34th Annual
Koloa Plantation Days 2019 Year of the Paniolo JULY 19-28, 2019
Celebrating Our Plantation Roots
Parade and Park Celebration JULY 27, 9AM-4PM
Check out our new events, festival favorites and the 34th annual Parade & Park event inside! For a full schedule of events visit All events are free unless otherwise noted.
Sponsored by the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority & other community organizations & businesses.
THE SHOPS AT KUKUI‘ULA Historic Sugar Exhibit
July 22 - 26 • daily, 5 - 9pm • Suite B119
Features portraits of plantation life by Tim De La Vega and a special tribute to plantation photographer Carol Ann Davis, along with artifacts from plantation camp life provided by Grove Farm Homestead Museum, Alexander & Baldwin, and local families.
Plantation Life Storytelling
July 22 • Monday • 6:30 - 8pm • Palm Court
Master Storyteller Kathy “Tita” Collins returns for night of storytelling under the stars as she details a narration of life during the plantation era, including experiences with Hawaiian paniolo (cowboys).
Plantation Cooking at Kaua‘i Culinary Market July 24 • Wednesday • 3:30-6pm
Features plantation dishes from diverse cultures brought to Kaua‘i during the sugar plantation days, with a special chef demonstration by Merriman’s Executive Chef Mark illustrating the different flavors and cultural influences on local food.
Flavors of Kukui‘ula: Koloa Plantation Days July 26 • Friday • 5:30 - 8:30 pm
Kaua‘i’s largest family-friendly pau hana party will pay homage to the island’s plantation heritage with delicious foods, treats, refreshments and live music by Kauai’s very own Wally Rita Y Los Kauaianos.
Koloa Plantation Days 2019 Year of the Paniolo
July 19 to July 28, 2019
auai’s largest summer festival, Koloa Plantation Days, celebrates its 34th year from July 19 to 28 on Kauai’s sunny South Shore. Held in the heart of Koloa where Hawaii’s first commercial sugar plantation was founded in 1835, Koloa Plantation Days puts a special focus on plantation “camp life,” which brought together immigrants from Europe, the Azores, Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines and elsewhere to work together on the sugar plantations. The last sugar plantation closed in the state of Hawaii last year, but the people who came to Hawaii to work helped to create today’s diverse, dynamic lifestyle and local culture. The Plantation Days Parade was the original event celebrating 150 years of sugar, when the Hawaii Sugar Planters Association first held it in 1985.
events are outdoors and inexpensive or free of charge and are appropriate for the whole family. The Parade and Park Celebration on the final Saturday of the month, remains the culmination of the festival and a reminder of why it continues each year. This year, parade participants will focus on the theme “Landmarks in Time” through floats, walking and riding units expressing the music, food, dance, sports and traditions that were a part of camp life. The parade is followed by an all day celebration in the Koloa Ball Today, after more than 30 years, Park with a deep lineup of cultural entertainment featuring outstandevents at Koloa Plantation Days have grown to encompass a wide ing Hawaii talent, an authentic selection of ethnic foods by local range of activities: island culture businesses and non profits, and and plantation history, ono local the island’s largest craft fair, with foods and shopping, outdoor an emphasis on handmade and aractivities and recreation in Koloa and Poipu, keiki and family activi- tisanal products. Parents will also ties and celebration events featur- find a variety of keiki activities ing great live entertainment. Most and games to enjoy, and a silent
auction which helps support the festival each year. For complete parade details and full entertainment schedule, please view pages 18-19. Throughout the week the key connector is the community — this is truly an event where local residents and visitors come together. It is this larger ohana that makes Koloa Plantation Days celebration possible through the dedication of community groups, and volunteers, who welcome many new and return visitors every year to join in the festivities. Each year
there is an open invitation for more community members to join in the planning, to keep these traditions and local history alive and find new ways to share them. For event details, photos, and directions, visit and follow the festival on social media. For auxiliary aid, please contact Or pick up a printed schedule at Koloa Library, Sueoka’s and throughout area concierges and Koloa businesses.
When we gather, we celebrate. Honoring Koloa Plantation Days 2019 “Year of the Paniolo” | 808.245.6791
Federally Insured by NCUA
Friday Night Rodeo Bash Opens Koloa Plantation Days Three days of Rodeo Action
or a “bucking� good time gates open at 4:30 p.m. for the ever popular Bulls, Barrels, Mutton Busting, BBQ & Beer Bash! Admission $10, children free when accompanied by adult.
