Kauai Community Players stage ‘The Rocky Horror Show’ STEPHANIE SHINNO TGIFR!DAY
Stephanie Shinno / TGIFR!DAY
Clockwise from left are Ben Nause, Chase Pitt, Emily Dunn and Isaac Worth rehearsing a scene from “The Rocky Horror Show.”
SATURDAYS 9:30am –1pm
On the Kauai Community College Campus
Jason Ebesu and Cat Riveros of Bahn Mi! Homemade Ramen with Miso broth! Get it while it lasts!
From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture
Week of Friday, January 10, 2020 | Vol. 7, No. 2
Check da Scene
auai Community Players will present “The Rocky Horror Show” at the Puhi Theatrical Warehouse starting next weekend. The play is directed by Jennifer (Downs) Takenaka, with musical direction by Nina Saraos. It will run from Jan. 17 to Feb. 2, Thursdays to Saturdays at 7 p.m. each night, and 4 p.m. on Sundays. At the rehearsal on Monday night, it was chaotic. Isaac Worth was strutting around in his onepiece golden Speedo with no shirt or shorts on. All eyes were on him with a few chuckles. Worth, as Rocky, owned it as he flexed his muscles. He wasn’t wrestling that night — just getting into his character. The glitter all over his body made others smile as you already sense he was comfortable in it. “The outfits set the tone and time of the setting and its environment,” said Barbara Green. Green is the costume designer, and has an eye for what the concept is. She was making sure everyone looked good and felt comfortable in their costumes. “This cult classic musical by Richard O’Brien is over 40 years old and is playing to sold-out
Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
2 | TGIFR!DAY | Friday, January 10, 2020
Musical Continued from Page 1
Photos by Stephanie Shinno / TGIFR!DAY
ABOVE: Ben Nause and Emily Dunn play a couple in “The Rocky Horror Show.” RIGHT: BethAnne Kapansky Wright, production choreographer from Alaska, smiles with her dog.
audiences nationwide. Sweethearts Brad and Janet, stuck with a flat tire during a storm, discover the eerie mansion of Dr. FrankN-Furter, a transvestite scientist,” said Liz Hahn, KCP representative. “This kind of play has never been done before on Kauai. It’s fun, bizarre, full of wit, and I think we are ready for it,” said Takenaka. Exciting vibes filled the air Monday as leading actor Chase Pitt wore his black dress with a long train and high stilettos. He plays Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a scientist who loves wearing women’s clothes. Breaking boundaries is evident in every move he made. Tossing his curly red wig, finding
his whip and embracing his curves, he was all woman, and he brought out his character’s mannerisms well. When asked what her character is like, Emily Dunn said, “Janet is like a traditional ‘50s housewife who inspires to be married to Brad. But she gets a taste of the dark side and keeps heading that way.” Ben Nause, secondary leading man, said, “Brad is a young man, newly married, passionate. Expect someone with a lot of heart.” “This is not for children. There are no boundaries in this show. This is for people who love others with an open mind,” said Green. On Saturday, Jan. 18, they will be debuting a bit of their show at a drag show at a resort, then they will resume their full play at Puhi Theatrical Warehouse.
General admission is $20, $18 for seniors and $15 for students. Tickets are available at kauaicommunityplayers.org.
••• Stephanie Shinno, staff writer, can be reached at 245-0424 or sshinno@ thegardenisland.com.-
ocal entertainers Frank Cruz and Nick Castillo will join the Kapaa Middle School Ukulele Band for a few numbers during the third annual Aloha Keiki Fest that is a fundraiser for the Kapaa Middle School Choir and Ukulele Band. The Aloha Keiki Fest will open its doors at noon and run to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Kauai Veterans Center. It will feature keiki talent from around the island, local musicians, food and crafts. It is free, and donations are welcomed. Thomas Iannucci recorded “Take Me Back” with the Kapaa Middle School group,
and will make an appearance at the Aloha Keiki Fest. Others on the entertain-
ment lineup include Kay Monez and the Kid Fit Crew from Kapaa Elementary School, the Wilcox School Creative Arts Program, and the Kilauea School Drama Program performing selections from “Frozen.” “There will be some fun games to finish off our entertainment,” said Mary Lardizabal, KMS Choir and Ukulele Band director. Proceeds support the KMS Choir and Ukulele Band to attend the Heritage Music Festival in Anaheim, Calif., in March. ••• Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@ thegardenisland.com
TGIFR!DAY | Friday, January 10, 2020 | 3
KAUAI KLASSICS FUNDRAISER ON SUNDAY Kauai United Way benefit is for music lovers
hundreds of dollars to see on the mainland,” said KUW Executive Director Scott Giarman. “But unlike mainland concerts, where you dare not forget your opera glasses, Kauai Klassics are up-close, (and) STEPHANIE SHINNO in an intimate, Garden Island TGIFR!DAY setting, you literally interact auai United Way’s 11th with the performers,” he said. Musicians scheduled annual Kauai Klassics to perform include Craig Fundraiser concert is set for 4 p.m. Sunday at St. Mi- Reiss, a violinist who is from chael and All Angels Episcopal the San Francisco opera and ballet orchestras; Jane Church in Lihue. “This event offers a chance Marvin, who plays the oboe to see the same highly talent- and is from the Baltimore Symphony; Julie Mckenzie, ed musicians it would cost
who plays the flute and also from the S.F. opera and ballet orchestras; and Marc Shapiro, a pianist is from the S.F. symphony. Trips to San Francisco or New York will be among the offerings during the live auction. All proceeds go to KUW’s social-service programs. Tickets start at $30. Info: 245-2043. ••• Stephanie Shinno, staff writer, can be reached at 245-0424 or sshinno@ thegardenisland.com.
