Edition 541

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EDITION 541 XMAS SPECIAL Winners of the Xmas Story Competition

Your fortnightly TV GUIDE inside



PAGES 41-46 PAGE 44



HRISTMAS is well and truly here and Tenerife is offering a diverse range of entertainment, attractions, shopping experiences and festive fun.

Whilst having a great time is the main aim, keeping safe is also paramount and various warning messages are being issued by the authorities, not least the police. Their alert is “Don’t even think about driving under the influence of drink or drugs” because you will be prosecuted, fined and possibly even sent to prison. The fire brigade is also advising Christmas revellers to take care with Christmas lights, candles, cooking, cigarettes and the use of fireworks. Meantime, local councils are doing their bit by making sure festive parades, including the arrival of the Three Kings in various locations around the island, go off without mishap. In many areas, extra stewards are being brought in to separate crowds from the procession which in many cases includes live animals. Across Spain, police anticipate making 25,000 checks throughout the day and night, targetting drivers who might have over-done the alcohol at parties. They say drink and drugs are a major risk factor responsible for almost one third of fatal accidents. The checks will pay as much attention to drug consumption as drink because these cases are on the rise. Meantime, various local authorities have launched campaigns reminding people that buying a pet for Christmas is not a great idea unless you are sure it is going to be for life and not just a whim. Anyone who plans to go out for a Christmas hike is also being reminded to take all adequate precautions and though it might be sunny in the south, the temperature can still plummet in the higher regions. And should snow arrive on Mount Teide, take extra special care and take heed of all the warnings and any road closures.

A n-ice way to celebrate


CE has finally arrived in the south of Tenerife with an adult). Skate rental is included in the price of tickets but it’s nothing to do with the weather!

For the first time, the Magma centre (next to the Playa de las Americas bus station) is offering an iceskating rink which will remain open until January 10th. The initiative is already attracting huge support and is being called “La Pista de Hielo 5 Estrellas de Tenerife” because of its five-star appeal. The opening scheduled forn December 18th had to be

delayed for 24 hours whilst 450 square metres of ice was installed. The facility joins the ranks of similar ones in London, New York and Paris. Users are being asked to share their experiences and photos on the social network via hashatg #pistadehieloMAGMA! Sessions are for 45 minutes each (no children under 14 and those under 12 must be

and it operates every day of the week from 10am to 10pm, including on a Sunday, with late nights from 10pm to 2am for over-18s only on a Friday and Saturday. Organisers say it is a wonderful experience for all the family and a great way to celebrate Christmas in Tenerife. Find out more on http://www.tenerifemagma.com/


Charred body found in boot

There will be projects in avenida de Venezuela, Acorán and other zones of the south-east which are always worst hit when the heay rain begins to fall. The capital has seen major incidents of flooding in recent years and in one case, a woman was killed when she was swept away by a torrent of water. In the year 2016, 250,000 euros will be spent on 15 schemes to improve the rainwater collection network.

At the time of going to press, the strange death of the Santa Cruz businessman was still being investigated by the police. It is believed the victim, who was well-known in El Medano, was abducted from his home and was found dead in San Miguel de Abona.

Capital acts over f looding ANTA Cruz is to invest 82 million euros over the next four years to alleviate flooding problems in the city.


HE discovery of a charred body in the boot of a car found burnt-out in a Tenerife barranco led to a kidnap and murder investigation.


































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Light on the horizon as Cabildo looks forward to a brighter New Year

Christmas and New Year message from Carlos Alonso, the President of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife


HRISTMAS isn’t Christmas without a star or a bright light that shines. Every year, around this time, the Star of Bethlehem guides the way that each of us chooses to follow. If we stray off the path, either we stop or go back a few steps - no one will do it for us. Sometimes the light is hidden behind thick clouds, the night turns dark, the road becomes more difficult and we risk falling. But when the sky clears up, the glow becomes even brighter and everything looks much clearer. In the Cabildo, the clouds over the years have made us tread more carefully: we have had to hold on tight so as not to fall and ever yone has pitched in to push forward many projects. It has been a period of economic hardship for many families and for this public administration. Fortunately, we are beginning to see the starry sky again and the way ahead is becoming easier. In 2016 the Tenerife Government will have the necessary funds to advance steadily. We can invest in people’s needs, promote job creation and undertake major improvements to our roads. But undoubtedly the most exciting project of this New Year is the one that has to do

with the training and preparation of our young people. Tenerife 2030 offers our children the shining stars they need so that each year they will find their way without fear of the dark. Empowering them with the tools of knowledge, it will enable them to face the future without stumbling. Keeping any eye on those who are our future means not losing sight of our primary responsibility. May the spirit of Christmas always shine brightly and may the sum of our good intentions become an inspirational light to guide us into the New Year.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Carlos Alonso, President Tenerife Government





Starmus Festival links with Prof Hawking to present new medals

Loro Parque marks 43rd birthday with 45m visitors!



ground-breaking new award for science communication in honour of Professor Stephen Hawking was announced at the Royal Society in London. The initiative was presented by a panel including Prof Hawking, founding director of the Tenerife-based Starmus Festival, Prof. Garik Israelian, musician Dr. Brian May, Prof. Richard Dawkins, Alexei Leonov and Nobel Laureate Sir

Harold Kroto. The first of its kind, the Medal will recognise the work of those helping to promote the public awareness of science through different disciplines such as music, arts and cinema. Each year, three

Medals will be awarded at the STARMUS International Science and Arts Festival in Tenerife which next takes place in summer 2016. The Stephen Hawking Medals will award Science Communicator of the Year in the three categories of scientific community, artistic community and film community. “By engaging with everyone

from school children to politicians to pensioners, science communicators put science right at the heart of daily life. Bringing science to the people brings people into science. This matters to me, to you, to the world as a whole,” said Prof. Hawking who has fallen in love with Tenerife after visiting for the last festival. Prof Israelian added: “This award is a milestone in the history of science, spearheaded by one of the most famous scientists and inspiring figures of our time, Professor Stephen Hawking.” There will also be citizen participation through a public voting process on social media to decide the winner of The Starmus Science Communicator of the Year – Filmmaker category, inviting the general public to participate in the awards and make history. A portrait of Stephen Hawking by cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, the first man to walk in space, has formed the design of the Medal.


ORO Parque, consistently voted one of the very best zoos in Europe and the world, is celebrating its 43rd anniversary with more than 45 million visitors.

Rated by Trip Advisor rates it as number one in Europe and second best in the world, it has become one of the world’s most respected zoological institutions and one of the most important engines of sustainable tourism in the Canary Islands. Besides these awards and international recognition of the efforts in the conservation of biodiversity and nature protection, Loro Parque never rests on its laurels and has been involved in new and exciting projects during 2015. These included the arrival of red pandas, the reopening of the magnificent “OrcaOcean” and nd the premiere of the spectacular new movie “Rio”, made especially for 3D cinema Naturavisión. Its aim is to alert visitors to the destruction of nature and species extinction.






New choir proves that Fifth tapas route proves singing really is fun! mouth-watering success OROTAVA PRIZES

of course, Fiona is a great teacher.” *The Singing for Fun group meets in the new year at 2:45 p.m every Monday at The Wine Bar at The Harbour Club, Los Gigantes. by Ken Bennett


Photo by Linda Mary Bennett

top flight singer has praised a happy go lucky choir who wowed audiences at a favourite south Tenerife night spot.

Fiona Kelly launched her Singing for Fun Group earlier in the year to support and encourage singing by local residents living in the Los Gigantes area. And after months of dedicated team work under her personal direction, the newlyformed Los Gigantes Singers made an impressive preYuletide appearance to appreciative audiences at The Harbour Club. Speaking after the singers¡ debut performance , a delighted Fiona said:” For me to be able to sing one of my favourite Christmas songs ‘O Holy Night’ with a real choir backing me was amazing and a real joy. “Christmas to me, is all about music and friendship —and that is what this singing group is about.” Fiona’s efforts in forming the group were originally featured in Tenerife News and in turn, led to several more happy singers joining the weekly sessions held on Monday afternoons at the Harbour Club. And despite a heavy show schedule in the UK and on the island, Fiona who has a degree in teaching music, is delighted with her personal mission to prove everyone really can sing. “The group is for everyone, regardless of their past experience or ability,” she said. “ I liken singing to running -

everyone can run to some extent just as everyone can sing, but not everyone will make it to the Olympics ! “The benefits of community and group singing are enormous and research has showed it improved posture and breath control, relieves stress, improves mood and confidence, and generates teamwork and a sense of community. “It’s also a social event to meet new people . And it’s fun !” In a star spangled career, Fiona has performed before The Royal Family, supported Katharine Jenkinson and appeared in a host of legendary musicals. When she completes a schedule of party night and corporate festive dinners and dances, her work with the Los Gigantes singers begins again in ernest in the new year. “We will be practising for our Les Miserables nights to be held February and March with Nic Page,” she declared. “There are songs to learn plus some of the best chorus numbers from the show including ‘Master of the House’ and ‘Do You Hear the People Sing.’ One of the dedicated singers, Joe Barnes, from the Wirral, said:” I have been delighted and surprised making new friends and contacts, further improving the great winter life in Tenerife. And,

Folk groups keep traditions alive


EGUESTE has once again been using folklore to preserve the Canary traditions and showcase them to the public.

Six folk groups took part in the Municipal Festival of Carols for the Villa, an event organised by the local council and part of the extensive Christmas programme. The stars of the show were Lo Divino de la Tercera Edad, El Naciente, Teguaco, Azoca, Tabercorade and Pedro Álvarez.

El Rosario sees project start after three decades!


ORK has finally started on a project for which El Rosario has been waiting for 30 years!

Pavements are at last being installed along calle Grano de Oro at a cost of just over 21,000 euros. The Mayor, Escolástico Gil recently visited the area in La Esperanza and said the improvements would be very much welcomed by residents. He also announced that further work would be carried out on other roads in the municipality over the next few months. The average width of the pavement will be 1.15 metres.

C “

ANARY tuna with orange sauce and potato foam” might sound a delicious dish and indeed it was, courtesy of an awardwinning restaurant in La Orotava.

The invention by “El Descorche” proved the winner of the five tapas competition, with “Dula y Pipa” coming second and Tasca El Gomero third. Awards and diplomas were presented during a ceremony organised by the local council and more than 30 customers who supported the route received prizes. El Descorche not only won the professional jury’s vote but

the public one as well. In this edition, more than 25 establishments took part and more than 13,000 tapas dishes were sold. The awards ceremony was


Tegueste pledges support for Alzheimer’s care


EGUESTE has declared itself a municipality at one with Alzheimer’s and is committed to supporting all groups involved in care and research.

Its pledge as a ““Ciudad Solidaria con el Alzheimer” was approved by the full council, together with a recommendation that there should be a state policy about the illness. The council pledged to do all it can to back help groups which work with patients and their families and to promote awareness and sensitivity to what people have to go through. Tegueste hopes other municipalities will follow their example and supports the initiative led by CEAFA (Spanish Confederation of Associations of Families and People with Alzheimer’s) and its representative in Tenerife, AFATE, claiming the implementation of a state policy of Alzheimer . Councillor for social welfare, Giovanna del Castillo it was essential to have research, prevention and care for Alzheimer’s for which there was currently no cure, together with the right level of provisions for sufferers and their relatives who had to look after them. As part of the campaign, it is planned to hold information events and lectures and involve as many organisations as possible.

chaired by the Mayor, Francisco Linares who congratulated everyone who took part and thanked all those who had contributed towards its success.

Santa Cruz “ready” to demolish car-park


ANTA Cruz city council has confirmed it is making plans to demolish the illegal car-park at Las Teresitas.

The authority says it intends to comply 100 per cent with a recent court decision and is preparing papers so that the work can go out to tender. The Mayor has promised full updates to the courts and, if all goes to plan, the process could be completed in the first half of 2016. Councillor for infrastructure, José Alberto Díaz Estébanez said several estimates had been received, depending on the degree of the demolition. That figure was originally set at 20,000 euros if partial but this will soar to 60,000 euros if it includes the basement of the building. Whatever the cost, the council says it will have to be covered in the 2016 budget. There has been major controversy over the building since it was constructed close to the beach and is considered to infringe on the coastal domain.





Tenerife pays homage Awards for the best to police officers killed tapas in Adeje in Kabul T




ENERIFE has been showing its solidarity with the rest of Spain after the death of two Spanish policemen killed in the Kabul car bomb attack.

Isidro Gabino Sanmartín and sub-inspector 47 year old Jorge García Tudela both died when Jihadist suicide bombers attacked a guesthouse near the Spanish Embassy which they were guarding. The King and Queen, Don Felipe VI and Doña Letizia, together with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and the Interior Minister, Jorge Fernández Diaz were among those who attended their state funeral. Seven other agents, who survived the assault, played a special part in the ceremony. Local authorities throughout Tenerife held their own silence in memory of the police officers and to show their solidarity with their families and the Spanish police. They included Arona where council staff and members gathered outside the council headquarters as a mark of respect but also to show their total rejection of terrorism and any form of violence. The sentiments were echoed when a minute’s silence was held in Santa Cruz, led by the Mayor José Manuel Bermúdez.

ASCA Italiana in the centre of Adeje has received a top award after ser ving the best tapas during the annual Ruta de la Tapa Adeje 2015.

Second prize went to Bar Acanto (Costa Adeje) and third to Café Bar Casa Juan (La Postura). The awards ceremony took place at the premises of the event sponsor, GM Cash & Carry de Adeje. Councillor for economic development, Manuel Luis Méndez Martín said the main objective of the initiative was to promote the local cuisine. The winning restaurant, Tasca Italiana had participated in previous editions of the competition and had come third in the last two.

Health chiefs issue Food “Superman” dangerous collection ends drugs warning EARLY ALERT


in success



ANTIAGO del Teide has once again organised a solidarity collection of food items for Christ-

The campaign, under the banner of “Compartir es Vivir ”, was due to end on December 22nd with an afternoon of entertainment in the Plaza Norberto García de La Vigilia. This included bouncy castles, live music, performances by children, workshops and a demonstration of breakdancing, all from 4pm, together with the closing ceremony. The collection was once again led by the local council’s youth department, headed by Alejandra Lecuona. The food items will go to needy families to help them over Christmas.

The three winners received a diploma to hang in their premises as well as products to the value of between 100 and 300 euros. The winning restaurant presented “Tapa Tajinaste” and according to those who tasted it during Adeje’s “Degusta.me”, it was defini-tely the best.

Bar Acanto served up ” Tapa Mini Burguer” whilst Café Bar Casa Juan chose a dish named “Tapa Pincho Ibérico”. There was an additional prize presented to 13 Wonderland for its “Tapa Toque Oriental” which was the most voted dish through Adeje’s Facebook page.

Counterfeit watches seized by police


EALTH officials have sounded an early warning about the influx of the designer drug called “Superman” in various parts of Spain, including the Canary Islands.

The alert comes from the Ministry of Health’s early warning service and follows the first death in connection with the drug in the Basque country this summer. The “Superman” tablets are ecstasy pills made with a high concentration of the chemical PMMA instead of MDMA, usually the main component of ecstasy. PMMA is dangerous beca-use the chemical takes longer to work than MDMA. The delay can cause users who do not know they have taken a different variety of ecstasy to overdose because they think their first pills have not worked. The pills are appearing in Spain in a diamond or pentagonal shape with an S logo printed on both or one side. The Spanish Early Warning Service (SEAT) has posted an alert on its website regarding the regions of Madrid, Basque Country, Catalonia, Andalusia, the Balearics and, in recent weeks, the Canaries. Between 2001 and 2015, there have been 50 deaths related to the Superman drug in the European Union.


OLICE in Fuer-teventura have seized coun ter-feit watches valued at 275,000 euros.

They were being carried in a bag by a man in Corralejo who initially tried to run away and resist arrest. However, he was caught by the police and found to have 344 false watches in his possession, representing the brands of 40 major foreign names. All of them were forgeries. The man now faces prosecution for a crime against intellectual property.

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Arona takes steps to regain Blue flags and accessibility awards


La Laguna may introduce electric bikes for police L A Laguna is studying the possibility of introducing electric bikes for the local police in 2016.

Councillor for security, Jonathan Domínguez said they were studying details to see whether such vehicles could be incorporated into the fleet. This is part of the council’s overall plan for introducing electric vehicles in La Laguna for both the police and municial workers. It is also intended to install a number of charging points throughout the municipality as a way of promoting the use of electric vehicles among the general public. For this, it is planned to allocate 50,000 euros in the 2016 budget. Sr. Domínguez said he hoped more and more people were becoming aware of using more environmentally-friendly means for transport. Other cities in Spain, including Pamplona and Malaga, are already taking the lead. La Laguna council says it hopes a strategy for the way forward will be ready in February.

Tegueste groups get grant aid



RONA is seeking to regain the Blue flags and certificates of environmental quality and accessibility for the municipality’s beaches.

The authority has submitted the necessary paperwork but is also taking steps to comply with environmental quality standards and universal accessibility certifications. This includes upgrading the beacons at Las Vistas in Los Cristianos, a much-needed project given the deterioration and state of the present ones which are non-existent in some places along the coast. Steps are also being taken for the implementation of the lifeguard services on the beaches for early next year. Councillors for the environment and beaches, José Luis Gómez and Yurena García said the documents were completed at the beginning of December and meetings held reference accessibility. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena said the task was very important because of the tourist appeal of the

municipality and a beach which receives tens of thousands every year. He said they were in the process of formalising the final stages of a monitoring and rescue service on the coast to begin as soon as possible. A contract was also signed in November for removal and replacement of the old beacons and follows a detailed study of how best to cope with the ravages of the tide and elements.


EGUESTE council has awarded more than 17,000 euros in subsidies to three municipal associa-


The money goes to the Association of Tegueste (ASEVITE), the Wine Growers Association Tegueste (Avite) and the Association of Volunteer Firefighters. The aim is that these groups can continue to develop activities and projects in Tegueste during 2016. ASEVITE receives 10,000 euros to cover the costs of maintaining its office and for conducting various activities next year whilst the firefighters receive 2,500 euros towards its work. The wine growers association receives a grant of 5,000 euros to help promote everything related to wine and to strengthen its position in the Tegueste economy with the hope of creating more jobs.


El Rosario blooms for Christmas


HE council of El Rosario has planted 600 poinsettias in different areas of the municipality.

To celebrate the Christmas season, as every year, the festive plants were commissioned by the department of parks and gardens under local councillor Beatriz Díaz. The sites include the public gardens in the areas of La Esperanza, Machado, Radazul and Tabaiba. The flowers are also brightening up the environment around the ermita de Machado and the health centres of La Esperanza and El Chorrillo.





Race for Life exceeds all expectations with massive 3,200 turnout OUTSTANDING SUCCESS




Cheese show proves a great success

HE eleventh Race for Life which took place in Arona exceeded all expectations.

More than 3,200 people took part in this biggest event to date and raised an estimated 15,100 euros for the fight against breast cancer. These proceeds from the Carrera por la Vida will be shared between groups which support and care for patients and their families, as well as financing research. Specifically, they are the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and the Association of Women with Breast Cancer Tenerife (Amate). The event created a pink tide which snaked its way from the Magma centre in Costa Adeje to the Plaza de El Pescado in front of the cultural centre in Los Cristianos. Ever yone involved was thrilled at the level of public participation which even exceeded the 2,800 turnout for the tenth anniversary event in 2014. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena said it was an event which continued to grow where people wanted to show their support for the fight against cancer but also to

support initiatives where values such as respect, solidarity, social responsibility and perseverance are promoted. He paid tribute to families, friends and health personnel but also to the “true heroes”, the extraordinary women who got up again and again in spite of illness and the consequences of treatment in order to opt for life. The walk, which the municipalities of Arona and Adeje help to organise, seeks to raise awareness about the fight against breast cancer and to raise funds to help fund direct work with sufferers. Spokeswoman and founder of the Walk for Life, Brigitte Gypen announced that the challenge for next year would be the creation of the School for Life Foundation which would centralise the solidarity work carried out by this group. For the first time, the event had a “godfather”, trainer of Iberostar Tenerife of the Liga ACB who this season in the league staged a solidarity campaign for the fight against cancer.

Former soldier, 72, dies in Santa Cruz house fire


N accumulation of items, including books and rubbish, inside a house is believed to have been the source of a fire in which a 72-yearold man lost his life. Fire crews were called out to calle del Poeta Viana in the Salamanca district of Santa Cruz in the early afternoon following reports of smoke coming from a property. They were told there might be someone inside and there fears materialised when they found the body of the man, a former distinguished soldier. Their efforts were hampered because of the very strong doors on the property and the fact it was on a third floor and access could only be gained via the fire engine ladder. Neighbours had raised the alarm and it proved to be a very virulent blaze because of the quanity of accumulated rubbish inside. Virtually all of the building was affected. Police and the emergency medics also attended but there was nothing they could do to save the man’s life. He was said to have been a local pharmacist.


HE Arico cheese “Quesos Majuca” won the first prize in the inaugural fresh cheese-tasting competiton held at the farmers’ market in Granadilla. The cheese is made from goat’s milk and joined dozens of others from a total of 24 dairies from across Tenerife. The event was organised by the local council’s department of employment and local development in collaboration with the Association of Artesan Cheese Producers of Tenerife. Second prize was awarded to the cheese “Alejo de Arona” and third to “Quesos Mi Abuelo” of Granadilla. The event was opened by councillor for local development, María Luz Fernández Martín, together with the Cabildo’s agriculture chief, Jesús Morale and president of the Association of

Cheeses, Juan Carlos Harris. Guests included market partners, winemakers, artisans and restaurant owners. With over 30 stalls, there was not just cheeses to see and taste but also honey, crafts, mojo sauces, vegetables, fruit and tapas, as well as the samples of cheeses. María Luz Fernández Martín thanked everyone who had come to the farmers’ market to enjoy the event. It was, she said, a day to enlarge and enhance the importance of the products of the land and show people what was on offer at the market every weekend.








Action called for as Adeje schools surpass ratios and projects held up

Santa Cruz presses for special recognition of city’s Carnival


CHOOLS and colleges in Adeje have an unacceptable ratio of pupils and urgent action is needed to rectify the situation.

The call is being led by Adeje council and has been backed by the Canar y Government whose director general of infrastructure and educational centres, Ana Dorta Alonso made a recent visit to the municipality. She saw at first-hand the situation and has agreed with the council, led by Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga. They also shared the view that a series of renovations were necessary in order to respond to current demands. The Mayor stressed this situation was not new and was caused by the continued attractiveness of the municipality to more and more people who wanted to make it their home. He took the minister on a tour of parcels of land which were allocated for the construction of the Integrated Vocational Training Centre and CEIP Tijoco Bajo. Councillor for creative development and knowledge, Adolfo Alonso also stressed

the need to speed up the third institute of the municipality, IES Las Torres, whose project is currently under review by the Government of the Canary Islands. “It is necessary and urgent to unblock these three projects which we have been asking for over many years,” he said. He said the municipality had plots available and had offered to collaborate in all ways. “It is not a whim but reflects a reality that our neighbors face every day,” he said. “In some cases, we are talking about obsolete buildings that cannot respond to the current needs of a modern municipality like Adeje. In other cases, it is not essential infrastructure just for Adeje but for the entire region. “ We are talking about providing training opportunities to our younger population so they can face the working world in good condition to be competitive

and provide quality service. We are talking about equality of opportunity, innovation and employment. We talk about youth and future. We will

continue demanding these and all the infrastructure that we consider essential to improve the quality of life of our neighbors.”

Masca rescue


HE emergency helicopter has had to rescue another person who fell whilst out walking in the Masca ravine.

A German woman, aged 33, was hiking when she slipped and hurt her leg. Rescuers had to make their way down the difficult terrain and get her ready to be airlifted back to the heliport in Adeje and then on to hospital.Her injury was described as non serious.


ANTA Cruz is pressing for more recognition for its annual Carnival.

The city council says it is delighted that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Spain has started the process of making the carnival an event of “Intangible Cultural Heritage”. However, they want extra special mention of the merits and uniqueness of the Santa Cruz Carnival and is to present arguments in favour of their case. Councillor for fiestas, Gladis de León said the Carnival constituted “a cultural manifestation of the first order” over and above its fun and festive element.

It already has the title of “Fiesta of International Tourism Interest” and even managed to escape the ban in Franco’s era by renaming it the Winter Festival. The council says a declaration under the title of “Carnivals of the Canaries” is insufficient, on a par with saying “the Carnivals of Rio de Janiero”. “The Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is not an imitation and has a history, vintage and public significance that makes it worthy of further consideration by the state,” said the councillor.







Adeje’s bus Stunning life-size nativity service scene draws the crowds to platform to press for better La Orotava A public transport fantastic life-sized nativity scene is drawing the crowds in La Orotava as the festive season arrives in style.


ESIDENTS of Adeje have got together to press for improvements in the local bus service and so far, are happy with their campaign.

“The Platform of People Affected by the changes TITSA South” (“La Plataforma de Afectados por los Cambios de TITSA Sur”) recently met with Adeje’s transport councillor Andrés Pérez Ramos to anaylse the situation in the municipality with regard to public transport lines which run through the municipality. During the meeting, Sr. Ramos raised a raft of proposals aimed at improving the service and all of them were assessed positively by the platform. The meeting was attended by residents because the group felt it important to have consensus from all parts of the community. The aim, said the transport councillor, was to improve speed and agility of the services. Adeje council said it had been the instigator of meetings with officials from Tenerife Cabildo, as well as with the Titsa bus company and the various municipalities of the region and “had not stopped working to find a resolution.” Sr. Ramos said there had been considerable agreement in relation to the connections between the tourist area and the centre of Adeje which had to be fluid, particularly because it was a landmark for residents and tourists. He said Adeje had a wealth of heritage and history, as well

as various residential zones, so it was essential for bus journeys to be smooth and efficient. Another point of agreement between the platform and the local council was the need to optimise the bus stop in the area of “El Cerco”, since it would improve connectivity to the vicinity of Tijoco - La Hoya, as well as Armeñime, Playa Paraiso and Callao Salvaje. He said Adeje would be contacting other municipalities, officials of the Cabildo and the platform to hold as many meetings as necessary to improve public services.

Hundreds of people, including many schoolchildren, have been visiting the “Belen” in the plaza del Ayuntamiento which features more than 300 lifesize pieces and covers virtually the entire area. The various characters have an average height of 1.8 metres but the tallest is a camel at 2.85 metres whilst the smallest, at just a few centimetres, include little chicks. The representation of the advent of the Child Jesus is complemented by multiple scenes that give more dynamism and attractiveness to the staging, and representative of that historic event and the time. Councillor for Fiestas, Delia Escobar says that much of the material is always recycled,and every year a few additions are made “but thanks to the work and ingenuity of staff engaged for weeks in the staging, this year there is a different layout and variegated scenes, giving a new and attractive image of the portal.” You can find a waterwheel, an additional mill with bakery and traditional market stalls in the Eastern world such as carpets, earthenware, fabric, fruit and vegetables. There is also a blacksmith, a cheese factory with cheese and instrumentation for processing, a workshop and one spinner, beehives and honey, among others. You can also observe poultry, chestnuts, a haystack, a stall selling liquor; a canteen and a shepherd with his camel, all interspersed among multiple environmental elements such as piles of sacks, baskets and vegetable boxes.Other elements that give ‘life’ to this scenery are the stables, feeding of pigs, shepherds, farm animals and exotic birds and a pond-lake where a fisherman is at work, as well as a washer woman. In the middle of this, of course, are the Three Wise Men and there are other touches of the Canary culture such as basket-making and pottery. New lighting has also been installed which sheds a new perspective on the belen when evening falls. The scene can be visited right up until January 9th although on January 5th, there will be the staging of a live nativity play, followed by the arrival of the Three Kings.

Taxi drivers welcome clampdown on illegal airport lifts .


AXI drivers in the south of Tenerife have thanked the police for trying to crackdown on illegal airport lifts.

They say officers are being pro-active, especially around the south airport and believe the ongoing campaign will help combat the situation. The praise comes from the Granadilla Taxi Association and the salaried association Atagra who have been collaborating on what they regard as “a scourge”. The campaign was launched this summer by Granadilla’s department of transport and safety under local councillor Nicolás Jorge Hernández. The measures are being carried out permanently by a special taskforce and intensify on the busy days of Tuesdays and Fridays. There have been “numerous” cases spotted by the police and reported to the traffic department, the Cabildo or the council. Sr. Hernández stressed the importance of the campaign against this problem which affected the livelihoods of local families. Another primary aim, he said, was to offer the best possible service to tourists, together with a good image, safety and legality in rates.







by Ken Bennett



village square slammed by critics as a potential “grot spot” has been praised for its shining festival spirit.

