Week of Friday, February 21, 2020 | Vol. 8, No. 8
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Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
A fantasy adventure play for all One sister is a plain, unadventurous character who deals with sadness after the loss of her family two years prior. The auai Community Players youngest sister is sillier, full of life (KCP) will present “She and loves board games. Kills Monsters,” at the Puhi Alex Mink-Flacco plays Agnes Theatrical Warehouse starting Evans, the older sister. Friday. “Agnes is the audience insert This play is directed by Jenna Cedusky and is loosely based on character, which means she is highly relatable,” Mink-Flacco the role-playing game ‘Dunsaid. “She is average, your basic geons and Dragons’. square sister. She is 24 years old Performances will run from at the time of the play.” today through March 8. On Veda Parker plays Tilly Evans, Thursdays through Saturdays, the show will start at 7 p.m. each the younger sister. “Tilly is very fun and sarcastic. night, and at 4 p.m. on Sundays. The show unlocks secrets about two sisters. SEE MONSTERS, PAGE 3 STEPHANIE SHINNO TGIFR!DAY
Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island
Officer Roderick Green plays a bug bear and shows off his weapon.
Think Local
SATURDAYS 9:30am –1pm From their farm to your table!
Wiliwam Meephol & Phipiwan Meephol of
JJ Little Thai Kitchen Offers fresh green papaya salad!
From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture
2 | TGIFR!DAY | February 21, 2020
ADVENTURE, ROMANCE AND THRILLS AWAIT IN LOCALLY-AUTHORED BOOK “Fault Line” is sure to keep readers entertained until the very end MONIQUE ROWAN TGIFR!DAY
S photo submitted by University of Hawaii
Dancers perform a hula specifically composed for the “Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds”.
Performances Feb 23 and 24
of their peers,” said Takuma Itoh, associate professor of Music at UH Manoa and one of the composers. In connection to the “Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds”, a TGIFR!DAY Kaua‘i-specific curriculum has he “Symphony of the Hawai- been developed as a tool for ian Birds” will be performed teachers to further deepen the dialogue with the students about for the first time on Kaua‘i Kaua‘i-specific challenges in on February 23 and 24 at the Kaua‘i CC Performing Arts Center. conservation. “We are excited to be able A one-of-a-kind work that celeto share this curriculum free of brates the unique birds of Hawai’i, charge as a part of our outreach the “Symphony of the Hawaiian materials with the public,” said Birds” brings together music, art, animation, science, and hula, cre- Lisa Crampton, leader of the ated by Hawai‘i-based composers, Kaua‘i Forest Bird Recovery Project, a co-host of the events. artists, scientists, and educators. The event is free and open to Student artwork will also be the public. displayed during the concerts. The Symphony of the Hawaiian The theme is “Malama Hawaiian Birds has been performed in front Forest Birds!” with a focus on of more than 10,000 students on Kaua‘i’s birds. O‘ahu, but this is the first time the “This is a wonderful learning work will be performed on Kaua‘i. experience for the students, and “If we could get every fourthit should likely be a great thrill grade class learning the hula, to see their work displayed on a big screen at the concert in front learning the science, learning
the music, and attending the symphony every year, that would be a dream come true,” said Melissa Price, project coordinator and assistant professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at UH Manoa. The free public concert on February 23 is a joint performance of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Wind Ensemble and the Kaua‘i CC Wind Symphony. Doors will open at 3:30 p.m. for the 4:00 event. Two additional performances of the concert by the UH Manoa Wind Ensemble are scheduled for February 24, with more than 1,000 Kaua‘i students grades 4–12 from Kekaha to Kilauea registered to attend at 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. A few seats remain for the 10:45 a.m. concert if any homeschool families/communities are interested in attending. Info: symphonyofhawaiianbirds@gmail.com
taying true to the romantic theme in the air this month, authors Michael and Alison Miller show that when couples work together anything is possible. It’s not hard to see that the Millers are a talented and dynamic duo after reading their action adventure novel, “Fault Line,” which takes place at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island circa 2005. In order to get the daunting task of writing and self-publishing their first book under their belt, Alison Miller says they’ve been “playing on our strengths as a team.” “Mike is great with action sequences and I have some aptitude for developing characters,” she said. Michael Miller explained it all began on a day in Volcano National Park. “I thought: ‘this would be a great place for an action adventure.’ I’ve never seen any movies about the volcano there [Kilauea volcano] and I was into screenplay writing, I still am, and this was the third screenplay I wrote,” he said. Like almost any great action adventure novel, explosives played a key role in the plotline. “I wanted to get the volcano activated by having explosives planted in sensitive areas of the volcano, so I started consulting with a geologist friend of mine, Chuck Blay,” Michael explains. Later, Alison converted Michael’s transcript into it’s novel form, and so “Fault Line” was born.