DATE: Friday, July 19 TIME: gates open: 4 p.m. Bash: 4:30 — 9:30 p.m. PLACE: CJM Stables COST: $10 for adults, 18 and under free; free parking
Enjoy an Evening full of exciting Rodeo action. ◗ Fast-n-Furious Colorful Grand Entry with Kauai All Girls Rodeo Assoc. ◗ Kauai’s Highest Dollar Team Roping Competition $$$ ◗ Women’s Wild and Fast Barrel Racing ◗ Keiki (4-5 years olds) Sheep Riding ◗ Crowding Pleasing Bull Riding ◗ FOOD and More Food, Mexican, Local, Huli-Huli Chicken, BBQ Steak &, Fish, Ice Cream ◗ Dance to your hearts content or relax and enjoy an ice cold beer in our Country Beer Garden with live country music. A great way to kick off the Koloa Plantation Days Celebration: Paniolo Heritage. Family Fun for the entire Ohana (family)
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Koloa Plantation Days Rodeo July 19 to July 21, 2019 Order of Events
Friday, July 19 9:00 Team Roping* Top 20 teams in each roping qualifies for Saturday or Sunday Rodeos 4:00 Gates Open 4:30 Koloa Plantation Days Opening Address & Grand Entry Kauai All Girls Rodeo & Introductions of Paniolo’s Cowgirl Honey Girl Wong* Vaquero Trick Roping by Manny Gonzales Fri’s Contestants (only), Ropers, Cowgirls, and Sheep Riders. 5:00 High Dollar Team Roping Competition 6:15 Ranch Bronc Riding 6:30 Wahine* Barrel Racing, qualifier for Saturday and Sunday Rodeos 7:30 Bull Riding, First go of Three 8:00 Music and Dancing “Not My First Rodeo”*
Saturday, July 20 & Sunday July 21 10:30 Gates Open 11:00 Rodeo, Grand Entry (Saturday) 2018 Champions & Hawaiian Pau’ Riders (Sunday) All Girls Rodeo, 2018 Champions & Paniolo Historian Dr. Billy Bergin 11:45 Hawaiian Event Po`o Wai U 12:00 Barrel Racing Juniors and Wahine 12:30 Team Roping (Saturday) 80’s (Sunday) Open 1:00 Double Mugging 1:30 Vaquero Trick Roping by Manny Gonzales 1:45 Bull Riding - Second and Third Go 2:15 Ranch Bronc Riding (Sunday) 2:30 Three Man Wild Cow Milking 3:00 Team Roping (Saturday) #4 (Sunday) Mixed 3:30 Cowboy & Cowgirl Double Mugging
2019 Awards Presentation Music* “Na Vaquero” by Kuaha Torres Kahele
DATE: July 19-21, Friday through Sunday TIMES: 4:30 — 10 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. — 4 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. — 4 p.m. Sunday (gates open 30 min. prior) PLACE: CJM Stables; Look for the directional sign on the unpaved road one mile past the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort COST: $10 for adults, 18 and under free; free parking CONTACT: 742-9096
Festival Opening & Sunset Ho`olaulea at Poipu Beach Athletic Club
oin us for the revival of this Koloa Plantation Days tradition with music and food for an opening weekend celebration. This year brings a family focus to the event, with FREE games by Got Games! for all the keiki. Parents can enjoy a selection Kauai’s best local food trucks including Kickshaws, OnoPops and more. Or book a table at The Cabana, offering family & fine dining and a bar option with a birds eye view to the entertainment. After an opening by Koloa School and Kumu Rachel, this year’s entertainment features John Cruz and Beat Lele for a fun family event reflecting a diverse range of local music. Join us for an outstanding evening for the whole family! The Public is invited to bring beach blankets and chairs to enjoy the evening. No coolers. Free parking on site. 2290 Koloa Road. Presented by the Koloa Plantation Days Committee to open the Festival.
DATE: Saturday, July 20 TIME: 5 – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Poipu Beach Athletic Club COST: Free entry, donations welcome. Food & drink for purchase. DETAILS: Bring beach blankets & chairs CONTACT: 742-2111
Historic Hapa Trail Walk
Share Koloa Archaeology and History On Saturday, July 20, the Koloa Community Association and Hapa Trail Restoration Committee host an easy morning walk along historic Hapa Trail. Meet your guides at St. Raphael’s Church off of Weliweli Rd. This is the island’s oldest Catholic church, so your historical tour is off to a good start. On the walk, the guides will share many interesting stories about life in the plantation days and the Koloa Field System. They will share knowledge of archaeological surveys, history and point out archaeological sites and archaeological preserves in the area including the extensive and ingenious ‘auwai system the Hawaiians built to irrigate the area known as the Koloa Field System. The Koloa Field
System occupied most of the southern portions of na ahupua‘a of Koloa and Weliweli. The Hapa Trail Restoration Committee and members of the Koloa Community Association have worked hard to prepare Hapa Road Trail for this year’s walk, spending mornings clearing the undergrowth so that walkers can view and experience the road in a state as close to the original road as possible. Hapa Road Trail was once a major route connecting Koloa and the Poipu area.
DATE: Saturday, July 20 TIME: 8 a.m. coffee 9 a.m. start PLACE: St. Raphael’s Church COST: Free DETAILS: Bring sunscreen, water CONTACT: 651-1332
Shop Local, Shop Kaua‘i Made Kaua‘i Made products made on Kaua‘i, by the people of Kaua‘i, with love and respect for the aina (land) of Kaua‘i. Look for the Kaua‘i Made seal.
Today, Hapa Trail has been designated by the County of Kauai as a pedestrian and bike way. This year, following the roundtrip walk refreshments will be served at St. Raphael’s Church. Participants will enjoy more chances to “talk story.” The walk and tour is offered free of charge. Hapa Trail t-shirts also available for purchase. For more information phone (808) 651 1332.
