August 2016 Texas Longhorn Trails Magazine

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Texas Longhorn Trails

January 2016 | 1

2 | January 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

2 | January 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

2 | January 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails

February 2016 | 41



Texas Longhorn Weekend Wrap-Up

August 2016 Vol. 28 • No. 4

TLBT National Youth Show TLBAA World Show


31 32 52

Acquiring TLBT Points How the TLBT Hall of Fame Point System Works

tarah Moore: Reaching Goals

The drive to win her TLBT Hall of Fame division 12 years straight. By Myra Basham


Editor’s Note


Officers & Directors Horn Fly Control Methods A look at time, cost and ease of use of chemical solutions. By Myra Basham.



Fey Ranch Sale Results


Winchester Futurity North Results


Submitted by Daniel Fey

Submitted by Scott Simmons

Affiliate News


Calling For Nominations for the TLBAA Special Awards

Herd Management


TLBA Foundation


Cowgirl Style


Common Skin Problems Include Ringworm


In Memorium Product Spotlight




Stylish trends from a summer sale. By Lindsay Maher

By Heather Smith Thomas



A.I. Sire Corrections

Just For Grins

About the Cover: We’re coming home to the Fort Worth Stock Yards with this unique, history-making event. The three featured animals are just a sample of what’s being offered in this special sale being presented by Hudson/Valentine. See Ad on Pg. 2 for more information. 4 | August 2016


Texas Longhorn Trails



Texas Longhorn Trails

February 2016 | 41


Get involved As you turn the pages of this issue, it is evident there are a multitude of ways to interact with others in the Longhorn industry. Beginning with the World Show wrap-up and ending with a full calendar of events, August Trails gives you plenty of avenues to explore. The Texas Longhorn Expo, featuring the TLBT National Youth Show and the TLBAA World Show, is a culmination of effort put in at affiliate shows throughout the year. No matter where you live, a qualifying show is probably within hauling distance. As you can see by the results pages inside, these shows offer outstanding opportunities for youth to develop important life skills and for adults to show off their breeding programs while enjoying friendly competition. Another great opportunity to participate, or simply to meet some great people, is the TLBAA Horn Showcase. It will include not only measuring; but also a sale, futurity, seminars, bull alley, embryo alley and so much more. Complete information about the event is on pgs. 36-42. Take a look and we hope to see you in Lawton, OK! Prefer to not haul your animals anywhere but still be involved? Turn to page 47 to see criteria to nominate fellow breeders for the TLBAA Special Awards presented evey year during Texas Longhorn Weekend at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. Everyone knows someone who has stepped up and served in the industry that should be recognized for their efforts and accomplishments. If you know someone that has made a huge lifetime commitment or change in the industry, go further and nominate them for the Texas Longhorn Hall of Fame. See information on pg. 62 on how to submit your recommendation. There are a variety of Longhorn sales coming this fall. If you’re in the market to buy a Longhorn, you’re in luck. Take a look at the upcoming sales throughout the magazine and put the dates on your calendar. There will be something for everyone available at the auctions this fall. Don’t skip the sales just because you don’t think you can purchase an animal or don’t have one to consign. The sales are a terrific place to meet people who share your passion and to learn from those whose programs you admire. If you are building a program and plan to consign in the future, nothing beats attending a sale for feeling the pulse of the industry. So, what are you waiting for? Check our full calendar on pg. 64 and plan to join in some events in the coming months. We hope to see you soon!

DEADLINE: October 2016 Issue:

Aug 22nd Herd Health & Nutrition

6 | August 2016

Myra Basham Myra Basham Editor-in-Chief

Texas Longhorn Trails

(817) 625-6241 817) 625-1388 (FAX) P.O. Box 4430 Fort Worth, TX 76164

Editor in Chief: Myra Basham Ext. 108 • Contributing Editor: Henry L. King Advertising: Lindsay Maher • Ext. 109 Graphic Design & Production: Joshua Farias • Ext. 107

Registrations Rick Fritsche • Ext. 100 Dana Coomer • Ext. 116

Special Events Amy Weatherholtz • Ext. 104

Printed in the U.S.A. The Texas Longhorn Trails (ISSN-10988432, USPS 016469) is published monthly by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America, 221 W. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX. Subscription rates: $105 per year; foreign per year $180. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Texas Longhorn Trails, 221 N. Exchange, Ste. 210, Fort Worth, TX 76164. Phone (817) 6256241. Fax (817)  625-1388. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising from such advertisements made against the publisher. Publisher reserves exclusive rights to accept or reject advertising or editorial material submitted for publication in the Texas Longhorn Trails magazine. Articles and photos from this publication may be reprinted only with permission of the publisher.

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 7

Frank Anderson Jr. and III 828 S. Rosemary Dr. • Bryan, TX 77802 (979) 846-8020 • (281) 501-2100

Beadle Land & Cattle Ray & Bonnie Beadle Los Gatos & Hollister, CA 95032 (408) 834-0110

Christa Cattle Co. Jason & Louis Christa 2577 FM 1107 • Stockdale, TX 78160 Louis (210) 863-7003 Jason (210) 232-1818

Dalgood Longhorns Malcolm & Connie Goodman 6260 Inwood Dr. • Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-8422

DuBose Bar D Ranch Keith & Tina DuBose P.O. Box 370 • Ben Wheeler, TX 75754 (979) 277-2161

Jack Mountain Ranch Hal & Betty Meyer 8000 Mount Sharp Rd. • Wimberley, TX 78676 (512) 422-4681 cell (512) 842-1116

Jane’s Land & Cattle Co. John & Jane Thate 418 W. Margaret St. • Fairmont, MN 56031 (507) 235-3467

This space is available for your ranch listing! Call Lindsay Maher: (817) 625-6241

Kaso, Lisa & Jake Kety Little Ace Cattle Co. P.O. Box 386 • Folsom, LA 70437 (985) 796-3918

LL Longhorns Neil & Cynthia Hall 1414 Thorton Rd. • Houston, TX 77018 (206) 574-8950

McLeod Ranch Michael, Jackie, Mike & Makayla McLeod 355 CR 3031 • Edna, TX 77957 (361) 782-0155

Brennan & Michele Potts Rocking P Longhorns P.O. Box 579 • Emory, TX 75440 (903) 473-2430 Cell: (903) 348-5400

Rio Vista Ranch Elmer & Susan Rosenberger 4818 Eck Lane • Austin, TX 78734 (512) 266-3250 Cell: (512) 422-8336 e-mail:

Triple R Ranch Robert & Kim Richey 21000 Dry Creek Rd. • San Angelo, TX 76901 (325) 942-1198

Westfarms Inc. Dale, Lynette, Leslie & Matt Westmoreland 13529 Hwy 450 • Franklinton, LA 70438 (985) 839-5713 Cell: (985) 515-3172 e-mail:

This space is available for your ranch listing! Call Lindsay Maher: (817) 625-6241

Grizell's Nina RG011

BH Butler Maiden

TC Tomasita B

SH Lone Droopy 7/3

Princess Wendy BW99

Jackie Lynn 687

George W's Brownie RG 65

TC Bomber Girl

Little Ace Carolynn

SCC Dyna

Graves Windy BW 11/11

Jackie Lynn 4007

Boom Chaka Aka MC8

TC Dark Moon B

LAER Princess Kate 910

Sweet Eileen C3

Annabella BR3

Marcella BR3

Dalgood-BLC Lotsa Candy

WF Twist Again SWC 334

Jackie Lynn 4119

Becky 45

Max Factor C3

SDY Pandora Dode

RVR Francine Rose

Stockton's Missy

Harriet 256

BL Dayton Daisy

RM Coach's Flame

JB Daisy

SCC Primero Bold

BMP Celeste

LittleAce TasteExplosion

LAER Blue Delight

MS Rockin Rio


Phone Bids may be placed by calling the Sale Day Phone 325.473.1373 Phone bidding must be pre-approved by September 1, 2016 For Pre-approval, call: 325.668.3552 or 325.473.1373

HR Belle

Westfarm Brindle Bandana

Coach Stephanie BW 3/12

Dalgood's Miss Manners

Georgia Peach MC9

BMP Carmen Lee

JMR Magic Star

Cindy Lu 43

TC Miss Red Katz B

Gaelic Princess SR414


17 13 18

2 3

















TLBAA Regions

Division A ~ Regions 1-6

Executive committee


Canada, New Zealand, Australia

Chairman of the Board: Tom Matott • (303) 500-9465

Secretary/Parliamentarian: Gary Bowdoin • (254) 640-0844

Executive Vice Chairman: Ken Morris • (704) 361-6035

Treasurer: Mark Hubbell • (269) 838-3083

1st Vice Chairman: Alex Dees • (805) 300-4617

Director: Todd McKnight • (620) 704-3493

2nd Vice Chairman: Kathy Kittler • (501) 690-0771

Director: LD McIntyre • (308) 750-8384

Division B ~ Regions 7-12

Division C ~ Regions 13-18

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Mark Hubbell

Keith DuBose


(269) 838-3083

(979) 277-2161

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

At-Large Director

Ken Morris

John Parmley

David “Nik” Nikodym

Region 1 - Director

Region 7 - Director

Region 13 - Director

Jeff Jespersen

Lana Hightower

(704) 361-6035

(780) 966-3320

(281) 541-1201

(903) 681-1093

(405) 227-7127

L.D. McIntyre

(308) 750-8384 or (308) 246-5600

Region 2 - Director

Region 8 - Director

Region 14 - Director

Nelson Hearn

Gwen Damato

Todd McKnight

(484) 638-0228

(817) 304-1665

Region 3 - Director

Region 9 - Director

Region 15 Director

Tom Smith


David Edwards

Region 4 - Director

Region 10 - Director

Region 16 - Director

Aaron Adkins

Gary Bowdoin

Tom Matott

(616) 293-0977

(620) 704-3493

(918) 557-0364

(704) 490-9208

(254) 640-0844

(303) 500-9465

Region 5 - Director

Region 11 - Director

Region 17 - Director

Terry King


Region 6 - Director

Region 12 - Director

Region 18 - Director

Kathy Kittler

Bill Torkildsen

Chris Herron

(850) 299-6875

(501) 690-0771 Charles Schreiner III* 1964-1967 Walter G. Riedel, Jr.* 1967-1969 J.G. Phillips, Jr.* 1969-1971 Walter B. Scott* 1971-1973 James Warren 1973-1975 J.W. Isaacs* 1975-1977 J.T. “Happy” Shahan* 1977-1978 John R. Ball* 1979-1980

12 | August 2016

Bill Anthony* 1981-1982 Dr. L.V. Baker 1982-1984 Dr. W.D. “Bill” Clark 1984-1986 Richard D. Carlson 1986-1988 John T. Baker 1988-1990 Riemer Calhoun, Jr. 1990-1992

Alex Dees

(805) 300-4617

(979) 249-4255

Glen W. Lewis 1992-1995 Tim Miller* 1995-1998 Sherman Boyles 1998-2003 Bob Moore* 2003-2005 Joel Lemley 2006-2007 Ben Gravett* 2007

Dr. Fritz Moeller 2007-2009 Maurice Ladnier 2009-2010 Robert Richey 2010 Steven Zunker 2010-2011 Brent Bolen 2011-2012 Bernard Lankford 2012-2013 Todd McKnight 2013-2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

(909) 721-7577

TLBAA EDUCATIONAL/RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Matt McGuire - (405) 742-4351 Mark Hubbell – (269) 838-3083 Dr. David Hillis – (512) 789-6659 Felix Serna – (361) 294-5331 John T. Baker – (512) 515-6730 Russell Hooks – (409) 381-0616

Texas Longhorn Trails

February 2016 | 41

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up

TLBAA World Show & National TLBT Youth Show

Four hundred and twenty-nine entries made their appearance at the 29th Longhorn Expo during June 8-12, 2016 held at the Will Rogers Memorial Center. The Longhorn Expo featured the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America's World Show and the National Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow's Youth Show. In order to particpate, exhibitors must have received a qualifying invitation from participating in a World Qualifying show throughout the 2015-2016 show year. This year the Longhorn Expo was host to exhibitors from all over the United States including, Nebraska, Wyoming, Mississippi, Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas. Even though the Texas heat decided to join the party it competed at the banquet with former TLBT member Luke Erwin and his band. Erwin won by keeping the dance floor full throughout the night after the banquet which was attended by 350.



350 Attended the TLBT Banquet

14 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

2016 TLBAA World Show June 8-12, 2016

OPEN HALTERED FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. SANDDOLLAR ANGELINA, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. SANDDOLLAR SUPERSTAR, Justin & Ronda Sabio, BOYD, TX CLASS 2: 1. DIAMOND Q MARCELLA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. GA SUMMER FLARE, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX CLASS 3: 1. SUNRISE AMARONE, Bill and Deborah Keyes, DRIPPING SPRINGS, TX 2. DIAMOND Q LILA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. SWEETIE BELLE, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 5: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. DIAMOND Q IVY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Female Junior Champion Reserve: SUNRISE AMARONE, Bill and Deborah Keyes, DRIPPING SPRINGS, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX 2. DIAMOND Q KINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. CHAPARRAL SPRINKLES, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX CLASS 10: 1. HI 5’S AMARETTO, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BETTINA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 11: 1. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Senior Champion Reserve: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Rodney & Patti Mahaffey, DECATUR, TX Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve: DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 16: 1. DIAMOND Q DELILA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK 2. SOMETHING ELSE 210, Kathryn Leann Head, COLLEGE STATION, TX CLASS 17: 1. HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Mature Female Champion: DIAMOND Q DELILA, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK Haltered Mature Female Champion Reserve: HI 5’S DREAM CATCHER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX OPEN HALTERED BULL DIVISION CLASS 20: 1. BOOM ME PREACHER C P, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 21: 1. GA PHANDANGO!, Greenly Acres, WAXAHACHIE, TX 2. BRYSON DISCOVERY, Hailey Neal, BRYSON, TX CLASS 22: 1. G&L JOHNNY RINGO, Hightower/ Wilkins Partnership, VAN, TX 2. HI 5’S WHISKEY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX CLASS 23: 1. HI 5’S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. KETTLE’S RAINBOLT, John R. Randolph, SMITHVILLE, TX CLASS 24: 1. HI 5’S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS 2. SHY’S CHARGER, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion: HI 5’S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Junior Champion Reserve: HI 5’S MOONSHINE, Chris D. & Brandi Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 27: 1. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX 2. SKH US GOLD STANDARD, Stephen P. Head, ANGLETON, TX CLASS 29: 1. SANDDOLLAR BULLINATOR, Infinity Ranch Land and Cattle, BURLESON, TX 2. HI 5’S BUSHWACKER, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Senior Champion Reseve: SANDDOLLAR BULLINATOR, Infinity Ranch Land and Cattle, BURLESON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion: HI 5’S MICHELOB, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Himmelreich/ Lindsey Partnership, DAYTON, TX PRODUCE OF DAM: CLASS 34: 1. ALLY CHEX, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX GET OF SIRE: CLASS 35: 1. SB POP A TOP, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX OPEN FREE FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. SSRR MAE WEST, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK 2. LULLABYE COWGIRL CPL, David & Kimberley Nikodym, NEWCASTLE, OK CLASS 2: 1. HI 5’S SHERRY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX 2. SSRR RED SPRINKLES, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK CLASS 3: 1. 5SL PENELOPE, Swing’n Star Ranch, SEABROOK, TX 2. LULU SIOUX, Roger Cole, D.V.M., MARSHFIELD, MO CLASS 4: 1. DIAMOND Q SHYLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX 2. DIAMOND Q BETSY, Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary, PRAGUE, OK CLASS 5: 1. OL OVERSWEET, John Oliver, MALAKOFF, TX 2. TP POPPYCOCK 115, Bob Coffee, AUSTIN, TX Free Female Junior Champion: HI 5’S SHERRY, Cody M. Himmelreich, DAYTON, TX Free Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SHYLA, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX CLASS 8: 1. SSRR LITTLE RED ROBIN, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK 2. PK’S BRIANNAS FRECKLES, Guthrie Creek Longhorn Cattle, DECATUR, TX CLASS 9: 1. SSRR ROCK STAR, Sunset Ridge Ranch, HOMINY, OK 2. TP JACE’S GIRL, Bob Coffee, AUSTIN, TX CLASS 10: 1. IRON HOT FIREBALL, Saddle Thorn Enterprises, LLC, DECATUR, TX 2. KETTLE BELLE, Troy Unger, CEDAR PARK, TX CLASS 11: 1. CVL ANSWERED PRAYERS, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX 2. CT SALTY LILLIE, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX

