Week of Friday, April 17, 2015 | Vol. 3, No. 16
Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
2 | TGIFR!DAY | April 17, 2015
IN THIS ISSUE: 2. OUT & ABOUT: Top picks for the week
3. BOOK REVIEW: ‘100 Years’
4-5. DINING OUT KAUAI: Dark Roost Coffee
6. ART & THEATER ‘Beauty and the Beast’
7. CHECK DA SCENE: Spring Gourmet Gala
OUT & ABOUT: TOP PICKS FOR THE WEEK FRI SAT SUN ‘PRODIGAL FATHER’ 7 P.M. PUHI THEATRICAL PLAYHOUSE Kauai Community Players present “Prodigal Father.” A light-hearted comedy about sailor/novelist father who locates his son whom he hasn’t seen in years. The play treats in hilarious fashion the inability of some men to express their love. $20 advance, $22 door
KISS CONCERT 7 P.M. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Kauai island Singers Showcase concert.
SLACK KEY GUITAR 4 TO 6 P.M. HANALEI FAMILY COMMUNITY CENTER Traditional Hawaiian slack key guitar and ukulele concert. $20
WORK DAY 7:30 A.M. TO NOON LYDGATE PARK Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park’s Earth Day Work Day to help clean the playground and park. Breakfast, snacks and water will be served.
SCHOOL CARNIVAL 6 TO 11 P.M. ST. THERESA SCHOOL Food, games, dance and more.
Contact Us: www.thegardenilsland.com facebook.com/TheGardenIsland @thegardenisland
Alpha Delta Kappa Mu Chapter is an international educational sorority dedicated to providing scholarships to students pursuing the field of education. Donations accepted. 651-6903
EARTH DAY 8:30 A.M. KOKEE MUSEUM Tackling the invasive weeds.
EARTHDAY RISING 7:45 A.M. TO 7:30 P.M. MALAMA KAUAI COMMUNITY FARM Ohana style celebration featuring live music, food, workshops, handson ag projects, keiki activities and more. $10 adults, kupuna and keiki free. SIERRA CLUB HIKE Join the Sierra Club while they hike Mahaulepu and Makauwahi Cave. 3 miles round trip, 212-3108 ‘PRODIGAL FATHER’ 4 P.M. PUHI THEATRICAL PLAYHOUSE Kauai Community Players present “Prodigal Father.” A light-hearted comedy about sailor/novelist father who locates his son whom he hasn’t seen in years. $20 advance, $22 door
Kauai Community Players performance of “Prodigal Father” will run all weekend long with a 7 p.m. show tonight.
MON TUE WED KILAUEA DANCE CLASS 7 TO 8:30 P.M. KILAUEA NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER $20 for 5-week series or $5 drop-in. EARTH WEEK CLEANUP Join the Sierra Club at the gateway to Waimea Canyon Road for an afternoon cleanup. 3460476
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | bbuley@thegardenisland.com | 245-0457 TGIFRIDAY EDITOR/CALENDAR: Chloe Marchant | cmarchant@thegardenisland.com | 245-0451 ADVERTISING: displayads@thegardenisland.com | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: tgiclassified@thegardenisland.com | 246-0325
WEIGHT WATCHERS 5:30 P.M. ST. JOHNS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Weekly Weight Watchers Meetings held same time on Tuesday. HULA CLASS 4 P.M. KOLOA NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Halau Hula O Leilani is having hula classes for ages 4 to 12. 651-0682
‘OF MOUSE AND MUSIC’ 6:30 P.M. KAUAI COMMUNITY COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Island School Music Department presents “Of Mouse and Music.” $10 adults, $5 students WALK A MILE IN HER SHOES 5 TO 7 P.M. KUKUI GROVE SHOPPING CENTER Men will “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” to raise awareness of domestic and sexual violence.