Sunday Live Music
at Old Koloa Town Courtyard
ama’aina and visitors are invited to bring the whole family to enjoy free live music on Sunday, July 21 in the relaxed, outdoor setting of the Old Koloa Town Courtyard. This year’s show will feature the music of Byron Fernandes. A humble, and passionate musician born, and raised right here on Kaua’i, Byron has been playing music professionally for about eight years with a passion for Hawaiian music, contemporary music, and music that soothes your ears, and soul. He also plays at the Garden Island Grille from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursdays. The music is staged in a lovely outdoor courtyard, surrounded by plantationera buildings and shaded by a massive monkey-pod tree. The performers are
framed by the lanai of the Koloa History Center - don’t miss this exploration into Koloa’s past and take a moment to visit during the week. Folding chairs will be available for seating, but people are also encouraged to bring their own chairs and make themselves comfortable. For those who also bring their appetite, Pizzetta, Garden Island Grille, Aloha Roastery, Koloa Shave Ice,
DATE: Sunday, July 21 TIME: 5 to 7 p.m. PLACE: Old Koloa Town Courtyard (behind Crazy Shirts) COST: Free CONTACT: 651-9334
Kauai Nut Roasters, and Koloa Mill Coffee and Ice Cream are located in the center and will be open during the performance. For more information, emailstephanie@ or call Stephanie at 808-6519334
Plantation-Style Living
View Kaneiolouma
he ancient Southern Royal Hawaiian Complex known as Ke Kahua o Kaneiloluma is located in the Moku (District) of Kona at Koloa Hikina (East), ili of Waiohai, County of Kauai Poipu Beach Park Mauka Preserve. The County of Kauai Poipu Beach Park includes 26-acres highlighted by an ancient Royal Hawaiian residence surrounded by numerous features such as a sacred spring (Puna O Waiohai), three heiau (Kaneiolouma, Hale o Ia, Kihaohuna), fishponds (Hooleinakapuaa), assembly grounds, royal cemetery, unique auwai (irrigation) system, taro fields and many house sites. Please join members of Hui Malama O Kaneiolouma as they recount the vibrant history of Poipu, as well as updating the public about their current projects. Guests are advised to park at Poipu Beach Park and meet in front of the Manokalanipo Royal Observatory, corner of Poipu and Hoowili Roads at 9 a.m. It is also advised to wear good walking shoes and sunscreen.
DATE: Monday, July 22 TIME: 9 a.m. CONTACT: 332-5682 LOCATION: Corner of Poipu and Hoowili Roads COST: Free DETAILS: Bring sunscreen and walking shoes
Art, Stories and Refreshment Hosted by Koloa Union Church
his event takes place at the historic Smith Memorial Parsonage, an old-fashioned plantation-style home on a beautiful acre of land in the heart of Koloa. The parsonage is owned by Koloa Union Church and has been fully restored and transformed into an art gallery featuring the vibrant watercolors of Hawaiian artist Rev. Dr. Alan Akana, who paints the flowers of Hawai`i, including indigenous flowers that are found nowhere else in the world. Rev. Dr. Akana is also the pastor of Koloa Union Church and resides in the parsonage. Tour the beautiful house and grounds of the Smith Memorial Parsonage, learn about the history of the early missionaries
doctors in Koloa who once lived on the property and how the arrival of Dr. James and Melicent Smith in 1842 shaped the history of Koloa. At 4:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Akana will share stories about the Smith-Waterhouse Family, the building and land, and his watercolors of the flowers of Hawai`i. You will also enjoy live entertainment, plantation iced tea and homemade cookies. Rev. Dr. Alan Akana, a Native Hawaiian and ordained minister in the United Church of Christ,
DATE: Monday, July 22 TIME: 4 - 6 p.m. Lecture at 4:30 p.m. PLACE: The Smith Memorial Parsonage, 3281 Waikamo Road, Koloa COST: Free CONTACT: 742-6622
is an accomplished artist and a published author of Hawaiian history and culture. His books, The Volcano is Our Home: Nine Generations of a Hawaiian Family on Kilauea Volcano (2016), and Beauty, Art and Spirituality, as well as his art ( will be available for purchase, and proceeds will be donated to the parsonage restoration and maintenance fund. Participants who are able are requested to park at Koloa Union Church, 3289 Poipu Road.
Proud Sponsor of the 34th Annual Koloa Plantation Days Festival July 19 to 28, 2019 Founded in 1938 In honor of Koloa Plantation Days, Garden Island FCU’s Koloa branch is celebrating Membership Appreciation Day on July 25, 2019 where snacks and refreshments will be served.
NEW members opening their account during the week of the festival, receive a gift by playing the Spin the Wheel game
Post Your Paniolo Selfie Contest
Post your best paniolo selfie on Instagram or Facebook and tag us @gardenislandfcu from Friday July 19th thru Wednesday July 24th and win $100 CASH! Winner will be announced at Garden Island FCU Koloa Branch’s Membership Appreciation Day on Thursday, July 25th. Contact our Koloa branch at (808) 742-6733 for more information.
