030124 Real Estate

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Builder KB Home on spring homebuying outlook


LOS ANGELES — Rising mortgage rates through much of 2023 kept many prospective homebuyers and sellers on the sidelines, and the housing market in a deep slump.

Homebuilders responded by lowering prices and offering incentives like mortgage rate buydowns to help buyers get over their affordability hump. The approach helped lift sales of new U.S. homes 4.2 percent over 2022, but also cut into many builders’ profits.

Los Angeles-based KB Home, which builds homes in California, Texas, Florida and six other states, delivered fewer homes and posted lower earnings and revenue in the 12 months ended Nov. 30 compared with the same period a year earlier.

But the company’s new home orders soared in the first few weeks of its current fiscal quarter as mortgage rates eased off their late-October highs.

CEO Jeffrey Mezger recently spoke with The Associated Press about how the recent pullback in mortgage rates could shape the housing market this year and the challenges builders face amid rising labor and land costs.

Q: What are your expectations for how strong demand and sales might be this spring?

A: We see a very similar setup as we enter ’24 as we did entering ’23, in that there’s a really limited resale inventory in most of the markets we operate in. So you have a shortage of inventory, new and used. You have strong demographics — Gen-Z, millennials —

30-year mortgage rises to 6.94 percent, up for fourth straight week

Alex Veiga


LOS ANGELES — The average long-term U.S. mortgage rate rose for the fourth consecutive week, another setback for prospective homebuyers just as the spring homebuying season gets going.

The average rate on a 30-year mortgage rose to 6.94 percent from 6.90 percent last week, mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday. A year ago, the rate averaged 6.65 percent. The average rate is now just below its highest level since mid-December, when it was 6.95 percent.

When mortgage rates rise, they can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for borrowers, limiting how much they can afford in a market already out of reach for many Americans. They also discourage homeowners who locked in rock-bottom rates two or three years ago from selling. Rates have been creeping higher in recent weeks as reports showing stronger-than-expected inflation at the consumer and wholesale levels and the economy stoked worries among bond investors that the Federal Reserve will wait until later this year before it begins cutting interest rates. A closely followed inflation report on Thursday showed showed prices across the country rose pretty much as expected last month.

Investors’ expectations for future inflation, global demand for U.S. Treasurys and what the Fed does with interest rates can influence rates on home loans.

are out there in a big way, they want to be homeowners. You have job growth, income growth and rates that have stabilized. if not ticking down. The difference from ’23, we saw the strength in demand come back in December, which is not normal for us. Normally, December’s off from November. In our case, December of ’23 was actually stronger than November. And then in January, as each week went by, sales continued to strengthen. So you take all that and the set up that we see and we think it’s going to be a really good spring for the industry and for our company.

Q: Do you think homebuyers have become accustomed to

where mortgage rates are now?

A: When rates were 3 percent or 4 percent for a mortgage, it was kind of artificially low. Going back to 6 percent now is an attractive rate over time. I think they have adjusted.

Q: Do you expect the homebuilding industry to dial back buyer incentives if mortgage rates keep easing?

A: If demand remains strong or gets even stronger, I think you’ll see incentives in the industry come back down. But it’s really not something we spend a lot of time on. As a company, our strategy is to give the consumer the best value and let them pick the house they want. And in that

business model approach, you don’t weigh heavily in with incentives. I think in our fourth quarter, our mortgage incentives that we reported were less than 2 percent of sales.

Q: Fed Chair Jerome Powell recently noted that the nation’s housing affordability challenges stem primarily from a shortage of new home construction. What needs to happen for KB home and for other builders to significantly increase how many homes you build?

A: There’s no question that there’s affordability challenges. And you’re only going to invest money in a piece of land and then build houses if you can get a re-

turn on your investment. So, you have to work to get all the numbers in sync, and we’ve had a lot of cost pressures, in particular when the supply chain broke and costs ran up a bunch. So you have to find ways to lower the cost to produce the home, whether it’s a little bit smaller lot or townhomes or (you) value engineer your product to bring your costs down. And we’ve worked hard on all those things over the last couple of years. At the same time, the time to get subdivisions approved in municipalities has extended. So it’s taking longer to bring lots to market than it used to. So there has been a shortage of lots and that’s been one of the barriers to growing the level of production in the industry.

Q: When you look at the economy and mortgage rates, what’s your biggest concern in terms of the housing market this year?

