TGIFr!day 031320

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Week of Friday, March 13, 2020 | Vol. 8, No. 11

Check da Scene

Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend



t. Patrick’s Day celebrating kicks off this weekend on Kaua‘i, and the island’s organizations, eateries and residents are brushing off their green gear, perfecting that green beer and making a deal or two with the leprechauns for an appearance at one of the many events going on island-wide. From Pot of Gold parties to traditional Irish Feasts, there’s something for everyone looking to celebrate all the way through Tuesday, March 17.

Friday, March 13 ◗ St. Patrick’s Pot of Gold Party: Nawiliwili Yacht Club, hosted by Rotary Club of Kauai. Begins at 5:30 p.m. Main dishes provided include corned beef and cabbage. Bring a side dish to share. Either green attire or green beer (the beer, not just the bottle) is required for entry. ◗ Dirk Debonaire and the Golden Nuggets: Live music at the Paniolo Grill, Kapaa. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Fresh from the Farm

SATURDAYS 9:30am –1pm

Got Kohlrabi?

Lin’s Farm

From Farmers Market to Farm Fair The Kauai County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture


2 | TGIFR!DAY | March 13, 2020

ROTARY TO HOST ‘ONE FINE EVENING’ Fundraiser Saturday at Kilohana Luau Pavilion JESSICA ELSE TGIFR!DAY


he Rotary Club of Poipu Beach is holding its annual “One Fine Evening” fundraiser this Saturday, March 14, at 5:30 p.m. at the Kilohana Luau Pavilion in Lihu‘e. The Kaua‘i community has been enjoying this event for more than 20 years. It has been recognized as the island’s premier fine art, culinary, wine and music experience over that time. “It’s sure to be a fun-filled night that will benefit so many worthy community programs on Kaua‘i,” said club president Rick Golba. “We have a great assortment of heavy pupus from ten top Kaua‘i chefs who will feature samplings of their fine cuisine, six talented artists who will show-case their unique artwork, and wine purveyors offering tastings of fine wines that aren’t readily available on Kaua‘i.” Food stations this year will include Amaize, Brennecke’s Beach Broiler, Gaylord’s at Kilohana, Hukilau Lani, Kaua‘i Greens, Kaua‘i Community College Culinary Arts, Lappert’s, Sheraton Kapa’a Coconut Coast, Oasis on the Beach, and Uncle Bobby’s. There will also be live music by Greenstone Project, a large silent auction, and a special connoisseur winetasting available for an additional donation of $20. A crowd favorite feature of the event is also the selfie photo booth to capture your most outrageous image. The selfie booth is supplied by club member Kristin Hoshino’s Swell Photography business. “One Fine Evening is our biggest fundraiser of the year. It’s wonderful to see island residents and visitors coming together to have a great night and sup-port important community projects at the same time,” said event chairperson Michael Curtis.

submitted photo

‘One Fine Evening’, set for Saturday night, is a chance to drink some good wine for a great cause.

Club past president Milani Pimental pointed out how important sponsorships are to the club and to the community. “The funds we raise from One Fine Evening are used toward scholarships, service projects, and community grants” said Pimental said. A’u level sponsor for this year’s event is EerNisse Foundation. They are joined by Honu level sponsors Earthworks Pacific, HPM Building Supply, Kalaheo Dental, Wilcox Medical Center, Peter Baldwin, and Lee Bowen. Kauai Island Utility Cooperative and Tire Warehouse are also Naia level sponsors this year. Proceeds from the event benefit scholarships, community service projects, and community grants on Kaua‘i. Scholarships are awarded each year to Kaua‘i Community College students in the Culinary Arts, Nursing, and Skilled Trades programs. Service projects include ongoing maintenance of beach rescue tubes. The club also hosts an annual Christmas party for 100 clients of Child and Family Services. They clean the highway between Kalaheo and ‘Ele‘ele. They also provide dictionaries to all third graders in four south shore schools. Upcoming projects include painting at Kukui’olono Pavilion and a work day

at Kauai Habitat for Humanity. With the other Kauai Rotary clubs, they also host a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) weekend camp for high school students. Last year the club was able to provide $15,000 in community grants to over 20 nonprofits on the island, made possible from event proceeds. Tickets for the 21-and-over event are $75 in advance, through Friday, and $100 at the door. Tickets are available at, Dr. John Black, DDS in Lihue, Paradise Animal Clinic in Kalaheo, Ultimate Nails in Waimea, or from any member of the Rotary Club of Poipu Beach. Rotary Club of Poipu Beach was created in 1982. The Club has more than thirty diverse professional members who all share a drive to give back to the community. The Club is a local chapter of Rotary International that was formed in 1905 and comprises 1.2 million members in clubs worldwide. Meetings of the Rotary Club of Poipu Beach are held the second, third, and fourth Wednesdays at 7:15am at The Cabana Bar and Grill in Koloa. The first week of the month is an informal pau hana gathering. More information about the group and their programs is found at

