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AMERICA’S PARENTLESSNESS EPIDEMIC: WE HAVE A VOICE TO UNDO THE FOLDED LIE; LET’S USE IT!!! … Nationally, the Washington Post reported that in 2017, more than 20 states considered laws to FINALLY require shared parenting (link below). In my home state of Illinois, the Chicago Tribune recently reported that, “Illinois ranks in the bottom five states for the amount of custody time dads get to spend with their kids” (link below). We are diligently working on legislative remedy. Illinois House Bill 4113, a parenting equality bill, is a quantum leap forward toward a remedy for court-created inequality (link below). HB 4113 would create a rebuttable presumption that equal parenting time is in the best interests of children. Any deviation from a child’s constitutional right to 50/50 parenting would have to be justified in writing in the judge’s decision. Vested interest groups, like the Illinois State Bar Association, are consistently on record as vehemently opposed to all legislative attempts to increase parenting time. The ISBA favors the “winner takes all” model which reduces children to lucrative pawns and maximizes conflict cash. … Richard Thomas, M.S., B.A., BSN, from Rockton, Illinois, is a father, a nurse, an airborne Army veteran and has been involved in family law reform for over 10 years and is currently a member of the board of directors for Illinois Fathers for Equality. Richard welcomes all feedback at NurseRichardThomas@gmail.com. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/social-issues/more-than-20-states-in-2017-consideredlaws-to-promote-shared-custody-of-children-after-divorce/2017/12/11/d924b938-c4b7-11e784bc-5e285c7f4512_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.28ebbe8bc822 http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/parenting/ct-life-divorced-dad-custody-study20180606-story.html http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocTypeID=HB&DocNum=4113&GAID=14&Sessio nID=91&LegID=108029

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