Tudor Grange Academy Worcester 2015-16
June 2015 The Skills Action Service curriculum is part of our core provision for years 7, 8 and 9 within the Academy. We dedicate two hours every Wednesday afternoon to a variety of courses that are designed to ensure that students develop a range of skills, using them to serve a local, national or even international community. This part of our curriculum achieves a wide variety of objectives: students develop essential skills and attributes such as project management skills, self-confidence and enterprise. The time we dedicate to this option allows talented students to immerse themselves in an area of expertise, and everyone develops a keener awareness of the needs of communities and the benefits of utilising our skills to benefit others. With students having the opportunity to participate in three choices over the academic year, their exposure to a variety of opportunities will contribute to their own personal development. The Academy has developed its own internal series of accreditation for work done in this curriculum area, enabling students, parents and staff to see the progress being made over the year in each of the three chosen options. This year the focus will be on reinforcing links with our local primary schools, with students demonstrating and teaching the skills they have learnt to younger children. Alongside this, students will also be working hard to support key Academy events such as the Winter Fayre, utilising their skills to raise money for the charities that they have selected. Just as importantly, we know that students very much enjoy their SAS options, and it is a delight to be around the Academy on Wednesday afternoons.
Mrs S Roach – Principal
How does the Skills Action Service Curriculum work? •
Each child selects three options from the different option blocks available
They are allowed to select up to two choices from one option block
On their choices, form students will be asked to give their reasons for their choices
Please note that Adventurers is a compulsory option to be taken either in year 7 or 8.
How is progress tracked in each SAS choice? •
Students have the opportunity to achieve four outcomes over the course of their option
If they achieve all four outcomes and attend a period 6 or other extra curricular activity, they will be awarded a bronze award
Students achieving a bronze award will be presented with a lapel badge in recognition of their achievement
Students obtaining three bronze awards will receive a silver award.
If a student achieves all six bronze awards over the course of years 7 and 8, they will be eligible for a gold award, to be presented at the Key Stage 3 Awards Evening
Period 6 or other extra curricular opportunity
Bronze Award
Carpentry Bronze Award
Adventurers Bronze Award
Music Bronze Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award Silver Award
Gold Award
Bronze Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award
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Excellence in Sport ti Ac
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World Theatre & Performance
Musical Theatre Authors Inc.
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Option Blocks
Art on the Outside
2015-16 c So
Animal Care Music Active Cooks
Arts & Crafts
Codebreakers Carpentry Tudor Radio
Young Chamber
Active Cooks Active Cooks will give you the chance to appreciate new dishes and flavours. You will learn to experiment with new combinations of ingredients, plan dishes for different occasions and use new and familiar ingredients in exciting ways. The Active Cooks stall at the Winter Fayre is always the first to sell out and makes a huge contribution towards the monies donated to the Academy’s chosen charities. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Demonstrate your knowledge of different peoples’ dietary needs Use a range of preparation and cooking skills safely and confidently Demonstrate the ability to work safely with heat and other items of equipment Plan and cook a meal based on specific criteria
Please note that students will be required to bring in their own ingredients each week.
Adventurers Adventurers is your introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh Award, which is available from year 9 onwards at the Academy. Throughout the twelve weeks of the choice, you will become better equipped to deal with everyday emergencies, learn about nutrition and how to preserve the environment, as well taking part in practical sessions such as cooking, orienteering and first aid. There will also be opportunities to put your skills into practice on an overnight camp, a day’s hiking or geocaching in the local area using your orienteering skills. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Cook a hot meal using the appropriate camping equipment Navigate your way around the local area using orienteering skills Create a resource which shows your understanding of how to protect the countryside Demonstrate the ability to carry out basic first aid
Please note this is a compulsory option which must be taken either in year 7 or year 8.
Animal Care Students opting for this SAS choice will develop an increased awareness of their immediate environment, discover how to care for animals and learn gardening skills whilst helping to run the Academy mini farm ‘Tudor Range’ at White Ladies Aston.
