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adequate facilities to monitor such activity and give any prewarning if that was ever deemed necessary. In November 2016, the network started with 15 permanent seismic stations of which 13 were installed on Tenerife and two on Gran Canaria. Currently, C7 has 27 permanent seismic stations and by the middle of this year will have a total of 39 permanent permanent seismic stations of which 20 will be operational in Tenerife, eight in LA Palma, four in El Hierro, three in Gran Canaria, two in Lanzarote, one in Fuerteventura and one in La Gomera.

Hole through which Julen fell


XPERTS looking ino the 4.4 underwater earthquake between Tenerife and Gran Canaria have denied any suggestions of a “cover-up” and have described the activity as completely normal.


LL eyes, including those of Tenerife, have been on a dramatic rescue mission in Malaga and the fate of a little boy called Julen Rosello. At the time of going to press, hundreds of emergency workers were still trying to tunnel down to a well after the two-year-old fell into it whilst playing on a finca on Sunday, January 13th. The international press has been following the mission which was described as being on a par with the incredible rescue of the miners in Chile. Beyond all the odds, everyone was hoping for a miracle but time has inevitably run out and the worse was being expected, either yesterday (Tuesday) or today (Wednesday). The rescuers have had to dig deep down into the rocks and earth adjacent to the well to create an access tunnel but it has been a massive job, with every day bringing a new anouncement that they were nearly through but then more rocks getting in the way. The Spanish press in

particular has been following the mission hour by hour and posting bulletins on the social network, such is the interest and empathy for Julen’s family who have already lost one child. It has never been specified if the rescuers have heard any noise or detected a heat presence but at one stage, toys that Julen were playing with were found, together with traces of his hair. The drilling down into the rocks had reached at least 200ft on Tuesday and a special cage has been designed to bring Julen out, sadly, his body rather than alive. Rescuers say they have retained hope every day as miracles have happened elsewhere and he could have been in an air pocket with water. One of the drilling machines is amongst the most powerful in Spain.

They say further movements can be expected as part of living on volcanic islands and have stressed that although the quake was the biggest recorded for 30 years, it was nowhere near strong enough to cause any sort of damage to property or buildings. All the stations of the Canary Seismic Network (C7) located in Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Palma, El Hierro and Lanzarote registered the magnitude 4.4 earthquake, which occurred between Tenerife and Gran Canaria, at 06:36:51 on Friday January 18th. It was widely felt in Tenerife and in some locations of Gran Canaria. The seismic focus or depth of the earthquake was five kilometres. The tectonic activity related to the fault between Tenerife and Gran Canaria is being attributed as the most probable cause. A spokesman for Involcan, the Canarian Volcanological Institute, said: “Remember that earthquakes of this magnitude have been recorded in the recent past between Tenerife and Gran Canaria such as the

magnitude 5.2 occurred on May 9, 1989; therefore, it is normal that they register now and in the future.” Comments have been made on the social networks about an alleged “cover-up” related to the earthquake, claiming it was NOT a tectonic seismic event but a long-term seismic event . Involcan says this is not true, commenting: “The characteristics of the seismic events of long period that are observed through a seismogram are very different from those of the tectonic events (low frequencies, soft start and small amplitude). The seismic event recorded between Tenerife and Gran

One of the testing stations Canaria has the same characteristics as the tectonic earthquakes that are registered daily throughout the world. There is no reason to relate this earthquake with possible magmatic activity in its vicinity.” The experts have also stressed there are more than

In addition, Involcan is developing new methods for the detection, location and characterisation of volcanic seismic activitywith the objective of improving the security of Canarian society and boosting research.


































The investigation was prompted by a shooting in the Ofra district of Santa Cruz but connections with the south have also been uncovered. In fact, arrests were made when five men, aged between 30 and 45, were caught just before they attempted to target a warehouse in the south of the island. They were in a stolen car and were “planning a crime of a violent nature” . Police said the gang had a gun and sawn-off shotgun and were prepared to attack








Violent gang in Tenerife “score-settling”


ENERIFE has been shocked by another wave of arrests of men involved in criminal activity on the island, this time a gang wich carried out violent robberies and alleged “score-settling” over drugs. “possible victims, including the owner of the warehouse, by handcuffing and gagging them when the crime was carried out.” A spokesman described the men as belonging to a dangerous criminal organisation dedicated to violent robberies in Tenerife and also linked to attempted homicide. The detainees all have a police record and face allegations of belonging to a criminal organisation, attempt-

Arona looks to Spanish market over Brexit fears


RONA is to promote itself as a “great destination” in Europe and wants to attract more Spanish visitors in view of fears over the impact of Brexit on the British market.

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The municipality is attending the FITUR tourism fair in Madrid this week with its own “Tourism Competi-tiveness Plan” for the first time. This is being described as a roadmap for the future which will take Arona forward in the coming years. It will be promoting the events and products it offers, with a strong presence of its historical-cultural and natural heritage, taking along “local faces” to spread the word about its charms. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena explained that “Fitur is key to positioning ourselves as a destination, not only to the public, but also to the key players in the sector, who have to see in Arona a pioneer, reference and quality destination, which offers much more than the traditional product of sun and beach.” Tourism councillor, David Perez, added: “This 2019 is the biggest bet of Arona in Fitur in years, a municipality that has gone from second to first division, consolidating in the search to be a great destination, no longer regional, but European. “ In addition to events such as the International Carnival of Los Cristianos, Fitur 2019 will host the presentation of events such as the Festival of Tra-

ditions, ARN Culture & Business Pride, ARN Blue & Green, a new digital publication on sustainability issues or the launching of value of the Arona Gastronómica brand, which will be present in the capital of Spain and which will be officially presented on subsequent days during Madrid Fusión Reale Seguros 2019.

ed homicide, robbery with attempted violence, illegal possession of weapons and falsification of documents. Police believe the shooting in Santa Cruz early last year was linked to a possible

adjustment of accounts between criminals dedicated to drug trafficking. Four of the five were remanded in custody when they appeared before a magistrate.


Woman dies in burning car T

HERE was an horrific incident in north Tenerife when a woman died inside a burning car.

It happened just before 5pm along the Camino Fuente Cañizares and prompted a police investigation to determine exactly what happened. The 112 emergency control cente received an alert in which it was reported that a fire had been declared in a vehicle and a person remained The car had apparently first hit a post before bursting into flames, trapping the woman inside who died. A man suffered an anxiety crisis and needed medical treatment for severe burns to his hands. It was not specified whether he was a passer-by or had also been in the car. The woman was aged 48.


Jewellery thief “stayed in hotels” near his targets


ATIONAL Police have arrested a 41-year-old Romanian man in Gran Canaria as the alleged perpetrator of three crimes of theft by stealing 100,000 euros of high-end watches at jewellery stores on the island and Tenerife.

He is believed to be responsible for a theft in a jewellery store in the south of Gran Canaria last December when a watch valued at more than 20,000 euros was stolen. A middle-aged individual had asked an employee to see gold and diamond watches, saying he was interested in buying due to the tax advantages offered by the islands. However, he took advantage of the assistant’s back being turned to steal the watch and left under the excuse of having to go to the bank. Two more robberies were carried out in jewellery stores in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Adeje, this time of pieces valued at 33,700 and 44,700 euros respectively. In both cases, the employees of the aforementioned establishments recognised the same individual as the alleged perpetrator of the thefts in the stores of the island. A police investigation showed the suspect had travelled by plane between the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife, and stayed in hotels near the places where the events took place. The man was arrested on arrival at the airport in Gran Canaria on a flight from the United Kingdom.





Cabildo to spend 64 million euros on ANNUAL INVESTMENT roads


ENERIFE Cabildo has allocated about 64 million euros in 2019 its roads and landscaping programme.

The island president, Carlos Alonso, has detailed that this year will start 75 works, 28 other actions will continue and 44 new projects will be drafted. To the budget of 52 million euros for the road and landscape area should be added another 12 million that come from sustainable financial investment, which adds a total investment of about 64 million euros. This was detailed at a press conference by Sr. Alonso, who was accompanied by the insular directors of development and roads, Miguel Becerra and Ofelia Manjón. “This year 75 new works will be executed, the drafting of 44 projects will begin and work will continue on 28 other actions,” said Sr. Alonso. He also stressed to date and since the beginning of the mandate, a total of 200 initiatives have been executed or are in execution for an amount of close to 100 million euros.


Connectivity high on the agenda


ENERIFE attends a new edition of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) in Madrid from January 23rd to 27th with national tourism very much in mind. The Cabildo, through Turismo de Tenerife, will seek to consolidate the good numbers of mainland visitors who came to the island last year and will focus their efforts on increasing connectivity, while promoting the promotion of their festivals and popular traditions in an event that will take place in the Palace of Neptune. The president of the Cabildo, Carlos Alonso; accompanied by the Minister of Tourism, Alberto Bernabé; and Tenerife’s CEO, Vicente Dorta, will head the island’s representation at the fair, which also includes the Ashotel president, Jorge Marichal; more than 300 professionals from companies associated with Turismo de Tenerife and eleven councils of the island: the tourist ones of Adeje, Arona, Santiago del Teide and Puerto de la Cruz, as well as Santa Cruz and La Laguna, among others. Carlos Alonso explains that “in the more than 60 meetings that we will hold at the tourist appointment with industry leaders, from tour operators to

airlines through networks of travel agencies to reservation portals, we will seek to develop actions that consolidate the positive behaviour of the national travellers during the past year, when they spent their holidays on the island 1,304,456 tourists, 7.5 percent more than in 2017.” Globalia, Vueling, Viajes El Corte Inglés, Soltour, Atrápalo or Destinia are some of the companies in the sector with which meetings will be held. The insular councillor of Tourism, Alberto Bernabé, specifies that “the increase of the connectivity with the Peninsula will be one of our great objectives, especially after the announcement of this same week Norwegian to reduce from April the frequencies of their connections between the island and Madrid from nine to seven a week, which will make us redouble efforts so that other airlines intensify their connectivity with Tenerife and cover the gap left by the Norwegian company.” The Island is connected to

the Peninsula with 20 airports, from where 1.8 million passengers arrived in 2018. In the top positions by number of passengers received, the ones from Madrid Barajas-Adolfo Suárez stand out (48 percent of the total), Barcelona- El Prat (18.9 percent), Seville (6.8 percent) and Malaga (6.6 percent). Tenerife has ex-

perienced in recent months an increase in routes from the Peninsula. This is the case of the connections put in place last summer from Granada (Vueling), Alicante (Norwegian) and Palma de Mallorca (Binter). In the current winter season another one has started from Vigo, also operated by the Canarian company.


Couple caught with counterfeit money


ATIONAL Police arrested two people, aged 19 and 20 respectively, the first with a police record, as alleged perpetrators of a crime of counterfeiting of currency in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In addition, the driver of the vehicle in which the detainees were travelling is accused of a crime against road safety. The events occurred when the agents, who participated in a citizen security device of a preventive nature in the neighbourhood of Santa María del Mar, stopped a vehicle occupied by two people. During a search, they found 860 euros, apparently false, divided in 33 notes of 20 euros and another four of 50 euros, hidden in a black jacket.






Tenerife Adeje seeks talented women accolade for artists trio of films A NEW EXHIBITION

DEJE council has announced that registration is now open for women artists who wish to take part in the 2019 ‘Mujeres AdejeCreativa’ (Creative Adeje Women) collective expo. Interested artists have until January 31st to present their work for consideration.

The initiative, run through the department of equality, hopes, says councillor Carmen Lucía Rodríguez del Toro, “to continue to underline the importance of the role of women in the art world today, and give them an increased presence in the art galleries generally. We also want to pay homage to those who have gone before, who have fought to overcome social convention and discrimination which sought to stifle their artistic success.” The selected works will form part of an exhibition in the Adeje Cultural Centre that will take place from February 22nd to March 18th, as part of a series of acts celebrating International Women’s Day 2019. Participation is open to women over 16 years of age, professionals or self-taught,

who are living in the Canary Islands. As the objective of the exhibition is to demonstration the diversity of women artists there is no specific theme required. Interested artists must present a single work of art in any discipline (painting, sculpture, photograph, graphic design, video art, installation, performance, etc), not taller than 1.20 metre. In the case of installations, the organisers will decide whether it can be accommodated or not, depending on size. Video art presentations must be no longer than 180 seconds in duration. Works submitted must be ready for showing, that is to say with all the necessary elements in place, and if the display requires some form of special treatment the organisers will get in contact with the artist to


HREE films shot in Tenerife have been ranked among the top ten highest-grossing Spanish movies in 2018.

organise mounting. The forms to be filled in and submitted are available for download online, www.adeje.es, and you will be asked to submit your personal data and a photograph of the work you wish to exhibit. From Februar y 1st the department of equality will get in touch with those artists that have been selected for participation to give them full

details of how and when their works should be brought to the cultural centre. A judging panel will also be selecting what, in their opinion, is the best work of the collection, with the chosen artists offered a full exhibition in the Cultural Centre during 2019. The criteria for choosing the best entry will be include technique, creativity and originality.

This is according to Comscore, a company specialised in measuring audiences from provisional data. The films are “El mejor verano de mi vida’” (The best summer of my life), “El cuaderno de Sara” (The notebook of Sara) and “Yucatá”. The latter two were placed last year among the 34 films with the highest collection in Spain if the international productions released are also included. Tenerife Cabildo vice-president and insular councillor of tourism, Alberto Bernabé, has shown his satisfaction by the fact that “these three films have made a hole among the favourites of the public”. “The island is a shooting scenario so demanded by national and international productions, with its varied and spectacular landscapes, the great local talent, professionals and first class service teams that Tenerife has, as well as the fiscal incentives that the archipelago offers to the producers.”

Cabildo acts to improve safety on TF-5 north motorway


ENERIFE Cabildo has installed on the TF-5 north motorway a weather station and two screens that will allow drivers to have information in the area in real time, especially regarding the presence of fog or rain, with the aim of influencing the improvement of road safety.

The insular director of roads and landscape, Ofelia Manjón detailed that the meteorological station has been placed in the Guamasa area while the modular signalling panels are in the vicinity of the p.k. 11 northbound (Los Rodeos airport) and p.k. 17 direction to Santa Cruz (Tacoronte). Sr. Manjón said that this section of the road sometimes presents visibility problems as it is an area with fog and rain throughout the year, which can reduce road safety conditions. He also stressed that the department is still working on improving equipment on highcapacity roads. An example of this is the installation of optical fibres and the completion of the network of surveillance cameras. The weather station located in Guamasa has the latest technology in terms of visibility detectors and present time, which are the necessary parameters for the management of restrictions and/or recommendations of the proposed area. It will allow

the identification of four different types of precipitation (rain, drizzle, sleet, snow) and fog and haze. This system allows in a single element the provision of several texts, information to users of adverse weather conditions, roadway hazards, accidents, damage caused by works, traffic cuts, special traffic regulation devices, etc. In addition, it is planned to install four inforadar panels and a speed detector on the TF-2 and TF-5. Two of them will be placed in the curve of El Sauzal where the speed is limited to 80 km/h by section cinemometer, and the other two in the TF-2 which has a 70/ 60 speed limit . The speed of the vehicles is detected by means of a radar unit integrated in the equipment and is shown numerically in a large display. The captured speed data is stored in the equipment and through software it is possible to analyse the obtained data and extract traffic statistics in the site or area.

This system also allows the improvement of road safety in the cuts and deviations of traffic necessary to carry out the maintenance work, at the same time that it reinforces the awareness of the drivers, since next to the signalling of relevant work will be located these panels in the area of fixed or mobile work. They can be used both for occasional detours at night, for cuts and long-term warnings on sections

of roads, situations of collaboration with other authorities in road performances (sporting events, traffic tests, etc.) or in conflicting sections of the roads where it is considered appropriate to carry out prevention campaigns for speed control. The area will also incorporate a video surve-illance camera that can be installed in the vehicles of the crews.






