5 outdoor projects to boost your home’s value

Are you looking for eye-catching and practical ways to upgrade your home? Consider investing in an outdoor renovation project. From installing or remodeling a patio to adding an outdoor fireplace, these outdoor projects can make your home an inviting space in which you and others will want to spend time.
To inspire and help you along your outdoor design journey, Belgard — a leading provider of outdoor home products like pavers, retaining walls and other landscape features — offers five outdoor design inspirations you can implement in your next home improvement project.

Invest in landscaping
If you want to improve the appearance of your home and get an instant return on investment, upgrade your landscape. Not only does investing in landscaping enhance your home’s curb appeal, but it also extends a warm invitation into your home for visitors.
A National Association of Realtors (NAR) Research Group 2023 Remodeling Impact Report found that lining your walkway of pavers with plants, or adding in raised beds and shrubs, allowed homeowners to recover 104 percent of the project’s cost. However, if you want to start small,
adding flowering shrubs, shading trees or mulching are easy, cost-effective ways to revive your yard. Upgrade your patio

A patio or deck can be a wonderful addition to your home. It acts as an extension of your home and provides another livable space to relax and socialize with family and friends. You can even incorporate an outdoor dining area and workspace to create a multi-purpose patio.
Whether you want to add

Long-term mortgage rate increases to 7.18 percent this week

LOS ANGELES — The average long-term U.S. mortgage rate edged up this week, pushing higher the borrowing costs for prospective homebuyers already facing a housing market limited by a dearth of homes for sale and rising prices.
The average rate on the benchmark 30-year home loan rose to 7.18 percent from 7.12 percent last week, according to Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac on Thursday. A year ago, the rate averaged 6.02 percent.
The average rate on 15-year fixed-rate mortgages, popular with those refinancing their homes, fell to 6.51 percent from 6.52 percent last week. A year ago, it averaged 5.21 percent, Freddie Mac said.
High rates can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for borrowers, limiting how much they can afford in a market already unaffordable to many Americans. They also discourage homeowners who locked in low rates two years ago from selling.
Mortgage rates have been climbing in recent weeks, echoing moves in the 10-year Treasury yield, which lenders use as a guide to pricing loans.
The yield, which three weeks ago neared its highest level since 2007, has been hovering above 4 percent since August as bond traders weigh whether recent economic data increase the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will decide it needs to keep interest rates higher for longer to lower inflation.
a patio or upgrade your existing one, doing so also adds value to your home.
According to the NAR report, a new patio typically costs $10,000-$10,500. However, homeowners that installed a patio recovered 95 percent of the value from the project.
When designing your patio, consider using concrete pavers to incorporate textures and colors. Concrete pavers are a great way to complete the feel of your outdoor space and seamlessly blend the hardscapes
in with the existing layout because they complement various design styles. They’re also a great investment and have a life span of 30 to 100 years to withstand extreme weather and bear heavy weight.
Add shade structures
During the warmer months, you’ll want shade structures so you can get the most out of your outdoor space, no matter the temperature. Escape the heat by installing a pergola on your patio.
Pergolas are a popular option because homeowners can choose various materials, styles and colors to fit their layout. A well-designed pergola can boost property values and increase the usability of the backyard.
Decorate your pergola with sun-blocking curtains and hanging plants to create the perfect private getaway in your backyard. For a more cost-effective option, a trellis with plants or greenery can provide both privacy and shade.
Install an outdoor kitchen
Outdoor kitchens are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners and potential buyers. They allow people to spend as much time outdoors as possible while entertaining and feeding guests. It also means that you don’t heat up your house during the summer months.
Compared to other outdoor home improvement projects, outdoor kitchens offer a substantial return on investment. The NAR report found that homeowners recovered 100 percent of the cost of building an outdoor kitchen.
The report also found that 99 percent of homeowners who added an outdoor kitchen felt a greater desire to be home and 71 percent felt an increased sense of enjoyment with their home.
Note: Ensure the kitchen is functional within your space and has shelter from rain or intense sun, so you have optimal time to utilize it throughout the year.
Incorporate a fire feature
Whether you choose a fireplace or pit, an outdoor fire feature will add value to your home and allow you to make memories with friends and family in a cozy environment huddled around whichever feature you choose.
Fire features also add 32 percent better functionality, livability and personality to your home and make your outdoor space more usable, so you can enjoy your outdoor space during a brisk summer evening or in colder climates.
Consider your budget, space layout and function for fire features to ensure you choose the right one for your backyard and family. A do-it-yourself fire pit is a great inexpensive option with versatile use and style. Opt for an outdoor fireplace if you’re looking for a more premium option. It can double as a privacy wall and takes up less space than a typical fireplace. Let these five outdoor renovation projects inspire you to upgrade add value to your property and make your home a place you and others want to spend their time. For more inspiration, visit Belgard.com.