Haltered Female Grand Champion - Sanddollar Escallada Exhibited by Rodney & Patti Mahaffey of Decatur, TX

Haltered Female Grand Champion Reserve - DJL Dutylicious Exhibited by Cody M. Himmelreich of Dayton, TX

Haltered Mature Female Grand Champion - Diamond Q Delila Exhibited by Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary of Prague, OK

Haltered Mature Female Grand Champion Reserve - Hi 5's Dream Catcher Exhibited by Cody M. Himmelreich of Dayton, TX

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 15

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up

Haltered Bull Grand Champion - Hi 5's Michelob Exhibited by Cody M. Himmelreich of Dayton, TX

Haltered Bull Grand Champion Reserve - Diamond Q Diego Exhibited by Himmelreich/Lindsey Partnership of Dayton, TX

Youth Female Grand Champion - Sanddollar Escallada Exhibited by Madilyn Moreland of Decatur, TX

Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve - Sanddollar Angelina Exhibited by Cooper Holland of Decatur, TX

16 | August 2016

Free Female Senior Champion: IRON HOT FIREBALL, Saddle Thorn Enterprises, LLC, DECATUR, TX Free Female Senior Champion Reserve: CVL ANSWERED PRAYERS, JP Ranch, BEN WHEELER, TX CLASS 16: 1. HALF MILLION DOLLAR BABY, Barbara Baker Bivins & Matthew Bivins, CAMPBELL, TX 2. BLACK CADILLAC, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 17: 1. BH MAGADOON, Thurmond Longhorns, ADKINS, TX 2. TANGO’S DESTINY CP, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX CLASS 18: 1. HC MISS DAKOTA, Jonell Westerberg & Norman (Roger) Ridgway, ROCKSPRINGS, TX CLASS 19: 1. SAKE-SALLY, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX 2. TW BOOMERANG’S POLKA DOT, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX Free Mature Female Champion: SAKE-SALLY, Grace Cattle Company, LLC, FORT WORTH, TX Free Mature Female Champion Reserve: TW BOOMERANG’S POLKA DOT, Carla Payne, SLIDELL, TX YOUTH FEMALE DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. SANDDOLLAR ANGELINA, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX 2. JKG REGINA JAWGE, Jodie Ging, PALACIOS, TX CLASS 2: 1. CL GEORGIA RAIN, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. HI 5’S SHERRY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 3: 1. CL KENDALIA, Clara Holson, GRANBURY, TX 2. CHAPARRAL MASQUERADE, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 3.2: 1. SUNRISE AMARONE, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX 2. DIAMOND Q LILA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 4: 1. APPLE BLOSSOM 5/15, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX 2. BH CHAPSTICK, Caitlyn Holson, ALBANY, TX CLASS 4.2: 1. DIAMOND Q LACEE, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. JCG BLACK WIDOW, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 5: 1. SANDDOLLAR HONEY BUTTER, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX 2. GD PLAYMATE, Alli Perkins, HOUSTON, TX CLASS 5.2: 1. C BAR SASSY PANTS, Audrey McDuff, PARADISE, TX 2. TTT DIZZY DIVA, Allison D. Lowrie, RHOME, TX CLASS 5.3: 1. DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. MISS KITTY BELLE, Skylar Vasil, ARLINGTON, TX Youth Female Junior Champion: SANDDOLLAR ANGELINA, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Junior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZOEY, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX CLASS 8: 1. SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX 2. THE SHADOW MAKER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 9: 1. DIAMOND Q CONTESSA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. CHAPARRAL SPRINKLES, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX CLASS 10: 1. OCEAN FIREFLY, Sara Jennings, ANGLETON, TX 2. LW HEARTLAND, Michael Pierce, PARADISE, TX CLASS 10.2: 1. DIAMOND Q BETTINA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. SHY’S MERRY MARY, Shyanne McClendon, MARSHALL, TX CLASS 11: 1. TL GYPSY, Clarice Francis, ANGLETON, TX 2. ALPHIE’S BEAUTY, Peyton Anderson, KEMAH, TX CLASS 11.2: 1. DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. DJL DUTYLICIOUS, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Female Senior Champion: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q SHOSHANA, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Female Grand Champion: SANDDOLLAR ESCALLADA, Madilyn Moreland, DECATUR, TX Youth Female Grand Champion Reserve: SANDDOLLAR ANGELINA, Cooper Holland, DECATUR, TX YOUTH BULL DIVISION CLASS 16: 1. TH’S TWO N’ A HALF, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX 2. BOOM ME PREACHER C P, Savannah Donahue, DECATUR, TX CLASS 17: 1. AJ NIGHTSTORM, Addison Crumpton, MIDLOTHIAN, TX 2. PK’S JOHNNY ANGEL, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 18: 1. G&L JOHNNY RINGO, Haley Calhoun, ATHENS, TX 2. SARCEE RHINESTONE COWBOY, Madison Ollive, BIG SANDY, TX CLASS 19: 1. DIAMOND Q TAGGART, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. HI 5’S MICHELOB, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 20: 1. DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. HI 5’S MOONSHINE, Tyler Lindsey, LAUREL, MS CLASS 21: 1. TATTOOED JUDGEMENT, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX 2. DIAMOND Q DIEGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Champion: DIAMOND Q LATIGO, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX Youth Bull Champion Reserve: TATTOOED JUDGEMENT, Hannah Twardowski, MANSFIELD, TX YOUTH STEER DIVISION CLASS 25: 1. HI 5’S FIREBALL, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. HF PANCHO’S FRIEND LEFTY, Britney Chambliss, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 26: 1. RHL LONE STAR, Joseph Faske, BURTON, TX 2. ROCKY ROAD RZL, Chris and Sarah Zarsky, MARQUEZ, TX CLASS 27: 1. TTT BLAZON LEGENDS, John Morgan Russell, HICO, TX 2. SSS GRACE’S THOR, Evan Perkins, HOUSTON, TX CLASS 27.2: 1. TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX 2. CAMP BOSS, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion: RHL LONE STAR, Joseph Faske, BURTON, TX Youth Steer Junior Champion Reserve: TTT WISE GUY, Tarah Moore, HICO, TX CLASS 30: 1. JR PRIDE OF ECR CASTLE G, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX 2. JCG STEVE, Jackson Grace, SUNSET, TX CLASS 31: 1. 212, Hailey Neal, BRYSON, TX 2. PISTOL AT HEART, Jason Harwell, BRYSON, TX CLASS 32: 1. STAKEOUT’S PRIDE, Kendall Gregg, MANSFIELD, TX 2. RHL JUNCTION BOY, Joseph Faske, BURTON, TX CLASS 32.2: 1. ROCK ON BCB, Josh Courtney, FORT WORTH, TX 2. TTT REAL MCCOY, Cody Garcia, HICO, TX CLASS 33: 1. BUCKLEHEAD BCB, Leandro Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX 2. RR BUBBA, Peyton Anderson, KEMAH, TX CLASS 33.2: 1. DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX 2. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS Youth Steer Senior Champion: BUCKLEHEAD BCB, Leandro Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Youth Steer Senior Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion: BUCKLEHEAD BCB, Leandro Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve: DIAMOND Q ZEUS, Kalli Winters, PARADISE, TX TROPHY STEER DIVISION CLASS 1: 1. BUCKLEHEAD BCB, Marceala Gonzales, ROCKSPRINGS, TX 2. BROKEN W BLASTER, Savannah Anderson, MANSFIELD, TX CLASS 2: 1. JTW BILLY GUN 03, J.T. Wehring, HOUSTON, TX 2. NEON ROW CP, Kevin and Laury Rooker, POOLVILLE, TX

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails

February 2016 | 41

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up Miniature Results - Exhibition only YOUTH DIVISION Female: CLASS MY1: 1. JLBCC MMM BBBLICIOUS, William Garrett Long, HARPER, TX Steer: CLASS MY2: 1. IM LITTLE VALENTINO, Macie Marie Long, HARPER, TX Grand Champion Miniature Youth IM LITTLE VALENTINO, Macie Marie Long, HARPER, TX Reserve Grand Champion Miniature Youth JLBCC MMM BBBLICIOUS, William Garrett Long, HARPER, TX FREE DIVISION – MINIATURE FEMALE CLASS MH1: 1. SS MINI L’IL JERSEY LILLY, Jersey Girl Plantation, BLUE RIDGE, TX 2. SS MINI L’IL HALEY, Jersey Girl Planation, BLUE RIDGE, TX CLASS MC1: 1. SS MINI GONE WITH WIND, Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX, 2. IM MISS ELIZABETH, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX. Grand Champion Free Division Miniature Female SS MINI L’IL JERSEY LILLY, Jersey Girl Plantation, BLUE RIDGE, TX Reserve Grand Champion Free Division Miniature Female SS MINI GONE WITH WIND, Dave & Althea Sullivan, CELINA, TX FREE DIVISION – Steer: CLASS MS 1: 1. IM LITTLE HENRY, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX Grand Champion Free Division Miniature Steer IM LITTLE HENRY, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX HALTERED MINIATURE DIVISION Female: CLASS MH1: 1. IM MISS IDA MAE, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX 2. JLBCC MMM BBBLICIOUS, L 48 Ranch, HARPER, TX Grand Champion Haltered Division Minature Female IM MISS IDA MAE, Scott Gordon, KRUM Reserve Grand Champion Haltered Division Miniatre Female JLBCC MMM BBBLICIOUS, L 48 Ranch, HARPER, TX Bull: CLASS MB1: 1. WST SILVER BULLET, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX 2. SS KING BRUTUS ROMEO, Randall Alvarez, BEAUMONT, TX Grand Champion Haltered Division Miniature Bull WST SILVER BULLET, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX Reserve Grand Champion Haltered Division Miniature Bull SS KING BRUTUS ROMEO, Randall Alvarez, BEAUMONT, TX Steer: CLASS MS1: 1. IM LITTLE VALENTINO, L 48 Ranch, HARPER, TX 2. IM LITTLE ZORRO, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX Grand Champion Haltered Division Miniature Steer IM LITTLE VALENTINO, L 48 Ranch, HARPER, TX Reserve Grand Champion Haltered Division Miniature Steer IM LITTLE ZORRO, Scott Gordon, KRUM, TX

Youth Steer Grand Champion - Bucklehead BCB Exhibited by Leandro Gonzales of Rockspring, TX

Youth Steer Grand Champion Reserve - Diamond Q Zeus Exhibited by Kalli Winters of Paradise, TX

Grand Champion Haltered Miniature Female - IM Miss Ida Mae Exhibited by Scott Gordon of Krum, TX

Grand Champion Haltered Miniature Bull - WST Silver Bullet Exhibited by Scott Gordon of Krum, TX

18 | August 2016

Grand Champion Haltered Miniature Steer - IM Little Valentino Exhibited by L 48 Ranch of Harper, TX

Texas Longhorn Trails

Join us at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo for Texas Longhorn Weekend, January 14 – 17, 2017! Stay tuned to Trails Magazine and E-Trails for more information.

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 19

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America

Hall of Fame Points Haltered Female 1st - DJL Dutylicious, owned by Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, TX........................649 pts. 2nd - Sanddollar Escallada, owned by Rodney & Patti Mahaffey of Decatur, TX................318 pts. 3rd - K-T Autumn, owned by Rocking K Bar T Ranch of Evans, WA ................................305 pts. 4th - Diamond Q Zoey, owned by Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary of Prague, OK..................303 pts. 5th - Saltillo Super Sheri 30, owned by Damrow Longhorns of Roca, NE .....................271 pts. 6th - Diamond Q Shoshana, owned by Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary of Prague, OK .........269 pts. 7th - Steel Lace SH, owned by Chris & Brandi Lindsey of Laurel, MS.............................256 pts. 8th - Saltillo Cowgal Up 44, owned by Damrow Longhorns of Roca, NE.......................238 pts. 9th - K-T Vanilla Ice, owned by Rocking K Bar T Ranch of Evans, WA .............................195 pts. 10th - Hi 5's Ameretto, owned by Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, TX.............................190 pts. Haltered Mature Female 1st - Hi 5's Dream Catcher, owned by Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, TX.................385 pts. 2nd - FCL Kerosene, owned by Fossil Creek Longhorns of Greeley, CO..........................221 pts. 3rd - Diamond Q Delila, owned by Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary of Prague, OK................213 pts. 4th - Black Pearl 82, owned by Rocking K Bar T Ranch of Evans, WA.............................199 pts. 5th - JP War Hymn, owned by Grace Cattle Company of Fort Worth, TX.........................145 pts. 6th - Hi 5's Southern Bell, owned by Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, TX.........................141 pts. 7th - Something Else 210, owned by Kathryn Head of College Station, TX....................133 pts. 8th - CT Sister Judye, owned by Joe Tucker of Paradise, TX.........................................132 pts. 9th - Saltillo Cowgal IV 031, owned by Damrow Longhorns of Roca, NE.......................115 pts. 10th - Peek A Boo LD, owned by Rocking K Bar T Ranch of Evans, WA...........................108 pts. Haltered Bull 1st - Diamond Q Diego, owned by Sugar Hi Partnership of Dayton, TX..................586 pts. 2nd - Hi 5's Moonshine, owned by Chris & Brandi Lindsey of Laurel, MS......................483 pts. 3rd - Diamond Q Taggart, owned by Steve, Bodie & Chad Quary of Prague, OK.............416 pts. 4th - Hi 5's Bushwaker, owned by Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, TX............................334 pts. 5th - Anders Whirlwind, owned by Art Anders of Crawford, NE...................................331 pts. 6th - Hi 5's Michelob, owned by Remington Reaves of Wayne, OK..............................274 pts. 7th - Anders Rodeo Titan, owned by Art Anders of Crawford, NE.................................216 pts. 8th - Sanddollar Pumpjack, owned by John & Lauri Chase of Fort Worth, TX.................216 pts. 9th - Sanddollar Revival, owned by John & Lauri Chase of Fort Worth, TX.....................202 pts. 10th - Sanddollar Bullinator, owned by Infinity Ranch Land & Cattle of Burleson, TX .....193 pts. Free Female 1st - Diamond Q Rosina, owned by Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, TX...................369 pts. 2nd - Iron Hot Fireball, owned by Saddle Thorn Enterprises, LLC of Decatur, TX..............200 pts. 3rd - SW Jazzy, owned by Sharron Wiens of Kennewick, WA.......................................159 pts. 4th - K-T Sugar, owned by Rocking K Bar T Ranch of Evans, WA.....................................158 pts. 5th - SRL Diamond Rose, owned by Mark & Renee Scott of Hines, OR..........................156 pts. 6th - Desert Diamond, owned by Toby Johnson of Big Horn, Wy ................................145 pts. 7th - Windy Point Penelope, owned by Ronald & Lana Pearson of Fowler, CO...............131 pts. 8th - Rose Pedels, owned by John Marshall of Llano, TX.............................................130 pts. 9th - CVL Answered Prayers, owned by JP Ranch of Ben Wheeler, TX..........................124 pts. 10th - Rafter J2 Tanque Rita, owned by Lindsey/Cullpepper Partnership of Fort Worth, TX...116 pts. Free Mature Female 1st - TW Boomerang's Polka Dot, owned by Carla Payne of Slidell, TX.................186 pts. 2nd - Sake-Sally, owned by Grace Cattle Company, LLC. of Fort Worth, TX......................115 pts. 3rd - ENR Kashmir, owned by Ben and Ilse Myren of Colville, WA................................110 pts. 4th - 7 Bar Brandys Heaven, owned by John Marshall of Llano,TX..............................103 pts. 5th - Deckerific, owned by Toby Johnson of Big Horn, Wy...........................................101 pts. 6th - CWR Frenchie, owned by Jonell Westerburg & Norman Ridgeway of Rocksprings, TX.....................................................................97 pts. 7th - Saltillo Clare 910, owned by Damrow Longhorns or Roca, NE................................95 pts. 8th - HC Miss Dakota, owned by Jonell Westerburg & Norman Ridgeway of Rocksprings, TX.....................................................................91 pts. 9th - Ho Hay You Reindeer, owned by Dennis and Judy Urbantke of San Angelo, TX........90 pts. 10th - Boomerang's Tango CP, owned by John Oliver of Malakoff, TX..................................90 pts. 20 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 21

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up

Haltered Division - Herdsmanship Award Grace Cattle Company, LLC of Sunset, TX

Free Division - Herdsmanship Award CP Longhorns - Carla Jo Payne & Savannah Donahue

Former TLBT Member Luke Erwin got the crowds up and dancing Friday night.