A giant Tree of Life casts a warm, welcoming glow over the square in the centre of Los Gigantes, flanked by a myriad of sparking lights intertwined with champagne flutes. And the decorations have been welcomed enthusiastically by residents and tourists who have flocked to the square to share a variety of concerts and even an elegant fashion show. Initially, locals said major renovation work, costing 374,000, euros has left the village’s pretty plaza unfinished, unkept and untidy. In their frustrating list of complaints, they cited incomplete walkways and

the removal of much-loved, old fashioned Alhambra lamps, which, they said, left the square looking desolate and unloved. But now, backed by the tasteful Christmas illuminations, the council have installed stylish rails along walkways and festooned banking with vivid plants softening the square’s overall austere appearance. Community champion, Christopher Goode, a respected authority on design in the UK, said:”The overall concept is very acceptable and gives the square and wider, more active, feel. “Clean lines have been created, backed by good


Photos by Linda Bennett

New-look Los Gigantes square gets festive seal of approval

quality handrails, other fittings and disabled access. And the new Christmas lights certainly lift the square and give it a happy focus at this festive time.” “However, although the actual covering of the square itself is much lower quality than expected, there will hopefully be room to upgrade in the future. “But currently some visitors to the square need to be mindful of the new works and stop dropping chewing gum all over the place, spoiling the effect,” he added. The imposing Tree of Light, hosted by Santiago Del Teide Lions Club, has become a rendezvous point for tourists and locals at steps leading to the square. Their President, Ken Ward, commented:” “The Square

looks pretty good, the invalid ramp is very well done. “The tree was a new one from previous years, and the lights evening went well, we raised 390.00 euros,” he said, “ All in all, the Town Hall did a pretty good job.” Over recent years, various improvements and refurbishments were discussed and welcomed as a way to retrieve the square’s image of yesteryear. A collaboration agreement was reached between Spanish Tourism Institue and the Government Council for Tourism of Canary Isles for the strategic improvement of Touristic Public spaces of the Canary Isles. The start date of the ambitious programme was set for December 2013 and scheduled to end November 2014. But in December last year, Tenerife News reported simmering anger over the removal of old fashioned, Liberace-style lamps. Residents and visitors also expressed dismay at the “sluggish traipse” to complete the revamp. But one UK visitor returning to Los Gigantes for this year’s festivities, said:”The square seems to have taken on a fresh life of its own. “ I do miss the old familiar lamps but the square is gradually settling down and returning as the hub of the village.”

Eight new taxis for disabled in Granadilla


RANADILLA is planning to add eight new disabled-friendly taxis to its fleet.


These vehicles, especially adapted to take wheelchairs, will be in addition to the 178 licences already held. Councillor for security and transport, Nicolás Jorge Hernández said such taxis would respond to the needs of the municipality and tourists. The municipality had experienced a growth in its population in recent years and recorded a large number of visitors through the main gateway, the south airport. The provision of the eight new licences is now going out to public tender.

Adeje’s Mayor pays tribute to local police but calls for more resources


DEJE’S Mayor has called for more resources, National Police and Civil Guard as the popularity of the municipality continues to grow and attract even more visitors. José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga said that in today’s era, people were more conscious and aware of their safety and security and needed total reassurance over this. He pointed out that Adeje has a registered population of 50,000 but is also visited by 150,000 people every day in Costa Adeje, one of the most popular tourist resorts in Spain. “We are at a particularly delicate moment when society looks to its security and police forces and wants to put their trust in them. We must not fail them,” he said. The Mayor was talking during Adeje’s traditional day to mark the role of the security forces. The event was attended by Adeje’s security councillor, Epifanio Diaz Hernandez, various Adeje councillors, the Chief Commissioner of Adeje’s Local Police, Miguel Angel Morales, representatives of other bodies and state security forces , the judiciary, local business associations and the general public. After the ceremony, he reiterated the need for more resources, both human and material, for the Local Police based in Adeje, plus an increase in the National Police and Civil Guard. He said that over the years and particularly since the advent of the economic crisis, there had been an increase in crime in tourist areas and it was “our duty to tr y and alleviate this situation to ensure the welfare of both residents

and visitors. We are talking, at the end our day, about our main economic engine and it is our duty to do everything within our power to provide a true picture of security.” Sr. Fraga said the ceremony was a good opportunity to recognise and thank the law enforcement bodies in general for their public service. Being a member of the Local Police, he said, was much more than a job: “It is a public service which requires a commitment and an obligation to permanently work for the good of citizens.” The Mayor paid tribute to the two Spanish police officers who were killed when terrorists attacked a guesthouse with a car bomb near Spain’s Embassy in Kabul. “Today is a sensitive and emotionally charged day in which we must underpin those values ??that go beyond the limitations of everyday life,” he said. “Public service requires dedication and generosity. From Adeje council, we will give all our support to get the best service for our citizens but little can be done without effort, delivery and officers. We must not lose the essence of the public servant.” The ceremony included the presentation of medals to the Local Police and special recognition to Manuel Rodríguez González who received a watch from the Mayor as a symbol of gratitude for the service given to the people of Adeje over the years.






Cats’ Welfare Tenerife A special day to Kitten goes into therapy!

We are thrilled to announce that Roberta, an orphan kitten from the streets of Tenerife, has flown to Germany to be a therapy cat for autistic children in Germany. Over the last few months, she has been in our foster care while we raised funds for her passport and flight. This we have managed to do with the help of our wonderful supporters. Thank you SO much to everyone that donated towards the flight. We are so proud that a very special kitten from Tenerife will help very special children in Germany.

Fund raising success!!

Thank you so much to all the residents and tourists who came to our fund raiser at the Heads & Tails Bar, Las Americas. Thank you to all the fabulous talented entertainers who gave up their free time to help. We had an absolutely fantastic day with a raffle, tombola and auction and lots of singing and dancing. Karen Bailey very kindly donated a beautiful diamond and sapphire ring for the auction. Petex donated 100 euros, Shelia Wilson donated 40, Paul Ling donated 50 and Ray Miller donated 20. Thank you to Tracey and Wilma for letting us hold our event in your lovely bar. A special thank you to Sharon Edens who was “Mother Christmas” all dressed up with a big Santa sack full of presents for the children. The total raised for the day was a massive 1,024 euros. All that money to help even more cats and kittens. That is so fantastic! We have not had an event for a long time as we are all so busy with the cats and kittens, but we are going to make sure we have regular events from now on.

remember P ICTURED here is Robyn Daddswell, a senior from Wingate School, presenting a cheque to Lion President Norman Goodall at the Aqualand Children’s party for more than 90 children and their carers from various orphanages in Tenerife. The cheque was for money raised from a toy sale. The Wingate team of

volunteers who had collected, labelled and sorted all the gifts for this large group helped Father Christmas distribute the gifts to the children. Our sincere thanks to Roy’s Pizzas for the fantastic lunch and to all those people who made this a special day for the children to remember.

Found a stray? What now…... We are often contacted about “tiny” kittens found in the street. Often these end up being three, four or even five months old, it can be difficult for the lay person to age them. To help with this we have put together a web page that will hopefully help people age them more accurately prior to contacting us as its only small kittens that can be successfully homed. All the details can be found at www.cats-welfare-tenerife.com/how-to-age-a-kitten. Not sure if the kitten you saw needs rescue? Here is a simple check-list: Is the kitten under four weeks of age? If so, does it have a mother cat? If yes, do not remove the kittens from the mother until it reaches four to five weeks of age. You could try to see if you can catch the mother and kittens or contact us for help. Kittens between four weeks to eight weeks of age are ideal for rescue and re-homing. Is the kitten more than 12 weeks old? If so, allow the kitten to remain as a stray as it has very little chance of being domesticated and re-homed and may end up becoming a permanent shelter cat or being re-released back on to the streets. Contact us though and we will try to arrange for it to be neutered and returned. If the cat is obviously a newly abandoned cat – just sighted, well groomed, pedigree, wearing a collar – and reporting it as lost has had no results of the cat being claimed by an owner, then this cat is suitable for re-homing despite its age. If the cat has been abandoned for a long time, it is already accustomed to stray life and will not be suitable for re-homing. If you have found a stray kitten and wish us to help in fostering and re-homing it, do check the chart and check-list before assessing if it is indeed suitable for re-homing. And if still in doubt about its age, measure its length and contact us first. Please remember we do not have a refuge so may not be able to help on every occasion.

Looking to adopt?

If you are looking for a kitten or to home one of our adult cats in foster care our latest availability is always shown on our web site www.cats-welfare-tenerife/pets. The web site is update every day so always has the latest availability. If you are interested in any of the cats or kittens shown please contact Theresa on 680475500 (10.00 until 18.00 daily).

Help us fund raise

We are always looking for donations of good condition/quality clothes for our charity shop but at the moment we particularly need menswear. If you have anything for donation and cant get to the shop to drop it off ring Mark on 636590557 and he will arrange collection from you. Our shop is on San Blas in Golf del Sur (Behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week 10.00 until 18.00 but Saturdays is 11.00 until 16.00. Pop in for a browse and help us help the cats.



All Saints church news


LL Saints Church would like to wish everyone a blessed, joyous and peaceful Christmas and all the very best for the coming year


Unfortunately due to major electrical and flooring work, the church will remain closed until sometime in late Januar y 2016. Our regular Services are held in the Parsonage on Wednesdays and Sundays with the times the same as those listed below for our Xmas Services. Our Christmas Services which are being held in the Parsonage behind the Church are as follows. Wednesday December 23rd- Service of Holy Communion at 10am. Thursday December 24th

Christmas Eve- Midnight Mass starting at 11.30pm Friday December 25th Christmas Day- Service of Holy Communion at 11am Sunday December 27th Traditional Service, Book of Common Prayer 9.30am Sunday December 27thSung Eucharist 11am. After the 11am Sung Eucharist Service on Sunday January 10th there will be an Epiphany Brunch at the Restaurant Monasterio. If you would like to go please see Caroline Kirkham after the 11am Service on a Sunday or phone 922381981.

All Saints Church is holding a Jumble Sale on Saturday Januar y 16th at 11am, entr y is free come along and look, definitely some bargains to be had. After the wonderful Xmas Car Boot our next one will be on Saturday February 6th at 11 am in the church grounds and there will be one on the first Saturday of ever y month upto and including June 2016. As All Saints Church is currently in an Interregnum our Locum Priest is the Reverend Ian Eglin who will be with us with his wife Caroline until February 1st. If vou wish to contact Reverend Ian please phone the Parsonage on 922384038 or mobile 609559755.


Happy Christmas from Accion del Sol


CCION Del Sol will be closed over the festive period from December 23rd until January 3rd.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you who has helped and supported us over the last year. So many dogs have been lucky enough to be adopted to new loving homes with your help. We still have 220 dogs patiently waiting, so maybe next year their wishes will come true and again our work will continue to help the abandoned dogs here in Tenerife. Please do call the refuge on 922778630 if you can help in any way or visit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons from 14.00-17.00pm. We are situated directly under the Eolica Parque exit 52 on the TF1 north bound. Head for the giant windmills and we are the buildings on the right hand side or email the refuge at teneriffa@aktiontier.org or visit our Facebook page ,action tier Accion del SOL. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and again thank you all for your support and we look forward to seeing you all next year.



A festive wish


S this is the final Live Arico news of the year, we at Live Arico would like to take the opportunity to wish you a fantastic Christmas and a prosperous and healthy 2016. Speaking of 2016, we still have some calendars left, you can buy one in any of our charity shops. We would also like to thank you for your support once again – we are nothing without you and would not be able to carry on helping animals. 2015 has been a bitter sweet year for us, we were happy to open our third charity shop in Golf del Sur which has gone from strength to strength, but we were terribly sad to say goodbye to our rescue horse Katie. If ever proof were needed that “you can’t win them all” – but we had a damn good try. So if you attended one of our benefit events, bought a bargain in our shops, dropped a coin in our collection boxes we thank you from our hearts. But if you adopted one of our dogs, or indeed any dog from a shelter, then you have really been a star, and will be rewarded by your furry friend forever. Keep up with us on Facebook for up to date stories and doggies in need, and for any information about anything related with live Arico, call Sue on 629 388102. Compliments of the season to one and all.

Thank you to Harveys, Los Cristianos.

We had a nice afternoon last Saturday at Harveys Bar, Mirador Strip, Los Cristianos when Derrick Lynes hosted his first Live Arico fundraiser. There was some fab entertainment from Spencer Robson, Elaine


Alexander, Kenn Sharratt, Emma Blacka, Scott Bateman, Chrissy Dean, Debbie Diamond, Michaela Jay, Paul Monroe, Cara and Suzy q. Thanks to all, and of course Mark and Mandy for allowing us into their venue, and our Live Arico volunteers for selling merchandise and raffle tickets. We will be back at Harveys soon, watch this space.

Top Square Boxing Day Bash!

Yes, we are back again, on Boxing Day for our three monthly shenanigans on the Top Square. Hosted by Suzy q, Colin Stevens will be entertaining, Jed Bolton with his tribute to Rod Stewart and Slam with the songs of Jim Steinman, MeatLoaf etc. There will be more guests on the night so do come on down. Our Xmas raffle last year was so popular we have decided to repeat it this year, with great prizes once again. Win a FitBit lifestyle band, a head camera or a drone for just 2 euros a ticket. This will be drawn on the night. See ya there!

Live Arico Shop News

Come and check out the all new Golf del Sur branch and prepare to be amazed. It really is something special! We are situated at Golf Park, which is on the loop road round, before the lottery kiosk, and are now open from 10 till 7pm every day (10.30 to 3.30 Sundays).



More bikes and trams for Canaries as experts look at mobility


HE Canary Islands need to innovate and think of more sustainable options when it comes to the public transport of the future, a conference has heard. Leaders from all seven islands got together for the event in Las Palmas and agreed that more should be done to improve roads but also to see a reduction in the amount of vehicles using them by offering alternatives, such as trams or hopper buses. The event was organised by the Canary Government and opened by Minister for Public Works, Ornella Chacón. The Mayor of Las Palmas, Augusto Hidalgo said more

emphasis had to be put on sustainable mobility and investment into trams. The Cabildo had already pledged commitment to a different model of mobility to include express buses. Director of mobility for Tenerife Cabildo, Manuel Ortega Santaella said there had been much controversy when the tram idea was raised for Santa Cruz but it had proved a great success, transporting more than 14


Theatres get new life-saving heart machines


Canary Islands’ project which aims to have heart machines installed at prime locations is continuing with new placements.

The semi-automatic emergency defibrillators are now in the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium in Las Palmas, the Teatro Pérez Galdós theatre and the Palacio de Congresos de Canarias. This is all part of “Project Lifesaver” and allows non-medical staff to treat a person who has gone into cardiac arrest at the early stage before the arrival of an ambulance. In many cases, this has helped to save their life. The project, which will continue throughout 2016, includes training for first responders who could be working at locations such as theatres and sports centres frequently used by a lot of people. Such heart machines are also being placed in local schools and colleges.

million people a year. This translated to more than 50,000 people a week and 40 per cent of these were former car users. He backed the need for sustainable mobility and the south train project, in addition to the introduction of a new single payment card for buses, trams, taxis, museums and parks. Redha Zetch from Barcelona gave an insight into the city’s cycle web and how others could follow their example. To concoude, Sr.Chacón said the transport issue had to be given priority in the Canaries.

Hiker rescued on La Gomera


HE emergency helicopter had to be called in to rescue a walker injured on La Gomera.

The 32-year-old German hiker stumbled and fell whilst out in the Vallehermoso district. Although his injury to a leg was not severe, it prevented him from walking and he had also fallen down a slope in a location difficult to access. A crew from the emergency rescue group airlifted him to safety and then on to hospital.







New blockbuster “The Titan” to be filmed on Gran Canaria


TAR of blockbuster “Avatar”, Sam Worthingon is to shoot his new film in Gran Canaria and tourism chiefs are thrilled.

Filming of “The Titan”, directed by LennartRuff, is to begin in February and will last two months. The undoubted coup for the island marks a new stage for the Gran Canaria Film Commission, managed by the Economic Society of Gran Canaria (SPEGC) and was announced by the Cabildo’s economic councillor, Raúl García Brink. He said he was confident the choice of Gran Canaria would help to improve its

international competitiveness as a venue for filming largescale productions. “The Titan” is set in the near future in an era marked by food shortages and natural resources and on the brink of another world war. It follows the fascinating jorney of a military family at a NATO base who agree to take part in a pioneering experiment in the evolution of man into space. Canary producer, Adrián Guerra of Nostromo Pictures

said: “We cannot reveal yet the budget for the new film but the choice of Gran Canaria as one of its main locations will have positive consequences.” Nostromo is a Spanish company which is collaborating with the production of the UK-led film and he recently met with Cabildo president, Antonio Morales to further arrangements. Also known for his roles in “Clash of the Titans” and “Terminator: The Salvation”, Worthington will star alongside Tom Wilkinson who appeared in “The Exotic Marigold Hotel”,

“Michael Clayton”, “Shakespeare in Love” and “Full Monty.”, as well as “The Lone Ranger” and the latest “Star Trek: Beyond”. The latter is scheduled for its premiere in mid 2016, just a few months before “The Titan” which will hit the big screen at the end of 2016 or early in 2017. LennartRuff is a promising young German director who is becoming ver y wellknown and has already won prizes for his medium-length films and advertising work. The script is by ArashAmel (“Grace of Monaco” and “Erased”) and Max Hurwitz.


Health chiefs guarantee whooping cough jabs for two sectors


EALTH chiefs in the Canary Islands say they can guarantee vaccination against whooping cough for all pregnant women and children under the age of two.

Their assurance follows general concern about the highly contagious bacterial disease, not only because of the death earlier in December of a sixweek baby in Madrid but because of the worldwide shortage of the vaccine. Minister of Health for the Canary Government, Jesús Morera said they were taking all steps possible to provide the best possible coverage within the limits available. He said the lack of sufficient doses of such vaccine intensified in May this year, at which time it was decided to suspend the booster dose to children aged six to prioritise vaccination of pregnant women, an initiative adopted by a number of other autonomous communities. He assured pregnant women and children under two would get the jab and if a surplus did occur, then this would be extended to children under six “following a strict prioritisation based on clinical and public health criteria.” The Minister said steps were also being taken to educate professionals more about whooping cough - or, in Spanish, tosferina - and to try and manage the limited vaccines in the best way possible but in advance. In the Canaries, 312 cases of whooping cough have been reported so far this year. Since 2011 in the archipelago, there has been one death only, in 2012 when there were 1,272 cases. Vaccination occurs in three phases: In pregnant women at 28 to 36 weeks, a strategy which began in February 2015 by various autonomous communities following the experience of the UK. Vaccination to infants at two, four, six and 18 months. A booster dose at the age of six.

Canary Islands must do away with outdated tourist facilities


HE Canary Islands need to move forward in order to preserve its tourism appeal and do away with outdated shops and restaurants, inadequate accommodation, aging infrastructure and damaged resorts. And Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Canary Government, Maria Teresa Lorenzo said improved and increased connectivity had to be one of the keys for the future success of the archipelago. It was, she said, no good promoting the Canaries as a wonderful place to visit if the flights were not available. The head of the regional tourist department was talking during the closing ceremony of the Maspalomas Tourism Forum which looked at projects which could be carried out in favour of sustainable tourism. She said the model required innovation and new schemes with value, in all fields, and outdated facilities was not part of it. It was, she stressed, essential to work towards the needs of today ’s modern traveller, to develop the strengths and unique offerings of the Canary Islands and to compete against other destinations.

She said all sectors had to pull together and air connectivity had to be made a priority. To this end, the Canary Government had set up a flight fund to subsidise new routes and this had led to new connections to locations such as Paris/Lanzarote and Gran Canaria/Bologna amongst others. She revealed that research was being carried out in 19 source markets to evaluate the current marketing work and to determine what sort of image the Canaries was projecting. Once this information is known, it will be used to help draft the next tourism strategy for the years ahead. Maria Teresa Lorenzo stressed that each of the islands, in addition to La Graciosa which is often described as the “eighth Canar y island” offered a unique experience to visitors on which they could build; ones which could build wealth and growth and provide jobs.

Lifeguards save woman from sea


65-year-old Polish woman had a very lucky escape when she was saved from drowning off a beach in Gran Canaria.

Other swimmers realised she was in trouble and pulled her out of the water. The drama happened at Playa de Taurito in Mogan and on the arrival of the emergency services, she was found to be showing symptoms of near drowning. However, lifeguards had saved her life by performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The woman was taken on to hospital but her condition was described as “less serious”.



Viewpoint closed after safety fears



El Hierro wins major Green Award for self-sufficiency bid


L Hierro’s bid to become a 100 per cent energy self-sufficient island has been recognised with a top award.


well-known viewing point on El Hierro has had to be closed because of recent landslides.

The island’s Cabildo says it is looking at the situation regarding the Mirador de Bascos and its access road as a matter of urgency. Until then, all entrances to it have been sealed off in the interests of the safety of the public. These are both off the HI-500. The landslides happened on two successive weekends so experts are now looking at the conditon of the slopes. Technical reports will be drawn up to show what work is needed to make the area safe.

Cabildo president, Belén Allende was in the Madrid headquarters of the Caixa Forum recently to receive the green accolade from the José Navarro Foundation. The prestigious prize recognises the island’s commitment to renewable energy and sustainability. Belén Allende said El Hierro regarded the accolade as a reward for the tenacity of its islanders and it follows on from others, such as designation as a Biosphere Reserve in 2000 and the

recent inclusion into the UNESCO World Network of Geoparks. She said one of their greatest achievements had undoubtedly been the commissioning of the Gorona wind park. The José Navarro Foundation Green Award is now in its fifth year and recognises the work of individuals or organisations in the fields of nutrition and sustainable development. President of the Foundation, José Navarro said: “


Win your dream wedding in the Canaries in new competition


new initiative is being launched to promote the Canary Islands as the perfect destination for weddings, honeymoons or romantic celebrations.

The campaign by the tourism department will include new promotional videos, together with stories and personal experiences shared over the internet. It is hoped this alone will reach about 250,000 people. Under the slogan “Síquieroislascanarias”, there will be two phases, the first of which will invite couples from a number of countries within Europe to join in and possibly win the wedding of their dreams, worth 27,600 euros. They will be asked to say why they think they should win and share their story on the social networks. Their wedding would then be featured in the second phase of the campaign with images of their big day featured in media in Spain, France, UK and Germany. The whole promotion is costing the Canary Government about 18,075 euros and will include that dream wedding on Lanzarote (the average cost of a wedding in Spain is 16,534 euros). The wedding would be for 100 guests, a wedding planner, air travel, half board accommodation, flowers, invitations, photographer etc and a variety of gifts and surprises. The initiative was recently presented by Minister for Tourism, María Teresa Lorenzo and manager of Promotur Turismo de Canarias, María Méndez. Maria Teresa Lorenzo said romantic weddings was a growing segment in the islands because of the unique landscape, exotic beaches and fantastic climate. “Here you can organise a unique celebration which you will remember for the rest of your life,” she said. Those interested can enter the competition by visiting www.siquieroislascanarias.com which caters for a number of languages. The number of people you get involved in supporting your application will play a huge part in determining the winner.

We feel part of a family that grows like a forest, year after year, with the addition of new trees, new winners.” The award praises El

Hierro for its vision and commitment to becoming 100 per cent self sufficient and its safeguarding of its natural environment.

Renewed alert over theft of copper cabling


OLICE have warned thieves who try to home in on valuable copper wiring that they will be caught and prosecuted.

All parts of the Canar y Islands, as in the rest of Spain, have been suffering from this type of crime which not only leaves areas in the dark when the piping is taken from lighting but also costs local authorities dear to replace. In Gran Canaria earlier this summer, one district had no lights for eight hours because of such a theft.

Now, however, following a length investigation, police have arrested three people aged betwen 22 and 50 for theft of 400 metres of copper cabling. They received the help of several witnesses so continue to urge anyone who sees suspicious behaviour to contact them as a matter of urgency.

Worker falls to death from tower


MERGENCY medics were unable to save the life of a man who fell whilst working on a communications tower in Lanzarote.

The tragedy happened in the mountains of Tinache in the municipality of Tinajo. The man fell to his death from a height of 20 metres whilst carrying out repairs. An investigation was immediately opened into the circumstances of his death.






Swimmer pulled out China urged to do of ocean CRITICAL CONDITION IDEAL PLATFORM

business with the Canary Islands


new book has been launched with the aim of answering frequent questions about the Canary Islands.

It has been published by the Canar y Academy of Language and was launched recently during two events, one in the CajaCanarias cultural space in Santa Cruz and the other in Las Palmas on Gran Canaria. The publication includes more than 100 questions and gives the answers, reflecting the main concerns of Canary residents about the Spanish language. The Canary Academy of

Language falls under the banner of the Canary Government. The book, “Dudas más frecuentes sobre el español de Canarias, has been compiled after looking at the most frequently asked questions over a period of ten years. Most of them are about words or phrases, correct spellings and pronunciations, vocabularly and phraseology and is listed in an alphabetical order.

The incident happened at Playa del Cochino in the municipality of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. Swimmers were able to pull the man from the ocean after he got into trouble but he was found to be in cardiac arrest when the emergency services arrived. Medics managed to revive him and he was taken on to hospital.

Women in Canaries enticed to work as prostitutes in Geneva


New book answers frequently asked Spanish questions


man was taken to hospital in a critical condition after a near-drowning in Gran Canaria.


USINESSES in China are being encouraged to take advantage of the Canary Islands as a business platform.

Minister of Economy, Industry and Trade for the Canary Government, Pedro Ortega recently welcomed a trade delegation from China who were urged to “seize the opportunity”. A link between the Canaries and China, they were told, could pay dividends for both. Sr. Ortega hosted a reception in Gran Canaria under the chairmanship of the Ambassador of China in Spain, Lyu Fan and in the presence of several entrepreneurs from the Chambers of Commerce in both China and Spain. The event was also attended by representatives of two Canary employers’ federations, the CEOE-Tenerife and CCE, Chamber of Commerces of the islands, the Port Authority of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz as well as members of the local authorities on Tenerife and

Gran Canaria. “The interests of the Canary Islands and China are complementary and fit perfectly,” said the Minister. The Canaries had a high level of services and advantageous fiscal conditions which made it an ideal location as a platform for conducting business in Africa. For its part, China has become an increasingly attractive market for the products of the Canary Islands. Sr. Ortega said that in the last year (2014-2015) the islands’ exports to China had increased significantly, positioning it as the third Asian country in number of sales of Canary products. In addition, several companies of the archipelago, mainly related to food, but also with training, industry and tourism, have been installed in this market.


PANISH women in the Canary Islands were enticed to work in Switzerland as prostitutes through notices placed on the social network sites, police have revealed.

An extensive investigation into the network, active on both Tenerife and Gran Canaria, has led to the arrest of two men and a third still being investigated for alleged involvement. Police say 14 women were recruited on the promise of earning money in Geneva. It is not clear whether they all knew they would have to act as prostitutes or not but once in Switzerland, they were presented with bills for their transport, accommodation and keep and threatened with violence if they did not pay. The investigation began after one of the women managed to make contact with the police and made an official complaint. At least three of the women were living in Tenerife or Las Palmas. All 14 victims have been freed and given police protection.






Helicopter rescue service is Daring cyclist puts Gran perfectly safe, says Canary Canaria in the spotlight with incredible roof-top ride Government EL HIERRO CONCERNS


RAN Canaria has been getting some fantastic new publicity, if you can dare to watch a viral video!


