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OTELIERS and tourist chiefs in the Canaries have launched a major campaign to try and save the winter season and head off the potentially devastating effects of the collapse of Thomas Cook. With all stranded Brits now repatriated to the UK, all efforts are being concentrated on filling the gap left by the demise of the travel giant and minimising job and income losses. The Canary Government has already managed to fill 58 per cent of the tourist places affected and two million euros is to be ploughed into strengthening the promotion of the destinastion. Huge efforts are also underway to get more flights, not just because of the Thomas Cook situation but also in connection with Ryanair’s decision to close its Canary bases in January. In Spain as a whole, it’s predicted that 600 hotels might have to close early because of the loss of customers and one hotel in Fuerteventura has confirmed this. The Spanish Government will announce a raft of measures on October 11th to help businesses, including the availability of loans under a 20 million euro fund and the postponement of Social Security fees for one year for those companies that request it. It’s considered that the Canar y Islands and the Balearics, including Mallorca and Ibiza, might suffer the most. In Tenerife, the winter season is traditionally the busiest time of the year due to the good weather. Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce of the Government of the Canary Islands, Yaiza Castilla has announced an additional 168,000 seats of JET2 for the winter season and 12,600 of Wizz Air. She has thanked “each of the workers in the tourism sector in the Canary Islands, small and medium enterprises, tourism employers, confederations of entrepre-
neurs in the Canary Islands, the seven Cabildos, the association of tourist municipalities and the unions for the unconditional support shown in this hard stage that we have had to manage together.” “The unity of action makes us stronger in the face of adversity,” she added. Work is ongoing with the tourist employers Ashotel, Feht de Las Palmas, Asolan-Aetur and Asofuer; with the Confederation of Businessmen of Las Palmas and the CEOE of Tenerife, unions and the
Advisor y Council of the President so that “the tourist image of our archipelago is not affected”. President of the hotel employers’ association Ashotel, Jorge Marichal said in an interview with Spanish newspaper Diario de Avisos: “We have the best acco-mmodation plant in the world but our problem is air connectivity. Thomas Cook brought 3.5 million tourists to the Canary Islands, on their own or on a carrier basis, and that is an important share of the total. Nobody talks about failing. We will move forward. And in terms of figures, there are 16 million tourists a year, fourteen of them international and two national. It’s not all bad.”
Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce of the Government of the Canary Islands, Yaiza Castilla
ENERIFE firefighters have been praised for their “magnificent work” in saving one of La Laguna’s most historic buildings, the Ateneo, which went up in flames at the weekend. The cause of the blaze is being investigated but the damage is not as devastating as first thought. Flames and thick black smoke were visible from all parts of the city last Friday but
“Disgust” at power blackout
HE Canary Government has voiced its “huge disgust” at the electricity failure which left most of Tenerife without power for nine hours on Sunday, September 29th.
A major investigation is underway to find out exactly what happened and why but it could take another few weeks before any conclusions are reached. The Canarian Executive has agreed from now on to implement a direct inspection plan on the state of the electricity supply facilities. The Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning, competent in the field of energy, will act “directly and systematically” instead of simply receiving the reports of the companies on their periodic reviews. Red Eléctrica de España has acknowledged a failure in the voltage transformer in the Granadilla de Abona substation and has defended its 325.8 million euro investment since 2011 in maintenance of the high-voltage transport network with more to come.
the main building was saved thanks to the swift action of the emergency services. Nearly 180 works of art, representing over 75 per cent, were saved from the 20th centur y cultural building and all are being assessed for smoke and/or water damage as firemen had to use 10,000 litres to put out the fire. Vice Minister of Culture of the Canary Islands Govern-
ment, Juan Márquez said: “The Canary Islands Government will begin an analysis of the situation to see to what extent we can collaborate in the recovery of this emblem of our culture and of art and thought in the archipelago.” The roof of the main building has been destroyed but the other parts of the structure remain intact. Ever yone involved in dealing with the emergency has been praised, including members of the public who helped to transfer the works of art.
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Major update for Santa Cruz fire station
Big coastal clean-up in Granadilla
ANTA Cruz fire station is to be substantially updated without interfering with the day to day running of the service.
The Consortium of Prevention, Fire Fighting and Rescue of the island of Tenerife has signed with Ferrovial Servicios the award of the work “Project of repairs of construction elements of the Fire Station of Santa Cruz de Tenerife”. This is a plan of vital importance for the historic building that was built 50 years ago, both for the improvements that are contemplated and for the way to proceed in the work of reform. This project, which has a budget of 332,230.89 euros, will start from the second week of October, and has an execution period of eight months. The particularity of the work is that it will be carried out without interrupting the
usual work of the Park, guaranteeing that the services continue normally in the course of the work. The work has been proposed in phases. The first of these will focus on the area of the Park that has less use by the operational and administrative staff, and that will be used as a test for future phases as to how to proceed. “The main aim of all those responsible for the reform work of the Park of the capital of Tenerife is that, both the operational and administrative staff, can carry out their activity without any inconvenience and with total normality, without the work impacting on their chores daily work,” said a Fire Service spokesman.
RANADILLA de Abona council, through the municipal public company Sermugran, held a cleaning day on the coast, within the “Libera, united against trash” programme, created by the environmental NGO Seo/BirdLife, in alliance with Ecoembes.
The activity, which was attended by the president of Sermugran, Marcos González, was joined by around 40 young people from the Institute of Secondary Education (IES) El Médano. “We are committed to sustainability and the conservation of environments. Through cleaning tasks such as those of today, young people are made aware of the importance of keeping natural spaces free of garbage in favour of diversity, ” said Sr. González. The Libera project was born in 2017 to curb the consequences of abandoned garbage in natural areas in different Spanish ecosystems. It was created by the environmental NGO of Spain, SEO/BirdLife, in alliance with Ecoembes, the non-profit environmental organisation that promotes the circular economy through the recycling of packaging.
Woman badly hurt in motorcycle accident
woman was very badly injured in an accident in Guia de Isora when the motorcycle she was riding plunged down a ravine.
The incident happened just after 9pm on theTF-38 on PK 20. The 44-year-old woman who, at the initial time of assistance presented severe head trauma, was transferred by medicalised ambulance from the SUC to the University Hospital of the Canary Islands.
The Canarian Emergency Service, a doctor and nurse from Guia de Isora health centre, Tenerife firefighters and the Civil Guard all attended. “The Emergency and Security Coordination Centre (CECOES) 11-2 of the Canary Islands Government received an alert
informing them of the departure of a motorcycle that then precipitated through a ravine of the area on the road from Boca Tauce - Chío,” said a 112 spokesman. “Firefighters proceeded to rescue the affected woman when she was at the bottom of a ravine so she could receive health care. The health team of the health centre and the basic life support ambulance SUC
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assessed, provided the first assistance and stabilised the affected person until the arrival of the medicalised ambulance that continued with her assistance and the preparation of her transfer to the hospital centre.” Local Police collaborated with emergency resources until the arrival of the Civil Guard, who carried out the appropriate procedures.
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Project is opening up Plaza de España to the sea
Police alert over false euros used as film props
HE president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín, and the first vice president of the island corporation, Enrique Arriaga, recently visited the extension works of the Plaza de España in Santa Cruz.
These works, carried out by the Unión Temporal de Empresas (UTE) Dragados y Construcciones Elfidio Pérez, have been taking place for the past 16 months and have an investment of around 3.5 million euros, an amount financed 70% by the Cabildo and the rest by Santa Cruz city council. Sr. Martín and Sr. Arriaga, together with technicians from the Cabildo and the UTE, were interested in the details of the project, belonging to scope 2, phase 1, of the remodelling of the capital Plaza de España. Sr. Martín stressed that this work “eliminates a perma-
OLICE in Spain have issued an alert over false euro notes used as film props which are appearing all over the country.
nent barrier between the city and the sea” for the enjoyment of all citizens. The extension of the Plaza de España, whose opening to the public will be an-
nounced in the near future, has been executed in an area of 18,400 square metres. The new area has elements such as benches, small landscaped areas
crowned with wooden pergolas, bike lanes and a calisthenics park (space for physical exercises using the body weight itself), among others.
The money, in denominations of five and ten euros, look authentic but bear the words in English “This is not legal tender, it’s used for motion props.” Businesses and shops have already fallen victim to the scam, even though the warning on the note is clearly legible. Police are warning people, including tourists, to be on their alert and are investigating how they have got into circulation. They say the notes were made for use in films, as well as commercials, and are of poor quality when inspected closely. Most of the fake money is in five and ten euro bills but some
are of more value, including 20 euros and 50 euros. However, these are not being used as much because businesses tend to give them greater scrutiny and there is more chance of the culprits being caught. They are advising anyone finding one of these notes to take them to the nearest police station and have circulated their alert via Twitter. One person already duped said some of the false notes were given to them sandwiched between a wad of genuine euros. Police are warning that is an offence to knowingly pass off any of these “film” notes as real.
Adeje launches urgent appeal as dog centre nearly at capacity T
O coincide with World Animal Day, Adeje has just launched the “Do not buy, Adopt!” campaign with the aim of encouraging the adoption of abandoned and sheltered dogs at the Municipal Integral Animal Shelter Centre. This was explained by the Mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga who said: “It is important that people understand that having a pet is a commitment and a responsibility that entails a series of duties, both with the animal and with the society in which we live. They are not toys. A pet can bring us a lot on a personal level but we have a duty to them and we must also be responsible with our obligations, keep the streets clean and healthy. ” Health and quality of life councillor, Amada Trujillo Bencomo said this initiative has been undertaken at this time because the Centre is almost at maximum capacity after having welcomed 13 of the 60 dogs that were located in the channel of the canyon of Erques and rescued in
September by the Cabildo and Adeje council. The animals, after their rescue, were subjected to sanitary treatments, veterinary identification by microchip, as well as the filaria test and the corresponding rabies vaccine. “A campaign of this type had never been necessary before because the level of abandonments in recent years had fallen, we are therefore in an exceptional situation and we appeal to people who want to have a pet to consider adoption before purchase to give these dogs a new chance, ” she stressed. People who wish to meet and/or adopt one of these animals must go through the centre in the morning and meet the requirements that are required. “Not anyone can adopt a
dog. We are looking for people and / or families with a certain profile, that have space for each type of animal, etc. ”explained the councillor. One of the highlights of the adoption is that the animals are delivered sterilised, vaccinated and microchipped, free of charge. In order to achieve this gratuity, the collaboration of the Dogs Welfare Trust Tenerife Association that assumes the cost of this whole process is essential. “We are talking about 160 euros for each dog and there are people, retired, for example, who can keep the animal but not cope with this payment. For our association, the relationship with the City Council of Adeje is ver y valuable because we see a solvency, a know-how, we see the treatment of animals, the care with which the people who adopt are chosen and how they take care of the facilities. They have an enviable veterinary consul-
tation where they can meet all the needs of dogs, ”explained Janet de la Rosa, president of the Association. In recognition of this altruistic collaboration by the Association Dogs Welfare Trust Tenerife, the
mayor of Adeje delivered a plaque of thanks to the collective. At the moment, of the dogs taken in the Centre, 20 are in a position to be adopted. The rest, 30 in all, are still in search
of their owners or with health conditions that do not allow their adoption, as stipulated by the collegiate veterinarian who attends to animals in the Centre, Nahum García del Río.
Miss Sur 2019, much more than a “beauty contest”
HE 19 applicants of ‘Miss Sur’ 2019 were presented at Siam Park in a ceremony held at the “Coco beach”.
The young women themselves had the opportunity to get to know this area and, in addition, they experienced the adrenaline rush in most of the Park’s attractions. In addition to the young candidates, Sandro Pérgola, organiser and director of Miss Sur and María Clavijo, councillor for culture of Adeje council, were present. The ‘Miss Sur’ gala, whose origins date back to 2012, is celebrated for the eighth consecutive year in the municipality of Adeje. The event will take place on Friday, October 18th at the Plaza de España (9:30 pm) and admission will be free. It is included in the extensive programme of the Patron Festivities 2019. Organisers stress that ‘Miss Sur’ is not a simple conventional beauty pageant, since applicants have the opportunity
to develop in different areas of communication, image and healthy lifestyles. In addition, during the course of “Miss South”, values such as respect, mutual support, empathy and teamwork are promoted. These are some of the elements that make this event an opportunity for learning and development for all of them, regardless of a crown or title. “Miss Sur” has been fully consolidated and has significant support from private companies, as well as from most public institutions in southern Tenerife. The
municipalities of Adeje, Arona, Santiago del Teide, Granadilla de Abona, San Miguel de Abona, Arico, Arafo, Fasnia, participate. The candidates are Rossy Zambrano, Estela DelSol, Ainoa Echeverría, Jennifer Díaz, Raque Díaz, Belzabeth González, Victoria Acosta, Paula Bethencourt, Adriana Mora, Bárbara Quintero, Laura Rodríguez, Alora Pop, Paola Figel, Jessica Arias, Marjorie González, Idaira Toledo, Ingrid Pigeón, Athenea Méndez and Tania López.
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Police solve mystery of disappearing motorbikes
OLICE in the north of Tenerife have finally solved the riddle of why so many motorcycles have been stolen from certain areas of the island over the last few years.
They recently arrested a resident of Tacoronte who was stealing them, either for resale or to break up for spare parts, having rented a room in Barranco Las Lajas to store them. Residents, say the Spanish press, never suspected a thing as they heard nothing, saw nothing suspicous and the young man in question always appeared smart, well-educated and well-dressed. Inside the room, however, police found numerous motorcycles and parts. They had always thought that the periodic waves of robberies of these vehicles was not an isolated event but the fruit of organised planning. The thefts were committed in single-family homes, on public roads or in community garages. The premises raided by the police were on the road that links El Ortigal with Barranco Las Lajas. The doors of the room were protected by an iron fence. Several cranes moved the dozens of motorcycles stored to the parking lots of the National Police Station in La Laguna.
La Laguna acts to avoid depopulation of Anaga’s treasured hamlets
IVING in the remote areas of Tenerife may be a treasured option but it also presents a wide range of problems in relation to communications, transport, general services and accessibility. La Laguna council is one of the authorities on the island that wants to help people maintain their choice of living in isolated districts without having to pay the penalty. Together with the management of the Anaga Rural Park, they have pledged to work in a coordinated way to exchange information and promote actions and activities in the hamlets of this natural area located in the municipality, with the aim of improving the material conditions for residents and avoid depopulation. Councillor for the environment and Rural Park of Anaga, José Luis Hernández and councillor for works and infrastructure, Andrés Raya held a working meeting with the director of the Park Management Office, Pilar Martín Peinado, with the objective of exchanging information on the needs, proposals and projects required by the population residing in this space of significant natural and cultural wealth. In addition to the situation of the publicly owned trails and roads, the cases of the Las Carboneras-Chinamada highway, Bejía and Lomo de Los Dragos tracks were discussed, as well as the signalling of the car parks of the Cruz del Carmen .
Similarly, other aspects related to the Biosphere Reserve and the Anaga Rural Park were addressed, such as the expediting of licenses to facilitate the custody project of the Charcas de Tejina, the next celebration of the Festival of the Mountains, to be celebrated at the end of October, and improvement works in municipal facilities such as the sports courts of El Batán and Las Carboneras. Likewise, the need to maintain and improve technical coordination and exchange of information between both entities was highlighted, with the aim of speeding up the realisation of the projects that are currently underway, as well as others that may be developed in the future . José Luis Hernández and Andrés Raya transmitted to Pilar Peinado “the total availability to facilitate collaboration” between the municipality of La Laguna and the Cabildo de Tenerife, in this case, regarding their institutions linked to Anaga, Rural Park and Reserve of the Biosphere “with the aim of maintaining this landscape jewel of the Anaga Massif and, above all, in order to offer its inhabitants material living conditions that allow them to remain linked to the territory, preserving all the values that have allowed that Anaga has the recognition she currently has. ”
Hospital worker is attacked
NOTHER hospital worker has been violently attacked, leading to renewed calls for better security measures for health staff.
