Week of Friday, October 16, 2015 | Vol. 3, No. 42
Grinds & Da Kines For Your Weekend
PRINCESS KA’IULANI CELEBRATION Saturday at Storybook Theater
Weekly at KCC Campus! info: visit www.kauaicommunitymarket.org From Farmers Market to Farm Fair... The Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau Supports Agriculture
Support Kauai’s farmers while eating local and healthy For more choices, visit www.KauaiGrown.org
2 | TGIFR!DAY | October 16, 2015
Top picks for the week
Princess Ka’iulani Celebration
4-5. DINING OUT KAUAI: Makai Sushi
OUT & ABOUT: TOP PICKS FOR THE WEEK TODAY SATURDAY HAUNTED HOUSE 5 TO 9 P.M., KUKUI GROVE CENTER Mauka Productions presents Kauai Community Haunted House. COLBIE CAILLAT IN CONCERT 6:30 P.M., KAUAI CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Zonta Club of Hanalei presents Colbie Caillat, Ahuhea, Justin Young and OCDC. $45 general setting, $75 VIP
K.I.D.S. CRAFT FAIR 8:30 TO 3:30 P.M., K.I.D.S. SCHOOL Silent auction, crafts, food, games and more. ARISE FILM 7 P.M., KAUAI COMMUNITY COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Film and music benefit for Mental Health Kokua. $25 adults, $15 children NA AINA KAI HALLOWEEN EVENT 4 TO 7 P.M., NA AINA KAI BOTANICAL GARDENS Halloween costume event, games, prizes, face painting and more. $10
7. CHECK DA SCENE: Saturday Market
Photo submitted by Mark Jeffers
KAPENA CONCERT 5 TO 10 P.M., POIPU BEACH ATHLETIC CLUB The original Kapena, one last hana hou with Kapena’s kids, Revival. $25 presale, $30 door
Super Mario Bros. Soundtrack
ON THE COVER: Malina Wai’ale’aleBattad was chosen to represent Princess Ka’iulani in the Princess Ka’iulani Celebration in Hanapepe on Saturday.
WALK WITH THE DOC 7 A.M., WILCOX MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LOBBY Walk around the Wilcox campus with Dr. Sashi Braga. Following the walk enjoy Dr. Braga for a free breakfast. 245-1198
FLY A KITE 11 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M., PUHI SOCCER FIELD Join the cast and crew of the upcoming musical Disney’s “Mary Poppins” in flying kites. Bring your own kite or come and use ours. Meet the cast and purchase discounted tickets for the show. HALLOWEEN MOVIE 3 P.M., KAPAA PUBLIC LIBRARY Free family Halloween movie. There will be popcorn and treats to anyone who arrives in costume.
MON TUE WED THU COMMUNITY YOGA 6 TO 7:30 P.M., NAWILIWILI YACHT CLUB Bring your own yoga mat or towel. 346-7671 FARMER MARKETS There is a Koloa Sunshine Market at noon at Koloa Knudsen Ball Park side parking lot and a Monday Market at 3 p.m. in the parking lot behind Kmart
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bill Buley | bbuley@thegardenisland.com | 245-0457 TGIFRIDAY EDITOR/CALENDAR: Chloe Marchant | cmarchant@thegardenisland.com | 245-0451 ADVERTISING: displayads@thegardenisland.com | 245-0425 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: tgiclassified@thegardenisland.com | 246-0325
BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7 TO 8 P.M., HANAPEPE NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER The Hanapepe Chapter of the Kauai Ballroom Dance Club will have fourth quarter registration. Dances are beginning level mambo and cha cha and intermediate foxtrot. 335-3554
CANDLELIGHT VIGIL 5 P.M., ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS CHURCH The evening starts with entertainment and refreshments, followed by the lighting at 7 p.m. BOOK SIGNING 5:30 TO 7 P.M., KAUAI MUSEUM Book signing for the book “Kapaa” and talk story with the authors.