What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Explain how to keep animals free from thirst, discomfort, pain, injury, disease, fear and distress Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety needed when working on a farm Work as part of a team to maintain animals’ welfare Demonstrate an ability to work safely around animals on the farm
Art on the Outside Art on the Outside offers students the opportunity to respond to a brief given to them by the Three Counties Education officer. The brief will be to produce a show garden for the RHS Malvern Festival in May 2016. Students will be involved in discussing and planning ideas around the theme. Students will also be involved in designing products which can be sold at Academy events in order to raise money for charity. Alongside this, they will be involved in developing artwork for the Academy grounds which can be enjoyed by other staff and students. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Produce a design that meets the requirements of a set brief Present your design to the group in a creative but professional way Produce a product linked to a theme which could be sold Create a finished product which could be sold
Arts and Crafts In this SAS option, you will have the opportunity to develop your creative and practical skills through a variety of craft projects. Valuable skills that will be developed include problem solving, attention to detail, patience, creativity and self-confidence. You will also acquire knowledge of basic techniques which you will then go on to develop to suit your own creative style, working with a wide variety of materials. Through selling items which you have made at the Winter Fayre and other Academy events, you will also help support the community by raising money for chosen charities. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Create a design for a piece of jewellery Present your design to the group Design a product linked to a theme which could be sold Create a finished product which can be sold
Authors Inc. If your brain is bursting with characters, plots, poems and more, then Authors Inc. is the perfect option to help you polish your creative talents. You will learn how to chart your chapters, smooth out your scripts and be given opportunities to perform, narrate and critique your own work as well as that of your peers. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Present your favourite book, or author to the group Investigate the life of an author, playwright or poet Create a short story, scene or poem to present to pupils at a local primary school Write a series of reviews of books in the LRC for other Academy students
Carpentry The SAS Carpentry option will equip you with basic woodwork skills needed to create designs out of wood and give you the know how to develop your own carpentry products. Patience, self-confidence and a sense of achievement will all be developed through this option. Working with and supporting other SAS groups you will complete different carpentry projects as well as designing wooden items for presents and to raise money for charity. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Demonstrate the ability to use woodworking machines and hand tools safely Complete a finger joint to a good standard Manufacture an item that you would take home and use Manufacture and finish a product to a good standard which can be sold
Codebreakers Are you a budding Alan Turing? Would you have liked to crack the Enigma code used in World War 2? Codebreakers will look at the history and stories behind codes and cyphers including that of Robert Walsingham, spy master extraordinaire and a link to one of our Academy colleges. Fine tune your problem solving skills in this option and learn how to develop and crack codes and cyphers. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Research the history of codes and cyphers and explain why there is a need for them Break cyphers in order to develop your problem solving and analytical skill Develop code breaking activities for events at the Academy or younger children Develop simple programmes which can assist in the making and breaking of cyphers
Dance In SAS Dance students will have the opportunity to learn a number of different dance styles, learn dance terminology and benefit from flexibility training. Learning to work effectively in a group and on their own will help students to gain in confidence. SAS Dance sessions will be split into two sections: warm up and choreography. Students will learn how to stretch their bodies in order to become more flexible which will improve their ability to dance. Choreography will be taught in small, easy to follow sections, and then rehearsed until everyone feels comfortable with the piece as a whole. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Perform an initial technical dance choreographed by the teacher Devise and present a self-choreographed piece of dance to a small group Use space, movement and pace to create a technical piece of dance Take part in a whole group performance, choreographed by the teacher
Gardening Green fingered enthusiasts are always welcome in this SAS option. Students will be able to be part of the decision making process concerning developments to the Academy grounds as well as learning to look after plants and wildlife and conserving the environment. Growing plants for Academy events such as the Winter Fayre and the RHS Malvern Festival will provide students with the opportunity to support their fellow students in their projects and raise money for charity. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Demonstrate your knowledge of types of plants and common herbs Explore the diversity of plants and wildlife in the Academy grounds Take responsibility for the upkeep of an area within the school grounds Grow three different plants and track the stages of their growth
Excellence in Sport Do you have a passion for sport and want to improve your skills? In SAS Excellence in Sport sessions you will have the opportunity to improve your teamwork, communication and organisation skills, whilst also having the opportunity to experience a range of sports. Running and managing your own sporting activity for younger pupils will develop your leadership and management skills.
What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Participate in a variety of sporting contexts and activities in order to develop key life skills Demonstrate coaching and leadership skills Effectively plan, organise and run a primary event Identify, develop and apply tactics to all sports and activities
Music Performance is at the heart of SAS Music. Students will have opportunities to sing, play, compose and record their work in the recording studio as part of this SAS option. They will explore a variety of different styles and genres in SAS Music, always with a view to performing to their peers and at other venues in and around the community. Students will be able to develop their skills to become confident and musical young performers and composers who can share their talents with the wider community. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Take part in a whole group performance of a piece of music selected by the teacher Arrange and perform a piece of music as a group Compose a vocal or an instrumental piece of music in a group Rehearse and give a solo performance of a piece of music
Musical Theatre This SAS option will provide students with the ability to develop both their singing and acting skills. Teamwork, building self-confidence and learning to improvise are all some of the skills provided by this option. Students will be able to explore characters within pieces of musical theatre and devise their own solo and group performances. There will be opportunities to record and film performances throughout the twelve weeks of the option.
What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Perform a monologue from a piece of musical theatre Take part in a small group vocal performance Complete an analysis of a character from the piece of musical theatre you are working with Take part in a full group chorus performance
Tudor Radio This SAS option enables students to learn the skills to plan, produce and run their own radio show. It will also give them the opportunity to develop their teamwork, organisation and communication skills as well as building their confidence in public speaking. Students will take on various roles within the radio station and experience working in the production, technical and broadcasting teams.
What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Show creativity when developing ideas as part of a radio team Develop skills in editing audio sequences using appropriate software Develop knowledge and understanding of radio studio equipment Plan, record and edit segments for a radio show
World Theatre and Performance This SAS option will provide students with the ability to develop their creative skills and give them an appreciation of the wealth of talent which exists across the world in play writing and performance. You will have the opportunity to investigate scenes from a number of plays written by a wide variety of playwrights around the world. Devising scenes, acting, teamwork, self-confidence, and learning to improvise are all some of the skills provided by this option. Students will be encouraged to experiment with their performances with opportunities to film and record also provided. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Perform a monologue from a text selected by the teacher Complete an analysis of a character in a play Devise and perform a scene in twos or a small group Take part in a whole group performance
Young Chamber In this option, students will be provided with many of the key enterprise skills needed in today’s society. These include skills such as leadership, teamwork, planning, design, working to deadlines, risk taking, ICT and communication skills. Students work in small groups to develop ideas, design, calculate costing and create products. They will then be responsible for marketing and selling their products and then taking and fulfilling orders for customers. This could be internally to staff and students or at other Academy events such as the Winter Fayre. What are the outcomes I need to achieve? • • • •
Work as part of a team to develop ideas and design a product Calculate the cost of your product and create it Take an active role in marketing and selling your product Create a portfolio of evidence charting your work on the product
Tudor Grange Academy Worcester Bilford Road Worcester WR3 8HN 01905 454627 F: 01905 459617