Fines for illegal fishing


GENTS of the Civil Guard belonging to the Fiscal Patrol of Puerto de la Cruz have issued 26 complaints to six people in Tenerife for infractions of fishing regulations. The men were caught practising spearfishing and shellfishing in apnea in prohibited areas of the island, specifically in Los Silos, the beach of Apio, in Valle Guerra and the coast of Jóver in La Laguna. Agents have seized 28 kilos of octopus and 10 kilos of varied fish that have been distributed among reception centres. Those affected face penalties ranging from 60 to 60,000 euros.

La Laguna plans its tourism future


A Laguna is planning a new tourism strategy as its appeal to visitors continues to grow, as does the demand for accommodation.

The first deputy mayor and councillor of tourism, Candelaria Diaz met with representatives of the municipal groups to present the conclusions of the diagnosis

developed within the project called The Tourism Strategy of San Cristobal de La Laguna, conducted under the direction of the Chair of Tourism CajaCanarias-Ashotel University of

Updating tourism offices in Santiago del Teide S ANTIAGO del Teide council is currently undertaking refurbishment of the Mayor’s offices and tourism department located on the second floor of the Seguro del Sol Shopping Centre on the Avenida Marítima de Playa de La Arena. The planned work, costing around 70,000 euros, consists of redistribution of the existing offices, the removal of exterior grills and signage, the installation of new paving and the installation of exterior and interior carpentry. In addition, the installation of a continuous false ceiling, the redistribution of the existing toilets, an adapted toilet as well as a new installation of

telecommunications network, extraction system in toilets, air conditioning, lighting, electricity and painting is planned. Mayor Emilio Navarro said: “This work was necessary since it was a ver y old installation that was obsolete both for the staff working there and for the large number of people who pass through these offices every day to solve

different issues or to request general information. We adapt this infrastructure to the new times, modernise its

interior and exterior and channel better the information between residents and the local administration.”

La Laguna. Candelaria Díaz highlighted the importance of this exhaustive work that will allow the municipality to plan and identify the objectives to be achieved in the field of tourism in a municipality that currently receives 1.2 million excursionists a year and is registering significant growth in the figures of accommodation. “I regret that only the members of the PSOE and Unidos Se Puede have attended the meeting to address such an important issue, but the presentation of the work has been done with these two groups and they

have been informed by the Chair of Tourism of the steps taken,” she said. The data of the diagnosis revealed that in 2017 more than 55,000 tourists stayed in La Laguna, a record figure that has already been exceeded in 2018, with more than 64,000 people staying in the hotel and non-hotel establishments of the municipality. with data until last November. The analysis also indicates that 1.18 million excursionists visited the municipality in 2017, leaving an average expenditure of 18.8 euros per person, which leads to an annual economic impact that exceeds 20 million euros.















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Puerto reaffirms pledge over road resurfacing


UERTO de la Cruz council has started the asphalting of Avda. Archipiélago Canario.

The work is costing 275,315 euros with an estimated execution time of four weeks. The next routes will be Francisco Afonso and calle Luis Rodríguez Figueroa, as well as some surrounding areas. This project is aiming at restoring the asphalt of three of Puerto’s roads with the largest traffic of vehicles in the municipality, via the winning contractorTen-Asfaltos. The budget, entirely municipal, allocated for this first phase of the Asphalting Plan is 1,142,289.30 euros. Puerto’s Mayor, Lope Afonso said: “We are complying with the commitment that this corporation has with the citizenship, renewing important transit routes that will give a new image to our

municipality.” He said they intended to continue with the commitment as “in 30 years, some roads have not seen a layer of asphalt.” General Services councillor, Angel Montañés said they were pleased to be see work start on repaving one of the busiest routes of the municipality as it had been urgently needed due to the very bad deterioration. “ With this action we improve the main road of one of the largest population centres of the municipality. In addition, we plan to work in the gardening of the green areas around the neighbourhood and finish acting on the posts of the lampposts, which already have a new LED luminaire but they will all be repainted,” he added.


Grant for “hot-cold” clean energy project P

UERTO de la Cruz is to receive more investment from the new regional budgets.

A total of 233,000 euros is being allocated for electric mobility projects, feasibility study of a hot-cold network and a grant to the IEHC The money comes from the Canary Islands’ Parliament which approved in plenary session the new budgets for the autonomous community. The Mayor of Puerto, Lope Afonso expressed his satisfaction after learning that the amendments negotiated between the parliamentary groups of the PP and CC, and that had the support of ASG, had been agreed. “With these new funds and those that are about to arrive, for example, those that will be destined to improve the municipal market, we can continue advancing in some innovative projects that we have elaborated for the tourist city. All of them will be directed to facilitate the lives of our residents and improve the experience of our visitors.” The Electric Mobility Plan drawn up by Puerto council for the purchase of electric vehicles for collective passenger transport will receive from the regional budget the already approved amount of 150,000 euros. And within the municipal commitment to smart and sustainable management, there will b e 58,000 euros, which will be used to finance the feasibility study for the implementation of a Cold-Heat Network. With this project, an innovator in the Canary Islands, the aim is to obtain clean energy based on the difference in sea temperature. Finally, the Instituto de Estudios Hispánicos de Canarias (IEHC) will receive a nominal grant of 25,000 euros that is intended to support the important annual programme of this relevant cultural entity of the municipality.


Fatal accident in Los Silos

Lucky escape for puppies


29-year-old man died and two other people were injured in a traffic accident in Los Silos in the north of Tenerife.

The collision happened on the TF-42 just before 10pm. The 112 emergency control centre received a call which reported that a vehicle had collided with a wall and several people needed medical assistance. The man was declared dead at the scene and the other two injured parties were given treatment before being taken to hospital. A spokesman said a 35-year-old woman suffered several serious injuries whilst another man was hurt but not so badly. TheTenerife Firefighters Consortium, Canary Emergency Service, a doctor and nurse from Los Silos health centre, the Civil Guard and a highways team from Tenerife Cabildo all attended.


WO little puppies had a lucky escape after they were found inside a cave.

The new-borns were trapped in the area of Las Rosas in the municipality of El Rosario but the fire brigade came to the rescue. A crew from La Laguna had to work very carefully because of the risk of a collapse but all ended well and the pups were reunited with their mum.

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Mémora brings its care to south of Tenerife with one million euro funeral home and crematorium


HE Mémora Group has chosen the municipality of Arona for the first complete funeral home and crematorium in the south of Ten-


Until the inauguration in the polygon called ‘Cho II’ in calle Infanta Elena, the region did not have such a service of

these characteristics. With a private investment of more than one million euros, it will allivate dozens of

families from the inconvenience and stress of travelling to Santa Cruz or La Laguna when they opt for a cremation, as was the case until now. The Mémora Group has inaugurated these new facilities which occupy an area of 1070 square metres. There are four wake rooms, an oratory, a farewell room, an office for family care and the first crematorium that will be operational in the south of the island. The Memora Tenerife Sur Tanatorio is composed of two floors and a basement with a parking for 40 seats and charging service for electric vehicles. The building has been

built facing the sea and has a great light thanks to its glass front and skylights in all rooms, as well as a small garden. This new facility, erected with the collaboration of SAVASA, is a sign of Mémora’s firm commitment to growth and consolidation in the area, investing significantly in funeral homes, cemeteries and crematoriums, both in facilities and in job creation. In the words of Juan Jesús Domingo, CEO of Mémora, “bringing our facilities and services to families is part of our firm vocation, as well as promoting social projects, raising awareness and, in short, guaranteeing the best

service to citizens. responding to all your needs. We have a team of great professionals in the different facilities in which we provide services and in our commitment to the continuum of care, we carry out a broad activity of social responsibility in the hand of our Foundation in different areas of the island.” The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena and Sr. Domínguez inaugurated the new facilities in an event attended by dozens of people, including members of the municipal and insular corporations, as well as the president of the Cabildo de La Gomera, Casimiro Curbelo, and representatives of various communities and the consular corps. Sr. Mena congratulated the Mémora Group for the initiative and recalled that “despite being an authentic metropolitan area, the South of Tenerife continues to have significant shortcomings in public and private services.” “ Today we take a step, we move forward, in giving our residents a fundamental service, which will allow them not to have to move to Santa Cruz or La Laguna when there are situations as delicate as the death of a loved one,” he said.

Currently the company has the Memora Tanatorio Santa Lastenia, located in the capital. This second facilitywill offer its services to more than 192,000 people in the south of the island. Mémora, through its Foundation, deploys its social commitment in the communities where it provides its services working together with the health, social and psychological support sectors, promoting pioneering programs for families such as music therapy, art therapy for people in final process of life, planning of anticipated decisions, creation of grief groups or Support Spaces, among others. Mémora is the first group in Spain and Portugal of funeral services, funeral homes, crematories and cemetery management. It carries out more than 47,000 funeral services and 17,000 incinerations and more than 42,000 families occupied its wake rooms in Spain and Portugal. Throughout Spain, the group operates and manages through 1,250 professionals and 130 funeral companies, 129 funeral homes, 26 crematoriums and 23 cemeteries, offering local service with national solutions and international vision.






Knife used in attempted murder A



Students on Guia jobs’ course hold open day


FTER months of intense theoretical and practical training, students of the three P.F.A.E. employment training programme developed by Guía de Isora council organised an open day. It was held at the Centre for Youth Creation and Training in Playa de San Juan with various activities in which they showed the skills acquired in the fields

of restaurants, social dynamisation and promotion of new technologies. The objective of these programmes is to facilitate

43-year-old man was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of an attempted murder in the tourist area of the municipality of Arona.

The suspect, who had earlier had a heated discussion with the person he attacked, took a large knife and tried to stab him in the presence of agents of the security body, according to the information provided by the Provincial Police in a statement. The police officers were alerted to a row between two men in an establishment located on the seafront. They verified that they were having an argument about a supposed economic debt due to professional reasons that they had maintained in the past. While the officials were interviewing one of those involved, the other wielded a knife of large dimensions and attacked him suddenly. Thanks to the rapid action of the national police, the aggressor was reduced and the knife used in the crime was intervened. Noone was injured. After being restrained, the aggressor was arrested and transferred to the jails of the Commissariat of the South of Tenerife. access to the labour market through learning and professional experience. This is a project that has allowed many young people to learn new techniques and work tools that prepare them to access the working world in better conditions. Moments before the

opening, the students were visited by the Mayor of Guía de Isora, Pedro Martín, the chef Erlanzt Gorostiza and Raquel Gutiérrez, employment councillor. Pedro Martín took advantage of the occasion to congratulate the students “for taking a step in the right

direction and betting on training” as a preliminary step to the search for employment. Erlantz Gorostiza, Gastronomic Director and Chef de Cuisine of the Restaurant M.B of the Hotel Ritz-Carlton Abama in the municipality of Guía de Isora chatted with the

students present about their personal and work experience, of special interest for the restaurant course but also extendable to the rest. The renowned chef highlighted the importance of hard work and perseverance both personally and professionally.







Puerto goes romantic in bid to double wedding celebrations in three years C ANARIAN residents hire most of the weddings held in Puerto de la Cruz.

This is shown by a study by the Department of Tourism of the municipality, prepared by Gaia Insular Consultants with the aim of increasing its turnover in the segment of romantic tourism. Puerto, which for many years has been the place to hold weddings, enjoy honeymoons and romantic get-aways, wants to continue betting strongly on this important market niche, now targeting new potential markets after consolidating in the segment of domestic tourism. To this end, the town hall is developing a global promotion strategy that includes a complete catalogue of services that will be developed under the umbrella of its new tourist product: ‘Puerto de la Cruz Love’. Applications for civil marriages in the local corporation currently have an average of 90 unions per year, a figure that has doubled in the last four years, which is a good

sign of growth and opportunities for the sector. Of all the four and five star hotels that the tourist municipality has, ten are the most appropriate infrastructure for the celebration of weddings. The study reveals that tourist establishments that operate in the city collect more or less tourism generated by ‘honeymoons’, celebrations and anniversaries of a romantic nature, which is an incentive to integrate new promotional actions in their policy commercial to attract new customers. There are hundreds of wedding celebrations held annually in Puerto de la Cruz, with a direct average cost over hotel establishments over 10,000 euros, according to the information extracted in the analysis. The consultancy conducted also provides other relevant information, such as that 80% of weddings are held between the months of April and

October, which offers a great opportunity for growth through attracting national customers, mainly to help to deseasonalise the romantic segment. The new main target, identified by this market study, is that of people over 45-50 years old who celebrate their second nuptials or their anniversary, with medium and medium-high incomes, mainly from the rest of Spain, and whose place of residence has of direct flight to Tenerife. A secondary target is the profile of 25 to 35 years, of average income, and also direct air connection to Tenerife, valuing it as a younger public that makes getaways and anniversaries of couple, but whose objective is to have an experiential tourism centered on the offer cultural, sports and leisure activities of the municipality. The goal is to double this number of wedding celebrations in three years (between 2019 and 2022), and that of these 10% are of foreign public, mainly British, whose

profile of travellers adapts to the demand offered by Puerto de la Cruz . In addition, the

growth of stays related to honeymoon trips and trips, and other experiences enjoyed in

the destination of the north of Tenerife will also be enhanced.


New-look for El Fraile plaza as it goes “sun-friendly”


HE plaza of the church of El Fraile is to get a new-look with a twist as it will be a space against pollution.

The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena signed the contract that will allow modernisation of the church square of Santa Isabel de Portugal. The work is expected to take four months. “The plaza is showing signs of age and deterioration, as well as a non-existent accessibility, which has made these works a priority of the current mandate, “ said a council spokesman. One of the novelties is the placement of a type of pavement which will be a pioneer in the Canary Islands, designed with a set of particles that absorb toxic substances and pollutants from the atmosphere, transforming them into others innocuous to the environment, a process that only requires the sun as an energy source. The project, which is part of the programme #AronaAvanza, contemplates the replacement of the pavement, the elimination of the old lateral planters, the protection of the treeholes to avoid risks to the pedestrians and to improve the security and the adaptation of the accessibility of the plaza. At this time, this environment does not comply with the regulations on accessibility, so it will be necessary to introduce various improvements, such as the extension of the access ramp, as well as the integration of the square in the environment, replacing the walls of enclosure by light railings, as well as the planting of new trees, creating a quality public space for residents.







Local council Cruise furious with passenger is TITSA for arrested changing bus A services

70-year-old British man was arrested on board a cruise ship which arrived in Gran Canaria.

The man was wanted by the judicial authorities of San Javier (Murcia) due to a procedure for child pornography. The arrest took place during a passenger check when the man disembarked from the cruise ship that had arrived in the capital of Las Palmas.


ENERIFE’S bus company TITSA may have improved many of the bus services on the island but it has left a sour note with one local council. In fact, the local government team in San Juan de la Rambla is calling on the corporation to reinstate the previous bus services, claiming the changes made recently have left some areas “without service, hinder mobility and delay travel times.” The council is requesting TITSA to restore the itineraries and frequencies of the bus lines that pass through the municipality, adding a series of improvements that would optimise the service and provide a solution to the mobility problems that residents face on a daily basis. This was decided at a neighbourhood meeting at which the Mayor Fidela Velázquez committed to transfer to the transport company all the requests made by the attendees. Among the drawbacks most noted by residents during the meeting was the need now to make several bus changes on a journey which used to be possible on one, the increase of time needed to travel, the change in the schedules and that the recent modification in the lines has caused the urban nuclei to remain without service. In order to eradicate the aforementioned setbacks, the Mayor’s Office will forward a report to TITSA, which includes the express request that,

among other measures, it recovers the previous trajectory of line 354, adding to its transit the request to circulate on the general highway of San José in all hours of use, that the 364 provide service every day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday, that the 363 return to provide the service according to the route before the change and that lines 106, 107 and 108 respect the usual route. Similarly, the Mayor, on behalf of the residents, will request the provision of new stops more useful given the routes and needs of passengers, the improvement of others that are in an inadequate state and the provision of more lines that facilitate the use of public transport in the population centres furthest away from the commercial area. “Many of our residents depend on public transport every day. The buses must facilitate mobility, not be a half full of obstacles. We only ask that we return the service as we deserve, not that we are treated as second-class citizens, “says Fidela Velazquez. “We are confident that TITSA will reconsider its modification in transportation which only benefits the company itself, mistreating the north with a new form of isolation”.

