MAY 27, 2020
Island High School
Kiilani Arruda
Kaitlyn Cook
Gianna Detrolio
Jackson Gamby
Joshua Graves
Kalia Hamid
June Hsu
Sawyer Judd
Kaui Kaikea
Mia Lopez
Patrick McKenna
Olivia McSweeny
Ashley Mecham
Kieran Mitchell
Preston Patterson
James Pratt
Kaohu Ranis
Lily Reynolds
Max Rovinsky
Moriah Shafter
Emma Thain
Janey Valente
Matthew Vickers
Stephanie Washburn
Kawaikini Public Charter School
Sean Ho’ouka Asquith
Nai’a-Nicole Blagg-Noblisse
Congratulations Jackson!
Lei’ohu Chun
We are all so proud of you!
‘Ehukai Goias-Medeiros 2 — Class of 2020
Keanu Gutierrez-Kelley
Your ohana, The Irons, the Gambys, the Pettersons, the Evslins, the Cliffords, and the Vagninos.
Kahiau Hamberg The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Congratulations Class of 2020
This year our seniors received 160 acceptance letters to 94 different schools across the country. These acceptances spanned 22 states and 3 countries. In total, this senior class was offered over $1,800,000 in scholarships and grant money per year from all of their schools of acceptance.
We applaud our 24 seniors who have been accepted at the following colleges and universities: Academy of Art University Amherst College Arizona State University (2) Bentley University Baylor University (2) California Lutheran University California Polytechnic State University, SLO (7) California State Long Beach California State Monteray Bay Central Washington University Chapman University College of Wooster Colorado College (2) Colorado Mesa University Colorado State University (2) Concordia University Portland Denison University Elon University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Evergreen State College Florida State University (2) Grand Canyon University Gonzaga University (2)
Hampshire University Indiana University, Bloomington Kauai Commuunity College Lehigh University Lewis and Clark College (6) /LQĂ€HOG &ROOHJH Loyola Marymount University (3) Macalester College Marist College Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Metropolitan State University of Denver Miami University Montclair State University New York University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Occidental College (2) Ohio State University Oklahoma City University Oregon State University Pace University 3DFLĂ€F 8QLYHUVLW\
Pomona College
808-246-0233 or visit us on the web at Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Point Loma Nazarene University Point Park University Reed College (2) Richmond University London Ripon College San Diego State University (4) Santa Clara University (3) Seattle University Smith College St. Olaf College Stanford University Suffolk University Swarthmore College Syracuse University 7LIĂ€Q 8QLYHUVLW\ University of Akron University of British Columbia University of California Irvine (2) University of California Los Angeles University of California San Diego University of Central Florida (2) University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Denver University of Hartford University of Hawaii, Hilo (2) University of Hawaii, Manoa (13) University of Miami University of Nevada Las Vegas University of Nevada Reno University of Northern Colorado University of Oregon (2) 8QLYHUVLW\ RI WKH 3DFLĂ€F
University of Portland (2) University of Puget Sound (3) University of San Diego (2) 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6DQ )UDQFLVFR
University of Southern California University of Utah University of Washington (2) University of Wyoming Vassar College Western Washington University Westminster College Whitman College Willamette University
Accredited by HAIS, WASC, and NAEYC
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 3
Kapa‘a High School
Alise Abell
Reyna Abilla
Gavin Acob
Kilakila Adriano Hepa
Allen Agbayani
Glenn Patrick Aguada
Joshweih Aguinaldo
Tehinnah Aiona
Kealii Aki
Lani Alo
Lily Alt
Skyler Apana-Campbell
Steven Armstrong
Kyler Arruda-Sukehira
Lehua Asuncion
Brandon Avery
Charlee Baldwin
Kaden Baliaris
Lexus Balinbin
Matthew Baltazar
Daileen Barton
Akila Batangan-Ortiz
Trinity Ben-Avraham
Emily Binder
Timothy Blum
Samuel Borketey
Lauren Brake
Shazen Brede
Keanu Brown
Lucia Brunner
Makana Brustowicz
Lola Buick
Naia Burkart
Duke Bush
Moani Caldeira
John Luis Calvan
Jewel Candelaria
Nainoa Cardinez
Christian Core
Ashley Crawford
Jhencen Cummings
Taelyn Dakamas
Tara Daligcon-Pomaikai
4 — Class of 2020
CeLei Carvalho-Krueger Chance Carvalho-Krueger
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Message from the Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami
Message from Senate President Ronald D. Kouchi
Aloha and congratulations to all of our Kaua‘i graduates! I am so very proud of each and every one of you for overcoming adversity and getting through these unprecedented times. We are going to get through this. Life is all about overcoming the challenges and relishing during the good times. The beautiful thing about life is that you are the author of your own story. Your story is going to have ups and downs; good times and bad times. But you will get through this because we are in this together – we are resilient; we are strong. There is nothing that is going to break your stride. As the author of your life, your story has just begun. I want to wish you folks the best of luck. I believe in you. Your family and friends believe in you. The island of Kaua‘i and her people believe in you. You are the future. I would like to thank all the teachers, faculty, coaches, parents, aunties, uncles, and friends – everyone who has been part of your story up to this point. I cannot wait to see the next chapter. Whatever you decide for your future, go get it, don’t allow anyone to hold you down, feel comfortable in your own skin, make sure your compass is pointed in the right direction, and follow your own arrow. God bless, Aloha, and congratulations.
