Fall’s ‘dopamine decor’ trend
World got you down? A hit of “dopamine decor” might lift the spirits.
6791-B Waipouli Road
This gorgeous 3 bedroom 2 bath home in the Homesteads is located on 2 level acres with mountain and distant ocean views.
Primarily a one story house with an upstairs large loft that can be used as an office, artist studio or just extra living area.
Not a CPR, the owner/buyer could most likely build another house. MLS # 670213; $1,700,000.
Call Julie Black, RB-14203 (808) 652-6174 Kauai Dreams Realty, to see this property.
Long-term U.S. mortgage rate falls to 7.18 percent
LOS ANGELES — The average long-term U.S. mortgage rate slipped after climbing for five consecutive weeks to a more than 20-year high, a modest relief for would-be homebuyers challenged by rising home prices and a thin inventory of homes on the market.
Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday that the average rate on the benchmark 30-year home loan fell to 7.18 percent from 7.23 percent last week. A year ago, the rate averaged 5.66 percent.
The average rate is now the lowest it’s been in two weeks, but remains above 7 percent. High rates can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for borrowers, limiting how much they can afford in a market already unaffordable to many Americans. They also discourage homeowners who locked in low rates two years ago from selling.
The average rate on 15-year fixed-rate mortgages, popular with those refinancing their homes, was 6.55 percent, unchanged from last week. A year ago, it averaged 4.98 percent, Freddie Mac said.
Mortgage rates climbed for much of August along with the 10-year Treasury yield, which is used by lenders to price rates on mortgages and other loans.
The yield, which last week neared its highest level since 2007, rose sharply as bond traders reacted to reports showing the U.S. economy remains remarkably resilient. That’s stoked worries that the Federal Reserve will conclude that it needs to keep interest rates higher for longer in order to crush inflation.
The biggest trend in home decorating this fall is an emphasis on happiness, self-expression, color and creativity. Does orange make you smile? Dress your kitchen in the happy hue. Love a variety of styles? Do a mashup.
The look goes by many names.
Fashion writer Dawnn Karen referenced the feel-good brain chemical in her book “Dress Your Best Life,” holding that “dopamine dressing” — wearing clothes in your own, individual style — gives you positive feelings.
Decorators and influencers say the same thing happens when we throw out old decor rules and step into a space adorned with personal touches. We’re more relaxed. More creative.
People are asking themselves what colors and patterns they really love, “and then bringing those features into their spaces — even if it goes against conventional decorating advice or what they might have seen online 10 years ago,” says Lauren Phillips, associate director of special projects at Better Homes & Gardens.
The trend toward making rooms more comfortable, functional and personal gained steam during the pandemic, when many people were homebound. And it continues to grow, Phillips says.
“Unused guest rooms are home offices. Formal dining rooms become craft spaces. And ‘barkitecture’ is having a moment — installing dog baths and other pet-specific features,” she says.
Decor is awash in aesthetic “cores” — Barbiecore, cottagecore, coastal grandma, mermaidcore.
“But I don’t take it to mean we’re bouncing from trend to trend super quickly. To me, it means people are defining their
own style, and really getting to the root of the designs they love, even if that’s a little more colorful, kitschy or funky,” says Phillips.
Creative reins loosened
There’s lots of inspiration on the internet. “If, 15 years ago, we all wanted the picture-perfect kitchen we saw online, today it’s all about taking a trend or beautiful interior that you see on TikTok or Instagram and pulling out the details you love,”
says Phillips.
“Gen Z is on the cusp of becoming our new homeowner,” says Amanda Kruse of Upspring PR, a New York-based marketing firm for real estate, design and interiors.
And they’re more likely to mix styles for a personal spin, she says.
Artsy elements
Emilie Munroe began designing a San Francisco family’s Victorian home by leafing through a sheaf of torn-out magazine images from the client.
“We knew immediately our design should exude happiness and inspire curiosity,” says Munroe.
A tiny powder room got an exuberant pink-and-black, animalprint wallpaper. In a tight hallway next to a window, there’s a kaleidoscopic wallpaper, an abstract rug and a Basquiatpatterned chair.
London-based design editor Cara Gibbs, meanwhile, has noticed the free-wheeling use of paint.
“I feel like it used to be wacky to paint a room pink from top to bottom, but now the application of these bright, poppy palettes is chic, interesting and most importantly very livable. I’m here for it!” she says.
So is Massachusetts designer Nicole Hirsch. She’s put a zingy green — she calls it “alligator” — on a bathroom ceiling. Tangerine on a playroom ceiling. Cobalt blue, lipstick pink and chrome yellow add lively punches on furnishings.