Arrests for south robberies


ATIONAL Police have arrested four men for their alleged involvement in seven robberies with force committed in Adeje and Arona.

Targets included leisure establishments and hotel rooms, with entry being gained either by forcing access doors or climbing through windows or via balconies. The detainees acted independently although the way they carrried out the robberies was similar. The items reported as stolen, such as mobiles, image and sound devices, jewellery and cash, totalled more than 20,000 euros.






The end of the feast days at All Saints Church



EBRUARY 2nd is the day commonly known as Candlemas. As it falls on a Saturday this year we shall be celebrating it instead on Sunday the 3rd. Like some other key dates in the Christian calendar this one has a connection with a previous pagan festival. If you are strong on arithmetic you will know that on this day we are exactly halfway between the shortest day (in the UK at least) and the spring equinox. So February 2nd became a kind of festival of light, celebrating the gradual lifting of the darkness of winter and looking forward to the light of spring. The medieval church took up this idea and made it into the day when all the candles to be used in the coming year were brought to the church to be blessed, hence the name Candlemas. More importantly, though, this is also the day when we mark the feast of the Purification – the event described in St Luke’s Gospel, when Mary and Joseph took their baby to the Jerusalem Temple “to present him to the Lord”. And there they met an old man, Simeon, a faithful servant of God, who recognised that the child was the long awaited Messiah. Simeon’s song, which is still used in evening services and sometimes at funerals, begins “Lord, now you let your servant depart in peace” – Simeon knows that he can now die happy. So for some churches this feast day is the real end of the Christmas season and the time to put away the crib. Again numbers are significant – forty days have passed since Christmas Day, and now our thoughts begin to turn to the next period of forty days, the season of Lent, which recognises the time Jesus spent in the wilderness. The theme of light overcoming darkness featured in all our Christmas services, and Candlemas is a helpful reminder that this idea is not just for Christmas. Some of our Christmas visitors were experiencing their own personal darkness and it’s my prayer that the light of Candlemas will offer them continuing hope for the year ahead. On an entirely different subject, let me add that despite my devotion to my old Labrador, I’ve never really thought of myself as a doggie person. Judging by my Christmas presents, though, others see things differently. I particularly enjoyed the calendar of dog cartoons, which for July proclaims the undeniable truth: “Labradors are born half-trained, spaniels die half-trained”. There’s probably a sermon there somewhere, but that’s for later in the year. Our services: Holy Communion on Sundays at 9.30 am and 11.00 am and on Wednesdays at 10.00 am. Taizé worship on the following Thursdays at 5.30 pm: 24 January, 14 and 28 February. Chaplain: The Revd Dr Paula Clifford Tel: 922 38 40 38 Email: paulaclifford4@gmail.com


Friends of Tenerife fulfilled with events


HE Friends enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Thai restaurant in Puerto on Tuesday 15th January - good food, good friends, and many excellent prizes to be won on the Raffle. (Sorry, Karl, that you missed out on the bottle of Vodka !).

Our next event, the Coach Trip to the South of the Island, calling at Iceland, will take place on Tuesday 5th February, but please note that the coach will leave the Botanical Gardens at 11.30 a.m. (but please arrive by 11.15 a.m.), and NOT at 10.30a.m. as previously stated (well, it was written on the day after the New Year ‘s Eve celebrations !) The Car Boot stall on January 12th held at All Saints’ Church was a great success, especially as it took place on the second Saturday of the month, and not on the first Saturday as is customary. Please note that the next ‘Boots’ is on Saturday 2nd. February. Once again our appreciation and thanks go to Cheryl and Brian and all their helpers for their unstinting work to make the ‘Boots’ such a success.

Follow us on Facebook - For more information or to book for these events, please contact Maureen on 922 341 979, or Jean on 922 384 809

Make a dog’s lucky day at Accion del Sol


ITH more than 230 dogs in our refuge, we would like to express primarily the importance of sterilising/castrating your dog to avoid further abandoned puppies and the importance of adopting not buying a dog. We have so many gorgeous dogs of all shapes, sizes, ages and breeds all sat patiently waiting for their lucky day to come when they are adopted. Many of our larger dogs have spent most of their lives at the refuge but they are equally loving kind dogs that deserve a loving home and to know love and kindness from a good human.

Happy tale

The Spanish Christmas came early for this little puppy after her hard start in life when she was abandoned with her

We speak: English German French Spanish


Established in 1964 info@quinteroasesores.com

Tuesday 5th February - Coach Trip to Iceland, only 10 euros. Two hours free time in Las Americas with Scampi’s delicious Fish and Chips available to those who wish to partake - and who wouldn’t? The coach will leave the Botanical Gardens at 11.30 a.m. Please don’t be late. Tuesday 19th February - A Buffet lunch at the ever-popular Hotel Masaru. 1.00 p.m. for 1.30. Lunch 16 euros for members. Tuesday 26th February- Our Annual General Meeting. 6.00p.m. for 6.30p.m. at the Apartments Teide Mar in La Paz, to be followed by a finger buffet for only 5 euros. Tuesday 19th March. A Buffet lunch at the Restaurant Mini-Golf in La Paz. 1.00p.m for 1.30p.m. Members 20 euros.


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Puerto de la Cruz

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Calle Las Lonjas 1 Tel.: (+34) 922 376 348 Fax.: (+34) 922 376 170

Ctra. Gral. del Norte 42 Tel.: (+34) 922 560 419 Fax.: (+34) 922 570 276

Mon. - Fri.: 9am -2pm

mum and seven brothers and sisters. They all arrived at the refuge only three days old with their eyes stills closed. After lots of love and care from her mum and the very kind and caring staff at Accion Del Sol, they are all fit and well and ready for adoption. This little puppy has already been adopted by Susan Ellis who also has an older gorgeous dog called Biscuit. Biscuit is so happy to be with the puppy and she now has a new lease of life in her later years. Some of Alba’s brothers and sisters are also up for adoption so please do come and visit us if you are interested in adopting a dog.

Your help

Please do call the refuge

on 664321219 or 602463242 between the hours of 8am -17.00 if you can help in any way. We are always in need of tinned dog food for our older dogs blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, and collars and leads. If you have any of the above to spare they would be very much appreciated at the refuge, or visit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00- 16.00. We are situated directly under the Eolica Parque exit 52 on the TF1 north bound which is after the after the El Medano junction. Head for the giant windmills on the coast and we are the buildings on the right hand side or email the refuge at teneriffa@aktiontier.org or visit our Facebook page , action tier Accion del SOL





Fuerteventura trials new ticket Woman dies in admission to protect Lobos island ravine plunge LA GOMERA



UERTEVENTURA has started to take action to safeguard the picturesque Isla de Lobos for the future.

From now on, anyone who wants to visit the tiny island must book their place three days in advance and obtain a ticket. The Cabildo has set up a web page for reservations to be made in two shifts and with a limit of 200 people in each. During the first 15 days, the permit system will work in test mode to access the Natural Park. The new system started on January 15, with the authorisations available through the link https: // permissiondevisitaisladelobos.entrees.es or the Environment area of ??the Cabildo website, www.cabildofuer.es. According to the president of the Cabildo, Marcial Morales, “compliance with the regulations of the Master Plan for the Use and Management of Islote de Lobos requires this type of measure that makes it possible to combine the full enjoyment of the natural area with its correct preservation”. The Minister of Environment, Natalia Évora, emphasizses that “during the first fifteen days, that is, until January 30,

we will find ourselves in a provisional trial period, with the aim of resolving the small incidents that may occur in the system”. Each visitor may request permission for up to three people per day and time slot, establishing a morning schedule from 10am to 2pm (200 concurrent visitors) and an afternoon schedule from 2am to 6pm (200 concurrent visitors). In the authorisation, the identification data of the visitor (name, surname, ID, passport), the date of the visit and the chosen time will be collected. Once the data and the number of permits you wish to obtain have been entered, the user will access a link where you can download the authorisations, which will also be sent to the person’s email. For its part, the validation of the permits will be carried out by personnel of the managing body in the Islote de Lobos Natural Park. The authorisation can be presented in print or with the QR code on any mobile phone. The Cabildo also reminds that people who do not have the corresponding

hiker has died after falling down a ravine in La Gomera. The accident happened in the municipality of Valle Gran Rey in the mid-after-


permit or exceed the time limit are exposed to the corresponding penalty. A link to request the

cancellation of the permit is also available to users, through https://entrees.es/solicitud_de_devolucion.


Drowning tragedy in Mogán


HERE has been another drowning in the Canary Islands, this time in the sea off Gran Canaria.

The scene of the tragedy was Playa de Amadores in the municipality of Mogán. Police said the victim was a 66-year-old Norwegian man. The Canary Emergency Service attended, together with the local police, Civil Guard and Civil Protection. The 112 centre said lifeguards from Playa de Amadores had rescued the woman from the sea. She was found to be in cardiorespiratory arrest so medics carried out advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation. However, their efforts were not successful and they could only confirm her death.

The Emergency and Salvage Group of the Government of the Canary Islands attended with the rescue helicopter, together with the Civil Guard, the mountain unit and the Valle Gran Rey Fire Department. “The Coordinating Centre for Emergencies and Security (CECOES) 1-1-2 of the Government of the Canary Islands received an alert in which it reported that a hiker had plunged from a great height into a ravine,” said a spokesman. The GES helicopter recovered the body and took the woman by helicopter to the Valle Gran Rey dock. No age or nationality was released.


“Buy empty homes to solve housing crisis”


UERTEVENTURA is calling on the Government of the Canary Islands to help solve a housing crisis on the island by purchasing empty homes.

The Cabildo says they should be used for social rent as housing is one of the main concerns of residents. The plea is being led by the president of the Cabildo, Marcial Morales and housing councillor, Rosa Delia Rodriguez. Sr. Morales has told Canary housing chief, Cristina Valido that there are frequent incidents of people losing out on work offers because they cannot find somewhere to live or to afford what might be available. This is, in most cases, job offers in the hospitality and tourism sector in Fuerteventura.






Upset as three dolphins found dead


N investigation is underway after three dolphins were found dead within a week of each other in Fuerteventura.

The distressing incidents all happened during the first week of January in different points of the coast of the municipality of Puerto del Rosario. The first stranding was recorded on January 1st in Rosa de las Aguas, in the vicinity of Puerto Lajas, after receiving an alert on 112. The animal was in an advanced state of decomposition. On the second day of January, the Civil Guard of Puerto del Rosario and 112 warned of the stranding of a common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), and on January 5, a baby dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) appeared on the beach in the vicinity of El Matorral. The first dolphin was in an advanced state of decomposition, so the cause of the stranding cannot be determined. The other two animals are being examined for clues. The corpses were removed by the body of Environment Agents of the Cabildo de Fuerteventura and will be analysed by the University Institute of Animal Health.



Docked ships in La Gomera “keeping people awake with engine noise”


A Gomera Cabildo is urging the Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife to urgently eliminate nocturnal noises produced by the auxiliary engines of the ships that remain in port. Casimiro Curbelo is seeking the activation of the electrification service for ships in the Port of San Sebastián de La Gomera. This follows the “continuous annoyances that residents and tourists continue to suffer during the nights”. Sr. Curbelo recalled that the insular institution moved this problem to the Port Authority of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, who awarded in August 2017 the execution of this work with an investment of 398,000 euros. However, he regretted that even after these works “we continue to suffer from the drawbacks of the

lack of connection of the vessels to the electrical distribution system”. “The geographical location of the port, just at the mouth of the ravine, increases the projection of noise that is perceptible anywhere in San Sebastian,” he said.The leader advanced that he has moved this problem back to the Port Authority, to whom he has asked to intensify the procedures in order to facilitate the nocturnal connection that avoids noise. “If we already have the right infrastructure, now we must give the conditions for


La Gomera calls for higher sea wall to protect properties

companies to connect ships,” he said. He referred to the importance of this port infrastructure, which annually passes more than 1.3 million passengers and serves as a connection with other ports in the province, as well as being a stopover of almost 100 cruise ships. For these reasons he reiterated an “urgent solution

that provides comfort to citizens and energy savings to shipping companies.” The investment made in the port has allowed the construction of a transformer for the supply to the ships. Likewise, it has been equipped with a cable management system with fixed installation and a maximum power of 750 kVA

Motorcyclist dies on La Palma A

motorcyclist died in an accident on La Palma. He came off his bike on the LP-213 in the area of Puerto Naos, Los Llanos de Aridane.

His nationality was not released but he was 38 years of age. La Palma fire brigade, medics, a doctor and nurse from a local health centre, the Civil Guard and a road crew all went to the scene. A 112 spokesman said the motorcycle had apparently left the road and travelled about 100 metres over volcanic terrain before colliding with a fence. The rider was trapped and was declared dead due to the injuries he had received.



ORRIED residents and business owners on La Gomera are calling for more extensive measures to prevent their properties from being swamped by high seas. They say a protection wall being constructed on Avenida Marítima in Playa de Santiago is insufficient and will not hold back the tide or huge waves in rough weather conditions. The island’s Cabildo shares their concern and president, Casimiro Curbelo has pledged to ask the Ministry for the Ecological Transition to modify the project in order to meet the demands raised, in addition to requesting speed in the execution of the works “ We understand that a transcendental project in the district of Playa de Santiago should gather the observations

of those who know the area best,” said the Gomero leader, who expressed regret that more than a year after the work was awarded, “they continue to be executed in bits with the consequent inconveniences that it has for the zone.” The insular leader said the Cabildo has activated compensation mechanisms committed to employers affected by the delays recorded in the works, whose completion was scheduled for the month of November. However, the work stoppage for more than three months led to economic losses, mainly in the service sector.

Man arrested on Dublin flight A

27-year-old Albanian man was arrested at Gran Canaria airport as he tried to board a a flight bound for Dublin with false documents.

The arrest came after police officers from the Frontier Post requested documentation from a traveller who showed several documents of Polish nationality. Among these were a passport, a driver’s licence and a letter of identity. Later, the agents verified that all the documents presented “evident signs of manipulation” which is why he was arrested for falsification of documents. In addition, among the detainee’s belongings they located an identity card of Albanian nationality that revealed his true identity.








Pair arrested after police Women used chase off Lanzarote coast stolen cards A to buy life-like

high-speed police chase off the coast of Lanzarote led to the arrest of two drug smugglers and the recovery of bales of hash thrown into the sea. The four packets, containing 120 kilos, were fished from the water by the Civil Guard near Fuerteventura. Two men of Maghrebi origin were intercepted by the semirigid boat S-36 of the Maritime Detachment of the Fuerteventura Civil Guard. They have since been remanded in custody accused of a crime against public health. Both men, aged between 30 and 40 years, lacked

documentation at the time of their arrest. The drama began when police were alerted to a suspicious inflatable boat by Maritime Rescue. They were told two men were on board with several packages and were heading south to Lanzarote. When the Civil Guard agents approached the suspect boat, the crew began to throw the packages into the sea as they


tried to race towards the coast of Lanzarote. Police salvaged the drugs as the packets were still afloat and then continued the chase. A spokesman said the drug smugglers ignored warnings to

Tragedy in Gran Canaria as diver dies COAST ACCIDENT


diver has died in a tragic accident off the coast of Gran Canaria.

