21st Annual Garden Fair

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Kauai County Farm Bureau’s Garden Fair SPRINGS to Life


ome and join us for the 21st ANNUAL GARDEN FAIR, Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 9:30 am2:00 pm at the Kauai Community College front lawn. Hosted by the Kauai County Farm Bureau and the University of Hawai’i at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources (CTAHR), the annual Kauai Garden Fair is one of the largest gatherings of green thumbs on Kauai, and a great way to see and share the bounty of the island firsthand. The Fair will be buzzing with gardeners, suppliers, garden lovers and consumers there to shop for a wide

variety of plants, landscape products and equipment, and to find out the latest gardening information and tips. A wide variety of tropical plants, flowers, produce and seeds will be available for purchase representing farmers, nurseries and organizations from around the island. The theme of this year’s Garden Fair is Let Food be your Medicine. Guest speaker Dr. Ted Radovich will speak about moringa and other “superfoods.” Also on stage will be CTAHR Kauai’s own Extension agents Josh Silva (discussing healthy soils), Laura Kawamura (on phytochemi-

cals in the diet), and Kate Fiedler (on food safety). Each year at the spring Garden Fair we provide a preview of the theme for the summer Farm Fair, also hosted by the Kauai County Farm Bureau. This summer’s 2016 Annual Fruit and

Vegetable Show will have a special prize category for the best peppers (bell peppers, sweet peppers, hot peppers, any kind). This year, for the first time, we will also have a special Youth Division in the Fruit and Vegetable

Show, with dedicated prize money for those 15 years old and under category. At this year’s Garden Fair, CTAHR’s volunteer Master Gardeners will be giving away free samples of pepper seeds for you to plant and tend and harvest.

Feel free to use our seeds or use your own special varieties. Try your hand at growing peppers at home, and enter your best produce to win prizes at the summer Farm Fair. See you at the Garden Fair!

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2 • Wednesday, April 13, 2016

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The Garden Island

Who’s at the fair? The ONE-STOP shop for tropical plants, flowers, supplies, information and more Participating Businesses & Organizations • Alakai Hawaii • Anthuriums & More • Banquets, Leis, Etc. • De La Pena Farms • Garden Island Resource Conservation & Development, Inc.’s Kauai Landscape Industry Council & Forestry Committee • Green Max Pro • Heavenly Hakus • Kauai Anthurium Association Kauai Adeniums Growing • Kauai Bee Keepers Association • Kauai Bonyu Kai • Kauai Invasive Species Committee • Kauai Native Plant Society

• Heart to Pieces • Kauai Nursery and Landscaping • Lanipo Farm • Isabella’s • M Kawamura Farm Enterprises • Island Girl with Glass • Malama Kauai • Pohaku Creation • Midnight Bear Breads • Puhi Industrial Parts • Precious Kreations • Ono Pops & Bearings, LLC • Terri Scarborough • Rafael’s Aloha Tacos • State of Hawaii ~ Department of • Thita’s Fashions • Salty Wahine Gourmet Hawaiian Land and Natural Resources ~ Sea Salts Division of Forestry & Wildlife Local Food Vendors • Yamato’s • Tropical Flowers Express • Aloha Ania Poi, Co. • United States Department of • Hanalei Juice and Taro, Company University of Hawaii Agriculture ~ Farm Service Agency • Haole Girl Island Sweets Educational Area • United States Department of • Hawaiian Island Juice • UH College of Tropical Agriculture ~ Natural Resources Agriculture & Human Resources & • Hole in the Mountain Farm Conservation Service & East and Cooperative Extension Service West Kauai Soil and Water • JC Puerto Rican Tacos • Master Gardeners program Conservation Districts • Kauai Family Cafe’ • GoFarm • Wiki Wiki Worm Ranch • Kauai Nut Roasters •KCC Apiary • Ko Bakery Kauai Made • A’Lani • Flavors of Kauai, LLC

• Moloa`a Bay Coffee/Chocolates

Keiki and Youth

• Monkeypod Jam

• Kauai 4-H Livestock Club

Mahalo to our Sponsors • Aunty Lillikoi, LLC • Family & Friends of Agriculture • Grove Farm • Haole Girl Island Sweets/Tasting Kauai • Haleakala Solar • Kauai Nursery & Landscaping • Kauai Nut Roasters • Mailelani’s • Salty Wahine Gourmet Hawaiian Salts • Tropical Flowers Express/ Heavenly Hakus • USDA-Rural Development

Kauai Community Market @ KCC


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The Garden Island

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Garden Talks This year’s schedule of “Garden Talks” hosted by the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) focuses on the theme, “Let Food be Your Medicine.” Drop by and listen to talks on stimulating topics such as “superfoods,” healthy soils, phytochemi-

cals for good health, and food safety in the home garden. Also visit the CTAHR Agricultural Information booth to speak with Extension Agents and Master Gardeners, purchase UH seed varieties, and get pointers for this year’s Farm Fair Fruit & Vegetable Show and Contest.

