042624 Real Estate Directory

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A new study from Clever Real Estate shows home prices have risen faster than inflation for the past six decades, locking many younger Americans out of homeownership.

Millennials have taken a lot of criticism for financially lagging behind previous generations, but it may not be their fault. After adjusting for income, homes are almost twice as expensive for millennials today than they were for baby boomers in their 30s, according to a 2024 analysis from Clever Real Estate, an agent-matching company.

In 1985, the median new home cost $83,200, about 3.5 times the median household income of $23,620. By 2022, the latest year with available income data, the median new home price climbed to $468,000 — a staggering 6.3 times the median household income of $74,580.

To put it another way, for homes today to be as affordable as they were in 1985, median household incomes would have to rise to $134,000 a year, nearly double their current level.

Clever Real Estate notes that succeeding generations may have it even worse if drastic changes aren’t implemented. At the present pace, the median home in 2030 will cost 6.9 times the median household income. By 2050, the median home will cost an unsustainable 8.4 times the median household income if this trend’s trajectory continues. An accelerating problem

state, Oregon and Rhode Island, which all saw home price increases of over 210 percent.

Buyers in Louisiana saw the smallest increase, with an 86 percent increase since 2000, followed by Illinois, Michigan and Mississippi. They’re the only states where prices haven’t at least doubled.

In 14 of the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, average home prices have tripled, and in some areas, even more. In Miami, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Diego and Tampa, home prices increased by 250 percent or more.

Only four major U.S. cities have seen increases of less than 90 percent since 2000: Cleveland, New Orleans, Detroit and Chicago.

While there are some exceptions, trends indicate that homes in coastal states are rising faster than homes in middle America. If affordability continues to plummet, the U.S. may see a profound population reshuffle as people move across the country in search of market affordability.

This curve has steepened since 2013. In the last 10 years, inflation increased 31 percent, and home prices spiked 63 percent, catapulting the median home price to $431,000 from $264,800.

While policymakers allowed small measures — homebuyer rebates and the mortgage interest tax deduction — homebuying

Home prices have long outpaced inflation, rising 2.4 times higher than in the 1960s. But the problem worsened acutely in the past decade. If home prices were level with inflation, today’s median new home would run Americans $177,500. But by the end of 2023, Federal Reserve data showed a median cost of $431,000.

U.S. long-term rate increases for the fourth straight week

LOS ANGELES — The average long-term U.S. mortgage rate climbed this week to its highest level since late November, another setback for home shoppers in what’s traditionally the housing market’s busiest time of the year.

The average rate on a 30-year mortgage rose to 7.17 percent from 7.1 percent last week, mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday. A year ago, the rate averaged 6.43 percent.

Borrowing costs on 15-year fixed-rate mortgages, popular with homeowners refinancing their home loans, also rose this week, lifting the average rate to 6.44 percent from 6.39 percent last week. A year ago, it averaged 5.71 percent, Freddie Mac said.

When mortgage rates rise, they can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for borrowers, limiting how much they can afford at a time when the U.S. housing market remains constrained by relatively few homes for sale and rising home prices.

The average rate on a 30-year mortgage has now increased four weeks in a row. The latest uptick brings it to its highest level since November 30, when it was 7.22 percent.

After climbing to a 23-year high of 7.79 percent in October, the average rate on a 30-year mortgage had remained below 7 percent since early December amid expectations that inflation would ease enough this year for the Federal Reserve to begin cutting its short-term interest rate.

Mortgage rates are influenced by several factors, including how the bond market reacts to the Fed’s interest rate policy and the moves in the 10-year Treasury yield, which lenders use as a guide to pricing home loans. Home loan rates have been mostly drifting higher after a string of reports this year showing inflation remaining hotter than forecast, which has stoked doubts over how soon the Fed might decide to start lowering its benchmark interest rate.

Americans are up against systemic obstacles.

Demand is one of the largest obstacles for today’s U.S. homebuyers. Properties can take years to build, and in some regions, the low supply is a problem decades in the making.

“Unlike many things we buy, housing supply is often limited due to artificial factors like zoning or prohibitive land costs,” said Ezra Haber Glenn, lecturer for the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Production can’t just ramp up. Even when production is possible, it’s not always quick enough to respond to demand.”