Koloa Loan Special
Take advantage of Garden Island FCU’s Koloa Loan Special from July 22nd thru July 26th with rates as low as 3.00% APR*, terms of up to 24 months and loan special is only available at our Koloa branch and is on a first come, first serve basis. Members who will take advantage of the loan special will receive a special gift from Garden Island FCU. *Annual Percentage Rate, $3,000.00 loan at 3.00% APR for 24 months at $128.95 per month. Stated APR assumes borrower has excellent credit rating. Other rates and terms available. Offer valid for new loans only and not applicable towards existing GIFCU loans. Loans subject to credit approval. Other restrictions may apply. Federally insured by NCUA.
Lihue Branch: 245-2712 or Koloa Branch: 742-6733
Museum Opening and Plantation Life Storytelling
Hosted by The Shops at Kukui’ula
n Monday, July 22, The Shops at Kukui‘ula will host the Opening Night of the 2019 Koloa Plantation Days’ annual Historic Sugar Exhibit at 6 p.m. as well as “Plantation Life Storytelling” with Master Storyteller Kathy “Tita” Collins from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Experience plantation history firsthand with the Koloa Plantation By Kauai Historical Society Days Historic Sugar Exhibit, a series of pho- Photographer Carol Ann Davis shows Rosita tographs and artifacts Semana collages from the last days of Koloa reflecting the past cen- Mill. The late Carol Ann’s work will be shown, tury in Koloa. Opening along with an exhibit focused on the Paniolo Monday night, the exHeritage and Koloa Town. hibit will be held for five well-versed storyteller in English, days hosted by docents Hawaiian and Hawaiian Pidgin from the Kauai Historical Society English. At the Palm Court, enjoy (see inset). By popular demand, The Shops refreshments under the stars at Kukui‘ula will feature storytell- while listening to Kathy Collins’ detailed narration of life during ing again by Kathy “Tita” Collins, a well-respected entertainer and a the plantation era.
he Historic Sugar Exhibit — A Plantation Museum — features portraits of plantation life by photographer Tim Dela Vega, a tribute to Carol Ann Davis, along with a century of archival images from the plantation era courtesy of Grove Farm Homestead Museum. The exhibit also includes artifacts from plantation camp life provided by Grove Farm and local families, including new articles reflecting this year’s paniolo theme. Volunteers and docents, authors, and historians from the KAUAI HISTORICAL SOCIETY, established in 1914, will share
Koloa’s cultural traditions, people, and stories of Old Koloa. Museum will be open daily from 5 to 9 p.m. through Friday, July 26 and will also carry Koloa Plantation Days commemorative Festival T-shirts. Free Entrance — Museum located across from the Lanai Restaurant in Suite B119. For more information contact Kauai Historical society.
DATE: Monday, July 22 TIME: 6 p.m. Opening TIME: 6:30 p.m. Storyteller PLACE: The Shops at Kukui‘ula COST: Free DETAILS: Exhibit will be open daily from 5 to 9 p.m. through Friday, July 26 in suite B119.
The plantation-style architecture of The Shops at Kukui‘ula offers a beautiful setting to immerse yourself in island history and culture. The Shops at Kukui’ula
boasts one of the island’s best collection of restaurants and retailers with over 40 premier shops. The Shops at Kukui‘ula is adjacent to the western bypass
road in Po‘ipu at the roundabout. For more information visit, “like” The Shops at Kukui`ula on Facebook, follow @ShopsAtKukuiula on Twitter, or call (808) 742-9545.
KAUAI COFFEE COMPANY Visitor Center on the estate near Eleele. Take Hwy. 540 and follow the signs.
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at Either of our Two Locations With Hawaii ID
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Coconut Marketplace, Kapaa 9am-8 pm Mon - Sat • 10am-6pm Sun
Keiki Corner Keiki Fishing at Waita Koloa Bass Fishing
ome on down to Waita for Keiki Fishing. Visit Waita Reservoir from 1 to 4 p.m. for a free keiki “catch and release” fishing experience, courtesy of Kauai ATV and Koloa Bass Fishing. Bring your own poles and bait. Waita is Hawaii’s largest body of fresh water and is home to tilapia, big mouth bass and peacock bass. Reservations are required as space is limited. All keiki and family meet at Kauai ATV for
check in and directions, which is located at 3477A Weliweli Rd. For reservations call the Kauai ATV office at 742-2734.
WANNA FISH? DATE: Saturday, July 20 TIME: 1 to 4 p.m. PLACE: By Kauai ATV in Koloa CONTACT: 742-2734 DETAILS: Advanced reservations required
Hawaiian Games
Try your hand at games of old
raditional Hawaiian Games will be at the Kiahuna Plantation Resort Kauai by Outrigger, on Wednesday, July 24 from 10 a.m. to noon. Children ages 13 and under can have fun with games like disk throwing, spear throwing, coconut toss, and 50-yard dash. Music and refreshments to follow. There will be a craft tent where children can participate in making fun, local souvenirs, learn coconut frond weaving, and how to “tro net” as the local fishermen do. Afterwards, enjoy an ono treats, including shave ice and keiki treats on the lawn.
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Mahalo from
Dr. Lutwin, Dr. Rita, Dr. Quade & Staff
DATE: Wednesday, July 24 TIME: 10 a.m. to noon PLACE: Outrigger Kiahuna Plantation CONTACT: 742-6411 DETAILS: For keiki ages 13 and under
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Koloa Plantation Days Golf Miniature golf and putting contest
MINIATURE GOLF TOURNAMENT Hosted by Lawai Beach Resort Free round on minigolf course with tournament for keiki (kids) 13 and under. Keiki enjoy play followed by refreshments and goodie bags. This activity is limited to first 75 children. Register at 9:30 a.m. Play begins at 10 a.m. Located on the roof of the parking garage at the activity center.