Breeder of the Year Steve, Bodie and Chad Quary of Prague, OK

Newcomer of the Year - Mason Smith, Jacob Lowrie, Allison Lowrie, Michelle and Christopher Smith Family of Rhome, TX

TLBAA Breeder Memorial

Exhibitor of the Year Cody Himmelreich of Dayton, TX

Top Hand of the Year Lana Hightower of Van, TX

22 | August 2016

A tribute to Longhorn breeders who passed away since the previous World Show. Reading of the List: John T Baker, Lana Hightower Riderless Horse: Jacob Faske American Flag: Miriam Faske Texas Flag: Joseph Faske Amazing Grace: Tara Moore , violinist

If you know of a TLBAA Breeder passing away, please let the office know. We will recognize them at the next World Show as well as publish obituary information furnished by the family in Trails Magazine. Texas Longhorn Trails

Thank You • Thank You • Thank You • Thank You • Thank You

Longhorn Expo Sponsors BARN PARTY SPONSOR - $1,200 Kathy Kittler - Kittler Land & Cattle TOP HAND - $850 Hyatt Place Fort Worth/Historic Stockyards BRONC BUSTER - $500 North Texas Longhorn Breeders Association Creative Awards Bar H Ranch - Chris Herron Texas Longhorn Breeders Gulf Coast Association WRANGLER - $250 Ron & Donna Garison Chris & Brandi Lindsey Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Fort Worth Downtown East Texas Longhorn Association Double H Longhorns - Stephen & Kim Head Kevin & Laureen Rooker Putt-Putt Fun Center Winter Enterprises West Texas Longhorn Association John T. & Betty Baker Steve & Bodie Quary Dixie Texas Longhorn Association Oklahoma Texas Longhorn Association JP Ranch Triple T Ranch Keith & Tina DuBose HOST HOTEL Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham SENIOR HEIFER SALE Resolute Cattle Co. - David & Jana Edwards PHOTOGRAPHY CONEST DuBose Bar D Ranch - Keith & Tina DuBose

Texas Longhorn Trails


1 Bar 7 Longhorns - Kathy Lewis 1 M Bar - Toby Johnson JKG Longhorns - Jeff & Kristi Ging George & Cindy Dennis - HD Cattle Co. Blossom Ridge Ranch Mountains & Plains Texas Longhorn Assoc. JR Richardson Ranch Thurmond Longhorns Sunset Ridge Ranch - Denise Webster Joe & Cheri Baker Sandi Nordhausen Bull Creek Ranch Sylvia Johnson Livestock Company KC Longhorns L 48 Ranch - Bill & Kimberly Long Nightstorm Syndicate G&L Cattle Company Moore Home & Ranch Realty Bronson Baker Cooper Longhrons - Billy & Kim Cooper Flying V Longhorns Rocking Z Longhorns - Chris & Sarah Zarsky IM Ranch - Scott Gordon Alvarez Ranch & Allyson Alvarez Silver Star Ranch David & Mary Mann Liefer Ranch Longhorns Wayne & Karen Himmelreich Hacienda PBT, LLC. - Phil & Brenda Tudyk Fossil Creek Longhorns Nik & Kim Nikodym JP Ranch - James & Paula Wilkins Cathy Hawke - Sky Ranch Texas Longhorns Ben Gremminger Grace Cattle Co. Rockin S Longhorns - Fred & Dianne Smith Sugar Hill Ranch - Chris, Brandi, & Ty Lindsey Robeson Ranch Triple T Longhorns - Trigg, Traci & Tarah Moore Southwestern Territories Bruce McCarty Productions Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan Cody & Allyn Nault August 2016 | 23

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up

If you would like to donate, please contact the TLBAA office at 817-625-6241 24 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 21

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up

2016 - 2017 TLBT Elected Officers and Directors President- Shelby Rooker Vice President- Carter Smith Secretary- Josh Vinson Treasurer- Joseph Russell Reporter- Jenna Haney Parliamentarian- Cody Garcia Directors: Senior- Cason Rangel Matthew Wallace Teen- Morgan Russell Clara Holson Intermediate - Jacob Lowrie Ashlyn Holson Junior- Madi Moreland Justin Sabio

Quiz Bowl

Gold Merit

Livestock Judging

Junior 1st place – Kyleigh Hope 2nd place – JW Kofnovec 3rd place – Oran Chambliss

Junior 1st – Allison Lowrie 2nd – John Kofnovec

Junior 1st place – JW Kofnovec 2nd place - Tyler Lindsey 3rd place – Allison Lowrie

Intermediate 1st place – Jacob Lowrie 2nd place – Sara Jennings 3rd place – Abigail Donahue

Intermediate 1st – Jacob Lowrie 2nd – Shyanne McClendon 3rd – Sara Jennings

Intermediate 1st place – Sara Jennings 2nd place – Jackson Grace 3rd place – Morgan Russell

Teen 1st place – Savannah Donahue 2nd place – Matthew Wallace 3rd place – Jodie Ging

Teen 1st – Jenna Haney 2nd – Joseph Gelach 3rd – Jodie Ging

Teen 1st place – Ryan Johnson 2nd place – Audrey McDuff 3rd place – Caitlyn Holson

Senior 1st place – Josh Vinson 2nd place – Cason Rangel 3rd place – Josh Courtney

Senior 1st – Shelby Rooker 2nd – Tarah Moore 3rd – Joshua Courtney

Senior 1st place – Kalli Winters 2nd place – Tarah Moore 3rd place – Kendall Gregg

26 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

2016 Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow National Youth Exhibitors

Showmanship Results

Photography Contest Pee Wee 1st – Sarah Simmons – Bullet 2nd – Sarah Simmons – Puppy Love 3rd – Sarah Simmons – White Lightning Honorable Mention: Kaycee Cooper

Junior 3rd place – JW Kofnovec, 2nd place - Allison Lowrie, 1st place – Madi Mooreland

Intermediate 3rd place – Sarah Jennings, 2nd place – Clarice Francis, 1st place – Ashlyn Holson

Teen 3rd place – Colby Mead, 2nd place – Caitlyn Holson, 1st place – Garrett Ybarra

Senior 2nd place – Tarah Moore , 1st place – Shelby Rooker, 3rd place – Cooper Holland

Texas Longhorn Trails

Junior 1st – Allison Lowrie – Stairway to Heaven 2nd – Mason Robertson – Somewhere Over the Rainbow 3rd – Wyatt Small – Calf with Purple Flower Intermediate 1st – Jacob Lowrie – Reflections 2nd – Sarah Jennings – Oh was I supposed to get dirty… 3rd – Wyatt Nikodym – Perfect Specimen Teen 1st – Jodie Ging – Nosey 2nd – Joseph Gerlach – Webbed Fray 3rd – Ryan Johnson – Owl Senior 1st – Carter Smith – Brown calf 2nd – Kacie Ging – Peaceful Grazing 3rd – Heather McDuff – Texas Sunset

August 2016 | 27

Longhorn Expo Wrap-Up

Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow - Hall of Fame Points

Junior (Left to right) Allison Lowrie, Caroline Holson, Madilyn Moreland, Oran Chambliss, John Kofnovec and Tyer Lindsey. (Not pictured: Cooper Taylor, Ty Anders, Ella Wieczorek and

Dylaney Rose Georges).

Intermediate (Left to right) Clara Holson, Jackson Grace, Sara Jennings, Ashlyn Holson, Clarice Francis, John Morgan Russell, Shyanne McClendon and Jacob Lowrie. (Not pictured: Chance

Kearney and Dalli Anders).


Teen (Left to right) Julia Salsbury, Savannah Donahue, Leandro Gonzales, Caitlyn Holson, Joseph Wyatt Russell, Hailey Neal, and Jodie Ging. (Not pictured: Cole Sharp, Justin Crumpton,

and Savana Taylor).

Senior Heifer Sale

(Left to right) Josh Courtney, Cason Rangel, Shelby Rooker, Kacie Ging, Cody McDonald, Cody Garcia, Kalli Winters and Tarah Moore. (Not pictured: Savannah Anderson and Ken-

dall Gregg).

Bright Future Scholarship Recipients

Josh Courtney - $1,900 Kalli Vuskov - $2,500 Kalli Winters - $2,800 Tarah Moore - $3,600

Senior Heifer Sale Champion Tarah Moore.

(Left to right) Kacie Ging, Kalli Winters, Kalli Vuskov, and Tarah Moore. (Not pictured: Jacob Taylor and Mackinlie Tucker).

28 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Breeders of Tomorrow - Hall of Fame Points


1st - Tyler Lindsey of Laurel, MS.....5,185

2nd - Allison Lowrie of Rhome, TX...............2,755 3rd - John Kofnovec of Wortham, TX...........1,975 4th - Cooper Taylor of Thorndale, TX...........1,755 5th - Madilyn Moreland of Decatur, TX........1,565 6th - Ty Anders of Crawford, NE...................1,200 7th - Oran Chambliss of Mansfield, TX.........1,200 8th - Caroline Holson of Grandbury, TX........1,100 9th - Ella Wieczorek of Hickman, NE............1,075 10th - Dylaney Rose Georges of Roca, NE........775

Tyler Lindsey - 5,185


1st - Clara Holson of Grandbury, TX...4,595

2nd - Jackson Grace of Sunset, TX...............3,650 3rd -Jacob Lowrie of Rhome, TX.........3,175 4th - Ashlyn Holson of Albany, TX................2,680 5th - Shyanne McClendon of Marshall, TX......2,575 6th - Chance Kearney of Evans, WA.................2,195 7th - Clarice Francis of Angleton, TX............2,155 8th - Sara Jennings of Angleton, TX.............1,850 9th - John Morgan Russell of Hico, TX..........1,480 10th - Dalli Anders of Crawford, NE ...........1,230


Clara Holson - 4,595

1st - Caitlyn Holson of Albany, TX.......3,645

2nd - Jodie Ging of Palacios, TX...................3,055 3rd - Joseph Wyatt Russell of Hico, TX.........2,155 4th - Cole Sharp of San Angelo, TX..............2,025 5th - Hailey Neal of Bryson, TX.....................1,960 6th - Leandro Gonzales of Rocksprings, TX....1,575 7th - Justin Crumpton of Midlothian, TX.......1,425 8th - Savannah Donahue of Decatur, TX.......1,290 9th - Julia Salsbury of League City, TX..........1,225 10th - Savana Taylor of Thorndale, TX.........1,220

Caitlyn Holson - 3,645


1st - Tarah Moore of Hico, TX...........11,350

2nd - Kalli Winters of Paradise, TX...............9,010 3rd - Cody Garcia of Hico, TX.......................6,265 4th - Savannah Anderson of Mansfield, TX.....4,270 5th - Shelby Rooker of Poolville, TX.............3,615 6th - Josh Courtney of Fort Worth, TX..............3,270 7th - Cody McDonald of Oakhurst, TX.........2,680 8th - Kacie Ging of Palacios, TX....................2,070 9th - Kendall Gregg of Mansfield, TX..........1,715 10th - Cason Rangel of Alvord, TX...............1,710

Tarah Moore - 11,350

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 29


Scotty & Alessa O’Bryan Fort Worth, Texas (254) 434-1155

30 | April 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

o the t s n io t a l u t Congra

w o h S d l r o W & Autobahn exhibitors!



The TLBT Hall of Fame winners are determined by a system of awarding points for participation in shows and other approved activities throughout a show year. The youth with the highest number of points in their division at the end of the World Show for that season is the winner. Points earned at the World Show are double the amounts listed below. The four divisions are determined by age and include Junior (7-9), Intermediate (10-12), Teen (13-15) and Senior (16-19). Throughout the year the TLBT page of the TLBAA website contains updates on point standings for youth to keep track of what they’ve accomplished. Division winners receive a donated heifer, 2nd through 10th place receive recognition for their achievement. The results online list points earned by every show participant. Listed below are the various activities for which points are earned and how many points are awarded for each: TLBT SHOW PARTICIPATION: 20 POINTS NUMBER OF TIMES IN THE RING: 25 POINTS (FOR EVERY TIME JUDGED). This includes Jr. Champion classes, Senior Champion classes, etc. Every TLBT member that goes back into the ring to be judged for Jr. Champion (for example), receives 25 points. The winner of the Jr. Champion class determines the additional TLBT member that gets to compete for Reserve Champion along side all remaining Jr. Champion competitors.


JR CHAMPION Joe Smith….......................25 pts Bob Williams….................25pts Frank Roberts (winner)…25pts RESERVE CHAMPION Joe Smith (winner)… additional points Bob Williams… additional points Sarah Cook…................................................25 pts (second place winner in Frank Robert’s class)


Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 31


to receive the points. A limit of 5 seminars are allowed per year.


3-5 MINTUE SPEECH: 50 points. A 3 to 5-minute speech given on the Longhorn Industry. A copy of the speech and parent or teacher verification must be given to the TLBAA office to receive the points. This is already noted on the sheet with a maximum of 15 speeches.