The latest incident happened in a Lanzarote hospital when a man was arrested for threatening to kill and assaulting a radiology technician. Police said the 30-year-old Moroccan became aggressive when he was waiting for an X-ray and demanded it was done immediately. Then, during the radiology test, the patient made threats and assaulted the technician in charge. Unions say attacks on hospital staff are becoming too frequent and action needs to be taken.
Two caught for avocado theft
WO men have been arrested for stealing avocado from an agricultural training school in the north of Tenerife.
Police said the suspects, aged 23 and 39, climbed a wall to gain access to the premises in Tacoronte and loaded two bags full before being caught. Both men had tried to run away but were caught shortlly afterwards and a car impounded.
Another first for Arona with social housing facelift Arona has taken another step in its first social housing regeneration project.
HE local council is putting out to tender the drafting of the project and construction management for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the Virgen del Carmen housing complex, in Guargacho.
“This represents a clear advance within the framework of the first agreement for the ARRU regeneration programme in the history of Arona,” said a council spokesman. This project will bring a new lease of life to 70 homes with considerable antiquity and various problems and damages since they were built. With almost 400 social housing throughout the municipality, no ARRU programme had been launched, until the previous mandate, in which the government group, led by José Julián Mena began to establish the first steps to achieve different agreements. These will allow not only the remodelling of the Virgen del Carmen Urbanisation, but once this part
is finished, the rest of the projects will continue, in Cabo Blanco (204 homes) and Arona centre (101 homes). The agreement for the residences of Guargacho, signed in November 2018, will allow the works that are within the State Housing Plan 2018-2021, which will involve an investment of more than 2.5 million euros and will include the rehabilitation
work, redevelopment and technical management team. Sr. Mena said: “We begin to take firm steps, which bring us closer to the purpose we have always had in mind, as a priority. These social homes have numerous deficiencies and needs that have been forgotten and abandoned. For the first time in the histor y of our municipality, we can carry
out an ARRU that will benefit almost 400 homes over time. ” Housing councillor, José Luis Gómez has stressed that “we are committed to moving forward in this direction and finally we can begin the road towards the rehabilitation of these social housing. The tender for the drafting of this project is a before and after in Arona, where an action of this nature had never been taken. ”
Santa Cruz turns spotlight on film industry S
Brit wanted on child sex abuse charges arrested in Tenerife
ANTA Cruz is the hub of film-making between October 8th and 12th as budding producers from all parts of the world bid to have their work officially recognised.
The XVI edition of the Canary Islands International Film Market (CIIF Market) will aim to repeat the success of previous years when more than 30 feature films have been discovered, with a global investment exceeding 65 million euros. As a result, Santa Cruz has become a meeting point between European producers, distributors and investors of the highest quality and relevance, as well as a key focus point for Canar y producers. First deputy mayor and councillor for economic promotion and culture, Matilde Zambudio said that until mid-July of this year, about 41 productions have been made in Santa Cruz de Tenerife while last year they were 49. Director of the CIIF Market, Guillermo Ríos, said these types of initiatives are ver y important for the industry, because they place Santa Cruz, Tenerife and the Canar y Islands in the spotlight of the audiovisual market at a time when It is booming and economic diversification is ver y important. “There is no doubt that it is a job generating sector, increasingly formed in the Canary Islands by the way, and that also attracts quality tourism,” said Sr. Rios. CIIF Market 2019, whose official headquarters will be the Hotel Iberostar Grand Hotel Mencey, will bring together producers, television channels, distributors, as well
British man wanted to answer sex offences has been arrested in Tenerife after evading police by living in abandoned caves, on the beach and in squats.
as other industry agents, with the aim of contributing to its development and becoming a meeting point and space for business to explore new ways of financing and encourage the co-production of projects for the European and international
market. Likewise, in the commitment to continue expanding actions and stimulate the cinematographic and audiovisual creation, CIIF Market has wanted this year to give new impetus to the market by
inviting Canarian literary works with the opportunity to be presented and evaluated for possible adaptation to the different screens More than 80 projects and 25 literary works will seek funding.
The 58-year-old was spotted in Los Cristianos and chased through the streets by police officers. He was arrested under a European detention order issued in Britain for different crimes, including four allegations of child sex abuse. Police said he adopted various measures to avoid detection, including never having a permanent address and hiding in squats, caves and beaches along the south coast. He also varied his daily routine. An investigation narrowed down his location to Los Cristianos where he was identified and chased, finally being arrested by the harbour. The man, shaven-headed and wearing blue cut-off shorts and tee-shirt, was led away handcuffed by the officers. He has now been put in the hands of the courts.
Los Realejos chooses “Holidays at sea” for Carnival theme
OS Realejos will be going on a massive cruise in February 2020, courtesy of the annual carnival!
Organisers of the popular event have confirmed the theme of “Holidays at sea” following a vote via Facebook when 20 options were put forward. Councillor for fiestas, José David Cabrera chaired his first Carnival Mixed Commission which is composed of representatives of the municipal political groups as well as the groups linked to the carnival. Festivities will begin with the proclamation on February 16, an act to be carried out in Calle de la Alhóndiga, and in which the candidates for the titles of Queen and Young Queen will be presented. The committee is pleased with increasing citizen participation especially in the Carnival of the Day and in the Coso. The possible change of the date of the traditional incineration of Mr. Rascayú to the Sunday after piñata Saturday is still to be determined. This event is usually held on Ash Wednesday, but on several occasions, just as it happened in 2019, it had to be postponed to the Sunday because of rain and actually prompted a greater influx of participants.
La Laguna counts down to La Noche en Blanco
A Laguna has opened the registration period to participate in La Noche en Blanco 2019 (LNB 2019), which will take place on Saturday, November 16th.
The department of commerce and tourism has set up a page on the municipal website ( so that businesses, associations and artists can make their request to be part of this year’s programme. The deadline for registration will remain open until October 15th. Councillor for trade, María José Roca said: “One of the main novelties of the next edition of La Noche en Blanco is its participatory nature.” Priority will be given to those projects of own creation and / or local; initiatives that include the gender, equity and development perspective; projects that contemplate diversity, inclusion and training; and those that reflect criteria of sustainability and environmental protection, among other aspects. The organising committee will have until October 22nd to confirm the selected initiatives that will participate in this edition of La Noche en Blanco de La Laguna.
Murder suspect arrested in Arona hotel
38-year-old woman of Colombian nationality wanted in her home country for the crimes of homicide and Illegal possession of firearms was arrested in an Adeje hotel. National Police acted under an international arrest warrant for extradition issued by the judicial authorities. Investigations had indicated that the woman was in the hotel in the company of relatives of the same nationality. “The national police established a device aimed at locating this person in the establishment, verifying her identity and carry-
ing out their detention under security conditions,” said a police spokesman. After her arrest, she was transferred to the National Police units and then made available to the courts to start extradition procedures. The operation was carried out by national police officers of the Southern Local Police Station of Tenerife.
Busy weekend of arrests in Granadilla
RANADILLA de Abona police had a busy weekend when arresting three people for alleged crimes of robbery with violence and damage, as well as for injuries and disturbance of public order, and for attacking the agents of the authority in the exercise of their functions. The events occurred on Saturday, September 21st and Sunday, September 22nd in various parts of the municipality, such as El Médano, Granadilla centre and Los Abrigos. The first of the events took place in Los Abrigos when a 26year-old was arrested on La Gaviota street for committing alleged robberies in a house in El Médano. After his arrest, he was transferred to the Granadilla de Abona health centre for a medical examination but tried to run away, pushing an officer
in the process. He was chased for some distance before being caught in Charco del Pino. The second arrested was in Granadilla itself when a 30-yearold was seen breaking into cars. The final incident saw a violent episode in a bar in Los Abrigos when a waitress and a police officer were injured. A man was arrested for an alleged crime of injur y, disorder and attack against the agents of the authority in the exercise of their functions.
New group to study impact every hotel occupant has on the environment
Arona “in the palm of the hand” with updated app
OTELIERS in Tenerife, La Palma, El Hierro and La Gomera are to take a long and hard look at the impact each tourist who visits the island has on the environment from an accommodation point of view. The employers association, Ashotel says “commitments for the sustainability of the tourism sector are no longer an option but an obligation and an opportunity” and it intends to take the lead in implementing whatever measures are possible. An initial working group has been launched to build and advance the Tourism Sustainability Strategy of the Accommodation Sector. Technicians in sustainability, in corporate responsibility and communication of associated hotel companies and collaborators of the hotel management, as well as university experts and those responsible for public entities, are part of this group that recently held the first meeting and set the basis for the way they will work on. “It is one of the strategic axes that the Association has been occupying for some time, which is clear that the commitments for the sustainability of the tourism sector are no longer an option, but an obligation and an opportunity,” said a spokesman. The group, called ‘Commitment to a more sustainable tourism’, is coordinated by Ashotel and currently integrates those responsible for
GF Hoteles, Bahía del Duque, Tigaiga, La Casona del Patio, together with experts from Woll Consultores, from the Tourism Chair CajaCanariasAshotel-ULL, Tenerife Tourism and tourist councils such as Adeje, as well as Ashotel technicians. It will be open to the participation of other specialists and entities. The objective is to share strategies, trends, actions and projects around sustainable tourism, the circular economy and intelligent tourist destinations. It seeks to complement a first proposal of the aforementioned Strategy, which serves as a starting point to promote concrete actions. “From Ashotel it is understood that it is the responsibility of all the companies that operate in the Canary Islands to assume real commitments for a sector and a more innovative and competitive destination socially, environmentally and economically speaking, and in this sense this work group will address several axes related to managemen of the environmental and socioeconomic aspects of the housing sector: energy, water, local product consumption and sustainable mobility,” said the spokesman.
One of the first actions is the creation of the Hotel Sustainability Observatory, an instrument that seeks to go further in obtaining indicators for making sound decisions. Thus, it is about adding to the usual data of number of
tourists, average occupancy or profitability of the rooms, other variables of great value such as energy consumption, volume of waste generated, percentage of recycling or carbon footprint generated, among others.
Man with gun arrested in bar
76-year-old man who threatened to take matters into his own hand in a legal dispute was arrested with a gun in a bar in Santa Cruz.
Police were tipped off by the man’s legal representative who had earlier spotted the pistol in a bag. The man had told him he intended to take his own action against several people. Officers had launched a major operation around the bar and went inside, where they were several customers, to persuade the man to give himself up. The gun was found wrapped up in a cloth inside the bag where five cartridges were also discovered. The man did not offer any resistance to his arrest and was taken to a health centre and then into police custody.
RONA council has pledged to move with the times as it further updates its app for use by local residents and visitors.
Its mobile app now incorporates a channel for incidents so that people can immediately report to the Citizen Attention Service damages or incidents, with text, photos and the exact location. The system can be downloaded for free from the different Iphone and Android stores, entering the search engine ayuntamiento de Arona. A spokesman explained: “The user, from now on, has a tool to communicate possible incidents or damages that can be observed in the public areas of the municipality. A section in which in addition to including text, they can also attach photographs and exact location to facilitate the execution procedures. In this way, from Arona council, users can also interact with the status of the incident through the same response channel. A quick and intuitive tool with which the residents themselves will be able to report directly to the Citizen Service Department, thus speeding up
the time for action.” The app keeps all the news and information generated by the different areas in one way. A portal where you can check traffic measures, weather, the municipal directory or the calendar of events, and can even make the purchase of tickets or carry out procedures within the electronic headquarters from the same mobile application. In addition, in a single click, users can contact the Citizen Service, in writing through the application chat or by activating the direct call. The Mayor of Arona, José Julián Mena, stressed that “for us it is very important that our residents have the necessary tools to facilitate communication with the town hall. For this reason, we have worked for months to improve this application.” Councillor for modernization, Leopoldo Díaz, said: “ We want to develop according to the times and for this, the new technologies are essential. ”
Fire in hotel sauna
small fire which originated in the sauna of the Meliá hotel in Buenavista del Norte led to an alert for crews in Icod de los Vinos and La Orotava. When they arrived at the hotel, they verified that several employees had intervened in the fire but that it was not extinguished yet, so they assessed the magnitude of the fire and finished extinguishing the flames. Then they continued with the ventilation of the room. Agents from the Civil Guard and Local Police also collaborated and health workers from the Canarian Emergency Department also attended.
Hard Rock Hotel backs cancer fight with family fun day
INK will be a recurring theme when the Hard Rock Hotel in Playa Paraiso holds a solidarity fun day on October 19th to coincide with the International Day against Breast Cancer. All proceeds from the event will go to the Carrera por la Vida Foundation, as announced by the Coordinator and Marketing Director of Hard Rock Hotel, Beatriz Soliva and Bruno Bedda, together with the president of the Foundation, Brigitte Gypen and Adeje’s health councillor, Amada Trujillo Bencomo. The Hard Rock Fun Day will be an open day with the programming of different outdoor activities, with a healthy life approach, combining fun, music and sport with solidarity. According to Beatriz Soliva, “we are looking for an event that combines all kinds of audiences. That is why we think about developing the activities at the Hard Rock Hotel lago with activities for children, music and sports activities for families. It has been a pleasure for us to have the Carrera por la Vida Foundation, we are facing people who are fighters and champions and we want to contribute our grain of sand ”. The collaboration will go beyond that day since the Hard
Rock Hotel baker has created a pink dessert for the occasion and a percentage of the sale of any cake during the month of October will go to the Foundation. Amada Trujillo Bencomo explained that Adeje council’s collaboration with the Carrera por la Vida Foundation “is already 15 years old, we have always been involved and every year we get the engines to develop the Race in December. But the relationship goes much further because throughout the year we give them the space for the Pink Room where they can attend women with breast cancer, give them support and help them through projects such as the mastectomised bra. ” Bruno Bedda highlighted the solidarity philosophy of the company, explaining that Pinktober is an international initiative where the whole company is dyed pink, including its logos and “every year it seeks to collaborate
with a different association”. In addition, he explained that solidarity actions are carried out throughout the year through the Hard Rock Heals programme that collaborates with different solidarity associations. Brigitte Gypen expressed her gratitude for organising this event, “a gift for the Foundation because they give us the opportunity to reach many people to explain in person what we do. It will be great, we like it a lot because it is for families and when someone touches cancer, it touches the whole family. Visibility is very important, we still have to reach a lot of people. ” During the Open Day, the Foundation will also enable a stand in the area to provide information and raise funds through the sale of merchandising. Next Sport and Be Movement will be responsible for developing the sports activities of that day. Tickets are on sale through Mambo Ticket and TomaTicket that also collaborate in solidarity with the event. The price of tickets is 4 eruos for those under 18 and 7 euros for adults.
Adopt, don’t buy, at Accion del Sol
ITH the new school term, we have again started our educational programme with the local schools and colleges.