The man was aged 46 and was described as of foreign origin. The tragedy happened off the coast of Mogán. The 112 emergency control centre was told that a diver was unconscious at sea and needed medical assistance. He was rescued and taken by boat to Puerto de Mogán. On arrival, Red Cross staff verified that he was in cardiorespiratory arrest and began to practise resuscitation. A doctor and a nurse from the health centre in the area assisted but he could not be revived and he was declared dead. An investigation was opened.

stop and only gave up when an officer managed to jump on board.

Man hurt in fall from horse


man was badly injured after suffering a fall while riding a horse on La Palma.

The accident happened in the mid-afternoonin in the municipality of Tijarafe. The 56-year-old man who, at the initial moment of assistance presented severe chest trauma, was transferred to the General Hospital of La Palma.


WO women have been arrested in La Palma for robbery and fraud in a scam which revolved around dolls resembling real-life infants and baby accessories. They are believed to be part of a larger gang so police are not ruling out further arrests. The police operation is being carried out under the banner of “Reborn”which refers to the life-like dolls. The two women are believed to have stolen at least eight wallets and used credit cards inside to buy the products online, not just dolls but several purchases of clothes, footwear and baby items too. They then reposted them back online, offering them for sale at reduced prices. Police set up watches and arrested the two women who

were in possession of wallets which they had only just stolen. Searches of their homes revealed other items bought over the intenet, as well as personal documents and other stolen effects. So far, agents have been able to count eight injured people and a scam of 12,536 euros. The investigation is still open and police do not rule out the appearance of new injured parties that are related to this operation. The detainees have been placed at the disposal of the courts in Santa Cruz de La Palma.






La Palma increases bus route frequency to airport



HE bus line that connects the capital of La Palma with the airport has expanded its frequencies.

The service between between Santa Cruz de La Palma and the airport will now be every half hour , Monday through Friday and Saturdays until noon. Minister of Transportation of the Cabildo, Laura Paz said: “The 500 line that covers the service from the capital to the airport through Los Cancajos is one of those that supports the greatest demand.” She said both this measure and the rest of those that will be applied in frequencies and routes of the lines will be evaluated by the Transportation Area of the Cabildo to determine its effectiveness and degree of user satisfaction. “Everything is susceptible to change in favour of a better service,” she says. The Cabildo is also reminding people that from January 1st, the island’s new Resident Canary Bonus is in force, with a single payment of 25 euros, allowing the user to make an unlimited number of trips in a bus for a month. Likewise, and also from January 1st, the Canario Joven Resident Bonus allows this same unlimited monthly use of the public transportation service in a bus to people under 30 years old at a price of 15 euros. Finally, the Unemployed Canary Resident Bonus can be requested by appointment prior to February 1st. Its cost will be 2 euros and, like the rest of the bonds, it will allow an unlimited use of the public transport service in a bus for a month.



Canaries to have its own Suspect heart transplant programme “took T dangerous DAESH oath” SPAIN

HE Canary Islands have notched up a historical record for organ transplants: up to 110 organ donors and 203 transplants in 2018.

The SCS achieved the best annual results of donation activity since these programmes began, thanks to 105 deceased donors and five living donors, 13 per cent more than in 2017. The figures were revealed by the Health Minister of the Canary Islands Government, José Manuel Baltar, the SCS director, Conrado Domínguez, and the SCS Regional Transplant Coordinator, Vicente Peña. In the Canary Islands, a total of 105 organ donors of deceased persons were reached, which meant an increase of 13% with respect to the previous year, and five of alive ones; obtaining, thus, a rate of 49.5 donors per million inhabitants, which has saved the lives of 259 people if transplants performed outside

the community in other centres. Thus, he said, the professionals of the hospitals attached to the Canary Islands Health Service (SCS) have performed the largest number of transplants in a year, with a total of 203 organ transplants, of which 155 were kidney transplants, 42 of liver and six of pancreas. The Regional Transplant Coordinator said that a total of 91 kidney transplants and six pancreatic transplants have been registered at the University Hospital of the Canary Islands; 42 of liver in the University Hospital of Our Lady of Candelaria, and 64 of kidney in the Hospitable University Hospital InsularMaterno Infantil of the Canary Islands. The University Hospital of

the Canary Islands is the regional reference centre for kidney transplantation from a living donor. During 2018 five of these procedures were carried out in the Canary Islands. The main advantage over cadaver donation is that the survival of the renal graft and the patient is greater in the case of a living donor. The director of the SCS,

Conrado Domínguez, announced that the Canary Islands will count this year, starting in the second semester, with a Heart Transplant programme that will be implemented at the University Hospital of Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín. Dr. Dominguez advanced that will be an important advance for patients who need this type of transplants, who currently have to travel for months to the peninsula to undergo this type of intervention.



ATIONAL Police have stopped an individual in Malaga for his alleged membership of the terrorist organisation DAESH.

“The arrested man took the oath of loyalty and obedience to the terrorist organisation and its caliph Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. This type of commitment among the members of DAESH on European soil is in many cases the step prior to the commission of attacks,” said a spokesman. The joint investigation by the General Information Office, the Provincial Information Brigade of Valencia and the Provincial Information Brigade of Málaga, GOES de Málaga troops arrested the Moroccan, aged 27, in Manilva. The detainee had suffered in recent months a change of attitude that was found in the increase of his jihadist activity in social networks but also in the increase in the radicality of the messages he poured into his publications.


Hash investigation leads to 28 arrests T

WENTY-EIGHT people have been arrested for belonging to a criminal organisation dedicated to the trafficking of large-scale hashish from North Africa to the coasts of Campo de Gibraltar.

The investigation began last September when agents observed a group of people related to drug trafficking who holding meetings with members of another criminal organisation, dedicated to the logistical support of drug trafficking organisations by providing high-powered off-road vehicles to be used in the caches. As a result of the monitoring and surveillance of this group of people, the existence of farms and premises located in the town of Tarifa, in the areas of La Luz and Bologna, which were serving as vehicle “nurseries”, became evident. Police say there could be new arrests in Moroccan territory.







“Slow down!” drivers urged as new 90km speed limit looms


new information campaign has been launched to highlight the reduction of the speed limit on conventional roads in Spain.

“Less speed, more lives on the road. Better more slowly “is the slogan used in all the videos The Directorate General of Traffic has organised the campaign to inform citizens of the new regulation which comes into force on January 29th with a limit of 90km an hour established. This modification was approved by the Council of Ministers on December 28th and published in the BOE on Saturday, December 29th, 2018. The campaign aims to raise awareness among citizens that a lower speed means less injury in the event of accidents, more in one type of roads, such as conventional roads, where

Moroccans paid 5,000 euros for false marriages


OROCCAN citizens paid 5,000 euros to an organised gang which arranged false marriages to keep them in Spain, police have revealed. the speed is behind a significant number of departures from the carriageway and the most frequent accident. The campaign consists of four videos - with the hashtag # MejorMásDespacio - which will be published throughout the month of January in the different social networks of the organisation - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. The first of these is a video in which the accident rate of conventional roads is contextualized (each year

1000 people die in this type of road) to subsequently disclose some of the consequences of excessive speed (loss of control, exit of the track, invasion of the opposite lane, frontal collision ...) to finally conclude with the message that if we all went slower, the number of accidents and victims would be reduced. Finally, the video makes a call to all drivers so that when they see that the speed limit on the roads has been reduced, do not think that it is a measure that has been adopted for interfering.

The next two videos address the relationship between speed and braking distance or speed and the loss of viewing angle, commonly known as the tunnel effect. The fourth video reports that with this drop in speed, Spain is among the majority of European Union states that have adopted measures to reduce speed limitations in this type of road, with the majority tendency being the 90 km / h, although some countries have already opted to establish limitations of 80 km / h.

Fourteen couples of convenience have been discovered in the provinces of Granada, Almería and Málaga and seven people (five women and two men), between 32 and 47 years of age, have been arrested. In addition, 21 more people have been investigated for these same crimes and 12 other people have been identified in these events. The operation began as a result of a complaint filed by a woman in March of last year, in which she revealed that her identity had been usurped by Social Security and that she had been denied a social benefit. Officers discovered that the accusation was false and that behind it was hidden a whole plot to match de facto couples so that Moroccan citizens who were irregularly in Spain could resolve their situation. Each woman persuaded to marry a Moroccan was promised between 1000 and 2000 euros but only received 100 or 200 euros.

Jobless figure on par with lowest levels for nine years



HE number of recorded unemployed at the State Public Employment Services fell by 210,484 in the last 12 months at a year-on-year rate of -6.17%.

The total number of recorded unemployed now stands at 3,202,297. Recorded unemployment remains at one of the lowest levels in the last nine years. In seasonally-adjusted terms, unemployment fell by 8,746 people. The number of unemployed fell by 50,570 in December when compared with the previous month, a decrease of 1.55%. Unemployment among men stands at 1,337,244, a decrease of 5,697 (down 0.42%), while unemployment among women stands at 1,865,053, a decrease of 44,873 (down 2.35%) when compared with November. When compared with December 2017, unemployment among men has fallen by 122,482 (down 8.39%) and among women by 88,002 (down 4.51%). Unemployment among young people under the age of 25 fell by 17,378 in December (down 6.57%) when compared with the previous month. In year-on-year terms, youth unemployment has fallen by 21,194 people at a rate of -7.9% (1.73 points faster than the overall rate of decrease). Unemployment among those aged 25 and above fell by 33,192 (down 1.11%). By sector of economic activity, recorded unemployment fell in Agriculture by 10,392 (down 6.97%), Services by 43,874 (down 1.93%) and among first-time job-seekers by 10,269 (down 3.66%). In contrast, recorded unemployment rose in the Industrial sector by 3,967 (up 1.42%) and Construction by 9,998 (up 3.74%). A total of 2,284,924 permanent employment contracts were signed in 2018 as a whole, an increase of 355,674 on the previous year. This figure is the highest since current records began and represents an increase of 18.44% on the total number recorded in 2017.





Gang smuggled Madrid’s traffic restrictions are “at least 500” forcing tourists to walk to hotels Moroccans into E Spain “HOSTILE” CITY



GENTS of the National Police have broken up an organisation in Almería dedicated to the trafficking of people and narcotic substances.

They have arrested eight suspects, among them the ringleaders of the network which was dedicated to introducing immigrants into the country via the Spanish coasts. In addition to the traffic of immigrants, the arrested smuggled narcotic substances,

taking advantage of the departure of the boats from Morocco with immigrants of this nationality. According to the researchers, the dismantled organisation would have contributed to the arrival of more than 500 immigrants heading to the

NVIRONMENTAL traffic restrictions in the centre of Madrid are having an unexpected detrimental effect on tourists, according to furious coach drivers.

They say because of the limit on where they can park, holiday buses are having to stop a mile from some of the main hotels, meaning families are having to walk the rest of the way on foot, often with

suitcases and children in buggies. Representatives of the drivers took to the streets to protest, shouting: “We are transporters, not terrorists”and claiming officials are making Madrid

Andalusian coasts of Cádiz and Almería. The agents began the investigations in summer of last year when they verified the existence of pateras arriving on the coasts of Cádiz and Almería. They discovered the network was responsible for both the collection of those trafficked and the fare for the trip, being temporarily housed in homes until the exit of the boat, as well as obtaining the pateras and skippers. “The members of the organisation picked up the newly arrived immigrants to the Spanish coasts by means of rented vans. They were crammed in the back part of these vehicles and taken to the addresses they had in the

province of Almeria,” said a police spokesman. The cost of each trip, described as “precarious and unsafe”, varied between 1,800 and 2,000 euros per person, obtaining an approximate economic benefit of around 25,000 euros per chartered vessel. It is estimated that since August 2018, the network has been able to introduce 500 immigrants into the national territory. Raids were carried out in Almeria, specifically in homes controlled by the network. Police seized several mobile terminals, mass storage devices, 101 “acorns” of hashish of about 1,000 grams, two pieces of hashish of 84.86 grams, a katana and 1,150 euros in cash along with various documentation.

“more hostile” to visitors. They say the traffic restrictions will also harm the city’s exhibition and meetings trade and are demanding new parking zones closer to hotels so tourists do not face such a long walk as a result of the ban on entering the Gran Via to pick people up or drop them off. The centre of Madrid is facing regular limits on the circulation of traffic because of a clampdown on emissions and pollution. Coach drivers say the restrictions in the heart of the

city should be modified because there are about 700 hotel establishments in the area. If tourist buses are not allowed to pick up or drop off tourists, they they face a walk of around 2.1 kilometres. Most of these visitors have suitcases and many have children. Daily, these coaches make 100 trips to the airport and more than 400 point-to-point transfers for congress and convention tourism, according to the group of Discretionary Independent Buses of Madrid. The buses also run through the centre of the city to pick up people for excursions.







Scammers posed as directors to order urgent bank transfers from companies


ATIONAL Police have dismantled an international organisation dedicated to defrauding commercial companies around the world.

The arrested were a highly specialised group in all types of scams - Nigerian letters, fraudulent charges in bank accounts of individuals or fraud of the CEO - and had a high degree of specialisation, which has allowed them to cheat 25 million euros from more than 100 companies. The criminal group used the modality known as “Man in the middle”, consisting of computer attacks directed against companies with high turnover. They intercepted their communications to divert money to an account of the organisation with false documentation. Via “fraud of the CEO” the organisation contacted an employee who had the ability to access the accounts of the victim company, posing as their boss or director to request a supposedly confidential and urgent financial operation. Once the gang diverted the money to their bank accounts, the members of the organisation distributed it in turn using three methods: by cash withdrawals at ATMs made by members of the organisation who, after keeping their percentage of commission, delivered the rest

to the leader of the group in Spain; through money transfers to different accounts located in European Union countries and then transferred back to the organisation’s accounts to finally return to the accounts of those investigated in Spain but with a legal appearance; and, finally, by sending the money to a company in Castellón where its owner bought material that was later exported in containers destined for Nigeria, to be finally sold in that country and whose profits returned to Spain. This police operation has concluded with the complete dismantling of the criminal structure and the detention of ten people from Nigeria, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Spain, among whom are those most responsible. The arrests took place in the provinces of Toledo (1) and Castellón (1) and the Balearic municipality of Manacor (8) for the crimes of belonging to a criminal organisation, fraud, computer intrusion, document forgery and money launde-

ring. Sixteen bank accounts have been blocked and, in the raids made in Toledo (1) and Manacor (4), seven forged Spanish identity documents that the detainees used for the opening of the fraudulent accounts have been seized, as well as three vehicles and numerous computer equipment. The researchers believe that the organisation would have cheated in Spain an amount greater than 600,000 euros, a figure that could be increased with the analysis of all the material seized.

Fire in Benidorm hotel forces evacuation of guests T


HERE were dramatic scenes when fire broke out on the 17th floor of a popular hotel in Benidorm, injurying four people and forcing the evacuation of 200 guests. A number of holidaymakers have had to be relocated to alternative accommodation as a result of the damage caused at the Hotel Poseidón Playa, a popular haunt for Brits. According to Spanish press reports, the room where the first started has been completely gutted. It is believed it started in the hotel boilers

though this has yet to be confirmed by an official investigation. The three-star hotel on Poniente beach was packed with holidaymakers for the Christmas and New Year holidays. For safety reasons, the police and fire brigade decided to evacuate the 200 guests in the mid-afternoon.

Many of them were in the hotel building having lunch or in their rooms and had to wait in the street until the emergency was over. Witnesses reported huge plumes of black smoke coming from the top floor as flames engulfed the room. The four people injured all suffered from smoke inhalation. Two were members of staff, the others were local police officers. All of them were taken to a clinic in Benidorm to check their condition, believed not to be serious.


