Manhattan building sells at a 97.5 percent discount
NEW YORK — In 2006, the hulking office building at 135 W. 50th St. in midtown Manhattan sold for $332 million. Tenants occupied nearly every floor; offices were in demand; real estate was booming.
On Wednesday, it changed hands again, in an unusual online auction — for $8.5 million.
The staggeringly low sale price of the 23-story glass behemoth that was once the headquarters of Sports Illustrated is the latest and perhaps most surprising sign of how the pandemic has upended the state of office buildings in New York City, home to the largest central business district in the United States.
Several large Manhattan office buildings have sold in recent years at steep discounts, some going for less than half of what the previous owners paid, in a market that has yet to hit rock bottom.
But office developers and sales brokers in New York City said they could not recall another large Manhattan building like 135 West 50th that had been sold for so little.
David Sturner, a developer whose father’s firm owned the building before selling it in 2006, was stunned by the final price.
The building, he said, “certainly wasn’t the great-

The building at 135 West 50th Street, where the office space is about one-third occupied, in Midtown Manhattan, July 25, 2024. In 2006, the building sold for $332 million. On Wednesday, the building sold in an unusual online auction — for $8.5 million.
est asset we owned” but was a “solid” property. “What’s shocking is how fast the valuations dropped now that we’ve seemingly reached bottom, or close to it,” he added. He said that the latest sale price reflected the new reality for Manhattan’s office sector. With companies embracing hybrid and remote work, employees do not visit the office as much and most buildings are no longer considered safe investments, he said. Bob Knakal, a leading commercial sales broker in the city and founder of BK Real Estate Advisors, said,
30-year mortgage rate falls to lowest level in nearly six months
Makailah Gause REUTERS
NEW YORK — The average rate on the popular U.S. 30-year mortgage rate fell to 6.73 percent this week, its lowest level since February as the bond market reacted to signs of cooling inflation.
The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 5 basis points lower than a week earlier when it averaged 6.78 percent, mortgage finance giant Freddie Mac said on Thursday. It averaged 6.90 percent during the same period a year ago.
“Apprehension in consumer confidence may prevent an immediate uptick as affordability challenges remain top of mind,” Chief Economist Sam Khater said in a statement.
But, he said, data showing a moderation in home price growth and increasing housing inventory are positive signs for prospective home buyers.
House prices increased 5.7 percent year-on-year in May, the smallest annual increase in 10 months as still-high mortgage rates then kept a lid on demand, the Federal Housing Finance Agency said Tuesday. More recently, though, pending home sales surged 4.8 percent in June from a month earlier, helped by the recent increase in homes for sale, the National Association of Realtors said on Wednesday. Still, even with home loan rates now more than 1 percentage point below their peak levels from last year, mortgage application volumes remain subdued.
“Many borrowers may be hoping and waiting for mortgage rates to decline even further, which is what we expect to happen once the Federal Reserve begins to cut short-term rates,” Mortgage Bankers Association Chief Executive Bob Broeksmit said in a statement.
If inflation continues to cool, the Fed could cut interest rates as soon as September, Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday.
“Nobody ever anticipated that what has happened in the office market was going to happen.”
In many ways, 135 West 50th represents the myriad nondescript office towers that line Manhattan’s streets. Built in 1963, the building stretches about half a block and has been occupied by major companies including the New York Telephone Co. (which later became Verizon) and Zales, the jewelry retailer. For decades, buildings like it have made up the backbone of Manhattan’s booming office sector. But today, they have lost their

appeal and their value.
The building’s longtime owner, an investment fund managed by UBS Realty Investors, had previously tried to sell it for less than $50 million, but that deal fell through. So UBS Realty turned to a two-day, public online auction on Ten-X, a real estate auction site. The property was listed alongside suburban strip malls, motels and apartment buildings.
On Wednesday morning, at the Ten-X offices in Irvine, California, 135 West 50th was just one among dozens of properties being auctioned and monitored in
real time by auction agents. Floor-to-ceiling video screens ringed the space, splashed with images of the properties that are up for bidding.
