B2 • Friday, December 3, 2021
Got House?
Julie Black, Principal Broker & Owner (808) 652-6174 with daughter Kela Caspillo, Realtor Sales Person (808) 652-6173 kauaidreams.com
Featured Home
Princeville 5520 Ka Haku Rd., #511 Price Reduction
Emmalani Court #511 is a two bedroom, two bath ground floor corner condominium with golf course and distant ocean views. Features include a covered lanai, covered parking, secure covered bike & surfboard storage area, as well as a community pool, grilling area, and gathering room. Permitted for vacation rental or long term rental use. MLS # 655271; $839,900. Call Julie Black, RB (808) 652-6174 Kauai Dreams Realty
Outdoor decorating trends
Garlands of all kinds of greenery can warm up the look of railings or frame doorways. Leave them au naturel, or dress them with metallic accents and small decorations for your overall theme.
Home, as we know, has become more central to many of us during the pandemic, and that means outdoors as well as in. This holiday season, designers and retailers have suggestions for updating window, door and yard decorations. Trends include sustainability, naturalness and coziness.
Modern winter
Nature show New York interior designer John Douglas Eason appreciates a season where “over the top” is often just what’s needed. “But that said, I like subtle holiday design, incorporating nature and keeping it tonal. I love monochromatic gourds with a gnarly tree branch tossed in for interest and fresh greens,” he says. Eason suggests luminarias to light walkways, “and I’ve been playing around with the idea of connecting them with thick garlands and woodland elements. “I really think a more natural holiday design is absolutely on point this season.” When the holiday is over, he notes, recyclable decor can go back to nature “and help to ensure the gift of a safer earth for generations to come.”
This image provided by Lowe’s shows a traditional front-door decoration. Frame the front door or wrap a railing with a lighted garland, and add a coordinating wreath for a cozy, festive vibe.
Harlequin and checkered prints in small doses, for ornaments or decorative accents, work for both inside and out of the house.” She likes magnolia-leaf garlands with green tops and a rich burgundy red on their fuzzy undersides. “They’re my favorite to use because they pop against a blanket Traditional colors of snow,” Fisher says. “They’re also very hardy and last through the Nicole Fisher, who bases her entire season, always looking BNR Interiors firm in New York’s Holiday lodge fresh.” Hudson Valley, likes to blend the If you can’t find magnolia time-tested colors of Christmas If heading off to a cozy cabin is garlands locally, Food52 quickmore aspirational than doable, you with fresh twists. ships good-looking fresh ones. And “My color palette this year is can still achieve the chalet vibe. A there are lovely faux versions that going to be green and red with few birch logs placed in a black and white accents,” she says. you can embellish with extra pops galvanized steel or enameled of green, red or copper magnolia planter, with pine or cedar boughs “I love the traditional concept of sprigs, at Etsy,Jamali Garden and black and white, but also how it’s and some faux or real moss West Elm. unexpected for the holidays. bedding the pot, will look inviting with or without a strand of warmly hued fairy lights. Peel-and-stick removable decals can dress up a front door or streetfacing windows. Tempaper’s white Christmas Village wall decal set gives you pine trees, deer, various buildings and an array of stars to create a silhouetted scene.
Gill’s aesthetic is minimalist, but striking. “Engage all the senses,” she advises. “Project festive images on your front door – think snowy winter wonderland, or a slideshow of your favorite holiday memories.” Like Eason, she loves the idea of lining walkways with lanterns or tall white candles for “a chic, minimalist look that still feels festive and lovely.” LightShow’s Projection SnowStorm sets an 8-foot-wide blizzard of snowflakes dancing across the front of the house. Another version has gently falling snowflakes across a 30-foot expanse. Kids’ Christmas Grandin Road’s bright, oversize fiberglass ornaments look like they plopped off a giant’s Christmas tree. Or keep things small: Those handy little solar stick lights that you pop in the ground around a garden or walkway have been given a holiday dress-up with candy cane stripes and a snowy cap, at Lowe’s. Inflatable décor may not be for everyone, but if you’ve got little kids, it’s hard to ignore the delight sparked by seeing a gigantic character on a front lawn. Lowe’s has favorites from Toy Story, Frozen, Grinch, Peanuts and Star Wars.