HE Canary Government has dismissed concerns about the safety of rescues involving the emergency helicopters, saying the fears are unjustified and have no foundation. El Hierro is one of the islands which has been expressing its doubts, with president Belén Allende questioning some of the technical conditions, particularly the lack of a crane. She said it was vital to have this facility because of the geography of the island and has demanded that the Canary Government replaces the helicopter as soon as

possible. A crane would help to ensure speedy and effective rescues and would ensure that no life was put in danger as a person was winched to safety. “The safety of our island is one of our priorities, therefore we require the right resources,” she insisted. However, the Canar y Government says they have checked all the rescue

aircraft which have achieved a high score of 95 per cent and says the lack of a crane does not prevent them from carrying out effective rescues. Minister of Territorial Policy, Sustainability and Security, Nieves Lady Barreto said than in less than a month, the helicopters had been involved in 21 successful rescues. However, she confirmed that as from January 3rd, new aircraft would be added which would make the rescue service in the Canaries one of the most modern in Europe.

The charms of the holiday island are featured in the latest jaw-dropping journey of Scottish cyclist Danny MacAskill who took an incredible ride across the rooftops of Las Palmas. The five-minute video on Youtube was visited more than seven million times in less than a week and was shot by Mount Creative for GoPro. The 29-year-old adventurer is one of the world’s greatest trials riders and definitely has no fears. His dizzy journey across the coloured rooftops of Las Palmas in the Canaries begins high up on his open-air terrace and only concludes when he catapults both himself and his bike into the ocean off a cliff runner. Along the way, he balances precariously on top of narrow walls, jumps from building to building, goes up

and down dozens of stairs, cycles under arches hundreds of feet up, conquers vast voids and gives locals hanging out their washing quite a start! “I wanted somewhere that would be nice and sunny,” said Danny, when asked on the official GoPro website why he opted for the Spanish island. Danny is no stranger to either dare-devil stunts or

viral videos as he has posted several of his unebelievable rides on Youtube and notched up 20 millions of hits. Though the Cascadia video might send you in a spin, Danny took it all in his stride, saying: “When riding this, I just imagined I was the curb in front of my house!” You can see the video on http://youtu.be/ GL0rbxB9Lqg







Spain continues fight against DAESH with two more arrests


ATIONAL Police have arrested two members of the terrorist group DAESH in Catalonia and the Canary Islands.

The man and woman, both with Spanish residency, were apprehended in Mataró (Barcelona) and Pájara (Fuerteventura). Police said the detainees had organised a sophisticated international recruitment and indoctrination network to sign up new followers of the Jihadi cause and were in permanent contact with other members in Syria. “The members of this neutralised cell had made a public oath of loyalty to the terrorist group DAESH and to its leader, Abu Bakr alBaghdadi,” said a police spokesman. “Moreover, the two individuals carried out a programme to justify and glorify terrorism by distributing, over the Internet, significant multimedia material with the aim of enhancing the operational capabilities of DAESH and sent out death threats in the name of DAESH

in both Spain and France, against individuals and certain religious groups, inciting the commission of terrorist attacks against all those who did not profess the same ideals. They also disseminated numerous images of executions of DAESH prisoners, accompanied by comments humiliating their victims.” Another of the goals sought in a reiterated manner was to convey an image idealising their fight with the aim of persuading younger members of Spanish society more susceptible to be attracted by this vision. Against this backdrop, and following guidelines from DAESH, they disseminated the strategies plotted by their leaders, distributing multimedia material on the use and handling of explosive devices and assault weapons, with the aim of facilitating the commission of terrorist actions

by their activists. This police operation was framed within the ongoing battle being waged by the National Police against the recruitment and indoctrination networks of DAESH. During the respective searches of the homes of the detainees, a large quantity of IT material and various types of documentation were seized. Following this latest counter-terrorism operation, 100 Jihadi terrorists have now been arrested in 2015 and a total of 175 during this term of office. The operation remains ongoing.

Bull-running protestor faces huge fine for padlock protest


young protestor who chained himself by the neck to a road sign in a bid to stop a medieval bull festival is having to dig deep into his pocket as “punishment” for endangering the lives of spectators! Adrián Sánchez used a metal bicycle padlock and threw the key into the river so he couldn’t be removed during the protest againt the “Toro de la Vega” held each year in the the town of Tordesillas in Valladolid, Spain. He locked himself up at a roundabout near a junction and was still there when the bull was released. He had to be cut free by firemen using hydraulic sheers in a rescue which took half an hour. Now, he has been fined 5,200 euros by the local council who claim he put people’s lives in danger and those of security guards. They

say there were 30,000 people at the tournament and 1,000 in that section of the route. The controversial tournament sees thousands of revellers chase a bull through the streets with lances and the animal is only pardoned if they fail to kill it. In recent years, animal rights groups have staged cruelty protests, saying it also gives the area and Spain as a whole a very bad image. This September ’s event saw particularly angry scenes. Protestors say fining Adrián for trying to fight for animal peace is completely wrong and they want the fine rescinded and appeals will

be lodged “until the end”. If unsuccessful, they intend to launch a fundraising appeal to raise the money. The social network sites have reacted with anger to news of the fine, with hundreds of comments being posted. “It’s the people who release the bull who need to be fined. It’s barbaric,” said one angry campaigner. “This young man should have a monument put up in his honour,” said another. “He risked his life to defend this poor animal.” The local council is prosecuting Adrián under the Protection of Safety laws which allows a fine of between 600 and 30,000 euros. They say he can get a 50 per cent reduction on the 5,200 euro penalty if he pays on a voluntary basis in the allocated time.

Police warn about train graffiti craze after three killed in station tragedy


OLICE have once again warned about the dangers of getting involved in train graffiti gangs after a tragedy at a railway station when three youths were killed.

The trio died as they tried to spray-paint messages on the side of a train when it stopped to pick up passengers at a station. The three victims, believed to be between 18 and 20 years of age, apparently ran across the track to get to the carriage before it moved away but were struck by a train coming in the other direction. Horrified witnesses said one of the youths was thrown into undergrowth by the blow but the other two were dragged about 200 metres. The emergency services tried to rescucitate one of the victims at the scene but did not succeed. The tragedy happened in the north of Portugal at about 8.30pm last night. The three dead are believed to be two Spaniards, one of whom lived in Madrid, and a Portuguese. It is believed they could be part of a gang and craze which has plagued Spain and Portugal for several years. Graffiti artists are dared to daub slogans on the sides of trains in a matter of seconds whilst others stand guard nearby. Police have been trying to crackdown on the problem and they have been several arrests and heavy fines but the fad continues, spurred on by the social networks and Youtube where videos of the vandalism are posted. The accident, seen by shocked passengers on the train and

several standing on the platform, happened at the station of Águas Santas which serves the district of Maia in Porto, Portugal. The drama was also watched by workmen on a building site nearby. Train services were held up whilst police dealt with the aftermath of the tragedy. Several empty cans of spray paint were found nearby. The three youths were hit by a train going in the other direction from Porto to Valongo. The graffiti craze, known as urban art, is a crime in both Spain and Portugal. The authorities say dozens of youths are involved and are costing hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage each year. A full investigation is now underway.





Textile workers kept in “subhuman conditions” by Chinese bosses


HESE are the disgusting conditions in which illegal textile workers were expected to live after finishing long, often around the clock shifts.


Police discovered the flats, known as pateras, after raiding properties in Toledo and arresting two people who coerced Chinese men and women to work for them. Officers described the scene they found as “inhuman” and said there were no sanitary conditions, food was cooked and stored on the floors and up to ten people lived in a dining room. In the courtyard below, they discovered the body of a dead boar. The Civil Guard said the two people arrested made their workers live in “subhuman conditions” and are facing prosecution for the crimes of human trafficking and violating the rights of workers. The shifts were up to 18 hours a day and the “employees” were expected to live above the premises. Three textile factories and two houses were raided and nine people were identified as working illegally in Spain. The two Chinese arrested were 33 and 39 years of age.



More drugs seized as Spanish police help in Italian boat operation


PAIN is continuing its onslaught against drug traffick ing with another major seizure of hashish.

Police have helped to seize about 13 tons following collaboration with several European forces. Information was originally supplied by the Spanish National Police who had tracked an organisatoin made up of Spaniards and Moroccans with links to Libya and Egypt. Spain has now seized the most cocaine of all the member states of Europe over the last ten years, intercepting nearly 40 per cent of all cocaine in the EU and 75 per cent of hashish. This latest operation involved agents from Spain, Turkey, Italy and Greece and followed the interception of a ship ten miles from the island of Pantelleria in the south-west of Sicily. They were originally told there was cocaine on board but a thorough search revealed 13 tons of hashish, divided into 500 packages and camouflaged as flour in the hold. Eleven people were arrested, ten Ukrainians and one Georgian. Interior minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz has welcomed the police operation and said it reaffirmed “the excellent international cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking.”







Brits arrested as part of cocaine smuggled in charcoal and “wooden” pallets


IX Brits have been arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking after 1.4 tonnes of cocaine disguised as wooden pallets and charcoal was seized at a Spanish port.

Police also discovered a large-scale drugs laboratory where the compressed cocaine was extracted during an elaborate process. The Brits are among eleven people arrested in a joint operation between the Spanish police, Tax Agency and National Crime Agency

who provided the original tip-off. Officers made the find when searching a shipping container from Colombia which arrived in the Port of Valencia . The container appeared to be loaded with sacks of charcoal on wooden pallets but forensic

examination found the 40 pallets were made of compressed cocaine powder made to look like wood and some of the sacks contained cocaine disguised as charcoal. Coordinated strikes later led to six men from Liverpool being arrested in the UK and Dubai. NCA officers arrested a 44-yearold at Liverpool Airport, along with a 54-year-old and a 50 year-old in the rooftop car park of the Belle Vale Shopping Centre. Merseyside Police detained a 46year-old at an address in Knowsley Village. The Dubai Police Anti-Narcotic Unit arrested a 39-year-old and a 38-year-old at a luxury apartment. Another five men – two Colombians, two Peruvians and a Spaniard – were arrested by Spanish police at a chemical company in an industrial unit in Chiva,

Valencia following the delivery of a dummy consignment of charcoal. The two Colombians are said to have been the expert “cooks” who recovered the impregnated cocaine. Greg McKenna, NCA Regional Head of Investigations, said: “We believe the company was a front for a industrial-sized lab where cocaine was extracted from pallets and charcoal, processed and repackaged for onward distribution across Europe. “This seizure of cocaine, the shutting down of the lab and the eleven arrests will have disrupted criminal activity across the whole of Europe.” The four men arrested in Liverpool have been released on bail pending further enquiries, while the two men in Dubai are still remanded in custody. The five men in Spain are also in custody.

information will be sent to the Strategy and Forecasting Department of CITCO, which will complete an assessment and pass on any information that may be of interest to the State law enforcement agencies. A second stage of this campaign is being planned

so that this content is also spread to the entities working to develop the National Strategic Plan on Combating Violent Radicalisation, the atrisk groups that could be considered as the “target audience” for the messages and other entities supporting this initiative.

Spain launches major campaign to stop spread of DAESH propaganda


PAIN has launched a major campaign against the spread of DAESH propaganda in the wake of more arrests on both the mainland and in the Canaries. Minister for Home Affairs, Jorge Fernández Díaz said they were backing similar initiatives by France, the United Kingdom and the United States. The campaign is entitled “Stop Radical Movements” and is aimed at stopping recruitment and the spread of terrorist threats. A series of secure channels has been set up so that people can report any concerns. They will be open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and remain anonymous. They are:

1. The www.stopradicalismos.es website. Via this portal, the public will be able to anonymously report possible situations of potentially radicalised people or groups or the presence of individuals who have allegedly travelled to conflict zones. The person reporting the situation will need to fill in a form - in Spanish or Arabic that will be automatically sent to the CITCO Centre for the Coordination of Information on Radicalisation.

2. ‘Stop Radical Movements’ option on Alertcops. This mobile citizen security alerts app, Alertcops, includes a specific ‘Stop Radical Movements’ button that will allow users to report by telephone or chat - possible cases of radicalisation in their community. This type of alert will be automatically and directly processed by the CITCO Centre for the Coordination of Information on Radicalisation and not by the centres that usually manage the application. In order to guarantee the safety of those who use this service, no traces of the alert will remain on the user’s terminal once the alert is closed. 3. Freephone service on 900

822 066. By calling this number, the public can anonymously and directly report possible cases of radicalisation in their community to the CITCO Centre for the Coordination of Information on Radicalisation. In order to guarantee the safety of those people who use this service, the call will not feature on their telephone bill. The information gathered through these channels will be sent to the State law enforcement agencies if they reveal facts that could constitute an offence or when immediate intervention is required. Otherwise, the





First pictures reveal interior of biggest-ever Titanic model

“Get involved” to have a happy life in Spain



OME of the secrets to happy living in Spain are revealed in a new survey by the British Embassy on how expatriates adjust to a life in the sun.


HE ill-fated Titanic is to “sail” again, albeit on a rather smaller scale than the original which sank on its maiden voyage in 1912.

New pictures, shared by the president of the Spanish Titantic Foundation, reveal for the very first time the interior of the world’s largest model of the famous liner. It measures nearly 40ft long, 12ft wide and 12ft tall and mimics the original on a scale of one to 30. The photos reveal the hall of the lower deck, the construction of the grand staircase, the waiting room and the pool which was the firstever built on a liner. As part of an international exhibition, engineers in Granada, Spain are putting the finishes touches to an inch-forinch exact replica of the infamous liner originally built by the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast. For the last year, construction has taken place at Castello de Ampuries in Girona but now, the pieces are to be transferred bit by bit to the

Science Park in Granada. The finished article will allow visitors to peep inside and be transported back to the past. The task is so huge that the “Titantic, The Reconstruction” exhibition is having to limit visitors to just Saturdays and Sundays in the run-up to Christmas. This, say the organisers, is purely because of the logistics and to ensure total safety. The original Titanic was 882ft and nine inches long and stood 104ft tall. It took hundreds of men to complete it and nine of them died in the process through accidents. The construction of the new model Titanic has involved a workforce of six but has been equally difficult. Everything is the same as the original, just smaller, and includes the boiler room and some of the cabins. Even the port of Southampton is being recreated.

Integration into the Spanish way of life is the key, the survey reveals. More than half of the British residents who responded say they speak Spanish regularly with friends and neighbours, enjoy Spanish food, use the Spanish healthcare system and employ Spanish tradespeople. The adjective “happy” is the word that they most commonly use to describe their lives in Spain, followed by “relaxed” and “content”. But some Brits admit to getting by without learning Spanish or registering on the padrón, and fail to make Spanish friends or keep up with Spanish news and politics, all things that appear to help others get more out of living in Spain. Almost 1600 people responded to the British Embassy’s ‘Integrometer’ online survey into levels of resident integration. Two-thirds live in Andalucia or the Comunidad de Valencia, where there are some high concentrations of It is being described as “the largest and most spectacular model” of the liner ever built. Once fitted together in Granada, it will form part of the exhibition which is to tour Spain, followed by the rest of Europe, the US and South America up until 2021. In the main exhibition, visitors can see recreations of the Titantic rooms, including the cabins and dining room, and hear about the personal stories of those who perished and the survivors. The exhibition remains in Granada until the end of 2015 before the worldwide tour begins.

British residents and integration is often low. Further significant numbers live in the Canaries, Murcia, the Balearics, Catalunya and the Madrid region.* (In total, almost 300,000 Brits are registered on their local padrón as being resident in Spain, and many thousands more are thought to live here for all or part of the year). Commenting on the survey, British ambassador Simon Manley said: “It’s great to see so many Brits saying they are happy and content in Spain as a result of their efforts to integrate into local life. I would definitely urge others to follow their example. If you are settling here, the first and most important thing to do is to register on the padrón. That way you can access the health and social services you may need now or in future.” “If you fail to register, then you can’t expect support from the Spanish system later. Some of the most tragic cases that we see in our Consulates are the consequences of people having moved to Spain – often years earlier – but not signing up on the padrón or integrating into their local Spanish communities.” Nine out of 10 people say they are registered on the padrón, which implies that one in ten survey respondents have yet to do so. More than half say they have a Spanish will, and over 50 per cent have a Spanish driving licence. Two thirds are registered for Spanish healthcare, with another 13 per cent having private medical insurance. But an alarming 16 per cent admit they have failed to provide for their healthcare in Spain, leaving them at serious risk of difficulties in the event of an accident or illness.

Spanish food proves popular. Nearly a quarter say they eat a Spanish meal every day, and eight out of ten do so at least once a week. Only six per cent say they eat a Spanish meal less than once a month. The wealth of advice on the British Embassy’s own ‘Living in Spain’ Facebook page helps nearly four out of ten people integrate into Spanish life, and provides useful links to both Spanish and British government procedures and public information.








Discover Studio4Decor at Artedental helps you enjoy a better Christmas! Los Abrigos to bring a new-look to your home or business


HRISTMAS can be a real nightmare for those who suffer dental problems. Family meals, pictures taken, relatives’ gatherings… they can all be very stressful situations. Now, thanks to a revolutionary treatment which can be performed in just one day, practised in clinics like Artedental in Tenerife, there is no need for anyone to be worried about the festive season. Many of Artedental’s patients are foreigners who spend long periods of time on the island, which is one of the reasons they decide to be treated in a local centre. As well all know, Christmas is a time for enjoying the family, the presents, and especially the food. Everybody shares special meals with relatives and family, meals that may include hard foods, a real nightmare for those who suffer dental complications, made worse by the fact they have lots of people around them while eating. Just imagine the whole picture. Maureen González, born in Britain, describes her previous Christmas times as really unpleasant: “Family meals during Christmas are as they should be, enjoyable events without the uncomfortable feeling of dentures which made me feel nauseous and made meals out a chore”. Even worse, just “the thought of having my photograph taken was also unpleasant, as I was self conscious of my smile”. Maureen needed top implants, and she decided to be treated in Artedental. Placing implants and prostheses are treatments much easier than most people may think. Actually, Artedental carries out the whole process in just one day with the highest technology and qualified professionals.


AVE you ever walked into a showhouse and thought “I would love my home to look like this?”

Systems®, describes AOS as a family of treatments that involves replacing parts through bolted implants and prosthetics. “The great difference from other treatments is that it occurs with immediate loading: on 24 hours maximum, the four to six implants are screwed in with the ArtOn4® method.” Volker Samrei, Technical Director for AOS, emphasises that this system does not require temporar y prostheses: “The prostheses placed are the definitive ones, and therefore represent a substantial saving.” He is in charge of moulding the prostheses like a real artisan, along with latest generation materials. Jay Swenson, from the US, had been having difficulty eating and chewing food for a long time, including at Christmas. His teeth on one side had been fairly hollowed out and did not fit together well and, on the other side, he was missing a tooth. Jay had an Art On 1 (a sole implant), and now he “highly recommends Artedental to anyone.” “I am very pleased with the work done, the ver y modern equipment and the care I received from everyone in the office, starting at the reception desk,” he says. Most of these patients live or spend long periods of time on the island, so when a problem like this comes

suddenly up, they look for a clinic that suits their necessities, including the languages spoken. Artedental’s team speaks Spanish, English and German, so they are able to treat patients from almost everywhere.

Amaya Sáez, Director of Expansion for Art On

Michael, the owner

Susanne Nielsen, another patient of Artedental, confirms this clinic’s secret of success: “They are professional, helpful, caring and can speak several languages. The clinic is tastefully decorated and patients are almost treated as family members.” Susanne, who was treated in Artedental for cavities and crown work, said “the fact that Artedental has its own lab made it an even easier choice, when it came to find a suitable dental clinic for my family.” Most of her family has also been treated in Artedental. “My children have had their teeth corrected with braces, my husband has had a few minor things done and my mum, who is living in Denmark, has had a whole ‘new mouth’”. She affirms those treatments have changed her life, “absolutely”. Artedental’s team says: “Enjoy Christmas, no matter what. If you face any dental problem, do not hesitate to have your work done. It is a shame so many people are forced to suffer in a period that must be enjoyed. It is reparable. Just do it”.

“My treatment in Artedental was unbelievably easy. I never had more than one afternoon off work,” says Maureen. “I now enjoy having my photographs taken and enjoying my favourite meal of fillet steak.” The reason why Artedental’s professionals are able to finish these treatments in just 24 hours is thanks to a revolutionary system they have registered as a patent, Art On Systems® (AOS).

Well, now you can, thanks to a fantastic new shop which has just opened on the main street of Los Abrigos. The even better news is that the dream is affordable to all!

ARTE DENTAL TENERIFE Centro de Negocios Piedra Redonda, Local 10-11. Vía de Servicio Las Arenas S/N, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife Teléfono:922 38 20 28 www.artedental.arton.systems

Although the showroom of Studio4Decor displays some really beautiful soft furnishings, lights, sofas, ornaments, pictures, mirrors and fabrics etc, it’s all very affordable and you will be very pleasantly surprised by the prices. Owner Michael Cubberley has been in the soft furnishings trade for some 20 years and is thrilled to have opened his new business in Los Abrigos which offers a charming environment and great parking. Whatever you would like to do with the “look” of your home, this is the place to head for. Even a simple thing like a stunning new picture can transform a room or perhaps a new dramatic light or mirror. You might like to have new curtains made up in whatever style, shade or pattern you choose from hundreds of samples. Perhaps add a matching throw for your bed or a custom-built headboard, some gorgeous scatter cushions or a vase or two. Alternatively, go the whole way and have your entire flat or house transformed top to toe. Michael has tackled villas where there has been nothing inside except for light sockets and can also help to transform restaurants or bars with new upholstery etc, as well as holiday homes. The important thing to stress here is that getting help with your interior design IS within

your reach, whatever degree of project you want. Simple or extensive, ultra-modern or traditional, inside or out or both. Michael will be there to help at a price which is built into your choices. He can sit down with you in the shop or your home or business and talk through your ideas, colour schemes and so on. Alternatively, you might just want to pop in to Studio4Decor to pick up single items or to buy a gift. All of the sofas on display are hand-made in the craftshop which adjoins the shop. Again, it isn’t out of your price range. You could get a sofa especially made for around 800 euros, for instance. The huge bonus is that your

sofa can be made to fit the space you want it too, down to the last centimetre or to take into account any pillars in the room or awkward corners. You can have chairs and footstools to match and there are some lovely dining room sets. Check out the stunning lighting as well; there are some fabulous table lamps for as little as 30 euros and some gorgeously soft throws for the same price. Anything and everything can fit into the budget you choose wherever you live in Tenerife, north or south. There’s absolutely no obligation involved in popping in for an initial chat or giving Michael a ring and contact from estate agents is very welcome. If you would like to visit the shop, it’s open Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm and thereafter by appointment, including on a Saturday or Sunday. As you drive into Los Abrigos, you will find the showroom on the right as you enter the village and there is always parking in the area.

Studio4Decor Los Abrigos 922 749 793/626 955 725 info@studio4decor.net www.studio4decor.net







Why a visit to the CIO Tenerife dental clinic will bring a smile to your face

A “

day without laughter is a day wasted” is an ethos which Puerto de la Cruz-based dental clinic CIO Tenerife very much adheres to and not for nothing is their slogan: “We hope to give you your best smile!” The first thing that will strike you when entering the clinic is its cheery and bright atmosphere with a striking colour scheme. This is very deliberate because the team behind CIO Tenerife wants to make every client feel very much at ease and to come here with every confidence and every comfort. The founder is Dr. Rayco Toledo Baute who had always harboured the dream of setting up a dental clinic where all specialities came together under one roof. He comes from Icod de los Vinos where he founded his first surgery though it was small and he was unable to fulfill his

ambition. Hence he launched himself into a search for large, spacious premises and especially in the north and found the answer in Puerto de la Cruz. The centre has six dentists who deal with all areas of dentistry and specialise in orthodontics, implantology, endodontics, periodontics, prosthetics, cosmetic dentistry and holistic and preventive dentistry. They all have a long career in the profession, most with over 15 years experience. With Dr. Rayco Toledo Baute at the helm, they are: Dr. Juan Carlos Dominguez García, Dra. Denis Figueredo Vera, Dra. Evelia Hernandez Suarez,

Dra. Helena Martín Glez and Dra. Saury Gomez Herrero. Their approach? He explains: “We believe that the most important thing is prevention, reviews are essential to avoid greater evils and going to the dentist is only necessar y when the pain cannot be rectified. Talks on oral health in schools are essential because it is important to start good oral health from a young age. That is why in our centre, the first visit is free. We like to show people that it is not just about a tooth or teeth, it is about your mouth as a whole.” Being a comprehensive centre, all treatments are offered, with orthodontics, implantology and aesthetics being particular specialities. The team understands that people can be nervous about going to the dentist and uses music and aromatherapy

vera., Puerto de La Cruz (near the church) and read more on http://ciotenerife.webnode.es/ The team here hopes to welcome you and to get you smiling and happy again. “We could say that laughter is the cheapest medicine there is,” says Dr. Toledo.

amongst its methods to make the patient feel relaxed. The smile of today is certainly very different to that of yesteryear because more people are aware of the desire for lovely teeth in an era when personal image means a lot. As Dr. Toledo says: “Our face is a calling card.” Studies have shown that if a

person’s defective teeth are rectified, they do feel happier and more confident. The clinic is happy to offer financing options and invariably has special offers. In any event, toeay’s dentistry is more affordable to people without compromising quality. You can find CIO Tenerife at Avda Juan de Tejera, 4, La

Avda. Juan de Tejera 4 La Vera, Puerto de la Cruz Tel.: 922 387 334 ciotenerife@gmail.com


Pets World



Make sure your dog has a happy Christmas too!


HRISTMAS should be a very happy time for everyone, including your pets.

But beware, the festive season also presents lots of hidden dangers for your dog. Foods including chocolate, grapes and some nuts are toxic, plants such as poinsettia, mistletoe and holly can cause upset stomachs and cigarettes and alcohol left lying around at parties are dangerous. Other festive goods such as decorations, wrapping paper and potpourri also pose risks. Here, courtesy of the Blue Cross animal charity in the UK, are some top alerts.


Chocolate The chemical theobromine, which is a bit like caffeine, is found in chocolate and is toxic to dogs. Even small amounts can cause agitation, hyperexcitability, tremors, convulsions and problems with the heart. The darker the chocolate, the more potent levels of theobromine become – with baker’s chocolate the most dangerous. Chocolate should be avoided at all costs. But what do you do if your dog does eat chocolate? Even small amounts have the potential to make them feel sick, but veterinary treatment should be sought for any dog ingesting more than 20 mg/kg of theobromine – that’s equivalent to 3.5 g/kg of plain or dark chocolate and 14 g/ kg milk chocolate. White chocolate does not contain enough theobromine to cause toxicity, but it can be fatty and pose a potential risk of pancreatitis. Avoid putting any chocolate on or under the Christmas tree, as the temptation might be too great for our four legged friends.

Grapes and dried vine fruits (currants, sultanas, raisins) Grapes and their dried products (currants, sultanas and raisins) are toxic to dogs. Ingestion of even a small quantity can cause severe kidney failure. Don’t forget this will include food items that contain dried fruits such as Christmas pudding and mince pies. Be aware that chocolate-coated raisins run the additional risk of chocolate toxicity.

Onions (and garlic, leeks, shallots and chives) Onions, garlic, leeks, shallots and chives all belong to the Allium species of plants and can cause toxicity, whether uncooked or cooked. Initially there can be vomiting and diarrhoea but the main effect is damage to red blood cells, resulting in anaemia. This may not be apparent for several days after ingestion.

Alcohol Alcohol can have a similar effect in dogs as it does in their owners when drunk in excess. They can become wobbly and drowsy and in severe cases, there is a risk of low body temperature, low blood sugar and coma. Dogs may help themselves to any unattended alcohol left lying around over Christmas, so ensure it’s always out of their reach.

Macadamia nuts Macadamia nuts can cause lethargy, increased body

temperature, tremor, lameness and stiffness in dogs.


If there is any food left over at Christmas, be careful to dispose of it well and keep it out of the reach of your fourlegged friend. Not only may the food include ingredients toxic to dogs, mould in leftovers (including yoghurt, bread and cheese) can produce toxins that cause rapid onset convulsions in dogs.

Artificial sweeteners

A sugar-free sweetener called xylitol is often found in the sweets we consume over Christmas, as well as chewing gums, mouthwashes, toothpastes and supplements. It is poisonous to dogs and, although the amounts in different products vary, event one to two pieces of chewing gum can cause toxic effects in a small dog. It can induce the release of insulin in the body, resulting in low blood sugar and sometimes liver damage. Signs of poisoning can be rapid or delayed, and include vomiting, lethargy, convulsions and comas. The prognosis is good if the low blood sugar is treated quickly.