Rows of agents at computers were on phone or video calls with buyers and sellers. In the last few seconds of an auction, the bids usually come in a flurry.
The auction for 135 West 50th opened earlier this week with a starting bid of $7.5 million. On Wednesday, with seconds left and only a single bid of $8.5 million, a gray box that read “reserve not met,” referring to the seller’s minimum price, suddenly turned green and changed to “reserve met” after that price was lowered. According to Ten-X, the reserve price is generally set at around three times the starting price.
As the clock ticked down to zero, the auction was extended — three times — for a total of 10 minutes and 30 seconds. The auction finally ended with a sale price that was about 2.5 percent of what the sellers had paid for it.
UBS Realty Investors declined to comment for this article. The identity of the new owner will be announced after the sale officially closes, which could take about 45 days.
135 West 50th has more than 920,000 square feet but is just 35 percent occupied with office tenants, down from about 40 percent a year ago. It is one of the least occupied large buildings in Manhattan.
“It’s a huge risk,” Knakal said, adding that the new owner might have to renovate and upgrade swaths of the building, at a cost of about $200 to $300 per square foot, to attract new tenants.
The new owner could also opt to convert 135 West 50th into residences or bulldoze it altogether to build something new. But each choice is challenging or expensive. Razing the building and constructing an entirely new one would cost, at least, hundreds of millions of dollars.
While elected officials have encouraged developers to transform many older Manhattan office buildings into apartments or condominiums, very few transformations have moved forward, largely because of the high cost.
The buyer faces an immediate financial challenge: The auction was for the building itself, not the land. That is owned by a publicly traded real estate firm, which collects a monthly lease. But the rent from the building’s current tenants is not enough to cover those monthly payments, which are set to increase every five years and do not expire until 2123.
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.


youneedassistancewiththeapplicationprocess,pleasecall(808)832-5961. Devicessuchasmobilephonesandtabletswithinternetaccessmaybeused, however,notalloperatingsystemssupportthisapplication.Noapplicationswillbe accepted at the HPHA’s office.

NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthattheHawaiiPublicHousingAuthority(HPHA),in accordancewiththeU.S.DepartmentofHousingandUrbanDevelopment(HUD) regulations,HawaiiAdministrativeRulesChapter17-2028,andtheHPHA’sFederal PublicHousingAdmissionsandContinuedOccupancyPolicy(ACOP),willopen waitinglistsforlow-incomeapplicantswithapreferenceforthefederalpublic housingprogramonOahu.Eachgeographicwaitinglistdescribedbelowwillbe open for 7 days.
Onlineapplicationswillbeacceptedfromeligibleapplicantswiththe followingpreference:(1)InvoluntarilyDisplaced byadisaster,government action,oractionofhousingownerforreasonsbeyondtheapplicant’scontroland despitetheapplicantmeetingconditionsofoccupancy(excludingincreaseinrent); (2)VictimofDomesticViolence whoisparticipatinginaprogramwithcase managementthroughadomesticviolenceshelter,programorclearinghouse;or (3) Homeless person participatinginafederallyorstatefundedhomelessshelter orprogramandareincompliancewithasocialserviceplan.Forassistancewiththe online application process, please call (808) 832-5961. TheHPHAhasadoptedalottery/randomselectionpolicy.Followingtheclosingof eachgeographicwaitinglist,theHPHAwillusealotterytorandomlyselecta certainnumberofapplicantstobeplacedonthewaitinglist.Theorderofall applicants selected to be on the waiting list will be by random selection. Applicationswillbeactivefor18monthsfromthedateofplacementonthewaiting list and will then expire.
