2020 Texas VFW Fall News

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FALL 2020

Official Magazine of the Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars


Joseph M. “Pappy” Colwell (left), 99 year old WWII veteran USMC; Bob Cook (middle), 95 year old WWII veteran USMC and Post Commander/All-American; and Joe Rodriquez (right), 95 year old WWII veteran US Army visit the Iwo Jima Memorial.

INSIDE Community Highlights Independence Day Korean Armistice Operation Iraqi Freedom VJ Day Patriot Day POW/MIA Day VFW Birthday Texas VFW 100th Birthday GRAND AWARD MAGAZINE CATEGORY


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Thank You for Serving Our Country.




Amidst a global pandemic, Texas VFW Posts rally to provide hurricane relief

State Commander’s Column


Texas VFW Posts rally to offer Hurricane Relief


Independence Day


Korean Armistice


Community Highlights

13 Operation Iraqi Freedom


16 Patriot Day


18 Texas VFW Foundation

19 POW/MIA Day


21 Service Dog memorializes Past Post Commander


Posts continue to assist those in their communities who are in need

VJ Day

Mid-Winter Convention Banquet Tickets

p 12

Posts celebrate Texas VFW’s 100th Birthday

Texas VFW’s 100th Birthday: Commander’s Special Project

p 20

22 Texas VFW — What We Do, Who We Are, What We Stand For 23

Texas VFW Membership Application


Post 12024, The Woodlands, Operation Iraqi Freedom

SEE THE LATEST CALENDARS AT Texasvfw.org > News > Calendar

• Independence Day

UPCOMING EVENTS MID-WINTER CONVENTION — Hotel Reservations & Banquet Tickets


p. 17

Send Community Highlight stories and photos to terri@texasvfw.org for magazine and Facebook consideration. Thank you for your submissions.

• Operation Iraqi Freedom • VJ Day • Patriot Day • POW/MIA Day • VFW Birthday

ON THE COVER L-R: Joseph M. “Pappy” Colwell, 99 year old WWII veteran USMC; Bob Cook, 95 year old WWII veteran USMC and Post Commander/All-American; and Joe Rodriquez, 95 year old WWII veteran US Army — all served in the Pacific Island Hopping and are members of Texas VFW Post 8790, Houston. Here, they are pictured at the Iwo Jima Memorial at Arlington Cemetery and attended the trip together on the Honor Flight program. See page 14 for Pappy Colwell’s 99th “Birthday Drive-by” celebration.

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SERVING VETERANS SINCE 1899 What Does the Texas VFW Offer You?

Camaraderie with Fellow Veterans • Community Networking & Involvement • Remembrance Programs • Full Time Support of Today’s Service Members • Programs for Families and Youth • Full Time Watchdog on Capitol Hill and at the Texas Legislature • Free Representation in VA Claims • An Award-Winning Magazine

The Official Publication of the Department of Texas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Texas VFW News (USPS 008-177). Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $30.00. Published four times per year by the Department of Texas, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., 8503 North IH-35, Austin, Texas 78753 Volume 75, Number 2, © OCTOBER 2020. All rights reserved.

Contributions: Letters, manuscripts, stories, materials or photographs are welcomed, but cannot be returned unless sender provides SASE. Texas VFW will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and drawings. Submission of articles and letters implies the right to edit and publish all or in part.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Dept., VFW, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111.

Please send your comments, suggestions, and ideas to: Texas VFW, PO Box 14468, Austin, Texas 78761 or email to terri@texasvfw.org. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and not to be construed as those of the publisher nor as official views of the Texas VFW, the National VFW or any of its agencies, unless otherwise made manifest by writers or spokespersons acting on behalf of the foregoing. Advertising of products and services herein does not imply endorsement or approval of the Texas VFW. Advertising is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services are accurately described. Ads that contain fraudulent, deceptive or misleading statements or illustrations, or in the opinion of the Texas VFW News may be offensive, are not knowingly accepted. If you encounter noncompliance, please tell us. For information regarding: Unit reunions, general orders, taps, District meetings and other topics, please visit www.texasvfw.org. Join us on Facebook for up-to-date information, photos of VFW events and breaking news relevant to veterans. Flippable online version of this magazine is available at www.texasvfw.org/news.