Date: Sunday, July 21 Time: 9:30 a.m. registration; 10 a.m. start Place: Lawai Beach Resort Cost: Free Contact: 240-5179 Details: For ages 13 and under; Space is limited
Koloa Plantation Days Craft Fair Locally made products
DATE: Tuesday, July 23 TIME: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. PLACE: Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa COST: Free CONTACT: 240-6452
Date: Thursday, July 25 Time: 2 to 4 p.m. Place: Poipu Bay Resort Golf Club Contact: 742-8711 Details: Keiki can challenge their parents or each other to a free round on the putting green for prizes; Putter, balls provided
PLANTATION DAYS PUTTING CONTEST Hosted by Poipu Bay Golf Course Fun for keiki and adults, putting on practice greens at Poipu Bay with prizes for best scores. Located adjacent to the Grand Hyatt Kauai.
ome to the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa on Tuesday, July 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a variety of locally handmade products. Experience a part of Hawai‘i’s past, present and future through crafts, demonstrations and music. Crafters will share kapa, Hawaiian print bags, chil-
dren’s items, jewelry, wood carvings, specialty soaps and fragrances, island jams and jellies and photographs. Learn about Ni‘ihau shell leis and share stories of Hawai‘i. Join us for lunch. The Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa is located at 1571 Poipu Rd., Koloa. Admission is free.
hosted by
Fun for keiki and adults, putting on practice greens at Poipu Bay with prizes for best scores.
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2019 Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Contact: (808) 742-8711
Location: Poipu Bay Golf Course 2250 Ainako St Koloa, HI 96756
Driving Directions: Located just past the Grand Hyatt Kauai
Polynesian Revue & Fire Dancer
At Poipu Shopping Village WANNA GO?
DATE: Tuesday, July 23 TIME: 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. PLACE: Poipu Shopping Village COST: Free CONTACT: 742-2831 DETAILS: Shuttle and additional parking 5:30 — 10:30 p.m.
njoy a night of unforgettable entertainment under the enchanting stars of Poipu at Poipu Shopping Village on Tuesday, July 23, at 7:30 p.m., for its annual Polynesian Revue in celebration of Koloa Plantation Days. A journey of dance through the Polynesian islands with award-winning performers of Urahutia Productions, under the direction of Mi Nei Oliver Martins, Miss Garden Isle 2004 and 27-time 1st Place Tahitian Solo Dance winner. This performance is free and fun for the whole family — a great opportunity for dinner and a show. Poipu Shopping Village is located in the heart of Poipu amid a lovely garden setting, with award-win-
ning restaurants, eateries, unique and eclectic shops, art gallery, jewelry stores and boutiques. This colorful array of shops and eateries is right on Poipu Road in one convenient location. It’s the home of Keoki’s Paradise Restaurant, Puka Dogs, Papalani Gelato, Olympic
Cafe, Bangkok Happy Bowl, Anuenue Cafe, Kauai Juice Co., Island Taco, Starbucks and more. Come early to secure a seat — this is a popular show. Additional parking and a free shuttle will be available beginning at 5:30 p.m. Just follow the signs on Kiahuna Plantation Drive to Kiahuna Golf Club’s parking lot. The shuttle will be running until 10:30 p.m. For questions, please call 742-2831 or visit and Facebook page. Poipu Shopping Village is located across the street from Kiahuna Plantation Resort at the corner of Poipu Road and Kiahuna Plantation Drive.
Magnificent Mahaulepu
Tour of McBryde Garden & Talk Story
Hosted by National Tropical Botanical Garden
n Tuesday July 23 at 5 p.m., the National Tropical Botanical Garden welcomes visitors and the community into the McBryde Garden for a free historic tour that begins with a scenic drive down the former path of the railroad and continues deep into the Lawai Valley. Along the way you’ll learn about the valley’s rich history and how it gave rise to NTBG and its premier gardens: McBryde Garden and Allerton Garden. Then join us for a short walk and a talk story session about the valley’s storied past that includes Hawaiian royalty, the transformation of the place and people during the plantation era, and, in a tribute to the valley’s legacy and first arriving Polynesians, an introduction to the new Canoe Plant Garden with is stunning hale (thatched roof house), star compass and taro lo’i. Space is limited. Reservations are strongly recommended for this exclusive opportunity. Please call 808-742-2623.
DATE: Tuesday, July 23 TIME: 5 to 6:30 pm COST: Free CONTACT: 742-2623 DETAILS: Reservations required
Experience the natural wonder and take some home with you!
he pristine, rugged Mahaulepu shoreline area east of Poipu only needs to be seen to be appreciated. The citizens group Malama Mahaulepu is hosting two events that showcase the exceptional beauty of the bluffs, beach and bay. On Wednesday, July 24, volunteers from Malama Mahaulepu will lead a moderately easy hike along the headlands overlooking Mahaulepu Bay. The hike starts at 9:30 a.m. Meet at CJM Stables — look for the sign that points to CJM Stables about 11⁄2 miles past the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort. There will be additional signs pointing to the starting point of
the hike. Refreshments served at Kawailoa Bay, before returning back to CJM Stables. Wear sturdy, comfortable walking or hiking shoes, bring drinking water, sunscreen and a hat. Please leave four-legged friends at home.