ADDITIONAL WAYS TO ACQUIRE TLBT POINTS MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT: 25 points for each new member recruited. To qualify as a new member, you must participate in at least two TLBT events in your first year. (This is not a requirement for membership, only a requirement if the recruiting TLBT member is to earn points for that membership). A limit of 5 membership recruitments is allowed per year. YOUTH SEMINAR: 50 points per youth seminar. An outline of the seminar, list of participants and parent or teacher verification must be given to the TLBAA office

GOLD MERIT PARTICIPATION: 100 POINTS DIRECTOR/OFFICER OF THE TLBT: 50 POINTS FOUNDING A TLBT AFFILIATE ORGANIZATION: 50 POINTS All TLBT Hall of Fame point requests must be turned into the TLBAA office by or before the TLBAA World Show and TLBT National Youth Show published entry deadline.

Tarah Moore: Reaching Goals The drive to win her TLBT Hall of Fame division 12 straight years By Myra Basham “Dad, I got this. I don’t need you in the ring.” Thus began the show seasons leading to a TLBT Hall of Fame first. Tarah Moore, daughter of Trigg and Traci Moore, Hico, TX, went on from that moment to be the first youth to win her division in the TLBT Hall of Fame for 12 straight years. Tarah first entered the ring as a Pee Wee at three years old. She was six when she started showing as a Junior. “When it was time to go in without Dad, and she

32 | August 2016

was able to go in the show ring more than just one time, she was hooked,” said Traci. Her first Hall of Fame win was in 2005 at age 7. When she went to pick up that first donated heifer she told her parents that she wanted to win every year. “I don’t remember having a particular drive to win points at that young of an age,” said Tarah. “My father hauled and fitted for other breeders, so we were already going to all the shows. I had my first calf, Tri W Tarah’s Liberty, donated by Wes Hill, and in the Junior Division, the points contest isn’t as competitive.” The idea of goal setting and dedicating herself to winning came around age nine or ten for Tarah. Once that goal entered her mind, she became dedicated to it. “I think it is so important for kids of any age to have goals, and to have the mindset to see them through.” Her parents agree that once she became focused on showing, it took precedence over all other activities. “She was very naturally driven,” ex-

Texas Longhorn Trails

plained Trigg. “It dictated what school activities she could be in and everything outside of school.” Traci added, “If you ever asked Tarah if she wanted to miss a couple of shows to rest or go do other activities, we always got the very adamant answer, NO!” They both agree that encouraging and enabling Tarah required a total family commitment. It is something that Tarah is very appreciative of. “My parents’ support was unwavering and they never hesitated to do what it took to achieve my goals, both in the TLBT and in other areas.” stated Tarah. She also sees winning the TLBT Hall of Fame each year as an honor. “The way I see it, anyone can get a good calf and win big with it throughout the year. However, to win points, you have to have several good calves, and also be good in Showmanship, participate as an officer or director, and do other activities. Hall of Fame is about being an all-around TLBT member…” The Moores all agree that the benefits of participating are huge no matter how many points you are able to obtain. Trigg and Traci have both noted that through the years Tarah developed a strong work ethic, leadership skills, compassion, confidence and public speaking skills. Those skills were developed in the ring and through taking part in other TLBT activities. One area of involvement was on the TLBT Board of Directors. Tarah served for 12 years, two of those years as the TLBT President. “She grew within the TLBT Board of Directors and became not only a good leader, but a great team player,” observed Traci. The rewards for participation go far beyond being

number one in the point race. For Tarah, as long as you set a goal and obtain it you have been successful. “Maybe you’re not the kind of person that wants 10 calves on your show string,” explains Tarah. “You might see more value in just having one or two calves, and pouring all of your energy into them, and that’s great! Whatever your focus is, just make sure to find a target to aim for. This could be something like winning x number of showmanship classes, getting on the TLBT board, or maybe it has nothing to do with Longhorns at all. The most important thing to remember is that the key to success is to be involved and the best way to get involved is to set goals.” Traci agrees that participation is the key. “I highly encourage all TLBT youth to participate in as many activities as possible. It helps you get to know your fellow exhibitors and helps you build lifelong friendships. Competition is the fun. Friendships are the reward!”

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22 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails

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2 | January 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 21

Texas Longhorn Trails

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2016 Horn Showcase Entry Form OCTOBER 20-22, 2016 • LAWTON, OK

Exhibitor’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s Phone: ___________________________________________ Exhibitor’s TLBAA N0. ____________________________________ Animal’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Animal’s Date of Birth: ____________________________________________ Animal’s TLBAA NO. ________________________________

$100 Tip-to-Tip

$100 Total Horn

$100 Twisty Horn

$300 Composite

$125 Futurity (75% payback) [Must participate in one measurement]

❑ $100 Get of Sire - Jr. ❑ $100 Get of Sire - Sr. ❑ $100 Produce of Dam - Jr. ❑ $100 Produce of Dam - Sr. ❑ $250 Bull Alley (Please circle optional TTT or TH measurement) ❑ $200 Composite ❑ $250 Embryo Alley (Please circle optional TTT or TH measurement) ❑ $200 Composite

__ Animal will be in Lawton, OK

__10’X10’ stall (included) __ 20’x 10’ additional $100

Animals have to compete in a measurement class and futurity class and place in the top 3 in each to be eligible for the “superior Award” TOTAL________________________________________ FORM OF PAYMENT:


CREDIT CARD (Circle one)



Credit Card #__________________________________________________________________Exp. Date ______________ CID #__________ SATELLITE LOCATION __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Get of Sire

Produce of Dam

Offspring of Get of Sire name & TLBAA # (limited to breeding animals – reproducing offspring must have their own composite entry.)

Offspring of Produce of Dam name & TLBAA # (limited to breeding animals – reproducing offspring must have their own composite entry.)

1. __________________________________________

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

(See rules published in Trails or on – Only breeding animals (bulls or cows) can compete as offspring

(See rules published in Trails or on – Only breeding animals (bulls or cows) can compete as offspring

BULL/EMBRYO ALLEY (See rules published in Trails or on Bull’s A.I. No. _________________

Regular Semen Price ______________________

Embryo Donor’s Reg. No. _________________

Horn Showcase Special Price _____________

Regular Embryo Price __________________ Horn Showcase Special Price _____________

With entry please submit biography to be read on bull/DONOR COW at time of entry. HARPER, OR….CR Ranches – contact: Alex Dees (805) 300-4617 – KINGSVILLE, TX….El Coyote Ranch – contact: Felix Serna or Della Serna (361) 522-0807 – or GREENLEAF, KS….Lazy J Longhorns – contact: Joe & Stephanie Sedlacek (785) 747-2204 – JOHNSON CITY, TX....Red McCombs Ranches – Contact: Alan Sparger (210) 445-8798 – (Held in conjunction with the LWC) - 9 a.m. - 12 noon BRENHAM, TX….Deer Creek Longhorns – Contact: Bruce Hazlewood (979) 277-8016 - (Held in conjunction with the LWC) MARIETTA, OK….Loomis Longhorns – Contact Bob & Pam Loomis (580) 276-7498 – (Held in conjunction with the LWC) NORCO, CA….Bar-H Ranch – Contact: Chris Herron (909) 721-7577 – BIG TIMBER, MT….Contact: Dave Hodges (406) 932-6181 – WINFIELD, KS….Gilliland Ranch – Contact: Mark Gilliland (713) 303-9714 – PONOKA, AB CANADA….Contact: Jeff Jespersen (780) 966-3320 – KETTLE FALLS, WA….Coady Cattle Company - Contact: Annette Coady (509) 607-4948 –

OCALA, FL….Contact: Emily Ingram (352) 280-0602 – WESTVILLE, FL….Contact: Terry King (850) 956-4154 – CORYDON, IN….Contact: Mike Willinger (502) 379-1049 – (Held in conjunction with the LWC) RUTHERFORDTON, NC….Contact: Scott Hughes (828) 287-4257 (828) 429-6215 – LOWELL, MI….Widespread Ranch – contact: Tom Smith (616) 293-0977 – BAKERSFIELD, CA….Mike Lucas (661) 805-3074 - OSAGE BEACH, MO….Rusty Clark (573) 216-0332 VERDEN, OK….John Nelson (405) 224-3580 - (Held in conjunction with the LWC) WARRENTON, VA….Bear Davidson (540) 788-4894 (Held in conjunction with the LWC) BARNESVILLE, OH….Darol Dickinson (740) 758-5050 SARATOGA SPRINGS, UT….Scott Pace (801) 360-2500 BROWNWOOD, TX….Brian Brett (817) 832-0006 -

ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: Nichole L. Keith, TLBAA Horn Showcase, P.O. Box 4068, Bergheim, TX 78004 BY TUES., SEPTEMBER 6, 5:00 P.M. MAKE PAYMENTS TO THE TLBAA OFFICE: P.O. Box 4430, Fort Worth TX 76164 or call (817) 625-6241. NO PAYMENT ACCEPTED AFTER DUE DATE! No refunds or substitutions after entry deadline.

2 | January 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails


HC Carter

July 17, 1933 - June 26, 2016 HC Carter, 82, passed away in his sleep and slipped into eternal life with the Lord on Sunday Eve the 26th of June 2016. He was born July 17, 1933 in Mexia, Texas. HC worked as a Journeyman Carpenter during his high school and college years. He attended San Angelo State on a Rodeo Scholarship and continued his education in the School of Architecture at UT. One summer day while framing a home, HC saw a salesman drive up in an air-conditioned car. He immediately quit his job and became a salesman! That’s when Carter discovered the world of real estate. In the early 60’s he established Carter Homes, building and selling homes in the Crestview, Brentwood, Allandale, and Balcones West neighborhoods. In the 70’s he was a founding partner in Paragon Properties, a commercial brokerage firm, whose clients included Tracor, Westinghouse, Texas Instruments, and McNeil Labs. His development com-

pany, Carter Investments, built or developed the 26 Doors shopping center, over 2,500 apartment units, and other office, retail and specialty projects. HC made a contribution of his time and talent serving on many boards – Brackenridge Hospital, The Paramount Theatre, UT School of Architecture, and he was a founding member of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association. His true passion was ranching and the history of Texas. While James Michener was gathering information for his epic novel “Texas”, he spent many hours with HC discussing trail drives and Texas history on HC’s front porch in Dripping Springs. Mr. Michener gave HC more acknowledgements in his book “Texas” than any other sources. Michener told HC...”Carter, if this books a failure, it’s your fault. I’ve never given this many acknowledgements to anyone”. HC moved to his Dripping Springs ranch in 1989 where he continued developing real estate and of course; raising Longhorn Cattle. The perfect day for HC was attending a cattle sale in the morning and a black tie event that evening. He was truly a Renaissance man! He is survived by the love of his life, his wife Lynnda, his son Mike and wife Marsha Carter, his son Scott Carter and his partner Mary Beth and his daughter Ashleigh Allen; his brother Marcus Dodson; and his sisters Sandra Brooks and her husband Lou, his sister Jo Coburn and her husband Doug. Also surviving are his grandchildren Jennifer, Lyles, Chadwick, Kristi, and Chuck, along with numerous nieces and nephews. A special love and thank you go to their dear friends Bill and Jan Bright. In celebration of HC’s life, a memorial service was held at 2:00 on Thursday, July 7, at Riverbend Church, Smith Chapel. In lieu of flowers, a scholarship fund in HC’s memory has been created for the Dripping Springs Ag Boosters. Please mail checks to PO Box 1008 Dripping Springs, Texas 78620. “See you down the trail, Pardner.....”

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 43

Sale Results

Fey Longhorns Sale June 11, 2016

Yamhill, OR Sale Hosts: Daniel & Angelina Fey, Yamhill, OR Auctioneer: John Walton, Dallas, OR Pedigree Reader: Justin Rombeck, Frankfort, KS Results Submitted by Daniel Fey


Fey Ranch Sale hosts Daniel & Angelina Pike-Fey with Jaymie Feldmann & Molly Clubb

47 Lots Consigned, 2 Scratched, No POs

Top 10 average: $7,075 Average 45 lots: $3,377 13 lots sold via Hired Hand Volume Buyers

Tyson Leonard, Galax VA Bruce Seton, Port Townsend WA

Noyes family, Running N Longhorns

High Selling LotS:

$19,000 - Lezawe EOT 8E4, Consigned by CR Longhorns (Alex Dees), Harper OR and purchased by Tyson Leonard, Galax VA. $11,500 - JH Poco Leader, Consigned by Diamondback Ranch (Justin Hansen), Paskenta CA and purchased by Chris Clark, Corpus Christi TX $8,500 - Tinker Bell LR, Consigned by Lucas Ranch (Mike & Cattrina Lucas), Bakersfield CA and purchased by Dan Yoder, Millersburg OH $6,000 - LLL Monea, Consigned by Caballo Bravo Longhorns (Warren & Cathy Dorathy), Sanger CA and purchased by Suzanne Torkildsen, Fayetteville TX $5,000 - Jet’s Lady Lil, Consigned by Diamondback Ranch, Paskenta CA and purchased by John Hever, Johnson City TX $4,400 - Bolero’s Gracie, Consigned by Fey Longhorns (Daniel & Angelina Fey), Yamhill OR and purchased by Tyson Leonard, Galax VA

Warren & Kathy Dorathy, Caballo Bravo Longhorns

Stan Searle, Silverado Ranch and Alexandra Dees, CR Longhorns

Jaymie & Molly with with Clay Gines of SC Longhorns

Craig Perez, Arrowhead Cattle Company, Semen Hub with some faithful companions

44 | August 2016

There was a good crowd for the pre-sale Heifer Clinic covering what to look for in a heifer, marketing and private treaty sale tips and more. The clinic was a new addition to this year’s sale.

Thank you to all Consignors, Bidders/Buyers, Justin Rombeck and Molly Clubb & Jaymie Feldman from Hired Hand for a very successful event. The 2017 Sale will be on Saturday, June 10th.

Texas Longhorn Trails

Product Spotlight

By Lindsay Maher

Safety Zone Calf Catcher Work Smarter Do you dread calving season? Tired of wrestling calves to the ground and fighting off protective mother cows? With Safety Zone’s Calf Catcher one person can now easily process calves with out all the stress. Allen Lippert a calf catcher owner in Kentucky states, “No more lifting calves to get them to shelter and no more having to wait on anyone.” Cleverly Designed Safety is at the heart of the product’s mission, as well as the ease of use, which is achieved with the operator remaining safe in the catcher at all times. The Safety Zone Calf Catcher consists of a welded steel cage with a walk-thru operator opening, calf holder, and back gate release. With the unit mounted to an ATV or UTV the operator quietly approaches the calf with the front gate open. Once the calf is in place the spring-loaded gate is shut. The operator then enters the catcher’s walk thru opening and secures the calf in the holder for tagging, branding, weighing, or medical treatments. By design, the mothers typically remain at the back of the catcher during processing where the calf holder is located. The mother cow is able to see and smell her calf resulting in a much calmer experience for everyone. When finished the operator releases the calf out the back gate to its waiting mother. The calf catcher can be used on newborns and calves up to 300 lbs. Calf catcher owner Jerry Henshaw of Oklahoma had a dangerous run in with a protective momma cow prior to getting the catcher and said, “We now have total safety, confidence and are stress free when working newborn calves.” Some government agencies are taking note, including the State of Tennessee and Alberta, Canada, which are now offering Safety Zone Calf Catcher incentive rebates in hopes of reducing medical costs related to injuries in the field. Easy to Operate Dan Leo, a Nebraska rancher and owner of the Safety Zone Calf Catcher company states, “We are all about safety and making calf processing easier.” Mounting only takes a few minutes and is compatible with both ATV and UTV using ball-coupler hitches. The calf catcher is designed for quiet operation so it doesn’t disrupt the heard and works well on multiple terrains, including rocks, hills, holes, mud and snow. An optional tow hitch offers easy transport of the catcher. “As ranchers ourselves, we’ve listened to our customers and how the catcher needs to work”, says Leo. The catcher starts at $2,095, visit for more information.

