5 kitchen upgrades to save you time
Summer is here! The warm weather is the perfect excuse to spend time outdoors doing what you enjoy with the people you love. To maximize your time for relaxation and enjoyment, it’s a smart idea to simplify daily tasks.
For example, simple kitchen upgrades that streamline cooking and cleaning can save you time to better enjoy your wellearned summer vacation. Summer is ideal for home renovations, big or small.
The risk of weather delays is low, and multiple holiday sales make it the perfect time to purchase something you’ve been saving for! Plus, you’ll be thanking yourself when fall and winter hosting picks back up.
Don’t know where to start? Check out these five simple kitchen upgrades.
Organizational items and systems
Taking time to revamp your kitchen with organizational items and systems can streamline your kitchen routine. Look at your space and see where you can add shelves, drawer dividers and pantry organizers to create designated spaces for every kitchen item. Kitchen organization will allow you to quickly find what you need when you need it and

help you maintain a clutter-free environment.
Touchless technology
Touchless kitchen faucet
technology is a time-saving innovation that cuts down on cleaning and makes everyday tasks easier so you can spend more days in the sun. When looking for a faucet with touchless technology, consider models like those from the Delta
Faucet Touch2O with Touchless Technology line.
To operate, simply place your hand near the faucet, tap the faucet surface with your wrist or forearm or use standard handle activation to stop and start the flow of water. Touch-free activation helps keep your faucet clean, even when your hands aren’t. Best of all, the Touch2O with Touchless Technology is
available in three different designs with a variety of finishes that complement your personal style.
Undercabinet lighting
Installing undercabinet lighting is an easy way to enhance the functionality and ambiance of your kitchen. Choose LED light strips that are energy-efficient and easy to install. Not only will this simple
upgrade add a touch of sophistication to your kitchen, but it will also create a well-lit environment for all your culinary adventures.
Workstation kitchen sink
Upgrade your kitchen sink to a workstation model designed for versatility and daily kitchen tasks. A model like the
Delta workstation sink with a built-in WorkFlow™ ledge creates a multi-functional space and reduces counter clutter by allowing you to work right over the sink.
The ledge provides plenty of space for food prep, washing and drying, all in one convenient location.
Whether you are washing pots and pans after hosting, filling vases for cut flowers from the garden or rinsing sandy items from a day at the beach, a workstation sink has all the space you need.
Change hardware
Want a quick and simple way to elevate your kitchen and refresh your style this summer? Swap out your hardware! Look at the handles and knobs on your cabinets and drawers and think about what colors and finishes speak to your vision of the ideal kitchen.
Opt for modern, stylish handles and knobs that will stand the test of time and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen.
Savor the joys of summer by incorporating these five simple but smart kitchen upgrades.
The time you spend now creating a more efficient home environment will give you more time to create summer memories that will last a lifetime.
Makailah Gause REUTERS
NEW YORK — The average rate on the popular U.S. 30-year fixedrate mortgage edged up to 6.78 percent for the week ending July 25, leaving it about half a percentage point below its peak earlier this year, as buyers still show signs of hesitancy to enter the market.
That was up slightly from 6.77 percent in the prior week, mortgage finance agency Freddie Mac said on Thursday.
It averaged 6.81 percent during the same period a year ago.
“Despite these lower rates, buyers continue to pause, as reflected in tumbling new and existing home sales data,” Chief Economist Sam Khater said in a statement.
Existing home sales fell 5.4 percent in June — the fourth straight monthly drop — to the slowest rate since December, the National Association of Realtors reported earlier this week.
Many home owners are continuing to hold on to properties purchased with mortgages with a much lower rate, as buying a new home will likely mean a higher rate.
Still, housing inventory jumped to the highest in nearly four years, leading NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun to conclude: “We’re seeing a slow shift from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market.”
“As a seller, I am glad that people want to buy my house, but as a buyer I am concerned about the fact that we will be getting into bidding wars,” said Gaurav Khanna, a prospective home buyer and economics professor at University of California at San Diego.
“It’s pretty competitive.”
Rising home owners insurance premiums are also hurting housing affordability, but many economists expect home borrowing costs to ease further later this year as the Federal Reserve shifts to interest rate cuts as inflation eases.

Price: $635,000 2 Bed / 2Ba

MAP KEYS: (4) 2-8-001:999, 2-7-001:999, 2-8-001:003, 2-8-001:005 & 006, 2-7-002:001, 2-7-002:999, 2-7-001:0048
Notice is hereby given that the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes to construct the project titled, “Kaumualii Highway Intersection Improvements, Vicinity of Maluhia Road, Phase 2”, in the District of Puna on the Island of Kauai. This federally funded HDOT project is considered a federal action and undertaking, as defined by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended (2006).
The proposed project is located in the vicinity of Maluhia Road in Haiku Ahupuaa, Puna Moku, Kauai Island, Hawaii and will be constructed within the existing, previously disturbed highway right-of-way (ROW), with two tapered width sections of minor cutting and filling occurring outside of the ROW, one from 0 ft to 20 ft wide maximum wide by 1,600 ft long along the outbound (mauka) shoulder, and one from 0 ft to 20 ft wide maximum by 1,000 ft along the inbound (makai) shoulder at the east end of the project. The APE includes the entire length of Kaumualii Highway, Route 50 from Mile Post 6.22 to Mile Post 6.68. The area of the APE is 7.34 acres. It includes the length and width of Kaumualii Highway ROW that is 0.56 mile long and up to 144 ft wide, plus the two 0 ft to 20 ft wide maximum tapered sections of minor cutting and imported fill outside of the ROW. The proposed project includes two tapered width sections of shoulder widening from 0 ft to 15 ft wide maximum by 1,600 ft long by maximum 24 inches (in) below the existing paved surface in both the inbound and outbound lanes. Signpost sleeves will be pounded into the existing ground at a depth no greater than 4 ft. Additionally, the widening will require the extension of an existing 24-inch concrete culvert and minor cutting of existing slopes and installation of imported fill along the widened areas to provide a safe, stabilized 1:3 slope away from the roadway. Staging areas would likely be on previously graded, developed areas, within the ROW or within adjacent driveways. The APE has been previously disturbed during grading and road construction within the ROW. Intense commercial sugar cane activities surrounding the highway have also disturbed the land adjacent to the APE, including the area where the two tapered width sections will occur outside of the ROW.
Pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA, Native Hawaiian Organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants with ancestral, lineal or cultural ties to, cultural and historical property knowledge of and/or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the proposed project area are requested to contact HDOT. Other individuals and organizations with demonstrated legal, economic, or historic preservation interest in the undertaking are asked to contact HDOT and share information and knowledge on historical and cultural sites within the proposed APE. We welcome any information within 30 days of this notice.
Interested participants are requested to contact Mr. Eric Fujikawa, Hawaii Department of Transportation, (808) 241-3015, 1720 Haleukana Street, Lihue, Hawaii 96766, eric.i.fujikawa@hawaii.gov. Please respond by August 25, 2024.