Recently, we taught the children the importance of looking after your dog’s teeth and how to check for basic issues like gum infections etc that can cause a lot of health issues for your dog. We have 200 gorgeous dogs that are desperately seeking loving new homes so please adopt not buy a dog. The situation here in Tenerife is extremely bad for the dogs. We desperately need to find adoptions for the dogs in our care. We do not charge for adoptions but donations are very welcome towards the vast running costs of the refuge. Every dog is fully vaccinated, microchipped, fully inoculated, heartworm and flea free and passported as well as castrated or sterilised so you can ensure your new dog has the best start to its new life. Please do call the refuge on 664321219 or 602463242 between the hours of 8am -17.00 if you can help in any way. W are always in need of tinned dog food for our older dogs, puppy milk, blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. If you have any of the above to spare they would be very much appreciated at the refuge, or visit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00- 16.00. The dogs especially enjoy a gentle walk down to the beach for a cooling paddle in the sea. So please do come and walk the dogs if you have some time to spare. We are situated directly under the Eolica Parque exit 52 on the TF1 north bound which is after the after the El Medano junction . Head for the giant windmills on the coast and we are the buildings on the right hand side or email the refuge at or visit our Facebook page.
All Saints Church news
LL Saints Church, a historic building over 125 years old, is situated in Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. A beautiful old English church set in its own picturesque gardens , which just lend themselves to the wedding blessings and baptisms that are held there. Our first Car Boot of the season on October 5th was a great success. The church grounds were heaving as everybody got settled in and the gates opened. A wonderful atmosphere and a ver y enjoyable day for all who took part and of course all who came. Following on from this, our next Car Boot will be Saturday November 2nd at 11am and before we can turn around, the Christmas Car Boot on Saturday, December 7th at 11am. Our Car boots continue in 2020 on the first Saturday of the month until the last one of the season in June. All Saints will be forming a new and exciting Rainbow Group at our Car Boot sales for the younger members of our community. If you would like to volunteer, to form a part of this and have a few hours to spare at our Car Boots and would like more information, please phone Cher y l 635666343 . A special Harvest Festival Service was held recently, including well known hymns to thank God for his blessings to us all. The church was bedecked with a beautiful array of flowers, fruit and produce in grateful thanks for the fruits of the earth. Many thanks to our local schools for the gathering of the produce which was
distributed to Cruz Rojo, Cruz Blanco and Santa Rita. A buffet lunch was a befitting end to our Harvest Festival Service. Our thanks to Hilary and Andrew for providing us all with a superb buffet . Our Bring and Share lunches are proving to be extremely popular and the next one will be on our Patronal Festival of All Saints, Sunday November 3rd. Join us for the Sung Eucharist at 11am and afterwards in fellowship to enjoy some tasty home made food. The Quiz season is upon us again and the next one will be on Tuesday November 12th at 6pm in the church grounds, hosted by the British Library. If you would like to come and pick your wits against our local teams and enjoy a challenging evening, there is a small entry charge of two euros. The proceeds will go to the chosen charity of the hosts of the evening. A Beaver Scout Group is being formed at All Saints and volunteers are needed for Scout leaders and assistants. If you can spare a couple of hours a week to support this very worthwhile time for children aged six to eight years please phone Cheryl on 635666343.
Rayco, our church organist, holds a singing group in our church on Tuesday evenings from 8pm. For more information on this please phone Rayco on 699649454. An appeal from our Church council . Two vacancies have arisen which may appeal to you. Firstly All Saints needs a Safeguarding Officer and secondly from Jauary 2020 a Church Treasurer will be needed . If you feel you would be interested in either of these posts please phone our Church Warden Wendy Sanderson on 922320978/605486792 Services in our church are held weekly, Holy Communion on Sundays at 9.30am and 11am, with a time for a get together after the 11am Service to meet have a drink and chat with friends old and new. Wednesdays at 10am there is a Service of Holy Communion followed either by our Bible Study Group or a Prayer meeting at 11.15 after coffee. Come and take part you will be most welcome. A Taize Service is also held fortnightly on a Thursday at 5pm, the next one will be on 10th, and 24th of October. Our Service of Remembrance will be on Sunday November 10th at 10.45. As All Saints is currently in an Interregnum. Our locum priest until 28th November will be Reverend Nick Fisher who will be here with his wife Pam. If you wish to speak to Reverend Nick please phone the parsonage on 922384038 or our Church Warden Wendy Sanderson on 922320978/605486792
Salmonella outbreak affects at least 31 in Lanzarote
EALTH chiefs in the Canaries have been investigating a major outbreak of food poisoning in Lanzarote.
Initially, only a few people were thought to have been affected by salmonella but this figure rose steadily until, at the time of going to press, there were 31 known cases. At least six children had to be admitted to hospital but their cases were described as “not serious”. Most of the
others attended the urgency department of hospitals or health centres. The first patients went to the Doctor José Molina Orosa Hospital in Arrecife on September 23rd which raised the signal of a possible wider outbreak. That same day, Public Health inspectors went to the
La Palma acts over cave plundering with new visitor plans
A Palma’s Cabildo is working towards the protection and accessibility to the Cueva del Tendal.
Protecting the archaeological site and, at the same time, allowing visits and tours of a part of the caves, in the Barranco de San Juan, is one of the objectives set by the Cabildo in terms of heritage. To this end, the Minister of Culture and Historical Heritage, Jovita Monterrey, made a visit to this enclave located in Los Galguitos, in San Andrés y Sauces, accompanied by the Chief of the Section of Historical and Archaeological Heritage, Jorge
suspected establishment to take the necessary samples, initiate the investigation and close and immobilise the products of the trade in order to cut the possible source of the infection. An official statement released by the Canar y Government said: “The Lanzarote Health Area of ??the Canary Islands Health Service (SCS) reports that the salmonella food poisoning outbreak has affected a total of 31 people, of which six minors have required hospital admission; although they are cases that are not serious. The salmonella food poisoning outbreak is related to the consumption of food purchased at a prepared food establishment in Playa Honda, called Arrocha.” “The Lanzarote health department insists on the recommendation to elimi-
nate food that has been acquired in the affected store in the event that someone still has it. The investigation of the inspectors of the health department of Lanzarote continues with the analysis of the samples after the closure of the establishment, which became effective on the 23rd, as well as on the traceability and handling of food.” Spanish newspapers say that of those affected, five were from the same family, one of whom said she had felt so unwell, she thought she was dying. Tests have been conducted to determine the source of the salmonella. At first, it was thought to have come from the eggs of a tortilla but those affected also consumed other products such as chicken and croquettes.
Pais, and other technicians of the Cabildo. The opening a few months ago of the Visitor Centre of the Archaeological Park of Tendal has highlighted the importance and interest as a tourist attraction of this area of the island. Therefore, the authority is committed to completing other actions that revalue, even more , this archaeological, ethnographic, botanical and geological complex that is part of the Las Nieves Natural Park. The first works will begin to be executed shortly by the Ministry of Tourism of the Cabildo. They will consist of the recovery and rehabilitation of the old road that allows the Visitor Center to communicate with the bottom of the Barranco de San Juan, leaving the visitors of the place next to the Cueva del Tendal, which is currently closed to the public.
In this first phase, Jorge Pais specified that “we will focus on the protection of the archaeological site that, since the last excavation campaign in January 1988, has suffered continuous and serious plundering that has deteriorated much of its stratigraphy.” “In addition, the idea is to allow access to the right half of the gigantic natural cavity since it is formed by a rocky ledge without aboriginal sediments and in which, precisely, the reuse of it has been concentrated during the historical period,” he added. The performance will be completed with the rehabilitation of recent constructions such as the tile kiln, allowing a recreation of the use that the Benahoaritas made of this place during their life in it of about 1000 years. All this will be complemented by a series of information panels.
Employment, tax and accounting advice
Company accountancy (at our office or yours). Settlement of taxes (IRPF, societies, non-residents). Company constitution: (mercantile register). Representation of any kind of employment. Tax and accounting inspection. Settlement of estates (inheritance tax). Procedures for the transfer of vehicles. Contracts for renting houses, business premises, etc… Insurances: car, home, etc….
Ctra. Provincial nº183 Edf. Itahisa, Portal H, 1 Cuesta de la Villa Santa Ursula Tel: 922 30 48 58
Injured paraglider airlifted to hospital
HE GES helicopter and firefighters were called in to rescue an injured paraglider in Gran Canaria.
The 30-year-old woman crashlanded in an area of difficult access in Los Giles in the municipality of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the early afternoon. The Emergency and Rescue Group of the Canary Islands Government, the rescue helicopter, Canary Emergency Service, firefighters and local police all went to the scene. The injured woman was assisted by staff of the SUC and transferred by the GES helicopter to the helisurface of the University Hopistal of Gran Canaria where another ambulance was waiting for her to take her to the centre. “At the initial moment of assistance, she presented lumbar trauma and possible serious arm trauma,” said a 112 spokesman.
Walk from Tao to Tiagua
ANZAROTE’S Cabildo has organised for Saturday, October 26th, a walk for people over 60 from Tao to Tiagua.
It will depart at 10am from the Tao Socio-Cultural Centre and arrive at the Tiagua Cultural Centre at 1.30pm for leisure activities before the bus returns. Places are limited and registrations, free, must be made by October 21st at the department of the third age of the seven councils of the island, which collaborate in this activity included in the programme “Walks for Seniors”. With a low-medium level of difficulty, the walk will cover about three kilometres, passing sites of interest, including the church of San Andrés and the Clérigo Duarte mountain where the last eruption of Lanzarote occurred on July 31st, 1824. Organisers advise wearing comfortable shoes and a sun hat.
Canary government backs farming support
HE Canary Islands are to place more emphasis on the farming and agricultural sector, saying the primary sector will be “key in the fight against climate change.”
The government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is planning a raft of new initiatives and campaigns to boost the competitiveness of farms, the improvement of the quality of life of people in the sector and the increase in agricultural income. The programme will seek to obtain local, healthy and quality products, with special emphasis on organic farming. New protection measures will also be put in place, such as for the avocado which is gaining in popularity on Canary farms. For livestock farms, the maintenance of native breeds and the reinforcement of animal health will be a priority and fleet modernisation will be looked at in the fishing inudstry. Controls are also to be stepped up against poaching.
Lanzarote sets its sights on worldwide music festival fame
Lanzarote wants to become known as a tourist destination for top-level music festivals of all kinds
HE island’s Cabildo is working on a new branding and says diversification is the way to produce “magnificent results”.
According to the “Live Event Barometer”, prepared by the StubHub ticket sales portal, Spain is the second country in the world that attracts the most tourists for this type of festival, with each person spending around 430 euros. Of this, 114 euros goes to transport, 139 to accommodation, 40 to food and drink, 43 to expenses in stores and 94 to other activities. The report “The hit of the Music Festivals in Spain”, prepared by, says around 1,000 music festivals are held annually in Spain, With a number of fans that exceeds those of soccer or motorcycling, they have become a form of tourism with an economic impact of around 5.6 billion euros. The Lanzarote Foreign Promotion Society has already held a meeting with public representatives and tourism, cultural and business areas of the island to address the development of this initiative.
Insular advisor of Tourism Promotion, Ángel Vázquez (PP) has highlighted “the boom that music festivals, dynamic elements and a great impact on the economy and the positioning of the tourist brand of the destination are experiencing.” The Tourist Product Club “Lanzarote Music Festivals” seeks to lay the foundations to position the island as a reference tourist destination in terms of festivals of music in
different aspects, formats and styles, from the value of resources linked to the territory, natural heritage and culture. A grant of 20,000 euros has been received from the Government of the Canary Islands. “Lanzarote has become the scene of musical events of great quality and originality, which increasingly attract demand among a type of tourist who usually makes
higher spending on destination than the average,” said Ángel Vázquez. SPEL-Turismo Lanzarote has hired a specialised consultant who will develop a specific methodology for the optimal creation of the aforementioned Tourist Product Club. The first steps that will be taken will be the creation of a corporate image of the product, in addition to a promotional video.
Stunning new sculpture is also a shelter EL HIERRO
L Hierro is paying tribute to the traditional shepherd with a new large-format bronze sculpture by Manuel González.
The Cabildo officially received the sculpture which cost 70,000 euros. This artistic work can already be seen in La Dehesa, a space chosen for its special relationship with traditional grazing on the island of El Hierro. The bronze figure represents a shepherd dressed with a blanket in an upright position initiating a step, with his left hand firmly grasping the shepherd’s stick, on the right accompanied by a wolfhound dog. Its large size and a cavity in the figure itself allows access to the interior to shelter from the weather.
Another shocking murder as man stabs ex-partner and then kills himself
NOTHER shocking murder followed by a suicide in Gran Canaria has once again led to calls to do more to combat domestic violence.
Police believe a 50-year-old man stabbed his former partner, aged 49, to death in a house in Las Palmas where she worked as a household employee. He then took his own life, using the same two knives. The 112 of the Canar y Islands sent ambulance and medical personnel at the request of the National Police but could only confirm both deaths. It is understood there were no previous denunciations against the man for domestic violence. The couple had no children. The death of the woman has been confirmed by the Delegation for Gender Violence as a case of gender violence. Spanish newspapers say the victim had lived with the man until this March and was attacked in a house on calle
Cebrián. She was reportedly alone in the house where there were usually children but they were at school. With this murder, seven women have now died this year as a result of sexist violence in the Canary Islands, in addition to a child, whose father murdered him with his mother in Adeje last April. The Canary Islands thus become the second autonomous community where this year there have been more domestic violence deaths, only surpassed by Andalusia with nine sexist murders. The crime occurred in the middle of the morning. A neighbour told the press that she heard screams before the crime and looked out to see what was happening. Another resident explained that the
woman worked for a family with three children, who at that time were away from home, in school. This sexist crime brings to 45 women killed by their partners or ex-partners so far this year in Spain. The acting government president, Pedro Sánchez, demanded, after learning about this case, that all institutions use all their
resources in the fight against sexist violence. “She was 49 years old. Her partner murdered her at her workplace, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. We must put all the resources at our disposal to combat sexist violence from all institutions. Not a step back, “he wrote on his Twitter account. The Government of the Canary Islands has shown “its most absolute revulsion and condemnation” for this new feminicide in the islands. “We have to fight all together and without ambiguity this scourge, this tragedy. We cannot afford to fail in this fight,” wrote the president of the community, Ángel Víctor Torres, in his Twitter account. In a statement, the director of the Canar y Institute of Equality, Kika Fumero, said that “the antidote to curb this social scourge is permanent coeducation.” The investigation is in the hands of the courts of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Two woman trapped in car
WO people were trapped inside their car when it overturned on the motorway in Gran Canaria.
A 23-year-old woman suffered serious upper limb wounds whilst another woman, aged 19, needed treatment for mild cuts and bruises, Both were taken to the University Hospital of Gran Canaria. The accident happened on the GC-1, southbound before the La Laja tunnel in the municipality of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria just before 6pm. The Canar y Emergency Service, firefighters and the Civil Guard all attended.
Canaries to study change in current tourism model
HE Canary Government and the World Tourism Organisation have agreed on the need to change the current tourism model.
Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Yaiza Castilla and director of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Manuel Butler have pledged to work towards the improvement of the destination “Canary Islands” by concentrating on aspects such as sustainability, the enhancement of connectivity and the study of the consumer model. This was stated during the debate organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on the occasion of World Tourism Day, which was also chaired by the representative and the secretary general of the institution, Santiago de Armas and Luis Padrón, respectively . Yaiza Castilla pointed to the need to change the current tourism model and stressed the need to “make an in-depth reflection”. In this context, she explained that one of the main axes of action of her department is “work around the five D model: Diversification,
Dispersion, Differentiation, Digitalisation and Offshoring of tourism in the Canar y Islands”. Likewise, she emphasised the importance of adjusting the model to new market needs. “We cannot forget that in the economic and business fabric of the Canary Islands, tour operators have a considerable weight and we must bet on them, although without excluding other models based on sustainability,” she said. Manuel Butler agreed on the need for a study and a rethinking of the current model, commenting that “must overcome barriers and transform into a global change that improves the air connectivity and in which the evolution of the consumer is taken into account. ” Yaiza Castilla thanked the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Gran Canaria for organising a debate on tourism, especially “at a time as relevant as this, taking into account the situation we face.”