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 45

Futurity Results

Entry # Animals Name




Class 1 108 I’ll Buy You 7/21/15 Dickinson Cattle Co 228.5 107 Haltoms Cinderella 7/16/15 James & Lynette Haltom 227.75 105A Riverforks Taylor-Made 7/24/15 Terry and Tammy King 227.25 226.5 105 Meadow Green Sizzle 7/29/15 Gail Beach 103 Meadow Green Sparkle 8/11/15 Gail Beach 226.25 Results and photos submitted by Winchester Futurity of the North 109 AM Rose’s Ruby 7/9/15 Andy Mast 225.25 June 24 - 25, 2016 102 Lady Derringer 8/16/15 Brad Cocco 224.75 104 5D Lincolns Rose 8/9/15 Dan Huntington 224.75 Princeton, Indiana 7/21/15 Jerry Loveday 224.5 106 EL Sangria 100 DWM She Rocks 8/26/15 W.I & Suzann McCoy 224 101 LW Satin Sheets 8/21/15 JD Hasty 223.5 110 EL Blue Magic 7/3/15 Jerry Loveday 222.75 Class 2 5/3/15 Kevin & Jodi Bryant 230 212 Zabaco’s Dragon 203A TL Molly’s Respect 5/17/15 Tom and Linda Nading 229.25 211 LP Sarah 5/4/15 Hudson Longhorns 229 204 Hubbells Heart Breaker 5/15/15 Mark Hubbell 228.75 Class 1 Sponsor River Bottom Longhorns Class 2 Sponsor Haltom Holler Ranch Mark Hubbell 228.25 Deanna Sanders with Dickinson Cattle Company James Haltom, Winner Kevin Bryant, Lynette Haltom 208 Hubbells Catch A Gleam 56 5/5/15 210 Haltoms Honey Bun 5/4/15 James & Lynette Haltom 227.75 202 YR Baby bLues 6/6/15 Mike Young 226.75 200 Dunn Bittersweet 6/11/15 Nancy Dunn 226.75 205 WS Desire 5/13/15 Tom Smith 226.75 209 5D Lincoln Lore 5/3/15 Dan Huntington 226.75 214 Jumas Victoria 5/1/15 Mike and Jamie Tomey 226.75 207 Sequoia Flair 5/7/15 Dickinson Cattle Co 226.5 213 AML Fancy Dolly 5/3/15 Andy Mast 226.25 203 GD Imagine That 6/1/15 Sam Stoltz 225.25 Class 3 Sponsor Curtis Elburn/Gail Beach: Curtis Class 4 Sponsor Cow Gals: Kathy Kittler, winner 201 YR Whiskey Girl 6/10/15 Mike Young 224.5 Elburn and friend. Winners Terry and Tammy King, Nicole Leigh of Rockin I Longhorns, Nancy Dunn Gail Beach 206 CVCC lady Lincoln 5/5/15 Mike Thiel 224.5 Class 3 316A Riverforks Iron Maiden 3/17/15 Terry and Tammy King 230.5 320 Rosey Red Wine 3/5/15 Kevin & Jodi Bryant 230 4/10/15 Dan & Tracy Jones 229.75 307 Lady Hatchet 308 Kookachex 4/9/15 Kirk Dickinson 229.5 319 HHF Star burst 3/10/15 David & Missy Hackney 229 309 EL Respectable Dragon Fly 4/8/15 Jerry Loveday 228.5 3/13/15 Mike and Jamie Tomey 227.75 321 Wins Sweetheart 310 YR Iron Sweetie 4/5/15 Mike Young 227.5 Class 5 Sponsor Michigan Mafia: winner Nancy Class 6 Sponsor Hubbells 20 Gauge: Dunn John and Debra Helm, Winners Terry and 4/5/15 David & Missy Hackney 227 311 HHF Easter Lilly Tammy King with Mark Hubbell, Andy Mast 318 DJP Cast Iron 3/9/15 Dylan Pfizenmader 227 James & Paula Wilkins 226.5 313 JP Easter Blessings 4/5/15 322 Bombers Girl 4/3/15 Mike and Jamie Tomey 226.25 312 5D Lincoln’s Jubilee 4/5/15 Dan Huntington 226.25 306A NB Rex’s Special Lady 4/11/15 Terry and Tammy King 226.25 314 Hicks Fancy Pants 4/1/15 Trampas Cook 225.5 3/25/15 Tommy Petersen 225 316 TP Tasha 313A Dunn Swagon Train 4/13/15 Nancy Dunn 225 303 Sittin Warrior Breeze 4/23/15 Dale & Gina Francisco 224.75 Class 7 Sponsor Carolina Cartel: Class 8 Sponsor Ultralix: Mark Hubbell and son 315 MW Rialto 3/30/15 Dan Stoltz 224.25 Winner David Bilgrien and Scott Simmons with Dan Jones 302 WS Trifecta 4/28/15 Tom Smith 224.25 304 EL A Black Tie Affair 4/19/15 Jerry Loveday 224 317 RJK Sunshine N Whiskey 3/15/15 Ray Williams 223 305 Cotton Top 4/17/15 Angie Wulf 221.5 306 Frosted Queen EL 4/15/15 Ethan & Ashley Loos 0 Class 4 402 IM Curvy Girl 1/16/15 Rockin I Longhorns 228.5 404 Native Beauty 1/15/15 Justin Henry 227.75 403 IM Sassie Two 1/4/15 Rockin I longhorns 227.5 Class 9 Sponsor: Center Cross Ranch Class 10 Sponsor ITLA: Winners were Dan and 401 YR Devils Spice 2/19/15 Mike Young 226.25 Winner Nancy Dunn with Dan Jones Tracey Jones Class 5 505A Dunn Yahoo 11/4/14 Nancy Dunn 231.25 508 Dunn Sashay 11/1/14 Nancy Dunn 230.5 507 Dunn She’s Got Swag 11/3/14 Nancy Dunn 229.75 505 Tight Fittin Jeans 11/10/14 Curtis Elburn 229.25 504 IM Breezy Girl 11/17/14 Rockin I Longhorns 228 501A TL Grand Mandy 11/24/14 Tom and Linda Nading 227.25 503 IM Victory Girl 12/2/14 Rockin I Longhorns 227.25 501 HL Tuff’s Temptation 12/16/14 Hudson Longhorns 227 Class 11 Sponsor Hoosier Longhorns: Class 12 Sponsor Hudson Longhorns: 506 RKJ Tattered Ellegance 11/3/14 Ray Williams 226 Winner was Curtis Elburn Scott Simmons, Mike Willinger of Hudson 502 IM Miss 301 12/10/14 Rockin I Longhorns 225 Longhorns, winner Kevin and Jodi Bryant -- continued on pg. 48 46 | August 2016 Texas Longhorn Trails

Winchester Futurity of the north Results

Calling for Nominations for the TLBAA Special Awards The TLBAA special year end awards will be presented during the annual meeting held during Texas Longhorn Weekend in January 2017. All TLBAA active members are encouraged to nominate fellow breeders for these special honors. Nominees will each be verified as active TLBAA members in good standing. Nominations must be in a written format and will include why/how the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. An individual can only be nominated for one award each year. All nominees received and verified will be listed in the November TRAILS, and you the members, will be selecting the overall award winners. Deadline for nomination submissions is September 30, 2016. Nominations should be emailed to If unable to email you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. Think about who you know that deserves to be recognized for a year end award. Remember the deadline for nominations for these awards is September 30, 2016. For further information or additional questions please contact Tina DuBose, Affiliate Chairperson. Continue reading for criteria and past winners of these prestigious awards.

The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award Perpetuation and Promotion of the Texas Longhorn Breed A native Texan, Dave Evans entered the Texas Longhorn industry in 1977, establishing the Yellow Pine Ranch at Cuchara, CO. He and his wife, Billicarole, quickly became enthusiastic about the breed and additional ranches were purchased to supplement the original ranch. Evans served on the Board of Directors of both the TLBAA and the Mountains & Plains Texas Longhorn Association. He also served terms as TLBAA Vice-President. He was a founding partner and host of the Colorado National Texas Longhorn Sale, a record-breaking event when it started in 1981, which continued to be one of the industry’s major events for many years. From the start, Evans realized the necessity of using the best bulls available in the breed in order to develop a top herd. His goal was to breed for consistent size as well as correctness and outstanding horns. He purchased Texas Ranger JR in 1980, and then Dixie Rebel and Major Investment. In 1986, Evans acquired CT Spoty Ruler, the bull he considered to be the best he’d ever owned. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. It is therefore a significant honor to be a recipient of this award, named in honor of this dedicated Longhorn breeder.

Past Recipients of the Dave Evans Award

1982 – Babs & Chico Wright 1983 – Jack Montgomery 1984 – Red McCombs 1985 – Ray Moore 1986 – Al Micallef 1987 – Glen W. Lewis 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – Jerry & Martha Gillespie 1990 – Bob & Linda Moore 1991 – Dr. Joseph Graham 1992 – Dr. L.V. Baker 1993 – Johnnie Hoffman 1994 – Wayne Rumley, Wes & Carrie Hill 1995 – W.O. & Patti Marquess 1996 – El Coyote Ranch 1997 – John T. Baker 1998 – Shady W Ranch 1999 – Bob Coffee 2000 – John & Christy Randolph

December 2011

2001 – Ben Gravett 2002 – Bob Loomis 2003 – John & Diann Chase 2004 – Mike Bowman 2005 – Johnnie Robinson 2006 – Robert and Kim Richey 2007 – Doug Hunt 2008 – Kaso Kety 2009 – Jimmy Jones Dora Thompson 2010 – Brent & Cindy Bolen 2011 – Darlene Aldridge, DVM 2012 – El Coyote Ranch 2013 – Bob Loomis 2015 – Brett & Darcy De Lapp

Jack Phillips Award The Jack Phillips Award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. The award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition.

Past recipients of the Jack Phillips Award:

1994 – John & Silvia Gams 1995 – Kenneth Archer 1996 – Maudeen Marks & Eileen Day 1997 – Noah & Melba Oliver 1998 – R.L. Slater 1999 – Glen Lewis 2000 – Dorie Damuth 2001 – Charley & Doris Snyder 2002 – David Hartshorn 2003 – Ray Moore 2004 – Morgan Cook, Jr. 2005 – Ronnie Cruce 2006 – Albert G. “Pete” Boyce, Jr. 2007 – Trigg & Traci Moore 2008 – Steve & Bodie Quary 2009 – Steven Zunker 2010 – Donnie Taylor 2011 – Elmer Rosenberger 2012 – Kim & Robert Richey 2013 – Dale Hunt & Sherrill Caddel 2014 – Geoff Dawson, Tina Stewart & Charlene Musgrove 2015 – Rodger & Bonnie Damrow

More awards listed on Page 49 Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 47


Calling for Nominations for the TLBAA Special Awards The TLBAA special year end awards will be presented during the annual meeting held during Texas Longhorn Weekend in January 2017. All TLBAA active members are encouraged to nominate fellow breeders for these special honors. Nominees will each be verified as active TLBAA members in good standing. Nominations must be in a written format and will include why/how the individual nominated fulfills the criteria of the award. An individual can only be nominated for one award each year. All nominees received and verified will be listed in the November TRAILS, and you the members, will be selecting the overall award winners. Deadline for nomination submissions is September 30, 2016. Nominations should be emailed to If unable to email you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. Think about who you know that deserves to be recognized for a year end award. Remember the deadline for nominations for these awards is September 30, 2016. For further information or additional questions please contact Tina DuBose, Affiliate Chairperson. Continue reading for criteria and past winners of these prestigious awards.

The Dave Evans Breeder of the Year Award Perpetuation and Promotion of the Texas Longhorn Breed A native Texan, Dave Evans entered the Texas Longhorn industry in 1977, establishing the Yellow Pine Ranch at Cuchara, CO. He and his wife, Billicarole, quickly became enthusiastic about the breed and additional ranches were purchased to supplement the original ranch. Evans served on the Board of Directors of both the TLBAA and the Mountains & Plains Texas Longhorn Association. He also served terms as TLBAA Vice-President. He was a founding partner and host of the Colorado National Texas Longhorn Sale, a record-breaking event when it started in 1981, which continued to be one of the industry’s major events for many years. From the start, Evans realized the necessity of using the best bulls available in the breed in order to develop a top herd. His goal was to breed for consistent size as well as correctness and outstanding horns. He purchased Texas Ranger JR in 1980, and then Dixie Rebel and Major Investment. In 1986, Evans acquired CT Spoty Ruler, the bull he considered to be the best he’d ever owned. Before his untimely death, Evans had succeeded in breeding a herd of Texas Longhorns that were well recognized in the breed. It is therefore a significant honor to be a recipient of this award, named in honor of this dedicated Longhorn breeder.

Past Recipients of the Dave Evans Award

1982 – Babs & Chico Wright 1983 – Jack Montgomery 1984 – Red McCombs 1985 – Ray Moore 1986 – Al Micallef 1987 – Glen W. Lewis 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – Jerry & Martha Gillespie 1990 – Bob & Linda Moore 1991 – Dr. Joseph Graham 1992 – Dr. L.V. Baker 1993 – Johnnie Hoffman 1994 – Wayne Rumley, Wes & Carrie Hill 1995 – W.O. & Patti Marquess 1996 – El Coyote Ranch 1997 – John T. Baker 1998 – Shady W Ranch 1999 – Bob Coffee 2000 – John & Christy Randolph

47 | August 2016

2001 – Ben Gravett 2002 – Bob Loomis 2003 – John & Diann Chase 2004 – Mike Bowman 2005 – Johnnie Robinson 2006 – Robert and Kim Richey 2007 – Doug Hunt 2008 – Kaso Kety 2009 – Jimmy Jones Dora Thompson 2010 – Brent & Cindy Bolen 2011 – Darlene Aldridge, DVM 2012 – El Coyote Ranch 2013 – Bob Loomis 2015 – Brett & Darcy De Lapp

Jack Phillips Award The Jack Phillips Award is named after former TLBAA President Jack Phillips who was a quiet, yet forceful presence in the TLBAA. The award honors individuals who have worked selflessly for the Longhorn and breeders alike, without recognition.

