Edition 577

Page 1

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PAGES 25 -32



property p

PAGES 49 -56


ARONA LEADS FIGHT AGAINST SOUTH’S “UNBEARABLE” TRAFFIC JAMS Infrastructure still in 20th century, say council leaders

Arona council is leading the way in urgent calls to stop horrendous traffic jams in the south of Tenerife and “the collapse of the road system”


HE plea is being made to both Tenerife Cabildo and the Canary Government, with local officials labelling the present structure as “still in the 20th century”. They say it is “high time” the other authorities realised that Arona and the south of the island were the main engines of the island’s economy and deserved better treatment. Arona is calling for road improvements, the finalisation of some projects still in the pipeline and attention to the TF-1 motorway with the provision of three lanes throughout. They say the current traffic hold-ups are “hardly bearable” and the roads themselves are in a poor condition. All political parties supported the call for immediate action to solve the problems. “It is high time that both the Government and the Cabildo realise that Arona and the southern region are the economic engine of the island and that they need decent roads such as the one the Ayuntamiento de Arona will

start to asphalt throughout the municipality in the coming weeks, “ said the Mayor, José Julián Mena. The motion recalls that Arona is the third municipality in population of the island, with 93,496 residents (May 2017), more than 1.5 million tourists last year and a daily average floating population of 225,000 people. “The southern region, in general, and Arona, in particular, have entered the 21st century with infrastructures typical of the 20th century, despite their contribution to the island’s wealth generation and the autonomous community,” it states. “A problem that ever y day thousands and thousands of people who live in the southern region or come to work suffer. A change of model of mobility is necessary where all the administrations, social agents

and citizens back mobility, with greater weight of the public transportation and more efficiency in the use of infrastructures.” On a daily basis, the southern motorway (TF-1), passing through Los Cristianos, has an average annual intensity of 79,975 vehicles per day, which represents an increase of 5,000 in just one year. In addition, the TF653, parallel to the TF-1 and linking Guaza with Los Cristianos, which many use as an alternative to avoid jams on the highway, has gone from a daily average of 11,000 vehicles to 26,600 more, which “adds to its poor state of conservation”. The document also calls for a study on mobility, the extension of the southern motorway, TF-1, and adherence to this agreement by business and social associations and the rest of municipalities of the southern region. The motion urges both the

island corporation and the regional government to act, within the framework of their

respective competencies and as quickly as possible, in the face of the continuous traffic

jams suffered by users of the main communication routes of the municipality.











































Top award for Arona police officers

Wedding guests surprise animal refuge



OLICE who helped following the collapse of a building in Los Cristianos in April 2016 when seven people lost their lives have received official recognition. The Arona squad was presented with the Canary Government’s “Felicitación Especial” award at the request of the local council’s security department. Councillor Carolina Reverón stressed that “the Arona Local Police performed an impeccable joint action in an unexpected and tragic situation in which our agents reacted in an immediate and exemplary manner.” In addition, there were specific mentions for two officers, Crisanto Manuel García and Ángel Santiago Rodríguez Cruz whose actions included saving the life of one person who had

been trapped. The Mayor, José Julián Mena, said the performance of the police “will remain forever in our memory.” “Moments as complex as the collapse of the building test us as human beings and as political leaders but, above all, they test the performance of our institutions and equipment dedicated to security, “ he added. “In the case of Arona, Local Police officers not only fulfilled their duty, but also had an immediate reaction, being the first troops to arrive in the area, securing the area and collaborating in the rescue of the victims.”


HERE was a rather unusual celebration at Acción del Sol when an entire wedding party visited with a welcome surprise.

The bride and groom, Pete and Alice decided they would like to forsake wedding presents on their special day in favour of helping the dog refuge instead. They asked guests to make a donation and were very happy to present a cheque for 1,000 euros. “We would like to say a very big thank you to them,” said the centre. “We will spend the money on a vital piece of equipment that we need in our clinic. Thank you all for your help and very generous donation and we wish you both all the happiness in the world. “


La Laguna lifts flouride restriction on tap water


FFICIALS have announced the end of excess fluoride in the water of La Laguna.

GENERAL ENQUIRES: info@tenerifenews.com Office hours: 9:30am to 13:30pm Tel: 922 30 49 87 Printed by: TF Print S.A. Póligono Industrial Los Majuelos, 16 38108 La Laguna Edited by: Seven Islands Media Group S.L. APARTADO DE CORREOS 54 38390 SANTA ÚRSULA TELEPHONE: (+34) 922 30 49 87

Email: info@tenerifenews.com


The first deputy Mayor, Mónica Martín reports that the quality of service has stabilised below the authorised rates throughout the municipality. The Directorate General of Public Health has therefore terminated restrictions on water consumption in the municipality for excess fluoride. This is the first certification for ten years and follows a drop from 2.2 to 1.1 milligrams of fluorine per litre (maximum is 1.5). “Different measures and improvements have been

gradually adopted in the service until reaching the final solution,” said Mónica Martín. The last phase of the restrictions affected some 28,000 people located in the central district of the municipality, specifically in various streets of the historic centre and in the areas of Gracia, Barrio Nuevo, La Verdellada and Padre Anchieta. At all times there have been restrictions aimed at children under eight years of age and, by virtue of it, 154 families in this last population area have had their rate subsidised with Teidagua until this month of

May. The water councillor thanked Teidagua staff “for the effort made” to end “an historical problem” in the municipality, while remem-

Beach reopens after water scare


UBLIC health officials have certified that the water of Las Teresitas in Santa Cruz is fit for bathing and has reopened a closed section.

The area was closed for several days after samples pointed to “”short-term bacterial contamination.” The General Directorate of Public Health of the Government of the Canary Islands announced on May 26th that updated tests had come back as normal and the water was now suitable for bathing. Further tests will be taken as a follow-up to the detected incident.

bering that any citizen can consult, through the website of the company (teidagua .com), the parameters of water quality that reaches their homes.

Cars vandalised in two attacks


OLICE in La Laguna are investigating a spate of car vandalism.

A number of cars parked near Los Rodeos, the north airport, were badly damaged when very large stones were thrown at them, both at the bodywork and through the windows. On the same night, several containers were intentionally burned in the avenue of Los Menceyes of the same municipality, with the flames affectng two other vehicles. The events happened between 5am and 6am on Sunday, May 28th.





Kitchen fire in San Miguel


21-year-old man was taken to hospital with smoke inhalation following a fire in San Miguel de Abona. The local fire crew was called out just after 10pm on May 28th following a call to the 112 emergency centre. Police and medics also attended. The man was treated at the scene before being taken to hospital in the south. His condition was not serious, with the smoke inhalation being described as mild. Firefighters extinguished the blaze which affected the kitchen of the property in calle Asomada Alta.

Quad biker dies in accident



28-year-old man has died in a quad accident in Ten-

The accident happened at 10.40pm in calle Tamaduste, Granadilla. Reports were received that the quad had left the road and crashed into some stones. Police, the Civil Guard and emergency medics all went to the scene and tried to save his life. However, he had suffered serious injuries and doctors could not save him. No details were released about his identity.

Woman, 77, drowns and two rescued in three more incidents


Lion kingdom comes to Loro Parque


NOTHER person has lost their life whilst swimming in the sea in the Canaries and there have been two other serious scares, one involving a child. The woman who drowned was rescued from the water off Puerto Escala in the municipality of Mogán in Gran Canaria. Her identity and nationality have not been revealed but she was aged 77. In the mid-afternoon, the 112 emergency centre received a call to say that a woman had been pulled from the ocean by other bathers who were trying to revive her. The emergency services were activitated but before their arrival, a doctor gave instructions to the people on the scene via phone. Medics took over on their arrival and continued resuscitation but without success. There was a dramatic

rescue in El Médano when lifeguards saved a 72-year-old woman. It is understood she may have suffered a cardiac arrest and got into difficulties in the sea and nearly drowned. Medics managed to recover her heartbeat and she was rushed to hospital in a critical condition. There were distressing scenes at an hotel in Teguise, Lanzarote when a seven-yearold boy, believed to be British, was rescued from a swimming pool. He too was found to be in cardiac arrest from near drowning but medics also managed to regain his heartbeat. He was rushed to hospital in a critical condition.


ORO Parque continues to strengthen its commitment to the conservation of biodiversity and awareness in the protection of the environment. A spectacular enclosure for three African lions (subspecies lion of Angola), two females and one male, which come from the Parc des Félins in Nesles (France), and the Lisbon zoo was recently inaugurated. The new home that these great animals have found in Loro Parque includes a new exhibition that spans an area of more than 1000 square metres. It is designed to represent in full detail its natural habitat

to better accommodate a male born on August 15, 2015 and two females born in July 2016. In addition, the enclosure will have some specimens of dragon, a tree emblematic of Tenerife. The lion is one of the most charismatic animals in Africa; an animal commonly referred to as the king of animals. However, their populations are rapidly declining. The number of lions living in Africa has declined from 100,000 to less than 25,000 in the last 50 years.

Its habitat has been reduced to a quarter of its original surface. Strong population growth and increasing livestock areas are particularly problematic for lions in many parts of Africa. In addition, many lions die as a result of illegal hunting, and even legalised hunting is a problem in many places. The protection of these big cats is fundamental to Loro Parque, so L oro Parque Foundation has started funding a special conservation programme in the KAZA Region (Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) to protect the lions. For this reason, more than 120,000 euros have already been invested in this work. Now, with this new step, Loro Parque consolidates its commitment to the conservation of these emblematic animals, who will act as real ambassadors of their species, thus helping to raise public awareness about the challen-ges and dangers that animals suffer in nature due to the harmful actions of humans.






“Shambolic” plaza just one example of growing by Ken Bennett unrest for future look of Los Gigantes


ESIDENTS in one of south west Tenerife’s prettiest areas are demanding consultations over the future of their communities.

The move comes after growing frustration surrounding the dowdy, unkempt state of the village square in the heart of Los Gigantes. Bougainville square is home of the church and the meeting point for locals and tourists who enjoy sharing quality dining and confectionary experiences. But, despite having more than 300,000 euros being spent on a complete refurbishment, locals say the square’s untidy appearance gives a bad impression of the village to visitors at the start of the tourist season. I took these pictures on a fact-finding mission to visit the square after UK expats expressed mounting exasperation about its overall appearance. And, as the pictures show, some of the areas look very untidy and in need of repair and sprucing up, despite the refurb only being a few years old. Residents claim the square is the catalyst for grievances over what they see as the lack of a strategic plan for Los Gigantes and Puerto Santiago. One respected long term resident, told me:” Various ad hoc developments are progressing, publicly promoted and privately, without us having had or seen a clear direction or Future Objective Plan we as a community are trying to work towards.” “Santiago del Teide do have their ideas, but these do not necessarily coincide with the aspirations of local residents and all the businesses in the area. “ “ Success in Los Gigantes and Puerto Santiago will only really be achieved when the community itself is fully consulted - not told - about their views as to the perceived future as they see it, and then

be fully prepared to support the Ayuntamiento in its efforts to achive that objective.” He went on:”Los Gigantes currently presents a poor advertisement, with its tatty square and side streets. “We accept improvements are mooted for traffic restriction on these side streets, but to what purpose? “ “The centre or Bougainville Square is an environmental disaster, with its previous ‘character’ far more appropriate than the present one, as tourist attraction its aimed to provide. “The Council say they do appreciate the local economy, both directly and indirectly, depend upon tourism. “And proposed recent development schemes tend to suggest Los Gigantes is seen as a more ‘up-market’ end of the tourist industry on the Island. “ “ So what are we going to do to make Santiago del Teide more attractive to the better off and likely older sections of the international community, who can afford a bit of luxury, culture and special treatment? “Santiago de Teide prides itself on its historic beginnings,”’he declared. “But it not time that its coastal provisions also reflect this culture, craftsmanship and traditions of the Island? “ We need, after all, to be different and offer something special; the location is ideal, but the architecture-environmental fabric that exists at present falls far short of what is desired.” And he pointed to the square as “an ideal example of Santiago del Teide’s inability to address its critical nature as central to the village of Los Gigantes, and the tourist perception.” He declared:”Currently the square is a disaster. This was

largely due to the limitation of the last administration and its leadership. “The village was way down the pecking order, and funds were squeezed.” And he and others urged the current mayor, Snr Emilio Navarro, to hold a “big conversation” with residents and businesses to determine

the whole community’s priorities. “It’s the same old problem, because local politicians think it would show weakness to involve ‘the people’ in the decision making process, consequently no heed is taken of our pleas. “In fact the complete opposite is true,” he stated.

“The Mayor should now be confident enough in his Mayoral Office to explore ideas amongst everyone. “If we can find a Future Development Plan everyone can support, that can then be used with full public mandate for funding bids.” Another UK resident said:”We are all very proud of thev village. It has a

unique charm. But the square is an embarrassment. “We appreciate there may be problems with the materials that can’t be altered. But surely it could be smartened up? It just looks so incredibly scruffy ... “It sets the wrong tone for the community,” he added sadly.



new route is linking the Basque city of Vitoria with the airport of Tenerife South, a connection that will be operated by Ryanair airline twice a week.

The island’s tourism councillor, Alberto Bernabé, said “this new connection will allow us to strengthen our presence in the Peninsula, our second most important market behind the British.” According to Sr. Barnabas, this route “will make it easier for Basque visitors to fly directly to Tenerife and enjoy the island’s offer as a holiday destination.” The connections for this new route will be on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The insular adviser forecasts that this connection with Vitoria will last until October 28th and that it is repeated every year in the same period until 2020. According to the data published by AENA, and adding this new connection, Ryanair connects Tenerife with 41 airports in the European continent, of which seven are peninsular: Barcelona, Madrid, Santander, Santiago, Seville and Valencia, in addition to that mentioned in Vitoria. Ryanair, with a volume of arrival traffic to the Island of 1,128,610 passengers in 2016, is the main company by volume of traffic transported to the Island, with a quota of 15.5% of the total traffic of arrival. Globally, this airline moves more than 119 million passengers a year, operating more than 1,800 daily flights from 84 bases and connecting more than 200 destinations in 33 countries





Arsonist caught in the act in Puerto


UBLIC awareness played a large part in capturing an arsonist who was caught in the act in Puerto de la Cruz.

Police say they received a tip-off from a resident who saw suspicious behaviour and several other witnesses also came forward. Officers were able to arrest


a 65-year-old man with 13 police records for arson and theft. The incident happened in the early hours in calle Guerrero when the emergency services were alerted to a fire.

Police went to the scene and found a palm tree and a paper container on fire but were able to extinguish the flames themselves. They were then told by a resident about another fire nearby which had been started in a coil of copper wiring. Firefighters had to attend on this occasion to put it out. Witnesses were able to give a description of a man seen starting the fires and he was arrested in the area. The value of the container exceeds 1,100 euros and the value of damages caused and the replacement of copper coils exceed 18,000 euros. The value of the container is more than 1,100 euros and the value of damages caused and the replacement of copper coils exceed 18,000 euros.

Pedestrian dies in Santa Cruz 69-year-old woman has died following an accident in Santa Cruz.

The incident happened along the famous Rambla just after 9pm. Police are investigating what happened but first reports suggest she either suffered some sort of fall and was hit by a bus or was in collision with the vehicle. The 112 emergency centre said she received multiple injuries and was in cardiac arrest when medics arrived. Resuscitation techniques were started before she was transferred in a critical condition to hospital where she later died.


Granadilla chosen for positive parenting project


RANADILLA has been selected at national level to pilot a pioneering work experience project with families.

The Positive Parenting scheme will be developed by the children and family social services area of the local council. The online platform, promoted by the Ministr y of Health, Social Services and Equality and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities

and Provinces, aims to promote the positive exercise of parenting and reinforce its role in the formation of public services. “Granadilla de Abona is committed to positive parenting,” said social services councillor, María de la O Gaspar González.

Positive Parenting refers to the action of parents and legal guardians to care for, educate and encourage the full development of children and adolescents. The web resource offers a space where families can find information, guidance, reasons for reflection and, above all, a positive message that accompanies them in their day to day.







Guía de Isora Hoteliers in new tough unveils new tourism website stance against false food PROSECUTION WARNING

poisoning claims


RITISH tourists visiting Spain this summer WILL be prosecuted for filing false food claims, fed-up hoteliers have announced. One year after the first compensation case was setted, Spanish hotels have finally declared “enough is enough” and say they intend to fight back. “We will no longer be a soft touch!” said a spokesman for Cehat, the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Lodgings following a meeting with ABTA. Until now, hotels faced with food poisoning claims from Brits have paid out rather than putting up a challenge, even though they know the allegations of having fallen ill are totally false. Some of the pay-outs are


HE Department of Tourism of Guía de Isora has launched its new website.

The page brings together everything that the municipality can offer the visitor. Councillor for tourism José Miguel Mesa said the web was one of the most important instruments for the promotion of the destination. The new website has an easier and direct navigation, which increases the visibility and contributes to an increase in the number of visits. “You cannot understand a website that is not effective and interactive,” said Sr. Mesa. Guia de Isora has become one of the reference municipalities in Tenerife thanks to its diversity of resources. It has an extensive coast whose

resources have been improved for the enjoyment of all; natural and ethnographic heritage; nature activities and a varied gastronomic and leisure offer in its 17 nuclei. In addition, it combines an accommodation offer in outstanding luxury hotels or small rural properties. The new website www.guiadeisora.travel is adapted to the tablet and mobile format; with information in Spanish, English and German; with a section of material downloads (municipal street and audio guides) and a complete bank of images. The council intends to continuously update and expand the site.

as much as 5,000 pounds and there have been reports of whole families receiving the same amount EACH. Cehat has been pressing for action for the last year but says it is fed-up with waiting for action from the British authorities. It is signalling a “clear change of direction” over the false food poisoning claims and warns any Brit lying will be taken to court. Action is also being directed at the so-called “claim lawyers” who send representatives out to Spanish hotels to encourage British tourists to make the claims simply by signing a form.

The hoteliers say the ringleaders behind the scam will be hunted out and also prosecuted. They say they are no longer willing to pay the false claims which have cost the industry 60 million euros and are set to get worse this summer unless there is a major clampdown. “All defrauders will be brought before the Spanish courts,” said secretar y general of the Spanish confederation, Ramon Estalella. Meetings have taken place with ABTA and industr y representatives in Madrid, the Canary Islands, the Balearics, Costa del Sol, Benidorm and the Costa Blanca. It is estimated that more than 90 per cent of the food poisoning claims received by tour operators are

fraudulent . “If all these cases were really true, an epidemic would have been declared across Spain,” said a Cehat spokesman. The hoteliers say other measures implemented, such as information and warning campaigns, have failed to work which is why the tough new stance is being adopted. “The false claims continue to come in like a relentness drip,” they say. Until now, hoteliers in Spain have regarded paying out as the cheaper option. “We just cannot wait any longer for long-term measures,” said Ramon Estalella. “The message is clear. The Spanish hotel industr y wants a solution and wants it now.”

Capital moves another step forward in “city open to the sea” project


ANTA Cruz council and Tenerife Cabildo have signed an agreement for the Port-City link project.

Both administrations will invest close to five million so that the capital can enjoy the close proximity of the sea. The agreement was signed by the mayor of the city, José Manuel Bermúdez and the president of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso. The work will be concentrated in the area around the Plaza de España and is scheduled to begin before the end of this year.

The economic investment will be almost five million euros (4,968,740 euros), of which the Cabildo will pay 70 per cent (3,477,963 euros), and the rest (1,490,555 euros) by the city council. Sr. Bermúdez said: “This is a step forward with which we want the residents of this city, and also visitors, to enjoy their free time and leisure nearer the sea.” Sr. Alonso highlighted the

collaboration between both administrations “which allows actions to improve the environment and the quality of life of citizens.” The project to be carried out, by the architects Herzog and De Meuron, corresponds to the first phase, which includes the space delimited by the facade of the Cabildo and the south entrance to the tunnels to the access to the existing underground parking . It incorporates part of the surface already executed of the area to repair the

damages caused by the works of the Vía Litoral. This is the most important section in the conformation of the city front, an essential aspect, in turn, to solve the transit of cruise passengers and ensure the connection of itineraries with the marina and the planned building. The project includes considerable earth moving, landscaping, foundation support, waterproofing, paving, railings, circular benches and street furniture. Facilities will also be put in for two future kiosks.

Volunteers invited for coastal clean-up


N June 11th, a coastal and seabed cleaning will be carried out on the coast of Santiago del Teide.

This activity is part of the celebration of World Oceans Day. The big clean-up, starting at 10am, has been organised by the Espibute Diving Club and the Diving Spirit Club Padi Dive Centre in collaboration with the local council of Santiago del Teide, Volunteer Firefighters, Civil Protection, Association of Entrepreneurs and Merchants of Santiago del Teide (ASEMTEIDE), together with different associations and private companies. Those who wish to participate in the activity must be present at 10am in the public square of Puerto de Santiago. After the working day, the participants will enjoy a well-deserved lunch and different activities, games and talks on the small beach of Puerto de Santiago.

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Los Realejos Guía de Isora wants more gets tough on policing despite downward owners of abandoned cars trend in crime


ouncil leaders in Guia de Isora want policing stepped up even though the latest figures say crime has gone down and detection increased.


OS Realejos has sounded another warning to the owners of abandoned cars by imposing the municipality’s first fine of 1,000 euros.

The local council says it will continue its tough stance and says financial penalties can be multiplied under the Canary Islands’ Waste Law if people don’t take the situation seriously. The Mayor, Manuel Domínguez said the authority had imposed the 1,000 euro fine for the abandonment of a vehicle on the public highway at the close of a year of surveillance, denunciation and withdrawal of the vehicle. He warned that in addition to action at local level, they had alerted the Canary Government which could also act under the Waste Law. The municipal ordinance classifies that local sanctions can reach 2,000 euros for the owners, while any action initiated by the Government of the Canary Islands according to the Autonomous Waste Act, which typifies abandoned cars as hazardous and polluting material, can greatly increase this amount. Sr. Dominguez said that in the case of the car which had led to a 1,000 euro fine, it had been in a deplorable state with broken windows, deflated tyres, bits missing from inside and deteriorated paintwork and number plate. “We are talking about something which was a nuisance for the owner but they must realise that their responsibility does not stop there when a car is abandoned,” he said. The 1,000 euro fine could have been avoided as the council offers a free collection service if the owner got in touch to give permission for it to be removed and the location details. The departments of the environment and security have been liaising over the issue which causes a nuisance to residents and is harmful to the environment. They get advice from the municipal legal services and then recommend any actions. The Mayor said there was a lot of evidence to suggest that the owners of some of the cars abandoned in the municipality, if not the majority, were actually owned by people who lived outside Los Realejos but were coming here to dump their waste.

