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Co-buying start-ups help homebuyers hack the market


As a longtime resident of Northern California, Weldon Hall for decades tried to become a homeowner. With home prices in the Bay Area moving ever out of reach and mortgage rates rising, he had all but given up.

“I’ve been working as a professional for decades now,” says Hall, an engineer in his 40s. “No matter how much you try to save, that goalpost just keeps getting moved further and further and further.”

Then he discovered a concept known as co-buying. Hall and a close friend, fellow engineer John Cross, pooled their resources to become co-owners of a four-unit property in Oakland.

The transaction was smoothed by Nestment, a San Francisco-based startup that helps people navigate the details of buying a home with a friend.

A helping hand for co-buyers

Co-buyers are a niche market — fully 59 percent of American homebuyers are married couples, while 29 percent are single and 9 percent are unmarried couples, according to the National Association of Realtors.

Co-buyers can and do purchase homes without any specialized help, but affordability trends have spurred a new wave of co-buying companies, including CoBuy, Nestment and Pairadime.

Nestment provides homebuyers with a “co-buying specialist,” someone who coaches buyers through budgeting and financial projections, guides them through the legal process and connects them with real estate agents and

Real estate Q&A

Q: We recently signed a contract to sell our home. Yesterday, our real estate agent told us the buyer was canceling because they could not get financing. We feel we should be able to keep the deposit because we denied other offers for this one and wasted more than a month. Do we need to return the deposit?

— Jacques

A: When a seller and buyer agree on the terms of a home sale, they have to follow those terms.

While every contract has unique terms, they have much in common. The buyer will put up an earnest money deposit, and if they breach the contract later, the seller can keep that deposit.

This is called “liquidated damages,” which is an agreed amount to the seller for the time and costs of the failed attempt.

The two most common contingencies concern the property’s condition and the buyer’s ability to get a loan. If the contract has these contingencies and the property is in worse condition than expected, or the buyer fails to get a loan despite trying to do so, the deposit must be returned to the buyer.

However, there are occasions when a qualified buyer will get cold feet and try to escape the contract without giving up the deposit by fabricating a problem that gets the loan rejected.

To address your situation, you need to review the financing section of your contract. Check if the buyer told you they were not approved by the deadline.

If your contract required the buyer to apply for a specific type of loan check that they did, as getting denied for a different type of loan could allow you to keep the deposit.

Ask why the loan was denied and if it was intentional, for example, if the buyer refused to provide their tax returns.

If, after all of this, it appears the buyer acted in good faith and told you by the deadline, you should return the deposit. However, if the deadline was ignored or the denial is suspicious, you may be able to keep the money.

mortgage lenders familiar with the nuances of co-buying.

The company doesn’t match co-buyers, however; you have to find a partner (or partners) on your own.

While that might pose a challenge, it won’t be as difficult to apply for one mortgage once you identify a partner, provided you’re both qualified.

“You’d be surprised at how many people don’t know four co-borrowers can be on a loan,” says Niles Lichtenstein, founder of Nestment.

Nestment recommends that buyers create a formal legal entity to take ownership of the home. Most commonly, that means setting up a limited liability company (LLC). In some cases, a tenancy in common (TIC) is the better way to take ownership of the property. Tenancy in common is a popular type of co-ownership, but it doesn’t include right of survivorship for the remaining owner (or owners) if one owner were to die.

The co-buyers don’t pay Nestment any extra fees, but they are on the hook for the usual mortgage closing costs, such as an appraisal and credit check. The company receives a 1 percent referral fee from the co-buyers’ real estate agent.

The rules around buyer agent fees are set to change this summer, however, if a legal settlement agreed to by the National Association of Realtors takes effect. Lichtenstein doesn’t expect that to have a major impact on Nestment’s model.

“From what we’ve seen thus far post-NAR ruling, buying fees won’t disappear, but there will be a bit more formality,” Lichtenstein says. “All of our groups have readily expressed they would have been willing to have paid themselves, as they felt it couldn’t have happened without Nestment.”

CoBuy, based in Seattle, works a bit differently. The company is developing an app to help manage the process for co-buyers, includ-

ing drawing up a co-ownership agreement. Currently, interested buyers can sign up for a wait list of the app’s beta stage, which costs an annual fee of $270.

Pairadime, also based in Washington, matches co-buyers with real estate agents and helps create legal agreements. The service is free for co-buyers working with agents affiliated with the company. If the co-buyers’ agent isn’t working with the company, buyers can opt to pay $795 to draft a contract.