Julie Black, Principal Broker & Owner (808) 652-6174 with daughter Kela Caspillo, Realtor Broker (808) 652-6173 kauaidreams.com Got House? Serving Kauai’s Condo & Community Associations with award-winning service Hawaiiana Management Company, Ltd. Hawaiiana currently serves over 60 residential and commercial associations on the Island of Kauai. Kauai native Sunshine Ruiz Hatto serves as Hawaiiana’s Vice President of Kauai Operations from its office at the Kukui Grove Executive Center in Lihue. • 99% retention rate among clients • Local (vs. mainland) banking • All employees are in Hawaii • Serving over 60 associations on Kauai Sunshine Ruiz Hatto Vice President Kauai Operations For more information about Hawaiiana’s services, contact Sunshine Ruiz Hatto at 792-0515 or email sunshine@hmcmgt.com. WHIT VAN BLARGEN SR. MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE HINAHEA LANGI OFFICE MANAGER, SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT LUCY TAYLOR SR. MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE AMY CAMPBELL MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE Alihi Lani Alii Kai at Hanalei Alii Kai II Aliomanu Estates Apopo Hale Emmalani Court Halaulani Condominium Hale Honu Halelani Village at Puhi Halemalu at Puhi Hanalei Bay Villas Hooluana Condo at Kohea Loa Hookena at Puhi Kahala at Poipu Kai Ka‘iulani of Princeville Kakela Makai Oceanview Kalaheo Pali Kai Kalihiwai Ridge Kamahana Kauai Beach Resort Hawaiiana’s Kauai Properties: Kauai Beach Resort Association Kawaihau Sports Villa K.G. Enterprises Condominium Kiahuna Plantation AOBO Kohea Loa Master Association Koloa Garden Apartments Kuhio Shores at Poipu Kukui‘ula Kulana Lae Nani Lihue Townhouse Makanui Manualoha Marriott’s Kauai Resort and Beach Club AOAO Nawiliwili Estates Paradise Court Pali Ke Kua Paliuli Pikake Pili Mai at Poipu Plantation at Princeville Poipu Crater Poipu Kai Association Poipu Kai Racquet Club Poipu Kai Water Reclamation Poipu Kapili Poipu Sands Princeville II Community Association Princeville II Community Association - Queen Emma Bluff Princeville Makai Ranch at Halele‘a Princeville Paniolo Princeville Sealodge I Puamana Puhi Industrial Park Pu‘u Po‘a Regency at Poipu Kai Regency Hule‘ia Regency Villas at Poipu Kai Sandpiper Village I The Villas at Poipu Kai Villas at Puali Villas of Kamali’i Villas on the Prince Waikomo Stream Villas Wailua Bay View Waipouli Beach Resort www.hmcmgt.com KRISTEN KURZ MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE MIRISHAE MCDONALD MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE ASHLEIGH-MORGAN SHIGETA FRONT DESK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT RACHELE BURNS TOGUCHI OFFICE/LEAD ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT JASMIN WAMPLER MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE RICHARD ROBERTS MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE MARISA YOUNG ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT B4 • Friday, September 1, 2023 THE GARDEN ISLAND thegardenisland.com
A tiny powder room of a family’s Victorian home with an exuberant pink and black animal print wallpaper.
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CountyCode1987,noticeisherebygiventhatany taxpayermayfilecomplaintsregardingrealproperty assessmentsofrealpropertylocatedintheCountyof Kauai. Thecomplaintsareforthepurposeofassisting theBoardofReviewinpreparingareporttothe mayorandtheassessorregardinginstances,which intheopinionoftheBoard,theassessordidnotuse propermethodsinassessingpropertiesnotbrought before the board of appeal.
Sincethiscomplaintperiodisnotforappealing assessmentsbutonlyforfilingcomplaints,theboard cannot change any 2023 Assessments. Eachcomplaintshallidentifythepropertyinvolved inwritingtostatethevaluationclaimedbytheowner and the grounds of objection to the assessment. Complaintsshallbefiledonlyduringtheperiod fromSeptember1to10,2023,withtheDirectorof FinanceattheRealPropertyDivision,4444Rice Street, Suite A-454, Lihue, HI 96766. Taxpayer’sNoticeofComplaint(RPFormP-70)is available at www.kauaipropertytax.com
(TGI1426744 9/01/23)
anywarrantyoftitleoranyotherwarranty.Purchaserisresponsiblefor makinghis/herowninvestigationregardingtheproperty.Propertymaybe subjecttootherliens.Propertyissoldatpublicauctionwith10%of highestbidpayableincash,certifiedorcashier’scheckatcloseof auction,balancepayableupondeliveryoftitle.Potentialbiddersmustbe abletoprovideproofofhis/herabilitytocomplywith10%ofbid requirementpriortoparticipatinginthepublicauction.Buyersshallpayall costsofclosingincludingescrow,conveyancetaxesandisresponsiblefor securingpossessionoftheproperty,includingthecostofeviction,upon recordation. SALE SUBJECT TO COURT CONFIRMATION.
For Further information call: Melinda K. Mendes, Commissioner; Ph: (808) 212-6635 P.O. Box 3504, Lihue, Hawaii 96766 Email: attymkmendes@gmail.com
(TGI1427309 8/25, 9/1, 9/8/23)
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MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FULL SPECTRUM LENDING, INC., and DOES 1 through 20, Inclusive (Civil No. 5CC161000158) 4987 Hekili Road, Kapa’a, Hawaii 96746 TMK No. (4) 4-6-017-032-0000 2 bedrooms; 1 bathroom OPEN HOUSES: SEPTEMBER 9, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. SEPTEMBER 10, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. AUCTION DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. on the front steps of the Kauai Judiciary Complex, Fifth Circuit Court Building, 3970 Ka’ana Street, Lihue, Hawaii 96766. TERMS OF SALE: NoUpsetPrice.Propertysoldin“ASIS”conditionwithout
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