According to the reports of the Civil Guard Command of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the security indexes in the municipality have improved significantly, especially in the first months of 2017. Compared with the year 2016, the crime rate drops by three points in the regional average and stands at nine per cent. Also noteworthy is the increase in the clarification of cases by agents, up to 20 per cent. However, the local council has expressed its concern regarding thefts detected in houses and establishments of the municipality in recent months. The Mayor, Pedro Martín, said this was still causing concern among residents and

business owners so the police work had to be stepped up. Action is also being called for on illegal street car racing in the area of La Chiquita. As a result of the latest neighborhood complaints, surveillance has increased and 58 files have been opened for violations of road safety, with ten per cent of them being for reckless driving. “We have already put in place a device to reinforce security in that stretch because it poses a real risk for drivers and residents and we will continue with surveillance,” said the subdelegate of the Government in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Guillermo Díaz Guerra . There has also been a debate on the need to improve

signalling on that road by adding horizontal signals; sound elements and warning bands to slow down and increase safety in the area. In the face of summer, the collaboration of the Autonomous Police has also been requested, especially for events in which there are large crowds, such as the festivities of the coast. Councillor for citizen

security, Ángeles González said: “We have new challenges and we must be vigilant and continue to strengthen surveillance, so we ask that human resources and technical resources be increased.” He said the municipality was under enormous pressure because of the increase in the local population and in visitor numbers.


Dramatic fire in garage affects dozens of residents


fire in a garage in La Laguna turned out to have serious consequences for residents of the residential block of flats.

Firemen from La Laguna and La Orotava were called out to deal with the 3am incident in calle San Andrés in the San Matías district. The alert was raised at 3.18am when someone noticed a large amount of smoke coming from the basement of the building. They dialled 112 and said an unknown number of cars had been affected. Seven units went to the

scene and managed to put out the blaze and ventilate the building. Three vehicles were destroyed and others parked nearby were affected. The national and local police attended, together with emergency medics. The Mayor of La Laguna, José Alberto Díaz visited the site the next morning to talk to residents who were affected by the fire in the building which

has 119 apartments. He was told that a number of cars were damaged when parts of the roof caved in. Many of the residents were left without TV, telephone and

water following the fire. The Mayor also enquired about two firefighters who were reportedly affected by the smoke but he was told but were well.






Santa Cruz backs new platform against the submerged economy


ANTA Cruz city council has given its support to a new campaign against the submerged economy.

The authority is supporting the new technological platfor m of Femete, the Federation of Metal and New Technology companies. The “YoSoyLegal” project intends to give a significant impetus to the incorporation of new technologies and innovation in the fight against the submerged economy that exists among companies in the sector, with the aim of exerting a significant influence on their productivity and competitiveness in the long term.

The Mayor of the city, José Manuel Bermúdez, together with the president of Femete, Alberto Villalobos; the second deputy mayor and councillor of organisation, technology and citizen participation, Marisa Zamora, and the ninth deputy mayor and councillor for economic promotion, Alfonso Cabello, presented details of the initiative at city hall. Sr. Bermudez congratulated Femete for the project and reiterated the Consistory’s

willingness to collaborate in the fight against the submerged economy and in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises in the municipality. The Mayor pointed out in this regard that the platform provides information on legal services, on the one hand, and avoiding problems for consumers to hire companies that are not legalised and on which it is difficult to apply the legislation in defence of users . Sr. Villalobos stressed that “ YoSoyLegal” intends to continue combating the submerged economy “in the positive”, putting in value those small and medium enterprises that are totally legalised. He added that Femete includes 26 sectoral associations and that the initiative is open to the participation of other organisations and entities, in addition to all those micro-SMEs and freelancers who so desire. Sr. Zamora recalled that the City Council works in different lines of collaboration with Femete and that this is one of them, “which aims to tackle a

complex problem, especially in Spain, which is the third country in the European Union in which the submerged economy punishes the legal productive fabric “. Sr. Cabello stressed that any initiative that seeks to strengthen the presence of SMEs in the municipality contributed to the improvement of the economic situation of the municipality. The council said that 25 per cent of the companies registered in Tenerife are in Santa Cruz and 21 perc ent of the self-employed, as well. The project “YoSoyLegal” is a search engine for professionals, SMEs and freelancers, where anyone can easily locate, contact, send photos, compare and request quotes (no commitment), rate the service they have received and also win prizes and benefit from exclusive promotions. No search will be made for those activities that are in an irregular or illegal situation. It is precisely in this

endeavour to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the business fabric of the province so that Femete has decided to take a step further and offer through this project a new and powerful tool, designed to encourage the use of new technologies between companies of the sector in the fight against the professional intrusion and the unfair competition that the submerged economy causes. The main objectives of this platform are the promotion of companies and professionals who are in legal status (associates or collaborators) to fight against clandestinity, in addition to providing society with added value and quality and to inform in greater depth to professionals and consumers of the guarantees offered by a legal company against an irregular or clandestine, thus raising awareness of the population. At present, 2,281 companies or professionals are already registered in the platform.



Drugs raid in Adeje


strong smell of marijuana led to a police raid in Adeje.

Officers were carrying out routine drug surveillance when the odour led them to a flat in calle Madrid. They discovered a clandestine plantation of marijuana and seized nine plants, two bags of buds and stems and several glass jars with buds. The police action took place at the beginning of May when national police of the South Tenerife police station carried out work on prevention and protection of public safety. The plants were found growing in an area of land next to some apartments.








Ten arrested for renting out holiday homes which never existed


RITISH holidaymakers are believed to be among the victims of a 500,000 euros sting after renting out Spanish holiday homes which never existed.

Police say at least 300 people have been ripped off by the scam which offered villas and luxury apartments, mostly in the Canary Islands and Mallorca, via the internet. The unsuspecting families either paid a large deposit or the full amount and only discovered the fraud when they arrived for their break in Spain. “This was either because the so-called landlord failed to pick them up at the airport or they tried to find a villa which never existed or if it did, was certainly not available for rent,” said a spokesman for the Spanish police. Ten people suspected of organising the fraud have been arrested for placing the false internet advertisements and opening bank accounts with forged documents. “We believe there are more than 300 people affected internationally since the accounts received a multitude of transfers and banking revenues mainly from foreign countries,” said the spokesman. The scam involved searching the internet for any attractive properties, regardless of whether they were real rental properties or private homes, and then posted their own details. The gang was so crafty they even managed to dupe authentic holiday home companies by phoning them up and pretending to be computer engineers. They claimed there was a fault on the internet which needed to be repaired and got passwords from the unsuspecting rental firms. They would then “pinch” the details of real holiday homes and offer them for rent at substantially lower prices. Investigations began earlier this year when police learned that Romanian nationals were opening bank accounts with false documents in the city and province of Valencia. They discovered that an organisation was opening up different web pages, using foreign servers, and posting bogus pictures of Spanish holiday homes for rent. The gang even posted false comments and recommendations by so-called previous clients. “Customers contacted the advertiser via e-mails, agreed to the terms of the rental, and paid in advance all or part of the price by international transfer to the bank account they were given,” said the police. Once the gang had received the money, they made cash withdrawals at ATMs in different branches and took it out of Spain through fast money companies, directly and in cash on trips to Romania or through internet banking transfers. “The victims were not aware of the fraud until they arrived in Spain and discovered that they had been scammed when the landlord had not gone to pick them up at the airport as they had agreed, or when they reached the address indicated where there was no apartment or one which was certainly not for rent,” said the spokesman.

Diver taken to hospital


School pupils receive life-saving tips

38-year-old Danish man was rushed to hospital after suffering signs of decompression in a diving incident.

The emergency services were alerted by colleagues and brought the police, Civil Guard and medics to the scene in El Rosario. The 112 centre said the man had been diving off the coast of Tabaiba when he got into difficulty and fell ill on leaving the water. He was treated for decompression sickness before being taken on to hospital. His condition was described as “less serious”.


TUDENTS and future rescuers of the project ‘Socorrismo Granadilla 2016’ are carrying out an information and safety campaign.

It is being aimed at different groups in the municipality to publicise basic prevention and safety measures so the local bathing areas can be enjoyed to the maximum this summer. This initiative began this May in the school community with talks to the 4th, 5th and 6th

grade of CEIP Montaña Roja de El Médano, taking into account the proximity of the holidays and the longest period of inflows to the beaches. During the presentations, different participatory dynamics are carried out with the

students and contents are given on life-saving material, interpretation of the safety signalling and functions of the rescuer, among other subjects. This campaign will continue, with plans to develop, also, different groups of elderly and people with functional diversity. The project of training in alternation with the employment of youth guarantee ‘Socorrismo Granadilla 2016’, is promoted by the City of Granadilla de Abona and cofinanced by the Canar y Employment Service, the European Social Fund and the council itself. This programme began at the end of last year and its main objective is to train and give employment for eleven months to 15 young people of the municipality, who will obtain the certificate of professio-nalism on lifeguard in natural aquatic spaces and other complementary formations.

Friends of Tenerife


INCE our last report we have visited the Red Cross in Puerto de la Cruz and left them with 500 euros to help them carry on with their splendid work with the poor families of the valley.

Here is our president, Ken Fisher, handing over the cheque to Don Heliodoro González Real, the Vice President accompanied by Señora Soledad Otero the coordinator for the north of the island. Our latest lunch in support of our worthy causes was held at restaurant , El Padrino, in the La Paz area, and was well attended by our resident members who never let us down. The same can be said for El Padrino. Don Amadeus and his staff provided us with a superb three course meal with wine and something special which is most appreciated - first class service with impeccable timing. We will certainly be returning. We were also honoured by the presence of our ex-president Helen

Jamieson and one of our founder members Dawn Rutherford. Let me remind you that the next Car Boot will be held at All Saints Church, Taoro Park on Saturday June 3rd. This will be the last Car Boot of the season. We would like to thank members and non-members

who rallied to the call and supplied us with fine items to offer the bargain hunters at the last Car Boot. If there is anyone contemplating getting a box or two ready for us we would love you to contact Andrew on 822.902295 or 606564268 who will arrange collection.

FUTURE EVENTS Tuesday 20th June - Lunch at Petit Los Angeles. 13.00 for 13.50. Members 16.50 euros Tuesday 27th June – Special Bargain Price Coach Trip to El Medano and on to Iceland 8.00 euros Two hours free time in El Medano then on to Iceland. Coach outside the Botanical Garden 11.15 for 11.30. Book now and avoid disappointment. Phone Maureen on 922.341979 or Jean on 922.384809






All the news from Acción del Sol


NE young boy Luke from CEIP Los Cristianos school who visited Accion Del Sol to participate in our educational programme recently was so impressed with our hard work he decided to do something himself. Being an animal lover with two of his own dogs at home, he decided he would like to help the refuge, so he began to save some of his pocket money. Luke very proudly presented the refuge with 27 euros which will be put towards the care of the dogs. We are so pleased with Luke and his commitment and unselfishness to help the dogs. We would like to say a very big thank you for his very kind donation.

Your help Please do call the refuge on 922778630 if you can help

in any way. We are always in need of tinned dog food for our older dogs, as well as blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, and collars and leads. If you have any of the above to spare they would be very much appreciated at the refuge, or visit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 14.0017.00pm and Saturdays 13.0016.00. We are situated directly under the Eolica Parque exit 52 on the TF1 north bound which is after the after the El Medano junction . Head for the giant wind-

mills on the coast and we are the buildings on the right hand side or email the refuge at teneriffa@aktiontier.org or visit our Facebook page ,action tier Acciondel Sol.

Great day

The sun shone down on our fund-raising event and what a great day was had by the dogs and our many supporters. We would like to say a big thank you to all the people that supported the event and to the hard working staff at the refuge who made the day possible. A great day was had by all with the finale being a foam party for the children. Many of the children who have been involved in our educational programme participated in our event with

displays of dancing and other sport activities .

Savages in Foreign Lands: new film about the Guanches by Steve Andrews


F you live in Tenerife or are a visitor to the island you may well have heard about the Guanches, the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, who lived here before the Spanish Conquest. There are many theories about these mysterious people and their origins, including the idea that the Romans brought them to the island from North Africa and abandoned them. A new documentary film with the title Savages in Foreign Lands, sets out to unravel the mystery of who the Guanches really were and what their culture was about. It is currently being screened in selected cinemas in Tenerife, La Palma and Gran Canaria. Directed by independent filmmaker Raphael Biss, with much of it shot on location in Tenerife and the Canary Islands, this fascinating documentary is a quest to find and reveal the truth about the Guanches. There are many interviews on the subject of the Guanches that Biss conducted with academics and scholars, including Antonio Tejera Gaspar, a well-known expert on the prehistory of the Canary Islands. But as well as academic views on the Guanches, the film examines alternative theories about these people. For example, did the Guanches build pyramids? It is known that they mummified their dead. What sort of culture and civilisation did the Guanches have? Over three years in the making, and now distributed by ZED, Savages in Foreign Lands is coming back to Tenerife where much of it was filmed. Catch it while you can and discover the world of the Guanches! From 22 May, Savages in Foreign Lands will shown in Multicines Millennium, La Palma. Screenings also at: Cinema Guayres, Gran Canaria, Multiplex Monopol, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and Multiplex Tenerife.

All Saints Church News


LL Saints’ Church is a little piece of England tucked away in Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. The church itself is a typical example of British early English Gothic Revival style, with pairs of lancet windows to the side aisles. The sanctuary has a floor of patterned clay tiles and to the south on the wall is a very large reproduction of “ The Light of the World” by Holman Hunt which was given to the church as a memorial in the 1930s. The church also features stained glass windows. The most remarkable is the west window with its vibrant colour depicting repesentative figures of prophet, apostle, archbishop and martyr all encompassed by the words of the Te Deum. All Saints Church is well worth a visi. It is usually open Tuesday, Wednesday for a Service of Holy Communion at 10am and Thursday morning, also of course on Sundays for the two Services. 9.30am Tradional Service of Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer and our Sung Eucharist Service at 11am. During June we are very grateful to Reverends Bob and Judie Horrocks from Fuerteventura who are coming to take our Services. They will be with us from June 3rd to June 12th after which sees the return of Canon MIchael Rees from June 16th to the end of July.

On Wednesday June 7th we are very privileged to have the Archdeacon of Gibraltar, Reverend Canon Geoff Johnston to lead our 10am Service of Holy Communion. Rayco our church organist continues to hold choir practice lessons on a Thursday evening ( note change of evening) from 8pm to 10pm. Further details from Rayco on 699649454 The last Car Boot of the season will be held on Saturday June 3rd at 11.30 in the church grounds. Our Car Boots are always extremely popular with long waiting lists for the coverted pitch in which to sell your wares. Refresments and snacks are available plus many stalls with a variety of wares. All Saints Church would like to thank everyone for their support over the season.After the summer break Car Boots will continue on October 7th, November4th and the Christmas one on December 2nd. As All Saints Church is in an Interregnum,if you wish to speak to a Priest please phone 922384038 or the Church wardens John on 922373719 or Nikki on 922563349.

Yeri needs an owner


ERI is a podenco cross of medium size of 1 1/2 years old. He is very loving and learns fast. He is active as he is a young dog but will be easily trained to be an excellent dog for somebody.

If you would like to adopt Yeri, please call Rachel on 629 031 273. Or you can visit the refuge between the hours of 10 and 3 Monday to Friday. The Centro de Proteccion Animal de Tierra Blanca is located off the TF1 motorway, about half way between Las Americas and Santa Cruz, by the restaurant Los Chasneros, just 200m above the motorway. They do not ask for adoption fees, only a donation of food and photos to let them know how the dog is getting on in his/her new home. Call 629 031 273.






Alert over newly-born and abandoned kittens



T’S springtime in Tenerife. That means blossom, and pollen, and sunshine and blue skies and kittens, plenty of kittens.

It also means kittens born to street cats and family cats that end up being dumped in the bin. Please keep an eye, and an ear, on the public bins, and random boxes left in car parks or on the side of the road. If you find some newly born kittens what should you do? Have they been dumped or are they street cats whose mother has gone off to get some food? If you see kittens inside a box next to a rubbish bin it’s clear that they have been aban-

doned. It is not so clear if you find them somewhere odd (a plant pot, or in the middle of the street). In this case: Don’t touch them. It could be that the mum is moving them from one place to another and if they catch your scent some mother cats will reject their babies. Watch from a distance. Stay where you can see the kittens but are not scaring the mum in case she comes back.

K9 news update

whales and dolphins in their natural environment; swim and snorkel in clear blue waters and enjoy food and drinks aboard the Maxicat? While at the same time helping to raise funds for the K9 wonder-dogs and cats. All at a bargain price of 30 euros per person. What’s not to love? Please come along and support us – you’re sure to have a lovely day while doing so.

K9’s Open Day K9 Maxicat Boat Trip – What’s not to love! Would you like to see

Much of fun was had at last weekend’s Open Day. The K9 wonder-dogs and cats loved showing their visitors around and the beautiful

If you don’t see any adult cat around in about 30 minutes to an hour (depending on how busy the area is) then yes, you may go ahead and take them because the mum is most likely not coming back. Something might have happened or not, but a baby cat can’t stay for long without the warmth of its mother even in the warmth of Tenerife. If you take them home you have to keep them separate from your other cats, if any. This is extremely important. Even if the kittens seem healthy they could have a stomach bug or some other ailments and you need to protect both your own animals and the babies. Contact us immediately for further advice. We may not always be able to take the kittens from you due to limited foster places available but we will always be able to offer advice and care instructions.

Kittens If you are looking for a kitten (or as we recommend, two kittens) then contact us to receive pictures and information of the latest availability. All black kittens have their

weather meant the stalls, barbecue and tombola were very busy. Most important of all, 543 euros was raised and there were many donations of food, snacks and toys on the day. With much thank to everyone who attended and donated to the event.

Meet Our Dogs

We have many dogs - in all shapes and sizes – waiting patiently for their loving, safe and secure forever homes. You can see them all – their stories and pictures – on our website at www.k9tenerife.com Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”.

kitten injections, microchip and neutering paid for by us and if two kittens of any colour are adopted together then we pay for the kitten injections, microchip and neutering of the second kitten. There are no adoption fees and all kittens go on a weeks trial so you can be sure you have made the right decision. We do not allow breeding of any cats adopted from us so there is a contract of care to sign to say that the adopter agrees the kitten will be neutered and vaccinated when old enough. Contact us via our website www.catswelfare-tenerife.com or ring or WhatsApp Maria on 646629129 7 days a week.

Our Shop

Donation items can be dropped into the shop on San Blas in Golf del Sur. It is open 7 days a week 10.00 until 18.00 but on Saturdays closes at 16.00. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate please ring Mark on 636590557 and he will arrange collection.

Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 10:00 and 14:00. Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468 or emailing info@k9tenerife.com

You will also find stories of our dogs, their antics and heartwarming rehomings on facebook by following Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker and also K9 Tenerife.

Be a friend in deed for a friend in need


URING the late 60s early 70s, expat Fred Dudman from the Los Gigantes area was a member of The Bartonian Ballroom Dance Team within the Whitley Bay area. Fred competed in The Come Dancing tournaments in Scotland and England.

Fred Dudman

He is also the reigning title holder of The North of Scotland ballroom dance championship which dissolved allowing Fred and his dance partner to retain the title. Over that period of time.......in his dulcet tones, Fred broadcast on the hospital Radio Lollipop. During this time he managed bar/restaurants in Earston, Whitley Bay. In January 1997 Fred and his partner Glynis came to Tenerife and assumed the roll of management in Lowries bar/restaurant in the centre of Los Gigantes. In August 1997 Fred joined one of the first English speaking local radio stations Power FM and demonstated another of his many talents “on air”. One of his first shows being a tribute to Princess Diana following her horrific, unexpected death. Later in that year during October, Fred’s daughter Tracy was unfortunatly killed in a most horrific car crash, leaving Fred and his family bereft. Fred continued to work hard managing bar/restaurants in the area.....Taganaste Cabaret Bar being one of his most successfull ventures. In March 2016, after what was a slight accident with a “Grua”, Fred’s left leg became ulcerated. Regardless of the treatment his left leg succumbed to gangrene and was duly amputated above the knee. Unfortunately the infection spread into his right leg and on May 10th this year it was also amputated above the knee. Due to Fred’s incapacity he now needs various pieces of equipment to help his immobility. Listed below are a few of the most important items he requires. Electronic Hoist, for bed and bathroom usage. Specially adapted bed with safety rails. Car adaptations including a Swivel passenger seat Various home adaptations. To help Fred through this horrendous time, donations will be gratefully accepted by the following people: Helen at the Handbag shop, Vigilia Park, Puerto Santiago. Ashwin at The Mayfair Jewellers,also Vigilia Park. Keith at Bar Central, Puerto Santiago. Eddie and Hollie at The 60s Bar, Los Gigantes. Please help if you can!






Experts urge action to curb prostitution problems in Canaries

Drugs gang trafficked hashish between Gran Canaria and Tenerife


ETWEEN 2,000 and 3,000 women are currently engaged in prostitution in the Canaries and are facing greater dangers than ever before.

This is one of the findings of a study made last year and led by the expert in the subject and professor at the University of La Laguna, Esther Torrado. Despite the economic crisis, the number of women turning to prostitution has not diminished and more are actually returning to their old trade than ever before. “All of this has meant that in recent years the conditions in which prostitution has developed have deteriorated, with greater insecurity and vulnerability for those who are forced to exercise it and with higher risk conditions,” the professor has told leading Spanish newspaper Diario de Avisos. Her study looks at the reality of women who practise prostitution in the islands, as well as the men who demand this service and the professionals who work to help women. This is the first phase of a work that, it is expected, will continue throughout this year in order to develop a document which gives strategies on how to deal with the issue. Although the number of women engaged in prostitution in the Canaries is estimated at up to 3,000, the real figure could be substantially higher because many of them are “hidden” ie carrying out their trade in their own flats. The report says the vast majority of women are prostitutes because of economic necessity or because they are forced to do so. Most work in the tourist areas or in the cities of Santa Cruz and Las Palmas on Gran Canaria. In the case of the south of Tenerife, clients travel in by car and the experts want action to stop this happening. Many municipalities in Spain have introduced fines to stop prostitutes touting in public open spaces.