A: If rates were to go back up 1 percent or 2 percent, it would temper demand, and we’d have to manage to do that and navigate to it. If they hold where they are, as I shared, we’re set up for a very good year. If they were to come down further, I think you’ll see even more demand. And, at some point, it would unlock the resale inventory as well, if rates come down. I guess the other thing would be if there was an absolute recession, which we don’t see that right now, but if that were to occur, that’ll temper demand. But you still have really good job growth and consumer confidence is going up right now. Between those two and no inventory and the demographics, we’re in a very nice position if rates held where they are today.

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(SeeSchedule“1”), thatamortgagelienexistsagainsteachoftheVacationOwnershipInterests identifiedon (Schedule“1”) infavorof PahioVacationOwnership,Inc., aHawaiicorporation, forfailuretopaytheamountsowedandsecuredby therespectiveMortgages. PahioVacationOwnership,Inc.,aHawaii corporation, asMortgagee,whoseaddressis 6277SeaHarborDrive, Orlando,FL32821, intendstoforecloseitssaidmortgage,andwillholda salebypublicauctionofFeeSimplepropertybeingthatcertainproject, Pahio AtKauaiBeachVillas, locatedat 4330KauaiBeachDrive,Lihue,HI 96722 on 04/03/2024 at VidinhaStadium,HoolakoSt,Lihue,HI 96766,underthetrees,atentrancetothestadium at 1:00PM. Each ofthepropertiesistobesoldasanundividedtimeshareinterest.Therewill benoopenhouses.Termsofthesaleare:(1)Noupsetprice.(2)Property soldwithoutcovenantorwarranty,expressorimplied,astothetitle possessionorencumbrances;(3)Atthecloseoftheauction,Purchasershall pay100%ofthehighestsuccessfulbidprice(“Bid”)bymoneyorder,certified, orcashier’scheckdrawnagainstaUnitedStatesbasedfinancialinstitution,in USCurrency,madepayabletoFIRSTAMERICANTITLECOMPANY;provided thatMortgageemaysubmitacreditbiduptotheamountofthesecured indebtedness;(4)Purchasershallpayallclosingcostsincluding,butnot limitedto:costsofdocumentdrafting,notaryfees,consentfees,escrowfees, conveyancetax,recordationfeesandothercharges,togetherwithanyspecial assessmentswhichmayariseunderHRS514B-146(g)(h)(i);(5)Iftitleisnot conveyedtoPurchaserforanyreason,otherthanPurchaser’sfailureto performasspecifiedherein,theMortgagee’ssoleresponsibilityshallbethe returnoftheBidfundstenderedbyPurchaser.ThePurchasershallhaveno furtherrecourseagainsttheMortgageeoritsagents,attorneys,servicersand auctioneers;(6)Thesalemaybepostponedfromtimetotimebypublic announcementbyMortgageeorsomeoneactingonitsbehalf;(7)By submittingtheBid,Purchaseracknowledgesreadingthetermsandconditions setforthinthisnoticeandagreestobeboundtherebyandsignawritten acceptanceofalltermsherein.Forfurtherinformationregardingthissale,you must contact: PahioatKauaiBeachVillasIntervalOwnersAssociation, aHawaiinon-profitcorporation at (800)251-8736. Conductorofthe publicsaleinthestateofHawaii:AQUALEGAL,LLConbehalfof,First AmericanTitle,agentforClaimant;Phone:(808)539-7504;Address:1099 AlakeaStreet,suite2430,Honolulu,Hawaii96813.BatchNo: Foreclosure DOT134153-KBV17-DOT.Schedule“1”: Mortgagor(s),MortgageDated Date,MortgageDocumentNo.,VacationOwnershipInterest(ContractNo.); BarryW.BraswellandKimberlyB.Nunn,12/09/2015,Inst:A-58780155, 001161500061. (TGI1446272 3/1, 3/8, 3/15/24) NOTICEOFMORTGAGEE’SINTENTIONTOFORECLOSUREUNDERNON-


sold(subjecttoanyliens)in“asis”condition, withoutanywarrantyoftitleoranyotherwarranty, atpublicauctionwith10%ofhighestbidpayable incash,certifiedorcashier’scheckatcloseof auction,balancepayableupondeliveryoftitle. Potentialbiddersmustprovideproofofabilityto complywith10%requirementpriortoparticipating inauction.Buyershallpayallcostsofclosing, includingwithoutlimitationescrow,conveyance andrecordationfeesandconveyancetaxesandis responsibleforsecuringpossessionoftheproperty uponrecordation,includingthecostofevictionif necessary.SALEISSUBJECTTOCOURT CONFIRMATION.