“Fault Line” is chock full of intrigue and witty dialogue. The main characters are as daring, fit, and romantic as they are intelligent, which are things one might expect from a novel of this genre, and yet the novel delves deeper still. There too are strong, relatable themes portrayed through the complex relationships between the characters in the novel, which is sure to captivate readers. Main characters Dr. Thomas and Susan Andrews are scientists who ultimately face the greatest challenge of their lives, attempting to aide the United States military to save hostages held captive at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park by terrorists. Fueled by a desire to avenge victims of a horrific historical atrocity, known as “No Gun Ri” bridge massacre during the Korean war, the terrorists threaten to detonate bombs within the fault line zones of Kilauea volcano. Detonating the bombs could trigger a catastrophic eruption, resulting in a “mega-tsunami” that would destroy Hawaii’s coastal regions and the U.S. West Coast. As if navigating the ups and downs of marital life isn’t stressSEE ROMANCE, PAGE 3
TGIFR!DAY | February 21, 2020 | 3
Costume and artifacts designer Kate Mink says she’s Continued from Page 1 busy making weapons and monsters for the show. “A lot of the story is a fantasy She loves to make fun of her in a kind of world that many of sister. She is kind of a rebel. I us participate as a sort of wishthink I can relate to Tilly a lot,” ful kind of thing,” Mink said. Parker said. She continued: “In ‘DunCedusky found out that geons and Dragons,’ you can KCP was looking for new plays, be bigger, faster, cool than so she proposed “She Kills who you are. That helps the Monsters,” to the board. “I had a friend who told me characters to understand each other and connect better than they were looking for new directors and plays. I put in the they could in the mundane world. My job is to make proposal and it got picked. costumes and artifacts that I was inspired by my friend fantasy world real the way it in the mainland who loved would be to players.” board games, “ Cedusky said.
other added benefit to “Fault Line” is that a person is guarContinued from Page 2 anteed to learn something new and fascinating about geology, volcanoes, American, ful enough, Tom and Sue world, and Hawaiian history, Andrews are forced to aid and more. in rescuing hostages and “Fault Line” was published negotiating with the terrorists. Michael and Alison admit that December 20th last year. Alison shares that one of they too had some hurdles the best things about the to jump over, when it comes to working with your spouse. book is meeting people when out selling and promoting in Alison admits, “There were a couple vulcan mind meld mo- places like Princeville, Kapaa, ments, but mostly co-creating and Hanapepe art walks. “Personally, I’ve enjoyed is a process of communication, you have to give and take selling books at the art walks because I meet the buyers,” at times.” she said. The circumstances that The couple ways response bring characters together in has been positive and people Fault Line will keep readers say things like, “That’s awelaughing, crying, and page turning until the very end. An- some you wrote a book. And
Officer Roderick Green playing multiple parts in “She Kills Monsters”. “I play a bug-bear and a stick-building-Jedi. The play is funny and it tells a great message,” he said, showing off his weapon. According to Mink this play is great for the whole family. “This fantasy world play is a family oriented show that may be suitable for kids ages 9 and up. I think they will be able to follow along with the adults,” she said. At the rehearsal on Monday night, the actors were running around getting fitted and getwith your husband!’” “Fault Line” is for sale at the Malelia’s at Hanalei Bay Resort, at North Shore General store in Princeville Shopping Center and Nani Moon Meadery in Kapaa on island. Copies of “Fault Line” are on sale on Maui as well. Online kindle versions and paperback copies can be purchased through Amazon. Michael Miller is also editor in chief of Adventure and Romance magazines on Kauai as well as the Big Island. Alison Miller works at Kapaa Elementary School and edits for the Adventure and Romance magazines. Email mike@kauairomance. com or aebmiller13@gmail. com for more information about “Fault Line.”