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Commander Adjutant/Quartermaster Sr Vice Jr Vice Judge Advocate Surgeon Chaplain Chief-of-Staff Inspector Immediate Past Cmdr Assistant Quartermaster Assistant Adjutant Assistant Adjutant Deputy State Inspector Deputy State Inspector Deputy State Inspector Deputy State Inspector Deputy State Inspector Deputy State Inspector Officer of the Day National Council Member

3893 3413 4816 10429 3278 6796 4008 2059 1475 3278 6378 4443 9078 2775 6970 8551 7835 3892 3278 3413 3413

Richard “Dick” Shawver Dan West Norman Macey Lynn Toomer Keith King Gerard “Jerry” Greene Allen “Al” Lowe Robert Martinez, Jr. Roy Grona Keith King Carlos Sustaita Angel Ramirez Wayne Cooley Kevin Bost John E. Shipley Glenn J. James Eddie L. Terry Anson Booker James Masters Lonnie Garza Dan West

281-825-6749 254-326-8130




2020-21 DEPARTMENT OFFICERS 19151 Valley Drive, Flint, TX 75762 8503 N IH-35, Austin, TX 78753 16907 Caldwell Pointe Ct., Humble, TX 77346 937 Behrens Ct., Crowley, TX 76036 2406 Belmeade St., Brownwood, TX 76801 10523 Ferguson Rd., Dallas, TX 75228 1 Roy Bean Dr., Belton, TX 76513 314 Shadwell Drive, San Antonio, TX 78228 2204 S. Ong St., Amarillo, TX 79109 2406 Belmeade St., Brownwood, TX 76801 PO Box 14451, Austin, TX 78761 8503 N IH-35, Austin, TX 78753 8503 N IH-35, Austin, TX 78753 165 Greathouse St., Vidor, TX 77662 905 Schuettig Rd., Poteet, TX 78065 235 Primrose Road, Freeport, TX 77541 5700 Westview Ct., Tolar, TX 76476 122 East Iowa Dr., Harker Heights, TX 76548 7800 FM 2125, Brownwood, TX 76801 2555 Smokey Creek, Schertz, TX 78154 8503 N IH-35, Austin, TX 78753

terry.eshenbaugh@tvc.texas.gov katina.cryer@tvc.texas.gov




Dan West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Terri Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Communications/Graphic Designer Department Headquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (512) 834-8535

Houston — Terry “Mike” Eshenbaugh Waco — Katina Cryer



Advertisers: Electronic Media Kit available at www.texasvfw.org/news, or request one from terri@texasvfw.org.



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Members Change of Address: Forward address changes to: Data Entry, VFW, 406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111. Be sure to furnish your old address, also your Post number, when requesting change to new address. To ensure accuracy, please clip and enclose your present address as printed on a recent copy of the Texas VFW News magazine.

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 28 29 30

2772 2775 1406 2427 8800 8932 6873 2466 9173 5873 688 9191 8878 880 4692 10712 9313 9174 7835 4403 6284 10427 4694 4376

Katie Baillio Robert LaFleur James E. Briggs Stephen E. Biehl Gregory P. “Greg” Brannan Henry Escobedo Melvin Harper Stephen “Steve” N. Evans Jose “Joe” Vargas, Jr. Larry D. Levy Andrew Camplen Carlo S. Davis Carl G. Lilly Michael S. Caballero John E. Velasquez Loren F. Pogue Henry “Paul” Lester Armando P. Gonzales Duane P. Shepard John F. “Jack” Mageluzzo Melvin “Mel” R. Parker David “Dave” A. Walden Christopher B. Davis William J. Fuzi