Congratulations – 2020 Kaua‘i Graduates I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to all graduates. Receiving your high school diploma is one of life’s many milestones and is the result of your determination, resolve and hard work. While doing the hard things to stop the pandemic has drastically altered commencements, understand that this is the beginning of your journey and you have already displayed strength and character to confront life’s hurdles and difficulties. On this auspicious occasion, you stand on the precipice of endless opportunities and adventures. Do not fear the unknowing – for growth never occurs without going beyond your comfort zone. Celebrate the person you are and will become – for accepting yourself is the key to happiness. Vigorously and resolutely pursue your dreams – for a fulfilled life requires a passionate and determined adherence to your ideals. Here’s to celebrating your accomplishment and best wishes in your future endeavors. Mahalo Nui Loa,
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Ronald D. Kouchi Hawaii State Senate President 8th Senatorial District – Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau
With Warmest Aloha,
Derek S. K. Kawakami Mayor, County of Kaua‘i The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 5
Kapa‘a High School
Kahanu Davis
Kiana Dembicki-Lorita
Kashten Demchuk
Jao Dikilato
Christian Domingo
Ronnell Domingo
Eles Donbaev
Kya Dorati
Brianne Dotimas
Kaimani Dryer
Jasmine Enrique
Lana Ersoy
Ashley Espina
Kaz Espina
Kekela Estenzo
Justin Faidley
For our sweet daughter,
Ashley Espina
Congratulations Kailee!
6 — Class of 2020
On Graduation Day, Friday, May 22, 2020
Class of 2020
We are so very proud of you. Love you so much. Love, Mom, Uncle Billz, Kainoa, Ani, Kamalei, Anela,Grandma June and Papa
On this special day we would like to congratulate you for a job well done! We are so proud of your accomplishments, your hard work and dedication towards high school. It’s a time for saying goodbye to old friends, to good times you’ve known. And a time for memories to treasure for tomorrow. I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence and to encourage you in whatever you choose to do in the future. On this graduation day, you must look ahead and dream of all the bright possibilities that your future holds for you.
I KNOW the Plans I HAVE FOR YOU Plans to give you HOPE & A FUTURE
Today and for the rest of your life, new moments each day are yours to explore. May all your dreams come true. You are strong and smart and beautiful. Always remember we love you and will always be there for you.
-Jeremiah 29:11
With Love Always, Mom & Dad The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kapa‘a High School
Angela Farley
Isaiah Fernandez Orlando
Makanalei Fernandez
Jonathan Fleischhauer Burton
Jonah Flores
Darius Foster
Carson Freedman
Kurtis Fujito-Pascua
Complex Area Superintendent William N. Arakaki
Mycah Angela Ganir
Lester Garcia
Nathan Gardner
Aljon Jarrett Glovasa
Brenden Gomez
Laakea Gonsalves
Kainalu Gorospe-Kaaihue
Deshawn Greer
Welcome to the Class of2020. The thoughtful innovation and care with which your classmates, high school, parents and community partners came together to make this alternative graduation celebration become a reality has been inspirational. Each and every graduate has faced and conquered many challenges due to COVID-19. All of you have a special story to tell. It is a story about your journey of sacrifice and perseverance. That is why it is so special to be here celebrating with you because of your courage and strength during this unprecedented time. Earning a high school diploma is especially near and dear to the hearts of all the graduates today; it is a significant moment in the lives of your loved ones, Ohana, and everyone who has supported you along the way. We recognize and honor your many accomplishments. We wish you all the best as you embark on your new journey in life, careers and college. On behalf of the Department of Education, Kauai Complex Area ... to the Class of 2020 ... I bid a heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS! You have attained the knowledge and wisdom that reflect a passion for lifelong learning. Through your hard work, you will receive the ceremonial fruits of your labor. The diploma signifies the “key” to your future. This is far from being an end. This is a beginning of many opportunities that tomorrow will bring. In closing, I leave you with a quote by Walt Disney; “All our dreams can come true if you only have the courage to pursue them.” Keep pursuing your dreams and aspirations. Continue to have courage and let nothing stand in your way of reaching your goals. I wish each of you the happiness of a productive life, the respect of your fellow human beings and the love of your family. May the future be YOURS! Best of luck and great job to all! Thank you and mahalo. Sincerely,
Spencer Gregory Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Russell Gushiken
Joshua Hall
Sara Hansmann The Garden Island
William N. Arakaki Complex Area Superintendent Class of 2020 — 7
Kapa‘a High School
Kiauna Haroldsen
Kaiana Haumea-Oliver
Preston Hayden
Keahiahi Holden
Raimana Huddy
Keilan Ibaan-McCarthy
Ezra Ibaan-Nesbitt
Leif Jensen
Tessa Jensen
Makena Kahananui
Jaime Kasahara
Keinan Kawaihalau-Alejo
Kristelle Dhina Laguit
Jasmine Laplante
8 — Class of 2020
Sienna Hernandez-Martinez Sean Reed Himongala
Moses Ho
Eden Hoaglin
Lorcan Hodges
Madeline Hoesel
Sage Ikehara-Ragasa
Jayzlyn Inouye
Kamrynn Inouye
Faith Ioanna
Tori-Ann Ishikawa
Kaden Kaluahine
Kahiau Kamala
Mehana Kamalani
Unique Kamelamela
Jacob Kamibayashi
Kaheleilani Kanos
Bryana Kawamura
Olivia Kelekoma
Samuel Keopuhiwa
Cory Kilar
John Kolo
Logan Krest
Raiden Kurisu
Kaylee Latasa Guillen
Tierra Lathrop
Kynan Ledee
Mahina Lee
Nicholas Lemons
Kirra Lindman
Naia Llanes
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but by what your mind can imagine. -- Ellison Onizuka
Congratulations Class of 2020
KIUC ‘Ohana
Taylor Cox
Chyna Fernandez
Parents John and Maile Cox
Parents Ira and Sharon Fernandez
Kamehameha Schools
Waimea High School
Kaitlyn Garcia
Gheymee Perreira
Parents Bart and Cindy Garcia
Parents Greg and Kelly Perreira
Waimea High School
Waimea High School
Kyra Robley
Kaua‘i High School
Parents TommeJoe and Melissa Refamonte
2019 Youth Tour Delegates
Katie Cook
Island School
Tia Fulks
Kaua‘i High School
Kasiah Vercelli
Kapa‘a High School
Kallen Wachi
Waimea High School
KIUC is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 9
Kapa‘a High School
Carina Lopez-Berumen
Maya Loughead
Brandon Lovell
Sydney Maczka
Kaylana Maghanoy
Kailee Maglinti
Haena Makanani Medeiros
Breanna Martinez
Isaiah Matsumura
Justin McAllister
Asha McGinnis
Kolton Medeiros
Jordan Miller
Jolette Miner-Ho
Leilani Miranda
Kobi-Taylor Miura
CONGRATULATIONS 2020 GRADUATES! Here’s wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!