Dr. Ted Radovich

Dr. Ted Radovich: Moringa and other “Superfoods” 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. A dynamic presenter, Dr. Radovich (from UH Manoa) specializes in sustainable and organic farming systems and ecological practices. He is interested in yield and quality of food crops. Learn about moringa (“ malunggay”) and other healthy choices for the home landscape and farm. ••• Theodore J.K. Radovich, Ph.D., is an Associate Specialist Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences; (808) 956-7909; theodore@hawaii.edu University of Hawaii at Manoa 3190 Maile Way, St. John 102, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Joshua Silva: Healthy Soils for Healthy Plants 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. “Healthy” levels of soil pH, texture, organic matter, nutrients, and other soil properties allow for healthy plants to grow. Joshua has a Masters Degree in Soil Science from CTAHR at UH-Manoa, and is now working as an Extension Agent on Kauai - developing urban horticulture programs, including coordination of the Master Gardener program. ••• Joshua Silva, Jr. Extension Agent, Urban Horticulture and Master Gardener Coordinator; 274-3478; jhsilva@hawaii.edu.

Salty Wahine Gourmet Hawaiian Sea Salts Voted Best Kauai Product

Joshua Silva

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The Garden Island

Garden Talks


Green Beans with Sesame, Red Chili and Garlic Ingredients One pound green beans, cleaned and trimmed 3 tablespoons sesame oil 2 red jalapeños (or other spicy pepper), thinly sliced 3 cloves garlic, finely sliced ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper Instructions Bring pot of water to a boil, add salt, and blanch the green beans for 3 minutes. While the beans are blanching, heat a pan to medium-high with the sesame oil. Add jalapeño, garlic, salt and pepper to pan. (The jalapeño and garlic should sizzle but not burn.) Cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drain water from green beans, then add to the pan. Toss for 1 minute, then garnish with sesame seeds and serve.

Laura Kawamura

Laura Kawamura: Phytochemicals for Good Health 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Learn how foods from the garden can contribute to good health. Laura is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and likes to experiment with healthy cooking in her spare time. ••• Laura Jean Kawamura, M.P.H., R.D.N., is a University of Hawaii CTAHR Kauai Extension Educator, 4-H Department of Family and Consumer Sciences; (808)274-3473; ljk@hawaii.edu Kauai Extension Office 3060 Eiwa Street, Lihue, HI 96766-1881

Are you protecting the forest from your bAckyArd?

Kathryn Fiedler

Kathryn Fiedler: Food Safety & Good Agricultural Practices 12:30-1:30 p.m. Come and meet Kauai’s newest Extension Agent. Kathryn has worked with food crops on the mainland and abroad. Food safety practices will be discussed for everyone, with emphasis on the home gardener. ••• Dr. Kathryn Fiedler, is a Jr. Extension Agent, Invasive Species Detection and Mitigation; 274-3477; kfiedler@hawaii.edu

The Garden Island

The Pono Endorsement Program helps protect Kauai from invasive pests. Landscapers, growers, and gardeners can help by choosing to support local Pono Endorsed businesses. Come by the KISC booth at Garden Fair to learn more. Visit: www.kauaiisc.org/pono for more information

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UH-CTAHR ~ Educational Resources CTAHR Educational Resources Available

w Dr. Kathryn Fiedler, Jr. Extension Agent with expertise in plant pathology, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPS), the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), and invasive species: kfiedler@hawaiii.edu w Joshua Silva, Junior Extension Agent, coordinates and leads the Master Gardener program, and is our soil and plant fertility specialist; jhsilva@hawaii.edu w Dr. Russell Messing, County Administrator, entomologist: messing@hawaii.edu For details regarding CTAHR’s next public information session on Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance, please contact Dr. Fiedler.

Looking to start a home garden, troubleshoot an insect problem, or learn how to grow a certain kind of plant? Many learning opportunities and educational resources are available on Kauai to help. The University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources (CTAHR) - Kauai Cooperative Extension Service has extension agents on island that can consult and assist homeowners and farmers on a wide range of issues. These agents are located in the State Building at 3160 Eiwa Street, Room 210, Lihue (phone 274-3471): w Laura Kawamura, Assistant Extension Agent and registered dietician, with programs in 4-H, youth and nutrition: ljk@hawaii.edu w Richard Ebesu, Associate Extension Agent specializing in garden vegetables and fruits, ornamentals, and identifying insect pests: rebesu@hawaii.edu w Matt Stevenson, Associate Extension Agent knowledgeable about all kinds of Recent graduates of the UH-CTAHR livestock, and also range management: Master Gardener program. stevenso@hawaii.edu