Matching up with the right partner

Often the biggest challenge to co-buying is finding a partner you trust and like enough to own property with — and someone with a solid credit and financial picture. In underwriting, a mortgage lender generally considers the lowest credit score among a group of buyers.

Hall and Cross are longtime friends who have worked at the same startups over the years. They were able to land a Fannie Mae loan with a 10 percent down payment and close on a $1.4 million property in February. They plan to each live in a unit and rent out the other two units.

Your co-buying partner doesn’t have to be someone you intend to live with, however.

Emily Debevec and Kim Gomez recently co-bought a Los Angeles property through Nestment. The friends paid $945,000 for a property that includes a single-family home and two apartments. Debevec and her partner live in the house, while tenants live in the apartments. Gomez is an investor, but doesn’t live in the property.

The pair became tight through their running group, Good Vibes Track Club, which focuses on marathon training. While Debevec and Gomez don’t run side by side in 26.2-mile races, they’ve bonded while training together.

“You see very quickly how people commit to different things in their lives,” Debevec says. “When you’re training for distance races, you spend a lot of time together. I didn’t hesitate for a moment, because I’ve seen all sides of Kim.”

Co-buying a home: pros and cons

w You can actually buy a home. If home prices and interest rates have locked you out of the market, co-buying gives you an opportunity to become a homeowner — and build equity as the value of the property rises.

w You’ll have more buying power. By joining forces with a cobuyer, you can afford a more expensive property than you could get by yourself. That’s because co-buyers combine down payments and qualifying incomes. w It’s complicated. Co-buying is perfectly legit, but it’s a niche concept, so some mortgage lenders and real estate agents might not be up to speed. Even with the help of a co-buying company, you might still need to enlist a real estate attorney for guidance. w There’s a risk for legal issues down the line. Co-buyers bear joint and several liability, which in plain English means either party can be held responsible for the entire amount of the home loan. If you co-buy with a friend and that borrower loses their job and can’t pay their share of the mortgage, the lender will expect the full payment from you.

thegardenisland.com THE GARDEN ISLAND Friday, June 14, 2024 • B3