OLICE in the Canary Islands have broken up a gang dedicated to moving large caches of hashish between Gran Canaria and Tenerife.

Ten men and a woman, aged between 23 and 44 years, were arrested as alleged perpetrators of a crime of drug trafficking. Although the operation took place between the two Canary provinces, six of the eleven people arrested were stopped in Icod de los Vinos. Nine of

them had police records and all are Spanish except for one Moroccan. They are accused of distributing the drug through parcel companies following the investigation which involved the seizure of 250 kilos of hashish and 210,000 euros.

Canaries lead the way with new project to spotlight on MS



HE European University of the Canary Islands is leading a new project to raise awareness of multiple sclerosis.

The Mielina Project is being carried out jointly with the Pichón Association Trail Project. Between May and December, the academic institution, based in La Orotava, will host a series of sessions aimed at uniting people with this disease, as well as those in their environment ie relatives, friends and therapists. In addition, students of the European University of the Canary Islands helped mark International Multiple Sclerosis Day on May 25th with an initiative called 100 metres (on a treadmill) for multiple sclerosis. “Once again we open ourselves to society and its problems,” said the rector Cristiana Oliveira. “With this project we intend to contribute to improving the quality of life of this group and for this we provide our facilities, our knowledge and our desire and enthusiasm.” Currently, more than 40,000 people suffer multiple sclerosis in Spain. The European University of the Canary Islands and the Pichón Association have scheduled seven sessions in 2017, which will address various aspects that can help or improve the quality of life of the patients, as well as help their relatives and therapists. There will be talks, films, first-hand experiences, laughter and speech therapy sessions, physiotherapy and debates. The project Myelin, which takes its name from the substance that covers the axons of certain nerve cells and is affected in people with multiple sclerosis, aims to make visible the problems that people with this disease may suffer, as well as demand more clinical research The European University of the Canary Islands is the first private higher education institution in the archipelago. At the moment it counts on degrees adapted to the business world in the areas of social sciences and communication, architecture and engineering and health sciences.

The police investigation began at the end of last year, when the shipment of these 250 kilos of hashish was detected when being despatched in the customs of the capital of Tenerife. It was then that the drugs were found and those implicated in Icod de los Vinos were arrested. Further investigations uncovered a group dedicated to transport and distribution between the islands and revealed this seizure was not the first time it had happened. This criminal network carried out the shipments of drugs and money through parcel companies, camouflaged between legal merchandise. For this purpose, they used a team of people with defined functions: some were in charge of preparing the shipments and others to collect them at the destination.







Motorway improvements planned in Gran Canaria


HE Cabildo of Gran Canaria will this year begin the project to improve the Teror road (GC-21) from Miraflor to Las Palmas with a budget of seven million euros. This was announced by the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Angel Víctor Torres who met with the Mayor of the municipality, Gonzalo Rosario. They also took the opportunity to tour with technicians of both corporations several roads and sports infrastructures to assess the projects planned in the town. The performance in the GC21 includes widening the track width and improving the curves to give it greater safety. “We hope to start work this year after decades of waiting for both the municipality of Teror and the middle areas of Gran Canaria,” said Sr. Torres. The Ministr y of Public

Works will implement the project with the least possible environmental impact on the environment and vegetation of the area. “We are undertaking an action of reforestation with almost 300,000 euros that will be destined to this end in consensus with the entities and environmental groups and the

City Council,” said Sr. Torres. Both leaders visited other road projects planned for 2017 and the following year. This is the case of the improvement and conditioning of access to the helmet of Teror from the intersection of San Mateo in Los Llanos. “We are going to widen it and condition the spaces for

pedestrians with the creation of a continuous sidewalk and lighting, among other actions,” he explained. He also presented a proposal to improve the crossing to Valleseco, an old demand of the municipality, which the Cabildo will study, because it is a work with some technical difficulties.

El Hierro updates its road network with better signals


RIVERS on El Hierro will notice substantial improvements on the island’s roads, thanks to an extensive programme of improvements to the vertical signalling. Councillor for infrastructure, Eutimio Armas, reported that the

Cabildo had completed the horizontal signalling work on the

HI-5 (PK.11.460-12.540) at the exit of the tunnel Los Roquillos, as well as the improvement of vertical signalling on the roads of the island of El Hierro. The work was carried out by the company Señalizaciones Miranda, on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructures, Works and Roads of the Cabildo Insular, with a budget of 24,620.59€. It has enabled, on the one hand, to provide an overtaking lane at the exit of the tunnel , on the route from Valverde to Frontera, “since it was something that could not be done on a 5.5 km stretch of road,

frequently leaving motorists behind a heavy vehicle during a long route. Kilometre milestones have also been installed on the island’s highways: Valverde to Frontera by the summit (HI-1); Port of La Estaca to Valverde (HI-2), Airport-Valverde (HI-3); San Andrés to La Restinga (HI4), and Valverde to Frontera by the Los Roquillos tunnel (HI5). These were missing before and now give better information to motorists, visitors and tourists. It also allows better identification in the event of a breakdown or accident.


Armed drugs gang sailed so slowly they had to ration food!


drugs gang trying to smuggle 2,500 kilos of cocaine into Spain used a fishing boat so old that they had to ration food during the painfully slow journey, police have revealed. The tatty vessel, which was taking weeks to cross the Atlantic, was known as the “last trip boat” and was only just able to keep afloat. It was in such a bad condition that the gang only intended to use it once and planned to scrap it. The fishing boat, flying a Venezuelan flag, was spotted about 1,000 miles from Martinique but changed course when the crew spotted the police. Spain’s National Police followed it until they were eventually able to get on board. “The men offered no resistance even though there was a gun near the fishing hold,” said a spokesman. The operation was planned in association with the authorities from the United States, the UK and Portugal. All seven crew members

were arrested and the boat was towed into Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands where the drugs were unloaded. Those arrested are all Venezuelan. Police were tipped off in January that a South American gang based in Spain was planning a big cocaine drop. The old fishing boat was located in March but it was not intercepted until May 4th, confirmed the head of customs of the Tax Agency in the Canary Islands, María Ortega. Police say the 80 bales of cocaine were destined for distribution across Europe. “The fishing boat was so old that it was forced to sail very slowly towards the Canary Islands which meant a major delay in the journey,” said the spokesman, “so much so that it was necessary to ration provisions.”

Hiker airlifted after fall


65-year-old German woman was injured after suffering a fall in La Palma.

The accident happened just after noon in the National Park of La Caldera de Taburiente in El Paso. Because of the difficult location, the emergency helicopter was called in and airlifted the injured woman to the helipad at La Palma General Hospital. The hiker needed treatment for a lower leg injury which was described as “less severe”.





Fancy a snack? New land law hailed as golden Try a cactus opportunity for La Gomera burger!


PAIN’S new Land Law will provide opportunities for the development of La Gomera, politicians have stressed.



new cactus burger is causing quite a stir in Lanzarote as it becomes the first snack of its kind in Spain.

This original and innovative gastronomic proposal made from local products can be tasted, appropriately enough, in the Garden of Cactus. The idea originates from the Cabildo’s Centres of Art, Tourism and Culture and fuses the star product of American fast food with the culinary use of the plant. The end result is a dish, exotic and rich, and loaded with beneficial properties for the body: a cactus burger in

tomato bread, goat yogurt sauce with smoked cheese and arugula, made from ingredients one hundred per cent of Lanzarote origin. And all to be enjoyed in the most fitting of environments surrounded by cacti. “We have incorporated this culinary delight because we firmly believe that this readaptation of a traditional culture to the contemporary contributes to guarantee a full and memorable experience

The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, and the president of the Cabildo of La Gomera, Casimiro Curbelo, led a round table meeting to discuss the implications of the legislation. Those present included the mayors of the island and business representatives. Sr. Clavijo said the “Ley del Suelo” would “provide an opportunity for the development of the island, since it will allow diversification of activity and economic growth and, therefore, creation of em-

ployment “. According to the Canarian president, the new text will become an excellent instrument of growth, since it has been developed with two fundamental objectives: to eliminate bureaucracy and, therefore, to accelerate both planning and development, to facilitate management of the land; and make the Canary Islands more competitive by making feasible the implementation of activities that generate added value. Fernando Clavijo explained that the main feature of this rule

for all the senses for the visitor to the Garden of Cactus,” says the tourism advisor of the Cabildo of Lanzarote, Echedey Eugenio. “It also adds value to the island’s primary sector.” The use of cacti in the diet goes back to pre-Columbian times and was even known in the days of the Aztecs. Cactus helps stabilise blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, cleans blood vessels and the

colon, protects the liver, softens the stomach, promotes the feeling of being full and reduces hangovers! The cactus burger is suitable for vegetarians, celiac in its version without bread, and suitable for those intolerant to lactose, eggs and nuts. In short, the new hamburger is “healthy, sustainable, functional, different and innovative.”

is that it covers rustic soil, one of the most important for an island like La Gomera. “The Law of the Land has been drawn from the reality of each of the islands, from the debate and from the search for meeting points to take into account the characteristics of each of the islands that make up the Canaries,” he said. “This law defends something as important to the archipelago as conservation and sustainability, while facilitating the progress of society,” With reference to agricultural land, Sr. Clavijo explained that this law not only preserves it but protects it and offers the possibility of establishing activities that complement the income of the farmer or rancher. Along with this, it encourages industrial activities and those of added value. “The text tries to end the rigidity of current regulations and lets each island decide to adjust its development model to its characteristics,” he summarised. Casimiro Curbelo said that

the approval of the new regulation will be a further step towards the diversification of the productive fabric of La Gomera, since it opens the door to the promotion of activities that until now were limited. In this way, he highlighted the fight against the abandonment of farmland as one of the clearest examples. “The Land Law will give us instruments to implement activities linked to the primary sector that make this a tool to generate employment and wealth,” he said. Sr. Curbelo explained that farmers and ranchers expect a law that dealt with, among other issues, the legalisation of livestock farms; offer solutions to public or private initiatives that want to stimulate the sector, and respond to the problems of marketing and production of agricultural products. “What we need is to be more competitive; eliminate bureaucracy; and give greater agility and efficiency to initiatives that seek the best for our land, “ said the president.






More foreign workers register with social security


HE average number of foreign workers registered with the Spanish Social Security system stood at 1,797,872 in April.

A month-on-month rise of 3.34% was posted, equivalent to 58,152 more workers. This is the best figure in a month of April since 2005 (60,005). The year-on-year rate of foreign workers rose by 6.82%, or 114,781 more workers than in April 2016. The highest figures for foreign workers contributing to the Social Security system correspond to Romania (327,008), Morocco (231,120), China (97,686), Italy (92,384) and Ecuador (68,435). These countries are followed by the United Kingdom (63,470), Bulgaria (59,180), Colombia (52,886), and Bolivia (49,052). In month-on-month terms, the number of National Insurance contributors increased in all autonomous regions and cities, with particularly noteworthy increases in the Balearic Islands (13,581), Andalusia (12,104) and the Region of Murcia (3,919). The figures posted for April show that 1,032,200 of the total foreign citizens registered with the Spanish Social Security system are from countries outside of the European Union, while the remaining 765,672 are from EU countries. The majority of foreign citizens are registered under the General Regime: 1,503,767 in total, a figure that includes the Special System for Agricultural Workers (224,959) and the Special System for Domestic Workers (187,470). This is followed by the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers (289,400), the Special Regime for Seamen (4,547) and the Special Regime for Coal Workers (158). Of the total foreign citizens in the system in April, 994,749 are men and 803,123 are women.



Two men arrested for “electronic Jihad” activities N ATIONAL Police have arrested two members of a terrorist cell in Madrid linked to DAESH and specialised in carrying out electronic


Officers from the General Commissariat of Intelligence of the National Police arrested the two men, aged 43 and 22, both of Moroccan nationality. They are accused of belonging to a terrorist cell specialised in carrying out electronic Jihad, consisting of the mass dissemination of audiovisual material aimed at recruiting large numbers of followers around the world for their conversion, in the jargon of the terrorist group DAESH, to cyberwarriors. ”The two detainees were involved in an advanced and dangerous process of radicalisation which led them to repeatedly view material apt

for self-training, thus capacitating them to become ‘inghimasi’ fighters individuals prepared to carry out terrorist attacks on European soil following the modus operandi used in the past in attacks on cities in the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and France through the commission of suicide attacks or the manufacture of home-made explosive devices,” said a police spokesman. One of the detainees, aged 43 and the main target of the investigation, maintained ongoing contact with more than 100 web beacons designed to provide DAESH terrorist training. Despite his reduced circle

of relations, which was very limited since he spent most of his time at home, the investigators detected contact he maintained with the second detainee with whom he shared his radical ideology and his frequent activity on the Internet. This new operation comes within the framework of the ongoing work that the General

Commissariat of Intelligence of the National Police has been carrying out as part of the fight against Jihadi terrorism in all its shapes and forms, through Jihadi cells, recruitment and facilitation networks, lone wolves and in combating the dangerous consolidation of DAESH in the virtual world.


Four die as wooden house in “shanty town” goes up in flames


OUR people, including a mother and her two children, have perished after an old house constructed of wood turned into a blazing infierno. Eight other people were seriously hurt and at least another dozen were treated at the scene for burns or smoke

inhalation. Several of the occupants jumped from windows to escape the flames, including

one man who suffered 50 per cent burns. Another woman also had extensive burns and at least three children who also jumped out of windows had broken ankles or leg injuries. The tragedy happened at around 6.30am in the Zorroza

district of Bilbao. The cause is not yet known but a full investigation is already underway. It took firefighters more than two hours to bring the blaze in the three-storey building under control. The house was part of an area of old properties used by members an ethnic group, according to sources. Firemen were able to stop the blaze spreading to other properties because it was a detached building. The Mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto visited the scene of the tragedy and expressed his condolences. Spanish newspapers say there have been complaints about the rundown area for some time and the dangers involved for people living in the abandoned buildings. Just recently, police were called to one of the houses where an electricity supply had been illegally connected.





Horror scene as dead couple are “eaten” by pet dogs


Spain’s Eurovision singer comes in for leg-pulling


OLICE in Mallorca are investigating the macabre discovery of an elderly couple whose remains were apparently eaten by their dogs!


PANISH singer Manel Navarro came in for some leg-pulling after his performance in the Eurovision Song Contest!

Followers of Twitter and Facebook went into over-drive after a rooster suddenly appeared on the edge of the stage as his entry “Do it for your lover” came to an end. Social media commentators had lots of fun at the singer’s expense, with many clips featuring other singing animals. One joker even posted a video of a singing cockerel wearing a pair of trainers! The singer himself said he was rather surprised at getting just five points and “had not expected to come last”. However, he intended to hold his head high despite all the stick coming his way. “We did a very good job,” he said afterward. “It has been an experience that I will always remember for the better. Maybe they didn’t like the song, it wasn’t Eurovision but self-criticism? None!” He felt the performance went very well, despite the surprise appearance of the cockerel but it hadn’t put him off his stride. “I don’t want to make a drama of this,” he said. The Spanish singer later took to Twitter himself, retweeting the singing rooster with the post...”Even if there was an uninvited guest!” There’s no official word about WHY the rooster was on the stage although it is thought it might have been a prop from another act or even deliberately let loose.

Prime Minister says he will not be blackmailed over Catalonia


PAIN’S Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy says he will not tolerate “blackmail” from those who threaten independence for Catalonia.

However, he says he will discuss the proposal put forward by the President of the Regional Parliament of Catalonia, if the latter has the “courage” to present it in the Lower House of Parliament. At the government control session held in the Upper House of Parliament, Mariano Rajoy stressed that the Government of Spain will

“preserve” democracy and the rule of law that exist in Spain, which demands respect for the rules and law from everyone. This was the reply given by the President of the Government of Spain to the Member of the Upper House for Esquerra Republicana [Republican Left], Mirella Cortès Gès, when she asked him about his willingness to

reach an agreement with the Regional Parliament of Catalonia on holding a referendum in Catalonia. The President of the Government said that following the law “is inextricably tied to the concept of democracy ”, and those wishing to change that should make a proposal to the Lower House of Parliament and convince MPs that it is positive for all Spaniards. Mariano Rajoy reiterated his invitation to the President of the Regional Government of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, for him to explain his position to Parliament. “If Mr. Puigdemont comes to the Lower House of Parliament, I will debate with him and do so gladly. I hope he has the courage, determination and bravery to do so”, he said. Mariano Rajoy said he is willing “to talk about all reasonable issues” but not enter into dialogue with those who, “if I choose not to do what

they say, threaten me with a legal transition act for withdrawing from Spain and making one of the greatest mistakes to have been announced in many years”. Neither a President of the Government of Spain nor anyone else can tolerate “blackmail”, said Mariano Rajoy, who also criticised the intention by the Catalan Parliament to approve that law within 24 hours and without debate. While others “create instability and frustration”, he added, his “wish” and “obligation” is “to respond to the real needs of Catalonia and the Catalan people”. In this regard, he said that the decisions taken by the Central Government of Spain have led to a radical change in situation when compared with late 2011, when the Regional Government of Catalonia was “practically bankrupt”, unable to finance itself and not paying its suppliers.

It is believed the man and woman, both in their 70s, died naturally but no-one dis-covered their death for five months. During that time, their seven pet dogs were starved of food in the remote property and resorted to eating their owners’ remains. The horrific discovery was made by their daughter who had not visited her parents since Christmas and had become concerned for their safety. Reports in the Spanish press say parts of their body were found in various places in the house and gardens, having been torn by the desperate animals. At least two of the dogs were also dead and the other five were found in a state of starvation. The horrific incident happened in Llucmajor where the married couple lived in a rural farmhouse about three miles from the centre. Their bodies were found by their distraught daughter who saw some of the dead dogs and noticed the couple’s two cars were parked outside. She is receiving psycholo-gical attention. Police believe the man died first of natural causes about two months ago, followed by his wife a few days later as she was an invalid who depended on him for care.

Spanish exports reach all-time high


PANISH exports of goods in the period January-March grew by 14.1% on the same months of last year to stand at 69.74 billion euros, an all-time high for exports over this period and the best quarter on record. Imports rose by 16.5% to stand at 76.94 billion euros. As a result, the trade deficit stands at 7.2 billion euros, up 45.6% on a year ago. Spanish exports outperformed those of the Eurozone and the European Union. The coverage rate (exports over imports) stood at 90.6% (92.5% in January-March 2016). In terms of volume, exports grew by 13.3%, since prices measured by Unit Value Indices rose by 0.8%; while imports grew by 8% following a 7.9% price rise. The non-energy balance posted a deficit of 411 million euros (987 million euros of deficit in the period to March 2016) and the energy deficit rose by 71.6% to stand at 6.79 million euros (deficit of 3.96 billion euros in 2016). Spanish exports between January and March outperformed those of other major economies, except the United Kingdom (21.4%). Eurozone exports grew by 9.5% and

those of the European Union as a whole by 9.7%. They also grew in France (4.2%), Germany (8.5%) and Italy (10%). Beyond Europe, exports grew in Japan (8.5%), the United States (7.3%) and China (4.2%). All main sectors reported strong export growth. Capital goods (accounting for 19.2% of the total) grew by 10.5%; the automotive sector (17.6% of the total) grew by 8.2%, and food, drink and tobacco (17.2% of the total) grew by 14.1%. With regard to imports, consolidation of the economic recovery is driving growth in most sectors. Imports of capital goods (20.9% of the total) increased by 15.2% year-onyear, automotive imports (13.5% of the total) grew by 6.6%, purchases of consumer manufactures grew by 4.1%, those of food, drink and tobacco by 9.7%, and those of durable consumer goods by 5.7%.

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Explosion in Liverpool leads to three arrests and 21 more in Spain for drug trafficking


Mob wearing coloured wigs smash hotel with hammers


violent mob of 30 people wearing fluorescent wigs and bright clothing stormed a Spanish hotel to protest about “over-crowded” tourism.


OLICE have busted a gang of international drug traffickers, including two Brits from Liverpool, who sent trucks from Spain to the United Kingdom with marijuana hidden in packs of marble. Twenty-four people have been arrested in the UK and Spain as a result of a joint operation which made one of its breakthroughs after an explosion in a house in Liverpool city centre. Four drugs plantations have also been dismantled in Spain and more than 1,600 plants seized. Police said those involved in the gang led a high lifestyle in villas with luxury cars in Marbella and Valencia. The investigation was led by Spanish cops in association with the Merseyside County Police and coordinated by the British National Crime Agency. The explosion in Liverpool was caused by some sort of home-made material and led to the arrest of three suspects, two of whom had 150 kilograms of speed and were in charge of distributing drugs around the city. The gang was based i n Valencia, Catalonia and Andalusia, with the majority of its members being young people between 22 and 25. Two brothers were the ringleaders. When they were

arrested in Spain, police found 120,000 euros hidden inside a shoebox. “Advanced investigations located several marijuana plantations in the provinces of Alicante, Malaga and Barcelona.” said a police spokesman. “It was also found that the group of young people investigated controlled the nurseries, with the help of workers in charge of the installation and maintenance. The drugs they obtained from these illegal crops was centralised on a floor, where it was vacuumpacked and labelled, for later shipment to the United Kingdom by trucks controlled by the organisation.” “The transport was prepared in a warehouse located in the municipality of Roda de Bara, which was controlled by security camera and where one of the members of the band lived.” “ In order to get the drug abroad, they used trucks laden with boxes that supposedly contained

marble tiles, but which in fact had been filled, in addition to the packaged drug, with bricks to simulate the weight of the stone in case of an

inspection.” The arrests in Liverpool after the explosion also revealed a stash of homemade explosive material.


Suspected British paedophile arrested in Alicante


British man who fled the UK is facing a life sentence for alleged rape after being arrested after years on the run in Spain.

Police say he was caught in Alicante where his home in the town of Jacarilla was stormed by officers. He had kept under the radar thanks to help from his nowdead father who “encouraged him to flee Britain” and kept his whereabouts and his abuse secret.

The man has been charged with raping two girls when they were minors. “As a result of the sexual assaults, both became pregnant and one of them had a son by him,” said a spokesman for the Spanish police. The fugitive is accused of raping the two girls on up to 18 occasions, starting to do so when he was just 16. One of the girls was just 12 at the time of the first attack and the rapes continued on a regular basis for three years, said the police. At one stage, she fell pregnant but had the baby aborted. She then left home to live with her grandmother so the Brit is said to have turned his attentions on the second girl, it is alleged. “She was assaulted two or three times a week until the girl turned 18,” said the police spokesman. “She also became pregnant and they had a son.” The man was arrested on the basis of a European Order of Detention and Deliver y issued by the British authorities.