412 E. Shephard St., Denison, TX 75021 3528 Whippoorwill St., Orange, TX 77630 1056 Magnolia Lane, Cedar Hill, TX 75104 28314 Hardin Store Road, Magnolia, TX 77354 105 Canyon Dr., Canyon Lake, TX 78133 2106 Meadowgrove Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78414 4709 Oak Knoll St., Abilene, TX 79606 5504 75th Street, Lubbock, TX 79424 10436 Tomwood Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79925 7490 Daniels Chapel Rd., New Boston, TX 75570 PO Box 688, Boerne, TX 78006 3205 Eagle Ridge, Harker Heights, TX 76548 433 Bryan Road, Sunset, TX 79270 4410 Ave. P ½, Galveston, TX 77550 4988 Winding Creek, College Station, TX 77845 PO Box 96, Pharr, TX 78577 2589 FM 1751, San Augustine, TX 75972 106 Moon Valley St., San Antonio, TX 78227 1713 County Road 321, Glen Rose, TX 76043” 1003 N. Benavides St., Port Lavaca, TX 77979 5305 Clinton Avenue, Odessa, TX 79762 4309 Silverhill Dr., Lago Vista, TX 78645 262 Private Road 5245A, Mexia, TX 76667 15356 County Road 2501, Eustace, TX 75124

STATE COMMANDER’S COLUMN 10 0 Ye a r s o f S e r v i n g Ve t e r a n s April 21, 1921-April 21, 2021 At the beginning of the year, I asked that all Posts and Districts hold a special event to honor the Department of Texas’ 100 years of serving veterans.

Texas VFW Post 4443, Austin, celebrates the Texas VFW’s 100th Birthday.

The Department of Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars was officially chartered on 21 April, 1921, at which time there were already five Posts chartered in the state of Texas. The first Post was known as Fort Sam Houston, Post #76 in San Antonio, chartered on 26 June, 1917. This Post was organized by Arthur W. Pigott, who is known as the “Father of the VFW” in Texas. The remaining four chartered posts were Dallas Post #156, Dallas; Herbert D. Dunlavy post #581, Houston; Camp Bowie Post #708, Fort Worth; and Buddy Moore Post #688, Palestine. The first new Post organized within the Department of Texas was Davis-Seamon #812 in El Paso. The first General order was issued on 1 May, 1921 in which R. H. McLeod, of Houston, was elected and installed as the Department of Texas Commander. Also in that order it was established that Houston would be the temporary home for the Department of Texas headquarters. During that first administration there was a low of 221 and a high of 969 in membership. In 1993, membership

had grown to approximately 121,000 in 535 Posts, making it the largest Veterans organization in the United States. Today, there are approximately 65,000 members in 293 Posts and Members-at-Large. There are also 24 Districts in the State of Texas. Over the years there have been four Commanders-in-Chief from the Department of Texas with the first being Ted C. Connell, who served 1960-61. Those to follow were T. C. Selman, 1980-81; Jim Nier, 1996-97; and Glen Gardner, 2008-09. Julian Dickenson, Past Department Commander, is the only member from Texas to be appointed as an Adjutant General. The motto is “No One Does More for Veterans” — and over the last 100 years, Texas VFW members have proven that Texas does lead the way. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your service to this great country and thank you for all you do for this great organization. May God bless you and your family, may God bless and watch over our troops and may God bless the United States of America.

Yours in comradeship,

Dick Shawver Commander Shawver attends POW/MIA Remembrance Day for VFW District 4, Houston, Texas, on Friday, September 18, 2020.

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Lytle Memorial VFW Post 12041 participates in Operation Hanna Disaster Relief efforts.

Texas VFW Posts rally to assist Victims of Two Hurricanes July 25-27, 2020 — Hurricane Hanna Brings Flooding Rain, Damaging Winds to the Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Texas VFW Post 12178, Weslaco, help distribute 750 free chicken dinner plates to the community affected by Hurricane Hanna.

Texas VFW Post members from 12178, 2410, 12041, 8541, 6719 and volunteers from Team Red, White and Blue (RWB) collected and filled a trailer with supplies for Willacy County veterans who were affected by Hurricane Hanna.


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! g n i d n a O u tst Texas VFW Post 12178, Weslaco, members intercept a load in Corpus Christi that Texas VFW Motorcycle Unit 14 brought down from Belton, Texas, to assist District 18’s Hurricane Hanna relief efforts.

August 27, 2020 — Hurricane Laura slams Lake Charles, Louisiana and Orange, Texas.