SIERRA CLUB HIKE Donkey Beach (Kuna Bay) The sunset to full moon coastal walk is a moderate, 4.5-mile trek. Hikers can park at Kapaa Public Library and shuttle vehicles. Leader: Judy Dalton, 482-1129 SATURDAY
WELCOME THE WHALES CELEBRATION 4 p.m. Kealia lookout bluff above the beach just north of Kapaa Free. An outdoor, open-mike event. Bring songs, music, poems, stories to honor the return of the humpbacks to Kauai. Info: 634-8535 SUNDAY
RICE STREET REVEAL PARTY 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Eiwa Street, Lihue
7:30 a.m. to noon Volunteers are wanted to help remove debris from the ponds.
Celebrate portions of the Lihue Town Core Mobility and Revitalization project that are near completion.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | bbuley@thegardenisland.com | 245-0457 ADVERTISING: displayads@thegardenisland.com | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: tgiclassified@thegardenisland.com | 246-0325
Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village: Activity Shack
Hanalei River Healing
Na Pali Properties
Aloha from Hanalei
Hanalei Surf Backdoor
Northside Grill
Aloha Juice Bar
Hanalei Strings
Ohana Shop
Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance
Honua Engineering
On the Road to Hanalei
Big Save
Hot Rocket
Pat’s Taqueria
Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei
Pedal and Paddle
Blue Tiki Tattoo
Infinite Arts
Reside Kauai LLC
Chocolat Hanalei
Jo-Jo Shave Ice
Seahorse Boutique
DeCamp Construction
Kalypso Restaurant
Spinning Dolphin
Divine Planet
Kauai Vacation Rentals
Styles Studio Hanalei
Chicken in a Barrel BBQ
Kokonut Kids
Sunrise Emporium
Hanalei Bay Pizzeria
L&L Hawaiian BBQ
Timeshare Resales
Hanalei Cafe
Lee Acupuncture
Tresor Rare
Hanalei Poke
Na Pali Catamaran
Village Snack & Bakery
Specializing in Organics, grab and go, groceries, beer, wine and other convenience items. Hours: Mon-Fri 7a.m.-8p.m., Sat 8a.m.-8p.m., Sun 10 a.m-8p.m.
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TGIFR!DAY | Friday, January 10, 2020 | 4
Keiko Napier
Paul Huber, Jude Huber
Sakta Thaksin, Placita Panyamee, Anuwat Thaksin
“Y Jean Souza, Carolynn Lum
Matthew Goh, Megan Goh, Jodi Goh, William Goh - Oahu
Haley Goldberg, David Goldberg, Evan Goldberg, Anni Goldberg, Sari Goldberg - Chicago
ou’ve got to give citrus for Chinese New Year,” said Kenny Ishii, a shopper at the Kauai Community Market. “There are a lot of citrus going off now.” The offerings at the Kauai Community Market, a partnership with the Kauai County Farm Bureau and the Kauai Community College at KCC each Saturday, is not limited to citrus, but extends to a variety of Kauai Grown produce, fruits and value-added products. The offerings are completed with a variety of food, including seasonal favorites like the homemade ramen, and ethnic specialties that cover Mexican, Indian, Thai and Hawaiian flavors. The seasonal specials, like the kadomatsu, or New Year’s decoration, fruits in season, and the mizuna that is used in the traditional ozoni New Year’s soup, are among the spices at the market that is open Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Holly Rudinoff