How rising home costs vary by location

Housing prices vary greatly by state. While the collective U.S. has noted a price increase of 160 percent since 2000, buyers in a few states witnessed increases of up to 300 percent or more.

At the state level, Hawai‘i leads the way with a price increase of 309 percent since 2000. Once listed around $203,000, the typical home now costs buyers $832,000 in 2024. California is a close second, with a 259 percent increase since 2000, followed by Idaho at 258 percent.

Other jurisdictions in the top 10 include Washington, D.C., Florida, Maine, Vermont, Washington

Good news for slower price growth

The Clever study expresses hope for would-be homeowners. Although home prices have surpassed inflation over the past several decades, 2023 was an outlier. Home prices rose 2.6 percent in 2023, while inflation grew 3.3 percent.

Policy moves drive this reversal. In early 2022, policymakers began raising interest rates to control inflation. Lenders quickly raised mortgage rates, and demand for homes plummeted. With fewer potential buyers, sellers cut prices, and home prices grew at a more controlled pace.

thegardenisland.com THE GARDEN ISLAND Friday, April 26, 2024 • B3
NAM Y. HUH / ASSOCIATED PRESS An “UNDER CONTRACT” sign is displayed at a home in Wilmette, Ill., on March 28, 2024.

,as Mortgagor,dated (SeeSchedule“1”) ,recordedintheBureauof ConveyancesoftheStateofHawaiiasDocumentNo. (SeeSchedule“1”) , thatamortgagelienexistsagainsteachoftheVacationOwnershipInterests identifiedon (Schedule“1”) infavorof BHVDevelopment,Inc.,a Delawarecorporation ,forfailuretopaytheamountsowedandsecuredby therespectiveMortgages. BHVDevelopment,Inc.,aDelaware corporation ,asMortgagee,whoseaddressis c/oWyndhamVacation Resorts6277SeaHarborDrive,Orlando,FL32821 ,intendsto forecloseitssaidmortgage,andwillholdasalebypublicauctionofFee Simplepropertybeingthatcertainproject, PahioatBaliHaiVillas ,located at 4970PepelaniLoop,Princeville,HI96722 on 05/10/2024 at VidinhaStadium,HoolakoSt,Lihue,HI96766,underthetrees,at entrancetothestadium at 1:00PM. Eachofthepropertiesistobesold asanundividedtimeshareinterest.Therewillbenoopenhouses.Termsof thesaleare:(1)Noupsetprice.(2)Propertysoldwithoutcovenantor warranty,expressorimplied,astothetitlepossessionorencumbrances;(3) Atthecloseoftheauction,Purchasershallpay100%ofthehighest successfulbidprice(“Bid”)bymoneyorder,certified,orcashier’scheck drawnagainstaUnitedStatesbasedfinancialinstitution,inUSCurrency, madepayabletoFIRSTAMERICANTITLECOMPANY;providedthatMortgagee maysubmitacreditbiduptotheamountofthesecuredindebtedness;(4) Purchasershallpayallclosingcostsincluding,butnotlimitedto:costsof documentdrafting,notaryfees,consentfees,escrowfees,conveyancetax, recordationfeesandothercharges,togetherwithanyspecialassessments