Past District 18 Commander Lupita Perez, current District 18 Commander Loren Pogue, Post Commander Eduardo Mancias, Quartermaster Ismael Garcia, Service Officer Eloy Salinas and Post members of Texas VFW Post 12178, Weslaco, gathered supplies then traveled to Orange, Texas, from the Rio Grande Valley to assist victims of Hurricane Laura. A few children from District 18 sent posters with messages of encouragement.

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Texas VFW Post 8235, Fort Worth Members gather for a reading of the significance of Independence Day.

Texas VFW Post 10377, Lake Belton Members stand with a replica Liberty Bell as a symbol of freedom for America’s Independence Day.

Texas VFW Post 2013, Big Spring Members remember Independence Day at their Post.

! g n i d n a O u tst

Texas VFW Post 4700, San Antonio Members and the community join together to observe Independence Day at a Post fundraiser that was sponsored by a local dance group.


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Texas VFW Post 4006, Navasota Members lead Navasota’s Independence Day Parade and hold a Buddy Poppy donation table.

An Act of Kindness saved my Life During 1967-68, eighty Marines from my unit were deployed to Vietnam. In 1968, during the battle in Dia Do, Quang Tri Providence, we suffered a large number of casualties. Thirteen of us made it back home and we kept in touch all of these years. At the end of 2019, I was notified that my last remaining combat brother had passed away. This news, coupled with my PTSD, caused me to spiral into depression and darkness. I was contemplating suicide so that I could be with my brothers. I took my wife out for a nice lunch having made up my mind I was going to take my life that day. While sitting there thinking this would be the last meal with my wife, a miracle happened. A young lady approached our table. I watched her standing in front of us while she uttered these sincere words that affected me very deeply “Thank you for your service.” At that moment I believe my brothers had sent an angel my way to let me know I should not give up. That day she gave me back my life. I was so taken by her actions that I presented her with my Purple Heart pin I was wearing. She

promised that she would wear it in remembrance of me and my brothers. I later found out that she had drawn a picture of me. I continued to be so impressed by this young lady’s selflessness! My VFW Post wished to recognize her for her kindness and for the drawing by presenting her with the Patriotic Art Award. I was also pleased to present her with an inscription of one of Ronald Reagan’s famous quotes as well as one of my Purple Heart Medals. Her name is Ana Rae Grone and she is my angel — sent to me by God and all of my brothers. She did not realize how deeply she changed the life of a veteran that day. Today, I am happy to say I am a Peer to Peer counselor talking to veterans and helping them deal with PTSD and suicide prevention. Sometimes it is the smallest of gestures that can turn someone’s life around. Ana Rae, thank you for your patriotic support for all of us who gave some and for those who gave all. Cpl. Max Vasquez, Disabled Veteran, USMC Texas VFW Post 3413, San Marcos

L-R: Cpl. Max Vasquez, Ana Rae Grone, Bernie Adams and Commander Stephanie Brown. Post 3413 presented Ana Rae with a VFW Patriotic Art Award and one of Cpl. Vasquez’s Purple Heart Medals.

Supporting Our Veterans

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Texas VFW Post 6074, Bloomington Members gather to discuss the Korean Armistice at their Post. Sr. Vice Cmdr. Constantino Martin spoke to the group about his experience in Korea and showed some of his photos.

Texas VFW Post 8315, Schertz Members honor the Korean Armistice by placing flags on Schertz Main Street.

Texas VFW Post 2195, Allen Commander Pete Hersom gives a presentation on the history of the Korean Peninsula up to and including the Korean Armistice Agreement to Post members, Auxiliary members and guests at the Allen Veteran’s Memorial.

! g n i d n a t O uts

Texas VFW Post 1514, Village Mills

Members along with Boy Scout Troop 9 honor a Korean veteran.


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Texas VFW Post 4709, Conroe Commander Kelly Glass presents a Signing of the Korean Armistice Day speech at the Post. Sixteen members and Auxiliary members along with their children and two service dogs were in attendance while 175 families watched from home. Afterwards, a Pizza Party was enjoyed by all.