Irish Supper Saturday JESSICA ELSE TGIFR!DAY


et ready to eat, drink, dance, and hopefully catch a little bit of Irish luck at the 2nd Annual Luck of the Irish Supper hosted by the Rotary Club of Hanalei Bay. The supper begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Porter Pavilion at Anaina Hou in Kilauea Saturday, March 14th. Enjoy a delicious meal featuring the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner served with carrots and potatoes, a fresh locally-grown salad, Irish Soda bread, and chocolate brownies adorned with lucky Irish shamrocks. Vegetarian options include an Irish vodka pasta. Produce for the event is being provided by the Kilauea Community Agricultural Center (KCAC) located just down the road from Anaina Hou. Dance to the live Irish music by the extraordinary fiddler Tim Took. Enjoy fun games, great food, and green beer. Forget about your cares and woes and dance a jig or two, all in support of our Kaua‘i Community. Proceeds from the Luck of the Irish Supper support the many ongoing vital service projects of the Rotary Club of Hanalei Bay. The North Shore Food Pantry, which was started by the Hanalei Bay Rotary in 2014, provides food, personal hygiene products, and other family needs for many of our families on the North Shore. The KCAC is a gathering hub for the local community. KCAC provides community gardens for local residents and farmers. The Rotary Club of Hanalei Bay has built the gazebo for KCAC which is to be part of a future farmer’s market, maintains the Rotary Park, and plants ‘Ohi‘a trees, which can be dedicated to an individual. The club is working to help both the Food Pantry and KCAC to develop a solution where the food pantry and KCAC are located together, a natural collaboration which will benefit the entire North Shore for many years to come and which will help both organizations realize their visions. In addition to restoring the historic Hanalei Pier, another major passion of Hanalei Bay Rotary has been the installation and support of Rescue Tubes throughout our local beaches. Since this program launched 10 years ago, dozens of individuals’ lives have been saved. This successful program has expanded throughout the state and to the mainland as well. Other non-profit community endeavors that Rotary Club of Hanalei has been supporting for many years include Growing Our Own Teachers, Aloha Angels, Habitat for Humanity, and the North Shore Community Foundation. Contact David at if you are interested in dedicating an ‘Ohi‘a tree in honor of a loved one. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased online at or at the event. For further information, call/text Ron Margolis at 808.346.7095

TGIFR!DAY | March 13, 2020 | 3

LOVE, STRUGGLE, LOSS THROUGH JACKIE O’S EYES Onassis”, by Stephanie Marie Thornton, explores the life and character of the former First Lady, using the medium of first-person historical fiction. Through Jackie’s eyes, we experience the love, struggle, success, and personal loss that she endured through the many years of her life. YURIKO & ED JUSTUS Spanning her and John’s SPECIAL TO TGIFR!DAY relationship since his time in the House of Representatives n American culture, even in the early 1950s, through if one has only a passing awareness of politics or his- his tenure in the Senate, and later as President of tory, John. F Kennedy (JFK) the United States, her story is a person who will easily come to mind. And for many continues on beyond the people, JFK’s wife, Jacqueline tragic assassination of her Onassis (often referred to as husband, giving a fascinating and intimate view into how “Jackie O”), is another very memorable personality who Jacqueline Onassis coped set the template that nearly with such a traumatic loss, and how she reclaimed herevery First Lady in modern times has been compared to. self and her life afterwards to create the legend that she is Their time in the White today. House has been retrospecThornton’s prose is sharp tively described as the Amerand tightly written, making it ican time of “Camelot”—as stated by Jacqueline Onassis easy to become absorbed in the times of this iconic figure herself. of history. The quality of her “And They Called It research is evident throughCamelot: A Novel of Jacout its pages. “And They queline Bouvier Kennedy



Called It Camelot” is a welcomed and fresh addition to the Kennedy legacy, and a reminder of the universality and fragility of life. Our bookstore is fortunate to be able to host author Stephanie Marie Thornton for a book-signing tonight, and we encourage you to explore this wonderful novel for yourself. ••• Ed Justus is the owner of Talk Story Bookstore in Hanapepe. Yuriko and Ed Justus are Kalaheo residents. Talk Story Bookstore is open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and until 9 p.m. Fridays.

