (509) 684-2963 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 6 • Northern Rockies Longhorn Show, Spokane Interstate Fair, Spokane, WA. Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 7 • NWLA Show, Spokane Interstate Fair, Spokane, WA. Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 12-13 • Hill Country Heritage Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. (325) 668-3552 or (713) 305-0259. SEPT 13 • New Mexico State Fair, Albuquerque, NM. Dustin Brewer (505) 606-3061 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 27 • Panther Creek Ranch Complete Herd Dispersal, Barren River Reg. Livestock, Bowling Green, KY. SEPT 26 • Tulsa State Fair, Tulsa, OK. Steve Quary (405) 567-3093 or (405) 932-553. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 26-28 • NEW DATES – East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower (903) 963-7442 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 27 • B&C Show Me Sale, Brookfield, MO. Bill Sayre (660) 258-2973.


OCT 3-4 • ITTLA Heifer Futurity (Fri. night) and Longhorn Sale (Sat.), Hardy Murphy Complex, Ardmore, OK. Wes Watson (580) 286-1240 or Bob Weaver (405) 659-9222. OCT 3-4 • Texas Longhorn Select Sale and TLBAA Horn Showcase Satellite Measuring and CTLA Social, Ponoka Ag Event Centre, Ponoka, Alberta., or Jeff (403) 966-3320. OCT 4 • 6th Annual Appalachian Trail Registered Texas Longhorn Sale & Horn Showcase Satellite Measuring, Turnersburg Livestock Mkt., Turnersburg, NC. Carl Brantley, Wilkesboro, NC. (336) 667-5452 or OCT 4 • Heart of TX Fair Longhorn Show, Heart of Texas Fairgrounds, Waco, TX. Sue & Frank Bowdoin (254) 486-2581 or Russell Hooks (409) 381-0616 or Qualifying Haltered & Youth. OCT 8-11 • TLBAA Horn Showcase & Sale, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. TLBAA (817) 625-6241 OCT 12-13 • STLA Winter Festival, Edna, TX. Bubba Bollier (325) 247-6249 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. OCT 17-19 • State Fair of Texas, Fair Park, Dallas, TX. Entry deadline: Sept 1. All entries and fees mail to the State Fair of Texas. Trigg & Traci Moore (817) 832-8742 or (254) 396-5592. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. OCT 20-23 • El Coyote “Lead the Way” Online Sale, El Coyote Ranch,, office (361) 294-5462 or cell (361) 522-0307. OCT 24-26 • Ark-La-Tex Annual Fall Show, George Henderson Expo Center, Lufkin, TX. Donnie Taylor (409) 414-1401. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

NOVEMBER 2014 NOV 1 • STLA Fall Field Day, Astera Meadows Ranch, Caldwell, TX. Suzanne Perry (512) 423-3797. NOV 8 • Marquess Arrow Ranch Production Sale, Ben Wheeler, TX. Ron & Barbara or (903) 833-5810 Ranch or (903) 570-5199 Ron.


DEC 8-11 • 4th Annual Christmas Celebration Online Sale, Online Sale, El Coyote Ranch,, office (361) 294-5462 or cell (361) 522-0307. DEC 12-13 • STLA Winter Festival, Edna, TX. Entry deadline: November 21, 2014. Bubba Bollier (325) 247-6249 or Friday Points Only. Sat. - Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth

JANUARY 2015 JAN 16 • TLBAA Board Meeting, General Membership Meeting & Banquet. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or JAN 16-20 • Fort Worth Stock Show, Will Roger Complex, Fort Worth, TX. Entry deadline Nov. 15. All entries and fees mail to the TLBAA. Trigg &Traci Moore (817) 832-8742 or (254) 396-5592. Qualifying Haltered & Youth.

TEXAS LONGHORN Coming Events JAN 17 • Premier Heifer Sale, Will Roger Complex, Fort Worth, TX. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or


FEB 13-14 • San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, San Antonio, TX. Bubba Bollier (325) 247-6249 or Qualifying Free & Youth. FEB 27 • Winchester Futurity, Mid-Tex Sale Barn, Navasota, TX. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or Steve Azinger (713) 823-5371. FEB 28 • Cattle Barons Sale, Mid-Tex Sale Barn, Navasota, TX. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or Steve Azinger (713) 823-5371. FEB 28-MAR 1 • San Angelo Stock Show, San Angelo, TX. Dennis Urbantke (325) 656-9321 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

MARCH 2015

MAR 6-8 • Houston Livestock Show, Houston, TX. Amy Weatherholtz, TLBAA (817) 625-6241 or Qualifying Haltered & Youth. MAR 27-28 • Oklahoma Spring Shoot-Out, Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Steve Quary (405) 567-3093 or (405) 932-5531. Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. MAR 27-28 • Hudson-Valentine Spring Invitational Texas Longhorn Sale, WKU Ag Expo Center, Bowling Green, KY. Lorinda Valentine (270) 393-2012.