Forthe Honolulu,Oahu waitinglist(Ka‘ahumanuHomes,KalakauaHomes,Kalihi ValleyHomes,KamehamehaHomes,KuhioHomes,MayorWrightHomes,Palolo Valley Homes, Pu‘uwai Momi, Salt Lake Apartments, and Spencer House):
Waitlistopeningfor7daysfrom8:00amonMonday,August5,2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
Accepting online applications from eligible applicants for bedroom sizes: 2-bedroom,3bedroom,4-bedroom,or5-bedroom.TheHPHAwillusea lottery to randomly select 2,000 applicants on this list.
Forthe Leeward,Oahu waitinglist(HaleLaulima,Kau‘iokalani,MailiI&II, Nanakuli Homes, Waimaha-Sunflower, and Waipahu I & II):
Waitlistopeningfor7daysfrom8:00amonMonday,August12,2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, August 18, 2024.
Accepting online applications from eligible applicants for bedroom sizes: 2-bedroomor3-bedroom.TheHPHAwillusealotterytorandomlyselect 1,000 applicants to be placed on this list.
Forthe Honolulu,Oahu waitinglist(PunchbowlHomes,Kalanihuia,Makamae, Makua Ali‘i, Paoakalani, and Pumehana):
Waitlistopeningfor7daysfrom8:00amonMonday,August19,2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024.
Acceptingonlineapplicationsfromeligibleapplicantswhoarealso atleast 62yearsoldorapersonwithadisability andmeetthefollowingbedroom sizes:studio(1person),1-bedroom,or2bedroom.TheHPHAwillusea lottery to randomly select 1,000 applicants to be placed on this list. For the Central, Oahu waiting list (Kupuna Home O‘Waialua):
Waitlistopeningfor7daysfrom8:00amonMonday,August26,2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, September 1, 2024.
Acceptingonlineapplicationsfromeligibleapplicantswhoarealsoatleast 62yearsoldorapersonwithadisabilityandmeetthefollowingbedroom size:studio(1person)TheHPHAwillusealotterytorandomlyselect500 applicants to be placed on this list.
HowdoIsubmitanapplication? Applicationscanonlybesubmittedonline.If
1. Bepreparedbyhavingthenames,datesofbirth,andsocialsecurity numbersavailableforallpersonswhowillbelistedonyourapplication.You willneedtoknowthemonthlygrossincome(beforetaxes)foreachsource ofincomeforallpersonslistedonyourapplication.Youmustlistallthe sources of income individually.
2. Completetheapplicationonlineatwww.hpha.hawaii.govbyclickingon “Apply Online Here”.
3. Applicationssubmittedbeforeorafterthewaitinglistopeningperiodwillbe automaticallyrejectedandnotacceptedbytheHPHA.Applicationsnotfully completed(i.e.,inthemiddleofsubmission)priortotheclosingwillbe rejected.
4. Printyourreceipt,takeapictureof,orwritedownyourApplication ConfirmationNumber.Aconfirmationreceiptisissuedimmediatelyafterthe application is submitted. Print and save this confirmation.
Applicantscanonlyapplyforonegeographicwaitinglist.Noduplicate applicationswillbeaccepted. Anyduplicateapplicationswithsameorsimilar householdmemberswillhavebothapplicationsdenied.Priortoaddingany householdstothewaitinglist,theHPHAwillconductextensivecrosschecksto removeduplicateapplications.Submittingaduplicateapplicationwillnotimprove yourchancesofbeingselectedandcansignificantlydelayhousingforother applicants.
DoessubmittinganapplicationmeanI’monthewaitinglist?No,the HPHAwillbeusingalotterytoselectacertainnumberofapplicantstobe placedonthewaitinglist. Followingtheclosingofthewaitinglist,theHPHAwill assignapositionnumberafterthelotteryandtheapplicantwillbeplacedonthe applicablegeographicwaitinglistunlessrejectedduetoreasonslistedabove.All applicantswillbenotifiedbye-mailiftheywereselectedbythelotterytobeplaced onthewaitinglist.PleasedonotcontacttheHPHApriortoreceivingconfirmation ofplacementonawaitinglist.Noinformationcanbegivenoutoverthephone regarding the waiting list placements.