CCTV footage taken from the reception area captured the protestors taking part in a march in Barcelona but suddenly break away from the crowd and rushing into the Catalonia Magdalenes. Wielding what appears to be hammers, they then destroyed glass panels and threw things towards the reception desk, as well as smashing furniture. Once outside, they also smashed the front windows the hotel and daubed paint on it. All the attackers were dressed in similar disguises, with black trousers, coloured jumpers and wigs varying in colours from purple to bright pink. The incident happened on May 1st but the video has only just been made public amidst the growing debate on whether Barcelona should or should not limit tourists. It is believed to be connected with what is being described as “tourism phobia” in the city and has been condemned by hoteliers who want action against future violence. “This was neither a symbolic act or a show. This was an act of violence and it must be stopped,” said a spokesman. The video was published

by Okdiario and has now spread across the social networks. Opposition councillors in Barcelona say the attack is linked to the Candidatura d’Unitat Popular which was holding demonstrations on the same day when there were other incidents of violence. The youth organisation, Arran, which is linked to the CUP, posted a picture of the mob with wigs on its Twitter site with the message “He who sows misery reaps rabies.” Anti-capitalists campaigners recently declared “war on hotel growth” and called on residents to “stand up to tourism in their neighbourhoods.” Barcelona city council is already proposing a controversial plan to limit the number of hotels in the different zones in a bid to cut back on tourism crowds in the centre. But the CUP says the plan “falls short” and wants an outright ban on new beds. Others in the tourism industry are against Barcelona council’s plan, saying it will only HARM tourism and income and drive both people and investors away. Councillor for urban development, Janet Sanz said: “It is a plan with which we have started the governance of tourism and many more will come, there is no turning back.”

Tragedy as woman dies on Tenerife flight


Spanish holiday jet declared a mid-air emergency after a passenger collapsed and died just 45 minutes into the journey.

The drama happened on board an Iberia Express flight which had left Tenerife to head for Madrid Barajas-Adolfo Suarez airport. According to sources, the passenger taken ill was a woman though her age and nationality has not been revealed. The plane left Tenerife’s north airport but had to divert to Lanzarote. The emergency services were alerted after the pilot declared an emergency and opted to land earlier, rather than complete the journey to Madrid. Medics were already standing by on the runway when the aircraft touched down and rushed to the aid of the stricken woman. However, despite prolonged resuscitation, there was nothing they could do to save her life. It is understood the woman suffered a heart attack.







Tenerife represented by Clear Blue Skies luxur y off-plan or new properties to sell, or self-build projects to offer. An example of the kind of relationship Clear Blue Skies enjoys was demonstrated when developer Antony Weytjens of Los Menceyes Properties, Palm Mar, joined the Clear Blue Skies team on their stand in London. This offered their clients a rather unique opportunity to discuss, directly and in depth, the developer’s current luxury project, Colinas de los Menceyes Residential Resort and also get a preview of the Los Menceyes team’s next prestigious development; Infinity Sea Front Luxur y Residence. It’s clear to see that Clear Blue Skies Group have got pretty much all bases covered and are

incredible island Tenerife is. Long may their, and Tenerife’s, success continue!

Lynne Scaife

extensive knowledge and experience of Tenerife and its property market. Clear Blue Skies is an extraordinarily dynamic

investable option to buyers. These days, Tenerife simply sells itself”. Although the tourist hotspots of the south remain extremely popular with buyers of all nationalities, in 2016, Clear Blue Skies Group recognised an increased interest in the more traditional northern and rural parts of Tenerife. As a result, the company officially expanded its “territory”, widening its area of expertise to include the whole of the island. This has proven to be a huge success


TEIDE NATIONAL PARK (El Parque Nacional del Teide)

Photographs courtesy of Mike Belshaw


AÑABE based estate agents, Clear Blue Skies Group SL, jetted off to the UK last weekend to represent Tenerife at the latest “A Place in the Sun Live” exhibition in London. This thriving property business has exhibited countless times at various European exhibitions and in property fairs in Tenerife itself, but counts “A Place in the Sun” amongst its favourite platforms to showcase its services, our incredible island and the fabulous properties available here. Of course, the “A Place in the Sun” franchise is most famous for its popular British TV series, with Tenerife being frequently featured as the

doing an excellent job of demonstrating, both locally and overseas, what an


AST Sunday, Andy took me and some friends to the National Park here in Tenerife on the hunt for the famous Tajinastes that are endemic to our beautiful island.

desired destination for their client’s property search. The live shows provide a unique opportunity for prospective purchasers to meet and chat with property experts from all over the world, and perhaps, as an added bonus, even have their photograph taken with one of the beautiful presenters from the TV show! This time, Clear Blue Skies Group took their entire senior management team to the London Olympia, giving scores of interested visitors the benefit of their

company, led by managing director and owner Paul Stokes who believes, with 100% conviction, that there has never been a better time to invest in Tenerife. Paul says, “Many destinations, that were once considered viable alternatives to Tenerife, have significantly lost appeal over the last few years, mainly due to economic, political or security challenges, yet Tenerife continues to evolve in a positive way, presenting a ver y safe and highly

with the Clear Blue Skies team successfully selling properties all over Tenerife; ensuring their portfolio is always as diverse as possible to meet the demands of every client. Clear Blue Skies Group don’t just sell resale properties, the island’s most prominent developers and architects regard Clear Blue Skies Group as leading partners in the property market in Tenerife. This ensures Clear Blue Skies consistently have an excellent selection of

Andy had selected yet another trail that I had never done which started at Boca Tauce along a good path with dramatic mountain cliffs to our left and stunning views over to the lava fields and magnificent Mount Teide to our right. As we progressed, we walked a short while over the lava fields; the dark charcoallike stones crunching beneath our feet like gravel. A little further on, huge spectacular Tajinastes echium wildpretii came into sight, their strange red conical shapes thrusting their heads up to 3m high into the air. Also known as the tower of jewels and tajinaste rojo by the locals, this bizarre but beautiful plant is mainly found in the subalpine zone of

Las Cañades de Teide. These beautiful flowers were adorned by many bees eagerly searching for nectar. These strange plants only grow in altitudes of more than 2,000m and only flower every 2 years. Having done a different Tajinaste trail with Andy last year, it was obvious that this year is a poor year for flowers as the grey skeletons of last year ’s blooms were in profusion, but plants in flower were not so prolific. This was not too bad a disappointment as many other flowers were in abundance including several species of lavender and bright yellow sticky broom adenocarpus viscosus which grow in large clumps and adorn the National Park like brightly

coloured pin cushions. Needless to say, photo opportunities were plenty, not only for the Tajinastes and other flowers that we found, but for the sheer drama and wonder of the lava flows, strange rock formations and awe inspiring cliffs that surrounded us.

Brian Eldridge 21





News and views of Puerto issues

Transformation of the Taoro building but how long will Puerto wait?


few months ago when referring to the Taoro building I used the term ‘watch this space’, a bad choice of phrase, as I now realise, as it implied that something was about to happen, as in imminent, again not a word one would normally associate with Tenerife. At the time the rumour mongering was that perhaps an interested party had come forward prepared to take the building on. Not so, it now seems, in light of the recent Cabildo announcement that the leasehold for this iconic building is one again being put out to tender. This tender, which must be the third such process in recent years, was officially launched in a recent press conference with all the usual fanfare. It was billed as a great opportunity for the town of Puerto de la Cruz, but why, if there were no takers before are they so confident of success at this venture. Perhaps there is someone waiting in the wings after all and they are going through the formalities or perhaps, having tweaked the package on offer, they are convinced it is more attractive, only time will tell. What are these new tweaks? There is nothing new, or at least, nothing which had not already been previously announced. An additional parcel of land has been added to the site. The use of the building as a hotel remains the desired option, but alternative uses will be considered. Generous tax concessions are now part of the package. So nothing new announced in the official launch, apart from that it goes into more detail, far too much, as usual. The lease will be for 40 years, an initial rent was suggested, and the leaseholder would be responsible for repairs including the initial investment needed to restore the building, which at present day estimates would be not far short of 20 euros million. However, a proportion of this cost would be reimbursed annually by way of a tax concession which I can only

think to be a reduction in IBI (property tax). Now what do you think about a change of use. I think shortly after it was first suggested was when the rumours of a possible tenant started to circulate. Surely though it has to stay as a hotel, doesn’t it? Spain’s first grand hotel, in its first tourist resort must count for something. I think most local people would expect it to reopen as a hotel. I assume that must still remain the preferred option as so much of the launch presentation was concentrated on it. Going into detail of how many beds it would accommodate. Stating that upon its reopening it would be the third luxury hotel of its kind in Puerto de la Cruz alongside, that is, the hotels Botanico and Chiripa. Of course, the Chiripa is still closed following the announcement in 2015 that it was to reopen as a 5 star hotel. Not a great comparison to make, let’s hope it is not an ill omen for the Taoro, yet it does beg to question if Puerto has sufficient appeal for that level of clientele. Still it is all speculation at the moment, so we’ll just have to wait and see. One thing is certain though with the reams of red tape that will need to be generated, nothing will happen soon, besides which, the local elections are not until 2019. Reports that there is money in Cabildo’s budget (next year’s budget that is, 2018) for a major rethink of the TF312, the road

that winds itself into Puerto from Botanico and then winds its way back out again through Las Arenas and forms two of the major routes into town. There are promises of improvements along its length which will be completed in four phases, but let’s not get too excited, first we’ll see if it does indeed start next year and then see how long the money lasts. One of the proposed changes is to create a roundabout at the Belair junction and not before time, if, and I assume it will or else why bother building it, it means that traffic will be able to enter the town centre there as well as exit, legally I mean, as I have seen many a hire car come down the road and turn right before realising the error of their ways. A good blast on the horn normally wakes them up, either that or the realisation that the three lanes in front of them all have cars coming towards them. Surely their sat nav doesn’t tell them to do it, does it? So I do hope that if and when this roundabout is constructed they will issue clear instructions to the good citizens of Puerto on how to navigate themselves around it. Another junction earmarked for improvements is the one next to the high school, the one known locally as ‘the octopus’, where cracks have started to appear in the fabric of the bridges, although of course, they stress the bridges remain structurally sound, at least, at present. Normally I take news of these projects with a pinch of salt; however, on this occasion there may be some truth to it, as recently, over the course of a couple of months I kept spotting a man and his theodolite at different places along the road carrying out a survey. Now let’s talk about the bus station, that’s always worth a giggle. I have to say I have now adopted a pragmatic approach to the whole project. I assume it will get built , one day, but as for it being essential for the expansion of tourism in Puerto, is it really that important? The town has managed well without it, the buses still run; there is a

ticket office and bars to offer refreshment. Ok, the present set up may cause some congestion, but then the improvements to the TF312 I’ve just mentioned may help to ease it and the odds are they will be completed first. The trouble with the bus station is that we have been spun so many yarns no one believes anything that is said anymore. We were told in 2015 that paperwork had been incorrectly submitted, a quick fix, a trip to Madrid, all expenses paid, I assume, and everything was hunky dory, bring on the excavators. Then a period of eerie silence when no one was saying anything and nothing was happening, but don’t worry building will start before the end of the year.

Following that a land transfer from the dim and distance past that had not been completed correctly, not our fault, a chance to shift the blame onto a previous administration. So a parcel of land, part of the proposed site still belonged to a government department in Madrid, a long defunct department, a problem no one seemed to take ownership of, a problem no one wanted to resolve. However, here I can cut them some slack, Madrid was in turmoil, a year effectively without a government, or should that be without an effective one. Now to bring the project up to date, the local opposition party are claiming the project is

stalled because no one knows who actually owns the plot, so how is the transfer of ownership ever going to be completed. Who and which version are we to believe? A good rule of thumb to adopt is to believe no one, to expect nothing and then be mildly surprised when things start to happen. One other suggestion to come forward was to stop pussy footing over ownership of a bit of waste ground, to knock the existing bus station down and build the new one on the same site, where surely ownership is not in dispute. Now that’s not such a silly idea, but I’m sure there are already elaborate and ambitious plans in the project pipeline for that site.









HROUGH necessity we will be carrying out some renovations to the main room of the library. Work will commence on Monday July 3. We will endeavour to keep the disruption of the library to a minimum and hopefully not distract from your enjoyment. If during this time there is any book, DVD or any query you may have please ask a volunteer for assistance, we are here to help. Tea and coffee will be served Wednesday and Saturday mornings as usual. We are rather like the Windmill Theatre used to be, we never close, we soldier on - minus the tassels of course. Thursday July 13 - 1.00 for 1.30pm A reminder of our Summer Lunch at the Masaru. Please book at the Treasurer’s Desk to ensure your place at this very popular venue. We welcome visitors to join us during our opening hours Monday and Friday 3pm to 5.30 pm and Wednesday and Saturday 10pm to 1pm. Refreshments are served in the garden on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Discover more about us on Facebook, TripAdvisor and our Website ‘theenglishlibrary.es<http:// theenglishlibrary.es>’. Did you know you can access Facebook through our Website. You will find us at Calle Irlanda 5, Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. Telephone 922 383098

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disappeared from the Banda Mine. And it’s Harry’s job to track them down. But still reeling from events back home, and with a secretive new partner at her side. Harry’s isn’t sure who she can trust any more. And, in this unforgiving no man’s land, she has no idea how close she is to a whole new kind of danger....

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Egypt is under threat, Taita, a freed slave and the Pharaoh’s closest advisor, must create a master plan to crush the kingdom’s historic enemy and return Egypt to its former glory. He must call on his powers as both tactician and warrior to lead a great army up the Nile, through Arabia to the magical city of Babylon, then across the open seas to Crete. This army will meet battle and betrayal head on. But their greatest challenge will not be found on the battleground - and it will threaten not only Taita’s plan, but the very future of Egypt.

been translated into 37 languages and sold 40 million copies worldwide. When her death, at the age of 73, was announced on 30 July 2012 she was mourned as one of Ireland’s best-loved and most recognisible writers.

You can meet interesting new friends if you join worthwhile groups. Purchases will be well worth it and they will last a long time. Secret intrigues could get you into trouble. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) You may have a hidden adversary who would love to prove you wrong. Club memberships or donations could be expensive and prove unnecessary. Make decisions about your professional objectives. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) You can’t do everything on your own. You may have the energy to clear up that mound of paperwork facing you. Help others solve their dilemmas.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) You may have a problem at work with a female coworker. You’re intuitive today; however, this attribute could get you in trouble if you tactlessly say what you think. You can expect your mate to get fed up and make the choices for you or back off completely. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Any contributions you make to organizations will enhance your reputation and bring you offers. Short trips may be tiring but rewarding. However, you must not neglect your family.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Rest and relaxation will be more favorable than you think. Finish overdue paperwork and catch up on letter writing and reading. Renovations or purchases made for your home will payoff.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Opportunities for new and exciting relationships will be yours if you get out and join groups. Do your own thing. A change in position could be better than you thought.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Never never by James Patterson

A few of the girls by Maeve Binchy Maeve Binchy ’s bestselling novels not only tell wonderful stories, they also, show that while times change, people often remain the same: they fall in love, sometimes unsuitably; they have hopes and dreams; they have deep, long- standing friendships, and some that fall apart. From her earliest writing to her most recent, Maeve’s work has included wonderfully nostalgic pieces, sharp, often witty, both insightful and topical. A Few Of The Girls is a glorious collection of the very best of writing, full of warmth, charm and humour that has always been essentially Maeve. Maeve Binchy ’s novels have

ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)

Detective Harriet Blue needs to get out of town, fast. With her brother under arrest for a series of brutal murders in Sydney, Harry’s chief wants the hot-headed detective kept far away from the press. So he assigns her a deadly new case - in the middle of the outback. Deep on Western Australian desert, three young people have

Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion. New friendships will develop through group events. Get out and get active.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” The words of Sir Walter Scott aptly describe this TV series. What happens when an apparently simple lie spirals out of control and leads to lifeshattering consequences? Set on the shop floor and in the offices of a motor showroom, this warm and compelling series follows an ordinary group of colleagues and friends who, beneath the fun and banter, are struggling to deal with situations they’re hiding from those around them. Over the course of the series, the gradual unravelling of each person’s tangled web of lies results in revelations, shocks and stunning confessions that could change their lives forever. A cast of well recognized TV actors Max Beasley, Jo Joyner, Jason Manford, Michelle Keegan, Sally Lindsay and Mackenzie Crook appear in this series.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You should put a little extra effor t in at work. Sudden disruptions will cause upset and a change of routine in your home environment. Don’t be too quick to respond to a plea for help. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Social get-together will bring you in contact with intelligent new friends. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. You may have a problem with coworkers if you try to tell them what to do.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Don’t forget to let your mate know how much you care. Travel will initiate new friendships or love connections. You could have a need to make some changes today.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Your partner will be emotionally unable to cope. Don’t let others restrict you from saying how you feel about family issues. Try not to make waves.





Choosing a garage New Mustang gallops to the front for Ford


HEN you are deciding on who to to repair your car there are so many things to consider. For most people the costs are the primary concern, with often little regard to the facilities being offered, experience, legalities etc. coming secondary or sometimes not even being considered important at all! Garages in Tenerife come in all shapes and sizes from main dealers to your little “back street” garage and all those in between. We are going to point out the differences so that when you do need to use/select a garage you make the right informed decision. All garage premises are different from the salubrious to the up market high end type, think BMW, Mercedes, Porsche etc down to the dingy, although perfectly practical old fashioned workshops.

WHICH ONE SHOULD YOU CHOOSE AND WHY? Is a garage legal or not The first and most important thing to consider in Spain is, whether the garage is legal or not. If the garage is legal it will display prominatly a plaque with a distinctive number which is assigned by Industria to the said garage, this only being given once the premises and its owners/staff have adhered to very strict regulations set out for this type of business. The older style licences were identifable by two letters followed by number i.e. TF (identifiying that the garage is in Tenerife) 1234 for example. This number is individual to that particular business premises and types of work they are legally able to carry out. The old style plaques then showed various symbols that would identify what that garage was authorised to do for example with a spanner denotes mechanical work, a hammer and paint gun, chapa pintura, or body repairs as one would know it in English. The new sytle plaques are similar but in a slightly different format, the numbers being for example 06 denoting the year, then A452 followed by eight numbers . Both are equally legal. It is important to note that any work carried out for an ITV retest that requires a invoice, HAS to be carried out by an Industria registered garage, if not the ITV station will not accept the repairs. In addition to this plaque the premises must also have a licence for the removal of contaminated waste. This is clearly distinguishable by the logo which is an open green box with an arrow pointing in the top. This licence is not exclusive to a garage and you may have seen similar plaques elsewhere in doctors surgeries, hospitals, large restuarants to name a few.


T’S almost a year since I sampled Ford’s righthand drive Mustang.

It was the muscular V8 GT convertible model I did a brief review on in the News after a short drive. This motoring icon was a real eye-catcher – looking wild and sporting in a stunning Competition Orange colour. And the roar from the 5litre 421ps engine was fantastic as I fired it up and blasted around some roads on Scotland’s west coast. With more than nine million models sold since its launch in 1964, the Mustang right-hooker finally arrived in the UK at the end of 2015. There was a real stampede to get this icon when it arrived and it’s not difficult to see why. It looks simply stunning – inside and out – and this is one Mustang that loves to gallop. Available as fastback or convertible from launch, there is the choice of two engines – the V8 or a new

2.3-litre 314ps EcoBoost unit, with either six-speed manual or auto transmissions. Ford has recently added a limited run Shadow Edition model for UK customers that will be available in Race Red and Grabber Blue from £39,895. A unique body styling pack on this includes a black pony emblem for the GT grille and exclusive black 19-inch Yspoke alloys. It will also have a Shaker Pro audio system with SYNC 3 nav, climate-controlled seats and reverse parking, with optional black contrast roof. My most recent drive was in the lower powered fastback version. You don’t get the cracking roar you experience when firing up the V8 but this engine also has power aplenty – and brings huge benefits of fuel efficiency and lower CO2 emissions. Ford adds a more sporting

soundtrack that comes through the stereo in this model but it doesn’t really get close to the V8’s massive growl. While not as striking as the previous model I sampled, this white-platinum Mustang was still very much a head-turner. The four-cylinder turbo engine also supplies blistering acceleration – reaching 62mph in just 5.8 seconds against its big brother’s 4.8 seconds. It is also capable of achieving 35.3mpg with the V8’s figure 20.9mpg. The six-speed manual transmission was super slick as I pushed up and down the gears, enjoying the quick response from under the massive bonnet. With its firm suspension, handling didn’t disappoint with lots of grip when cornering at speed. And with a top speed of 145mph there was never any shortage of power. It wasn’t too harsh a ride either and you have the

If a garage does not display a plaque then it is most likely not legal with regards to the rules of Industria, the body concerned with this type of activity. That does not mean that the mechanics and the work is not or will not be to an acceptable standard but it is important to bear this in mind and choose carefully.

PRICING AND SIGNS Again the garage is obliged by law to display their hourly rate, their opening hours and various signs regarding safety of their staff and customers, i.e. for the customers the do not pass sign, no smoking etc being the most common ones seen. The Insurance of the garage does not cover people outside of the business, i.e. customers to enter into the workplace, as in the case of an accident or injury the Insurance would not be liable, so the garage must ensure that such signs are displayed. If a customer ignores them it is not the garage’s responsibilty in the event of an accident occuring, in other words if the sign says do not pass, stay out!

option of four driving modes – normal, wet/snow, sport and track. The toggle switch quickly allows the driver to adjust steering effort, engine response and electronic stability control settings. There’s plenty room up front in this sporty cabin and a top-grade infotainment system is included in a model that comes with stacks of equipment.

Rear seats are only suitable for small children and there’s a fair-sized 408 litres boot space. The Mustang is a super sports car with the test model’s on-the-road price £33,645. And if you’re not too fussed about fuel economy or emissions, the V8 isn’t that much more expensive at £38,095. Just as I was writing this

review it was announced that the Mustang had become the best-selling sports car in the world in 2016 – with more than 150,000 sold. In the first full year of European sales, there were 15,335 ordered. In the UK, 4,500 have left the showrooms with over 3,250 of those in 2016 – leading the sales tables for cars over 250ps.


Pets World


How to care for your pet rat food. Commercial mixes are available from pet shops. While rats are fond of titbits and household scraps, do not let them get too fat. They enjoy occasional pieces of fruit, vegetables, peanuts and sunflower seeds, but these can cause skin problems, so should be a rare treat. Fresh, clean water must always be available. If a water bottle is used it should be cleaned, refilled and checked daily to ensure it is not blocked or leaking.