Poinsettia Although toxicity of the poinsettia has often been exaggerated, it can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach with overproduction of saliva and sometimes vomiting.

A RANGE OF PLANTS CAN PRESENT A DANGER TO DOGS Holly The plant is considered to be of low toxicity, but ingestion of holly berries may result in a stomach upset.

Mistletoe Ingestion of European mistletoe berries may result in an upset stomach. The American species of the plant is far more dangerous.

Christmas trees


Silica gel comes in small sachets and is often found in the packaging of new shoes, handbags, cameras or electrical equipment which we unwrap over Christmas. Although it is labelled “Do not Eat” it is considered to be of low toxicity.

Christmas decorations

Decorations made of plastic, paper or foil are of low toxicity although may obstruct the stomach. Glass decorations could pose a risk if chewed or swallowed.

Wrapping or crepe paper

Ingestion may cause staining in the mouth which may look alarming, but the toxicity is considered to be low. But if your dog eats a large amount, it may cause an obstruction to the stomach.


Although candles, even scented ones, are considered to be of low toxicity, ingestion could potentially block the intestine or cause choking.


A mild stomach upset can be caused if dogs eat pine needles, but the sharp tips can cause more damage internally.

When eaten, potpourri can cause significant gastrointestinal effects in dogs. These may last several days even after the material has passed through the gut.



The ivy that tends to be used in wreaths and decorations is Hedera helix (not Toxicodendron radicans, the American poison ivy). But the Hedera species can still cause a tummy upset when ingested. Where there is significant or prolonged skin contact, Hedera species can also cause both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis.

Nicotine is toxic to dogs, and cigarette butts are especially dangerous - so it’s important not to leave any ashtrays in reach of dogs over Christmas, or dropped on the floor where they may eat them. Nicotine replacement patches and e-cigarette refills can also pose a risk. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, excess saliva and hypertension.

A warm winter for your cat


F it does happen to turn cold this Christmas, here are a few tips about your cat.

Most cats prefer to snuggle up inside during the winter but if yours is the outdoors type make sure they always have a warm place they can go to at all times. And, if it’s really cold, keep them inside even if they are unimpressed – pet cats aren’t used to the extreme cold and can develop hypothermia and frostbite. Cats left outdoors often crawl into a warm car engine to get warm and, when the engine is started up, they can be seriously injured or even killed. They might also venture somewhere they shouldn’t and get trapped without food or water. If in doubt, keep your cat inside. Cats that usually go to the toilet outside may need a litter tray inside, especially when there’s snow on the ground. Also, when snow is deep cat flaps can become blocked so you’ll need to check them to make sure that your cat can get out and, more importantly, back in again. Make sure your cat is fitted with a microchip so if they do wander off in search of a warm place they can be traced back to you. Look out for hidden dangers over the festive season – poinsettia and lilies are popular Christmas plants but they’re actually poisonous to cats. And keep tinsel out of reach if you don’t fancy a trip to the vet to have it removed from your cat’s gut or rear-end.




Seasonal family comedy about a reluctant Christmas hero. When Santa Claus falls off Scott Calvin’s roof on Christmas Eve, the divorced dad reluctantly agrees to don the oversized costume and help deliver presents for the night. He soon realises, however, that the small print commits him to the role permanently. The biggest trouble is that nobody but Scott’s son Charlie (and the residents of the North Pole) knows the truth; all anyone else can see is that Scott’s behaviour is becoming increasingly strange. Director: John Pasquin Starring: Tim Allen, Wendy Crewson, Judge Reinhold, Eric Lloyd, David Krumholtz, Larry Brandenburg






At a high school party, four friends find that losing their collective virginity isn’t as easy as they thought, so enter into a pact to be the first to ‘score’ as the senior prom looms. This crude but hilarious comedy from first-time director Paul Weitz contains some outrageous set pieces. Director: Paul Weitz Starring: Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Chris Klein, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Alyson Hannigan, Tara Reid



Almost 60 years after it was first published, Brad Anderson’s comic strip about the misadventures of a clumsy Great Dane bounds into lipsynched life in this live-action kids’ adventure. The Winslow family, originally from Kansas, have upped sticks and plonked down again in sunny California, thanks to Dad’s new job at a pet-food company that’s run by Don Twombly. Despite the lovely weather, the family struggle to adjust to their new environment, no one more so than massive pet dog Marmaduke. But the Dane learns to bear life’s slings and arrows via a series of daft adventures with his canine friends, replete with slapstick and fart jokes. Steve Coogan and Kiefer Sutherland provide the voices for some of Marmaduke’s chums, and there’s a cameo appearance from David Walliams. Director: Tom Dey Starring: Owen Wilson, Lee Pace, Emma Stone, George Lopez, Kiefer Sutherland, Fergie Duhamel

Robert Downey Jr returns as super industrialist Tony Stark - and heavy metal crimefighter Iron Man - for a third time in the superhero series. Still tormented by his brush with death after aliens attacked New York City, Tony Stark has fallen far from the heroic Iron Man figure the public know and love. But when maniacal terrorist the Mandarin sets about brutally dismantling Iron Man’s world, Stark suits up and attempts to find a way to get even. Director: Shane Black, Jeff Habberstad Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Jon Favreau

Entertaining family comedy about a suburban family whose lives are plunged into chaos after their car runs over a yeti on their way home from a hunting holiday. Thinking it dead, they take it home with plans to stuff and display it in their living room. Instead the creature revives and wreaks havoc until they realise that he is just a gentle giant. The bigfoot becomes one of the family, but how long can they keep him concealed from the authorities and an ambitious yeti-hunter? Starring: John Lithgow, Melinda Dillon, Margaret Langrick, Joshua Rudoy, Kevin Peter Hall, David Suchet



THE NATION´S FAVOURITE DISNEY SONG (DOCUMENTARY) 26TH DECEMBER 18:00 Over the years, Disney movies have provided the world with a host of memorable songs. This is a celebration of the most popular tracks from some of the best. Narrated by Stephen Mulhern, it includes family favourites from The Jungle Book, Frozen, Mary Poppins and The Lion King. There are appearances by those responsible for the songs - Sir Tim Rice, Sir Elton John, Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. The documentary also hears from those involved in some classic movie soundtracks - like Marge Champion, now 96 years old, who was the model who helped create the movements for Snow White’s Whistle While You Work sequence in Walt Disney’s first ever full length animated feature film. There are interviews with Disney fans from across the generations - Tom Fletcher and Harry Judd from McFly, Lorraine Kelly and her daughter Rosie, Little Ant and Dec, Emmerdale’s Matthew Wolfenden and his son Buster, and Arlene Phillips and her daughter Alana. (EDITOR’S CHOICE, NEW, STEREO, WIDESCREEN, SUBTITLES)


Animated series featuring the ocean-going adventures of a plucky little tugboat with a big heart. Toot dreams of being able to fly. This seems like an impossible wish for a tiny tugboat - but with a little help from his friends, his dreams come true.


06:00 09:15 10:15

11:15 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45

15:40 15:50 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:30 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:05 23:35 01:25 01:30


Breakfast David Suchet: In the Footsteps of St Paul Cue the Queen: Celebrating the Christmas Speech Eat Well for Less at Christmas Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Donkey’s Caroling Christmas-Tacular Film Shrek Forever After Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News Celebrity Mastermind A Question of Sport EastEnders Snow Chick Boomers BBC News at Ten BBC London News Peter Kay’s Car Share Mrs. Brown’s Boys Film Meet the Fockers Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

07:40 08:25 08:55 09:25 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:45 14:45 15:45 16:15 17:15 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:30


23:00 00:00 00:30

Home Comforts at Christmas This Wild Life Terry and Mason’s Great Food Trip Film Short Circuit Equestrian The Great Pottery Throw Down Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? The Polar Bear Family and Me Coast Perry and Croft: Made in Britain Alaska: Earth’s Frozen Kingdom Money for Nothing Back in Time for Christmas Gorilla Family and Me University Challenge MasterChef: The Professionals Christmas Shopping Fever: John Lewis and the Retail Race Goodness Gracious Me - India Special 2015 Top of the Pops 2 The Javone Prince Show Country Strife

06:00 06:25 06:40 07:00 08:30 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:10 12:45


Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Rebound Pick Me! Catchphrase ITV Lunchtime News Film Bean

06:25 07:10 07:35 09:00 10:30

12:00 12:30 14:10 15:10 16:00 17:00

14:25 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00

The Sound of Music Live The Chase for Text Santa ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street All Star Mr and Mrs Prey ITV News at Ten and Weather

18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 00:35 01:00

Small Animal Hospital Everybody Loves Raymond Film Rugrats the Movie The Big Bang Theory Film Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back The Simpsons Film Aliens in the Attic Deal or No Deal Countdown Posh Pawnbrokers Celebrity Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Film Toy Story of Terror Posh Pawn at Christmas 24 Hours in A and E Toast of London Father Ted Best Before The IT Crowd

07:20 07:35 07:45 07:55 08:15 08:35 08:50 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:40 11:20 13:30 14:30 16:50 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00


Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Mr. Men Show Toby’s Travelling Circus Film Christmas Angel Film Fly Away Home World’s Strongest Man 2015 Film The Glenn Miller Story Film Clash of the Titans World’s Strongest Man 2015 GPs: Behind Closed Doors Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Christmas with Britain’s Biggest Family On Benefits: Cashing in for Christmas

08:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

12:00 12:30 14:00 14:30


08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 19:00 22:30

Live Big Bash Cricket Shane Warne Living the Dream La Liga World Fantasy Football Club - The Highlights Footb. League Gold Football Gold La Liga World Fantasy Football Club - The Highlights Barclays Premier League Legends

Time of Our Lives Sporting Greats Time of Our Lives Sporting Rivalries Time of Our Lives Live Greyhound Racing Cricket’s Greatest Big Bash Cricket Cricket’s Greatest


06:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 12:00 13:00 13:10 13:20 14:20 15:50 17:20

18:20 18:30 18:40 19:10 20:00 20:30 21:05 22:05 22:45 23:30 23:45


Breakfast David Suchet: In the Footsteps of St Paul On Angel Wings Film The Santa Clause Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Snow Chick Film A Christmas Carol Film Finding Nemo Harry Hill in Professor Branestawm Returns BBC News Regional News and Weather Celebrity Mastermind Pointless Celebrities Christmas Special Would I Lie to You at Christmas EastEnders Peter Kay: 20 Years of Funny Walliams and Friends Not Going Out BBC News Midnight Mass From St George’s Cathedral, Southwark Film Serendipity

06:20 07:20 08:05 08:35 09:05 11:00

12:00 13:00 14:45 15:15 17:15 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:30 01:10 02:10


Homes Under the Hammer Home Comforts at Christmas This Wild Life Great British Menu Film Bedknobs and Broomsticks The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure Natural World Film Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Perry and Croft: Made in Britain Snow Wolf Family and Me Carols from King’s To the Manor Born Dad’s Army University Challenge MasterChef: The Professionals The Great History Quiz: The Tudors The Scandalous Lady W Film Dial M for Murder Simply Nigella Christmas Shopping Fever: John Lewis and the Retail Race Home Comforts at Christmas

06:00 06:25 06:40 07:00 08:30 09:25 10:25 11:25 13:30 13:45 15:50

17:40 18:45 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:45 22:45 23:00 00:00 01:40 02:30 03:15

Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas Pick Me! Film Back to the Future Part II ITV Lunchtime News Film Small Soldiers Film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation All Star Mr and Mrs ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street The Abba Christmas Party Through the Keyhole ITV News Christmas Carols on ITV Film Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show USA ITV Nightscreen

06:15 07:00 07:40 08:05 08:35 09:10 10:55

12:30 14:10 14:15 16:55 17:25 18:00 19:00


21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 02:00

Small Animal Hospital The Big Bang Theory The Snowman Father Christmas The Simpsons Film Animals United Film Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who Film Stuart Little Channel 4 News Film It’s a Wonderful Life The Snowman The Snowman and the Snowdog Hollyoaks Jamie’s Night Before Christmas My Crazy Christmas Lights 8 Out of 10 Cats Rude Tube Gogglebox The Inbetweeners Man Down

07:15 07:30 07:45 07:55 08:05 08:10 08:20 08:35 08:50 09:00 09:10 09:30 10:30 14:45 17:20 19:00 19:55

20:25 21:00

22:00 23:00 00:30

Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Milkshake! Bop Box Peppa Pig Wanda and the Alien Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Mr. Men Show The Real Face of Santa Claus Film Gone with the Wind Film The Dam Busters Film Scrooge Christmas Makes You Laugh Out Loud Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly: Ol’ Blue Eyes is Back Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special Christmas with the Double Acts Morecambe and Wise Live! 1973 Film Scrooge

09:00 09:30

10:00 10:15 11:00 11:30

12:00 12:30 13:00 13:15

09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 17:00 19:00 19:30 20:00

Football Gold Barclays Premier League Legends Football League Gold Football Gold PL 100 Club Barclays Premier League Legends Football Gold PL 100 Club Football League Gold Football Gold

Sporting Greats Time of Our Lives Sporting Rivalries Time of Our Lives 2015 Transvulcania Athletics 2015 Transvulcania Triathlon WWE: Raw Barclays Premier League Legends PL 100 Club Barclays Premier League Legends



06:00 09:00 09:20 09:35 10:00



13:50 14:00 15:00

15:10 16:35 16:45 17:15 18:15 19:30 20:45 21:45 22:25 23:25 23:40 23:45 00:15 01:00

Breakfast Film Shrek the Halls The Clangers Danger Mouse Christmas Day Service Live From Bath Abbey Film The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Film Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted BBC News at One Top of the Pops The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2015 Film Brave BBC News Stick Man Doctor Who Strictly Come Dancing Call the Midwife EastEnders Mrs. Brown’s Boys Michael Mcintyre’s Big Christmas Show BBC News Love Came Down at Christmas Comedy Bloopers Not Going Out Film Surviving Christmas

06:00 07:20 08:20 09:45 11:00 12:15

13:15 13:45 15:05 16:35 18:20

18:30 19:30 20:00 20:50 21:50 22:20 23:20 00:40 02:20

Film The Road to El Dorado Natural World Film Herbie Rides Again Film The Cat in the Hat Carols from King’s Climbed Every Mountain - The Story Behind The Sound of Music The Good Life Film Frankenweenie Tim Rice - A Life in Song Film Romeo and Juliet The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2015 World’s Sneakiest Animals Dad’s Army The Two Ronnies Christmas Show Darcey’s Ballet Heroes QI We’re Doomed! The Dad’s Army Story Film Gambit Film The Trouble with Harry This is BBC Two

06:00 06:25 06:50 07:00 07:15 07:45 08:10 08:25 09:25 11:30 13:35 14:45 15:00 15:10 16:10 17:00 18:00 18:15 18:45 19:45 20:45 22:45 23:45 00:00 01:50

Dino Dan Sooty Oddbods Dino Dan Horrid Henry Chowder Almost Naked Animals Weekend at Christmas Film Santa Claus Film Happy Feet Text Santa ITV Lunchtime News HM the Queen Cameraman to the Queen Countrywise Winter Wonderland Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs ITV Evening News You’ve Been Framed! Emmerdale Coronation Street Downton Abbey Our Cilla ITV News Film Dr. No Murder, She Wrote

06:45 07:30 08:00

09:40 11:15

11:40 12:10 12:40 13:15 13:45 15:25 15:35 15:45 17:45 20:00 21:00 23:00 00:05

01:05 02:50 03:15 04:10 04:55

Prep and Landing The Bear Film A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures The Simpsons Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas Toy Story Toons Father Christmas The Snowman The Snowman and the Snowdog Film The Muppet Christmas Carol Channel 4 News Alternative Christmas Message Film Scrooged Film Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Gogglesprogs Alan Carr: Chatty Man 8 Out of 10 Cats Very British Problems at Christmas Film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Friday Night Dinner Gadget Man Benchmark Grand Designs

06:40 06:50 06:55 07:05 07:30 07:45 07:55 08:10 08:20 08:35 09:00 09:15 09:25 09:35 09:50

10:50 13:05 15:10 17:10 18:05 20:50 21:40 23:05

Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat The Mr. Men Show Toby’s Travelling Circus Andre Rieu’s Christmas Spectacular Film Scrooge Film Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Film The Wizard of Oz Michael Buble’s Christmas 2015 Britain’s Favourite Christmas Songs Chas and Dave’s Xmas Knees-Up Britain’s Favourite Abba Songs Sinatra at 100 - An All-Star Grammy Concert


10:00 11:00 11:30

12:00 13:30 14:00

08:00 08:30 09:00 11:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00


La Liga Special: Goles Y Goles Y Goles Soccer AM La Liga Special: Ronaldo La Liga Special: Barcelona’s Strike Force Gillette Soccer Saturday La Liga Special: Ronaldo La Liga Special: Barcelona’s Strike Force

Ashes Zone: Aussie Legends 200th Test: Behind the Scenes The Ashes Shane Warne Living the Dream Ashes Zone: Aussie Legends Bumble! The David Lloyd Story Ashes Zone: Aussie Legends 200th Test: Behind the Scenes The Ashes


06:00 10:00 11:30 12:15 12:25 13:00 14:00


15:25 16:45 18:10 18:40 18:50 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:20 22:30 00:05 02:15 02:20

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Home Comforts at Christmas BBC News Football Focus Comic Relief 2015: Thanks a Billion! Film Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out A Grand Night in: The Story of Aardman Film Puss in Boots Film The Croods The Farmer’s Llamas BBC News Regional News and Weather Dickensian EastEnders Still Open All Hours Dickensian And Then There Were None BBC News The National Lottery Live Match of the Day Film The Guardian Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 06:50 07:35 09:05 10:35 11:35 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:30 17:30


19:20 20:00 21:00 22:00

22:30 23:15 01:00 03:05 04:40

Race to Super Bowl 50 Flog It! Film Tom Thumb Film Hotel for Dogs Ten Pieces II Film G-Force Natural World Attenborough’s Paradise Birds Film Bedtime Stories Final Score Don’t Panic! The Dad’s Army Story We’re Doomed! The Dad’s Army Story Dad’s Army Top Gear A Gert Lush Christmas Abz on the Christmas Farm Backchat Looks Back Film Kinky Boots Film Marnie Imagine... This is BBC Two

06:25 06:35 07:00 07:05 07:10 07:25 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:25 10:25 Framed! 10:55 13:05 13:20 15:40 17:40 18:00

19:00 20:00 22:05 23:10 23:25 01:25

Pat and Stan Dino Dan Share a Story Oddbods Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean The Aquabats! Super Show! Thunderbirds are Go The Tom and Jerry Show Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas You’ve Been Film Back to the Future Part III ITV News and Weather Film Jurassic Park Midsomer Murders ITV News and Weather The Nation’s Favourite Disney Song Surprise Surprise Peter and Wendy The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather Film From Russia with Love Jackpot247

06:15 08:00 09:00 10:25 11:25

Film Ramona and Beezus The Morning Line The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Film Fantastic Mr. Fox

06:55 07:00 07:10 07:15 07:25 07:40 07:50 08:05 08:25 08:45 08:55 09:10 11:10

13:10 15:30 17:25 17:35


20:00 21:00 23:05 00:10 02:05 03:00

Channel 4 Racing Film Home Alone 3 Channel 4 News The Secret Life of Children at Christmas Britain’s Favourite Children’s Books with David Walliams Inside Lego at Christmas Big Fat Quiz of the Year Rude Tube Alan Carr: Chatty Man Rude Tube Hollyoaks Omnibus

12:10 15:15 17:05 19:05 20:05 21:00 22:30

00:30 01:25

Milkshake! Bop Box Zack and Quack Milkshake Monkey Make Way for Noddy Paw Patrol Little Princess Pip Ahoy! Blaze and the Monster Machines Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Wanda and the Alien Toby’s Travelling Circus The Saturday Show The Dog Rescuers Christmas Special with Alan Davies The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe Film Diana Film One Chance Christmas Makes You Laugh Out Loud Chas and Dave’s Xmas Knees-Up Football League Tonight Most Shocking Christmas TV Moments Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Super Casino

09:00 10:00 12:00 12:30 15:00 17:00 19:30

20:00 22:00

06:00 07:00 07:30 16:00 17:00 18:00

22:00 23:30

The Fantasy Football Club Soccer AM Jamie Vardy: Record Breaker Live Ford Football Special Live Fight Night FL72 Live Jamie Vardy: Record Breaker Live Fight Night SNF - Match Choice

Live Test Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Live Test Cricket Test Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Live World Darts Championship Cricket Specials Live Test Cricket


06:00 07:40 09:15 10:35 12:00 13:00 13:15 13:50 16:05 18:05 18:20 18:30 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:15 22:25 23:00

00:00 01:35 01:40


Breakfast Match of the Day Film Flushed Away Film Megamind Bargain Hunt BBC News Songs of Praise Film Mary Poppins Film Oz: The Great and Powerful BBC News Regional News and Weather Countryfile Dickensian Still Open All Hours Dickensian And Then There Were None BBC News Regional News and Weather Catherine Tate’s Nan Miranda Hart - My What I Call Live Show Film Ghost Town Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:20 07:20 08:15

Big Dreams Small Spaces Countryfile Film A Man for All Seasons

06:00 06:25 06:35 07:00 07:05 07:10 07:25 07:35 08:00 08:25

10:15 11:45 12:45 13:45 15:20 17:25 18:10 20:00 21:00 22:00

00:15 02:10

Saturday Kitchen Best Bites The Hairy Bikers and Lorraine Pascale A Culture Show Special Film The Cockleshell Heroes Film The Heroes of Telemark Porridge Film Deep Impact Dragons’ Den Gorilla Family and Me U2 - iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE - Live In Paris Film Telstar: The Joe Meek Story Countryfile

09:25 09:55 10:40 13:30 13:45

15:35 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:30 20:30 22:30 22:45 23:45


Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge Pat and Stan Dino Dan Share a Story Oddbods Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean The Aquabats! Super Show! Weekend at Christmas Countrywise Celebrity Squares Film Superman ITV News and Weather Film Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium Midsomer Murders ITV News London ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Jekyll and Hyde Harry Price: Ghost Hunter ITV News and Weather Through the Keyhole Rugby Highlights

06:05 07:40 09:20

Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean The Tom and Jerry Show Almost Naked Animals Horrid Henry Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Rinder Who’s Doing the Dishes? Catchphrase ITV Lunchtime News Our Cilla Surprise Surprise Midsomer Murders Hedgehog Hotel ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Countrywise Coronation Street John Bishop’s Gorilla Adventure ITV News at Ten and Weather Film The Holiday Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show


12:20 13:10 15:35

Film Flicka 2 Film Paws Sunday Brunch The Simpsons Channel 4 Racing Film Hugo

07:15 07:30 07:40 07:55 08:10 08:40 08:55 09:10 09:25 09:35 10:00 10:15

17:55 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:55 02:50 04:30

Channel 4 News Celebrity Fifteen to One Million Pound Motors Walking the Himalayas Homeland 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Film The Inbetweeners 2 The Inbetweeners Film That Touch of Mink Benchmark

11:45 14:25 16:45 19:00 19:55 20:00




Make Way for Noddy Paw Patrol Little Princess Pip Ahoy! Blaze and the Monster Machines Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Wanda and the Alien Toby’s Travelling Circus Jelly Jamm LazyTown The Mr. Men Show Football League Tonight Film Cromwell Film The Searchers Film Escape to Victory World’s Strongest Man 2015 5 News Weekend On Benefits: Cashing in for Christmas Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2015 Autopsy: The Last Hours of Robin Williams Super Casino

07:30 09:00 10:30 12:30 13:30 16:15 19:00 23:00

06:00 07:00

SNF - Match Choice The Sunday Supplement Goals on Sunday Barclays Premier League Legends Live SPFL Football FL72 Live Live World Darts Championship Football League Goals

Live Test Cricket Cricket’s Greatest

A profile of Curtly Ambrose, one of the finest fast bowlers in the history of the sport, who formed an outstanding partnership with fellow West Indian legend Courtney Walsh 07:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30

Live Test Cricket Test Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Dwight Freeney Interview Live NFL


06:00 09:00 10:20 11:00 12:30 13:10 13:25 13:30 14:20 15:55 16:25 17:45 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:30

20:00 20:30 21:05 22:05 22:20 22:30 00:00

01:00 01:05

Breakfast Film Bee Movie Old Jack’s Boat: Storm in a Teacup Film Bolt Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Father Brown Film Cool Runnings The Gruffalo Film Madagascar Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News Celebrity Mastermind Film Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death EastEnders Miranda And Then There Were None BBC News BBC London News Match of the Day Lewis Hamilton: Making History - F1 2015 Review Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:15 07:15 07:45 08:45 10:30

11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:30 18:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:50 23:50 00:50 02:50 03:50

Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Continent This Wild Life Film Ivanhoe The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure The Great Pottery Throw Down Les Dawson Talking Comedy The Bear Family and Me Coast Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth Flog It! Final Score The Clare Balding Show Film What Women Want University Challenge Only Connect Film Behind the Candelabra Two Doors Down Dragons’ Den The Apprentice Doctor Who This is BBC Two

06:25 06:35 07:00 08:00 08:25 08:55 09:25 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:15 13:30 14:30 15:30 17:30 18:25 18:45 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:15 00:45 03:00

06:50 08:35 10:05

11:50 13:15

Small Animal Hospital Film See Spot Run The Big Bang Theory Film Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer The Simpsons Film Marmaduke

07:55 08:10 08:25 08:45 08:55 09:00 09:10 09:20 09:35 09:50 10:50 13:00

14:55 16:25 18:30 18:35 19:05 20:00 21:00 22:35 23:40 00:50 02:45 04:45

Film Stuart Little 2 Film Mirror Mirror Channel 4 News Hollyoaks A Frozen Christmas The World’s Most Expensive Food Gogglebox Tattoo Fixers David Blaine Film The Omen Film The China Syndrome Benchmark

15:55 18:00 18:55 19:50 20:00 21:00 Story 22:00 23:00


Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Milkshake! Bop Box Toot the Tiny Tugboat Toby’s Travelling Circus Wanda and the Alien The Mr. Men Show World’s Strongest Man 2015 Film An American in Paris Film Anchors Aweigh Film High Society Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild World’s Strongest Man 2015 5 News Building the Ice Hotel The Frank Sinatra Sinatra Live in New York Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly: Ol’ Blue Eyes is Back Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank



Football League Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League Legends Goals on Sunday FL72 Live Gillette Soccer Special FL72 Live Live World Darts Championship Football Gold


Live Test Cricket

09:30 10:00 11:30 12:30 15:00 17:00 19:30

South Africa v England. Coverage of the third day of the First Test, held at Kingsmead in Durban 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:30

Test Cricket The Verdict Test Cricket The Verdict Cricket's Greatest Test Cricket Live Test Cricket

Foreign demand clearly important, but something wrong with official figures


HE Government recently published data on home sales in the third quarter illustrating the importance of foreign demand to the Spanish property market. There is no doubt that foreigners are an important and growing segment of the market, but the figures are clearly wrong when it comes to the residency status of foreign buyers.

According to the Ministry of Public Works (Fomento), which administers housing policy at a national level, foreigners bought a total of 16,743 homes in Spain in Q3, representing 18% of the total housing market. According to their figures, foreign resident demand rose 22% year-onyear, and non-resident demand by 12%. By region, Alicante was the most popular province with foreign buyers, followed by Malaga, Barcelona, the Balearics, and Madrid. Fomento breakdowns foreign demand by residency status (living in our outside Spain), and this is where the problem arises. They claim that 93% of foreign buyers in Q3 were resident in Spain (15,589 sales), whilst just 7% of sales (1,154) involved a foreign buyer living outside Spain. However, my own expe-

Official figures recognise that foreign demand is increasingly important to the Spanish property market, but they are totally misleading about the residency status of foreign buyers.

Most foreign buyers are non-residents after holiday-homes on the coast rience based on years of talking to foreign buyers and vendors, and professionals in the business, tells me the Government has got the figures wrong. When it comes to

foreign demand, nonresidents buying second homes in Spain are a much bigger group than foreign residents. I think every estate agent

catering to foreign demand would agree with me. “Every single foreign client of ours this year was a non-resident,” Alfred Milá, head of Sonneil.com – an estate

NOTARIES: Market cools down in October Both house prices and sales dipped a fraction in October, calling into question the strength of the recovery, according to the latest figures from the General Council of Notaries. There were a total of 35,088 homes sales in October (including subsidised housing), a rise of 3% compared to the same time last year, show the notaries’ figures. October’s 3% increase represents one of the lowest levels of annualised growth this year, suggesting the market recovery might be losing momentum as we head towards the end of the year. The latest property sales figures from the National Institute of Statistics (NIE), reported last week, also showed signs of a slowdown in transactions (Market expansion cools in October).