APRIL 2015

APR 10-11 • 2nd Annual Blue Ridge Ranch Sale, Llano, TX. John Marshall (713) 398-5024 or Bubba Bollier, Ranch Manager (325) 247-6249. APR 17-19 • Rockdale Spring Show, Rockdale, TX. Co-chairs Sandi Nordhausen (512) 750-1350 or and Bubba Bollier (325) 247-6249 or Entries to Bubba by April 8, 2015. APR 24-25 • Midwest Longhorn Sale, Winfield Livestock Auction, Winfield, KS. Mike Bowman (316) 778-1717 or

MAY 2015

MAY 1-2 • Red McCombs Heifer and Fiesta Sale, Johnson City, TX Alan & Teresa Sparger,, (210) 445-8798. MAY 29-30 • Red River Longhorn Sale, Marietta, OK. Rick Friedrich (713) 305-0259 or

JUNE 2015

JUNE 3-6 • TLBAA World Show, Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or Qualifying, Haltered, Free & Youth.

HS SATELLITE MEASURING – OCT. 4th MEDORA, IL • SS Backwards Longhorns-Scott & Dara Simmons (618) 729-2004 TURNERSBURG, NC • Carl Brantley (336) 667-5452 or HARPER, OR • CR Ranche -Alexandra Dees & Eric Youngberg (541) 358-3787 or WESTVILLE, FL • Terry & Tammy King (850) 956-4154 or KINGSVILLE, TX • El Coyote Ranc -Felix Serna or Della (361) 522-0807 (361) 296-4275 or GREENLEAF, KS • Lazy J Longhorn -Joe & Stephanie Sedlacek (785) 747-2204 JOHNSON CITY, TX • Red McCombs Ranc -Alan & Teresa Sparger (210) 445-8798 or CORYDON, IN • Hudson Longhorns-Mike Willinger (502) 379-1049 or LOWELL, MI • Widespread Ranch-Tom Smith (616) 293-0977 BRENHAM, TX • Deer Creek Longhorns-Bruce Hazelwood (979) 277-8016/ SAINT GEORGE, UT • Hunt Longhorn-Doug & Dianne Hunt (435) 275-2112 RAPID CITY, SD • Chad Smith (701) 590-9073 or MARIETTA, OK • Loomis Longhorns-Bob & Pam Loomis (580) 276-7498/ NORCO, CA • Bar-H-Ranch-Chris Herron (909) 721-7577 BIG TIMBER, MT • Contact: Dave Hodges (406) 932-6181or PONOKA, AB CANADA • Jeff Jespersen (780) 966-3320 or





Adcock, Terry & Sherri ..............................21, 67 Adkins, Aaron & Clay......................................23 Almendra Longhorns......................................65 American Livestock..........................................50 Anderson, Frank Jr. & III................................8-9

Lazy J Longhorns..............................................65 Lazy A Ranch ....................................................67 Lemley Auction Services..................................21 Lemley Longhorns ..........................................67 Lightning Longhorns ......................................66 Little Ace Cattle Co.............................................8 Lone Wolf Ranch..............................................66 B Longhorn Designs............................................61 Bar H Ranch......................................................65 Loomis, Bob & Pam........................................23 Beadle Land & Cattle..................................8, 65 Big Valley Longhorns ......................................65 M Billingsley Longhorns ....................................67 Blue Ridge Ranch ............................................BC Marquess Arrow Ranch ................................IBC Box Z Ranch..................................................8, 67 McLeod Ranch ....................................................8 Brett Ranch ........................................................66 Moriah Farms ..............................................9, 66 Broken W Ranch..............................................66 BT Farms ............................................................66 Buckhorn Cattle Co.........................................66 N Bull Creek Longhorns..............................15, 67 Butler Breeders ................................................8-9 Nation Brothers Welding ..............................64 No-Bull ..............................................................64 Northbrook Cattle Co.....................................66 C

Just For Grins Create an original caption for this photograph and win TLBAA merchandise! (Only first-place winners receive prizes.)

Photos for “Just for Grins” are welcome, but they cannot be returned. Send your caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Laura, P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or (Email entries should include address.) Please specify which month your caption is for.

Caballo Bravo Longhorns..............................65 P CedarView Ranch ............................................65 Champion Genetics........................................64 P&C Cattle Pens ..............................................23 Commanders Place Longhorns....................66 Panther Creek Longhorns......................2-3, 65 Cowboy Catchit Chex Partnership ..............23 Pearl Longhorn Ranch....................................67 PJ’s Cattle Company..........................................8


Dalgood Longhorns ..........................................9 DCCI Equipment ............................................64 Deer Creek Longhorns....................................67 Diamond Q Longhorns ................................66 Double D Arena ..............................................50 Double LB Longhorns....................................67 Doug Hunt Longhorns ..................................67

E Eagles Ridge Longhorns....................................9 El Coyote Ranch ................................................1 End of Trail Ranch ..........................................65

R R & R Ranch......................................................66 Registered Texas Longhorn Beef....................42 Rio Vista Ranch ..................................................8 Rocking G Ranch................................................9 Rockin I Longhorns ............................9, 13, 67 Rocking P Longhorns........................................8 Rocky Mountain Longhorns ........................65 Rolling D Ranch ..............................................65 Running Arrow Farm ......................................61