Past recipients of the Jack Phillips Award:

1994 – John & Silvia Gams 1995 – Kenneth Archer 1996 – Maudeen Marks & Eileen Day 1997 – Noah & Melba Oliver 1998 – R.L. Slater 1999 – Glen Lewis 2000 – Dorie Damuth 2001 – Charley & Doris Snyder 2002 – David Hartshorn 2003 – Ray Moore 2004 – Morgan Cook, Jr. 2005 – Ronnie Cruce 2006 – Albert G. “Pete” Boyce, Jr. 2007 – Trigg & Traci Moore 2008 – Steve & Bodie Quary 2009 – Steven Zunker 2010 – Donnie Taylor 2011 – Elmer Rosenberger 2012 – Kim & Robert Richey 2013 – Dale Hunt & Sherrill Caddel 2014 – Geoff Dawson, Tina Stewart & Charlene Musgrove 2015 – Rodger & Bonnie Damrow

More awards listed on Page 49 Texas Longhorn Trails

-- continued from pg. 46

Class 13 Sponsor GTLA: Andy Mast, Dick Lowe, Jonny Hicks, Mark Hubbell. Front row Hicks boys and Winner Mike Willinger of Hudson Longhorns

Class 14 Sponsor GNTLA: Winner Joe Sedlacek, David Bilgrien

Our Judges Scott Simmons with John Randolph, James Small, Debra Helm, John Helm, Dick Lowe with Curtis Elburn

Entry # Animals Name

Class 6 604 Riverforks Minnie Pearl 601 HL Tuff’s Sunburst 605 Kettles Brindle Frost 602A Riverforks Ready Made 603 5D Rio’s Rose 602 Flashy Dragon Class 7 703 Zinged To The Max 701 Meadow Green Gracie 704 LF Jay’s Flaming Ex 702 WS Currency Class 8 805 Hubbell’s Catch You 806 Hubbell’s Perfect Catch 804 Nex Teu Win 802 Diamond RL 801 Grab A Carmel Sundae 803 Dakota Sissy’s Girl Class 9 912 Dunn Bombshell 901 Swag Darlin BCB 911 HL Rags To Riches 903 Underhanded 908 Tuff Enough 910 Charming Pearls 905 WS Selene 913 shabby Kettle 906 Hubbell’s Double It 902 AML Miss White Tail 904 WS Cruise Control 907 DV Annie Oakley 909 Miss Remington Class 10 1001 DC Coco Rio Class 11 1107 Nifty Fifty 1109 G&L Johnny Ringo 1110 Idle Image 1106 GLR Casonova’s Glory

Class 15 Sponsor Double H Longhorns: Winner Dickinson Longhorns with Justin Henry

Cattle movers




9/22/14 10/23/14 9/18/14 9/28/15 9/24/14 10/19/14

Terry and Tammy King Hudson Longhorns Mike and Jamie Tomey Terry and Tammy King Dan Huntington Kevin & Jodi Bryant

229.75 229.25 227.75 227.25 227 226.25

8/2/14 8/20/14 7/30/14 8/10/14

David Bilgrien 229.5 Gail Beach 229.5 Holson/Wilkins Partnership 228.5 Tom Smith 225.5

5/9/14 5/4/14 5/17/14 6/10/14 6/19/14 5/28/14

Mark Hubbell Mark Hubbell Kirk Dickinson Tom Smith Heaven On Earth Dale & Gina Francisco

3/10/14 4/29/14 3/11/14 4/22/14 3/24/14 3/11/14 4/9/14 7/1/02 4/29/14 4/24/14 4/17/14 3/27/14 3/16/14

Nancy Dunn 231.25 Dan & Tracy Jones 230.5 John & Christine Talley 230.5 Dela Lenz 230.25 Joel Dickinson 230.25 Bill Hudson/Jimmy Jones 230 Tom Smith 229.25 Mike and Jamie Tomey 229 Garrett Hubbell 228.75 Andy Mast 228.5 Tom Smith 228 Sam Stoltz 226.25 Rockin I longhonrns 0


Dan & Tracy Jones

5/4/15 5/2/15 5/2/15 5/9/15

Curtis Elburn 231 Hightower/Wilkins Partnership 230.5 Dickinson Cattle Co 230 Rockin I Longhorns 229.25

230.5 230.5 229.25 228.5 228.5 227.5


Cow Patty Bingo Winner was Tracey Jones with Scott Simmons

Entry # Animals Name


Class 11 Continued 8/26/15 1101A DWM Red Fox 1104 M Arrow Mix Master 6/12/15 1108 Hubbell’s Majic Man 5/2/15 1105 Hubbell’s Long Range 5/17/15 6/18/15 1103 JH Outlier 1102 Commanche Nation 7/12/15 8/24/15 1101 Top Gun LJR Class 12 1208 Viper Dragon 4/3/15 2/23/15 1213A Dunn Buccaneer 1202 WS Hydro 4/27/15 2/9/15 1214 Perfect Camoflage 1211 M Arrow Kunundrum 3/25/15 1214A Riverforks Rais’N Cane 2/4/15 1206 Cowboy Semper Fi 4/15/15 3/5/15 1213 HL Double Barrel 1216 Rangers Rowdy Bubba 1/11/15 4/28/15 1201 Gladiator 1203A Dunn Swagon Boss 4/22/15 1215 BR Bullett Bob 2/3/15 3/26/15 1210 YR Rebel Man 1205 PCC Broken Rock Canyon 4/18/15 1207 HNB Brisby 4/5/15 1203 Sam Elliott 4/25/15 1204 Speckled Ivory 4/20/15 1212 RKL Country Biscuit 3/12/15 1209 RKL Locked and Loaded 4/2/15 Class 13 1304 HL Bull Market 10/3/14 1303 Grand Exit 10/2/14 1302 JH Ener Chi 10/25/15 1305 Copepr Kettle 9/2/14 1301 Pecos Bill LJR 11/3/14 Class 14 1402 TCC Houdini 7/1/14 1401 YR Ramblin Man 7/6/14 Class 15 1501 Reckon So 4/5/14 1502 CV Backfired 3/29/14

S ee Yo u Ne x t Ye a r ! 48 | August 2016

High point winner was Viper Dragon, owned by Kevin and Jodi Bryant and Scott and Dara Simmons

Texas Longhorn Trails



W.I & Suzann McCoy 229 IM Rockin I/Bentwood/Gilliand 228.75 Mark Hubbell 228.5 Mark Hubbell 228.25 Justin Hansen 227.5 Dan & Tracy Jones 227.5 Joe Sedlacek 224.5 Kevin Bryant 231.5 Nancy Dunn 229.5 Tom Smith 229.25 Angie Wulf 229 IM Rockin I/Bentwood/Gilland 228.25 Hackney/King Partnership 228.25 James and Paula Wilkins 228 Hudson Longhorns 227.75 Joe Fraise 227.5 Joe Sedlacek 227.25 Nancy Dunn 227 Brett/Sedlacek 227 Mike Young 226.75 Tommy Peterson 226 Josh Shaw 226 Dan & Tracey Jones 225.75 Curtis Elburn 224.25 Ray Williams 220.25 Ray Williams 220 Hudson Longhorns 230.75 Kevin Bryant 230.5 Dave & Luke Pine/Justin Hansen 230.25 Randolph/Wilkins 230 Joe Sedlacek 227 Joe Sedlacek Mike young

229 228.25

Joel Dickinson Hudson/Sedlacek

229.75 229.75

Elmer Parker Lifetime Award

Mel Raley Rising Star

Lifetime Devotion to the Texas Longhorn Breed and Its Breeders

Mel Raley will always be remembered as a shining star for the TLBAA because of his ability to share his vast knowledge of the Longhorn breed with new members. This special recognition is awarded to those who have been a member for less than five years and through involvement and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed. Past Recipients of the Mel Raley Rising Star Award

Elmer Parker was a longtime employee and manager of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Longhorn herd. Parker joined the staff at the Refuge in 1946, learning from the previous Longhorn managers: Earl Drummond, Heck Schrader and Joe Bill Lee. In 1968, he took over the responsibilities of the Longhorns at the Refuge and continued until his retirement in 1981. Thus, the continuity of Longhorn expertise at the Refuge continued for more than half a century. The Parker Brown color designation on Longhorn registrations was named after Elmer Parker – the dark brown, almost black color, with a lighter dorsal stripe, was one of his favorite colors.

Past Recipients of the Elmer Parker Award

1987 – J.G. “Jack” Phillips 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – J.W. Isaacs 1990 – Charles Schreiner III 1991 – Eddie Wood 1992 – F.M. “Blackie” Graves 1993 – Dan. O. Coates 1994 – Leonard Stiles 1995 – Johnnie Hoffman 1996 – Walter B. Scott 1997 – Col. Fraser West 1998 – Linda Moore/Harvey Rasmussen 1999 – Owen McGill 2000 – Charlene Semkin 2001 – Dan W. Coates

2002 – Bob Moore 2003 – Tim Miller 2004 – T.M. Smith 2005 – H.C. Carter 2006 – Sherman Boyles 2007 – Harvey Rassmussen 2008 – Dr. Bob Kropp 2009 – Michael McLeod 2010 – Joe & Lorinda Valentine 2011 – Maurice Ladnier 2012 – Dr. Joyce Kimble 2013 – Kaso Kety 2015 – John Allen

1999 – Barry & Jeanne Carter Gray 2000 – Gary “Cowboy” & Kendra Kelley 2001 – Joel & Shirley Lemley 2002 – Zech Dameron, III 2003 – Glen & Larry Smith 2004 – Danny & Carole Phillips 2005 – Rebecca Rhodes 2006 – John & Brenda Oliver 2007 – Bruce & Susan Easterly 2008 – Randy Briscoe 2009 – Matt Westmoreland 2010 – Jay & Suzanne Faske 2011 – Danny & Merrilou Russell 2012 – Greg Franks 2013 – Kyle & Whitney Mayden

TLBAA Year-End Awards Nomination Form TLBAA is now accepting nominations to four important annual awards. Each award encompasses different characteristics, values and contributions to the Texas Longhorn industry. Nominations must describe in detail how the nominee fulfills the criteria of the award. Name-only nominations will not be accepted. Nominees must be active TLBAA members in good standing.

THE DEADLINE TO RECEIVE NOMINATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 30, 2016. The recipients of these awards will be honored as part of the Texas Longhorn Weekend in Fort Worth, Texas. Contact TLBAA at 817-625-6241 for more information. Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Your Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________________ Nominee’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Nominee Contact Number: __________________________________________________________________ Which award are they being nominated for? ____________________________________________________ How and why does the nominee fulfill the described criteria of the award?__________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Use Additional Paper if Needed

Return completed form to If you are unable to email, you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. P.O. Box 4430, Fort Worth, Texas 76164 817.625.6241 • 817.625.1388 Fax December 2011

Texas Longhorn Trails

49 August 2016 |49

Elmer Parker Lifetime Award

Mel Raley Rising Star

Lifetime Devotion to the Texas Longhorn Breed and Its Breeders

Mel Raley will always be remembered as a shining star for the TLBAA because of his ability to share his vast knowledge of the Longhorn breed with new members. This special recognition is awarded to those who have been a member for less than five years and through involvement and sustained enthusiasm have made a positive impact on their peers and on the Longhorn breed. Past Recipients of the Mel Raley Rising Star Award

Elmer Parker was a longtime employee and manager of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Longhorn herd. Parker joined the staff at the Refuge in 1946, learning from the previous Longhorn managers: Earl Drummond, Heck Schrader and Joe Bill Lee. In 1968, he took over the responsibilities of the Longhorns at the Refuge and continued until his retirement in 1981. Thus, the continuity of Longhorn expertise at the Refuge continued for more than half a century. The Parker Brown color designation on Longhorn registrations was named after Elmer Parker – the dark brown, almost black color, with a lighter dorsal stripe, was one of his favorite colors.

Past Recipients of the Elmer Parker Award

1987 – J.G. “Jack” Phillips 1988 – Dave Evans 1989 – J.W. Isaacs 1990 – Charles Schreiner III 1991 – Eddie Wood 1992 – F.M. “Blackie” Graves 1993 – Dan. O. Coates 1994 – Leonard Stiles 1995 – Johnnie Hoffman 1996 – Walter B. Scott 1997 – Col. Fraser West 1998 – Linda Moore/Harvey Rasmussen 1999 – Owen McGill 2000 – Charlene Semkin 2001 – Dan W. Coates

2002 – Bob Moore 2003 – Tim Miller 2004 – T.M. Smith 2005 – H.C. Carter 2006 – Sherman Boyles 2007 – Harvey Rassmussen 2008 – Dr. Bob Kropp 2009 – Michael McLeod 2010 – Joe & Lorinda Valentine 2011 – Maurice Ladnier 2012 – Dr. Joyce Kimble 2013 – Kaso Kety 2015 – John Allen

1999 – Barry & Jeanne Carter Gray 2000 – Gary “Cowboy” & Kendra Kelley 2001 – Joel & Shirley Lemley 2002 – Zech Dameron, III 2003 – Glen & Larry Smith 2004 – Danny & Carole Phillips 2005 – Rebecca Rhodes 2006 – John & Brenda Oliver 2007 – Bruce & Susan Easterly 2008 – Randy Briscoe 2009 – Matt Westmoreland 2010 – Jay & Suzanne Faske 2011 – Danny & Merrilou Russell 2012 – Greg Franks 2013 – Kyle & Whitney Mayden

TLBAA Year-End Awards Nomination Form TLBAA is now accepting nominations to four important annual awards. Each award encompasses different characteristics, values and contributions to the Texas Longhorn industry. Nominations must describe in detail how the nominee fulfills the criteria of the award. Name-only nominations will not be accepted. Nominees must be active TLBAA members in good standing.

THE DEADLINE TO RECEIVE NOMINATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 30, 2016. The recipients of these awards will be honored as part of the Texas Longhorn Weekend in Fort Worth, Texas. Contact TLBAA at 817-625-6241 for more information. Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Your Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________________ Nominee’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Nominee Contact Number: __________________________________________________________________ Which award are they being nominated for? ____________________________________________________ How and why does the nominee fulfill the described criteria of the award?__________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Use Additional Paper if Needed

Return completed form to If you are unable to email, you may fax or mail to the TLBAA office. P.O. Box 4430, Fort Worth, Texas 76164 817.625.6241 • 817.625.1388 Fax 49 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Affiliates send us your news! Let people know what’s going on in your area and encourage others to join in the fun.

This year the Nebraska Texas Longhorn Association along with the Wyoming Longhorn Breeders Association will be sponsoring a World Qualifying youth, open halter and free division show. It will be held in Rapid City, SD at the Central States Fair on Sunday August 21. Entry deadline is August 1. See Contacts: Toby Johnson (307)751-1315, President Rodger Damrow (402)560-3224. Rodger Damrow 402-423-5441 The Nebraska State Fair World Qualifying Shows will be held the weekend of August 26 in Grand Island, NE. There will be 2 youth, 2 halter and 2 free division world qualifying shows again this year. The trophy steer show is always held on Saturday just before the draft horse show. The entry fees for all of these shows are very reasonable and the premiums are outstanding. Deadline for entries is 5:00 p.m. August 10-all entries are online only. See Contacts: Delwin & Vicki Smeal (402)568-2353. This year the Affiliate Presidents meeting will be held in Grand Island, NE following the Nebraska State Fair Trophy Steer show on Saturday August 27, 2016. We look forward to seeing you all there.


NWLA is doing a little catching up with what’s been happening in the Northwest. Sheryl & Ed Johnson, J5 Longhorns, hosted our January meeting with a small potluck and ranch tour. The February meeting was hosted by Daniel and Angelina Fey at Fey Longhorns in Yamhill. Delicious homemade Longhorn chili and clam chowder prepared by Angelina was followed up Renee Scott with a ranch tour and election of new officials. New officers include President 541-589-1712 Scott Picker, Dundee, OR; Vice President Daniel Fey, Yamhill, OR; and Tiffany DeBerry, Secretary/Treasurer, Malala, OR. Our meeting concluded with talk of the Feys Ranch sale to beheld in June . June 11th was the Fey Ranch Sale, hosted by Daniel & Angelina Fey, with Longhorns coming as far away as Oklahoma. The two day event started June 10th with a wine tour hosted by S&A Land & Cattle (with lunch provided by Angelina) ending with a dinner & social at Fey Ranch with live music. Sale day started with viewing of cattle. A heifer clinic given by Daniel Fey & Justin Rombeck was very informational. By 1 p.m. the sale was in full swing. It was very exciting and fun, with online bidding and live bidding all going on at the same time. Thank you Daniel & Angelina of Fey Longhorns. June also found our members Sharron Wiens, Angel Hill Farm Kennewick WA, placing 3rd and Mark & Renee Scott, SR Longhorns, Burns, OR, placing 5th in Free Female Hall of Fame EXPO 2016 TLBAA World Show. Summer months find us gearing up for fair time along with our junior members.