ting ready for their headshots. Among them, was one of TGI’s staff, Averie Soto. “I play Vera and Evil Gabbi. For those not familiar with ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ it really allows you to be creative
with yourself and dive into a make believe world and become someone else while it also helps you learn a little about yourself,” Soto said. She continued: “For those who are into fantasy and ad-
venture, this is really the play for them.” General Admission is $15, Seniors 62 and over is $12 and students is $10. Tickets can be bought at kauaicommunityplayers.org.-
Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village: Activity Shack
Hanalei River Healing
Na Pali Properties
Aloha from Hanalei
Hanalei Surf Backdoor
Northside Grill
Aloha Juice Bar
Hanalei Strings
Ohana Shop
Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance
Honua Engineering
On the Road to Hanalei
Big Save
Hot Rocket
Pat’s Taqueria
Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei
Pedal and Paddle
Blue Tiki Tattoo
Infinite Arts
Reside Kauai LLC
Chocolat Hanalei
Jo-Jo Shave Ice
Seahorse Boutique
DeCamp Construction
Kalypso Restaurant
Spinning Dolphin
Divine Planet
Kauai Vacation Rentals
Styles Studio Hanalei
Chicken in a Barrel BBQ
Kokonut Kids
Sunrise Emporium
Hanalei Bay Pizzeria
L&L Hawaiian BBQ
Timeshare Resales
Hanalei Cafe
Lee Acupuncture
Tresor Rare
Hanalei Poke
Na Pali Catamaran
Village Snack & Bakery
Specializing in Organics, grab and go, groceries, beer, wine and other convenience items. Hours: Mon-Fri 7a.m.-8p.m., Sat 8a.m.-8p.m., Sun 10 a.m-8p.m.
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4 | TGIFR!DAY | February 21, 2020
Thomas Nizo, Noe Campos
Troy Yamase, Sunni Hew, Leila Fu, Sala Taala, Shawna Yamase, Annie Nonaka, Keith Nonaka
Pablo Abarca, Stephanie Krieger, Seth Tegardine
Keith Dasalia, Gina Duarte, Curt Pantohan
Leilani San Agustin, Terri Kaniho, Lisa DeSilva, Raelene Malama
Delia Hamada, Mary Ratu, Eddy Parubrub, Ivan Kubo, Jessica Young, Ala Koani
Sandi Wong, Jaymie Lum, Lani Lum
Sara Touchet, Gordon Willson-Naranjo Thomas Nizo, Jessica Behnke, Lucas Behnke, Katy Finney
Cheree Rapozo, Gina Duarte, Chantel Blackstad
essteros never looked so good as in the Kaua‘i Crown and Cuisine at the historic Waimea Theater, Saturday night. The event featured a costume contest in a Westeros setting created by the ladies at the Gather Federal Credit Union, and samplings of Crown Royal whiskies complemented by the smoothness of Crown Royal and honey wine, the oldest alcoholic beverage in recorded history, made here on Kaua‘i by Nani Moon Mead. The event kicks off the nine-day Waimea Town Celebration that includes a cultural presentation honoring Kaumuali‘i, Kaua‘i’s last king, a film festival, music, Hawaiian legends, a softball tournament, rodeo, outrigger canoe racing, and more. The Heritage of Aloha Ho‘olaule‘a kicks off from 5:30 p.m. to midnight, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to midnight featuring the Super Duper 2 Ice Cream Eating Contest, the Scotty’s Music ‘Ukulele Contest, and a list of local entertainment.
Eula Taala, Hoku Char-Taala