051223 Real Estate Directory

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Is Gen Z taking over the housing market?

NEW YORK — Credello, a financial tech company that offers a personal finance tool that simplifies financial decisions, said that a 2022 report by Redfin found that 30 percent of 25-year-olds were homeowners, a percentage higher than both millennials and Gen X-ers.

How has Gen Z passed its predecessors with homeownership when they’re earning less and dealing with the same competitive housing market?

How Gen Z is outpacing other generations in homeownership

1. They entered a better job market than Gen Y. Millennials have the unfortunate fact that most of them entered their professional lives during the Great Recession, making it more difficult for them to start saving for a house in their 20s, a common investing practice. Gen Z, however, came into a more bustling labor market post-COVID. A U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics study found that over 24 million jobs were added to the U.S. economy since April 2020, a rate higher than prepandemic levels;

2. They capitalized on historically low mortgage interest rates. Before the recession, rates were at all-time highs. As a result, many millennials were unable to qualify for mortgages because of how high the rates were. Gen Z, however, benefited from historically low interest rates that occurred during the pandemic, making it nearly effortless to get a mortgage for a home;

3. They’ve been willing to move to “less desirable” areas. Thanks

Average long-term U.S. mortgage rate falls to 6.35%, lowest in 5 weeks

LOS ANGELES — The average rate on a long-term U.S. home loan is down to the lowest level in five weeks, welcome news for house hunters facing a market constrained by persistently high prices and a near-historic low number of homes for sale.

Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday that the average rate on the benchmark 30-year home loan inched down to 6.35 percent from 6.39 percent last week. The average rate a year ago was 5.30 percent.

The average benchmark rate has now edged lower seven of the last nine weeks since reaching a high for this year of 6.73 percent in early March.

“This week’s decrease continues a recent sideways trend in mortgage rates, which is a welcome departure from the record increases of last year,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist. “While inflation remains elevated, its rate of growth has moderated and is expected to decelerate over the remainder of 2023. This should bode well for the trajectory of mortgage rates over the long-term.”

High rates can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for homebuyers on top of already high home prices. The elevated rates combined with a stubbornly low inventory of homes on the market have weighed on U.S. home sales this spring homebuying season.

Sales of previously occupied U.S. homes fell 22 percent in the 12 months ended in March, marking eight straight months of annual sales declines of 20 percent or more, according to the National Association of Realtors.

The latest pullback in mortgage rates is perfect timing for Cheryl Cafarella, who recently began shopping for condos priced between $150,000 to $170,000 in Chicago.

“I thought, before (rates) go any higher, I might as well jump in and try to find a place,” said Cafarella, 55.

to remote work, many Gen Z homebuyers are opting for metropolitan areas that have historically low costs of living, saving them money on their homes. This generation is more willing to be nomadic than Gen X and, to some extent, millennials. They have been able to capitalize on new initiatives that “less desirable” towns are offering digital nomads who move to their cities, including moving allowances, housing grants, and even cold, hard cash;

4. They’re more flexible with their housing. Since most Gen Z-ers are still in the beginning phases of building their families, they’re more willing to own homes

that are smaller or nontraditional. The tiny home movement that began as a way for millennials to own homes has branched out to Gen Z and taught them that a three-bedroom/two-bath house isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when you’re still young. Consequently, many are opting instead for the cheaper “starter” homes or even pre-fab or mobile homes since getting financing for a mobile home can sometimes be easier than traditional mortgages. What older generations can learn from Gen Z

1. Be flexible. Many of the things that have held back older generations, such as not being

willing to move to less desirable areas, can be overcome with a bit of creativity and flexibility. For example, many Gen Z-ers opt for “starter homes’’ or prefabricated housing that is easier and cheaper to get financing for than traditional mortgages;

2. Cut your spending. Many Gen Z-ers watched their sibling millennials struggle in harsh economic climates, leaving many in debt and struggling. Because of this, many entering the job market now are much more cautious with their spending habits and are instead opting to squirrel money away for future purchases, like homeownership, instead of impulse buys;

3. Watch the market. There is rarely a “perfect” time to buy, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hedge your bets by waiting for the market to fluctuate. Both interest rates and real estate markets will ebb and flow over time, so keep your eye on how things are trending in your area. Gen Z saw that the time to buy was during the historically low-interest rates of 2020 and struck while the iron was hot. Consequently, now interest rates are much higher to help curb inflation, and most real estate markets in the U.S. are highly competitive, making it the wrong time to buy. Sit patiently and wait for the tide to change.