PursuanttoChapter91oftheHawaiiRevisedStatutes,theHawaiiPublicHousing Authority(HPHA),DepartmentofHumanServices,herebyprovidesnoticethatitwill holdapublichearingontheproposedadoptionofChapter17-2037,Hawaii AdmininstrativeRules(HAR),entitled“RulesGoverningParkingatPublicHousing Properties.”
Youareherebynotifiedthattheforegoingmatterintheabove-entitledcasewill beheardbeforethePresidingJudgeoftheFamilyCourt,FifthCircuit,Pu‘uhonua KaulikeBuilding,3970Ka’anaStreet,Courtroom#1,Lihu‘e,Kaua‘ionTHURSDAY, the29thdayofAUGUST,2024at8:00a.m.orassoonthereafterasthemattercan be heard.
Ifyouwishtoseektheadviceofanattorney,dosopromptly.Youmustappear at the hearing with or without an attorney. Ifyoufailtoappearatthehearing,thereliefrequestedmaybegrantedwithout further notice to you.
DATED: LIHUE, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i, JULY 22, 2024.
L.S. C. MARTINEZ Clerk of the Court (TGI1462809 7/26, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16/24)

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2015 Holowai Place, Wailuku Molokai: Kahale Mua, Maunaloa, Molokai Digital copies are also available on the HPHA’s website at: https://hpha.hawaii.gov/rules-policies
PublicHearing :ThepublicmayparticipateinthepublichearingremotelyviaZoom usingthefollowinglink: zoom.us/j/89404582680 .Whenprompted,enterthe Meeting ID: 894 0458 2680 and the Password: 1DidUX. Alternatively,thepublicmayparticipateviatelephonebycalling 1-253-205-0468. Whenprompted,callersshouldenterthe MeetingID:89404582680 andthe Password: 046124.
TheHPHArequeststhatmeetingparticipantschangethedisplayontheirdeviceto show their first and last name.
The public hearing will take place at:
5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 26, 2024
PhysicalMeetingLocation :Thepublicmayalsoattendthepublichearingin-person at1002NorthSchoolStreet,BuildingAConferenceRoom,Honolulu,HI96817. The physical meeting location will be connected via Zoom to the remote meeting. Allinterestedpersonsareinvitedtoprovideoralorwrittencommentsonthe proposedrules.AllcommentsreceivedwillbereviewedbytheHPHA,and subsequent amendments may be considered, if appropriate. Oralcommentsmaybepresentedduringthepublichearing.Personswhocannot attendthehearingandprefernottoprovidewrittencommentsmaycall(808) 436-7183tosubmittheircommentsasavoicemailmessage.Writtencomments maybepresentedtothepresidingofficeratthepublichearing,ormailedtothe HPHA,Attn:ParkingandTowingRules,at1002NorthSchoolStreet,Honolulu, Hawaii96817.Writtencommentsmayalsobefaxedto(808)832-4679orsentby emailto hpha@hawaii.gov .Writtencommentsnotpresentedatthepublichearing shouldbereceivedbytheHPHA’sAdministrativeOfficeby4:30p.m.onMonday, August 26, 2024.
Ifyouneedanauxiliaryaid/serviceorotheraccommodationduetoadisability, contactBenjaminParkat(808)832-4693assoonaspossible,preferablyby Monday,August19,2024.IfaresponseisreceivedafterMonday,August19, 2024,theHPHAwillattempttoobtaintheauxiliaryaid/serviceoraccommodation, butcannotguaranteethattherequestwillbefulfilled.Uponrequest,thisnoticeis available in alternate forms such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.
HAKIM OUANSAFI Executive Director Hawaii Public Housing Authority
HPHAdoesnotdiscriminateagainstanypersonbecauseofrace,color,religion, sex,physicalormentaldisability,familialstatus,ancestry/nationalorigin,age, marital status, HIV infection or sexual orientation and gender identity.

(SA/HTH/WHT/TGI1462230 7/26/24)

HELLO Crystal Lovers! Lots of high quality crystals, gems & stones! Citrine, Smokey Quartz, Tormaline Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Pink Opal, Fluorites, Carnelian, Ocean Jasper, Lapis, Yooperlite, Mookaite & much more. Freeforms, statement pieces, wings, towers, spheres, hearts, palms, Buddha’s, animals & tons of carvings. We have some amazing crystals for everyone!
Multi-Family Sale Sat. 7/27; 8am-12pm Lihue United Church 4340 Nawiliwili Rd Clothes, beddings, household goods and more!