As the notaries’ figures anticipate the NIE’s figures by a couple of months, we can expect more signs of cooldown in sales the coming months.

HOUSE PRICES DOWN, BUT INDEX IS VOLATILE House prices also took a dip in October, down 0.3% year-onyear, having risen 1.7% in September, though for most of the year the notaries have reported falling prices. There is no evidence yet of a sustained recovery in national prices in the figures

Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 2008). He can be reached by email on ms@spanishpropertyinsight.com.

agency with sales operations on the Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca – told me this morning. “It’s a similar story at other companies I know selling property on the costas.”

What lies behind this mistake? I’ll try and find out in the new year, but in the meantime, don’t believe it if you hear that most foreign buyers in Spain also live here.

published by the notaries. In the context of the SPI House Price Index Tracker (HPIT), which includes 7 of the most widely watched house price indices in Spain, the notaries’ figures go slightly against the trend towards rising or stable prices, though higher volatility make it difficult to draw conclusions from the price data published by the notaries.

MORTGAGE LENDING ALSO COOLS There were 15,163 new residential mortgages signed in October, up 15% on last year, but also one of the lowest rates of growth this year, as illustrated by the next two charts. The overall picture from the October figures is of caution as sales and mortgage lending cool down after higher growth rates in the last six months. With a general election around the corner promising political uncertainty to come, it could be that buyers are waiting to see which way the wind blows before committing to a house purchase.






ESTATE AGENTS Calle Flor de Pascua 33 , Los Gigantes I Tel.: 922 862 901 I www.delmargigantes.net

Club II - Los Gigantes

Medusa III - Los Gigantes

Townhouse - Alcalá

Puerto Santiago

1 bed furnished apartment with panoramic sea, cliff & village views from the terrace. Community pool, lift, parking area.

Well furnished 1 bed apartment with wonderful sea & cliff views from the terrace. Covered rear terrace/conservatory. No community fees. £95,000

Top floor refurbished 1 bed apartment, fully furnished, community pool & lift. Convenient for local amenities.



Bargain 3 bed 1.5 bath furnished townhouse, integral garage, private roof terrace with mountain views. 110.000 €

California - San Francisco

Calle Palmera - Los Gigantes

Casa al Mar - Playa de la Arena

San Francisco

Top floor 2 bed 2 bath furnished apartment, wonderful views over the heated community pool and to the sea from the terrace.

Top floor furnished 2 bed 1 bath apartment, sea views from the large terrace, large shared garden, quiet location.

Sea front 3 bed 3 bath well furnished duplex style property, 3 terraces, wonderful views over the heated community pool and to the sea. 450.000€

Superb beautifully presented well furnished 3 bed 3 bath villa, 4th bed/office, garage, heated pool, large terrace, fantastic sea views. £695,000



BANK REPOSSESSIONS C1435. SAN ISIDRO. 2 bed, 2 bath apt sold with garage parking space & store room. 43.500 EUROS

Holiday Valley, San Eugenio Alto 3 bed, 2 bath apt in the quietest part of the resort. It has a small garden for the exclusive use of the apartment. Partial sea view & is orientated to the south. Ref: D1549 168.000 Euros

Paradise Court, San Eugenio Alto

Palo Blanco, San Eugenio

Complex with a reception, heated swimming pool & bar. For sale is an apt with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom + a terrace overlooking the pool + the sea.

Fabulous apt in the residential Palo Blanco, a few minutes walk from the beach, shops & restaurants. It is a ground floor with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 terraces overlooking the sea & pool.

179.000 Euros

Ref: C1696

Ref: C1695

250.000 Euros

13473. VALLE SAN LORENZO. 2 bed, 1 bath apt with terrace, lounge, kitchen and sold with garage parking space + store room. 54.800 EUROS 22911. ADEJE. Edif. Gavilánes: 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge-diner-kitchen, and terrace 71.500 EUROS 00979. SAN ISIDRO. Calle Cuadradito: 3 bed, 2 shower room apt, lounge-diner, kitchen, a terrace on the roof of 26 m2, store room & a garage parking space. The building has a lift 72.100 EUROS


30224. SAN ISIDRO. Calle Tinguaro: 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment of 83.32 m2 73.200 EUROS Club Atlantis, San Eugenio

Callao Salvaje Very nice 2 bed, 2 bath villa that is situated in a very clean and quiet complex. It has a good sea view. The villa is sold with a garage parking space.

Ref: C1698 Colina II, Los Cristianos Lovely one bedroom apt for sale in a well maintained residential complex. Tranquil, located close to the centre and the beach. It has an open plan kitchen, lounge with access on to the terrace with pool & mountain views.

Ref: B1568

98.700 Euros

273.000 Euros

Spacious 2 bed corner apt in excellent condition. The property consists of fully fitted kitchen, lounge / dining room, bathroom, 2 double bedrooms and good size terrace. Amenities onside & nearby.

Ref: C1692

295.000 Euros

36442. LAS CHAFIRAS. Avenida Venezuela: 2 bed, 1 bath apt in Las Chafiras, San Miguel de Abona. It has a built area of 89 m2. 80.200 EUROS 30569. GRANADILLA. Calle Canarias, Granadilla: 3 bed, 2 bath apt sold with garage parking space. Total built area 105.7 m2. 99.300 EUROS 36810. LLANO DEL CAMELLO. Calle Mencey Icoden Daute: 2 bed apt with 1 bathroom, built area 182 m2. 124.000 EUROS





Puerto de la Cruz / El Durazno Beautiful, modern, bright corner house (154sqm) + studio (53sqm), 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, nice views, garage, plot 266 sqm.

275.000 €

Genoves Dream Finca (2.204sqm), including 4 apts. + house (275sqm) , total 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, built 2008, big pool and beautiful garden, various terraces, garage, top quality equipment

690.000 €

La Orotava / Las Candias Lovely house, 6 rooms, 3 sep. living areas, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 guest toilet, big kitchen with dinner area, together appr. 218 m², impressive garden, beautiful views, div. terraces, plot 655 sqm + 350 sqm for use, quiet location

With various offices in Germany

299.000 €

Puerto de Santiago Lovely Appartement, 60 sqm, great view from balcony, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom with bath, inbuilt wardrobe, completely furnished. 91.350 €

s r e m o t s u c Our our friends! e m o c be Property of the month! Price: 680.000 €

Puerto de la Cruz Absolutely exclusive house above Loro Parque with 2 levels, in total 230 sqm living area, very spacious living room with fire place and open kitchen, 1 bedroom, 2 separate studios ( 50sqm + 35 sqm), 3 high quality bathrooms, 1 guest WC, completely renovated in 2009 incl. electro / water, nice garden, heated pool, garage for 2 cars, plot 505 sqm.

Los Realejos / San Vicente

Puerto de la Cruz

1 bedroom apartment with gorgeous view ( 56 sqm ), big balcony (12 sqm ), open kitchen, 1 bathroom( bath), completely furnished, no elevator.

Lovely bungalow in exclusive living area, no steps, 100 sqm, living room with wintergarden, 2 bedrooms, complete kitchen, 3 terraces, roof terrace, garage, plot 450 sqm

60.000 €


239.000 €

Germany: Tel.: 00 49 40 53 88 88 88 info@jw-i.de - www.jw-i.de Tenerife: Tel.: 00 34 679 40 10 91 - g.brouwers@jw-i.de Avenida de la Familia Betancourt y Molina, 35 38400 Puerto de la Cruz Contact in Tenerife:

Geneviève Brouwers



















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property.tenerife Skype: Tel.: + 34 922 714 700 info@tenerifepropertyshop.com @TenPropShop tenerife_property_shop +34 922 715 064 www.tenerifepropertyshop.com Llano del Camello OGC00162

Price: €110,000 APPROX. £78.000 Spacious 2 bedroom 2 bathroom ground floor apartment based on a very well maintained residential complex, close to all amenities and also to Golf del Sur and Amarilla Golf Courses. Sold furnished with an independent kitchen, built in utility room, lounge with dining area which leads to a terrace of around 19m2. The property also has two full bathrooms (one is ensuite). The complex has two community pools, (one pool is actually covered!) and there is a small gym and two Padel tennis courts to enjoy. An underground parking space comes included in the sale. At a great price too!

Aguamarina, Golf del Sur

Ocean Golf, Golf del Sur



Price: £85.000 APPROX. €119,850

Price: €133,000 APPROX. £94.000

This 4th floor one bedroom apartment is excellent value for money and boasts pool and sea views of the highest order. The property offers generous square meters both inside and out, both the bedroom and lounge have patio doors that lead to the double terrace and the kitchen and bathroom are fully equipped. The communal pool is heated in the cooler months and the development is in an excellent position with a selection of bars and restaurants on your doorstop and the fabulous San Miguel Marina just meters away. The complex is completely secure, therefore meaning you lock and go with no worries. Sold fully furnished!


Puerto Santiago, Las Américas LA01730

Just reduced! Price: £115.000 APPROX. €162,000

Price: €210,000 APPROX. £148.900

A truly stunning location that boasts fantastic views to the Marina, the Ocean and the Golf Course. This ground floor 2 bedroom apartment is ideal for anyone seeking peace and tranquillity. The property has benefitted from a new kitchen, new bathroom and a complete freshen up throughout. The complex has 3 communal pools all of which are heated in the cooler months and the surrounding garden areas are some of the prettiest you will see. Sold fully furnished meaning all you need to do is sit back on the terrace and enjoy a cool drink in the sunshine, watching the world go by. Must be seen to be appreciated.

Centrally located one bedroom duplex apartment, immaculate & brightly furnished, this is a fantastic holiday home! Everything is within walking distance including some of the best shopping, bars and restaurants around! The beaches are literally a stroll away as well. The apartment is on the top floor of the complex and has two floors, the first has a fully fitted kitchen and a comfortable lounge and dining area leading to a sunny terrace (great to watch the world go by!) On the upper level is a large bedroom with fitted wardrobes, a beautiful new bathroom with walk in shower and there is also an extra sleeping area. Very handy for unexpected guests or a small family!

Pebble Beach, Amarilla Golf

Elite Palace, Fañabé

A spacious well-presented one bedroom apartment in an immaculate development in the south of Tenerife. Stunning views over the golf course and out to sea with the iconic red rock dominating the distant vista this is a must see property for anyone that appreciates a seat with a view. Sold furnished, 3 communal pools, one of which is heated in the cooler months of the year.

Playa Graciosa, Los Cristianos LC00541


A beautifully presented 3 bedroom penthouse apartment with excellent views to the mountains, sea & coastline of Los Cristianos. With a bright and spacious lounge including a dining area which leads onto a large terrace, an independent fully fitted kitchen with breakfast area, a master bedroom with ensuite and two other double bedrooms & further guest bathroom. On the upper level is a great usable area which can accommodate a sofa bed for guests or can be used as an office. From here you access to the large roof terrace which is private and enjoys all day sun. Also included in the sale is a storeroom and lock up garage.

Just reduced! Price: €210.000 APPROX. £148,900

Alamo Park, Golf del Sur

Located in the prestigious FAÑABE area just a few minutes walk to the beach, shops and restaurants in Costa Adeje, this 50m2 one bedroom GARDEN APARTMENT is ideal as a winter retreat! The apartment is directly on the poolside has a fully fitted kitchen, full bathroom with washing machine, a comfortable lounge with dining area and a double bedroom with fitted wardrobes.. Both lounge and bedroom lead onto a 20m2 covered terrace with another 54m2 of private garden with sea views.


Roque del Conde, Torviscas Alto Price: €219,000 APPROX. £155.000 Villamar, San Eugenio Bajo LA01716

Price: €475.000 £339,000


Frontline two bedroom apartment on one of the most popular complexes in the area of San Eugenio Bajo. This refurbished apartment offers stunning views of the ocean and coastline, you will never tire of sitting on the terrace with a chilled glass of wine taking it all in. With two bedrooms and two bathrooms there is space for everyone. Just a few steps from the complex you can dine in one of the many sea front restaurants or if you are looking for entertainment there is plenty to be found in the heart of San Eugenio.

Price: € 495,000 APPROX. £353.500


This two bedroom, two bathroom townhouse is located just a few minutes drive to modern shopping centres, the main tourist areas of Costa Adeje and local Golf Courses. The property has a private front terrace area leading inside to a bright and spacious lounge with open plan kitchen. The lounge leads to a very pleasant split level rear patio with wooden decking. Direct access from inside the house to an underground fully lockable garage and small utility area. On the upper floor are two double bedrooms, a complete guest bathroom and also an ensuite bathroom from the master bedroom. This bedroom has a small balcony to enjoy the fantastic views to the coastline (and some great sunsets!). An ideal home for a growing family or as a winter base!

Price: £749.000 €1.048,600


Magnificent four bedroom, four bathroom detached villa with 347m² of designer living space, an impressionable entrance, spaciousness and exceptional quality! Spacious lounge, dining room, pool pavilion, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom and walk in wardrobe are just a few rooms in this villa. This brand new mansion type villa has been reduced from £1,600,000 for a quick sale.

Recognised Internationally:








06:00 07:30 09:00 10:20 12:00 12:45 13:00 13:10 14:00 16:00 16:25 17:45 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:15 22:30 22:40 23:10 23:40 00:10 00:15

Breakfast Match of the Day Film Shark Tale Film Cars 2 Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Father Brown Film National Treasure Film The Gruffalo’s Child Film Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Celebrity Mastermind EastEnders Holby City David Beckham: For the Love of the Game BBC News Regional News and Weather Peter Kay’s Car Share Mrs. Brown’s Boys Boomers Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

07:15 07:45 08:15 08:45 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:55 17:55 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 00:15 01:05 02:05


Escape to the Continent This Wild Life An Island Parish: Falklands Film Show Boat The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure The Great Pottery Throw Down Peter Sellers Talking Comedy The Bear Family and Me Coast Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth Flog It! Natural World Film Finding Neverland University Challenge Gareth Malone’s Great Choir Reunion Stephen Fry: A Life on Screen QI Film Albert Nobbs Race to Super Bowl 50 Top Gear Harry Hill in Professor Branestawm Returns Back in Time for Christmas

06:40 07:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:30 12:30 12:45

Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Dickinson’s Real Deal Who’s Doing the Dishes? Pick Me! ITV Lunchtime News Film Evan Almighty

Follow-up to the hit comedy Bruce Almighty. God appears before a sceptical congressman to tell him that his destiny is to be the modern-day Noah and build an ark capable of withstanding a mighty flood. While the congressman initially struggles to come to terms with his task and begins to question his own sanity, he soon finds himself gathering animals, chopping wood and trying to convince his disbelieving family. 14:30 16:30 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:30

Midsomer Murders Film The Queen ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Film The Amazing Spider-Man

06:05 06:45 08:15 09:40 10:40 12:40

Small Animal Hospital Film Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Film Captain Ron Film New in Town

06:10 06:20 06:30 06:40 06:45 06:55 07:10 07:25 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:25 08:35 08:50 09:05

14:30 16:35 18:10 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:05 02:30 03:50 04:15

Film Coraline Film Gulliver’s Travels Channel 4 News Hollyoaks Inside Lego at Christmas The Supervet at Christmas 8 Out of 10 Cats Big Fat Quiz of the Year Film Kingdom of Heaven Peep Show Gadget Man Benchmark

10:05 11:35 12:30 14:15 16:40

18:10 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:45 01:15

Lily’s Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat World’s Strongest Man 2015 Football League Tonight Ice Road Truckers Film Carry on Nurse Film The Dam Busters What the Dambusters Did Next Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild World’s Strongest Man 2015 Snowtrapped Film Flowers in the Attic Film Erin Brockovich Super Casino

08:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 17:00 17:30 18:00




Live Big Bash Cricket Cricket Specials Adam Gilchrist Masterclass SPFL Round-Up Live World Darts Championship Barclays Premier League Legends SPFL Round-Up Fantasy Football Club - The Highlights Football League Goals

Live Test Cricket

Australia v West Indies. Coverage of the fourth day of the Second Test, which takes place at Melbourne Cricket Ground 16:00 18:00 19:00 23:00

Test Cricket The Verdict Live World Darts Championship Sporting Greats

A look back at the career of Sugar Ray Robinson, widely regarded as one of the greatest boxers in history. 23:30

Live Test Cricket


06:00 09:00 10:30 11:50 12:50 13:05 13:10 14:00

15:55 16:20 17:45 18:30 18:45 19:00 mind 19:30 20:00 21:00

22:00 22:15 22:25 22:55 23:35 00:35

Breakfast Film The Princess and the Frog Film Chicken Run Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Father Brown Film National Treasure: Book of Secrets Film Room on the Broom Film Monsters, Inc. Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Celebrity Master-


A Question of Sport Antiques Roadshow Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Catherine Tate’s Nan Mrs. Brown’s Boys Comic Relief 2015: Thanks a Billion! Weather for the Week Ahead

19:30 20:00 21:00

07:20 07:50 08:20 10:30

11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:50 17:50

2015 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:15 02:00 03:55

Homes Under the Hammer This Wild Life Terry and Mason’s Great Food Trip Film Waterloo The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure The Great Pottery Throw Down The Two Ronnies Talking Comedy The Bear Family and Me Coast Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth Flog It! Natural World Film Alice in Wonderland University Challenge Top Gear Charlie Brooker’s End of Year Review A Gert Lush Christmas Mock the Week Backchat Looks Back Film The Shipping News Film Behind the Candelabra This is BBC Two

06:00 06:25 06:40 07:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:30 12:30

14:20 14:35 16:30 17:30 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:15 00:10

Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Rinder Who’s Doing the Dishes? Film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ITV Lunchtime News Midsomer Murders Dinosaur Britain Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Big Star’s Little Star It’ll be Alright on the Night ITV News at Ten and Weather Film American Pie 2 Jackpot247

06:00 06:25 07:10 09:15 10:10 10:40

Everybody Loves Raymond Small Animal Hospital Film The Love Bug The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Film The Phantom

06:30 06:40 06:50 06:55 07:05 07:20 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:35 08:50 09:00 09:15 09:25

12:40 14:35 16:35 18:20 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 01:30 02:25 03:50 04:15

Film Chalet Girl Film Freaky Friday Film Sunshine on Leith Channel 4 News Hollyoaks Gogglesprogs What Britain Bought in 2015 24 Hours in A and E The Millionaire Party Planner Film Fast Five Rude Tube Friday Night Dinner Gadget Man Benchmark

10:25 12:10 13:55 16:05 18:10 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:50 01:10

Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat Wanda and the Alien World’s Strongest Man 2015 Film Carry on Constable Film Carry on Spying Film Annie Get Your Gun Film Calamity Jane Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild World’s Strongest Man 2015 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Snow Film Big Driver Film Needful Things Super Casino


08:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

13:00 14:15 14:25

Fantasy Footb. Club - The Highlights Live Big Bash Cricket Cricket Specials Adam Gilchrist Masterclass Fantasy Football Club - The Highlights Foot. League Goals Football Gold Fantasy Football Club - The Highlights


Live Test Cricket 16:00 Test Cricket 17:00 Live La Liga Football Rayo Vallecano v Atletico Madrid (Kick-off 5.15pm). All the action from the Spanish top-flight encounter at the Campo de Futbol de Vallecas 21:30


La Liga Special: Barcelona’s Strike Force Live One-Day International Cricket


06:00 09:00

10:05 10:55

12:30 13:00 13:10 13:20 14:20

14:50 16:15 16:45 17:45 18:30 18:50 19:00 19:30 21:00 21:15 22:45 23:30 00:00 00:10 00:45


Breakfast Film Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings CBeebies Panto Film The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Harry Hill in Professor Branestawm Returns Film Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers Film Up Stick Man Take That Pointless BBC News BBC London News Celebrity Mastermind Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot BBC News Film Mrs. Brown’s Boys D’Movie The Graham Norton Show Bryan Adams Rocks Big Ben Live New Year’s Eve Fireworks Bryan Adams Rocks Big Ben Live Mrs. Brown’s Boys

07:45 08:15 08:45

This Wild Life Great British Menu Film Father of the Bride

Satirical comedy in which a father looks back on the events leading up to his daughter’s wedding, from the early stages of meeting his prospective son-in-law to the big day itself. From the announcement of his daughter’s engagement, Stanley’s life is turned upside down as he juggles the expectations of others with his own considerable anxieties about his advancing age, and how his little girl became a grown woman. 10:15 11:15 13:30 15:50 16:50 17:50 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:40 23:10

Natural World Film Custer of the West Film Ice Station Zebra Flog It! World’s Sneakiest Animals Film The Odd Life of Timothy Green University Challenge Gareth Malone’s Great Choir Reunion Film The Sapphires Live at the Apollo Jools’s Annual Hootenanny 2015

06:00 06:25 06:40 07:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 11:30 12:30 12:40 14:30 15:30 16:30 18:30 18:45 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:35 22:05 23:05

23:55 00:10

00:40 02:30


Dino Dan Sooty Super 4 Good Morning Britain Lorraine Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Rinder Who’s Doing the Dishes? ITV News Film Dragonheart Dinosaur Britain The Chase Downton Abbey ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Panda Babies Birds of a Feather Piers Morgan’s Life Stories The Nation’s Favourite Bond Song ITV News The Nation’s Favourite Bond Song Film Goldfinger ITV Nightscreen

06:40 08:40 09:35 11:05

Film Explorers The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Film Imagine That

06:35 06:40 06:55 07:05 07:20 07:30 07:45 07:55 08:10 08:25 08:45 09:00

13:10 15:20 17:20 17:35 18:35

19:30 21:00 23:10 00:10 02:10 03:35 04:00

Film The Rocketeer Film Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Channel 4 News Hollyoaks Celebrity Couples Come Dine with Me TFI Friday: New Year Special Alan Carr’s New Year Specstacular 8 Out of 10 Cats End of Year Special Big Fat Quiz of the Year Catastrophe Gadget Man Location, Location, Location

09:50 11:30

13:50 15:55 18:00 18:50 20:00 21:00 23:55


Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat World’s Strongest Man 2015 Film Carry on Teacher Sinatra at 100 - An All-Star Grammy Concert Film One Chance Film The Wizard of Oz Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild World’s Strongest Man 2015 Ben Fogle in Winter Wonderland Britain’s Best Loved Double Acts Most Shocking Christmas TV Moments Super Casino

08:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:25 14:55


Live Big Bash Cricket Cricket Specials Ford Football Sp. PL 100 Club Football League Gold Football Gold Football League Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League Legends Live La Liga Football

Formula One

The Australian Grand Prix. Action from the opening round of the season at Albert Park, Melbourne, as Lewis Hamilton began his defence of the title


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Breakfast Film Turbo Film Monsters vs Aliens Top of the Pops The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Film The Sound of Music The Farmer’s Llamas Film Wreck-it Ralph BBC News Regional News and Weather EastEnders Billionaire Boy EastEnders Dickensian Sherlock Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News Regional News and Weather Adele at the BBC Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News


07:50 08:50 10:15 11:15

12:45 14:40 16:50 17:50

17:55 20:00 20:30 21:30 22:20 00:30 02:15 03:15 04:15 05:15

Film Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas Natural World Film Viva Las Vegas Darcey’s Ballet Heroes New Year’s Day Concert Live From Vienna 2016 Film Little Women Film The Eagle Has Landed Gorilla Family and Me The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message Film The Terminal University Challenge The Many Faces of Ronnie Corbett The One Ronnie Film Catch Me If You Can Film Shadow of a Doubt Top Gear Hugh’s War on Waste The Secrets of the Mona Lisa This is BBC Two

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20:30 21:00 22:00 22:15 23:20 01:00

Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean Oddbods A Grizzly New Year’s Tale Almost Naked Animals Horrid Henry Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Rinder Who’s Doing the Dishes? Celebrity Squares ITV Lunchtime News Film Dr. No Midsomer Murders Wild River with Ray Mears ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Gino’s Italian Escape: Islands in the Sun Coronation Street The Big Quiz ITV News The Jonathan Ross Show Film American Pie: The Wedding Jackpot247

05:40 07:30 08:20 10:10 11:15 12:55 15:35 17:50 18:00 20:00

21:00 23:00 01:10 03:00 03:25 04:20 05:15 05:20

Film Mysterious Island The Big Bang Theory Film Planet 51 The Simpsons Film Inspector Gadget Channel 4 Racing Film The Golden Compass Channel 4 News Film Tangled Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast Film A Good Day to Die Hard Rude Tube Film Damien: Omen II Friday Night Dinner You Deserve This House Location, Location, Location Hugh’s 3 Good Things Deal or No Deal

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19:00 20:00 21:00 22:55 01:55

Lily’s Driftwood Bay Fireman Sam Wissper Peppa Pig Pip Ahoy! Little Princess Bob the Builder Thomas and Friends Noddy in Toyland Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Milkshake! Bop Box Bananas in Pajamas Toot the Tiny Tugboat Milkshake Monkey Wanda and the Alien Thomas and Friends Film Carry on Cabby Film Harry and the Hendersons Film Dracula: Dead and Loving It Film Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes World’s Strongest Man Final 2015 Christmas with the Double Acts An Audience with Ken Dodd Britain’s Favourite Stand-Up Comedian Super Casino

09:00 14:30

Sporting Triumphs FL72 Live

Brighton & Hove Albion v Wolverhampton Wanderers (Kickoff 3.00pm). Coverage of the New Year’s Day fixture in the Championship, which takes place at the Amex Stadium 19:30 23:00 23:30 23:45

08:00 11:30 13:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 22:00

Live World Darts Championship Sporting Triumphs Football League Gold Football Gold

Live Big Bash Cricket Cricket’s Greatest Live World Darts Championship Sporting Greats Game Changers La Liga Show Sporting Greats Big Bash Cricket Live One-Day International Cricket



06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:10 12:50 13:00

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen James Martin: Home Comforts BBC News Football Focus Saturday Sportsday Darts

Colin Murray introduces live action from the Lakeside Country Club as the 2016 BDO World Professional Darts Championships get under way. 40 men and 16 women from 16 countries do battle for the coveted prizes, won last year by Scott Mitchell and Lisa Ashton. 16:30 17:10 17:40 17:50 18:00

19:10 21:10 22:00 22:10 22:30 00:00 01:35 01:40

Final Score Mastermind Celebrity Special BBC News Regional News and Weather Bruce’s Hall of Fame with Alexander Armstrong Film Iron Man 3 Casualty The National Lottery Live BBC News Match of the Day Film Black Death Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

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13:15 13:55 15:40 16:30 17:40 18:40 19:40

20:40 21:10

22:40 23:25 02:15 03:40

Race to Super Bowl 50 Film The Valley of Gwangi Film Merrill’s Marauders Animal Park Natural World James Martin: Home Comforts Len and Ainsley’s Big Food Adventure Talking Pictures Film Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Coast Darts Natural World Flog It! The Many Faces of Ronnie Corbett Dad’s Army Leningrad and the Orchestra That Defied Hitler QI XL Darts Film Horror Hospital This is BBC Two

07:10 07:20 07:35 08:05 08:30 09:00 09:25 10:15 12:20 12:25 13:30 14:15 14:45 17:00 18:00 18:15 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:05 22:25 00:15

Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean The Aquabats! Super Show! Thunderbirds are Go The Tom and Jerry Show Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Catchphrase Off Their Rockers Film From Russia with Love Panda Babies ITV News London ITV News and Weather You’ve Been Framed! Ninja Warrior UK Take Me Out Film The Dark Knight ITV News and Weather Film The Dark Knight Jackpot247

06:10 06:30 08:00 09:00

How I Met Your Mother Film The War of the Worlds The Morning Line Film True Grit

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11:40 13:30 16:00 16:20 16:50 18:50 21:00

22:35 01:00 03:30 05:00 05:50

Film Thunderbirds Channel 4 Racing Channel 4 News The Simpsons Film Mission: Impossible Film Mission: Impossible II The World’s Greatest Spy Movies Film Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Marley TFI Friday: New Year Special Phil Spencer: Secret Agent How I Met Your Mother

13:25 15:20 17:15 18:10 19:00 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:30 23:55 00:00

Paw Patrol Little Princess Pip Ahoy! Blaze and the Monster Machines Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Wanda and the Alien Toby’s Travelling Circus Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Saturday Show Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild Film Columbo Goes to the Guillotine Columbo: Candidate for Crime The Hunt for Hitler’s Missing Millions World War II in Colour Ben Fogle in Winter Wonderland Building the Ice Hotel 5 News Weekend Football League Tonight 20 Moments That Rocked Talent Shows Access Super Casino


10:00 11:00 11:30

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La Liga Special: Goles Y Goles Y Goles Soccer AM La Liga Special: Ronaldo La Liga Special: Barcelona’s Strike Force Gillette Soccer Saturday La Liga Special: Ronaldo La Liga Special: Barcelona’s Strike Force

Ashes Zone: Aussie Legends 200th Test: Behind the Scenes The Ashes Shane Warne Living the Dream Ashes Zone: Aussie Legends Bumble! The David Lloyd Story Ashes Zone: Aussie Legends 200th Test: Behind the Scenes The Ashes


06:00 09:00 10:20 11:00 12:30 13:10 13:25 13:30 14:20 15:55 16:25 17:45 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:30

20:00 20:30 21:05 22:05 22:20 22:30 00:00

01:00 01:05

Breakfast Film Bee Movie Old Jack’s Boat: Storm in a Teacup Film TBA Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Father Brown Film Cool Runnings The Gruffalo Film TBA Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News Celebrity Mastermind Film Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death EastEnders Miranda And Then There Were None BBC News BBC London News Match of the Day Lewis Hamilton: Making History - F1 2015 Review Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:15 07:15 07:45 08:45 10:30

11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:30 18:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:50 23:50 00:50 02:50 03:50

Homes Under the Hammer Escape to the Continent This Wild Life Film Ivanhoe The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure The Great Pottery Throw Down Les Dawson Talking Comedy The Bear Family and Me Coast Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth Flog It! Final Score The Clare Balding Show Film TBA University Challenge Only Connect Film Behind the Candelabra Two Doors Down Dragons’ Den The Apprentice Doctor Who This is BBC Two

06:25 06:35 07:00 08:00 08:25 08:55 09:25 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:15 13:30 14:30 15:30 17:30 18:25 18:45 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:15 00:45 03:00

Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean The Tom and Jerry Show Almost Naked Animals Horrid Henry Dickinson’s Real Deal Judge Rinder Who’s Doing the Dishes? Catchphrase ITV Lunchtime News Our Cilla Surprise Surprise Midsomer Murders Hedgehog Hotel ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Countrywise Coronation Street John Bishop’s Gorilla Adventure ITV News at Ten and Weather Film The Holiday Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show

06:15 08:30 09:30 12:30 13:55 15:55 17:40 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:00

Film The Parent Trap Frasier Sunday Brunch The Simpsons Film Jungle 2 Jungle Film A Monster in Paris Channel 4 News Film Fantastic Four Walking the Himalayas Deutschland 83 Gogglebox

A chance to see some of the best moments of the past year of Gogglebox: 2015 in review from the country’s best loved households. This special programme revisits the funniest comments from the loveable Leon and June, ‘posh couple’ Steph and Dom, hairdressers Christopher and Stephen, and Brixton’s own Sandy and Sandra. From Saturday night entertainment juggernauts to the week’s big soap storylines, from hard-hitting documentary series to gritty drama, the Gogglebox households deliver sharp, insightful, passionate and sometimes emotional critiques of the week’s popular and topical TV shows, sparking debates and giving the audience the chance to rewatch those ‘we said that!’ moments.