Texas VFW Post 9191, Killeen Comrades and family members visit the Korean War Memorial located at Killeen Conference and Civic Center. Commander Kevin Williams read a brief history of the events surrounding the Korean Armistice. Members who had served on the Peninsula recalled their days there and how far things have come in 70 years. Commander Williams later presented one of the younger attendees a commemorative book on the Korean War.

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Lupita Perez, Past District 18 Commander, VFW Calderon-Daily Memorial Post 12178, honors Police, first responders and nurses with free coffee and pastries.

(Below) Texas VFW Post 6441, Wimberley, in conjunction with Hays County Law Enforcement offers the Wimberley community a free drive-thru style dinner.

District 2, while persevering through COVID-19 and recent storms, held strong to help support the 2020 Homeless Veterans Stand Down at the Veterans Center in Beaumont, Texas, September 25, 2020. District 2 Commander Robert LaFleur led a group of 9 members from around their district to assist in the Stand Down.

Members and Auxiliary of District 14 gather to participate in Operation Stand Down Central Texas by volunteering, collecting and distributing donations. Auxiliary President Marlene SalazarKing conducts a ceremony honoring the Gold, Silver, and Blue star families. Post 837 Auxiliary prepared lunch and created wreaths that were given to the families.


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! g n i d n a O u tst

OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM Augus t 3 1 Texas VFW Post 8927, Lockhart Members meet to recognize Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Texas VFW Post 8397, San Antonio The Post holds an Operation Iraqi Freedom ceremony via Zoom meeting to honor all veterans who served in Iraq.

Texas VFW Post 2676, Windthorst Post and Auxiliary members commemorate Operation Iraqi Freedom with a short briefing on its origins and purpose.

Texas VFW Post 6970, Poteet Members hold a remembrance for the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Everyone enjoyed refreshments afterwards.

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Sep tember 2

Texas VFW Post 4146, Victoria Members gather to remember and discuss VJ Day.

Texas VFW Post 6441, Wimberley Members meet at the Wimberley Cafe to remember VJ Day.

On the Cover

y a d h t r i B Happy

Texas VFW Post 8790, Houston In honor of VJ Day, Post members help Joseph M. “Pappy” Colwell, WWII USMC, celebrate his 99th Birthday with a neighborhood “Birthday Drive-by” orchestrated with assistance from members, local law enforcement, friends and family.


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Texas VFW Post 8526, Rio Grande City Post Commander speaks with the youth about the significance of VJ Day at the McAllen Memorial on August 30, 2020.


September 11

! g n i d n a O u tst Texas VFW Post 4011, Greenville Members and Auxiliary bring food baskets as a thank you to their local fire and police departments as part of their Patriot Day activities.

Texas VFW Post 5872, Fairfield Members gathered at the War Memorial in Anderson County to remember Patriot Day and the sacrifices made by many.

Texas VFW Post 10454, Grapevine Members and extended friends and family showed their Patriot Day spirit by proudly exhibiting American flags in their community.

Texas VFW Post 7843, Duncanville Members gathered at their Post to remember Patriot Day and the almost 3,000 people who perished that day.


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Texas VFW Post 8788, McAllen Members gather for a Patriot Day ceremony and to remember 9/11.

Recognition of the top ten State Winners from the VFW Voice of Democracy Program, the State Winner from the Patriots Pen Program, and Teachers of the Year.

2020-21 MID-WINTER CONFERENCE & VOD BANQUET January 21-24, 2021 | Omni Corpus Christi Hotel 2019-20 Voice of Democracy Winners


Omni Hotel, 900 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Book Hotel Online at: www.texasvfw.org/upcomingevents Awards Banquet will be held aboard the USS Lexington!

Order Banquet Tickets online at www.texasvfw.org/upcoming events or by email, mail, or fax by January 8, 2021. Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ City:________________________ State:________ Zip:__________________ Post/Aux:___________________________Dist. #:_______________________________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________ Telephone:___________________________________________

REMINDER: Now is a great time to make those


year-end contributions to charities of your choice. The Texas VFW


Foundation is YOUR charity — created and sustained by you for Texas veterans. You may contribute online and/or mail to Department.