Hawaiiana Management Company, Ltd. Serving Kauai’s Condo & Community Associations with award-winning service
Long-term mortgage rates relatively flat this week
awaiiana currently serves nearly 60 residential and commercial associations on the Island of Kauai. Kauai native Sunshine Ruiz Hatto serves as Hawaiiana’s Vice President RI .DXDL 2SHUDWLRQV IURP LWV RIŅFH DW WKH .XNXL *URYH ([HFXWLYH &HQWHU LQ /LKXH
ASSOCIATED PRESS SILVER SPRING, Md. — The average interest rate for long-term mortgages in the U.S. remained flat this week, following the Federal Reserve suggesting that it would start tightening credit by raising its benchmark rate. Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac reported Thursday that the average rate on the benchmark 30-year, fixed rate home loan ticked up slightly to 3.11% from last week’s 3.10%. One a year ago the rate was 2.71%. The red-hot U.S. housing market has been juiced by low interest rates and pent-up demand from consumers who spent much of the past year and a half stuck at home and seeking more space. However, a limited supply of available homes and a big jump in prices has left many would-be buyers on the sidelines. Earlier this week, Fed Chair Jerome Powell signaled a sharp turn toward tightening credit more quickly than the Fed has previously indicated. Powell said Tuesday that it would be “appropriate” for the central bank to consider accelerating the reduction of its bond purchases at its next meeting in mid-December. That would pave the way to the Fed hiking its interest rate as early as spring. Many economists expect U.S. interest rates to rise in coming months as the Fed retreats from the easy money policies it adopted after the coronavirus outbreak ravaged the U.S. economy in the spring of 2020. Strong consumer demand and ongoing supply shortages have pushed prices higher for just about everything. The government reported last month that prices for U.S. consumers jumped 6.2% in October compared with a year earlier, leading to the highest inflation rate since 1990.
Sunshine Ruiz Hatto Vice President Kauai Operations
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99% retention rate among clients Local (vs. mainland) banking All employees are in Hawaii Serving nearly 60 associations on Kauai
Hawaiiana’s Kauai Properties: $OLKL /DQL Alii Kai at Hanalei Alii Kai II $OLRPDQX (VWDWHV Apopo Hale (PPDODQL &RXUW +DODXODQL &RQGRPLQLXP Hale Honu Halelani Village at Puhi Halemalu at Puhi Hanalei Bay Villas +RROXDQD &RQGR DW .RKHD /RD +RRNHQD DW 3XKL Kahala at Poipu Kai Ka‘iulani of Princeville .DNHOD 0DNDL 2FHDQYLHZ Kalaheo Pali Kai Kalihiwai Ridge Kamahana
Kauai Beach Resort Kauai Beach Resort Association Kawaihau Sports Villa . * (QWHUSULVHV &RQGRPLQLXP .RKHD /RD 0DVWHU $VVRFLDWLRQ .RORD *DUGHQ $SDUWPHQWV Kuhio Shores at Poipu .XNXLĢXOD /DH 1DQL 0DNDQXL 0DQXDORKD 0DUULRWWģV .DXDL 5HVRUW %HDFK &OXE $2$2 Pali Ke Kua Paliuli 3LNDNH Plantation at Princeville 3RLSX &UDWHU Poipu Kai Association 3RLSX .DL 5DFTXHW &OXE
Poipu Kai Water Reclamation Poipu Kapili Poipu Sands 3ULQFHYLOOH ,, &RPPXQLW\ Association 3ULQFHYLOOH ,, &RPPXQLW\ $VVRFLDWLRQ 4XHHQ (PPD %OXII 3ULQFHYLOOH 0DNDL 5DQFK DW Halele‘a Princeville Paniolo Princeville Sealodge I Puamana 3XKL ,QGXVWULDO 3DUN
Pu‘u Po‘a Regency at Poipu Kai Regency Hule‘ia Regency Villas at Poipu Kai Sandpiper Village I The Villas at Poipu Kai Villas at Puali Villas of Kamali’i Villas on the Prince :DLNRPR 6WUHDP 9LOODV Wailua Bay View Waipouli Beach Resort
For more information about Hawaiiana’s services, contact Sunshine Ruiz Hatto at 792-0515 or email sunshine@hmcmgt.com.