OF BARRY LEE GABLER, Deceased. FILED,anApplicationbyBlairAshleyGabler, whoseaddressisc/oKauaiEstateLaw,LLLC,4334 RiceStreet,Suite202,Lihue,Hawaii96766,alleging intestacyofsaiddecedent,whodiedonJune3,2023, andprayingforinformalappointmentandissuanceof
Letters of Administration to said Blair Ashley Gabler.
Ifanyinterestedpersonhasobjectiontothe informalprobate,thatpersonmayfileapetitionfor formaltestacy;ifanyinterestedpersondesiresfurther noticeconcerningtheestate,includingnotice concerningtheclosinganddistributionoftheestate, thepersonmustfileaDemandforNoticepursuantto HRS Section 560:3-204.

Allcreditorsoftheabove-namedestatearehereby notifiedtopresenttheirclaimswithpropervouchersor dulyauthenticatedcopiesthereof,eveniftheclaimis securedbymortgageuponrealestate,tosaid nominee,attheaddressshownabove,withinfour(4) monthsfromthedateofthefirstpublicationofthis notice or they will be forever barred.

DATED: September 12. 2023; at Lihue, Hawaii.
/s/ Doreena Olivas Brun Clerk of the Above-Entitled Court
Ifyouarenotcurrentlyreceivingahomeexemption, youmayfileaclaimfortheexemptiontoreducethe realpropertyassessmentonyourhome.Tobeeligible, youmustoccupyyourpropertyasyourprincipalhome formorethan270daysofacalendaryearandfilean incometaxreturnasafull-timeresidentoftheStateof HawaiiwithareportedaddressintheCountytheyear priortotheeffectivedateoftheexemption.Youmust possessavalidHawaiidriver’slicense,HawaiiState ID,greencard,ormilitaryordersindicatingassigned stationintheCounty.Fortheexemptiontobeeffective inthenextyear 2024-2025, theclaimmustbefiled by September 30, 2023.
Otherswhomaybeeligibleforanexemptionand areaffectedbythe September30,2023 deadline includeHansen’sdiseasesufferers,totallydisabled veterans,propertyownerswhoaredeaf,blindortotally disabled,nonprofitorganizations,low&moderateincomehousingprojects,homeswithasaferoom, kuleana,andowneroccupantswhosecombinedgross incomeislessthanorequalto$96,600.Othertax reliefprogramsaffectedbythe September30,2023 deadlinearelongtermaffordablerentalsandhome preservation tax limitation.
Inordertoqualifyforanexemptionortaxrelief,the documentbywhichthepropertywasacquired(i.e., deed,lease,agreementofsale,etc.)mustberecorded attheBureauofConveyancesonorbefore September30,2023. Toexpeditethefilingprocess, theclaimantshouldknowthetaxmapkeynumberof the property.
Achangeinownershiporuse,suchasthesaleor rentaloftheproperty,voidstheexemptionandmust bereportedtotheassessorwithin30days.Failureto notifytheassessorofthechangesubjectstheclaimant tobacktaxesandacivilpenaltyforeachyearthatthe change remains unreported.
Exemptionandtaxreliefformsareavailableat 4444RiceSt.,SuiteA-454,Lihue,Kauai,Hawaii 96766oronlineat www.kauaipropertytax.com Certainformsarealsoavailableforonlinesubmission at https://connect.kauai.gov .Foradditional information, call 241-4224. (TGI1427042 9/13, 9/15/23)
NOTICEISHEREBY GIVENthatpursuantto theProvisionsofSection 507-43,oftheHawaii RevisedStatutes,the constructionbyDANIEL CONSTRUCTION,INC.of thatcertainNEW HELICOPTERHANGAR situatedat3651AHUKINI RD.,LIHUEAIRPORT,HI, TMK:3-5-001-008,has been completed.

ISLAND HELICOPTERS / MR. LOFSTEDT Owner(s) (TGI1430710 9/15, 9/22/23)

To: Defendant KALEB M. K. M. JARDINE
YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatthePlaintiff KAUAIFEDERALCREDITUNION,formerlyknownas KauaiGovernmentEmployeesFederalCreditUnion,a federallycharteredcreditunion,filedaComplaint (Assumpsit-MoneyOwed);Declaration;Exhibits1,2 &3;andSummonsagainstyouinCivilNo.5DRC-23345,intheDistrictCourtoftheFifthCircuit,Stateof Hawaii,prayingforjudgmentforsumsdueandowing fornonpaymentofsignatureandVISAloans,interest, latefees,costsandattorneys’feesandforother proper relief.