Health issues in pet rats


HERE are many varieties of rat with different coat and eye colours. These include white, cinnamon, blue and parti- coloured coats with dark or pink eyes. Male rats are called bucks, females are does and babies are known as kittens. On average, they live for around two and a half years. Rats need company of their own kind, so it’s unfair to keep one on its own. To avoid unwanted babies, the best option is usually a pair or group of the same sex. Rats will breed frequently from as early as five weeks old, producing a litter of eight or more young each time. Females can become pregnant again within 24 hours of giving birth. The best place to buy a rat is from a reputable breeder and a baby should be at least six weeks old. Make sure they have been properly sexed and separated from the opposite sex by the time the males are five weeks old. If you buy from a pet shop, staff should be able to handle the rats confidently and show you how to tell what sex they are. Make sure all animals in the shop are in clean, good-sized cages with fresh food and water. Before buying your new

pets, be sure you can give them enough time. Rats need at least an hour’s exercise outside the cage every day and, while they make great family pets, should not be looked after or handled by unsupervised children.

What type of cage does a pet rat need?

The best home for your rats is a wire cage – the larger and taller the better, as rats are active and love to climb. Hamster cages are not big enough. A rat cage should be at least 50cm x 80cm floor space, by 50cm tall. The floor should be solid rather than wire, with a solid tray underneath, to avoid a rat trapping and injuring its feet or limbs. Aquarium-style glass cages shouldn’t be used because the ventilation isn’t good enough. Litter should be put on the floor to absorb ammonia from droppings. Litter training your

rats will help to keep their cage clean. Use dust-extracted bedding to avoid respiratory problems. Cat litter is unsuitable as bedding but can be used in your rat’s litter tray. Rats also need a nest box where they can sleep and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet. A cardboard box with shredded paper bedding is ideal. They also enjoy a hammock hanging in their cage – this can easily be made from an old towel or similar material. Rats are susceptible to extreme cold and heat dehydration, both of which can be fatal, so make sure the cage is in a suitable environment away from direct sunlight and draughts.

What should I feed my pet rat? Rats are omnivores and love a varied diet that includes grains, vegetables and a protein source such as dry dog

Check your rat daily for any general signs of ill health, such as loss of appetite or lethargy. One of the most common problems in rats is infectious respiratory disease but this can only be passed from one rat to another – it can’t affect other species or humans. Be wary of buying a rat from somewhere with many other rats, particularly if any of them have rapid or noisy breathing. Other respirator y problems are also common in rats. Red discharge around the eyes or nose is a sign of illness and stress, although the redness is not blood but a natural pigment in the mucus. Some rats develop tumours as they get older – these are more common in females. While rats can be easily castrated, it is generally only necessary to prevent unwanted breeding or to stop the occasional aggression towards other rats or humans. Rats are naturally ver y clean and spend a lot of time grooming themselves, although some may need their


tails cleaned occasionally. This should be done gently with mild animal shampoo. If you are worried about any change in your rat’s health, consult your vet.

Exercise and entertainment for your pet rat Rats need at least an hour’s playtime outside their cage every day, but you must first make the room safe and rat- proof. Keep doors and windows closed and block cracks in floorboards, as rats can get through seemingly impassable gaps. Keep house plants out of the way because some are poisonous to rats. Electric cables should be passed through piping so they cannot be chewed. Rats may enjoy toys such as pieces of plastic drainpipe or cardboard boxes, but avoid wheels with spokes as they can cause a serious injury.

Company for your pet rat Rats naturally live in social groups so it is unfair to keep one alone. A same-sex pair or group will be much happier and two rats don’t

cost much more to keep than one.

Handling your pet rat Rats that are handled correctly soon after they are born will enjoy it. To help them get used to you, try carr ying them around the house inside your jumper! Never pick up a rat by its tail as this can injure them. Instead, put one hand underneath its chest behind its forelegs, and support the hindlegs with your other hand, holding but not squeezing. Children will enjoy handling rats, but must be supervised to make sure they do not hold them too tightly.

Rats as children’s pets Rats make good companions for children and adults. However, they do need daily social interaction and time out of their cage, so it is important that everyone in the family is keen on the idea of keeping rats as pets. Rats need larger cages than the smaller rodents but, being larger, they are easier to handle than small rodents. As with all children’s pets, it is important that an adult is responsible for making sure the rats receive the attention and care they need.

DON’T FORGET... Keep your rats in same-sex pairs or groups Spend at least an hour a day handling your rats and letting them exercise outside their cage, in safe surroundings It is important not to overfeed – a fit rat is healthier and should live longer than a fat rat Rats are one of the cleanest pets you can own and do not pose health threats to people or other animals


When and how to deworm your horse


OU will probably have read or heard in recent years about the resistance of equine worms to some of the active ingredients in equine wormers.

To make sure the active ingredients remain effective for as long as possible, wormers should only be used as necessary. You could follow a worming flow chart and worm according to the horse or ponies Faecal Worm Egg Count (FWEC) results. A FWEC is a faecal sample which is sent to a laboratory to identify the content of worm eggs in the horse’s droppings. This gives a fairly accurate picture of the horses current worm burden.

To collect a faecal sample:

Collect the sample when the horses has been stabled or stood in an individual area so it can be accurately identified as their own dropping Put a fresh faecal sample into a freezer bag for each individual horse Samples should be less than 12 hours old Ideally collect three nuggets of poo per horse Label the bag with the horses name and the date and your surname Take samples to the vets as soon as possible or send via a postal service specialising in this service If your horse has worms, you will notice them in their faeces





Documentary following the officers of Britain’s biggest and busiest police service as they deal with life, death, crime and its victims across the capital. In Hackney, detectives investigate a spate of stabbings and encounter one victim who is reluctant to tell them anything. Detectives from the Met’s Sexual Offences Unit try to gather evidence against a man suspected of sexually assaulting a woman with Down’s syndrome, but with rape being one of the hardest crimes to investigate, they struggle to understand exactly what happened. The Met’s dedicated robbery unit, the Flying Squad, use all their undercover surveillance skills in order to catch masked gunmen who have been targeting newsagents and supermarkets in south east London.


3RD JUNE 22:00



4TH JUNE 12:20 In the wake of a national tragedy, the prime minister and royal family find themselves quietly at odds. The initial reluctance of Buckingham Palace to mourn Diana is seen by the public as a sign of cool emotional distance. But Tony Blair, perceiving a potential public-relations disaster in the making, takes it upon himself to persuade Queen Elizabeth to pay tribute to the dead princess - something that goes against the taciturn queen’s usual instincts. Director: Stephen Frears Starring: Helen Mirren, James Cromwell, Alex Jennings, Michael Sheen, Helen McCrory, Mark Bazeley (STEREO, WIDESCREEN, SUBTITLES, AUDIO DESCRIBED, 2006, 12, 4 STAR)

31ST MAY 12:05 COUPLES COME DINE WITH ME (COOKERY) In Nottinghamshire, three couples compete to host the best dinner party and win £1000. Kev and Chelsey reckon their expensive ingredients will help them bag the prize, but Kev’s not impressed when everyone wants their steak well done. Jayne and Ricky, who are 1940s enthusiasts, want to throw a dinner party themed on the Second World War. But their rations-themed menu goes down badly with Kev and Chelsey. Finally, Louise and Mark want to push the boat out with their menu, but some culinary mishaps let them down. And revelations about their unconventional living arrangements prompt a few hometruths and confrontations. (REPEAT, SUBTITLES, 4 STAR)


Comedy set in Australia in 1968. Four young, talented Aboriginal girls learn about love, friendship and war when their all-girl group, The Sapphires, entertains US troops in Vietnam. Director: Wayne Blair Starring: Chris O’Dowd, Deborah Mailman, Jessica Mauboy, Shari Sebbens, Miranda Tapsell, Tory Kittles

Alan Titchmarsh and Rachel Houston-Holland pitch antiques and history fans against each other in this game show set in some of the most stunning stately homes across the country. Today the antiques enthusiasts visit Avington Park.

(Stereo, New Episode, Widescreen, Followed by Local Weather, Subtitles, Series 2, Audio Described, Episode 14)


CGI-animated series about a seven-year-old girl who talks to animals. A mummy monkey is at her wits’ end. The baby monkeys are having so much fun running and playing in the branches of the trees that they are taking no notice of her at all. Wissper calls on Stripes the tiger to help. At first she doesn’t have much success, but then Wissper has a clever idea.



History series. Dan Jones follows the path of the fire on the worst day of its rampage as it swept through some of London’s iconic buildings. Suzannah Lipscomb finds evidence in the archives of who was blamed and who escaped scot free. Rob Bell visits Imperial College London for more information about the spread of the fire and to re-create the intense heat it generated. (FOLLOWED BY 5 NEWS UPDATE, SUBTITLES, EPISODE 2, 3 STAR)


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Breakfast Countryfile Spring Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors !Mpossible Escape to the Country Yes Chef Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show BBC Election Debate 2017 The Met: Policing London BBC News at Ten BBC London News A Question of Sport The Truth About HIV Weather for the Week Ahead

06:00 06:30 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:45 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:35 23:20 00:20 01:20 02:15

Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef Gardeners’ World Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Two Tribes Family Finders Red Rock The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Elephant Diaries Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve Antiques Road Trip Debatable Celebrity Eggheads Great British Menu Springwatch Bake Off Crème de la Crème White Gold Election Spy Newsnight The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway The Truth About Sleep Trust Me, I’m a Vet This is BBC Two


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:25

18:30 19:00 19:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:45 22:55 23:30


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London Party Election Broadcast by the Green Party ITV Evening News Emmerdale Britain’s Got Talent Coronation Street Britain’s Got Talent ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London On Assignment British Touring Car Championship Highlights Jackpot247

06:00 06:45 07:40 08:35 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:25 00:25 01:15 02:45

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Party Election Broadcast Location, Location, Location 24 Hours in A and E Fargo 999: What’s Your Emergency? Naked Attraction Film Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo Location, Location, Location

08:05 08:15 08:30 08:40 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:20 15:20

17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 18:55

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00


Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Mofy Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime The Gadget Show Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Film Saved From Sorrow: Mysterious Grace 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Green Party Police Interceptors The Great Fire Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! The Butcher Surgeon: Why Wasn’t He Stopped? Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00

09:00 10:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 18:00 19:00 22:00

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06:00 06:30 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:45 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:35 23:20 00:10 01:10 02:10 03:10

Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef Bake Off Crème de la Crème Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Two Tribes Family Finders Red Rock The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Elephant Diaries Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve Antiques Road Trip Debatable Celebrity Eggheads Great British Menu Springwatch Paula QI Election Spy Newsnight Cricket Behind Closed Doors Dara and Ed’s Road to Mandalay Second Chance Summer: Tuscany This is BBC Two

06:00 Britain 08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:25

18:30 19:00 19:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:45 22:55 23:55 00:50 03:00

Good Morning Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London Party Election Broadcast by the UK Independence Party ITV Evening News Emmerdale Britain’s Got Talent Coronation Street Britain’s Got Talent ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Car Wars UK Tipping Point Jackpot247 The Jeremy Kyle Show

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:35 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00 21:00 22:45 23:45 00:45 01:40 02:30 03:25 04:15

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Party Election Broadcast The Supervet Catching a Killer One Killer Punch First Dates Bizarre ER Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Location, Location, Location Loaded Grayson Perry: Divided Britain

08:15 08:30 08:40 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15

17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 18:55

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05


Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Mofy Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Film Alone in the Wild: Deadly Survival 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Uk Independence Party Secrets of Great British Castles The Great Fire Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Extraordinary People Restless Legs Syndrome: Desperate for Help Super Casino

09:00 09:30 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00

09:00 10:00 18:00

19:30 20:00 21:00


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06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 22:00 22:25 22:35 23:25 01:00 01:05

Breakfast Countryfile Spring Diaries Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors !Mpossible Escape to the Country Yes Chef Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show EastEnders Question Time: Leaders Special BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather The Graham Norton Show Film Sliding Doors Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 06:30 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:15 17:15 18:00 18:45 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:35 23:20 00:20 01:10 02:10 02:55

Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef The World According to Kids Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Two Tribes Family Finders Red Rock The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Elephant Diaries The Tea Trail with Simon Reeve Antiques Road Trip Debatable Celebrity Eggheads Great British Menu Gardeners’ World Versailles Have I Got News for You Election Spy Newsnight Later... with Jools Holland Cricket Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum and Dad Doctor Who This is BBC Two

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:00 13:25 13:30 17:00 18:00 18:25

18:30 19:00 19:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:45 22:55 23:25 00:25 01:20 03:00 03:50

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London ITV Racing Live The Chase ITV News London Party Election Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats ITV Evening News Emmerdale Britain’s Got Talent Coronation Street Britain’s Got Talent ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London The Keith and Paddy Picture Show Benidorm Sports Life Stories Jackpot247 Storage Hoarders ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:35 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 23:40 00:25 01:20 03:00

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Party Election Broadcast Posh Pawn Gogglebox The Last Leg The Fake News Show 8 Out of 10 Cats Sarah Millican Home Bird Live Film Welcome to the Punch The Handmaid’s Tale

08:15 08:30 08:40 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:20 15:20 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 18:55

19:00 20:00 21:00

22:30 23:30 23:55 00:00

Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Mofy Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Film Justice for Natalee Holloway 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Liberal Democrats The Gadget Show The Great Fire The Secret Life of the Long-Haul Flight Hijacked Car Crime UK: Caught on Camera Access Super Casino

08:30 10:35 10:45 11:00 12:00 12:30 14:35 15:00

16:00 17:00

06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00


19:30 20:00


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06:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:10 13:15 14:15 15:15

16:45 17:30 17:40 17:45 17:50 19:35 20:25 21:15 21:45 22:00 22:05 23:35 01:05 01:10

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Raymond Blanc: How to Cook Well Bargain Hunt BBC News Weather Escape to the Country Money for Nothing Film How to Train Your Dragon Pointless BBC News Regional News Weather Film Raiders of the Lost Ark Doctor Who Casualty Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News Weather Clique The Spectacular Now Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 06:45 08:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 15:15 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:30 20:30 21:00

22:00 23:40 00:30 01:30 03:20

Coast Film Never a Dull Moment Film Goodbye, Mr. Chips Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape Homes Under the Hammer Great British Menu Talking Pictures Film Ivanhoe Natural World Flog It! Gardeners’ World Film Grow Your Own The Lake District: A Wild Year Dad’s Army Sgt Pepper’s Musical Revolution with Howard Goodall Film The Sapphires Cricket Versailles Film Miss Bala This is BBC Two

06:35 06:40 07:00 07:05 07:20 07:45 08:10 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:20 11:20 12:20 12:25 13:30 17:00 18:00 18:10 18:30 20:00 22:00 22:30 22:45 23:45 00:45 03:00

Share a Story Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Oddbods Super 4 Marvel’s Avengers Assemble Thunderbirds are Go Ben 10 ITV News Weekend ITV Racing: The Opening Show Judge Rinder Tipping Point ITV News Bigheads ITV Racing Live You’ve Been Framed! ITV News London ITV News Take Me Out The British Soap Awards 2017 The Keith and Paddy Picture Show ITV News UEFA Champions League Final The Chase Jackpot247 Who’s Doing the Dishes?

06:20 06:45 07:15 07:40

08:30 10:00 11:25 12:55 15:35 16:35 17:35

18:30 18:55 19:00 20:00

21:00 23:35 01:50 02:50

Marathon Mobil 1 The Grid Motorsport Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Come Dine with Me A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun Big House, Little House Location, Location, Location Channel 4 News Party Election Broadcast The Restoration Man Britain’s Ancient Tracks with Tony Robinson Film Legend Film Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The Last Leg Hollyoaks Omnibus

08:30 08:45 09:00 09:10 09:20 09:40 10:05 10:20 10:55 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:15 15:10 16:10

17:10 19:10 20:00 20:55 21:00 00:05 00:15

Noddy: Toyland Detective Wissper Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine Little Princess Peppa Pig Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Fairly Odd Parents Pets Make You Laugh Out Loud Police Interceptors Police Interceptors: The Fatal Four Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole Benefits: Breadline Britain Benefits Britain: Me and My 14 Kids The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS 5 News Weekend Most Shocking Access Super Casino

08:00 11:00

12:00 13:00 17:00 19:00 23:00

09:00 10:00

18:30 19:30 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30

Live International Rugby Union Beneath the black: A Journey Through New Zealand Rugby Darts Gold Live World Cup of Darts Live Betfred Super League Live World Cup of Darts International Rugby Union

Cricket Classics Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket International Rugby Union Cricket Classics Cricket’s Greatest International Rugby Union Sporitng Rivalries Super Rugby


06:00 09:00 10:00

11:00 12:15 13:00 13:15 14:15 15:00 16:00 16:45 17:00 17:35 17:50 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:25 22:35 00:05 00:40 01:55 02:00


Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show Pentecost with the Archbishop of Canterbury Sunday Politics Bargain Hunt BBC News Homes Under the Hammer Money for Nothing Shop Well for Less Escape to the Country Points of View Songs of Praise BBC News Regional News and Weather Question Time: Leaders Special Countryfile Antiques Roadshow Planet Earth II BBC News Regional News and Weather Election Questions The Women’s Football Show Film Up There Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 06:45 07:30 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:30 13:00 13:45 14:15 16:10 17:10 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

22:00 22:30 23:30 00:20 01:35 02:35

A to Z of TV Gardening The Instant Gardener Gardeners’ World The Beechgrove Garden Countryfile Saturday Kitchen Best Bites Great British Menu The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Talking Pictures Film Pride and Prejudice Natural World Flog It! The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway Dragons’ Den The Life Swap Adventure Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip White Gold Dara O Briain Crowd Tickler Live Cricket Film Salvage Question Time Holby City


06:00 06:25 06:35 06:40 07:00 07:05 07:20 07:45 08:10 08:25 08:30 09:25

10:00 11:00 12:05 12:20 14:25 15:25 18:15 18:25 18:45 19:30 22:00 22:20 23:25


Bottom Knocker Street Sooty Share a Story Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Oddbods Super 4 Marvel’s Avengers Assemble Thunderbirds are Go Ben 10 ITV News Weekend Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury Peston on Sunday Judge Rinder ITV News Film The Queen Tipping Point Michael Carrick Testimonial ITV News London ITV News Catchphrase Britain’s Got Talent ITV News Peston on Sunday Unbelievable Moments Caught on Camera Jackpot247


Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News Lon-

06:00 06:45 07:35

06:45 08:00 08:55

09:30 12:30 13:30 14:00 15:35

16:35 17:35 18:30 19:00 20:00

21:00 22:00 23:05 00:10 02:30 03:15 03:45 04:10

3rd Rock from the Sun Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Eating Well with Hemsley and Hemsley Sunday Brunch Eat the Week with Iceland The Simpsons Film The Tigger Movie Winnie-the-Pooh: The Most Famous Bear in the World A Place in the Sun Homes by the Sea Channel 4 News The Supervet Cabins in the Wild with Dick Strawbridge The Handmaid’s Tale Gogglebox Micky Flanagan’s Out Out Tour Film Apocalypto Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA KOTV Boxing Weekly Gillette World Sport Mobil 1 The Grid


Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Party Election Broadcast Food Unwrapped Summer Diet Special 24 Hours in Police Custody Loaded 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Catching a Killer Bodyshockers Derren Brown Location, Location, Location

07:05 07:20 07:35

08:10 08:25 08:40 08:50 09:00 09:20 09:40 09:50 10:25 10:50 11:40 13:40 15:20 16:20 16:25 17:05 18:05 18:10 19:55 20:00 22:00 23:50

Blaze and the Monster Machines Noddy: Toyland Detective Wissper Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Shimmer and Shine Little Princess Peppa Pig Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom The Fairly Odd Parents Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud The Gadget Show Police Interceptors Film Asteroid: Final Impact Film 10.0 Earthquake 5 News Film 10.0 Earthquake Film 2012 5 News Film 2012 5 News Weekend Film The Forbidden Kingdom Film The Expendables 2 Greatest Ever Disaster Movies


Thomas and Friends Shimmer and Shine Noddy: Toyland Detective Paw Patrol Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Access Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film Stolen From the Womb 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Labour Party Criminals Caught on Camera Police Interceptors Big Brother Lip Sync Battle UK Super Casino


10:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 23:00

09:00 10:00

18:30 19:00 19:30 22:00 22:15 22:30 23:30

Premier League 100 Club Premier League Years Internationa Rugby Union Live World Cup of Darts International Rugby Union Darts Gold Live World Cup of Darts Premier League Legends

Cricket Writers on TV Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sky Sports Cricket Gold Live Top 14 Rugby Union Super League Gold Sporting Triumphs ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Cricket Classics


09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:45 23:30

Secret Life of the Hospital Bed Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News and Weather Doctors !Mpossible Escape to the Country Yes Chef Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather The One Show Suzi Perry’s Queens of the Road EastEnders Panorama Doctor in the House BBC News at Ten Regional News and Weather Have I Got a Bit More News for You The Graham Norton Show

06:00 06:30 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:15

17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:35 23:20 23:45


Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef Antiques Roadshow Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Two Tribes Family Finders Red Rock The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Elephant Diaries Highlands Scotland’s Wild Heart Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Springwatch Great Continental Railway Journeys Great British Menu Springwatch Cosby Detectorists Election Spy Newsnight Syria - Football on the Front Line Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip Cricket

08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 don 18:25

18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 22:50 01:10

Party Election Broadcast by the Labour Party ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Tonight: The Leader Interviews Coronation Street Lord Lucan: My Husband, the Truth ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Film Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Jackpot247

08:35 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00

21:00 22:00 22:50 23:55 01:25 02:20 03:40

07:50 08:05 08:15 08:30 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:05 12:10 13:05 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 18:00 18:30 18:55

19:00 19:30 20:30 00:40 01:00

10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:25

21:30 22:00

Premier League 100 Club Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Players Great Sporting Moments Premier League Legends Spanish Football Gold Footb. Leag. Gold Football’s Greatest Players

Cricket Classics Great Sporting Moments Sporting Heroes Cricket Classics Cricket’s Greatest Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Sporitng Triumphs Super League Fulltime



06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:45 00:15 00:20

Breakfast Secret Life of the Hospital Bed Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors !Mpossible Escape to the Country Yes Chef Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Holby City Broken BBC News at Ten BBC London News Newsbeat Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 06:30 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:15

17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:35 23:20 00:10 01:10

Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef Great American Railroad Journeys Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics The Super League Show Coast Red Rock The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Elephant Diaries Highlands Scotland’s Wild Heart Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Springwatch Great Continental Railway Journeys Great British Menu Springwatch The Chillenden Murders QI Election Spy Newsnight Cricket Question Time: Leaders Special Election Questions

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:25

18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 22:40 22:50 23:50 00:40

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London Party Election Broadcast by the Conservative Party ITV Evening News Emmerdale Tonight: The Leader Interviews Midsomer Murders ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London Lord Lucan: My Husband, the Truth The Cube Jackpot247

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:35 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:55 20:00

20:30 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:05 00:35 01:25 02:20

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Party Election Broadcast Tried and Tasted: The Ultimate Shopping List Supershoppers One Born Every Minute First Dates 24 Hours in A and E Four to the Floor Bizarre ER The World’s Weirdest Weather The Secret Life of the Zoo

07:20 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:15 08:30 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 13:10 13:15 13:45 14:20 15:20

17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 18:55

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:05

Shimmer and Shine Noddy: Toyland Detective Paw Patrol Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff Big Brother 5 News Lunchtime Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Film Framed for Murder: A Fixer Upper Mystery 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Conservative Party MotoGP The Yorkshire Vet Our Dream Hotel Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side My Mum’s Hotter Than Me!