ART AND NATURE Advance registration is required for a free watercolor painting workshop at Mahaulepu on Friday, July 26. Call 651 9951 no later than July 19 to reserve a space. The contact will provide a supply list and directions to the meeting place. Attendance is limited; ages 15 and older only, please. If requested, materials will be supplied for a $15 fee.
DATE: Wednesday, July 24 TIME: 9:30 a.m. to noon PLACE: Meet at CJM Stables COST: Free CONTACT: 651-9951
DATE: Friday, July 26 TIME: 9 a.m. to noon PLACE: Meet at Kawailoa Bay COST: Fee for supplies or bring your own CONTACT: 651-9951 DETAILS: Reservations required
Plantation Cooking Demonstration at Kauai Culinary Market
DATE: Wednesday, July 24 TIME: 3:30 to 6 p.m., cooking demo at 5 p.m. PLACE: The Shops at Kukui‘ula COST: Free CONTACT: 742-9545
n Wednesday, July 24, Koloa Plantation Days festivities continue at The Shops at Kukui‘ula during the weekly Kaua‘i Culinary Market from 3:30 to 6 p.m., featuring plantation food and dishes from diverse cultures that were brought to Kaua‘i during the sugar plantation days, and continue to be enjoyed by residents and visitors today. At 5 p.m. at the Palm Court, join us for a special chef demonstration by Salty Wahine Ohana illustrating the different flavors and cultural influences on local food. The Kaua‘i Culinary Market is a partnership between The Shops at Kukui‘ula and the Kaua‘i
County Farm Bureau and is held at The Shops at Kukui‘ula every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. with a special chef demonstration featuring locally grown products at 5 p.m. This one-of-a-kind farmers market boasts over 25 participating local farmers, artisanal product producers and vendors offering fresh vegetables, fruits and other unique delicacies and is enhanced by live Hawaiian music from local artists and a wine and beer garden at the Palm Court. For more information, visit theshopsatkukuiula. com, follow @shopsatkukuiula on Facebook and Instagram or call 808-7429545.
Growing up in Hawaii
by Friends of Koloa Public Library Presented by Friends of Koloa Library, Stories About Growing Up in Hawaii by storyteller Dann Seki is a new treat this year not to be missed with this gifted Hawaii actor sharing fun stories for the whole family. Dann Seki is a stage and screen actor as well as a storyteller for upper elementary to senior audiences. Some of the storytelling programs he performs include “Stories about growing up in Hawaii.” “Obake and other Ghostly Tales from Japan, Hawaii and other places in the world.” “Stories about Hawaii’s people.” “Myths, folk tales and stories from Japan, Korea, China, other Pacific-rim cultures and from around the world.” “Stories about origins - how the sea got salty; why the naupaka
has only half a flower; why the buzzard looks the way it does and more.” From Aiea, Hawaii, Dann as an actor has appeared in numerous local commercials, most of the television shows filmed in Hawaii, and on stage at many of the local theatres. A storyteller since 1994, he has performed statewide at various libraries and senior centers; at the Windward Community College Storytelling Festival, the Talk Story Festival, First Night Hawaii, on a statewide tour of “Pearl Harbor Remembered,” and many other storytelling events. Dann is a member of the Screen Actors Guild/ American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG/AFTRA).
DATE: Wednesday, July 24 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Koloa Library COST: $3 suggested donation to Koloa School CONTACT: 742-8455
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THE GARDEN ISLAND, JULY 2019 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 15
Look Back through the Sugar Era
Hosted by Grove Farm at Koloa Mill WANNA GO?
DATE: Thursday, July 25 TIME: 9 to 11 a.m. PLACE: Koloa Mill COST: $3 suggested donation to Koloa School CONTACT: 245-3678 ext. 2542
isit the area where the sugar industry in Hawaii got started. Arryl Kaneshiro of Grove Farm will share historical information regarding Koloa Mill and a former McBryde Sugar Company employee and others will also be on
hand to â&#x20AC;&#x153;talk storyâ&#x20AC;? about plantation life and how the sugar mill worked. The tour will encompass a visit to view the exterior of the Koloa Mill and will include a shuttle ride to Waita Reservoir and the Wilcox Tunnel.
Kauaâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;i Island Utility Cooperativeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Annual Meeting
Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Space is limited in the vehicles to Wilcox Tunnel. Please call the office ahead to register and guarantee your spot. The event is popular and books out early.
Paniolo Selfie Contest and Membership Event
Kauaâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;i War Memorial Convention Hall Doors open at 5 p.m. with music by KĹŤpaoa Meeting at 6 p.m. Free bag of rice to the first 250 attendees. Chili and rice bowls following the meeting! For more information, call 246.4300 or visit
at Garden Island Federal Credit Union Koloa WANNA GO?