Kauai’s Class of 2020
Paid for by KUALI‘I for Kaua‘i. PO Box 30910, Anahola, HI 96703, 652-3684,
10 — Class of 2020
Joining with our friends and neighbors to CELEBRATE
Mason Ka’oililani Gibson
We love the young man you have grown into! And even in these Covid-19 times you always have a positive attitude and smile on your face. We look forward with anticipation to see your future accomplishments as you proceed to the next step in your life!
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GRADUATION from Kamehameha Schools Kapalama!! Love, The Akita’s, Char’s, Toner’s and Aunties Jean and Kaui
Alek S Ahana, AAMS® Financial Advisor 2970 Haleko Rd Suite #103 Lihue, HI 96766 808-632-0351 Member SIPC
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kapa‘a High School
Reichael Miyashiro-Akau
Brittney Mujica
Isaac Nagahisa
Princess Marie Nakayama
Congratulations Class of 2020! Tu Nguyen
Naomi Noguchi
Gener Edrian Nono
New endeavors.
Bronson Oliver
As you begin this new journey of life, you will need financial guidance. We are very proud of your accomplishments and we are here for you, in every stage of your life. Jared Oliver
Kilinoe Ornellas
Braylynn Ornellas
Kyle Ortal
Let Gather FCU be a part of home that you can carry with you wherever life takes you.
Become a member today! Chris Angelo Pangdan
Leilia Panui
Leon Penias
Zakary Pepper
Joshua Perono Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Janell Perreira
Liliana Perry
Kaila Pia
Federally Insured by NCUA
The Garden Island
Federally Insured by NCUA Class of 2020 — 11
Kapa‘a High School
Allana Nicole Pinoliar
Maeha Piturachsatit
Graham Price
Kadyn Randall
Hero Raza
Jennielyn Rebucal
Giovanni Rodriguez
Courtney Rosa
Leimomi Rosa
Noelani Rose
Angeline Roslin
Tylise Sadomiano-Amorin
Hannah Sasil
Aydin Saucier
Ryelle Schweitzer
Elijah Seed-Arita
Congratulations COURTNEY!!
We love you very much & we are very proud of you! Love, Dad & Mom
Bronson & Jared We know that you two were cheated out of your last quarter of high school life and most of all the graduation ceremony that everyone else had but please remember that you have the love and support from all your family and friends! We are proud of you and love you both ...
“Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes on your next adventure. May you always aim to do great things with your life.”
-Mom, Dad, Ilona and Clifton 12 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kapa‘a High School
Caden Shimabukuro
Keanu Silva-Caminos
Lyon Singleton
Ian Dave Sotelo
Derek Swanson
Braden Tabura
Micah Tabura
Tristan Tagalicud
Briannah Taito
Junelle Tangalin
Kaleomana Tasaka
Benjamin Tatofi
Shaelyn Tavares
Stetson Telles-Kelekoma
Anijah-Rose Tomacder
Taylor Torcato
Congratulations Class of 2020 Wishing you all the success life has to offer
Voted Kauai’s Best Steakhouse since 2009
India Star Achu
Deegan Davis
Lehua Asuncion
Sienna Hernandez-Martinez
Nainoa Cardinez
Anela Kilar
Alexxius Cypher
Janell Perreira
Reservations taken for parties of (6) or more Open 7 nights a week
Located in the 4-796 Kuhio Highway Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kaikoa Perreira-Alquiza The Garden Island
Graham Price
Nainoa Ragragola Sarai Valdez Class of 2020 — 13
Kapa‘a High School
Michael Tsai
Chasen Tumamao
Ruby Jane Udaundo
Grace Ventura
Kasiah Vercelli
Kian Viernes
Alani Viets
Denali Viluan
Talia Washington
Hershel Weiner
Loren Weiner
Arianna White
Cody White
Kai Whitfield Seebeck
Cameron Whittenburg
Raka Wood
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Congratulations Class of 2020
Follow your dreams wherever it may take you. Believe in Yourself! GARDEN ISLAND PROPERTIES & VACATION RENTALS
4-928 Kuhio Highway, Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii 96746 P: (808) 822-4871 • F: (808) 822-7984 •
14 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kapa‘a High School
Minami Yamada
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Camryn Yamaguchi
Logan Yardley
Carlos Ygov-Tapia
Kalani Young
The Garden Island
Jesse Zemel
Chloe Zumwalt
Class of 2020 — 15
Kaua‘i High School
India Star Achuara
Andre James Adamos
Dannan Adams
Kaylee Alapai-Drone
Keiley Albarado-Planas
Andru Alconcel
Vanessa Mae Alcones
Brandy Aldrich
Bethannie-Joyce Alfonso
Deannalyn Alfonso
Teagan Amorin
Kalei Anderson
William Andres
Taylor Apilado
Courtney Apo
Brandyn Aquino
Samuel Asano
Carla Asuncion
Cianna Asuncion
Jerel Asuncion
Shier Cassandra Asuncion
Ruzzel Lance Bagcal
Nicole Francine Baguyo
Kailer Balai-Apilado
Lucus Baliaris-Rivera
Koby Balisacan
Angeline Bangkirig
Mosiah Bautista
Ayeesha Bi
Devryn Bisarra
Justin Bolosan
Kauanoeikalai Borrero
Keesha Brown
Mikaele Brown
Kassidie Bukoski
Kierstyn Bukoski
Landon Bukoski
Christian Jomari Bumanglag
Kory Bunao
Trey Bunao
Anna Burkman
Carl Justine Cabacungan
Jonah Cabello
Kyrah Lyn Cabungan