Texas VFW Foundation’s Board of Directors and its staff would like to wish all veterans a

Happy Veterans Day

Please remember to list “Texas VFW “VFW team, thank you for

Foundation” in the Memo field and

helping and assisting me in

which program you would like to

my time of need. I reached

contribute to: Veterans’ Assistance

out to many other veteran

(VAP), Memorials, Posts’ Assistance,

organizations and you were

and/or Disaster Assistance (DAP).

the only one that stepped up to assist me. Thanks, again! You are a life saver.” — A. Lewis, US Army




23 veteran households,

funds available to assist your

including 34 dependents

Post in holding a Homeless Veterans Stand Down. Please email: foundation@texasvfw.org


and one surviving spouse, with $44,278 in direct financial assistance.

The Foundation was awarded assistance again this year from Austin Energy’s “Plus 1 Program.” This program offers direct utility assistance for qualifying veterans who are also Austin Energy customers.

The Texas VFW Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) Public Charity. The Veterans’ Assistance Program is available to any Texas veteran with an honorable discharge, widow or immediate family member thereof, regardless of where or what time they served. Your charitable contribution could be tax deductible. Talk to your tax professional about how contributions to the Texas VFW Foundation could help.



F a l l 2 0 2 0 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e

POW/MIA DAY Sep tember 18

Texas VFW Post 2195, Allen

Texas VFW Post 688, Boerne Quartermaster Bob Worrall and Judge Advocate General Charlie Wetherbee raise a new POW/MIA flag over the Boerne, Texas, Veterans Plaza. Afterwards, Surgeon Sonny Arkangel conducted a POW/MIA Remembrance ceremony at a Post dinner gathering.

Texas VFW Post 8925, Austin

Commander Pete Hersom and Ceremonial Unit Commander Frank Stepka and Post Quartermaster Barry Hardman present a POW/MIA Missing Man Table Ceremony to the City of Allen Mayor, City Council and staff on September 22, 2020.

The Post commemorates POW/ MIA Day virtually with veterans across Texas with a ceremony using technology to bring the veteran community together in these challenging times.

Texas VFW Post 76, San Antonio The Post conducts a POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony and “Small Table� Missing Man Ceremony.

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Texas VFW’s 100th BIRTHDAY State Commander Shawver’s Special Project

April 21

Texas VFW Post 4820, Port Neches

Texas VFW Post 8627, Richardson

Texas VFW Post 7207, Alpine

Texas VFW Post 12152, Cleburne 20

Texas VFW Post 7873, Pottsboro

Texas VFW Post 6715, Gilmer

Texas VFW Post 9022, Dumas

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! g n i d n a O u tst

Michael John Foy Day for 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 T E X A S V F W S TAT E C H A P L A I N

• Continually promotes “ONE Team” theme • Retired United States Navy Veteran (33+ years — Federal Service) • Numerous positions held at Post, District, State, & National levels • Earned over 10,000+ hours of Volunteer Service • Ordained Minister & District 17 Chaplain (three times) • Joined the VFW in 1992 • Gold Legacy Life Member • Life Member of the National Home

• Life Member of the DAV • Post Commander (twice) • All-State Post Commander • J. T. Rutherford Award — 1998 • National Aid-de-Camp (three times) • State Homeless Veterans Chairman • Chairman for Americanism & Youth Programs (five times) • Veterans in the Classroom (five times)

FoyDay@aol.com | FoyDay@yahoo.com | Mobile (936) 697-8769 F a l l 2 0 2 0 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e


SGT William J Bordelon Post 4700, San Antonio, received its Diamond Jubilee Award at the District 20 Meeting on September 19, 2020 for 75 Years Exceptional Service to veterans and community. Congratulations!