Police break up massive betting scam over rigged tennis matches


PANISH police have dismantled an international criminal organisation which rigged tennis matches for at least two years and gained millions of pounds through a betting scam. So far, there are 83 people under investigation, among which are 28 professional tennis players from the ITF Futures and Challenger categories. They are suspected of offering bribes to rig tournaments to generate

multiple and simultaneous sports bets nationally and internationally Fifteen people have been arrested, including the heads of the organisation, and another 68 have been investigated. Police say one of the 28 professional tennis players, either arrested or still being ivestigated, participated in the last US Open. The operation was initiated as a result of a complaint filed by those responsible for the Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU), an international anti-corruption body responsible for ensuring integrity in the world of tennis. The bets were placed by stealing the identity of unconnected

individuals on the internet and hiding the money won on the bets in various bank accounts. “A group of Armenian individuals used a professional tennis player who was the link between them and the rest of the members of the network,” said a police spokesman. Some of the suspects would physically attend the matches once the bribes were in place to make sure the tennis player complied with the agreement. Police have confirmed the organisation had been operating at least since February 2017, estimating that they generated millions in profits. Eleven raids have been carried out in nine Spanish

provinces, leading to the seizure of 167,000 euros in cash, a weapon, documentary proof of the usurped identities of people making the bets, more than 50 electronic devices, computers, jewellery pieces and handbags (they invested the profits in luxur y objects), numerous credit cards of electronic accounts where they accumulated the income and five luxury vehicles. More than 40 bank accounts have also been blocked, together with a number of properties. “Betting on the internet is a growing phenomenon that moves large sums of money, especially those related to sports,” said the police spokesman.



Planning for the future J

ANUARY is a time when many people reflect on the previous 12 months and look ahead to what the coming year will bring. You may set goals for the year, such as exercising or planning a dream holiday. When it comes to financial planning, however, focusing on just one year is not nearly enough, you need to plan ahead for the future. While you should always consider current developments that could impact your finances, good wealth management is all about establishing your goals, both short and long-term, then setting up a strategic plan to achieve them.

Planning for a financially secure retirement For many of us, the ultimate goal is to be able to enjoy our dream retirement. Many retirees favour low-risk, ‘safer’ investments like bank deposits, but if you have a long retirement ahead of you, this is risky. Slowly but surely the cost of living increases every year and can erode your spending power over the longer term. Your savings need to earn enough to keep pace with inflation, which is a struggle with today’s low interest rates. Start by establishing what your aims are and obtain an objective analysis of your risk profile. Working with an experienced and regulated adviser, then build a portfolio, with a careful spread of

investments across asset classes, regions, companies, currencies etc, designed to achieve your goals within your risk tolerance.

Planning to protect your wealth from tax When considering your income needs you also need to factor in taxation. It is important to review your tax planning to make sure it is up to date and takes account of any tax reforms in Spain, UK and anywhere else that affect you.

Planning for the inevitable Don’t risk leaving your estate planning too late. Again, what are your goals? Who you want to inherit your estate, in what amounts, when and how? Take advice on how to achieve your wishes for your heirs, based on the inheritance laws and taxes of the Canary Isles and UK, and to make the process as straightforward and tax-efficient as possible for them.

By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks should be set up for Spain. Do you own too many UK investments? Are all your savings in Sterling, putting you at mercy of exchange rate swings? Are you hoping to transfer your pension out of the UK? Be aware that many speculate the UK could widen the 25% ‘overseas transfer charge’ after Brexit to tax transfers within the EU. Whether it is investments, tax or pension planning, seek professional advice to ensure you do what works best for your personal situation. Use a specialist adviser who can provide holistic solutions to give you peace of mind that your financial affairs are in order, for today and the future.

Planning for Brexit We cannot talk about planning for 2019 without mentioning Brexit. This is a good time to consider if you need to adjust your financial planning. If you are living in the Canary Isles, your financial planning

Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.blevinsfranks.com









LIBRARY AGM - THURSDAY JANUARY 31st 4.00 for 4.30 Annual General Meeting for Library members followed by a buffet and refreshments. This year we will be welcoming back past president Ken Fisher as our new President. This will be ratified at the AGM. We look forward to your support. If you wish to attend please leave your name at the treasure’s desk for catering purposes. TALK BY Ramón Michán - THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14 12noon The Library are happy to welcome back Ramón Michán whose previous talk was recalling tourism in Puerto de la Cruz in the 1960s. The subject for his next talk is Tenerife Paradise for Walkers, you can be assured of a very interesting afternoon to include a buffet and refreshments for 8 euros. We welcome visitors to join us during our opening hours Monday and Friday 3pm to 5.30pm and Wednesday and Saturday 10pm to 1pm. Refreshments are served in the garden on Wednesday and Saturday mornings Discover more about us on Facebook, TripAdvisor and our Website ‘theenglishlibrary.es’. Did you know you can access Facebook through our Website. You will find us at Calle Irlanda 5, Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. Telephone 922 383 098.



ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You can get ahead if you present your ideas to superiors. You’ll find it difficult to control your emotions. Avoid any erratic behavior or it could cause isolation at home. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Try to deal with it quickly; don’t dwell on past regrets. Romance will unfold through business trips. Try not to hurt your partner’s feelings.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Opportunities to show your worth will enhance your reputation and bring possible advancement. You may be emotional if you allow your lover to take advantage of your good nature. Don’t believe everything you hear. CANCER (June 22-July 22)

MP Tim Horton’s son is abducted by a gang of ruthless kidnappers whose demands are simple: the MP must sacrifice his own life to save his son’s. Six former university friends have been brought together on a remote island to celebrate a macabre anniversar y. But as the party unfolds, one by one they begin to die. A former cop with a shady past is commissioned by a father to find the killer of his nine-year-old daughter and bring him to justice. His search takes him to an island cemeter y in Venice, and a conversation with a man that will haunt him for the rest of his days. A thriller in three parts.

what she seems. And Frank has old wounds that threaten to reopen and a past he will never leave behind


Try not to hesitate; act on your initial instincts. Don’t be too eager to star t any debates. You could have a tendency to spend too much on your home or entertainment.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You can make wonderful contributions to any organization that you join. You’ll be able to discuss your ambitions with your mate. A little overtime may help you reduce the workload.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) You can receive recognition for the work you’ve done. Put financial speculation with family members or friends on the back burner for now. Avoid any over indulgences.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Colleagues may try to undermine you. You are best to work behind the scenes on projects that require detail or precision. Don’t make promises.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)


You can make gains if you look at long-term investments. You will be a real chatterbox today. You should get out and enjoy social events where you are likely to meet new potential mates; however, don’t over spend.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

THE MUSIC SHOP RACHEL JOYCE 1988 - Frank owns a music shop. It is jam-packed with records of every speed, size and genre. Classical, jazz, punk - as long as it’s vinyl he sells it. Then into his life walks Isle Brauchmann. Isle asks Frank to teach her about music. His instinct is to turn and run. And yet he is drawn to this strangely still, mysterious woman with her pea-green coat and her eyes black as vinyl. But Isle is not

A missing privacy investigator is found, locked in a car hidden deep in the woods. Worse still - both for his family and the police - is that his body was in an area that had already been searched. Detective Inspector Siobhan Clarke is part of a new inquir y, combing through the mistakes of the original case. There were always suspicions over how the investigation was handled and now it’s time for the truth. Ever y officer involved must be questioned, and it seems ever yone on the case has something to hide, and ever ything to lose.

A family home has become a crime scene. Four of them mother, step-father, daughter, son - have been savagely murdered. The fifth, the eldest daughter, is missing. Did she escape? Or is her absence evidence of something much more sinister? Detective D.D. Warren is on the case, as is survivor-turned-avenger Flora Dane. Together they must make sense of the clues left behind by a sixteen-year-old girl who, as victim or suspect, is silently pleading, ‘Look for me.’

When Dublin-based solicitor Tara Rafferty discovers that her fiancé and fellow solicitor, Eric has been cheating on her with a colleague, she breaks up with him, quits her job at the prestigious law firm were t h e y w o r ke d t o g e t h e r, a n d begins accepting clients out of a makeshift office in the back of a cafe. With the help of Ray her street-smart clientturned-assistant, private detective Meg Riley and friend and mentor Senior Counsel Vincent Pike, Tara takes on a series of cases that often put her against her former colleagues and the influential families of the legal establishment she is trying to leave behind.

Self-deception is likely. A new image can be the result if you change your look. You may be in an extremely passionate mood today.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Opportunities will unfold; however, you must be willing to pay the price. Cutbacks at work will be a cause for worry. You can mix business with pleasure to get favorable results.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Your talent will be recognized. Start sending out those resumes. You will be highly entertaining when in contact with your lover.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Don’t force your opinions on friends or relatives unless you are prepared to lose their favor. You can expect to feel confused about your personal prospects. You can make financial gains if you are prepared to take a risk.

Alastair Robertson





The vanished convents of Tenerife W

HILE travelling around Tenerife you might have noticed that there are churches and chapels and wayside shrines all over the island. But what are missing are monasteries and convents. In Britain, usually under the care of English, Scottish and Welsh Heritage, many of these buildings survive in ruins that can be seen by the public, but where are their equivalents in Tenerife? The answer is they have either vanished completely or have been changed beyond recognition. The Reformation in England took place in the late 1530’s, in a land-grab and power-grab by Henry VIII as self-appointed head of the newly-formed Church of England. The religious communities in the monasteries and convents were dissolved and the buildings given over partly for secular use as grand houses and partly for use as quarries for building stone. But it was not until 300 years later that the same thing happened in Spain. In 1835 during the first Carlist War (a civil war for the Spanish throne), there was an outpouring of anger by the common people against the church and the religious orders that supported the repressive Carlists. While the churches and convents were being burned the new prime minister, Juan Mendizabal, took advantage of this mood to confiscate religious property. In mainland Spain monasteries and convents were either turned into barracks or demolished, while in the Canary Islands the buildings experienced a variety of fates. After the conquest of Tenerife in 1494, three religious orders established themselves on the island, Franciscans, Augustinians and Dominicans, whose friars went out into the community to teach and to preach. The friars lived in convents rather than monasteries, which were for closed orders of monks. Here is a list of some of their establishments, what happened to them and where they can be seen. In ADEJE a Franciscan convent was founded on 10th August 1679 by a member of the de Ponte family, Don Juan Bautista de Ponte. When the building lost its religious purpose it was used at one time as a warehouse and now, being situated next door to the town hall, it is used for formal ceremonies. The Franciscan convent in GARACHICO, begun in 1524 on land donated by the Genoese merchant Cristobal de Ponte, the founder of the town, was destroyed by fire in 1709 and rebuilt forty years later. Today, with its double cloister, it is a cultural centre. The Dominican convent, begun in 1601, survived the volcanic eruption of 1706 and

today it is an art museum and auditorium. The Augustinians arrived in 1621, their convent was destroyed by fire in 1697, rebuilt by 1742, destroyed by fire again in 1825, again rebuilt, and is now a private house. In ICOD there seems only to have been the Franciscan convent, located on Calle San Francisco, that was begun 1641 with chapels being added from 1706. Now the building houses the town library. L A L AGUNA, being the former capital of the island, is where the religious communities were first established. In what became known as the Plaza de San Francisco, construction of a convent for Franciscan friars began in 1506. In 1810, like so many of the others of its kind, the original building was destroyed by fire and had to be almost completely rebuilt to be used today as a church. Not far away, on Calle Viana, is a building not found so often - a nunner y. The convent of St. John the Baptist was built for the Franciscan nuns of St. Clara, or the Poor Clares, in 1577 as the first nunnery in the islands. The Poor Clares were a closed order and the latticewindowed balcony high in a corner tower was the only place from which the nuns were allowed to look out onto the world. In 1697 it too had to be rebuilt after a fire. Part of it is open to the public as a museum. The Augustinian friars, who, along with the Franciscans, arrived with the conquistadors, also began construction of their convent in the year 1506. It was destroyed by fire as late as 1964; the ruins can be seen on Calle San Augustin. The third convent in the then capital was built by the Dominicans in the 16th century and it is still in use today as town council offices in Calle San Domingo. Another convent for nuns, this time the Dominican nuns of St. Catalina, was built in the 17th century on Calle Nava y Grimon opposite the Plaza Adelantado. It fell into disuse and disrepair but recently a large part of the complex has been beautifully renovated, potentially for tourist use or as an artistic and exhibition space. Part of the complex is

still a nunnery and, like the nunnery of the Poor Clares, it has a viewing gallery in a corner tower. At L A OROTAVA the Dominican friars built their convent in 1620 that now houses the Iberoamericana artesan museum. The Augustinians also came here in the 17th century and their convent is now the church of St. Augustin. The Franciscan nuns of St. Clara, the Poor Clares, were in La Orotava where part of their former land is now home to the tranquil, shady botanical garden. PUERTO DE LA CRUZ was at first not much more than a fishing village and very much in second place to La Orotava, being the port for La Orotava. The street name ‘Calle Santo Domingo’ is the only clue to the existence of the Dominican convent that used to be on the site of the Town Hall. Like Puerto de la Cruz, SANTA CRUZ was the port for La Laguna. The Dominican convent to where Nelson’s troops retreated in the attack of 25th July 1797 was demolished to make way for a market, or recova, which is now an exhibition hall across the street from the Teatro Guimera. In the Plaza de San Francisco, next door to the Church of San Francisco, the Franciscan convent was demolished to be replaced by the city library, which in turn moved to the TEA centre on the other side of the Barranco de Santos. Finally we come to the convent in BUENAVISTA, the sight of which inspired this article. The remaining roofless walls, with their large repairs and blocked doors and windows, stand testimony to the convent founded for the

Franciscan order in 1648. The sixteenth of its kind to be founded in the Canary Islands, it was established for twelve friars, who, not being in a cloistered order, went out among the people to beg for alms, to hold services and to teach. In the middle of the 19th century, when the order was dissolved, the building was dismantled and converted into

a cemetery that in turn was closed in 1946. Only the front portico remains standing with dignity, where the Franciscan emblem of the hands of Jesus and St. Francis, each with their stigmata, can be seen in the pediment in front of and behind the cross. This is the most poignant of all the former convents, it has survived, but

only just, and sadly it has no purpose today. There we have it, a whistlestop tour of the convents of Tenerife. There are bound to be others that I’ve missed, and there’s a lot more to tell, but it sheds a little bit of light onto an aspect of the visible history of Tenerife that might otherwise go unnoticed.


Pets World



Common conditions your horse might suffer from Even with the best of care, horses can suffer from occasional bouts of ill health, injury or related conditions


HE role of a horse keeper is to reduce the risk of common ailments occurring, to recognise signs that a horse is unwell or injured, and to take measures to ensure that the horse receives appropriate treatment These range from skin conditions like ringworm, respiratory problems or illnesses such as colic or laminitis

Ringworm This is a contagious fungal infection of the skin that spreads by direct and indirect contact, so infected horses should be isolated wherever possible, strict hygiene measures should be adopted and veterinary advice sought. Infection shows initially as tufts of raised hair, which eventually fall off, leaving weeping lesions. Often circular in shape, these lesions may vary in size and density, and usually occur around the head, neck, saddle and girth regions. The horse’s immediate environment also becomes infected, so bedding material should be destroyed and the stable, plus all tack, and equipment should be washed thoroughly with a fungicidal disinfectant.

Rainscald Rainscald is a skin infection caused by a softening of the skin following persistent saturation. This can occur in horses that have a weakened immunity or are already in poor condition and lack the natural grease in their coat to keep warm and dry. It can also occur when leaking or non-breathable turnout rugs are used, when there is poor air circulation under the rug and when the horse’s back is constantly getting wet with moisture from rain or sweat. An affected horse may show patchy hair loss along the back and quarters. The hair can become matted, and the skin may develop sores and weeping lesions. To prevent a horse from getting rainscald, ensure that it always has access to shelter from the field and that rugs are of a correct type for the conditions and maintained accordingly.