Thereis nofeeorchargetoapplyforhousingwiththeHPHA. Applicantsare encouragedtoimmediatelyreportanyindividualororganizationwhoattemptsto chargeafeeforcompletionoftheHPHA’sapplicationprocess.Applicantsshould not respond to any fraudulent requests for an application fee.
Organizations that may be able to assist with the application process are:
We Are Oceania 720 North King Street, Honolulu, HI 96817 (808) 913-1364 contact@weareoceania.org
Catholic Charities 1822 Keeaumoku St, Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 527-4777 info@catholiccharitieshawaii.org
Parents and Children Together (PACT) 1485 Linapuni St., Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 841-6177 admin@pacthawaii.org
Helping Hands Hawaii 2100 N Nimitz Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 536-7234 hhh@helpinghandshawaii.org
Honolulu Community Action Program (HCAP) 1132 Bishop St. Suite 100, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 521-4531 hcap@hcapweb.org
Applicantswhorequireareasonableaccommodationmaycall(808)832-5961or TTY/TDD:(808)7434594forassistancewithareasonableaccommodationor email hpha@hawaii.gov
Need a Language Interpreter? Please call (808) 832-5961. Visitourwebsiteat www.hpha.hawaii.gov formoreinformationaboutourprograms. For general questions regarding the waiting list, please call (808) 832-5961. (TGI1463654 8/2/24)

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Abandoned Vehicle Notice is hereby given: 2013 RAM 1500, Brown, license KBB242, 1C6RR7LT5DS571755 will be disposed or sold if not claimed. Destination Autoworks 808-246-9700 (TGI1463228 /2/24) IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE FIFTH CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII


DATED: LIHUE, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i,

22, 2024.

Youareherebynotifiedthattheforegoingmatterintheabove-entitledcasewill beheardbeforethePresidingJudgeoftheFamilyCourt,FifthCircuit,Pu‘uhonua KaulikeBuilding,3970Ka’anaStreet,Courtroom#1,Lihu‘e,Kaua‘ionTHURSDAY, the29thdayofAUGUST,2024at8:00a.m.orassoonthereafterasthemattercan be heard. Ifyouwishtoseektheadviceofanattorney,dosopromptly.Youmustappear at the hearing with or without an attorney. Ifyoufailtoappearatthehearing,thereliefrequestedmaybegrantedwithout further notice to you.

Legals/Public Notices

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA), in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 17-2028, and the HPHA’s Federal Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP), will open waiting lists for low-income applicants with a preference for the federal public housing program on Oahu. Each geographic waiting list described below will be open for 7 days.
Online applications will be accepted from eligible applicants with the following preference: (1) Involuntarily
Displaced by a disaster, government action, or action of housing owner for reasons beyond the applicant’s control and despite the applicant meeting conditions of occupancy (excluding increase in rent); (2) Victim of Domestic Violence who is participating in a program with case management through a domestic violence shelter, program or clearinghouse; or (3) Homeless person participating in a federally or state funded homeless shelter or program and are in compliance with a social service plan. For assistance with the online application process, please call (808) 832-5961.
The HPHA has adopted a lottery/random selection policy. Following the closing of each geographic waiting list, the HPHA will use a lottery to randomly select a certain number of applicants to be placed on the waiting list. The order of all applicants selected to be on the waiting list will be by random selection. Applications will be active for 18 months from the date of placement on the waiting list and will then expire.
For the Honolulu, Oahu waiting list (Ka‘ahumanu Homes, Kalakaua Homes, Kalihi Valley Homes, Kamehameha Homes, Kuhio Homes, Mayor Wright Homes, Palolo Valley Homes, Pu‘uwai Momi, Salt Lake Apartments, and Spencer House):
Waitlist opening for 7 days from 8:00am on Monday, August 5, 2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
Accepting online applications from eligible applicants for bedroom sizes: 2-bedroom, 3 bedroom, 4-bedroom, or 5-bedroom. The HPHA will use a lottery to randomly select all applicants on this list.