07:55 08:10 08:25 08:45 08:55 09:00 09:10 09:20 09:35 09:50 10:50 15:55 18:00 18:55 19:50 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00


Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Bananas in Pajamas Milkshake! Bop Box Toot the Tiny Tugboat Toby’s Travelling Circus Wanda and the Alien The Mr. Men Show World’s Strongest Man 2015 Film TBA Film High Society Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild World’s Strongest Man 2015 5 News Building the Ice Hotel The Frank Sinatra Story Sinatra Live in New York Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly: Ol’ Blue Eyes is Back Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank



Football League Gold Football Gold Barclays Premier League Legends Goals on Sunday FL72 Live Gillette Soccer Special FL72 Live Live World Darts Championship Football Gold


Live Test Cricket

09:30 10:00 11:30 12:30 15:00 17:00 19:30

South Africa v England. Coverage of the third day of the First Test, held at Kingsmead in Durban 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:30

Test Cricket The Verdict Test Cricket The Verdict Cricket's Greatest Test Cricket Live Test Cricket







Everything you want for Christmas!


ANTA Cruz is leading the way with its Christmas programme as befits the capital of Tenerife with spectatular lights, thousands of poinsettas, traditional nativity scenes and a huge programme of festive entertainment. You can find the whole programme on this link http:// www.santacruzdetenerife.es/ fileadmin/user_upload/ Archivos_para_descargar/ Fiestas/Programa_Navidad_Reyes.pdf which details every one of the events from now until January 5th which heralds the arrival of the Three Kings. They are due to arrive at the Heliadoro stadium at 5pm, with the traditional parade leaving Avenida de Belgica at 7pm and finalising in the plaza de La Candelaria for the traditional childen’s celebrations. This, of course, is the highlight of the festive season but there are well over 100

other events and attractions to enjoy. There are inflatables and workshops for youngsters, the New Year’s Eve concert and dance in the Plaza de la Candelaria from 11pm, an exhibition of nativity scenes at the Centro de Arte La Recova until January 8th, a Christmas market from 11am to 9pm until January 5th at Alameda del Duque de Santa Elena, the fourth Anaga Solidarity Trail on December 27th (bring along a toy) and the eighth Christmas ballet gala at the Teatro Guimera on December 27th at 8pm. You will also find Christmas entertainment on the streets and in the various shopping

centres, sports tournaments, concerts, exhibitions, fairs and

much more under the slogan of “Everything you want is

here!” Find out more on: http://

www.santacruzdetenerife.es/ (click on the Navidad icon)

Nativity scene with a Canary twist



L Rosario in the north of Tenerife is well worth a visit if you would like to see a nativity scene with a difference.

The “belen” as it is known not only shows the birth of the baby Jesus but the advent of the central area of El Chorrillo as well. The open-air scene is located adjacent to the main road to the south at kilometre 9 so is seen by hundreds of residents as they pass this way each day. The nativity scene is part of the idiosyncrasy of this municipality during the Christmas period and highlights the important work of creator Domingo López. This is the largest crib of El Rosario and is joined by another belen in the chapel of Machado. “El nacimiento de El Chorrillo” stands out because it features Canary people and customs, their work on the farms, the market and the typical architecture of the houses. El Rosario has a spectacular display of Christmas lights this year and is ready to welcome shoppers and tourists alike. Find out more on: http://www.ayuntamientoelrosario.org/






Season of goodwill and Enjoy a friendship unique tour of nativity scenes LA OROTAVA




T’S the season of goodwill and Adeje is inviting everyone, whether residents, visitors or tourists, to join in the festivities with a full programme all nationalities can enjoy. The fun continues right up until January 5th and one exciting new feature this season is an ice-skating rink at the Magma Centre next to Playa de las Americas bus station, suitable for all ages. It is open until January 10th. The full detailed programme is on file:///C:/Users/W8W/ Downloads/790-christmasprogramme-2015.pdf (this is in English) so you can check dates, times and locations. Highlights to watch out for include workshops in various parts of the municipality on Boxing Day and December 27th from 5pm to 7pm and the New Year’s Eve celebrations from 11pm on December 31st in the Plaza de Espana (in Adeje town) with the orchestras Maquinaria Band and Sensación Gomera. Another big event of course is the grand parade of the

Three Kings at 7pm on January 5th in calle Grande. The VIP visitors are expected to arrive by helicopter at the Adeje football field at 5pm for the preliminary entertainment. Parallel to the major events will be a host of other activities in all the districts of Adeje to include carol singing, blessings of the crib, concerts, a flea market, children’s sports and leisure activities in addition to religious acts. There is, for example, a funfair behind the Adeje cultural centre until January 12th and children’s theatre with Clownbaret at 6pm in the centre itself on December 23rd. Don’t forget some beautiful church services throughout the district to round off the wonderful atmosphere. More information on: www.adeje.es

Christmas of light and serenity


AN Juan de la Rambla is proud to present its most comprehensive festive programme of the last decade.

More than 50 festive events were arranged, with sports, culture and children’s activities touring the main areas of the municipality. The local council has chosen the title of “La Navidad de la Luz y la Serenidad” (“Christmas of Light and Serenity”) and has tried to put something on virtually every day. Shopping also takes centre-stage with a “Give and Win” campaign, which rewards customers with direct gifts and 600 euros in cheques. It is hoped this will give impetus to the local economy and 38 traders are taking part. Anyone who makes a purchase of 15 euros or more will receive a seal and once five have been received, they can put their cards into a collecting box. The first 50 will receive a Christmas gift and be entered into a draw for cash prizes. This will be held on January 7th. The full programme is on http://sanjuandelarambla.es/node/ 1699 and includes details of children’s workshops, concerts, exhibitions and more. On January 5th, there will be the Three Kings’ Parade from 6.30pm in La Rambla, San Jose and San Juan. Another highlight on January 2nd is a folklore performance in La Rambla at 5pm. You are also invited to celebrate New Year’s Eve in the plaza Rosario Oramas from 11pm. More on: http://www.sanjuandelarambla.es/


A Orotava is presenting one of the best Christmas programmes to date with more than 50 events, both traditional and innovative.

The programme falls under the banner of “Come to La Orotava this Christmas!” and continues right through to January 6th. Visitors will be drawn to the traditional nativity scene in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. It is the largest of its kind in the Canary Islands with 300 lifesize figures. However, La Orotava is unique in offering what is tour as the “Ruta de Belenes”, now in its eighth year, which takes people on a tour of 26 nativity scenes. They can be seen in all their glor y specifically from December 21st to January 3rd. It is entirely free and suitable for the disabled. If you visit http:/ /bit.ly/ruta_belenes2015, you can see the route and map and you can do it as a whole or in

parts. Other highlights include a solidary festival in aid of the children’s ward at the HUC. This is on December 22nd at 8.30pm in the Auditorio Teobaldo Power. On December 26th, there is a toy collection from 4pm to 8.30pm in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento and various fun activities in the streets from 5pm to 10pm. Go along to the Teobaldo Power on January 3rd to enjoy Christmas Rock and don’t miss the Roscon de Reyes Gigante (traditional figures with giant heads) from 5pm and 8pm on January 4th and of course the Three Kings Parade at 8pm on January 5th. More information on: http:// www.laorotava.es/images/ areas/fiestas/navidad/ prgrama-navidad.jpg






Xmas Story Winner

New Year’s Eve race is unusual highlight


A Laguna is always a beautiful and truly atmospheric place to visit at Christmas but it also hosts one of the most unusual events of the festive season on Tenerife.

For more information: http://www.aytolalaguna.es/


Making dreams come true UERTO’S Mayor, Lope Domingo Afonso has expressed a wish that dreams come true this Christmas and the town is ready and waiting to make your festive season an extra special one.

He hopes people will travel to the area to discover its unique atmosphere with entertainment for all ages and take advantage of its wide commercial zone. The full Christmas programme is available on http:// www.puertodelacruz.es/web/ index.php?lang=es and has the advantage of being in three

Two tickets to:

Dinner for two:


A Christmas mystery

The San Silvestre is a race which takes place on New Year’s Eve and this year, will see up to 3,000 competitors which is the maximum number allowed. This is the last sporting event of the year in the Canar y Islands and although those under the age of 18 can take part if they get prior permission from a guardian, December 31st will also see the third edition of the San Silvestre Infantil. Up to 500 boys and girls can take part. Another unusual event is the holding of a series of Christmas camps across the municipality so that children can understand the concepts of solidarity and under-standing which is so important, not just during the festive season. As you would expect with a municipality as large and iconic as La Laguna, the Christmas programme has featured numerous events from concerts, creative cooking courses, concerts, sweet-making, solidary toy collections, music, exhibitions, theatre and more. You will also see traditional nativity scenes. If you intend to visit La Laguna, do take your camera. The company responsible for installing the Christmas lights is hosting the second photographic competition to find the best photos of the local festivities. This is being done via Instagram and #EfficoenNavidad. It is open until January 8th so takes in the Three Kings Parade the day before.



languages, Spanish, English and German. There is something happening virtually every day, with the exception of December 25thFrom December 23rd to January 5th, there are various sporting events in a number of the sports centres. There’s children’s entertainment, inflatables,

workshops, Canary music, folklore, charity events, concerts, toy collections and more. The Plaza del Charco will host the end of year fiesta from 10pm on December 31st with fireworks to welcome in 2016. Fun continues on January 2nd, 3rd and 4th and from 11am to midnight on January 5th, there will be market crafts, stor y telling and workshops in Calle Mequinez. The big event to welcome the Three Kings begins at 7pm, with the parade leaving from the Castillo San Felipe to the Plaza de Europa. More information: http:// www.puertodelacruz.es/


by Susan Ashworth

leapt off the bus into the bright winter sunshine. All I could see was the ever- present mountain looming over me and forest for miles around me. I breathed in the fresh air and solitude. This is what I needed to retrace my grandfather’s footsteps. What better time than now? My children grown up, my poor wife at rest and my future uncertain. At last I could look deeper into the mysterious tale my grandfather had told me over fifty years ago and which had fascinated me most of my life. I pulled a wrinkled old map from my pocket. The memories came flooding back as I looked at the now faded red line marking the pathway. Glancing into the forest I could see the path, not well-worn but clearly visible. I set off with a spring in my step, the late afternoon sun warming my back. After about two hours of hiking I began to feel the strain. By this time the path had dwindled to nothing and the sun had dropped almost to the horizon. It was turning cooler so I stopped for a moment to retrieve my anorak. Further along I could see a large boulder jutting out of the earth. This huge stone was marked on the map with a cross. How strange that I would tire in exactly the same spot as my grandfather. Pushing on towards the boulder I caught my foot in the matted undergrowth and pitched forward, hitting my head sharply. It was dark when I awakened. Disorientated and shivering with cold I wondered how long I had been there. My head was pounding. Above me night had fallen and it was completely dark. A few stars were visible through the canopy of leaves above but as my eyes became accustomed to the darkness around me I saw that the forest was shimmering white. Snow! Snow? The cold was seeping into my bones. I must be hallucinating I thought, watching the glistening snow fall gently through the trees. Suddenly I heard a chuckle “Well, well, “said a voice “You are in a pretty pickle.” I started at the sound, “Help!” I croaked. “Yes, yes of course!” He gave a low whistle and out of nowhere appeared a sleigh. A huge sleigh! As my rescuer helped me aboard I realized how small he was. How could he manage to pick me up? As we set off I slowly became aware of my surroundings and realized we were approaching a small cottage. There was smoke curling from a chimney and the door was standing open. My rescuer helped me into the cottage where to my amazement I saw a brightly burning log fire. “Sit, sit!” said the strange little man so I did, immediately falling into a deep sleep. Sometime later I was jolted awake by strange bell-like

sounds. My rescuer was sitting opposite me.” Well,” he said. “Are you feeling better Thomas?” I looked at him astonished. He chuckled, “I remember your grandfather, and he said you would find your way eventually.” “Tell me about him?”I said. I was enthralled by his tale. He told me about a man who I hardly remember, a wonderful, kind man, an adventurer, an explorer, a man larger than life but also a restless man, always searching for his destiny. He had also been lost and had come upon this same cottage so many years before. He had also sat in the very same chair where I now sat. He told me how my grandfather had left the cottage at peace with himself at last. After understanding the value of life he had returned to his family to live out his days in contentment. “You also have come looking for answers Thomas. I waited for your father but he never came, but you, you are different. You know what you must do.” I sighed. “I do now” I said,” thanks to you.” “My pleasure,” he said. We sat there together, on opposite sides of the huge fire. I studied his face behind the white whiskers, so very old but at the same time so young. I saw knowledge and peace etched in the lines around the twinkling blue eyes but I also saw pain and understanding. He knows everything, this little man I thought, past present and future. I felt a peace creeping over me that I had never felt before. I was floating. Sometime later I found myself on the pathway from the cottage. It was snowing heavily. I turned with my hand raised in farewell, but the cottage had disappeared. There was nothing but forest and as I looked ahead I saw only trees and the sun once more dappling the leaves. Behind me I heard a chuckling sound.

Susan Ashworth Puerto de la Cruz








Atmosphere, Chocolate and churros at dawn S fun and festive streets ANTA Úrsula is celebrating Christmas with a broad programme that includes more than 30 events.

This is a lovely town to visit for both tradition and innovation and there will be everything from bouncy castles and workshops to theatre and an end-of-year party for children. There will also be train rides, Christmas workshops, jugglers and stitlt walkers, dance spectaculars and the Three Kings Parade on January 5th. Youngsters will be kept busy during the school break with two Christmas camps, one at the Pabellón Fernando Luis González sports centre and the other at CEIP Santa Úrsula. Adults can enjoy a series of concerts to be held in the Teatro Cine Municipal and Parroquia Matriz de Santa Úrsula, as well as a great New Year’s Eve party which will

feature performances by Elicio and chocolate and churros at dawn. What could be nicer! On Wednesday, December 23rd, between 7.30’m and 9pm outside the town hall, prizes will be presented for the best Christmas window displays whilst from 10am on December 26th, donated toys will be collected in the Plaza de Santa Úrsula. The local council is very keen to attract people to the town which is lit up with very attractive lights. Youngsters will enjoy inflatables on many days of the festive holiday and you can check details on http:// www.santaursula.es/ayto/fileadmin/archivos_de_editores/ Documentos/Fiestas/Combinar.pdf This packed programme


Friendly atmosphere in traditional town


HEREVER you live or are staying in Arona this Christmas, be it Los Cristianos, Las Galletas, Valle San Lorenzo or Cabo Blanco, you will find something festive going on. Children as always take centre-stage and throughout December, there have been inflatables, workshops and entertainment at various locations with Guargacho to come on December 29th and Guaza on December 30th from 5pm to 7pm. Arona Council wants to draw people in to do their Christmas shopping or enjoy a festive meal or drinks so is doing everything possible to dynamise the areas. All the events are detailed on http://www.arona.org/ portal/ftem_d3_v1.jsp?codAdirecto=1405&codbusqueda=13&language=es and one particularly busy day will be in Los Cristianos on January 2nd from 4pm when the star of the Three Kings arrives. Locations for the fun

include the Plaza de la Pescadora, Plaza la Fontana, Avenida Suecia and Calle Juan Carlos 23. You might also like to be in Las Galletas from 6.30pm on December 30th for some diverse festive entertainment or in Valle San Lorenzo on December 28th or Buzanada on December 26th. Of course, the big event everyone looks forward to is the Three Kings Parade in Los Cristianos on January 5th. The fun begins at 5pm in the main streets and then enjoy the parade from 7.30pm, concluding at the cultural centre. To see the year out, head for the area around the cultural centre in Los Cristianos from 10.30pm on December 31st for DJs and artificial fireworks, plus a lot of surprises.


HRISTMAS has well and truly arrived in Los Realejos. The local council this year allocated 60,000 euros to provide festive entertainment for all the family and for various initiatives in the commercial zone which is a joy to visit. There are more than 50 activities, including festivals, cultural events and sport, all detailed on http://losrealejos.es/documentos/fiestas/ programas/programa%20navidad%202015.pdf. The beautiful Christmas lights will stay on until the Three Kings Parade on January 5th and you will find full programmes in the local shops, as well as on the municipal website. Los Realejos prides itself on offering a more intimate atmosphere than some of its bigger counterparts but with no shortage of shops where you can find different gifts and everything you want for the festive season. On December 25th, there will be a live nativity scene in Tigaiga whilst ambassadors on behalf of the Three Kings will visit different parts of the

concludes with the grand parade from 7pm on January 5th leaving from the municipal

football stadium. More on: http://www.santaursula.es/


Lovely setting for festive shopping I

COD de los Vinos is one of the loveliest places you could hope to visit over the Christmas period, not just in appearance but in atmosphere as well.

municipality on different days. There will be an end of year party for children on December 30th in the plaza Viera y Clavijo of Realejo Alto and a motorised Three Kings calvacade on January 5th leaving from La Cruz Santa and continuing on foot. Other highlights include a New Year’s Eve race through the streets of the commercial zone of Toscal Longuera. All of the five main areas of the municipality will feature shopping events and initiatives ie in Toscal Longuera, La Cruz Santa, Icod el Alto, Realejo Alto and San Agustín. The local council is markng out free parking zones following a pilot scheme last year, using parkng discs available from the local shops.

With the famous dragon tree taking centre-stage, the architecture and surroundings you will find, together with the local shops and restaurants, is stunning. The Christmas programme is diverse and has been designed for all ages, the product of collaboration between all the departments of the local council. Activities began on December 4th and you will find something happening virtually every day or evening. On Wednesday, December 23rd, from noon to 8pm, there will be children’s activities in the open commercial zone, together with other initiatives from the shops and prize draws. Don’t miss the folklore performance at 6.30pm in the Plaza Luis de Leon Huerta, also on December 23rd and another big day on Christmas Eve from 11am to 1pm and a multitude of church services in the evening, as on Christmas Day itself. Boxing Day will also see children’s entertainment, tastings, a choral concert and a Christmas fiesta and you will find something happening on every day thereafter until the New Year’s Eve fiesta. The fun continues on January 2nd, 3rd, 4th and of course the 5th with the Three Kings Parade from 8pm. Throughout all this, the beautiful nativity scenes will enchant every visitor, no matter what age. Icod de los Vinos believes Christmas should be a time to meet up with friends, relax, buy gifts to give and to bring the family for lots of excitement and some great shopping.

More details: www.http:// losrealejos.es/

More on: http://www.icoddelosvinos.es/





Xmas Story 2nd

Xmas Story 3rd

Two park tickets:

Two tickets:

Dexters Christmas Wish by Michelle Bentley


EXTER looked out from his hiding place. He was alone, frightened and hungry. The street was not a safe place to be. He had to run away from cars and dogs, he never felt safe. How could he have ended up without a home? What was going to happen to him? In his hunger he could smell something tasty nearby. Although it felt dangerous, he knew he had to reach for the tasty morsel of food. He reached in when suddenly SNAP! He was trapped in a big metal cage. In his fear he panicked and tried to escape. As he looked up he became aware of a kind looking lady with a soft voice, telling him he was safe now and would be looked after. Dexter was scared though, so many people had treated him badly, he couldn´t help but feel afraid. Despite this, when he realised he had no escape, he settled down in the cage as the kind lady took him away. Strangely he felt a sense of relief, as if he knew his future would be better. He could only wish it was after all. Dexter found himself a place they called "The Vets". He didn´t like it there as "The Vet" had a good look at him and checked him all over. He mentioned the word "castration" several times, which Dexter didn´t understand. As they were talking, he felt himself go all sleepy, and despite his efforts he couldn´t keep himself awake. That night he woke up on the softest blanket that he had ever felt. He had been taken to another kind lady´s house who gently explained that he would be staying with her for a little while, to help him recover from his operation, and to prepare him for his new home. Dexter stretched out on the blanket, he didn´t know what an operation was, but he knew it was something that "The Vets" do. He took a deep yawn, sadly he could only dream of a new home, with a new owner who would love him. As he slept, Dexter found himself walking up a pathway of a garden which was safely away from any cars and dogs. It was full of trees and places where he could hide and rest whenever he wanted. He could see his new owner through the window. She called to him "Dexter.....dinner´s ready....."


He hurried to the door, he could smell his dinner, it was roast turkey. He was so excited, he rubbed around his owner´s legs, he loved her so much. She was kind to him and made sure he always had whatever he wanted. He purred and purred, he had never felt happier in his life. As he looked around his lovely new home, Dexter could see tinsel and baubles, and lots of coloured sparkly lights. In the corner was a huge tree decorated with gifts and toys. His owner explained that this was a special time of year called Christmas. Dexter didn´t know what it was but he knew that he liked it, especially the roast turkey. He wished it was Christmas all the time. Dexter sighed when he realised that his dream would soon be over. His lovely new home was just that, a dream. He knew his foster carer loved him but it could only be for a short time, and he worried that he would never find the loving home he so desperately wanted. He was after all an older boy, a bit battered around the edges, with a few battle scars from defending himself on the street. He cried a little as he accepted that most new owners preferred the pretty little kittens who needed homes. How could he compete? Dexter looked up at his new owner as she gazed lovingly at him. Poor Dexter felt so sad knowing that when he woke up, his dream would be over. He made a Christmas wish. He wished that his dream could come true. Later on, Dexter woke up reluctantly. He longed for the comfort and security that he had felt in his dream. He looked around, how could this be? The same tinsel and baubles, the delicious roast turkey, and best of all, his new owner. She knelt down to him, gently stroking him. As he purred she said "Yes Dexter, Christmas wishes do come true, for BOTH of us." Michelle Bentley Las Galletas, Arona


Christmas secret by Wendy Grant

TOPPING the car, Jack Thomson looked over his shoulder at his two children. “So, this is where we are going to live for the next two weeks,’ he told them.

Seven year old Katie pointed to the blue house. ‘Is that really where Nanny and Grandad now live? Here in Tenerife?’ Their mother smiled. ‘Yes, now they are retired. But we won’t be seeing them, they have gone away for Christmas and we will be using their house.’ Young William, just two years younger than his sister, was opening the car door. ‘Let’s go and take a look.’ ‘Have you noticed it is right beside the sea?’ their mother asked. ‘So we will be able to swim on Christmas Day.’ ‘Something you wouldn’t be doing back in England,’ Dad said. William was now standing in front of the dark blue door. ‘How do we get in?’ he asked. Jack pulled a key from beneath a carved wooden frog on the patio tiles. ‘With this,’ he told them. ‘Grandad left it here for us.’ Inside the house the children rushed from one room to the next. ‘I love it,’ said Katie. ‘So do I,’ her brother told her. Then he sighed and shook his head. ‘But how is Father Christmas going to find us here?’ A puzzled expression swept across his sister’s face. ‘I never thought of that. What can we do Mum? We won’t get any surprise presents if Father Christmas doesn’t find us.’ Her mother laughed. ‘Don’t worry, I am sure he will come.’ ‘Will he have to fly here in an aeroplane?’ ‘No!’ William shouted. ‘He has a sleigh and reindeer to pull it. He can just fly over the sea.’ Later that night, in the bedroom, the two children shared their doubts. The next night was Christmas Eve, would Father Christmas come? Their mother now came into the room, pulled the cotton quilts over them and told them she would see them in the morning Suddenly, Katie jumped from the bed and grabbed her brother’s arm.’ I know what we can do. We’ll stay awake, and if he comes we’ll speak to him. We’ll ask him how he gets all around the world and has time to go to so many houses.’ And so that was what they did. The following night their mother looked in to check they were okay, gave them each a hug and said, ‘See you in the morning. Happy dreams.’ Katie looked across at her brother. ‘Don’t fall asleep.’ ‘I won’t. But how long will we have to wait?’ His sister shook her head. ‘I have no idea.’ They had almost given up waiting when

they heard someone coming up the stairs. ‘Is it him?’ William whispered. Katie climbed from the bed and together they hid behind the wardrobe door. A minute later the bedroom door quietly opened. Standing there, dressed in red clothes with his arms full of parcels, was Father Christmas. The two children looked at each other. ‘Do we?’ whispered William. ‘Yes!. Now!’ They stepped out from behind the door. Father Christmas jumped back as they moved toward him. But the surprise caused him to grab at his beard. It fell from his chin into his hand. And then, as his head bounced back against the wall his hat fell to the ground. Katie and William gasped. “Daddy! It’s you!’ ‘Why are you dressed like Father Christmas?’ Katie asked. Her father grinned. ‘Well, it is the best Christmas Secret, but fathers from all around the world become Father Christmas just for one night.’ ‘Why?’ ‘No one could travel all around the world, go into hundreds of countries and houses all in one night. But children like to think Father Christmas does, and so we keep it a secret.’ ‘Does Mummy know?’ ‘Oh yes! She helps me fill the stockings I plan to put beside your beds.’ Katie said, ‘It’s nicer when you wake up and find them. Better than just opening them downstairs.’ ‘So, are we going back to bed,’ William asked. Dad nodded. ‘I’ll give you thirty minutes to get to sleep, then I’ll come back and be Father Christmas again. And I’ll hide your stockings for you to find when you wake up.’ ‘We do have a few secrets too,’ Katie admitted. Her father looked puzzled. ‘What do you mean?’ Katie bent down and pulled two packets out from under the bed. ‘A present for you and one for Mummy.’ William told him, ‘We saved up nearly all our pocket money Dad, and we’ve bought a ticket for the rugby match that you love to go to.’ ‘And I’ve made Mum a silk scarf she’ll love.’ Dad smiled. ‘This must be the best Christmas we ever had.’ ‘Thanks to the secret,’ said Katie. Wendy Grant Somerset, England






Arona folk festival comes to towns until March

Your chance to design La Orotava carnival poster



HOUGHTS are already turning to Carnivaltime 2016 and La Orotava is inviting entries for its annual poster competition.