09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00

09:00 09:30 10:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30


Premier League 100 Club Premier League Years Football’s Greatest Teams Great Sporting Moments Premier League Legends Spanish Football Footb.Leag.Gold Football’s Greatest Players Premier League 100 Club

Super League Fulltime Cricket’s Greatest Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sky Sports Cricket Gold Cricket’s Greatest ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Top 14 Round-Up Show Cricket’s Greatest


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:45 23:25 00:25 00:30

Breakfast Secret Life of the Hospital Bed Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors !Mpossible Escape to the Country Yes Chef Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Eat Well for Less The Met: Policing London BBC News at Ten BBC London News Room 101 Doctor in the House Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:00 06:30 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:15

17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:35 23:40 00:40 01:30 02:25 03:25 04:25

Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef See Hear Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live The Daily Politics Two Tribes Family Finders Red Rock The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Elephant Diaries Highlands Scotland’s Wild Heart Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Springwatch Great Continental Railway Journeys Great British Menu Springwatch Horizon White Gold Election Spy Newsnight Cosby Cricket Countryfile Mexico: Earth’s Festival of Life Natural World This is BBC Two

06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:40 22:50 23:25 01:25 03:00

Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Tonight at the London Palladium Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London On Assignment Film Elizabeth: The Golden Age Jackpot247 1000 Heartbeats

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:35 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:10 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:30

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Ackley Bridge 24 Hours in A and E Fargo 24 Hours in Police Custody Naked Attraction Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Film Take Me Home Tonight Location, Location, Location Jamie’s Comfort Food

06:55 07:05 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:15 08:30 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:20 15:20 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05

Fireman Sam Thomas and Friends Shimmer and Shine Noddy: Toyland Detective Paw Patrol Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film A Deadly Affair 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Police Interceptors GPs: Behind Closed Doors Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

08:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 17:00

18:00 19:00

09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:25 13:25 21:30 22:00

Live International Rugby Union Rugby Gold Premier League Legends Football’s Greatest Teams International Rugby Union Beneath the Black: A Journey Through New Zealand Rugby International Rugby Union Live Horse Racing

Cricket Classics Icc Champions Trophy Cricket Sporting Heroes Cricket’s Greatest ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Sporting Triumphs Cricket’s Greatest


06:00 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 13:30 13:45


Breakfast Secret Life of the Hospital Bed Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors

Ruhma and Heston make secret plans with help from their friends. Emma is curious to know how Zara would respond if Daniel ever proposed. Rob’s guilty secret weighs him down. Valerie turns detective when a patient suspects her partner is cheating. 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:55 21:55

!Mpossible Escape to the Country Yes Chef Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show EastEnders Kat and Alfie: Redwater DIY SOS The Big Build Election 2017

06:00 06:30 07:15 08:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 13:30 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:15

17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:10 23:15 00:05


Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef Bake Off Crème de la Crème Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Two Tribes Family Finders Red Rock The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British Elephant Diaries Highlands Scotland’s Wild Heart Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Springwatch Great Continental Railway Journeys Great British Menu Springwatch Paula Mock the Week Frankie Boyle’s New World Order Election Spy Cricket Sgt Pepper’s Musical Revolution with Howard Goodall Dara and Ed’s Road to Mandalay


06:00 08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:00 15:00

16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30

20:00 20:30 21:00


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale New Build Nightmares? Tonight Emmerdale Joanna Lumley’s Postcards Car Crash Britain Caught on Camera ITV News Election 2017 Live: The Results

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:35 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00

21:15 21:45



Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News The Supervet Channel 4’s Alternative Election Night 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Alternative Election Featuring Gogglebox Paxman, Mitchell and Osman: More Alternative Election Alternative Election: The Results

06:30 06:45 06:55 07:05 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:15 08:30 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:10 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:05 00:00

Paw Patrol Bob the Builder Fireman Sam Thomas and Friends Shimmer and Shine Noddy: Toyland Detective Paw Patrol Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Reluctant Witness 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight Secrets of Great British Castles On Benefits Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Super Casino

09:00 10:00 12:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 22:30 23:00

09:00 10:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

International Rugby Union Premier League Years International Rugby Union Premier League 100 Club International Rugby Union Live Betfred Super League Sky Sports Boxing Gold Premier League Legends

ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Sporting Triumphs Sky Sports Cricket Gold Cricekt’s Greatest ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Cricket’s Greatest ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Sporting Rivalries


07:00 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15 15:00 15:45 16:30

17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:30 22:00 22:25 22:35

23:25 01:10 01:15

Election 2017 BBC News at One BBC London News Doctors !Mpossible Escape to the Country Yes Chef Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders Question Time Have I Got Election News for You BBC News at Ten BBC London News The Graham Norton Show Film The Proposal Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

06:15 06:45 07:30 08:15 09:15 10:00 11:00 11:45 12:15 13:00 16:30 17:15 18:00 18:30 19:00

19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:35 23:40 00:30 01:00 02:00 02:45

Emergency Rescue Down Under Rip Off Britain Yes Chef Gardeners’ World Secret Life of the Hospital Bed Homes Under the Hammer Rip Off Britain Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt Election 2017 Natural World Antiques Road Trip Eggheads Springwatch Great Continental Railway Journeys Great British Menu Gardeners’ World Versailles Live at the Apollo Election Spy Newsnight Cricket Panorama The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway Doctor Who This is BBC Two

06:00 09:25 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00

20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 22:50

23:20 00:20 01:20 03:00 03:50

Good Morning Britain Election 2017 Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street River Monsters. Terror in Paradise Coronation Street Lethal Weapon ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London The Keith and Paddy Picture Show Benidorm Tipping Point Jackpot247 Storage Hoarders ITV Nightscreen

06:00 06:45 07:35 08:30 10:05

11:00 12:00 12:05 13:05 14:10 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:05 00:10 00:55 02:45 03:40 04:25

Countdown Will and Grace Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA A Place in the Sun Channel 4 News Couples Come Dine with Me Posh Pawnbrokers Countdown Fifteen to One Coast v Country Four in a Bed Come Dine with Me The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Gogglesprogs The Last Leg First Dates 8 Out of 10 Cats Film Machete The Handmaid’s Tale Loaded Jamie’s Comfort Food

06:55 07:05 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:15 08:30 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:45 12:15 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15

17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:35 23:35 00:00 03:10

Fireman Sam Thomas and Friends Shimmer and Shine Noddy: Toyland Detective Paw Patrol Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff 5 News Lunchtime Big Brother Home and Away Neighbours NCIS: Los Angeles Film Lost Letter Mysteries: One in a Million 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Gadget Show Biggest Dog in the World Big Brother Big Brother’s Bit on the Side Big Brother Super Casino Big Brother

08:30 10:35 10:45 11:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 14:45 17:05 17:30 18:00

09:00 10:00


19:30 22:30 23:30

Live Super Rugby Super Rugby Gold Great Sporting Moments Prem. Leag. Years Great Sporting Moments Premier League Legends Football Gold Live Formula 1 Football Gold Premier League 100 Club Premier League Legends

Sky Sports Cricekt Gold Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Beneath the Black: A Journey Through New Zealand Rugby Live Betfred Super League ICC Champions Trophy Cricket Cricket’s Greatest



06:00 10:00 11:30 13:00 13:10 13:15 14:15 17:15 17:25 17:30 17:35

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen TBA BBC News Weather Athletics TBA BBC News Regional News Weather Film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

06:15 06:45 10:00

11:00 12:00 13:30 14:15

TBA Film TBA Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape Homes Under the Hammer Great British Menu Talking Pictures Film Now, Voyager

06:35 06:40 07:00 07:05 07:20 07:45 08:10 08:25 08:30 09:25 10:25 10:55 13:25 13:30 16:30 19:15

16:00 17:00 18:00 19:25 20:10 20:55 21:45 22:15 22:30 22:35 23:20 00:50 00:55

Doctor Who Who Dares Wins Casualty Mrs. Brown’s Boys BBC News Weather TBA Film TBA Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News


Flog It! Gardeners’ World Great Continental Railway Journeys Dad’s Army

Classic wartime sitcom about a group of man - not able to take up active service due to their age - who set up their town’s Home Guard in the Second World War. 19:00 23:20 00:20

TBA Versailles Film TBA

19:20 19:30 21:00 22:00 22:15 23:10

00:10 03:00 03:50

Share a Story Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Oddbods Super 4 Marvel’s Avengers Assemble Thunderbirds are Go Ben 10 ITV News Weekend The Home Game TBA Britain’s Got Talent ITV News French Open: Roland-Garros Live World Cup Qualifier Regional News and Weather ITV News TBA Film Horrible Bosses ITV News Film Horrible Bosses World Cup Qualifier Highlights Jackpot247 Who’s Doing the Dishes? ITV Nightscreen

06:20 07:15

Motorsport Triathlon

06:00 09:55 10:30 11:30 14:30 16:15

07:40 08:30 10:00 11:25 12:55 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 19:00

20:00 22:30 00:00 02:05 04:05

Milkshake! The Fairly Odd Parents The Gadget Show Police Interceptors FIA Formula E Live The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door



12:00 13:00 17:00 19:00

Everybody Loves Raymond Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons Four in a Bed A Place in the Sun Big House, Little House TBA Channel 4 News Britain’s Ancient Tracks with Tony Robinson TBA Formula 1 Film Horns Hollyoaks Omnibus Ackley Bridge


09:00 10:00

18:05 20:00 20:55 21:00 22:00 00:00 03:10 04:50 05:20 05:45

Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! TBA 5 News Big Brother TBA Super Casino TBA House Doctor Wildlife SOS Angels of Jarm

18:30 19:30 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30


Live International Rugby Union Beneath the black: A Journey Through New Zealand Rugby Darts Gold Live World Cup of Darts Live Betfred Super League Live World Cup of Darts International Rugby Union

Cricket Classics Live ICC Champions Trophy Cricket International Rugby Union Cricket Classics Cricket’s Greatest International Rugby Union Sporitng Rivalries Super Rugby


06:00 09:00 10:00 11:15 12:15

Breakfast The Andrew Marr Show Sunday Politics The Big Questions Bargain Hunt


The Instant Gardener

06:00 06:25 06:35 06:40 07:00 07:05 07:20 07:45

07:05 08:05 13:00 13:10 13:15 16:45 17:00 17:35 18:35 18:50 18:55 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:20 22:25 22:30 01:00

BBC News Weather for the Week Ahead TBA Points of View Songs of Praise TBA BBC News Regional News Weather Countryfile Antiques Roadshow Poldark BBC News Regional News Weather TBA Weather for the Week Ahead

08:35 09:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 18:00 20:00 21:00

22:00 22:30 23:00 23:50 03:45

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08:10 08:25 08:30 09:30

10:00 11:00 12:00 13:25 13:30 18:30 18:45 19:00 22:00 22:20

23:35 00:25 02:30

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09:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 16:40 17:40 18:35 19:00 20:00

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06:00 09:45 10:20

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Police Interceptors


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08:30 09:25 10:30 12:30 13:30 13:55 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:25

18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00

20:30 21:00 22:00 22:40 22:50 01:10

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21:00 22:00 22:50 23:55 01:25 02:20 03:40

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07:05 07:20 07:35 07:50 08:05 08:15 08:30 08:50 09:00 09:15 11:15 12:05 12:10 13:05 13:15 13:45 14:15 15:15 17:00 18:00 18:30 18:55

19:00 19:30 20:30 00:40 01:00

Thomas and Friends Shimmer and Shine Noddy: Toyland Detective Paw Patrol Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Digby Dragon Peppa Pig Wissper Wanda and the Alien The Wright Stuff The Hotel Inspector 5 News Lunchtime Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! Access Home and Away Neighbours NCIS Film TBA 5 News at 5 Neighbours Home and Away Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Labour Party Criminals Caught on Camera Police Interceptors Big Brother Lip Sync Battle UK Super Casino

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21:30 22:00

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Eating Out & About



Your dining experience around our restaurants


Maya’s Tandori & Curry house

Brunelli’s Steakhouse

The Oriental

Puerto Santiago

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Maya's Tandoor Curry House prides itself on offering more than just good taste. Of course, the food served here is delicious but the team has thought about all aspects of your visit to make it a memorable occasion and to welcome you back time after time. The restaurant offers fine Indian cuise with excellent service from a friendly staff and has been receiving many fantastic reviews since its opening. Plentiful portions, first-class attention, curries hailed as the best many have ever tasted, fantastic value for money, an extensive menu to suit all tastes, including for vegetarians, those with allergies and children.....the praise is endless. Just one of the delighted diners says: "This truly is the most amazing Indian you will ever have." And in the words of another: "A little gem!"

For reservations call +34 922 861 496 / +34 602 657 690 Calle Honduras, C.C. Santiago I, Local 106 Puerto Santiago (Infront of Hotel Barcelo Santiago) www.mayascurryhouse.com

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

Inaugurated in 1996 by Queen Sirikit of Thailand, our Oriental restaurant offers Asian style ‘haute cuisine’, which includes a wide range of delicious dishes with the unique flavor of an essential continent within the international gastronomic scene. The menu changes regularly and offers the best of the delicate and tempting, yet sophisticated cuisine from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Japan. The unforgettable experience in El Oriental is also felt though the traditional decor of the restaurant, which reflects both the magic and fineness of Thailand, making this restaurant the ideal place for a perfect dinner.

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/el-oriental

Tacoa Restaurant & Brewery

La Parrilla

II Pappagallo

El Sauzal

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Different types of craft beers can be enjoyed here. At the moment, for instance, they have ten! Two are the most recent, namely “Winter Porter” and a “Tajinaste”, with Teide floral honey. Specialities: a wide range of snacks, delicious salads, smoked food, various types of sausages, Geman grills and roasted knuckle of pork. Also home-made desserts. And new on the menu: vegan cuisine. This super brewery/restaurant is even more popular because it sells its bottled beer to the public who can walk here just like they can to other bars and restaurants!

Carretera General del Norte, 122, El Sauzal Open daily from 13:00 to 23:00, Frid. & Sat. until 12:30am Wednesday Closed. Tel: 922 56 41 73

The inmistakable Andalusian style of La Parrilla restaurant carefully decorates an architecture that blends rustic wood elements with southern Spain typical houses – an environment where diners live a gastronomic experience with the hallmark of excellence in restoration. The succulent cuisine with grilled meats, fresh fish and tapas challenge the most discerning palates in an evening paired with the best wines of the Canary Islands and Spanish Peninsula. In addition, our chef offers the freshest market daily. Enjoy the rustic setting and relaxed atmosphere of La Parrilla, which make this restaurant the perfect place for a romantic dinner or an entertaining encounter among friends.

Il Pappagallo restaurant perfectly combines the old art of making pasta dishes and innovative side dishes that will both delight diners. The menu has been entirely renovated to offer diners a modern culinary repertoire that matches our attention and love for details, as well as our passion for excellence. A varied buffet and a great selection of Italian specialties await you in its terrace overlooking the Atlantic, ideal to enjoy unforgettable sunsets and the tranquillity of the night during summer. In addition, our wine cellar houses the best Italian wines, chosen amongst the most traditional wines of the country.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/la-parrilla

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/il-pappagallo


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants


Donde Mario

La Bodeguita de Enfrente

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

A great part of the fun of wining and dining in Tenerife is finding somewhere different and it’s well worth a trip out to Santa Ursula to the warm and inviting Donde Mario. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is elegant and captivating. Restaurateur Mario Torres surpises us every day with his extensive use of produce in season, and his unbeatable experience with wines and cookery. Just try his Cherne warm salad, a super-healthy Canarian fish soup, or his Lomo de Vaca Morucha. You will be surprised.

Set in a series of old Canary houses, this restaurant is made up of a labyrinth of inter-connecting rooms leading off from the bar area in the centre. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an English country pub with its low ceilings with wooden beams and warm décor. The food is fundamentally Canarian. They grow most of their own produce at their allotment and only use olive oil to cook with. Their ethos is a simple one, only use the best, fresh produce and cook it with thought and care. The menu is described as Picoteo, slightly more than tapas without reaching the full-blown three-course meal status. It’s delicious and affordable.

Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. This is already an award-winning restaurant and it’s not surprising that this year, it has again scooped a TripAdvisor accolade. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.

For reservations call 922 304 585 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 119 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.dondemario.net

For reservations call 922 302 760 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 205 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.labodeguitadeenfrente.net

For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net

El Calderito de la Abuela

Eating Out & About



Your dining experience around our restaurants MANY ATTRACTIONS

Chill-out at Fusion, the Amarilla Golf restaurant which offers it all Fusion Restaurant on Amarilla Golf is one of those places which offers it all but this is certainly by design, not accident There are also themed nights, including a Canarian barbecue on a Thursday and fish night on a Wednesday. Steaks are served on all nights but Saturday is specifically steak night with a choice of fillet, ribeye and sirloin, topped off with the cabaret . Sunday roast (again organic) is also apparently to die for (next on the agenda!). The full a la carte menu is available nightly. Because the steaks are organic (and you can see the meat in the open display case before they are cooked), you


WNER Carole has been in the trade for many years in Tenerife and has got to know exactly what people want, whether they are locals or on holiday. You can, of course, find many restaurants on Tenerife which offer the “fine dining” experience. Then again, there are lots of entertainment venues where you can catch live acts or bars to sit and chat whilst sipping your drink. What you don’t find as much is a location which combines them all and manages to get the formula just right. Step in Fusion. Carole has drawn on her expertise to offer the complete package without one causing annoyance to the other. If you like fine dining, there are many options on the extensive menu, not least the really luscious organic steaks. An 8oz fillet will cost you 21.95 euros (still very comparable to other restaurants) but it is worth every cent because the

meat is incredibly soft and just falls away in your mouth. Fusion is becoming very well-known for these organic steaks sourced from a supplier in Los Abrigos and it’s not surprising. Any memories you might have of tough steaks elsewhere will just fade away! We just loved our steaks after dreaming about them for some days beforehand and also thorougly enjoyed our starters of deep fried camembert with a bluberry marmalade (5.95 euros) and sizzling garlic prawns with crusty bread (6.95 euros). If you want to tailor your meal to a budget, no problem either. The dishes on the Fusion menu cover the spectrum of prices to fit your pocket, whether you want pasta, a salad, fish or pork, chicken,

duck etc. Crispy beer battered cod with chunky chips (these are scrumptious!) with a minted pea puree is 10.95 euors, for instance, whilst a wild mushroom and pepper stroganoff served on a bed of vegetable rice is a ver y reasonable 9.95 euros. Main dishes are around the ten to 13 euro mark which is great value for money considering the excellent cooking and generous portions. What makes Fusion different is the “additional” attractions, most notably the entertainment you can enjoy on a number of the nights. These are great local acts, such as The Jersey Boys and Carole Gray with her tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals, which you can stay for after your meal. However, Fusion also offers other nights without cabaret so if you prefer a quieter evening, again, the choice is your’s.

might be best to book in advance although casual diners are welcome at all times of the day, including for breakfast of course with extensive choices. Fusion also has a nice chillout bar area at the top of the restaurant where you are very welcome to simply enjoy a drink. You can find this lovely restaurant in Amarilla Golf, just next to the Fairways complex and indeed it overlooks the lovely pool.

The spacious restaurant is decorated in subtle shades of lilac and purple which gives off a lovely hue at night and it has big arched picture windows for plenty of light and coolness in the day. Several years ago, the previous owners of Fusion constructed a separate stairway entrance to the restaurant off the main street which was a very welcome addition. They had plans at the time to “do something” with

the available space on the roof as well. Now, Carole has done that, turning the area into a delightful roof terrace with luxurious sunbeds and its own little corner seating areas if you would like somewhere more private to eat or you can go up there to enjoy a drink before or after your meal. This is for adults only. This is a brilliant area if you would like to hold any sort of celebration so do get in touch with the restaurant to discuss this if you have a private function in mind. There is always car-parking available near the restaurant which is also in walking distance from Golf del Sur or at least a short taxi ride away. However, you don’t have to be “local” to taste its delights. Why not make a point of getting in your car to make the journey to Amarilla Golf or share a taxi so you can try a different area and environment for a change.

FUSION RESTAURANT Amarilla Golf Tel: 922 70 80 69 Open: 9am to 11.45pm. Food served 9am-10pm Email: Fusionrestaurant321@outlook.com


Eating Out & About



English Tea Room

Restaurante Gom

Fusion Restaurant

Los Cristianos (new) & Fañabé

Santa Cruz

Amarilla Golf

Very much a Tenerife business success story, Harriet's English Tea Room and Restaurant in Los Cristianos has a very welcome addition to its extensive menu - Sunday lunches for 9.95 euros which are served between 12 noon and 5pm. With a big sunny terrace and beautifully designed interior, this lovely restaurant is just a stone’s throw from the bus station at the San Marino building (ie turn left at the bottom of the bus station and it is 100 yards or so on your left, in premises formerly occupied by the Heritage bar). In addition to the fantastic Sunday roasts, with "proper" roast potatoes, you will find the most gorgeous food, all home-made and great British cooking, including all day breakfasts, mouthwatering cakes, salads, jacket potatoes, sandwiches and rolls, home-made burgers, pancakes, ice-creams, evening meals and numerous varieties of teas and coffees served in china pots and cups. There are also many gluten-free and diabetic options.

This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.

