Week of Friday, February 28, 2020 | Vol. 8, No. 9
Check da Scene
Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
Kilauea School Drama Club presents 2-day production, March 6-7 DENNIS FUJIMOTO TGIFR!DAY
ilauea School student Darla Squire assumes the role of Anna, and Jazlyn Johnson is Elsa when the curtains rise on Disney’s “Frozen Jr.” at 6 p.m. March 6 in the school’s cafeteria. Squire and Johnson are part of the 36-member cast which will be on stage when the Kilauea School Drama Club presents the 60-minute musical designed and adapted for middle schoolaged performers on March
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SATURDAYS 9:30am –1pm Now Serving Coffee
Cat Daniels-Riveros & Jason Ebesu of Wabi-Sabi have another new offering!
From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture
6 and 7. “Frozen Jr.” is based on the 2013 Disney film written by Jennifer Lee and directed by Chris Buck and Lee, and the 2018 Broadway adaption directed by Michael Grandage, is presented through special arrangement with, and all materials being provided by Music Theatre International. The Kilauea School production involves students in grades 4 through 6 from the school’s drama club, and is led by Farrah Krovoza, SEE FROZEN, PAGE 2
2 | TGIFR!DAY | February 28, 2020
Local girl has her biggest concert yet STEPHANIE SHINNO TGIFR!DAY
Stephanie Shinno / TGIFR!DAY
Artist Jordy sings and strums her ‘ukulele.
ocal girl, Jordan Fleming, also known as “Jordy” the 17-year-old artist born and raised in Hanalei, is having concert at Anaina Hou’s Porter Pavilion in Kilauea on today from 6 to 9 p.m. Fleming will be performing with a live band. Ian Cowden will be playing the bass, Angela Rose is the guitarist and Andrew Vastola plays the drums. Since her debut album called “Call My Name” in 2019, she has released five new singles. Her music can be found on all digital platforms like Spotify, Apple Music and Sound Cloud. “My favorite song I wrote is called ‘Money Rains’. Along with music I am very passionate about climate crisis. It’s a song about how our leaders today aren’t really acknowledging it
like they should,” Fleming said. All of Fleming’s music is meaningful and she can sing any genre. She has been writing songs since she could first write, she says, laughing and admitting they “might not have been real songs”. “I would fill up little diaries, just little songs. But to be honest the songs didn’t really make sense,” Fleming said. Fleming was born and raised in Hanalei. Originally she was a class of 2020 student at Kapa‘a High School, but she graduated a year early in 2019. She wrote her first real song called “Summer 17,” at the age of 15. “My parents got me a guitar for my birthday. It was a basic expensive guitar and I started teaching myself. I wrote a song called ‘Summer 17.’ Before that I knew a little bit of ‘ukulele and piano,” Fleming said. You can find this local girl at the
beach with her friends, jamming on one of several different types of instruments while watching the sunset. But, she’s leaving the island soon to attend music school overseas. “In September, I will be moving to London to attend a music school for songwriting. I am leaning towards (BIM) British Institute of Modern Music,” Fleming said. That trip to Europe will help Fleming check off another goal — the desire to travel to 30 different countries. Fleming has a message for residents and visitors: All are welcome at the Friday show. “I just want to leave a good message and have people resonate with one of my songs,” she said. Tickets are $5 at the door and there will be food trucks and drinks at Jordy’s concert in Anaina Hou.
numbers from the Broadway production. Tickets are $10 for adults Continued from Page 1 and $5 for students and will be available at the door. Jeremy Brown, and Kayti Proceeds benefit the Lathrop. school’s drama club for its Magic Calig as Olaf future productions. invite people to follow the Other leading cast memlighthouse beam and join all of the favorite characters bers include Jade Bowen portraying Krisoff, and Hanof the adaptation of the top-grossing animated film nah Kotska as Sven. The Kilauea School Drama when they embark on an Club is one of the school’s epic “ice-filled journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, after school clubs funded by and the real meaning of true Aloha Angels. “Frozen Jr.” is the group’s love.” fourth musical production. The audience will be ••• guided through this epic journey with favorite Frozen Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photograsongs, including “Love is an Open Door,” “Do You Want to pher, can be reached at Build a Snowman?,” and “Let 245-0453 or dfujimoto@ Dennis Fujimoto / TGIFR!DAY thegardenisland.com.It Go,” as well as some new The Kilauea School Drama Club presents Disney’s Frozen Jr., March 6 and 7 at the Kilauea School cafeteria.