behalfof PrincevilleOceanResortVillasOwnersAssociation,aHawaii nonprofitcorporation bysaleofpropertysecuredtherebyatpublicauction on 07/12/2024 at 1:00PM at VidinhaStadium,HoolakoSt,Lihue, HI96766(underthetrees,atentrancetothestadium). Eachofthe propertiestobesoldisaTimeshareInterestat PrincevilleOceanResort Villas establishedbycertainDeclarationrecordedas DocumentNo.200520112 5intheofficeofBureauofConveyancesorAssistantRegistrarofthe LandCourt,StateofHawaiiandasamendedandwhichpropertyislocatedat 3838WyllieRoad,Princeville,HI,96722. TheTimeshareInterestas notedontheNoticeofLien,whichhasbeenfiledagainsttherecordowneras consistsofdelinquentmaintenancefees,(plusinterest,latecharges,and collectionandenforcementcosts).Termsofthesaleare:(1)Noupsetprice. (2)Propertysoldwithoutcovenantorwarranty,expressorimplied,astothe titlepossessionorencumbrances;(3)Atthecloseoftheauction,Purchaser shallpay100%ofthehighestsuccessfulbidprice(“Bid”)bycertified,or cashier’schecktoFIRSTAMERICANTITLECOMPANY;providedthatthe Associationmaysubmitacreditbiduptotheamountofthesecured indebtedness;(4)Purchasershallpayallclosingcostsincluding,butnot limitedto:costsofdocumentdrafting,notaryfees,consentfees,escrowfees, conveyancetax,recordationfeesandothercharges,togetherwithanyspecial assessmentswhichmayariseunderHRS514B-146(g)(h)(i);(5)Iftitleisnot conveyedtoPurchaserforanyreason,otherthanPurchaser’sfailureto performasspecifiedherein,theAssociation’ssoleresponsibilityshallbethe returnoftheBidfundstenderedbyPurchaser.ThePurchasershallhaveno furtherrecourseagainsttheAssociationoritsagents,attorneys,servicersand auctioneers;(6)Thesalemaybepostponedfromtimetotimebypublic announcementbytheAssociationorsomeoneactingonitsbehalf;(7)By submittingtheBid,Purchaseracknowledgesreadingthetermsandconditions setforthinthisnoticeandagreestobeboundtherebyandsignawritten acceptanceofalltermsherein.Forfurtherinformationregardingthissale,you mustcontact FirstAmericanTitleInsuranceCompany,aNebraska corporationat(702)304-7509. Conductorofthepublicsaleinthestate ofHawaii:AQUALEGALLLConbehalfof,FirstAmericanTitle,agentfor Claimant;Phone:(808)539-7504;Address:1099AlakeaStreet,suite2430, Honolulu,Hawaii96813.BatchNo: ForeclosureHOA140708-POR65HOA.Schedule“1”: LienRecordingDateandReference,TimeshareInterest (ContractNo.),Owner(s);02/22/2024Inst:A-88180646,312625-02EP407255,TamaraLynnHeath-UnderbrinkandMichaelAnthonyUnderbrink; 05/03/2022Inst:A-81580894,411211-11AP-418773,LarryKentBarnthouse andSandraGauthierBarnthouse;05/10/2023Inst:A-85300614,42010227AP-410753,RodolfoHerraizPardoZaragozaandGabrielaHidalgo Zaragoza;02/22/2024Inst:A-88180646,420910-25AP-411408,Tamara LynnHeath-UnderbrinkandMichaelAnthonyUnderbrink;09/08/2023Inst: A-86510447,521210-15OP-414835,RobertW.MckinleyandBarbaraE. ShafferMckinley;06/25/2019Inst:A-71150366,531416-33AP-416561, TadayoshiLutherInoueandBernadetteInoue;04/24/2024Inst:88800528, 620301-06AP-416221,DavidForkerGlossbrenner;04/24/2024Inst: A-88800528,620402-44AP-419648,DavidForkerGlossbrenner;05/10/2023 Inst:A-85300614,620402-47AP-406835,JoseBernardoRebeilandThelma MarcelaRebeil;05/03/2022Inst:A-81580894,711817-45AP-418772, LarryKentBarnthouseandSandraGauthierBarnthouse;05/03/2022Inst: A-81580894,720402-10AP-418773,LarryKentBarnthouseandSandra GauthierBarnthouse;05/03/2022Inst:A-81580894,730608-38OP-418774, Larry Kent Barnthouse and Sandra Gauthier Barnthouse. (TGI1457581 6/14, 6/21, 6/28/24)