An evening with Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association members and foods featuring Okinawan sweet potatoes paired with shochu, sake and wine. $65
TGIFR!DAY | October 16, 2015 | 3
Party for a Princess
Art juror to lecture on Kauai
Celebration in Hanapepe includes parade, music
ome say that the life of Kauai’s Princess Ka’iulani was filled with tragedy, but Mark Jeffers, director of Hanapepe’s Storybook Theater, said he sees her as an inspiration and a “shero” for the island’s keiki. That’s why she was chosen as the muse for the 11th annual Princess Ka’iulani Celebration from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday on Hanapepe Road. “Children nowadays need a hero, or what I call a shero,” Jeffers said. “They need to be able to look up to people in history that faced adversarial conditions in Hawaii and to connect to the island’s roots.” Vendors and children’s activities will be open at 11 a.m. and a children’s costume parade will march down Hanapepe Road starting at 12:30. At 2 p.m., there is a birthday party for the princess at the Storybook Theater. “We’re looking for as many people as possible to join us for the children’s parade,” Jeffers said. “It’s so close to Halloween that it gives the kids a chance to show off their Halloween costumes, so it works great.” Princess Ka’iulani, born in 1875, lived during a tumultuous time in Kauai’s history. When she was young, she was sent to England to learn everything she could about the British’s parliamentary-style government because the Hawaiian monarchy was “obsessed” with the British monarchy, according to Jeffers. While she was gone, the Hawaiian government began to crumble. “She was designated as the queen apparent, so she was preparing herself to be a queen,” Jeffers said. “She was only supposed to be gone for a year but she was gone for eight years, because of conditions here in the islands.” When she finally left England, the princess went to New York, where she met with President Cleveland and pleaded the case for her people. “She impressed people with her ability to talk about what was happening in Hawaii,”
Malina Wai’ale’ale-Battad
Jeffers said. “When she came back to Hawaii, she tried to impress the Americans who were taking over the Kingdom with the idea of compromise, but it didn’t work.” Even though her attempts at saving Hawaii’s independence failed, the princess dedicated herself to the health of her people and the preservation of her culture “When annexation came, she was still alive,” Jeffers said. “But she died at 23. She was attending a wedding in Waimea on the Big Island and she got caught in a rainstorm and came down ill. She died a few months later.” Those in need of a costume for the parade can visit the event’s costume room, which will open at 11 a.m. It holds costumes that kids and adults can use for free during the course of the event. The Joyful Noise Taiko Drumming group will be performing, as well as slack key guitarist, Paul Togioka. Togioka wrote a song specifically for Princess Ka’iulani that he will play. “There’s going to be nutritious food and great entertainment,” Jeffers said. “It’s really a great event for the whole family.” The Princess is represented every year
Hawaii State Archives
Princess Kaiulani in this 1897 file photo.
by a local girl and this year, it will be Malina Wai’ale’ale-Battad, a fifth-grade student at Kawaikini School. Malina will be reading a story to children and performing a solo hula at the Princess’s birthday party.
r. Lowery Stokes Sims, juror for the Hawaii Craftsmen’s 2015 Annual Statewide Juried Exhibition, will be presenting a public slide lecture at 5 p.m. Oct. 20 at gallery 103 at the Kukuiula Shopping Center. Sims is Curator Emerita of the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) in New York. She has enjoyed a distinguished career in the field of museum education and curatorship, having held positions also at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Studio Museum in Harlem. Sims specializes in modern and contemporary art, with an emphasis on the work of African, Latino, Native, and Asian American artists. Info: Carol Ann Davis, 742-6523
STEVENSON’S sushi & spirits Poipu’s luxury nightspot. With live music nightly, traditional style sushi & sake, martinis, tropicals, aged whiskies, cognacs & ports. Open 5:30-midnight. Sushi 5:30-9:30pm. Music 8-11pm. Kamaaina receive 15% off food. kauai.hyatt.com. The trademarks Hyatt®, Grand Hyatt ®, and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation. © 2015 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.