Fusion is a unique restaurant which brings a much-needed fine dining experience to Amarilla Golf. Owner Carole has drawn on all her experience in the restaurant trade to bring tourists and local people alike a combination of gourmet food at affordable prices, theme nights such as Friday fish night, a Canarian barbecue evening on a Thursday and Oriental on a Wednesday. The Sunday lunch from 5pm is to die for and the steaks are the best in the south, with organic meat supplied from Los Abrigos. There is entertainment on four nights, including The Jersey Boys on a Monday and a fabulous new roof terrace where you can enjoy a drink, dine if you wish or hold a private party. To avoid disappointment, it's best to book if you can. Super atmosphere, beautiful decor and a must place to visit!

For reservations call 922 712 791 Los Cristianos, San Marino building. Open daily from 9am to 11pm. Playa Fañabé,56 Central Commercial. Open 9am to 10pm, closes 5pm Saturday and Sunday

For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz www.hoteltaburiente.com

Tel: 922 70 80 69 Open 9am to 11.45pm. Food served 9am-10pm

Bar El Pincho


Mamma Rosa

Las Vistas, Los Cristianos

Santa Cruz

Playa de las Américas

At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 9.50 euros. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Do try their fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Reservations can be done between 10:30 to 20:00pm

Summer has arrived and the wonderful SOOK restaurant has devised a refreshing and appetising menu for the hot months. New mouth-watering dishes are home-made salmorejo with extra virgin olive oil, diced Iberian ham and bread croutons, avocado from our islands in tempura, served with sweet chilli sauce and soy, tuna tataki with seaweed salad and caramelised soy sauce and duck breast soft grilled, with papaya chutney. In addition, the air-conditioned restaurant continues to offer its refreshing desserts such as seasonal fruit salad with guava mayonnaise. SOOK is now also opening with its a la carte during the weekend, both for lunch and dinner. The opening times are 13:00 to 15:30 and 20:30 to 23:30 and for your convenience, there is a parking area. You might also like to try the full breakfast buffet open to the public from 7am to 11am from Monday to Sunday. Ideal to start a day of shopping or tourist visit to Santa Cruz. The price is 16 euros per person.

Mamma Rosa is one of the longest established restaurants in the south of Tenerife and has an extensive menu and a modern ambiance which appeals to all ages. For more than 22 years, it has offered elegance, top-class cuisine, an excellent varied wine list and, of course, the service you would expect. The cuisine is described as classical Italian and Scandinavian with Spanish and French influences, blended together and cooked in a modern style. Part of the new approach is to offer a very extensive fish menu. As with the meat, the restaurant tries where possible to buy local produce and support the islands’ agriculture.

For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos www.barelpincho.com

Avda. 3 de Mayo, 3 Santa Cruz Tel.: 922 294 500 www.hoteles-silken.com

For reservations call 922 794 819 Avda. Santiago Puig, Apartamentos Colón 2 Playa de la Américas www.mammarosa.com / mammarosa@mammarosa.com






La Orotava Top acts to fly the rainbow flag unveils acts in new musical festival in Arona for patronal T festivities BRITISH BANDS

HE Weather Girls, Right Said Fred, Alicia Ramos and Brutiful and LaBaq are on their way to Tenerife.


ORE than 100 acts will help celebrate the Patronal Fiestas in La Orotava.

As part of this, the Big Week or Semana Grande will be from June 18th to 25th. The extensive programme of events will be developed during 42 days overall, with the celebration of the festival of San Isidro Labrador, patron of the municipality. The programme, presented in the Town Hall, includes more than 100 leisure, cultural, sports and religious events, topped off by the Semana Grande. Delia Escobar, delegate councillor of festivals, emphasised that all acts have their value and attractiveness, but the most relevant and popular include the election of the Queen of Corpus and Romera Mayor, which will take place respectively on June 9th and June 17th. Other highlights include the concert of ‘Pieles [Sunday June 18] with a new show and the traditional Recital of the Sabandeños in the Plaza Frachi Alfaro [Monday June 19]. The presentation of the 2016 Wine Harvest of the La Orotava Valley Denomination of Origin will take place in the Plaza del V Centenario and cites the wine cellars of the region and more than 10,000 people [June 21].

The Día Grande de las Alfombras is one of the biggest days of La Orotava’s calendar and takes place on Corpus Christi on June 22nd , starting at 7am with the ringing of the bells and the celebration of the Eucharist. with the assistance of the carpeters, followed by the spectacular sight of the floral tapestries across the town. Throughout the day, thousands of people will visit the Villa, not only to enjoy the preparation of these carpets with religious motives but also the great tapestry of the Town Hall Square, made with sands of the Teide National Park for more than a month. The solemn Eucharist will be at 6.30pm., presided over by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Seville, Juan José Asenjo Pelegrina. There will also be other representatives of other ecclesiastical authorities, as well as the Government of the Canar y Islands, Cabildo de Tenerife and the different municipalities of Tenerife, who will also participate in the procession of the Santísimo via the carpeted route.

The ARN Music Festival will be the culmination of a week dedicated to the projection and visibility of the international LGTBIQ movement within the framework of ARN Culture & Business Pride in Arona. A complete line-up of performances will feature such names as the British band Morcheeba and the pop icon Marc Almond, “headliners” of this last day dedicated to Pride in the south of Tenerife. The Americans, The Weather Girls will arrive in Tenerife with all their freshness. This band led by Martha Wash and Izora Armstead, also known as Two Tons o’fun, have gone down in histor y by creating a hit that has crossed time, becoming a timeless classic of disco and the gay universe , “It’s Raining Men”, first a hit in 1982. Brothers Richard and Fred Fairbrass are the founders of the Right Said Fred. This British band was created in 1989 taking its name from a song by Bernard Cribbins, and released their first single “I`m too sexy”. Alicia Ramos and her quirky band, Brutiful, will be another of the funniest highlights at ARN Music Festival. This extraordinary Canary singer is a staunch follower of the American country rock, and will arrive in Arona with a repertoire loaded with satire and social denunciation. Brazilian LaBaq closes the ARN Music Festival poster. After editing her first album in 2016, she is already one of the independent sound references in Brazil. This is a unique opportunity to see her perform live in the south of Tenerife. Within the main activities of the Festival, ARN Music Festival will offer a line-up where national and international artists linked to the collective LGTBIQ will be the protagonists. It is a free and accessible event that will fire ARN Business & Culture Pride into its second edition. It will be an atypical daytime festival, where from noon until 9 p.m. in the evening visitors can enjoy acts which have never before performed in the Canaries. Like all other activities, the ARN Music Festival is heteofriendly and there is free entry. The rhythm and colour will endow the area with the seven colours of the Rainbow flag. From Monday June 5th to Sunday June 11th, ARN Culture & Business Pride will become the protagonist of the national and international LGTBIQ scene. RNA was born as an exchange event for the growth and recognition of the LGTBIQ platform through culture, technology, business, science and art. It’s an international initiative of the area of Tourism of the City of Arona that promises to be, with this first call, an annual event at the start of the summer.








Secrets of the stylists Music course to be expanded after 2017 sell-out N

EARLY 400 professionals from the hairdressing and aesthetic sector attended the free masterclass that the hairdressers of the international firm Toni & Guy offered in the Auditorium Infanta Leonor of Los Cristianos.


HE eighth summer music course in Gran Canaria is all set for another success after 350 applications were received.

Classes in violin, viola, violoncello, bass, piano, flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, trombone, euphonium, tuba and percussion will be given to students aged from seven to 17 years of age.

The Alfredo Kraus Auditorium will be hosting around 200 youngsters from throughout the archipelago between July 17th and 26th. The students will receive music and movement classes, body expression, alternative

Milestone for popular band

percussion, motor coordination, choir, band, orchestra and collective class of instrument according to their specialty. In parallel with these classes, their parents can attend workshops specially designed to actively live the artistic experience that their children are enjoying. The students will put the finishing touches with the closing concert, which will take place on July 26th at 7.30 pm in the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium Symphony Hall. The 200 students will form a large symphony orchestra to show the result of the work done during their ten days of training. The Summer Music Course in Gran Canaria is organised by the Auditorium and Theatre Foundation of Las Palmas de

Gran Canaria and the CulturalEducational Association Inegale. The idea emerged in 2009 as a result of the particular initiative of a group of teachers whose intention was to complete the musical training of their students. The course has grown in each of its editions, the first year involving 33 young people to reach the present time in which 200 students will participate and which was very quickly sold out. That is why the Cultural-Educational Association Inegale is working to accommodate many more students for the 2018 edition.

This was an opportunity to know the best kept secrets of these stylists and bring the latest trends and developments in the industry to the Canary Islands’ professionals. This initiative was part of the programme of events of the Arona Fashion Festival (AFF), an event of fashion and trends aimed at turning the municipality of the south of Tenerife into a reference of the shopping mall and to spotlight on its open commercial zones. José Boix, stylist and director of Toni & Guy, Spanish hairdresser of the year 2015, and Amparo Carratalá, manager of the academy of Toni & Guy in Valencia and winner of several awards, such as the Barber Revelation Club Fígaro 2012, both presented collections. Toni & Guy has collaborated on more than 80 shows of different designers and is an official sponsor of the London Fashion Week. Since the opening of their first salon in London in 1963 under the name of Toni & Guy, the reputation of the Toni and Guy Mascolo brothers in the hairdressing and styling sector has continued to grow. In the 1990s, there were approximately 100 centres in more than 20 countries around the world.

More information about the course and inscriptions at www.asociacioninegale.com.


Sounding a preview for Night of Magic in San Juan de la BUCIO TRADITION Rambla

Puerto offers free summer fun for local children


ENERIFE has many ancient traditions and customs, many of them having survived for centuries, others which have been rescued and revived.


HE Band of Music of San Miguel de Abona was delighted to perform in the Auditorium Adán Martín and thrilled its supporters too.

Three other bands took part in Spring Musical 2017 and it was down to the San Miguel musicians to bring the concert to a close with a stirring performance. Those present included the Mayor, Arturo González, who was accompanied by other members of the council, as well as a large group of elders of the municipality who enjoyed the band in an incomparable setting.

One of these is called the “Resonar del Bucio” which coincides with the “Noche Mágica” or “Night of Magic” in San Juan de la Rambla. This wonderful night is held each summer and is heralded by the calling sound of the bucio from the cliff tops. The bucio is a shell-like instrument and was used in yesteryear as a way of communicating across the barrancos and ravines of the island. The event includes a local

walk where the participants all carr y torches, creating an incredible scene and atmosphere. This Canary tradition was revived in 2009 by Ricardo González who has recently presented the 2016 poster as a preview to the June event. This year, the event takes place on Friday, June 23rd from 9.45pm with the walk along the camino of El Risco leaving the Carr. San José TF 2214 . There will also be a procession through the streets of calles Antonio Oramas, calle El Pino and calle El Calvario with people carrying white ribbons and buckets of fragrant herbs. The only light during the procession comes from the torches and culminates in the sounding of the horns, making for an incredible sight and atmosphere. This year, this will take place on one of the beaches of the municipality, Los Roques or La Manguita. This has not proved possible in previous years because of coastal erosions. Each year more pilgrims come with white clothing, a colour that claims the purification of the Magic Night of San Juan, the colour also of baptism and the entrance to the summer solstice.


UERTO de la Cruz is putting on a summer programme of events for youngsters.

Children between four and 12 can enjoy free educational and leisure activities, thanks to the local council. This programme has been arranged by the children’s service of the Social Welfare Area and thanks to the agreements signed with Ecca and the la Caixa Foundation, through the “Caixa Proinfancia Program”. All these activities are free of charge and for this purpose children from the tourist municipality have been selected. “We are very happy with the acceptance of the summer activities, since all places were covered in record time,” said the head of the Social Welfare Area, Victor Manuel Cabo. He said it was essential for youngsters to enjoy complementary activities in the summer, to educate them in values without losing sight of the fun and in the same way, help families to enjoy a fun-educational summer. The Summer Colonies will be attended by 20 children who will develop different recreational and sports activities, as well as excursions and breakfasts, aimed at creative and positive leisure. These will be in mid-July in the morning from Monday to Friday, for six hours daily. There will also be a Summer Camp, to be held in the municipality of Sauzal, where six children between the ages of six and 18 will attend, in the second week of August. The Caixa Proinfancia Program has also granted scholarships to five children who will enjoy Campus C.D. Tenerife, with football tuition tailored to each participant. This is in July. CEIP César Manrique will organise an Urban Camp from July 1st to 30th, in collaboration with the Social Welfare Area and basketball team U.B. Puerto Cruz. Here, 50 children can enjoy handicraft, theatre, sports and education in values. To qualify for a place in these camps, the area of Social Welfare offers applicants the following telephone number 620 115 948.






Painter donates Major new event “FoodTrucks on original poster Tour” adds more flavour to Puerto for new “Casa del Carnaval” FIRST EDITION


UERTO de la Cruz has presented details of the first edition of FoodTrucks on Tour, a new event that is celebrated with the aim of boosting the commercial fabric of the municipality. On June 3th and 4th, from 11am to 11.30pm and from 11pm to 6pm respectively, there will be a meeting at the Plaza de Europa of up to ten FoodTrucks from different corners of Tenerife and Gran Canaria. The press conference for the presentation of the event was attended by commerce councillor, Antonia Maria Dominguez; councillor for general services, Ángel

Montañés; and the promoter of the event Héctor Hernández, manager of Creventy Eventos. With a theme based on an urban and sustainable style, visitors can enjoy a different day surrounded by a unique atmosphere and good live music by artists from all over the island. With the aim of publicising the commercial and restoration offer of the commercial

area, “shops and catering companies will offer great discounts, which will be exchanged with a promotional ticket that will be delivered to attendees of the event for each consumption,” explained Antonia Domínguez. Ten of them will be the Foodtruks which will present in the Plaza de Europa a wide gastronomic offer. These will be Amordidas B & B Foodtruck, which will offer sandwiches with fresh products from the islands; Café Caramba, artisan sandwiches with Pastrami specialty; Calderón de la Tarta, pancakes, waffles and sweets made by hand; Chef on The Road, with his specialty “Spidies” macerated meat sandwiches; Cielito Lindo and Con Limón and Sal Foodtruck, will make Mexican food; Dolcezza, will offer homemade ice cream; Foodtruck Frida, which will make homemade empanadillas and special dishes for celiac and vegetarians; La Dulzoneta: sweet and salty pastr y made from artisan crafts; and Raices Foodtruck, with hamburgers and

gourmet hotdogs and their specialty, the black pudding hamburger. Throughout Saturday and Sunday, different local artists will perform at the Plaza de Europa, with original songs and covers of well-known songs. Bands confirmed already include El Gen Cedrés, Madame Quimera, Ferreiro & Chaick and Fundación Alba Pérez. On Saturday night, Jacobo Padilla, DJ, producer and presenter of television and radio of national prestige, will perform an exclusive DJ set for FoodTrucks on Tour with styles like lounge, funk, disco, afro, latin, broken beat and nu -jazz. Councillor for general services, Ángel Montañés said the event will be integrated with the European Urban Waste project, which studies how waste is managed in tourist municipalities, promoting the use Of reusable and sustainable glasses. To this end, those attending can buy a glass for one euro to use at all the food trucks.


HE painter Juan Galarza has presented Santa Cruz city council with the first poster of the carnival chicharrero.

The work, corresponding to the second edition of the Winter Festival, of the year 1962, will be part of the exhibition of the Casa del Carnaval. The poster, which was received by the Mayor of the city, José Manuel Bermúdez, will be incorporated into the permanent exhibition of the new attraction. The poster corresponds to the second edition of the Winter Festivities, since the first year of celebration only a triptych, also by Galarza, was produced, according to the author himself. The Mayor thanked the gift of the poster, which will be integrated into the museum project of the House of Carnival, along with other elements especially symbolic of the festivals. “We want the Carnival House to be the best showcase for the party and the best way to start nurturing the exhibition is through history, with the first poster that was made,” said Sr. Bermúdez. Sr. Galarza, for his part, recalled that this poster was the beginning of a collaboration with the City Council and the Carnival that lasted in time, to the point that has been the author of eight posters. “The first request came from Ernesto Salcedo and Julio Doblado, who were part of a fiesta committee, and they proposed to make a triptych in a single colour for the party of the year 61; and the following year they ordered another poster from me, “recalled the painter, who emphasised” the enthusiasm and the illusion “with which he received the proposal. The last poster of the Carnival designed by Galarza was that of the 2008 edition, dedicated to magic.






How to treat chickenpox at home


The different types of birthmarks B IRTHMARKS are coloured marks that are visible on the skin. They’re often present at birth or develop soon afterwards.

There are several different types of birthmark and some of them are very common. The two main types of birthmark are: Vascular birthmarks (often red, purple or pink) caused by abnormal blood vessels in or under the skin. Pigmented birthmarks (usually brown) caused by clusters of pigment cells. Vascular birthmarks often occur in the head and neck area, mainly on the face. But both types of birthmark can appear anywhere, including inside the body. If surface blood vessels are affected, a vascular birthmark will appear red, purple or pink. If the affected vessels are deep, the birthmark will appear blue. Pigmented birthmarks are tan or brown-coloured skin marks.

SALMON PATCH (STORK MARK) Salmon patches are flat red or pink patches that can appear on a baby’s eyelids, neck or forehead at birth. They’re the most common type of vascular birthmark and occur in around half of all babies. Most salmon patches will fade completely within a few months, but if they occur on the forehead they may take up to four years to disappear. Patches

on the back of the neck can last longer. Salmon patches are often more noticeable when a baby cries because they fill with blood and become darker.

INFANTILE HAEMANGIOMA Infantile haemangiomas, also known as strawberr y marks, are raised marks on the skin that are usually red. They can appear anywhere on the body. Sometimes infantile haemangiomas occur deeper in the skin, in which case the skin can look blue or purple. Haemangiomas are common, particularly in girls, and affect around 5% of babies soon after birth. They rapidly increase in size for the first six months before eventually shrinking and disappearing by around seven years of age. Haemangiomas that get bigger rapidly, or those that interfere with vision or feeding, may need to be treated.

CAPILLARY MALFORMATION (PORT WINE STAIN) Capillary malformation, also known as port wine stains, are flat red or purple marks that affect a very small number of newborn babies. They can vary

in size, from a few millimetres to several centimetres in diameter. Port wine stains often affect one side of the body and usually occur on the face, chest and back (although they can occur anywhere). They tend to be sensitive to hormones and may become more noticeable around puberty, pregnancy and the menopause. Most are permanent and may deepen in colour over time.

CAFÉ-AU-LAIT SPOTS Café-au-lait spots are coffee-coloured skin patches. Many children have one or two, but if more than six have developed by the time the child is five, you should see your GP. It could be a sign of neurofibromatosis (a number of genetic conditions that cause tumours to grow along the nerves).

MONGOLIAN SPOTS Mongolian spots are blue-grey or bruisedlooking birthmarks that are present from birth. They ’re more commonly seen in darkerskinned people and usually occur over the lower back or buttocks. However, they can also appear elsewhere on the body or limbs. Mongolian spots may last for months or years, but

they usually disappear by the time a child reaches four years of age. They’re completely harmless and don’t need treatment. They may sometimes be mistaken for a bruise.

CONGENITAL MELANOCYTIC NAEVI Congenital melanocytic naevi are also known as congenital moles. They’re relatively large brown or black moles that are present from birth. They’re fairly common and are caused by an overgrowth of pigment cells in the skin. Most congenital melanocytic naevi become proportionally smaller and less obvious with time, although they may darken during puberty or become bumpy or hairy. They can range in size from less than 1.5cm (about 0.6 inches) to more than 20cm (about 7.9 inches) in diameter. The risk of a naevi developing into skin cancer is low, but the risk increases the larger it is.


HICKENPOX is a common illness that mainly affects children and causes an itchy, spotty rash.

Most youngsters will catch it at some point. It can also occur in adults who didn’t have it when they were a child. It’s usually mild and clears up in a week or so, but it can be dangerous for some people, such as pregnant women, newborn babies and people with a weakened immune system. The symptoms of chickenpox start one to three weeks after becoming infected. The main symptom is a rash that develops in three stages: Spots – red raised spots

Memory tips


AVE you got a poor memory? Here are some top tips to make sure you don’t forget important things.

Keep everyday items, such as car keys, in the same place and try to do things in the same order each time.

Write information down and keep paper and a pencil near the phone. Keep a diary at home as well as at work to remind you to do daily tasks. Use an alarm to help you remember to do something in the future, such as taking something out of the oven. Repeat back to someone important information you need to remember.

develop on the face or chest before spreading to other parts of the body. Blisters – over the next few hours or the following day, very itchy fluid-filled blisters develop on top of the spots. Scabs and crusts – after a further few days, the blisters dry out and scab over to form a crust; the crusts then gradually fall off by themselves over the next week or two. Chickenpox is contagious until all the blisters have scabbed over, which usually happens about five or six days after the rash appeared. Chickenpox can usually be treated at home. You or your child will probably feel pretty miserable and uncomfortable, but treat-ment can help relieve the symptoms. The following can help: Use paracetamol to relieve fever and discomfort – don’t use anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen, as they can sometimes make people with chickenpox very ill. Use calamine lotion, moisturising creams or cooling gels to ease itching. Tap or pat the skin rather than scratching it – it’s important to avoid scratching because this can lead to further problems. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. You should also take steps to stop chickenpox spreading, such as staying away from school or work until the last blister has scabbed over.





Memory loss but is it dementia setting in?


S you get older, you may find that memory loss becomes a problem.

It’s normal for your memory to be affected by age, stress, tiredness, or certain illnesses and medications. This can be annoying if it happens occasionally, but if it’s affecting your daily life or is worrying you or someone you know, you should seek help from your GP. How common is dementia? According to the Alzheimer’s Society there are around 800,000 people in the UK with dementia. One in three people over 65 will develop dementia, and two-thirds of people with dementia are women. The number of people with dementia is increasing because people are living longer. It is estimated that by 2021, the number of people with dementia in the UK will have increased to around 1 million.


Regenerating tissues with the use of our own blood: THE PRF

What is dementia? Dementia is a common condition. Your risk of developing dementia increases as you get older, and the condition usually occurs in people over the age of 65. Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. This includes problems with memory loss, thinking speed, mental agility, language, understanding and judgement. People with dementia can become apathetic or uninterested in their usual activities, and have problems controlling their emotions. They may also find social situations challenging, lose interest in socialising, and aspects of their personality may change. A person with dementia may lose empathy (understanding and compassion), they may see or hear things that other people do not (hallucinations), or they may make false claims or statements. As dementia affects a person’s mental abilities, they may find planning and organising difficult. Maintaining their independence may also become a problem. A person with dementia will therefore usually need help from friends or relatives, including help with decision making. Your GP will discuss the possible causes of memory loss with you, including dementia. An early diagnosis can help people with dementia get the right treatment and support, and help those close to them to prepare and plan for the future. With treatment and support, many people are able to lead active, fulfilled lives.