G6 Longhorns ..................................................66

7 Bar Longhorns ..............................................66 7D Longhorns ..................................................65 Safari B Ranch ..................................................66 Sand Hills Ranch ........................................7, 65 Semkin Longhorns..........................................66 Sidewinder Cattle Co.........................................9 Singing Coyote Ranch ....................................67 Smith, Jean ......................................................66 SS Longhorns....................................................66 Star Creek Ranch..............................................15 Stotts Hideaway Ranch ..................................67 Swift Six Ag Works ..........................................23



F 5D Ranch ..........................................................67 First Financial Bank ........................................59 Flying Diamond Ranch..................................66 Flying H Longhorns ........................................66 Foundation World Headquarters & Museum...40, 43


Haltom Hollar Ranch ....................................65 Harrell Ranch ......................................................9 Helm Cattle Co. ..............................................66 Hickman Longhorns ......................................67 Hodges, Dave....................................................66 Horseshoe J Longhorns..................................23 Hubbell Longhorns..................................17, 23 Hudson Longhorns ........................................5 Husky Branding Irons ....................................61

Tallgrass Cattle Co. ..........................................19 Texas S Longhorns ..........................................67 TLBA Foundation ............................................61 TLBAA 50th Anniversary ......................................63 TLBAA Affiliate Prince & Princess ................51 TLBAA Cookbook..........................................IFC TLBAA Horn Showcase ........29, 31, 33, 35-39 TLBAA Membership........................................72 TLBAA Premier TX Longhorn Sale ........26-27 TLBAA World Show..................................45, 47 TLBAA Year End Awards ................................57 I Triple R Ranch (MI) ........................................65 ITTLA Waaka Lapish Foloha ..........................11 Triple R Ranch (TX) ..........................................9



JBR Longhorns..................................................65 Underwood Longhorns..................................65 J.T. Wehring Family Ranch ............................67 Jack Mountain Ranch......................................67 W Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. ..................................9 Johnston Longhorns ......................................66 Walker, Ron ......................................................67 Westfarms, Inc.....................................................8 White Pine Ranch ....................................23, 66 K Wichita Fence....................................................61 Khaos Cattle Company ....................................23 Woodson School Ranch ................................66 King, Terry & Tammy ..................................23, 65 Kittler Land & Cattle Co. ..................................65 Y YO Ranch ..........................................................64

September 2014

Photo courtesy of Darrell & Arlene Larsen, Royalton, MN


“The more you eat, the bigger your horns will get. SO EAT CHILD EAT”

Kasi Dick, Pawhuska, OK HONORABLE MENTION: ◆

“Stop! That end doesn’t go in the kitty litter!!” Douglas Baker, Longview, TX

Coming Next Month:


JOIN US to Help Preserve and Promote the Texas Longhorn Today! the TLBAA has maintained the breed registry and promoted the magnificent breed to as many persons as possible. Today the Association continues to improve and SINCE 1964, expand its services as the number of Longhorn enthusiasts continues to grow.


State of the art Registration Department to maintain five decades of herd registry. H.O.R.N.S. – Exclusive online access to keep your herd updated. A.I. Certified Sires. Dam of Merit program.


Active, dedicated officers and directors. Dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Network of national and international affiliates. Mail-in voting for regional directors.


Active youth organization – the Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow (TLBT). Youth Show Circuit and Youth Hall of Fame. Network of national and international affiliates.


Member of state and national cattle organizations. Advertising campaigns and editorial content in world circulated publications. Media coverage of TLBAA events.


Yearly subscription to our monthly magazine. Weekly Internet newsletter, E-Trails. Great advertising outlet for your program as well as an educational and informational resource.


Website with breed information and history. Breed Advisory Committee of dedicated Longhorn cattlemen. Active Foundation Board to preserve the history of our association and the Longhorn breed. Breed Seminars and Affiliate Field Days & Ranch Tours. Mail-in voting for regional directors.


Horn Showcase for official horn measurements. Strong World Qualifying Show Circuit and a World

Exposition. Hall of Fame. Sales Management Division with cattle sales available to the membership. Affiliate Sponsored Futurities. THE GREATEST BREED OF CATTLE IN THE WORLD AND THE BEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ANYWHERE!

Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164 817/625-6241 • Fax 817/625-1388

TLBAA Membership Application

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Website Address: ____________________________________________

135.00 1000.00

Lifetime Member

25.00 200.00

New/Renewal Junior Member (18yr. & Under) ** World Headquarters & Museum Fund

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Card No.:___________________________________________________ Expiration: ________________ CID# ( 3-digit code on back) ____________ Referred by:_________________________________________________

**Junior Member Birthday ___/___/___

All dues must be paid by U.S. Funds.

* New Active Membership includes New Member Welcome Package and subscription to the Texas Longhorn Trails monthly publication. Texas Longhorn Trails subscription ONLY rate is $105 US address or $180 (US) foreign address. TLBAA Membership dues may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense; however they are not deductible as a charitable contribution.

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