For the Leeward, Oahu waiting list (Hale Laulima, Kau‘iokalani, Maili I & II, Nanakuli Homes, Waimaha-Sunflower, and Waipahu I & II):
Waitlist opening for 7 days from 8:00am on Monday, August 12, 2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, August 18, 2024.
Accepting online applications from eligible applicants for bedroom sizes: 2-bedroom or 3-bedroom. The HPHA will use a lottery to randomly select all applicants to be placed on this list.
For the Honolulu, Oahu waiting list (Punchbowl Homes, Kalanihuia, Makamae, Makua Ali‘i, Paoakalani, and Pumehana):
Waitlist opening for 7 days from 8:00 am on Monday, August 19, 2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, August 25, 2024.
Accepting online applications from eligible applicants who are also at least 62 years old or a person with a disability and meet the following bedroom sizes: studio (1 person), 1-bedroom, or 2 bedroom. The HPHA will use a lottery to randomly select all applicants to be placed on this list.
For the Central, Oahu waiting list (Kupuna Home O‘Waialua):
Waitlist opening for 7 days from 8:00 am on Monday, August 26, 2024, through 4:00pm on Sunday, September 1, 2024.
Accepting online applications from eligible applicants who are also at least 62 years old or a person with a disability and meet the following bedroom size: studio (1 person) The HPHA will use a lottery to randomly select all applicants to be placed on this list.
How do I submit an application? Applications can only be submitted online. If you need assistance with the application process, please call (808) 832-5961. Devices such as mobile phones and tablets with internet access may be used, however, not all operating systems support this application. No applications will be accepted at the HPHA’s office.
1. Be prepared by having the names, dates of birth, and social security numbers available for all persons who will be listed on your application. You will need to know the monthly gross income (before taxes) for each source of income for all persons listed on your application. You must list all the sources of income individually.
2. Complete the application online at www.hpha.hawaii.gov by clicking on “Apply Online Here”.
3. Applications submitted before or after the waiting list opening period will be automatically rejected and not accepted by the HPHA. Applications not fully completed (i.e., in the middle of submission) prior to the closing will be rejected.
4. Print your receipt, take a picture of, or write down your Application Confirmation Number. A confirmation receipt is issued immediately after the application is submitted. Print and save this confirmation. Applicants can only apply for one geographic waiting list. No duplicate applications will be accepted. Any duplicate applications with same or similar household members will have both applications denied. Prior to adding any households to the waiting list, the HPHA will conduct extensive crosschecks to remove duplicate applications. Submitting a duplicate application will not improve your chances of being selected and can significantly delay housing for other applicants.
Does submitting an application mean I’m on the waiting list? No, the HPHA will be using a lottery to select a certain number of applicants to be placed on the waiting list. Following the closing of the waiting list, the HPHA will assign a position number after the lottery and the applicant will be placed on the applicable geographic waiting list unless rejected due to reasons listed above. All applicants will be notified by e-mail if they were selected by the lottery to be placed on the waiting list. Please do not contact the HPHA prior to receiving confirmation of placement on a waiting list. No information can be given out over the phone regarding the waiting list placements. There is no fee or charge to apply for housing with the HPHA. Applicants are encouraged to immediately report any individual or organization who attempts to charge a fee for completion of the HPHA’s application process. Applicants should not respond to any fraudulent requests for an application fee. Organizations that may be able to assist with the application process are:
We Are Oceania 720 North King Street, Honolulu, HI 96817 (808) 913-1364 contact@weareoceania.org
Catholic Charities 1822 Keeaumoku St, Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 527-4777 info@catholiccharitieshawaii.org
Parents and Children Together (PACT) 1485 Linapuni St., Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 841-6177 admin@pacthawaii.org
Helping Hands Hawaii 2100 N Nimitz Hwy, Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 536-7234 hhh@helpinghandshawaii.org
Honolulu Community Action Program (HCAP) 1132 Bishop St. Suite 100, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 521-4531 hcap@hcapweb.org
Applicants who require a reasonable accommodation may call (808) 832-5961 or TTY/TDD: (808) 743 4594 for assistance with a reasonable accommodation or email hpha@hawaii.gov

Need a Language Interpreter? Please call (808) 832-5961. Interpreters will also be available via Zoom on the following dates and times.