Desiree Jane Cadiente
16 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kaua‘i High School
Allison Joy Cadiz
Camryn Calderon
Anjelique Makanalani Calzado
Joenicia Camelo
Hillary Carlos
Allyson Casasola
Avery Casticimo
Derek Koa Catiggay
Coral Chadwick
Sophia Christian
Serney Chung
Sage Cierras
Jowena Claro
Natalie Claytor
Quinn Consylman
Alyssa Contrades
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 17
Kaua‘i High School
Victoria Contrades
Rebekah Corpuz
Braeven Costa-Perreira
James Cruz
Dalson Cua
Alexxius Cypher
Dhemie Louisse Dalayap
Mariefe Dasalla
Mark Adriane Dasalla
Robin Jake Datuin
India Davies
Nicholas Davies
Diego Gabriel De Leon
Jasmine Dela Cruz
Jaden Delos Reyes
Rachel Dressler
Waileia Edwards
James Paul Erorita
Shanel Angelica Erorita
Jessica Estacio
Bradley Gil Fernandez
Kauolani Flores
Tia Fulks
Fayeh Gacrama
Hailey Galam-Keller
Jordan Galiza
Joshua Galiza
Nathalie Dayne Ganir
Alexis Garcia
Chayse Garcia
Jade Garcia
Tomus Garren-Wright
Kaylee Goias-Jerves
Blaze Gomes
Brayden Gonsalves
Aaron Griffith
Angel Pearl Gungab
Mykeas Guzman
Michael Hamada
Joshua Hamura
Cassandra Hays
Jeborah Helai
Clara Henke
Brandson Hirokane
Maikah Holt
18 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kaua‘i High School
Keridyn Honjo
Dahlus Hood
Kahoku Hudson
Greta Hunt
Bryden Ibaan
Kenyon Johnson
Yoko Juntila
Nainoa Kane-Yates
Kiawe Kanei-Pedro
Palenapa Kaohelaulii
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The Garden Island
Hugh Ishikawa
Saul Jaramillo
Darien Kealoha-Albarado Kimberly Keaweamahi-Corbin
Damient Johnny
Kaden Keep
Class of 2020 — 19
Kaua‘i High School
Daniel Kelly
Trinity Kerwin
Brandon Klindt
Kody Kobayashi
Jaydon Kyono
Januah Laborte
Ikaika Lanning
Naino Lather
Marissa Layosa
Tanner Lee
Jacob Libunao
Yongkang Lin
Nothen Lojan
Arvin Kyle Lomboy
Kaysen Lopes
Easton Luis
I am proud of you! LOVE GRANDMA
s n o i t a l u t a r g Con
! h a k e b e R C L A S S OF
May you be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. Do not fear when the heat comes and your leaves will always be green. Do not worry in a year of drought and you will never fail to bear fruit. —Jeremiah 17:8 WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU! Love, Mom, Mama & Papa, Uncle Marlon & Makayla, Uncle Bryan & Aunty Maggie
L ove, Taylor
20 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Waimea Waimea High High School School
Kaua‘i High School
CLASS of 2020
Sienna Hernandez-Martinez
We are so proud of you and know your future has no limits. We will always be here for you.
MAY 27, MAY 31,2020 2020
Love you always,
Kapa‘a High School
Mom, Dad, Sierra, Santana & Papa!
Congratulations Class of 2020 Graduates!
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Congratulations 2020 Graduates! from Laverne’s Hairstyling & Accent Cuts
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Congratulations and Good Luck
Congrats 2020 Grads! DEVOE PAINTS
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The Garden Island
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Across From Kauai Community College 4490 Puhi Road, Lihue
Class of 2020
4359 Kukui Grove St. #103 Lihue, HI 96766 Phone: (808)245-4049
Kanuikapono Public Kanuikapono Charter Public School Charter School Kamali’i Andrade
Belle Gomes
Inana Lowry
Degan Kalama Ku’o Kanaaua’o Davis
Ni‘ihau A Kula Aupuni Kahelelani Ni‘ihau A Aloha Kahelelani Public Aloha Charter School Public Charter Ury Mokihana Jumawan-CarvalhoSchool
Kamali’i Andrade
Belle Gomes
Inana Lowry
Degan Kalama Ku’o Kanaaua’o Davis
Ury Mokihana Jumawan-Carvalho
Congratulations 2020 Graduates!
Serving Kauai Families Since 1949
Services: Embalming & Embalming Autopsy Restoration • Cremation; Body Burial • Disinterment • Transfers, Shipment and Receiving of Remains & Cremains (International, National & Inter-Island) • Inurnment & Disurnment • Memorial Service Planning • Headstone Referrals • Pre-Need Funeral Insurance • 24/7 Body Removals • Viewings Prior to Cremations • Chapel Rentals • Urn & Casket Sales • Urn Engravings • Airport Transfers, Pick-up & Drop-Off • Storage of Cremains • Storage & Maintenance of Embalmed Remains • Servicing Most Religious Faith Servicing Majority of Funeral Plans & Insurance Policies
PH: (808) 332-7321
The Garden Island
Andria Kai‘iniaku‘uleialoha Niau
Trevor Freudig
of Arizona University of Arizona
s n o i t a l u t a r g Con ss of 2020! la C As you begin a new chapter in your
lives, remember that Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.
JAISTIN MEDEIROS!! We’re very proud, very inspired and we can’t wait to share with you your next chapter of your life!!
Love, Mom, Dad, sisters Ceanne “Cece” & Chelbie and baby brother Candyne
Trevor Freudig
To our eldest child, you did it! We Love You and are excited to see what else you accomplish in the future!