DATE: Thursday, July 25 TIME: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PLACE: Garden Island Federal Credit Union COST: Free CONTACT: 742-6733
his year, join Garden Island Federal Credit Union, located in the old Koloa Dispensary in a fun themed activity with a Paniolo Selfie Contest and Membership Event. For the Paniolo Selfie contest, attend Koloa Plantation Days events and post your best Pani-
olo selfie on Instagram or Facebook at tag@gardenislandfcu (July 19 through July 24) for a chance to win $100 cash! Winner to be announced during Membership event on Thursday, July 25. On Thursday, stop by the historic building for an open house and refresh-
ments served 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located at 3417 Poâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ipu Road in historic Dispensary. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss this fun way to share in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theme and get to know members of the Koloa community. For more information call 808-742-6733.
KIUC is an equal opportunity employer and provider. If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, contact KIUC at 246.4300 or as soon as possible. 5HTXHVWV PDGH DV HDUO\ DV SRVVLEOH ZLOO DOORZ DGHTXDWH WLPH WR IXOÂżOO \RXU UHTXHVW 8SRQ UHTXHVW WKLV notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.
Historic Koloa Town: Living Legacy Of Sueoka Store Talk Story with the Sueoka Family
oin the Sueoka Family for a talk story on one of Kauai’s oldest plantation stores which has evolved and is still a Koloa favorite today. The family will share memories on growing up “plantation style”, what Koloa was like, how the plantation store worked, and how Sueoka’s evolved over the years including being part of the first ever Koloa Plantation Days in 1985. The talk will start promptly at 4:30pm. This event is held in conjunction with the Friends of Koloa Library. No charge. Tour of old Koloa Town will depart from this location at 5:30 p.m.
DATE: Friday, July 26 TIME: 4:30 p.m. PLACE: Koloa Library and School COST: Free CONTACT: 332-5201
Walk back in time History of Old Koloa
alk and learn about the history DATE: Friday, July 26 of Old Koloa Town, which was built TIME: 5:30 p.m. up around one of PLACE: Koloa Library and School Hawaii’s first commercial sugar planCOST: Free tations. CONTACT: 332-5201 The Koloa Town Historical Walk is on Friday, July 26, at 5:30 p.m. Meet the guide, Gail Little, at the Koloa Library and School on Poipu Road. She will have fascinating photos and other displays on the Koloa area in various eras. Then, the group proceeds to Old Koloa Town, where Gail will point out historic buildings and chat about their previous incarnations as a dispensary, churches, motel for traveling salesmen, supply store for whaling ships, soda factory and other enterprises. This is a great way to work up your dinner appetite and to learn a lot about historic and charming Koloa Town.
Flavors of Kukui‘ula
Features Wally Rita & Los Kauaianos
n Friday, July 26, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, The Shops at Kukui‘ula will present Flavors of Kukui‘ula in celebration of Koloa Plantation Days. As Kauai’s largest family-friendly pau hana party, Flavors of Kukui‘ula will pay homage to the island’s plantation heritage. Joining the celebration will be Kauai’s top band Wally Rita Y Los Kauaianos. Plus, plantation treats and delicacies will be sold street-food style along with a variety of alcoholic drinks and non-alcoholic refreshments.
The Shops at Kukui’ula boasts one of the island’s best collection of 40 restaurants and premier shops including Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Merriman’s Fish House, Eating House 1849 by Roy Yamaguchi, Kiawe Roots, The Lanai Restaurant & Bar, Living Foods Gourmet Market, Café & Juice Bar, Tommy Bahama, Martin & MacArthur, Malie Organics, Poipu Surf, and more. This will be the last night to view the Koloa Plantation Days Historic Exhibit. For more information, visit
DATE: Friday, July 26 TIME: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. PLACE: The Shops at Kukui‘ula COST: Free, food for purchase CONTACT: 742-9545
theshopsatkukuiula. com, follow @ shopsatkukuiula on Facebook and Instagram or call 808.742.9545.
Family Fun Run
offers healthy fun for everyone WANNA RUN?
DATE: Sunday, July 28 TIME: 6 to 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Poipu Beach Park COST: Adults $35; Keiki $15 CONTACT: 635-0165;
our different course lengths for you to choose from depending on your ability, endurance and motivation! The 5K or 3.1 mile course is for perfect for everyone — and all ages! Walkers, joggers, sprinters or strollers — bring the entire family to walk, ride or jog together. (Start time: 7 a.m.) The 10K or 6.2 mile course allows you to test your speed and endur-
ance. (Start time: 7 a.m.) The 10 mile course is for serious walkers or runners — perfect for those who are training for the Kauai Marathon! (Start time: 6 a.m. for walkers, 6:30 a.m. for runners) The Keiki 1 Mile Fun Run is the hit of the day! — For all kids 10 and under. (Start time: 8:30 a.m.). Prizes, race jerseys, food and drinks along with free mini massages will be available to all
participants. This event is a fundraiser for Kukui’ula Outrigger Canoe Club. Register now at com. Race packet pick up and late registration is Saturday, July 27, from 1-5 p.m. at Poipu Beach Park and at the Koloa Ballpark event as well as on race day at 5:30 a.m. A $5 late registration fee applies for adults after 5 p.m. Friday, July 26; no late fee for keiki run. There is a family discount of $5 per person for 4 to 6 people in a family.
