Tudor Grange Academy
Y9 ICT HT1 Homeworks
• For your Animal Shelter project, bring in a selection of primary resources e.g. a local newspaper, pamphlet from a local animal shelter or a picture taken by you of the animal you are looking after.
Tudor Grange Academy
Homework 1
• Complete the analysis of mobile phone usage sheet given to you from the first theory lesson. • Using this material, write a response to the following exam question: • “Mobile phones present a significant health risk to young people today.” How much do you agree with this statement? (6 marks)
Tudor Grange Academy
Homework 2
• Choose one of the following topics: • The Internet • Personal digital devices • Online shopping • Home networking • Home entertainment • Write an exam question on one of those topics which is worth between 4 and 8 marks (you choose the number of marks it is worth) • Then, write a model answer to the question which gets full marks • Finally, write an explanation of how to get full marks on that question • If you are stuck, have a look at the example question on the previous slide
Tudor Grange Academy
Homework 3 - menu