Why am I having heart palpitations?


EART palpitations are heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable.

Your heart may feel like it’s pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly, often for just a few seconds or minutes. You may also feel these sensations in your throat or neck. Palpitations may seem alarming, but in most cases they’re harmless and aren’t a sign of a serious problem. Sometimes you may feel an extra or missed beat. These are known as ectopic beats and are also usually nothing to worry about. You don’t usually need to see your GP if the palpitations pass quickly and occur only occasionally. They’re unlikely to be caused by a serious problem and probably won’t need treatment. But it’s a good

idea to contact your GP if the palpitations last a long time, don’t improve or get worse, you have a history of heart problems or you’re concerned about the palpitations. Call for an ambulance or visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department if you have heart palpitations and any of the following symptoms: Severe shortness of breath. Chest pain or tightness. Dizziness or light-headedness. Fainting or blackouts. These symptoms could indicate a serious or potentially life-threatening heart problem that should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.


Thanks to the use of plasma, we have achieved a shorter period in the recovery of the patients, besides a greater guarantee of solidification and strengthening of the teeth, explains Victor Cubillo, surgeon at Artedental


CCELERATING the regeneration of our tissues or getting them to cicratrise at a higher speed seems a matter of science fiction, but the truth is that it is already a reality, and quite widespread. There is a booming technique that accomplishes the above using an abundant and easily obtainable material: our own blood. Or to be more precise, the platelets with high levels in proteins that are in the blood. There are many branches of medicine that today use plasma-rich growth factors, also known as PRF. From aesthetic medicine, traumatology, dermatology, orthopedics

to dentistry. The technique is so simple that it can be done at an ambulatory level, always by qualified professionals: a small amount of blood is extracted from the patient and it is then centrifuged to isolate the platelets. Among them, those with higher levels of proteins are separated to apply them in a damaged tissue. The best thing about this technique is that we will be using an autologous

material, that is, produced by the patient himself. It is the same healing process that our body performs when we have a wound. Platelets generate growth factors with anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties that stimulate our cells to act. Quite simply, a process of nature is copied. The surgeon Víctor Cubillo, medical director of the Artedental clinic in Puerto de la Cruz, has been one of the pioneers of its use in Spain, as well as researcher and defender of the PRF. He explains that in dentistry, PRF “is used as a complement for healing after implant placement, for bone grafting or breast lift operations, one of the most complex in today ’s dentistry.” This technique has been practised in Artedental for several years, with excellent results. “What better regenerative material could we use than the one that our own body makes?” he explains. “Thanks to the use of plasma, we have achieved a shorter period in patient recover y, in addition to a greater guarantee of solidification and strengthening of dental pieces, a leap in modern dentistry,” he adds. And this is just one example. In orthopedics, for example, the PRF is successfully applied to fractures and reconstructions of tendons and ligaments. In fact, its use is popularised when elite

athletes begin to use the PRF directly in their injured areas. In vascular medicine, it is used in the treatment of ulcers, reducing by up to one third the healing time. In ophthalmology, in corneal ulcers; and in gynaecology, for the healing of cesarean sections. In aesthetic medicine with scars, wrinkles and furrows, to restore skin vitality and increase the thickness of the skin until a facial rejuvenation. In fact Artedental also use it as part of aesthetic medicine services that complement those of dentistry, as in the embellishment of the smile. However, for some experts, when poorly applied, it gives no results. In Artedental, every time this material is used, a protocol is implemented that relies on the work of an entire team. “Everything works like a perfect gear,” explains Guillermo Garcia, PhD in Pharmacy, as well as a clinical analyst. He is a collaborator of the clinic, where he goes to perform the extractions and to anaylse the patients to whom the plasma is going to be applied. He evaluates the necessary parameters, such as the level of platelets, coagulation factors or the identification of anemia. “In Artedental we offer a complete service. Extraction, analytical and specific treatment, either implants or sinus lift, “concludes Amaya Sáez, manager of the clinic.






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San Miguel hosts Arona promises refurbishment of Canary wrestling sports complex “within months” tournament MANY DEFICIENCIES


RONA is to undertake a comprehensive reform of the Jesús Domínguez Grillo sports complex in Los Cristianos.

The local council has drawn up a master plan that has detected deficiencies and

proposed solutions. The works are part of the #AronaAvanza programme,

Youngsters enjoy mini Olympics


ROUND 300 schoolchildren from San Miguel de Abona participated in the III Mini-Olympics.

The youngsters came from the schools of CEIP El Monte, Juan Bethencourt Alfonso, Aldea Blanca, Llano de las Naciones and San Miguel Arcángel. The event was organised by the Department of Sports of San Miguel council and took place on the Aldea municipal field. The initiative, which lasted for three hours, was a meeting point for coexistence among children. The boys and girls who participated also enjoyed a healthy breakfast arranged by Lidl.

promoted by the Mayor, José Julián Mena, and which foresees investments this year of more than seven million euros. The complex is one of the main sports facilities in the municipality and is visited by thousands of people every day. Built between 1984 and 1986, it only has a few steps in the pool that are closed to the public because of its condition, suffers from constant leaks due to the situation of the deck, is affected by dampness and is flooded when it rains. In addition, it needs modernisation of the facilities and a new gym. The Mayor said: “Jesús Domínguez Grillo is used

daily by thousands of individuals and as a training space by teams, both local, national and international, who have long been demanding this remodelling.” The next step will be the drafting of the project and the award of the works, so that the refurbishment can begin in the coming months. “We are solving the problems that many local people have complained about since the complex was built at a time when our municipality had a population much lower than the current one,” said Sr. Mena. “We are addressing the remodelling of this sports complex just as we are acting in many other sports facilities in Arona.”


HE wrestling club of Tomás González de San Miguel de Abona hosted the Championship of Tenerife of Lucha Canaria for Women.

Winners of this year’s edition were Ithaisa García and Mairon Acosta in the senior and non-senior categories. Garcia herself won in the Senior category of 90 kilos, Laura Marrero in 70-60 and Melisa Perez in less than 60 kilos; while for weights in Non Senior the titles fell to Fatou Gueye (90 kilos), Victoria Fernandez (80-90), Ana Galván (70-80), Nelida Díaz (6070) and Nerea Cano (less than 60). “For our municipality it has been a pride to host for he first time this island championship and enjoy this discipline of sport, “ said local sports councillor Victor Chinea.


Finishing touches to a golden event


OS Realejos put the finishing touches to its School Mini-Olympics 2016-2017 with 540 participating boys and girls.

The closing athletics events were held at Iván Ramallo stadium, together with the medal ceremony, with the victory of the Pureza de María college. Boys and girls from year 6 had competed in the Olympics, representing ten schools from the municipality. The initiative, already consolidated in the sports calendar of Los Realejos, is organised by the departments of Education and Sports, led by Sandra Pérez and Benito Dévora, respectively, who attended the day with the Mayor of Los Realejos, Manuel Dominguez. These final athletic competitions followed on from sporting challenges held in November 2016 in the Basilio Labrador Sports Complex with volleyball, handball and basketball matches and those of March 2017 in the Municipal Swimming Pool with various swimming modalities. Second place went to CEIP Mencey Bentor de La Cruz Santa and third to CEIP Pérez Zamora de Realejo Alto. The closing ceremony was attended by four representatives of the winning school of the last edition, CEIP Toscal Longuera, and the parade of the 540 participants. Before the medal presentations that closed the day, the children enjoyed a breakfast of coexistence in their own sports facilities.





Soft gym classes for all in Guargacho


YMNASTICS for everyone is being offered in the cultural centre of Guargacho.

Soft gymnastics classes for all ages are being held from 11am to noon on a Wednesday and Friday. The local council is encouraging all San Miguel de Abona residents to participate in this proposal, which will last until the end of June. The registration must be formalised in the Department of Sports or in the SAC of Las Chafiras.

Los Realejos launches fair play campaign



OS Realejos council has launched a major new campaign to encourage and promote fair play in sport.

Clubs and sports schools are being involved, as well as families under the motto “En Los Realejos violencia cero, deportividad dentro y fuera de la cancha’ (“In Los Realejos, zero violence in sport, on and off the court”. The initiative was led by the Mayor, Manuel Domínguez who was joined by fellow councillors in the presence of other representatives of clubs and sports schools of the locality. The Mayor said the municipality lamented scenes of violence on sports courts in Spain and wanted to bring a campaign against such violence to local level. “This is a campaign which appeals to commonsense,” he said. “It is perhaps repetitive but simple.”

CD Tenerife project arrives in El Sauzal


Santa Cruz opens entries for November E marathon


L Rosario has been fostering its links with CD Tenerife to encourage grassroots football.

ANTA Cruz has started preparations for the fourth edition of its marathon on November 12th.

Entries are now being invited with discounts, susidized for the three categories (8, 21 and 42 kms). This fourth edition of the Sport Zone Marathon of Santa Cruz de Tenerife will inaugurate the national calendar of races of the season 2017-18 in this sport modality. The test was presented by the Mayor of the city, José Manuel Bermúdez, along with the councillor for sports, Veronica Meseguer; insular councillor for sports, Cristo Pérez; and the director of the race, César Dorta. Sr. Bermudez said that

holding this event in Santa Cruz “is good news for the city. “It is an important promotional screen for the capital, which lives up to others who also celebrate a test of these characteristics in its streets”. The inconvenience caused by restricting traffic and car parks more than compensates for what is achieved when it comes to boosting Santa Cruz. “ Sr. Meseguer, for his part, emphasised the “inclusive character of the race, open to athletes of level and runners of a more popular level having three distances.

“We want to continue to improve and have even more impact and international participation than we have achieved”, he said. To grow it is necessary to coordinate many other municipal areas, to which I thank from here the effort they make to make a new edition a reality, as well as the sponsors. “ Sr. Perez recalled that the test “emerged as an important gamble and the four years of life that it fulfills in this edition tells us that it was a wise idea. It is an important to spread the name of Tenerife beyond the Canary Islands and the fact that last year there were athletes from 44 different nationalities says much of the platform.”

The Mayor, Escolástico Gil and councillor for sports, Iván Armas, held a meeting with the director of CD Tenerife, Juan Manuel Quintero, and the general director, Victor Pérez Borreg. This was part of CD Tenerife’s new project + Base which aims to establish good contacts with the 170 football clubs registered on the island.

Places open for swimming courses


ANTA Cruz has opened registrations for its summer swimming courses.

The activity, which offers a total of 2,680 places, will take place during the months of July and August in the Acidalio Municipal Pool. The initiative is organised by the Autonomous Sports Organisation (OAD) and is aimed at children between the ages of four and 13.

Because of the reopening of the pool following refurbishments, the number of places has doubled. “This wide offer is divided by age groups, which are associated with a certain schedule to try to reconcile working and family life, essential for many families

during the summer months,” the council explains. There are various discounts available depending on the courses booked and numbers in the family. For further information, telephone numbers 922 60 95 04, 922 60 95 11 and 922 60 95 28 have been activated.

Foreign demand strong in Q1, British demand down but surprisingly resilient


OREIGN demand for property in Spain rose by 15.6% in the first quarter of the year, whilst British, though falling 23.6%, but has not collapsed, reveal the latest figures from the Spanish Land Registrars’ Association.

The number of homes sales involving a foreigners buyer inscribed in the Land Register in Q1 was around 14,870 (chart above), up by 15.6% on the same period last year. Foreign demand was 13.1% of the housing market in Q1, a fraction above its share last year. Overall, the Spanish property market expanded by 14.4% in Q1, with local demand up 14.2%. The overall market (and local demand) have now expanded every quarter for the last four years.

Despite Brexit the British were still the biggest group of buyers by a wide margin, with 2,150 home purchases and 15% foreign market share, followed by the French (1,433 purchases, 10% market share) and Germans (1,137 purchases, 8% market share).

Brexit impact on the Spanish property market

Talking of British demand, Brexit has clearly had a negative impact, I would argue mainly due to the weakness of the Pound. But I am surprised how well British demand is holding up in the face of Brexit. It actually rose 4% compared to the previous quarter (Q4 2016) and is still 10% higher than it was in Q1 2015. So it seems British buyers are being pretty sanguine about Brexit, and they are still 50% larger as a group than the next biggest market – the French. The British love-affair with Spanish property is not over, but maybe it’s just the hardcore who are still buying. Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 - 2008).

He can be reached by email on ms@spanishpropertyinsight.com.












Ground floor apartment



Ref 6426 139,000€

Modern apartment built in 2009, with an extremely high spec open plan kitchen and ground floor position. Ideally located in the popular but quiet residential urbanization la Quinta, Santa Ursula in northern Tenerife. The complex is very well maintained with communal gardens and a large swimming pool, private parking space also included.



Penthouse Apartment



Ref 6299 435,000€

This property package consists of a fantastic corner 3 bedroom penthouse, 1 bedroom apartment, two garages and a storage room. Located in the "Puntillo del Sol” area, one of the sunniest urbanizations in the north of Tenerife. Ideally situated with easy access to the neighbouring towns of El Sauzal and La Matanza. The penthouse is located front line to the sea and has a terrace of approximately 306 m2, with stunning views of the sea, coast and Teide. Originally two apartments that have been cleverly combined into one spacious apartment. Partially furnished and consisting of a hall, large living / dining room with fitted kitchen, utility room, a spacious master bedroom with dressing room, en suite bathroom and large private terrace plus 2 further guest bedrooms and a bathroom. Communal pool and sun terrace, lifts, library and wifi zone The guest apartment is located less than 50 meters away, fully furnished and situated the ground floor, the apartment offers a living room with open plan kitchen, one bedroom and a bathroom.

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Ocean View, San Eugenio Alto


This spacious and bright 1 bedroom duplex apartment is located just a few minutes from the coast and Playa de las Americas. The property has an open plan kitchen and a lounge area leading to a good size terrace. On the upper floor is the bathroom with walk in shower and a double master bedroom with its own private balcony.

REDUCED FROM 119.000 TO £109,950

Parque Albatros, Golf del Sur

Price: €125.000 approx. £108,695


This immaculately presented 1 bedroom apartment enjoys sea, golf and mountain views from two terraces. With a lovely light and summery feel inside the property! Renovated with modern fully fitted kitchen, air conditioning and a spacious bathroom with walk in shower. Front and rear terraces, gives you the opportunity of enjoying the sun from morning until sunset! Based on a quiet and well established complex with pool area and amenities close by.

La Concepción, Llano del Camello


3 bedroom, 2 bathroom garden apartment with fully independent fitted kitchen and utility area. Spacious lounge with dining area, all bedrooms are double in size and the master bedroom has a full ensuite bathroom. Great position on the complex directly on the poolside but does have privacy due to mature and well kept community garden areas. Excellent condition throughout! Air conditioning.

Price: €159.950 approx. £139,086

Price: £109,950 approx. €126.442


Pebble Beach, Amarilla Golf


2 bedroom properties on this development are something of a rarity and demand is very high. Located on the second floor with views over the lush communal gardens and a partial sea view from its spacious terrace. Re-tiled throughout and the kitchen and the bathroom have also benefit from a make-over. The complex is secure and well maintained with a heated communal pool, bar and restaurant.


Villas del Duque, Costa Adeje


This 5 bedroom linked villa is located in a prestigious development in the exclusive El Duque area of Costa Adeje. Located just a few minutes from the beach! Privileged corner position just away from the communal pool area, ensuring privacy and relaxation. Constructed over 3 floors- The basement level has 3 rooms for extra accommodation, the largest benefitting from skylights to add plenty of natural light. A fully fitted bathroom is also on this level and a private look up garage with direct access into the property.

Price: €620.000 approx. £539,130

Price: €119.950 approx. £104,304

Roque del Conde


Spectacular villa comprises of 4 double bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, spacious living area with dining area, an independent kitchen with laundry room and pantry, there is an additional room that can be used as a study or a 5th bedroom. Marble floors throughout, private heated pool, and an underground garage for 6 cars, no expense has been spared. Plenty of terraces and balconies on both floors together with beautiful landscaped gardens and panoramic ocean views to La Gomera and over the Atlantic.

Price: €1.350.000 approx. £1,173,913


Pueblo Estefanía, Chayofa


Ground floor 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment with possibly one of the largest terraces we have seen, and a sea view! There is communal parking for residents within the development. 2 double bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms and a large lounge area leading to the rear terrace area and it also has an open plan kitchen. Sold unfurnished.

Gran Oasis Resort, Playa de las Américas

Price: €249.950 approx. £217,347

Price: €250.000 approx. £217,391



Amazing 2 bedroom penthouse apartment with solarium adjacent to Playa de las Americas Golf Course. Located on a 4 star hotel complex. The apartment is light and spacious with fully fitted kitchen, 2 double bedrooms and a full bathroom, dining area. Direct access to a sunny terrace from both lounge and the main bedroom. It’s YOUR fantastic choice!

Las Americas Puerto Colon Marina, Local 117

Golf del Sur Las Adelfas I, Local 83

San Andrés, Golf del Sur


Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom bungalow set in an extremely well maintained development surrounded by golf course fairways. The master bedroom is en-suite and the kitchen is separate. Beautiful high ceilings add to the charm. West facing offering sunshine from 11am until sunset. The communal areas offer 3 swimming pools, one of which is heated, Pool bar/restaurant, car hire, supermarket, bistro, hairdressers and more.

Price: €275.000 approx. £239,130






BANK REPOSSESSIONS 73003696. Av Constitucion, ADEJE: 1 bed apt in good order. 89.700 Euros 60212598. C/ Era del Llano, SANTIAGO DEL TEIDE: 83.5 m2, apt with 2 bed, 1 bath, terrace. 54.500 Euros Chayofa

Parque Cristina, Torviscas Alto

Lovely 1 bed, 2 bath bungalow with superb gardens and views.

Hillside complex with views and communal pool heated winter months.

Garden City, San Eugenio Apartment in good condition with large terrace and garden, 1 bed, 1 bath, partly refurbished.

Ref: B1618

180.000 Euros

Ref: B1610

250.000 Euros

190.000 Euros

Ref: B1611

73904303. C/ Idalfe, PLAYA PARAISO: Pared town house, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms.146.55 m2 built, terrace/garden and communal pool. 240.100 Euros 60214053. Av. Principe Felipe, LAS GALLETAS: Centrally located apt with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace. 99.900 Euros


73901286. C/ Padre Esteban, SAN ISIDRO: 3 bed, 1 bath apt with garage parking space. 63.000 Euros 6008731. C/ Virgen Fatima, ARONA. Selection of 4 apartments, each one with 2 bedrooms. 70.100 – 79.500 Euros El Galeon, Adeje

Golf Costa Adeje

Excellent area near all amenities; 2 bed, 1 bathroom apt, kitchen, living room. Garage & storage room. Com. swimming pool & children’s play area Ref: C1743 189.000 Euros

Villa with private swimming pool, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge, independent kitchen, built 180 m2, garden and views.

Ref: D1633

730.000 Euros

Laguna Park II, Torviscas Alto Fully furnished 1 bedroom apt with living room, kitchen, bathroom and terrace. Communal pool.

Ref: B1615

60205566. Urb. Club Casa Blanca, PORIS: 1 bed, 1 bath apt with terrace on complex with pool & gardens. 70.600 Euros 60002885. C/ Angel Guimera, SAN MIUGEL: Ground floor 2 bed, 1 bath apt, with lounge-diner-kitchen, 66.66 m2. 74.700 Euros 60226897. Parques del Conde, Torviscas Alto. 1 bed, 1 bath apt with terrace, lounge-diner & parking space + store room. Communal pool. 150.300 Euros

135.000 Euros

ESTATE AGENTS Calle Flor de Pascua 33 , Los Gigantes I Tel.: 922 862 901 I www.delmargigantes.net

Geranios - Los Gigantes Refurbished three bedroom apartment with luxury fitted kitchen, lounge, dining area, 3 bathrooms 2 ensuite, utility patio, terrace with wonderful sea views, well furnished and heated community pool. £289,000

Sauce - Los Gigantes Attractive two bedroom duplex style apartment with fully fitted kitchen, lounge, dining room, 2 shower rooms ensuite, fully furnished, 2 terraces and wonderful sea views. Heated community pool.


Palmera - Los Gigantes Top floor 2 bedroom apartment with separate fitted kitchen, lounge/dining room, shower room toilet, fully furnished and terrace with beautiful sea views.


El Marques Palace - Puerto Santiago Ground floor 2 bedroom apartment with separate fitted kitchen, lounge/dining room, 2 bathrooms, well furnished, air con and large terrace. Heated community pool and lift. 175.000€

Balcón de Los Gigantes - Puerto Santiago

Poblado Marinero - Los Gigantes

Jacaranda - Los Gignates

Sunset - Puerto Santiago

Partly furnished two bedroom apartment with fitted kitchen, lounge/dining room, 2 bathrooms and large terrace with sea views. Community pools and lifts. 158.000€

Attractive 2 bedroom apartment with fitted kitchen, lounge/dining room, bathroom, guest toilet, fully furnished, utility patio, entrance porch and terrace with stunning views of the cliffs and the harbor. 89.000€

Fully refurbished one bedroom apartment with living room, fitted kitchen, shower room toilet, fully furnished and terrace with fantastic sea and cliff views. Heated community pool. £125,000

Spacious one bedroom apartment with fitted kitchen, lounge/dining room, shower room, fully furnished and large terrace. Community pool and lift.







PUERTO DE LA CRUZ SAN FERNANDO Beautiful completely renovated apartment, 112 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, , terraces and balcony, beautiful view, nice garden, plot 220 sqm.




Beautuf apartment with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, absolutely silent location, 120 sqm, nice view to a park, large balcony.

Fantastic apartment in 9th floor, directly at the beach, central location, 100 sqm, 2 bedrooms, modern bathroom, pool, barrier free, elevator.





Fantastic house with 6 rooms on two floors 220 sqm, large kitchen with dinner area, two bathrooms, diverse terraces, nice garden, quiet location, plot 435 sqm.

Completely renovated house with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, dinner area, large living room, wintergarden, 120 sqm, nice garden, fantastic pool, carport, plot 550 sqm



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