LBA MEETING 7:30 TO 9 A.M. DUKE’S CANOE CLUB Lihue Business Association meeting will talk about the nation’s first closedloop biomass plant, a $90 million project that will supply 12 percent of Kauai’s energy needs while providing jobs and reducing our dependence on imported oil. KUGA DANCE CLASS 5 P.M. ISLAND SCHOOL Learn hip-hop. $10, kuga808.com BASKET WEAVING 3 P.M. KAUAI MUSEUM 90-minute basket weaving classes with Uncle Onio weekly on Thursdays. Class fee is $25 which includes admission to Museum. Reservations required. 245-6931
TGIFR!DAY | April 17, 2015 | 3
Don’t wait: Read ‘100 Years’ today
very so often a book comes out that has the potential to make a profound and lasting impact on the way we see the world and our place in it. “The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century� by George Friedman is such a book. Having decided to give this book a try on our way to Antarctica, I found I was completely absorbed from the first page. Since then, I have recommended it to friends, customers and acquaintances who have loved it and they in turn have recommended it. In our bookstore, the book sells itself. Why? Events forecasted in this book have already occurred and are continuing to happen! In The Next 100 Years, Mr. Friedman, founder of renowned private intelligence and
By utilizing his insightful understanding of culture, geography, socio-economics, population, and technology, he presents an unconventional and yet grounded assessment CYNTHIA & ED JUSTUS of where we are at and what is to come. His view SPECIAL TO TGIFR!DAY is refreshingly objective forecasting firm, STRATFOR, — it is neither left- nor gives us an acute glimpse right-leaning — and, furthermore, what makes this into the likely possibilities in our future. It begins with book so accessible is that an enlightening overview he presents information in a way that is both concise of how rapidly our world has changed in the matter and easy-to-read. Mr. Friedman’s grasp of geopolitics of one century, and how is truly impressive as well those changes were unexpected to the general as very interesting to read.  A friend of ours in thinking at the time. military intelligence who It continues with an read this book confirms: analysis of America’s rise “This guy knows what he’s in the world and a rather exciting assessment of our talking about.â€? nation’s future. The book ttt also delves into Europe, Ed and Cynthia Justus are the owners of “The BookAsia, Middle-East, South store.â€? Info: 335-6469 or and Central America, and kauaibookstore.com. elsewhere.Â
film reviews These are some upcoming films being released this week in theaters: Z Monkey Kingdom- Mark Linfield’s nature documentary Monkey Kingdom follows the struggles of a young monkey mother to care for and raise her new baby in the wilds of Southern Asia. Rated G Z Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2After six years of keeping our malls safe, Paul Blart has earned a well-deserved vacation. He heads to Vegas with his teenage daughter before she heads off to college. But safety never takes a holiday and when duty calls, Blart answers. Rated PG Z True Story- When disgraced New York Times reporter Michael Finkel meets accused killer Christian Longo - who has taken on Finkel’s identity - his investigation morphs into an unforgettable game of cat-and-mouse. Based on actual events of murder, love, deceit and redemption. Rated R ttt Source: Rotten Tomatoes
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(808) 431-4645 Dine in or Take out HANAPEPE, KAUAI At the trafďŹ c light in Hanapepe
HOURS Mon - Fri: 10:30a - 8:30p Sat: 5:00p - 9:00p Sun: Closed
4 | TGIFR!DAY | April 17, 2015
Jon and Stasia Estep open new vintage trailer coffee business in Lawai
aving always enjoyed a fresh cup of joe, Jon Estep knew he wanted to open his own coffee business. After seeing his sisters open up their company, the Kauai resident decided to offer people a unique experience through his trailer business, Dark Roost Coffee. “I’ve been into coffee for a long time,� the business owner said. “When my sisters opened the Fresh
Shave, they said you just got to do it in a vintage trailer, so we did and we started doing special events and weddings and this location became available.� Estep said that there’s no better place than Lawai for him to have his business, which was inspired by the company In-N-Out Burger due to its simple menu. Kauai’s chicken population proved to be inspiration for company’s name. Opened last month, Dark
Roost Coffee is located on 3540 Koloa Road next to the food truck, Kickshaws, and offers hot, cold and dark coffees, pour-overs, lemonade, and icy chai teas. Dark Roost Coffee also features products from other businesses, such as Kauai Roastery. Customers can also enjoy muffins and granola bowls, on the multi-colored picnic tables next to the white artisan trailer. “It means a place where
AVERIE SOTO TGIFR!DAY Photos by Averie Soto / TGIFr!day
Jon Estep pours soy milk into coffee as he prepares a drink at Dark Roost Coffee.
You’ll ďŹ nd us in the Heart of Hanalei... Jane F. Abramo PRINCIPAL BROKER
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HANALEI STYLE FISH & CHIPS Beer batter fried Ono served on a bed of shredded cabbage with fresh Taro fries cooked in canola oil, and more.
TROPICAL TACO 5-5088 Kuhio Highway
TGIFR!DAY | April 17, 2015 | 5
other businesses can be supported,” Estep said. “A place where people can come and be encouraged ‘cause I like meeting and talking to lots of people. It’s just a simple place to get good, fresh coffee.” Dark Roost Coffee also includes features such as “muffin of the day” and “bean of the week,” which are constantly changing. As the co-owner of Dark Roost Coffee, Estep’s wife, Stasia Estep, has enjoyed being a part of the unique trailer-based business. After all, it’s the only place she
goes to get her coffee. “I think it’s fun,” she said. “I think it’s something unique that we don’t really have a lot of over here. I was kind of the one who said, if we’re going to do this, it has to be in something awesome.” Dark Roost Coffee is open from 6 a.m. to noon. As song writers and musicians, the Esteps have created songs for many different T.V shows before running their coffee business. The shows include New Girl, Ghost Whisperer ABOVE: Jon Estep’s wife, Stasia Estep, smiles a she receives a cup of coffee from her husband. and the Lying Game. RIGHT: Dark Roost Coffee’s menu.