Horror as man falls from fifth floor
46-year-old man was seriously injured after he fell from the fifth floor of a building in Gran Canaria into an interior patio.
The accident happened in the Las Torres urbanisation in the municipality of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the early afternoon. The 112 emergency control centre received an alert and sent the local and national police to the scene, as well as firefighters who rescued the injured man. He suffered severe trauma and once stabilised, was taken to hospital. The circumstances of the fall were not expanded on.
Two die in firework explosion as town suffers new tragedy
WO people died as a result of an explosion in a Spanish fireworks factory just a short distance from the scene of a triple tragedy last year. One of the victims, aged 49, was rushed to hospital by air ambulance following the accident in the mountain area of Guadix in Granada but died in the helicopter. The other man, aged 35 was seriously
burnt and was transferred to a burns unit of a hospital in Seville. He lost his battle for life the following day. Last November, three people were killed in an explosion at a different
fireworks factory but in the same area of Guadix where caves are often used for storage. It is understood 12 people were working in the factory. Explosive experts were called in to search and seal off the premises in case there was a risk of a further explosion. There was a small fire but this was put out by firefighters. Government sub-delegate in Granada, Inmaculada López Calahorro said the police were investigating the possible causes of the incident and if the company complied with all the regulations required by law. The Bishop of Guadix expressed his pain “at the sad news of a new accident” in the town. The unions CCOO and UGT held a demonstration and five minute silence to highlight the dangers of accidents in the workplace.
Pilot and student killed in another training flight crash
50-year-old flight instructor with the Spanish Air Force and his 20-yearold female student both died as their plane crashed into the sea off a popular tourist beach and narrowly missed boats in a luxury marina.
The two victims were Commander Daniel Melero Ordóñez from Cádiz and third-year student Rosa Almirón Otero of Lucena, Córdoba. This was the second accident involving a plane from the Academia General del Aire, the Spanish air force’s officer training academy, in less than a month and in the same area. On August 26th, Commander Francisco Marín Núñez also lost his life when his fghter plane plunged into the ocean. A full investigation is already underway to determine the cause of this latest double tragedy but it is believed the plane’s only engine failed and the pilot was trying to crashland in the water. The accident happened in the saltwater lagoon of the Mar Menor in the tourist destination of Santiago de la Ribera in Murcia which is a popular tourist destination. It is also home to the AGA and training flights are often seen over the beach and sea.
Rare white tiger found in cage next to swimming pool!
OLICE in Spain were astonished to find one of the world’s rarest white tigers in a cage next to the swimming pool of a luxury villa!
The shock discover y happened in Alicante where, it is believed, the couple kept the animal simply as a “trophy of their success”. The albino tiger is one of the last 20 of its kind in the world. National Police also seized large amounts of weapons, cocaine and marijuana and arrested the couple for an alleged crime of drug traffi-
cking. Guns including a rifle and pistol, as well as a bulletproof vest, were found. The tiger was being kept in a wire cage adjacent to the pool in their luxury villa in the Alicante region of El Rebolledo. Several rooms in the villa were being used to cultivate marijuana and more than 100 plants were seized. The man and woman, aged
36 and 32, are of Spanish nationality. They claim the tiger was owned by a friend but health experts at the local council say by law, the animal has to be kept in a proper habitat to help prevent extinction. The albino or white tiger, whose scientific name is that of ‘panthera tigris albinus’, is a feline subspecies that is believed to be extinct in the natural environment. There are about 20 specimens in captivity in the world, among zoos and other centres.
Evasive seaweed causing major problem on Costa del Sol beaches
massive seaweed problem is causing such a headache for authorities in holiday resorts on the Costa del Sol that tourist chiefs fear the algae might spread out of control unless urgent action is taken.
Experts have already warned in official studies about the impact of the sludge brown algae Rugulopteryx okamurae in the Straits of Gibraltar and are worried about the “serious ecological impacts” if it gets a foothold in nearby areas of the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In Marbella and Estepona, the local council is spending thousands of euros on daily work to clear the beaches for holidaymakers before dawn breaks and admits the seaweed is being “stockpiled”, waiting to go to a local landfill site. And worried fishermen are calling for a solution as many can’t take their boats out because all they dredge up in their nets is the filthy seaweed which can give off a foul smell if left to rot. It’s estimated that 4,250 tonnes of the seaweed has already been taken off beaches along the Costa del Sol and tourist bosses say it is doing nothing to enhance the reputation of the resorts as it lies like a blanket on the sand. The seaweed is native to Asia and was first spotted off Ceuta, North Africa, in 2016, believed to have been brought round the world on the bottom of a ship. However this year it has spread a lot on the west Costa del Sol, causing economic damage and increasing costs. Other councils are starting
Barcelona proposes massive hike in its tourist tax
ISITORS to Barcelona are facing a massive hike in the tourist tax which could mean paying nearly six pounds a night when staying in the highest category of accommodation.
to get worried as the weed edges eastwards, growing on rocks offshore and getting swept onto the beaches when the sea is rough. There are already signs that it is spreading to Huelva. Félix López, Professor of Ecology at the University of Malaga said: “In a very short time it has happened to occupy more than 100 kilometres of coastline and also at a speed that until now has not been described in any other species. We have gone from having nothing to thousands of tons in three years. It’s outrageous.” Another expert said: “A single plant can form hundreds of tiny plants that are capable of colonizing other environments.” The Fishermen’s Association of Marbella says the livelihood of more than 25 boats has been affected so far,
with an economic loss put at 400,000 euros. The Andalusian Government is still waiting for the Central Government to
declare the seaweed an invasive species “as soon as possible” in order to “work together” in the search for a solution.
DAESH suspect called his home “Al-Andalus”
51-year-old man arrested for terrorist links was so firmly rooted in his DAESH beliefs that he called his home region “Al-Andalus” instead of Andalusia. Police said he would spend the entire day chatting to other supporters on at least 20 sites, as well as downloading information,
training plans and pictures of fighters, including young children armed with guns. The man was arrested in Algeciras, Cádiz for alleged involvement in the crimes of exaltation, self-instruction and for belonging to the DAESH terrorist organisation. “Among the material that he stored and watched were videos and manuals intended for selftraining to commit attacks, tutorials that provided detailed information to make explosives with homemade means or how to attack using white weapons or vehicles,” said a police spokesman. “He didn’t attempt to hide his affinity for DAESH and openly expressed his animosity to Western values.” During a raid on his home, officers seized various computer material for analysis, as well as evidence of the oath of obedience to the Caliph Al Baghdadi and therefore to DAESH.
City leaders want to put up the tourist tax by 300 per cent in a bid to bring in more cash. They estimate the new “surcharge” could bring in 100 million euros and it would apply to people staying overnight in Barcelona and cruise ship passengers. The municipal government, together with the Republican left ERC and the pro-independence coalition JxCat, is asking the Generalitat of Catalonia to modify the law that regulates the tourist rate in order to be able to apply a new surcharge of up to four euros. Visitors currently have to pay between 65 cents and 2.25 euros per day, depending on the season, the category of the establishment and the area in which it is. If the increase becomes effective, the maximum tranche of the tax could reach 6.25 euros per day. The new charge could come into force in 2020. The groups say the money would be used to improve the quality of life of the residents of districts most affected by
tourist pressure and to promote initiatives that contribute to decongesting tourism. Barcelona city council has voted in favour of the move, despite opposition from Ciudadanos, PP and Barcelona pel Canvi. Barcelona receives more than eight million international tourists and wants to see all of the money raised ploughed back into the city rather than 50 per cent as at present. There are around 30 million overnight stays each year and two million cruise passengers. The final say over the new surcharge rests with the Catalan Government but the political groups are confident of success. They say visitors should pay towards “alleviating the economic wear and tear they create in Barcelona”. However, the proposal is already generating opposition, with the Association of Tourist Apartments of Barcelona (Apartur) “totally” rejecting it.
Heroin smuggled through Barcelona airport
WO criminal organisations dedicated to international heroin trafficking have been broken up in Barcelona.
The investigation began when a significant increase was detected in the attempts to introduce heroin in Spain through Barcelona airport in the last two years. One of the destinations of the drug was its sale in the “narcopisos” of the Raval district of Barcelona. In the operation, 26 people of different nationalities have been arrested and more than 70kg of high purity heroin have been intervened. Carriers tried to smuggle the drugs in their luggage.
Spain heeds warnings of global warming OCEAN DANGERS
HE United Nations Inter-governmental Panel of Experts on Climate Change has made public in Monaco its special report on “Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate”. This report acknowledges the need for an “urgent and ambitious” reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases, together with actions to adapt to the effects of climate change. The report was commissioned by the 195 signatory countries of the UN Climate Change Convention, following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, in December 2015. Drawn up on the basis of
almost 7,000 scientific articles from more than 100 experts on climate and oceans, the report represents the most exhaustive evaluation to date of the gravity of the impact of climate change on oceans and in areas of the planet with frozen surfaces. Two Spanish scientists are among the 100 authors, from 36 countries: Íñigo Losada, Director of the Institute for Environmental Hydraulics of the University
of Cantabria, and Javier Arístegui, Professor at the Institute of Oceanography and Global Change, a centre attached to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Among the effects of global warming on the oceans and the cryosphere, the report quotes massive losses of glaciers at a global scale; the reduction in permafrost and layers of snow in high mountain ranges of the Antarctic and Greenland; a higher frequency of marine heatwaves and phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña;
Gang steals medical equipment worth 60 million euros from Spanish hospitals
OLICE have dismantled a criminal organisation dedicated to the theft of medical material in hospitals throughout Europe.
The seven arrested mainly subtracted endoscopes medical equipment of great economic value in the market - in hospitals, polyclinics and health centres in Spain and other European countries, for later referral to Colombia through parcel deliver y companies. Once in Colombia, the effects were collected by other members of the network who were responsible for reintroducing them to the market, through companies or
Internet portals that sold the equipment to countries like the United States or back to Europe, as well as money laundering the profits. Police believe the stolen items had a value of more than 60 million euros. To commit robberies, the organisation was distributed in itinerant cells of three to six people travelling throughout Europe, staying for seasons of up to six months and moving several thousand kilometres to commit crimes
In the first phase of the operation, the six members of a cell that acted in Europe during the last months were arrested simultaneously, clarifying a robbery in Herning (Denmark) worth two million euros and another in Dusseldorf (Germany) for one and a half million. The second phase took place in Colombia against the conglomerate of companies in charge of reintroducing the stolen material into the market, practicing 22 raids and recovering 28 pieces of equipment valued at more than 50,000 euros.
and rising sea levels, which, together with higher temperatures and acidification, may exacerbate the risks for communities in coastal areas. Similarly, they consider it necessary and urgent to act to alleviate the consequences of the loss of bio-diversity associated with changes in the oceans and the
cryosphere, as well as the impact on fisheries, with a knock-on effect on income, means of livelihood and food security for those who depend on marine resources. The conclusions of these studies are vital for Spain for several reasons. These particularly include the fact that
Spain is a country with limited water resources and vulnerable to climate change; more than two thirds of the surface area is at risk of desertification; and there is close to 10,000 kilometres of coastline, with the resulting impact that rising sea levels may have, as well as extreme weather events.
Mapfre reinforces its commitment to foreign residents and provides a support service for English speakers
HE 600,000 English-speaking citizens residing in Spain will have a personalised phone support channel in their language
As part of its commitment to foreign residents, MAPFRE has started a new service for English-speaking customers; a contact number specifically for this group (912-747-600), where they can request commercial information and submit claims in their own language. According to surveys taken by the company, these customers value service, the quality-to-price ratio and personalised service especially. According to the insurance company, this special support channel and informative material translated into English
are being provided to them. The purpose of this initiative is to streamline communication with Englishspeaking citizens as much as possible, assuring customers that they will be served and understood properly. There are currently over 600,000 foreign citizens residing in Spain who speak this language, from countries such as the United Kingdom, United States, Pakistan, India and Australia. The purpose of this proposal is to become the trusted insurance company for this group,
which is located in Spain primarily in the coastal regions, Madrid and Barcelona. The company already has 50,000 Englishspeaking customers. In April of this year, MAPFRE began a commercial strategy aimed at the Chinese population in Spain: over 215,000 people. “With these initiatives, MAPFRE is seeking to maximize personalised service offered to customers, adapting to the individual needs at all times,” says Manuel Maestro, assistant manager for Business Development at MAPFRE SPAIN. MAPFRE is the leading insurer in the Spanish market, leader in the Automobile, Home and Companies business, among other lines, with 6.5 million customers, nearly 11,000 employees in the country and around 3,000 offices distributed throughout the territor y: the largest Spanish insurance network.
What to expect arranging a funeral in Tenerife If you’re an expat living in Tenerife, planning a funeral can be complicated. Here are four things you should know before the time comes
RRANGING a funeral is never easy. But making funeral arrangements when you’re an expat living abroad can be even more complicated. You’ve got to deal with different funeral customs, unfamiliar processes and, of course, the language barrier. If you’re a British expat living in Tenerife, it’s important to make sure you know these four key differences between funerals in the UK and in Tenerife. Knowing in advance how the Spanish funeral system works can really help you and your loved ones when the time comes.
1. Funerals can happen very quickly in Tenerife
In the UK it usually takes a few weeks to organise a funeral. But in Tenerife, and Spain more widely, funerals traditionally take place very quickly. Sometimes funerals happen within 48 hours of the person passing away. If you’re an expat, you’ll probably need longer than this to arrange a funeral, especially if friends and family want to fly out to Tenerife to pay their respects. However, you should be aware that any delays will likely cost extra in mortuary fees, which are usually charged by the day.
2. You might have to pay fees upfront
Many Funeral Directors in Tenerife will ask you to pay at least part of the fees upfront, before the funeral takes place. That could amount to hundreds or even thousands of Euros. In addition, when someone dies in Spain, their assets are often frozen, meaning that their next of kin can’t easily access bank accounts or savings. That means that they might have to use their own money to pay for the funeral at such short notice.
3. It’s harder to shop around for a Funeral Director
When someone close to you dies, it’s often difficult to think clearly and make important decisions. That makes it hard to shop around and compare Funeral Director services before making a choice. Arranging a funeral in Tenerife as an expat can be even harder. There’s the time limits to deal with, as well as unfamiliar systems and language barriers. All of these obstacles mean that when the time comes, your loved ones might not be able to research and compare options as thoroughly as they would like. That’s why it it’s a good idea to have a plan in place before the time comes, so your loved ones have fewer tough decisions to make.
4. It’s normal to plan ahead for your funeral
Because funerals happen so quickly in Spain, many nationals have funeral insurance or similar types of cover to make things easier for their family. Having a plan in place helps protect loved ones from unexpected costs and the stress of arranging a funeral in a short time frame. For British expats living in Tenerife, a prepaid funeral plan makes everything simpler at a difficult time. A plan lets you pay for and plan your funeral in advance, giving you peace of mind that your loved ones will be taken care of.
Make things simple with Avalon Funeral Plans For over 25 years, Avalon has helped more than 70,000 people across the UK, Spain, Cyprus and Portugal. Avalon’s range of expat funeral plans are specially designed for Brits living in Tenerife, to make things easier for the next of kin. “My Dad passed away early in August and my brother and I flew out when my Mum became sure that things weren’t going too well,” says Dawn, whose parents bought an Avalon expat funeral plans. “Avalon were amazing! We phoned them as soon as the doctor had left, their compassion was second to none and the efficiency with which their system works is just what one needs in a time of bereavement.” Avalon is the UK’s most trusted funeral plan provider, with a five-star rating on Trustpilot. Find out more about our expat funeral plans, or call us on +34 911 142 502.