Mud fever This is a skin condition usually associated with wet and muddy conditions. The skin of the legs and the stomach become inflamed and scaly and, in severe cases, the horse may develop a high

temperature or fever. The infection is caused by bacteria that enters the waterlogged skin and causes scabs to form, sealing in the infection. Always ensure that the legs are cleaned well after work or time in the field. Either wash off and then ensure that the legs are properly dried or leave the mud to dry and then brush it off with a soft brush. If the horse has clipped legs, it is a good idea to apply a barrier cream to prevent the skin from becoming waterlogged.

Cracked heels These are caused by the same conditions as mud fever. It is advisable to keep the legs and stomach as clean and dry as possible, and applying a protective cream might also help. Extra care is needed when dealing with heels because they are close to the ground and therefore more susceptible to becoming waterlogged. Always ensure that legs are cleaned well after work or time in the field.

Sweet itch Sweet itch is an inflammation of the skin as a result of an allergic reaction, which is also called Summer Seasonal Recurrent Dermatitis (SSRD). It is caused by a biting midge called Culicoides, and the itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the female midge. In most cases the horse will become

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itchy along the back, especially around the mane and tail. In extreme cases, the horse can rub itself raw trying to relieve the itching. Susceptible horses usually develop the condition for the first time as youngsters and, once it has occurred, the horse will continue to suffer from it (although environmental conditions play a large part in whether a horse will show signs or not).

Common cold This is usually indicated by white or yellow discharge from the nose. The horse may have a slightly higher temperature than usual and glands in the throat may become swollen. It is usually caused by a viral infection contracted by contact with other infected horses. Horses may become more susceptible if they are kept in a badly ventilated stable or lorry for long periods of time. Horses often catch colds if they are competing at shows, due to the close proximity of other horses from different areas of the country. It is important to call the veterinary surgeon immediately and keep the horse isolated as the virus can spread to other horses. Keep the horse warm and in a well-ventilated, dustfree area. Try to feed with soft food that is easy to swallow and well-soaked hay. Try not to let the horse drink from public water troughs at competitions, and always take your own water supply.

Cough There are three main types of coughs that occur in horses. The first is associated with a common cold and normally starts with the occasional cough accompanied by a watery discharge from the nose. Then, after approximately two weeks, the discharge will change colour to white or yellow and the cough will increase in frequency. The other two types are coughs caused by a viral or bacterial infection, and coughs as an allergic reaction (usually to dust). If the horse is stabled, ensure that bedding is dust-free (either wood or paper shavings), all hay has been soaked, and that the stable is well ventilated. If a horse has a cough, the animal must stop working unless advised otherwise by the veterinary surgeon. It is also advisable to keep the horse away from others until the type of cough has been established, as types one and two can be infectious.

Eating Out & About



NEW OPENING TIMES from 9:30am to 2:00am

The Oriental

Brunelli’s Steakhouse

Cafeteria Gourmet Plan B

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Inaugurated in 1996 by Queen Sirikit of Thailand, our Oriental restaurant offers Asian style ‘haute cuisine’, which includes a wide range of delicious dishes with the unique flavor of an essential continent within the international gastronomic scene. The menu changes regularly and offers the best of the delicate and tempting, yet sophisticated cuisine from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Japan. The unforgettable experience in El Oriental is also felt though the traditional decor of the restaurant, which reflects both the magic and fineness of Thailand, making this restaurant the ideal place for a perfect dinner.

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

“Fantastic food and drink at reasonable prices. What more could you ask for!” is just one of the accolades given to his buzzing bar/cafeteria in Puerto. It is run by owners Umberto and Brian, two Italians with more than 15 years’ experience each in cuisine. They specialise in Italian pizza/foccacia genovez and all the dishes are home-made with the emphasis on healthy food. Nothing is fried. Their cooking is a fusion between Italian and Canarian cuisine although they also offer a variety of international dishes. They also specialise in cocktails as they have a qualified barman. Gourmet Plan B can also offer you a catering service for events and beautiful occasion cakes (pick-up at restaurant). Find this little gem in La Paz in a quiet area near the “El Mirador”. Open every day from 9:30am to 2:00am, closed on Wednesdays

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/el-oriental

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

Edificio Aceviño 12, Puerta 6 La Paz Puerto de la Cruz

II Pappagallo

La Parrilla

Mamma Rosa

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Playa de las Américas

Il Pappagallo restaurant perfectly combines the old art of making pasta dishes and innovative side dishes that will both delight diners. The menu has been entirely renovated to offer diners a modern culinary repertoire that matches our attention and love for details, as well as our passion for excellence. A varied buffet and a great selection of Italian specialties await you in its terrace overlooking the Atlantic, ideal to enjoy unforgettable sunsets and the tranquillity of the night during summer. In addition, our wine cellar houses the best Italian wines, chosen amongst the most traditional wines of the country.

The inmistakable Andalusian style of La Parrilla restaurant carefully decorates an architecture that blends rustic wood elements with southern Spain typical houses – an environment where diners live a gastronomic experience with the hallmark of excellence in restoration. The succulent cuisine with grilled meats, fresh fish and tapas challenge the most discerning palates in an evening paired with the best wines of the Canary Islands and Spanish Peninsula. In addition, our chef offers the freshest market daily. Enjoy the rustic setting and relaxed atmosphere of La Parrilla, which make this restaurant the perfect place for a romantic dinner or an entertaining encounter among friends.

Mamma Rosa is one of the longest established restaurants in the south of Tenerife and has an extensive menu and a modern ambiance which appeals to all ages. For more than 22 years, it has offered elegance, top-class cuisine, an excellent varied wine list and, of course, the service you would expect. The cuisine is described as classical Italian and Scandinavian with Spanish and French influences, blended together and cooked in a modern style. Part of the new approach is to offer a very extensive fish menu. As with the meat, the restaurant tries where possible to buy local produce and support the islands’ agriculture.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/il-pappagallo

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/la-parrilla

For reservations call 922 794 819 Avda. Santiago Puig, Apartamentos Colón 2 Playa de la Américas www.mammarosa.com / mammarosa@mammarosa.com


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants



English Tea Room

Restaurante Gom


Los Cristianos (new) & Fañabé

Santa Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Very much a Tenerife business success story, Harriet's English Tea Room and Restaurant in Los Cristianos has a very welcome addition to its extensive menu - Sunday lunches for 9.95 euros which are served between 12 noon and 5pm. With a big sunny terrace and beautifully designed interior, this lovely restaurant is just a stone’s throw from the bus station at the San Marino building (ie turn left at the bottom of the bus station and it is 100 yards or so on your left, in premises formerly occupied by the Heritage bar). In addition to the fantastic Sunday roasts, with "proper" roast potatoes, you will find the most gorgeous food, all home-made and great British cooking, including all day breakfasts, mouthwatering cakes, salads, jacket potatoes, sandwiches and rolls, home-made burgers, pancakes, ice-creams, evening meals and numerous varieties of teas and coffees served in china pots and cups. There are also many gluten-free and diabetic options.

This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.

If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price with a lovely terrace, look no further than Tressardi. It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. The desserts like tiramisu and panna cota are to die for! So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or take away, Tressardi is your restaurant. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well elaborated dishes for kids and grown ups. Depending on your choices the price can go higher but an average 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect.

For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz www.hoteltaburiente.com

WINTER OPENING TIMES 15:00 -23:00 pm Wednesday closed Friday & Saturday: 15:00 -24:00 pm For reservations call 922 382 056 Calle Aceviños, La Paz, Puerto de la Cruz

Bar El Pincho


Restaurante Magnolia

Las Vistas, Los Cristianos

Santa Cruz

At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 9.50 euros. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Do try their fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Reservations can be done between 10:30 to 20:00pm

Summer has arrived and the wonderful SOOK restaurant has devised a refreshing and appetising menu for the hot months. New mouth-watering dishes are home-made salmorejo with extra virgin olive oil, diced Iberian ham and bread croutons, avocado from our islands in tempura, served with sweet chilli sauce and soy, tuna tataki with seaweed salad and caramelised soy sauce and duck breast soft grilled, with papaya chutney. In addition, the air-conditioned restaurant continues to offer its refreshing desserts such as seasonal fruit salad with guava mayonnaise. SOOK is now also opening with its a la carte during the weekend, both for lunch and dinner. The opening times are 13:00 to 15:30 and 20:30 to 23:30 and for your convenience, there is a parking area. You might also like to try the full breakfast buffet open to the public from 7am to 11am from Monday to Sunday. Ideal to start a day of shopping or tourist visit to Santa Cruz. The price is 16 euros per person.

Puerto de la Cruz

For reservations call 922 712 791 Los Cristianos, San Marino building. Open daily from 9am to 11pm. Playa Fañabé,56 Central Commercial. Open 9am to 10pm, closes 5pm Saturday and Sunday

For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos www.barelpincho.com

Avda. 3 de Mayo, 3 Santa Cruz Tel.: 922 294 500 www.hoteles-silken.com

Restaurante Magnolia has come a long way, starting life as a small intimate restaurant with an outdoor terrace to the finished article we see today, with the terrace now covered and well spaced tables inside. The kitchen is open plan and creates the most wonderful national and international dishes with an extensive menu of fish, shellfish, lamb, steaks, pastas. This venue is always busy and customers are full of praise for the Restaurante Magnolia as one of the finest places to eat on the island. The quality and service certainly stands out and the cost is very reasonable indeed. They are open every day from 13:00 - 16:00 and 19:00 to 23.30.

For reservations call 922 385 614 Avda. Marqués de Villanueva del Prado s/n Puerto de la Cruz www.restaurantemaganolia.com

Eating Out & About



Donde Mario

La Bodeguita de Enfrente

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

A great part of the fun of wining and dining in Tenerife is finding somewhere different and it’s well worth a trip out to Santa Ursula to the warm and inviting Donde Mario. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is elegant and captivating. Restaurateur Mario Torres surprises us every day with his extensive use of produce in season, and his unbeatable experience with wines and cookery. Just try his Cherne warm salad, a super-healthy Canarian fish soup, or his Lomo de Vaca Morucha. You will be captivated.

Set in a series of old Canary houses, this restaurant is made up of a labyrinth of inter-connecting rooms leading off from the bar area in the centre. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an English country pub with its low ceilings with wooden beams and warm décor. The food is fundamentally Canarian. They grow most of their own produce at their allotment and only use olive oil to cook with. Their ethos is a simple one, only use the best, fresh produce and cook it with thought and care. The menu is described as Picoteo, slightly more than tapas without reaching the full-blown three-course meal status. It is delicious and affordable. “La Bodeguita de Enfrente” won the “II Gastronomic Awards Cruzcampo Gran Reserva El Día-Mesa Abierta”, which took place last year.

Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. In 2016, “El Calderito de la Abuela” won the “Best Canarian Kitchen Restaurant Award” in the first edition of the “El Dia-Mesa Abierta” Awards on July 28th. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.

For reservations call 922 302 760 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 205 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.labodeguitadeenfrente.net

For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net

For reservations call 922 304 585 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 119 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.dondemario.net

El Calderito de la Abuela







Winter University returns to Arona with six new courses T

HE Winter University of Arona (UIA) has opened the registration period for the third edition to be taught in the south of Tenerife, during the months of February and March 2019. There will be a total of six reference courses aimed at all groups, not only of students but also of the business sector and population in general. The courses will be taught from 4pm to 8pm at the Los Cristianos Cultural Centre and will be open to the general public. The registration process can be done online, through the website w w w. u l l . e s / / c u r s o s d e extension. The enrollment of each course will be 20 euros, with a reduced price of 10 euros, for people registered in the municipality of Arona. During the last three years, Arona council has tried to promote the cultural and educational activity. There-


fore, the Winter University of Arona has become a fundamental axis that not only provides knowledge but negates the need to travel to the metropolitan areas. The training offered by the UIA consists of six intensive courses of three days each, with 12 contact hours. The courses deal with subjects of initiation to the protocol, astrotourism, the strategy of renovation of tourist destinations on the coast, communication through social networks and, the management of emotions and conflict resolution in the family and school environment. The first course, Astroturismo as an opportunity for

innovation and tourism diversification, will be held from 12 to 14 February and will be aimed at tourism professionals and tour guides. During the same month, on 19, 20 and 21 will be developed the course of Initiation to the Protocol of public and private events, which will be aimed at people interested in the organisation of events, as well as technical staff of institutions, professionals of the sector tourism, sports, business, cultural, social and political. During the 26th, 27th and 28th of February, the Community Manager course will take place and from the 12th to the 14th of March, the training, Emotion Management and Conflict Resolution in the family and work school environment. From 20 to 22 of the same month, the course Strategies for renewal of coastal tourist

destinations will be developed, aimed at students of Bachelor, Master and Doctorate, companies and tourism entrepreneurs, managers of accommodation establishments, policy makers, professionals and technical staff of the public adminis-trations. The last course, Communication and social networks for the promotion of gender equality, will be held on March 27, 28 and 29 and is aimed especially at professionals of organisations and institutions of public and private nature, associations, university students, professionals of communication and general population. In it, users can acquire good practices regarding the use of media and social networks in commitment to gender equality. The six courses will be taught by professionals and experts of proven reputation in different subjects.

Concert for lovers of romantic music by Canary-born singer/songwriter


prolific singer, songwriter and guitarist who has taken both his name and that of the Canaries all over the world during a career spanning four decades returns to his homeland for a concert in the south of Tenerife.

Vicente Hernández, descendant of the legendary group “Los Huaracheros” nephew of musician and singer Antonio Hdez (El Moro) and drummer Virgilio Hdez (El Moro) is known worldwide as Vicente Rey. Born in Santa Cruz, he will be in Los Cristianos on Saturday, February 2nd at the end of his South American tour to celebrate his 40 years of artistic career,. This is a concert for lovers of romantic music, where the singer author will present his best finery and great successes of his 2009 work Bolero, accompanied by several masters of music. In the evening, he will also bring to life the authors of other fine boleros. Vicente Rey is the author of most of his songs and has taken his name and the name of Canarias to: Rome, Milan, Florence, Venice, France, Portugal, Morocco, Cuba: Havana, where he participated in the International Festival “Boleros de Oro” In the Dominican Republic, Miami Florida, New York, Puerto Rico, Denmark Copenhagen and of course he has been in Madrid, Barcelona, Galicia, Zaragoza, Valencia, and throughout the Canary Islands. Ticket sales page on https://auditorioinfantaleonorarona.booketea.com/Sales/Home/Tour/42593. Video Clip: https://youtu.be/ aJIF3K9b6Io. The concert takes place in the Auditorio Infanta Leonor in Los Cristianos and starts at 8.30pm.

Employment, tax and accounting advice

Company accountancy (at our office or yours). Settlement of taxes (IRPF, societies, non-residents). Company constitution: (mercantile register). Representation of any kind of employment. Tax and accounting inspection. Settlement of estates (inheritance tax). Procedures for the transfer of vehicles. Contracts for renting houses, business premises, etc… Insurances: car, home, etc….

Ctra. Provincial nº183 Edf. Itahisa, Portal H, 1 Cuesta de la Villa Santa Ursula Tel: 922 30 48 58

urbano@asesoriaurbanotorres.com www.asesoriaurbanotorres.com







Tegueste offers 35 routes and walks in packed 2019 calendar


Guia de Isora extends invite to go hiking this year


EGUESTE council has finalised the “Rutas y Senderos 2019” calendar, a programme jointly promoted by the Department of the Environment and the Local Development and Tourism Agency.

