Week of Friday, March 6, 2020 | Vol. 8, No. 10
Check da Scene
Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
KAWS is hosting their annual fundraiser event STEPHANIE SHINNO TGIFR!DAY
Lilikoi and Mango were both adopted.
he Kaua‘i Animal Welfare Society (KAWS) presents their third annual “Thank You For Being A Friend,” fundraiser on Saturday, March 14th in the Jasmine Ballroom at the Kaua‘i Beach Resort. The event runs from 5 p.m. through 10 p.m. and includes the annual costume contest, with live music by “Gypsy Spice,” and “Soul Fire.”” KAWS’s executive director Dinah Chao encourages those interested in the best friend costume contest, to be inspired and wear costumes in pairs - like Lucy and Ricky Ricardo from the TV show: “I love Lucy.” “For this fundraiser, we are honoring the value of friendship: the friendship created between humans
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From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture
and animals as well as the friendship the community of Kaua‘i has given us throughout the years. Without the support of our community, we could not continue our life-saving efforts,” executive director Chao. She pointed out contributions over the past few years from supporters have enabled KAWS to complete their dog sanctuary and to begin building the first phase of their cat sanctuary. That project is ongoing. “We are coming closer to completing a space that will provide a safe and controlled environment for both domestic and feral cats and kittens,” she said. In celebration of the momentum on their cat and dog sanctuaries and the support they’ve received from the SEE FRIEND, PAGE 2
2 | TGIFR!DAY | March 6, 2020
Kaua‘i Singers, dancers heading to South America
hirty-two singers and hula dancers will bring a big Kaua‘i aloha to Argentina and Uruguay later this month as they embark on a performance tour of the two countries beginning March 13. Randy Leonard, a choral director for 41 years, is excited to bring Hawai‘ian mele to the land of tango. “I believe this may be the first time people in Argentina and Uruguay will get to experience the beauty, love and culture of Hawai‘i, and certainly the first time a group of singers and dancers from Kaua‘i will be perform in these two South American countries,” Leonard says. “Music and dance build bridges that connect humanity,” he says. “It’s an opportunity to help bring the world together.” The traveling troupe consists of 15 singers, 17 dancers and 15 guests. The vocal ensemble, named Voices of Kaua‘i, is comprised of singers from Kaua‘i Voices, the popular auditioned choir also directed
Kumu Hula La’amea Almeida
Photo by Gene Padilla
Fifteen singers and 17 hula dancers will bring Kaua‘i aloha to South America in a tour that starts March 13.
by Leonard. Hula, including both kahiko and auana, will be danced by members of Halau Ka Waikahe Lani Malie, under the direction of Kumu Hula La’amea Almeida. Each group will perform some songs independently, and will also join together for a number of selections. The troupe will begin its
adventures in Buenos Aires, then traveling to Colonia, Montevideo, as well as other small towns, before finishing at Iguazu Falls, performing along the way, including in schools. Two years ago Leonard brought a group of about 30 singers and musicians, as well as another 15 guests, on a performance tour of
Friend Continued from page 1
community, KAWS will be handing out several awards on Saturday night, alongside games for attendees. Awards highlight community members and organizations that have gone above and beyond to help Kaua‘i animals. For the 2020 event, Kaua‘i Community Cat Project and Spay Pod are set to receive the True Grit Award.
Courtesy of Dinah Chao
This is Hina, available for adoption.
Cuba. “The tour was both heart- and eye-opening for us, and for the Cuban people of all ages we were fortunate to meet with, including the three Cuban choirs with whom we shared workshops and performances,” Leonard says. “Music opened the door, and our aloha spirit brought hope and love
Another award is the “Carol Ann Davis Friendship Award” which is going to be given to a community member who has shown friendship to us and other organizations in an effort to save lives. “The final award, the Volunteer of the Year Award, is going to an outstanding volunteer who has helped KAWS build and maintain their sanctuary, with a kind heart and a smile on their face,” Chao said. KAWS is on a mission to “provide moral, financial, and medial support for those fos-
Choral director Randy Leonard
everywhere we went,” He continued: “Our group was forever changed by the experience. I am looking forward to us recreating that positive experience in Argentina and Uruguay.”
tering homeless pets; to end the practice of euthanasia as a means of population control, instead relying on spay and neuter and trap and return programs; and to create a sanctuary for animals not yet placed in foster or permanent homes”, and the event celebrates the organization’s progress. Anahola resident Kamealoha Hanohano-Smith shares his personal story on how KAW’s helped him last year through a rough time. “I was on the brink of being totally broke, and I
had thirty dogs that were from the pound and were homeless. Two of which were pregnant at the time. They needed to get vaccinated and they needed so much care. The dogs and I are all in a better place because of KAWS4PAWS. It’s people like Chao who inspires us, can’t wait to celebrate with them,” Hanohano-Smith said. Tickets are available and the cost are: Adults- $100, Children 12 and under- $25 and $1200 Sponsor Table of 10. Purchase tickets at www. kaws4paws.org.
