Police Commission Climate Assessment Results Report Climate Assessment was conducted on Oct 25, 2021 to November 2, 2021 Report for: Kauai Police Department Overall
Total Number of Responses: 76
Kauai Police Department Overall, Office of the Chief of Police, Administrative & Technical Bureau, Investigative Services Bureau (ISB), Patrol Services Bureau (PSB) KPD staff were asked to, “provide a rating relative to your perception of the specified task/questions. Ratings are individually identified for each question, with a rating of “one” generally being the least favorable score and “five” being the most favorable score.” Rating Panel
2. I know what is expected of me at work? 3. I have access to the tools necessary to effectively do my job? 4. I have access to the information necessary for me to understand the bigger picture of KPD’s major long range objectives and plans? 5. Our mission makes me feel like my work is important? 6. My command works well as a team? 7. My coworkers are committed to doing quality work? 8. I have meaningful relationships with my colleagues?* 9. I am comfortable expressing my ideas and opinions at work?* 10. My opinion and ideas seem to count? 11. I feel supported in my efforts to deliver effective law enforcement and/or excellent service? 12. I have the opportunity to do what interests me? 13. I feel my command provides me opportunities to learn and grow? 14. In the last year, I have received recognition or positive feedback?* 15. In the last year, I have talked with someone about my professional progress?* 16. I feel there is value in my monthly and/or yearly performance evaluations?* 17. I am treated with respect at work? 18. My supervisors seem to care about my wellbeing? 19. My lieutenant(s) seems to care about my wellbeing?* 20. My commander seems to care about my wellbeing? *less than 76 responses
1Not Certain Total # of 1s
5– Clear
Total # of 2s
Total # of 3s
Total # of 4s
Total # of 5s
Sum of Ratings
331 282 204
4.36 3.71 2.69
8 10 4 7 11 15 6
7 7 5 5 3 8 6
25 21 18 22 25 30 24
19 20 25 18 17 11 22
17 18 24 23 19 12 18
258 257 288 270 255 225 268
3.40 3.39 3.79 3.60 3.40 2.96 3.53
10 11 11 16 16 4 7 7 7
9 10 12 10 17 3 6 1 6
25 17 17 19 20 18 12 9 15
16 22 17 13 11 24 16 15 11
16 16 18 16 11 27 35 43 37
247 250 244 225 209 295 294 311 293
3.25 3.29 3.26 3.04 2.79 3.89 3.87 4.15 3.86
2 5 27
1 3 8
9 24 12
20 21 20
44 23 9