The bottom line

Looking at the data above, it’s clear that Gen Z is taking over the housing market. They’ve taken advantage of historically low mortgage rates, are more flexible with their housing needs, and are more cautious with their spending habits. As a result, they can get mortgages easier than previous generations and aren’t as affected by high interest rates.

About Credello

Credello is a financial tech company offering a personal finance tool that simplifies financial decisions through personalized, on-demand recommendations — so users can borrow, save, or invest with confidence.

Credello believes that finding the right financial product should be as easy and interactive as online shopping, and the company is on a mission to make that possible. For more information, see credello.com.

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Alex Vega and Melissa Winder ASSOCIATED PRESS MATT ROURKE / ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE New homes line a street in Eagleville, Pa., on April 28, 2023.

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PLACE YOUR AD t ODAY 246-0325 th E g ARDE nis LA n D CO m/ CLA ssifi ED s KAUAI’S real estate directory 246-0325 thegardenisland.com Subscribe today 245-0433 Stay Informed thegardenisland.com FRIDAY December 15, 2017 75¢ Serving Kauai and Niihau since 1902 INSIDE TGIFR!DAY REAL ESTATE KIF SOCCER • B1 RED RAIDERS SHUT OUT VOYAGERSUnfortunately,--consumeraccess.org/), Featured HomesWaysrentersarebecominghomeowners Poipu VISIT OUR LIHUE SHOWROOM TODAY! Highway,Lihue approval. for Homes Lifestyles Options selection installation, Licensed www.thegardenisland.com Saturday, December 2pm Annual Holiday Fair Moloa’a SATURDAYS ‘THE GREATEST TIME OF THE YEAR’ will Sunday 4-1525 Kuhio Hwy. Kapa a, 96746 Islandwide Deliveries M–F 378-4446 OPEN SATURDAYS 7:30-11AM Season’s Greetings from your friends at KEKAHA — The agriculture division of DowDuPont has announced major changes in its Kauai operations under which it will expand its Hawaii research activities here, increasing staffing on island by as much as 50 percent. The firm, created earlier this year by the merger of the Dow Chemical Co. and E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., is in the process of dividing its corporate operations into three new companies, one of which will focus exclusively on agriculture. Both Dow and DuPont previously had separate operations on Kauai, both of which focused on development of improved genetically modified seed corn and soy strains.Meanwhile, Hartung Brothers Inc., a leading seed developer that produces GMO, organic and conventional seeds for farmers, said it was changing the nature of its Kauai operations and will become a production scale grower of food products for commercial markets statewide, and possibly beyond. Hartung acquired the previous Kauai operations of Syngenta A.G., a Swiss conglomerate closely identified with GMO agriculture and widely criticized over pesticide use. It will continue its GMO and other research activities on Kauai as it diversifies into production farming. The DowDuPont announcement was the third in a series of developments that are rapidly changing Kauai’s Westside seed companies — starting with reduction in the total number of firms from four to three. Rumors of an impending shake-up at DowDuPont had been rife for weeks. In 2016, Beck’s Hybrids acquired the Kauai operations of BASF Corp., an international chemical and techSEEDS OF CHANGE Allan Parachini SPECIAL TO THE GARDEN ISLAND DowDuPont to expand research activities,increase staffing;Hartung Brothers Inc.to become a production scale grower of food products for commercial markets statewide Abigail has been a vicof abuse for Abuse victim, keiki need Christmas cheer THE GARDEN ISLAND SEE CHANGE, A8 The dark side beckons Else Costumed crowd anticipates what awaits their favorite characters in opening night of latest Star Wars movie Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com WAILUA AROL C. CUMMINGS RB-14915 (RB) CRB, CRS, GRI, SFR 808-651-4766 kauairealty@gmail.com Land Area: 11,890 sq. ft. Bedrooms/Baths: 2/2 Sold for $788,000! MLS 666138 Designed and built by owner – craftsman. SOLD! Larry Fudge RB-18519 808-635-1111 Diane A. Pavao RS-58020 808-651-3557 Kalaheo Pali Kai #68 3BR/2BA with 1,205 sq. ft of living area $719,000 MLS #667636 808-822-3100 | www.kauailandmark.com BACKTOMARKET! $1,399,999 4Bed/3Ba Interior: 2,972 sqft MLS 701613 A RARE OPPORTUNITY to own in the Kupolo Subdivision… this charming, intriguing property boasts privacy as it is located at the end of Mokoi Street while allowing you all the conveniences that come with living in the heart of Lihue. This is a Developer’s sale and the o eror is entitled to a 30 review period of the condominium documents. The single level, wood frame 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with high ceilings, sits on a larger sized rim lot and overlooks the Nawiliwili Valley. LIHUE RIM PROPERTY Kauai-Realty.com 2403 Ulu Maika St., Lihue, HI 96766 Mark Tanaka RB mark@marktanaka.com • (808) 639-0367 Ashley M. Carvalho RS ashley@ashleycarvalho.com • (808) 639-9307 (808) 246-8828 Across From Kauai Community College 4490 Puhi Road, Lihue * Custom Color Matching * Armstrong-Clark Stains * * Purdy Brushes * Graco Sprayers * Home Owner * * Maintenance * Commercial * Industrial * ASPHALT & PAVING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CALL TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE 808-634-3306 @kauai_sealcoatinginc www.kauaisealcoatinginc.com OUR SERVICES: Crack Filing Sealcoating Paving Striping
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pursuanttothetermsoftheProgram Documents,thatthefollowinginterval SHOWNBELOW willbeforeclosed uponbytheforeclosingaffiant,whichisChicagoTitleInsuranceCompany, 2121PalomarAirportRoad,Suite330B,Carlsbad,CA92011,onbehalfof PACIFICFANTASYTIMESHAREOWNERSASSOCIATION,aHawaiinonprofitcorporation by POHAKURESORTMANAGEMENT astheattorneyin-factfortheownernamedshownbelow,bysaleofthepropertysecured thereby.