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MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please fill out the VFW Membership Application below and mail in, or sign up online at www.texasvfw.org > Home > Membership. Name:____________________________________________________________________Email:_ ____________________________________________ First Middle Last Suffix (Jr., Sr., etc) Address:_ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________________________________State:_______________________Zip:_________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YY)_ ___________________________________________ Military Service: p Air Force p Army p Coast Guard p Marines p Navy Current Status: p Active Duty p Veteran p National Guard/Reserve I served in: p Pre-World War II p World War II p WWII Occupation p 1945-55 (Europe, Korea, Japan) p 1945-90 (Berlin)

p Korean War 1950-54 p Desert Storm/Shield p Korea 1955 p Bosnia/Kosovo 1995 p Vietnam 1958-75 p Global War on Terrorism — p Expeditionary Operations Expeditionary 2001 1958-2003 (Thailand, Grenada, Libya, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, etc.)

p Afghanistan 2001 p Iraq 2003

Qualified recipient of: p Imminent Danger/Hostile Fire Pay p SSBN Nuclear Deterrent Patrol* *Period Covered:______________________________________________________(Required for applicants with no other reported qualifying service.) I would like to join the Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars as a(n): p Annual Member p Life Member p Life 12 Mo. Install* ($45 Initial payment)


One-Time Payment

Initial Payment

11 Payments of

Through Age 30
























81 and over




Automatic Payment Plan Terms and Conditions: You authorize the VFW to initiate electronic debit entries or affect a charge by any other commercially accepted practice to your account set forth above for the payment of dues reflected on this application. You understand such charges may be made within 2-3 business days of payment due date. For installment payments, charges will be made on or around the 1st or 15th day of the month. This authorization will remain in full force until VFW has received notification from you of its termination or upon completion of the installment payments. Annual dues are subject to change. By completing this authorization, you acknowledge that you will only receive notice when the payment would differ by more than $10.00 from the most recent payment. Call VFW Customer Service at 1-800-963-3180 or write to VFW at: VFW, P.O. Box 119028, Kansas City, MO 64171 to inquire about or cancel a payment, or to report problems such as bank closures, lost or stolen account numbers, closed accounts, or unauthorized transactions. Cancellation requests must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. Central Time ten business days prior to the scheduled payment date. If you are unaware of the charge date for your account, please contact VFW. If a payment is returned by your financial institution (e.g., due to insufficient funds, incorrect account information, closed account, etc.) The VFW will contact you at the address we have on file for you, explaining why the payment could not be processed, and providing alternative payment options. The privilege of making payments under this agreement may be revoked by VFW if any item is not paid upon presentation. You may have additional rights and responsibilities under the Electronic Funds Transfer Act. Life Membership Installment Plan Terms and Conditions: The VFW Membership Installment Plan allows any VFW member/applicant to purchase a Life Membership by making an initial payment of $45.00 and (11) monthly payments. The member will be issued an Annual membership card at the time of enrollment. The member may elect to receive a monthly statement by mail or may set up a payment profile to make the monthly payment automatically using a credit/debit card or bank account. A payoff amount will be printed on each monthly invoice, allowing the member the option to pay in full. A permanent Life Membership card will be issued upon the completion of payments. The Life Membership fee is determined from the schedule using the applicant’s age on December 31 of the year in which the application is submitted. Delinquencies will be handled as follows: Up to 30 days – continue to bill; 31 to 120 days – delinquency can be corrected through make up payment(s) or plan end date pushed forward; More than 120 days – member is dropped from the Installment Plan, all monthly payments made to date, are applied to future years annual dues.

I attest by forwarding this application that I am a citizen of the United States, that I qualify for the VFW and that my Campaign Service was honorable, and that I have never been discharged under other than honorable conditions or I am still serving honorably in the armed forces of the United States of America. I further give authority to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to verify my entitlement to membership in the VFW and that if no proof can be found or provided that I am subject to discharge from the VFW without refund. Signature:______________________________________________________Date:__________________________________ Amount $:____________________________ Include membership payment by check or money order (DO NOT SEND CASH) or pay by credit card: p Mastercard

p Visa

p Discover

p American Express

Credit Card Number: ________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____ _____ / _____ _____

Mail to: Texas VFW • P.O. Box 14468 • Austin, Texas 78761 | For questions call: (512) 834-8535 F a l l 2 0 2 0 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e


TEXAS VFW POST 12024, THE WOODLANDS — Members visit with local soldiers from the U.S. Army in observance of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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