Ni‘ihau Ke Kula O Kekaha Ni‘ihau O Public Kekaha Charter Public School Charter Andria Kai‘iniaku‘uleialoha Niau School
Class of 2020
s n o i t a l u t a r g n o C ! e c a h C
On Call 24/7 • Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm In-House Licensed Embalmer & Funeral Directors
2 — Class of 2020
School St. Louis School
Sunday, May 31, 2020
We love you too much!! Dad, Mom, Jance, Jaley, Awai, Kainoa, Cheydon, Cheyley & Kayge
4-1435 Kuhio Hwy., Ste. 2; Kapaa, HI 96746 ~ (808) 822-7774 Sunday, May 31, 2020
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 3
Kanuikapono Public Kanuikapono Charter Public School Charter School Kamali’i Andrade
Belle Gomes
Inana Lowry
Degan Kalama Ku’o Kanaaua’o Davis
Ni‘ihau A Kula Aupuni Kahelelani Ni‘ihau A Aloha Kahelelani Public Aloha Charter School Public Charter Ury Mokihana Jumawan-CarvalhoSchool
Kamali’i Andrade
Belle Gomes
Inana Lowry
Degan Kalama Ku’o Kanaaua’o Davis
Ury Mokihana Jumawan-Carvalho
Congratulations 2020 Graduates!
Serving Kauai Families Since 1949
Services: Embalming & Embalming Autopsy Restoration • Cremation; Body Burial • Disinterment • Transfers, Shipment and Receiving of Remains & Cremains (International, National & Inter-Island) • Inurnment & Disurnment • Memorial Service Planning • Headstone Referrals • Pre-Need Funeral Insurance • 24/7 Body Removals • Viewings Prior to Cremations • Chapel Rentals • Urn & Casket Sales • Urn Engravings • Airport Transfers, Pick-up & Drop-Off • Storage of Cremains • Storage & Maintenance of Embalmed Remains • Servicing Most Religious Faith Servicing Majority of Funeral Plans & Insurance Policies
PH: (808) 332-7321
The Garden Island
Andria Kai‘iniaku‘uleialoha Niau
Trevor Freudig
of Arizona University of Arizona
s n o i t a l u t a r g Con ss of 2020! la C As you begin a new chapter in your
lives, remember that Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams.
JAISTIN MEDEIROS!! We’re very proud, very inspired and we can’t wait to share with you your next chapter of your life!!
Love, Mom, Dad, sisters Ceanne “Cece” & Chelbie and baby brother Candyne
Trevor Freudig
To our eldest child, you did it! We Love You and are excited to see what else you accomplish in the future!
Ni‘ihau Ke Kula O Kekaha Ni‘ihau O Public Kekaha Charter Public School Charter Andria Kai‘iniaku‘uleialoha Niau School
Class of 2020
s n o i t a l u t a r g n o C ! e c a h C
On Call 24/7 • Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm In-House Licensed Embalmer & Funeral Directors
2 — Class of 2020
School St. Louis School
Sunday, May 31, 2020
We love you too much!! Dad, Mom, Jance, Jaley, Awai, Kainoa, Cheydon, Cheyley & Kayge
4-1435 Kuhio Hwy., Ste. 2; Kapaa, HI 96746 ~ (808) 822-7774 Sunday, May 31, 2020
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 3
Waimea Waimea High High School School
Kaua‘i High School
CLASS of 2020
Sienna Hernandez-Martinez
We are so proud of you and know your future has no limits. We will always be here for you.
MAY 27, MAY 31,2020 2020
Love you always,
Kapa‘a High School
Mom, Dad, Sierra, Santana & Papa!
Congratulations Class of 2020 Graduates!
TIRE WAREHOUSE KAUAI Passenger • Commercial • Off-road Tires • Rims • Retreads
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 7:30am-4:30pm • Wed & Sat 7:30am-12noon 3028 Aukele St, Lihue (Industrial Park II)
Congratulations 2020 Graduates! from Laverne’s Hairstyling & Accent Cuts
Color Your World!
Hair Services for your Ohana
Congratulations and Good Luck
Congrats 2020 Grads! DEVOE PAINTS
Serving Kauai for 45 Years 4 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
808-212-1613 4480 Ahukini Road • Suite 101 • Lihue, HI 96766 Sunday, May 31, 2020
Across From Kauai Community College 4490 Puhi Road, Lihue
Class of 2020
4359 Kukui Grove St. #103 Lihue, HI 96766 Phone: (808)245-4049
Kaua‘i High School
Keizha Suzette Macaranas
Cole Magno
Emmanuella Marcil
Kailey Masters
Keynan Mateo
Nicole Matsushige
Jaistin Medeiros
Tiffany Medina
Tunyarat Meephol
Destiny Melchor
Macy Melchor
Javlynn-Lee Mexia
Damien Mokiao-Higashi
Dennis Morales
Glycelle Marie Morden
Erwin Motilla
Paid political advertising
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
KOUCHI Paid for by: Kouchi for Senate: Chair - Scott Kouchi • Treasurer-Sallie Tomimoto • 3391 `Eono Street • Lihu`e 96766 • 639-2724
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 21
Kaua‘i High School
Candice Aurora Muana
Chasen Nance
Eryka Napoleon
Alaysia Navor
Lainey Niitani
Ivy Nishimoto
Katie Norman
Thaine Ochoco
Matthew ORourke
Tristen Otsubo
Ariel Overton
Vivian Gayle Padilla
Lanaya Pajela
Kysen Parongao
Blaise Pascua
Isaiah Pascua-Balbin
Congratulations! Good Luck On Your Next Adventure! Serving Kauai
• Electrical System since 1968 • Brake Service • Cooling & AC • Steering & Suspension • Tune-Up • Safety Inspection
4469 Kolopa Street • Lihue
245-2221 License No. RD-1908
Special Congratulations to our Graduates C/O 2020! Kauai High School
Lainey Niitani Alexis Garcia Love you always MY Baby Girl! Mom, Uncle Leroy & entire ‘Ohana!
22 — Class of 2020
Love you always! Dad, Aunty Leimomi & entire ‘Ohana.
Kealakehe High School
Breanne Garcia Love you always! Dad, Aunty Leimomi & entire ‘Ohana.