Open Houses: None,perOrderGrantingPlaintiff’s MotionforPermissiontoSell PropertyWithoutOpenHouses, FiledJanuary3,2024asDkt.52 (filed Feb. 12, 2024) [Dkt. 57].

(800) 918-1923 (fax) rgoldberg@kauaisite.com Theaccuracyofthedescription/informationinthis noticeisnotguaranteed,allinformationmustbe independently verified by potential purchasers. (TGI1446276 3/1, 3/8, 3/15/24)

(SeeSchedule“1”), thatamortgagelienexistsagainsteachoftheVacationOwnershipInterests identifiedon (Schedule“1”) infavorof PahioVacationOwnership,Inc., a Hawaiicorporation, forfailuretopaytheamountsowedandsecuredby therespectiveMortgages. PahioVacationOwnership,Inc.,aHawaii corporation, asMortgagee,whoseaddressis 6277SeaHarborDrive, Orlando,FL32821, intendstoforecloseitssaidmortgage,andwillholda salebypublicauctionofFeeSimplepropertybeingthatcertainproject, Ka’Eo KaiPhasesII&III, locatedat 3970WyllieRoad,Princeville,HI 96722 on 04/03/2024 at VidinhaStadium,HoolakoSt,Lihue,HI 96766,underthetrees,atentrancetothestadium at 1:00PM. Each ofthepropertiesistobesoldasanundividedtimeshareinterest.Therewill benoopenhouses.Termsofthesaleare:(1)Noupsetprice.(2)Property soldwithoutcovenantorwarranty,expressorimplied,astothetitle possessionorencumbrances;(3)Atthecloseoftheauction,Purchasershall pay100%ofthehighestsuccessfulbidprice(“Bid”)bymoneyorder,certified, orcashier’scheckdrawnagainstaUnitedStatesbasedfinancialinstitution,in USCurrency,madepayabletoFIRSTAMERICANTITLECOMPANY;provided thatMortgageemaysubmitacreditbiduptotheamountofthesecured indebtedness;(4)Purchasershallpayallclosingcostsincluding,butnot limitedto:costsofdocumentdrafting,notaryfees,consentfees,escrowfees, conveyancetax,recordationfeesandothercharges,togetherwithanyspecial assessmentswhichmayariseunderHRS514B-146(g)(h)(i);(5)Iftitleisnot conveyedtoPurchaserforanyreason,otherthanPurchaser’sfailureto performasspecifiedherein,theMortgagee’ssoleresponsibilityshallbethe returnoftheBidfundstenderedbyPurchaser.ThePurchasershallhaveno furtherrecourseagainsttheMortgageeoritsagents,attorneys,servicersand auctioneers;(6)Thesalemaybepostponedfromtimetotimebypublic announcementbyMortgageeorsomeoneactingonitsbehalf;(7)By submittingtheBid,Purchaseracknowledgesreadingthetermsandconditions setforthinthisnoticeandagreestobeboundtherebyandsignawritten acceptanceofalltermsherein.Forfurtherinformationregardingthissale,you mustcontact: WyndhamVacationResorts,Inc.,aDelaware corporation at (800)251-8736. Conductorofthepublicsaleinthestate ofHawaii:AQUALEGAL,LLConbehalfof,FirstAmericanTitle,agentfor Claimant;Phone:(808)539-7504;Address:1099AlakeaStreet,suite2430, Honolulu,Hawaii96813.BatchNo: ForeclosureDOT131275-KEK24DOT.Schedule“1”: Mortgagor(s),MortgageDatedDate,Mortgage DocumentNo.,VacationOwnershipInterest(ContractNo.);LisaA.Peterson and John M. Peterson, 10/26/2012, Inst: A-47910097, 001161201322. (TGI1446289 3/1, 3/8, 3/15/24)