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whichmayariseunderHRS514B-146(g)(h)(i);(5)Iftitleisnotconveyedto Purchaserforanyreason,otherthanPurchaser’sfailuretoperformas specifiedherein,theMortgagee’ssoleresponsibilityshallbethereturnofthe BidfundstenderedbyPurchaser.ThePurchasershallhavenofurtherrecourse againsttheMortgageeoritsagents,attorneys,servicersandauctioneers;(6) Thesalemaybepostponedfromtimetotimebypublicannouncementby Mortgageeorsomeoneactingonitsbehalf;(7)BysubmittingtheBid, Purchaseracknowledgesreadingthetermsandconditionssetforthinthis noticeandagreestobeboundtherebyandsignawrittenacceptanceofall termsherein.Forfurtherinformationregardingthissale,youmustcontact: WyndhamVacationResorts,Inc.,aDelawarecorporation at (800) 251-8736. ConductorofthepublicsaleinthestateofHawaii:AQUALEGAL, LLConbehalfof,FirstAmericanTitle,agentforClaimant;Phone:(808)5397504;Address:1099AlakeaStreet,suite2430,Honolulu,Hawaii96813. BatchNo: ForeclosureDOT137698-BHV129-DOT-PPE.Schedule“1”: Mortgagor(s),MortgageDatedDate,MortgageDocumentNo.,Vacation OwnershipInterest(ContractNo.);ArthurL.MannandElizabethG.Mann, 01/22/2016,Inst:A-59210296,001151600723;WarrenD.MartinandLori E.WilburMartin,01/20/2017,Inst:A-62820799,001151700739;Colleen MerideeHarkonenandPerttiKaleviHarkonenandTamaraStacySchaay, 12/06/2017,Inst:A-68170356,001151711868;ReginaK.Weeks, 07/30/2018,Inst:A-68720359,001151807799;AnthonyReeceCoxand Aleta Faye Cox, 09/05/2018, Inst: A-68710012, 001151808730. (TGI1451138 4/12, 4/19, 4/26/24) Deadlines: Regular, single-column classifieds in The Garden Island can be placed until 4:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the following day, noon on Friday for Sunday and Monday. Please call your sales executive or 246-0325 for deadlines for larger, multi-column ads. 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Legals / Public Notices KAUAI’S Service Directory HAWAII’S real estate directory PLACE YOUR AD t ODAY 246-0325 th E g ARDE nis LA n D CO m/ CLA ssifi ED s KAUAI’S 808-246-0325 thegardenisland.com Subscribe today 245-0433 Stay Informed thegardenisland.com FRIDAY December 15, 2017 75¢ Serving Kauai Niihau 1902 INSIDE TGIFR!DAY REAL ESTATE SOCCER • B1 RED RAIDERS SHUT OUT VOYAGERS------Ways becominghomeowners Annual ‘THE GREATEST TIME OF THE 4-1525 Kuhio Hwy. a, 96746 Islandwide Deliveries M–F 378-4446 OPEN SATURDAYS 7:30-11AM Season’s Greetings from your friends at SEEDS OF CHANGE increase staffing;Hartung Brothers Inc.to markets statewide Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com $799,000 2Bed/1Ba June K. Araki R(S) 808-482-1855 MLS 709847 $849,000 3 Bed/ 2Ba Kevin M Horita RB 808-639-8213 MLS 708699 $650,000 3Bed/1Ba Clifton A. Kukino RB 808-639-1490 Jordan I Kukino RS 808-634-5032 Kaylin Kukino R(S) 808-635-2822 MLS 709677 IN ESCROW $995,000 2Bed/1Ba Carol C. Cummings R(B) 808-651-4766 MLS 708541 $950,000 3Bed/2Ba Mark K. Tanaka RB 808-639-0367 Ashley Carvalho RS 808-639-9307 MLS 709093 $889,000 3Bed/2Ba Leah Ragsac R(S) 808-212-4086 Eric Yama RB 808-639-3414 MLS 709789 (808)246-8828 Across From Kauai Community College 4490 Puhi Road, Lihue * Custom Color Matching * Armstrong-Clark Stains * * Purdy Brushes * Graco Sprayers * Home Owner * * Maintenance * Commercial * Industrial * HANAPEPE TOWN LOTS Price $799,000 2Bed / 1Ba Interior Area: 1,152 sqft MLS 709847 A 2-bedroom, 1-bath starter home on a corner lot in Hanapepe. Lots of room for the children to play in the side yard. Close to the river and beach. Note: The outside pictures have been enhanced. June K. Araki RS-25303 (808) 482-1855 junearaki@gmail.com Kauai-Realty.com 2403 Ulu Maika St., Lihue, HI 96766 BANYAN HARBOR Price: $659,000 2Bed / 2Ba Interior Area: 840 sqft MLS 709704 One of the few condominium projects in Lihue within the Visitor Destination Area, Banyan Harbor offers the perfect location for exploring Kauai. Close to Kalapaki Beach (walking distance), Lihue Airport (minutes away), and central to both the north and south shores. Banyan Harbor offers a mix of resort-style living and condo ownership, ideal for those who want flexibility to short-term rent, long-term rent, keep as a 2nd home or reside full time. Leah Ragsac RS-80621 (808) 212-4086 leah@leahragsac.com Lauren E. Yama RS-84751 (808) 346-4204 lauren@laurenyama.com Kauai-Realty.com 2403 Ulu Maika St., Lihue, HI 96766 Page 4 Friday, April 26, 2024 THE GARDEN ISLAND www.thegardenisland.com

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