The Garden Island
KAUA’I HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 We are very proud of you! Love you always, Mom, Uncle Tyson, Mama Perlie & the boys Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kaua‘i High School
Congratulations Class of 2020! Special Congratulations to our 9th Annual Scholarship Recipients!
Mary Joy Pascual
Kathryn Pasion
Martin Passi
Braden Passmore
Gerald Salud
Kauai High School
Rastin Peahu
James Perreira
Eidderf John Pesquira
Nemkain Phillip
Kyler Arruda Sukehira Kapaa High School
Thiraphon Phokhee
Jaren Lee Planas
Jaysen Purisima
Rickey Ralston
Fred Ryl Adella
Waimea High School
Estephanie Joy Ramos
Austin Ramos-Soares
Aurora Ramseth
Tavia Rapozo
Best wishes to all of you as you navigate the next chapter of your journey! Dustin Rasay Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Calvin Jay Redaus
Miya Reese
Giordyn Riopta The Garden Island
Federally insured by NCUA
Class of 2020 — 23
Kaua‘i High School
John Robinson
Kyra Robley
Iokepa Rodrigues
Michael Rodrigues
Alika Rosqueta
Justin Ruiz
Jaron Ruiz-Acantilado
Julia Safford
Keith Godfrey Sagayaga
Layla Sahut-Gray
Tasanee Sakaria
Kyanna Sales Asuncion
Gerald Salud
Kayllah Salud
Robyn Saronitman
Charles Schurch
24 — Class of 2020
You make us proud!
We are so proud of you Lacey Girl! Wishing you the best today and everyday! We love you, Uncle Mark, Aunty Karen, and Kellie
s n o i t a l u t a r g n o C ! a s s i r a M
Chase your dreams, Never stop trying, Give it nothing but your best! We are so proud of you…. Look out world, here she comes!! - The Ho Ohana The Garden Island
Overcome & Soar!! #RAIDERSTRONG
VALENZUELA - CALZADO Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kaua‘i High School
Jaheim Scoburgh
Jayson Serrano
Destrey Shibuya
Keanu Silva
Taybree Ann Silva
Ganen Silva-Cardenas
Grace Sime
Kaikea Simpson
Shyanna Smith Martinez
Tavion Smith-Lopes
Bradshaw Soboleski
Justine Kaythe Solsoloy
Harry Soria
Rence Carlo Soriano
Kassie Souza
Tiani Souza
Congratulations C LASS OF 2020!
Luis & Eddie Construction Building Custom Homes
Building quality homes for over 40 years and 25 years as the exclusive dealer for Talius Rollshutters & Habitat Screens
“Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” ~ Michael Josephson Soltren and Talius, two names you can trust. Quality you can expect. We don’t just build great homes, we know how to protect them with Talius hurricane shutters
3148 Oihana St, Bay 6, Lihue HI 96766
808-639-4836 |
Family owned and operated
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 25
Kaua‘i High School
Malia Splittstoesser
Mason Stoll-Tolentino
Justice Stone
Alysia Suenaga
Julius Denver Suero
Brysen Suliven
Dreanalynn Tafiti
Dee Jay Tagudin
Mia Takekuma
Brant Tanaka
Ronie Nathaniel Tarriga
Selma Tausend
Jonathan Tobey Tejada
Keane Tibon
Jaydon Tombucon
Brent Torres
Color Your World!
Congrats 2020 Grads! DEVOE PAINTS
Across From Kauai Community College 4490 Puhi Road, Lihue
26 — Class of 2020
Best Wishes To the Graduates of
Kauai High School Class of 2020 From Kauai High School’s Class of 1970
“50 Years Ago...”
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kaua‘i High School
Congratulations Amber Trinidad
Patrick David Urbina
Charee Hope Valdez
Sarai Valdez
Devin Valencia-Pereles
Kylee Viernes-Toyama
Lacey Wakano
Johnathan Wehner
Trysten Jay Williams-Udaundo
Dyanne Yacapin
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Jamie Yadao
Cassidy Yamauchi Not Pictured: William Anderson Jacob Blancas Alysia Brower-Suenaga Gianna Camarillo Kamakana Dawson Ruben Dias Sanoe Grijalva Tyla Iida
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Dream BIG, Work HARD and Embrace The FUTURE with BOLDNESS.
Aleah Yano
Alissa-May Kaneakua Alyssa Kaneshiro Jina Kilma Shaynelle, Manus-Oana Jadelyn Manzano Aidan Murray Aaron Namuo Nelson Nitta Jacie Ogata
We are very proud of YOU!