4 | TGIFR!DAY | October 16, 2015
Makai Sushi finds following D MICHELLE IRACHETA TGIFR!DAY
Photos by Michelle Iracheta / The Garden Island
Matthew Oliver and his sister Leah entertain patrons at their sushi bar, Makai Sushi in Koloa.
irection and discipline. That’s what it took for Matthew Oliver, 29, to open up Makai Sushi, a cozy sushi bar in Koloa. “I was a bus boy for eight years in all the restaurants in Poipu,” Oliver said. “Everyone wanted sushi but there was no sushi. We don’t sell sushi on this side of the island. There was no sushi on the South Shore.” Then, he had an idea. Oliver went to Los Angeles for two months and paid his way through sushi school. “I went up there solo dolo and did that. I came home and I built my own A Hapa hand roll, $6. food truck,” he said. “Brotha’
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TGIFR!DAY | October 16, 2015 | 5
hustled. I made $18,000 and I paid all of that. I wanted a food truck. I was disciplined … And I took a $15,000 loan out and I had $15,000, so I launched it with that money.” The sous chef sold sushi out of his food truck, the Dragon Wagon, until he was able to secure a spot inside Kukuiula Market. Makai Sushi’s menu is pretty simple. Sitting above a heating grill for the store, the blackboard covered in colorful chalk features two categories: Rolls and Bowls. “I would recommend the Gorilla for you ma’am,” Oliver said to a customer who casually walked up the high bar during lunchtime. “It has all the bells and all the whistles. All the bells and all the whistles for you ma’am.” The Gorilla Poke Bowl is one of Makai Sushi’s Signature dishes. Coming in at $16, it’s made with ahi, ono, salmon, cucumber, ocean salad, daikon and an array of sauces. Oliver offers traditionals rolls as well, such as a California Roll and Spicy Ahi Roll. Sushi rolls are $13, while
Matthew Oliver and Leah Oliver stand behind their sushi bar. Matthew owns Makai Sushi and considers Leah his assistant.
Poke bowls are $14. For a light snack, Oliver offers a hand roll for $6. Oliver said he tries to get all his fish local, so he makes it a point to get to know each of the fisherman pretty well. “We’re trying to get this whole aspect in it,” he said of the local focus. “We’re always trying to get daily specials depending on what gets caught fresh.” Oliver’s sister, Leah Oliver, is Matthew’s sidesick. She said the store sees roughly about 80 to 100
guests each day with a surge in the summer months. “As he grows, I see myself going with him,” she said. “What obviously works is that I love my brother and that we get along really well.” Now, just a little more than a year later, Oliver is celebrating his anniversary with a new idea. He hopes to open an actual restaurant within the next six months. Makai sushi is open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.
Matthew Oliver prepares a Ahi Avocado Poke Bowl, $14, for a to-go customer.