Northwest Longhorn Association

Texas longhorn breeder gulf coast ASSOCIATION Rick Friedrich President rick@riverranchlonghorns

50 | August 2016

For the Gulf Coast Affiliate, our fiscal year ends on June 30th . Our year end meeting and officer voting for next year is scheduled at a Houston area restaurant (Maggiano’s Little Italy) for July 10th. We are looking forward to starting a new fiscal year with some new directors. We are the TLBAA’s biggest affiliate with about 120 members. We operate with four officers and twelve directors. We are financially sound with about -- continued on pg. 57

Texas Longhorn Trails


SPRING Calving:

TLBAA Breed Advisory Committee’s

Herd Management Guide body condition as winter approaches.

1. Continue fly and tick control programs. Anaplasmosis problems can continue until frost, so observe cow herd closely for animals losing body condition and appearing anemic. Commercial supplements containing 150 grams of chlortetracycline per 50 lbs. of salt are available. Continuous feeding of the tetracycline medication during the fly season should provide adequate protection against the disease. 2. As grass matures, realize that the protein value decreases. Feeding of 2-3 lbs. of a high protein supplement (30-40 percent crude protein content) will stimulate the digestion of the mature forage; therefore, the cattle will consume more forage and maintain their

FALL Calving:

1. Prepare for the start of calving season and separate cow herd into management groups (first-calf heifers, second-calf cows, mature cows, and open heifers). Watch body condition of the groups closely. Young females entering their first calving season require special nutritional assistance to insure they maintain a reasonable body condition after calving, produce adequate levels for milk for their offspring and rebreed for the coming year. 2. Prepare for herd bull selection and procurement. Conduct breeding soundness exams and fertility checks on all bulls prior to the breeding season.

Photo courtesy of Dora Thompson

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August 2016 | 51

Herd Health

Horn Fly Control Time | Cost | Ease of Use of Chemical Solutions If you’ve ever been annoyed by a pesky fly, imagine the irritation of a blanket of biting insects on your back, shoulders and sides. That blanket of pests on your Longhorn is composed of horn flies. Other pests, such as face flies and horse flies, feed and then leave the host. Horn flies congregate in large numbers and feed on the animal 20 - 30 blood meals a day, only leaving to lay eggs in manure. That constant irritation can raise stress levels and decrease weight gain due to constantly trying to dislodge flies and find some relief. They have also been linked to summer mastitis in several studies. Once the number per animal reaches 200+ it is time to take action. There are many types of chemical solutions to give your cattle relief and reduce the numbers of flies in your herd. If you are bewildered looking at names such as coumaphos, diazinon, piperonyl butoxide, permethrin and terechlorvinphos, then you may want to check with your veterinarian or local county agent to see which ingredients have been most effective in your area. Flies have a tendency to develop resistance when the same chemicals are used repeatedly for long periods. It is best to rotate types of insecticide to help decrease the likelihood of resistant flies. The method chosen for application can affect your choice of ingredients as well. When looking at the following methods, prices are based on an average of prices commonly found. As always, any materials bought in bulk could lower the cost per application. The numbers presented here are for comaprison purposes only.

METHODS OF APPLICATION VETGUN A unique approach to fly control application is the VetGun created by SmartVet. It can be used to deliver VetCap AiM-L, round gel capsules holding Lamda Cyhalothrin, providing instant and lasting relief from horn flies. According to Agri-Labs, the distributor for both products, studies have proven there is no real difference in pour on effectiveness and the VetCap delivery. Contrarily, ear tags were found to start losing effectiveness at 8 weeks while two applications of vetcaps can last up to 10 weeks effectively. While it may cost more per use than some other methods, the ease of use, and lack of handling and stressing cattle may make it worth it for your program. You can hit your target safely from 15 to 30 feet away while quietly moving among the cattle. No confine52 | August 2016

ment, no handling, no stress. Using proven methods, you can easily accustom your cattle to the muffled sound with minimal startling and it is possible to treat up to 100 cattle in an hour. The gun is CO2 powered and the capsule is designed to fragment on impact, delivering the insectidice to migrate across the body. The leftover fragments help mark already tagged cattle. Chute required: No Hands on application: No Cost of equipment: VetGun $245 Cost per application: $2-$3 (includes capsule & Co2 cost) Time: 1 minutes or less per animal once animals and applicator are familiar with use.

EAR TAGS Not just for identification, ear tags can be an effective delivery method for fly control, especially against face and horn flies. The plastic tags contain insecticide which the animal disperses on itself by rubbing. They are a popular solution that can last for most of fly season when applied at the right time. Insecticide type should be rotated each season to prevent losing effectiveness. Removal as soon as effectiveness starts to decline is important to prevent resistance developing in the flies. The ear tag is applied by hand using a specialized tool. A chute is required, as the head must be kept still to assure proper placement and to protect the ear from damage. The tag must be cut off as soon as effectiveness wears off. It is recommend by most manufacturers to use two tags in mature cattle and one in younger cattle. Always read label instructions, as use can vary based on chemical composition. Exposure to insecticide for the applicator is small with proper handling of the tags. Requires a chute: Yes Requires hands on application: Yes Cost of equipment: Ear Tag Applicator $20 - $40

Texas Longhorn Trails

By Myra Basham

Methods Ear Tag Knife $5 Cost per application: $1.60 - $5.09 per mature cow $0.80 - $2.50 per calf Time: Varies with skill of applicator and calmness of cattle in chute. Also involves time rounding up cattle.

POUR-ON As the name implies, solutions are applied by pouring the insecticide down the centerline of the animal’s back. Effectiveness and duration vary based on the insecticide used. Some may need reapplication every three weeks, while stronger ones claim to last up to seven weeks. Amount of the product used has many variables as well. The average for a mature animal is 0.5 oz. with some requiring even less for smaller animals. Reading labels is imperative when choosing a pour on. All the variables in insecticide classes and dilution rates leads to a wide range in cost per application. With such a small amount used, you need to keep the animal still and be precise with your actions, so confining the animal in a chute or alleyway is advised. There is the potential for skin contact with the product, but the risk is minimal with proper care taken and use of a pouron gun. Requires a chute: Yes Requires hands on application: Yes Cost of equipment: Pour-On Gun $16 - $20 Cost per application: $0.35 - $0.60 per mature cow Time: Varies with skill of applicator and calmness of cattle in chute. May involve time rounding up cattle and prepping soltuion if dilution is required.

Questions to ask when deciding which application methods are best for you. type of facilities do I have to 1 What work cattle with? Don’t choose a method that requires handling the animal if you do not have a chute to work them in. stressed do my cattle get whn 2 How I’m working with them? Some cattle are more bothered than others by being brought into the chute or being sprayed directly. valuable and available is my 3 How time? If you are short on time, then you may want to choose a method that is quick and easy, even if the cost is a little higher. you concerned about your own 4 Are contact with insecticides? For some people, the less potential exposure to insecticides the better. Consider contact risk when making a decison if it is a concern for you.

• Fast and easy horn fly control • Can be used to treat lice • Quick relief that lasts for weeks • Single application on cows and bulls over 600 lbs









Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 53

Herd Health SPRAYS: There are a number of ways fly spray can be applied. For just a few head, a small hand-held spray bottle may suffice. As the number of Longhorns needing to be treated grows, the methods range from portable low pressure sprayers and misters to truck mounted pressure sprayers. You can even mount sprayers that work automatically, triggered by the cattle, above a walk through. Most insecticides available may be used in a spray form, but dilution rates, methods used to apply and insecticide class lead to a wide range of variables in cost and time spent. Water is the most common diluter for spray on applications. However,some insecticides suggest mixing with mineral oil or diesel, depending on how it is being applied. Once again, label reading before choosing is a must. For those concerned about exposure for the applicator, sprays require preventatative measures. The risk of skin coming in contact with spray or mist being inhaled is fairly high and one may prefer to wear protective clothing or a mask. Masks range from the disposable white masks you can get cheaply to half face respirators. The amount of risk varies depending on method used. With mist and hand-held sprayers especially, wind can be a problem during application.

Cost of equipment: Sprayer $4 hand-held up to $1,000+ depending on type Mask $5 - $20 (if desired) Cost per application: $0.10 - $0.60 per cow. Higher if required to mix with mineral oil or diesel Time: Varies with method chosen. May involve prep time if dilution is required on chosen insecticide.


Keeping flies from repopulating is the goal of feedthrough control. Purchased as a component of mineral blocks or as a feed additive, these Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) keep larvae from developing into flies. No resistance is developed because insecticide is not involved. It breaks the life cycle. While it can cut down numbers, having close neighbors can reduce effectiveness due to flies migrating over. Those with their cattle away from neighboring herds see the greatest reduction in fly numbers. It tends to be most effective when used in combinaion with other methods. Cost of equipment: Mineral block holder $10-$12 (if desired) Cost per animal: $0.60 - $1 per mineral block with Rabon. Number of blocks per season varies. Manufacturers suggest one block per 5 - 15 head depending on the block content and size. The easy way to work Longhorn cattle! Mineral tubs with IGR: one tub per • Can be shipped by common carrier anywhere in 15-25 animals. $60/125 lb tub the U.S. Feed additive $0.18 per animal per • Galvanized pipe and steel sheeting day. May require additional free • Grease inserts for easy maintenance & operation • Vaccinate or deworm cattle choice salt. • Palpation gates Time: Varies with number fed. • Measure horns Blocks and tubs require obeserW e’ve got dw!hat • A.I. cows you nee vation to determine proper consumption. Coming soon: A look at natural pest control methods


The Official Chute of the TLBAA Horn Showcase

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54 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails

Cowgirl Style TLBAA members show their style at the 2016 Red River Sale in Overbook, OK.

Photos by Lindsay Maher

Herd Health

Common Skin Problems include Ringworm Many species of animals (including cattle and humans) are susceptible to ringworm--which is caused by fungi. This skin disease can have economic importance if very many animals in the herd have ringworm with hair loss in winter or if it goes through a group of animals you wanted to sell. Even though it’s mainly a cosmetic problem, animals with ringworm tend to bring a lower price—and no one wants to introduce it into their herd. Ringworm is a problem in show animals; there are rules against bringing affected animals to a show because this fungal skin disease is contagious. “Contact with infected animals, such as rubbing on one another, is the most common way the fungus is spread,” says Dr. J. Dustin Loy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. “Ringworm (dermatophytosis) is also contagious to people,” says Dr. Andrew Niehaus, Ohio State University. “It’s what we call a zoonotic disease.” Humans or

56 | August 2016

animals can get ringworm if they have a skin abrasion and a compromised immune system. “There are several species of fungi that can cause ringworm, including trichophyton and microsporum species and the lesions look similar,” says Niehaus. “Usually the lesions are circular esions are and associated with hair loss. usually circular These are often around the face, patches of hair eyes and neck loss and can but can also affect other areas become large on the body. You may see them around the flanks or legs, but less commonly,” he says. During initial stages the skin may just be irritated and red. “Then the hair starts falling out. If you pluck hairs from that area they come out readily. This is probably when it’s most contagious. After that the skin becomes crusty, forming a dry scab over the bare area. At that stage it may no longer be contagious, but we are still very careful to wear gloves when an animal comes into the clinic with ringworm,” says Niehaus. There may be some itchiness. The animal may rub on a fence or some other object-which may spread the disease if another animal rubs there. Cattle also rub on each other and may become exposed to the fungi. “The lesions are characteristically circular patches of hair loss but if they get close together they may coalesce into bigger areas that aren’t typical in appearance,” says Niehaus. “Diagnosis is usually based on clinical signs and appearance, though there are a few other types of lesions that can look similar. We usually assume its ringworm and treat it, but if a definitive diagnosis is needed, we could culture the lesion to make the diagnosis,” he says. Ringworm is often a winter problem or during a long period of wet weather, because these fungi thrive in a damp, dark environment, according to Dr. Andi Lear, Colorado State University. “The literature tells us that in many herds about 20% of the cattle carry some of these fungi, but the organisms may not always ringworm except in susceptible individuals,” Lear says. Young animals may be more vulnerable, as are old


Texas Longhorn Trails


By Heather Smith Thomas

or immune-compromised animals. Animals with skin abrasions may get ringworm. “Even though the fungal spores are present in the environment and all animals are exposed, if they have a functional immune system they can fight it off,” says Lear. Ringworm usually runs its course within a few weeks to months. “Often the animal mounts an immune response and becomes more resistant. The resulting immunity is not 100% protective; individual animals can get it again,” Niehaus says. “Animals in confined areas are more at risk for ringworm because an infected individual is more likely to spread it. If an individual is infected it would be helpful to isolate that one. This may be impractical in many cases, but would be something to consider,” he says.

Ringworm Treatment

Treatment is based on killing the fungus. “I use topical miconazole or clotrimazole,” says Niehaus. “These are available overthe-counter as creams or sprays for athlete’s foot. This is probably the best way to treat ringworm, along with getting the animal into the sunshine. This may be hard if you live in a place with dark, damp winters. Green grass and sunshine tend to give the best results.” There are systemic antifungal medications but there are two drawbacks to using these in cattle. “First, it is expensive to treat a large animal because of the large dose required. Second, there are no labeled anti-fungal medications for use in food-producing animals, and the veterinarian and producer need to be aware of withdrawal times for treated animals that might go to slaughter.

Also be aware that systemic absorption of a drug is possible even with topical therapies,” he says. “Some people treat for ringworm, but many ‘cures’ are probably due to the fact that treatment was given just before the lesions started to resolve on their own,” says Lear. “Several types of disinfectants can be applied topically to the lesions. Iodine solutions, lime sulfur, chlorhexadine, etc. can be diluted and sprayed onto the animal. We don’t have any good anti-fungal drugs labeled for systemic use in livestock. Treatment is generally just a topical application and tincture of time,” she says. There is a ringworm vaccine that’s been used in cattle and horses in Europe, but it is not available in the U.S.

AFFILIATE NEWS -- continued from pg. 50

94K cash and no debts as of June 30, 2016. We provide a hand full of longhorn services through out the year. They are: The Cattle Baron’s Sale and Winchester Futurity in February. This futurity and sale will have about 140 show animals and 100 sale animals. It will feature a social event as well. It is our biggest fund raiser for youth scholarships. Three scholarships were awarded this year. The Spring Show at Miracle Farms is the last qualifying show for the World Show and it is also the biggest qualifying event. This past event only had a few less entries than the World Show. Our members also donate calves to the youth at this event. It actually gets a lot of longhorn owners started with their very first longhorn. Our affiliate is in charge of getting the cattle sponsored for the Longhorn Project at the Johnson Space Center. There will be a group of longhorn show cattle kept on the grounds at the NASA Space Center. These cattle will be cared for and taken to eight shows by area High School Students. The cattle are seen by a combination of almost 1,000,000 tourist and field trip students annually. It is major exposure for our breed.