Resa Rae Rapozo John Robinson August Rogers Lyla Samson Atelaite Tangatailoa Ysabel Thompson Keani Togikawa Alsen Ventura Aizen Yamashita
Love and Blessings ,
Mom, Dad, Kaylyne, Mandie and Gramma Lisa The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 27
Waimea High School
Kylen Aana
Devyn Abergas
Macie Achuara
Fred Ryl Adella
Koedy Albina
Kaysen Apilado
Leiana Apo
Noa Aquino
Adrian Joseph Bagayan
Kemren Banquel
Rhona Lei Batacan
Wendell Batangan
Isabella Bateman
Zalin Boykin
Louis Bugado
Cori Burton
Jahnievie Kayte Buyat
Robin-Brianna Cabral
Shannon Marc Caoagdan
Kristian Cardejon
De’Angelo Carinio
Chelsey Chikahiro
Zachariah Costales
Jaszarae Cudanes
Terren Damasco
Carson Driver
Lanakila Dusenberry-Lee
Kalaea El Saieh-Rowe
Roselinda Erakdrik
Chyna Fernandez
John Arnie Fernandez
Kaililani Fernandez
Kalee Games
Geeana Ganotisi
Kaitlyn-Rose Garcia
Julienne Kate Gawaran
Cory Goias-Soares
Kevin Gonsalves
Toni Guillermo
D’Anndra Lynn Helgen
28 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Waimea High School
Chung Organization Graduates, We Are Proud of You! McDonald’s of Lihue Jas Henriksen
Jamie Horner
Kawelo Huddy
Kauai High School
Alexander Hung
Diego Gabriel De Leon
Jacob Libunao
Eidderf “EJ” Perquira
Monique Rapacon
McDonald’s of Waipouli Carlton Hung
Chaden Itamura-Ishii
Eilon Domscen Jamorabon
Kapa‘a High School
Ian Ari Jamorabon
Brittney Mujica
Isaac Alalem
Isaiah Fernandez-Orlando
McDonald’s of WalMartLihue
McDonald’s of Eleele Jaymin Kali-Palau
Maren Kamaka-Riley
Keinan Kamakele
Jhayliyah Kaneakua-Yoshimoto
Adrian Bagayan
Jaislen Kaneapua
Keith Kanna
Nakoa Kaohi
Bryson Kapahu
Kauai High School
Waimea High School
William Jaentsch
Kody Reyes
Possibilities start here. Possibilitiesstart start here. here. Possibilities
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Alison Kilpatrick Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Johnna Kona
Shandalyn Kuhlmann
Chelsty Shem Lacerona The Garden Island
Apply at
Januah Laborte
Kapa‘a 4-771 Kuhio Highway 808-822-7290 Kapa‘a Drive Kapa‘aThrough Open 4-771 Kuhio Highway 24 Hours 4-771 Kuhio Highway 808-822-7290 808-822-7290 Drive Through Open Eleele Shopping Center Open 24Drive HoursThrough 4469 Waialo Road 24 Hours 808-335-0301 Eleele Shopping Center 5am-1am 4469 Waialo Road Center Eleele Shopping 808-335-0301 4469 Waialo Road 5am-1am Lihue 808-335-0301 3-3113 Kuhio Highway 5am-1am Lihue 808-245-6123 3-3113 Kuhio Highway Drive Through Open Lihue 808-245-6123 24 Hours 3-3113 KuhioOpen Highway Drive Through 24808-245-6123 Hours Walmart Drive Through Open 3-3300 Kuhio Highway 24 Hours Walmart 808-245-8617 3-3300 Kuhio Highway 6am-11pm 808-245-8617 Walmart 6am-11pm 3-3300 Kuhio Highway 808-245-8617 6am-11pm
Class of 2020 — 29
Waimea High School
Rosetina Lanitok
Charman Leoiki-Soto
Alyssa Monique Lim
Gavin Mangayayam
Ashton Mattos
Kean Minia
Princes Mae Lim
Brianne Lozensky
Taeyler Miyamoto-Malone Jayden Mizumoto-Manuel
Braden Lumabao
Ka-lei-kau-maka Makua
Joaquin Malama
Gavin Mockett
Naomi Nakaahiki
Caelen Nakato
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s n o i t a l u t a r g Con
! e i m a J
L ove, Jens on
30 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Waimea High School
Rachel Nakaula
Kekoa Napohaku-Pegeder
Kaimana Nelmida Rice
Jonathan Niau
Ky Niccore
Kaiulani Numazawa-Pacanas
Cameron O’Day
Jered Oligo
Xyran Pai
Anuhea Palama
Krystal Papa
Hermz Dom Adriane Pascual
Rylin-Monique Pasion
Joey Christian Perpose
Kaikoa Perreira-Alquiza
Gheymee Perreira
Graduating Class of 2020 The seniors of this year are part of a unique global experience as we learn about pandemics, changing economic conditions, and how connected we are across this world. This prepares you as leaders to guide our future.
~ Kaua‘i Believes In You ~
Kaua`i County Council Paid for by Felicia Cowden Ohana, 4191 Kilauea Road, Kilauea, 96754
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
“God causes all things to work together for good, for those who live according to his will.” -Romans 8:28 This was my favorite scripture in high school and one that I still reflect on now. Especially in these difficult times, know that you will thrive, that you will do amazing things! You are needed. Your time is now. The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 31
Waimea High School
Michaela Pimental
Wade Pimsaguan
Alvin Rafael
Chaisen Ragragola-Palacio
Norie Mae Ramirez
Tiana-Leigh Ramos
Vanessa Rowland
Rayson Ruiz
Weylon Ruiz
Taylor Ryan
Kahea Sagocio
Layne Santiago
Nainoa Santos
Marcus Schultz
Nicholas Semblante
Adriane Paul Serapio
Class of 2020 Enjoy the moments!
We are so proud of you!!!
Your ‘Ohana 32 — Class of 2020
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Waimea High School
Slater Shamblin
Tevin Shigematsu
Rylan Sierra
Levi Snowden
Maegan Soares
Tyde Takemoto
Kody Tanaka Lehano
Tehani Togioka
Naomi Toki
Kaela Tsuchiya
Jemaica Tumbaga
Bryan Udarbe
Isahn Ulanday
Tysson Unciano
Leslie Uri
Makoa Vanaman
Congratulations to all Kauai Graduates!
Congratulations Class of 2020!
Dr. Lutwin, Dr. Rita, Dr. Quade, Dr. Stebbins & Staff • Professional Care with a Small-Town Approach • Gentle Care for the Whole Family • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology • Most major insurances accepted and easy payment plans
Make an Appointment Today! (808) 332-9445
Rainbow Plaza, Kalaheo • 2-2514 Kaumualii Highway, Suite 204 Kalaheo, Hawaii 96741 • (808) 332-9445 Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The Garden Island
808.245.3753 Class of 2020 — 33
Waimea High School
Zyana Vea
Herman Wilson
Makeyah Wisneski
Ethan Yamamoto
Congratulations Rebekah,
Steven Zina
Tyde Takemoto
We’re ALL so very proud of you on all of your accomplishments. Please keep pushing through every obstacle that comes your way & never forget to put GOD first, thank & praise him daily. We love you very much. Dad, Mom, Kehau, Jacob, Papa & Gigi.