Will conduct a sale at public auction on 6/14/2023 at 1:00 PM

Location:ATTHEFRONTENTRANCEOFTHEFIFTHCIRCUITCOURT BUILDING 3970 KA’ANA STREET, LIHUE, HI, 96766 Eachofthepropertiestobesoldisanintervalownership(Timeshare)interest in“PACIFICFANTASYATPONOKAI”PROGRAMestablishedbycertain DeclarationofCovenants,ConditionsandRestrictionsandVacationOwnership Interestrecorded9/24/1981asdocumentnumber15839/Page490,

106441712100000564D306-42D306EVERY424-5-007-002-0098 GEORGEJBROWNASINGLEMAN4/8/199898-0482535/5/2023A85250511$5602.69106442712100000627A107-24A107EVERY244-5007-002-0007MARKC.WARDSINGLEMAN5/8/199191-058248 5/5/2023A-85250511$4241.54106443712100000699E108-01E108 EVERY14-5-007-002-0108MARJOANNBAISDENASINGLEPERSON 9/2/198888-1268875/5/2023A-85250511$5026.29106444 712100000701A107-18A107EVERY184-5-007-002-0007BONNIE SPERLINGKOWALSKIAMARRIEDWOMAN5/20/199090-078716 5/5/2023A-85250511$4032.11106445712200000256D307-14D307 EVERY144-5-007-002-0099HECTOREDGARDMORALESANDNORMA ANGELICAMORALESHUSBANDANDWIFEASJOINTTENANTSWITHFULL RIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP3/9/2016A591205555/5/2023A-85250511 $5083.33106446712200000350E204-49E204EVERY494-5-007-0020113ANITAMARTINDOWNSANDEMMETTEARLDOWNSHUSBANDAND WIFEASJOINTTENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP3/22/2017 A629005285/5/2023A-85250511$3491.30106447712200000410 J206-47J206EVERY474-5-007-002-0210LONETTAANNRICHARDSON BRYANTENANTINSEVERALTY7/26/2017A641607135/5/2023A85250511$5380.85106448712200000462D306-24D306EVERY2445-007-002-0098SHAWNAHANSENANUNMARRIEDWOMAN3/15/2019 A701309035/5/2023A-85250511$5087.75106449712200000513 E204-06E204EVERY64-5-007-002-0113JOSERAFAELFIGUEROAAYALA TENANTINSEVERALTY11/30/2020A763906605/5/2023A-85250511 $3484.08106450712100000182D307-25D307EVERY254-5-007-0020099RONALDEDWARDDEHOFFANDMARYLOUDEHOFFHUSBANDAND WIFE3/17/198888-367685/5/2023A-85250511$5083.33106451 712100000192E204-26E204EVERY264-5-007-002-0113DOUGLAS EDWARDLOWEANDKARENLOUISELOWEHUSBANDANDWIFEASJOINT TENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP8/3/20102010-109978