Cross-border tax planning for today’s global transparency including perceived ‘tax havens’ such as Switzerland. Today, over 100 countries are co-operating, with more joining each year. Financial institutions that are obligated to report information include banks, custodians, certain investment entities and insurance companies, trusts and foundations.
By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks
AX transparency has been revolutionised by the global automatic exchange of information under the ‘Common Reporting Standard’ (CRS). Now in full flow, this initiative enables tax offices across the world to keep track of taxpayers’ offshore assets and accounts. Meanwhile, many countries have introduced additional measures to check taxpayers are making correct declarations. With such heightened worldwide scrutiny, it is more important than ever to make sure you are paying the right taxes, in the right place, at the right time.
What is the Common Reporting Standard?
The CRS came into effect in 2016, when the “early adopters” began collecting information on financial accounts held by nonresidents. The first actual exchange – where the 2016 data was passed on to the taxpayers’ country of residence – took place in 2017 between 49 jurisdictions, including the UK and Spain. Another 51 began sharing information in September 2018,
What information is being shared? Focusing on the financial assets owned outside your country of residence, the data includes basic details such as your name and address, country of tax residence and tax identification number. Financial information includes the investment income you earned over the year (interest, dividends, income from certain insurance contracts, annuities etc.), account balances and gross proceeds from the sale of financial assets.
Local scrutiny in Spain When local tax offices receive CRS information, they can easily verify whether taxpayers have accurately reported their worldwide income on their income tax and wealth tax returns. In Spain, the authorities have started following up discrepancies after comparing data to residents’ declarations. In the last exchange, the Hacienda received information on approximately 1.5 million offshore accounts with a total balance of €457 billion, while only €150 billion was declared through Modelo 720.
The UK’s clampdown on tax evasion
Last year, ‘Requirement to Correct’ (RTC) rules put the onus on
UK taxpayers to regularise their offshore affairs by the end of September. Now, anyone found to still have undeclared offshore income and gains can face tougher penalties of up to 200% the original tax owed. Overall, since 2010, the UK government has introduced over 100 new measures to tackle tax evasion. This enabled HMRC to recover over £2.9 billion in lost taxes even before it started benefiting from CRS data. It received 5.67 million records on UK taxpayers’ offshore financial accounts in 2018, involving around 3 million UK resident individuals (or entities they control). HMRC uses its ‘Connect’ analysis programme to cross-check data it receives from abroad with its own (including details on salaries, bank accounts, loans, property, car ownership etc.).
The importance of getting it right
If you are tax resident in one country and have assets or earn income in another you need to follow the local tax rules, the UK tax rules and the relevant double tax treaty to make sure you are correctly declaring income and paying tax where you should be. There are tax planning arrangements available in Spain that can help you legitimately reduce your tax liabilities, particularly on your investment capital, so take advice for the best results. An adviser with cross-border expertise can help you enjoy favourable tax treatment while offering peace of mind that you are meeting your tax obligations. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is advised to seek personalised advice.
OCTOBER 31st 2.00pm - FILM CLUB - A COMEDY OF TERRORS The spine-chilling story begins in a run down funeral parlour where things haven’t been going too well. Not enough people are dying. So the three great stalwarts of horror Vincent Price, Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre decide to take things into their own hands. Our Halloween Special is hilarious from beginning to end. Free admission with a small charge for interval refreshments. Please book at the Treasurer’s Desk THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5th - 12noon - WHEN AGGIE MET MAGGIE - A TALK BY KEN FISHER During the forthcoming annual Agatha Christie week of celebrations Ken Fisher will be giving a light-hearted talk entitled When Aggie Met Maggie. The Maggie being of course Dame Margaret Rutherford and her unforgettable portrayal of Miss Jane Maple. The talk will be aided and abetted by hilarious clips from the films. Followed by a buffet with refreshments 10 euros. Please book at the Treasurer’s Desk. WRITING COMPETITION Don’t forget our first ever writing competition open to anyone over the age of 16. Two categories - A humorous anecdote of 250-500 words and a story of 4000-5000 words, light-hearted if possible. For further information visit - We welcome visitors to join us during our opening hours Monday and Friday 3pm to 5.30pm and Wednesday and Saturday 10pm to 1pm. Refreshments are served in the garden on Wednesday and Saturday mornings Discover more about us on Facebook, TripAdvisor and our Website ‘’. Did you know you can access Facebook through our Website. You will find us at Calle Irlanda 5, Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. Telephone 922 383 098.
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) If you join intellectual or cultural groups, you should meet individuals who stimulate you. Be extra careful with your valuables; loss and theft are evident today. Talk to others about your plans. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) Socializing will be more than just enter taining. Coworkers may not be on your side. You are best not to discuss your personal life with others.
GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Your personal life will still be experiencing difficulties and you are best to avoid the issues for the time being. Romantic opportunities will flourish through travel or communication. Direct your energy into physical entertainment. CANCER (June 22-July 22)
discovers the work to be by turns both tedious and terrifyingly. But after the war has ended, she presumes the events of those years have been relegated to the past forever. Ten years later, now a producer at the BBC, Juliet is unexpectedly confronted by figures from her past. A different war is being fought now, on a different battleground, but Juliet finds herself once more under threat. A bill of reckoning is due, and she finally begins to realise that there is no action without consequence.
killed, another disappears, and the truth of what happened slips through the cracks of time. Over the next century and beyond, Birchwood Manor welcomes many newcomers but guards its secret closely - until another young woman is drawn to visit the house because of a family secret of her own...
Don’t let the moods of those you live with get you down. Family talks may get a little combative. You need to challenge yourself.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You may want to get involved in some kind of creative group. Keep your cash in your pocket and offer them sound advice rather than your financial assistance. You may be confused regarding your love life. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
Friends from your past may come back into your life. Try not to allow your par tner to lead you astray or upset your routine. You will have to be careful not to let infatuations with colleagues get out of hand. . LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
Pete Banning’s was Clanton’s favourite son, a returning war hero, the patriarch of a prominent family, a farmer, a father, and a faithful member of the Methodist Church. Then one October morning in 1946, he rose early, drove into town, walked into the Church, and calmly shot and killed the Reverend Dexter Bell. What turned Pete from pillar of the community into a cold-hearted killer? To police and family his only comment is ‘I have nothing to say.’ All his closest family know is that it must have been something devastating, and the fall-out will haunt them and the town for decades to come.
TRANSCRIPTION KATE ATKINSON In 1940, eighteen-year-old Juliet Armstrong is reluctantly recruited into the world of espionage. Sent to an obscure department of MI5 tasked with monitoring the comings and goings of British Fascist sympathizers, she
Balance is required if you want stability. Try to take some time to listen to their complaints, and in turn, do something to appease them. Real estate investments could be to your advantage.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Don’t let someone you work with put words in your mouth. Residential moves are evident. You need to spend some time with individuals who have more experience than you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
In the depths of a nineteenthcentury’s winter, a little girl is abandoned in the narrow streets of London. Adopted by a mysterious stranger, she becomes in turn a thief, a friend, a muse, and a lover. Then, in the summer of 1862, shortly after her eighteenth birthday, she retreats with a group of artists to a beautiful house on a quiet bend of the Upper Thames....Tensions simmer and one hot afternoon a gun-shot rings out. A woman is
Set and filmed in the heart of London, this atmospheric crime series from critically acclaimed writer Chris Lang and Ben Harris follows DI Will Wagstaff (Tom Riley), a workaholic whose personal life is as troubled and complex as his day job, as he has investigates a string of horrifying murders. Still haunted by the unsolved murder of his parents when he was 16. ‘Staffie ’ continues his personal hunt for their killers. Called to the scenes of disturbingly brutal murders, the pressure is on as he pushes the boundaries for the truth: what he uncovers is far more shocking than he could have imagined.
Do not let your mate annoy you; patience will be the key. Your temper could be short if someone criticizes your efforts. Confronting a situation will only result in indignation and misunderstandings.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) You can make career changes that may put you in a much higher earning bracket. Your emotional attitude with respect to your status and direction in society may be unrealistic. Try not to judge too quickly. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Emotional upset at work will set you back. You may have difficulties finishing projects you start. Enlist coworkers in order to get the job done on time.
PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Kick your shoes off and relax. You should look into a healthier diet. Do yourself a favor and leave your plastic at home. Work at home if at all possible.
Brian Eldridge 23
Murder, Mystery, Suspense, and it all happens in Puerto de la Cruz Agatha Christie Festival 4th – 10th November 2019- Writing Competition followed by showing of films (in English) based on Agatha Christie novels. Andrew Wilson and John Curran will run a ‘Book Club’ talking about 2 books , ‘5 Little Pigs’ and ‘A Murder is Announced’ , a Poirot and a Marple. The book club will be held in the English Library. There is no written evidence that Agatha Christie visited the library during her visit, but then she was known to use aliases, so who knows? The English library has a good range of her novels which will be on display throughout the festival week. Policia Nacional will be hosting an event, although I can’t say what it entails as investigations are ongoing and the official statement at the moment is ‘No comment’.
HIS might strike you as an odd event for Puerto to host, however, Agatha was an early tourist to the island, she stayed at Hotel Taoro in February 1927, and used La Paz as a setting for a short story which featured in The Mysterious Mr. Quin series. Reason enough then, and this year’s festival, the 7th; they are held biannually, promises to be bigger and better. This year there is a writing competition, your chance to become a sleuth, but more on that later. First a sneak peek, ahead of the programme launch on 24th October 2019, of some of the festival events. Students from Universidad Europea de Canarias in la Orotava will be providing social media coverage throughout the event, will be hosting a themed guided walk throughout Puerto in costume and in English, and will be designing alternative covers for Agatha Christie featured novels which will be on display in the Municipal Library. Invited guests are once again Dr. John Curran, author and renowned expert on Agatha Christie, and will be joined by Andrew Wilson, journalist and author, who has
published 3 novels in a series of novels featuring Agatha as an amateur detective. The second of which, ‘A different kind of evil’ is set in Puerto de la Cruz and covers the time she spent here. So fiction intermixed with a hint of fact. Talks in Castillo San Felipe (in English) will be presented by both John Curran and Andrew Wilson, covering all aspects of Agatha Christie’s life. Ken Fisher, the English Library president, will provide a talk (in English) about Miss Marple films. Ramón Michan will talk (in Spanish) about a Tenerife Myster y. Talks will be
There will be a Book Swap in operation at the Municipal Market. Take a book you have already read and replace it with one you haven’t. Book Drops will also take place; books will be left around the town on benches. If you come across one and it is not to your taste you could always take it to the market and swap it for something more suitable. Andrew Wilson will be doing a ‘ Walk and Talk’ around Puerto, inspired by his novel, ‘A Different Kind of Evil.’ Ramón Michan, whose walks are always popular, will provide a guided walk, in English, and then again in Spanish. Eduardo Zalba of Lhorsa Rutas is providing two guided walks, a Poison Route and a Night Walk, both of which are in Spanish. Jardin Botanico has ‘open doors’ on the Sunday. Even if plants aren’t your thing, there is always a quiet corner where you can read a good book; perhaps an Agatha Christie mystery would be appropriate. Activities for teenagers will
be provided in Casa de Juventud and there is to be a theatre workshop for children on the Saturday morning A painting competition will take place on Saturday morning, the location of which will remain a mystery at the moment. Concerts, a charity dinner, a brunch, surfing, there is a lot more going on, all of which will be revealed nearer the time in the official programme or on the dedicated fb page Festival International Agatha Christie. Therefore my list is not exhaustive, however, it is exhausting me, so enough of all this preamble, let’s get to the main event, and the reason for this article, the launching of the Agatha Christie Writing Competition, the details of which are as follows: As part of this year’s festival we are offering would be detectives the opportunity to help solve a mystery, one which is worthy of Poirot or Miss Marple. Late one afternoon a man was discovered slumped on a bench in Plaza del Charco. Passersby had assumed he was simply taking a siesta in the shade, out of the mid afternoon sun, but unfortunately that was not the case. Local authorities have confirmed he didn’t die of natural causes and are treating the death as suspicious. Your assignment is to provide the who, the why, and the how. You must prepare a story or a statement naming the victim, suggest a motive, surmise how his untimely demise occurred, and identify a suspect. There are rewards for your efforts, kindly donated by the following. 1st prize: 2 nights at Hotel Atlantic Mirage, Puerto de la Cruz, for 2 persons half board. 2nd prize: 2 nights at Hotel Diamante Suites, Puerto
de la Cruz, for 2 persons half board. 3rd prize: A free ticket to the Spa at Hotel Sol Costa Atlantis, Puerto de la Cruz, for 2. (All prize winners and their guests need be 16 or over) There are a few rules, all of which should be adhered to: All entrants should be 16 or over. All entries should be written in English. No entry should exceed 1500 words. All entries need to be emailed to by midnight on 31st October 2019. Only one entr y will be accepted from any email address. Entries must be accompanied by your name and full
contact details. Judges decisions are final. Winners will be notified and announced during the festival. Now all you need is a bit of inspiration to get you writing. I am sure there are some of you are already thinking that 1500 words is not enough, I did wonder, but have just tried it, as an experiment, and knocked out a story in 541 words, but then I am a man of few words. Besides, I am mindful of the people who have to read them. Hang on, I’ve just had a thought, I might be one of them! Lastly, I must thank the team at Tenerife News for letting me promote this event, it is not the sort of thing I usually write, but then a month without my moaning can’t be a bad thing.
Vision and driving
O you know whether your sight is really good enough to be driving safely? A recent survey was carried out and concluded that more than eight million drivers do not see sufficiently well enough. The study was carried out in Spain by the Insituto de Varilux (many readers may recognise this name if they have varifocal glasses as this is a very well establish brand). The study was carried out specifically aimed at vision and the effects on driving. Its aim was to reduce the percentage of drivers, driving with visual impairments or without the correct glasses etc. Many people do not consider that changing their glasses is a priority but when it comes to driving if your sight is not up to the required standard(bearing in mind the medical examination for a drivers licence is usually only carried out every 5 or 10 years until you reach age 70 when the frequency can change and sometimes this is solely because of vision)you are more likely to have an accident or damage your car when parking etc by misjudging other objects due to insufficient clarity in your vision.
Approximately 1,300,000 people die each year in the world as a direct result of car accidents and in Spain this number is around 200,000 that result in either death or very severe life changing injuries. Some of these could have been avoided if the driver’s vision was better (normally with the use of glasses but sometimes an operation is required to rectify sight problems). In less than 5% of these accidents it was found that sight was a factor. If you have bad vision in your daily life and notice the impact it has, you can be sure that when driving this is going to produce even graver risks, not only to you but potentially to other road users too. Also, 90% of the decisions
that are made when driving involve the vision. Therefore, it is essential that we raise awareness about how important the vision is when you are driving. In this survey
29.5% of drivers saw things either blurred or out of focus. Drivers do sometimes not appreciate that with the sharpness of their sight it is easy to calculate safety distances and
signs but when vision is blurred this is severely hampered. It is therefore vitally important for your safety and that of other road users that you pay particular attention to your
sight and if things are not sharp and clear visit and optician and see whether you require glasses. This could potentially save lives and/or help to avoid accidents.
Pets World Your guide to first-time cat Why does my ownership! dog keep coughing? A
DDING a cat to your family is one of the most exciting things you can do, so, first off, congratulations on your decision!
Pulling on the lead
This handy checklist below will help you prepare and get everything in place before you bring them home. Good luck!