34 — Class of 2020
Polo Jaylewel Yanos
Waimea High School
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
aSS of 2020 H ScHool cl Waimea Hig
s n o i t a l u t a r g Con a n ‘a A i n o e K n Kyle
y, , Grandma Mar e, Papa Johnyour Aunties, yl K le nc U , l Mom ma Thelma, al d Friends Great Grandsi mily an Fa , ns ou C plishments! Uncles, of your accom are so proud man and your azing young le, kind and b You are an am m do ht! Stay hu future is brig lents. We know you will ta !! ur s! yo on e ti la shar gs! Congratu amazing thin The Garden Island
Congratulations Tyde! You have made us so proud, every step of the way. Our prayer for you is to have a life filled with much love and happiness. Move forward with determination and boldness!
Love, Mom, Dad, Aunty Connie,
Uncle Shannon, Tevyn and the rest of our Ohana. Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kamehameha School
Maleia Aguano
Ashlynn Ah Nee
Koanilea Alquiza-Kenney
Lucas Anakalea
Chace Baliaris
Leinoe Bumanglag-Padilla
Pookela Camarillo
Ashley Contrades
Ryddych Contrades
Taylor Mariko Māhealani Cox
Quinn Curammeng
Jei Li Dela Cruz
Mason Gibson
Kolby Gonzales-Simao
Kaihehau Goo
Johnathan Herbert
Hilinai Hochuli
Kahealani Hoffman
Taisamasama Kaiminaauao-Eteuati
Jaden Kapali
Ililani L‘Hote
Shiloh Louis-Kaneakua
Meagan Mahikoa
Myla McKeague
Kekai Morimoto
Kade Ofisa
Makalii Oliveira
Tejah Paik
Makai Pia-Hoomanawanui
Preston Rezentes
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kellen Sheldon-McGihon
Breycinn Silva
Braden Simao
Derek Hardy Soong
The Garden Island
Kylie Sugahara
Daniel Zahn Class of 2020 — 35
Hawaii Technology Academy
Hawaii Preparatory Academy
Travis Brown
Matthew Drake
Kandy Efhan
Stephen Jensen
Kaysha Ragocos
Ranger Robinson
Benjamin Schaal
Nakia Spore
Luke Sullivan
Carmen Swanson
Cydni Alvarez
Conor Hunt
Kalauonaona Tanaka-Pesamino You have accomplished the achievement of graduation from Wellesley College with the grace, intelligence and beauty that you have always possessed. We know you will have a successful future!
Nai’a Makamae Canela Burkart
Love, Tutu, the Akita’s, Char’s, Aunty Jean and Toner’s
Love you always
Congratulations Class of 2020!
William Perez-Jaentsch From your Ohana
36 — Class of 2020
s n o ti la tu a r g n o C
The Garden Island
Class 2020
MALU! We are proud of you, with all our love the Kong/Agustin/ Ralston ‘Ohana.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
‘Iolani School
Myron B. Thompson Academy
CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2020 “Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.” –Langston Hughes
Bryce Yoshida
Kaya Rose Ahonui Akana
4-1300 Kuhio Highway • Kapaa • 822-4581
Flowers Forever
Congratulations &
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Aloha to the Class of 2020
Success and happiness in your future! Voted Best of Kauai Florist Alan Tada, Owner - 2020 245-4717 • 245-7176 • 2979 Kalena Street 2003
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, s n o i t a l u t Congra Carmen !
Do not wish for an ordinary life in ordinary times. Don’t mourn the loss of the mundane, or the “normal” everyday because those times and people are soon forgotten. Instead embrace how lucky you are to be alive today, proving that you can weather the storm, unbroken with grace and compassion. As you venture out into the next phase of life carry with you the knowledge that you are a remarkable person, strong and talented in a time that history will never forget.
Your adventureg! is just beginnin d We are so prou of you.
Love, Mom and Dad P.S. Don’t forget to call once in awhile.
BENJAMIN LEON SCHAAL | CLASS OF 2020 Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The Garden Island
Hawai‘i Techno logy Academy
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all. Love you forever, Mom and Dad Class of 2020 — 37
Columbia and Pacific Lutheran University Bryson Baligad
Stein ‘Ohana Homeschool
Jonah Stein
Congratulations, Kaylee Alapai!
38 — Class of 2020
The moment you have worked so hard for has arrived. We’re excited for your next chapter in the Military. Saying we’re proud of you is putting it mildly. Just continue to work hard in life to achieve your dreams. We Love you very much and hope you make the most of your future. Even though we will be worlds apart, always remember that we are with you. We love you more than you know. Love, your Mama Bears
- Congratulations Hulo! to our graduate…
Keinan Li’i Kamakele! You succeeded because of the kokua and aloha from friends and family but you have succeeded mostly because you chose to do so! Congratulations on reaching a major milestone in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic! No one will forget the year 2020 when you graduated from Waimea High School! E holomua!
Me ke aloha nui, The Kapahu-Niheu ‘Ohana
Congratulations!! !!! Kaylee Goias-Jerves Kauai High School
We wish you the best in this new journey. We love you, Jerves, Goias and Kaikuaana Ohana
No. 1 in our family, your class and our homeschool! Love, Mom, Dad, Sophia and Luke
The Garden Island
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Congratulations on your well-deserved success. We wish you the best on your next adventure!
Ho‘omaika‘i ‘ana! With W ith A Aloha, loha Old Old Republic Republic Title Title BEA JEAL
4-356 Kuhio Highway, Suite 140 | Kapa’a, HI 96746 | (808) 821-6808 3176 Poipu Road, Suite 3 | Koloa, HI 96756 | (808) 742-1494 |
The Garden Island
Class of 2020 — 39
Congratulations Class of 2020!
40 — Class of 2020
Luau and River Tours CLOSED TEMPORARILY until further notice. STAY SAFE AND TAKE CARE! The Garden Island
h 12/3
Enjoy this time with your family. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL for info, call or visit
Wednesday, May 27, 2020