This events will start at the end of this month and will continue until November. To be able to participate, it is essential to register one month in advance, since it will have limited places, by calling 922 31 61 02. Those interested in schedules and prices can obtain more information on the municipal website www.tegueste. es, through the mail turismo@tegueste.org or visiting the Office of Tourism, located in front of the Plaza de San Marcos. It is recommended to review the technical sheet of each of these walks in order to know first hand the technical difficulty as well as the necessary material to be able to face it with safety. A total of 35 routes will be carried out, two more than last year, and will be held mainly on Saturdays, with some exceptions, such as the special programme for the month of April for the month of wine. The first route will be on January 26th, in this case the “Old Way of Candelaria”, through which it is intended to value the Ancient Royal Roads that pilgrims used to visit the Virgin in their holidays. The departure will be from the Plaza de San Marcos at 6am. Those interested can now reserve their place in the manner indicated above. The month of February will also begin with an out of town event; this time it is one of the most charming routes: “Almond blossoms, Santiago del Teide”. A unique and unchanging visit to the calendar since it will be at this moment when the almond trees reach their bloom turning the visit into a spectacle of colours and aromas. The starting point will be once again the Plaza de San Marcos at 8am. The next two departures for the month of February will already be included in the municipality’s own calendar. The first will be “Between heaven and hell” on February 16, a consolidated route that will unveil the heritage treasure of the Villa. You will visit the church of San Marcos and El Socorro, with its impressive heritage of the XVI century. Also, you will visit the agricultural landscape and three wineries of the municipality. Start scheduled for 9am. The next route will be “Gigantes de Tegueste”, on February 26, a tour that will run through Anaga. It is a route full of contrasts, where nature imposes its majesty in a landscape that transforms with the passage of time. Start of the tour at 9.30am. In March, three new outings will be developed: “Paisaje lunar” (March 16), “Monte encantado” (March 23) and “Ornitología por Tegueste” (March 30). April will have a very special programme since it will coincide with the “Abril, mes del vino” programming. In this sense, the routes will be related to this theme, the first two will be on April 5 and 12 under the name “Wines, tapas and carts”. The 13th will be the traditional “Concert between vineyards” and the last Saturday of the month will take place the route “Ventorrillos de Tegueste”. The rest of the scheduled routes can be consulted on the municipal website in order to provide specific information on the deadlines, prices and technical characteristics of each of them.


Eclipse of the sun


Those interested can register in the database of hikers of the council that, by SMS, will notify of each activity. During 2019 , the department led by the councillor for youth and sports José Ignacio Rivero has organised ten events, each with different routes and several difficulties. The first of the excursions will be in the month of January to Caserío de Chamorga, Faro de Anaga and Roque Bermejo. In the month of February it will be the turn of the Chefelipes ravine, in La Gomera. In March you will enjoy the landscapes of Guía de Isora. In the month of April, participants will from Las Raíces to the vineyards. In May the route will be IfoncheVento. June will be the month of the climb to the peak of Mount Teide. For the most seasoned, during the month of July there will be a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. In the month of September, the destination is Izaña-Mirador del Filo. During

October it will be the turn of the Teno massif, which in addition to the trail will have a stretch in kayak. And finally, in the month of November, the route El Bailadero-AlmácigaBenijo-Roque de las Bodegas. For Sr. Rivero it is an opportunity “for both fans and for those who want to start” to enjoy this sport. Although the activities are organised by the Department of Youth, there is no age limit at the time of registration, so the council invites all residents “to sign up to this adventure and know both our environment and our residents.” From the Department of Youth remember that it is necessar y to follow the recommendations issued from the session, referring mainly to the difficulty and the clothing required for each of the trails. Interested persons can register by calling 922 850 100 ext 3550, writing to juventud@guiadeisora.org or approaching Casa de la Juventud.


HE Liceo de Taoro hosted on January 10th the opening of the exhibition “Estampas de Cosmología. About the eclipse of the sun of 1919.” The exhibition has been made and designed by Miguel Hernández González. It will remain open until January 31sr.




UÍA de Isora council has announced the calendar of hiking activities that will be organised throughout the year.

“Riding High” kick off La Laguna concerts

HE cycle “Wednesday in the Leal” starts in 2019 with the first concert scheduled for February 6th starring Riding High, winner of the latest edition of ULL Rock. The La Laguna appointment, with the entr y price of five euros, will start at 9pm.

Riding High is a rock band located in Tenerife and founded in September 2017. It is a formation composed of well-known musicians, members of other local bands, who meet again for the need to explore and play with different styles, or for the simple

reason to remember and honour the music of dear old friends. Influenced by the sound of the 60’s, 70’s and 90’s like The Doors, Creeland Clearwater Revival, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny

Cash, Nirvana among others, they break into the local scene bringing a style with elegant nuances that evoke the essence of the purest and classic rock but adding recent styles as well.






Los Cristianos gets jungle fever for 2019 carnival

The International Carnival of Los Cristianos goes safari this year with “The Jungle” ‘as the central theme


ILD animals, tropical rainforests and lots of colour will invade the bay from March 21st to April 1st.

The official poster for the southern Carnival was

presented at the town hall of Arona, a work of art that

symbolises the wildest environment of the jungle in the middle of the night. The carnival in Los Cristianos is one of the most awaited festivities in the

Enjoy all parts of Granadilla de Abona with new trail guide


RANADILLA de Abona has published a new guide of trails in three languages for 13 routes along the coast, the mediums and the summit of the municipality. The Mayor, José Domingo Regalado and councillor for historical heritage, Fredi Oramas, presented in the Ethnographic Museum this publication that spotlights on a network of routes with essential data. They can also be downloaded free. José Domingo Regalado stressed that Granadilla de Abona, the third largest municipality in Tenerife, has an outstanding network of trails from the summit to the sea that should be known as a valuable resource for promoting and betting on nature tourism. Fredi Oramas said it was a challenge to collect and reflect these roads in a modern guide adapted to the new times, as a way not only of promotion but also to guarantee their knowledge and respect for our

environment. He added that, in addition to those on the coast, in the mediums there are circular paths that are unique on the island that are visited by many walkers every day and on weekends. Granadilla de Abona extends from the summit to the sea by slopes, ravines and volcanic cones; from the 2,718 metres of altitude of the steep slopes that flank Mountain Guajara to the imposing Red Mountain that cuts the sea and the coast in a magical silhouette. Coast, midlands and summits, all in one: seven diverse protected natural areas, legendar y population centres full of dynamism, an extensive gastronomic and hotel offer and attractive landscapes full of heritage and natural essence. Regarding the network of

trails, there are three on the coast: El Médano-Montaña Pelada, El Médano-Montaña Roja and the climb to Montaña Roja. These roads are signposted through information panels and directional posts when they pass through protected natural spaces. As for the Camino Real del Sur that connects Granadilla with San Miguel, it also has its own signage through panels. Then there are the eight trails that are part of the ERA (European Ramblers Association) and are classified as small or large, and are: Granadilla-Los Escurriales, Las Vegas-Los Escurriales, Camino de La Corredera, Las VegasPine Guirre-Risco del Muerto, Camino del Molino, Las VegasLos Hibrones-La Abejera, Vilaflor-Paisaje Lunar-Vilaflor, and Anaga-Chasna (natural path). Finally, the itinerary of climb to Guajara is part of the network of trails of the Teide National Park, counting this with signs such as panels and direction indicators.

municipality, bringing together in 2018 more than 125,000 people among the different acts, a record attendance figure that resulted in an economic impact of more than 6.1 million euros. Arona begins its safari through the jungle on March 21st among snakes, zebras, giraffes, lions and other wild animals that make the jungle a place full of curious creatures and their characteristic vegetation. The illustrator, licensed in Fine Arts, Nareme Melián, has represented precisely the splendour of this landscape wonder with a poster that brings a new illusion with the charm of masks that hide butterfly faces, until the magic of the carnival discovers with its light, being partisans

fireflies and reptiles. As for the technical part, the illustration has been previously drawn to graphite, proceeding later to its scanning with scanning, being digitally coloured in photoshop. The carnival will feature the opening parade in Playa de Las Americas on Saturday 23, Gala of the Queen’s Choice on Thursday 28, Gala Drag on Friday 29, Carnival of day on Saturday 30 and Coso Apoteósico on March 31, culminating on April 1 with the Traditional burial of the Sardine. The Mayor José Julián Mena stressed that “the International Carnival of Los Cristianos has become a benchmark for both tourists and residents. There are many visitors who set this date in the

calendar to get closer to the municipality, so we will continue betting on this type of events that add economic development for Arona and that encourage local trade.” Fiesta councillor Pura Martin stressed that “this year we will also have many surprises that will ensure the fun of the International Carnival of Los Cristianos, an event in which more and more people are participating and that has achieved its record last year with more than 125,000 people attending, which places him as the second most numerous carnival on the island and first of the Southern Region”. Pura Martín has also highlighted the creativity of the poster “an image that shows all the splendour of Carnival.”







Top tips to getting fitter


OR many people, the same computer-based jobs that have taken the physical element out of work also take up so much time that exercise is the last thing they feel like doing when they get home. The key to finding time to exercise is to realise two things: •It doesn’t have to take very long – just half an hour a day, in ten-minute bursts if necessary. •It can be built into your day-to-day life - it doesn’t necessarily have to be found as additional time.

If you work

Despite advances in technology, many of us still spend more - rather than less - time at work. However, there are ways in which you can be more active: •Go for a walk in your lunch break. Try to find at least three different walks and vary them throughout the week. It might even be possible to find an indoor walking route, incorporating stair climbing, for those inevitable bad weather days. •Talk to your employers about promoting health at work. If they don’t already, ask if it’s possible to provide showers and cycle racks to encourage people to cycle to work. You might even be able to encourage them to provide subsidised membership at a local gym where you could go at lunchtime. •Walk to and from work. If you live too far away, park further from the office or get off the bus or train one stop earlier – even a ten-minute walk will help as long as it is hard enough to get you slightly out of breath.

If you look after children

Having children can change everything about your lifestyle. Some parents find their activity levels drop and their weight increases as going to the gym or playing sport become more difficult. Here are some positive steps you can take: •Exercise with your child. Take them to the local swimming pool or play in the garden or local park. •Find out which local sports and leisure centres have crèche facilities, so you can exercise while your child is being looked after. •Walk your child to school. Not only will this help you to be active, it will also help your child develop an early pattern of physical activity that might stay with them into adulthood. •Find out if there are activities available at your child’s school for the local community. Many schools use their facilities for sports and exercise classes in the evenings and at weekends.

If you’re based at home

•Plan your week so you have to walk to the shops frequently. By going often you’ll only have to carry light bags of shopping

back. •Look at ways in which you can be more active in and around your home. Use the stairs to exercise, work in the garden or – if you have the space and can afford it - install some gym equipment, such as a mini trampoline or rowing machine, for example. Failing that, invest in a skipping rope. •Look for community-based activity programmes in your local area. These don’t have to be fitness classes, just anything that gets you moving. Conservation groups can be a great way to get involved in improving your local environment and being active at the same time.

Alternatively, if you’re not an early bird, consider looking at how you could use any free time you have in the evening to increase your activity patterns. Most of us spend a lot of time sitting watching TV in the evenings, but you could buy some home exercise equipment and work out while you’re doing it.

The early bird

Maximise your exercise time

If your normal day really doesn’t let you incorporate exercise, one option is to get up earlier. If you normally set the alarm clock for 7.30am, set it for 7am instead and use the extra half-hour to go for a brisk walk or even a swim if you have a pool nearby. We all experience exercise differently at different times of the day because

of our individual biological cycle, and you might not be a ‘morning person’, but it’s worth a try as exercise first thing can really wake you up and leave you feeling invigorated for the day ahead.

Night owls

•Make an appointment to exercise - and write it in your diary. You could also record what you did in your workout, so you can keep track of your achievements. •You can extend this idea by making a real appointment with a friend, colleague or relative to exercise together. If you’ve arranged to meet someone, you’re a lot less likely to skip it. •Keep some exercise kit handy in the places you spend most of your time. This might mean leaving clothes at college, work, with friends or relatives, or in the boot of your car. By having the right clothes handy you can exercise whenever you get an unexpected free 15 minutes or a sudden burst of enthusiasm. •Consider taking active holidays such as a cycle tour or walking holiday. You still need to get your exercise five days a week, but getting in shape for your holiday might be a good incentive, and if you enjoy it enough it might inspire you to keep it going when you get home.







Your teeth can go through a midlife crisis as well!


LTHOUGH there is no biological age for the end of youth, exceed 40 or going into the 50s is coupled with a period of questioning and change of perspective to life. The experts in psychology and psychoanalysis Daniel Levinson and Erik Erikson were the first to associate the concept of the crisis of the 40s with psychology, theorising about the discomfort caused in this stage. Although their proposals have aged, the truth is that there are a series of physical changes that directly affect the psychological stability of those who go through these ages. Undoubtedly, a determining factor for age to become central at this time is the change that the body experiences. Weight gain, wrinkles, grey hair, increased fatigue, baldness and, although less talked about it, the wear of the teeth and the increased risk of oral diseases. So that the latter do not contribute to physical and mental deterioration, it is best to pay attention and take care a little more.

The teeth also age Yes, the denture is affected by the passage of time, even if one is orthodox in oral hygiene. There will be natural factors that wear it and others of which we will be directly responsible. The passage of

time or the food we consume contribute to the natural wear and tear of the teeth. If we add to this the intake of medications, bad habits such as smoking or suffering from diseases or pathologies such as bruxism, this wear increases. The layer of ivory that surrounds the teeth, known as dentine, is also impaired over time. Its volume increases and its colour varies, which results in a darkening of teeth so common with increasing age. In 2011, researchers from the Swedish University of Malmo published the results of a study carried out through gypsum molds of the jaws of the same dental students at their 20, 30 and 60 years. “We found that during those 40 years the jaw had less and less space for the teeth,” said Lars Bondemark, professor of Orthodontics at the institution. The reduction varies between individuals, and can cause dental crowding. Hence, many middle-aged people notice not only the movement of the teeth, but the worsening of their dental aesthetics and bite, or the appearance of decay when generating areas where the plaque accumulates. When you reach 40, the gums tend to retract, that is, to

increase the visible space of the roots of the teeth. This implies a greater dental sensitivity to changes in temperature. Although this retraction is moderate and should not significantly affect it, if it is complemented by an infection it can cause other disorders of greater severity such as periodontal disease, infection of the tissues that hold the teeth and consequently the damage in the bones that hold them. For Víctor Cubillo, medical director of the Artedental clinic, it is “fundamental to make a regular visit to the dentist”. It is a disease that, “in its most serious states, can cause the loss of teeth, and hygiene should be increased”. Other factors that also favour the appearance of this pathology are smoking or diabetes. Middle age is accompanied in many cases by an economic improvement after years of work (if money allows it); and the approach of having children. In the case of pregnant women, the risk of suffering gingivitis (inflammation of the tissues of the mouth) increases, and therefore have to exercise extreme hygiene. On the contrary, if what is experienced is andropause or menopause, the hormonal changes associated with the aging of men and women, the imbalance between the formation of new bone cells and the

elimination of old ones causes the reduction of bone mass, and therefore the weakening of the denture. From the Artedental clinic, located in Puerto de la Cruz, they indicate a series of recommendations to make the natural changes in the denture more bearable with the passage of time and offer advice in the case of experiencing the aforementioned pathologies and disorders. “The first and most important is the regular visit to the dentist, at least once a year,” they stress. It is a preventive measure that allows the detection of problems with time and thus prevent their advance, as in the case of

caries or inflammation of the gums. The regular cleanings will also help to eliminate the accumulated plaque and avoid major problems. “Hygiene on the part of patients is also fundamental,” they continue. “Brushing should be done three times a day, especially before going to bed.” In the case of carrying orthodontics or similar, it will be necessary to extend it and practise it after each intake. This cleaning can always be supplemented with dental floss. Associated with good cleaning, they recommend “reducing or regulating the consumption of sugar, which directly affects the appearance of caries and infections derived from them”.

Also, “increase the consumption of vitamins A, E and C” to strengthen the oral mucosa that protects the teeth, present in fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish, seeds, citrus, spinach or nuts.” And finally, in the case of suffering the retraction of the gums and the increase in sensitivity, it would be necessar y to “use special brushes for this and toothpastes that are not aggressive”. The hormonal changes can lead to reduction of the gums or bruxism, and both should be treated by professionals to avoid major problems such as periodontal disease or gingivitis. In the case of suffering, extreme hygiene and care should be taken.