Coughing is common when a dog is pulling on their lead and the collar is putting pressure on their windpipe. While this is a common problem, you may wish to consider some lead training or use a harness to reduce the chance of this behaviour resulting in damage to your dog’s neck or windpipe.
Things to get for your new cat or kitten before you bring them home.
Excitement/Anxiety Sometimes when dogs become excited or anxious they can cough. This is usually seen in dogs with tracheal collapse (where part of their windpipe has begun to collapse) because their heightened state of excitement or anxiety means that they are breathing harder. This is most commonly seen in small breeds of dog and the coughing will usually stop quickly once they’ve settled down.
Kennel Cough While kennel cough is very contagious, it’s usually nothing to worry about. As long as your dog is acting like their usual self, then they will usually recover within two to three weeks. During this time, you should keep them away from other dogs to reduce the chance of it spreading. It typically causes a deep, honking cough and, if the cough persists and your dog seems unwell, you will need to take your dog to the vet for a check-up.
Choking If your dog is struggling to breathe in between coughing bouts, or cannot seem to swallow then it could be that your dog has something lodged in their throat. Keep an eye on your dog for signs of choking and take them to the vet immediately if they are struggling to breathe.
Bronchitis/Pneumonia Bronchitis and pneumonia arise from inflammation of the airways due to a number of causes, including bacterial and viral infections, and allergies. Coughing is a common symptom in these cases and may involve coughing up fluid. Some cases may have additional symptoms such as wheezing, loss of appetite and lack of energy.
Heart problems Heart problems may cause a cough, however a faster breathing rate is a more common symptom. Dogs with heart problems will often get tired more easily too.
A comfy bed Food bowl and/or puzzle feeder Water bowl Litter tray or box. Those with a removable lid are best as many cats like their privacy. If you have more than one cat, you’ll need one for each cat plus another one. Litter Cat carrier. Toys for play Scratch post. Cats have natural instincts to scratch and climb and enjoy doing this – plus, getting a scratch post can help stop your cat taking their claws to your furniture! Grooming brush If you’d like your cat to wear a collar, make sure it’s a snap release type that will easily come undone if you cat gets caught on something, so they don’t get stuck or hurt themselves. Get your cat microchipped, even if you plan on keeping them indoors, so they can be reunited with you if they do get lost.
Choosing a vet
Researching and choosing a veterinary practice before you bring your cat home will give you peace of mind if your cat suddenly becomes ill soon after you get them. If you’re getting a kitten or cat without a vaccination history, you will need to take them to your vet a few weeks after they arrive home.
Make your home cat safe Many people have no idea that certain normal household items can be deathly to cats. Bouquets containing lilies are a no-no for cat owners. The pollen is highly toxic. Make sure to keep cleaning products and medicines stored safely away. Cats love to climb and walk across worktops and kitchen cupboards and may knock bottles or tubs off the shelves, resulting in spillages which they may then eat or lick. Antifreeze is also toxic to cats and can cause vomiting, seizures and breathing difficulties, among other health problems. Keep your cat inside when cars are being de-iced, and call your vet immediately if you think your pet has swallowed any.
Eating Out & About
The Oriental
Brunelli’s Steakhouse
Puerto de la Cruz
Puerto de la Cruz
Santa Cruz
Inaugurated in 1996 by Queen Sirikit of Thailand, our Oriental restaurant offers Asian style ‘haute cuisine’, which includes a wide range of delicious dishes with the unique flavor of an essential continent within the international gastronomic scene. The menu changes regularly and offers the best of the delicate and tempting, yet sophisticated cuisine from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Japan. The unforgettable experience in El Oriental is also felt though the traditional decor of the restaurant, which reflects both the magic and fineness of Thailand, making this restaurant the ideal place for a perfect dinner.
Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.
For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico)
For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz
Summer has arrived and the wonderful SOOK restaurant has devised a refreshing and appetising menu for the hot months. New mouth-watering dishes are home-made salmorejo with extra virgin olive oil, diced Iberian ham and bread croutons, avocado from our islands in tempura, served with sweet chilli sauce and soy, tuna tataki with seaweed salad and caramelised soy sauce and duck breast soft grilled, with papaya chutney. In addition, the air-conditioned restaurant continues to offer its refreshing desserts such as seasonal fruit salad with guava mayonnaise. SOOK is now also opening with its a la carte during the weekend, both for lunch and dinner. The opening times are 13:00 to 15:30 and 20:30 to 23:30 and for your convenience, there is a parking area. You might also like to try the full breakfast buffet open to the public from 7am to 11am from Monday to Sunday. Ideal to start a day of shopping or tourist visit to Santa Cruz. The price is 16 euros per person.
II Pappagallo
Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden
Black Sea
Puerto de la Cruz
Puerto de la Cruz
Puerto de la Cruz
Il Pappagallo restaurant perfectly combines the old art of making pasta dishes and innovative side dishes that will both delight diners. The menu has been entirely renovated to offer diners a modern culinary repertoire that matches our attention and love for details, as well as our passion for excellence. A varied buffet and a great selection of Italian specialties await you in its terrace overlooking the Atlantic, ideal to enjoy unforgettable sunsets and the tranquillity of the night during summer. In addition, our wine cellar houses the best Italian wines, chosen amongst the most traditional wines of the country.
The Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden in Puerto de la Cruz has launched a new weight loss programme which will allow their guests to delight themselves with delicious, lowcalorie cuisine in an idyllic environment. A combination of taste and aromas will make you forget you are on a diet. This method carefully elaborated by some of the most respected French chefs from the region of Brittany completely avoids any fats and promotes intelligent consumption of proteins and carbohydrates,while also boosting the primary flavoirs and the freshness of ingredients. The hotel has devised a seven-day accommodation programme which combines a holiday with health and fitness, with the special three meals a day combined with health, nature and organised activities such as tai chi classes, yoga, qi gong, pilates and meditation. Do ring for details.
The Black Sea Restaurant in Puerto, just opposite the Botanical Gardens, is receiving rave reviews and delighted customers are probably the best people to recommend it. The Black Sea, offering seating both inside and out, is a family restaurant and its owners are very proud of their food and service. Fresh food is available every day. Do try the suckling leg of lamb or choose from the large selection of tapas. The gourmet burgers are also a firm favourite with many diners. With its international menu, the restaurant welcomes guests of all nationalities and can cater for larger groups as well. You will find plenty of shade on the big terrace under awnings or the trees and only the best of products are used, not least the meat and fish, which are transformed into wonderful dishes, tasting as good as they look. There is also an extensive wine list.
For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1, Puerto de la Cruz
For reservations call 922 38 63 95 Calle Retama 3, Puerto de la Cruz
For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico)
Avda. 3 de Mayo, 3 Santa Cruz Tel.: 922 294 500
Eating Out & About
Your dining experience around our restaurants
Sabor Canario
Restaurante Gom
Tacoa Cervecería & Fábrica
La Orotava
Santa Cruz
El Sauzal
If you haven’t yet discovered La Orotava, you must do so as it is the most wonderful town full of charm, character and Canary architecture. This restaurant is located in one of the oldest buildings in the centre of La Orotava in a two-floor house of 800 square metres and two patios. Here you can taste the best of traditional Canary food with flair and innovation and wines from La Orotava. Its style is home-made Canary food, with both conventional and creative dishes, always inspired by the best produce from the town. Prices suit all pockets.
This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.
Craft brewery & restaurant
A wonderful place to discover and explore! This is the oldest craft brewery in Spain, having been in Tenerife since 2001, and offers a restaurant-brewery area, two terraces, guided tours with beer tasting in English, German and Spanish, is fully accessible for the disabled and has a playroom for children. You can enjoy different types of craft beers, ten at the moment, including the most recent “Winter Porter” and a “Tajinaste”, with Teide floral honey. Gastronomic specialities feature a wide range of snacks, delicious salads, smoked food, various types of sausages, Geman grills and roasted knuckle of pork. Also home-made desserts. And new on the menu: vegan cuisine. This super brewery/restaurant is even more popular because it sells its bottled beer to the public who can walk here just like they can to other bars and restaurants!
Carretera General del Norte, 122, El Sauzal Open daily from 13:00 to 23:00, Mon. open from 18:30, Frid. & Sat. 13:00 to 12:30am. Wednesday Closed. Tel: 922 56 41 73
For reservations call 922 322 793 Calle Carrera 17 La Orotava
For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz
Bar El Pincho
Brunelli’s Steakhouse
Las Vistas, Los Cristianos
Puerto de la Cruz
Puerto de la Cruz
At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 9.50 euros. There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Do try their fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Reservations can be done between 10:30 to 20:00pm
Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.
For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos
For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz
If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price with a lovely terrace, look no further than Tressardi. It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. The desserts like tiramisu and panna cota are to die for! So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or take away, Tressardi is your restaurant. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well elaborated dishes for kids and grown ups. Depending on your choices the price can go higher but an average 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect.
OPENING TIMES: 15:00 -23:00 pm Wednesday closed Friday & Saturday: 15:00 -24:00 pm For reservations call 922 382 056 Calle Aceviños, La Paz, Puerto de la Cruz
Eating Out & About
Donde Mario
La Bodeguita de Enfrente
Cuesta de la Villa
Cuesta de la Villa
Cuesta de la Villa
A great part of the fun of wining and dining in Tenerife is finding somewhere different and it’s well worth a trip out to Santa Ursula to the warm and inviting Donde Mario. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is elegant and captivating. Restaurateur Mario Torres surprises us every day with his extensive use of produce in season, and his unbeatable experience with wines and cookery. Just try his Cherne warm salad, a super-healthy Canarian fish soup, or his Lomo de Vaca Morucha. You will be captivated.
Set in a series of old Canary houses, this restaurant is made up of a labyrinth of inter-connecting rooms leading off from the bar area in the centre. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an English country pub with its low ceilings with wooden beams and warm décor. The food is fundamentally Canarian. They grow most of their own produce at their allotment and only use olive oil to cook with. Their ethos is a simple one, only use the best, fresh produce and cook it with thought and care. The menu is described as Picoteo, slightly more than tapas without reaching the full-blown three-course meal status. It is delicious and affordable. “La Bodeguita de Enfrente” won the “II Gastronomic Awards Cruzcampo Gran Reserva El Día-Mesa Abierta”, which took place last year.
Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. In 2016, “El Calderito de la Abuela” won the “Best Canarian Kitchen Restaurant Award” in the first edition of the “El Dia-Mesa Abierta” Awards on July 28th. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.
For reservations call 922 302 760 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 205 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula
For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula
For reservations call 922 304 585 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 119 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula
El Calderito de la Abuela
Artistic school offers a huge range of courses
Five out of six! Another new mural for Los Realejos
Los Realejos has opened its Artistic School courses with 520 students enrolled
HE municipality has already consolidated an offer of up to 19 training disciplines for users of all ages.
Councillor for culture, Isabel Socorro said the training project started around two decades ago with about seven or eight modalities but now offers 20 choices. “This demonstrate the growing interest of residents for training in artistic disciplines but also the fact that these schools have become a true training centre of reference for the entire region because students come from other locations, “ said the Mayor of Los Realejos, Manuel Domínguez. The central event of each course is a street art show of the works developed during those previous months by all schools, consolidating under the name of Ártate. Isabel Socorro said that although the course has started in various disciplines, the
registration deadlines in different modalities are still open. Precise information is offered at the Casa de las Artes, located at the confluence of calle San Agustín with calle Lanzarote. The programming of each course is coordinated by the Association for the Promotion of Visual and Performing Arts of Los Realejos (AFAVER), who
receives logistical and economic collaboration from the City Council of Los Realejos, also offering a series of specific bonuses in the quotas for students of large families or those in which two or more members are enrolled in this training offer. Based on the experience of the enrollment rate of the last courses, these numbers
may be increased in the coming weeks. Courses include plastic arts, dance, photography, musical instruments, video games, traditional embroidery and gastronomic creations in confectionery and cocktails. There is also ballroom dancing, graphic design, cermaics, cinea and TV, fashion design, photography, creative jewellery, patchwork, theatre and circus skills. For more information on the status of applications or the possibility of enrolling in certain disciplines, those interested can consult the offer at, go to the House of Arts, located on Calle San Agustín, number 7, or through telephone numbers 922.35.35.93 or 682.05.07.79.
HE urban art festival “6 of 12” continues in Los Realejos, consisting of the creation throughout 2019 of six works by national muralists and the islands in two enclaves of the municipality in the months of January, March , May, July, September and November. Over the past week, the fifth work of this project, coordinated by the Tenerife artist Víctor Pacheco KOB, has taken shape with the Department of Culture and Citizen Participation of Los Realejos. In this case, the new mural, which is signed by Almeria artist Isaac Malakkai, is located on the wall of a building on Pablo García García street, in the Los Príncipes Urbanisation. The artistic initiative began last January by the hand of the Valencian artist Julieta Xlf, who shaped her work on one of the outer faces of the headquarters of the Association of Neighbours La Barca de Toscal Longuera, continued in March with a creation of Onuvense Man-o-Matic on the wall of a building in San Vicente, then in May with another mural signed by Tanausú Alemán of Gran Canaria on one of the faces of the building of the House of Arts and in the past month of July, the muralist Acaymo Padrino used as a support for his urban work a building on the upper section of Avenida de Canarias.
Madness in Tenerife
RIAN Wilson was born on Friday 13th January 1961, the same day as Suggs who is instantly recognised as the lead singer of the Ska band “Madness”. Brian was born in the Boro and was educated at Ayresome Infants not far from Ayresome Park, once graced by many talented footballers including the legendary Brian Clough. But young Wilson soon went under, “Down Under” that is as his parents moved to Australia. Brian attended Fern Tree Gully Technical College in a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. Another famous person born in Gully was cricketer Shane Warne. But the family didn’t settle in Australia and returned to Billingham and Brian was enrolled at Northfield School in 1974. The school numbers amongst its former pupils a plethora of footballers and Paul Smith the front man of Indie group “Maximo Park” and Brian “Madness” Wilson. Brian’s only interest was music and he achieved top marks in that field, with result in other subjects poor, described by one teacher simple as “must do better”. It was no surprise that his first job was selling hi-fi’s at the Comet store in Portrack Retail Park where by chance
he met Chris Rea. His hits include “The Road to Hell” which hardly describes Brian Wilson’s journey. Chris was buying a new set of headphones and as he served him, Brian never one to miss an opportunity, slipped his demo into a cassette player. “I think he thought cheeky but over the years we kept in touch. I saw him rehearse and helped write a lot of the material for “ Whatever Happened to Ben Santini” his debut album released in 1978. Chris Rea later released “Fool (If You Think It’s Over) as a single from the album which earned him a Grammy nomination as “Best New Artist in 1979”. Fast forward 40 years and Brian Wilson, following in the footsteps of Chris Rea has been nominated as “Best Newcomer 2019” in the Tenerife Entertainment Awards, sponsored by Oasis F.M., the English language radio station in Tenerife. The big event is in October and the “Life Group” of newspapers, which has a circulation of 30,000 a week in South Durham and Teesside, will be flying out their
feature writer John Riddle, a frequent visitor to Tenerife, to support Brian. Meanwhile although Brian Wilson has worked as a wagon driver and on the taxis during the week, at weekends he always plied his trade as a musician. It is on his musical talent that the ex-pats and holiday makers in the Canary Islands will judge him. His CV reveals he played with a band named “Skitzofrenic” and later with a Hartlepool based band “Scratch” who included in its ranks George Hart of the “Heartbeats”. They appeared on “Opportunity Knocks” long before the days of Simon Cowell and his talent shows. George and Brian Wilson formed a duo “Phaze” and young Wilson learned a great deal from his older partner, appearing at local clubs including “Richies”, the Owton Manor WC, the Hourglass and the Headland Social Club. About 15 years ago Brian gave up his day job in the scaffolding business to go on the professional circuit as a solo guitarist. The first year was difficult knocking on pubs and clubs doors literally begging for work but then it all took off. Brian Wilson became one of the busiest acts on the northeast circuit.