Sueoka’s Snack Shop Now Open Tuesday to Sunday - 8:30am to 3:00pm Closed Monday
Where The Locals Eat
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6 | TGIFR!DAY | October 16, 2015
Music of an ‘80s video game
movie releases Here is a list of some of the movies being released today in theaters: GOOSEBUMPS
Upset about moving from a big city to a small town, teenager Zach Cooper (Dylan Minnette) finds a silver lining when he meets the beautiful girl, Hannah (Odeya Rush), living right next door. But every silver lining has a cloud, and Zach’s comes when he learns that Hannah has a mysterious dad who is revealed to be R. L. Stine (Jack Black), the author of the bestselling Goosebumps series. It turns out that there is a reason why Stine is so strange... he is a prisoner of his own imagination — the monsters that his books made famous are real, and Stine protects his readers by keeping them locked up in their books. PG CRIMSON PEAK
When her heart is stolen by a seductive stranger, a young woman is swept away to a house atop a mountain of blood-red clay: a place filled with secrets that will haunt her forever. Between desire and darkness,
between mystery and madness, lies the truth behind Crimson Peak. From the imagination of director Guillermo del Toro comes a supernatural mystery starring Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowska and Charlie Hunnam. R BRIDGE OF SPIES
Tom Hanks stars as the American attorney tasked with negotiating the release of a U-2 spy plane pilot who was shot down over Russia at the height of the Cold War in this historical drama from DreamWorks Studios. Steven Spielberg and Mark E. Platt produce a film written by Matt Charman. PG-13 MY FAIR LADY
My Fair Lady is now more “lovelier” than ever with a breathtaking new restoration playing in cinemas nationwide for a limited time only. In honor of its 50th anniversary, this eight time Oscar-winning musical has been restored frame-by-frame from the original 65mm negative and scanned utilizing start-of-the-art technology under the supervision of Robert Harris (the famed film historian). G
of a generation, while at the same time paving the way for future video game composers to explore an entirely new musical art form. Andrew also presents a very illuminating history of game music and an intriguCYNTHIA & ED JUSTUS ing explanation of the tool SPECIAL TO TGIFR!DAY of their musical medium. His respect for the incredible id you know that Koji collaborative and creative Kondo’s soundtrack to process is present in his hanthe Super Mario Bros. dling of the subject and he game revolutionized the proves beyond the shadow entire video game industry of a doubt that music — in and forever changed the way Schartmann, Ph.D., (music degrees from Yale and McGill) all its forms — truly is an art! our society interacted with provides us with a keen and The gaming industry has video games? Yep! That one highly educated insight into affected all of us in one way game’s music took us from or another and that is why the era of ubiquitous “bleeps” how Koji Kondo, the first this book is an exciting look and “bloops” of the ‘70s to the composer to write a musiinto our modern history. All game music of today, where cal score for a video game, was able to take an incredyou gamers, geeks, techies, now entire orchestras are ibly limited instrument (a musicians, programmers, assembled to record just a five-channel sound chip with historians, ‘80s fans, see you single game’s soundtrack. a narrow range of possibility) soon! “Ba-dum-pum-ba-dumHow did this happen? and develop, with his fellow What made this music so pum-PUM!” programmers at Nintendo, an ••• profoundly influential? entirely unique philosophy of ED AND CYNTHIA JUSTUS In “33 1/3 — Koji Koncomposition to create one of ARE OWNERS OF THE do’s Super Mario Bros. BOOKSTORE IN HANAPEPE. the most memorable tunes Soundtrack,” Andrew
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TGIFR!DAY | October 16, 2015 | 7
Treysen, Jenny, Kirklyn Nishida-Llanes
Cathlen Barton, JoAnna Ibanez, Visitacion Ibanez, Daileen Barton
Brandon, Morgan, Nathan Callejo
Melissa, Betsy Eguchi; Jolie Eguchi
David Murray, William Brown
Cheryl Gray, Michael Ann Jackson
Saturday shopping
Hannah, Sarah, Kevin, Ruth, Sandi, Faith Schwemmer - Kansas
avid Murray said the monthly Saturday market hosted by the All Saints’ Episcopal Church and Preschool is evolving into a swap meet. About 30 vendors gathered to offer a variety of merchandise themed for Halloween and the fall season Saturday during the market which takes place on the second Saturday of each month. The market also acts as an extension of the county’s
Mary Wilder, Martha Girdany, Valeria Hernandez, Sue Scott
Rhonda Refamonte, Raquel Kaui
Mary Pat Mills
eWaste collection program where people with unwanted or nonworking electronics, including computers, printers and radios can drop off their items for free during the market, which runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nonprofits, like the Kauai Community Cat Project, are hosted at no charge. Youth groups are also hosted at no charge. The holidays will be the theme for the market on Dec. 12.
8 | TGIFR!DAY | October 16, 2015
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