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First calisthenics park for Valle San Lorenzo



RONA has started work on the street workout park with calisthenics in the El Almendro recreational area of Valle San Lorenzo.

This public space of the municipality will count in the coming weeks with a street workout circuit with outdoor sports equipment highly demanded by sports and youth associations of Arona, which will serve to promote a healthy lifestyle and advance the modernisation of this recreational area. It will be the first of its kind and which will be followed by similar ones in other areas of the municipality. Calisthenics is an increasingly widespread form of exercise, especially among young people, consisting of outdoor sports practice using different instruments and the weight of one’s body. The fact that it is practised by hundreds of people and that is increasing, in addition to the shortage of spaces for it in the municipality, has led sports associations and youth of the municipality, such as Calistenia Arona, to ask the council to enable spaces specific for it. The calisthenics space will be ready in a couple of weeks and will have bars of 1.7 metres in length and 33.7 and 42.4 millimetres in diameter, freestyle bars and monkey bar snake, handrail to make the socalled flag, Swedish wall, high and low parallel bars and vertical poles. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, explained that “the young people who practise calisthenics in the municipality had transmitted to us the lack of space to exercise it and to meet in suitable facilities with groups from other munici-


International surfing to return to Arona for second year


RONA returns, for the second consecutive year, to the international surf circuit with the spectacular “Las Americas Tenerife Surf Pro Cabreiroá.” palities. We started working on it and, as a result, we will have in the coming weeks the first surface prepared for it with these dimensions, which will be followed immediately

by others “. Sr. Mena stressed that “with this surface we give them an alternative for a healthy lifestyle and we encourage the sport and

socialisation of young people, as well as starting with the modernisation of El Almendro park itself and providing Valle San Lorenzo with a public space plus”.

Entries now open for Las Galletas 2019 Half Marathon


HE registration period has opened for the Las Galletas 2019 Half Marathon.

The distances that can be entered in this XXIII edition of the Half Marathon of Las Galletas on April 7th are 21.09km, 10.8km and 5km. This very popular athletic event has been organised by Arona council through its Board of Sports. In recent years, it has exceeded 1,000 runners and which in recent years has exceeded one thousand runners. Registration can be made through the website mediomaratonlasgalletas.com until March 24th in advance, at a reduced price, the second registration period ends on Wednesday, April 3. Prices range from €5 for 5km to €25 for the 21.09. The total route of the test will run through the roads TF 6222, TF 6225 and TF 6221 in Las Galletas - Arona - and will be closed to traffic. The test will be controlled by the Judges Committee of the Canary Federation of Athletics. This test is considered one of the pioneers in the south of the island of Tenerife. The records in the distance of Half Marathon are in possession of Nicodemus Kiprono with a time of 1:04:11 in 2004 in and Maria Abel 1:13:30 in 2001. The organisation allocates around €10,000 in prizes, as well as trophies for the first three of each category in the distances of Half Marathon and 10.8 km and the first five of the general in the 5 km.

The only scoring event in the Canary Islands within the WSL will be held between February 4th and 10th on the left of Las Palmeras, in Playa de Las Américas, offering the same prize money for men and women. The event returned to the circuit of Arona in 2018 after an absence of ten years, in an edition that generated an advertising value for the municipality equivalent to more than 1.4 million euros, with an important impact through social networks and media. Europe, the United States, Australia, Brazil and Japan were at the head of the tracking ranking. Councillor for Tourism, David Perez and Economic Promotions councillor, Dácil León from Arona council, together with the president of the Canar y Islands Surf Federation, Ángel Lobo, presented the event at the hotel Vulcano of Playa de Las Américas, accompanied by the insular councillor of Tourism, Alberto Bernabé. Representing the com-

petitors was Daniela Boldini, local surfer who says she is looking forward to participating this year “since I know the wave and I’ve been on this beach since I started surfing”. The test is expected to attract around 150 professional surfers from various countries, some as far as Brazil and Australia. President of the Canarian Surfing Federation, Ángel Lobo highlighted “the importance of the event at the level of Canarian sportsmen, since it means that they can earn points in a race that takes place in their land. It is also necessary to make this type of event to qualify the destination, which not only means increasing the number of visitors but also adding value to the Las Americas destination. We are at an important moment in which surfing has managed to be at the highest level of sports existing reaching the Olympic Games and that will be a great motivation for international surfers and for our Canarian athletes.”








Major reforms Annual games competition now opens its doors even wider to begin on S La Salud sports centre ANTA Cruz council opened the XXXIII Municipal Games this week, the second phase of this initiative with the start of the collective sports modalities that are played under a league format.

In this way, until next April, tute (a card game), petanque, domino, Canarian bowls, pool, football, basketball and padel competitions will be launched. Councillor for Sports, Verónica Meseguer said this edition “is a great novelty because, for the first time in its history and thanks to the collaboration of the Dispacint Association, the tests are open to the participation of people with functional diversity to strengthen the values of coexistence and tolerance that have always characterised the Municipal Games of Santa


major project has started to make the municipal sports centre of La Salud more accessible and improve the current changing rooms. The Mayor of the city, José Manuel Bermúdez toured the facilities to see at first hand the reforms and improvements that are planned. The budget required to undertake them amounts to 426,000 euros and includes, among other actions, various modifications in terms of accessibility, as well as the expansion of the current changing rooms. Sr. Bermudez was accompanied by sports councillor, Verónica Meseguer; the fourth deputy mayor and councillor of Public Services, Dámaso Arteaga; and the councillor of La Salud-La Salle District, Yolanda Moliné. “The main objective of this initiative is the improvements in accessibility that this sports

facility will have. We are talking about jobs that will last for a maximum of six months and in which the main access to the pavilion will be improved, which right now is not the most suitable for people with reduced mobility problems,” said the Mayor. The Municipal Pavilion of La Salud will, after its reform, offer two new public restrooms, which will also be joined another enabled for people with physical disabilities. The installation, that will be optimised to combine its multisport use, will be able to host official and amateur competitions. It will also be equipped, in the same way, with a new fire protection system adapted to current regulations.

Cruz.” Coming soon will also be launched the events revolving around athletics, video games, skate and beach sports. So far, this edition has more than 150 new athletes registered with respect to the participants in the tests of the year 2017. Both the participants and those interested in knowing all the news of this edition will be able to consult the schedules and results through the website www.juegosmunicipales.es or at the offices of the Quico Cabrera Municipal Pavilion on weekdays, from 9am to 1pm

and 4pm to 8pm. The only requirements to participate in them are that the registered entity has its

headquarters in the capital and is included in the Register of Municipalities of the City of Santa Cruz.

their own knowledge. To complete the course you must meet requirements such as being unemployed, being between 16 and 35 years old and being registered in the municipality of La Orotava. In addition, to provide a complementar y and demanded training that helps improve the chances of

employment, this course also promotes healthy living habits and sports among participants. Participants acquire knowledge and skills, so if they can work in this sports field they can teach other people these same lessons. In total, more than 100 people have already benefited, and many have found a job related to the subject.

La Orotava’s sports courses paying dividends FIFTH YEAR


group of 25 young people from La Orotava participated in a new edition of the Sports Monitor Course organised, for the fifth year in a row, by the local council’s Department of Health and Drug Addiction. Area councillor, Maria Eugenia Mesa said that in view of the success of the four previous courses, it was decided to continue offering it “since many of the young people who have participated in the previous editions have been able to access a job as a result of having the qualification “. This theoretical-practical workshop, completely free and approved by the ESSSCAN, consisted of 50 teaching hours that were taught during the morning during last December. The classes were taught by professionals of the Fevorama Formation entity.

In total, seven differentiated modules were offered: anatomy and nutrition; outdoor sports activities; music in collective activities; fundamentals of choreographic activities; training of cardiovascular resistance through step; muscle toning; and basic first aid. The contents of the course are initially addressed theoretically, although most of the classes will be used to put them into practise through a more active and participatory methodology, in which the students are responsible for the construction and acquisition of





Slow down, it’s 2019! A

S we commence the New Year the DGT and Government are intending to reduce vehicle accidents and for this there are new laws on speed regulations that are coming into force. It is speeds on secondary roads that the Director General of Tráfico, Pere Navarro, had vowed to control and now this is to be enforced. It is on these roads that the majority of fatal and server injuries are sustained. Here in Tenerife South this often happens on the road by Camping Nauta which many of our readers will no doubt be familiar with. The thinking is, that by reducing the MAXIMUM permitted speed on such roads SHOULD contribute to fewer accident, although of course the responsibility is that of the driver to comply with the regulations. Sadly many do not and accidents are caused, but often the offending vehicle escapes and leaves a trail of destruction behind them. Another area that will be a

focus for this is to protect more vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, personal mobility scooter users, motorbikes, and of course cyclists. At the end of December 2018, the Spanish Interior Minister, Don Fernando Grande Marlaska, announced that the DGT were going to be working to reform various driving laws, whereby we would see a reduction in maximum permitted speed limits in towns and villages, where there is already a limit in force, and that this would become a national standard limit, specifically reducing speeds in major cities, although those who travel within Santa Cruz would be very hard pushed most of the time to reach more than 20 kilometres an hour at certain times of the day! The speed

limit would be reduced from 50 kilometres per hour to 30 kilometres per hour. The Interior Minister has explained that this is following on from ministers of the larger cities, in the mainland namely Madrid, Bilbao, Malaga and Valencia, as there was a broad consensus there was a need to protect better most vulnerable road users. The Interior Minister has stated that in the near future the limit will be reduced on more than 7000 kilometres of roads throughout Spain on conventional roads, where the current limit is 100 kilometres per hour i.e. these are roads without other restrictions where a hard shoulder of 1.5 metres or more exists (a typical example here is on the TF1 just past the Fañabe exit of the motorway). This decrease is in line with European standard as Spain is one of the few with a limit of 100

kilometres per hour. It was explained that the risk of death in an accident on these types of roads is reduced by between five and eight times when the speed of impact with a pedestrian goes from 50 to 30 kilometres per hour. For the planning in 2019, the first half

of the year will see changes that reduce road traffic accidents involving motorcyclists and cyclist, and pedestrians, as these currently represent 46% of all deaths. In addition there will be regular obligatory face to face

training to obtain a driving licence. The bonus of two points on the licence for taking a safe driving course or persistent driving to a required standard are the most effective safety systems, amongst other measures being mentioned as part of the work by the DGT.

Spanish house data published in the last quarter of 2018


HE SPI House Price Index Tracker plots the progress of the six most-watched house price indices in Spain, and brings them together in the chart above.

The following residential property price indices were updated in Q4 2018 (all figures show latest year-on-year percentage change): The Ministry of Public Works (Fomento) +3.2% in the third quarter, based on official valuations The National Institute of Statistics (INE) index +7.2% in the third quarter, based on data from the Land Registry The Spanish Land Registrars’ Association +6.7% in the third quarter, using their ‘repeat sale’ methodology The Association of Spanish Notaries index +0.2% in November The Idealista.com (property portal) resale asking price index +8.4% in December The Tinsa index based on property valuations carried out by the company +5.6% in November As I always point out, these national indices don’t tell us anything about local markets, but they do give us some idea of where we are in the property market cycle. All of them show Spanish house prices rising in 2018, though with a considerable difference between the figures from the notaries showing prices up just 0.2% in November, and the asking price figures from Idealista showing prices up 8.9% in the same month. That said, asking prices in Spain are an unreliable guide to house prices because the market is so opaque that vendors don’t know what to ask, so tend to ask too much. Some people argue that the figures published by the notaries are the most timely and reliable, based as they are on actual sales per month, but the problem I’ve found with their data is it’s always provisional and subject to significant change months after publication. For example in September the notaries published a report saying that house prices declined by 4.5% in July, which grabbed the headlines in Spain. But in their latest report I see that figure has been revised to a increase of 1.5% in Spanish house prices, which went totally unreported. The Spanish house price index published by Tinsa – one of Spain’s biggest appraisal companies – shows house price changes by area, with the big cities (mainly Barcelona and Madrid) up 9.4% in November, the Mediterranean coast up 7.8%, and the Balearic and Canary Islands up 2.3%.

We’ll have to wait a bit longer to see the final figures for 2018, but all in all I expect they will show prices rising in areas that attract foreign buyers. Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 - 2008).

He can be reached by email on ms@spanishpropertyinsight.com.






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Ref.: 91438





Villa with pool and sea views in the sunny south of Tenerife

Luxury villa for golf lovers in the sunny south of Tenerife

Ref.: 91409

Ref.: 91332





Elegant 3 bedroom apartment with large garden and pool in Puerto de la Cruz Ref.: 91406

Nice apartment with sensational sea views in the north of Tenerife


Ref.: 91399


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Ref.: TPS1675

Ref.: TPS1684 695,000

PRICE: £149,000

PRICE: £125,000

Beautifully presented apartment situated in the community of Becker House in central Los Gigantes. Ground floor, this property offers easy access with minimal steps. Large lounge with open plan kitchen, spacious bedroom and en suite shower room. Pleasantly furnished. Balcony with views of the communal gardens and terrace area. Centrally located.

Ref.: TPS1687

PRICE: £129,500

Fully refurbished apartment situated in the sought after, Crab Island Apartments in Los Gigantes. Based on the ground floor with minimal steps, this property comprises of one double bedroom, one bathroom and lounge with open plan kitchen and dining area. Fantastic terrace and garden area offering wonderful views of the cliffs and sea. Extremely sought after and tranquil area within walking distance to all local amenities.

Ref.: TPS2029



REDUCED. Beautiful apartment situated in the sought after complex of California in the Urbanization San Francisco. Based on ground level this property offers easy access and comprises of large open plan lounge and kitchen with dining area, large bedroom and bathroom. Very light and spacious this property is ideal as use as a holiday home and also permanent residence. Situated in a very well maintained community with heated swimming pool and communal garden areas.

PRICE: £175,000

Top floor, well maintained apartment situated in the complex of Santa Barbara in the Urbanization of San Francisco. Boasting wonderful views, this property comprises of two double bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge with open kitchen and large terrace. Tranquil area just minutes out of Los Gigantes. A must see.


Ref.: TPS2035

PRICE: £395,000

Fantastically positioned duplex apartment in Los Gigantes. Situated on the sought after Calle Palmera, this property is constructed over two levels offering amazing sea views. Comprising of two double bedrooms, one shower room, large lounge with dining area and a separate kitchen this property offers great potential. The main terrace accessible from both the lounge and dining room boasts panoramic views of the sea, cliffs, and harbour. Large front terrace with potential to add further accomodation. Large garage included situated at the entrance of the property. No community fees.

Ref.: TPS2036

PRICE: £225,000

Well maintained apartment situated in the Tamara complex in central Los Gigantes. Based on the lower floor of the middle block, this property offers easy access. Comprising of two double bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge with dining area and new kitchen, this property also has an enclosed rear terrace offering a utility area and lounge. Great sized terrace with wonderful views and all afternoon sunshine. Centrally located community with two communal swimming pools and low community fees.

Ref.: TPS4368

PRICE: £795,000

Beautiful villa situated on a corner plot in the tranquil urbanization of San Francisco. Surrounded by mature gardens this property has been constructed over two levels and benefits from all day sunshine and boasts wonderful views of Mount Teide, the coast and La Gomera. Light and spacious, this property comprises of three bedrooms and three bathrooms with the potential to add more. Off road parking, outside dining area, heated pool with wave maker and sauna make this villa a must see.

Ref.: TPS4370

PRICE: €750.000

Great sized villa situated on the Calle Bermeano in Playa De La Arena. Open plan, this villa comprises of four double bedrooms, three bathrooms, large open plan lounge and dining area and separate kitchen. Extensive terraces surround the property boasting barbecue area, outside dining, swimming pool, all day sunshine and sea views. Centrally located and close to all local amenities.

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