YOUAREHEREBYSUMMONEDtoappearinthe CourtroomofthePresidingJudgeoftheabove-entitled Court,Kauai,Hawaii,onMonday,the30thdayof October,2023,at8:00a.m.ofsaiddayortofilean answerorotherpleadingandserveitbeforesaidday uponSHERMANSHIRAISHI,Plaintiff’sattorney,whose addressis2403UluMaikaStreet,Lihue,Hawaii, 96766.Ifyoufailtodoso,judgmentbydefaultwill betakenagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthe Complaint.
DATED: Lihue, Hawaii, August 24, 2023.

LAND LEASE for a HANGAR FACILITY at LIHUE AIRPORT NoticeisherebygiventhattheStateofHawaii,DepartmentofTransportation, Airports("STATE")shallconductapublicauction(“PublicAuction”)forleaseof landforthedevelopmentofahangarfacility,locatedattheLihueAirport (“Airport”), Lihue, Hawaii, Island of Kauai, State of Hawaii.

A. TimeandPlaceofAuction .ThePublicAuctionshallbeconductedatthe KauaiAirportsDistrictOffice,3901MokuleleLoop#6,Lihue,Hawaii96766-9706 on November 16, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.

B. GeneralDescriptionandLocationofthePremises .Thepremisesconsistsof improved,unpavedland,designatedasArea/SpaceNo.004-142,containinga footprintof16,440squarefeet,moreorless,identifiedbyTaxMapKey:4th Division,3-5-001:Portionof158,attheLihueAirport,IslandofKauai,Stateof Hawaii.

C. TermandUse.ThetermoftheLandLease(“Lease”)shallbethirty(30) years,commencingupontheexecutionoftheLease.TheLeasepremisesshallbe usedforthedevelopment,construction,use,operationandmaintenanceofa privatefixed-wing,generalaviationhangarfacility,forprivategeneralaviation operations, to include but not limited to aircraft storage, repair, and maintenance.
HI 96766

D. UpsetRent .Theupsetannualrentforthefirstfive(5)yearsshallbe NINETEENTHOUSAND,EIGHTHUNDREDNINETY-TWOAND40/100DOLLARS ($19,892.40).Therentalamountshallbedueandpayableinmonthlyinstallments, in advance for the term of the Lease.
E. AvailabilityofDocumentsforInspection .TheNoticeofPublicAuctionand InstructionstoBidders(collectivelythe“PublicAuctiondocuments”),includingthe formoftheLease,maybeexaminedand/orobtainedfromtheSTATEwebsiteat www.hidot.hawaii.gov/airports/doing-business/concession-noticesunder“Other Offerings”orfromtheDepartmentofTransportation,Airports,Propertyand BusinessDevelopmentOfficelocatedattheAirport,Inter-IslandTerminalBuilding, 400RodgersBoulevard,Suite700,Honolulu,Hawaii96819-1880.Acopyofthe PublicAuctiondocumentsmayalsobepurchaseduponpaymentofthenonrefundablesumofFORTYANDN0/100DOLLARS($40.00)inUnitedStates currencyorcertifiedcheck.ThePublicAuctiondocumentsaresubjecttorevisionat anytimepriortothePublicAuction.AllpersonswhohavepurchasedthePublic Auction documents will be notified of and provided copies of such revisions, if any.

F. Bidding .EachprospectivebidderwillberequiredtocompletetheBid IntentPackage,whichisincludedinthePublicAuctiondocuments,thatrequires submissionoffinancialstatement(s),andotherdocuments,andsubmitthesame totheSTATE,atthePropertyandBusinessDevelopmentOffice,nolaterthan 4:00p.m.onOctober19,2023 .QuestionnairesincludedaspartoftheBidIntent Packagewillbeconsideredconfidentialandwillnotbemadeavailablefor inspection by the general public.
Anyqualifiedindividual,corporation,limitedliabilitycompany,partnership,joint ventureorotherentitymaybidatthePublicAuctionaftertimelysubmissionofan acceptable Bid Intent Package.
G. TheSTATEreservestherighttocancelthePublicAuction,ortopostponeor continuethesamefromtimetotime,asitmaydeemnecessary,bypublicationof notice to that effect or by public announcement at the time scheduled, therefore.
EDWIN H. SNIFFEN Director of Transportation (TGI1429863 9/15/23)