Monday 08/059:00 am–10:00 am 10:00 am–11:00 am 11:00 am–12:00 pm
Marshallese | Kajin M̧ajeļ, Kajin Majōl
Cantonese/Mandarin | 简体中文 / 繁体中文
Vietnamese |
Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Tuesday 08/069:00 am -10:00 am 10:00 am - 11:00 am Korean | Chuukese | Chuuk
Monday 08/129:00 am–10:00 am 10:00 am–11:00 am 11:00 am–12:00 pm
https://zoom.us/j/7870674228?omn=92126160003 Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Marshallese | Kajin M̧ajeļ, Kajin Majōl Cantonese/Mandarin | 简体中文 / 繁体中文 Vietnamese |
https://zoom.us/j/7870674228?omn=92126160003 Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Tuesday 08/139:00 am-10:00 am 10:00 am - 11:00 am Korean | Chuukese | Chuuk
Monday 08/199:00 am–10:00 am 10:00 am–11:00 am 11:00 am–12:00 pm
https://zoom.us/j/7870674228?omn=92126160003 Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Marshallese | Kajin M̧ajeļ, Kajin Majōl Cantonese/Mandarin | 简体中文 / 繁体中文
Vietnamese |
https://zoom.us/j/7870674228?omn=92126160003 Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Tuesday 08/209:00 am-10:00 am 10:00 am - 11:00 am Korean | Chuukese | Chuuk
Monday 08/269:00 am–10:00 am 10:00 am–11:00 am 11:00 am–12:00 pm
https://zoom.us/j/7870674228?omn=92126160003 Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Marshallese | Kajin M̧ajeļ, Kajin Majōl Cantonese/Mandarin | 简体中文 / 繁体中文 Vietnamese |
https://zoom.us/j/7870674228?omn=92126160003 Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Tuesday 08/279:00 am-10:00 am 10:00 am - 11:00 am Korean | Chuukese | Chuuk
https://zoom.us/j/7870674228?omn=92126160003 Meeting ID: 787 067 4228
Visit our website at www.hpha.hawaii.gov for more information about our programs. For general questions regarding the waiting list, please call (808) 832-5961.
The HPHA will be opening the Federal Public Housing waiting list to applicants with a preference. More information can be found at www.hpha.hawaii.gov.
Chuukese: An Hawaii iwe Nenien Imw ngeni Aramas Meinisin (Hawaii Public Housing Authority - HPHA) epwene suuki an ewe Nenien Imw ngeni Fonu Meinisin (Federal Public Housing) taropwen awitiwit ngeni ekkewe chon ammasow iir mei affataeochu pworouser me ian sipwe tour ngenir me ian. Ren pwan ekkoch sopwusopwun pworous ka tongeni kuna me won ei neni www.hpha.hawaii.gov
German: Die öffentliche Wohnungsbaubehörde von Hawaii (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) wird die Warteliste für den öffentlichen Wohnungsbau (Federal Public Housing) für Bewerber mit einer Präferenz öffnen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Ilokano: Luktanton ti Autoridad iti Pagnaedan a Para iti Publiko iti Hawaii (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) ti listaan dagiti aplikante nga agkasapulan iti balay para iti Pederal a Pagnaedan a Para iti Publiko (Federal Public Housing). Ammuen ti nayon nga impormasion iti www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Japanese: ハワイ公営住宅局(Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA)は、連邦公営住宅 (Federal Public Housing) に優 先的に申請できる申請者に対し待機リストへの受付を開始します。詳しくは、www.hpha.hawaii.gov をご覧ください。
Korean: 하와이주�공공주택국 (Hawaii Public Housing Authority: HPHA) 에서는�원하는�신청자들에게�연방�공공주택 (Federal Public Housing) 대기자�명단을�공개하려고�합니다. 자세한�내용은 www.hpha.hawaii.gov 에서�참고하시기 바랍니다.