Carpentry Appliances FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES Kapaa Kekaha Wailua Waimea Lots and Acreage MERCHAN DISE Lihue Carpenter looking for maintenance jobs. Free estimates. 3D Construction Call Albert 652-8861. alapaki82@outlook.com Recycled Appliances Washers,Dryers, Stoves & Refrigerators 6mos. warranty Tashi 808-652-0551 $545,000 0Bed/1Ba Leah Ragsac 808-212-4086 MLS 711292 $799,000 1Bed/1Ba Carol C. Cummings 808-651-4766 MLS 711573 IN ESCROW $650,000 3Bed/1Ba Clifton A. Kukino RB 808-639-1490 Jordan I Kukino RS 808-634-5032 Kaylin Kukino R(S) 808-635-2822 MLS 709677
2Bed/1Ba Kevin M Horita 808-639-8213 MLS 710896 $1,190,000 3Bed/1Ba Carol C. Cummings 808-651-4766 MLS 710539 $1,299,000 4Bed/3Ba Eric Yama 808-639-3414 Lauren Yama 808-346-4204 MLS 711165 IN ESCROW $925,000 3Bed/1Ba Mark Tanaka 808-639-0367 Tom H Shigemoto 808-651-5273 MLS 710114 Kawaihau (Kapaa) Price reduced... $370,000.00! Seller motivated! Well-kept fee simple 7,234 sq.ft. interior R-6 zoned residential parcel between 6017-6025 Kapahi Road. Property never built on! Have your contractor build your country-style home in this well-established neighborhood. Must see to appreciate! Yew W. Siu, R, RB-17680 (808) 375-8900 Real Estate Foundations (MLS202408163) NOTICEOFINTENTTOFORECLOSEINTERVALOWNERSHIPINTERESTSANDOF SALEBYPUBLICAUCTION.NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENpursuanttothetermsof theTimeshareDeclarationthatthefollowingtimeshareinterestsmore particularlydescribedinthelien(s)referredtoin Schedule“1” willbe forecloseduponbytheforeclosingagent,FirstAmericanTitleCompanyon
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All ads are subject to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting from publication errors or omission of an ad at any time. All ads are subject to approval prior to publication. We are not liable for losses or expenses resulting from publication errors or omissions of an ad. Advertising rate cards are available from any sales executive. Ads are subject to the rate card in effect at the time they are placed. ANNOUNCE MENTS MERCHAN DISE THE INDEX WE GLADLY ACCEPT: Business Hours Call Center Monday–Friday; 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. SELL YOUR STUFF FOR AS LITTLE AS $9.99 A WEEK ON ALL MERCHANDISE ADS * Restrictions may apply. Call for details. Legals / Public Notices KAUAI’S Service Directory HAWAII’S real estate directory PLACE YOUR AD t ODAY 246-0325 th E g ARDE nis LA n D CO m/ CLA ssifi ED s KAUAI’S 808-246-0325 Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com thegardenisland.com Subscribe today 245-0433 Stay Informed thegardenisland.com FRIDAY December 15, 2017 and INSIDE TGIFR!DAY REAL ESTATE KIF SOCCER • B1 RED RAIDERS SHUT OUT VOYAGERS---FeaturedWaysrenters becominghomeowners Poipu OUR SHOWROOMTODAY! Highway, product December Holiday Fair ‘THE GREATEST TIME OF THE YEAR’ 4-1525 Kuhio Hwy. Kapa a, 96746 Islandwide Deliveries M–F 378-4446 OPEN SATURDAYS 7:30-11AM Season’s Greetings from your friends at KEKAHA—Theagriculturedivision of DowDuPont has announced major changes in its Kauai operations under which it will expand its Hawaii research activities here, increasing staffing on island by as muchas50percent.earlier this year by the merger of the Dow Chemical Co. and E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., is in the process of dividing its corporate operations into three new companies, one of which will focus exclusively on agriculture. Both Dow and DuPont previously had separate operations on Kauai, both of which focused on development of improved genetically modified seed corn and soy strains.Meanwhile, Hartung Brothers Inc., a leading seed developer that produces GMO, organic and conventional seeds for farmers, said it was changing the nature of its Kauai operations and will become a production scale grower of food products for commercial markets statewide, and possibly beyond. Hartung acquired the previous KauaioperationsofSyngentaA.G., a Swiss conglomerate closely identified with GMO agriculture and widely criticized over pesticide use. It will continue its GMO and other research activities on Kauai as it diversifies into production farming. The DowDuPont announcement was the third in a series of developments that are rapidly changing Kauai’s Westside — starting tal number three. Rumors shake-up rife for weeks. In 2016, the Kauai an international SEEDS OF CHANGE Allan Parachini SPECIAL TO THE GARDEN ISLAND DowDuPont to expand research activities,increase staffing;Hartung Brothers become a production scale grower of food products for commercial markets dark side beckons Subscribe today 245-0433 thegardenisland.com LIHUE – KUPOLO TRACT Price: $899,000 3Bed / 2Ba Interior Area: 2,161 sqft Lot Size: 8,428 sqft MLS 711168 Nestled away in the Kupolo Subdivision in Lihue, this charming single-level, 3-bedroom, 2 bath home sits on a rim lot that offers privacy yet conveniently located in town, providing easy access to all parts of the island. Enter the home through the enclosed courtyard to discover a large living room, dining and kitchen. There is a sun room off the master bedroom, a perfect bonus room that could be used as an office or play room. Wander down the hall to find the 2nd bath and 2 additional bedrooms. At the end of the hallway, find the laundry area with a new washer and access to garage. Kauai-Realty.com 2403 Ulu Maika St., Lihue, HI 96766 Lauren E. Yama RS-84751 (808) 346-4204 lauren@laurenyama.com AROL C. CUMMINGS RB-14915 (RB) CRB, CRS, GRI, SFR 808-651-4766 kauairealty@gmail.com www.carolcummingskauai.com Land Area: 23,087 sqft Living Area: 1,032 sqft 3 Bed / 1 Bath PRICE: $1,395,000 NEW PRICE $1,190,000 MLS: 710539 Over 1/2 ACRE zoned R-6. All level lot with view. PRICE SLASHED! WAILUA HOUSELOTS (808)246-8828 Across From Kauai Community College 4490 Puhi Road, Lihue * Custom Color Matching * Armstrong-Clark Stains * * Purdy Brushes * Graco Sprayers * Home Owner * * Maintenance * Commercial * Industrial * Page 4 Friday, June 14, 2024 THE GARDEN ISLAND www.thegardenisland.com

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