MORE ST. PATRICK’S EVENTS Saturday, March 14 ◗ Luck of the Irish Supper: From at 5:30 p.m. Anaina Hou in Kilauea, hosted by Rotary Club of Hanalei. Dinner includes traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner served with carrots and potatoes, a fresh locally-grown salad, Irish Soda bread, and chocolate brownies adorned with lucky Irish shamrocks. Tickets: Tuesday, March 17 ◗ Green Walk: 10 a.m. to Noon. Free, guided forest therapy experience that teaches the importance of exercise and the outdoors in relation to wellness. Tickets:

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Jessica Else | | 245-0457

◗ Kauai Beer Company: Green beer at the bar, themed-pupu on the tables. Chef Scott will also be making a traditional corned beef and cabbage plate. KBC will be debuting a new drink, too, the lactose-free No More Moo-Milk Stout. ◗ Rob’s Good Times Grill: Drink specials including $7 Irish mules, Car bombs and 0; corned beef and cabbage. Live music from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. featuring Saving Cadence, Candice & Co., and Dirk Debonaire. ◗ Tree’s Lounge: From 6:30 p.m. Live music featuring Tim Todd.

Shops, Restaurants & Services at Ching Young Village: Activity Shack

Hanalei River Healing

Na Pali Properties

Aloha from Hanalei

Hanalei Surf Backdoor

Northside Grill

Aloha Juice Bar

Hanalei Strings

Ohana Shop

Alo La‘a Yoga & Dance

Honua Engineering

On the Road to Hanalei

Big Save

Hot Rocket

Pat’s Taqueria


Hula Moon Gifts of Hanalei

Pedal and Paddle

Blue Tiki Tattoo

Infinite Arts

Reside Kauai LLC

Chocolat Hanalei

Jo-Jo Shave Ice

Seahorse Boutique

DeCamp Construction

Kalypso Restaurant

Spinning Dolphin

Divine Planet

Kauai Vacation Rentals

Styles Studio Hanalei

Chicken in a Barrel BBQ

Kokonut Kids

Sunrise Emporium

Hanalei Bay Pizzeria

L&L Hawaiian BBQ

Timeshare Resales

Hanalei Cafe

Lee Acupuncture

Tresor Rare

Hanalei Poke

Na Pali Catamaran

Village Snack & Bakery

You’ll find us in the Heart of Hanalei... Jane F. Abramo


808-639-3773 P.O. Box 475, Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii 96714 Bus: 808-826-7272 • Fax: 808-826-7665 •

4 | TGIFR!DAY | March 13, 2020



Chelsea Aspree, Erin Gaines, Nicole Cowan

Patti Almirez, Randy Francisco, Clyde Nakaya, Reiko Matsuyama

Denae Sacramed, Tayler Yadao, U‘ilani Thompson, Jhoanna Domingo, Darius Foster



Conrad Ramos, Aria Ponce

Edna Obiano, Zion Obiano, Archer Obiano

Gretchen Pascual, Summer Garcia, Beau Acoba, Kendra Inanod, Darnell Aquino

Esther Yamauchi, Kent Yamauchi, DJ Marv De Vera

Charlene Honjo, Cathy Shibuya, Lisa Ka‘auwai, Krystal Ramson, Alan Okuhara

Kaulana Finn, Chris Molina, Titus Santiago-Spencer, Mayor Derek Kawakami

he Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kaua‘i welcomed a soldout audience to the Kaua‘i Bowling Center for its 2020 ‘Roaring 20’s’ Bowling for Kids’ Sake bowling tournament, Saturday evening at the Kaua‘i Bowling Center. With a goal of $30,000, the group that was heavily-dressed to theme enjoyed a silent auction, a buffet by Mark’s Place and Contemporary Flavors Catering, rolled to the entertainment spewed forth from DJ Marvin De Vera who has been rocking the tournament for many years. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kaua‘i, and its board of directors thanks the island for its support for its youth mentoring programs that national studies show the positive impact it has on the island’s youth. All funds raised will stay on Kaua‘i.

U‘ilani Thompson, Po‘okela Camat-Kame‘enui

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