Carpentry FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES Abandoned Property Abandoned Property Lihue MERCHAN DISE FORECLOSURES Appliances Koloa Pets Waimea Kapaa Kapaa Kapaa Carpenter looking for maintenance jobs. Free estimates. 3D Construction Call Albert 652-8861. alapaki82@outlook.com Beautiful Goldendoodle puppies available 3/7 vet checked 3 sets of shots serious inq only $1800. 808-346-2526 Recycled Appliances Washers,Dryers, Stoves & Refrigerators 6mos. warranty Tashi 808-652-0551 IN ESCROW $1,175,000 4Bed/2Ba Lauren Yama -RS 808-346-4204 Eric Yama-RB 808-639-3414 MLS 703147 IN ESCROW KAPAA-VACANT LAND $900,000 Lot size: 1.62 acre Clifton Kukino -RB 808-639-1490 Jordan Kukino -RS 808-634-5032 Kaylin Kukino-RS 808-635-2822 MLS 702288 LEGAL NOTICE PursuanttoHawaiiRevisedStatutes,Section290-21 KauaiVehicleServiceCenter,Inc.locatedat3124 PelekeSt.Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii,completedrepairson a1997HondaAccord,licenseplate#KZE491,on May21,2021.Thisvehicleisdeemedabandonedat theabovebusinesslocationandwillbesoldor disposedofbecausetheownerhasnotclaimeditafter 30 days since repairs were done. (TGI1446624 3/1/24) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Freedom Mortgage Corp. v. Sadaoka 5CCV-22-0000073, Circuit Court of the Fifth Circuit, State of Hawai‘i 4632 Hanamaulu Rd. aka 4443 Hanamaulu Rd. Lihu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766 TMK No. (4) 3-7-008-068-0000 AuctionDate/Place: March22,2024atNoon, CircuitCourtoftheFifthCircuit,FrontLanai,3970 Ka‘ana Street, Lihu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766. TermsofSale: Noupsetprice.Propertywillbe sold(subjecttoanyliens)in“asis”condition, withoutanywarrantyoftitleoranyotherwarranty, atpublicauctionwith10%ofhighestbidpayable
incash,certifiedorcashier’scheckatcloseof auction,balancepayableupondeliveryoftitle. Potentialbiddersmustprovideproofofabilityto complywith10%requirementpriortoparticipating inauction.Buyershallpayallcostsofclosing, includingwithoutlimitationescrow,conveyance andrecordationfeesandconveyancetaxesandis responsibleforsecuringpossessionoftheproperty uponrecordation,includingthecostofevictionif necessary.
Granting Plaintiff’sMotionforanOrder PermittingSaleoftheProperty Without Open Houses (filed Feb. 6, 2024) [Dkt. 90]. Robert Goldberg Commissioner, Circuit Court of the Fifth Circuit LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT GOLDBERG LLLC 2970 Kele Street, Suite 208 Lihu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766 (808) 245-4102 (800) 918-1923 (fax) rgoldberg@kauaisite.com Theaccuracyofthedescription/informationinthis noticeisnotguaranteed,allinformationmustbe independently verified by potential purchasers. (TGI1444445 2/16, 2/23, 3/1/24) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE U.S. Bank Trust National Association v. Young 5CCV-23-0000008, Circuit Court of the Fifth Circuit, State of Hawai‘i 2974 Ohiohi Street, Lihu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766 TMK No. (4) 3-6-024-015-0000
CircuitCourtoftheFifthCircuit,FrontLanai,3970 Ka‘ana Street, Lihu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766. TermsofSale:
Houses: None, per Order
AuctionDate/Place: April5,2024atNoon,
Goldberg Commissioner, Circuit Court of the Fifth Circuit LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT GOLDBERG LLLC 2970 Kele Street, Suite 208 Lihu‘e, Hawai‘i 96766 (808) 245-4102
NOTICEOFMORTGAGEE’SINTENTIONTOFORECLOSUREUNDERNONJUDICIALPOWEROFSALE.NoticeisHerebyGiven pursuanttoHawaii RevisedStatutes§667-61through§667-65andPurchaseMoneyMortgage, SecurityAgreement,andFinancingStatementwith (SeeSchedule“1”) ,as Mortgagor,dated (SeeSchedule“1”), recordedintheBureauof ConveyancesoftheStateofHawaiiasDocumentNo.
RevisedStatutes§667-61through§667-65andPurchaseMoneyMortgage, SecurityAgreement,andFinancingStatementwith
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(SeeSchedule“1”), as Mortgagor,dated
recordedintheBureauof ConveyancesoftheStateofHawaiiasDocumentNo.

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