5/5/2023A-85250511$3054.40106452712100000312D306-37D306 EVERY374-5-007-002-0098MICHAELCHARLESGOSSANDSLAURETTE GOSSHUSBANDANDWIFEASJOINTTENANTS(WITHRIGHTOF SURVIVORSHIP)10/9/20002000-1417045/5/2023A-85250511 $3485.84106453712100000442E105-05E105EVERY54-5-007-0020105LAWRENCEBYRONBALDERSTONJR.ANDJEANARLENBALDERSTON HUSBAND&WIFE7/30/198686-910345/5/2023A-85250511$3048.45 106454712100000499G102-42G102EVERY424-5-007-002-0152JOHN RAYMONDLINDNERANDKRISTINESEBASTIANLINDNERASTRUSTEESOFTHE LINDNERLIVINGTRUSTDATEDJULY219963/14/20082008-040387 5/5/2023A-85250511$3491.30106455712100000590J207-49J207 EVERY494-5-007-002-0007EDWARDSAKSENHAUSANDL.DIANE SAKSENHAUS6/6/199595-0748275/5/2023A-85250511$5930.21 106456712100000702J203-39J203EVERY394-5-007-002-0206 WILLIAMPAULDODGEJOLENECECILEDODGEHUSBAND&WIFE6/29/1984 84-747825/5/2023A-85250511$3812.18106457712200000133 F107-05F107EVERY54-5-007-002-0132BENJAMINFONSECAJRAN UNMARRIEDMANANDELYVIANEYESTRADAGALVANASINGLEWOMANAS JOINTTENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP6/5/2015A56340666 5/5/2023A-85250511$3491.30106458712200000230J202-38J202 EVERY384-5-007-002-0205TERRYDURSTASHISSOLEPROPERTY 4/13/2021A777306185/5/2023A-85250511$3491.30106459 712200000254H307-25H307EVERY254-5-007-002-0195ARAM NALBANDYANANDCYNTHIABAMBINA;BANDYANHUSBANDANDWIFEAS JOINTTENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP2/24/2016 A589805855/5/2023A-85250511$4017.54106460712200000297 J206-37J206EVERY374-5-007-002-0210GARYROBERTKEENLISIDEA WIDOWERANDMARIANELACAMPBELLAWIDOWASJOINTTENANTSWITH FULLRIGHTSORSURVIVORSHIP3/14/2016A591703905/5/2023A85250511$5935.36106461712200000374J202-24J202EVERY244-5007-002-0205IVANORALANDMARIAORALHUSBANDANDWIFEAS TENANTSBYTHEIRENTIRETY5/9/2017A633807075/5/2023A-85250511 $3491.30106462712100000344F307-45F307EVERY454-5-007-0020149PATQUATTLEBAUM&WILLIEDQUATTLEBAUMHUSBAND&WIFE 11/29/198989-1817425/5/2023A-85250511$3969.49106463 712100000217A102-30A102EVERY304-5-007-002-0002ALYSAUDREY HOPKINSSURVIVINGSPOUSEOFHAROLDJESSEHOPKINSWHODIEDJULY 3020006/9/198383-617085/5/2023A-85250511$2490.44106465 712100000249D307-34D307EVERY344-5-007-002-0099EVERDEANJ. VANSLOOTENUNMARRIEDWOMAN12/21/199090-1950725/5/2023A85250511$2907.93106466712100000385A107-50A107EVERY504-5007-002-0007EVERDEANVANSLOOTENUNMARRIEDFEMALE6/26/1995 95-0833725/5/2023A-85250511$3056.93106467712100000241 E108-33E108EVERY334-5-007-002-0108ROBERTRUSSELLROWE UNMARRIEDMAN11/18/199191-1542595/5/2023A-85250511 $3290.87106468712200000253G102-04G102EVERY44-5-007-0020152BENJAMINRAYCATESANUNMARRIEDMANANDRACHELLENICOLE HARTNETTASINGLEWOMANASJOINTTENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOF SURVIVORSHIP2/25/2016A589907555/5/2023A-85250511$6540.97 106469712200000171F307-09F307EVERY94-5-007-002-0149RALPH EDWARDORTEGAJRASINGLEMANANDUARICELDIANNAPOLANCOA SINGLEWOMANASJOINTTENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP 6/5/2015A563404895/5/2023A-85250511$9094.18106470 712200000296D306-47D306EVERY474-5-007-002-0098DIANNA MARIEFELDMANANDDAVIDJOHNFELDMANWIFEANDHUSBANDASJOINT TENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP3/23/2016A59260721 5/5/2023A-85250511$7741.51106471712200000306A102-11A102 EVERY114-5-007-002-0002AZALADIAKINGBADEANUNMARRIEDWOMAN ASSOLEANDSEPARATEPROPERTY4/20/2016A595407645/5/2023A85250511$5955.46106472712200000365D306-32D306EVERY3245-007-002-0098RENITAHANSONANDKEITHREGINALDHANSONWIFEAND HUSBANDASJOINTTENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP 5/2/2017A633107705/5/2023A-85250511$6288.76106473 712200000352E105-14E105EVERY144-5-007-002-0105LISALYNN HENSLEYANDWALTONALFREDJOHNJR.WIFEANDHUSBANDASJOINT TENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP4/12/2018A66760655 5/5/2023A-85250511$4948.71106474712200000244D306-21D306 EVERY214-5-007-002-0098DOLORESADAMERICHARDSANUNMARRIED WOMANANDRENATOGOMEZASINGLEMANASJOINTTENANTSWITHFULL RIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP2/10/2016A588407845/5/2023A-85250511 $6619.50106475712200000120E108-31E108EVERY314-5-007-0020108RICHARDCORNELIUSROBINSONANDLORETTAKIMROBINSON HUSBANDANDWIFEASJOINTTENANTSWITHFULLRIGHTSOFSURVIVORSHIP