BAMBOO GRILL & SUSHI “Local Food at Its Best” Breakfast is served from 7 a.m.-2 p.m., lunch is from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m., and dinner is from 5:30-9:30 p.m. They offer free Wi-Fi, and they can also cater any occasion. Bamboo Sushi and Grill, formerly Richie’s Restaurant 2978, is located in the Anchor Cove Shopping Center next to ABC Store. Dining can be done inside, or on one of the patio dining tables which has a view of the Kalapaki Bay.
1/2 off Sushi Rolls, Pupus, Drinks TUES & WED 5:30 - 6:30 P.M.
Sueoka’s Snack Shop Now Open Tuesday to Sunday - 8:30am to 3:00pm Closed Monday
15% Kama‘aina Discount
For more information, call 245-6886.
Chef’s Signature Weekday Dinner Specials from
Call 245-1955 Old Koloa Town Aqua Kauai Beach Resort 4331 Kauai Beach Drive, Lihue, Hawaii
6 | TGIFR!DAY | April 17, 2015
Bringing the magic to life CHLOE MARCHANT TGIFR!DAY
journey into fantasy is what Dennis McGraw, the Kauai Performing Arts Center Learning Center Coordinator, described as what people can expect in the upcoming Disney play, “Beauty and the Beast.” “I want the audience to feel like they are watching Broadway, we are putting together a fantasy fairytale,” he said. KPAC started auditions in December for the production, and in January rehearsals began. Four months later, with 5-day-a-week rehearsals, these talented youngsters are ready to be unleashed. Beginning April 24, the audience will be able to watch the story brought to life right in front of them. The production will play for two weekends, April 2426 and May 1-3 at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall. The Friday and Saturday performances will be at 7
Photos by Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island
Above: Some of the cast from “Beauty and the Beast.” Below: Lorinda Sasan playing Belle.
p.m. and Sunday performances at 3 p.m. It has been several years since Kauai has been able to experience “Beauty and the Beast” on stage. “A couple years ago there was a joint production here on Kauai, and it was huge success. I thought it was time to do it again,” McGraw said. Kauai High School senior, Lorinda Sasan was ecstatic when she heard the news she was playing Belle. “I specially auditioned for Belle because I saw the play
when I was younger. I was so mesmerized, I always wanted to play a Disney princess, so this part is fulfilling my dream,” Sasan said. She is excited for opening night but admitted she is a bit nervous. “It’s my last show, so it’s bittersweet. I’m excited but my time at KPAC is coming to an end,” she said. However, she is minoring in theater and is planning on keeping it in her life. She is excited to play the role of Belle.
STEVENSON’S sushi & spirits Poipu’s luxury nightspot. With live music nightly, traditional style sushi & sake, martinis, tropicals, aged whiskies, cognacs & ports. Open 5:30-midnight. Sushi 5:30-9:30pm. Music 8-11pm. Kamaaina receive 15% off food. kauai.hyatt.com. The trademarks Hyatt®, Grand Hyatt ®, and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation. © 2015 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.
“Sometimes I’ll start crying because I feel for her,” she said. “Everything she’s going though.” Kauai High School junior, Semisi Osamu is playing the Beast and there are three factors that helped him get the part. “He has a beautiful voice, he’s an experienced actor, and a big kid. Those three factors instantly gave him the part of the Beast,” McGraw said. When Osamu found out he was getting the part, he said he “was super happy and excited. It was amazing getting the news that I was the Beast, but I was also kinda scared because it was a pretty big challenge.” After months of practicing, he feels excited and now feels confident about playing the Beast. McGraw also feels good about the upcoming production. “There is still a long way to go, as always, there is never enough time and it always seems to come together
KPAC opens ‘Beauty and the Beast’ April 24 for two weeks at the last minute,” he said, adding that the casts’ attire will be a sight to behold. “We are basically just solidifying things. Costumes are being finalized and are ridiculous.” Many may know of the popular Disney movie as a colorful animated film. However, KPAC is giving the audience a different perspective. “We have darker colors and more realism in the set. Rather than an animated cartoon, it’s a fantasy. We are bringing a fairytale to life,” McGraw said.
Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Youth 4-18 are $8 in advance and $10 at the door, under 3 is free with a paying adult. Tickets are available at: Kalaheo Café and Coffee Co., Progressive Expressions, Scotty’s Music House, Jim Saylor Jewelers and North Shore Pharmacy. KPAC is a Hawaii State Department of Education Program that is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International. “I just want the audience to be entertained by the beautiful story. If we can do justice, I believe they will be entertained and we’ll bring the story to life,” McGraw added. Info: McGraw 6512417
CHECK DA SCENE Leoiki Kamalau, Russell Wellington
Terri Kaniho, Debbie Akana
TGIFR!DAY | April 17, 2015 | 7 Coming Soon Banjos Violins Flutes Travel Guitars
Kauai’s Educational Music Store
A large variety of one of a kind ukuleles...mango, mahogany, koa, spruce, ebony. Personalized attention .&. ))(#.)&( mmm$aWbW^[ecki_YWdZijh_d]i$Yec ¬+AUMUALI@I¬(WY ¬3UITE¬ ¬+AUMUALI@I¬(WY ¬+ALAHEO ¬()¬ ¬s¬-ON 3AT¬ AM¬TO¬ PM
Conrad, Susan Nonaka
Madison Rayno, Hazel Abella, Brianna Juan, Tarryn Orial, Tyres Caberto, Julius Gilcarlos, Kaylin Kukino, Camille Sibolboro
CIP Gala sold out
Dirk Soma, Candace Tabuchi, Isaiah Kaauwai, Jennifer Soma
Justin Phillips, Chad Gummerus, Calvin Tamagawa, Melissa Sheldon, Steve Ruiz
Chef Kenneth Lum
Marlene Matutino, Erin Rynda, Val Rynda
Nicole Garabilez, Nani Aviguetero, Melinda Correa, JoAnn Shaffer, Judy St. Clair
Melany Miguel, Kerensa Nagahisa
Chef Vikram Garg - Halekulani
Rose Benzel, Chris Benzel, Donna Vuchinich, Niko Kimura, Shelly Pasion, Waika Kimura, David Lassner Estrella Pasion
hef Mark Oyama, a Kauai Community College culinary arts instructor, and Matt Takata of Title Guaranty Escrow Services served as co-chair for the 13th Annual Culinary Institute of the Pacific Spring Gourmet Gala which was sold out three weeks following its announcement. “The Gala, as it has become popularly known across Kauai, is an outstanding example of exemplary partnerships between higher education and the community where long-standing and new friends from Kauai and across the state work closely with KCC’s culinary arts program,” said KCC Chancellor Helen Cox. “The result is an event which has earned its distinction for
being one of Kauai’s best must-attend events of the year.” The event uses the services of Lanakila Pacific, a nonprofit organization, which enables adults with disabilities to reach their goals and potentials while building independence, to print the event T-shirts and aprons. Friendship House, a clubhouse-modeled program for adults with serious mental illnesses, created lei for all of the Gala’s guest chefs and station vendors through the coordination of Eldean Scott. Guest chefs to the food and wine tasting event included Alan Wong of Alan Wong’s Honolulu and The Pineapple Room, and Vikram Garg of the Halekulani Hotel.
8 | TGIFR!DAY | April 17, 2015
The Mokihana Club Help your Ohana by helping Kauai’s Student Nurses H[]_ijhWj_ed IjWhji 7j ,0)& 7C I^ej]kd IjWhj 7j -0)& 7C <ekh F[hied J[Wc <ehcWj ?dZ_l_ZkWb FbWo[hi M_bb 8[ FbWY[Z Ed W J[Wc I_b[dj 7kYj_ed :kh_d] BkdY^[ed
APRIL 18, 2015
Kaua‘i Lagoons Kiele Course Men and Women are invited to play Ckbb_]Wdi +$&& ;WY^ Å CWn_ckc ) f[h f[hied$ Jme Effehjkd_j_[i je FWo j^[ Fhe$ 9bei[ij je F_d +&%+& Ifb_j +$&& [WY^$ >eb[ Ifedieh '+& Å >eb[ I_]dW][ 7bb :Wo$ I_b[dj 7kYj_ed Å Ie CkY^ je 8_Z Ed H[]_ij[h 8[\eh[ *%,%'+ \eh Y^WdY[ je m_d W fh_p[$
NURSING EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE KAUA`I COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING PROGRAM. $115 Per Person Includes: √ Registration Fee √ Greens Fee √ Golf Cart √ Practice Balls √ Lunch (by Mark’s Place) ---$25 For Lunch Only --12:30 pm ---Auction Donations--Call Doris (808)639-0550 ---General Information--Call Suzanne (808)652-8415 divers@makanahouse.com