Go Farm Program

cessful agricultural entrepreneur, thus the curriculum will cover the fundamentals of Go Farm’s mission is to enhance Hawaii’s farm production and business management, and expose participants to the realifood security and economy by increasing the number of local agricultural producers. ties of farming through the experience of seasoned farmers. Services such as shared Offering a combination of agricultural equipment, land, marketing, and business knowledge, experience, and support deconsulting are provided to participants. signed to assist them in becoming viable Wednesday, April 20th from 6-8 p.m. is production growers, and accomplish this in the AgCurious recruitment seminar at a manner that encourages sustainability. OCET room 106c/d. Emphasis will be on the practical skills SEE GO FARM, PAGE 7 and knowledge necessary to become a suc-

Helping Hawaii’s Farmers Be Farmers Bringing out the best in every farmer. That’s the goal of the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association. From Lihue to Hilo, we’re proud to play a vital role in supporting local agriculture and helping farmers to make the most of their land. On behalf of all of our member companies, we congratulate the Kauai County Farm Bureau and the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources on 21 years of hosting the Garden Fair.

Hawaii Crop Improvement Association Growing the Future of World Wide Agriculture in Hawaii

Kauai’s only Specialty Garden Store Family Owned and Operated since 2011 Supporting Kaua‘i’s Community for more than 40 years

Specializing in Aquaponics, Hydroponics, & Soil Growing As a MAHALO to our Loyal Customers, we are offering a GIH Rewards Program! Spend $500 and receive $50 off a future purchase. Sign-up in store

246.4769 (GROW) 1662 Haleukana St #1 • Lihue (Puhi Industrial)

www.GardenIslandHydro.com 6 • Wednesday, April 13, 2016

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The Garden Island

Go Farm Continued from page 6 RSVP to Kauai@gofarmhawaii.org or call 808-245-8318. AgCurious attendance is where you will find out about and apply for the subsequent phases below and is attendance is required to enroll. AgXposure - Starts May 7th for 4 consecutive Saturdays (8 a.m-1 p.m., Saturdays) AgSchool - Starts June 2nd for 14 weeks (Meets Thu 6-8 p.m. and Sat 8 a.m.-1 p.m.) Cost: AgCurious free seminar AgXposure and AgSchool: $480 for BOTH. RSVP by emailing Kauai@gofarmhawaii.org. To register: call KCC’s Office of Continuing Education and Training (OCET) at 808-245-8318 or www.kauai. hawaii.edu/training Questions: contact Eric Hansen Go Farm Hawai’i Kaua’i Community College Office: 808-245-0129 Cell: 808-896-2793 www.gofarmhawaii.org

Kauai Community College KCC offers class for Credit Courses in Plant Biology and Tropical Agriculture (PBT) with the following degree and certificate options: Degree Option: w Associate in Science (AS) in PBT ~ a 2-year degree (60 edits) Certificate Options: w Certificate of Competence (CO) in PBT (15 credits) w Certificate of Achievement (CA) in PBT (35 credits) w Academic Subject Certificate (ASC) (23 credits) For additional details, please visit https://sites.google.com/a/ hawaii.edu/plant-biolo-

gy-and-tropical-agriculture/program-overview Fall course registration opens April 11 and ends August 28 for August 22 to December 16 course dates. Courses include Introduction to Horticulture (HORT 200), Integrated Pest Management (PBT 141), Orientation to Hawaiian Agricultural Industry (PBT 100), General Botany (BOT 101) and Plant Bioscience Intern (PBT 290V). For more information, contact Dr. Sharad P. Marahatta at (808)245-8251 or look for course descriptions of available classes for Kauai Community College through the UH System.

Fruit Growers Conference Here on Kauai 26th Annual Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers Conference “Achieving Critical Mass” September 30 to October 7, 2016 Kauai Beach Resort to register go to HTFG.org and follow the link to 2016 conference for more information contact: Ken Love (808) 323-2417

Interested in Becoming a Production Farmer in Hawai’i? Attend this seminar and these classes AGCURIOUS? WEDNESDAY APRIL 20TH, 2016 | 6 – 8 PM Kaua’i Community College | OCET Building Room 106 C/D • Learn from experienced growers and from past students about their experience in the Go Farm Hawaii program


awaiian tropical flowers, orchids and plants are in demand the world over for their outstanding quality, beauty and long life. Bouquets, arrangements and plants can make outstanding and unique Kauai Grown gifts for Mother’s Day and graduation coming up this season. For those with faraway friends and families, several of the nurseries and flower growers present at the Garden Fair are certified shippers who can pack and ensure flowers arrive for your special day. Many of these items can be delivered directly from farms on Kauai to your Mom’s door within two business days anywhere in the United States. Look for the certified shipper signs on site at the Garden Fair and ask about local delivery and pickup options. To meet some of our local

flower growers and nurseries and discover more Kauai Grown gift options, visit www.kauaigrown. org. For online member sales and a directory of Kauai’s commercial flower, orchid and foliage growers, visit the Hawaii Tropical Flower & Foliage Association at www.hawaiitropicalflower. org.