Koloa Plantation Days Parade
Saturday, July 27
Celebrating 34 Years
et to Old Koloa Town early on Saturday, July 27, and stake out a good parade watching spot. “Year of the Paniolo” is the theme of this year’s Koloa Plantation Days parade, commemorating the 34th year of this annual festival and parade through Koloa Town. This year’s parade honors Eddie Taniguchi, Jr. as Grand Marshal of the Paniolo Hall of Fame. Koloa Plantation was a place where many different nationalities and cultures came together to work. Contract laborers came from the Philippines, Japan, Okinawa, Puerto Rico, Portugal, China, Korea and other countries to work on the sugar plantations, where they lived in camps. While plantation camps have nearly disappeared and younger generations have moved to modern communities, lots of people remember getting together with grandparents in camps or spending their early years in a camp. The mix of foods and traditions that emerged from camp life is today the basis
for “local style” cuisine and culture. In the parade on Saturday, July 27, the people who are walking, on decorated floats, on horseback and in decorated vehicles, will do their best to capture some aspect of plantation life and the theme, inviting those childhood memories of plantation life and today’s keiki to learn about our heritage. Parade participants may wear colorful costumes, perhaps play music or dance or showcase recreational
activities — baseball, kites, fishing, to name a few — or their ethnic heritage. Others will capture memories of the sugar era, when sugar plantations thrived and many residents worked for or with the sugar industry. While most of us relax and enjoy the parade, the judges seated along the parade route will intently scrutinize the units. In the afternoon, the awards for the best in each category are announced at Koloa Ball Park.
Road closures, parking
oad closures will be enforced at the following intersections, and until 1 p.m. on Maluhia Road at the Ballpark: • Poipu Road/Lawai Road at the Koloa Fire Station • Poipu Road/WaiKomo Road at Koloa Church • Poipu Road/Koloa Road at Koloa Chevron (Koloa Road at Ala Kaulani Kaumaka and Omao Road intersection — detour onto either road) • Maluhia Road/Ala Kinoiki (detour to Ala Kinoiki–Poipu bypass)
• WeliWeli Road/WaiKomo Road • Koloa Road at Island Soap Shop (detour onto WeliWeli Road) Roads open for travel are Ala Kalanikaumaka (from the west via Koloa Road) and Ala Kinoiki (from the east via Maluhia Road). Parking will be available in the pasture lot north of the Anne Knudsen (Koloa) Ballpark and the pasture lot north of the intersection of the bypass and Maluhia Road. Pedestrians exiting this lot should use the makai gate.
Signature Park Celebration
Cultural Entertainment, Local Foods & Crafts
he Anne Knudsen (Koloa) Park is open before and after the Parade for a full day of festivities from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 27. The park now opens at 9 a.m. for early shoppers at Kauai’s largest craft fair and also has some breakfast items available as guests walk down to the parade. Kupuna also find the pavilion and front area a close and level place to watch the parade from, while others stroll down to Koloa Town and walk back following the parade. At $5 entry and free for 12 & under, this is one of the lowest cost festivals for a full day of entertainment and fun. This year’s entertainment lineup features headliners such as HAPA, Jerry Santos & Kamuela Kimokeo, along with top Kauai musicians such as Mike Keale, the popular Cruz Control and a cultural opening featuring Tsunami Taiko. The day is hosted local Paniolo style as always, but ever the more so due to the theme with the closing hour by “Not My First Rodeo,” The event is known for its awesome line up of “ono” local foods featuring the diverse cultures of the plantation. Whether you are “ono” for Hawaiian, Puerto Rican, Filipino, Korean and Japanese foods, a savory Fair style snack or a cool sweet treat, this is a great place for an authentic taste of Kauai from vendors such as KJ’s and KJ’s II, Kauai Kim Chee, Kauai Family Cafe, OnoPops, Haole Girl Sweets and other local food vendors and community groups. The Park Celebration also features one of the largest craft fairs on island with 60 different booths, all featuring handmade items from Kauai
and the region, including shell jewelry, quilts, clothing, oil paintings and prints, plus soaps, body products and more. You’ll discover new products as well as signature Kaua’i Made products, visit koloaplantationdays. com for a full list of craft and food vendors. Families will also enjoy keiki rides and activities, a historic memorabilia tent with the Kauai Historical
Society, and a silent auction to help support future events for a fun day for all ages. Come participate with the Kauai community and discover what Koloa Plantation Days is all about as this culminating signature event!
DATE: Saturday, July 27 9 a.m. — Road closes in Koloa for Parade (See Map) Food, Craft tents and Keiki Areas open. 10 a.m. — Festivities Begin With Parade through Koloa Town ending at Annie Knudsen (Koloa) Ballpark. 11 a.m. — Pule, Hawaii Pono’I, National Anthem 11:15 a.m. — Tsunami Taiko 11:45 a.m. — Cruz Control 12:30 p.m. — Parade Awards Presentation 12:30 p.m. — Roads Re-open 12:45 p.m. — Hapa 1:30 p.m. — Jerry Santos, Kamuela Kimokeo 2:15 p.m. — Michael Keale 3 p.m. — Silent Auction closing 3:15 p.m. — Not My First Rodeo 4 p.m. — Festivities Conclude
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