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 57

TLBAF Building Fund Recent Donors Lynda L English Danny & Nancy Helms Ronnie E & Juliana Gaetz John & Mari Stein Wayne Aswell Tom Davis Pat & Stan Ivicic Blake Dwoskin ITX Longhorns, LLC Everard Johnson Ryan & Audrey Andrews

Brian & Dawna Wilson Gary L. Becker Curtis & Kathy Hall City Slickers Travis Levings Marty McCoy Sunnybrook Cattle Co. Gary L. Pratt Karen Powell Roger Cole, D. V. M. Erin Hornbrook

Truman Spoon Calvin & Linda Anthony William & Ann Large Westhaven Longhorn Ranch GM Texas Longhorns Scott & Nichole Kruse Majorie Sapp Jennifer Bell an Anonymous Fund of the North Texas Community Foundation

Thank You For Your Help and Generous Support! A.I.# 641

TLBAA # BI72006

A.I.# 788



[ [




A.I.# 861




TLBAA # BTI82576





[ [



TLBAA # BAI87922




[ [



The following animals had incorrect ownership information printed in the July 2016 Trails Magazine A.I. Sire Directory. The correct owners are shown above. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. 58 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails














Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information. 817-625-6241

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 59

North Carolina





Call in, ask for your H.O.R.N.S. password and take control of your herd inventory and membership information.




(336) 302-0966



60 | August 2016

Texas Longhorn Trails






Find all the information and forms you need at

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 61



Bruce E. McCarty Auctioneer Weatherford, TX

(817) 991-9979 CATTLE FOR SALE


Cattle for sale “To God Be The Glory” (972) 268-0083

BEAVER CREEK LONGHORNS- Check our new website with "Super Sales" and herdreduction prices. Tazman (Gunman) genetics. Carole Muchmore, Ponca City, OK (580) 7659961,

BUTLER HEIFERS A select few yearlings and bred two year olds FOR SALE NOW! Our herd has been closed to outside genetics for over a decade. The very best Butler quality available in the breed.

Robert King at 210-827-6700 or


LONE WOLF RANCH Dr. Lee and Linda Ragains (918) 855-0704 • Sallisaw, OK

62 | August 2016

This Fall Will Be Filled With Excitement at Both Flying D Locations! At the ranch, excellent show prospects are ready to begin prepping for the new show season.Great selection! Meanwhile, be assured the same big, gentle trophy steers, bulls, cows and heifers will be available at both ranches. Please call any of us to schedule a visit to each ranch. We love to talk Longhorns! Cattle always available at all times. Reasonable prices. For information or to schedule a tour at either of our ranch locations, please call:

Dorie Damuth - Flying D Longhorn Ranch 40206 Community Rd. • Magnolia, TX 77354 281-356-8167 • fax: 281-356-2751 • Scott Damuth, Legal Counsel • Shery Damuth, Vineyard Consultant • Gun Barrel City, TX Law office: 903-887-0088 • Fax: 903-887-2925 Scott Cell: 214-546-3681 • Shery Cell: 940-393-0991

Quality HEIFERS & HERD SIRE PROSPECTS FOR SALE- I have a LARGE herd, so you have lots of

variety to pick from! Located approx. 20 mi. off the EAST TEXAS line in Louisiana just below Shreveport. Lots of Hunts Command Respect, McGill Breeding, some ZD Kelly and Grand Slam, etc. Good cows, good babies. I specialize in bulls and am a partner in RIP SAW who now measures 83 1/2” TTT and is a gorgeous color. Several of his heifers and sons for sale. DORA THOMPSON Tel (318) 872-6329•

Great genetics. I enjoy meeting and working with new breeders. Also have a large STRAIGHT BUTLER herd.


TRADE YOUR LONGHORNS – We’ll take your bulls and steers in trade for cows, heifers, pairs, herd sires or semen from breeds’ top quality bulls. Stonewall Valley Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Days (512) 454-0476 / Weekends (830) 644-2380.


THATE Cattle Company Your source for big-horned cattle in the North—utilizing the right bloodlines to produce the horn. Fairmont, Minnesota

(507) 235-3467

Need help finding a home for that special Longhorn? Give the classifieds a try. It’s a very economical way to reach fellow Longhorn lovers.

Texas Longhorn Trails

HAULING - Anywhere-Anytime We specialize in Longhorns. Dan Tisdale (940) 872-1811 Mobile: 940/841-2619 Randy Mack (940) 366-6215

FMB Land & Cattle LLC

Custom Hauling...Shows....Sales 8ft wide Trailer for Longhorn Care

Ron Bailey 254.534.1886 Rodney Brown 682.220.8501

ADVERTISING INDEX —A— Agrilabs..........................................................53 Almendra Longhorns..................................59 Anderson, Frank Jr. and III...........................8 Arch Acres.....................................................59 Astera Meadows..........................................61 —B— Bar H Ranch..................................................59 Beadle Land & Cattle............................. 8, 59 Big Valley Longhorns..................................59 Billingsley Longhorns................................ 60 BT Farms...................................................... 60 Buckhorn Cattle Co................................... 60 Bull Creek Longhorns........................... 17, 61 Butler Listings............................................ 8-9 Butler Breeders Sale.............................. 10-11 —C— Caballo Bravo Longhorns..........................59 Cedarview Ranch........................................59 Champion Genetics....................................57 Chapparal Cattle Com...............................19 Christa Cattle Co...........................................8 Circle Double C Ranch............................. 60 —D— Dalgood Longhorns................................. 8, 9 DCCI Equipment.........................................56 Diamond Q Longhorns............................. 60 DK Longhorn Ranch...................................59 Double A Longhorns................................. 60 Dubose Bar D Ranch....................................8 —E— El Coyote Ranch............................................ 1 Elah Valley Longhorns................................59 End of Trail Ranch.................................. 5, 54 —F— Flying Diamond Ranch...............................59 FMB Land & Cattle, LLC......................54, 62 Fort Worth Stockyards Sale..................FC, 2 —H— Haltom Hollar Ranch..................................59 Helm Cattle Co........................................... 60 Hickman Longhorns.................................. 60 —H— Hill Country Heritage Sale....................... IFC Hoosier Longhorns.............................. 21, 25 Hudson Longhorns........................... FC, 2, 3 Husky Branding Irons.................................54 —J— J.T. Wehring Family Ranch....................... 60 Jack Mountain Ranch............................ 8, 61 Jane’s Land & Cattle Co..............................8 Johnston Longhorns................................. 60 Jordan Insurance Group............................56

—K— King, Terry & Tammy...................................59 Kittler Land & Cattle............................. 19, 59 —L— Lazy A Ranch............................................... 60 Lightning Longhorns................................. 60 Little Ace Cattle Co.......................................9 LL Longhorns.................................................9 Lodge Creek Longhorns............................59 Lone Wolf Ranch........................................ 60 Longhorn Sale Pen......................................33 — M— McLeod Ranch...............................................9 Meers Store, The.........................................33 Moriah Farms.............................................. 60 —N — Northbrook Cattle Company................... 60 —P — P&C Cattle Pens..........................................43 Panther Creek Ranch............................FC, 2 —R— R&R Ranch................................................... 60 Red McCombs Ranches...........................BC Rio Vista Ranch..............................................9 River Ranch................................................. IFC Rockin I Longhorns.....................................61 Rocking P Longhorns...................................9 Rocky Mountain Longhorns.....................59 Rolling B Ranch........................................... 51 Rolling D Ranch...........................................59 Running Arrow Longhorns........................57 —S— Safari B Ranch............................................. 60 Safety Zone Calf Catcher..........................45 Sand Hills Ranch......................................7, 59 Schumacher Cattle.................................... 60 Semkin Longhorns..................................... 60 Singing Coyote Ranch...............................61 SS Longhorns.............................................. 60 Star Creek Ranch......................................... 13 Stotts Hideaway Ranch............................. 60 Struthoff Ranches of Texas.......................61 Sugar Hill Ranch..........................................32 —T— TLBA Foundation.........................................58 TLBAA Horn Showcase.......................36-42 Triple R Ranch (TX)........................................9 TS Adcock Longhorns................................61 Twisted Sister Ranch................................... 13 —W — Walker, Ron...................................................61 Wannaba Ranch...........................................61 Western Breeders Sale.............................IBC

Texas Longhorn Trails


Send us your photo with a funny caption included!

If your photo is chosen to appear in a future issue of Trails Magazine, you will receive TLBAA Merchandise free! Photos cannot be returned.

Send your photo with caption to: Texas Longhorn Trails, Attn. Myra, • P.O. Box 4430 • Fort Worth, Texas 76164 or (Email entries should include address.) Photo may be used in a future issue due to number of responses

“Well good morning, sweetheart.” Thanks to Seth & Amber Locke of Locke Ranch, Bristow, OK for their submission!

—W — Westfarms Inc................................................9 Wichita Fence Company...........................54 Widespread Ranch............................... 34-35 —X— XCalibur Star................................................. 13

UPCOMING ISSUES: September: Sales & Marketing October: Herd Health & Nutrition November: Gifts/Apparel/Furnishings August 2016 | 63


Texas Longhorn

Coming Events

AUG 5 • Rocky Mountain Winchester Futurity, Latigo Equestrian Center, Elbert, CO. J.R. Matott (303) 963-5350,

SEPT 24 • NRLA Central Washington Longhorn Show, Central Washington State Fair Park, Yakima, WA. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

AUG 6 • Deschutes County Fair, Deschutes County Expo Center, Redmond, OR. Tamara Kuntz (541) 280-1645 or Free & Youth.

SEPT 30 • Tulsa State Fair, Tulsa Fair Grounds, Tulsa, OK. Entry Deadline Aug. 29th. Contact Steve Quary 405-567-3093 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth

AUG 6 • Rocky Mountain Select TL Sale, Consignments due May 16, Charlie Searle (719) 649-0058 or charliesearle02@gmail. com

SEPT 30-OCT 1 • Fort Worth Stockyards Longhorn Auction, Fort Worth, TX. Lori McCarty (817) 991-8825 or hvauction@gmail. com

AUG 13 • The Source Show Calf Sale & Showmanship Clinic, Waxahachie, TX. Ryan Culpepper (940) 577-1753 or Chris Lindsey (601) 319-8296.

SEPT 30 - OCT 2 • East Texas State Fair, Fair Grounds, Tyler, TX. Entry Deadline August 31st, Late entry Sept. 5th w/$25 penalty. Dr. Gene & Lana Hightower 903-681-1093, Entries on line at Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth

AUG 15 • West Texas Fair & Rodeo Fair, Taylor County Expo Center, Abilene, TX. Billy Thompson 325-668-3988 or Qualifying Haltered, Free, Youth & Youth Points Only


AUG 19 • Wyoming State Fair, State Fair Grounds, Douglas, WY. Entry Deadline July 25th Toby Johnson (307) 674-4691 Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth

OCT 7-9 • 2016 State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX. Entry Deadline is September 1, 2016, Show Chairs: Trigg & Traci Moore 817-832-8742 / 254-396-5592, , Qualifying Haltered, NonHaltered & Youth.

AUG 21 • Central States Fair, 800 San Francisco St. Rapid City, SD. Entry Deadline August 1st Bonny Damrow 402-423-5441 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth

OCT 19 • NRLA NILE Stock Show, Metra Park Fairgrounds, Billings, MT. Entry Deadline Sept. 7, Toby Johnson imbarlonghorns@ 307-674-4691 Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

AUG 27-28 • Ray Bohy Longhorn Show, Nebraska State Fair Grounds, Grand Island, NE, Entry Deadline Aug. 10. Delwin & Vicki Smeal 402-568-2353, Rodger & Bonnie Damrow 402423-5441, Cell 402-580-3673, Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth

OCT 20-23 • TLBAA Horn Showcase, Lawton, OK. Nichole Keith, (210) 296-5445 or


SEPT 3 • NRLA Sanders Co. Longhorn Show, Sanders Co. Fairgrounds, Plains, MT. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth.

OCT 20 • Measuring Begins OCT 20 • Bull Alley/Embryo Alley OCT 21 • Horn Showcase Futurity OCT 21 • Bred and Owned Heifer Sale OCT 22 • TLBAA Horn Showcase Sale

OCT 21-23 • Ark-La-Tex Annual Fall Show, George H. Henderson, Jr. Exposition Center, Lufkin, TX. Jessica DuBose, (903) 948-5194, Qualifying Free, Trophy Steers, Haltered and Youth.

SEPT 3 • Butler Breeder’s Invitational Sale, Lockhart, TX. Kaso Kety (985) 674-6492 or Michael McLeod (361) 771-5355. SEPT 4-5 • Mountains and Plains - Colorado State Fair, State Fair Grounds, Pueblo, CO. Kenny Richardson (970) 352-3054, or Lana Pearson (719) 740-0741, Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 9-10 • Hill Country Heritage Longhorn Sale, River Ranch, Fredericksburg, TX. Rick Friedrich - rick@riverranchlonghorns. com or (713) 305-0259. SEPT 9-11 • Deep South Texas Longhorn Shootout, Magnolia Center, Laurel, MS. Entry deadline Aug. 24th. Chris Lindsey (601) 319-9376 or (601) 319-8296. Forms at Qualifying Haltered, Free and Youth. Points only Haltered and Youth. SEPT 10 • West Texas Fair & Rodeo, EXPO Center 1700 Hwy 36, Abilene, TX. Entry Deadline Aug 15th. Contact Billy Thompson 325-668-3988 or Qualifying Free and Haltered. SEPT 10 • New Mexico State Fair Longhorn Show, NM State Fair Grounds/EXPO, Albuquerque, NM. Entry Deadline Aug. 1st. Dustin Brewer (505) 660-3061 or Qualifying Free and Haltered. SEPT 10 • NRLA Spokane Fair Longhorn Show, Spokane Fairgrounds & Expo Center, Spokane, WA. Shannon Kearney (509) 684-2963 or (509) 680-0019 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 11 • Spokane NWLA Show, Spokane, WA. Sheryl Johnson (503) 349-4985 or Qualifying Haltered, Free & Youth. SEPT 17 • Western Breeders Select Sale, AVI Resort & Casino, Laughlin, NV (Mojave Crossing Events Center). RC Larson (503) 812-2643 or

64 | August 2016

November 2016

NOV 12 • Louisiana State Fair, Louisiana State Fairgrounds Livestock Area, Sheveport, LA. Contact Jessica Wade 903-9485194 or Peggy Swindle (State Fair) 318-653-1361 Free, Haltered, Youth & Free-Trophy Steer. NOV 19 • Texas Longhorn Production, Consignment & Ranch Horse Fall Select Sale. Crossroads Centre, Oyen, AB. Ron Walker (403) 5486684 or cell (403) 528-0200,


JßAN 14-17 • TLBAA Longhorn Weekend, Fort Worth, TX; Amy Weatherholtz (817) 625-6241 or JAN 14 • Eddie Wood Cowtown Classic Sale JAN 16 • Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo; Qualifying Youth JAN 17 • Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo; Qualifying Haltered

MARCH 2017

MARCH 24-26 • Oklahoma Spring Shoot Out, Payne County Expo Center, Stillwater, OK. Tina Dubose 979-277-2656 or Qualifying Haltered, Free, Youth & Steer Free. MARCH 31 • YMBL South Texas State Fair, Ford Park Fairgrounds, Beaumont, TX. Entry Deadline March 15, 2017. Contact Steve Quary, 405-567-3093 or Qualifying Haltered, Free, Youth & Friday Points.

May 2017

MAY 5-7 • TLBGCA Spring Show, Miracle Farm, Brenham, TX, Stephen Head (979) 549-5270,

Texas Longhorn Trails

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 21

Texas Longhorn Trails

August 2016 | 21

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