We Believe That Hawai‘i’s Milk Should Come From Hawai‘i

• Applications for the next cohort of the Go Farm Hawaii beginning farmer training program will only be available to those who attend this seminar.

PROGRAM PHASES: AgXposure (Every Saturday, May 14th – June 4th locations TBA) Farm Tours & hands-on learning experiences at sustainable farms. • Learn about the farming lifestyle • Gain knowledge about areas important to farming

Gifting, shipping options

Experience what life would be like as a farmer

AgSchool (June 16 – November 5, 2016, Thursdays 6 – 8pm and Saturdays 8am – 12pm) Hands-on, comprehensive education in all aspects of the business and science of sustainable farming on Kauai. Topics include: • Practice on-farm the tech• Soil nutrients and plant health niques management • Learn about the resources • Propagation available to assist with further • Variety selection farming knowledge • Farm equipment • Irrigation • Pest control (pathogens, insects, nematodes, and weeds) • Post-harvest storage, handling & safety

Hawai‘i Dairy Farms is committed to providing fresh, nutritious milk for local families - produced on Kaua‘i for Hawai‘i - using a more sustainable model that’s good for the environment and the economy. Learn about our farm and how we’re preparing a voluntary Environmental Impact Statement at www.HawaiiDairyFarms.com.

RSVP to kauai@gofarmhawaii.org or call 245-8318 | More info at www.gofarmhawaii.org The Garden Island

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Look for 4-H in the garden


ook for the green fourleaf clover with white “H” on each leaf representing head, heart, hands and health. Here you will find 4-H members and volunteer leaders sharing knowledge and skills with Keiki and their families through hands-on learning stations. The Kauai 4-H Livestock Club will have the following interactive learning stations for Keiki as their way of thanking the community and businesses for supporting them throughout the year, and by putting into practice their public speaking skills and teaching others what they have learned. They invite you to explore the following 4-H activities in the garden:

Petting Zoo The 4-H petting zoo is

FREE Plant Caddy Service

open to all ages. It gives our 4-H members the opportunity to practice public speaking skills and share their knowledge of animal husbandry with the community.

Photo Frame Decorating –nPhoto Be creative and decorate a frame for your Garden Fair Photo.


Personalize your own ban- Bird Seed Bath dana with drawings and jewWhat’s in a bath? Well els; a cute fashion for ours is filled with 200 pounds gardeners! of bird seed that children between the ages of 6 months Bubbles to 4 years of age enjoy playFill the air with fascinating ing in. Not only do these chilbubbles! Explore the shapes dren get to feel the different textures of the bird seeds and colors that are created but they have the opportuin the beautiful outdoors.

nity to increase their fine mo- grow something in their own tor skills in a fun and backyard! imaginative way!

Rethink Your Drink

Deco-pots & Planting Decorate your own pot to go, and watch your plant grow! A simple and easy craft for those wanting to

Play a ring toss game to learn which beverages to choose for better health. Win a bottle of water for participating.

Need an extra hand? Our 4-H members will have wheelbarrows to help you transport your plants to your car no matter how many plants you have purchased! See how responsible and courteous our young helpers are. The Kauai 4-H Livestock members will be glad to pick up your purchases and wait for you curbside to help you load your plants into your vehicle. This is a free service. Visit the Kauai 4-H Livestock Club tent or look for our posters on how to schedule a caddy. Any tips they receive will be donated to Relay for Life. 4-H will have a “Get Moving for Health” Relay for Life team.


21st Annual Kaua‘i Garden Fair

Saturday April 16, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm on the Kaua‘i Community College Lawn

MAHALO TO OUR SPONSORS: Aunty Lilikoi, LLC • Family & Friends of Agriculture • Grove Farm • Haleakala Solar • Haole Girl Island Sweets/Tasting Kaua‘i • Kauai Nursery & Landscaping Kauai Nut Roasters • Mailelani’s • Salty Wahine Gourmet Hawaiian Sea Salts • Tropical Flowers Express/Heavenly Hakus • USDA - Rural Development





Individuals with disabilities, who would like to attend this event, please contact, Kauai County Farm Bureau @ (808) 855-5429 regarding any special accommodation needs. It is requested that individuals requiring auxiliary aids notify KCFB at least seven (7) working days in advance. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effectve and timely manner. Mahalo!

8 • Wednesday, April 13, 2016

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The Garden Island

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