The theme of next year’s event is “De villeros y máscaras” (“Villa residents and masks”) so the design should reflect this. The deadline for entries is January 7th, 2016 and the winning entry will be chosen by a panel of judges. Councillor for fiestas, Delia Escobar Luis said the competition sought to involve more people in the organisation of such events whilst also providing the chance for people to harness their creative skills and imagination. There will be one single prize of 200 euros for the outright winner. La Orotava council says anyone of any age can enter, either individually or as a group, but the design must be unique. Posters can be developed in any medium and can be submitted in rigid format or on CD (they should measure 40 x 60 centimetres). The winner will be notified direct and details also published on the council’s bulletin board.

Tenerife’s 2016 International Film Music Festival goes off into space!


ENERIFE’S International Film Music Festival is going into space next year and it should all prove out of this world!


HE traditional Arona Folk Festival is to have an even greater profile in 2016 following its preview and launch in Los Cristianos.

The plaza de L a Pescadora and maritime walk provided the setting for the event’s inauguration, with the spotlight turning not just on Canary folklore but traditions, crafts and local cuisine. It will be held every week until the end of March in the centres of Las Galletas, Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Américas. The festival was started seven years ago and celebrated with an opening party in the plaza featuring the three groups of Verodal, I´Gara and the Arona Municipal School of Folklore) who earlier paraded from the church square. Visitors were also able to enjoy craft stalls and traditional cuisine along the sea-front walk.

Councillor for tourism, David Pérez said it was planned to expand the festival in 2016, giving local people and tourists the chance to get to know local traditions. The activities will be held in Las Galletas on Thursdays, in Los Cristianos on Saturdays and on Fridays along the Golden Mile of Playa de las Americas. Each parade will start at 8.30pm and there will be a closing party in March. The craft and gastronomy fair will be held from 5pm to 9.30pm every Thursday in the Dionisio González rambla in Las Galletas and ever y Saturday in the plaza de La Pescadora and avenida Juan Alfonso Batista (maritime walk) in Los Cristianos.

President of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso has presented details of FIMUCITÉ which will offer an intensive programme from September 23rd to October 1st, 2016. The event will feature the music of the most important productions of science fiction, from “Star Wars” to “Star Trek”, under the generic title of “Space Opera: The music of the stars”. The festival has a number of innovations, including a change of the date from the summer to the autumn, as well as a greater involvement by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. The unveiling ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Santa Cruz, José Manuel Bermúdez; the deputy minister of culture for the Canary Government, Aurelio González; director of FIMUCITÉ, Diego Navarro; the Cabildo’s director of culture, José Luis Rivero; Santa Cruz councillor for culture, José Carlos Acha and director of

Televisión Española in the Canaries, Domingo Álvarez. The event counts on sponsorship from Tenerife Cabildo, the Canary Government and Santa Cruz city council. There will be two major symphonic concerts by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra alongside the Tenerife Film Choir, under the composer and director of this initiative, Diego Navarro. Both events will be offered at the “Adán Martín” Tenerife Auditorium. One of these concerts, planned for Friday, September 30th, will be dedicated to the best music composed for the science fiction genre. Tickets are already on sale and can be purchased at the box office and on the website www.auditoriodetenerife.com. Diego Navarro highlighted the support of TVE in helping to put this event on the international map and the continued collaboration of the

Conservatory of Music of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Last year, he revealed, some 5,000 people had enjoyed the festival. Sr. Bermudez said that over the last ten years, the event had retained all its passion and enthusiasm with massive effort put in by a lot of people and culture councillor. Sr.Acha said they were very happy to continue to give their support. For this tenth anniversary, the festival will reintroduce “The Pop Culture Band” which has been staged in the last two editions with “Back to the 80s” and “Back to the 90s “, an original format that has allowed the public to relive

past decades through the best songs of film music. FIMUCITÉ also continue its collaboration with the Conservatory of Music in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and will prepare a concert that will be scheduled during the week of the festival, with the aim of offering young students a unique experience and a great stage to experience direct contact with the public. The deal with Spanish Television will allow coverage of the festival for four years so that highlights and the final concert can be broadcast regionally, nationally and internationally.

Swimming Club Natación Martiánez

Since 1942: A lifetime teaching people to swim - Specialised and qualified monitors - Great variety of activities: swimming, water polo, rescue, synchronized swimming, aqua gym...

Mornings: 09:00 - 13:00 - Evenings: 16:00 - 20:00


Join us!

Tfno: 922 380 382 Paseo Luis Lavaggi, Nº 10. Puerto de la Cruz. Tenerife




Tenerife actress wins top award with Canary film company at Bombay festival


short film produced in the Canary Islands is continuing its successful march on the international circuit with another prestigious accolade for Zanzíbar Producciones. “Sirena Negra”, directed by Canarian Elio Quiroga, triumphed at the Bombay Film Festival when it scooped the award for best actress. This went to Tenerife actress and soprano, Ruth González and recognised the “fantastic character” she created, with her performance being described as “elegant and subtle”. She was helped in her transformation by make-up artist, Beatriz Faura. The short story falls within the project “Children of Mary Shelley ”, directed by Fernando Marías. “Black Siren” adapts the

powerful novel by Vanessa Montfort and is “a new classic horror movie monster born in the XXI century.” The make-up by Beatriz was inspired by the creator of the look in the film “The Bride of Frankenstein”, mixing realism with horror and contributing to a rather pathetic but fascinating character. She worked closely with the lead actress to slowly create the monster with incredible make-up techniques which even involved using pebbles from the beaches of Alicante. This was the first time actress Ruth was able to

portray her character with the help of full make-up but judges agreed she never lost sight of her original performance which was full of strength and technical excellence. At one stage, she has to sing during her transformation and this was praised for requiring enormous concentration and great physical exhaustion. At the same time, her whole body with make-up contributed to the development of character, something that had not happened in the theatrical performance where there was no reinforcement for the character. Photography was shot by Lati Maraña (AEC) in black and white with the assistance of María Gestoso. The film also was also nominated for Best Cinematography, Best Editing and Best Film at the Festival of Bombay. Also nominated was Luis Sanchez-Gijon, the editor who also created the visual effects of the film which was shot in Madrid, in the Blueberr y studies. The film has already been honoured at other international festivals, including in Sitges and Gijon and this is another coup for Elio Quiroga who is based in Gran Canaria.


Enter now for Santa Cruz Carnival competitions The search is on for the 2016 Santa Cruz Carnival Queen


year have been strengthened to ensure the safety of spectators and participants. The same deadline applies to those who want to enter La Canción de la Risa (The Song of Laughter) and the competition for floats and decorated carts. There is slightly more time to enter the fancy dress competition for adults and children as the last date for this has been extended until January 12th.

LL those interested in trying for the title can now officially enter and applications have to be in by December 30th.

As usual, there are three competitons ie for children, for adults and for the older generation.

The carnival committee has also approved rules for the groups, floats and decorated carts which this

Interested parties can get registration forms at the headquarters of OAFAR (calle Antonio La Noria 7) between 9am and 1.30pm or online on www.carnavaldetenerife.com and www.santacruzdetenerife.es


Versatile painter shows his love for the Canaries


“Art is a diffusion of concepts that the public has to understand”


HESE are the words of Canary artist, Erik Cichosz who is presenting his latest thought-provoking exhibition in Icod de los Vinos.

The cultural and sports centre “Casa del Mar” is hosting the event up until December 28th and are all welcome. It’s a perfect setting on the beach of San Marcos where the visitor can admire murals showing scenes such as churches and the processes of wine-making, many in striking colours. Erik has always painted outside the boundaries of tradition and has been described as “a creative, versatile, unique, original, expressive and different painter”. Although of German parents, he was born in Barcelona in the times of the Civil War, beginning life in the Pyrenees and from there moving to Paris, then in several cities in Spain and then the Canary Islands. He is enamored by its flora, landscape, sea and sky and history, to the point of taking up residency in Icod de los Vinos, specifically in San Marcos, many years ago.


Eating Out & About



Tasca Channo’s

English Tea Room


Los Realejos

Los Cristianos (new) & Fañabé

Puerto de la Cruz

This beautiful Canarian restaurant is full of atmosphere which reflects the flavour of the graeat food served here. The decor is as much a feast for the eyes as the cuisine is to your palate. You can sit at your table and study the huge range of artefacts which decorate the walls and seemingly every available corner. The food is stunningly presented and very affordable, somewhere you must visit to get a real taste of Tenerife. There is a wide choice of meats, including wild boar, deer and crocodile, fresh fish including bacalao and an extensive wine cellar with Canarian and Spanish wines. The menu is extensive with starters, soups, salads, stews, home-made desserts and more. There is a little outdoor terrace at the front of the restaurant or sit inside and enjoy the country-style interior.

Very much a Tenerife success story, Harriets have opened a second Tea Room (with bar) in the heart of Los Cristianos. With a big sunny terrace and beautifully designed interior, it is just a stone’s throw from the bus station at the San Marino building (ie turn left at the bottom of the bus station and it is 100 yards or so on your left, in premises formerly occupied by the Heritage bar). You will find the most gorgeous food, all home-made and great British cooking, including all day breakfasts, mouthwatering cakes, salads, jacket potatoes, sandwiches and rolls, home-made burgers, pancakes, ice-creams, evening meals and numerous varieties of teas and coffees served in china pots and cups. There are also many gluten-free and diabetic options. Simply mouth-watering and a venue set to be a firm favourite with residents and locals alike.

If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price with a lovely terrace, look no further than Tressardi. It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. The desserts like tiramisu and panna cota are to die for! So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or take away, Tressardi is your restaurant. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well elaborated dishes for kids and grown ups. Depending on your choices the price can go higher but an average 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect.

Calle El Mocán, 41 Avenida Santiago Apostol (in front of El Mocan square) Los Realejos Tel.: 677 068 027

For reservations call 922 712 791 Los Cristianos, San Marino building. Open daily from 9am to 11pm. Playa Fañabé,56 Central Commercial. Open 9am to 10pm, closes 5pm Saturday and Sunday

Winter times: Monday to Friday: 15:00 -11:00 pm / Wednesday closed Saturday & Sunday: 15:00 - 12:00 pm For reservations call 922 382 056 Calle Aceviños, La Paz, Puerto de la Cruz

Restaurante Algarrobo

Bistro Bolle

Puerto Santiago, Costa del Silencio & Playa de las Américas

La Orotava

Costa del Silencio

If you love Indian food, you will find the very best at Bobbys Tandoori, now at three locations. The food served here is absolutely superb which is why Bobbys is a firm favourite with local residents and visitors alike. The Costal del Silencio restaurant is in the unusual octagonalshaped building on the corner of the main road through Silencio with Las Galletas. The restaurant in Puerto Santiago is on Avenida Maritima, about 50 yards from the Los Dragos Hotel. The Playa de las Americas restaurant is near the seafront on the second floor of CC Puebo Canario. The food is great and affordable, as are the drinks.

This family run restaurant is situated in the well-known and much visited venue in La Orotava. The current owners are brothers Toño (front of house) and Cristóbal (head chef). They have carried on the family tradition of offering top quality products at affordable prices whilst bringing the menu up to date. There is a lively atmosphere here with some really unusual dishes to taste. All the dishes are fresh using vegetables from the market. The cuisine is traditional with a modern slant without being too over elaborate. They now have a new tasting menu for only 17 euros, drinks and IGIc not included. You have a choice of two starters, one main dish and a choice

Bobby’s Indian Tandoori

Bobby's Playa Santiago (922 868 690) Open: 1pm-4pm, 6pm-11pm. Mondays evening only Bobby's Costal del Silencio (922 072 177 /610 864 241) Avenida Jose Antonio Tavio Open every day 2pm-11pm Bobby's Playa de las Americas (922 796 816) CC Pueblo Canario, second floor, local 204 Open 2pm to 11pm (Monday from 6pm)

For reservations call 922 332 305 / 647 600 784 Carretera La Luz, Las Candias Urbanizacion Pedro Martin 9 restaurantealgarrobo@gmail.com

Bistro Bolle is one of those lovely friendly restaurants which also offers great food at affordable prices and a very special atmosphere. What also makes it so special is the good location with stunning views and easy parking. There is no formal menu, you simply choose from the blackboard or specials. Bolle’s chef Michel has added lots of new dishes to the menu and loves to be innovative so you will find many new suggestions and some delicious surprises. All this makes Bolle Bistro a must place to visit as there is always something fresh to delight you whilst retaining its aim of keeping prices very affordable. As Patrick says, you will always find quality at a good price and always done with a smile.

For reservations call 699 351 694 Parque Don José, Calle Hercules 7-8, Costa del Silencio Bistro BOLLE Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Eating Out & About



Your dining experience around our restaurants


Mamma Rosa

Restaurante Magnolia

Santa Cruz

Playa de las Américas

Puerto de la Cruz

Seek out the ultra-modern Silken Atlántida hotel in Santa Cruz and you will discover a fantastic place to eat. This striking hotel in Avda. 3 de Mayo has just reinvented its restaurant which is now called “SOOK”. The expert team here believes in moving with the times and presents the diner with a young and fresh approach in its beautifully-designed bistro. The ambitious project has been created by the Silken School of Food and Beverage (ESAB) and chaired by award-winning Michelin star chef Martín Berasategui. The main objective was to refresh the previous concept, to innovate it and make it much more personal, blending the traditional harmony with the modern in a natural way. The traditional mixes with haute cuisine at prices you can afford with the emphasis on fresh premium produce.

Mamma Rosa is one of the longest established restaurants in the south of Tenerife and has an extensive menu and a modern ambiance which appeals to all ages. For more than 22 years, it has offered elegance, top-class cuisine, an excellent varied wine list and, of course, the service you would expect. The cuisine is described as classical Italian and Scandinavian with Spanish and French influences, blended together and cooked in a modern style. Part of the new approach is to offer a very extensive fish menu. As with the meat, the restaurant tries where possible to buy local produce and support the islands’ agriculture.

Restaurante Magnolia has come a long way, starting life as a small intimate restaurant with an outdoor terrace to the finished article we see today, with the terrace now covered and well spaced tables inside. The kitchen is open plan and creates the most wonderful national and international dishes with an extensive menu of fish, shellfish, lamb, steaks, pastas. This venue is always busy and customers are full of praise for the Restaurante Magnolia as one of the finest places to eat on the island. The quality and service certainly stands out and the cost is very reasonable indeed. They are open every day from 13:00 - 16:00 and 19:00 to 23.30.

Avda. 3 de Mayo, 3 Santa Cruz Tel.: 922 294 500 www.hote-les-silken.com

For reservations call 922 794 819 Avda. Santiago Puig, Apartamentos Colón 2 Playa de la Américas www.mammarosa.com / mammarosa@mammarosa.com

For reservations call 922 385 614 Avda. Marqués de Villanueva del Prado s/n Puerto de la Cruz www.restaurantemaganolia.com

Restaurante El Cine

El Teatro del Puerto

Restaurante Gom

Los Cristianos

Los Cristianos port

Santa Cruz

The regular sight of people queuing for a table will give you the best clue ever about this restaurant. The alley-way where people queue has been described as the most famous on the island and no-one seems to mind having to wait for a table. This is very much a fresh fish restaurant, the only meat you will find are chicken. The menu, in extense: grilled cuttle fish, grilled hake fillet, fresh sardines, the fish of the day, grilled fresh herrings, all seven euros each. Tomato and onion salad, chips or Canary potatoes for 2.50 euros a bowl. Fried octopus, nine euros. Grilled prawns, eight euros. Fried chicken wings, seven euros. There is one hour free parking at the dock for restaurant visitors. Just request a ticket and this will be stamped at El Cine.

If you love a location with a lot of atmosphere, head down to the busy port of Los Cristianos. There is always something to see here and it’s great to watch all the ferries coming in and out as you enjoy a coffee or meal amidst all the action. Whether you are travelling to another island or not, seek out the cafeteria in the port terminal. “El Teatro del Puerto” in the Estacion Maritima specialises in bread rolls, cakes and some really first-class coffees.You will also find a great selection of tapas, typical Canary products, ice-creams and more. One great option is their daily menu which offer a first and second course, plus a dessert, with drinks paid separately. A real bonus is that it is open early in the morning, from 7am every day, closing at 8pm.

This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.

For reservations call 609 107 758 Calle Juan Bariajo, nº8 Los Cristianos www.barelcine.es / barelcine@gmail.com

For reservations call 609 107 758 Estación Marítima, Los Cristianos Port Arona

For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz www.hoteltaburiente.com


Eating Out & About


The “Picoteo” triangle

Donde Mario

El Calderito de la Abuela

La Bodeguita de Enfrente

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

A great part of the fun of wining and dining in Tenerife is finding somewhere different and it’s well worth a trip out to Santa Ursula to the warm and inviting Donde Mario. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is elegant and captivating. Restaurateur Mario Torres surpises us every day with his extensive use of produce in season, and his unbeatable experience with wines and cookery. Just try his Cherne warm salad, a super-healthy Canarian fish soup, or his Lomo de Vaca Morucha. You will be surprised.

Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. This is already an award-winning restaurant and it’s not surprising that this year, it has again scooped a TripAdvisor accolade. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.

Set in a series of old Canary houses, this restaurant is made up of a labyrinth of inter-connecting rooms leading off from the bar area in the centre. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an English country pub with its low ceilings with wooden beams and warm décor. The food is fundamentally Canarian. They grow most of their own produce at their allotment and only use olive oil to cook with. Their ethos is a simple one, only use the best, fresh produce and cook it with thought and care. The menu is described as Picoteo, slightly more than tapas without reaching the full-blown three-course meal status. It’s delicious and affordable.

For reservations call 922 304 585 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 119 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.dondemario.net

For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net

For reservations call 922 302 760 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 205 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.labodeguitadeenfrente.net

The Village Wine Bar & Restaurant

The Potter Inn

The Oyster Catcher

Fairways, Amarilla Golf

Puerto Colón

Los Cristianos

The Village Wine Bar & Restaurant situated in Amarilla Golf, near Pebble Beach, occupies the premises of the old Premier Bar and offers you quality food and entertainment seven days a week. Why not try us between 9.30am and 2.30pm for a tasty breakfast and brunch, perhaps our champagne breakfast with Eggs Benetine or Royale or enjoy something special for your weekend with our a la carte menu and professional shows. Free entry plus Happy Hour. Themed food and entertainment from 6.30pm seven days a week and all-day a la carte Sunday lunch. Reservations now being taken for our a la carte Christmas dinner. Feast on up to six courses for 55 euros or any three courses for just 35 euros. Open 9.30am to late

Waiting to give you a very warm welcome are Mark, Kerry and their team at this great family pub, just down the steps near the taxi rank. They serve traditional British food from 10am to 9pm every day including their famous Sunday roast served from midday on Sunday and also now available Wednesday evening from 5pm. Choose from a selection of breakfasts all made with British products, hand- battered cod with home-made chips and real mushy peas and now...home-made Staffordshire oatcakes with a choice of fillings! There’s also some fantastic offers on drinks during happy hour from 10am til 7pm Monday to Saturday such as a bottle of wine for 5 euros and two John Smith’s or Strongbow for 4 euros! You can sit inside or out on one or two sunny terraces where you can watch your favourite soaps or live sport on a choice of five large screens in a relaxing background.

It’s always nice to try a new experience when in Tenerife so pop along to the Oyster Catcher in Los Cristianos and enjoy some spectacular flambé. The restaurant, on the thriving El Mirador strip, offers an extensive menu of British cuisine, using only the best of fresh ingredients at affordable prices, including homemade soups, daily roasts served with classic Yorkshire pudding and stock gravy, pastas, fish and fresh salads. All the main courses are served with a choice of fresh vegetables and potatoes. You can sit indoors or on the undercover terrace. Flambés are the speciality of the house, with the steaks, king prawns , pork or chicken cooked right in front of you with delicious sauces. Follow up with a flambéed dessert such as crêpe suzette and banana flambé. Delicious!

For reservations call 630 687 760 / 922 708 270 Amarilla Golf (Near Fairways Club) www.thevillagetenerife.com

For reservations call 922 714 231 Local 232, Puerto Colon Costa Adeje potterinn@outlook.com

For reservations call 922 788 038 Open daily C.C. El Mirador, Local 5 Avenida San Francisco, Los Cristianos www.oystercatcher.es - info@oystercatcher.es

Eating Out & About



Your dining experience around our restaurants

Bodeguita Algarrobo

Tipsy Terrace

Puerto de la Cruz

Los Gigantes

A family-run business with a long history of restaurateurs. The cuisine served here is local Canary food with some surprisingly original features and the most exquisite flavours. Piquillo peppers stuffed with mushrooms and prawns, hake mounted on a tower of perfectly cooked, seasonally fresh veg, Canary “wrinkled” potatoes with a twist, lamb estofado, an inside-out pie without the pastry, fig biscuit with chocolate sauce, pork steak with caramelised onions open sandwiches, stuffed leak with cheese and belly of pork fritters, piquillo peppers stuffed with mushrooms and prawns. These are just some of the dishes which have enchanted diners of all nationalities throughout the day and night.

For reservations call 922 373 513 / 647 600 784 Carretera General del Botánico Puerto de la Cruz bodeguitaalgarrobo@gmail.com

Terrazas del Mar Puerto de la Cruz

Tipsy Terrace in Los Gigantes is described as one of the friendliest places around and you will see why when you visit. You will find great home cooking and dishes to suit all tastes, from breakfast through to evening meals and everything in between. Tap into their menu on www.tipsy-terrace.net and you can see all the choices for yourself, from Tipsy’s Ploughman’s and Rise and Shine sandwiches to wraps, jacket potatoes, burgers, crunchy salads, light lunches and much, much more. Tipsy Terrace also has a swimming pool, tennis, mini-golf and lovely gardens. It is easy to find as it is just by the coach and bus stops.

How about a fabulous dinner complete with a sunset, gentle waves, palm trees, grassy verge, flowers and exceptional service? That´s what the Terraza del Mar delivers. The restaurant has traditional Canary food with a sensitive touch. It consists of an indoor terrace and two outside terraces that overlook the “Garden Beach”. The setting is heavenly, with landscaped walkways down to the black sand beach. Parking is usually quite easy, especially in the evenings, but Playa Jardin is only a five to ten minute walk from Puerto´s main bus station. The location, the food and the service speak for them-selves. Giovanni the owner says he´ll feed you on ANY budget - just tell him how little you “wanna” spend.

For reservations call 922 868 432 Los Gigantes Sports & Gardens Calle Hibisco 4, Los Gigantes www.tipsyterrace.net

For reservations call 922 371 518 Avda. Francisco Afonso Carrillo s/n Playa Jardin, Puerto de la Cruz terrazadelmar@gmail.com

Brunch every Sunday from 10:30am to 13:30pm


Bar El Pincho

Dula y Pipa

Restaurant/Bar & Bistro

Las Vistas, Los Cristianos

La Orotava

Golf del Sur

At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 9.50 euros. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Do try their fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Reservations can be done between 10:30 to 20:00pm

This lovely new restaurant is a commitment to quality local produce and somewhere you must head for to sample a very different concept in wining and dining, “Farm to table”. It forms part of the new project known as “La Granja Verde” or “The Green Farm” and centres around fresh, locally-grown produce” and a commitment to the local wines of the island. It runs with the expert gastronomic advice of Juan Carlos Clemente. Wednesday to Sunday, from 13:00 to 16:00 and also from 18.30 to 23.00 Friday and Saturday. Sunday Brunch from 10:30 to 13:30.

The Rendezvous in Golf del Sur offers diners a double delight. By day and in the evening, you can enjoy a full menu with great prices and big portions at the Rendezvous Bar and Bistro, overlooking the bowling green at the Winter Gardens. In the evening, you might opt for the Rendezvous Restaurant which is just above it and offers an extensive à la carte menu, fine wines and a relaxing night out to enjoy excellent cuisine at a leisurely pace. The Rendezvous Restaurant has a lovely ambience and it’s a restaurant where you can sit back and enjoy. Booking is advised at the main restaurant because it is extremely popular.

For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos www.barelpincho.com

For reservations call 922 333 509 Exit 33 - TF-5. Back street of Camino del Torreón 2 La Orotava www.lagranjaverde.es / info@lagranjaverde.es

For reservations call 922 738 683 / 922 738 602 Winter Gardens Complex Golf del Sur San Miguel de Abona







Practical tips to avoid seasonal alcohol excess


URING the party season, you may be tempted to drink more than usual. It’s a time of year to have fun but it can be easy to overindulge.

Here are some simple tips to stay in control of your drinking while enjoying yourself.

Understand what’s in your glass The best way to avoid excess is to drink within the govern-ment’s lower risk daily guidelines of 2-3 units for women, 3-4 for men. But understanding what’s in your favourite Christmas drinks can be difficult. Seasonal drinks can have a surprisingly high unit and calorie content. A 175ml glass of mulled wine contains around 2.3 units and 134 calories.

Downsize your drinks f you’re a beer drinker, order a half instead of a pint. Rather than a large 250ml glass of wine, opt for a smaller 175ml or 125ml glass. The amount of

units in a glass of wine varies depending on the size of the glass. An average 125ml glass of wine would be around 1.5 units, but a 250ml glass could be over 3 units. So, just one large glass and you’ve already drunk the equivalent of the government’s lower risk guidelines.

Try low alcohol or alcohol-free wine

The alcohol content in normal wine ranges from nine to 16 per cent; however, lower alcohol and no alcohol wines are readily available. Have a look next time you’re in the supermarket.

Don’t drink on an empty stomach A healthy meal before you go out, and snacks between drinks can help to slow down

the absorption of alcohol, helping you stay in control. It’s best to eat before or during your work drinks. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach means the alcohol is absorbed into your system quicker. That’s why missing dinner when going straight out from work is one of the main reasons after work drinks can get so messy.

Avoid getting into buying ‘rounds’

Drinking in rounds may be a British tradition, but they can be expensive, dangerous if it means keeping pace with the fastest drinker in your group and a nightmare if you’re trying to cut down on alcohol. Try giving them a miss, or if you want to drink in rounds opt for smaller one with only a couple of friends.

Control your home measures

If you’re planning on

having a drink at home this Christmas, invest in a spirit measure. Normal pub measures are 25ml, which doesn’t look that much in a glass. Free-pour at home and

you’re likely to lose track of how much goes in the glass.

Use a bottle stopper

Open a bottle of wine at home and you can feel

When indigestion might have another cause


NDIGESTION can be pain or discomfort in your upper abdomen (dyspepsia) or burning pain behind the breastbone (heart burn).

Dyspepsia and heartburn may occur together or on their own. Symptoms usually appear soon after eating or drinking. Common associated symptoms include feeling full or bloated, feeling sick (nausea), belching and/or bringing up (regurgitating) fluid or food into the gullet (oesophagus). Indigestion is a common problem that affects many people, but in most cases it’s mild and only occurs occasionally. Indigestion may be caused by stomach acid coming into contact with the sensitive, protective lining of the digestive system (mucosa). The stomach acid breaks down the lining, leading to irritation and inflammation, which can be painful. The majority of people with indigestion don’t have inflammation in their digestive system. Therefore, their symptoms are thought to be caused by increased sensitivity of the mucosa (to acidity or stretching). In most cases indigestion is related to eating, although it can be triggered by other factors such as smoking, drinking, alcohol, pregnancy, stress or taking certain medications.

Treating indigestion at home .