TGIFR!DAY | March 6, 2020 | 3
andy Moore, “Silver Landings” (Verve Forecast) They say seven is a lucky number and it seems that Mandy Moore hit her artistic pot of gold with her seventh studio album “Silver Landings,” her first release in 11 years. Her music, carefully thought out and curated with love, is a triumphant return to her creative self. Moore’s melodic register is suspended in time to that easy listening genre of the
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Jessica Else | jelse@thegardenisland.com | 245-0457 ADVERTISING: displayads@thegardenisland.com | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: tgiclassified@thegardenisland.com | 246-0325
Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village: Verve via AP
This cover image from Verve shows “Silver Landings,” a release by Mandy Moore.
early 2000s when she broke out as a pop star but didn’t make the music she wanted. Her acting career hit a new high four years ago with the debut of the hit series “This Is Us,” earning Moore Emmy and Golden Globe nominations, and giving the performer the confidence to make the music she wanted. The 10-track “Silver Landings” charts her life, her career and her mistakes — from the country-like tender but matter-of-fact “Fifteen,”
where she sings about her early struggles with fame, to the perky bop “Easy Target,” where she unveils her determination to start over. The electric guitar on “When I Wasn’t Watching” gives the song’s lyrics — “Convinced it all would come to me/My favorite version of me disappeared” — an almost self-confrontational dimension. Moore’s voice, as mellow and clear, could belong to a few others on different tracks, but the earnestness and newly found creative stride could only belong to Mandy.
Activity Shack
Hanalei River Healing
Na Pali Properties
Aloha from Hanalei
Hanalei Surf Backdoor
Northside Grill
Aloha Juice Bar
Hanalei Strings
Ohana Shop
Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance
Honua Engineering
On the Road to Hanalei
Big Save
Hot Rocket
Pat’s Taqueria
Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei
Pedal and Paddle
Blue Tiki Tattoo
Infinite Arts
Reside Kauai LLC
Chocolat Hanalei
Jo-Jo Shave Ice
Seahorse Boutique
DeCamp Construction
Kalypso Restaurant
Spinning Dolphin
Divine Planet
Kauai Vacation Rentals
Styles Studio Hanalei
Chicken in a Barrel BBQ
Kokonut Kids
Sunrise Emporium
Hanalei Bay Pizzeria
L&L Hawaiian BBQ
Timeshare Resales
Hanalei Cafe
Lee Acupuncture
Tresor Rare
Hanalei Poke
Na Pali Catamaran
Village Snack & Bakery
Specializing in Organics, grab and go, groceries, beer, wine and other convenience items. Hours: Mon-Fri 7a.m.-8p.m., Sat 8a.m.-8p.m., Sun 10 a.m-8p.m.
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4 | TGIFR!DAY | March 6, 2020
Joy Chow, Noa Chow Juanita Villanueva Alonzo, Jane Villanueva Narimatsu
Kaytin Taba, Chisa Ikai
Chuck Reed, Tony Romo
Deedee Gorospe, Jennis Christian
Kay Matsuwaki, Gloria Shimizu, Freckie Okada
Vern Cook, Marina LaMadrid, Mary Rivera
Ari Borre, Cyrus Borre
Bev Pang, Anita Kaneakua, Butch Buddingh, Lynn Kudo, Napua Romo
he Kaua‘i Japanese Cultural Society and the Kukui Grove Center celebrated Girls’ Day, Saturday with its annual Hinamatsuri, or Doll Festival, celebration. Girls’ Day, as it’s known in Hawai‘i and elsewhere, stems from Shinto ritual practice of cleansing through the use of origami, or paper folding, created by young girls who would then rub the origami over their bodies and throwing the origami along with any impurities into the river. Hinamatsuri brought forth a variety of traditional and folk dances, hands-on activities for keiki, a bonsai exhibit and demonstrations, and fellowship as people bestowed their wishes for health and well-being for all girls.
Tristyn Hill, Heidi Hill, Makenzie Hill