TGIFR!DAY | February 28, 2020 | 3
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Jessica Else | jelse@thegardenisland.com | 245-0457 ADVERTISING: displayads@thegardenisland.com | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: tgiclassified@thegardenisland.com | 246-0325
Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village: YURIKO & ED JUSTUS SPECIAL TO TGIFR!DAY
ords are weird. Ever find yourself writing a word and suddenly wondering if you spelled it right? Why does “of” sound like “ov”? Or spelling “knife” with a silent “k”? You aren’t the only one! Great thinkers such a Benjamin Franklin (a founding father) and Noah Webster (father of the dictionary) wondered the same things themselves! “An Inconvenient Alphabet: Benjamin Franklin & Noah Webster’s Spelling Revolution” by Beth Anderson and illustrator Elizabeth Baddeley have created a wonderful children’s book to explore the fascinating (and little-known) history of American English. Published by renown publishing house Simon & Schuster, “An Inconvenient Alphabet” is a well-researched book which explores the radical efforts by Benjamin Franklin and Noah Webster during the American Revolutionary era to make English into a written
language form which would match the sounds we make when we speak it. “Lam” instead of “lamb”; “nok” instead of “knock”, and countless other phonetic changes. As with all things new, it was met with resistance, for good and bad reasons. Yet in the end, though their complete overhaul of English was not accepted, their efforts did leave a lasting impact on the language they sought to change. There is a reason why Americans write English differently from British English (“honor” instead of “honour”, or “color” instead of “colour”) — and you can thank Mr. Franklin and Mr. Webster for that! Don’t let the history
lesson fool you! This book is vibrantly colorful, entertaining for kids to read (or for the parents to read to the kids), and memorable to be certain! Fun characters are spread throughout the large pages, even dogs and cats run about the images, getting into all sorts of situations. Best of all, even us adults will learn something from “An Inconvenient Alphabet”! We did! ••• Ed Justus is the owner of Talk Story Bookstore in Hanapepe. Yuriko and Ed Justus are Kalaheo residents. Talk Story Bookstore is open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and until 9 p.m. Fridays.
Activity Shack
Hanalei River Healing
Na Pali Properties
Aloha from Hanalei
Hanalei Surf Backdoor
Northside Grill
Aloha Juice Bar
Hanalei Strings
Ohana Shop
Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance
Honua Engineering
On the Road to Hanalei
Big Save
Hot Rocket
Pat’s Taqueria
Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei
Pedal and Paddle
Blue Tiki Tattoo
Infinite Arts
Reside Kauai LLC
Chocolat Hanalei
Jo-Jo Shave Ice
Seahorse Boutique
DeCamp Construction
Kalypso Restaurant
Spinning Dolphin
Divine Planet
Kauai Vacation Rentals
Styles Studio Hanalei
Chicken in a Barrel BBQ
Kokonut Kids
Sunrise Emporium
Hanalei Bay Pizzeria
L&L Hawaiian BBQ
Timeshare Resales
Hanalei Cafe
Lee Acupuncture
Tresor Rare
Hanalei Poke
Na Pali Catamaran
Village Snack & Bakery
You’ll find us in the Heart of Hanalei... Jane F. Abramo
808-639-3773 P.O. Box 475, Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Bus: 808-826-7272 • Fax: 808-826-7665 jane@napaliprop.com • napaliprop.com
4 | TGIFR!DAY | February 28, 2020
May Lene Jackson, Nancy Williams, Kimberlee Stuart
Trena Alvarez, Penny Beisth, Taylor Gandeza, Taera Gandeza
Heidi Cowell, Sara Watson, Mitzi Yamamoto
Carrie Newcomb, Kaulana Huihui-Caberto, Liz Hahn
Vanessa Udarbe, Antonia Tirado, Lockcey Tirado, Mark Domingcil
Ray Paler, Mike Faye, Lauren Starner
Bob Rowe, Toni Torres, Ester Lopez, Crystal Rowe
Ellen Albarado, Gloria Ordinario, Carlina Vea, Romang Tumbaga-Peake
Sala Taala, Donani Kamaka-Riley, Paddy Boy Malama, Kelli Cadavona
he Heritage of Aloha Ho‘olaule‘a, spanning nearly two days from Friday evening, marked the final weekend of the nine-day Waimea Town Celebration presented by the Westside Business & Professional Association. The ho‘olaule‘a served as a hub for the numerous activities, including a softball tournament, rodeo, canoe races, the Captain Cook fun run, and more by unveiling its offerings of two tents full of vendors and an array of food booths presented by local nonprofit organizations as fundraisers for their respective missions. Event specifics included a lineup of entertainment, the Paniolo Hat Lei Contest, an ice-cream-eating contest presented by Lisa Johnston and Super Duper II which was open to people up to 146 years old, and the Scotty’s Music’s ‘Ukulele Contest. Overall winners of the canoe racing included Namolokama taking the coed race, Pu‘uwai Canoe Club taking the women’s race, Kaiola Canoe Club taking the men’s race, and Kilohana kane and wahine taking Na ‘Opi‘o racing.
Mark Bonilla, Chassidy Rivera