Lao: (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) (Federal Public Housing) www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Marshallese: Opij eo an Hawaii ej Bo¯k Eddoin Imo¯n Jokwe ko an Kien (Hawaii Public Housing Authority, HPHA) enaj ko¯bellok laajrakin etan armij ro ñan Imo¯n Jokwe ko an Kien eo an Federal (Federal Public Housing) ñan armij ro rej kateruru im ewo¯r aer kelet ñan imo¯n jokwe. Kwo¯maron loe melele ko relablok ilo www.hpha.hawaii.gov Russian: (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) (Federal Public Housing) www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Simplified Chinese: 夏威夷公共住房管理局 HPHA (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) 将向有优先权的申请人 开放联邦公共住房 (Federal Public Housing) 候补名单。欲了解更多信息,可访问 www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Spanish: La Autoridad de Vivienda Pública de Hawái HPHA (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) abrirá la lista de espera para Vivienda Pública Federal (Federal Public Housing) para los solicitantes preferenciales. Puede encontrar más información en la página www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Tagalog: Bubuksan na ng Awtoridad sa Pabahay Para sa Publiko sa Hawaii (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) ang listahan ng mga aplikante na nangangailangan ng bahay para sa Pederal na Pabahay Para sa Publiko (Federal Public Housing). Alamin ang karagdagang impormasyon sa www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Thai: (Hawaii Public Housing Authority - HPHA) (Federal Public Housing) www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Tongan: ‘E faka‘ata¯ atu ‘e he Ma‘uma¯fai Falenofo‘anga Fakapule‘anga ‘o Hauai‘i´ (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) e¯ ngaahi lisi talifaki ‘o e Ngaahi ‘Apinofo‘anga Fetu¯lolo (Federal Public Housing) ki ha ni‘ihi ke tohi kole mai ki ai mo ‘enau fiema‘u´. Ki ha¯ toe fakamatala fakaikiiki ‘e ma‘u atu ia he www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Traditional Chinese: 夏威夷公共住房管理局 HPHA (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) 將向具優先權的申請者 開放聯邦公共住房 (Federal Public Housing) 候補名單。請瀏覽 www.hpha.hawaii.gov 以暸解更多相關資訊。 Ukrainian: (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) (Federal Public Housing) www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Visayan: Ang Awtoridad sa Publikong Pabalay Sa Hawaii APBH (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) magabukas sa nagpaabot nga listahan sa Publikong Pabalay nga Pederal (Federal Public Housing) ngadto sa mga aplikante uban ang pagpalabi sa nanginahanglan. Ang dugang kasayoran makit-an sa www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Hawaiian: E ho‘omaka ana ka ho‘olaha ‘ia ‘ana o ka papa inoa koi ko¯kua ho‘olako kauhale a ke Ke‘ena Ho‘olako Kauhale Pekelala no ka Lehulehue (Federal Public Housing) e ka Hui Kuleana Kauhale no ka Lehuehu o Hawai‘i nei HPHA (Hawai‘i
Public Housing Authority HPHA) no na¯ po‘e i ka¯inoa mua aku nei me kekahi koi i makemake ‘ia. Loa‘a no¯ ho‘i na¯ mana‘o ‘e¯ a‘e e pili ana i ke¯ia ma www.hpha.hawaii.gov
Kosrean: U nuhke Oruh Mwetuh in Muhtah ke Lohmah Finacn Hawaii HPHA (Hawaii Public Housing Authority HPHA) fah muhtacwack