5/8/2015 A56060675 5/5/2023 A-85250511 $6892.04

TheapartmentconsistingofanundividedinterestinsaidCondominiumandas notedonNoticeofDelinquentAssessmentandClaimofLien,whichhasbeen filedagainstpurportedownerwhoisshownabove,whichdeedwasrecorded asmentionedabove,asdocumentnumbershownabove,recordedintheoffice ofBureauofConveyances,StateofHawaii,whichconsistofdelinquent maintenancefees,(plusinterest,latecharges,andcollectionandenforcement costs. Theestimatedcosts/Salespriceforsaidintervalisshown above. Eachintervalshallbesoldseparately,inan “ASIS” conditionwithno upsetprice,tothehighestbidderwithnotlessthatTENPERCENT(10%)ofthe highestbidpricepayableasanon-refundabledepositincash(US)or certified/cashier’scheckatthecloseoftheauction,withthebalanceof remainingfundsduetoChicagoTitleInsuranceCompany,onbehalfofthe OwnersAssociationwithin30days,fromthedateofsale.POHAKURESORT MANAGEMENTonbehalfofPACIFICFANTASYTIMESHAREOWNERS ASSOCIATIONwillbeallowedcreditbids,sincethemoniesareowedtothem. Purchasershallpayallcostsofconveyancing,includingTitleInsuranceand Escrowfees,conveyancetax,documentdraftingandpreparation,securing possessionandnotaryandrecordingfees.Saleissubjecttopostponement and/orcancellation,foranyreasonbefore,oraftercommencementor bidding, at POHAKU RESORT MANAGEMENT discretion.

Dated: 5/5/2023

Inordertopayyouraccountcurrentandavoidloosingyourinterval thruforeclosuresale,pleasecontactMICHELLESMITHATPOHAKU RESORT MANAGEMENT Phone no. (877) 976-6652.

(TGI1415463 5/12, 5/19, 5/26/23)


CASE NO. FAN-23-000015

In the Matter of the Adoption of A MALE Child

Born on July 13, 2020


TYLERCARRICOandLAURENPIERCE,whoselast known address is unknown.

YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatapetitionforadoption oftheabove-identifiedchildborntoTYLERCARRICCO andLAURENPIERCE,thechild’sbirthparentshas beenfiledintheFamilyCourtoftheFifthCircuit,State of Hawai‘i. THEPETITIONALLEGESthatyourconsentisnot requiredandmaybedispensedwithpursuantto Hawai‘iRevisedStatutesSection578-2(c)as amended. AhearingonthePetitionwillbeheldonJUNE20, 2023,at9:00A.M.attheFamilyCourtlocatedat 3970Ka‘anaStreet,Lihu‘e,Hawai‘i,inCourtroom Number 1. IFYOUFAILtoappearatthehearingondateandtime andattheplacenotedaboveorifyoufailtofilea writtenresponsetotheallegationsreflectedinthe PetitionforAdoption,furtheractionmaybetaken includingthegrantingoftheadoptionwithoutfurther noticetoyou.Yourwrittenresponseshouldbe addressedtothePresidingJudge,FamilyCourt,Fifth Circuit, 3970 Ka‘ana Street, Lihu‘e, Hawai‘i, 96766. FAILURETOOBEYthisnoticemayresultinanentryof default and default judgment against you. YOUAREFURTHERNOTIFIEDthatthechild,the adoptiveparentsandthenaturalparentshaverights underHRSSection578-15regardingconfidentialityof adoption records after the child reaches the age of 18.

Dated: Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, May 2, 2023. (TGI1414985 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26/23)



DOCKET NO. 23 - VWW - 18

PursuanttoHawaiiRevisedStatutes,Section 342D-7(i),theStateDepartmentofHealth(DOH) seekswrittencommentsfrominterestedperson(s) regardingthefollowing.Mr.MarkTsuchiyamahas appliedforavarianceforthemaximumoffive(5) yearsfromsection11-62-32ofHawaiiAdministrative Rules, "Wastewater Systems." Mr.MicahKagimotoofSUMUEngineeringCorp. istheauthorizedagenttoactfortheapplicant.The variancerequestisfortheconstructionofanew individualwastewatersystemtobeinstalledat2857 PuaLokeStreet,Lihue,Hawaii,96766andTMK(4)36-010: 096.

Ifyouwouldliketoreviewthecomplete application,pleasevisitStateofHawaii,Wastewater Branch,2827WaimanoHomeRd,Rm207,PearlCity, Hawaii96782.Formoreinformationorifyouhave specialneedsininspectingand/orcommentingonthe publicnotice,pleasecontactMr.MarkTomomitsu, Supervisor,Planning&DesignSectionattheabove addressorcall(808)586-4294(voice)orSprintRelay HawaiiforTTY/TDDat1-711or1-877-447-5991at leastseven(7)calendardaysbeforethecomment perioddeadline.DOHwillconsiderallwritten commentsreceivedwithin30daysofthisnotice.If warranted,DOHmayholdapublichearingonthe applicationafterreceiptofrelateddocumentsand written comments, if any. KENNETH S. FINK, MD,


Health (TGI1415730 5/12/23)

FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES Court Notices Court Notices Public Notice Public Notice FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES Business for Rent-Lease Pets MERCHAN DISE Appliances Garage & Lanai Sales Hanapepe Kalaheo Lihue Puhi Premium restaurant lease available on Rice Street. Must purchase all equipment ($350K.) For serious inquiries contact 808.652.4991 AKC Border Collies 8 weeks old. $3,500. Located in Maui (808)280-0418 GREAT DANE PUPPIES Located on the Island of Hawaii $2,000-$5,000 Call 808-212-8668 Poodle puppies AKC certified, 2 tan/red females, 2 black males, 5 tan/red males, $2000 (male), $2200(female), call/text (808)990-3274. Recycled Appliances Washers,Dryers, Stoves & Refrigerators $250+ Tashi 808-652-0551 MOVING SALE PRINCEVILLE Apothecary cabinet, Oriental furniture pieces, collectible art and various antiques, Hawaii SUPS 11ft board, Ryobi saw and router, glass louver panes and much more. Milimakani Place off Albert Rd FRI + SAT 9am-2pm Batch: PRM-23 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE INTERVAL OWNERSHIP INTERESTS AND OF SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN
recordedintheofficeofBureauofConveyances,StateofHawaii,andas amended,andwhichpropertyislocatedat: 4-1250KUHIOHWY,KAPAA, HI, 96746 TS#,ACCOUNTNUMBER,UNIT,YEAR,WEEK,TMK#/CPR,CURRENT OWNER,CONVEYANCEDEEDRECORDED,CONVEYANCEDOCUMENT NUMBER,CLAIMOFLIENRECORDED,CLAIMOFLIENDOCUMENT NUMBER, ESTIMATED SALE PRICE: 106439712100000229J206-31J206EVERY314-5-007-002-0210NEILL VANLINTSINGLEMAN4/26/199191-0530745/5/2023A-85250511 $3111.75106440712100000230D307-32D307EVERY324-5-007-0020099STEVENV.WOODHUSBANDOFHOLLYWOODASATENANTIN SEVERALTY7/15/20062006-1227705/5/2023A-85250511$3489.06 IN ESCROW $799,000 2 BED/2 BATH 1,992 sqft Interior 9,586 sqft Land Ann Zaslow-RS 808-639-3675 MLS 665879 IN ESCROW KALAHEO - $799,900 3 BED/2 BATH 1,205 sqft Interior Carol Cummings -RB (808)-651-4766 MLS 701651 KALAHEO - $849,000 4 BED/2 BATH 1,655 sqft Interior Mark K. Tanaka - RB 808-639-0367 Cliston A. Kukino - RB 808-639-1490 MLS 701379 IN ESCROW $1,950,000 4 BED/4 BATH 4,037 sqft Interior 0.51 Acres Eric Yama -RS Lauren Yama -RS 808-639-9307 MLS 701924 SOLD Lihue - $575,000 Lot Size: 11,552sq. ft. Ashley M. Carvalho -RS 808-639-9307 MLS 701992 PUHI - $825,000 3 BED/2 BATH 1,392 sqft Interior Kaylin Kukino -RS 808-635-2822 Clifton Kukino-RS 808-639-1490 Jordan Kukino -RS 808-634-5032 MLS 701716
Deadlines: Regular, single-column classifieds in The Garden Island can be placed until 4:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the following day, noon on Friday for Sunday and Monday. Please call your sales executive or 246-0325 for deadlines for larger, multi-column ads. Cancellation/Correction Deadlines: To cancel or change an ad in the Garden Island, call us by 4:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the following day, noon on Friday for Sunday and Monday. (We are closed Saturdays and Sundays). The Garden Island Real Estate Deadlines: To place, correct or cancel a Friday real estate/rental single-column ad, please call by noon on Thursday. Check your ad for errors the first day it runs in the paper. We are unable to issue credit for errors reported after the first day of publication. While we try to accommodate our advertisers, The Garden Island does reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject, or cancel any ad at any time. All ads are subject to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting from publication errors or omission of an ad at any time. All ads are subject to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting from publication errors or omissions of an ad. Advertising rate cards are available from any sales executive. Ads are subject to the rate card in effect at the time they are placed. ANNOUNCE MENTS MERCHAN DISE THE INDEX WE GLADLY ACCEPT: Business Hours Call Center Monday–Friday; 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. SELL YOUR STUFF FOR AS LITTLE AS $9.99 A WEEK ON ALL MERCHANDISE ADS * Restrictions may apply. Call for details. Legals / Public Notices KAUAI’S Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com thegardenisland.com Subscribe today 245-0433 Stay Informed thegardenisland.com FRIDAY December 15, 2017 INSIDE TGIFR!DAY REAL ESTATE KIF SOCCER • B1 RED RAIDERS SHUT OUT VOYAGERS---Featured HomesWaysrentersarebecominghomeowners LIHUE SHOWROOM TODAY! Lihue December Annual Holiday Fair ‘THE GREATEST TIME OF THE YEAR’ 4-1525 Kuhio Hwy. Islandwide Deliveries OPEN SATURDAYS 7:30-11AM Season’s Greetings from your friends year by the merger of the Dow Chemical Co. and E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., is in the process dividing its corporate operations companies, one of strains.Meanwhile, Hartung Brothers Inc., a leading seed developer that produces GMO, organic and conventional seeds for farmers, said it changing the nature of its will become a Kauai operations of Syngenta A.G., a Swiss conglomerate closely iden tified with GMO agriculture and widely criticized over pesticide use. It will continue its GMO and other research activities on Kauai as it diversifies into production farming. announcement SEEDS OF CHANGE Allan Parachini SPECIAL TO THE GARDEN ISLAND DowDuPont to expand research activities,increase staffing;Hartung Brothers become a production scale grower of food products for commercial markets Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com Page 6 Friday, May 12, 2023 THE GARDEN ISLAND www.thegardenisland.com

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