Most people are able to treat indigestion with simple changes to their diet and lifestyle, or with a number of different medications, such as antacids. Very rarely, a serious underlying health condition is the cause of indigestion. If this is suspected, then further investigation such as an endoscopy will be required

When to see your doctor

Most people will not need to seek medical advice for their indigestion. However, it is important to see your GP if you have recurring indigestion and any of the following apply you are 55 years old or over, you have lost a lot of weight without meaning to, you have increasing difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), you have persistent vomiting, you have iron deficiency anaemia, you have a lump in your stomach and/or you have blood in your vomit or blood in your stools. This is because these symptoms may be a sign of an underlying health condition, such as a stomach ulcer or stomach cancer. You may need to be referred for an endoscopy to rule out any serious cause. An endoscopy is a procedure where the inside of the body is examined using an endoscope (a thin, flexible tube that has a light and camera on one end). Severe indigestion can cause long-term problems with parts of your digestive tract, such as scarring of the oesophagus or the passage from your stomach.

obliged to finish off the bottle. Buy a bottle stop and your wine will stay fresh for a couple of days. You can finish it later or use leftovers in cooking. Alternatively use an ice cube tray to freeze leftover wine which can then be used as an instant ingredient to flavour your cooking for weeks to come.

Resist the top-up temptation Top up your glass before it’s empty and you’ll quickly lose track of how much you’ve had. Avoid this by only topping up your glass when it’s empty.Have a soft drink or water Sipping a soft drink between alcoholic drinks will slow down the rate of your drinking. Try a non-alcoholic mocktail, soft drink or glass of water. If you’re starting out early, have soft drinks for the first couple of hours before you start on the alcohol. If it’s nearing the end of the night move onto water so you consume less units. Information courtesy of http:// www.drinkaware.co.uk/





Do you have the flu or just a bad cold? DIFFERENT SYMPTOMS


LU is not a ‘bad cold’. Each year, thousands of people die of complications after catching the flu. Colds and flu share some of the same symptoms (cough, sore throat), but are caused by different viruses. Flu can be much more serious than a cold. If you’re generally fit and healthy, you can usually manage the symptoms of a cold or flu yourself without seeing a doctor. Look after yourself by resting, drinking non-alcoholic fluids to avoid dehydration and avoiding strenuous activity. Painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can relieve aches and pains.

Symptoms There are around 200 viruses that cause colds and just three that cause flu. There are many strains of these flu viruses, and the vaccine changes every year to protect against the most common ones. Colds cause more nasal problems, such as blocked nose, than flu. Fever, fatigue and muscle aches are more likely and more severe with flu.


Symptoms of a cold include runny nose (beginning with clear mucus that develops into thicker, green mucus as the cold progresses), blocked nose, sore throat, sneezing and a cough. People with a cold may also suffer with a mild fever, earache, tiredness and headache. Symptoms develop over one or two days and gradually get better after a few

How to shift the “permanent” hangover and feel 100 per cent again cognitive tasks, like remembering that birthday card or sorting out your presentation.

days. Some colds can last for up to two weeks. According to the Common Cold Centre in Cardiff, a cold is most contagious during the early stages, when the person has a runny nose and sore throat.

Hangover symptom 3: Changing relationships As well as affecting your work life, the fug of a permanent hangover can impact on your relationships with your friends, partner and children.When you’re dealing with the average permanent hangover, you’re not likely to be speaking, or thinking clearly.


Flu usually comes on much more quickly than a cold, and symptoms include sudden fever of 38-40C (100104F), muscle aches and pains, sweating,feeling exhausted and needing to lie down and/or a dry, chesty cough. A person with flu may also have a runny nose and be prone to sneezing, but these are not usually the defining symptoms of flu. Flu symptoms appear one to three days after infection and most people recover within a week, although you may feel tired for longer. A severe cold can also cause muscle aches and fever, so it can be hard to tell the difference. Whether it’s a cold or flu, get medical help if you either have a chronic condition (such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease) or have a very high fever as well as an unusually severe headache or abdominal or chest pain.


Signs and symptoms

Ever wake up feeling like you could do with another night’s sleep? And does that sluggish, tired feeling then hound you all day, making it hard to concentrate at the office and impossible to focus on your loved ones? If you’re feeling this way, it’s all too easy to put it down to a tough month at work, the kids running you ragged or not eating healthily. But have you ever considered that the real culprit may be that extra glass of wine you’re drinking most nights of the week and that these could be hangover symptoms? Welcome to the world of what we call the permanent, or ‘hummer’ hangover, aka permanently suffering from hangover symptoms.

If you regularly drink more than the government’s lower risk guidelines, your increased tolerance to alcohol might mean you no longer experience the more obvious hangover symptoms like a banging head and sickness. In the absence of these tell-tale signs, you could be missing the other ways alcohol is affecting you, or even attributing them to the hustle and bustle of your busy lifestyle. The permanence of this malaise may make you dismiss it as “just the way you feel.” You may be surprised and relieved to hear, therefore, that your vigour and zest is retrievable and that you can banish the symptoms of a permanent hangover with just a couple of simple changes.

Hangover symptom 1: Sleep deprivation Alcohol can seriously disrupt your sleep, leaving you jaded and making it hard to focus. Although many people may feel alcohol helps them get off to sleep, it is also a major culprit for disrupting your night as it can interfere with the body’s chemical processes needed for sound sleep.

Hangover symptom 2: Excess stress

Unknowingly, you may find yourself caught in a vicious circle where the alcohol you drink to unwind at home after a bad day in the office could actually be contributing to your stress levels at work. Alcohol can interfere with routine

The cure? Cutting down straight away can do wonders in the short term, as you feel the fog lift and the spring return to your step.Start with a simple experiment: treat yourself to a couple of alcohol-free days. Make a note of how you felt at the time, how you slept and whether you felt any better the following day. The chances are you’ll feel fresher, more on top of work and far happier in your relationships. Indeed, many medical experts recommend taking regular days off from drinking to ensure you don’t become addicted to alcohol.Then, if you want to have a drink, you can avoid these permanent hangover symptoms by sticking within the lower risk guidelines.




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APARTMENT of 83 m2 for sale CHAYOFA PARK ,Arona, 2 bed + 2 bath , 30m2 terrace with SEE VIEW, including garage space. Price : 200.000 euros. Telephone : +34 638 673 180. APARTMENT for sale in PARQUE SANTIAGO II, 1 bed, bath, living room, kitchen, and 25m2 terrace with best SEEVIEWS. Price 231.000 euros. Posibility to buy a garage. Contact: +34 678240128 PLAYA DE LA AMÉRICAS, 1 bedroom apartment for rent, well furnished and equipped. Central location, quiet area. Close to the beach. Call: 620 230 871 / 922 75 11 13







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CROSSWORD DOWN 1- “Treasure Island” monogram; 2- Alley ___; 3- South American tuber; 4- Cooking wine; 5- “Enigma Variations” composer; 6- Lively dance; 7- End of a threat; 8- Covered with hair; 9- Confer; 10- Bayer alternative; 11- Student; 12Strike; 13- Follows orders; 21- African fly; 22- Prima ballerina; 23- High points; 24- River that flows through Paris; 25Prongs; 29- Conical native American tent; 30- Cool!; 32- Eraser; 33- Attractive route; 34- Sudden pains; 35- Spud state; 36- Atari founder Bushnell; 44- Oakland outfit; 45- Chant; 46- Source; 48- Behaved; 49- A bit, colloquially; 50- Pungent bulb; 51- Worship; 52- Sesamum indicum; 54- Formicary residents; 55- Digits of the foot; 59- House pet; 60- Word that can succeed old, ice and bronze; 61- Not emp.;



ACROSS 1- Flat taker; 7- Decide; 10- Lhasa ___; 14- Place; 15- Narrow inlet; 16- Deprived of sensation; 17- Scatter; 18- Building wing; 19- ...baked in ___; 20- Capital of Utah; 23- ___ Is Born; 26- Georgia, once: Abbr.; 27- Roofing items; 28- Slather plaster on the upper surface of a room; 29- Type of shirt; 30- The French word for “no”; 31- Mosque tower; 33- Cinque follower; 34- Slender metal fastener; 37- Wind dir.; 38- FedEx rival; 39- “Silent” prez; 40- Hoo-ha; 41- Paris possessive; 42- Nectar collector; 43- Endless; 45- May ___ excused?; 46- Lennon’s lady; 47- Turkish bigwig; 48- All together; 51“Exodus” hero; 52- North American buffalo; 53- Denied; 56- The Stooges, e.g.; 57- Beverage made with beaten eggs; 58- Kind of garage; 62- Collar type; 63- Part of TNT; 64- Infuriate; 65- Hamlet, for one; 66- DC bigwig; 67- Stanza of six lines;



Provided by Bestcrosswords.com







s e m a J e n n A By

Happy Christmas to all our readers, and our best wishes for the forthcoming year we hope that it will prove to be a healthy one.

A reminder that a talk and presentation by the British Consulate staff will take place in the library on Thursday 14th January. Representatives of the Spanish Red Cross will also be present, and they will be happy to answer any queries which you may have. This will commence at 12 00 noon and non-members are welcome. A buffet lunch will follow , for the price of 7 euros, including refreshments. On Thursday 27th January the film ‘Cinderella’ will be shown in the library at 14.00 hours. This is free - but, sorry, members only. The film is a fairly faithful interpretation of the Cinderella fairy tale. Lily James plays Cinderella and gives a mesmerising performance and does a very effective job of making Cinderella a stoic, kind-hearted, resolute and very considerate young lady who overcomes all that life throws at her. There is a superb support cast, including Cate Blanchett as the wicked stepmother and Helena Bonham Carter as the cool fairy godmother. The costumes, especially the women’s ball gowns, are staggeringly beautiful. The movie is a visual treat from the opening scene to the closing one. At its heart, this is a simple love story, and the icing on the cake is that Cinderella has a fabulous chemistry with her Prince Charming. If you would like to attend, please leave your name at the treasurer’s desk. If you would like any further information you may contact us on 922 38 30 98, or on our website theenglishlibrary.es, or find us on facebook or TripAdvisor. We are to be found in the Taoro Park, in Puerto de la Cruz, opposite the British School, and our opening hours are on Mondays and Fridays from 15.00 to 17.30, and Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10.00 to 13.00 hours. The latest book by John Searanke is now available in the library.(This is his second book, the first ,- ‘Dog Days In The Fortunate Islands’ is also to be found in the library)

Prunes For Breakfast by John Searancke

This is the story of John’s parents, told mostly from the side of his father, from the time of his calling up in early 1940 to his release from a prisoner of war camp in Germany in 1945. After the deaths of his parents, John’s aunt gave him a box of letters which had been written by his father to his mother over the period from 1940 to 1945. These letters take us through five captivating years, telling of the ups and downs, the plots and counterplots as his father rose through the ranks to end his war as a captain. John recreates the five years of war and hardship that the letters span. (John lives with his wife in north Tenerife - find out more about him and his books on WWW.JOHNSEARANCKE.COM)

The Girl On The Cliff by Lucinda Riley Troubled by a recent loss, Graia Ryan has returned to

Ireland and the arms of her loving family. And it is here, on a cliff edge, that she first meets a young girl, Aurora, who will profoundly changes her life.Mysteriously drawn to Aurora, Grania discovers that the histories of their families are strangely and deeply entwined... From a bittersweet romance in wartime London to a troubled relationship in contemporary New York, from devotion to a foundling child to forgotten memories of a lost brother, the Ryans and the Lisles, past and present, have been entangled for a century. Ultimately it will be Aurora whose intuition and remarkable spirit help to break the spell and unlock the chains of the past. Haunting, uplifting and deeply moving, Aurora’s story tells of the triumph of hope over loss.

your life. Each chance encounter is an agonizing reminder of what you’ve lost - your family, your future, your sanity. How long before revenge becomes irresistible? With no reason to go on living, why shouldn’t you turn your darkest thoughts into deeds? So now, what is the worst thing you can do to your best friend?

The Last Embrace by Pam Jenoff

LEISURE YOUR HOROSCOPE WWW.ASTROLOGY-ONLINE.COM ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You should get out and meet new people today. Emotional par tnerships may develop through projects you initiate. Opportunities for romance will flourish through travel. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Overindulgence may be a problem. Debates will stifle passion and result in estrangement. Social activity with friends and relatives will be most successful.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Do your own thing and everything will settle down. You will need a little competition today. Get involved in activities that will stretch your stamina. This could be the cause of a dispute that may result in estrangement. CANCER (June 22-July 22) Don’t be too quick to spend money. You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives. You can meet new friends who will let you know just how valuable you are.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Don’t blow situations out of proportion. You may be looking through rose colored glasses. You have to believe in yourself and your talents.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Your par tner may not understand your mood swings but if you are willing to communicate, a lot of grief can be avoided. You will get along well in social situations. You can get your point across if you don’t beat around the bush. LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Catch up on your correspondence and reading. Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs. Relatives may play an impor tant role in your personal life.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Don’t overspend on luxury items. You’ll feel much better when your slate is clean again. The existing problems must be dealt with one way or another.

Little Black LIes by Sharon Bolton

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You may have difficulties with someone who lives with you. Don’t rely on others to do your work. Relationships may be hard to handle.

What is the worst thing that your best friend could do to you? Admittedly, it wasn’t murder. A moment’s carelessness, a tragic accident - and two children are dead - yours. Living in a small island community, you can’t escape the woman who destroyed

August, 1940 :Sixteen-yearold Addie flees fascist Italy to live with her aunt and uncle in Atlantic City, where she finds friendship with the Connally family and their three sons. Spending an idyllic summer with the oldest, Charlie, shows Addie the love she has always been missing. But war changes everything. When one brother’s actions lead to the tragic death of another, the Connally family is devastated and Addie along with them. Now she has no choice but to escape again, this time rebuilding her life in wartorn London. But, when Charlie reappears in her life, Addie discovers that the past is impossible to outrun.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) You will have an inaccurate assessment of your status in society. You will find yourself tied to the phone. You will meet new romantic par tners through the company you keep. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Catch up on any correspondence you’ve neglected. You are best to work at home if you can. Your self esteem will come back if you take part in organizational functions that allow you to be in the lime light. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Problems with skin, bones, or teeth may mess up your schedule. Keep an eye on your weight. You should not get involved in joint ventures.




Mazda wraps up triple title victory


T was a case of Christmas coming early for Mazda at the recent Scottish Car of the Year Awards when it was presented with three awards.

It’s been a busy year for the Japanese car company with three new models being launched – and they were an instant hit for myself and fellow awards’ judges. The Tenerife News headline ‘New Mazda2 is a little gem’ was back in July after my first drive review in the five-door hatch which arrived on UK

roads in March. And it proved good enough to be awarded the Best Supermini title for 2015. I tested another pair of Mazda models prior to the voting and wasn’t surprised when they left rivals in their tracks to lift the honours. The all-new MX-5 raced to success in the Best Drop Top

categor y and Mazda’s first small SUV – the CX-3 – collected silverware with the Best Crossover title. Launched back in 1990, at a cost of £14,249, the MX-5’s popularity has made it the bestselling two-seater sports car of all time. The fourth-generation model looks terrific and although it offers more comfort and technology than before, is still a pure roadster. Moving up and down a slick six-speed manual gearbox, the MX-5 was at its best when tested on some winding roads. With its rear-wheel drive, it offered top agility and handling when cornering at speed and great driving enjoyment. There are two SKYACTIV-G petrol engine choices – 131ps 1.5-litre and 160ps 2.0-litre. The test car was a top-ofthe-range Sport Nav with the more powerful unit. It sprinted out of the blocks with a zero to 62mph time of 7.3 seconds and with a top speed of 133mph was never lacking when quick acceleration was required. I didn’t get the chance to drive with the top down on this occasion but did check out the fabric hood which is manual but can go down or up easily – and quicker than other electric offerings. This is the lightest MX-5 to date and is shorter, lower and wider than its predecessor. SKYACTIV technology brings improved levels of performance and economy with the test car capable of

Road-side vehicle and driver checks


S we all know there are several types of police in Spain but those responsible for Traffic violations are the Guardia Civil Traffic Department. As well as administrative work they are responsible for patrolling roads and motorways to ensure the safety of all drivers and to stop any drivers suspected of committing an offence. This means that they often set up road side checks at prominent places, although more than often in the same places that repeat offenders will try their best to avoid passing. The Traffic police have many facilities available to them to assist in the checking of vehicles and drivers and of course to issue fines or confiscate vehicles if the offence is serious enough to warrant this. It would be impossible to list all traffic offences here but you should be aware that with the implementation of technology ever increasing patrol cars and motorbikes have varying kits that they carry in order for them to do their duties as well as any visual check they may do such as checking ITV stickers on passing cars and stopping them if they spot an out of date one or indeed in some cases none at all (this does not apply to a private owned vehicle that is less than four years old and rent a cars have differing rules too regarding the frequency of ITVs).

One of the items carried by the Traffic police, often stored in the boxes of their bikes or inside patrol cars are items known as Personal Digital Assistant or PDA for short. These devices are linked by Bluetooth to a thermal printer and by this method they are able to input details and issue on the spot fines which in turn then links with the DGT’s central computer system. This device can be used for various things. It can be used to check the drivers and vehicles details, for drivers things such as if you are actually qualified to drive, if you are currently serving a ban for an offence that has already occurred, if you actually are the registered owner of the vehicle and the state of its insurance or lack of it if no policy is shown on the central register. The whole process of making such checks is almost instantaneous, however if the driver provides inaccurate or incorrect information either deliberately or by mistake, or is unknown this will of course cause delays and could in fact then result in a fine being issued which may in fact be incorrect. As we have covered before one problem the police face in checking information about drivers is if they are not registered as residents of Spain or have not completed a transfer of their foreign licence for a Spanish one (where and when appropriate). If you are resident, hold a Spanish Licence and have current insurance and ITV you are most likely to be allowed to go with the minimum of fuss. The police by making a simple singular check of a drivers NIE number will provide them with all linked details pertaining to that persons NIE number i.e. status of driving licence, car ownership etc., which is most likely what they would be looking to confirm. Where information is not linked such as in cases where no Spanish licence is held, having not been substituted for a Spanish one the process will take the police much longer and you will find that you are being held up for what will seemingly be a long time. Remember however that no matter how frustrated or annoyed you may be at any delays, continue to be polite as an officer can issue a fine if he considers you have insulted him.

returning 40.9mpg combined. I liked the sports-hugging driver’s seat in the high-spec cabin but wouldn’t recommend it to any Santasized drivers. Likewise, the boot that has enough space for a couple of bags of presents but would struggle with sack loads. There are five grades in the new line-up with prices ranging from £18,495 to £23,295. Mazda’s new kid on the block – the CX-5 – would be much more suitable for those many shopping trips leading up to Christmas. It arrived in the UK in June and offers a massive 18strong model line-up, including front-wheel and all-wheel drive.

The newcomer might not offer the same fun and thrills as the MX-5 but it has lots of qualities – sharing its platform and SKYACTIV engines with the new Mazda2. The test car was a 120ps 2.0litre two-wheel drive Sport Nav. It’s one of the most attractive SUVs on the road with its sporty looks. Interior is smart and roomy with lots of head and legroom for rear passengers and I liked the driving position. There’s a spacious 350-litre boot and this rises to 1,260 litres with the 60:40 split fold rear seats tumbled flat. This was the smaller of the petrol engine choices – there’s also a 150ps version – but I thought it was well matched to this model and mid-range acceleration was excellent. Once again, the six-speed

manual gearbox allowed swift changes, and with a top speed of 119mph the CX-3 cruised smoothly at motorway speed. It also handled well on minor roads with good accurate steering and ride comfort was good. And the SKYACTIVE engine brings excellent fuel economy figures, 47.9mpg combined on the test car. All models come with a high spec which on entrylevel SE includes seven-inch colour touchscreen, DAB radio, Bluetooth and multifunction steering wheel. I enjoyed my time with the versatile CX-3 – well worth its Best Crossover title. Prices range from £17,595 to £24,695 with the test model costing £20,495.





Top praise for Canary medal-winning rhythmic gymnasts



YMNASTS from Tenerife and La Palma have taken the spotlight once again, this time not in competition but in a special thankyou from the Canary Government.

Director general of sports, José Francisco Pérez was delighted to welcome 26 award-winning athletes to a reception held in the

Casa de la Cultura in Santa Cruz. All of the youngsters had achieved podium finishes in official national competitions in rhythmic gymnastics during 2015. Sr. Pérez praised the successes of the Canar y gymnasts at national level and encouraged the young champions of between seven and 22 “to continue on this path and, above all, be happy practising sport.” The gymnasts were accompanied by their trainers and the president of the Insular Federation, Alberto Lemus. They belong to Adoney de Granadilla, Odisea Tenerife, Orisela de Los Llanos de Aridane, Intara de Tenerife and Batistana de Tenerife.


Honour for Paralympic Álvaro



Granadilla unveils basketball squad

EGUESTE has honoured young European Paralympic athlete Alvaro Enrique Perez Hernandez, a double medallist.

The young athlete won silver and bronze in two events at

the Paralympic Games for youth in Croatia to which he added another silver and bronze in the Championships of Spain in 800 and 1,500 metres. The Tegueste athlete said he wanted to thank Tegueste council and his sponsors, New Balance, InterSport and Studio 54 for all their help over the years. Without them, he said, he would not have been able to achieve such success. The Mayor, José Manuel Molina and sports councillor, Heliodoro Hernández Herrera invited Alvaro to sign the Book of Honour. Sr. Molina said Alvaro had flown the flag for Tegueste and demonstrated the wealth of talent there was in the municipality.

El Rosario increases sports aid for clubs


ASKETBALL is alive and prospering in Granadilla and dozens of young players are raring to go.

Granadilla Basketball Club recently presented its extensive squad, involving 75 players, boys and girls, divided among five affiliated teams. More than 100 children also practise this sport through the municipal school. The event was attended by councillor for sport, Nacho Mendoza Morales and on behalf of the Basketball Federation, Isabel García and Paco Apeles. Nacho Mendoza congratulated this “great basketball family” for their support of the sport which had long roots with Granadilla and a significant base for future stars.


PORTS clubs and athletes in El Rosario are to get even more help from the local council after subsidies were increased by 40 per cent.

The sports department, headed by the Mayor Escolástico Gil, has approved 53,3000 euros in grants for 2016, an increase of 15,200 euros. The money will be used to promote different sports but with special attention to Canary wrestling, balls and bowls but also badminton, football or basketball. Recipients can use it for general expenses, travel or organising events and competitions.








La Laguna to host women’s sports event on Boxing Day


Retired soccer coach receives Arona’s international award

A Laguna is to hold the second Women’s Sports Day on December 26th in the Pablos Abril de Taco sports complex.

The Mayor, José Alberto Díaz presented a preview of the event which is organised by the council’s sports department and the Association of Women with Breast Cancer Tenerife. He was accompanied by sports councillor, Agustín Hernández and president of AMATE, Mari Carmen Bonfante. The event takes place on Boxing Day, starting at 9am and will show the positive results of exercise and sport

as an element of health and prevention. In addition, there will be participation and carnival groups will hold a collection of toys and food. The Mayor said it would be a special day, a shining example of sport at its best and a tribute to all women who were battling against cancer with determination and courage. There will be soccer, basketball and volleyball,

zumba, basketball, workshops, face painting, workshops and more, ending at

1.50pm with the reading of a manifesto. Everyone is invited along.

N New-look and new faces for Granadilla club


Mirador de Chiñama in Charco del Pino was the setting for the traditional team photograph when the new training kit in sky blue and black trousers was presented. Sports councillor for Grana-

dilla, Nacho Mendoza Morales congratulated all members of the club and encouraged them to continue to compete and represent the municipality in various sporting competitions.

ATIONAL football coach, Iñaki Sáez has received Arona’s International Sports Award.

The announcement was made by sports councillor, Juan Sebastián Roque during the municipality ’s sports gala. The event was held in the Auditorio Infanta Leonor in Los Cristianos where the best local athletes of the year were also honoured. The gala was celebrating its 20th anniversar y and incouded live music, magic and a tribute to the winners of the previous editions.

Iñaki Sáez is now retired but continues as advisor to the Athletic Club of Bilbao, a team he has been linked to since the 1960s. His selection was based on his international career, including being national football coach to the teams that won the silver medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics, the World Cup sub20 in 1999, the UEFA European Under-21 Championship in 1998 and the UEFA European Under-19 in 2002.



PORTS club Espíritu Triabona has presented its smart and bright new image, as well as a number of new faces.

The Granadilla running club recently presented its new look for the 2015-2016 season. Re-elected president and founder, Alexander Pérez said they were delighted to have a large number of new recruits, adding: “The Triabona is a young and growing club and equality and team spirit remain the badges that differentiate us.” The club will be celebrating

five years next summer and hopes to repeat its successful season of 2015. As a team, they came second in the 10km race in Granadilla and first in the same event in over the five kilometres. At individual level, there were ten local titles and medals at various regional tournaments for veteran athlete Tomás González. The perfect setting of the

Basketball game included Dragon Tree visit


ASKETBALL fans had an additional treat when they travelled to Icod de los Vinos to watch a local game.

The match between Iberostar Tenerife-CAI Zaragoza was sponsored by Icod de los Vinos council and all those attending were invited to visit the ancient Dragon Tree and its park, both an enormous tourist attraction. The council hoped the initiative would serve a double purpose. One to encourage people to take up or follow the sport of basketball, the other to turn the spotlight on the charms of Icod de los Vinos. These include rich natural, religious, architectural and cultural resources, as well as gastronomy and heritage. During December, there are many activities taking place, including in the commerical area to help dynamise local shopping.





Your invite to Father Christmas dive! EL PUERTITO



Solidarity shown at zumba masterclass

F you would like to see something rather different on Christmas Eve, then go along to the harbour of El Puertito de Güímar.

An annual event organised by the Ecological Divers diving club marks the festive season in unusual style when members go for a dive dressed as Father Christmas! Part of the fun is to make a toast under the ocean. The dive is at 10am and the club says everyone is invited to go along and watch. The club has an extensive website on http:// www.ecological-divers.com/ which is available in English.


Teams and athletes honoured for national and international success


EGUESTE has honoured several teams and athletes for their successes at national and international level in its eighth sports gala.

The event was held at the Príncipe Felipe theatre and was chaired by the Mayor, José Manuel Molina and councillor for sport, Heliodoro Hernández Herrera. Guests included the Cabildo’s Minister for sport, María del Cristo Pérez, together with other officials and personalities from Tenerife’s world of sport. The Mayor said it was no coincidence that Tegueste had such a wealth of sporting talent. It was, he said, the fruits of efforts by many people and was greatly valued. “On more than one occasion, I have mentioned how rewarding it is to reach a facility and see young and not so young, doing sports or simply exercising. It is the best reward we can receive,” he told the audience.

The award winners were Daniel Abreu Rodríguez (athletics), Simón Siverio Dorta (athletics), David Cortijo Fernández (athletics), David Reyes Afonso (athletics), Marcel González González (BMX), Omar Mascarell González (football), Jeffren Suárez Bermúdez (football), Oliver Gil Cruz (Canar y wrestling), Álvaro Enrique Pérez Hernández (adapted athletics), Jonay Rodríguez Campos (motocross), Sheila Ramos González (weightlifting), Pilar González Ávila (football) and Ariadna Molina Moreno (handball). Team awards went to the Tenerife Olympic Athletics club, the Preminibasket Women’s Team, the first category Tegueste Lucha club, Benjamin A CDA Base Football Club of Tegueste and the MBX

T-Riders. Special mention was made of Granadilla Egatesa, judged the outstanding team of 2015 after winning promotion to the First National Women’s Football League, an exceptional season that earned them numerous awards from Tenerife and Canary sport. The team was founded in 2013 and is the youngest team in the first division women’s league, having made the leap to the top flight two years ago. The key person was its president, Sergio Batista who joined manager, Julio Luis Pérez. The arrival of the sponsors has been instrumental in such rapid growth, with the team taking the name of Egatesa, one of the major meat companies in the Canary Islands.

The gala also recognised former rally drivers, veterans Antonio López Santos and Gilberto Ramallo López.


EEP-fit enthusiasts got together in Santiago del Teide for a show of solidarity.

Organisers of a Zumba Masterclass held at the Tamaimo sports centre were delighted with the turnout and the fantastic collection of non-perishable food and toiletries which people donated. The class was taken by Verónica Milone and a great time was had by all, as well as giving support to those in need this Christmas. The event was organised by the local council’s sports department and the sports complex “Pancracio Socas García”. They would like to thank everyone who gave their support to this venture which led to the donated provisions being added to the local food bank.



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