Brian takes up the story, “My wife Bev and I decided to move to Los Cristianos and give music a go on the island. I found most venues asked “Who Do You Do” as tribute acts are most popular and I accidently stumbled upon the idea of “Madness”. I knew my sax playing and impersonation of Suggsy with a decent accent would appeal to those enjoying fun in the sun. I was onto a winner” explained Brian. Brian Wilson left the rain and wind of Teesside for a new life in Tenerife. His act is fully booked and when he heard he had been nominated for an award Brian’s response was, “This is just too much, it’s madness”, he laughed. Whenever he gets the chance to relax off stage Brian Wilson tries to find a bar showing the Middlesbrough game. He was invited to join “our reporter” in the Devon Arms in Los Cristianos on 23rd October when the Boro are live on the box away to Huddersfield Town. Should be quite a night in “The House of Fun” as, John Riddle was born in the West Yorkshire town, although he is a Hartlepool United fan. The hope is that Brian “Suggsy” Wilson, complete with “Baggy Trousers” will be
celebrating on all fronts if Boro win and he has picked up “The Best Newcomer Award 2019” in the Tenerife Entertainment Awards. Brian Wilson’s “Madness Show” can be seen at venues
including Happy Days in Los Cristianos, Princess Di’s on the Patch, Amandas in Torviscas, Seven Island is San Blas St. Eugenes, the Soul Lodge, Calypso in Las Americas, Sloop Bar and the Whisky Jar.
February dates for 13th edition of MiradasDoc International
Granadilla marks 500th annniversary of historic circumnavigation
HE 13th edition of MiradasDoc International is gearing up for the first week of February 2020 in Guia de Isora. Within the framework of the Festival, MiradasDoc Market will take place from February 3rd to 7th. Guía de Isora will once again be the meeting point for documentary professionals: with workshops, conferences, screenings, video libraries and meetings between buyers, commissioning editors, festivals and public and private institutions. The MiradasDoc Market is one of the most active in the Spanish sphere. Each year, the festival promotes the production of documentaries promoting co-production, distribution and pre-sale. MiradasDoc Market is becoming the ideal space for productions between Africa and Latin America. “We are strengthening the co-production forum between these two continents through an alliance with documentary film festivals such as DocSP (SaoPaulo), DOCS MX (Mexico), EDOC (Ecuador), DocMontevideo and other festivals in the neighbouring continent such as AfricaDoc; DocMonde and with the
association Docuboc (Kenya) to create a direct relationship and strengthen that SouthSouth axis that has already begun to weave, ”says market director David Baute. Applications must be submitted before November 8, 2019 at: Pitching: http:// Africa and Latin America co-production forum: http:// MiradasDOC Market is also a reference for projects in search of financing, and for finished productions that require distribution or exhibition. In previous editions, those participating in the market have included Canal Curta !, DR distribution, 3 SAT, ART TV, AL – JAZEERA, Canal France Internacional, Canal Historia, Canal Odyssey, Canal Plus, Cuatro TV, Doc & Co, Explora Films, First Hand Films, Icarus Films, ITVS International, JMT Films Distribution, Nuevo Mundo
RANADILLA de Abona has been celebrating the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the landing of the fleet of Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastián Elcano in the surroundings of Monte Rosso (Red Mountain).
Televisión, RTBF, Ruth Diskin Films, SABC, Smiley Film Distribution, SVT Arts & Culture,
Tele Asturias, Telesur, Canarian Television, TV3, TV Cultura Brasil, TVE, TVES and YLE.
American gospel singer to star in La Laguna INGRID ARTHUR
This event is part of the programming of the XIV Gospel Canarias Fest edition, which, like every year, returns to fill the island’s stages with the best music of the genre. The concerts will take place at 8pm and tickets, starting at 12 euros, can be purchased at the theatre box office or at This festival, organised by Xenox Producciones, has the collaboration of the Government American gospel singer to star in La Laguna
HE American gospel singer Ingrid Arthur will offer an extensive and splendid repertoire of African-American music along with her group The Gospel Voice of America on December 4, 5 and 6 at the Leal Theatre in La Laguna.
of the Canary Islands, the Cabildo de Tenerife, the Department of Culture of the City of La Laguna and Binter. From spirituals to gospel, this show is a unique opportunity to know the most authentic roots of the spiritual gospel, as Ingrid Arthur & The Gospel Voice of America recreate the beauty and emotion of the AfricanAmerican musical tradition, from the origins in the plantations to its urban derivations.
This historical deed ended up becoming the first circumnavigation of the world five centuries ago, and for this, the Department of Culture and Heritage, with the collaboration of the Chair of Agrotourism and Wine Tourism of the University of La Laguna, have organised a large number of initiatives. The Mayor, José Domingo Regalado opened the exhibition of explanatory panels on this feat in 1519 at the M3 multifunctional sports centre in El Médano, as well as the model of a replica of the Victoria ship by Rigoberto González, which can be visited by the general public in the aforementioned facilities. It was October 1, 1519 when the fleet of Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastián Elcano landed in Monte Rosso (Red Mountain), in the historic village of Granadilla de Abona, as
reflected in ‘The first trip around the globe’ , main chronicle of the on-board newspaper carried out by the Italian, Antonio de Pigafetta. Commemorative acts included the unveiling of a plaque commemorating Magallanes, Elcano and the four crew members on this expedition in Montaña Roja, Hernán López, Blas Alfonso, Andrés Blanco and Maestre Pedro, the latter being the only one who finished the trip around the world in 1522. There was also a theatrical route by the Burka Theatre company “Borondón is not Isla de Santos” which turned the spotlighted on this feat and a commemorative regatta. On October 29th, the Maritime Action Ship ‘Tornado’, based in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, will anchor on the beach of La Tejita, before sunset and for a few hours, and about a mile from the coast, in homage and as a souvenir of the MagallanesElcano expedition.
Humans can get worms too! How to deal with prickly heat
EAT RASH is uncomfortable but usually harmless. It should clear up on its own after a few days.
OME types of worms can infect people. Some can be caught in the UK and others are only caught abroad. Most worm infections aren’t serious and can be easily treated with medicine.
A pharmacist can help if you have small, white worms in your poo that look like pieces of thread ot extreme itching around your anus, particularly at night. This is probably threadworms. They’re common in the UK and can be treated with medicine from a pharmacy. However, see a doctor if you find a large worm or large piece of worm in your poo, have a red, itchy worm-shaped rash on your skin, have sickness, diarrhoea or a stomach ache for longer than two weeks and/or are losing weight for no reason. These could be symptoms of something like roundworm, hookworm or tapeworm. These infections are usually caught while travelling. They can take a long time to cause symptoms, so tell your GP if you have been abroad in the last two years. It doesn’t matter which type of worm you have – all worm infections are treated in a similar way. You might be asked to provide a sample of poo so it can be tested for worm eggs. If you have worms, your GP will prescribe medicine to kill them. You take this for one to 3 days. The people you live with may also need to be treated. Any worms in your gut will eventually pass out in your poo. You may not notice this. To avoid becoming infected again or infecting others, it’s very important during the weeks after starting treatment to wash your hands after going to the toilet, before eating or preparing food and regularly during the day. Go back to your GP if your symptoms don’t get better in two weeks or you keep passing live worms in your poo. You can catch some worms from pets but this is rare.
How to prevent worm infections Do Wash your hands before eating or preparing food and after touching soil or using the toilet. Only drink bottled or boiled water in high-risk areas (places without modern toilets or sewage systems). Deworm pet dogs and cats regularly. Dispose of dog and cat poo in a bin as soon as possible. Thoroughly wash garden-grown fruit and vegetables.
Do not let children play in areas where there’s a lot of dog or cat poo. Do not eat raw fruit and vegetables in high-risk areas. Do not walk barefoot in high-risk areas. Do not eat raw or undercooked pork, beef or freshwater fish.
The symptoms are small red spots, an itchy, prickly feeling, redness and mild swelling. They are often the same in adults and children. It can appear anywhere on the body and spread but it’s not infectious to other people. The main thing to do is keep your skin cool so you do not sweat and irritate the rash. To keep your skin cool, wear loose cotton clothing, use lightweight bedding, take cool baths or showers and drink plenty of fluid to avoid dehydration. To calm the itching or prickly rash, apply something cold, such as a damp cloth or ice pack (wrapped in a tea towel) for no more than 20 minutes, tap or pat the rash
instead of scratching it, do not use perfumed shower gels or creams. Speak to a pharmacist about heat rash. They can give advice and suggest the best treatment to use. A pharmacist might recommend calamine lotion, antihistamine tablets or hydrocortisone cream, though not for children under ten or pregnant women as they need to get advice from a doctor before using this treatment. See a doctor if the rash does not improve after a few days or your baby has a rash and you’re worried. Babies often get it because they cannot control their temperature as well as adults and children can.
Gastritis, a common condition with a range of causes
ASTRITIS occurs when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed after it’s been damaged. It’s a common condition with a wide range of causes. For most people, gastritis is not serious and improves quickly if treated. But if not, it can last for years. Many people with gastritis caused by a bacterial infection do not have any symptoms. In other cases, gastritis can cause indigestion, gnawing or burning stomach pain, feeling and being sick, feeling full after eating. If the stomach lining has been worn away (erosive gastritis) and exposed to stomach acid, symptoms may include pain,
bleeding or a stomach ulcer. The symptoms of gastritis may come on suddenly and severely (acute gastritis) or last a long time (chronic gastritis). If you have indigestion and stomach pain, you can try treating this yourself with changes to your diet and lifestyle, or with medicines you can get from a pharmacy, such as antacids. See a GP if you have indigestion symptoms lasting
a week or longer, or it’s causing you severe pain or discomfort, you think it’s brought on by medicine you have been prescribed, you’re vomiting blood or have blood in your poo (your poo may appear black). Stomach ache and abdominal pain are not always a sign of gastritis. The pain could be caused by a wide range of other things, from trapped wind to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Treatment aims to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach to relieve symptoms,
allowing the stomach lining to heal and to tackle any underlying cause. You may be able to treat gastritis yourself, depending on the cause. If you think the cause of your gastritis is repeated use of NSAID painkillers, try switching to a different painkiller that’s not in the NSAID class, such as paracetamol. Also consider eating smaller, more frequent meals, avoiding foods that can irritate the stomach, such as spicy, acidic or fried foods, avoiding or cutting down on alcohol, managing stress.
Why the elderly care more about their oral health It is shown that most treatments are successful regardless of the patient’s age
REATING conditions that may affect oral health is essential to maintain both the instrumental function of the teeth and their aesthetic function, and periodic, semi-annual reviews help to detect problems in their incipient phase. Statistics show that 77% of older people claim to have been in a dental clinic in the last six months, reinforcing the responsibility they have with their dental health care. The teeth can last a lifetime as long as you go regularly to check-ups with the specialist. There are some circumstances to take into account to which special attention must be paid to achieve good oral health. Among them are: the use of dentures, the consumption of medications and general health disorders. Some of the main conditions that occur in the elderly are the development of caries and the deterioration of the root surfaces of the teeth (union that exists between the root of the teeth and the bone). Another one of the alterations that are accentuated with the age is the dental hypersensitivity caused by the retraction of the gums and by the exposure that the teeth have to stimuli such as cold and heat. Dry mouth is also a very common problem in older people due to the consumption of medications or medical treatments. The lack of salivation is a circumstance that must be treated by the specialist due to the problems it causes when chewing and also in speech. Pre-existing health disorders such as diabetes or heart conditions also affect oral health. Therefore, it is advisable to see a doctor so that he can effectively treat some of the consequences that these health problems cause in the mouth. Artedental is a clinic with
experience in treating these types of conditions and recommends tooth brushing at least twice a day, preferably with a soft bristle brush. The electric brush accompanied by an oral irrigator is more beneficial and even helps better hygiene, especially in people with implants. In case of wearing a total or partial dental prosthesis, daily cleaning is recommended and removal for at least four hours a day. Adopting healthy oral habits benefits in the prevention of all types of oral conditions.
How is the dental care of Baby Boomers? Baby Boomers is the name given to the generation that includes those born between 1947 and 1964. The term refers to the high birth rate that took place after World War II. These people grew up at a time when oral health and visits to the
dentist were not considered important. Oral interventions were more invasive and were often limited to dental extractions. The treatments caused discomfort or pain and
all that made the visit to the dentist was anything but pleasant. Despite all these negative elements, a national oral health study has concluded that people over 60
are the most applied in terms of dental hygiene routines, as well as visits to the dentist. The figures indicate that 57% of people under this age range claim to brush their teeth
three or more times a day. On the other hand, people between 30 and 40 years have a lower brushing frequency, getting to do it at most twice a day.
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Entries open for Tenerife Bluetrail 2020 as Fred Olsen renews sponsorship
Adeje race for all ages and abilities
ENERIFE Cabildo and Fred Olsen have signed their commitment to the Tenerife Bluetrail 2020.
The act of signing the agreement took place in the Noble Hall of the island corporation, with the presence of the Minister of Education, Youth, Museums, Culture and Sports, Concepción María Rivero; the insular director of Sports, Laura Castro; and Fred Olsen fleet director, Juan Ignacio Liaño. Also present were the head of the Commercial Department of this company, Lorenzo Spinelli, and the head of Marketing of the aforementioned entity, Marina González. The competition, whose registration period opened on October 1st, with 2,900 places, will take place on June 6th, 2020. The mountain race, the highest in Spain and the second in Europe, celebrates its tenth anniversary and offers as a novelty a modality of relay for couples on the 71-kilometre Trail. The shipping company becomes again the main sponsor of the race. “The agreement reinforces the commitment of the Cabildo de Tenerife and Fred.Olsen Express with the values that are promoted in the test: the sport of experiences, education, respect for the environment, healthy life and teamwork,” said Concepción María Rivero. Juan Ignacio Liaño recalled that this is the second year in which the company collaborates with the test. “We are
T’S all systems go in Adeje for the eighth “Cross Popular Villa de Adeje 2019” on October 12th.
The children’s race begins at 9am, followed by the main event at 10.15am. There will be a solidarity flavour in aid of Athletes Without Borders. Athletes with accredited disabilities equal to or greater than 33 per cent who use handbike, athletics chairs, wheelchairs with manual traction and tricycles can take part in the adapted races if they are aged between 18 to 70 years. Orthopedic materials such as prostheses, splints and sports walkers will be allowed. Participation is free for children and ten euros for all others (sub 23 to veteran). The test is considered of a popular nature and all interested parties duly registered may participate in it. Unregistered persons may not participate. The location is the Adeje football stadium.
