Tim McKeough THE NEW YORK TIMESA utilitarian walk-in shower works just as well as something nicer, so why spend the time and effort — and the money — to upgrade it?
“It boils down to the idea of comfort at home,” said Paloma Contreras, an interior designer in Houston. Your shower, she explained, is “a space where you’re setting the stage for the day. If you’re aesthetically attuned to your environment, it impacts your state of mind.”
If you’re renovating, you don’t have to resort to generic materials and fixtures, or whatever your contractor suggests. The goal, Contreras said, is to “surround yourself with a space that’s not only beautiful, but that functions really well and caters to your preferences.”
Here’s how she and other designers create walk-in showers that their clients love waking up to.
Consider changing the layout

Installing a new shower often goes hand in hand with a full bathroom renovation, and if you’re demolishing what was there before, you don’t need to put everything back where it was. Take some time to consider how you might reorganize it. A combined bathtub and shower, for instance, could easily be replaced with a walk-in shower. Depending on the size of your bathroom, it may be possible to install a stand-alone tub elsewhere. A shower and stand-alone tub can occupy different zones of a bathroom or sit side by side in a wet room — a larger waterproof area designed to resist errant shower spray. “We’ve designed wet rooms for many projects, but primarily we would do a wet room when the room is smaller and we want to eliminate a shower-door enclosure,” said David John Dick, a founder of Los Angeles-based firm Disc Interiors.
Mortgage rates tick down after modest gains on inflation
Jeff Ostrowski BANKRATE.COM
Mortgage rates fell again this week, with the average 30-year fixed loan dipping to 7.09 percent, according to Bankrate’s latest survey of large lenders. The 15-year rate fell to 6.46 percent and the 30year jumbo to 7.16 percent.
Rates have bounced around this year as the timeline of the Federal Reserve’s rate cuts grows fuzzier. The 30-year fixed mortgages in this week’s survey had an average total of 0.27 discount and origination points. Discount points are a way for you to reduce your mortgage rate, while origination points are fees a lender charges to create, review and process your loan. Will mortgage rates go down?
Mortgage rates are tied to inflation. In a bit of good news, inflation is cooling slightly. The U.S. Labor Department said on May 15 that the inflation rate had dipped to 3.4 percent. That heartened investors, but it’s unclear whether the Federal Reserve will cut rates any time soon. The central bank left rates unchanged in May — and the latest numbers show inflation is still well above the Fed’s target of 2 percent.
To be clear, mortgage rates are not set directly by the Fed, but by investor appetite, particularly for 10-year Treasury bonds, the leading indicator for fixed mortgage prices. That can lead to intense rate swings — they soar on news of Fed hikes, then plummet in anticipation of a cut.
Mortgage rates are also chained to inflation, a metric the Fed has been moving to control. While most Fed members still expect three rate cuts this year, one regional Fed president now is predicting just one rate cut in 2024.
Loan applications rose 1.9 percent this week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association, while home prices remain elevated. While NAR reported an uptick in inventory in March, many markets still don’t have enough listings to meet demand.
Choose things you’ll actually use
A shower is one of the most personal spaces in your home, said Paris Forino, an interior designer in New York, so you shouldn’t choose fixtures and features simply because you saw them in a magazine. Select things you’ll actually enjoy. Rainfall shower heads, for instance, have been trendy for years, but they aren’t for everyone. “I personally can’t stand one,” Forino said. “If you don’t wash your hair every day, you’re standing with your neck at a 90-degree angle, and it’s really uncomfortable.”
If you’re like Forino, a wall-mounted shower head that sprays at an angle is a better option. If you want a shower that can deliver invigorating bursts of water, choose a head with various massage settings, Contreras suggested.
Adding a hand shower is usually a good idea — you can point the spray anywhere, and it makes cleaning the shower much easier. Some people love a steam generator as well, Forino said, for a spalike experience.
Whichever fixtures you choose, plan the location of the controls carefully. If possible, mount them just inside the entrance to the shower and away from the shower head, so you can warm up the water without getting soaked. “We always try to keep the controls accessible and avoid having you get wet before you’re ready,” said Kirsten Blazek, founder of A1000xBetter, an interior design firm in Pasadena, California, whose book “A Rebel by Design” was published by Rizzoli this month.
Use materials with character
One easy way to enhance the look of your shower is to choose interesting materials with character instead of plain white tile.
Forino made a compact shower in a Beverly Hills home look special by covering one wall with a slab of striking pink Arabescato
Rosa marble. On the floor, she used four varieties of marble to create a custom mosaic that provides a more grippy surface.
For a home in Toronto, where she designed a shower for two people, she used book-matched slabs of onyx on the walls, “because they really wanted a wow factor.”
Make an entrance
Much like a foyer, the entrance to your shower sets the stage for what’s to come, so it’s worth giving the glass and doors some attention.
For streamlined showers in modern bathrooms, some designers try to make the dividing line between the shower and the rest of the room disappear. When Blazek renovated a midcentury-modern house outside Los Angeles, she added a curbless shower: The bathroom floor simply slopes toward a drain, and the glass barrier sits in recessed channels in the floor and ceiling, so it is barely visible. “It’s just seamless,” she said.
Disc Interiors took the opposite approach in a 1930s house in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. It made the shower a feature by outlining the entrance in marble, adding an oversized marble threshold and installing distinctive glass doors framed in powder-coated metal.
“We wanted to add a more vintage aesthetic,”
Dick said. “With stone jambs and dams, we often will play with the thickness and other dimensions, so that it adds depth and volume to the bathroom space.”
One approach isn’t better than the other — it all depends on the look you want to achieve.
Create functional surfaces
Of course, it’s not just about how your shower looks, but how it functions. One of the most crucial things is having a place to put soap and shampoo. It’s possible to add shower baskets after a renovation, but all of the designers interviewed for this story prefer a built-in solution.
Contreras has designed showers with built-in stone corner shelves, and Disc Interiors has used brass ones that coordinate with plumbing fixtures. The most common option is a recessed niche, but if you plan to install one, it’s essential to measure your shampoo bottles and ensure that the niche is tall enough.
“There’s no point in making a niche unless it fits the specific products the client has,” Jesse said. Planning a niche may not be as exciting as choosing tile, Parris-Lamb said, but “the ultimate luxury is to have a place for everything.”
••• This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

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