SPORTS AWARDS on the tenth anniversary of a race that is increasingly important worldwide but also in the Canary Islands. Last year almost 1,000 people moved between the islands to attend this important event so, from the point of view of maritime transport in the archipelago, it is important for the company, as well as its transcendence at an international level, ” said Sr. Liaño , who assured that the route and its landscape attract more international corridors every year. “A company like Fred. Olsen could not stop getting involved in sports, but, above all, environmental issues,” he said, Registration can be done through the website One of
the main novelties will be the inclusion of a relay modality in pairs on the 71-kilometre Trail, in the male, female and mixed categories. The first runner will depart from Vilaflor and travel the corresponding distance to El Portillo, in Las Cañadas, from where the relay will begin. The 2,900 places offered to participate in the race, whose price ranges between 120 and 30 euros, are distributed as follows: 500 for the Ultra mode; 600 for the Trail; 800 for the Marathon; 900 for the Media and 100 for the Bluetrail Challenge. The first 200 athletes who formalise the registration will get a discount on the price that can reach up to 30 per cent. Fred. Olsen Tenerife Bluetrail is the highest
mountain race in Spain and the second in Europe, since the ultra modality of the test crosses the Teide National Park and ascends to 3,555 metres. The Tenerife event will again have points awarded by the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) in all its modalities that are valid for the UTMB. Thus, the Ultra version (102 kilometres) will have five points, while the Trail (71 kilometres) three points, the Marathon (43 kilometres) two points and the Media (20 km) one point. Fred. Olsen Tenerife Bluetrail is sponsored by Tenerife Tourism, Promotur, Fred. Olsen Express and Hospiten, and with the collaboration of the companies Fonteide, Physiorelax and Isola Frutos.
Arona honours its local athletes
HE Infanta Leonor Auditorium of Los Cristianos was the scene of a recognition gala, by the City of Arona through its Municipal Sports Board, to individual clubs and athletes who have obtained achievements throughout last season.
The venue was filled with parents, relatives and guests who applauded the athletes as they took to the stage. Some 700 people were present. The objective of this initiative is to give visibility to the different sports disciplines that are practised in the municipality, in addition to recognising those athletes and school-age clubs that every day train and compete in the local facilities. Petanque clubs, trampoline gymnastics, skating and horse riding were just some of the disciplines represented in the auditorium. The Sports Gala concluded with a circus show, where the public enjoyed juggling, balancers, magicians and more.
Santa Cruz Extreme announces carbon footprint and reforestation initiative T
HE Fred Olsen Santa Cruz Extreme 2019 race on October 19th will contribute to the repopulation of the areas affected by fire on Gran Canaria. The Mayor, Patricia Hernández said the race will be the first in the country where the carbon footprint that is generated will be calculated to compensate for it later with the reforestation of green spaces. “Santa Cruz wants to put its grain of sand in the recovery of the forests and mountains of our sister island after the tragedy of this summer,” she said. Councillor for the environment and responsible for the Anaga district, Florentino Guzmán Plasencia recalled that the event is considered the hardest mountain marathon in the Canary Islands “because it is pure slope” and has put in value that ‘Mountain for all’ allows the celebration of an inclusive challenge for people with reduced mobility. Patricia Hernández said the calculation of the carbon footprint made the race the only one in the Canary Islands and the few in Spain that manages to be a carbon neutral event with future compensation through restocking. She expressed the desire of “this corporation to collaborate with the Island Council of Gran Canaria to supervise and determine the most suitable way to cooperate in the reforestation of areas that were severely damaged by fire this summer, in the which is considered one of the worst fires in the recent history of our
archipelago. ” Florentino Guzmán Plasencia stressed that “the test has, above all, one objective: to promote sustainability in the Biosphere Reserve, as it runs through the main Anaga cores and trails. Its celebration aims to encourage the circular economy in the area and help alleviate the depopulation that affects the hamlets ”. The presentation was also attended by sponsors and collaborators of the mountain race: Fred Olsen, Tourism of Tenerife and the Sports Area of ??the City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Also Gesport, Seat Motor 7 Islands, Hotel Silken Atlántida, Coca Cola, Tuga, Intersport, Farline, Nutrisport, Bimbo, Canary Beer Company, Fast, Villar Signals and QRV. Santa Cruz Extreme has been and is a sporting event that assumes as its own all the principles of the “Guide of good practices for the development of mountain races in protected natural areas” and offers a marathon of 49 km, a half marathon of 26 km and another 15 km. This sporting event incorporated a new modality and thus this year the “II International Mountain Racing Championship with Joëlette” will be held, in a 9 km course that will start from the Los Catalanes farmhouse, a challenge in teams of four people, three crew members and their passenger with
reduced mobility. Fred Olsen Santa Cruz Extreme will have runners from 24 different nationalities, from countries such as: Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Holland, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia, Romania, South Africa, etc. Participants include the presence of Pau Capell, a member of The North Face team, one of the best mountain runners in the world, and Canary Cristofer Clemente, of the Salomon Team and runnerup in the world in mountain races. Among the women highlights last year’s winner of the Fred Olsen Santa Cruz Extreme, the great Canarian María José Guillén (Arista Pro Team), who
will have the main rival to Tenerife Raquel Rivero Delgado, who treasures the merit of having made a podium in the Ultras Spanish
Championship Registration to participate must be formalized on the website before October
14. So far there are 700 participants registered, although Anaga’s environmental protection cannot exceed one thousand runners.
Granadilla judo notches up more success
RANADILLA judo continues to flourish with yet more successes being notched up.
In the Tenerife Championships held in San Isidro, 13 participants from Granadilla managed to qualify for the Canary Islands Championship held on October 6th in Las Palmas. They were Francisco Barrera Crespo, Ruymán Mesa Delgado, Oliver González Bakker, Jone Morales Mesa, Aday González Bakker, Alejandro Chávez, Ángel Plasencia Rebolo, Ainoa Salazar Ramos, Martina Martín de Piedad, Susana Sánchez de Piedad, Noemí Dorta Grillo, Óscar Ramallo de la Cruz and Pedro Juan Medina Arzola. In addition, Susana Sánchez de Piedad , in the category of less than 52 kilos, has been summoned by the national team to compete in the next Madrid Cup in her category. Granadilla’s sports councillor, Marcos González Alonso congratulated the whole family of Judo de Granadilla de Abona for their achievements and wished them good luck in the coming challenges.
The shape of leftwing housing policies you can expect from the next Spanish Government
LTHOUGH leftwing parties failed to reach a power-sharing agreement after the last General Election in April, triggering fresh elections in November, it’s likely the next poll will deliver a similar result from which there will be no escaping a left wing deal this time round. However much they dislike each other, the Socialists and the hard-left Podemos party will have to reach an agreement to avoid an endless repetition of elections. The days of the two party system and alternating Governments between the Socialists and the Popular Party are over. Here is a flavour of what to expect in terms of housing policy from the next Government, based on the Socialists’ proposals to the hard-left Podemos party when trying to reach an agreement last time around. Measures to increase the supply of affordable-housing including home building by councils and other statebacked entities and cooperatives on private and public land. Redefine the constitutionally-guaranteed right to dignified housing, to make it more effective. Measures to fortify the social function of housing and help the authorities to identify empty housing and pressurise owners, especially large-scale owners, to offer affordable rents. Changes to the Horizontal Property Law to improve decision making relating to the uses of property other than housing, and increase works to improve the energy efficiency of property. Regulation of holiday rentals by increasing the coordination of control between different levels of government. Protecting social housing from private ownership. New state housing plan including a line of financing
for autonomous regions to practise compulsory purchase More resources to fight homelessness National plan for property renovation offering financing for affordable rental housing renovations, energy efficiency, disabled access and living standards. Tax breaks to encourage refurb and urban renovation. Rent controls including a price index to put a break on rising rents. Emergency housing for borrowers who have been evicted from their homes after defaulting on their mortgages. Measures to help young adults to fly the nest. Reinforce the Housing Observatory to investigate and analyse the housing situation in Spain Many of these measures are pure electoral posturing with no specific programmes or resources to make them happen, for example the commitment to guarantee dignified housing for all, as enshrined in the Spanish constitution. It won’t change anything. One of the proposals most of interest to foreign buyers will be plans to strengthen the regulation of holiday rentals by improving the coordination between different levels of Government. But at this stage the Socialists simply plan to “study measures” rather than implement a policy. Spain’s housing stock is relatively old and badly
maintained. It could do with renovation to make it more livable and environmentally friendly. Renovation projects have picked up since the property market started to recover back in 2014, mainly in cities like Barcelona and Madrid. However, I’m told that, on the coast, people still prefer to pay a premium for new homes rather than buy and do-up an existing
property, which would be cheaper. But until the Government significantly reduces the costs and bureaucratic hurdles of renovation it will never take off. Ever y successive administration makes a song and dance about encouraging renovation of the housing stock, but then do little to make it easier, quicker and cheaper to do. The Socialists are no different.
Podemos party Spanish housing policy goals
The hard-left Podemos party led by Pablo Iglesias are more punchy about their lefty housing policy goals. They set a goal of renovating 500,000 homes a year, without any indication how that will be achieved. They also propose rent controls, increasing the social housing stock, fighting against “vulture funds and speculators”, reigning in the “excessive proliferation of holiday rentals”, preventing evictions, offering debt forgiveness for struggling borrowers in negative equity, guaranteed utility supplies, abolishing Real Estate Investment Trusts (known as SOCIMIS in Spain), prohibiting the use of company structures for home ownership, and allowing borrowers to clamp back mortgage Stamp Duty. It will be interesting to see what kind of policies they introduce if and when they finally reach a power-sharing agreement later on this year, assuming they do. Access to housing is a big deal for Podemos, so the housing policies of the next Government will be fought over and quite possibly very contentious.
Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 - 2008). He can be reached by email on:
Sotovento : Two bed, three bath luxury town house with integrated double garage. Residential complex with swimming pool and tennis courts. Close to the beach. 239,000 Euros
Amarilla Golf : Spacious top floor 2 bed apartment situated on popular residential complex close to the pool and on site supermarket. Close to the golf club and other amenities. £155,000
Amarilla Golf : Two bed, two bath poolside apartment, south facing duplex apartment with two large terraces on popular holiday complex. £159,000
Amarilla Golf : Elevated position, ground floor, one bed apartment in sought after location with stunning golf course and ocean views.. £120,000
Amarilla Golf: Beautifully appointed, spacious one bed garden apartment with two terraces in sought after location. 135,000 Euros
Charco del Pino : Semi rural detached villa with private pool and secluded garden within Canarian village community. 350,000 Euros
Amarilla Golf : Wake to views of Mount Teide with this beautifully refurbished one bed apartment within walking distance to the Golf Club House. 139,000 Euros
Amarilla Golf :Large, one bed apartment backing the golf course with stunning views. Close to the pool. £120,000
Sotovento : Unfurnished two bed, three bath town house with integral double garage on residential complex close to the La Tejita Commercial Centre and the beach 875 Euros per month
Golf del Sur : Spacious, ground floor, two bed, one bath apartment with terrace. Close to all amenities and main transport links wifi included 850 Euros per month
Golf del Sur : Three bed , three bath top floor apartment with a terrace and roof terrace, giving garden, pool and sea views. Situated on popular residential complex. 1100 Euros per month
Golf del Sur : *Available from 1st of October 2019* One bedroom apartment close to the sea with Marina views. 825 Euros per month
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Refuge in the woods 2.700sqm land
Ref.: J-3080-C
Price: 66.000€
4 bedrooms Ocean view balcony
Ref.: ZA-5299-A
Price: 299.250€
House with seaview, 3 bedrooms
Price: 180.000€
Idylic finca with pool 3.290sqm land
Price: 495.000€
Ref.: M-2210-V
Ref.: J-3549-V
Ref.: M-4145-A
Price: 145.000€
Apartment on the beach 2 bedrooms
Ref.:Z-3221-V Price: 220.000€
First sea line house, 4 bedrooms
Ref.: ON-6229-V
Price: 229.000€
2 bedrooms, pool, renovated Near city center
Ref.: M-1210-A
Price: 195.000€
Apartment in complex with pool,135sqm private garden
Ref.: Z-6945-V
Price: 945.000€
Exclusive villa in best location, 5 bedrooms, pool We speak:
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Tamara - Los Gigantes
Sansofe Puerto - Puerto Santiago
Club La Mar - Puerto Santiago
Casa Mojo - Tejina de Guia
Excellent one bedroom apartment with lounge, fitted kitchen, bathroom, furnished, back terrace and front terrace with sea and cliff views. 2 community swimming pools.
Attractive two bedroom apartment with entrance hall, lounge, dining room, fully fitted kitchen, 2 bathrooms 1 en-suite, fully furnished, front terrace with sea views and rear terrace with pool views. 2 heated swimming pools.
Attractive one bedroom apartment with lounge, fully fitted kitchen, bathroom, well furnished, utility area and terrace with sea and mountain views. Community swimming pool, lift and roof terrace.
Very spacious duplex 3 bedroom house with entrance hall, large living room, separate fitted kitchen, 3 bathrooms 1 en-suite, office, utility room, terraces, parking, private pool, shed and guest house. Sea and mountain views.
120.000 €
299.000 €
145.000 €
495.000 €
Salinas - Varadero
Nicole - Los Gigantes
Poblado Marinero - Los Gigantes
Sansofe - Puerto Santiago
Desireable one bedroom apartment with lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, bathroom, fully furnished, conservatory, rear terrace with pool view and front terrace with sea view. Heated community pool.
Very central one bedroom apartment with living room, fitted kitchen, fully furnished, bathroom and terrace with sea and cliff views.
Spacious two bedroom apartment with entrance hall, lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, 2 bathrooms, fully furnished, air conditioning, utility patio and terrace with sea and cliff views.
Spacious refurbished three bedroom penthouse with lounge, dining room, separate fitted kitchen, fully furnished, 3 bathrooms 2 en-suite and terraces with sea and cliff views. Heated community pool, gardens and parking area..
159.000 €
137.000 €
675.000 €
43 43
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Av. Fam. Betancourt y Molina, 35 38400 Puerto de la Cruz
Tel.: +34 922 10 10 12
45 45
Magnificent chalet with 5 bedrooms and stunning views from the sea the north of Tenerife
Spacious family house with garden and separated Studio, terrace, garden and perfect view of Orotava valley
Beautiful 2 bedroom penthouse with terrace overviewing Puerto de la Cruz and heated pool
Country house 140qm with large garden (2.000qm) and separate studio in Icod de los Vinos
Sunny 3 bedroom house in El Sauzal with terrace and garden and sea view
Open concept apartment in a beautiful complex in La Paz near Puerto de la Cruz
Your real estate partner for more than 25 years For more than 25 years, our family business run directly by the owner has been successfully brokering residential and commercial properties in the medium and upper price ranges. With several branches in Germany and Spain, Jürgen Weiss Inmobiliaria is progressively growing and is now being managed by both the first and second generation. We offer a large selection of properties in the North and the South of Tenerife and are happy to help you sell your property or make your dream, of having your own property on this beautiful island, come true.
Av. Fam. Betancourt y Molina, 35 38400 Puerto de la Cruz
Tel.: +34 922 10 10 12
Apartment in Puerto centre, two heights, 63sqm, 2 balconies, swimming pool and community garden. 100.000€
Chalet with 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and hobby room, garden, swimming pool, sauna, plot 432sqm, const.: 164sqm. 350.000€
Chalet with 2+1 bedrooms, 1+1 bathroom, garden, garage, terraces, plot: 590sqm, construction: 250sqm. 350.000€
El Sauzal
Ctra. Gral. del Norte 42
Tel.: 629 041 054
Mon - Fri 9am - 2pm
New property with new incredible swimming pool, coast views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage, garden, barbeque area and bar at the pool, 203sqm, plot: 812sqm. 430.000€
Bright chalet in La Romantica with sea views, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garden, garage, plot:315sqm, construction: 92sqm. 240.000€
Apartment in Puerto de la Cruz in good conditions, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, community pool, two terraces, 125sqm. 180.000€
We speak: English I French German I Spanish I Russian
Chalet with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms + 1WC, garden, terraces, garage, plot:370sqm, construction: 160sqm.320.000€
Townhouse-Duplex, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, garage, 50sqm garden, plot: 107sqm, construction: 57sqm.153.400€
Puerto de la Cruz Calle Las Lonjas 3 - 1
Tel.: 629 041 054
Mon - Fri 9am - 2pm I
8 437003 217012